How can I convert a fine tuned sdxl turbo model?

by Sashkanik13 - opened

Yeah those are the correct instructions to use, although they need a bit of modification with regards to the input shapes and output shapes.

Honestly it has been a while and I think I had to do a bit of manual work modifying the txt file produced.

When I get some time I'll take a look into it and actually document what I had to do to get it working

Sashkanik13 changed discussion status to closed

Here is my initial stab at the problem, still needs a bit of work but I've got had success with converting the most popular checkpoints on Civit.

RealvisXL Turbo v3.0 seemed to work,
DreamshaperXL Turbo v2.1 seemed to work,
PonyXL Turbo doesn't work at all (no idea why, still investigating)

I also played around with Lora's and managed to get the Helldivers Automaton XL Turbo working in OnnxStream but your milage may vary

Excellent! Thank you

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