Model is not supported by VLLM

by skumarai - opened


I am trying to deploy this model using VLLM as specified in "Use this model"

Install from pip


Install vLLM from pip:

pip install vllm


Load and run the model:

vllm serve "Alibaba-NLP/gte-large-en-v1.5"

Call the server using curl:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/v1/chat/completions" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"model": "Alibaba-NLP/gte-large-en-v1.5"
"messages": [
{"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}

But getting below error

ValueError: Model architectures ['NewModel'] are not supported for now. Supported architectures: ['AquilaModel', 'AquilaForCausalLM', 'BaiChuanForCausalLM', 'BaichuanForCausalLM', 'BloomForCausalLM', 'ChatGLMModel', 'ChatGLMForConditionalGeneration', 'CohereForCausalLM', 'DbrxForCausalLM', 'DeciLMForCausalLM', 'DeepseekForCausalLM', 'DeepseekV2ForCausalLM', 'ExaoneForCausalLM', 'FalconForCausalLM', 'GemmaForCausalLM', 'Gemma2ForCausalLM', 'GPT2LMHeadModel', 'GPTBigCodeForCausalLM', 'GPTJForCausalLM', 'GPTNeoXForCausalLM', 'InternLMForCausalLM', 'InternLM2ForCausalLM', 'JAISLMHeadModel', 'LlamaForCausalLM', 'LLaMAForCausalLM', 'MistralForCausalLM', 'MixtralForCausalLM', 'QuantMixtralForCausalLM', 'MptForCausalLM', 'MPTForCausalLM', 'MiniCPMForCausalLM', 'NemotronForCausalLM', 'OlmoForCausalLM', 'OPTForCausalLM', 'OrionForCausalLM', 'PersimmonForCausalLM', 'PhiForCausalLM', 'Phi3ForCausalLM', 'PhiMoEForCausalLM', 'Qwen2ForCausalLM', 'Qwen2MoeForCausalLM', 'Qwen2VLForConditionalGeneration', 'RWForCausalLM', 'StableLMEpochForCausalLM', 'StableLmForCausalLM', 'Starcoder2ForCausalLM', 'ArcticForCausalLM', 'XverseForCausalLM', 'Phi3SmallForCausalLM', 'MedusaModel', 'EAGLEModel', 'MLPSpeculatorPreTrainedModel', 'JambaForCausalLM', 'GraniteForCausalLM', 'MistralModel', 'Blip2ForConditionalGeneration', 'ChameleonForConditionalGeneration', 'FuyuForCausalLM', 'InternVLChatModel', 'LlavaForConditionalGeneration', 'LlavaNextForConditionalGeneration', 'LlavaNextVideoForConditionalGeneration', 'MiniCPMV', 'PaliGemmaForConditionalGeneration', 'Phi3VForCausalLM', 'PixtralForConditionalGeneration', 'QWenLMHeadModel', 'UltravoxModel', 'BartModel', 'BartForConditionalGeneration']
ERROR 09-16 20:51:27] RPCServer process died before responding to readiness probe

Could anyone please let me know what I am missing here ?


skumarai changed discussion title from Model is not supporting by VLLM to Model is not supported by VLLM

I don't see any information on the model card about using it with vLLM. Please keep in mind that vLLM is typically used for conversational LLMs, whereas this model is for creating embeddings.

You can use TEI to run the model locally:

volume=$PWD/data # share a volume with the Docker container to avoid downloading weights every run

docker run --gpus all -p 8080:80 -v $volume:/data --pull always --model-id $model

If you want a hosted version, you can use Inference Endpoints.

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