# :wrench: ComfyUI Essentials
Essential nodes that are weirdly missing from ComfyUI core. With few exceptions they are new features and not commodities. I hope this will be just a temporary repository until the nodes get included into ComfyUI.
# Sponsorship
**[:heart: Github Sponsor](https://github.com/sponsors/cubiq) | [:coin: Paypal](https://paypal.me/matt3o)**
If you like my work and wish to see updates and new features please consider sponsoring my projects.
- [ComfyUI IPAdapter Plus](https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus)
- [ComfyUI InstantID (Native)](https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_InstantID)
- [ComfyUI Essentials](https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_essentials)
- [ComfyUI FaceAnalysis](https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_FaceAnalysis)
- [Comfy Dungeon](https://github.com/cubiq/Comfy_Dungeon)
Not to mention the documentation and videos tutorials. Check my **ComfyUI Advanced Understanding** videos on YouTube for example, [part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C7kR2TFIX0) and [part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijqXnW_9gzc)
The only way to keep the code open and free is by sponsoring its development. The more sponsorships the more time I can dedicate to my open source projects.
Please consider a [Github Sponsorship](https://github.com/sponsors/cubiq) or [PayPal donation](https://paypal.me/matt3o) (Matteo "matt3o" Spinelli). For sponsorships of $50+, let me know if you'd like to be mentioned in this readme file, you can find me on [Discord](https://latent.vision/discord) or _matt3o :snail: gmail.com_.
## Current sponsors
It's only thanks to generous sponsors that **the whole community** can enjoy open and free software. Please join me in thanking the following companies and individuals!
### :trophy: Gold sponsors
[![Kaiber.ai](https://f.latent.vision/imgs/kaiber.png)](https://kaiber.ai/) [![Kaiber.ai](https://f.latent.vision/imgs/replicate.png)](https://replicate.com/)
### :tada: Silver sponsors
[![OperArt.ai](https://f.latent.vision/imgs/openart.png?r=1)](https://openart.ai/workflows) [![OperArt.ai](https://f.latent.vision/imgs/finetuners.png)](https://www.finetuners.ai/)
### Companies supporting my projects
- [RunComfy](https://www.runcomfy.com/) (ComfyUI Cloud)
### Esteemed individuals
- [Jack Gane](https://github.com/ganeJackS)
- [Nathan Shipley](https://www.nathanshipley.com/)
- [Dkdnzia](https://github.com/Dkdnzia)
### One-time Extraordinaires
- [Eric Rollei](https://github.com/EricRollei)
- [francaleu](https://github.com/francaleu)
- [Neta.art](https://github.com/talesofai)
- [Samwise Wang](https://github.com/tzwm)
- _And all private sponsors, you know who you are!_