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0<0# : ^
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Save the current directory
set CURRENT_DIR=!cd!
REM Initialize a flag for venv activation
REM Initialize a variable for the Python executable
echo [Allor]: Searching for Python environments.
REM Check if the environment directory exists two levels up
if exist "..\..\venv\" goto venv
REM Check if the environment directory exists three levels up
if exist "..\..\..\python_embeded\" goto portable
REM Check if the environment directory exists in system
where /q python && if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 0 goto system
REM Error if the environment not exist
goto not_found_environment
REM Go two levels up from the current directory
cd ..\..
REM Check if the activate script exists in the venv
if exist "venv\Scripts\activate" (
echo [Allor]: Found venv Python environment.
REM Activate the virtual environment
call venv\Scripts\activate
REM Set the flag for venv activation
REM Go back to the original directory
REM Check if the requirements.txt file exists in the current directory
if exist "requirements.txt" (
REM Install dependencies from the requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt --no-warn-script-location --quiet
) else (
echo [Allor]: requirements.txt not found in the current directory.
exit /b
goto git
REM Go three levels up from the current directory
cd ..\..\..
REM Check if python.exe exists in the python_embedded directory
if exist "python_embeded\python.exe" (
echo [Allor]: Found portable Python environment.
REM Set the flag for venv activation
REM Set the Python executable to the python.exe in the python_embedded directory
set PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=!cd!\python_embeded\python.exe
REM Execute python.exe with the specified arguments
call !PYTHON_EXECUTABLE! -s -m pip install -r !CURRENT_DIR!\requirements.txt --no-warn-script-location --quiet
REM Go back to the original directory
goto git
set /p user_input=[Allor]: Only the system Python environment is detected. Should this be used for Allor dependencies? (y/N):
if /i "%user_input%"=="y" goto confirmed
if /i "%user_input%"=="yes" goto confirmed
goto not_found_environment
REM Set the flag for venv activation
REM Execute python.exe with the specified arguments
call !PYTHON_EXECUTABLE! -s -m pip install -r !CURRENT_DIR!\requirements.txt --no-warn-script-location --quiet
REM Go back to the original directory
goto git
REM If neither venv nor python_embeded were found, print an error and exit
echo [Allor]: None of the Python environments were found.
exit /b
where /q git && if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 0 (
echo [Allor]: Git found.
REM Check if the current directory is a git repository
if not exist ".git" (
echo [Allor]: This directory is not a git repository. Initializing a new repository.
git init -b main
git remote add origin https://github.com/Nourepide/ComfyUI-Allor
git fetch origin main
git reset --hard origin/main
) else (
echo [Allor]: This directory is already a git repository.
) else (
echo [Allor]: Git is not installed. Using GitPython instead.
REM Run a Python script that uses GitPython to do the same thing
REM Deactivate the virtual environment if it was activated
if !VENV_ACTIVATED! equ 1 (
echo [Allor]: Install complete successful.
exit /b
import git
from pathlib import Path
# Check if the current directory is a git repository
if not (Path('.git').exists() or Path('.git').is_dir()):
from git import Repo
print("[Allor]: This directory is not a git repository. Initializing a new repository.")
repo = Repo.init(initial_branch='main')
origin = repo.create_remote('origin', 'https://github.com/Nourepide/ComfyUI-Allor')
repo.git.reset('--hard', 'origin/main')
print('[Allor]: This directory is already a git repository.')