CoT-Lab /
zhengr's picture
e732f54 verified
"en": {
"title": "## CoT-Lab: Human-AI Co-Thinking \nFollow, learn, and iterate the thought within one turn. ",
"prompt_label": "Task Description - Prompt",
"prompt_placeholder": "Enter your prompt here...",
"editor_label": "Thought Editor",
"editor_placeholder": "The AI's thinking process will appear here... You can edit when it pauses",
"generate_btn": "Generate",
"pause_btn": "Pause",
"sync_threshold_label": "🧠 Human Thinking Cadence",
"sync_threshold_info": "Pause for human turn per X paragraphs",
"throughput_label": "⏱ Sync Rate",
"throughput_info": "Tokens/s - 5:Learn, 10:Follow, 50:Skim",
"language_label": "Language",
"loading_thinking": "🤖 AI Thinking ↓ Shift+Enter to Pause",
"loading_output": "🖨️ Result Writing → (Pause & submit to reroll the result)",
"interrupted": "🤔 Pause, Human thinking time - **EDIT THOUGHTS BELOW**",
"completed": "✅ Completed → Check overview",
"error": "Error",
"api_config_label": "API Configuration",
"api_key_label": "API Key",
"api_key_placeholder": "Leave empty to use environment variable",
"api_url_label": "API URL",
"api_url_placeholder": "Leave empty for default URL",
"clear_btn": "Clear Thinking",
"introduction": "Think together with AI. Use `Shift+Enter` to toggle generation <br>You can modify the thinking process when AI pauses",
"bot_label": "Conversation Overview",
"bot_default": [
"role": "assistant",
"content": "Welcome to our co-thinking space! Ready to synchronize our cognitive rhythms? \n Shall we start by adjusting the throughput slider to match your reading pace? \n Enter your prompt, edit my thinking process when I pause, and let's begin weaving thoughts together →",
"editor_default": "AI thought will start with this, leave blank to think freely",
"waiting_api": "⏳ Waiting for API response",
"api_retry": "🔁 API no response, hit Shift+Enter to try again.",
"api_interrupted": "⚠️ Pasued, API connection interrupted. Hit Shift+Enter to reconnect",
"result_editing_toggle": "Editor includes Result"
"zh": {
"title": "## CoT-Lab: 人机协同思维实验\n在一轮对话中跟随、学习、迭代思维链。",
"prompt_label": "任务描述 - 提示词",
"prompt_placeholder": "在此输入您的问题...",
"editor_label": "思维编辑器",
"editor_placeholder": "AI的思考过程将在此显示...您可以在暂停的时候编辑",
"generate_btn": "生成",
"pause_btn": "暂停",
"sync_threshold_label": "🧠 人类思考间隔",
"sync_threshold_info": "段落数 - 每X段落自动暂停进入人类思考时间",
"throughput_label": "⏱ 同步思考速度",
"throughput_info": "词元/秒 - 5:学习, 10:跟读, 50:跳读",
"language_label": "界面语言",
"loading_thinking": "🤖 AI思考中 ↓ Shift+Enter可暂停",
"loading_output": "🖨️ 结果输出中 → (暂停再提交会重新生成结果部分)",
"interrupted": "🤔 暂停,人类思考回合 **下面的思考过程可以编辑**",
"completed": "✅ 已完成 → 查看完整对话",
"error": "错误",
"api_config_label": "API配置",
"api_key_label": "API密钥",
"api_key_placeholder": "留空使用环境变量",
"api_url_label": "API地址",
"api_url_placeholder": "留空使用默认地址",
"clear_btn": "清空思考",
"introduction": "和AI一起思考,Shift+Enter切换生成状态<br>AI暂停的时候你可以编辑思维过程",
"bot_label": "对话一览",
"bot_default": [
"role": "assistant",
"content": "欢迎来到协同思考空间!准备好同步我们的认知节奏了吗?\n 建议先调整右侧的'同步思考速度'滑块,让它匹配你的阅读速度 \n 在左侧输入任务描述,在我暂停时修改我的思维,让我们开始编织思维链条 →",
{"role": "assistant", "content": "**Shift+Enter** 可以暂停/继续AI生成"},
"editor_default": "AI思维会以此开头,留空即为默认思考",
"waiting_api": "⏳ 等待API响应",
"api_retry": "🔁 API无响应, Shift+Enter 重试一次试试?",
"api_interrupted": "⚠️ 暂停,API连接意外中断,Shift+Enter 可重连",
"result_editing_toggle": "编辑器包括最终答案"