# Ultralytics 🚀 AGPL-3.0 License - https://ultralytics.com/license import math import cv2 from ultralytics.solutions.solutions import BaseSolution from ultralytics.utils.plotting import Annotator, colors class DistanceCalculation(BaseSolution): """ A class to calculate distance between two objects in a real-time video stream based on their tracks. This class extends BaseSolution to provide functionality for selecting objects and calculating the distance between them in a video stream using YOLO object detection and tracking. Attributes: left_mouse_count (int): Counter for left mouse button clicks. selected_boxes (Dict[int, List[float]]): Dictionary to store selected bounding boxes and their track IDs. annotator (Annotator): An instance of the Annotator class for drawing on the image. boxes (List[List[float]]): List of bounding boxes for detected objects. track_ids (List[int]): List of track IDs for detected objects. clss (List[int]): List of class indices for detected objects. names (List[str]): List of class names that the model can detect. centroids (List[List[int]]): List to store centroids of selected bounding boxes. Methods: mouse_event_for_distance: Handles mouse events for selecting objects in the video stream. calculate: Processes video frames and calculates the distance between selected objects. Examples: >>> distance_calc = DistanceCalculation() >>> frame = cv2.imread("frame.jpg") >>> processed_frame = distance_calc.calculate(frame) >>> cv2.imshow("Distance Calculation", processed_frame) >>> cv2.waitKey(0) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the DistanceCalculation class for measuring object distances in video streams.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) # Mouse event information self.left_mouse_count = 0 self.selected_boxes = {} self.centroids = [] # Initialize empty list to store centroids def mouse_event_for_distance(self, event, x, y, flags, param): """ Handles mouse events to select regions in a real-time video stream for distance calculation. Args: event (int): Type of mouse event (e.g., cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE, cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN). x (int): X-coordinate of the mouse pointer. y (int): Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer. flags (int): Flags associated with the event (e.g., cv2.EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY, cv2.EVENT_FLAG_SHIFTKEY). param (Dict): Additional parameters passed to the function. Examples: >>> # Assuming 'dc' is an instance of DistanceCalculation >>> cv2.setMouseCallback("window_name", dc.mouse_event_for_distance) """ if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: self.left_mouse_count += 1 if self.left_mouse_count <= 2: for box, track_id in zip(self.boxes, self.track_ids): if box[0] < x < box[2] and box[1] < y < box[3] and track_id not in self.selected_boxes: self.selected_boxes[track_id] = box elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: self.selected_boxes = {} self.left_mouse_count = 0 def calculate(self, im0): """ Processes a video frame and calculates the distance between two selected bounding boxes. This method extracts tracks from the input frame, annotates bounding boxes, and calculates the distance between two user-selected objects if they have been chosen. Args: im0 (numpy.ndarray): The input image frame to process. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): The processed image frame with annotations and distance calculations. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from ultralytics.solutions import DistanceCalculation >>> dc = DistanceCalculation() >>> frame = np.random.randint(0, 255, (480, 640, 3), dtype=np.uint8) >>> processed_frame = dc.calculate(frame) """ self.annotator = Annotator(im0, line_width=self.line_width) # Initialize annotator self.extract_tracks(im0) # Extract tracks # Iterate over bounding boxes, track ids and classes index for box, track_id, cls in zip(self.boxes, self.track_ids, self.clss): self.annotator.box_label(box, color=colors(int(cls), True), label=self.names[int(cls)]) if len(self.selected_boxes) == 2: for trk_id in self.selected_boxes.keys(): if trk_id == track_id: self.selected_boxes[track_id] = box if len(self.selected_boxes) == 2: # Store user selected boxes in centroids list self.centroids.extend( [[int((box[0] + box[2]) // 2), int((box[1] + box[3]) // 2)] for box in self.selected_boxes.values()] ) # Calculate pixels distance pixels_distance = math.sqrt( (self.centroids[0][0] - self.centroids[1][0]) ** 2 + (self.centroids[0][1] - self.centroids[1][1]) ** 2 ) self.annotator.plot_distance_and_line(pixels_distance, self.centroids) self.centroids = [] self.display_output(im0) # display output with base class function cv2.setMouseCallback("Ultralytics Solutions", self.mouse_event_for_distance) return im0 # return output image for more usage