import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from dtaidistance import dtw from easy_ViTPose.inference import VitInference import os import requests from pathlib import Path from datetime import timedelta from scipy.signal import savgol_filter from scipy.stats import mstats def predict_keypoints_vitpose( video_path, model_path, model_name, detector_path, display_video=False ): model = VitInference( model=model_path, yolo=detector_path, model_name=model_name, det_class=None, dataset=None, yolo_size=320, is_video=False, single_pose=False, yolo_step=1 ) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) detection_results = [] while True: ret, frame = if not ret: print(f"Keypoints were extracted from {video_path}") break frame = cv2.resize(frame, (1280, 720)) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) frame_keypoints = model.inference(frame) if 0 in frame_keypoints: detection_results.append(frame_keypoints[0]) if display_video: frame = model.draw(False, False, 0.5)[..., ::-1] if display_video: cv2.imshow('preview', frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break if display_video: cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return np.array(detection_results) def get_point_list_vitpose(detection_results): return np.array(detection_results)[:, :, :-1] def get_edge_groups(connections): all_pairs = [] for i in range(len(connections)): pairs = [] init_con = connections[i] for k in range(len(connections)): if k == i: pass candidat_con = connections[k] point_1_init, point_2_init = init_con point_1_candidat, point_2_candidat = candidat_con if point_1_candidat == point_1_init or point_1_candidat == point_2_init or point_2_candidat == point_1_init or point_2_candidat == point_2_init: pairs.append([init_con, candidat_con]) all_pairs.append(pairs) all_point_for_edges = [] for set_of_pairs in all_pairs: clean_pairs = [] for pair in set_of_pairs: pair_a = pair[0] pair_b = pair[1] if len(list(set(pair_a + pair_b))) == 3: center = int(list(set(pair_a) & set(pair_b))[0]) edges = list(set(pair_a) ^ set(pair_b)) points_for_edge = [edges[0], center, edges[1]] clean_pairs.append(points_for_edge) all_point_for_edges.extend(clean_pairs) unique_set = set() unique_list = [] for sublist in all_point_for_edges: sublist_tuple = tuple(sublist) if sublist_tuple not in unique_set: unique_set.add(sublist_tuple) unique_list.append(sublist) unique_list.sort() return unique_list def calculate_angle(A, B, C): A = np.round(np.array(A), decimals=3) B = np.round(np.array(B), decimals=3) C = np.round(np.array(C), decimals=3) BA = A - B BC = C - B cosine_angle =, BC) / ((np.linalg.norm(BA) * np.linalg.norm(BC))) cosine_angle = np.clip(cosine_angle, -1, 1) angle = np.arccos(cosine_angle) if np.isnan(angle): print(f"Invalid angle calculation.\n{A} \n{B} \n{C}") minimum = np.min(np.array((np.linalg.norm(BA), np.linalg.norm(BC)))) return np.degrees(angle), minimum def compute_all_angels(keypoints, edge_groups): all_angles = [] for group in edge_groups: A = keypoints[group[0]] B = keypoints[group[1]] C = keypoints[group[2]] angle, minimum = calculate_angle(A, B, C) all_angles.append([angle, minimum]) return np.array(all_angles) def xy2phi(points_result, connections): edge_groups = get_edge_groups(connections) new_array = np.zeros((points_result.shape[0], len(edge_groups), 1)) for idx, frame in enumerate(points_result): all_angels = compute_all_angels(keypoints=frame, edge_groups=edge_groups)[:, 0] new_array[idx, :, :] = all_angels.reshape((len(edge_groups), 1)) return new_array def get_series(point_list, edge_groups): list_of_series = [] for edge_group in edge_groups: keypoint_1, keypoint_2, keypoint_3 = edge_group relevant_point_list = point_list[:, (keypoint_1, keypoint_2, keypoint_3), :] series = [] for frame in relevant_point_list: angle, _ = calculate_angle(frame[0, :], frame[1, :], frame[2, :]) series.append(angle) list_of_series.append(series) return np.array(list_of_series) def plot_serieses(series_1, series_2): plt.figure(dpi=150, figsize=(12, 5)) plt.plot(series_1, label='Video #1', lw=1) plt.plot(series_2, label='Video #2', lw=1) plt.axis("on") plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel("frames") plt.ylabel("angles") plt.legend() def z_score_normalization(serieses, axis_for_znorm=1): serieses_mean = np.mean(serieses, axis=axis_for_znorm, keepdims=True) serieses_std = np.std(serieses, axis=axis_for_znorm, keepdims=True) serieses_normalized = (serieses - serieses_mean) / serieses_std return serieses_normalized def get_dtw_mean_path(serieses_teacher, serieses_student, dtw_mean, dtw_filter): list_of_paths = [] for idx in range(len(serieses_teacher)): series_teacher = np.array(serieses_teacher[idx]) series_student = np.array(serieses_student[idx]) _ , paths = dtw.warping_paths(series_teacher, series_student, window=50) path = dtw.best_path(paths) list_of_paths.append(path) all_dtw_tupples = [] for path in list_of_paths: all_dtw_tupples.extend(path) mean_path = [] for student_frame in range(len(serieses_student[0])): frame_from_teacher = [] for frame_teacher in all_dtw_tupples: if frame_teacher[1] == student_frame: frame_from_teacher.append(frame_teacher[0]) mean_path.append((int(mstats.winsorize(np.array(frame_from_teacher), limits=[dtw_mean, dtw_mean]).mean()), student_frame)) path_array = np.array(mean_path) smoothed_data = savgol_filter(path_array, window_length=dtw_filter, polyorder=0, axis=0) path_array = np.array(smoothed_data).astype(int) alignments = np.unique(path_array, axis=0) # TODO check if this correct return alignments def modify_student_frame( detection_result_teacher, detection_result_student, detection_result_teacher_angles, detection_result_student_angles, video_teacher, video_student, alignment_frames, edge_groups, connections, thresholds, previously_trigered, previously_trigered_2, triger_state, show_arrows, text_dictionary, ): arrows_bgr = (175, 75, 190) arrows_sz = 3 skeleton_bgr = (0, 0, 255) skeleton_sz = 3 frame_copy = video_student[alignment_frames[1]] frame_teacher_copy = video_teacher[alignment_frames[0]] frame_errors = np.abs(detection_result_teacher_angles[alignment_frames[0]] - detection_result_student_angles[alignment_frames[1]]) edge_groups_as_keys = [tuple(group) for group in edge_groups] edge_groups2errors = dict(zip(edge_groups_as_keys, frame_errors)) edge_groups2thresholds = dict(zip(edge_groups_as_keys, thresholds)) edge_groups_relevant = [edge_group[1:] for edge_group in edge_groups] text_info = [] trigered_connections = [] trigered_connections2 = [] for connection in connections: edges_for_given_connection = [edge for edge in edge_groups2errors if connection[0] in edge or connection[1] in edge] for edge in edges_for_given_connection: check_threshold = edge_groups2errors[edge] > edge_groups2thresholds[edge] check_certain = True for keypoint in edge: prob = detection_result_student[:, :,-1][alignment_frames[1]][keypoint] if prob < 0.7: check_certain = False relevant_plane = [connection[0], connection[1]] in edge_groups_relevant or [connection[1], connection[0]] in edge_groups_relevant if check_threshold and check_certain and relevant_plane: point1, point2, point2_t = align_points( detection_result_student, detection_result_teacher, alignment_frames, edge ) arrow = get_arrow_direction(point2, point2_t) if triger_state == "one": _ = cv2.line(frame_copy, point1, point2, skeleton_bgr, skeleton_sz) if show_arrows: _ = cv2.arrowedLine(frame_copy, point2, point2_t, arrows_bgr, arrows_sz) if (connection[0], connection[1]) in text_dictionary: text_info.append((text_dictionary[(connection[0], connection[1])], arrow)) if (connection[1], connection[0]) in text_dictionary: text_info.append((text_dictionary[(connection[1], connection[0])], arrow)) if triger_state == "two": trigered_connections.append((connection[0], connection[1])) if (connection[0], connection[1]) in previously_trigered: _ = cv2.line(frame_copy, point1, point2, skeleton_bgr, skeleton_sz) if show_arrows: _ = cv2.arrowedLine(frame_copy, point2, point2_t, arrows_bgr, arrows_sz) if (connection[0], connection[1]) in text_dictionary: text_info.append((text_dictionary[(connection[0], connection[1])], arrow)) if (connection[1], connection[0]) in text_dictionary: text_info.append((text_dictionary[(connection[1], connection[0])], arrow)) if triger_state == "three": trigered_connections.append((connection[0], connection[1])) if (connection[0], connection[1]) in previously_trigered: trigered_connections2.append((connection[0], connection[1])) if (connection[0], connection[1]) in previously_trigered_2: _ = cv2.line(frame_copy, point1, point2, skeleton_bgr, skeleton_sz) if show_arrows: _ = cv2.arrowedLine(frame_copy, point2, point2_t, arrows_bgr, arrows_sz) if (connection[0], connection[1]) in text_dictionary: text_info.append((text_dictionary[(connection[0], connection[1])], arrow)) if (connection[1], connection[0]) in text_dictionary: text_info.append((text_dictionary[(connection[1], connection[0])], arrow)) return frame_copy, frame_teacher_copy, list(set(trigered_connections)), list(set(trigered_connections2)), text_info def get_video_frames(video_path): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) video = [] while True: ret, frame = if not ret: print(f"Video {video_path} was loaded") break frame = cv2.resize(frame, (1280, 720)) video.append(frame) return np.array(video) def download_file(url, save_path): response = requests.get(url, stream=True) response.raise_for_status() with open(save_path, 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): file.write(chunk) def check_and_download_models(): # vit_model_s_url = "" vit_model_b_url = "" # vit_model_l_url = "" yolo_model_url = "" # vit_model_s_path = "models/vitpose-s-wholebody.pth" vit_model_b_path = "models/vitpose-b-wholebody.pth" # vit_model_l_path = "models/vitpose-l-wholebody.pth" yolo_model_path = "models/" # Path(os.path.dirname(vit_model_s_path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(os.path.dirname(vit_model_b_path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Path(os.path.dirname(vit_model_l_path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(os.path.dirname(yolo_model_path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # if not os.path.exists(vit_model_s_path): # print("Downloading ViT-Pose-s model...") # download_file(vit_model_s_url, vit_model_s_path) # print("ViT-Pose-s model was downloaded.") if not os.path.exists(vit_model_b_path): print("Downloading ViT-Pose-b model...") download_file(vit_model_b_url, vit_model_b_path) print("ViT-Pose-b model was downloaded.") # if not os.path.exists(vit_model_l_path): # print("Downloading ViT-Pose-l model...") # download_file(vit_model_l_url, vit_model_l_path) # print("ViT-Pose-l model was downloaded.") if not os.path.exists(yolo_model_path): print("Downloading YOLO model...") download_file(yolo_model_url, yolo_model_path) print("YOLO model was downloaded.") def generate_output_video(teacher_frames, student_frames, timestamp_str): teacher_frames = np.array(teacher_frames) student_frames = np.array(student_frames) teacher_frames_resized = np.array([cv2.resize(frame, (1280, 720)) for frame in teacher_frames]) student_frames_resized = np.array([cv2.resize(frame, (1280, 720)) for frame in student_frames]) concat_video = np.concatenate((teacher_frames_resized, student_frames_resized), axis=2) concat_video = np.array(concat_video) root_dir = "videos" if not os.path.exists(root_dir): os.makedirs(root_dir) video_path = f"{root_dir}/pose_{timestamp_str}.mp4" out = cv2.VideoWriter(video_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 30, (1280 * 2, 720)) for frame in concat_video: out.write(frame) out.release() return video_path def generate_log(all_text_summaries): all_text_summaries_clean = list(set(all_text_summaries)) all_text_summaries_clean.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) general_summary = [] for log in all_text_summaries_clean: comment, frame, arrow = log total_seconds = frame / 30 general_summary.append(f"{comment}. Direction: {arrow}. Video time: {str(timedelta(seconds=total_seconds))[3:-4]}") general_summary = "\n".join(general_summary) return general_summary def write_log( timestamp_str, dtw_mean, dtw_filter, angles_sensitive, angles_common, angles_insensitive, trigger_state, general_summary ): logs_dir = "logs" if not os.path.exists(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) log_path = f"{logs_dir}/log_{timestamp_str}.txt" content = f""" Settings: Dynamic Time Warping: - Winsorize mean: {dtw_mean} - Savitzky-Golay Filter: {dtw_filter} Thresholds: - Sensitive: {angles_sensitive} - Standart: {angles_common} - Insensitive: {angles_insensitive} Patience: - trigger count: {trigger_state} Error logs: {general_summary} """ with open(log_path, "w") as file: file.write(content) print(f"log {log_path} was created.") return log_path def angle_between(v1, v2): return np.arctan2(v2[1], v2[0]) - np.arctan2(v1[1], v1[0]) def align_points(detection_result_student, detection_result_teacher, alignment_frames, edge): point0 = detection_result_student[alignment_frames[1], edge[0], :-1].astype(int)[::-1] point1 = detection_result_student[alignment_frames[1], edge[1], :-1].astype(int)[::-1] point2 = detection_result_student[alignment_frames[1], edge[2], :-1].astype(int)[::-1] point0_t = detection_result_teacher[alignment_frames[0], edge[0], :-1].astype(int)[::-1] point1_t = detection_result_teacher[alignment_frames[0], edge[1], :-1].astype(int)[::-1] point2_t = detection_result_teacher[alignment_frames[0], edge[2], :-1].astype(int)[::-1] translation = point0 - point0_t point0_t += translation point1_t += translation point2_t += translation BsA = point1 - point0 BtA = point1_t - point0 theta = angle_between(BtA, BsA) R = np.array([ [np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)] ]) point1_t =, (point1_t - point0).T).T + point0 point2_t =, (point2_t - point0).T).T + point0 point2_t = point2_t.astype(int) return point1, point2, point2_t def get_arrow_direction(A, B): translation_vector = B - A angle_deg = np.degrees(np.arctan2(translation_vector[0], translation_vector[1])) match angle_deg: case angle if -22.5 <= angle < 22.5: arrow = "⬆" case angle if 22.5 <= angle < 67.5: arrow = "⬈" case angle if 67.5 <= angle < 112.5: arrow = "➡" case angle if 112.5 <= angle < 157.5: arrow = "⬊" case angle if 157.5 <= angle or angle < -157.5: arrow = "⬇" case angle if -157.5 <= angle < -112.5: arrow = "⬋" case angle if -112.5 <= angle < -67.5: arrow = "⬅" case angle if -67.5 <= angle < -22.5: arrow = "⬉" case _: arrow = "" return arrow