import math |
import os |
import numpy as np |
import warnings |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer |
import torch |
import torch.utils.checkpoint |
from torch import nn |
from transformers.activations import ACT2FN |
from transformers.modeling_outputs import ( |
BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions, |
BaseModelOutputWithPoolingAndCrossAttentions |
) |
from transformers.modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel |
from transformers.pytorch_utils import apply_chunking_to_forward, find_pruneable_heads_and_indices, prune_linear_layer |
from transformers.utils import ( |
ModelOutput, |
logging) |
from .configuration_bert import LongBertConfig |
try: |
from torch.nn.functional import scaled_dot_product_attention |
except ImportError: |
scaled_dot_product_attention = None |
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) |
try: |
from tqdm.autonotebook import trange |
has_tqdm = True |
except ImportError: |
has_tqdm = False |
def load_tf_weights_in_bert(model, config, tf_checkpoint_path): |
"""Load tf checkpoints in a pytorch model.""" |
try: |
import re |
import numpy as np |
import tensorflow as tf |
except ImportError: |
logger.error( |
"Loading a TensorFlow model in PyTorch, requires TensorFlow to be installed. Please see " |
"https://www.tensorflow.org/install/ for installation instructions." |
) |
raise |
tf_path = os.path.abspath(tf_checkpoint_path) |
logger.info(f"Converting TensorFlow checkpoint from {tf_path}") |
init_vars = tf.train.list_variables(tf_path) |
names = [] |
arrays = [] |
for name, shape in init_vars: |
logger.info(f"Loading TF weight {name} with shape {shape}") |
array = tf.train.load_variable(tf_path, name) |
names.append(name) |
arrays.append(array) |
for name, array in zip(names, arrays): |
name = name.split("/") |
if any( |
n in ["adam_v", "adam_m", "AdamWeightDecayOptimizer", "AdamWeightDecayOptimizer_1", "global_step"] |
for n in name |
): |
logger.info(f"Skipping {'/'.join(name)}") |
continue |
pointer = model |
for m_name in name: |
if re.fullmatch(r"[A-Za-z]+_\d+", m_name): |
scope_names = re.split(r"_(\d+)", m_name) |
else: |
scope_names = [m_name] |
if scope_names[0] == "kernel" or scope_names[0] == "gamma": |
pointer = getattr(pointer, "weight") |
elif scope_names[0] == "output_bias" or scope_names[0] == "beta": |
pointer = getattr(pointer, "bias") |
elif scope_names[0] == "output_weights": |
pointer = getattr(pointer, "weight") |
elif scope_names[0] == "squad": |
pointer = getattr(pointer, "classifier") |
else: |
try: |
pointer = getattr(pointer, scope_names[0]) |
except AttributeError: |
logger.info(f"Skipping {'/'.join(name)}") |
continue |
if len(scope_names) >= 2: |
num = int(scope_names[1]) |
pointer = pointer[num] |
if m_name[-11:] == "_embeddings": |
pointer = getattr(pointer, "weight") |
elif m_name == "kernel": |
array = np.transpose(array) |
try: |
if pointer.shape != array.shape: |
raise ValueError(f"Pointer shape {pointer.shape} and array shape {array.shape} mismatched") |
except AssertionError as e: |
e.args += (pointer.shape, array.shape) |
raise |
logger.info(f"Initialize PyTorch weight {name}") |
pointer.data = torch.from_numpy(array) |
return model |
class LongBertEmbeddings(nn.Module): |
"""Construct the embeddings from word, position and token_type embeddings.""" |
def __init__(self, config): |
super().__init__() |
self.word_embeddings = nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.hidden_size, padding_idx=config.pad_token_id) |
self.token_type_embeddings = nn.Embedding(config.type_vocab_size, config.hidden_size) |
self.LayerNorm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob) |
def forward( |
self, |
input_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, |
token_type_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, |
inputs_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None |
) -> torch.Tensor: |
if input_ids is not None: |
input_shape = input_ids.size() |
else: |
input_shape = inputs_embeds.size()[:-1] |
seq_length = input_shape[1] |
if token_type_ids is None: |
if hasattr(self, "token_type_ids"): |
buffered_token_type_ids = self.token_type_ids[:, :seq_length] |
buffered_token_type_ids_expanded = buffered_token_type_ids.expand(input_shape[0], seq_length) |
token_type_ids = buffered_token_type_ids_expanded |
else: |
token_type_ids = torch.zeros(input_shape, dtype=torch.long, device=self.position_ids.device) |
if inputs_embeds is None: |
inputs_embeds = self.word_embeddings(input_ids) |
token_type_embeddings = self.token_type_embeddings(token_type_ids) |
embeddings = inputs_embeds + token_type_embeddings |
embeddings = self.LayerNorm(embeddings) |
embeddings = self.dropout(embeddings) |
return embeddings |
class LongBertSelfAttention(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, config, position_embedding_type=None): |
super().__init__() |
if config.hidden_size % config.num_attention_heads != 0 and not hasattr(config, "embedding_size"): |
raise ValueError( |
f"The hidden size ({config.hidden_size}) is not a multiple of the number of attention " |
f"heads ({config.num_attention_heads})" |
) |
self.num_attention_heads = config.num_attention_heads |
self.attention_head_size = int(config.hidden_size / config.num_attention_heads) |
self.all_head_size = self.num_attention_heads * self.attention_head_size |
self.query = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size) |
self.key = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size) |
self.value = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.attention_probs_dropout_prob) |
self.position_embedding_type = position_embedding_type or getattr( |
config, "position_embedding_type", "alibi" |
) |
self.is_decoder = config.is_decoder |
def transpose_for_scores(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
new_x_shape = x.size()[:-1] + (self.num_attention_heads, self.attention_head_size) |
x = x.view(new_x_shape) |
return x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) |
def forward( |
self, |
hidden_states: torch.Tensor, |
attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
past_key_value: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, |
output_attentions: Optional[bool] = False, |
bias: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: |
mixed_query_layer = self.query(hidden_states) |
is_cross_attention = encoder_hidden_states is not None |
if is_cross_attention and past_key_value is not None: |
key_layer = past_key_value[0] |
value_layer = past_key_value[1] |
attention_mask = encoder_attention_mask |
elif is_cross_attention: |
key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.key(encoder_hidden_states)) |
value_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.value(encoder_hidden_states)) |
attention_mask = encoder_attention_mask |
elif past_key_value is not None: |
key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.key(hidden_states)) |
value_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.value(hidden_states)) |
key_layer = torch.cat([past_key_value[0], key_layer], dim=2) |
value_layer = torch.cat([past_key_value[1], value_layer], dim=2) |
else: |
key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.key(hidden_states)) |
value_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.value(hidden_states)) |
query_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(mixed_query_layer) |
use_cache = past_key_value is not None |
if self.is_decoder: |
past_key_value = (key_layer, value_layer) |
attention_scores = torch.matmul(query_layer, key_layer.transpose(-1, -2)) |
if self.position_embedding_type == "relative_key" or self.position_embedding_type == "relative_key_query": |
query_length, key_length = query_layer.shape[2], key_layer.shape[2] |
if use_cache: |
position_ids_l = torch.tensor(key_length - 1, dtype=torch.long, device=hidden_states.device).view( |
-1, 1 |
) |
else: |
position_ids_l = torch.arange(query_length, dtype=torch.long, device=hidden_states.device).view(-1, 1) |
position_ids_r = torch.arange(key_length, dtype=torch.long, device=hidden_states.device).view(1, -1) |
distance = position_ids_l - position_ids_r |
positional_embedding = self.distance_embedding(distance + self.max_position_embeddings - 1) |
positional_embedding = positional_embedding.to(dtype=query_layer.dtype) |
if self.position_embedding_type == "relative_key": |
relative_position_scores = torch.einsum("bhld,lrd->bhlr", query_layer, positional_embedding) |
attention_scores = attention_scores + relative_position_scores |
elif self.position_embedding_type == "relative_key_query": |
relative_position_scores_query = torch.einsum("bhld,lrd->bhlr", query_layer, positional_embedding) |
relative_position_scores_key = torch.einsum("bhrd,lrd->bhlr", key_layer, positional_embedding) |
attention_scores = attention_scores + relative_position_scores_query + relative_position_scores_key |
attention_scores = attention_scores / math.sqrt(self.attention_head_size) |
if attention_mask is not None: |
attention_scores = attention_scores + attention_mask |
attention_probs = nn.functional.softmax(attention_scores + bias, dim=-1) |
attention_probs = self.dropout(attention_probs) |
if head_mask is not None: |
attention_probs = attention_probs * head_mask |
context_layer = torch.matmul(attention_probs, value_layer) |
context_layer = context_layer.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous() |
new_context_layer_shape = context_layer.size()[:-2] + (self.all_head_size,) |
context_layer = context_layer.view(new_context_layer_shape) |
outputs = (context_layer, attention_probs) if output_attentions else (context_layer,) |
if self.is_decoder: |
outputs = outputs + (past_key_value,) |
return outputs |
class LongBertSelfOutput(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, config): |
super().__init__() |
self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) |
self.LayerNorm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob) |
def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, input_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) |
hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) |
hidden_states = self.LayerNorm(hidden_states + input_tensor) |
return hidden_states |
class LongBertAttention(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, config, position_embedding_type=None): |
super().__init__() |
self.self = LongBertSelfAttention(config, position_embedding_type=position_embedding_type) |
self.output = LongBertSelfOutput(config) |
self.pruned_heads = set() |
def prune_heads(self, heads): |
if len(heads) == 0: |
return |
heads, index = find_pruneable_heads_and_indices( |
heads, self.self.num_attention_heads, self.self.attention_head_size, self.pruned_heads |
) |
self.self.query = prune_linear_layer(self.self.query, index) |
self.self.key = prune_linear_layer(self.self.key, index) |
self.self.value = prune_linear_layer(self.self.value, index) |
self.output.dense = prune_linear_layer(self.output.dense, index, dim=1) |
self.self.num_attention_heads = self.self.num_attention_heads - len(heads) |
self.self.all_head_size = self.self.attention_head_size * self.self.num_attention_heads |
self.pruned_heads = self.pruned_heads.union(heads) |
def forward( |
self, |
hidden_states: torch.Tensor, |
attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
past_key_value: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, |
output_attentions: Optional[bool] = False, |
bias: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: |
self_outputs = self.self( |
hidden_states, |
attention_mask, |
head_mask, |
encoder_hidden_states, |
encoder_attention_mask, |
past_key_value, |
output_attentions, |
bias, |
) |
attention_output = self.output(self_outputs[0], hidden_states) |
outputs = (attention_output,) + self_outputs[1:] |
return outputs |
class LongBertIntermediate(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, config): |
super().__init__() |
self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.intermediate_size) |
if isinstance(config.hidden_act, str): |
self.intermediate_act_fn = ACT2FN[config.hidden_act] |
else: |
self.intermediate_act_fn = config.hidden_act |
def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) |
hidden_states = self.intermediate_act_fn(hidden_states) |
return hidden_states |
class LongBertOutput(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, config): |
super().__init__() |
self.dense = nn.Linear(config.intermediate_size, config.hidden_size) |
self.LayerNorm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob) |
def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, input_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) |
hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) |
hidden_states = self.LayerNorm(hidden_states + input_tensor) |
return hidden_states |
class LongBertLayer(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, config): |
super().__init__() |
self.chunk_size_feed_forward = config.chunk_size_feed_forward |
self.seq_len_dim = 1 |
self.attention = LongBertAttention(config) |
self.is_decoder = config.is_decoder |
self.add_cross_attention = config.add_cross_attention |
if self.add_cross_attention: |
if not self.is_decoder: |
raise ValueError(f"{self} should be used as a decoder model if cross attention is added") |
self.crossattention = LongBertAttention(config, position_embedding_type="absolute") |
self.intermediate = LongBertIntermediate(config) |
self.output = LongBertOutput(config) |
def forward( |
self, |
hidden_states: torch.Tensor, |
attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
bias: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
past_key_value: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, |
output_attentions: Optional[bool] = False, |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: |
self_attn_past_key_value = past_key_value[:2] if past_key_value is not None else None |
self_attention_outputs = self.attention( |
hidden_states, |
attention_mask, |
head_mask, |
output_attentions=output_attentions, |
past_key_value=self_attn_past_key_value, |
bias=bias, |
) |
attention_output = self_attention_outputs[0] |
if self.is_decoder: |
outputs = self_attention_outputs[1:-1] |
present_key_value = self_attention_outputs[-1] |
else: |
outputs = self_attention_outputs[1:] |
cross_attn_present_key_value = None |
if self.is_decoder and encoder_hidden_states is not None: |
if not hasattr(self, "crossattention"): |
raise ValueError( |
f"If `encoder_hidden_states` are passed, {self} has to be instantiated with cross-attention layers" |
" by setting `config.add_cross_attention=True`" |
) |
cross_attn_past_key_value = past_key_value[-2:] if past_key_value is not None else None |
cross_attention_outputs = self.crossattention( |
attention_output, |
attention_mask, |
head_mask, |
encoder_hidden_states, |
encoder_attention_mask, |
cross_attn_past_key_value, |
output_attentions, |
) |
attention_output = cross_attention_outputs[0] |
outputs = outputs + cross_attention_outputs[1:-1] |
cross_attn_present_key_value = cross_attention_outputs[-1] |
present_key_value = present_key_value + cross_attn_present_key_value |
layer_output = apply_chunking_to_forward( |
self.feed_forward_chunk, self.chunk_size_feed_forward, self.seq_len_dim, attention_output |
) |
outputs = (layer_output,) + outputs |
if self.is_decoder: |
outputs = outputs + (present_key_value,) |
return outputs |
def feed_forward_chunk(self, attention_output): |
intermediate_output = self.intermediate(attention_output) |
layer_output = self.output(intermediate_output, attention_output) |
return layer_output |
class LongBertEncoder(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, config): |
super().__init__() |
self.config = config |
self.layer = nn.ModuleList([LongBertLayer(config) for _ in range(config.num_hidden_layers)]) |
self.gradient_checkpointing = False |
self.num_attention_heads = config.num_attention_heads |
self.register_buffer( |
"alibi", |
self.rebuild_alibi_tensor(size=config.max_position_embeddings), |
persistent=False, |
) |
def rebuild_alibi_tensor( |
self, size: int, device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str]] = None |
): |
n_heads = self.num_attention_heads |
def _get_alibi_head_slopes(n_heads: int) -> List[float]: |
def get_slopes_power_of_2(n): |
start = 2 ** (-(2 ** -(math.log2(n) - 3))) |
ratio = start |
return [start * ratio ** i for i in range(n)] |
if math.log2(n_heads).is_integer(): |
return get_slopes_power_of_2( |
n_heads |
) |
else: |
closest_power_of_2 = 2 ** math.floor( |
math.log2(n_heads) |
) |
return ( |
get_slopes_power_of_2(closest_power_of_2) |
+ _get_alibi_head_slopes(2 * closest_power_of_2)[0::2][ |
: n_heads - closest_power_of_2 |
] |
) |
context_position = torch.arange(size, device=device)[:, None] |
memory_position = torch.arange(size, device=device)[None, :] |
relative_position = torch.abs(memory_position - context_position) |
relative_position = relative_position.unsqueeze(0).expand(n_heads, -1, -1) |
slopes = torch.Tensor(_get_alibi_head_slopes(n_heads)).to(device) * -1 |
alibi = slopes.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) * relative_position |
alibi = alibi.unsqueeze(0) |
assert alibi.shape == torch.Size([1, n_heads, size, size]) |
self._current_alibi_size = size |
return alibi |
def forward( |
self, |
hidden_states: torch.Tensor, |
attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, |
past_key_values: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, |
use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, |
output_attentions: Optional[bool] = False, |
output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = False, |
return_dict: Optional[bool] = True, |
) -> Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor], BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions]: |
all_hidden_states = () if output_hidden_states else None |
all_self_attentions = () if output_attentions else None |
all_cross_attentions = () if output_attentions and self.config.add_cross_attention else None |
_, seqlen, _ = hidden_states.size() |
if self._current_alibi_size < seqlen: |
warnings.warn( |
f'Increasing alibi size from {self._current_alibi_size} to {seqlen}.' |
) |
self.register_buffer( |
"alibi", |
self.rebuild_alibi_tensor(size=seqlen, device=hidden_states.device).to( |
hidden_states.dtype |
), |
persistent=False, |
) |
elif self.alibi.device != hidden_states.device: |
self.alibi = self.alibi.to(hidden_states.device) |
alibi_bias = self.alibi[:, :, :seqlen, :seqlen] |
if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: |
if use_cache: |
logger.warning_once( |
"`use_cache=True` is incompatible with gradient checkpointing. Setting `use_cache=False`..." |
) |
use_cache = False |
next_decoder_cache = () if use_cache else None |
for i, layer_module in enumerate(self.layer): |
if output_hidden_states: |
all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) |
layer_head_mask = head_mask[i] if head_mask is not None else None |
past_key_value = past_key_values[i] if past_key_values is not None else None |
if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: |
def create_custom_forward(module): |
def custom_forward(*inputs): |
return module(*inputs, past_key_value, output_attentions) |
return custom_forward |
layer_outputs = torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint( |
create_custom_forward(layer_module), |
hidden_states, |
attention_mask, |
layer_head_mask, |
encoder_hidden_states, |
encoder_attention_mask, |
) |
else: |
layer_outputs = layer_module( |
hidden_states, |
attention_mask, |
layer_head_mask, |
encoder_hidden_states, |
encoder_attention_mask, |
alibi_bias, |
past_key_value, |
output_attentions, |
) |
hidden_states = layer_outputs[0] |
if use_cache: |
next_decoder_cache += (layer_outputs[-1],) |
if output_attentions: |
all_self_attentions = all_self_attentions + (layer_outputs[1],) |
if self.config.add_cross_attention: |
all_cross_attentions = all_cross_attentions + (layer_outputs[2],) |
if output_hidden_states: |
all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) |
if not return_dict: |
return tuple( |
v |
for v in [ |
hidden_states, |
next_decoder_cache, |
all_hidden_states, |
all_self_attentions, |
all_cross_attentions, |
] |
if v is not None |
) |
return BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions( |
last_hidden_state=hidden_states, |
past_key_values=next_decoder_cache, |
hidden_states=all_hidden_states, |
attentions=all_self_attentions, |
cross_attentions=all_cross_attentions, |
) |
class LongBertPooler(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, config): |
super().__init__() |
self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) |
self.activation = nn.Tanh() |
def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: |
first_token_tensor = hidden_states[:, 0] |
pooled_output = self.dense(first_token_tensor) |
pooled_output = self.activation(pooled_output) |
return pooled_output |
class LongBertPreTrainedModel(PreTrainedModel): |
""" |
An abstract class to handle weights initialization and a simple interface for downloading and loading pretrained |
models. |
""" |
config_class = LongBertConfig |
load_tf_weights = load_tf_weights_in_bert |
base_model_prefix = "bert" |
supports_gradient_checkpointing = True |
def _init_weights(self, module): |
"""Initialize the weights""" |
if isinstance(module, nn.Linear): |
module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) |
if module.bias is not None: |
module.bias.data.zero_() |
elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding): |
module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) |
if module.padding_idx is not None: |
module.weight.data[module.padding_idx].zero_() |
elif isinstance(module, nn.LayerNorm): |
module.bias.data.zero_() |
module.weight.data.fill_(1.0) |
def _set_gradient_checkpointing(self, module, value=False): |
if isinstance(module, LongBertEncoder): |
module.gradient_checkpointing = value |
@dataclass |
class LongBertForPreTrainingOutput(ModelOutput): |
""" |
Output type of [`BertForPreTraining`]. |
Args: |
loss (*optional*, returned when `labels` is provided, `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(1,)`): |
Total loss as the sum of the masked language modeling loss and the next sequence prediction |
(classification) loss. |
prediction_logits (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, config.vocab_size)`): |
Prediction scores of the language modeling head (scores for each vocabulary token before SoftMax). |
seq_relationship_logits (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, 2)`): |
Prediction scores of the next sequence prediction (classification) head (scores of True/False continuation |
before SoftMax). |
hidden_states (`tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`, *optional*, returned when `output_hidden_states=True` is passed or when `config.output_hidden_states=True`): |
Tuple of `torch.FloatTensor` (one for the output of the embeddings + one for the output of each layer) of |
shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`. |
Hidden-states of the model at the output of each layer plus the initial embedding outputs. |
attentions (`tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`, *optional*, returned when `output_attentions=True` is passed or when `config.output_attentions=True`): |
Tuple of `torch.FloatTensor` (one for each layer) of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length, |
sequence_length)`. |
Attentions weights after the attention softmax, used to compute the weighted average in the self-attention |
heads. |
""" |
loss: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None |
prediction_logits: torch.FloatTensor = None |
seq_relationship_logits: torch.FloatTensor = None |
hidden_states: Optional[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]] = None |
attentions: Optional[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]] = None |
class LongBertModel(LongBertPreTrainedModel): |
""" |
The model can behave as an encoder (with only self-attention) as well as a decoder, in which case a layer of |
cross-attention is added between the self-attention layers, following the architecture described in [Attention is |
all you need](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762) by Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, |
Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser and Illia Polosukhin. |
To behave as an decoder the model needs to be initialized with the `is_decoder` argument of the configuration set |
to `True`. To be used in a Seq2Seq model, the model needs to initialized with both `is_decoder` argument and |
`add_cross_attention` set to `True`; an `encoder_hidden_states` is then expected as an input to the forward pass. |
""" |
def __init__(self, config, add_pooling_layer=True): |
super().__init__(config) |
self.config = config |
self.embeddings = LongBertEmbeddings(config) |
self.encoder = LongBertEncoder(config) |
self.pooler = LongBertPooler(config) if add_pooling_layer else None |
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(config._name_or_path) |
self.post_init() |
def get_input_embeddings(self): |
return self.embeddings.word_embeddings |
def set_input_embeddings(self, value): |
self.embeddings.word_embeddings = value |
def _prune_heads(self, heads_to_prune): |
""" |
Prunes heads of the model. heads_to_prune: dict of {layer_num: list of heads to prune in this layer} See base |
class PreTrainedModel |
""" |
for layer, heads in heads_to_prune.items(): |
self.encoder.layer[layer].attention.prune_heads(heads) |
def forward( |
self, |
input_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
token_type_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
inputs_embeds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, |
past_key_values: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None, |
use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, |
output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, |
output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, |
return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, |
) -> Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor], BaseModelOutputWithPoolingAndCrossAttentions]: |
r""" |
encoder_hidden_states (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*): |
Sequence of hidden-states at the output of the last layer of the encoder. Used in the cross-attention if |
the model is configured as a decoder. |
encoder_attention_mask (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): |
Mask to avoid performing attention on the padding token indices of the encoder input. This mask is used in |
the cross-attention if the model is configured as a decoder. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: |
- 1 for tokens that are **not masked**, |
- 0 for tokens that are **masked**. |
past_key_values (`tuple(tuple(torch.FloatTensor))` of length `config.n_layers` with each tuple having 4 tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length - 1, embed_size_per_head)`): |
Contains precomputed key and value hidden states of the attention blocks. Can be used to speed up decoding. |
If `past_key_values` are used, the user can optionally input only the last `decoder_input_ids` (those that |
don't have their past key value states given to this model) of shape `(batch_size, 1)` instead of all |
`decoder_input_ids` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`. |
use_cache (`bool`, *optional*): |
If set to `True`, `past_key_values` key value states are returned and can be used to speed up decoding (see |
`past_key_values`). |
""" |
output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions |
output_hidden_states = ( |
output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states |
) |
return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict |
if self.config.is_decoder: |
use_cache = use_cache if use_cache is not None else self.config.use_cache |
else: |
use_cache = False |
if input_ids is not None and inputs_embeds is not None: |
raise ValueError("You cannot specify both input_ids and inputs_embeds at the same time") |
elif input_ids is not None: |
input_shape = input_ids.size() |
elif inputs_embeds is not None: |
input_shape = inputs_embeds.size()[:-1] |
else: |
raise ValueError("You have to specify either input_ids or inputs_embeds") |
batch_size, seq_length = input_shape |
device = input_ids.device if input_ids is not None else inputs_embeds.device |
past_key_values_length = past_key_values[0][0].shape[2] if past_key_values is not None else 0 |
if attention_mask is None: |
attention_mask = torch.ones(((batch_size, seq_length + past_key_values_length)), device=device) |
if token_type_ids is None: |
if hasattr(self.embeddings, "token_type_ids"): |
buffered_token_type_ids = self.embeddings.token_type_ids[:, :seq_length] |
buffered_token_type_ids_expanded = buffered_token_type_ids.expand(batch_size, seq_length) |
token_type_ids = buffered_token_type_ids_expanded |
else: |
token_type_ids = torch.zeros(input_shape, dtype=torch.long, device=device) |
extended_attention_mask: torch.Tensor = self.get_extended_attention_mask(attention_mask, input_shape) |
if self.config.is_decoder and encoder_hidden_states is not None: |
encoder_batch_size, encoder_sequence_length, _ = encoder_hidden_states.size() |
encoder_hidden_shape = (encoder_batch_size, encoder_sequence_length) |
if encoder_attention_mask is None: |
encoder_attention_mask = torch.ones(encoder_hidden_shape, device=device) |
encoder_extended_attention_mask = self.invert_attention_mask(encoder_attention_mask) |
else: |
encoder_extended_attention_mask = None |
head_mask = self.get_head_mask(head_mask, self.config.num_hidden_layers) |
embedding_output = self.embeddings( |
input_ids=input_ids, |
token_type_ids=token_type_ids, |
inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds |
) |
encoder_outputs = self.encoder( |
embedding_output, |
attention_mask=extended_attention_mask, |
head_mask=head_mask, |
encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, |
encoder_attention_mask=encoder_extended_attention_mask, |
past_key_values=past_key_values, |
use_cache=use_cache, |
output_attentions=output_attentions, |
output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, |
return_dict=return_dict, |
) |
sequence_output = encoder_outputs[0] |
pooled_output = self.pooler(sequence_output) if self.pooler is not None else None |
if not return_dict: |
return (sequence_output, pooled_output) + encoder_outputs[1:] |
return BaseModelOutputWithPoolingAndCrossAttentions( |
last_hidden_state=sequence_output, |
pooler_output=pooled_output, |
past_key_values=encoder_outputs.past_key_values, |
hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, |
attentions=encoder_outputs.attentions, |
cross_attentions=encoder_outputs.cross_attentions, |
) |
def encode(self, |
sentences: Union[str, List[str]], |
batch_size: int = 32, |
show_progress_bar: Optional[bool] = None, |
output_value: str = 'sentence_embedding', |
convert_to_numpy: bool = True, |
convert_to_tensor: bool = False, |
device: Optional[torch.device] = "cpu", |
normalize_embeddings: bool = False, |
**tokenizer_kwargs, |
) -> Union[List[torch.Tensor], np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: |
""" |
Computes sentence embeddings |
Args: |
sentences(`str` or `List[str]`): |
Sentence or sentences to be encoded |
batch_size(`int`, *optional*, defaults to 32): |
Batch size for the computation |
show_progress_bar(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to None): |
Show a progress bar when encoding sentences. |
If set to None, progress bar is only shown when `logger.level == logging.INFO` or `logger.level == logging.DEBUG`. |
output_value(`str`, *optional*, defaults to 'sentence_embedding'): |
Default sentence_embedding, to get sentence embeddings. |
Can be set to token_embeddings to get wordpiece token embeddings. |
Set to None, to get all output values |
convert_to_numpy(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to True): |
If true, the output is a list of numpy vectors. |
Else, it is a list of pytorch tensors. |
convert_to_tensor(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): |
If true, you get one large tensor as return. |
Overwrites any setting from convert_to_numpy |
device(`torch.device`, *optional*, defaults to None): |
Which torch.device to use for the computation |
normalize_embeddings(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): |
If set to true, returned vectors will have length 1. In that case, the faster dot-product (util.dot_score) instead of cosine similarity can be used. |
tokenizer_kwargs(`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*, defaults to {}): |
Keyword arguments for the tokenizer |
Returns: |
By default, a list of tensors is returned. |
If convert_to_tensor, a stacked tensor is returned. |
If convert_to_numpy, a numpy matrix is returned. |
""" |
if convert_to_tensor: |
convert_to_numpy = False |
if output_value != 'sentence_embedding': |
convert_to_tensor = False |
convert_to_numpy = False |
input_was_string = False |
if isinstance(sentences, str) or not hasattr(sentences, '__len__'): |
sentences = [sentences] |
input_was_string = True |
permutation = np.argsort([-len(i) for i in sentences]) |
inverse_permutation = np.argsort(permutation) |
sentences = [sentences[idx] for idx in permutation] |
tokenizer_kwargs['padding'] = tokenizer_kwargs.get('padding', True) |
tokenizer_kwargs['max_length'] = tokenizer_kwargs.get('max_length', 8192) |
tokenizer_kwargs['truncation'] = tokenizer_kwargs.get('truncation', True) |
all_embeddings = [] |
if has_tqdm: |
range_iter = trange( |
0, |
len(sentences), |
batch_size, |
desc="Encoding", |
disable=not show_progress_bar, |
) |
else: |
range_iter = range(0, len(sentences), batch_size) |
for i in range_iter: |
encoded_input = self.tokenizer( |
sentences[i: i + batch_size], |
return_tensors='pt', |
**tokenizer_kwargs, |
) |
for key in encoded_input.keys(): |
encoded_input[key] = encoded_input[key].to(self.device) |
token_embs = self.forward(**encoded_input)[0] |
token_embs = token_embs.float() |
if output_value == 'token_embeddings': |
raise NotImplementedError |
elif output_value is None: |
raise NotImplementedError |
else: |
embeddings = self.mean_pooling( |
token_embs, encoded_input['attention_mask'] |
) |
if normalize_embeddings: |
embeddings = torch.nn.functional.normalize(embeddings, p=2, dim=1) |
if convert_to_numpy: |
embeddings = embeddings.cpu() |
all_embeddings.extend(embeddings) |
all_embeddings = [all_embeddings[idx] for idx in inverse_permutation] |
if convert_to_tensor: |
all_embeddings = torch.stack(all_embeddings) |
elif convert_to_numpy: |
all_embeddings = np.asarray([emb.detach().numpy() for emb in all_embeddings]) |
if input_was_string: |
all_embeddings = all_embeddings[0] |
return all_embeddings |
def mean_pooling(self, token_embeddings: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor): |
input_mask_expanded = ( |
attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(token_embeddings.size()).float() |
) |
return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp( |
input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9 |
) |