from copy import deepcopy from typing import Callable, Union import torch from torch import Tensor import torch.nn.functional import numpy as np import math import comfy.ops import comfy.utils import comfy.sample import comfy.samplers import comfy.model_base from comfy.controlnet import ControlBase from comfy.model_patcher import ModelPatcher from .logger import logger BIGMIN = -(2**53-1) BIGMAX = (2**53-1) def load_torch_file_with_dict_factory(controlnet_data: dict[str, Tensor], orig_load_torch_file: Callable): def load_torch_file_with_dict(*args, **kwargs): # immediately restore load_torch_file to original version comfy.utils.load_torch_file = orig_load_torch_file return controlnet_data return load_torch_file_with_dict # wrapping len function so that it will save the thing len is trying to get the length of; # this will be assumed to be the cond_or_uncond variable; # automatically restores len to original function after running def wrapper_len_factory(orig_len: Callable) -> Callable: def wrapper_len(*args, **kwargs): cond_or_uncond = args[0] real_length = orig_len(*args, **kwargs) if real_length > 0 and type(cond_or_uncond) == list and (cond_or_uncond[0] in [0, 1]): try: to_return = IntWithCondOrUncond(real_length) setattr(to_return, "cond_or_uncond", cond_or_uncond) return to_return finally: __builtins__["len"] = orig_len else: return real_length return wrapper_len # wrapping cond_cat function so that it will wrap around len function to get cond_or_uncond variable value # from comfy.samplers.calc_conds_batch def wrapper_cond_cat_factory(orig_cond_cat: Callable): def wrapper_cond_cat(*args, **kwargs): __builtins__["len"] = wrapper_len_factory(__builtins__["len"]) return orig_cond_cat(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper_cond_cat orig_cond_cat = comfy.samplers.cond_cat comfy.samplers.cond_cat = wrapper_cond_cat_factory(orig_cond_cat) # wrapping apply_model so that len function will be cleaned up fairly soon after being injected def apply_model_uncond_cleanup_factory(orig_apply_model, orig_len): def apply_model_uncond_cleanup_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): __builtins__["len"] = orig_len return orig_apply_model(self, *args, **kwargs) return apply_model_uncond_cleanup_wrapper global_orig_len = __builtins__["len"] orig_apply_model = comfy.model_base.BaseModel.apply_model comfy.model_base.BaseModel.apply_model = apply_model_uncond_cleanup_factory(orig_apply_model, global_orig_len) def uncond_multiplier_check_cn_sample_factory(orig_comfy_sample: Callable, is_custom=False) -> Callable: def contains_uncond_multiplier(control: Union[ControlBase, 'AdvancedControlBase']): if control is None: return False if not isinstance(control, AdvancedControlBase): return contains_uncond_multiplier(control.previous_controlnet) # check if weights_override has an uncond_multiplier if control.weights_override is not None and control.weights_override.has_uncond_multiplier: return True # check if any timestep_keyframes have an uncond_multiplier on their weights if control.timestep_keyframes is not None: for tk in control.timestep_keyframes.keyframes: if tk.has_control_weights() and tk.control_weights.has_uncond_multiplier: return True return contains_uncond_multiplier(control.previous_controlnet) # check if positive or negative conds contain Adv. Cns that use multiply_negative on weights def uncond_multiplier_check_cn_sample(model: ModelPatcher, *args, **kwargs): positive = args[-3] negative = args[-2] has_uncond_multiplier = False if positive is not None: for cond in positive: if "control" in cond[1]: has_uncond_multiplier = contains_uncond_multiplier(cond[1]["control"]) if has_uncond_multiplier: break if negative is not None and not has_uncond_multiplier: for cond in negative: if "control" in cond[1]: has_uncond_multiplier = contains_uncond_multiplier(cond[1]["control"]) if has_uncond_multiplier: break try: # if uncond_multiplier found, continue to use wrapped version of function if has_uncond_multiplier: return orig_comfy_sample(model, *args, **kwargs) # otherwise, use original version of function to prevent even the smallest of slowdowns (0.XX%) try: wrapped_cond_cat = comfy.samplers.cond_cat comfy.samplers.cond_cat = orig_cond_cat return orig_comfy_sample(model, *args, **kwargs) finally: comfy.samplers.cond_cat = wrapped_cond_cat finally: # make sure len function is unwrapped by the time sampling is done, just in case __builtins__["len"] = global_orig_len return uncond_multiplier_check_cn_sample # inject sample functions comfy.sample.sample = uncond_multiplier_check_cn_sample_factory(comfy.sample.sample) comfy.sample.sample_custom = uncond_multiplier_check_cn_sample_factory(comfy.sample.sample_custom, is_custom=True) class IntWithCondOrUncond(int): def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return super(IntWithCondOrUncond, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.cond_or_uncond = None def get_properly_arranged_t2i_weights(initial_weights: list[float]): new_weights = [] new_weights.extend([initial_weights[0]]*3) new_weights.extend([initial_weights[1]]*3) new_weights.extend([initial_weights[2]]*3) new_weights.extend([initial_weights[3]]*3) return new_weights class ControlWeightType: DEFAULT = "default" UNIVERSAL = "universal" T2IADAPTER = "t2iadapter" CONTROLNET = "controlnet" CONTROLLORA = "controllora" CONTROLLLLITE = "controllllite" SVD_CONTROLNET = "svd_controlnet" SPARSECTRL = "sparsectrl" class ControlWeights: def __init__(self, weight_type: str, base_multiplier: float=1.0, flip_weights: bool=False, weights: list[float]=None, weight_mask: Tensor=None, uncond_multiplier=1.0, uncond_mask: Tensor=None, extras: dict[str]={},): self.weight_type = weight_type self.base_multiplier = base_multiplier self.flip_weights = flip_weights self.weights = weights if self.weights is not None and self.flip_weights: self.weights.reverse() self.weight_mask = weight_mask self.uncond_multiplier = float(uncond_multiplier) self.has_uncond_multiplier = not math.isclose(self.uncond_multiplier, 1.0) self.uncond_mask = uncond_mask if uncond_mask is not None else 1.0 self.has_uncond_mask = uncond_mask is not None self.extras = extras def get(self, idx: int, default=1.0) -> Union[float, Tensor]: # if weights is not none, return index if self.weights is not None: # this implies weights list is not aligning with expectations - will need to adjust code if idx >= len(self.weights): return default return self.weights[idx] return 1.0 def copy_with_new_weights(self, new_weights: list[float]): return ControlWeights(weight_type=self.weight_type, base_multiplier=self.base_multiplier, flip_weights=self.flip_weights, weights=new_weights, weight_mask=self.weight_mask, uncond_multiplier=self.uncond_multiplier, extras=self.extras) @classmethod def default(cls, extras: dict[str]={}): return cls(ControlWeightType.DEFAULT, extras=extras) @classmethod def universal(cls, base_multiplier: float, flip_weights: bool=False, uncond_multiplier: float=1.0, extras: dict[str]={}): return cls(ControlWeightType.UNIVERSAL, base_multiplier=base_multiplier, flip_weights=flip_weights, uncond_multiplier=uncond_multiplier, extras=extras) @classmethod def universal_mask(cls, weight_mask: Tensor, uncond_multiplier: float=1.0, extras: dict[str]={}): return cls(ControlWeightType.UNIVERSAL, weight_mask=weight_mask, uncond_multiplier=uncond_multiplier, extras=extras) @classmethod def t2iadapter(cls, weights: list[float]=None, flip_weights: bool=False, uncond_multiplier: float=1.0, extras: dict[str]={}): if weights is None: weights = [1.0]*12 return cls(ControlWeightType.T2IADAPTER, weights=weights,flip_weights=flip_weights, uncond_multiplier=uncond_multiplier, extras=extras) @classmethod def controlnet(cls, weights: list[float]=None, flip_weights: bool=False, uncond_multiplier: float=1.0, extras: dict[str]={}): if weights is None: weights = [1.0]*13 return cls(ControlWeightType.CONTROLNET, weights=weights, flip_weights=flip_weights, uncond_multiplier=uncond_multiplier, extras=extras) @classmethod def controllora(cls, weights: list[float]=None, flip_weights: bool=False, uncond_multiplier: float=1.0, extras: dict[str]={}): if weights is None: weights = [1.0]*10 return cls(ControlWeightType.CONTROLLORA, weights=weights, flip_weights=flip_weights, uncond_multiplier=uncond_multiplier, extras=extras) @classmethod def controllllite(cls, weights: list[float]=None, flip_weights: bool=False, uncond_multiplier: float=1.0, extras: dict[str]={}): if weights is None: # TODO: make this have a real value weights = [1.0]*200 return cls(ControlWeightType.CONTROLLLLITE, weights=weights, flip_weights=flip_weights, uncond_multiplier=uncond_multiplier, extras=extras) class StrengthInterpolation: LINEAR = "linear" EASE_IN = "ease-in" EASE_OUT = "ease-out" EASE_IN_OUT = "ease-in-out" NONE = "none" _LIST = [LINEAR, EASE_IN, EASE_OUT, EASE_IN_OUT] _LIST_WITH_NONE = [LINEAR, EASE_IN, EASE_OUT, EASE_IN_OUT, NONE] @classmethod def get_weights(cls, num_from: float, num_to: float, length: int, method: str, reverse=False): diff = num_to - num_from if method == cls.LINEAR: weights = torch.linspace(num_from, num_to, length) elif method == cls.EASE_IN: index = torch.linspace(0, 1, length) weights = diff * np.power(index, 2) + num_from elif method == cls.EASE_OUT: index = torch.linspace(0, 1, length) weights = diff * (1 - np.power(1 - index, 2)) + num_from elif method == cls.EASE_IN_OUT: index = torch.linspace(0, 1, length) weights = diff * ((1 - np.cos(index * np.pi)) / 2) + num_from else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized interpolation method '{method}'.") if reverse: weights = weights.flip(dims=(0,)) return weights class LatentKeyframe: def __init__(self, batch_index: int, strength: float) -> None: self.batch_index = batch_index self.strength = strength # always maintain sorted state (by batch_index of LatentKeyframe) class LatentKeyframeGroup: def __init__(self) -> None: self.keyframes: list[LatentKeyframe] = [] def add(self, keyframe: LatentKeyframe) -> None: added = False # replace existing keyframe if same batch_index for i in range(len(self.keyframes)): if self.keyframes[i].batch_index == keyframe.batch_index: self.keyframes[i] = keyframe added = True break if not added: self.keyframes.append(keyframe) self.keyframes.sort(key=lambda k: k.batch_index) def get_index(self, index: int) -> Union[LatentKeyframe, None]: try: return self.keyframes[index] except IndexError: return None def __getitem__(self, index) -> LatentKeyframe: return self.keyframes[index] def is_empty(self) -> bool: return len(self.keyframes) == 0 def clone(self) -> 'LatentKeyframeGroup': cloned = LatentKeyframeGroup() for tk in self.keyframes: cloned.add(tk) return cloned class TimestepKeyframe: def __init__(self, start_percent: float = 0.0, strength: float = 1.0, control_weights: ControlWeights = None, latent_keyframes: LatentKeyframeGroup = None, null_latent_kf_strength: float = 0.0, inherit_missing: bool = True, guarantee_steps: int = 1, mask_hint_orig: Tensor = None) -> None: self.start_percent = float(start_percent) self.start_t = 999999999.9 self.strength = strength self.control_weights = control_weights self.latent_keyframes = latent_keyframes self.null_latent_kf_strength = null_latent_kf_strength self.inherit_missing = inherit_missing self.guarantee_steps = guarantee_steps self.mask_hint_orig = mask_hint_orig def has_control_weights(self): return self.control_weights is not None def has_latent_keyframes(self): return self.latent_keyframes is not None def has_mask_hint(self): return self.mask_hint_orig is not None @staticmethod def default() -> 'TimestepKeyframe': return TimestepKeyframe(start_percent=0.0, guarantee_steps=0) # always maintain sorted state (by start_percent of TimestepKeyFrame) class TimestepKeyframeGroup: def __init__(self) -> None: self.keyframes: list[TimestepKeyframe] = [] self.keyframes.append(TimestepKeyframe.default()) def add(self, keyframe: TimestepKeyframe) -> None: # add to end of list, then sort self.keyframes.append(keyframe) self.keyframes = get_sorted_list_via_attr(self.keyframes, attr="start_percent") def get_index(self, index: int) -> Union[TimestepKeyframe, None]: try: return self.keyframes[index] except IndexError: return None def has_index(self, index: int) -> int: return index >=0 and index < len(self.keyframes) def __getitem__(self, index) -> TimestepKeyframe: return self.keyframes[index] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.keyframes) def is_empty(self) -> bool: return len(self.keyframes) == 0 def clone(self) -> 'TimestepKeyframeGroup': cloned = TimestepKeyframeGroup() # already sorted, so don't use add function to make cloning quicker for tk in self.keyframes: cloned.keyframes.append(tk) return cloned @classmethod def default(cls, keyframe: TimestepKeyframe) -> 'TimestepKeyframeGroup': group = cls() group.keyframes[0] = keyframe return group class AbstractPreprocWrapper: error_msg = "Invalid use of [InsertHere] output. The output of [InsertHere] preprocessor is NOT a usual image, but a latent pretending to be an image - you must connect the output directly to an Apply ControlNet node (advanced or otherwise). It cannot be used for anything else that accepts IMAGE input." def __init__(self, condhint: Tensor): self.condhint = condhint def movedim(self, *args, **kwargs): return self def __getattr__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError(self.error_msg) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name != "condhint": raise AttributeError(self.error_msg) super().__setattr__(name, value) def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError(self.error_msg) def __next__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError(self.error_msg) def __len__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError(self.error_msg) def __getitem__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError(self.error_msg) def __setitem__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError(self.error_msg) # depending on model, AnimateDiff may inject into GroupNorm, so make sure GroupNorm will be clean class disable_weight_init_clean_groupnorm(comfy.ops.disable_weight_init): class GroupNorm(comfy.ops.disable_weight_init.GroupNorm): def forward_comfy_cast_weights(self, input): weight, bias = comfy.ops.cast_bias_weight(self, input) return torch.nn.functional.group_norm(input, self.num_groups, weight, bias, self.eps) def forward(self, input): if self.comfy_cast_weights: return self.forward_comfy_cast_weights(input) else: return torch.nn.functional.group_norm(input, self.num_groups, self.weight, self.bias, self.eps) class manual_cast_clean_groupnorm(comfy.ops.manual_cast): class GroupNorm(disable_weight_init_clean_groupnorm.GroupNorm): comfy_cast_weights = True # adapted from comfy/ def prepare_mask_batch(mask: Tensor, shape: Tensor, multiplier: int=1, match_dim1=False): mask = mask.clone() mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.reshape((-1, 1, mask.shape[-2], mask.shape[-1])), size=(shape[2]*multiplier, shape[3]*multiplier), mode="bilinear") if match_dim1: mask =[mask] * shape[1], dim=1) return mask # applies min-max normalization, from: # def normalize_min_max(x: Tensor, new_min = 0.0, new_max = 1.0): x_min, x_max = x.min(), x.max() return (((x - x_min)/(x_max - x_min)) * (new_max - new_min)) + new_min def linear_conversion(x, x_min=0.0, x_max=1.0, new_min=0.0, new_max=1.0): return (((x - x_min)/(x_max - x_min)) * (new_max - new_min)) + new_min def extend_to_batch_size(tensor: Tensor, batch_size: int): if tensor.shape[0] > batch_size: return tensor[:batch_size] elif tensor.shape[0] < batch_size: remainder = batch_size-tensor.shape[0] return[tensor] + [tensor[-1:]]*remainder, dim=0) return tensor def broadcast_image_to_extend(tensor, target_batch_size, batched_number, except_one=True): current_batch_size = tensor.shape[0] #print(current_batch_size, target_batch_size) if except_one and current_batch_size == 1: return tensor per_batch = target_batch_size // batched_number tensor = tensor[:per_batch] if per_batch > tensor.shape[0]: tensor = extend_to_batch_size(tensor=tensor, batch_size=per_batch) current_batch_size = tensor.shape[0] if current_batch_size == target_batch_size: return tensor else: return[tensor] * batched_number, dim=0) # from def deepcopy_with_sharing(obj, shared_attribute_names, memo=None): ''' Deepcopy an object, except for a given list of attributes, which should be shared between the original object and its copy. obj is some object shared_attribute_names: A list of strings identifying the attributes that should be shared between the original and its copy. memo is the dictionary passed into __deepcopy__. Ignore this argument if not calling from within __deepcopy__. ''' assert isinstance(shared_attribute_names, (list, tuple)) shared_attributes = {k: getattr(obj, k) for k in shared_attribute_names} if hasattr(obj, '__deepcopy__'): # Do hack to prevent infinite recursion in call to deepcopy deepcopy_method = obj.__deepcopy__ obj.__deepcopy__ = None for attr in shared_attribute_names: del obj.__dict__[attr] clone = deepcopy(obj) for attr, val in shared_attributes.items(): setattr(obj, attr, val) setattr(clone, attr, val) if hasattr(obj, '__deepcopy__'): # Undo hack obj.__deepcopy__ = deepcopy_method del clone.__deepcopy__ return clone def get_sorted_list_via_attr(objects: list, attr: str) -> list: if not objects: return objects elif len(objects) <= 1: return [x for x in objects] # now that we know we have to sort, do it following these rules: # a) if objects have same value of attribute, maintain their relative order # b) perform sorting of the groups of objects with same attributes unique_attrs = {} for o in objects: val_attr = getattr(o, attr) attr_list: list = unique_attrs.get(val_attr, list()) attr_list.append(o) if val_attr not in unique_attrs: unique_attrs[val_attr] = attr_list # now that we have the unique attr values grouped together in relative order, sort them by key sorted_attrs = dict(sorted(unique_attrs.items())) # now flatten out the dict into a list to return sorted_list = [] for object_list in sorted_attrs.values(): sorted_list.extend(object_list) return sorted_list class WeightTypeException(TypeError): "Raised when weight not compatible with AdvancedControlBase object" pass class AdvancedControlBase: def __init__(self, base: ControlBase, timestep_keyframes: TimestepKeyframeGroup, weights_default: ControlWeights, require_model=False): self.base = base self.compatible_weights = [ControlWeightType.UNIVERSAL, ControlWeightType.DEFAULT] self.add_compatible_weight(weights_default.weight_type) # mask for which parts of controlnet output to keep self.mask_cond_hint_original = None self.mask_cond_hint = None self.tk_mask_cond_hint_original = None self.tk_mask_cond_hint = None self.weight_mask_cond_hint = None # actual index values self.sub_idxs = None self.full_latent_length = 0 self.context_length = 0 # timesteps self.t: Tensor = None self.batched_number: Union[int, IntWithCondOrUncond] = None self.batch_size: int = 0 # weights + override self.weights: ControlWeights = None self.weights_default: ControlWeights = weights_default self.weights_override: ControlWeights = None # latent keyframe + override self.latent_keyframes: LatentKeyframeGroup = None self.latent_keyframe_override: LatentKeyframeGroup = None # initialize timestep_keyframes self.set_timestep_keyframes(timestep_keyframes) # override some functions self.get_control = self.get_control_inject self.control_merge = self.control_merge_inject self.pre_run = self.pre_run_inject self.cleanup = self.cleanup_inject self.set_previous_controlnet = self.set_previous_controlnet_inject # require model to be passed into Apply Advanced ControlNet 🛂🅐🅒🅝 node self.require_model = require_model # disarm - when set to False, used to force usage of Apply Advanced ControlNet 🛂🅐🅒🅝 node (which will set it to True) self.disarmed = not require_model def patch_model(self, model: ModelPatcher): pass def add_compatible_weight(self, control_weight_type: str): self.compatible_weights.append(control_weight_type) def verify_all_weights(self, throw_error=True): # first, check if override exists - if so, only need to check the override if self.weights_override is not None: if self.weights_override.weight_type not in self.compatible_weights: msg = f"Weight override is type {self.weights_override.weight_type}, but loaded {type(self).__name__}" + \ f"only supports {self.compatible_weights} weights." raise WeightTypeException(msg) # otherwise, check all timestep keyframe weights else: for tk in self.timestep_keyframes.keyframes: if tk.has_control_weights() and tk.control_weights.weight_type not in self.compatible_weights: msg = f"Weight on Timestep Keyframe with start_percent={tk.start_percent} is type " + \ f"{tk.control_weights.weight_type}, but loaded {type(self).__name__} only supports {self.compatible_weights} weights." raise WeightTypeException(msg) def set_timestep_keyframes(self, timestep_keyframes: TimestepKeyframeGroup): self.timestep_keyframes = timestep_keyframes if timestep_keyframes else TimestepKeyframeGroup() # prepare first timestep_keyframe related stuff self._current_timestep_keyframe = None self._current_timestep_index = -1 self._current_used_steps = 0 self.weights = None self.latent_keyframes = None def prepare_current_timestep(self, t: Tensor, batched_number: int): self.t = float(t[0]) self.batched_number = batched_number self.batch_size = len(t) # get current step percent curr_t: float = self.t prev_index = self._current_timestep_index # if met guaranteed steps (or no current keyframe), look for next keyframe in case need to switch if self._current_timestep_keyframe is None or self._current_used_steps >= self._current_timestep_keyframe.guarantee_steps: # if has next index, loop through and see if need to switch if self.timestep_keyframes.has_index(self._current_timestep_index+1): for i in range(self._current_timestep_index+1, len(self.timestep_keyframes)): eval_tk = self.timestep_keyframes[i] # check if start percent is less or equal to curr_t if eval_tk.start_t >= curr_t: self._current_timestep_index = i self._current_timestep_keyframe = eval_tk self._current_used_steps = 0 # keep track of control weights, latent keyframes, and masks, # accounting for inherit_missing if self._current_timestep_keyframe.has_control_weights(): self.weights = self._current_timestep_keyframe.control_weights elif not self._current_timestep_keyframe.inherit_missing: self.weights = self.weights_default if self._current_timestep_keyframe.has_latent_keyframes(): self.latent_keyframes = self._current_timestep_keyframe.latent_keyframes elif not self._current_timestep_keyframe.inherit_missing: self.latent_keyframes = None if self._current_timestep_keyframe.has_mask_hint(): self.tk_mask_cond_hint_original = self._current_timestep_keyframe.mask_hint_orig elif not self._current_timestep_keyframe.inherit_missing: del self.tk_mask_cond_hint_original self.tk_mask_cond_hint_original = None # if guarantee_steps greater than zero, stop searching for other keyframes if self._current_timestep_keyframe.guarantee_steps > 0: break # if eval_tk is outside of percent range, stop looking further else: break # update steps current keyframe is used self._current_used_steps += 1 # if index changed, apply overrides if prev_index != self._current_timestep_index: if self.weights_override is not None: self.weights = self.weights_override if self.latent_keyframe_override is not None: self.latent_keyframes = self.latent_keyframe_override # make sure weights and latent_keyframes are in a workable state # Note: each AdvancedControlBase should create their own get_universal_weights class self.prepare_weights() def prepare_weights(self): if self.weights is None: self.weights = self.weights_default elif self.weights.weight_type == ControlWeightType.UNIVERSAL: # if universal and weight_mask present, no need to convert if self.weights.weight_mask is not None: return self.weights = self.get_universal_weights() def get_universal_weights(self) -> ControlWeights: return self.weights def set_cond_hint_mask(self, mask_hint): self.mask_cond_hint_original = mask_hint return self def pre_run_inject(self, model, percent_to_timestep_function): self.base.pre_run(model, percent_to_timestep_function) self.pre_run_advanced(model, percent_to_timestep_function) def pre_run_advanced(self, model, percent_to_timestep_function): # for each timestep keyframe, calculate the start_t for tk in self.timestep_keyframes.keyframes: tk.start_t = percent_to_timestep_function(tk.start_percent) # clear variables self.cleanup_advanced() def set_previous_controlnet_inject(self, *args, **kwargs): to_return = self.base.set_previous_controlnet(*args, **kwargs) if not self.disarmed: raise Exception(f"Type '{type(self).__name__}' must be used with Apply Advanced ControlNet 🛂🅐🅒🅝 node (with model_optional passed in); otherwise, it will not work.") return to_return def disarm(self): self.disarmed = True def should_run(self): if math.isclose(self.strength, 0.0) or math.isclose(self._current_timestep_keyframe.strength, 0.0): return False if self.timestep_range is not None: if self.t > self.timestep_range[0] or self.t < self.timestep_range[1]: return False return True def get_control_inject(self, x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number): # prepare timestep and everything related self.prepare_current_timestep(t=t, batched_number=batched_number) # if should not perform any actions for the controlnet, exit without doing any work if self.strength == 0.0 or self._current_timestep_keyframe.strength == 0.0: return self.default_control_actions(x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number) # otherwise, perform normal function return self.get_control_advanced(x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number) def get_control_advanced(self, x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number): return self.default_control_actions(x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number) def default_control_actions(self, x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number): control_prev = None if self.previous_controlnet is not None: control_prev = self.previous_controlnet.get_control(x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number) return control_prev def calc_weight(self, idx: int, x: Tensor, layers: int) -> Union[float, Tensor]: if self.weights.weight_mask is not None: # prepare weight mask self.prepare_weight_mask_cond_hint(x, self.batched_number) # adjust mask for current layer and return return torch.pow(self.weight_mask_cond_hint, self.get_calc_pow(idx=idx, layers=layers)) return self.weights.get(idx=idx) def get_calc_pow(self, idx: int, layers: int) -> int: return (layers-1)-idx def calc_latent_keyframe_mults(self, x: Tensor, batched_number: int) -> Tensor: # apply strengths, and get batch indeces to null out # AKA latents that should not be influenced by ControlNet final_mults = [1.0] * x.shape[0] if self.latent_keyframes: latent_count = x.shape[0] // batched_number indeces_to_null = set(range(latent_count)) mapped_indeces = None # if expecting subdivision, will need to translate between subset and actual idx values if self.sub_idxs: mapped_indeces = {} for i, actual in enumerate(self.sub_idxs): mapped_indeces[actual] = i for keyframe in self.latent_keyframes: real_index = keyframe.batch_index # if negative, count from end if real_index < 0: real_index += latent_count if self.sub_idxs is None else self.full_latent_length # if not mapping indeces, what you see is what you get if mapped_indeces is None: if real_index in indeces_to_null: indeces_to_null.remove(real_index) # otherwise, see if batch_index is even included in this set of latents else: real_index = mapped_indeces.get(real_index, None) if real_index is None: continue indeces_to_null.remove(real_index) # if real_index is outside the bounds of latents, don't apply if real_index >= latent_count or real_index < 0: continue # apply strength for each batched cond/uncond for b in range(batched_number): final_mults[(latent_count*b)+real_index] = keyframe.strength # null them out by multiplying by null_latent_kf_strength for batch_index in indeces_to_null: # apply null for each batched cond/uncond for b in range(batched_number): final_mults[(latent_count*b)+batch_index] = self._current_timestep_keyframe.null_latent_kf_strength # convert final_mults into tensor and match expected dimension count final_tensor = torch.tensor(final_mults, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) while len(final_tensor.shape) < len(x.shape): final_tensor = final_tensor.unsqueeze(-1) return final_tensor def apply_advanced_strengths_and_masks(self, x: Tensor, batched_number: int): # handle weight's uncond_multiplier, if applicable if self.weights.has_uncond_multiplier: cond_or_uncond = self.batched_number.cond_or_uncond actual_length = x.size(0) // batched_number for idx, cond_type in enumerate(cond_or_uncond): # if uncond, set to weight's uncond_multiplier if cond_type == 1: x[actual_length*idx:actual_length*(idx+1)] *= self.weights.uncond_multiplier if self.weights.has_uncond_mask: pass if self.latent_keyframes is not None: x[:] = x[:] * self.calc_latent_keyframe_mults(x=x, batched_number=batched_number) # apply masks, resizing mask to required dims if self.mask_cond_hint is not None: masks = prepare_mask_batch(self.mask_cond_hint, x.shape) x[:] = x[:] * masks if self.tk_mask_cond_hint is not None: masks = prepare_mask_batch(self.tk_mask_cond_hint, x.shape) x[:] = x[:] * masks # apply timestep keyframe strengths if self._current_timestep_keyframe.strength != 1.0: x[:] *= self._current_timestep_keyframe.strength def control_merge_inject(self: 'AdvancedControlBase', control_input, control_output, control_prev, output_dtype): out = {'input':[], 'middle':[], 'output': []} if control_input is not None: for i in range(len(control_input)): key = 'input' x = control_input[i] if x is not None: self.apply_advanced_strengths_and_masks(x, self.batched_number) x *= self.strength * self.calc_weight(i, x, len(control_input)) if x.dtype != output_dtype: x = out[key].insert(0, x) if control_output is not None: for i in range(len(control_output)): if i == (len(control_output) - 1): key = 'middle' index = 0 else: key = 'output' index = i x = control_output[i] if x is not None: self.apply_advanced_strengths_and_masks(x, self.batched_number) if self.global_average_pooling: x = torch.mean(x, dim=(2, 3), keepdim=True).repeat(1, 1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3]) x *= self.strength * self.calc_weight(i, x, len(control_output)) if x.dtype != output_dtype: x = out[key].append(x) if control_prev is not None: for x in ['input', 'middle', 'output']: o = out[x] for i in range(len(control_prev[x])): prev_val = control_prev[x][i] if i >= len(o): o.append(prev_val) elif prev_val is not None: if o[i] is None: o[i] = prev_val else: if o[i].shape[0] < prev_val.shape[0]: o[i] = prev_val + o[i] else: o[i] += prev_val return out def prepare_mask_cond_hint(self, x_noisy: Tensor, t, cond, batched_number, dtype=None, direct_attn=False): self._prepare_mask("mask_cond_hint", self.mask_cond_hint_original, x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number, dtype, direct_attn=direct_attn) self.prepare_tk_mask_cond_hint(x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number, dtype, direct_attn=direct_attn) def prepare_tk_mask_cond_hint(self, x_noisy: Tensor, t, cond, batched_number, dtype=None, direct_attn=False): return self._prepare_mask("tk_mask_cond_hint", self._current_timestep_keyframe.mask_hint_orig, x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number, dtype, direct_attn=direct_attn) def prepare_weight_mask_cond_hint(self, x_noisy: Tensor, batched_number, dtype=None): return self._prepare_mask("weight_mask_cond_hint", self.weights.weight_mask, x_noisy, t=None, cond=None, batched_number=batched_number, dtype=dtype, direct_attn=True) def _prepare_mask(self, attr_name, orig_mask: Tensor, x_noisy: Tensor, t, cond, batched_number, dtype=None, direct_attn=False): # make mask appropriate dimensions, if present if orig_mask is not None: out_mask = getattr(self, attr_name) multiplier = 1 if direct_attn else 8 if self.sub_idxs is not None or out_mask is None or x_noisy.shape[2] * multiplier != out_mask.shape[1] or x_noisy.shape[3] * multiplier != out_mask.shape[2]: self._reset_attr(attr_name) del out_mask # TODO: perform upscale on only the sub_idxs masks at a time instead of all to conserve RAM # resize mask and match batch count out_mask = prepare_mask_batch(orig_mask, x_noisy.shape, multiplier=multiplier) actual_latent_length = x_noisy.shape[0] // batched_number out_mask = extend_to_batch_size(out_mask, actual_latent_length if self.sub_idxs is None else self.full_latent_length) if self.sub_idxs is not None: out_mask = out_mask[self.sub_idxs] # make cond_hint_mask length match x_noise if x_noisy.shape[0] != out_mask.shape[0]: out_mask = broadcast_image_to_extend(out_mask, x_noisy.shape[0], batched_number) # default dtype to be same as x_noisy if dtype is None: dtype = x_noisy.dtype setattr(self, attr_name, del out_mask def _reset_attr(self, attr_name, new_value=None): if hasattr(self, attr_name): delattr(self, attr_name) setattr(self, attr_name, new_value) def cleanup_inject(self): self.base.cleanup() self.cleanup_advanced() def cleanup_advanced(self): self.sub_idxs = None self.full_latent_length = 0 self.context_length = 0 self.t = None self.batched_number = None self.batch_size = 0 self.weights = None self.latent_keyframes = None # timestep stuff self._current_timestep_keyframe = None self._current_timestep_index = -1 self._current_used_steps = 0 # clear mask hints if self.mask_cond_hint is not None: del self.mask_cond_hint self.mask_cond_hint = None if self.tk_mask_cond_hint_original is not None: del self.tk_mask_cond_hint_original self.tk_mask_cond_hint_original = None if self.tk_mask_cond_hint is not None: del self.tk_mask_cond_hint self.tk_mask_cond_hint = None if self.weight_mask_cond_hint is not None: del self.weight_mask_cond_hint self.weight_mask_cond_hint = None def copy_to_advanced(self, copied: 'AdvancedControlBase'): copied.mask_cond_hint_original = self.mask_cond_hint_original copied.weights_override = self.weights_override copied.latent_keyframe_override = self.latent_keyframe_override copied.disarmed = self.disarmed