3v324v23's picture
# Comfyroll Studio custom nodes by RockOfFire and Akatsuzi https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes
# for ComfyUI https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
import math
from ..categories import icons
class AnyType(str):
# Credit to pythongosssss
def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool:
return False
any_type = AnyType("*")
# Maths Nodes
class CR_ClampValue:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"a": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1, "min": -18446744073709551615, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
"range_min": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1, "min": -18446744073709551615, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
"range_max": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1, "min": -18446744073709551615, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
RETURN_NAMES =("a", "show_help", )
FUNCTION = "clamp_value"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Other")
def clamp_value(self, a, range_min, range_max):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-clamp-value"
a = max(range_min, min(a, range_max))
return (a, show_help, )
class CR_IntegerMultipleOf:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"integer": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": -18446744073709551615, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
"multiple": ("FLOAT", {"default": 8, "min": 1, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
RETURN_NAMES =("INT", "show_help", )
FUNCTION = "int_multiple_of"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Other")
def int_multiple_of(self, integer, multiple=8):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-integer-multiple"
if multiple == 0:
return (int(integer), show_help, )
integer = integer * multiple
return (int(integer), show_help, )
class CR_Value:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {"required": {"value": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0,},)}}
RETURN_NAMES = ("FLOAT", "INT", "show_help", )
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Other")
FUNCTION = "get_value"
def get_value(self, value):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-value"
return (float(value), int(value), show_help, )
class CR_MathOperation:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
operations = ["sin", "cos", "tan", "sqrt", "exp", "log", "neg", "abs"]
return {
"required": {
"a": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0},),
"operation": (operations, ),
"decimal_places": ("INT", {"default": 2, "min": 0, "max": 10}),
RETURN_NAMES =("a", "show_help", )
FUNCTION = "do_math"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Other")
def do_math(self, a, operation, decimal_places):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-math-operation"
#Apply the specified operation on the input value 'a'.
if operation == 'sin':
result = math.sin(a)
elif operation == 'cos':
result = math.cos(a)
elif operation == 'tan':
result = math.cos(a)
elif operation == 'sqrt':
result = math.sqrt(a)
elif operation == 'exp':
result = math.exp(a)
elif operation == 'log':
result = math.log(a)
elif operation == 'neg':
result = -a
elif operation == 'abs':
result = abs(a)
raise ValueError("CR Math Operation: Unsupported operation.")
result = round(result, decimal_places)
return (result, show_help, )
class CR_GetParameterFromPrompt:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"prompt": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "default": "prompt", "forceInput": True}),
"search_string": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": "!findme"}),
RETURN_NAMES =("prompt", "text", "float", "boolean", "show_help", )
FUNCTION = "get_string"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Other")
def get_string(self, prompt, search_string):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-find-string-in-prompt"
return_string = ""
return_value = 0
return_boolean = False
return_prompt = prompt
index = prompt.find(search_string)
if index != -1:
# Check if there is a quote after the search_string
if prompt[index + len(search_string)] == '=':
if prompt[index + len(search_string) + 1] == '"':
# Extract text between quotes
start_quote = index + len(search_string) + 2
end_quote = prompt.find('"', start_quote + 1)
if end_quote != -1:
return_string = prompt[start_quote:end_quote]
# Find the next space after the search_string
space_index = prompt.find(" ", index + len(search_string))
if space_index != -1:
return_string = prompt[index + len(search_string):space_index]
return_string = prompt[index + len(search_string):]
return_string = search_string[1:]
if return_string == "":
return (return_prompt, return_string, return_value, return_boolean, show_help, )
if return_string.startswith("="):
return_string = return_string[1:]
return_boolean = return_string.lower() == "true"
# Check if return_string is an integer or a float
return_value = int(return_string)
except ValueError:
return_value = float(return_string)
except ValueError:
return_value = 0
remove_string = " " + search_string + "=" + return_string
# The return_prompt should have the search_string and the return_text removed
return_prompt = prompt.replace(remove_string, "")
return (return_prompt, return_string, return_value, return_boolean, show_help, )
class CR_SelectResizeMethod:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
methods = ["Fit", "Crop"]
return {
"required": {
"method": (methods, ),
RETURN_TYPES =(any_type, "STRING", )
RETURN_NAMES =("method", "show_help", )
FUNCTION = "set_switch"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Other")
def set_switch(self, method):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-select-resize-method"
return (method, show_help, )
# Conditional Nodes
class CR_SetValueOnBinary:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"binary": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 0, "max": 1, "forceInput": True}),
"value_if_1": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1, "min": -18446744073709551615, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
"value_if_0": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": -18446744073709551615, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
RETURN_NAMES =("INT", "FLOAT", "show_help", )
FUNCTION = "set_value"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Conditional")
def set_value(self, binary, value_if_1, value_if_0):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-set-value-on-boolean"
if binary == 1:
return (int(value_if_1), value_if_1, show_help, )
return (int(value_if_0), value_if_0, show_help, )
class CR_SetValueOnBoolean:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"boolean": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True, "forceInput": True}),
"value_if_true": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1, "min": -18446744073709551615, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
"value_if_false": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": -18446744073709551615, "max": 18446744073709551615}),
RETURN_NAMES =("INT", "FLOAT", "show_help", )
FUNCTION = "set_value"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Conditional")
def set_value(self, boolean, value_if_true, value_if_false):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-set-value-on-boolean"
if boolean == True:
return (int(value_if_true), value_if_true, show_help, )
return (int(value_if_false), value_if_false, show_help, )
class CR_SetValueOnString:
@ classmethod
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"text": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": "", "forceInput": True}),
"optional": {
"test_string": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": ""}),
"value_if_true": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": ""}),
"value_if_false": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": ""}),
RETURN_TYPES = (any_type, "BOOLEAN", "STRING", )
RETURN_NAMES = ("STRING", "BOOLEAN","show_help", )
FUNCTION = "replace_text"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Conditional")
def replace_text(self, text, test_string, value_if_true, value_if_false):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/List-Nodes#cr-set-value-on-string"
if test_string in text:
# Test condition is true, replace with value_if_true
text_out = value_if_true
bool_out = True
# Test condition is false, replace with value_if_false
text_out = value_if_false
bool_out = False
return (text_out, bool_out, show_help)
class CR_SetSwitchFromString:
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
methods = ["Fit", "Crop"]
return {
"required": {
"text": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": "", "forceInput": True}),
"optional": {
"switch_1": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": ""}),
"switch_2": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": ""}),
"switch_3": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": ""}),
"switch_4": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": ""}),
RETURN_NAMES =("switch", "show_help", )
FUNCTION = "set_switch"
CATEGORY = icons.get("Comfyroll/Utils/Conditional")
def set_switch(self, text, switch_1="", switch_2="", switch_3="", switch_4=""):
show_help = "https://github.com/Suzie1/ComfyUI_Comfyroll_CustomNodes/wiki/Other-Nodes#cr-set-switch-from-string"
if text == switch_1:
switch = 1
elif text == switch_2:
switch = 2
elif text == switch_3:
switch = 3
elif text == switch_4:
switch = 4
return (switch, show_help, )
# For reference only, actual mappings are in __init__.py
### Utility Other
"CR Value": CR_Value,
"CR Clamp Value": CR_ClampValue,
"CR Integer Multiple": CR_IntegerMultipleOf,
"CR Math Operation": CR_MathOperation,
"CR Get Parameter From Prompt": CR_GetParameterFromPrompt,
"CR Select Resize Method": CR_SelectResizeMethod,
### Conditional Nodes
"CR Set Value On Boolean": CR_SetValueOnBoolean,
"CR Set Value On Binary": CR_SetValueOnBinary,
"CR Set Value on String": CR_SetValueOnString,
"CR Set Switch From String": CR_SetSwitchFromString,