import { app } from '../../../scripts/app.js' import { api } from '../../../scripts/api.js' import { ComfyWidgets } from '../../../scripts/widgets.js' import { $el } from '../../../scripts/ui.js' // The code is based on ComfyUI-VideoHelperSuite modification. function injectCSS (css) { // 检查页面中是否已经存在具有相同内容的style标签 const existingStyle = document.querySelector('style') if (existingStyle && existingStyle.textContent === css) { return // 如果已经存在相同的样式,则不进行注入 } // 创建一个新的style标签,并将CSS内容注入其中 const style = document.createElement('style') style.textContent = css // 将style标签插入到页面的head元素中 const head = document.querySelector('head') head.appendChild(style) } injectCSS(` .hidden{ display:none !important }`) function get_position_style (ctx, widget_width, y, node_height) { const MARGIN = 4 // the margin around the html element /* Create a transform that deals with all the scrolling and zooming */ const elRect = ctx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect() const transform = new DOMMatrix() .scaleSelf( elRect.width / ctx.canvas.width, elRect.height / ctx.canvas.height ) .multiplySelf(ctx.getTransform()) .translateSelf(MARGIN, MARGIN + y) return { transformOrigin: '0 0', transform: transform, left: `0`, top: `0`, cursor: 'pointer', position: 'absolute', maxWidth: `${widget_width - MARGIN * 2}px`, // maxHeight: `${node_height - MARGIN * 2}px`, // we're assuming we have the whole height of the node width: `${widget_width - MARGIN * 2}px`, // height: `${node_height * 0.3 - MARGIN * 2}px`, // background: '#EEEEEE', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', // alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-around' } } function videoUpload (node, inputName, inputData, app) { const imageWidget = node.widgets.find(w => === 'video') let uploadWidget const widget = { type: 'div', name: 'upload-preview', draw (ctx, node, widget_width, y, widget_height) { Object.assign(, get_position_style(ctx, widget_width, 220, node.size[1]), { outline: '1px solid' } ) } } widget.div = $el('div', {}) = `120px` document.body.appendChild(widget.div) node.addCustomWidget(widget) // console.log('#imageWidget', imageWidget) const displayDiv = document.createElement('video') displayDiv.controls = true //`width:200px;height:200px` imageWidget.callback = () => { displayDiv.src = `/view?filename=${ imageWidget.value }&type=input&subfolder=${''}&rand=${Math.random()}` // displayDiv.onloadedmetadata = function () { // var frameCount = displayDiv.duration * displayDiv.webkitDecodedFrameCount // console.log('视频帧数:' + frameCount) // node.widgets.filter(w => == 'video_segment_frames')[0].value = // frameCount // } } if (imageWidget.value) { // console.log(imageWidget.value) displayDiv.src = `/view?filename=${ imageWidget.value }&type=input&subfolder=${''}&rand=${Math.random()}` } widget.div.appendChild(displayDiv) const onRemoved = node.onRemoved node.onRemoved = () => { widget.div.remove() return onRemoved?.() } var default_value = imageWidget.value Object.defineProperty(imageWidget, 'value', { set: function (value) { this._real_value = value }, get: function () { let value = '' if (this._real_value) { value = this._real_value } else { return default_value } if (value.filename) { let real_value = value value = '' if (real_value.subfolder) { value = real_value.subfolder + '/' } value += real_value.filename if (real_value.type && real_value.type !== 'input') value += ` [${real_value.type}]` } return value } }) async function uploadFile (file, updateNode, pasted = false) { try { // Wrap file in formdata so it includes filename const body = new FormData() body.append('image', file) if (pasted) body.append('subfolder', 'pasted') const resp = await api.fetchApi('/upload/image', { method: 'POST', body }) if (resp.status === 200) { const data = await resp.json() // Add the file to the dropdown list and update the widget value let path = if (data.subfolder) path = data.subfolder + '/' + path if (!imageWidget.options.values.includes(path)) { imageWidget.options.values.push(path) } if (updateNode) { imageWidget.value = path } return `/view?filename=${path}&type=input&subfolder=${ pasted ? 'pasted' : '' }&rand=${Math.random()}` } else { alert(resp.status + ' - ' + resp.statusText) } } catch (error) { alert(error) } } const fileInput = document.createElement('input') Object.assign(fileInput, { type: 'file', accept: 'video/*,.mkv,video/webm,video/mp4,video/x-matroska,image/gif', style: 'display: none', onchange: async () => { if (fileInput.files.length) { let file = fileInput.files[0] const url = await uploadFile(file, true) // console.log('fileInput', file) var reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = function () { displayDiv.src = url displayDiv.onloadedmetadata = function () { // var frameCount = // displayDiv.duration * displayDiv.webkitDecodedFrameCount // console.log('视频帧数:' + frameCount) // node.widgets.filter( // w => == 'video_segment_frames' // )[0].value = frameCount } } reader.readAsDataURL(file) } } }) document.body.append(fileInput) // Create the button widget for selecting the files uploadWidget = node.addWidget('button', 'upload file', 'video', () => { }) uploadWidget.serialize = false return { widget: uploadWidget } } ComfyWidgets.VIDEOUPLOAD_ = videoUpload app.registerExtension({ name: 'Mixlab.Video.LoadVideoAndSegment_', async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) { if (nodeData?.name == 'LoadVideoAndSegment_') { nodeData.input.required.upload = ['VIDEOUPLOAD_'] } }, async loadedGraphNode (node, app) { if (node.type === 'LoadVideoAndSegment_') { const imageWidget = node.widgets.find(w => === 'video') const uploadPreview = node.widgets.find(w => === 'upload-preview') if (imageWidget.value) { // console.log(imageWidget.value) uploadPreview.div.querySelector('video').src = `/view?filename=${ imageWidget.value }&type=input&subfolder=${''}&rand=${Math.random()}` } } } }) function offsetDOMWidget (widget, ctx, node, widgetWidth, widgetY, height) { const margin = 10 const elRect = ctx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect() const transform = new DOMMatrix() .scaleSelf( elRect.width / ctx.canvas.width, elRect.height / ctx.canvas.height ) .multiplySelf(ctx.getTransform()) .translateSelf(0, widgetY + margin) const scale = new DOMMatrix().scaleSelf(transform.a, transform.d) Object.assign(, { transformOrigin: '0 0', transform: scale, left: `${transform.e}px`, top: `${transform.d + transform.f}px`, width: `${widgetWidth}px`, height: `${(height || widget.parent?.inputHeight || 32) - margin}px`, position: 'absolute', background: !node.color ? '' : node.color, color: !node.color ? '' : 'white', zIndex: 5 //app.graph._nodes.indexOf(node), }) } export const hasWidgets = node => { if (!node.widgets || !node.widgets?.[Symbol.iterator]) { return false } return true } export const cleanupNode = node => { if (!hasWidgets(node)) { return } for (const w of node.widgets) { if (w.canvas) { w.canvas.remove() } if (w.inputEl) { w.inputEl.remove() } // calls the widget remove callback w.onRemoved?.() } } const createPreviewElement = (name, val, format) => { const [type] = format.split('/') const w = { name, type, value: val, draw: function (ctx, node, widgetWidth, widgetY, height) { const [cw, ch] = this.computeSize(widgetWidth) offsetDOMWidget(this, ctx, node, widgetWidth, widgetY, ch) }, computeSize: function (_) { const ratio = this.inputRatio || 1 const width = Math.max(220, this.parent.size[0]) return [width, width / ratio + 10] }, onRemoved: function () { if (this.inputEl) { this.inputEl.remove() } } } w.inputEl = document.createElement(type === 'video' ? 'video' : 'img') w.inputEl.src = w.value if (type === 'video' || format.match('.mp4')) { w.inputEl.setAttribute('type', 'video/webm') w.inputEl.autoplay = true w.inputEl.loop = true w.inputEl.controls = true } w.inputEl.onload = function () { w.inputRatio = w.inputEl.naturalWidth / w.inputEl.naturalHeight } document.body.appendChild(w.inputEl) return w } app.registerExtension({ name: 'Mixlab.Video.ImageListReplace', async beforeRegisterNodeDef (nodeType, nodeData, app) { if (nodeData?.name == 'ImageListReplace_') { const orig_nodeCreated = nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated nodeType.prototype.onNodeCreated = function () { orig_nodeCreated?.apply(this, arguments) const widget = { type: 'div', name: 'preview', draw (ctx, node, widget_width, y, widget_height) { Object.assign(, get_position_style(ctx, widget_width, 188, node.size[1]), { outline: '1px solid', display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'flex-start' } ) } } widget.div = $el('div', {}) = `120px` widget.div.className = 'hidden' document.body.appendChild(widget.div) this.addCustomWidget(widget) // console.log('#ImageListReplace', widget) const onRemoved = this.onRemoved this.onRemoved = () => { widget.div.remove() return onRemoved?.() } } const onExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function (message) { onExecuted?.apply(this, arguments) // let _image_replace = message._image_replace[0] // _image_replace = `/view?filename=${_image_replace.filename}&type=${ // _image_replace.type // }&subfolder=${_image_replace.subfolder}&rand=${Math.random()}` let preview = this.widgets.filter(w => == 'preview')[0] if (message._images.length > 0) { preview.div.className = '' // console.log('#ImageListReplace', preview.div) } preview.div.innerHTML = '' for (const img_ of message._images) { let img = new Image() = `width: 100px; margin: 4px;` img.src = `/view?filename=${img_.filename}&type=${ img_.type }&subfolder=${img_.subfolder}&rand=${Math.random()}` preview.div.appendChild(img) } let start_index = this.widgets.filter(w => == 'start_index')[0] let end_index = this.widgets.filter(w => == 'end_index')[0] let invert = this.widgets.filter(w => == 'invert')[0] let _sc = start_index.callback.bind(start_index) let _ec = end_index.callback.bind(end_index) const selectImages = () => { // console.log(v) let s = start_index.value, e = end_index.value let imgs = preview.div.querySelectorAll('img') for (let index = 0; index < imgs.length; index++) { if (invert.value) { imgs[index].style.outline = index >= s && index <= e ? 'none' : '4px solid #cbd3fe' } else { imgs[index].style.outline = index >= s && index <= e ? '4px solid #cbd3fe' : 'none' } } } selectImages() start_index.callback = v => { let s = v, e = end_index.value let imgs = preview.div.querySelectorAll('img') for (let index = 0; index < imgs.length; index++) { if (invert.value) { imgs[index].style.outline = index >= s && index <= e ? 'none' : '4px solid #cbd3fe' } else { imgs[index].style.outline = index >= s && index <= e ? '4px solid #cbd3fe' : 'none' } } _sc(v) } end_index.callback = v => { let s = start_index.value, e = v let imgs = preview.div.querySelectorAll('img') for (let index = 0; index < imgs.length; index++) { if (invert.value) { imgs[index].style.outline = index >= s && index <= e ? 'none' : '4px solid #cbd3fe' } else { imgs[index].style.outline = index >= s && index <= e ? '4px solid #cbd3fe' : 'none' } } _ec(v) } invert.callback = v => { selectImages() } try { } catch (error) {} } } if ( nodeData?.name == 'VideoCombine_Adv' || nodeData?.name == 'CombineAudioVideo' ) { const onExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function (message) { const prefix = 'vhs_gif_preview_' const r = onExecuted ? onExecuted.apply(this, message) : undefined if (this.widgets) { const pos = this.widgets.findIndex(w => === `${prefix}_0`) if (pos !== -1) { for (let i = pos; i < this.widgets.length; i++) { this.widgets[i].onRemoved?.() } this.widgets.length = pos } if (message?.gifs) { message.gifs.forEach((params, i) => { const previewUrl = api.apiURL( '/view?' + new URLSearchParams(params).toString() ) const w = this.addCustomWidget( createPreviewElement( `${prefix}_${i}`, previewUrl, params.format || 'image/gif' ) ) w.parent = this }) } const onRemoved = this.onRemoved this.onRemoved = () => { cleanupNode(this) return onRemoved?.() } } this.setSize([ this.size[0], this.computeSize([this.size[0], this.size[1]])[1] ]) return r } } } })