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from transformers import AutoModelWithLMHead, AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ManthanKulakarni/Text2JQLBuilder_v2")
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("ManthanKulakarni/Text2JQLBuilder_v2")

def gen_sentence(words, max_length=64):
  input_text = words
  features = tokenizer([input_text], return_tensors='pt')

  output = model.generate(input_ids=features['input_ids'], 

  return tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

words = "JQL: all story under project ACM"


# output: 'JQL: project = ACM'
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Dataset used to train ManthanKulakarni/Text2JQLBuilder_v2