New UI and resolved bugs
# import streamlit as st
# from carbon import Carbon
# import requests
# import json
# # Carbon API Key
# CARBON_API_KEY = "a38ee1fe5fef56fc8e1ae2afc881378804bb902882442e1554adae4f82ee23ea"
# CUSTOMER_ID = "Candid"
# def get_google_drive_oauth(carbon):
# get_oauth_url_response = carbon.integrations.get_oauth_url(
# service="GOOGLE_DRIVE",
# scope="",
# connecting_new_account=True,
# )
# return get_oauth_url_response.oauth_url
# def get_dropbox_oauth(carbon):
# get_oauth_url_response = carbon.integrations.get_oauth_url(
# service="DROPBOX",
# connecting_new_account=True,
# )
# return get_oauth_url_response.oauth_url
# def get_notion_oauth(carbon):
# get_oauth_url_response = carbon.integrations.get_oauth_url(
# service="NOTION",
# connecting_new_account=True,
# )
# return get_oauth_url_response.oauth_url
# def sync_github(carbon, username, token):
# sync_response = carbon.integrations.sync_git_hub(
# username=username,
# token=token,
# sync_source_items=True
# )
# return sync_response
# def sync_gitbook(carbon, access_token, organization):
# sync_response = carbon.integrations.sync_git_book(
# access_token=access_token,
# organization=organization,
# sync_source_items=True
# )
# return sync_response
# def sync_s3(carbon, access_key, access_key_secret):
# sync_response = carbon.integrations.sync_s3(
# access_key=access_key,
# access_key_secret=access_key_secret,
# sync_source_items=True
# )
# return sync_response
# def sync_google_drive(carbon, data_source_id):
# sync_response = carbon.integrations.sync_data_source_items(data_source_id=int(data_source_id))
# return sync_response
# def list_files(carbon, data_source_id=None, service="GOOGLE_DRIVE"):
# if data_source_id:
# sync_google_drive(carbon, data_source_id)
# list_files_response = carbon.integrations.list_data_source_items(data_source_id=int(data_source_id))
# st.session_state['current_data_source'] = data_source_id # Store the current data source
# st.session_state['files'] = list_files_response.items # Store the fetched files
# else:
# if 'current_data_source' in st.session_state and st.session_state['current_data_source']:
# data_source_id = st.session_state['current_data_source']
# sync_google_drive(carbon, data_source_id)
# list_files_response = carbon.integrations.list_data_source_items(data_source_id=int(data_source_id))
# st.session_state['files'] = list_files_response.items # Store the fetched files
# else:
# query_user_data_sources_response = carbon.data_sources.query_user_data_sources(
# pagination={"limit": 100, "offset": 0},
# order_by="created_at",
# order_dir="desc",
# filters={"source": service},
# )
# if query_user_data_sources_response.results:
# data_source_id = query_user_data_sources_response.results[0].id
# sync_google_drive(carbon, data_source_id)
# list_files_response = carbon.integrations.list_data_source_items(data_source_id=int(data_source_id))
# st.session_state['current_data_source'] = data_source_id
# st.session_state['files'] = list_files_response.items # Store the fetched files
# else:
# list_files_response = None
# return list_files_response.items if list_files_response else None
# def list_all_files(carbon, data_source_id):
# url = ""
# payload = {
# "pagination": {
# "limit": 100,
# "offset": 0
# },
# "order_by": "created_at",
# "order_dir": "desc",
# "filters": {
# "organization_user_data_source_id": [data_source_id],
# "embedding_generators": ["OPENAI"],
# "include_all_children": True,
# },
# "include_raw_file": True,
# "include_parsed_text_file": True,
# "include_additional_files": True
# }
# headers = {
# "authorization": f"Bearer {CARBON_API_KEY}",
# "customer-id": CUSTOMER_ID,
# "Content-Type": "application/json"
# }
# response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
# res = json.loads(response.text)
# file_id= res['results'][0]['id']
# for i,document in enumerate(res['results']):
# print(document['name'])
# print(document['id'])
# file_id=res['results'][0]['id']
# print(file_id)
# return res['results']
# def list_user_documents(carbon):
# query_user_documents_response = carbon.documents.query_documents(
# pagination={"limit": 100, "offset": 0},
# order_by="created_at",
# order_dir="desc"
# )
# return query_user_documents_response.documents if query_user_documents_response else None
# def semantic_search_v2(carbon, query, tags_v2=None, hybrid_search=False):
# search_response = carbon.embeddings.get_documents(
# query=query,
# k=2,
# tags_v2=tags_v2 if tags_v2 else {},
# include_tags=True,
# include_vectors=True,
# include_raw_file=True,
# hybrid_search=hybrid_search,
# hybrid_search_tuning_parameters={
# "weight_a": 0.5,
# "weight_b": 0.5,
# },
# media_type="TEXT",
# embedding_model="OPENAI",
# )
# return search_response.documents
# def main():
# st.title('Data Connector using Carbon SDK')
# # Authenticate with Carbon API
# st.write('### Authenticate with Carbon API')
# carbon = Carbon(api_key=CARBON_API_KEY, customer_id=CUSTOMER_ID)
# token = carbon.auth.get_access_token()
# carbon = Carbon(access_token=token.access_token) # authenticated object
# # Connect to Data Source
# st.write('## Connect to Data Source')
# service = st.selectbox('Select Data Source for OAuth', ['GOOGLE_DRIVE', 'DROPBOX', 'NOTION'])
# if st.button('Get OAuth URL'):
# with st.spinner('Fetching OAuth URL...'):
# try:
# if service == "GOOGLE_DRIVE":
# oauth_url = get_google_drive_oauth(carbon)
# elif service == "DROPBOX":
# oauth_url = get_dropbox_oauth(carbon)
# elif service == "NOTION":
# oauth_url = get_notion_oauth(carbon)
# st.write(f"OAuth URL for {service}: {oauth_url}")
# st.session_state['current_data_source'] = None # Reset the current data source
# st.session_state['files'] = None # Clear the previous files
# st.session_state['oauth_fetched'] = True
# except Exception as e:
# st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# if 'oauth_fetched' in st.session_state and st.session_state['oauth_fetched']:
# st.write("OAuth URL fetched. Please authenticate and then click 'Sync and Fetch Files'.")
# if st.button('Sync and Fetch Files'):
# with st.spinner('Syncing and fetching files...'):
# try:
# query_user_data_sources_response = carbon.data_sources.query_user_data_sources(
# pagination={"limit": 100, "offset": 0},
# order_by="created_at",
# order_dir="desc",
# filters={"source": service},
# )
# if query_user_data_sources_response.results:
# data_source_id = query_user_data_sources_response.results[0].id
# sync_google_drive(carbon, data_source_id)
# st.session_state['current_data_source'] = data_source_id
# st.session_state['oauth_fetched'] = False
# st.success("Synced successfully! Now you can list the files.")
# else:
# st.error("No data sources found. Please ensure the connection was successful.")
# except Exception as e:
# st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# # List Files in Data Source
# st.write(f'## List Files in {service}')
# data_source_id = st.text_input('Enter Data Source ID (leave blank to list all files)')
# if st.button('List Files'):
# with st.spinner('Fetching files...'):
# try:
# if 'current_data_source' in st.session_state and st.session_state['current_data_source']:
# data_source_id = st.session_state['current_data_source']
# files = list_files(carbon, data_source_id if data_source_id else None, service)
# if files:
# st.write(f"Files in {service}:")
# for item in files:
# st.write(f"File ID: {}, File Name: {}, File Size: {item.size if hasattr(item, 'size') else 'N/A'}, Last Modified: {item.last_modified if hasattr(item, 'last_modified') else 'N/A'}")
# else:
# st.write("No files found.")
# except Exception as e:
# st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# # List All Files
# st.write('### List All Files')
# if st.button('List All Files'):
# with st.spinner('Fetching all files...'):
# try:
# if 'current_data_source' in st.session_state and st.session_state['current_data_source']:
# data_source_id = st.session_state['current_data_source']
# all_files = list_all_files(carbon, data_source_id)
# if all_files:
# st.write("All files:")
# for i, document in enumerate(all_files):
# file_id = document['id']
# st.write(f"File ID: {document['id']}, File Name: {document['name']}")
# else:
# st.write("No files found.")
# except Exception as e:
# st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# # Search in the Connected Data Source
# st.write('### Search in the Connected Data Source')
# query = st.text_input("Enter your query:", value="Type here...")
# if st.button('Search'):
# if query:
# with st.spinner('Searching...'):
# try:
# all_files = list_all_files(carbon, data_source_id)
# url = ""
# payload = {
# "query": query,
# "k": 2,
# "file_ids": file_id,
# "include_all_children": True,
# "tags": {},
# "include_tags": True,
# "include_vectors": True,
# "include_raw_file": True,
# "hybrid_search": False,
# "media_type": "TEXT",
# "embedding_model": "OPENAI"
# }
# headers = {
# "authorization": f"Bearer {CARBON_API_KEY}",
# "customer-id": CUSTOMER_ID,
# "Content-Type": "application/json"
# }
# response_search =, json=payload, headers=headers)
# response_search_chunks = json.loads(response_search.text)
# st.write("Search results:")
# for i, doc in enumerate(response_search_chunks['documents']):
# st.write(f"Document {i+1}:")
# st.write(f"Content: {doc['content']}")
# st.write(f"Source: {doc['source']}")
# st.write(f"Match Percentage: {doc['score'] * 100}%")
# if 'file_url' in doc:
# st.markdown(f"[Download {doc['filename']}]({doc['file_url']})")
# st.write("-------------------------------------------------")
# except Exception as e:
# st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# else:
# st.write("Please enter a query to search.")
# # Display Search History
# st.write('## Search History')
# if 'search_history' not in st.session_state:
# st.session_state['search_history'] = []
# if query and st.button('Add to Search History'):
# st.session_state['search_history'].append(query)
# if st.session_state['search_history']:
# st.write("Past Searches:")
# for past_query in st.session_state['search_history']:
# st.write(past_query)
# # Call the main function
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()