from .categories import NodeCategories from .dreamtypes import RGBPalette from .err import * from .shared import ALWAYS_CHANGED_FLAG, hashed_as_strings _NOT_A_VALUE_I = 9223372036854775807 _NOT_A_VALUE_F = float(_NOT_A_VALUE_I) _NOT_A_VALUE_S = "⭆" def _generate_switch_input(type_nm: str, default_value=None): d = dict() for i in range(10): if default_value is None: d["input_" + str(i)] = (type_nm,) else: d["input_" + str(i)] = (type_nm, {"default": default_value, "forceInput": True}) return { "required": { "select": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 9}), "on_missing": (["previous", "next"],) }, "optional": d } def _do_pick(cls, select, test_val, on_missing, **args): direction = 1 if on_missing == "previous": direction = -1 if len(args) == 0: on_error(cls, "No inputs provided!") while not test_val(args.get("input_" + str(select), None)): select = (select + direction) % 10 return args["input_" + str(select)], class DreamBigImageSwitch: _switch_type = "IMAGE" NODE_NAME = "Big Image Switch" ICON = "⭆" CATEGORY = NodeCategories.UTILS_SWITCHES RETURN_TYPES = (_switch_type,) RETURN_NAMES = ("selected",) FUNCTION = "pick" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return _generate_switch_input(cls._switch_type) @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values): return ALWAYS_CHANGED_FLAG def pick(self, select, on_missing, **args): return _do_pick(self.__class__, select, lambda n: n is not None, on_missing, **args) class DreamBigLatentSwitch: _switch_type = "LATENT" NODE_NAME = "Big Latent Switch" ICON = "⭆" CATEGORY = NodeCategories.UTILS_SWITCHES RETURN_TYPES = (_switch_type,) RETURN_NAMES = ("selected",) FUNCTION = "pick" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return _generate_switch_input(cls._switch_type) @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values): return ALWAYS_CHANGED_FLAG def pick(self, select, on_missing, **args): return _do_pick(self.__class__, select, lambda n: n is not None, on_missing, **args) class DreamBigTextSwitch: _switch_type = "STRING" NODE_NAME = "Big Text Switch" ICON = "⭆" CATEGORY = NodeCategories.UTILS_SWITCHES RETURN_TYPES = (_switch_type,) RETURN_NAMES = ("selected",) FUNCTION = "pick" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return _generate_switch_input(cls._switch_type, _NOT_A_VALUE_S) @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values): return hashed_as_strings(values) def pick(self, select, on_missing, **args): return _do_pick(self.__class__, select, lambda n: (n is not None) and (n != _NOT_A_VALUE_S), on_missing, **args) class DreamBigPaletteSwitch: _switch_type = RGBPalette.ID NODE_NAME = "Big Palette Switch" ICON = "⭆" CATEGORY = NodeCategories.UTILS_SWITCHES RETURN_TYPES = (_switch_type,) RETURN_NAMES = ("selected",) FUNCTION = "pick" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return _generate_switch_input(cls._switch_type) @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values): return ALWAYS_CHANGED_FLAG def pick(self, select, on_missing, **args): return _do_pick(self.__class__, select, lambda n: (n is not None), on_missing, **args) class DreamBigFloatSwitch: _switch_type = "FLOAT" NODE_NAME = "Big Float Switch" ICON = "⭆" CATEGORY = NodeCategories.UTILS_SWITCHES RETURN_TYPES = (_switch_type,) RETURN_NAMES = ("selected",) FUNCTION = "pick" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return _generate_switch_input(cls._switch_type, _NOT_A_VALUE_F) @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values): return hashed_as_strings(values) def pick(self, select, on_missing, **args): return _do_pick(self.__class__, select, lambda n: (n is not None) and (n != _NOT_A_VALUE_F), on_missing, **args) class DreamBigIntSwitch: _switch_type = "INT" NODE_NAME = "Big Int Switch" ICON = "⭆" CATEGORY = NodeCategories.UTILS_SWITCHES RETURN_TYPES = (_switch_type,) RETURN_NAMES = ("selected",) FUNCTION = "pick" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return _generate_switch_input(cls._switch_type, _NOT_A_VALUE_I) @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values): return hashed_as_strings(values) def pick(self, select, on_missing, **args): return _do_pick(self.__class__, select, lambda n: (n is not None) and (n != _NOT_A_VALUE_I), on_missing, **args) class DreamBoolToFloat: NODE_NAME = "Boolean To Float" ICON = "⬖" CATEGORY = NodeCategories.UTILS_SWITCHES RETURN_TYPES = ("FLOAT",) RETURN_NAMES = ("result",) FUNCTION = "pick" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return { "required": { "boolean": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}), "on_true": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0}), "on_false": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.0}) } } @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values): return hashed_as_strings(values) def pick(self, boolean, on_true, on_false): if boolean: return (on_true,) else: return (on_false,) class DreamBoolToInt: NODE_NAME = "Boolean To Int" ICON = "⬖" CATEGORY = NodeCategories.UTILS_SWITCHES RETURN_TYPES = ("INT",) RETURN_NAMES = ("result",) FUNCTION = "pick" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return { "required": { "boolean": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}), "on_true": ("INT", {"default": 1}), "on_false": ("INT", {"default": 0}) } } @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values): return hashed_as_strings(values) def pick(self, boolean, on_true, on_false): if boolean: return (on_true,) else: return (on_false,)