3v324v23's picture
import os
import itertools
import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import cv2
import psutil
import folder_paths
from comfy.utils import common_upscale, ProgressBar
from .logger import logger
from .utils import BIGMAX, DIMMAX, calculate_file_hash, get_sorted_dir_files_from_directory, get_audio, lazy_eval, hash_path, validate_path, strip_path
video_extensions = ['webm', 'mp4', 'mkv', 'gif']
def is_gif(filename) -> bool:
file_parts = filename.split('.')
return len(file_parts) > 1 and file_parts[-1] == "gif"
def target_size(width, height, force_size, custom_width, custom_height, downscale_ratio=8) -> tuple[int, int]:
if force_size == "Disabled":
elif force_size == "Custom Width":
height *= custom_width/width
width = custom_width
elif force_size == "Custom Height":
width *= custom_height/height
height = custom_height
width = custom_width
height = custom_height
width = int(width/downscale_ratio + 0.5) * downscale_ratio
height = int(height/downscale_ratio + 0.5) * downscale_ratio
return (width, height)
def cv_frame_generator(video, force_rate, frame_load_cap, skip_first_frames,
select_every_nth, meta_batch=None, unique_id=None):
video_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(strip_path(video))
if not video_cap.isOpened():
raise ValueError(f"{video} could not be loaded with cv.")
pbar = ProgressBar(frame_load_cap) if frame_load_cap > 0 else None
# extract video metadata
fps = video_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
width = int(video_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
height = int(video_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
total_frames = int(video_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
duration = total_frames / fps
# set video_cap to look at start_index frame
total_frame_count = 0
total_frames_evaluated = -1
frames_added = 0
base_frame_time = 1 / fps
prev_frame = None
if force_rate == 0:
target_frame_time = base_frame_time
target_frame_time = 1/force_rate
yield (width, height, fps, duration, total_frames, target_frame_time)
time_offset=target_frame_time - base_frame_time
while video_cap.isOpened():
if time_offset < target_frame_time:
is_returned = video_cap.grab()
# if didn't return frame, video has ended
if not is_returned:
time_offset += base_frame_time
if time_offset < target_frame_time:
time_offset -= target_frame_time
# if not at start_index, skip doing anything with frame
total_frame_count += 1
if total_frame_count <= skip_first_frames:
total_frames_evaluated += 1
# if should not be selected, skip doing anything with frame
if total_frames_evaluated%select_every_nth != 0:
# opencv loads images in BGR format (yuck), so need to convert to RGB for ComfyUI use
# follow up: can videos ever have an alpha channel?
# To my testing: No. opencv has no support for alpha
unused, frame = video_cap.retrieve()
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# convert frame to comfyui's expected format
# TODO: frame contains no exif information. Check if opencv2 has already applied
frame = np.array(frame, dtype=np.float32)
if prev_frame is not None:
inp = yield prev_frame
if inp is not None:
#ensure the finally block is called
prev_frame = frame
frames_added += 1
if pbar is not None:
pbar.update_absolute(frames_added, frame_load_cap)
# if cap exists and we've reached it, stop processing frames
if frame_load_cap > 0 and frames_added >= frame_load_cap:
if meta_batch is not None:
meta_batch.has_closed_inputs = True
if prev_frame is not None:
yield prev_frame
#Python 3.12 adds an itertools.batched, but it's easily replicated for legacy support
def batched(it, n):
while batch := tuple(itertools.islice(it, n)):
yield batch
def batched_vae_encode(images, vae, frames_per_batch):
for batch in batched(images, frames_per_batch):
image_batch = torch.from_numpy(np.array(batch))
yield from vae.encode(image_batch).numpy()
def load_video_cv(video: str, force_rate: int, force_size: str,
custom_width: int,custom_height: int, frame_load_cap: int,
skip_first_frames: int, select_every_nth: int,
meta_batch=None, unique_id=None, memory_limit_mb=None, vae=None):
if meta_batch is None or unique_id not in meta_batch.inputs:
gen = cv_frame_generator(video, force_rate, frame_load_cap, skip_first_frames,
select_every_nth, meta_batch, unique_id)
(width, height, fps, duration, total_frames, target_frame_time) = next(gen)
if meta_batch is not None:
meta_batch.inputs[unique_id] = (gen, width, height, fps, duration, total_frames, target_frame_time)
(gen, width, height, fps, duration, total_frames, target_frame_time) = meta_batch.inputs[unique_id]
memory_limit = None
if memory_limit_mb is not None:
memory_limit *= 2 ** 20
#TODO: verify if garbage collection should be performed here.
#leaves ~128 MB unreserved for safety
memory_limit = (psutil.virtual_memory().available + psutil.swap_memory().free) - 2 ** 27
logger.warn("Failed to calculate available memory. Memory load limit has been disabled")
#space required to load as f32, exist as latent with wiggle room, decode to f32
#TODO: fix when vae is not None
if vae is not None:
max_loadable_frames = int(memory_limit//(width*height*3*(4+4+1/10)))
#Consider completely ignoring for load_latent case?
max_loadable_frames = int(memory_limit//(width*height*3*(.1)))
if meta_batch is not None:
if meta_batch.frames_per_batch > max_loadable_frames:
raise RuntimeError(f"Meta Batch set to {meta_batch.frames_per_batch} frames but only {max_loadable_frames} can fit in memory")
gen = itertools.islice(gen, meta_batch.frames_per_batch)
original_gen = gen
gen = itertools.islice(gen, max_loadable_frames)
downscale_ratio = getattr(vae, "downscale_ratio", 8)
frames_per_batch = (1920 * 1080 * 16) // (width * height) or 1
if force_size != "Disabled" or vae is not None:
new_size = target_size(width, height, force_size, custom_width, custom_height, downscale_ratio)
if new_size[0] != width or new_size[1] != height:
def rescale(frame):
s = torch.from_numpy(np.fromiter(frame, np.dtype((np.float32, (height, width, 3)))))
s = s.movedim(-1,1)
s = common_upscale(s, new_size[0], new_size[1], "lanczos", "center")
return s.movedim(1,-1).numpy()
gen = itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(rescale, batched(gen, frames_per_batch)))
new_size = width, height
if vae is not None:
gen = batched_vae_encode(gen, vae, frames_per_batch)
vw,vh = new_size[0]//downscale_ratio, new_size[1]//downscale_ratio
images = torch.from_numpy(np.fromiter(gen, np.dtype((np.float32, (4,vh,vw)))))
#Some minor wizardry to eliminate a copy and reduce max memory by a factor of ~2
images = torch.from_numpy(np.fromiter(gen, np.dtype((np.float32, (new_size[1], new_size[0], 3)))))
if meta_batch is None and memory_limit is not None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Memory limit hit after loading {len(images)} frames. Stopping execution.")
except StopIteration:
if len(images) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("No frames generated")
#Setup lambda for lazy audio capture
audio = lambda : get_audio(video, skip_first_frames * target_frame_time,
#Adjust target_frame_time for select_every_nth
target_frame_time *= select_every_nth
video_info = {
"source_fps": fps,
"source_frame_count": total_frames,
"source_duration": duration,
"source_width": width,
"source_height": height,
"loaded_fps": 1/target_frame_time,
"loaded_frame_count": len(images),
"loaded_duration": len(images) * target_frame_time,
"loaded_width": new_size[0],
"loaded_height": new_size[1],
if vae is None:
return (images, len(images), lazy_eval(audio), video_info, None)
return (None, len(images), lazy_eval(audio), video_info, {"samples": images})
class LoadVideoUpload:
input_dir = folder_paths.get_input_directory()
files = []
for f in os.listdir(input_dir):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(input_dir, f)):
file_parts = f.split('.')
if len(file_parts) > 1 and (file_parts[-1] in video_extensions):
return {"required": {
"video": (sorted(files),),
"force_rate": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 60, "step": 1}),
"force_size": (["Disabled", "Custom Height", "Custom Width", "Custom", "256x?", "?x256", "256x256", "512x?", "?x512", "512x512"],),
"custom_width": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 0, "max": DIMMAX, "step": 8}),
"custom_height": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 0, "max": DIMMAX, "step": 8}),
"frame_load_cap": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": BIGMAX, "step": 1}),
"skip_first_frames": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": BIGMAX, "step": 1}),
"select_every_nth": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 1, "max": BIGMAX, "step": 1}),
"optional": {
"meta_batch": ("VHS_BatchManager",),
"vae": ("VAE",),
"hidden": {
"unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID"
CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’"
RETURN_NAMES = ("IMAGE", "frame_count", "audio", "video_info", "LATENT")
FUNCTION = "load_video"
def load_video(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['video'] = folder_paths.get_annotated_filepath(strip_path(kwargs['video']))
return load_video_cv(**kwargs)
def IS_CHANGED(s, video, **kwargs):
image_path = folder_paths.get_annotated_filepath(video)
return calculate_file_hash(image_path)
def VALIDATE_INPUTS(s, video, force_size, **kwargs):
if not folder_paths.exists_annotated_filepath(video):
return "Invalid video file: {}".format(video)
return True
class LoadVideoPath:
return {
"required": {
"video": ("STRING", {"default": "X://insert/path/here.mp4", "vhs_path_extensions": video_extensions}),
"force_rate": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 60, "step": 1}),
"force_size": (["Disabled", "Custom Height", "Custom Width", "Custom", "256x?", "?x256", "256x256", "512x?", "?x512", "512x512"],),
"custom_width": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 0, "max": DIMMAX, "step": 8}),
"custom_height": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 0, "max": DIMMAX, "step": 8}),
"frame_load_cap": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": BIGMAX, "step": 1}),
"skip_first_frames": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": BIGMAX, "step": 1}),
"select_every_nth": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 1, "max": BIGMAX, "step": 1}),
"optional": {
"meta_batch": ("VHS_BatchManager",),
"vae": ("VAE",),
"hidden": {
"unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID"
CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’"
RETURN_NAMES = ("IMAGE", "frame_count", "audio", "video_info", "LATENT")
FUNCTION = "load_video"
def load_video(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs['video'] is None or validate_path(kwargs['video']) != True:
raise Exception("video is not a valid path: " + kwargs['video'])
return load_video_cv(**kwargs)
def IS_CHANGED(s, video, **kwargs):
return hash_path(video)
def VALIDATE_INPUTS(s, video, **kwargs):
return validate_path(video, allow_none=True)