3v324v23's picture
history blame
30.1 kB
import { app } from '../../../scripts/app.js'
import { api } from '../../../scripts/api.js'
// import { ComfyWidgets } from '../../../scripts/widgets.js'
import { $el } from '../../../scripts/ui.js'
import { applyTextReplacements } from '../../../scripts/utils.js'
function loadImageToCanvas (base64Image) {
var img = new Image()
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
img.onload = function () {
// 等比例缩放图片
var width = img.width
var height = img.height
var max_width = 1024
if (width > max_width) {
height *= max_width / width
width = max_width
// 设置canvas尺寸
canvas.width = width
canvas.height = height
// 在canvas上绘制图片
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height)
// 将canvas转换为base64图片数据
var canvasData = canvas.toDataURL()
res(canvasData) // canvas转换后的base64图片数据
img.src = base64Image
async function uploadImage (blob, fileType = '.svg', filename) {
// const blob = await (await fetch(src)).blob();
const body = new FormData()
new File([blob], (filename || new Date().getTime()) + fileType)
const resp = await api.fetchApi('/upload/image', {
method: 'POST',
// console.log(resp)
let data = await resp.json()
let { name, subfolder } = data
let src = api.apiURL(
return src
const base64Df =
function base64ToBlobFromURL (base64URL, contentType) {
return fetch(base64URL).then(response => response.blob())
function getContentTypeFromBase64 (base64Data) {
const regex = /^data:(.+);base64,/
const matches = base64Data.match(regex)
if (matches && matches.length >= 2) {
return matches[1]
return null
// 示例用法
// const base64Data = '...'; // 替换为实际的base64图片数据
// const contentType = getContentTypeFromBase64(base64Data);
// console.log(contentType);
// // 示例用法
// const base64Data = '...'; // 替换为实际的base64图片数据
// const contentType = 'image/jpeg'; // 替换为实际的图片类型
// const blob = base64ToBlob(base64Data, contentType);
// console.log(blob);
function get_position_style (ctx, widget_width, y, node_height) {
const MARGIN = 4 // the margin around the html element
/* Create a transform that deals with all the scrolling and zooming */
const elRect = ctx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
const transform = new DOMMatrix()
elRect.width / ctx.canvas.width,
elRect.height / ctx.canvas.height
.translateSelf(MARGIN, MARGIN + y)
return {
transformOrigin: '0 0',
transform: transform,
left: `0`,
top: `0`,
cursor: 'pointer',
position: 'absolute',
maxWidth: `${widget_width - MARGIN * 2}px`,
// maxHeight: `${node_height - MARGIN * 2}px`, // we're assuming we have the whole height of the node
width: `${widget_width - MARGIN * 2}px`,
// height: `${node_height * 0.3 - MARGIN * 2}px`,
// background: '#EEEEEE',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
// alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'space-around'
const getLocalData = key => {
let data = {}
try {
data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)) || {}
} catch (error) {
return {}
return data
const setLocalDataOfWin = (key, value) => {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
// window[key] = value
function createImage (url) {
let im = new Image()
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
im.onload = () => res(im)
im.src = url
const parseImageToBase64 = url => {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(blob => {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onloadend = () => {
const base64data = reader.result
// 在这里可以将base64数据用于进一步处理或显示图片
.catch(error => {
console.log('发生错误:', error)
const parseSvg = async svgContent => {
let scale = 2
// 创建一个临时的DOM元素来解析SVG
const tempContainer = document.createElement('div')
tempContainer.innerHTML = svgContent
// 提取SVG元素
const svgElement = tempContainer.querySelector('svg')
if (!svgElement) return
// 获取SVG中 rect元素
var rectElements = svgElement?.querySelectorAll('rect') || []
// console.log(rectElements,svgElement)
// 定义一个数组来存储处理后的数据
var data = []
Array.from(rectElements, (rectElement, i) => {
// 获取rect元素的属性值
var x = ~~(rectElement.getAttribute('x') || 0)
var y = ~~(rectElement.getAttribute('y') || 0)
var width = ~~rectElement.getAttribute('width')
var height = ~~rectElement.getAttribute('height')
// console.log('rectElements',rectElement,x,y,width,height)
if (x != undefined && y != undefined && width && height) {
// 创建一个新的canvas元素
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
canvas.width = width
canvas.height = height
var context = canvas.getContext('2d')
// 填充颜色到canvas
var fill = rectElement.getAttribute('fill')
context.fillStyle = fill
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height)
// 将canvas转换为base64格式
var base64 = canvas.toDataURL()
// 将数据转化为指定的JSON格式
var rectData = {
x: parseInt(x),
y: parseInt(y),
width: parseInt(width),
height: parseInt(height),
z_index: i + 1,
scale_option: 'width',
image: base64,
mask: base64,
type: 'base64',
_t: 'rect'
// 将处理后的数据添加到数组中
var svgWidth = svgElement.getAttribute('width')
var svgHeight = svgElement.getAttribute('height')
if (!(svgWidth && svgHeight)) {
// viewBox
let viewBox = svgElement.viewBox.baseVal
svgWidth = viewBox.width
svgHeight = viewBox.height
} else {
try {
svgWidth = ~~svgWidth.replace('px', '')
svgHeight = ~~svgHeight.replace('px', '')
} catch (error) {}
// 创建一个新的canvas元素
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
canvas.width = svgWidth
canvas.height = svgHeight
var context = canvas.getContext('2d')
// 绘制SVG到canvas
var svgString = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgElement)
var DOMURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window
var svgBlob = new Blob([svgString], { type: 'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8' })
var url = DOMURL.createObjectURL(svgBlob)
let img = await createImage(url)
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0)
let base64 = canvas.toDataURL()
var rectData = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: parseInt(svgWidth),
height: parseInt(svgHeight),
z_index: 0,
scale_option: 'width',
image: base64,
mask: base64,
type: 'base64',
_t: 'canvas'
// 打印处理后的数据
console.log('layers', { data, image: base64, svgElement })
return { data, image: base64, svgElement }
function exportModelViewerImage (
format = 'image/png',
quality = 1.0
) {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
canvas.width = width
canvas.height = height
const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
context.drawImage(modelViewer, 0, 0, width, height)
resolve(canvas.toDataURL(format, quality))
name: 'Mixlab.image.SvgImage',
async getCustomWidgets (app) {
return {
SVG (node, inputName, inputData, app) {
// console.log('##node', node, inputName, inputData)
const widget = {
type: inputData[0], // the type, CHEESE
name: inputName, // the name, slice
size: [128, 88], // a default size
draw (ctx, node, width, y) {},
computeSize (...args) {
return [128, 88] // a method to compute the current size of the widget
async serializeValue (nodeId, widgetIndex) {
let d = getLocalData('_mixlab_svg_image')
// console.log('serializeValue',d)
if (d) {
let url = d[node.id]
let dt = await fetch(url)
let svgStr = await dt.text()
const { data, image } = (await parseSvg(svgStr)) || {}
// console.log(data, image)
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({ data, image }))
} else {
// console.log('##node',node.serialize)
// widget.something = something; // maybe adds stuff to it
node.addCustomWidget(widget) // adds it to the node
return widget // and returns it.
async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) {
if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'SvgImage') {
const orig_nodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = async function () {
orig_nodeCreated?.apply(this, arguments)
const uploadWidget = this.widgets.filter(w => w.name == 'upload')[0]
// console.log('SvgImage nodeData',await uploadWidget.serializeValue())
const widget = {
type: 'div',
name: 'upload-preview',
draw (ctx, node, widget_width, y, widget_height) {
get_position_style(ctx, widget_width, 44, node.size[1])
widget.div = $el('div', {})
const inputDiv = (key, placeholder, svgContainer) => {
let div = document.createElement('div')
const ip = document.createElement('input')
ip.type = 'file'
ip.className = `${'comfy-multiline-input'} ${placeholder}`
div.style = `display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin: 6px 8px;
margin-top: 0;`
ip.placeholder = placeholder
// ip.value = value
ip.style = `outline: none;
border: none;
padding: 4px;
width: 60%;cursor: pointer;
height: 32px;`
const label = document.createElement('label')
label.style = 'font-size: 10px;min-width:32px'
label.innerText = placeholder
let that = this
ip.addEventListener('change', event => {
const file = event.target.files[0]
const reader = new FileReader()
// 读取文件内容
reader.onload = async e => {
const svgContent = e.target.result
var blob = new Blob([svgContent], { type: 'image/svg+xml' })
let url = await uploadImage(blob)
// console.log(url)
const { svgElement, data, image } = await parseSvg(svgContent)
// 将提取的SVG元素显示在页面上
let dd = getLocalData(key)
dd[that.id] = url
setLocalDataOfWin(key, dd)
// console.log(this.id, ip.value.trim())
svgElement.style = `width: 90%;padding: 5%;height: auto;`
// 将提取的SVG元素显示在页面上
svgContainer.innerHTML = ''
let h = ~~getComputedStyle(svgElement).height.replace('px', '')
if (that.size && that.size[1] < h) {
that.setSize([that.size[0], that.size[1] + h])
app.canvas.draw(true, true)
// console.log(that.size,~~getComputedStyle(svgElement).height.replace('px',''))
uploadWidget.value = await uploadWidget.serializeValue()
// 以文本形式读取文件
return div
let svg = document.createElement('div')
svg.className = 'preview'
svg.style = `background:#eee;margin-top: 12px;`
let upload = inputDiv('_mixlab_svg_image', 'Svg', svg)
const onRemoved = this.onRemoved
this.onRemoved = () => {
return onRemoved?.()
if (this.onResize) {
this.serialize_widgets = true //需要保存参数
async loadedGraphNode (node, app) {
// Fires every time a node is constructed
// You can modify widgets/add handlers/etc here
const sleep = (t = 1000) => {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => res(1), t)
if (node.type === 'SvgImage') {
// await sleep(0)
let widget = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name === 'upload-preview')[0]
let dd = getLocalData('_mixlab_svg_image')
let id = node.id
console.log('SvgImage load', node.widgets[0], node.widgets)
if (!dd[id]) return
let dt = await fetch(dd[id])
let svgStr = await dt.text()
const { svgElement, data, image } = await parseSvg(svgStr)
svgElement.style = `width: 90%;padding: 5%;height:auto`
// 将提取的SVG元素显示在页面上
widget.div.querySelector('.preview').innerHTML = ''
const uploadWidget = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name == 'upload')[0]
uploadWidget.value = await uploadWidget.serializeValue()
const createSelect = (imgDiv, select, opts, targetWidget, textWidget) => {
select.style.display = 'block'
let html = ''
let isMatch = false
for (const opt of opts) {
html += `<option value='${opt.keyword}' ${opt.selected ? 'selected' : ''}>${
if (opt.selected) {
isMatch = true
imgDiv.src = opt.imgurl
// targetWidget.value = opt.keyword
select.innerHTML = html
if (!isMatch) {
// targetWidget.value = opts[0].keyword
imgDiv.src = opts[0].imgurl
// 添加change事件监听器
select.addEventListener('change', async function () {
// 获取选中的选项的值
var selectedOption = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value
let t = opts.filter(opt => opt.keyword === selectedOption)[0]
targetWidget.value = await parseImageToBase64(t.imgurl)
imgDiv.src = targetWidget.value
textWidget.value = t.keyword
// console.log(select)
name: 'Mixlab.prompt.ImagesPrompt_',
async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) {
if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'ImagesPrompt_') {
const orig_nodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = async function () {
orig_nodeCreated?.apply(this, arguments)
const image_prompt = this.widgets.filter(
w => w.name == 'image_base64'
const image_text = this.widgets.filter(w => w.name == 'text')[0]
const node = this
const widget = {
type: 'div',
name: 'upload',
draw (ctx, node, widget_width, y, widget_height) {
get_position_style(ctx, widget_width, y, node.size[1])
widget.div = $el('div', {})
// console.log('image_prompt',image_prompt)
const img = new Image()
img.src = image_prompt?.value || base64Df
const btn = document.createElement('button')
btn.innerText = 'Upload Images JSON'
btn.style = `cursor: pointer;
font-weight: 300;
margin: 2px;
color: var(--descrip-text);
background-color: var(--comfy-input-bg);
border-radius: 8px;
border-color: var(--border-color);
border-style: solid;height: 30px;min-width: 122px;
const select = document.createElement('select')
select.style = `display:none;cursor: pointer;
font-weight: 300;
margin: 2px;
color: var(--descrip-text);
background-color: var(--comfy-input-bg);
border-radius: 8px;
border-color: var(--border-color);
border-style: solid;height: 30px;min-width: 100px;
widget.select = select
// const btn=document.createElement('button');
// btn.innerText='Upload'
btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
let inp = document.createElement('input')
inp.type = 'file'
inp.accept = '.json'
inp.addEventListener('change', event => {
// 获取选择的文件
// [{title,imageUrl}]
const file = event.target.files[0]
this.title = file.name.split('.')[0]
// console.log(file.name.split('.')[0])
// 创建文件读取器
const reader = new FileReader()
// 定义读取完成事件的回调函数
reader.onload = async event => {
// 读取完成后的文本内容
const json = JSON.parse(event.target.result)
console.log(node, json)
widget.value = JSON.stringify(json)
let img = widget.div.querySelector('img')
createSelect(img, select, json, image_prompt, image_text)
image_prompt.value = await parseImageToBase64(json[0].imgurl)
image_text.value = json[0].keyword
if (img) {
img.src = image_prompt.value
// 以文本方式读取文件
const onRemoved = this.onRemoved
this.onRemoved = () => {
return onRemoved?.()
if (this.onResize) {
this.serialize_widgets = true //需要保存参数
async loadedGraphNode (node, app) {
if (node.type === 'ImagesPrompt_') {
try {
let prompt = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name === 'image_base64')[0]
let text = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name === 'text')[0]
let uploadWidget = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name == 'upload')[0]
// console.log('##prompt',prompt.value)
let img = uploadWidget.div.querySelector('img')
let json = JSON.parse(uploadWidget.value)
for (let index = 0; index < json.length; index++) {
const j = json[index]
let base64 = await parseImageToBase64(j.imgurl)
if (base64 === prompt.value) {
json[index].selected = true
if (json && json[0]) {
uploadWidget.select.style.display = 'block'
createSelect(img, uploadWidget.select, json, prompt, text)
} catch (error) {}
const createInputImageForBatch = (base64, widget) => {
let im = new Image()
im.src = base64
im.style = `width: 88px;`
im.addEventListener('click', e => {
let newValue = []
let items = widget.value?.base64 || []
for (const v of items) {
if (v != base64) newValue.push(v)
widget.value.base64 = newValue
return im
name: 'Mixlab.Comfy.LoadImagesToBatch',
async getCustomWidgets (app) {
return {
IMAGEBASE64 (node, inputName, inputData, app) {
// console.log('##node', node)
const widget = {
value: {
base64: []
}, // 不能[x,x,x]
type: inputData[0], // the type
name: inputName, // the name, slice
size: [128, 32], // a default size
draw (ctx, node, width, y) {},
computeSize (...args) {
return [128, 32] // a method to compute the current size of the widget
// serializeValue (nodeId, widgetIndex) {
// return widget.value
// },
// widget.something = something; // maybe adds stuff to it
node.addCustomWidget(widget) // adds it to the node
return widget // and returns it.
async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) {
if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'LoadImagesToBatch') {
const orig_nodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () {
orig_nodeCreated?.apply(this, arguments)
let imagesWidget = this.widgets.filter(w => w.name == 'images')[0]
const widget = {
type: 'div',
name: 'image_base64',
draw (ctx, node, widget_width, y, widget_height) {
get_position_style(ctx, widget_width, 44, node.size[1])
serialize: false
widget.div = $el('div', {})
let imagePreview = document.createElement('div')
let imagesDiv = document.createElement('div') //显示图片
imagesDiv.className = 'images_preview'
imagesDiv.style = `width: calc(100% - 14px);
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding: 7px; justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;`
let inputImage = document.createElement('input')
inputImage.type = 'file'
inputImage.style.display = 'none'
inputImage.addEventListener('change', e => {
const file = e.target.files[0]
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = async event => {
let base64 = event.target.result
base64 = await loadImageToCanvas(base64)
// console.log(base64)
if (!imagesWidget.value) imagesWidget.value = { base64: [] }
let im = createInputImageForBatch(base64, imagesWidget)
const btn = document.createElement('button')
btn.innerText = 'Upload Image'
btn.style = `cursor: pointer;
font-weight: 300;
margin: 2px;
color: var(--descrip-text);
background-color: var(--comfy-input-bg);
border-radius: 8px;
border-color: var(--border-color);
border-style: solid;height: 30px;min-width: 122px;
btn.addEventListener('click', e => {
// document.addEventListener('wheel', handleMouseWheel)
const onRemoved = this.onRemoved
this.onRemoved = () => {
try {
// document.removeEventListener('wheel', handleMouseWheel)
} catch (error) {
return onRemoved?.()
this.serialize_widgets = true //需要保存参数
if (nodeData.name === 'SaveImageAndMetadata_') {
const onNodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated
// /web/extensions/core/saveImageExtraOutput.js
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () {
const r = onNodeCreated
? onNodeCreated.apply(this, arguments)
: undefined
const widget = this.widgets.find(w => w.name === 'filename_prefix')
widget.serializeValue = () => {
return applyTextReplacements(app, widget.value)
return r
const onExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted
nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function (message) {
onExecuted?.apply(this, arguments)
console.log('##onExecuted', this, message)
//TODO 是否 保存base64
if (message.base64) {
if (Array.isArray(message.base64)) {
async loadedGraphNode (node, app) {
if (node.type === 'LoadImagesToBatch') {
// await sleep(0)
let imagesWidget = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name === 'images')[0]
let imagePreview = node.widgets.filter(w => w.name == 'image_base64')[0]
let pre = imagePreview.div.querySelector('.images_preview')
for (const d of imagesWidget.value?.base64 || []) {
let im = createInputImageForBatch(d, imagesWidget)
// 如何引入css
name: 'Mixlab.output.ComparingTwoFrames_',
init () {
$el('link', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
href: '/extensions/comfyui-mixlab-nodes/lib/juxtapose.css',
parent: document.head
$el('style', {
textContent: `
display: none!important;
parent: document.body
async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) {
if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'ComparingTwoFrames_') {
const onNodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated
nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () {
const r = onNodeCreated
? onNodeCreated.apply(this, arguments)
: undefined
this.size = [400, this.size[1]]
console.log('##onNodeCreated', this)
const widget = {
type: 'div',
name: 'preview',
draw (ctx, node, widget_width, y, widget_height) {
get_position_style(ctx, 400, 44, node.size[1])
serialize: false
widget.div = $el('div', {})
this.serialize_widgets = true //需要保存参数
const onRemoved = this.onRemoved
this.onRemoved = () => {
return onRemoved?.()
return r
const onExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted
nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function (message) {
onExecuted?.apply(this, arguments)
console.log('##onExecuted', this, message)
this.widgets[0].div.id = 'mix_comparingtowframes_' + this.id
let after_image = message.after_images[0]
let before_image = message.before_images[0]
after_image = `${window.location.protocol}//${
)}&t=${+new Date()}`
before_image = `${window.location.protocol}//${
)}&t=${+new Date()}`
this.widgets[0].div.innerHTML = ''
let slider = new juxtapose.JXSlider(
'#mix_comparingtowframes_' + this.id,
src: before_image,
label: 'Before'
src: after_image,
label: 'After'
animate: true,
showLabels: true,
showCredits: false,
startingPosition: '50%',
makeResponsive: false
this.widgets_values = [
src: before_image,
label: 'Before'
src: after_image,
label: 'After'
async loadedGraphNode (node, app) {
// console.log('##loadedGraphNode', node)
if (node.type === 'ComparingTwoFrames_') {
// node.widgets[0].div.id = 'mix_comparingtowframes_' + node.id
// if (node.widgets_values && node.widgets_values[0]) {
// node.widgets[0].div.innerHTML = ''
// let slider = new juxtapose.JXSlider(
// '#mix_comparingtowframes_' + node.id,
// node.widgets_values,
// {
// animate: true,
// showLabels: true,
// showCredits: false,
// startingPosition: '50%',
// makeResponsive: false
// }
// )
// }