import os import subprocess from datetime import datetime import gradio as gr # 自動檢查並安裝必要的套件 def install_and_import(package): try: __import__(package) except ImportError: subprocess.check_call(["pip", "install", package]) # 安裝依賴 install_and_import("notion-client") install_and_import("gradio") install_and_import("groq") from notion_client import Client from groq import Groq # 從環境變數中提取 Notion API Key 和資料庫 ID NOTION_API_KEY = os.getenv("NOTION_API_KEY") NOTION_DB_ID = os.getenv("NOTION_DB_ID") if not NOTION_API_KEY or not NOTION_DB_ID: raise ValueError("請設置 NOTION_API_KEY 和 NOTION_DB_ID 環境變數!") # 初始化 Notion 客戶端 notion = Client(auth=NOTION_API_KEY) # 設定 Groq 的 API Key groq_key = os.getenv("groq_key") if not groq_key: raise ValueError("groq_key 環境變數未設置!") client = Groq(api_key=groq_key) # 定義 Chatbot 類 class SimpleChatBot: def __init__(self): self.initial_prompt = [ { "role": "system", "content": "你是一個英文老師,會教我背單字,並用蘇格拉底問答引導我,引導時請用繁體中文 zhTW" } ] def get_response(self, message, chat_history): messages = self.initial_prompt + chat_history messages.append({"role": "user", "content": message}) # 使用 groq 的 chat.completions API 生成回應 completion = model="llama3-8b-8192", messages=messages, temperature=1, max_tokens=1024, top_p=1, stream=False, ) # 修正:正確提取 completion 的內容 response_content = completion.choices[0].message.content return response_content chatbot = SimpleChatBot() # 記錄聊天內容到 Notion 資料庫 def log_to_notion(user_name, user_message, bot_response): try: timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") notion.pages.create( parent={"database_id": NOTION_DB_ID}, properties={ "Timestamp": {"date": {"start": timestamp}}, "Name": {"title": [{"text": {"content": user_name or "Anonymous"}}]}, "User Input": {"rich_text": [{"text": {"content": user_message}}]}, "Bot Response": {"rich_text": [{"text": {"content": bot_response}}]}, }, ) print("Logged to Notion successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error logging to Notion: {e}") # 定義回應邏輯 def respond(user_name, message, chat_history): chat_history = [{"role": entry["role"], "content": entry["content"]} for entry in chat_history] response = chatbot.get_response(message, chat_history) chat_history.append({"role": "user", "content": message}) chat_history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response}) # 記錄到 Notion log_to_notion(user_name, message, response) return chat_history, "", "" # 建立 Gradio 界面 with gr.Blocks(title="簡單的Gradio聊天機器人") as demo: gr.Markdown("# 簡單的Gradio聊天機器人") chatbot_interface = gr.Chatbot(type="messages") with gr.Row(): user_name = gr.Textbox(placeholder="輸入你的名字(可空白)", label="你的名字") user_input = gr.Textbox(placeholder="輸入訊息...", label="你的訊息") send_button = gr.Button("發送") respond, inputs=[user_name, user_input, chatbot_interface], outputs=[chatbot_interface, user_name, user_input] ) demo.launch(share=True)