Request: DOI

by dbalynin - opened

Make pytest for from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, UploadFile, HTTPException, File
import os, shutil, time
from tasks import text_recognize
from bson.objectid import ObjectId

from database import delete_document, retrieve_document, retrieve_documents, documents_collection
from models.document import ErrorResponseModel, ResponseModel
from database import collection

router = APIRouter()

@router .get("/", response_description="Documents retrieved")
async def get_documents():
documents = await retrieve_documents()
if documents:
return ResponseModel(documents, "Documents data retrieved successfully")
return ResponseModel(documents, "Empty list returned")

@router .get("/{id}", response_description="Document data retrieved")
async def get_document_data(id):
student = await retrieve_document(id)
if student:
return ResponseModel(student, "Document data retrieved successfully")
return ErrorResponseModel("An error occurred.", 404, "Document doesn't exist.")

@router .get('/analyze/{id}')
def analyze_document(id: str):
result = text_recognize.delay(id)
text = result.get(timeout=1000)
filter = {'_id': ObjectId(id)}
newvalues = {"$set": {'recognized_text': text}}
collection.update_one(filter, newvalues)

@router .delete("/{id}", response_description="Document data deleted from the database")
async def delete_document_data(id: str):
deleted_student = await delete_document(id)
if deleted_student:
return ResponseModel(
"Document with ID: {} removed".format(id), "Document deleted successfully"
return ErrorResponseModel(
"An error occurred", 404, "Document with id {0} doesn't exist".format(id)

@router .post("/", response_description="Document data added into the database")
async def document_upload(file: UploadFile = File(...)):, 2)
file_size = file.file.tell()

if file_size > 2 * 1024 * 1024:
    raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="File too large")

content_type = file.content_type
if content_type not in ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/jpg"]:
    raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid file type")

UPLOAD_DIRECTORY = "./uploads"
file_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY, file.filename)

with open(file_path, "wb") as buffer:
    shutil.copyfileobj(file.file, buffer)

now = time.time()
document_data: dict = {
            "pic_name": file.filename,
            "date": now,
            "recognized_text": "not recognized yet"
document = await documents_collection.insert_one(document_data)
return {"filename": file.filename}

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