import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull from scipy.optimize import least_squares CLASSES = [ 'Betula_pendula', 'Fagus_sylvatica', 'Picea_abies', 'Pinus_sylvestris' ] def fit_circle(x, y): """Fit a circle to given x, y points.""" def calc_radius(params): cx, cy, r = params return np.sqrt((x - cx)**2 + (y - cy)**2) - r # Initial guess for circle parameters: center (mean x, mean y), radius x_m, y_m = np.mean(x), np.mean(y) r_initial = np.mean(np.sqrt((x - x_m)**2 + (y - y_m)**2)) initial_params = [x_m, y_m, r_initial] # Use least squares optimization to fit the circle result = least_squares(calc_radius, initial_params) cx, cy, r = result.x return cx, cy, r def remove_noise(points, eps=0.05, min_samples=10): """ Remove noise from points using DBSCAN clustering. Args: points (numpy.ndarray): Array of shape (N, 3) with columns [x, y, z]. eps (float): Maximum distance between two samples to consider them as in the same neighborhood. min_samples (int): Minimum number of points to form a dense region. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Denoised points. """ clustering = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(points) labels = clustering.labels_ largest_cluster = labels == np.argmax(np.bincount(labels[labels >= 0])) return points[largest_cluster] def calculate_dbh(points, dbh_height=1.3, height_buffer=0.1, eps=0.05, min_samples=10): """ Calculate the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of a tree from point cloud data. Args: points (numpy.ndarray): Array of shape (N, 3) with columns [x, y, z]. dbh_height (float): Height at which DBH is measured (default is 1.3 meters). height_buffer (float): Range around dbh_height to include points (default is ±0.1 meters). Returns: float: DBH in meters. """ z_min, z_max = dbh_height - height_buffer, dbh_height + height_buffer trunk_points = points[(points[:, 2] >= (z_min)) & (points[:, 2] <= (z_max))] if trunk_points.shape[0] < 3: raise ValueError("Not enough points to calculate DBH.") # Remove noise denoised_points = remove_noise(trunk_points[:, :2], eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples) denoised_points = np.hstack((denoised_points, np.full((denoised_points.shape[0], 1), dbh_height))) if denoised_points.shape[0] < 3: raise ValueError("Not enough points left after noise removal.") # Fit a circle to the trunk points x, y = denoised_points[:, 0], denoised_points[:, 1] cx, cy, radius = fit_circle(x, y) # Generate points along the fitted circle for visualization theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) circle_x = cx + radius * np.cos(theta) circle_y = cy + radius * np.sin(theta) circle_points = np.column_stack((circle_x, circle_y, np.full_like(circle_x, dbh_height))) # Calculate DBH (Diameter = 2 * radius) dbh = 2 * radius return dbh, circle_points def calc_canopy_volume(points, threshold, height, z_min): ''' Calculates the canopy points for a given point cloud data of a tree and calculates the volume using the Qhull algorithm Args: points: point cloud data threshold: z_threshold in percentage height, z_min Returns: canopy_volume, canopy_points ''' canopy_points = points[points[:, 2] > z_min + 0.2 * height] z_threshold = np.percentile(canopy_points[:, 2], threshold) canopy_points = canopy_points[canopy_points[:, 2] >= z_threshold] clustering = DBSCAN(eps=1.0, min_samples=10).fit(canopy_points[:, :3]) labels = clustering.labels_ canopy_points = canopy_points[labels != -1] if canopy_points.shape[0] < 4: canopy_volume = None else: ''' Uses the QuickHull algorithm which uses a divide-and-conquer approach. It selects the 2 leftmost and rightmost points on a 2D plane; These are part of the ConvexHull. Then it selects the point farthest away from the line joining the above 2 points and adds it to the ConvexHull. The points enclosed within that shape cannot be part of the ConvexHull and are ignored. This process is then repeated until all points are either part of the ConvexHull or contained inside it. ''' hull = ConvexHull(canopy_points) canopy_volume = hull.volume return canopy_volume, canopy_points