import { app } from '../../../scripts/app.js' import { $el } from '../../../scripts/ui.js' const getLocalData = key => { let data = {} try { data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)) || {} } catch (error) { return {} } return data } function get_position_style (ctx, widget_width, y, node_height) { const MARGIN = 4 // the margin around the html element /* Create a transform that deals with all the scrolling and zooming */ const elRect = ctx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect() const transform = new DOMMatrix() .scaleSelf( elRect.width / ctx.canvas.width, elRect.height / ctx.canvas.height ) .multiplySelf(ctx.getTransform()) .translateSelf(MARGIN, MARGIN + y) return { transformOrigin: '0 0', transform: transform, left: `0`, top: `0`, cursor: 'pointer', position: 'absolute', maxWidth: `${widget_width - MARGIN * 2}px`, // maxHeight: `${node_height - MARGIN * 2}px`, // we're assuming we have the whole height of the node width: `${widget_width - MARGIN * 2}px`, // height: `${node_height * 0.3 - MARGIN * 2}px`, // background: '#EEEEEE', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', // alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-around' } } function hexToRGBA (hexColor) { var hex = hexColor.replace('#', '') var r = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16) var g = parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16) var b = parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16) // 获取透明度的十六进制值 var alphaHex = hex.substring(6) // 将透明度的十六进制值转换为十进制值 var alpha = parseInt(alphaHex, 16) / 255 return [r, g, b, alpha] } app.registerExtension({ name: 'Mixlab.utils.Color', init () { $el('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', href: '/extensions/comfyui-mixlab-nodes/lib/classic.min.css', parent: document.head }) $el('style', { textContent: ` .pickr{ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .pickr .pcr-button { width: 56px; height: 56px; outline: 1px solid white; } `, parent: document.body }) }, async getCustomWidgets (app) { return { TCOLOR (node, inputName, inputData, app) { // console.log('##node', node) const widget = { type: inputData[0], // the type, CHEESE name: inputName, // the name, slice size: [128, 32], // a default size draw (ctx, node, width, y) {}, computeSize (...args) { return [128, 32] // a method to compute the current size of the widget }, async serializeValue (nodeId, widgetIndex) { // let data = getLocalData('_mixlab_utils_color') // let hex = data[] || '#000000' let hex = widget.value || '#000000' let [r, g, b, a] = hexToRGBA(hex) return { hex, r, g, b, a } } } // widget.something = something; // maybe adds stuff to it node.addCustomWidget(widget) // adds it to the node return widget // and returns it. } } }, async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) { if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'Color') { const orig_nodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { orig_nodeCreated?.apply(this, arguments) // console.log('Color nodeData', this.widgets) const widget = { type: 'div', name: 'input_color', draw (ctx, node, widget_width, y, widget_height) { Object.assign(, get_position_style(ctx, widget_width, 44, node.size[1]) ) // console.log('draw',y,node.widgets[0].last_y) } } widget.div = $el('div', {}) document.body.appendChild(widget.div) const inputDiv = () => { let div = document.createElement('div') = `color_picker_${}` return div } let inputColor = inputDiv('_mixlab_utils_color', 'Color', '#000000') widget.div.appendChild(inputColor) this.addCustomWidget(widget) const pickr = Pickr.create({ el: `#${}`, theme: 'classic', // or 'monolith', or 'nano' // closeOnScroll: true, default: '#000000', swatches: [ 'rgba(244, 67, 54, 1)', 'rgba(233, 30, 99, 0.95)', 'rgba(156, 39, 176, 0.9)', 'rgba(103, 58, 183, 0.85)', 'rgba(63, 81, 181, 0.8)', 'rgba(33, 150, 243, 0.75)', 'rgba(3, 169, 244, 0.7)', 'rgba(0, 188, 212, 0.7)', 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.75)', 'rgba(76, 175, 80, 0.8)', 'rgba(139, 195, 74, 0.85)', 'rgba(205, 220, 57, 0.9)', 'rgba(255, 235, 59, 0.95)', 'rgba(255, 193, 7, 1)' ], components: { // Main components preview: true, opacity: true, hue: true, // Input / output Options interaction: { hex: true, rgba: true, hsla: true, hsva: true, cmyk: true, input: true, // clear: true, save: true, cancel: true } } }) pickr .on('save', (color, instance) => { // console.log('Event: "save"', color.toHEXA().toString()) // let data = getLocalData('_mixlab_utils_color') // data[] = color.toHEXA().toString() // localStorage.setItem('_mixlab_utils_color', JSON.stringify(data)) try { let tc = this.widgets.filter(w => w.type == 'TCOLOR')[0] tc.value = color.toHEXA().toString() } catch (error) {} }) .on('cancel', instance => { pickr && pickr.hide() }) this.pickr = pickr const handleMouseWheel = () => { try { this.pickr && this.pickr.hide() } catch (error) {} } document.addEventListener('wheel', handleMouseWheel) const onRemoved = this.onRemoved this.onRemoved = () => { inputColor.remove() widget.div.remove() try { this.pickr.destroyAndRemove() this.pickr = null document.removeEventListener('wheel', handleMouseWheel) } catch (error) { console.log(error) } return onRemoved?.() } this.serialize_widgets = true //需要保存参数 } } }, async loadedGraphNode (node, app) { // Fires every time a node is constructed // You can modify widgets/add handlers/etc here if (node.type === 'Color') { try { let TCOLOR = node.widgets.filter(w => w.type == 'TCOLOR')[0] setTimeout(() => node.pickr.setColor(TCOLOR.value || '#000000'), 1000) } catch (error) {} } } }) app.registerExtension({ name: 'Mixlab.utils.TextToNumber', async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) { if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'TextToNumber') { const onExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function (message) { onExecuted?.apply(this, arguments) const random_number = this.widgets.filter( w => === 'random_number' )[0] if (random_number.value === 'enable') { const n = this.widgets.filter(w => === 'number')[0] n.value = message.num[0] } console.log('TextToNumber', random_number.value) } } } }) const min_max = node => { if(node.widgets){ const min_value = node.widgets.filter(w => === 'min_value')[0] const max_value = node.widgets.filter(w => === 'max_value')[0] const number = node.widgets.filter(w => === 'number')[0] if (number) { number.options.min = min_value.value number.options.max = max_value.value number.value = Math.min(number.options.max, number.value) number.value = Math.max(number.options.min, number.value) } if (min_value) min_value.callback = e => { number.options.min = e number.value = e } if (max_value) max_value.callback = e => { number.options.max = e number.value = e } } } app.registerExtension({ name: 'Mixlab.utils.FloatSlider', async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) { if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'FloatSlider') { const orig_nodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated; nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { orig_nodeCreated?.apply(this, arguments) min_max(this) } } }, async loadedGraphNode (node, app) { if (node.type === 'FloatSlider') { min_max(node) } } }) app.registerExtension({ name: 'Mixlab.utils.IntNumber', async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) { if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'IntNumber') { const orig_nodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { orig_nodeCreated?.apply(this, arguments) min_max(this) } } }, async loadedGraphNode (node, app) { if (node.type === 'IntNumber') { min_max(node) } } }) app.registerExtension({ name: 'Mixlab.utils.TESTNODE_', async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) { if (nodeType.comfyClass == 'TESTNODE_') { const onExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted; nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function (message) { onExecuted?.apply(this, arguments); console.log('##',message) }; } }, })