# デフォル眼 (Comic expressions) |
漫画・アニメ的なデフォルメ表現の眼を各種再現できます。 |
Deformation expressions which are familiar in manga and anime-style can be reproduced. |
## 各タイプとダウンロード (Details / Download) |
- Comic 1 (\>\_\<) : [Type 1](#comic-1-_---type-1) / [Type 2](#comic-1-_---type-2) / [Type 3](#comic-1-_---type-3) |
- One eye closed : [(o\_\<)](#o_-%E5%B7%A6%E7%9B%AE%E3%81%8C%EF%BC%9C-left-eye-closed) / [(\>\_o)](#_o-%E5%8F%B3%E7%9B%AE%E3%81%8C%EF%BC%9E-right-eye-closed) |
- Comic 2 (-\_-) : [Type 1](#comic-2--_----type-1) / [Type 2](#comic-2--_----type-2) |
- Comic 3 (≡\_≡) : [Type 1](#comic-3-%E2%89%A1_%E2%89%A1---type-1) / [Type 2](#comic-3-%E2%89%A1_%E2%89%A1---type-2) / [Type 3](#comic-3-%E2%89%A1_%E2%89%A1---type-3) |
- [Comic 4 (◎\_◎)](#comic-4-%E2%97%8E_%E2%97%8E) / [Comic 5 (\*\_\*)](#comic-5-_) / [Comic 6 (@\_@)](#comic-6-_) |
- [Comic 7 (x\_x)](#comic-7-x_x) / [Comic 8](#comic-8) / [Comic 9](#comic-9) / [Comic 10](#comic-10) |
- [Comic 11](#comic-11) / [Comic 12](#comic-12) / [Comic 13](#comic-13) / [Comic 14](#comic-14) |
--- |
### Comic 1 (>_<) - Type 1 |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic1_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic1_v100.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 1 (>_<) - Type 2 |
- Type 1より端部が掠れた感じです。 |
- Compared to Type 1, the edge is more blurred. |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic1_type2.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic1_type2.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 1 (>_<) - Type 3 |
- Type 2より間隔が広めのタイプです。 |
- Spacing between both eyes is wider than Type 2. |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic1_type3.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic1_type3.safetensors) |
--- |
### (o_<) 左目が< (Left eye closed) |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_v_left_v080.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_v_left_v080.safetensors) |
--- |
### (>_o) 右目が> (Right eye closed) |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_v_right_v080.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_v_right_v080.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 2 (-_-) - Type 1 |
- 線が角張ったタイプ |
- Square shaped black line |
- `"closed eyes"`のプロンプトを使ってください |
- Use with `"closed eyes"` prompt |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic2_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic2_v100.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 2 (-_-) - Type 2 |
- 線が丸いタイプ |
- Round shaped black line |
- Type 1と逆に、`"closed eyes"`のプロンプトを使わないでください |
- DO NOT use with `"closed eyes"` prompt, contrary to Type 1 |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic2_type2.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic2_type2.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 3 (≡_≡) - Type 1 |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic3_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic3_v100.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 3 (≡_≡) - Type 2 |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic3_type2.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic3_type2.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 3 (≡_≡) - Type 3 |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic3_type3.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic3_type3.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 4 (◎_◎) |
#### v2.0 |
- [ダウンロード v2.0 / Download v2.0 (hotarueye_comic4_v200.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic4_v200.safetensors) |
#### v1.0 |
- [ダウンロード v1.0 / Download v1.0 (hotarueye_comic4_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic4_v100.safetensors) |
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### Comic 5 (\*_\*) |
- 黒い落書きのような目 |
- Scribble-like black eyes |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic5_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic5_v100.safetensors) |
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### Comic 6 (@_@) |
- ぐるぐる渦巻き目 |
- Spiral shaped eyes |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic6_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic6_v100.safetensors) |
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### Comic 7 (x_x) |
- 出力成功率が低めのため、テスト版扱いとなります。 |
- Due to the low output success rate, this is treated as a test version. |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic7_v080.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic7_v080.safetensors) |
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### Comic 8 |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic8_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic8_v100.safetensors) |
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### Comic 9 |
- 出力成功率が低めのため、テスト版扱いとなります。 |
- Due to the low output success rate, this is treated as a test version. |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic9_v080.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic9_v080.safetensors) |
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### Comic 10 |
- 「デフォル眼10」はニヤリとした目つきです。適用強度を0.5~0.75くらいに弱めると、サンプルに掲載しているような少し違った外観の目になります。 |
- Comic 10 is smirking eyes. Using with weak weight (0.5 ... 0.75), will make a little different look. |
- 出力成功率が低めのため、テスト版扱いとなります。 |
- Due to the low output success rate, this is treated as a test version. |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic10_v080.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic10_v080.safetensors) |
--- |
### Comic 11 |
- Comic11は[デフォルメされた猫の目](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/blob/main/animecat/README.md)として配布しています。 |
- Comic11 is renamed to [Anime cat eyes/mouth](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/blob/main/animecat/README.md). |
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### Comic 12 |
- (∩_∩) の顔、強いカーブのにっこり目です。 |
- Comic 12 is (∩_∩) shaped eyes. |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic12_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic12_v100.safetensors) |
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### Comic 13 |
- 大きめの眼です。主にちびキャラ向けで、表情をより元気で快活な感じにすることができます。 |
- Comic 13 is extra large eyes, mainly for chibi-characters. |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic13_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic13_v100.safetensors) |
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### Comic 14 |
- きょとんとした表情で使われるつぶらな瞳です。 |
- Comic 14 is useful for staggering, puzzled expression. |
- [ダウンロード / Download (hotarueye_comic14_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/hotarueye_comic14_v100.safetensors) |
--- |
## 使い方 (Usage) |
LoRAを有効にするだけで発動します。階層調整済みですので、基本的には階層指定せず強度指定のみで大丈夫です。 |
基本的にはちびキャラ用です。リアル頭身には効きにくいですが、どうしても出したい場合は強度を1.5以上など強くしてみてください。 |
[AngelBreed](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/AngelBreed)、[SylphBreed](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/SylphBreed)、[HotaruBreed TypeC/D/E](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/HotaruBreed)、[IrisMix](https://huggingface.co/natsusakiyomi/IrisMix)などが推奨データモデルとなります。 |
Easy to use. No trigger prompts are necessary. |
Recommended checkpoints : [AngelBreed](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/AngelBreed), [SylphBreed](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/SylphBreed), [HotaruBreed TypeC/D/E](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/HotaruBreed), or [IrisMix](https://huggingface.co/natsusakiyomi/IrisMix). |
Not so suitable for realistic-style(2.5D/3D) models. |
If it doesn't work well, try increasing LoRA weight. |
## サンプル ギャラリー (Sample gallery) |
<details><summary>Comic 1 (>_<) Type 1</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 1 (>_<) Type 2</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 1 (>_<) Type 3</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>(o_<)</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>(>_o)</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 2 (-_-) Type 1</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 2 (-_-) Type 2</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 3 (≡_≡) Type 1</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 3 (≡_≡) Type 2</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 3 (≡_≡) Type 3</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 4 (◎_◎) v2.0</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 4 (◎_◎) v1.0</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 5 (*_*)</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 6 (@_@)</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 7 (x_x)</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 8</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 9</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 10</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 12</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 13</summary> |
</details> |
<details><summary>Comic 14</summary> |
</details> |