Creators Thoughts

by Casual-Autopsy - opened

Personally, I think the creativity and writing style came out pretty well with this one, might be my new go-to for heavy theme RPs

The downside with this model though is it's not as smart, so it requires some heavy lifting from the user's side, but with some good prompts and maybe a swipe or two, you'll get some good outputs. Happy with how this one turned out.

Edit: Results seem to be much better with an edited Naive prest, these settings seems to give very good results:

Top K: 50
Top P: 0.85
Rep Pen: 1.01
Rep Pen Range: 2048
Pres Pen: 1.03
Dyna Temp:
-Min Temp: 0.5
-Max Temp: 1
-Expo: 0.85

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