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Finding words that support the definition of another word

by alexlopespereira - opened

Suppose we have a glossary of terms. And some terms are defined using other terms which are also defined in the same glossary. How could we trace such dependence?


BigScience Workshop org

Hi @alexlopespereira ! I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean. Can you provide an example of what you want?

Hi @TimeRobber ,

Consider this glossary https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/glossary. It has cross links among the terms. "AB Testing" points to "metric" and "accuracy".
I just realized that I could trace such dependence by building a simple oriented graph, where the edges endpoints would be such two terms. For instance, "AB Testing" pointing to "metric".

No machine learning needed here. I'm closing the issue.

alexlopespereira changed discussion status to closed

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