import argparse import os import tempfile import gradio as gr import numpy as np import torch from glob import glob from torchvision.transforms import CenterCrop, Compose, Resize from gradio_utils.camera_utils import CAMERA_MOTION_MODE, process_camera, create_relative from gradio_utils.utils import vis_camera from gradio_utils.motionctrl_cmcm_gradio import build_model, motionctrl_sample os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK']='True' SPACE_ID = os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', '') #### Description #### title = r"""

MotionCtrl: A Unified and Flexible Motion Controller for Video Generation

""" subtitle = r"""

Deployed on SVD Generation

""" important_link = r"""
[Paper][Project Page][Code][Showcases][Tutorial]
""" description = r""" Official Gradio demo for MotionCtrl: A Unified and Flexible Motion Controller for Video Generation.
🔥 MotionCtrl is capable of independently and flexibly controling the camera motion and object motion of a generated video, with only a unified model.
🤗 Try to control the motion of the generated videos yourself!
❗❗❗ Please note **ONLY** Camera Motion Control in the current version of **MotionCtrl** deployed on **SVD** is avaliable.
❗❗❗ Showcases and Tutorial can be found here
. """ #
# # # # #
article = r""" If MotionCtrl is helpful, please help to ⭐ the Github Repo. Thanks! [![GitHub Stars]( )]( --- 📝 **Citation**
If our work is useful for your research, please consider citing: ```bibtex @inproceedings{wang2023motionctrl, title={MotionCtrl: A Unified and Flexible Motion Controller for Video Generation}, author={Wang, Zhouxia and Yuan, Ziyang and Wang, Xintao and Chen, Tianshui and Xia, Menghan and Luo, Ping and Shan, Ying}, booktitle={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03641}, year={2023} } ``` 📧 **Contact**
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me out at """ css = """ .gradio-container {width: 85% !important} .gr-monochrome-group {border-radius: 5px !important; border: revert-layer !important; border-width: 2px !important; color: black !important;} span.svelte-s1r2yt {font-size: 17px !important; font-weight: bold !important; color: #d30f2f !important;} button {border-radius: 8px !important;} .add_button {background-color: #4CAF50 !important;} .remove_button {background-color: #f44336 !important;} .clear_button {background-color: gray !important;} .mask_button_group {gap: 10px !important;} .video {height: 300px !important;} .image {height: 300px !important;} .video .wrap.svelte-lcpz3o {display: flex !important; align-items: center !important; justify-content: center !important;} .video .wrap.svelte-lcpz3o > :first-child {height: 100% !important;} .margin_center {width: 50% !important; margin: auto !important;} .jc_center {justify-content: center !important;} """ T_base = [ [1.,0.,0.], ## W2C x 的正方向: 相机朝左 left [-1.,0.,0.], ## W2C x 的负方向: 相机朝右 right [0., 1., 0.], ## W2C y 的正方向: 相机朝上 up [0.,-1.,0.], ## W2C y 的负方向: 相机朝下 down [0.,0.,1.], ## W2C z 的正方向: 相机往前 zoom out [0.,0.,-1.], ## W2C z 的负方向: 相机往前 zoom in ] radius = 1 n = 16 # step = look_at = np.array([0, 0, 0.8]).reshape(3,1) # look_at = np.array([0, 0, 0.2]).reshape(3,1) T_list = [] base_R = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) res = [] res_forsave = [] T_range = 1.8 for i in range(0, 16): # theta = (1)*np.pi*i/n R = base_R[:,:3] T = np.array([0.,0.,1.]).reshape(3,1) * (i/n)*2 RT = np.concatenate([R,T], axis=1) res.append(RT) fig = vis_camera(res) # MODE = ["camera motion control", "object motion control", "camera + object motion control"] MODE = ["control camera poses", "control object trajectory", "control both camera and object motion"] RESIZE_MODE = ['Center Crop To 576x1024', 'Keep original spatial ratio'] DIY_MODE = ['Customized Mode 1: First A then B', 'Customized Mode 2: Both A and B', 'Customized Mode 3: RAW Camera Poses'] ## load default model num_frames = 14 num_steps = 25 device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" print(f"Using device {device}") config = "configs/inference/config_motionctrl_cmcm.yaml" ckpt='checkpoints/motionctrl_svd.ckpt' if not os.path.exists(ckpt): os.system(f'wget -P .') os.system(f'mkdir checkpoints') os.system(f'mv motionctrl_svd.ckpt?download=true {ckpt}') model = build_model(config, ckpt, device, num_frames, num_steps) width, height = 1024, 576 traj_list = [] camera_dict = { "motion":[], "mode": "Customized Mode 1: First A then B", # "First A then B", "Both A and B", "Custom" "speed": 1.0, "complex": None } def fn_vis_camera(camera_args): global camera_dict, num_frames, width, height RT = process_camera(camera_dict, camera_args, num_frames=num_frames, width=width, height=height) # [t, 3, 4] rescale_T = 1.0 rescale_T = max(rescale_T, np.max(np.abs(RT[:,:,-1])) / 1.9) fig = vis_camera(create_relative(RT), rescale_T=rescale_T) vis_step3_prompt_generate = True vis_generation_dec = True vis_prompt = True vis_num_samples = True vis_seed = True vis_start = True vis_gen_video = True vis_repeat_highlight = True return fig, \ gr.update(visible=vis_step3_prompt_generate), \ gr.update(visible=vis_generation_dec), \ gr.update(visible=vis_prompt), \ gr.update(visible=vis_num_samples), \ gr.update(visible=vis_seed), \ gr.update(visible=vis_start), \ gr.update(visible=vis_gen_video, value=None), \ gr.update(visible=vis_repeat_highlight) def display_camera_info(camera_dict, camera_mode=None): if camera_dict['complex'] is not None: res = f"complex : {camera_dict['complex']}. " res += f"speed : {camera_dict['speed']}. " else: res = "" res += f"motion : {[_ for _ in camera_dict['motion']]}. " res += f"speed : {camera_dict['speed']}. " if camera_mode == CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[2]: res += f"mode : {camera_dict['mode']}. " return res def add_camera_motion(camera_motion, camera_mode): global camera_dict if camera_dict['complex'] is not None: camera_dict['complex'] = None if camera_mode == CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[2] and len(camera_dict['motion']) <2: camera_dict['motion'].append(camera_motion) else: camera_dict['motion']=[camera_motion] return display_camera_info(camera_dict, camera_mode) def add_complex_camera_motion(camera_motion): global camera_dict camera_dict['complex']=camera_motion return display_camera_info(camera_dict) def input_raw_camera_pose(combine_type, camera_mode): global camera_dict camera_dict['mode'] = combine_type vis_U = False vis_D = False vis_L = False vis_R = False vis_I = False vis_O = False vis_ACW = False vis_CW = False vis_speed = True vis_combine3_des = True return gr.update(value='1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -0.225\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -0.45\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -0.675\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -0.9\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -1.125\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -1.35\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -1.575\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -1.8\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -2.025\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -2.25\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -2.475\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -2.7\n1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -2.925\n', max_lines=16, interactive=True), \ gr.update(visible=vis_U), \ gr.update(visible=vis_D), \ gr.update(visible=vis_L),\ gr.update(visible=vis_R), \ gr.update(visible=vis_I), \ gr.update(visible=vis_O), \ gr.update(visible=vis_ACW), \ gr.update(visible=vis_CW), \ gr.update(visible=vis_speed), \ gr.update(visible=vis_combine3_des) def change_camera_mode(combine_type, camera_mode): global camera_dict camera_dict['mode'] = combine_type vis_U = True vis_D = True vis_L = True vis_R = True vis_I = True vis_O = True vis_ACW = True vis_CW = True vis_speed = True vis_combine3_des = False return display_camera_info(camera_dict, camera_mode), \ gr.update(visible=vis_U), \ gr.update(visible=vis_D), \ gr.update(visible=vis_L),\ gr.update(visible=vis_R), \ gr.update(visible=vis_I), \ gr.update(visible=vis_O), \ gr.update(visible=vis_ACW), \ gr.update(visible=vis_CW), \ gr.update(visible=vis_speed), \ gr.update(visible=vis_combine3_des) def change_camera_speed(camera_speed): global camera_dict camera_dict['speed'] = camera_speed return display_camera_info(camera_dict) def reset_camera(): global camera_dict camera_dict = { "motion":[], "mode": "Customized Mode 1: First A then B", "speed": 1.0, "complex": None } return display_camera_info(camera_dict) def visualized_camera_poses(step2_camera_motion): reset_camera() # generate video vis_step3_prompt_generate = False vis_generation_dec = False vis_prompt = False vis_num_samples = False vis_seed = False vis_start = False vis_gen_video = False vis_repeat_highlight = False if step2_camera_motion == CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[0]: vis_basic_camera_motion = True vis_basic_camera_motion_des = True vis_custom_camera_motion = False vis_custom_run_status = False vis_complex_camera_motion = False vis_complex_camera_motion_des = False vis_U = True vis_D = True vis_L = True vis_R = True vis_I = True vis_O = True vis_ACW = True vis_CW = True vis_combine1 = False vis_combine2 = False vis_combine3 = False vis_combine3_des = False vis_speed = True vis_Pose_1, vis_Pose_2, vis_Pose_3, vis_Pose_4 = False, False, False, False vis_Pose_5, vis_Pose_6, vis_Pose_7, vis_Pose_8 = False, False, False, False elif step2_camera_motion == CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[1]: vis_basic_camera_motion = False vis_basic_camera_motion_des = False vis_custom_camera_motion = False vis_custom_run_status = False vis_complex_camera_motion = True vis_complex_camera_motion_des = True vis_U = False vis_D = False vis_L = False vis_R = False vis_I = False vis_O = False vis_ACW = False vis_CW = False vis_combine1 = False vis_combine2 = False vis_combine3 = False vis_combine3_des = False vis_speed = True vis_Pose_1, vis_Pose_2, vis_Pose_3, vis_Pose_4 = True, True, True, True vis_Pose_5, vis_Pose_6, vis_Pose_7, vis_Pose_8 = True, True, True, True else: # step2_camera_motion = CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[2]: vis_basic_camera_motion = False vis_basic_camera_motion_des = False vis_custom_camera_motion = True vis_custom_run_status = True vis_complex_camera_motion = False vis_complex_camera_motion_des = False vis_U = False vis_D = False vis_L = False vis_R = False vis_I = False vis_O = False vis_ACW = False vis_CW = False vis_combine1 = True vis_combine2 = True vis_combine3 = True vis_combine3_des = False vis_speed = False vis_Pose_1, vis_Pose_2, vis_Pose_3, vis_Pose_4 = False, False, False, False vis_Pose_5, vis_Pose_6, vis_Pose_7, vis_Pose_8 = False, False, False, False vis_camera_args = True vis_camera_reset = True vis_camera_vis = True vis_vis_camera = True return gr.update(visible=vis_basic_camera_motion), \ gr.update(visible=vis_basic_camera_motion_des), \ gr.update(visible=vis_custom_camera_motion), \ gr.update(visible=vis_custom_run_status), \ gr.update(visible=vis_complex_camera_motion), \ gr.update(visible=vis_complex_camera_motion_des), \ gr.update(visible=vis_U), gr.update(visible=vis_D), gr.update(visible=vis_L), gr.update(visible=vis_R), \ gr.update(visible=vis_I), gr.update(visible=vis_O), gr.update(visible=vis_ACW), gr.update(visible=vis_CW), \ gr.update(visible=vis_combine1), gr.update(visible=vis_combine2), gr.update(visible=vis_combine3), \ gr.update(visible=vis_combine3_des), \ gr.update(visible=vis_speed), \ gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_1), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_2), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_3), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_4), \ gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_5), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_6), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_7), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_8), \ gr.update(visible=vis_camera_args, value=None), \ gr.update(visible=vis_camera_reset), gr.update(visible=vis_camera_vis), \ gr.update(visible=vis_vis_camera, value=None), \ gr.update(visible=vis_step3_prompt_generate), \ gr.update(visible=vis_generation_dec), \ gr.update(visible=vis_prompt), \ gr.update(visible=vis_num_samples), \ gr.update(visible=vis_seed), \ gr.update(visible=vis_start), \ gr.update(visible=vis_gen_video), \ gr.update(visible=vis_repeat_highlight) def process_input_image(input_image, resize_mode): global width, height if resize_mode == RESIZE_MODE[0]: height = 576 width = 1024 w, h = input_image.size h_ratio = h / height w_ratio = w / width if h_ratio > w_ratio: h = int(h / w_ratio) if h < height: h = height input_image = Resize((h, width))(input_image) else: w = int(w / h_ratio) if w < width: w = width input_image = Resize((height, w))(input_image) transformer = Compose([ # Resize(width), CenterCrop((height, width)), ]) input_image = transformer(input_image) else: w, h = input_image.size if h > w: height = 576 width = int(w * height / h) else: width = 1024 height = int(h * width / w) input_image = Resize((height, width))(input_image) # print(f'input_image size: {input_image.size}') vis_step2_camera_motion = True vis_step2_camera_motion_des = True vis_camera_mode = True vis_camera_info = True #### # camera motion control vis_basic_camera_motion = False vis_basic_camera_motion_des = False vis_custom_camera_motion = False vis_custom_run_status = False vis_complex_camera_motion = False vis_complex_camera_motion_des = False vis_U = False vis_D = False vis_L = False vis_R = False vis_I = False vis_O = False vis_ACW = False vis_CW = False vis_combine1 = False vis_combine2 = False vis_combine3 = False vis_combine3_des = False vis_speed = False vis_Pose_1, vis_Pose_2, vis_Pose_3, vis_Pose_4 = False, False, False, False vis_Pose_5, vis_Pose_6, vis_Pose_7, vis_Pose_8 = False, False, False, False vis_camera_args = False vis_camera_reset = False vis_camera_vis = False vis_vis_camera = False # generate video vis_step3_prompt_generate = False vis_generation_dec = False vis_prompt = False vis_num_samples = False vis_seed = False vis_start = False vis_gen_video = False vis_repeat_highlight = False return gr.update(visible=True, value=input_image, height=height, width=width), \ gr.update(visible=vis_step2_camera_motion), \ gr.update(visible=vis_step2_camera_motion_des), \ gr.update(visible=vis_camera_mode), \ gr.update(visible=vis_camera_info), \ gr.update(visible=vis_basic_camera_motion), \ gr.update(visible=vis_basic_camera_motion_des), \ gr.update(visible=vis_custom_camera_motion), \ gr.update(visible=vis_custom_run_status), \ gr.update(visible=vis_complex_camera_motion), \ gr.update(visible=vis_complex_camera_motion_des), \ gr.update(visible=vis_U), gr.update(visible=vis_D), gr.update(visible=vis_L), gr.update(visible=vis_R), \ gr.update(visible=vis_I), gr.update(visible=vis_O), gr.update(visible=vis_ACW), gr.update(visible=vis_CW), \ gr.update(visible=vis_combine1), gr.update(visible=vis_combine2), gr.update(visible=vis_combine3), \ gr.update(visible=vis_combine3_des), \ gr.update(visible=vis_speed), \ gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_1), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_2), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_3), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_4), \ gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_5), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_6), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_7), gr.update(visible=vis_Pose_8), \ gr.update(visible=vis_camera_args, value=None), \ gr.update(visible=vis_camera_reset), gr.update(visible=vis_camera_vis), \ gr.update(visible=vis_vis_camera, value=None), \ gr.update(visible=vis_step3_prompt_generate), \ gr.update(visible=vis_generation_dec), \ gr.update(visible=vis_prompt), \ gr.update(visible=vis_num_samples), \ gr.update(visible=vis_seed), \ gr.update(visible=vis_start), \ gr.update(visible=vis_gen_video), \ gr.update(visible=vis_repeat_highlight) def model_run(input_image, fps_id, seed, n_samples, camera_args): global model, device, camera_dict, num_frames, num_steps, width, height RT = process_camera(camera_dict, camera_args, num_frames=num_frames, width=width, height=height).reshape(-1,12) video_path = motionctrl_sample( model=model, image=input_image, RT=RT, num_frames=num_frames, fps_id=fps_id, decoding_t=1, seed=seed, sample_num=n_samples, device=device ) return video_path def main(args): demo = gr.Blocks() with demo: gr.Markdown(title) gr.Markdown(subtitle) gr.Markdown(important_link) gr.Markdown(description) with gr.Column(): # step 0: Some useful tricks gr.Markdown("## Step 0/3: Some Useful Tricks", show_label=False) gr.HighlightedText(value=[("",""), (f"1. If the motion control is not obvious, try to increase the `Motion Speed`. \ \n 2. If the generated videos are distored severely, try to descrease the `Motion Speed` \ or increase `FPS`.", "Normal")], color_map={"Normal": "green", "Error": "red", "Clear clicks": "gray", "Add mask": "green", "Remove mask": "red"}, visible=True) # step 2: input an image step2_title = gr.Markdown("---\n## Step 1/3: Input an Image", show_label=False, visible=True) step2_dec = gr.Markdown(f"\n 1. Upload an Image by `Drag` or Click `Upload Image`; \ \n 2. Click `{RESIZE_MODE[0]}` or `{RESIZE_MODE[1]}` to select the image resize mode. \ You will get a processed image and go into the next step. \ \n - `{RESIZE_MODE[0]}`: Our MotionCtrl is train on image with spatial size 576x1024. Choose `{RESIZE_MODE[0]}` can get better generated video. \ \n - `{RESIZE_MODE[1]}`: Choose `{RESIZE_MODE[1]}` if you want to generate video with the same spatial ratio as the input image.", show_label=False, visible=True) with gr.Row(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(scale=2): input_image = gr.Image(type="pil", interactive=True, elem_id="input_image", elem_classes='image', visible=True) # process_input_image_button = gr.Button(value="Process Input Image", visible=False) with gr.Row(): center_crop_botton = gr.Button(value=RESIZE_MODE[0], visible=True) keep_spatial_raition_botton = gr.Button(value=RESIZE_MODE[1], visible=True) with gr.Column(scale=2): process_image = gr.Image(type="pil", interactive=False, elem_id="process_image", elem_classes='image', visible=False) # step2_proceed_button = gr.Button(value="Proceed", visible=False) # step3 - camera motion control step2_camera_motion = gr.Markdown("---\n## Step 2/3: Select the camera poses", show_label=False, visible=False) step2_camera_motion_des = gr.Markdown(f"\n - {CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[0]}: Including 8 basic camera poses, such as pan up, pan down, zoom in, and zoom out. \ \n - {CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[1]}: Complex camera poses extracted from the real videos. \ \n - {CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[2]}: You can customize complex camera poses yourself by combining or fusing two of the eight basic camera poses or input RAW RT matrix. \ \n - Click `Proceed` to go into next step", show_label=False, visible=False) camera_mode = gr.Radio(choices=CAMERA_MOTION_MODE, value=CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[0], label="Camera Motion Control Mode", interactive=True, visible=False) camera_info = gr.Button(value="Proceed", visible=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): # step3.1 - camera motion control - basic basic_camera_motion = gr.Markdown("---\n### Basic Camera Poses", show_label=False, visible=False) basic_camera_motion_des = gr.Markdown(f"\n 1. Click one of the basic camera poses, such as `Pan Up`; \ \n 2. Slide the `Motion speed` to get a speed value. The large the value, the fast the camera motion; \ \n 3. Click `Visualize Camera and Proceed` to visualize the camera poses and go proceed; \ \n 4. Click `Reset Camera` to reset the camera poses (If needed). ", show_label=False, visible=False) # step3.2 - camera motion control - provided complex complex_camera_motion = gr.Markdown("---\n### Provided Complex Camera Poses", show_label=False, visible=False) complex_camera_motion_des = gr.Markdown(f"\n 1. Click one of the complex camera poses, such as `Pose_1`; \ \n 2. Click `Visualize Camera and Proceed` to visualize the camera poses and go proceed; \ \n 3. Click `Reset Camera` to reset the camera poses (If needed). ", show_label=False, visible=False) # step3.3 - camera motion control - custom custom_camera_motion = gr.Markdown(f"---\n### {CAMERA_MOTION_MODE[2]}", show_label=False, visible=False) custom_run_status = gr.Markdown(f"\n 1. Click `{DIY_MODE[0]}`, `{DIY_MODE[1]}`, or `{DIY_MODE[2]}` \ \n - `Customized Mode 1: First A then B`: For example, click `Pan Up` and `Pan Left`, the camera will first `Pan Up` and then `Pan Left`; \ \n - `Customized Mode 2: Both A and B`: For example, click `Pan Up` and `Pan Left`, the camera will move towards the upper left corner; \ \n - `{DIY_MODE[2]}`: Input the RAW RT matrix yourselves. \ \n 2. Slide the `Motion speed` to get a speed value. The large the value, the fast the camera motion; \ \n 3. Click `Visualize Camera and Proceed` to visualize the camera poses and go proceed; \ \n 4. Click `Reset Camera` to reset the camera poses (If needed). ", show_label=False, visible=False) gr.HighlightedText(value=[("",""), ("1. Select two of the basic camera poses; 2. Select Customized Mode 1 OR Customized Mode 2. 3. Visualized Camera to show the customized camera poses", "Normal")], color_map={"Normal": "green", "Error": "red", "Clear clicks": "gray", "Add mask": "green", "Remove mask": "red"}, visible=False) with gr.Row(): combine1 = gr.Button(value=DIY_MODE[0], visible=False) combine2 = gr.Button(value=DIY_MODE[1], visible=False) combine3 = gr.Button(value=DIY_MODE[2], visible=False) with gr.Row(): combine3_des = gr.Markdown(f"---\n#### Input your camera pose in the following textbox. \ A total of 14 lines and each line contains 12 float number, indicated \ the RT matrix in the shape of 1x12. \ The example is RT matrix of ZOOM IN.", show_label=False, visible=False) with gr.Row(): U = gr.Button(value="Pan Up", visible=False) D = gr.Button(value="Pan Down", visible=False) L = gr.Button(value="Pan Left", visible=False) R = gr.Button(value="Pan Right", visible=False) with gr.Row(): I = gr.Button(value="Zoom In", visible=False) O = gr.Button(value="Zoom Out", visible=False) ACW = gr.Button(value="ACW", visible=False) CW = gr.Button(value="CW", visible=False) with gr.Row(): speed = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=8, step=0.2, label="Motion Speed", value=1.0, visible=False) with gr.Row(): Pose_1 = gr.Button(value="Pose_1", visible=False) Pose_2 = gr.Button(value="Pose_2", visible=False) Pose_3 = gr.Button(value="Pose_3", visible=False) Pose_4 = gr.Button(value="Pose_4", visible=False) with gr.Row(): Pose_5 = gr.Button(value="Pose_5", visible=False) Pose_6 = gr.Button(value="Pose_6", visible=False) Pose_7 = gr.Button(value="Pose_7", visible=False) Pose_8 = gr.Button(value="Pose_8", visible=False) with gr.Row(): camera_args = gr.Textbox(value="Camera Type", label="Camera Type", visible=False) with gr.Row(): camera_vis= gr.Button(value="Visualize Camera and Proceed", visible=False) camera_reset = gr.Button(value="Reset Camera", visible=False) with gr.Column(): vis_camera = gr.Plot(fig, label='Camera Poses', visible=False) # step4 - Generate videos with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): step3_prompt_generate = gr.Markdown("---\n## Step 3/3: Generate videos", show_label=False, visible=False) generation_dec = gr.Markdown(f"\n 1. Set `FPS`.; \ \n 2. Set `n_samples`; \ \n 3. Set `seed`; \ \n 4. Click `Start generation !` to generate videos; ", visible=False) # prompt = gr.Textbox(value="a dog sitting on grass", label="Prompt", interactive=True, visible=False) prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=5, maximum=30, step=1, label="FPS", value=10, visible=False) n_samples = gr.Number(value=1, precision=0, interactive=True, label="n_samples", visible=False) seed = gr.Number(value=1234, precision=0, interactive=True, label="Seed", visible=False) start = gr.Button(value="Start generation !", visible=False) with gr.Column(): gen_video = gr.Video(value=None, label="Generate Video", visible=False) repeat_highlight=gr.HighlightedText(value=[("",""), (f"1. If the motion control is not obvious, try to increase the `Motion Speed`. \ \n 2. If the generated videos are distored severely, try to descrease the `Motion Speed` \ or increase `FPS`.", "Normal")], color_map={"Normal": "green", "Error": "red", "Clear clicks": "gray", "Add mask": "green", "Remove mask": "red"}, visible=False) fn=process_input_image, inputs=[input_image, center_crop_botton], outputs=[ process_image, step2_camera_motion, step2_camera_motion_des, camera_mode, camera_info, basic_camera_motion, basic_camera_motion_des, custom_camera_motion, custom_run_status, complex_camera_motion, complex_camera_motion_des, U, D, L, R, I, O, ACW, CW, combine1, combine2, combine3, combine3_des, speed, Pose_1, Pose_2, Pose_3, Pose_4, Pose_5, Pose_6, Pose_7, Pose_8, camera_args, camera_reset, camera_vis, vis_camera, step3_prompt_generate, generation_dec, prompt, n_samples, seed, start, gen_video, repeat_highlight]) fn=process_input_image, inputs=[input_image, keep_spatial_raition_botton], outputs=[ process_image, step2_camera_motion, step2_camera_motion_des, camera_mode, camera_info, basic_camera_motion, basic_camera_motion_des, custom_camera_motion, custom_run_status, complex_camera_motion, complex_camera_motion_des, U, D, L, R, I, O, ACW, CW, combine1, combine2, combine3, combine3_des, speed, Pose_1, Pose_2, Pose_3, Pose_4, Pose_5, Pose_6, Pose_7, Pose_8, camera_args, camera_reset, camera_vis, vis_camera, step3_prompt_generate, generation_dec, prompt, n_samples, seed, start, gen_video, repeat_highlight]) fn=visualized_camera_poses, inputs=[camera_mode], outputs=[basic_camera_motion, basic_camera_motion_des, custom_camera_motion, custom_run_status, complex_camera_motion, complex_camera_motion_des, U, D, L, R, I, O, ACW, CW, combine1, combine2, combine3, combine3_des, speed, Pose_1, Pose_2, Pose_3, Pose_4, Pose_5, Pose_6, Pose_7, Pose_8, camera_args, camera_reset, camera_vis, vis_camera, step3_prompt_generate, generation_dec, prompt, n_samples, seed, start, gen_video, repeat_highlight], ), inputs=[U, camera_mode], outputs=camera_args), inputs=[D, camera_mode], outputs=camera_args), inputs=[L, camera_mode], outputs=camera_args), inputs=[R, camera_mode], outputs=camera_args), inputs=[I, camera_mode], outputs=camera_args), inputs=[O, camera_mode], outputs=camera_args), inputs=[ACW, camera_mode], outputs=camera_args), inputs=[CW, camera_mode], outputs=camera_args) speed.change(fn=change_camera_speed, inputs=speed, outputs=camera_args), inputs=None, outputs=[camera_args]), inputs=[combine1, camera_mode], outputs=[camera_args, U, D, L, R, I, O, ACW, CW, speed, combine3_des]), inputs=[combine2, camera_mode], outputs=[camera_args, U, D, L, R, I, O, ACW, CW, speed, combine3_des]), inputs=[combine3, camera_mode], outputs=[camera_args, U, D, L, R, I, O, ACW, CW, speed, combine3_des]), inputs=[camera_args], outputs=[vis_camera, step3_prompt_generate, generation_dec, prompt, n_samples, seed, start, gen_video, repeat_highlight]), inputs=Pose_1, outputs=camera_args), inputs=Pose_2, outputs=camera_args), inputs=Pose_3, outputs=camera_args), inputs=Pose_4, outputs=camera_args), inputs=Pose_5, outputs=camera_args), inputs=Pose_6, outputs=camera_args), inputs=Pose_7, outputs=camera_args), inputs=Pose_8, outputs=camera_args), inputs=[process_image, prompt, seed, n_samples, camera_args], outputs=gen_video) # set example gr.Markdown("## Examples") examples = glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "./assets/demo/images", "*.png")) gr.Examples( examples=examples, inputs=[input_image], examples_per_page=15 ) gr.Markdown(article) # demo.launch(server_name='', share=False, server_port=args['server_port']) # demo.queue(concurrency_count=1, max_size=10) # demo.launch() demo.queue(max_size=10).launch(**args) if __name__=="__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=12345) parser.add_argument( '--listen', type=str, default='' if 'SPACE_ID' in os.environ else '', help='IP to listen on for connections to Gradio', ) parser.add_argument( '--username', type=str, default='', help='Username for authentication' ) parser.add_argument( '--password', type=str, default='', help='Password for authentication' ) parser.add_argument( '--server_port', type=int, default=0, help='Port to run the server listener on', ) parser.add_argument( '--inbrowser', action='store_true', help='Open in browser' ) parser.add_argument( '--share', action='store_true', help='Share the gradio UI' ) args = parser.parse_args() launch_kwargs = {} launch_kwargs['server_name'] = args.listen if args.username and args.password: launch_kwargs['auth'] = (args.username, args.password) if args.server_port: launch_kwargs['server_port'] = args.server_port if args.inbrowser: launch_kwargs['inbrowser'] = args.inbrowser if args.share: launch_kwargs['share'] = args.share launch_kwargs['share'] = True main(launch_kwargs)