import os import sys import json import subprocess import numpy as np import re import datetime from typing import List import torch from PIL import Image, ExifTags from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo from pathlib import Path from string import Template import itertools import folder_paths from .logger import logger from .image_latent_nodes import * from .load_video_nodes import LoadVideoUpload, LoadVideoPath from .load_images_nodes import LoadImagesFromDirectoryUpload, LoadImagesFromDirectoryPath from .batched_nodes import VAEEncodeBatched, VAEDecodeBatched from .utils import ffmpeg_path, get_audio, hash_path, validate_path, requeue_workflow, gifski_path, calculate_file_hash, strip_path from comfy.utils import ProgressBar folder_paths.folder_names_and_paths["VHS_video_formats"] = ( [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "video_formats"), ], [".json"] ) audio_extensions = ['mp3', 'mp4', 'wav', 'ogg'] def gen_format_widgets(video_format): for k in video_format: if k.endswith("_pass"): for i in range(len(video_format[k])): if isinstance(video_format[k][i], list): item = [video_format[k][i]] yield item video_format[k][i] = item[0] else: if isinstance(video_format[k], list): item = [video_format[k]] yield item video_format[k] = item[0] def get_video_formats(): formats = [] for format_name in folder_paths.get_filename_list("VHS_video_formats"): format_name = format_name[:-5] video_format_path = folder_paths.get_full_path("VHS_video_formats", format_name + ".json") with open(video_format_path, 'r') as stream: video_format = json.load(stream) if "gifski_pass" in video_format and gifski_path is None: #Skip format continue widgets = [w[0] for w in gen_format_widgets(video_format)] if (len(widgets) > 0): formats.append(["video/" + format_name, widgets]) else: formats.append("video/" + format_name) return formats def get_format_widget_defaults(format_name): video_format_path = folder_paths.get_full_path("VHS_video_formats", format_name + ".json") with open(video_format_path, 'r') as stream: video_format = json.load(stream) results = {} for w in gen_format_widgets(video_format): if len(w[0]) > 2 and 'default' in w[0][2]: default = w[0][2]['default'] else: if type(w[0][1]) is list: default = w[0][1][0] else: #NOTE: This doesn't respect max/min, but should be good enough as a fallback to a fallback to a fallback default = {"BOOLEAN": False, "INT": 0, "FLOAT": 0, "STRING": ""}[w[0][1]] results[w[0][0]] = default return results def apply_format_widgets(format_name, kwargs): video_format_path = folder_paths.get_full_path("VHS_video_formats", format_name + ".json") with open(video_format_path, 'r') as stream: video_format = json.load(stream) for w in gen_format_widgets(video_format): assert(w[0][0] in kwargs) if len(w[0]) > 3: w[0] = Template(w[0][3]).substitute(val=kwargs[w[0][0]]) else: w[0] = str(kwargs[w[0][0]]) return video_format def tensor_to_int(tensor, bits): #TODO: investigate benefit of rounding by adding 0.5 before clip/cast tensor = tensor.cpu().numpy() * (2**bits-1) return np.clip(tensor, 0, (2**bits-1)) def tensor_to_shorts(tensor): return tensor_to_int(tensor, 16).astype(np.uint16) def tensor_to_bytes(tensor): return tensor_to_int(tensor, 8).astype(np.uint8) def ffmpeg_process(args, video_format, video_metadata, file_path, env): res = None frame_data = yield total_frames_output = 0 if video_format.get('save_metadata', 'False') != 'False': os.makedirs(folder_paths.get_temp_directory(), exist_ok=True) metadata = json.dumps(video_metadata) metadata_path = os.path.join(folder_paths.get_temp_directory(), "metadata.txt") #metadata from file should escape = ; # \ and newline metadata = metadata.replace("\\","\\\\") metadata = metadata.replace(";","\\;") metadata = metadata.replace("#","\\#") metadata = metadata.replace("=","\\=") metadata = metadata.replace("\n","\\\n") metadata = "comment=" + metadata with open(metadata_path, "w") as f: f.write(";FFMETADATA1\n") f.write(metadata) m_args = args[:1] + ["-i", metadata_path] + args[1:] + ["-metadata", "creation_time=now"] with subprocess.Popen(m_args + [file_path], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) as proc: try: while frame_data is not None: proc.stdin.write(frame_data) #TODO: skip flush for increased speed frame_data = yield total_frames_output+=1 proc.stdin.flush() proc.stdin.close() res = except BrokenPipeError as e: err = #Check if output file exists. If it does, the re-execution #will also fail. This obscures the cause of the error #and seems to never occur concurrent to the metadata issue if os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("An error occurred in the ffmpeg subprocess:\n" \ + err.decode("utf-8")) #Res was not set print(err.decode("utf-8"), end="", file=sys.stderr) logger.warn("An error occurred when saving with metadata") if res != b'': with subprocess.Popen(args + [file_path], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) as proc: try: while frame_data is not None: proc.stdin.write(frame_data) frame_data = yield total_frames_output+=1 proc.stdin.flush() proc.stdin.close() res = except BrokenPipeError as e: res = raise Exception("An error occurred in the ffmpeg subprocess:\n" \ + res.decode("utf-8")) yield total_frames_output if len(res) > 0: print(res.decode("utf-8"), end="", file=sys.stderr) def gifski_process(args, video_format, file_path, env): frame_data = yield with subprocess.Popen(args + video_format['main_pass'] + ['-f', 'yuv4mpegpipe', '-'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) as procff: with subprocess.Popen([gifski_path] + video_format['gifski_pass'] + ['-q', '-o', file_path, '-'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=procff.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) as procgs: try: while frame_data is not None: procff.stdin.write(frame_data) frame_data = yield procff.stdin.flush() procff.stdin.close() resff = resgs = outgs = except BrokenPipeError as e: procff.stdin.close() resff = resgs = raise Exception("An error occurred while creating gifski output\n" \ + "Make sure you are using gifski --version >=1.32.0\nffmpeg: " \ + resff.decode("utf-8") + '\ngifski: ' + resgs.decode("utf-8")) if len(resff) > 0: print(resff.decode("utf-8"), end="", file=sys.stderr) if len(resgs) > 0: print(resgs.decode("utf-8"), end="", file=sys.stderr) #should always be empty as the quiet flag is passed if len(outgs) > 0: print(outgs.decode("utf-8")) def to_pingpong(inp): if not hasattr(inp, "__getitem__"): inp = list(inp) yield from inp for i in range(len(inp)-2,0,-1): yield inp[i] class VideoCombine: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): ffmpeg_formats = get_video_formats() return { "required": { "frame_rate": ( "FLOAT", {"default": 8, "min": 1, "step": 1}, ), "loop_count": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1}), "filename_prefix": ("STRING", {"default": "AnimateDiff"}), "format": (["image/gif", "image/webp"] + ffmpeg_formats,), "pingpong": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}), "save_output": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True}), }, "optional": { "images": ("IMAGE",), "audio": ("VHS_AUDIO",), "meta_batch": ("VHS_BatchManager",), "vae": ("VAE",), "latents": ("LATENT",), }, "hidden": { "prompt": "PROMPT", "extra_pnginfo": "EXTRA_PNGINFO", "unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID" }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("VHS_FILENAMES",) RETURN_NAMES = ("Filenames",) OUTPUT_NODE = True CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" FUNCTION = "combine_video" def combine_video( self, frame_rate: int, loop_count: int, images=None, latents=None, filename_prefix="AnimateDiff", format="image/gif", pingpong=False, save_output=True, prompt=None, extra_pnginfo=None, audio=None, unique_id=None, manual_format_widgets=None, meta_batch=None, vae=None ): if latents is not None: images = latents if images is None: return ((save_output, []),) if vae is not None: images = images['samples'] if isinstance(images, torch.Tensor) and images.size(0) == 0: return ((save_output, []),) num_frames = len(images) pbar = ProgressBar(num_frames) if vae is not None: downscale_ratio = getattr(vae, "downscale_ratio", 8) width = images.size(3)*downscale_ratio height = images.size(2)*downscale_ratio frames_per_batch = (1920 * 1080 * 16) // (width * height) or 1 #Python 3.12 adds an itertools.batched, but it's easily replicated for legacy support def batched(it, n): while batch := tuple(itertools.islice(it, n)): yield batch def batched_encode(images, vae, frames_per_batch): for batch in batched(iter(images), frames_per_batch): image_batch = torch.from_numpy(np.array(batch)) yield from vae.decode(image_batch) images = batched_encode(images, vae, frames_per_batch) first_image = next(images) #repush first_image images = itertools.chain([first_image], images) else: first_image = images[0] images = iter(images) # get output information output_dir = ( folder_paths.get_output_directory() if save_output else folder_paths.get_temp_directory() ) ( full_output_folder, filename, _, subfolder, _, ) = folder_paths.get_save_image_path(filename_prefix, output_dir) output_files = [] metadata = PngInfo() video_metadata = {} if prompt is not None: metadata.add_text("prompt", json.dumps(prompt)) video_metadata["prompt"] = prompt if extra_pnginfo is not None: for x in extra_pnginfo: metadata.add_text(x, json.dumps(extra_pnginfo[x])) video_metadata[x] = extra_pnginfo[x] metadata.add_text("CreationTime"," ")[:19]) if meta_batch is not None and unique_id in meta_batch.outputs: (counter, output_process) = meta_batch.outputs[unique_id] else: # comfy counter workaround max_counter = 0 # Loop through the existing files matcher = re.compile(f"{re.escape(filename)}_(\\d+)\\D*\\..+", re.IGNORECASE) for existing_file in os.listdir(full_output_folder): # Check if the file matches the expected format match = matcher.fullmatch(existing_file) if match: # Extract the numeric portion of the filename file_counter = int( # Update the maximum counter value if necessary if file_counter > max_counter: max_counter = file_counter # Increment the counter by 1 to get the next available value counter = max_counter + 1 output_process = None # save first frame as png to keep metadata file = f"{filename}_{counter:05}.png" file_path = os.path.join(full_output_folder, file) Image.fromarray(tensor_to_bytes(first_image)).save( file_path, pnginfo=metadata, compress_level=4, ) output_files.append(file_path) format_type, format_ext = format.split("/") if format_type == "image": if meta_batch is not None: raise Exception("Pillow('image/') formats are not compatible with batched output") image_kwargs = {} if format_ext == "gif": image_kwargs['disposal'] = 2 if format_ext == "webp": #Save timestamp information exif = Image.Exif() exif[ExifTags.IFD.Exif] = {36867:" ")[:19]} image_kwargs['exif'] = exif file = f"{filename}_{counter:05}.{format_ext}" file_path = os.path.join(full_output_folder, file) if pingpong: images = to_pingpong(images) frames = map(lambda x : Image.fromarray(tensor_to_bytes(x)), images) # Use pillow directly to save an animated image next(frames).save( file_path, format=format_ext.upper(), save_all=True, append_images=frames, duration=round(1000 / frame_rate), loop=loop_count, compress_level=4, **image_kwargs ) output_files.append(file_path) else: # Use ffmpeg to save a video if ffmpeg_path is None: raise ProcessLookupError(f"ffmpeg is required for video outputs and could not be found.\nIn order to use video outputs, you must either:\n- Install imageio-ffmpeg with pip,\n- Place a ffmpeg executable in {os.path.abspath('')}, or\n- Install ffmpeg and add it to the system path.") #Acquire additional format_widget values kwargs = None if manual_format_widgets is None: if prompt is not None: kwargs = prompt[unique_id]['inputs'] else: manual_format_widgets = {} if kwargs is None: kwargs = get_format_widget_defaults(format_ext) missing = {} for k in kwargs.keys(): if k in manual_format_widgets: kwargs[k] = manual_format_widgets[k] else: missing[k] = kwargs[k] if len(missing) > 0: logger.warn("Extra format values were not provided, the following defaults will be used: " + str(kwargs) + "\nThis is likely due to usage of ComfyUI-to-python. These values can be manually set by supplying a manual_format_widgets argument") video_format = apply_format_widgets(format_ext, kwargs) has_alpha = first_image.shape[-1] == 4 dim_alignment = video_format.get("dim_alignment", 8) if (first_image.shape[1] % dim_alignment) or (first_image.shape[0] % dim_alignment): #output frames must be padded to_pad = (-first_image.shape[1] % dim_alignment, -first_image.shape[0] % dim_alignment) padding = (to_pad[0]//2, to_pad[0] - to_pad[0]//2, to_pad[1]//2, to_pad[1] - to_pad[1]//2) padfunc = torch.nn.ReplicationPad2d(padding) def pad(image): image = image.permute((2,0,1))#HWC to CHW padded = padfunc( return padded.permute((1,2,0)) images = map(pad, images) new_dims = (-first_image.shape[1] % dim_alignment + first_image.shape[1], -first_image.shape[0] % dim_alignment + first_image.shape[0]) dimensions = f"{new_dims[0]}x{new_dims[1]}" logger.warn("Output images were not of valid resolution and have had padding applied") else: dimensions = f"{first_image.shape[1]}x{first_image.shape[0]}" if loop_count > 0: loop_args = ["-vf", "loop=loop=" + str(loop_count)+":size=" + str(num_frames)] else: loop_args = [] if pingpong: if meta_batch is not None: logger.error("pingpong is incompatible with batched output") images = to_pingpong(images) if video_format.get('input_color_depth', '8bit') == '16bit': images = map(tensor_to_shorts, images) if has_alpha: i_pix_fmt = 'rgba64' else: i_pix_fmt = 'rgb48' else: images = map(tensor_to_bytes, images) if has_alpha: i_pix_fmt = 'rgba' else: i_pix_fmt = 'rgb24' file = f"{filename}_{counter:05}.{video_format['extension']}" file_path = os.path.join(full_output_folder, file) bitrate_arg = [] bitrate = video_format.get('bitrate') if bitrate is not None: bitrate_arg = ["-b:v", str(bitrate) + "M" if video_format.get('megabit') == 'True' else str(bitrate) + "K"] args = [ffmpeg_path, "-v", "error", "-f", "rawvideo", "-pix_fmt", i_pix_fmt, "-s", dimensions, "-r", str(frame_rate), "-i", "-"] \ + loop_args images = map(lambda x: x.tobytes(), images) env=os.environ.copy() if "environment" in video_format: env.update(video_format["environment"]) if "pre_pass" in video_format: if meta_batch is not None: #Performing a prepass requires keeping access to all frames. #Potential solutions include keeping just output frames in #memory or using 3 passes with intermediate file, but #very long gifs probably shouldn't be encouraged raise Exception("Formats which require a pre_pass are incompatible with Batch Manager.") images = [b''.join(images)] os.makedirs(folder_paths.get_temp_directory(), exist_ok=True) pre_pass_args = args[:13] + video_format['pre_pass'] try:, input=images[0], env=env, capture_output=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception("An error occurred in the ffmpeg prepass:\n" \ + e.stderr.decode("utf-8")) if "inputs_main_pass" in video_format: args = args[:13] + video_format['inputs_main_pass'] + args[13:] if output_process is None: if 'gifski_pass' in video_format: output_process = gifski_process(args, video_format, file_path, env) else: args += video_format['main_pass'] + bitrate_arg output_process = ffmpeg_process(args, video_format, video_metadata, file_path, env) #Proceed to first yield output_process.send(None) if meta_batch is not None: meta_batch.outputs[unique_id] = (counter, output_process) for image in images: pbar.update(1) output_process.send(image) if meta_batch is not None: requeue_workflow((meta_batch.unique_id, not meta_batch.has_closed_inputs)) if meta_batch is None or meta_batch.has_closed_inputs: #Close pipe and wait for termination. try: total_frames_output = output_process.send(None) output_process.send(None) except StopIteration: pass if meta_batch is not None: meta_batch.outputs.pop(unique_id) if len(meta_batch.outputs) == 0: meta_batch.reset() else: #batch is unfinished #TODO: Check if empty output breaks other custom nodes return {"ui": {"unfinished_batch": [True]}, "result": ((save_output, []),)} output_files.append(file_path) if audio is not None and audio() is not False: # Create audio file if input was provided output_file_with_audio = f"{filename}_{counter:05}-audio.{video_format['extension']}" output_file_with_audio_path = os.path.join(full_output_folder, output_file_with_audio) if "audio_pass" not in video_format: logger.warn("Selected video format does not have explicit audio support") video_format["audio_pass"] = ["-c:a", "libopus"] # FFmpeg command with audio re-encoding #TODO: expose audio quality options if format widgets makes it in #Reconsider forcing apad/shortest min_audio_dur = total_frames_output / frame_rate + 1 mux_args = [ffmpeg_path, "-v", "error", "-n", "-i", file_path, "-i", "-", "-c:v", "copy"] \ + video_format["audio_pass"] \ + ["-af", "apad=whole_dur="+str(min_audio_dur), "-shortest", output_file_with_audio_path] try: res =, input=audio(), env=env, capture_output=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception("An error occured in the ffmpeg subprocess:\n" \ + e.stderr.decode("utf-8")) if res.stderr: print(res.stderr.decode("utf-8"), end="", file=sys.stderr) output_files.append(output_file_with_audio_path) #Return this file with audio to the webui. #It will be muted unless opened or saved with right click file = output_file_with_audio previews = [ { "filename": file, "subfolder": subfolder, "type": "output" if save_output else "temp", "format": format, "frame_rate": frame_rate, } ] if num_frames == 1 and 'png' in format and '%03d' in file: previews[0]['format'] = 'image/png' previews[0]['filename'] = file.replace('%03d', '001') return {"ui": {"gifs": previews}, "result": ((save_output, output_files),)} @classmethod def VALIDATE_INPUTS(self, format, **kwargs): return True class LoadAudio: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): #Hide ffmpeg formats if ffmpeg isn't available return { "required": { "audio_file": ("STRING", {"default": "input/", "vhs_path_extensions": ['wav','mp3','ogg','m4a','flac']}), }, "optional" : {"seek_seconds": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0})} } RETURN_TYPES = ("VHS_AUDIO",) RETURN_NAMES = ("audio",) CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" FUNCTION = "load_audio" def load_audio(self, audio_file, seek_seconds): audio_file = strip_path(audio_file) if audio_file is None or validate_path(audio_file) != True: raise Exception("audio_file is not a valid path: " + audio_file) #Eagerly fetch the audio since the user must be using it if the #node executes, unlike Load Video audio = get_audio(audio_file, start_time=seek_seconds) return (lambda : audio,) @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(s, audio_file, seek_seconds): return hash_path(audio_file) @classmethod def VALIDATE_INPUTS(s, audio_file, **kwargs): return validate_path(audio_file, allow_none=True) class LoadAudioUpload: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): input_dir = folder_paths.get_input_directory() files = [] for f in os.listdir(input_dir): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(input_dir, f)): file_parts = f.split('.') if len(file_parts) > 1 and (file_parts[-1] in audio_extensions): files.append(f) return {"required": { "audio": (sorted(files),), "start_time": ("FLOAT" , {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10000000, "step": 0.01}), "duration": ("FLOAT" , {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10000000, "step": 0.01}), }, } CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" RETURN_TYPES = ("VHS_AUDIO", ) RETURN_NAMES = ("audio",) FUNCTION = "load_audio" def load_audio(self, start_time, duration, **kwargs): audio_file = folder_paths.get_annotated_filepath(strip_path(kwargs['audio'])) if audio_file is None or validate_path(audio_file) != True: raise Exception("audio_file is not a valid path: " + audio_file) audio = get_audio(audio_file, start_time, duration) return (lambda : audio,) @classmethod def IS_CHANGED(s, audio, start_time, duration): audio_file = folder_paths.get_annotated_filepath(strip_path(audio)) return hash_path(audio_file) @classmethod def VALIDATE_INPUTS(s, audio, **kwargs): audio_file = folder_paths.get_annotated_filepath(strip_path(audio)) return validate_path(audio_file, allow_none=True) class PruneOutputs: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "filenames": ("VHS_FILENAMES",), "options": (["Intermediate", "Intermediate and Utility"],) } } RETURN_TYPES = () OUTPUT_NODE = True CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" FUNCTION = "prune_outputs" def prune_outputs(self, filenames, options): if len(filenames[1]) == 0: return () assert(len(filenames[1]) <= 3 and len(filenames[1]) >= 2) delete_list = [] if options in ["Intermediate", "Intermediate and Utility", "All"]: delete_list += filenames[1][1:-1] if options in ["Intermediate and Utility", "All"]: delete_list.append(filenames[1][0]) if options in ["All"]: delete_list.append(filenames[1][-1]) output_dirs = [os.path.abspath("output"), os.path.abspath("temp")] for file in delete_list: #Check that path is actually an output directory if (os.path.commonpath([output_dirs[0], file]) != output_dirs[0]) \ and (os.path.commonpath([output_dirs[1], file]) != output_dirs[1]): raise Exception("Tried to prune output from invalid directory: " + file) if os.path.exists(file): os.remove(file) return () class BatchManager: def __init__(self, frames_per_batch=-1): self.frames_per_batch = frames_per_batch self.inputs = {} self.outputs = {} self.unique_id = None self.has_closed_inputs = False def reset(self): self.close_inputs() for key in self.outputs: if getattr(self.outputs[key][-1], "gi_suspended", False): try: self.outputs[key][-1].send(None) except StopIteration: pass self.__init__(self.frames_per_batch) def has_open_inputs(self): return len(self.inputs) > 0 def close_inputs(self): for key in self.inputs: if getattr(self.inputs[key][-1], "gi_suspended", False): try: self.inputs[key][-1].send(1) except StopIteration: pass self.inputs = {} @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "frames_per_batch": ("INT", {"default": 16, "min": 1, "max": 128, "step": 1}) }, "hidden": { "prompt": "PROMPT", "unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID" }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("VHS_BatchManager",) RETURN_NAMES = ("meta_batch",) CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" FUNCTION = "update_batch" def update_batch(self, frames_per_batch, prompt=None, unique_id=None): if unique_id is not None and prompt is not None: requeue = prompt[unique_id]['inputs'].get('requeue', 0) else: requeue = 0 if requeue == 0: self.reset() self.frames_per_batch = frames_per_batch self.unique_id = unique_id #onExecuted seems to not be called unless some message is sent return (self,) class VideoInfo: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "video_info": ("VHS_VIDEOINFO",), } } CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" RETURN_TYPES = ("FLOAT","INT", "FLOAT", "INT", "INT", "FLOAT","INT", "FLOAT", "INT", "INT") RETURN_NAMES = ( "source_fps🟨", "source_frame_count🟨", "source_duration🟨", "source_width🟨", "source_height🟨", "loaded_fps🟦", "loaded_frame_count🟦", "loaded_duration🟦", "loaded_width🟦", "loaded_height🟦", ) FUNCTION = "get_video_info" def get_video_info(self, video_info): keys = ["fps", "frame_count", "duration", "width", "height"] source_info = [] loaded_info = [] for key in keys: source_info.append(video_info[f"source_{key}"]) loaded_info.append(video_info[f"loaded_{key}"]) return (*source_info, *loaded_info) class VideoInfoSource: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "video_info": ("VHS_VIDEOINFO",), } } CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" RETURN_TYPES = ("FLOAT","INT", "FLOAT", "INT", "INT",) RETURN_NAMES = ( "fps🟨", "frame_count🟨", "duration🟨", "width🟨", "height🟨", ) FUNCTION = "get_video_info" def get_video_info(self, video_info): keys = ["fps", "frame_count", "duration", "width", "height"] source_info = [] for key in keys: source_info.append(video_info[f"source_{key}"]) return (*source_info,) class VideoInfoLoaded: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "video_info": ("VHS_VIDEOINFO",), } } CATEGORY = "Video Helper Suite πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’" RETURN_TYPES = ("FLOAT","INT", "FLOAT", "INT", "INT",) RETURN_NAMES = ( "fps🟦", "frame_count🟦", "duration🟦", "width🟦", "height🟦", ) FUNCTION = "get_video_info" def get_video_info(self, video_info): keys = ["fps", "frame_count", "duration", "width", "height"] loaded_info = [] for key in keys: loaded_info.append(video_info[f"loaded_{key}"]) return (*loaded_info,) NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = { "VHS_VideoCombine": VideoCombine, "VHS_LoadVideo": LoadVideoUpload, "VHS_LoadVideoPath": LoadVideoPath, "VHS_LoadImages": LoadImagesFromDirectoryUpload, "VHS_LoadImagesPath": LoadImagesFromDirectoryPath, "VHS_LoadAudio": LoadAudio, "VHS_LoadAudioUpload": LoadAudioUpload, "VHS_PruneOutputs": PruneOutputs, "VHS_BatchManager": BatchManager, "VHS_VideoInfo": VideoInfo, "VHS_VideoInfoSource": VideoInfoSource, "VHS_VideoInfoLoaded": VideoInfoLoaded, # Latent and Image nodes "VHS_SplitLatents": SplitLatents, "VHS_SplitImages": SplitImages, "VHS_SplitMasks": SplitMasks, "VHS_MergeLatents": MergeLatents, "VHS_MergeImages": MergeImages, "VHS_MergeMasks": MergeMasks, "VHS_SelectEveryNthLatent": SelectEveryNthLatent, "VHS_SelectEveryNthImage": SelectEveryNthImage, "VHS_SelectEveryNthMask": SelectEveryNthMask, "VHS_GetLatentCount": GetLatentCount, "VHS_GetImageCount": GetImageCount, "VHS_GetMaskCount": GetMaskCount, "VHS_DuplicateLatents": DuplicateLatents, "VHS_DuplicateImages": DuplicateImages, "VHS_DuplicateMasks": DuplicateMasks, # Batched Nodes "VHS_VAEEncodeBatched": VAEEncodeBatched, "VHS_VAEDecodeBatched": VAEDecodeBatched, } NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS = { "VHS_VideoCombine": "Video Combine πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_LoadVideo": "Load Video (Upload) πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_LoadVideoPath": "Load Video (Path) πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_LoadImages": "Load Images (Upload) πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_LoadImagesPath": "Load Images (Path) πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_LoadAudio": "Load Audio (Path)πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_LoadAudioUpload": "Load Audio (Upload)πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_PruneOutputs": "Prune Outputs πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_BatchManager": "Meta Batch Manager πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_VideoInfo": "Video Info πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_VideoInfoSource": "Video Info (Source) πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_VideoInfoLoaded": "Video Info (Loaded) πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", # Latent and Image nodes "VHS_SplitLatents": "Split Latent Batch πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_SplitImages": "Split Image Batch πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_SplitMasks": "Split Mask Batch πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_MergeLatents": "Merge Latent Batches πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_MergeImages": "Merge Image Batches πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_MergeMasks": "Merge Mask Batches πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_SelectEveryNthLatent": "Select Every Nth Latent πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_SelectEveryNthImage": "Select Every Nth Image πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_SelectEveryNthMask": "Select Every Nth Mask πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_GetLatentCount": "Get Latent Count πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_GetImageCount": "Get Image Count πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_GetMaskCount": "Get Mask Count πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_DuplicateLatents": "Duplicate Latent Batch πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_DuplicateImages": "Duplicate Image Batch πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_DuplicateMasks": "Duplicate Mask Batch πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", # Batched Nodes "VHS_VAEEncodeBatched": "VAE Encode Batched πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", "VHS_VAEDecodeBatched": "VAE Decode Batched πŸŽ₯πŸ…₯πŸ…—πŸ…’", }