import streamlit as st |
import os |
import json |
from openai import AzureOpenAI |
from model import invoke, create_models, configure_settings, load_documents_and_create_index, \ |
create_chat_prompt_template, execute_query |
client = AzureOpenAI(azure_endpoint = "https://personalityanalysisfinetuning.openai.azure.com/",api_key=os.environ.get("AZURE_OPENAI_KEY"), api_version="2024-02-01") |
example_profile = { |
"Team": [ |
{ |
"name": "JAMES ARTHUR", |
"main_profile": { |
"VISION": { |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"DRIVE": { |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
} |
}, |
"red_flag": { |
"HUBRIS": { |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
"name": "LOUSIE HART", |
"main_profile": { |
"VISION": { |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
}, |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
}, |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
}, |
"DRIVE": { |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
} |
}, |
"red_flag": { |
"HUBRIS": { |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
"name": "SIMONE LEVY", |
"main_profile": { |
"VISION": { |
"score": "LOW" |
}, |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
}, |
"DRIVE": { |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
} |
}, |
"red_flag": { |
"HUBRIS": { |
"score": "LOW" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Uri Lef", |
"main_profile": { |
"VISION": { |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"DRIVE": { |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
}, |
"score": "LOW" |
} |
}, |
"red_flag": { |
"HUBRIS": { |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "HIGH" |
}, |
"score": "AVERAGE" |
} |
} |
} |
] |
} |
import json |
def generate_prompt_from_profile(profile, version="TeamSummary"): |
with open('prompts.json') as f: |
prompt_sets = json.load(f)['Prompts'] |
prompt_templates = prompt_sets[version] |
try: |
team_members = profile['Team'] |
team_member_profiles = [] |
for member in team_members: |
profile = f"{member['name']}: Main Profile - VISION: {member['main_profile']['VISION']['score']}, " \ |
f"IDEATION: {member['main_profile']['IDEATION']['score']}, " \ |
f"OPPORTUNISM: {member['main_profile']['OPPORTUNISM']['score']}, " \ |
f"DRIVE: {member['main_profile']['DRIVE']['score']}, " \ |
f"RESILIENCE: {member['main_profile']['RESILIENCE']['score']}. " \ |
f"Red Flags - HUBRIS: {member['red_flag']['HUBRIS']['score']}, " \ |
f"MERCURIAL: {member['red_flag']['MERCURIAL']['score']}, " \ |
f"DOMINANT: {member['red_flag']['DOMINANT']['score']}, " \ |
f"MACHIAVELLIAN: {member['red_flag']['MACHIAVELLIAN']['score']}." |
team_member_profiles.append(profile) |
team_member_profiles_str = "\n".join(team_member_profiles) |
prompt = "\n".join(prompt_templates).replace("{{TEAM_MEMBERS}}", team_member_profiles_str) |
print(prompt) |
except KeyError as e: |
return [{"role": "system", "content": f"Error processing profile data: missing {str(e)}"}] |
message = [ |
{"role": "system", "content": prompt_sets["System"][0]}, |
{"role": "user", "content": prompt} |
] |
print(prompt) |
return message |
def display_profile_info(profile): |
st.markdown("### Profile Information:") |
team_members = profile["Team"] |
for member in team_members: |
st.sidebar.markdown(f"#### {member['name']}") |
main_profile = member["main_profile"] |
red_flag = member["red_flag"] |
st.sidebar.markdown("### Main Profile:") |
st.sidebar.markdown("\n".join([f"- **{attribute}**: {details['score']}" for attribute, details in main_profile.items()])) |
st.sidebar.markdown("### Red Flags:") |
st.sidebar.markdown("\n".join([f"- **{attribute}**: {details['score']}" for attribute, details in red_flag.items()])) |
def logout(): |
st.session_state['authenticated'] = False |
st.session_state['profile'] = None |
st.session_state['show_chat'] = None |
st.session_state['analysis'] = None |
st.rerun() |
def main_app(): |
sidebar_components() |
if st.button('Logout'): |
logout() |
st.title('Metaprofiling\'s Career Insight Analyzer Demo') |
if st.session_state['profile']: |
profile = st.session_state['profile'] |
display_profile_info(profile) |
st.markdown(""" |
### Generation Temperature |
Adjust the 'Generation Temperature' to control the creativity of the AI responses. |
- A *lower temperature* (closer to 0.0) generates more predictable, conservative responses. |
- A *higher temperature* (closer to 1.0) generates more creative, diverse responses. |
""") |
st.session_state['temperature'] = st.slider("",min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.5, step=0.01) |
st.session_state['version'] = st.selectbox("Select Prompt Version", ["TDOS"]) |
if st.button(f'Analyze Profile ({st.session_state["version"]})'): |
prompt = generate_prompt_from_profile(profile, version=st.session_state['version']) |
meta_eip_prefix = """# META: Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Potential\nMETA evaluates five traits essential for |
entrepreneurial success: Vision, Ideation, Opportunism, Drive, and Resilience. It also measures four ‘Red |
Flags’ or derailers common to the entrepreneurial personality.""" |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): |
stream = client.chat.completions.create( |
model="personality_gpt4o", |
temperature=st.session_state['temperature'], |
max_tokens=3000, |
frequency_penalty=0.2, |
presence_penalty=0.2, |
messages= prompt, |
stream=True) |
if st.session_state['version'] == "METAEIP": |
st.write(meta_eip_prefix) |
response = st.write_stream(stream) |
st.session_state['analysis'] = response |
st.session_state['show_chat'] = True |
st.rerun() |
if st.session_state['analysis']: |
st.markdown(st.session_state['analysis']) |
else: |
st.write("Please upload a profile JSON file or use the example profile.") |
def verify_credentials(): |
if st.session_state['username'] == os.getenv("username_app") and st.session_state['password'] == os.getenv("password_app"): |
st.session_state['authenticated'] = True |
else: |
st.error("Invalid username or password") |
def login_page(): |
st.title("Welcome to Metaprofiling's Career Insight Analyzer Demo") |
st.write("This application provides in-depth analysis and insights into professional profiles. Please log in to continue.") |
st.markdown(""" |
## How to Use This Application |
- Enter your username and password in the sidebar. |
- Click on 'Login' to access the application. |
- Once logged in, you will be able to upload and analyze professional profiles. |
""") |
st.sidebar.write("Login:") |
username = st.sidebar.text_input("Username") |
password = st.sidebar.text_input("Password", type="password") |
st.session_state['username'] = username |
st.session_state['password'] = password |
st.sidebar.button("Login", on_click=verify_credentials) |
def sidebar_components(): |
with st.sidebar: |
if st.button('Reset'): |
st.session_state['profile'] = None |
st.session_state['show_chat'] = None |
st.session_state['analysis'] = None |
st.rerun() |
if not st.session_state['show_chat']: |
st.markdown("### JSON File Requirements:") |
st.markdown("1. Must contain Team as top-level keys.") |
st.markdown("2. Both keys should have dictionary values.") |
st.markdown("### Upload a profile JSON file") |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("", type=['json']) |
if uploaded_file is not None: |
try: |
profile_data = json.load(uploaded_file) |
st.session_state['profile'] = profile_data |
except json.JSONDecodeError: |
st.error("Invalid JSON file. Please upload a valid JSON file.") |
if st.button('Use Example Profile'): |
st.session_state['profile'] = example_profile |
else: |
st.sidebar.title("Chat with Our Career Advisor") |
st.sidebar.markdown("Hello, we hope you learned something about yourself in this report. This chat is here so you can ask any questions you have about your report! It’s also a great tool to get ideas about how you can use the information in your report for your personal development and achieving your current goals.") |
question_templates = [ |
"What are the main risks associated with {}’s profile?", |
"What are the implications of {}’s profile for working with others?", |
"What conclusions might we draw from his profile about {}’s style of leadership?", |
"Looking specifically at {}'s Red Flags, are there any particular areas of concern?", |
"Based on this profile, is {} better suited as a COO or a CEO?", |
"If speed of execution is important, based on his profile, how likely is {} to be able to achieve this?", |
"How is {} likely to react to business uncertainty and disruption?", |
"Based on his profile, what should a coaching plan designed for {} focus on?" |
] |
questions_list = [question.format("Test Taker") for question in question_templates] |
questions_markdown = "\n\n".join( |
[f"Q{index + 1}: {question}" for index, question in enumerate(questions_list)]) |
st.sidebar.markdown("### Suggest Questions") |
st.sidebar.markdown(questions_markdown) |
user_input = st.sidebar.text_input("Ask a question about the profile analysis:") |
llm, embed_model = create_models() |
configure_settings(llm, embed_model) |
index = load_documents_and_create_index() |
if st.sidebar.button('Submit'): |
if user_input: |
chat_prompt_template = create_chat_prompt_template(st.session_state['analysis']) |
response = execute_query(index, chat_prompt_template, user_input) |
st.sidebar.markdown(response) |
if 'show_chat' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['show_chat'] = None |
if 'profile' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['profile'] = None |
if 'analysis' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['analysis'] = None |
if 'temperature' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['temperature'] = 0 |
if 'version' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['version'] = "" |
if 'username' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['username'] = '' |
if 'password' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['password'] = '' |
if 'authenticated' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['authenticated'] = False |
if st.session_state['authenticated']: |
main_app() |
else: |
login_page() |