import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import sys |
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) |
from project_tools import project_utils, project_config, numerapi_utils |
import warnings |
import plotly.express as px |
import json |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") |
from PIL import Image |
import plotly.express as px |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots |
from streamlit import caching |
import time |
import traceback |
import datetime |
st.set_page_config(layout='wide') |
get_benchmark_data = True |
def sidebar_data_picker(): |
st.sidebar.subheader('Model Data Picker') |
top_lb = st.sidebar.checkbox('top LB by corr', value=True) |
top_tp3m = st.sidebar.checkbox('most profitable 3 month', value=True) |
top_tp1y = st.sidebar.checkbox('most profitable 1 year', value=True) |
special_list = st.sidebar.checkbox('model from specific users', value=True) |
return top_lb, top_tp3m, top_tp1y, special_list |
def model_data_picker_bak(values = None): |
if values is None: |
values = [True, True, True, True, True, True] |
model_dict = {} |
st.sidebar.subheader('Model Data Picker') |
top_tp1y = st.sidebar.checkbox('most profitable 1 year', value=values[2]) |
special_list = st.sidebar.checkbox('model from specific users', value=values[3]) |
benchmark_list = st.sidebar.checkbox('benchmark models', value=values[4]) |
default_list = st.sidebar.checkbox('default models', value=values[5]) |
if top_tp1y: |
model_dict['top_1y'] = project_config.TP1Y |
if benchmark_list: |
model_dict['benchmark'] = project_config.BENCHMARK_MODELS |
if special_list: |
model_dict['iaai'] = project_config.IAAI_MODELS |
if default_list: |
model_dict['yx'] = project_config.MODEL_NAMES + project_config.NEW_MODEL_NAMES |
model_dict['mcv'] = project_config.MCV_MODELS + project_config.MCV_NEW_MODELS |
return model_dict |
def model_fast_picker_bak(models): |
text_content = ''' |
fast model picker by CSV string. |
example: "model1, model2, model3" |
''' |
text = st.sidebar.text_area(text_content) |
result_models = [] |
if len(text)>0: |
csv_parts = text.split(',') |
for s in csv_parts: |
m = s.strip() |
if m in models: |
result_models.append(m) |
return list(dict.fromkeys(result_models)) |
def default_model_picker(): |
picked_models = {} |
if os.path.isfile('default_models.json'): |
default_models_dict = project_utils.load_json('default_models.json') |
for key in default_models_dict.keys(): |
picked_models[key] = default_models_dict[key] |
if os.path.isfile('user_models.json'): |
user_models_dict = project_utils.load_json('user_models.json') |
for key in user_models_dict.keys(): |
picked_models[key] = user_models_dict[key] |
return picked_models |
def model_fast_picker(model_list): |
text_content = ''' |
fast model picker by CSV string. |
example: "model1, model2, model3" |
''' |
text = st.sidebar.text_area(text_content) |
result_models = [] |
if len(text)>0: |
csv_parts = text.split(',') |
for s in csv_parts: |
m = s.strip() |
if (m in model_list): |
result_models.append(m) |
return list(dict.fromkeys(result_models)) |
def generate_round_table(data, row_cts, c, r, sortcol='corrmmc'): |
latest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].max()) |
earliest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].min()) |
suggest_round = int(latest_round - (2*r+c)) |
select_round = row_cts[c].slider('select a round', earliest_round, latest_round, suggest_round, 1) |
round_data = data[data['roundNumber']==select_round].sort_values(by=sortcol, ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) |
round_resolved_time = round_data['roundResolveTime'][0] |
row_cts[c].write(f'round: {select_round} resolved time: {round_resolved_time}') |
row_cts[c].dataframe(round_data.drop(['roundNumber', 'roundResolveTime'], axis=1), height=max_table_height-100) |
def generate_dailyscore_metrics(data, row_cts, c, r): |
select_metric = row_cts[c].selectbox("", list(id_metric_opt.keys()), index=2*r+c, format_func=lambda x: id_metric_opt[x]) |
latest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].max()) |
earliest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].min()) |
score = id_metric_score_dic[select_metric] |
df = project_utils.calculate_rounddailysharpe_dashboard(data, latest_round, earliest_round, score).sort_values(by='sos', ascending=False) |
row_cts[c].dataframe(df, height=max_table_height-100) |
pass |
def get_roundmetric_data(data): |
numfeats1 = ['corr', 'mmc', 'tc', 'corrmmc', 'corrtc', 'fncV3', 'fncV3_pct'] |
stat1 = ['sum', 'mean', 'count', |
{'sharpe': project_utils.get_array_sharpe}] |
numfeats2 = ['corr_pct', 'mmc_pct', 'tc_pct','corrtc_avg_pct', 'corrmmc_avg_pct'] |
stat2 = ['mean'] |
roundmetric_agg_rcp = [ |
[['model'], numfeats1, stat1], |
[['model'], numfeats2, stat2] |
] |
res = project_utils.groupby_agg_execution(roundmetric_agg_rcp, data)['model'] |
rename_dict = {} |
for c in res.columns.tolist(): |
if c != 'model': |
rename_dict[c] = c[6:] |
res.rename(columns = rename_dict, inplace=True) |
return res |
def generate_round_metrics(data, row_cts, c, r): |
select_metric = row_cts[c].selectbox("", list(roundmetric_opt.keys()), index=2*r+c, format_func=lambda x: roundmetric_opt[x]) |
cols = ['model'] |
for col in data.columns.tolist(): |
if select_metric =='corrmmc': |
if (f'{select_metric}_' in col) or ('corrmmc_avg_' in col): |
cols += [col] |
elif select_metric =='corrtc': |
if (f'{select_metric}_' in col) or ('corrtc_avg_' in col): |
cols += [col] |
else: |
if (f'{select_metric}_' in col): |
cols+= [col] |
if select_metric != 'pct': |
sort_col = select_metric+'_sharpe' |
else: |
sort_col = 'corr_pct_mean' |
view_data = data[cols].sort_values(by=sort_col, ascending=False) |
row_cts[c].dataframe(view_data) |
pass |
def dailyscore_chart(data, row_cts, c, r, select_metric): |
latest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].max()) |
earliest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].min()) |
suggest_round = int(latest_round - (2*r+c)) |
select_round = row_cts[c].slider('select a round', earliest_round, latest_round, suggest_round, 1) |
data = data[data['roundNumber']==select_round] |
if len(data)>0: |
fig = chart_pxline(data, 'date', y=select_metric, color='model', hover_data=list(histtrend_opt.keys())) |
row_cts[c].plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
else: |
row_cts[c].info('no data was found for the selected round') |
pass |
def generate_live_round_stake(data, row_cts, c, r): |
latest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].max()) |
select_round = int(latest_round - (2*r+c)) |
select_data = data[data['roundNumber']==select_round].reset_index(drop=True) |
if len(select_data)>0: |
payout_sum = select_data['payout'].sum().round(3) |
stake_sum = select_data['stake'].sum().round(3) |
if payout_sum >= 0: |
payout_color = 'green' |
else: |
payout_color = 'red' |
space = ' '*5 |
content_str = f'#### Round: {select_round}{space}Stake: {stake_sum}{space}Payout: <span style="color:{payout_color}">{payout_sum}</span> NMR' |
row_cts[c].markdown(content_str, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
select_data = select_data.drop(['roundNumber'], axis=1).sort_values(by='payout', ascending=False) |
row_cts[c].dataframe(select_data, height=max_table_height-100) |
def round_view(data, select_perview, select_metric=None): |
num_cols = 2 |
num_rows = 2 |
for r in range(num_rows): |
row_cts = st.columns(num_cols) |
for c in range(num_cols): |
if select_perview=='round_result': |
generate_round_table(data, row_cts, c, r) |
if select_perview=='dailyscore_metric': |
generate_dailyscore_metrics(data, row_cts, c, r) |
if select_perview=='metric_view': |
generate_round_metrics(data, row_cts, c, r) |
if select_perview=='dailyscore_chart': |
dailyscore_chart(data, row_cts, c, r, select_metric) |
if select_perview=='live_round_stake': |
generate_live_round_stake(data, row_cts, c, r) |
def score_overview(): |
if 'model_data' in st.session_state: |
data = st.session_state['model_data'].copy() |
data = data.drop_duplicates(['model', 'roundNumber'], keep='first') |
roundview = st.expander('round performance overview', expanded=True) |
with roundview: |
round_view(data, 'round_result') |
else: |
st.write('model data missing, please go to the Dowanload Score Data section to download model data first') |
def metric_overview(): |
if 'model_data' in st.session_state: |
data = st.session_state['model_data'].copy() |
st.subheader('Select Round Data') |
latest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].max()) |
earliest_round = int(data['roundNumber'].min()) |
if (latest_round - earliest_round) > 10: |
suggest_round = 280 |
else: |
suggest_round = earliest_round |
select_rounds = st.slider('select a round', earliest_round, latest_round, (suggest_round, latest_round - 1), 1) |
data=data.drop_duplicates(['model', 'roundNumber'], keep='first') |
data = data[(data['roundNumber'] >= select_rounds[0]) & (data['roundNumber'] <= select_rounds[1])].reset_index(drop=True) |
roundmetrics_data = get_roundmetric_data(data) |
min_count = int(roundmetrics_data['count'].min()) |
max_count = int(roundmetrics_data['count'].max()) |
if min_count < max_count: |
select_minround = st.sidebar.slider('miminum number of rounds', min_count, max_count, min_count, 1) |
else: |
select_minround = min_count |
roundmetrics_data = roundmetrics_data[roundmetrics_data['count'] >= select_minround].reset_index(drop=True) |
metricview_exp = st.expander('metric overview', expanded=True) |
dataview_exp = st.expander('full data view', expanded=False) |
with metricview_exp: |
round_view(roundmetrics_data, 'metric_view') |
with dataview_exp: |
st.write(roundmetrics_data) |
else: |
st.write('model data missing, please go to the Dowanload Score Data section to download model data first') |
def data_operation(): |
full_model_list = st.session_state['models'] |
latest_round = project_utils.latest_round |
models = [] |
benchmark_opt = st.sidebar.checkbox('download default models', value=True) |
if benchmark_opt: |
model_dict = default_model_picker() |
for k in model_dict.keys(): |
models += model_dict[k] |
models = models + model_fast_picker(full_model_list) |
if len(models)>0: |
model_selection = st.multiselect('select models', st.session_state['models'], default=models) |
suggest_min_round = 182 |
min_round, max_round = st.slider('select tournament rounds', 200, latest_round, (suggest_min_round, latest_round), 1) |
roundlist = [i for i in range(max_round, min_round-1, -1)] |
download = st.button('download data of selected models') |
st.sidebar.subheader('configuration') |
show_info=st.sidebar.checkbox('show background data', value=False) |
model_df = get_saved_data() |
if download and len(model_selection)>0: |
with st.spinner('downloading model round results'): |
model_df = [] |
model_df = download_model_round_result(model_selection, roundlist, show_info) |
prjreload = st.sidebar.button('reload config') |
if prjreload: |
project_utils.reload_project() |
if len(model_df)>0: |
rename_dict = {'corrPercentile': 'corr_pct', 'correlation':'corr', 'corrWMetamodel':'corr_meta', 'mmcPercentile':'mmc_pct', 'tcPercentile':'tc_pct', 'fncV3Percentile':'fncV3_pct'} |
model_df.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True) |
model_df['corrmmc'] = model_df['corr'] + model_df['mmc'] |
model_df['corrmmc_avg_pct'] = (model_df['corr_pct'] + model_df['mmc_pct'])/2 |
model_df['corrtc'] = model_df['corr'] + model_df['tc'] |
model_df['corrtc_avg_pct'] = (model_df['corr_pct'] + model_df['tc_pct'])/2 |
ord_cols = ['model','corr', 'tc', 'corrtc', 'corr_pct', 'tc_pct', 'corrtc_avg_pct','corr_meta', 'fncV3', 'fncV3_pct','corrmmc_avg_pct', 'roundNumber', 'roundResolveTime', 'mmc', 'corrmmc','mmc_pct'] |
model_df = model_df[ord_cols] |
if project_config.SAVE_LOCAL_COPY: |
try: |
project_utils.pickle_data(project_config.MODEL_ROUND_RESULT_FILE, model_df) |
except: |
pass |
st.session_state['model_data'] = model_df |
if show_info: |
st.text('list of models being tracked') |
st.write(model_dict) |
try: |
dshape = st.session_state['model_data'].shape |
st.write(f'downloaded model result data shape is {dshape}') |
st.write(model_df) |
except: |
st.write('model data was not retrieved') |
if len(model_df)>0: |
get_performance_data_status(model_df) |
return None |
def get_saved_data(): |
res = [] |
if os.path.isfile(project_config.MODEL_ROUND_RESULT_FILE): |
res = project_utils.load_data(project_config.MODEL_ROUND_RESULT_FILE) |
st.session_state['model_data'] = res |
return res |
def get_performance_data_status(df): |
st.sidebar.subheader('model data summary') |
model_num = df['model'].nunique() |
round_num = df['roundNumber'].nunique() |
latest_round = df['roundNumber'].max() |
st.sidebar.text(f'number of models: {model_num}') |
st.sidebar.text(f'number of rounds: {round_num}') |
st.sidebar.text(f'latest round: {latest_round}') |
return None |
def download_model_round_result(models, roundlist, show_info): |
model_df = [] |
model_dfs = [] |
my_bar = st.progress(0.0) |
my_bar.progress(0.0) |
percent_complete = 0.0 |
for i in range(len(models)): |
message = '' |
try: |
model_res = numerapi_utils.daily_submissions_performances_V3(models[i]) |
if len(model_res) > 0: |
cols = ['model'] + list(model_res[0].keys()) |
model_df = pd.DataFrame(model_res) |
model_df['model'] = models[i] |
model_df = model_df[cols] |
model_dfs.append(model_df) |
else: |
message = f'no result found for model {models[i]}' |
except Exception: |
except_msg = traceback.format_exc() |
message = f'error while getting result for {models[i]}: {except_msg}' |
if show_info and len(message) > 0: |
st.info(message) |
percent_complete += 1 / len(models) |
if i == len(models) - 1: |
percent_complete = 1.0 |
time.sleep(0.1) |
my_bar.progress(percent_complete) |
model_df = pd.concat(model_dfs, axis=0).sort_values(by=['roundNumber'], ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) |
model_df['roundResolveTime'] = pd.to_datetime(model_df['roundResolveTime']) |
model_df['roundResolveTime'] = model_df['roundResolveTime'].dt.strftime(project_config.DATETIME_FORMAT3) |
model_df = model_df[model_df['roundNumber'].isin(roundlist)].reset_index(drop=True) |
return model_df |
def chart_pxline(data, x, y, color, hover_data=None, x_range=None): |
fig = px.line(data, x=x, y=y, color=color, hover_data=hover_data) |
fig.update_layout(plot_bgcolor='black', paper_bgcolor='black', font_color='white', height = max_height, margin=dict(l=0, r=10, t=20, b=20)) |
fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False, range=x_range) |
fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor='grey') |
return fig |
def roundresult_chart(data, model_selection): |
round_data = data[data['model'].isin(model_selection)].drop_duplicates(['model', 'roundNumber'], keep='first').reset_index(drop=True) |
min_round = int(round_data['roundNumber'].min()) |
max_round = int(round_data['roundNumber'].max()) |
suggest_min_round = max_round - 20 |
if min_round == max_round: |
min_round = max_round - 20 |
min_selectround, max_selectround = st.slider('select plotting round range', min_round, max_round, |
(suggest_min_round, max_round), 1) |
select_metric = st.selectbox('Choose a metric', list(histtrend_opt.keys()), index=0, |
format_func=lambda x: histtrend_opt[x]) |
round_range = [min_selectround, max_selectround] |
round_list = [r for r in range(min_selectround, max_selectround + 1)] |
round_data = round_data[round_data['roundNumber'].isin(round_list)] |
mean_df = round_data.groupby(['model'])[select_metric].agg('mean').reset_index() |
mean_df[f'model avg.'] = mean_df['model'] + ': ' + mean_df[select_metric].round(5).astype(str) |
mean_df['mean'] = mean_df[select_metric] |
merge_cols = ['model', 'model avg.', 'mean'] |
round_data = round_data.merge(right=mean_df[merge_cols], on='model', how='left').sort_values(by=['mean','model', 'roundNumber'], ascending=False) |
fig = chart_pxline(round_data, 'roundNumber', y=select_metric, color='model avg.', hover_data=list(histtrend_opt.keys())+['roundResolveTime'],x_range=round_range) |
if fig is not None: |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
def histtrend(): |
data = st.session_state['model_data'].copy() |
models = data['model'].unique().tolist() |
model_selection = [] |
default_models = model_fast_picker(models) |
if len(models)>0: |
if len(default_models)==0: |
default_models = [models[0]] |
model_selection = st.sidebar.multiselect('select models for chart', models, default=default_models) |
if len(model_selection)>0: |
roundresult_chart(data, model_selection) |
else: |
if len(model_selection)==0: |
st.info('please select some models from the dropdown list') |
else: |
st.info('model result data file missing, or no model is selected') |
def model_evaluation(): |
data = st.session_state['model_data'].copy() |
models = data['model'].unique().tolist() |
model_selection = [] |
default_models = model_fast_picker(models) |
mean_scale = [-0.05, 0.1] |
count_scale = [1, 50] |
sharpe_scale = [-0.2, 2] |
pct_scale = [0, 1] |
radar_scale = [0, 5] |
if len(models)>0: |
if len(default_models)==0: |
default_models = [models[0]] |
model_selection = st.sidebar.multiselect('select models for chart', models, default=default_models) |
if len(model_selection)>0: |
round_data = data[data['model'].isin(model_selection)].drop_duplicates(['model', 'roundNumber'],keep='first').reset_index(drop=True) |
min_round = int(round_data['roundNumber'].min()) |
max_round = int(round_data['roundNumber'].max()) |
suggest_min_round = max_round - 20 |
if min_round == max_round: |
min_round = max_round - 20 |
min_selectround, max_selectround = st.slider('select plotting round range', min_round, max_round, |
(suggest_min_round, max_round), 1) |
round_list = [r for r in range(min_selectround, max_selectround+1)] |
defaultlist = ['corr_sharpe', 'tc_sharpe', 'corrtc_sharpe', 'corr_mean', 'tc_mean', 'corrtc_mean', 'corrtc_avg_pct_mean'] |
select_metrics = st.multiselect('Metric Selection', list(model_eval_opt.keys()), |
format_func=lambda x: model_eval_opt[x], default=defaultlist) |
round_data = round_data[round_data['roundNumber'].isin(round_list)].reset_index(drop=True) |
roundmetric_df = get_roundmetric_data(round_data).sort_values(by='corrtc_sharpe', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) |
radarmetric_df = roundmetric_df.copy(deep=True) |
for col in select_metrics: |
if 'mean' in col: |
use_scale = mean_scale |
if 'sharpe' in col: |
use_scale = sharpe_scale |
if 'pct' in col: |
use_scale = pct_scale |
if 'count' in col: |
use_scale = count_scale |
radarmetric_df[col] = radarmetric_df[col].apply(lambda x: project_utils.rescale(x, use_scale, radar_scale)) |
select_metrics_name = [model_eval_opt[i] for i in select_metrics] |
radarmetric_df.rename(columns=model_eval_opt, inplace=True) |
roundmetric_df.rename(columns=model_eval_opt, inplace=True) |
fig = go.Figure() |
for i in range(len(radarmetric_df)): |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatterpolar( |
r=radarmetric_df.loc[i, select_metrics_name].values, |
theta=select_metrics_name, |
fill='toself', |
name=radarmetric_df['model'].values[i] |
)) |
fig.update_polars( |
radialaxis=dict(visible=True, autorange=False, |
range=[0,5]) |
) |
fig.update_layout(plot_bgcolor='black', paper_bgcolor='black', font_color='aliceblue', |
height=max_height+100, |
margin=dict(l=0, r=10, t=20, b=20), showlegend=True) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
st.text('Calculated Metrics') |
st.dataframe(roundmetric_df[['model'] + select_metrics_name], height=max_table_height) |
st.text('Rescaled Metrics on Chart') |
st.dataframe(radarmetric_df[['model'] + select_metrics_name], height=max_table_height) |
def get_portfolio_overview(models, onlylatest=True): |
res_df = [] |
my_bar = st.progress(0.0) |
my_bar.progress(0.0) |
percent_complete = 0.0 |
for i in range(len(models)): |
m = models[i] |
try: |
if onlylatest: |
mdf = numerapi_utils.get_model_history_v3(m).loc[0:0] |
else: |
mdf = numerapi_utils.get_model_history_v3(m) |
res_df.append(mdf) |
except: |
pass |
percent_complete += 1 / len(models) |
if i == len(models) - 1: |
percent_complete = 1.0 |
time.sleep(0.1) |
my_bar.progress(percent_complete) |
try: |
res_df = pd.concat(res_df, axis=0) |
res_df['profitability'] = res_df['realised_pl']/(res_df['current_stake']-res_df['realised_pl']) |
cols = ['model', 'date', 'current_stake', 'floating_stake', 'floating_pl', 'realised_pl', 'profitability', 'roundNumber', 'roundResolved', 'payout'] |
if onlylatest: |
res_df = res_df.sort_values(by='floating_pl', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) |
return res_df[cols] |
else: |
return res_df[cols] |
except: |
return [] |
def get_stake_type(corr, mmc): |
if mmc>0: |
res = str(int(corr)) + 'xCORR ' + str(int(mmc)) +'xMMC' |
else: |
res = '1xCORR' |
return res |
@st.cache(suppress_st_warning=True) |
def get_stake_by_liverounds(models): |
latest_round_id = int(project_utils.get_latest_round_id()) |
roundlist = [i for i in range(latest_round_id, latest_round_id - 5, -1)] |
res = [] |
my_bar = st.progress(0.0) |
my_bar.progress(0.0) |
percent_complete = 0.0 |
percent_part = 0 |
for r in roundlist: |
for m in models: |
percent_complete += 1 / (len(models)*len(roundlist)) |
try: |
data = numerapi_utils.get_round_model_performance(r, m) |
res.append(data) |
except: |
pass |
if percent_part == (len(models)*len(roundlist)) - 1: |
percent_complete = 1.0 |
time.sleep(0.1) |
my_bar.progress(percent_complete) |
percent_part +=1 |
res_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(res).fillna(0) |
res_df['payoutPending'] = res_df['payoutPending'].astype(np.float64) |
res_df['selectedStakeValue'] = res_df['selectedStakeValue'].astype(np.float64) |
res_df['stake_type'] = res_df.apply(lambda x: get_stake_type(x['corrMultiplier'], x['mmcMultiplier']),axis=1) |
rename_dict = {'selectedStakeValue': 'stake', 'payoutPending': 'payout', 'correlation':'corr'} |
res_df = res_df.rename(columns=rename_dict) |
col_ord = ['model', 'roundNumber', 'stake', 'payout', 'stake_type', 'corr', 'mmc'] |
return res_df[col_ord] |
def get_stake_graph(data): |
numfeats = ['current_stake', 'floating_stake', 'floating_pl', 'realised_pl'] |
stat1 = ['sum'] |
agg_rcp = [[['date'], numfeats, stat1]] |
select_opt = st.selectbox('Select Time Span', list(stakeoverview_plot_opt.keys()), index=1, format_func=lambda x: stakeoverview_plot_opt[x]) |
res = project_utils.groupby_agg_execution(agg_rcp, data)['date'] |
w5delta = datetime.timedelta(weeks=5) |
w13delta = datetime.timedelta(weeks=13) |
date_w5delta = res['date'].max() - w5delta |
date_w13delta = res['date'].max() - w13delta |
y1delta = datetime.timedelta(weeks=52) |
date_y1delta = res['date'].max() - y1delta |
rename_dict = {'date_current_stake_sum': 'total_stake', 'date_floating_stake_sum': 'floating_stake', |
'date_floating_pl_sum': 'floating_pl', 'date_realised_pl_sum': 'realised_pl'} |
res = res.rename(columns=rename_dict) |
if select_opt == '1month': |
res = res[res['date']>date_w5delta] |
elif select_opt=='3month': |
res = res[res['date']>date_w13delta] |
elif select_opt=='1year': |
res = res[res['date']>date_y1delta] |
else: |
pass |
fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) |
fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=res['date'], y=res['floating_stake'], name="floating_stake"), secondary_y=False,) |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=res['date'], y=res['total_stake'], name="total_stake"),secondary_y=False,) |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=res['date'], y=res['realised_pl'], name="realised_pl"),secondary_y=True,) |
fig.update_layout(plot_bgcolor='black', paper_bgcolor='black', font_color='white') |
fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False, range=None, nticks=30) |
fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor='grey', title_text="total stake/floating stake/realised PL", secondary_y=False) |
fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=False, title_text="realised PL", zeroline=False,secondary_y=True) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
def check_session_state(key): |
if key in st.session_state: |
return st.session_state[key] |
else: |
return None |
def stake_overview(): |
models = st.session_state['models'].copy() |
model_selection = [] |
baseline_models = [] |
model_dict = default_model_picker() |
for k in model_dict.keys(): |
baseline_models += model_dict[k] |
default_models = model_fast_picker(models) |
if len(models)>0: |
model_selection = st.sidebar.multiselect('select models for chart', models, default=default_models) |
redownload_data = False |
if len(model_selection) > 0: |
if 'stake_df' not in st.session_state: |
redownload_data = True |
else: |
if set(model_selection)!=st.session_state['stake_overview_models']: |
redownload_data = True |
else: |
ovdf = st.session_state['stake_df'] |
if redownload_data: |
ovdf = get_portfolio_overview(model_selection, onlylatest=False) |
st.session_state['stake_df'] = ovdf |
st.session_state['stake_overview_models'] = set(ovdf['model'].unique().tolist()) |
chartdf = ovdf.copy(deep=True) |
ovdf = ovdf.drop_duplicates('model', keep='first') |
ovdf = ovdf.sort_values(by='floating_pl', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) |
if len(ovdf) > 0: |
overview_cols = ['model', 'current_stake', 'floating_stake', 'floating_pl', 'realised_pl'] |
date_text = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(project_config.DATETIME_FORMAT3) |
ovdf.drop(['date'], axis=1, inplace=True) |
stake_cts = st.columns(2) |
pl_cts = st.columns(2) |
date_label = st.empty() |
get_stake_graph(chartdf) |
ovdf_exp = st.expander('stake data overview', expanded=True) |
with ovdf_exp: |
st.dataframe(ovdf[overview_cols], height=max_table_height) |
total_current_stake = round(ovdf['current_stake'].sum(), 3) |
total_floating_stake = round(ovdf['floating_stake'].sum(), 3) |
rpl = round(ovdf['realised_pl'].sum(), 3) |
fpl = round(ovdf['floating_pl'].sum(), 3) |
current_stake_str = f'### Stake Balance: {total_current_stake:0.3f} NMR' |
float_stake_str = f'### Floating Balance: {total_floating_stake:0.3f} NMR' |
if rpl >= 0: |
real_pl_color = 'green' |
else: |
real_pl_color = 'red' |
if fpl >= 0: |
float_pl_color = 'green' |
else: |
float_pl_color = 'red' |
real_pl_str = f'### Realised P/L: <span style="color:{real_pl_color}">{rpl}</span> NMR' |
float_pl_str = f'### Floating P/L: <span style="color:{float_pl_color}">{fpl}</span> NMR' |
stake_cts[0].markdown(current_stake_str, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
stake_cts[1].markdown(float_stake_str, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
pl_cts[0].markdown(real_pl_str, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
pl_cts[1].markdown(float_pl_str, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
date_label.subheader(f'Date: {date_text}') |
if st.sidebar.checkbox('show breakdown by live rounds', value=False): |
liveround_exp = st.expander('show breakdown by live rounds (requires extra data downloading)',expanded=True) |
with liveround_exp: |
stake_models = ovdf['model'].tolist() |
liveround_stake_df = get_stake_by_liverounds(stake_models) |
round_view(liveround_stake_df,'live_round_stake') |
if st.sidebar.checkbox('show resolved round summary', value=False): |
resolvedround_exp = st.expander('show resolved rounds summary for selected model group', expanded=True) |
with resolvedround_exp: |
get_roundresolve_history(chartdf) |
def get_roundresolve_history(data): |
resolved_rounds = data[data['roundResolved'] == True]['roundNumber'].unique().tolist() |
rsdf = data[data['roundResolved'] == True].reset_index(drop=True) |
rs_date = rsdf[['date', 'roundNumber']].drop_duplicates('roundNumber').reset_index(drop=True) |
numfeats = ['current_stake', 'payout'] |
stat1 = ['sum'] |
agg_rcp = [[['roundNumber'], numfeats, stat1]] |
res = project_utils.groupby_agg_execution(agg_rcp, rsdf)['roundNumber'].sort_values(by='roundNumber', |
ascending=False) |
res = res.merge(right=rs_date, on='roundNumber') |
rename_dict = {'roundNumber': 'Round', 'roundNumber_current_stake_sum': 'Total Stake', |
'roundNumber_payout_sum': 'Round P/L', 'date': 'Resolved Date'} |
res.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True) |
st.write(res) |
def app_setting(): |
pfm_exp = st.expander('Perormance Data Setting', expanded=True) |
with pfm_exp: |
pfm_default_model= st.checkbox('download data for default model', value=True) |
stake_exp = st.expander('stake overview data setting', expanded=True) |
if st.button('confirm settiong'): |
st.session_state['pfm_default_model'] = pfm_default_model |
def performance_overview(): |
select_app = st.sidebar.selectbox("", list(pfm_opt.keys()), index=0, format_func=lambda x: pfm_opt[x]) |
if select_app=='data_op': |
data_operation() |
if select_app=='liveround_view': |
score_overview() |
if select_app=='metric_view': |
metric_overview() |
if select_app=='historic_trend': |
histtrend() |
if select_app=='model_evaluation': |
model_evaluation() |
def show_content(): |
st.sidebar.header('Dashboard Selection') |
select_app = st.sidebar.selectbox("", list(app_opt.keys()), index=1, format_func=lambda x: app_opt[x]) |
if select_app=='performance_overview': |
performance_overview() |
if select_app=='stake_overview': |
stake_overview() |
if select_app=='app_setting': |
app_setting() |
app_opt = { |
'performance_overview' : 'Performance Overview', |
'stake_overview': 'Stake Overview', |
} |
pfm_opt = { |
'data_op': 'Download Score Data', |
'liveround_view': 'Round Overview', |
'metric_view':'Metric Overview', |
'historic_trend': 'Historic Trend', |
'model_evaluation': 'Model Evaluation', |
} |
tbl_opt = { |
'round_result':'Round Results', |
'dailyscore_metric':'Daily Score Metrics', |
'round_metric' : 'Round Metrics' |
} |
id_metric_opt = { |
'id_corr_sharpe':'Daily Score corr sharpe', |
'id_mmc_sharpe': 'Daily Score mmc sharpe', |
'id_corrmmc_sharpe': 'Daily Score corrmmc sharpe', |
'id_corr2mmc_sharpe': 'Daily Score corr2mmc sharpe', |
'id_corrmmcpct_sharpe': 'Daily Score corrmmc avg pct sharpe', |
'id_corr2mmcpct_sharpe': 'Daily Score corr2mmc avg pct sharpe', |
'id_corrpct_sharpe':'Daily Score corr pct sharpe', |
'id_mmcpct_sharpe': 'Daily Score mmc pct sharpe', |
} |
id_metric_score_dic = { |
'id_corr_sharpe':'corr', |
'id_mmc_sharpe': 'mmc', |
'id_corrmmc_sharpe': 'corrmmc', |
'id_corr2mmc_sharpe': 'corr2mmc', |
'id_corrmmcpct_sharpe': 'cmavg_pct', |
'id_corr2mmcpct_sharpe': 'c2mavg_pct', |
'id_corrpct_sharpe':'corr_pct', |
'id_mmcpct_sharpe': 'mmc_pct' |
} |
roundmetric_opt ={'corr':'Corr metrics', |
'tc': 'TC metrics', |
'corrtc': 'CorrTC metrics', |
'fncV3': 'FNCV3 metrics', |
'pct': 'Pecentage metrics', |
'corrmmc' : 'CorrMMC metrics', |
'mmc': 'MMC metrics' |
} |
histtrend_opt = { |
'corr':'Correlation', |
'mmc': 'MMC', |
'tc' : 'TC', |
'corr_pct': 'Correlation Percentile', |
'tc_pct' : 'TC Percentile', |
'mmc_pct':'MMC Percentile', |
'corrmmc': 'Correlation+MMC', |
'corrtc': 'Correlation+TC', |
'corrtc_avg_pct': 'Correlation+TC Average Percentile', |
'corrmmc_avg_pct': 'Correlation+MMC Average Percentile', |
} |
model_eval_opt = { |
'corr_sharpe' : 'Correlation Sharpe', |
'mmc_sharpe' : 'MMC Sharpe', |
'tc_sharpe' : 'TC Sharpe', |
'corrtc_sharpe': 'Correlation+TC Sharpe', |
'corrmmc_sharpe' : 'Correlation+MMC Sharpe', |
'corr_mean':'Avg. Correlation', |
'tc_mean': 'Avg. TC', |
'count': 'Number of Rounds', |
'mmc_mean':'Avg. MMC', |
'corrtc_mean': 'Avg. Correlation+TC', |
'corrmmc_mean': 'Avg. Correlation+MMC', |
'corr_pct_mean': 'Avg. Correlation Percentile', |
'mmc_pct_mean': 'Avg. MMC Percentile', |
'corrmmc_avg_pct_mean': 'Avg. Correlation+MMC Percentile', |
'corrtc_avg_pct_mean': 'Avg. Correlation+TC Percentile', |
} |
stakeoverview_plot_opt = { |
'1month':'1 Month', |
'3month':'3 Months', |
'1year':'1 Year', |
'all':'Display all available data' |
} |
def show_session_status_info(): |
key1 = 'model_data' |
key2 = 'models' |
if check_session_state(key1) is None: |
st.write(f'{key1} is None') |
else: |
st.write(f'{key1} shape is {st.session_state[key1].shape}') |
if check_session_state(key2) is None: |
st.write(f'{key2} is None') |
else: |
st.write(f'{key2} list has {len(st.session_state[key2])} models') |
pass |
project_utils.reload_project() |
height_exp = st.sidebar.expander('Plots and tables setting', expanded=False) |
with height_exp: |
max_height = st.slider('Please choose the height for plots', 100, 1000, 400, 50) |
max_table_height = st.slider('Please choose the height for tables', 100, 1000, 500, 50) |
st.title('Numerai Dashboard') |
df = get_saved_data() |
if check_session_state('models') is None: |
with st.spinner('updating model list'): |
st.session_state['models'] = numerapi_utils.get_lb_models() |
show_content() |