import os |
import subprocess |
import importlib.util |
import sys,json |
import urllib |
import hashlib |
import datetime |
import folder_paths |
import logging |
import base64,io,re |
from PIL import Image |
from comfy.cli_args import args |
python = sys.executable |
try: |
sys.stdout.isatty() |
except: |
print('#fix sys.stdout.isatty') |
sys.stdout.isatty = lambda: False |
llama_port=None |
llama_model="" |
llama_chat_format="" |
try: |
from .nodes.ChatGPT import get_llama_models,get_llama_model_path,llama_cpp_client |
llama_cpp_client("") |
except: |
print("##nodes.ChatGPT ImportError") |
from .nodes.RembgNode import get_rembg_models,U2NET_HOME,run_briarmbg,run_rembg |
from server import PromptServer |
try: |
import aiohttp |
from aiohttp import web |
except ImportError: |
print("Module 'aiohttp' not installed. Please install it via:") |
print("pip install aiohttp") |
print("or") |
print("pip install -r requirements.txt") |
sys.exit() |
def is_installed(package, package_overwrite=None): |
try: |
spec = importlib.util.find_spec(package) |
except ModuleNotFoundError: |
pass |
package = package_overwrite or package |
if spec is None: |
print(f"Installing {package}...") |
command = f'"{python}" -m pip install {package}' |
result = subprocess.run(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, env=os.environ) |
if result.returncode != 0: |
print(f"Couldn't install\nCommand: {command}\nError code: {result.returncode}") |
else: |
print(package+'## OK') |
try: |
import OpenSSL |
except ImportError: |
print("Module 'pyOpenSSL' not installed. Please install it via:") |
print("pip install pyOpenSSL") |
print("or") |
print("pip install -r requirements.txt") |
is_installed('pyOpenSSL') |
sys.exit() |
try: |
import watchdog |
except ImportError: |
print("Module 'watchdog' not installed. Please install it via:") |
print("pip install watchdog") |
print("or") |
print("pip install -r requirements.txt") |
is_installed('watchdog') |
sys.exit() |
def install_openai(): |
try: |
importlib.import_module('openai') |
except ImportError: |
import pip |
pip.main(['install', 'openai']) |
install_openai() |
current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) |
def remove_base64_prefix(base64_str): |
""" |
去除 base64 字符串中的 data:image/*;base64, 前缀 |
Args: |
base64_str: base64 编码的字符串 |
Returns: |
去除前缀后的 base64 字符串 |
""" |
pattern = r'^data:image\/(.*);base64,(.+)$' |
match = re.match(pattern, base64_str) |
if match: |
return match.group(2) |
else: |
return base64_str |
def calculate_md5(string): |
encoded_string = string.encode() |
md5_hash = hashlib.md5(encoded_string).hexdigest() |
return md5_hash |
def create_key(key_p,crt_p): |
import OpenSSL |
private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey() |
private_key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048) |
csr = OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req() |
csr.get_subject().CN = "mixlab.com" |
csr.set_pubkey(private_key) |
csr.sign(private_key, "sha256") |
certificate = OpenSSL.crypto.X509() |
certificate.set_serial_number(1) |
certificate.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) |
certificate.gmtime_adj_notAfter(365 * 24 * 60 * 60) |
certificate.set_issuer(csr.get_subject()) |
certificate.set_subject(csr.get_subject()) |
certificate.set_pubkey(csr.get_pubkey()) |
certificate.sign(private_key, "sha256") |
with open(key_p, "wb") as f: |
f.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, private_key)) |
with open(crt_p, "wb") as f: |
f.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, certificate)) |
return |
def create_for_https(): |
https_key_path=os.path.join(current_path, "https") |
crt=os.path.join(https_key_path, "certificate.crt") |
key=os.path.join(https_key_path, "private.key") |
if not os.path.exists(https_key_path): |
os.mkdir(https_key_path) |
if not os.path.exists(crt): |
create_key(key,crt) |
print('https_key OK: ', crt,key) |
return (crt,key) |
def read_workflow_json_files_all(folder_path): |
print('#read_workflow_json_files_all',folder_path) |
json_files = [] |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path): |
for file in files: |
if file.endswith('.json'): |
json_files.append(os.path.join(root, file)) |
data = [] |
for file_path in json_files: |
try: |
with open(file_path) as json_file: |
json_data = json.load(json_file) |
creation_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(file_path)) |
numeric_timestamp = creation_time.timestamp() |
file_info = { |
'filename': os.path.basename(file_path), |
'category': os.path.dirname(file_path), |
'data': json_data, |
'date': numeric_timestamp |
} |
data.append(file_info) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x['date'], reverse=True) |
return sorted_data |
def read_workflow_json_files(folder_path ): |
json_files = [] |
for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): |
if filename.endswith('.json'): |
json_files.append(filename) |
data = [] |
for file in json_files: |
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file) |
try: |
with open(file_path) as json_file: |
json_data = json.load(json_file) |
creation_time=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(file_path)) |
numeric_timestamp = creation_time.timestamp() |
file_info = { |
'filename': file, |
'data': json_data, |
'date': numeric_timestamp |
} |
data.append(file_info) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x['date'], reverse=True) |
return sorted_data |
def get_workflows(): |
workflow_path=os.path.join(current_path, "workflow") |
if not os.path.exists(workflow_path): |
os.mkdir(workflow_path) |
workflows=read_workflow_json_files(workflow_path) |
return workflows |
def get_my_workflow_for_app(filename="my_workflow_app.json",category="",is_all=False): |
app_path=os.path.join(current_path, "app") |
if not os.path.exists(app_path): |
os.mkdir(app_path) |
category_path=os.path.join(app_path,category) |
if not os.path.exists(category_path): |
os.mkdir(category_path) |
apps=[] |
if filename==None: |
if is_all: |
data=read_workflow_json_files_all(category_path) |
else: |
data=read_workflow_json_files(category_path) |
i=0 |
for item in data: |
try: |
x=item["data"] |
if i==0 or is_all: |
apps.append({ |
"filename":item["filename"], |
"data":x, |
"date":item["date"], |
}) |
else: |
category='' |
input=None |
output=None |
if 'category' in x['app']: |
category=x['app']['category'] |
if 'input' in x['app']: |
input=x['app']['input'] |
if 'output' in x['app']: |
output=x['app']['output'] |
apps.append({ |
"filename":item["filename"], |
"category":category, |
"data":{ |
"app":{ |
"category":category, |
"description":x['app']['description'], |
"filename":(x['app']['filename'] if 'filename' in x['app'] else "") , |
"icon":(x['app']['icon'] if 'icon' in x['app'] else None), |
"name":x['app']['name'], |
"version":x['app']['version'], |
"input":input, |
"output":output, |
"id":x['app']['id'] |
} |
}, |
"date":item["date"] |
}) |
i+=1 |
except Exception as e: |
print("发生异常:", str(e)) |
else: |
app_workflow_path=os.path.join(category_path, filename) |
print('app_workflow_path: ',app_workflow_path) |
try: |
with open(app_workflow_path) as json_file: |
apps = [{ |
'filename':filename, |
'data':json.load(json_file) |
}] |
except Exception as e: |
print("发生异常:", str(e)) |
data=read_workflow_json_files(category_path) |
for item in data: |
x=item["data"] |
if apps[0]['filename']!=item["filename"]: |
category='' |
input=None |
output=None |
if 'category' in x['app']: |
category=x['app']['category'] |
if 'input' in x['app']: |
input=x['app']['input'] |
if 'output' in x['app']: |
output=x['app']['output'] |
apps.append({ |
"filename":item["filename"], |
"data":{ |
"app":{ |
"category":category, |
"description":x['app']['description'], |
"filename":(x['app']['filename'] if 'filename' in x['app'] else "") , |
"icon":(x['app']['icon'] if 'icon' in x['app'] else None), |
"name":x['app']['name'], |
"version":x['app']['version'], |
"input":input, |
"output":output, |
"id":x['app']['id'] |
} |
}, |
"date":item["date"] |
}) |
return apps |
def save_prompt_result(id,data): |
prompt_result_path=os.path.join(current_path, "workflow/prompt_result.json") |
prompt_result={} |
if os.path.exists(prompt_result_path): |
with open(prompt_result_path) as json_file: |
prompt_result = json.load(json_file) |
prompt_result[id]=data |
with open(prompt_result_path, 'w') as file: |
json.dump(prompt_result, file) |
return prompt_result_path |
def get_prompt_result(): |
prompt_result_path=os.path.join(current_path, "workflow/prompt_result.json") |
prompt_result={} |
if os.path.exists(prompt_result_path): |
with open(prompt_result_path) as json_file: |
prompt_result = json.load(json_file) |
res=list(prompt_result.values()) |
return res |
def save_workflow_json(data): |
workflow_path=os.path.join(current_path, "workflow/my_workflow.json") |
with open(workflow_path, 'w') as file: |
json.dump(data, file) |
return workflow_path |
def save_workflow_for_app(data,filename="my_workflow_app.json",category=""): |
app_path=os.path.join(current_path, "app") |
if not os.path.exists(app_path): |
os.mkdir(app_path) |
category_path=os.path.join(app_path,category) |
if not os.path.exists(category_path): |
os.mkdir(category_path) |
app_workflow_path=os.path.join(category_path, filename) |
try: |
output_str = json.dumps(data['output']) |
data['app']['id']=calculate_md5(output_str) |
except Exception as e: |
print("发生异常:", str(e)) |
with open(app_workflow_path, 'w') as file: |
json.dump(data, file) |
return filename |
def get_nodes_map(): |
data_path=os.path.join(current_path, "data") |
print('data_path: ',data_path) |
json_data={} |
nodes_map=os.path.join(current_path, "data/extension-node-map.json") |
if os.path.exists(nodes_map): |
with open(nodes_map) as json_file: |
json_data = json.load(json_file) |
return json_data |
_original_request = aiohttp.ClientSession._request |
async def new_request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs): |
proxy = os.environ.get('HTTP_PROXY') or os.environ.get('HTTPS_PROXY') or os.environ.get('http_proxy') or os.environ.get('https_proxy') |
if proxy and 'proxy' not in kwargs: |
kwargs['proxy'] = proxy |
print('Use Proxy:',proxy) |
return await _original_request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs) |
aiohttp.ClientSession._request = new_request |
import socket |
async def check_port_available(address, port): |
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: |
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) |
try: |
sock.bind((address, port)) |
return True |
except socket.error: |
return False |
async def new_start(self, address, port, verbose=True, call_on_start=None): |
try: |
runner = web.AppRunner(self.app, access_log=None) |
await runner.setup() |
http_success = False |
http_port=port |
for i in range(11): |
if await check_port_available(address, port + i): |
http_port = port + i |
site = web.TCPSite(runner, address, http_port) |
await site.start() |
http_success = True |
break |
if not http_success: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Ports {port} to {port + 10} are all in use.") |
ssl_context = None |
scheme = "http" |
try: |
if args.tls_keyfile and args.tls_certfile: |
scheme = "https" |
ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(protocol=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER, verify_mode=ssl.CERT_NONE) |
ssl_context.load_cert_chain(certfile=args.tls_certfile, |
keyfile=args.tls_keyfile) |
else: |
import ssl |
crt, key = create_for_https() |
ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) |
ssl_context.load_cert_chain(crt, key) |
except: |
import ssl |
crt, key = create_for_https() |
ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) |
ssl_context.load_cert_chain(crt, key) |
success = False |
for i in range(11): |
if await check_port_available(address, http_port + 1 + i): |
https_port = http_port + 1 + i |
site2 = web.TCPSite(runner, address, https_port, ssl_context=ssl_context) |
await site2.start() |
success = True |
break |
if not success: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Ports {http_port + 1} to {http_port + 10} are all in use.") |
if address == '': |
address = '' |
if address=='': |
address = '' |
if verbose: |
logging.info("\n") |
logging.info("\n\nStarting server") |
logging.info("\033[93mTo see the GUI go to: http://{}:{}".format(address, http_port)) |
logging.info("\033[93mTo see the GUI go to: https://{}:{}\033[0m".format(address, https_port)) |
if call_on_start is not None: |
try: |
if scheme=='https': |
call_on_start(scheme,address, https_port) |
else: |
call_on_start(scheme,address, http_port) |
except: |
call_on_start(address,http_port) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error starting the server: {e}") |
PromptServer.start=new_start |
routes = PromptServer.instance.routes |
@routes.post('/mixlab') |
async def mixlab_hander(request): |
config=os.path.join(current_path, "nodes/config.json") |
data={} |
try: |
if os.path.exists(config): |
with open(config, 'r') as f: |
data = json.load(f) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return web.json_response(data) |
@routes.get('/mixlab/app') |
async def mixlab_app_handler(request): |
html_file = os.path.join(current_path, "web/index.html") |
if os.path.exists(html_file): |
with open(html_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: |
html_data = f.read() |
return web.Response(text=html_data, content_type='text/html') |
else: |
return web.Response(text="HTML file not found", status=404) |
@routes.post('/mixlab/workflow') |
async def mixlab_workflow_hander(request): |
data = await request.json() |
result={} |
try: |
if 'task' in data: |
if data['task']=='save': |
file_path=save_workflow_json(data['data']) |
result={ |
'status':'success', |
'file_path':file_path |
} |
elif data['task']=='save_app': |
category="" |
if "category" in data: |
category=data['category'] |
file_path=save_workflow_for_app(data['data'],data['filename'],category) |
result={ |
'status':'success', |
'file_path':file_path |
} |
elif data['task']=='my_app': |
filename=None |
category="" |
admin=False |
if 'filename' in data: |
filename=data['filename'] |
if 'category' in data: |
category=data['category'] |
if 'admin' in data: |
admin=data['admin'] |
result={ |
'data':get_my_workflow_for_app(filename,category,admin), |
'status':'success', |
} |
elif data['task']=='list': |
result={ |
'data':get_workflows(), |
'status':'success', |
} |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return web.json_response(result) |
@routes.post('/mixlab/nodes_map') |
async def nodes_map_hander(request): |
data = await request.json() |
result={} |
try: |
result={ |
'data':get_nodes_map(), |
'status':'success', |
} |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return web.json_response(result) |
@routes.post("/mixlab/folder_paths") |
async def get_checkpoints(request): |
data = await request.json() |
t="checkpoints" |
names=[] |
try: |
t=data['type'] |
names = folder_paths.get_filename_list(t) |
except Exception as e: |
print('/mixlab/folder_paths',False,e) |
try: |
if data['type']=='llamafile': |
names=get_llama_models() |
except: |
print("llamafile none") |
try: |
if data['type']=='rembg': |
names=get_rembg_models(U2NET_HOME) |
except: |
print("rembg none") |
return web.json_response({"names":names,"types":list(folder_paths.folder_names_and_paths.keys())}) |
@routes.post('/mixlab/rembg') |
async def rembg_hander(request): |
data = await request.json() |
model=data['model'] |
result={} |
data_base64=remove_base64_prefix(data['base64']) |
image_data = base64.b64decode(data_base64) |
image_stream = io.BytesIO(image_data) |
image = Image.open(image_stream) |
if model=='briarmbg': |
_,rgba_images,_=run_briarmbg([image]) |
else: |
_,rgba_images,_=run_rembg(model,[image]) |
with io.BytesIO() as buf: |
rgba_images[0].save(buf, format='PNG') |
img_bytes = buf.getvalue() |
img_base64 = base64.b64encode(img_bytes).decode('utf-8') |
try: |
result={ |
'data':img_base64, |
'model':model, |
'status':'success', |
} |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
return web.json_response(result) |
@routes.post("/mixlab/prompt_result") |
async def post_prompt_result(request): |
data = await request.json() |
res=None |
try: |
action=data['action'] |
if action=='save': |
result=data['data'] |
res=save_prompt_result(result['prompt_id'],result) |
elif action=='all': |
res=get_prompt_result() |
except Exception as e: |
print('/mixlab/prompt_result',False,e) |
return web.json_response({"result":res}) |
async def start_local_llm(data): |
global llama_port,llama_model,llama_chat_format |
if llama_port and llama_model and llama_chat_format: |
return {"port":llama_port,"model":llama_model,"chat_format":llama_chat_format} |
import threading |
import uvicorn |
from llama_cpp.server.app import create_app |
from llama_cpp.server.settings import ( |
Settings, |
ServerSettings, |
ModelSettings, |
ConfigFileSettings, |
) |
if not "model" in data and "model_path" in data: |
data['model']= os.path.basename(data["model_path"]) |
model=data["model_path"] |
elif "model" in data: |
model=get_llama_model_path(data['model']) |
n_gpu_layers=-1 |
if "n_gpu_layers" in data: |
n_gpu_layers=data['n_gpu_layers'] |
chat_format="chatml" |
model_alias=os.path.basename(model) |
clip_model_path=None |
prefix = "llava-phi-3-mini" |
file_name = prefix+"-mmproj-" |
if model_alias.startswith(prefix): |
for file in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(model)): |
if file.startswith(file_name): |
clip_model_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(model),file) |
chat_format='llava-1-5' |
print('#clip_model_path',chat_format,clip_model_path) |
address="" |
port=9090 |
success = False |
for i in range(11): |
if await check_port_available(address, port + i): |
port = port + i |
success = True |
break |
if success == False: |
return {"port":None,"model":""} |
server_settings=ServerSettings(host=address,port=port) |
name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(model)) |
print('#model',name) |
app = create_app( |
server_settings=server_settings, |
model_settings=[ |
ModelSettings( |
model=model, |
model_alias=name, |
n_gpu_layers=n_gpu_layers, |
n_ctx=4098, |
chat_format=chat_format, |
embedding=False, |
clip_model_path=clip_model_path |
)]) |
def run_uvicorn(): |
uvicorn.run( |
app, |
host=os.getenv("HOST", server_settings.host), |
port=int(os.getenv("PORT", server_settings.port)), |
ssl_keyfile=server_settings.ssl_keyfile, |
ssl_certfile=server_settings.ssl_certfile, |
) |
thread = threading.Thread(target=run_uvicorn) |
thread.start() |
llama_port=port |
llama_model=data['model'] |
llama_chat_format=chat_format |
return {"port":llama_port,"model":llama_model,"chat_format":llama_chat_format} |
@routes.post('/mixlab/start_llama') |
async def my_hander_method(request): |
data =await request.json() |
if llama_port and llama_model and llama_chat_format: |
return web.json_response({"port":llama_port,"model":llama_model,"chat_format":llama_chat_format} ) |
try: |
result=await start_local_llm(data) |
except: |
result= {"port":None,"model":"","llama_cpp_error":True} |
print('start_local_llm error') |
return web.json_response(result) |
@routes.post('/mixlab/re_start') |
def re_start(request): |
try: |
sys.stdout.close_log() |
except Exception as e: |
pass |
return os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) |
from .nodes.PromptNode import GLIGENTextBoxApply_Advanced,EmbeddingPrompt,RandomPrompt,PromptSlide,PromptSimplification,PromptImage,JoinWithDelimiter |
from .nodes.ImageNode import ImageListToBatch_,ComparingTwoFrames,LoadImages_,CompositeImages,GridDisplayAndSave,GridInput,ImagesPrompt,SaveImageAndMetadata,SaveImageToLocal,SplitImage,GridOutput,GetImageSize_,MirroredImage,ImageColorTransfer,NoiseImage,TransparentImage,GradientImage,LoadImagesFromPath,LoadImagesFromURL,ResizeImage,TextImage,SvgImage,Image3D,ShowLayer,NewLayer,MergeLayers,CenterImage,AreaToMask,SmoothMask,SplitLongMask,ImageCropByAlpha,EnhanceImage,FaceToMask |
from .nodes.ScreenShareNode import ScreenShareNode,FloatingVideo |
from .nodes.Audio import AudioPlayNode,SpeechRecognition,SpeechSynthesis |
from .nodes.Utils import IncrementingListNode,ListSplit,CreateLoraNames,CreateSampler_names,CreateCkptNames,CreateSeedNode,TESTNODE_,TESTNODE_TOKEN,AppInfo,IntNumber,FloatSlider,TextInput,ColorInput,FontInput,TextToNumber,DynamicDelayProcessor,LimitNumber,SwitchByIndex,MultiplicationNode |
from .nodes.Mask import PreviewMask_,MaskListReplace,MaskListMerge,OutlineMask,FeatheredMask |
from .nodes.Style import ApplyVisualStylePrompting,StyleAlignedReferenceSampler,StyleAlignedBatchAlign,StyleAlignedSampleReferenceLatents |
"AppInfo":AppInfo, |
"RandomPrompt":RandomPrompt, |
"EmbeddingPrompt":EmbeddingPrompt, |
"PromptSlide":PromptSlide, |
"GLIGENTextBoxApply_Advanced":GLIGENTextBoxApply_Advanced, |
"PromptSimplification":PromptSimplification, |
"PromptImage":PromptImage, |
"MirroredImage":MirroredImage, |
"NoiseImage":NoiseImage, |
"GradientImage":GradientImage, |
"TransparentImage":TransparentImage, |
"ResizeImageMixlab":ResizeImage, |
"LoadImagesFromPath":LoadImagesFromPath, |
"LoadImagesFromURL":LoadImagesFromURL, |
"LoadImagesToBatch":LoadImages_, |
"TextImage":TextImage, |
"EnhanceImage":EnhanceImage, |
"SvgImage":SvgImage, |
"3DImage":Image3D, |
"ImageColorTransfer":ImageColorTransfer, |
"ShowLayer":ShowLayer, |
"NewLayer":NewLayer, |
"ImageListToBatch_":ImageListToBatch_, |
"CompositeImages_":CompositeImages, |
"SplitImage":SplitImage, |
"CenterImage":CenterImage, |
"GridOutput":GridOutput, |
"GridDisplayAndSave":GridDisplayAndSave, |
"GridInput":GridInput, |
"MergeLayers":MergeLayers, |
"SplitLongMask":SplitLongMask, |
"FeatheredMask":FeatheredMask, |
"SmoothMask":SmoothMask, |
"FaceToMask":FaceToMask, |
"AreaToMask":AreaToMask, |
"ImageCropByAlpha":ImageCropByAlpha, |
"ImagesPrompt_":ImagesPrompt, |
"SaveImageToLocal":SaveImageToLocal, |
"SaveImageAndMetadata_":SaveImageAndMetadata, |
"ComparingTwoFrames_":ComparingTwoFrames, |
"ScreenShare":ScreenShareNode, |
"FloatingVideo":FloatingVideo, |
"SpeechRecognition":SpeechRecognition, |
"SpeechSynthesis":SpeechSynthesis, |
"Color":ColorInput, |
"FloatSlider":FloatSlider, |
"IntNumber":IntNumber, |
"TextInput_":TextInput, |
"Font":FontInput, |
"TextToNumber":TextToNumber, |
"DynamicDelayProcessor":DynamicDelayProcessor, |
"MultiplicationNode":MultiplicationNode, |
"GetImageSize_":GetImageSize_, |
"SwitchByIndex":SwitchByIndex, |
"LimitNumber":LimitNumber, |
"OutlineMask":OutlineMask, |
"MaskListMerge_":MaskListMerge, |
"JoinWithDelimiter":JoinWithDelimiter, |
"Seed_":CreateSeedNode, |
"CkptNames_":CreateCkptNames, |
"SamplerNames_":CreateSampler_names, |
"LoraNames_":CreateLoraNames, |
"ApplyVisualStylePrompting_":ApplyVisualStylePrompting, |
"StyleAlignedReferenceSampler_": StyleAlignedReferenceSampler, |
"StyleAlignedSampleReferenceLatents_": StyleAlignedSampleReferenceLatents, |
"StyleAlignedBatchAlign_": StyleAlignedBatchAlign, |
"ListSplit_":ListSplit, |
"MaskListReplace_":MaskListReplace, |
"IncrementingListNode_":IncrementingListNode, |
"PreviewMask_":PreviewMask_, |
"AudioPlay":AudioPlayNode |
} |
"AppInfo":"App Info ♾️MixlabApp", |
"ScreenShare":"Screen Share ♾️Mixlab", |
"FloatingVideo":"Floating Video ♾️Mixlab", |
"TextImage":"Text Image ♾️Mixlab", |
"Color":"Color Input ♾️MixlabApp", |
"TextInput_":"Text Input ♾️MixlabApp", |
"FloatSlider":"Float Slider Input ♾️MixlabApp", |
"IntNumber":"Int Input ♾️MixlabApp", |
"ImagesPrompt_":"Images Input ♾️MixlabApp", |
"SaveImageAndMetadata_":"Save Image Output ♾️MixlabApp", |
"ComparingTwoFrames_":"Comparing Two Frames ♾️MixlabApp", |
"ResizeImageMixlab":"Resize Image ♾️Mixlab", |
"RandomPrompt": "Random Prompt ♾️Mixlab", |
"PromptImage":"Output Prompt and Image ♾️Mixlab", |
"SplitLongMask":"Splitting a long image into sections", |
"VAELoaderConsistencyDecoder":"Consistency Decoder Loader", |
"VAEDecodeConsistencyDecoder":"Consistency Decoder Decode", |
"MergeLayers":"Merge Layers ♾️Mixlab", |
"SpeechSynthesis":"SpeechSynthesis ♾️Mixlab", |
"SpeechRecognition":"SpeechRecognition ♾️Mixlab", |
"3DImage":"3DImage ♾️Mixlab", |
"ImageListToBatch_":"Image List To Batch", |
"CompositeImages_":"Composite Images ♾️Mixlab", |
"DynamicDelayProcessor":"DynamicDelayByText ♾️Mixlab", |
"LaMaInpainting":"LaMaInpainting ♾️Mixlab", |
"PromptSlide":"Prompt Slide ♾️Mixlab", |
"PromptGenerate_Mix":"Prompt Generate ♾️Mixlab", |
"ChinesePrompt_Mix":"Chinese Prompt ♾️Mixlab", |
"GamePal":"GamePal ♾️Mixlab", |
"RembgNode_Mix":"Remove Background ♾️Mixlab", |
"LoraNames_":"LoraName ♾️Mixlab", |
"ApplyVisualStylePrompting_":"Apply VisualStyle Prompting ♾️Mixlab", |
"StyleAlignedReferenceSampler_": "StyleAligned Reference Sampler ♾️Mixlab", |
"StyleAlignedSampleReferenceLatents_": "StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents ♾️Mixlab", |
"StyleAlignedBatchAlign_": "StyleAligned Batch Align ♾️Mixlab", |
"LoadVideoAndSegment_":"Load Video And Segment ♾️Mixlab", |
"VideoCombine_Adv":"Video Combine ♾️Mixlab", |
"MaskListMerge_":"MaskList to Mask ♾️Mixlab", |
"ListSplit_":"Split List ♾️Mixlab", |
"MaskListReplace_":"MaskList Replace ♾️Mixlab", |
"ImageListReplace_":"ImageList Replace ♾️Mixlab", |
"SwitchByIndex":"List Switch By Index ♾️Mixlab", |
"GLIGENTextBoxApply_Advanced":"GLIGEN TextBox Apply ♾️Mixlab", |
"GridDisplayAndSave":"Grid Display And Save ♾️Mixlab", |
"GridInput":"Grid Input ♾️Mixlab", |
"GridOutput":"Grid Output ♾️Mixlab", |
"GetImageSize_":"Get Image Size ♾️Mixlab", |
"IncrementingListNode_":"Create Incrementing Number List ♾️Mixlab", |
"LoadImagesToBatch":"Load Images(base64) ♾️Mixlab", |
"PreviewMask_":"Preview Mask", |
"AudioPlay":"Audio Play ♾️Mixlab", |
"MultiplicationNode":"Math Operation ♾️Mixlab", |
} |
WEB_DIRECTORY = "./web" |
logging.info('--------------') |
logging.info('\033[91m ### Mixlab Nodes: \033[93mLoaded') |
try: |
from .nodes.ChatGPT import ChatGPTNode,ShowTextForGPT,CharacterInText,TextSplitByDelimiter |
logging.info('ChatGPT.available True') |
"ChatGPTOpenAI":ChatGPTNode, |
"ShowTextForGPT":ShowTextForGPT, |
"CharacterInText":CharacterInText, |
"TextSplitByDelimiter":TextSplitByDelimiter, |
} |
"ChatGPTOpenAI":"ChatGPT & Local LLM ♾️Mixlab", |
"ShowTextForGPT":"Show Text ♾️MixlabApp", |
"CharacterInText":"Character In Text", |
"TextSplitByDelimiter":"Text Split By Delimiter", |
} |
except Exception as e: |
logging.info('ChatGPT.available False') |
try: |
from .nodes.edit_mask import EditMask |
logging.info('edit_mask.available True') |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['EditMask']=EditMask |
NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS['EditMask']="Edit Mask ♾️Mixlab" |
except Exception as e: |
logging.info('edit_mask.available False') |
try: |
from .nodes.Lama import LaMaInpainting |
logging.info('LaMaInpainting.available {}'.format(LaMaInpainting.available)) |
if LaMaInpainting.available: |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['LaMaInpainting']=LaMaInpainting |
except Exception as e: |
logging.info('LaMaInpainting.available False') |
try: |
from .nodes.ClipInterrogator import ClipInterrogator |
logging.info('ClipInterrogator.available {}'.format(ClipInterrogator.available)) |
if ClipInterrogator.available: |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['ClipInterrogator']=ClipInterrogator |
except Exception as e: |
logging.info('ClipInterrogator.available False') |
try: |
from .nodes.TextGenerateNode import PromptGenerate,ChinesePrompt |
logging.info('PromptGenerate.available {}'.format(PromptGenerate.available)) |
if PromptGenerate.available: |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['PromptGenerate_Mix']=PromptGenerate |
logging.info('ChinesePrompt.available {}'.format(ChinesePrompt.available)) |
if ChinesePrompt.available: |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['ChinesePrompt_Mix']=ChinesePrompt |
except Exception as e: |
logging.info('TextGenerateNode.available False') |
try: |
from .nodes.RembgNode import RembgNode_ |
logging.info('RembgNode_.available {}'.format(RembgNode_.available)) |
if RembgNode_.available: |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['RembgNode_Mix']=RembgNode_ |
except Exception as e: |
logging.info('RembgNode_.available False' ) |
try: |
from .nodes.Video import GenerateFramesByCount,scenesNode_,CombineAudioVideo,VideoCombine_Adv,LoadVideoAndSegment,ImageListReplace,VAEEncodeForInpaint_Frames,LoadAndCombinedAudio_ |
"VAEEncodeForInpaint_Frames":VAEEncodeForInpaint_Frames, |
"ImageListReplace_":ImageListReplace, |
"LoadVideoAndSegment_":LoadVideoAndSegment, |
"VideoCombine_Adv":VideoCombine_Adv, |
"LoadAndCombinedAudio_":LoadAndCombinedAudio_, |
"CombineAudioVideo":CombineAudioVideo, |
"ScenesNode_":scenesNode_, |
"GenerateFramesByCount":GenerateFramesByCount |
} |
"VAEEncodeForInpaint_Frames":"VAE Encode For Inpaint Frames ♾️Mixlab", |
"ImageListReplace_":"Image List Replace", |
"LoadVideoAndSegment_":"Load Video And Segment", |
"VideoCombine_Adv":"Video Combine", |
"LoadAndCombinedAudio_":"Load And Combined Audio", |
"CombineAudioVideo":"Combine Audio Video", |
"ScenesNode_":"Scenes Node", |
"GenerateFramesByCount":"Generate Frames By Count" |
} |
except: |
logging.info('Video.available False') |
try: |
from .nodes.TripoSR import LoadTripoSRModel,TripoSRSampler,SaveTripoSRMesh |
logging.info('TripoSR.available') |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['LoadTripoSRModel_']=LoadTripoSRModel |
NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS["LoadTripoSRModel_"]= "Load TripoSR Model" |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['TripoSRSampler_']=TripoSRSampler |
NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS["TripoSRSampler_"]= "TripoSR Sampler" |
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['SaveTripoSRMesh']=SaveTripoSRMesh |
NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS["SaveTripoSRMesh"]= "Save TripoSR Mesh" |
except Exception as e: |
logging.info('TripoSR.available False' ) |
logging.info('\033[93m -------------- \033[0m') |