import hashlib import os from typing import Iterable import shutil import subprocess import re import server from .logger import logger BIGMIN = -(2**53-1) BIGMAX = (2**53-1) DIMMAX = 8192 def ffmpeg_suitability(path): try: version =[path, "-version"], check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8") except: return 0 score = 0 #rough layout of the importance of various features simple_criterion = [("libvpx", 20),("264",10), ("265",3), ("svtav1",5),("libopus", 1)] for criterion in simple_criterion: if version.find(criterion[0]) >= 0: score += criterion[1] #obtain rough compile year from copyright information copyright_index = version.find('2000-2') if copyright_index >= 0: copyright_year = version[copyright_index+6:copyright_index+9] if copyright_year.isnumeric(): score += int(copyright_year) return score if "VHS_FORCE_FFMPEG_PATH" in os.environ: ffmpeg_path = os.environ.get("VHS_FORCE_FFMPEG_PATH") else: ffmpeg_paths = [] try: from imageio_ffmpeg import get_ffmpeg_exe imageio_ffmpeg_path = get_ffmpeg_exe() ffmpeg_paths.append(imageio_ffmpeg_path) except: if "VHS_USE_IMAGEIO_FFMPEG" in os.environ: raise logger.warn("Failed to import imageio_ffmpeg") if "VHS_USE_IMAGEIO_FFMPEG" in os.environ: ffmpeg_path = imageio_ffmpeg_path else: system_ffmpeg = shutil.which("ffmpeg") if system_ffmpeg is not None: ffmpeg_paths.append(system_ffmpeg) if os.path.isfile("ffmpeg"): ffmpeg_paths.append(os.path.abspath("ffmpeg")) if os.path.isfile("ffmpeg.exe"): ffmpeg_paths.append(os.path.abspath("ffmpeg.exe")) if len(ffmpeg_paths) == 0: logger.error("No valid ffmpeg found.") ffmpeg_path = None elif len(ffmpeg_paths) == 1: #Evaluation of suitability isn't required, can take sole option #to reduce startup time ffmpeg_path = ffmpeg_paths[0] else: ffmpeg_path = max(ffmpeg_paths, key=ffmpeg_suitability) gifski_path = os.environ.get("VHS_GIFSKI", None) if gifski_path is None: gifski_path = os.environ.get("JOV_GIFSKI", None) if gifski_path is None: gifski_path = shutil.which("gifski") def is_safe_path(path): if "VHS_STRICT_PATHS" not in os.environ: return True basedir = os.path.abspath('.') try: common_path = os.path.commonpath([basedir, path]) except: #Different drive on windows return False return common_path == basedir def get_sorted_dir_files_from_directory(directory: str, skip_first_images: int=0, select_every_nth: int=1, extensions: Iterable=None): directory = strip_path(directory) dir_files = os.listdir(directory) dir_files = sorted(dir_files) dir_files = [os.path.join(directory, x) for x in dir_files] dir_files = list(filter(lambda filepath: os.path.isfile(filepath), dir_files)) # filter by extension, if needed if extensions is not None: extensions = list(extensions) new_dir_files = [] for filepath in dir_files: ext = "." + filepath.split(".")[-1] if ext.lower() in extensions: new_dir_files.append(filepath) dir_files = new_dir_files # start at skip_first_images dir_files = dir_files[skip_first_images:] dir_files = dir_files[0::select_every_nth] return dir_files # modified from def calculate_file_hash(filename: str, hash_every_n: int = 1): #Larger video files were taking >.5 seconds to hash even when cached, #so instead the modified time from the filesystem is used as a hash h = hashlib.sha256() h.update(filename.encode()) h.update(str(os.path.getmtime(filename)).encode()) return h.hexdigest() prompt_queue = server.PromptServer.instance.prompt_queue def requeue_workflow_unchecked(): """Requeues the current workflow without checking for multiple requeues""" currently_running = prompt_queue.currently_running (_, _, prompt, extra_data, outputs_to_execute) = next(iter(currently_running.values())) #Ensure batch_managers are marked stale prompt = prompt.copy() for uid in prompt: if prompt[uid]['class_type'] == 'VHS_BatchManager': prompt[uid]['inputs']['requeue'] = prompt[uid]['inputs'].get('requeue',0)+1 has guards for concurrency, but server doesn't. #TODO: Check that this won't be an issue number = -server.PromptServer.instance.number server.PromptServer.instance.number += 1 prompt_id = str(server.uuid.uuid4()) prompt_queue.put((number, prompt_id, prompt, extra_data, outputs_to_execute)) requeue_guard = [None, 0, 0, {}] def requeue_workflow(requeue_required=(-1,True)): assert(len(prompt_queue.currently_running) == 1) global requeue_guard (run_number, _, prompt, _, _) = next(iter(prompt_queue.currently_running.values())) if requeue_guard[0] != run_number: #Calculate a count of how many outputs are managed by a batch manager managed_outputs=0 for bm_uid in prompt: if prompt[bm_uid]['class_type'] == 'VHS_BatchManager': for output_uid in prompt: if prompt[output_uid]['class_type'] in ["VHS_VideoCombine"]: for inp in prompt[output_uid]['inputs'].values(): if inp == [bm_uid, 0]: managed_outputs+=1 requeue_guard = [run_number, 0, managed_outputs, {}] requeue_guard[1] = requeue_guard[1]+1 requeue_guard[3][requeue_required[0]] = requeue_required[1] if requeue_guard[1] == requeue_guard[2] and max(requeue_guard[3].values()): requeue_workflow_unchecked() def get_audio(file, start_time=0, duration=0): args = [ffmpeg_path, "-v", "error", "-i", file] if start_time > 0: args += ["-ss", str(start_time)] if duration > 0: args += ["-t", str(duration)] try: res = + ["-f", "wav", "-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True).stdout except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to extract audio from: {file}") return False return res def lazy_eval(func): class Cache: def __init__(self, func): self.res = None self.func = func def get(self): if self.res is None: self.res = self.func() return self.res cache = Cache(func) return lambda : cache.get() def is_url(url): return url.split("://")[0] in ["http", "https"] def validate_sequence(path): #Check if path is a valid ffmpeg sequence that points to at least one file (path, file) = os.path.split(path) if not os.path.isdir(path): return False match ='%0?\\d+d', file) if not match: return False seq = if seq == '%d': seq = '\\\\d+' else: seq = '\\\\d{%s}' % seq[1:-1] file_matcher = re.compile(re.sub('%0?\\d+d', seq, file)) for file in os.listdir(path): if file_matcher.fullmatch(file): return True return False def strip_path(path): #This leaves whitespace inside quotes and only a single " #thus ' ""test"' -> '"test' #consider path.strip(string.whitespace+"\"") #or weightier re.fullmatch("[\\s\"]*(.+?)[\\s\"]*", path).group(1) path = path.strip() if path.startswith("\""): path = path[1:] if path.endswith("\""): path = path[:-1] return path def hash_path(path): if path is None: return "input" if is_url(path): return "url" return calculate_file_hash(strip_path(path)) def validate_path(path, allow_none=False, allow_url=True): if path is None: return allow_none if is_url(path): #Probably not feasible to check if url resolves here if not allow_url: return "URLs are unsupported for this path" return is_safe_path(path) if not os.path.isfile(strip_path(path)): return "Invalid file path: {}".format(path) return is_safe_path(path)