import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import mast3r.utils.path_to_dust3r # noqa from dust3r.utils.geometry import normalize_pointcloud, xy_grid import os import torch.nn.functional as F import cv2 from pytorch3d.ops import knn_points class MeshOutput(): def __init__(self, sam=False): self.sam = sam def __call__(self, gt1, gt2, pred1, pred2, trajectory_pred, render_gt=None, **kw): pts3d = pred2['pts3d'] conf = pred2['conf'] pts3d = pts3d.detach().cpu() B, N, H, W, _ = pts3d.shape thres = torch.quantile(conf.flatten(2,3), 0.1, dim=-1)[0] masks_conf = conf > thres[None, :, None, None] masks_conf = masks_conf.cpu() images = [view['img_org'] for view in gt1+gt2] shape = torch.stack([view['true_shape'] for view in gt1+gt2], dim=1) images = torch.stack(images,1).permute(0,1,3,4,2).detach().cpu().numpy() images = images / 2 + 0.5 images = images.reshape(B, N, H, W, 3) outfile = os.path.join('./output/mesh', gt1[0]['instance'][0].split('/')[-1]) outfile = outfile os.makedirs(outfile, exist_ok=True) # estimate focal length images = images[0] pts3d = pts3d[0] masks_conf = masks_conf[0] xy_over_z = (pts3d[..., :2] / pts3d[..., 2:3]).nan_to_num(posinf=0, neginf=0) # homogeneous (x,y,1) pp = torch.tensor((W/2, H/2)).to(xy_over_z) pixels = xy_grid(W, H, device=xy_over_z.device).view(1, -1, 2) - pp.view(-1, 1, 2) # B,HW,2 u, v = pixels[:1].unbind(dim=-1) x, y, z = pts3d[:1].reshape(-1,3).unbind(dim=-1) fx_votes = (u * z) / x fy_votes = (v * z) / y # assume square pixels, hence same focal for X and Y f_votes =, -1), fy_votes.view(B, -1)), dim=-1) focal = torch.nanmedian(f_votes, dim=-1).values focal = focal.item() pts3d = pts3d.numpy() # use PNP to estimate camera poses pred_poses = [] for i in range(pts3d.shape[0]): shape_input_each = shape[:, i] mesh_grid = xy_grid(shape_input_each[0,1], shape_input_each[0,0]) cur_inlier = conf[0,i] > torch.quantile(conf[0,i], 0.6) cur_inlier = cur_inlier.detach().cpu().numpy() ransac_thres = 0.5 confidence = 0.9999 iterationsCount = 10_000 cur_pts3d = pts3d[i] K = np.float32([(focal, 0, W/2), (0, focal, H/2), (0, 0, 1)]) success, r_pose, t_pose, _ = cv2.solvePnPRansac(cur_pts3d[cur_inlier].astype(np.float64), mesh_grid[cur_inlier].astype(np.float64), K, None, flags=cv2.SOLVEPNP_SQPNP, iterationsCount=iterationsCount, reprojectionError=1, confidence=confidence) r_pose = cv2.Rodrigues(r_pose)[0] RT = np.r_[np.c_[r_pose, t_pose], [(0,0,0,1)]] cam2world = np.linalg.inv(RT) pred_poses.append(cam2world) pred_poses = np.stack(pred_poses, axis=0) pred_poses = torch.tensor(pred_poses) # use sam to segment the sky region if self.sam: from segment_anything import sam_model_registry, SamAutomaticMaskGenerator from transformers import SegformerFeatureExtractor, SegformerForSemanticSegmentation from sam.scripts.segformer import segformer_segmentation as segformer_func from sam.scripts.configs.ade20k_id2label import CONFIG as CONFIG_ADE20K_ID2LABEL import pycocotools.mask as maskUtils os.environ['HF_ENDPOINT'] = '' sam = sam_model_registry["vit_h"](checkpoint='/data0/zsz/mast3recon/checkpoints/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth').cuda() semantic_branch_processor = SegformerFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained( "nvidia/segformer-b5-finetuned-ade-640-640") semantic_branch_model = SegformerForSemanticSegmentation.from_pretrained( "nvidia/segformer-b5-finetuned-ade-640-640").to(pts2) id2label = CONFIG_ADE20K_ID2LABEL mask_branch_model = SamAutomaticMaskGenerator( model=sam, points_per_side=64, # Foggy driving (zero-shot evaluate) is more challenging than other dataset, so we use a larger points_per_side pred_iou_thresh=0.86, stability_score_thresh=0.92, crop_n_layers=1, crop_n_points_downscale_factor=2, min_mask_region_area=100, # Requires open-cv to run post-processing output_mode='coco_rle', ) class_masks = [] for img in images: anns = {'annotations': mask_branch_model.generate(img)} class_ids = segformer_func((img * 255).astype(np.uint8), semantic_branch_processor, semantic_branch_model, 'cuda') semantc_mask = class_ids.clone() anns['annotations'] = sorted(anns['annotations'], key=lambda x: x['area'], reverse=True) bitmasks, class_names = [], [] for ann in anns['annotations']: valid_mask = torch.tensor(maskUtils.decode(ann['segmentation'])).bool() # get the class ids of the valid pixels propose_classes_ids = class_ids[valid_mask] num_class_proposals = len(torch.unique(propose_classes_ids)) if num_class_proposals == 1: semantc_mask[valid_mask] = propose_classes_ids[0] ann['class_name'] = id2label['id2label'][str(propose_classes_ids[0].item())] ann['class_proposals'] = id2label['id2label'][str(propose_classes_ids[0].item())] class_names.append(ann['class_name']) # bitmasks.append(maskUtils.decode(ann['segmentation'])) continue top_1_propose_class_ids = torch.bincount(propose_classes_ids.flatten()).topk(1).indices top_1_propose_class_names = [id2label['id2label'][str(class_id.item())] for class_id in top_1_propose_class_ids] semantc_mask[valid_mask] = top_1_propose_class_ids ann['class_name'] = top_1_propose_class_names[0] ann['class_proposals'] = top_1_propose_class_names[0] class_names.append(ann['class_name']) # bitmasks.append(maskUtils.decode(ann['segmentation'])) del valid_mask del propose_classes_ids del num_class_proposals del top_1_propose_class_ids del top_1_propose_class_names sematic_class_in_img = torch.unique(semantc_mask) semantic_bitmasks, semantic_class_names = [], [] # semantic prediction anns['semantic_mask'] = {} flag = False for i in range(len(sematic_class_in_img)): class_name = id2label['id2label'][str(sematic_class_in_img[i].item())] if class_name != 'sky': continue flag = True class_mask = semantc_mask == sematic_class_in_img[i] # class_mask = class_mask.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) class_masks.append(class_mask) if flag == False: class_mask = torch.zeros_like(semantc_mask) > 0 class_masks.append(class_mask) class_masks = torch.stack(class_masks, 0) class_masks = ~class_masks else: class_masks = torch.ones_like(masks_conf) > 0 # use knn to clean the point cloud K = 10 points = torch.tensor(pts3d.reshape(1,-1,3)).cuda() knn = knn_points(points, points, K=K) dists = knn.dists mean_dists = dists.mean(dim=-1) masks_dist = mean_dists < torch.quantile(mean_dists.reshape(-1), 0.95) masks_dist = masks_dist.detach().cpu().numpy() import nerfvis.scene as scene_vis scene_vis.set_opencv() masks_conf = (masks_conf > 0) & masks_dist.reshape(-1,H,W) & class_masks.reshape(-1,H,W) masks_conf = masks_conf > 0 filtered_points = pts3d[masks_conf].reshape(-1, 3) colors = images[masks_conf].reshape(-1, 3) scene_vis.add_points('points', filtered_points.reshape(-1,3), vert_color=colors.reshape(-1,3), size = 1) scene_vis.add_images( f"images/i", images, # Can be a list of paths too (requires joblib for that) r=pred_poses[:, :3, :3], t=pred_poses[:, :3, 3], focal_length=focal, z=0.1, with_camera_frustum=True, ) np.savez(outfile + '/pred.npz', pts3d=pts3d, vert_color=images, poses=pred_poses.detach().cpu(), intrinsic=focal, images=images, mask = masks_conf) print(f"save {outfile}") save_content = 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python visualizer/ --result_npz {} --results_folder {}'.format(outfile + '/pred.npz', outfile) file_path = outfile + '/' os.system(save_content) print(f"run {file_path} to visualize geometry and poses") with open(file_path, 'a') as file: file.write(save_content + '\n') scene_vis.display(port=8828) return None, None def interpolate_pose(pose1, pose2, t): """ Interpolate between two camera poses (4x4 matrices). :param pose1: First pose (4x4 matrix) :param pose2: Second pose (4x4 matrix) :param t: Interpolation factor, t in [0, 1] :return: Interpolated pose (4x4 matrix) """ # Extract translation and rotation from both poses translation1 = pose1[:3, 3].detach().cpu().numpy() translation2 = pose2[:3, 3].detach().cpu().numpy() rotation1 = pose1[:3, :3].detach().cpu().numpy() rotation2 = pose2[:3, :3].detach().cpu().numpy() # Interpolate the translation (linear interpolation) interpolated_translation = (1 - t) * translation1 + t * translation2 # Convert rotation matrices to quaternions quat1 = R.from_matrix(rotation1).as_quat() quat2 = R.from_matrix(rotation2).as_quat() # Slerp for rotation interpolation slerp = Slerp([0, 1], R.from_quat([quat1, quat2])) interpolated_rotation = slerp(t).as_matrix() # Combine the interpolated rotation and translation interpolated_pose = np.eye(4) interpolated_pose[:3, :3] = interpolated_rotation interpolated_pose[:3, 3] = interpolated_translation return interpolated_pose def colorize(value, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='magma_r', invalid_val=-99, invalid_mask=None, background_color=(128, 128, 128, 255), gamma_corrected=False, value_transform=None): """Converts a depth map to a color image. Args: value (torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarry): Input depth map. Shape: (H, W) or (1, H, W) or (1, 1, H, W). All singular dimensions are squeezed vmin (float, optional): vmin-valued entries are mapped to start color of cmap. If None, value.min() is used. Defaults to None. vmax (float, optional): vmax-valued entries are mapped to end color of cmap. If None, value.max() is used. Defaults to None. cmap (str, optional): matplotlib colormap to use. Defaults to 'magma_r'. invalid_val (int, optional): Specifies value of invalid pixels that should be colored as 'background_color'. Defaults to -99. invalid_mask (numpy.ndarray, optional): Boolean mask for invalid regions. Defaults to None. background_color (tuple[int], optional): 4-tuple RGB color to give to invalid pixels. Defaults to (128, 128, 128, 255). gamma_corrected (bool, optional): Apply gamma correction to colored image. Defaults to False. value_transform (Callable, optional): Apply transform function to valid pixels before coloring. Defaults to None. Returns: numpy.ndarray, dtype - uint8: Colored depth map. Shape: (H, W, 4) """ if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): value = value.detach().cpu().numpy() value = value.squeeze() if invalid_mask is None: invalid_mask = value == invalid_val mask = np.logical_not(invalid_mask) # normalize vmin = np.percentile(value[mask],2) if vmin is None else vmin vmax = np.percentile(value[mask],85) if vmax is None else vmax if vmin != vmax: value = (value - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) # vmin..vmax else: # Avoid 0-division value = value * 0. # squeeze last dim if it exists # grey out the invalid values value[invalid_mask] = np.nan import matplotlib cmapper = if value_transform: value = value_transform(value) # value = value / value.max() value = cmapper(value, bytes=True) # (nxmx4) # img = value[:, :, :] img = value[...] img[invalid_mask] = background_color # return img.transpose((2, 0, 1)) if gamma_corrected: # gamma correction img = img / 255 img = np.power(img, 2.2) img = img * 255 img = img.astype(np.uint8) img = torch.from_numpy(img)/255. return img.permute(2,0,1)[:3]