Token 128005 incorrectly mapped in tokenizer.json

by cgato - opened


While looking at your files because I wanted to update mine in a similar fashion, I noted that token 128005 is incorrect in the tokenizer.json.

  "id": 128005,
  "content": "<|reserved_special_token_3|>",
  "single_word": false,
  "lstrip": false,
  "rstrip": false,
  "normalized": false,
  "special": false

Figured I should let you know! :)

NousResearch org

Oh damn.. hmmmmm

NousResearch org


While looking at your files because I wanted to update mine in a similar fashion, I noted that token 128005 is incorrect in the tokenizer.json.

  "id": 128005,
  "content": "<|reserved_special_token_3|>",
  "single_word": false,
  "lstrip": false,
  "rstrip": false,
  "normalized": false,
  "special": false

Figured I should let you know! :)


Good work! Closing the discussion.

cgato changed discussion status to closed

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