# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.2 FROM continuumio/miniconda3:24.1.2-0 USER root WORKDIR /app # Copy all repo files into /app COPY . /app # Run the torchserve setup script that replicates steps from the original torchserve/Dockerfile RUN chmod +x /app/torchserve_setup.sh && /app/torchserve_setup.sh # Install your package in editable mode RUN pip install -e . # IMPORTANT: Change ownership of /app to the non-root user (with UID 1000) # Hugging Face Spaces runs the container as a non-root user with UID 1000 by default. RUN chown -R 1000:1000 /app # Switch to the non-root user USER 1000 # Expose port 7860 for Gradio on Hugging Face Spaces EXPOSE 7860 # Run the Gradio app as the non-root user now that it has proper permissions CMD ["python", "app.py"]