import { app } from '../../../scripts/app.js' |
import { api } from '../../../scripts/api.js' |
import { $el } from '../../../scripts/ui.js' |
const getLocalData = key => { |
let data = {} |
try { |
data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)) || {} |
} catch (error) { |
return {} |
} |
return data |
} |
function getContentTypeFromBase64 (base64Data) { |
const regex = /^data:(.+);base64,/ |
const matches = base64Data.match(regex) |
if (matches && matches.length >= 2) { |
return matches[1] |
} |
return null |
} |
function base64ToBlobFromURL (base64URL, contentType) { |
return fetch(base64URL).then(response => response.blob()) |
} |
const setLocalDataOfWin = (key, value) => { |
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)) |
} |
async function uploadImage (blob, fileType = '.svg', filename) { |
const body = new FormData() |
body.append( |
'image', |
new File([blob], (filename || new Date().getTime()) + fileType) |
) |
const resp = await api.fetchApi('/upload/image', { |
method: 'POST', |
body |
}) |
let data = await resp.json() |
let { name, subfolder } = data |
let src = api.apiURL( |
`/view?filename=${encodeURIComponent( |
name |
)}&type=input&subfolder=${subfolder}${app.getPreviewFormatParam()}${app.getRandParam()}` |
) |
return src |
} |
function createImage (url) { |
let im = new Image() |
return new Promise((res, rej) => { |
im.onload = () => res(im) |
im.src = url |
}) |
} |
const parseImage = url => { |
return new Promise((res, rej) => { |
fetch(url) |
.then(response => response.blob()) |
.then(blob => { |
const reader = new FileReader() |
reader.onloadend = () => { |
const base64data = reader.result |
res(base64data) |
} |
reader.readAsDataURL(blob) |
}) |
.catch(error => { |
console.log('发生错误:', error) |
}) |
}) |
} |
function get_position_style (ctx, widget_width, y, node_height) { |
const MARGIN = 4 |
const elRect = ctx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect() |
const transform = new DOMMatrix() |
.scaleSelf( |
elRect.width / ctx.canvas.width, |
elRect.height / ctx.canvas.height |
) |
.multiplySelf(ctx.getTransform()) |
.translateSelf(MARGIN, MARGIN + y) |
return { |
transformOrigin: '0 0', |
transform: transform, |
left: `0`, |
top: `0`, |
cursor: 'pointer', |
position: 'absolute', |
maxWidth: `${widget_width - MARGIN * 2}px`, |
width: `${widget_width - MARGIN * 2}px`, |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'column', |
justifyContent: 'space-around' |
} |
} |
async function extractMaterial ( |
modelViewerVariants, |
selectMaterial, |
material_img |
) { |
const materialsNames = [] |
for ( |
let index = 0; |
index < modelViewerVariants.model.materials.length; |
index++ |
) { |
let m = modelViewerVariants.model.materials[index] |
let thumbUrl |
try { |
thumbUrl = |
await m.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.texture.source.createThumbnail( |
1024, |
1024 |
) |
} catch (error) {} |
if (thumbUrl) |
materialsNames.push({ |
value: m.name, |
text: `#${index} ${m.name}`, |
index, |
thumbUrl |
}) |
} |
selectMaterial.innerHTML = '' |
material_img.innerHTML = '' |
for (let index = 0; index < materialsNames.length; index++) { |
const name = materialsNames[index] |
const option = document.createElement('option') |
option.value = name.thumbUrl |
option.textContent = name.text |
option.setAttribute('data-index', index) |
selectMaterial.appendChild(option) |
let img = new Image() |
img.src = name.thumbUrl |
img.style.width = '40px' |
material_img.appendChild(img) |
if (index == 0) { |
material_img.setAttribute('src', name.thumbUrl) |
} |
} |
} |
async function changeMaterial ( |
modelViewerVariants, |
targetMaterial, |
newImageUrl |
) { |
const targetTexture = await modelViewerVariants.createTexture(newImageUrl) |
targetMaterial.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.setTexture(targetTexture) |
} |
app.registerExtension({ |
name: 'Mixlab.3D.3DImage', |
async getCustomWidgets (app) { |
return { |
THREED (node, inputName, inputData, app) { |
const widget = { |
type: inputData[0], |
name: inputName, |
size: [128, 88], |
draw (ctx, node, width, y) {}, |
computeSize (...args) { |
return [128, 88] |
}, |
async serializeValue (nodeId, widgetIndex) { |
let d = getLocalData('_mixlab_3d_image') |
if (d && d[node.id]) { |
let { url, bg, material } = d[node.id] |
let data = {} |
if (url) { |
data.image = await parseImage(url) |
} |
if (bg) { |
data.bg_image = await parseImage(bg) |
if (!data.bg_image.match('data:image/')) { |
delete data.bg_image |
} |
} |
if (material) { |
data.material = await parseImage(material) |
} |
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) |
} else { |
return {} |
} |
} |
} |
node.addCustomWidget(widget) |
return widget |
} |
} |
}, |
async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) { |
if (nodeType.comfyClass == '3DImage') { |
const orig_nodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated |
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = async function () { |
orig_nodeCreated?.apply(this, arguments) |
const uploadWidget = this.widgets.filter(w => w.name == 'upload')[0] |
const widget = { |
type: 'div', |
name: 'upload-preview', |
draw (ctx, node, widget_width, y, widget_height) { |
Object.assign( |
this.div.style, |
get_position_style(ctx, widget_width, 88, node.size[1]) |
) |
} |
} |
widget.div = $el('div', {}) |
widget.div.style.width = `120px` |
document.body.appendChild(widget.div) |
const inputDiv = (key, placeholder, preview) => { |
let div = document.createElement('div') |
const ip = document.createElement('input') |
ip.type = 'file' |
ip.className = `${'comfy-multiline-input'} ${placeholder}` |
div.style = `display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
margin: 6px 8px; |
margin-top: 0;` |
ip.placeholder = placeholder |
ip.style = `outline: none; |
border: none; |
padding: 4px; |
width: 60%;cursor: pointer; |
height: 32px;` |
const label = document.createElement('label') |
label.style = 'font-size: 10px;min-width:32px' |
label.innerText = placeholder |
div.appendChild(label) |
div.appendChild(ip) |
let that = this, |
filename = new Date().getTime() |
ip.addEventListener('change', async event => { |
const file = event.target.files[0] |
const reader = new FileReader() |
filename = new Date().getTime() |
reader.onload = async e => { |
const fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file) |
let html = `<model-viewer src="${fileURL}" |
min-field-of-view="0deg" max-field-of-view="180deg" |
shadow-intensity="1" |
camera-controls |
touch-action="pan-y"> |
<div class="controls"> |
<div>Variant: <select class="variant"></select></div> |
<div>Material: <select class="material"></select></div> |
<div>Material: <div class="material_img"> </div></div> |
<div><button class="bg">BG</button></div> |
<div><button class="export">Export GLB</button></div> |
</div></model-viewer>` |
preview.innerHTML = html |
if (that.size[1] < 400) { |
that.setSize([that.size[0], that.size[1] + 300]) |
app.canvas.draw(true, true) |
} |
const modelViewerVariants = preview.querySelector('model-viewer') |
const select = preview.querySelector('.variant') |
const selectMaterial = preview.querySelector('.material') |
const material_img = preview.querySelector('.material_img') |
const bg = preview.querySelector('.bg') |
const exportGLB = preview.querySelector('.export') |
if (modelViewerVariants) { |
modelViewerVariants.style.width = `${that.size[0] - 24}px` |
modelViewerVariants.style.height = `${that.size[1] - 48}px` |
} |
modelViewerVariants.addEventListener('load', async () => { |
const names = modelViewerVariants.availableVariants |
for (const name of names) { |
const option = document.createElement('option') |
option.value = name |
option.textContent = name |
select.appendChild(option) |
} |
if (names.length === 0) { |
const option = document.createElement('option') |
option.value = 'default' |
option.textContent = 'Default' |
select.appendChild(option) |
} |
extractMaterial( |
modelViewerVariants, |
selectMaterial, |
material_img |
) |
}) |
let timer = null |
const delay = 500 |
async function checkCameraChange () { |
let dd = getLocalData(key) |
let base64Data = modelViewerVariants.toDataURL() |
const contentType = getContentTypeFromBase64(base64Data) |
const blob = await base64ToBlobFromURL(base64Data, contentType) |
let url = await uploadImage(blob, '.png') |
let bg_blob = await base64ToBlobFromURL( |
) |
let url_bg = await uploadImage(bg_blob, '.png') |
if (!dd[that.id]) { |
dd[that.id] = { url, bg: url_bg } |
} else { |
dd[that.id] = { ...dd[that.id], url } |
} |
let thumbUrl = material_img.getAttribute('src') |
if (thumbUrl) { |
let tb = await base64ToBlobFromURL(thumbUrl) |
let tUrl = await uploadImage(tb, '.png') |
dd[that.id].material = tUrl |
} |
setLocalDataOfWin(key, dd) |
} |
function startTimer () { |
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer) |
timer = setTimeout(checkCameraChange, delay) |
} |
modelViewerVariants.addEventListener('camera-change', startTimer) |
select.addEventListener('input', async event => { |
modelViewerVariants.variantName = |
event.target.value === 'default' ? null : event.target.value |
await extractMaterial( |
modelViewerVariants, |
selectMaterial, |
material_img |
) |
checkCameraChange() |
}) |
selectMaterial.addEventListener('input', event => { |
material_img.setAttribute('src', selectMaterial.value) |
if (selectMaterial.getAttribute('data-new-material')) { |
let index = |
~~selectMaterial.selectedOptions[0].getAttribute( |
'data-index' |
) |
changeMaterial( |
modelViewerVariants, |
modelViewerVariants.model.materials[index], |
selectMaterial.getAttribute('data-new-material') |
) |
} |
checkCameraChange() |
}) |
bg.addEventListener('click', () => { |
var input = document.createElement('input') |
input.type = 'file' |
input.addEventListener('change', function () { |
var file = input.files[0] |
var reader = new FileReader() |
reader.addEventListener('load', async () => { |
let base64 = reader.result |
preview.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + base64 + ')' |
const contentType = getContentTypeFromBase64(base64) |
const blob = await base64ToBlobFromURL(base64, contentType) |
let bg_url = await uploadImage(blob, '.png') |
let bg_img = await createImage(base64) |
let dd = getLocalData(key) |
if (!dd[that.id]) dd[that.id] = { url: '', bg: bg_url } |
dd[that.id] = { |
...dd[that.id], |
bg: bg_url, |
bg_w: bg_img.naturalWidth, |
bg_h: bg_img.naturalHeight |
} |
setLocalDataOfWin(key, dd) |
let w = that.size[0] - 24, |
h = (w * bg_img.naturalHeight) / bg_img.naturalWidth |
if (modelViewerVariants) { |
modelViewerVariants.style.width = `${w}px` |
modelViewerVariants.style.height = `${h}px` |
} |
preview.style.width = `${w}px` |
}) |
reader.readAsDataURL(file) |
}) |
input.click() |
}) |
exportGLB.addEventListener('click', async () => { |
const glTF = await modelViewerVariants.exportScene() |
const file = new File([glTF], 'export.glb') |
const link = document.createElement('a') |
link.download = file.name |
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(file) |
link.click() |
}) |
uploadWidget.value = await uploadWidget.serializeValue() |
let dd = getLocalData(key) |
if (dd[that.id]) { |
const { bg_w, bg_h } = dd[that.id] |
if (bg_h && bg_w) { |
let w = that.size[0] - 24, |
h = (w * bg_h) / bg_w |
if (modelViewerVariants) { |
modelViewerVariants.style.width = `${w}px` |
modelViewerVariants.style.height = `${h}px` |
} |
preview.style.width = `${w}px` |
} |
} |
} |
reader.readAsDataURL(file) |
}) |
return div |
} |
let preview = document.createElement('div') |
preview.className = 'preview' |
preview.style = `margin-top: 12px;display: flex; |
justify-content: center; |
align-items: center;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: contain;` |
let upload = inputDiv('_mixlab_3d_image', '3D Model', preview) |
widget.div.appendChild(upload) |
widget.div.appendChild(preview) |
this.addCustomWidget(widget) |
const onResize = this.onResize |
let that = this |
this.onResize = function () { |
let modelViewerVariants = preview.querySelector('model-viewer') |
let dd = getLocalData('_mixlab_3d_image') |
if (dd[that.id]) { |
const { bg_w, bg_h } = dd[that.id] |
if (bg_h && bg_w) { |
let w = that.size[0] - 24, |
h = (w * bg_h) / bg_w |
if (modelViewerVariants) { |
modelViewerVariants.style.width = `${w}px` |
modelViewerVariants.style.height = `${h}px` |
} |
preview.style.width = `${w}px` |
} |
} |
return onResize?.apply(this, arguments) |
} |
const onRemoved = this.onRemoved |
this.onRemoved = () => { |
upload.remove() |
preview.remove() |
widget.div.remove() |
return onRemoved?.() |
} |
if (this.onResize) { |
this.onResize(this.size) |
} |
this.serialize_widgets = false |
} |
const onExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted |
nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function (message) { |
const r = onExecuted?.apply?.(this, arguments) |
let div = this.widgets.filter(d => d.div)[0]?.div |
console.log('Test', this.widgets) |
let material = message.material[0] |
if (material) { |
const { filename, subfolder, type } = material |
let src = api.apiURL( |
`/view?filename=${encodeURIComponent( |
filename |
)}&type=${type}&subfolder=${subfolder}${app.getPreviewFormatParam()}${app.getRandParam()}` |
) |
const modelViewerVariants = div.querySelector('model-viewer') |
const selectMaterial = div.querySelector('.material') |
let index = |
~~selectMaterial.selectedOptions[0].getAttribute('data-index') |
selectMaterial.setAttribute('data-new-material', src) |
changeMaterial( |
modelViewerVariants, |
modelViewerVariants.model.materials[index], |
src |
) |
} |
this.onResize?.(this.size) |
return r |
} |
} |
}, |
async loadedGraphNode (node, app) { |
const sleep = (t = 1000) => { |
return new Promise((res, rej) => { |
setTimeout(() => res(1), t) |
}) |
} |
if (node.type === '3DImage') { |
let widget = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name === 'upload-preview')[0] |
let dd = getLocalData('_mixlab_3d_image') |
let id = node.id |
if (!dd[id]) return |
let { url, bg } = dd[id] |
if (!url) return |
let pre = widget.div.querySelector('.preview') |
pre.style.width = `${node.size[0]}px` |
pre.innerHTML = ` |
${url ? `<img src="${url}" style="width:100%"/>` : ''} |
` |
pre.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + bg + ')' |
const uploadWidget = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name == 'upload')[0] |
uploadWidget.value = await uploadWidget.serializeValue() |
} |
} |
}) |