base_model: v000000/L3.1-Niitorm-8B-LATCOSx2
- llama
- merge
- llama-cpp
# Llama-3.1-Niitorm-8B-LATCOSx2

This is a test, "v000000/L3.1-Niitorm-8B-t0.0001" but merged one extra time with "akjindal53244/Llama-3.1-Storm-8B". Using a new merging algorithm I wrote "LATCOS", which is non linear interpolation and cosine vector similarity between tensors in both magnitude and direction.
This attempts to find the smoothest possible interpolation and make them work more seamlessly together by taking into account the vector direction where both models agree. Seems a lot smarter, but also more compliant which could be a negative since it's less dynamic.