Support for Vietnamese Language
Please support Vietnamese
If you help us find data why not
If you help us find data why not
Hi, I found 100 hours of voice data from VinBigdata -
Here is the download link
Also there are also about 200 hours of data from Mozzila - (choose Vietnamese then download)
Hope this will help. Thanks for your work.
If you help us find data why not
Hi, I found 100 hours of voice data from VinBigdata -
Here is the download link
Also there are also about 200 hours of data from Mozzila - (choose Vietnamese then download)
Hope this will help. Thanks for your work.
@erogol Could you please tell me I can train this, I will try to train and inform you to merge with main repo.
Support Vietnamese pls :)
i have same request for Vietnamese, will xtts support Vietnamese