Prompt format for regular story writing

by tachyphylaxis - opened

Hey, for KoboldAI (not lite) story writing, should I put an alpaca-format prompt in the memory box, or can I just write text in there? I'd assumed it was the latter, but I noticed in the description that you indicated it was tested for "regular story writing". Also, just out of curiosity, are "world info", etc. useful for any models other than KoboldAI's official models?

I tried that with the KoboldAI sample story which is just a regular story prompt.
But using Alpaca format in the memory box can help further guide it such as this:

### Instruction:

Write a story about a medieval kingdom tarnished by a Dragon. Our hero needs to be tasked to slay the dragon, on the way he encounters a group of bandits who turn out to be former heroes undercover.

### Response:

As for the world info question, these work on any model and help you manage the story context.

I had not tried that specific permutation of line spacing, I don't think, thanks. So does world info, then, just identify keywords and insert whatever text you put in? If so, does it insert it inline with the text before/after the keyword?

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