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import numpy as np
import torch
import common.thing as thing
def _print_stat(key, thing):
Helper function for printing statistics about a key-value pair in an xdict.
mytype = type(thing)
if isinstance(thing, (list, tuple)):
print("{:<20}: {:<30}\t{:}".format(key, len(thing), mytype))
elif isinstance(thing, (torch.Tensor)):
dev = thing.device
shape = str(thing.shape).replace(" ", "")
print("{:<20}: {:<30}\t{:}\t{}".format(key, shape, mytype, dev))
elif isinstance(thing, (np.ndarray)):
dev = ""
shape = str(thing.shape).replace(" ", "")
print("{:<20}: {:<30}\t{:}".format(key, shape, mytype))
print("{:<20}: {:}".format(key, mytype))
class xdict(dict):
A subclass of Python's built-in dict class, which provides additional methods for manipulating and operating on dictionaries.
def __init__(self, mydict=None):
Constructor for the xdict class. Creates a new xdict object and optionally initializes it with key-value pairs from the provided dictionary mydict. If mydict is not provided, an empty xdict is created.
if mydict is None:
for k, v in mydict.items():
super().__setitem__(k, v)
def subset(self, keys):
Returns a new xdict object containing only the key-value pairs with keys in the provided list 'keys'.
out_dict = {}
for k in keys:
out_dict[k] = self[k]
return xdict(out_dict)
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
Overrides the dict.__setitem__ method to raise an assertion error if a key already exists.
assert key not in self.keys(), f"Key already exists {key}"
super().__setitem__(key, val)
def search(self, keyword, replace_to=None):
Returns a new xdict object containing only the key-value pairs with keys that contain the provided keyword.
out_dict = {}
for k in self.keys():
if keyword in k:
if replace_to is None:
out_dict[k] = self[k]
out_dict[k.replace(keyword, replace_to)] = self[k]
return xdict(out_dict)
def rm(self, keyword, keep_list=[], verbose=False):
Returns a new xdict object with keys that contain keyword removed. Keys in keep_list are excluded from the removal.
out_dict = {}
for k in self.keys():
if keyword not in k or k in keep_list:
out_dict[k] = self[k]
if verbose:
print(f"Removing: {k}")
return xdict(out_dict)
def overwrite(self, k, v):
The original assignment operation of Python dict
super().__setitem__(k, v)
def merge(self, dict2):
Same as dict.update(), but raises an assertion error if there are duplicate keys between the two dictionaries.
dict2 (dict or xdict): The dictionary or xdict instance to merge with.
AssertionError: If dict2 is not a dictionary or xdict instance.
AssertionError: If there are duplicate keys between the two instances.
assert isinstance(dict2, (dict, xdict))
mykeys = set(self.keys())
intersect = mykeys.intersection(set(dict2.keys()))
assert len(intersect) == 0, f"Merge failed: duplicate keys ({intersect})"
def mul(self, scalar):
Multiplies each value (could be tensor, np.array, list) in the xdict instance by the provided scalar.
scalar (float): The scalar to multiply the values by.
AssertionError: If scalar is not a float.
if isinstance(scalar, int):
scalar = 1.0 * scalar
assert isinstance(scalar, float)
out_dict = {}
for k in self.keys():
if isinstance(self[k], list):
out_dict[k] = [v * scalar for v in self[k]]
out_dict[k] = self[k] * scalar
return xdict(out_dict)
def prefix(self, text):
Adds a prefix to each key in the xdict instance.
text (str): The prefix to add.
xdict: The xdict instance with the added prefix.
out_dict = {}
for k in self.keys():
out_dict[text + k] = self[k]
return xdict(out_dict)
def replace_keys(self, str_src, str_tar):
Replaces a substring in all keys of the xdict instance.
str_src (str): The substring to replace.
str_tar (str): The replacement string.
xdict: The xdict instance with the replaced keys.
out_dict = {}
for k in self.keys():
old_key = k
new_key = old_key.replace(str_src, str_tar)
out_dict[new_key] = self[k]
return xdict(out_dict)
def postfix(self, text):
Adds a postfix to each key in the xdict instance.
text (str): The postfix to add.
xdict: The xdict instance with the added postfix.
out_dict = {}
for k in self.keys():
out_dict[k + text] = self[k]
return xdict(out_dict)
def sorted_keys(self):
Returns a sorted list of the keys in the xdict instance.
list: A sorted list of keys in the xdict instance.
return sorted(list(self.keys()))
def to(self, dev):
Moves the xdict instance to a specific device.
dev (torch.device): The device to move the instance to.
xdict: The xdict instance moved to the specified device.
if dev is None:
return self
raw_dict = dict(self)
return xdict(thing.thing2dev(raw_dict, dev))
def to_torch(self):
Converts elements in the xdict to Torch tensors and returns a new xdict.
xdict: A new xdict with Torch tensors as values.
return xdict(thing.thing2torch(self))
def to_np(self):
Converts elements in the xdict to numpy arrays and returns a new xdict.
xdict: A new xdict with numpy arrays as values.
return xdict(thing.thing2np(self))
def tolist(self):
Converts elements in the xdict to Python lists and returns a new xdict.
xdict: A new xdict with Python lists as values.
return xdict(thing.thing2list(self))
def print_stat(self):
Prints statistics for each item in the xdict.
for k, v in self.items():
_print_stat(k, v)
def detach(self):
Detaches all Torch tensors in the xdict from the computational graph and moves them to the CPU.
Non-tensor objects are ignored.
xdict: A new xdict with detached Torch tensors as values.
return xdict(thing.detach_thing(self))
def has_invalid(self):
Checks if any of the Torch tensors in the xdict contain NaN or Inf values.
bool: True if at least one tensor contains NaN or Inf values, False otherwise.
for k, v in self.items():
if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
if torch.isnan(v).any():
print(f"{k} contains nan values")
return True
if torch.isinf(v).any():
print(f"{k} contains inf values")
return True
return False
def apply(self, operation, criterion=None):
Applies an operation to the values in the xdict, based on an optional criterion.
operation (callable): A callable object that takes a single argument and returns a value.
criterion (callable, optional): A callable object that takes two arguments (key and value) and returns a boolean.
xdict: A new xdict with the same keys as the original, but with the values modified by the operation.
out = {}
for k, v in self.items():
if criterion is None or criterion(k, v):
out[k] = operation(v)
return xdict(out)
def save(self, path, dev=None, verbose=True):
Saves the xdict to disk as a Torch tensor.
path (str): The path to save the xdict.
dev (torch.device, optional): The device to use for saving the tensor (default is CPU).
verbose (bool, optional): Whether to print a message indicating that the xdict has been saved (default is True).
if verbose:
print(f"Saving to {path}"), path)