Copyright (c) 2022-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

# Examples

We provide simple examples on how to integrate PyTorch, TensorFlow2, JAX, and simple Python models with the Triton Inference
Server using PyTriton. The examples are available
in the [GitHub repository](../examples).

## Samples Models Deployment

The list of example models deployments:

- [Add-Sub Python model](../examples/add_sub_python)
- [Add-Sub Python model Jupyter Notebook](../examples/add_sub_notebook)
- [BART PyTorch from HuggingFace](../examples/huggingface_bart_pytorch)
- [BERT JAX from HuggingFace](../examples/huggingface_bert_jax)
- [Identity Python model](../examples/identity_python)
- [Linear RAPIDS/CuPy model](../examples/linear_cupy)
- [Linear RAPIDS/CuPy model Jupyter Notebook](../examples/linear_cupy_notebook)
- [Linear PyTorch model](../examples/identity_python)
- [Multi-Layer TensorFlow2](../examples/mlp_random_tensorflow2)
- [Multi Instance deployment for ResNet50 PyTorch model](../examples/multi_instance_resnet50_pytorch)
- [Multi Model deployment for Python models](../examples/multiple_models_python)
- [NeMo Megatron GPT model with multi-node support](../examples/nemo_megatron_gpt_multinode)
- [OPT JAX from HuggingFace with multi-node support](../examples/huggingface_opt_multinode_jax)
- [ResNet50 PyTorch from HuggingFace](../examples/huggingface_resnet_pytorch)
- [Stable Diffusion 1.5 from HuggingFace](../examples/huggingface_stable_diffusion)
- [Using custom HTTP/gRPC headers and parameters](../examples/use_parameters_and_headers)

## Profiling models

The [Perf Analyzer](https://github.com/triton-inference-server/client/blob/main/src/c++/perf_analyzer/README.md) can be
used to profile the models served through PyTriton. We have prepared an example of
using Perf Analyzer to profile BART PyTorch. See the example code in
the [GitHub repository](../examples/perf_analyzer).

## Kubernetes Deployment

The following examples contain a guide on how to deploy them on a Kubernetes cluster:

- [BART PyTorch from HuggingFace](../examples/huggingface_bart_pytorch)
- [OPT JAX from HuggingFace with multi-node support](../examples/huggingface_opt_multinode_jax)
- [NeMo Megatron GPT model with multi-node support](../examples/nemo_megatron_gpt_multinode)
- [ResNet50 PyTorch from HuggingFace](../examples/huggingface_resnet_pytorch)
- [Stable Diffusion 1.5 from HuggingFace](../examples/huggingface_stable_diffusion)