Some error when running

by Williams07 - opened

hi, thanks for your work! When I use this quantization model, I got a strange error:
TypeError: LayerNorm.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bias'
Is this my version problem or something else?

hi, thanks for your work! When I use this quantization model, I got a strange error:
TypeError: LayerNorm.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bias'
Is this my version problem or something else?

Would you mind sharing the full error trace. I guess this is due to an old package version.
If we see the trace we find out which package causes the error and I can have a look at the version installed on my machine.

I think you have to update your torch. Because that error implied that nn.LayerNorm has no bias parameter in its init method. But, from torch documentation here, clearly bias exists there.


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