LN3Diff / guided_diffusion /continuous_diffusion_utils.py
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# This work is licensed under the NVIDIA Source Code License
# for LSGM. To view a copy of this license, see the LICENSE file.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
import logging
import os
import math
import shutil
import time
import sys
import types
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import torch.distributed as dist
# from util.distributions import PixelNormal
from torch.cuda.amp import autocast
# from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
class AvgrageMeter(object):
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.avg = 0
self.sum = 0
self.cnt = 0
def update(self, val, n=1):
self.sum += val * n
self.cnt += n
self.avg = self.sum / self.cnt
class ExpMovingAvgrageMeter(object):
def __init__(self, momentum=0.9):
self.momentum = momentum
def reset(self):
self.avg = 0
def update(self, val):
self.avg = (1. - self.momentum) * self.avg + self.momentum * val
class DummyDDP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model):
super(DummyDDP, self).__init__()
self.module = model
def forward(self, *input, **kwargs):
return self.module(*input, **kwargs)
def count_parameters_in_M(model):
return np.sum(np.prod(v.size()) for name, v in model.named_parameters() if "auxiliary" not in name) / 1e6
def save_checkpoint(state, is_best, save):
filename = os.path.join(save, 'checkpoint.pth.tar')
torch.save(state, filename)
if is_best:
best_filename = os.path.join(save, 'model_best.pth.tar')
shutil.copyfile(filename, best_filename)
def save(model, model_path):
torch.save(model.state_dict(), model_path)
def load(model, model_path):
def create_exp_dir(path, scripts_to_save=None):
if not os.path.exists(path):
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
print('Experiment dir : {}'.format(path))
if scripts_to_save is not None:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'scripts')):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, 'scripts'))
for script in scripts_to_save:
dst_file = os.path.join(path, 'scripts', os.path.basename(script))
shutil.copyfile(script, dst_file)
class Logger(object):
def __init__(self, rank, save):
# other libraries may set logging before arriving at this line.
# by reloading logging, we can get rid of previous configs set by other libraries.
from importlib import reload
self.rank = rank
if self.rank == 0:
log_format = '%(asctime)s %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO,
format=log_format, datefmt='%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p')
fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(save, 'log.txt'))
self.start_time = time.time()
def info(self, string, *args):
if self.rank == 0:
elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time
elapsed_time = time.strftime(
'(Elapsed: %H:%M:%S) ', time.gmtime(elapsed_time))
if isinstance(string, str):
string = elapsed_time + string
logging.info(string, *args)
class Writer(object):
def __init__(self, rank, save):
self.rank = rank
if self.rank == 0:
self.writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=save, flush_secs=20)
def add_scalar(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.rank == 0:
self.writer.add_scalar(*args, **kwargs)
def add_figure(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.rank == 0:
self.writer.add_figure(*args, **kwargs)
def add_image(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.rank == 0:
self.writer.add_image(*args, **kwargs)
def add_histogram(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.rank == 0:
self.writer.add_histogram(*args, **kwargs)
def add_histogram_if(self, write, *args, **kwargs):
if write and False: # Used for debugging.
self.add_histogram(*args, **kwargs)
def close(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.rank == 0:
def common_init(rank, seed, save_dir):
# we use different seeds per gpu. But we sync the weights after model initialization.
torch.manual_seed(rank + seed)
np.random.seed(rank + seed)
torch.cuda.manual_seed(rank + seed)
torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(rank + seed)
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
# prepare logging and tensorboard summary
logging = Logger(rank, save_dir)
writer = Writer(rank, save_dir)
return logging, writer
def reduce_tensor(tensor, world_size):
rt = tensor.clone()
dist.all_reduce(rt, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
rt /= world_size
return rt
def get_stride_for_cell_type(cell_type):
if cell_type.startswith('normal') or cell_type.startswith('combiner'):
stride = 1
elif cell_type.startswith('down'):
stride = 2
elif cell_type.startswith('up'):
stride = -1
raise NotImplementedError(cell_type)
return stride
def get_cout(cin, stride):
if stride == 1:
cout = cin
elif stride == -1:
cout = cin // 2
elif stride == 2:
cout = 2 * cin
return cout
def kl_balancer_coeff(num_scales, groups_per_scale, fun):
if fun == 'equal':
coeff = torch.cat([torch.ones(groups_per_scale[num_scales - i - 1]) for i in range(num_scales)], dim=0).cuda()
elif fun == 'linear':
coeff = torch.cat([(2 ** i) * torch.ones(groups_per_scale[num_scales - i - 1]) for i in range(num_scales)],
elif fun == 'sqrt':
coeff = torch.cat(
[np.sqrt(2 ** i) * torch.ones(groups_per_scale[num_scales - i - 1]) for i in range(num_scales)],
elif fun == 'square':
coeff = torch.cat(
[np.square(2 ** i) / groups_per_scale[num_scales - i - 1] * torch.ones(groups_per_scale[num_scales - i - 1])
for i in range(num_scales)], dim=0).cuda()
raise NotImplementedError
# convert min to 1.
coeff /= torch.min(coeff)
return coeff
def kl_per_group(kl_all):
kl_vals = torch.mean(kl_all, dim=0)
kl_coeff_i = torch.abs(kl_all)
kl_coeff_i = torch.mean(kl_coeff_i, dim=0, keepdim=True) + 0.01
return kl_coeff_i, kl_vals
def kl_balancer(kl_all, kl_coeff=1.0, kl_balance=False, alpha_i=None):
if kl_balance and kl_coeff < 1.0:
alpha_i = alpha_i.unsqueeze(0)
kl_all = torch.stack(kl_all, dim=1)
kl_coeff_i, kl_vals = kl_per_group(kl_all)
total_kl = torch.sum(kl_coeff_i)
kl_coeff_i = kl_coeff_i / alpha_i * total_kl
kl_coeff_i = kl_coeff_i / torch.mean(kl_coeff_i, dim=1, keepdim=True)
kl = torch.sum(kl_all * kl_coeff_i.detach(), dim=1)
# for reporting
kl_coeffs = kl_coeff_i.squeeze(0)
kl_all = torch.stack(kl_all, dim=1)
kl_vals = torch.mean(kl_all, dim=0)
# kl = torch.sum(kl_all, dim=1)
# kl = torch.mean(kl_all, dim=1)
kl = torch.mean(kl_all)
kl_coeffs = torch.ones(size=(len(kl_vals),))
return kl_coeff * kl, kl_coeffs, kl_vals
def kl_per_group_vada(all_log_q, all_neg_log_p):
assert len(all_log_q) == len(all_neg_log_p)
kl_all_list = []
kl_diag = []
for log_q, neg_log_p in zip(all_log_q, all_neg_log_p):
# kl_diag.append(torch.mean(torch.sum(neg_log_p + log_q, dim=[2, 3]), dim=0))
kl_diag.append(torch.mean(torch.mean(neg_log_p + log_q, dim=[2, 3]), dim=0))
# kl_all_list.append(torch.sum(neg_log_p + log_q, dim=[1, 2, 3]))
kl_all_list.append(torch.mean(neg_log_p + log_q, dim=[1, 2, 3]))
# kl_all = torch.stack(kl_all, dim=1) # batch x num_total_groups
kl_vals = torch.mean(torch.stack(kl_all_list, dim=1), dim=0) # mean per group
return kl_all_list, kl_vals, kl_diag
def kl_coeff(step, total_step, constant_step, min_kl_coeff, max_kl_coeff):
# return max(min(max_kl_coeff * (step - constant_step) / total_step, max_kl_coeff), min_kl_coeff)
return max(min(min_kl_coeff + (max_kl_coeff - min_kl_coeff) * (step - constant_step) / total_step, max_kl_coeff), min_kl_coeff)
def log_iw(decoder, x, log_q, log_p, crop=False):
recon = reconstruction_loss(decoder, x, crop)
return - recon - log_q + log_p
def reconstruction_loss(decoder, x, crop=False):
from util.distributions import DiscMixLogistic
recon = decoder.log_p(x)
if crop:
recon = recon[:, :, 2:30, 2:30]
if isinstance(decoder, DiscMixLogistic):
return - torch.sum(recon, dim=[1, 2]) # summation over RGB is done.
return - torch.sum(recon, dim=[1, 2, 3])
def vae_terms(all_log_q, all_eps):
from util.distributions import log_p_standard_normal
# compute kl
kl_all = []
kl_diag = []
log_p, log_q = 0., 0.
for log_q_conv, eps in zip(all_log_q, all_eps):
log_p_conv = log_p_standard_normal(eps)
kl_per_var = log_q_conv - log_p_conv
kl_diag.append(torch.mean(torch.sum(kl_per_var, dim=[2, 3]), dim=0))
kl_all.append(torch.sum(kl_per_var, dim=[1, 2, 3]))
log_q += torch.sum(log_q_conv, dim=[1, 2, 3])
log_p += torch.sum(log_p_conv, dim=[1, 2, 3])
return log_q, log_p, kl_all, kl_diag
def sum_log_q(all_log_q):
log_q = 0.
for log_q_conv in all_log_q:
log_q += torch.sum(log_q_conv, dim=[1, 2, 3])
return log_q
def cross_entropy_normal(all_eps):
from util.distributions import log_p_standard_normal
cross_entropy = 0.
neg_log_p_per_group = []
for eps in all_eps:
neg_log_p_conv = - log_p_standard_normal(eps)
neg_log_p = torch.sum(neg_log_p_conv, dim=[1, 2, 3])
cross_entropy += neg_log_p
return cross_entropy, neg_log_p_per_group
def tile_image(batch_image, n, m=None):
if m is None:
m = n
assert n * m == batch_image.size(0)
channels, height, width = batch_image.size(1), batch_image.size(2), batch_image.size(3)
batch_image = batch_image.view(n, m, channels, height, width)
batch_image = batch_image.permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4) # n, height, n, width, c
batch_image = batch_image.contiguous().view(channels, n * height, m * width)
return batch_image
def average_gradients_naive(params, is_distributed):
""" Gradient averaging. """
if is_distributed:
size = float(dist.get_world_size())
for param in params:
if param.requires_grad:
param.grad.data /= size
dist.all_reduce(param.grad.data, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
def average_gradients(params, is_distributed):
""" Gradient averaging. """
if is_distributed:
if isinstance(params, types.GeneratorType):
params = [p for p in params]
size = float(dist.get_world_size())
grad_data = []
grad_size = []
grad_shapes = []
# Gather all grad values
for param in params:
if param.requires_grad:
grad_data = torch.cat(grad_data).contiguous()
# All-reduce grad values
grad_data /= size
dist.all_reduce(grad_data, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
# Put back the reduce grad values to parameters
base = 0
for i, param in enumerate(params):
if param.requires_grad:
param.grad.data = grad_data[base:base + grad_size[i]].view(grad_shapes[i])
base += grad_size[i]
def average_params(params, is_distributed):
""" parameter averaging. """
if is_distributed:
size = float(dist.get_world_size())
for param in params:
param.data /= size
dist.all_reduce(param.data, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
def average_tensor(t, is_distributed):
if is_distributed:
size = float(dist.get_world_size())
dist.all_reduce(t.data, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
t.data /= size
def broadcast_params(params, is_distributed):
if is_distributed:
for param in params:
dist.broadcast(param.data, src=0)
def num_output(dataset):
if dataset in {'mnist', 'omniglot'}:
return 28 * 28
elif dataset == 'cifar10':
return 3 * 32 * 32
elif dataset.startswith('celeba') or dataset.startswith('imagenet') or dataset.startswith('lsun'):
size = int(dataset.split('_')[-1])
return 3 * size * size
elif dataset == 'ffhq':
return 3 * 256 * 256
raise NotImplementedError
def get_input_size(dataset):
if dataset in {'mnist', 'omniglot'}:
return 32
elif dataset == 'cifar10':
return 32
elif dataset.startswith('celeba') or dataset.startswith('imagenet') or dataset.startswith('lsun'):
size = int(dataset.split('_')[-1])
return size
elif dataset == 'ffhq':
return 256
raise NotImplementedError
def get_bpd_coeff(dataset):
n = num_output(dataset)
return 1. / np.log(2.) / n
def get_channel_multiplier(dataset, num_scales):
if dataset in {'cifar10', 'omniglot'}:
mult = (1, 1, 1)
elif dataset in {'celeba_256', 'ffhq', 'lsun_church_256'}:
if num_scales == 3:
mult = (1, 1, 1) # used for prior at 16
elif num_scales == 4:
mult = (1, 2, 2, 2) # used for prior at 32
elif num_scales == 5:
mult = (1, 1, 2, 2, 2) # used for prior at 64
elif dataset == 'mnist':
mult = (1, 1)
raise NotImplementedError
return mult
def get_attention_scales(dataset):
if dataset in {'cifar10', 'omniglot'}:
attn = (True, False, False)
elif dataset in {'celeba_256', 'ffhq', 'lsun_church_256'}:
# attn = (False, True, False, False) # used for 32
attn = (False, False, True, False, False) # used for 64
elif dataset == 'mnist':
attn = (True, False)
raise NotImplementedError
return attn
def change_bit_length(x, num_bits):
if num_bits != 8:
x = torch.floor(x * 255 / 2 ** (8 - num_bits))
x /= (2 ** num_bits - 1)
return x
def view4D(t, size, inplace=True):
Equal to view(-1, 1, 1, 1).expand(size)
Designed because of this bug:
if inplace:
return t.unsqueeze_(-1).unsqueeze_(-1).unsqueeze_(-1).expand(size)
return t.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).expand(size)
def get_arch_cells(arch_type, use_se):
if arch_type == 'res_mbconv':
arch_cells = dict()
arch_cells['normal_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e6k5g0'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['up_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e6k5g0'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e3k5g0'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['up_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e3k5g0'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['ar_nn'] = ['']
elif arch_type == 'res_bnswish':
arch_cells = dict()
arch_cells['normal_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['up_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['up_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['ar_nn'] = ['']
elif arch_type == 'res_bnswish2':
arch_cells = dict()
arch_cells['normal_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish_x2'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish_x2'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish_x2'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['up_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish_x2'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish_x2'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish_x2'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish_x2'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['up_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish_x2'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['ar_nn'] = ['']
elif arch_type == 'res_mbconv_attn':
arch_cells = dict()
arch_cells['normal_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish', ], 'se': use_se, 'attn_type': 'attn'}
arch_cells['down_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se, 'attn_type': 'attn'}
arch_cells['normal_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e6k5g0'], 'se': use_se, 'attn_type': 'attn'}
arch_cells['up_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e6k5g0'], 'se': use_se, 'attn_type': 'attn'}
arch_cells['normal_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e3k5g0'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['up_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e3k5g0'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['ar_nn'] = ['']
elif arch_type == 'res_mbconv_attn_half':
arch_cells = dict()
arch_cells['normal_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_enc'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e6k5g0'], 'se': use_se, 'attn_type': 'attn'}
arch_cells['up_dec'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e6k5g0'], 'se': use_se, 'attn_type': 'attn'}
arch_cells['normal_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['down_pre'] = {'conv_branch': ['res_bnswish', 'res_bnswish'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['normal_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e3k5g0'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['up_post'] = {'conv_branch': ['mconv_e3k5g0'], 'se': use_se}
arch_cells['ar_nn'] = ['']
raise NotImplementedError
return arch_cells
def groups_per_scale(num_scales, num_groups_per_scale):
g = []
n = num_groups_per_scale
for s in range(num_scales):
assert n >= 1
return g
class PositionalEmbedding(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embedding_dim, scale):
super(PositionalEmbedding, self).__init__()
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
self.scale = scale
def forward(self, timesteps):
assert len(timesteps.shape) == 1
timesteps = timesteps * self.scale
half_dim = self.embedding_dim // 2
emb = math.log(10000) / (half_dim - 1)
emb = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim) * -emb)
emb = emb.to(device=timesteps.device)
emb = timesteps[:, None] * emb[None, :]
emb = torch.cat([torch.sin(emb), torch.cos(emb)], dim=1)
return emb
class RandomFourierEmbedding(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embedding_dim, scale):
super(RandomFourierEmbedding, self).__init__()
self.w = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(size=(1, embedding_dim // 2)) * scale, requires_grad=False)
def forward(self, timesteps):
emb = torch.mm(timesteps[:, None], self.w * 2 * 3.14159265359)
return torch.cat([torch.sin(emb), torch.cos(emb)], dim=1)
def init_temb_fun(embedding_type, embedding_scale, embedding_dim):
if embedding_type == 'positional':
temb_fun = PositionalEmbedding(embedding_dim, embedding_scale)
elif embedding_type == 'fourier':
temb_fun = RandomFourierEmbedding(embedding_dim, embedding_scale)
raise NotImplementedError
return temb_fun
def get_dae_model(args, num_input_channels):
if args.dae_arch == 'ncsnpp':
# we need to import NCSNpp after processes are launched on the multi gpu training.
from score_sde.ncsnpp import NCSNpp
dae = NCSNpp(args, num_input_channels)
raise NotImplementedError
return dae
def symmetrize_image_data(images):
return 2.0 * images - 1.0
def unsymmetrize_image_data(images):
return (images + 1.) / 2.
def normalize_symmetric(images):
Normalize images by dividing the largest intensity. Used for visualizing the intermediate steps.
b = images.shape[0]
m, _ = torch.max(torch.abs(images).view(b, -1), dim=1)
images /= (m.view(b, 1, 1, 1) + 1e-3)
return images
def soft_clamp5(x: torch.Tensor):
return x.div(5.).tanh_().mul(5.) # 5. * torch.tanh(x / 5.) <--> soft differentiable clamp between [-5, 5]
def soft_clamp(x: torch.Tensor, a: torch.Tensor):
return x.div(a).tanh_().mul(a)
class SoftClamp5(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(SoftClamp5, self).__init__()
def forward(self, x):
return soft_clamp5(x)
def override_architecture_fields(args, stored_args, logging):
# list of architecture parameters used in NVAE:
architecture_fields = ['arch_instance', 'num_nf', 'num_latent_scales', 'num_groups_per_scale',
'num_latent_per_group', 'num_channels_enc', 'num_preprocess_blocks',
'num_preprocess_cells', 'num_cell_per_cond_enc', 'num_channels_dec',
'num_postprocess_blocks', 'num_postprocess_cells', 'num_cell_per_cond_dec',
'decoder_dist', 'num_x_bits', 'log_sig_q_scale',
'progressive_input_vae', 'channel_mult']
# backward compatibility
""" We have broken backward compatibility. No need to se these manually
if not hasattr(stored_args, 'log_sig_q_scale'):
logging.info('*** Setting %s manually ****', 'log_sig_q_scale')
setattr(stored_args, 'log_sig_q_scale', 5.)
if not hasattr(stored_args, 'latent_grad_cutoff'):
logging.info('*** Setting %s manually ****', 'latent_grad_cutoff')
setattr(stored_args, 'latent_grad_cutoff', 0.)
if not hasattr(stored_args, 'progressive_input_vae'):
logging.info('*** Setting %s manually ****', 'progressive_input_vae')
setattr(stored_args, 'progressive_input_vae', 'none')
if not hasattr(stored_args, 'progressive_output_vae'):
logging.info('*** Setting %s manually ****', 'progressive_output_vae')
setattr(stored_args, 'progressive_output_vae', 'none')
if not hasattr(stored_args, 'num_x_bits'):
logging.info('*** Setting %s manually ****', 'num_x_bits')
setattr(stored_args, 'num_x_bits', 8)
if not hasattr(stored_args, 'channel_mult'):
logging.info('*** Setting %s manually ****', 'channel_mult')
setattr(stored_args, 'channel_mult', [1, 2])
for f in architecture_fields:
if not hasattr(args, f) or getattr(args, f) != getattr(stored_args, f):
logging.info('Setting %s from loaded checkpoint', f)
setattr(args, f, getattr(stored_args, f))
def init_processes(rank, size, fn, args):
""" Initialize the distributed environment. """
os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = args.master_address
os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '6020'
dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://', rank=rank, world_size=size)
def sample_rademacher_like(y):
return torch.randint(low=0, high=2, size=y.shape, device='cuda') * 2 - 1
def sample_gaussian_like(y):
return torch.randn_like(y, device='cuda')
def trace_df_dx_hutchinson(f, x, noise, no_autograd):
Hutchinson's trace estimator for Jacobian df/dx, O(1) call to autograd
if no_autograd:
# the following is compatible with checkpointing
torch.sum(f * noise).backward()
# torch.autograd.backward(tensors=[f], grad_tensors=[noise])
jvp = x.grad
trJ = torch.sum(jvp * noise, dim=[1, 2, 3])
x.grad = None
jvp = torch.autograd.grad(f, x, noise, create_graph=False)[0]
trJ = torch.sum(jvp * noise, dim=[1, 2, 3])
# trJ = torch.einsum('bijk,bijk->b', jvp, noise) # we could test if there's a speed difference in einsum vs sum
return trJ
def different_p_q_objectives(iw_sample_p, iw_sample_q):
assert iw_sample_p in ['ll_uniform', 'drop_all_uniform', 'll_iw', 'drop_all_iw', 'drop_sigma2t_iw', 'rescale_iw',
assert iw_sample_q in ['reweight_p_samples', 'll_uniform', 'll_iw']
# In these cases, we reuse the likelihood-based p-objective (either the uniform sampling version or the importance
# sampling version) also for q.
if iw_sample_p in ['ll_uniform', 'll_iw'] and iw_sample_q == 'reweight_p_samples':
return False
# In these cases, we are using a non-likelihood-based objective for p, and hence definitly need to use another q
# objective.
return True
# def decoder_output(dataset, logits, fixed_log_scales=None):
# if dataset in {'cifar10', 'celeba_64', 'celeba_256', 'imagenet_32', 'imagenet_64', 'ffhq',
# 'lsun_bedroom_128', 'lsun_bedroom_256', 'mnist', 'omniglot',
# 'lsun_church_256'}:
# return PixelNormal(logits, fixed_log_scales)
# else:
# raise NotImplementedError
def get_mixed_prediction(mixed_prediction, param, mixing_logit, mixing_component=None):
if mixed_prediction:
assert mixing_component is not None, 'Provide mixing component when mixed_prediction is enabled.'
coeff = torch.sigmoid(mixing_logit)
param = (1 - coeff) * mixing_component + coeff * param
return param
def set_vesde_sigma_max(args, vae, train_queue, logging, is_distributed):
logging.info('Calculating max. pairwise distance in latent space to set sigma2_max for VESDE...')
eps_list = []
for step, x in enumerate(train_queue):
x = x[0] if len(x) > 1 else x
x = x.cuda()
x = symmetrize_image_data(x)
# run vae
with autocast(enabled=args.autocast_train):
with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
logits, all_log_q, all_eps = vae(x)
eps = torch.cat(all_eps, dim=1)
# concat eps tensor on each GPU and then gather all on all GPUs
eps_this_rank = torch.cat(eps_list, dim=0)
if is_distributed:
eps_all_gathered = [torch.zeros_like(eps_this_rank)] * dist.get_world_size()
dist.all_gather(eps_all_gathered, eps_this_rank)
eps_full = torch.cat(eps_all_gathered, dim=0)
eps_full = eps_this_rank
# max pairwise distance squared between all latent encodings, is computed on CPU
eps_full = eps_full.cpu().float()
eps_full = eps_full.flatten(start_dim=1).unsqueeze(0)
max_pairwise_dist_sqr = torch.cdist(eps_full, eps_full).square().max()
max_pairwise_dist_sqr = max_pairwise_dist_sqr.cuda()
# to be safe, we broadcast to all GPUs if we are in distributed environment. Shouldn't be necessary in principle.
if is_distributed:
dist.broadcast(max_pairwise_dist_sqr, src=0)
args.sigma2_max = max_pairwise_dist_sqr.item()
logging.info('Done! Set args.sigma2_max set to {}'.format(args.sigma2_max))
return args
def mask_inactive_variables(x, is_active):
x = x * is_active
return x
def common_x_operations(x, num_x_bits):
x = x[0] if len(x) > 1 else x
x = x.cuda()
# change bit length
x = change_bit_length(x, num_x_bits)
x = symmetrize_image_data(x)
return x