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https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-j-m-hurley-the-dreamer-part-4/ | J.M.Hurley The Dreamer Part 4 The Final Chapters To all of my incredible fans who've made me the author I am today, my family who support me through everything, and the incredible authors I read from that give me the inspiration to write.
Chapter 33
After I finished re-telling my complicated evening to Sierra she let out a tired sigh. “I can’t believe you go together with Kyle and didn’t tell me!” she said in mock shock, putting a hand to her chest and giving me a fake-out raged look.
I smiled, “Is that really the most shocking part of that whole story?”
“Well…no I guess not,” she said and reached forward to give my arm a quick pinch.
“Ouch! What was that for?” I asked rubbing my now red arm.
“Sorry, just making sure you knew how much this is like a dream!” she said and let out a giggle. “How many girls can say they have two hot boyfriends?” I let out an involuntary flinch at the dream comment and shot her a look on the boyfriend part.
“Didn’t you listen to anything I said? I only have one boyfriend, and his name is Kyle,” I insisted, motioning to the bouquet for an extra effect.
She smiled at me and gave my knee a squeeze before answering, “Oh you know I listened, but you did tell him you loved him, and you said the kiss was-”
“I know!” I snapped at her, I didn’t want to hear about what I thought the kiss was like, replaying it in my head was making me feel guilty enough on its own.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. It’s just, you never really explained why you and Zane broke up, you were so happy before and I just want you to be happy again,” she said and for her benefit I made my lips stop grimacing and pull themselves into a smile. “I’m sorry about your parents,” she said, giving me pitying look.
“Don’t be. They’re not splitting up, it’s just a misunderstanding, I’ll call my mom in the morning and get everything straightened out,” I said sounding defiant.
“Are you sure?” she asked sounding unconvinced and concerned.
“Yes, I’m positive.” I replied pretending to pick at a hangnail.
“So…Are you excited to meet Kyle’s parents?” she asked, returning to a safe topic.
I lifted my eyes to meet hers, “I’m terrified.” She let out a giggle then asked, “Why? They can’t be that bad!” she insisted and this time, I joined in with her laughter.
“I’m not worried about how they’ll be bad, I’m worried they won’t like me!”I said and she gave my arm a light slap.
“Oh come on Summer, we both know they’ll love you. Who doesn’t?” she said then got up off of my bed and began rummaging through my closet. “So what are you wearing?” she asked pulling out a knit sweater dress my grandmother got me last year and showcased it with her hand.
I shook my head and let out a giggle before I answered, “I have no idea, but I figured I’d find that out tomorrow.”
“Oh okay,” she said quietly putting the dress back and sitting back down next to me again. “Hey, you know I’m here to talk if you need it, right?” she asked turning towards me and giving me sad look.
“Yeah, of I course I do! Why?” I asked and looking into her innocent, trusting eyes I felt my stomach flip with guilt. Why don’t you just tell her about the dreams?
I asked myself silently but I kept my lips sealed shut.
“It’s just…Sometimes, when we talk, it seems like there’s something that’s always bugging you. I’m not trying to push or anything, but sometimes it makes you feel better just to have someone else know,” she said then looking up at me with her big, innocent blue eyes, I saw she was crying.
“Oh Sierra! Of course I know I can tell you anything! I’ve shared everything with, no worries!” I pulled her close and giant bear hug in what looked like an act of support, but really, I was just hiding the guilty look on my face.
“Just as long as you know I’m here for you…” she said, sniffling and wiping her nose with a Kleenex.
“Yes, of course I know that and if anything else happens, you’re the first person I’ll go to,” I assured her as I stuffed more tissues into her small, shaking hands.
“Oh thanks Summer! You’re the best! I’m sorry it’s just, with your parents splitting up, it reminds me of m-my p-parents…M-my d-dad.” She finished letting out a sob and I gave her another supportive hug.
“What happened to your dad?” I asked tentatively once she calmed down some, not wanting to send her into hysterics again.
“He was killed, in a shooting,” she began, sounding relatively calm to be talking about her father’s death. “It was just a mere 2 months before school started. I remember that day perfectly, every minute of it. I was playing with little brother, Jackson, when the police car pulled up. I remember watching from our backyard, seeing my mother come out and talk to them, then seeing her double over, crying.
I remember how she just kept crying and how Jackson kept pulling on the bottom of my dress and asking what was wrong. We lived in a bad neighborhood, my mother still does. Shortly after my father was shot in the drive-by, Jackson was sent to live with my grandmother, and I was sent here. Jackson’s only 6 years old…He’s so young, but so, so strong. None of my family thinks he understands what happened, but he does. He just hides it better than I do,” she said and then everything clicked into place in my mind.
“So that’s why you were so upset about not being able to contact your mom!” I said, remembering the time when we’d stayed up late as she confided in me that she hadn’t talked to her mother, and desperately wanted to.
“Yes,” Sierra replied, nodding her head solemnly, “I always like to check in with her, to make sure she’s still there…still alive.” I let out a sigh and mimicked her by slapping her lightly on her forearm.
“Why do we always talk about me? It sounds like you have a lot to talk about too!” I said and she looked up at me with a dry humored look.
“I’ve done too much talking, enough to last me a lifetime.”
“Oh?” I asked questioningly, Sierra didn’t strike me as the talker type.
“After his funeral, my mother forced me to see a grief counselor. I got my fair share of pity from her, and yet I still consider it one of the worst experiences of my life,” she replied brushing her fingers through her brown hair.
“Worst? Why, was she mean?” I asked and Sierra quickly shook her head.
“Oh, no she was lovely. But every time I went to see her, it was like I relived that day. It was torturous for me to go through week after week. You don’t know how glad I was when I finally got shipped off to here,” Sierra replied and I gave her small hand a squeeze. “Well, don’t let me get you all depressed before bed, or you might have nightmares,” she said giving me a wink as if I found that funny and not terrifying.
“Nightmares?” I asked in a weak voice and she looked at me like I’d said something crazy.
“Yeah, about shootings…I always have them…” she said and I put aside my suspicions and fears and gave her a smile.
“Just count sheep, it helps bring better dreams, or at least it does for me,” I replied then added silently in my head, or it used to help ward off bad dreams, not anymore though. Sierra gave me a smile and jumped down off of my bed.
“I’ve never heard of that one, I guess I’ll have to try it,” she called over her shoulder as changed out of her jeans and t-shirt and threw on her cotton cloud pajamas. Climbing into bed and pulling the covers up to her chin, she gave me a meek smile and laid her head back onto the pillow.
I sighed and laid back too, hoping that counting sheep may work again someday until I heard Sierras soft voice whisper, “And Summer?” I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the dark room rather quickly then asked, “Huh?”
“Thanks for talking to me tonight,” she replied and I felt like an absolute coward. Why couldn’t I just tell her the truth? She’s told me everything, and all I’ve done is lie.
I pushed the annoying voices farther back into my mind and whispered back, “Any time.” Before I closed my eyes and began counting sheep, hoping with all my heart that it would work.
Chapter 34
I felt myself falling through space. Everything around me was pitch black and I could see nothing. As I fell my heart began to race, and my pulse quicken. What will happen when I hit the bottom? I asked myself as I continued to fall. I wasn’t sure what would happen, but I didn’t want to find out. I pictured my mother at her best.
Her blonde hair flowing to her thin waist, his facial features fixed in laughter and my father’s arm around her shoulder. It was a picture she kept on her bedside table whenever and wherever she traveled, taken from her teenage years. My mother’s flawless face was turned towards my fathers, their noses touching in a sign of affection. I could picture it perfectly.
Just seconds later, I landed gently on the floor of an old town house. My mother sleeping form lay in the bed next to me. “Thank god that worked,” I muttered as I paced around the room. “How could she does this to my father and I? How could she?!” I asked the skies, my voice rising. My mother’s sleeping body rolled over, then back again.
“Oh, that’s right, she can hear me,” I whispered to myself as I walked over to the dresser next to her bed. “Maybe I can find a few clues in here,” I said quietly. My eyes scanned the stray pieces of paper for any words like, ‘divorce’ or ‘fighting’ or even ‘angry’ but found nothing. Sighing, I opened the drawer slowly, trying to make the least amount of noise possible.
Once opened, the drawer proved to be very useful. Tons of important looking papers covered the bottom of it. I reached in and scooped them up. Carefully, I held up the first paper, which resembled a diary entry and read it:
Received Update today, She has had another one. I’ve reported this, and they assure me she is far off from danger, but I’m not so sure. The boy has promised to protect her, though I doubt he knows who he was promising too. Vincent called again today. Oh how I hate lying to him, but I must not get him involved in this. How long will he put up with my vagueness? Much longer, I can only hope…
I put the paper down and stared at my mother in shock. What was she lying to dad about? I thought silently as I held up the next sheet, it too looked like a diary entry.
Vincent has finally caught on, not to my work of course, but to my lies. Though it broke my heart in two, I suggested a divorce. He deserves better than this. Better than me. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but I think this is the easiest route for everyone. I hope he will understand with time, and I hope Summer will also. My dear Summer, oh how I miss her! I just wish I could spend one night with her laying in my arms, like she did when she was a child. At least that way I would stop worrying about her. I’m always worrying…All I do is worry…
The ink trailed off and again and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I miss you too mom! I said all feelings of the divorce forgotten. “Why did you lie to Daddy?” I asked her sleeping form. “Why?” I whispered again to myself. If you still love him, why lie? I didn’t understand my mother’s choices and hope the last paper would explain more. I held it up; it was different from the other, in a to-do list form.
1.) Mail divorce papers to Vincent
2.) Call Summer, apologize
3.) Call for update
I looked at the page for a few seconds longer. Apologize? For the divorce, or something else? I thought silently as I quietly stuffed the papers back into the drawer. Shutting it softly, I admired how relaxed my mother looked while she slept. It was an expression of hers that I’d never seen. Her lips were curved up in a slight smile and her hands reached out for a form that wasn’t there.
“Vincent?’ she said it so soft that I almost thought I’d imagined it until she whispered it again, “Vincent? Where are you? Why have you left me?” A lone tear rolled down her cheek and landed onto her pillow. “Oh Mom, just call it off,” I whispered then an idea struck me. I opened the drawer and found the to-do list again. Picking up a pencil, I made my edits then laid back down. It now read:
1.) Make up with Vincent
2.) Call Summer, Catch up
3.) Call for an update
I let out a sigh as I stared at my handy work and gave a smile. I wonder what mom will think about when she finds this. My mom rolled over and again then, ever so slowly, she began to wake up. Seeing her beginning to sit up and rub her eyes, I let out a soft “Eek!” and quickly pictured my old houses garden again.
After a few seconds of waiting I disappeared then reappeared in my small, pathetic garden. I smiled, breathing in the scent of the flowers and went to lie down at my usual spot. As I walked out to the old wooden bench I saw a note was lying on top of it. Sighing out of exhaustion, I reached down and picked it up.
A poem for Summer,
You cannot run forever,
Think you can hide from me?
How un-clever!
Think I can’t see?
You’re dumb as ever.
It’s been awhile since I said hi,
So tell me Summer, are you ready to die?
I dropped the note with a gasp. Who wrote that? I thought to myself as I looked around the garden. Was it ‘the man’? I asked, hoping that thinking of him wouldn’t summon his presence. I sighed; I’ll just think about it in the morning, I thought glumly as I lay down on the rotting wooden bench. Soon after my head hit the rotting wood, the garden faded from around me and my dream world slipped away, leaving me falling once more, into a world of darkness.
Chapter 35
I woke up soaked in sweat, my light blonde hair wet, and clinging to my damp forehead. I kept taking trying to take deep breaths, which instead came out in short gasps, to fill my lungs and slow my racing heart. Black spots kept filling my vision whenever I tried to open my eyes and the seemed to be spinning around me. I’m having a panic attack,
stating this fact to myself actually seemed to calm me down.
At last, I could breathe evenly again. I used my blankets to wipe most of the sweat from my face, then got down off my bunk and walked over to my mirror. All of this trouble over a silly note?
I tried to play it off as nothing, but in reality just thinking about that poem made the hairs on my back stand on end.
I tore myself away from my pale, shaken reflection and walked over to my desk to check my clock. Well, at least I woke up on time,
I thought to myself, that gives me a whole hour to get ready!
Instantly in a brighter mood, I snatched up my clothes and towel then saw Sierra’s sleeping form still lying in her bed. I tiptoed over to the side of her bed and gave her shoulder a light shake.
“Huh?” she asked drowsily, sitting up slowly and running a hand through her short, choppy brown hair.
“Time for school,” I replied then ran off to our bathroom to shower.
I took longer than usual for my shower, letting the steam and heat relax my overly tense muscles. As the warm water droplets ran down my back and into the drain, I let the memories of last night’s dream go with it. I ran my hands through my sopping, wet hair and ran a washcloth over my face. A loud bang of the bathroom door pulled me out of my soapy relaxation. I rinsed off, and then stuck my head out around the shower curtain.
“Yes?” I asked smothering my voice with fake annoyance.
“Hurry up!” Sierra shouted in a mock angry voice, and I heard her let out a loud giggle. “You’re wasting all the hot water!” she called and I rolled my eyes.
“Oh relax; I’m getting out as we speak!” I yelled back as I shut off the running water and stepped out onto the cool, tile floor.
I plucked my towel up, off of the bathroom counter, and wrapped it around my body. Then, after wringing out my hair, I snatched up that hair dryer and a spare brush, and opened up the door. “Bathroom’s all yours,” I replied and Sierra gave me a smile.
“Thanks S.” I gave her a nod before she shut the door, then walked over and began blowing my hair dry in our tiny, one person mirror.
30 minutes later, my light blonde hair was perfectly smooth and flowing nicely over my small shoulders. I was dressed in mini skirt and a tank top and wore converse as my shoes. Sierra picked up her back pack off of her bed and gave me a casual wave over her shoulder as she headed for the door. “We’d better head out, or we might be late.” I gave her a nod and after picking up my own backpack, followed her out, into the hall.
After that, my school seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, I was standing in the lunch line waiting for my food. The cafeteria lady dumped something unrecognizable onto my plate and urged me forward. Sighing, I picked up my tray and threw it into the nearest trash bin, grabbing a bag of chips instead. With my chips and vitamin water in hand, I walked over and plopped down next to Kyle. Today, he was joined by Sierra and Brady, a guy who Sierra met in her tech class and has had a huge crush on since she first saw him.
“Oh, hey honey,” Kyle said getting up and pulling my chair out for me.
“Aw, you didn’t have to do that,” I said and blushed as I took my seat.
“So are you excited for tonight?” Kyle asked reaching under the table and giving my thigh a squeeze.
I jumped and let out a nervous giggle, “Yeah, of course.” Eager to get off the topic, I turned towards Sierra and gave her an encouraging smile. “So how was tech?” She looked up from her food and gave me a shrug.
“Same as usual.” I bit my lip and turned towards Brady.
“So, I heard you’re on yearbook committee this year. Is it fun?” He looked up at me through his mess of black hair, a sarcastic smiling playing on his lips.
“I quit two years ago,” he replied and I let out a frustrated sigh.
“Looks like I have some catching up to do,” I joked, trying to cover up my sigh.
It must not have worked because Kyle turned and faced me, “Everything okay babe?” I smiled and gave him quick nod.
He stared at me for a while longer then averted his eyes back to his food. Across the cafeteria, I saw Stephanie enter, and I slowly go up to go talk to her.
“Honey, where are you going?” Kyle asked giving me a confused look. Sierra and Brady too looked up me questioningly.
I gave them all a weak smile and said, “Oh, just have some un-finished business to attend to.” I speed walked over to Stephanie in order to catch up to her. When she saw me, she whispered something in Lance’s ear then rose to greet me.
“What the hell do you want?” Wait, did I just hear that wrong?
I thought to myself questioningly. Was she not the girl who was crying last night about having no on?
Stephanie gave me an irritated glare.
“I came over to ask if you wanted to come sit with us,” I replied giving her a smile. She shot daggers at me with her eyes.
“I’d rather get shot in the head multiple times then get caught dead sitting with you losers,” she replied and I could tell her icy exterior was up harder than ever today.
“Is that why you’re acting so strange? Because you have multiple head injuries?” I asked looking up at her with innocent eyes.
“Strange?” she asked her jaw clenched tightly.
“Well, I guess it’s normal behavior for someone who has no one,” I continued and I watched her jaw drop.
“I’d love to challenge you a battle at wits, but it doesn’t feel right attacking someone who’s unarmed,” she replied her bright blues eyes giving me a cold, hard stare.
“Why are you always so sarcastic?” I asked giving her a look of question.
“It’s my body’s natural defense against stupidity,” she replied and I let out a giggle.
“Okay, I definitely didn’t see that one coming.” She remained stone face, and unmoving. “Oh, come on! I’m sure Lance would come, and you could help me pick out my outfit for my date!” I said putting a false pep in my voice and giving her an eager smile. This time, she smiled back. Putting one manicured hand on her skinny hip she leaned in closer to me.
“Pardon me, but you're obviously mistaking me for someone who gives a damn.” She said and I let out an angry sigh.
“What about having no one? Is this how you plan on getting friends? Because if so, it’s not working so great!” I yelled causing several people sitting nearby to turn and stare at us.
“Sometimes you’re such a moron, I kind of admire you,” she replied causing several people to giggle around us.
“Gee thanks Stephanie, I know I can always count on you to wrap up my day in sunshine,” I replied then, raising my vice a bit, I added, “At least you have someone to talk to today. After all, I’d hate to be that person with no family, friends, or really people in general, that like you,” I said and Stephanie’s scowl turned into disbelief.
She looked around herself at all of the people watching then, giving me a quick glare or disbelief, she fled. I heard heels clacking on the hard floor as she bolted out of the cafeteria. Lance gave me a questioning look then darted out after her.
“I think you really hurt her feelings.”
I turned around and let out a gasp, “You scared me!” I said staring up into Zane’s bright blue eyes.
“Sorry,” he said giving me smile that made my heart quicken.
“I’d love to chat,” I said looking around to see if Kyle was looking, he was, “but I should probably go finish my lunch.”
Zane nodded slowly, giving me an unconvinced look before motioning with his hands, “Don’t let me stop you from eating lunch with your boyfriend.”
My smile dropped and I gave him a look of despair. “Oh come on Zane, don’t be like that,” I insisted but he was already off, walking out the same door that Stephanie had just minutes before.
“Oh don’t feel bad darling,” Kyle said from behind me, making me jump out of surprise.
“I didn’t know you were there. Did you hear all of that?” I asked turning around to face him.
“Of course not, I find no reason to eavesdrop on you,” he said then offered his hand to me.
“Shall we go enjoy lunch together?” he asked and I gave him a nod and grabbed his soft hand.
Chapter 36
After lunch, my school day passed so quick it was a blur. As I sat in History, my last class of the day, I went over my choices in my head for what outfit I should wear for tonight. My green slip dress would compliment his eyes just perfectly and I could combine that with my…
“Summer? Hello, Summer? Ms Charad!” My head snapped up to meet the angry eyes of my teacher. Mrs. Krenchin, my elderly history teacher, stood in front of my desk, a scowl present on her old, winkled face. “I hate to interrupt your thought, but I have a history lesson to teach!” she snapped and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
All you were doing was sitting at your desk and reading Lifetime magazines,
I retaliated in my mind but out loud I only replied, “Yes ma’am.” She shook her head at me once more, and then returned to sit at her desk.
After that, class passed without any more interference. The bell let out a shrill ring and all of the students collected their belongings and headed out for the door. “I haven’t dismissed you!” Mrs. Krenchin called after them, but no one stopped or reentered the room. I hurried out behind the rest of them and heard her call after me. “Don’t let me catch you day dreaming again Ms Charad! It’ll be an automatic detention next time!” I sighed; Detention’s the last thing I need to worry about right now.
Once I reached my room’s door I flung it open and hurried in to join Sierra, who was sitting patiently, waiting on her bed. “Ready to get pampered?” she asked and I nodded my head eagerly.
Once we had everything ready, she began to curl my light blonde hair into small ringlets while I powered my make-up on. “So…” I said dragging out the O to add emphasis, “what’s going on with you and Brady?” She smiled at me in the mirror and picked up a make-up brush from the counter.
Brushing it lightly under my eyes before she answered, “Nothing serious, we’re just friends.”
I looked up at her questioningly.
“Is everything alright? You seem down?” I asked as I lengthened my lashes dramatically with my mascara.
“Yes everything’s…No actually, it’s not,” she said then pulled my soft ringlets up into an elegant up-do style at the nape of my neck. After she was finished, I turned around to face her.
“What’s wrong? Is it about your mom?” I asked instantly concerned.
“No, no, it’s nothing to do with me. It’s really none of my business but… I’m just worried Kyle isn’t who he says he is,” she replied and my worried expression disappeared, masked by a look of shock.
“What?! Why would you think that?” I demanded getting up from my chair and pacing around the room.
“I don’t know…it’s just a vibe I get when I’m around him. He just seems so…fake,” she said then looked down at her feet to avoid my eyes.
“Well, that’s a shame because he really seems to like you. Maybe you shouldn’t judge people off of vibes and actually get to know them,” I replied as I began to shift through the hangers in my closet.
“Here, wear this,” she said pulling out a gorgeous white dress and handing it to me.
I gasped, “It’s gorgeous! Where did you get it?” I asked clinging to the fabric longingly.
“I bought it awhile ago for the Autumn Ball, but I’m not going anymore so I figure it should at least get some use.” I gave her an open mouthed look of shock and place the dress back into her hands.
“There’s absolutely no way I can take this from you. It’s just too gorgeous Sierra, and way too expensive!”
She shook her head and handed it back to me, “No, I want you to have it. It’ll look gorgeous on you, and it can be my peace offering. I’m sorry about judging Kyle, it was rude of me,” she replied and I gave a hug.
“Oh Sierra, What would I do without you?” I exclaimed then let out a squeal of joy and raced off to get changed.
Once in the dress, I ran out of the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress fit my body perfectly, the white fabric flowing beautifully from my waist past my feet. The top consisted of brown and cream bead work, making the dress look modern and edgy. A brown belt pulled in at the waist, accentuating my thin, lean figure, and golden tassels hung down past the belt, giving the dress a royal look. My hair was held back with a beaded, golden headband that matched the tassels perfectly and my feet wore golden heels that were raised a good 5 inches off the ground.
I let out a sigh of pure excitement and twirled around in the mirror, causing the dress to flow around me in a perfect circle. “Oh! Gosh, Summer!” Sierra exclaimed and I turned to face her.
“What’s wrong? Does it look bad?” I asked and I bit my lip in disappointment.
“You look absolutely gorgeous! Even more pretty than I imagined. Kyle’s going to love it,” she said letting out a giggle as I pulled her into a hug. “I feel like I’m standing next to a goddess in the flesh,” she replied and I shook my head as giggles escaped out of my mouth.
“Okay I don’t look that good!”
She stopped laughing and gave me a look that said, ‘I mean business. “I’m serious Summer, you look beautiful.” I blushed bright red and gave her grateful another hug.
“Well, I wouldn’t look anything like this if it wasn’t for you.”
She gave me a smile and said, “Oh you know you would’ve.”
A knock on the door interrupted our disagreement. I shot her a nervous look, my stomach already beginning to churn with nervousness. “Go,” she whispered giving me a reassuring pat on the back. I walked over slowly and opened the door. A man dressed in a black suit stood in front of me, a Bluetooth attached to his ear, and a serious look set into his lips.
“Mr. Landon is here to pick you up,” the man said in a bored tone.
“Look like my ride’s here,” I called back to Sierra as I shot a smile at the man in the suit. “I’m ready.”
"Not without your earrings you’re not!” Sierra called after me, hurriedly running up to me and poking the earrings into place. “Now you’re ready,” she replied then, after giving me a look from head to toe, gave me a hard hug. “Have fun Summer, you deserve a good time.”
I gave a smile, and patted her arm, “I will.”
“Ready to go now?” the man asked and I gave him a nod. He motioned for me to walk in front, so I picked up my pace and tried to contain my excitement.
“So, who are you?” I asked hoping I didn’t sound rude.
“I am Robert Kawlzeski, the Landon’s family chauffer.” I gave him an understanding nod and went over the facts silently in my head. So they’re rich enough to have their own chauffer?
I hadn’t realized Kyle’s family was wealthy.
As we walked down the hard, stone steps, several people turned to look at us. I even let out a giggle as I saw many of the males mouth’s drop in shock. I caught Zane’s eyes and gave him a giddy wink. He gave me smile back, but it wasn’t one that reached his eyes, or showed off his pearly whites; just a smile that seemed more of a reassurance than anything.
I kept my head straight forwards after that, looking only at Robert once in awhile, making sure he was still there. Once we made it outside, he motioned for me to follow him down and outside the gates, using a key from his pocket to unlock the schools gates. We rounded the corner and I let out a gasp of shock. A limo?!
I thought gleefully as I stared at the long car. It was polished to shine beautifully when the light hit it, and was colored in traditional black. I turned to Robert and saw him pull a flower out of his inside jacket pocket.
“For you, from young Mr. Landon,” he replied and handed me the flower. Zantedeschia,
I thought with a sigh as carefully placed the flower into my hair.
Robert opened the door wide enough for me to get in and I gave him a smile.
“Thank you,” I said meekly as I climbed into the limo. The corners of his lips turned up in amusement, as he gave me a nod and shut the door behind me. Once inside, I turned and saw Kyle sitting next to me, looking lovely as ever in his tuxedo. His normally messy hair was slicked back tonight, showcasing his best feature, his bright green eyes.
“Oh Summer, wow!” he exclaimed letting his mouth fall open in amazement.
“Yes?” I asked giving him a wink and turning more so that I could look directly at him.
“I don’t think there are words to describe how beautifully gorgeous you look tonight.” He replied and I gave him a peck on the lips.
“You’re such a charmer!” I said giving him a big smile and lightly reaching up to touch my fingertips to the flower in my hair.
“No, I’m a realist,” he insisted giving me cheeks a kiss and holding my hand in his.
“Have I told you I love?” I asked and he smiled.
“Why, not today, you haven’t,” he replied and I felt my smile widen.
“Well, Kyle,” I began giving him a mock serious look, “I love you. I love you with all my heart, all my soul, and my entire being.” He put a fake look of shock on his face then took his hands and placed them on both sides of my face.
“I love you, also Summer. Though I’m sure it’s no surprise, I love you with my entire being, I love you for all the love the world has to offer, and if it came down to it, I’d love you even after death.” He leaned over and gave my lips a quick kiss and I smiled under his kiss. I wish life could just stay like this, so happy and perfect,
I thought silently, but deep inside, I knew that the happiness wouldn’t last, it never does.
Chapter 37
After driving for about 10 minutes, the limo came to a halt. Through the dark tinted windows, I spotted a small country side shack. Well that’s nice and homey,
I thought to myself as I admired how strongly it resembled my old house. Robert opened the door for Kyle and he stepped out quickly. Walking around the side of the limo, Kyle pulled open the door for me and offered his hand. I took it graciously and he helped me out of the limo.
“We’re here,” he announced giving me a cute smile. I smiled back and started heading over to the shack when Kyle caught my wrist. “Summer, wrong way, that’s our shed,” he said and I blushed out of embarrassment. His shed’s my house,
I thought as my cheeks turned even pinker.
Kyle gave my hand a squeeze and pulled me past the shed, in the direction of his house. When we came around the corner of shrubs Kyle came to a stop. We stood in front of a house so big that I’d only seen pictures of houses like it. It had large stone pillars that framed the staircase leading up to a large wooden door. It had only a couple of windows, all of them on the first floor. The bricks sparkled in the sun and the fountain in the front of the house gleamed as the light reflected off of it.
“It’s lovely,” I whispered as Kyle pulled me forward towards the steps.
“I’m glad you like it,” he replied, digging in his pocket for the key. Once he found it, he pulled it out and gave me a smile. “I’m so glad you agreed to come meet them. They’re so excited,” he said and I gave his upper arm a squeeze.
“They aren’t the only ones excited.” Kyle gave my lips a quick kiss then he unlocked the door and held it open. I quickly entered and marveled at the beauty of his home.
The walls were covered in paintings and statues stood in all the corners. The furniture looked antique and expensive. On the far left, near the wall, a large, polished-looking spiral staircase stood. Kyle placed his hands on my shoulders and I felt him lean in and move his mouth close to my earlobe. “My Parents are upstairs. I’ll go find them, you stay down here and make yourself at home,” he replied and cast me a smile before he disappeared up the stairs.
I walked around the main floor, my heels making loud clacks every time I took a step. In the corner of what looked to be a living room sat picture frames on an expensive looking side table. I approached it slowly, careful not to let my heels scuff the polished wooden floor. Once I reached it I picked up the first frame and examined it. The photo showed a younger version of Kyle fidgeting with a tiny bowtie that sat on his neck. His two front teeth were missing in his white smile and his beautiful green eyes were looking wide, and curious at the camera. I let a giggle escape my lips. A handsome boy turned into an even handsomer man.
I looked over at the other photos. They held other memories of Kyle, some of him fishing, some of him just smiling, and others with him and his friends. But none of them gave me any hints as to what to expect for his family.
I looked over the rest of the counter. It held ancient looking books, a few potted plants, and a small chest. A questioning look crossed over my face and I took a step closer to the counter, examining the chest. “It can’t be,” I whispered to myself as I reached forward and picked it up. It was small, and light, the outside of it was decorated in ancient looking carvings. Its designs on the side were unique, ones that I’d only seen once before in my life…In my dreams. I was instantly pulled into a flash back, sent spiraling back in time, the setting around me set in the 1800’s. Alonzo stood next to me and begged me to understand. “I only wanted to show you something!’ he’d insisted, giving me a hesitant smile and motioning to the corner of the empty room. There, in the corner, was a small tiny chest. He motioned me forward insisting that I must see what was inside, but I yelled at him and ran away, leaving him alone and heartbroken…Leaving the chest behind too.
I gasped as I was pulled back, out of my flash back, and into reality. I stared open mouthed at the tiny chest that I was absolutely sure was the same one from my dream. Something’s very wrong here,
I stated silently as I continued to gawk at the tiny box in my hand. I took a deep breath, should I open it?
I looked around the corner and saw that no one was coming. Yes,
I decided, Alonzo would want me to.
I held my breath as I slowly opened the small box. Once it was open I took a look inside of it, finding only one item, and it was wrapped in a silk covering case.
I took a deep inhale of oxygen and pulled the silk covering off. There, lying in my hand was the most beautiful necklace I’d ever seen. It was an emerald jade color, sparkling gorgeously as the sunlight bounced off of it. Diamonds surrounded the large center stone and the golden chain was sparkling brilliantly as if someone had recently polished it. I marveled at its beauty, wondering what a masterpiece like it would look on my own neck.
I peaked around the corner, making sure Kyle wasn’t coming, and slipped the necklace up over my up-do and onto my neck. I walked over and looked at myself through the reflection of a nearby window. The necklace fit my neck perfectly, falling just right on my pale, light skin. The jade stone brought out the green in my ever changing eyes and the diamonds matched my earrings perfectly. It’s so gorgeous!
I exclaimed silently as I reached up to fix the falling flower in my hair. My hand zipped up to my head, so fast it was a blur. I froze, staring at my reflection, open-mouthed and puzzled. I straitened the flower then brought my hand back to my side, again, my hand moving inhumanly fast. I stared into the window, my large blue green eyes widened as I tried to come up with a rational explanation. Walking back over to the counter, my feet too went faster than possible.
It’s the necklace!
I exclaimed as my eyes landed on the empty chest. I looked down at my neck, the large pendant shinning innocently up at me. I sighed and began to pull the necklace over my head when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Summer?” Kyle’s voice called from close by. Hurriedly, I slammed the tiny chest back shut as quietly as I could manage in my hurry and pulled the necklace up and over my head, dropping it into my hand bag. I’ll put it back later, there’s no time now.
I thought to myself then mentally kicked myself, well I suppose if I had my inhuman speed, there’d be enough time.
“Summer, Where are you?” Kyle’s voice asked again, this time sounding closer than the last time.
“Oh I’m in here Kyle!” I called walking forward, trying to put as much distance between myself and the chest as possible.
“Oh there you are!” Kyle exclaimed as he entered the doorway with a smile on his face. “Well, Summer, I’d like you to meet my parents.”
Chapter 38
I gave Kyle an encouraging smile as his mother stepped through the doorway behind him. “Summer, this is my mother, Milenka.” I gave his mother a smile as I registered the resemblance of Kyle and his mother.
Milenka was a short woman, about 5’1”, with a bright smile and perfect nose. Her chocolate hair was a shade lighter than Kyle’s but her exciting green eyes matched his perfectly. She was dressed in a dress that hung down and stopped at her ankles, and wore an apron around her slim waist.
“It’s nice to finally meet you Summer, Kyle’s told us tons about you” she said, speaking with the same soft accent that Kyle has. I still don’t know where he’s from,
I added silently as I again, tried to guess where their accent originated from.
Milenka held out a small and I shook and replied, “It’s nice to meet you too, and only good I hope.”
Kyle gave me a smile, “Of course, sweetheart.” I flushed bright red and looked down at my feet. Milenka let out a loud laugh that sounded like wind chimes blowing through the air.
“Oh dear, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We’re a traditional Russian family, we like all those pet names,” she said with a wink. I laughed with her and silently thanked her, Russia, so that’s where they’re from!
“Now where did Viktor go off too?” Sylvia said in her thick Russian accent as she looked around the room. “Viktor?” she called and then gave Kyle a pat on the shoulder. “You go and find him,” she said and he gave her a nod and went off to find his father. “Those boys I tell you, always going off someplace,” she said and I let out a giggle.
“My mother says the same thing,” I said and laughter escaped Milenka’s cherry colored lips.
“Well I suppose great minds do think alike,” she said as she brushed her chocolate hair out of her face. “You look lovely dear,” she said and I gave her a grateful smile.
“Thanks, you look pretty too,” I said and she waved her hand at me.
“You’re too kind my dear.”
“Ah there you are!” I heard Kyle exclaim from down the hall. “Come on father, Summer’s here to meet you.”
Milenka shook her head with a smile, “Viktor dear, we’re in here.” Kyle reentered the room and shot me a smile.
“Sorry for the wait, my father was just on the phone,” he explained and I shot him a smile back.
“Oh, it’s fine. I had fun talking with your mother,” I said and she smiled at me and gave my arm a squeeze.
”Call me Lenka, dear,” she insisted and I gave her a nod. “Ah, there you are,” Lenka called over her shoulder as footsteps approached us.
“Sorry that took so long, Ramón had a business update for me.”
“It’s fine, dad,” Kyle replied and he gave me a smile. “Summer, this is my father, Viktor.”
Viktor stepped through the doorway and I gasped out loud. There, standing before me, was the very man who haunted my dreams, the same child who I’d laughed with in the field, the same man who was to blame for the permanent scar that lie across my chest. “No! No, this can’t be happening! This isn’t happening!” I exclaimed, stepping backwards quickly.
“Oh, Summer, let us not be rash,” Viktor said shaking is finger at me like a scolding parent.
“No!” I screamed at him then I turned and looked at Kyle. “Did you know?!” I screamed at him then catching his guilty expression I let out a laugh thought I didn’t find the situation funny at all. “Of course you did! You were the bait!” I screamed and I let out another laugh, on the verge of hysterics.
“Now, darling,” Viktor said stepping closer to me. “I won’t have to hurt you if you cooperate.” I shook my head in disgust and spit in his face.
“I would never cooperate with you,” I hissed.
“How dare you!” He screamed reaching his hands towards me. I pushed his hands away and kicked him in the knees, sending him falling to the ground.
Milenka looked at her fallen husband then raised her eyes back to me, her eyes smoldering with hate. She jumped towards me but I dodged sideways before she could reach me. Her tiny body hit the wall with force, and she lay crumpled in a heap on the floor. “Mom!” Kyle cried and rushed to her side.
As he was distracted, I took off running to the nearest exit. I reached my destination quickly and flung the door open. Once it was open I raced through the open doorway and out into what looked like a garden. My mind raced back to when Kyle and I were talking about flowers. “Where did you get them?” I asked knowing almost all store refuse to sell them. “The lilacs are from my mother’s garden.”
I looked around myself and thought silently, that’s where I’m at, his mother’s garden. I kept up an even jog as I looked for a way to exit the garden.
It was gorgeous, with flowers of all colors covering the floor. Tall trees started to go around the flowers as I ran farther out into the garden. As I ran I tripped and fell over roots growing out of the ground. The pretty flowers seemed to wrap around my feet and kept making me slip and fall. Stray tree branches cut my face and arms and the hot sun made beads of sweat start to form on my forehead. After I was a fine distance away I stopped running to take a break. My feet were cut and bleeding from running in my heels, I hadn’t had time to take them off in my haste, both of my ankles were swollen and one sprained from all of the tripping and falling. At some point, my hair fell out of its up-do style and was flowing down my back and shoulders. My golden headband had also slipped down and was now sitting firmly in the middle of my forehead.
There were cuts present all over my arms and my lungs and throat ached for water. I wanted more than anything to sit down and rest, but I knew I had to stay on my guard and remained standing. I poked my head around a nearby tree and searched for any signs of followers, there were none. I sighed heavily out of relief and slowly began to turn around. As I turned around as figure jump out of the wooded area behind me and clamped a hand down over my mouth. I screamed and bit down and their grip lessened a bit, but by then, they already had me pinned down to the forest floor.
“Don’t struggle Summer, I don’t want to hurt you,” Kyle whispered and I bit down even harder into his hand. “Damn it!” He swore as he released his hold on my head. I thrashed about wildly, trying to throw him off balance so I could escape, but my efforts were for nothing, he sat as sturdy as a rock as dug in his pants pocket for something.
“So you never really loved me, did you?” I spat at him, trying to stall myself some time.
“Of course I loved you Summer. But you have to learn, you can’t sacrifice everything for love!” he yelled back and pulled his hand out of his pocket, a syringe in hand.
“Is that p-p-poison?” I asked timidly as he sized the needle up in front of himself.
“No, it’s Kentamine,” he replied I looked up at him nervously.
“What’s that?” I asked as he leaned closer to me.
“A knockout drug,” he replied then stuck the sharp needle into my thing. I yelled out in pain as I tried to push myself away from him. I tried to shove him backwards off of me but I found it impossible to even lift my arms.
“P-please Kyle, d-don’t do this,” I cried through my tears as he pulled the syringe out of my leg and put it back into his pocket.
“I’ve already done it Summer, it’s all over now,” he said to me, stroking my hair as if this thought should comfort me.
“Don’t touch me,” I slurred drowsily as the anesthetics started to kick into overdrive.
“But you love me?” Kyle said his lips curling into a smile that I had once considered cute, now it just looked cruel and evil. I let the tears slide down my face as he leaned towards me.
“D-don’t-” Kyle cut me off by kissing my lips gently. Our kiss tasted salty, from the tears running down my face and I lay motionless underneath him, unable to move my limbs as I faded in and out of consciousness.
“That could be our last kiss,” he whispered to me as my eye lids started to flutter. “I love you Summer,” he whispered into my ear, “I’ll miss you.” “I’ll miss your golden, beautiful hair, and your eyes that always change color. I’ll miss your childish laugh and your soft lips…” He went on talking, but I was already fading, as my eye lids slipped shut, I drew a quaky breath then my world went black and everything slipped away.
Chapter 39
When I awoke I was lying face down on a hard surface. My vision was fuzzy and my limbs felt strangely numb. I sat up slowly, trying to remember what had happened and where I was. As I sat up, I felt something cold brush against my wrist. I lowered my eyes, my vision finally returning to normal, and saw that it was my handbag. All at once, the memories of my horrid night came rushing back to me. I shuddered as I reached down and snatched my bag up. I unclipped the top of it and pulled the jade necklace out, admiring its beauty once again before slipping it on over my head.
As soon as the cold necklace touched my skin I became instantly more focused and I took a better look at my surroundings. From what I could tell, I was in some kind of basement. It was smaller than most basements, and its only source of light was from a small window at the very top of the wall. I need to get out of here,
I thought desperately as I continued to stare at the window longingly. It was far too high for me to reach; even if I could reach it I don’t have the upper body strength to pull myself up and out.
I added bitterly as pushed my headband farther back on my forehead.
A soft rattling above me made my thoughts freeze in place and I looked up. The rattling started up again and I looked about franticly, searching for where the noise was coming from. It’s them,
I thought with disgust, it’s Viktor; he’s coming to kill me.
The small window at the top of the wall began to shake and I looked up at it, confused. Well, apparently he likes dramatic entrances.
I turned around and glanced at the heavily locked wooden door behind me. Why didn’t he just use the door?
I thought curiously.
The window finally gave way and popped off, causing me to dive to my right to avoid being hit by it. “Ouch,” I gasped as I looked down at my bloody, cut feet. I unhooked the clasp on my heels and took them off to relieve my aching feet. If I’m going to die, I’m going to make it as comfortable as possible.
Then the realization hit me, I’m going to die. He is going to kill me. I’ll never say goodbye to my mom, or my dad. No goodbyes to Sierra or Stephanie. No goodbye to Zane.
I let of a sob and shook my head back and forth. Why couldn’t I have chosen you? You’re the one I actually love!
“You’re the one I love…” I whispered as I wiped the tears away from my face, I didn’t want Viktor to see that he’d made me cry, it’d cause him too much pleasure.
Suddenly, feet began to descend from the window, then a whole body. Dropping to the ground, they picked their head up and glanced over at me, his familiar bright eyes sparkling with sorrow. “Oh Zane,” I whispered but I stayed where I was, not daring to ruin this wonderful hallucination.
“Summer, come over here,” he whispered gently as he walked towards me, “we’re here now. Everything’s okay now.”
I gave him a huge smile and as he bent down next to me I whispered, “If I have to die, I’m glad that you’re here, I love you.”
He gave me a confused look then, picking me up into his arms, he just smiled and said, “It isn’t your time to die Summer… I love you too.”
“Stop talking and hurry the hell up!” A voice whispered down to us in a demanding tone. I looked up at Zane, “Is that…Stephanie?” I asked and he gave me nod.
“Alright Steph, I’m going to hand her up to you now,” he whispered as two perfectly manicured hands reached in from the small window.
“She won’t be able to hold my weight,” I whispered and Zane let out a chuckle.
“She’ll manage,” he whispered and I looked questioningly up at him. He didn’t explain just gave my forehead a soft kiss then wrapped his arms around my waist.
“I’m going to hoist you up, then Steph will grab your arms and pull you up and out. Okay?” I smiled and gave him a nod as he prepared himself. “Ready?” he whispered in my ear and I smile up at him.
“Yes,” I replied, my voice soft and meek.
“Steph, you ready?” he whispered up to her and I heard her let out an impatient sigh.
“I’ve been ready for the past 2 hours, and if you call me ‘Steph’ one more time, I’m coming through this window and-”
“Okay let’s go,” Zane said cutting her off mid threat.
He tightened his grip around my waist and after bending down he reached up with all his might, then he threw me. My few seconds of being airborne were enough to make my stomach turn upside and start to panic, but soon after he let go, Stephanie grabbed on. Her long nails dug into my upper arms as she hoisted me up and out of the basement as if I weighed nothing more than one of her shopping bags, setting me down gently into a patch of flowers.
“Um, thanks,” I whispered and she shot me a sarcastic smile.
“Please! I deserve more than, ‘Uh, thanks’,” she finished imitating my voice in a low, manly tone. I rolled my eyes at her then remembered just who else had been down in that basement with me.
“How will Zane get out?” I asked and no sooner did the words leave my mouth did I see two hands grip the windowsill and Zane pulled himself up and through the small window, his muscular build just barely fitting through.
“Get up!” Stephanie whisper-yelled at both of us. “We have to get out of here or we will all die!” Zane and I exchanged glances then everyone sprang into action.
Zane ran over and helped me up, “Do you need to be carried?” he asked and I shook my head.
“No I can walk,” I insisted and Stephanie turned around and addressed Zane.
“Carry her,” then turning towards me she added, “Sorry, but it’s not walking that I’m worried about and I’m not risking my life just so you can show some independence.”
Zane scooped me up into his strong arms, and then took off running after Stephanie. After about 5 minutes of running the trees began to clear and we found ourselves in a field.
“Over here,” Stephanie called from our left. We looked over and saw she was hunched down and pointing to something hidden behind vines and shrubs. “There’s a break in the fence! All we have to do is crawl through!” She said with excitement and Zane quickly ran over and crouched down next to her.
“Can you crawl?” he asked me as he gently set me down onto the soft grass to give his arms a rest.
“Yeah, I can manage,” I said and Stephanie turned around to face us.
“I’ll go first, don’t crawl until I reach my hand under again, we have to be sure you won’t get caught,” she said then pointed her polished finger at Zane. “You, take up the end, we have to have her surrounded,” she said and he gave her an understanding nod. Stephanie took a deep breath then got down on all fours and pushed herself through the brush and under the tiny opening at the bottom of the fence.
Zane and I waited patiently, holding our breath, as every second ticked by that her hand didn’t pop back through. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes, her small hand shot under the fence and gave us a thumb up. “Coast’s clear,” she whispered and a smile lit up my relieved face.
I inhaled deeply then pressed my stomach to the soft ground and pulled myself through the rough brush. The branches and shrubbery caught my hair and branches cut my face but I continued to crawl until I reached to gap in the white wooden fence. I pushed myself lower to the ground and pulled myself under it, my slim build making it out easily. I sighed out of relief as my feat cleared the fence and I was sitting next to Stephanie.
There was a rustling behind the fences and then Zane’s head appeared through the fence. “What are you waiting for?” Stephanie asked and he looked up her with confused eyes.
“You don’t honestly think I’m fitting through that tiny space, do you?” he asked and she let out a giggle.
“Well stop working out then! That solves our problem,” she said sarcasticly as she broke off pieces of the fence to widen the space for him. Once it was big enough, he sighed and pulled himself through cleanly.
“Let’s go!” Stephanie said grabbing Zane’s arm and giving me an agitated look. We began to run and soon after I was tripping and falling, tears running down my face from the pain of running on my swollen feet. Keep going!
I told myself as I got up and spit dirt out of my mouth, running to catch up with them only to fall again. Zane slowed down and bent over by my side.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a concerned voice. I gave him a weak nod and tried to smile but he shook his head and used his finger to wipe away some of the tears streaming down my face.
“Hurry up!” Stephanie called behind herself as she sped forward, racing to get to the car.
“Kay!” Zane called after her as he picked me up, yet again, into his warm, muscular arms.
“Thanks,” I whispered into his ear and he gave me a tiny smile as he took off running towards the vehicle. Stephanie reached it first and yanked the driver’s seat door open, hoping in and pulling it forward. She sped over to where we were stopped and Zane opened the door and set me down in the back. Then, he opened the shotgun door and as soon as he shut it behind himself, we were off.
Chapter 40
Stephanie floored it, breaking the speed limit twice over. The streets weren’t busy, lucky for us, so we didn’t have any trouble with traffic. “Where are we going?” I asked finally as Stephanie took another corner on two wheels.
“Back to school, you can pack some stuff and then we’re off.”
“Off? Off to where?” I asked looking back and forth between her and Zane.
“We’ll explain later, for now, all you need to know is that you’re not safe here anymore,” Zane replied and I turned away from him with a sigh. I’m so tired of everyone keeping secrets!
I thought to myself as I absentmindedly played with the pendant hanging from my neck.
We pulled into the school parking lot and we jumped out. “Where’d you get the car from?” I asked Stephanie as she put her key into the door and locked it.
“I said I’ll explain later Summer,” she said as she dropped the key back into her purse she gave me an impatient eye roll. Footsteps nearby caused us all to whip our heads around. Lance jogged over to us with a huge smile on his face.
“I’m glad you’re safe, I‘ve got the passports all ready. They’re in my bag,” he said as he pulled Stephanie into a loving embrace.
She blushed at my raised eyebrows as Lance planted a kiss on her lips. She kissed him back lightly then put on her hard exterior again. “Alright let’s get moving guys! Summer, I’ll come up with you to help you pack. Lance, you and Zane need to scout out the area and make sure no one dangerous is lurking. Understood?” she asked and we all nodded in agreement. “Can you walk?” she asked me as the boys took off to patrol the school grounds.
“Yeah, my feet are feeling a little better.” That was a lie, they weren’t feeling better, they were numb from pain, but that was beside the point. I could walk, even though it was painful, and that was what I was going to do.
We jogged slowly up the steps and when we reached my room my feet seemed to cry out with relief. I whipped my room key out and flung open the door. I heard Stephanie gasp behind me as we surveyed my room. The cabinets lay on the floor, their drawers scattered around the room, clothing items and bed sheets cluttered our surrondings, and Sierra lay unmoving on the floor.
“Oh my god!” I exclaimed as I bent down next to her and prayed she was still breathing.“Is she still alive?” I asked Stephanie as she bent down next to me. She held her polished finger steady under Sierra’s nose and nodded her head.
“She’s still breathing,” she confirmed then, just to be sure, she picked up her wrist. “She has a pulse too; she’s most likely just knocked out.” I let out a sigh of relief and pulled Sierra’s limp body onto my lap.
Stephanie grabbed my bag off of my bunk and began to shove clothes into it furiously.
“Wait what are you doing? We can’t leave anymore!” I yelled at her but she continued to shove clothes into it, pausing only for a few seconds to give me a bored look.
“And why is that?” she asked as she went to our bathroom and began shoving toiletries in.
“We can’t leave her like this! I
can’t leave her like this!” Stephanie paused and let out a laugh, as if I’d just said something humorous.
“Of course we can’t!” she yelled back at me, as is there was something blatantly obvious that I was missing.
“Then…Wait, we’re taking her with us, aren’t we?” I asked and Stephanie stopped her packing to come over and crouch down next to me.
“We have to-”
“What if she doesn’t want to come?” I asked, cradling my roommates head in my arms.
“Don’t cut me off, you know I hate it,” she said as she got up and brushed herself off. “She can either come with us and live, or stay here and die. Which do you think she’d prefer?” she asked sarcastically and I gave her a look of shock.
“You’d kill her?” Stephanie turned to me with an amused expression on her face.
“Wow, I don’t know what they drugged you with, but whatever it was, it must kill brain cells because you’re acting even more stupid than usual.”
The corners of my lips turned down, “That’s not funny.”
She sighed, “Whatever and no it’s not me we have to worry about. Since she’s close to you, the Tanghar would kill her. In fact, I bet they thought she was dead tonight, and were just too stupid to check her pulse.”
A knock on the door interrupted our conversation. Stephanie’s blonde hair whipped around her face as she turned her head quickly towards the sound. “Hello?” she called tentatively and I felt myself squeeze Sierras cold hand out of nervousness.
“You guys ready to go? The coast’s clear,” Lance’s voice called through the wood as Stephanie let out a sigh of relief and opened the door. “Whoa what happened in here?” Lance asked as his eyes scanned my mess of a room.
“Nothing, take these down from me,” Stephanie said pushing two large bags into Lance’s arms, “thanks,” she added, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Lance smiled back and hurried out of the room with our luggage as I widened my eyes at her.
“So Lance knows too?” I asked and she blushed pink in her cheeks.
“He’s not really supposed to know, but I knew how much he could help me," she caught herself, "I mean us, out with the tech stuff,” she said and I gave her an encouraging smile.
“It’s fine, it’ll be good to have more than one normal person with us,” I said, looking down at Sierra’s pale face.
“We should probably head down,” Stephanie said as she stared at me with an odd expression.
“Oh okay, yea-What?” I asked as I caught sight of her questioning look.
“That necklace,” She began.
“Oh isn’t it pretty? Do you like it?” I asked as I shifted uncomfortably under her hard scrutiny.
“Where did you get it?” she asked as she reached out her small hand to touch the emerald stone.
“Why, have you seen it before?” I asked and her ocean blue eyes flicked up to mine.
“It’s called, The eye of the McKons,” she said and realization hit me hard.
“McKons… Wasn’t she the princess that Zane wanted to guard?” I asked and Stephanie let out a chuckle.
“I’m not sure but if I had to take a guess I’d say yes, almost every young boy wants to grow up to be the princess’s guardian. None of them actually do, though,” she said and I looked up at her with question.
“Why is it called, ‘The eye’? Isn’t that kind of a creepy name?” I asked and she shook her head, making her blond hair spin around her face.
“Not if you’ve seen the McKons it isn’t. They have the most unique, beautiful emerald eyes. That stone on your neck is said to be the only thing that can replicate their beauty.”
“Oh,” I replied and Stephanie gave me a thoughtful nod.
“Alright, that’s enough history for one day. Let’s go,” she said as she hoisted Sierra up into her small arms.
“Okay, how do you do that?” I asked and she let out a sarcastic snort.
“You don’t actually think they’d give me the title of ‘guardian’ without training, do you?”
I let out a giggle, “I guess I just couldn’t believe you would sit through a conditioning session, yet alone hardcore training.”
Stephanie shot me a look from over Sierra’s limp body, “Just because I look weak doesn’t mean I can’t kick your butt on the spot, watch it Charard.” I let giggles escape my lips as we crept down the halls and finally reached the door.
“Can you get that?” she asked and I gave her nod and walked over to the door, placing my hand on the hard wood, but not pushing.
“Stephanie?” I asked and she raised her eyebrows question at me.
“Yes, Summer?”
I smiled, “You were wrong. You have Lance and Kyle…And you have me.”
For a second she let a smile slip uninvited onto her lips but then she turned it into a fake scowl, “Would you just open the door?” I gave her a smile and pushed the door open wide. Then after walking the doorway, she turned to me and smiled, “Thanks.” And for the first time in my life, I saw Stephanie truly happy, as a smile lit up her face and her ocean eyes sparkled.
She handed Sierra over to Zane and she ran over and threw her arms around Lance’s neck, planting a passionate kiss on his lips. Zane raised his eyebrows in question at me and I just shook my head, “She’s just happy,” I replied and I knew that I was telling the truth.
Chapter 41
After a few minutes of embracing, Stephanie broke away from Lance and said, “We need to get going, the jet’s waiting for us.” Everyone nodded in agreement as we piled into the car.
“So where did
you get this?” I asked as I motioned around us at the car’s interior.
“It was a gift,” Stephanie replied as she began to back out into the road.
“Who bought you a car?” I asked and she let out a chuckle.
“I didn’t say they bought me a car, I said it was a gift. It’s Kyle’s gift, from his father. What a shame he’ll never get to use it,” she replied and my jaw dropped.
“You stole
Kyle’s car?”
“You act like that’s such a big deal,” she said, flipping her blonde hair behind her, “he tried to kill
you. Grand Auto Theft is a lot less time then murder… I think, anyways it doesn’t matter because we aren’t getting caught, Lance made sure of it.”
I shot an exasperated glance at Lance but he just shrugged his shoulders and said, “What can I say, she’s very convincing and I was the only one who knew how to hot wire someone’s car.”
“Told you he’s our tech guy,” Stephanie said proudly as she sped down the road.
“W-what’s going on?” Sierra’s tired voice sounded from the back of the vehicle. “W-wait, where am I? What’s going on?!” she asked her voice becoming more panicked with every second.
“Tell her,” Stephanie said and I took a deep calming breath. “Sierra, there’s something I need to tell you…”
After I finished telling my story to Sierra she sat unmoving and speechless. “So, those men who came in-”
“Were from the Tanghar,” Stephanie finished for her. Sierra nodded her head, and then turned to look at me.
“I wish you would’ve told me earlier, but I can’t say I’m surprised.”
“What?” I asked, how can she not be surprised by this, I’m even surprised by this!
Sierra gave me a smile, “I knew there was something different about you since that very first time you had one of your dreams, you seemed more…Focused after that, like you had more important things than the normal high school student.”
She let a sigh escape her lips, “So where are we headed now?”
“I’m not sure,” I said as I cast a glare in Stephanie’s direction, “We’re not allowed to know yet.”
“Oh shut-up back there!” Stephanie called as she turned a corner swiftly, “we’re headed to the airport.”
“Oh,” Sierra mumbled as she played with the bracelet on her wrist. “Wait, what about school?” she asked and Zane turned around to face us.
“It’s already taken care of; Ms. Kelly was informed that we’ve all transferred.”
I took a calming breath and looked at his bright blue eyes, “what about our parents?” I asked and his smile disappeared.
“ That
I haven’t taken care of. We’ll need some sort of excuse-”
“You mean lie?” Sierra asked and Zane nodded.
“Yes, I guess I do mean lie, but it’s the only way to protect them.”
“We’re here!” Stephanie called out as she pulled the vehicle to a halt.
We filed out of the van and headed off to the airports boarding area when Lance called after us, “You’re going the wrong way! The private jet boarding is this way!”
We turned to the opposite direction and began to file Lance over to a big Jet sitting alone on the runway. The steps to board were down and a woman was standing next to them.
“Wait…Mom?” I called as I ran over and threw my arms around her. Her light blonde hair was pulled back into a high pony on the top of her head and her sea green eyes were bright and sparkling.
“I’m so glad you’re okay darling!” she cried and I pulled away for a second.
“Wait, call for an update…," I muttererd, as I remembered the diary entry from my dream, realization hit me. "Zane, were you giving my mother updates about me?”I asked and his face turned from confusion to shock.
“I was giving updates to my supervisor, from my training facility; I had no idea that it was your mother.”
I gasped and looked up into my mom’s sparkling eyes, “Mom, you knew?”
She nodded her head solemnly, “Yes, and I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything dear, but a part of me hoped that the dreams would go away, that you could stay safe.”
“Oh mom, I missed you!” I cried as I pulled her into an embrace again.
“Oh, I missed you too honey. You look lovely,” she said and I looked down at myself and saw I was still wearing my white evening gown, but it was caked in mud, grass and blood.
“Thanks,” I said then turning to Sierra I whispered, “sorry for ruining your dress.”
“It looked lovely while it lasted,” Sierra said and I pulled her into my hug with my mother. Just then, then sky broke above us and it began to pour rain. “Just like in the movies,” Sierra shouted over the heavy rain and I smiled.
“Only the corny ones!” Stephanie called back, but even she wore a smile on her perfectly glossed lips.
“I love you guys!” I called to all of them as I spun around and pulled them all into a group hug.
“You guys are wrinkling my sundress!” Stephanie protested but she didn’t pull away and Zane let out a laugh.
“It’s pouring rain out and you just crawled through a garden, wrinkles are the least of your worries.” We all burst into happy laughter and joined our arms together as we walked towards the jet.
“Here are the passports,” Lance said as he reached into his bag and hand one to each of us.
I read the top of it that said, ONE WAY: VENICE then called out, “We’re going to Italy?!”
Stephanie gave me a quick, excited nod and then added, “Aren’t you happy I had you wait now?” I let out a laugh and pulled them back into an embrace.
“You know what?” I asked them and they looked up at me with questioning eyes. “If there’s anyone who I have to run for my life with, I’m glad it’s you guys.” Everyone laughed with me and gave my shoulders an extra squeeze of agreement.
Life can be hard. I should know that better than anyone. Another quality of life is that it’s weird. It’s weird because you think you know what’s going to happen then there’s a twist and next thing you know you’re all turned around and life isn’t so good anymore. But the biggest quality about life is that everything happens for a reason. There must be a reason why one minute I am fine and the next minute I’m running for my life. There must be a reason why I met the people I did and why I’m boarding a one way flight to Italy. There must be a reason… and there probably is, but right now, I’m not wasting my time figuring it out.
I gave my friends one last squeeze then picked up my luggage from the gravel and hurried after them.
“Are you the Charard family?” A perky flight attendant asked and I looked around at my friends.
“Yes, I’m Summer Charard and this is my family.” The flight attendant smiled and stepped back to allow us to board.
“Welcome to your one way flight to Venice, Italy. If there’s anything I can get you during the flight, simply call. My name is Doreen and I’ll be your flight attendant today. Please feel free to sit wherever you want and fasten your seatbelts for takeoff. Enjoy your flight,” Doreen finished by flashing us a smile as a man took our luggage and moved into a back compartment of the plane.
I let out a sigh as I plopped down into one of the comfy seats and fastened the seat belt around my slim waist. Zane took the seat next to me and my mom raised her eyebrows questioningly. “Looks like we have a lot to catch up on,” she said and I felt my cheeks blush bright red as Zane laughed with her.
Stephanie took her seat gracefully and patted the seat next to, motioning for Lance to join her. His smile widened and he rushed over to join her, causing her to smile back happily. I looked over and saw Sierra and my mom already deep in conversation as the both wrapped the seat belts around their own waist’s.
I sighed as I leaned over and put my head on Zane’s shoulder. “I missed you,” I said as I looked up into his bright blue eyes. “I missed you too,” he replied and bending down, he gave me a kiss. A kiss so sweet that it wiped away the events of the past weeks, it made me go back to the time when we’d fist kissed and I felt my lips smile under his.
“Please prepare for takeoff,” Doreen’s voice called as Zane’s pulled away and smiled at me. Surrounded by my family and friends I felt the plane begin to lift in the air, leaving my old life behind, a life that I knew I was going to miss. But I was starting a new life, and somewhere deep inside me, I knew I was going to like this one a lot better.
Book 2, The Runaway, Coming Soon! Please Heart/Comment/Message with what you think of it! :)
Text: No part of this book is to be redistributed or re-used in any manor. All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 22nd 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-sppellerd |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-seirra-honeycutt-daddy-039-s-little-girl/ | seirra honeycutt Daddy's little girl spoiled brat
Chapter one
I put on my shortest skirt with my halter top making sure that you could see my tats which was hard because I only had three. A heart with my name on it on my right shoulder had a chain that wrapped around my ankle and another chain around my left wrist. I combed my hair that stopped just below my shoulder blades I was smearing on some lip gloss when the train jerked to a stop. I let a deep sigh and looked at myself in the mirror again. I still could not believe my mom was actually doing this. She always threatened that if I didn’t get my act together that she was sending me to live with my dad I thought she was just saying that to be saying something but last week when she found out that my new boyfriend was the biggest gangsta in Hawaii she lost her dame mind and put me on the first plane to Atlanta. You would have at least thought that she was going to tell the man that I existed but no she was leaving all that to me. I took another deep breath before leaving the bathroom and got off the train. Well at least she gave me the address still can’t see why she didn’t just come she gave me enough money for a hotel for a few days and that was it so I was going to say fuck it and go directly to Kendall ( My dad ) and keep the money. I left the train station and fond Kendall’s address easily it was a pretty hose on a busted up block there were two dudes on the porch they looked just alike. I looked down at the sheet of paper to make sure that this was the right address it was so I took a deep breath and walked to the bottom step of the porch and look up at them both. I looked at the back of the paper then looked back up at the two who was looking at me like I was about to put the dogs on them “ya’ll know where I can find a Kendall smith” I asked they looked at each other then at me.
“That’s me what can I do for you” the older man said I smiled then sat down on the bottom step then looked in my bag and pulled out my birth certificate then handed it to him he looked a little hesitant then he glanced at it for a while. Then his head snapped up fast and the boy next to him asked “what is it” Kendall just stared at me then at the paper then back at me “What’s your mothers number” he asked while he pulled out his cell I shrugged then told him “it’s 404-396-7571 but she’s probably at work” I said glancing at my watch “you can try to call her though” I said before I even finished the sentence I could hear the phone ringing. I rolled my eyes then looked at the boy who was staring at me “what the hell are you starring for do I have a booger or sum?” I asked he glared at me then just as he was about to say something Kendall bust out the front door screaming on the phone “what the hell you mean that you didn’t think it was for the best to tell me that I had a dame daughter!” he paused and listened for a while the he started yelling again “so you didn’t tell me I had a kid until you got tired of taking care of her and shipped her to my house without telling me?!” “Hey!! That’s what I said to that was kinda fucked up” I said but he just ignored me I shrugged mama took my phone when she found out that I was going out with big red she also watched my ass like white on rice I couldn’t even piss without her asking where the hell I was she didn’t let me outside to even check the mail box. This is the first time that I really got the chance to check my messages I had 600 messages (which really meant that I had six. The first one was from big red “hey baby girl were the fuck are you call me back.” The second was from Matt “hey its ya boy you know you can’t do this shit to me hit me up” the third was from Kent “girl you got everybody bout to jump my ass cause you want nowhere to be found call me girl don’t make me come come to you house and tap that ass HAHAHA” I rolled my eyes and deleted the rest of the messages without looking at them then I got up I looked at Kendall who was still in a heated discussion with my mom then walked to the side walk and dialed big reds number he picked up on the third ring and blasted my ass “ yo where the hell you been ma you got a nigga goin crazy and shit look meet me at the spot aiiight “ “umm red that’s my mama found out that me and you were hooked and shipped my ass to Atlanta to live with my dad I just got here like 10 minutes ago” I told him he smacked his teeth then said “ man come on with the bullshit look imma be down there to get you and I tell everyone why you went awall shit I gotta do that thing any way I just do in the ATL imma hit you up later” he said “ok love you” I said “love you to” then the call disconnected I smiled the looked up to Kendall who was staring at me I jerked my head whets up and he just raise an eyebrow I went back to where I kept my bag then doug around until I found what I was looking for when my hand touched the packed I yelled “AHA” then took it out and pulled out the swab and swiped my moth with it the I held the other one out to Kendall and said “ look I know it may seem bitchy but im not going to waste my time wondering if your my dad so swab your mouth so I can send this bad boy out and I can either be a part of your life or out of it” I said this with a straight face he smiled then did what I said I sealed the package then put it in the mail.
chapter 2
It’s been two weeks sense I have been to see my so called father. He said when he got the results back he would come by to read it together but he hasn’t yet. Mom was mad about it because she said I needed to be in school instead of doing god knows what at the hotel. I decided to go to the mall and spend some money. He he. I hoped into the shower then brushed my teeth. I hadn’t unpacked my suite case so I just looked through it to see what I could wear. I put on my oink matching bra and underwear set then put on my grey tru religion pants that had black stitching on the so I put on a black Hollister shirt with my grey and black jordans.i let my hair out of the pony tail it was in and ran my fingers through it. I sprayed some perfume and applied some lip gloss. I looked at my refection and nodded at my appearance.
“I look good” I said out loud I took y=the bus to the west end mall. It was pretty small but hey I’m not complaining .just as I saw a store I wanted to go in a group of guys passed. Only one caught my eye. He was about 5”5” which was way taller than me. He had a curly afro with a gold strip on the side. He reminded me of a dark Hershey bar. I raised my eyebrow straining to see the sleeve of tattoos on his arm. Just as I gave up and was about to walk toward rue 21 one of his friends tapped his arms then pointed at me. He turned his head to look in my direction then smiled and nodded what’s up. Me not being the shy type smiled and winked in response. He lifted an eyebrow then started making his way to me. I took the time to examine his walk I smiled he had swagger. Just then he stopped in front of me.
“What’s up ma?” he asked
“Just browsing ya know” I replied looking him up and down
He chuckled then his friends started making their way to me
“Why you always stopping to talk to these broads?” one of his friends asked he looked like he was about to say something when I lifted my hand to stop him.
“One” I said “I am nobody broad and two you’d probably get stopped to if you’d learn some fucking manners” I retorted which was meet with a round of “ooohhhs and dames”
The guy looked like he had just swallowed a lemon the way his face twisted while cutie just chuckled. I was about to walk away when the cutie grabbed my arm. I looked down at my arm then back at him.
“If you break it you buy it.” I said with a smile he chucked some more then it go but before I could go anywhere he took my hand and pulled me closer to him
“Then I guess roc is at your service and I promise if I break you I won’t have to buy you” he said with a wink whatever I thought fake ass want to be thug
I walked off and finally made it into rue21 when my phone started to ring I knew it was my mom because her ring tone is boyz 2 men mamma I took a deep breath then answered it
“Hello” I asked
“Where you are your dad is at your hotel room and you ant there.” She said
I sighed “I’m on my way” I said
“ don’t think I won’t come down there and knock some fucking sense into you immani huffing and puffin like you dun forgot who the hell you were talking to let me tell you something don’t let Atlanta get your ass tow out the frame ya hear?” I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone I continued to walk through the mall buying anything I liked because even though ma might have given me enough money for the hotel big red made sure I always had money in my pockets I smiled thinking of him. I called a cab no way in hell was I riding the bus with all these fucking bags when the cab pulled up and helped me get my bags into the car I decided I missed big red enough to give him a call. He ha changed the dial back tone on the phone to be my wifey by tyrese so I was jamming in the back of the cab I didn’t even notice that he had picked up the phone until I heard him chuckle
“I like that you love your new ring tone” he said
“Don’t play you know I love me some tyrese” I said
“Look I ant gone tell you no mo you need to chill dat shit” he warned me I rolled my eyes as we pulled in front of the hotel
“And I told you about that jealousy shit” I shot back although I knew red was crazy as shit I refused to bag down from that nigga
He let out a big sigh then apologized I rolled my eyes again and started to put my bags on the trolley thing as I made my way to my room I continued to talk on the phone I walked in my room cracking up at red telling me how he went to mats house and ate what he thought was chocolate which turned out to be a laxative I loaded all my bags on the floor in the room while I was trying to put some order to the room there was a knock on the door I told red id call him back
“Don’t be lying either immani you better or –“
“Or what?” I asked cutting him off as I opened the door to see Kendall with a white envelope in his hand I moved out the way so he could get in.
“Or when I see you I’m gone hug you to death” he said like he was telling me about a terrist attack and the 1 time was listing I laughed
“Bye fool” I said he laughed to and they told me he loved me I said it back
Kendall was sitting on the couch reading the letter
“So what’s the verdict” I asked he liked up with angry eyes
“You are my daughter. why the fuck would she keep you from me” he asked
Text: dont copy Images: google Editing: me(sorryZ) Translation: 444444444444444 All rights reserved. Publication Date: February 19th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-honeycutt246 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-k-c-baylor-inheritance/ | K.C Baylor Inheritance A Family Affair This book is dedicated to my mother for believing in my dream of becoming a writer. She has inspired me and mentions the Bordeaux's years after their creation. I love you for it.
Family Business
A picnic seemed just about right on this colorful spring day on the hills of Rochester, New York. So that is where Julian took his new wife. Soft linen cover spread perfectly beneath a weeping willow. A nice selection of green grapes on the vine and four blocks of cheese lie neatly beside a freshly baked loaf of bread and his beautiful wife's favorite cinnamon rolls hid neatly wrapped inside of a napkin. Julian pressed his fingers gently against Harmony's eyelids her black hair blew against his face and neck as he led her toward his surprise picnic.
"Julian are you going to tell me where we're going I'm afraid I may fall soon" her voice was playful.
"Your fear of falling suggests that you have no faith in your husband" the wind caught the raspberry scent of her skin encircling them in a moment Julian would never forget.
"Keep your eyes closed until I say open." he needed to see her eyes light up. He lye on his side resting his head in the palm of his hand waiting anxiously..
"Open" Harmony revealed her cat like green eyes. The dimples in her cheeks appeared as she smiled
"Do you like it?" Harmony pressed her painted lips against her husbands; massaging her slender fingers through his dark brown curls she whispered the words
"I love it" into his parted mouth. The happy couple reminisced on their wedding day sharing laughs, cheeses, fresh bread and bottled wine. Speaking of dreams yet to be fulfilled and nights yet to come to pass.
The time spent with her was time not spent thinking about his career. He was now the President of his families company. For 100 years his great-grandfather, grandfather and father have imported and exported fine Linens, Silks and Raw Leather all across the globe. As tradition in his family, the first male child born inherits the company upon being married on his thirtieth year of life. Julian risked being over looked for this guaranteed career being thirty-three. His heart would not allow him to marry a woman, any woman for the sake of money. His father pleaded his case to his grandfather not wanting to let this "wonderful opportunity" slip into the hands of his cousin William. Thankfully William was twenty-seven at the time of his fathers request giving Julian three years to find Harmony.
As unusual as this may sound Julian knew Harmony was his wife before he saw her face. Early one morning when the sky was still splashed with the colors of dawn he was out walking going over and over in his mind what path life would take without his chosen career. His feet led him to a familiar, wooded area deep in Letch worth State Park, close to the lapping waters of the Genesee River. The slight smell of raspberries following the sound of a guitar melody caught his attention; no matter how close he got to the sound he couldn't fine the person who made it. Finally deciding to sit back and enjoy what he heard, he rested against a tree wondering how long the person would play or if the smell of raspberries came from them. The sound of a woman singing softly broke his thoughts. Her voice carried a tone of sorrow and utter heartbreak. Several moments later the music stopped. Julian saw the image of a thin woman emerge from behind a tree. Her long, wavy black hair danced around her face and shoulders while her burgundy wrap skirt chased itself around her legs. Julian could not see her face but something told him she was beautiful. He forced himself to be bold enough to speak to the mysterious woman. Seeking words but finding none his hand reached up and brushed her shoulder. Her eyes caught him off guard. They were sad and piercing. She stood there waiting for him to speak, when he didn't she walked out of the park and his life until two weeks later when he saw her again buying fresh produce from an outside vendor. Julian admired her beauty from a distance. There were a thousand things he wanted to say floating inside of his head, but his vocal cords would not participate. So he bought a
single sunflower, attaching his number on a tiny yellow posted he never left home without in the center of the long stemmed reminder of the sun. He carefully placed it inside of her basket and walked to a nearby bench to wait for her reaction. It seemed like forever before she noticed the flower but the amusement in her eyes was worth it. She searched around for a possible culprit finally resting her eyes on Julian he smiled too afraid he'd appear arrogant if he waved. She returned his smile reaching in her basket for the sunflower. She inhaled one good time before walking shyly in his direction.
"I'll call you tonight" the words slipped over her shoulder quite like a satin bathrobe when ones about to take a shower leaving Julian in a state of infatuation.
Three hours later on the drive back to what they called the "House on the hill" Harmony noticed a change in Julian's mood
"What's bothering you? You seem a thousand miles away"
"I'm just nervous about tomorrow. I've always been on the receiving end of leadership and tomorrow I'm expected to lead." He gave her a reassuring smile.
"I have every confidence that my husband Julian Anthony Bordeaux will be the best President from a line of very great Presidents" Julian could not help but laugh at her exaggeration. Twenty minutes later they were walking into their partially decorated house to a ringing telephone.
"What do you think? Should I get it?"
"If you won't I will" she ran her fingers through the back of his hair as she walked in the direction of the telephone.
"Sure, he's right here" Julian knew who it was without her saying a word.
"Hello dad"
"Julian, I'm sorry for interrupting you. I was just calling to see if you were prepared for tomorrow." His father's tone of voice was always the same, serious. Julian could not remember a time when it hasn't been.
"I'm prepared as I'll ever be just hoping the family business doesn't end with me" he gave a nervous laugh stopping when he realized he was laughing alone.
"Ok son, I'll meet you there in the morning be sure to wear suit and tie, your employees will respect you more if you do so."
"Sure dad, Goodnight" He hung up with his father feeling much worse then when he started. Everything with his father has always been business or negotiating, even down to getting married to his mother. Which is why Julian has vowed never to let the family business harden him or to rule his every decision.
Julian began undressing on his way to find Harmony although it was not quite six he wanted to slip into his favorite worn linen pajama bottoms. Harmony's guitar could be heard in the middle bedroom where they both decided would be her music room. Shirtless and comfortable in his linen pants he entered the presence of his wife sliding his body on the floor beside her. With every strum of her guitar melting away the conversation with his father taking all of his concerns about tomorrow with it. Julian did not know how she did it, how she managed to take him to a place where only they dwelled, where everything was light and carefree.
The following morning Julian was all nerves standing in front of his office.
"Charles Manning this is my son Julian Bordeaux. Julian, Charles will be your assistant as he's been mine for the past six years. Whatever you need talk to Mr. Manning here and he'll work it out." Julian shook Charles' hand; he met him in passing on two other occasions.
" Mr. Manning may I have a word with my son please?"
" Sure I'll be in the office if anyone needs me." Charles looked well put together Julian noticed that right away.
"Now listen Julian I have to go, but if you need me call me on my home office phone. You'll be fine. For the first few days follow Mr. Manning's lead." Julian thought it was weird hearing his father call a man-years younger than himself Mister. Christoph Bordeaux practicing business etiquette twenty-four hours a day.
" No problem dad I'm sure I'll be fine." Julian reached out to shake his father's hand, which seemed fitting under the circumstances something that obviously pleased his father greatly. He stood in the hall watching his father disappear behind the steel door.
Charles sat on the edge of a polished cherry wood desk reading papers that may or may not have been important when Julian entered his office.
"So Julian or would you prefer Mr. Bordeaux?"
"Julian is fine"
"If you'd like I could introduce you to the employees or we could" Julian cut him off
"I already know them I've pretty much grown up with them. How old are you Charles?
Julian wanted to know things about the people he would have to spend hours around.
"Thirty-eight" the arch in his brow let Julian know he was curious as to where this conversation would lead.
" And are you married?"
"For how long?
"Five years, it'll be six next month"
"Any children?"
"Yes, a daughter"
"How old?" Julian had his back toward Charles he faced the window looking out over a tree-topped hill.
"She's three years old"
"And how much of this does my father know?" There was a long pause before his answer
"That wasn't a trick question Charles, I just would like for you to know that I'm Julian not Christoph. The way I plan on running this business is not the way my father has or his father for that matter. I strongly believe that I can maintain a camaraderie as well as a business professional relationship with the people I work with." Julian turned to face him giving a sincere smile to drive the point home.
"Well in that case I'm hungry as hell. This is about the hour I try to grab a bite to eat." The two men shared a laugh something Julian was sure never happened between Charles and his father.
At the end of the day, Julian accomplished a meeting with Chance Welling and Mac Byrd his partner. The drive home felt invigorating. It took almost everything in him not to call Harmony more than once. For the first time in his life, Julian felt powerful as if he could make things happen.
The smell of Italian sauces filled the rooms of the house as he entered his shared dwelling.
"Harmony?" there was no answer.
"Harmony?" Julian walked hesitantly into the dining area to find Harmony standing by the dining room table; she wore a sleeveless black evening gown hugging every curve of her body, a long split on the side revealed her creamy smooth skin. Her black hair was tied loosely away from her face, just the way he liked it. Flickering candles gave her a golden hue.
"What's all of this?"
"I just thought the President would like to enjoy a fine dinner and then his wife" Harmony's voice was barely above a whisper. A single sunflower sat in a clear crystal vase in the center of the table. Julian was forever amazed at the woman he married. He could not remember who walked over to whom or who kissed whom first. Harmony's soft lips pressed seductively against his, coaxing him into hypnosis, her fingers stroking the back of his neck slipping him further into fantasy making it harder to identify with reality. Julian traced the lining of her gown his hand sliding down the center of her back resting there, pulling her into him. It was almost as if Harmony knew how great his day had been. She pulled away from her husband.
"You're not allowed to have dessert before dinner, you know that." She gave his nose a light brush with her lips before taking her seat at the table.
"Sit with me, tell me all about your first day as President."
"My assistant Charles to my surprise is quite funny considering my father hired him." Julian allowed the white wine to roll around his tongue enjoying its taste before continuing.
"You'd be surprised to know how little my father actually knows about his employees"
"No I wouldn't be, especially after learning how little he knows of you and your mother"
Julian knew the words were not intended to hurt him but they did so much so he lost his appetite.
"I'm not really hungry, I'm going to go upstairs to change" He pushed away from the table dropping his napkin into his untouched plate of Alfredo.
"Julian I'm sorry, you know I did not mean any harm. I was out of line." He didn't know what hurt him more her speaking the truth or the truth it self. He faced his closet quickly unbuttoning his Bill Blass dress shirt a wedding gift from his father, placing it on its designated hanger. Harmony pressed her tear-streaked face against his shoulder, gently clutching his tank topped covered abdomen. Her warm breath could be felt against his shoulder blade as she whispered the words
"I'm so sorry" repeatedly.
"I'm not upset with you Harmony, you only stated a fact, It's the truth that hurt not your realization of it."
"I shouldn't have brought that up it was inconsiderate of me." Julian faced his wife, pain still lingering in his eyes. He wiped her tears with his fingertips. Before kissing her lips softly at first becoming hungrier with each touch of her mouth, the taste of her sweet skin met his tongue as he traced along her neck down to her shoulders. Her black evening gown pooled around her bare feet revealing the firmness of her breast, the sleekness of her stomach, the visible grace in her thighs and calves leaving him briefly in awe. He used his left arm to lift Harmony feeling her legs wrap around his waist he rested her body on the soft goose feathered comforter. Lifting himself enough to slip out of his tailored suit pants. Linked hand in hand Julian was reminded of a song Harmony once sang, "Forever locked into you" the words went. Harmony's hands wandered around his body willing him deeper inside of her. His lips found hers along with the sweat of each of their bodies. The power of the universe released from him sending tidal waves of pleasure from his body to hers.
The two lay in silent bliss, a mess of tangled limbs. Falling off to sleep within moments. Julian came to when he heard the telephone ringing
"Hello" he sounded a little disoriented not fully aware of the time.
"Hello son, Were you busy?" The tone of his mothers' voice was pleasant.
"I'm never to busy for a beautiful woman. How are you mom?"
"I'm fine, the question is how are you and your beautiful wife?
"We're good, I'm almost certain you've called about my first day of work how right am I?" Julian loved talking with his mother he often wondered why she stayed with his detached father.
"Well yes of course, I'm dying to know how well it went, your father said you looked like an established business man."
"I really liked it, it can give you a huge power rush"
"Power is fine Julian as long as you don't lose sight of what's most important, your family and the value of people." Her voice turned sad almost as if she were recalling something.
"I won't you don't have to worry about me mom I promise"
"Well is Harmony in? May I speak with her?"
"She's sleeping right now" Julian regretted saying that after hearing his mother's girlish giggling.
"Well tell her to call me when she awakes ok? Goodbye sweetheart" and just like that his mother was gone Julian placed the receiver back on its cradle. Gently getting out of bed careful not to disturb Harmony.
Hunger set in causing him to quickly put on his linen pajama bottoms. The curtains still closed tightly causing the dining room to appear darker than it really was outdoors. The candles were still burning. Julian took his untouched plate of the creamy Alfredo into the kitchen to reheat. Dipping fresh bread into garlic and herb olive oil while he waited. He was joined moments later by a barefoot Harmony.
"I guess I was wrong"
"About what?"
"About you having dessert before dinner."
Sticky Situation
Harmony rolled over to an empty bed. Julian placed a note beside her pillow saying he loved her and was holding his breath until he saw her again. A warm sensation flooded her body, which was really caused by the sun shining into the bedroom. She lay arms and legs outstretched a moment longer. Today was the day she was going to call her boss to let her know she was ready to return to work. She missed her students and wanted to see their progress since her absence. She taught music to children ranging in age from seven to fifteen.
"Hello, may I speak to Ms. Kelly please?"
"Sure who may I ask is calling?" Immediately Harmony recognized her friend Claire's voice.
"It's Mrs. Julian Bordeaux"
"Harmony, Oh my goodness how are you? It feels like I haven't talked to you in months. Susan's not in her office yet but if you'd like I can have her call you back." The excitement in her voice was genuine
"Will you please Claire? Now that Julian has started work I think it's time for me to come back to my students."
"Your crush just asked me when you'd be coming back. The way he asked you'd think he was thirty instead of fourteen." Harmony laughed. One of her students had a big crush on her. Michael made sure he was always on time, homework done on time and on every holiday he brought her a nice gift. It crushed him when she told the class she was getting married and for the first time, since he's been in her class Michael was absent for
two days. Julian thought her crush was adorable considering he had one on a friend of his mother's when he was thirteen.
Harmony hung up with Claire feeling inspired. She went into the kitchen for a quick breakfast of a small banana, a croissant and a glass of 2% milk. She decided to eat on the patio this morning wishing Julian were there to share the view. It overlooked the smaller houses down the hill. Julian loved the house because it made him feel like they were an island unto themselves. Isolated but yet still apart of the world. An aerobics class started at nine O'clock that gave her an hour to get there if she wanted to catch it. The drive was ten minutes so that left her with fifty minutes to get ready. After she finished her very quick meal, she discarded the waste in the garbage disposable before walking slowly, dramatically up the stairs to the bedroom. Harmony didn't allow herself to enjoy the warm water that escaped forcibly from the showerhead. Not wanting to stay there longer than really necessary. Dressing would be easy considering she was only going to the gym. A white tank top and blue wrap skirt should do it she thought.
The short drive ended too soon. The landscape was always beautiful. Weeping willows gently swayed seducing tourist to stay awhile longer. The car door slammed shut behind a jogging Harmony as she bounded the gym staircase. A strong stench of sweat and masculine musk filled her nostrils on her way to the women's locker room. Once inside, the voices of unfamiliar women filled the air as Harmony found a recently available locker. She began stripping her pale blue wrap skirt.
"Did you hear the news?" a red-haired, pale skinned beauty asked a tall, slender blonde
"You know I haven't, I don't know why you bother to ask" the two shared a quaint laugh before she continued.
"William has dumped his fiancé after he found out Julian really was getting married."
"Poor Elizabeth, she must feel horrible knowing a man would only marry her to inherit his families business" This time the laugh shared was very haughty and arrogant. Harmony turned quickly to face her locker wanting to avoid recognition from the two snobs.
Suddenly she did not feel much like aerobics but like calling Elizabeth. What could she say with out appearing arrogant herself? Maybe she could stop by after the class and maybe just maybe her words would find her then.
Newfound energy pressed Harmony in the direction of Elizabeth's home. A gentle breeze stroked the dark strands of her hair causing a chill to start from the nape of her neck down her spine to the tips of her toes. As the car pulled into the drive of the small single home with the brick walkway her nerves almost won the decision to drive away. Harmony noticed broken seashells in the lawn hidden between yellow and purple flowerbeds. She wondered if it were done purposely. Movement could be heard behind the door before she could ring the bell.
"May I help you?" a soft voice spoke through the door.
"I'm here for Elizabeth its Harmony" before she could finish saying her name the door opened. Elizabeth's countenance was much sadder than Harmony ever remembered. Her usual bouncy blonde curls were limp and lifeless and her once shimmering blue eyes were now dull.
"I was not expecting any company. I would have gotten dressed" Elizabeth showed obvious embarrassment as she stood aside for Harmony to enter. The house was near complete darkness all of the shades were pulled shut, dust dwelled here. She followed her into the living room sitting hesitantly; she declined the offer for a glass of water.
"I was stopping by to find out how you were"
"I'm ashamed isn't it obvious? Everyone has to know by now. Poor Elizabeth a pawn in William's silly power game." She flashed a sheepish grin right before she put her head down.
"You should not blame your self for William's blindness. You were the best girlfriend any man could have." Those words were sincere; anytime the two were together they were smiling and petting one another. Harmony remembered once thinking to herself that William and Elizabeth were probably as sickening as Julian and herself.
"Maybe I was to secure in my feelings for William, maybe he showed me signs that he was not in love with me."
"What do you mean?"
"His hate for Julian and Christoph was almost frightening. I remember once he told me he would do almost anything to inherit the families business. I guess that meant marrying me. He was going to ruin your wedding but I convinced him not to go." Tears appeared in her eyes as she told Harmony things she couldn't believe.
"He hates Julian? Why?"
"Harmony please don't be so naïve, William and his father have been left out of the family business, sure they will benefit from it's wealth but why would anyone settle for some when they can have it all? This was William's only shot and Julian got it. William said his father depended on this." Harmony sat back trying hard to take this all in. She wondered if Julian knew any of this she was sure he did, he would have to.
"Listen Elizabeth I was about to go to lunch, maybe you should go with me."
Harmony could since hope in her friend's eyes.
"I don't know, I haven't been out doors for almost three weeks"
"That is why it will be good for you and it's beautiful today, come on I'll help you get ready." Elizabeth stood from her seat and grabbed Harmony's hand cheerfully.
The air in the tiny bedroom was thick causing Harmony to gag when she entered. All to well had she known this feeling.
"Sit here, I'll be ready in a moment" Elizabeth directed her to sit on the edge of the bed as she began to dig in her closet for something to wear. She placed a pair of baggy sweatpants and a California T-shirt on the bed.
"Elizabeth, you've mourned for William enough, now it's time to move on." Harmony walked over to the armoire and moved hangers of clothing. Stopping when she spotted a pair of Marc-by-Marc Jacob jeans.
"Put these on" Harmony swung the jeans over her shoulder Her eyes fell on a cabbage green Halter shirt from Guess she was sure. She gently tugged the shirt from its hanger and passed it to Elizabeth.
"Where are your shoes?
"In my closet, I have a pair of Delman sandals to go with this shirt. It's in back of my pink stilettos." She was right the shoes did go perfectly with her shirt. When she came from the closet with the satin sandal Elizabeth was sitting fully dressed in front of her vanity holding a brush but not using it. Harmony stood behind her and slowly took the brush from her pained friend's hands and began stroking her hair gently. She noticed Elizabeth had a green, flower hair clip sitting in a small box. She swept her hair up into a ponytail holding it there with the hair clip. Harmony stood back to watch Elizabeth apply a small amount of makeup on her face and was shocked to see a pleasant difference from the girl who answered the door.
"Are you ready?" The two women headed out of the door and to the little café on the corner of Shannon Street.
The waiter came immediately to their table closest to the entrance.
"Do you ladies need a menu or are you ready to order" He flashed a million-dollar smile something she was sure got him the job.
"A menu would be nice, thank you" Elizabeth gave a weak smile.
"One for me also, please" the waiter handed them both a menu, smiled again and waited at a near by table.
"What are you having?" Harmony asked Elizabeth not knowing what else there was to talk about. She flagged the waiter back to their table.
"I think I'll have a grilled turkey sandwich on toasted wheat with a small salad, tomato and garlic vinaigrette and a glass of raspberry ice tea."
"I'll have the same please all but the raspberry tea, I'll have a glass of ice water with a wedge of lemon."
"Sure ladies, your order will be ready shortly, I'll just go get your drinks while you wait" He walked quickly into the restaurant leaving the women with silence and a sense of unease.
Julian sat at his desk watching the clock it was almost time for lunch. He finished looking over the production team an hour earlier. Charles was out picking up lunch for them both at a place he said was sure to become Julian's favorite. He picked up the telephone to dial Harmony, when he didn't get an answer he left a message on the answering service for her to get back to him when she got in. A light knock on his office door caught him off guard.
"Come in" The man on the other side of the door was his father, looking reserved in a custom made double-breasted suit in black with silver pinstripes. His black and silvering hair was freshly cut closer to his scalp than usual Julian noticed
"Hello son, Is everything here ok?" His father slipped his hands into his pants pockets never stepping completely into the office.
"Yes, as a matter of fact it's going great, I'm just waiting for Charles to come back with lunch." Julian examined his fathers face sure that wasn't the reason he was there.
"Well I came to tell you that I'll be going to Tokyo to handle a little business. I'll be away for two weeks and just thought you should keep an eye on your mother."
"Does mom know your going?" Julian felt weird his father never told him when he was leaving on business he always found out through his mother.
"Well no, she's at her sister's until this evening" His fathers expression never changed
"Well I'm sure you can call her at Aunt Marilyn's" this time Julian looked his father directly in his eyes.
"I've thought of that, but I don't want to trouble her so if you could son you can wait for her to get home and then tell her for me." Christoph's tone was matter of fact leaving no more room for discussion. With that, he turned leaving Julian's office, closing the door quietly behind him. No more than five seconds later Charles came in carrying a "Charluche's" bag.
"Are you ok? You look a little funny" Charles placed the bag on the cherry wood desk
"I'm fine 'Charluche's' that's an interesting name for a restaurant" Julian tried to keep his voice light. He would call his mother after lunch to see what was going on. For the moment he enjoyed his meal of the best chunky chicken soup with egg noodles and a chicken Caesar salad with peppercorn and shredded Monterey cheese he's ever tasted.
"Hey Charles this is pretty good" Julian admitted
"I know, my wife discovered this place a few years ago and I get a commission for bringing in new customers" Charles smirked
"Do you really?"
"No, but I should. I saw your dad leave earlier, is everything ok? You seemed a little distraught when I came back with lunch."
"Oh no everything is fine I was just thinking about a phone call I have to make"
When lunch was over Julian waited for Charles to close the door behind himself before he called his mother at her sisters.
"Hello Aunt Marilyn, is my mother around?"
"Sure is sweetheart, how is everything going with that new job over there?"
"I'm loving it." Julian didn't feel much like the small talk at the moment especially with his father going on business trips and not telling his mother.
"Yes Julian is everything ok?" His mother's voice was pleasant making him dread telling her his father's news.
"Dad just wanted me to let you know he's going to Tokyo on business." Julian didn't want his tone of voice to bias his mother's reaction.
"To Tokyo? That's fine. Thank you very much Julian for calling me. Tell your wife to call me when you get home ok. Goodbye." His mother hung up before he had a chance to respond. It was obvious she was hurt but for what? Julian wondered. The telephone rang again before he could reflect on his parents' odd behavior.
"Hello Is Julian Bordeaux in?" The voice was all too familiar to Julian
"Yes, William how may I help you?" Julian sat back in his soft leather high back chair.
"I need to speak to you. Is there any chance I can come to the office say in about a half an hour?"
"Sure, I'll be here" Julian was almost curious about Williams' call. Especially since he has not spoken to him in over two-months and he didn't attend his wedding. He could not necessarily say it hurt his feelings either. The two never got along for reasons even Julian was unsure of. He remembered once when they were boys, around seven and ten maybe and William was getting a dog. All he could talk about was the puppy he was getting an English bulldog, So Julian went home and asked his father if he could have a dog too. His father's original answer was no until he heard that his brother Jackson was getting one for William. When William heard that he was getting a dog as well, he pulled him into the back yard and yelled
"You only want a dog because of me. You and your dad always get everything." And he stormed off into the house. Julian remembers telling his father that he didn't want the dog anymore, and Christoph left it at that.
The time flew by, before Julian knew it the clock read one. A stern knock on the door broke his concentration.
"Come in" the door swung open harder than Julian expected bringing him to his feet.
"Listen up Julian, Keep your wife away from Elizabeth." William walked over to Julian's desk. His demeanor was of a snake slithering from hell.
"I don't need her starting any trouble." William was standing behind Julian now, so close he could feel his breath swaying the hairs on the back of his neck. His words were spoken slowly, threatening.
"William I don't know what your problem is but I can't stop my wife from seeing anyone." Julian walked around his desk having his obviously annoyed cousin standing behind him made him uneasy. The look William was giving him was unmistakable.
"I don't need her giving Elizabeth any ideas."
"Is this really about my wife or is this about me and you William. I don't know what your problem is. Get it off your chest." Julian's voice escalated something he did not want to happen while he was at work but he couldn't control himself. This would surely upset Christoph. A true businessman never raises his voice he never has to according to his father, but his father wasn't here right at this moment with an outraged cousin staring him in his.
"Get over yourself Julian. They were out having lunch today at a café. Harmony has never hung out with Liz before and I just don't think she should do it now, ok?"
"Fine William, I'll talk to her when I get home but I must let you know I'm not making it a habit to tell my wife who she may have as friends." The sarcasm in his tone was obvious. William walked out of the office with out saying goodbye. Today was not going as nicely as he had hoped. Yesterday went so much smoother.
Leaving the office today was rushed, with everything that went on there. Harmony never returned his call, which made him curious about what she was out doing. It was unlike her to not call him back especially if he asked her to. There was her white 1997 altima parked outside of the garage. Something about that made him uneasy especially with his cousin's earlier visit. He parked his car behind hers and walked quickly into the house. To be greeted by his wife along with Elizabeth sharing a glass of cranberry juice. Relief flooded his torso.
"Hello honey" Harmony flirted with her eyes. Making Julian wish she wasn't entertaining company.
"Hello, how are you Elizabeth? I'm sure there is something really amazing cooking in the kitchen with two amazing women here to cook it right?" He teased only half-serious
"We're eating out tonight. I just spoke with your mother on the telephone and she has invited us over for dinner." This was great at least now he could talk to his mother in person.
"I'll go change, I should only take a second" Julian began loosening his tie as he headed toward the stairs. He could feel his wife's eyes on his back. He was very anxious for the time they would spend alone later that evening. As he promised he came down the stairs moments later wearing a pair of comfortable khaki pants, a pastel colored plaid button down, and his black Italian leather oxfords. Something his wife loved to see him in. Her eyes lit up when she noticed one of her favorite outfits.
"Is everyone ready? We can take my car since I parked behind yours honey. I need you to pull your car into the garage before we leave ok?" The three headed toward the door surprised to see William walking along the walkway. Clearly in shock himself to see Elizabeth with them, he stopped in his tracks.
"What are you doing here?" He spoke with callus
"I'm no longer any of your concern remember William. I can go where I want." She walked past him to stand near Julian's car.
"Why are you hanging out with them? Julian I thought I told you to keep your wife away from her" Harmony looked over at her husband clearly not understanding what he was talking about. William walked over to Elizabeth and reached for her arm
"I don't know what you're trying to prove Liz but the game is over"
"You're crazy, I'm not the one playing any games. Let go of my arm before you hurt me."
"Fine, do what you want." With those words William let her arm go and walked down the hill to his car Julian assumed.
"William wait" when he wouldn't stop Elizabeth followed behind him. Harmony called after her stopping when Julian touched her arm. The two stared long after they were out of sight. The long car ride was silent; neither of the two knew what to say after the scene witnessed back at their house. Harmony was the first to break the silence
"When did William speak to you?"
"He came to my office around one o'clock saying he saw you having lunch with Elizabeth. Something he didn't think was a good idea." Julian could sense something was on his wife's mind but thought it over before prying it out of her. His mother met them on the front porch.
"Where is Elizabeth?" she asked kissing Harmony on her cheek.
"With William. It's a long story,” Julian answered for his wife. All of the memories of child hood came back to him when he entered his old home. The only difference in the house was the living room set. Now white leather covered the antique chairs he remembered, the dark oak finished coffee table that could also be used as a linen or comforter chest was still there much to his pleasure.
"Something smells wonderful mom" Those words always bought a smile to his mother’s lips. Madelyn loved cooking. Using her spare time to pick up the trade when his father was away on the numerous business trips he had to attend.
"Thank you my sweet boy. Tonight for the two of you I made a wonderful wild rice beef stew with homemade focaccia a recipe I've learned from Chef Fausto Oneto's cookbook."
"Well it smells absolutely delicious" Harmony wrapped her arm around his mother’s waist and followed her into the commodious kitchen. Where they giggled like schoolgirls reunited.
A single purple flower was placed on each of the dinner bowls. The wineglasses were already filled with red wine. Chardonnay he was almost certain, that was the only red wine his mother drank. One untouched plate was too familiar to both Julian and his mother, this time it was empty because of Elizabeth. Madelyn walked around the table filling the bowls with her stew. Sitting only after hers was filled.
"I hope you two enjoy it" His mother never tasted her food first only after the spoons reached their mouths and a comment was given would she enjoy her own food.
"This is excellent Madelyn." Harmony was not quite use to calling her mother yet.
"And you Julian?" She looked his way. He let the hearty stew enter his mouth and found himself amazed at her work.
"I love it. This is by far the best thing I've eaten all day." Satisfied with their compliments she allowed herself to enjoy her food. This ritual was picked up Julian was sure from her never knowing what his father would say about her cooking.
"Julian, I called my boss today to let her know I was ready to come back to work. Claire told me that Michael is already asking about me." This was no surprise; they both discussed her going back to teach when he started at the company.
"Who is Michael?" his mother asked confused.
"Michael is a fourteen year old student who has a huge crush on Harmony" His mother’s laugh was like music to his ears.
"I'm sure my son has told you all about the crush he had on my friend Belinda she had dark hair similar to yours, and the prettiest brown eyes. He would follow her around the house trying to get every thing for her from pillows to water. It embarrassed his father so badly I had to send him to my sister's when she came to visit." They all laughed in unison. He reminded himself to thank his wife for the excellent dining choice for the
evening. They all shared stories of the past over dinner making them all forget about his father not being there to share it with them. After a wonderful dessert of strawberry swirled pound cake, Julian decided to call it a night.
"Mom thank you for such a great evening but I think it's time we headed home. We have a long drive ahead of us."
"Yes and with cooking like that Julian is sure to fall asleep behind the wheel. He ate more than enough shares." Harmony teased rubbing her small hand on his stomach making his mother smile.
"Ohhh, do you really have to go? There is more than enough room here." Madelyn invited knowing he couldn't.
"May be we can have you for dinner one day this week." Julian hated his father at times like this for leaving his mother alone in a house that was never completely a home. He almost accepted her offer not wanting to leave her alone in the oversized house.
"You two drive safely and please call me to let me know you've arrived ok"
"We will." Julian kissed his mother on her forehead before walking off the porch stairs toward his car, Harmony following closely behind. They both waved one last time as the car rolled out of the driveway and down the street.
"Why wasn't your father at dinner?" Harmony had to ask
"He came to my office asking me to tell my mother that he was going to Tokyo for two weeks on some kind of business matter." Julian thought when he took over the company it would leave his father with more time to spend with his mother but was sadly mistaken. He should have known his father would find other business ventures to participate in
"She'll be ok. I'll have her over for dinner on Thursday. Maybe I'll invite her to lunch tomorrow." Harmony's head lye on the headrest, she studied his face sensing his grief she stated softly
"Tonight is a lovely night to play the guitar don't you think? Maybe even on the veranda with the wind catching in our hair and the notes washing over us." That indeed sounded good to him. Hearing her play would definitely soothe his soul. Harmony was so many things wrapped into one beautiful package. The long drive home was not as quiet as before the two talked idly, never again mentioning his father's business trip or the loneliness of his mother. As they had promised, Julian gave his mother a call when they made it home. While he did that, his wife was changing her clothes. She came downstairs in a simple white peasant nightgown that rested on her thigh, so thin it was almost see through. She stood behind him pressing her breast against his back holding her guitar loosely in her fingers. She inhaled the scent of his skin, caught in a moment with her husband. Only after the moment had passed, did he go upstairs to change. Melodies from her guitar floated up to the bedroom, strumming the tune of a familiar song. Anxious to sit beside his wife he hurried to meet her on the veranda. Harmony sat on the floor leaving enough room between the wall and herself for Julian to sit behind her. He took his place wrapping his arms around her small frame. Her hair began to slow dance around his neck and face just in time to the music. The words of the song bought tears to his eyes. Something at the moment he wasn't ashamed to admit but it didn't matter because he was with the one person in the world who he could cry in front of and not worry about saving face.
"Beauty isn't in a picture, beauty isn't in your closet, when I think about beauty the only thing I find is that beauty defines you. The way that you smile, the way that you laugh, the way you walk away and gotta look back." The words to her song overwhelmed him not because of her amazing voice, not because she was the person singing it but because the reality of his father never telling his mother those words, not once that he could remember. In his house there was no affection from his parent’s not real affection not the kind of affection that lovers have when it takes the will power of an army to keep you from wanting to touch that person. His parents were always polite to one another almost frighteningly so. Displaying kisses in front of relatives at family functions or in front of
him pre high school years. Julian could not remember seeing his father laugh except once when he was asking him so many questions about God around the age of five or six. The laugh that erupted from his father was a genuine one. That memory stuck out in his mind because his father has never done that before that or after for that matter. There are so many questions he wanted to ask his mother but the fear of insulting her or hurting her feelings kept him from doing so. Why is my mother sitting alone in a big house right now? After his father has no more business to run is the question that keeps repeating over and over again in his head. Julian was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice when the music stopped or that a damn broke loose releasing tears long over due. Harmony silently wiped her husband's eyes asking no questions, offering no words of wisdom or advice just wiping silently, something worth all its weight in gold.
Shortly after, the couple went up the stairs to bed. Harmony curled her body into a ball of comfort much like kittens do to humans. He stroked her back gently thankful for her presence. Moments later their breathing was synchronized. The sounds of crickets chirping somewhere in the bushes blended perfectly. The light of a dying candle flickered out signaling the promise of a new day in the morning.
Julian awake to an alarm clock that was recorded in his own voice some gadget his aunt Marilyn thought would be cool for him to own. He looked over to see his wife still pretty close to him, he hated leaving her alone for the majority of the day but was reassured thinking of her having lunch with his mother at noon. The time was seven in the morning a time where most birds in their right mind were still sleeping. His body was becoming familiar with his new sleeping and rising patterns something he began three weeks before he took over the family business. Using his early rising time to study the Wall Street Journal, he learned how well his shares were doing. A quick shower would have to do if he had any plans on eating breakfast and catching a glimpse of the paper. The temperature of the water was inviting; it felt like a thousand little hands tapping into all of your pressure points. His choice of suit today was simple, a black Hugo Boss with his favorite royal blue silk button down. To pull his entire look together he put on a royal blue and gray-stripped tie. The best part of his job was the sense of importance you felt walking out of the house in a suit everyday.
After spending too much time reading the paper Julian scribbled I Love You to Harmony on a white posted with a purple butterfly in the corner and stuck it onto the refrigerator. There was no early morning traffic on the back roads of the house, which meant he still had a good chance of getting there on time. His car phone began ringing.
"Hello, Julian it's your Aunt Marilyn " Her voice was soft but alert.
" Good morning" this was truly unexpected.
"I needed to speak to you about your mother. She doesn't know I'm calling you and I want to keep it that way. I figured now would be a good time to catch you." Julian became concerned what could his Aunt possibly have to say about his mother.
"She is very happy about you being President of your families company, but she has nothing to do now that you're off starting your own family. Your father is still making business moves. " She paused for a moment, which made him even more anxious what could this call possibly be about.
"Is there something wrong with my mother?" he tried to coach the information out of her.
"Oh no, no, no I just wanted to see if you could clear your schedule for you and I to have lunch and possibly discuss your mother taking a vacation or a trip. She's been doing so much for everyone else that she has forgotten about herself." Well if that was all his aunt wanted to talk to him about then that was definitely fine with him.
"Sure Aunt Marilyn just call my office and let my assistant Charles know that I wanted to clear a lunch date with you and he will set everything up ok?" He felt a lot better now pulling into his reserved parking space. A few of the employees stood outside near the entrance smoking a cigarette when he spoke they threw him an admirable smile.
"They must be born with class." One of the men said when they thought he was no longer in earshot. He was wrong because he could hear but he was happy to hear it from someone other than his mother for a change. Instead of taking the private elevator, he took the long way. The men he's seen a hundred times before working for his dad where now working for him. Julian pushed the doors of the shipping department open and walked through, displaying confidence something his father trained him to do since he was a young boy. He would walk the walk although he did not feel confident at all then. The smell of sweat was in the air a good sign that work was being done. A bronze bicep caught Julian's attention for a brief moment he thought he recognized the man with the cut off tee shirt. He walked around a shipping crate being filled with raw leather and waited for the man to face him. Just as he suspected the man with the dark brown hair and the scar above his left eyebrow was his old time friend from high school.
"Blain?" Nothing has changed about Blain he was still rugged and muscular something that brought him much popularity in their high school days.
"Julian, wow man, how are you?" Blain extended a hand after wiping sweat on his worn jeans. Julian gave him a friendly handshake.
"Follow me." Julian led him to a staircase leading to his office. Blain followed hesitantly at first. Once in the office he closed the door behind them.
"It's been how long? Thirteen years hasn't it?" Julian asked, Blain sat in the chair facing his desk much like someone would his or her boss. Julian stood in front of the wall-to-wall window. He did not want to intimidate his old friend or throw his weight around so to speak so he walked over to the chair beside his old friend and took a seat beside him.
"How's life treating you Blain?"
"Pretty good actually now that I'm working here. Your dad hired me about six months ago. I was working at an auto body shop before this but I'm trying to settle down start a family you know? Need security." Julian couldn't believe how much his old friend hadn't changed; it was fitting for Blain to work a job that would require his physical strength.
He used to say that all school was for was to force you to learn things that you wouldn't need later on in life. So even then he relied on his body to get him the things he needed.
"How are you liking it so far?" Julian was really interested in hearing his answer
"Man I'm loving it but if you ask my muscles at the end of the day they might tell you something different." The two men laughed the way old friends do.
"Hey Julian, I'm sorry I didn't come sooner to congratulate you on becoming President. I guess I didn't want to appear phony or like I was trying to get an 'in' some where."
"Oh, don't worry about it. I understand and besides I haven't seen you in over thirteen years I can't say I wouldn't have done the same."
"Well if you don't mind I would like to get back to what you pay me for" Blain stood up but didn't walk to the door until Julian gave the ok.
"Maybe we can do lunch sometime." Blain smiled nodding in agreement
"I'll set something up right after I talk to Ms. Washington." He gave his old friend the ok to leave the office making a note to meet with Ms. Washington. She was the company's accountant and she mailed him his latest expense and balance sheets. It was hard for Julian to believe that only a few short days ago he took over his families company.
Charles gave him the news of his first business trip to Italy, close to the end of the day. He was taking care of his hotel accommodations along with his passport information that would be sent over with a receipt form to be billed to the company. Julian was anxious to tell Harmony this information about his first meeting with Mr. Welling that he pushed the gas pedal a little harder.
Father's Secret
The crisp white sheets were crumpled under Christoph's frame. He lye in bed waiting for the call that would determine the rest of his day. For the first time in almost thirty years, he could focus on fun, no business venture for his brain to ponder over. The cotton sheets surrounded his body enticing him to stay there longer. He picked up the receiver to dial room service.
"I would like breakfast sent to my room." It was more like a command than a request.
"I'm having three cinnamon pancakes with maple syrup a side of scrambled eggs two strips of bacon and a glass of orange juice. I don't expect to be waiting long." He did not wait for a response before sitting the telephone back into its receiver.
Christoph's mind began thinking of Julian's expression when he asked him to tell his mother about his trip to "Tokyo." He was not expecting his son to challenge him on the matter. Julian had every right to question him because after all he had no business in Tokyo but more like interest in Italy. Although he promised his wife that there would be no more business trips, he found a reason to go to Italy. Christoph knew that marrying Madelyn was for his personal gain. He needed someone who would make things believable to his father, someone who did not know that they were being used so he went out in search of a bride. He found that woman; with a pretty face but not so pretty it was unbelievable, a nice smile and a body that was good enough that he could endure it for the next thirty years.
Madelyn had been everything a wonderful wife could be. She was loyal, faithful, smart, an excellent mother but he did not allow himself to get to attached to her because he only looked at her as a business associate. Christoph did the things a man would do for his wife. He took her out to dinner, bought her flowers and gifts; he even took her on a few of his business trips, she never once had to worry about anything. Whenever there were family functions, he made sure for the two weeks before the event he was romantic so as not to seem as if he was pretending in front of his family. The knock on the door let him know room service was here. He exuded power even in a room all alone; the flowers on the nightstand seemed to bow down to him. The thin frame of the bus boy took Christoph by surprise. Dark stringy hair, dull brown eyes that looked sunken in. His tall, lean frame barely fit into his over-sized uniform.
"Everything you ordered is there." His voice was high pitched; he was about seventeen or eighteen if Christoph had to guess.
"Thank you" He reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and slipped it to the help before pulling his tray inside and closing the door. The boy was pleased with the American bill. The food was good; not what he was accustomed to but not bad. A few bites into his meal and the telephone was ringing it could only be one person.
"Hello" His voice was softer than usual.
"Hello there how was your sleep?" The voice was low and seductive.
"My sleep was excellent, but being awake is proving better." He was definitely flirting he couldn't help it. The woman he was speaking with made him that way.
"I hope you're ready for my visit because I will be there shortly." The words that spilled from her mouth excited him more than she knew.
"How long will it take you I don't think I can wait any longer?" Christoph was aware of the pleading in his voice.
"Don't worry my love, I will be there soon. I know your room number. You just be there waiting for me." Her voice made him anxious she knew how to bring out something in him that no one he has ever encountered could. Her name was Michelle but she pronounced it Me-shell. Her beauty was not in the typical sense but more of an inward beauty that poured out and radiated everything she touched or came across. When she hung up, she left him thinking of the day they met four years ago. He was in Italy on business as usual when he noticed a woman walking by a bistro where he sat to eat. There was nothing remarkable about her except Christoph noticed her facial expression. Her eyes were peaceful her demeanor was approachable. His eyes followed her across the street where she sat on a bench and began to read. Despite his hunger he walked out of the bistro and slowly walked in her direction only partially aware of traffic. He sat beside her and stared at her in awe. For some strange reason, she did not think it odd a stranger staring directly into her face. She looked him in the eye and spoke softly.
"Hello, my name is Michelle. Would you like to share your name or did you have plans of letting me know how awkward I am by staring?
"I'm so sorry, I don't mean to be rude it's just you're" He sounded so puzzled something that he has never sounded before. For the first time in his life Christoph forgot about money or being powerful, but was totally captured by this woman's elegance and grace.
"It's my book right? Well if you'd like I can let you have it. I don't mind buying a new copy."
"No, no it's not your book. I'm sorry my name is Christoph and I noticed you from the bistro across the street. If it's not being extremely rude would you mind having lunch with me." To his surprise, she agreed and that is where a romance so intense like nothing he's ever experienced first started. Quite naturally she noticed the wedding band on his finger and asked him about it. For a brief moment lying was something he considered but
he instead opted for the truth he told her of his one-sided business arrangement with Madelyn. He also told her about Julian and the amazing thing about Michelle was that she sat listening, no interruptions, no judgment, just listening. That was the first and last conversation they had on his wife and son. She asked him all of the questions that she felt she needed to know and that was the end of it. He even showed her the two pictures of Julian he carried in his wallet. One was him as a small boy the other a college graduate.
Christoph quickly finished his breakfast taking a shower shortly after. Half an hour later a soft knock on the door made his heart speed up. He hasn't seen Michelle in over four months. He opened the door slowly. She stood on the other side of it with a smile so broad it was contagious. He took her by the hand and led her into the fairly large hotel room. He made sure the help put in fresh flowers and clean sheets while he showered. He stood there admiring her for a few moments before he slowly pulled her close to him in a long embrace. Her sandy blonde hair tickled his nose, her soft face pressed against his. She wore no makeup, which he loved because the beauty that she held within was enough to shine through any lipstick.
"I've missed you Chris. I've thought of your coming over and over. It could not have come fast enough." Her words were whispered.
"I've missed you too." Michelle was the only person in the universe who was allowed to call him Chris many have tried even down to his mother but was cut off by his insisting that they did not. He didn't have to be in constant control with Michelle like he did at home. He did not have to know all of the answers or even make all of the moves here, he was able to be himself or find himself rather. She made things so comfortable for him that he never wanted to leave her sight. The irony in this situation was that Madelyn was not that much different from her but she couldn't find the nerve to stand her ground. She didn't want to make any of the decisions; she let him be in charge of everything. He gave his wife numerous amounts of time where she could have taken charge something that would have made him love her but she just took her place, behind him. With Michelle there was no doubt that he was the man but she never hesitated when it came to something she believed in that he may not have agreed with. She let him know her position on the matter and went back to normal. The two stood in an embrace that said everything they both were holding in for the past four months.
"Come in." He closed the door behind her.
"I had so many things to tell you on my way here, but I can't think of any of them now."
"Let's not use words, come sit with me." Christoph sat on the small crimson colored loveseat inviting her to sit beside him. He felt the warmth from her body reaching out to him. He drew her near squeezing her shoulders gently. He kissed her neck. When his body finally relaxed against the soft cushioning of the small couch hers did also and they sat with her back pressed against his chest in silence for what felt like decades.
Christoph decided that they did not have to leave the beauty of the hotel room right away. Instead they could stay in and watch a movie on pay per view. He did not mind what she chose as long as they were together, a classical opera. It was something most men would not have cared to watch. This did not bother him because he had the most beautiful woman in the world sitting there beside him.
Harmony insisted they go out for lunch but her mother-in-law made it very clear that she wanted to make lunch for them both. Harmony was glad she agreed. Madelyn placed the colorful plates on the table along with a large picture of lemonade. She loved her delicious smoked turkey breast sandwiches on rye bread. The only sound came from the ice tinkering in their glasses for a few moments.
"When is Christoph do back?" Harmony tried to appear nonchalant.
"Next Friday, When is Julian going on his business trip?" Madelyn already seemed bored with the obvious attempt at chitchat.
"Well, I think it's next week some time. I'll know for sure by this weekend." Harmony was a little uncomfortable only because she knew her otherwise talkative mother-in-law was sad about something. Not feeling close enough to pry Harmony didn't know what else to do. Madelyn leaned in closer to the table and began to whisper like there was someone else out there she didn't want to hear.
"Have you ever felt like your life was coming to an end? Like everything around you was becoming so unfamiliar or unrecognizable that it was hard to remember what they once were?" Harmony didn't know how to answer this; still a little unsure of where this conversation would lead.
"Yes, I've felt like that a lot before I met Julian. He changed everything for me, my outlook, my opinions, he made everything new." Harmony spoke with sincerity. She didn't know what exactly her mother-in-law was trying to tell her but she was here to listen.
"That's wonderful, sweetheart. I am so glad you were the girl my son has chosen to marry. There were a few times I was almost afraid with chooses of girlfriends he had in high school." The laugh that escaped from her throat was strained. Harmony knew that Madelyn used humor to mask her real emotions. How lonely that must be.
"The day is very beautiful isn't it?" Madelyn changed the subject as quickly as she had brought it up. Her eyes said everything with out saying anything at all.
After lunch, Harmony insisted that she clean the dishes alone. Madelyn sat on a stool in the center of the island in the spacious kitchen.
"What other plans do you have for the rest of the house?"
"I'm not quite sure yet, Julian says he will agree to anything but pink or flower prints."
"That's sounds like my Julian he's never liked any pattern that had flowers on it."
"Well what do you have planned for the day?" Harmony was curious mainly because lunch with her was all she had planned.
"I was going to take a look at a new art exhibit in town. The artist is said to be very promising." A little excitement entered her voice.
"Would you mind if I went along."
"No not at all" After the two dishes and glasses were washed then dried they headed for the garage.
"Let me just call Julian at the office, incase he tries to reach me later." Harmony quickly spoke to Julian to let him know what her plans were for the day. He was so excited that she chose to spend time with his mother that he thanked her more than once.
"Let's take my car, we can put the top down." Harmony had no disagreement with that offer the weather was so lovely that it was welcomed. The black convertible was still out of the store shined; she loved the softness of the cream leather interior seats as she sank down into the chair. The purr of the engine was like a song she loved to hear. Madelyn turned the radio on. A wonderful musical ballet from Eric Clapton filled the air around them taking them to a place far beyond their troubles.
The art gallery was filled with contemporary art and a few abstract, but what drew Harmony in was a painting that had two little girls sitting on a swing in the middle of a lawn. The expressions on their faces were sheer bliss.
"Wouldn't it be nice if every day could be like that?" She looked over to her mother-in-law. Madelyn did not answer just turned her lips up in a smile. They each took a glass of white wine from the waiter walking the floors one of the many pleasures of attending the art gallery.
Two hours later they departed in front of "The house on the hill" Harmony rushed to make Julian dinner in the hour she had left before he was due home. She cut the chicken breast in thin strips, seasoning them with salt, pepper and cilantro one of her favorite spices. The extra virgin olive oil made popping sounds in the large pan. She let the chicken caramelize before she added sliced mushrooms and green peppers. She used a smaller pot to make a rich garlic cream sauce, which was poured over the dish when it was complete. She liked this recipe because it was so simple to make and it cooked in a short amount of time. Once the rice was done cooking, she dished out a nice portion to both of the plates placing the chicken mixture on top and adding her rich garlic cream sauce to make the meal complete. Harmony was satisfied with her work. Now if only she could shower and change her clothes before he walked in the door she thought to herself. Just as she stepped into the shower, she could hear his keys in the front door a little disappointed she wasn't there to meet him she quickly bathed in the soothing waters.
Moments later she walked barefoot down the stairs. Julian looked especially handsome to her this evening; maybe it was the grin on his face when he saw her enter the dining room that did it. He walked close to her wrapping his arms around her slender waist he drew her into him.
"I've missed you all day long." He whispered the words into her ear. She kissed him softly on the lips before pulling away taking his hand to lead him into the kitchen.
"I made a special meal for you tonight"
"Well I hope it's as good as it smells, or is that you?" He rested his face in the grove of her neck.
"It's probably a combination of both. Come sit with me and enjoy the labor of my hands." She loved to cook for her husband because she knew he really appreciated it. Julian carried the plates into the dining room placing them carefully on the table while she brought in the picture of pink lemonade. She decided she had enough wine for the day or the week for that matter.
"So tell me how was your day?" She started the conversation off.
"Today was very interesting. I found out my father hired one of my old high school buddies, we were like night and day two people couldn't be more different but we were inseparable."
"Why'd you stop hanging out?" Harmony was curious. She knew of only one friend Julian had and that was his friend Robert.
"Like I said it was high school. He was more of a tough guy or at least he appeared that way and his dad shipped him off to military school to straighten him out I guess. I called him into the office this morning so we could catch up but we only talked briefly before he requested to get back to work."
"Wow, now that's the spirit, a man who requests to his boss to get back to work is definitely one to keep." Harmony winked at him.
Dinner was filled with conversation of the day they both had. Questions were being asked and answered. Once the meal was complete, Julian volunteered to load the dishwasher there was something sexy about a man cleaning, that drove her insane.
"You're doing a pretty good job with the dishes, kind of make me wonder what else you're good at." Harmony threw a playful smile over her shoulder and walked casually toward the stairs. She could hear Julian placing the dishes carelessly into the dishwasher, walking quickly behind her, which made her pick up her pace until she was running up the stairs and into the bedroom. When he caught up to her slightly out of breath laughing like a schoolboy he pinned her body against the wall with his and kissed her lips long and hard. When the energy flowed through him slowing him down he kissed her nose, cheeks, chin, forehead and eyelids before he found her mouth again.
"I love you" the words spoken from his mouth were gentle. Tonight Harmony wanted
her husband to take it slow and explore her body as if it were his first time.
Publication Date: June 9th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-kcblaze |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lashanda-carter-beautiful-disaster/ | Lashanda Carter Beautiful Disaster
Chapter ONE
“Well Sunnie I really enjoyed our interview. You are so refreshing. You can be assured one of our openings is yours. I know the rest of the team will love you. I will call you a week before orientation.” Mrs. Carter shook her hand and led Sunnie out of her office door.
“Thank You Mrs. Carter I will be waiting and once again thank you” with that sunnie turned towards the elevators and pressed the button. Once on the elevator she did a little dance and couldn’t contain herself let out a cry of joy. She could not believe she had gotten the job. She had wanted something like this for so long. The opportunity to really help someone.
The Family and Friends Center was a place for families and teens in the neighborhood that was in need of support. A lot of it was resources for abused spouse, troubled, and pregnant teens, adults looking to go back to school or just needing someone to talk to. The Center was in need of some real help to, sunnie had first heard about job openings unofficially on the news when three of the counselors had been arrested for selling and providing drugs for some of the teens and strung out adults. So she decided to just go in and ask if they were going to replace the counselors and they were. She never really thought about what if they did hire her. She was going to have to give Mr. Neely her boss at the firm two weeks’ notice she couldn’t wait to tell her friend Camille.
As soon as Sunnie got home she called Camille.
“Girl I got the job! Sunnie screamed into the phone. She really let her excitement take over.
“Congratulations sunnie I told you not to worry. You have a big heart and they can’t deny that you could help that neighborhood out a lot. You know we have to go out to celebrate so what up where we going?”
“I don’t care but get ready to dance you know how I do!” They both laughed in agreement.
“Just be ready by nine. I will be by to get you alright Sunny.”NEW BREAK
“Okay girl”
“Once again I am so proud of you and I know you are exactly what they need. I always got faith in you; you don’t know how awesome you are.” Camille was getting choked up
“Thanks girl and I love you! Now rest up cause it’s going down tonight”
“Bye” they said at the same time.
When Sunnie hung up the phone she thought about how much Camille had been there for her, helped her get on her feet and through school. Sunnie thought about how many times she wanted to give up but Camille was right there on her ass. Sunnie went to S&B to get her associates for Paralegal Studies and Camille came to her class as a speaker one night. They just clicked and when Sunnie graduated Camille gave her a reference for her firm where she worked and they have been friends ever since. That was 4 years ago.
Sunnie had a lot of respect for Camille she was a stunning woman for 25 she already owned her own house, was well traveled and beautiful inside and out. 5’11 and built like an Amazon princess, coco brown skin, short chic hair cut always with a bang over her right eye, she was very attractive. Camille had something that Sunnie admired and wanted to obtain in life. Pure happiness.
Sunnie was right beautiful to. Her smile which was her best feature and it made others smile especially men. Milk chocolate smooth complexion, her locks were neat and ran just past her shoulder when not pulled up. Almond shaped eyes that had a mystery to them. When she entered a room most men noticed her and stared. This embarrassed Sunnie a lot she did not understand what it was that she had a natural beauty.
Sunny was checking herself out in the mirror listening to her 90’s jams like always. As she bopped back and forth to Ghost’s Town DJay’s my Boo she was really feeling the outfit she chose. A royal purple silk pleated dress and some black leather pumps, she added s single crystal black bangle, black crystal chain with key and lock, and a pair of black shell moon shaped earrings. NEW BREAK
Her locks were piped cleaned (that’s when you girl you locs with pipe cleaners) and pinned up on the right side. Yes she said to herself she did an ill shimmy, turned the radio off, and grabbed her purse. Everything she needed was already in there.
“Dang girl who trying to pick up tonight?” Camilla looked at her girl with pride Sunny was one gorgeous women. If she only knew how beautiful she really was.
“Girl I wish I could look as good as you without make-up! So you ready to go do the damn thing? I even got on some real dancing shoes tonight!” Sunny looked towards the floor at Camilla shoes. Camilla was wearing flats! She could not believe it. She still looked good from what Sunny could see. She was wearing a off the shoulder multi colored romper with all her gold jewelry. Camille loved her gold bangles and hoops. All different sizes she always rocked hoops.
They were going to have dinner at Stages. It was nice little spot with music and good food. A lot of local bands played there. Stages was not a club at all it was for the older crowd and there was no drama when the night was over.
As they walked in they could smell the scent of Caribbean cosine. Stages had the best Jerk Chicken might as well be straight from the island. Well it was the chef and owner was Jamaican. The restaurant slash lounge could hold about 300 people easily. There was the bar area which was in the center of the establishment. Behind the bar they had four pool tables, a dart board and a tables where people could play cards dominos. On the right of the bar was the stage and a small but dissent dance floor. To the left you had the dining area; the tables had yellow and black table clothes with floating candles shaped as flowers for centerpieces. There were booths along the wall which was covered with pictures of bands that played there. The greats like BOB Marley, Marvin Gaye, Patti Labelle, and Tina Turner just to name a few.
It will be about 10 minutes for a table if you ladies want to sit at the bar. The host pointed to the bar. She was an older woman about 60 and she had an accent.
“yes thank you.” Sunny and Camilla said at the same time. They shared a laugh and walked to the bar. NEW BREAK
“Nice crowd in here tonight girl. Maybe I will get lucky and find me a man tonight. It has been to long!” Camilla laughed at her own joke
“girl how long is long?” Sunny asked
“almost 2 month’s girl. Momma needs a rub down real bad!” Camilla raised her hand “can I get a witness?”
“2 months is not long girl a year is long”
“what are you talking about you get some on the regular”
“I did not say for me I am just saying that is a long time and I have gone a year before and that is nooo funn!” They both laughed.
“so what up with you and your adulterous lover?”
Sunny did not really like to talk about her relationship with Star. He wasn’t married but he had a girlfriend and a son. She wasn’t looking for a man to be around all the time she just wanted someone to hug up with every now and then when she needed it. Star was that someone. They met when he came to her office to talk to a lawyer he had gotten himself into some trouble. She knew he was trouble from the minute he walked into the office. Looking like a gangster Morris chestnut. Tall, deep chocolate skin, built like a line backer, and the brightest smile she had ever seen. He flirted with her and it worked. This was during the year of her having no sex. So she was itching already and he looked like he could be pure fun, so she gave him her number on the back of his next appointment card. And it started from there.
Fun it was for the first four months. He took to nice restaurants, shopping, Jamaica, and Hawaii, and they just vegged out a lot just talking about what they wanted for their futures. She had started to really fall for him which she really did not want to do but it was happening. Star seemed really to be into her too. He was sweet, loving, romantic, polite, and A+ in the bedroom. She thought she had it pretty good. New BREAK
“Did Star tell you he is someone’s daddy? We have a 3 yr old son together. While he running around with you I am at home taking care of his child and being all alone. Do you know who I am bitch!!? DO YOU?” Sunny hung up the phone. Stars number called back 28 times she did not pick up the phone once. In the morning she changed her number and put star and his girlfriend out of her mind. Fo Star never mentioned in those first fourth months about his girlfriend Lisa and their 3 year old son. And he did not act like he had something to hide. He always answered when she called and was always available to come over when she called. Till one day her phone rang it was Star’s number she picked up and in her sexiest voice said” Hey baby me and my lady were just thinking about you”
“This is not your baby this is his girlfriend. Bitch who the fuck are you!” A woman’s voiced screamed over the phone. Sunny just stared at the phone while the woman continued to talk.
r two weeks she had not seen or heard from Star when he walked into her office on a Tuesday afternoon. She was about to take her lunch.
“I am really sorry Sunny. I wanted to tell you about my life but I was scared that you would not want to be with me anymore. But I am leaving my girlfriend as soon as I start living legit so I can get my son from her she is crazy for real. I love you I know you don’t believe me but I do” Star look at her with pleading eyes. Damn he was fine.
“well you are right. I don’t want to be with you anymore when I want to fuck I will call you and that is all we are going to have nothing more nothing less. So you can leave now and wait for my call.” Sunny turned and left the office with that statement. Star stood there looking more than lost.
After that she did not call him for a month but when she did he came running and she would not allow him to speak when he was there. He just had to do what she said. He was her sex slave and she loved it. He was too because he kept coming every time she called. She never told Camille about their falling out just that they had slowed it down a lot. NEW BREAK
“don’t say it like that he is not married. And we are doing what we do best getting it on and then moving on. Not falling in love and setting ourselves up for failure. You know it is what it is.” Sunny said to Camille.
“Well you deserve a real man. One not all tied to another woman you know.”
“I don’t want a real man. I just want to have sex with a man I don’t need anything else from them right now.”
“You are going to have to open up to somebody else besides me and I am never going to have sex with you either girl but we all need a good man. Love is what makes the world a bigger place it makes the babies It makes-“
“oh hell no you need another drink you talking about babies and shit. Ricky please comes bring my girl another margarita before she really loses her mind.”
As Ricky the bar tender brought the drink they heard their name called for their table.
“come on girl let’s eat and then get this party started music sounds like its getting good tonight. And I am going to find me a man tonight. A man to make beautiful babies with.” Sunny looked at Camille shook her head. You and this entire baby talk girl you got me worried. I am not ready to be nobody’s auntie ya heard. They both laughed it was going to be a crazy night.
Camille laid in her bed think about her night out with Sunny and about the man lying in her bed. Sunny was right 2 months really wasn’t a long time and she had broken her 2 months of celibacy for a whack roll in the hay with this young boy. She thought young men were supposed to have strong backs this one was weak she wanted to wake him up and get him out of here. But it was Saturday so she did not have work. What could she do to get him out of here? She thought about just getting up and leaving and maybe he would be gone by the time she got back, no he might steal something she had no idea who this person was besides his name was Trevor, he was from Jersey and he was in accounting. Very young very fine and had the sexiest voice or that could have been the rum she was drinking last night. Either way she wanted the kids out her bed. New Break
He was only 24 she was working in her middle thirties. She turned her head to look at him. As he slept he looked like one of those beautiful black men from the island. Dark and handsome built like a horse strong. Damn too bad he was bad in bed. Or maybe he was just young and she could teach him something. She was deep in thought still when Trevor started to stir in his sleep. He slowly opens his eyes and smiled.
“Good Morning Beautiful. How did you sleep?” He reached over to touch her face and she let him.
“I slept like a rock thanks to all that rum I drank last night. I am sorry I usually don’t drink that much but we were celebrating my girl’s new job and went a little over board.”
“Oh so it was the rum that put you to sleep and not me huh. Well I am going to have to redeem myself. How about we make some breakfast and then try again.” He had the most gorgeous smile on his face. All she could do was saying yes.
“WELL Damn! That was good I mean great I mean yesssssss!!!!” Camilla couldn’t contain herself after they had some eggs and orange juice Trevor came back like a champ and they hit up almost every room in the house. He had the stamina of a horse that was for sure and he knew how to please a woman with soft rough waves of pleasure. Mmm good was all she had to say. As she lay there in the hallway where they ended up glowing in her euphoria, Trevor reached over and gave her the sweetest kiss in the world.
“You were not so bad yourself” he laughed
“No seriously you are an amazing woman from what I know you may not remember but we had lots of conversation last night. And I loved every bit of it. Now I know that I am young to you but I would like to get to know you more and see if we really like each other. What do you think?”
“I am not thinking right now I am in the zone but how about we take a nap. Take some showers and then go to lunch and take it from there.”New Break
“That’s all I could ask for” He kissed her again and then they crawled into the bed and into a beautiful slumber.
"Mr. Neely I need to speak with you."Sunny closed Mr. Neely's door behind her.
"I have really enjoyed working with you for as long as I have been with you. But I have been offered and opportunities close to my heart. At the Family and Friends center in my old neighborhood. And I am going to take them up on their offer. I just wanted to put in my two weeks and say that I will interview for you because I know exactly how you like things and I believe I can help you pick the best candidate" Sunny was talking so fast she could hardly understand what was coming out of her mouth she was so nervous.<NEWBREAK>
"Well Sunny I am glad to hear that I am glad you found something close to your heart. I would not still be doing what I do if I did not love it. Everybody should be so lucky to love what they do. Don't you worry about your replacement I will have someone else take care of that? You enjoy you two weeks off and take a paid vacation on me. You have been a wonderful employee and I was honored to work with you at all time. You’re a stand up lady Sunny and I wish you all the best. Just let Jenny Mr. Green's secretaries know where you would like to go and she will handle everything for you. okay."Mr. Neely held out his hand to shake Sunny's.
"O my goodness Mr. Neely you amazing I am so thankful. I will let Jenny know tomorrow where I would like to go but it is only going to be for a week. I need a week to get into my new routine. And if you ever need any help with you new girl you just call me okay. She got up to give MR. Neely a hug. She was so happy and with that she practically skipped out of the office.
When Sunny go home she laid on her couch and wonder about where she wanted to go for a week somewhere hot, somewhere fun, and somewhere where she could cut loose and act up a little bit. She knew where to go sin city Las Vegas maybe she would get lucky and win some money, or maybe she would just get lucky. New Break
Sitting in the car waiting for Camille was really getting on Sunny’s nerves she had been. Out here twenty minutes already what the hell she was doing. And on top of all that Star’s girlfriend baby mama had been calling her for the last 8 days. Sometimes saying nothing and sometimes saying a whole lot of nothing. Sunny had blocked her number but she would just call from a different number. She still hadn’t talked to Star their last round, he had called her a couple of times and sent her some text messages but she never answered them. He had too much going on she did not need that drama. She wanted a purely sexual relationship. She did miss him though even if she was mad at him and planned to never talked to him again. She missed his sweet chocolate skin when it was damp after one of their wrestling matches. That’s what she called their lovemaking because that’s what it was like it was rough and soft all at the same time. She missed his sexy smile and his New York swag. And the way he always was sweet and considerate, romantic, and then did not have a problem leaving and giving her space. She she knew he had a girlfriend. She wasn’t supposed to care she didn’t want a relationship anyway so why was she angry. Why because this crazy ass chick keeps calling her phone and because she had developed feelings for this so much that she was blind to the fact that she was ruining some woman's life. Sunny shook her head.
“what the hell is wrong with you girl! You would be late to your own funeral. Shish I swear!”
“I had to say bye to my baby? He’s going to miss me.” Camille threw her suitcase on the back set and hopped in the front. She and Trevor had been in a week long love affair. Humpin like rabbits anytime they got a chance and texting like crazy.
“You left that boy in your house” Sunny looked at Camille disapprovingly. That Trevor must have had something outrageous because Camille was acting like they had been married for years like they were soul-mates.
“He is not a boy he is a young man and you are going to have to start respecting the fact that I am in something with this dude. I know we just met but it feels like we have been friends forever. We have talked and talked and still we can find more to talk about. I feel good just let me have that okay?” Camille was serious
New Break
“Okay Miss Lady I did not know how deep it was. I have never seen you so hooked up on a man so a fast so early in the relationship. You know we both have never really seemed to need a man. SO do you truly think you and Trevor are like soul-mates?
“Yes I feel very close to him the whole thing just feels good you know what I mean. And I want him to be around me all the time I see me having his baby! And being that he is young I can train him. She laughed and so did sunny
“No seriously though even after just a week I am digging him for real. But anyways we are officially on vacation so let’s go have us some fun.”
“I know that’s right we got two hours before the flight but we need to be their early so we can relax before the flight instead of standing in line.” Sunny put her shades on turn the radio up and hit the highway to “Just Fine.” By Mary J. Blidge. And they jammed all the way there.
her friend and to just get away. Sunny was planning on finding some sexy stranger to romp with.
As they pulled up the three valets came to the car. Two to open the car doors for the ladies and one to start unloading the luggage and putting it on the rack to take Arriving at the Trump International hotel was amazing. After the two hour flight the ladies were ready to start their vacation. A week full of relaxing and flirting and fun, fun and more fun if that was possible. Camille was here to support up to the room. Each woman tips their own doorman and the lead the way to the lobby to check-in. the lobby was elegant and flashy all at the same time. Pinkish white marble walls and floors, brass and mirrors located all around the lobby. The warm afternoon sun was pouring in through the slanted skylight in the ceiling. Both women looked up no embarrassed to be tourists. Camille snapped a picture.”Girl this place is beautiful, gorgeous so happy to be here.” Camille pinched her friend. Sunny just looked around in amazement with a smile on her face she knew this was just what she needed. They moved on to check in they then notice not only a waterfall but a bridge to cross over it. New Break
“Wwoooowww” they both said at the same time like little kids seeing superman or something. Again Camille took a picture.
“Good afternoon and welcome to the Trump hotel ladies” The man at the front desk was delicious. The darkest smoothes skin you had ever seen in your life. Teeth white but not fake white just teeth that had been taking care of white. Round strong features. His eyes, his nose his cheekbones all screamed I am a strong man. He stood about 6’1; you could tell he was in shape under his clothes. His hair was in dreadlocks pulled back off his shoulders. And he smelled so good.
“Huh!” Sunny came back from her daze did everyone notice her checking this man out like that. Her face felt hot.”I’m sorry what did you say Camille” she laughed nervously and started to fan her face with her intenirary.
“This gentleman just asked you if were here for business or pleasure” Camille looked at her friend she knew what was going on in Sonny’s mind.
“Pleasure thank you” Camille took the room key out of the gentlemen’s hand and felt how soft his hand was as they exchanged the keys. Again she felt her face getting hot. “Thank you… she searched his name tag Prince. Thank you Prince.
“You are welcome Ms. Gold enjoy your stay if you need anything you can call me personally.” And she shook his head and bid Camille a pleasant stay also but not so enthusiastically.Upon entering the double doors to their 2 bedroom penthouse they both to a deep breath. Walking in they gazed at the living area white,and gold splashed walls with mirrors and floor to ceiling crystal clear windows with a view of the strip. A plush sectional with georgeous accent pillows and tables. A plasma TV that could be seen from anywhere in the immediate area. A gold and onyx pool table. They walked through to the kitchen where there was a full eat in cook in kitchen.
“Who cooks when they come to Vegas?” Camille said to herself
Sub-zero appliances, beautiful granite counter tops, and a full bar which blended right in. as they moved through the penthouse they saw that there was a bedroom on each side of the penthouse. They each checked one out.
“Ahhhh this shit is beautiful Camille!” sunny said as she jumped on the king sized bed. She had a plasma TV on the wall one wall was all floor to ceiling windows, a walking in closet, writing desk, phone, and off of the closet was the bathroom. This had a glass shower and a whirlpool tub. Not one of those cheesy ones at your regular cheap motels, but a deep beautiful white porcelain tub. And a candle all around it was so romantic. Sunny was definitely going to have to bring a man up in here. She walked back out of the room to go look for Camille.
Camille was already in the kitchen bar making them some drinks she had found the music and had and old school station playing and was rocking to the beat.
“Get em girl what you making for us to drink”
“Some caramel apple martini’s mm mm good”
Make mine a double I am ready for this. This place is hot I didn’t know the firm was rolling like this. This pad is laid out!”
Girl lawyers always got to have little stash to pull in big money clients people who like to live scandalous.” Camille said with a little giggle she went and hand sunny her drink.
“So when you going to call that beautiful man at the front desk and tell him what you need?” Camille put her hand out for a high five and sunny gave her a friendly push
“He was fine wasn’t he? But I can’t just jump on the first man that flirts with me we have to go out and see what’s going on. Plus I did not come here just to get laid I came here to relax I want to go to the spa and eat at some good restaurants see the sights it isn’t all about some ding dang heifer.” Again she gave her friend a push
“I am just saying if you could have seen the little drop of drool that dropped off your chin while you were staring at that man you were lost. Like them woman in waiting to exhale. Girl you exhaled right there in front of everybody!” Camille was rolling over laughing so hard tears came to the corners of her eyes. Sunny just cut her eyes.
“You are not even funny Camille I did not drool. Well maybe just a little he is juicy girl!” she gave her Camille the high five she had been looking for and they both clinked their glasses and laughed some more.
Text: ltc Editing: ltc Translation: na All rights reserved. Publication Date: May 21st 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-msprettyunique |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-nyasia-jones-the-clique-crew-1/ | nyasia jones the clique crew clique this is for the girls who think tht they can run there school and be judgin a book by its cover dont be afraid of them
Text: nyasia Images: nyasia Editing: nyasia Translation: nyasia All rights reserved. Publication Date: February 7th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-nyasialuvyhu01 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-queen-living-with-one-direction/ | Queen Living With One Direction OMG my peoplesss
*Beep , beep , beep* I punched my alarm clock to shut it up. I groaned at looked to see what time it was. 7:00. "Shit." I mumbled. I jumped out of bed and got in the shower. When I got out of the shower, I curled my brown hair and put on some mascara and eyeliner. The mascara made my blue eyes pop. I then went to my closet to get my outfit for the day: a pink ruffled tank top,blue ripped jeans, pink flats, heart shaped locket, pink purse with black words, silver hoop earrings. This is me and my outfit. I got my iphone 5 off of my dresser, my car keys and my backpack and ran out the front door. I jumped in my shiny black Ferrari 599 GTO. I drove to school and ignored to people that gawked at my car when I parked. I got out of my car and walked into the building and to my locker. "Heyy!!!" my bestfriend Kaylani yelled in my face. "What are you so happy about?" I asked suspiciously. "I just got us tickets to 1D's concert and I entered us in a contest and One Direction stays at the winner's house for 2 years.!" she said excitedly. "Why would you do that? I don't even like one direction and I am not going to their concert with you." I said. Her faced instantly got sad. "Please?? I thought you were my bestfriend. Please don't make me go alone." She said giving me her puppy dog face. Ugh. She knows I can't resist that. "Fine. But I'm not happy about this and I will get you back." I said. "Awesome!! Love you Raylin.!" So yeah my name's Raylin Marie Ruffin. "Yeah yeah I love you too." I said hugging her. then the bell rang. We walked to class and I sat in the back of the room beside Kaylani. I texted her. Me: When is this stupid concert?? Kay: This AWESOME concert is this weekend. Me: What?! You couldn't have told me before hand? Kay: Sorry. Me: You owe me big time.! Kay: I know. <3 Me: t(-_-t) Kay: *gasp* Me: hahaaa bye. *blows a kiss* Kay: *catches it* I laughed and put my phone in my back pocket. Oh btw this is Kaylani. I sighed as the bell rang and it was time for lunch. Kaylani and I walked into the cafeteria and sat down at our usual table. "Aww Rae come onn. Don't be mad at me." She pouted. "Oh please you know I can't stay mad at you for long, so let my anger last while it can." I said. "okayy." she pouted. The rest of the day flew by. yadada school is boring. I'm going home. I was at home in my huge mansion. I live by myself by the way. Then I got a text. Kay: Oh we're taking your car by the way Me: t(-_-t) Kay: :D Me: gtg bye. I didn't really have to go, but she was seriously blowing her chances of me even going to this stupid thing.
The Day of the Stupid Concert
Here's a tour of my house. Outside: Kitchen: Living Room: Game Room: My Room: There's more but I dont feel like showing it all. I got up and put on my outfit for the day. I straigtened my hairt and put on some mascara and eyeliner. I'm so pissed I might actually ditch her at the last minute. If you haven't noticed by now, I kinda have anger issues and she is not helping. I went to Kay's house to pick her up. She danced out of the house wearing this,, She got in the car. "Hi!" she yelled. "I'm right here! Stop yelling!" I yelled at her. She pouted. "Why zeefawk are you looking like you're going to prom?" I asked. "I wanted to look good." she stated. "Well mission accomplished." I said. She laughed and we were off. Once we got there, it took FOREVER to find a parking spot. We walked inside and oh look we got front row seats. Awesome. *note the sarcasm* I groaned and about 5 minutes later, the stupid concert started. I swear Kay screamed along to every song. And of course all the other screaming. Almost blew my eardrums out. After the show, they announced the winner of the contest. The pulled a name out of a huge bowl. "Raylin Ruffin!" one of them said. "Where's Raylin?" they asked. "Yeah right here. Let's go." I said boredly and waved my arm in the air. We got outside and they got in a big bus and followed me to my house. Once we were inside I turned towards them. "So look, I live alone, and I'm not really a fan of you guys. Oh and don't try any freaky stuff, cuz I will cut your balls off in your sleep." I finished with smile. "If you're not a fan, then why were you at our concert?" one of them asked. "My friend wanted me to go,and I can't stand to hurt her feelings so I went with her." I explained. "oohh. okay." he said. Of course you know what they look like, so no need to go through all that trouble. "Okay if you're gonna ruin my life I need to know your names." I said. "Harry." said the one with the curly hair and green eyes said. "Louis" said the one with the brown hair and blue eyes. "Niall" said the blonde one. "Liam." said the one with the brown hair and brown eyes. "Zayn." said the one with the almost black hair and brown eyes. Okay I'm not gonna remember those names. "Rooms are upstairs, you should know which one is mine, don't steal anything." I said and they ran upstairs. A few minutes later blondie came downstairs. "Do you have food?" he asked. "Um yeahh? Kitchen's that way." I said pointing to the kitchen. "Hey come here for a sec!" I yelled. All the boys came downstairs. I walked over to the one with the really dark hair and brown eyes. "Turn around." I said. "Okaayy?" he said and turned around. I jumped on his back. "You're my new guy bestfriend." I stated. "Um okay?" he said but it came out like a question. "Okay so from your accents, you're British?" I asked. "Yep." they all said. "Cool." I mumbled. "I'm Irish!" Blondie yelled. "Awesome!" I yelled. "Take me to Blondie." I told the dark haired boy. He walked me over to Blondie. "Down" I said and he put me down. I jumped on Blondie's back and told him to take me to the couch. Once there, I sat down. "Harry!" I yelled. "You're my new flirting buddy." I stated. "Sweet." he said. I looked at the boy with the blue eyes. "You look like you would be the funny one so your my joking buddy." I said. "Brownie, you're my new big bro." I said to the boy with the brown hair and brown eyes. "Wait! I remembered your names.! Louis. Zayn. Liam. Harry. Niall." I said pointing them all out as I said their names. "Yep." they said in unison. "Waffles." I stated randomly. "Waffles! Who has waffles?" Niall yelled. "Meee!" I yelled. "Zayn." I stated as I stood up off of the couch. Jumped on his back and yelled, "To the kitchenn!!!" He carried me into the kitchen and all of us ate waffles. "So if you're gonna live here you've got to go to school. Oh and beware the school slut." I said. "And who exactly is she?" Louis asked. "Oh you'll know her when you see her." I smirked. "Time for bed" I sang as I ran up the stairs. I took a shower and put on some black short shorts and a white tank top. I went into each boy's room and got their phone numbers. "Don't call me when the whores come out!" I yelled as I made my way back to my room. "Bitch don't kill my vibe. Bitch don't kill my vibe."
That is my new alarm since I broke my old one when I punched it. I woke up and ran to Niall's room. I jumped on the bed yelling "Get up!" He groaned and threw a pillow at me. "I'm up." he mumbled. I shrugged and walked to Liam's room. "Psst Liam. It's time to get up." I said in a normal voice. He seems like a civilized person, so I just gave him a normal good morning. I ran to Louis' room and threw a shoe at him. "Aww you hit my carrot!" he squealed. I laughed and walked out. I ran to Harry's room next. "I kissed him and he responded instantly. "Well I guess you're up." I said. "NO! I'm not up yet." he said and puckered his lips. I laughed and walked to Zayn's room. "Zaynie poooh. Wake up sleepy head." I said. "Mmmm" he moaned. "You leave me no choice." I said. I straddled him and started grinding on Zayn junior. He moaned. When I felt him get hard I stopped and jumped off. "Why must you give me a boner and then just stop?" he asked. "Aww because you wouldn't wake up" I said. I ran out of the room and did my hygiene stuff.
School Time
Okay so this is my outfit. I put on some mascara and eyeliner and straightened my hair. I also put on some clear lip gloss. "5...4...3....2..." I yelled. All the boys started running down the stairs. "Okay you are not going to school in that huge tour bus so go to the garage and pick a car" I said. "Sweet!" they yelled. I grabbed my phone,earbuds,car keys, and my backpack and ran out the door. We all got to school at the same time. I parked and got out of my car and ran. The girls were coming soon and I did not want to be here when they got here. <Harry's POV> Rae got out of her car and took off running. Weird... Then, the girls came. Okay now I see why she ran. But hey, girls don't bother me. I love pussyyy. <Zayn,Louis,Liam,Niall POV> Whores. <Raylin's POV> Kay ran up to me in the hallway. "One Direction are outside!" she screamed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Well duhh. They came with me ya know." I said. "Oh shush." she said and ran outside. Welp, that's Kaylani. It turns out that I have every class with at least one of them. In first period, Zayn and Louis were in my class. I walked into the classroom with them right behind me. "Wassup Mr. B?!" I yelled when I walked in. "That's Mr. Barns to you Ms. Ruffin. Please take your seat." I walked to the back of the classroom and Zayn and Louis sat on either side of me. "Girls please stop drooling and pay attention." Mr. B said. I laughed and texted Zayn. Me: They want the D. Zaynie: Thirsty hoes need some water. Me: Lol Just as I sent that, I busted out laughing. "Is something funny ms. Ruffin?" Mr. B asked. "Sir no sir!" I yelled in a military voice. "Oh God help me." he sighed. "Love you too Mr. B" I said. I started to pay attention but I quickly got confused. "Mr. B?" I said. He sighed. "Yes Ms. Ruffin." he said impatiently. "Zeefawk are you talking about?" I asked. "Excuse me?" he said confused. "Dafuq are you talking about?" I translated. "Maybe if you payed attention instead of sleeping everyday, you would know what I'm talking about." he said. "Hey, I'm not sleep today am I?" I asked. "Surprise. Surprise." I laughed and looked up to see Britney, the school's whore starring at Zayn. I texted him. Me: School whore 3:oo Zaynie: Ew. Looks like a rainbow threw up on her face. Me: don't be mean she wants the D Zaynie: too bad. her friend is about to drool a pool for Louis Me: Well, they are sluts of course. Zaynie: I see. Me: Bye now :P Zaynie: lol bye I smiled and looked up. Britney was glaring at me. I gave her the 'tf you looking at?' look. She cocked her nose up and looked away. Then the bell rang. I was in such a rush that I tripped. I felt myself going down. I closed my eyes and waited to fall but it never came. I opened my eyes and I was floating! "I just defied gravity bitches!" I yelled. Someone cleared his throat. "Oh heyy Lou." I said. He chuckled. "Sooo, I didn't defy gravity?" I asked. He shook his head. I pouted and flipped him off. *skip to end of day* Me, Kay, and the boys went to my house after school. "Well I'm going to the kitchen" Niall said once we got in the house. I laughed and plopped down on the couch. I texted Zayn even though he was sitting right next to me. Me: I'm borreedd Zaynie: wat am i suppose to do about it? Me: make me unbored! Zaynie: unbored isnt a word Me: so...meanie Zaynie: am not! so wat do u wanna do? Me: if i knew wat i wanted to do i wouldnt be bored now would i? Zaynie: meanie Me: love u!
I put my phone up and looked at Zayn expectantly. "What?" he asked. I growled at him. "Okay!" he yelled puting his hands up in surender. I laughed. "Let's watch a movie!!!" Louis yelled. A chorus of 'ok's and sures' circulated through the room. "Louis save you boy" I said to Zayn. He laughed. Everybody looked at us confused. I just shrugged and so did they.
We watched Paranormal Activity 4. And. That. Shit. Was. Scary. I ended up cuddled against Zayn with my head buried in his chest peeking at the movie through my hair. I feel like such a baby right now. Oh who cares.
*Next Morning*
I ran into Louis' room. "Get up my nigga!" I yelled at him. "You did not just say that." he laughed. "Oh yes I did young grasshopper." I said and bowed. The I ran into Zayn's room. Sadly he was already up. Now I can't wake him up in an evil way. Oh well. Off to Harry's room. I ran in and jumped on him. He immediately put me to where I was straddling him and started kissing him. I responded immediately and started grinding on him.
"Ahhhhh!!! My innocent eyes!!!!" We looked to the doorway to see Louis standing there covering his eyes. Oh he's a strange one. "No PDA!" Zayn yelled as he walked past our door. We laughed and I ran up to Louis and tackled him. "Hey what was that for?" he asked. "Oh I don't know." I shrugged. I kissed his cheek and hopped off of him pulling him up with me.
Text: mee DO NOT STEAL Images: Google Editing: meee Translation: no need for one All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 3rd 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-awesomemade |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-j-hall-water/ | J. Hall Water
A Snippet of "Water"
~~~~~~~~~ New York is a city with a population well over eight million. Among the many cultures and the various nationalities, you can find over eight million stories. One of those stories is about a young hustler named Shawn Champagne Brown, a.k.a. Moet. Moet grew up in Monroe, a housing project located in the South Bronx section of the city. He stood six feet, three inches tall with a muscular build. His eyes were a light brown and his deep dark brown skin tone served as the perfect backdrop for his mega watt smile. Moet got his start by being a watchdog for the neighborhood drug dealer named David McNeil, a.k.a. Rahleek, who owned and operated several businesses but his breadwinner was pharmaceuticals, the street kind, specifically cocaine. He took Moet under his wing after his father died, Moet loved the streets, and Rahleek was the streets.
Moet's mother was LaShawn Brown; she became the sole provider after his father was murdered. Moet had two siblings, a little brother named RaShawn, and a little sister named Heaven. His father was Mike Brown but everyone called him Lucky. Lucky and Rahleek were best friends. Rahleek was a hustler, and Lucky’s thing was gambling. It was Lucky who put Rahleek on by introducing him to Cuba. Cuba was a made-man in the Columbian mob. His underworld connections were second to none. He had his hands into everything illegal under the sun. When it came to sports betting Cuba always got his tips from Lucky. He took Lucky everywhere, Vegas, Atlantic City, Miami, the West Coast, and the Mid-West. They ventured anywhere gambling and heavy betting was. No matter what the bookmakers would say Cuba always listened to Lucky. Cuba loved to brag to his friends about how he put more money in his pockets than what he took out of his pockets from the tips Lucky would give him. Cuba trusted and respected Lucky, so when Lucky introduced Rahleek to Cuba, he dealt with Rahleek solely on Lucky's word that is how much Cuba trusted Lucky, his word was gold.
Cuba and Rahleek went on to build a great and prosperous relationship, all this was due to Lucky’s friendship with Cuba, but unfortunately, Lucky did not live to see Cuba and Rahleek's relationship blossom. He died doing what he loved most, which was gambling. While shooting dice in the Bronx River projects, Lucky had a habit of talking shit when gambling, and this day was no different. While a person named Smoke was losing, Lucky was in a groove and showed no signs of cooling off. "I'm about to break ya'll niggas, especially you Smoke, since you got all that mouth," Lucky confidently stated.
"Nigga, shut the fuck up and shoot the dice," Smoke shot back.
“Aight all down is a bet when I roll Cee-Lo don't nobody move but me." Lucky rolled the dice and they did exactly what he said they would do. The dice landed on four, 5ive, and six...Cee Lo!
"Get the fuck outta here!" Smoke shouted, "Lemme see them dice nigga."
"Smoke, I don't give a fuck what you do to them dice, just keep droppin. All down is a bet, nigga," Lucky boasted.
"Here, take theses jinx ass dice and shoot nigga!" Smoke barked.
"Dice, comin out, Black what's up, you bettin or what?" Lucky asked.
"Shiiiit, you cracked me Luck," Black replied.
"What about you Cashmere?" Lucky questioned.
"I'm good son, you too hot right now," Cashmere responded.
"Okay, that leaves me and you Smoke, I am ‘bout to break yo ass,” shouted Lucky. (Laughter)
Lucky reared back and rolled the dice, this time they landed on one, one, and six. (Automatic win)
"Head crack, Gimme my loot nigga!" Lucky yelled.
"I'm not givin you shit nigga! You cheatin, how the fuck them dice keep landing on 5ives and sixes?"
"Cheating muthafucka? Smoke, take that shit down the block somewhere, you can keep that chump change nigga, go buy a back scratcher ya gorilla looking muthafucka." (Laughter)
"You damn right I'm keepin my money! As a matter of fact, I want all my money back!"
"I see why they call you Smoke; you got to be smokin some shit if you think I’m givin you some money back.” Lucky and the rest of the crowd laughed, but Smoke was in his feelings, before anyone knew it Smoke pulled out his gun, "Nigga you gon give me my muthafuckin money back."
"Yo Smoke, this shit ain't that serious, put the gun up," Black cautiously said.
"Fuck you nigga, you can get it, too!"
"Oh it's like that Smoke? You ready to shoot niggas for this chump change?" Lucky exclaimed.
"You damn right it's like that nigga!"
Lucky threw the money he won on the ground, "You want it, pick it up nigga, that's what all my bitches do."
"Bitch, I got yo bitch nigga!" Smoke let off three shots striking Lucky in his upper body. Lucky fell to the ground clutching his chest, everyone started to scatter. A maintenance worker for Housing Authority noticed the commotion, he saw Lucky laid out on the ground bleeding profusely; he immediately dialed 911.
LaShawn and Moet were cleaning out her Dodge Magnum when a mutual friend came with the news, "LaShawn Lucky's been shot.” She yelled. “What you say?" LaShawn said over the blaring radio. “Lucky got shot in Bronx River," the friend solemnly repeated. "Oh my God, Moet, get in the car!" LaShawn ordered. When LaShawn and Moet arrived at the scene, Lucky was laying in a pool of blood with the all too famous white sheet draped over him; a couple of police officers were keeping the onlookers at bay. LaShawn attempted to go towards Lucky's body. "Excuse me, ma'am, do you know the victim?" an officer said. "That's my husband, move outta my way!" LaShawn pleaded. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's too late."
"Too late, what do you mean it's too late? Lemme go!" The officer grabbed LaShawn and shook her in an attempt to bring reality to the situation, "Ma'am, it's too late, he's gone." LaShawn fell to her knees and cried out asking God why he took Lucky. Moet just stood there motionless while she continued to cry.
LaShawn's cousin Mona had also heard Lucky had been shot. She arrived to see LaShawn and Moet mourning their loss and quickly made her way over to console them while the homicide detectives began taping off the crime scene. Mona whispered to her cousin, "LaShawn, let's go, Moet don't need to be seeing this.” She then told Moet to pick up his mother's keys and c'mon. Mona herded LaShawn and Moet towards the car and drove them back to Monroe. Moet was eleven, RaShawn was six, and Heaven was 5ive when their father died, though his death was a traumatizing loss LaShawn remained strong, she put all the energy she had left into raising her children. LaShawn was a stay at home mom who had never held a job because Lucky took care of everything, however after his death she moved out of Monroe and found a nice three bedroom house in Mount Vernon, N.Y. She had enough of the project life and wanted something better for herself and her children, unfortunately for Moet this change came too late, he had become a product of his environment. When LaShawn heard Moet was hanging around Rahleek she knew he had followed Lucky’s example and had fallen in love with the streets, therefore she opted to turn her focus toward RaShawn and Heaven. LaShawn understood it was the streets that turned Moet out, and she was not about to let history repeat itself, before they moved Moet used to have nightmares because of the two things he remembered seeing; Lucky laid out in a pool of blood, and hearing LaShawn's cries for help.
Text: J. Hall All rights reserved. Publication Date: February 1st 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-fenom21 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-ronnea-stiles-broken/ | Ronnea Stiles Broken BY: RONNEA STILES To my twin Danea
His left hand felt so large and cold as it swiftly came across my face resulting in the left side of my face hurting agonizingly. I collapsed to the floor falling out of the chair I landed hard on the hardwood floor. My hair went from bouncy curls to sweaty strands hanging from my head. I scooted back at the sound of his huge size 13 feet stomping and vibrating the ground closer and closer as he progressed towards me. He boisterously yelled, cursed, and screamed at me and swore he'd kill me and I without a doubt knew he would with no hesitation. I kept quickly scooting back more and more until there was no where else to scoot except the wooden door, I hit the back of my head on the door knob making another place that hurts. I squinted to see him still coming towards me loudly yelling , "Yell at me again you little bitch!" Automatically on instinct I responded
"Daddy I'm sorry!" He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to his room. I kicked and squirmed but his hands were so powerful. "Sorry". I yelled back and forth. He didn't seem to listen or care. He picked me up and threw me on his bed. His dark face and cold pretentious eyes stared me down as he pinned me to his bed. He lifted up my long sway blue dress. I screamed. "Shutup you little bitch!" He smacked me hard in my face as tears rolled down my eyes. Not again I thought. As the feeling of salty tears rolled down my eyes and the feeling of his cold hands on my heated body slowly and aggressively pulling my panties down I repeatedly thought "I need to get out of here". But how? He finished pulling my panties down and started working on pulling his pants down. I could feel his hot and low breath as he was breathing rapidly. I knew he enjoyed doing this from the satisfied look on his face. "Relax baby girl". He whispered in my ear. He start to put his hands down my thigh, every finger of his felt like fire on my skin it burned my insides. I looked around his dark cold room sweat dripped down my forehead. I then spotted a lamp on his dresser as he kissed on my neck. I traced my fingers along the black cord. His breaths were getting louder now as he shoved himself inside of me. I screamed loud in pain before I knew it I picked up the lamp and hit it across his head hard. He screamed in an uproar stumbling back in pain from being hit with the lamp and he fell, in a panic I hurried pulled my panties up and ran out of the house as fast as I could. I ran fast as rain pondered on my skin. I didn't know where to go. I looked to my left I looked to my right but nothing, not a thing was insight. That's when I heard him calling me. "Queen baby girl...Getcho ass back here!" I didn't look back instead I ran faster, that's when I ran across a big church. The rain soaked my body I didn't know where to go. So I walked back to the church I passed.
The church sang and praised loud the whole town could hear us. I bobbed my head, stomped my feet and clapped my hands on beat to the wonderful sound of the music. The church today was crowded my old man was the bishop and I was his son. James Junior that's right that's what they called me. I kept looking around when I spotted Sylvia that girl was a doll she had big brown eyes long and pretty brown hair with smooth caramel skin. She was one of the praise dancers and the good lord knows I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself from staring at her slim body. I suddenly shook out of my dazed thoughts and remembered where I was . "Lord forgive me". I thought, I knew I shouldn't have been thinking those foul and horrendous thoughts while in the house of God but the thought of her body up against mine was vivid in the back of my mind when starring at her. Suddenly that's when the music stopped and everybody sat down "Finally". I thought, "I have time to collect myself". As we sat down my father "Bishop Jones" spoke up by the podium. "Let the church say amen" "Amen". Said the church. My father was a cocky built man and my mother sat on the right side of him she was First Lady Mrs. Bishop Jones. My mother looked aimlessly and proud at my father. Everyone looked up to him and so did I. One day I hope to become as great of a bishop as my father is. Nothing more good then praising The Lord as much as I can and knowing when you die you'll get into heavens gates knowing you lived righteously that's all I wanted. "Today we need to praise The Lord... Because I've got a testimony. My son James Jones was accepted to attend.... wait let me rephrase that he got a full ride scholarship to play football at Mizzou !" The church people cheered loudly in triumph for me and to tell you the truth I was proud myself. "C'mon up here son". I confidently stood up as everyone watched and clapped their hands I walked slowly to the podium getting a feeling of exasperation from all the welcomes and praises. I smiled at everyone as they looked at me. "Geez... I wasn't expecting my father to put me on the spot so soon". Everyone laughed. "But I will say it was in Gods strength and will to give me the blessing of receiving this scholarship and without God in my life I wouldn't be saying this right now..." Before I could even finish a filthy girl walked into the church everyone gasped and looked at her. She was soaked and her face was beat up her hair was all tangled and rough looking. She looked at everyone then ran out. I don't know what or why but a weird feeling inside of me made me follow her. I chased her outside. Yelling "Wait!" The girl turned around. I walked up to her to notice behind all that filth she was extremely beautiful. "What?" "What made you leave?" "Everyone was staring at me...what do you want?" "I want to help you". "Do I look like I need help?" She asked aggravatingly. "Yes you do". I chuckled. She rolled her eyes and turned to walk away until I grabbed her arm. "What?!" "I want to help you". "Leave me alone I don't need your charity!" She then stomped away. I stood there watching her vanish into the night while I got soaked with Gods tears. I didn't know what it was but I was in love.
It's been two weeks since I've last seen my dad and to be completely honest I miss him I know that's really odd and strange to say but I do, I mean hey at least I got a good meal when I was with him. I was sitting down in this local run down diner waiting for someone to notice me and how I looked and would feel some type of sympathy for me to offer and buy me something to eat. I haven't had a bath and I've got on the same clothes from the night I left my dads house which was two weeks ago. The only thing that was actually clean on me was my teeth and that's only because I stole toothpaste and a toothbrush from a local store the manager saw me and kicked me out but I still kept the things I took. Right now I honestly don't know what to do the only thought that keeps coming into the back of my mind is that boy who I met at the church the chubby light skinned boy. Maybe I could go there and get some help. I know I acted like a bitch and everything but I was angry and acted on impulse knowing I needed the help. Maybe someone like him one of "Gods people" could help me out. That would be a long walk from where I am now but there's a good chance they'll help me out give me somewhere to stay so I need to go back to the church. ~ Today no one seemed to be at the church the only car I saw outside in the parking lot was a truck that was silver. I started to feel stupid thinking "Maybe I should just go back home." But my old man hasn't found me all this time so I should just keep moving, but where? That's when that boy walked out of the church he looked as though he was closing up. He turned around to see me he jumped a bit as if he were startled but then a slight smile appeared on his face. I tightened my grip up in my face trying to hold a regular but discerning look as he walked over to me. It was daylight and the sun shined down on my dark skin. "You came back I see ". "I'd like to take you up on your offer could .....you help me?" He looked at me weird I couldn't comprehend what he was thinking. "If I recall correctly you said you didn't need help". He smirked. I wasn't in the mood so I just rolled my eyes and turned to walk away but before I did he grabbed my wrist. "Wait.... Please I was just joking...I can help you out I'm on my way home right now actually I'm sure my parents will help you there". "I don't know..." "Trust me please there's more creeps sitting around here just waiting to try and get you into their cars but I'm not that person okay. If you honestly want my help then get in, if you don't and want to be obstinate go back to where you came from or stay stranded waiting for one of them to catch you". He then turned and walked away from me looking serious but sweet I looked around to see who would actually be watching I saw no one, I shrugged my shoulders and yelled "Wait!" I did want his help and so I ran over to his car.
I was surprised and somewhat happy to see her again but I had to act natural as the beautiful dark brown skin girl got into my car. I didn't want to seem like a creep but I couldn't keep my eyes off her even after masking the scent of her distasteful smell she was still like art what more could I do aside from stare. I could tell she really needed my help so I prayed to God begging she would stick around. "Are you hungry?" I asked. "Very" "When's the last time you ate?" She lifted up her dress a bit and fixed her hair even though it was all nappy. "About a week ago". I was astonished did this girl really say a week ago? I just couldn't imagine all the stuff she's been through. I knew she had a story and I wanted to hear it. "What do you have a taste for?" I asked trying to sound calm. "Anything...I just really need a bath". I glanced over at her body trying to get a good look at her and the damage she's taken, but I couldn't really tell what it looked like because her dress was so bulky but she was right she wreaked of outside and dirt I seriously needed to get her to my parents soon. "I'll tell you what, once we get to my house my parents will take care of you". She didn't say anything but just nodded her head, I rolled the windows down to let some of the bad smell out without trying to seem rude. ~ We finally pulled up to my house I watched as her eyes got big and her mouth dropped I could instantly tell what she was thinking. She thought my house was huge and I won't even try to stunt like its not, it was big. "You can get out". I said to her. She paused for a second and looked at me but didn't move. "I'm sorry. This was a bad mistake". "Wait why?" "I can't go in there smelling like this...especially not looking like this either!" She yelled. She hastily looked in the mirror and attempted to fix her face up in some type of way. I took her hand away from her face grabbed her other one and held them down and made her look at me. All I saw was a girl in need, the longer I stared at her the more I felt the need to help her. She was different from other girls I've met and seen she had this look ... This really desperate look in her eyes and all I wanted to do was help her. "Look you gotta trust and believe me my family won't care how your looking right now at all. They'll only be concerned with one thing and that's helping you.... In all honesty you look fine to me". I said with confidence. She sighed and said "Okay let's do it." I got out and came around to open the passenger side door for her, I smiled while watching her get out of the car. We walked to the front door she stood behind me as I opened the door. I turned around to her and said "Don't be afraid". With a smile on my face to help her feel comfortable. That's when my mom came to the door. Her eyes wandered to the girl as we came in she gasped a little in astonishment to how she looked but she quickly fixed her face and then her eyes wandered to me. My mom was a heavy set woman with nice curly hair and light skin just like me and my father. She was very sweet but getting on her bad side is something you don't want to do... At all. "Ummm Baby...who's this?" I didn't even know how to answer that question because I hadn't even learned her name yet. "Umm...mom this is the girl from about two weeks ago who ran into the church. She needs help". "You don't say...Okay well... has she tried getting connected with her family?" Suddenly that's when the girl stood in front of me and started to speak. "Excuse me ma'am but I'm sorry to come up on you so suddenly. Your son said you could help me. And to answer your question I don't have any family". My mom looked at the girl long and hard. "C'mon in I think I can find you something to wear". I smiled brightly. I knew my mom would give in.
The lady walked me around their huge house it was so luxurious, I thought the outside was amazing until I got to look around the inside of it. Their house was the type of house you would see in movies with the perfect rich family who had everything or one you would see in commercials. They must have money I thought they have to, but I just had a real uneasy feeling about all of this for some reason I felt as if I wanted to run out and go back home to my father. I really miss him a lot. I knew deep down inside though that these people where the only good I had left if I wanted to get help. "My daughter will let you borrow some of her clothes. How old are you again sweetie?" "I'm 16 ma'am ". "Great well my daughter isn't here right now but she's not too much older then you... Hmm you guys look as if you're bout the same shape and size". She said while glancing over at my body. She walked into a huge room and I could tell it was her daughters, she looked through a couple drawers but had finally found some pants and a shirt. "I think these will do for now". She handed me her daughters clothes and walked me to a bathroom. Even the bathroom was huge I just couldn't believe I was in a house like this. "There's towels, soap, and shampoo in the closet... Once you're done getting cleaned off come down for dinner there's a ham in the oven just as we speak". She said while smiling. I smiled at her as she walked out of the bathroom. I couldn't figure it out but I wondered why she was so friendly, I guess I'll save that thought for later I start to take off my dress which I was so happy to do since I'd been wearing it for two weeks straight now. I looked at my body in the body mirror. I had a nice thick body for my age but the only thing was the scars left over from my dad's beatings at home, they stick there on my skin like tattoos. I then looked up at my face, it was smooth and chocolate I had short curly dangling hair that laid down to my shoulders. My old man always said no man would ever find me beautiful and I'd believe him but sometimes just sometimes I think he's wrong. I hastily looked away ashamed of my body and face. I grabbed the towel, shampoo and soap from the closet and started to run the shower water. As I got into the shower the hot water stung to my skin but it felt so good, finally I was starting to feel clean again .
My dad had just gotten home and my mom and I were all in the family room discussing about this mysterious girl. "She can't stay here". Said my dad. I started to get a little angry. "Why not? I told her we would help her". "Son we can find other ways to help her but her living with us isn't one we know nothing about this girl and I'm not putting my family in danger". "Dad you can tell she's just a kid! We're supposed to be Gods people but we can't even help her!" My mom got into my face. "You better watch yoself now...your father is right we know nothing of this girl I'm sure there's other ways". "Like what?!" "We can give her enough money for her to spend a coupla nights at a hotel until she can get ahold of her family". "Dad she said it herself she has no family". "Son she's 16 years old she had to come from somewhere". "James hunny let your father and I discuss about this matter and maybe God will give us some strength, but right now you should go check on her. I told her to come down for dinner she should be ready now". I rolled my eyes now irritated at my parents but I listened and left the family room. I walked up the steps and went to the guest bathroom where she was. I opened he door and immediately she jumped, I startled, forgetting to knock before I came in I saw her with a white towel wrapped around her body. My eyes got big I was embarrassed now so I hurried and closed the door. As I was walking away the door opened up. "You can come in if you want". She said with a smirk on her face. My body most certainly wanted to walk into the bathroom with her but I knew it wasn't right. "No it's fine I'll wait out here...sorry for busting in on you like that I should have knocked". "It's ok...I'm putting clothes on now...thankyou". "No problem... I'm James by the way". "I'm Queen". What a beautiful name I thought. We both stared at each other for about a minute until I shook out of my daze. "Well....I'll be downstairs dinner is ready". I then hurried down the steps. For some odd reason this girl has all of my attention. ~ We were in the middle of praying, me, my mom, dad and my sister when Queen came into the eating room. Everyone stared at her. She looked twice as gorgeous now that she was all cleaned up. "Grab a plate and join us". My mother said. I watched her in astonishment as she piled greens, dressing, salad, ham, potatoes, and Mac and cheese all onto her plate. She then sat down and started gobbling her food down. Everyone was looking at her crazy, her head hadn't even lifted for just a second but I think she felt us staring because she suddenly stopped and looked up with food stuffed in her mouth. I chuckled a bit. "There's always seconds". My sister said. I never understood my sister she always had a snobby attitude. She was a 20 year old brat. She had short sandy brown hair was thick in size and was lighter then everyone in the family. "It's fine I'm full". I could see in Queens face that she was lying, but even I wouldn't want to eat either if I had a girl staring me down as I ate. "My clothes look like they fit wonderful on you...you can keep them". I was surprised at how nice my sister was acting I was afraid she'd be more sarcastic. Queen looked at what she was wearing then looked up at my sister and smiled. "So umm what's your name?" My father asked. "Queen... My name is Queen". "Queen where is your family?" "I...my mother died when I was 10 and my father..." She started to move around aimlessly in her chair. I could tell she was starting to feel uncomfortable. "I'm sorry to hear that...come again though what did you say about your father, I didn't quite understand you?" She looked somberly at my father. "I should go". She got up, everyone watched her as she did. Why was she leaving? "Wait Queen you don't have to leave dear...we can give you some money so you can sleep at a hotel". "This was really nice ma'am but I'll just leave". My mother rolled her eyes as Queen left the table and pointed them towards my father. "What? I asked her two questions". "Bishop Jones where is your God at...you see this poor young girl has no where to stay". My mom got up and followed Queen. Me, my dad, and sister all looked at each other until I got up and started to follow mom. ~ When I had gotten to the door Queen and my mom where just sitting down on the front steps talking. I didn't want to intrude so I just listened in on their conversation. "Hunny you can stay here for as long as you want okay....we also have a church you can come to too". "I ain't real godly ma'am ". "Oh dear! Its okay I wasn't so godly at first either until I met my wonderful husband Bishop Jones 45 years ago...I'm sure you'll find all the help you need there". "Thank you..." "I tell you what...I'm going to give you 200 dollars and you can do whatever you need to do with it just please be safe and careful and come to church". "Ma'am I can't take your money...you've already done enough by feeding me letting me use the shower and clothing me...really I just can't." I watched as my mom giggled and wrapped her arms around Queen. "Child please take the money I can tell you need it more than I do..." That's when they both turned around to see me. I stepped back a little when Queen and my mother got up. "Well James baby since you're here you can take Queen up to a hotel". "Yea sure...are you ready now?" Queen nodded her head. My mom winked at me as we walked to my truck. I was jovial to see my family helping Queen out.
It was almost midnight now and the boy James was driving me to a hotel. I never believed in God but these people where big on him. Bibles and bible scriptures wandered all throughout their house, they prayed at dinner, and even Mrs. Jones prayed to me about him I could tell they were the real deal. I don't know maybe there is a God, I still couldn't fathom that she really gave me 200 dollars. They wanted me to come back to their church but I knew I wouldn't I think she knew it too just deep down. I was going to take the money and try to find a job and buy more clothes. I don't have time for church or for whoever this "God" was. James interrupted my thoughts. "We're almost there". "It's fine take your time...I've always loved long drives". He turned and smiled at me then turned his eyes back to the road. "Thankyou for helping me out...I've never met people so friendly before". "Don't thank us...thank God he's the one who's blessed us to help you and other people". "Where does this God live?" James laughed but I didn't understand why. "Oh wait...you're serious aren't you?" I gave him a dumbfounded look. "Umm God is the creator of this world called heaven...that's where he lives". "Have you ever visited him before? Can he help me?" James pulled into a hotel called ROADSIDE INTERNATIONAL hotel. He parked in the parking lot, turned off his car and stared at me. "I've never visited God before and don't plan on it for awhile...but yes he is able to help you...but if you truly want him in your life you should come to the church get saved and good things will come your way". "How do I get him to talk to me?" "Let's see...well you can pray...that's the only way". "I don't know how to pray". "Well okay umm.... how about tomorrow I come pick you up bright and early in the morning and I can take you to church so you can get a feel of God". "I can't go". "What why not, thought you wanted to get close to God?" "I don't have any church clothes...and I need to start finding a job". "I can help you with that just please come to church with me that's all I ask." I couldn't say no to this boy I mean he's helped me all this time and I needed him to help me meet God. "What time do I need to be up?" "Sunday morning worship starts at 10:30 so I'll be here at 7 to bring you clothes to get dressed". He smiled brightly at me. James had curly brown hair and smooth light skin, he was a lil bit on the chubby side and I noticed he had this scar on the back of his head. "I'll be up then". "Ok, now let's get you checked in". "Wait...you're not staying?" He looked at me with shock. "Oh...umm that wasn't part of the plan...and I doubt my parents will let me". "Why?" He tapped on the steering wheel. "I'm an 18 year old boy with a beautiful young girl staying at a hotel now that doesn't sound very godly at all does it". I couldn't help but smile. Nobody has ever called me beautiful but curiously I wondered if he was just saying that. "Do you really think I'm beautiful?" "Yes...very". That's when I leaned over and kissed him on his cheek. His cheeks turned red and he turned away all embarrassed it was kinda cute . "Thank you so much James...I'll be up in the morning...but I can check myself in". I got out and started to walk into the hotel.
I watched as she walked into the hotel. I couldn't believe she didn't know how to pray or who God was, why was this girl so mysterious. I can still feel her kiss stained to my cheek it was soft and smooth. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about this girl. God why did you bring this girl into my life? I knew God wouldn't tell me the answer I would have to figure out myself. I started to head back home, I couldn't wait until tomorrow ~ I knocked on her room number door. A minute later she opened it. All she had on was her bra and panties. I started to get hot so I quickly turned away. "It's ok...you can look at me". "No Queen that's not right..I can't...please put some clothes on". I heard her make a sound and suddenly that's when she pulled me inside and closed the door. I handed her a long black dress that my sister had along with some red flats. She looked at the dress then sat it on the bed. "I can't go to church". I stood up and turned the other way. "Why?'' "I don't wear this...it's very nice and all but it's not me". "You don't have any other clothes though". "Listen you guys are really nice for taking me in like this and I appreciate it but I have to go". I turned to face her. I couldn't stop staring at her pink bra and panties, she had scars on her stomach. She noticed me looking and covered herself with her cover. "I'm sorry". "It's fine...please I'll come to church some other time...you have my word". "Sure...you're always welcomed". I turned and started to leave when she grabbed me. "You can stay longer if you want". "Do you want me to?" She shook her head. She sat down on her bed and patted her hand on the bed indicating that she wanted me to sit down. I sat down only inches apart from her. I started to get a little uncomfortable this girl was so beautiful I didn't want to say anything wrong or dumb. "Tell me about yourself". "Eh...well let's see...I'm the bishops son as you've probably noticed...I work lots in the church..." She stopped me from talking by grabbing unto my hand. "No I mean tell me about you...not what you tell everyone else". No one has ever wanted to know me really so I didn't quite know how to answer Queens question. "I'm just a church boy". She giggled and started to fix my tie. She stared me in my eyes for awhile before she leaned over and kissed me on my lips. Her lips were nice and smooth but I didn't know if I should kiss her back. She put my hands around her waist and got on top of me. "Queen.." "It's ok". She started to kiss me more aggressively now and I couldn't help my body it was like instinct I just grabbed unto her and started to kiss her back. We did that for awhile until she grabbed at my pants and started rubbing on my almost hard dick. I knew this wasn't right and I barely know this girl so I had to put an end to it. "Stop please!" I pushed her off me lightly and she laid back on the bed as I began to stand up. "What what's wrong?" "Queen you don't know me". "So you don't want to?" "Believe me I really do it's just it's not right". "I thought you would want it in return from all the stuff you've done for me". "Queen you don't owe me anything I just honestly wanted to help you...you shouldn't feel like you have to pay me in sex...you're really worth more than that". She stared at me for a small second then got up and rubbed her hands through her head. "I'll see you around". She walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I now felt as if I was the bad guy, but I didn't want her to feel like that's what I wanted because those weren't my intentions at all. So without hesitation I left the room.
I sat there on my bed feeling real dumb. I just couldn't believe James had left me there without wanting to touch me. I didn't know what his problem was but I didn't like it. I walked back into the bathroom and started to run my fingers along the roots of my hair. I had dark hair with loose z like curls. I needed to find a job today and I also wanted to stop by home to pick up some clothes. So I started to get dress and put on the clothes James sister let me have. ~ I wandered around the streets as people looked at me. I kept walking down the dusty dirt road until I approached my beat down one story house. It had holes on the outside of the house and the grass was a yellowish green. There were no leaves on any of the four old trees outside my house. I was hesitant to walk in. I didn't want to encounter another beating from my father but I had to get some clothes. Before I walked in I took a long deep breath and put the 200 dollars in my bra. I then start to walk slowly to the front door. As I walked I wondered did my old man miss me or even think to himself that I maybe hurt? I sighed and opened the screen door the front door was unlocked. As I walked in the wooden floor made a screeching sound. "Dad it's me...Queen" But I didn't get a response. So I started for my room. I walked into my small green room which was my favorite place to be. After all those beatings I'd go right into my room and sit on my small twin sized bed and think what I did to make him so angry at me. I didn't have time for that now though I had to hurry and get my bag and clothes before my father came. I opened up my drawers and stuffed as many clothes and shoes in my blue duffle bag as possible, I hurried and ransacked everything until I found everything I needed. That's when all of a sudden I heard his voice. My heart start to race to the sound of his voice sounding like horses on a track it was beating so loud I thought it would beat out of my chest. I had to think and act fast so I grabbed my pocket knife that was hidden under my pillow I kept with me ever since my mama died. I started to slowly proceed toward the hall with the knife in my right hand behind my back. "Queen?" My dad had found me. He was 6'9 and weighed almost 300 pounds. He wasn't fat though my dad was very muscular. He was dark chocolate with rough curly hair. "Daddy". "Where you been? I been looking all over for you". "I found a new place to stay". I lied but I knew I couldn't stay here. I could tell my dad was sober because he wasn't angry in fact he looked very sad at me. He usually beats me only when he's been drinking. "Where at?" "A better place...I just can't live here no more daddy". "Why baby girl?" I didn't know what to say. He walked over to me and pulled me into his embrace. I slowly put the knife into my duffel bag. He kissed me on my forehead and held me tight. I remember when there use to be times I loved my dad's big bear hugs but now I hate them. "I don't want you to leave baby girl." "I know daddy but I got to go". He let me go and solemnly looked at me. "Did I hurt you again?" I hate that my dad could just forget what he's done to me so fast. His beatings were like scars they were on my body and in my head I couldn't forget a thing. "No daddy...I just have to go". My dad shook his head like he understood. He walked over to me once again and gently kissed me on my lips. I moved my face away in shame then walked out the house.
Church had finally ended and everyone started to fellowship. I walked around trying to find my parents, in reality I really wanted to see Queen here, I wanted her to know I was sorry. As I walked I accidentally bumped into Sylvia. Her bible had fallen down, she bent over to pick it up I couldn't help but stare at her ass. It looked nice and round in that tight fitted knit skirt she had on. She got up and smiled at me. Sylvia had a beautiful smile, overall she was just a beautiful girl. "I'm sorry bout your bible". "Don't apologize to me...apologize to him". She pointed her index finger towards the ceiling. We both chuckled. "I will most certainly make note of that". "Good...today's lesson about keeping hope in God was wonderful...I wish my father was as good as yours". "Well...I'm sure he is". She gave me a slant smile then fixed her long hair. "We should maybe go out sometime". I gave her a weird look. "To discuss about the upcoming play of course, duhh!" "Ohhhh yea! You're right...the play". She giggled at me a little. That's when her parents called for her to leave. "Well I bests get going now...so I'll call you later tonight". "Great and I'll answer". I smiled brightly at her as I watched her walk over to her parents. ~ We closed up church, now only my father, mother, sister, and me all sat down in the church. My sister Caroline started to speak. "I knew that girl wasn't gonna show up...she was probably just some sneaky girl who was good for getting money out of people". "Caroline Shutup! You don't know anything". Everyone stared back at me with a stunned look on their faces. "Oh well excuse me I'm sorry James for talking about yo lil thieving girlfriend". She snickered. I rolled my eyes now angry. "Well I just hope the girl enjoys that 200 dollars I gave her". My father kept quiet and I wondered why. "She promised me she will come to church...mom this girl really needs help". "Hunny I can't give her help if she doesn't want it". "Why are you so interested with that girl?" I looked over at Caroline. "I'm just trying to do Gods will and get her closer to him". That's when my father then interrupted me. "That's good son I love hearing that from you but it's like your mother said if she doesn't want to receive help then we can't give it to her...all you need to worry about is playing football and staying close to God yourself." "Dad it's the summer I don't need to trip off football". "How do you expect to be the best if you don't practice?" I hated when my father spoke about football like that, always wanting me to be the best and for me to be perfect. If I ever looked average on the field or wanted to look average he gets mad. I couldn't deal with my father, I'm tired of him telling me what to do, I didn't even like football but I played it so much I just became great at it. Now my father wants me to become an NFL player, something I think he wanted to do but couldn't. Only thing is that path just wasn't for me, my dad was a good man but that was only when it came to The Lord he honored and praised but he never came to realize how much he thought anything I did wasn't right, and today I just didn't have time to hear him criticize me about my actions. I got up and started putting my jacket on. "Where do you think you're going?" "I'm leaving dad...I don't have time for this". Before he could even put the words to say "Get back here" together I had already walked off.
My summer wasn't going as planned but then again nothing ever did. It was about midnight now and I still wandered the streets with only 50 dollars left in my pocket. I still needed to buy more clothes and shoes on top of that for the last two weeks I've had to find new places to live, but now I couldn't afford to go to another hotel I seriously needed to save my money. It was pitch dark and I was walking with one huge suitcase in my right hand. I placed my left hand in my pocket, and let the cool summer breeze flow enjoying the wind I spotted a small ranch style diner called BURGER&FRIES DINER. I needed to find a job immediately so I walked in. Instantly as I walked in people looked in my direction and started to stare at me. It only held a few tables and mostly white people where around. I watched people indulge in their burgers and chew their fries like it was freshly made delicious gourmet food. That's when a blonde haired man walked up to me. "You looking for something girl?" "Yea is this place hiring?" He looked around the diner and then said "This ol' beat up joint" then looked back at me and chuckled. "We ain't looking for no help girl... So you might as well run along somewhere else". He then spit next to my foot. I jumped back before it touched me and started to walk away. As I walked away some man from the bar cocked his head towards me. "You looking for work girl...I can find you some place to work". I turned sideways to get a better look at him. He was tall, caramel skinned, and astonishingly very handsome. I needed a job so I walked over to him. "Go ahead and sit on down". I sat down on a stool right next to him. "Go on and sit ya stuff down too get comfortable". "Now why would I do that...you trynna rob me?" He chuckled a bit and so did I. That's when he asked one of the waitresses to come over. "Yes Mr. King". I thought to myself he had to be well known around here for the waitress to know his name. "I will have my regular...also get this beautiful lady one as well". "Well how old is she?" They both looked at me. I fixed my hair and dress. "18...I'm 18". "You got an I.d.?" "I lost it". Mr. King and the waitress looked at me. "Well I'm sorry but I can't serve you without an I.d." "Hold on... Sheryl listen now you know me I'm a well respected man around town and I would never give alcohol to a minor if she wasn't of age I wouldn't have made the request now would I?" "Yes Mr. King but..." He cut her off. "Sheryl Just get the drinks". She looked frightened, then she walked away. "Well you sure must be well known". "I own a few clubs". He looked me up and down from my head to my toes. "Oh really what kinda club?" "I would love for you to work for me...I can get you anything you need". "I need a place to stay". "That's not a problem". He smiled at me, I smiled back. I honestly didn't know if I should trust or listen to this man but I needed help finding a job and a place to stay so any help right now was the best. The waitress brought two shots out Mr. King and I chugged them down. It was so strong I choked a little I even thought I was going to vomit for a minute. He laughed at my facial expression. "Damn what is this shit?" "Hennessy...now let's get out of here". "Where are we going?" "My place...It ain't like I'm gonna hurt you I don't bite." He smiled then picked up my suitcase. I knew it was really risky and iffy for me to follow him but looking at my current situation I did anyway. We walked outside to a brand new black Pontiac he opened up my door and I got in. ~ As he drove he asked me questions. "What's yo name?" "Queen". "That's a beautiful name...you can call me Cam". "Cam why you being so nice to me?" "You needed help so I want to help you". "What do I have to do?" He looked over at me but didn't answer my question he just stopped the car at a nice ranch style house. "C'mon in". He got out and so did I, grabbing my suitcase I followed him into the house it was very beautiful on the inside. Very neat and nicely kept up as if he had a maid. I walked around as he followed behind. "Cam you never did answer my question". I turned around and he looked at me. "God you're beautiful...how old are you really?" "16". He stared at me for a second then walked into this huge bedroom I followed him in. He sat down on his bed as I stood up in front of him. "About that job...You can work for me at this club I own as a dancer". I chuckled. "What kind of dancer?" "C'mon on over here girl and I'll show you". I was a little hesitant because he reached out and started grabbing me by my hips but I needed this moneyso I gave in a little. He laid me on his bed and began to kiss me.
"Cam I don't want..." "Shh". He started kissing me again then he looked at me closely. "You want this job don't you?" "Yes I do...but I thought I was going to dance". Cam got up and walked around his room. "Where's your family at girl?!" "I don't have nun". I sat up in his bed. "Leave". "What why I need the job?!!" "You can't do nothing for me". I stood up then headed towards the door. He watched me as I stopped. I had no place to go or stay and right now this random man was my only hope. So I turned myself around walked over to Cam and started kissing him. I put my hands down his pants slowly rubbing his dick as he started getting hard. "Damn girl you sure want this job don't you?" I nodded my head as he gently laid me back on his bed. ~ I woke up with my hair everywhere and Cam standing over me. "You been sleep for years girl...don't you get rest?" I chuckled as he sat down and gently rubbed his hands through my head. "What time is it?" "6...pm". I got up out of shock from what time he said . "Relax girl you don't start working until tonight...I promise I'll help you get whatever you need and that's what I'm going to do". "Do you do this to all the girls that dance for you?" He chuckled and looked me in my eyes. Cams skin was like milk chocolate and his eyes where hazel as ever. I couldn't believe I had slept with this man I just met. "Only if their as beautiful as you...and no your the first". I smiled even though I knew he was lying. "Cam I've never danced before". "That's alright...men like newbies". He got up and walked out. I followed him to the kitchen as he was fixing some strawberries. I then spotted some bacon on a plate as I went to grab it Cam pushed me really hard. I fell to the ground with a loud thud. "That's not for you!" I got up dusting myself off. "I'm sorry". "You get fruit you have to keep your body nice...and what's all those scars I saw on your stomach huh?!" I stepped back as he charged for me. He grabbed my arm really hard. "They've always been there... "It's disgusting you have to take care of yourself...I know a plastic surgeon who can fix that...please go and clean yourself up". I backed up slowly then walked upstairs. For some reason I was beginning to regret what I had done. ~ It was around midnight and I stood in a dressing room full of strippers. Cam had a thing for young girls, they all laughed and walked around half naked while I stood by the mirror looking at my body in this all lace bathing suit. It was a one piece and it showed off all my ass. To tell you the truth I was extremely nervous. I didn't know what to do at all. That's when suddenly Cam barged in yelling for girls to hit the floor and go make him some money. He spotted me and walked over to my direction. "You look beautiful". "Cam you've done so much for me...but I can't do this...this is not me I'm not feeling it". His face scrunched up and he looked at me. He put both his hands on my arms. "Baby you look beautiful...all you're doing is dancing to get you some money...I said I would help you". "I know but...". He stopped me by kissing my lips he then grabbed something out of his pocket and told me to close my eyes and open my mouth. I did as he told, he placed something on my tongue and told me to close my mouth. "Now let it dissolve baby girl and in a few minutes you won't worry about anything". I shook my head then walked upstairs.
"Jesus is Lord". Sylvia repeated. She smiled at me brightly as her hands were holding her script. It was just her and I practicing for our upcoming play in July. I felt exhausted and had enough of practicing so I sat down in one of the front rows of the church. Sylvia came over and sat down next to me, her long hair was pinned up in an up do and she had two long beautiful curls hanging down in front of her face. She had a real nice classy pink dress on she just looked all around gorgeous today. "I can't help but say...I've noticed you've kept your eyes on me all night". Shit really, I thought, was I that noticeable. I chuckled. "Well.. I'm sorry it's just that I can't help but notice a beautiful girl." Her eyes twinkled a bit then she smiled. "You really are very charming...it's so funny because my mom was literally just talking about you". "Really what did she say?" Sylvia crossed her legs, and looked at me closely smiling. "Well she said it'll be real nice if you and I got together, like really isn't that just funny?!" We both laughed a little . "That is funny but you know what honestly I'd be hono..." Before I could even complete my sentence Queen out of no where walked into the church she looked just the same as she did on the first day I saw her but the only difference was this time she had on some very short shorts and a bra. I stood up quick, and Sylvia did as well. "Wait...what were you gonna say?" I out of no where instinctively just pushed Sylvia out of my way. I saw her face flush red. I ran over to Queen and grabbed her, holding her close to me as if she were a child that got hurt on the playground. "What's happened to you?!" Queen looked up at me with blood slowly dripping from her lip she was shivering. I immediately took off my jacket and gave it to her, I helped her sit down. Sylvia walked over to us, her hands were crossed over her chest. "James honestly you can't keep picking up the pieces for this girl...all the church people are talking!!" "Sylvia please I don't want to hear this now just run and go get some tissue from the bathroom become useful!" She huffed and puffed loudly while she marched off to the back, which I hope she was going to the bathroom. I sat down next to Queen as she started to talk. "I'm sorry to barge in on you again like this...but you were the only person I thought of...and I saw the church lights on so I automatically figured you were inside". "Oh baby please don't be sorry you did the right thing...I'm gonna help you". She looked up at me and tried to smile but I could tell her mouth was hurting. "Queen who did this to you?!" "A guy I met...you don't know him". How could anybody do this I thought. "Where in the living hell is this guy ,huh where is he?!" "Settle down... I'm fine I have you now". She laid her head on my shoulder. I grabbed her and put my arms around her as Sylvia came back. Her mouth dropped when she saw us. She threw me the tissues. "I better get going now it's real late". She then stomped off, her heels click clacking on the hardwood floor as she walked away. "What's her problem?" Queen asked. "I...I don't know...let's get you to my house ok?" Queen shook her head and we both got out. For some reason I really liked this girl and I wanted to be that hero she never had.
I really liked James a lot even though we haven't spoken since the day he rejected me. It was something different about this boy it was kinda odd that he didn't want sex from me so I was starting to believe that he just honestly wanted me for me. I knew he was the only person I could count on helping me. Cam saw me eating a burger earlier today and he beat the shit out of me, it's just hard trying to eat healthy when I haven't eaten a good solid meal since I left James' house. Cam was right though he did promise me money, at first getting money from these men was hard but after all the drinks and Cams dissolvable candy he gave me every night got into my system I let loose and was able to make 500 dollars just in one day. Although I had to give Cam 300 of it, it was still more money that I'd ever gotten by myself. James had opened the passenger side door of his car for me and I got in, he soon walked around got in and started to drive. I began to wipe off my lip and fix up my hair. "Where are your clothes at?" "A safe place ....you can take me back to". James pulled the car over and looked over at me like I was insane. "Let me get this straight some guy just beat the shit out of you and you honestly just want to go back?" I didn't say anything he sighed and kept driving. "Queen I'm not mad at you I'm just trying to help you but you're making that real difficult...and what about church you haven't even showed up?" "I've been busy". "Yea I see that ...". "I'm sorry I've just been working...trying to make ends meet ya kno?" "No I don't know Queen I don't know your lifestyle...where's your family huh?" "My mom died remember I told you". "What about your dad you never mentioned him". "He's... dead as well". I lied to James but my dad was dead to me now, dead as he'll ever be. "Geez I'm sorry that's happened to you...losing both parents is immensely hard to deal with I can't imagine". "It's not that hard once you think about it". "What do you mean?" "Nothing...I'm just hungry". "Don't worry I'll get you some food". James then started driving again and pulled into a jack n the box and went in to get me some tacos. I sat there in the car still waiting on him. ~ "Shh". It was about midnight as me and James crept into his huge house trying not to make a sound. I was honestly surprised he was sneaking me in. He held my hand the whole way and I followed him through the the house as we walked up the steps to his room. As I walked into his room I noticed he was very organized and neat. Green and blue was everywhere and his room was like a little house. It had a bathroom in it, couches as if you were in the living room, and this big platinum screen tv. His room was seriously just amazing. I plopped down on his bed. He stood up and took his shirt off. He was a little chubby thang just like I liked. "You trying to show me something?" He smirked. "Maybe". He then walked into the bathroom.
I stood in the bathroom about to take my pants off when Queen just walked in. She had her shorts and bra on her curls fell all in her face she really looked adorable. "Just a minute". "No need to stop because I'm here...continue". I looked at her as she smiled at me. "I need to take a shower though Queen". "So do I." She smiled then began taking her shorts off she was just in some red lace panties. My body was already starting to get hot. "Queen I don't think..." She walked over to me and started kissing me. I didn't know what to do so I kept my hands to my sides. "Touch me". She said. I looked her in her dark brown eyes and then wrapped my arms around her smooth small waist and started kissing her more. "Let's take a shower together". She whispered. I took a deep breath then shook my head. We both began to take our clothes off. I stared at every inch of Queens body, she was very slim and thick, immediately I was on hard she laughed a little then walked into the shower. I followed behind and started to let the hot water rinse our bodies. I pinned her up against the shower wall, her hands wrapped around my neck, good thing my shower was large. She then wrapped her legs around my waist and started to kiss me. "Damn!" I said repeatedly. She stopped to chuckle and kept kissing me. I really wanted to put my dick inside her but I knew this wasn't right and especially since I didn't have a condom with me. "Go ahead and put it in". She said. I stopped kissing her and looked up. "I gotta get the condom first it's in my room". She looked at me. "We don't need one". That's when she let go of me and knelt down in front of my dick. The hot water was soaking her body and hair up. I didn't know what to do so I laid back on the shower wall. She had grabbed my dick and start to suck it. This was the best feeling in my life I'd never gotten my dick sucked before but I didn't want to make it obvious but I also couldn't stop making slight grunts once she started moving up and down circling her tongue around my dick all the way to the top. I really wanted to fuck this girl right now. Queen was so damn beautiful and I wanted to be her man only thing is I didn't know if she wanted that back, but now wasn't the time to think about that so I stopped her and turned the shower off. "What's wrong baby?" "Let's finish in my room". She nodded her head, we left the bathroom I turned to face her then instantly she pushed me on the bed and leaped on top of me. This girl was driving me crazy. I grabbed unto her ass as she started to grind on me. "You like that baby?" She asked. All I could do was squint my eyes lick my lips and nod yes. She then grabbed my dick and was about to put it in her before I stopped her. "Wait...Ummm... I've never done this before". "You're a virgin?" I was so embarrassed but answered honestly. "Yes". She just smiled then grabbed my dick and slowly put it inside her she began to move in an upward motion as a slight moan came from her mouth. She then started to grind and bounce on top of me, she felt so good on the inside, all I kept thinking about was all the blood rushing to my dick. "Queen..baby...I'm about to cum". She kept bouncing and grinding and going faster. That's when I hurried and pushed her off me then I started to cum everywhere. She sat up and started to laugh. I did too a little. I couldn't believe I just lost my virginity to Queen. ~ I immediately changed the sheets and now we were just laying there. Queen turned over the opposite way as she slept I couldn't stop thinking bout this girl. I think I was in love in fact I knew I was in love from the moment I got a good look at this girl. I James Michael Jones was in love with Queen a girl I didn't even know the last name of. I chuckled then turned over wrapped my arm around her and went to sleep.
It had to be about four in the morning when I woke up lying next to James. Shit I thought. I had to get out of here, theres no way this boy could like me I was no good and his life is already perfect. If he was to get involved with me I'd ruin everything for him. So I quietly got up found a shirt of his on the floor, some sweat pants in his closet and put them on. Then I grabbed my stuff and snuck out of his house. I knew I had to go and never come back.
I opened my eyes already smiling hoping to turn over and see Queen but she wasn't there. Instantly my heart beat went down slower and slower. "Where the hell could she be?" I got up quick and rushed to put my clothes on, grabbed my keys off my night stand and ran down the steps straight for the door until my father stopped me. "Where are you going James?" "I...to the store". He gave me a skeptical look. "Alright son be back though before 6 Sylvia and her mother are coming over for dinner". I instantly rolled my eyes. "Dad really?" "Son I think it'll be really nice if you and Sylvia got together". "Dad if I wanted her I could have her trust me I don't need help from you guys trying to play match maker." That's when I brushed passed him and walked out slamming the door behind me. I had to go find the girl I wanted and that was Queen.
"Baby I'm glad you came back...you know I love you...you make me the most money". Cam said while holding up my chin as if he were my father and I his crying daughter. I nodded my head and opened my mouth as routined. Cam placed the candy in his mouth then slowly kissed me putting his tongue around mines as it dissolved in my mouth. He stopped kissing me after the candy fully dissolved then smiled. "You're beautiful and I'm going to take care of you...just stop leaving ok?" "Yes Cam". I smiled brightly at him and turned to walk away he smacked my ass as I headed up the steps ready to dance. I slowly walked up the stairs my hands to my sides wearing pink laced panties. My curls bounced everywhere as I walked in high heels. The lights were dim and young girls half or fully naked danced all they could while men grabbed and touched them. As I was walking to find someone to dance on an old man grabbed my wrist. He held out a 100 dollar bill. I faked a smile and walked over to him. "Hey baby". He said with a slick but perverted smile and look on his face. I've noticed the more you talk to these men and make them feel loved for that moment the more money you get. I could feel the dissolved candy doing something because I started to feel calm as if I was floating on clouds or walking on water. My world stopped and it was just me dancing as if no one else was in the room. I slowly touched all over the man trying to be flirtatious then slowly turned around and bent over in front of him facing forward. I slowly grinded on his crotch then did a split right in front of him. He started to grab my ass really hard and to tell you the truth I didn't like the feeling but I thought "Do what you gotta do to get this money." I turned to face him dipped low to the floor then back up and started dancing. "Take them clothes off for me baby." He said. I shook my head no. "I gotta see more cash baby". He pulled me closer to him and started to feel on my boobs and butt. That's when he handed me another 100. I knew this man had money so I did exactly what he asked. I smiled then took off my panties and started to bounce my bare ass on him. He was beginning to get hard that's when Cam came over. "Shows over." The man tried to stand up but Cam gave him a look the type of look your mother would give to you in a store if she told you not to touch something but you do it anyway and she catches you. So the man sat right back down. Cam tugged on my arm hard pulling me away. I hurried and grabbed my panties. "Damn Cam I wasn't done...you fucking with my money!" Cam backed me hard into the wall. He stared me down. "Listen I can make you more money...but I need you to do something for me". His grip on my arms loosened, now we were just face to face. "Baby I'll do anything for you". He smiled as I started to laugh. My world was getting blurry. "There's men whose willing to pay you 500 dollars". "Okay great so where they at?!" "Baby listen to me....you one of my prettiest girls and I love you...I helped you out now it's time for you to help me, okay." "Cam baby what you asking me to do?" "To do a few things for me...you'll have your own private room and they'll treat you nice I'll make sure of that". "You want me to fuck them?!" "Baby...I promise please it's fast money I'm giving to you." I rolled my eyes. "What...fuck no!" Cam pushed me back into the wall. "Stay right here I'll be right back". I stood there for about two minutes then Cam came back. He had a shot in his hand. "Here drink this". He handed the shot to me, I swallowed down the liquor quick it was so strong. "Now baby....please just do this not for me but for the both of us..I promise I'm going to make something big out of you". Cam was the only person whose ever really cared about me. He gave me money, clothes, food, and a place to stay. So I believed him when he told me he was helping me. "Do you love me?" Cam smiled. "Of course baby of course". "Alright...well where is this guy at?" "He's in the back in a special V.I.P. Room he's got big money". "Ok... Then let's go". "First put this face mask on he has a big fetish for mask". I laughed then put the mask on. ~ I walked into the V.I.P. Room there was only a big red couch that looked like a bed and a man with a mask on sitting on the couch. He was very cocky built and light-skin. No wonder he paid to fuck I thought. My eyes where getting smaller and smaller and everything around me seemed to blur out as I walked up to him. He instantly started talking to me. "You have a sexy body." I watched his eyes as he traced my body from bottom to top. "How old are you beautiful?" "I'm 16". "A lil young girl I see but you got a real nice body baby... what you gone do for me?" "Anything you want". "Turn around for me". He said. I stood there for a second then turned around as I did he sat up and started feeling on my butt, he was breathing harder and harder with almost every feel. I could feel his breath hitting my back, that's when he turned me around stood up and kissed me on my lips. I tried grabbing his face or side but he put my hands right back down to my sides. "Don't do anything baby". I nodded my head yes as he loosened up his pants grabbed my hands and put them down into them, he made my hands start rubbing on his dick to make it hard. When it got hard he stopped me and sat down on the couch. "Get on up here girl...let me see how pretty you are". I was kinda curious to see how this mysterious man looked. I got on top of him and started rubbing on his dick continuously as I sucked on his neck. He kept smacking my ass which was turning me on and I instantly started to tongue kiss him. "Shit". He whispered. I laughed then looked at his all black mask. "Why don't you take your mask off". "Sure babe how about both of us at the same time?" He insisted on doing so, so I nodded my head yes got up from on top of him backed up turned away from him then took my mask off. "You ready?" I asked. "Yea I'm ready baby turn yo sexy ass around". I turned around, my heart jumped out of my chest at the sight of who it was. The mans face flushed red. I stepped back hastily to the wall almost falling. How could he do this? I couldn't believe I was about to fuck James' dad. The preacher the man whose supposed to be a holy man and help people to get closer to God but in reality he was just sick. "Please don't tell my son". He jumped to the floor and got on his knees beseeching back and forth for me not to tell James. A tear ran down my eyes. "I...won't". That's when I ran out the room running into Cam he tried to grab me but I was able to brush passed him. I couldn't believe this, I can't trust anyone. I ran out of the club with no intention where to go and kept running.
Sylvia and her mother were over for dinner again. June is almost over and I still haven't heard from Queen in almost two weeks. I kept thinking was I terrible? Was my stroke game not good enough? It was my first time but by the way she moaned my name I could tell she liked it unless she was putting on an act. Maybe the people from the church were right. I don't know what's wrong with her or what she has going on, I had to stop thinking about her. "James hunny...what are you thinking about?" My mother asked. It was us 5 at the table. Sylvia, her mom, my mom and dad, then me. "Oh nothing I was just...". "He was probably thinking about that nasty girl Queen". Everybody's heads looked up at Sylvia. She had a snobby look on her face. "Really Sylvia are you that jealous!?" She stood up. "It's not about me being jealous it's about you choosing that girl over me! I've known you for 10 years and you literally just met this dirty girl and you're already head over heels for her always thinking about her!" I stood up too now. "I do not! There's plenty of other stuff I have to think about so don't think you know everything and just because I'm not thinking about you 24/7 doesn't mean I'm thinking about Queen...and don't call her that she's not dirty!" "Calm down both of you!" Both of our mothers shouted. "No mom no Mrs. Parker I have something to say...it seems like everyone has something against this girl and knows literally nothing about her! She needs help and I'm going to help her all that I can...isn't that what church people are supposed to do isn't that what we were told and taught to do!?" "Oh really James Church people! you can't be serious you're only thinking about being with her I'm not stupid!" I didn't say anything I just walked over to Sylvia and got into her face. "Geez ya know what Sylvia you're right you're absolutely right! I'm in love with that girl who you call dirty and nasty ! And I don't love you and I never will!" She smacked me in the face as hard as she could, I balled my fist up ready to hit her back but as I was about to let my anger out on her my dad beat his fist hard on the table. "That's enough you two! This was supposed to be a nice family dinner!" Mrs. Parker stood up as Sylvia began to cry leaving the table. "We're going to go...this situation seems to be deeply intense and heated right now". She followed behind and grabbed Sylvia and they walked out. We all watched them leave, I was heated I couldn't believe Sylvia would say something like that. I grabbed my keys off the table as my dad started to speak. "Where do you think you're going?" "I'm leaving". "No you're not sit back down son!" My dad stood up sternly with an intense look on his face so I knew he was extremely serious so I sat back down at the table. "Hunny dear please calm down". "No baby we need to talk about James and this girl...son ever since this girl has come into your life I've barley seen you pick up a football or ever write your skits". "Dad I honestly don't care about stupid football or skits! I've never cared you did and have always expected above and beyond out of me it's always been what you wanted!" "Son you better calm your behind down! You don't know what your talking about its never been just what I wanted it's been about this family and staying together. Which this girl is jeopardizing she's trouble and she's going to bring you down!" "Really dad what happened to always treating people nice and the way you want to be treated huh or did that just fly right out the window of you guys' heads!?" "James dear your dad and I just want the best for you...you've gotten a scholarship son why would you mess that up?" "Because mother I've never wanted this shit!" My mother and father both looked shocked. "The day you think you can cuss your mother out like that is the day I'd kill you! Now you listen to me and listen well before I hurt you!" My mother was now crying and I felt horrible because I'm the reason why. "If you see or even speak to that girl and I find out you are out of this family! Do you hear me? That girl is dangerous and she's not a child of God she will bring hell in your life which will bring you down!" My chest felt like it was going to cave in. I didn't understand why everyone else saw Queen as this big fuck up. I thought everyone was a child of God I really started rethinking my dad's faith in God. When I'd seen that he was finished I rushed to get my keys and walked out of the house. I just couldn't deal with this shit anymore.
I'd been sleeping in small motels for about a week now ever since the whole situation with James' dad went down. I still couldn't believe that his father was like that, he gave off this genuine impression that he was all godly and wanted the best for people when really he wanted to fuck and bust a nut in teenage girls. I sighed and put on some blue jean shorts and a blue tank top. I then wrapped my hair into a small bun. I was real hungry so I went to get some food. I left out of the motel with my big suitcase and started walking the streets. Most of my clothes were still at Cams house, to be honest I did love that man he was the only man who ever looked out for me. I know James is just as good but he's too good for me, his life is too perfect aside from his fucked up dad. I didn't want to mess up his life I wasn't dumb and naive I knew that's what people thought when they saw us together they thought I was a problem. I walked with my left hand in my pocket and the other one holding my suitcase when a familiar Monte Carlo pulled up on the curb next to me. It was my father, he got out walked around and leaned his back on the passenger side door of the car. He grabbed a cancer stick from behind his ear then lit it up and began to smoke it. "I've really missed you baby girl". "I've been working daddy". "Baby girl I want to apologize for all that I've done... I miss you and I want you back home with me". He stared at me but I couldn't look up at him in eye to eye and keep a straight face because I'd break down. "Daddy I can't come home". "But why not.... don't you love me?" The wind started to blow my hair to the side. "I do daddy... I love you a lot". "Then come home with me please...I promise to treat you better. You're the only one I have left since your mother left us". "She didn't leave dad she died!" "Baby I know". "You killed her remember! You beat her so badly don't you remember that! Huh how can't you not remember this stuff!?" He looked away shamefully at the thought of his actions. My heart began to hurt as the thought of the day my mother was beat to death by my father replayed in my head. "Baby girl I want you to come home! I love you and I promise to be a better father". "You can't do nothing for me". I started to cry as my daddy brung me into his large and warm embrace as he always did in emotional moments like this between us. This time he held unto me so tight and for so long it was the first time in life I actually felt like he meant it. There was something about this hug. "Baby come with me please I really love you and I promise I'm going to take care of you". I looked up at my dad. "You promise?" "Yes baby girl". I grabbed my suitcase and got into his car. I really wanted to believe my dad and everything he said, hopefully he's not going to hurt me anymore. Even though he did beat my mother to her last there was also bad in her. She always complained and kicked him out, she would steal from us, and one day he got angry and just couldn't control his self. I forgave my daddy though and I even forgive him now, because he is my father. ~ It's been two weeks since I came back home and it was great, it was now the beginning of July. It felt good to be in my bed my father and I had just got done eating a great steak dinner. He was actually being very friendly. Now I laid in my bed as my father sat on the end of it. "Love you baby sleep tight". "You too". He gave me a kiss on the forehead, turned the lights off and walked out. I turned over and went to sleep. ~ I woke up to the smell of alcohol all over my face. When I opened my eyes there my dad was standing over me pouring alcohol all over me. I pushed him back and quickly jumped up. He'd obviously been drinking. I knew and had a thought that everything felt too good to be true. "Come here you lousy bitch!" "Daddy leave me the hell alone!". He ran over and grabbed me by my hair and banged my head hard into the headboard. I screamed in pain, as I felt my head start to bleed. I fell back on my bed as my daddy started taking my shirt off. "Stop...please". I begged but he took my shirt off he then picked me up and carried me into his room. He threw me on his bed. I was so weak I couldn't even fight back. "Where you get this huh?!!" Barley able to look up I used the little amount of strength I had to see my dad holding 800 dollars. "That's my money!" I tried forcing myself to get up but he punched me in my face and I fell to the ground. Blood started to come out of my mouth. He picked me up grabbed me by my neck and slammed me into his glass mirror. Tears rolled down my face as I fell hard back unto the ground glass falling and sticking into my arms. I screamed hard and loud in excruciating pain. "So you won't tell me where you got it huh ?!" My dad picked me up once again punching me in the face one last time. I could feel my face beginning to swell from his hard hits. That's when he took his pants off then mine forcing himself inside of me. I screamed loud from all the pain. That's when my world went black and my eyes closed. ~ When I woke up my face was down on the hard concrete I got up and looked around. My arms were all bruised up but someone had cleaned the wounds. I had my suitcase lying next to me. I hurried to look inside to see if I still had my 800 dollars but I didn't. I screamed loud in anger at the sight of not seeing it then began to beat on the suitcase. My body ached horribly but not as bad as my heart did. Why did I trust my dad? He took my money and left me in the street. I only had two dollars left in my pocket so I walked to a pay phone and dialed James' number. "James?!" "Hello?" "James this is Queen". "...I haven't heard from you in like a month". "I know I'm sorry but..... I need you could you please come pick me up?" "I'm at the church where are you?" I looked around at my surroundings I didn't know exactly where I was. I looked up to see a street sign. "Parkway". "How the hell did you get down there!?" "James please?" I heard him sigh. "Are you hurt?" "No...". "Well then I'm sure you're fine since you haven't talked to me for this long...you obviously don't need my help anymore". I began to hang up the phone until he started talking again. "I'm on my way just stay there". "Thanks James!" He hung up the phone, I stood there and waited.
I pulled up on the curb to see Queen, she looked very tired and weak. I got out and opened the door she looked around then got in. I got back into my car and proceeded to drive when I noticed Queen shivering. "You want some heat?" She shook her head as I turned the heat on. It was very quiet until she start to speak. "I'm sorry bout last time..." "It's fine nothing that I'm not used to". "It's not that I want to hurt you James...it's just we have two lifestyles". I stopped the car and pulled over into an alley. "What fucking! Is that your lifestyle!?Because that's all you ever want to do when you come around...then you just up and leave!" "James you don't know me! Like at all I'm not the girl you need". "Well excuse me I'm sorry for falling in love with you". I placed my head on the steering wheel when Queen grabbed my chin and made me look into her dark brown eyes. She then gently kissed my lips. Her lips were soft and moist. "You don't need to love me". "I can't help it". "You're this godly boy and I'll fuck your life up". "Why do you think you will?" "Because God doesn't love me...that's why all my life I've been so fucked up! Ever since I was a child nothing has changed!" "Queen God loves you he's just not going to make your life perfect you have to try and be a better person". "You don't know shit about having a bad life so don't tell me God loves me cuss he doesn't!" I couldn't believe Queen was saying this. "Queen God does love you he just doesn't love the stuff you do!" "Oh what the hell! He's never loved me he's put me through so much shit...you don't know nothing about me you church boy!" "You right I don't so why don't you tell me huh!?? You got all these bruises over your body but you never tell me who's hurting you...you must like getting hurt because you keep going back to that same person!" "Fuck you". Queen got out as rain started to pour from the sky. I followed her. "No don't you walk away from me...that's all you know how to do!" "James just leave me alone!" "No I won't! You're always dragging me into your mess then call me to pick you up! I'm tired of picking up all the fucking pieces for you! "You don't have to do shit! You choose to!" "Yea because unlike all the boys you fuck I'm the only one who gives a fuck about you! But fine I'm done picking up all the pieces for your shitty ass life! Go back to being a hoe!" I didn't even realize what I was saying until I heard Queen gasped. A tear ran down her face as she stared me hard in my eyes. That's when she balled her fist up and punched me hard as ever in my face. "God isn't for everyone and he sure isn't for me! No one will ever love me and it's all Gods fault! You think you the shit because you have God well fuck you and God... I'll go back to being a hoe I'm sure your father knows all about it!" She then ran off into the rain. I felt like shit. I couldn't believe I just talked so bad about Queen but what really stood out from what she said was about my father. I didn't understand what she meant and to be honest I couldn't deal with Queen anymore. She wanted to leave so I had no choice but to let her go.
His tongue moved around in circles around the outside and inside of my pussy. I grabbed his head as his hands pulled my legs closer into his face, he was trying to keep me from moving but I couldn't help it, it felt so good. I was so aroused by his movements my head fell back making me look up at the ceiling from this magnificent feeling. His tongue moved faster and faster as more and more moans escaped from my mouth. Soon my legs started shaking and my body became weak as I came and squirted all into Cams mouth. He caught and licked all of it up, when he was finished he pulled his head from under the covers and plopped down next to me. He leaned his head back on the head board then lit himself a square. I slowly moved down to lay my head on his chest. "You liked it?" "Yea, a lot ". "Baby if those scars on your body don't heal you getting plastic surgery okay, I'm serious about that ". "Ok". "What's really happening everytime you come back you got new scars on you it's disgusting to look at ". "I told you I got into a fight". "Well baby girl I'm gone teach you how to fight because apparently who you fighting keeps beating yo ass!" He chuckled as I got up from the bed. "That's not funny Cam". "I'm only kidding baby, you know I love you... Now come on over here and sniff some of this yayo." I looked over at Cam as he cut a small white rock into four sets on his table. After he finished cutting the lines he got a straw and snorted two lines of it up. I knew this wasn't right but with the way I've been feeling I needed something to distract my mind. So I walked over to the table, he handed me the straw I bent down and snorted the last two rows of the stuff. Instantly I felt my body relax. "See baby, I told you this that good shit". I laughed really hard. We both sat there laid back and smoked a square. ~ I laid next to this random man as he started to put his clothes on. "You sure know how to move them hips of yours baby girl". I smiled and sat up on the bed. The man stared at me for a while as he was getting dressed. He was as white as snow with sandy brown hair , and real skinny with tattoos covering his chest. "I'll definitely be seeing you again". He grabbed his jacket, handed me 300 dollars then walked out. I sat there staring at the money as tears rolled down my eyes. Why was I doing this? I know I'm better then this but I need the money. I felt empty and weak. All I really want to do right now is lay next to James in his bed but I knew me and him were done for good. I could tell by the way he talked about me. He was right though, every word he said was right and I hate that it is. I turned over and cried even more. My heart felt like it was constantly getting stabbed at and I couldn't stop the person who was stabbing it. I didn't like this feeling. I hurried and got up to take sum of those pills came gave me, I swallowed them quick, and got back into the bed and slowly drifted to sleep .
I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling throwing my football in my hands. I tossed it back and forth still thinking about what Queen said. I honestly wanted to know what she was doing and how she was doing. It's only been a week since I've spoken to her but it feels like years. I stopped playing with the ball and stared off into space. I wanted to know what she meant and was talking about when she mentioned my father, or maybe she was just mad and saying things out of emotions. Either way overall I was confused about everything and I wanted to know answers. What I really want is to redo everything with Queen, especially what I said to her. It wasn't me it wasn't my character, I was just pissed! I feel stupid, I lost the girl I love. I guess I need to let it go nobody approves of her anyway and it's probably best if I get back to practicing football, school starts in a month. I got out of bed and started getting dressed so I could go outside and practice. Later on today I'm going to take Sylvia out to dinner. I also need to apologize to her, maybe she is the right girl for me. She is classy, respectful, and pretty. I sighed and kept getting ready to go outside. ~ Sylvia's hair was down and curled up into a million complicated swirls. She had on a black tight fitted dress that showed off every inch of her slim body. She really couldn't look any more beautiful. I sat across from her at the table in a booth with a suit on, as we both looked through the menu. "This is really nice". "Yea...but Sylvia I honestly want to apologize to you for everything I said. I was going through a lot and I was really heated and took my anger out on you." "It's ok...I honestly understand". "Do you really?" "Yes I understand you like that dir....Queen very much". She then gave me a fake smile. I looked down at my hands. "Actually that's why I brought you here tonight I wanted to tell you I really do like you. It took me a minute and I had to think about it but now I've realized, you're the girl for me". I then looked up and stared Sylvia in her eyes . "I...I really don't know what to say". "Don't say anything...just know I'm really happy you let me take you out and glad we're here together". She blushed a little then started playing with her napkin. "Honestly since we're confessing to each other my feelings for you haven't changed...but I just need to know you aren't going to go back to that girl". "Believe me I'm not...she's long gone...I guess you and the other church people were right". Sylvia reached over and grabbed my hand. "Yes they were right, church people are always right hunny...but it's okay because she was unholy and not right for you". I shook my head ok, as the waitress approached the table. ~ Later on that night after leaving the restaurant Sylvia and I walked around my neighborhood just talking. It was nice out. "This is...sort of romantic". Sylvia said. "Well I'm happy it is to you". She stopped walking and turned to face me. Her hair blew with the light wind. "Kiss me." I was surprised to hear her say that but yet it still made me happy. So I did, I leaned in and kissed Sylvia's lips they were soft. She gently held unto my neck as I grabbed unto her small waist and continued to kiss her. She kept kissing me slowly putting her tongue into my mouth. It felt as if our tongues were dancing around together like ballerinas. "You want to go inside?" I asked her. She looked me in my face for a good minute then shook her head yes. My parents weren't home tonight and I really did want to have sex with Sylvia. So we went inside of the house and walked to my room. She sat on the end of my bed and I sat next to her. I pulled her closer to me and we started to tongue kiss again. I slowly put my hands up her skirt gently touching and rubbing the inside of her thighs. She started to kiss me more fiercely as I slid a side of her panties to the other side and slowly rubbed my fingers along her clit. She started to moan as I rubbed faster. Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter as I kept rubbing it faster. I took my hands from under her dress and laid her down on the bed taking her dress off. When I finished I took my pants off. I got in the bed and started to kiss her, I was kissing her lips then moved down to her boobs kissing and sucking on them. Her boobs were nice and big, but that's when she suddenly stopped me. "I've... I've never done this before". I was stunned by what she said, I actually thought Sylvia wasn't a virgin. "It's ok...I'll be slow and gentle until you get the hang of it." I got up to get a condom off of my night stand. I hurried to put it on, then came over to the bed and gently opened Sylvia's legs. I started to slowly move up her body, getting ready to put my dick inside of her. She flinched as I slowly put myself inside of her, she tightly held unto my back as I was slowly stroking inside of her. I was starting to increase my speed so she pulled and held onto me even tighter. "Slow down". She weakly moaned but I couldn't control myself and I started to go faster, her pussy was really tight and wet around my dick and I was loving it. I kept moving faster and faster as my dick moved in and out of her as she screamed my name loudly back and forth. That's when I came, I then pulled out and moved to the other side and laid next to her in the bed. She then out of nowhere rolled over on top of me and whispered "I love you" into my ear. I don't know if it was the moment, by instinct or even how good her pussy felt whichever one it maybe I don't know but I whispered back and said, "I love you too". ~ Sylvia and I were a thing now, my parents loved it and so did the people at church. It was July now and I hadn't even thought of Queen once. Everyone was right about her, she wasn't the right girl for me. Sylvia was, I knew that and had no problem with it now, everything started to go back to normal. I was practicing football more and worked harder on my skits. Life was good.
I held unto Cam as he carried me into his house. He took me to his room and laid me on the bed. "You need to get some sleep". "No Cam! Please C'mon give me some stuff". I sat up on my knees in the bed as he stood up beside me. "Ok this is it though, alright only for tonight". Cam grabbed the coke out of his pocket sitting the bag on his table he opened it and started cutting up the lines. I got out of bed and walked over to him after he finished cutting 4 lines, I sniffed the first row. "That's it". "No! Cam please". I begged Cam, he sighed and sniffed a row for himself. "You need to stop asking for this shit...gave it to you only for one time so you could get your self together...this shit can and will seriously fuck you up". "C'mon you said it yourself, you gave it to me. What did you expect to happen?" Cam didn't say anything, I took his shirt off and started to kiss all on his neck and smooth caramel chest. "C'mon let's make love". Cam smiled as I took my shirt off. "You know how to make me happy". Cam got up and laid on the bed, I hurried to sniff those last two rows. The coke flew into my nose making it sting. I started to feel weak but calm. I slowly walked over to Cam, as I was moving closer he started to become blurry. Soon my chest began to burn, it felt like someone was stabbing me. I tried to hold unto the table but I fell hardly to the ground. I heard lots of movement and yelling, then my world went black. ~ I woke up in a white room. I looked around coming to notice I had I.Vs in my arms. What the fuck happened I thought. That's when a tall blonde lady came into the room. "Thankgod you are awake!" "What...why am I hear?" "Try to relax sweetie...you've been out for a week now, your body isn't fully...how do I say operable yet". "What...what do you mean?" "Well you were brought in because you overdosed on cocaine hun...now we've called your father and he should be able to pick you up when you're ready to leave..." I cut her off. "I'm ready to go now!" "Relax... Please relax now it's very important that you and your father agree on checking you into rehab to get you clean and make sure this doesn't happen again...you shouldn't be doing that stuff it's not healthy for you or the baby ". "What are you...what do you mean a baby!?It...it was an accident. I need to make a phone call". I tried to get up but she held me back down. "Sweetie you're almost 3 months pregnant...You need to relax...if it wasn't for the man who found you on the street you wouldn't be alive...I need you to understand that you really need help". "Okay....I just need to make a phone call". She sighed and pointed to the phone then walked out. I couldn't believe I'd overdosed and that I was pregnant. I needed to call James. ~ An hour passed as I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I was putting my clothes on as my dad walked in. "Shit" I was hoping it was James. He looked angry. "I can't believe this!" "Dad I already have someone coming to get me...just go home". "No you look a mess!" He closed the door then bum rushed me into the wall. I grabbed his hands as he tried to choke me. "Leave me alone!" I pushed him. "Or what?!" "I'll tell them what you did to me and mom!" He pushed me again and grabbed my neck pushing me hard into the wall. I tried to fight him back. He somehow managed to grab ahold of my neck and started choking me. His hands were wrapped around my neck hard gripping tighter and tighter like an anaconda suffocating it's prey. I struggled and squirmed trying to get away but he was too strong. My fathers eyes were black and all I saw in them was hell. I started to feel my self fade away, but right at the last second James swings open the door, his face was In shock complete and utter awe. He immediately jumped into action, he ran over and knocked my father into the ground I fell as I started coughing to catch my breath. I watched in agony as my father and James fought. I screamed for help as tears fell from my eyes, security and staff rushed in and broke them up. All I could do was sit there and cry. ~ After security came my father left and James took care of me. He was taking me back to a hotel. "Is that the man whose been hurting you?" I didn't say anything. James pulled the car over into an empty car lot and turned the engine off. "Tell me! Is that the man whose been hurting you and putting those bruises on your body ?!" I shook my head as tears fell from my eyes. "I'm pregnant". James eyes became big. "Is...is...it mines?" "No it's my fathers". "What.. But I thought you said he was dead?!" "I lied...I didn't know how to tell you...it's been my dad all this time...I fucking overdosed on coke and I didn't even know I was pregnant!" "I can't believe this...is the baby ok?" "Yes but James I don't know what to do with a baby...I barley can take care of myself...I don't know what to do. My life has always been shitty, now there's a baby coming and its life will be shitty because of me as its mother. I'm so fucked up, my life is fucked up, everything just so fucked up!" James didn't say anything he just leaned over and held me tight. I pulled him tighter and started to cry in his arms.
I didn't know what to do all I could do was hold Queen. Her light sobs touched and ached my heart, I didn't know how to help her. I couldn't think of which part was worse, her overdosing and discovering that she's pregnant, or that she's pregnant by her dad. All of it was just too much, I knew Queen had a story but I didn't know it was this deep. She lifted her head from my chest and looked up at me, her curls were all tangled together and her eyes were so low I could barley see them. She looked so jaded I didn't know how to help. She sat up in my car and tried to fix her tangled hair. "I'm sorry for getting tears all on your shirt". I looked down at my shirt, large wet tears stained it. "It's ok really this shirt is old anyway". Queen just gave me a fake smile. "Now you know my story...now you know everything". I didn't say anything I couldn't think of a response I just looked at her. "My baby's gonna have a prostitute as a mother whose so fucked up and doesn't even know how to take care of herself unless it's sex. Ha! Sounds like a great thing to tell her". She started to laugh, I still didn't know what to do or say. I didn't know how to help heal her heart from all the pain it's been through. "She's gonna love me! Her prostitute ass mother! She's gonna come to me and say hey mother how do I get a job and my response is going to be oh baby all you gotta do is just open your legs and take the best offer you get that'll do the trick! open your legs and everything will be ok. Or, or one day she's going to ask whose my daddy mommy and I'm going to say oh hunny it's your grandpa, yea I know sounds bizarre but he's also your father too...! I hurried to stopped Queen from saying any more as she started to sob loudly, tears from her eyes flowed down her face like hard rain on a stormy night. I grabbed her but she pushed me away. "Just stop! Stop it!" Queen quickly rushed and got out of the car, I got out to catch her. The wind outside was blowing hard. "What do you want me to do Queen, I'm here ok I'm trying!?" "Leave me alone! Haven't you noticed I'll fuck your life up don't you see that!? Don't you see what I'm doing to you already?!" "It doesn't have to be like this, I can get you help we could go to the cops". "Cops! Cops will never believe some whore!" "You're wrong your not a whore I don't care what's said about you. Queen you're a beautiful and smart girl and your father, your father he's a sick minded individual just like the rest of the men who use you! If I would have known that was him in the room I would have broken every bone of his, because you don't hurt people. Especially the ones that I love". Queen walked over and she started to kiss me, I immediately kissed her back. Out of no where she suddenly stopped kissing me and turned around walking back to the car to get inside. I followed behind her, but she didn't get into the front seat instead she sat in the back seat. So I did as well. We began to kiss again, she then got on top of me and started rubbing on my dick. "Queen... Please stop". I knew this wasn't right and so did Queen but she kept doing it anyway , she kissed me more and more on my neck then reaching her hands down she pulled my pants down. She then took off my boxers and started to jack off my dick, I grabbed her. "Queen please stop". "Isn't this what you want!?" The grasp of her hand around my dick became harder as she was pulling her shorts and panties down while trying to get on top of it. She started to bounce. "Queen...I don't wan..." She shut me up as she rode me moving her hips and butt cheeks. I grabbed and pulled her closer holding unto her real tight. She moaned as I saw tears fall from her eyes. I didn't know what was going on. She moved faster and faster, I was trying not to enjoy this. "Queen...please stop". She kept going faster as more tears were falling from her eyes. "No daddy you like to see me cry remember?!" She stuck her tongue down my throat still bouncing on top of me more and more. I could feel my self inside of her almost ready to cum. I knew none of this was right at all so I hurried and pushed her off me. I couldn't deal with Queen I didn't know how to help her. She stared at me as I was pulling my pants up. "Please hurry and get dressed". "What's wrong don't you like fucking me huh, don't you like hurting me!?" That's when she punched me hard in my face. I grabbed her hands as she tried to do it again. She was going crazy. "Queen you have to go!" She loosened her grip then put her clothes on. "Send me away! Like everyone else does!" I didn't know what just happened but I couldn't deal with it either. After she finished getting dressed I got out and opened the door for her. "I'm sorry Queen you're right I don't know how to help you". She shook her head and wiped her face. "You never could". I pulled my wallet out, I had 300 dollars I handed it to her. She took it. "Thanks". She walked away slowly. I rubbed my head, it was hurting from all the thoughts roaming around inside moving fast like a whirlwind. So I just got back in my car and sat there.
I fixed myself up in a local bathroom, it was about 4 in the morning now. I needed to find a real place to stay, I couldn't keep going to hotels. I needed to save my money. I started to walk the late hot and windy streets. Nothing could make the pain deep in my heart fade away, I really don't think anything could make it disappear. I had to leave this place, I had to get out I needed to disappear. I touched my stomach and sighed. I started to wonder did Cam leave me here all alone in that cold hospital, did he dump me out on the street in a panic after I overdosed. I shook my head, I won't win no matter what I do. A dark car pulled up to the side of me. The window raised down and I peeked inside. A white man sat behind the wheel, he was at least in his late thirties. "Can I do som'n for you girl?" "Nah...just looking for a place to stay". "How bout' you get on in and I'll take you back to my place, you can stay there". I looked around wondering if I should get in the car, the worse thing he can do is leave me for dead rather then kill me. I sighed and got in.
The dinner table was extremely quiet I could even hear my thoughts over everyone's forks hitting their plates trying to pick food up. Everyone was silent my father, mother, and sister all ate their dinner quietly. I just couldn't take the silence anymore so I started a conversation. "Mom and dad I need to talk ". My mother looked up from her food. "Yes hun anything". I aimlessly looked around the room as my family stared and waited for me. "I have to help Queen". "The sneaky little girl." My sister tried to mumble. "Shut the hell up Caroline!" She got quiet as my father stood up. "Son now listen..." I cut him off. "No father you need to listen to me you all do! I won't keep sitting here and hurting myself. God has spoken to me and he wants me to help Queen...do you guys have any idea what this girl has been through?! Her father rapes her and now she's pregnant by him and she feels like the only way she can get money is by selling her body!" "Oh my!" My mothers face was dumb founded. My dad quietly sat back down not saying a word. "I don't know about you guys but God brought her into my life for a reason, he wants me to help her and I am going to! But I can't do that without you guys help please mom, dad I beg you...support me and let me help her". My mothers face still looked shocked. "What about Sylvia, I thought you guys were together...but listen son...Son I already told you what needed to be done...that girl is trouble...her life and situation is something we cannot help. God can and will lead her on the right path himself". I was shocked at the words that came out of his mouth. I couldn't believe my father could say such a thing. "Dad c'mon please I love this girl I can't bare to see her like this...she has a baby on the way". "Son please stop, you're only going to hurt yourself and make your life miserable trying to fix something you can't... A girl like her doesn't want help. Your mother and I tried before it's just not possible." "Mom?" My mom just stared. "Hunny you've got college and your life ahead of you...yes I know it is very misfortunate for that girl and the way her life's been but we can't and aren't the right people that God wants to help her...I'm sorry". I stood up. "Yea I figured you all would say that...I'm really starting to question all of your faith in God! All of you are going to go to hell!" I rushed and stormed out of the house.
I abruptly woke up from my sleep, in a tremendous hurry to get out of bed and raced to the bathroom as vomit was rising from my stomach and filling my mouth, I made it to the toilet at the last second discharging everything from my mouth into it. I heard the door behind me being opened, I hurried wiped my mouth so I could turn around to face the white man named David I had just met a week ago. "What the hell is this?!" "Nothing...I.. I'm sorry I'll clean it up". I got up but as I was about to leave and head out of the door he stepped over and stood in front of me. "Where do you think your going?" He started to move closer towards me. "No..Nowhere". "Get on your knees!" He forcibly pushed my head down guiding it to his crotch. I tried to force my way up but he pressed my head down harder. So that's when I grabbed his dick and gripped on it hard. He instantly jumped up in the air and pushed me hard to the ground with enough force to make me slide on the floor. I fell making a loud thud I tried to get up, but he was already standing over me and punched me hard in my face. He then pulled me by my leg and dragged me to the front door kicking me out. I sat there on his porch bleeding, I think it was about midnight or at least close to it. He opened the door throwing my stuff at me. "Get the fuck outta here you loose ass bitch!" I picked up my stuff hastily as he closed the door. I ran to the door and banged on it screaming"I have no place to go!" He didn't answer at all. "Fuck!" I yelled loudly. I cleaned myself up then started to walk the streets once again hoping to find somewhere to stay. ~ I had been walking for about a hour now, the street I was on looked familiar as if I'd walked it before, that's when I came across the church. The outside lights were all off, but I had no one to go to or any other place to go so I walked up the stairs to knock on the door and see if anyone was there no one answered I looked around making sure no one saw me I tried to push the huge church door open to see if the door was unlocked, surprisingly it was. I slowly walked in just in case someone actually was still here, as I walked around I caught sight of the alter, I walked up to it. I stood there for a minute I looked up and saw a huge statue that looked like it was of Jesus standing high next to the huge church walls. I walked over to a pillar and sat my stuff down in it then returning back to the alter. I didn't know what to do so I kneeled down and sat there. I didn't know why but tears immediately began to fall from my eyes. "God...Jesus...whichever one hears me I really just need you to listen. I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry. I don't understand what I've done wrong to deserve any of the things that have happened in my life but I'm begging you to please forgive me for what ever it may be?! Please just forgive me! Everything I've done up to this point please God please! I beg of you. I don't want this anymore I don't want this lifestyle I want a better one not only for me but for my baby, I want you God I need and want you in me and my babies life! I know I sound like an idiot because I don't know how to pray but God if you can hear me please I am on my knees and I give myself to you." I stood up to see if anything had happened or changed but out of nowhere something inside of me made me fall back to my knees. Tears came flowing down my face again more and more as I laid on the floor of the church grieving to God for forgiveness. "God!!... listen please listen! I need you I want you, I want to feel the same happiness you bring to people's lives like James I want to be on a better path. God I'm sorry I won't do this stuff anymore I don't want to get around anymore I really want to live, I want a good life for me and my baby, I want to be there for my baby! So God please send me a sign a message or something so I can know your real and can hear me please!!" I was starting to feel angry and disappointed nothing happened at all not a single thing no sign had come. I angrily began to beat on the ground as hard as I could hurting myself with every hit to the floor. "God tell me Please! Please Lord I give myself to you!" Suddenly I heard a voice tell me to kneel, I thought someone was behind me I turned around to see no one was there but I heard the voice again tell me "Kneel down and close your eyes" so I did, I kneeled down and closed my eyes. After telling me to kneel down the voice told me. "Now pray and ask for forgiveness and for your deepest desire". "Lord please, please forgive me and all the wrong I have done in my life, please take away all of this horrible pain I've held onto for all of these years from all of these men that have used me, I need you I need you here with me, I need you in my life I'm truly and finally ready for you lord". Still kneeling down my hair began to fall into my face, the tears coming down my face felt like water falls I screamed as loud as my lungs would allow me but still nothing happened, I started to cry even more, thinking I knew it no one wants me not even God wants me. "This is my last attempt Lord.... I know I'm not the best of people or children of yours in the world and I haven't walked in your shoes trying to follow your footsteps like everyone else who have you in there life but I want to now and I'm ready, I'm ready to give myself to you, I'm ready to give my everything please God I'm ready to give my all!" Suddenly I felt as if something had hooked onto me and was tugging hard on my body, all I could do was fall out. I could feel everything from head to toe as my spirit and body began to heal, my legs were no longer tired and I felt strong. I no longer was aching anymore and my heart, my heart no longer had pain or hate in it. That's when I heard the voice return again and it told me to say Jesus has saved me. I did exactly what I was told. "I am saved". I knew it had to be God because I felt free, I felt cleansed and I felt reborn or renewed the feeling felt sensational. I'd never felt such warmth before, I stayed in the church the whole night.
~ James~
In two weeks I'll be going off to college. I've been getting everything ready for when I take off. Honestly with everything that I've been going through I'm ready to leave. I sat on my bed next to Sylvia. I really liked this girl and I felt bad for cheating on her. I haven't heard from Queen in a good month, I didn't know if that was good or bad. "What you thinking about?" Sylvia asked. I looked at her shrugged my shoulders then grabbed her hand, she smiled and kissed me. She then got up and fixed her hair. "I'll see you tomorrow...ma has her new boyfriend over and they want me to come for dinner". "Have fun with that". She nodded her head yes then left out of my room. I laid back on my bed starring at the ceiling thinking about college. ~ I pulled into IHOP's lot then got out my car. It was around midnight and I was starving. I walked in and found a small table towards the back of the restaurant and sat down. I Immediately started flipping through the menu. I studied the menu hard when the waitress came, she asked me what I wanted to drink. I looked up from my menu in aghast as I saw Queen standing by me. She had a job. "Wow...Queen it's good to see you". She just smiled with her pink apron on. "Hi...". "Since when did you start working?" "A coupla weeks ago...it was time". "I'm happy for you". She smiled brightly. "I'm happy for myself too...now what can I get you?" "I'm sorry... I'm just...it's like wow". She laughed I did too. I studied Queen hard specially her small round baby bump. "You're getting big". She looked down at her stomach and rubbed her belly. "Yea I am...in another month I'm going to go find out the babies gender". "That's exciting...I'm heading to Mizzou in two weeks". "Congrats...I haven't been to school in almost a year...I'm not really that smart". "No don't say that...you're beautiful and I know you'll get a better job than this and you'll see". She smiled. "I got saved James...I'm not doing those things anymore I'm going to be there for my baby". I couldn't believe it, I was honestly really happy for Queen. She had found God this is what I wanted for her. "Queen you don't know how happy I am for you that's good that you have God now". She shook her head. That's when someone in the back called for her. "I'll see you around...good luck in college I'll bring you a water back". I didn't want her to leave but she needed to make her money, the right way. So I just nodded my head.
I walked the dark late night streets leaving from work. I'd saved up enough money to live in a motel for a little while, but today I needed to see my father. I needed to finally let him know that I've forgiven him for everything he's done but also that I'm going to leave for good. I wanted to be like James and get out of St. Louis which is exactly what I needed to do, especially for the sake of my baby that's going to be born soon. I thought about my life as I was walking "I'm not going to live like this for long, everyday God opens a new door for me". I know I need to walk the right path to get to where I want and need to be in life and here is were it starts, going back to where it all started. Back home where clean bed sheets turned into bloody sheets and memories of heartbreak and pain. Where my father rapes me, how he wakes up the next day not remembering anything of what he's done to me, but me I remember it all. Every fight, every struggle to over take him, every second and minute of every time. Looking at the scars that are left on my body remind me everyday of those times and the dreams I have at night turn into nightmares that will forever and always linger in my mind, but my soul, my soul is what's left of me. God has healed it and it no longer needs love from sexual perverts. I took a deep breath then smiled as I had arrived to the house, I could hear classical music playing as I walked up and opened the dingy screen door. I sighed a little before walking in, loud classical music still playing, I heard it coming from the dining room. "Dad?" The music still playing as I walked slowly down the hall. I was wondering "Why was this music so loud?" Boxes of stuff where everywhere all around the house, and nothing even seemed to be here anymore. What was going on I thought? "Dad?!" I asked again, but still I didn't hear a response or anything, that's when suddenly I heard a loud gun shot making my ears ring. I fell hard to the ground ducking for cover. I covered my ears with my hands as I was ducked down In a position school teachers would make you get in if it were a tornado drill, I didn't hear another shot after the first. That's when I felt this ache, this huge ache in my heart that soon spread and caressed my whole body. I became weak at the thought of what I believed happened and what that shot was from, and used for. I quickly got up trying to block the image of what I already knew was there. I fled down the hall into the dining room to see my fathers body in the floor stale and lifeless he was lying on the ground with the gun right next to him, blood began to ooze and leaked onto the floor like a gallon of spilled milk from his head. I rushed over to him and kneeled down as tears fell from my face. I lifted his head up and placed it on my lap, blood soaking all over my blue jeans. I held unto my father, screaming and crying. "Whyyyyyyyyyy?!?! Why God why?!?!??" I pulled him up more bringing him closer to me. Why, why did he do this?! Right when I was going to tell him I forgive him for everything that's happening! He didn't have to do this I could have gotten him help! I couldn't do anything else but cry and scream more and more seeing my father like this, his eyes were rolled to the back of his head. I stared at him for almost ten minutes screaming wake up, wake up I forgive you, I forgive you !! I stopped screaming and got up still crying, I had to leave, the longer I stayed here the harder it would be for me to leave. I laid my father on the ground and kissed him on the lips and hugged him one last time. I walked down the hall then ran out the back door when I saw police cars and an ambulance approaching my house. I ran fast down the street not looking back as my tears were rolling down my face and my pants still drenched in blood.
I was upstairs in my room still packing my things into baskets and huge boxes when I suddenly started to hear loud consistent banging noises, it was coming from the front door. I left my room to see who it was, as I walked down the steps I saw my mother opening door. She started to scream in horror of what ever was in front of her as she opened the door. I quickly ran down the stairs to see Queen standing there breathing hard and panting as if she'd just got done running a marathon, I noticed she was completely covered in blood. My father and sister also came to see what was going on because of all the noise from my mother screaming. They both moved in front of me to see who was there. Everyone stood there surprised with their faces stuck in shock, I immediately popped out of my trance of astonishment and pushed past everyone to run out and hold Queen. She fell into my embrace as I wrapped my arms around her. "James....James my dad he's, he's d--e--ad. He sh--ot h-im--sel-f!" I could hardly understand what she was saying, all I could hear was mumbles. "Queen baby what is it?" She held unto me laying her face on my chest, I could feel her tears running so I hugged her tighter. That's when my father yanked Queen away. She fell hardly to the ground . "Dad what the hell! She's pregnant?!" "Young lady you need to leave NOW!" Anger began to arise in my body, as I watched Queen struggle to get up. I fiercely and angrily charged towards my father punching him in his face. He fell to the ground with a loud thud ,I rushed him again before he could get up from the first hit. I started punching him over and over again he pushed me off of him and grabbed ahold of my hands. I fell backwards landing on my back as my mom and sister broke us up. "Stop it!" They both were yelling back and forth. We both stood up, my fist still clenched and ready to fight. "Dad I love this girl and you're not going to kick her out I won't let you!" "James baby listen to your father please!" "No to HELL WITH THAT AND WHAT HE HAS TO SAY!" My father tried to charge at me but my mother stood in his way and stopped him. I went over to Queen and grabbed her. "Queen you can stay here". "No you can not! The girl is dangerous look at her!" "My father just killed himself! Don't you have some type of heart! Huh bishop Jones!!?! Or should I say client! Huh remember just a month ago you wanted to have sex with me!!" Everyone mouths dropped. I was confused and I didn't know what to think. My father got quiet but Queen kept talking. "There's nothing Godly about you! Your just like all the other men, which is disgusting! You're just like me! You cheat on your wife you play like you're this good man when really in secret you pay prostitutes like me to fuck! Oh you're no better then me! Why huh?!? Why do you try!? James, James I love him why do you want him to leave me alone so bad?! Because I'm trouble, because I'm dirty?! What is it huh??! Because I thought God loved everyone and just because we make mistakes doesn't make us monsters. For once in my life I feel love and that's because of James...James loves me and I love him... If me leaving has to help him then sure I'll leave!" Queen headed for the door. I couldn't even look my father in his eyes. My mother and sister sat there and cried. My father tried to comfort my mother but she pushed him away and smacked him as hard as she could in his face. "You disgust me! I can't believe you did this to that poor girl! You weren't trying to help her. You were trying to protect yourself! Lord please forgive me because I made a big mistake letting that girl walk out my sight the first time". I looked at my father and just shook my head. My father started to cry when the door shut. I ran out the door to chase Queen. She was running fast. "Queen wait!" I tried to catch up with her but she began to run faster.
~ Queen~
I had to catch my breath. I was breathing heavily trying to suck in as much air as I could while bending over and placing my hands on my knees to rest. It was dark out and I was leaving tonight. James's car pulled up to the curb on the side of me. I sighed and got in. "James you have to stay away from me... I'm trouble, remember?". "Queen that's not true. You aren't trouble...why didn't you tell me about my father before?" "I knew it would hurt you and your perfect little Brady bunch family". "I can't imagine everything you're going through right now...your father he's what...what's happened?" "I walked home today and he shot himself". "I...I'm so, so, sorry baby". I wiped my eyes as I held James's hand. We looked eye to eye. "James I'm ok now I've finally found God and I'm going to start a new life...you need to start yours and go to college and become something...I'll catch up behind trust me". He didn't say anything instead he brought me in close to him and our lips touched, I hesitantly pulled back at first but then I gave in and I grabbed unto him and continued kissing him, our tongues touching. James made a slight grunt and grabbed unto my hips tighter, I bit his bottom lip as he kissed me more aggressively. "James...I love you". James stopped kissing me and stared at me for awhile. Honestly this was my first time ever telling someone I loved them and I actually meant it. "I love you too Queen". "James I love you so much I have to leave..." James sat back and sighed. He shook his head like he understood. "James I love you and one day we can catch up with each other and be happy and I'll be ok and then we c..." James cut me off. "I know Queen...I love you". James and I kissed one last time then I got out of his car. I knew this was just the beginning and one day James and I will meet again.
Four years later
"Let's toast to my boy getting drafted into the NFL!" My family and friends all screamed in joy and excitement, so I laughed and smiled too. I walked over to the crowd while everyone had drinks in their hands. I had been drafted to the DENVER BRONCOS. Everyone in my life has moved on, Sylvia got married once she turned 19, we didn't last long with the whole long distance and different colleges thing now she lives in Minnesota. My mother and sister smiled at me as I walked slowly to the crowd. A lot has happened these past four years. My mother divorced my father and he left somewhere, we haven't heard from him since. I still go to church and when I retire I'm going to become a pastor. My sister has two kids both are boys and a husband named Joseph. My life was going on track, I didn't plan on ever becoming an NFL player but I'm good at it and the money is great. I finally reached the front. I smiled at everyone as I started to speak into the mic. "I am just so thankful to be here in this spot with my family and friends all supporting me. Most of all I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for God...God has brung me so much gratefuln..." That's when a pretty, beautiful woman walked into the room. She was thick, her hair was long and curly and her dark skin glimmered. She had on this long tight black dress showing off every inch of her perfect body. My mouth dropped. "Queen?" "James?"
Publication Date: August 22nd 2017 https://www.bookrix.com/-ple6aeb000a8945 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-j-m-hurley-the-dreamer-part-2/ | J.M. Hurley The Dreamer Part 2 A Livid Children Book Dedicated to my family, friends, and fans who have encouraged me to follow my dreams. I could'nt have done this without you guys.
Chapter 16
As I made my way towards Stephanie’s, the hairs on the back
of my neck began to stand on end, and it had nothing to do with the lack of heat. A little ways down the hallway I recognized my old rooms familiar door and stopped wearily in front of it.
As I knocked on the solid, wood door, I held my breath, silently hoping that she wouldn’t answer. But as fate would have it she was there, and did answer. She swung the open the door and I saw by her frustrated expression that she wasn’t exactly happy to see me. “What do you want?” She asked.
“I wanted to talk,” I said and I barely got my last word out before she snidely replied, “Well I’m busy.” As the words left her mouth an incredibly handsome boy made his presence known by coughing.
“I was just leaving anyways,” he said getting up and walking over to us.“I’m Lance, and you must be Summer,” he said and I briefly wondered how he knew my name but then followed his gaze to the long, jagged scar that lie permanently across my chest. It was visible due to the tank top I was wearing and I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “Well I must get going,” he said and with that he grabbed his backpack off of Stephanie’s bed then said, “Next week, same time, Okay Steph?” He said and after she gave him a nod he quickly walked out.
“Don’t like guys with broken noses?” I asked referring to the fact that she was dating Tyler yet had Lance in her room.
“As if it’s any of your business, but if it was I’d tell you he’s just a tutor,” she replied and I saw Stephanie’s frown begin to lessen, without an audience, Stephanie was somewhat nice.
“You said you want to talk,” She said walking over to admire herself in her mirror.
“Yeah, well you know Zane right?” I started but stopped quickly as she whirled around with an angry look on her face.
“If you think I’m going to sit here and listen to your stupid romance issues with your jerk of a boyfriend, then you’re crazy,” She said then walked over to sit in her chair, as if her last has taken all of her energy. I wasn’t surprised by her outburst, after rooming with her for a year I was used to them, so naturally I knew how to get her to be nice, or at least civil, again.
“Ok listen,” I said and then took a deep breath and began to do my best impersonation her that I could. “1.) I totally didn’t mean to offend you, 2.)There’s no way that he’s my boyfriend, and 3.)Why would I want relationship advice for me and Zane, when I’m mad at him?” As I finished I knew it’d worked because she began to giggle, something she rarely ever does.
“Well done,” She said and flashed me one of her
winning smiles before she continued, “so if it’s not about relationships with Zane, then what is it?”
“Well,” I started questioning whether I should confide fully in her of not, but my mind urges me one, so I continue. “Sometimes he’ll act like a different person, and one day he’ll understand and another, he won’t,” I said and was surprised to see her shifting uncomfortably, a sign she was either nervous or guilty which are also two things that rarely occur with her.
“What?” I asked and her eyes flashed up to meet my gaze.
“Oh well, it’s just,” She started.
“Yes?” I asked trying to get her to hurry up and spit it out.
“Zane’s a guy, guys act like that sometimes,” She replied but I know that not what was on her mind and I feel my temper begin to flare up.
“Really? You too? Why is everybody treating me like a moron and thinking I can’t see that their hiding stuff from me? Why can I tell no one the truth, because no one understands? Why?!” I yelled at her and I can tell that I’ve surprised her with my outburst.
“Look Summer, this is why nobody tells you anything, because you just blew up at me without even asking what I’m hiding. Maybe I would’ve told you. Ever think of that?” She asked and then smiled smugly at me.
“Ok, I’m sorry, maybe getting the crap kicked out of me, by you and your group, has been messing with my manners,” I replied and I felt my temper beginning to rise even higher.
“Ignoring that last comment, I’ll tell you all that I can, which isn’t a lot, but it’s more than Zane’s telling you,” She said and her words about Zane felt like she was firing a gun straight to my heart. Why should Stephanie a girl who hates my guts, tell me more than a guy who thinks I’m ‘special’? Though I doubt anything he said then is still what he thinks now.
“All I can tell you is that Zane knows more than he’s letting on,” She said and then watched me closely as if to see how this news would me react.
“How do you know?” I asked and though I sounded like an annoying child I didn’t care as long as I got the answers I’d been waiting for.
She sat up straighter in her chair and smoothed her dress before she answered, “I know because I also know the information he’s keeping from you, he told me. Not recently of course, but either way at one point he told me and I know. I’m sorry but that’s really all I can tell you.” She said and I can sense that she’s telling me the truth.
“Thank-you Stephanie” I said as I turned and headed for the door.
“Where are you going?” she asked as I pulled open her overly decorated door.
“I need to talk to someone else about something that’s somewhat normal, I can’t deal with all this other drama right now,” I said and with that I waved goodbye and walked out.
Chapter 17
As I made my way down the hallway I tried to clear my mind from all the questions that were already starting to form in my head. Just relax
, I told myself as I headed towards Ms. Kelly’s office door, She can’t possibly know you lied, Zane wouldn’t tell her. Of course he wouldn’t…Would he?
I wasn’t sure.
When I reached the door I knocked timidly and then waited until a flustered looking Mrs. Brown opened the door. Mrs. Brown, the over-worked secretary for Ms. Kelly, was a short, cute, younger woman, in her mid 30’s, with short cropped black hair, soft, soft brown eyes, and a pearly white smile. Everyone wondered why sweet Mrs. Brown had applied to be Ms. Kelly secretary, but whenever a student asked her about it she’d simply smile and reply, “Why, I can’t imagine living without you kids life,” in her soft, overly peppy voice that reminded me of a cheer squad anytime I heard it.
“Oh Summer, come in dear. I’m assuming you’ve come
to talk with Ms. Kelly?” She asked and as I nodded she quickly continued on. “Yes, of course you are. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until after she’s finished with the mandatory punishment for today,” She said and then after motion for me to take a seat, began quickly straitening the papers on her crowded desktop.
As I took a seat in one of the waiting chairs my
curiosity got the best of me and I turned back towards Mrs. Brown. “Mandatory punishment?” I asked. She’d finished organizing her desk and had moved on to filling out paperwork before she answered.
“Oh yes dear, in fact she’s in there now with that awful trouble maker, Tyler Droda,” she said shaking her head in disgust.
“What’s Tyler down here for?” I asked pretending that I thought it was unusual for Tyler to get into trouble.
“Well, originally he was called down to receive punishment for the violence he exploited on you,” She said and I made a mental note to ask Stephanie how she and the rest of her group got out of their punishment. “But then,” she continued, “There was the issue of that fist fight, and now that Zane boy’s down here too,” She said and her last words made my heart squeeze. I wasn’t ready to see Zane yet but as Ms. Kelly’s door swung open I knew if didn’t matter what I wanted.
As the door swung open wider I saw Ms. Kelly step out and hand both Tyler and Zane a green slip of paper before ushering them out of her back office. Green…
I wracked my brains trying to think back to our old school handbook. What does green mean?
I thought to myself impatiently. Suspension? Expulsion?
At the moment I didn’t which I was hoping for more.
As the boys walked out Zane’s sparkling blue eyes met mine and it took all of my self control to pull my eyes away from his, but not before giving him one of my signature annoyed eye rolls. I heard him sigh and then the door click as it opened and closed behind them. Good, you deserve to go through a little sadness yourself,
I thought moodily to myself.
“Summer, can I help you?” Ms. Kelly asked then flashed me one of her huge smiles that none of the students neither believed nor liked. “Yes, I was wondering if I could get a schedule change?” I asked before I could convince myself not to and then I desperately prayed I wouldn’t break down into tears as I thought about why I wanted it. I want this to get away, away from him.
I thought to myself, I couldn’t bring myself to even think his name of I was sure I’d break down again.
“A schedule change? We don’t normally allow those after the first day of school. Why? Is there a conflict with your schedule?” She asked and my hopes began to plummet. What was I supposed to say, my boyfriend/ex/friend, or whatever he is, is being mean? That I don’t want to face him because I’m embarrassed and mad that he doesn’t believe my crazy stories?
“No, there’s not really a conflict but I’d really appreciated if I could change it, not to different classes, maybe just a different order?” I asked, trying to use my most innocent, sweet girl voice. “Normally the answer would automatically no,” She said in her normal no-feelings-spared, harsh tone, “but I realize that you’ve been through a lot and if this will help you out, I suppose I could bend the rules a bit,” She replied and even though she’d just agreed to what I’d asked I couldn’t help but feel sad, and I still didn’t get why she always felt dangerous and untrustworthy even when she’s smiling at me like she is now.
“I’ll have your new schedule sent to your room sometime tomorrow, since it’s the weekend you won’t have to worry about missing classes, you’ll start on Monday,” She said as she hustled me out of her door. As I left I headed for the door I waved at little Mrs. Brown as she began filing paperwork. She gave me a quick smile and then quickly got back to work. What a hard working little women,
I thought to myself as I abandoned the cool office air for the warm hallways, then quietly jogged till I reached my room.
As I flung the door open I noticed that Sierra was still gone and the Kyle had left. Good
, I thought to myself, I want to be alone anyways
, but as I flung myself down, onto my bed, I knew that was a lie. I wanted my friends to be there with me, I wanted Zane there, and I especially did not want to be alone. I curled up into a ball and pulled the covers up as far as they’d go. It was still early, 6:00 P.M., but I was so exhausted that I forgot about the time and gave in to the drowsiness that was taking me over.
Chapter 18
When I opened my eyes I was laying a green meadow. The ground beneath me was covered in beautiful flowers and bright green, grass. I laid there basking in the warm sun and almost drifted off until I heard soft footsteps in the plush grass surrounding me. I quickly sat upright and found myself staring at a beautiful little boy. He had dark hair, and beautiful, familiar looking brown eyes. He looked about 5 or 6 years old, and his face held a very white smile, teeth and all.
He raised his tiny hand and waved at me. I laughed joyfully and picked the little boy up and spun him around until we were both dizzy and doubled over in laughter. ‘Such a cute little boy,’ I thought to myself, ‘with his soft black, his perfect features, and his eyes, deep pools of chocolate.’
Now where had I seen those eyes before? Just then he laughed and his laugh, a sweet, innocent, little kid laugh, sounded very familiar also. Then suddenly it seemed as if the little boy was laughing at me, and not with me anymore. Her smiled, as if he was in on some private joke.
Then a thought occurred to me, “Where are we?” I asked and the little boy smiled a devious smile as if he’d been waiting for me to ask this. “The land on eternal youth,” He replied and then motioned for me to look down. “We become children again when we enter this realm,” He said and then, after he motioned again, I looked down and gasped. I was looking down at the tiny fragile little girl’s body of my younger self. I was wearing a frilly dress and my tiny feet were covered with white buckle shoes. I raised my hands and saw that they too were small and fragile looking. I looked even younger than the boy sitting next to me, which made another thought occur to me.
“So what do you really look like?” I asked and as soon as the words escaped my mouth, I knew I was going to regret asking. “Another good question,” The boy said in that terribly familiar voice and then his face began to contort and transform itself. I screamed not because of the gruesome sight but because as I got up to run away, I felt my own skin begin to bubble and transform. I saw the beautiful meadow slipping away and it was being replaced by a terrifyingly familiar all stone room, lit only by the torches the hung on the walls, and the candles that surrounded the slab of concrete in the center of the room.
My screams echoed off the walls as the little boy I’d just laughed with transformed into someone I’d hoped I’d never have to see again. Even though standing next to me was the man from my reoccurring nightmares he wasn’t the one who made me scream. I screamed when I caught sight of the person who was standing in the corner. Zane’s eyes sparkled under the light of torches and I could’ve admired his beauty all day if I hadn’t been terrified, he hadn’t been yelling.
“Get out!,” I screamed at him, wanting desperately for him to leave before he got hurt, but Zane continued yelling at the man, as if I wasn’t even there.
“I thought I told you to stay out of her dreams!” Zane shouted.
“Guardians are supposed to protect and educate, no chastise and endanger. I must say, you’ve done a rather poor job,” The man replied in his usual cold tone and as soon as he got the words left his mouth Zane tackled him to the ground and they began writhing and rolling around on the stone.
By now my age transformation was completely done and I was myself again. I wanted to run, yell scream, do something, but I was frozen in place. All I could manage to do was clamp my eyes shut and as I did so I began to feel the room around me, yet again, slip away. I didn’t want to open my eyes but I forced them open and when I did, I fell into black nothingness.
Chapter 19
My eyes flew open and I sucked in air. At some point during my nap Sierra must have come back because I could make out her soft snores from underneath me. By now my breath was coming in short, uneven gasps and my room seemed to be spinning. Once I had taken enough calming breaths, had plenty of oxygen flowing to my brain, and could see straight again I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It read 11:30 P.M.
I took another deep breath to try to steady my shaking hands and began my text message to Zane.
Look, we need to talk. ASAP. –S
I quickly hit send before I could change my mind and then set my phone back down near my pillow.
I need answers
, I thought to myself, I need the truth. Why am I having these dreams? If they are even considered dreams… What’s Zane hiding? Who is that creepy reappearing guy?
I let out a sigh of annoyance and blinked back tears of frustration as Sierra began to wake up.
“Summer? Was that you?” She asked then seeing the tears in my eyes, which I was trying(unsuccessfully)to hide. She quickly got up out of her bed and began climbing up onto my bunk. “What’s wrong? Did you get hurt again? Or was it just a bad dream?” She asked as she positioned herself at the foot of my bed.
“Well,” I began but was interrupted by my phone ringing. My heart leapt and Sierra, who must’ve seen my excited face, quietly mumbled something about having to take off her make-up, then got down and walked into the bathroom we shared to give me privacy.
“Hello?” I asked when I was finally able to speak.
“Summer, It’s Zane, I got your message,” He said and there was almost a hint of precaution in his voice as he continued, “but I can’t meet with you.”
I frowned when I heard that and couldn’t help but feel my anger from beginning to rise again. “No? Well I’m pretty sure you can talk,” I replied, and even I
shivered at the ice cold tone of my voice.
“Look, can you drop the attitude? It’s not like I don’t want to talk. I’m in detention and we aren’t even supposed to have phones in here but the teacher walked out so I figured I’d risk it.”
“Detention, huh? For what?” I asked and as soon as the words left my mouth I realized why he was there and felt like a complete, utter moron.
“I’m in here for punching a guy who threatened to hurt this really amazing girl. I never would’ve guessed that I’d be the one to hurt her,” he said his words felt like blows to my heart and normally I would’ve been flattered by him calling me amazing, but tonight it just annoyed me.
“Well the ‘amazing girl is looking for answers and, though she may be mistaken, she thinks she deserves something that starts with I’m and ends with Sorry,” I said and then remembering my dream I added, “You could start by explaining yourself.”
“Look, I want to talk Summer, really I do, but I can’t do
this right now, and I’d rather we talked about this face to face, anyways,” He said an I felt my rising anger begin to slip away piece by piece as it always did when I listened to his soothing voice.
“Meet me outside under the big oak at 6:00 A.M. That’s assuming you’re not in detention then?” I asked and I felt a pang of heart break as I remembered when we’d sat by the oak on our first date.
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” He said pulling me out of my flash back.
“See you then,” I said and was about to push End Call when
Zane said, “And Summer?”
“Yeah?” I asked.
“I’m sorry.”
I took a deep breath and replied in a calm, even voice,” We’ll talk later.” Then I hung up on the only guy I’ve ever loved and for the very first time in weeks, fell into a dreamless slumber.
Chapter 20
"Need to talk?” Sierra asked as I curled my hair and got ready for me and Zane’s meeting this morning. “Yeah, I do,” I said, turning to face her. “I’m sorry; I’m probably the worst roommate you’ve ever had. I’ve been super messy, I’m always running out, and I’ve managed to make you want to leave the dorm instead of hanging out with me. I’m really
sorry,” I said and as I finished my apology I noticed she was smiling.
“Look Summer, when I left yesterday morning, I got breakfast and then I went to the study session I go to every Saturday, I wasn’t leaving to get away from you. If anything I think I should be the one apologizing. Even a blind person could see you’ve been living Hell since the first day of school and I should’ve been nicer to you. I guess I just didn’t want any more complications in my life,” She finished and then we sat in silence for awhile until she added, “but then I realized the I’d sacrifice an easy life any day for friendship.”
I turned to face her and saw that she was smiling so I ran over and gave her a hug, which she squeezed back at. “Thanks, that really means a lot,” I said and then I broke the hug to go change into the skirt and tank top that I had set out on our bathroom counter.
I wasn’t really sure why I was getting so dressed up just for a talk, or why I’d gotten up at 5:00 so I could curl my hair before I had to meet with him. Sierra had only woken up around 5:30 when my nervous, shaking hands accidently dropped my make-up case. After seeing my flushed, nervous, face she promised that she’d stay up and keep me company until I had to leave.
As the time ticked away my palms began to sweat and my pulse stared to speed up. What am I going to say?
I thought nervously. I had no idea how to approach the subject of my dreams with him, but I knew that it had to be done.
When I checked the clock, for what seemed like the 25th time in the last ten minutes, and it read 5:53 A.M I decided it was time to start walking over. “Well I better get going,” I said as I grabbed my purse and headed for the door.
“I hope it goes well,” She said and I smiled silently to myself.
“Yeah, me too.” With that I forced myself to pull the door open and start off down the hallway. It was after curfew and I was supposed to be in bed sleeping now, so I had to be very quiet and be on the lookout for any patrolling night wardens.
Finally, after silently creeping down hallways and flights of stairs, I’d made my way to the old oak tree. It was hard to believe that just a week ago we’d had our first date under this same tree. It was so easy then
, I thought to myself, That was before I’d ever had any of these dreams, before I’d ever saw that man’s face.
I sighed and tried to clear my mind as I kicked off my sandals and sat down under the tree’s branches.
I checked my watch and it read 6:01 A.M. He still has time
, I thought silently to myself and then I realized what little sleep I’d gotten in the past week and I felt my eyelids begin to droop. Hurry up Zane,
I thought to myself and then I gave in to my exhaust and I fell asleep against the hard bark of the tree.
Chapter 21
30 minutes later I woke up from my pleasantly, dreamless sleep to find that someone was shaking me by my shoulders and asking if I was alright. They sounded alarmed and I wanted to answer them or at least open my eyes but I seemed incapable of doing either, at the moment. After a few more minutes of shaking and questions I was finally to pry open my eyes and found myself staring at Lance Millers, Stephanie’s tutor. Other than in Stephanie’s room, this was the first time I’d even seen Lance since he was a keep to himself sort of guy, so I was quite surprised that he cared enough to check if I was alright.
“Summer, are you okay?” He asked for what had to be the 30th time and finally I was able to make my lips work.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I said sitting up and then realizing Zane wasn’t there I added, “Just disappointed.”
“About Zane?” He asked and must’ve notice my surprised expression because he then said, “I can explain.”
“Go ahead,” I said and then motioned for him to sit down with me under the oak, since my legs still felt like jelly.
“Though you might not know it, I’m Zane’s roommate,” He began, “so I obviously know he’s been in a bit of trouble lately.” He said casting me a glance before he continued.
“Zane told me he was supposed to meet you today, but see, he ran into a bit of a problem. “The Night wardens were literally guarding the outside of our door. “They said the he wasn’t leaving the room for any purposes until his punishment was done,” He said and then seeing how I was still confused he began to elaborate more.
“But see, me, being a tutor and all, they’ll let me out early just as long I tell them the right stuff. “I told them Stephanie had a project due today and this was the only time we could work on it, and they bought it,” He said, smiling proudly at his own cleverness. “He asked me to find you and give you this, since he couldn’t make it,” Lance said then produced a folded piece of paper out of the messenger bag slung over his shoulder, and held it out to me.
I took it and carefully unfolded it and held it to where it was only in my view, though Lance didn’t look as if he were trying to read it either way. I took a deep breath and began reading.
Dear Summer,
I regret missing our date. You must understand how sorry I am. Not just for missing our date, but for every time I’ve ever hurt you. I know how confused you must be and I promise I’ll explain everything. I get out of detention at 8:30 P.M. tonight, afterwards is the only time I’m able to go anywhere without being followed by wardens. I’ll meet you outside my dorm, it’d #43. You don’t have to come and I’ll understand if you don’t, but I’d like a chance to explain this, if you’ll let me. And please remember: I could never judge you, and I hope your opinion on that hasn’t been swayed by my ignorance.
Yours Truly,
I took a deep breath to steady myself so that I didn’t burst into tears. He really cares
, I thought to myself, tonight I’ll get the answers I’ve been waiting for
. But then reality sunk in and my smile faded. Has my opinion on him changed?
I wasn’t sure. As I muttered somewhat of a thank-you to Lance, I folded up the letter and started walking back to my dorm.
Chapter 22
On my way back to my dorm I ran into a few night wardens and was forced to quickly scamper off into janitor closets to avoid being caught and sitting through lectures. About 1 hall from my room I heard footsteps coming towards me. The loud clanking on the tiled told my it was a student girl, since none of the faculty nor wardens were allowed to break dress code, which doesn’t include high heels.
Though I was almost positive it was a student, I figured I’d better not risk it and quickly ducked behind a potted plant. As a pair of hot pink stiletto’s made their way around the corner I heard their owner let out a sigh of impatience.
“Would you get up from behind that plant? You look like a moron and I so don’t talk to morons,” She said and between the hot pink heels and the snarky comment I knew it had to be Stephanie who was standing in front of me.
I quickly got up and brushed myself off as she put on lip gloss to her already glossy lips. Once I was done straightening myself up she turned to face me and I could get a good look at her. I Think this is the worst I’ve ever seen her look,
I thought to myself and though her shoes were cute, and her designer only dress was adorable she still looked terrible. Her eyeliner was smudged, her mascara running, there were circles under her eyes and her nose was red and puffy.
“Are you okay?” I asked, not sure how to address the situation with her.
“Tyler and I broke up. In case anyone asks, I dumped him,” She said and then she laughed silently to herself as she absentmindedly rubbed what look like a bruise on her arm.
“What happened?” I asked motioning to the bruise, but she wasn’t looking at me and took it as a question about her break-up.
“I dated an abusive jerk,” She said matter-of-factly then seeing my face, explained. “Tyler was always a hands-on guy, and I knew that, but he was just so mad tonight and he pushed me into my dresser. “He tried to apologize but sometime between me punching him and me kicking him out, he understood that it was over.”
As she finished I looked at Stephanie, really looked at her. She was the girl all girls envied. With her slim build, long legs, naturally tan skin and blonde hair, girls just assumed she had the perfect life, or at least the perfect relationship. But come to think of it, in my 6 years of room and board here I’ve never seen her parents come to visit, not even on the family visiting days. Her brother, Tye, graduated 3 years ago, and even when he was here he refused to acknowledge her. As for her relationship, no one would ever guess that Tyler was abusive, or at least not to her. When I really thought about it, was it really a surprise that Stephanie has a cold, hard, demeanor?
She must’ve notice my staring because as usual, she felt obligated to defend her turf. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” She said snidely and then she smiled. “A love note from the boyfriend?” She asked motion to the letter sticking out of my pocket and then giving me a wink that made us both burst into laughter
“Yeah, but he’s not my boyfriend,” I said, pausing then added, “yet.” Stephanie smiled then checked the polished, designer, diamond watch on her wrist that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe.
“30 minutes till breakfast starts, we’d better head back or the warden’s will catch us,” She said and turned to start walking towards her dorm when she added, “I’m sorry about the whole S.S. crap and if you ever tell anyone this I’ll deny it but, I kind of regret not being a better roommate.” And with that she started off down the hall and within
seconds, disappeared into her dorm.
Chapter 23
I stood there for a moment trying to comprehend what had just happened. Stephanie never
apologizes. But hadn’t she done just that? I shook my head as if to clear my thoughts and started off down the hall. By the time I reached my room Sierra had already taken a shower and was waiting patiently for me to return. She’d pulled her short, choppy, blonde hair back in a small bun at the nape of her neck and was wearing a casual shirt and jeans, overall she looked very pretty and very eager to hear about my ‘date’.
I told her about Zane’s note and my meeting with Lance, carefully skimming over any parts that involved crazy dreams or Stephanie.
“Aw I’m sorry you to wait longer now,” She said and then grabbed my purse and threw it to me. “We’d better head down for breakfast, I’m starving,” She said and then, pulling me with her, she skipped off down to the breakfast hall.
The rest of the day flew by quickly and before I knew it I was sitting in my room and getting ready for my meeting, but the clock seemed to moving slower than ever. Around 7:00 a night warden knocked on our door and gave me my new schedule. I thanked them and tried to hide my disappointment as I silently assured myself that I did the right thing by changing my schedule. I opened the envelope and read.
Dear Summer,
I hope this suites your wishes, because I won’t be changing it again. You’ll start these classes Monday.
Best regards,
Ms. Kelly
1. Art
2. Self Defense
3. Dance
4. Lunch
5. ELA
6. Algebra
7. A.P. Chemistry
8. History
I folded up my new schedule and stifled a sigh. I definitely got what I asked for
, I thought to myself, now I have absolutely no classes with him. Why am I disappointed with that?
I didn’t know what the answer was to that last thought so I shrugged it off and turned towards Sierra, who was sitting below my bunk, looking bored. She’d offered to stay up till I got back but I didn’t know how late I’d be out and judging from the dark circles under her eyes, she could use the extra rest.
“No that’s okay, I’ll talk to you in the morning, alright?” I said in what I hoped was an assuring tone as I slipped on my heels and reached for my purse.
“Okay, hope you have fun,” She said and then dropped onto her pillow.
I quietly shut the door behind, so I wouldn’t disturb her and then started off towards the boy’s hall.
Girls technically aren’t allowed to be in the east wing, since that’s where the boy’s dorms are. But since that rule was made, few supervisors enforce it and even fewer students pay it any mind. I was in luck; Zane’s dorm was located on the outskirts of the wing, by the stairs. This way I had an even less chance of getting caught.
My phone buzzed in my pock and I quickly took it out and examined it.
Running Late. Be there soon, Don’t leave. -Z
His text calmed me somehow, almost as if he were actually there, whispering those words in my ear, with that voice that always makes me melt. I put my phone away, leaned against his door and allowed myself to imagine him next to me, lips brushing against mine…
I didn’t have to wait long; only about five minutes of day dreaming had passed before the sound of footsteps brought me back to reality. At first I tensed, thinking of the wardens and how sometime they made their rounds earlier than usual but then listened more carefully and found that even his footsteps were familiar.
When he finally rounded the corner I wanted nothing more than to run to him and feel his strong arms around me, but I stood my ground and silently kicked myself for even thinking that. Aren’t I supposed to be mad him? Just yesterday I was angry enough to get my entire schedule changed, and now I want to run into his arms again?
I silently scolded myself, but as I looked into his sparkling blue eyes I felt that, that really was what I wanted to do. To hurl myself at him and have his arms wrapped around me. I felt my anger slipping away, and though I tried to hang onto it, it was soon gone.
I forced an annoyed look onto my and glared at him as he
approached. I didn’t want him to know that I was secretly yearning to run over and his soft, lips. Apparently, I got the point across because his blinding white smile disappeared once he caught sight of my expression.
“I know I have a lot of explaining to do,” he said and as soon as I hear his voice my glare slipped away and I felt a very unwelcome smile appear on my face.
To make up for my smile slip I added an even icier edge to my voice when I replied, “You certainly do.”
Zane nodded then motioned towards his door. “Lance is tutoring today, this way we can talk alone,” he said and I felt my heart flutter. If just being in the east wing would get me detention, then going into a boy’s dorm room alone was definitely juvenile home worthy. I shrugged off my worries by reminding myself why he wanted us alone. So no one knows his secrets.
After reminding myself of this, I felt my anticipation lessen.
As he shut and bolted the door behind us I took the time to check out his dorm room setup. It was clear which side of the room belonged to who. Lance had his side decorated with photos of him and his family and friends. By his bed he had a few posters of bands like ACDC and Kiss and his desk was meticulously neat.
Zane’s side looked as if no one even roomed there. His desk was completely empty except for his gray laptop and a few stray pens. His walls were completely bare and his closet was empty except for the small suitcase lying at the bottom of it.
He must have noticed my scrutiny because he shifted uncomfortably and motioned to his bed for me to sit.
“Where do I start?” He said after we were both seated. I knew his question didn’t require a response, but I couldn’t resist.
“From the Beginning,” I said and he laughed silently under his breath as if I’d just humored him and then said, “This is going to take longer than I thought,” Then he let out a deep sigh, as if to ready himself, and began.
Chapter 24
“Every few centuries a baby is born with a gift, only they don’t realize they’re gifted until they start socializing with the others, people like them. “You, being one of the gifted, should understand what their gift is,” He said and then seeing my confused face he went on. “When most people dream it’s a figment of their imagination, but when these children dream, it’s reality. “They posses the ability to change all of Earth just when they close their eyes, though almost all of them have no idea how to use their gift like that. “But like always, people fear what they can’t understand, and a group, called The Tanghar, are set for using those gifted children for their own selfish reasons, some of them want to wipe out the gifted race completely. He paused for a moment and though he tried to hide it, I could tell he was nervous about continuing.
“When I was young I was told my parents told me I was born for one reason, and one reason only, and that was to serve faithfully as Princess Laurel McKons guardian. “Miss McKons is one of the most gifted children and therefore considered royalty among your race. “But when I turned 12, about to begin my training, my parents were killed and their dreams died with them. “I was then sent to an orphanage and by the time I started my training it was too late. “They told me I wasn’t qualified to guard royalty, but if my training continued, they’d allow me to guard one the normals.” He cleared his throat and searched my face to see if this term affected me. When I gave no sign of emotion he shifted uncomfortably in his seat and then continued.
“I trained for years and when I was on the brink of quitting, they finally passed me and I was an assigned guardian. “The girl they assigned me to was presumably average so they shipped me off to the board school at which she was attending, no extra training needed. “As always, they had me relatively close in age to her so as to not cause any awkwardness and for backup they sent me where another guardian was, since this was my first assignment. “
“But they underestimated this girl. Both me and my partner were shocked. “None of the normals were supposed to be able to make contact with the Tanghar at all, yet alone so early in the cycle. “We were stunned and after calling in to our main office we were told to deny her gifts, and persuade her to the same.”
“See, when a gifted child, or more frequently
called a lucid child, learns more about their gift, the more endangered they become. “That’s why we were given those instructions, to keep her safe. Only one of us wasn’t careful enough, and she found out more than she should have.” He said and only then did my brain start putting all the pieces together.
“I’m the girl from you story,” I said and then more of the pieces came together. “You knew…This whole time?” I said and felt my anger flaring up.
“Yes, but Summer-“ He started but I cut him off before he could finish.
“You yelled at me and told me I was being childish! “You said I was just a ‘restless sleeper’!” I yelled at him and I wasn’t surprised to see that he was staying relatively calm, like always, but it still annoyed me.
“Yes Summer, I did, but I did it to protect you,” He said staring at me with those bright blue eyes. I continued on as if he hadn’t said anything.
“You told me I could trust you, could tell you anything, yet that whole time you were lying!” I screamed and felt my rationality slipping away, but at this point I didn’t care.
“Summer, Please just-”
“That’s all you do! Lie!” I yelled at him and I furiously wiped at the unwelcome tears that were spilling down my cheeks.
I wanted to get up and run. But where would I run to? I was where I’d wanted to be for the past month and now I was wishing I’d stood him up. I could tell he wanted to comfort me and my steady glare kept him from coming any closer. “I’m sorry…I just thought that Stephanie and told you some of this, she told me you guys talked and I guess I just assumed…” His voice trailed off and his eyes lifted to meet mine.
And that was when I snapped. Any part of sanity that I had left at the moment slipped away and I took a step closer to him. “Stephanie!? So she’s the other one!” I screamed and though Zane was trying uselessly to calm me down, I was way beyond any point that I could ‘calm down’.
“I’m leaving!” I yelled. I pushed past him and headed towards the door but he caught my wrist before I made.
“Summer, Please… I’m sorry for lying but you have to understand-”
“I don’t have to understand anything I don’t want to,” I said furiously then added, “And I said I’m leaving.” With that I push him with my free hand and made contact with his chest, momentarily catching him off guard, he stumbled backwards. That was all I needed. While his grip was weak I slipped free. I quickly unlocked the door, then flung it open and sprinted down the hall as fast as I could with the 6 inch heels I was wearing.
Now that I was finally running, I didn’t know where to go but my feet seemed to have a mind of their own. They carried me back, out of the east wing and made me bolt out of the school and over to the outdoor garden area. Since it was late the pale yellow lights that surrounded the garden were glowing dimly. By now I stopped running and walked over to admire the flowers. It reminded me of the garden my mother and I use to have before we moved, and I was forced to go room and board at my new school.
She used to walk around with me in the early mornings, just as the sun was peeking up over the clouds, and she’d let me quiz her on all the different flower types. I felt a pang of homesickness as I recalled some of the long hours I’d spent at our old make-shift garden. This garden was absolutely stunning in comparison to me and my mothers and I felt myself calming down as I walked around the gorgeous plants.
The roses were a deep red, and by far the most popular flower type in this garden; next to it were Lilly’s in a pastel purple shade. I silently congratulated myself on having remembered almost all the plants names and facts as I scoped out the garden. Though there were hundreds of plants that made up the garden only one type stood out among them all. Zantedeschia. It had always been my favorite flower type because of its tie-die like colors, but my mother had always refused to plant it because of me being so young, and it’s poisonous reputation.
I walked over and sat on a stone near the patch of the colorful flowers. A thought appeared to me and I laughed silently. I know why this was always my favorite now
, I thought silently to myself, because it’s me, in flower form. Bright, colorful, and pretty from far away, but deadly if you get too close.
I was still seething from my talk with Zane but I couldn’t seem to stop laughing at the irony of my favorite flower. I knew it wasn’t really that funny but I kept laughing, I laughed till me sides hurt, till tears were running down my face, and till I was beginning to wonder if I was losing my sanity. When I was finally finished laughing I was out of breath and panting, my sides hurt, and I had no doubt that my eye make-up was probably running. But at the moment, I didn’t really care. I just wanted to sit there and admire my beautiful flowers. That’s when I heard the footsteps.
Part 3 Up Now!
Text: No part of this book is to be stolen or reproduced in any manner. All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 14th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-sppellerd |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-kerri-morgan-fools-luck/ | Kerri Morgan Fools luck Luck
Chapter 1 - Its only the beginning
Getting money wasn't nothing for me , well getting money wasn't nothing for anybody these days. Shit is easy labor out here. Everybody popping this and popping that , shit bitches is even sharing their pussy for some bread. I ain't gonna knock y'all hustle , get that Thot money. Before I talk my shit let me not be rude. My name is Bianca , Bianca Taylor to be clear . With my nice curly hair , butter pecan skin , body shaped like a Coca Cola bottle I never had a hard time getting what I wanted. Right now I'm working for some bumass agency , I make like 700 a week . That shit really not enough for me . Deadass. Shit be breaking me down because all my bitches walk around with Chanel this and I'm still shopping at forever 21 . Fuck it though. My girls was all different though , you got Lena , jasmine , Steph and Lisa . See Lena was this brown skin chick , little shaped , quiet little mouse , her man wasn't shit but she didn't know any better, he cheated but her ass was up . Jasmine that bitch always had the latest gear, bitch we fucking straight ballers. Jasmine glowed the fuck up y'all , bitch was a ugly duckling , she got some ass shots , titties done too , it complements her though . Jasmine was like 5'10 light skin with straight weave , her smile lit up a room though i guess that's how she got her money. Steph was my right hand though my go to. Steph was a skinny light skin , pretty eyes joint , she was fucking with some ain't shit nigga that got locked up , but Steph ain't stupid she do her thing out here. When he got out he was whopping Steph ass . That's another story though ! Now Lisa was the bitch you wanted to be next to , Lisa was some thick ass joint , bitch family was rich as fuck and she always had some new wheels and new shit. We was just that crew that nobody could get enough of .
Back to me though , I started fucking with some dude name Johnny , Johnny was some brown skin ,skinny (you know what they say about skinny niggas) fucking fly and educated man ! I thought Johnny fucking fell from the sky y'all . Everything about him was amazing . When I talk to him I got moist . It's funny though because they way we met you would of never thought we would still be going for all these years . I seen Johnny in sin city , yeah me and my bitches wanted some eats plus it was amateur night . Everybody was going to be their anyways , we always like showing out . Johnny walked in with his people's, his friends were fine but I saw him as soon as they walked in because they stopped in the front to get a table . Johnny pinky ring was shinning and shit. I glanced at him and bit my lips , I really wanted to bite his , those shit was big and juicy and not ashy . You these niggas don't know what chapstick is anymore ! But back to Johnny fine ass , I tapped Lisa "bitch look at that nigga over their with the all black " , Lena replied bitch he is fire , I then gave Lena a look like damn bitch can I run down on him first . Shit thirsty ass bitches. They was talking to the sin city waitress princess . So y'all know what the fuck I did , I text princess ass . My text stated , " bring those niggas over here " . She walked them to our table and was like y'all gotta get up because they buying bottles . Which was apart of the plan ! So me and the girls was arguing with them like y'all bums anyways , come here before 11 ass niggas to get buy one and get one for free ass niggas. I hate y'all . Johnny kept looking at my ass . I walked up to Johnny ,and said "what the fuck you looking at" ,Johnny was like yo won't y'all come back y'all making a show for what , y'all know y'all want s drink anyways . I just thought the nigga was too smooth . He was right we did want a drink and what we did sat our asses on the couch . Everybody was talking to Johnny friends I was being anti , I just stayed in my phone . Johnny moved his chair close to me , he said " why you so quiet when you have so much to say ", I said because I'm chilling , he then said " here drink some henny", I looked at him like I don't drink henny . He then gave me the look like bitch you gonna drink it tonight. What I did I drank henny for the first damn time . To top it off these niggas had a bottle parade in sin , all the wack strippers was around us . Niggas popped like 12 bottles in sin ,I'm like y'all showing the fuck off ! Everybody was getting dances but Johnny , this nigga was just too cool . He was in his phone too , I kept thinking he must got a bitch at home .You could tell he didn't like the attention . Let me fast forward though ! So we leaving sin , Johnny crew took my girls home , Johnny took me with him . I ended up in Yonkers in johnnys house , I ain't never see no house like this in my life . It was cars in the driveway, his house was huge. So I had to play it off like I seen this before . Bitch I was jumping out my panties . He walked me to his room , gave me a t-shirt and some boxers , plus a tooth brush . I was puzzled like this nigga think my breath stink or something . I got undressed in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I came back Johnny was on the phone in this group with his friends . So I text our group and ask what everybody was doing and we was all in one of his friends house . We too much alike . I lye there and said to him , Johnny don't you try nothing , because I will fuck you up. Johnny was like man if you don't lay down and shut the fuck up . I did what the fuck I was told to do . I lay on my side he placed his arms around me , his dick was on my butt , and he kissed me on my neck. In my mind I was like bitch it's about to go down . Then I kept thinking don't be a hoe , don't give it up on the first night ! Don't do it sis don't ! But he kiss me on my neck and fell asleep . I turned around like what the fuck is he gay . Johnny turned over grabbed my arm and made me rub his hair , I was so confused . Then he rubbed my butt to sleep . When I woke up it felt like I had the best sleep in my life , I was comfortable and he was touching me in the right places. The only weird shit was Johnny kept rubbing my nipples. Ever since then I been fucking with Johnny , he about me and his money . Sometimes it's to good to be true .
After day dreaming how I met my future husband my shit was ruined when I got a call from Lena .
Bitch - said Lena Hey Lena - I said , what's going on ? Bianca Steph man , dj fucked Steph up again , this bitch eye is black and her ribs is broke . Bitch in the er talking about she fell down the steps. That's what she said when she called me . I rolled my eyes , in my head this is a every other week thing with this nigga , dj is bitch made y'all ! So wassup you want me to come scoop you so we can go to the hospital , she just gotta come stay with me and Johnny for a little Yeah bitch I'm at T house . Lena said
I then walked to my car ( oh yeah y'all Johnny brought a bitch alittle black 3 series bmw to get around ) . As I was driving to T house , I called Johnny . But Johnny being Johnny he didn't pick up , so I shot him a text , " babe I'm On my way to ya friend T house to pick Lena up , fucking dj fucked Steph up again , and no I'm gonna call your friend my bitch is just in the er . Dinner will be ready when you get home . Love you daddy . He text back like baby I'm working and I love you to . I rolled my eyes . His stupid ass I mumbled
Yo come down , I text Lena that
Lena got into the car . Bitch you got some new hair , heard you ma . I said to Lena . You know T like me in the new shit, Lena said
We blast some tunes on our to Montiefere er.
We get out the car , I see jasmine and Lisa waiting for us , we all shared kisses .
Walking to the back we see Steph parents , we like hey family . They was crying , I'm like y'all what's wrong . Ms smith said y'all didn't hear . Steph died a hour ago , they blows to her head made her bleed to her brain
Everything went in circles after that .
I fucking lost it
Losing a best friend wasn't what I was prepared for today .
End of chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Your Next
Baby you okay - Johnny asked , he just kept rubbing my hair and my back . I didn't respond. It just sucked I actually lost my best friend , to some herb ass nigga . The fact of it is that we told her ass to leave him . But you know you can't tell nobody what to do in their relationship. People do whatever the fuck they want to do anyways . I got off the bed , went to the bathroom . I ran the showered , slowly undressed myself . Johnny followed behind me to the shower , he got undressed as well. My mind was g in the right place I just wanted to be held . I got in the shower , so did he but he jumped back . "Damn babe why you always have to have the water that hot"- Johnny snapped . Babe I like my water how I like , if you going to complain , go to the bathroom down stair - I replied . Johnny got in , pulled me close to him . His body on my body's just felt like heaven . He then started to run his finger through my hair , at this point my hair was dripping with water .johnny then looked at me , pulled my chin up to his . Baby I got you , don't worry about it. I couldn't hesitate , I cried like a big ass . I couldn't help it . Baby I don't know what to do , I'm hurting . Like what am I going to do pa - I cried . He looked at me , "your going continue to live your life , Bianca shit don't stop because a life is lost" . We shared a kiss after that , then another kiss . We began to kiss passionately . One kiss right after another . His lips taste so good . I licked his lips , he licked mine , our tongues began to slide in each other's mouths . With the humidity in the bathroom and us sharing these kissed , my pussy got real moist. Johnny started gripping my ass , rubbing up and down , circling it . He grabbed it , then slap it . Johnny then started kissing on my neck then his tongue went to my ear. MMMMMmm - i let out a soft moan . His dick began to poke my thigh . I knew what time it was . I cut the shower off , open the glass doors , and grabbed us some towels . Come on daddy - I said in a very sexual tone. Johnny didn't even wipe his self off , he was to busy watching my ass jiggle . I led Johnny to the bed , place the pillows behind his head . I gently kissed his lips . I love you daddy - I said to Johnny . I made my way down to his manhood . Little Johnny was very happy to see me . I then place him in my mouth . Up and down ,spitting gagging . Doing everything Johnny likes . I started to jerk while I sucked , up and down . Damn baby - Johnny said . Johnny couldn't take it anymore , he was about to bust . I saw his toes curl up . He pushed my head off real quick . Nah baby I want that wet pussy - Johnny said . I arched that ass up real high . Johnny spit on his hands and start rubbing my pussy back and fourth . God damn that shit felt good . I was biting my lip . Calling him everything in the book . Nigga made me cum before he even gave me the dick. After shaking like a stripper , Johnny then put his man hood inside me . Once he put the head in , I wanted to cream all over that shit. He started moving his waist round and round , back and fourth . Pussy was so wet it start to drip down my legs . Omg baby I'm bout to cum - I screamed . So Johnny being Johnny he went harder . As he was fucking me he started playing with my pussy . I came all on his dick , I start squeezing my pussy on his dick. That shit drove him insane . Johnny then jerked , then started going slower . Johnny always came inside me , he never cared . I hated that shit , it always threw my PH off . I went to go get him a rag , wiped his dick off . When I came back Johnny ask was knocked out . I cuddle right next to him . Fell sound asleep
Buzz ! Buzz ! Buzz I look at my phone It was Lena ass Hello - I mumbled Bitch wake up - Lena yelled Bitch I'm tired - I yelled Well we need to go make funeral arrangements for Steph , shit is so expensive bitch ,- Lena said Listen Lena I ain't spending that much , Johnny want me to save up because we have shit to do . Bitch let me get up , I'll call you when I'm on my way to you . I hung up .
Baby , I'm going to help with this funeral shit pa . Johnny ! Baby ! You heard me This nigga was still sleep . I got you , took a shower , put my hair in a bun. When I got out the shower Johnny was up and on the phone as always. Baby order me some food please - Johnny begged I rolled my eyes . I know this nigga see me getting ready to go out . Niggas is so selfish. I called the Jamaican restaurant , orders Him some fried chicken , rice and peas and some veggies . Babe I need your car , so just take the jeep or something , Johnny said So I can't drive your car ? I asked Hell no you not driving my Porsche , Johnny said Nigga why you need my car then , the fuck? I questioned I told you because I have to do something ,Johnny said You so selfish , just bring my shit back with gas , I hate driving the jeep , that shit take to much gas daddy . I whined . Well suck it up because you not taking my car , Johnny then got back on the phone . I threw on a pair of spandex and a hoodie , and put on my stand smiths . As I'm doing my baby hairs Johnny comes and slap my ass and tells me to behave . This man drives me insane . I love you - I screamed out You better bitch - Johnny yelled back . Walked back to the room and grabbed my bag , he left some money for me on the dressers . See you later daddy , I left out our condo
"Have a good day ms Taylor ", said our door man . You too boo , I got you with some food tomorrow Larry . "Thank you so much ms Taylor ", Larry said
I hate driving this jeep rangler ! I thought to myself
I hop in the truck , and drove off .
Come down - I sent Lena a text .
Lena came down , she had on a track outfit , looking stupid . But that ass was poking . Her long hair complemented get frame .
Wassup bitch ? - I said Ain't shit , bitch why t trying to go to Miami again. , these niggas don't know hero to sit their ass down , Lena said Bitch I'm with anything , now where we going again - I said We going to is cars funeral home - Lena said I sucked my teeth and drove off
We arrived at this funeral home , her parents was there already . Jasmine was at work like always .
So we hearing what the fuck was taking place at this funeral and wake , bitch this shit is so stupid . Steph wouldn't want no shit like this man . But I didn't say nothing , this her parents doing . I was just ready to get out of there . Go home and cook. This shit wasn't for me . Her parents needed 500 from the 3 of us which was 1500. I was just shock my head and said iight .
Lena we out - I said
Lena followed
We drove to her house in silence , we still fucked up since our bitch died . Now we talking about her funeral. What type of shit is that ? For real though .
I'll call you later boo - Lena said Alright sexy face - I said
Hey baby , I'm heading home , I know your at work . Can't wait to see you later daddy. Tonight I'm making steak mash and some veggies . I sent a text to Johnny
Walking into my condo was like a breath of fresh air . I walked out to the outside we had a seating area there , just kicked my feet up and just chilled . Before I knew it I dozed off . By time I woke up it was 11 . My ass didn't cook shit. I ordered some dominoes .
Johnny keys hit the door . I grew with excitement !
Hi daddy - I said Wats up baby - Johnny said He came and grabbed a pizza Babe your dirty ass hands - I said Shut up - Johnny said
So babe , I saw dj. I gave him some bail money , you know that's my mans . I can't let him go down like that
First of all how you going to give some nigga bail money that killed my friend . You so fucking stupid . Get off of me . I yelled at Johnny
What the fuck you yelling for , you better calm the fuck down , and it's my money - Johnny said
Whatever , I'm going to bed , dumb add - I said
Johnny stayed in the living room . I heard the tv come on.
I rolled over and went to sleep .
Few hours later I felt Johnny in the bed , he grabbed me close to him then we went to sleep.
I woke up to yelling , I looked over like what the fuck is going on .
This nigga dj done broke into our crib.
Johnny and dj going blow for blow . I ran out the room pressed the panic button , I then ran in the closet and grabbed Johnny pistol .
First back the fuck up - I said to dj Hell no I'm not going no where bitch - dj said Johnny said down baby , I'll deal with you in a few . Dj you got until 3 to get the fuck out ! 1 , 2 . Dj kicked the gun out my hand . Punched me to the floor . Blood leaking from my nose , I crawled and hit him with the lamp . Dj laying there in his own pool of blood , just laying there .
The cops done broke down the door and put dj in handcuffs .
Johnny had a bloody lip and a few broke ribs , my nose was just swollen .
Fucking johnny had it out for us
Bianca watch your back bitch , don't believe Johnny , just like step your next .
I looked at Johnny , baby what is he talking about. - I asked Nothing baby he's bugging - Johnny said
His last words fucked me up . What the fuck did dj mean . Why would I be next . What the fuck is going on ?
Chapter - Lisa
Johnny this Johnny that , fuck Johnny - Lisa yelled . I hate him . Sexy bastard , I wish I would of got him when I first seen him. I wonder if they would find out if I killed Steph . Fuck that bitch anyways , she was finding out to much information about me anyways . See if I kill Bianca's then Johnny would be all mine . FUCK ! SHIT - Lisa yelled . Oh man I don't know what's wrong with me , these voices in my head are just talking to much . Lisa then paced back and fourth in her apartment . What am I going to do ? Lisa questioned . Steph found out on Friday that I took meds, she was going to tell everybody , then I told her I loved Johnny . I had pictures of Johnny that she found in my room . Every time Johnny came around I day dreamed about us on a island drinking and him looking at me like he looks at Bianca. But that would never happen .
I was trying to stir up some shit . Fuck it I need shit to go my way . I thought dj was going to kill them because I told his ass Bianca and Johnny set his ass up . I told his ass they framed him , but Bianca being all tough I thought her ass was alone . She knock his ass with the lamp . Johnny always work , ugh I love me a working man . Johnny got until the funeral to make his mind up , I know he want me bad . I just know he won't leave Bianca . That bitch was like his world , I don't know why . Bitch ain't got shit , I hate her ass . I don't why I was her friend for this long man . Maybe bc my brain told me Johnny was coming . Johnny was her night and shinning armor ! But whatever I wanted him . I'll do anything in my power to get him . Johnny could set me out . Shit . I got money and all but I want his money . Most of all I just want him .
I started thinking about the night I killed Steph , I know it's fuck up but it happened so think what the fuck yall want .
I broke into that bitch house , I knew dj wasn't there . His ass be to busy fucking around . I shattered the front glass , turned the door knob and walked in . I put on dj sweater , that I saw laying on the couch . Walked straight to her room , grabbed her lamp off her night stand ,started hitting her right in the head with that shit . I kept hearing her skull crack . That shit made me horny . Seeing all the blood , filled me with excitement . That bitch keep jumping , i guess it was her nerves . By the time I stopped her head was smashed like that last piece of bread . Bye Steph .
Walked out that house like I didn't know what the fuck happened .
I then called the cops . "911 omg help I hear a women screaming and she's always getting beat by her partner , help her " I seen him run out the house with his sweater in his hand .
Hung that phone up and went on with my business .
Chapter 4 - Turning Point
For some odd reason , I haven't heard from Lisa . Every time I called her she was some form of busy . Fuck it , I tried . I called the girls to set up a brunch . Steph wake was tomorrow . I put on my jeans , had to make sure my booty was looking nice , a little crop sweater that hanged off my shoulders and some thigh high boots . Grabbed my keys , and walked out my crib . I haven't seen Johnny since this morning , he's always at work . We need a vacation or something soon . I shot him a text " hey daddy , I'm On my way to brunch with the thots , so yeah I'll be home when you get home pa , love you" .
So I pulled up to this little joint in dyckman . It had hookah and frozen drinks , that's all I cared about anyways . I found parking for once , shit it ain't never no parking in dyckman.
So I get out my car , walking to the spot . I seen the hostess. " hi how are you do have any reservations", ask the hostess . Yes my girls have a table for 3 inside , I replied . Okay so walk inside and find your table , she moved aside. I then walked in and saw jasmine wave her hand . Hey y'all - I shouted They both waved . Eww y'all don't have to give me that shady ass wave - I said Bitch shut up - Lena said Nah bitch on the real , have you heard from Lisa asked jasmine I haven't heard from her , every time I call her ass she fake blow me off - I said Well y'all know I never liked the bitch anyways - Lena said Lena you always ready to fight - I said , then burst out to a laugh The waiter came over , we all ordered some big ass frozen drinks . By the time Johnny got home I'll be laying in the bed but ass naked waiting for him . I thought to myself . The place was nice , little low key and the music was popping . I danced alittle in my seat . After I started drinking alittle , I started feeling that shit.
We shared more conversation . We talked about the wake and funeral tomorrow . It felt weird because it felt like something was suppose to happen .
I felt vibration , I looked at my phone and it a message from Lisa stupid ass. Hey i was wondering if I could get Johnny number , I really have to ask him something. I looked at the phone like this bitch is bugging . Whatever you have to ask him , you could run it threw me i said . Whatever bitch she replied back . I showed the girls . They laugh out loud.
We got the check , exchange kisses on the cheek and departed ways
I got home around 12 . Put the keys in my door and guess who the fuck was in my house Johnny and Lisa.
Fuck is you doing here - I asked Lisa Well hi babe , what's wrong - Johnny asked Babe this bitch asked for her number - I said . So why you here Lisa ? I asked as I was taking off my shoes Well I was waiting to bring y'all to together , to let you know that I'm inlove with Johnny . Me and Johnny looked at each other and laughed . Baby this bitch is drunk - I said Babe that's your friend , I'm chilling - Johnny said Bitch you heard what the fuck I said , and Johnny is going to be with me because I said so . See this is the problem with y'all bitches y'all don't know when y'all time is up . -Lisa said Bitch if you don't get the fuck out my house with this bullshit, Lisa you going to make me fuck you up bitch , I came home to fuck my man not deal with your craziness .- I said Johnny grabbed his henny out the cabinet. Babe pour me a cup to before I fuck this bitch up - I said So y'all think I'm playing huh ? Y'all yhink I'm playing . Johnny I love you . Why you can't be with me. - cried for Lisa Listen Lisa I never even gave you a idea I wanted to fuck with you , are you crazy . Listen you know what the fuck I'm dealing with , bitch don't act crazy - said Johnny . Now get your shoes and get the fuck out bitch - he yelled Thanks daddy - I said Okay so y'all think I'm playing huh ! - Lisa said
Lisa started pacing back and fourth . Me and Johnny looked at each other . Like what the fuck is going on . I pushed the panic bottom under the counter top . Hopefully the security come as soon as possible. Lisa looked at me .
Bitch I got something for you
Lisa pulled out a fucking gun
Chapter 5 - Lisa Love
Bitch is you stupid - I asked Lisa Nah babe this bitch gotta be delusional- Johnny said No y'all thought I was fucking around ! And I'm not playing with y'all ! Now Johnny you get over here , Bianca get your dumb ass over here . - Lisa said I looked at Johnny for answers , but we were both puzzled about what the fuck was taking place . Felt like we was in some movie , like some straight paid and full shit. So now Johnny is going to leave with me , and you will not follow bitch ! - Lisa said Okay Lisa , you the one with the gun bitch , do your thing boo- I said Hell no , bitch I ain't going no where with you - johnny said Lisa laughed , then she shot into the wall . Me and Johnny got low . Babe go with her ! Just to pa, I'll get you back - I cried . Yeah listen to your little dog , and walk your ass on . I will shoot this bitch. - Lisa said Lisa I thought we was friends , why are you doing this , you really going to throw away our 10 years of friendship , over you not taking your meds . Yeah bitch Steph told us . But that's not the point . Like you really think my man is yours - I said to Lisa Lisa walked over to me and hit me in the face with the gun . I'm so tired of getting hit , I thought to myself. I dropped so hard to the floor . Lip busted , it was blood everywhere . Johnny tried to run to me but Lisa let off another shot . In my mind I'm like where the fuck is the security! Bianca I love you - Johnny said Nigga you love me shut up . You know what Imma do, Lisa laughed . Watch this Listen pushed Johnny to the couch . She tried to kiss on him , every time she kissed him he moved his head , until she put the gun to his head . Nigga you gon kiss me - Lisa yelled . You one sick bitch - I yelled She ripped Johnny clothes off . Now get up bitch - said Lisa Walk over there to your bitch . Slap her ! - Lisa said Nah I ain't doing that - Johnny said Lisa ran over and hit me again with her gun , this time I had a cut on my eye . Alright bitch ! What the fuck ! Hit me , stop hurting her - Johnny yelled. He slapped me . I cried so loud . Baby I'm sorry , I love you - Johnny said Now put your dick in her mouth . Now Johnny ! - Lisa said Lisa please stop , I can't ! - Johnny begged Lisa lit her cigarette. Gave it a couple of puffs . So you not going to put it in her mouth ? Lisa questioned Johnny didn't respond . Lisa over and burned me in the face with her cigarette. I let out another cry . Johnny place my head in position . And insert in my mouth . I began to cry . Baby don't - Johnny said . Bianca we going to be alright , let's just do as she says . I began to suck . Lisa sat on the couch and started to play with herself . Me and Johnny looked over and more tears came out my eyes. Go head Bianca take off your clothes - Lisa said Why ? - I asked Bitch if you don't do as I say , I will cut a finger off - Lisa said I took of my clothes . Me and Johnny was there naked . Now take the remote and stick it inside her ! Now ! - Lisa yelled Johnny let out a tear. I begs to cry so loud . Johnny got the remote and placed me on the counter . I'm so sorry baby - Johnny cried Johnny insert the remote on top of my pussy. I cried . Johnny please - I yelled Johnny please what bitch - Lisa said . Now change channels with that pussy ! Lisa yelled Johnny open my legs , he got to my lips and vomit . Johnny was so sick . He could dare hurt me . Baby it's okay baby - I cried I can't do this shit Lisa ! - Johnny cried Fuck this shit ! Lisa grabbed the remote and tried to open my legs ! We was fighting ! Until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach . My remote was half way up my pussy. Blood was everywhere . Before you know it I black out . You bitch - Johnny yelled Johnny choked Lisa so hard she black out . HELP ! Somebody ! - Johnny yelled . The neighbors came out and called the cops . Mind you Johnny was still ass naked The cops then locked her up .
Beep .... Beep ... Beep . I kept hearing that nose . I was in so much pain . My vision was blurred. I opened my eyes . I seen Johnny , jasmine and Lena . They was crying .
What y'all crying for , I ain't dead . And is this bitch dead ! - I asked It's taken care of baby just rest - Johnny said I can't believe this happened to you , I wish that bitch would come out . Imma cut her ass - Lena said Baby girl you going to be good - jasmine said
The doctors walked in . Good evening ms Taylor , we happy you made it out , you lost a lot of blood . But we need everybody but you partner to step out . Everybody walked out Ms Taylor I have some bad news for you . We had to take a part of your vagina out . So there's a chance you won't be able to have children . The tears began to roll down my face . Ms Taylor we are going to work with you , it will be a lot of expensive treatment . We will do whatever it takes - said Johnny Ms Taylor do you have any questions I shook my head , no I can't believe this shit was happened to me , like why me . One of my best friends tried to kill me . Why ? Why are bitches so mean !
Baby I'm going to be by your side no matter what , it's going to be alright - Johnny said
My life flashed before me ...
Chapter 6 - funeral
Steph wake and funeral was amazing . I cried like a baby . It was a beautiful service . I was just all fucked up from getting fucked with a remote . Jasmine really was keeping her distance as well . It was Lena and I riding out I guess . Lena told me that jasmine said " to many bad things is happening , Imma stay away for a while ". I looked at Lena like bitch are you serious , things appen everyday . As I'm walking out the church there's a detective standing outside . Ms Taylor may I speak to you . Asked the detective . "Who are you and what do you want ?" asked Johnny My name is detective Wilson , and in investigating your friend Stephane Johnson death . For starters I will be informing you , that dj didn't do it . That's for one. But I will tell you we are looking at your long time friend Lisa . Now ms Taylor how long have you known Lisa ? About 10 years - I answered And how was y'all relationship ? - Wilson questioned We were like sisters . I paused . We were each other rock. Like we couldn't do anything without each other . A tear role down my face . Shit is hard now . Lisa never showed any form of jealousy , she was always supportive. - I stated For starters ms Taylor , Lisa is sick . Lisa suffers from a bad case of personality disorder and she is bipolar . So she is very dangerous if she doesn't take her meds . We deeply sorry for what happened to you . If there's anything you can think of , here's my card . Call me anytime - dect Wilson said Babe I just want to go home - I said to Johnny He grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. Driving back to our place , all Johnny talked about was staying home , taking vacations and being with me. Then I was thinking about what we did wrong with the Lisa situation. Truth be told I was really thinking about how I got fucked by a remote. I wonder if it would feel weird having sex now . Doctor never said not to . But wonder if I'm not able to give Johnny kids. So much was going threw my head. I just needed my bed , some food and my man.
Walking into the house seeing blood all over made me feel gross . I took my clothes off , put my hair up and got to cleaning . Johnny lazy ass was just laying down watching tv ,until that fucking phone rang. I looked over to see what the fuck was so funny , his stupid ass. I cleaned the kitchen , living room , bathrooms and our bed room. Only thing on my mind was a shower. What are you cooking - Johnny asked Cooking ? You didn't see me just clean this house , bitch cook , you better be getting take out - I yelled I heard him suck his teeth. Fuck was he sucking his teeth for . Stupid ass I was in the shower for a while , shit felt like everything . Walking to our bed room I heard the television. Of course it was Johnny ass watching stupid ass ESPN . You just don't get enough right - I asked . He never responded . Took off my towel , placed the towel behind the door . I then started to put on lotion . Babe ? - I questioned Yeah - Johnny said Can you tell me what's different with my vagina , like look inside for me - I asked Iight lay down - Johnny said See this is why I love this man , I'll tell him i want him to look somewhere weird his ass did it . I spread my legs open , he looked around , open my lips and just smiled. What's funny ? - I asked Ain't shit wrong with you pussy , I know it's wet - Johnny said He gave me a look like he was ready to go . Johnnys manhood stood up as he lowered his boxers . He wasted no time . By time time I could count to 3 he was inside already . I can't lie it felt like I was a Virgin all over again . He kissed all over me Your so wet - he whispered I thought to myself yeah nigga I know ! Sweet pussy Bianca . It just felt so good and refreshing , I guess getting some of your vagina taking out wasn't so bad at all. He then placed me on my stomach , gripping my waist , I started rolling my hips , going in circles . I then threw my ass back . Then it was game over . He and I both came at the same time . We laid down . I couldn't even get up to get a rag . Shit a bitch was tired . Johnny got up and got us both rags . We cleaned then , then was sound asleep . Just being beside him made everything feel unreal . I always thought if I would be the right women for him . You never know what someone is doing because you'll be blinded by how much you love a person .
It was morning time , time for my ass to get back to work. As I prepared for work , Johnny was still sleeping . I wanted to sleep in so bed , but I got a phone call. Bianca can you please come in , I need help with these invoices . - said my stinking ass boss My sleeping in dreams was cut short I'll be right in - I said in so much sarcasm I haven't heard from jasmine and Lena . You know everybody need there time alone I guess .
Chapter 7 - Dont Play Fool
Walking to work I was thinking about a lot
I always thought would life would be like without the things I was going through. You know what fucked me up dealing with this Johnny shit. We tend to put our all into our relationships all the time and not take time out to see what we want. I hated that shit. That was my downfall. Why do women always put the nigga feelings before hers? Like wtf be on our minds man.
I walked into work with the sad face. I miss the thought of being held at night and just vibing with my nigga. Most of all I missed my bitches, ever since that bull shit been happening everybody went their separate ways. Shit I don’t blame them, that shit that went down with me and Johnny was wack as fuck. Then my bitch dying, lord that shit was wack. Speaking of that I need to go see her grave site
My boss was just talking all damn day; this bitch really need some dick or I need to hit the lotto because she just talking to damn much. I got my work done and was ready to be the fuck out. I dint even take a lunch break, because I was working so damn hard.
I finally finished my work at 6pm on the dot. Traffic was killing me I just wanted to lay down. I call Johnny but he didn’t pick up as always. That wasn’t nothing new. (rolls fucking eyes). I can’t lie, shit has been changing for the worst, but I just thought that he’s bored, but fuck it. That’s men, truthfully men never know wtf they want. You could give them a red carpet and some A1 pussy and some bomb d.com head. Niggas just be ungrateful these days but look at us we love them right?
I turn up the radio, because I was falling asleep. I’m scrolling through my phone just looking and I see some wack shit. Why Johnny ass flirting with every bitch on Instagram, like bruh, grow up! aren’t you supposed to be in love. I sent his ass a text “you a corn ball, stop playing with me, when you get home imma fuck you up” I politely sent him a screen shot of the wack shit he was doing. Yall guess what? the nigga replies with a LOL. That was it! I drove so fast home. I got myself ready for work, I cooked something really quick. As I was watching some movies, Johnny walks in.
First he tries to kiss me, I mushed him. Why is this nigga acting like were good, like he wasn’t just embarrassing me?
So you think shit is funny, you want me to do you how you do me – I yelled
Do what? – said Johnny
Now you want to act stupid, bitch I just showed wtf you were doing, can you stop playing with me – I said
Why you take this social media shit so serious? – he laughed
Why I take it serious? why because your embarrassing me and you giving these bitches a reason to feel as if they have a chance with you, it shouldn’t even be like that. I shouldn’t be feeling this way. – I cried
Nobody knows they don’t have a chance with me - Johnny said so nonchalantly
I just walked away, and ran my shower. Truth to be told he would never understand where I’m coming from because in his eyes he’s not doing anything wrong. I undressed, grabbed my towel and went into the shower. Johnny being Johnny, he tries to shower with me, I told him no its none of that. I quickly washed up and he left the house as always. His ass always running away for some shit he caused. How can you create an issue and not solve it? Typically, nigga shit. I was in need of an ear. I gave in and called Lena.
Hello – Lena said
Hey girl how you been? I miss you, you okay? – I asked
Yeah, I got something too tell you. I’m sorry I been distant, I felt we needed to get our shit together. I feel so bad because you know, you needed us and we left you. We really all we got -Lena said
I started to cry
The phone got silent
Talk to me – Lena said
Bitch I can’t with this nigga Johnny no more, he thinks everything is okay and I cry all the time, I’m just not in the mood for this love shit, he doesn’t see how much his actions has caused me to not be happy with anything that’s been going on.
Well you know Johnny is a god man but you need to put your happiness first, I know he loves you. But Johnny Is Johnny, he’s not going to change unless he wants to. – said Lena
I cried loudly
I know man, I just love him and I would hate to have to leave his ass – I said
Well you have to do what you have to do, wait come get me, let’s go get a drink you don’t need to be alone- Lena said
Alright, imma throw something on right now, I’ll call you when I’m outside – I said
We both hanged up
I then threw on some Nike spandex, a hoodie and some prestos. I went outside to see that Johnny took my car, so then I walked back in the house grabbed his keys and drove off. He’s going to be so mad, oh well, sis will be alright! You hear me?
I got in the car, started it and drove off. I sent a text to Lena “come down”. Even though this bitch took 10 minutes to come down, I was happy to even be outside, I got a piece of mind. We then went to a bar on bond street. It was some event going on, and it was happy hour all day. We both looked at each other and was like yeah we bout to get tore.
My phone rings.
I looked down at the phone, and its Johnny
Where you at? he asked
I’m out with Lena, wassup? I asked
Oh iight, later
He hung up.
Fuck he wanted? – Lena asked
Bitch he just want to be nosey, regular Johnny shit
We Walked in the spot, the music was good, it wasn’t that packed. We found a spot next to the bar. We then order two shots of patron and 2 frozen margaritas’. We began talking about everything, we caught u on every little thing and even reminisced about Steph. We had some tears, but it felt good talking to my bitch, we haven’t caught up in the longest.
I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look over and its jasmine.
I jumped and cried!
We just group hugged.
Give me 3 shots! – jasmine yelled
Bitch, let me tell you, I started fucking with some guy, I been doing great. he has been helping me open u my clothing store and investing into the right shit for me. The only thing is that he has a wife yall.
We gave her that look
Fuck you mean home wrecker – I said
We bust out laughing
Nah seriously, what you mean? – Lena said
Bitch he got a wife, a full wife – jasmine said
GTFOH – I said
Well bitch as long as he investing in your future, do your thing – Lena said
Well take a shot to that – I said
This was our 5th shot of patron
I was a little nice, hey girls let head home before we can’t get home.
Yeah let’s go – Lena said
Lena got in my car, jasmine got in hers, we blew the horn and went our separate ways
It was good seeing yall, I said
Yeah we need to get it together and come together again – Lena said
We just listened to some music on our ride back to Lena house.
Lena got out, and said I love you girl, text me when you get home.
Alright boo
I drive into my drive way, I seen my car, aww fuck this nigga is home
I walked into the house, Johnny sitting there with his two friends. I said hello and he smacked me on the ass and I slapped his ass in the face. Little dumbass.
Bitch don’t play with me – he yelled
Yeah right – I said
I then walked into my bathroom, showered a little and cuddled in the bed with my 80 pillows.
Johnny comes in the room; I could smell the alcohol on him.
I kept on watching tv.
His ass rubs on my butt
What Johnny? – I said
STFU – he said
He started kissing me and out of nowhere I was naked, with a snap of a finger. Damn this nigga was quick as hell. Before you know it I was griping the sheets. He was so rough today; it was so weird but it was good. About time he tares this pussy up. He then gripped and slapped my ass. He then started playing with my pussy from the back. Lord! He ached my back lower and spread my ass cheeks like they were butter. He went faster, slower, circle. You name it, he was rocking this boat. He then came, and laid down for a few.
The sex was great and all but he still disrespected me. Now he think everything is all good because I give the kitty up. Bitch snap out of it, I said to myself.
You know I love you right – says every nigga that does some fucked u shit.
Yeah I know - I said
That shit aint about nothing, them bitches don’t mean nothing to me – Johnny said
Johnny, I hear you but if the shoe was on the other foot I would have been by myself – I said
Yeah you would because you not going to disrespect me. Or have me looking dumb in these streets – Johnny said
Wait a minute, you have me looking dumb, you know that right. – I said
Nah you don’t look dumb – he said
Johnny bye – I said
Fuck you mean bye – Johnny yelled
Get the fuck out – I yelled back
Bitch this is my house – Johnny said
Bitch idc, go to them little bitches on Instagram house – I said
Alright I will – he said
I ran back in that room so fast and knock the fuck out of him. He then grabbed me by my neck, I couldn’t breathe. I then knocked the lam over. His friends came in the room to stop him.
Chill bro you bugging – his friend mike said
Fuck you bitch – Johnny said
Fuck your mother bitch – I said
Johnny jumped so fast, and began to choke me again. I cried this time, I had no more fight in me.
I’m not going anywhere – Johnny said
GET OUT!!!! – I yelled
His friends then took him out, the house.
After that I didn’t see Johnny for a whole week, the nigga hasn’t called me or even gotten clothes. In my mind I thought he found someone else. I was fucked up! Badly. My love, really left me over some shit he did. If I didn’t speak up about it, he would have kept on doing the same thing. I can’t allow no nigga to walk all over me, I been through too much shit to allow that.
Funny thing is, I haven’t gotten my period……
Chapter 8 - palm trees
Just my luck right ? I still haven't got my period and I'm sitting here stressing over some dude . See the things is that right , females always do this shit and it's like the guy is having fun enjoying life while we home stressed. And niggas wonder why females become hoes ! Shit I don't blame them. Even though johnny left my house , it's been actually quiet . I could concentrate on work and just rest . I can't lie , Im so lonely . Johnny comes over once a week to pick up clothing and money that he always has laying around. Whenever he tries to come over he always tries me and it's like i don't have it for you no more bro ! It's a weird feeling, because I love him but I just don't want to fuck him. But anyways let me snap back to reality . Work has been whatever , I need a day off so I can chill with my bitches . I work 7 days a week now just to save money because I would never know if johnny wants to stop deciding to pay my bills . Shit can't depend on no nigga to make them feel as if they putting you on your feet . But today I might have to take off , my body is just so tired . It's Monday , love and hip hop comes on , sip me something nice . My food is on the stove , I just made some rice , chicken and corn , something real simple . As I'm taking the last batch of chicken out my door bell rings . I'm like who the fuck can this be ?!? So I walks to the door , opens it up and it's this nigga Fred . Let me give y'all a little insight about Fred . 5 years ago I was fucking Fred , he was moving weight out of state had me living with him . Nigga was pulling 200,000 a week . I didn't have to pay for school or work . That was the life . He wasn't on my back or anything . Until I cut my hair and he beat the shit out of me . It took him to beat me 5 times to actually get the fuck out of his house . Y'all know how dudes are ! They beat you and then buy you some nice shit , sweet talk you whatever the fuck it is to get you back where you belong . So back to Fred being at my door ! Wassup pretty - Fred said What do you want ? - I asked I just wanted to see if it was true , if you left me for some bum ass nigga that got you home alone - he stated Fred listen, I owe you something ? Because if I don't get the fuck off my door step - I yelled Matter of fact it's not you , it's your little pretty ass boyfriend . Tell that nigga the deal didn't go through and we need a meeting. He looked at me , kissed me on the cheek , pulled me closer and whispered "the only reason he got you was because I let him " . Fred slowly walked away I closed the door and was standing there like what fucking deal ? Why is johnny dealing with him knowing what he did to me ? Is everything a lie ! Johnny said he was working in a company ! Crazy thing is I been to his job. Something ain't right , one thing I hate is a liar. I picks up my phone , dialed johnny number RING RING RING . After three rings some bitch picks up , Hello ? - she said Hello , put johnny on the phone thanks you - I said with a little frustration Bitch who the fuck is this - the girl yelled Listen bitch , if you don't put him on the phone imma pushed the phone down your throat - I yelled . PUT HIM ON THE MOTHER FUCKING PHONE !!!!! The line went dead I looked around to see if she really hung up on me . This bitch has to be out her mind ! So me being me knowing where johnny is at . I gets the fuck dressed ! I got dressed so fast ! I jumped in my car . I was speeding to johnny a little bum ass condo . I parked in the visitors section even though they already know my face and me. I walked into the lobby and they was like hey ma Bianca , how are you , you don't want to go up there . I looked at the two guys sitting at the desk and said give me my extra set of keys please . They couldn't refuse because my name is on this fucking lease to . Shit what they thought ! They kindly gave me the keys , I kindly walked to the elevator. While I'm in the elevator I'm thinking about ways imma fuck both of them up . Man I should of called my bitches because I don't know what I'm walking into. But sometimes you have to do crazy shit alone. The elevator stops I walk out . Walked to my door puts the key in . Why I see on the couch hugged up , his two bum ass friends and like 6 bitches. I walked in everybody got quiet , johnny didn't notice me yet , until I slapped his ass . The bitch got up so quick ! I pushed that bitch right the fuck down . So you got this bitch talking crazy ? - I asked him You really got this bitch answering your phone - I yelled Fuck is you talking about and if you put your hands on me again imma fuck you up bitch- he said I began to pace ,everybody standing around looking at me . I then pulls up my piece . Nice little glock 22 . I told everybody to just come to the couch . I just want to talk. Johnny started laughing like this shit was a joke . I slapped his ass again . He tried to jump up I pointed the gun at him . You think I care if I shoot you right now. ! Nigga I'm on this lease ! This is a break in ! I don't know none of these people I'll shot them. The girls started crying . Bitch don't start crying , y'all better have that same energy as your friend when she was on the phone . Baby what's wrong ? - Johnny said Don't baby me nigga -I said Now I want all the bitches out the house before I shoot every bitch in here . They got up but that little dark skin bitch that was talking crazy , I punched her ass so hard and was fucking her up with the broom. I know y'all like where she get the broom from . I didn't want to beat her with the gun so I grabbed the broom that was closes thing to me to whip her little ass . Funny shit is her friends was laughing . I looked at them like what the fuck is funny anybody want next . Now get the fuck out ! I walked back johnnys little entourage was sitting on the couch stand next to him . I slapped his ass again for making me sweat my edges out . They grabbed me so fast before I could slap him again . He started getting mad but at the time I didn't give a fuck. I started crying . "You fucking embarrassing me while I'm home worried because Fred came " He cut me off . He jumped up , Fred what ? Bitch you let Fred in my crib ? I knew you was a lying ass bitch- he yelled First of all shut the fuck up. He said the deal didn't go as planned and you better fix it . He also said he let you have me They all looked at each other What does that mean , he let you have me ? I asked johnny I don't want to talk about it yet - Johnny yelled I should of sent his ass here since you don't want to tell me nothing , you bout to have me dead on somebody news because of a fucking deal and you suppose to be some type of business nigga. You was lying about that too right , just like how you all in love but hugged up with some wack bitch. - I yelled Honestly shut the fuck up , please I'm not trying to hear that shit right now - he said . I'm upset that someone told me where I rest my head at . He could of saw me in the streets and then he comes to you knowing what he did to you - johnny added on We all sat in silence for like a minute before the door bell rang . I went out to the door and it was Fred and some niggas like 5 of them . I turned off the lights and ran back and told johnny . Johnny and his crew got their guns , and told me to run out on the balcony and go through the other apartment . I couldn't leave johnny like this . But what the fuck was I going to do . Johnny almost pushed me out the fucking way because he didn't want to get hurt . We looked outside and more cars was arriving ! I thought to myself those bitches was a set up or they was following me . Fuck it ! That's now the point. I whispered, y'all we need to get the fuck out of here ! It's to many of them . I whispered They all was like fuck that No seriously these cars pulling up - I mumbled They all looked at me and jumped to the balconies with me . We ended up in the staircases . I could hear them breaking down the door . We get to the staircase in the lobby and the two men at the desk is dead and their are some people in the lobby waiting for us . We then ran down the other stair case and when through the back way got into johnny car and his homies got into their car. We drove past the condos , they didn't know it was us thanks god . My car was broken , they smashed the shit out of my car . Johnny was so tight he lowered the window and started to let go ! Boom boom boom! Shot after shot ! I was in the car jumping back like they was shooting at us . Johnny then sped off . We was in silence for a while . I thought I was tough to handle this but I was so scared . I never seen anybody get shot like that Listen B . We going away for a while . Not until my cop friends say it's okay to come back . Give me your phone , Johnny said He threw my phone out the window He opened the glove department and grabbed passports . How the the fuck did you get me a passport without me knowing , is that even legal ? I asked Bitch shut up please - Johnny said Before you we knew it , we was at LGA airport . Mind you I thought he was playing . Johnny I don't have a phone nothing. Where are we going - I asked He just grabbed my hand and guided me through the airport . We went into the bathroom and his friends was there. They handed him a box . He opened it . It was so much money , a small duffle bag , with IDS , health cards , and their passports . I only need snoop to roll with me , rj you take care of the trap because we need that up and running . - Johnny said First of all I don't even know these niggas , never seen them before and trap the nigga trapping what . Man I'm so confused . I thought to myself We walked out the bathroom and snoop was walking behind us like he was our body guard . I had snoop book bag on , snoop carried the money bag and johnny just held my hand through the airport . We went through the scanning part which was a piece of cake I was so scared tho . So Johnny can you tell me where we're going ? - I asked We going to fly to Miami , stay for a day , get on a cruise ship to Puerto Rico and stay there for a while . Now don't ask me no more questions By time I could say something smart back we started to board . I looked around for snoop and the nigga was right behind us Before we got on the plane , snoop phone ringed . It was Fred He sent him a video Yooo Johnny you and my bitch is dead . He was in our house with his homies . Sitting on our couch . I looked at Johnny , snoop looked at him Make the call - Johnny said We sat in our seats , and before I knew it the plane began to take off
Passengers the seat belt sign is on, please prepare for landing"
I was waking up from a nap, I was so tired from
Running all day. Shit, it felt like we were in a movie. I look at the monitor on the chair and it said we was in SAN Juan. First who tf does Johnny know in San Juan; I know he's not Spanish. But whatever, I let that go over my hair for a while.
I looked over at him and he was on his phone as always.
We finally landed, walking through the terminals with snoop, I didn't say a word I just let him guide me through the airport. We were outside of terminal 5 and a car was waiting for us.
We all put our things in the trunk, sat down.
So, Johnny where are we going? I asked
Chill, relax - he said
I just looked away. In my mind, I'm like what the fuck is this nigga doing. I don't understand.
We drove for about 25 minutes; it was beautiful as fuck out there though. So here we are in the front of this big ass White House. Here comes some Spanish bitch running out.
"Johnny papi you ok? " - she yelled
I looked at Johnny
Looked at snoop
Papa ? Who the fuck is this, you have a child? Bitch look older than me - I yelled
Johnny ass was still hugging this bitch
She then can over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I backed up because I thought she was coming at me, I didn't know what to expect.
I walk over to Johnny and ask him what was going on, he still didn't answer me.
Just take your things and sit in the living room - Johnny said
Now I'm because I'm still confused. But like a dummy I walked in that house. Mind you this house was super big. As soon as you walk in there's maids and the whole house was white. It was so beautiful. I sat on the couch and waited for everyone to come. It was snoop, the Spanish bitch and Johnny.
Biancaz this is Lola, my wife. - Johnny said
I looked around. Where's the cameras because this must be a joke - I yelled
No baby this is my wife - Johnny said
Johnny, you have to kidding me right now, after all this time you have a wife and I’m sitting here hiding with your wack ass. You have some bitch that barely speak English giving me kisses on the cheek.
stop, I was going to tell you but Lola understood and I rather have both of yall then leave one of yall- he said
Nah bitch you stupid, book my flight, matter fact I’m out. I took my money and cards and left. Mind you the driver was still outside so I told him drive me to the nearest bar.
While I’m walking out, Johnny grabs my arm, I nicely removed his hand. Kept on walking out the door
Bianca, YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS, I LOVE YOU – he yelled
Later, - I said
I got my ass right in that car. you see how fast your life changes; you end up changing your life around to be with some man that don’t have no intensions of changing. That’s the problem with people, we never do things for ourselves we always shape our lives to be better for someone else. Majority of the time, they manipulate you, just so you can feel like you need them. In all reality, they need you, don’t let them get the game fucked up. Truth is, I was hurting inside. My fucking life is in danger, I have no home, no nothing. Good thing I have money saved in my account.
The driver drove me to the san Juan water and beach club, some little nice white hotel on the beach. He told me to wait here, I looked at him like man I don’t want no more fucking surprises.
MS please relax, my cousin is the manger here I’m trying to get you a room for free, get you a comfortable stay with everything free of charge.
I looked up and smiled, thank you I said sadly.
It took him 10 minutes to come out, he said your good for 5 days, everything is paid for. Here’s your bag go to the front. One more thing, take this envelope, Johnny told me to give it to you. Have a good time MS jasmine.
Thank you – I said
Walking into this beautiful hotel, the front desk was to my left. Hello MS jasmine, here’s your room key 512. I hope you enjoy your compensated stay.
I smiled then walked away. Walking to the elevator I wanted to put my bag down and read this letter but I’ll wait to ill get a drink or two in my system so my ass won’t be crying. I then walked to my room, it was dope, had a big ass bed, glass shower, beach view. I guess I needed this little vacation. I just wish it didn’t go sour like this. fuck it everything happens for a reason, right? RIGHT
I then walked to the bathroom, took off my clothes and ran the shower. Before I got in the shower I looked in the mirror and asked myself what is wrong with me? why am I going through this shit? I took the longest shower ever, it felt good, I need it. Got out and the shower and look the only fucking problem is, I only got a bag with money, cards and coins. I don’t have shit to wear. WTF am I going to do? Lord Jesus! nah what am I going to do? I can’t walk around here naked. let me just throw on these clothes and go the mall.
I got dressed, went to the front, asked for a cab.
Mam, where do you want to go? - the front desk women asked
The nearest shopping area – I stated
Okay, so your ride would be here in 3 minutes, you could wait outside if you like – she stated
I walked outside, and couldn’t believe how beautiful this island was, the palm trees stood so tall. You can hear the water. The air smelt so fresh. I dazed out until I heard the honk of the cab driver. I walked to the cab, got in and he drove off.
We drove for about 15 minutes and it felt like the longest ride ever because it was so quiet. I enjoyed the peace and quiet though I needed that shit. We went to some little mall, at least they had SAKS and other stores. I shopped around, brought flip flops, bathing suits, shirts and shorts and a dress just in case I go out. Now that I got a couple of outfits, I was ready to go back to the hotel change and get drunk. Just to think of it I still haven’t read that bum ass letter. I walked to the front of the mall they were cabs parked in front, I seen the guy that brought me here. He offered to take me back. On our way, back to the hotel, the driver was asking me so many questions. Where are you from? are you alone? why are you alone? ETC. I answered politely, the best I could. First, my ass was aggravated and I wanted to get dressed and drunk by my damn self. He finally got me back to the hotel. I paid him and he said “see you soon MS”, whatever the fuck that meant, I smiled and waved. I walked into the hotel, waited for the elevator and walked to my room. Got dressed and headed upstairs to the roof top bar. This was kind of nice you know, the view, everything. I wore some jean shorts, flip flops and a little tank, something super comfy. Found me a seat at the corner of the bar, people were dancing, mingling and all. I loved the vibe.
Hi my name is Ricardo, what can I get you? – the bartender asked
Anything frozen and a shot of patron – I said
Can I see your room key? – he asked
Here you go, I stated as I handed it to him.
Good Bianca, everything that you order up here is half off, okay beautiful – Ricardo said
Really? ill drink to that – I shot back
We both laughed
He then came over with a frozen mango and strawberry margarita, and my shot of patron.
Thank you – I said let’s take this shot together jasmine – Ricardo said
Awesome let’s go it – I said cheerfully patron makes my body so damn hot, lord Jesus wooooooooooo!!! – I yelled
That shit was strong as fuck!
Let me get you another shot jasmine – Ricardo said
I nodded
As he was making my shot, I pulled out the letter from my bag.
“I love your Bianca, my fault about everything, I love you girl. I didn’t treat you right because I didn’t know how to. yes, I’m married! but you know what nothing changed about me and you. you’re my world. Listen she is my protection, if I didn’t have her in my life, I would be dead. I married this bitch back in the day because her father was the fucking plug, I needed him in my corner. Since they killed her father ive overseen the game. Lola is my wife, yes she is but nothing comes before you and I. Therefore, she respects you, Jasmine it’s not safe in san Juan, I need you to come back to the house. Here’s the address 305 jane road “
Yeah whatever nigga, I ripped that shit up so fast.
Bianca here’s another shot and margarita, some guy over there sent it to. I looked over and he waved. I waved back, he was tall dark skin, beautiful smile. He had curly hair and his body was built, lord Jesus. He looked like Q from love and basketball. Shit I was to love his basketball too shit! he then walked over, I was nervous as hell.
I like your hair – he said
I like your hair – I said
He reached out his hand, my name is Rich. And you are? – he asked
Hi my name is Bianca.
Can I sit here next to you; I know you’re here alone I seen you by yourself the whole time.
So, you were watching me huh? – I asked
You must be from New York, so aggressive – he said
I laughed a little, yeah I am Rich.
We talked for a couple of hours, drink a whole lot. Before I could know it, it was 1am, and I was drunk.
Jasmine lets walk the beach before I walk you to your room – he asked
I agreed and walked to the elevator, we walked through the hotel lobby, it was quiet as hell. He took my hand and we walked on the beach. The sand was warm and it was still warm outside. We walked the beach quietly. He then got behind me and whispered, look at the moon, someone on the other side of the world is looking at the same thing.
How do you know ? – I asked him
I know everything – he said , I know you want me he added on
Oh yeah , - I said
He then turned me around and kissed me softly on my lips. We shared a passionate kiss for a while , he then grabbed me closer , I felt his dick print . In my mind I was like yes felt the dick for one please ! he then lowered me to the sand and got on top of me . We kissed some more , licking each other lips . He then kissed me gently on my neck, BOOM!! WATERFALLS!!! Pussy was wet hunny! He then took off my shorts, sucked on the inner side of my thighs, I let out a moan and before you know it he was eating the treasure. He knew exactly what he was doing. AMEN, after a bad day I need some D!
You taste so good – he whispered.
He then whipped out his Johnson, you ever seen a D so pretty you wanted to hug it. Lord it was chocolate and he was bold! AMEN. he then without no hesitation entered inside me. My god he was huge, but he knew what he was doing, usually guys have big dicks and be stiff as fuck. Back to this popping ass sex though. He was working me, he then turned me around, smacked kissed grabbed, all that lord ,it was amazing. He then released himself and we laid on the sand.
That was good, right? – he said
Yeah it was – I said
I needed to give you something before you left – he said
I’m not leaving no time soon -I said
He received a phone, and said yeah I’m ready, and hung up
I sat in silence, and got dressed.
I heard footsteps but didn’t turn around quick enough. I was being dragged through the sand.
I was yelling, kicking screaming, nobody heard me
Rick told me to be calm and relax.
I spit on him, he then stepped on my stomach, and spit back on me. I coughed out loud, I was extremely hurt. They dragged me to a van and slammed the door. I was banging on the door, nobody would answer. What the fuck is going on? Somebody please tell me – I yelled. I thought to myself this nigga done fucked me and set me up! DAMN
We came to a stop, the guy opened the door and before I knew it, he had a towel to my mouth and I was out ………
What Does This Mean ?
Being out for so long , anything could of happened to me . I was day day dreaming about things that i thought my life would be like . Thinking about why i came here ( to puerto rico), why did i even put myself in this position ? What the fuck is wrong with me ? I honestly have to be a fool.
I suddenly was woken up by a splash of water thrown in my face,my vision was blurry . I had to shake my head like five times. The place that i was held in was a kitchen , im looking around to see where the hell am i ? I finally look and I se Rich.
So bianca ,how are you feeling ? asked rich
What do you want rich ? I have no money , i have nothing. Screamed bianca
It's not about the money , it's about johnny , see the thing is you don't understand who you are dealing with hunny. Johnny stole all our money to invest into , I dont give a fuck, but the money is in your name . Now unless you want to die or become my slave . Give me my fucking money - explained Rick
For a minute i was confused as fuck. I'm honestly trying to understand and wrap this around my head.
I looked at him and tears began to fill my eyes
I dont know what you are talking about - Bianca cried
I know you don't , but your going to get it - said rich
HOW?!? - bianca yelled
Call him - rich strugged
He then handed me the phone .
Binca began to dial johnny's number
Hello , rich whats up man ? I got that for you - johnny said
I stayed silent ,becuase this mother fucker had the adusity to answer the phone , and he fucking set me up . This bastard knew what he was doing . I continued to stay silent
Did you kill her yet ? I know she was in the way of things but she had to go . I love bianca but she knows too much - said johnny
I dropped the phone , I think dropped to the floor . Rich caught me while he still continued to hold the phone with his should to his ear . He looked at me like he felt bad for me
Okay cool send me the accounts number johnny , I'll need them in 2 hours - said rich
He then hung up .
Bianca , i need you to focus , I need you to get it together . After we get this money out your account , you can go , I won't kill you as he asked me to. As i can see , business is business but truthfully i run this business . I don't murder Women.
I looked up at him in disbelief
I was speechless
Someone who I left my job for , someone who fucked up my whole life . I devoted my life to this man, I can't believe he would do such a thing.
Okay - Bianca said
Rich then walked me out the kitchen , whatever the fuck it was . We kept on walking down the hall. Ended up in his living , that shit was like all white , glass everywhere. It was huge. Big ass chandlers. I kept on following his every footsteps , this man did kidnap so you know I have to be cautious. We finally got to his room , the view was spectacular , it was crazy as fuck . The bed was like two queens put together . All blue decor with nice ass cotton grey sheets , the bathroom was inside his room. All glass in his bathroom ,with shower that actually talked back. Rich walked into the bathroom.
Hot water please monica - he asked
The water began to come down and steam up the bathroom
Rich looked at me sitting on his couch , seem to as if he was really sorry for me . Little that he knew i was sorry for myself.
Here take this towel and washcloth , go take a hot shower , rest your body. Sorry for kicking you and spitting at you . I'm really sorry , i didn't really know the whole situation. I'll be back , I'm going to get you food , and some clothing .
Mind you it was 2 am , so where the fuck was he going ? At this point i wasn't in a space to question him.
Okay - bianca sad sadly
The shower was my highlight of the night , the water was running so smooth on my body . I began to cry loudly like a baby, i shouted , i yelled , i screamed until i didn't have any energy. I sat in the shower for about 2 hours just thinking and wondering why? By the time i got out the shower , Rich was sitting there counting money. I just walked past him and took my towel off and layed down.
You can stay here , until you get establish and get your money to go home and possibly find somewhere to go.
I just looked at Rich .
Bianca , i know what it's like, trust me . If you want johnny to die , it can happen.
No -bianca said
I'm thinking of something so much better , i'll take over his territory and take his product away. Bianca said
Really ? this is not for you - rich stated
Trust me, nothing is but i know everything - bianca said
Before i knew it i was sound asleep , i felt rich body next to mine. I might sound crazy but i felt safe but a man who kidnapped me.
The sun shines bright through his drapes, I turned around and rich was gone
There was a note and about $100,000 on the bed with a brand new phone.
“ Bianca , good morning ,hope you slept well. I'm currently going to wire transfer the money back to me. Here's so money to go eat , and go to the spa . Do something to take your mind off of things . Security will be with you all times. The access to the beach is through the kitchen. Call me if needed . I programmed my number in your new phone. Again im sorry im just trying to make you safe as possible so you can return home” -Rich
First of all , all this money for what ? Shit i'm going to take it . I walked to the living room , to look at the view of the pool and half of the beach view. The maid asked me if i was hungry . I nodded.
She then came back with , bacon , waffles , eggs and fruit with a side of orange juice. I felt like i was in heaven , after being fucking kidnapped.
Just when i was about to pick up the phone to call lena ass, rich was calling me . I picked up
Hey bianca , you okay ? Rich asked
yeah i am , thank you for everything and the kidnapping -bianca said
Rich giggled
You ate ? rich asked
Yeah , the workers in your home are wonderful - bianca said
Ofcourse they are - rich said
Well im just checking up on you , theres car keys in the drawer next to the tv , if you need to go somewhere give patrick my body guard thed keys he will drive you . ill see you later - rich said
Rich when would you be back , im scared - bianca said
You have nothing to worry about - rich said
okay - bianca said
He then ended the call
Oh shit i have to call Lena , I thought to myself
LENA oh my god , you wouldn't believe what the fuck happened ……...
Text: Kerri morgan Editing: Kerri Morgan All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 8th 2019 https://www.bookrix.com/-imc296c26446875 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-stacey-doss-kathy/ | Stacey Doss Kathy
I stood in silence, in the shadows, watching her. She was bent over a school book, chin in her hand. I could see the pain etched on her face, the pain she allowed no one to see. I wanted to reach out to her, to comfort her, but I was afraid. I knew she would withdraw from me, recoil as if I had slapped her, or worse. She wouldn’t understand.
Her name is Kathy, and she is sixteen years old. When she was hiding the pain behind her “everything’s normal” mask, she looked her age. But now, when she felt safe enough to drop the mask, she looked thirty. My heart broke as I thought over the reason for her pain, her aloneness.
She slammed the heavy book closed, making me jump. I slipped deeper in the shadows as I watched her rub a single tear from her cheek. She reached across her desk and pulled a pair of scissors from her pen holder. The light from the desk lamp glinted off the blades, flashing on the sharp points as she turned the scissors over and over. She looked at the scissors, then her wrist, as she slowly rolled her hand over, exposing the crisscrossed veins.
I stepped forward, reaching out to her, screaming, “NO!” but no sound came out; my throat was too dry. She opened the scissors and placed the sharp edge of a blade against the soft skin of her inner wrist. Another step and I was almost out of the shadows.
“Kathy? Where are you?”
She jumped, dropping the scissors and whipping her head towards the door. I stepped back into the shadows again, heart pounding, palms sweating, ashamed that I was still afraid to comfort her.
“In my room, Mom,” she called.
“Come down here a minute, please.”
She sighed. “Ok.” She returned the scissors to the holder and replaced the mask, then slipped down the stairs. I stole out the window.
It was after midnight before I was brave enough to go back to Kathy’s room. I found the hidden spare key and let myself in the front door. I tiptoed up the steps, avoiding the creaky third step, and slid through the doorway of her room. Kathy was sprawled across her bed, a foot hanging off the side, her head turned toward me. I slipped around and kneeled by the bed, shifting forward to place my lips close to her ear. The bed squeaked under my weight, and I froze as Kathy shifted. She settled, and I breathed in relief.
She was facing up now, bringing her ear closer to me, almost as if she knew I was there, knew I would speak. I took a breath and whispered, “Kathy, please oh please listen to me. It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay, I promise that.”
“How can you be sure?” she mumbled in her sleep.
“I just can. Trust me. Don’t kill yourself. It’s not worth it.”
She groaned and grew restless, so I jumped up and dashed to a dark corner. She tossed around, as if in a fight dream, and I knew my chance to comfort her tonight was over. I slipped down the stairs and pulled the front door to with a gentle click.
I watched from the street as Kathy made her way to school. She walked slowly, backpack pulling at her back, an open book in her hand. It always amazed me that she could read and walk at the same time. She was alone; other students were in groups either in front of her or behind, but she walked in her own little world. It was a defense mechanism: look busy, like you don’t want to be disturbed and you won’t be bothered by anyone, including the scoundrels. I followed her, careful to not be seen. I stopped at the corner of the school lot, waiting until she went in the door, then turned and walked away.
It was a long day, waiting for Kathy to get done with school. I hoped she had a good day. I knew she loved school, loved learning, so her actual class time would go well. But she was uncoordinated and slightly overweight, so gym would be a torment. She had never gotten good grades in gym, passing the class only because they gave tests. The only game she was any good at was volleyball, but because her mother was poor, she never got the chance to try out for the team. It was too early in the year for volleyball; I think it was kickball or something equally aggravating.
I sat on her bed, waiting, waiting. I knew this was my last chance to talk to her; I had to leave the next day. I thought about all the things she’d experienced already in her short 16 years, and I cried over the unfairness of it all. But behind the tears was a joy, because I knew she would make it through. She would rise above this, would grow to be a wonderful young lady if she chose to overcome.
It didn’t matter that she wasn’t as pretty or popular as the other girls in school. Beauty is superficial, anyway. Look at me; I have humdrum brown hair, eyes called hazel because they really had no single color, glasses because I am near-sighted, and am considerably overweight. But I learned to be content.
It didn’t matter that she didn’t have the guys drooling over her; most guys her age were just hormones on legs anyway, and couldn’t care less who she was inside. Her only real experiences with guys, so far, were those perverts who manipulated her, touching her in inappropriate places; fatherly types who used their influence for their own gratification. She was better off without men right now, until she had a chance to heal. I did. I healed, and now I’m married to a wonderful man who was not afraid of my emotional scars, but instead was able to help me heal and overcome my fear.
It didn’t matter that she had no father. She was better off – the only father she remembered was more interested in her than her mother. Both she and her mother were much safer without him. Kathy didn’t need a physical dad; she had the ultimate father who longed to reach down and comfort her. In fact, that’s why I was here right now.
I struggled with my thoughts, fears, knowing that I had to speak to her, to convince her to not take her life, to no longer imagine slicing her wrists with scissors or the knife she was washing in the sink. I had to show her that even though life is bad now, it can get better, will get better. I had to somehow reach through her mask, her wall, and help her to see that someone cares for her, knows her, and loves her, loves her the right way.
My heart began to pound as I heard her bound up the steps, and I dashed to her closet. I didn’t want to scare her by sitting on her bed; she would probably scream and bring her mother running, too. I waited, holding my breath, peeking through the crack between the door and the frame as I watched her drop her backpack to the floor, flip on the stereo and throw herself across the bed. I heard the sobs as I saw her body jerk with the power of the tears. It was now or never.
I slid out of the closet and glided to the bed. I gently, oh so gently, stroked her hair. I felt her slightly relax then tense as she wondered who was with her. She flipped off her stomach into a sitting position so fast I didn’t have time to react.
“Shhh,” I soothed as I saw her draw a breath for a scream. “It’s okay. I’m a friend.”
Kathy looked at me in fear with that certain tilt to her head and scrunched up eyes which expressed suspicion as well as wonder. “Who are you?”
“I’m a friend. I’m here to tell you that everything will be okay. You will get past this time in your life, and you will overcome all of the crap you’ve been going through.” I spoke with confidence. I was no longer afraid. My time was short; it was not the time to pussyfoot.
“How do you know? What do you know?”
“I know how you feel, the sadness, the loneliness, the feeling that no one cares besides your mom. I know what those men have done to you, said to you. I know how you’ve considered suicide, but are too afraid to hurt your mother to actually act upon it. I know that you can get past this and learn to be happy. I know that God loves you, and sent me to help you.”
She jumped up and ran from me, pressing her back against the door. I could see panic and confusion in her eyes. “WHO ARE YOU?”
“I am you, Kathy. I am you in 23 years.”
And on the stereo we heard,
“ Don’t know how it is You looked at me and saw the person that I could be, awakening my heart, breaking through the dark…
” (“Beautiful, Beautiful” by Francesca Battistelli)
Publication Date: July 20th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-staceydoss |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-mea-your-love/ | Mea Your Love What I Want Do For Your Love
Geting Up from The best Night Every Adrian Made Love To Me Like Monday Was Ower Last Night Together And i Loved It So Much His Touch And The Love He Gives My No One Could Love My The Way He Dose He Is My Life My Only Love We been Together All Ower Lives. Walking Down The Hall way Looking For adrian I Know He is Up Here some Where walking In Ower Babygirl Chaney Room She Only 4 Year Old Me and adriann Was So Happy And I Had Got pregnet With her He said Me and Chaney Was The best Think In His Life. I Turn around And He was Standing Right There Hey baby Hey What You Doing Up On I was Coming To look for you and i stop By Chaney Room To see if you Was in there but here you are i kissed Him Slofly On The lips Him Holding My Body Close Just The Love You Never want to end Baby Yea iam Going to work I'll Be Back Later Ok But I Thought You Said You Dont Have to Work To day Oh they Call in they need My at The office Ok I Walk Him Down To his Call And Wave Him off As Much as I Want o say No baby Dont Go that would Jst Start a Big Fuss bettwen Us and Every Thing Was Going s good So I just Let Him Go.
Walking Bac In the House i Hear Chaney Crying I Run Up To Get her Walking In The Room Mommys Her Baby Girl Pivking her up And Walks Down To The stairs Well Baby Girl Wanna Go To The Park Today YesOk Baby Girl Puting Her Down Leting Her walk to the kitchen mommy where daddy Go he when to work oh ok. i really do like the fact that chaney really never see her daddy and that he works all the time but i Cant say babe stop working and be home Becuse i home in that case no one will be working. The phone rings i run to pick it up Hello? Yea Hey Baby Hey What You Up To Nothing go some free time at work Hw about You Nothing making Chaney Some panckaes Oh Tell her daddy said hey Baby Girl daddy Said Hey. Hey , Daddy She Yell so when you coing home i Walk in to the living room I'll be home around 11Pm Oh.. What Nothing Just i was Hopeing You Would Be Home Before Chaney Bed Time so We Could Made Go out to eat or something oh well I Dont Know Iam Working so Hard Lately I Know You Really Never Got Time For usNo More What you Mean i Made Love To You Last Night and what the Hell dose That Mean. ? Nothing Look I Got to get back to work See You Later It Never Fails What He yell!! You And This Working Shit You Never Got Time For Me Or Your Child Wht You Want Me To Do.
Nothing I Dont Know Take Some time Off To Spend Time With Us! I Yell God Nani you Just Want Give Up Do You I do what You Want And othing Every Makes You Happy So Tell Me This If I Start Staying Home how We going to pay for All the shit You Got You and Chaney What! , How About The Shit You Got? You Know What Nani Im Done Have This conversation With You Good Bye Nani He Hangs UpThe Phone walkingBac to the kitchen to Make Me Something to Drink When i See Chaney Playing On The stove Chaney!! I Yell What are you Doing Stop Sorry Mommy I Took her hands and Off the stove and pick her Up Baby Girl Do not every Play around Fire It Could Really Hurt You Ok Yea Mommy Ok Good Girl No Go Get dress So i can go get Keke So She can go to the park with You Ok Mommy .Me Still mad about adrian and How He acts i Had to forget about that so chaney can have a good day but it was hard the only thing i could think about was how that Man told me how the thing we got like he can buy me iam not here for the money and i will not be talk to like i iam by him mommy can hear and push me chaney Yell Pushing my baby Girl and hearing Her Laughing is more thsn i could every want in life i love her withmy heart and all ways will.
Just geting Home From the park its 7 and Im waiting on a Phone call to tell me he will be working later then her said so he can fuck up my night. chaney come on so we can take your bath yes mama she comes runing out the living room mommy iam big girl can i take my bath on my own? Ok chaney just let e run the water and i will let you stay in there by yourself ok mommy.
After runing her water walking back down stairs i hear the phone ring Walking slower to the kitchen i really dont wanna hear the words he is about to say Hello ? Hey Before he could tell me i Say let me think hmm you working a little later then you thought right ? no i was going to say iam on my way home. Oh yea sorry its just you call all the time beep beep beep When the Phone Well Dang after geting hung up on i was mad so i when to take a shower Before i did that i made sure chaney was in bed geting in the shower was wht i need. took me about 25mins in the shower geting out to hear the door open he is home i say to myself . walking out the bathroom and walking in the room puting on my shorts and tee turning around to see him walking in the room Hey He did not say a word to me Adrian!i yell he look at me what you heard me talking to you who are you ? I Give him that funny look boy stop if you going to act like a little person i Dont care me walking up to me you the one call your self geting smart with me on the phone umm what iam i 16 babyim 25 iam a grow ass women and you will not talk to me like iam a child walking pass him. grabs me nani iam not done talking to you i push him off dont you every grab me like that i could see where all this was going by the min walking away from him down to the kitchen i could hear him runing the shower so i walk to the living room siting on the couch looking at tv before i know it someone in the kitchen i thought it was chaney i yell chaney baby girl go back to bed but i still hear stuff walking back in the kitchen i see adrian oh i thought you was chaney he did not say a word to me you really going to act like a little Bitch About this right he still not say shit to me i walk up to his face adrian! He looks at me what Damn i dont got shit to say to your little ass get the fuck out my face ! I slap him dont fuking talk to me like that ! He grabs me So hard i can feel him nails as the dig in my skin Ouch! i Yell Let me go pulling me out the kitchen to the living room adrian!off i yell he push me on the floor next time you fucking hit me in slap the shit out of you that really piss me off i got up and walk up on him and start puching him I hate You i said He turn around and slap me "aha i Yell " Falling to the floor Crying It happen so fast and all i Felt was pain i Never thought the man i love would hit me. me crying on the floor My face was As Red as a rose my the bathroom crying i hear someone trying to open thee door i thought it was chaney i got you trying to hide myface open the door walking pass but did not see it was adrian he grab me i jumped he started to hold me he whisper that he was sorry i did not say nothing i told him i just wanna sleep
Text: Lexislash All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 29th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-lexislashe |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-paul-saunders-three-039-s-up/ | Paul Saunders Three's Up For all those who followed Alice's white rabbit, but couldn't quite fit down the hole. Lodged forever in a limbo between normality and insanity.
There's even a Starbuck's down here.
Three's Up
First. Cupid's Arrow
Second. The Morning After The Night Before 20 Third. George's Plight 35 Cupid's Arrow
“Christ, I’m so sorry Casey, he’s never usually like this. I can’t understand what’s gotten into him. Jezzer, come away!"
Amanda frantically tried to pry Jezzer off of Casey’s leg, it was no use. A juggernaut wouldn’t be able to pull the pitbull in the opposite direction at this moment in time. The creature panted and salivated as it bucked and ground at calf level, hooking its claws into Casey’s denim to gain purchase. The other party guests looked on in horror and amazement as the dog’s intensity crescendoed…and then, it was over.
The dog dismounted and casually sniffed Casey’s shoes, his anatomy still unsheathed. He turned to face the astonished guests and froze, with one limp paw hanging in mid-air. It was only the distant rush of bubbles bursting in the cheap champagne that broke the hundredweight silence. No one dared to so much as draw a breath.
Jezzer wagged his stumpy tail and took a step towards his attentive audience, who, out of fear of being next in the queue, launched themselves onto each other’s laps, sending drinks flying. Jezzer stopped once more, tilted his head in calculation, and then turned and left the room.
A gentle breeze swam through the air as a dozen chests relaxed, only to be replaced once more by the all-consuming silence and an atmosphere so thick, you could dig it with a spoon. All eyes hit different corners of the room with the embarrassment of finding themselves on each other’s laps. Their respective stares navigated their ways along ceilings, down walls, across carpets and met at Casey’s jeans. It looked as though a herd of rather large snails had stampeded down the length of his shin.
“I - err - I’ll get you a cloth.”
Amanda didn’t so much as break the silence, just dispersed it momentarily, only for it to regroup as she left the room. Casey’s head hung mournfully. He could feel the intensity of their accumulated stares burning him as he stood exposed and violated before the room.
Out of all the eyes, only two of them mattered. Sarah Harding’s.
For Casey, tonight held so much promise. Tonight was going to be the night that Sarah not only discovered that Casey existed, but that she was inconsolably in love with him as he was she. Instead, the best-laid plans of mice and men were running down the inside of his shoe. She knew he existed now, all right. It’s hard to forget someone who was publicly raped by a family pet.
“Castration.” A woman finally shattered the oppressive silence, “That’d calm ‘im down.”
“Calm ‘im down?” Replied another guest, “By lopping his balls off? Who’d be calmed down by that? To be honest, I’d be decisively uncalm . I’d be running up the walls and biting vicars until they sewed the bastards back on!”
And so the hubbub of the party grew once more, and the world moved on. All except for Sarah, who remained planted to the spot holding an expression taut with horror and disgust. Casey knew his best chance was spent, he just hoped that Jezzer was too. ***
Skipping back to that morning, Casey’s bus squirmed along with the rush hour traffic. Its industrial engine shook his take-away coffee violently as he leant against the back of the driver’s booth.
“I don’t know what it is,” conceded Casey, “Something just happens whenever I see her.”
“What, in the trouser department? Don’t tell me you never had the talk Casey. An erection is a perfectly normal thing, although it can be an inconvenience at times…”
“Not like that Jason.”
“…come to think of it, it does all kind of look like it’s just been stuck on as an afterthought.” Jason, the bus driver, spent about as much time looking underneath his own toenails as he did at the road, “Like, God made Adam and Eve and said, ‘I can’t be doing this two billion more times. Bollocks to it, they can do it ‘emselves.’”
“I’m being serious.”
“He must’ve been in a rush an’ all. Them girls’ bits are about as well thought out as a holiday in Baghdad. I mean, you’d have less hassle wiring a satellite than making sense of all that.”
“Have you finished?”
Casey nervously checked over his shoulder as he noticed the old ladies in earshot fiddling with their hearing-aids and starting to fidget.
“I can see why God tucked it all away though. I mean, if I’d created something that ugly, I wouldn’t flaunt it about the place. Did he have, like, an abundance of elf ears and think ‘oh well, these’ll have to do?’”
Jason looked out of his driver’s window thoughtfully, pondering his own creation theory. If there were an artist’s impression of his thought pattern, it’d scarily resemble a demolition derby. Casey knew Jason well enough to seize the silence.
“Look, I don’t know what it is but whenever I see her, it’s like my blood turns to acid and burns the inside of my veins. It feels like I’m allergic to my own body and I want to leap out of myself. Some people call it obsession, some people call it infatuation...”
“That one person called the police when you stood outside her house all night.”
The old lady in the seat directly behind them cleared her throat; Casey spoke into her disapproving eyes.
“It wasn’t all night.” Sensing the growing attention creeping his way, he leant into Jason and lowered his voice, “What I’m trying to say is that I know it’s love. I am completely and utterly in love with Sarah Harding. The problem is, she doesn’t even know I’m alive.”
“She must know you exist mate, what about all those chocolates and roses you’ve been sending her over the last three years?”
“Well, I’ve got to work with her y’see. I mean, what if she weren’t interested? I’d have to find a new job, wouldn’t I?”
“You sent them anonymously, didn’t you?”
Casey scratched the back of his head, his silence was reply enough. He scanned the bus, catching the other passengers’ gazes before they managed to snap their heads back downwards, feigning ignorance. He swore he heard, “idiot” from somewhere toward the back. He spoke to the bus as a whole.
“I hoped she’d do the maths.”
“That’s not maths, Casey. That’s some weird, psychic, I-speak-to-dead-people ability.”
Casey took a long swig of coffee; the polystyrene cup covered his blushing cheeks. An old man, two rows from the front leant forward and spoke in an extremely public whisper.
“Psssst. Lad. Have you tried Rohypnol?”
He gave Casey a knowing wink, as if to share the conspiracy. The women in close proximity to the old man suddenly didn’t want to be.
“Rohypnol? You mean date rape? Yeah, why don’t I just whack her ‘round the back of the head with a frying pan and cart her off over my shoulder?”
The old man shrugged his shoulders and turned, noticing the murderous looks being shot his way. An old lady leant forward and tapped Casey’s waist.
“D’you have a frying pan, love?”
“I’m not whacking her ‘round the head and carting her off over my shoulder! Now will you all, please, just mind your own business?”
The bus was swallowed by an awkward silence, for about five seconds anyway, before Jason piped up.
“’t’s not a bad idea, mate. Drugging her, I mean.” An army of tuts marched toward the front of the bus; Jason wasn’t one to rely on people’s approval. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about anything that would knock her out. Just something that would, you know, warm her to you a bit.”
“And where am I going to find that?”
“Craig the Crooked Chemist? He’d knock you something up. Remember those special painkillers he made for my Mum’s arthritis?”
“What, you mean the ones that paralysed her for three days, and had her talking in tongues? Yeah, I remember, although it’s not really the angle I’m trying for.”
“Suit yourself.” Jason sounded disappointed, “All I’m saying is that it’s been three years, right? Well, if you don’t do anything about it, it’s going to be another three years. If you had the minerals to win her outright, it would’ve happened ages ago.”
This received murmurs of approval from Jason’s passengers. The bus finally pulled into the depot and people started to collect their belongings and queue to disembark. The women sat around the Rohypnol man stayed seated, watching him with convictive eyes, all except for one, who leapt up and planted a knee bluntly between his legs.
Casey thought he was the last passenger and went to step off the bus. A slender, yet empowering hand relaxed on his shoulder and a voice like silk and daggers all at once appeared at his ear in a thick West Indies accent.
“Tell me boy, you love this woman true?”
Casey and Jason jumped as she spoke, neither of them noticed her before now. Casey turned and was almost sucked onto tiptoes by the woman’s absorbingly dark eyes.
“I…who are you?”
“Do you love her mind, body and soul?”
“Yeah, with emphasis on the body .” Jason had a way of spoiling moments as he mimicked breasts with his hands. “’ere I don’t remember selling you a ticket…”
“Yes, I do love her.”
Casey interrupted his friend, something screamed inside of him not to let this moment pass by. The mysterious woman reached into an exotic purse, her hand reappeared holding a small translucent phial, containing a glowing green liquid.
“Take this, boy. Two drops into the drink of the woman you love and she will be yours for all of this life. But be warned, it cannot be undone.”
“What is it?”
Casey twirled the bottle in the light; the liquid glistened like a million tiny crystals. Jason leant over his shoulder, reaching out in an attempt to look with his hands.
“Call it Cupid’s Arrow if you will, but be sure it is you who gives her the potion, otherwise it will be they who own her heart.”
The mysterious woman placed a hand on Casey’s cheek momentarily, before turning and exiting the bus. Never one to miss a trick, Jason jumped the three steps and ran out after her.
“’ere, love. I don’t suppose you’ve got any, like, super-strength viagra in there, have you?”
Casey stood for a moment, rooted to the spot, completely hypnotised by his own destiny, which sat in his palm. ***
With a trembling hand, Casey covertly removed the miniature bottle from his jeans. He removed the bung and allowed two drops to spill into the red wine, and then two more for good measure. He drew a nerve-steadying breath and took up in his clammy hand, the rest of his life.
He trafficked the spiked drink to the lounge; Sarah beamed the smile that Casey had dreamt about for the last three years. She raised an arm to accept the drink…
A tennis ball bounced playfully into the core of the party, followed by a leaping pitbull, who rearranged his paws into the back-peddle that dogs use to skid clumsily to a halt. Unfortunately, the clumsy halt didn’t come soon enough. Jezzer clattered into the back of Casey’s legs. The wine jumped out of the glass as Casey threw up his right arm in a knee-jerk reaction.
All eyes watched Casey’s destiny fly high up into the air...
...and then down…
…and then splash over Jezzer’s head. The dog licked his chops, then sniffed and licked the fresh claret stains that were rapidly soaking into the carpet.
There was no explosion, no plumes of smoke jetting from his ears. Just a deathly silence…
…and then his tail began to wag. Slowly at first, then faster…
... Jezzer lunged . ***
“I - err - I’ll get you a cloth.”
Casey desperately held back the tears as he sponged Jezzer’s contribution off the front of his trousers. His ears pricked as he heard a calamitous scrambling in the hallway. The lounge door burst open. “Oh for fuck’s sake, not again!” END The Morning After The Night Before
Jack ran his tongue around the inside of his mouth as he opened his eyes. It felt like he’d licked the terminal of a battery, or at least drank the bottom of a pickled onion jar. These two analogies proved to be wrong as he forced up his waist and pulled from beneath it an empty Gin bottle. He tossed it aside and let his head relax back, closing his eyes again. A marching band was mid parade somewhere between his ears, there was a perpetual gushing and…and…water?
He sat up with a jolt and scanned his surroundings. A bathroom. Someone’s bathroom. There were bare floorboards submerged beneath an inch of water, his back was drenched from the night’s unconsciousness. A rubber duck spiralled past him as it drifted with the flood’s flow, stopping as the water slipped beneath the gap at the foot of the door. He strained his bleary eyes, desperately trying to make sense of where he was.
Now, your average person has watched enough films to know that if a murderer is in your house, you hide in the attic, or corner yourself in some other cul-de-sac of a room; if you wake up in a strange place, you say (if only for dramatic effect):
“Where am I?”
“I think we might be dead…”
Jack jumped at the shock reply, and traced it to an overflowing bathtub; a wall of water was tumbling over the side as the taps still pumped at full speed, he rushed toward them with a belated haste. Water was still piling overboard as a hairy arm reached out. Jack took hold, and fished out what appeared to be a very unconvincing transvestite.
“…Or a least I am anyway. This is my wife’s corset.” He struggled a hand into his leather hotpants and with the care of a surgeon, extracted a hairbrush. He gestured it to Jack “No wonder I couldn’t feel my toes.”
Jack eyed him quizzically from his single stiletto, past the fishnet stockings, right up to his Afro wig. A cold panic burst inside of his chest.
“Oh God, tell me we didn’t… you know ?”
The transvestite reached into the bust of his wife’s corset and pulled out a box of sopping wet cigarettes. After wrecking two, he managed to get a whole, if not slightly droopy one into his mouth.
“To be honest…what’s your name?”
“To be honest, Jack. If we did, you must’ve been a gentleman to help me back into these hotpants.” He tugged at the bottom of his shorts as if to gain space, “Only, I don’t think I could’ve managed on my own.”
“Well, you must have done, to…” Jack watched as his acquaintance failed to light three wet matches, “Look, I don’t even know who you are. I don’t even know where we are and my head’s spinning round so fast, it’d have an Astronaut projectile vomitting. Oh, for God’s sake! You can see the water dripping off those matches.”
“Shhhhh, it’s alright Jack. I’ve got a lighter in ‘ere somewhere.”
He fumbled somewhere inside the corset once more; with no luck, he squeezed a hand back down the front of his hotpants. Jack studied him worriedly, a tongue flicked out the side of the cross-dresser’s mouth with concentration. His hand reappeared after a prolonged moment clutching a lighter. He held it up to Jack, looking somewhat boastful and then slightly embarrassed. He passed the lighter to his other hand and hurriedly offered the free one to Jack.
“I’m Rich by the way. Call me Richard if it makes you happy.”
Jack’s eyes flicked to the hand that was, moments ago, rummaging around a man’s crotch inside of women’s underwear and groaned. Richard withdrew the hand, wiped it on his thigh and re-offered it, pleadingly. Jack shook it tentatively. Somehow, the salvaged lighter lit first time and Richard brought the flame to the tip of the dishevelled cigarette, which fell to pieces.
"So then, Jack.” Richard took a step backwards and sat on the edge of the bath; he did a double-take behind him and fished out a can of beer from the still brimming tub. “D’ya smoke?”
"Not even after sex?"
"Look, I..."
“'Cause if you do, you go too fast my friend.” Richard bounced around on the spot momentarily in response to own his zinger, Jack didn't even flinch. Richard straightened his back, cleared his throat and attacked the ring-pull on his beer can with a crudely painted fingernail. As it opened, the froth rose from the can and ran down the side, “So seriously then, no cigarettes?”
“No! Look, stupid question, I know, but is this your house?”
Richard splashed a stockinged foot around the floor; the puddle was still disappearing through the gaps between the floorboards. He swigged his beer.
“I hope not." He smiled at Jack, "Let’s find out!” ***
The door bounced on its hinges under the strain of three rhythmatic thuds. There was silence, and then a scratching noise, followed by a muffled argument on the other side, then a shuffling. The door calmly opened inwards.
“See, I told you to pull.”
Three feet and one stiletto emerged from the bathroom and squelched onto the drenched carpet.
“I thought it was locked.”
“You said, but why would there be a key down your hotpants?”
“Everything else seems to be.”
Richard reached again into the corset and reproduced the dogged cigarette box. With a rigid hand he managed to pluck another out in one piece and offer it to his lips. It lit. He took a long drag and pulled it away from his mouth. Smoke escaped from his nose and mouth as he spoke.
“So then, Jackyboy. You don’t remember anything?”
He brought the cigarette back to his lips and took a confused drag. He inspected the filter between his fingers and looked down at the rest sizzling on the wet carpet.
“I don’t know. I have…recollections, like pieces of a jigsaw; or more like a shattered vase.” Jack looked around. Richard was on his knees, desperately trying to reassemble the soggy cigarette.
“Ha! You got it easy; at least you’re dressed as the right gender. These shorts are as accommodating as they look.”
“You mean, that’s not your usual…I just assumed you were…” He forced a smile, “Well, you do carry it well.”
For the first time, Richard started to look agitated. He held his makeshift cigarette at both ends, which collapsed as he took another puff. He gave Jack a prolonged stare.
“That’s alright coming from you, is it? At least I haven’t got TWAT written across my forehead in lipstick.”
“Yeah, I’m not falling for that one.”
Jack adjusted his footing on the carpet, it was saturated. The wallpaper was ripped in places, a picture hung crooked on the wall with its frame smashed. His eyes followed the trail of destruction to a bundle halfway down the stairs…it was… carpet . Carpet, with a couple of legs sticking out the bottom, he turned to silently gesture to Richard, who was staring out the window.
“Hey Jack, I haven’t seen a single person go by. Do you think this is like one of those end-of-the-world type things, where everyone died over night an’ we’re the only survivors?”
Jack heard a car pass outside, Richard seemed somewhat disappointed. He shrugged his shoulders.
“Maybe not.”
“Shhhhhhh, what?”
“Be quiet.”
“I can’t hear what you’re saying. Stop whispering.”
“There’s someone on the stairs.”
Jack seemed to shout without raising his voice above a whisper, “There’s someone on the stairs!”
The two of them tiptoed to the head of the staircase and peered at the pile of human carpet. It wasn't moving. Suddenly, a pang of memory hit Jack like an electric shock. A vision pulsed across his brain: him, an extremely ugly woman…Richard...tearing up the bathroom carpet.
“Richard. What can you remember about last night?”
“Err, I think I remember you saying he looked cold…and could do with a blanket.”
The tangled body remained still, there was no rise where the chest should be, no sound. It was lifeless.
“Yeah, he’s cold alright.” Jack swallowed as the fear began to claw its way up his throat, “ Dead cold.”
“Do you think so? Should we get him another carpet?”
"With emphasis on the dead"
"Oh. Are you sure?"
“Well, he’s hardly cooking breakfast is he? He’s not breathing.” Jack and Richard stared at each other. “How did we get here?”
“Do you think he smokes?”
“Not anymore. Look, I don’t even remember meeting you. I don't...Richard, come back here!”
Richard began a covert descent down the staircase, half hunched with an arm outstretched. His buttocks didn't so much slip out the bottom of the hotpants as he crept, more performed a mass exodus…it forced some kind of memory… “Richard. I remember!”
“Hang on.” “I was walking home from the pub. You were being sick in an alley, bent over. I grabbed your arse…I thought you were…a hooker…even afterwards, I thought you were just a bit ugly.”
“You’re right, he ain’t movin’…” “I was almost home, you walked with me…there was a party going on in this house, we thought we’d have a look…I still thought you were a…although the stubble was cause for concern.”
Richard was over the body now; Jack ran down the stairs and grabbed him. “Richard…he was there! Everyone else had already gone, he was already there. It must be his house, they killed him! Richard, we’ve got to go…”
“But he might smo…”
Richard made a grab for the body, Jack made a grab for Richard; and with the combined stability of a newborn deer, they tumbled down the last two stairs. Jack, Richard, the bathroom carpet and a dead body.
The first thing the dead body saw as it jolted awake was a startlingly ugly transvestite; he screamed, Richard screamed louder, Jack scrambled himself to his feet and bolted out of the front door. The dead body kicked, frantically trying to get an extra stair between him and Richard.
“Not again! Oh please God, not again !”
“It’s OK. Look, I’m sorry about your house. I’ll level with you, don’t go in the bathroom, not until you’ve calmed down anyway. I don’t, err, suppose you've got a spare cigarette, have you?” ***
The old man watered his garden in peace. He sniffed the fresh morning air and tuned his ears into the birdsong. There was a scream and a crash, he jumped and span around just in time to see Jack fall out of the house next door. Jack pulled himself to his feet, glanced at the old man and shouted, wimpishly:
“’e was already dead! I swear it!”
Jack got five paces down the road before he stopped suddenly. He turned on the spot and made a grab for the old man.
“Mr. Limbey? What are you doing here?”
“Jack, I…I don’t understand. What…?”
Jack turned once more and ran back into the house. He looked around frantically, at the hallway, at the stairs.
“Jack, look what I got!”
Richard flashed him a cigarette. Jack still struggled to come to terms with what was happening, he stared at the now alive dead body, who was offering a cigarette.
“I’m sorry mate" The now alive dead body pleaded, "It was only a party. The window was left open - we broke in. We didn’t nick anything, I swear. Don’t call the Police. It was only a…have a ciggy! Don’t go in the bathroom, not ‘til you’ve calmed down anyways…”
Jack deflated and walked back out the front door, he was met by a young blonde woman carrying a suitcase.
“Jack? What’s going on? Why's Mr Limbey… who's that ?”
The transvestite had followed Jack outside and had put arm round his shoulder.
“You’ll never guess what, Jackyboy! There are pictures of you an’ some blonde woman all over the place…” He spotted Susan, “Oh, hello…”
Jack looked at Richard and then guiltily at Susan, just in time to see a flailing hand heading his way; it struck him coldly across the cheek. Susan grabbed the back of Jack's hair, bending him backwards, and stared at his forehead.
“Oh, you TWAT ! What've you done to our house?” END George's Plight The man stumbled forward and took his place in the circle. It was almost a fortress, palisaded with seats and braced by those ready to confess, ready to claim redemption for their shoddy ways. He was glad to be among them, coming this far was hard enough; but the underlying pangs of pity and guilt lay heavy in his stomach, swirling with his morning intake. All eyes seemed to be anchored to the ground, but he couldn't prevent his own from shuffling and dodging, avoiding contact with all others.
He knew why he came and what he had to do. It was time for courage now, not cowardice. Time for pure grit rather than fear. This seemed to be the only way to get well, he owed it to himself. He stood shakily, the eyes rose to meet him. He gazed down and drew a sharp, cold breath. It was time to testify.
"My name's…my name's…" He filled his lungs once more in order to hold his nerve. This moment had been too long coming, and he knew it. "My name's George and I am an alcoholic."
George closed his clichéd opener with a hiccup and a brief stagger leftwards. The circle stared at him in silence, not quite as welcoming as he had anticipated. For what he knew of the workings of these support groups, someone owed him a cuddle round about now. Surely they were obliged to at least clap.
"I said my name's Georged…" He slurred his words as he raised his voice to the crowd, "…I'm alcoholololic...I'mnn drunked…even now."
The circle stared once more; their eyes burnt his face like magnifying glasses in the sun. George's time-served alcoholism earned him a large tolerance to the drug; on any given day, he knew how to hide his severe lack of sobriety. Not now though, his guard eluded him as he stood exposed before his peers, naked right down to the soul. His head drooped, his shoulders swayed and he slurred freely, completely unable to disguise the fact that his body was, at this particular moment, around nine-tenths whiskey.
There was a shuffling in the group. An old lady who was sat with a book perched upon her lap leant forwards and eyed the circle. She stood up as sheepishly as George had done a moment ago.
"George. Well, well done for admitting you have a problem. They say that it's the first step to recovery."
"I know, that's why I come, see? 'cause I got no-one anymore. No wife, no kids, nothing. They all run off and left ol' Georgey 'cause I'm a drinker, but I don't wanna drinks no more."
"Yes and we're all proud of you for it, George. I'm sorry to say though that you may have taken a wrong turning." She waved a hand around the circle, "This is the Woman's Institute Book Club…in my own home. You live next door, George."
"Oh. But…next door, you say?" George deflated before her eyes and knocked and patted the wall as if to make sure.
"Although, I'm sure there'll be an Alcoholics Anonymous in the church hall."
"Oh, um…sorry…" George teetered on the spot and scanned the circle, desperately trying to focus on the bobbing images of old ladies, looking somewhat bewildered. "…ladies...I didn't mean to…book club? Can…can I join in? I'll go home an' I'll get a book."
"I'm afraid this is a ladies' club, for members of the Woman's Institute. Seeing as you're neither, I'd have to say…I'm sorry. I'll say again though, that we all wish you a speedy recovery from your…well, your problem. Don't we ladies?"
There was a murmur from the group, coupled with unified shuffling-in-seats. The spokeswoman dipped to retake her own.
"What you reading then?"
She rose again even more uncomfortably than before, looking around the circle, begging for some kind of moral support.
"Well…err…we're just about to start a new book actually, 'Of Mice and Men'. John Steinbeck."
"I got that one. He shoots his friend at the end, Lenny. He killed this girl…y'see?"
George mimed being shot in the head with his fingers. A Mexican wave of tuts reverberated around the circle; books were thrown to the ground with grimacing comments.
"Oh, right. OK. Well we hadn't got to that… had we ladies? In fact, I think I hear my husband calling. I'll be right back".
George watched her scuttle out of the room; he let himself collapse back into the chair behind him. Even in his state, he could still taste the avoidance in the air as he watched the circle dodge his gaze. The embarrassment, the guilt, the utter self-loathing and downright patheticness rose once more like fire in his throat. His intoxication only served to exaggerate his emotions and the tears began to roll.
"I'm sorry I ruined your party ladies, I don't mean to be like I am. I don't wanna drink most of the time. It hurts when I drink. In here." He signalled to his stomach, earning a slight rumble of sympathy from some of the group. "But if I don't drinks, see? It hurts in here." This time he signalled to his head, a little more violently and confrontationally than before. The eyes dropped again. "I got something in me that tells me I gotta drink, an' if I don't then…then I gotta…"
In an instant, George's face changed from the sorry expression that seemed to hang lazily off his skull, to one taut with anger. He leapt and turned, grabbing his seat in an attempt to swing it in a fit of rage, but managed only to trip, stumble and plant the crown of his head bluntly into the wall. He fell lifelessly to the ground. ***
"My name's George, and…an' I'm an alcoholic."
Murmurs of approval were passed around the circle followed by a slow round of applause.
"I've been dry now for three days."
This was met with more unconvincing applause. George absorbed his surroundings. Two dozen pink and bleary eyes stared back, their gazes travelling through him, rather than at.
"There was some nastiness at a club."
"A night club?" Justin was the group's host. He was a reformed drinker himself, finding God in the process.
"No, a book club. Not too different from this place to be honest. A bunch of people having a good whinge about life…" He looked around the circle; his dishevelled audience smoked, sipped tea and stared blankly at the walls. "…the odd underlying whiffs of urine. Not a single job between them. The only difference is that that lot took more drugs."
"Well, we are all here for you George. Jesus is here for you."
"Really?" He looked around him, "Well, I would've thought you'd spruce the place up a bit for him. It's a shit hole."
George looked for a laugh from the zombie circle, still they just stared.
"Not in a physical sense, George. Faith will help you to heal." Justin wasn't in the circle itself, he paced around the outside, stopping sporadically to place his hands on people's shoulders. "Beating alcoholism is a long, arduous battle George, and we're all proud of you for coming this far alone."
"The bus stops right outside, so I…"
"But, I don't think you can succeed on your own, George." Justin stopped on the opposite side of the circle, facing George. "You can joke about it George, but addiction bears a great sense of arrogance and superiority. Both of which are branches of the denial tree." Justin mimed a tree shape with his hands in the air. "You look around you and see traits and symptoms in fellow addicts that you don't recognise inside of yourself…"
Justin began to round the perimeter once more, placing a hand on each head as he spoke.
"…degeneration. Vulnerability. Poor hygiene…"
The addict with the hand on his head looked up.
"…well, that one may be unrelated. The point is George that you look around the circle, at these people and you don't put yourself amongst them. As an alcoholic, you're no better than anyone here. You belong. The hardest battle for you will be changing your introspective and for that, you need us."
Justin began the round of applause to cap off his own speech, the circle joined in hypnotically.
"Sit down George."
George sat.
"Now, last time we were here, Boxer was making real progress. Why don't you stand up Boxer and continue your story?"
Boxer wiped his nose on his sleeve and strained himself to his feet, "Well, as I was sayin' I was earning a proper mint on the building site, right. Every night I was pissing…" The six foot, tattooed and shaven headed Boxer put a finger to his lips, "…err…peeing it up. Soz Justin."
"Continue", Justin spoke into George's raised eyebrows.
"Yeah, right. I was slinging 'em back left, right, north, south and any other way they was comin' from, y'see? I gotta temper on me. I ain't proud o' what I did, but…" The giant re-arranged his stance, all of a sudden looking uncomfortable. To George's surprise, tears started dropping freely from Boxer's chin. He did nothing to hold them back. "I came home one night, she got all in my face with the, 'What time you call this?' and the, 'You stink o' booze' and...I just whacked 'er one...well, two actually. I didn't mean to do it, I didn't want to hit 'er, it's like her head came right at my fists. Twice."
Boxer collapsed into his seat, the circle came alive with rapturous applause, patting his back as he cradled his face and openly congratulated him, all except George.
"George. Don't you think Boxer did well? It takes courage to bear your soul like that." Justin leant patronisingly over his shoulder, all eyes were locked on George now.
"Well, first of all I thought this lot only turned up for the free biscuits, but it turns out they like their drama."
He felt the sharpness of Justin's gaze and the heat of Boxer's breath, who was sat metres away. George seemed to recoil in his seat without moving.
"I've just never really applauded domestic violence."
"What the fuck would you know 'bout it, then?" Boxer erupted. George felt the impact of each word pounding into his chest.
"Boxer, take two minutes out of the circle. We all forgive you." Justin raised a calming hand and sat in the newly vacant seat.
"Don't you think we all deserve a second chance, George? We've all made mistakes, we've all strayed from the beaten track, but we've all followed our respective beacons to this place of recovery, this place of forgiveness. This is a circle of love and support, never accusation. We all need love and support here, so we offer it in return." This earned a feeble nod from the group. "I think someone's waiting outside the circle for an apology George."
"Yeah? I'd like to see you going down the local nuthouse singing that love and forgiveness lark. They wouldn't even let you home to collect your pyjamas. I don't know how you've managed to hypnotise this bunch, but all that 'Jesus loves you' malarkey doesn't wash with me."
"To be honest, with this new found sobriety, I'd forgotten how fucking doo-lally this world really is. I mean, look at this lot." George waved a hand round the circle. "They're lifeless. Is this rehabilitation? Is this life eternal? If so I'm jumping off the wagon. I'd rather live six months as a drunk then twenty years as…as…some bleeding whiter-than-a-Nun's-knicker-drawer God botherer."
The circle grew agitated as George grew more confrontational. His body was screaming for alcohol, his joints were grinding like an un-oiled engine. His heart beat searing blood through his aching veins as his anger boiled.
"You all congratulate that wrestler…"
"Boxer, for going home pissed and physically abusing his wife, just because he admitted it? What, so do we go down the courts and throw roses at anyone who pleads guilty?"
"We are supporting him through his rehabilitation, offering love and forgiveness…"
"There you go again, banging on about your love and bloody forgiveness. I hope you don't back horses with that blind faith."
"I was weak and a light shone on me…"
"Yeah, the paramedic's torch just before they dragged you out the gutter. So, you've seen this 'light', and what? It was so clean and bright that now everything else looks dirty? You're going round like some sodding Grandma with a wet-wipe, scrubbing everyone's chin you can get your hands on. What's so bad with having a bit of dirt round your chin anyway?"
George eyed the circle once more, they all sat slouched in their seats, staring at the ceiling, without reaction to anything that has just been said.
"Why do you lot come here anyway?"
A few members looked around; one stood up sheepishly and scratched his head. "My name's Tom, an' I'm an alcoholic."
Justin furiously started clapping and the circle followed suit, robotically.
"No, no, we know that, but why did you come here ?"
"Judge told me to. Otherwise I'm down for two years. Drunk driver, see? I knocked down some old girl and her dog, 'Poppy'."
"How do you know the dog's name?"
"It was stuck to my windscreen when I got home, collar an' all. That's how I knew I'd hit something."
The group applauded.
"Shhhh. No need to applau…what about you?" George picked somebody at random, who obediently stood.
"My name's Max, an' I'm…"
"Yes, yes, we know." One person in the group clapped, George glared fiercely. "But why are you here?"
"I gots to. Otherwise they're gonna stop my benefits."
"So, let me clear this up. Hands up whoever's here off their own backs? Who came here 'cause they actually wanted to change ?".
An old man feebley raised his arm, Justin sighed with relief.
"You came here because you wanted to change?" George spoke like an interrigator.
"Well, actually it's a bit embarrasing. I'm not really an alcoholic. I thought this was Bridge Club. Justin wouldn't let me leave. He kept saying I was in denial. I only have a glass of Sherry at Christmas."
"When did you start coming here?"
"Three months ago."
"There's your circle of love and support, Justin. Fuck this, I need a drink." ***
"The differenearance between a heavy drinker and an alcohololic is that the heavy drinker jus' drinks far, far too much. Like me…and…er…what's your name again?"
"My frien's call me Boxer…but my real name, my real name's Henry."
"Well, Henry…what was I saying? I don't know. All this healthy eating malarkey is like the new black."
"Yeah, 'cause all these rap singers is starting to get a bit boring now and they needs replacing with something. Why not a salad?"
The barman raised an eyebrow at the two drunks that leant heavily on the bar talking nonsense and checked his watch, it was little after noon. "Gents, you need to wake your friend up." He gestured to the third man that lay asleep next to them. George turned and nudged him,
"Oi, Justin. The man says you gotta wake up."
"What's that?" Justin woke slowly, then gestured the barman to come close. "You know what? I think if Parkinson's disease met Alzheimer's at a party, right. The love-child of their symptoms would be alcoholism."
"I think you've had…"
"Have you ever met anyone suffering from Parkinson's? They're all over the show." He pointed dizzily at George who, for the third time couldn't find his mouth with his drink, "See? Alzheimer's is different all together, I…I…what was I saying?"
"Look, I'm sorry sir but you've got to…"
"The difference between us and those people with the actual Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases is that they'd do anything, an' I mean anything to not have their symptoms. Yet we choose to have them. We choose to be here. I spoke to God…"
"Right, that's it. You've had too much to…"
"…I used to be an alcohololic y'know, but I've transformed myself into…" Justin's head dropped and he vomited into his lap. "That's warm. Oh, now it's cold." ***
"My name's George, an' that's Justin. We're…oh, fuck it". END
Publication Date: March 4th 2009 https://www.bookrix.com/-ablokecalledpaul |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-sammy-davis-jr-vera-r-the-vamp-that-stole-my-heart-not-literally/ | Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R. The Vamp That Stole My Heart (Not Literally) I Tried To Resist But The Pull Was Too Strong I dedicate this to all my fans!
Meeting Him
Chapter One
I ran through the forest feeling the breeze in my fur.The sun was out and it was a wonderful day. It was pretty ironic because I just got A text from my boyfriend (a human) saying we need to ' talk '. I hope it was a good talk because he has been kind of distant lately. I hope this talk will improve our relationship. Eventhough we're not mates I still love him. I can't emagine what I would do without him. A little ways ahead I saw a slim, but muscular figure in a clearing. With brown hair and green eyes by boyfriend is hot. He's 6'3 and on the soccer team so he has strong legs and a nice ass. Me, I'm 5'5, slim and curvy, and I have red hair with green emerald eyes.Before he could spot me I went behind a tree were I kept a pair of jeans and shirt. He doesn't know I'm a werewolf so...yeah. As I approached him, he looked nervous, I could already tell this was gonna be bad. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I smiled, but he didn't smile back, his eyes seemed unusually cold and distant. I frowned."Hi." Carmelio said. "Hi." I said. There was an awkward silence, but he broke it. "Listen Ruth I think we need a break. It's not you it's me. I just don't feel it anymore. "He said. Without saying another word I turned and walked away. I will not show him weakness. "Ruth! " He yelled. " I'm sorry! " I flipped him off. He could go fuck himself for all I care.
That was Monday, now it's Saturday. Tuesday at school I saw him fingering the school slut. When I walked in the bathroom on Tuesday they froze. " Oh so that's what you meant by you don't ' feel ' it anymore. " I said and walked out. Anyway back to my story. Today, I decided to stop mourning and go to a club called ' Live and Let Live ' with my bestfriend Ally. Too bad she can't handle her alcohol, I wouldn't want what happened last time to happen again. I don't have time for a flashback so just use your damn imagination! I washed up for 15 minutes, put on a tight shirt that outlined my curves and very short shorts, to and some heels to make me seem taller than I already am. Then walked down stair had a quick dinner and went on my way. I forgot to mention that my parents are rich and gave me my own house and car, which I share with my brother Dave. He's not here now because he's probably at some slut's house since he's totally a player. I can barely get to sleep sometimes when he brings home a girl. All I hear is moans and them bumping the walls.Talk about disturbing! I arrived at the club in 15 minutes since I didn't like that far away. Surprisingly, the line was short. I only waited about 25 minutes. Once in, immediately I walked over to the bar, well more like shoved since the club was packed. I've been here 20 minute and I'm already wasted. Wo-ho!
' I feels good to be single! ' I thought. All night I dance, partied and just what ever the fuck I was in the mood for. I danced til I couldn't dance nomore, and that was until about one o'clock in the morning. At one I was headind back my car when I spotted two shadows following me in the distance. I turned around, but didn't see anyone. I turned back around, but picked up my pace. This is the exact reason why I don't go to night clubs. I saw the two shadows twice more, and by that time I was running. Someone was following me! In my frantic and idiotic state I ran into a dark alley. I swore once I realized how cliche' this was. When the pretty girl is being stalked, and in fear of being harmed, runs into a dark alley. I was mentally cursing myself when I saw two middle- aged, well-muscled guys enter the alley. I back up, but was confonted with a wall. They slowly began to walk up me. One of them grabbed my right arm and the other grabbed my left.
" What's a hot piece of ass doing in an alley all by herself. " Snickered one man.
" Running from you dickheads! " I sneered. They grabbed my arm tighter.
" What's that? " The one on my right said. " You want to lick our dickheads? What a naughty and slutty girl you are. " They scolded. My hands started sweating and sweat formed on my brow. This is it, I'm gonna be rapped and probaly just kill myself afterwards.
" Please don't rape me! " I pleaded. Belive it or not, women do not like to be forced to have sex with someone. It humiliates them and slowly destroys their minds, 'til they sommit suiside. Or at least that's what happened to my mom. After she died my dad slowly died with her. He bacame withdrawn and bitter. Until he died in his sleep two months later.
" NO! You gonna eat this dick and you're gonna like it! " The one on my left screeched.
" My dad's cheif of policemen. " I lied, hopeing that they'll ket me go. However this just mad my situation worse.
" Then after we've been satisfied, we'll make sure you won't be alive to snich to your father. " Fuck! The one on my right unbottoned my top.
" Let me go! Don't touch me! " I screeched. I was rewarded with a hard slap in the face. The slap was so hard, it drew blood. I could instantly feel a bruise form. The rapists were neading my breast and reaching for my shorts when suddenly, they were on the floor. Outcold. What the fuck happened? I thought tears treaming down my eyes. That's when I noticed a man standing over one of the bodies. Actually, more like crouched infront of one. It looked like he was kissing the man's neck or something. Suddenly he stood, I noticed he had blood dripping down his chin and screamed. This wasn't just a normal scream. It was a oh-my-fucking-god-a-man-just-sucked-another-man's-blood scream. With a woosh of air he was infront of me. He place a stray hair behimd my ear. I was gonna scream again, but was cut off by his voice.
" Keep that pretty little mouth of yours closed, or you might not have another chance to use it. " He said. With that he pulled me close and place his lips gently on mine. I don't don't know why, but I instantly responed. He lips tasted like lilac and pears. Suddenly, I was holding air and he was gone. I stood there half naked with my lfingers to my lips. Amazing... I smiled.
Second Encounter
Second Encounter
It's been two weeks since that first encounter and I can't get that...that monster out of my head. He was so gory...so...beautiful. He was like a monkey with keys to the cages at the zoo. I have no idea what that has to do with anything, but do you understand? He was so frightning, but it was like I knew he would never hurt me. I was coming back from the mall. I bout a few sex toys at this place called Kinky. It's embarrasing, but werewolve have a very high labito or sex drive. We constantly crave sex and I wasn't just gonna hook up with a random stranger for sex, that would make me a slut. I hate sluts. It was 12:00 and I was watching Robot Chicken on Adultswim. I was cracking up laughing. It was the Christmas one about when the towns people bell ringer broke on the clocktower. So at the end, the humping robot (robot that humps) falls in love with the bell and starts humping it, causing the bell to ring again. It was so high-lar-ious I was crying tears ( duh, what else can you cry? Blood? ) Srangely their was a knock on the door. ' Strange . ' I thought. I walked to the door and looked through the little peek hole thingy. What I saw shocked me. It was the blood sucker person that came to my rescue. He looked sick, there were bags under his eyes and he was alot skinnier. It looked like he had just been through a plague. I gasped and pulled him in the house , he did save my life and that was something you could never repay.
" Hi what are you doing here? How do you know where I live? " I asked.
" No time to explain. " he said in a strained voice. He look took a step forward and colapsed on he. I yelped in surprise and we both went down together, me underneath him. I looked at his face and he was unconscious. I shook him gently but firmly.
" Hey are you okay. Wake up. " After five minutes of me trying to wake him up, I tried to lift him slightly so that I could roll from under him. It didn't work, all I did was make the position more awkward, with his head in my neck and my legs between his. I sighed and just gave up. Slowly my eyes got heavy and drempt dreams of me free from this man and not single - how I wish true that was real - . I woke up to my mystery man kissing my neck. I smiled.
" Aren't we going a little fast? " I asked kiddingly.
Crazy Man-Who-Thinks-He's-A-Vampire Say What?
Crazy-Man-Who-Thinks-He's-a-Vampire Say What?
" No I think we're fine. " my mistery man says. " And by the way, I'm Carmellio. " he licked and nibbled on my neck a little.
" Nice name. " I ground out. At that moment his fangs came out. In my panic I tried to push him off me, but that just made him hold me tighter. Then the moment I was drading...he clamped down on my neck. I let out pure moan of sexual plessure. You would not believe how good it felt. My hand suddenly went from pushing away to pulling as possible close as I could. He leaned myhead to the side for better access and came up for air. He licked his lips and looked at me like I was his prey he was demolishing, but that didn't resister. Little did I know that when vampires sucked some poor sucker's blood, they release a type of...venom that turns all their worries into a sex-filled haze. the person doesn't even knows what happening until it's...too late.
" Absolutely ravishing! " Carmellio roared going back to me, not that I minded at the time. He even pulled off my shirt so that he could get a peek of what was underneath. It felt absolutly amazing! Then suddenly I was hit with a blinding wave of plessure that it had my eyes watering and me screaming out Carmellio's name. It was almost like an.... orgasim. Actually that's exactly what it was. But Carmellio didn't pay any mind he just kept drinking the marvelous, sweet blood that he had been dreaming about every since that first encounter. And slowly, Ruth started to fade into a bliss-filled darkness that was so warm and inviting...
I woke up about mid-afternoon in my bedroom. Where is he? Is he gone? Will he come back and finish the job? I slowly got up and felt the chill of the room on my naked body - Wait naked body? What the hell am I doing naked? Did he take advantage of me when I was sleep? I wrapped the sheets around my body and made my way down stairs. The front door was wide open, no wonder it's freezing in here. Did he really have to leave the door open? Highly irritated, I slammed the door closed with a loud bang.
" Well, well, well, " someone said and quickly snapped my body around, " looks like somone is angry. " It was Carmellio and he was injoying my fear. He took a step closer and I took a step back. This cycle repeated until my back hit the door.
" I've got you now my little pretty. " he said trying to immitate the The Wiked Witch in The Wizard of OZ. If it wasn't for the situation I probably would've laughed. When I didn't laugh he frowned.
" C'mon babe, lighten up. That was gold. " He said.
" I'm not you babe. " I sneered. He came closer. " Get out of my house. "
" ...No. Why don't you convince me to leave? " he said looking my body up and down. The nerve of this douche!
" You do have a nice lil body there missy. " he said taking on last step closer.
" In your perverted little dreams you bastard. " I said. He chuckled.
" How did you know? " he said reaching for me. I ducked and ran up the stairs. But he was faster. He appeared infront of me and snatched the sheet off my body. I screamed and reached for the blanet, but he held it up just out of my reach. Bastard. He dropped the blanket and pulled my arms to my side, enjoying my embarrasment. My whole face was red by now.
" Don't be embarrased my little missy. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You look so beautiful... " I blushed even more and stil tried to cover myself. I took a good look at Carmellio. He was tall almost a giant, he had a sculted face that went great with his chisled jaw. His muscles were bulging through his shirt, you could tell he worked out often, but didn't over do it. He had perfect skin except for one mole on the side of his lips. All in all, he was mega hot. Why didn't I notice his features before now? He took my hand and lead me to my room. He leaned his head down and gave me a slow and passionate kiss. So far I wasn't regeting my decision. I wrapped my arms around his neck and really got into the kiss. He turned us around so he could lock the door. I lead him over to the bed where I sat on his lap, he grabbed my butt in his vise-like grip and gave it a hard sqeeze followed by a gentle, yet hard slap. I moaned and paying him back for that pleasure I pushed him back and took off his shirt, then I licked and sucked a path down to that line of hair leading into his pants paying special attention to his nipples.
" ...god baby..." he hissed out a breath. I don't know what lead me to this madness, but I'm glad it did. I wanted him to take me, to ravage my body and make me beg for more. I wanted to know what it felt like to have him in me. I unbuckled his belt and tugged his pants down. Slowly I licked a path form his balls to the head of his cock.
" god baby...god...you're the best. " he stood up and now it was my turn to be on bottom. He spread my thighs with his knees then inserted a large finger in me. At first I was a little uncomfortable, but I quckly got the hang of it. Soon he was inserting a second finger and I was screaming.
" Oh god, yes, yes please. " He put his head at my interance and soon he was eating my pussy like a pro. I felt my vagina milking his fingers and I screamed.
" OH GOD CARMELLIO! " he took out his fingers and sat up by the head of the bed. He told me to come and straddle him. I got up and very slowly impailed myself on his penis. I let out a whimper and he let out a loud moan. I slowly started to impail myself on his dick a little faster, trying to get used to his girth.
" Mmm baby..." The room was filled with the sound of sex. He let me set the pace for awhile but then he took over. He flipped us over to where he was on top and started pratically lunging his penis into my vagina. he filled me in deep slow thrusts taking it easy. Tired of this pace I spoke up.
" Ugh, daddy, ugh, please daddy. " Our eyes had never left each other and it seemed as if we were not only connected in body but in soul also. I brought his head down to mine a gave him a kiss filled with different feelings. Knowing what I was asking for he sped up hi tempo and pounded away at my pussy.
" OH YES, YES, YES, HARDED, HARDER, OH GOD CARMELLIO, YEEEEES! " at that moment I came and Carmellio pulled out of me and came on my breasts. He collapsed on me and burried his head in my neck. His uneven breath tickled my neck and I gave a tired giggle. Moving my legs off his waist I combed my fingers through his hair and gave a satisfied sigh...
" I love you.... " I said softly and trailed off to sleep before I felt his fangs pierce my neck.
OH god...
Vampire Relationship
I woke up to slight breath on my neck. I blinked my eyes open and took in my surroundings. Carmellio was sleeping soundly with his head on my chest. I moved his hair out his eyes and kissed his forhead.
" Mmm. Hey babe. " He raised up and pecked my lips.
" Hey wild one. You damn sure wore my ass out last night. I'm tired as hell. " He chuckled.
" Well they don't call me lose as a goose for nothing! " he said still laughing.
" I have to go and make breakfast babe. Let me up. "
" Sure. " he said. I slowly got up from the bed and stood up. " Nice view. " He chuckled. I turned around and he slapped my ass.
" Ouch asshole. " I said and fliped him off.
" I would love for you to but I'm tired ass hell babe! " He tossed over my shoulder. I went down stairs and made breakfast. I took a step down the stairs; I didn't notice the wet puddle on the stairs. I took a step and fell the rest of the way down, hitting my head twice. I blacked out and when I came to Carmellio was straight in my face. I screamed.
" Get the hell away from me! Why are you in my house?! I'm calling the police! " I tried to remembered what happened and all I got was a raging headach. I swayed a little, suddenly dizzy and flopped back on the bed.
" Stop trying to remember. You'll only get the same reaction. " he said.
" W- what-how? Get out of my house! How did you get in anyway? " I asked exasperated.
" You invited me in... then... let me fuck you. Which I have to say was really good and I that I wouldn't mind another round. " he said humor lasing his voice.
" Never. I would never have sex with a stranger. My parents raised my to be a lady not a whore. " I said confidently. My confedence fell however when I heard him chuckle.
" Well, if you don't belive me I'll show you. Look into my eyes... " I decided to humor him and look into his eyes. I had a flashback of me doing the most embarrasing things. Licking, suckin, moaning, and... being a slut.
" How did you do that? " I asked. He smirked.
" Because I'm a vampire and have the power to compel. "
" W- what? Are you crazy. " He gave me a serious look.
No i'm not." I back away from him
Text: All rights reserved All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 22nd 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-samantha279 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-megan-jarvis-house-of-lies/ | Megan Jarvis House Of Lies With Little Excuses
Cara's P.O.V
Have you ever felt like no one is listening to you? Well I do, my parents died last month and every one says i've been acting weird. But, who the fuck cares. Turns out everyone does.
I walked into my new room, "Wow...so this is it huh?" I said putting my bags down.
"Yeah, sorry this is the only room without a guy in it." Austin,my older brother said.
"Haha very funny, but this room is so tiny can i bunk with you?" I asked
"I would let you Cara but, Chris is staying in my room." Austin said.
"Why am I the only girl here agian?" I said.
"Because you are, and thats it. Bye."He said not caring and walked out I sat on my bed and began to unpack. I put my clothes in my dresser and then I gave up. Then I layed down and put some ear buds in my ear and turned on my ipod. Suddenly, Chris walks into my room and pokes my arm. I took out one ear plug and sat up a little.
"Yeah," I said.
"Need help unpacking?"Chris asked.
"If you wanna help,sure." I replied.
"Cool." He said and smiled. Then I got up and gave him a bag. He started unpacking my blankets and making my bed.
"So.... how's lissa?" I asked.
"We broke up." He said
"Sorry, bout' that."
"It's okay, What about Trevor?" He asked
"He enlisted into the Air Force."I said shyly
"Oh."He said
I could tell he felt sorry for me but, I didn't want him to. I opened my bag and grabbed some speakers and plugged them into my ipod and turned some music on, 'Rebel Love Song' By Black Veil Brides. I started to dance, I saw him began to smile.
"What are you laughing at?" I asked
"Oh, nothing" he said.
"sure..." I said and kept dancing.
Xbox Time!
Cara's P.O.V
Later that night I walked into Austin's room "Hey bro, have you seen my...." I looked up "And he's not in here." i said to Chris and walked out.
"Wait, wanna play Call Of Duty?" He asked
"Umm sure," I said and sat down on his couch.
"Great grab a controller, do you know how to play?" He asked
"That was a dumb question," I said and began playing then relized I victored the game.
"Woah, We just won" He said and hugged me It was a long hug but not awkward. We slowly let go of one another still holding on we looked at each other and kissed. His Lips were sweet and tasted like cheries. "Sorry." I said and fake frowned
"I'm not, Cara i've liked you for the longest time" Chris said and kissed me agian. And Austin walked in "Chris get off her!" He yelled Chris got up really fast.
"How the fuck are you just gonna kiss my little sister, right we we moved in.. i thought i trusted you bro" Austin said
"He didden't kiss me i kissed him" I yelled
"You don't have to lie for me Cara." Chris said
"Cara Go!" Austin said pointing at the door.
"No, Because, what we were doing dosnt concern you, Austin!" I yelled
"Whatever, Do what you want!" Austin said "But, i won't be there to help when he screws it up, hah or she does" He pointed at me and walked away..
Chris walked up to me and held on to my tightly as if I was the last thing on earth. "It's Okay, don't worry about this"Chris said
"It's okay Chris, i'ma go to bed." I said trying not to make it awkward.
"Let me walk you there!" He hurried up and said.
"Alright, but you just wont give up will you?" I said teasing him.
"Nope." He said playing around.
Cara's P.O.V
I walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot then, yawned. I walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch next to Jake. I've known Jake since I was Probably 9. "Morning early bird." I said and laid my head on then sholder.
"Morning, Whats wrong?"Jake said and put his other arm around me.
"Me and Austin got in to it last night." I said
"That sucks, Hey would you mind switching rooms with me?" He asked
"It's all yours, Why do you want that tiny room?" I asked.
"That room is to big for just me,Thanks though." He said
"No problemo, What are you doing today?" I Said
"Going Clothes shoping for school." He said.
"Oh Yeah, New year At a new school. GREAT."I said scarcasticly
"Yeah, me and Chris are going you can tag along if you want." He said reminding me about Chris.
"Oh, shit Chris! ill be right back" I laughed I ran to Chris's room then, I knocked.
"Come In" Chris yelled When i came in he was sitting down on his bed on the computer.
"Hey," I said.
"Hay Carebear, Whats up?" Chris said as is nothing happend yesterday.
"Haven't heard that in years, Umm are you going shoping with Jake today?" Iasked.
"Yeah, were just going to hottopic I think." He said.
"Mind If I tag along I need some new clothes" I said.
"Sure, I dont care" He said.
"Cool."I said
"Cool" He replied.
Chris's P.O.V Later that day Jake, Cara, and Me all got in my Car. I open the Door For Cara then got on my side and Jake was already in the back. I looked at Cara as we were driving, she's beautiful. She's what every guy would wan't. She has strawberry brunet hair, a perfect figure, and an emo personalty. Then the song 'The Drug In Me Is You' By Falling In Reverse came on. She started to sing It. I heard a knock upon my door the other day I opened it to find death staring in my face The feel of mortal stalking still reverberates Everywhere I go I drag this coffin just in case My bodies tremblin' sends shivers down my spine Adrenaline kicks in shifts into overdrive, Your secrets keep you sick your lies keep you alive Snake eyes every single time you roll with crooked dice I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house I wrestle with my thoughts I shook the hand of doubt Running from my past I'm praying feet don't fail me now! I've lost my God Damn mind, It happens all the time, I cant believe I'm actually Meant to be here, Trying to consume, The drug in me is you And I'm so high on misery Cant you see? I got these questions always running through my head So many things that I would like to understand If we are born to die and we all die to live Then whats the point of living life if it just contradicts? I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house I wrestle with my thoughts I shook the hand of doubt Running from my past I'm praying feet don't fail me now! I've lost my God Damn mind It happens all the time I cant believe I'm actually Meant to be here Trying to consume, The drug in me is you And I'm so high on misery Can't you see? I've lost..Myself! You tried to reach me but you just cant help me So long, Goodbye! You tried to save me it wont work this time Cause now I've lost my fucking mind And there's no fucking time I can't believe I'm actually Meant to be here Trying to consume, The drug in me is you And I'm so high on misery Can't you see?
We pulled In to the parking lot of Hottpic I turned off the car and we walked in. I walked with Cara and Jake went to the other side store. She grabbed a bunch of shirts and pants.
"Come with me!" She grabbed my hand and ran to the dressing rooms. "Stay here, I want you to tell me if I look good or not."
"I can answer that right now." I mumbled
"What?" She asked
"Nothing!" I said and she walked in to a little room. About 2 minutes later she walk's out wearing a blue Sleeping with Sirens shirt and White ripped shorts. "Hot." I said
"Oh, am I now?" She asked and walked up to me putting her arms around my neck. She started playing with my hair and I put my arms around her waist.
"You have pretty eyes." I said looking in her eyes as deeply as I can.
"Thank you," She said and kissed me on my cheek.
Publication Date: November 17th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-ok87930459b4815 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-jessica-kelley-addiction/ | Jessica Kelley Addiction
Black Manor, named for its devious owner and bleak look. No one goes there, no one even drives by. Secluded and secretive is its way. Just how its guests like it.
A white car pulls into the winding driveway, coming to a stop at the end. A woman gets out and saunters to the house. She is too skinny; the lacy dress she is wearing hangs loose.
At the door she is greeted by a shady fellow covered in strange tattoos. He recognizes her and lets her pass. He motions for her to follow him, though there is no need: she has walked this path many times.
Nobody knows she is there, nobody knows of her secret. Not her husband, not her children. They all think she steps away for a smoke. Oh, how wrong they are , she thinks.
She follows the man into the basement, stopping at a locked door. She knocks.
Then an eye peers through the peephole, examining her.
The woman is nervous. Not of being hurt, but of being rejected.
She hears a click and the door opens. A slim figure stands in the doorway, grinning. Some of his teeth have rotted away, most likely from years of drinking and smoking. A scar runs horizontally across his face. From what, she doesn’t know. She’s afraid to ask.
He wraps an arm around her and leads her into the room. “Hey, Baby. You want the usual?” he asks, picking up a syringe. She shakes her head.
“Not enough,” she murmurs.
“You got the cash?”
She nods, pulling a plump paper bag from her purse and handing it to him.
He takes the bag, turns and opens a safe.
The woman turns away; she doesn’t want to see the damn stuff, she just wants to get it over with. She sits down to slow her racing heart.
The man sits beside her with a new syringe. He takes her arm, finds a vein, injects her with the drug.
A tear rolls down her cheek as it begins to take effect. She leans back in her seat.
“Shh,” the man says. “Relax.”
She exhales and the room starts to spin. Her vision dims.
Publication Date: June 12th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-jessicakelley1023 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-bryanna-flirt-039-s-my-middle-name/ | Bryanna Flirt's My Middle Name
Chapter 1* Welcome To Your New Home
" Ralph Hurry Up I'm Ready To Go Now!" I Yell Upstairs To My Twin Brother Ralph Who Is In The Bathroom. See I'm Moving In With Him & His Friends And I'm Too Excited & Ready To See Nigel, My Brother Best Friend. Well Let me Tell You About My Self I'm Lauren Roche My Twin Brother Ralph Roche, Yes We're Named After A Clothing Line Ralph Lauren Polo & Most Of The Time We Have It On. I'm 19, 5'6, Light Caramel Complexion Which Compliments My Hazel/Green Eyes. Mixed With White, Black, And Indian I Have Long Sandy Brown/ Honey Colored Hair That Stops Right Above My Butt! Cute In The Face, Itty Bitty Waist, Wide Hips With A Size 16 Ass. Could Have Any Boy I Want But Choose To Be With My Self Any Day.
" Stop Rushing Me Wench!" He Yells Coming Down The Stairs. I Roll My Eyes & Walk Out The Front Door. Rushing To His Charger I Hop In The Front Seat.
" Damn Girl, You Ready To Move Out!" Float The Window. I Look Up To See My Next Door Neighbor , Jeremy , Standing In Our Yard. I Let Out A Lil' Giggle
" Yeahhhh ... I'll Still Be Visiting Though." I Say Looking In The Rear View Mirror Checking My Hair & Lip Gloss Then Looking Up Again.
" Well, I Guess I'll See You Then." He Say & Walking Away. He Kind Of Looked Hurt. Ralph Came Out The House And Got In The Car, Cranking It Up.
" When We Get To The House I Have A Surprise For You" He Say Then Pull Out The Drive-Way & We Were On Our Way.
* * * *
The House Is Pretty Big 10 Bedroom 4 1/2 Bath A Underground Pool Inside/Outside.The Guys Come Out Of The House & Help Me With All Of My Belongings. Ralph Show Me To My New Room It's Very Big, A Walk-In Closet Connecting To My Bathroom. I Am So Shocked On My Bathroom A Jacuzzi Tub, Walk-In Shower Two Sinks Connecting & A Closet For My Towels & Hygiene Supplies. I Walk Back In My Room Admiring The Lavender Walls, My King Size Bed That Sit High In The Middle Of The Floor Up Against The Wall. My Initials Up Against The Wall Above The Desk With A Touch Screen Computer Sitting On Top.
" Oh My Goshh, That's A Touch Screen Computer! " I Exclaim Hugging Ralph.
" Lauren" He Pause " You're Choking The Shit Out Of Me" I Pull Back & Laugh
" My Bad," I Keep On Talking " I Love My Room! My Favorite Color Purple It's Just So Me" I Almost Start To Cry.
" I Picked Everything Out" He Said Cockily Smiling.
" I Love The Way You Mixed The Different Shades Of Purple Together. The Rug Violet, The Walls Lavender. Thank You!" I Smile Hard!
" You Welcome, Now Let Me Show You Something" He Walked Over To The Wall Length Curtains & Pulled It Back Revealing A Balcony. Sliding The Door Back He Gesture Me To Follow & I Do.
" Now Close Your Eyes" He Stop Me When I Step Out On The Pavement.
" You're Not Going To Throw Me Over, Is You?" I Ask Hesitating. He Let Out A Chuckle.
" No Girl" He Take My Hand Gently And Lead Me Towards The Railing On The Balcony.
" Open Your Eyes!" He Say. I Open My Eyes & Look Around
" What's The Surprise?" I Ask Dryly Thinking He's Pranking Me.
" Look Down" He Say. I Look Down & See A Black On Black Charger & A White Mustang Gt Parked On The Side Of The House!
" Are Those Mines?" I Ask Him Still Looking Down. He Nod His Head
" Yeah They're Yours!" He Say. I Let Out A Loud Squeal & Jumped Up&Down.
I'm Going To Love Living Here Now All That I'm Missing Is Nigel.
" Don't Have No Niggas In There, Especially Driving !" He Demand
" Don't Worry I Won't, Promise!" I Promise Him. He Take The Keys Out Of His Pocket & Hand Them To Me. I Hug Him Tightly & Pull Back Running Through My Run, Down The Stairs, And Out Side Door. I Take Both Of The Cars For A Test Drive & I Love Them!
* * * *
When I Got Back To The House Ralph Was Gone There Was Note On The Island In The Kitchen Next To A Big, Juicy Steak. I Pick It Up & Read:
I Went To Get Some More Groceries & When I Get Back I Want
You To Meet Someone Special. Nigel & The Others Should
Be There If Not Don't Open The Door For Nobody & If You Go Some
Where Make Sure You Let Me Know.
Oh Yeah, Enjoy The Steak I Cooked It :)
Love, Ralphie ♥
I Let Out A Giggle & Put The Note Down. I Heard Someone Coming Down The Stairs. What A Surprise It's Nigel. He Walk In The Kitchen Showing Off His 6-Pack, Wearing Basketball Shorts, Nike Socks, And Nike Slides. I Look At Him Lust In My Eyes.
" What's Up Lauren?" His Sexy Mesmerizing Voice Snap Me Back To Reality.
" Hey Nigel" I Put The Steak In The Microwave & Warm it Up. Once I Take It Out I Put Steak Sauce On It. Then Sit At The Island Grab A Fork & Start Eating.
" Damn This Good" I Say To Myself. I Feel Nigel Staring I Turn To Him.
" You Want Something?" I Ask Sarcastically. He Nod & Lick His Lips
" Can I Get Some Of Your Steak?" He Asked. I Break A Piece Onto The Fork & Gesture Him To Take It Off The Fork. He Bend Down & Eat It Straight Off The Fork.
" I Don't Know Where Your Mouth Been" I Tease Him Giggling.
" Don't Play With Me" He Flash One His Million Dollar Smiles As He Flick Me Off.
" Not So Nice" I Say Pouting. He Kiss Me Softly Shocking Causing Me Not React At First But Then I Start Kissing Him Back He Bite My Bottom, Asking For Entrance. I Keep My Mouth Close. He Groan Against My Lips & Nibble On My Bottom Lip But I Don't Give Him Access. He Runs His Tongue Across My Bottom, I Moan Causing Me To Open My Mouth. He Slide Me His Hot, Juicy, Thick Tongue. As Our Tongue Dance Around, I Begin To Get Hot. I Break The Kiss & Stand Up Grabbing My Plate.
" Why You Stop?" He Smile. I Shake My Head & Walk Out Of The Kitchen. I Plop Down On The Couch & Start Eating With The Remote Control In My Left Hand Flipping Through The Channels Aimlessly. I Stop At Disney Channel & Watch A.n.t Farm.
" Damn, You Still A Big Ass Kid!" He Point Out Chuckling. I Shot Him Playful Evil Glare. " I Like Being A Big Kid, Thank You!" I Smile
" A'yoo!" I Hear Ralph Yell Coming In The Garage. I Hop Up & Run Out To The Garage.
" Help Me With These Groceries" He Say Dragging Multiple Bags Into The House. I Grab A Few Bags Out The Trunk & Walking Into The House Brushing Past Nigel & Ralph.
" Aye Nigel, Where's Markeese?" Ralph Ask Loudly & Nigel Says Something I Couldn't Hear. I Start Putting Up Groceries As They Bring Them In. Once They Get Done Bringing Groceries In They Join Me & Help Put Them Up.
" Aye You Don't Mind Tati Coming Over, Do You?" Nigel Ask Ralph. Tati Is One Of His Many Girlfriends. I Just Call Them Hoes, Tatianna Never Liked Me Because She Think I Want Nigel. I Mean I Do But If She Got Him Like She Claim She Wouldn't Be So Insecure Because Lil' Ole Me! I Roll My Eyes At Nigel As He Smirk.
" Naw I Don't Mind But Uhmm No Being Up All Night. I Gotta Go To Work In The Morning." Ralph Chuckle Sitting The Milk In The Fridge.
" Wow!" I Say To Myself But Loud Enough For Them To Hear Me.
" What?" Nigel & Ralph Ask Simultaneously. I Shake My Head & Let Out A Loud Sigh.
" Nothing" I Walk Out The Kitchen Leaving Them To Put Up The Groceries & Going Upstairs To My Room. I Lay Across My Bed Sliding Off My Shoes. I Don't Know Why It Hurts To Know He Got Somebody Coming Here While I'm Staying Here & That Passionate Kiss We Just Had Probably Meant Nothing To Him. A Tear Slip Out Of My Eye & I Let Them Keep Coming Until I Cry Myself To Sleep.
Chapter 2* My Past Crush
The Next Morning I Woke Up My Eyes Were A Lil' Puffy Not Too Much Where They Knew I Was Crying. I Walk Downstairs & Into The Kitchen. Ralph, Nigel, Markeese, Deshawn, & La'Darius Is Sitting In The Kitchen Eating Cereal. I Flip My Hair Out My Face & Walk Over To The Fridge. I Get A Plum & A Gatorade & Walk Back Upstairs To My Room.
My Phone Begin Ringing, It's My Best Friend JayShawn.
" Hello" I Answer The Phone.
" Hey Bitchhhh!" He Sing. I Laugh & Shake My Head As If He Could See Me.
" Hey My Hoe!" I Say. Me & JayShawn Been Best Friends Since Kindergarten & Yes, He's Gay.
" What You Doing Today?" He Ask Me.
" I Don't Know, I Want To Go To The Mall" I Say Opening My Gatorade & Take A Sip
" Ooh, Come With Us" He Exclaim.
" Who Is Us?" I Question With A Lil' Attitude.
" Me, Hayleigh, RahSheeda, And" He Pause For A While
" And Who?" I Ask
" Taysia" He Mumble
" Hell No, You Know I Don't Like Her!" I Exclaim Walking In The Bathroom
" Please Lauren, Come For Me!" He Beg. I Think It Over
" Okay But I Promise If She Say Something To Me I'm Going Off!" I Say Truthfully.
" Thank You! I'll Come Get You In About 30 Minutes. We Gone Meet Up At RahSheeda House"
" I Can Drive My Damn Self There!" I Say Turning On The Shower
" You Ain't Got No Car No More. Remember You Got It Took" He Laugh
" Fuck You! I Do Have A Car Remember I Don't Stay With My Parents No More" I Say.
" Alright You Better Be Here In 30-35 Minutes" He Say.
" Aiight Bye" I Hang Up Before He Say Anything Else. I Go Back In The Room Get Some Boy-shorts & A Bra Sit It On The Bed & Go Hop In The Shower. Once I Get Out The Shower I Wrap A Towel Around Me And Go Into The Room. I Lotion My Self Down Then Put My Underwear On. I Pick Out Some White Booty Shorts, A White & Black Off The Shoulder Shirt That Show My Stomach & Some Black Sandals. My Phone Start Ringing Alerting Me That I Have A Text.
I Open The Text It's From JayShawn:
Where The Fuck You At Girl ? Hurry Tf' Up !
" So Impatient" I Shake My Head & Giggle. I Don't Even Reply, I Grab My Keys & Wallet & Walk Downstairs Ralph & The Boys Were Watching Nicki Minaj Shake Her Ass In Front Of The Camera. I Shake My Head.
" Nasty Ass Perverts!" I Exclaim " Aye Ralph I Need Some Money To Go To The Mall"
"Who You Going With?" He Ask Digging In His Pocket
" JayShawn" I Say & Ralph Start Screaming As If Somebody Was Trying To Kill Him.
" Don't Say That Name Ever Again!" He Say & I Laugh. Ralph Isn't Homophobic But It's Just Because JayShawn Swear Him & Ralph Belong Together. Ralph Give Me 5 Bills (hundred).
" Thanks I'll Be Back Later" I Go Out The Door & Get In The Car & Leave.
I Got In My Black-on-Black Charger & Leave. Halfway There JayShawn Call My Phone.
" Hello" I Answer Turning Down The Radio Which Blast Future 'Turn On The Lights'
" Where You At?" He Scream In My Ear.
" I Coming Up The Street" I Turn My Music Back Up Loud & Zoom Down The Street.
" Well I'm Gone Stay On The Phone With You 'Til You Get Here" He Say
" Aiight" I Start Singing Along With Future As The Song Came To An End. Slayda Mo Start Singing 'Hard Liquor' I Turn The Radio All The Way Up. Surprised I Didn't Bust My Speakers
" Girl Turn That Shit Down" He Yell in My Ear.
" No This My Fucking Song" I Say. I Turn On RahSheeda Block & Go All The Way Down To Her Brick House & Stop In Front Of It As I Turn Off My Car.
" Who The Fuck Is This Now?" I Hear JayShawn Groan. I Laugh & Get Out The Car. JayShawn Mouth Is Wide Open When He See Me Get Out The Car. I Walk Up To The Porch & Say Hey To Everybody That Is Sitting On The Porch. Just Then Taysia Walk Out The House & Look Me Up&Down. I Just Smile At Her.
" Guh" She Say With A Stank Look On Her Face.
" Ooh I Don't Like You But I'm Not Here For You. So I'm Gone Be Good For JayShawn" I Smirk At Her Then Roll My Eyes At Her. I Walk Into The House & RahSheeda Brothers RahSheed, RahSheen, And NahSheen & Three Other Boys Sitting On The Couches Passing A Blunt. RahSheed Smile At Me And Blow Smoke Out.
" Damn Girl C'Mere Wit'yo Fine Ass" One Of The Unknown Boys Say.
" Tuhh , So Disrespectful!" As I Hug RahSheed & RahSheen. Walking Over To NahSheen The Boy Grab My Hand. I Snatch It Away & Step Over His Legs.
" Hey NahSheen" I Hug Him The Longest I Always Liked Him. He Pull Me Unto His Lap
" Where You Been At?" He Ask Me Sliding His Hand Down My Back.
" I Went Back To My Hometown. I Just Got Back Home Last Weekend & Had To Move In With Ralph. My Mama & Daddy Made A Bad Decision." I Say & He Chuckle.
" Damn , When You Gone Come Chill With Me?" He Ask Smiling Showing Off All His Pretty White Teeth. I Smile Back And Shrug My Shoulders.
" Whenever You Wanna Chill As Long As Your Ole' Lady Don't Join Us Unexpectedly Like Last Time. I Wanna Have To Beat Nobody Up" I Laugh.
" Girl , You Know You Can't Fight" RahSheed Laugh.
" You Got Me Fucked Up With Two Dicks In The Ass" I Throw A Pillow At Him.
" How You Get Over Here?" RahSheen Ask Me.
" I Drove Over Here , Duh!" I Smirk Giggling.
" Yo' Mama Gave You Back Yo' Car?" NahSheen Ask.
" I Got Two New Cars" I Say Doing A Little Dance In NahSheen Lap.
" Aye Watch That You Gone Start Something" NahSheen Grab My Waist.
" I Always Finish What I Start" I Get Up Out Of His Lap "Now It's Time For Me To Go"
" Damn You Ain't Going Say Bye?" NahSheen Grab My Hand And Pull Me Back Into His Lap.
" Bye NahSheen." I Hug Him & RahSheeda Come From The Back Of The House. She Squeal And Run Over To Me And Fall On Top Of Me And NahSheen.
"Oh My Gosh ,I Missed You!" She Scream.
Text: Me Images: Me Editing: Bree Tanner All rights reserved. Publication Date: January 6th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-bookbaby97 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-y-allyvia-that-girl/ | @((Y^!@ Allyvia That Girl To Austin, who, although you're probably not reading this, is the bestest friend ever, for someone who spends half his time watching the ever so climactic NASCAR! :D You've been there for me when I needed you, so, this one's for you!
How I Became That Girl
Every story starts with a boy. Or, maybe, the stories end with a boy....
My story starts when Todd Fisher asked me on a date. I think that story ends about the time I sent him a sexy picture, sans the lace panty set. Yeah, I know, it was stupid. Everyone told me it was. At least, Emma and Meika did. Everyone else avoided me like I had the bubonic plague.
Oh, you haven't even heard the best part. See, the latter note about the sensitive black-blue swelling disease from the Dark Ages was because, of course, the picture was leaked. Even better, he leaked the picture on purpose.
So, here I was, painting my nails Bubblegum Pink when Meika called.
"Saylor, what the fuck have you done," she cried into the phone as I flipped it open, her loud voice making me flinch and pull the cell from my ear. My brows furrowing in annoyance and confusion, I screwed the cap back onto my nail polish and nestled the phone between my shoulder and ear to get a good look at my newly painted pink toes. Todd always liked it when my toes were pink, like cotton candy.
I could just picture Meika's wild black curls shaking as she screamed into the phone like a deranged Justin Timberlake fan. Rolling my eyes and looking up at my ceiling, I frowned. The spackle was cracked and the not-nearly-as-pink-as-the-can-had-promised paint was looking faded. And some of those stupid, glow-in-the-dark stickers were still there from seventh grade... Maybe I should redecorate? I saw this adorable Audrey Hepburn poster at Walls and-
"Saylor, hello?! Are you even listening?!"
In my defense, Meika was the definition of melodramatic. She freaked out when I cut my bangs in ninth grade using a pair of rusty kitchen scissors; she freaked out when Mindy Crenshaw started dating her older brother, Frankie; she freaked when a flimsy, blue dragonfly landed on her shoulder during one of the camping trips I had all but dragged her to in seventh grade.
"Of course I am-"
"Your cookies are all over Facebook," she said, making me stop mid-word. What?! Was this some code-red language for when she finally lost her virginity?
"What? Meika, what are you-"
"Saylor, your ' picture' is all over Facebook," she repeated although this time the message sunk in. The way she emphasized 'picture' was enough for me to clue in. My heart dropping into my stomach and my hands suddenly shaking, I lunged for the laptop that was resting at the foot of my bed.
No. No, this has to be... be some bad dream! Worst nightmare, definately not true. Nope, never true. She's just messing with you , I thought as I logged into my Facebook page.
I didn't check to see if I was breathing, if my heart was beating, when I saw the notification. I was tagged in a picture. My shaking fingers scrolling slowly to the top of the page, I clicked on it. Bile rose in my throat, and my eyes stung with tears. Yep, it was me alright. Naked, posing for that charming boy, the one who tagged me on Facebook. And that, sadly, was how I became That Girl.
How I Met That Charming Boy
Emma, Meika, and I had met That Charming Boy at a party. Frankie tried to flirt with a snobby girl, who just ignored him; Emma giggled; Meika played innocent and watched in, what I swore was rehearsed, horror as amber Jack Daniels dripped down That Charming Boy's stubbled, not-a-boy-but-not-quite-a-man neck; I played hard to get. Todd Fisher liked the chase, almost as much as he liked the kill.
It sounds bloody, 'the kill', and maybe, at first, it was. We tore at each other's throat with banter and zealous make-out sessions. We pretended to hate each other, although I felt a little thrill crawl around in my stomach whenever he made a comment about how I looked or smelled or tasted. Maybe that was the first red flag.
Todd and I didn't hang out, and fall in love like sappy teenagers in a Lifetime movie. Or, at least, he didn't. Nope. We just made out, regularly. At first, it was kind of exciting and fun. At first, I felt like I was on top of the world. At first, being a booty call wasn't all that bad.
Sure, it stung like a bad razor cut when I saw him with another girl, who draped herself around him quite like the way I did. And yes, I cried a few times, for all you who are just dying to know.
I had never had sex with anyone before Todd. See, not everything you hear is true. At my school, I had a four-way with a teacher, the MVP on the wrestling team, and two stoners who had a couple of blunts that we put to good use. Ha-ha! Who comes up with this-- excuse my French-- shit? Probably Missy Crenshaw, although for what reasons I wasn't exactly sure.
I was labeled a slut, for hooking-up with Todd Fisher, the guy everyone wanted to bang. It's not like I slept with him after that first party, and yet I couldn't count on my hands how many girls I had heard 'wanting to have a few go's with him', their words not mine.
I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? Okay, back to the party.
So, here we were, dancing at some lame party and wondering when life would get exciting when BAM! He enters the room. Anticlimactically, no one else really seemed to notice him. But I did. I wondered how someone couldn't. I wanted to scream at the swell of grinding girls and drunk guys that surrounded him, 'Hello?! Do you not see the definition of perfection trying to get through your disgusting sea of cest and sex appeal?!'
He had these viciously cold, ice-blue eyes that made you feel like you were staring into the Arctic Ocean. They were almost grey. I wanted to just drown in the Arctic Ocean from then on. His skin was golden, sprinkled with sandy hair. And, ugh, his hair was like fucking sunshine!
And Sunshine Hair, later dubbed That Charming Boy, later dubbed Todd Fisher, was making his way towards us. I was kind of freaking out... okay, majorly freaking out. I turned to Emma, who was talking to Harry Frey, her crush since seventh grade.
"Emma! See Hottie at six o'clock? Is he looking at me? Is he coming over-"
She looked over my shoulder, before her eyes locked onto him. Blanching, she began stuttering. "Um, Saylor-"
"Shit! Does my hair look okay-?"
"You look fine," a deep, gravelly voice said from behind me. Squeezing my eyes shut in disbelief, I progressed to mentally curse myself. I felt my face flame but turned to face my self-confidence assailant. His hair did look like sunshine. Those grey eyes flickered down to my raggedy jeans and t-shirt before he said, "Although you look a little... underdressed."
My brain went on auto-pilot. After struggling through a few um's and uh's, I finally managed, "How sweet. Is that how you greet everyone you just meet?" The sarcasm in my voice was my natural defense mechanism, although when it came to things like Todd Fisher I felt like a flopping fish stranded on a dry dock.
"Just the cute ones," he shrugged. I rolled my eyes, pretending not to swoon on the inside. First rule to being a bitch: don't be all mushy 'Aww, you said I'm cute!'. It clashes with the whole sarcastic, intimidating image... but in Todd's case it was perfectly acceptable.
"Oh, I'm cute?"
"Sure," he chuckled, before turning away from me and giving Frankie the inevitable bro hug. Great... Frankie, my brother's best friend, knew Sunshine Hair. I wanted to crawl under a rock. Teasingly, Sunshine Hair punched Frankie's shoulder, and gave me a look that made my legs quiver and loins heat up. "Frankie, why didn't you tell me your sister and her friends were such babes?"
Meika raised a brow, partially in disbelief and partially in admittance. Frankie chuckled, his ebony curls bouncing in the process, and shook his head. "Nah, man. Emma is the definition of virgin-"
"Hey," Emma yelped, her shoulder length blond hair held back by a 'not pink, Saylor. Peach. Peach!' headband that gave you a headache if you looked for an inappropriately long amount of time. It was almost a blinding shade of 'peach! Jesus, Saylor, learn your colors!'.
"-and my sister is... well, my sister. Saylor here though," he grinned, clapping a hand onto my shoulder, "is a tough bitch."
"Although," Meika said tossing those ebony curls I was immensely envious of, "I do love a good compliment."
Sunshine Hair grinned, his eyes flickering between the two of us. He looked as though he were trying to decide something. From me-- not quite hazel, not quite brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, slightly sunburned skin-- to Meika-- bright green eyes that left you speechless, enviable glossy black curls, and flawless olive skin. Something shifted in his eyes, something almost predatory, that made his Artic Ocean pools darken. He then, as though finally making a decision, turned towards me, his plump pink lips pulling into a smile
"Saylor... it's different. I like it," he smiled, leaning closer. I smelled like sweat and tanning lotion, from when Meika, Emma, and I had layed out in Emma's pool earlier that day. My makeup was probably melting down my face. And yet, Sunshine Hair was flirting. He held out a strong, calloused hand and put on that charming smile once again. "I'm Todd. Todd Fisher."
How My Best Friend's Brother Became a Friend
"Saylor, Todd isn't exactly a good guy-"
"He's perfect, Frankie! Why hadn't I met him sooner," I cried, slapping his arm playfully. It was after the party. After Todd asked for my number; after Emma threw up on the rug of the host's; after Meika grew bored and dragged me from Todd; after Frankie struck out with Kim Hammers... for the fifth time.
Frankie, the only one in any condition to drive, had already dropped Emma and Meika off at home, leaving the two of us to sit in awkward silence as I dreamed of Todd Fisher. Saylor Fisher. Leaning into my open palm, my eyes sparkling even in the dark night, I let my cheek press against the cool glass of Frankie's Jeep. Todd Fisher... too perfect.
"I'm just saying, he has a history. I don't want you to get hurt," he insisted, giving me an almost brotherly look. I snorted and rolled my eyes.
"Please stop stealing lines from movies and drop me off at home, loser," I sighed, teasingly giving him a cheeky smile. He didn't return it, and only pulled into my driveway. We lurched to a stop, and he exhaled loudly and let his head fall against the steering wheel.
"Saylor... Saylor, I love you, but you're going to get bit in the ass if you poke this bear," he promised, looking up at me from beneath dark lashes and heavy brows. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"Thank you for the crappy analogy Frankie, but, really, I can take care of myself. I'm a tough bitch, remember," I laughed, before giving his hand a squeeze and slinging my purse over my shoulder. He didn't look at me, and only glanced out the driver's window. I opened my door, and slipped out of the Jeep, my sandals hitting the cement with a smack .
"Ahh... Do I detect a look of disapproval in your eyes," I asked, grabbing my pretend perfume bottle and spraying some in his direction. "Tough beans, buddy, 'cause that's the way it's gonna be." He didn't seem to understand my reference, and only rolled his eyes and started up the Jeep once again.
"Whatever. Goodnight, Saylor," he sighed crossly before putting the car in reverse. As he pulled out of the driveway, I cried, "Golightly. Holly Golightly! "
I wanted to angrily bash my head against the kitchen table the next morning.
I woke up to the sound of Beacon screaming into my ear about breakfast, and a garble of toast crumbs flying into my ear like minature meteors. Little brothers were disgusting; little brothers while having a hangover was like God punishing you. Grumbling and trying to get all the salivated burnt toast crusts out of my ear, I pulled the covers from my body and reached blindly for the terry bathrobe I had lying somewhere around here. My head pounded, and the light that strained through the dark purple drapes was blinding.
Peeking out at me from beneath a pile of quasi-clean clothes that had been lying in shambles on my floor for months, I finally found the robe, and pulled it on.
"Saylor, breakfast," my mother called from downstairs. 'Thanks Mom,' I thought sarcastically, 'I hadn't figured that when your evil spawn nearly fried my eardrums.'
Trotting down the creaky stairs, the smell of black coffee tickled my nose. I hated black coffee; my mother loved it; my father used to drink it straight, before he died. I stumbled into the kitchen, still groggy and fogged, and collapsed into one of the rickety oak chairs. Next to me sat Hope, her wide brown eyes studying me like she had never seen a hangover before. Well, she was three.
"Morning," my mother said, her voice monotonous, her back facing me. She, hair held at the nape of her neck, was skeletal and had tired, crying eyes that were red and puffy. Filling a coffee cup with shaking hands, she set it in front of me, like a zombie. Now would be the time my father would enter the kitchen. He'd jog into the kitchen, whistling off-tune, and place a big fat kiss on my mother's cheek. He would have the newspaper in hand, and tap me on top of the head with the roll, chuckling about my bedhead.
It was kind of fucked up, how he died. He served in the Navy SEALs for almost fifteen years before getting in a car crash right by the local Get N' Go. That's how we Remington kids got our names. My dad used to say, 'Every sailor has to find their beacon of hope.' Well, now I have both Beacon and Hope. Literally.
"I got really drunk last night," I said, taking the coffee cup and getting from my spot at the kitchen table. She didn't bat a lash when I turned towards the sink and dumped the contents of the cup down the drain.
"That's nice," she muttered, sounding just as monotonous. She didn't meet my eye, as I arched a brow and glared at her from in front of the sink.
Our kitchen was tiny. She looked at the powder blue fridge that was older than the both of us. She looked at the green kettle that was moldy and had been sitting in the sink for months now. She looked at Hope, who was sitting in her chair, looking at me from beneath camel lashes and doe eyes. She couldn't avoid my eye contact forever, but she seemed very hell-bent on trying.
"What does drunk mean," she asked, her grubby fingers pulling at the hem of the grubby t-shirt I hadn't changed out of from the night before. Her mouth was full of toast and jelly, making her fingers sticky to the touch.
"Nothing," I mumbled, biting the inside of my cheek, "And, you know, Mom, I met this guy. I think I'm going to have sex with him. Like crazy, hard-core sex."
She didn't even flinch.
"What's sex," Hope asked again. I sighed, and turned towards her. We all looked like our dad. Same pert little nose, same copper brown eyes, same tingy dirty blonde hair.
"It's when a boy puts his key in a girl's... key hole," I muttered, grabbing a washcloth from the white, wood drawer under the sink and wet it with warm water. After picking Hope out of her seat and balancing her on my hip, I began to wipe off her face.
"So, when Pete Henry gives me the key to his-"
"Okay, go get ready for school," I cried, loosening my grip on her, and setting my sister on the floor. After she scampered out of the kitchen, I pulled out a chair across from my mother.
She wore one of my dad's old t-shirts, and you could see the lining of her periwinkle underwear that bagged and sagged. The glint of the dark dog tags caught my eye, and I felt my stomach roll.
"Um, Mom," I said quetly. Her eyes flickered from the long L shaped cut in the oak table to the cup of cooling coffee. "Mom, are you going to work today?"
"Maybe... maybe," she mumbled, her eyes lost and cloudy. I thnk that's why I messed up so badly. My mother was sick; my siblings were a handful; my dad was dead. I needed to feel safe. Unfortunately, that was in the arms of Todd Fisher.
How My Best Friend's Brother Saw Me Naked
"Jesus, that motherfucking asshole. I am going to kill him," Meika seethed, rubbing my back as I sobbed into her pillow. She had everything. Ice cream, old Audrey Hepburn movies and shirtless Channing Tatum movies, pillows, Kleenex's were piled around us. The tissue box was empty though.
The shirtless movies only reminded me of the shirtless picture. The ice cream made me think of the pale bit of chub that had showed in the picture. The pillows reminded me of the way I fell back onto my bed, naked, after taking the picture.
A loud knock at the door made us both jump, and I looked up to see Frankie standing in the doorway. He wasn't as greasy anymore. Nope, since dating Mindy Crenshaw he had become the perfect gentlemen. Instead of making the expected 'Hey, Saylor, I saw your picture. You're kinda hot naked,' he just blushed.
"Uh... the p-pizza's here, Meika. And Saylor," he added, nodding at me. I raised a weak hand, letting it fall back into my lap with a hallow slap of skin against skin. Meika chewed her lips before jumping from the bed.
"I'll go get that pizza."
An awkward, pregnant pause built in the room as she shuffled out the doorway. Frankie still hung in the doorway, his large frame awkwardly smushed against the door frames; he wouldn't look at me. At one point in time, Frankie and I would tease each other about everything. Anything. I knew his biggest secrets; he knew mine. Clearing his throat, his cheeks still burning, Frankie broke the silence.
"I told him not to send it, Saylor... I'm sorry. I-I should have... I don't know," he mumbled, his dark brows furrowing. My face flamed. He had seen it. Fuck. Frankie Lopez had seen me naked. Shit. Fuck. I want to die.
"Please don't make me talk now. I-I'm on the verge of throwing up," I mumbled, glaring at the laptop I had lugged to Meika's house. We tried to call Emma, but she had band lessons. The Facebook page glared at me, teased me. I felt the bile begin to rise in my throat everytime I glanced its way.
"Right... Look, Saylor. What people are saying... I sitll think you're a tough bitch, you know that right?"
I laughed, a dry humorless laugh, and bit my bottom lip. Tough bitches could take a sexting scandal, right? "Totally, Frankie."
"And... Saylor, I don't want this ," he said, his face flaring red once again, motioning to what would be breasts on the female anatomy, "to ruin the relationship... between us."
"Of course, Frankie," I smiled, a deviousness sparking my interest when I added, "And you know, we could fix that. You'v seen mine, now I need to see yours."
I swore the kid would faint. His eyes grew wide and his jaw slacked slightly. The tinge of pink returned to his cheeks, and he shifted, a dark brow arched. I felt like I was under inspection, when his eyes roamed my body and his breath came out odd and shaky.
"Okay, bitches," Meika cried, making us both flinch as she stormed back into the bedroom, a grease-spotted box of Tino's in hand, "how are we getting revenge on this sick prick?"
"I-I'm going to go take a shower," Frankie mumbled, his breathing shaky.
"Maybe a cold one, Frankie-boy," I snorted, and Meika gave me a look.
"Were you trying to seduce my brother," she asked once it was just he two of us.
"No. We were plotting revenge," I insisted, reaching for the box of pizza between us and attempting to distract myself with a piece of greasy cardboard and pizza sauce. She just rolled her eyes and plopped down onto the bed, grabbing a piece of pizza for herself from the spotted box. I glanced at the Facebook page once more, my lighter mood darkening. I had reported the picture, but the only thing that had happened was the unlimited supply of comments weighing down on my chest.
Ew. Her boobs sag lol
This is disgusting. Ho.
Id thought shed look httr naked... DX
Wtf !!! someone has daddy issues
Anger making me cry out, I slammed the laptop shut.
"Saylor," Meika smiled half-heartedly, "we're going to get him back. I promise."
How Mindy Ruined Everything
"He's so going to dump your ass," Mindy Crenshaw snapped, glaring at me from across the cement and chlorine oasis we were tanning on. I didn't bother reminding her Todd and I weren't even dating, and instead raised a brow, lifting my sunglasses to get a good look at her. Meika, Emma, and Frankie had left the pool for five minutes; it took her half of one before insulting me.
"Whatever," I muttered, grabbing hanful of chips that were sitting on the hot concrete between us and stuffing it into my mouth. What did Mindy Crenshaw know about guys, except how to make them less sloppy, I wondered as I made a face and munched on chips. Eyeing her with the decent amount of dubious annoyance, I rolled my eyes.
The sound of Todd and a few of his friend's splashing in the pool put me at ease. He was here, with me. Sure, he introduced me as 'my friend, Saylor, who can hook us up with some good shit' to the few of his friends who had scraggled with, but I didn't let it bug me too much.
"I'm just saying, he's getting bored. You won't put out, and you probably suck at kissing. Honestly, why is he with you," she continued. She was just the poster-child for self-confidence bulldozing. Giving me an icy glare and her upper lip curling into a snarl that reminded me of a rabid dog, she added, "I mean, Frankie and I have a great relationship. We never get bored of each oher."
"I bet," I swooned mockingly, my voice sounding breathless and awed. The plastic strip of the chaise lawn chair dug into my thigh, the smell of chlorine attacking my nostrils. The cement was hot under my feet as I jumped from my spot in the sun and stretched, the lining of my bikini riding up a bit.
Mindy, jumping at the oppurtunity, added, "I mean, that least you could do is send him a nipple shot or something. I feel kinda bad for the boy." She sighed, laying back down in her chair and adjusting her sunglasses. "He's chained to a tease."
Before I could snap some icy comment back, the sliding of the glass door announced something to keep my mind off the seeds she had planted in my head.
"Hey, girlies, we've got the best tipsy Arnold Palmer on this side of the state," Meika cried, right before parading over and handing me an embelished, pink-umbrella-ed drink. The side of the glass was sweaty, the inside promising cold, sweet iced tea, Emma's mother's homemade lemonade, and half a bottle of Grey Goose. I smiled over the lip of the drink before taking a gulp. Squelching the summer heat, I smiled at the sour and sweet taste swathing my mouth.
"And I have been dubbed 'Most Secure in his Manhood' especially if I can carry this frilly shit around with me," Frankie laughed, helping Emma as she carried out a nicely set tray finalized with a pitcher of sweet tea, another tall pitcher of lemonade, and a flower arrangement that made me wonder where the fun juice went. Meika, sensing my confusion, grabbed her purse and exposed the neck of the familiar bottle from behind the purple fabric of her fake Prada.
"Just be glad my parents went to their all-day Jesus convention," Emma insisted, setting down the tray and falling back into her chair. I couldn't help but notice she only had a straight lemonade.
We all adorned our swimsuits, the girls' skimpy, the guys' clinging to their legs, soaking wet. Todd, Kyle, and Gage, all sopping, climbed out of the pool, cheering as grabbed the remainging glasses and chugged the stuff like they had grown on it. Todd smiled at me, from over the rim of his cup. Meika scowled.
"C'mon, Saylor," Todd teased, placing his cup on the concrete by my chair, "you gonna get in the water or what?"
"Mhm," I sighed, taking another drawling sip of hard lemonade, and shook my head. "How about 'or what'?"
"Sorry, babe," he exhaled, plopping down on the edge of my chair and sending my stomach into a tizzy when he said 'babe'. The droplets of water that fell off his tanned, broad chest pooled onto the plastic, trickling towards me until they fell in between the cracks and onto the hot cement below. I met his Arctic blue eyes and admired the blond hair that clung to his sopping forehead. "But, your answer is invald."
Before I could figure out what he meant, his arms wrapped around me and I was hoisted from my spot. Thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, I couldn't decide if it was insanely hot that he was carrying me, or a death wish.
"Todd," I yelped, my weak hands fisting against his back, my legs swinging but getting me nowhere. "Todd! Todd, put me down!"
My wish was eventually granted, Todd throwing me mercilessly into the pool before cannon-balling in afterwards. My tanned, warm skin prickled with goosebumps as the cool, contrasting water engulfed me. Chlorine fought through my nasal passages, bringing an insufferable burn with them. Opening my eyes, I watched as frothy bubbles began to subside from the surface, and a tangle of tan, muscular limbs tread water next to me. I think we broke the surface at the same time, breathing hard and laughter bubbling from his throat.
"Oh, you should have seen your face," he chuckled, shaking his head like a dog and letting droplets fly through the air, miniature water missiles. I scowled at him, and the water missiles slapping against my face, and pushed his arms from me, placing distance between us.
"That wasn't funny! My makeup is probably running down my face," I huffed, although I coudn't help but smile also. A mocking sad face, worn as a mask on his strong features, teased me, his golden arms wrapping around my middle.
"Saylor," he sighed, raising a brow teasingly. "Oh, c'mon, I think you're still pretty cute."
Publication Date: July 10th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-agarza1999 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-destinee-h-temptation-1/ | Destinee.H Temptation #1 Thugs Need Love To......
Trinity | RING RING. Ughh who tf calling me this early in the morninn! "Hello!!" "Trinity ...? " She cried. "Saphire the fuck you crying for ?!" "They jumped me!" she sobbed. " O shit i told your ass to stay low , ill be there in 5 minutes" O hell no see every time Saphire calles me its with some drama type bullshit, but she apart of my clique so im never trippin.I threw my juicy couture suit on my back and grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter . Damn i told reese i'd meet him for dinner tonight , ... he wont mind he know i'd jump in fire for Saphire no matter when or where. Maybe i should call him and still let him know. O shit its 5 oclock in the morning let me text him. Text To Reese: Baby i cant make dinner tonight imma go chill with saphire today. Reese| Beep Beep ( Phone ). "Aye saphire she coming , gimme my pants. " " iiight baby , so how dis shit gonna work ... she comes here then what?" she said. " Dont worry bout that part just stay back here in this room " i said loading my gun. Trinity was my one and only love , but the little side hustle shit she was doing behind my back is what threw her fine ass off track. I hate to have kill someone so damn sexy she was 5'7 slim sexy brown skin with a booty halle berry would be jealous of , she never cheats never questions me .She just dont know how to keep her mouth closed , so she dies .. Today. " Would you kill me ? " she whispered. "What ?!" i snorted. " If i was to say something bout the deal would you just kill me off like trini , would you claim you love me then put a bullet in my chest" she said "Yes. Now get dressed ." i said with a stone cold look in my eyes. " Dis aint girl scouts saphire , we nigga's dont play round here if you cant handle the heat i suggest you leave. But dont leave thinking you any better than i am , cause your ass sittin here naked waiting on the same person." i shouted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saphire| I love trinity with every bone in my body but she had the perfect nigga to love her so i took him , she had the nicest crib i've seen in my life so I get reese to buy mea bigger one . She has the perfect life and I want it. Trinity Dolce| Damn how did Saphire get jumped that bitch told me she was gonna stay in tonight... Hold the hell upp ! Beep Beep ( Phone Call). " Wat up blood ?" "Marcus your there , Didnt you and Saphire have a date or something last night ?!" I said concerned. " Yea nigga she was trippin all night , checkin her phone and shit we left bout 12:00 , why?" "Nigga did you take her home !?" I screamed. " Hell nahh , she slept at my crib till she left at like 4 then she called me when she got home i heard some nigga talkin in the back , yo girl nasty as fuck " he laughed. " Huh? That dont make sense she called me at five saying she got jumped and what did you hear in the back! " " She forgot to hang up the damn phone ole' girl a freak , screamin dis nigga reese name like she was crazy or some shit hahahaaa!!" click. Saphire has always been a hoe I never expected that shit to change, but she always knew when to fucking stop, I think im gonna have to remind her who's running this shit!! Breathhe Trinity , Breatheee. Shawty fucking my man on the low thats cool cause I got something for that ass. But why did she want me at her house if she didnt really get jumped ....? Maybe she was tryna jump me , or .... scare me. God I need to figure this shit out let me turn this car around . Marcus Dolce| Dis bitch just gon hang up on me... Beep Beep (Phone Call ). " Yesss what youu want boy?!" " Mannn shut yo ass up wasnt sayin that last night when you was on this dickk hahah " I laughedd. " Wtf do you want marcus I got shit to do besides talk to you ass!" Saphire screamed. " Yea like fuckin Reese? ... Now drive over here we need to talk" i said calmly " Im on my way " she mumbled. Saphire| Grabbing my keys I said " Reese i gotta go , cant we like reschedule dis shit" "WTF TRINITY WHY YOU ALWAYS TRYNA BAIL OUT ON SHIT!!" Reese shouted. I turned around so fast I almost fell. " Tf who did you call me ?!"I said through clenched teeth. " Just leavee " He mumbled. "Excuse youuu this my damn house" " But who the fuck bought it !!!" he smirked. "Marcus did dumbass" I smiled as I was walking out the door. Reese| Text To Trinity : Im coming over. Text From Trinity: Im at Saphire crib. What .... the hell is going on . Trinity aint here , IM HERE. She aint even come when Saphire said she was hurt , and Saphire ran away last minute. These bitches probaly working together. Hmmm what if this bullsit backfire on me, It might be a little harder to kill Saphire than it is to kill Trinity. Saphire has to many people watching her and if she were to dissapear it would attract attention. Ringg ringg. " Was up ma , where you at trini" " Im at saphire place she wanna go shoppin at the galleria so i might not be home till 8 " she said . " iight tell saphire I said wat up " Trinity Dolce| Shit ... Shit .. Shit wtf am I going to do . Reese lying , Saphire a dirty bitch , and marcus clueless. "This baby in my stomach cant live like this ." I mumbled "So what we gonna do about ." Romaine said loading his gun. "Nothing yet let's just wait for him to come out" i whispered. " Think about all the shit he has done to you Trinity plus him and that girl tryna kill you , put your fears behind you and take care of buisness " he spat. " I still love him , think about what you would do if you were in my shoes." "I wouldnt wear them adidas I know that " he chuckled. " Shhh , I think thats him right there" I said pointing to the side walk where Marcus was walking. " Lets go then." he said twisting his gun sideways aiming at marcus head.
"Wait.. Stopp... i cant thats my brother " I sobbed.
" Trinity you know him and reese know about us, what if they find about this baby ... i need to make a better life for you and my child and if that mean killing everyone till i get things right .... then say goodbye." Romaines eyes where black and had all types of seriousness in them. " Trinity are you gonna say bye " he said in his deep menacing voice. As i closed my eyes and thinked it over i took a deep breathe and mumbled out
" Shoot"
As lights turned on i sped off in my car , not knowing if my choice was right not knowing where this would lead but i knew romaine oakley dolce jr. was gonna be alright.
" Are you ok trini ." romaine said looking deeply out the window.
" Are you .. " I replied as quickly as he askedd.
"Yeaa babyy why" he askedd
" You shouldnt be." I saiid slammming my breaks so hard i almost went out the windshield.
"Is it that naturall for you ? To kill niggas and keep moving... If i wanted another reese i would of kept fucking him! " I shouted angry and confused. When out of thin bloody air i felt a hand gripped around my neck. " DONT EVER COMPARE ME TO THAT NIGGA THE FUCk WRONG WITH YOU TRINI ..... I'd giv youu anything in this world and its still not good enough ! You selfish bitchh" romained screamed . "take me home" he whispered as he released my neck.
Text: Destinee.H Images: Destinee.H Editing: Destinee.H Translation: Destinee.H All rights reserved. Publication Date: February 1st 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-trulyfinelotus |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-deon-lattimore-behind-the-walls/ | Deon Lattimore Behind The Walls The Ghetto Girl TO ALL THE TRILL BITCHES THAT GOT SOMETHING GOING ON FRFR THO!
My mother was a drunkard. She was never at home but you can bet when she was that the whole neighborhood knew she was back. Her mouth, her mouth was so loud. She was the direct opposite of myself. I was so soft spoken and I didn't like anything but my music. I could sing. Boy could I sing. But who would have known my singing would end my life. But anyways, we'll get back to that. "Yes Wanda." I called her on the fact that she didn't like to be called mama because she thought she was still young. "Go down to the corner store and get me a bud light." She said laying next to some stranger she had brought back home with her this time. My thoughts were she didn't know a thing about him. All she was worried about was his money and how much liquor she could buy with it. I shook my head every time she drunk because I knew everytime she she drunk something I was in for a beating when she had nothing else to do. "Ok." I walked down to the corner store with my head down as usual. And as usual some man older than me tried to holler at me. Mama beat me every time she heard some man tried to talk to me from a neighbor and everyone knew that. Sometimes I was taunted because of that. To tuned out the men though I would always just sing louder. I know that made the men in the neighborhood think I was crazy but all my life my songs, my music, have comforted me. When I made it to the corner store Old Man Chan was there to greet me as always. He was an old man with old school charm. He was the perfect gentleman and he always complemented me on my beauty and voice. I liked him. "Hey there old man." I walked in with a smile. "Hey there beau-ty-full." His accent hesitated the words. "Nice day today, huh." I said. "Yes, yes, very nice." He said. I walked back to the back where the alcoholic beverages were to the bud lights. As I walked I sung and I swayed my hips. Old Man Chan liked when I came in with my song. He said it filled the air with love. "Its hard out there to find a man like you A man who can do the things you do Take care of family pay bills when due Ass good man to me and my kids too." I sung As I sung a man looked at me over some racks. I could sense it but I didn't look. I just walked back up the ailsle with the beer and to the counter. "That's all?" Old Man Chan said. "That's all." "Misery, its on the house. I know one day your voice will shine to millions and you'll look out for me." Old Man Chan smiled. "Aw, sure I will old man. Sure I will." I smiled back at him. "What if that day could be soon?" A man said from the back of me. I turned around to him. When I turned around I wished I hadn't. I dropped the fucking beer on the floor like a retard. I was shocked that the man was so fine. His hair was curly. He was mixed with something. I'm not sure what it was though. He stood about 6'2 and his earrrings were blinding me. His smile. His smile when he saw how I looked at him was genuinely breathtaking. Considering this was the first man who ever made me feel this way I felt stupid. "Aw dang, I'm sorry Mr. Chan. I'll give you the money for it and clean it up." I apologized. "No, no, no.....just go get another one." He shoo'ed me away. I walked back to the back to get the beer. And then I thanked Mr. Chan again. "Thanks again." "No problem." He said as he cleaned up the mess. Mr. Handsome was nowhere to be found by the time I made it to the door. This was kind of a good thing. I didn't want to chance anyone seeing me talk to him. "Hey, hey, hey. Can I talk to you for a second about that there voice of yours? Its beautiful." He said. "No I'm fine. And thanks I've been told that alot." I said shyly and walked away. "Wait, I'm a producer and manager. I can take you places. Trust I've done it before. Just at least take my card." I smiled. "Thanks." And again I walked away without ever planning on calling him at all. To be continued............
Publication Date: October 17th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-ym2ec4b48d20625 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-nia-howze-a-cheater-039-s-diary/ | Nia Howze A Cheater's Diary the life of a cheater
Saniyah(girl who he’s cheating with)
James(friend of Justin)
Stacy(best friend of star/Justin)
Raina(sister of star)
Narrator(Nia Howze)
First Scene:
Narrator: it all starts at a party that was hosted by star and Stacy who are best friends and they both liked this boy named Justin but he ended up liking star so Stacy gracefully stepped down because she didn’t want a boy to come in between their friendship but that’s not what I could say for Saniyah.
Star: hey Saniyah what’s up?
Saniyah: nothing much same old same old. What about you?
Star: nothing much just life pretty much
Saniyah: oh well that’s good. So how’s Justin?
Narrator: now star wondered to herself why would she ask a question like that as if it was actually any of her business
Star: ugh he’s ok. Why do you ask?
Saniyah: no reason
Narrator: later on that day Star meets up with Justin on her porch
Justin: Hey boo what’s up
Star: nothing much. But I have a question for you.
Justin: ok what is it?
Star: do you talk to Saniyah?
Justin: WHAT!!? Why did you just ask me that?
Narrator: asking star that question as if he hadn’t over dramatized the word what.
Star: just because she was acting real funny today and then she asked about you .
Justin: so what people can’t ask about me now?
Star: no but she said it like she was up to something. But any way why did you get so defensive
Justin: I wasn’t defensive. I was just shocked that you asked me that question
Star: yea ok
Narrator: Star was still a little suspicious but she let it go for now and they went on about their day.
Narrator: later on that day Star met up with Stacy, Saniyah, and her sister Raina at the park.
Raina: so how is my brother in law Justin? (Raina & Star laugh) What have ya’ll been up to?
Star: what do you mean what have we been up to (Star laughs)?
Raina: nothing Star (Raina laughs)
Narrator: Justin walks past to go to the store and the only one that sees him is Saniyah.
Saniyah: I have to go. I will talk to you guys later.
Everyone: ok, Bye
Narrator: Saniyah runs down the street after Justin. Star quickly looks down the street and sees what she is actually running after and she sees its Justin. So she gets angry.
Star: OMFG are you serious!!!!!!
Second Scene:
Saniyah: hey Justin slow down.
Justin: yow what’s good?
Saniyah: I’m saying I know you go with Star right now but that don’t mean we can’t hook up. I mean I know u think I’m sexy
Justin: yea you are fine. But I couldn’t do that to her she’s my all
Saniyah: yea but what she don’t know won’t hurt her
Justin: ugh I don’t know let me think about it.
Saniyah: ok but you give me a call when you decide
Narrator: Saniyah hands Justin her phone number. And she goes home and an hour later Justin is at Saniyah’s door ready to hook up with her.
Justin:(knock, Knock ) on Saniyah’s door
Saniyah: so I guess you’re ready?
Justin: yea I am
Saniyah: cool come on in (they head up to saniyah’s room)
Saniyah: it’s ok just calm down like I said what Star doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
Justin: yea you’re right I should calm down.
Narrator: eventually one thing leads to another and they ended up sleeping together.
Justin: you don’t know how long I have waited for that from Star. So thank you!
Saniyah: (she laughs) yea she can be difficult sometimes can’t she?
Justin: yea she can. Well I guess I should get home so I will see you tomorrow.
Saniyah: ok. Oh are you coming back over later tomorrow to well you know?
Justin: yea I’ll be here
Saniyah: good. Bye
Justin: see you
Narrator: so for the next couple of nights Justin had been going over to Saniyah’s house nonstop. And he hadn’t talked to Star in a while so she started to get even more suspicious.
Star: (ring, Ring) she calls Justin, hey where have you been
Justin: hey I just been hanging with my boys and my family a lot
Star: yea ok
Justin: yea ok what?
Star: nothing I just said yea ok
Justin: oh well I got to go babe, so I will talk to you tonight at the party
Star: ok bye
Narrator: as soon as he gets off the phone with Star he runs to Saniyah’s house to get what he needs to get through the night that good loving.
After he leaves Saniyah’s he gets ready to go to the party and when he gets their tension builds up.
James: yo what’s up bro?
Justin: bro a lot woo I been getting the work from that fine Shorty Saniyah
James: word bro how you do that?
Justin: bro I don’t even k now she just started tweaking me so I was like hey why ignore some ones strong feelings toward me I should take recognition
James: ooo I wish I was hooking up with her because woo I need some good loving right now, but do Star know
Justin: bro come on now, do you think I would tell her that like really
James: yea you right but I just don’t hope you get caught up in your lie
Justin: oh don’t worry I won’t
James: yea ok
Justin: I won’t
Third Scene:
Star: hey Stacy
Stacy: hey guess what I saw tonight
Star: what?
Stacy: I saw your boyfriend Justin coming out of Saniyah’s house just an hour before he got here.
Star oh wow well I’m not going to jump to conclusions until I see something that would lead me to be worried.
Narrator: later on at the party Saniyah goes up to Justin and tells him that she is really feeling him and she wanted it to t go further than sex. But he felt different.
Saniyah: yo Justin I would like for this to go some where
Justin: what are you talking about?
Saniyah: us you know we been hooking up for about a month or two now don’t you think we should become more than just sex buddies I mean seriously
Justin: oh please you are the one who said you just wanted to hookup and nothing more
Saniyah: I know that but I am actually starting to feel you and want to be with you
Justin: yea well I don’t so I think we should just stick to what we are doing and just that. Now if you’ll excuse me I am going to go talk to my girl friend Star.
Star: hey what where ya’ll talking about?
Justin: oh nothing she just asked me a question about my brother
Star: WHAT!
Justin; yea she likes him you didn’t know
Star: huh no I didn’t
Narrator: so star was starting to think something was going on so she started to get more nosey in what Justin was doing just so she can be sure if something was happening.
Justin: (knock, knock) he knocks on Saniyah’s door for their usual fling
Saniyah: yes what do you want?
Justin: man stop playing you know what I’m here for
Saniyah: man? Do I look like a man to you?
Justin: yo what’s your problem?
Saniyah: my problem is all you want is sex and I want something more than that and it seems like you just can’t give me that
Justin: yo why are you stressing this so much?
Saniyah: because, I just am
Justin: no I don’t think so that’s not a good enough reason
Saniyah: you want a good reason Justin?
Justin: yea I do
Saniyah: fine, I’m PREGNANT!!
Justin: WHAT!!!
Fourth Scene:
Justin: yo you’re a liar, like why do you lie so much
Saniyah: why would I need to lie about something like this like do you want to see the test?
Justin: ok so if you are what do you want me to do about it it’s not mine
Saniyah: yes it is you’re the only one I have been with so there for it is yours, and I want you to step up and be a father when this baby is born.
Justin: yea whatever I won’t believe you until I you see a doctor and I see the results.
Saniyah: ok I’ll go see one tomorrow but in the mean time I think you should tell your girlfriend.
Justin: ha why would I do that?
Saniyah: oh wow, you know what then don’t I really don’t care, all I care about is that you step up when this baby is born
Justin: yo don’t worry if there is a baby I will
Narrator: later on that day Justin thought about it and thought that he should step up and tell Star about Saniyah. So he went to her house.
Star: hey babe what’s up?
Justin: yo I think you should sit down for this
Star: why what’s wrong?
Justin: ok so I have been cheating on you with Saniyah
Star: WHAT THE……
Justin: hold on theirs more she says she is pregnant to and the baby is mine.
Star: OMFG are you kidding me really Justin get out of my house now we are done lose my number don’t talk to me where done, over, no more now get out
Justin: babe just calm down and give me a chance to explain
Star: there is nothing to explain you cheated and you are having a baby by another woman. Get out of my house
Justin: alright but I just want you to know I still love you and don’t forget that
Star: if you loved me then you wouldn’t have done what you did, now get out
Justin: fine, I just hope that you don’t miss me have a nice life
Star: don’t worry I will.
Narrator: the next day Justin and james got onto the bus to go to work at their summer camp.
James: bro what’s wrong with you? Yo have been acting weird ever sence we left your house.
Justin: man bro I am just stressing
James: well why are you stressing? Something happened with that girl Saniyah you was messing with?
Justin: yea bro. first she gonna say that she wants a real relationship so I said that she needs to give me a reason and she gonna say just because and I said but no that is not a good reason.
James: oh wow that’s crazy
Justin: then to top it off she gonna say that she is pregnant.
James: YO!!!! That is crazy. Was she lying?
Justin: I don’t even know bro so I said I am not going to believe you until I hear it from a doctor not a pee stick that turns the colors blue and pink.
James: yea bro I feel you. I wouldn’t either
Narrator: after work Justin went to Saniyah’s house to see if she had went to the doctors.
Justin: yo what’s up Saniyah
Saniyah: hey
Justin: yo let’s stop playing games did you go to the doctor’s office or not?
Saniyah: yea I did
Justin: so what did they say are you pregnant?
Saniyah: they said that I am but it’s too early to tell what I am having.
Justin: ugh this is great. Well I will just step to and be a man and take care of my child
Saniyah: yea you better. Because I am not taking care of this baby by my self
Justin: yea I know that and I will help out .
Saniyah: good. Now did you tell your girlfriend?
Justin: ex-girlfriend and yea I did she broke up with me
Saniyah: ok so can we be together now?
Justin: no Saniyah I told you that and not after I just broke up with my girlfriend
Saniyah: fine then whatever
Fifth Scene (last scene):
Narrator: Justin goes to Star’s house to find that she was not happy to see him and that she was with her best friend Stacy who also was not at all happy to see him.
Star: what do you want?
Stacy: exactly why are you here? You are certainly not wanted
Justin: man shut up ain’t nobody talking to you.
Star: excuse me but nobody was really talking to you all like that.
Justin: sorry but anyway I was just coming to see if you would forgive me and give me a second chance.
Stacy: what is he crazy?
Star: Stacy be quite. Any way no why would I do that you cheated you can’t be trusted. Now we can be friends but that’s it
Justin: but babe I apologized for that and it will never happen again
Star: Justin said no so just stop asking it’s starting to get kind of pathetic
Justin: you know what if you can’t accept that I made a mistake and I won’t happen again then that your loss but hey if you just want to be friends then you got your wish.
Narrator: so at the end Justin ended up with nobody because when it comes down to it all cheaters never win. Star is not talking to a young man that goes by the name of Drew and she really likes him but that’s another story. Saniyah had her baby and she had a baby girl names Yasmine. And Justin is actually stepping up and being a good father to Yasmine. And that is the diary of a cheater so I hope you enjoyed it.
Publication Date: September 9th 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-marjani |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-an-idiot-a-random-book-for-idiots-who-don-039-t-know-anything/ | An idiot A random book for idiots who don't know anything. 5 random stories by 2 idiots. My completely random mind.
Book Key
**Hello, Billy.**
*Hello, John. Do you want to tell stories?*
**Um... not real-**
*OK! I call this story the hobo named (giggle) Bob!*
**Hey! You never let me answer!**
*Is wittle John jeleous that he has no imagenation?*
**NO, ok maybe a little.**
*Now for me to start.*
Story 1, a hobo named Bob
*Once upon a time there was a hobo named Bob. Now Bob was not like any other hobo, oh no, Bob was a super hobo.*
**Really, a super hobo?**
*Hey, be quiet, I'm trying to tell a story!*
**Fine (grumble).**
*Good, now any who, Bob had super hobo powers, like he had the strenghth to carry 50 hobo sacks instead of 1, he also had the speed to jump from train cart to train cart. One day he was riding a train when he saw a bunny dragon, and then-*
**Wait, wait.. wait, a bunny dragon? What the heck is that!?**
*Well a bunny dragon is a dragon with bunny ears, now please be quiet.*
*Any ways, he saw the bunny dragon and he flew from the train and killed it. The End. So, how was it?*
*Well, that was mean, I bet you couldn't do better.*
**We'll see about that. I call my story, In shadows, live monsters.**
Text: >:( Mine All rights reserved. Publication Date: December 29th 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-hunt1ec33 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-previous-account-owner-katrina-ruskova-best-friends-forever-permanent-hiatus/ | (Previous Account Owner) Katrina Ruskova, (Young) Mo Humphrey Best Friends Forever! (PERMANENT HIATUS) And You Leave Me In The Dust
chapter 1
Text: copyright i'll find you!!! jk jk jk but dont copy me All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 4th 2015 https://www.bookrix.com/-free2write4ever |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-william-shakespeare-the-merchant-of-venice/ | William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice
THE PRINCE OF MOROCCO, suitor to Portia
THE PRINCE OF ARRAGON, suitor to Portia
ANTONIO, a merchant of Venice
BASSANIO, his friend
SALANIO, friend to Antonio and Bassanio
SALARINO, friend to Antonio and Bassanio
GRATIANO, friend to Antonio and Bassanio
LORENZO, in love with Jessica
SHYLOCK, a rich Jew
TUBAL, a Jew, his friend
LAUNCELOT GOBBO, a clown, servant to Shylock
OLD GOBBO, father to Launcelot
LEONARDO, servant to Bassanio
BALTHASAR, servant to Portia
STEPHANO, servant to Portia
PORTIA, a rich heiress
NERISSA, her waiting-maid
JESSICA, daughter to Shylock
Magnificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice,
Gaoler, Servants to Portia, and other Attendants
SCENE: Partly at Venice, and partly at Belmont, the seat of Portia, on the Continent
ACT 1.
SCENE I. Venice. A street
In sooth, I know not why I am so sad;
It wearies me; you say it wearies you;
But how I caught it, found it, or came by it,
What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born,
I am to learn;
And such a want-wit sadness makes of me
That I have much ado to know myself.
Your mind is tossing on the ocean;
There where your argosies, with portly sail -
Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood,
Or as it were the pageants of the sea -
Do overpeer the petty traffickers,
That curtsy to them, do them reverence,
As they fly by them with their woven wings.
Believe me, sir, had I such venture forth,
The better part of my affections would
Be with my hopes abroad. I should be still
Plucking the grass to know where sits the wind,
Peering in maps for ports, and piers, and roads;
And every object that might make me fear
Misfortune to my ventures, out of doubt
Would make me sad.
My wind, cooling my broth
Would blow me to an ague, when I thought
What harm a wind too great might do at sea.
I should not see the sandy hour-glass run
But I should think of shallows and of flats,
And see my wealthy Andrew dock'd in sand,
Vailing her high top lower than her ribs
To kiss her burial. Should I go to church
And see the holy edifice of stone,
And not bethink me straight of dangerous rocks,
Which, touching but my gentle vessel's side,
Would scatter all her spices on the stream,
Enrobe the roaring waters with my silks,
And, in a word, but even now worth this,
And now worth nothing? Shall I have the thought
To think on this, and shall I lack the thought
That such a thing bechanc'd would make me sad?
But tell not me; I know Antonio
Is sad to think upon his merchandise.
Believe me, no; I thank my fortune for it,
My ventures are not in one bottom trusted,
Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate
Upon the fortune of this present year;
Therefore my merchandise makes me not sad.
Why, then you are in love.
Fie, fie!
Not in love neither? Then let us say you are sad
Because you are not merry; and 'twere as easy
For you to laugh and leap and say you are merry,
Because you are not sad. Now, by two-headed Janus,
Nature hath fram'd strange fellows in her time:
Some that will evermore peep through their eyes,
And laugh like parrots at a bag-piper;
And other of such vinegar aspect
That they'll not show their teeth in way of smile
Though Nestor swear the jest be laughable.
Here comes Bassanio, your most noble kinsman,
Gratiano, and Lorenzo. Fare ye well;
We leave you now with better company.
I would have stay'd till I had made you merry,
If worthier friends had not prevented me.
Your worth is very dear in my regard.
I take it your own business calls on you,
And you embrace th' occasion to depart.
Good morrow, my good lords.
Good signiors both, when shall we laugh? Say when.
You grow exceeding strange; must it be so?
We'll make our leisures to attend on yours.
My Lord Bassanio, since you have found Antonio,
We two will leave you; but at dinner-time,
I pray you, have in mind where we must meet.
I will not fail you.
You look not well, Signior Antonio;
You have too much respect upon the world;
They lose it that do buy it with much care.
Believe me, you are marvellously chang'd.
I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano;
A stage, where every man must play a part,
And mine a sad one.
Let me play the fool;
With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come;
And let my liver rather heat with wine
Than my heart cool with mortifying groans.
Why should a man whose blood is warm within
Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster,
Sleep when he wakes, and creep into the jaundice
By being peevish? I tell thee what, Antonio -
I love thee, and 'tis my love that speaks -
There are a sort of men whose visages
Do cream and mantle like a standing pond,
And do a wilful stillness entertain,
With purpose to be dress'd in an opinion
Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit;
As who should say 'I am Sir Oracle,
And when I ope my lips let no dog bark.'
O my Antonio, I do know of these
That therefore only are reputed wise
For saying nothing; when, I am very sure,
If they should speak, would almost damn those ears
Which, hearing them, would call their brothers fools.
I'll tell thee more of this another time.
But fish not with this melancholy bait,
For this fool gudgeon, this opinion.
Come, good Lorenzo. Fare ye well awhile;
I'll end my exhortation after dinner.
Well, we will leave you then till dinner-time.
I must be one of these same dumb wise men,
For Gratiano never lets me speak.
Well, keep me company but two years moe,
Thou shalt not know the sound of thine own tongue.
Fare you well; I'll grow a talker for this gear.
Thanks, i' faith, for silence is only commendable
In a neat's tongue dried, and a maid not vendible.
Is that anything now?
Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than
any man in all Venice. His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid
in, two bushels of chaff: you shall seek all day ere you find
them, and when you have them they are not worth the search.
Well; tell me now what lady is the same
To whom you swore a secret pilgrimage,
That you to-day promis'd to tell me of?
'Tis not unknown to you, Antonio,
How much I have disabled mine estate
By something showing a more swelling port
Than my faint means would grant continuance;
Nor do I now make moan to be abridg'd
From such a noble rate; but my chief care
Is to come fairly off from the great debts
Wherein my time, something too prodigal,
Hath left me gag'd. To you, Antonio,
I owe the most, in money and in love;
And from your love I have a warranty
To unburden all my plots and purposes
How to get clear of all the debts I owe.
I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it;
And if it stand, as you yourself still do,
Within the eye of honour, be assur'd
My purse, my person, my extremest means,
Lie all unlock'd to your occasions.
In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft,
I shot his fellow of the self-same flight
The self-same way, with more advised watch,
To find the other forth; and by adventuring both
I oft found both. I urge this childhood proof,
Because what follows is pure innocence.
I owe you much; and, like a wilful youth,
That which I owe is lost; but if you please
To shoot another arrow that self way
Which you did shoot the first, I do not doubt,
As I will watch the aim, or to find both,
Or bring your latter hazard back again
And thankfully rest debtor for the first.
You know me well, and herein spend but time
To wind about my love with circumstance;
And out of doubt you do me now more wrong
In making question of my uttermost
Than if you had made waste of all I have.
Then do but say to me what I should do
That in your knowledge may by me be done,
And I am prest unto it; therefore, speak.
In Belmont is a lady richly left,
And she is fair and, fairer than that word,
Of wondrous virtues. Sometimes from her eyes
I did receive fair speechless messages:
Her name is Portia - nothing undervalu'd
To Cato's daughter, Brutus' Portia:
Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth,
For the four winds blow in from every coast
Renowned suitors, and her sunny locks
Hang on her temples like a golden fleece;
Which makes her seat of Belmont Colchos' strond,
And many Jasons come in quest of her.
O my Antonio! had I but the means
To hold a rival place with one of them,
I have a mind presages me such thrift
That I should questionless be fortunate.
Thou know'st that all my fortunes are at sea;
Neither have I money nor commodity
To raise a present sum; therefore go forth,
Try what my credit can in Venice do;
That shall be rack'd, even to the uttermost,
To furnish thee to Belmont to fair Portia.
Go presently inquire, and so will I,
Where money is; and I no question make
To have it of my trust or for my sake.
SCENE 2. Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house
By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this
great world.
You would be, sweet madam, if your miseries were in the
same abundance as your good fortunes are; and yet, for aught I
see, they are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that
starve with nothing. It is no mean happiness, therefore, to be
seated in the mean: superfluity come sooner by white hairs, but
competency lives longer.
Good sentences, and well pronounced.
They would be better, if well followed.
If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do,
chapels had been churches, and poor men's cottages princes'
palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions; I
can easier teach twenty what were good to be done than to be one
of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. The brain may devise
laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps o'er a cold decree;
such a hare is madness the youth, to skip o'er the meshes of good
counsel the cripple. But this reasoning is not in the fashion to
choose me a husband. O me, the word 'choose'! I may neither
choose who I would nor refuse who I dislike; so is the will of a
living daughter curb'd by the will of a dead father. Is it not
hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one, nor refuse none?
Your father was ever virtuous, and holy men at their death
have good inspirations; therefore the lott'ry that he hath
devised in these three chests, of gold, silver, and lead, whereof
who chooses his meaning chooses you, will no doubt never be
chosen by any rightly but one who you shall rightly love. But
what warmth is there in your affection towards any of these
princely suitors that are already come?
I pray thee over-name them; and as thou namest them, I will
describe them; and according to my description, level at my
First, there is the Neapolitan prince.
Ay, that's a colt indeed, for he doth nothing but talk of
his horse; and he makes it a great appropriation to his own good
parts that he can shoe him himself; I am much afeard my lady his
mother play'd false with a smith.
Then is there the County Palatine.
He doth nothing but frown, as who should say 'An you will
not have me, choose.' He hears merry tales and smiles not: I fear
he will prove the weeping philosopher when he grows old, being so
full of unmannerly sadness in his youth. I had rather be married
to a death's-head with a bone in his mouth than to either of
these. God defend me from these two!
How say you by the French lord, Monsieur Le Bon?
God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man. In
truth, I know it is a sin to be a mocker, but he! why, he hath a
horse better than the Neapolitan's, a better bad habit of
frowning than the Count Palatine; he is every man in no man. If a
throstle sing he falls straight a-capering; he will fence with
his own shadow; if I should marry him, I should marry twenty
husbands. If he would despise me, I would forgive him; for if he
love me to madness, I shall never requite him.
What say you, then, to Falconbridge, the young baron of
You know I say nothing to him, for he understands not me,
nor I him: he hath neither Latin, French, nor Italian, and you
will come into the court and swear that I have a poor pennyworth
in the English. He is a proper man's picture; but alas, who can
converse with a dumb-show? How oddly he is suited! I think he
bought his doublet in Italy, his round hose in France, his bonnet
in Germany, and his behaviour everywhere.
What think you of the Scottish lord, his neighbour?
That he hath a neighbourly charity in him, for he borrowed
a box of the ear of the Englishman, and swore he would pay him
again when he was able; I think the Frenchman became his surety,
and sealed under for another.
How like you the young German, the Duke of Saxony's nephew?
Very vilely in the morning when he is sober, and most
vilely in the afternoon when he is drunk: when he is best, he is
a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little
better than a beast. An the worst fall that ever fell, I hope I
shall make shift to go without him.
If he should offer to choose, and choose the right casket,
you should refuse to perform your father's will, if you should
refuse to accept him.
Therefore, for fear of the worst, I pray thee set a deep
glass of Rhenish wine on the contrary casket; for if the devil be
within and that temptation without, I know he will choose it. I
will do anything, Nerissa, ere I will be married to a sponge.
You need not fear, lady, the having any of these lords;
they have acquainted me with their determinations, which is
indeed to return to their home, and to trouble you with no more
suit, unless you may be won by some other sort than your father's
imposition, depending on the caskets.
If I live to be as old as Sibylla, I will die as chaste as
Diana, unless I be obtained by the manner of my father's will. I
am glad this parcel of wooers are so reasonable; for there is not
one among them but I dote on his very absence, and I pray God
grant them a fair departure.
Do you not remember, lady, in your father's time, a Venetian, a
scholar and a soldier, that came hither in company of the Marquis
of Montferrat?
Yes, yes, it was Bassanio; as I think, so was he called.
True, madam; he, of all the men that ever my foolish eyes
looked upon, was the best deserving a fair lady.
I remember him well, and I remember him worthy of thy praise.
[Enter a SERVANT.]
How now! what news?
The four strangers seek for you, madam, to take their
leave; and there is a forerunner come from a fifth, the Prince of
Morocco, who brings word the Prince his master will be here
If I could bid the fifth welcome with so good heart as I
can bid the other four farewell, I should be glad of his
approach; if he have the condition of a saint and the complexion
of a devil, I had rather he should shrive me than wive me.
Come, Nerissa. Sirrah, go before.
Whiles we shut the gate upon one wooer, another knocks at the
SCENE 3. Venice. A public place
Three thousand ducats; well?
Ay, sir, for three months.
For three months; well?
For the which, as I told you, Antonio shall be bound.
Antonio shall become bound; well?
May you stead me? Will you pleasure me? Shall I know your
Three thousand ducats, for three months, and Antonio bound.
Your answer to that.
Antonio is a good man.
Have you heard any imputation to the contrary?
Ho, no, no, no, no: my meaning in saying he is a good man
is to have you understand me that he is sufficient; yet his means
are in supposition: he hath an argosy bound to Tripolis, another
to the Indies; I understand, moreover, upon the Rialto, he hath a
third at Mexico, a fourth for England, and other ventures he
hath, squandered abroad. But ships are but boards, sailors but
men; there be land-rats and water-rats, land-thieves and
water-thieves, - I mean pirates, - and then there is the peril of
waters, winds, and rocks. The man is, notwithstanding,
sufficient. Three thousand ducats- I think I may take his bond.
Be assured you may.
I will be assured I may; and, that I may be assured, I
will bethink me. May I speak with Antonio?
If it please you to dine with us.
Yes, to smell pork; to eat of the habitation which your
prophet, the Nazarite, conjured the devil into. I will buy with
you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you, and so
following; but I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray
with you. What news on the Rialto? Who is he comes here?
This is Signior Antonio.
[Aside] How like a fawning publican he looks!
I hate him for he is a Christian;
But more for that in low simplicity
He lends out money gratis, and brings down
The rate of usance here with us in Venice.
If I can catch him once upon the hip,
I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.
He hates our sacred nation; and he rails,
Even there where merchants most do congregate,
On me, my bargains, and my well-won thrift,
Which he calls interest. Cursed be my tribe
If I forgive him!
Shylock, do you hear?
I am debating of my present store,
And, by the near guess of my memory,
I cannot instantly raise up the gross
Of full three thousand ducats. What of that?
Tubal, a wealthy Hebrew of my tribe,
Will furnish me. But soft! how many months
Do you desire? [To ANTONIO] Rest you fair, good signior;
Your worship was the last man in our mouths.
Shylock, albeit I neither lend nor borrow
By taking nor by giving of excess,
Yet, to supply the ripe wants of my friend,
I'll break a custom. [To BASSANIO] Is he yet possess'd
How much ye would?
Ay, ay, three thousand ducats.
And for three months.
I had forgot; three months; you told me so.
Well then, your bond; and, let me see. But hear you,
Methought you said you neither lend nor borrow
Upon advantage.
I do never use it.
When Jacob graz'd his uncle Laban's sheep, -
This Jacob from our holy Abram was,
As his wise mother wrought in his behalf,
The third possessor; ay, he was the third, -
And what of him? Did he take interest?
No, not take interest; not, as you would say,
Directly interest; mark what Jacob did.
When Laban and himself were compromis'd
That all the eanlings which were streak'd and pied
Should fall as Jacob's hire, the ewes, being rank,
In end of autumn turned to the rams;
And when the work of generation was
Between these woolly breeders in the act,
The skilful shepherd peel'd me certain wands,
And, in the doing of the deed of kind,
He stuck them up before the fulsome ewes,
Who, then conceiving, did in eaning time
Fall parti-colour'd lambs, and those were Jacob's.
This was a way to thrive, and he was blest;
And thrift is blessing, if men steal it not.
This was a venture, sir, that Jacob serv'd for;
A thing not in his power to bring to pass,
But sway'd and fashion'd by the hand of heaven.
Was this inserted to make interest good?
Or is your gold and silver ewes and rams?
I cannot tell; I make it breed as fast.
But note me, signior.
Mark you this, Bassanio,
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!
Three thousand ducats; 'tis a good round sum.
Three months from twelve; then let me see the rate.
Well, Shylock, shall we be beholding to you?
Signior Antonio, many a time and oft
In the Rialto you have rated me
About my moneys and my usances;
Still have I borne it with a patient shrug,
For suff'rance is the badge of all our tribe;
You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog,
And spet upon my Jewish gaberdine,
And all for use of that which is mine own.
Well then, it now appears you need my help;
Go to, then; you come to me, and you say
'Shylock, we would have moneys.' You say so:
You that did void your rheum upon my beard,
And foot me as you spurn a stranger cur
Over your threshold; moneys is your suit.
What should I say to you? Should I not say
'Hath a dog money? Is it possible
A cur can lend three thousand ducats?' Or
Shall I bend low and, in a bondman's key,
With bated breath and whisp'ring humbleness,
Say this: -
'Fair sir, you spit on me on Wednesday last;
You spurn'd me such a day; another time
You call'd me dog; and for these courtesies
I'll lend you thus much moneys?'
I am as like to call thee so again,
To spet on thee again, to spurn thee too.
If thou wilt lend this money, lend it not
As to thy friends, - for when did friendship take
A breed for barren metal of his friend? -
But lend it rather to thine enemy;
Who if he break thou mayst with better face
Exact the penalty.
Why, look you, how you storm!
I would be friends with you, and have your love,
Forget the shames that you have stain'd me with,
Supply your present wants, and take no doit
Of usance for my moneys, and you'll not hear me:
This is kind I offer.
This were kindness.
This kindness will I show.
Go with me to a notary, seal me there
Your single bond; and, in a merry sport,
If you repay me not on such a day,
In such a place, such sum or sums as are
Express'd in the condition, let the forfeit
Be nominated for an equal pound
Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken
In what part of your body pleaseth me.
Content, in faith; I'll seal to such a bond,
And say there is much kindness in the Jew.
You shall not seal to such a bond for me;
I'll rather dwell in my necessity.
Why, fear not, man; I will not forfeit it;
Within these two months, that's a month before
This bond expires, I do expect return
Of thrice three times the value of this bond.
O father Abram, what these Christians are,
Whose own hard dealings teaches them suspect
The thoughts of others. Pray you, tell me this;
If he should break his day, what should I gain
By the exaction of the forfeiture?
A pound of man's flesh, taken from a man,
Is not so estimable, profitable neither,
As flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats. I say,
To buy his favour, I extend this friendship;
If he will take it, so; if not, adieu;
And, for my love, I pray you wrong me not.
Yes, Shylock, I will seal unto this bond.
Then meet me forthwith at the notary's;
Give him direction for this merry bond,
And I will go and purse the ducats straight,
See to my house, left in the fearful guard
Of an unthrifty knave, and presently
I'll be with you.
Hie thee, gentle Jew.
This Hebrew will turn Christian: he grows kind.
I like not fair terms and a villain's mind.
Come on; in this there can be no dismay;
My ships come home a month before the day.
ACT 2.
SCENE I. Belmont. A room in PORTIA's house.
[Flourish of cornets. Enter the PRINCE of MOROCCO, and his
PORTIA, NERISSA, and Others of her train.]
PRINCE OF Morocco.
Mislike me not for my complexion,
The shadow'd livery of the burnish'd sun,
To whom I am a neighbour, and near bred.
Bring me the fairest creature northward born,
Where Phoebus' fire scarce thaws the icicles,
And let us make incision for your love
To prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine.
I tell thee, lady, this aspect of mine
Hath fear'd the valiant; by my love, I swear
The best-regarded virgins of our clime
Have lov'd it too. I would not change this hue,
Except to steal your thoughts, my gentle queen.
In terms of choice I am not solely led
By nice direction of a maiden's eyes;
Besides, the lottery of my destiny
Bars me the right of voluntary choosing;
But, if my father had not scanted me
And hedg'd me by his wit, to yield myself
His wife who wins me by that means I told you,
Yourself, renowned Prince, then stood as fair
As any comer I have look'd on yet
For my affection.
Even for that I thank you:
Therefore, I pray you, lead me to the caskets
To try my fortune. By this scimitar, -
That slew the Sophy and a Persian prince,
That won three fields of Sultan Solyman, -
I would o'erstare the sternest eyes that look,
Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth,
Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear,
Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey,
To win thee, lady. But, alas the while!
If Hercules and Lichas play at dice
Which is the better man, the greater throw
May turn by fortune from the weaker hand:
So is Alcides beaten by his page;
And so may I, blind Fortune leading me,
Miss that which one unworthier may attain,
And die with grieving.
You must take your chance,
And either not attempt to choose at all,
Or swear before you choose, if you choose wrong,
Never to speak to lady afterward
In way of marriage; therefore be advis'd.
Nor will not; come, bring me unto my chance.
First, forward to the temple: after dinner
Your hazard shall be made.
Good fortune then!
To make me blest or cursed'st among men!
[Cornets, and exeunt.]
SCENE 2. Venice. A street
Certainly my conscience will serve me to run from this
Jew my master. The fiend is at mine elbow and tempts me, saying
to me 'Gobbo, Launcelot Gobbo, good Launcelot' or 'good Gobbo' or
'good Launcelot Gobbo, use your legs, take the start, run away.'
My conscience says 'No; take heed, honest Launcelot, take heed,
honest Gobbo' or, as aforesaid, 'honest Launcelot Gobbo, do not
run; scorn running with thy heels.' Well, the most courageous
fiend bids me pack. 'Via!' says the fiend; 'away!' says the
fiend. 'For the heavens, rouse up a brave mind,' says the fiend
'and run.' Well, my conscience, hanging about the neck of my
heart, says very wisely to me 'My honest friend Launcelot, being
an honest man's son' - or rather 'an honest woman's son'; - for
indeed my father did something smack, something grow to, he had a
kind of taste; - well, my conscience says 'Launcelot, budge not.'
'Budge,' says the fiend. 'Budge not,' says my conscience.
'Conscience,' say I, (you counsel well.' 'Fiend,' say I, 'you
counsel well.' To be ruled by my conscience, I should stay with
the Jew my master, who, God bless the mark! is a kind of devil;
and, to run away from the Jew, I should be ruled by the fiend,
who, saving your reverence! is the devil himself. Certainly the
Jew is the very devil incarnal; and, in my conscience, my
conscience is but a kind of hard conscience, to offer to counsel
me to stay with the Jew. The fiend gives the more friendly
counsel: I will run, fiend; my heels are at your commandment; I
will run.
[Enter OLD GOBBO, with a basket]
Master young man, you, I pray you; which is the way to Master
[Aside] O heavens! This is my true-begotten father, who, being
than sand-blind, high-gravel blind, knows me not: I will try
confusions with him.
Master young gentleman, I pray you, which is the way to Master
Turn up on your right hand at the next turning, but, at
the next turning of all, on your left; marry, at the very next
turning, turn of no hand, but turn down indirectly to the Jew's
Be God's sonties, 'twill be a hard way to hit. Can you tell
me whether one Launcelot, that dwells with him, dwell with him or
Talk you of young Master Launcelot? [Aside] Mark me
now; now will I raise the waters. Talk you of young Master
No master, sir, but a poor man's son; his father, though I
say't, is an honest exceeding poor man, and, God be thanked, well
to live.
Well, let his father be what 'a will, we talk of young
Master Launcelot.
Your worship's friend, and Launcelot, sir.
But I pray you, ergo, old man, ergo, I beseech you, talk
you of young Master Launcelot?
Of Launcelot, an't please your mastership.
Ergo, Master Launcelot. Talk not of Master Launcelot,
father; for the young gentleman, - according to Fates and
and such odd sayings, the Sisters Three and such branches of
learning, - is indeed deceased; or, as you would say in plain
terms, gone to heaven.
Marry, God forbid! The boy was the very staff of my age, my
very prop.
Do I look like a cudgel or a hovel-post, a staff or a prop? Do
you know me, father?
Alack the day! I know you not, young gentleman; but I pray
you tell me, is my boy - God rest his soul! - alive or dead?
Do you not know me, father?
Alack, sir, I am sand-blind; I know you not.
Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of the
knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his own child. Well,
old man, I will tell you news of your son. Give me your blessing;
truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man's son
may, but in the end truth will out.
Pray you, sir, stand up; I am sure you are not Launcelot, my boy.
Pray you, let's have no more fooling about it, but give
me your blessing; I am Launcelot, your boy that was, your son
that is, your child that shall be.
I cannot think you are my son.
I know not what I shall think of that; but I am Launcelot, the
Jew's man, and I am sure Margery your wife is my mother.
Her name is Margery, indeed: I'll be sworn, if thou be
Launcelot, thou art mine own flesh and blood. Lord worshipped
might he be, what a beard hast thou got! Thou hast got more hair
on thy chin than Dobbin my thill-horse has on his tail.
It should seem, then, that Dobbin's tail grows backward;
I am sure he had more hair on his tail than I have on my face
when I last saw him.
Lord! how art thou changed! How dost thou and thy master
agree? I have brought him a present. How 'gree you now?
Well, well; but, for mine own part, as I have set up my
rest to run away, so I will not rest till I have run some ground.
My master's a very Jew. Give him a present! Give him a halter. I
am famished in his service; you may tell every finger I have with
my ribs. Father, I am glad you are come; give me your present to
one Master Bassanio, who indeed gives rare new liveries. If I
serve not him, I will run as far as God has any ground. O rare
fortune! Here comes the man: to him, father; for I am a Jew, if I
serve the Jew any longer.
[Enter BASSANIO, with LEONARDO, with and other Followers.]
You may do so; but let it be so hasted that supper be
ready at the farthest by five of the clock. See these letters
delivered, put the liveries to making, and desire Gratiano to
come anon to my lodging.
[Exit a SERVANT]
To him, father.
God bless your worship!
Gramercy; wouldst thou aught with me?
Here's my son, sir, a poor boy -
Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich Jew's man, that would,
sir, - as my father shall specify -
He hath a great infection, sir, as one would say, to serve -
Indeed the short and the long is, I serve the Jew, and
have a desire, as my father shall specify -
His master and he, saving your worship's reverence, are
scarce cater-cousins -
To be brief, the very truth is that the Jew, having done
me wrong, doth cause me, - as my father, being I hope an old man,
shall frutify unto you -
I have here a dish of doves that I would bestow upon your
worship; and my suit is -
In very brief, the suit is impertinent to myself, as
your worship shall know by this honest old man; and, though I say
it, though old man, yet poor man, my father.
One speak for both. What would you?
Serve you, sir.
That is the very defect of the matter, sir.
I know thee well; thou hast obtain'd thy suit.
Shylock thy master spoke with me this day,
And hath preferr'd thee, if it be preferment
To leave a rich Jew's service to become
The follower of so poor a gentleman.
The old proverb is very well parted between my master
Shylock and you, sir: you have the grace of God, sir, and he hath
Thou speak'st it well. Go, father, with thy son.
Take leave of thy old master, and inquire
My lodging out. [To a SERVANT] Give him a livery
More guarded than his fellows'; see it done.
Father, in. I cannot get a service, no! I have ne'er a
tongue in my head! [Looking on his palm] Well; if any man in
Italy have a fairer table which doth offer to swear upon a book,
shall have good fortune. Go to; here's a simple line of life:
here's a small trifle of wives; alas, fifteen wives is nothing;
a'leven widows and nine maids is a simple coming-in for one man.
And then to scape drowning thrice, and to be in peril of my life
with the edge of a feather-bed; here are simple 'scapes. Well, if
Fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gear. Father,
come; I'll take my leave of the Jew in the twinkling of an eye.
I pray thee, good Leonardo, think on this:
These things being bought and orderly bestow'd,
Return in haste, for I do feast to-night
My best esteem'd acquaintance; hie thee, go.
My best endeavours shall be done herein.
Where's your master?
Yonder, sir, he walks.
Signior Bassanio! -
I have suit to you.
You have obtain'd it.
You must not deny me: I must go with you to Belmont.
Why, then you must. But hear thee, Gratiano;
Thou art too wild, too rude, and bold of voice;
Parts that become thee happily enough,
And in such eyes as ours appear not faults;
But where thou art not known, why there they show
Something too liberal. Pray thee, take pain
To allay with some cold drops of modesty
Thy skipping spirit, lest through thy wild behaviour
I be misconstrued in the place I go to,
And lose my hopes.
Signior Bassanio, hear me:
If I do not put on a sober habit,
Talk with respect, and swear but now and then,
Wear prayer-books in my pocket, look demurely,
Nay more, while grace is saying, hood mine eyes
Thus with my hat, and sigh, and say 'amen';
Use all the observance of civility,
Like one well studied in a sad ostent
To please his grandam, never trust me more.
Well, we shall see your bearing.
Nay, but I bar to-night; you shall not gauge me
By what we do to-night.
No, that were pity;
I would entreat you rather to put on
Your boldest suit of mirth, for we have friends
That purpose merriment. But fare you well;
I have some business.
And I must to Lorenzo and the rest;
But we will visit you at supper-time.
SCENE 3. The same. A room in SHYLOCK's house.
I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so:
Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil,
Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness.
But fare thee well; there is a ducat for thee;
And, Launcelot, soon at supper shalt thou see
Lorenzo, who is thy new master's guest:
Give him this letter; do it secretly.
And so farewell. I would not have my father
See me in talk with thee.
Adieu! tears exhibit my tongue. Most beautiful pagan,
most sweet Jew! If a Christian do not play the knave and get
thee, I am much deceived. But, adieu! these foolish drops do
something drown my manly spirit; adieu!
Farewell, good Launcelot.
Alack, what heinous sin is it in me
To be asham'd to be my father's child!
But though I am a daughter to his blood,
I am not to his manners. O Lorenzo!
If thou keep promise, I shall end this strife,
Become a Christian and thy loving wife.
SCENE 4. The same. A street
Nay, we will slink away in supper-time,
Disguise us at my lodging, and return
All in an hour.
We have not made good preparation.
We have not spoke us yet of torch-bearers.
'Tis vile, unless it may be quaintly order'd,
And better in my mind not undertook.
'Tis now but four o'clock; we have two hours
To furnish us.
[Enter LAUNCELOT, With a letter.]
Friend Launcelot, what's the news?
An it shall please you to break up this, it shall seem
to signify.
I know the hand; in faith, 'tis a fair hand,
And whiter than the paper it writ on
Is the fair hand that writ.
Love news, in faith.
By your leave, sir.
Whither goest thou?
Marry, sir, to bid my old master, the Jew, to sup
to-night with my new master, the Christian.
Hold, here, take this. Tell gentle Jessica
I will not fail her; speak it privately.
Go, gentlemen,
Will you prepare you for this masque to-night?
I am provided of a torch-bearer.
Ay, marry, I'll be gone about it straight.
And so will I.
Meet me and Gratiano
At Gratiano's lodging some hour hence.
'Tis good we do so.
Was not that letter from fair Jessica?
I must needs tell thee all. She hath directed
How I shall take her from her father's house;
What gold and jewels she is furnish'd with;
What page's suit she hath in readiness.
If e'er the Jew her father come to heaven,
It will be for his gentle daughter's sake;
And never dare misfortune cross her foot,
Unless she do it under this excuse,
That she is issue to a faithless Jew.
Come, go with me, peruse this as thou goest;
Fair Jessica shall be my torch-bearer.
SCENE 5. The same. Before SHYLOCK'S house
Well, thou shalt see; thy eyes shall be thy judge,
The difference of old Shylock and Bassanio: -
What, Jessica! - Thou shalt not gormandize,
As thou hast done with me; - What, Jessica! -
And sleep and snore, and rend apparel out -
Why, Jessica, I say!
Why, Jessica!
Who bids thee call? I do not bid thee call.
Your worship was wont to tell me I could do nothing
without bidding.
[Enter JESSICA.]
Call you? What is your will?
I am bid forth to supper, Jessica:
There are my keys. But wherefore should I go?
I am not bid for love; they flatter me;
But yet I'll go in hate, to feed upon
The prodigal Christian. Jessica, my girl,
Look to my house. I am right loath to go;
There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest,
For I did dream of money-bags to-night.
I beseech you, sir, go: my young master doth expect your
So do I his.
And they have conspired together; I will not say you
shall see a masque, but if you do, then it was not for nothing
that my nose fell a-bleeding on Black Monday last at six o'clock
i' the morning, falling out that year on Ash-Wednesday was four
year in the afternoon.
What! are there masques? Hear you me, Jessica:
Lock up my doors, and when you hear the drum,
And the vile squealing of the wry-neck'd fife,
Clamber not you up to the casements then,
Nor thrust your head into the public street
To gaze on Christian fools with varnish'd faces;
But stop my house's ears- I mean my casements;
Let not the sound of shallow fopp'ry enter
My sober house. By Jacob's staff, I swear
I have no mind of feasting forth to-night;
But I will go. Go you before me, sirrah;
Say I will come.
I will go before, sir. Mistress, look out at window for all this;
There will come a Christian by
Will be worth a Jewess' eye.
What says that fool of Hagar's offspring, ha?
His words were 'Farewell, mistress'; nothing else.
The patch is kind enough, but a huge feeder;
Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day
More than the wild-cat; drones hive not with me,
Therefore I part with him; and part with him
To one that I would have him help to waste
His borrow'd purse. Well, Jessica, go in;
Perhaps I will return immediately:
Do as I bid you, shut doors after you:
'Fast bind, fast find,'
A proverb never stale in thrifty mind.
Farewell; and if my fortune be not crost,
I have a father, you a daughter, lost.
SCENE 6. The same.
[Enter GRATIANO and SALARINO, masqued.]
This is the pent-house under which Lorenzo
Desir'd us to make stand.
His hour is almost past.
And it is marvel he out-dwells his hour,
For lovers ever run before the clock.
O! ten times faster Venus' pigeons fly
To seal love's bonds new made than they are wont
To keep obliged faith unforfeited!
That ever holds: who riseth from a feast
With that keen appetite that he sits down?
Where is the horse that doth untread again
His tedious measures with the unbated fire
That he did pace them first? All things that are
Are with more spirit chased than enjoy'd.
How like a younker or a prodigal
The scarfed bark puts from her native bay,
Hugg'd and embraced by the strumpet wind!
How like the prodigal doth she return,
With over-weather'd ribs and ragged sails,
Lean, rent, and beggar'd by the strumpet wind!
Here comes Lorenzo; more of this hereafter.
[Enter LORENZO.]
Sweet friends, your patience for my long abode;
Not I, but my affairs, have made you wait:
When you shall please to play the thieves for wives,
I'll watch as long for you then. Approach;
Here dwells my father Jew. Ho! who's within?
[Enter JESSICA, above, in boy's clothes.]
Who are you? Tell me, for more certainty,
Albeit I'll swear that I do know your tongue.
Lorenzo, and thy love.
Lorenzo, certain; and my love indeed,
For who love I so much? And now who knows
But you, Lorenzo, whether I am yours?
Heaven and thy thoughts are witness that thou art.
Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains.
I am glad 'tis night, you do not look on me,
For I am much asham'd of my exchange;
But love is blind, and lovers cannot see
The pretty follies that themselves commit,
For, if they could, Cupid himself would blush
To see me thus transformed to a boy.
Descend, for you must be my torch-bearer.
What! must I hold a candle to my shames?
They in themselves, good sooth, are too-too light.
Why, 'tis an office of discovery, love,
And I should be obscur'd.
So are you, sweet,
Even in the lovely garnish of a boy.
But come at once;
For the close night doth play the runaway,
And we are stay'd for at Bassanio's feast.
I will make fast the doors, and gild myself
With some moe ducats, and be with you straight.
[Exit above.]
Now, by my hood, a Gentile, and no Jew.
Beshrew me, but I love her heartily;
For she is wise, if I can judge of her,
And fair she is, if that mine eyes be true,
And true she is, as she hath prov'd herself;
And therefore, like herself, wise, fair, and true,
Shall she be placed in my constant soul.
[Enter JESSICA.]
What, art thou come? On, gentlemen, away!
Our masquing mates by this time for us stay.
[Exit with JESSICA and SALARINO.]
Who's there?
Signior Antonio!
Fie, fie, Gratiano! where are all the rest?
'Tis nine o'clock; our friends all stay for you.
No masque to-night: the wind is come about;
Bassanio presently will go aboard:
I have sent twenty out to seek for you.
I am glad on't: I desire no more delight
Than to be under sail and gone to-night.
SCENE 7. Belmont. A room in PORTIA's house.
[Flourish of cornets. Enter PORTIA, with the PRINCE OF MOROCCO,
and their trains.]
Go draw aside the curtains and discover
The several caskets to this noble prince.
Now make your choice.
The first, of gold, who this inscription bears:
'Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.'
The second, silver, which this promise carries:
'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'
This third, dull lead, with warning all as blunt:
'Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.'
How shall I know if I do choose the right?
The one of them contains my picture, prince;
If you choose that, then I am yours withal.
Some god direct my judgment! Let me see;
I will survey the inscriptions back again.
What says this leaden casket?
'Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.'
Must give: for what? For lead? Hazard for lead!
This casket threatens; men that hazard all
Do it in hope of fair advantages:
A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross;
I'll then nor give nor hazard aught for lead.
What says the silver with her virgin hue?
'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'
As much as he deserves! Pause there, Morocco,
And weigh thy value with an even hand.
If thou be'st rated by thy estimation,
Thou dost deserve enough, and yet enough
May not extend so far as to the lady;
And yet to be afeard of my deserving
Were but a weak disabling of myself.
As much as I deserve! Why, that's the lady:
I do in birth deserve her, and in fortunes,
In graces, and in qualities of breeding;
But more than these, in love I do deserve.
What if I stray'd no farther, but chose here?
Let's see once more this saying grav'd in gold:
'Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.'
Why, that's the lady: all the world desires her;
From the four corners of the earth they come,
To kiss this shrine, this mortal-breathing saint:
The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wilds
Of wide Arabia are as throughfares now
For princes to come view fair Portia:
The watery kingdom, whose ambitious head
Spits in the face of heaven, is no bar
To stop the foreign spirits, but they come
As o'er a brook to see fair Portia.
One of these three contains her heavenly picture.
Is't like that lead contains her? 'Twere damnation
To think so base a thought; it were too gross
To rib her cerecloth in the obscure grave.
Or shall I think in silver she's immur'd,
Being ten times undervalu'd to tried gold?
O sinful thought! Never so rich a gem
Was set in worse than gold. They have in England
A coin that bears the figure of an angel
Stamped in gold; but that's insculp'd upon;
But here an angel in a golden bed
Lies all within. Deliver me the key;
Here do I choose, and thrive I as I may!
There, take it, prince, and if my form lie there,
Then I am yours.
[He unlocks the golden casket.]
O hell! what have we here?
A carrion Death, within whose empty eye
There is a written scroll! I'll read the writing.
'All that glisters is not gold,
Often have you heard that told;
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold:
Gilded tombs do worms infold.
Had you been as wise as bold,
Young in limbs, in judgment old,
Your answer had not been inscroll'd:
Fare you well, your suit is cold.'
Cold indeed; and labour lost:
Then, farewell, heat, and welcome, frost!
Portia, adieu! I have too griev'd a heart
To take a tedious leave; thus losers part.
[Exit with his train. Flourish of cornets.]
A gentle riddance. Draw the curtains: go.
Let all of his complexion choose me so.
SCENE 8. Venice. A street
Why, man, I saw Bassanio under sail;
With him is Gratiano gone along;
And in their ship I am sure Lorenzo is not.
The villain Jew with outcries rais'd the Duke,
Who went with him to search Bassanio's ship.
He came too late, the ship was under sail;
But there the duke was given to understand
That in a gondola were seen together
Lorenzo and his amorous Jessica.
Besides, Antonio certified the duke
They were not with Bassanio in his ship.
I never heard a passion so confus'd,
So strange, outrageous, and so variable,
As the dog Jew did utter in the streets.
'My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!
Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats!
Justice! the law! my ducats and my daughter!
A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats,
Of double ducats, stol'n from me by my daughter!
And jewels! two stones, two rich and precious stones,
Stol'n by my daughter! Justice! find the girl!
She hath the stones upon her and the ducats.'
Why, all the boys in Venice follow him,
Crying, his stones, his daughter, and his ducats.
Let good Antonio look he keep his day,
Or he shall pay for this.
Marry, well remember'd.
I reason'd with a Frenchman yesterday,
Who told me, - in the narrow seas that part
The French and English, - there miscarried
A vessel of our country richly fraught.
I thought upon Antonio when he told me,
And wish'd in silence that it were not his.
You were best to tell Antonio what you hear;
Yet do not suddenly, for it may grieve him.
A kinder gentleman treads not the earth.
I saw Bassanio and Antonio part:
Bassanio told him he would make some speed
Of his return. He answer'd 'Do not so;
Slubber not business for my sake, Bassanio,
But stay the very riping of the time;
And for the Jew's bond which he hath of me,
Let it not enter in your mind of love:
Be merry, and employ your chiefest thoughts
To courtship, and such fair ostents of love
As shall conveniently become you there.'
And even there, his eye being big with tears,
Turning his face, he put his hand behind him,
And with affection wondrous sensible
He wrung Bassanio's hand; and so they parted.
I think he only loves the world for him.
I pray thee, let us go and find him out,
And quicken his embraced heaviness
With some delight or other.
Do we so.
SCENE 9. Belmont. A room in PORTIA's house.
[Enter NERISSA, with a SERVITOR.]
Quick, quick, I pray thee, draw the curtain straight;
The Prince of Arragon hath ta'en his oath,
And comes to his election presently.
[Flourish of cornets. Enter the PRINCE OF ARRAGON, PORTIA, and
their Trains.]
Behold, there stand the caskets, noble Prince:
If you choose that wherein I am contain'd,
Straight shall our nuptial rites be solemniz'd;
But if you fail, without more speech, my lord,
You must be gone from hence immediately.
I am enjoin'd by oath to observe three things:
First, never to unfold to any one
Which casket 'twas I chose; next, if I fail
Of the right casket, never in my life
To woo a maid in way of marriage;
If I do fail in fortune of my choice,
Immediately to leave you and be gone.
To these injunctions every one doth swear
That comes to hazard for my worthless self.
And so have I address'd me. Fortune now
To my heart's hope! Gold, silver, and base lead.
'Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.'
You shall look fairer ere I give or hazard.
What says the golden chest? Ha! let me see:
'Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.'
What many men desire! that 'many' may be meant
By the fool multitude, that choose by show,
Not learning more than the fond eye doth teach;
Which pries not to th' interior, but, like the martlet,
Builds in the weather on the outward wall,
Even in the force and road of casualty.
I will not choose what many men desire,
Because I will not jump with common spirits
And rank me with the barbarous multitudes.
Why, then to thee, thou silver treasure-house;
Tell me once more what title thou dost bear:
'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'
And well said too; for who shall go about
To cozen fortune, and be honourable
Without the stamp of merit? Let none presume
To wear an undeserved dignity.
O! that estates, degrees, and offices
Were not deriv'd corruptly, and that clear honour
Were purchas'd by the merit of the wearer!
How many then should cover that stand bare;
How many be commanded that command;
How much low peasantry would then be glean'd
From the true seed of honour; and how much honour
Pick'd from the chaff and ruin of the times
To be new varnish'd! Well, but to my choice:
'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'
I will assume desert. Give me a key for this,
And instantly unlock my fortunes here.
[He opens the silver casket.]
Too long a pause for that which you find there.
What's here? The portrait of a blinking idiot,
Presenting me a schedule! I will read it.
How much unlike art thou to Portia!
How much unlike my hopes and my deservings!
'Who chooseth me shall have as much as he deserves.'
Did I deserve no more than a fool's head?
Is that my prize? Are my deserts no better?
To offend, and judge, are distinct offices,
And of opposed natures.
What is here?
'The fire seven times tried this;
Seven times tried that judgment is
That did never choose amiss.
Some there be that shadows kiss;
Such have but a shadow's bliss;
There be fools alive, I wis,
Silver'd o'er, and so was this.
Take what wife you will to bed,
I will ever be your head:
So be gone; you are sped.'
Still more fool I shall appear
By the time I linger here;
With one fool's head I came to woo,
But I go away with two.
Sweet, adieu! I'll keep my oath,
Patiently to bear my wroth.
[Exit ARAGON with his train.]
Thus hath the candle sing'd the moth.
O, these deliberate fools! When they do choose,
They have the wisdom by their wit to lose.
The ancient saying is no heresy:
'Hanging and wiving goes by destiny.'
Come, draw the curtain, Nerissa.
[Enter a SERVANT.]
Where is my lady?
Here; what would my lord?
Madam, there is alighted at your gate
A young Venetian, one that comes before
To signify th' approaching of his lord;
From whom he bringeth sensible regreets;
To wit, - besides commends and courteous breath, -
Gifts of rich value. Yet I have not seen
So likely an ambassador of love.
A day in April never came so sweet,
To show how costly summer was at hand,
As this fore-spurrer comes before his lord.
No more, I pray thee; I am half afeard
Thou wilt say anon he is some kin to thee,
Thou spend'st such high-day wit in praising him.
Come, come, Nerissa, for I long to see
Quick Cupid's post that comes so mannerly.
Bassanio, lord Love, if thy will it be!
ACT 3.
SCENE I. Venice. A street
Now, what news on the Rialto?
Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship
of rich lading wrack'd on the narrow seas; the Goodwins, I think
they call the place, a very dangerous flat and fatal, where the
carcasses of many a tall ship lie buried, as they say, if my
gossip Report be an honest woman of her word.
I would she were as lying a gossip in that as ever knapped
ginger or made her neighbours believe she wept for the death of a
third husband. But it is true, - without any slips of prolixity or
crossing the plain highway of talk, - that the good Antonio, the
honest Antonio, - O that I had a title good enough to keep his
company! -
Come, the full stop.
Ha! What sayest thou? Why, the end is, he hath lost a
I would it might prove the end of his losses.
Let me say 'amen' betimes, lest the devil cross my prayer,
for here he comes in the likeness of a Jew.
[Enter SHYLOCK.]
How now, Shylock! What news among the merchants?
You knew, none so well, none so well as you, of my
daughter's flight.
That's certain; I, for my part, knew the tailor that made
the wings she flew withal.
And Shylock, for his own part, knew the bird was fledged;
and then it is the complexion of them all to leave the dam.
She is damned for it.
That's certain, if the devil may be her judge.
My own flesh and blood to rebel!
Out upon it, old carrion! Rebels it at these years?
I say my daughter is my flesh and my blood.
There is more difference between thy flesh and hers than
between jet and ivory; more between your bloods than there is
between red wine and Rhenish. But tell us, do you hear whether
Antonio have had any loss at sea or no?
There I have another bad match: a bankrupt, a prodigal,
who dare scarce show his head on the Rialto; a beggar, that used
to come so smug upon the mart; let him look to his bond: he
was wont to call me usurer; let him look to his bond: he was wont
to lend money for a Christian courtesy; let him look to his bond.
Why, I am sure, if he forfeit, thou wilt not take his
flesh: what's that good for?
To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will
feed my revenge. He hath disgrac'd me and hind'red me half a
million; laugh'd at my losses, mock'd at my gains, scorned my
nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine
enemies. And what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes?
Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections,
passions, fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons,
subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed
and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If
you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we
not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you
in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility?
Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance
be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villaiy you teach me
I will execute; and it shall go hard but I will better the
[Enter a Servant.]
Gentlemen, my master Antonio is at his house, and desires to
speak with you both.
We have been up and down to seek him.
[Enter TUBAL.]
Here comes another of the tribe: a third cannot be
match'd, unless the devil himself turn Jew.
[Exeunt SALANIO, SALARINO, and Servant.]
How now, Tubal! what news from Genoa? Hast thou found my
I often came where I did hear of her, but cannot find her.
Why there, there, there, there! A diamond gone, cost me
two thousand ducats in Frankfort! The curse never fell upon our
nation till now; I never felt it till now. Two thousand ducats in
that, and other precious, precious jewels. I would my daughter
were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear; would she were
hearsed at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin! No news of
them? Why, so: and I know not what's spent in the search. Why,
thou - loss upon loss! The thief gone with so much, and so much to
find the thief; and no satisfaction, no revenge; nor no ill luck
stirring but what lights on my shoulders; no sighs but of my
breathing; no tears but of my shedding.
Yes, other men have ill luck too. Antonio, as I heard in
Genoa, -
What, what, what? Ill luck, ill luck?
- hath an argosy cast away, coming from Tripolis.
I thank God! I thank God! Is it true, is it true?
I spoke with some of the sailors that escaped the wrack.
I thank thee, good Tubal. Good news, good news! ha, ha!
Where? in Genoa?
Your daughter spent in Genoa, as I heard, one night,
fourscore ducats.
Thou stick'st a dagger in me: I shall never see my gold
again: fourscore ducats at a sitting! Fourscore ducats!
There came divers of Antonio's creditors in my company to
Venice that swear he cannot choose but break.
I am very glad of it; I'll plague him, I'll torture him; I
am glad of it.
One of them showed me a ring that he had of your daughter
for a monkey.
Out upon her! Thou torturest me, Tubal: It was my
turquoise; I had it of Leah when I was a bachelor; I would not
have given it for a wilderness of monkeys.
But Antonio is certainly undone.
Nay, that's true; that's very true. Go, Tubal, fee me an
officer; bespeak him a fortnight before. I will have the heart of
him, if he forfeit; for, were he out of Venice, I can make what
merchandise I will. Go, Tubal, and meet me at our synagogue; go,
good Tubal; at our synagogue, Tubal.
SCENE 2. Belmont. A room in PORTIA's house.
I pray you tarry; pause a day or two
Before you hazard; for, in choosing wrong,
I lose your company; therefore forbear a while.
There's something tells me, but it is not love,
I would not lose you; and you know yourself
Hate counsels not in such a quality.
But lest you should not understand me well, -
And yet a maiden hath no tongue but thought, -
I would detain you here some month or two
Before you venture for me. I could teach you
How to choose right, but then I am forsworn;
So will I never be; so may you miss me;
But if you do, you'll make me wish a sin,
That I had been forsworn. Beshrew your eyes,
They have o'erlook'd me and divided me:
One half of me is yours, the other half yours,
Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours,
And so all yours. O! these naughty times
Puts bars between the owners and their rights;
And so, though yours, not yours. Prove it so,
Let fortune go to hell for it, not I.
I speak too long, but 'tis to peise the time,
To eke it, and to draw it out in length,
To stay you from election.
Let me choose;
For as I am, I live upon the rack.
Upon the rack, Bassanio! Then confess
What treason there is mingled with your love.
None but that ugly treason of mistrust,
Which makes me fear th' enjoying of my love:
There may as well be amity and life
'Tween snow and fire as treason and my love.
Ay, but I fear you speak upon the rack,
Where men enforced do speak anything.
Promise me life, and I'll confess the truth.
Well then, confess and live.
'Confess' and 'love'
Had been the very sum of my confession:
O happy torment, when my torturer
Doth teach me answers for deliverance!
But let me to my fortune and the caskets.
Away, then! I am lock'd in one of them:
If you do love me, you will find me out.
Nerissa and the rest, stand all aloof;
Let music sound while he doth make his choice;
Then, if he lose, he makes a swan-like end,
Fading in music: that the comparison
May stand more proper, my eye shall be the stream
And watery death-bed for him. He may win;
And what is music then? Then music is
Even as the flourish when true subjects bow
To a new-crowned monarch; such it is
As are those dulcet sounds in break of day
That creep into the dreaming bridegroom's ear
And summon him to marriage. Now he goes,
With no less presence, but with much more love,
Than young Alcides when he did redeem
The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy
To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice;
The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives,
With bleared visages come forth to view
The issue of th' exploit. Go, Hercules!
Live thou, I live. With much much more dismay
I view the fight than thou that mak'st the fray.
[A Song, whilst BASSANIO comments on the caskets to himself.]
Tell me where is fancy bred,
Or in the heart or in the head,
How begot, how nourished?
Reply, reply.
It is engend'red in the eyes,
With gazing fed; and fancy dies
In the cradle where it lies.
Let us all ring fancy's knell:
I'll begin it. - Ding, dong, bell.
[ALL.] Ding, dong, bell.
So may the outward shows be least themselves:
The world is still deceiv'd with ornament.
In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt
But, being season'd with a gracious voice,
Obscures the show of evil? In religion,
What damned error but some sober brow
Will bless it, and approve it with a text,
Hiding the grossness with fair ornament?
There is no vice so simple but assumes
Some mark of virtue on his outward parts.
How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false
As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins
The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars;
Who, inward search'd, have livers white as milk;
And these assume but valour's excrement
To render them redoubted! Look on beauty
And you shall see 'tis purchas'd by the weight:
Which therein works a miracle in nature,
Making them lightest that wear most of it:
So are those crisped snaky golden locks
Which make such wanton gambols with the wind,
Upon supposed fairness, often known
To be the dowry of a second head,
The skull that bred them, in the sepulchre.
Thus ornament is but the guiled shore
To a most dangerous sea; the beauteous scarf
Veiling an Indian beauty; in a word,
The seeming truth which cunning times put on
To entrap the wisest. Therefore, thou gaudy gold,
Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee;
Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge
'Tween man and man: but thou, thou meagre lead,
Which rather threaten'st than dost promise aught,
Thy plainness moves me more than eloquence,
And here choose I: joy be the consequence!
[Aside] How all the other passions fleet to air,
As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embrac'd despair,
And shuddering fear, and green-ey'd jealousy!
O love! be moderate; allay thy ecstasy;
In measure rain thy joy; scant this excess;
I feel too much thy blessing; make it less,
For fear I surfeit!
What find I here? [Opening the leaden casket.]
Fair Portia's counterfeit! What demi-god
Hath come so near creation? Move these eyes?
Or whether riding on the balls of mine,
Seem they in motion? Here are sever'd lips,
Parted with sugar breath; so sweet a bar
Should sunder such sweet friends. Here in her hairs
The painter plays the spider, and hath woven
A golden mesh t' entrap the hearts of men
Faster than gnats in cobwebs: but her eyes! -
How could he see to do them? Having made one,
Methinks it should have power to steal both his,
And leave itself unfurnish'd: yet look, how far
The substance of my praise doth wrong this shadow
In underprizing it, so far this shadow
Doth limp behind the substance. Here's the scroll,
The continent and summary of my fortune.
'You that choose not by the view,
Chance as fair and choose as true!
Since this fortune falls to you,
Be content and seek no new.
If you be well pleas'd with this,
And hold your fortune for your bliss,
Turn to where your lady is
And claim her with a loving kiss.'
A gentle scroll. Fair lady, by your leave; {Kissing her.]
I come by note, to give and to receive.
Like one of two contending in a prize,
That thinks he hath done well in people's eyes,
Hearing applause and universal shout,
Giddy in spirit, still gazing in a doubt
Whether those peals of praise be his or no;
So, thrice-fair lady, stand I, even so,
As doubtful whether what I see be true,
Until confirm'd, sign'd, ratified by you.
You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand,
Such as I am: though for myself alone
I would not be ambitious in my wish
To wish myself much better, yet for you
I would be trebled twenty times myself,
A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times
More rich;
That only to stand high in your account,
I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends,
Exceed account. But the full sum of me
Is sum of something which, to term in gross,
Is an unlesson'd girl, unschool'd, unpractis'd;
Happy in this, she is not yet so old
But she may learn; happier than this,
She is not bred so dull but she can learn;
Happiest of all is that her gentle spirit
Commits itself to yours to be directed,
As from her lord, her governor, her king.
Myself and what is mine to you and yours
Is now converted. But now I was the lord
Of this fair mansion, master of my servants,
Queen o'er myself; and even now, but now,
This house, these servants, and this same myself,
Are yours- my lord's. I give them with this ring,
Which when you part from, lose, or give away,
Let it presage the ruin of your love,
And be my vantage to exclaim on you.
Madam, you have bereft me of all words,
Only my blood speaks to you in my veins;
And there is such confusion in my powers
As, after some oration fairly spoke
By a beloved prince, there doth appear
Among the buzzing pleased multitude;
Where every something, being blent together,
Turns to a wild of nothing, save of joy,
Express'd and not express'd. But when this ring
Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence:
O! then be bold to say Bassanio's dead.
My lord and lady, it is now our time,
That have stood by and seen our wishes prosper,
To cry, good joy. Good joy, my lord and lady!
My Lord Bassanio, and my gentle lady,
I wish you all the joy that you can wish;
For I am sure you can wish none from me;
And when your honours mean to solemnize
The bargain of your faith, I do beseech you
Even at that time I may be married too.
With all my heart, so thou canst get a wife.
I thank your lordship, you have got me one.
My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours:
You saw the mistress, I beheld the maid;
You lov'd, I lov'd; for intermission
No more pertains to me, my lord, than you.
Your fortune stood upon the caskets there,
And so did mine too, as the matter falls;
For wooing here until I sweat again,
And swearing till my very roof was dry
With oaths of love, at last, if promise last,
I got a promise of this fair one here
To have her love, provided that your fortune
Achiev'd her mistress.
Is this true, Nerissa?
Madam, it is, so you stand pleas'd withal.
And do you, Gratiano, mean good faith?
Yes, faith, my lord.
Our feast shall be much honour'd in your marriage.
We'll play with them the first boy for a thousand
What! and stake down?
No; we shall ne'er win at that sport, and stake down.
But who comes here? Lorenzo and his infidel?
What, and my old Venetian friend, Salanio!
Lorenzo and Salanio, welcome hither,
If that the youth of my new interest here
Have power to bid you welcome. By your leave,
I bid my very friends and countrymen,
Sweet Portia, welcome.
So do I, my lord;
They are entirely welcome.
I thank your honour. For my part, my lord,
My purpose was not to have seen you here;
But meeting with Salanio by the way,
He did entreat me, past all saying nay,
To come with him along.
I did, my lord,
And I have reason for it. Signior Antonio
Commends him to you.
[Gives BASSANIO a letter]
Ere I ope his letter,
I pray you tell me how my good friend doth.
Not sick, my lord, unless it be in mind;
Nor well, unless in mind; his letter there
Will show you his estate.
Nerissa, cheer yon stranger; bid her welcome.
Your hand, Salanio. What's the news from Venice?
How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio?
I know he will be glad of our success:
We are the Jasons, we have won the fleece.
I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost.
There are some shrewd contents in yon same paper.
That steal the colour from Bassanio's cheek:
Some dear friend dead, else nothing in the world
Could turn so much the constitution
Of any constant man. What, worse and worse!
With leave, Bassanio: I am half yourself,
And I must freely have the half of anything
That this same paper brings you.
O sweet Portia!
Here are a few of the unpleasant'st words
That ever blotted paper. Gentle lady,
When I did first impart my love to you,
I freely told you all the wealth I had
Ran in my veins, I was a gentleman;
And then I told you true. And yet, dear lady,
Rating myself at nothing, you shall see
How much I was a braggart. When I told you
My state was nothing, I should then have told you
That I was worse than nothing; for indeed
I have engag'd myself to a dear friend,
Engag'd my friend to his mere enemy,
To feed my means. Here is a letter, lady,
The paper as the body of my friend,
And every word in it a gaping wound
Issuing life-blood. But is it true, Salanio?
Hath all his ventures fail'd? What, not one hit?
From Tripolis, from Mexico, and England,
From Lisbon, Barbary, and India?
And not one vessel scape the dreadful touch
Of merchant-marring rocks?
Not one, my lord.
Besides, it should appear that, if he had
The present money to discharge the Jew,
He would not take it. Never did I know
A creature that did bear the shape of man,
So keen and greedy to confound a man.
He plies the duke at morning and at night,
And doth impeach the freedom of the state,
If they deny him justice. Twenty merchants,
The duke himself, and the magnificoes
Of greatest port, have all persuaded with him;
But none can drive him from the envious plea
Of forfeiture, of justice, and his bond.
When I was with him, I have heard him swear
To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen,
That he would rather have Antonio's flesh
Than twenty times the value of the sum
That he did owe him; and I know, my lord,
If law, authority, and power, deny not,
It will go hard with poor Antonio.
Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble?
The dearest friend to me, the kindest man,
The best condition'd and unwearied spirit
In doing courtesies; and one in whom
The ancient Roman honour more appears
Than any that draws breath in Italy.
What sum owes he the Jew?
For me, three thousand ducats.
What! no more?
Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond;
Double six thousand, and then treble that,
Before a friend of this description
Shall lose a hair through Bassanio's fault.
First go with me to church and call me wife,
And then away to Venice to your friend;
For never shall you lie by Portia's side
With an unquiet soul. You shall have gold
To pay the petty debt twenty times over:
When it is paid, bring your true friend along.
My maid Nerissa and myself meantime,
Will live as maids and widows. Come, away!
For you shall hence upon your wedding day.
Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheer;
Since you are dear bought, I will love you dear.
But let me hear the letter of your friend.
'Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried,
my creditors grow cruel, my estate is very low, my bond to the
Jew is forfeit; and since, in paying it, it is impossible I
should live, all debts are clear'd between you and I, if I might
but see you at my death. Notwithstanding, use your pleasure; if
your love do not persuade you to come, let not my letter.'
O love, dispatch all business and be gone!
Since I have your good leave to go away,
I will make haste; but, till I come again,
No bed shall e'er be guilty of my stay,
Nor rest be interposer 'twixt us twain.
SCENE 3. Venice. A street
Gaoler, look to him. Tell not me of mercy;
This is the fool that lent out money gratis:
Gaoler, look to him.
Hear me yet, good Shylock.
I'll have my bond; speak not against my bond.
I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond.
Thou call'dst me dog before thou hadst a cause,
But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs;
The Duke shall grant me justice. I do wonder,
Thou naughty gaoler, that thou art so fond
To come abroad with him at his request.
I pray thee hear me speak.
I'll have my bond. I will not hear thee speak;
I'll have my bond; and therefore speak no more.
I'll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool,
To shake the head, relent, and sigh, and yield
To Christian intercessors. Follow not;
I'll have no speaking; I will have my bond.
It is the most impenetrable cur
That ever kept with men.
Let him alone;
I'll follow him no more with bootless prayers.
He seeks my life; his reason well I know:
I oft deliver'd from his forfeitures
Many that have at times made moan to me;
Therefore he hates me.
I am sure the Duke
Will never grant this forfeiture to hold.
The Duke cannot deny the course of law;
For the commodity that strangers have
With us in Venice, if it be denied,
'Twill much impeach the justice of the state,
Since that the trade and profit of the city
Consisteth of all nations. Therefore, go;
These griefs and losses have so bated me
That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh
To-morrow to my bloody creditor.
Well, gaoler, on; pray God Bassanio come
To see me pay his debt, and then I care not.
SCENE 4. Belmont. A room in PORTIA's house.
Madam, although I speak it in your presence,
You have a noble and a true conceit
Of godlike amity, which appears most strongly
In bearing thus the absence of your lord.
But if you knew to whom you show this honour,
How true a gentleman you send relief,
How dear a lover of my lord your husband,
I know you would be prouder of the work
Than customary bounty can enforce you.
I never did repent for doing good,
Nor shall not now; for in companions
That do converse and waste the time together,
Whose souls do bear an equal yoke of love,
There must be needs a like proportion
Of lineaments, of manners, and of spirit,
Which makes me think that this Antonio,
Being the bosom lover of my lord,
Must needs be like my lord. If it be so,
How little is the cost I have bestowed
In purchasing the semblance of my soul
From out the state of hellish cruelty!
This comes too near the praising of myself;
Therefore, no more of it; hear other things.
Lorenzo, I commit into your hands
The husbandry and manage of my house
Until my lord's return; for mine own part,
I have toward heaven breath'd a secret vow
To live in prayer and contemplation,
Only attended by Nerissa here,
Until her husband and my lord's return.
There is a monastery two miles off,
And there we will abide. I do desire you
Not to deny this imposition,
The which my love and some necessity
Now lays upon you.
Madam, with all my heart
I shall obey you in an fair commands.
My people do already know my mind,
And will acknowledge you and Jessica
In place of Lord Bassanio and myself.
So fare you well till we shall meet again.
Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you!
I wish your ladyship all heart's content.
I thank you for your wish, and am well pleas'd
To wish it back on you. Fare you well, Jessica.
Now, Balthasar,
As I have ever found thee honest-true,
So let me find thee still. Take this same letter,
And use thou all th' endeavour of a man
In speed to Padua; see thou render this
Into my cousin's hands, Doctor Bellario;
And look what notes and garments he doth give thee,
Bring them, I pray thee, with imagin'd speed
Unto the traject, to the common ferry
Which trades to Venice. Waste no time in words,
But get thee gone; I shall be there before thee.
Madam, I go with all convenient speed.
Come on, Nerissa, I have work in hand
That you yet know not of; we'll see our husbands
Before they think of us.
Shall they see us?
They shall, Nerissa; but in such a habit
That they shall think we are accomplished
With that we lack. I'll hold thee any wager,
When we are both accoutred like young men,
I'll prove the prettier fellow of the two,
And wear my dagger with the braver grace,
And speak between the change of man and boy
With a reed voice; and turn two mincing steps
Into a manly stride; and speak of frays
Like a fine bragging youth; and tell quaint lies,
How honourable ladies sought my love,
Which I denying, they fell sick and died;
I could not do withal. Then I'll repent,
And wish for all that, that I had not kill'd them.
And twenty of these puny lies I'll tell,
That men shall swear I have discontinu'd school
About a twelvemonth. I have within my mind
A thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks,
Which I will practise.
Why, shall we turn to men?
Fie, what a question's that,
If thou wert near a lewd interpreter!
But come, I'll tell thee all my whole device
When I am in my coach, which stays for us
At the park gate; and therefore haste away,
For we must measure twenty miles to-day.
SCENE 5. The same. A garden.
Yes, truly; for, look you, the sins of the father are to
be laid upon the children; therefore, I promise you, I fear you.
I was always plain with you, and so now I speak my agitation of
the matter; therefore be of good cheer, for truly I think you are
damn'd. There is but one hope in it that can do you any good, and
that is but a kind of bastard hope neither.
And what hope is that, I pray thee?
Marry, you may partly hope that your father got you not,
that you are not the Jew's daughter.
That were a kind of bastard hope indeed; so the sins of my
mother should be visited upon me.
Truly then I fear you are damn'd both by father and
mother; thus when I shun Scylla, your father, I fall into
Charybdis, your mother; well, you are gone both ways.
I shall be saved by my husband; he hath made me a Christian.
Truly, the more to blame he; we were Christians enow
before, e'en as many as could well live one by another. This
making of Christians will raise the price of hogs; if we grow all
to be pork-eaters, we shall not shortly have a rasher on the
coals for money.
I'll tell my husband, Launcelot, what you say; here he comes.
[Enter LORENZO.]
I shall grow jealous of you shortly, Launcelot, if you
thus get my wife into corners.
Nay, you need nor fear us, Lorenzo; Launcelot and I are
out; he tells me flatly there's no mercy for me in heaven,
because I am a Jew's daughter; and he says you are no good member
of the commonwealth, for in converting Jews to Christians you
raise the price of pork.
I shall answer that better to the commonwealth than you
can the getting up of the negro's belly; the Moor is with child
by you, Launcelot.
It is much that the Moor should be more than reason; but
if she be less than an honest woman, she is indeed more than I
took her for.
How every fool can play upon the word! I think the best
grace of wit will shortly turn into silence, and discourse grow
commendable in none only but parrots. Go in, sirrah; bid them
prepare for dinner.
That is done, sir; they have all stomachs.
Goodly Lord, what a wit-snapper are you! Then bid them
prepare dinner.
That is done too, sir, only 'cover' is the word.
Will you cover, then, sir?
Not so, sir, neither; I know my duty.
Yet more quarrelling with occasion! Wilt thou show the
whole wealth of thy wit in an instant? I pray thee understand a
plain man in his plain meaning: go to thy fellows, bid them cover
the table, serve in the meat, and we will come in to dinner.
For the table, sir, it shall be served in; for the meat,
sir, it shall be covered; for your coming in to dinner, sir, why,
let it be as humours and conceits shall govern.
O dear discretion, how his words are suited!
The fool hath planted in his memory
An army of good words; and I do know
A many fools that stand in better place,
Garnish'd like him, that for a tricksy word
Defy the matter. How cheer'st thou, Jessica?
And now, good sweet, say thy opinion,
How dost thou like the Lord Bassanio's wife?
Past all expressing. It is very meet
The Lord Bassanio live an upright life,
For, having such a blessing in his lady,
He finds the joys of heaven here on earth;
And if on earth he do not merit it,
In reason he should never come to heaven.
Why, if two gods should play some heavenly match,
And on the wager lay two earthly women,
And Portia one, there must be something else
Pawn'd with the other; for the poor rude world
Hath not her fellow.
Even such a husband
Hast thou of me as she is for a wife.
Nay, but ask my opinion too of that.
I will anon; first let us go to dinner.
Nay, let me praise you while I have a stomach.
No, pray thee, let it serve for table-talk;
Then howsoe'er thou speak'st, 'mong other things
I shall digest it.
Well, I'll set you forth.
ACT 4.
SCENE I. Venice. A court of justice
[Enter the DUKE: the Magnificoes; ANTONIO, BASSANIO, GRATIANO,
What, is Antonio here?
Ready, so please your Grace.
I am sorry for thee; thou art come to answer
A stony adversary, an inhuman wretch,
Uncapable of pity, void and empty
From any dram of mercy.
I have heard
Your Grace hath ta'en great pains to qualify
His rigorous course; but since he stands obdurate,
And that no lawful means can carry me
Out of his envy's reach, I do oppose
My patience to his fury, and am arm'd
To suffer with a quietness of spirit
The very tyranny and rage of his.
Go one, and call the Jew into the court.
He is ready at the door; he comes, my lord.
[Enter SHYLOCK.]
Make room, and let him stand before our face.
Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too,
That thou but leadest this fashion of thy malice
To the last hour of act; and then, 'tis thought,
Thou'lt show thy mercy and remorse, more strange
Than is thy strange apparent cruelty;
And where thou now exacts the penalty, -
Which is a pound of this poor merchant's flesh, -
Thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture,
But, touch'd with human gentleness and love,
Forgive a moiety of the principal,
Glancing an eye of pity on his losses,
That have of late so huddled on his back,
Enow to press a royal merchant down,
And pluck commiseration of his state
From brassy bosoms and rough hearts of flint,
From stubborn Turks and Tartars, never train'd
To offices of tender courtesy.
We all expect a gentle answer, Jew.
I have possess'd your Grace of what I purpose,
And by our holy Sabbath have I sworn
To have the due and forfeit of my bond.
If you deny it, let the danger light
Upon your charter and your city's freedom.
You'll ask me why I rather choose to have
A weight of carrion flesh than to receive
Three thousand ducats. I'll not answer that,
But say it is my humour: is it answer'd?
What if my house be troubled with a rat,
And I be pleas'd to give ten thousand ducats
To have it ban'd? What, are you answer'd yet?
Some men there are love not a gaping pig;
Some that are mad if they behold a cat;
And others, when the bagpipe sings i' the nose,
Cannot contain their urine; for affection,
Mistress of passion, sways it to the mood
Of what it likes or loathes. Now, for your answer:
As there is no firm reason to be render'd,
Why he cannot abide a gaping pig;
Why he, a harmless necessary cat;
Why he, a wauling bagpipe; but of force
Must yield to such inevitable shame
As to offend, himself being offended;
So can I give no reason, nor I will not,
More than a lodg'd hate and a certain loathing
I bear Antonio, that I follow thus
A losing suit against him. Are you answered?
This is no answer, thou unfeeling man,
To excuse the current of thy cruelty.
I am not bound to please thee with my answer.
Do all men kill the things they do not love?
Hates any man the thing he would not kill?
Every offence is not a hate at first.
What! wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice?
I pray you, think you question with the Jew:
You may as well go stand upon the beach,
And bid the main flood bate his usual height;
You may as well use question with the wolf,
Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb;
You may as well forbid the mountain pines
To wag their high tops and to make no noise
When they are fretten with the gusts of heaven;
You may as well do anything most hard
As seek to soften that - than which what's harder? -
His Jewish heart: therefore, I do beseech you,
Make no moe offers, use no farther means,
But with all brief and plain conveniency.
Let me have judgment, and the Jew his will.
For thy three thousand ducats here is six.
If every ducat in six thousand ducats
Were in six parts, and every part a ducat,
I would not draw them; I would have my bond.
How shalt thou hope for mercy, rendering none?
What judgment shall I dread, doing no wrong?
You have among you many a purchas'd slave,
Which, fike your asses and your dogs and mules,
You use in abject and in slavish parts,
Because you bought them; shall I say to you
'Let them be free, marry them to your heirs?
Why sweat they under burdens? let their beds
Be made as soft as yours, and let their palates
Be season'd with such viands? You will answer
'The slaves are ours.' So do I answer you:
The pound of flesh which I demand of him
Is dearly bought; 'tis mine, and I will have it.
If you deny me, fie upon your law!
There is no force in the decrees of Venice.
I stand for judgment: answer; shall I have it?
Upon my power I may dismiss this court,
Unless Bellario, a learned doctor,
Whom I have sent for to determine this,
Come here to-day.
My lord, here stays without
A messenger with letters from the doctor,
New come from Padua.
Bring us the letters; call the messenger.
Good cheer, Antonio! What, man, courage yet!
The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, and all,
Ere thou shalt lose for me one drop of blood.
I am a tainted wether of the flock,
Meetest for death; the weakest kind of fruit
Drops earliest to the ground, and so let me.
You cannot better be employ'd, Bassanio,
Than to live still, and write mine epitaph.
[Enter NERISSA dressed like a lawyer's clerk.]
Came you from Padua, from Bellario?
From both, my lord. Bellario greets your Grace.
[Presents a letter.]
Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly?
To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there.
Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew,
Thou mak'st thy knife keen; but no metal can,
No, not the hangman's axe, bear half the keenness
Of thy sharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee?
No, none that thou hast wit enough to make.
O, be thou damn'd, inexecrable dog!
And for thy life let justice be accus'd.
Thou almost mak'st me waver in my faith,
To hold opinion with Pythagoras
That souls of animals infuse themselves
Into the trunks of men. Thy currish spirit
Govern'd a wolf who, hang'd for human slaughter,
Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet,
And, whilst thou lay'st in thy unhallow'd dam,
Infus'd itself in thee; for thy desires
Are wolfish, bloody, starv'd and ravenous.
Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond,
Thou but offend'st thy lungs to speak so loud;
Repair thy wit, good youth, or it will fall
To cureless ruin. I stand here for law.
This letter from Bellario doth commend
A young and learned doctor to our court.
Where is he?
He attendeth here hard by,
To know your answer, whether you'll admit him.
With all my heart: some three or four of you
Go give him courteous conduct to this place.
Meantime, the court shall hear Bellario's letter.
'Your Grace shall understand that at the receipt
of your letter I am very sick; but in the instant that your
messenger came, in loving visitation was with me a young doctor
of Rome; his name is Balthazar. I acquainted him with the cause
in controversy between the Jew and Antonio the merchant; we
turn'd o'er many books together; he is furnished with my opinion
which, bettered with his own learning, - the greatness whereof I
cannot enough commend, - comes with him at my importunity to fill
up your Grace's request in my stead. I beseech you let his lack
of years be no impediment to let him lack a reverend estimation,
for I never knew so young a body with so old a head. I leave him
to your gracious acceptance, whose trial shall better publish his
YOU hear the learn'd Bellario, what he writes;
And here, I take it, is the doctor come.
[Enter PORTIA, dressed like a doctor of laws.]
Give me your hand; come you from old Bellario?
I did, my lord.
You are welcome; take your place.
Are you acquainted with the difference
That holds this present question in the court?
I am informed throughly of the cause.
Which is the merchant here, and which the Jew?
Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth.
Is your name Shylock?
Shylock is my name.
Of a strange nature is the suit you follow;
Yet in such rule that the Venetian law
Cannot impugn you as you do proceed.
[To ANTONIO.] You stand within his danger, do you not?
Ay, so he says.
Do you confess the bond?
I do.
Then must the Jew be merciful.
On what compulsion must I? Tell me that.
The quality of mercy is not strain'd;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway,
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That in the course of justice none of us
Should see salvation; we do pray for mercy,
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea,
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.
My deeds upon my head! I crave the law,
The penalty and forfeit of my bond.
Is he not able to discharge the money?
Yes; here I tender it for him in the court;
Yea, twice the sum; if that will not suffice,
I will be bound to pay it ten times o'er
On forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart;
If this will not suffice, it must appear
That malice bears down truth. And, I beseech you,
Wrest once the law to your authority;
To do a great right do a little wrong,
And curb this cruel devil of his will.
It must not be; there is no power in Venice
Can alter a decree established;
'Twill be recorded for a precedent,
And many an error by the same example
Will rush into the state. It cannot be.
A Daniel come to judgment! Yea, a Daniel!
O wise young judge, how I do honour thee!
I pray you, let me look upon the bond.
Here 'tis, most reverend doctor; here it is.
Shylock, there's thrice thy money offer'd thee.
An oath, an oath! I have an oath in heaven.
Shall I lay perjury upon my soul?
No, not for Venice.
Why, this bond is forfeit;
And lawfully by this the Jew may claim
A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off
Nearest the merchant's heart. Be merciful.
Take thrice thy money; bid me tear the bond.
When it is paid according to the tenour.
It doth appear you are a worthy judge;
You know the law; your exposition
Hath been most sound; I charge you by the law,
Whereof you are a well-deserving pillar,
Proceed to judgment. By my soul I swear
There is no power in the tongue of man
To alter me. I stay here on my bond.
Most heartily I do beseech the court
To give the judgment.
Why then, thus it is:
You must prepare your bosom for his knife.
O noble judge! O excellent young man!
For the intent and purpose of the law
Hath full relation to the penalty,
Which here appeareth due upon the bond.
'Tis very true. O wise and upright judge,
How much more elder art thou than thy looks!
Therefore, lay bare your bosom.
Ay, 'his breast':
So says the bond: - doth it not, noble judge? -
'Nearest his heart': those are the very words.
It is so. Are there balance here to weigh
The flesh?
I have them ready.
Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge,
To stop his wounds, lest he do bleed to death.
Is it so nominated in the bond?
It is not so express'd; but what of that?
'Twere good you do so much for charity.
I cannot find it; 'tis not in the bond.
You, merchant, have you anything to say?
But little: I am arm'd and well prepar'd.
Give me your hand, Bassanio: fare you well.!
Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you,
For herein Fortune shows herself more kind
Than is her custom: it is still her use
To let the wretched man outlive his wealth,
To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow
An age of poverty; from which lingering penance
Of such misery doth she cut me off.
Commend me to your honourable wife:
Tell her the process of Antonio's end;
Say how I lov'd you; speak me fair in death;
And, when the tale is told, bid her be judge
Whether Bassanio had not once a love.
Repent but you that you shall lose your friend,
And he repents not that he pays your debt;
For if the Jew do cut but deep enough,
I'll pay it instantly with all my heart.
Antonio, I am married to a wife
Which is as dear to me as life itself;
But life itself, my wife, and all the world,
Are not with me esteem'd above thy life;
I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all
Here to this devil, to deliver you.
Your wife would give you little thanks for that,
If she were by to hear you make the offer.
I have a wife whom, I protest, I love;
I would she were in heaven, so she could
Entreat some power to change this currish Jew.
'Tis well you offer it behind her back;
The wish would make else an unquiet house.
These be the Christian husbands! I have a daughter;
Would any of the stock of Barabbas
Had been her husband, rather than a Christian!
We trifle time; I pray thee, pursue sentence.
A pound of that same merchant's flesh is thine.
The court awards it and the law doth give it.
Most rightful judge!
And you must cut this flesh from off his breast.
The law allows it and the court awards it.
Most learned judge! A sentence! Come, prepare.
Tarry a little; there is something else.
This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood;
The words expressly are 'a pound of flesh':
Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh;
But, in the cutting it, if thou dost shed
One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods
Are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate
Unto the state of Venice.
O upright judge! Mark, Jew: O learned judge!
Is that the law?
Thyself shalt see the act;
For, as thou urgest justice, be assur'd
Thou shalt have justice, more than thou desir'st.
O learned judge! Mark, Jew: alearned judge!
I take this offer then: pay the bond thrice,
And let the Christian go.
Here is the money.
The Jew shall have all justice; soft! no haste: -
He shall have nothing but the penalty.
O Jew! an upright judge, a learned judge!
Therefore, prepare thee to cut off the flesh.
Shed thou no blood; nor cut thou less nor more,
But just a pound of flesh: if thou tak'st more,
Or less, than a just pound, be it but so much
As makes it light or heavy in the substance,
Or the division of the twentieth part
Of one poor scruple; nay, if the scale do turn
But in the estimation of a hair,
Thou diest, and all thy goods are confiscate.
A second Daniel, a Daniel, Jew!
Now, infidel, I have you on the hip.
Why doth the Jew pause? Take thy forfeiture.
Give me my principal, and let me go.
I have it ready for thee; here it is.
He hath refus'd it in the open court;
He shall have merely justice, and his bond.
A Daniel still say I; a second Daniel!
I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word.
Shall I not have barely my principal?
Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture
To be so taken at thy peril, Jew.
Why, then the devil give him good of it!
I'll stay no longer question.
Tarry, Jew.
The law hath yet another hold on you.
It is enacted in the laws of Venice,
If it be prov'd against an alien
That by direct or indirect attempts
He seek the life of any citizen,
The party 'gainst the which he doth contrive
Shall seize one half his goods; the other half
Comes to the privy coffer of the state;
And the offender's life lies in the mercy
Of the duke only, 'gainst all other voice.
In which predicament, I say, thou stand'st;
For it appears by manifest proceeding
That indirectly, and directly too,
Thou hast contrived against the very life
Of the defendant; and thou hast incurr'd
The danger formerly by me rehears'd.
Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the duke.
Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang thyself;
And yet, thy wealth being forfeit to the state,
Thou hast not left the value of a cord;
Therefore thou must be hang'd at the state's charge.
That thou shalt see the difference of our spirits,
I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it.
For half thy wealth, it is Antonio's;
The other half comes to the general state,
Which humbleness may drive unto a fine.
Ay, for the state; not for Antonio.
Nay, take my life and all, pardon not that:
You take my house when you do take the prop
That doth sustain my house; you take my life
When you do take the means whereby I live.
What mercy can you render him, Antonio?
A halter gratis; nothing else, for God's sake!
So please my lord the Duke and all the court
To quit the fine for one half of his goods;
I am content, so he will let me have
The other half in use, to render it
Upon his death unto the gentleman
That lately stole his daughter:
Two things provided more, that, for this favour,
He presently become a Christian;
The other, that he do record a gift,
Here in the court, of all he dies possess'd
Unto his son Lorenzo and his daughter.
He shall do this, or else I do recant
The pardon that I late pronounced here.
Art thou contented, Jew? What dost thou say?
I am content.
Clerk, draw a deed of gift.
I pray you, give me leave to go from hence;
I am not well; send the deed after me
And I will sign it.
Get thee gone, but do it.
In christening shalt thou have two god-fathers;
Had I been judge, thou shouldst have had ten more,
To bring thee to the gallows, not to the font.
Sir, I entreat you home with me to dinner.
I humbly do desire your Grace of pardon;
I must away this night toward Padua,
And it is meet I presently set forth.
I am sorry that your leisure serves you not.
Antonio, gratify this gentleman,
For in my mind you are much bound to him.
[Exeunt DUKE, Magnificoes, and Train.]
Most worthy gentleman, I and my friend
Have by your wisdom been this day acquitted
Of grievous penalties; in lieu whereof
Three thousand ducats, due unto the Jew,
We freely cope your courteous pains withal.
And stand indebted, over and above,
In love and service to you evermore.
He is well paid that is well satisfied;
And I, delivering you, am satisfied,
And therein do account myself well paid:
My mind was never yet more mercenary.
I pray you, know me when we meet again:
I wish you well, and so I take my leave.
Dear sir, of force I must attempt you further;
Take some remembrance of us, as a tribute,
Not as fee. Grant me two things, I pray you,
Not to deny me, and to pardon me.
You press me far, and therefore I will yield.
Give me your gloves, I'll wear them for your sake.
And, for your love, I'll take this ring from you.
Do not draw back your hand; I'll take no more;
And you in love shall not deny me this.
This ring, good sir? alas, it is a trifle;
I will not shame myself to give you this.
I will have nothing else but only this;
And now, methinks, I have a mind to it.
There's more depends on this than on the value.
The dearest ring in Venice will I give you,
And find it out by proclamation:
Only for this, I pray you, pardon me.
I see, sir, you are liberal in offers;
You taught me first to beg, and now methinks
You teach me how a beggar should be answer'd.
Good sir, this ring was given me by my wife;
And, when she put it on, she made me vow
That I should neither sell, nor give, nor lose it.
That 'scuse serves many men to save their gifts.
And if your wife be not a mad-woman,
And know how well I have deserv'd this ring,
She would not hold out enemy for ever
For giving it to me. Well, peace be with you!
[Exeunt PORTIA and NERISSA.]
My Lord Bassanio, let him have the ring:
Let his deservings, and my love withal,
Be valued 'gainst your wife's commandment.
Go, Gratiano, run and overtake him;
Give him the ring, and bring him, if thou canst,
Unto Antonio's house. Away! make haste.
Come, you and I will thither presently;
And in the morning early will we both
Fly toward Belmont. Come, Antonio.
SCENE II. The same. A street
Inquire the Jew's house out, give him this deed,
And let him sign it; we'll away tonight,
And be a day before our husbands home.
This deed will be well welcome to Lorenzo.
Fair sir, you are well o'erta'en.
My Lord Bassanio, upon more advice,
Hath sent you here this ring, and doth entreat
Your company at dinner.
That cannot be:
His ring I do accept most thankfully;
And so, I pray you, tell him: furthermore,
I pray you show my youth old Shylock's house.
That will I do.
Sir, I would speak with you.
[Aside to PORTIA.]
I'll see if I can get my husband's ring,
Which I did make him swear to keep for ever.
Thou Mayst, I warrant. We shall have old swearing
That they did give the rings away to men;
But we'll outface them, and outswear them too.
Away! make haste: thou know'st where I will tarry.
Come, good sir, will you show me to this house?
SCENE I. Belmont. The avenue to PORTIA's house.
The moon shines bright: in such a night as this,
When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees,
And they did make no noise, in such a night,
Troilus methinks mounted the Troyan walls,
And sigh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents,
Where Cressid lay that night.
In such a night
Did Thisby fearfully o'ertrip the dew,
And saw the lion's shadow ere himself,
And ran dismay'd away.
In such a night
Stood Dido with a willow in her hand
Upon the wild sea-banks, and waft her love
To come again to Carthage.
In such a night
Medea gather'd the enchanted herbs
That did renew old AEson.
In such a night
Did Jessica steal from the wealthy Jew,
And with an unthrift love did run from Venice
As far as Belmont.
In such a night
Did young Lorenzo swear he lov'd her well,
Stealing her soul with many vows of faith, -
And ne'er a true one.
In such a night
Did pretty Jessica, like a little shrew,
Slander her love, and he forgave it her.
I would out-night you, did no body come;
But, hark, I hear the footing of a man.
Who comes so fast in silence of the night?
A friend.
A friend! What friend? Your name, I pray you, friend?
Stephano is my name, and I bring word
My mistress will before the break of day
Be here at Belmont; she doth stray about
By holy crosses, where she kneels and prays
For happy wedlock hours.
Who comes with her?
None but a holy hermit and her maid.
I pray you, is my master yet return'd?
He is not, nor we have not heard from him.
But go we in, I pray thee, Jessica,
And ceremoniously let us prepare
Some welcome for the mistress of the house.
LAUNCELOT. Sola, sola! wo ha, ho! sola, sola!
Who calls?
Sola! Did you see Master Lorenzo? Master Lorenzo! Sola, sola!
Leave holloaing, man. Here!
Sola! Where? where?
Tell him there's a post come from my master with his
horn full of good news; my master will be here ere morning.
Sweet soul, let's in, and there expect their coming.
And yet no matter; why should we go in?
My friend Stephano, signify, I pray you,
Within the house, your mistress is at hand;
And bring your music forth into the air.
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears; soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Sit, Jessica: look how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold;
There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins;
Such harmony is in immortal souls;
But, whilst this muddy vesture of decay
Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it.
[Enter Musicians.]
Come, ho! and wake Diana with a hymn;
With sweetest touches pierce your mistress' ear.
And draw her home with music.
I am never merry when I hear sweet music.
The reason is, your spirits are attentive;
For do but note a wild and wanton herd,
Or race of youthful and unhandled colts,
Fetching mad bounds, bellowing and neighing loud,
Which is the hot condition of their blood;
If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound,
Or any air of music touch their ears,
You shall perceive them make a mutual stand,
Their savage eyes turn'd to a modest gaze
By the sweet power of music: therefore the poet
Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones, and floods;
Since nought so stockish, hard, and full of rage,
But music for the time doth change his nature.
The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus.
Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music.
[Enter PORTIA and NERISSA, at a distance.]
That light we see is burning in my hall.
How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
When the moon shone, we did not see the candle.
So doth the greater glory dim the less:
A substitute shines brightly as a king
Until a king be by, and then his state
Empties itself, as doth an inland brook
Into the main of waters. Music! hark!
It is your music, madam, of the house.
Nothing is good, I see, without respect:
Methinks it sounds much sweeter than by day.
Silence bestows that virtue on it, madam.
The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark
When neither is attended; and I think
The nightingale, if she should sing by day,
When every goose is cackling, would be thought
No better a musician than the wren.
How many things by season season'd are
To their right praise and true perfection!
Peace, ho! The moon sleeps with Endymion,
And would not be awak'd!
[Music ceases.]
That is the voice,
Or I am much deceiv'd, of Portia.
He knows me as the blind man knows the cuckoo,
By the bad voice.
LORENZO. Dear lady, welcome home.
We have been praying for our husbands' welfare,
Which speed, we hope, the better for our words.
Are they return'd?
Madam, they are not yet;
But there is come a messenger before,
To signify their coming.
Go in, Nerissa:
Give order to my servants that they take
No note at all of our being absent hence;
Nor you, Lorenzo; Jessica, nor you.
[A tucket sounds.]
Your husband is at hand; I hear his trumpet.
We are no tell-tales, madam, fear you not.
This night methinks is but the daylight sick;
It looks a little paler; 'tis a day
Such as the day is when the sun is hid.
[Enter BASSANIO, ANTONIO, GRATIANO, and their Followers.]
We should hold day with the Antipodes,
If you would walk in absence of the sun.
Let me give light, but let me not be light,
For a light wife doth make a heavy husband,
And never be Bassanio so for me:
But God sort all! You are welcome home, my lord.
I thank you, madam; give welcome to my friend:
This is the man, this is Antonio,
To whom I am so infinitely bound.
You should in all sense be much bound to him,
For, as I hear, he was much bound for you.
No more than I am well acquitted of.
Sir, you are very welcome to our house.
It must appear in other ways than words,
Therefore I scant this breathing courtesy.
By yonder moon I swear you do me wrong;
In faith, I gave it to the judge's clerk.
Would he were gelt that had it, for my part,
Since you do take it, love, so much at heart.
A quarrel, ho, already! What's the matter?
About a hoop of gold, a paltry ring
That she did give me, whose posy was
For all the world like cutlers' poetry
Upon a knife, 'Love me, and leave me not.'
What talk you of the posy, or the value?
You swore to me, when I did give it you,
That you would wear it till your hour of death,
And that it should lie with you in your grave;
Though not for me, yet for your vehement oaths,
You should have been respective and have kept it.
Gave it a judge's clerk! No, God's my judge,
The clerk will ne'er wear hair on's face that had it.
He will, an if he live to be a man.
Ay, if a woman live to be a man.
Now, by this hand, I gave it to a youth,
A kind of boy, a little scrubbed boy
No higher than thyself, the judge's clerk;
A prating boy that begg'd it as a fee;
I could not for my heart deny it him.
You were to blame, - I must be plain with you, -
To part so slightly with your wife's first gift,
A thing stuck on with oaths upon your finger,
And so riveted with faith unto your flesh.
I gave my love a ring, and made him swear
Never to part with it, and here he stands,
I dare be sworn for him he would not leave it
Nor pluck it from his finger for the wealth
That the world masters. Now, in faith, Gratiano,
You give your wife too unkind a cause of grief;
An 'twere to me, I should be mad at it.
Why, I were best to cut my left hand off,
And swear I lost the ring defending it.
My Lord Bassanio gave his ring away
Unto the judge that begg'd it, and indeed
Deserv'd it too; and then the boy, his clerk,
That took some pains in writing, he begg'd mine;
And neither man nor master would take aught
But the two rings.
What ring gave you, my lord?
Not that, I hope, which you receiv'd of me.
If I could add a lie unto a fault,
I would deny it; but you see my finger
Hath not the ring upon it; it is gone.
Even so void is your false heart of truth;
By heaven, I will ne'er come in your bed
Until I see the ring.
Nor I in yours
Till I again see mine.
Sweet Portia,
If you did know to whom I gave the ring,
If you did know for whom I gave the ring,
And would conceive for what I gave the ring,
And how unwillingly I left the ring,
When nought would be accepted but the ring,
You would abate the strength of your displeasure.
If you had known the virtue of the ring,
Or half her worthiness that gave the ring,
Or your own honour to contain the ring,
You would not then have parted with the ring.
What man is there so much unreasonable,
If you had pleas'd to have defended it
With any terms of zeal, wanted the modesty
To urge the thing held as a ceremony?
Nerissa teaches me what to believe:
I'll die for't but some woman had the ring.
No, by my honour, madam, by my soul,
No woman had it, but a civil doctor,
Which did refuse three thousand ducats of me,
And begg'd the ring; the which I did deny him,
And suffer'd him to go displeas'd away;
Even he that had held up the very life
Of my dear friend. What should I say, sweet lady?
I was enforc'd to send it after him;
I was beset with shame and courtesy;
My honour would not let ingratitude
So much besmear it. Pardon me, good lady;
For, by these blessed candles of the night,
Had you been there, I think you would have begg'd
The ring of me to give the worthy doctor.
Let not that doctor e'er come near my house;
Since he hath got the jewel that I loved,
And that which you did swear to keep for me,
I will become as liberal as you;
I'll not deny him anything I have,
No, not my body, nor my husband's bed.
Know him I shall, I am well sure of it.
Lie not a night from home; watch me like Argus;
If you do not, if I be left alone,
Now, by mine honour which is yet mine own,
I'll have that doctor for mine bedfellow.
And I his clerk; therefore be well advis'd
How you do leave me to mine own protection.
Well, do you so: let not me take him then;
For, if I do, I'll mar the young clerk's pen.
I am the unhappy subject of these quarrels.
Sir, grieve not you; you are welcome notwithstanding.
Portia, forgive me this enforced wrong;
And in the hearing of these many friends
I swear to thee, even by thine own fair eyes,
Wherein I see myself, -
Mark you but that!
In both my eyes he doubly sees himself,
In each eye one; swear by your double self,
And there's an oath of credit.
Nay, but hear me:
Pardon this fault, and by my soul I swear
I never more will break an oath with thee.
I once did lend my body for his wealth,
Which, but for him that had your husband's ring,
Had quite miscarried; I dare be bound again,
My soul upon the forfeit, that your lord
Will never more break faith advisedly.
Then you shall be his surety. Give him this,
And bid him keep it better than the other.
Here, Lord Bassanio, swear to keep this ring.
By heaven! it is the same I gave the doctor!
I had it of him: pardon me, Bassanio,
For, by this ring, the doctor lay with me.
And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano,
For that same scrubbed boy, the doctor's clerk,
In lieu of this, last night did lie with me.
Why, this is like the mending of high ways
In summer, where the ways are fair enough.
What! are we cuckolds ere we have deserv'd it?
Speak not so grossly. You are all amaz'd:
Here is a letter; read it at your leisure;
It comes from Padua, from Bellario:
There you shall find that Portia was the doctor,
Nerissa there, her clerk: Lorenzo here
Shall witness I set forth as soon as you,
And even but now return'd; I have not yet
Enter'd my house. Antonio, you are welcome;
And I have better news in store for you
Than you expect: unseal this letter soon;
There you shall find three of your argosies
Are richly come to harbour suddenly.
You shall not know by what strange accident
I chanced on this letter.
I am dumb.
Were you the doctor, and I knew you not?
Were you the clerk that is to make me cuckold?
Ay, but the clerk that never means to do it,
Unless he live until he be a man.
Sweet doctor, you shall be my bedfellow:
When I am absent, then lie with my wife.
Sweet lady, you have given me life and living;
For here I read for certain that my ships
Are safely come to road.
How now, Lorenzo!
My clerk hath some good comforts too for you.
Ay, and I'll give them him without a fee.
There do I give to you and Jessica,
From the rich Jew, a special deed of gift,
After his death, of all he dies possess'd of.
Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way
Of starved people.
It is almost morning,
And yet I am sure you are not satisfied
Of these events at full. Let us go in;
And charge us there upon inter'gatories,
And we will answer all things faithfully.
Let it be so: he first inter'gatory
That my Nerissa shall be sworn on is,
Whe'r till the next night she had rather stay,
Or go to bed now, being two hours to day:
But were the day come, I should wish it dark,
Till I were couching with the doctor's clerk.
Well, while I live, I'll fear no other thing
So sore as keeping safe Nerissa's ring.
Publication Date: May 29th 2008 https://www.bookrix.com/-bx.shakespeare |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-deajia-wadley-janaes-story/ | deajia wadley Janaes Story when all the love runs out who can you turn to i dedicate this to all my readers
She was born in this world sick no one knew what she was she didn't even know she was and no on thought she would turn out the way she did and now its costing her, her life and the people around her just tell her everything she is doing wrong but she wont listen she will be forever doomed in the life that she lives now.She is short with long pink hair skinny light sight skinned with a prefect figure and eyes that are sharp and piercing she is 15 years old . This is Janae’s Story.
he walks around her friends house and realizes that their a large amount of boys in the house .she had been invited to the party and had a crush on her friend alexis brother Marcus she wanted so bad for him to like her that she had already made up in her mind she was going to do everything to get him the naive girl thought this was the way for him to show some profound love for her. Upon her seeing all these boys she was scared she just didn't show it she smiled at them in a flirtatious matter she didn't even know she was showing. She walked in the back room and changed into her pajamas and Marcus ran in to the room and got behind her ,she was confused at first about what was going on around her but she thought if she stopped him he would no longer show interest in her at all , He told he how bad he wanted her and she thought of it as he loved her like she loved him when he left the room she couldn't stop smiling at what just happened the rest of the night he would look at her and smile and stare.
When it was almost time for everyone to go to bed Marcus cousin Jordan came into the living room with her and he asked whats wrong she answer truly and said nothing he asked her did she want to go to the back with him so she thought about it and after thinking it through she got up and fallowed him to his room. Once they were in there he instantly started removing his clothing she told him that she couldn't have sex and he didn't ask her why he just stopped and sat down with her and slowly he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips once she was use to the kiss she started to get rougher she was nervous even though she had kissed a boy before this was the first time she was actually alone with a boy in a room and actually had a chance to have sex.
He lifted her shirt and she was surprised she didn't want to stop him. He was so gentle and caring with the way he treated her she never wanted to be out of his touch she melted with ever kiss and touch from him and she never wanted it to end but she knew she had to. When they were done with their make out session she kissed him once more and left his room, but as she got into bed and drifted off to sleep in her bed all she could think about was Marcus yes she liked him and she liked Jordan but she knew her heart belonged to Marcus.
When she woke up that morning she did her usual routine and then walked into the kitchen ,Jordan had left early with his mom and some of the rest of the boys where gone to, everyone was their except Marcus so she went to go see where he was When she found him she sat by him on the couch and asked him what was wrong it seemed as if he didn't have an answer for any of her questions she wanted to get up put how he smiled at her made her want to stay. She slowly leaned in and kissed him on his lips and he greatly accepted her kiss. She trailed her kissed down to his neck and when he moan she sucked harder and flicked her tongue against him when she pulled back he still had his bright smile on his face which only made her want to kiss him more, but she had to get up and get ready for the party when she was done changing everyone was ready to go.
They had pulled up to an unfamiliar place and Alexis mom had told her that they were going to play laser tag. She had never played before but she knew it would be a good exercise and she would have a lot of fun doing it . After they played about 7 games of laser tag and played with everything else there possible was in the arcade It was time to eat. She had meet one of Alexis friend and they were actually getting along very well when they saw where everyone was sitting they had the same thing on there mind it was to many people in one little space to their left they saw their were two more empty tables away from everyone else but not to far that they couldn't see us they were literarily 5 feet away.
When they sat down 3 boys came over and sat at the second table One of the boys was Jordan he smiled at me and i lightly smiled back at him after she turned around and talked more to girl she had just meet. They had school in the morning so and her sisters Aaliyah and Justice mom came and got them they all truly enjoyed their time but when Janae got in the car her and questioned her about what happened over the weekend she said that Alexis mother had told her that i had done something bad and She told her nothing because other than kissing Jordan and Marcus she didn't to anything that Her mother would know about and she wasn't about to tell her mother what happened between them. When she had got home her had mom dropped the conversation. Her sister Aaliyah who she thought was sleep during her mothers conversation pulled her into the bathroom to talk to her she had told her what was going on and why mamma would think she did something bad that Alexis mom would notice. She told the that Alexis mother was saying she was alone with 5 boys when she was over at the separate tables she said that she was trying to be fast .
The one thing that caught her ear is when she said that Marcus had said she was a HOE. When her sister uttered those words her heart broke into tiny little pieces they boy she loved had not defended her but signed with all the negative comments being thrown on her he didn't say she was smart, talented, beautiful ,innocent, cheerful, confident, and loving but instead he called her the worst name that anyone can all a female and it got worse to hear that Alexis had said it to. Her friend and her love had hurt her to her core and with all the emotions going through her she did not know what to say? what to do? how to feel ? she was sad, mad, angry, confused, hurt, manipulated, and used. In heart she had thought Marcus felt the same way about her but clearly he had other things in mind and to think about it he was never really nice to her unless the were alone together she had came to the conclusion that the one had fallen in love with was a harsh and curl man who should never be trust. After her sister told he with pity and sorrow in her eyes, she knew how she felt about Marcus, she didn't want her sister to be hurt over a boy that was no good anyway but she had to let her have her moment and cry it out but in her head she knew it would blow over that all her older sister had to do is cry it out and then move on from the situation.
Janae had locked her self into the room and cried her self to sleep but keep waking up to the dream of Marcus screaming out her name so instead of torturing her self she listen to her favorite song Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran when he listen to the slow love song and just thought about who her love story would never the on that he describes to her in his song she cried and cried to his song on replay before she finally feel out due to her tiredness. When she checked her clock it was her time to wake up and get read for school she got in the shower and did her morning routine.She looks in the mirror and she cant even recognize her own face she feels dirty and used the one she loved for years had betrayed her trust. With every glimpse of her self she seemed to drift of into her mind she looked broken like the world around her had stomped on her heart and tore her into oblivion. She turned away from the mirror with tears in her eyes and continued to get ready for the day ahead.
She walked into to school with all black cloths and makeup all of her friends were stunned by her new look she had always been colorful and bright. They walked up to her and asked her what had happened she just blankly stared of into space and tried not to think about what happened.She had liked Marcus since she was 10 when they were little she always played marriage with him the would stand over the door entrance with fake flower in their hand and say their vows to each other in her head she knew it was just a game she just thought since they had such a good connection throughout the years but how could his feeling change so fast one minute he was saying how much he wanted her then the next he would call he a hoe. It was never her goal to be promiscuous she just wanted love all she ever needed was the love that no one would give her she wanted to be wanted by someone else she wanted to be held and have someone claim to the whole world their love for one another she thought Marcus would be the line to provide her with that unconditional love that she had been yearning for her whole life but at last she was wrong the one she had given her heart to shattered her very soul. she was quiet the whole day she wold smile here and there so the teachers wouldn't think anything was wrong with her her plan was successful.
When she went home she still had the same throbbing pain in her chest she went in her moms medicine cabinet and grabbed the pain killers she took out 2 then 3 then 6 she stopped when she had 10 pills in her hand she went into the kitchen and got a glass of orange juice and took all the pills at once she slid down the counter and counted to 100 to distract her from the pain that was soon to cook when she was at 60 her heart stopped hurting and the pain moved to her stomach in a matter of seconds she had foam coming from her mouth and a large spread pain all over her body but soon she knew all her pain would go away Marcus would no longer be able to hurt her he had already shattered her heart with one awful word uttered from his lips one word that haunted her throughout the night and he was the only thing her heart could manage she liked no better Yet she loved him even more then she had loved herself . As more and more pain ran through her body she blacked out as soon as her eyes closed she knew her pain was soon going to come to an end.
Her mom was just getting of from work and walked into the kitchen to see her daughter laying their lifeless. She instantly got up and helped her daughter and got her to the car and drove to the ER to help her daughter once they were their the nurses but he on a table and pumped her stomach until she began to react to the medicine the doctors where giving her. Janae woke up with an IV in her arm and the biggest headache she had ever had in her whole life she wad happy and mad. she was mad because her mom just couldn't have let her die but happy because she wasn't really sure it she wanted to die maybe it was just her or everything around her that made her feel that way she was lost and the only thing he could say about her was to call her promiscuous which had confused her Marcus and Jordan where the only two boys she has had that much contact with even the boys she dated before never got on such an intimate level . When she Thought of Marcus her blood boiled he did this all she gave him was real unconditional love and he spit in her face like some rabbit animal. She still had little pain so she laid back down in her hospital bed and drifted of into a deep sleep.
Pictures of characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 (Jordan P.o.v)
I woke up at 9am to a call saying my love was in the hospital from over dose you may not know it but i loved Janae since i meet her 3 years ago and i always wanted her the day she was in my room yes i wanted to have sex but something in my heart was telling she wasn't ready and when she said she wasn't i stopped all i wanted to do is have her in my arms. I just don't know why she could have done this to herself i hope its not over what Marcus dump ass said . Over the years he developed a crush on her but he never wanted anyone he was in love with her me on the other had i wanted to scream it out and tell the world but i knew she liked him back so their was no chance for me until the night we kissed then i had a chance to show her how much i love her.
I knew her sister Aaliyah was faithful towards her so Marcus calling her a hoe wasn't going to just go by her and if she didn't tell her i sure would have even thought he is my cousin we will always be family bu i only have one chance to be with the girl i love. fro real he had the most beautiful girl to love him and he just gave that up like she was nothing. Right now I'm on my way to the hospital to check on her i hope she is ok. As i walk in i ask the receptionist for a Janae Hope and they tell me room number 432. When i walk in i see her laying on the hospital bed lifeless. I walk over to where she is and kiss her forehead. I watch here as her eyes flutter open.
(Janae’s p.o.v)
I felt a light kiss on my head and i opened by eyes to see the very handsome Jordan holding my hand and starring in my eyes, and i instantly ask him the much needed question
“What are you doing Here”
“I wanted to make sure you were ok”
“Why would you do that”
“Because i care about you everyone else will be here shortly”
“I don’t want to see them especially not Marcus”
“Did you do this because of him”
“Yes and no, i did it because when he said it everyone backed him up on his option is that what i am a hoe do you think of me that way”
“Not at all when is kissed you i could tell you were nervous i Knew it was your first time and yes i wanted to have sex with you put i knew you wouldn’t let me because unlike all the other hoes out here you got morals and that why i love you”
“What did you Just say”
“I said that i love-”
Before he could get his sentence out Marcus, Aaliyah, Alexis, My mom, and alexis mom walked in the room with flowers and cards and Marcus had a big teddy bare in his hand and a card that said i love you. That fucking lier. As soon as i seen them Marcus and Alexis and Their mom walked up to me ready to apologize but i stopped them
“Save it” i said
“Janae just let us explained” Marcus said
“ There is no need to explain” i said
“ Please” Alexis begged
“No no no i never want to see any of you ever again you just don't call someone a hoe on accident and i thought you guys were my friends forget you just get the fuck out of my hospital room and don’t ever come up to me with any of your bullshit ever again” I screamed at them Marcus seemed hurt by my actions but i didn't care.He deserved it so did his mom and his sister. Jordan looked at me with sad eyes and i cried into his chest i had so may emotions running through my body i just couldn't take.
(Marcus P.o.v)
I know our thinking that im the bad guy but i love deajia with all my heart i miss her touch her smell the way she loves me i miss just having her heart and i will do anything to get that back
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 (Janae’s P.o.v)
I sat in the hospital with Jordan for hours i Just couldn't help it. I loved Marcus and everything about him and now he tore my heart into pieces, he thinks he can just come in here with some roses flowers and a teddy bear and think that everything between me and him was going to be fine. Jordan looked down at me and with sorrow in his eyes
“Im sorry you had to go through this ma you don’t deserve to be miss treated” Jordan said
“I know it just hurt you know”
“yeah i know i remember a girl did something like this to me it hurt me because i loved her and all she did was break my heart but over time, even tho it hurts, you'll find some on else and forget about this and maybe even forgive Marcus and his family”
“Maybe … why did you come”
“what do you mean”
“why did you come for me”
“Because i care and i would never want you to be hurt even if u don’t like me i will always love you till the end of time”
With that he leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips unlike the first time we kissed this one was soft and passionate, like he was pouring out his soul to me in one kiss it took me a second to respond to him but i slowly did. Then he pulled away
“Im sorry”
He began to get up but i pulled him back down and kissed him hard on his lips he kissed me back instantly . I pulled away looking into his hazel brown eyes feeling as if i have melted into existence. Why didn't i see this before i had someone, someone that is perfect in ever way and i almost let him slip away from me. I smiled profoundly at Jordan and leaned in for another kiss when the doctor walked in and began to speak
“Hello Mrs. hope you were in serious condition but since we got your stomach pumped everything will be just fine and we can release you in the morning”
I turned around and thanked him as he left my room. Me and Jordan continued talking about how school was going and that Jordan and Marcus parents are moving them to a different school. I hope he isn't far away , but now all i need to do know is move on from the situation that consumed me and forgive the ones that hurt me. That last part will be hard.
Jordan P.o.v
Im so glad that we finnaly talked i didnt tell her where we are moving to because i wanted to suprise her me and Marcus mothers thought that it would be a good idea to move From Atlanta because the schools and neiborhoods are better in flordia. I will get be be around the girl i love eveyday. All i got do is keep Marcus away from her
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 (Jordan P.o.v)
I got up this morning and did my regular routine. Marcus and his mother are coming over to day to help us pack our things for the move. When i walk in the kichen and see Alexis eating toast, Her mother on the Floor folding cloths,and Marcus on the counter starring at her phone. When i walked in eveyones eyes darted on me but one one said a word all i got was guilty looks and Marcus Mean mugging me like i killed his bestfreind. I kept quiet and made my plate untill i heard Alexis mother ask me a qeusiton eveyone in the room wanted to ask
" How is Janae"
"She's perfect she is being released today i got to call her when she get out"
" Did she say anything you know when we left"
" No all she did is cry and when i tried to stop her she cried harder"
When is said that Marcus stood up and cornered me
"Why did you say anything to her your supposed to be my boy the one i lean on and you do this to me you take away my love just so you can have her"
"look i didn't say shit to deajia her sister told her and you didnt love her i did i always loved her all you did was treat her wrong you never talked to her around you werent even nice to her she loved you and you let her slip away from you not me dont blame this one me YOU YOU IT WASS ALL YOUR FALT ALL SHE DID WAS LOVE YOU YOU FUCKED THAT UP"
By then Marcus had walked out leaving me in the room with mixed emtions and one of them was guilt
(Marcus P.o . v )
I walked away because i knew he was right i should have known Aaliyah would be faitful to her sister before she was would be to me. I just ugh i dont know what to do. I fucked up and now im trying to place my problems on other people i just want my love back but i have a chance to make it right when i move to her school and her neiberhood i will make it right and we will be in love again now all i need to do is get jordan out the way and she will be all mine
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 (Jordan p.o.v)
We pull up to our brand new house its only 13 blocks away from Janaes house so i can go over anytime.
I run into our new house and start unpacking
"Your excited arent you"My mom said
"I'm trying to get finnish so i can go see Janae i miss her so much"
"You know i always like her but i thought she liked Marcus"
"She did before him and his family called her a hoe"
"she isnt a hoe she just dont fuck with most girls and i was their she didnt even talk to one of the boys so how could she be a hoe"
"i Know mom its the same thing im trying to understand but you know they messy they like that type of stuff"
"yeah i know and you better treat that poor girl right she dosent deserve another heartbreak"
"I know mom and i would never hurt her i love her she is my heart and soul"
"i can finish unpacking for you just go over their and spend time with you girl"
I ran to Janaes house and Knocked on her door
when she opened it she had on boy shorts a tank top and her knee high spongebob socks
Lord help me!!
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 (Janae P.o.v)
*warning this chapter has some sextual content*
I had just got home from school and walked into an empty house again since my mom is a doctor she is almost never home. Sometimes she doesn't come back for days so she leaves me money for food and the bills. I kind of like being alone but sometimes I just want someone to keep me company. I go to my room and strip out of my cloths the only thing I have on now are my blue lace boy shorts, my white tank top, and my spongebob socks on. I run down stairs and place a pizza in the oven for my lunch, while my pizza was cooking I decided to watch some tv. I changed the channel to Jersey shore and began to watch snooki dance on a bar table. Thirty minutes later I heard a knock on the door so I got up and answered it mom probably just forgot her keys again. When I get up to answer the door I see a very handsome Jordan before me.
"Hey handsome"
"hey beautiful"
"Come in"
Damn he looked good he had on a white muscle shirt and blue basketball shorts he looked perfect hey we're matching today awww how cute.
"where is your mom" Jordan asked with his million dollar smile
"she's at work"
"awe i just came here to tell you some good news"
"You came all the way up here to tell me some good news haven't you heard of an email or maybe even a text"
"ha ha ha very funny janae but i thought you would like to hear this in person other than on the phone"
I sat on the couch and motioned for him to sit with me
"Ok so what do you have to tell me thats so important"
"Im moving down here so now we can be closer and we will be going to the same school"
I jumped of the couch with joy the Jordan was going to be with me every step of the way no one could stop my happiness now. He stood up trying to get me to stop but all i did was jump into his arms and kiss his soft pink lips
"mmmh i've been waiting forever to taste you again" Jordan said
" Me too love"
He gently placed my on my pack and began to grind his lower half into mine I knew that he was hard because I could feel it through his shorts. He began to kiss my neck and suck on my sweet spots he always knew the right places to touch. He began to guide his hands down to my boy shorts and suck harder on my neck. With one swift motion he tore my shorts clean off my ass and started to suck on my pearl I began to moan and scream his name I knew it was turning him on because he would twirl his tongue inside of my wetness. He grabbed my hips and motioned me to grind on his face i began to moan louder and louder until i remembered i had my food in the oven i pulled my shorts up and ran to the kitchen
"Damn Jordan you made me burn my pizza"
"not my fault you cant handle all this sexy"
"boy please don't start "
"ok bae ill help you clean up and then you need to get dressed because I'm taking you out to eat since i burned your precious pizza"
"so like a date"
" yes a date"
He walked towards me and kissed me on my lips. I can't wait for my date!!!!!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 (Marcus p.o.v)
*warning this chapter has sextual content*
I walked into my new house. Its right down the block from Jordan's house , Maybe later I will go apologize to Janae hope she understands that I'm truly sorry I want to start over and get the love of my life back in my arms. I hope and pray every night that she hasn't fallen into the arms of another man I want her to love me and only me I know I sound possessive but thats just how I am she was mine is mine and will always be mine.
"Wow it's so big and pretty ohhh look Care-bear theirs a pool OMG ITS HUGE'' My sister Alexis gleamed
" ha ha ha I know little sis but we got to unpack so we can start our new lives"
" have you talked to Janae yet"
" no but we both need to we were horrible friends"
" i don't care about her i said what i said and I'm not apologizing for shit" Alexis said
"You should be ashamed you looked her in the face and laughed with her stayed up with her late at night told her all your secrets and shit you fake as fuck Alexis I'm out"
" please don't leave me this is what i didn't want to happen"
" you did this to yourself Alexis this isn't my fault and I'm not ever leaving you but you know what you did and just said was wrong i just cant believe you"
With that i left out the house and got my shit so i can go for a walk and make some drops don't get me wrong i only sell weed not all that other shit not that big of a drug dealer and i will never be that just doing this helped me get popular and now that I'm in the game i cant get out but i will find a way soon so i can be a role model for my sister and make my mamma proud.
(Alexis p.o.v)
I stood in the kitchen stricken with anger how is he going to choose this bitch over me yeah you can call me fake or whatever but i didn't like her from day one my mom just thought she was a good influence on me so i played nice until i found out she was trying to get to my brother i kind of felt used like the only reason she hung out with me was to see him. I know what y'all thinking and yes i did loose my virginity at 12 but i don't even remember who he was all i remember he was fine and we were making sweet love when my brother walked in and beat the shit out of him. Then I made him promise not to tell mamma which he didn't.
All he did was give me this long as speech about respecting myself and my body blah blah blah right after that day i had sex with Marcus bestfreind and his cousin Jordan no me and Jordan aren't related i was adopted. i ended up getting pregnant but i didn't know who the daddy was and so i hide it from everyone and before i could tell anyone had a miscarage I'm and I'm glad to i cant take care of no damn baby and wont be taking care of nun no time so they either getting aborted or adopted like me and i turned out just fine
I grabbed my phone on off the counter and since no one was home finally I can bring someone over because I'm horny. I called my boy Darius and told him to come over.
an hour later i heard a knock at the door and jumped up to get it
"it took you long enough"
"sorry i was with the fam"
"awe ok"
"so what did you want girl" he said licking his lips
"you know what i want come up to my room and lets get started"
When we walked into the room i threw him on the bed and started to undress him kissing all over his body and watching him moan and squirm under my body i loved how i can make his body tremble
"ugh baby don't do that you" he said
" what"
"you know i like top"
With that he flipped us over and began to undress us both. We laid their naked as he plunged his fingers into my wetness he started to go faster and faster until i came on his hands he stuck his fingers in my mouth then stuck him 10in dick in me thrusting going faster and faster my screams began to get louder and i felt it coming again but before i could release he took it out and began eating me out his tongue twisting and Turing flicking and sucking at my pear harder than he did before when i came in his mouth he turned me around and lifted me ass up and and began to thrust into me with all him force making the head board squeak we came together this time and laid cuddled up for an hour thats what like the most of sex having some one hold you after its done but that never last long for me, but this time was different he held me tighter and rubbed my head and kissed my forehead and we stayed like this until he had to go.
" i love you Alexis"
after that he walked out leaving me stunned no one has ever said that to me other than my family members
does he really love me or did he just say that? ugh .... i laid back down and fell asleep and dreamed about Darius
Text: Deajia wadley Images: google Editing: deajia and latisha Translation: deajia wadley All rights reserved. Publication Date: November 21st 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-prc4bbd73349545 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-jack-ivey-crime-drama/ | Jack Ivey Crime Drama
Crime Drama
The city streets are dark and murky, just like the coffee at Old Lil’s Diner and near as cold. A light rain cries from ashen skies, causing an annoying steady drip from the brim of his fedora. He hates nights like these but then he hates most nights, the loneliness merely an extension of his worthless life. But here he is; another crime scene, another body in a crumpled heap amongst the garbage of a desolate alleyway.
Lighting a cigarette, he gazes on the lifeless mass now sprawled at his feet; blonde, slender, just like the others. He stands there, just now noticing the moisture seeping through the holes in his shoes, saturating his socks. It is an awful feeling, but not one he is not accustomed to. His slate grey eyes dart back and forth, observing the grisly scene in more detail than usual. How careless, he thinks, as his mind gathers and catalogues the many clues that should not be as obvious as they are.
A chilled gust of wind finds the alley; he pulls his trench coat a little tighter around his body. Her purse, one of those fancy designer names which he can barely pronounce, lies intact on the pavement near the corpse. No, robbery was not the motive; that is clear. That would be evident to anyone with half a brain. Then why? Why kill? That is always the question that batters his brain, causing the headaches that rage unending. Why is murder always the solution? When he figures that one out, then maybe it will make a difference?
The whoosh of tires against the damp pavement causes him to avert his eyes to the street. He makes a mental note: gray Ford, white walls, dent in the left fender. He checks his watch, 11:59 pm, almost tomorrow, another day in this miserable city is about to arrive. Returning his gaze to the body of the young woman, fear still shows in the expression on her face.
“Wrong place, wrong time, my love,” he mumbles, then exits the alley in search of his next victim, well before the police arrive.
Text: Jack Ivey Editing: Valerie Byron All rights reserved. Publication Date: December 22nd 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-jacki137 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-yasmine-johnson-revenge/ | Yasmine Johnson Revenge
Lauran Walker is a 17 year old that owes money to the baddest nigga in the game named MidNight. One day MidNight gave her drugs to sell, but the police came to her house and she had nothing to do with the drugs so she flush them down the toilet. Now with little money from stripping she has to pay back the drugs that she flushed down the toilet. Will MidNight come after her or send her a message which involves her family or will Lauran get revenge???
Chapter 1
See me grabbing on my tooly, she told me smack her on the booty", Lauran stripped down the pole to her favorite song "She twerkin", by Cash Out. She bend down and collected her money and stuffed it down her bra. She went into the backroom and grabbed her coat and wrapped it around her half naked body and left. She soon arrived at her apartment building. She gave the cab driver his money and hopped out. "Five more days", she heard a familiar voice say. She realized it was a thug she used to fuck with named MidNight, but she don't fuck with him any more cause she was in debt with him. "I keep telling you I got you MidNight", she said rolling her eyes. She went to the elevator and clicked the third floor. She soon arrived at her apartment door. She blew her breathe because she dreaded going home. The apartment was so little and nasty. "Where the hell you been", her sister Diamond said when she walked in. "Somewhere you weren't", Lauran mumbled. "Whatever, mom been looking for your ass", Diamond said rolling her eyes. Lauran went and knocked on her mother's door. "What", her mother yelled. "What you need me for", Lauran said with an attitude because she knew what her mother was doing. "I'll be out in a minute", her mother yelled. Lauran rolled her eyes knowing her mother would not be out in a minute. She went to her room that she often stay in because it was neat and clean and with stuff her dad spoiled her with unlike the rest of the apartment. Her room walls were dark blue and her closet was full of clothes. She had a full queen size bed and a flat screen t.v. "I'll be glad when I get out of this hell hole", she thought as she took a pull from her cigarette. Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing. It was a text from her dad that read " Hey angel come outside in 10 minutes I have a surprise for you." Lauran father spoiled her all the time that she wasn't surprise when she saw " Surprise for you.", across the screen. Lauran didn't want her father to smell the cigarette on her so she took a shower and 10 minutes later she was wiping herself down with a red towel. Her phone started ringing so she rushed to answer it. "Hello", she said forgetting to look at the caller I.D. "5 more days", the voice said fading away. She blew her breathe cause she knew it was MidNight. She hanged up the phone and then sat own her bed she wore some black harem pants with a plain whit tee and a pair of J's . "Good job", she heard a man tell her mom as she came out of her room. The man handed her mom some money then left. Her mom, Jessica counted the money the man handed her and she shook her head. "This not enough", she said smacking her lips. Jessica looked up. "I need to borrow $150 till next Friday", she said to Lauran. "Mama you know I'm in debt with MidNight and anyways if I had the money I wouldn't give it to you cause you want pay me back", Lauran said. "I pay you back last time", Jessica said getting mad. "Mama you pay me no mind and made exsuces that's what you did", Lauran said. With that Lauren walked out. With her mother cursing and yelling at her. She walk down the steps leaving the apartment building. She went to the parking lot and spotted her father by a bright........................
Chapter 2
Lauran's father T.j was standing next to a bright yellow mustang. "Oh my god", Lauran screamed. "Thanks daddy", Lauran said after she finally clamed down. 'Your welcome angel I just wanted to give you something before I put the Ki's in the islands,but listen I want you to take good care of this car trust me it will HELP YOU in life", Lauran father said. He stop right there because he knew that he was being watched and didn't want to bring any harm near his little girl. 'I promise I will", Lauran said.
T.j allowed tears to flow down from his eyes on a picture of his daughter Lauran. T.J got down on his knees and said a quick prayer for Lauran. He knew that giving her the car was the last time he would make her happy, because his time was up. He got up and went into his bedroom and sat down on the bed. He then heard a loud knock. He knew who it was. After about a minute later his door was knock down. MidNight and his crew came in. "T.j I'm make this simple where's my damn money?", MidNight, said in a clam voice. I don't have it", T.j said simply. This pissed MidNight off. "You pussy ass motherfucker don't play with me", MidNight said. "Nigga you the pussy coming in here with all of them when you could have just came by yourself as a man!", T.j said referring to MidNight crew.He knew he was going to die, but he want leaving out of this world a pussy. "Nigga you must think I'm playing with you", MidNight said getting in his face. "Fuck you", T.j said then spitted on him. MidNight glared at him. "That was just foul", MidNight said. "But trust me your daughter will be nigga", with that MidNight shot T.j right in the head. "Clean this shit up", MidNight yelled at his crew. "Come here Calvin", MidNight said to one of his workers. "Go find this bitch ass nigga's daughter and don't let her out of your sight!". MidNight said through gritted teeth. Calvin nodded his head and was about to walk pass MidNight, but MidNight bumped his shoulder into his. "And remember the plan", MidNight said. Calvin shook his head and walked out In search of Lauran.
Chapter 3
After Lauran father left she decided to take her new car for a spin. Lauran didn't want to go alone so she went and picked up her best friend Nya, and they decided to go to the mall. When the girls walked into the mall they went in different ways. When the girl finished shopping they had everything from Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, etc. The girls walked out the mall with a bunch of bags in their hands. Nya spotted Calvin and her boyfriend Ace. She shook her head giving them approval that it was the right time. "Wassup ma", Calvin said to Lauran. Lauran wanted to seem cool. "You tell me", she said smiling a little. "Well I see you on the pole doing your thing up there ma and I was wondering if you could work on me a little?", Calvin said with raised eyebrows. Lauran started falling for the trick. "Ok", she said after a long period of time of thinking. "Cool", Calvin said smiling. She walked away with Nya following behind her. "Good job", she whispered into Calvin's ear as she passed him.
Lauran stripped down the pole to "Red Nose", by Sage the Gemini. About 3 minutes later of dancing she saw Calvin walk into the building. She started to show off her moves then getting his attention. He decided to show off to. He walked up the stage and started to throw all $100 dollar bills at her, also getting her attention. Lauran bend down and whispered into Calvin's ear, then collected her money and left. She went to the back and changed into some high waisted shorts with a crop shirt and a pair of stilettos. She left out and went to find Calvin beside a black Range Rover, and smiled.
Chapter 4
She walked over to him and blush. "Nice car", she said noding her head towards his truck. "Thanks", Calvin said smiling. "So are we just going to stand here?", Lauran said with raised eyeborws. Calvin just smiled and walked over to the passgener door and opened it. No man had ever done this for Lauran so she just stood there in shock. "Are we going to just stamd here", Calvin said mocking Lauran from a few minutes before. She walked over to the car slowly and got inside still in shock. Calvin noticed her face experssion and chuckled a little to himself, because he was suprise he did that himself. He got into the driver seat and pull off.
They pulled up to a resturant that was a little fancy, but not over the top. Lauran was very confused at this point, but tried not to show it. Calvin walked over to the passenger door and opened it for Lauran. She thanked him and steeped out. They walked up to the resturant and Calvin held the door opened the door for her. Lauran raised her eyebrow, but didn't say anything. They were greeted by a host who showed them to a table. Calvin pulled out Lauran's chair for her and once again she was confused but sat down. "So tell me a little about yourself", Calvin said while clearing his throat. "Well...what do you want to know", Lauran said blushing a little. "Everything", Calvin said showing off his pearly whites. "Theres not much to know about me", Lauran said while looking everywhere else, but at Calvin. He just stared at her confused, but was interrputed by the waiter.
Lauran ate the last piece of her chicken and pushed her plate away. She was still very confused and wanted answers. She cleared her throat. "So why did you do all these things for", she asked tyring to gain some confidence. "What do you mena?", Calvin said looking up at her. "You bought me here to this nice resturant, held the door for me, opened doors for me, pulled out my chair............but you picked me up from a freaking strip club", Lauran said. Calvin bursted out with laughter. Now Lauran was very very confused. "What you thoughgt I wanted some pussy from you!", he said with an eyebrow raised. Lauran looked down at her hands ashamed, because he was right. "I could fuck plenty of bitches if I wanted to, so why would you think I'll pay to just fuck you", he said with a slight grin. Lauran got up and left. She walked to a nearby bus stop and sat down. She was mad because of her lifestyle, what she did to make money, herself, and most importantly beacuase Calvin was telling the truth. "Why you walk out for", Calvin said interrupting her thoughts. Lauran ingnore him and blew her breath. ''I'm sorry", Clavin said. Laruan countined to ingnore and turned her back toward him. "I'm sor....... look I know what I said was wrong, but I didn't mean it", Calvin said. "Just go away you just the rest of these niggas", Lauran said. "Wow...if I'm just like the rest of these niggas why haven't I tried to fuck you yet then.... come just aleast let me take you home.", he said grabbing her hand pulling her, but she pulled back. "If you don't come I'm going to drag you", he said. Lauran got up and got in his face. "Why do you care you barley even fucking know me, I'm just some lil fucking thot to you anyway", she said blinking away tears. Calvin had her just where he wanted her knowing that MidNight would be proud of him. "If I thought you was a little thot I would have never bought you to a resturant, pulled out your chair, opened the door for you, and damn sure wouldn't have been here having this conversation.", he said leaving her speechless. After about a minute of standing there Calvin grabbed Lauran's hand and guided her to his truck. Lauran didn't say nothing she just wanted a free ride home. Calvin had a trick up his sleeve though, he wasn't taking her home becuase his job for the day wasn't finished just yet. He glanced over at Lauran a couple times and chuckled, because she was so brain washed and deep in her thoughts she didn't even tell him where she stayed, but she'll regret that very very SOON!
Chapter 5
Lauran and Calvin continued to ride in silence, but arriving at a mansion snapped Lauran out of her thought. "Where are we", Lauran said panicking. "Are you trying to rape me you pervert", Lauran said in shock. "Chill ma, ain't nobody trying to hurt you", Calvin said seriously. "This my crib and I just bought you here to show you I'm sorry.", Calvin said while patting her back. "But I thought you didn't't want to have sex with me?", Lauran said with an raised eyebrow. Calvin blew his breath. "Ma, didn't't I just tell to chill, it's not even nothing like that", Calvin said staring into her eyes. Lauran sighed, because it wasn't no use to sit there and keep auguring with him. She glanced over at him and he smile showing off all of his pearly whites. Calvin then got out the car and went to the passenger side of the door and opened for her to get out. She steeped out and gazed around amazed. "Are we just going to stand here", Calvin said mocking her words from when they were at the restaurant. Lauran chuckled a little and followed him into the mansion.
"So why do you do............... you know......this", Calvin said looking Lauran up and down referring to her using her body to make quick money. "Well I ... I'm in a situation with this guy named Mid........", Lauran stop herself. "I broke up with my boyfriend and took everything me and my family had.", Lauran lied. Calvin shook his head thinking to bad for her because he already knew the real reason and he was apart of the solution. "Oh I'm sorry", he said trying to show some sympathy. "Why you do what you do", Lauran said changing the subject. Calvin scrunched up his face at her. "I know you sell dope cause ain't no other way you living this good out her in New Orleans", she said while looking around. "A nigga got eat and provide to his family", Calvin said while trying not to look at her. Lauran cleared her throat. "Family?", she said raising her eyebrow. Calvin blew his breath. "You heard me", he said while scratching the back of his head. Calvin had a 2 month year old son named after him, so everybody called him Jr. for short. Laruan just sighed and try to accept the fact that he and her barely knew each other, so there was nor reason for her to get pissed. "So tell me about your.....?", Lauran said unsure of the sex of the baby. "Son", Calvin said while smiling. Lauran shook her head and smiled. "Well he's my everything because without him I'm incomplete", Calvin said glazing off. "He's my motivation. I do the shit I do for him and for him only.I love to see that smile on that little boy's face.", Calvin said while allowing a tear to fall freely from his face. He realized that he was going against the plan, because he wasn't supposed to be tell her about his personal business. He looked at her and smiled. "Want a snack", he asked while raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah man", Calvin said answering his phone. He got up slowly trying not to wake Lauran up and crept into the bathroom and closed the door. "You got that bitch yet?", Midnight said on the other line of the phone. "Yeah she falling for the trick right now ", Calvin said into the phone. "Good, real fucking good. Make sure to get close to that bitch and grow her trust, because in this whole motherfucker over it'll be worth it seeing the hurt on that hoe face", MidNight said harshly and with that he hung up. Calvin looked at the phone and shooked his head. Lauran ran back onto the bed pretending to be sleep. Unluckily for Calvin she heard him say "she falling for the trick right now." Lauran sighed and decided to early in the morning.
Lauran got up at around 4:00a.m and left. When she got home she was very exhausted and out of breath, because she had to walk for about 15 minutes just to get at the nearest bus stop. When Lauran steeped in the small cramped apartment she heard her mother yelling at her sister about being selfish by moving with her boy friend and leaving her alone to pay the bills. "Just leaving like your fucking dead beat dad!", Lauran's mother yelled. "Fuck you you evil bitch", Diamond said while giving her mother the middle finger. That upset Lauran's mother so she picked up a dish off the table and threw it at the wall while yelling at Diamond. Diamond grabbed her suitcase which was full of her clothes and left. "What the fuck you standing there looking dumb as shit!", Lauran's mother yelled. Lauran opened her mouth to say something, but thought against it and went to her room. In no way was she going to let them ruin this day for her, because this was the day her father was coming back. She picked out her best outfit to wear, curled her hair, and applied a little make up. She decided to take the train this time instead of the bus, and she was very grateful that she did.
She soon arrived at the airport and tried to patiently wait for her father. But Lauran was a daddy's girl and her father spoiled her. As she stood there she thought about old memories of when her father and mother was together. They had broke up, because Lauran's mother insecurity got the best of her and she keep accusing T.j of cheating on her. But Lauran always thought that because of her they broke up. A tear feel down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. She pulled out her phone and realized that she had been standing there for about 10 minutes now. She started to worried a little bit and tried to convince herself that maybe the flight her father was in was a little late. "Hey", she heard a deep familiar voice say. She turned around and saw that it Calvin. "Hey", she said not really in the mood to talk to him. "Where did you go this morning?", he asked. "Umm.... I had to go to work", Lauran lied. Calvin raised an eyebrow. "You mean stripping early in the morning", he said seriously. Lauran mentally hit herself for saying something so stupid. "I.... don't judge me", she said throwing a come back at him. Calvin put his hands up in defense. Lauran rolled her eyes and continued to search for her dad. "Who you waiting for?", Calvin asked already knowing the answer. "My friend was just catching her flight to go back home and I'm just making sure she...safe", Lauran said lying once again. "You sure", Calvin asked with raised eyebrows. "Fight 2887is now taking off", one of the workers announced. "Yeah that's her flight right there", Lauran said with a slight smile. "What are you doing here", Lauran said changing the subject. "Oh I had to make a little drop", Calvin a said lying himself. Lauran just shooked her head. "Well since your friend is gone come with me, so I can learn you a little better. Lauran start to worry even more about her father now, but this was the perfect time to rob Calvin, because she really needed the money. "Ok", she said. To bad Lauran didn't;t know MidNight was watching the two from across the room and she was falling for the trap. Calvin grabbed her hand and lead her toward her head. Lauran just silently prayed that her father made it home safely, or was he really?
Publication Date: September 2nd 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-ms.unique |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-j-m-hurley-the-dreamer-part-3/ | J.M.Hurley The Dreamer Part 3 A Livid Childrens Novel To all of y amazing fans who encourage me to write, and my incredible family.
Chapter 25
My head whipped around fast and all of my muscles tensed. I got up from my perch near the flowers and slowly crept to the center of the garden, where I could get a better view of my surroundings. My sneaking skills could use some work
, I thought to myself as more leafs and stray branches cracked under my feet. My heart continued to thud loudly as I heard more noises around me and at one point, I was positive anyone within 10 feet could hear it.
I was still wearing the bright orange sundress I’d worn to
talk to Zane in, not my best choice of camouflage
, I thought moodily. With my bright orange outfit, high heels in one hand, and spare key in the other, I was beginning to feel like a criminal on the run. Normally, a key wouldn’t have been my first choice of a weapon but it was either that or the spare Kleenex in my pocket, so I went with the metal key.
After what seemed like an eternity of crouching, I finally made it to the center of the garden. Once there, I scoped out my surroundings but didn’t see anything that could’ve made the noises. After several more minutes of searching, feeling foolish and embarrassed, I turned to head back towards my dorm when I came face-to-face to a black hooded figure.
I screamed as loud as my lungs allowed me to until the figure clamped a hand over my mouth. Feeling trapped and suffocated I bit down and didn’t stop until I felt I tasted their blood and they finally released me. As my captor clutched their and cursed loudly their hood fell back and I gasped aloud.
“Kyle? What are you doing here?” I asked and then feeling bad for hurting him, knelt down beside him.
“Damn Summer!” He said and even though he was yelling his voice sounded more playful rather than angry, which was odd since I had
just bit into his hand for no reason.
“I saw you laughing and figured I’d go ask what was so funny but then you went all Nancy Drew on me and started sneaking away, though not very successfully I might add,” he said then gave me a wink as my cheeks turned rosy out of embarrassment. “Then I finally caught up to you and before I can even say anything, you start screaming bloody murder,” he said and seeing me shiver from the cold, offered me his jacket. I took it gratefully and couldn’t help but smile as I inhaled more of his sweet cologne. His scent reminded me of an old childhood memory, familiar and nice, I liked it very much. As we walked back towards the dorms a silence settled between us, it wasn’t awkward though, we spoke more through thoughts than words.
We were almost out of the garden area when he finally spoke. “So which is your favorite?” then seeing my confused expression he explained, “The Flowers. I saw you admiring them, do you have a favorite?” I gave him a smile and motioned for him to follow me as I led him to the patch of Zantedeschia’s. In the moonlight their petals glowed with an orange hue, then thinking of my dress color, I bit my tongue to keep from laughing from this new found similarity.
“That’s Zantedeschia, right?” he asked and I nodded, then catching his smirk asked, “What?” His smile got bigger and seeing his boyish grin made the corners of my mouth turn up also.
“Most girls would’ve led me to roses or maybe lilacs, or even lily’s, but only you would lead me to the only poisonous plant in this entire garden,” he said.
“Sorry to disappoint,” I said frowning slightly at his words and looking down. Catching my reaction he put his fingers underneath my chin and raise my head so I was looking directly at him.
“That’s a good thing, Summer,” he said, a grin spread across my face, “if you were like other girls then guys like me would be hopeless.” He didn’t give me time to wonder what he meant by that because he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the school.
When we passed the school windows I caught a glimpse of my frazzled reflection and gasped in horror. “I look horrible!” I said and desperately tried to wipe away the black smudges from underneath my eyes, and straighten my frizzy hair.
Kyle’s soft hands gently pulled mine from my face and turned me away from the window so that I was facing him. “Relax Summer, you look gorgeous, like always,” he said and I felt a dizzy rush of joy from his words as he pulled me into the building.
As we walked through the hallways Kyle slipped his hand into mine and though I felt a little guilty I didn’t pull away. Why feel guilty?
I thought silently, You never were with Zane anyways.
When we reached the end of the hall that led to my room he pulled me over and gently pushed me against the wall. He leaned in close to me, close enough that I could get another sweet smelling whiff of his cologne. “I don’t know what Zane did to you, “he began and I felt my heart clench at the sound of his
name. “But I tell that whatever it was, it hurt you,” he continued and then paused to gently brush his fingertips over my cheeks bones, making me shiver.
“But I want to make sure you know that I will never
hurt you. No matter what, okay?” he said and by now stray tears had spilled out from the arising of the memories from earlier. I let out a chocked sob and Kyle pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me. I tried to pull away, insisting that my tears would ruin his shirt, but he held me tight and assured me it was fine.
As I snuggled closer to him I was hit by a major case of déjà-vu. Yet again Zane had made me cry and yet again, Kyle was here to comfort me. Maybe,
I thought, Just maybe, I’ve been falling for the wrong guy all along.
But my heart ached and my throat closed up whenever I even thought about living with someone other than Zane. He’s a part of me now, he’ll always be, but that doesn’t matter. I need to make new parts too,
I thought silently.
We stood there for awhile, locked in our embrace, until I realized how late it was getting. “It’s after curfew and we have school tomorrow so I’d better get going,” I said and Kyle gave my hand one more squeeze before dropping it to my side. I stood on my toes and gave him a peck on his cheek. “Goodnight Kyle,” I whispered as I bent and fumbled in my pockets for my room key. “Sweet dreams, beautiful,” he said and I flinched at the irony of his words but when I looked up to question him, I found myself staring at a blank wall and Kyle was nowhere to be seen. “Sweet dreams indeed,” I muttered quietly then opened my door and quietly shut it behind me. Chapter 26
As I flung myself down onto my bed I realized that in order to stop my exhaustion I was going to have to sleep, which in turn meant I was going to have to endure one of my ‘dreams’. I sighed, though I wasn’t sure if it was out of exhaust or frustration, and grabbed my purse. A quick check of the clock on my phone told me that it was going on Midnight which normally isn’t very late for me, but I had to start my new schedule tomorrow and I could use all the rest I could get. I’ll just check my messages and then I’ll go to bed
, I thought silently and as if my body were in protest, I let out a huge yawn.
I slowly got up and sat down the computer desk in the corner of my room. I quietly turned it on and flinched when it let out a loud beeping noise. My head whipped around to see if it had woken up Sierra but she was still sleeping soundly. Soon enough, I had my school e-mail up and was logging on. When my account was loaded I noticed that I had five new messages; Two from Zane, One from Stephanie, One from Kyle, and One from my Parents. Looks like sleep’s going to have to wait.
I sighed as I clicked on the message from my parents.
To:SummerCharard From: Linda and George Charard
Dear Summer,
Your mother and I haven’t heard much from you lately. Naturally, we are very worried. It’s been nearly two whole weeks since your last call and we just want to make sure everything is okay. Hope to hear from you soon.
Love you,
Mom & Dad
I sighed , it’s so like them to worry over this,
I thought as I began to compose my reply.
Dear Mom & Dad,
Please stop worrying! I’m perfectly fine, really, there’s no need to stress. Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve talked to you guys, I’ve just been so busy lately. Talk to you soon! Love you guys!
I clicked send and silently prayed they wouldn’t ask what I was so busy with. One down, four to go,
I thought silently to myself as I clicked on the next message, Kyle’s.
I had a great time with you tonight. If you want to hang again text me, my numbers below.
-Kyle P.S. Looking forward to hearing from you, beautiful.
I smiled silently to myself as I added his number to my phone. Three messages left,
I cursed silently under my breath. God I’m tired!
I thought grumpily. Hesitenly, I moved my mouse over the bold, red button at the top of my inbox that read, DELETE ALL. Sighing, I moved my mouse over the three remaining messages, One from Stephanie, and the others from Zane. A soft, annoying voice in the back of my head whispered warnings like, You really should at least see what they said
and It could be important,
but I brushed them off and quickly clicked the bright red button. The messages disappeared from my inbox as if they never existed, and if it was up to me, they didn’t.
Then, just to be thorough, I erased my recycle bin. I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath until I let out a sigh of relief. The voice was still there, whispering in the back of my head that I was going to regret doing that, so I put my ear-phones in and turned my I-pod up to a deafening level. I kept laying there listening to my music on blast and cleared my mind of all thoughts until I started to drift into a deep sleep. Chapter 27
When I opened my eyes I saw that I was surrounded by people, many of which were dressed in formal wear from the 1800’s. The women were clothed in huge ball gowns and had expensive jewels hanging from their necks. The men of the party were dressed in odd looking suits and many of them had their hair slicked back. I wanted to look around more but it was then that it hit me how bad me rib cage was hurting. I looked down and was surprised to find that I too was dressed in old clothing. I wore a light pink ball gown with that waist synched in tightly, corset-style, to show off my narrow waist. I had exquisite looking jewels that were embroidered on the front of my dress that matched the large stones that hung from neck and wrists. I loved the dress, it was gorgeous after all so I tried to push any thoughts of my aching ribcage out of my mind, though my efforts were unsuccessful.
Just as I began to finally stop fidgeting with my dress, in an attempt to make it less tight, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found myself staring at a very handsome young gentleman. He smiled and extended his arm to me. “May I be honored with a dance Madame?” He said and the way he addressed me as ‘Madame’ made me feel like I was royalty. I nodded eagerly and followed him as he led the way to the dance floor. The young looked very familiar but I couldn’t remember where I knew him from. As we twirled eloquently around the dance floor, all eyes were on us. I laughed in delight when he lifted me up into the air and spun me around then gracefully caught me in a dip, causing many of the guests to gasp in awe.
Still, as the wonderful night went on, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was forgetting something, something important. “You look absolutely stunning tonight,” the young man whispered into my ear as we gracefully swayed around the dance floor, his voice soft and sweet even compared to the music playing. I smiled in spite of myself and then felt a pang of guilt. “I’m terribly sorry sir, and I feel very guilty for this, but I can’t seem to remember your name,” I said then silently added, or if I’ve ever met you. I expected him to be upset or offended but he merely smiled, as if I’d just humored him.
He pulled us to a graceful stop and brushed a strand of hair behind my earlobe before he answered. “Oh Summer, you need not feel guilty, and of course do not have to refer to me as ‘sir’ anymore. We’re on a first name basis.” He said and as he flashed me a brilliantly white smile I shifted guiltily, yet again scolding myself for not remembering a young man as handsome as this.
“Alonzo Montlatzo,” he said and smiled. Alonzo Montlatzo, I thought silently, he definitely fits the royalty-sounding name, I added in my head, taking in all of his flawless features. His soft blond hair was so blond it held a silver cast that was almost mesmerizing. Unlike most of the other men, his hair hung lose and flowing just past his ears. His big eyes held a brilliant gold hue that made it almost impossible to look away from. He dressed in an old fashioned looking suit, like the other gentlemen, he wore a ruffled dress shirt under a brightly floral colored dress vest. On anyone else, his outfit would’ve looked ridiculous and rude but on him it looked sophisticated and well thought out.
Alonzo smiled and grabbing my hand, pulled me off towards one of the back halls. The walls were lit by small torches that hung on the stone walls. As we passed several different wooden doors I began to wonder where we were going and my worries increased once the smooth marble floor started to go uneven underneath my feet. At one point, I stumbled and almost fell but Alonzo’ strong arms caught me before I hit the floor and from then on, he kept his hand on the small of my back, guiding me.
Finally, after a tiresome hour of walking up and down hallways, staircases, and cellars, my aching feet were relieved as we came to a stop in front of an old, polished wooden door. Alonzo produced a fancy looking skeleton key from a pocket in his vest and soon had the door open and was ushering me inside.
Once inside, I scoped the room out. The walls were completely covered in ancient looking paintings. The rest of the room was mostly bare except for the lone chest in the corner. The floor was stone but mostly covered in exquisite, overly expensive looking rugs. Overall, the room made my gut churn and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
“Why did you bring me here?” I asked examining one of the oldest looking paintings and racking my brains trying to think of what I was forgetting, and why I was having a sickening feeling of déjà-vu. I could feel Alonzo’s golden eyes on the back of my head so I nervously continued to be immensely interested in the devilish painting in front of me. I felt him place his hands lightly on my shoulders and I let out an involuntary shiver and automatically flinched away from his touch. I snuck a glimpse at Alonzo’s face and saw that he was smiling at me with his perfectly straight, and crest white smile.
“There’s no reason to be afraid Summer, I’ve only brought you here to show you something,” He said and started walking towards the lone chest that sat in the corner, motioning for me to follow. At first, I intertwined my fingers with his and followed behind him but then a memory came floating back into my mind. It was one where I was dancing with a little boy, in a magical glowing field. He to, had laughed and danced with me, he had also tried to kill me. I yanked my hand away from his and started to quickly back away from him, towards the door.
Alonzo looked startled at first, and then hurt. “Summer,” he said reaching for my arm, “Please! I’m not one of them! I won’t hurt you!” he insisted as I dodged away from his hands and quickened my pace back to the door. “Wait! Please!” he called after me but he didn’t attempt to grab me again so I continued on my way out the door.
I scurried out as fast as I could while wearing the enormously full ball gown and tried to ignore his pleas as I shut the door behind me but there was one that caught my attention. “I can help you! I can help you get rid of him!” he called after me and I was momentarily stunned by his words. I blinked a few times to clear my thoughts then clamped my eyes shut and imagined my old garden.
When I opened my eyes I found myself staring at the back on my old, falling apart little town house. Oh the days of minimum wage I thought silently, to be honest I preferred our small town house tons better than the new mansion my parents purchased shortly after my dad’s promotion. Around me was our make-shift garden that I used to spend all my time in. I walked around the small garden countless amounts of time until my mind was completely refreshed and Alonzo was out of my head. Tired, I trudged over and laid down on the dangerously-close-to-falling-apart wooden bench that stood in front of a patch of daisies. Daisies, I thought absentmindedly, mothers favorite. With that I closed my eyes and feel asleep next to the small patch of happy childhood memories.
Chapter 28
I woke up to the annoying beeping of my alarm clock and was startled to find myself fully rested. I looked up and over my bunk and saw that I had a cute, blue plaid dress laying out for me to wear. Why did I lay that out? It’s awfully dressy for lounging around…
My thoughts trailed off when my answer hit me. My first day with my new schedule.
I stifled a groan when I rolled over to check my clock and found that I was already running late.
I threw my covers back and hopped down, off my bunk. Where’s Sierra? I thought, puzzled for a moment until I saw her note and picked it up to read it.
Summer, Left early for my study session, hopefully I’ll see you in class. If not, have fun! We’ll talk later, Sierra
I tossed her note into our trash bin and hurried off to take a shower. Though my aching muscles protested, I only allowed myself five minutes to shower and dress. According to my clock, I had ten minutes to get to my first class or risk getting detention.
My damp hair left puddles of water droplets on my wooden floor as I grabbed my bag and cell phone. I hurried out of my room and used all of my will power not to sprint down the hall to my art class. Five minutes now
, I told myself, that’s more than enough time
. I hurried off down the hall to my art class and crossed my fingers in hope that a friend would be there.
When I entered the classroom I saw Mr. Brentol, the much laid back, under qualified art teacher, sat lazily in his chair reading a newspaper. The class around him was quickly turning into a loud, rowdy group but when I entered everyone seemed to quiet down.
As I made my way to the back of the classroom I forced a smile on my face and pretended not to notice that everyone was staring at me. To my right I saw Stephanie, sitting in the corner and laughing quietly with Lance. When she saw me her laughter faded and she raised her hand, beckoning me to come over.
I pointedly swung my wet hair over my shoulder in a forced
impression of her, and continued walking as if she didn’t exist. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her begin to stand up and follow me but Lance put a assuring hand on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. Whatever he said, it worked, she gave a small, quick nod and then sat back down.
I found an empty seat at the back of the classroom and quickly took my seat. The red head in front of me whipped her head around and gave me a ugly glare. “Why are you here?” she asked and it was then that I recognized her high pitched, nasally voice. Terri Levi, a ex-BFF of Stephanie’s, and an incredibly annoying air head,
I thought to myself moodily. Terri kept her face in an unattractive glower.
“I transferred classes,” I replied and let out a sigh of annoyance as the petite brunette next to here, who I recognized as Emily Bungler, turned my way.
“Yeah, I heard that,” She said, then offered me a carefully polished, dainty hand. “Well it’s great to have you here,” she said enthusiastically as I gave her hand tired shake.
“So I heard you got Tyler to dump Stephanie, how’d you do it?” Terri asked loudly so the several students in the class turned around to stare at me.
I heard the distinct clunk of expensive heels and wasn’t surprised when I turned around to see Stephanie standing behind me, giving Terri a sly smile. “Look Terri, I normally don’t share tips but since it looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the cage, I’ll make an exception,” She said coldly and paused briefly to flash a smile at the surrounding classmates that were giggling at her last insult.
Terri’s smug smile disappeared from her overly make-upped face.
“Have you gone shopping recently?” Stephanie asked, sugar-coating her voice and flashing an innocent smile as her. Terri shook her head and looked down so that her natural red hair fell in her face, hiding most of her face from view. “Well there’s a new sale and you should probably check it out. They’re selling lives, and from what I’ve seen, you could use one,” She finished, her tone icy, and harsh.
Terri opened her mouth to speak but then clamped it shut again as the bell rang and Stephanie strutted back to her seat.
I bit my tongue to keep from laughing at the completely shocked and angry face Terri wore now. Stephanie must’ve noticed my enjoyment because she shot me a wink and then a smile. For a moment, I smiled back and thought about the old days when I would’ve done anything to have her as my friend, but I was quickly brought back to reality when Mr. Brentol cleared his throat and my school day began. Chapter 29
Mr. Brentol’s slow, mono-tone voice started to fade in and out of my mind as he continued to go over the different types of art with the class. Several of the students around me had dozed off at some point and were now quietly snoring. Lance, who was sitting three rows in front of me, was gazing out the window and started to absentmindedly scribble on the corner of his notebook. Terri sat unmoving in front of me, casting an occasional death glare in Stephanie’s direction. Stephanie, who either didn’t see or didn’t care about the looks, was fidgeting quietly with something in her purse.
I didn’t realize what she was doing until I felt my phone vibrate against my stomach from the pocket of my dress. I quickly glanced up to see if anyone had noticed but Mr. Brentol was still continuing with his lesson and my classmates were still either snoozing or staring off into space. I let out a silent sigh of relief and looked down to read her message. S, we need to talk ASAP.
I rolled my eyes and dropped my phone back into my pocket. I could feel Stephanie’s gaze on me but I didn’t check to make sure, I kept my gaze straight forward and pretended to be immensely interested in the art lecture. After what felt like an endless hour, the bell finally rang and Mr. Brentol dismissed class with a half hearted wave of his hand. I scooped up my books, quickly tossing them into my back pack, and hurried out the door.
As I walked through the overly crowed hallways I kept my head down and tried my best to blend into the walls, trying to avoid a confrontation. Particularly with Zane or Stephanie,
I added silently and felt a frown appear on my lips. When I almost reached the door of my next class I felt a timid tap of the back of my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was Emily.
I stifled a sigh as though silently of excuses to get myself alone again. I’m not in a very friendly chatting mood right now,
I thought silently as the petite brunette in front of me shifted uncomfortably.
“Yes?” I asked in a cold, harsh tone. She ignored my mean tone as she reached into her bright pink backpack and began digging for something. “Look, I’m really sorry but I have to get to my…” My voice trailed off as I saw the fancy envelope she pulled out of her bag and was now handing to me.
“I didn’t steal it!” she insisted as if I had begun to assume that, when in reality, I’d never seen the card in my life. “It fell out of your bag when you walked out of class. Don’t worry, I didn’t peak either,” she added then, after handing me the letter, scurried off down the hall before I could even thank her.
I opened the envelope and pulled out an even fancier looking card. The front was decorated in lavender flower designs and had a tie-die orange flower in the center of it, it even smelled of flowers as I opened it up and read:
Dear Summer,
I’ve left something for you outside your dorm. You’d best check it out before classes end or our classmates may ruin it.
I flipped the card over, and then read through it again. “No signature,” I muttered silently under my breath. The fancy, decorative writing sounded very familiar to me, but since the note was typed, I had a hard time guessing who sent it. Sent it? They snuck it into your backpack,
I reminded myself as I dropped the letter back into my bag. Half of me hoped desperately that the note was from Zane but I knew in my heart that this note wasn’t from him.
As I walked down the empty halls, my hands got slick for sweat. Every once in awhile a teacher would come out to shut their door, and I was forced to dart around a nearby corner to avoid being caught. Being the star student of my classes, I’d never skipped class before, and it made me a lot more nervous than I thought I would. Bulk up!
I scolded myself silently, It’s not like your going to graffiti a wall. You’re just skipping class, and you have a good reason too…
My thoughts continued like this until I reached the hall where my room was located. My room was at the very end of the hall, and from where I was standing, I could just make out an object sitting in front of my door.
I quickened my pace and when I reached my door I gasped. Lying in front of my door was one of the most beautiful flower bouquets I’d ever seen in my entire life. It matched the cards front perfectly. The purple flowers, which I now recognized as Lilacs, smelled lovely and were arranged to perfection. The center flower was really what made me gasp thought. There, in the center of Lilacs, was a single Zantendeschia. It looked absolutely gorgeous, in the sea of purple, its bright orange petals stood out wonderfully. Lying near the bouquet was a card that matched the one I’d received earlier. I picked it up with shaking hands and read.
Dear Beautiful Summer,
I saw these flowers and simply couldn’t resist. Mind you, I added the center flower, I thought that it made it more…You. If I’m not mistaken it is your favorite flower, so how could I get you a bouquet without it? Anyways, I’ve sent you these as my invitation. I would absolutely honored if you would accompany me to Autumn Ball. I know that it’s coming up rather quick, and it is last minute, so I do understand if you already have a date, but if you don’t I ask you to consider. Thanks again for a lovely evening with an even lovelier girl; I hope to see you again soon.
Yours Truly,
I let out a squeal of pure joy as I scooped up the bouquet and cradled it in my arms. The Autumn Ball, I almost forgot that was coming up,
I thought to myself as I read and re-read Kyle’s letter again. My grin stretched wide across my face and I thought to myself how good it felt to smile again. I stood there gripping the bouquet and smiling like an idiot until I heard footsteps from around the corner. My smile disappeared instantly and I bit my tongue to
keep from letting out a yelp of surprise. I quickly hurried into my room and placed the bouquet and cards in the back of my closet, where I could retrieve them later. Jumping into bed, I tested out my fake cough as I pulled the covers up to my chin. For an extra effect I pulled my water bottle out of my bag and dripped some water on my face.
There was a loud, firm knock on my door just as my head hit the pillow. “It’s open,” I croaked, making my voice sound hoarse and weak. In a matter of seconds my door was flung open and Ms. Kelly was rushing through the entrance, hurriedly shutting the door behind her.
“I heard from your teachers that you hadn’t showed up to some of your classes. Everyone was quite worried about you,” Ms. Kelly said as she straitened her blazer. Her tone was meant to sound kind and worried but to me, it came across as cold and accusing.
“So how are you feeling?” she asked, her expression tight as she reached up to feel my forehead.
“Oh I’m feeling tons better after lying down for awhile. Actually, I can probably head back to my classes,” I replied, slightly flinching as her cold hand pressed against my forehead.
“Well, I believe it’s your lunch hour right now. If you’re sure your feeling better than”
“It’s lunchtime?” I asked, cutting her off mid sentence out of shock. Did I really skip that much class?
“Yes, it is,” she replied, her tone indicating that I was beginning to annoy her. Before I could respond she continued on, “Perhaps you should take the rest of the day off to fully recover,” she said giving me a smile that sent shivers up and down my spine.
“Perhaps,” I finally managed to mutter as she continued to stare unblinkingly at me, with her cold, harsh gaze.
“Well you just rest and I’ll notify your teachers,” she said in an overly sweet voice. “Oh and Summer,” she said as she turned towards the door. “Please try to make curfew tonight, that is a rule after all,” she finished then, shutting the door firmly behind her, she left me staring open mouthed behind her. Chapter 30
I sat on my bed for a few moments, staring at my closed door. My head was spinning and spots were forming in my vision. How did she find out about last night? Was she watching me? And why did it seem like she knew I was just skipping?
I took a deep breath to calm myself and clear my thoughts.
Then, when I was sure no one else was going to enter my room, I crept over to my closet door and scooped my bouquet up into my arms. I cradled it in my arms and inhaled deeply, loving the sweet scent of lavender that filled my nostrils. I sighed, instantly relaxed, as I went back to my bed and sat down. I sat there for a moment, admiring the beauty of the flowers, until it occurred to me that I should give Kyle a call.
I pulled out my phone and dialed his number, he answered on the first ring, making me smile. “Oh Hi Summer, did you get my present?” he asked surprising me with the hint of nervousness in his voice. Does he honestly think I’m going to turn him down?
I thought and let out a giggle.
“Yep, I thought I’d call you and tell you-"
“Tell me? Oh…” I could hear the disappointment in his voice which made me shake with silent laughter. He really does think I'm turning him down!
“Oh Kyle I’d love to go with you!” I said and I could hear him laughing along with me.
“Wow, that’s a relief,” he replied and the tone of his voice changed from sad, to happy with just one statement.
A bell rang in the background and Kyle let out a sigh of annoyance. “You’re in your room right?” he asked and I felt my gut clench with nervousness for a reason unknown.
“Yeah, but-”
“Don’t go anywhere; I’ll be up in a second. Just got to get past the wardens,” he said then hung up before I could protest.
I began to chew anxiously on my fingernails as I waited for him to arrive, though it was only about five minutes before I heard a soft knock on my door. I hustled over and flung it open to see Kyle with a smile lighting up his face. What’s he staring at?
I wondered looking down then, seeing what he was staring at, I returned the smile.
“So I’m taking that as you like them?” Kyle asked, motioning towards the bouquet that I was still cradling in my arms.
My smile widened and I motioned for him to come in as I answered, “Like them? I love them, Kyle! Where did you get them?” He stepped through my doorway and I shut the door behind him, feeling my stomach churn as the good girl inside of me remembered the no-guys-in-the-bedroom rule.
“The Lilacs are from my mothers garden,” he said, shifting uncomfortably as I cast him a look.
“I think you know what I was talking about. Where on Earth did you get a Zantendeschia?” I asked, knowing that almost every store refuses to sell them.
Kyle smiled shyly at me and brushed his hair out of his eyes while I waited patiently for him to answer. “Well…I knew you they’re you favorite and…It’s not like the gardeners are going to notice…They hardly even water the place anymore…”he said, his voice drifting in and out as he tried to answer me.
“You stole it!?” I asked, feeling suddenly very guilty to be holding the flowers and set them down onto my chair.
“No! I left money in the gardeners shed, though I doubt they’ll ever find it,” he said and we both burst into laughter.
“So why aren’t you in class?” I asked scooping up my flowers again and plopping down onto my bed. Kyle shook his head so his hair fell into his face as he sat down next to me.
“Not everyone thinks that skipping class is equivalent to robbing a bank Summer, some people do it regularly.” he replied giving me a smirk that quickly disappeared when he saw my expression.
“Well, if you’re going to be a jerk than you can just leave,” I said motioning towards the door with my free hand.
Kyle’s jaw dropped, “Look Summer, I’m sorry…I was just joking around, but it wasn’t funny and-”
“Would you shut-up!” I said, playfully punching him in the arm, “I’m totally kidding with you. I can take a little sarcasm, I’m a big girl.” Kyle’s look of sorrow turned to amusement.
“That’s it, you asked for it!” he said leaping towards me and tickling my stomach till tears were running down my face.
“No! Stop it! AH!” I screamed as we both collapsed in fits of laughter.
“I came up here to keep you company, to answer your question,” he said playing with the ends of my hair which made me shiver out of pure joy.
“Well, thank-you. You mean a lot to me,” Crap! Did I really just say ‘you’? No, I couldn’t have! I meant to say ‘it’... or did I?
I looked up at Kyle to see him smiling.
“You mean a lot to me too,” he said and time seemed to slow down as he leaned towards me. It felt like Earth stopped turning and everything was moving in slow motion.
I leaned towards him and closed my eyes slowly, not wanting to lose sight of his beautiful face. When our lips met it was like fireworks exploded. It wasn’t like kissing Zane, but it was still wonderful and sweet in its own way. His soft lips continued to brush up against mine and he tangled his fingers through my light blonde hair as I scooted closer towards him. There was a burning passion between us that seemed to strength more and more as our lips met again and again. I felt his soft, warm hand on the small of my back and I smiled as his lips met mine once more before he pulled away.
“I love you Kyle,” I said and even I was surprised to hear the words come out of my mouth, I’d never told a guy I loved him before.
“I love you too beautiful,” Kyle said as he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I sighed, If heaven is anything like this, I’m ready to die now,
I thought blissfully as Kyle kissed my forehead and I leaned my head back onto his shoulder. “I’m glad you said yes,” he said, stroking my hair after a few moments of silence.
“I’m glad you asked,” I replied smiling up at him.
“You really should put those in a vase, they’ll last longer that way,” he said motioning to the bouquet that was lying at the end of my bed, I’d tossed it there when we’d started to kiss and now my cheeks flushed bright pink as I remembered this.
I reluctantly got up from his embrace and crawled over to where my flowers where lying, smiling at the beauty of them. “They really are gorgeous,” I said and was startled to feel Kyle place his hands on my waist from behind me.
“They had to be, beautiful flowers for an even more beautiful girl.” I blushed even deeper, like always do when he compliments me, and leaned forward in an attempt to hide my face behind my hair. Kyle reached forward and tucked the few shielding pieces of hair behind my ear then shot me a smile, “Sorry, but it’s too pretty of a face to hide it.” I grinned at him and let out a giggle.
“Can I ask you something?” I asked and he turned to face me, suddenly serious.
“Anything.” He confirmed.
“Why me? Why do you like me, instead of Stephanie or Terri?” I asked and he let out a snort.
“Well, to start, Terri Levi and Stephanie Marlow aren’t anything compared to you. Second, I think we’ve already determined that I don’t ‘like’ you, I ‘love’ you. Third, how could a guy not love you Summer? You’re amazingly beautiful, smart, creative, edgy, feisty, you like to go on adventures, and
you’re one of the kindest girls I’ve ever met.” He finished and catching my shocked expression he laughed and pulled me towards him again.
“No wait.” I said putting my hand against his chest to restrain him.
“What?” he asked with a hint of a smile as he reached up and intertwined his fingers with mine.
“Do really think that highly of me?” I asked feeling rather flattered. The only person who’s ever talked to me like that is…
I felt my heart clench as I thought of him. How did he manage to sneak his way into my thoughts? Why can’t being with Kyle be enough for me? But It is!
I insisted silently as his soft fingertips caressed my high cheek bones.
“Well, I would stay, but Ms. Kelly has a habit of checking up on those who skip, and I’d like to avoid detention,” he said getting up off of my bed. Hearing Ms. Kelly’s name brought back her chilling image and the memories of our last conversation, making me shiver.
“You okay?” Kyle called over his shoulder as he headed for my door.
“Yeah, just a little cold,” I assured him feeling a pang of guilt in my stomach as I lied to him.
“Well, see you later Summer. Love you!” he said shooting me an extra white smile as he opened my door and stepped out.
“Love you too,” I whispered as my door swung shut. But do I really ‘love’ Kyle? Yes, I finally decided, Yes I do and right now, he’s the only one I love.
I laid back down on my bed and continued to repeat that to myself hoping that if I said it enough, it might make it more true. Chapter 31
A few hours later, I heard the last school bell ring and let out a sigh of relief, no more visits from Ms. Kelly. I stared at the bouquet sitting on my widow sill and let out a sigh. Life should feel great right now. So why doesn’t it?
I wasn’t sure how to answer that thought, so I decided to ignore it.
The clicking of my door getting unlocked made me jump and crouch into a defensive stance. Sierra smiled and gave a small wave, “It’s just me.” I breathed a sigh of relief and returned to sitting on my bed. “Oh! What a pretty bouquet! It couldn’t be from Zane
, could it?” she asked, pulling herself up to my bunk, and plopping down next to me. The way she said Zane’s name suggested she knew something I didn’t and it made my stomach flip from nervousness.
“No, it’s not from Zane. Why would you think that?” I asked anxiously picking at my cuticles.
“Oh no reason,” she said giving me a wink and playing with her short, choppy hair.
“Spill,” I said, shooting her a glare.
Her smile dropped, “Oh, you really didn’t see it…” she said then got up and motioned for me to follow her.
We walked through our doorway and came to a halt right outside our door, where a note hung. A fancy Z was inscribed on the front, letting passing viewers know exactly who it was from. I shifted uncomfortably. Was that on the door this whole time? Did Kyle see it? Did he read it?
I shook my head to clear it then snatched the note off of the door. Why couldn’t it have a K on in? It would make this so much easier!
I cursed under my breath as I opened the letter so only I could read it.
Dear Summer,
We need talk, no I need to apologize, and I’m not doing it through a letter or a text. Please meet me in front of the school at 5:00 tonight.
I folded up the letter and put it my pants pocket with a defeated sigh. Was it really only a year ago that I had absolutely no life whatsoever? And now… I have 2 boyfriends!
I shook my head at that last thought, actually I have 1 boyfriend, and his name is Kyle.
I gave a quick reassuring nod to Sierra as her eyebrows shot up her forehead.
“Wanna talk?” she asked a concerned look crossing her face.
“I’d love to, but I can’t. If have to meet someone,” I replied glancing at my watch. I had five minutes till I was supposed to meet with Zane. I took a deep, steadying breath and started to shuffle my way down the hall.
By the time I made it outside I was 3 minutes late. I walked out door and towards the buff figure that had his back to me. As I approached he heard the slight crunching of twigs and turned around to face me. My breath got caught in my throat, I’d forgotten how handsome he was. He held out his hand to me and I took it. His skin felt warm and soft to touch, I missed it greatly. He led me over to the school’s outdoor fountain and we sat down on the side of it. Once we were seated, he dropped my hand and I couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
“They say that fountains reform hearts and-”
“Rekindle new love,” I finished for him. He smiled at me and I sat on my hands to refrain from throwing them around him at the sight of his adorable dimples.
“Look, Summer I-”
“You don’t have to apologize.” I said turning away from him. He placed a hand on my leg and used his other to turn my face towards his.
“Yes, I do. I know I was jerk, I know I shouldn’t have lied to you, and most of all I know that I hurt you badly. The worst part is that those were all the things I wanted to avoid,” he said whispering the last part more to himself than to me.
“Hey, look at me,” I said and instantly his bright blue eyes rose to mine.
“We all make mistakes, and if we’re gonna be honest with each other, I miss you.” I paused, choking back a sob then added, “I need you.”
“Oh Summer,” Zane said wrapping me in his warm embrace that I missed so much and pulling me close. “Oh Summer I’m so sorry,” he whispered in my ear, “I’m so, so sorry.” He said it over and over while I sat crying into the shoulder of his t-shirt. I let the tears slide down my face and into the fountains glistening waters.
“Just p-promise me one t-thing,” I said through choked sobs.
“Anything your heart desires,” he said and I sobbed even harder at the resemblance of his and Kyle’s responses.
“Don’t ever lie to m-me again, it j-just hurts t-too m-much,” I said and I felt him slide his fingers under my chin.
“Summer Charard, I promise, with all of my life, that I will never, ever lie to you again,” he said then, he kissed me. He kissed me with passion, with desire, and pure un-dying love. His kiss wiped my mind blank. No one else existed but him. No Stephanie, no Sierra, no Lance, and no Kyle. No Kyle…. Kyle!
I jerked away from Zane, losing my balance and falling feet first into the fountains icy water.
When my head broke through the surface of the cold water, my thoughts came back. They flooded into my mind like the rushing water surrounding my body. What did I just do!
I thought as two strong hands pulled me up and out of the freezing ice water.
“Summer? Summer, are you okay?” Zane asked taking off his jacket and putting it on my shoulders.
“What the Hell is going on here?” A voice from behind me asked, causing me to spin around and come face to face with Kyle.
“Nothing, Kyle. Absolutely nothing.” I ignored the hurt look on Zane’s face as I threw my arms around Kyle’s neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Are you okay, honey?” he asked stroking my cheek.
“I’m fine.”
“Summer, can we please just talk about this?” Zane asked reaching out and grabbing my arm.
“Get your hands off of her!” Kyle shouted lightly pushing me behind himself and shoving Zane backwards.
“I said I was fine, Kyle. There’s no need to get angry,” I said meekly.
Kyle’s eyes didn’t even blink as he answered me, “No, you’re not fine. This jerk’s made you cry again and this time is the last time he’s gonna do that to you. I’m gonna make sure of it,” Kyle said shoving Zane back another few steps.
“She doesn’t need a lame loser like you in her life anymore,” Kyle said pushing Zane yet another few feet back until his calves were touching the marble rim of the fountain. “Don’t you get it? She doesn’t like you anymore!” Kyle said and I gasped out loud as Zane’s fist made contact with Kyle’s jaw.
Kyle clutched his jaw and kick Zane in the knee. Zane fell, clutching his knee, and used his elbow to hit Kyle in the back of the head.
“Stop it! Please! Stop! Both of you!” I shrieked, pushing them away from each other with all of the strength I had in me. Neither of them budged but with me in such close proximity, they didn’t dare throw any more punches.
“You just stay away from her!” Kyle spit as he got up from the ground and pulled me closer to him. “Let’s go Summer.” He pulled me with him as he marched towards the school. I looked back over my shoulder and caught Zane’s glance. His normally bright blue eyes, were dim and sad, his perfect lips pouted in a look of defeat.
“Please, don’t leave,” He whispered so only I could hear. I’m sorry
, I whispered, and his defeat lessened, he’d read my lips perfectly. Kyle opened the door and dragged me inside but before I was in I threw my head back, looking directly at Zane and mouthed, I love you
. Then, as Kyle slammed the door, I forgot about Zane, about the kiss, and about my last words. I left it all outside, and linked my arm through my boyfriends as we started off down the hall together. Chapter 32
We made it halfway down the hallway before Kyle pulled me aside and pushed me back, against the wall. My mind flashed back the memory of Zane, he’d done the exact same thing right after our first date. No! No more comparing Kyle to Zane! Kyle is your boyfriend and Zane is a friend.
I silently reprimanded myself as Kyle’s lips turned up in a smile.
“You’re doing it again,” he said brushing my wet hair out of my face.
“Doing what?” I asked. Comparing you to Zane?
I thought nervously, How does he know I do that?
“You’re thinking real hard about something. I can tell, and I think I know what it is,” he said and I shifter uncomfortably, letting my body press up against the hard stone of the wall.
“You do?” He smiled at me, making my stomach churn with guilt.
“Of course I do. You feel guilty about kissing Zane, but no worries Summer. I think I know how you can make it up to me,” he said and I gave him a confused look.
“How?” I asked and his smile widened.
“By saying yes.”
I sighed, beginning to feel annoyed with him, “But I already did say yes!” I protested as he finally released his strong hold on my arms.
“I’m not talking about the dance Summer,” he replied, ignoring my look of annoyance as I took a step away from the wall and wrung my hair out.
“Then what are you talking about Kyle?” I asked with a sigh, I was really getting tired of all of these games.
“I would like you to meet my parents,” he answered and I felt my breath catch in my throat.
“Y-your parents? As in your family? When?” I asked turning to face him. He reached up and took hold of my hands, intertwining his fingers with mine before he answered me.
“Well, my parents are my family, I have no siblings, and yes they said that they would be delighted if you would come have dinner with us. We were thinking on this tomorrow.” He finished and I felt my jaw drop.
“Tomorrow? They want to meet me? What happens if they don’t like me? What happens if-”
“Oh Summer, relax!” he said giving me a quick peck on my forehead. “They’re going to love you just as much as I do. In fact, I’ve already got us permission from the office to leave campus, so now all that’s standing in the way is your answer,” he finished his statement by giving me a sly smile that made me let out a nervous giggle.
“Of course I’ll meet them!” I said giggling as Kyle picked me up and spun me around.
We both laughed as he tripped over the uneven floor and we were both sent tumbling onto the ground. Sprawled out on the soft, carpeted entrance hall we must have looked incredibly foolish, but at that moment, I didn’t care. Kyle got up and brushed his pants off then offered me his hand. I took it graciously and laughed joyfully as he pulled me up off the floor and into his warm, loving embrace.
“I’m glad you said yes…again,” Kyle whispered as I clung tighter to him.
“I’m glad you asked…again,” I replied and gave his lips a soft kiss before untangling myself from him.
“I should head back to my room before Sierra gets worried, I kind of left her in a hurry,” I said and gave Kyle one last hug before we set off in separate directions.
I made if halfway to my dorm before I registered the fact that I was still wearing Zane’s jacket. I sighed, maybe I can give to Lance, and the he can deliver it for me.
I thought glumly as I again regretted whispering ‘I love you’ to Zane. I shouldn’t have done that. All that did was make things more complicated.
I gave my forehead a light slap as I replayed the evenings highlights in my mind. Zane kissing me, me falling, them fighting, me mouthing words, and Kyle’s invite. It’d all happened so fast that most of it was a blur.
Click! I heard a loud stomp from somewhere near by, ignoring it, I kept on walking. Click! There it is again!
I thought as I looked around for the person behind the noise, but found nothing and kept walking.
“Oh for the love of Christ would you turn around!” called an annoyed voice from behind me. I whipped around, not sure how I’d missed whoever it was and then I saw her. Stephanie stood by the wall, her expression tired and sad. She was wearing her pink, lace and silk pajamas and her hair was slicked back into a high pony. My eyebrows shot up at the sight of her.
“Sleep walking are we?” I checked my watch, “It isn’t even 8:00 yet, why are you in your pajamas?”
As normal, she plastered on a superior glare and stood up straighter before she answered me, “I just got finished with my massage and thought I’d relax!” she said pointedly and I let out a sigh.
“So I only have 2 questions,” I said giving her a sarcastic glance, “1.) Which boy did you con into giving you a massage now? And 2.) What are you doing in the hallway?” She twirled the end of her pony tail nervously before answering.
“Would you just forgive and forget already?” she yelled, surprising me. “I mean, come on! I’m sorry that Zane lied, and go ahead and stay mad at him, but don’t drag me into this! I’m not
the one who lied to you!” she insisted stomping over to look me in the eyes. “You know I don’t apologize a lot…” she said her voice trailing off as she looked down at her feet. I crossed my arms and waited for her to continue.
“Look, do I really have to say it?” she said and I shot her a glance.
“Say what? You’re sorry?” I asked innocently and she gave me a disgusted glance.
“Of course not! I have nothing to apologize for!”
“Nothing to apologize for? You have absolutely-”
“Don’t you get it!” she yelled, cutting me off mid sentence. “I have no one
! I don’t have caring parents, I don’t have a brother cares if I even exists, I don’t have any relationship, yet alone a good one. Most of all, I don’t have any friends! I’m sorry! Okay? I’m sorry!” she yelled in fury and without a second glance she ran to the end of the hall, flung her door open, and slammed it shut behind her. I stood there for a moment, did that really just happen?
I asked myself as I forced my feet to walk forward. Who would guess that Stephanie actually has a heart?
I thought as I stumbled my way back to my room.
When I got to my dorm room I flung open the door, then after shutting it behind me, I dragged myself onto my bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I had no intentions of actually sleeping, but it felt good to just lie there and do nothing. After only a few minutes of nothing I heard my phone vibrate from my computer desk and turned over to look at it, contemplating whether I should get up to answer it. Sierra rounded the corner from our bathroom and glanced over at my phone.
“You want me to get that?” she asked as she ran a comb through her short, choppy brown hair.
“Yeah, thanks,” I replied as she scooped my phone up and tossed it to me.
“Hello?” I said hearing how tired my voice sounded and heard a rustling on the other line.
“Hi sweetheart,” My fathers low baritone voice rang through the receiver.
“Oh hi daddy!” I said instantly glad to hear from my family. “What’s up?” I asked casually and heard him clear his throat, something he only does when he’s nervous. “Is everything alright, dad?” I asked willing him with all of my might to assure me that everything was fine.
“Uh, no honey, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you,” he said and I heard the sadness emitting from his voice.
“Daddy? What’s wrong, Daddy?” I asked, sounding like the small child my father could always bring out in me.
“Your mother and I have done a lot of thinking about this…and we want you to understand that this has nothing to do with you…Honey, your mother and I are splitting up.” He finished and his words made the tears spring back up in my eyes.
“What! But you and mommy are happy together! You’ve always been happy together!” I cried as my father tried to console me.
“I know, I know, and I’m sorry that you have to hear it like this, but we just aren’t happy anymore.” The way he said it made me stop sobbing and sit up straighter.
“This wasn’t a mutual decision, was it? This is mom’s choice! She’s the one who’s ‘not happy’ anymore!” I said and I heard my father let out a defeated sigh.
“Yes, your mother is the one who brought about this but you’re not to blame her. Things like this happen, and honey, can you really blame her? We hardly see each other anymore, with my constant working and her travels; it’s obvious to see that we’ve drifted.”
My sadness turned to anger. “How could she does this to us?!” I screamed as unwelcome tears slid down my face.
“Summer listen I-”
“I gotta go,” I said then hung and threw my phone a the floor. It bounced one then lay still on the carpet.
I looked up from my bed and saw Sierra’s concerned look. She walked over and cautiously picked up my phone, as if she were afraid I would throw something again.
After she had it in her hand, she set it back down onto my desk then pulled herself up to sit with me on my bed.
“If you wanna talk-”
“Yes, I need to talk,” I replied and without waiting for a response I started into what happened after I’d left her and for the first time since I had my first dream, I didn’t lie. I told her everything, leaving nothing out, and for the first time in a very long time, I felt like I had a friend. Chapter 33 Coming Soon! Comment/Heart if you like. Friend me to get messaged when I update :)
Text: Nopart of this book should be reproduced or used in any manner. All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 16th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-sppellerd |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-dark-september-true-terror-of-the-night/ | Dark September True Terror Of The Night To Kendra Vanlaningham for helping me create the characters names
The world was dark. The night clouds covered the light of the moon. The rain was as cold as morning frost. The raindrops raced to the hard rocky ground. As the cold frosty rain hit the ground, they shattered into little droplets.
There was also a faint whisper coming from somewhere in the silent and soundless night. “Alice come to me. Give me your eyes,” whispered the quiet voice in the dark and starless night.
Around the corner, a little girl, lifts her head. She swore that someone had called out her name. “Alice,” the mysterious voice called again. The little kid knew that she was definitely not crazy. Someone had just said her name. The last time she checked, her name was Alice. Alice suddenly lifted a foot, and ran into the dark night. Alice was hoping that the darkness would hide her, like a dark cape would. She ran and ran, till all she could hear was the splashing of puddles and rain, and maybe the pitter patter of moving feet. All Alice knew, was that she was scared of this voice, and she needed to escape it, and as fast as she could.
Alice had heard weird stories from the village’s elders. They had said that if a kid with green eyes better stay inside at night. They had told everyone that if any child heard a voice in the silent night, and they were alone, to make a run for it. The elders had said that if you don’t run away then you would disappear, and have your eyes taken from you. Then, “he” would replace you eyes. The villagers call the eyes, “demon eyes.” Everyone knows that the “demon eyes” will slowly turn you into a blood thirsty demon.
Were the village’s elders just telling stories? Was the demon just a bed time story invented to keep the children from wondering off? Then, what about all those kids who disappear every month? Alice didn’t want to find out, so she ran and ran till she could swear that her legs were on fire. Alice knew two things for sure, and that was, one she was the only one in the village with green eyes, and if it was the demon chasing her, his name was Vorloc. Alice also had a question, and it was about who was chasing her. Alice didn’t want to stick around to figure out either.
As Alice ran, she noticed that the faster she ran, the better she could hear the voice. The only way that was possible, was if the voice belonged to a fast runner, or it belonged to anther kid in another village, or it belonged to ……..Vorloc. Alice knew that she was the fastest person in the village. Then Alice knew it was Vorloc. She knew because she was the fastest in her village, and she didn’t know anyone from another village. The village she lived in now, was supposedly the last one. Plus, whoever it was knew her name. Without even noticing, Alice began to speed up. All around her she could hear only the thumping of her own racing heart, and that annoying voice.
As Alice ran into the alley, she could see a wall blocking her way. She knew she couldn’t just turn around and run away, or jump over the wall. Alice was trapped and she knew it. She turned around to see Vorloc staring at her. There was a look of deep hatred in his eyes! Why there was a look of deep hatred in his eyes, well Alice didn’t even know? Alice took one deep breath and screamed. Alice’s scream was a scream of good-bye, but no one would get the message, and Alice already knew that.
Text: copyright since 2010 by Dark September. this book may not be copied in any way All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 3rd 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-darkmatter |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-murph-black-dahlia/ | Murph Black Dahlia
Black Dahlia
I had a couple of friends who were dating. I'll call them Mike and Sarah. When they first got together, they were happy. Everything was good. This isn't a story when one day everything suddenly turned sour, although it may seem like that. I'm not omnipotent or anything, I guess that Sarah had just been losing interest for a while. I took note of it when our school's new superstar wide reciever moved here. Sarah started, just subtle things at first, to avoid Mike. We can guess what happened. I don't know exactly myself, but I did hear about them fighting a lot before the break up. My memory isn't perfect, but I recall Mike telling me about the first time when he appraoched Sarah about her strange behavior. She had told him it was nothing, which, incidently, is when the fight started. I think we can start here,
"Bullshit!" Mike yelled, "Its not nothing now that all of the sudden you're ignoring me?"
Sarah recoiled, but only slightly, "Mike, stop yelling. I havent been ignoring you, I j-"
"Not ignoring me? Won't answer your phone, won't return texts, and suddenly you're never around when I come by, just to see you? how is that not ignoring me?"
"I just... just-" Sarah stammered, "I just need some space, is all. I've been feeling..." She paused, searching for a word, "off lately."
"That doesn't mean you take it out on me, Sarah." Mike replied hotly.
"I'm not. I mean, Idon't mean to, I'm just-" She fell silent. Mike didn't move or make a sound, he stood, just waiting for her to finish her statement.
Mike cut her off before she could get the thought out, "Do you think I don't know about how you've been playing around with other guys?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Half of the fucking football team!" Mike blurted out, "What, you think that just because you're the assistant manager means you have to flirt with all of them? How many left until you've made a pass on all of them, huh?"
"Fuck you, Michael! Fuck. YOU!" Sarah screamed as hot tears began to roll down her cheeks, "GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT AND DON'T COME BACK!"
Thunderous footsteps came down the hall, and Sarah's dad burst through the door. Mike looked at him, then at Sarah, then back again. No one else noticed the single tear running down his cheek as her father escorted him out of the house without a word.
1 week later
Mike popped open the bottle and examined its contents. Vikoden. Powerful stuff. this should take the edge off of everything he was feeling. Sarah hadn't spared him a second glance since the fight, nor had she, or any of her friends attempted to talk to him about anything. they all just glared when they saw him in the halls. He wanted so badly to apologize to her, but knew that if he came too close, her friends would tear him to pieces. He swallowed several of the pills. His third double dose in 4 hours. He looked up from his seat at the edge of his bed, right into the mirror. He could barely make out the face of the boy staring back at him. Look at him. he thought. What a fuckin' loser, resorting to pills. Pfft. Suddenly, a fit of rage overtook him. He grabbed the nearest object and slung it at the mirror. with a loud CRASH! the mirror fell to pieces on the floor. Mike threw the tantrum of his life. Nothing in his room was safe from the drug fueled anger that spilled from his every pore.
After his room was effectively obliterated, Mike plodded down the stairs to his parents' room. He glanced around beforeretrieving his father's .45 from the dresser. As he made his way out the front door, he folded thepistol into the pocket of his hoodie. His mind didn't know where he was going, but his feet were taking him to Sarah's house. It was saturday. Both of her parents worked on saturdays.
Sarah stepped out of the car with a small smile. The driver, the superstar wide reciever, walks her to the door.
"I had a good time, Sarah." He said with a smile.
"So did I, ******." she smiled softly, anticipating, and secretly dreading the inevitable. He leaned toward her and embraced her in a tender hug before softly pressing his lips to hers. He smiled. She smiled as he pulled away.
"I'll see you monday." He called over his shoulder as he made his way back to the car. She watched just long enough for him to drive off before turning to enter her sanctuary. As she turned, she noticed Mike, standing, staring, not two houses away. She pretended not to notice and went inside.
Mike was seething, the rage of before not dissipated by the 20 minutes it took to walk as far as he'd come. (Honestly, I'm surprised he was able to even breathe, let alone stand or walk) He watched as Sarah stepped back inside, oblivious to his presense. With renewed anger, he sprinted to her door, unveilinghis weaponas he came closer to the house. He reached for the door knob and the sleeve of his hoodie slid back just far enough for a crimson glow to catch his eye. He stopped dead in his tracks, and stared at the ribbon of blood careening across his wrist. He looked at the door, the gun, then back at his arm. As quickly as it had come, the anger, the hate, was gone.
That night apx 10:30pm.
Mike sat on the roof of a house. Sarah's neighbors whom he didn't know all that well. From here, he could see her, lying asleep in her bed, peaceful and angelic as she'd ever been. He remembered falling asleep holding her. The warmth of her body resting on his. She'll never understand. the thought echoed in his mind. He absent mindedly twirled the bottle of pills in his hands. He looked down at Sarah once again. It won't be so bad. He silently reassured himself. He swallowed several pills and stood up, flinging thepills into the darkness. He jumped down and started his walk back home.
In her bed, Sarah could find no rest. Nothing was right anymore. Not since Mike had accused her of cheating on him and she'd told him to leave. So far, he'd kept his distance, but it didn't feel right. She rolled over to look out of her window and up at the moon. He loved the moon. He'd often commented that he liked it because it shined with the strength of the sun, but with a gentler touch. She felt the tears start rolling down her cheeks as she remembered everything that she'd had with him. He loved her, just for who she was. why hadn't she seen that before. "I'm sorry." she quietly said to the emptiness around her. Just then,a flash of light and the report of a gunshot caused her to jump.She threw off her covers anddashed outside.
As Sarah stepped out of the front door, an odd black shape caught her eye in the illuminating glow of an orange street light. As she stepped closer, the face of the figure laying in the street became clearer. She gasped and covered her mouth, tears silently pouring down her cheeks. She stood, stunned, until an ambulance and police arrived. A young female officer tried to escort Sarah back inside, but she refused to move until the EMTs pulled the sheets over her love's once handsome face....
Text: Murphy, T All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 26th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-cyanide24 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-stephanie-the-true-story-of-twilight/ | stephanie the true story of twilight twilight
once ther was a girl named isabela but every body called her dummy. she thoght "dummy" was a compament. but ofcorce she was dumb.she walked thrugh the woods one day and she fond a boy named jacob. she thuoght he was a puppy.and as we all know she is dumb.jacob tride to eat her but she thoght he wanted her to keap him as a pet.
so she did .isabella called him princes. "i have a name you know" he shouted! and all she said was " i know it princes!" what an idot she is.as she walked "princes" it the woods she met edward. edward tried ot explain her that jacob was tring to eat her.
"he wants to eat you" exclamed edward! and ofcrce she's VERY dumb she got eaten.
Publication Date: May 24th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-dethwolf |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-sam-kearns-boys-school-bad-idea/ | Sam Kearns Boys School: Bad Idea? Does love really conquer all?
Boy's School
Alison's pov
People have always told me that it wasn't good to always choose dare and to go along with them. I never believed them until now, now I'm sitting in the front office of Gregory High School. Hi, my name is Alison Rachelle Smith. I'm 17 and a junior at Clarence High School in Chadron, Ohio. Now I'm at the state's leading boy's school.
"Well, Jason, it seems that everything is in order here. I hope you have a wonderful time here at Gregory. Now I do see that you have a limited time here, so make it count." "Thank you sir, I will be on my way if we are done here." The principal nodded and escorted me out of the office. I smiled to myself, I was actually in an all-boys school and I just broke the first rule here: no girls allowed.
I wandered the halls aimlessly until I found my room, I entered and saw that my roommate wasn't there. His stuff sat neatly on the bed beside mine and I thought to myself, 'At least he's decent.' I had just finished putting my stuff away when the door burst open. I whipped around and 3 guys were all staring at me. The tallest one questioned me, "Who are you?"
"I'm Jason Smith." I shot back at him. "I-I'm Cash, this is Travis, and this midget here is Kyle." Cash said politely, fighting to keep his cool and stay calm. Damn, the guys here are so, so douchey. Then they turned and walked away, the only thought that popped into my head was 'Oh no! They know that something's up! They're gonna try and figure it out! And then, then I'll be screwed! '
Boys School ReWrite
Alison's POV
So I might not be the smartest person all of the time but having a 3.65 GPA doesn't mean squat when it comes to real life situations. Hi, I'm Alison. Right about now I'm talking to the assistant principle of some private school that's about
Who's This
Cash's pov
Travis, Kyle, and I slammed the door open and looked at the guy that was in Travis's room. He turned and glared at me, I spoke first, "Who are you?" "I'm Jason Smith, who are you?" He spat back at me. This guy has some serious anger issues man, he overreacted. He was acting like a mad girl. I had heard that we were getting a new student, but I didn't think he'd be so mad! Jeez, this kid must be from some huge city or something.
I told him who Travis, Kyle, and I were. I also called Kyle a midget, which isn't wrong since he's only 5'6 or something while the rest of us clear 6 foot easily. He nodded, but he seemed skeptical and looked like he had something to hide. I will find out, I know I will.
Kicked Out of School
Alison 's pov
Today is the day! Today is the day that I reveal my true identity to my fellow students and classmates. I had my best friend Sarah help me move my stuff in the dead of night. I entered the locker room after P.E. and stood on the tallest bench, "Hey! Everybody!" Everyone turned to me so I started to speak, "Most of you may think I'm a dude..." "Are you transgender? Goddammit, this is just like the last one." I kinda felt offended that they would think that.
I pulled the dark wig off of my blonde hair and it tumbled down and across my face, cascading across my shoulders with a fluid motion. There was no noise, you could've heard a pin drop. No one was talking, yelling, or even moving. They might not have even been breathing! I hopped off of the bench and pointed to the door, "I'm just gonna go. Yeah." I placed the wig on the bench and started to walk down the hall.
That's about the time that the herd of them all started to follow me out, they sounded like a herd of buffalo! I started to jog and then run as they started to catch up, I slid down the railing for the steps and landed on my feet at the office. "Well, see you later Dad! It was nice to see you again." My dad's jaw dropped, "Wow, I didn't see that coming...Bye, Alison." My mom got remarried after my biological dad left us and she ended up marrying Dan and then Dominic left to go and live with my real dad.
Then the boys reached the steps, I gave Sarah the sign to start the car and then ran outside with the boys at my heels. I sprinted as fast as I could to the car while they followed, I dove through the open window and into the Malibu while Sarah drove away. I sat on the window sill and made the peace sign, "Peace out Gregory!" They were all yelling things that were inaudible but there was one sentence that made it to my ears, "I will find you!"
I turned to them and saw Cash Sterling at the front of the pack of them all. Sarah drove rip-ass fast to get back to Chadron and to leave all of this behind us.
A Girl Was Here
Cash's pov
After she took off that awful wig, beautiful blonde hair surrounded her face. Her grey eyes seemed to pop with the blonde locks framing them, I knew he had been hiding something! I just hadn't thought that he would turn out to be a she...I really didn't see that coming. She just stood there holding that wig, unmoving. None of us moved, we were all frozen in place.
She said something and then walked away, I hadn't heard what she had said. My mind was trying to comprehend what had just happened. I was the first to go after her, I wasn't just going to let her leave! I had to get answers to this crazy stunt! She ran down the hall and we all chased after her, I thought she had gotten outside already but I heard an angelic voice by the office. I thought I heard her say 'Dad,' but I wasn't sure.
We took off down the steps but she was already gone and outside! She dove through a window and then said something along the lines of "Peace out Gregory." But I might've heard wrong. I yelled that I was going to find her and she turned back to us all, her blonde hair was whipping around her face as she tried to find who had said it. With her hair whipping about she looked so sexy!
We watched until we couldn't see them anymore and then we went inside, the principal was sitting at his desk. We went up to his desk, "Hey chief! We were wondering if you could tell us where Jason is from?" He shook his head, "No." We put our puppy-dog faces on, he could never say no to them, "No! You won't know where my daughter lives and that's final!"
We all looked at each other and then left, we made plans on how to find out where she's from after he had left. He left an hour later and we sprang into action, we broke into his office. I turned the lights on and the walls were lined with pictures of 'Jason' and some other kids. I looked at the first picture, there was a blonde woman, our principal, an older boy who was holding 'Jason' in his arms and then the woman was holding a little girl in her arms.
I took it off the hook and looked at the back, I read it aloud, "Bridget, Dan, Dominic, Ali, and Anna." Travis started to smile, "So now we know her name's Ali!" Personally, I didn't think that sounded right, but I was outnumbered. I nodded slightly and looked at some other pictures, I went through all of them before I got a clue to where she was from. It was a picture of Ali holding Anna when she was young, I looked in the corner of the picture and then I got the hint. "Chadron Jr. Flags Team." They all came over and we nodded, "Now, why don't we go and visit our special friend?"
Uninvited Guests
Alison 's pov
It's been 2 weeks since I got back home from Gregory and I was enjoying the weekend with my friends, I was walking around with Sarah and Evangeline on the street where Sarah's crush lives. We were walking up the street again when there was a loud honk that made me jump, I turned and saw Phil. He's the bus driver that took us to games. The girls kept walking, "Does that say Gregory High School?"
Sarah nodded, "Hey, bud, they comin for you." I grabbed my friends and started to run, Enie looked back again, "Isn't that where you went to school?" I nodded and ran faster, "Yes, this is what happens when you make friends! Promise me you'll never chase me down!" They laughed as we ran, the bus was right on our tails now, until we made a sharp right and onto the playground. I wasn't even breathing heavy, but my heart was racing. I know that if they really wanted to, they could catch me.
We watched them all pile out of the bus and start to look for us, I signaled for Sarah and Enie to be quiet as they started to walk close to us. We were starting to laugh when Cash, Travis, and Kyle stopped right in front of us. My heart started to pound in my chest again.
Cash's pov
We waited 2 weeks and then loaded up the bus and headed to Chadron. We were just cruising the streets until we saw these 3 girls walking past a huge house, we honked and they spun around after jumping. It was her, I would recognize that face anywhere. I had been daydreaming about her since she left, I couldn't get her out of my head at all! No matter how hard I tried.
We chased them down uuntil they ended up on this playground, we all got out and then the search was on. We were walking by a huge hill when Kyle suddenly stopped, "Travis, what was it like to have a chick in your room?" Kyle didn't even have to think, "I didn't know she was a chick, she acted like a dude. We ate pizza and watched games. Although, she did scream when there was a huge spider on the floor but it was fuckin huge and I screamed too."
Kyle spoke up again, "Well, she just got hotter." I couldn't stop what came out of my mouth after that, "Yes, because she needed that to be hot." Kyle and Travis both looked at me and then at each other and then they started to laugh. I hit them and tried to make them shut up but they just laughed harder and then they made fun of me. This is what happens when you express your feelings to your friends.
Alison's pov
We sat there listening to their conversation, Sarah started to make kissy faces at me and I hit her leg. I felt myself start to blush a little bit, thank God it was dark in here, that would be awkward if they could see me. I kept wondering why they thought that I didn't like football. Who doesn't? Of course I like football! I also like volleyball, basketball, some wrestling, track and I absolutely love flags! But loving all these sports means that I'm in great shape, I have a 4-pack, btw.
They started to laugh so hard that they were almost rolling on the ground and I took the chance to tell my besties that I was going to go out there and try to make it home. I ran out silently and made it to the bushes and trees, I looked around. The only way to get to my house was to come out for just a second, I prepared myself and then jumped out. But of course they saw me! Great! Just fricking great! "There she is! GET HER!!" I turned around and a sea of tall, muscular football players was after me.
Escaped...Just Kidding
Alison 's pov
I could hear them getting closer as I dove into the bushes. I would never make it home without them finding out where I lived! I didn't know which was worse, getting caught or making it home but them knowing where I lived...I chose the chicken way out and climbed a tree to wait it out. They had to go home sometime, right?
I was high into the canopy when I heard Cash's voice, "When we find her, we get her and we take her back. Understood?" I heard the murmurs of agreement as they tried to find me, my only hope would be to slide down and race past them without being seen. I could do that, maybe not the them not seeing part, but I could do it. I climbed down and then slid down a 2 inch think branch.
I kneeled into the bushes to try and find a way out and started to make a plan, my thoughts were interupted as I got grabbed from behind. I yelped and then my mouth was covered, I tried to thrash away but this person was strong and seemed to know I would try it. But the person didn't think of my next move, I bit the hand that covered my mouth and screamed when it was gone, Enie and Sarah came out and started to run to me, "Ali!"
The hand covered my mouth again, I tried to scream again but the hand muffled the scream. I tried to bite the hand again but then my side was poked and I started to laugh, "You're not gonna get away again." After he said that, I really wanted to prove him wrong. I brought my heel up as fast as I could and then I was dropped, I flipped over quickly and saw Cash on his knees in pain.
As I got up to run, his hand shot out and grabbed my ankle and I was on the ground again. Cash crawled over to me and covered my mouth with tape, he grabbed my hands roughly and taped them together too. He yanked me up after him and pulled out his cell, "I've got her." He only hand one hand on my arm, I ripped it away and took off running back into the darkness of a shed where Sarah and Enie were waiting.
They took the tape off and each hugged me, "God, you scared me!" I sighed, "That scared me too, don't worry." I almost stepped back out when Sarah pulled me back, "We can't leave, they're everywhere! They'll get us for sure!" I nodded, "Let's go to the top of the hill, we can scope from there to make the best plan of action." They nodded and we got up there without being seen, it kinda seemed like they had given up and decided to go home. But deep down, I had a feeling that something was going to go wrong.
I never thought they would be up there, boy was I wrong...I stepped into the field a step and then I was shoved farther in, I saw Daren in front of me and jumped. I turned to run and instead ran into a toned chest, I looked up and Cash was smirking at me. He pulled me into his arms and covered my mouth with tape again, he tied my hands and feet together and set me by Sarah and Enie who were in the same state that I was.
I licked the tape until it fell off, Cash came over to grab me to take me to the bus but I screamed as loud as I could. He jumped and so did the others, he tried to grab me again but I rolled out of the way and screamed again. He tried once more but I went the other way and still screamed. He tried one more time but instead of jumping, he hit me!
It didn't hurt, but I pretended it did. Daren sighed and grabbed my arms, he yanked me up and started to carry me away, my girls screamed as loud as they could but that didn't stop him. He carried me bridal style and had Cash tape my mouth taped back up. He carried me onto the bus and put me in a seat by him, the rest of the guys filed in around us.
Daren then took the tape from my mouth, "This is gonna hurt, sorry." He tore it the rest of the way, I winced in pain but then was fine. Everyone was staring at me, "What?! Have you never seen a girl before?!" They all turned away and then turned back to me, Daren helped me get untied, "You know, a name would be nice." I sighed, "You already know it if you came after me. You probably broke into my dad's office and looked at the pictures. Turning each and every one over until you finally found that family picture that my stepdad got before Dominic left for good."
Cash started to talk, "Actually, I started with that one." I started to laugh, "Oh, so you never noticed the Chadron signs until you got to the flags picture or something?" He shrugged, "Basically, yeah." I sighed, "Why am I here? I have a life you know, what about my sister and mom?" Travis stood up and took Daren's spot, "Not anymore you don't, sorry chick."
Cash's pov
I can't believe I hit her! She was just so...UGH! She was so annoying and wouldn't let me touch her, I might've overreacted just a little bit though. She was probably one of those popular girls at her school and those 2 other girls weren't helping the situation at all and they wouldn't say her name! They were making it worse! I'm not quite sure what happened after we got her back in the bus, but I think she fell asleep. Daren carried her to a spare room that we have and then we left her for the night.
Alison's pov
I woke up in a room, an unfamiliar room. I tried to remember what had happened last night, but I was just so tired and my brain wasn't working. And then I remembered being kidnapped and taken away from Sarah and Enie and the bus and they tried to get my name. I tried to open the door, but it was locked! From the outside even! That is so stupid!! Daren opened the door and it almost hit me, I jumped back with a squeak and he just looked at me.
"Come on." "I'm not going anywhere with you." "I'll give you a piggy-back ride.." I sighed, "Oh, alright. I'll go." I jumped on his back and we started to walk. He's so tall it was like I was a giant! I started to giggle when he started to run, the giggles that escaped my lips stopped when we got to the locker room. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy! Which I'm not! Too much at least...
They all stopped talking and then Cash started to talk, "We all want to know why you came to an all boys school..." I shrugged, "Puh-lease, that's easy. I got paid 50 bucks for doing it by each of my friends." "Tell us your name then." I slid off of Daren's back and faced Cash, "How about not." I started to walk out when he lunged at me, I took off down the hall with him on my heels.
I ran down the right hallway and was faced with 3 doors, I chose the one on the left and ran through it. I didn't even look through it but ran in anyways, I flicked the lights on and saw cleaning supplies and a door that led somewhere. I opened the door and light flooded in, it shined onto a shiny pole like thing. I looked at it closely and picked it up, "What is this?" I brought it outside and saw a colored flag on the top of the pole, "No way!" It was a flag! Awesome!!!
Cash's pov
Chicka wouldn't tell me her name! Dammit! I'm tired of being nice! I jumped after her but she was already gone, I took off after her. She went into a door but I don't know which one, I gave up and turned around. "I will find out about you girl, just you wait."
Alison's pov
I found a flag! I love flags! I've been on the team since 7th grade and I have everything memorized! I stepped through the other doorway and was outside, there was an unconnected practice field seperated by a fence! Woah! That's legit! I started to twirl my flag around, doing 'Around the World' and 'Head Chopper'. I wasn't even paying attention, then I was on the ground.
Cash was right above me, I squealed and tried to shove him away. He didn't budge, not even an inch. I couldn't get away, "What's your name, dammit!" I punched him in the face and then ran away, he chased after me with blood pouring from his nose. I turned left and onto the regular field, just as Travis threw a pass way to high for Daren to catch. I leaped for the sky and snagged it in my arms as it fell, I rolled on the ground and took off again. Cash was still too close for comfort, I ran faster and dropped the ball before hurdling the fence and running inside. Cash was still after me though, he wouldn't be able to get me.
Football Playin' Girl
Daren's pov
We were practicing for our game on Friday and we were running the hardest play that we have, Travis threw the football high into the air but I couldn't reach it! Then out of nowhere, the girl from the bus runs from the other side of the fence and catches it in midair! She rolled on the ground and then she started running again, we tried to catch her but she was hellbent and going faster than all of us! She made it and then dropped the ball, we all stopped running after her except for Cash. He was chasing after her!!
We watched her jump the 5-foot fence and land without even a scratch, she ran inside and Cash was still after her. Travis started to point at Cash, "Did you see that?! That was awesome!" Then there was a loud scream following that, Cash came out with the girl in his arms. She was thrashing harder than ever, he tried to calm her down but then she bit down on his arm and wouldn't let go! It was hilarious!
He let her down and she ran back over to us, "Well that was fun, wasn't it?" Travis looked back at Cash, "Dude! How did you do that?" She was breathing a bit heavy, "I do track, hurdles and jumping. And I do football and jump over people's heads." "There's no way you can do football too!" She laughed and pulled some of us aside, "Let's go people!"
We talked about strategy that I didn't think was going to work but we did it anyways. We started with them having the ball but they fumbled and we got it, we set into position and she was quarterback against Cash who started to laugh. Then she stood up and walked right past him, they all looked confused, but didn't stop her. Then she took off running as they realized what was happening, she made the touchdown without trouble.
She went up to Cash and jumped on his back, it looked like she kissed his cheek but then she jumped off and walked away. That was kinda awkward...
Cash's pov
I got her name, Alison. What kind of name is that? Who names their kids that? I bet she gets laughed at at school or something...Alison. Really? That name is so old...But at least I got her name and I didn't have to beat it out of her. But she still might've gotten away, she fights back hard.
Afterwards I grabbed Daren' shoulder, telling him I wanted to talk to him. We walked down the hall and he turned to me, "What did she want?" "She said that her name was Alison...Who names their kid Alison of all names?" Daren sent me a pointed look, "I think that's a beautiful name to match a beautiful girl." "Of course you would think that...I think it's ugly." I spat back at him.
Then I turned to keep yelling at him but he wasn't there, he was gone. He was at her room, oh no! The only thought that coursed through my mind was 'Oh shit!' Then he knocked and the door opened, he was talking to her and then she gasped loudly. She met eyes with me and they had the look of disappointment written all across them. She started down the hall towards me, there was no where to run!
She stood on tip-toe and whispered in my ear, "I will ruin you. Just you wait, quarterback." I opened my mouth to respond but she was already crying and screaming at me, "How could you Cash? I trusted you! I thought you would be different! Daren take me home." She linked her arm with Daren's and walked down the hall angrily. She still had tears rolling down her cheeks and the rest of the guys had hate in their eyes but I hadn't done anything to her! But it still hurt knowing that she was crying because of me. Why should I care? I don't like people! I'm not a people person!
I had the feeling like I wanted to kill Daren at the moment since she was all over him, is this feeling jealousy? Do other guys feel this? I don't like the feeling...
Alison's pov
I was watching Lord of the Rings when Daren knocked on my door, I could tell it was him because of the way that he knocked on my door. I opened it and greeted him with my normal greeting and then he told me something that almost broke my heart: Cash said that my name is ugly! Ugh, stupid Ali! Why should you care? You don't like him! Or do you...My mind was fighting with itself like usual when it came to these things.
I don't know who the hell he thinks he is, but I will show him how Alison Rachelle Smith does things around here. I walked up to him and he looked like he wanted to run...Good, that means I have him worried. I stood on tip-te and whispered in his ear, "I will ruin you. Just you wait, quarterback." His eyes went wide when I said that, he opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off with my fake tears. "How could you Cash! I trusted you! I thought you would be different! Daren take me home." I wailed. It was hard not to smile or laugh while yelling at him, but I managed to do it.
I fell into Daren who hugged me tightly, my fake tears stained his grey shirt an even darker grey with moisture. Cash's face dropped in shame. 'GOOD! HE DESERVES IT!!' I thought to myself. Daren grabbed my hand and walked me to his car. Daren started to drive back to Chadron, "Daren, please tell me that we can make time so I can see you and the guys again. Except Cash, he's a douchebag." Daren's eyes lit up and he smiled at me, "Of course we can Alison!" Then he spoke again, "Can I call you Ali or something? It takes to long to say Alison."
I nodded, "Of course you can Dar! That's what most of my friends call me anyways." He smiled at me and then we just talked all the way home and exchanged numbers and then we were at my house. He leaned forward an kissed my cheek, I blushed bright red and got out of his car, waving as I walked to my door. I was wondering when I would be able to see the guys again...There's only a few days left till Halloween! Maybe we can get together then, but did I really want to see them?
Halloween Brings Friends Together...Sometimes
Cash's pov
It's been about a week since Alison left the school for good, when she left I could feel my heart breaking. I don't understand why though, I mean she's just a girl. A girl that broke the number one rule at Gregory: no girls allowed. She's just a girl that managed to steal my heart right out from under me, even if she was dressed as a dude. I fell in love with her personality even when she was still a he. Alison Smith has stolen my heart in less than 3 weeks. I still don't get it, I barely know anything about her and I still feel like I'm in love.
I can't believe that I'm in love with a girl that I hardly know, I guess I'm going to have to change that. I'm gonna get the guys to help me and we're going to bring her back here, this is where she belongs. I told them about my plan and they all agreed, "I think we should, I miss her being here," Daren said. Of course he does! But I do too.
Alison's pov
Today's Halloween!! I'm so excited for the haunted house that we have after school, it's one of the only fun things that we do at our school. Everyone was called down to help with the house, everyone except for me. The loud speaker suddenly announced that Alison Smith was to report to the office as soon as possible. I jumped out of my seat so fast that it tipped over! I ran out of the classroom as if I was on fire!
When I reached the office however, I saw that it was closed. Someone had tricked me. Wow, real cool. I turned around to go back to class but I was grabbed from behind and a cloth was placed on my face. I tried to fight back and stop them but my eyelids were getting heavy and I couldn't move. Then I started to fall as everything went black, but before I hit the ground, strong, familiar arms caught me. I couldn't open my eyes no matter how hard I tried, I thought I heard my name being called but I couldn't make sense of anything.
Cash's pov
I saw that the office was closed when I arrived at her school, it was very fancy. Everything was made of glass and looked very sleek, I knocked on the office door and it opened slowly. When the woman saw that someone was there she tried to close it quickly. But my foot was already in the door and it bounced back and hit her on the head! She fell to the floor unconcious, my bad, lady. I felt kinda bad but I ignored the feeling.
I moved her out of the way and went to the phone, dialing the number that made my voice broadcast across the whole school, I said that Alison Smith needed to report to the office ASAP. She came down the steps quickly and when she saw the closed door, she turned on her heel to walk back up the steps. I pulled her to me and forced her to sniff the choloroform, she tried to fight against it but it had already taken its toll and she was out. She fell right into my arms, just as I had planned it. One of her friends was yelling her name and came over to me, "Why do you have Ali? We need her help with a banner."
I sighed, "She passed out, she almost fell, but I caught her." Her friend sighed in relief, "Oh, thank goodness you were here!" I held the cloth up, "You should smell this, it smells like roses!" Her friend grabbed it and inhaled deeply and then fell to the floor. How stupid can one person be? I told Daren to come and get her and then we started on our plan to make it seem like her friends were all dead. We poured the fake blood all over her stomach and over her friends.
Alison's pov
When I woke up I had a migraine from hell and I was covered in sticky stuff, I looked around and saw the haunted house around me. That's funny, I don't remember coming down here. I don't remember anything really. I looked around and saw Sarah and Enie laying facedown on the hardwood, I stood up to make sure they were okay. My arm started to throb and my stomach did too. I looked down and saw something dark covering my light grey t-shirt.
I wiped at it with my fingers, the red of it catching the light. It was blood. Oh no! I hate blood! I went over to Sarah, she had no pulse and she had her back covered in blood. I looked over to Enie and saw a knife between her arm and her chest, she had been stabbed! Oh dear God! What's going on? Enie was in a pool of her own blood, if she survived that then I would be impressed, but that wasn't the point here.
I dusted myself off and looked towards the door, I thought I saw a shadow pass by but I knew that I shouldn't follow it. But of course my curiosity got the best of me and I followed, "Hey! Come back! Who are you?" I couldn't find the person so I was on constant alert, watching everything surrounding me. I made my way through the school hallways, making sure I didn't make a sound.
I was halfway through the 2nd floor when I heard a yell of pain, I jumped at the sudden sound. The yell made tingles go through my whole body, it was Cash. Cash was yelling in pain, I tried my hardest to ignore it but I couldn't and ended up running up the steps without much thought. Tiny arrows shot themselves at my ankles and legs, I dodged them all skillfullly. The cry of pain was much clearer now, it got louder and louder the closer I got to this box. I stepped on it and the wires and springs jumped out of it, it wouldn't be working anymore.
Once it was destroyed, I heard another scream, but this time it was real. It was Anna. She was being held up in one of the rooms here, "Help me sissy! Sissy! Help!" I went to all of the rooms, they were all locked, all except one. I turned the handle and threw it open, Anna's plea was right in front of me, "Sissy!" There were 3 guys holding Anna, I stepped deeper into the room, "Let her go, NOW!!!" My voice had gotten deeper and gone down a few octives.
The man tightened his grip on her arm, that's when I kinda lost it...I ran into him at full speed and with all the force I have. He dropped her when I hit his chest, I grabbed Anna just as she was about to fall. I pulled her to me and she hugged me tightly and wouldn't let go. I broke the window and screen and looked out, I could make it to the rope. I jumped with her in my arms and snatched the rope and slid down, I checked her for injuries, "Are you okay? What happened?"
I picked her up and started to walk, Anna tensed as we passed the park, "Sissy, it was horrible! I was playing at the park with Danny and Jane when we saw 3 big guys in all black. They came close to us and Danny jumped up and stood in front of us, but they just threw him to the side and kept coming. I grabbed Jane's hand and they grabbed my arm and they started to pull me away. Jane was crying, but they just kept walking away!"
I pulled her close and nodded, "They won't get you again, I promise. I won't let them get MY Anniebelle." She giggled and I smiled, "Sissy, why did they take me away?" She was serious, dead serious. "I don't know yet, Annie, but you don't have anything to worry about." I spun around in a big circle while she was still in my arms, her giggle filled the air with happiness. I looked at her as she smiled, she would always be my reason to fight and keep going no matter the circumstances.
How did She Escape From Me Again
Cash's pov
It was almost time for Alison to wake up and we still needed to get her little sister. We followed her until she stopped at a park, she was playing with another little boy and girl. They looked so happy and then the guys and I stepped into their sight. They didn't notice us at first but Alison's sister saw us first, "Who are they?" The little boy slid down the slide, "I'll protect you both!" He stepped in front of them, but we just tossed him out of the way. But he was so cute! He would be good boyfriend material in the future.
I grabbed the girl but another girl ended up coming with us until we yanked her away and chloroformed her and she went down. We carried her inside and waited for Alison to wake up, we set up the cameras so we could see her coming upstairs, she was on the second floor when we started to play the tape of me in pain. Her head lifted a bit, she was looking for the source.
Then she took off up the steps without much through, I felt like I had just won a prize! Then the girl started to wake up and cry for Alison, Alison broke the box and then heard her sister scream for real. She lost it, she searched every room before coming to ours. The door swung open quickly, she was standing there in her grey t-shirt and she was pissed. "Let my sister go!" It wasn't a yell or scream, it was a command. She looked so sexy!
But, it was also scary. I've never seen a girl act like this before. Then she ran at Tyler, ramming into his chest and knocking him over. Then she grabbed her sister before she fell to the floor, the girl cried and then the window broke. She swung through it and was gone. She held the little girl until she stopped crying and then started to ask questions.
I couldn't quite make out the questions and answers being said, but I figured out one thing through the whole thing. She would go through hell and back again for her little sister. Tyler brought me back to attention, "Well, what do we do now Cash? She outsmarted us and got her sister back. And she was a badass in all less than 10 minutes."
I sighed, "I don't know, Ty. We could just kidnap her again." Tyler shrugged, "Which one? Alison or Anna? Cuz if we choose Anna then we have to chase them down and kidnap her after they get inside and we don't know where they live." I nodded, "We'll follow them then. It can't be too hard." We ran down the hill and followed far behind them.
We saw Alison spinning Anna around, there was lots of giggling and laughing. Alison then sat Anna on the ground and held her hand, it was so cute! Then they entered a large, mansion-like house on the right side of the street.
Oh No! Anna!
Alison 's pov
It was midnight, I tossed and turned. No matter how hard I tried, I had a bad feeling that wouldn't go away. The feeling wasn't good, then I heard glass break and then an all-too-familiar scream. "Anna! I'm coming!!" I sprang out of my bed and ran across the hall that seemed to be 100 feet long now and into her room. "ANNA!" The pieces of her window littered the floor and made it impossible to go and look for her without hours of glass-removal from one's foot.
I looked to her bed and saw that her sheets were rumpled and her pillow had a small indentation from her head on it. Her bunny was missing too, she must've grabbed it before they took her. It was the only thing she could grab though, the rest of her stuffed animals were across the room, she always slept with the yellow bunny that had a purple hat on. It's the bunny that I gave her for this most recent Easter.
I sat on her bed and I could feel tears that wanted to come out, but I wouldn't let them. I wouldn't give anybody the satisfaction of making me cry, I don't get mad. Okay, just kidding, I get really mad and I get really even. I plan on getting her back, and if my gut feeling is right, I know exactly who took her and exactly where she is. Better watch out, Gregory, here I come.
Cash's pov
We waited until it was close to midnight to get the girl. Everything was peaceful and all the lights were off in the house, I heard Alison's IPod playing some song on repeat. I heard something about a superhero over and over again, stupid. We broke her window with a brick and Anna screamed loudly, Tyler jumped in and covered her mouth and handed her back out to us.
I heard Alison, "Anna! I'm coming!!" But she was too late. We handed the kid down the ladder with her mumbling against our hands the whole time, she kept trying to scream but she couldn't. She was freaking out with some stuffed bunny in her hands. We all loaded onto the bus with her resisting the whole time, her eyes weren't filled with fear really. She was just mad.
She scanned through all of us with her eyes, they landed on Daren, "Are you one of my sissy's friends?" He nodded, "Yeah." "Good, give me your phone." "Why?" "So I can draw. I want to draw, get a drawing app, now." Her voice was small but it was full of commands. Daren got a drawing app and she sat on the seat in front of me and started to draw, she drew a stick figure guy with blonde hair and drew an 'X' through his face and small 'X's' on his eyes.
Daren looked at the picture, "Who's that?" She pointed her thumb back at me, "Him, once my sissy's gets me back. She doesn't like him, she said he's, and I quote, 'The dumbest man alive and we live in a world with Johnny." I sat back in my seat, "Well that's great." She turned to me sharply, "Did I say you could speak?" This took me by surprise, "N-" She cut me off again, "Then don't speak."
I stopped talking, she kept drawing happily. "Are we there yet? I'm hungry! Can you make me mac and cheese like Ali does?" Daren pointed at me, "He's the only one that can make mac and cheese." She gave me a disgusted look and wrinkled up her nose, "I'm not hungry anymore." She just kept talking, "Do all of you know my sister? Why does he smell like her perfume. I like her perfume, she lets me use it sometimes. It smells really good."
"I'm tired, Daren." Daren turned to her, "How do you know my name?" "Sissy showed me. She also showed me a picture of that other guy, said his name was something like money or whatever." "Cash?" "Yea, that's it, there it is." She looked at all of us, "Sissy was right about all of you." Then she hopped in the seat next to Daren and laid down.
She fell asleep with that bunny, her blonde hair fell over her face and she looked so adorable. She looked like an angel fallen from Heaven when we stopped, Daren picked her up and took her to the same room where we put Alison.
Where's My Sister
Alison's pov
I got up at 3, I was going to get her back. I intended on getting Anna back before 4 in the morning, but I wasn't quite sure. I grabbed 2 horses, Buttercup and Avery. I rode over there and gave them each 2 apples before I entered the building. I used my old key and got in, I went to the hall where all the dorms were. I didn't know how to get her out here, then that song from 'Frozen' popped into my head.
Anna loves that song so much, "Do you want to build a snowman?" I kept my voice soft, nobody would be able to hear who's voice it was. I heard Anna jump up, "Come on! Let's go and play!" She was still quiet, she opened the door slowly so it didn't make a noise and ran into my arms. I put her down and took her hand, then the hall light flicked on, Cash was standing in front of us with his arms crossed. "You're not going anywhere."
I threw Anna into my arms again and took off, all of the doors opened and they were after us. I took the shortcut that was closer to the horses, we got outside and I shoved Anna onto Buttercup and she took off. I jumped on Avery and we were righe behind Anna and Buttercup, my heart was racing and adreniline was pumping through my veins.
I heard Cash cussing and yelling at everyone and they dove into the bushes, I had to laugh at their stupidity even. "How'd that work for you, Cash?" I was still laughing but I heard him cuss again, "Watch out, Alison, we can get you again." "You only wish. Bring it." Then I was gone with Anna.
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
Cash's pov
It was about 3:45 when I heard a door open, but I couldn't bring myself to be awakened since it was so nice to sleep. A bed would've been better, but I had to stop Anna and Alison from getting away from us, again. I heard a quiet line from a song and an even quieter response. The door to Anna's room opened and I knew who was here. I got up quietly and flicked the hall lights on.
Alison had put Anna on the ground again, they jumped when the lights came on. "You aren't going anywhere." It was a command, but they dpn't ever listen to me anyways so what did it matter? They took off down the hall and the rest of the guys took off after them too, they did get out though. I didn't think they would be getting away until I saw the 2 horses waiting to be ridden.
There was a black Friesian and an Akhal-Teke standing there, there were nice looking horses, I had to admit. Anna was on the Friesian and Alison was on the Akhal-Teke. They took off once they were on, right into the wooded area. We went in after them, but we couldn't find them. Alison yelled something about how that went and I told her that I could get her back at any given time and she started to laugh. She told me to bring it.
Those are fighting words, I will get her back. I started to plot, Plan A would be to go during some of her practices and scare them. Plan B would be to wait until we play them during the regular school year for them. I had to wait to put Plan A into action, I had to make it seem like I forgot about her.
Flags and Football
Cash 's pov
It's been 2 months since I've seen Alison, I'm going to crash her practice today and then we'll see who has the upper hand. The guys and I are going to her school now and we're pulling into the bus-parking place. Gonna see her soon! So exciting!!
Alison's pov
It's been 2 months since I've seen any of the guys, I talk to Daren every once and a while, but I haven't seen any of them. I'm really starting to think that Cash was just kidding about getting me back, he so would've done it by now if he was planning on doing anything. It's the second official day of flags practice and I'm so happy and excited to be with my girls again!
"Hey, Ali, have you seen my flag anywhere? It's not in the locker room and I can't find it." Leave it to Enie to lose her flag. I shook my head while walking backwards, "Nah, I haven't seen it, but I'll keep an eye out for it." She smiled at me, "Thanks, you're such a peach!" I turned to walk onto the field to say hi to my boys when I was on someone's shoulders.
I squealed when I was lifted up and then started to laugh and giggle as Tyler walked forward, "Have you seen Enie's flag, Ty?" "I haven't seen it Ali, we've been running drills all morning." "If you say so, Ty." I started to laugh a little bit, "Hey, we were working hard." I ruffled his hair, "More like hardly working." He poked my side and I almost fell off of his shoulders but he caught me in front of him, "See, you just can't stay away from me." I stuck my tongue out at him and he dropped me on the grass, "That's what happens when you're mean to me."
I kept laughing and then I caught a glimpse of a flag, someone was pointing at it. I tapped Tyler on the shoulder and pointed to the flag, "How did you get that up there, Ali? I swear, you are part frickin monkey." "Okay, I didn't do this one. I can't get up there." "Why should I believe you?" "Because I haven't been up there since 'Truth or Dare' and I fell from it."
We walked over to the pole and I saw it taped to the goal post, just great. But I saw spraypaint too, "Miss me Alison?" It was signed by Cash. Of course! I should've known. "Who's Cash?" I looked up at him, "Cash is this douchebag that I met when I went to that all-boys school. He drugged all of you and made me fight my way through the stupid haunted house thing and then he kidnapped my sister. He wants me to go back but I've outsmarted everytime that he's tried to get me back."
"He tried to kidnap Anna? This guy has no brains at all." "I know, he kidnapped Anna from her room." "They broke into your house? Who does that?" "Tell me about it! Anna still won't sleep in her room by herself because of it, it really freaked her out." I pulled him away from the pole and we walked back towards the center of the field hand-in-hand.
I was swallowed in hugs when we met the rest of the group. Tony rubbed my head, "How our favorite girl player?" I batted his hands away, "I'm your ONLY girl player, doofus." I jumped into his arms and Johnny started to whine, "Why do you get to hold her?" I jumped out of Tony's arms and went over to Johnny, hugging him and then taking his hands in mine.
"You have monster hands, has anyone told you that?" Johnny looked offended but then started to smile, "Yo have doll hands, has anyone ever told you that?" I started to laugh, "You! Everytime we hold hands!" He looked at the ground with pink cheeks, "But it's okay, Johnny, I still love you." His eyes perked up and he smiled his retarded smile, I hit his chest lightly, "Don't try that hard, sport." We were all laughing at him.
Then we saw people walking down the hill, I saw Daren at first, "Oh no, not now." Then I saw Cash and the rest of the team, they were walking like they owned the place, "That's just great!" Everyone turned to them, "Why are they here?" "I went to school with them, that's the boys school that I went to. My dad's the headmaster person so I chose there." Johnny's hand tightened on mine, "That Gregory High! The only team taht's actually beat us!!"
I nodded and put my hands on Johnny's shoulders, "Calm down! They're just people! Johnny!" He turned to me, "What?" I turned to Tony, "Deal with him, I'll deal with them." Tony grabbed Johnny's arm and put his hands on his shoulders, "Pull yourself together man!!" Johnny stopped freaking out and stood by me again, I started to giggle a little bit.
Cash stopped right in front of me, "You spend your time with these losers? Lame." I glared at Cash, "These 'losers' are the nicest people one would ever meet. And, they don't kidnap people's sisters in the middle of the night. Plus, I could never escape from them, they know me too well. They know how I think." Cash opened his mouth to speak but I turned to Johnny and pressed my lips to his. I heard Tony talking to someone, "I knew it, I so knew it, pay up, fool."
Cash's jaw dropped and Daren's eyes went wide. "Now, why are you here?" Cash couldn't even speak, Daren looked at me and narrowed his eyes at me. I narrowed mine back, then I widened my eyes and popped my neck back, giving myself a double chin. His eyes avoided mine and he looked away, Johnny snorted once and we all turned to him. Then we all started to laugh, my team did at least. Not Cash's team, but my team was all laughing and then Cash left.
Cash's pov
We started to walk down the hill and I saw almost all of their eyes go wide, I had to smile to myself. Look, they're scared of us." "Except the one person that you want to be scared of us, or at least of you." "Shut up, Tommy." He put his hands up in surrender, "Just saying, she's not scared." We were right in front of them, "You spend your time with these losers? Lame." Then she threw back how she couldn't get away from them like she did from me.
Then she kissed some dude, I was pissed? But she isn't my property so I can't get too mad, but I was still mad as hell. She should be doing that to me, not to that guy. The guy was just as surprised as the rest of us, her football team looked at them in shock, "I knew it. I so knew it, pay up, fool." Were Alison and this guy an item? It took all I had in me not to punch this guy's face in with my bare hands.
Done Playing Nice
Alison's pov
We walked away first, we were tossing a football around. More like the boys were playing keep-away and I couldn't reach. I didn't have time to react when Cash grabbed Tony's head. He could snap his neck, very easily, Cash is very strong. I was mentally freaking out, what if he hurt Tony? Well then, I'd have an excuse to kill him and get away with it.
Then I started to think about the perfect murder, I already had plans and methods of perfection. Cash was talking to him and Tony was nodding, Tony walked away from him slowly and turned to me, he mouthed the word 'run' at me. I looked at him and he showed me a needle, I hate needles. 'Run,' I took off like a bullet, "Ali! Ali, what's going on?" Tony chased after me but I was faster than he was, then he cut me off, okay, I didn't think of that.
He grabbed me and covered my mouth, "Scream into my hand and then let your eyes droop and close. Just do it, he thinks I'm drugging you. Do it." I screamed loudly into his hand and then let my eyes feel heavy and close. I heard Johnny say something to Jason and then shit got real, Cash came over and lifted me into his arms. I could tell it was him because his steps were loud and his cologne smells something like that Calvin Klein one that smells amazing.
He took me in his arms and started to walk, my boys came after me but his boys stopped them and I cracked my eye open to see where we were. We were a few feet from the bus, I went completely limp and he almost dropped me. I put my legs down and slapped him across the face, "What the hell?" His hand was on his reddened cheek, "What? He didn't drug you?"
"He told me to run and I did. He didn't drug me, haha, in your face." His face was confused and then hardened to a facial expression of anger, "The son of a bitch, he lied to me." I knew from one look at his face that he was pissed and when he gets mad, people get hurt. And I was the only one by him, I was gonna get hurt. I took a step back to the field and he grabbed my wrist tightly.
His hands were on my shoulders and he started to push me backwards, I didn't know where he was leading me until I hit the side of the bus. His hands were on either side of my head, "Of course, it had to be you to come." "What do you mean?" He pulled his hands back and slammed them on either side of my head again, against the side of the bus.
The sound was loud and kinda scary, "You. You ruined me. Everything I ever worked for, down the drain, because of you." I shoved at his chest but he didn't move, not even an inch. "That's not going to work for you, Alison." "Cash, just let me go." "That's not going to happen." I tried to move him again but he didn't move, my heart was starting to race. I kept wondering what was going to happen to me, what if he hit me or something?
While I was off thinking, he had stepped closer to me. "Cash, what are you doing? He didn't answer, "You better not-" I was cut off. His lips were on mine, my mind reacted on its own and I started to try and push him away. Then his lips were gone, "Go. Before I change my mind." I stood there, frozen for a minute before I actually left, I was fast-walking faster than I had ever before.
What Have I Done?
Cash's pov
After her little show, I grabbed the closest kid to me. I held his head in my hands to show him how easy it would be to snap his neck and kill him. I gave the kid, Tony as they called him, a choice. He either had to drug Alison or I would kill him, the choice was very easy for him. I gave him a needle full of the stuff in tranquilizer darts and let him go. He moved the needle when he was walking and then she took off running, he cut her off and covered her mouth.
She let out a muffled scream and then her eyes started to droop and eventually they closed. The guys on her team started to wig out and tried to get to her but my guys stopped her guys and they were fighting. I took her from Tony and started to walk to the bus. She was out, or at least I thought she was. Then she got heavier and I almost dropped her, I could've held her full weight but I thought I was.
She put her legs on the ground and turned, then she slapped me! What just happened? I thought she was drugged?! Her slap didn't hurt, but it would leave a little mark and I put my hand up to my cheek. "What the hell?" She sounded kinda mad, but I was madder, "What?! He didn't drug you?!" "He told me to run so I did. He never drugged me, in your face."
I got even madder, which I didn't think was possible, "The son of a bitch, he lied to me." I was pissed, I was beyond mad and pissed combined. I felt the need to hurt something, to break something in half. I fought the urge down and then saw Ali take a step towards the field again, my hand shot out an grabbed her small wrist with an unforgiving strength.
When I grabbed her, I saw her tense up. I then put my hands on her shoulders and started to walk her backwards until we got to the bus. I put my hands on either side of her head, "Of course, it just had to be you to come." After she came to the school, everything faded but her, I was in love with her but I didn't want to admit it..."What do you mean?" Of course she had to question everything.
I put my hands at my side and then I got mad all over again and I slammed them against the bus again. I had scared her, she jumped and kinda cowered. I had to explain to her that it was all her fault, which is better said then done. I'm not that guy, that feelings guy and feelis are a whole new territory for me. I have never been this strung over a girl, ever.
"You. You ruined me. Everything I ever worked for, down the drain. Because of you." She tried to shove me away, silly girl, "That's not going to work for you, Alison." "Cash, just let me go." "That's not going to happen." She tried to move me again, when will she understand that I'm stronger than her? She ended up just staring at my shirt, I took a step closer to her.
"Cash, what are you doing?" To be honest I didn't know. "You better not-" Then I was tired of her talking, I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. Her lips were soft and smooth, I liked them being on mine. Then I pulled away, I couldn't let it go any farther. "Go. Before I change my mind." She stood there for a second and then she started to run. What in the world did I do? What have I done?
It's Been a While
Cash's pov
It's been a while since I've seen Alison, Daren goes to Chadron to see her with different teammates every few weeks. Ali refuses to see me at all, but what she doesn't realize, is that our teams have to play each other 2 or 3 times this season. I'm going to use those times to try and talk to her, maybe apologize for kissing her, I'm not quite sure yet, though. Tomorrow is the first time I'll have seen her in a while.
Alison's pov
It's been a few months since I've seen Cash, it feels like it's been a long, long while. I see Daren and 4 of the other guys every few weeks, which is really nice. Tomorrow I'll be playing in the first quarter and then I'll go shower and change into my flags uniform and then I'll perform.
Cash's pov
We just parked the bus and started to walk onto the fields and I spotted her. She was the only one I was actually looking for though. Her blonde hair is what set her apart from the rest even though she was kind of hard to see her since she was surrounded by this huge group of boys from her team. She hasn't changed a bit though, except for longer hair.
The tips of her hair are dyed red though, to match their school colors. Although I didn't see any silver in her hair, but she might've done the ends silver. She didn't seem to notice me, that angered me more than it should have. I yelled at the team to start warming up, and they all obeyed, all except Daren. Daren did the exact opposite and went over to their side of the field.
What the hell is he thinking? I saw her jump into his arms and hug him tightly and then kiss his cheek, her team was laughing at him as he tried to shake the blush that had crept onto his cheeks. She started to laugh then to which he responded by lifting her up and spinning her around, she stopped laughing and hit his chest when he put her down. He highfived all of her teammates and then waltzed back over like he owned the place.
"What the hell are you doing you rat bastard?" The rest of the team fell silent and ended up just staring at us, "I was giving my FRIEND a hug. Or is that against the rules now?" This idiot was challenging me, does he never learn? I rule this team with an iron fist. "Well, if you have so many 'friends' on the other team why don't you just go and join them. We don't need you anyways."
He glared at me and then looked at the rest of the guys, "Good, I don't need you to be great. I was hoping you would say that sooner." He stripped his jersey off and his pads, "Whatever." Then he walked over to their side of the field, what the actual fuck? What's his problem? That's my girl, he shouldn't be able to just go over there and get all of her attention!!
He tapped her on the shoulder and I could see her questioning him, good, she had to ask him questions. He didn't just get to walk onto their team. But he did, she jumped into his arms and hugged him. Not acceptable. Not acceptable at all. I glared after him The next time that I saw Daren he was wearing one of their jerseys, isn't that some sort of illegal? I looked up to their team as they started to line up, her jersey said 'Smith' on the back and she was number 1.
By the time we were almost half-way through with the first quarter, we were losing by 12. I saw Elena with the ball, I was the only one that could get to her in time. I went after her, "2213!!" Elena turned and threw the ball at Daren and I couldn't stop. My speed was too great and I ended up plowing into her. She was so small that she flew a few feet before she landed with a loud thud. Daren raced past me and to her, "Hey, you alright?" I saw her move her head and then she sat up, "I'm okay, but I need to go. Tell coach to sub me out." Daren nodded and took off to their sideline.
I walked over to her and reached my hand down to her and I felt her small hand in mine, I pulled her up slowly and she shook my hand, "Thanks for helping me up." I watched her as she walked into the tunnel, we ended up winning the half by 6 points and then it was half-time. We usually go inside the tunnel, but we were told to go to our respectable sides.
The speakers all had the same voice coming out, "We have a very special surprise today for our football teams and all of our fans." I saw all of these girls coming out of the tunnel with bright orange shirts that had writing on them and black leggings. All of us guys couldn't stop watching them. They looked hot! They did this intricuite routine that had tosses and twirls and they were moving and it was all very confusing.
Then a little boy ran down the steps with a mic in his hands, he handed it to Alison. "Hi everybody, most of you all know that we perform at every home game. Some of you are probably wondering why we aren't wearing our glittery uniforms. We have a very special surprise for one very special little girl, Christy, can you come out here?"
A little girl came out onto the field and she had no hair, she ran out to Alison who kneeled down to her, "Christy, can you tell us what you just did a few days ago?" The little girl took the mic in her small hands, "I beat cancer!!" The whole crowd started to cheer and everyone was clapping, the little girl was smiling. Alison looked to the football team on her side, "Boys, can you go and get Christy her special surprise."
The boys ran inside and came back out fighting over who got to take it to her, "I'll do it!" "No! I will!" Alison started to laugh, "Boys! All of you can bring it to her." They all started to smile as they came forward, they handed her an orange shirt, "Christy, we all want you to wear this for every home game." She nodded, "Okay." Then they handed her a small dress thing, "A little birdy told me that you wanted to be on the flgas team when you got older, and, we want you to come out on the field with us wearing this special uniform." She nodded, "Why?"
Then they handed Christy a small flag, "Because now you're part of the team. You are out honorary team member and you get to come and perform with us at every home game that you want to." She started to jump up and down and hugged Alison, "Thank you!" Alison kissed her cheek, "Anytime, munchkin." Then she stood up, "Can you all give a round of applause for out newest member to the flags team?"
Everyone started to clap and cheer again, a tall woman came down the steps and she was crying, "Thank you so much Ali." Alison patted her on the back, "We didn't do anything, it was actually the boy's idea, we just made it happen." The woman hugged all of the boys on Alison's team and took her daughter's hand and everyone started to clap again. She grabbed Daren's face in her hands and pressed her lips to his and then pulled away, winking at him.
Alison still had the mic, "Thank you all and I hoped the performance was good." Then she walked away with the little girl on her shoulders and Daren holding the stuff that they gave her. I watched her climb up the stairs and to the announcer's box, "Oh, and one more thing." Her voice was very clear, "Cash, now you know how it feels to be played, darling."
Dare Devil 101
(Alison's pov)
When I kissed Daren he was mad but when I went to the anouncer's box and said something about being played he was furious! I think I might've kinda pissed him off...Who knew that if you say stuff like that, people get mad? He started to walk over to the announcer's box, I think it's funny how he thinks that he scares me. He's just a big scaredy cat who uses his own insecurity to make others feel bad.
Hmph, he doesn't scare me one bit. The guy that was announcing was still up there and then the door slammed open loudly, I jumped at the sound a bit. He grabbed the announcer dude and threw him out of the box, then his attention was focused solely on me. Oh dear. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and slammed me against the wall, the breath was knocked out of me and I gasped for air only twice before it went back to normalish.
His eyes shown with hatred but I still didn't feel much fear, he brought his face down by mine. He was so close that I could practically taste his minty breath. "Revenge is a dish best served cold, Alison." He raised his hand to slap me but I caught it and looked up at him, I must've been smirking pretty hard because he was going to tell me to wipe the smirk off of my face or he would or something that he thought would be intimidating and then I ran through his legs, pulling him with me.
He landed on his back with a loud thud and a groan, I smiled at him and he glared again, "Payback may be a bitch, Cash, but I'm worse." I stepped over Cash quickly and then he started to get up, I jumped onto the roof of the announcer's stand thing. The tin didn't bend with my weight! I ran across the roof and hopped onto the school rooves, I scurried acrosst hem with ease until I heard a yell. I stepped back a few paces and saw Cash's hand on the roof, he kept yelling.
His hand was starting to slip, any farther and he might fall. I honestly thought about not helping him up, but I'm too nice of a person and went to the edge, reaching my hand down so he could reach it with his other hand. He grabbed my forearm with his other hand and I watched the look on face go from one of being scared to a look of triumph.
Then he yanked on my arm, I screamed as I toppled over the edge of the roof and into the air. Dammit! He had a foot on the ladder that was there, I forgot about the ladder. Shoot fire. I felt his arm around my waist and he brought me over to the ladder with him, "I must admit, Alison, I didn't think you'd fall for it." "Next time, I'll let you fall to your injury." "What?" "You heard me."
I heard Sarah's voice far away, she was calling my name but I couldn't get away. I don't think I'd want to, not for those reasons, but because it's about 10 feet from the ground. That's not too terribly far, but it's still scary. I was screwed, he wouldn't let me go and I would have to fight my way out of this one. I looked at the ground again, I tore away from him and fell. I landed on my feet, that was scary. I am never gonna do that again! I heard Cash yelling to Tyler and Kyle.
I ran around the building and ran right into a hard chest with a smack, it was Kyle! I whipped around and it was Tyler. Tyler was smirking at me with amusement thick in his eyes. I was basically trapped. Or at least they thought that...I saw a pipe hanging down and grabbed it. I pulled myself up with Tyler right behind me.
Going Back
Alison's pov
Tyler and I were on the announcer's box roof, he smiled at me, "You're pretty strong, Alison." I smirked at him, "I'm stronger than I look." I glanced down, there was tin to slide on. Tyler was looking at me but he's not all that bright, I jumped onto the tin without any hesitation and slid down. Tyler came after me but he was slower, I managed to get back to my flag's team.
Evangeline grabbed my hands, "I can't believe you did that! Cash looked soooooooo mad!" I nodded in agreement, "He was so pissed! He dangled me off of a roof! And then wanted his friends to take me away! Honestly, I won't be surprised if he cut the lights to try and get me again."
Just as I said that, the lights went out. "That's just great." I still had Eenie's hand. I squeezed it so she would feel safe, and then she was gone! She was just gone! How was I going to find them all. I looked to the football field, I saw some of my team just laying there. "Johnny!" There was no answer, I got worried so I jumped the concrete wall and landed on the bleachers.
I ran down them, I jumped the concrete wall seperating the field from the bleachers. I slid on the grass at Johnny's side, I woke him up slowly. His eyes were out of focus but he would be okay, I was concentrating on Johnny and didn't even see Tyler standing there. He cleared his throat and that was how I knew that he was there, I looked up and saw him.
I jumped up and started to walk backwards, he caught up quite easily. He had me against the fence and it was barb-wire. I couldn't go back any farther. He was smirking something evil, he reached for me and I grabbed his wrist. He was so surprised that I was able to swing him around so he ran into the barbed wire fence. I was able to make my escape, I got to the gate that seperates the playground from the football field.
There was a huge guy standing there scaring a small bunch of little kids. I recognized the guy immediately, it was Cash. I crept behind him and shoved him to the side, "Hey, get away from them!" He turned to me and smirked, "Ali, how nice to see you again." "Get away from them. Right now." He grabbed Anna from the group of kids, Anna tried to struggle away from him.
"Put me down!" Cash tightened his grip on her shoulders and lifted her up. "Turn around, Alison." "Make me." He lifted Anna up like she weighed nothing, not that she weighs a lot when I lift her up. He pulled out a knife and held it out, "Turn around." I did what he said and turned around, "Hold your arms out in front of you." I did what he said, Anna was suddenly in my arms.
I whipped around but he was gone. I rounded up the kids and took them to their parents and took Anna to Johnny so he could take her home.
Cash's pov
I was going to take the kids somehwere when I heard her voice behind me. I turned and we were face-to-face. She was going to ruin everything. I thought Tyler had managed to get her but I guess she outsmarted him. I told her to turn around but of course she had to be stubborn, I held Anna up and she did as I said. I told her I was gonna throw her to Alison. I tossed Anna and she landed in Alison's arms. Alison hugged her and I 'disappeared'.
I really just went behind the slide so she wouldn't see me, she took all of the kids to their parents. I slowly and silently crept behind her, I covered her mouth with my hand. I forced her small body to me, it was like she was made just for me. She mumbled a scream and some words but they were inaudible because of my hand. I was forcing her up the stairs when Tyler was in front of us. But it wasn't my Tyler, it was hers.
Tyler jumped on me! He jumped on me! Who does that? He got my hands off of Alison and she took off, I got him off of me and rammed him into the rail. I ran down the stairs and turned onto the field, my Tyler was holding Alison in his arms. She was thrashing about but he had her. I saw Daren and Tony creeping up on him...Wait...Tony?! Really? We spared him so he would be on our side...I'm the reason that he's still alive!
Dominic's Back
Cash's pov
Daren and Tony tackled Tyler and sent him sprawling across the ground, Alison rolled on the ground and was back and up on her feet. I saw Tyler whisper something to Tony who stood up and started after her, Alison started to speed up when she noticed Tony behind her. Tyler got up and started after Tony who was still after Alison. Blake went after both of them, he's the fastest player on our team.
Plus he can tackle really well, but he should still be able to catch her. He almost had her but she could tell that something was up, she slid on the grass and let it carry her a few feet. She was back up and running but this time, Blake was closer than the last time. He grabbed the back of her flag's uniform and she stumbled backwards and right into his arms.
She was screaming bloody murder as he lifted her into the air, I could hear his threat to her clearly, "Shut up before I make you." I didn't hear her response but I did see Tony heading over there to them. I walked closer and I could hear her, "Get away from me! Haven't you hurt me enough?" "Actually, Ali, I intend to make you forget there was ever anything good about me."
She made a face, "Okay, okay, fine. Fine. Just remember, I make the rules here, not you." He went forward as if to hit her but she saw it coming and ducked and Tony's fist connected with Blake's chest. Blake released Alison and she went to the ground and got up. Blake was on the ground in pain and Tony was furious, "Aww, is somebody having a bad day?"
Alison was using a baby voice that made Tony even more mad, he lunged for her but she stepped out of the way and he face-planted it into the grass. She laughed and then walked away from the scene, Tony got back up and ran after her. He picked her up at the stomach and squeezed her tightly. "Silly boy, that doesn't hurt me. I'm tougher than I look."
He growled and put her back down, she stayed in front of him and lifted her foot up quickly. He hit the ground behind her, she laughed at him again and walked away. Johnny came up behind her and swept her into his arms. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, I glared. I couldn't help but glare, that should be me and not him.
The rest of her team came to her side and they started to talk and hug, a random person wearing all dark colors that was tall came and plucked her from the crowd. She squealed loudly and everybody turned around, the person had a deep voice, "Hello, children, I've come to take my sister back home." She fought out of his grip, "Listen, I'm already home. I plan to finish my education here. Random Person."
She knew the person, there was no way in hell she would say something like that to an actual stranger. He had her out of everybody's reach, I jumped into him and his grasp on her faultered. She forced herself out of the grip that he had on her and turned to him, she pulled the mask off of his face. "Dominic. I knew it." Then she went down suddenly, Dominic scooped her up and walked away. We were all so schocked that we couldn't even stop him!
Publication Date: February 27th 2018 https://www.bookrix.com/-ar02778b0aef635 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-junior-exchange/ | Junior Exchange Mother and Son
Publication Date: March 2nd 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-bookhood |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-ashon-thadon-tamed-wisdom-amp-dog-prequel-to-untamed/ | Ashon Thadon Tamed: Wisdom&Dog(prequel to UNTAMED) the meeting of two hoods
Blackhood series page
the meeting of two hoods
“I hate this movie shit.”
Damien Xavier Michaels. Aka DOG, looked across from the passenger side window of the black Ford Explorer he was in. He spotted the three youngsters who were selling drugs on his boss, ICM, block. They were all draped in hoodies and blue jeans but the leader was the only one that had on shades. It was nighttime so that’s what puzzled the heartless killer as he looked on but stupid people do stupid things. The way Xavier figured it, the guy was stupid anyway for going against the grain and hustling on a block claimed by the Ice Cream Man.
“What you said?” the driver of the Explorer, Raymond, said beside him.
“This is some old movie shit,” Xavier repeated in his scruffy voice. “I mean we got to come all the way up here because this niggas want to pump on our block. I mean come on. Isn’t this done to death? Ain’t we put enough fear in this niggas’ hearts so we don’t have to do this?”
“Obviously not,” Travis said from the backseat of the jeep.
Xavier rubbed his bald head and adjusted the vanity mirror above the dashboard to look at his face. His eyes were bloodshot but he wasn’t high of off marijuana nor was he drunk. It was tiredness. He was ICM’s enforcer and just like a city cop, he had to enforce the law. The law of the streets, that is. And rule number one is nobody moves weight unless ICM gets a cut. If you not working for ICM, then you working against him. ICM was like the government. You worked to pay homage to him. If you didn’t do that then you didn’t work.
“Why didn’t you let one of the little niggas handle this?” Travis inquired.
“Cause they’ll fuck it up and make the block hot,” Xavier replied. “You know how these hotheaded kids are. Quick to bust but not quick to think.”
“So how we going to do this?” Raymond asked taking a puff of his Newport cigarette.
“Easy,” Xavier said. “We just talk to them and tell them what it is. If they don’t respond in kind then we take it to the next level.”
“I don’t know,” Raymond reiterated shaking his head. “The nigga wears shades at night. You got to figure a motherfucker ain’t wrapped too tight if he wearing sunglasses with no sun around.”
“What kind of shoes he’s wearing?” Xavier asked.
“Can’t tell from here,” Raymond said squinting his eyes. “Jordans’, I think.”
“The new ones?” Xavier asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Nah, the retros,” Travis answered.
“Shit, he may be the leader of the group but he’s not the boss,” Xavier gathered. “Niggas getting money don’t wear retros but I’ll look into that.”
‘So you want to find out who he pumping for and get at him too?” Travis asked.
“Yes, Sir,” Xavier replied. “Either pay in tribute…”
“Or pay in blood,” Raymond finished.
“Okay, let’s clock in,” Xavier said putting on his black leather gloves.
Raymond took out the radio console from the dash board and pulled out two shiny guns from the opening. He tossed one to Travis and kept one for himself. He then put the radio console back in its place on the dashboard.
“Got my time card,” Travis stated snapping back the level of the black chromed Glock .45 he now had in his possession. Raymond had a similar one snuggly in his hand as well.
“Pass me my time card stamp,” Xavier said.
Travis reached on the floor and passed Xavier a saw offed Mossberg shotgun.
“Ready?” Xavier asked his crew.
“Can I get a lunch break?” Travis asked.
“Sure I just need to see the paperwork to make sure I don’t want the same lunch time,” Xavier stated.
Travis chuckled and shook his head.
“Let’s put the sign on the door,” Xavier said reaching for the lever on the side door. “The store is open.”
Xavier got out the vehicle and his partners followed suit.
The three hooligans were still standing in front of the bodega store like they did not have a care in the world. They were told when they first started hustling drugs on that block that ICM had claim on it and that nobody moves on it unless they have a permit. However, Leon, the leader of the small click believed since he was working for Big Luke, nobody would dare touch him or even think about moving him. Big Luke was just as a big deal as ICM was if not, in Leon’s eyes, bigger. The two drug lords coexisted by not going into each other turfs but the block that Big Luke had put Leon on wasn’t making any money. So he figure he just move to another block that was, plain and simple. Besides he been on the block for three days and nobody stepped to him yet.
The bodega owner was already on ICM’s payroll but when the new crew came in and stated they were running things now, he didn’t know where to turn. ICM gave him word the situation would be handled. The owner thought ICM was going to have the workers that were already on the block handle it but he was surprised when he saw the other hustlers that work for ICM disappear from the block. The owner was beginning to think that ICM really let a new unit come and take his spot. He didn’t know that was far from the truth. ICM had rules and order. One of those rules is if you hustle, you don’t shoot and vice versa. Let killers handle the killing shit and let hustlers handle the hustling shit was how ICM put it. When you tried to combine the two, that’s when problems start. ICM credited himself on getting to the top by always thinking ahead. The minute you stop thinking about what the next person is going to do, that’s when that person does it. ICM prided himself on strategy. You always have to prepare for the next move. That’s why he let his corner boys leave the block so business could be handled and they could go back to getting his money.
Xavier walked up to the circle of hoodlums on the corner with his boys in tow. Xavier had the shotgun in his hand resting it on his shoulder. Raymond and Travis were pulling up the rear with their arsenal ready to do damage.
The youngster with the shades on had his back to Xavier talking to his faculty.
“Yo. Shades, you got that work?” Xavier asked approaching.
“Who the fu…” Shades turned around and said but stopped short when he saw Xavier and his armed entourage.
“You got that work?” Xavier repeated.
Shades looked at the 6’4 baldheaded black man with a shottie resting on his shoulder and figured this was who was going to step to him. He knew it was only a matter of time, he was just waiting. Not to worry, he thought to himself, he had set up a contingency plan. He had set up some of his own gunners around the area to shoot the first person that showed they didn’t like the new operation. Plus he and his boys had guns on them in case something jumped off so he wasn’t worried. Shades just looked at the man with the shotgun like he was crazy.
Shades’ boys were about to reach for their weapons when Travis and Raymond raised their weapons shaking their heads.
“Whas good?” Shades asked. “You the welcome wagon?”
“Sure am,” Xavier said stepping right in front of Shades.
“Look I don’t think you know me, I’m…” Shades started saying but was caught short by a head butt by Xavier.
“A nigga pumping on the wrong block,” Xavier completed while Shades stepped back holding his bloody nose.
Shades’ crew again tried to reach for their weapons on their waist but stopped again when they heard the Glock .45s from Xavier’s henchmen snap back off safety.
“You on ICM block,” Xavier informed looking at Shades and his crew.
“You motherfucker,” Shades slurred. “You know who you fucking with. Big Luke will have your head.’
Xavier smiled at the name. Shades looked at the smile and was confused by it.
“Word, well send a message to Big Luke for me,” Xavier said then lowered his shotgun and smacked Shades across the face with the barrel. “You bitch ass motherfucker. You think Big Luke run this. This ain’t his block, his corner, his area, his territory, nor his turf. So technically you a trespasser posing as a renter.”
Xavier leveled his shotgun at Shades who was now on the floor holding his nose and top of his head. Blood was spewing from Shades’ mouth as he tried to talk.
“This block is already taken. Your little quote on quote killers you had posted up already got their messages. Trust me, you ain’t that smart. You don’t ever run up in any one spot without getting the layout. You think we let you push us off the block. We gave you three days to leave on your own free will. But since I have to evict you...”
“Yo, dun,” one of Shades’ posse said trying to get Xavier’s attention. All it got him was Travis knocking him on the head with the butt of his Glock.
“Don’t interrupt when the man is speaking,” Travis warned.
“As I was saying,” Xavier continued. “Since you force me to evict you…here’s your eviction notice.”
Wisdom Sinsare woke up from his sleep and looked at the lady figure lying next to him knocked out in slumber. Wisdom couldn’t believe his luck. He was looking at the young female all night in the club scheming on how to get her when she walked up to him. She even offered to buy him a drink from the bar. It didn’t surprise him though. He was son of Daddy K, well renowned ladies’ man. He had charm and swagger of an old school player and the heart of a young hustler. He was blessed with smooth curly hair but he cut into a Caesar so he can sport waves. He was caramel complexion and very toned due to his steady commitment to the gym. His light brown eyes surveyed the woman’s body and were very pleased. The dimples that appeared on both side of his face grew broader. He was pleased with the outcome of the event. He was able to get drunk and get fucked all in one setting. From the club, Wisdom and the girl skipped the after party and headed straight to the hotel. That was where he was at now rubbing his eyes as he slinked out of the queen sized bed that the hotel provided for the room.
Wisdom stepped in the bathroom and looked in the wall mirror planted above the sink. His eyes were still bloodshot from all of last night’s binge. He had a slight headache as well. Wisdom turned on the faucet and threw some cold water on his face. The woman, who he later found out to be named Ebony, had paid for the whole night until checkout time which was eleven a.m. It was only eight o’clock now but he felt he had enough of her presence. They had arrived at the hotel around 3 a.m. and he pounded on her ass for like an hour and a half. He almost had the girl saying ‘I love you’ the way he had her in all position screaming his name like it was the only word she knew. If Wisdom was known for anything, just like his father, besides his gift of gab, he had superb dick game. He put females to sleep. Tonight was no exception. After the sexcapades Wisdom put on her, Ebony was out like a light.
Wisdom ran his fingers through the rotating waves that made up his Caesar and pondered what he was going to do today. All he knew he wanted to be out before shorty in the room woke up. He hated having to say goodbyes and since she was just a one night jump-off, he didn’t want to have to make up an excuse to not give her his cell number.
Wisdom quietly got dressed. His red silk skirt was a little wrinkled but it didn’t matter. He was going to head straight home anyway. He had to shower before he hit the block to get more conquest.
Ebony let out a soft moan then turned on her side. Wisdom wiped his brow. He knew it would have gotten awkward if Ebony woke up and saw him tippy toeing out the room she paid the whole night for. Wisdom knew when to bow out gracefully. Once he closed the hotel room’s door behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief. He wished he could stop living this way. It was getting tiring being with girl after girl and nothing to show for it but a wet dick and a few new outfits. He was starting to feel a prostitute or something.
Once outside the hotel, Wisdom pulled out his cell phone to dial one of his friends to pick him up. He had ridden to the club with his boys, Jaheim, aka Jay Money, and Lil’ Tone, but left with home girl in her car. He needed a ride home. Jay picked up on the first ring.
“You already tapped that pussy,” was Jay’s greeting.
“Do you even have to ask?” Wisdom assured his partner.
“So what you call me for? She wanted a ménage a trios?” Jay inquired half laughing.
“Nah, you pervert,” Wisdom responded. “I need a pickup so come get me.”
“I ain’t no taxi service,” Jay remarked. “Get one of you cronies to pick you up. Ha-ha!”
“Yo, Dog, I know you aren’t playing me,” Wisdom said walking across the street from the hotel. “That is if you still want me to hook you up with Stacy’s sister.”
Jay straightened up real fast. He had been trying to get at Sheila Long for the longest. When he found out the Mack don, Wisdom Sinsare, was already being intimate with her older sister, he practically begged Wisdom to hook him up. Wisdom had him.
“Aight, nigga,” Jay gave in. “Where you at?”
Wisdom gave him the address and Jay said he was on his way. Wisdom looked at his watch and waited at the corner for his friend. His cell phone started ringing as soon as he put it in his pocket. Wisdom looked at the screen on his Motorola phone to see the number displayed before he answered.
“Whassup, baby,” Wisdom said.
“Nothing much,” his main fling, Queen, said on the other end. “Missing my boo.”
“Me, too,” Wisdom stated. “You know I got to come get some of Queen.”
Wisdom could hear Queen blushing on the phone. He knew he had her. That’s was Wisdom’s style. Mostly it was love ‘em, or better yet hump ‘em, and leave ‘em. But if you turn out to be an asset, he kept you around until he ran out of use for you. Queen happened to be the sister of Amari Street, of Industreet Records. Amari Street was well known in the music industry as well as the hood. He was a big player in what went down in either genre. So if you good with him, you was set. Queen didn’t really deal with her brother like that. She hated the Street name she carried because with its privileges came its disappointment. No guy wanted to be with her because of what her last name was. That was until Wisdom showed up. Wisdom let anyone know in a minute, he was a lover not a fighter but he could hold his own. Amari Street heard about Wisdom’s reputation and wanted someone better for his sister but he was willing to let it slide in the meantime.
“What you doing?” Queen asked as she turned over on her stomach in the bed she was laying on twirling the phone cord in her fingers.
“You know me. Chasing this money train,” Wisdom said as he stood at the corner looking around for Jay’s Toyota Camry to show up.
“Yeah, I bet. You mean that pussy train,” Queen corrected.
Queen also heard about Wisdom’s reputation but still thought he was a good guy to hang around with. Plus he was one of the finest man she ever met. Sure, she met a lot of celebrities due to her brother’s dealings in the industry but none of them excited. Wisdom always offered something nobody else could.
“That hurts,” Wisdom said playing insulted.
“Yeah, yeah. When you picking me up?” Queen inquired, getting right to the point.
“We still on for tomorrow night,” Wisdom assured. “You know I’m not missing you in that new Chanel dress you brought.”
“You so crazy,” Queen laughed. “Talk to you later.”
The screen on his phone indicated the call had ended. Wisdom put the phone back in his pocket as Jay came speeding around the curb.
“Get your Casanova ass in,” Jay said as Wisdom opened the passenger side door to get in.
‘She still up there?” Jay asked as Wisdom fastened his seat belt.
“Yeah. Why?” Wisdom wondered.
“I mean if you don’t want her, let a brother…”Jay let his statement linger.
“If you want to go up there, be my guest,” Wisdom suggested. “But think about this. She already going to be pissed I left. She going to think you playing her like a hoe because you want sloppy seconds. Then on top of that, she just got to be with the quarterback and you come in like a third string replacement, not only is she going to call the cops, she going to beat you down and try to have you locked up or committed for the rest of your life. But if you still want to, by all means.”
“Fuck you,” Jay said starting the engine and driving off. “Where to? Home, your Majesty.”
“Thank you, Jeeves,” Wisdom said leaning back in the passenger seat.
“I need to know how you be getting these women,” Jay said. “I mean come on, I figured once I got into this little block business, honies would see I’m making bread and holler at the kid.”
“It’s not about money all the time,” Wisdom stated. “It’s confidence. Somebody use money to make them confident but all it balls down to confidence. A Shabba Ranks looking motherfucker can bag the hottest shorty if he thinks he could.”
“Bullshit!” Jay exclaimed.
“Trust me,” Wisdom said looking at his friend.
“Yeah okay,” Jay shrugged. “Anyway, after I drop you off, I got to see the boss man.”
“Problems?” Wisdom asked concerned.
“Hope not for my sake,” Jay stated.
Xavier tossed his Pelle Pelle yellow jacket on the side revealing the nice chromed Glock.17 he had in the back waistline of his jeans. That sight always turned Shaquana on. She loved a street thug to the core. All her brothers and cousins were in the drug game but none of them could match with Xavier's status.
"Go in the kitchen and make me a sandwich," he ordered with his back still to her. Shaquana literally jumped off the couch to handle his request. She loved it when a man bossed her around. That was also a turn on.
One of her little sons, Jaquan, came out to of the bedroom to see Xavier flop on the couch with remote in hand.
"Hey, Dame," Jaquan said and ran over to the couch to give him a hug.
"Whassup, little man," Xavier replied returning the hug and patting the side of the couch for the little boy to sit on.
Although the streets only knew Xavier as Dog, he felt good to have someone call him by the name he use to go. Xavier would only let Jaquan call him that. Jaquan reminded Xavier of his little brother just a lighter complexion. Xavier's brother, Damon, died a few years back and Xavier was never the same after that. But Jaquan reminded Xavier of the innocence Damon once had, so he told Jaquan to call him 'Dame'.
"What's going on? How is school?" Xavier began his line of questioning.
"Okay, no more trouble," Jaquan responded.
Jaquan had been getting in trouble in school since the first day he got there. He was having fights with the other second graders and being a real bully. He already had gotten suspended. When Xavier got wind of it, he gave Jaquan a stern talking to and a harsh spanking. Jaquan's father tried to intervene but Xavier shot down his request real fast. Xavier told the father that if he called himself taking control of the situation and Jaquan acted up again, Xavier would personally come to him and put him on 'timeout', Jaquan's father wanted no parts of the Dog so he stepped back and let Xavier do his thing. After that, Shaquana was in love with her Brooklyn thug.
Her other son, Cardinal, was thirteen and already though he was grown because his father was supposed to be a heavy drug dealer in the Bronx. He use to always say fresh words out his mouth around Xavier and thought he could get away with it. His father, Luis Cardinal Verez, was a member of the Latin Kings and very respected. Verez had dealt with Shaquana on a one night stand tip and she got pregnant. Verez didn’t want his son at first but grew to deal with him. But he still couldn’t tolerate Shaquana who was always in his pocket for money. Verez use to beat her up first then give her the money after like a constellation prize. Shaquana was very young and took the abuse for a long time until she met Jaquan's father, Jaquin. Jaquin started taking care of her through his illegal dealings and Verez would just come get his son, Cardinal, when he felt like it. When Jaquin left the picture for another woman because he stated Shaquana was getting old but still young in her ways, Shaquana was stuck because Verez didn’t want nothing to do with her and wouldn’t even gave her money because now his son was old enough to get it from him.
Shaquana Littles wasn't a bad female to look at. At thirty, she still had all her curves in the right place. She had what people would call 'ghetto booty'. Her behind was nice and round and made a nice ensemble to go with her shapely thighs. Her chest size was a nice 36 Double Dee and her waist size was small. She still had all the assets to pull in any man she wanted but she wanted thugs and fast money. She tried to date what she called 'square pegs' which were mostly guys that had jobs but weren't making the kind of money she was accustomed to seeing. She got tired of that scene real fast and was a nervous wreck because all she knew was how to be arm candy for some baller. She didn't really have no job skills only bedroom skills. She was at her wit's end. She never wanted to be a poor single mother depending on regular checks every week or even a welfare mom. She believed her pussy was the key to her success and as long as she had and knew who to use it, she can do anything. She heard about a major event happening in Madison Square Garden, all the top hip-hop celebrities were going to be there. She maxed out her credit cards and brought the sexiest outfit she could buy and rented a decked out utility sports truck. She was determined to meet a baller and she ran across Xavier. Xavier wasn't really the guy with the long money but he fit her ideal of a thug to a tee and she took a chance.
Jaquan was still in the living room running down school events to Xavier when Shaquana walked in with Xavier's sandwich and a soda can.
"Don't be hounding Dog with your nonsense, boy,” She said tapping Jaquan on the shoulder. "You going to play out her while mommy and Dog go in the bedroom and talk. And tell Car when he comes in to go straight in that kitchen and wash the dishes. Come on, Dog, come in the bedroom and finish that sandwich."
"Ok, be good, little man," Xavier said getting up off the couch and handed Jaquan the remote control for the television.
Xavier followed Shaquana into the bedroom eating his sandwich along the way.
"I'm going to cook as soon as Car comes in and cleans the dishes," She specified as Xavier walked in the bedroom and she closed the door behind him.
Xavier nodded and sat down on the bed. He was almost finished with his sandwich and he washed it down with the cold soda.
"How was work today?" she laughed walking over to Xavier.
"Had to send out a few pink slips," he replied with a smile.
Looking at his chocolate muscular body was driving her insane. She wanted him in her mouth so bad. She pinned his shoulders down to the bed and climbed on top of him. Xavier didn't resist as she pulled his tank top over his head and off of his body. She began licking and making circular motions with her tongue all down his pecks, chest and navel. Xavier stretched out his arms and enjoyed the show. Shaquana slowly began licking from his navel down to his front jeans waistline.
Xavier pulled out the gun from his waist band and handed it to her to put on the night stand. She looked at the firearm licked the barrel and put it down on the nightstand. She then loosened Xavier's belt and zipped down his jeans. She pulled his denim all the way down to his ankles and then did the same to his boxers.
His little soldier was already standing up at attention. She slowly licked the tip of his manhood and spit on it to give it more lubrication. She started using her flim that was on his penis to stroke his rod to full erection. Then she licked the tip again teasing Xavier.
"You miss Mommy's lips?" she asked still tonguing the tip of his penis.
"You know I do," he replied in ecstasy.
She stuck her tongue out and licked around his shaft before placing the whole erection in her mouth. Xavier's eyes closed as he felt his manhood being sucked and cuddled. Xavier was really getting to the moment when he heard loud banging coming from outside the bedroom. But it wasn't the bedroom door being knocked on, it was the front door.
"Who that?" Xavier asked.
Shaquana stopped to look up. "It's probably just Car. You know he be forgetting his key and I told Qua Qua not to open the door for him anymore until I say so."
Shaquana want back to the task at hand and Xavier went back into relax mode. The knocking was still commencing but Xavier and Shaquana paid it no mind.
"Yes, baby, yes!" Xavier expressed now holding her head so she wouldn't move. "That's it! That's it!"
Xavier let out his liquid troops all in Shaquana's mouth and she swallowed every drop. She got up and wiped her mouth.
"I hope that boy got a good excuse for not having his keys," She said as she left the bedroom closing the door behind her.
He heard her ask who was knocking but didn't hear the response. He pulled up his boxers and jeans and laid back in the bed.
He closed his eyes and was getting comfortable. He heard her oldest son, Cardinal, voice after all talking about he lost his key at the playground again. He heard scuffling then Shaquana opened the bedroom door and came in.
'That boy I swear is going to be the death of me," Shaquana said fuming. "The boy don't believe in no responsibility."
"Don't worry, I'll have a talk with him," Xavier said as she got in the bed with him.
"Glad I found you, Dog," she said leaning her head on his bare chest.
Xavier exhaled and smiled as he played with her long hair. It didn't take long before Xavier fell asleep and so did Shaquana.
"Wake up little nigga."
Xavier don't know how long he was sleep but he did know that he now had two guns drawn in his face. Xavier looked up to see two men with hoodies covering their faces both pointing huge guns at him. Xavier slowly sat up on the bed.
"Y'all better put those guns down before I take them and beat the shit out of both of you with them," Xavier laughed and the gunmen pulled down their hoodies.
"You a crazy motherfucker," Travis laughed as he put his gun in the back waistline of his jeans. "I wish your ass would get a cell phone so we haven't to be looking for your dumb butt."
"What's the deal?" Xavier asked getting up from the bed. "I know y’all niggas didn't come over here to watch me sleep."
"Nah, nigga," Travis had one more chuckle then stopped. "We came to let you know you can settle the score with them niggas right now."
Xavier's eyes went up.
"Where?" Xavier inquired with a serious tone.
"They over there by McDonalds that my sister works at," Raymond responded. "She's getting off her shift now but she said they still there. She just said make sure she has a job to go back to."
Xavier picked up his trusty Glock 17 off the night stand and placed it in his waistline.
"Tell if I leave a mess, I'll give her a month's pay," Xavier stated and then walked out the bedroom with his two buddies in tow.
He spotted Shaquana in the kitchen fixing dinner for her little ones. Jaquan was still on the couch looking at cartoons with a look of peace on his face. Cardinal was coming out the bathroom. Cardinal gave Xavier a menacing glare then looked at Xavier's counterparts and went in the kitchen to help his mother prepare dinner.
"You going to be out late," Shaquana called out from the kitchen. "I'm making one of your favorites."
"Yeah, quick business and then I'm all yours," Xavier said heading for the front door. "Hey, Jay, be good and Car we going to have a talk when I get back."
Xavier heard Cardinal mumbled the word 'whatever' under his breath but decided he would address that later.
"Ok, don't be long because we still have to finish what we started," Shaquana said appearing in the kitchen's doorway looking at her man one more time. "Be careful and tell your knucklehead friends they better have you back here in one piece."
"Got you," Travis winked and then opened the front door.
Xavier grabbed his jacket and blew Shaquana a kiss before he walked out the door.
Xavier hopped in the passenger seat of Travis' Ford Expedition while Raymond got in the backseat. Travis pressed the button for the cd panel on the dashboard and the great deceased rapper Notorious B.I.G's voice began blasting through the woofer speakers singing his famous anthem "Big Poppa". The trio just listened and nodded their heads in silence as they prepared for the task they were about to do. No other words but the lyricist was spoken in the vehicle as they headed to their destination.
When they got closer, Xavier instructed for Travis to turn it off.
"They still in there?" Xavier asked as Travis parked his jeep across the street from the McDonalds' parking lot.
Raymond took out his cellular phone and dialed a number. After a brief conversation, he clicked off the phone and put it back in his left jeans' pocket.
"Yeah, one of them fools trying to holler at Stacy, one of Jessica's coworkers," Raymond informed checking out his Glock .45 making sure it was ready for action. "My sis just left and I told her what you said. She said she wants double."
"Your sister is an extortionist," Xavier laughed. "Yo, you called the crew."
"Already on it," Raymond said. "They should be here soon."
"How you want to do this?" Travis asked leaning back in his seat.
Before Xavier could answer, a black Toyota Roadrunner pulled up beside them. One of the truck's window rolled down revealing Jermaine, a dark skinned man with a short afro and a big bomber jacket covering his thin frame.
"Whas cracking, bitches?" Jermaine greeted.
Travis and Raymond nodded and Xavier got out the Expedition.
"Park over there," Jermaine told the driver of the vehicle he was in and then got out followed by a big husky man dressed in an all brown Carhart outfit known only to the world as Clipz.
Xavier exchanged hand daps with Jermaine and Clipz as Raymond exited from the Expedition as well to join them.
"How many?" Clipz inquired adjusting his brown skull cap to cover the top of his bloodshot eyes.
"Sis says five," Raymond answered.
"You know as soon as they see us, they going to start blasting," Jermaine predicted.
"Then we just going to have to make sure we blast first," Clipz responded in a raspy voice.
Clipz didn't wait for any instructions from Xavier. He just walked across the street heading towards the parking lot. This was personal to him. The guys that were sitting in that McDonalds right now were responsible for killing one of his dearest friends and that was not going unanswered.
"Clipz," Jermaine tried to call him. "Dammit. He's going in guns blazing. Why you bring him?"
"I didn't, you did," Xavier winked.
Clipz spotted the five members of the Get Money Gang right away due to them all wearing platinum chains with the words GMG in big letters hanging at the end of it. Before Clipz could get to the entry door, Xavier stopped him and pulled him back.
"You crazy my gee," Xavier said smiling but dead serious. "We go in there blazing. We looking at real charges if your happy ass miss who you supposed to be handling."
"Yeah you kind of wild and your aim sucks," Jermaine laughed.
"Nigga, fuck you," Clipz said to Jermaine.
Clipz backed away from the door then looked through the big glass window and smiled.
"Yeah," Xavier said. "Let's think about this more...hey, where Jermaine going?"
Jermaine saw the same thing Clipz was looking at. Jermaine's girl, Lawanda, was talking to one of the members of the Get Money Gang. Jermaine stormed in the restaurant like a bull walking straight up to her.
"Yo, LaLa, what the fuck?" Jermaine asked.
"Jermaine!" she exclaimed surprised to see him there.
"Yo, homie, is there a problem?" the guy Lawanda was talking to said.
"Doesn't come concern you, homie, y’all get yours," Jermaine warned and went to focus back on Lawanda.
"Word, homie," the guy said and tapped his partner on the shoulder.
Jermaine didn't even the guy come up from the side of him and punch him dead in the face with brass knuckles on. Jermaine fell down and Lawanda screamed. Xavier came right behind the guy that knocked out Jermaine and charged him. They both collided and landed on table with Xavier on top as he pounded the guy's face in. Clipz was already working on the next dude and Raymond and Travis were handling the leftovers. Customers screamed and moved out of the way as an all-out brawl commenced.
Somebody yelled, "The cops are coming!" Xavier broke out of his trance long enough to jump off of his target and prevent Clipz from shooting another member.
"Let's get out here," Xavier said. "We'll get those niggas next time."
Sirens could be heard down the block. Xavier grabbed Jermaine and helped him out the door. Raymond and Travis followed. They all managed to get in their vehicles and drive off before the first squad car showed up.
"You was worry about me and old Maine go in and get knocked out by dudes," Clipz laughed from the driver's side of the Roadrunner. "Told that nigga about fucking with them hoes. Oooohhh. We should have murdered those niggas!"
"Shut the fuck up!" Jermaine said with his hands over his head. Blood was gushing from the open wound that was above his right eye. Blood was getting into his eye.
Xavier was in the passenger seat looking back at Jermaine.
"Let me see, dog, is it bad?" Xavier asked.
"I can't see shit," Jermaine said.
"Stop whining like a bitch," Clipz remarked. "I told you that nigga wasn't built for this shit. Stick to that credit card scam and boosting cars and shit."
"Yo, shit the fuck up," Xavier said.
Raymond pulled up alongside of them in his jeep and yelled out the window.
"What the fuck you want to do?" Raymond asked.
"We may have to take this nigga to the hospital," Xavier said.
"I got to start reevaluating my life," Wisdom said looking at the passenger seat car window.
"Not this speech again," Jay stated rolling his eyes as he grabbed the steering wheel to make another turn.
"What?" Wisdom said defensively.
"You always giving me that bullshit about you want to change and settle down and shit," Jay informed. "Then guess what you meet another slim goody and it's back to the old you. Look, nigga, you the son of a pimp. Not just a pimp. Thee Pimp. Nicky Barnes even Alpo use to get hoes from his stable. Your pops made a legacy and you trying to stop that."
"Look what it costed him," Wisdom added. "All those hoes and he couldn't keep the one woman that held him down and tried to get him to change."
"You just mad they split up and she lives in Brooklyn now," Jay remarked. "I know you miss them being together. But let's face it Daddy K is always going to be Daddy K."
"That's what my mom always use to say," Wisdom replied looking at his friend then back out the window.
Jay stopped his car in front of Wisdom's apartment building.
"Look, man, whenever you ready to stop with speeches and just happy with what you are and let your boy reek the benefits," Jay said as Wisdom opened the car door to get out. "Holler at me."
Wisdom laughed and shook his head as he got out the vehicle and closed the car door behind him.
Maybe Jay is right, Wisdom thought, maybe I do need to accept the fact I am a son of a pimp. Pimping was in his blood. Like that rapper Biggie Smalls use to say 'I'm a pimp by blood not relations.'
Wisdom entered his apartment and as usually his father wasn't there. Wisdom took his clothes off. He couldn't wait to take a shower and get her latest conquest's stench on him. Like his father always use to say 'ain't nothing that could turn off new pussy quicker than the smell of old pussy." Wisdom laughed. Daddy K always had sayings and observation when it came to the opposite sex. Daddy K was the master of his field and he was a professor in his craft.
Wisdom needed to take another nap after his shower. He really didn't get much sleep last night due to Ebony who keep trying to lay on him after their sex session. Wisdom turned the tabs for the shower and got in. He let the water soothed him as grabbed his wash cloths and began cleaning his body.
He felt nice and refreshed after his shower and donned his bathrobe to hit the bed. He was out cold in a matter of minutes. He was not in a deep sleep for too long before his cell phone rung and woke him up. He answered the mobile groggy.
"Hey, what’s your business?" Wisdom asked not looking at the caller id on the phone.
"Hey, Wisdom," the caller said on the other end. "It's me, Remy. You met me at Speed last night and gave me your number. Did I catch you at a bad time?"
"Yes, I'm sorry, baby girl, I'm in sleep mode," Wisdom informed. "Can I call you later?"
"Sure thing, cutie," Remy replied a little disappointment she couldn't talk to Wisdom right then. "Call me later, you got my number."
Wisdom just clicked the off button on the phone and threw it across the room. He patted his pillow and went back to snooze land.
He woke up an hour to his cellular phone.
"Hello, who is it?" he asked groggy.
"It's your mother," the lady said on the other end.
"Hey, whas good?"
"Nothing, just about to finish this double. I'm tired but I'm hungry," she replied.
"Cool, cool, I'll come by and we can go get something to eat," Wisdom said.
"You don't have to," his mother said.
"No, no, besides I got to get used to seeing my mother in her new habitat," Wisdom said.
"Will you need to start seeing me more often," she said with a smile. "I miss my whizzie."
"Stop calling me that," Wisdom laughed. "Anyway I'll be over there to pick you up."
"Ok, I know a great spot we can go to," his mother smiled.
Wisdom was sitting in the waiting room of Woodhull Hospital where his mother was now working. A group of guys came in looking like they had been an altercation. Wisdom could tell they were trouble the way they walked in like they owned the place. They flopped down on the chairs making all sorts of noise. Wisdom quickly ignored them and focused on the young lady who was also in the waiting area with a little boy next to her drawing in a coloring book. The woman was looking in Wisdom's direction as well.
Wisdom didn't even know one of the hoods that were sitting down was looking at the same thing he was looking at until the ruffian got up and said something.
"Yo, why you staring at me?" the baldheaded thug yelled at Wisdom's direction.
The thug's entourage started looking at Wisdom as well.
"I'm talking to you," the guy said pointing at Wisdom. "You got a problem?"
"Nah, man, I was just chilling," Wisdom said. "I'm not trying to start nothing."
"You just did," the thug said. "You know who I am?"
"A very large man," Wisdom replied and the lady chuckled.
"You think I'm a joke? You think I'm funny?" the whole entourage stood up.
"Is there a problem here?" a security guard asked coming out of nowhere.
"No, officer," the gang leader said. "We just waiting.'
The gang sat back down and didn't say another word. Wisdom's mother came out from the back room putting on her coat.
"You ready?" she asked Wisdom.
Wisdom nodded as another woman came out of the same back room as his mother did and went over to the lady with the boy.
Wisdom looked back at the thugs and notice they were still staring. Wisdom simply brushed it off his shoulders and headed out the hospital with his mother.
The female that was in the waiting room ran out behind him and slipped a piece of paper in his hand.
"I like the way you handled that," she said.
"Wait until you see me handle other stuff," Wisdom remarked.
"I can't wait," she winked and walked back in the hospital.
"My dude getting out the game," Xavier said to Raymond and Travis as he got into Travis' jeep.
"Word," Raymond said.
"Yeah, talk to him after he got out the hospital," Xavier said. "The cut over his eye all stitched up. He don't like how things went down. I mean he lucky it won't down like that better than Clipz coming up shooting up the place but still..."
"You wasn't built for this," Travis said. "He a pretty boy nigga. Pretty boy niggas need to be in the cut."
Xavier shook his head.
"I guess so," Xavier said.
"Anyway we need to get that shit out of our head and get ready to party with some bitches," Travis said.
"What's the words on those GMG boys?" Xavier asked.
"You heard what I said," Travis reiterated. "Time to leave the shit alone and go fuck with some bitches."
"Yeah if you say so," Raymond said. "You know your boy Clipz hooked up with Tony Childs. They running town looking for those cats. Clipz ain't happy unless he laying some slugs in something."
"Fuck Clipz," Travis said.
"Yo, we need to..." Xavier's word stopped short when he saw a familiar face walk out a convenient store. "Stop the car! Stop the car!"
Travis didn't know what was going on but he pressed his foot on the brakes. The vehicle came to a screechy halt. Xavier jumped out the jeep.
"Remember me, Mister Comedian," Xavier said walking up to Wisdom.
"Yeah," Wisdom stopped in his tracks. 'What the fuck..."
Xavier didn't even give Wisdom a chance to respond, he just swung on him. Wisdom took the punch dead on but didn't fall. Wisdom just came back with a left hook that connected with Xavier's jaw. Raymond and Travis both got out of the vehicle as they watched their friend tussle with the guy they met at the hospital three days ago. Raymond eventually got Xavier off of Wisdom and Travis came in between them.
"What the fuck, man?" Travis asked.
Xavier was breathing hard while Raymond subdued him.
"Get off me! “Xavier said flailing his arms and Raymond let him go.
Wisdom stepped back holding his bloody nose.
"What the fuck was that all about?" Wisdom asked. "I don't even know you."
"You don't have to know me," Xavier said. "Just know I'm not the one to be laughed at."
"All that to prove a point," Wisdom said. 'You could have just texted that."
Travis laughed so did Raymond. Xavier looked then starting laughing too.
Publication Date: February 21st 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-wz56446a3341625 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lpsrfun123-a-cursed-wolf/ | lpsrfun123 A Cursed Wolf
The Hunters; are not hunters
When I was born I had a mom and dad. When they were killed no one cared. They took me away to defend for myslef. I lived, I survied when I should die.
I was running into the woods catching up to a deer; I was about to get it until this pack went in front of me. "I will show them." I said I ran faster then ever to the deer making the kill. I smiled to my self another victory for me! "Dumb wolf why did you take our kill." "For your informintion I was going after it first." "You are just a Zenon to my pack; go at once before I kill you." "Hahah. Anyway what is your name.' "Im not telling you. No go!" "Nope. I am staying here." "Grrrr. Get her!" I started to run toward them, but then a gun shot. "WAIT!" "What you are scared?" "No hunters... They are here." "I only trust my pack." "Fine suit your self not my fault if someone dies today; and FYT they might be in your pack." I got my prey and jumped in a tree with it. I started to eat it. The pack left, I guess they gave up on getting my prey. Also there was another deer or animal. Oh yeah by the way a Zenon is a stranger... I fell asleep, but when I woke up I was not in no tree I was in a box. "Hurry up dudes, we can become rich with this wolf, if we send it to the zoo! A wolf that has no family and knows how to hunt, climb trees, and defend himself." "It is a her Billy." "I dont care." I growled, I had a plan and it is embrassing. I started to pi out the cage. "Ewwwwwww! The mutt pied on me!" "Let it out so it can pied." I was realsed I started out slowly and ran out. Went until I did not know where I was. Am I lost? Then I saw an elk. I licked my lips. It been about five months since I had eaten. I chased the elk and killed it. I carried it up in a tree, but it fell out i jumped down. There were other wolves. I did not want them to get my meal so i said "Yay! It's raining elk! Now leave me alone or i will chase you." and is said that kind of wriedly. A wolf asked for my name and i know that bascilly every pack hates me, so I lied and said Twinkle, even though my real name is Zi. She offered me food and i said yes and at a whole bunch; hey what would you do if they were giving free food?
Some more random stuff
When I started to trust my new friends Sparky and Rose i told them that my name was Zi. That night I went out for a walk. I never will sleep with a pack. I have been going out a lot at night. But this night was different. Duke followed me. No won knew. "Hey Zi." Duke said
"What do you want" I growled Turning around
"I just wanted to tell you how pretty you are." Duke said walking towards me
"Ugh! Now you follow me what are you a stalker now! Or a Killer?" I said with anger
"No! I just wanted to be your mate." Duke said
"I thought Rose was your mate. And plus I do not like you. You are like... It is too hard to explain... Just leave me alone." I said trying to walk away
"Fine I guess I just need to tell Rose what you did to that poor little pup." Duke said
"What you where there!! I did not kill that pup I tried to protect it! He got hit by a car. I tried to bring him back home to his mom, so the can have funereal for him/" I said.
"Yeah that is why no pack wants you. Ha ha. But I will let you get what you want." Duke said
"Go away!!!" I said, but for my luck Duke just pounced on me and started to hump me. I bit him. He growled and then I passed out. My black out dream was telling me that I will soon see why I should have left, but I did at the same time. Confusing? I know...
When I awoken I was in Duke's den right beside him. Eww, I found something of his and broke it. I ran back to Rose's den and acted like I was asleep. Soon I awoken and I forgot the rest of the day, but not the after noon.
We were walking around. And then I feel to the ground with stomach pain I wanted to tell Rose what happened, but I did not with fear she will kill me. All I saw was the Rose went and Sparky said, "The same birth Mark" in whispers. We figured out we where sisters. After that we went back to the pack. I ranned to Duke's den to ask question to him, but he was not there. I walked around his den. And passed out again from pain.
The next thing I knew when I woken up was that i was in a cage. I looked to my sides and saw my sisters. Rose and Sparky. I saw Duke walking up to me "He sweetie. I know you are not a bloodwolf, but Greeneyes and Darknight say your are, so I told them to not hurt you until the next stage. If you are not a bloodwolf, but if you are.. You get it, don't you.? Any way how are the pups?" Duke said when he was walking
"What do you mean by pups?" I said
"Remember what happened last night?" Duke said hitting his head on my cage
"Oh. Yeah they are fine." I said in despair.
"Greeneyes switch here please..." Duke said
"Fine. I will, but what about the-" Greeneyes
"other blood wolves." Duke said interrupting Greeneyes
"Here you go ummmm. Who ever you are." Greeneyes said giving a bottle of potion to me.
"What is this?" I said
"It is some kind of potion my potion maker made. You must drink it after the war or you and your friends will die. You may also drink it now if you like." Greeneyes said
"And remember get their plan." Duke said
"What do you mean?" I said
"We are talking to this ghost dog of out packs potion wolf... It is going to help us with our friends. Come here now by the way." Greeneyes said
Many other wolves came. They all looked like Duke, Greeneyes, and many other wolves. We realized one of my sister was waking up. The real Duke and Greeneyes and other wolf ran off and only three remained. The others that where left ran of some where. I acted like was asleep until Sparky and Rose woke up. When i woke up from my fake sleeping. My sisters told me the plan; I did not told them what happened before they woke up.
The cage gates where opening and a voice said,"Let the war begin." I heard the cheering of other wolves.
To be contiued
Publication Date: November 6th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-lpsrfun123 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-shasta-trammell-what-lies-in-the-night/ | Shasta Trammell What lies in the night? Guess I'll find out This book is dedicated to my best friends Tanjala, Jasmine, Abby , presli, and Odalyse. Love yall all!
I wake in a cold sweat, I look around the room for what had startled me out of my dreamless slumber and see a shadow slip out of the room. I get up slipping into houseshoes and a robe to cover the french maids outfit my last customer had requested me to wear for our night. I silently exit the room, picking up the gun that is kept in the nightstands back leg, which has been hollowed out for that purpose. As I walk past my fellow prostetutes doors I hear a muffled scream and dash into the room of Shawntel, my closest friend. I see a figure placing a gag over her mouth. I jump onto him and grab him as he is about to hit her in the head with the lamp that sets beside her bed. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder and just before everything goes black I see Shawntel run out of the room. I black out hopeing she escapes.
Chapter 1: The Hospital
I wake up with a crink in my neck. Turning my head, I see Shawntel asleep on the chair by my bed. I take in the smells of anti bacterial spray and starch, rembering the last time I was in the hospital. It had been my first year working for our pimp, Aiden, when I was setting with Shawntel and she told me a guy with blue eyes kept staring at me. Finaly the guy walked over and grabbed me by the waist, hauling me into the hotel room behind me. "I need to fuck you now." he told me stripping us both of our clothes. He slammed into me, making me cry out in pain. "Little bitch, nobody cries when I fuck them." He said pulling a knife out of his pocket and plunged it into my stomach repeatedly. Shawntel and Aiden ran into the room, pullin him off of me as I lay gasping for air, trying to drown out the pain. I felt Aiden lift me up and into a waiting car outside the door before blacking out. Whe I came to the scen was exactly the same as it is now. "Oh your awake, Shawntel said. "yeah I guess so, what happened." A sad look over came her exotic features. She told me that the same guy who had stabbed me a year ago, had came looking for me and when he found Shawntel, decided to kill her first. "But once again you saved me." she told me in tears. "hey, listen, don't ever get upset because I saved you. I would do it again in a heartbeat." I told her. She rushed over and hugged me, then she began kissing me and I kissed her back loing the feel of her hot, greedy mouth on mine. "Umm.. " I heard a clearing of a throat and Shawntel jumped back adjusting her shirt. "I just need you to fill out some paper work and you can go home." a young platnium blonde nurse with perky breasts and an australian accent said. Desire was clear in her eyes. " Close the door for a second, but you stay in her." I told her. She did as she was told and I motioned her over. As she came over I pulled her to me and kissed her with more passion than she has ever been kissed. "Wow.....that was amazing. I will leave my number with your clothes." She whispered before leaving the room. Checkmate.
Chapter 2: welcome back
I walk up to my room, holding the clothes that Shawntel bought me. Hidden at the bottem of the bag is a street sweeper gun in case somebody tries to attack me. As I step in all th egirls yell" Suprise!!" I jump back in shock. baloons, didlos, streamers and monoply money cover the room. I burst out laughing and then I see him. The guy behind the attacks. He is currently being given a blowjob by Lila the head whore of the group. She makes up to 1 thousand a night and knows how to get around shit. He doesn't see me as I silently start toward him with my hand on the street sweep. "Get out of the room as quuitly as you can because the dude who is behind the attacks is here". I whisper to the group in front of me they look startled and start slowly heading for he door. As I come up behind the guy Lila sees me and her eyes widen in knowing concern. She finishes him of qucickly, take sthe money and scampers away. I raise the street sweeper and point it at the back of his head. He is still in a post orgasmic haze and doesn't realize the room around him is empty. I pull the trigger and he falls foward blood pulling around him. I drop the gun in my bag and meet Aiden outside. He calls his guy and the body is gone within minutes. "So the good payer was him huh. The eyes should have told me." Shawntel whispers behind me. I wirl around to find her staring at the body bag being taken beside us, her face streaked with makeup. I pull her to me and hug her as she cries. We walk up to my room and I start a warm lavender sceneted bath for us. I strip her of her clothes kissing every inch of her as i reveal it. She does the same to me and soon we are in the bath massaging the soap into each others bodies. I run my tonge over the pink rim of her nipple. She moans in pleasue as i bite it, enjoying the tingling in my cunt. We slip out of the bath and fall onto my bed, She puts her face between my legs, suckling on my clit. I turn her so that I can suck hers at the same time and we reach our climax together and fall asleep in each others arms.
Chapter 3: Payback hurts like a bitch.
I wake up to Shawntel putting her face between my legs again and swirling her tongue inside me. I arch me back and cum all over her face. She giggles. "Morning savior." She says getting up to wash her face and get dressed. As she leaves the room I remember the nurse. "Hey how about a threesome with that hot nurse tonight. She nods and leaves the room. I scamper about and find the number where it was promised to be. She answers on the 3rd ring. "This is Anastasia." "Hi this is Lyric from the hopsital, you didn't think I wouldn't call did you?" "Oh Hi!" "So I was wondering, threeway with me and my friend tonight? You in?" "I will be there." We hang up and I pull on a sexy black lace thong and garter set, a lacy bra and a jersy shirt and combat boots. I walk down to breakfast and see Aiden. he gestures for me to meet him in his offic. As I walk in he is setting on his couch. "Noon. You, me , Shawntell. Black room. Be there." I nod and exit. Shawntel meets me in the hall and we nod heading to the costume room. We pull on black leather bras, g-strings, and stilletoe boots. And walk to the room. We are in position when Aiden walks in wearing leather jeams and jordans. He walks toward us, like a tiger stalking his prey. He pulls a whip from behind his at the same time Shawntel and I pull whips. He acts surprised at the fact we have learned his game since he has only punished us twice. He backs away as we come foward. What he didn't know was that we knew that he was behind all the attacks and had simply payed blue eyes to carry them out. "Can't do your own dirty work? Had to get someone killed?" Fear then knowingness shown in his eyes as he realizied we knew the truth. "It was never supposed to go this far. He wasn't supposed to hurt you. just scare you.AHH!" I glanced at Shawntel as she recoiled her whip. We left him crying on the floor. 5 girls were standing outside of the door when we exited and Shawntel flipped them off on our way by. "Fuckin newbies." she growled. I agreed wholeheartedly.
Chapter 4: Nurse please!
Shawntel and I set waiting for the nurse to come. Funny how I don't know her name but I almost guarentee Shawntel and her both will be screaming mine by the end of the night. The doorbell rings and I answer it quickly pulling her inside and up to my room. Of all the rooms in teh house I prefer mine because it is the biggest and most luxouis. We all enter the room and I ask her what her name is. "Anastasia." She said in a whisper. I slam her onto the bed and behind me Shawntel locks the door. Anastasia whimpers as I slide between her legs.Just as i am pulling her underwear down the door flies open and I hear the cock of a shotgun. "You muthher duckin whore!" I can hear Aiden and I know hes drunk. I shove Shawntel and Annastasia behind me as he fires the gun it hits me in the right breast and I fall onto the blood clutching my chest. I see Shawntel and anastasia scramble out of the windo and see Aidens eyes sober as he falls to the floor realizing what he did. he clutches my hand to his chest adn he calls for help. $ of the other girls rush in.. funy we have a prostitue who is also a doctor. They put me in my bed and dose me up with some drugs to numb me as the remove the bullet and sew my breast back up. I let darkness take me over.
Chapter 5: Seeing the light
5 weeks later, I was walking into the mall with 2000 dollars in my hands ready to start my life over. As I walk in I see Aiden walking out of the wedding ring store. I stop in my tracks as he looks at me and starts toward me. I franticly glance around looking for a store to hide in. All I could find was the pet store and i dashed in. Aiden ran in after me and in my rush I fell over a squirrels tank and it jumped out attacking Aiden . After he ran back out I bough t the squirrel because I just knew it was destiny. I ran through a list of names in my head and finally decided on Tanjala. I absolutly fell in love with her. She is white with blue eyes and the pet shop owner said that she was a rare breed. I was walking out and i heard a scream. I turned around and saw Aiden holding a gun to Shawntel's head. She was holding a sighn that read. "Lyric, please come back or Aiden will kill me." I run over to them and I grab Aiden's hand twisting it back he drops the gun and I land a hard kick to his manhood. I grab Shawntel and we run out with my new squirell. When we get into a car she looks at me questionangky but I focus on th eroad as I speed out f the lot. I look back and Aiden comes running out of the mall but we are too far for him to know who we are now. I pull into my new apartment and we get out. I set up the squirlls house I bought with it in the living room and me and Shawntel head to the bedroom. When we go in I pull off my shoes and let my hair down. Shawntel does the same and we flop down on the bed to watch "Fifty Shades of Gray." About 20 minutes in into the movie, Shawntel turns and cups my breast and starts softly nibbling on my neck. I turn and face her and slide my hand down to her legs. As I peel off her sweats she starts to cry. i look up at her confusingly. "I don't deserve you." She tells me. I have heard her speeech before so I just nod and continue working her pants and shirt off. As I go down on her shots rain through the window.
Chapter 6:Can things get anyworse
I shove her to the floor and run towards the window pushing the shelf in front of it. I cant believe Aiden has found me again. I pull Shawntel into the living romm and move the rug, pulling up the hatch in the floor. We run down it, moving the stuff back to hide it. We run along the corrider and i grab her ass. I know we are safe so i open teh wall dorr and we go inside. I have a romantic room in here and I shove her down on the bed. I bury my face in her pusssy and lap up her juices.. "Mind if I join." I look around started and see a young girl tyed to the wall. i untie he and she joins us grabbing my hip and bring me down one=to her waiting mouth. I moan as her tongue finds my hole and she fucks it with her tongue. I cum and I sink into a dark slumber after we all finish off. I wake up in a pile of legs, breasts, and sleeping girls. Last night comes back to me and I shoot up and grab the mysterious girl. We run into the hall "Where the Fuck did you come from?" I ask her. "Your landlord has dark secrets and I am his best kept one. When I lived in this house he showed me the hatch and that was his demise. One day he started beating me and I ran into the room here. He chained me up and left. I figured he would sell the house to another beautiful girl, hoping to makje her his new slave. Too bad you already have a pimp huh." she tells me shaking her head. My head spins and I stumble back. "Do you think Rhage will take Aiden on to have me?" I ask her thinking of my barbaric landlord. I shiver and she grabs me into a hug"Oh, honey don't worry I have met you pimp before and i promise if they go head on head Rhage will lose." I blackout t the thought of being returned to Aiden.
Chapter 7: Losing Shawntell
As I am sinking in the thought I hear Shawntel scream from inside. My and the girl run into the room to see Aiden and a gaping hole in the tunnell. "Miss me.. I thought so, here is what I am going to do , I am now goingt to punish you for you littl estunts." He pulls he trigger and Shawntel slumps over, eyes glazed as death takes her. "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I scream and rush him, taking the guna and shoot him in the side. I was aiming for the head but I am shaking so bad my aim is off. He clutches his side and the girl helps m eget Shawntel's body and we run out and she pushes a button in the pannel that I did not know was there. We quickly step into what appears to be an elevator. The doors close and we descend. I am still shaking and I vov revenge, knowing Aiden will survive the shot. A plan forms in my head and I start to laugh. The girl looks at me. "Aiden told me the combination to his safehouse. He will have forotten because e ws high when he told me but I bet that os where he will go. If we get their first I will kill him.... what is your name anyway." "Annastasia..and I'm game." we exit into some sort of hallway and we come into a clearing. I pull her into the direction of the safe house. I hear Aiden's car coming so we hurry and we get inside locking the lock agin and I grab a gun and Annastasia grabs a knife we wait in a bedroom that has my pictures all over the walls. I push the betrayel back and focus on the sound of Aiden's voice. "That bitch I wil find her and kilkl her slowly." He comes toward the bedroom and we get into attack position as the knob turns. As Aiden walks in Annastaia sinks the knife into his back and I blow his brain out of his head with a single shot. His body thumps to the ground and me and Annastasia run knowing that his men will eb here soon. We got back to the clearing and walk into the hallway of tress and vines. Fully concealed we embrace and I kiss her vicously. I shove her back and she moans as I take her nipple in my mouth throught her flimsy lace bra. Sh earches and I go down licking her clit and pushing fingers into her. She quickly comes and turns to eat me I come as quickly.
Me and Annastaia now live in our own house and we enjoy each other to the fullest. I feel her breath and cry out and she sinks her teeth into my collarbone, instintly wet. I Lean back and pull her nipple into my mouth as she sucks my neck. Iturn around and pull her into my lap... My fingers enter her and she spirals. This life is good.
Publication Date: January 6th 2016 https://www.bookrix.com/-dia774747764e55 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-chloe-williams-amnesia/ | Chloe williams Amnesia (Novel series #1) Dedicate This book to my Mom for inspiring me to try new things .
“Mom! Oh god mom, speak to me! Please say something!” I screamed shaking her,
My mind was spinning, just watching her on the floor, Blood pouring out from her forehead, her lips parted trying to say something, I helped her lifting her head up and she whispered lowly
“Sweetie if I don’t make it out, I want you to run out of here, Run as fast as you can. I want you to promise me that you will keep this with you, always and forever”, As she said that she slowly wrapped her hands around mine and opened my palms putting a crimson necklace on my palms and closing it, Then she planted a kiss on my hands, she slowly then let’s go of my hands and dropped to the floor.
“Mom! Please wake up; we have to get out of here!” I realized that my mom wasn’t moving anymore, I slowly put my ears close to her heart to hear her breathing but she wasn’t. My mom was dead, tears scrambled from my eyes making her image fuzzy. I tried to say something Anything But I couldn’t, I wanted to plead, to beg, anything so she could come back to me but I couldn’t she was gone .
Time stopped and I couldn’t hear the police sirens or the ambulance either, It was like my mind was shut from reality, It was dark, tears rolled down my eyes down to my chin and I dropped to her stomach, Softly hitting her and crying. How could she do this to me, How could she leave me when I needed her, Why! why was everything in my world such a pain and sorrow, No happiness or laughter, No fun or smile. Someone grabbed my hands and was taking me away from my mom, It was the polices. I didn’t want to leave her , Suddenly I was pushing from them fighting trying to go back to my mom, I looked back at my mom slowly drifting away from me and I gave up Looking down and sad.
New Things
Ten years later, I had Amnesia and it was like I was a new person, a new soul, I don’t remember any of my family, also it was like my brain couldn’t even try to remember them, and I would have to live with this, a least that what the doctor told me. I was in foster care for about ten years and somehow I ended up with a family when I was fourteen, doctors told me that my parents had died in some car accident, I don’t even remember how my mom or dad looked like… somehow I felt no emotion towards it.
I was half asleep rolling off the bed and falling on my floor when my foster mom came into the room.
“Riley!! Wake up you going to be late for school, Breakfast is done so come get it”, she said basically screaming
“Ok mom!” I sighed and said back.
I don’t remember getting ready for school or even eating breakfast. In fact I am not even sure that I had breakfast But somehow I found myself standing in front of my school, it was a big school considering my parents were the amazingly rich folks, But I wasn’t into the flashy cars and amazing outfits, I mostly wore hoodies and walk to school., But My mom always wanting me to use their money mainly because I was the only child, they couldn’t have children cause of a disease I couldn’t remember.
“Heyy! Riley! “Someone called from behind me shocking me
“Heyy Dana aren’t you cheery as always”, I turned around facing my best friend, Dana…. Dana was amazing she was always there for me, and she was a cheery and bubbly girl.
“Well for a girl that wears hoodies mostly 24/7 aren’t you beautiful as always”, she shot back at me making me smile and laugh
“Anyway, why are you wearing different clothes and different shoes and different everything?” I eyed her outfit and looked back at her.
She just smiled at me and winked saying “Well you know most people stand out when they wear different things” ,I was about to say something until the bell rang and we went inside the school going to our lockers together.
The new student.
I went to my locker and put the code in opening it, noticing Dana leaning her back on the locker beside me and sighing.
“Ok spill it what wrong?” I said looking at her
“Oh nothing”, she replied and sighs again.
“Then why in god’s name are you sighing”, I questioned looking at her again.
“Because some new dude is coming to our school and he is your class”, she said almost yelling it
“And what your point”? I told her taking my books from my locker.
“Well, what if he is hot and sexy and you can’t stop looking at him? “She said almost sounding serious about me liking a guy, truth was I never liked a guy, I always stayed away from guys because they alone wanted one thing and I knew sure in hell I wouldn’t give them that.
I burst out laughing and she said; something again in a whisper “Hey I am serious what if this is your perfect chance, what if the god of boyfriends is giving you one right now and you wasting it.
“Wait wait hold on”, I said trying not to laugh “What is this god of boyfriends thing?” I asked her.
“Well, you know…. girls are from Venus and boys are from I don’t know”, she said with a straight face.
“You get weirder and weirder every day you know that right?” I blurted at her smiling
“Are you confessing your love to me?” She giggled and did that half smile she always did.
“Maybe I am, maybe I am not”, I said at her shutting my locker and faced her again “Hey want to walk me to class? “
“Sure sweetie, but think about it maybe you do need a boyfriend to deal with your emotional crap”, she said turning to me and we both walk to my class and she looked waiting for me to enter, then leaving for her class.
I walked into my class and sat at my normal sit in the back and looking outside the window staring, when the teacher came in and starting writing on the board I noticed something that I didn’t take the time to noticed , she was actually pretty, what am I saying she was beautiful, She had long straight hair, a slim but prefect body and her face was like she could make a guy drool just by looking at him, And her name was even cute too “Miss Casey” what guy wouldn’t want that huh, Compared to me with my hair that was always in a messy bun and me not even wearing makeup cause I hated those things.
“Miss Riley?” My teacher called me shocking me.
“Y-yes Ma’am?” I said turning to face her and shuddering.
“Please pay attention in my class”, she shot up and told me walking back to the front of the class.
“Y-yes I will of course”, I said shuddering again, I never was able to control my shyness in front of people.
Anyway, She continued talking and said something I couldn’t hear, But then this guy came in with his bag on one shoulder, He had a white t-shirt and jeans, He was Seriously I mean seriously hot, his face was like breathless, I had turned my face from staring at the window to this hot piece of meat, Had Dana Been right about this god of boyfriends thing, I mean sometimes Dana said stupid and crazy things but half of them were true… I wondered and suddenly I saw myself drooling a little and then I put my hoodie on and looked away, I did not want to face this guy again , No way he smelled of rich spoiled kid.
Jake (P.O.V)
Jake (P.O.V)
I got out of the car, saying bye to my brother and putting my hands in my pocket, I opened the front of the door to the school and someone greeted me supremely.
“Hi there you must be Jake Million”, the lady in front of me said softly
“Yea, I am and I am looking for the principle”, I told her sighing
“Ok he is in the office, just walk straight and turn the corner”; she directed me and walking past me.
“Oh ok thanks”, I turned around and thanked her, turning around again I walked straight noticed the building, it was like a castle, open areas, everything was in white and sliver with a little bit of red, I got to the office and open the door, Then asked another lady if she could tell me where to find my schedule quickly telling her I was new, she gave me my schedule and some new books I haven’t seen before.
“Your locker will be arranged Mr. Million”, She said saying my last name and it pissed me off knowing my family was known as the second richest family in the world, and I hated it , I didn’t like the honor of being that way just because someone had money .
“Alright, thanks”, I said taking my books and my schedule and dash off to the class, I was looking at the schedule before knocking and noticed I had English and science in the same class, before I knew it I was walking into the class and looking around to blushing and eyes balls staring at me.
“Oh Mr. Million nice to meet you, glad to have you in my class”, the teacher said praising me like I was a god.
“Uh-um Please call me Jake”, I told her , I wanted to have a normal school life but no of course every time someone would do that, anyway as I turned to face the class I saw some girl, I saw her deep blue eyes checking me out and I stared back, when our eyes met, it was like she was looking into my deep soul, and my eyes changed into golden and I looked away ,she was beautiful, she was in a hoodie which by the way made it even hot, She had deep blue eyes that I could stare for a whole day, she was making me into something else and I have never felt like this before.. Was this what they call love at first sight? In an instant my wolf called and said “IT HER! She our mate” and I growled under my breath saying “Mate”.
When she had realized I had noticed her checking me out, her cheeks turned red on her perfect heart shaped face surrounded by dirty blond hair and those lips… I just wanted to taste those lips! I’ve decided, I was going to make her mine, and I always get what I want!
“Mr. Mill-I mean Jake”, she corrected herself and smiled.
“Yes?”, Looking around I noticed where I was again, in school, in class with a mate I was willing to make out with in front of this people.
“Your seat... It beside Miss Riley please go take a sit”, When she said that I shot up a look scanning the room for anyone that looked like a Riley... and she pointed to the sit like she read I was struggling, I sighed and walked to the sit and sat down noticed the girl beside me. It was her. This was going to be harder than I thought.
Breaking the rule
I didn’t know the day flew by so quickly, until I noticed I was in 7th period already and all I remembered was I was in class with an incredible guy and all I did was ignore him and did my work and here I am, I started doing some math when the teacher gave us work to do, I was then thinking about that guy, his name was “ Jake million ” I remembered and started thinking maybe his last name was million caused he has a family with lots of million , A lot of things came into my minds and I was laughing thinking Maybe he had a million heads, I shake my head and sighs, slowly stops smiling and suddenly something startled me and I noticed it was the bell for the next class.
Walking out of the class, Miss Casey called me back asking me to stay while everyone else left, she asked me to sit and sounded serious which made me confused because I always stayed away from getting in trouble and from “Popular people”.
“Miss Riley, you are the top student in my class and I find it amazing, you really should think about joining the debate team, they really could use your help”.
“B-but I don’t know about that... it really not my area and I don’t think I can fit in”, I told her lying, The only reason I couldn’t join teams or club was because my parents always warned me not to join them and it was always hard knowing I was skilled in all my subjects but they never understood why I didn’t want to so as always I had to lie.
“Just think about it, maybe you could change your mind about it sometime”, she told me getting up from her seat and opening the door for me to go.
“Thank you for telling me and I will think about it”, I told her lying again and walking out going straight to my locker.
I opened my locker shoving my books inside, taking my schedule out and reading noticing the next class was gym, the one subject I hated was gym, because I never liked showing my skin in shorts and we always had to wear it.
We had to go outside for gym because it was pretty warm and hot so I hurried and got dressed for gym class and met up with Dana outside; Dana had forgotten her water bottle inside so I told her I would get it for her since I forgotten Mine too.
Walking inside the school, I saw Dana older brother Jacob, Jacob was 23, and a nice, caring guy , He protects his little sister so much, He was also the only brother dani had: Their parents were divorced so she had to live with her brother, He was taking care of her Until she finished school, a least that the story Dana told me, Jacob walked over to me and asked “where’s Dana” In a low and deep but calm voice, telling me she had forgotten her folder at home and he wanted to return it to her, I looked over at the courtyard and slowly he followed my gaze to look where I was looking at, suddenly he spotted his little sister and said in a soft whisper “Thank you” and ran off.
Publication Date: November 5th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-ryde900230c0d15 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-ericka-davis-the-teen-life/ | ericka davis the teen life
chapter 1 the first day
the first day. i was so excited trying to pick out the right outfit for the first day of middle school. my friends jackie jeremy were going to walk to school with me i have known jackie and jeremy for almost 7 years now and there both just like family we fight like were family to. when i first walked in there she was just standing there "becca" she says yess brittany i say " i see you still have last years cloths" some of it yess i say " yeaa well i got this" as she pulls up a purse that probiblly cost her three hundred dollars " that's nice i say in a sarcastic voice "yea i know" she says well i better get to class see you later brittany as i try to walk off she tuggs my arm and wispers in my ear ''it's a new year becca" i didn't fully know what she ment by that maybe another year of teasing and bullying me whatever it was i didn't think twice about it and just kept walking. jeremy and jackie walked back up to me and asked ''what was that all about becca?'' honestly i dont know guys. she showed me her exspencive purse and then wispered in my ear "it's a new year becca" whats that supposed to mean asked jackie i just srugg in confusion. well let's go to class guys says jackie. after school that day me,jackie and jeremy went to the lounge and had milkshakes. jeremy asks me too step outside with him so we could talk for a minute. when we get out there it's alomost like he spills his heart out to me he tells me he likes me and he loves it when we hang out and talk and all i say is absoloutly nothing i run away i run home and he trys to run after me but he knows what he did. he has played with my feelings he likes me after all this time that we have been like borther and sister. i run in the house and storm in the door to my room as the tears poor down my face. my grandmother comes storming in the room paniking. i live with my grand parents because my parents died in a car crash. she says becca what is wrong!!??!! NOTHING!!??!! now please leave me in hear to drown my sorrow.
Publication Date: August 15th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-erickadub.step. |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-william-shakespeare-much-ado-about-nothing/ | William Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing
DON PEDRO, Prince of Arragon.
DON JOHN, his bastard Brother.
CLAUDIO, a young Lord of Florence.
BENEDICK, a young Lord of Padua.
LEONATO, Governor of Messina.
ANTONIO, his Brother.
BALTHAZAR, Servant to Don Pedro.
BORACHIO, follower of Don John.
CONRADE, follower of Don John.
DOGBERRY, a Constable.
VERGES, a Headborough.
A Sexton.
A Boy.
HERO, Daughter to Leonato.
BEATRICE, Niece to Leonato.
MARGARET, Waiting-gentlewoman attending on Hero.
URSULA, Waiting-gentlewoman attending on Hero.
Messengers, Watch, Attendants, &c.
SCENE. Messina.
Act 1.
Scene I. Before LEONATO'S House.
[Enter LEONATO, HERO, BEATRICE and others, with a Messenger.]
LEONATO. I learn in this letter that Don Pedro of Arragon comes this night to Messina.
MESSENGER. He is very near by this: he was not three leagues off when I left him.
LEONATO. How many gentlemen have you lost in this action?
MESSENGER. But few of any sort, and none of name.
LEONATO. A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers. I find here that Don Pedro hath bestowed much honour on a young Florentine called Claudio.
MESSENGER. Much deserved on his part, and equally remembered by Don Pedro. He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing in the figure of a lamb the feats of a lion: he hath indeed better bettered expectation than you must expect of me to tell you how.
LEONATO. He hath an uncle here in Messina will be very much glad of it.
MESSENGER. I have already delivered him letters, and there appears much joy in him; even so much that joy could not show itself modest enough without a badge of bitterness.
LEONATO. Did he break out into tears?
MESSENGER. In great measure.
LEONATO. A kind overflow of kindness. There are no faces truer than those that are so washed; how much better is it to weep at joy than to joy at weeping!
BEATRICE. I pray you, is Signior Mountanto returned from the wars or no?
MESSENGER. I know none of that name, lady: there was none such in the army of any sort.
LEONATO. What is he that you ask for, niece?
HERO. My cousin means Signior Benedick of Padua.
MESSENGER. O! he is returned, and as pleasant as ever he was.
BEATRICE. He set up his bills here in Messina and challenged Cupid at the flight; and my uncle's fool, reading the challenge, subscribed for Cupid, and challenged him at the bird-bolt. I pray you, how many hath he killed and eaten in these wars? But how many hath he killed? for, indeed, I promised to eat all of his killing.
LEONATO. Faith, niece, you tax Signior Benedick too much; but he'll be meet with you, I doubt it not.
MESSENGER. He hath done good service, lady, in these wars.
BEATRICE. You had musty victual, and he hath holp to eat it; he is a very valiant trencher-man; he hath an excellent stomach.
MESSENGER. And a good soldier too, lady.
BEATRICE. And a good soldier to a lady; but what is he to a lord?
MESSENGER. A lord to a lord, a man to a man; stuffed with all honourable virtues.
BEATRICE. It is so indeed; he is no less than a stuffed man; but for the stuffing, - well, we are all mortal.
LEONATO. You must not, sir, mistake my niece. There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her; they never meet but there's a skirmish of wit between them.
BEATRICE. Alas! he gets nothing by that. In our last conflict four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one! so that if he have wit enough to keep himself warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse; for it is all the wealth that he hath left to be known a reasonable creature. Who is his companion now? He hath every month a new sworn brother.
MESSENGER. Is't possible?
BEATRICE. Very easily possible: he wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat; it ever changes with the next block.
MESSENGER. I see, lady, the gentleman is not in your books.
BEATRICE. No;an he were, I would burn my study. But, I pray you, who is his companion? Is there no young squarer now that will make a voyage with him to the devil?
MESSENGER. He is most in the company of the right noble Claudio.
BEATRICE. O Lord, he will hang upon him like a disease: he is sooner caught than the pestilence, and the taker runs presently mad. God help the noble Claudio! If he have caught the Benedick, it will cost him a thousand pound ere a' be cured.
MESSENGER. I will hold friends with you, lady.
BEATRICE. Do, good friend.
LEONATO. You will never run mad, niece.
BEATRICE. No, not till a hot January.
MESSENGER. Don Pedro is approached.
DON PEDRO. Good Signior Leonato, you are come to meet your trouble: the fashion of the world is to avoid cost, and you encounter it.
LEONATO. Never came trouble to my house in the likeness of your Grace, for trouble being gone, comfort should remain; but when you depart from me, sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave.
DON PEDRO. You embrace your charge too willingly. I think this is your daughter.
LEONATO. Her mother hath many times told me so.
BENEDICK. Were you in doubt, sir, that you asked her?
LEONATO. Signior Benedick, no; for then were you a child.
DON PEDRO. You have it full, Benedick: we may guess by this what you are, being a man. Truly the lady fathers herself. Be happy, lady, for you are like an honourable father.
BENEDICK. If Signior Leonato be her father, she would not have his head on her shoulders for all Messina, as like him as she is.
BEATRICE. I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior Benedick: nobody marks you.
BENEDICK. What! my dear Lady Disdain, are you yet living?
BEATRICE. Is it possible Disdain should die while she hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick? Courtesy itself must convert to disdain if you come in her presence.
BENEDICK. Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I am loved of all ladies, only you excepted; and I would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard heart;for, truly, I love none.
BEATRICE. A dear happiness to women: they would else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor. I thank God and my cold blood, I am of your humour for that. I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me.
BENEDICK. God keep your ladyship still in that mind;so some gentleman or other shallscape a predestinate scratched face.
BEATRICE. Scratching could not make it worse, an 'twere such a face as yours were.
BENEDICK. Well, you are a rare parrot-teacher.
BEATRICE. A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours.
BENEDICK. I would my horse had the speed of your tongue, and so good a continuer. But keep your way, i' God's name; I have done.
BEATRICE. You always end with a jade's trick: I know you of old.
DON PEDRO. That is the sum of all, Leonato: Signior Claudio, and Signior Benedick, my dear friend Leonato hath invited you all. I tell him we shall stay here at the least a month, and he heartly prays some occasion may detain us longer: I dare swear he is no hypocrite, but prays from his heart.
LEONATO. If you swear, my lord, you shall not be forsworn. [To DON JOHN] Let me bid you welcome, my lord: being reconciled to the prince your brother, I owe you all duty.
DON JOHN. I thank you: I am not of many words, but I thank you.
LEONATO. Please it your Grace lead on?
DON PEDRO. Your hand, Leonato;we will go together.
[Exeunt all but BENEDICK and CLAUDIO.]
CLAUDIO. Benedick, didst thou note the daughter of Signior Leonato?
BENEDICK. I noted her not; but I looked on her.
CLAUDIO. Is she not a modest young lady?
BENEDICK. Do you question me, as an honest man should do, for my simple true judgment; or would you have me speak after my custom, as being a professed tyrant to their sex?
CLAUDIO. No; I pray thee speak in sober judgment.
BENEDICK. Why, i' faith, methinks she's too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise, and too little for a great praise; only this commendation I can afford her, that were she other than she is, she were unhandsome, and being no other but as she is, I do not like her.
CLAUDIO. Thou thinkest I am in sport: I pray thee tell me truly how thou likest her.
BENEDICK. Would you buy her, that you enquire after her?
CLAUDIO. Can the world buy such a jewel?
BENEDICK. Yea, and a case to put it into. But speak you this with a sad brow, or do you play the flouting Jack, to tell us Cupid is a good hare-finder, and Vulcan a rare carpenter? Come, in what key shall a man take you, to go in the song?
CLAUDIO. In mine eye she is the sweetest lady that ever I looked on.
BENEDICK. I can see yet without spectacles and I see no such matter: there's her cousin an she were not possessed with a fury, exceeds her as much in beauty as the first of May doth the last of December. But I hope you have no intent to turn husband, have you?
CLAUDIO. I would scarce trust myself, though I had sworn to the contrary, if Hero would be my wife.
BENEDICK. Is't come to this, i' faith? Hath not the world one man but he will wear his cap with suspicion? Shall I never see a bachelor of threescore again? Go to, i' faith; an thou wilt needs thrust thy neck into a yoke, wear the print of it and sigh away Sundays. Look! Don Pedro is returned to seek you.
[Re-enter DON PEDRO.]
DON PEDRO. What secret hath held you here, that you followed not to Leonato's?
BENEDICK. I would your Grace would constrain me to tell.
DON PEDRO. I charge thee on thy allegiance.
BENEDICK. You hear, Count Claudio: I can be secret as a dumb man; I would have you think so; but on my allegiance mark you this, on my allegiance: he is in love. With who? now that is your Grace's part. Mark how short his answer is: with Hero, Leonato's short daughter.
CLAUDIO. If this were so, so were it uttered.
BENEDICK. Like the old tale, my lord: 'it is not so, nor 'twas not so; but indeed, God forbid it should be so.'
CLAUDIO. If my passion change not shortly. God forbid it should be otherwise.
DON PEDRO. Amen, if you love her; for the lady is very well worthy.
CLAUDIO. You speak this to fetch me in, my lord.
DON PEDRO. By my troth, I speak my thought.
CLAUDIO. And in faith, my lord, I spoke mine.
BENEDICK. And by my two faiths and troths, my lord, I spoke mine.
CLAUDIO. That I love her, I feel.
DON PEDRO. That she is worthy, I know.
BENEDICK. That I neither feel how she should be loved nor know how she should be worthy, is the opinion that fire cannot melt out of me: I will die in it at the stake.
DON PEDRO. Thou wast ever an obstinate heretic in the despite of beauty.
CLAUDIO. And never could maintain his part but in the force of his will.
BENEDICK. That a woman conceived me, I thank her; that she brought me up, I likewise give her most humble thanks; but that I will have a recheat winded in my forehead, or hang my bugle in an invisible baldrick, all women shall pardon me. Because I will not do them the wrong to mistrust any, I will do myself the right to trust none; and the fine is, - for the which I may go the finer, - I will live a bachelor.
DON PEDRO. I shall see thee, ere I die, look pale with love.
BENEDICK. With anger, with sickness, or with hunger, my lord; not with love: prove that ever I lose more blood with love than I will get again with drinking, pick out mine eyes with a ballad-maker's pen and hang me up at the door of a brothel-house for the sign of blind Cupid.
DON PEDRO. Well, if ever thou dost fall from this faith, thou wilt prove a notable argument.
BENEDICK. If I do, hang me in a bottle like a cat and shoot at me; and he that hits me, let him be clapped on the shoulder and called Adam.
DON PEDRO. Well, as time shall try: 'In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke.'
BENEDICK. The savage bull may; but if ever the sensible Benedick bear it, pluck off the bull's horns and set them in my forehead; and let me be vilely painted, and in such great letters as they write, 'Here is good horse to hire,' let them signify under my sign 'Here you may see Benedick the married man.'
CLAUDIO. If this should ever happen, thou wouldst be horn-mad.
DON PEDRO. Nay, if Cupid have not spent all his quiver in Venice, thou wilt quake for this shortly.
BENEDICK. I look for an earthquake too then.
DON PEDRO. Well, you will temporize with the hours. In the meantime, good Signior Benedick, repair to Leonato's: commend me to him and tell him I will not fail him at supper; for indeed he hath made great preparation.
BENEDICK. I have almost matter enough in me for such an embassage; and so I commit you -
CLAUDIO. To the tuition of God: from my house, if I had it, -
DON PEDRO. The sixth of July: your loving friend, Benedick.
BENEDICK. Nay, mock not, mock not. The body of your discourse is sometime guarded with fragments, and the guards are but slightly basted on neither: ere you flout old ends any further, examine your conscience: and so I leave you.
CLAUDIO. My liege, your highness now may do me good.
DON PEDRO. My love is thine to teach: teach it but how, And thou shalt see how apt it is to learn hard lesson that may do thee good.
CLAUDIO. Hath Leonato any son, my lord?
DON PEDRO. No child but Hero;s he's his only heir. Dost thou affect her, Claudio?
CLAUDIO. O! my lord, When you went onward on this ended action, I looked upon her with a soldier's eye, That lik'd, but had a rougher task in hand Than to drive liking to the name of love; But now I am return'd, and that war-thoughts Have left their places vacant, in their rooms Come thronging soft and delicate desires, All prompting me how fair young Hero is, Saying, I lik'd her ere I went to wars.
DON PEDRO. Thou wilt be like a lover presently, And tire the hearer with a book of words. If thou dost love fair Hero, cherish it, And I will break with her, and with her father, And thou shalt have her. Was't not to this end That thou began'st to twist so fine a story?
CLAUDIO. How sweetly you do minister to love, That know love's grief by his complexion! But lest my liking might too sudden seem, I would have salv'd it with a longer treatise.
DON PEDRO. What need the bridge much broader than the flood? The fairest grant is the necessity. Look, what will serve is fit: 'tis once, thou lov'st, And I will fit thee with the remedy. I know we shall have revelling to-night: I will assume thy part in some disguise, And tell fair Hero I am Claudio; And in her bosom I'll unclasp my heart, And take her hearing prisoner with the force And strong encounter of my amorous tale: Then, after to her father will I break; And the conclusion is, she shall be thine. In practice let us put it presently.
Scene II. - A room in LEONATO'S house.
[Enter LEONATO and ANTONIO, meeting.]
LEONATO. How now, brother! Where is my cousin your son? Hath he provided this music?
ANTONIO. He is very busy about it. But, brother, I can tell you strange news that you yet dreamt not of.
LEONATO. Are they good?
ANTONIO. As the event stamps them: but they have a good cover; they show well outward. The prince and Count Claudio, walking in a thick-pleached alley in my orchard, were thus much overheard by a man of mine: the prince discovered to Claudio that he loved my niece your daughter and meant to acknowledge it this night in a dance; and if he found her accordant, he meant to take the present time by the top and instantly break with you of it.
LEONATO. Hath the fellow any wit that told you this?
ANTONIO. A good sharp fellow: I will send for him; and question him yourself.
LEONATO. No, no; we will hold it as a dream till it appear itself: but I will acquaint my daughter withal, that she may be the better prepared for an answer, if peradventure this be true. Go you, and tell her of it.
[Several persons cross the stage.]
Cousins, you know what you have to do. O!I cry you mercy, friend; go you with me, and I will use your skill. Good cousin, have a care this busy time.
Scene III. - Another room in LEONATO'S house.]
CONRADE. What the good-year, my lord! why are you thus out of measure sad?
DON JOHN. There is no measure in the occasion that breeds; therefore the sadness is without limit.
CONRADE. You should hear reason.
DON JOHN. And when I have heard it, what blessings brings it?
CONRADE. If not a present remedy, at least a patient sufferance.
DON JOHN. I wonder that thou, being, -as thou say'st thou art, - born under Saturn, goest about to apply a moral medicine to a mortifying mischief. I cannot hide what I am: I must be sad when I have cause, and smile at no man's jests; eat when I have stomach, and wait for no man's leisure; sleep when I am drowsy, and tend on no man's business; laugh when I am merry, and claw no man in his humour.
CONRADE. Yea; but you must not make the full show of this till you may do it without controlment. You have of late stood out against your brother, and he hath ta'en you newly into his grace; where it is impossible you should take true root but by the fair weather that you make yourself: it is needful that you frame the season for your own harvest.
DON JOHN. I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in his grace; and it better fits my blood to be disdained of all than to fashion a carriage to rob love from any: in this, though I cannot be said to be a flattering honest man, it must not be denied but I am a plain-dealing villain. I am trusted with a muzzle and enfranchised with a clog; therefore I have decreed not to sing in my cage. If I had my mouth, I would bite; if I had my liberty, I would do my liking: in the meantime, let me be that I am, and seek not to alter me.
CONRADE. Can you make no use of your discontent?
DON JOHN. I make all use of it, for I use it only. Who comes here?
[Enter Borachio.]
What news, Borachio?
BORACHIO. I came yonder from a great supper: the prince your brother is royally entertained by Leonato; and I can give you intelligence of an intended marriage.
DON JOHN. Will it serve for any model to build mischief on? What is he for a fool that betroths himself to unquietness?
BORACHIO. Marry, it is your brother's right hand.
DON JOHN. Who? the most exquisite Claudio?
BORACHIO. Even he.
DON JOHN. A proper squire! And who, and who? which way looks he?
BORACHIO. Marry, on Hero, the daughter and heir of Leonato.
DON JOHN. A very forward March-chick! How came you to this?
BORACHIO. Being entertained for a perfumer, as I was smoking a musty room, comes me the prince and Claudio, hand in hand, in sad conference: I whipt me behind the arras, and there heard it agreed upon that the prince should woo Hero for himself, and having obtained her, give her to Count Claudio.
DON JOHN. Come, come; let us thither: this may prove food to my displeasure. That young start-up hath all the glory of my overthrow: if I can cross him any way, I bless myself every way. You are both sure, and will assist me?
CONRADE. To the death, my lord.
DON JOHN. Let us to the great supper: their cheer is the greater that I am subdued. Would the cook were of my mind! Shall we go to prove what's to be done?
BORACHIO. We'll wait upon your lordship.
ACT 2.
Scene I. A hall in LEONATO'S house.
LEONATO. Was not Count John here at supper?
ANTONIO. I saw him not.
BEATRICE. How tartly that gentleman looks! I never can see him but I am heart-burned an hour after.
HERO. He is of a very melancholy disposition.
BEATRICE. He were an excellent man that were made just in the mid-way between him and Benedick: the one is too like an image, and says nothing; and the other too like my lady's eldest son, evermore tattling.
LEONATO. Then half Signior Benedick's tongue in Count John's mouth, and half Count John's melancholy in Signior Benedick's face, -
BEATRICE. With a good leg and a good foot, uncle, and money enough in his purse, such a man would win any woman in the world ifa' could get her good will.
LEONATO. By my troth, niece, thou wilt never get thee a husband, if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue.
ANTONIO. In faith, she's too curst.
BEATRICE. Too curst is more than curst: I shall lessen God's sending that way; for it is said, 'God sends a curst cow short horns;' but to a cow too curst he sends none.
LEONATO. So, by being too curst, God will send you no horns?
BEATRICE. Just, if he send me no husband; for the which blessing I am at him upon my knees every morning and evening. Lord! I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face: I had rather lie in the woollen.
LEONATO. You may light on a husband that hath no beard.
BEATRICE. What should I do with him? dress him in my apparel and make him my waiting-gentlewoman? He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man; and he that is more than a youth is not for me; and he that is less than a man, I am not for him: therefore I will even take sixpence in earnest of the bear-ward, and lead his apes into hell.
LEONATO. Well then, go you into hell?
BEATRICE. No; but to the gate; and there will the devil meet me, like an old cuckold, with horns on his head, and say, 'Get you to heaven, Beatrice, get you to heaven; here's no place for you maids: 'so deliver I up my apes, and away to Saint Peter for the heavens; he shows me where the bachelors sit, and there live we as merry as the day is long.
ANTONIO. [To Hero.] Well, niece, I trust you will be ruled by your father.
BEATRICE. Yes, faith; it is my cousin's duty to make curtsy, and say, 'Father, as it please you:' - but yet for all that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow, or else make another curtsy, and say, 'Father, as it please me.'
LEONATO. Well, niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband.
BEATRICE. Not till God make men of some other metal than earth. Would it not grieve a woman to be over-mastered with a piece of valiant dust? to make an account of her life to a clod of wayward marl? No, uncle, I'll none: Adam's sons are my brethren; and truly, I hold it a sin to match in my kinred.
LEONATO. Daughter, remember what I told you: if the prince do solicit you in that kind, you know your answer.
BEATRICE. The fault will be in the music, cousin, if you be not wooed in good time: if the prince be too important, tell him there is measure in everything, and so dance out the answer. For, hear me, Hero: wooing, wedding, and repenting is as a Scotch jig, a measure, and a cinque- pace: the first suit is hot and hasty, like a Scotch jig, and full as fantastical; the wedding, mannerly-modest, as a measure, full of state and ancientry; and then comes Repentance, and with his bad legs, falls into the cinque-pace faster and faster, till he sink into his grave.
LEONATO. Cousin, you apprehend passing shrewdly.
BEATRICE. I have a good eye, uncle: I can see a church by daylight.
LEONATO. The revellers are entering, brother: make good room.
DON PEDRO. Lady, will you walk about with your friend?
HERO. So you walk softly and look sweetly and say nothing, I am yours for the walk; and especially when I walk away.
DON PEDRO. With me in your company?
HERO. I may say so, when I please.
DON PEDRO. And when please you to say so?
HERO. When I like your favour; for God defend the lute should be like the case!
DON PEDRO. My visor is Philemon's roof; within the house is Jove.
HERO. Why, then, your visor should be thatch'd.
DON PEDRO. Speak low, if you speak love.
[Takes her aside.]
BALTHAZAR. Well, I would you did like me.
MARGARET. So would not I, for your own sake; for I have many ill qualities.
BALTHAZAR. Which is one?
MARGARET. I say my prayers aloud.
BALTHAZAR. I love you the better; the hearers may cry Amen.
MARGARET. God match me with a good dancer!
MARGARET. And God keep him out of my sight when the dance is done! Answer, clerk.
BALTHAZAR. No more words: the clerk is answered.
URSULA. I know you well enough: you are Signior Antonio.
ANTONIO. At a word, I am not.
URSULA. I know you by the waggling of your head.
ANTONIO. To tell you true, I counterfeit him.
URSULA. You could never do him so ill-well, unless you were the very man. Here's his dry hand up and down: you are he, you are he.
ANTONIO. At a word, I am not.
URSULA. Come, come; do you think I do not know you by your excellent wit? Can virtue hide itself? Go to, mum, you are he: graces will appear, and there's an end.
BEATRICE. Will you not tell me who told you so?
BENEDICK. No, you shall pardon me.
BEATRICE. Nor will you not tell me who you are?
BENEDICK. Not now.
BEATRICE. That I was disdainful, and that I had my good wit out of the 'Hundred Merry Tales.' Well, this was Signior Benedick that said so.
BENEDICK. What's he?
BEATRICE. I am sure you know him well enough.
BENEDICK. Not I, believe me.
BEATRICE. Did he never make you laugh?
BENEDICK. I pray you, what is he?
BEATRICE. Why, he is the prince's jester: a very dull fool; only his gift is in devising impossible slanders: none but libertines delight in him; and the commendation is not in his wit, but in his villany; for he both pleases men and angers them, and then they laugh at him and beat him. I am sure he is in the fleet: I would he had boarded me!
BENEDICK. When I know the gentleman, I'll tell him what you say.
BEATRICE. Do, do: he'll but break a comparison or two on me; which, peradventure not marked or not laughed at, strikes him into melancholy; and then there's a partridge wing saved, for the fool will eat no supper that night. [Music within.] We must follow the leaders.
BENEDICK. In every good thing.
BEATRICE. Nay, if they lead to any ill, I will leave them at the next turning.
[Dance. Then exeunt all but DON JOHN, BORACHIO, and CLAUDIO.]
DON JOHN. Sure my brother is amorous on Hero, and hath withdrawn her father to break with him about it. The ladies follow her and but one visor remains.
BORACHIO. And that is Claudio: I know him by his bearing.
DON JOHN. Are you not Signior Benedick?
CLAUDIO. You know me well; I am he.
DON JOHN. Signior, you are very near my brother in his love: he is enamoured on Hero; I pray you, dissuade him from her; she is no equal for his birth: you may do the part of an honest man in it.
CLAUDIO. How know you he loves her?
DON JOHN. I heard him swear his affection.
BORACHIO. So did I too; and he swore he would marry her to-night.
DON JOHN. Come, let us to the banquet.
CLAUDIO. Thus answer I in name of Benedick, But hear these ill news with the ears of Claudio. 'Tis certain so; the prince wooes for himself. Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: herefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent; for beauty is a witch Against whose charms faith melteth into blood. This is an accident of hourly proof, Which I mistrusted not. Farewell, therefore, Hero!
[Re-enter Benedick.]
BENEDICK. Count Claudio?
CLAUDIO. Yea, the same.
BENEDICK. Come, will you go with me?
CLAUDIO. Whither?
BENEDICK. Even to the next willow, about your own business, count. What fashion will you wear the garland of? About your neck, like a usurer's chain? or under your arm, like a lieutenant's scarf? You must wear it one way, for the prince hath got your Hero.
CLAUDIO. I wish him joy of her.
BENEDICK. Why, that's spoken like an honest drovier: so they sell bullocks. But did you think the prince would have served you thus?
CLAUDIO. I pray you, leave me.
BENEDICK. Ho! now you strike like the blind man: 'twas the boy that stole your meat, and you'll beat the post.
CLAUDIO. If it will not be, I'll leave you.
BENEDICK. Alas! poor hurt fowl. Now will he creep into sedges. But, that my Lady Beatrice should know me, and not know me! The prince's fool! Ha! it may be I go under that title because I am merry. Yea, but so I am apt to do myself wrong; I am not so reputed: it is the base though bitter disposition of Beatrice that puts the world into her person, and so gives me out. Well, I'll be revenged as I may.
[Re-enter Don Pedro.]
DON PEDRO. Now, signior, where's the count? Did you see him?
BENEDICK. Troth, my lord, I have played the part of Lady Fame. I found him here as melancholy as a lodge in a warren. I told him, and I think I told him true, that your Grace had got the good will of this young lady; and I offered him my company to a willow tree, either to make him a garland, as being forsaken, or to bind him up a rod, as being worthy to be whipped.
DON PEDRO. To be whipped! What's his fault?
BENEDICK. The flat transgression of a school-boy, who, being overjoy'd with finding a bird's nest, shows it his companion, and he steals it.
DON PEDRO. Wilt thou make a trust a transgression? The transgression is in the stealer.
BENEDICK. Yet it had not been amiss the rod had been made, and the garland too; for the garland he might have worn himself, and the rod he might have bestowed on you, who, as I take it, have stolen his bird's nest.
DON PEDRO. I will but teach them to sing, and restore them to the owner.
BENEDICK. If their singing answer your saying, by my faith, you say honestly.
DON PEDRO. The Lady Beatrice hath a quarrel to you: the gentleman that danced with her told her she is much wronged by you.
BENEDICK. O! she misused me past the endurance of a block: an oak but with one green leaf on it, would have answered her: my very visor began to assume life and scold with her. She told me, not thinking I had been myself, that I was the prince's jester, that I was duller than a great thaw; huddling jest upon jest with such impossible conveyance upon me, that I stood like a man at a mark, with a whole army shooting at me. She speaks poniards, and every word stabs: if her breath were as terrible as her terminations, there were no living near her; she would infect to the north star. I would not marry her, though she were endowed with all that Adam had left him before he transgressed: she would have made Hercules have turned spit, yea, and have cleft his club to make the fire too. Come, talk not of her; you shall find her the infernal Ate in good apparel. I would to God some scholar would conjure her, for certainly, while she is here, a man may live as quiet in hell as in a sanctuary; and people sin upon purpose because they would go thither; so indeed, all disquiet, horror and perturbation follow her.
DON PEDRO. Look! here she comes.
BENEDICK. Will your Grace command me any service to the world's end? I will go on the slightest errand now to the Antipodes that you can devise to send me on; I will fetch you a toothpicker now from the furthest inch of Asia; bring you the length of Prester John's foot; fetch you a hair off the Great Cham's beard; do you any embassage to the Pygmies, rather than hold three words' conference with this harpy. You have no employment for me?
DON PEDRO. None, but to desire your good company.
BENEDICK. O God, sir, here's a dish I love not: I cannot endure my Lady Tongue.
DON PEDRO. Come, lady, come; you have lost the heart of Signior Benedick.
BEATRICE. Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile; and I gave him use for it, a double heart for a single one: marry, once before he won it of me with false dice, therefore your Grace may well say I have lost it.
DON PEDRO. You have put him down, lady, you have put him down.
BEATRICE. So I would not he should do me, my lord, lest I should prove the mother of fools. I have brought Count Claudio, whom you sent me to seek.
DON PEDRO. Why, how now, count! wherefore are you sad?
CLAUDIO. Not sad, my lord.
DON PEDRO. How then? Sick?
CLAUDIO. Neither, my lord.
BEATRICE. The count is neither sad, nor sick, nor merry, nor well; but civil count, civil as an orange, and something of that jealous complexion.
DON PEDRO. I' faith, lady, I think your blazon to be true; though, I'll be sworn, if he be so, his conceit is false. Here, Claudio, I have wooed in thy name, and fair Hero is won; I have broke with her father, and, his good will obtained; name the day of marriage, and God give thee joy!
LEONATO. Count, take of me my daughter, and with her my fortunes: his Grace hath made the match, and all grace say Amen to it!
BEATRICE. Speak, Count, 'tis your cue.
CLAUDIO. Silence is the perfectest herald of joy: I were but little happy, if I could say how much. Lady, as you are mine, I am yours: I give away myself for you and dote upon the exchange.
BEATRICE. Speak, cousin; or, if you cannot, stop his mouth with a kiss, and let not him speak neither.
DON PEDRO. In faith, lady, you have a merry heart.
BEATRICE. Yea, my lord; I thank it, poor fool, it keeps on the windy side of care. My cousin tells him in his ear that he is in her heart.
CLAUDIO. And so she doth, cousin.
BEATRICE. Good Lord, for alliance! Thus goes every one to the world but I, and I am sunburnt. I may sit in a corner and cry heigh-ho for a husband!
DON PEDRO. Lady Beatrice, I will get you one.
BEATRICE. I would rather have one of your father's getting. Hath your Grace ne'er a brother like you? Your father got excellent husbands, if a maid could come by them.
DON PEDRO. Will you have me, lady?
BEATRICE. No, my lord, unless I might have another for working days: your Grace is too costly to wear every day. But, I beseech your Grace, pardon me; I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.
DON PEDRO. Your silence most offends me, and to be merry best becomes you; for out of question, you were born in a merry hour.
BEATRICE. No, sure, my lord, my mother cried; but then there was a star danced, and under that was I born. Cousins, God give you joy!
LEONATO. Niece, will you look to those things I told you of?
BEATRICE. I cry you mercy, uncle. By your Grace's pardon.
DON PEDRO. By my troth, a pleasant spirited lady.
LEONATO. There's little of the melancholy element in her, my lord: she is never sad but when she sleeps; and not ever sad then, for I have heard my daughter say, she hath often dreamed of unhappiness and waked herself with laughing.
DON PEDRO. She cannot endure to hear tell of a husband.
LEONATO. O! by no means: she mocks all her wooers out of suit.
DON PEDRO. She were an excellent wife for Benedick.
LEONATO. O Lord! my lord, if they were but a week married, they would talk themselves mad.
DON PEDRO. Count Claudio, when mean you to go to church?
CLAUDIO. To-morrow, my lord. Time goes on crutches till love have all his rites.
LEONATO. Not till Monday, my dear son, which is hence a just seven-night; and a time too brief too, to have all things answer my mind.
DON PEDRO. Come, you shake the head at so long a breathing; but, I warrant thee, Claudio, the time shall not go dully by us. I will in the interim undertake one of Hercules' labours, which is, to bring Signior Benedick and the Lady Beatrice into a mountain of affection the one with the other. I would fain have it a match; and I doubt not but to fashion it, if you three will but minister such assistance as I shall give you direction.
LEONATO. My lord, I am for you, though it cost me ten nights' watchings.
CLAUDIO. And I, my lord.
DON PEDRO. And you too, gentle Hero?
HERO. I will do any modest office, my lord, to help my cousin to a good husband.
DON PEDRO. And Benedick is not the unhopefullest husband that I know. Thus far can I praise him; he is of a noble strain, of approved valour, and confirmed honesty. I will teach you how to humour your cousin, that she shall fall in love with Benedick; and I, with your two helps, will so practise on Benedick that, in despite of his quick wit and his queasy stomach, he shall fall in love with Beatrice. If we can do this, Cupid is no longer an archer: his glory shall be ours, for we are the only love-gods. Go in with me, and I will tell you my drift.
Scene 2. Another room in LEONATO'S house.
DON JOHN. It is so; the Count Claudio shall marry the daughter of Leonato.
BORACHIO. Yea, my lord; but I can cross it.
DON JOHN. Any bar, any cross, any impediment will be medicinable to me: I am sick in displeasure to him, and whatsoever comes athwart his affection ranges evenly with mine. How canst thou cross this marriage?
BORACHIO. Not honestly, my lord; but so covertly that no dishonesty shall appear in me.
DON JOHN. Show me briefly how.
BORACHIO. I think I told your lordship, a year since, how much I am in the favour of Margaret, the waiting-gentlewoman to Hero.
DON JOHN. I remember.
BORACHIO. I can, at any unseasonable instant of the night, appoint her to look out at her lady's chamber window.
DON JOHN. What life is in that, to be the death of this marriage?
BORACHIO. The poison of that lies in you to temper. Go you to the prince your brother; spare not to tell him, that he hath wronged his honour in marrying the renowned Claudio, - whose estimation do you mightily hold up, - to a contaminated stale, such a one as Hero.
DON JOHN. What proof shall I make of that?
BORACHIO. Proof enough to misuse the prince, to vex Claudio, to undo Hero, and kill Leonato. Look you for any other issue?
DON JOHN. Only to despite them, I will endeavour anything.
BORACHIO. Go then; find me a meet hour to draw Don Pedro and the Count Claudio alone: tell them that you know that Hero loves me; intend a kind of zeal both to the prince and Claudio, as - in love of your brother's honour, who hath made this match, and his friend's reputation, who is thus like to be cozened with the semblance of a maid, - that you have discovered thus. They will scarcely believe this without trial: offer them instances, which shall bear no less likelihood than to see me at her chamber-window, hear me call Margaret Hero, hear Margaret term me Claudio; and bring them to see this the very night before the intended wedding: for in the meantime I will so fashion the matter that Hero shall be absent; and there shall appear such seeming truth of Hero's disloyalty, that jealousy shall be called assurance, and all the preparation overthrown.
DON JOHN. Grow this to what adverse issue it can, I will put it in practice. Be cunning in the working this, and thy fee is a thousand ducats.
BORACHIO. Be you constant in the accusation, and my cunning shall not shame me.
DON JOHN. I will presently go learn their day of marriage.
Scene 3. - LEONATO'S Garden.
[Enter Benedick.]
[Enter a Boy.]
BOY. Signior?
BENEDICK. In my chamber-window lies a book; bring it hither to me in the orchard.
BOY. I am here already, sir.
BENEDICK. I know that; but I would have thee hence, and here again. [Exit Boy.] I do much wonder that one man, seeing how much another man is a fool when he dedicates his behaviours to love, will, after he hath laughed at such shallow follies in others, become the argument of his own scorn by falling in love: and such a man is Claudio. I have known, when there was no music with him but the drum and the fife; and now had he rather hear the tabor and the pipe: I have known when he would have walked ten mile afoot to see a good armour; and now will he lie ten nights awake, carving the fashion of a new doublet. He was wont to speak plain and to the purpose, like an honest man and a soldier; and now is he turned orthography; his words are a very fantastical banquet, just so many strange dishes. May I be so converted, and see with these eyes? I cannot tell; I think not: I will not be sworn but love may transform me to an oyster; but I'll take my oath on it, till he have made an oyster of me, he shall never make me such a fool. One woman is fair, yet I am well; another is wise, yet I am well; another virtuous, yet I am well; but till all graces be in one woman, one woman shall not come in my grace. Rich she shall be, that's certain; wise, or I'll none; virtuous, or I'll never cheapen her; fair, or I'll never look on her; mild, or come not near me; noble, or not I for an angel; of good discourse, an excellent musician, and her hair shall be of what colour it please God. Ha! the prince and Monsieur Love! I will hide me in the arbour. [Withdraws.]
[Enter DON PEDRO, LEONATO, and CLAUDIO, followed by BALTHAZAR and Musicians.]
DON PEDRO. Come, shall we hear this music?
CLAUDIO. Yea, my good lord. How still the evening is, As hush'd on purpose to grace harmony!
DON PEDRO. See you where Benedick hath hid himself?
CLAUDIO. O! very well, my lord: the music ended, We'll fit the kid-fox with a penny-worth.
DON PEDRO. Come, Balthazar, we'll hear that song again.
BALTHAZAR. O! good my lord, tax not so bad a voice To slander music any more than once.
DON PEDRO. It is the witness still of excellency, To put a strange face on his own perfection. I pray thee, sing, and let me woo no more.
BALTHAZAR. Because you talk of wooing, I will sing; Since many a wooer doth commence his suit To her he thinks not worthy; yet he wooes; Yet will he swear he loves.
DON PEDRO. Nay, pray thee come; Or if thou wilt hold longer argument, Do it in notes.
BALTHAZAR. Note this before my notes; There's not a note of mine that's worth the noting.
DON PEDRO. Why these are very crotchets that he speaks; Notes, notes, forsooth, and nothing!
BENEDICK. Now, divine air! now is his soul ravished! Is it not strange that sheep's gutsshould hale souls out of men's bodies? Well, a horn for my money, when all's done.
[Balthasar sings.]
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever;
One foot in sea, and one on shore,
To one thing constant never.
Then sigh not so,
But let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
Sing no more ditties, sing no mo
Of dumps so dull and heavy;
The fraud of men was ever so,
Since summer first was leavy.
Then sigh not so,
But let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
DON PEDRO. By my troth, a good song.
BALTHAZAR. And an ill singer, my lord.
DON PEDRO. Ha, no, no, faith; thou singest well enough for a shift.
BENEDICK. [Aside.] An he had been a dog that should have howled thus, they would have hanged him; and I pray God his bad voice bode no mischief. I had as lief have heard the night-raven, come what plague could have come after it.
DON PEDRO. Yea, marry; dost thou hear, Balthazar? I pray thee, get us some excellent music, for to-morrow night we would have it at the Lady Hero's chamber-window.
BALTHAZAR. The best I can, my lord.
DON PEDRO. Do so: farewell.
[Exeunt BALTHAZAR and Musicians.]
Come hither, Leonato: what was it you told me of to-day, that your niece Beatrice was in love with Signior Benedick?
CLAUDIO. O! ay: - [Aside to DON PEDRO] Stalk on, stalk on; the fowl sits. I did never think that lady would have loved any man.
LEONATO. No, nor I neither; but most wonderful that she should so dote on Signior Benedick, whom she hath in all outward behaviours seemed ever to abhor.
BENEDICK. [Aside.] Is't possible? Sits the wind in that corner?
LEONATO. By my troth, my lord, I cannot tell what to think of it but that she loves him with an enraged affection: it is past the infinite of thought.
DON PEDRO. May be she doth but counterfeit.
CLAUDIO. Faith, like enough.
LEONATO. O God! counterfeit! There was never counterfeit of passion came so near the life of passion as she discovers it.
DON PEDRO. Why, what effects of passion shows she?
CLAUDIO. [Aside.] Bait the hook well: this fish will bite.
LEONATO. What effects, my lord? She will sit you; [To Claudio.] You heard my daughter tell you how.
CLAUDIO. She did, indeed.
DON PEDRO. How, how, I pray you? You amaze me: I would have thought her spirit had been invincible against all assaults of affection.
LEONATO. I would have sworn it had, my lord; especially against Benedick.
BENEDICK. [Aside] I should think this a gull, but that the white-bearded fellow speaks it: knavery cannot, sure, hide itself in such reverence.
CLAUDIO. [Aside.] He hath ta'en the infection: hold it up.
DON PEDRO. Hath she made her affection known to Benedick?
LEONATO. No; and swears she never will: that's her torment.
Tis true, indeed;so your daughter says: 'Shall I,' says she, 'that have so oft encountered him with scorn, write to him that I love him?'
LEONATO. This says she now when she is beginning to write to him; for she'll be up twenty times a night, and there will she sit in her smock till she have writ a sheet of paper: my daughter tells us all.
CLAUDIO. Now you talk of a sheet of paper, I remember a pretty jest your daughter told us of.
LEONATO. O! when she had writ it, and was reading it over, she found Benedick and Beatrice between the sheet?
LEONATO. O! she tore the letter into a thousand halfpence; railed at herself, that she should be so immodest to write to one that she knew would flout her: 'I measure him,' says she, 'by my own spirit; for I should flout him, if he writ to me; yea, though I love him, I should.'
CLAUDIO. Then down upon her knees she falls, weeps, sobs, beats her heart, tears her hair, prays, curses; 'O sweet Benedick! God give me patience!'
LEONATO. She doth indeed; my daughter says so; and the ecstasy hath so much overborne her, that my daughter is sometimes afeard she will do a desperate outrage to herself. It is very true.
DON PEDRO. It were good that Benedick knew of it by some other, if she will not discover it.
CLAUDIO. To what end? he would make but a sport of it and torment the poor lady worse.
DON PEDRO. An he should, it were an alms to hang him. She's an excellent sweet lady, and, out of all suspicion, she is virtuous.
CLAUDIO. And she is exceeding wise.
DON PEDRO. In everything but in loving Benedick.
LEONATO. O! my lord, wisdom and blood combating in so tender a body, we have ten proofs to one that blood hath the victory. I am sorry for her, as I have just cause, being her uncle and her guardian.
DON PEDRO. I would she had bestowed this dotage on me; I would have daffed all other respects and made her half myself. I pray you, tell Benedick of it, and hear what a' will say.
LEONATO. Were it good, think you?
CLAUDIO. Hero thinks surely she will die; for she says she will die if he love her not, and she will die ere she make her love known, and she will die if he woo her, rather than she will bate one breath of her accustomed crossness.
DON PEDRO. She doth well: if she should make tender of her love, 'tis very possible he'll scorn it; for the man, - as you know all, - hath a contemptible spirit.
CLAUDIO. He is a very proper man.
DON PEDRO. He hath indeed a good outward happiness.
CLAUDIO. Fore God, and in my mind, very wise.
DON PEDRO. He doth indeed show some sparks that are like wit.
CLAUDIO. And I take him to be valiant.
DON PEDRO. As Hector, I assure you: and in the managing of quarrels you may say he is wise; for either he avoids them with great discretion, or undertakes them with a most Christian-like fear.
LEONATO. If he do fear God, a' must necessarily keep peace: if he break the peace, he ought to enter into a quarrel with fear and trembling.
DON PEDRO. And so will he do; for the man doth fear God, howsoever it seems not in him by some large jests he will make. Well, I am sorry for your niece. Shall we go seek Benedick and tell him of her love?
CLAUDIO. Never tell him, my lord: let her wear it out with good counsel.
LEONATO. Nay, that's impossible: she may wear her heart out first.
DON PEDRO. Well, we will hear further of it by your daughter: let it cool the while. I love Benedick well, and I could wish he would modestly examine himself, to see how much he is unworthy so good a lady.
LEONATO. My lord, will you walk? dinner is ready.
CLAUDIO. [Aside.] If he do not dote on her upon this, I will never trust my expectation.
DON PEDRO. [Aside.] Let there be the same net spread for her; and that must your daughter and her gentle-woman carry. The sport will be, when they hold one an opinion of another's dotage, and no such matter: that's the scene that I would see, which will be merely a dumb-show. Let us send her to call him in to dinner.
BENEDICK. [Advancing from the arbour.] This can be no trick: the conference was sadly borne. They have the truth of this from Hero. They seem to pity the lady: it seems her affections have their full bent. Love me! why, it must be requited. I hear how I am censured: they say I will bear myself proudly, if I perceive the love come from her;they say too that she will rather die than give any sign of affection. I did never think to marry: I must not seem proud: happy are they that hear their detractions, and can put them to mending. They say the lady is fair: 'tis a truth, I can bear them witness; and virtuous: 'tis so, I cannot reprove it; and wise, but for loving me: by my troth, it is no addition to her wit, nor no great argument of her folly, for I will be horribly in love with her. I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me, because I have railed so long against marriage; but doth not the appetite alter? A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humour? No; the world must be peopled. When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married. Here comes Beatrice. By this day! she's a fair lady: I do spy some marks of love in her.
BEATRICE. Against my will I am sent to bid you come in to dinner.
BENEDICK. Fair Beatrice, I thank you for your pains.
BEATRICE. I took no more pains for those thanks than you take pains to thank me: if it had been painful, I would not have come.
BENEDICK. You take pleasure then in the message?
BEATRICE. Yea, just so much as you may take upon a knife's point, and choke a daw withal. You have no stomach, signior: fare you well.
BENEDICK. Ha! 'Against my will I am sent to bid you come in to dinner,' there's a double meaning in that. 'I took no more pains for those thanks than you took pains to thank me,' that's as much as to say, Any pains that I take for you is as easy as thanks. If I do not take pity of her, I am a villain; if I do not love her, I am a Jew. I will go get her picture.
ACT 3.
Scene I. Leonato's Garden.
HERO. Good Margaret, run thee to the parlour; There shalt thou find my cousin Beatrice Proposing with the prince and Claudio: Whisper her ear, and tell her, I and Ursala Walk in the orchard, and our whole discourse Is all of her; say that thou overheard'st us, And bid her steal into the pleached bower, Where honey-suckles, ripen'd by the sun, Forbid the sun to enter; like favourites, Made proud by princes, that advance their pride Against that power that bred it. There will she hide her, To listen our propose. This is thy office; Bear thee well in it and leave us alone.
MARGARET. I'll make her come, I warrant you, presently.
HERO. Now, Ursula, when Beatrice doth come, As we do trace this alley up and down, Our talk must only be of Benedick: When I do name him, let it be thy part To praise him more than ever man did merit. My talk to thee must be how Benedick Is sick in love with Beatrice: of this matter Is little Cupid's crafty arrow made, That only wounds by hearsay.
[Enter BEATRICE, behind.]
Now begin; For look where Beatrice, like a lapwing, runs Close by the ground, to hear our conference.
URSULA. The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish Cut with her golden oars the silver stream, And greedily devour the treacherous bait: So angle we for Beatrice; who even now Is couched in the woodbine coverture. Fear you not my part of the dialogue.
HERO. Then go we near her, that her ear lose nothing Of the false sweet bait that we lay for it.
[They advance to the bower.]
No, truly, Ursula, she is too disdainful; I know her spirits are as coy and wild As haggards of the rock.
URSULA. But are you sure That Benedick loves Beatrice so entirely?
HERO. So says the prince, and my new-trothed lord.
URSULA. And did they bid you tell her of it, madam?
HERO. They did entreat me to acquaint her of it; But I persuaded them, if they lov'd Benedick, To wish him wrestle with affection, And never to let Beatrice know of it.
URSULA. Why did you so? Doth not the gentleman Deserve as full as fortunate a bed As ever Beatrice shall couch upon?
HERO. O god of love! I know he doth deserve As much as may be yielded to a man; But nature never fram'd a woman's heart Of prouder stuff than that of Beatrice; Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes, Misprising what they look on, and her wit Values itself so highly, that to her All matter else seems weak. She cannot love, Nor take no shape nor project of affection, She is so self-endear'd.
URSULA. Sure I think so; And therefore certainly it were not good She knew his love, lest she make sport at it.
HERO. Why, you speak truth. I never yet saw man, How wise, how noble, young, how rarely featur'd, But she would spell him backward: if fair-fac'd, She would swear the gentleman should be her sister; If black, why, Nature, drawing of an antick, Made a foul blot; if tall, a lance ill-headed; If low, an agate very vilely cut; If speaking, why, a vane blown with all winds; If silent, why, a block moved with none. So turns she every man the wrong side out, And never gives to truth and virtue that Which simpleness and merit purchaseth.
URSULA. Sure, sure, such carping is not commendable.
HERO. No; not to be so odd, and from all fashions, As Beatrice is, cannot be commendable. But who dare tell her so? If I should speak, She would mock me into air: O! she would laugh me Out of myself, press me to death with wit. Therefore let Benedick, like cover'd fire, Consume away in sighs, waste inwardly: It were a better death than die with mocks, Which is as bad as die with tickling.
URSULA. Yet tell her of it: hear what she will say.
HERO. No; rather I will go to Benedick, And counsel him to fight against his passion. And, truly, I'll devise some honest slanders To stain my cousin with. One doth not know How much an ill word may empoison liking.
URSULA. O! do not do your cousin such a wrong. She cannot be so much without true judgment, - Having so swift and excellent a wit As she is priz'd to have, - as to refuse So rare a gentleman as Signior Benedick.
HERO. He is the only man of Italy, Always excepted my dear Claudio.
URSULA. I pray you, be not angry with me, madam, Speaking my fancy: Signior Benedick, For shape, for bearing, argument and valour, Goes foremost in report through Italy.
HERO. Indeed, he hath an excellent good name.
URSULA. His excellence did earn it, ere he had it. When are you married, madam?
HERO. Why, every day, to-morrow. Come, go in: I'll show thee some attires, and have thy counsel Which is the best to furnish me to-morrow.
URSULA. She's lim'd, I warrant you: we have caught her, madam.
HERO. If it prove so, then loving goes by haps: Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps.
[Exeunt HERO and URSULA.]
BEATRICE. [Advancing.] What fire is in mine ears? Can this be true?
Stand I condemn'd for pride and scorn so much? Contempt, farewell! and maiden pride, adieu!
No glory lives behind the back of such. And, Benedick, love on; I will requite thee,
Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand: If thou dost love, my kindness shall incite thee
To bind our loves up in a holy band; For others say thou dost deserve, and I Believe it better than reportingly.
Scene 2. A Room in LEONATO'S House.
DON PEDRO. I do but stay till your marriage be consummate, and then go I toward Arragon.
CLAUDIO. I'll bring you thither, my lord, if you'll vouchsafe me.
DON PEDRO. Nay, that would be as great a soil in the new gloss of your marriage, as to show a child his new coat and forbid him to wear it. I will only be bold with Benedick for his company; for, from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot, he is all mirth; he hath twice or thrice cut Cupid's bowstring, and the little hangman dare not shoot at him. He hath a heart as sound as a bell, and his tongue is the clapper; for what his heart thinks his tongue speaks.
BENEDICK. Gallants, I am not as I have been.
LEONATO. So say I: methinks you are sadder.
CLAUDIO. I hope he be in love.
DON PEDRO. Hang him, truant! there's no true drop of blood in him, to be truly touched with love. If he be sad, he wants money.
BENEDICK. I have the tooth-ache.
DON PEDRO. Draw it.
BENEDICK. Hang it.
CLAUDIO. You must hang it first, and draw it afterwards.
DON PEDRO. What! sigh for the tooth-ache?
LEONATO. Where is but a humour or a worm?
BENEDICK. Well, every one can master a grief but he that has it.
CLAUDIO. Yet say I, he is in love.
DON PEDRO. There is no appearance of fancy in him, unless it be a fancy that he hath to strange disguises; as to be a Dutchman to-day, a Frenchman to-morrow; or in the shape of two countries at once, as a German from the waist downward, all slops, and a Spaniard from the hip upward, no doublet. Unless he have a fancy to this foolery, as it appears he hath, he is no fool for fancy, as you would have it appear he is.
CLAUDIO. If he be not in love with some woman, there is no believing old signs: a' brushes his hat a mornings; what should that bode?
DON PEDRO. Hath any man seen him at the barber's?
CLAUDIO. No, but the barber's man hath been seen with him; and the old ornament of his cheek hath already stuffed tennis-balls.
LEONATO. Indeed he looks younger than he did, by the loss of a beard.
DON PEDRO. Nay, a' rubs himself with civet: can you smell him out by that?
CLAUDIO. That's as much as to say the sweet youth's in love.
DON PEDRO. The greatest note of it is his melancholy.
CLAUDIO. And when was he wont to wash his face?
DON PEDRO. Yea, or to paint himself? for the which, I hear what they say of him.
CLAUDIO. Nay, but his jesting spirit; which is now crept into a lute-string, and new-governed by stops.
DON PEDRO. Indeed, that tells a heavy tale for him. Conclude, conclude he is in love.
CLAUDIO. Nay, but I know who loves him.
DON PEDRO. That would I know too: I warrant, one that knows him not.
CLAUDIO. Yes, and his ill conditions; and in despite of all, dies for him.
DON PEDRO. She shall be buried with her face upwards.
BENEDICK. Yet is this no charm for the tooth-ache. Old signior, walk aside with me: I have studied eight or nine wise words to speak to you, which these hobby-horses must not hear.
DON PEDRO. For my life, to break with him about Beatrice.
CLAUDIO. 'Tis even so. Hero and Margaret have by this played their parts with Beatrice, and then the two bears will not bite one another when they meet.
[Enter DON JOHN.]
DON JOHN. My lord and brother, God save you!
DON PEDRO. Good den, brother.
DON JOHN. If your leisure served, I would speak with you.
DON PEDRO. In private?
DON JOHN. If it please you; yet Count Claudio may hear, for what I would speak of concerns him.
DON PEDRO. What's the matter?
DON JOHN. [To CLAUDIO.] Means your lordship to be married to-morrow?
DON PEDRO. You know he does.
DON JOHN. I know not that, when he knows what I know.
CLAUDIO. If there be any impediment, I pray you discover it.
DON JOHN. You may think I love you not: let that appear hereafter, and aim better at me by that I now will manifest. For my brother, I think he holds you well, and in dearness of heart hath holp to effect your ensuing marriage; surely suit ill-spent and labour ill bestowed!
DON PEDRO. Why, what's the matter?
DON JOHN. I came hither to tell you; and circumstances shortened, - for she has been too long a talking of, - the lady is disloyal.
CLAUDIO. Who, Hero?
DON JOHN. Even she: Leonato's Hero, your Hero, every man's Hero.
CLAUDIO. Disloyal?
DON JOHN. The word's too good to paint out her wickedness; I could say, she were worse: think you of a worse title, and I will fit her to it. Wonder not till further warrant: go but with me to-night, you shall see her chamber-window entered, even the night before her wedding-day: if you love her then, to-morrow wed her; but it would better fit your honour to change your mind.
CLAUDIO. May this be so?
DON PEDRO. I will not think it.
DON JOHN. If you dare not trust that you see, confess not that you know. If you will follow me, I will show you enough; and when you have seen more and heard more, proceed accordingly.
CLAUDIO. If I see anything to-night why I should not marry her to-morrow, in the congregation, where I should wed, there will I shame her.
DON PEDRO. And, as I wooed for thee to obtain her, I will join with thee to disgrace her.
DON JOHN. I will disparage her no farther till you are my witnesses: bear it coldly but till midnight, and let the issue show itself.
DON PEDRO. O day untowardly turned!
CLAUDIO. O mischief strangely thwarting!
DON JOHN. O plague right well prevented!So will you say when you have seen the sequel.
Scene 3. A Street.
[Enter DOGBERRY and VERGES, with the Watch.]
DOGBERRY. Are you good men and true?
VERGES. Yea, or else it were pity but they should suffer salvation, body and soul.
DOGBERRY. Nay, that were a punishment too good for them, if they should have any allegiance in them, being chosen for the prince's watch.
VERGES. Well, give them their charge, neighbour Dogberry.
DOGBERRY. First, who think you the most desartless man to be constable?
FIRST WATCH. Hugh Oatcake, sir, or George Seacoal; for they can write and read.
DOGBERRY. Come hither, neighbour Seacoal. God hath blessed you with a good name: to be a well-favoured man is the gift of fortune; but to write and read comes by nature.
SECOND WATCH. Both which, Master Constable, -
DOGBERRY. You have: I knew it would be your answer. Well, for your favour, sir, why, give God thanks, and make no boast of it; and for your writing and reading, let that appear when there is no need of such vanity. You are thought here to be the most senseless and fit man for the constable of the watch; therefore bear you the lanthorn. This is your charge: you shall comprehend all vagrom men; you are to bid any man stand, in the prince's name.
SECOND WATCH. How, if a' will not stand?
DOGBERRY. Why, then, take no note of him, but let him go; and presently call the rest of the watch together, and thank God you are rid of a knave.
VERGES. If he will not stand when he is bidden, he is none of the prince's subjects.
DOGBERRY. True, and they are to meddle with none but the prince's subjects. You shall also make no noise in the streets: for, for the watch to babble and to talk is most tolerable and not to be endured.
SECOND WATCH. We will rather sleep than talk: we know what belongs to a watch.
DOGBERRY. Why, you speak like an ancient and most quiet watchman, for I cannot see how sleeping should offend; only have a care that your bills be not stolen. Well, you are to call at all the alehouses, and bid those that are drunk get them to bed.
SECOND WATCH. How if they will not?
DOGBERRY. Why then, let them alone till they are sober: if they make you not then the better answer, you may say they are not the men you took them for.
SECOND WATCH. Well, sir.
DOGBERRY. If you meet a thief, you may suspect him, by virtue of your office, to be no true man; and, for such kind of men, the less you meddle or make with them, why, the more is for your honesty.
SECOND WATCH. If we know him to be a thief, shall we not lay hands on him?
DOGBERRY. Truly, by your office, you may; but I think they that touch pitch will be defiled. The most peaceable way for you, if you do take a thief, is to let him show himself what he is and steal out of your company.
VERGES. You have been always called a merciful man, partner.
DOGBERRY. Truly, I would not hang a dog by my will, much more a man who hath any honesty in him.
VERGES. If you hear a child cry in the night, you must call to the nurse and bid her still it.
SECOND WATCH. How if the nurse be asleep and will not hear us?
DOGBERRY. Why then, depart in peace, and let the child wake her with crying; for the ewe that will not hear her lamb when it baes, will never answer a calf when he bleats.
VERGES. 'Tis very true.
DOGBERRY. This is the end of the charge. You constable, are to present the prince's own person: if you meet the prince in the night, you may stay him.
VERGES. Nay, by'r lady, that I think, a' cannot.
DOGBERRY. Five shillings to one on't, with any man that knows the statutes, he may stay him: marry, not without the prince be willing; for, indeed, the watch ought to offend no man, and it is an offence to stay a man against his will.
VERGES. By'r lady, I think it be so.
DOGBERRY. Ha, ah, ha! Well, masters, good night: an there be any matter of weight chances, call up me: keep your fellows' counsels and your own, and good night. Come, neighbour.
SECOND WATCH. Well, masters, we hear our charge: let us go sit here upon the church-bench till two, and then all to bed.
DOGBERRY. One word more, honest neighbours. I pray you, watch about Signior Leonato's door; for the wedding being there to-morrow, there is a great coil to-night. Adieu; be vigitant, I beseech you.
BORACHIO. What, Conrade!
WATCH. [Aside.] Peace! stir not.
BORACHIO. Conrade, I say!
CONRADE. Here, man. I am at thy elbow.
BORACHIO. Mass, and my elbow itched; I thought there would a scab follow.
CONRADE. I will owe thee an answer for that; and now forward with thy tale.
BORACHIO. Stand thee close then under this penthouse, for it drizzles rain, and I will, like a true drunkard, utter all to thee.
WATCH. [Aside.] Some treason, masters; yet stand close.
BORACHIO. Therefore know, I have earned of Don John a thousand ducats.
CONRADE. Is it possible that any villany should be so dear?
BORACHIO. Thou shouldst rather ask if it were possible any villany should be so rich; for when rich villains have need of poor ones, poor ones may make what price they will.
CONRADE. I wonder at it.
BORACHIO. That shows thou art unconfirmed. Thou knowest that the fashion of a doublet, or a hat, or a cloak, is nothing to a man.
CONRADE. Yes, it is apparel.
BORACHIO. I mean, the fashion.
CONRADE. Yes, the fashion is the fashion.
BORACHIO. Tush! I may as well say the fool's the fool. But seest thou not what a deformed thief this fashion is?
WATCH. [Aside.] I know that Deformed; a' bas been a vile thief this seven years; a' goes up and down like a gentleman: I remember his name.
BORACHIO. Didst thou not hear somebody?
CONRADE. No: 'twas the vane on the house.
BORACHIO. Seest thou not, I say, what a deformed thief this fashion is? how giddily he turns about all the hot bloods between fourteen and five-and-thirty? sometime fashioning them like Pharaoh's soldiers in the reechy painting; sometime like god Bel's priests in the old church-window; sometime like the shaven Hercules in the smirched worm-eaten tapestry, where his codpiece seems as massy as his club?
CONRADE. All this I see, and I see that the fashion wears out more apparel than the man. But art not thou thyself giddy with the fashion too, that thou hast shifted out of thy tale into telling me of the fashion?
BORACHIO. Not so neither; but know, that I have to-night wooed Margaret, the Lady Hero's gentlewoman, by the name of Hero: she leans me out at her mistress' chamber-window, bids me a thousand times good night, - I tell this tale vilely: - I should first tell thee how the prince, Claudio, and my master, planted and placed and possessed by my master Don John, saw afar off in the orchard this amiable encounter.
CONRADE. And thought they Margaret was Hero?
BORACHIO. Two of them did, the prince and Claudio; but the devil my master, knew she was Margaret; and partly by his oaths, which first possessed them, partly by the dark night, which did deceive them, but chiefly by my villany, which did confirm any slander that Don John had made, away went Claudio enraged; swore he would meet her, as he was appointed, next morning at the temple, and there, before the whole congregation, shame her with what he saw o'er night, and send her home again without a husband.
FIRST WATCH. We charge you in the prince's name, stand!
SECOND WATCH. Call up the right Master Constable. We have here recovered the most dangerous piece of lechery that ever was known in the commonwealth.
FIRST WATCH. And one Deformed is one of them: I know him, a' wears a lock.
CONRADE. Masters, masters!
SECOND WATCH. You'll be made bring Deformed forth, I warrant you.
CONRADE. Masters, -
FIRST WATCH. Never speak: we charge you let us obey you to go with us.
BORACHIO. We are like to prove a goodly commodity, being taken up of these men's bills.
CONRADE. A commodity in question, I warrant you. Come, we'll obey you.
Scene 4. A Room in LEONATO'S House.
HERO. Good Ursula, wake my cousin Beatrice, and desire her to rise.
URSULA. I will, lady.
HERO. And bid her come hither.
MARGARET. Troth, I think your other rabato were better.
HERO. No, pray thee, good Meg, I'll wear this.
MARGARET. By my troth's not so good; and I warrant your cousin will say so.
HERO. My cousin 's a fool, and thou art another: I'll wear none but this.
MARGARET. I like the new tire within excellently, if the hair were a thought browner; and your gown 's a most rare fashion, i' faith. I saw the Duchess of Milan's gown that they praise so.
HERO. O! that exceeds, they say.
MARGARET. By my troth 's but a night-gown in respect of yours: cloth o' gold, and cuts, and laced with silver, set with pearls, down sleeves, side sleeves, and skirts round, underborne with a blush tinsel; but for a fine, quaint, graceful, and excellent fashion, yours is worth ten on't.
HERO. God give me joy to wear it! for my heart is exceeding heavy.
MARGARET. 'Twill be heavier soon by the weight of a man.
HERO. Fie upon thee! art not ashamed?
MARGARET. Of what, lady? of speaking honourably? is not marriage honourable in a beggar? Is not your lord honourable without marriage? I think you would have me say, 'saving your reverence, a husband:' an bad thinking do not wrest true speaking, I'll offend nobody. Is there any harm in 'the heavier for a husband'? None, I think, an it be the right husband and the right wife; otherwise 'tis light, and not heavy: ask my Lady Beatrice else; here she comes.
HERO. Good morrow, coz.
BEATRICE. Good morrow, sweet Hero.
HERO. Why, how now? do you speak in the sick tune?
BEATRICE. I am out of all other tune, methinks.
MARGARET. Clap's into 'Light o' love'; that goes without a burden: do you sing it, and I'll dance it.
BEATRICE. Ye, light o' love with your heels! then, if your husband have stables enough, you'll see he shall lack no barnes.
MARGARET. O illegitimate construction! I scorn that with my heels.
BEATRICE. 'Tis almost five o'clock, cousin; 'tis time you were ready. By my troth, I am exceeding ill. Heigh-ho!
MARGARET. For a hawk, a horse, or a husband?
BEATRICE. For the letter that begins them all, H.
MARGARET. Well, an you be not turned Turk, there's no more sailing by the star.
BEATRICE. What means the fool, trow?
MARGARET. Nothing I; but God send every one their heart's desire!
HERO. These gloves the Count sent me; they are an excellent perfume.
BEATRICE. I am stuffed, cousin, I cannot smell.
MARGARET. A maid, and stuffed! there's goodly catching of cold.
BEATRICE. O, God help me! God help me! how long have you professed apprehension?
MARGARET. Ever since you left it. Doth not my wit become me rarely!
BEATRICE. It is not seen enough, you should wear it in your cap. By my troth, I am sick.
MARGARET. Get you some of this distilled Carduus Benedictus, and lay it to your heart: it is the only thing for a qualm.
HERO. There thou prick'st her with a thistle.
BEATRICE. Benedictus! why benedictus? you have some moral in this Benedictus.
MARGARET. Moral! no, by my troth, I have no moral meaning; I meant, plain holy-thistle. You may think, perchance, that I think you are in love: nay, by'r lady, I am not such a fool to think what I list; nor I list not to think what I can; nor, indeed, I cannot think, if I would think my heart out of thinking, that you are in love, or that you will be in love, or that you can be in love. Yet Benedick was such another, and now is he become a man: he swore he would never marry; and yet now, in despite of his heart, he eats his meat without grudging: and how you may be converted, I know not; but methinks you look with your eyes as other women do.
BEATRICE. What pace is this that thy tongue keeps?
MARGARET. Not a false gallop.
[Re-enter URSULA.]
URSULA. Madam, withdraw: the prince, the count, Signior Benedick, Don John, and all the gallants of the town, are come to fetch you to church.
HERO. Help to dress me, good coz, good Meg, good Ursula.
Scene 5. Another Room in LEONATO'S House
LEONATO. What would you with me, honest neighbour?
DOGBERRY. Marry, sir, I would have some confidence with you, that decerns you nearly.
LEONATO. Brief, I pray you; for you see it is a busy time with me.
DOGBERRY. Marry, this it is, sir.
VERGES. Yes, in truth it is, sir.
LEONATO. What is it, my good friends?
DOGBERRY. Goodman Verges, sir, speaks a little off the matter: an old man, sir, and his wits are not so blunt as, God help, I would desire they were; but, in faith, honest as the skin between his brows.
VERGES. Yes, I thank God, I am as honest as any man living, that is an old man and no honester than I.
DOGBERRY. Comparisons are odorous: palabras, neighbour Verges.
LEONATO. Neighbours, you are tedious.
DOGBERRY. It pleases your worship to say so, but we are the poor duke's officers; but truly, for mine own part, if I were as tedious as a king, I could find in my heart to bestow it all of your worship.
LEONATO. All thy tediousness on me! ha?
DOGBERRY. Yea, an 't were a thousand pound more than 'tis; for I hear as good exclamation on your worship, as of any man in the city, and though I be but a poor man, I am glad to hear it.
VERGES. And so am I.
LEONATO. I would fain know what you have to say.
VERGES. Marry, sir, our watch to-night, excepting your worship's presence, ha' ta'en a couple of as arrant knaves as any in Messina.
DOGBERRY. A good old man, sir; he will be talking; as they say, 'when the age is in, the wit is out.' God help us! it is a world to see! Well said, i' faith, neighbour Verges: well, God's a good man; an two men ride of a horse, one must ride behind. An honest soul, i' faith, sir; by my troth he is, as ever broke bread; but God is to be worshipped: all men are not alike; alas! good neighbour.
LEONATO. Indeed, neighbour, he comes too short of you.
DOGBERRY. Gifts that God gives.
LEONATO. I must leave you.
DOGBERRY. One word, sir: our watch, sir, hath indeed comprehended two aspicious persons, and we would have them this morning examined before your worship.
LEONATO. Take their examination yourself, and bring it me: I am now in great haste, as may appear unto you.
DOGBERRY. It shall be suffigance.
LEONATO. Drink some wine ere you go: fare you well.
[Enter a Messenger.]
MESSENGER. My lord, they stay for you to give your daughter to her husband.
LEONATO. I'll wait upon them: I am ready.
[Exeunt LEONATO and Messenger.]
DOGBERRY. Go, good partner, go, get you to Francis Seacoal; bid him bring his pen and inkhorn to the gaol: we are now to examination these men.
VERGES. And we must do it wisely.
DOGBERRY. We will spare for no wit, I warrant you; here's that shall drive some of them to a non-come: only get the learned writer to set down our excommunication, and meet me at the gaol.
ACT 4.
Scene 1. The Inside of a Church.
LEONATO. Come, Friar Francis, be brief: only to the plain form of marriage, and you shall recount their particular duties afterwards.
FRIAR. You come hither, my lord, to marry this lady?
LEONATO. To be married to her, friar; you come to marry her.
FRIAR. Lady, you come hither to be married to this count?
HERO. I do.
FRIAR. If either of you know any inward impediment, why you should not be conjoined, I charge you, on your souls, to utter it.
CLAUDIO. Know you any, Hero?
HERO. None, my lord.
FRIAR. Know you any, count?
LEONATO. I dare make his answer; none.
CLAUDIO. O! what men dare do! what men may do! what men daily do, not knowing what they do!
BENEDICK. How now! Interjections? Why then, some be of laughing, as ah! ha! he!
CLAUDIO. Stand thee by, friar. Father, by your leave: Will you with free and unconstrained soul Give me this maid, your daughter?
LEONATO. As freely, son, as God did give her me.
CLAUDIO. And what have I to give you back whose worth May counterpoise this rich and precious gift?
DON PEDRO. Nothing, unless you render her again.
CLAUDIO. Sweet prince, you learn me noble thankfulness. There, Leonato, take her back again: Give not this rotten orange to your friend; She's but the sign and semblance of her honour. Behold! how like a maid she blushes here. O! what authority and show of truth Can cunning sin cover itself withal. Comes not that blood as modest evidence To witness simple virtue? Would you not swear, All you that see her, that she were a maid, By these exterior shows? But she is none: She knows the heat of a luxurious bed; Her blush is guiltiness, not modesty.
LEONATO. What do you mean, my lord?
CLAUDIO. Not to be married, Not to knit my soul to an approved wanton.
LEONATO. Dear my lord, if you, in your own proof, Have vanquish'd the resistance of her youth, And made defeat of her virginity, -
CLAUDIO. I know what you would say: if I have known her, You'll say she did embrace me as a husband, And so extenuate theforehand sin: No, Leonato, I never tempted her with word too large; But, as a brother to his sister, show'd Bashful sincerity and comely love.
HERO. And seem'd I ever otherwise to you?
CLAUDIO. Out on thee! Seeming! I will write against it: You seem to me as Dian in her orb, As chaste as is the bud ere it be blown; But you are more intemperate in your blood Than Venus, or those pamper'd animals That rage in savage sensuality.
HERO. Is my lord well, that he doth speak so wide?
LEONATO. Sweet prince, why speak not you?
DON PEDRO. What should I speak? I stand dishonour'd, that have gone about To link my dear friend to a common stale.
LEONATO. Are these things spoken, or do I but dream?
DON JOHN. Sir, they are spoken, and these things are true.
BENEDICK. This looks not like a nuptial.
HERO. True! O God!
CLAUDIO. Leonato, stand I here? Is this the prince? Is this the prince's brother? Is this face Hero's? Are our eyes our own?
LEONATO. All this is so; but what of this, my lord?
CLAUDIO. Let me but move one question to your daughter, And by that fatherly and kindly power That you have in her, bid her answer truly.
LEONATO. I charge thee do so, as thou art my child.
HERO. O, God defend me! how am I beset! What kind of catechizing call you this?
CLAUDIO. To make you answer truly to your name.
HERO. Is it not Hero? Who can blot that name With any just reproach?
CLAUDIO. Marry, that can Hero: Hero itself can blot out Hero's virtue. hat man was he talk'd with you yesternight Out at your window, betwixt twelve and one? Now, if you are a maid, answer to this.
HERO. I talk'd with no man at that hour, my lord.
DON PEDRO. Why, then are you no maiden. Leonato, I am sorry you must hear: upon my honour, Myself, my brother, and this grieved count, Did see her, hear her, at that hour last night, Talk with a ruffian at her chamber-window; Who hath indeed, most like a liberal villain, Confess'd the vile encounters they have had A thousand times in secret.
DON JOHN. Fie, fie! they are not to be nam'd, my lord, Not to be spoke of; There is not chastity enough in language Without offence to utter them. Thus, pretty lady, I am sorry for thy much misgovernment.
CLAUDIO. O Hero! what a Hero hadst thou been, If half thy outward graces had been plac'd About thy thoughts and counsels of thy heart! But fare thee well, most foul, most fair! farewell, Thou pure impiety, and impious purity! For thee I'll lock up all the gates of love, And on my eyelids shall conjecture hang, To turn all beauty into thoughts of harm, And never shall it more be gracious.
LEONATO. Hath no man's dagger here a point for me?
[HERO swoons.]
BEATRICE. Why, how now, cousin! wherefore sink you down?
DON JOHN. Come, let us go. These things, come thus to light, Smother her spirits up.
BENEDICK. How doth the lady?
BEATRICE. Dead, I think! help, uncle! Hero! why, Hero! Uncle! Signior Benedick! Friar!
LEONATO. O Fate! take not away thy heavy hand: Death is the fairest cover for her shame That may be wish'd for.
BEATRICE. How now, cousin Hero?
FRIAR. Have comfort, lady.
LEONATO. Dost thou look up?
FRIAR. Yea; wherefore should she not?
LEONATO. Wherefore! Why, doth not every earthly thing Cry shame upon her? Could she here deny The story that is printed in her blood? Do not live, Hero; do not ope thine eyes; For, did I think thou wouldst not quickly die, Thought I thy spirits were stronger than thy shames, Myself would, on the rearward of reproaches, Strike at thy life. Griev'd I, I had but one? Chid I for that at frugal nature's frame? O! one too much by thee. Why had I one? Why ever wast thou lovely in mine eyes? Why had I not with charitable hand Took up a beggar's issue at my gates, Who smirched thus, and mir'd with infamy, I might have said, 'No part of it is mine; This shame derives itself from unknown loins?' But mine, and mine I lov'd, and mine I prais'd, And mine that I was proud on, mine so much That I myself was to myself not mine, Valuing of her; why, she - O! she is fallen Into a pit of ink, that the wide sea Hath drops too few to wash her clean again, And salt too little which may season give To her foul-tainted flesh.
BENEDICK. Sir, sir, be patient. For my part, I am so attir'd in wonder, I know not what to say.
BEATRICE. O! on my soul, my cousin is belied!
BENEDICK. Lady, were you her bedfellow last night?
BEATRICE. No, truly, not; although, until last night I have this twelvemonth been her bedfellow.
LEONATO. Confirm'd, confirm'd! O! that is stronger made, Which was before barr'd up with ribs of iron. Would the two princes lie? and Claudio lie, Who lov'd her so, that, speaking of her foulness, Wash'd it with tears? Hence from her! let her die.
FRIAR. Hear me a little; For I have only been silent so long, And given way unto this course of fortune, By noting of the lady: I have mark'd A thousand blushing apparitions To start into her face; a thousand innocent shames In angel whiteness bear away those blushes; And in her eye there hath appear'd a fire, To burn the errors that these princes hold Against her maiden truth. Call me a fool; Trust not my reading nor my observations, Which with experimental seal doth warrant The tenure of my book; trust not my age, My reverence, calling, nor divinity, If this sweet lady lie not guiltless here Under some biting error.
LEONATO. Friar, it cannot be. Thou seest that all the grace that she hath left Is that she will not add to her damnation A sin of perjury: she not denies it. Why seek'st thou then to cover with excuse That which appears in proper nakedness?
FRIAR. Lady, what man is he you are accus'd of?
HERO. They know that do accuse me, I know none; If I know more of any man alive Than that which maiden modesty doth warrant, Let all my sins lack mercy! O, my father! Prove you that any man with me convers'd At hours unmeet, or that I yesternight Maintain'd the change of words with any creature, Refuse me, hate me, torture me to death.
FRIAR. There is some strange misprision in the princes.
BENEDICK. Two of them have the very bent of honour; And if their wisdoms be misled in this, The practice of it lives in John the bastard, Whose spirits toil in frame of villanies.
LEONATO. I know not. If they speak but truth of her, These hands shall tear her;if they wrong her honour, The proudest of them shall well hear of it. Time hath not yet so dried this blood of mine, Nor age so eat up my invention, Nor fortune made such havoc of my means, Nor my bad life reft me so much of friends, But they shall find, awak'd in such a kind, Both strength of limb and policy of mind, Ability in means and choice of friends, To quit me of them throughly.
FRIAR. Pause awhile, And let my counsel sway you in this case. Your daughter here the princes left for dead; Let her awhile be secretly kept in, And publish it that she is dead indeed: Maintain a mourning ostentation; nd on your family's old monument Hang mournful epitaphs and do all rites That appertain unto a burial.
LEONATO. What shall become of this? What will this do?
FRIAR. Marry, this well carried shall on her behalf Change slander to remorse; that is some good. But not for that dream I on this strange course, But on this travail look for greater birth. She dying, as it must be so maintain'd, Upon the instant that she was accus'd, Shall be lamented, pitied and excus'd Of every hearer; for it so falls out That what we have we prize not to the worth Whiles we enjoy it, but being lack'd and lost, Why, then we rack the value, then we find The virtue that possession would not show us Whiles it was ours. So will it fare with Claudio: When he shall hear she died upon his words, The idea of her life shall sweetly creep Into his study of imagination, And every lovely organ of her life Shall come apparell'd in more precious habit, More moving-delicate, and full of life Into the eye and prospect of his soul, Than when she liv'd indeed: then shall he mourn, - If ever love had interest in his liver, - And wish he had not so accused her, No, though be thought his accusation true. Let this be so, and doubt not but success Will fashion the event in better shape Than I can lay it down in likelihood. But if all aim but this be levell'd false, The supposition of the lady's death Will quench the wonder of her infamy: And if it sort not well, you may conceal her, - As best befits her wounded reputation, - In some reclusive and religious life, Out of all eyes, tongues, minds, and injuries.
BENEDICK. Signior Leonato, let the friar advise you: And though you know my inwardness and love Is very much unto the prince and Claudio, Yet, by mine honour, I will deal in this As secretly and justly as your soul Should with your body.
LEONATO. Being that I flow in grief, The smallest twine may lead me.
FRIAR. 'Tis well consented: presently away; For to strange sores strangely they strain the cure. Come, lady, die to live: this wedding day Perhaps is but prolong'd: have patience and endure.
[Exeunt FRIAR, HERO, and LEONATO.]
BENEDICK. Lady Beatrice, have you wept all this while?
BEATRICE. Yea, and I will weep a while longer.
BENEDICK. I will not desire that.
BEATRICE. You have no reason; I do it freely.
BENEDICK. Surely I do believe your fair cousin is wronged.
BEATRICE. Ah! how much might the man deserve of me that would right her.
BENEDICK. Is there any way to show such friendship?
BEATRICE. A very even way, but no such friend.
BENEDICK. May a man do it?
BEATRICE. It is a man's office, but not yours.
BENEDICK. I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?
BEATRICE. As strange as the thing I know not. It were as possible for me to say I loved nothing so well as you; but believe me not, and yet I lie not; I confess nothing, nor I deny nothing. I am sorry for my cousin.
BENEDICK. By my sword, Beatrice, thou lovest me.
BEATRICE. Do not swear by it, and eat it.
BENEDICK. I will swear by it that you love me; and I will make him eat it that says I love not you.
BEATRICE. Will you not eat your word?
BENEDICK. With no sauce that can be devised to it. I protest I love thee.
BEATRICE. Why then, God forgive me!
BENEDICK. What offence, sweet Beatrice?
BEATRICE. You have stayed me in a happy hour: I was about to protest I loved you.
BENEDICK. And do it with all thy heart.
BEATRICE. I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.
BENEDICK. Come, bid me do anything for thee.
BEATRICE. Kill Claudio.
BENEDICK. Ha! not for the wide world.
BEATRICE. You kill me to deny it. Farewell.
BENEDICK. Tarry, sweet Beatrice.
BEATRICE. I am gone, though I am here: there is no love in you: nay, I pray you, let me go.
BENEDICK. Beatrice, -
BEATRICE. In faith, I will go.
BENEDICK. We'll be friends first.
BEATRICE. You dare easier be friends with me than fight with mine enemy.
BENEDICK. Is Claudio thine enemy?
BEATRICE. Is he not approved in the height a villain, that hath slandered, scorned, dishonoured my kinswoman? O! that I were a man. What! bear her in hand until they come to take hands, and then, with public accusation, uncovered slander, unmitigated rancour, - O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market-place.
BENEDICK. Hear me, Beatrice, -
BEATRICE. Talk with a man out at a window! a proper saying!
BENEDICK. Nay, but Beatrice, -
BEATRICE. Sweet Hero! she is wronged, she is slandered, she is undone.
BENEDICK. Beat - -
BEATRICE. Princes and counties! Surely, a princely testimony, a goodly Count Comfect; a sweet gallant, surely! O! that I were a man for his sake, or that I had any friend would be a man for my sake! But manhood is melted into cursies, valour into compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones too: he is now as valiant as Hercules, that only tells a lie and swears it. I cannot be a man with wishing, therefore I will die a woman with grieving.
BENEDICK. Tarry, good Beatrice. By this hand, I love thee.
BEATRICE. Use it for my love some other way than swearing by it.
BENEDICK. Think you in your soul the Count Claudio hath wronged Hero?
BEATRICE. Yea, as sure is I have a thought or a soul.
BENEDICK. Enough! I am engaged, I will challenge him. I will kiss your hand, and so leave you. By this hand, Claudio shall render me a dear account. As you hear of me, so think of me. Go, comfort your cousin: I must say she is dead; and so, farewell.
Scene 2. A Prison.
[Enter DOGBERRY, VERGES, and SEXTON, in gowns; and the Watch, with CONRADE and BORACHIO.]
DOGBERRY. Is our whole dissembly appeared?
VERGES. O! a stool and a cushion for the sexton.
SEXTON. Which be the malefactors?
DOGBERRY. Marry, that am I and my partner.
VERGES. Nay, that's certain: we have the exhibition to examine.
SEXTON. But which are the offenders that are to be examined? let them come before Master constable.
DOGBERRY. Yea, marry, let them come before me. What is your name, friend?
BORACHIO. Borachio.
DOGBERRY. Pray write down Borachio. Yours, sirrah?
CONRADE. I am a gentleman, sir, and my name is Conrade.
DOGBERRY. Write down Master gentleman Conrade. Masters, do you serve God?
BOTH. Yea, sir, we hope.
DOGBERRY. Write down that they hope they serve God: and write God first; for God defend but God should go before such villains! Masters, it is proved already that you are little better than false knaves, and it will go near to be thought so shortly. How answer you for yourselves?
CONRADE. Marry, sir, we say we are none.
DOGBERRY. A marvellous witty fellow, I assure you; but I will go about with him. Come you hither, sirrah; a word in your ear: sir, I say to you, it is thought you are false knaves.
BORACHIO. Sir, I say to you we are none.
DOGBERRY. Well, stand aside. Fore God, they are both in a tale. Have you writ down, that they are none?
SEXTON. Master constable, you go not the way to examine: you must call forth the watch that are their accusers.
DOGBERRY. Yea, marry, that's the eftest way. Let the watch come forth. Masters, I charge you, in the prince's name, accuse these men.
FIRST WATCH. This man said, sir, that Don John, the prince's brother, was a villain.
DOGBERRY. Write down Prince John a villain. Why, this is flat perjury, to call a prince's brother villain.
BORACHIO. Master Constable, -
DOGBERRY. Pray thee, fellow, peace: I do not like thy look, I promise thee.
SEXTON. What heard you him say else?
SECOND WATCH. Marry, that he had received a thousand ducats of Don John for accusing the Lady Hero wrongfully.
DOGBERRY. Flat burglary as ever was committed.
VERGES. Yea, by the mass, that it is.
SEXTON. What else, fellow?
FIRST WATCH. And that Count Claudio did mean, upon his words, to disgrace Hero before the whole assembly, and not marry her.
DOGBERRY. O villain! thou wilt be condemned into everlasting redemption for this.
SEXTON. What else?
SECOND WATCH. This is all.
SEXTON. And this is more, masters, than you can deny. Prince John is this morning secretly stolen away: Hero was in this manner accused, in this manner refused, and, upon the grief of this, suddenly died. Master Constable, let these men be bound, and brought to Leonato's: I will go before and show him their examination.
DOGBERRY. Come, let them be opinioned.
VERGES. Let them be in the hands -
CONRADE. Off, coxcomb!
DOGBERRY. God's my life! where's the sexton? let him write down the prince's officer coxcomb. Come, bind them. Thou naughty varlet!
CONRADE. Away! you are an ass; you are an ass.
DOGBERRY. Dost thou not suspect my place? Dost thou not suspect my years? O that he were here to write me down an ass! but, masters, remember that I am an ass; though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass. No, thou villain, thou art full of piety, as shall be proved upon thee by good witness. I am a wise fellow; and, which is more, an officer; and, which is more, a householder; and, which is more, as pretty a piece of flesh as any in Messina; and one that knows the law, go to; and a rich fellow enough, go to; and a fellow that hath had losses; and one that hath two gowns, and everything handsome about him. Bring him away. O that I had been writ down an ass!
ACT 5.
Scene 1. Before LEONATO'S House.
ANTONIO. If you go on thus, you will kill yourself And 'tis not wisdom thus to second grief Against yourself.
LEONATO. I pray thee, cease thy counsel, Which falls into mine ears as profitless As water in a sieve: give not me counsel; Nor let no comforter delight mine ear But such a one whose wrongs do suit with mine: Bring me a father that so lov'd his child, Whose joy of her is overwhelm'd like mine, And bid him speak to me of patience; Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine, And let it answer every strain for strain, As thus for thus and such a grief for such, In every lineament, branch, shape, and form: If such a one will smile, and stroke his beard; Bid sorrow wag, cry 'hem' when he should groan, Patch grief with proverbs; make misfortune drunk With candle-wasters; bring him yet to me, And I of him will gather patience. But there is no such man; for, brother, men Can counsel and speak comfort to that grief Which they themselves not feel; but, tasting it, Their counsel turns to passion, which before Would give preceptial medicine to rage, Fetter strong madness in a silken thread, Charm ache with air and agony with words. No, no; 'tis all men's office to speak patience To those that wring under the load of sorrow, But no man's virtue nor sufficiency To be so moral when he shall endure The like himself. Therefore give me no counsel: My griefs cry louder than advertisement.
ANTONIO. Therein do men from children nothing differ.
LEONATO. I pray thee peace! I will be flesh and blood; For there was never yet philosopher That could endure the toothache patiently, However they have writ the style of gods And made a push at chance and sufferance.
ANTONIO. Yet bend not all the harm upon yourself; Make those that do offend you suffer too.
LEONATO. There thou speak'st reason: nay, I will do so. My soul doth tell me Hero is belied; And that shall Claudio know; so shall the prince, And all of them that thus dishonour her.
ANTONIO. Here comes the prince and Claudio hastily.
DON PEDRO. Good den, good den.
CLAUDIO. Good day to both of you.
LEONATO. Hear you, my lords, -
DON PEDRO. We have some haste, Leonato.
LEONATO. Some haste, my lord! well, fare you well, my lord: Are you so hasty now? - well, all is one.
DON PEDRO. Nay, do not quarrel with us, good old man.
ANTONIO. If he could right himself with quarrelling, Some of us would lie low.
CLAUDIO. Who wrongs him?
LEONATO. Marry, thou dost wrong me; thou dissembler, thou. Nay, never lay thy hand upon thy sword; I fear thee not.
CLAUDIO. Marry, beshrew my hand, If it should give your age such cause of fear. In faith, my hand meant nothing to my sword.
LEONATO. Tush, tush, man! never fleer and jest at me: I speak not like a dotard nor a fool, As, under privilege of age, to brag What I have done being young, or what would do, Were I not old. Know, Claudio, to thy head, Thou hast so wrong'd mine innocent child and me That I am forc'd to lay my reverence by, And, with grey hairs and bruise of many days, Do challenge thee to trial of a man. I say thou hast belied mine innocent child: Thy slander hath gone through and through her heart, And she lied buried with her ancestors; O! in a tomb where never scandal slept, Save this of hers, fram'd by thy villany!
CLAUDIO. My villany?
LEONATO. Thine, Claudio; thine, I say.
DON PEDRO. You say not right, old man,
LEONATO. My lord, my lord, I'll prove it on his body, if he dare, Despite his nice fence and his active practice, His May of youth and bloom of lustihood.
CLAUDIO. Away! I will not have to do with you.
LEONATO. Canst thou so daff me? Thou hast kill'd my child; If thou kill'st me, boy, thou shalt kill a man.
ANTONIO. He shall kill two of us, and men indeed: But that's no matter; let him kill one first: Win me and wear me; let him answer me. Come, follow me, boy; come, sir boy, come, follow me. Sir boy, I'll whip you from your foining fence; Nay, as I am a gentleman, I will.
LEONATO. Brother, -
ANTONIO. Content yourself. God knows I lov'd my niece; And she is dead, slander'd to death by villains, That dare as well answer a man indeed As I dare take a serpent by the tongue. Boys, apes, braggarts, Jacks, milksops!
LEONATO. Brother Antony, -
ANTONIO. Hold your content. What, man! I know them, yea, And what they weigh, even to the utmost scruple, Scambling, out-facing, fashion-monging boys, That lie and cog and flout, deprave and slander, Go antickly, show outward hideousness, And speak off half a dozen dangerous words, How they might hurt their enemies, if they durst; And this is all!
LEONATO. But, brother Antony, -
ANTONIO. Come, 'tis no matter: Do not you meddle, let me deal in this.
DON PEDRO. Gentlemen both, we will not wake your patience. My heart is sorry for your daughter's death; But, on my honour, she was charg'd with nothing But what was true and very full of proof.
LEONATO. My lord, my lord -
DON PEDRO. I will not hear you.
LEONATO. No? Come, brother, away. I will be heard. -
ANTONIO. And shall, or some of us will smart for it.
DON PEDRO. See, see; here comes the man we went to seek.
CLAUDIO. Now, signior, what news?
BENEDICK. Good day, my lord.
DON PEDRO. Welcome, signior: you are almost come to part almost a fray.
CLAUDIO. We had like to have had our two noses snapped off with two old men without teeth.
DON PEDRO. Leonato and his brother. What think'st thou? Had we fought, I doubt we should have been too young for them.
BENEDICK. In a false quarrel there is no true valour. I came to seek you both.
CLAUDIO. We have been up and down to seek thee; for we are high-proof melancholy, and would fain have it beaten away. Wilt thou use thy wit?
BENEDICK. It is in my scabbard; shall I draw it?
DON PEDRO. Dost thou wear thy wit by thy side?
CLAUDIO. Never any did so, though very many have been beside their wit. I will bid thee draw, as we do the minstrels; draw, to pleasure us.
DON PEDRO. As I am an honest man, he looks pale. Art thou sick, or angry?
CLAUDIO. What, courage, man! What though care killed a cat, thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care.
BENEDICK. Sir, I shall meet your wit in the career, an you charge it against me. I pray you choose another subject.
CLAUDIO. Nay then, give him another staff: this last was broke cross.
DON PEDRO. By this light, he changes more and more: I think he be angry indeed.
CLAUDIO. If he be, he knows how to turn his girdle.
BENEDICK. Shall I speak a word in your ear?
CLAUDIO. God bless me from a challenge!
BENEDICK. [Aside to CLAUDIO.] You are a villain, I jest not: I will make it good how you dare, with what you dare, and when you dare. Do me right, or I will protest your cowardice. You have killed a sweet lady, and her death shall fall heavy on you. Let me hear from you.
CLAUDIO. Well I will meet you, so I may have good cheer.
DON PEDRO. What, a feast, a feast?
CLAUDIO. I' faith, I thank him; he hath bid me to a calf's-head and a capon, the which if I do not carve most curiously, say my knife's naught. Shall I not find a woodcock too?
BENEDICK. Sir, your wit ambles well; it goes easily.
DON PEDRO. I'll tell thee how Beatrice praised thy wit the other day. I said, thou hadst a fine wit. 'True,' says she, 'a fine little one.' 'No,' said I, 'a great wit.' 'Right,' said she, 'a great gross one.' 'Nay,' said I, 'a good wit.' 'Just,' said she, 'it hurts nobody.' 'Nay,' said I, 'the gentleman is wise.' 'Certain,' said she,a wise gentleman.' 'Nay,' said I, 'he hath the tongues.' 'That I believe' said she, 'for he swore a thing to me on Monday night, which he forswore on Tuesday morning: there's a double tongue; there's two tongues.' Thus did she, an hour together, trans-shape thy particular virtues; yet at last she concluded with a sigh, thou wast the properest man in Italy.
CLAUDIO. For the which she wept heartily and said she cared not.
DON PEDRO. Yea, that she did; but yet, for all that, an if she did not hate him deadly, she would love him dearly. The old man's daughter told us all.
CLAUDIO. All, all; and moreover, God saw him when he was hid in the garden.
DON PEDRO. But when shall we set the savage bull's horns on the sensible Benedick's head?
CLAUDIO. Yea, and text underneath, 'Here dwells Benedick the married man!'
BENEDICK. Fare you well, boy: you know my mind. I will leave you now to your gossip-like humour; you break jests as braggarts do their blades, which, God be thanked, hurt not. My lord, for your many courtesies I thank you: I must discontinue your company. Your brother the bastard is fled from Messina: you have, among you, killed a sweet and innocent lady. For my Lord Lack-beard there, he and I shall meet; and till then, peace be with him.
DON PEDRO. He is in earnest.
CLAUDIO. In most profound earnest; and, I'll warrant you, for the love of Beatrice.
DON PEDRO. And hath challenged thee?
CLAUDIO. Most sincerely.
DON PEDRO. What a pretty thing man is when he goes in his doublet and hose and leaves off his wit!
CLAUDIO. He is then a giant to an ape; but then is an ape a doctor to such a man.
DON PEDRO. But, soft you; let me be: pluck up, my heart, and be sad! Did he not say my brother was fled?
[Enter DOGBERRY, VERGES, and the Watch, with CONRADE and BORACHIO.]
DOGBERRY. Come you, sir: if justice cannot tame you, she shall ne'er weigh more reasons in her balance. Nay, an you be a cursing hypocrite once, you must be looked to.
DON PEDRO. How now! two of my brother's men bound! Borachio, one!
CLAUDIO. Hearken after their offence, my lord.
DON PEDRO. Officers, what offence have these men done?
DOGBERRY. Marry, sir, they have committed false report; moreover, they have spoken untruths; secondarily, they are slanders; sixth and lastly, they have belied a lady; thirdly, they have verified unjust things; and to conclude, they are lying knaves.
DON PEDRO. First, I ask thee what they have done; thirdly, I ask thee what's their offence; sixth and lastly, why they are committed; and, to conclude, what you lay to their charge?
CLAUDIO. Rightly reasoned, and in his own division; and, by my troth, there's one meaning well suited.
DON PEDRO. Who have you offended, masters, that you are thus bound to your answer? this learned constable is too cunning to be understood. What's your offence?
BORACHIO. Sweet prince, let me go no further to mine answer: do you hear me, and let this count kill me. I have deceived even your very eyes: what your wisdoms could not discover, these shallow fools have brought to light; who, in the night overheard me confessing to this man how Don John your brother incensed me to slander the Lady Hero; how you were brought into the orchard and saw me court Margaret in Hero's garments; how you disgraced her, when you should marry her. My villany they have upon record; which I had rather seal with my death than repeat over to my shame. The lady is dead upon mine and my master's false accusation; and, briefly, I desire nothing but the reward of a villain.
DON PEDRO. Runs not this speech like iron through your blood?
CLAUDIO. I have drunk poison whiles he utter'd it.
DON PEDRO. But did my brother set thee on to this?
BORACHIO. Yea; and paid me richly for the practice of it.
DON PEDRO. He is compos'd and fram'd of treachery: And fled he is upon this villany.
CLAUDIO. Sweet Hero! now thy image doth appear In the rare semblance that I lov'd it first.
DOGBERRY. Come, bring away the plaintiffs: by this time our sexton hath reformed Signior Leonato of the matter. And masters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.
VERGES. Here, here comes Master Signior Leonato, and the sexton too.
[Re-enter LEONATO, ANTONIO, and the Sexton.]
LEONATO. Which is the villain? Let me see his eyes, That, when I note another man like him, I may avoid him. Which of these is he?
BORACHIO. If you would know your wronger, look on me.
LEONATO. Art thou the slave that with thy breath hast kill'd Mine innocent child?
BORACHIO. Yea, even I alone.
LEONATO. No, not so, villain; thou beliest thyself: Here stand a pair of honourable men; A third is fled, that had a hand in it. I thank you, princes, for my daughter's death: Record it with your high and worthy deeds. 'Twas bravely done, if you bethink you of it.
CLAUDIO. I know not how to pray your patience; Yet I must speak. Choose your revenge yourself; Impose me to what penance your invention Can lay upon my sin: yet sinn'd I not But in mistaking.
DON PEDRO. By my soul, nor I: And yet, to satisfy this good old man, I would bend under any heavy weight That he'll enjoin me to.
LEONATO. I cannot bid you bid my daughter live; That were impossible; but, I pray you both, Possess the people in Messina here How innocent she died; and if your love Can labour aught in sad invention, Hang her an epitaph upon her tomb, And sing it to her bones: sing it to-night. To-morrow morning come you to my house, And since you could not be my son-in-law, Be yet my nephew. My brother hath a daughter, Almost the copy of my child that's dead, And she alone is heir to both of us: Give her the right you should have given her cousin, And so dies my revenge.
CLAUDIO. O noble sir, Your over-kindness doth wring tears from me! I do embrace your offer; and dispose For henceforth of poor Claudio.
LEONATO. To-morrow then I will expect your coming; To-night I take my leave. This naughty man Shall face to face be brought to Margaret, Who, I believe, was pack'd in all this wrong, Hir'd to it by your brother.
BORACHIO. No, by my soul she was not; Nor knew not what she did when she spoke to me; But always hath been just and virtuous In anything that I do know by her.
DOGBERRY. Moreover, sir, - which, indeed, is not under white and black, - this plaintiff here, the offender, did call me ass: I beseech you, let it be remembered in his punishment. And also, the watch heard them talk of one Deformed: they say he wears a key in his ear and a lock hanging by it, and borrows money in God's name, the which he hath used so long and never paid, that now men grow hard-hearted, and will lend nothing for God's sake. Pray you, examine him upon that point.
LEONATO. I thank thee for thy care and honest pains.
DOGBERRY. Your worship speaks like a most thankful and reverent youth, and I praise God for you.
LEONATO. There's for thy pains.
DOGBERRY. God save the foundation!
LEONATO. Go, I discharge thee of thy prisoner, and I thank thee.
DOGBERRY. I leave an arrant knave with your worship; which I beseech your worship to correct yourself, for the example of others. God keep your worship! I wish your worship well; God restore you to health! I humbly give you leave to depart, and if a merry meeting may be wished, God prohibit it! Come, neighbour.
LEONATO. Until to-morrow morning, lords, farewell.
ANTONIO. Farewell, my lords: we look for you to-morrow.
DON PEDRO. We will not fail.
CLAUDIO. To-night I'll mourn with Hero.
LEONATO. [To the Watch.] Bring you these fellows on. We'll talk with Margaret, How her acquaintance grew with this lewd fellow.
Scene 2. LEONATO'S Garden.
[Enter BENEDICK and MARGARET, meeting.]
BENEDICK. Pray thee, sweet Mistress Margaret, deserve well at my hands by helping me to the speech of Beatrice.
MARGARET. Will you then write me a sonnet in praise of my beauty?
BENEDICK. In so high a style, Margaret, that no man living shall come over it; for, in most comely truth, thou deservest it.
MARGARET. To have no man come over me! why, shall I always keep below stairs?
BENEDICK. Thy wit is as quick as the greyhound's mouth; it catches.
MARGARET. And yours as blunt as the fencer's foils, which hit, but hurt not.
BENEDICK. A most manly wit, Margaret; it will not hurt a woman: and so, I pray thee, call Beatrice. I give thee the bucklers.
MARGARET. Give us the swords, we have bucklers of our own.
BENEDICK. If you use them, Margaret, you must put in the pikes with a vice; and they are dangerous weapons for maids.
MARGARET. Well, I will call Beatrice to you, who I think hath legs.
BENEDICK. And therefore will come.
The god of love,
That sits above,
And knows me, and knows me,
How pitiful I deserve, -
I mean, in singing: but in loving, Leander the good swimmer, Troilus the first employer of panders, and a whole book full of these quondam carpet-mongers, whose names yet run smoothly in the even road of a blank verse, why, they were never so truly turned over and over as my poor self in love. Marry, I cannot show it in rime; I have tried: I can find out no rime to 'lady' but 'baby', an innocent rhyme; for 'scorn,' 'horn', a hard rime; for 'school', 'fool', a babbling rhyme; very ominous endings: no, I was not born under a riming planet, nor I cannot woo in festival terms.
Sweet Beatrice, wouldst thou come when I called thee?
BEATRICE. Yea, signior; and depart when you bid me.
BENEDICK. O, stay but till then!
BEATRICE. 'Then' is spoken; fare you well now: and yet, ere I go, let me go with that I came for; which is, with knowing what hath passed between you and Claudio.
BENEDICK. Only foul words; and thereupon I will kiss thee.
BEATRICE. Foul words is but foul wind, and foul wind is but foul breath, and foul breath is noisome; therefore I will depart unkissed.
BENEDICK. Thou hast frighted the word out of his right sense, so forcible is thy wit. But I must tell thee plainly, Claudio undergoes my challenge, and either I must shortly hear from him, or I will subscribe him a coward. And, I pray thee now, tell me, for which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me?
BEATRICE. For them all together; which maintained so politic a state of evil that they will not admit any good part to intermingle with them. But for which of my good parts did you first suffer love for me?
BENEDICK. 'Suffer love,' a good epithet! I do suffer love indeed, for I love thee against my will.
BEATRICE. In spite of your heart, I think. Alas, poor heart! If you spite it for my sake, I will spite it for yours; for I will never love that which my friend hates.
BENEDICK. Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably.
BEATRICE. It appears not in this confession: there's not one wise man among twenty that will praise himself.
BENEDICK. An old, an old instance, Beatrice, that lived in the time of good neighbours. If a man do not erect in this age his own tomb ere he dies, he shall live no longer in monument than the bell rings and the widow weeps.
BEATRICE. And how long is that think you?
BENEDICK. Question: why, an hour in clamour and a quarter in rheum: therefore is it most expedient for the wise, - if Don Worm, his conscience, find no impediment to the contrary, - to be the trumpet of his own virtues, as I am to myself. So much for praising myself, who, I myself will bear witness, is praiseworthy. And now tell me, how doth your cousin?
BEATRICE. Very ill.
BENEDICK. And how do you?
BEATRICE. Very ill too.
BENEDICK. Serve God, love me, and mend. There will I leave you too, for here comes one in haste.
[Enter URSULA.]
URSULA. Madam, you must come to your uncle. Yonder's old coil at home: it is proved, my Lady Hero hath been falsely accused, the prince and Claudio mightily abused; and Don John is the author of all, who is fled and gone. Will you come presently?
BEATRICE. Will you go hear this news, signior?
BENEDICK. I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes; and moreover I will go with thee to thy uncle's.
Scene 3. The Inside of a Church.
[Enter DON PEDRO, CLAUDIO, and Attendants, with music and tapers,]
CLAUDIO. Is this the monument of Leonato?
A LORD. It is, my lord.
CLAUDIO. [Reads from a scroll.]
Done to death by slanderous tongues
Was the Hero that here lies:
Death, in guerdon of her wrongs,
Gives her fame which never dies.
So the life that died with shame
Lives in death with glorious fame.
Hang thou there upon the tomb,
Praising her when I am dumb.
Now, music, sound, and sing your solemn hymn.
Pardon, goddess of the night,
Those that slew thy virgin knight;
For the which, with songs of woe,
Round about her tomb they go.
Midnight, assist our moan;
Help us to sigh and groan,
Heavily, heavily:
Graves, yawn and yield your dead,
Till death be uttered,
Heavily, heavily.
CLAUDIO. Now, unto thy bones good night! Yearly will I do this rite.
DON PEDRO. Good morrow, masters: put your torches out. The wolves have prey'd; and look, the gentle day, Before the wheels of Phoebus, round about
Dapples the drowsy east with spots of grey. Thanks to you all, and leave us: fare you well.
CLAUDIO. Good morrow, masters: each his several way.
DON PEDRO. Come, let us hence, and put on other weeds; And then to Leonato's we will go.
CLAUDIO. And Hymen now with luckier issue speed's, Than this for whom we rend'red up this woe!
Scene 4. A Room in LEONATO'S House.
FRIAR. Did I not tell you she was innocent?
LEONATO. So are the prince and Claudio, who accus'd her Upon the error that you heard debated: But Margaret was in some fault for this, Although against her will, as it appears In the true course of all the question.
ANTONIO. Well, I am glad that all things sort so well.
BENEDICK. And so am I, being else by faith enforc'd To call young Claudio to a reckoning for it.
LEONATO. Well, daughter, and you gentlewomen all, Withdraw into a chamber by yourselves, And when I send for you, come hither mask'd: The prince and Claudio promis'd by this hour To visit me.
[Exeunt Ladies.]
You know your office, brother; You must be father to your brother's daughter, And give her to young Claudio.
ANTONIO. Which I will do with confirm'd countenance.
BENEDICK. Friar, I must entreat your pains, I think.
FRIAR. To do what, signior?
BENEDICK. To bind me, or undo me; one of them. Signior Leonato, truth it is, good signior, Your niece regards me with an eye of favour.
LEONATO. That eye my daughter lent her: 'tis most true.
BENEDICK. And I do with an eye of love requite her.
LEONATO. The sight whereof I think, you had from me, From Claudio, and the prince. But what's your will?
BENEDICK. Your answer, sir, is enigmatical: But, for my will, my will is your good will May stand with ours, this day to be conjoin'd In the state of honourable marriage: In which, good friar, I shall desire your help.
LEONATO. My heart is with your liking.
FRIAR. And my help. Here comes the prince and Claudio.
[Enter DON PEDRO and CLAUDIO, with Attendants.]
DON PEDRO. Good morrow to this fair assembly.
LEONATO. Good morrow, prince; good morrow, Claudio: We here attend you. Are you yet determin'd To-day to marry with my brother's daughter?
CLAUDIO. I'll hold my mind, were she an Ethiope.
LEONATO. Call her forth, brother: here's the friar ready.
DON PEDRO. Good morrow, Benedick. Why, what's the matter, That you have such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?
CLAUDIO. I think he thinks upon the savage bull. Tush! fear not, man, we'll tip thy horns with gold, And all Europa shall rejoice at thee, As once Europa did at lusty Jove, When he would play the noble beast in love.
BENEDICK. Bull Jove, sir, had an amiable low: And some such strange bull leap'd your father's cow, And got a calf in that same noble feat, Much like to you, for you have just his bleat.
CLAUDIO. For this I owe you: here comes other reckonings.
[Re-enter ANTONIO, with the ladies masked.]
Which is the lady I must seize upon?
ANTONIO. This same is she, and I do give you her.
CLAUDIO. Why then, she's mine. Sweet, let me see your face.
LEONATO. No, that you shall not, till you take her hand Before this friar, and swear to marry her.
CLAUDIO. Give me your hand: before this holy friar, I am your husband, if you like of me.
HERO. And when I liv'd, I was your other wife: [Unmasking.] And when you lov'd, you were my other husband.
CLAUDIO. Another Hero!
HERO. Nothing certainer: One Hero died defil'd, but I do live, And surely as I live, I am a maid.
DON PEDRO. The former Hero! Hero that is dead!
LEONATO. She died, my lord, but whiles her slander liv'd.
FRIAR. All this amazement can I qualify: When after that the holy rites are ended, I'll tell you largely of fair Hero's death: Meantime, let wonder seem familiar, And to the chapel let us presently.
BENEDICK. Soft and fair, friar. Which is Beatrice?
BEATRICE. [Unmasking.] I answer to that name. What is your will?
BENEDICK. Do not you love me?
BEATRICE. Why, no; no more than reason.
BENEDICK. Why, then, your uncle and the prince and Claudio Have been deceived; for they swore you did.
BEATRICE. Do not you love me?
BENEDICK. Troth, no; no more than reason.
BEATRICE. Why, then my cousin, Margaret, and Ursula, Are much deceiv'd; for they did swear you did.
BENEDICK. They swore that you were almost sick for me.
BEATRICE. They swore that you were well-nigh dead for me.
BENEDICK. Tis no such matter. Then you do not love me?
BEATRICE. No, truly, but in friendly recompense.
LEONATO. Come, cousin, I am sure you love the gentleman.
CLAUDIO. And I'll be sworn upon 't that he loves her; For here's a paper written in his hand, A halting sonnet of his own pure brain, Fashion'd to Beatrice.
HERO. And here's another, Writ in my cousin's hand, stolen from her pocket, Containing her affection unto Benedick.
BENEDICK. A miracle! here's our own hands against our hearts. Come, I will have thee; but, by this light, I take thee for pity.
BEATRICE. I would not deny you; but, by this good day, I yield upon great persuasion, and partly to save your life, for I was told you were in a consumption.
BENEDICK. Peace! I will stop your mouth. [Kisses her.]
BENEDICK. I'll tell thee what, prince; a college of witcrackers cannout flout me out of my humour. Dost thou think I care for a satire or an epigram? No; if man will be beaten with brains, a' shall wear nothing handsome about him. In brief, since I do purpose to marry, I will think nothing to any purpose that the world can say against it; and therefore never flout at me for what I have said against it, for man is a giddy thing, and this is my conclusion. For thy part, Claudio, I did think to have beaten thee; but, in that thou art like to be my kinsman, live unbruised, and love my cousin.
CLAUDIO. I had well hoped thou wouldst have denied Beatrice, that I might have cudgelled thee out of thy single life, to make thee a double-dealer; which, out of question, thou wilt be, if my cousin do not look exceeding narrowly to thee.
BENEDICK. Come, come, we are friends. Let's have a dance ere we are married, that we may lighten our own hearts and our wives' heels.
LEONATO. We'll have dancing afterward.
BENEDICK. First, of my word; therefore play, music! Prince, thou art sad; get thee a wife, get thee a wife: there is no staff more reverent than one tipped with horn.
[Enter Messenger.]
MESSENGER. My lord, your brother John is ta'en in flight, And brought with armed men back to Messina.
BENEDICK. Think not on him till to-morrow: I'll devise thee brave punishments for him. Strike up, pipers!
[Dance. Exeunt.]
Publication Date: May 29th 2008 https://www.bookrix.com/-bx.shakespeare |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-by-peaceout117-high-school/ | by Peaceout117 High school high school is a mess
The new kid
Wake up WAKE UP!! said my mom honey your gonna be late for school. Uuuhh. so i got up and changed. i ate breakfast. and said goodbye to my mom. we lived near the school. so i walk to school. i notcied that about 10 kids walked to school. i finally got there. my homeroom class was math. i sat by Jonathan blair he was on my right, kylie graves in front, and left mike habor.
Mrs. reed told me everyone in the class. she gave me my stuff. jonathan and kylie said hi. mike stared at me. i thought in my mind ohh i think there cool. there not werid. when jake said no there cool not werid. i looked confused. how did he know i was thinking that. they just stared at him. and so he said anywho so hey i'm jake. i said my name is Emma Goals.i got stared on my work i saw a note on my desk. it was from kylie. i already knew kiyle she moved here a year ago. she said glad to see you again i laughed. Mrs. reed told me that we can get out our phones if we wabted to or listen to music. i got out my i phone. jonathan and jake said is that a i phone 4.yes i said. kylie already knew my number we are BFFs she texted me. saying i missed you. jonathan took out his phone and said whats your number? i gave him it. i said let me have your s so i wrote it down. i asked him if i can take a picture to know who it is. i did. he was texting when i took it. jake staired at me. he said can i have your i said sure. i did the sameting with jake. past flew by. it was lunch time i noticed that i had drama and kylie and jake did. but jake had strings with me he sat by me. and said do you know how to play i said yeah i played at my old school. i thought i kind like him. jake said me to but you.
Publication Date: October 24th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-peaceout117 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-alliyah-l-harrison-the-beginning-of-forever/ | Alliyah L. Harrison The Beginning of Forever The Forever Series I would like to dedicate this book to my family, my friends, and God. I love you all, and always will. <3
BEEP!BEEP!BEEP! Gosh I hate alarms.
Today was the first day of sophmore year. I got up to get my clothes ready. At least the good thing about school is I dan't have to waste a whole hour trying to figure out what I'm gonna wear. I grab my uniform, short blue plaid skirt tight light blue button up shirt and dark blue tie and blazer, and underwear, placed it on my bed and took a shower. After I got out I curled my hair and put on my clothes. I decided to put on some black-red bottom heels since it was the first day of school. Went to go look in the mirror. I actually like my uniform, but i wouldn't mind if the skirt was a little longer. I wouldn't care if was an all girl school but it isn't, and having a bunch of hormone-filled teenage boys look at my thighs and butt is not on my to-do list.
As I walk out of the house, I see one of my best friends,Jayson, waiting for me at his car. "Heyy, ready for your sophmore year?" I rolled my eyes at him. He loved to tease me because I'm one year younger than him. "Whatever. Just come help me with these bags." After Jayson put my suitcases in the trunk with his we were climbing in the car. "What's the point in bringing two suitcases if they're too heavy for you to carry?" Jayson asked slightly annoyed. "Because imma girl I need options, and I have a strong basketball playing best friend that lives right next door to help me out." I answered batting my eyelashes while he rolled his eyes.
After driving for about five minutes in complete silence, I turned on the radio to 97.9 in the box Right by my side by Nicki Minaj and Chris Brown came on. "I love this song!"
(Nicki Minaj) It all comes down to this
I miss your morning kiss
I won't lie, I'm feeling it
You don't know. I'm missing it
I'm so gone I must admit
Its too much to hold it in
I can't say no more than this
I just hope your heart hear me now..
Got let you know how I'm feeling
You own my heart he just renting
Don't turn away, pay attention
I'm pouring out my heart oh boy..
(Chorus)I-I, I'm not living life
I'm not living right
I'm not living if your noy by my side
(Chris Brown)Lets meet at our favorite spot
You know the one, right around the block
From the nice place, that you love to shop
Can you get away?..
Care to sit down, lets talk it out
One on one, without a crowd
I wanna hold your hand
Make you laugh again, I need to be near you
Gotta let you how I'm feeling
Own my heart, and she just renting
Don't turn away, pay attention
I'm pouring out my heart oh girl..
(Chorus Nicki Minaj+Chris Brown)
(Bridge) I can't sleep I-I-I-I
I can't sleep I-I-I-I
What I need I-I-I-I
Is you right by my side (x2)
(Nicki Minaj)It ain't yo spit game, its yo d*ck game
That got me walkin round ready to wear yo big chain
I only argue wit em when the Lakers on
Other than that Im gettin my Marc Jacobs on
When my p*ssy game so cold that he always seem to come back
Cause he know that it be a wrap
When Im ridin it from the back
Wait oh lemme see yo phone
Cause all the b*tches id ratcheet
And now let me get in my truck
Cause all them b*tches'll catch it
Wait wait wait damn there I go again
I be trippin I be flippin I be so belligerent
Man this sh*t that we be fightin over so irrelevant
I don't even remember tho I was prbably hellabent(LETS GO)
Once the song was over we were parked in the students only parking lot of Langston High,boarding school. I've actually missed it here. The dorms, school dances, basketball and football games, and the dance squad. I love dancing, dancing is like my life. I joined the dance team last year, and not being conceited, I was one of,if not the best, dancers on the squad. Since I was in 9th grade I had to join the B team, but this year imma be on the A team and probably become captain. Just thinking of it makes me feel sick. I know I could do it if I really wanted to become catain, but I don't know if I'll be able to lead a whole team of dancers. Especially if they can't cooperate.
"You want me to help take your bags to your room?" Jayson said stopping my thoughts. "Well aren't you smart." I said sarcastically as we began walking to my dorm. Me and Kitty's room, another best friend of mines, was located on the fifth floor. "AHHHHH! I've missed you!" Kitty and I both screamed as we saw each other for the first time in the past three months."Wait, why is there four beds? There's only suppose to be two people in this room." I asked after i saw two pairs of bunk beds. " They said uhmm some of the rooms has extra roomates because they ain't got enough rooms for only two people to be in every room I guess."Kitty replied. "OH, who you think our roomates are?" A knock at the door answered my question as a tall light skinned guy walked into the room. THAT DUDE IS FINE! "Ughh heyy I'm Mike I think I have the wrong room." "What's your room number?" I asked "506B." "Welcome Mike. I'm Alliyah, this thing over here is Jayson, and this sexy being is my best friend Kitty."
"Heyy." He said "Sup." Jay said "Nice to meet you." Kitty responded. "OK, now that is out of the way, I wonder who our othe roomate is." I said.
"That would be me." Jayson replied "What? You have got to be kidding me." Jay smirked at my annoyance.
"C'mon yall lets go to breakfast because I'm sick of hearing you two lovebirds argue all the time. LiLi you know which room Shanaya and Brandy in?"
"Yea, room 416B."
As we were walking to Shanaya and Brandy's room, I felt Mike's eyes on me. Now that brotha was FINE! He's about 6'3, light skinned, dark brown eyes, and wavy hair.
"So Kitty, is that your real name?" Mike asked breaking me from my thoughts.
"No, my real name is Kathina. But everyone either calls me Kat or Kitty."
"So what are you? I mean your race?"
"My mom's Mexican and my dad's Portirican." I smiled. He smiled back.
Oh gosh he has the most sexiest smile I've ever seen. He has to be a player they way he look.
I hadn't even noticed we were at the door until LiLi knocked on it.
"Naya!" Me and Alliyah both screamed as Shanay opened the door.
Publication Date: June 11th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-all.about.alliyah |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-teasha-adams-all-about-the-benjamin-039-s/ | Teasha Adams All About The Benjamin's Mo' Money Mo' Problems I dedicate this book to all the "Devons" in the world. Don't give up on true love, even if it means your dreams. Don't give up yourself, and never let anybody tell you your worthless. Live it up guys! I'm pretty sure there's someone out there for all of you.
Chapter One: Mr. Wrong
"Yo' Devon!" I looked up only to see my best friend, Justin, staring at me like he'd just seen a ghost. "You straight?" I looked away from him and down at the microphone in front of me, "I'm good." I said. "I'm good." Justin lifted his eyebrown and frowned, "You been starin' at that microphone for a couple of minutes Dev'." He argued. "You a'int actin' like you good." I glared at him. "I said I'm straight." Justin shook his head. "You a'int been right since Lyric got out the hospital. What's goin' on?" Carlos, my manager also known as my step father, tapped on the glass. "Devon, take five." I sighed and removed the headphones from my ears. I stepped outside of the studio with Justin following close behind me. "Look Devon, it's cool if you don't wanna tell me." I grabbed my car keys. "Take a ride with me." "A'ight hold up." In just minutes, Justin and I were riding through lower Manhattan talking about everything. I told him about Lyric's pregnancy, her Grandmother's death, everything. Half of the things we talked about, he already knew. I looked over at Justin, "So?" He sighed, "I'ma put it like this. You can't blame Lyric for blocking you out. Since I'm yo' boy I gotta be honest with you." He leaned back in his seat. "Ever since you and Lyric been together, all it's been is drama with you." I glared at him. "You supposed to be making me feel better." "Yeah by telling the truth." Justin said. "Think about it Dev'. Since y'all been together she's been raped, kidnapped, and beaten half to death but she still took you back. Then when you found out Gossip was pregnant, she excepted the fact that you had a baby outside of your relationship." He paused. "Then she was attacked by some of yo' crazy fans, who by the way don't like her because of Gossip. Then last but not least, she went on national television and told the world this story about how honest you are and how you don't lie to her, only to find out that you lied to her about everything." Justin looked over at me and shook his head. "Then on top of all of that, she just found out that her grandmother was murdered on the same day she found out she was pregnant. Now with all of that said, do you understand why she might have an attitude with you?" I frowned, pulling the car into the parking lot of a chinese restaurant. "Whose side are you on?" Justin chuckled. "I a'int on nobody's side, I'm just keeping it real." As much as I hated to admit it, Justin was right. Too many times had Lyric been hurt as a result of my stupidity, and time after time she reluctantly took me back. I felt sorry for her in so many ways, but there was no way that I was giving her up. If that meant that I would have to give up career, then I was more than willing to do it. I just wanted my life to turn around and fix itself, but I knew that wasn't possible. "Yo' Dev' you straight?" I looked over at Justin and shook my head. "I don't know what I'ma do. I wanne give Lyric her space and all, but I don't want to let her go through this by herself." "You gotta know when to let go, otherwise she'll never be able to take time out and get her head together." Justin paused as we went into the chinese restaurant. Luckily, there were only a few customers inside so I didn't have to deal with the whole "Oh my god it's Devon!" ordeal. We picked a booth in the back and continued our conversation. "Hopefully with Hazel signing with the label, Carlos will give you some time to get your head together. Then maybe you can spend some time gettin' everything put together." "I know right." Justin shrugged his shoudlers. "Just sayin', but how's everything with you and Gossip?" "Don't even bring up her name right now." I commented. "I hate that girl so much, it's ridiculous. That's another reason I can't spend anytime with Lyric, Gossip always find a way to squeeze herself in my plans. For instance, you know Lyric grandma funeral this weekend right. Lyric decided to have it in Hawaii, so she could release her ashes into the ocean or whatever, but here's the thing. Gossip called me last night and said that I need to take December for a couple of weeks so she can go down to Athens to visit her parents." Justin frowned. "Why she can't take her?" I shurgged. "Same thing I asked, but she answered by saying that her parents were still mad at her for dropping out of college and having a baby by me. It's almost been a year--seriously." Justin sighed. "That's yo' babymama." He laughed. I shook my head. "It's not funny Jay, you know how I feel about that." "What you gone do?" I sighed. "I'ma pick my daughter up tonight and hope for the best." Justin shook his head. "Yo' life a mess." "Don't I know it." ************************************************************************************************* Just like I said, I ended up going to Gossip's apartment and getting December. To be honest, I didn't know how she would respond to me. I haven't really spent time with her because right after she was born, I got shot and ended up staying in the hospital for a couple of weeks. She was born two months early, and she was always in the hospital. unfortunately, she probably didn't have a clue who I was. That scared me, but at the same time I was curious to know how she would respond. When I got to her door, I used my key to get in. Gossip was folding clothes up and putting them inside of her suitcase, and my daughter was fast asleep in her carseat. Gossip looked up and me and smiled. "Glad your here. Her things are in her room, packed up already. I left a list of things that she needs everyday. Her formula is in the bag in the kitchen, and her diapers and all that other stuff are in the diaper bags. if you have any questions, feel free to call me." "Wait--You a'int even done packing yet." "I am now." She zipped her suitcase closed, and dragged it behind her out of the door. Before I knew it she was gone. I went over to December, and picked her up. Even though she was sleep, I just wanted to hold her. The more I stared at her, the more I realized how much she looked like me. Hopefully when she get older, she won't have her mother's attitude. I'm just praying she won't end up like her. I placed a light kiss on her forehead before carefully sitting her back down in her car seat. Just as I picked up her car seat, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller i.d and saw that it was a call from Lyric. I sat the car seat back down and answered the phone. "Hello." "Ummm, it's me Lyric." She responded softly. "I was just calling to let you know that I had a meeting today with my professor. I probably won't be home until around eight o' clock." "Eight?" I asked. NYU's campus wasn't that far from where we lived unless traffic was bad, and even then I didn't see how she was gettin' home at eight o' clock. Lyric sighed and took a deep breath, "Devon, I really don't have time to talk to you right now. I'ma just call you later and let you know where I'm at." With that, she hung up the phone without saying another word. I stared at the screen for a moment trying to figure out why she hung the phone up on me. Lyric had never been the type to be so disrespectful, but lately it's been different between me and her. I understand that we havin' our problems right now, but that doesn't mean that I can't be concerned about her. At the end of the day, she's still my girlfriend and she's still pregnant. Honestly, I can only hope that Lyric anger for me doesn't take her far enough to hurt the baby. I can only pray. Lyric
Man, I don't know how I'ma make it through these next couple of weeks. This Saturday will be the last time that I'm ever able to see my grandmother, and then I will literally be the only thing left of my family. If I have other family members I wouldn't know. The only other person I knew about was La-La and even then she's only half related to me through my dad. All my life, it's been about loss. Even before I was born, I was surrounded by nothing but hatred, and evil. Because of my dad's side of the family's hatred for my mother, I was never able to know that other half of my family. Because of the distance from Atlanta to Hawaii, I never knew my mothers side of the family aside from my grandmother. My grandmother had been raising me ever since my parents passing when I was six years old. Now that she's gone, and I've been sheltered so much, I'm unsure how to make my own decisions. Between this baby, Devon, and this funeral I'm not so sure I'l make it into next month. I sat my phone down on the king sized bed that Devon and I shared, and pulled my NYU hoodie over my head and reached for Devon's Car key to his Porsche. I sighed and looked at myself one more time in the mirror. I know my grandmother is probably shaking her head at me right now, but at this moment I don't really care. After I talk to my professor and the Dean of Students, a load will be lifted off my shoulders. Lets hope this goes the way I planned. ************************************************************************************************* As soon as I stepped onto campus I knew I was about to make a terrible mistake. This was my life that we're talkin' about, not some fairy tale story that someone made up. This was real. Reality was that I couldn't continue to further my education because of what happens in my "private" life. I can't come to school pregnant and expect not to be on the cover of newest tabloid addition. My life had become everyone's business, and its been stressing me out. Sometimes I can't help but wonder where I would be right now if I'd never met Devon. Would I still be at UGA? Would my grandmother still be alive? I can't help but help about it from time to time. I took a deep breath and made my way to the dean of students. There must have been at least twenty students out in the waiting area waiting on their appointment with the dean. I had already scheduled my appointment with the dean last night, so the thought of waiting didn't bother me. What bothered me was that I was about to make a decision that could literally affect that rest of my life. Yes, I wanted to graduate from NYU and become a writer, but I didn't know how to handle the pressure of school when I have to deal with fifteen million other things. I haven't been as focused in class as I used to be. Lately, it's been all about me and Devon, and his lifestyle. A lifestyle that I'm not so sure that I fit into. In life you can't help who you fall in love with, nor can your child control who its' parents are. That's part of the reason why I haven't gone through with the whole "I want an abortion" ordeal. I've thought about it, don't get me wrong, I just can't see myself harming a child that didn't really ask to be here. I have to be strong for the sake of my child, and for the sake of my future. That's part of the reason why I've decided to drop out of school. Maybe later, I'll have another shot at getting my degree but as of now I don't really have to time nor support to do so. I sat down in an empty chair and picked up the first brochure that I saw. I wasn't even really reading, I just needed something to keep my mind off of what was soon to come. I want to tell Devon what's going on with me, but I can't find the courage to talk to him. It's hard to confide in someone who is responsible for all of the hurt that you've experienced within the last year. I've been through hell and back with Devon, but for some reason I can't find the strength to even attempt to live without him. I wish I'd never met him sometimes, but I can't deny the fact that I love him and I want to be with him forever. I wish this was all over. "Lyric Mason!" I looked up to see the Dean standing in front of her office door holding her clipboard. I'd only spoken to her once before, and that was on good terms. I don't know what type of term this is, but I doubt I'll be happy when I leave. I sat the brochure back down on the coffee table and followed her back into her office. She sat down on the other side, then I sat. "How are you today Ms. Mason?" I smiled. "I'm okay, I guess." "You guess? You should be positive about your emotions." She looked over at her computer and proceeded to type. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?" "Well," I took a deep breath and clasped my fingers today. "As you may know, my life is a little bit hectic right now--" "How would I know that?" She interrupted me. "I assumed you read about me in the tabloids and what not." I answered. She shook her head, "You should never assume." There was a pause between us, before I continued to speak. "Anyways, my life has been hectic and I'm not so sure if I can continue to attend school and focus on things outside of school--" "Things like what?" She asked, removing the thin framed glasses from her face. "Jobs, relationships---kids?" She stared at me for a moment and I could've sworn she was looking right through my soul and reading my story. There was something so strange about her and the way her light hazel eyes were staring over at me. She grinned and placed her glasses back on her face. "So which is it?" "I thought you didn't know anything about me?" "You should never assume things." She repeated. "I came to get some information about dropping my classes." I said. "I can't continue to come here everyday and not be able to focus." She sighed. "Well according to my records, your grades are in decent shape. You've just been absent more than enough times." She looked over at me. "Like I said, I have a lot going on and I can't handle this and my personal life." She sighed and turned away from her computer. "Okay, that is fully your decision. I nor anyone else can tell you what to do, so as an adult I will tell you this. Once you drop out of school and decide to come back, it'll be hard trying to catch up. I will not tell you what to do Lyric, but as the Dean of Students it's my job to make sure that everyone of my students are successful here at NYU. Before I give you this information, I need you to be certain that this is what you want to do. I would hate to see you back in my office in a couple of months." "Can't I just apply again?" I asked. She sighed. "You could apply Lyric, but our waiting list is huge. We get applications from all over the world, including China and India. It would be my pleasure to let everyone here Lyric, but the truth is that it's not that easy. I could put in a good word for you, but that's all about all there is that I can
do." In my reality I had only two options; I could stay in school and try to raise my child and attend NYU, or I could take care of my child first before deciding to come back to school. Option two sounded a whole lot better than option one, but I'd already worked so hard just to complete my freshmen year and get ahead in my sophomore year. This couldn't get any worst for me.
Chapter Two: Say Goodbye
As soon as I opened the door, I could hear my step-sisters voice bounce off of every wall inside of the studio. Just by the way that she sung, you could never tell that she'd been raised in Africa. By the look on her face whenever her and Carlos got together, you could never tell that they'd just met a little over a month ago. They're life was going just fine, and mines was not good--not good at all. All the things I wanted, I got but they didn't turn out to be what I thought they would. I wanted love I got it, but what can love do when the person you love can't stand the thought of being near you. I got a career in music, my dream, but how can I be happy when all I see is my face plastered all over the news and on the covers of magazines. I have a child--and unborn--that I'm responsible for and already I've set a bad example. I can't deal with the pain of knowing that yet again, I've caused another death or hurt. What can I do? Carlos looked up at me just as Hazel came out of the studio booth. "Hey there Devon what's going on?" I sat down on the leather sofa and placed my head into the palm of my hands. "I don't know Carlos." I admitted. Hazel sat down beside me, "What's wrong?" She asked. Carlos stood up and then joined me on the sofa. I looked up at the light on the ceiling, "All my life, it's always been about pleasing other people. Pleasing my dad, my classmates, and even my teachers. It wasn't about me anymore. I've been living my life for everybody else but me, and I'm so sick of it." Hazel and Carlos both looked confused. "You don't get it do you?" I asked. "Sometimes I feel like I was never meant to be happy. I feel like I don't really have a purpose here on Earth and I don't know what to do. I am responsible for not one, bur three human beings. My life is no longer my life, its the worlds' life. I can't do this no more." Hazel wrapped her arms around me. "Well if it helps Devon, you do have a purpose." "Since you know everything, you tell me my purpose." I stated blankly. "Well, my mother always said that every body here has a purpose in life. She said that when god created you, he already had your life mapped out. He knows what obstacles you're gonna face and what your gonna do. He puts you through these test to prepare you for your purpose." Hazel said. "I don't know what my purpose is, I'm only nineteen, but I can say that a part of it was traveling back here to the United States and meeting my dad. Everybody and everything is here for a reason Devon. You can't help what people have to say about you, because there will always be someone who doesn't like you. That's just life Devon, and you have to learn how to live with it. You said it yourself Devon, you have three people that you are responsible for. You can't give up on them--or yourself." Carlos nodded his head in agreement. "She's right Devon. I may not be your father, but in my eyes your my only son. I brought you into this business because I knew
you could handle it. I saw a passion in your eyes that I recognized in myself back when I was your age. I saw you
Devon, not Lyric, Gossip, or Justin. You. I put my time into your career because I saw a story in you that I know the world needs to hear. You may not see it Devon, but there are millions of people out there who look up to you and feel what you say. They listen to you because they know you understand them." Carlos stopped for a moment. "As a matter of fact, I got something I need the both of you to see." Carlos stood up and both Hazel and I followed him out to his car. ****************************************************************************************** Carlos parked the car in front of an old building that was in serious need of some attention. It was made of dark, cracked, brick's and had about four broken window that were boarded up. Whoever was inside tried to make the place look nice because I could see the bright sunflowers planted out front. I looked over at Carlos, he smiled. "Welcome to paradise." Hazel giggled. "Sarcasm." Carlos knocked on the door first, before an elderly Hispanic woman opened the door. She wore a loose flower patterned dress, with a white apron. Her light grey hair was pulled back into a loose bun, and her frail hands were placed on her hips. Even though she looked as if she'd been worn out, I could still see her beauty. Like Lyric, she also had pretty bright green eyes. Her skin was smooth and tanned, only dotted with a few freckles. She seemed nice. Carlos smiled. "Abuela,¿Cómo estás?" He asked, reaching over and hugging her. A warm smile found its' way onto her face and she returned his hug. "nieto muy bien, ¿y tú?" Carlos chuckled. "aquí mismo abuela." He responded. "This is my wife Tasha's son, Devon and this is my daughter Hazel. Hazel and Devon, this is my abuela." "Abuela?" Hazel laughed. "I'm African and even I know that means Grandmother. Wow Devon, maybe you need to go back to school." I playfully held my hand up to her face before giving Carlos' grandmother a hug. "Nice to meet you." "Ahhh he's a gentlemen." She said. "I didn't know you spoke English." She chuckled. "Never assume my child." She then reached over and gave Hazel ans hug. "Now why did your mother name you Hazel?" Hazel smiled. "Well in Africa, the sun sets beautifully over the horizons making the land appear gold, orange and yellow. After she gave birth to me, she said that it was right at sunset. The sun hit my skin and I appeared to be a little gold speck of joy. So she named me Hazel." "Beautiful--muy bonita." She then turned and looked at Carlos. "Came for a visit?" "Yes ma'am." Carlos looked over at Hazel and I. "I want to show these two, especially Devon, just how much they're appreciated." Carlos' grandmother nodded her head, "Okay Carlos, but make sure you sign in so you can get your volunteer hours." Carlos laughed. "I know, I know Abuela." She hugged him one more, "The kids are in the back playing baloncesto, they'll be so excited to see you." Carlos smiled and led us to the back of the house. I could tell that there were lots of kids that lived here because there were eight bedrooms, and each room had three beds in it. I looked over at Hazel and she said, "Wow." I could say anything other than that because I knew that as well I was astounded too. From the front of the house, it didn't seem this big but after getting to the back door, the house was bigger than we thought. It had three levels, and a huge backyard, which by the way was full of teenagers. I basketball rolled by my foot and stopped in front of Carlos' heel. He picked it up and spun it around a few times before tossing it back to the kids. "Looking for this." I wish I could describe the look on the kids faces when they realized who we were. "Oh sh-, I mean snap." One of the older boys said. "Its's Devon." They all formed a circle around us and started immediately asking questions. Sooner or later we were all sprawled out on the basketball court listening to each other talk. "Devon, how do you know Ms. Cortez?" One of the girls asked. She sat on top of a semi-flattened basketball, twirling here fingers through her long curly hair. I smiled. "Ummm, she's Carlos' grandmother and Carlos is my step father." "Ummm Devon, why do you rap?" One of the younger boys moved closer to me. He barely had any teeth. I'm shocked he could even say my name. I looked over at Carlos and Hazel, and the both of them gave me encouraging smiles. "Well, I started rapping as a way for me to escape from my reality. I was kind of lost, and unsure of what my future had to hold. All I knew was drugs. Yes, I was a drug dealer at one point in time, but music became my inspiration for succeeding in my dreams. I wanted more than what society had already set up for me. You know?" All of the kids nodded their head at the same time. "Life is a privilege, it's not promised to you. People all over the world know me as Devon, not Devon Mitchell. My family knows how big my heart is, and where my loyalty lies but the world only knows me based off of what they say about me in the magazines." There was a pause between everyone. "The sad part about all of this is that I didn't realize none of that until about five minutes ago." We all shared a laugh. Before I knew it, we'd been out there with the kids until it was time for their dinner. I didn't want to leave. These kids had so much potential, yet they were put in a predicament that prevented their success. The oldest teenager there was a boy name Malik, he was sent there because as a baby his parents left him on the doorstep of some random persons house. He's been through more than I can imagine. He'd been molested, abused, and forced into some shit that not even I can account for. I thought I'd seen it all, but the truth was that I hadn't. Being there with those kids shed a new light on everything that I had ever known while living in Georgia. It shed a new light on me. I thought that me and Lyric has been through it all, but the reality was that we had only seen the beginning of something was bigger than the both of us. You never really know how good you have it until you meet someone, or someones, who have literally nothing. Before I turned in for the night, I thanked Carlos for taking me to the group home. That was my blessing of the day. Being able to talk about my life and not feel like I was being judged. For the first time ever I didn't mind being asked a thousand times for my autograph. Maybe my life isn't so messed up after all. Lyric
When I got home, I went straight upstairs to call it a night. I opened the door slowly and saw that Devon was asleep on out shared king sized bed, with his daughter December curled up in his arms. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. I placed my hands on my flat tummy and closed my eyes. Here I was thinking about killing my child, when I have a man who is willing to take care of me and the baby. I know Devon will give his life for us, but I'm scared. I'm scared of becoming another baby mommma to "Rapper Devon Mitchell". I'm scared. I opened my eyes and walked into the bathroom. I warm bath would make me feel a whole lot better than I do at the moment. So that's what I did. I took a warm bath, and relaxed. Just to make myself feel better, I sat there and thought of cute names that I could name my baby. About ten minutes into my bath, a knock sounded at the door. "Lyric, you in there?" I sighed. "Yes Devon." Pause. "Can I come in and talk to you real quick?" Pause. "I don't care." Devon opened the door, and slid into the bathroom. The lights from my candle bounced off of his face, creating this beautiful shadow on the wall. He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bath tub. "Lyric, something happened to me when I met you." I looked up at him. "What are you talkin' about Devon?" "I mean damn Lyric, you got me sprung." He admitted. "I love you with everything I every had Lyric. Everything!" I jumped. "Why are you yelling?" "Because I freaking love you." He exclaimed. "I love you, I love you, I love you. Damn Lyric how many times I gotta say I love you before you except me?" Pause. "I get it Lyric, I fucked up." Devon said. "I messed up big time. I didn't kill your grandmother Lyric, and I would give anything just to have a clue as to who did it. I don't know what happened, I wasn't there. Go ahead and blame me for everything Lyric, 'cause it a'int shit you say now that's gon' hurt me more than I already am. If I could turn back the hands of time I would, but I can't. Me and you gotta fix this Lyric, for the sake of our child. You know I would die just to make you happy. If that's what you--" "Devon please don't say that." I placed my hands on his chest, watching my tears fall on my bare chest. "Please just stop." "I thought--" "You thought wrong." I stated. "I'm scared Devon, not angry." Devon frowned. "Scared of what?" "You!" I screamed. "You don't get it do you. I'm nineteen years old and pregnant with your child. I just dropped out of school, and convinced La-La to help me get signed up for online classes. I'm scared that once I become happy again, something will happen and I'll be right back where I started." "Lyric, listen to me." Devon said. "I just want you to be happy. If you're not happy then, I'm not happy." Devon sighed. "As a matter of fact, I've been sleeping on that couch just to make you happy." I cracked a smile and reached up to Devon for a hug. "I love you so much Devon." Devon wiped my face. "I love you too. I just want you to be happy, and not feel like you can't talk to me anymore. It's me and you against the world--remember?" I smiled. "Forever?" He kissed me softly on the lips. "Forever." I don't know how long I sat in that bath tub listening to Devon talk, but it must have been a long time because the water was starting to get cold. "Can you help me up?" Devon reached for my soft pink towel, then wrapped it around my body as he lifted me out of the tub. I felt like a little ass kid. I laughed. "Devon, I think I'm able to take care of myself." He smiled and placed his hand on my stomach, "Really?" "Yes really?" He laughed and ran his fingers through my hair. I grabbed his wrist, "Shouldn't you be going to check on December?" He frowned. "A'ight I'ma leave you alone, but me and you got a lot of stuff to talk about." I laughed and shook my head. "Bye Devon." It felt good to be able to talk to him again without arguing. I just wanted us to start over and fix our relationship. I needed him now more than ever, now that my grandmother was gone. Let's hope we can make this work. ****************************************************************************************** I wouldn't say that I was back to normal, but I was definitely on the track to recovery. Devon and I had been spending every free time we could get with each other, trying to build on our trust. We figured that was where we suffered the most damage. Today was just a normal Friday. I was heading over to Justin's house to see my sister La-La, so that we could get ready to fly out to Hawaii for the funeral tomorrow. La-La and Justin started dating around the same time that Devon and I did. Those two can't stand the thought of being away from each other. Especially La-La. When Justin travels with Devon to different cities, La-La nearly freaks out. I'm used to it by now, so it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it used to. Their apartment is located about a couple blocks from seventh street New York. It's so beautiful. When I reached the door, the doorman opened the door for me and let me into the lobby. I'd been here so many times, the staff must've thought that I lived here too. They never asked me to sign into the guest book or show i.d. Justin only had a certain select of people on his guest list, so if yo' name wasn't there then you weren't allowed to see him. I took the elevator up to the third floor, and went straight to their apartment. I used my extra key to get in. "La-La!" I yelled. La-La came out of their bedroom wearing a fitted formal grey Chanel dress that showed off all of her curves. Her bleached blonde hair was let down in loose curls that fell down her back. She wore a pair of solid red Christian Louboutin pumps. She looked so pretty. "Lyric, is this too much." La-La asked. "Maybe I should just wear my pants suit. You think that'll work?" La-La was talking mad fast, and I could barely understand what she was saying. I grabbed her shoulders. "Wait--What?" I asked. La-La took a deep breath. "So, I auditioned for that new movie that's coming out next year right?" I nodded my head. "Well, I got the role right. I have an interview today with the director and the leading male role, and I am so nervous. I can't decided what to wear." She looked down at her outfit. "Is this okay?" "La-La, anything you wear is okay." I admitted. "I'm pretty sure they'll love you, just go and be yourself." La-La took a deep breath and smiled, "Awe sister you always got my back." I hugged her and smiled. "We're the only thing we have left." We both sat there quietly, thinking about the funeral that was about to take place tomorrow. La-La smiled. "So I have a couple minutes to spare before I have to leave. What's up?" "Girl, this baby is bugging me." La-La laughed. "Awe leave my poor niece alone." She started making baby noises at my stomach. "Auntie is gonna spoil you." I giggled. "La-La stop it." "What? I can't spoil my niece." She said. I laughed. "How do you know it's a girl." "Girl everybody and they mama know Devon got the girl gene." We both cracked up in laughter. "That's not true, maybe god'll bless me with a boy." La-La grinned. "Well, either way it go I will be the auntie ever." Just as I was about to respond, Justin came in the apartment. He kissed La-La on her cheek. "Bae, don't you have a meeting today?" La-La pouted. "I don't wanna leave Lyric, she just got here." Justin laughed. "Either Lyric, or the movie. Which one do you want the most?" "That's not fair." La-La said as she grabbed her matching red chanel clutch bag. She kissed me on my forehead before leaving. "Yo' sister is a mess." Justin said as he sat down on the couch. I laughed, "Tell me about it." ****************************************************************************************** The day had come and I wasn't prepared. Here I was holding the vase that held my grandmother's cremated body. We stood along side the beach on top of this beautiful Hawaii rich black sand. As predicted, not a lot of people showed up for my grandmother's funeral. It was really just me, Devon, La-La, Justin, Devon's parents, Hope, and a couple of distant cousins that I'd never known about. As the preacher asked me if I had any final words to say to my grandmother before I let her go. I promised myself that I wouldn't cry, but I couldn't hold the tears back. "When my parents died, they left you with me. To raise me, and make sure that I didn't end up dysfunctional or worst--a criminal. My parents left you here with me, and you did a fantastic job at raising me. All through my life, you've shown me right from wrong and helped me at times when I thought I'd give up. You were there." I took a deep breath, and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "I miss you so much Grandma and I hope you can hear me up there. Thank you for everything, and I hope that maybe one day we can see each other again. Me, you, mom, and dad could all be a family again. I just want you to know that I love you and I will always be thinking of you." I looked over at the preacher to let him know that I was done. "In honor of Ahulani Ipo Kealoha, we release your remains into the tides of mother nature and let the waters carry you forever. May you be with us Sister Ahulani." I stepped up to the beach, watching as the tides rushed against my feet. I wiped one last final tear before turning the vase over and letting my grandmother get carried into the sea. As bad as it hurt that my grandmother was dead, it felt good to know that she would finally be able to be with my mother and my grandfather again. I stepped away from the beach and ran straight into Devon's arms. La-La wiped my face and wrapped her arms around both Devon and I. My cousins wished me their condolences, then it was over within a few minutes. Within an hour, I was back in my hotel room thinking about my grandmother and how just a couple weeks ago, she'd been talking to me. God, I miss her. Devon came in the hotel room and sat on the edge. I was over on my side, stroking the pillow and blowing my nose. He looked down at me. "Lyric, you need to really get out and get your mind off of things." I could just die right now. Devon
Watching Lyric lay there, lookin' like she was seconds away from having an exorcism, broke my heart. I didn't know what to say to make her feel better, all I could do was be there for her. I took off my shoes and climbed in bed beside her. I held her tightly. I could hear her sniffling. I kissed her on her cheek, hoping that maybe she'd turn over and talk to me. She didn't. She stayed in that same position for the rest the night. In the morning I convinced her to go to the beach with me. "We don't have to get in the water, we can just walk on the shore if that's what you want." Lyric grabbed my hand and followed me outside. Justin and La-La were already outside sitting under a huge umbrella and eating ice cream. Hope was in the water playing with Carlos, and my mother was in her hotel room putting on sunscreen. Lyric stopped as soon as we reached the door. "Aren't you gonna get December?" "You sure?" Lyric nodded her head. I kissed her on her temple. "Don't go nowhere." Lyric sat down in a chair, and I darted up the stairs to my mothers hotel room. Luckily, she was coming down the stairs, holding December in her carrier that she wore on her chest. December was wide awake, looking around at everything. "I was just about to come get her." I said. My mom shook her head. "How's Lyric holding up?" "Ummm," I looked down the stairs at her. "I'm not sure. It's weird though." My mom patted my shoulder and helped strap December onto my chest. "Devon this thing is weird, so you have to hold her up a little. Otherwise, this thing will slowly start to slid down." We shared a laugh. "Alright you have fun, and don't hurt her." "Tell yo' grandma to stop worrying. Daddy got this." My mom laughed and went downstairs. I met Lyric downstairs, and she smiled. "Oh, now you laugh. I've been trying to get you to laugh for the past 24 hours, and now you laugh?" I joked. She was cracking up so hard, that she could barely get the words out of her mouth. All she could do was point at me. "Oh my god Devon, what the hell do you have on?" "Lyric shut up. It's not funny." I said. "You know I gotta keep her in this thing so I don't have to carry her around everywhere that I go." Lyric looked at me and shook her head. "You just made my day and I don't think you noticed." I smiled. "That's what I'm here for." Lyric reached over and stroked December's soft cheeks. "She's so cute Devon." "Just imagine what our baby's gonna look like." Lyric smiled. "I know right. I kinda wish my grandma was here so that she could see the baby." I smiled and grabbed Lyric's hand. At this point, I didn't care what paparazzi had to say about me or Lyric. I didn't care what people thought. I figured, as long as I had Lyric by my side I was gonna be alright. This girl was more than a girlfriends. She's my inspiration, my heart, my soul. She's my everything. I reached over and placed a small kiss on her forehead. "Your grandmother is in a special place where she can see, feel, and hear everything. She'll always be in your heart no matter what the situation is." Lyric smiled. "Thank you so much."
Chapter Three: Paparazzi
I wasn't even back in New York for a full day before cameras started harassing us. I wasn't in the mood to talk to nor deal with the paparazzi. Devon wrapped his arms around me, and helped me back to the limo. It was weird--you know--walking pass all of those people as they shouted different things at us. They were asking too many questions. "Lyric, is it true that you are pregnant with Devon's second child!" I heard one reporter yell. "Lyric, are you pregnant?" "Lyric, is it true that your grandmother just died." I kept my shades on and lowered my head away from the cameras. If there's one thing that I will make sure of--is that my daughter won't have to run away from these cameras the same way I do. As Devon and I got into the limo, we could still hear the reporters outside. I took off my shades, and unbuttoned my blazer. I was so sick of running around with these tight outfits on. Carlos told me that it'd be best if I don't reveal my pregnancy until we're able to get on national television. He said that it's better if we let them all know at once. Slowly, my stomach had been starting to swell up. I wasn't humongous, but it has gotten to a point where you can physically see that I'm pregnant. "Mr. Mitchell are you heading home or to the office?" The driver asked, looking back at us through the rear view mirrors. Devon looked over at me before responding. "To the office. I gotta meet up with Justin and Carlos." The driver turned around and then I looked at Devon. "I'm so sick of hiding it Devon. I'm so uncomfortable right now." I reached down and continued to unbutton my blazer. "Ugh!" Devon laughed. "Lyric, Carlos is gonna get us an interview with Marcus so you can finally stop wearing these tight ass outfits." I frowned. "Shut up." Devon placed his hand on my stomach and kissed me on my cheek. "I'm just trying to make light out of the situation." He responded. I understood that part but at the same time, I really wanted to curl up in my bed and go to sleep, then maybe this would all be over. ****************************************************************************************** I guess we lucked out because when we got back to the house, Carlos told us that we were scheduled to be on national television today. My feel were hurting from this six inch stilettos that I had on, and my back was sore. I was ready to lay down. We arrived at the studio about an hour later. I was dress in a see through cream colored button down shirt, and a pair of burgandy true religion skinny jeans. On my feet I wore a pair of nude colored pumps. The make-up artist has given me nude make-up so it didn't look like I was wearing make-up. My hair was straightened down my back and curled on its end to reveal my blonde extensions underneath. I thought I looked pretty good. Devon the other hand was wearing a white no limits entertainment t-shirt, and a pair of dark denim straight legged jeans. He had on a fresh pair of bred 11's and a matching red snapback. Around his neck he had on three diamond chains and a matching rolex. I was done with my make-up, so I stood next to Devon as they put make-up on his face. He didn't need much but he still had to wear it. I smiled and winked at him. "Yo' this is crazy." He said, grinning back at me through the mirror. The make-up artist moved out the way to examine her work. Once she was satisfied with the results, she stepped away. We had about ten minutes until we went on set. Devon pulled me closer to him, positioning me between his legs. "You ready?" "Yeah, I guess so." I kissed Devon on his forehead, watching as he massaged my swollen tummy with his hands. Devon giggled. "I can feel the baby moving around in there." I giggled. "It feels like I have butterflies in my tummy." "I love you so much." Devon looked up me. I kissed him softly. "Okay, you two cut it out." I heard Carlos say. "Hey." Carlos sat down next to Devon, examining hisself in the mirror. "Kissing leads to pregnancy." He pointed at my stomach. I frowned. "Ahehehe nothin'." Devon let me go. Devon
"Next on stage is hip hops most talked about couple, give it up for Devon and his girlfriend Lyric." The crowd clapped as Devon and I came on set. Devon held my right hand and I waved with the left one. The host, Jolina Johnson, greeted us both with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for having us." I said. "No, thank you." She said. "It seems like you two are everywhere nowadays." Devon grinned. "I hope its in a good way." The audience laughed. "So tell us about this rumor," She started. "Are you two having your first child together." I nodded my head. "Yeah, we are." "Girl or boy?" "We don't know." We both answered at the same time. She smiled. "So hows your older daughter doing Devon." Devon smiled. "She's fine. She's in that phase where she copies everything I do." He paused, "It's great seeing her smile." "I know the feeling." She turned to me. "Tell us about life now that you're pregnant. I heard you dropped out of school." "Life is still the same." I answered honestly. "Its true, I did drop out of school. My life has to be devoted to this baby that I'm carrying and I didn't think I would be able to take care of a baby and go to school." Jolina looked at me and nodded her head. "Now, I heard that you recently lost your grandmother. How have you been handling that whole situation?" I promised myself I wouldn't cry at the mention of my grandmother. I looked over at Devon. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it." Jolina said. "I'm sorry." I said. "Ummm I umm been trying hard to deal with it. My parents died when I was six, so my grandmother was the only family that I had left." "Don't you have a sister?" I nodded my head. "I do have a sister. but she's only my half sister. We don't have the same mom and dad." The interviewer turned towards Devon. "We've been trying to get an interview with you since your album dropped. How has that been going?" Devon smiled. "Good. I haven't been able to leave the country yet, but hopefully one day I will." "I'm glad you haven't left the country. That way I can watch you." Jolina laughed. "You hear that ladies, Devon is off limits."
Chapter Four: My Baby
"Lyric, this is actually a good shot of you." Devon said from behind the camera. Me and Lyric were doing a photo shoot in Miami along with shooting my new music video. Ever since we announced that we were having a baby, almost every magazine company wanted to write a story about us. The last picture Lyric took was actually pretty good. She was dressed in a light blue denim button down shirt and a pair of black jeggings. On her feet she wore a pair of five inch ruby red stilettos. She had her right hand on her stoomach and her foot on top of a baby carseat. She wasn't looking at the camera. She was looking behind her almost as if somebody was watching her. Her hair was crimped in loose wavy curls and it was blown back behind her so you could see her facial structure. Lyric smiled and me and waved. I blew her a kiss back. "Okay Lyric, we're done." The photographer said. She ran over to the camera and took a seat on my lap. "Can I see the picture?" She asked. He showed her the picture. "I look so--mommyish." I kissed her on her cheek. "You are a mommy." I rubbed her stomach and kissed her again. "Okay, Devon you ready?" He asked, as the crew members got set up for the video shoot. I nodded my head. "I'm ready." Lyric gave me a thumbs up and took my seat beside the director. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ When we got back to the hotel room, Lyric laid down almost immediatly. She said she was tired and she wanted to lay down. I understood her dilemma cause she had them heels on all day, and we had been at the studio all day. I didn't really see why she still wanted to wear heels anyways. If she knows her back and feet bother her all day, then why wear uncomfortable shoes. While, she slept, I got on my laptop so I could skype with December. Gossip been leaving her at my house a lot, so she's always with my mom. I don't know whats been going on with Gossip lately but she been acting real foolish. One minute she hate me, and she don't want me to see my daughter. Next minute, she swear she in love with me. Not that I care about her feelings, its just that I get pretty annoyed sometimes when a female start acting crazy over something that's not even serious. I typed in my name on Google, and the first thing that popped up was my biography. I clicked on it, just to be curious, and read it.
Publication Date: March 8th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-dwaynewade3 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-narutolover11-vocaloid-school/ | narutolover11 VOCALOID SCHOOL! a school with vocaloids miku' is a highschool student who is a new girl at vocaloid high*
rin" i hear there's a new girl in school i hope she sits next to me* len i doubt that the teacher will hafe to pick who sits next to who* kaito with a smerk on his face* i go with lens answer* ^.^ rin kicks kaito in the face* gumi* youve got kicked! haha! yuri said with a serious look on her face* thats not nice the new girl is coming soon*! the teacher said welcome our new student hatsune miku* ^.^ please treat her nice hatsune miku u may take a seat next to rin kagamine* rin smiled then stuck her tounge out at len* i was right she said* miku unpacked her things she didnt know this was a boarding school so she been sent back home to grab a suite case with her things* in it * miku smiled and said ill make lots of friends * and left with her things that she needed * when she got back to the school it was recess at the gym* kazumi* was the first to lead in the race tshe ran around the track and came back in 3 minutes it was mikus turn to beat her score*miku took off and came back in one minute and 10 seconds rin* well no more gym for a week* miuko * V.V im so tired he said* rin* then go to sleep you lazy bumb!!!! miku* suddenly grab water bottles and passed some to everyone here you go water* ^.^ she smiled* len* thanks alot miku i was getting thirsty without you i would have passed out like kaito* it started to rain then everybody ran inside soaking wet exsept kaito* miku went to take a warm shower* then she stopped and realized there was a hot springs she went inside and got in for 3 minutes then took a shower and went to her doormroom* the partner that you sit by in the classroom is the person that bes in ur doormroom* rin said* miku layed on her bed and began to fall asleep the next day* len said* i love this scool so much* kazumi* why? because theres a new girl no because there is finally icecream here! kazumi said* youve shouldnt have said that* len* why?
kaito* icecream!!!!!! icecream!!!! icecream!!!! kazumi* thats why*
he's a super freak super freak hes super freaky! len* no seriously icecream freak* other than him i like bananas* miku watcha doing? okayy kaitos on a suger rush i see icecream!!!!! miku gives kaito icecream here now shutup youre giceing me a headache! DU DU DU!!! ( TO BE CONTINUED PART 2 COMING SOON!)
Publication Date: August 1st 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-narutolover11 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-daniella-melillo-kissed-by-an-angel/ | Daniella Melillo kissed by an angel
once there was this little girl named angel angel died because her two friends amber and holly came up to her one day and say wanna play truth or dare so it was holly's turn so she asked holly to kill angel so amber killed angel and angel haunted amber everyday for the past three years because they killed her one day amber was ill so she called holly and holly came over and looked at and said what happened to you'r back and it said you will regret the day you killed me love angel and so angel did and after the three years she haunted her no more was said
Publication Date: June 13th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-abbygurl9 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-yasmine-candy-is-not-sweet/ | Yasmine Johnson Candy is not sweet
The Main Characters
Hey everbody so I'm guessing yall want to know about me, well i'm 16 smart and yeah i'm taking over my family's hustle, but the only thing I hate is that I have to work with my brother little C-more uhh he gets on my nevers. I plan to get my spot on the streets one way or another, everybody going respect me and fear me! I made it but it was a hard and a long jounery, read to find out how I got to the top of my family hustle.
Wasup its your girl Kendra aka Keke. Right now I'm in some deep trouble and I really need the help of my girl Candy and her crew. I hope she knows that I'm with her along the way and that she is not in this alone! Well thats all I can say you have to READ and find out the rest!!
Wassup It's Little C-More turn up cause i'm taking over the game I'm be the top and main KingPin in this mother, Whoo Whoo! But there is still a problem that is in me and my sister crew way, but I know that we can handle this even thou we get on each other nervers and aruge at the end of the day we a tram and we going be the survivors when its all said and done!
It's Too Late
"Yeah yeah yeah I know dad the streets is about money and trying to survie", I said to my dad. "Now I trust you your smart and 16 now but if you fall into a soution understand that I can't help you angel. You have to learn from your mistakes and also others sometimes. Now my main connect is going to meet you on twenty-third street tonight", he repiled back. "At 1:30 tonight yeah yeah I know dad, you know I'm older now and you should treat me like I am!", I said getting irraited by him. "Okay, not only me and your mom is counting on you, but the team, you have to think about them to don't be selfish, because it will all come back to you. Now go ahead and pick up your brother up from school." I got up and went to get my brother's keys to his BMW. As I was walking out the door I saw my ex-boyfriend Chris walking toward me limping. He broke my heart 3 months ago. I found out that he was cheating on me with my best, well ex-bestfriend Mya. My dad and C-more shot him 4 times in the leg, ever since he been begging me to take him back. When I saw that he was getting closer I got into C-more car and speed away leaving him standing there looking stupid. I arrived at my school to pick up C-more. I didn't go to school to day because I was preparing for war on the streets. C-more came out with one of them ratchett looking thirsy girls. They came into the car. "Why is she in here for", I asked him when they both were in the car. "Yo Candy you need to chill out with that bs, I never asked you why you went out with Chris, now did I", he said getting smart. He had a point there. "Well just drop me off at Keke's house and then you can handle that thirsty girl!", I said. "C-more you better get your sister, she don't know me she better check her-self", she said. "Whatever girl you not even worth it", I said. "Yall need to chill", C-more sid getting irratered now. We road in the car in slience. When I arrived at my bestfriend Keke's house I knocked on the door but nobody didn't come. I walked in and almost pass out. Right in front of me I saw my friend Kendrad Roberts aka Keke died right in front of me. I knew she had been raped by more then one man. She was naked and bleeding to death. She looked at me and I told her I promised I would found who ever done this to her. She then took one last breath and was gone/died. I heard foot steps coming from the backroom, I then quickly hid behind the couch. I found a gun that was tucked under the chair. The foot steps got louder. The gun was load. I pulled the trigger, but it was to late they got away. I tried running after the car they were in, but it was too late they had gotten away. I was too late!
Knowing the Game?!
The police arrived and asked me a bunch of questions like I was the one who murder her. When I went home that night I couldn't sleep. The next day I skipped school and went into search mode. I sweared to Keke that I would find who ever killed her and I was determined to, no matter who or what was coming my way. I went to get my crew and went searching everywhere. I thought about Chris, could he have done this to get back at me. Ever since Keke die he been MIA, maybe I'm crazy he would do that after what C-more and daddy did to him. The first person we thought who had killed Keke was Mike-mike. We found him at a local club. I went into the bathroom and put on my one of my tight fitting blue dress that came up about 4inches above my knees with my black spike heels. I came out of the bathroom and found him on the dance floor. I worked my way on the dance floor. Soon I found myself at the bar with him. He offered to buy me a drink, of course I didn't say no. He got drunk soon right where I wanted him. We went to his place to chill or aleast thats what he thought. He layed on the bed while I went to get us a cup of Alize. I put a 3 pills into his cup. I waited a couple of minutes for it to dissolve in the drink. I shook it and tooked it to him. "A toast to us?!", he said. "To us", I said smiling. He drunk the drink and soon felt dizzy and past out. My crew came and put him into the truck of his black Jeep. We took him to the forset where nowhere could find him. We tied him up to a tree. He soon woked up and relized his life was tricked. "Mike we can keep this simple, or do this the hard way. We think you had something to do with Keke's death. You was real close to her. Now you was the last person with her. I know because she said that you two were going to a party, did this happen or not?", I asked him. He looked at me with pleading eyes to let him free. He soon answer. "Yes I did but I would never ever kill keke!!", He yelled at me. I laughed to myself a little bit wondering should I belive him or not. "Tell me everything that happened from the begining to the end", I said leaning down in front of him. "Okay so me and Keke were going out to eat at the waffle house.", he said trying to get his story toghther. "Then I asked her to go to my cousin birthday party with me she agreed and we went", He said looking at me. I looked into his eyes firguring out was he lying. "I swear I had a few drinks with her and we left I took her home thats all that happen I swear",He looked at me pleading to let him go. I sighed and got up from in front of him. "Let him go", I said. He sighed in relielf. "Wait don't think you're off the hook if you tell anybody and I mean anybody about this that's you're ass_", I said pointing my finger in his face."I'mnot trust me I want to tag up with you and your team to find out who killed Keke", He said in all serious. I walked away with my guys following me. I walked to my truck. I turned around once I reached my truck. "I'll thin k about it okay", I said to him. He nod and walked away to find his car. I sighed loudly. I don't know how I'm do this but I promise to find who ever killed Keke and somhow someday someway I will.
Bad guy or good guy?!
"Well maybe you should give him a chance", C-More says trying to convine me to let Mike(Mike-Mike) in on our plan and let him be down with the crew. "I don't know what if he's just playing us?", I say rasing an eyebrow. "And what if hes not", he say. "But what if he is??!", I say getting very irratted now. "Just think about it at least", he says smiling. "Already did", I say staring at the wall. He gives me a death glare, and gets up and walks away. I sigh and get up and walk to the windowsill and listen to rain hit against the window pane. "I hope he's right", I say to myself.
I wake up to the sun glowing on me. I groan and got up and walk to the kitchen to find my brother cooking breakfast. "Hey did you aleast think about?", he says getting straight to the point. I blew my breath and sat down watching him closly. "Well", he said while fixing both me and him a plate. "Ok ok ok", I said when he stared to take my plate away from me. "OK", he asked. "Ok....ayyy", I said rolling my eyes. "You see in the in he's a good guy", C-More said and left. "Why does he want him to be down with us so much", I said to myself while picking at my eggs.
I finished eating my food, then got dressed in some jogging pants and a plain whit tee. I walked outside and started walking to Keke house, or showed I say that hell hole. When I arrived there I seen a couple of cops still trying to investigate. I igroned them and walked inside, because I knew that they really didn't care and by the end of the week they would just give up and close the case.
Publication Date: September 3rd 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-ms.unique |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-mahogany-monet-it-aint-trickin-039-if-you-got-it/ | Mahogany Monet It aint Trickin' if You Got It Family Hustle To All Readers
It Just Got Started
Stace was my homegirl at work, she was really the only one i could talk too. Stace use to strip here too but now she just cleans. She walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder and said "Girl you know you up first? Where yo excitement?", trying to be funny. "At home." I said with my head down and arms crossed. I slapped my hands on the dresser and and turned to her. "Its my time already? Damn i just got here." I said "You know how it is!" Stace yelled as she walked away switching.
After my dance I packed my stuff and was ready to go. Not even two mintues before I was about to leave, here come Pedals and Jewels. I rolled my eyes as I saw them walking my way. Pedals thought she was the biggest, baddest dancer here, but that's not why I didnt like her. She ran her own undercover "business", she would take the new girls and turn them out then sell them. I tried to hurry and pack my things without it looking like I was in a rush.
"Damn girl, why you aint wait on me to get here to start dancin?" she asked slapping my ass with a smirk on her face. "Pedals get off of me!" I said through my teeth while shoving her hand off my back. But doing that aint do nothing but make her grip me more. Pedals hands felt warm on the back of my neck and my on my hip. It was disgusting. "Come on now" she said. I grabbed my bags and ran towards the door. But then I had to stop myself, I went back into the building and saw Pedals and Jewels all up on stage, together. She hang around Pedals so damn much i forget thats my sister. "Jewles let's go!" I yelled over the music. She looked down at me like she was some kind of special, up there dancing with Pedals.
Honey is my sister and all but she needs to loosen up.
"Yeah, yeah. Here I come!" I yelled at my sister over the loud song in the club. I love dancing, I have no shame in it. It aint trickin' if you got it, right? I mean I understand where she is coming from and all, we got school in the morning.
I went to the dressing room to pack my stuff and try not to keep my sister waiting so long. I already knew Honey was going to try to start with me because I was hanging with Pedals.
"What the fuck was you thinking!? You already know Pedals is tryin to turn you out!" my sister yelled at me while hopping out the car and slamming the door. "Chill, I was just tryna make some extra money. Pedals dont phase me none Honey, you know that" I said to my sister calmly, sometimes thats just what she needs.
After we get home I invited my boo over that I've been talking to for a while, he doesnt know I strip and im not planning on telling him. Me and Lew go into my room to have some private time so my sister wont be trippin about us having sex on the couch. "Boo I been missin you, where you been?" I said sweetly.
"You know I be busy and shit. I just been busin moves and I barely even get time to think, and you know wifey be on my ass." Every time he mentions his girl I get a little knot in my stomach, then I remind myself its just sex between me and him and we gotta have it fast or its gonna get weird. I stood up and took off my white tee off and unzipped his pants.
"Wait ma, what you tryna do?" he asked sounding confused. I looked up at him with no words and did my work with him. I knew he was feelin it because of the way he trew his head back. When I was finished he got up and picked me up and tossed me on the bed. He Felt all over my chest and thighs, getting me turned on. He kissed my belly button, my neck, then he felt how wet I was gettin.
"Niqua!" my sister yelled from the other room. She always messing something up. When she yells that means everybody gotta go. But He had to finish with me first.
All Money aint Good Money
"Damn, you look like shit." said my friend as she walked up to me at my locker. " I was up all night listening to Niqua have sex with her boo and trying to study." I said while yawning.
"Just spill all my business why dont you." said Niqua while walking past holding her books over her breast. I always seem to ignore my sister at school and work. I seem to be the only one that even ignores her while everybody is wanting to be her or pampering her. Walt walked past my locker giving me the "look". Walt was a stress reliever for me. Niqua always knew when I had been with Walt, something about him just got me so excited. He was tall and had carmel colored skin with curly dark hair, he had abs like he worked out for a living and his chest was baby smooth and covered in tattoos. When he walked past I knew what that had meant. Walt had asked me to catch the bus home with him today after school so I let Niqua take the car. We had stayed a little late waiting on all the students to leave the so we could go to our spot.
"Was you up all night thinking about me?" he asked smirking and holding my hips "A little bit, was you thinking about me ?" I asked. He didnt respond back to my question but his actions did. He turn me around and I could feel it through his pants on my ass. He wasnt playing this time. He kissed my neck and rubbed on me , then put his hands in my pants. I put my head back against his chest and closed my eyes. He started to undo my pants and pushed the lower part of my back inward to bend me over. He had smacked my ass so hard it stung for a while and left a red print on my light skin. At first he went slow then went faster and faster, making me scream. I felt so wrong doing this outside in someone's back yard but I couldnt help it, it made me feel good.
Since my sister gave me the car for a day I might as well run around and have fun. After I left school I went home and got in the shhower so I could change into something sexy. I got niggas buggin me 24/7 asking for pussy. My first stop was to Pedals house, but Pedals wasn't there. I jumped out the car, threw on my shades and went up to ring the door bell. Pedals brother Eric opened the door.
"Wassup ma, you finally stop being scared and decided to come over huh?" I flipped my shades up, looked at him, and walked right in the house, ignoring his question. To me, ignorance is sexy, I always get my way like that. I threw my purse on the couch and stood there with my hands on hips.
"So how much you got for me?" I asked with a attitude."A nigga cant get a hug or nothin fuckin with you, why should I give you money?" Once again I ignored his question. I aint have time for games so I pulled my shorts down, sat on the couch, opened my legs and started playing with it myself. He stood there and didnt say a word.
"Now the show is free but everything else aint, now run me my money" I said standing up with my hand out. After we got done that lil' 70 dollars wasn't shit, I needed some more money. I went straight to my house to freshen up, but this time I didnt have to leave. While i was drying off somebody was knocking at my door. I wasn't really expecting anybody but I opened the door anyway.
I aint have sex with Walt for money but when i ask he gives me some here and there. Knowing my sister she probably not even home yet, she needs to be bringing her ass home now so we can go to work. Soon as i get home I hear some loud ass music which is sorda unusual considering the fact we live with only two other people in our building. The further I get the more I realise where the music is coming from. My house, of course. At this point i know Niqua is home getting ready for work.
Shit. I knew I was caught when I heard Honey put the keys in the door, but it was too good to stop now. Soon as Honey opened the door he let out one of the loudest moans I ever heard, and finally finished. I knew she was going to be pissed because we were in the living room. It was hot and the musty smell of sweat filled the room.
"Ew, you is nasty! You got a room for a reason." Honey said walking past with her hands over her face. "Sorry boo, you gotta go. I got work in a minute" I said while picking up Lew's clothes and handing them to him. I feel bad for just kicking him out but he had to go. I shoved him out the door to leave. "Wait. Wait. Wait. My money?" I asked nicely with door cracked and my hand sticking out. He slapped a stack of hundreds in my palm and said "You breaking me baby girl."
I dont even know if I wanna go after what I just saw. Now my living room smells like sex. As long as she been messing with Lew, him and her both should know not to do it in the living room. But after what I just had from Walt I dont even care. I feel like I can do anything now. I needed that.
Expect the Unexpected
Its been weeks since I seen my boo. We text here and there but nothing serious, because of his "wifey". I haven't even been up for going to work. I've been eating like crazy so now I basically live at the gym. I feel like shit. Im not going into work, again. I just Feel like sleeping.
As I walk past my sisters room I ask her is she going to work. I dont even get a full answer just a loud groan. I guess its just me today. I feel for my sister though, as much sex she has she should be tired and sore.Soon as i get to work i notice its a slow day. No one is there except Pedals and a few of the ran down girls. They don't phase me so I just walk past. When i come out to find some table dances I see Walt, at the bar."What the hell?!" I think to myself and run to the back. I really hope he didn't see me. stace saw me run like somebody shooting and she followed me
"Girl are you okay? I saw you running like it was your life at steak. What happen?" she asked sounding concerned. I didnt want to tell her all my business so i just said i felt a little sick. "Are you..?" she asked wide eyed. I just shook my head "Are you sure she?" she said. I was positive I wasn't pregnant. Or was I? But i couldnt be, Walt had pulled out.
I finally hustled up some type of strength to go to the store and get some snacks. As much as I been working out I feel three-hundred pounds but its probably just a bug. I told Pedals about it and she thinks I need a diet.
Publication Date: August 28th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-ye3da28b401e125 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-sky-sean-daisy/ | sky sean Daisy Loves Norman
She had won thousands hearts in our town but she loved the servant called “Norman France”. Her name was Daisy Dolce, and her name comes from our stringent duke Vera Leonardo Vincent, Who brought Daisy Dolce from orphanage when she was only three years old. He named her “Daisy” because she was as beautiful as flower and “Dolce” because she was as sweet as song.
In our town, there is no lack of fans just like other towns, but the specialty lies within the fact that cardinal strength of these fans belongs to Duke’s daughter. Allen Hubert and Hibb Toss were chief soldiers at royal mansion. Unfortunately, both of them fallen in love with Daisy Dolce. Allen Hubert and Hibb Toss were considered as “Two Arms” of Duke.
Peoples of our town were hapless, misfortunate, and pitiable. Citizenry had to follow the hard and fast rules of our Lord Duke Vera Leonardo Vincent. In small town, that ruled by such a duke who was strict, old fashioned, and her father, Daisy Dolce had to either “live in hope” or “left all the hopes”.
Daisy’s Birthday
Sighing on her phrases while self-talk, Daisy decided she will emphatically propose “Norman” tonight.
“I can’t stop him from featuring my fantasies.” She muttered before taking deep breath. Today was the celebration of the day on which Daisy was born. She was now eighteen years old girl. She was Pleasing and attractive than any girl in our town or in world. Standing before mirror, she was combing strand of her darker magenta red shining hairs and admiring her beautiful black peas like eyes through continually blinking.
The door rapped softly and Daisy smiled eagerly. She run to open the door then realizes she’s only wearing nightgown. She pulls out her towel that was squeezed inside her bed and put it on her neck. She opened the door and someone pressed a birthday kiss on her forehead. He was no doubt the duke of our town himself.
“Happy Birthday Daisy” He said very loudly, holding her hands and pulls her out from her room. The curtains were changed from ordinary deep blue to the flannel light pink and white. The old dining table and chairs had been replaced by the new bigger and large dining table and chairs. A length of beautiful cloth was drawn, and new shining utensils were placed on table. The whole hall looks new and beautifully decorated. Daisy accounted the idea that tonight will be the grand party.
She was very impressed by her father. He had arranged everything nicely for her daughter. Her heart felt proud of being the daughter of duke of our town. But suddenly, her heart felt ached and a thought stroked in her mind. “It won't easy to propose Norman tonight.” She almost wept.
“What's happens Daisy?” Duke asked “Are you alright?”
“I am fine dad.” She said and hugged her father. Duke holds her tightly with his both arms.
He wanted to gift her ‘World’, but Norman Frank had hardly any penny left in his drawer. On the eve of Daisy’s birthday, Allen Hubert and Hibb Toss had tradition to gift precious metals and stones to her and Norman had to scarify with his deep desires of gifting her precious things such as world. He can only afford bouquets of lavenders and sometimes red roses which were plucked from the garden of royal mansion. Norman felt deeply abashed by the fact that he still had not time to make corsage for Daisy. Today he had to adorn the royal mansion for the party. Norman remembered the day when he was came to work in mansion with his father. He was five year old when he meets Daisy first time. His father had divorced his mother for some reason he still don’t know and left his town, town where he was born and came in our town to work. He helped his father in his works and when his father died, Duke ordered him to stay in old room and do what his father does for fifteen years. Today, Duke had given him order to look after every decoration and deficiencies. He had to arrange chefs, chorus, and lots of waiters and wines. He wished that he could get some time for making present for Daisy.
In the other room of royal mansion, Hibb was talking to mirror. “I want this bastard out of our mansion,” pointing his middle finger towards mirror. He continued, “When I have purchased golden pendant earring for Daisy he brought diamond pendant earring, when I purchased bracelets for her he brought diamonds bangles. He always hooked my chance of laying eyes on Daisy having on my jewelries. But I have decided to buy diamond necklace for Daisy and I won’t tell anybody about this. But I don’t know about best diamond jewelries shop in this town. I think I should ask that bastard.” he said putting his both hand behind his head.
Hibb hastened down to Allen’s room to ask him about the best diamond jewelries shops in our town. He rapped the door brutally. Allen was a cushy man. He committed his life for scheming strategies for Duke Vera Leonardo Vincent. He had fallen in love with Daisy when he came to mansion. Three years have been passed and he still hasn’t get time to propose Daisy because duke always needs him for ruling our town. Allen’s strategies have been proved to be very successful in our town. He had won so many medals from our duke. He was considered as very respected and clever personage of duke, his right arm. On the eve of Daisy’s eighteenth birthday he had decided to propose her. When Hibb asked Allen about best diamond shop in our town he replied “There is no best diamond shop in our town. If you want to buy best diamond necklace I guess, you should look out of town.” tightening the collar of his suit. Hibb wondered how this bastard knew that I want to buy diamond necklace for Daisy.
Duke Vera Leonardo Vincent wanted to share some words with his only daughter. She has given him lively pleasure since fifteen years of his life. When he found his wife incapable of giving birth to any child, he was physically and mentally suffered. Daisy brings back life in him. Today when he woke up he decided to spend some time with his daughter after party.
Grand Party
How anyone could turn his glance from the royal mansion that day? The burning beauty shaded by sparkles of red, yellow, and pink diamond that day. The mansion was appearing the best of heaven, the golden hall and the silver floor, lights hues every corner of our town, chorus singing melodious songs, the masses gathered around the hall, all eyes were laying on the steps, all ears were open more than they normal, when the upper door knocked. The insatiable desires arouse in hall when Daisy comes down to steps.
She was looking angel from heaven, wearing the white gown that was stitched with gems and stones. She shied by sight. Duke holds her hand and said, “On the eve Daisy’s birthday I want everybody will sing, dance, and enjoy this party.” And the celebrations started. Daisy looked all around and her eyes lay on queen who was still looking ill, she was suffering from the diseases that stayed with her till death. Daisy cut a small piece from big cake and poses it in the mouth of queen. She cleaned her mouth with hankie. Queen loved Daisy since she has spared duke from almost dying. She then takes a bigger piece and poses it in mouth of her father. The whole room was filled with chitchat. “Daisy’s this is for you.” Someone said. And the gift ceremony commenced. Daisy thanked everyone, the whole table filled with shining packages. Allen and Hibb gifted her necklaces. Hibb gave her diamonds necklace and Allen gave her necklace of precious stones like emerald, Tanzanite, jasper, and jade. Norman would give her gift after party she remembered if he would make it. Her eyes searched Norman everywhere. She hadn’t seen him since morning.
Norman felt nausea although he was standing at portcullis for receiving guests with several other servants of lower rank. In spite of the fact that he loves Daisy, Norman insisted not to think about marrying or feeling something like love for her because he knows the fact that Daisy is princess the daughter of Lord Vera Leonardo Vincent and he’s just servant. The love between princess of our town and servant is impossible. Norman and Daisy have their childhood at mansion in each other's company. They were best friend since puerility. They were so immersed in their friendship and one day when Daisy was sitting in garden in her teenage she realized that she’s in love with Norman. She was bitten by snake and duke was out of town with their chief soldiers. She was so afraid to tell anyone about this. Queen was already sick. She can’t tell her. But there is someone with whom she could tell everything and he was Norman. When she saw Norman she told him everything. He walked out of town for medicines and save her life. From that day their friendship and love became more and more strong. After the last guest left Norman rush to hall for cleaning and arranging everything. He saw Daisy standing before duke. He smiled on her and Daisy smiled back on him.
Silence hounded the late October night and male Cicadas started calling weeeoh, weeeoh, weeeoh............ that can be heard from twenty yard away. Daisy had on herself in light red night dress with freckles of dark pink on it. She recalled every words of proposal in front of mirror. With that she combed her hair, wears little makeup although she was already looking aphrodisiac, and flushed when door rapped. She opened the door. Duke was standing outside. He said softly, “Daisy I thought I should talk to you for a little time.” Daisy smiled on him and said “off course dad.” Daisy smiled again when they sat on her drowsy bad. She keeps smiling when duke said his words to her. “Daisy your mother and I was very happy when you have come to our life. You’re like my son,” he stressed. “But you’re still my daughter. You’re now young lady” he said very seriously and stopped for some moment and then he began “your mother and I was worried about our biggest responsibility, your marriage.”
Daisy interrupted “Dad.” she was sounding very helpless.
Duke pretended to ignore and said more seriously than before, “your mother want to see you married before her death.” Daisy holds dukes hand and said “my mother would not die.” Duke smiled on her innocence and said,
“Daisy Do you like someone?”
She didn’t reply. She just smiled shyly. Duke departed her with late night kiss. Then at last she got time to meet Norman. For the first, she felt uncomfortable to meet her best friend. She loved him from her sparrow age. She was living her life in trance since many years. She mixed him in her wildest fantasies. She never cared about his post at mansion.
She loves him as person. She decided to open her heart and show him the soft corner she had nourished for him. She opened the door very softly but it sounds bitterly, she steps down to hall looks all around. And she judged herself again. She found herself alone standing in the middle of hall. Curtains were flowing in winds, lights were flickering, cold winds were blowing, and everything seems to be judging her. She felt sick and afraid. She immediately rush back to her room and closed the door forcefully. She took some deep sighs. Finally her heart felt relaxed and suddenly everything becomes still and peacefulness permeated whole room.
Daisy started crying “what was that?” she mumbled very softly so no one could hear even that evil soul that has fastened over her. She wiped her tears with her worth kissing hands and lie down on bed. She kissed her pillow and grabbed it tightly. She felt as Norman holding her. She kissed it again and started suggesting herself the power of love. She rose from bad and wiped her tears again. She was looking pitiful in mirror but she doesn’t bother this time. She rushed to Norman without hearing anything and keeping her face down. She rapped his door very softly and mumbled his name in same melody.
I Love You
Sweet smelling auras were coming out of drape freed windows. The moonshine was scattered on floor of room that was satiated with clusters of sacks and cartons. The pale walls were bumped by the unity of particles looked brown instead of yellow. Flickering gas light made Norman’s eye dilated. He was looking excitant. Daisy almost fainted by sight but lastly she gained sanity.
“Glad you could make it,” she said hanging up the corsage made of dark red roses.
“This is for you Daisy, I am sorry, I d-didn’t....” Daisy cut him in middle of his apology.
“It’s alright Norman; I wanted to talk to you.” She sounds serious and waits for him to reply. Norman showed blank expression. “She can’t be serious tonight,” Norman thought. “Tell me, what’s in your mind?” he asked her surprisingly.
Daisy pictured herself standing before mirror. She was confused about the way Norman would react to her proposal. She was afraid of “No” or “rebuke”. Suddenly, something fluttered outside the window. Norman gazed outside. There was a shadow. He surprisingly looked Daisy. Daisy returned same look to him and when she came to see, it disappeared. Daisy was afraid. She said to Norman that it was evil soul. He didn’t believe it and ask her “how she knows that it was evil soul?”
Norman Daisy began, “when I was coming to your room something has fastened over me. I felt someone judging me. I felt sick and run to my room cried a lot. I don’t know what was that it was very dangerous.” She uttered everything before him with sobs and sighs. Norman doesn’t like Daisy weeping. He wiped her tears with her hankie.
“Why you came here late night?” he asked softly. Daisy couldn’t wait more. She lived in trance and fear from several years. Her emotions were screaming inside her. Tears were coming out her eyes. They wanted the answer. She wanted answer. She was fallen for a servant of mansion. What would people say? What would senators talk? What would Duke himself thought. What would her mother thought? And more importantly, what would Norman say. She wiped her tears as sudden idea stroked in her mind. And she maintained eye contact with Norman, who was still looking aphrodisiac.
“Norman, if I fallen for someone who is not prince and very poor man should duke will let me marry him?” she asked pretending normally. Norman sensed her act although he was still afraid of worse that was foreshadowed in her question. He replied with a question-
“Do you love someone?”
“I love you.” And silenced taken up the rest combat. It was the same catastrophe he had prophesied in his thoughts. For five minutes nobody spoke, like taking in aroma of some rare perfume before it extinct for forever.
“It is better to have loved, Norman.” she whistled softly. Norman was trying to breaking eye contact but he found himself unable to do it. Daisy’s eyes were making him insane. He wanted to mutter his words of protest as it’s his sanity support but failed to hide his emotions. The desire that had been forced beneath the layers of morals, society, and fear, was now turning them into physical reality. Drops of tears were started falling from his eyes that were still exciting Daisy’s desires. His hands grabbed her so tightly inside him that she could even feel his heart beats in her.
The shadow outside of the window was belonging to Allen who now joined with Hibb too. Allen thought of crying but reminds himself he is strong enough for such heartbreaks. He grabbed his fellow mouth with his right hand dragged him to room. Hibb started shouting Daisy can’t love Norman. She can’t do this to me. Allen grabbed his neck with his right hand and pressed him to wall. “Why can’t she love Norman?” he shouts on him. Hibb tried to speak but nothing comes out. He was afraid by Allen’s anger. Allen loosens his hold and he poured his venom. “Norman has courted Daisy. He gave her corsages of red flowers on her every birthday. He talked her too much. He meets her everywhere....”Allen grabbed his mouth again and throws him out of his room.
Hibb smiled as he now know that Allen loves Daisy and he definitely fought with Norman, even murdered him. And somehow he will get advantage of this cold war at mansion.
Thanks For Reading!
Thanks For Reading!
Text: shishir kumar All rights reserved. Publication Date: January 8th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-skysean |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-coco-simon-i-emma-in-thin-icing/ | coco simon I Emma in thin icing cupcakeicing unpacks diaries#3
chapter 1
hi said Emma
hi Emma said Jessica
what are u doing said emma
nothing getting my stuff together for next class said Jessica
hey u wanna be in my moms wedding as a junior bridesmaid
yeah said Emma
yeah said Jessica
chapter 2
guess what said Emma
my mom canceled her wedding said Emma
what said Jessica continue this book on series #4
Text: Emma on thin icing Images: Emma on thin icing Editing: When Mia asks the girls in the club to be junior bridesmaids in her mother's wedding, everyone is superexcited about the idea...especially when they find the perfect dress for the occasion! It's Emma's dream dress, except it's a little more than she Translation: When Mia asks the girls in the club to be junior bridesmaids in her mother's wedding, everyone is superexcited about the idea...especially when they find the perfect dress for the occasion! It's Emma's dream dress, except it's a little more than she All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 3rd 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-tiffany1975 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-chloe-knox-holding-a-heart-lt-3-on-hold/ | Chloe Knox Holding A Heart <3 (On-Hold) Dedication - to my favorite lil sis & my best friends both on BookRix and in "Real Life"! You know who you are, this is for you, for all the support you've all given me!
Many people, intellectual and inspiring people, have told me ‘You shouldn’t fear death; you should fear the unlived life'.
This, I guess, makes sense…to them
! Sure, everyone has problems. Everyone faces pain and loss…but not everyone lives a life overwhelmed with it.
I am trying to live life, but it’s hard!
Not everyone can afford vacations or experience miracles. Not everyone has a life worth living...I sometimes wonder if mine even is...
* * *
My father pulled his truck up to the 'scene of the crime'.
Red and blue and white lights flashed incessantly, as the cop cars came into view. Through a mist of fog, I could vaguely make out my mother's car. It was a crappy, little, thing, coated with rust. It looked even worse now that it had massive dents on the driver's side, it almost looked like a crunched up piece of aluminum. The tires were bulging from under the car, as if the weight of the vehicle itself was too much for the itty-bitty worn down tires to handle. The hood of the car was bent, the head light on the driver’s side was completely shatter as well as the driver's window. Glass surrounded my mother's car and the other car, a green jeep, which had hit my mom.
One look at this and my body heated with anger. The jeep had a few scratches and a broken headlight. My mother's car was completely ruined, cracked, smashed, dented, bent--you name it!
'Katt!' my father called after me, but I ignored him.
I opened the passenger door to my father's truck and hopped out, stomping my way over to the first police officer I saw.
'Excuse me, miss, but can you stand back?"
'Fuck you!'
'Pardon me?'
'What happened? Where's my mom?'
'Miss, please stand back and let us do our jobs.'
'Just tell me where my mom is and you can go back to flashing your pretty little badge around in everyone's face! Where's my mom?'
'Miss, please remain calm! You're mother is probably be examined.'
'Examined? What the hell for?’
And that’s when I saw it…on my mother’s cracked windshield was a small but visible splatter of crimson red…blood.
‘Miss, please! Stay back, take a deep breath, and contain yourself.’
‘Mom! Mom, where are you? Mom?’ I yelled, suddenly wanting to—no! Needing to find her. I had to make sure she was okay and safe, but for some unknown reason there was a sour knot in my stomach that told me something bad was happening.
'MOVE! Out of the way!' A woman yelled, not angrily, just seeming worried and desperate and rushed.
Me and the police officer quickly stepped out of the way and turned to watch two paramedics, one male, one female, push a gurney toward the ambulance. On it was a very familiar looking woman.
Long locks of brown hair flowed over the woman's shoulders sticking to her sweaty neck and cheeks. Her skin was a little on the pale side, but didn't look sickly. Her cheeks were the slightest bit flushed, lips a faded pink. If it weren't for the huge gash coated with dried and fresh blood, on her forehead she'd seem like an innocent woman, sleeping, dreaming...living...
‘Mom? MOM! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!’
* * *
My life could be worse, I know that, but that doesn’t take away the fact that I was dealt a shitty hand. Knowing that while I’m complaining about my life other girls are being kidnapped and killed doesn’t take away the pain I feel every
morning I wake up. It doesn’t make me feel lucky or appreciative for what I still have, which is pretty much only my sanity and I’m not even sure I still have that anymore.
Every day I wake up and realize that I’m withering away, slowly but surely. Everyday a part of me, of my heart, disappears taking away my best qualities and the things I used to like about myself.
No longer am I giddy, outgoing, or even the slightest bit fun to hang out with. I’m sad, lonely…I’m fading into nothing…just waiting for the day, that'll probably never come, when I can feel like myself and not have to hold my own wounded heart in the palm of my own shaking, clammy, hands.
Chapter One: <3
Fulchiner County!
Population; 782.
Exciting Town Events; diddly-squat!
Fulchiner is one of those crappy, prehistoric, southern towns; the type of clichéd town, where everyone knows everything about everyone, and I mean everything
. Well, actually…no! Not everything! But once someone in town finds out something about you, something you didn't want anyone to know or something you weren’t proud of, you’re screwed! That one person tells someone, and that someone tells another person, and before you know it everywhere you go, around every corner, someone is watching you. Glaring at you, as if they know you…
Me and my father moved to Fulchiner, literally, less then forty-eight hours ago, and already am I experiencing all of this first hand.
For a whole day, I walked around clueless as to why my ‘peers’ where glaring and whispering as I walked down the halls. I knew there were rumors; I’m new, an outsider. I expected that! But what I didn’t expect was to be sitting on the toilet in the girl’s restroom and see in black sharpie on the bathroom stall: Katherine McNeil is a WHORE!
“Wonderful,” I mutter, rolling my eyes, and walking out of the bathroom.
I walk out of the bathroom stall, and over to the sink to wash my hands, when in walks in Marcella Marko, also known as Marcie, the gossip queen and most popular girl at Fulchiner High.
Marcie and her wanna-bees looked from me, to the lettering on the open bathroom stall, and then back to me.
“What’s up, slut!?” Marcie spat with a half smile. Her two blonde disciples suppressed a giggle, as if what Marcie had said was the funniest thing on earth.
Cocking my head to the side, I smile and say, “Your boyfriend’s dick.”
All three blondes jaw dropped, making my forged smile turn out to be genuine, “Tell him to keep up the good work!” I say, flashing Marcie a quick wink and then shouldering through the girls to get toward the exit.
Now before you start whispering to your friend sitting next to you about how whorish I am, let me say that I definitely am NOT
a whore. I’ve only ever slept with two different people in my life, and when I finally did
give away my virginity it was to my boyfriend of three years—now ex-boyfriend.
So, no, I’m not a whore and am not even really that experienced when it comes to that
…but that doesn’t mean I'm a goody-two-shows. It doesn't mean that I don't like to fool around or have fun.
* * *
I stumbled out of the van the moment the smell overwhelmed me. Everything seemed to be in slow-motion. Every light seemed brighter, every noise seemed louder. And that smell...the sweet but very peculiar aroma of the pot that was being passed around seemed stronger then when Reece first opened up the little plastic baggy.
I knew what I was doing was wrong, that I'd be in a hell whole of a lot of trouble if my father ever found out...but I didn't care at the moment. I was in an obliviously euphoric state. I couldn't stop smiling and my stomach felt extremely tight making me feel anxious and excited for no real reason in particular...but I hadn't even smoked anything.
Everyone else did, I just sat there in the car watching as they inhaled and then exhaled, the van quickly filling up with a grey mist.
But I was high, I could feel it, I knew it. It was almost like the smoke was a contagious disease or gas.
My mouth was dry, barely any spittle in the back of my throat.
I had been hungry just moments ago. Now, I just feel extremely giddy and carefree.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked, inside knowing that I was confused and somewhat annoyed, but my body fooled me into believing I was happy. I spoke, wanting to show my frustration, but all I could do was stare blankly at Reece with the biggest goofy smile on my face.
Reece jerked his head to the side, his dirty blonde bed head flipping out of the way of his brown eyes. His pupils were huge and darker then usual, the slightest bit of red on the whites of his eyes. On his lips was the same goofy grin I had flashed him, "Dude! You are so contact high!"
"What? But I didn't smoke anything," I said with a giggle, my cheeks actually stinging the slightest bit, tired of smiling but unable to stop.
"That's what contact high is, dumb-ass. You were clam-baked."
I giggled, running my hands through my own locks of black hair, pushing the strands out of my eyes. But deep, deep
, deep down, I knew I would be in deep shit if my father caught me... but
...at the same time...it was nice...
It was nice to no longer feel the hurt and loneliness I felt every day. It was nice to feel happy and joyful. In a weird way, being contact high even made me feel confident, like nothing could hold me back.
Keeley, the only girl in the group--besides me that is--stepped out of the van only moments later. She, out of all the guys, was the most messed up. She apparently had a lot of shit in her life and like me turned to all this--the alcohol and drugs--to relieve the pain. And right now, I'm pretty sure she couldn't feel anything
. She looked completely out of it!
Keeley's yellow-blonde hair was pulled back into a loose bun, some strands of dyed hair--hot pink and neon green--fell in the way of her blue eyes. But even her extremely colorful hair couldn't hide how completely bloodshot her big pretty eyes were.
She slowly slid out of the van and threw her arm over my shoulders, the stench of beer rolling off her tongue as she giggled.
"Hey, girly girl! Having fun?"
"Yeah...seems like you're having a blast?"
She exuberantly nodded, thrashing her head up and done, popping the 'p' in , "Yup!"
Carter and Carson, the red-headed twins, walked out of the van holding a portable radio. They turned up the volume, full blast, and set it on the ground!
"I do it for the druh-ugs! I do it just to feel uh-uh live! I do it for the love! That I get from the bottom of a bottle!" Keeley screamed along with the band 'Smile Empty Soul' to one of their famous singles Bottom of a Bottle
. She was jumping up and down, flailing her arms into the air as she screamed like some psychopath...it looked fun.
"Oh, what the hell," I muttered running over to her and screaming in her face, "I do it for the druh-ugs! I do it just to feel uh-uh live! I do it for the love! That I get from the bottom of a bottle!"
We were hopping up and down to the beat of the music, whipping our long locks of hair back and forth, hitting eachother unconsciously in the face. Thrusting our fists into the air, we began fist pumping at extreme speed till we were panting, but we didn't stop.
"I do it for the drugs!" Keeley yelled, the most determined look on her face.
I giggled and screamed back, "I do it just to feel alive!"
"I do it for the-"
"Shut up!"
Keeley and I froze, fists still held in the air.
I looked over at Reece, Carter, and Carson, but I knew their voices. The person that had screamed was new, unfamiliar.
Reece smiled, not a loopy 'high off my ass smile', but a genuine one. One that lit up his dark eyes, really surprising me.
"Dayton, my man! Where've you been?"
"Where've I been! I've been at my house...waiting...for you to call, like you said you would. What the fuck! What ever happened to 'bros before hoes'?"
I turned around and came face to face with a very attractive guy, complete with a fairly muscular build, soft chestnut brown eyes, and a full head of brown bed head. He reminded me way too much of Reece. Practically the only difference between them was the hair color and skin. Reece wasn't white, but on the paler side. This guy had the perfect skin, which looked flawlessly smooth and olive toned. He was smiling, revealing the cutest dimples ever, which Reece also had.
"Sorry, man! I thought you knew we were out!"
"Obviously not..hey guys!" the guy said, waving to Carter and Carson. They waved back, but then went back to fighting over the last beer. His brown eyes turned to me and Keeley, "What's up Keeley?"
"Nothing much, dick! How've you been?" Keeley asked, a flirty half-smile flashing in his direction. She batted her eyes and 'dick' huffed with understanding, "I've been just fine...and who the hell are you?" he said, now turning to me.
I laughed with an annoyed roll of the eyes. I nudged Keeley in the shoulder grabbing her attention, "Isn't he a charmer?"
"Yeah, that's Dayton for ya. As blunt as...as a blunt object."
Reece walked up to the three of us, throwing his arms over the brunette's broad shoulders. Giving him a light squeeze, Reece looked at me, "Katherine? This is my man, Dayton. Dayton, this is Katherine."
"Hi," I said, holding out my hand to this Dayton kid, with a smile, trying to be polite and sweet.
The feelings weren't mutual!
Instead of enduring the agonizing pain of shaking some girl's hand, he stared at me as he licked the inside of his cheek and sighed noisily, not like he were angry but like he was overwhelmed, maybe even a little annoyed.
After an awkward moment of staring at me, he turned his head toward Reece, "Where's the shit?"
"In the van, like always, man!" Reece said, patting his friend in between the shoulder blades. Dayton nodded,and then without giving me so much as 'hey' or even one of those stupid head nods boys usually do, he jogged his way into the van. He slammed the side doors shut, locking himself inside, and us out.
Something told me 'Dick Dayton' wasn't a people person.
Chapter Two: <3
"Girl...I love you. I love you so much, do you get that?"
"Absolutely." I said back to the drunken Keeley simply for her own amusement.
"Good. Cause I want you to know that your...your fuggin amazing--"
"Fuggin?" I uttered to myself as I snickered, Keeley was oblivious of my laughter and just kept on rambling.
"--and you have a face like...your face is like sunshine.
"Oh, why thank you."
"No problem."
"And you smell like rainbows."
Keeley ran her pale and shaking hands through her dyed locks of hair and hiccuped. Brows furrowed, lips pulled into a tight frown, she began to squeal. I just watched her for a moment, and only realized, when I saw her mascara start to flood over her cheeks, that the noise--which sounded a lot like a dieing pig--was actually Keeley crying. "Girl...that is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. That-that's just...that's boss."
Keeley's head slid out of her hands and slammed onto the table, like dead weight, her hot pink and neon green hair falling in a cascade around her head. Keeley had just passed out.
"Is she okay?"
I looked over my shoulder and yelped when I saw Dayton only inches away from my face. I immediatley jerked away, running my hands through my hair, "Jesus Christ!"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you...is Keeley okay?"
"Yeah, I think she's fine. The alcohol just finally caught up to her, I guess."
Dayton nodded, then walked over to the sleeping Keeley. "Keeley? Keeley, you awake?"
She didn't speak, just moaned and groaned as she fidgeted. Her left arm abruptly slid off the table, only moments later followed by the rest of her. With ease and grace, Dayton managed to slide his arms around her before she hit the ground. In one swift motion, he flipped her onto her back and stood, carrying her 'bridal style'.
I followed behind him, through the crowd of drunken and/or intoxicated kids and wondered how Dayton could do apparently eveything with such grace. He managed to easily slide through the hoarde, never once bumping into another person. Me; I was tripping left and right over my own feet and other people. It was like a pinball machine; I'd accidentally bump into someone, I'd mumble an apology but the person who I hit would either be too pissed off or too deaf by the blasting music that echoed throughout the small house to care about my stupid "sorry". The person I'd bump into would give me a gentle nudge, not hard enough to make me fall onto the ground but rough enough for me to trip, bump into another person, and DEJA VU! The cycle repeats.
I was litteraly thanking god the moment I had found my way out of the house and was now on the porch where barely anyone was; just a couple who was making out on the lawn, and Reece who was passing a joint around with some fat kid and the Ginger twins, Carter and Carson. Dayton, while still holding the sleeping Keeley, was talking to Reece.
"Be safe," Dayton was saying.
"Don't worry man, I've got plenty of rubbers in my wallet."
"You know that's not what I meant. If you decide you dont want to spend the night here anymore make sure to--"
"I promise I'll call you, alright? Now go!"
Dayton nodded, said goodnight to Fat-Albert-Wannabe and the Ginger twins, and then began to walk down the driveway where his truck was parked, paying no attention to me.
"Where you think your going, sweet cheeks?" Reece yelled at me. Dayton finally looked over his shoulder at me. I ignored him, for the time being, to answer Reece, "I think it's time for me to head out."
Reece nodded, then turned to fatty, snatching the joint and shoving it in his mouth.
I turned back around to see Dayton, "You need a ride?"
"Yeah. I was trying to ask you earlier, but you walk really fast." the moment the sentence burst through my lips, I cursed myself. Really? You walk really fast? How retarded does that sound?
Dayton narrowed his eyes, most likely thinking the same thing I was, "Ummm, thanks...I guess."
Dayton opened the back door and gently slid Keeley into the backseat. It was sweet
, I thought, how he made sure to buckle her seat belt. He seemed cautious.
"You going to hop in or what? I won't bite, and I promise I haven't drank any alcohol."
"I trust you," I mumbled aloud. I thought it was kind of wierd though, since it was the truth. I barely knew this guy and I trusted him more then I did most people, including my own father.
Chapter Three: <3
Most of the ride was extremley awkward complete with utter silence and thick tension. I tried to stay occupied by looking out the window, but that's not exactly the most entertaining thing in the world. Three minutes of glaring at immobile trees quickly gave me a head ache, so I decided to atleast try to make everything a little less uncomfortable... maybe some music to break the silence?
I leaned forward, reaching for the nob to turn on the radio.
"Dont bother...it doesn't work." Dayton said flatly, never takin his eye off the road.
I mouthed 'Oh' before falling back into the passenger seat. Another few moments went by, even more awkward then before.
I sighed, lifting my feet to the dashboard trying to stretch and get comfortable.
"Don't," was all Dayton said before placing his right hand on my thigh, in a kind gesture to move...but I still jerked away from his touch, feeling so overwhelmingly stupid when my cheeks heated, mostlikely turning a bright shade of pink, maybe even red. Dayton slowly moved his hand back to wheel clutching it tightly, "Sorry."
"It's fine," I mumbled against my hand, eventhough I really wasn't.
Another long moment of silence; I watched Dayton from my peripheral vision. Every few moments he'd glance back, keeping an eye on Keeley as she snored away. His eyes would quickly snap back to the road and stay put, almost never blinking.
"Why are you so anal?" I asked abruptly.
Dayton narrowed his eyes at me with disbelief, "What?"
"I meant with your driving. You just seem so...careful. Shouldn't guys like you be, you know, speeding or something."
"Guys like me?"
"Yeah, pot-heads." it slipped out and made my chest immediatley tighten with guilt and embarrassment, "Sorry."
Dayton's lips twitched, as if wanting to smile but held it back anyway, "Would you preffer that I go twenty miles over the speed limit?"
"Well...right now? Yeah. Your doing ten on a twenty-five mile an hour road. Now stop trying to avoid the question."
Yet another moment of silence; I watched Dayton as he swallowed a thick knot in his throat, eyes big and watering. I couldn't help but notice his grip tighten significanly on the wheel, his knuckels were turning white, "My, uh...my best friend recently died...he was in a car crash."
Damn! I should have gone along with the speeding thing
, "Jeez, I'm sorry...I didn't know. "
Dayton didn't speak, just nodded...and while most people would have shut their mouths right then and there, I continued to ask questions. "I thought you and Reece were best friends?"
Dayton's soft gaze turned hard and angry, he was glaring at the open road. "I'm his. He never was or will be mine."
By now, going back to complete silence wouldn't make this car ride better, only worse. I had to keep talking, but his time I eagerly changed the topic, "So...you and Keeley...?"
Dayton's brows furrowed, "What about me and Keeley?"
"How long have you two been dating?"
There was a moment of hesitation, then he smiled, a faint chuckle escapin his lips, "Ummm, no. Me and Keeley aren't dating."
"Oh...I just thought with how gentle you were being with her, and how flirty she was with you that--"
"We used to be a thing...it never was that serious but...yeah..."
"Oh, okay..." I looked over my shoulder at Keeley. Even drunk off her ass and snoring, she looked beautiful and unique, "It's really refreshing to see...you still being all sweet on her and stuff." I thought aloud.
Dayton shrugged, "It's not that big a deal...what about you? S' there a guy in the picture?"
"Nope." I said with fake cheer, popping the 'p'.
"No...?" Dayton asked, sounding a bit like he was trying to entertain a toddler with disbelief, "No guy at all?"
I sighed, "I, apparently, turned my last boyfriend gay."
Dayton looked at me, eyes narrowed and mouth agape, yet turned up at the corners. A faint noise escaped him, as if wanting to speak but not knowin what to say. So instead of talking, he laughed.
Text: All rights are reserved Images: Cover was taken from Google and edited on Photobucket.com All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 18th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-chloeknox18 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-skyler-watson-earthquake-in-catalina/ | Skyler Watson Earthquake In Catalina Earthquake In Catalina
Earthquake Danger And Disaster in Catalina
When disaster strikes, you need to be prepared.....I wasn’t. But I am a survivor among twelve others.... And this is our story. Its just before dawn and earthquakes started happening, tiny ones tho. But enough to awake us.
Just shy of three hours later my class had just came back from the polar plunge. I was awakened by them starting to head back up to the cabins, luckily no one in our cabin went. Still, I was awakened by the commotion of all my friends talking about the earthquakes, and as how they were awakened. One story I over heard was that my friend Harold claiming “I thought it was Marialle asking me ‘Have you seen my husband’ and shaking the cabin!” Others had crazy thoughts like, zombies were coming, and Poseidon was coming!
Then, half of the day had tiny earthquakes. Our PC’s that is Jess and Carter said that there’s gonna be hang out day, that there is not going to be anything planed for today. So we all just hung out. We admired the small earthquakes, because our PC’s were expecting HUGE one’s. So we are going on a hike to the top of Catalina Island just incase. Our teachers were asking them if we can just leave the Island. They said no because its too much of a risk if were on the boat when that happens. So just lay low and spring to the edge of the mountain whenever you get scared or have a bad feeling. Nothing happened for the rest of the day.
In the process of us all going to bed there was a little, but quite big earthquake. It was quite a rocker. Worst one I have ever experienced yet. Several items knocked off shelves and such, but no severe damage. We all happened to be going to bed at the time. About ten minutes later now, and Maddy was still afraid to go to bed.
I took a quick check around the cabin and see no signs of damage, so I think we're okay for now. Local aftershocks are still occurring.
So I went to bed. Nothing else had happened for the rest of the night. I awoke by Maddy waking me up at quarter to six. Asking me to wake up and lets go patrol. She claimed she saw Legacy when she got up at midnight to go to the restroom outside of the cabin looking at the sky and mumbling something about souls.
I was just sitting with Maddy, Legacy and Sami in a cabin about eight o’clock and the ground started to vibrate a bit. Everyone around me perked up their ears. For about 3 seconds it seemed ok... normal... Then it got louder and started a nice roaring sound. Sami stood up and grabbed her jacket. I leaped up, grabbed my jacket and scuttled out the door. I am now proud to be the first over-reactor out of the door! It seemed a larger than normal one to me . Then the power went out.
About twenty seconds later the shaking stopped, Jess ran up to our cabins and handed small but larger tote bags and flash lights and batteries. The totes bags were small enough to put two water bottles an extra pair of t-shirt and jeans and socks. But it wasn’t heavy. They told us to put on a pair of comfy jeans and shirt and a little blanket and closed toed shoes. Meet us in fifteen minutes on the mountain side. We all met up at the same time and place and they announced “There’s going to be a SMALL tsunami. We all need to head up the mountain and keep walking for the rest of the night. Eventually we well come up on a town. But we’ll never know. Further instructions will be announced! Let’s Go!” So we all started heading up the mountain, alone with other schools. We were the third school going up.
So we were first moving fast but later everybody started getting slower but we kept our distance from the other schools. That we wouldn’t get mixed. Then soon you get scared. Your brain tells you that if this one happened, then other will happen. You cant escape! Other around you are crying. That makes you cry. Your wanting you family and animals.....but thats what makes you fight this fear, knowing that if you keep trying you might survive to see your loved ones again. Thats what I thought! Thats how I was.
But night time is the scariest of all. Okay so, the power is out all around you, and not knowing for sure if you will need flash lights for hours or days. But what is amazing that Chloe said “how dark, dark really is. You will never know how dark things are when your stuck in the dark. When every street lamp, car light or house light is out then things are so pitch black that you can't even see in front of you. And your sense of hearing takes over. And what do you hear? Not cars or engines. Because nothing is moving. All you hear is the sound of water nearby. The rushing of waves. And that is the scariest thing of all. Your mind starts to play tricks on you. You wonder if another wave is coming. If it will be larger than the last. You think you are safe. You are on high land. No! But what if another wave comes even higher. This time, you won't even be able to see it. And all you can hear is the water.
It got silent in an hour of hiking, about now the time was eleven o’clock. Then, all of a sudden we heard screams of groups of about two schools get wiped out by a tsunami wave. We were all crying, and wanting to stop but the adults wouldn’t let us. Instead, we had to run! Then soon about thirty minuets later another school got wiped out. At that time, we had to keep running and I was begging God to not let this happen! For it to be just a dream! That moment, I felt the salty wet mean mist on the back of my neck. Because I had a pony tail. Now I know that at least one of my five senses are telling me that this mess is not a dream.
About an hour more of walking, we came up on an abandoned house. Large enough to fit the remanding five schools. The house had a side wall missing on it. All of the instructors told us “To sleep the rest of the night. We might be walking all morning until the afternoon.” So we all slept. It was kind of hard to go to sleep because knowing that lots of bodies were half way down the mountain. And not knowing that their completely dead, they might be suffering. You only want to go save them, even if you don’t know them. At that moment I had a tear go down my face and I shivered. I needed to go home! I missed my family so much. I wanted to call them, but even the walkie talkie would not work from Catalina Island to California. The walkie talkie was working but nobody would answer, just for somebody to help us.
We woke up by animals running past the house and two cougars stopped and looked at us and looked at Maddy’s crush. Maddy started freaking out. I told her not to worry, the cougar wont hurt him. Tanner saw that Maddy was scared and he went to save Tanner(Maddy’s crush). But the cougar came running after Tanner Pinto, while Tanner was running after it to scare it away. But little did he know that he had a tree fall on him during the big earthquake. That means that the cougar was a little messed up in the brain. So the cougar came and ripped Tanner Pinto’s arm, and slashed off his leg and everyone started crying. Legacy and AveryAna went running after him to save him. But a boy from another school jumped in front of them both to save them. Or else they would have gotten ripped to the bone. Everyone cried but we couldn't do anything about it.
Our PC’s told us that we we had to leave! Everyone was moving fast. We heard waves coming. We thank God that a wave never swept thru us when we were fast asleep! We were walking, then all of sudden a wave hit the mount of the hill. Just about twenty feet away from us. We heard tons of screams! Then the wave struck again. Ok, so think about when you were at the beach and your facing towards shore. Then, all of a sudden a wave struck you from behind. Your knocked from behind, and you fell the sand on your cheek. It was huge, it covered us in salty water. You just cant breathe, because you didn’t see the wave coming. You just could not get a breath. Then you feel your chest inclosing!
The wave got smaller, I felt sad because knowing about how weak some people are the wave would drown them. Then the wave died down and I was breathing hard and I looked up and only our class was left!! I looked down and saw my peers laying on the ground and coughing trying to get air back in their lungs. Then, I looked up and saw four heads bobing in the water and it looked like it was, Kenton, Samantha, Chloe And Teresa. I knew that we could not save them but Mrs. Alex And Mrs. St. Peirre was already trying to get them out of that harsh cold twirling water. Mrs. St. Peirre was climbing a tree that had a LONG tree branch and now she was jumping on it to brake it off. Later, she had snapped it off. The two grasped the branch and held it on one end to throw it out to them..... TO BE CONTINUED!!
Publication Date: June 10th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-skylermyw |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-latisha-skie-n-parker/ | latisha martin skie n parker this is for my best friend junior n kijana who help me with my book
part 1
Written by Latisha Dyett
Skie and Parker
This book is for my friends Robinette and Sashe and Bestie Junior they encourage me to write this book
Hi my name is Skie Martin I am 17 yrs dark skin gorgeous long hair hazel eyes I am 5’1 and have rocken shape to die for and very energetic. I go to the Janova Secondary school the school I hate so much but thankfully I have two best friend that I love Kijana and British I call her Bri for short they are 17 just like me my two girl friends I could tell anything to I have a boyfriend William he is 18 Dominican 5’6 and brown skin, dark brown eyes we have been together for 2yrs now and he is great you would have think I will be madly in love with him after all he have done for me but I’m not I’m in love with Parker the sexiest boy I ever met is he is 21 yrs. 6’3 and dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and they change honey gold in the sun or when he’s excited, and wavy hair and oh has a beautiful body I just wanna lick his abs when I see him he is amazing but I don’t think he feels the same way with me.
Its summer vacation and I have nothing to do but lounge around and be lazy sighhh my boyfriend is working and Kijana went away to Europe with her aunt and Bri she will just want to go and lime at the mall and I didn’t feel like doing that so I guess its jus Parker, Hmmmm let mee see wat he is doing took out my cell and called him “hey dark beauty wats up” parker said he make me blush every time he said that “nun much jus home bored you?” I said I heard a silent pause then he said “oh well I’m off today want me to come over n chill out” I had a big smile on my face and said “ok kool I’ll see u in a few” he said “yeah I will see u in half n hour” I was so excited he was coming said “see you later” and hang up the phone rushed upstairs change into my black lace crop top that showed off my tattoo around my stomach and my purple rip skinny jeans I love.
Waiting patiently for him to reach arrrggg was is taking him so long isn’t 30 min. gone already but it wasn’t it was just 23 min. but then I heard a knock on the door and I ran to the door nearly trip whoa tht could have been embarrassing finely touch the door knob and turn it n open the door and saw him an smile and he did the same “hey you made it” he looked up and down at me with his eyes wide open n said “you was planning on going somewhere” I laugh and pulled him inside the house “no why u ask” I knew my outfit would have tease him by the way he was watching me I could feel him mentally taking my clothes of so I smirk a lil so he couldn’t see he answered “you look really sexy” I look down and said “thanks”
didn’t want him to see me blush I ask him if he wanted to watch tv and he nodded we went to the tv room and he sit down on the couch n did the same next to him and he let go a deep breath like if he was holding it all these time as he took the remote and put it on ridiculousness it’s the funniest show I ever watch n he like it too we laughed n giggle n then I got a lil sad because the lil girl fell n knock her head on the swing n started to cry when he looked at me and saw I was sad he took his finger and lift my chin so he could see my face then ask me why I was sad and I said it wasn’t funny what happen to the lil girl he said “I know but u gotta admit it was a lil funny” I smirk a lil and roll my eyes “yh it was funny a lil bit jus a lil bit” he smile and his eyes lit up like he was happy I wasn’t sad anymore. I got a lil tired and yawn n put my head on his shoulder parker patted my head n said “dear dear” I laughed n answered “whatever”
I waked up in his arms and he was still sleeping I was watching him sleep he even look sexy in his sleep made me wanted to kiss him but I couldn’t I had a bf I turn a lil n accidently woke him up n he caught me watchin him with goggly eyes n he laughed like he was a custom to girls lookin at him lik tht which was true their wasn’t a girl that didn’t want to be his girlfriend he sighed n looked a lil frustrated like he wanted to do something but he couldn’t so I set up on his lap and look into his eyes they are so beautiful then asked him wat was wrong but all he did was look into mines n its was like he was searching to see how I was feeling but if he only knew how I feel about him it might mess up our friendship so I looked away push myself off his lap n nearly fell on my face but he caught me by my waist and pull me back on his laps and hold me close to him kissed me on my neck I felt him whispering in my ears “why am I always saving u from your clumsy falls” I shrugged “I don’t know im just a lil clumsy” I feel a lil smirk on my neck all of a sudden I felt a tingled down my spine and started to think about how good he will feel against my lips and shake my head just to watch away the thought and then all of a sudden he turn my face to his and kiss me softly and I kissed him back and I deepen the kiss with passion he wanted to enter my mouth so I invited him in it felt so good he was good I was unbuttoning his shirt all of a sudden I felt his hand under neat my shirt pulling down my bra and started playing my breast he was teasing me it felt so good I moan n groan into his mouth n when I was finish unbuttoning his shirt my hands was exploring all over his chest and his abs I wanted to jus lick him my hand reach down to his pants and started to pin it out and unzipped and free him he was so hard I felt the adrenaline round through me he was so big my eyes was wide open n he saw my expression and he said “u don’t have to if u don’t want to Skie” but I wanted to I have wanted him since I was 15yrs old he lift me up like a baby with my legs wrapped around him carry me upstairs to my room on put me on the bed an unbutton my pant and told me to raise my hand up and pulled my shirt off n he took a step back on look at me with lust in his eyes n mouth in an o shape like he saw an angel and then came bck to me n kiss me hard deep and started to kiss me down my neck to my breast and started sucking on my right while playing with the other with his hand and stopped n slid his hand down to my legs massage my legs and I felt like I was in heaven.
I was sucking her breast loved to hear her moan she smelled and look so amazing I massage my hand in between her thighs and reach for her pantie white lace with hearts yanked them off n started to touch her vagina but she slipped back and open her eyes wide but when I look into her eyes she smile a lil and we went back to the kissing and put my hand right back between her thighs n played with her down there she squirm a lil but then moved with my hand I could feel tht she was liking it cause she was getting wet so I slid my middle finger in side her n she moan loud n felt that she was so tight around my finger which jus turn me on n I move my finger in n out off her in a slow pace making her called my name she told that she wanted me inside now so I reach up to her n grab a cute thick hips n took my boxers off n spread her legs open so I could get a good support over her n I slowly went inside her n she scream my name out loud n I saw tears coming down her face I gently kiss them away I felt like there was a tight grip around me she was so tight I look at her n saw her in pain n pleasure all at ones in her eyes.
He was in me I wanted him to stay their forever never move it was so amazing he was so amazing n oh so big I could feel him deep inside my precious he went on his back an lift me on to him wish made me held my breath for a few min and let go a soft moan he told me to take control so I did my best n I move up and down which my had go back the pain n the pleasure was making me feel so good n I went faster giving him that good feeling he let go a moan n said my name over n over again n grab my hip n lift me off I felt sad had a pout on my face he looked at me and smirk a lil n said he sorry but he didn’t want to give me a child while I was still in high school n I said ohh n had a smile on my face it made me laugh tht I could made him cum so fast he put his body back on top of me n started to suck all over me teasing me and I felt his tongue passing my nibble and going down there and caught me by surprise when he started kiss it and playing sucking n driving me crazy with his tongue making me groan n cum he was still down and I could feel he had a smile on his face he was taking me to tht special place n I grab him n pulled him up to lip and started to kiss him he murmured against my lip that I taste so good and I pushed him off me n went on top of him then started kiss his neck went to his lips n started sucking n biting on it kiss his chin n went down to his waist n took him in my hand and wrap my lips around him push down on him n started to suck him slowly going up on down making him have tht good feeling heard him groan then I went faster and lick each corner of him kiss the tip of his head n I look in to his eyes because I heard him saying my name like if he couldn’t catch his breath n I went back down on him making him groan saying he didn’t want to cum in my mouth n I push deep down my mouth twirling my tongue around n felt him grabbing my shoulder n pleading for me to stop but I didn’t then he cum in my mouth n swallow n he tasted so good he pull me up in his lap n kiss my for head n we ly still on my bed n I was trying catch my breath we looked at each other n his hands touch my cheeks an he put a light kiss on my lips n I ask him “what r u thinking” cause it was like he was thinking of something and I wanted to know he shrugged n said “I wish u didn’t have a boyfriend” and that’s when it hit me I still was in a relationship. I cheated on my boyfriend with the boy of my dreams I felt bad cause I never cheated on him or anybody before I was a lil upset at myself but it happened cant do nothing now.
I was thinking about her having a boyfriend and I wish it was me instead of him and when she ask me what I was thinking and I told her I wish she didn’t have a boyfriend n then sighed she said “I feel the same too” I felt a relief when she said tht she even told me tht since she was 15 she liked me till she fall in love with me n I was shocked cause I didn’t know that I told her I love her too, but her cell began ringing n it was her boyfriend I let go a long sighhh n she hoped out of bed n answered her phone n started to tell him she had a good day n I was hanging out with her then she told him she will see him tonight to go the movies and I got upset I wanted her to be with me tonight n I sighed she hanged up the phone n she looked at me n saw I was upset n she reach for me an climbed on top off me but she didn’t get to because I was so tall so I lift her up n she put her legs around my waist and told me “don’t be mad I’m going to let him down easy we have been together for 2 yrs so I cant end it bad” i was frustrated n I kiss her n said “ok so what u want do now” she giggle tht made my heart warm “I don’t know is you wat u want to do” hmmm i asked her if she had ice cream in the fridge and she nodded with a curious look as in why I wanted the ice cream but she jus cock her head to one side n said “you want me to go and get it”
I look at her and said “no I’ll get it myself you just ly down on the bed I’ll be back” and I went in the kitchen n saw the ice cream and search for a spoon and found it I was ready to play with skie n make her have multiple orgasm I walked back to the room n saw her on the bed listening to my ipod and I swear she was one fine sight could stare at her forever.
The ice cream was freezing my hand so I put it down by her night stand an sit on the mattress Skie turn n saw the ice cream on the stand n reached for the ice cream but I stop her told her we are going to play a game I asked if there was any ropes in the house she nodded “why” she asked me “you will see where is it” she look down n pointed underneath the mattress n reached for it then handed it to me i took her two hands n tied them up skie expression was cute made me laugh a little she had tip toe on her toes n kissed me soft n whispered “what r u going to do to me mr.”
“mmm don’t worry missy you are going to enjoy it I promise” I got a head tie n cover her eyes then lead her to the bed n made her lay down “keep still I’m going to put the ice cream in ur nibble”
“ok parks” with a big smile of excitement I put a spoon full of ice cream on her nibble she shivered n groan.
He bent down on started to suck my breast with the cold ice cream in his mouth I was trying my best not to move but the feeling was frustrating I wanted to touch him but I couldn’t he put my hand above my head told me not to move it or he will punish me he was kissing my nipples they were swell by his touch
I begged him to go inside of me wanted him to feel him deep inside me
“In time baby don’t rush” he said
“Please Parker” I groan n twitch a lil n the ice cream round down my stomach and I gasps knew he would have done something to me bad n I was a lil scared didn’t know what he was going to
“Tsk tsk Skie what am I gonna do to u” he murmured against my skin
“Dont hurt me” n a tear when down my on my face he wiped it off n slid his finger inside me making me squeal n twirling massaging me n lick the ice cream off my stomach n turn me on my stomach and parted my legs n rise my butt in the air then slapped my butt hard before I could scream he slammed right inside me n making me scream n moan all at once he thrust hard n faster n he growling
“Cum for me baby” he growled
And my body response to his wishes and I melted all over and he did the same and turn me around back on my back n lie down on top of me he asked me “how was that Miss Martin” I was so tired from all this activity all I did was smile n close my eyes
But there was a knock on the door n that jus made me jump out the bed and hurry up put on my clothes n he did the same and I went in the mirror and check to make sure I wasn’t tore up from the floor up n that made me laugh an Parks went back down stairs to the living room and continue watching the tv I rushed to the down stairs n saw him and he smiled at me and I did the same I went to the door and open it, it was my aunt Lucier
“hi aunty wat u doing here” I said with a nervous smile
“just dropping off your mom pots I borrowed”
“oh ok I’ll take them to the kitchen bye” was trying to get rid of her
“wait missy why you trying to get rid of me ” she said with a serious look on her face
“nothing aunty just watching tv with my friend and I missing the show n I really want to see this episode” I said
“Hmm may I ask who ur friend is Skie” she asked with a curious look
“Nobody really just this boy” I said with a smile
“Oh really well can I meet ur friend” she had a fake smile wish means she was going to do something to embarrass me
I sighed “ok aunty” I called out to Parker to come meet my aunt my aunt came in the house n went into the kitchen to get a drink n parker n I was right behind her I then said
“parker this is my aunt Lucier aunty this is Parker my friend” I said with a shy smile
My aunt looked up and down on him and smiled that smile that mean he was hot n I laughed in my head n said he was too young for you she said
“hi Parker its nice meeting” she smiled
“hi Miss Lucier same too” he answered with a nervous smile n he hold my hand n it was shaking and he was really nervous my aunt looked down n saw him holding my hand she cocked one eyebrow up n said
“Skie is he your boyfriend” with a curious look
“oh no aunty he’s jus nervous ” and I try to let go his hand and he didn’t want to let go my hand and I laughed out loud and they both looked at me
“I’m sorry this just so funny” i had a apologetic smile he looked at me n sigh
“Skie I think I should go I’ll call you when I reach home” n kissed my cheek n I smiled shyly and waved him bye he left and it was just me and my aunt in the kitchen and she said
“so miss Skie do you like this boy” she said
“Not really aunty he’s cool” n I look down to my fingers and started to play with them
“well I think he likes you a lot” she said then she said “was that sports car out their his” she asked
“yes is his he bought it for his birthday” then I laugh because I remember him working late night just to be able to buy the car and one night he called n said he was over this he cant take the late night work but he stuck it out n now he got his dream car sigh my aunt snapped her fingers trying to get me to come back from my day dream
“Skie how old is this young man”
“oh he ‘s just turn 21” I said looking up in the roof to avoid her expression
“You are joking right Skie what happened to boys your age” she asked with a worried look on her face
“you know aunty I do have a boyfriend a year older than me mommy knows him” and I smiled
She then said something I was hoping for her not to ask
“are you sexually active and don’t lie to me”
“no am not why wouldn’t I” I said with a lie
Well I have to ask cause young girls now a days are active before the finish school” she said with a serious look
I guess im not one of them so can I go n watch my show now please” I said with a whinny voice
“Ok you can I’ll see you soon” and she left the house i went back to my room upstairs n phoned my cell phone it had 5 missed calls it was from parks I called him back n he answered
“I’ve been trying to call you wat happened with your aunt” he asked
“Nothing really she just thinks you r my boyfriend n u like me a lot” I smiled when I said that part
“ok well im home I had a really good time with you Skie I want to see you again are you busy” he said with a stutter
“no I’m not busy and I had a amazing time with you but I’m sore and tired need to take a rest”
I said to him I heard him grumble under his breath n said
“well can I cuddle you while you take a nap”
“sure you can I would love that just let me go and take a shower n you should do the same” I laughed n he did too
Taking a quick shower cause I want to reach by her before she fall sleep I jumped out of the shower and get dressed put on some axe and head for the door but then my sister called me in the kitchen
“yeah” I turn and went to the kitchen
I sighed n asked “what you want”
“nothing really just haven’t seen you since you left this morning and its 2 in the afternoon where you going again”
“just going to chill by Skie” I was irritated wanted to leave
“oh doesn’t she have a boyfriend” she said with a attitude
“yeah so what we’re just friends” n I rolled my eyes at her
“hmmm that’s wat you say but we all know you love her down just don’t do nothing stupid okay Parks” holding up the cup to her mouth
“whatever I gotta go see you later” n I left the house went to my car n drove off
Went to her front door n rap on the door there was no answer so I called her cell n it rang out
Called again n again till she finally answered with a sleepy voice
“hello” wow she was really tired
“hi sleepy head I’m down stairs come open the door for me please”
“okay give me a min”
The door open n n she was leaning against the wall in a big t shirt and it was kinda see threw n I could tell she didn’t have any underwear she looked at me n laugh so I pull her into my arms she hit my chest a lil hard she said
“ow that hurts n why are looking at me like that” with a strange look
“nice t shirt” I looked down n she followed me n saw that she didn’t have on any underwear she was shocked she let go off me
“I must have dropped sleep when I was getting dressed I am really tired” rubbing her eye
She walked upstairs then stopped n turn she open her mouth and said
“you not coming up” I nodded
I went behind her upstairs n we were in her room she put on her underwear she had on the bed n went back in the bed I realize she had already change her bedsits wow did she clean quick I took off my shoe n put my cell n wallet n the dresser
n got into the bed and cuddle her up in my arms and kissed her n she kiss me back n put her head on my chest n yawn “I’m sooo tired boy did you work me out” she laughed
“yeah you did the same too me” I reach down n massage her legs n felt her their she was so warm n I massage her n she took my hands and moved it then said
“you going to make me jump you so stop I do need my energy for tonight” she looked a lil frustrated so I stopped n ask
“Why you cant break up with him when u see him instead of going to the movies n all that stuff” I said under my breath. She sat up moved my hand from around her
“That’s what you want Parker” she said with a sigh
“Yeah cause I want you with me tonight Skie I don’t want you with him” she put her hand on my face n kissed my nose
“Okay I will tell him that we can go and get something to eat instead n tlk are you happy now with that” she said playing with my lips like a little baby I grin and shake my head
“I want another kiss on my forehead” she did it n smile she ly back down on my chest n I hold her close to me and she murmured into my chest
“I love you Parks promise you’ll be with me forever” n she fell asleep and I kiss her head n said “I will Dark Beauty” and I fell sleep
Parker left and I was by myself I had send a text to William saying they were a change of plans n we needed to tlk he send back a text saying ok kool b, I got ready to see him and my mom reach home n ask me how was my day
“It was good Parker was here we chilled n watch tv” I said
“Ok but next time when your friends come over text or call me n ask me first okay”
“Yes mom I understand” I went to the door and as soon as I open the door my mom ask
“Where are you going Skie”
“Remember William and I have a date tonight”
“”oh yeah well be home by midnight”
“alright then bye mom” n I left n met William at Delightful he was waiting there for me at the table n I went over to him n sat he smiled and asked
“Hi babes what took you so long”
“My mom n I was talking” I had a nervous smile because I didn’t know how I was going to break up with him because he wasn’t a bad boyfriend I sighed n said
“We need to talk about our relationship” I said talking face and looking down at my fingers n playing with them around
“Okay what about our relationship” he look worried
“William I have been feeling a lil distant in our relationship n realize that we have grown apart I’m sorry I will always love you but I fell in love with someone else” I had a sad faced n he did too he was a upset n saw a tear coming from his eyes
“Why Skie what can I do to change your mind and who is this guy you say u have fallen in love with him” from a soft tone to harsh tone
“All that is not necessary you know n no there is nothing we just can’t be together n you have to admit that we have grown apart Will”
“whatever I’m out of here but can we still atleast tlk or you don’t want that either” n a sarcastic way
“yes we can still tlk you are my best friend you know tht right ” I said with a smile
“okay so why aren’t you telling me who the guy is huh” he giving me that don’t act dumb look
“you wanna know so bad who the boy is its Parks see now you know” throwing my hand in the air and having an attitude
“hmmm hope you’re he makes you happy cause I guess I didn’t ” he said in a soft tone and turn and left building
“William” I shouted but he didn’t look back he kept on going and tears came down my eyes because I knew I broke his heart and I felt really bad for doing that I needed to think cause this was just going all too fast and I needed to slow down n breath think about what happened today I sat back in the chair in delightful picked up my phone dialed parker number
“can u pick me up delightful please” was crying through the phone
“what’s wrong baby what did he do” he was angry and worried n his voice
“nothing please just come for me” wiping my eyes n feeling down
“ok b I’m coming for you now” he hanged up the phone
Got into my car drove fast n got to delightful under 10 minutes took my phone called her
“where are you” I asked her
“im inside at the table I’ll come out side to you” she sounded sad
I was waiting outside for and she came through the door n I saw her face she was sad down and eyes was puffy like she’s been crying a lot. I stand in front of Skie n hold her she started to cry some more in my chest kissed her for head and ask
“what happened why you crying so much beautiful” murmuring on top her head she looked up at me n stare into my eyes n had a heartbreaking look
“I broke his heart and know I think he hates me” hugging me tight
“Baby im sure he doesn’t hate you just give him time okay” pulling her chin up so I could see her face n I wiped her tears away with my thumb we went to my car and I asked her
“where do you want to go b” driving down to the stop light
“anywhere but home” she’s looking out the window I hated to see her down hurt I wanted to make her feel superior
“okay lets go by me” driving to my place we saw two black cars parked in front of my house she looked at me with a do you know who that it is face but I didn’t know who it was so I shrug n came out the car Skie did the same n we went in the house I went to the front room n I saw my mom and three helpers on my couch with my sister yeah I know you might be wondering why does my mom need helpers and even then three yep well my mom is the Queen of Dovinia Longdrea in Dubai so that makes me a prince and my sister a princess I never told Skie this cause I didn’t know how she’ll react but know I’ll have to tell her I hope she doesn’t leave me or change because I’m a prince sighhh (back to reality)
“hello mom” I said walking to her n holding Skie hand making her come with me
“well hello son” my mom said with a big smile on her face
“I'm sorry mom? Why are you here”
“I came to see how my children was doing and tell you that you have to fulfill your duties as a prince your father is getting sick and it’s your turn to take his place”
“why can’t Izzanda do it she is responsible smart care a lot about the people I don’t want to rule over anything not even a country” we heard a soft voice saying
“you’re a prince” over n over again it was Skie n I looked down at her she look at me
“you’re a prince wow when was you going to tell me” she release my hand when she did that it hurt me cause I needed her with me and holding my hand I answered
“yes I am n I was going to tell you I just didn’t know how to explain it b” taking back her hands n kissing them both
“sure u didn’t have any more secrets that I should know or u rather me find out when somebody comes” she said in an furious tone
“no Skie I just didn’t how u would react if I had told you” trying to calm her down
“okay so what you thought I would have treat you different if you had told me or not talk to you Parker we have been friends for almost 4 years you really think a title to your name will change how I would treat you wow I’m leaving” she was upset and I brought her here to make her happy not upset this was all my mother fault my mother called Skie name
His mother called me I wonder why she is calling me I went back to the room and said
“yes Mrs Tittle” I said looking at her
“you shouldn’t be upset with my son he never wanted people know who he is cause he thinks they would treat him different so I apologize on his behalf” she said in apologetic voice
“okay I’m not upset I just wish he had told me”
“I understand what you mean his father is just the same so may I asked you a question” she asked in a polite tone
“yes you may”
“are you with my son and if so how old are you” when she said that he kissed me on the back of my ears and whispered
“are you still mine ” I blushed n answered his mom
“yes I am Mrs Tittle and I’m 17”
She looked at us and said
“you’re 17 huh an what do u plan to do when you finish school”
“well I got a scholarship to go Stanford UCL UNC and GBC in Dubai cause they have the second best culinary art school there and sailing
“oh I see well it sounds like you have your life all set out that’s good hope you make it far with your success” she looked at me and smile i did the same “thank you” parker took my hand and pulled me into his arms n kissed me soft on my lips n i kissed him bck his mom said
“I’m leaving but Skie can you talk to him please”
“I’ll try” I said waving bye when she left he lift me up bridal style and carry me to his room put me on his bed then started kissing me passionately he bit on my bottom lip asking for entrance in my mouth I welcome him in our tongue started to twirl around each other I put my hand in his hair pulling it but he stopped pinch my cheek
“I love you Skie am in love with you” he smiled at me and I did the same
“I wove you too Parks” I laughed bite his cheek after that stick out my tongue at him I then remember his mom asking me to talk to him about taking over his father position I got up and sat on the chair in his room then sighed really didn’t want him to take the position but its his duty to take care of his kingdom I really didn’t want to be the cause why he doesn’t leave I finally open up my mouth n said
“why don’t you want to be a king” staring at him he sat down next to me and answered
“I don’t want to be king I want to live a normal sane life never wanted to run a community or even a country” he said rubbing his head getting up off the chair standing in front of me
“okay but giv it a chance for ur mom n dad if you don’t think you can manage then giv the thrown to someone who would do good work to your country” he got down on his knees
“wat did I do to be so lucky to have you in my life” I giggle and hugged him
“I don’t know but im the lucky too to have you” he hold me tight and said
“will you marry me Skie and be my queen” I let go off him
“whoaaa Parks we just got together no more than 5hours ago now you want to get married” I said with a lost and shocked expression
“yeah but I’ve known you forever Skie I know this is fast but but we know everything about each other n my mother likes you and if im going to be king I must have my queen at my side and its going to be you” he said looking at me
“ohhh so you going to take over your fathers position and yes I’ll be your queen but I’m going to have to talk to my mother and well can we go after graduation cause I want to graduate with my class” I said with a big smile on my face and hugged him he hug me back n kiss my cheek
“so Mrs Tittle my soon to be queen what kind of wedding do you want” parker said
“”a small beautiful one don’t worry I know how I want my wedding to be cant believe im going to get married at 18” I said laughing at the last part he laughed n kissed my lips
“I’m going to be the most hated guy when I go back to Dubai” he said against my lips I open my eyes n look at him
“why are you going to be the most hated guy baby” with a worried look on my face
“because I have you baby every guy is going to wish you was there’s don’t worry baby I didn’t mean it like that” laughing at me I sighed
“okay parks so wat you wanna do”
“well I will really love to be inside you pleasing your body but you’re sore so let’s watch tv” he said lifting me up and putting me into his bed
I put her on the bed and went down stairs for a snack when I came back she was under the covers with a big grin on her face
“well Mr. Tittle I want you inside me and making me have millions orgasms” cocking my head to one side
“My beautiful soon to be wife wat am I gonna do to you” she giggled
“I don’t know what you want to do” I walked over to her n hold her waist and kiss her underneath chin I pulled Skie close to me and went down n started to get her undressed after that I licked her knees n work my way to her inner thigh she responded to that with a twitches n shudder I circle tongue around her clit n sucked n licked figure eights give her the sweetest torture while she moaned n squirm under my touch saying me name n I love tht I made her feel so good. I then turn her over putting her ass up in the air n her face in my pillow and from behind I admired her round beautiful backside I rubbed my cock on her wet pussy. Moved it back and forth until she reached for me n beg for me to go inside of her while im tormenting her, until she grabbed me in put my cock inside her and she rocked against me hard and I slapped her butt cheeks and holding her hips making her stop because I wanted to fuck her til she go insane I slammed in to her thrusting n moving fast in n out of her hearing her moan out my name n screaming to the top of her lungs n watch her groan tht she was going to have an orgasm n as she released violently around me I sat back on my heel and did the same she turn around n face me n whispered in my ear tht she loved me n I smiles n said it back to her too but then a big smile came across her face n I was worried cause she only did tht when she was up to something but as soon as started to think she started to bounce n thrust hard on to me almost brutal and unkind but she came down on me with even greater force each time clenching her teeth n growling n challenging me n I was so shocked because no girl I have been with hav ever try to manage or challenge me while having sex she groaning telling me to give her all I had telling me to give her my all my best I could.
She was so ravenous I couldn’t tell if I was fucking her or she was fucking me.
I made her lie down on the bed n started to play with her n tease her putting one finger in her n god was she still tight after I had sex with her made me fall in love with her even more I then push a second finger in her n she moan n wiggled I grabbed her breast with my other hand sucked them n tugged them with my lips making cry for mercy n I asked if she was ever going to challenge me again while I was tormenting her body as she pleaded n said she was sorry but I didn’t stop I had to let her pay for challenging me didn’t really like tht loved to be the one incontrol n kissed her lips n looked into her eyes n she stared at me with those big stunning eyes but then she had this look on her faced like if she was thinking of something or someone else so I stopped n asked
“what was that look” she smiled and came back to me n found her focused back to me so I asked her again
She whispered to me “don’t be mad but I was thinking of William for a second” n she closed her eyes n I got upset the fact tht she could be thinking of him while I was doing her I pushed my dick back inside her n moved slow felt her body quiver n I ask her
“why were you thinking of him” she open her eyes n stared at me but didn’t answer
“Im inside you and you’re thinking about your ex”
She stared at me n finally answered “yes”
I got angry and fucked her hard n said “what wishing it was him fucking you”
She responds “am not going to answer that”
I fucked her harder I fucked her n growled n she looked n my eyes n saw rage n looked scared but I didn’t give a fuck I shouted at her “are you are you fucking imagining him skie”
She moaned loud n beg for me to stop but I didn’t she screamed “no” but I went harder
“god you’re you’re you’re its getting hard” she’s digging into my back
“So why were u imagining him” I asked again n again n I got so frustrated n growled at her
“answer me dammit” she winced under my tone n got really scared she trying to speak but only moan n groans was coming out her mouth “answer me”
She screamed“so damn hard you are so damn hard”
“Are you skie” I slammed in to her so hard a tear was coming down her face
“god you are fucking__”
“__ the shit out of me”
“Answer me please skie answer me” I said slowing down my pace catching my breath she did the same her eyes where opened wide not blinking she finally whispered
“he never really made me feel good as u did I felt like I was in heaven with you” then she come all around me her body shaking n holding on to me tight her nonstop whimpers were so arousing made me came inside her while moanin her name pleasure rushing through me but I wasn’t finishing coming yet I pulled out of her n decorated her stomach as they created a river between her breasts. Skie licked her lips n ask me
“if im upset with her” n I was a little wondering why she took so long to answer me
“yes why you took so long to answer me” she looked at me “because u fucked me so hard I couldn’t say all I wanted to say the pain the pleasure took over me” I layed down on her the river becoming our glue and we kissed it was soft n she smiled against my lips n said
“so u still upset”
He looked at me and said “no I’m sorry if I hurt you I just really angry I hate the fact tht anybody has had you n I want you to know tht you’re mine n mine alone” n kiss my lips n bit my lips n I let go a soft moan “I’m yours parks u don’t have to worry about anybody I love u and only you” n he rolled an ly down on his back n look up to the ceiling and I closed my eyes n was about to fall sleep but my cell was ringing and it was my mom n there was 8 messages from her I answered my phone “hello mommy whats up”
“where are you do you know what time it is and I know you are not with William so get your ass home now!!”
I flinched under her tone n said “I was on my way home” n when I looked to see parker he was already out of the bed putting on his clothes n he mouth to me that he was sorry tht he didn’t mean for me to get in trouble n I said it was ok n I put on my clothes and he got his keys n went down stairs I was right behind him I saw his sister n waved bye she did the same n smile n she mouth congrats n I was wondering what she was tlking about then parks grab my hand n smiled down at me n I was wondering why where they looking at me like tht for until he started to say “I cant wait for you to say yes n you’re mines forever” n I finally think oh I had totally forget we was going to get married and I finally thought how was I going to tell my mother this part we went inside the car n I looked out the window while he drive me home n said how r we going to tell my mom about us getting married
He held my hand n kissed it and said don’t worry we’ll tell her tomorrow afternoon and I’ll explain the whole thing to her about my life
I sighed n said ok we were close to my home jus a 5 minutes away I flicked his ear n he looked at me I stuck my tongue out at him n shake my head around n he laughed n I did to he reached by me n parked then he kiss my cheeks n told me goodnight n tht he will call me when he reach home n I got out of the car n unlock the door n he drove off I went inside n lock bck the door I heard my mom scream my name to come in the living room
Walking to the living saw my mom on the couch looked very upset n looking down n twittling with my fingers I answered her “yes mom”
“Where were you n don’t lie to me” she said with an angry tone I looked up n said in a soft voice “I was by parker and his sister” “oh really I thought you told me you was going out with William n now u saying u was by them u r really getting me upset”
“mom I was with William but we broke up n I call parks to pick me up but then we went by him his mother was there n yh we tlked n stuff mom im really sorry for being late n not telling you where I was” I said n a calm tone
Ok skie im sorry about William but next time don’t do tht or I will ground you for the rest of ur life you hear me” she said in a serious tone
I look at my mom “there is a reason why we not together anymore because I wasn’t in love with him I’m in love with parks n we are together now” my mom looked at me n said well finally at least u guys realize how u feel for each other the way he looked at u it was like he would take a bullet for you and protect you every way he can” I smiled at what my mom said n said “ok n I was going to sleep”
Grabbing my phone n saw a text from Parks – text hope your mom didn’t react bad n didn’t ground you I texted bck
Well yh she did started to be upset but then I told her what happen n I told her we are together she said finially we realize how we feel for each other so I guess telling her were getting married wouldn’t be as hard as I thought n then I sent my message
He sent bck a text :D awesome I guess so I should make u get your rest you had a long day so did I
I read it n said ok ttyl xoxoxo muahhh!!!!
N I put my phone under my pillow n fell asleep right away then my phone buzz I pulled it from underneath it n read the message it said he was blushin n I laugh at tht part n he loved me I felt so happy n I put it bck were I had it went bck to sleep was tired as hell
Publication Date: March 28th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-beauty123 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-william-shakespeare-julius-caesar/ | William Shakespeare Julius Caesar
FLAVIUS, tribune.
MARULLUS, tribune.
ARTEMIDORUS, a Sophist of Cnidos.
A Soothsayer.
CINNA, a poet. Another Poet.
LUCILIUS, TITINIUS, MESSALA, young CATO, and VOLUMNIUS, Friends to Brutus and Cassius.
PINDARUS, Servant to Cassius.
The Ghost of Caesar.
Senators, Citizens, Soldiers, Commoners, Messengers, and Servants.
CALPURNIA, wife to Caesar.
PORTIA, wife to Brutus.
SCENE: Rome, the conspirators' camp near Sardis, and the plains of Philippi.
SCENE I. Rome. A street.
[Enter Flavius, Marullus, and a Throng of Citizens.]
Hence! home, you idle creatures, get you home!
Is this a holiday? What! know you not,
Being mechanical, you ought not walk
Upon a laboring day without the sign
Of your profession? - Speak, what trade art thou?
Why, sir, a carpenter.
Where is thy leather apron and thy rule?
What dost thou with thy best apparel on? -
You, sir; what trade are you?
Truly, sir, in respect of a fine workman, I am but, as you
would say, a cobbler.
But what trade art thou? Answer me directly.
A trade, sir, that, I hope, I may use with a safe
conscience, which is indeed, sir, a mender of bad soles.
What trade, thou knave? Thou naughty knave, what trade?
Nay, I beseech you, sir, be not out with me; yet,
if you be out, sir, I can mend you.
What mean'st thou by that? Mend me, thou saucy fellow!
Why, sir, cobble you.
Thou art a cobbler, art thou?
Truly, Sir, all that I live by is with the awl; I meddle with
no tradesman's matters, nor women's matters, but with awl.
I am indeed, sir, a surgeon to old shoes; when they are in
great danger, I re-cover them. As proper men as ever trod upon
neat's-leather have gone upon my handiwork.
But wherefore art not in thy shop today?
Why dost thou lead these men about the streets?
Truly, sir, to wear out their shoes to get myself into more
work. But indeed, sir, we make holiday to see Caesar and to
rejoice in his triumph.
Wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?
What tributaries follow him to Rome,
To grace in captive bonds his chariot wheels?
You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!
O you hard hearts, you cruel men of Rome,
Knew you not Pompey? Many a time and oft
Have you climb'd up to walls and battlements,
To towers and windows, yea, to chimney tops,
Your infants in your arms, and there have sat
The livelong day with patient expectation
To see great Pompey pass the streets of Rome.
And when you saw his chariot but appear,
Have you not made an universal shout
That Tiber trembled underneath her banks
To hear the replication of your sounds
Made in her concave shores?
And do you now put on your best attire?
And do you now cull out a holiday?
And do you now strew flowers in his way
That comes in triumph over Pompey's blood?
Be gone!
Run to your houses, fall upon your knees,
Pray to the gods to intermit the plague
That needs must light on this ingratitude.
Go, go, good countrymen, and, for this fault,
Assemble all the poor men of your sort,
Draw them to Tiber banks, and weep your tears
Into the channel, till the lowest stream
Do kiss the most exalted shores of all.
[Exeunt CITIZENS.]
See whether their basest metal be not moved;
They vanish tongue-tied in their guiltiness.
Go you down that way towards the Capitol;
This way will I. Disrobe the images,
If you do find them deck'd with ceremonies.
May we do so?
You know it is the feast of Lupercal.
It is no matter; let no images
Be hung with Caesar's trophies. I'll about
And drive away the vulgar from the streets;
So do you too, where you perceive them thick.
These growing feathers pluck'd from Caesar's wing
Will make him fly an ordinary pitch,
Who else would soar above the view of men,
And keep us all in servile fearfulness.
SCENE II. The same. A public place.
[Enter, in procession, with music, Caesar; Antony, for the
course; Calpurnia, Portia, Decius, Cicero, Brutus, Cassius, and
Casca; a great crowd following, among them a Soothsayer.]
Calpurnia, -
Peace, ho! Caesar speaks.
[Music ceases.]
Calpurnia, -
Here, my lord.
Stand you directly in Antonius' way,
When he doth run his course. - Antonius, -
Caesar, my lord?
Forget not in your speed, Antonius,
To touch Calpurnia; for our elders say,
The barren, touched in this holy chase,
Shake off their sterile curse.
I shall remember.
When Caesar says "Do this," it is perform'd.
Set on; and leave no ceremony out.
Ha! Who calls?
Bid every noise be still. - Peace yet again!
[Music ceases.]
Who is it in the press that calls on me?
I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music,
Cry "Caesar"! Speak, Caesar is turn'd to hear.
Beware the Ides of March.
What man is that?
A soothsayer bids you beware the Ides of March.
Set him before me; let me see his face.
Fellow, come from the throng; look upon Caesar.
What say'st thou to me now? Speak once again.
Beware the Ides of March.
He is a dreamer; let us leave him. Pass.
[Sennet. Exeunt all but BRUTUS and CASSIUS.]
Will you go see the order of the course?
Not I.
I pray you, do.
I am not gamesome; I do lack some part
Of that quick spirit that is in Antony.
Let me not hinder, Cassius, your desires;
I'll leave you.
Brutus, I do observe you now of late:
I have not from your eyes that gentleness
And show of love as I was wont to have:
You bear too stubborn and too strange a hand
Over your friend that loves you.
Be not deceived: if I have veil'd my look,
I turn the trouble of my countenance
Merely upon myself. Vexed I am
Of late with passions of some difference,
Conceptions only proper to myself,
Which give some soil perhaps to my behaviors;
But let not therefore my good friends be grieved -
Among which number, Cassius, be you one -
Nor construe any further my neglect,
Than that poor Brutus, with himself at war,
Forgets the shows of love to other men.
Then, Brutus, I have much mistook your passion;
By means whereof this breast of mine hath buried
Thoughts of great value, worthy cogitations.
Tell me, good Brutus, can you see your face?
No, Cassius, for the eye sees not itself
But by reflection, by some other thing.
'Tis just:
And it is very much lamented, Brutus,
That you have no such mirrors as will turn
Your hidden worthiness into your eye,
That you might see your shadow. I have heard
Where many of the best respect in Rome, -
Except immortal Caesar! - speaking of Brutus,
And groaning underneath this age's yoke,
Have wish'd that noble Brutus had his eyes.
Into what dangers would you lead me, Cassius,
That you would have me seek into myself
For that which is not in me?
Therefore, good Brutus, be prepared to hear;
And since you know you cannot see yourself
So well as by reflection, I, your glass,
Will modestly discover to yourself
That of yourself which you yet know not of.
And be not jealous on me, gentle Brutus;
Were I a common laugher, or did use
To stale with ordinary oaths my love
To every new protester; if you know
That I do fawn on men, and hug them hard
And after scandal them; or if you know
That I profess myself, in banqueting,
To all the rout, then hold me dangerous.
[Flourish and shout.]
What means this shouting? I do fear the people
Choose Caesar for their king.
Ay, do you fear it?
Then must I think you would not have it so.
I would not, Cassius; yet I love him well,
But wherefore do you hold me here so long?
What is it that you would impart to me?
If it be aught toward the general good,
Set honor in one eye and death i' the other
And I will look on both indifferently;
For let the gods so speed me as I love
The name of honor more than I fear death.
I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus,
As well as I do know your outward favor.
Well, honor is the subject of my story.
I cannot tell what you and other men
Think of this life; but, for my single self,
I had as lief not be as live to be
In awe of such a thing as I myself.
I was born free as Caesar; so were you:
We both have fed as well; and we can both
Endure the winter's cold as well as he:
For once, upon a raw and gusty day,
The troubled Tiber chafing with her shores,
Caesar said to me, "Darest thou, Cassius, now
Leap in with me into this angry flood
And swim to yonder point?" Upon the word,
Accoutred as I was, I plunged in,
And bade him follow: so indeed he did.
The torrent roar'd, and we did buffet it
With lusty sinews, throwing it aside
And stemming it with hearts of controversy;
But ere we could arrive the point proposed,
Caesar cried, "Help me, Cassius, or I sink!
I, as Aeneas, our great ancestor,
Did from the flames of Troy upon his shoulder
The old Anchises bear, so from the waves of Tiber
Did I the tired Caesar: and this man
Is now become a god; and Cassius is
A wretched creature, and must bend his body,
If Caesar carelessly but nod on him.
He had a fever when he was in Spain;
And when the fit was on him I did mark
How he did shake: 'tis true, this god did shake:
His coward lips did from their color fly;
And that same eye whose bend doth awe the world
Did lose his luster. I did hear him groan:
Ay, and that tongue of his that bade the Romans
Mark him, and write his speeches in their books,
Alas, it cried, "Give me some drink, Titinius,"
As a sick girl. - Ye gods, it doth amaze me,
A man of such a feeble temper should
So get the start of the majestic world,
And bear the palm alone.
[Shout. Flourish.]
Another general shout!
I do believe that these applauses are
For some new honors that are heap'd on Caesar.
Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus; and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves,that we are underlings.
"Brutus" and "Caesar": what should be in that "Caesar"?
Why should that name be sounded more than yours?
Write them together, yours is as fair a name;
Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well;
Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with them,
"Brutus" will start a spirit as soon as "Caesar."
Now, in the names of all the gods at once,
Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed
That he is grown so great? Age, thou art shamed!
Rome, thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods!
When went there by an age since the great flood,
But it was famed with more than with one man?
When could they say, till now, that talk'd of Rome,
That her wide walls encompass'd but one man?
Now is it Rome indeed, and room enough,
When there is in it but one only man.
O, you and I have heard our fathers say
There was a Brutus once that would have brook'd
Th' eternal devil to keep his state in Rome,
As easily as a king!
That you do love me, I am nothing jealous;
What you would work me to, I have some aim:
How I have thought of this, and of these times,
I shall recount hereafter; for this present,
I would not, so with love I might entreat you,
Be any further moved. What you have said,
I will consider; what you have to say,
I will with patience hear; and find a time
Both meet to hear and answer such high things.
Till then, my noble friend, chew upon this:
Brutus had rather be a villager
Than to repute himself a son of Rome
Under these hard conditions as this time
Is like to lay upon us.
I am glad that my weak words
Have struck but thus much show of fire from Brutus.
The games are done, and Caesar is returning.
As they pass by, pluck Casca by the sleeve;
And he will, after his sour fashion, tell you
What hath proceeded worthy note today.
[Re-enter Caesar and his Train.]
I will do so. - But, look you, Cassius,
The angry spot doth glow on Caesar's brow,
And all the rest look like a chidden train:
Calpurnia's cheek is pale; and Cicero
Looks with such ferret and such fiery eyes
As we have seen him in the Capitol,
Being cross'd in conference by some senators.
Casca will tell us what the matter is.
Antonius, -
Let me have men about me that are fat;
Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights:
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.
Fear him not, Caesar; he's not dangerous;
He is a noble Roman and well given.
Would he were fatter! But I fear him not:
Yet, if my name were liable to fear,
I do not know the man I should avoid
So soon as that spare Cassius. He reads much;
He is a great observer, and he looks
Quite through the deeds of men: he loves no plays,
As thou dost, Antony; he hears no music:
Seldom he smiles; and smiles in such a sort
As if he mock'd himself and scorn'd his spirit
That could be moved to smile at any thing.
Such men as he be never at heart's ease
Whiles they behold a greater than themselves;
And therefore are they very dangerous.
I rather tell thee what is to be fear'd
Than what I fear, for always I am Caesar.
Come on my right hand, for this ear is deaf,
And tell me truly what thou think'st of him.
[Exeunt Caesar and his Train. Casca stays.]
You pull'd me by the cloak; would you speak with me?
Ay, Casca, tell us what hath chanced today,
That Caesar looks so sad.
Why, you were with him, were you not?
I should not then ask Casca what had chanced.
Why, there was a crown offer'd him; and being offer'd him,
he put it by with the back of his hand, thus; and then the
people fell a-shouting.
What was the second noise for?
Why, for that too.
They shouted thrice: what was the last cry for?
Why, for that too.
Was the crown offer'd him thrice?
Ay, marry, was't, and he put it by thrice, every time gentler
than other; and at every putting-by mine honest neighbors
Who offer'd him the crown?
Why, Antony.
Tell us the manner of it, gentle Casca.
I can as well be hang'd, as tell the manner of it: it was
mere foolery; I did not mark it. I saw Mark Antony offer him a
crown; - yet 'twas not a crown neither, 'twas one of these
coronets; - and, as I told you, he put it by once: but, for all
that, to my thinking, he would fain have had it. Then he
offered it to him again: then he put it by again: but, to my
thinking, he was very loath to lay his fingers off it. And then
he offered it the third time; he put it the third time by; and
still, as he refused it, the rabblement shouted, and clapp'd
their chopt hands, and threw up their sweaty night-caps, and
uttered such a deal of stinking breath because Caesar refused
the crown, that it had almost choked Caesar, for he swooned and
fell down at it: and for mine own part, I durst not laugh for
fear of opening my lips and receiving the bad air.
But, soft! I pray you. What, did Caesar swoon?
He fell down in the market-place, and foam'd at mouth, and was
'Tis very like: he hath the falling-sickness.
No, Caesar hath it not; but you, and I,
And honest Casca, we have the falling-sickness.
I know not what you mean by that; but I am sure Caesar fell
down. If the tag-rag people did not clap him and hiss him,
according as he pleased and displeased them, as they use to do
the players in the theatre, I am no true man.
What said he when he came unto himself?
Marry, before he fell down, when he perceived the common
herd was glad he refused the crown, he pluck'd me ope his
doublet, and offered them his throat to cut: an I had been a
man of any occupation, if I would not have taken him at a word,
I would I might go to hell among the rogues: - and so he fell.
When he came to himself again, he said, if he had done or said
any thing amiss, he desired their worships to think it was his
infirmity. Three or four wenches where I stood cried, "Alas,
good soul!" and forgave him with all their hearts. But there's
no heed to be taken of them: if Caesar had stabb'd their
mothers, they would have done no less.
And, after that he came, thus sad away?
Did Cicero say any thing?
Ay, he spoke Greek.
To what effect?
Nay, an I tell you that, I'll ne'er look you i' the face
again: but those that understood him smiled at one another and
shook their heads; but for mine own part, it was Greek to me. I
could tell you more news too: Marullus and Flavius, for pulling
scarfs off Caesar's images, are put to silence. Fare you well.
There was more foolery yet, if could remember it.
Will you sup with me tonight, Casca?
No, I am promised forth.
Will you dine with me tomorrow?
Ay, if I be alive, and your mind hold, and your dinner worth
the eating.
Good; I will expect you.
Do so; farewell both.
[Exit CASCA.]
What a blunt fellow is this grown to be!
He was quick mettle when he went to school.
So is he now in execution
Of any bold or noble enterprise,
However he puts on this tardy form.
This rudeness is a sauce to his good wit,
Which gives men stomach to digest his words
With better appetite.
And so it is. For this time I will leave you:
Tomorrow, if you please to speak with me,
I will come home to you; or, if you will,
Come home to me, and I will wait for you.
I will do so: till then, think of the world. -
[Exit Brutus.]
Well, Brutus, thou art noble; yet, I see,
Thy honorable metal may be wrought,
From that it is disposed: therefore 'tis meet
That noble minds keep ever with their likes;
For who so firm that cannot be seduced?
Caesar doth bear me hard, but he loves Brutus;
If I were Brutus now and he were Cassius,
He should not humor me. I will this night,
In several hands, in at his windows throw,
As if they came from several citizens,
Writings all tending to the great opinion
That Rome holds of his name; wherein obscurely
Caesar's ambition shall be glanced at:
And after this let Caesar seat him sure;
For we will shake him, or worse days endure.
SCENE III. The same. A street.
[Thunder and lightning. Enter, from opposite sides, CASCA, with
his sword drawn, and CICERO.]
Good even, Casca: brought you Caesar home?
Why are you breathless, and why stare you so?
Are not you moved, when all the sway of earth
Shakes like a thing unfirm? O Cicero,
I have seen tempests, when the scolding winds
Have rived the knotty oaks; and I have seen
Th' ambitious ocean swell and rage and foam,
To be exalted with the threatening clouds:
But never till tonight, never till now,
Did I go through a tempest dropping fire.
Either there is a civil strife in heaven,
Or else the world too saucy with the gods,
Incenses them to send destruction.
Why, saw you anything more wonderful?
A common slave - you'd know him well by sight -
Held up his left hand, which did flame and burn
Like twenty torches join'd, and yet his hand
Not sensible of fire remain'd unscorch'd.
Besides, - I ha' not since put up my sword, -
Against the Capitol I met a lion,
Who glared upon me, and went surly by,
Without annoying me: and there were drawn
Upon a heap a hundred ghastly women,
Transformed with their fear; who swore they saw
Men, all in fire, walk up and down the streets.
And yesterday the bird of night did sit
Even at noonday upon the marketplace,
Howling and shrieking. When these prodigies
Do so conjointly meet, let not men say
"These are their reasons; they are natural";
For I believe they are portentous things
Unto the climate that they point upon.
Indeed, it is a strange-disposed time.
But men may construe things after their fashion,
Clean from the purpose of the things themselves.
Comes Caesar to the Capitol tomorrow?
He doth, for he did bid Antonius
Send word to you he would be there to-morrow.
Good then, Casca: this disturbed sky
Is not to walk in.
Farewell, Cicero.
[Exit Cicero.]
[Enter Cassius.]
Who's there?
A Roman.
Casca, by your voice.
Your ear is good. Cassius, what night is this!
A very pleasing night to honest men.
Who ever knew the heavens menace so?
Those that have known the earth so full of faults.
For my part, I have walk'd about the streets,
Submitting me unto the perilous night;
And, thus unbraced, Casca, as you see,
Have bared my bosom to the thunder-stone;
And when the cross blue lightning seem'd to open
The breast of heaven, I did present myself
Even in the aim and very flash of it.
But wherefore did you so much tempt the Heavens?
It is the part of men to fear and tremble,
When the most mighty gods by tokens send
Such dreadful heralds to astonish us.
You are dull, Casca;and those sparks of life
That should be in a Roman you do want,
Or else you use not. You look pale and gaze,
And put on fear and cast yourself in wonder,
To see the strange impatience of the Heavens:
But if you would consider the true cause
Why all these fires, why all these gliding ghosts,
Why birds and beasts,from quality and kind;
Why old men, fools, and children calculate; -
Why all these things change from their ordinance,
Their natures, and preformed faculties
To monstrous quality; - why, you shall find
That Heaven hath infused them with these spirits,
To make them instruments of fear and warning
Unto some monstrous state. Now could I, Casca,
Name to thee a man most like this dreadful night;
That thunders, lightens, opens graves, and roars,
As doth the lion in the Capitol;
A man no mightier than thyself or me
In personal action; yet prodigious grown,
And fearful, as these strange eruptions are.
'Tis Caesar that you mean; is it not, Cassius?
Let it be who it is: for Romans now
Have thews and limbs like to their ancestors;
But, woe the while! our fathers' minds are dead,
And we are govern'd with our mothers' spirits;
Our yoke and sufferance show us womanish.
Indeed they say the senators to-morrow
Mean to establish Caesar as a king;
And he shall wear his crown by sea and land,
In every place save here in Italy.
I know where I will wear this dagger then;
Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius:
Therein, ye gods, you make the weak most strong;
Therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat:
Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass,
Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron
Can be retentive to the strength of spirit;
But life, being weary of these worldly bars,
Never lacks power to dismiss itself.
If I know this, know all the world besides,
That part of tyranny that I do bear
I can shake off at pleasure.
[Thunders still.]
So can I:
So every bondman in his own hand bears
The power to cancel his captivity.
And why should Caesar be a tyrant then?
Poor man! I know he would not be a wolf,
But that he sees the Romans are but sheep:
He were no lion, were not Romans hinds.
Those that with haste will make a mighty fire
Begin it with weak straws: what trash is Rome,
What rubbish, and what offal, when it serves
For the base matter to illuminate
So vile a thing as Caesar! But, O grief,
Where hast thou led me? I perhaps speak this
Before a willing bondman: then I know
My answer must be made; but I am arm'd,
And dangers are to me indifferent.
You speak to Casca; and to such a man
That is no fleering tell-tale. Hold, my hand:
Be factious for redress of all these griefs;
And I will set this foot of mine as far
As who goes farthest.
There's a bargain made.
Now know you, Casca, I have moved already
Some certain of the noblest-minded Romans
To undergo with me an enterprise
Of honorable-dangerous consequence;
And I do know by this, they stay for me
In Pompey's Porch: for now, this fearful night,
There is no stir or walking in the streets;
And the complexion of the element
Is favor'd like the work we have in hand,
Most bloody, fiery, and most terrible.
Stand close awhile, for here comes one in haste.
'Tis Cinna; I do know him by his gait;
He is a friend. -
[Enter Cinna.]
Cinna, where haste you so?
To find out you. Who's that? Metellus Cimber?
No, it is Casca, one incorporate
To our attempts. Am I not stay'd for, Cinna?
I am glad on't. What a fearful night is this!
There's two or three of us have seen strange sights.
Am I not stay'd for? tell me.
You are. O Cassius, if you could but win
The noble Brutus to our party, -
Be you content. Good Cinna, take this paper,
And look you lay it in the praetor's chair,
Where Brutus may but find it; and throw this
In at his window; set this up with wax
Upon old Brutus' statue: all this done,
Repair to Pompey's Porch, where you shall find us.
Is Decius Brutus and Trebonius there?
All but Metellus Cimber, and he's gone
To seek you at your house. Well, I will hie
And so bestow these papers as you bade me.
That done, repair to Pompey's theatre. -
[Exit Cinna.]
Come, Casca, you and I will yet, ere day,
See Brutus at his house: three parts of him
Is ours already; and the man entire,
Upon the next encounter, yields him ours.
O, he sits high in all the people's hearts!
And that which would appear offense in us,
His countenance, like richest alchemy,
Will change to virtue and to worthiness.
Him, and his worth, and our great need of him,
You have right well conceited. Let us go,
For it is after midnight; and, ere day,
We will awake him, and be sure of him.
SCENE I. Rome. BRUTUS'S orchard.
[Enter Brutus.]
What, Lucius, ho! -
I cannot, by the progress of the stars,
Give guess how near to day. - Lucius, I say! -
I would it were my fault to sleep so soundly. -
When, Lucius, when! Awake, I say! What, Lucius!
[Enter Lucius.]
Call'd you, my lord?
Get me a taper in my study, Lucius:
When it is lighted, come and call me here.
I will, my lord.
It must be by his death: and, for my part,
I know no personal cause to spurn at him,
But for the general. He would be crown'd:
How that might change his nature, there's the question:
It is the bright day that brings forth the adder;
And that craves wary walking. Crown him? - that:
And then, I grant, we put a sting in him,
That at his will he may do danger with.
Th' abuse of greatness is, when it disjoins
Remorse from power; and, to speak truth of Caesar,
I have not known when his affections sway'd
More than his reason. But 'tis a common proof,
That lowliness is young ambition's ladder,
Whereto the climber-upward turns his face;
But, when he once attains the upmost round,
He then unto the ladder turns his back,
Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees
By which he did ascend: so Caesar may;
Then, lest he may, prevent. And, since the quarrel
Will bear no color for the thing he is,
Fashion it thus, - that what he is, augmented,
Would run to these and these extremities:
And therefore think him as a serpent's egg
Which hatch'd, would, as his kind grow mischievous;
And kill him in the shell.
[Re-enter Lucius.]
The taper burneth in your closet, sir.
Searching the window for a flint I found
This paper thus seal'd up, and I am sure
It did not lie there when I went to bed.
Get you to bed again; it is not day.
Is not tomorrow, boy, the Ides of March?
I know not, sir.
Look in the calendar, and bring me word.
I will, sir.
The exhalations, whizzing in the air
Give so much light that I may read by them. -
[Opens the letter and reads.]
"Brutus, thou sleep'st: awake and see thyself.
Shall Rome, &c. Speak, strike, redress - !
Brutus, thou sleep'st: awake! - "
Such instigations have been often dropp'd
Where I have took them up.
"Shall Rome, & c." Thus must I piece it out:
Shall Rome stand under one man's awe? What, Rome?
My ancestors did from the streets of Rome
The Tarquin drive, when he was call'd a king. -
"Speak, strike, redress!" - Am I entreated, then,
To speak and strike? O Rome, I make thee promise,
If the redress will follow, thou receivest
Thy full petition at the hand of Brutus!
[Re-enter Lucius.]
Sir, March is wasted fifteen days.
[Knocking within.]
'Tis good. Go to the gate, somebody knocks. -
[Exit Lucius.]
Since Cassius first did whet me against Caesar
I have not slept.
Between the acting of a dreadful thing
And the first motion, all the interim is
Like a phantasma or a hideous dream:
The genius and the mortal instruments
Are then in council; and the state of man,
Like to a little kingdom, suffers then
The nature of an insurrection.
[Re-enter Lucius].
Sir, 'tis your brother Cassius at the door,
Who doth desire to see you.
Is he alone?
No, sir, there are more with him.
Do you know them?
No, sir, their hats are pluck'd about their ears,
And half their faces buried in their cloaks,
That by no means I may discover them
By any mark of favor.
Let 'em enter. -
[Exit Lucius.]
They are the faction. - O conspiracy,
Shamest thou to show thy dangerous brow by night,
When evils are most free? O, then, by day
Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough
To mask thy monstrous visage? Seek none, conspiracy;
Hide it in smiles and affability:
For if thou pass, thy native semblance on,
Not Erebus itself were dim enough
To hide thee from prevention.
[Enter Cassius, Casca, Decius, Cinna, Metellus Cimber, and
I think we are too bold upon your rest:
Good morrow, Brutus; do we trouble you?
I have been up this hour, awake all night.
Know I these men that come along with you?
Yes, every man of them; and no man here
But honors you; and every one doth wish
You had but that opinion of yourself
Which every noble Roman bears of you.
This is Trebonius.
He is welcome hither.
This Decius Brutus.
He is welcome too.
This, Casca; this, Cinna; and this, Metellus Cimber.
They are all welcome. -
What watchful cares do interpose themselves
Betwixt your eyes and night?
Shall I entreat a word?
[BRUTUS and CASSIUS whisper apart.]
Here lies the east: doth not the day break here?
O, pardon, sir, it doth, and yon grey lines
That fret the clouds are messengers of day.
You shall confess that you are both deceived.
Here, as I point my sword, the Sun arises;
Which is a great way growing on the South,
Weighing the youthful season of the year.
Some two months hence, up higher toward the North
He first presents his fire; and the high East
Stands, as the Capitol, directly here.
Give me your hands all over, one by one.
And let us swear our resolution.
No, not an oath: if not the face of men,
The sufferance of our souls, the time's abuse -
If these be motives weak, break off betimes,
And every man hence to his idle bed;
So let high-sighted tyranny range on,
Till each man drop by lottery. But if these,
As I am sure they do, bear fire enough
To kindle cowards, and to steel with valour
The melting spirits of women; then, countrymen,
What need we any spur but our own cause
To prick us to redress? what other bond
Than secret Romans, that have spoke the word,
And will not palter? and what other oath
Than honesty to honesty engaged,
That this shall be, or we will fall for it?
Swear priests, and cowards, and men cautelous,
Old feeble carrions, and such suffering souls
That welcome wrongs; unto bad causes swear
Such creatures as men doubt: but do not stain
The even virtue of our enterprise,
Nor th' insuppressive mettle of our spirits,
To think that or our cause or our performance
Did need an oath; when every drop of blood
That every Roman bears, and nobly bears,
Is guilty of a several bastardy,
If he do break the smallest particle
Of any promise that hath pass'd from him.
But what of Cicero? Shall we sound him?
I think he will stand very strong with us.
Let us not leave him out.
No, by no means.
O, let us have him! for his silver hairs
Will purchase us a good opinion,
And buy men's voices to commend our deeds:
It shall be said, his judgment ruled our hands;
Our youths and wildness shall no whit appear,
But all be buried in his gravity.
O, name him not! let us not break with him;
For he will never follow any thing
That other men begin.
Then leave him out.
Indeed, he is not fit.
Shall no man else be touch'd but only Caesar?
Decius, well urged. - I think it is not meet,
Mark Antony, so well beloved of Caesar,
Should outlive Caesar: we shall find of him
A shrewd contriver; and you know his means,
If he improve them, may well stretch so far
As to annoy us all: which to prevent,
Let Antony and Caesar fall together.
Our course will seem too bloody, Caius Cassius,
To cut the head off, and then hack the limbs,
Like wrath in death, and envy afterwards;
For Antony is but a limb of Caesar.
Let us be sacrificers, but not butchers, Caius.
We all stand up against the spirit of Caesar;
And in the spirit of men there is no blood:
O, that we then could come by Caesar's spirit,
And not dismember Caesar! But, alas,
Caesar must bleed for it! And, gentle friends,
Let's kill him boldly, but not wrathfully;
Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods,
Not hew him as a carcass fit for hounds;
And let our hearts, as subtle masters do,
Stir up their servants to an act of rage,
And after seem to chide 'em. This shall mark
Our purpose necessary, and not envious;
Which so appearing to the common eyes,
We shall be call'd purgers, not murderers.
And for Mark Antony, think not of him;
For he can do no more than Caesar's arm
When Caesar's head is off.
Yet I do fear him;
For in th' ingrafted love he bears to Caesar -
Alas, good Cassius, do not think of him:
If he love Caesar, all that he can do
Is to himself, - take thought and die for Caesar.
And that were much he should; for he is given
To sports, to wildness, and much company.
There is no fear in him; let him not die;
For he will live, and laugh at this hereafter.
[Clock strikes.]
Peace! count the clock.
The clock hath stricken three.
'Tis time to part.
But it is doubtful yet
Whether Caesar will come forth today or no;
For he is superstitious grown of late,
Quite from the main opinion he held once
Of fantasy, of dreams, and ceremonies.
It may be these apparent prodigies,
The unaccustom'd terror of this night,
And the persuasion of his augurers
May hold him from the Capitol to-day.
Never fear that: if he be so resolved,
I can o'ersway him, for he loves to hear
That unicorns may be betray'd with trees,
And bears with glasses, elephants with holes,
Lions with toils, and men with flatterers:
But when I tell him he hates flatterers,
He says he does, being then most flattered.
Let me work;
For I can give his humor the true bent,
And I will bring him to the Capitol.
Nay, we will all of us be there to fetch him.
By the eighth hour: is that the uttermost?
Be that the uttermost; and fail not then.
Caius Ligarius doth bear Caesar hard,
Who rated him for speaking well of Pompey:
I wonder none of you have thought of him.
Now, good Metellus, go along by him:
He loves me well, and I have given him reason;
Send him but hither, and I'll fashion him.
The morning comes upon 's. We'll leave you, Brutus; -
And, friends, disperse yourselves, but all remember
What you have said, and show yourselves true Romans.
Good gentlemen, look fresh and merrily;
Let not our looks put on our purposes,
But bear it as our Roman actors do,
With untired spirits and formal constancy:
And so, good morrow to you every one. -
[Exeunt all but Brutus.]
Boy! Lucius! - Fast asleep? It is no matter;
Enjoy the honey-heavy dew of slumber:
Thou hast no figures nor no fantasies,
Which busy care draws in the brains of men;
Therefore thou sleep'st so sound.
[Enter Portia.]
Brutus, my lord!
Portia, what mean you? wherefore rise you now?
It is not for your health thus to commit
Your weak condition to the raw-cold morning.
Nor for yours neither. You've ungently, Brutus,
Stole from my bed: and yesternight, at supper,
You suddenly arose, and walk'd about,
Musing and sighing, with your arms across;
And, when I ask'd you what the matter was,
You stared upon me with ungentle looks:
I urged you further; then you scratch'd your head,
And too impatiently stamp'd with your foot:
Yet I insisted, yet you answer'd not;
But, with an angry wafture of your hand,
Gave sign for me to leave you. So I did;
Fearing to strengthen that impatience
Which seem'd too much enkindled; and withal
Hoping it was but an effect of humour,
Which sometime hath his hour with every man.
It will not let you eat, nor talk, nor sleep;
And, could it work so much upon your shape
As it hath much prevail'd on your condition,
I should not know you, Brutus. Dear my lord,
Make me acquainted with your cause of grief.
I am not well in health, and that is all.
Brutus is wise, and, were he not in health,
He would embrace the means to come by it.
Why, so I do. Good Portia, go to bed.
Is Brutus sick? and is it physical
To walk unbraced and suck up the humours
Of the dank morning? What, is Brutus sick,
And will he steal out of his wholesome bed
To dare the vile contagion of the night,
And tempt the rheumy and unpurged air
To add unto his sickness? No, my Brutus;
You have some sick offense within your mind,
Which, by the right and virtue of my place,
I ought to know of: and, upon my knees,
I charge you, by my once commended beauty,
By all your vows of love, and that great vow
Which did incorporate and make us one,
That you unfold to me, yourself, your half,
Why you are heavy, and what men to-night
Have had resort to you; for here have been
Some six or seven, who did hide their faces
Even from darkness.
Kneel not, gentle Portia.
I should not need, if you were gentle Brutus.
Within the bond of marriage, tell me, Brutus,
Is it excepted I should know no secrets
That appertain to you? Am I yourself
But, as it were, in sort or limitation, -
To keep with you at meals, comfort your bed,
And talk to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the suburbs
Of your good pleasure? If it be no more,
Portia is Brutus' harlot, not his wife.
You are my true and honorable wife;
As dear to me as are the ruddy drops
That visit my sad heart.
If this were true, then should I know this secret.
I grant I am a woman; but withal
A woman that Lord Brutus took to wife:
I grant I am a woman; but withal
A woman well reputed, Cato's daughter.
Think you I am no stronger than my sex,
Being so father'd and so husbanded?
Tell me your counsels, I will not disclose 'em.
I have made strong proof of my constancy,
Giving myself a voluntary wound
Here in the thigh: can I bear that with patience
And not my husband's secrets?
O ye gods,
Render me worthy of this noble wife!
[Knocking within.]
Hark, hark, one knocks: Portia, go in awhile;
And by and by thy bosom shall partake
The secrets of my heart:
All my engagements I will construe to thee,
All the charactery of my sad brows.
Leave me with haste.
[Exit Portia.]
- Lucius, who's that knocks?
[Re-enter Lucius with Ligarius.]
Here is a sick man that would speak with you.
Caius Ligarius, that Metellus spake of. -
Boy, stand aside. - Caius Ligarius, - how?
Vouchsafe good-morrow from a feeble tongue.
O, what a time have you chose out, brave Caius,
To wear a kerchief! Would you were not sick!
I am not sick, if Brutus have in hand
Any exploit worthy the name of honour.
Such an exploit have I in hand, Ligarius,
Had you a healthful ear to hear of it.
By all the gods that Romans bow before,
I here discard my sickness. Soul of Rome!
Brave son, derived from honorable loins!
Thou, like an exorcist, hast conjured up
My mortified spirit. Now bid me run,
And I will strive with things impossible;
Yea, get the better of them. What's to do?
A piece of work that will make sick men whole.
But are not some whole that we must make sick?
That must we also. What it is, my Caius,
I shall unfold to thee, as we are going,
To whom it must be done.
Set on your foot;
And with a heart new-fired I follow you,
To do I know not what: but it sufficeth
That Brutus leads me on.
Follow me then.
SCENE II. A room in Caesar's palace.
[Thunder and lightning. Enter Caesar, in his nightgown.]
Nor heaven nor earth have been at peace tonight:
Thrice hath Calpurnia in her sleep cried out,
"Help, ho! They murder Caesar!" - Who's within?
[Enter a Servant.]
My lord?
Go bid the priests do present sacrifice,
And bring me their opinions of success.
I will, my lord.
[Enter Calpurnia.]
What mean you, Caesar? Think you to walk forth?
You shall not stir out of your house to-day.
Caesar shall forth: the things that threaten me
Ne'er look but on my back; when they shall see
The face of Caesar, they are vanished.
Caesar, I never stood on ceremonies,
Yet now they fright me. There is one within,
Besides the things that we have heard and seen,
Recounts most horrid sights seen by the watch.
A lioness hath whelped in the streets;
And graves have yawn'd, and yielded up their dead;
Fierce fiery warriors fight upon the clouds,
In ranks and squadrons and right form of war,
Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol;
The noise of battle hurtled in the air,
Horses did neigh, and dying men did groan;
And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the streets.
O Caesar,these things are beyond all use,
And I do fear them!
What can be avoided
Whose end is purposed by the mighty gods?
Yet Caesar shall go forth; for these predictions
Are to the world in general as to Caesar.
When beggars die, there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.
Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come. -
[Re-enter Servant.]
What say the augurers?
They would not have you to stir forth to-day.
Plucking the entrails of an offering forth,
They could not find a heart within the beast.
The gods do this in shame of cowardice:
Caesar should be a beast without a heart,
If he should stay at home today for fear.
No, Caesar shall not: danger knows full well
That Caesar is more dangerous than he:
We are two lions litter'd in one day,
And I the elder and more terrible;
And Caesar shall go forth.
Alas, my lord,
Your wisdom is consumed in confidence!
Do not go forth to-day: call it my fear
That keeps you in the house, and not your own.
We'll send Mark Antony to the Senate-house,
And he shall say you are not well to-day:
Let me, upon my knee, prevail in this.
Mark Antony shall say I am not well,
And, for thy humor, I will stay at home.
[Enter Decius.]
Here's Decius Brutus, he shall tell them so.
Caesar, all hail! Good morrow, worthy Caesar:
I come to fetch you to the Senate-house.
And you are come in very happy time
To bear my greeting to the Senators,
And tell them that I will not come to-day.
Cannot, is false; and that I dare not, falser:
I will not come to-day. Tell them so, Decius.
Say he is sick.
Shall Caesar send a lie?
Have I in conquest stretch'd mine arm so far,
To be afeard to tell grey-beards the truth? -
Decius, go tell them Caesar will not come.
Most mighty Caesar, let me know some cause,
Lest I be laugh'd at when I tell them so.
The cause is in my will; I will not come:
That is enough to satisfy the Senate.
But, for your private satisfaction,
Because I love you, I will let you know:
Calpurnia here, my wife, stays me at home:
She dreamt to-night she saw my statua,
Which, like a fountain with an hundred spouts,
Did run pure blood; and many lusty Romans
Came smiling and did bathe their hands in it:
And these does she apply for warnings and portents
And evils imminent; and on her knee
Hath begg'd that I will stay at home to-day.
This dream is all amiss interpreted:
It was a vision fair and fortunate.
Your statue spouting blood in many pipes,
In which so many smiling Romans bathed,
Signifies that from you great Rome shall suck
Reviving blood; and that great men shall press
For tinctures, stains, relics, and cognizance.
This by Calpurnia's dream is signified.
And this way have you well expounded it.
I have, when you have heard what I can say;
And know it now: The Senate have concluded
To give this day a crown to mighty Caesar.
If you shall send them word you will not come,
Their minds may change. Besides, it were a mock
Apt to be render'd, for someone to say
"Break up the Senate till another time,
When Caesar's wife shall meet with better dreams."
If Caesar hide himself, shall they not whisper
"Lo, Caesar is afraid"?
Pardon me, Caesar; for my dear dear love
To your proceeding bids me tell you this;
And reason to my love is liable.
How foolish do your fears seem now, Calpurnia!
I am ashamed I did yield to them.
Give me my robe, for I will go.
[Enter Publius, Brutus, Ligarius, Metellus, Casca,
Trebonius, and Cinna.]
And look where Publius is come to fetch me.
Good morrow, Caesar.
Welcome, Publius. -
What, Brutus, are you stirr'd so early too? -
Good morrow, Casca. - Caius Ligarius,
Caesar was ne'er so much your enemy
As that same ague which hath made you lean. -
What is't o'clock?
Caesar, 'tis strucken eight.
I thank you for your pains and courtesy.
[Enter Antony.]
See! Antony, that revels long o'nights,
Is notwithstanding up. - Good morrow, Antony.
So to most noble Caesar.
Bid them prepare within:
I am to blame to be thus waited for. -
Now, Cinna; - now, Metellus; - what, Trebonius!
I have an hour's talk in store for you:
Remember that you call on me to-day;
Be near me, that I may remember you.
Caesar, I will. [Aside.] and so near will I be,
That your best friends shall wish I had been further.
Good friends, go in, and taste some wine with me;
And we, like friends, will straightway go together.
[Aside.] That every like is not the same, O Caesar,
The heart of Brutus yearns to think upon!
SCENE III. A street near the Capitol.
[Enter Artemidorus, reading paper.]
"Caesar, beware of Brutus; take heed of Cassius; come
not near Casca; have an eye to Cinna; trust not Trebonius; mark
well Metellus Cimber; Decius Brutus loves thee not; thou hast
wrong'd Caius Ligarius. There is but one mind in all these men,
and it is bent against Caesar. If thou be'st not immortal, look
about you: security gives way to conspiracy. The mighty gods
defend thee!
Thy lover, Artemidorus."
Here will I stand till Caesar pass along,
And as a suitor will I give him this.
My heart laments that virtue cannot live
Out of the teeth of emulation. -
If thou read this, O Caesar, thou mayest live;
If not, the Fates with traitors do contrive.
SCENE IV. Another part of the same street, before the house of
[Enter Portia and Lucius.]
I pr'ythee, boy, run to the Senate-house;
Stay not to answer me, but get thee gone.
Why dost thou stay?
To know my errand, madam.
I would have had thee there, and here again,
Ere I can tell thee what thou shouldst do there. -
[Aside.] O constancy, be strong upon my side!
Set a huge mountain 'tween my heart and tongue!
I have a man's mind, but a woman's might.
How hard it is for women to keep counsel! -
Art thou here yet?
Madam, what should I do?
Run to the Capitol, and nothing else?
And so return to you, and nothing else?
Yes, bring me word, boy, if thy lord look well,
For he went sickly forth: and take good note
What Caesar doth, what suitors press to him.
Hark, boy! what noise is that?
I hear none, madam.
Pr'ythee, listen well:
I heard a bustling rumour, like a fray,
And the wind brings it from the Capitol.
Sooth, madam, I hear nothing.
[Enter Artemidorus.]
Come hither, fellow:
Which way hast thou been?
At mine own house, good lady.
What is't o'clock?
About the ninth hour, lady.
Is Caesar yet gone to the Capitol?
Madam, not yet: I go to take my stand
To see him pass on to the Capitol.
Thou hast some suit to Caesar, hast thou not?
That I have, lady: if it will please Caesar
To be so good to Caesar as to hear me,
I shall beseech him to befriend himself.
Why, know'st thou any harm's intended towards him?
None that I know will be, much that I fear may chance.
Good morrow to you. - Here the street is narrow:
The throng that follows Caesar at the heels,
Of Senators, of Praetors, common suitors,
Will crowd a feeble man almost to death:
I'll get me to a place more void, and there
Speak to great Caesar as he comes along.
I must go in. - [Aside.] Ah me, how weak a thing
The heart of woman is! - O Brutus,
The heavens speed thee in thine enterprise! -
Sure, the boy heard me. - Brutus hath a suit
That Caesar will not grant. - O, I grow faint. -
Run, Lucius, and commend me to my lord;
Say I am merry: come to me again,
And bring me word what he doth say to thee.
SCENE I. Rome. Before the Capitol; the Senate sitting.
[A crowd of people in the street leading to the Capitol, among
them Artemidorus and the Soothsayer. Flourish. Enter Caesar,
Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Decius, Metellus, Trebonius, Cinna,
Antony, Lepidus, Popilius, Publius, and others.]
The Ides of March are come.
Ay, Caesar; but not gone.
Hail, Caesar! read this schedule.
Trebonius doth desire you to o'er-read,
At your best leisure, this his humble suit.
O Caesar, read mine first; for mine's a suit
That touches Caesar nearer: read it, great Caesar.
What touches us ourself shall be last served.
Delay not, Caesar; read it instantly.
What, is the fellow mad?
Sirrah, give place.
What, urge you your petitions in the street?
Come to the Capitol.
[Caesar enters the Capitol, the rest following. All the Senators
I wish your enterprise to-day may thrive.
What enterprise, Popilius?
Fare you well.
Advances to Caesar.
What said Popilius Lena?
He wish'd to-day our enterprise might thrive.
I fear our purpose is discovered.
Look, how he makes to Caesar: mark him.
Casca, be sudden, for we fear prevention. -
Brutus, what shall be done? If this be known,
Cassius or Caesar never shall turn back,
For I will slay myself.
Cassius, be constant:
Popilius Lena speaks not of our purposes;
For, look, he smiles, and Caesar doth not change.
Trebonius knows his time, for, look you, Brutus,
He draws Mark Antony out of the way.
[Exeunt Antony and Trebonius. Caesar and the Senators take their
Where is Metellus Cimber? Let him go,
And presently prefer his suit to Caesar.
He is address'd; press near and second him.
Casca, you are the first that rears your hand.
Are we all ready?
What is now amiss
That Caesar and his Senate must redress?
Most high, most mighty, and most puissant Caesar,
Metellus Cimber throws before thy seat
An humble heart.
I must prevent thee, Cimber.
These couchings and these lowly courtesies
Might fire the blood of ordinary men,
And turn pre-ordinance and first decree
Into the law of children. Be not fond,
To think that Caesar bears such rebel blood
That will be thaw'd from the true quality
With that which melteth fools; I mean, sweet words,
Low-crooked curtsies, and base spaniel-fawning.
Thy brother by decree is banished:
If thou dost bend, and pray, and fawn for him,
I spurn thee like a cur out of my way.
Caesar, thou dost me wrong.
Caesar did never wrong but with just cause,
Nor without cause will he be satisfied.
Is there no voice more worthy than my own,
To sound more sweetly in great Caesar's ear
For the repealing of my banish'd brother?
I kiss thy hand, but not in flattery, Caesar;
Desiring thee that Publius Cimber may
Have an immediate freedom of repeal.
What, Brutus?
Pardon, Caesar; Caesar, pardon:
As low as to thy foot doth Cassius fall,
To beg enfranchisement for Publius Cimber.
I could be well moved, if I were as you;
If I could pray to move, prayers would move me:
But I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fix'd and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament.
The skies are painted with unnumber'd sparks,
They are all fire, and every one doth shine;
But there's but one in all doth hold his place:
So in the world; 'tis furnish'd well with men,
And men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive;
Yet in the number I do know but one
That unassailable holds on his rank,
Unshaked of motion: and that I am he,
Let me a little show it, even in this, -
That I was constant Cimber should be banish'd,
And constant do remain to keep him so.
O Caesar, -
Hence! wilt thou lift up Olympus?
Great Caesar, -
Doth not Brutus bootless kneel?
Speak, hands, for me!
[Casca stabs Caesar in the neck. Caesar catches hold of his arm.
He is then stabbed by several other Conspirators, and at last by
Marcus Brutus.]
Et tu, Brute? - Then fall, Caesar!
[Dies. The Senators and People retire in confusion.]
Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead! -
Run hence, proclaim, cry it about the streets.
Some to the common pulpits and cry out,
"Liberty, freedom, and enfranchisement!"
People and Senators, be not affrighted;
Fly not; stand still; ambition's debt is paid.
Go to the pulpit, Brutus.
And Cassius too.
Where's Publius?
Here, quite confounded with this mutiny.
Stand fast together, lest some friend of Caesar's
Should chance -
Talk not of standing. - Publius, good cheer!
There is no harm intended to your person,
Nor to no Roman else: so tell them, Publius.
And leave us, Publius; lest that the people
Rushing on us, should do your age some mischief.
Do so; - and let no man abide this deed
But we the doers.
[Re-enter Trebonius.]
Where's Antony?
Fled to his house amazed.
Men, wives, and children stare, cry out, and run,
As it were doomsday.
Fates, we will know your pleasures:
That we shall die, we know; 'tis but the time
And drawing days out, that men stand upon.
Why, he that cuts off twenty years of life
Cuts off so many years of fearing death.
Grant that, and then is death a benefit:
So are we Caesar's friends, that have abridged
His time of fearing death. - Stoop, Romans, stoop,
And let us bathe our hands in Caesar's blood
Up to the elbows, and besmear our swords:
Then walk we forth, even to the market-place,
And waving our red weapons o'er our heads,
Let's all cry, "Peace, freedom, and liberty!"
Stoop then, and wash. How many ages hence
Shall this our lofty scene be acted o'er
In States unborn and accents yet unknown!
How many times shall Caesar bleed in sport,
That now on Pompey's basis lies along
No worthier than the dust!
So oft as that shall be,
So often shall the knot of us be call'd
The men that gave their country liberty.
What, shall we forth?
Ay, every man away:
Brutus shall lead; and we will grace his heels
With the most boldest and best hearts of Rome.
Soft, who comes here?
[Enter a Servant.]
A friend of Antony's.
Thus, Brutus, did my master bid me kneel;
Thus did Mark Antony bid me fall down;
And, being prostrate, thus he bade me say:
Brutus is noble, wise, valiant, and honest;
Caesar was mighty, bold, royal, and loving;
Say I love Brutus and I honor him;
Say I fear'd Caesar, honour'd him, and loved him.
If Brutus will vouchsafe that Antony
May safely come to him, and be resolved
How Caesar hath deserved to lie in death,
Mark Antony shall not love Caesar dead
So well as Brutus living; but will follow
The fortunes and affairs of noble Brutus
Thorough the hazards of this untrod state
With all true faith. So says my master Antony.
Thy master is a wise and valiant Roman;
I never thought him worse.
Tell him, so please him come unto this place,
He shall be satisfied and, by my honour,
Depart untouch'd.
I'll fetch him presently.
I know that we shall have him well to friend.
I wish we may: but yet have I a mind
That fears him much; and my misgiving still
Falls shrewdly to the purpose.
But here comes Antony. -
[Re-enter Antony.]
Welcome, Mark Antony.
O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low?
Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils,
Shrunk to this little measure? Fare thee well. -
I know not, gentlemen, what you intend,
Who else must be let blood, who else is rank:
If I myself, there is no hour so fit
As Caesar's death-hour, nor no instrument
Of half that worth as those your swords, made rich
With the most noble blood of all this world.
I do beseech ye, if you bear me hard,
Now, whilst your purpled hands do reek and smoke,
Fulfill your pleasure. Live a thousand years,
I shall not find myself so apt to die:
No place will please me so, no means of death,
As here by Caesar, and by you cut off,
The choice and master spirits of this age.
O Antony, beg not your death of us!
Though now we must appear bloody and cruel,
As, by our hands and this our present act
You see we do; yet see you but our hands
And this the bleeding business they have done:
Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful;
And pity to the general wrong of Rome -
As fire drives out fire, so pity pity -
Hath done this deed on Caesar. For your part,
To you our swords have leaden points, Mark Antony;
Our arms in strength of amity, and our hearts
Of brothers' temper, do receive you in
With all kind love, good thoughts, and reverence.
Your voice shall be as strong as any man's
In the disposing of new dignities.
Only be patient till we have appeased
The multitude, beside themselves with fear,
And then we will deliver you the cause
Why I, that did love Caesar when I struck him,
Have thus proceeded.
I doubt not of your wisdom.
Let each man render me his bloody hand:
First, Marcus Brutus, will I shake with you; -
Next, Caius Cassius, do I take your hand; -
Now, Decius Brutus, yours; - now yours, Metellus; -
Yours, Cinna; - and, my valiant Casca, yours; -
Though last, not least in love, yours, good Trebonius.
Gentlemen all - alas, what shall I say?
My credit now stands on such slippery ground,
That one of two bad ways you must conceit me,
Either a coward or a flatterer. -
That I did love thee, Caesar, O, 'tis true:
If then thy spirit look upon us now,
Shall it not grieve thee dearer than thy death
To see thy Antony making his peace,
Shaking the bloody fingers of thy foes, -
Most noble! - in the presence of thy corse?
Had I as many eyes as thou hast wounds,
Weeping as fast as they stream forth thy blood,
It would become me better than to close
In terms of friendship with thine enemies.
Pardon me, Julius! Here wast thou bay'd, brave hart;
Here didst thou fall; and here thy hunters stand,
Sign'd in thy spoil, and crimson'd in thy death. -
O world, thou wast the forest to this hart;
And this, indeed, O world, the heart of thee. -
How like a deer strucken by many princes,
Dost thou here lie!
Mark Antony, -
Pardon me, Caius Cassius:
The enemies of Caesar shall say this;
Then, in a friend, it is cold modesty.
I blame you not for praising Caesar so;
But what compact mean you to have with us?
Will you be prick'd in number of our friends,
Or shall we on, and not depend on you?
Therefore I took your hands; but was indeed
Sway'd from the point, by looking down on Caesar.
Friends am I with you all, and love you all,
Upon this hope, that you shall give me reasons
Why and wherein Caesar was dangerous.
Or else were this a savage spectacle:
Our reasons are so full of good regard
That were you, Antony, the son of Caesar,
You should be satisfied.
That's all I seek:
And am moreover suitor that I may
Produce his body to the market-place;
And in the pulpit, as becomes a friend,
Speak in the order of his funeral.
You shall, Mark Antony.
Brutus, a word with you.
[Aside to Brutus.] You know not what you do; do not consent
That Antony speak in his funeral:
Know you how much the people may be moved
By that which he will utter?
[Aside to Cassius.] By your pardon:
I will myself into the pulpit first,
And show the reason of our Caesar's death:
What Antony shall speak, I will protest
He speaks by leave and by permission;
And that we are contented Caesar shall
Have all true rights and lawful ceremonies.
It shall advantage more than do us wrong.
[Aside to Brutus.] I know not what may fall; I like it not.
Mark Antony, here, take you Caesar's body.
You shall not in your funeral speech blame us,
But speak all good you can devise of Caesar;
And say you do't by our permission;
Else shall you not have any hand at all
About his funeral: and you shall speak
In the same pulpit whereto I am going,
After my speech is ended.
Be it so;
I do desire no more.
Prepare the body, then, and follow us.
[Exeunt all but Antony.]
O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
That ever lived in the tide of times.
Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!
Over thy wounds now do I prophesy, -
Which, like dumb mouths do ope their ruby lips
To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue, -
A curse shall light upon the limbs of men;
Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy;
Blood and destruction shall be so in use,
And dreadful objects so familiar,
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war;
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate' by his side come hot from Hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial. -
[Enter a Servant].
You serve Octavius Caesar, do you not?
I do, Mark Antony.
Caesar did write for him to come to Rome.
He did receive his letters, and is coming;
And bid me say to you by word of mouth, -
[Seeing the body.] O Caesar! -
Thy heart is big, get thee apart and weep.
Passion, I see, is catching; for mine eyes,
Seeing those beads of sorrow stand in thine,
Began to water. Is thy master coming?
He lies tonight within seven leagues of Rome.
Post back with speed, and tell him what hath chanced.
Here is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome,
No Rome of safety for Octavius yet;
Hie hence, and tell him so. Yet stay awhile;
Thou shalt not back till I have borne this corse
Into the market-place: there shall I try,
In my oration, how the people take
The cruel issue of these bloody men;
According to the which thou shalt discourse
To young Octavius of the state of things.
Lend me your hand.
[Exeunt with Caesar's body.]
SCENE II. The same. The Forum.
[Enter Brutus and Cassius, with a throng of Citizens.]
We will be satisfied; let us be satisfied.
Then follow me, and give me audience, friends. -
Cassius, go you into the other street
And part the numbers. -
Those that will hear me speak, let 'em stay here;
Those that will follow Cassius, go with him;
And public reasons shall be rendered
Of Caesar's death.
I will hear Brutus speak.
I will hear Cassius; and compare their reasons,
When severally we hear them rendered.
[Exit Cassius, with some of the Citizens. Brutus goes into the
The noble Brutus is ascended: silence!
Be patient till the last.
Romans, countrymen, and lovers! Hear me for my cause; and be
silent, that you may hear: believe me for mine honour, and have
respect to mine honor, that you may believe: censure me in your
wisdom; and awake your senses, that you may the better judge.
If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar's, to
him I say that Brutus' love to Caesar was no less than his. If
then that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is
my answer, - Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome
more. Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than
that Caesar were dead, to live all freemen? As Caesar loved me, I
weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was
valiant, I honour him; but, as he was ambitious, I slew him.
There is tears for his love; joy for his fortune; honour for his
valour; and death for his ambition. Who is here so base that
would be a bondman? If any, speak; for him have I offended. Who
is here so rude that would not be a Roman? If any, speak; for him
have I offended. Who is here so vile that will not love his
country? If any, speak; for him have I offended. I pause for a
None, Brutus, none.
Then none have I offended. I have done no more to Caesar
than you shall do to Brutus. The question of his death is
enroll'd in the Capitol, his glory not extenuated, wherein he
was worthy;, nor his offenses enforced, for which he suffered
[Enter Antony and others, with Caesar's body.]
Here comes his body, mourned by Mark Antony, who, though he had
no hand in his death, shall receive the benefit of his dying, a
place in the commonwealth; as which of you shall not? With this
I depart - that, as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome, I
have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country
to need my death.
Live, Brutus! live, live!
Bring him with triumph home unto his house.
Give him a statue with his ancestors.
Let him be Caesar.
Caesar's better parts
Shall be crown'd in Brutus.
We'll bring him to his house with shouts and clamours.
My countrymen, -
Peace! silence! Brutus speaks.
Peace, ho!
Good countrymen, let me depart alone,
And, for my sake, stay here with Antony:
Do grace to Caesar's corpse, and grace his speech
Tending to Caesar's glory; which Mark Antony,
By our permission, is allow'd to make.
I do entreat you, not a man depart,
Save I alone, till Antony have spoke.
Stay, ho! and let us hear Mark Antony.
Let him go up into the public chair;
We'll hear him. - Noble Antony, go up.
For Brutus' sake, I am beholding to you.
[Goes up.]
What does he say of Brutus?
He says, for Brutus' sake,
He finds himself beholding to us all.
'Twere best he speak no harm of Brutus here.
This Caesar was a tyrant.
Nay, that's certain:
We are blest that Rome is rid of him.
Peace! let us hear what Antony can say.
You gentle Romans, -
Peace, ho! let us hear him.
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones:
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault;
And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest, -
For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honorable men, -
Come I to speak in Caesar's funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
But Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Rome,
Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill:
Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
You all did see that on the Lupercal
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And, sure, he is an honourable man.
I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did love him once, - not without cause:
What cause withholds you, then, to mourn for him? -
O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason! - Bear with me;
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me.
Methinks there is much reason in his sayings.
If thou consider rightly of the matter,
Caesar has had great wrong.
Has he not, masters?
I fear there will a worse come in his place.
Mark'd ye his words? He would not take the crown;
Therefore 'tis certain he was not ambitious.
If it be found so, some will dear abide it.
Poor soul! his eyes are red as fire with weeping.
There's not a nobler man in Rome than Antony.
Now mark him; he begins again to speak.
But yesterday the word of Caesar might
Have stood against the world: now lies he there,
And none so poor to do him reverence.
O masters, if I were disposed to stir
Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage,
I should do Brutus wrong and Cassius wrong,
Who, you all know, are honourable men:
I will not do them wrong; I rather choose
To wrong the dead, to wrong myself, and you,
Than I will wrong such honourable men.
But here's a parchment with the seal of Caesar, -
I found it in his closet, - 'tis his will:
Let but the commons hear this testament, -
Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read, -
And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds,
And dip their napkins in his sacred blood;
Yea, beg a hair of him for memory,
And, dying, mention it within their wills,
Bequeathing it as a rich legacy
Unto their issue.
We'll hear the will: read it, Mark Antony.
The will, the will! We will hear Caesar's will.
Have patience, gentle friends, I must not read it;
It is not meet you know how Caesar loved you.
You are not wood, you are not stones, but men;
And, being men, hearing the will of Caesar,
It will inflame you, it will make you mad.
'Tis good you know not that you are his heirs;
For if you should, O, what would come of it!
Read the will! we'll hear it, Antony;
You shall read us the will, - Caesar's will!
Will you be patient? will you stay awhile?
I have o'ershot myself to tell you of it:
I fear I wrong the honorable men
Whose daggers have stabb'd Caesar; I do fear it.
They were traitors: honourable men!
The will! The testament!
They were villains, murderers. The will! read the will!
You will compel me, then, to read the will?
Then make a ring about the corpse of Caesar,
And let me show you him that made the will.
Shall I descend? and will you give me leave?
Come down.
[He comes down.]
You shall have leave.
A ring! stand round.
Stand from the hearse, stand from the body.
Room for Antony! - most noble Antony!
Nay, press not so upon me; stand far' off.
Stand back; room! bear back.
If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.
You all do know this mantle: I remember
The first time ever Caesar put it on;
'Twas on a Summer's evening, in his tent,
That day he overcame the Nervii.
Look, in this place ran Cassius' dagger through:
See what a rent the envious Casca made:
Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabb'd;
And as he pluck'd his cursed steel away,
Mark how the blood of Caesar follow'd it, -
As rushing out of doors, to be resolved
If Brutus so unkindly knock'd, or no;
For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel:
Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar loved him!
This was the most unkindest cut of all;
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab,
Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arms,
Quite vanquish'd him: then burst his mighty heart;
And, in his mantle muffling up his face,
Even at the base of Pompey's statua,
Which all the while ran blood, great Caesar fell.
O, what a fall was there, my countrymen!
Then I, and you, and all of us fell down,
Whilst bloody treason flourish'd over us.
O, now you weep; and, I perceive, you feel
The dint of pity: these are gracious drops.
Kind souls, what, weep you when you but behold
Our Caesar's vesture wounded? Look you here,
Here is himself, marr'd, as you see, with traitors.
O piteous spectacle!
O noble Caesar!
O woeful day!
O traitors, villains!
O most bloody sight!
We will be revenged.
Revenge, - about, - seek, - burn, - fire, - kill, - slay, - let not a
traitor live!
Stay, countrymen.
Peace there! hear the noble Antony.
We'll hear him, we'll follow him, we'll die with him.
Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up
To such a sudden flood of mutiny.
They that have done this deed are honourable:
What private griefs they have, alas, I know not,
That made them do it; they're wise and honourable,
And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you.
I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts:
I am no orator, as Brutus is;
But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man,
That love my friend; and that they know full well
That gave me public leave to speak of him:
For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth,
Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech,
To stir men's blood: I only speak right on;
I tell you that which you yourselves do know;
Show you sweet Caesar's wounds, poor dumb mouths,
And bid them speak for me: but were I Brutus,
And Brutus Antony, there were an Antony
Would ruffle up your spirits, and put a tongue
In every wound of Caesar, that should move
The stones of Rome to rise and mutiny.
We'll mutiny.
We'll burn the house of Brutus.
Away, then! come, seek the conspirators.
Yet hear me, countrymen; yet hear me speak.
Peace, ho! hear Antony; most noble Antony!
Why, friends, you go to do you know not what.
Wherein hath Caesar thus deserved your loves?
Alas, you know not; I must tell you then:
You have forgot the will I told you of.
Most true; the will! - let's stay, and hear the will.
Here is the will, and under Caesar's seal.
To every Roman citizen he gives,
To every several man, seventy-five drachmas.
Most noble Caesar! - we'll revenge his death.
O, royal Caesar!
Hear me with patience.
Peace, ho!
Moreover, he hath left you all his walks,
His private arbors, and new-planted orchards,
On this side Tiber: he hath left them you,
And to your heirs forever; common pleasures,
To walk abroad, and recreate yourselves.
Here was a Caesar! when comes such another?
Never, never. - Come, away, away!
We'll burn his body in the holy place,
And with the brands fire the traitors' houses.
Take up the body.
Go, fetch fire.
Pluck down benches.
Pluck down forms, windows, any thing.
[Exeunt Citizens, with the body.]
Now let it work. - Mischief, thou art afoot,
Take thou what course thou wilt! -
[Enter a Servant.]
How now, fellow?
Sir, Octavius is already come to Rome.
Where is he?
He and Lepidus are at Caesar's house.
And thither will I straight to visit him:
He comes upon a wish. Fortune is merry,
And in this mood will give us any thing.
I heard 'em say Brutus and Cassius
Are rid like madmen through the gates of Rome.
Belike they had some notice of the people,
How I had moved them. Bring me to Octavius.
SCENE III. The same. A street.
[Enter Cinna, the poet.]
I dreamt to-night that I did feast with Caesar,
And things unluckily charge my fantasy:
I have no will to wander forth of doors,
Yet something leads me forth.
[Enter Citizens.]
What is your name?
Whither are you going?
Where do you dwell?
Are you a married man or a bachelor?
Answer every man directly.
Ay, and briefly.
Ay, and wisely.
Ay, and truly; you were best.
What is my name? Whither am I going? Where do I dwell? Am I
a married man or a bachelor? Then, to answer every man directly
and briefly, wisely and truly. Wisely I say I am a bachelor.
That's as much as to say they are fools that marry; you'll bear
me a bang for that, I fear. Proceed; directly.
Directly, I am going to Caesar's funeral.
As a friend, or an enemy?
As a friend.
That matter is answered directly.
For your dwelling, - briefly.
Briefly, I dwell by the Capitol.
Your name, sir, truly.
Truly, my name is Cinna.
Tear him to pieces! he's a conspirator.
I am Cinna the poet, I am Cinna the poet.
Tear him for his bad verses, tear him for his bad verses.
I am not Cinna the conspirator.
It is no matter, his name's Cinna; pluck but his
name out of his heart, and turn him going.
Tear him, tear him! Come; brands, ho! firebrands. To
Brutus', to Cassius'; burn all. Some to Decius' house, and some
to Casca's, some to Ligarius': away, go!
SCENE I. Rome. A room in Antony's house.
[Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus, seated at a table.]
These many then shall die; their names are prick'd.
Your brother too must die: consent you, Lepidus?
I do consent, -
Prick him down, Antony.
- Upon condition Publius shall not live,
Who is your sister's son, Mark Antony.
He shall not live; look, with a spot I damn him.
But, Lepidus, go you to Caesar's house;
Fetch the will hither, and we shall determine
How to cut off some charge in legacies.
What, shall I find you here?
Or here, or at the Capitol.
[Exit Lepidus.]
This is a slight unmeritable man,
Meet to be sent on errands: is it fit,
The three-fold world divided, he should stand
One of the three to share it?
So you thought him;
And took his voice who should be prick'd to die,
In our black sentence and proscription.
Octavius, I have seen more days than you:
And, though we lay these honors on this man,
To ease ourselves of divers slanderous loads,
He shall but bear them as the ass bears gold,
To groan and sweat under the business,
Either led or driven, as we point the way;
And having brought our treasure where we will,
Then take we down his load and turn him off,
Like to the empty ass, to shake his ears
And graze in commons.
You may do your will;
But he's a tried and valiant soldier.
So is my horse, Octavius;and for that
I do appoint him store of provender:
It is a creature that I teach to fight,
To wind, to stop, to run directly on,
His corporal motion govern'd by my spirit.
And, in some taste, is Lepidus but so;
He must be taught, and train'd, and bid go forth:
A barren-spirited fellow; one that feeds
On objects, arts, and imitations,
Which, out of use and staled by other men,
Begin his fashion: do not talk of him
But as a property. And now, Octavius,
Listen great things. Brutus and Cassius
Are levying powers: we must straight make head;
Therefore let our alliance be combined,
Our best friends made, our means stretch'd;
And let us presently go sit in council,
How covert matters may be best disclosed,
And open perils surest answered.
Let us do so: for we are at the stake,
And bay'd about with many enemies;
And some that smile have in their hearts, I fear,
Millions of mischiefs.
SCENE II. Before Brutus' tent, in the camp near Sardis.
[Drum. Enter Brutus, Lucilius, Titinius, and Soldiers; Pindarus
meeting them; Lucius at some distance.]
Stand, ho!
Give the word, ho! and stand.
What now, Lucilius! is Cassius near?
He is at hand; and Pindarus is come
To do you salutation from his master.
[Pindarus gives a letter to Brutus.]
He greets me well. - Your master, Pindarus,
In his own change, or by ill officers,
Hath given me some worthy cause to wish
Things done, undone: but, if he be at hand,
I shall be satisfied.
I do not doubt
But that my noble master will appear
Such as he is, full of regard and honour.
He is not doubted. - A word, Lucilius:
How he received you, let me be resolved.
With courtesy and with respect enough;
But not with such familiar instances,
Nor with such free and friendly conference,
As he hath used of old.
Thou hast described
A hot friend cooling: ever note, Lucilius,
When love begins to sicken and decay,
It useth an enforced ceremony.
There are no tricks in plain and simple faith;
But hollow men, like horses hot at hand,
Make gallant show and promise of their mettle;
But, when they should endure the bloody spur,
They fall their crests, and, like deceitful jades
Sink in the trial. Comes his army on?
They meant his night in Sard is to be quarter'd:
The greater part, the Horse in general,
Are come with Cassius.
[March within.]
Hark! he is arrived.
March gently on to meet him.
[Enter Cassius and Soldiers.]
Stand, ho!
Stand, ho! Speak the word along.
Most noble brother, you have done me wrong.
Judge me, you gods! wrong I mine enemies?
And, if not so, how should I wrong a brother?
Brutus, this sober form of yours hides wrongs;
And when you do them -
Cassius, be content;
Speak your griefs softly, I do know you well.
Before the eyes of both our armies here,
Which should perceive nothing but love from us,
Let us not wrangle; bid them move away;
Then in my tent, Cassius, enlarge your griefs,
And I will give you audience.
Bid our commanders lead their charges off
A little from this ground.
Lucilius, do you the like; and let no man
Come to our tent till we have done our conference. -
Lucius and Titinius, guard our door.
SCENE III. within the tent of Brutus.
[Enter Brutus and Cassius.]
That you have wrong'd me doth appear in this:
You have condemn'd and noted Lucius Pella
For taking bribes here of the Sardians;
Whereas my letters, praying on his side
Because I knew the man, were slighted off.
You wrong'd yourself to write in such a case.
In such a time as this it is not meet
That every nice offense should bear his comment.
Let me tell you, Cassius, you yourself
Are much condemn'd to have an itching palm,
To sell and mart your offices for gold
To undeservers.
I an itching palm!
You know that you are Brutus that speak this,
Or, by the gods, this speech were else your last.
The name of Cassius honors this corruption,
And chastisement doth therefore hide his head.
Remember March, the Ides of March remember:
Did not great Julius bleed for justice' sake?
What villain touch'd his body, that did stab,
And not for justice? What! shall one of us,
That struck the foremost man of all this world
But for supporting robbers, - shall we now
Contaminate our fingers with base bribes
And sell the mighty space of our large honours
For so much trash as may be grasped thus?
I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon,
Than such a Roman.
Brutus, bay not me,
I'll not endure it: you forget yourself,
To hedge me in; I am a soldier, ay,
Older in practice, abler than yourself
To make conditions.
Go to; you are not, Cassius.
I am.
I say you are not.
Urge me no more, I shall forget myself;
Have mind upon your health, tempt me no farther.
Away, slight man!
Is't possible?
Hear me, for I will speak.
Must I give way and room to your rash choler?
Shall I be frighted when a madman stares?
O gods, ye gods! must I endure all this?
All this? ay, more: fret till your proud heart break;
Go show your slaves how choleric you are,
And make your bondmen tremble. Must I budge?
Must I observe you? Must I stand and crouch
Under your testy humour? By the gods,
You shall digest the venom of your spleen,
Though it do split you; for, from this day forth,
I'll use you for my mirth, yea, for my laughter,
When you are waspish.
Is it come to this?
You say you are a better soldier:
Let it appear so; make your vaunting true,
And it shall please me well: for mine own part,
I shall be glad to learn of abler men.
You wrong me every way, you wrong me, Brutus.
I said, an elder soldier, not a better:
Did I say "better"?
If you did, I care not.
When Caesar lived, he durst not thus have moved me.
Peace, peace! you durst not so have tempted him.
I durst not?
What, durst not tempt him?
For your life you durst not.
Do not presume too much upon my love;
I may do that I shall be sorry for.
You have done that you should be sorry for.
There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats,
For I am arm'd so strong in honesty,
That they pass by me as the idle wind
Which I respect not. I did send to you
For certain sums of gold, which you denied me; -
For I can raise no money by vile means:
By Heaven, I had rather coin my heart,
And drop my blood for drachmas, than to wring
From the hard hands of peasants their vile trash
By any indirection: - I did send
To you for gold to pay my legions,
Which you denied me: was that done like Cassius?
Should I have answer'd Caius Cassius so?
When Marcus Brutus grows so covetous
To lock such rascal counters from his friends,
Be ready, gods, with all your thunderbolts,
Dash him to pieces!
I denied you not.
You did.
I did not. He was but a fool
That brought my answer back. Brutus hath rived my heart:
A friend should bear his friend's infirmities,
But Brutus makes mine greater than they are.
I do not, till you practise them on me.
You love me not.
I do not like your faults.
A friendly eye could never see such faults.
A flatterer's would not, though they do appear
As huge as high Olympus.
Come, Antony and young Octavius, come,
Revenge yourselves alone on Cassius,
For Cassius is a-weary of the world;
Hated by one he loves; braved by his brother;
Check'd like a bondman; all his faults observed,
Set in a note-book, learn'd and conn'd by rote,
To cast into my teeth. O, I could weep
My spirit from mine eyes! - There is my dagger,
And here my naked breast; within, a heart
Dearer than Plutus' mine, richer than gold:
If that thou be'st a Roman, take it forth;
I, that denied thee gold, will give my heart:
Strike as thou didst at Caesar; for I know,
When thou didst hate him worst, thou lovedst him better
Than ever thou lovedst Cassius.
Sheathe your dagger:
Be angry when you will, it shall have scope;
Do what you will, dishonor shall be humour.
O Cassius, you are yoked with a lamb
That carries anger as the flint bears fire;
Who, much enforced, shows a hasty spark,
And straight is cold again.
Hath Cassius lived
To be but mirth and laughter to his Brutus,
When grief, and blood ill-temper'd, vexeth him?
When I spoke that, I was ill-temper'd too.
Do you confess so much? Give me your hand.
And my heart too.
O Brutus, -
What's the matter?
- Have not you love enough to bear with me,
When that rash humor which my mother gave me
Makes me forgetful?
Yes, Cassius; and from henceforth,
When you are over-earnest with your Brutus,
He'll think your mother chides, and leave you so.
[Noise within.]
[Within.] Let me go in to see the generals:
There is some grudge between 'em; 'tis not meet
They be alone.
[Within.] You shall not come to them.
[Within.] Nothing but death shall stay me.
[Enter Poet, followed by Lucilius, and Titinius.]
How now! What's the matter?
For shame, you generals! what do you mean?
Love, and be friends, as two such men should be;
For I have seen more years, I'm sure, than ye.
Ha, ha! How vilely doth this cynic rhyme!
Get you hence, sirrah; saucy fellow, hence!
Bear with him, Brutus; 'tis his fashion.
I'll know his humor when he knows his time:
What should the wars do with these jigging fools? -
Companion, hence!
Away, away, be gone!
[Exit Poet.]
Lucilius and Titinius, bid the commanders
Prepare to lodge their companies tonight.
And come yourselves and bring Messala with you
Immediately to us.
[Exeunt Lucilius and Titinius.]
Lucius, a bowl of wine!
[Exit Lucius.]
I did not think you could have been so angry.
O Cassius, I am sick of many griefs.
Of your philosophy you make no use,
If you give place to accidental evils.
No man bears sorrow better. Portia is dead.
Ha! Portia!
She is dead.
How 'scaped I killing, when I cross'd you so? -
O insupportable and touching loss! -
Upon what sickness?
Impatient of my absence,
And grief that young Octavius with Mark Antony
Have made themselves so strong; - for with her death
That tidings came; - with this she fell distract,
And, her attendants absent, swallow'd fire.
And died so?
Even so.
O ye immortal gods!
[Re-enter Lucius, with wine and a taper.]
Speak no more of her. - Give me a bowl of wine. -
In this I bury all unkindness, Cassius.
My heart is thirsty for that noble pledge.
Fill, Lucius, till the wine o'erswell the cup;
I cannot drink too much of Brutus' love.
Come in, Titinius! -
[Exit Lucius.]
[Re-enter Titinius, with Messala.]
Welcome, good Messala. -
Now sit we close about this taper here,
And call in question our necessities.
Portia, art thou gone?
No more, I pray you. -
Messala, I have here received letters,
That young Octavius and Mark Antony
Come down upon us with a mighty power,
Bending their expedition toward Philippi.
Myself have letters of the selfsame tenour.
With what addition?
That by proscription and bills of outlawry
Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus
Have put to death an hundred Senators.
There in our letters do not well agree:
Mine speak of seventy Senators that died
By their proscriptions, Cicero being one.
Cicero one!
Cicero is dead,
And by that order of proscription. -
Had you your letters from your wife, my lord?
No, Messala.
Nor nothing in your letters writ of her?
Nothing, Messala.
That, methinks, is strange.
Why ask you? hear you aught of her in yours?
No, my lord.
Now, as you are a Roman, tell me true.
Then like a Roman bear the truth I tell:
For certain she is dead, and by strange manner.
Why, farewell, Portia. We must die, Messala:
With meditating that she must die once,
I have the patience to endure it now.
Even so great men great losses should endure.
I have as much of this in art as you,
But yet my nature could not bear it so.
Well, to our work alive. What do you think
Of marching to Philippi presently?
I do not think it good.
Your reason?
This it is:
'Tis better that the enemy seek us;:
So shall he waste his means, weary his soldiers,
Doing himself offense; whilst we, lying still,
Are full of rest, defense, and nimbleness.
Good reasons must, of force, give place to better.
The people 'twixt Philippi and this ground
Do stand but in a forced affection;
For they have grudged us contribution:
The enemy, marching along by them,
By them shall make a fuller number up,
Come on refresh'd, new-added, and encouraged;
From which advantage shall we cut him off,
If at Philippi we do face him there,
These people at our back.
Hear me, good brother.
Under your pardon. You must note besides,
That we have tried the utmost of our friends,
Our legions are brim-full, our cause is ripe:
The enemy increaseth every day;
We, at the height, are ready to decline.
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.
Then, with your will, go on:
We'll along ourselves, and meet them at Philippi.
The deep of night is crept upon our talk,
And nature must obey necessity;
Which we will niggard with a little rest.
There is no more to say?
No more. Good night:
Early to-morrow will we rise, and hence.
Lucius! - My gown. - Farewell now, good Messala: -
Good night, Titinius: - noble, noble Cassius,
Good night, and good repose.
O my dear brother!
This was an ill beginning of the night.
Never come such division 'tween our souls!
Let it not, Brutus.
Every thing is well.
Good night, my lord.
Good night, good brother.
Good night, Lord Brutus.
Farewell, everyone. -
[Exeunt Cassius, Titinius, and Messala.]
[Re-enter Lucius, with the gown.]
Give me the gown. Where is thy instrument?
Here in the tent.
What, thou speak'st drowsily:
Poor knave, I blame thee not, thou art o'er-watch'd.
Call Claudius and some other of my men;
I'll have them sleep on cushions in my tent.
Varro and Claudius!
[Enter Varro and Claudius.]
Calls my lord?
I pray you, sirs, lie in my tent and sleep;
It may be I shall raise you by-and-by
On business to my brother Cassius.
So please you, we will stand and watch your pleasure.
I would not have it so; lie down, good sirs:
It may be I shall otherwise bethink me. -
Look, Lucius, here's the book I sought for so;
I put it in the pocket of my gown.
[Servants lie down.]
I was sure your lordship did not give it me.
Bear with me, good boy, I am much forgetful.
Canst thou hold up thy heavy eyes awhile,
And touch thy instrument a strain or two?
Ay, my lord, an't please you.
It does, my boy:
I trouble thee too much, but thou art willing.
It is my duty, sir.
I should not urge thy duty past thy might;
I know young bloods look for a time of rest.
I have slept, my lord, already.
It was well done; and thou shalt sleep again;
I will not hold thee long: if I do live,
I will be good to thee. -
[Lucius plays and sings till he falls asleep.]
This is a sleepy tune. - O murderous Slumber,
Lay'st thou thy leaden mace upon my boy,
That plays thee music? - Gentle knave, good night;
I will not do thee so much wrong to wake thee:
If thou dost nod, thou breakst thy instrument;
I'll take it from thee; and, good boy, good night. -
Let me see, let me see; is not the leaf turn'd down
Where I left reading? Here it is, I think.
[Enter the Ghost of Caesar.]
How ill this taper burns! Ha! who comes here?
I think it is the weakness of mine eyes
That shapes this monstrous apparition.
It comes upon me. - Art thou any thing?
Art thou some god, some angel, or some devil,
That makest my blood cold and my hair to stare?
Speak to me what thou art.
Thy evil spirit, Brutus.
Why comest thou?
To tell thee thou shalt see me at Philippi.
Well; then I shall see thee again?
Ay, at Philippi.
Why, I will see thee at Philippi, then.
[Ghost vanishes.]
Now I have taken heart, thou vanishest:
Ill spirit, I would hold more talk with thee. -
Boy! Lucius! - Varro! Claudius! Sirs, awake! - Claudius!
The strings, my lord, are false.
He thinks he still is at his instrument. -
Lucius, awake!
My lord?
Didst thou dream, Lucius, that thou so criedst out?
My lord, I do not know that I did cry.
Yes, that thou didst: didst thou see any thing?
Nothing, my lord.
Sleep again, Lucius. - Sirrah Claudius! -
[To Varro.] Fellow thou, awake!
My lord?
My lord?
Why did you so cry out, sirs, in your sleep?
Did we, my lord?
Ay: saw you any thing?
No, my lord, I saw nothing.
Nor I, my lord.
Go and commend me to my brother Cassius;
Bid him set on his powers betimes before,
And we will follow.
It shall be done, my lord.
SCENE I. The plains of Philippi.
[Enter Octavius, Antony, and their Army.]
Now, Antony, our hopes are answered.
You said the enemy would not come down,
But keep the hills and upper regions:
It proves not so; their battles are at hand:
They mean to warn us at Philippi here,
Answering before we do demand of them.
Tut, I am in their bosoms, and I know
Wherefore they do it: they could be content
To visit other places; and come down
With fearful bravery, thinking by this face
To fasten in our thoughts that they have courage;
But 'tis not so.
[Enter a Messenger.]
Prepare you, generals:
The enemy comes on in gallant show;
Their bloody sign of battle is hung out,
And something to be done immediately.
Octavius, lead your battle softly on,
Upon the left hand of the even field.
Upon the right hand I; keep thou the left.
Why do you cross me in this exigent?
I do not cross you; but I will do so.
[March. Drum. Enter Brutus, Cassius, and their Army;
Lucilius, Titinius, Messala, and Others.]
They stand, and would have parley.
Stand fast, Titinius: we must out and talk.
Mark Antony, shall we give sign of battle?
No, Caesar, we will answer on their charge.
Make forth; the generals would have some words.
Stir not until the signal.
Words before blows: is it so, countrymen?
Not that we love words better, as you do.
Good words are better than bad strokes, Octavius.
In your bad strokes, Brutus, you give good words:
Witness the hole you made in Caesar's heart,
Crying, "Long live! Hail, Caesar!"
The posture of your blows are yet unknown;
But for your words, they rob the Hybla bees,
And leave them honeyless.
Not stingless too.
O, yes, and soundless too,
For you have stol'n their buzzing, Antony,
And very wisely threat before you sting.
Villains, you did not so when your vile daggers
Hack'd one another in the sides of Caesar:
You show'd your teeth like apes, and fawn'd like hounds,
And bow'd like bondmen, kissing Caesar's feet;
Whilst damned Casca, like a cur, behind
Struck Caesar on the neck. O flatterers!
Flatterers! - Now, Brutus, thank yourself:
This tongue had not offended so to-day,
If Cassius might have ruled.
Come, come, the cause: if arguing makes us sweat,
The proof of it will turn to redder drops.
Look, -
I draw a sword against conspirators:
When think you that the sword goes up again?
Never, till Caesar's three and thirty wounds
Be well avenged; or till another Caesar
Have added slaughter to the sword of traitors.
Caesar, thou canst not die by traitors' hands,
Unless thou bring'st them with thee.
So I hope;
I was not born to die on Brutus' sword.
O, if thou wert the noblest of thy strain,
Young man, thou couldst not die more honourably.
A peevish school boy, worthless of such honour,
Join'd with a masker and a reveller!
Old Cassius still!
Come, Antony; away! -
Defiance, traitors, hurl we in your teeth:
If you dare fight today, come to the field;
If not, when you have stomachs.
[Exeunt Octavius, Antony, and their Army.]
Why, now, blow wind, swell billow, and swim bark!
The storm is up, and all is on the hazard.
Ho, Lucilius! Hark, a word with you.
My lord?
[Brutus and Lucilius talk apart.]
Messala, -
What says my General?
This is my birth-day; as this very day
Was Cassius born. Give me thy hand, Messala:
Be thou my witness that against my will,
As Pompey was, am I compell'd to set
Upon one battle all our liberties.
You know that I held Epicurus strong,
And his opinion: now I change my mind,
And partly credit things that do presage.
Coming from Sardis, on our former ensign
Two mighty eagles fell; and there they perch'd,
Gorging and feeding from our soldiers' hands;
Who to Philippi here consorted us:
This morning are they fled away and gone;
And in their steads do ravens, crows, and kites
Fly o'er our heads and downward look on us,
As we were sickly prey: their shadows seem
A canopy most fatal, under which
Our army lies, ready to give up the ghost.
Believe not so.
I but believe it partly;
For I am fresh of spirit, and resolved
To meet all perils very constantly.
Even so, Lucilius.
Now, most noble Brutus,
The gods to-day stand friendly, that we may,
Lovers in peace, lead on our days to age!
But, since th' affairs of men rest still incertain,
Let's reason with the worst that may befall.
If we do lose this battle, then is this
The very last time we shall speak together:
What are you then determined to do?
Even by the rule of that philosophy
By which I did blame Cato for the death
Which he did give himself; - I know not how,
But I do find it cowardly and vile,
For fear of what might fall, so to prevent
The time of life; - arming myself with patience
To stay the providence of some high powers
That govern us below.
Then, if we lose this battle,
You are contented to be led in triumph
Thorough the streets of Rome?
No, Cassius, no: think not, thou noble Roman,
That ever Brutus will go bound to Rome;
He bears too great a mind. But this same day
Must end that work the Ides of March begun;
And whether we shall meet again I know not.
Therefore our everlasting farewell take:
For ever, and for ever, farewell, Cassius!
If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;
If not, why, then this parting was well made.
For ever and for ever farewell, Brutus!
If we do meet again, we'll smile indeed;
If not, 'tis true this parting was well made.
Why then, lead on. O, that a man might know
The end of this day's business ere it come!
But it sufficeth that the day will end,
And then the end is known. - Come, ho! away!
SCENE II. The same. The field of battle.
[Alarum. Enter Brutus and Messala.]
Ride, ride, Messala, ride, and give these bills
Unto the legions on the other side:
Let them set on at once; for I perceive
But cold demeanor in Octavius' wing,
And sudden push gives them the overthrow.
Ride, ride, Messala: let them all come down.
SCENE III. Another part of the field.
[Alarum. Enter Cassius and Titinius.]
O, look, Titinius, look, the villains fly!
Myself have to mine own turn'd enemy:
This ensign here of mine was turning back;
I slew the coward, and did take it from him.
O Cassius, Brutus gave the word too early;
Who, having some advantage on Octavius,
Took it too eagerly: his soldiers fell to spoil,
Whilst we by Antony are all enclosed.
[Enter Pindarus.]
Fly further off, my lord, fly further off;
Mark Antony is in your tents, my lord:
Fly, therefore, noble Cassius, fly far' off.
This hill is far enough. - Look, look, Titinius;
Are those my tents where I perceive the fire?
They are, my lord.
Titinius, if thou lovest me,
Mount thou my horse and hide thy spurs in him,
Till he have brought thee up to yonder troops
And here again; that I may rest assured
Whether yond troops are friend or enemy.
I will be here again, even with a thought.
Go, Pindarus, get higher on that hill:
My sight was ever thick: regard Titinius,
And tell me what thou notest about the field. -
[Pindarus goes up.]
This day I breathed first: time is come round,
And where I did begin, there shall I end;
My life is run his compass. - Sirrah, what news?
[Above.] O my lord!
What news?
[Above.] Titinius is enclosed round about
With horsemen, that make to him on the spur:
Yet he spurs on. Now they are almost on him. -
Now, Titinius! - Now some 'light. O, he 'lights too:
He's ta'en; [Shout.] and, hark! they shout for joy.
Come down; behold no more. -
O, coward that I am, to live so long,
To see my best friend ta'en before my face!
[Pindarus descends.]
Come hither, sirrah:
In Parthia did I take thee prisoner;
And then I swore thee, saving of thy life,
That whatsoever I did bid thee do,
Thou shouldst attempt it. Come now, keep thine oath;
Now be a freeman; and with this good sword,
That ran through Caesar's bowels, search this bosom.
Stand not to answer: here, take thou the hilts;
And when my face is cover'd, as 'tis now,
Guide thou the sword. - Caesar, thou art revenged,
Even with the sword that kill'd thee.
So, I am free, yet would not so have been,
Durst I have done my will. - O Cassius!
Far from this country Pindarus shall run,
Where never Roman shall take note of him.
[Re-enter Titinius with Messala.]
It is but change, Titinius; for Octavius
Is overthrown by noble Brutus' power,
As Cassius' legions are by Antony.
These tidings would well comfort Cassius.
Where did you leave him?
All disconsolate,
With Pindarus his bondman, on this hill.
Is not that he that lies upon the ground?
He lies not like the living. O my heart!
Is not that he?
No, this was he, Messala,
But Cassius is no more. - O setting Sun,
As in thy red rays thou dost sink to night,
So in his red blood Cassius' day is set,
The sun of Rome is set! Our day is gone;
Clouds, dews, and dangers come; our deeds are done!
Mistrust of my success hath done this deed.
Mistrust of good success hath done this deed.
O hateful Error, Melancholy's child!
Why dost thou show to the apt thoughts of men
The things that are not? O Error, soon conceived,
Thou never comest unto a happy birth,
But kill'st the mother that engender'd thee!
What, Pindarus! where art thou, Pindarus?
Seek him, Titinius, whilst I go to meet
The noble Brutus, thrusting this report
Into his ears: I may say, thrusting it;
For piercing steel and darts envenomed
Shall be as welcome to the ears of Brutus
As tidings of this sight.
Hie you, Messala,
And I will seek for Pindarus the while. -
[Exit Messala.]
Why didst thou send me forth, brave Cassius?
Did I not meet thy friends? And did not they
Put on my brows this wreath of victory,
And bid me give it thee? Didst thou not hear their shouts?
Alas, thou hast misconstrued every thing!
But, hold thee, take this garland on thy brow;
Thy Brutus bid me give it thee, and I
Will do his bidding. - Brutus, come apace,
And see how I regarded Caius Cassius. -
By your leave, gods: this is a Roman's part:
Come, Cassius' sword, and find Titinius' heart.
[Alarum. Re-enter Messala, with Brutus, young Cato,
Strato, Volumnius, and Lucilius.]
Where, where, Messala, doth his body lie?
Lo, yonder, and Titinius mourning it.
Titinius' face is upward.
He is slain.
O Julius Caesar, thou art mighty yet!
Thy spirit walks abroad, and turns our swords
In our own proper entrails.
[Low alarums.]
Brave Titinius!
Look whether he have not crown'd dead Cassius!
Are yet two Romans living such as these? -
The last of all the Romans, fare thee well!
It is impossible that ever Rome
Should breed thy fellow. - Friends, I owe more tears
To this dead man than you shall see me pay. -
I shall find time, Cassius, I shall find time. -
Come therefore, and to Thassos send his body:
His funerals shall not be in our camp,
Lest it discomfort us. - Lucilius, come; -
And come, young Cato; - let us to the field. -
Labeo and Flavius, set our battles on: -
'Tis three o'clock; and Romans, yet ere night
We shall try fortune in a second fight.
SCENE IV. Another part of the field.
[Alarum. Enter, fighting, Soldiers of both armies; then Brutus,
young Cato, Lucilius, and Others.]
Yet, countrymen, O, yet hold up your heads!
What bastard doth not? Who will go with me?
I will proclaim my name about the field: -
I am the son of Marcus Cato, ho!
A foe to tyrants, and my country's friend;
I am the son of Marcus Cato, ho!
[Charges the enemy.]
And I am Brutus, Marcus Brutus, I;
Brutus, my country's friend; know me for Brutus!
[Exit, charging the enemy. Cato is overpowered, and falls.]
O young and noble Cato, art thou down?
Why, now thou diest as bravely as Titinius;
And mayst be honour'd, being Cato's son.
Yield, or thou diest.
Only I yield to die:
There is so much that thou wilt kill me straight;
[Offering money.]
Kill Brutus, and be honour'd in his death.
We must not. A noble prisoner!
Room, ho! Tell Antony, Brutus is ta'en.
I'll tell the news. Here comes the General. -
[Enter Antony.]
Brutus is ta'en, Brutus is ta'en, my lord.
Where is he?
Safe, Antony; Brutus is safe enough:
I dare assure thee that no enemy
Shall ever take alive the noble Brutus:
The gods defend him from so great a shame!
When you do find him, or alive or dead,
He will be found like Brutus, like himself.
This is not Brutus, friend; but, I assure you,
A prize no less in worth. Keep this man safe,
Give him all kindness; I had rather have
Such men my friends than enemies. Go on,
And see whether Brutus be alive or dead;
And bring us word unto Octavius' tent
How everything is chanced.
SCENE V. Another part of the field.
[Enter Brutus, Dardanius, Clitus, Strato, and Volumnius.]
Come, poor remains of friends, rest on this rock.
Statilius show'd the torch-light; but, my lord,
He came not back: he is or ta'en or slain.
Sit thee down, Clitus: slaying is the word;
It is a deed in fashion. Hark thee, Clitus.
What, I, my lord? No, not for all the world.
Peace then! no words.
I'll rather kill myself.
Hark thee, Dardanius.
[Whispers him.]
Shall I do such a deed?
O Dardanius!
O Clitus!
What ill request did Brutus make to thee?
To kill him, Clitus. Look, he meditates.
Now is that noble vessel full of grief,
That it runs over even at his eyes.
Come hither, good Volumnius; list a word.
What says my lord?
Why, this, Volumnius:
The ghost of Caesar hath appear'd to me
Two several times by night; at Sardis once,
And this last night here in Philippi fields:
I know my hour is come.
Not so, my lord.
Nay I am sure it is, Volumnius.
Thou seest the world, Volumnius, how it goes;
Our enemies have beat us to the pit:
[Low alarums.]
It is more worthy to leap in ourselves
Than tarry till they push us. Good Volumnius,
Thou know'st that we two went to school together;
Even for that our love of old, I pr'ythee,
Hold thou my sword-hilts, whilst I run on it.
That's not an office for a friend, my lord.
[Alarums still.]
Fly, fly, my lord! there is no tarrying here.
Farewell to you; - and you; - and you, Volumnius. -
Strato, thou hast been all this while asleep;
Farewell to thee too, Strato. - Countrymen,
My heart doth joy, that yet in all my life
I found no man but he was true to me.
I shall have glory by this losing day,
More than Octavius and Mark Antony
By this vile conquest shall attain unto.
So, fare you well at once; for Brutus' tongue
Hath almost ended his life's history:
Night hangs upon mine eyes; my bones would rest
That have but labour'd to attain this hour.
[Alarums. Cry within, "Fly, fly, fly!"]
Fly, my lord, fly!
Hence! I will follow. -
[Exeunt Clitus, Dardanius, and Volumnius.]
I pr'ythee, Strato, stay thou by thy lord:
Thou art a fellow of a good respect;
Thy life hath had some smack of honor in it:
Hold, then, my sword, and turn away thy face,
While I do run upon it. Wilt thou, Strato?
Give me your hand first: fare you well, my lord.
Farewell, good Strato. - Caesar, now be still:
I kill'd not thee with half so good a will.
[He runs on his sword, and dies.]
[Alarum. Retreat. Enter Octavius, Antony, Messala, Lucilius, and
What man is that?
My master's man. - Strato, where is thy master?
Free from the bondage you are in, Messala:
The conquerors can but make a fire of him;
For Brutus only overcame himself,
And no man else hath honour by his death.
So Brutus should be found. - I thank thee, Brutus,
That thou hast proved Lucilius' saying true.
All that served Brutus, I will entertain them. -
Fellow, wilt thou bestow thy time with me?
Ay, if Messala will prefer me to you.
Do so, good Messala.
How died my master, Strato?
I held the sword, and he did run on it.
Octavius, then take him to follow thee,
That did the latest service to my master.
This was the noblest Roman of them all:
All the conspirators, save only he,
Did that they did in envy of great Caesar;
He only, in a general-honest thought
And common good to all, made one of them.
His life was gentle; and the elements
So mix'd in him that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world, "This was a man!"
According to his virtue let us use him
With all respect and rites of burial.
Within my tent his bones to-night shall lie,
Most like a soldier, order'd honorably. -
So, call the field to rest; and let's away,
To part the glories of this happy day.
Publication Date: May 29th 2008 https://www.bookrix.com/-bx.shakespeare |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-that-one-chick-life-of-the-new-kid/ | That.one.chick Life of the New Kid From One School to the Next.
I had my pillow pressed over my head. The knoking on the door, screaming and playing downstairs, the beeping of my alarm, and my constant thought of what was to come tonight, was almost too much to bear. I clenched my fists and tightened up my body and lost sanity for a moment. I threw my pillow at the door and screamed "Okay, I'm awake now!!" There was dead silence in the whole house for a full ten seconds. As I sit on my bed listening for any sign of sound throughout my house, I hear my little sister, Rose, scream. "Ow! You hit me in the side with your elbow!" As the argeuing commenced, I sighed and fell backwards back onto my bed pressing another pillow over my face.
"Come on, Ashlie! You can't stay in bed all day, you know." My mom nagged from outside the door. I grouned. "Why can't I? Its not like I have a life to get to!" My mom smacked her lips. "Oh, yes you do." I pulled the pillow off my face and looked at the door. "You must be getting your face crossed, because incase you havn't noticed, I don't have any friends here! Ever since we moved here, I've been like an outcast." As my mom started to walk away she turned back and replied sarcasticly "I wouldn't know. I can't see your face." her voice got louder to make sure I heard "You woun't come out of your room!!" I rolled my eyes "Oh KAY!" I said.
I sat up and grabbed my brush and began to brush my srtraight, black hair. As I walked out of my room my mom walked by "Look! It lives!" I rolled my eyes and smiled. Downstairs, my older sister, Tabitha, was making pancakes and the aroma made my stomache growle. "How long?" I asked as I passed. "Not long." She replied. I shrugged and went and spread out on the couch next to my backpack, and fittled with my phone. When I finished I ran out to catch the bus.
As I walked onto the bus, I Stood for a while wondering where I could possibly sit. I saw a seat tha was completely empty. I settled down and placed my bag next to me. The ride felt lonely. When I got to school, I headed to class just like everyday. My rutine was the same, but there was something special about today. Tonight was the 7th Grade Talent Show and my mom insisted that I sing. Its not like I could say no. All day I heard the gossipy whispers about me as I passed by. About how I was talentless, and that that was why I never spoke to anyone. But I'll show them... I'll show all of them tonight. All day throughout school and on the bus-ride home, I delt with it. As soon as I got home I had to start getting ready. I threw my black dress on and put my hair in a bun with a clip. I sliped my high heels on as my mom got the car keys.
When we got there I dreaded the moment I had to walk into the school dressed like this. Whispers surrounded me as I walked into the big glass doors. Act after act, I got more and more nervouse. They were going to say my name any moment now, and I was to walk out there and smile pretty for the croud and sing a song everyone knew. The very thought of me acting like that made me nautiouse.
"Now a new student to Wing Himmer Middle school!" I held my breath. "Ashlie Miserton!" I walked out nervousely and waved "um... hey..." I said into the microphone. "This is, uh... just a song I wrote." I took a deep breath and began to sing. The song was about how lonley I felt and how my life was. Everyone seemed speechless when I finished. I wasn't sure weather it was the song, or my singing voice, but I was pround of myself either way.
Afterwards I was told by tons of people how much they loved my act. Some liked the song, others liked my voice. I didn't care. I proved my point.
Text: me All rights reserved. Publication Date: June 10th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-that.one.chick |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-sydnie-a-small-tear-relieves-a-great-sorrow/ | Sydnie Short A small tear relieves a great sorrow A friendship story
Chapter 1 The revenge
Chapter 1
'Don't retaliate Madison life is only temporary.' I said to myself attempting to calm myself down. I turned around slowly with a forced smile planted on my face and started to walk to class.
As I entered the classroom I felt eyes burning into my soul. So I quickly walked to my seat next to Elly Martin my best friend. If it weren’t for Elly my life would be a living hell. She has been my best friend from since I can remember. She has always been by my side except for this afternoon. "Ello Madison" she said almost singing it. I smiled at her and she could tell it was a fake. " What happened this time?" she asked in a hushed tone sounding concerned. " Vagina Grace happened!" I told her as I rolled my eyes. " She isn't so graceful." Elly said with a cheery smile. God I love her. " Tell me about it." I said almost to loud. As everyone eyes faced me I forced my eyes to look at the board and nothing else.
When the class was over I grabbed Elly’s wrist and practically ran out of the class. School was over but only for today. It was Friday, which meant Elly was sleeping over my house. She slept over weekly so my parents always expected her company. We got into my classic Toyota and drove out of the school parking lot. I am seventeen years old and Elly is turning eighteen in four months.
I drove into my drive way and we got out of my car.
As we stepped in my house we were greeted my 2-year-old brother Elliot. Elly loves him to pieces because his name is similar to her name. I picked Elliot up and walked toward the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got out two cans of sprite and a baby bottle. I put the baby bottle on three minuets in the microwave because that's how Elliot likes it. Sprite is Elly’s favorite drink. I put Elliot down and he immediately ran to my mum.
Leaving the Kitchen Elly and I went up stairs to my room. She sat on my bed and stared at me with the 'Tell me what happened' face. I ignored her and sat next to her. She kept staring at me and I knew she wouldn't stop until I told her. I rolled my eyes at her and walked over to my I Home to play music. I turned it on and put the volume to 100%. She laid on her back making a ' Huff 'sound with her mouth.
" Please tell me what happened,” She said over dramatically like she was dying.
" Obadiah and I broke up and -" I was cut off
"Awe baby, I knew you loved him"
" Shh let me finish! Anyways. I caught him kissing Vagina in hallway. So I ran over to them and pulled their tongues out of there mouths. I yelled at both of them asking " what the hell" and Vagina told me " Back the hell off he doesn't want you anymore" I looked at him to see if that was true he didn't reply he just nodded. Story of my life" I told her
" Wow, do you want me to smack the shit out of both of them" I couldn't help but laugh.
" If you do then there will be a lot of shit on the floor and who is going to clean that?" I questioned her.
"The janitor, duh" she said it like it was an obvious answer." Come on lets show him what he is missing"
Chapter 2 Meeting a hunk
Chapter 2
' Damn I look hot! ' I thought. " Thank you Elly! I look nice! " I said excitedly
" Nice? You look Sexy! " Elly threw at me causing me to blush.
" I thought that to but I didn't want to brag but thanks! "
"No problem"
I was wearing my short white butty shorts with a white ' Come at me bro ' t-shirt hugging my curves. I had my brown hair in a messy but not to messy bun. I put a little mascara and eyeliner on my face. I had a mustache necklace and earrings on. I put my new Nike's on and I was ready to go.
Elly and I are going to Steven Black's party tonight to show off my new look. I didn't totally like to the idea but I agreed anyway. I like to enjoy myself what can I say. The party is in an hour and it takes thirty minuets to get there so we should be leaving soon.
As we walked downstairs I notice Elliot attempting to climb the stairs. I simply chuckle to myself and pick him up.
"Get that slob maker off of you! He might eat your clothes" Elly demanded
" Fine “ I said and put him down. " Mom were heading out "
" Peace " My mom said trying to sound likes she is the latest generation of kids.
" Do you have to embarrass me more than you already do mom? Its bad enough to tell people you’re my mother. " I said teasing her.
" That hurt right here" she said pointing to her butt.
" Why did you point to your butt? You’re supposed to point to your heart mom. "
" I know but my butt is bigger "
"We all can see that " I murmured making Elly laugh.
" What was that you said?" mom asked
" I said I love you bye, " I said as we walked out the door. " Lets stop at MC Donald's before the party" Elly nodded.
Elly pulled into MC Donald's Drive Thru. I guess this drive thru was different because instead of ordering in the speaker there was an ordering window with an employee waiting to take are order. The employee was extremely hot and probably is age. He had short brown hair with hazel eyes that makes you want to melt inside.
" Welcome to Mc Donald and it will be a pleasure to your order." He winked at us and we smiled
" Lets have fun with this. " Elly said quietly about to order.
" Um yeah I would like one of your MC Weenies" Elly winked at him.
" Elly they don't serve hot dogs here" I said quietly
" I know, " she said with a smirk
" And would you like me to super size that ma'am?” The employee asked continuing the flirting.
" Any time any place, " she said obviously flirting back.
If this didn't stop now we would end up with no food.
" We would like 2 MC chickens and 2 medium fries" I told the employee trying to stop there flirting. Elly pouted and I rolled my eyes. Elly gave him the money and also her number and address on a piece of paper. We drove away and dogged on are food.
We didn't really know where Steven's house was but we were told to followed the very loud music.
We finally arrived and got out the car. Together, we walked onto the porch ringing the doorbell.
" Do I have something in my teeth?" I asked Elly showing her my pearly white teeth.
" Yeah you do let me get it " She said while stick her finger in my mouth. While we were in that position the door open. Obadiah stood at the door with his jaw to the ground. Elly quickly pulled her out of my mouth. He scanned my body up and down. I rolled my eyes and walked by him making sure I bumped into his shoulder.
"Madison!" Obadiah shouted attempting to grab my attention but I ignored him. " Madison " he said as he grabbed my arm. I turned around to look intently in his eyes. " Hey baby I missed you, " I almost laughed.
" I would like to say the same but I see trash everywhere nowadays" I told him calmly trying not to laugh.
" I know you’re mad but I still love you " His reply was such a cliché. Scratch that, my life is a cliché.
" You think I would crawl back into your arms like a lost dog? Well your wrong. You’re a piece of poop that smells that's all you are and all you'll ever be!" I said while walking away but he grabbed my arms and pulled me back.
" Listen here, " He said as his voice gotten stricter and serious " If you ever walk away from me like that you will regret it "
"Let go of me Oba, " I shouted shortening his name.
" Is there a problem here?" Timothy Green the hottest guy at school asked us.
" Yes he won't let go of me and he just threatened me,” I said trying hard not to sound weak. Where is Elly when I need her? Obadiah let go of me and walked away.
" Are you okay? " Timothy asked with concern in his voice.
" Please don't start with that ' are you okay ' business because it leads nowhere. If you see me crying my eyes out then you ask but if I'm not then I am ok. Everyone answers okay when there obviously not but thank you for asking " I said trying not to sound mean.
" I like the way you think it’s..." He said trying to find the word for it "different "
" Thanks I guess, " I said with a smile.
" Would you like dance with me? " he asked.
A smile slowly crept on my face.
" It depends, are you a good dancer? " I asked.
" I think I am but If I step on your toes I will say the gremlins pushed Me." he said winking at me. I have to admit that made me laugh. I nodded and went on the dance floor with Timothy. Why wouldn't I? I plan on enjoying my life while I still have it.
Chapter 3 The date
Chapter 3
When I woke up the next day, memories from last night flowed through my head. After I danced with Timothy he asked me on a date. I agreed only because I want to enjoy life and he is super hot. He gave Elly and me a ride home. He then gave me a kiss but only on the cheek. Elly left early around 6 am saying it was a family emergency.
The date is at 12 pm. I looked at the clock and said " 11:05 am" I jumped out of my comfy bed and ran to the bathroom and freshened up.
When I walked back to my room it was 11:45. He said he would pick me up 11:50. So I hurried up putting my last sneaker on.
'Ding Dong'
"I got it,” my mom shouted. 'OH no' I thought to myself. Mom is going to embarrass me. With that thought I ran down the stairs. Only causing me to fall down them and landing on my butt.
For a moment it was silent then everyone bursts out laughing including Elliot. 'Does he even know what’s funny' I thought to myself. That's when my faced boiled. I stood on my feet and walked to the door like nothing happened.
"Hello" Timothy greeted me.
“Hello-skies" I replied waving.
" That was an interesting falls" He said trying to be serious but I could tell he was hiding a laugh.
" Are you o-” he paused probably realizing that I don't want to go through the 'Are you ok' bit.
" Bye mom” I said
" Oh honey don't forget I love you with all my butt"
" Your still on that butt thing mom?"
"I'll stop it but I know you can't keep it off your mind." she said winking at me.
" Yeah because its so big" I murmured.
" I heard that, bye" mom said as I was leaving making sure I closed the door behind me. Timothy opened the door for me. I got in waiting for him to come in and start the engine.
I didn't want to ask where we were going because I like surprises. It’s been about ten minuets since we left the house and there was no conversation.
"Aren't you going to ask where we are going"
" Nope " I said popping the 'p'
" Why not?"
" Because life is full of surprises I might as well let it wow me" I said casually
" You sound like Dr. Phil or Oprah "
" I'm going to take that as a compliment, Thanks"
"Your welcome" he said with a grin. " So, tell me about yourself"
"Get ready put your swim suit on because were about go deep." I said smiling
" That’s what she said" Timothy said winking at me.
"Ewe ya nasty! Any way" I started to continue" In all my life I try to figure out myself. I still am. I try to put pieces of myself together but there's always a piece missing and everyday on the path of life I find them piece by piece and the day I found all of them is the day I die. What I'm saying is that it’s harder to explain who you are than to find who you are"
" Yeah your defiantly Dr. Phil. I'm going to call you Phil, Kay?"
" okay " was all I replied.
" Were here" Timothy said happily
. I look at the building confused.
" A cafe? Do you realize there was a cafe two blocks away from my house?"
"Well this ones special. Tonight is poetry night"
" Oh that seems pretty amasome"
" Amasome?"
"Yeah a mixture of awesome and amazing"
"Lets just stick to what’s in the dictionary"
"No" I said sticking my tongue out him. He rolled his eyes.
As we walked in the cafe I noticed a sign that said " A wonderful delight's poetry night" The place was small but not cramped. We sat down and a waitress came to take our orders. I ordered a Mocha Frappe and Timothy ordered a regular coffee.
I was just staring at the wall blankly until I heard snapping. I didn't realize our orders were all ready here.
"Is there anyone out there who has a poem?" A lady asked. She looked like the manager because her uniform is different from the rest of the staff.
"Yes! Madison Gate does!" Timothy shouted pointing at me. That’s not even my last name.
" Then come up here Madison." The lady said. I walked up on stage adjusting the microphone to the right height.
" Uhm. I'm the type of person who likes to be free. I want friends who are just like me. Perfect is not who I am I'm the type of person I say I am. I'm the type of person who likes being mild. I'm the type of person who to give smiles. Who says I can't sing free. Well I'm just glad I'm just being me"
I heard snaps and whistling. I could tell it was Timothy so I smiled at him and walked off stage to my seat.
" That was great" Timothy saidI shrugged
" Thanks it was a classic poem I wrote,” I said like it was nothing.
" Do want to go now"
" Sure." He paid for are drinks and then we left.
Chapter 4 Goodbye good friend
Chapter 4
The sun was shining on my face causing me to open my eyes. I groaned and cover my face with my soft pillow. I looked over at the clock squinting my eyes. It was 7:07. I smiled at myself because 7:07 upside down is 'LOL' in a way. It doesn't usually take me long to get ready for school but Elly told me to continue to dress the way I did this weekend. I don't really dress like that i usually were baggy clothes and no make up.
I walked down the hall to the bathroom inhaling a sweet aroma. I decided to follow my nose, which led me to the kitchen. There I saw 8 dozens of Cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate chip waffles!
" Stop drooling " my mom said causing me to snap out of my gaze. I looked down at myself and I really was drooling. I wiped the drool from my mouth and attempted to pick up a cookie.
‘ Slap'
I rubbed my hand in the area where my mom hit my hand.
" I don't need you dogging on my food. Its bad enough you were drooling over it like a faucet" my mom said in a serious but parental tone.
" But its my favorite" I said in my whiny voice.
" Don’t have a cow.” My mom said as I rolled my eyes. Don't you have to get ready for school?" mom asked raising an eyebrow.
" I was on my way to the bathroom then I smelt Charlie and the chocolate factory's workshop. So I had to check it out." I said as I was raising my hands in the air as if was to surreneder.
"You'll do anything for food. What if a stranger told you he had food in his truck, would you go with him"
"Dah ma. Its called the ice cream truck or a food truck." she rolled her eyes at my comment." It seems you don't know me that well. It has to be free food."
" Now I realize its a good idea to put tracking devices in your children."
" Whatever mom. I got to go get dressed." I told her as I walked to the bathroom.
After I finished freshening up, I looked in the mirror approving how I looked. I have to say I looked better than how I looked last Friday night. I was wearing a red long sleeved shirt with a sleeveless jean jacket. It went well with my ripped skinny jeans that made legs look longer than they already are. I had my red snap back on and red Nike's on. I also threw on some accessories.
I made my way down the stairs. I said my goodbyes to my parents and started to walk to school. When I arrived at school I was greeted by Elly but something seemed to be wrong.
'' Is everything okay Elly?'' I asked in a sincere tone.
''Honestly no'' she paused '' I'm transferring to a new school and I am starting tomorrow.
'' That was it, the sentence that changed my life forever. I stood there in shock. I blinked once but I think that was it.
'' Come on we have to go to class'' I noticed she had her hair up in a high pony revealing her heart shaped birthmark on the back of her neck.
I always thought it was pretty cool. We walked into homeroom and sat next to each other.
'' We have to make your time here special.''
We decided to skip school and go to the park. It was easy to skip school. Nobody was around to stop us.
On the walk to the park we saw an ice cream truck. I wanted ice cream so we walked over to the truck. I ordered two vanilla ice creams and we continued to walk to the park in silence.
We finally arrived at the park.
“So, why are you switching schools?'' I asked breaking the silence. We were now swinging on the swings back and forth.
''I don't know my parents just said they got a job offer somewhere.'' she said looking at her shoes. Then she looked up at me.
'' How was your date with Timothy?'' she asked raising both of her eyebrows. I told her about the date as soon as I got home. She was easy to talk to most of the time.
“It was okay I guess.''
''Mom I'm home'' I yelled as I entered my house. Elly couldn't come home with me because she had to leave to pack her things. I found my mom in the kitchen with Elliot on her lap eating cheerios one by one.
I dragged my feet over to them and plopped on the chair. I sighed deeply as frowned down at the ground.
''What's the matter honey?'' my mom asked
. I closed my eyes then answered
''Elly has to transfer schools''
''Oh my gosh!'' my mom said like she was in a sop opera. She really knows how to reply in these situations.
''I know right and now I am going to be alone again at school.''
'' I heard there is a new student transferring to your school, maybe you and her can become friends''
“Yeah I hope your right.’’
I closed my locker and turned around to go to class. I started to walk and before I realized, I was on the floor. I thought I was just being clumsy but I then it came to mind I was tripped.
I looked up only to see a stunning girl in front of me. She had red hair that went up to her back. She had long tan legs that went well with her hazel eyes. Then I saw Vergina standing behind the girl I never seen before. Vergina and the girl started to laugh at me.
''Let's go Molly, what a joke'' Vergina told the girl. I realized that was the new student. My mom could’ve more wrong.
There is a new bitch in town and her name is Molly.
Chapter 5 Hell
Chapter 5
It's been a week since Elly transferred schools and while she was gone my life was hell. The new girl Molly turned everyone in the school against me, except Timothy. She seemed to be mad that I'm dating him. She talked about me, took my lunch and replaced it with insects, dumped eggs on me before school, and the rest of the clichés in the book.
"Drizzle Murrain Mcgumph! Come down here right now " my mom shouted sounding angry. She used my full name this must be serious.
I made my way down the stairs to see my mom and dad sitting on the couch.
" Yes" I said with my hand on the stair head, It took a while for my parents to answer.
"I-I-I don't what to say to you Madison" mom said sounding furious
"Let me say it honey" my dad said to my mom in a calm voice. "Madison I am very disappointed in you. The doctors called and told us that you took an "STD" test and it came out positive."
"What the actual fucks are you talking about Dad! I never took a "STD" test and I am defiantly not sexually active!" I yelled back at my father.
" There's no point in lying. You are grounded for six months and that's final. Now go to your room young lady" my dad ordered staring straight in my eyes.
I turned slowly and headed up to my room. I didn't take a S.T.D test and I am defiantly innocent. I just can't believe my parents don't believe me. I slid into my bed and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning I woke up tired. It was 7:01. I got out of my bed feeling lazy. I jumped in to the bathroom and freshened up. After I was done changing into my clothes I headed off to school. I didn't see my parents so I just left. I live ten minuets away from school so it wasn't a far walk for me.
When I arrived at school I spotted Timothy.
" Is what I heard true Madison " Timothy said looking into my eyes?”
"It depends on what you heard."
"That you have an STD" we stopped walking and just stared at each other.
"No I don't and I guess my parents heard the same thing. They grounded me and they won't listen to what have to say." I replied
" Well that's a relief. I'm glad I know the truth but it seems everyone else thinks its true." I didn't reply to him but we kept walking. I knew that was true. So there is no point in answering.
I got dirty looks from people in the hallway. I didn't like the feeling of being watched so I over looked it.
" Well I have to class, bye" he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Well well well isn't it Miss STD" A familiar voice said behind me. I turned around to see the one and only. Molly.
"You know I didn't expect Lucifer himself to greet me everyday." I said smiling. At that point we were alone in the hallways.
" I'd advise you to stay away from Timothy he's mine."
"Funny how you say that when he is dating me"
"I don't see why anyone would date you" she said with a disgusted looked.
" Its called personality. Oh I'm sorry that word isn't in your vocabulary. You can find your personality under Bitch"
"Well I don't need personality I got good looks."
"Whatever I got to go to class. I am done talking to you my parents taught me not to play with trash." I said as I walked into homeroom.
The day went by fast. As I was walking home I noticed a man in a hoodie about ten feet behind me. I walked faster on the sidewalk. I looked behind me and he was gone. I didn't get a good look at his face though. When I crossed the street I bumped into someone. " Oh sorry" I said
" You should be " he said rudely.
" Excuse m-” I was cut off. He grabbed me and knocked me out.
I awoke in strange room. The moldy chipped walls were gray and plain. No pictures or anything to give the room a home feeling. The floor was covered in a black carpet that gave the look as I was staring into a black hole due to the lack of light. The whole room itself looked depressing. The only thing in the room was a bed that I was in. There weren’t any windows so I couldn't see if it was nighttime.
I got off the bed and stood up. Then the door slammed opened only revealing a tall shadow. The shadow comes out of the dark and into my view. It was Obadiah. I was so shocked I didn't even move. He came closer to me and soon he was inches away.
"W-what do you want from me" I questioned sounding scared.
I don’t even know why he is bother me. He broke our relationship by cheating on me in public.
"Don't be scared baby. I did this so we can be alone." he said as he took a step closer
. Did he have short-term memory or something?
"We are over I don't want to be with you" He took a step closer to the slapped and me. I put a hand over the area of pain. I was scared to pieces.
He used to be sweet and kind hearted. Now he is cold and harsh. This is not the guy I dated. The guy in front of me is a monster.
" You are mine and only mine."
Obadiah said then he smashed his lips onto mine hard. The kiss wasn't pleasurable instead it was rough. I felt dirty kissing him. I attempted to pull away but that only caused him to kiss hard. I still struggled to get away from his firm grip around my waist but it was no use. He then slammed me down onto the bed and pressed his body on mine. I felt uncomfortable and I hated it. I still struggled to get out.
"Please stop" I managed to say but sounded weak in the process. He didn't stop instead he deepened the kiss. I felt his hand slide up my shirt. It left a trail of disgust. He then squeezed my breast hard. I then knew what he really wanted. He slid off my clothes quickly but he was only shirtless. I was only in my undergarments and I didn't want him to see me in them but I guess I don't have a choice. He took off my bra and underwear. He then took off his jeans. I didn't bother helping him because I didn't want this. He took of his boxer and pulled away from their unwanted kiss. He dug into his pants pockets getting something. "Please stop " my voice sounded completely broken. He found what he was looking for: a condom.
“ You’ll know who you belong to." he said as he slides the condom on. He stared at my nude body. I felt dirty and nasty. Why me> I can take humiliation but this is to much handle "You really are beautiful" he said then he smashed his onto mine making me feel terrible. He slid his buddy into me. I moaned out in pain. He began to go in and out in me. Then he went deeper thrusting in me. That was the moment I felt used. He took my innocence and I hated him for that. When he was done he took off his condom and threw it away. He picked up his clothes and left. I curled into a ball and refused to cry.
Chapter 6 The escape plan
Chapter 6
It seems as if my blue skies are grey and the sun will never shine again. I don't even want to live anymore. I hate my life. I hate Him. Just thinking about him made me depressed. He took away something important to me. I will never forgive him for it. I didn't shed a tear at all because I don't want to show him I'm weak, even if I am.
I wasn't naked anymore. I found the strength to get out of bed and get dressed. I don’t have the energy to force myself to sleep. So I dragged myself to a corner. What I was reeling wasn't laziness it was sadness followed by me giving up. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my head in them.
It felt like days since I’ve been in the sitting isolated room getting devoured by my thoughts. I heard a creek from the door. I didn't even look up.
" Here you go, eat up" I didn't look up to what he gave me. Pretty soon he got the memo and left me alone leaving the plate of food in front of me. I didn't just case he drugged it. I won't trust anything he says or gives me but my only fear is if he tries to force himself on me again.
*A week later*
I haven't eaten anything Timothy gave me so I was basically starving myself. I stayed in my little corner for days now. If this is what it feels like to be depressed than I give up on life. The door opens revealing shameful Obadiah. I look up at him. I had no emotion on my face. It feels as if this the only face I can show without breaking down in tears.
"Do you have to use the bathroom?" Timothy asked like nothing even happened. I nodded and got up. It was a struggle to but I got through it. My knees were wobbling as I walk using the cold grey wall as my support. Obadiah led me to the bathroom. I didn't look up from the floor. My eyes weren't stable enough to look around.
We made it to the bathroom and I entered by myself. I closed the door behind me. I looked in at myself in the mirror and simply gasped at what I saw. I didn't look like myself. I had dark circle around my eyes and my skin looked paler than ever. There was dirt marks on my face and there was a bruise on my left cheek from were Obadiah slapped me. I turned the sink on letting the water flow. I splashed water on my face hoping it would make me feel better, but it didn't.
I honestly feel like dirt that had been walk on. I thought life was happy and joyful. Life proved me wrong. Life is full of disappointments and sorrow. Life is full of surprises all right. As well as scarps and bruises. I’m so stupid to think that I could live my live happily.
I searched around the bathroom and found a blade. I picked it up slowly. I thought hard about what I was about to do. ‘Don't do it Madison your better than this.’ I thought to myself. I didn't listen to myself. I slowly slide the blade up my arm only because it’s deadlier. People who cut there wrists aren't suicidal, that’s not even dangerous. When you cut up your arm is harmful. I let the blood drip on the floor. My head slammed against the wall and slid down to the floor. I pressed my head against the wall and closed my eyes taking in the pain. The door slammed open and I saw a blurry figure. Then everything went black.
Everything I see is white. Am in heaven ? Then a black figure movied close to me. As the figure cam closer I began to see a face. It looked like a nurse. I blinked a couple of times and everything became clear. I was in a hospital. I looked around the room and I spotted a window. I looked up to see the night sky. "Madison how are you feeling?" The nurse asked. I tried to speak but I felt dryness in my throat.
"Water" I managed to say. She left the room. I'm assuming she went to get me some water. I laid my head back and stared at the ceiling. Then reality hit me. A soon as I realized the situation I was in I started to panic. I felt my hands trembling and my heart racing. I was starting to panic so I unhooked all the wires that were connected to my body. I quickly got off the bed and made it out the door. I looked both ways into the hallway as I stepped out. I noticed the nurse at the water jugs talking. So I went the other way. Some nurse.
I power walked with my strength still feeling weak. When I made it to the lobby I notice Obadiah sleeping on the chairs. The Receptionist wasn't at the door so I made a run for hoping not to wake Obadiah.
He looked so peaceful when he slept but he is a monster in reality. I can’t believe I dated this guy.
As soon as I stepped outside the cool night air wrapped out my body. I looked around at my surroundings and I noticed a forest and with out thinking I started to walk towards it.
The forest was the best choice because I could get spotted in the city. I’m not using my head I’m just going by instincts.
I didn't think about any animals that will harm me. All I was thinking about was getting home safely. Before I noticed I was deep in the forest. I went in a straight path trying hard not to get lost.
I stopped as soon as I heard the noise. I listened very closely for any more movements. I looked all around the forest in a circle. Nothing was there so I started to run. There was a pain in my foot. I noticed I was bare footed. The bottoms of my feet were covered in blood probably due to the entire running.
I thought I heard someone call my name so I started to run faster. Faster, Faster, Faste r. I said motivating myself.
I stopped to catch my breath behind a big tree. I turned around and in the distance I saw Obadiah. I started to run again but quicker. Ignoring the pain on my bare feet. I couldn’t stop no matter what.
I think I lost him. I did what my parents told me to do when some one was following you: go in circles for a while.
The sound of car horns and people yelling filled my ears. The City. I ran toward the bright lights without looking back hoping on one leg. It is extremely difficult to run as fast as you can with an injury.
I walked into the nearest store and it happened to be a gas station. The owner gave me a crazy look probably because of my appearance but if he knew my situation he wouldn’t. I looked all around and spotted a clocked. It was 2am. I reached in my back pocket and I had a five-dollar bill deep in my back pocket. I went into the refrigerator. I got out a can of 'Mucho Mango'. I went to the cashier to pay for my drink. As soon as I paid for it I opened it. Right when I was about to ask the cashier if I could use his phone Obadiah walked in. My heart began racing again. My brain won’t stop pounding from my frustration. I had to hide from him. I went behind an isle watching him. He went toward the back of the store. I think he is looking for me. When he wasn’t looking I made a fun for the door.
I ran for my life. My stupid life like I would never live again. A familiar street appeared and it happened to be the street of my house.
I've never been happier to see my house.
Chapter 7 Abuse
Chapter 7
Everyone was asleep so it was easy to sneak in. I walked upstairs to my room. After a while on debating on going to sleep or to stay up, I decided to sleep.
I woke up dreading the day I really do not want to go to school. I dragged myself out of bed anyway. I walk to the bathroom looking like a zombie. After I freshen up I left the bathroom and walked to my room. I really do not know what to wear so I just put anything on. It was 7:32 and I really did not care if I was late for school.
I didn't notice mom dad wasn't home so I left. It seems as if that they are ignoring me, but right now I don't care. I guess I don't care about anything right now.
As soon as I walk through the door I realize it's not safe for me to walk outside. So I got my phone and called Timothy. I asked him if he can give me a ride to school and he agreed. I waited outside for Timothy he came 5 minutes later. I assume he lives near me. The car ride was silence but I didn't feel like talking so I just stared out the window. We made it to the school parking lot without talking at all. It was a little awkward.
I walked through the hallways by myself because Timothy had to go to class. Everyone's eyes were on me. I didn't think I look that bad. I made it to my locker but only to be greeted by Vergina Grace.
'' Hello Miss S.T.D''
'' How many times I told you Satin, I already gave my life to Christ'' I replied with a smirk.
'' Yeah but I'm sure he rejected you''
'' Listen Vergina I am not in the mood for your games'' I said dropping my smirk to a frown. Now I feel sad but not because of what she said. She looked like she was about to say something but I didn't stay to hear it. I walked off to class not caring about a thing in the world.
School went by like a breeze. Nobody paid attention to me it seems as if I was a ghost.
'' Hey Madison '' Timothy said.
'' Hi’’ I said quietly staring at the ground. He took his thumb and lifted up my chin up.
'' You want to hang out after school.''
"Sure.'' With that he walked me to his car. I was about three feet behind him. Until I was dragged into a corner. My mouth was covered by a cold hard hand. They had a firm grip around my waist causing me not to move.
'' If you ever tell anybody about what happened I will kill you'' I gasped when I realize who it was. He's then let me go and I ran to the car with Timothy. My heart was racing fast I just couldn't think straight. I don't think Timothy noticed my panting because he kept his mouth shut with his eyes on the road.
I walk into my front door but there was only silence. I was about to walk up the stairs but then the living room lamp turned on. My father was sitting on the couch with a bottle of alcohol in his hand.
'' Where have you been?'' my father asked
'' Hello to you, too. I was with a friend''
He got off the couch and walked closer to me. I took a few steps back until I hit the walls. Now he was only inches away from me. He looked angry but then he took a sip of his alcohol. He stared into my eyes without saying anything. I didn't know what he's going to do. He put the bottle of alcohol down on the table and our eyes met again. Before I realized, his hand was in the air getting ready to hit me. It all happened fast. All I did was stand there in shock. But my father didn't stop there. He punched me in my stomach causing me to fall to the ground. I moaned out in pain. I lay on my side wrapping my arms around my stomach but he continued to kick me. He picked me off the ground but then he punched me in my face. I felt liquid streaming down my face. My face was throbbing in pain. My knee begins to wobble and I couldn't stand any longer. I finally broke down on the ground curling up into a ball. Then my father picked up his alcohol bottle and walked away mumbling something under his breath. Something likes ' teach you for sassing me'. Even being abused by my father didn't make me cry. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. What's confusing me the most is that my father never hit me.
* Two weeks later*
I'm afraid to sleep or even live in this house. Since the day my father hit me he's been doing it frequently now. If he senses a hint of rudeness in my tone he would hurt me. My mom noticed the bruises on my skin but didn't care. She just went on with her life ignoring me. I haven't talked to anyone lately I have been hiding myself from the world. Timothy just gave up after I was pushed him away. I really just wanted to be alone. I haven't smiled in a while it seems I have haven't had fun or laughed too. This is why I hate my life.
My head was pounding. I really couldn't think straight. Terrible thoughts roamed my mind. I want to hurt myself just to relieve the pain I feel. Here I am curled up in a ball in my bed just thinking. For me thinking is dangerous these days. I attempted suicide seven times but I was always found before I could slip away. Its like God doesn't want me to die. I am left in this world with nothing but pain and sadness. Everyday I drag my body on a bit just to continue this stupid life I live. The fact that I just feel like giving up makes me depressed even more. It's not like me to feel this way. I used to be outgoing and used to love life. I hate that am not myself.
I got dressed for school wearing a lazy out fit. I don't walk to school anymore I take my mom's old car that has been sitting in the garage. I gave my old car to Elly as a farewell gift.
I entered the school parking lot noticing no available parking spots. After circling the parking lot, I finally found a parking spot. Ugh I hate my life. I thought sorrowfully.
I slowly got out of the car regretting my choice of getting up this morning. I walked through the school downstairs hallway and I spotted the Bitch at my locker. I'm officially tired of her harassing me every day.
'' Wow I never thought you could look worse than shit.'' she said grinning at me.
" Shut the fuck up" I yelled angrily earning everyone's attention.
" How 'bout no "
“Damn you're annoying '' I hissed through my teeth.
" What did you say mother fucker "
" Oh the bitch deaf now '' she rolled eyes.
'' Apparently not since I heard Timothy moaning my name last night." That's it I could not hold it in me any longer.
I raised my hand to her face and slapped her so hard her grandkids could feel it. She was shocked but it didn't take long for her to retaliate. She slap me back twice is hard and I'm pretty sure I can speak a different language by now. Damn her. I grabbed her by her hair so hard she might go bald. I jumped on her and we landed on the floor with me on top. I stared to punch, kick and slap her. Blood trickled down her nose. I grabbed her hair once again but this time I noticed something on the back of her neck. It was a heart shaped birthmark. I stopped what I was doing and stared at it intensely.
It looks exactly like the one Elly has. No it couldn't be. It wasn't possible I just don't know anymore. I got off her back and looked at her damaged body. I then noticed her body looked like Elly's. I now realize that her voice sounds a lot like Elly's. I couldn't believe this. This is Elly!
"Elly?" I asked unsure.
She helped herself up and then looked at me. She had a devilish grin planted on her face.'' Yes"
I stared at her dumbfounded. I was terribly confused.
"W-w " I started to stutter. "How could you "
"Revenge " she said calmly.
"I don't understand" I said confused. I had my eyes locked with hers. She had a smirk planted on her face. She opened her mouth to speak.
" You don't know do you."
' No dah! . I'm hear looking like I seen an elephant saying the ABC's because I feel like it.' I thought. I didn't reply.
" A long time ago your dad was married to my mom. They were the golden couple. That was until he met your mother. He secretly had affair with her. Slowly drifting away from my mom. Then my mom caught him in the act. By then my mom was pregnant with me. She filed for a divorce and never told your father she was having a baby. Then your parents got married and had you. Seeing you guys smiling and happy made my mom sad. She soon became an alcoholic and didn't treat me the same. She remarried but I knew she would never be as happy as she was before. So I made it my job to make your life miserable. I never liked you. Being in your house just made me sick. I hate you!" She said seriously.
I was speechless. I sat there lying on the cold hard ground. I never felt so alone in my life. All this time she was pretending to be my friend. I trusted her. I wasn't sad anymore I was angry. No furious. My fist tightened. I raised it to her face and punched her in her face with all my strength and power. I then noticed that the principal showed up and saw me punching Molly. "Madison and Molly to my office now" The principal said a stern voice.
The principal called our parents to the office to talk about the situation. My parents and I sat in the principal’s office waiting for Elly and her parents. The door opens revealing the principal and Elly's family. My parents seem to tense up when they saw Elly's mom and dad. Elly's mom stopped in her tracks when her eyes met my fathers. She looked shocked but after awhile she continued to walk to her seat. This was one of those moments where it was extremely awkward. My parents’ eyes were locked with Elly's parents. Then the principal broke the silence.
"Do you all know why you are here?”
"No sir" Mr. Martin said.
"Well it seems that your daughters got into a fight on school property.'' he paused '' I called you all here see why before punishing them. I am going to let Madison speak first."
I didn't speak right away but before I did I glared at Elly." Since Molly joined our school she made my life a living hell. She has been bullying me everyday since. She pushed me over the edge and I slapped her. That's how the fight started. I pinned her to the ground and pulled her hair and I noticed something on her neck. It was a heart shaped birthmark the same one as Elly Martin. She confessed who she really was and I punched her in the face because I was shocked and mad. Story of my life." I said calmly sitting back in my chair. The principal sighed.
"Is that true Molly?" The principal asked. Elly nodded.
"Okay Molly you are to be expelled from this school."
"No this isn’t fair. Its all that bitches fault!" Mrs. Martin yelled pointing at me. I just sucked my teeth and looked at the ceiling.
"Calm down Mrs. Martin " The principal said. But that is when all hell broke loose.
"Do not call my daughter a bitch. Your just mad that my husband left you for me!" my mom yelled at Mrs. Martin. By now everyone was standing up giving each other death stares. Mrs. Martin slapped my mother leaving my mother in shock. My moms hit her back with just as much force. Go mom. They were stopped by Principal Garden. But how he stopped them left us all in shock. He used both of his arms and went in the middle of them. He didn't realize it until mother scream at him backing away. His hands were on both of the breasts. "You pervert" Mrs. Martin and my mom said in sync covering their chests.
Principal Garden was blushing noticeably. Mr. Martin and my dad went up to him and threatening him for violating their wives. Principal Garden looked petrified. Elly and me exchange glances then we both burst out in laughter. They stopped what they were doing and just gave us a weird look. Elly and I stopped laughing but the room was silent.
After a long time in Principal Garden's office, we were dismissed. I didn't off get too easy. I got expelled from the school because I got in a fight, had to many tardies, and skipped a lot of classes. All this made unhappy parents.
Chapter 8 New School New Life
Chapter 8
Today is the day I start my new school. To be honest I'm a little happy about it not that I'm going to show it. The school that I'm going is Keesha Van Bosh High School. It’s in the next town over so I have to drive myself there. I was now ready for school. I walked outside to my car and headed to the school.
The school was humungous and gorgeous. It had a beautiful garden in the front of the school and the school's brick wall was fresh. After I was done admiring the school I got out my car with my school bag. I began to walk to the school.
I'm now in homeroom. I got a teacher to escort me to the office and to my classes. The classroom was in groups so I was going to sit face to face to people. The teacher didn't even tell me to introduce myself so I just sat down in an empty seat. This was in a group was a group of 7 that almost resembled a meeting desks at offices. I sat there quietly while the teacher took attendance. The head of the group decided to speak up and talk to me. "Hey I'm John" He was tall but chubby-ish. He was pale with Brown eyes.
I smiled shyly at him.
" Hello I'm Madison but you can call me Madi." I said then stared back at my desk. The girl sitting across the table from me started to start a conversation.
"Hi are you always this quite?” She asked. She was short but pretty. She had thick long blonde hair.
“No'' I say softly. They just have to give me time to warm up to them. The bell rang for the next period. I got out of my seat and hurried out the classroom.
I walk into the lunchroom and looked around for a seat. I see John and the group from homeroom waving for me to sit next to them. I made my way over to them and took a sit next to one of the girls.
“Hey Madison.” They greeted me at the same time.
“Hi” I responded shyly.
I looked around the cafeteria and saw a group of kids yelling. John saw me staring.
“I guess our school is a cliché” he paused. “ Those are the nerds. They have arguments on math problems and equations like that.” I nodded to show I understood. “Those are the popular kids,” he said pointing to the group in the far left corner. “Over there, they are the Christians. They read the bible and discuss about there problems. They sometimes go around school telling people there going to hell and then walk away.” I smiled at that last sentence.
“I think that’s funny,” I stated staring at them. “And we are the Anti everything” John said referring to us.
I started to tune into what the Christian group were saying.
“Hey Maria, how’s it going at home?” The leader of the table asked a small girl at their table.
“It’s going well. Thank you for asking. Shall we read from the bible now?” She asked excitedly.
“I guess. Okay everyone turn Obadiah 2:5 please” Hearing that name made uncomfortable. Memories from everything kept appearing in my mind. This time I couldn’t shake them. I’m just sitting here with a blank stare with nothing awful memories. I cannot ignore the pain in my stomach. Its like I’m getting devoured by pain and sadness. I didn’t know one name could cause that.
“Madi, Madi, MADI!” Someone called for me. I didn’t bother to look up. I just ignored them. Then one of them shook me. I finally looked up and saw everyone leaving the cafeteria. It was John who was telling me that we were leaving. I slowly got out of my seat and practically Zombie walked to the doors. I kept staring at the ground on my way my next period.
I wasn’t sure where I was going but I was going somewhere. I opened some doors and cold air wrapped around my body like a blanket instantly. My brain was pounding with a strong force inside my head. I just walked around the football field enduring the pair. Suddenly the pain became unbearable. I covered my stomach with my arms and collapsed on the cold wet grass. I stared at a heart shaped cloud and slowly watched it break into a broken heart. I closed my eyes trying to escape everything right and slowly drifted off to sleep.
I awoke in flowery room. It smelt like frebreeze with a hint of chocolate chip cookies. After I was done taking in the fresh aroma, I shot my head up. I looked at my surroundings and panicked. I knew I wasn’t in a hospital it was more like an office of some sort.
“Drizzle calm down. You in the nurses office.” A familiar voice said calmly. I looked at the corner behind me and saw John sitting in his chair with a face full of concern.
“ What am I doing here?” I asked grabbing my hair and putting it in a really messy ponytail.
“You collapsed outside on the football field.” He replied staring to my eyes. I have a hard time staring someone in the eyes that I am not comfortable with so I looked away. I then remembered why I collapsed. I don’t enjoy being weak let alone feeling it.
“Oh” I replied quietly. So quiet I don’t even think he heard my response. We stayed quiet for a while then the door burst open. It was the school’s nurse and she was carrying a clipboard.
“Ms. Mcgumph you are clear to go but you need to take some Advil at home. Okay?” I nodded. John reached his hand out. I got off the bed and took his soft pale hands. He led me to door but me being a clutch, I stumbled upon my feet. Luckily John caught me in time. “You two be careful now.” The nurse told us. We nodded and went out the room.
“Hey Madison do you have Facebook.” John asked curiously.
“Nope” I said pooping ‘P’.
“Well I do. If you make one Facebook me at “ Johnny john” Kay?”
We were outside at the schools parking lot. I spotted my car and walked over to it.
“ Are okay with driving home by yourself. I have to pick up my little sister from day care?” he asked raising an eyebrow.
“ I should be but thanks for helping. I appreciate it.” I kissed him on his cheek and opened my car door. I waved him goodbye in my car and drove off.
I walked into my house but only to be greeted by silence. I walk upstairs to my room. I didn’t have my laptop because my parent’s took it away. I looked out of window to see the back yard. I didn’t see either of my parents’ cars in the driveway. I walked out of my room and tippy toed to my parent’s bedroom.
I scavenged through my parents’ room. Right when I was about to give up I saw my laptop underneath their dresser. I quickly pulled it out and I found my phone with it too.
I walked out of their room with pride and ran towards my room. I plunged my laptop and phone up. I put the laptop on my lap and pushed the power button.
It powered up pretty quick. As soon as it started up I opened Safari. I typed in “Facebook.com”. The site appeared and I quickly added my information in and confirmed it. Wow that was easy. The website seemed okay. I searched Johnny John and various profiles appeared. I noticed one with his face so I clicked it and sent him a friend request. Facebook suggested friends so I sent them requests too. They instantly accepted them.
There was ding sound coming from my computer and it scared me to death. It was a message from John
“So you decided to make an account?” John asked me.
“I guess” I replied.
“SO WHATS UP” He replied in cap locks
“Was caps needed?”
“Nah I just fell like it. So what’s up”
“The sky I guess”
“Oh we got a smart ass over here. Lol”
“What does “LOL” mean?” I asked
“Your serious right?” I sighed then typed.
“It means laugh out loud.”
“Oh lol”
I replied even though I didn’t even laugh.
“There you go”
“Yeah lol”
“That’s enough lol’s for today. Anyways I gtg ttyl ily”
“Hold up! I need a translation please.”
“GTG means got to go, TTYL means talk to you later, and the last one you’ll know later. Well bye I GTG.” He replied logging off.
“Thanks for the help (note the sarcasm)” I replied even though he logged off.
I scrolled through the thing called news feed and just looked at pictures people posted and statuses.
It was getting late so I logged off and went to sleep.
School today went by like a thunderstorm. The gang talked to me about the latest gossips. It was very interesting to know what it is going on. The gossips at Keesha Van Bosh are very different from my old school’s gossip. It’s pretty cool how I got to know each and everyone one of them today. I presume its time for me to open up to them.
After I came home from school I logged onto Facebook. It was like a strange addiction already. I just couldn’t explain it. I already had 106 friends. I just added people from my old school and new school. I uploaded a cute profile picture and cover photo. My Facebook feels comfortable now.
I learned a lot about Facebook and all the new terms. Well not entirely new just new to me.
There was a bunch of my Facebook friends commenting on this photo of this girl. It had the X-ray effect. It was pretty cool so I decided to comment. “Coolie” I continued to scroll in my news feed then I got two notifications.
Crystal Anne liked your comment.
Crystal Anne commented on her photo.
“Lol yea” she replied.
“I really like this photo because its like awesome”
“Awe thanks ☺”
“Your welcome. Badonkadonk” I typed in and then added “I really can’t get over the fact that you look like a ghost”
“Oh lol I know”
“Well it’s a boss ghost”
“You’re a ghost and I’m a banana” I said weirdly.
I suppose I’m just bored.
“Lol yea :)))”she replied. I didn’t reply back because I didn’t know what to say. I scrolled through my news feed for about 3 hours. I checked to see if John was online but he wasn’t. Crystal looked like a friend of Elly’s. So I decided to chat her.
Elly never liked it when I had conversations with her friends.
Crystal and I chatted for hours. Surprisingly I could be myself with her. We had lot in common and that was the difference between Elly. We had almost nothing in common. I said some of my weird sayings to her like “ There’s no need to fear underdog is here” Usually people replied “ okay or cool” but hers was different. It was “ Omg save me save me!” and it made me smile, a real one. That smile seemed to cause a change reaction to smiles. Every reply from her made me realize that people are not the same. I just hated people nowadays. All they do is fail you in life and cause pain. It’s strange how a simple conversation could change your life. I never liked change but I seem to enjoy this one. Crystal had to go now. I understand why. It’s like 2am.
“Good night Rain. I love you <3 ”Crystal said. I wasn’t sure if I loved her back but I thought I might some day. So I said “ I love you too goodnight”
And that’s the night I found my best friend. Who would’ve knew.
Text: Me All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 22nd 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-sidney345 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-deathredrose-love-or-hate/ | deathredrose Love or Hate
There was once a girl named Roseialey Crystal Ann, everyone called her Rose for short. She had 2 sisters and one brother that was out of high school. Her dad was almost never home cause of work and her mom was a stay-home-mom. She had to stay home and watch the kids while Rose was at school. Her sisters Jasimine and Sara were twins and her brother David was never really home during the morning ar afternoon. Now that she thought about it he was never really home if he was, he was in his room with a friend or a girl.
chapter 1
Rose was sitting at lunch and talking to her friends when Jeremy, the most popular boy in the 9th grade walked up to her table. all of her friends and the whole student body went quiet when they saw him at her table, one girl was even brave enough to stand up and say, "What are you doing over there at the loser table?" Jeremy just ignored her thoughand acted like she never said anything. He finally said, "Hey Roseialy, I'm-" Rose introruppted him and said,"Call me Rose." "okay, anyways, I'm having a party tonight at my place, you wanna come?" "sure only on one condition, can i bring my friends?" "sure if you want, just as long as you can make it to the party." After that he walked back to his table where his friends were sitting.
She couldn't stop thinking about that conversation for the rest of the day, by the time she got home she relaized the was no way her mother would let her go to a party on a school night, but she figured it wouldnt hurt to ask. So after she got done with her homework she went to go find her mother, which was preety easy since she was in the kitchen( thats like her favorite place in the house, she would sleep in there if it wasnt for her brother getting up during the night to eat)."hey mom, can i go to a perty tonight?" "honey, you know what my rule is on school nights." "but ill be sure to be back before 11'o clock." "thats what you said last time, and what happened? your father caught you sneeking in throught your window at 2:30 in the morning." "i know but that was back in california and it happened 2 years ago!!" "dont you dare raise your voice at me young lady, your father is coming home tonight and you WILL
be here to see him!!" WHY SHOULD I, HE DOESNT EVEN LIKE ME!!!!!!!" "GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DONT COME OUT UNLESS YOU ARE TOLD OTHERWISE!!" "YOU ARE FREAKING BITCH!!" Rose stoped off to her room ignoring what her mother was saying and slamed and locked her door even though she wasnt supposed to. moments later she heard her brother come in so she knew that he had heard most of their fight.
Text: i would like to thank my friends for helping me out on this book. All rights reserved. Publication Date: December 20th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-deathredrose |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-dakota-edgell-the-curse-of-anubis-the-story-of-death-and-life/ | Dakota Edgell The Curse of Anubis-The Story of Death and Life To everybody---everybody gives inspiration at some point!
My name is Fabian James, and I have the power. The power to end it, to rule, to stop any force. But I want to do none of these things. I want to love.
She's beautiful, the girl. Her eyes sparkle like diamonds, as blue as the sea, and her lips-oh, her luscious, crimson lips-and her long golden hair, flowing like a river. Her beauty can drive a madman sane! Cleo is everything! Cleo completes me! I was partnered with her in chemistry today. To be in her presence is a blessing. She needed help, and I was glad to assist her. We talked and joked with each other, happy as can be. She laughed-actually laughed-not at, but with me. She told me I was funny. Me?! Funny?! Maybe she's actually an escaped mental patient...
I yearn for, no, wait, I NEED her! I love her!
I try to keep my mind on my work, but every time I try, she slips in through the tiny cracks and floods my consciousness with her loveliness. My world revolves around her, yet with one touch I could end her life. My heart beats to the rhythm of hers, yet the monster inside wants nothing but her soul. Not through marriage, but through a bloody, cold-hearted murder. However, no matter how strong the beast is, I will not let it prevail. I shall conquer it in the name of love!
We all know that I love her, yet we can only suspect that she loves me as well. So, let us go back to the day I met her just weeks ago....
Chapter 1
It was a warm August day, and I could tell something was different. I kept thinking of what it could be, but knew not until third period. She was sitting at my table. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her name was Cleo Alexandra. She was so...so breath-taking. I sat beside her, and, trying to make conversation, stumbled over my own words. "Hey. My Fabian is James name." I laughed slightly and she laughed too. We made small talk, covering such trivial things like the weather. I cracked a few jokes in there and she told me I was funny. Next thing I knew, I was asking her if she wanted to go out. I clasped my hand to my mouth, thinking "STUPID STUPID STUPID!"
Surprisingly, she said yes. I couldn't believe it! I had a date Saturday night! I didn't really express it and played the cool card. "Cool," I said with a nonchalant attitude. When she wasn't looking, I thanked God himself for this luck.
Publication Date: December 24th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-alsevp13 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-kiera-thomas-tainted-love-part-1/ | Kiera Thomas TAINTED LOVE (PART 1)
"Damn where this nigga at "? Laila spat as she waited outside of Max's unisex hair salon for her "Man"
She looked at her phone, 3:30 he's 30 minutes late as He was every Sunday when they did this little drop off pick up routine. Laila straighten her long floral maxi dress as she spotted him pull up in his 2013 black escalade truck with tinted windows. He rolled the window down & stared at her face as she pouted but couldn't help but smirk at how pretty she grew up Laila she was a 5 foot 5beauty the color of brown sugar with size 40 c breast, thick thighs and barely a stomach. You would think she was mixed the way her long now silky hair draped over her shoulders, and her brown almond shaped eyes sparkled with every blink, the only problem was that she was once his step sister and his Biological Sister Ebony had no idea.
She opened the car door and hoped inside, her plump ass made noise as it hit the leather. He laughed
"What's funny, Michael? You late as always! It's 70 degrees first week of May you think I want to stand outside waiting for your ass like that? Damn" she pouted some more
"Relax Laila, we do this every time and don't call me Michael baby you know I don't like that shit" he said sternly.
The way men got mad turned Laila on and almost right after she got turned on she felt embarrassed that she was Fucking Ebony's older Brother. But after all she was 25 which made her way past grown meaning she could fuck anybody she wanted. Michael was only 32 his looks made up for the 6 year age difference. He was a 5'9 dark chocolate black, who was the street's Bootleg Tyrese Baldy included. His smile so white it made all the girls when they were younger blushes as hard as they could. He had the swag of a Grown ass man but in the inside he was still a gangsta even with his new addiction to drugs.
"Micheal take me home I need to get freshened up before Mama finish cooking the family dinner ,you know she likes me to be there before Ebony and Tasha and them get there"
He said nothing. His eye brow raised and his jaw clenched as he took a charp turn into a Dunkin Donuts parking lot .
" I know you not stopping to get no damn coffee, it's going on 4 mama will have a fit if we late" Laila informed pulling her hair around her ear.
" La, what I say about calling me Michael. You just don't listen do you ? Now I'm not driving this car unless you come here" Mikey spoke seriously patting the middle of his pants
Laila looked down and laughed nervously .
"this ain't no fuck exchange nigga, drive . Mama aint going to curse me out because of you"
He didn't budge. She knew he wasn't going to move, his Stubbornness made her panties moisten . Mikey had a thing for fucking in public , although Laila wasn't into it.
" I'm not driving until you do what the fuck I said. Fuck being late, I could deal with your mother"
She bit her lip to the feeling of her Clit harden to his tone. She turned the ac
On full blast to avoid her hair sweating out after all she just got it done. Mikey inclined his seat all the way back and leaned as far as he could as be helped Laila climb on top of him , he lifted up her dress and gripped her Fat round ass he loved so much.
" you Gona do what I like La" he asked licking his lips
Calling her La, and squeezing her ass like that drove her wild and He knew it. She nodded her head in failure to speak she was so wet. She unzipped his pants and rolled her eyes because to be honest she was tired of Mikey’s lil dick but she was horny so pulled her panties to the side and slid it in, Simontaneously they grunted to how good it felt. She began to thrust her hips on his erection , With her hands on his buff chest. " there you go baby, do that shit" he moaned hard, he loved to see Laila ride his Dick because she did it better than anyone he's ever had sex with. She turned to look at the clock in betwen twirly her lips around his dick, it was 4:30
"Damn baby we gon be late" she reminded as she let out a hard long moan, the air from the ac slid between her thighs as she released his dick from her pussy
" No La, come on dont do that to a nigga. You know better ! Finish ! You'll make it to your Mother" he slapped her ass and grabbed her waist back down to him. Laila threw her hair to one side and speaded 1 leg over his arm rest so all of him could enter her. Thank god her Mother put her through Ballet or that position would have hurt. He grew bigger to her tricks, now so deep in her Laila could taste it. Her sex drive grew with every bounce.
" Damn this shit good daddy " she moan . Her juices ran down his penis. She sped up the pace . Mikey gripped her waist and pumped back , his Nut rushed to his tip but he didn't stop, and neither did Laila, she began wildly lifting her ass on and off his lap& all the windows began to fog and the car rocked. The thought of getting caught excited her more and She would come any moment .
"Ohhhhh yessss" she let out as her juices rained down on her. She rested on him at first before getting back in the passenger seat. He kissed her cheek as he fixed himself and drove off.
They arrived at Laila’s 4 bed room House in Upper East NY, where Laila moved to after turning 20 and opened a business near by.she got out the car and ran towards the door as Mikey drove off Sunday dinners was the family ritual since she could remember and her Mother would have a fit if she was late . Inside Laila threw her clothes off and jumped in the shower and washed off the scent of Mikey. In the shower she hummed the lyrics to Beyonce's "crazy in love" she shook her ass to the beat and tried to remember when Her and Michael started fucking around, She was 20 just entering her now very successful business job in Real Estate .
She always liked Ebony's brother since they met at Charmaine’s and Ebony’s father Cornel wedding when she was 15 Because he was always extra Nice to Her for some Particular reason, giving her candy when she was good in school and Introducing her to his friends as his “Gorgeous sister in law” , He pushed up on her One day and although Laila wasn’t into having sex then it didn’t stop Mikey, At first it was wrong ( and back then Laila didn’t know that it was actually rape )but Mikey told her he loved her and Laila was getting all the attention her mother no longer gave her from Mikey and they immediately started fucking behind the new family’s back and Laila She knew her mother was so in love with his father’s black ass back that her and Mikey would be together forever when she got old enough . When they got Divorced Laila was confused at what went wrong . Charmaine had explained Cornel was Cheating and wasn’t Man enough to take her on.Her mother was Stupid Laila thought growing up to have Let Him Go after one little mistake after all he was The Cornel Hausley a Lawyer from Atlanta and Rich, Mikey following his footsteps Laila thought he’d be the perfect husband. Laila gave her mother fake sympathy as their divorce took it's course and never told anybody what happened with Mikey putting it all behind her
It was After not seeing him for quite some time she spotted Mikey at club Envy for the first time in 5 years . He admired how grown up she was and quickly fell for her charm basically throwing himself at her. Laila was hesitant to be having this affair because of how close her and Ebony was but Micheal assure her it was only a few times , plus she was loose back then and didnt care how spur of the moment they had reconnected or why. Lately Laila reminded him that a Few times were beginning to be too many now 5 years later but the 20,000 he was paying her almost every month to continue this affair had her hooked. She didn't need his Money , for 1 she made about 90,000 a year but for 2 it did nothing for her lavish lifestyle . Mikey often threatened to tell everyone about their secret affair and ruin her Career completely and Laila couldn't let that Happen, she worked too hard for what she had! Fucking Micheal was getting old though, his dick wasnt even that good and the recent Drug problem he adapted threw her plan to drop his ass into over drive .
Dressed in a one sleeve royal blue body con Armani dress, Laila threw on her Blue 6 inch heels and grabbed her Gucci Bag on her way out the door, her hair still intact as she looked in the mirror of her new Red Mersadies Car checking herself and drove off.
"Hey Mama Char" Tasha chimmed as she walked through the doors of her spacious brooklyn Home.
She smelled the food with every step. Tasha was already drunk coming from her day time Stripping Job down at Bottoms up in Harlem But with every Click of her black Knee high boots she held her composure . Hopefully nobody notices her outfit, booty Shorts and a tank top cause She didn't have time to go to her apartment then drive back to Brooklyn to Char's
Mama Char had her back turned towards Tasha as she came in but she could smell the Alcohol from Tasha as she walked closer.
"Child you better not sit at my table with that smell leaking from your pours, I think I hear Laila coming in get her to fix you up" She spoke looking out the kitchen window to the drive way.
" Sorry Char" Tasha pleaded with her head in her hands, she was more drunk than she realized.
" Heyyyy Mama, sorry I'm late Traffic is crazy" Laila kissed her mother on the cheek.
"yeah okay fix your Sister up before everyone else gets here" she told her pointing to Tasha now slummed over in the kitchen chair
Laila shook her head in Disgust. She grabbed Tasha's hand and guided her up Her mother's Spiral stair case. Upstairs Laila gave Tasha some water , 2 Tylenols and tried to Get her out her clothes
"Tasha come on , I can't dress you myself" Laila now out of breathe
Tasha leaned over and helped her. She undressed , Showered and got re-dressed in the clothes Laala got out of Char's closet before 6 had crept up on the clock.
Tasha was a "high yellow Girl" a nickname her childhood friends gave her. She had freckles that popped across her cheeks that she hid under makeup, and chinky eyes the color of tar, Her Mother Died when she was 8 of cancer and her Father stayed somewhere in Washington after Him and Char’s divorce leaving Tasha behind when she turned 18 to take care of herself.Tasha has been a stripper since she was 18, now at 24 her life was stripping . Her burgandy weave tickled down her ass but today she rocked two French braids. She was pretty except for the minor Gap between her teeth she hated so much. She had a slim body that made going up and down a pole real easy . Dressed in designer jean shorts and a white blouse , Laila handed her a pair of tennis shoes and motioned for her to hurry and she walked back down stairs .
A long the Last supper looking table stretched across the living room with every food you can imagine .. Collard greens, mac-n-cheese, turkey, Ham, Pot roast, Stuffing , Baked Potatoes and a million other Black folk foods filled 1 half. The other a bunch of Desert choices . Mama Char's Dinners was always on point ,and Laila’s stomach growled to the sight of all the delicious food.
So many people filled the house , like they did every Sunday no matter where they was from Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins all ready to throw down and already picking their seats. Just as Mama Char took her seat Laila spotted Ebony in the kitchen on the phone
She walked over and Mouthed Hey while washing her hands in the Sink.
"Damn she looks worse from last week" Laila thought to herself .
Ebony had to be going on 230 pounds, she hasn't reached sloppy yet but she was a bite away. She always was a chubby girl since Grade school and her weight only spiraled from there. Ebony had a Son Yasin and a step Son Malcome from her baby Father she so dearly Loved. Ebony was the same color as her Father, Dark. she wore a short cut like Rihannas Her cheeks were thick and her eyes were as big as the Sea. Cute for a Chubby girl like they would say all her life but she always was Fly and her outfits colors always matched from head to toe today the color Pink she rocked a hot Pink Maxi skirt and light pink Crop Tank with her Pink flip flops and pink eye makeup .
"Hey sister" Ebony hugged Laila
They chatted on their way to the table where now Tasha , the family and Ebony's brother Sat.
Charmaine didn't talk to Laila’s Father who lived somewhere in Ohio, or Tasha's father who wanted nothing to do with her after the nasty Divorce. The only one She was still good friends with was Mikey and Laila to this day was confused by their friendship because of the way his Father and Char’s Marriage ended but brushed it off.
Everyone filled their plates and stuffed their mouths
"So Laila Ali" Uncle Ronnie spoke across the table , He's been calling her that since Birth
Laila nodded taking another bite of Mac-and-cheese
"When you going to settle down and Marry missy" He continued
Laila nearly choked when Mikey kicked her from under the table .
She swallowed hard and replied
" Now Ronnie you know I'm in No rush but hopefully soon I'm actually seeing somebody " Laila kicked back
Mikey nearly chocked this time
" Thats good, get to them babies Laila Ali " Ronnie chuckled
Laila nooded and smiled . The thought of babies scared her, since Her mother had her at 15 Laila did all she could not to be the next to give birth at such a sensitive age. She'd been having sex since she was 18 using all the percaustions in between years . The dinner went on and everybody talked until they were too full to speak. On the way out As Tasha and Ebony and Laila were talking and catching up Laila saw Mikey and Her mom slip away from the crowd together . She knew for sure she'd confront him on it later .
Everybody else stayed to help clean up as Char ordered and left close to midnight.
"What is his code" Ebony spit out sitting at the edge of her bed while the Boys played in the next room.
She was going through a lot with Her Boyfriend Charles and he'd been sleeping out too many night lately at a Friends house. Last night after Mama Char's dinner she came home to his clothes on the bathroom floor and as she picked them up off the floor a used condom fell out his pants pocket, and all hell broke loose. Ebony cursed him out into the next day and accused him of a million things but got nowhere on the accusations . But this Monday Morning she was Sure as hell going to get to the bottom of this! She tried her hardest to pry open the password to his Voicemail , she already checked his email and got nowhere .
"Mommy can I have some juice" Yasin whined from the kitchen
His sweet voice broke her concentration , she remembered how Charles loved his family but these days didn't feel like it. She felt horrible and didn't want to continue this relationship if he was going to be cuttin up like this .
"Yes baby " Ebony yelled from the bedroom.
Here she was 23 years old with a 5 year old Son and a step son who she didn't even sign up for . She was in love with Charles since she was 15 he was her first so when he got her pregnant and she was Married to him she knew her life would be set. But when Charles lost his job as a police officer in Queens , 4 months ago everything went down hill from there. Lately he sleeps at his friend Reggie's apartment near his old job because he "can't deal with Ebony" but even Ebony knows that's a lie because she hasn't did shit to his Sneaky ass!
After several Attempts Ebony gave up and layed down on her Queen size bed. She had a nice little apartment in Brooklyn that was color coordinated , She quit her job as a Teacher when Charles told her she didn't have to work. Now A days they were living off of his unemployment check and it wasn't much . Interrupting her thoughts, a phone rang . She jerked up and not understand where it was
" I know that ain't his phone or my house shit so where the fuck is it" Ebony said Face down ass up in Charles closet. As she searched she realized it was coming from inside Charles bathroom closet since he insisted they have separate ones. There it was a silver flip phone ringing in a basket full of other shit in the top right corner of the closet.
"What the Fuck" Ebony thought
She flipped the phone open and the name "Regina" popped up . Instantly her eye brow raised, she opened the message & read " we still on for tonight leaving that Wifey shit at home" followed by a winky face. Ebony furiously yelled "I fucking knew it, I knew that son of a bitch was cheating . Block head ass! Ohhh I can't wait to beat "Regina's" ass ol' dumb bitch I got your "Leave wifey at home" Ebony threw the phone back in the basket and paced across the floor.
she needed a plan, better yet she needed someone to roll with to catch this motherfucker in the act . She knew exactly who to call .. Tasha
"Ms. Morgan you have a call on line 1" a voice called from outside Laila’s office. It was Samantha , Laila’s White girl assistant . She'd been saying that same line for an hour. Laila knew who it had to be .. Mikey. He's the only 1 who she allowed to call line 1 if it was important. She was getting annoyed and took the call It was the end of May and Mikey’s drug habit had turned out of control, He became needy and very ugly quick
"I'm sorry I thought I told you to only call Emergencies, this better be good" Laila spoke sternly
"Baby .. b-b-baby i miss you when you gettin off work " His voice was low barely words she could make out
Laila knew he was high and was no longer beat for his shit!
"Micheal get a fucking life. Y'know the drugs are making you sound a bit crazy . This isn't a emergency . Lets cut to the chase, what were you and My mother talking about when y'all stepped out the other day at dinner"
"Bitch! What did I tell you about calling me Micheal. You bitches never listen . What me a-a-nd your mama talked about is My business! Stay In your place"
His tone pissed her off, her anger rised to the tip of her tongue .
"Motherfucker call me another bitch and I'm done with your crack head ass. My place? Was I in my place when I was riding your dick? No! So fuck you & don't call my job again " Laila slammed the phone on the hook. She sat in her big Business chair, and put her hands in her head
Why was she still fucking with this nigga? He wasn't shit anyways, no job but a drug habit out of this world . He's burnt out and old looking now and she wasn't about to let him disrespect her for no damn 20,000$ even if that was extra spending money! Laila pulled out her mirror and fixed her makeup . Today a smokey eye and light shimmery pink lip gloss, her face was beat. She wore a tight Black pencil skirt with white button up tucked tightly in not buttoned to the neck to show off her cleavage With the Fitted blazer to match . Her Silver toed 7 inch Heels gave the Business look spunk . Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun showing off her 20 carat earrings she brought herself last Christmas .
Laila applied an extra coat of lipgloss as the knock on her door made her Concediate session end. It was the day she was taking meetings for new Workers she needed in order to get her Real Estate business all around the word . She stood by her desk
" Ms. Morgan this is the first Person meeting with you today" Samantha stated handing her the paper work as the young woman sat down .
Her resume was hit and nearly empty . Before she could even speak Laila thanked her for her time and sent her on her way.
That process went on for a hour, a bunch of nobodies that couldn't benefit Her company in any way. She had given up when A Young Man walked through the door
"The Meet and Greet is over" Laila declared before raising her head to look at whoever it was.
Suddenly Samantha came rushing through the door
"Ms. Morgan I-Im so sorry! He got pass security and insisted on seeing you"
Laila looked up to what looked like the handsomest man she had ever fucking seen. Baffled Laila spoke with a smile "it's fine Samantha, I can take 1 more" the Man shook Her hand and sat down
He Had to be 6 feet tall, dressed in what looked like a designer Suit His creamy tan skin glistened and he Resemble the Rapper the Game a whole hell of a lot . His short cut had waves and his goldtee on his chin was well shapped . He had hazelbrown eyes and a crooked devilish smile .
"Damn he fine" Laila thought sitting in her chair.
He sat in front of her desk in 1 of the 2 chairs she had available and waited . Laila looked over his résumé , He graduated College in Business , it says He played basket ball for a while then became a person trainer for about 6 months. He was never unemployed and from what she read he never been to jail . He was the total package . Almost too good to be true!
" So Mr. Johnson, what brings you to My office" she smirked
He starred at her before answering he admired how drop dead gorgeous she was to him as well
"Lets cut to the chase Ms. Morgan , and call me Eli please . You need me and I need you . With the type of Resume I have I know I would push this business to the right direction"
His cockiness made shivers go down her spine .
“Well, I don't do first name bases with my Employees. So Mr. Johnson it is. Your Resume is Good, I must admit but I don't need anybody I want them" she stated handing his papers back to him
" Well then Ms.Morgan, I want you and You want me" Elijah spoke in a Sensual Tone .
Laila was turned on by his smart mouth and batted her eyes. She hired his ass and called it a day
"I'm telling you now. 1 fuck up and your gone.. I" before she could continue He put his hand up and spoke with Sincerity
"I'm a grown Ass man, I don't need a Warning. I said what I had to say. You either take my word or fire me now"
Laila nodded in agreement and as he walked out she threw her hands above her head and said
"Thank you God" This man was too good to be true for sure!
"So let me get this straight Eb.. You want me to do what? Girl you know I have to Work . What time?" Tasha said in between popping the bubble gum in her mouth.
Ebony explained it once more, how she wanted Tasha to ride with her to follow Charles to wherever he was going tonight and then help her beat "Regina's" ass
"come on T, please I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important . I'm tired of this mother fucker!" Ebony pleaded
" Igh! Later later on , Im busy until 11 "
"That's perfect! Thanks Sis"
They hung up and Tasha went back to work . It was Gentlemen’s night at the Club she stripped at , which meant Extra money . All the girls would be trying to dress to impress beating each others asses for every dollar thrown . Tonight was Tasha's game night , she made the most money always! She Lotioned her body up with some Vicky Secret Glittery strawberry scented Shit slipped into her see through baby doll Nighty that barely passed her ass and nothing else , her Burgundy hair wand curled down to the very end her makeup on point , Laila always taught her how to make herself look Glamorous .
She was due to go up next as she stood up in her vanity mirror and starred at herself
"I wish I could stop this shit" she said to herself the way she did every night.
But even she knew that wasn't possible .. She was 24 with no college degree like Laala or a man who could provide for her like Ebony. She had to get money 1 way or another and She wasn't going to go asking for sympathy checks from her father or mother either.
Tasha sucked it up and went out on stage, Men instantly Stood up and went wild
"Coming to you next is Cream, She's known to live up to her name and work the pole like no other" The announcer spoke up the excitement
Tasha Bounced her Ass slowly to the beginning of Juveniles Back that ass up . She twearked her ass and grip the poke with two hands before taking off. Tasha was a pro so just slidding up and down the pole was beneath her . At the top she put both feet on the pole still holding on And began vibrating her ass cheeks, she was feeling her self . The men through hundreds of dollars down below , She slid down fast into a split then did what look like backflips on the pole before coming off and doing a bunch of ass shaking on stage. She bent over and bounced her Right ass cheek at the men and their eyes popped their heads. The music slowed and Tasha Collected all her money before going backstage .
It was time for personals , where the girls go out on the floor and get as many private dances they could . Tasha hated those because the men would ask for too much without tryna pay and she wasn't up for not getting paid.
As she sat at her Vanity counting her money She spotted Nicole, the Prettiest stripper besides herself. Nicole was 5'5 a little thang just a tad bit shorter than Tasha with a Fat ass and some pretty titties to match. Her low cut didn't mean shit because she was A gorgeous exotic looking bitch same color as amber Rose. For some reason Tasha had been starring at her extra hard these days, coming to the conclusion it was a simple girl crush . Nicole sat on Tasha's Station desk and talk to the rest of the girls . Tasha pretended not to give a damn but in the inside she was damn near about to bust.
When the que for the girls to come out went off the girls scattered like roaches . Tasha put her money in her desk draw and locked it before getting up when she noticed Nicole still standing there .
"Oh hey nicki" Tasha broke the silence
Nicole got up and whispered in her ear
"You can pretend you wasn't starring if you want"
Tasha laughed "girl bye, I wasn't looking at you" she played trying to brush it off
She couldn't let business mix with pleasure and let a crush fuck up her money. She walked out to join the rest of the girls
Ebony sent The boys over to Mama Char's before going to pick up Tasha. She drove and bopped her head to the music when she pulled up to Tasha's one bed room apartment .
" Wassup " Tasha spoke hoping into the car . She was tired but already told Ebony she'd ride with her .
" Hey bitch, igh look we gon drive to Reggie's and see wtf is up "
Tasha Nodded . She couldn't help but think of Nicole and how sexy her tone was in her ear earlier . Did She know Tasha had a thing for her ? Or was she just fucking around? Tasha knew 1 thing for sure, she wanted Nicole .
Both Sisters drove to Reggie's in Queens, where they found out Charles wasnt there. it was almost 2 am and Ebony was starting to loose hope when Tasha spotted him at a red light getting in the Car with some Tall Woman .
"There that bitch go right there!" Ebony yelled loud enough for only Tasha to hear .
Both Charles and this Woman got into a car
"Follow them, but keep your cool" Tasha instructed ..
Ebony hit every turn they did , not missing a beat but still cars behind .
The Blue Toyota stopped in front of a house . Charles and the Woman began to Talk, minutes later They started to kiss and Ebony watched in tears . Tasha insured her that they were going to Get Charles ass soon enough just not now and the two drove back to the house in silence with all the proof Ebony needed to leave Charles cheating ass
Laila had been arguing with Mikey for too damn long but meanwhile at Her Job, Elijah was making up for Mikey's bullshit throughout May and straight into June He did everything without being Told and didn't hit on Laila not once .
That Friday late afternoon Laila announced great news to her firm
“Alright everyone, I'll be seeing you on Monday. Have everything in order because a selected few will be flying out with me to Puerto Rico in another week for the Property we're going to invest in" Laila spoke over the intercom, She always had the company visit out of the country Places in the summer because business was Booming when the weather was Hot .The building floor went crazy at the sound of beautiful Puerto Rico.
As she Was heading to the Elevator Elijah followed her .
“Well well well if it isn't Ms.Morgan" he laughed
"That's my name, don't wear it out" she spat back
"I'm not going to respond to that smart mouth . You hungry ?"
"Excuse me? My mouth is not smart & I could eat but if that's your way of asking me out forget it" she twisted her neck with each word
Elijah wanted Laila in his fingertips to touch and feel on the dangerous curves she had but if it's one thing he isn't about is Drama. Yeah Laila was a Beautiful Sucessful Fly Woman , but he also noticed her Arguing with a man from line 1 from time to time and wasn't up for the challenge .
“Never mind then" He said stepping out of the Elevator and existing the building.
"Damn La, your smart mouth just fucked up what could have been some good dick" Laila thought to herself
She wasn't beat for chasing after a nigga but this Man was something else . She shuffled to the door and called out
He turned around before getting into his Range Rover
"We on first name Basis now? Ms. I don't call my Employees by their first name"
" Look I'm sorry for being so snappy, I've been stressed lately and.. I can eat .. I mean I am hungry"
Elijah smiled at her effort
"To late. Lost my appetite" he looked at her from head to toe before getting in his car and driving off
"That motherfucca! " Laila cursed herself out the whole way home feeling stupid for apologizing in the first place
Saturday rolled around and it was Girls Night out. Tasha, Ebony and Laila always went out to Brooklyn hottest club to bless them with their different flavors , NY clubs were alright but everybody knows Brooklyn's is where its at. It was Midnight When the girls got together in their best attire , Ebony in red High waist shorts Red scoop neck blouse and red pumps to match, Tasha rocked leather pants and a Lace Green Halter top that came just above her pierced navel and some Black strappy Wedges , and Last But not least Laila wore a Tight white pencil skin and white cropped blouse that dipped into the long V .she Accompanied the dress in Her All white chanel pumps and Had soft curls in her Hair. Laila did all their makeup dramatically when they had Girls night out like this because other bitches were Gona think they were Hot and these 3 sister had to prove them otherwise .
Ebony drove of course , she'd been there designated driver since she had Yasin even though she loved to drink with the girls she loved her son even more so she vowed never to drink and drive . She could smoke though!
They arrived at a Club called Bartellos and from there the night went on .
The 3 always sat at a booth never a Bar because Bar's was for whores Mama Char always said . The Club was off the chain tonight ! The Dance floor was packed with people from Latinos to Blacks and everything in between . The DJ was fucking it up playing all the Latest and Greatest Hits . It was always dim in club Bartellos but the spotlights of various colors were flashing in every direction . The Bar was filled with Bitches who Looked as if in a video shoot barely wearing anything, the Booths filled with all groups and couples. Everybody was partying
"Girlllllllllll this club is Hotttttt tonight" Tasha yelled over the music and between sips of her Long Island Ice tea.
Ebony and Laila both agreed
" Lets dance, I need to shake this damn stress away" Ebony declared
" what the fuck you stressed about Eb, you got a family and you don't have to work a day in your life" Laila spoke up
" Bitch bye , Charles is cheating on me not sleeping at home nor taking care of me and Ya-ya the way he use to . Girl me and T followed his ass to Queens and caught him kissing on this tall Bitch"
Laila’s eyes widened and she almost choked on her Apple Martini , she had no Idea about Ebony's situation since she was more into her Work than her sister's lives these days .
" Yeah! Who Ms. Can't be stressed now, damn sure not my ass & My Brother making it no better with His Drug issues . I swear that Man is getting thinner day by day" Ebony shook her head in embarrassment
" What drug issue ? " Tasha Asked completely stop sipping on her drink
" You haven't noticed? Well he's been on that stuff for Quite some time, I keep Telling Mama Char stop doing that shit with him but They grown and I was taught to stay out of grown folk business. Besides My Brother immature ass ain't gon listen to nobody"
Laila almost fainted. She wanted to faint . Did she hear Ebony correctly? Her own mother sharing the drugs he's addicted to? That would explain their little Secret meet and greet every time Char had a family dinner. But why would Mama Char do that? It was one thing to be doing drugs by yourself, but to be doing drugs with your Ex husband Son ? Something wasn't right. Laila was confused as hell and she knew it read all over her face when Tasha asked
" girl you ok? You look like you swallowed a bug! "
But Laila was in a daze , she got up excused herself telling the girls she felt sick . She basically ran to the bathroom. Inside she starred at herself in the mirror , her Makeup still intact her hair still as beautiful as she did it but her face was puzzled. She was confused by what her life was playing out to be, and what Ebony had just said made it no better. There she was as Beautiful as they come but she wasn't getting no younger at 24 she did want a family and to be married . But with Mikey it wasn't going to happen , hell Laila didn't want it to. She was fed up with his ass, they barely had sex anymore and when they did it was always in his nasty ass car. He wasn't doing her any good and his Drug problem was out of control . Laila couldn't believe her Mother and him was doing Drugs after all this time, Instantly she got furious to the thought and pulled out her phone to call Mikey .
" La, Wassup you calling to ride this dick" he spoke clearly
" Excuse me? I'm not a hoe and I won't be fucking your dirty ass ever again. When was you going to inform me that you and my Mother was drug buddies?" She yelled as loud as she could causing all the other girls to walk out the bathroom
" Bitch what I tell you about being nosey. For your damn information your mother and I do business, you know the ol' pay off reward thing " Mikey laughed from over the phone
" I swear to God if you call me another Bitch ima fuck your ass up! What the fuck you talking about pay off reward thing? The hell you doing giving her drugs?" She Spat sending spit out her mouth she was talking so fast
Mikey laughed for a while then managed to get out
" Ask your damn Mama" and hung up the phone
" Ugghhh I can't stand his ass" Laila said stuffing her phone back into her White clutch and hurrying through the bathroom double doors . As she walked pass she bumped someone and before she could turn to say excuse me the Voice said
"Excuse yourself Ms. Morgan"
Immediately , Laila knew who it was . She was smiling before she even turned around to reply
" My apologies Mr. Johnson , I wasn't paying attention. What brings you here tonight" ?
He put his drink on a coaster a waitress was walking around with and walked closer to her
" I can't have a life besides that office of yours can I "? He Jokingly Questioned.
" Shutup. I meant why all the way out here in Brooklyn"?
" Well besides the fact that this is the Hottest club on Saturday nights, my Girlfriend actually suggested we come" Elijah Coughed and pointed to a woman at the bar
From what Laila saw, she had nothing on her looking like she stepped right out of Nelly's Hot in here video but she calmly nodded to his gesture .
" Your Girlfriend huh? You'll have to Excuse me, tell her I said Hi please , I have to get back to my Friends bye Mr. Johnson see you Monday" Laila waved and sashayed away as gracefully as she could trying to hide the fact that him having a girlfriend made her upset.
She returned to the table only to see she was alone . Both Ebony and Tasha were hugged up on some men on the dance floor . So she sat & ordered another Martini and another and another until her body felt free.she got up from the table and escorted herself to the dance floor After her 7th one . The DJ was playing lil Kim's Lighter up and this was Laila’s jam!
The crowd went wild when Laila started popping her ass and moving her hips in a way that made her look like the song was made for her. Ebony & Tasha both yelled in encouragement "You goooo La" they waved they hands and rapped along to Queen bee.
The DJ switched the song to Keri Hilson's make love and the couples matched up accordingly when the DJ said it was for The lovers only
" Im sitting down, this ain't where it's at" Tasha complained and headed for their booth as Ebony went in the opposition to the bar , but Laila was feeling whatever song due to how many drinks she had . She began moving her hips from side to side and twirled to the slow sensual beat. She felt hands on her waist and someone pull her closer she turned and saw it was Elijah, she eyed him from head to toe. She didn't notice his attire before but this nigga was Fly . He had on all black, from his Black Button up that he had rolled up to his elbows, black Cargos that Laila could tell was right out of the Gucci store and Black Gucci sneakers to match . His Black on Black Rolex on his wrist complimented his wardrobe well
Laila licked her lips and smiled, she wanted to ask where his tore up girlfriend was but instead she took the chance to dance .
He got behind her and let her take control , The song was very sexy and he was excited to see what moves Laila had now since he'd been watching her from across the club after she walked off
Laila rotated her ass in the center of his jeans to the sexual beat, she grab the back of his neck for support and grinded into him as if they really were having sex .
" Relax Ms. Morgan" he warned as he spun her around now face to face they started moving pelvis to pelvis moving their feet only am inch and their hips into eachother .Laila was getting turned on by how good he smelled . It was almost overwhelming , but very pleasant . She inhaled as he backed her up for her solo , she dip down then slowly wiggled back up rubbing on her curves while looking into his eyes . Elijah couldn't help but bite his lip, she was so damn Sexy and he couldn't help but try to imagine what the rest of her body looked like .
The song was over and They both laughed it off as if nothing ever happened
" Thanks for the dance Ms. Morgan" He said in her ear as they hugged for goodbyes
" Thankyou . Shouldn't you be getting back to your Girlfriend I'm sure she's done Bar hopping" she said in a Slur
They both gave each other a smile.
Laila didn't know what it meant but on the other hand Elijah liked her smart mouth low key.
Ebony kept further investigations to herself and failed to mention to her sisters that She'd been following Charles to Hotels and restaurants for the past 4 days since Saturday when the girls all went out. She had alot of free time since Yasin and malcome were at Ebony's mothers house for the week and Sunday dinner was canceled because Mama Char was sick with food poisoning . Ebony didn't wanna bother Laila with her bullshit knowing Laila was busy packing and getting ready for her business trip this Thursday or Tasha who was always spending her days and nights at the Stip club . It was something Ebony had to do on her own, it was embarrassing enough having her man cheat on her she didn't need pitty. It was 2 pm when Ebony watched Charles sleep beside her . Her house was silent.She wanted to ring Charles damn neck as he breathed peacefully next to her as if nothing was wrong . But she had to go about it as if all was well, Her Mother Always taught her Never to React on feelings because your actions will be sloppy and Ebony wanted her plan to leave his ass in order. She got up from the bed and went into her bathroom , Her tile floors were cold just the way Ebony liked , she turned on the shower and was startled by a ringing phone .she wrapped herself in a near by towel and tip toed to where the ringing was coming from . Charles's bathroom closet once again, in the same basket layed the phone she had found the last time . Another message popped on the screen when she flipped it open .
" Change of plans baby . Come to my crib , the one on 43rd in Queens not my rental can't wait to see you " followed by a kissy face
Ebony was furious! The address looked familiar but thought nothing of it. Her feelings flew to her lips , she threw the phone back into the basket and proceeded to bedroom where Charles was .
"Who the fuck was the bitch I seen you with, Huh Charles who the fuck was that" she yelled hitting him with a pillow while trying to hold up her towel
Charles woke up rubbing his eyes confused and startled
" Don't you see I'm tryna sleep Ebony go some fucking where with that bullshit " he yelled back still groggy
" Ima go somewhere all right! Fuck you trying to rest . Was you trying to rest while you was with that bitch you spend so much time with" Ebony yelled kicked and scream her towel now dropped
She was fed up . She knew her Husband was cheating . He knew he was cheating . Ebony just wanted him to Admit it and get it over with
" Bitch stop hitting me. Are you fucking crazy ? I'm a grown ass man I can go where I want, and do what I want . I pay the bills in this bitch Get the fuck off me" He mushed her causing her to fall over .
Charles was 300+ but built and Cocky something Ebony liked but now it was a sudden hate.
" Nigga Put your hands on me again and did you just call me a Bitch? CHARLES IM YOUR WIFE Ima call my Brother to beat your ass . You a grown man? Nigga I can't tell you don't take care of your wife or your son like 1 let alone Fuck me like a Man shittttt you don't fuck me at all. I know you cheating so just tell the truth " Ebony argued still on the floor
Charles got up and stood over here
"Your Brother? You mean that Crackhead? I'll break his ass in two so try me . You living off my Employment check don't forget . So don't complain now and Fuck you? Is that a Joke Maybe if you lose some weight I'd want to touch you. Ebony YEAH RIGHT WIFE HUH Who know if that Boy is really mines you know How Young bitches are. Now Get the Fuck out my face" Charles stormed out still in the clothes Ebony saw him in the night before.
She sat on there carpeted bed room in tears . She was so hurt . Charles knew how she felt about her Brother and didn't expect for him to throw it in her face . And He knew she gained weight after having Yasin but didn't know he was disgusted by her and She was baffled by his accusations of Their son not being his , Charles was her first and she never had sex with another man. She checked on her son in the next room who was still sound asleep then cried her eyes out for hours , the sound of the shower water still on. How could the man she loved be so cold.
Charles drove fast in his Lexus . He knew everything he said Hurt Ebony to the core after all she had been the best Wife but he couldn't have his cover blown after all Ebony knew he was with some bitch as she claimed . He drove towards Queens like he'd do every day ,there was 1 place he knew he could unwhined.. Reggie's house
" Your done for tonight Cream you can go" The strip club Manager told Tasha .
She's been working all week and was dead ass tired of dancing . On her way back to the dressing room , she took off her 10 inch hooker heals. Her feet was screaming . The rest of the girls were rushing towards the exit . It had to be midnight when Tasha Finish counting
Her money and gathering her stuff. She realized she didn't have a ride home, she frantically called Ebony but got no answer and when she called Laila she got her away voicemail .
"Damn" Tasha sighed fist pounding her station area
" You okay Tasha" a voice called from behind
Tasha knew that soft sexy voice from anywhere . It was Nicole
"I can't catch a ride home" Tasha explained
"I was just leaving , you can catch a ride with me " Nicole smiled as she walked towards the exsist door
" I don't want to inconvenience anyone really " Tasha Hesitated even though she wanted alone time with Nicole
"Girl come on, it's too damn late to leave you here alone I won't bite I promise" Nicole made a biting sound and Motioned Tasha to come on
Nicole drove a Burgundy Honda Accord with leather seats . As she turned corners she sang to just about everything that came on . Tasha sat in silence after giving Nicole the address to her house . But by the looks of the scenery they wasn't headed there
" Uh-uh where you taking me! This ain't the way to my house"
" Relax baby girl , I have to stop at my house real Quick" Nicole spoke without turning to her
They arrived somewhere in lower Manhattan, New York at a nice Condo. Nicole told Tasha she should come upstairs for a few while she looked for what she needed and promised it would be quick and Tasha agreed since it was the least she could do for the ride.
When They entered the Condo, Tasha was amazed. For a stripper Nicole's spot was the bomb, not really fancy but you can tell she paid a penny for all her things . It wasn't big at all but it was just right , from the Animal fur carpet on the floor , leather couches and a kitchen that had Burgundy colored counters and drapes . There was a single drop light in the middle that gave the kitchen spice .
Nicole ran to the back where her room was as Tasha sat on the couch and watched a 40 inch flat screen TV that was mounted on the wall.
She began to get sleepy when she heard the shower water running and fog coming from under Nicole's bathroom door .
" Nicki"?
Tasha called from the living room . When Nicole didn't answer Tasha got up and tip-toed towards the door . As she got closer she heard light moaning, when she got to where the sound was coming from she pushed the bathroom door open and between all the Fog Nicole's ass was pressed against the sheer glass shower door .
Tasha watched as Nicole played with herself in aww, Nicole's head was thrown back and her leg slightly up and her hand between her legs , with every Hand movement her But cheeks bounced a little in rhythm .
Nicole moaning got louder and Tasha's thong began to moisten. The sight of another Woman Pleasuring herself never made her horny but Nicole sure was . She closed her eyes to the thought of Herself touching Nicole and allowed a moan to slip from her lips . Tasha's eyes opened and she felt embarrassed so she quickly turned to leave but before she could Nicole's sweet voice filled the air
" Join me "
Tasha could have denied the offer but who the hell was she kidding it was something about Nicole that fulfilled her Lesbian Fantasies .
Nicole opened the shower door as Tasha undressed and walked over .
As she stepped in Nicole spoke
" it's about time, I was tired of you just starring "
Tasha's nipples rised with every word. The hot water stung and felt good at the same time , it was Just what she needed after a long week of work . Nicole Kissed and sucked at Tasha's neck , as Tasha enjoyed Nicole ran her fingers down her stomach and made her way to her Pussy . Tasha's eyes widened when Nicole slide two fingers in and began stroking her clit Simontaneously . It felt soo good Tasha didn't want her to stop . Nicole moved her mouth to Tasha's breast and licked around her nipples
" Mhmmm" Tasha moaned in Enjoyment as Nicole sped up the pace on her clit .
Nicole knew Tasha would cum if she continued so she stopped and told Tasha to get out the shower and follow her as she exited .
The two entered Nicole's bedroom and Nicole layed Tasha down .
Tasha never did anything with a girl before so this experience was nerve racking . Nicole kissed all over her necked body and licked around her navel slowly before starting to spred Tasha's legs and eat her pussy . She sucked wildly at her clit sending Tasha on a trip . Nicole's tongue was Hot thick and Wet and Tasha loved it so much she couldn't figure out why she didn't fuck her sooner .
" you like that baby" Nicole came up for air and said
Speechless all Tasha could do was Moan. She began throwing her hips to Nicole's mouth . It all was surreal
Nicole slipped her tongue in and our Tasha's wet Pussy while using her own hand to finger her own now soaking wet Vagina .
" Ohmygod Nicki yess" Tasha moaned loudly Cumming all over Nicole's tongue
" you ready for this" Nicki Asked already holding the 9 inch Thick strap she had .
Tasha was hesitant , she never got fucked with one of those but for Nicki she'd try everything .
She nodded her head and licked her lips
" Show me what you got" she said playfully as she turned her body around giving Nicole full advantage to fuck her from behind .
Nicole laughed lightly and entered Tasha's pussy . Instantly Tasha's juices started running . She never felt such pleasure as Nicki Long stroked her deep and slow .
Nicole pulled Tasha's long Burgandy weave back by the ends sending Tasha in overdrive . She rotated her hips to match Nicki's movement . At any moment she knew she was going to cum again
" uhhhh Yesss damn baby I'm bout to cum " Tasha yelled in estacy
Nicki pumped faster allowing Tasha to cum over and over again..
It was Thursday already, May 29th and it was time for Laila’s business trip she'd been planning all week. She went shopping earlier in the week for bathing suits and the cutest sandals for this 5 day get away. Laila decided to take 5 Employees that for the past month did the best work , Samantha and Of course Elijah. After the Club Incident they haven't really spoken but He was doing so great at the office she couldn’t take the risk of not having him go. Plus Laila decided to fall back since he informed her about his Girlfriend. The plane arrived in Puerto Rico later that night , They got rooms in the best hotel The beautiful Island had to offer right in front of the beach . They all their own hotel rooms that the company paid for and all they had to do was pay for all amenities they wanted and used.
" Alright, we'll meet bright and early to look at the property we'll be buying so set your alarms for 8:30 no later than 9" Laila spoke sternly to her crowd of people before they departed to their rooms.
The hotel was beautifully decked out with Tropical colors and flowers and paintings, and the Rooms were breathtaking . Laila’s suite had a ocean View, and a Big King Size bed with 600 thread count white sheets , the Bathroom had everything you needed Shampoo, Hairdryer, Tampons you name it they had it and it came with a Full Tub too!
Laala loved business trips out of the country because it allowed her to die-down and have real relaxation . As she unpacked her suit case she heard a knock at the door
" Room Service" the male Voice said
She was familiar with the tone .
Opening the door she Joked " You are Not a California cheeseburger with Fries"
Elijah Laughed sarcastically
" Sorry to bother you, but these Ricans fucked up my room . They booked me a Twin size bed knowing damn well I'm a Grown ass man and I can't even lay my head on that tiny shit so I figured I could Kick it withchu' until my new one was ready"
Laila thought about his girlfriend
" Look maybe you should go kick it with some other male Employee, like Sean , Andrew or Chris Your girlfriend might feel more comfortable knowing you were with one of them instead of me" Laila rolled her eyes
" Look Since we out on this beautiful trip ima be honest with yo ass, besides you not about to be giving me the cold shoulder but be all in these other niggas faces"
Was he Jelous Laila thought?
Elijah went on
" I don't have a Girlfriend . That broad at the bar, I don't even know besides the fact that she tried to holla right before you bumped me. Now can I come in?"
"Let me make something Clear, I hate Liars. So if your such a Grown ass man I trust you won't be doing that again and Secondly You may only if you buy me dinner I wasn't kidding about what I wanted, Deal"? Laila Questioned holding her hand out for him to shake she was happy about his faux girlfriend but kept her serious tone
Elijah took her up on her offer. Got his Bags and moved into Her room.
He threw his stuff down and plopped right on her Bed
" Damn this shit soft as hell"
"Don't get to comfortable. You a Temporary roommate" Laila replied from the bathroom
She was taking off her business clothes when she got a call from Mikey
Laila was Disgusted
" Stop fucking calling me You fucking Junkie! I'm tired of your no good ass"
" Let me tell you something? You keep ignoring me and I'll kill your ass. You understand ?" he whispered in suspense
Laila hung up her cell. She'd been ignoring Micheal all week and had been getting threatening calls like this one all week as well . She bowed her head in sorrow, This had to stop. She was scared that Her secret affair with Ebony's Brother would get out soon And that her life was in danger. She Began to cry
Suddenly Elijah walked in
" Ms. morgan wasssup with" he stopped mid sentences to the tears running down her face
" Are you igh? " He asked with care
Laila didn't speak she just shook her head .
"Your boyfriend again?" He Questioned some more
Laila looked up in shock whipping the tear from her eye what boyfriend was he talking about?
" I don't have one. And please call me Laila for God sake we are on a Trip"
" Well Laila , the Nigga that has been calling your Line 1 for two weeks"Elijah Informed
" H-H-How did you know that"?
"Samantha isn't a hard nut to crack. I asked and when she didn't tell me so I Bribed her and she Did"
Laila was going to fire that Bitch! Telling her Business like it was her job knowing it wasn't!
" He's not my boyfriend! And Why you in my Business" Laila defended herself
" I was worried honestly. You'd been walking around the building looking stressed and your always checking out your Office window as if someone's out to get you. You stopped wearing that Pink gloss shit too I knew something wasn't right witchu"
Laila was surprised by his Observations and knew she couldn't deny any of them.
" Im just going through some things, okay? Thanks for noticing I've been looking Hit this week I don't need anyone pointing out the Ugly in me"
Elijah chuckled
" Your Beautiful Ma, Relax. I Just noticed you looked a lil lifeless like you unhappy or some shit, sorry If I'm more of a Nigga than Mr. Line 1 is to give a fuck wheither you smile or not"
Laila half smiled. It was nice seeing someone care the way Elijah tried to.
" Thankyou.. I'm just not myself lately… y'know off"
Elijah nodded in understanding and handed Laila a tissue to wipe her now running Mascara .
" I promised you dinner right. Get yourself cleaned up, I'll be back around 11:30 we'll kick it igh" Elijah ensured walking towards Laila’s Hotel door
"I thought you lost your room" Laila Puzzled
" I make almost the same amount you do a year . You think they'd really give me just a Twin bed room" Elijah smirked and walked out
Laila smiled to the Humor side of Mr. Johnson and Went on to Getting herself together .
Ebony woke up after a Long day's nap something she'd been doing all week after Charles went crazy on her. He hasn't been home and she didn't bother calling him either. She requested Mama Char to watch both Yasin and Malcome when she got over being sick just for another week while she went through this depressed state. She looked a Mess , hair not did, pajamas on and her makeup wasn't done. She felt like shit but tonight she wasn't Beat , She was going to get up and get Herself togetherif it was the last thing she did and Go out to Beat Either Charles or Regina's ass once she was done. She was on a " I don't give a fuck " strike
Ebony got up Showered, did her Hair and Dressed in Sweats . She passed on her makeup since tonight was The night she Stopped feeling sorry for herself and Confront Charles for his wrongs. She made 1 last call to Tasha before she left but she didn't answer. Knowing Tasha she was somewhere on the pole so Ebony didn't press her sisters Where-a-bouts . She grabbed her car keys and headed to Queens. The whole ride Ebony sung along to 50 cents " Many men" getting herself into Character . If it's one thing her Father taught her growing up was to Fight, and She was Determined to Beat Regina's ass once and for all. She parked outside of the address she remembered the Sideline hoe had texted Charles earlier that Week. Charles's car was in the drive way . Ebony got out and crepted to the door, she had one plan only ! Bust the Windows , Beat Regina's ass and Leave! She peeped inside the Pink sheer windows and Saw Charles sitting on a Cream Leather Couch sipping wine . There before her eyes A Woman with dirty Blonde weave and a mini Dress reached over Charles and Kissed his face , and then his lips . With every Glimpse Ebony grew more anxious .she was seeing Red
She moved over 1 window to get a better Look. Charles had his head back as the Woman began to Stroke his Dick . She looked very Muscular from the Window which made Ebony eyes tighten. Is this why Charles felt the need to cheat? Because she was Tone ?
The Woman now standing turned toward the window where Ebony was , For sure Ebony thought she spotted her so she quickly ducked down. But when she peeped back up she realized the Woman was turning up the radio that stood infront of the Window.
Ebony watched in rage. In a minute she was going to bust threw this window and Claim what was rightfully her's but she wanted to catch Charles in the Act itself!
Ebony watched as Charles spoke and then The Blonde started dancing sexually in front of Him.As the woman danced Ebony noticed the cut on her Calf the same one Reggie Had explained to her he Had last time they met after Hoping the gate when he was 12. Ebony felt sick but brushed it off as a Coincidence
But when the woman turned toward the Window to show Charles more of what she was working with Ebony was sure her Heart stopped . It was Reggie Dressed as a woman, Blonde Wig and heavy makeup . Her assumption was confirmed and Right then apart of her died. Charles was Gay . Ebony's chest began to chave in and she suddenly couldn't breathe! The Father of her child was Fucking another Man? She was being Cheated on with a Tranny? God must have been playing a trick on her but instead of taking a second look she turned to Run. She ran to her Car and screamed as loud as she could and screamed some more. This was not happening . Without buckling her seat belt she Sped off down the road.
" I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT, OH GOD PLEASE TAKE THIS BACK" Ebony cried in Pain making a quick Left
She was feeling around the floor of her car for her cell to call somebody, hell anybody who would listen When she Crashed into A tree sending her Body through the Glass of her Car, and Ebony to Black out.
Tasha was chilling with Nicole all day with her phone off . They'd been fucking everywhere in Nicole's Condo and she loved every minute of it .
" Hand me my phone Babygirl , I need to make a call" Tasha instructed
Once she had it she checked her missed calls, 1 from Ebony . Half Worried Tasha tried to reach her but got no answer .
" What's wrong"? Nicole asked when she saw the Disturbing look on Tasha's face .
" I haven't spoken to my sister in days, she called but when I tried to reach her no answer . Sorry babygirl I gotta go" Tasha quickly informed in a worried tone . She threw on her clothes and hurried out the door to a cab to Ebony's.
The clock struck 11:30 when Laila heard a Knock at the door. She was Showered, Shaved and Ready before time changing her outfit a million times before deciding on wearing a black maxi dress from Neiman Marcus. It hugged her Ass just the way she liked and she knew it would have Elijah amazed as well. She rocked her hair pinned up since she didn't go get her usual Sunday doobies while avoiding Mikey for so long. Her make up was Excellent she wore light pink gloss to Give her self a soft look. On her feet 4 inch black slip ons , she wore her drop earring for glamour and her black mini clutch for Sass. Laila opened the door for Elijah and almost fainted to his Attire. He rocked the hell out of a pair of Diesel double cuffed jeans and a thin Mint green V-Neck.On his feet some Jays that he Wore gracefully . His aroma filled the air
" You look like yourself" Elijah spoke twirling Laila around to get a better look and almost chocking at the sight of her Round ass poking out her dress
" ThankYou Mr.Johnson. You clean up nicely yourself" Laila complimented with a smile
" Lets go, and While We headed out Call me Elijah okay since We on a Trip for God's sake "
Laila agreed and they left the hotel. Outside their hotel a shiny black limo awaited . Elijah opened the door for Laila as she approached it and they drove down by the beach. When they got there Laila was amazed there on the Beach was a dinner table With two chairs underneath a Hut and A Mariachi band playing music. She was surprised Elijah would go the extra mile for someone he barely knew
" Just a little something, to Show you your better than What that Other nigga Treats you like" Elijah spoke taking her hand as they walked on the beach
" You might want to take your Heels off too this sand crazy" he joked
Laila did as instructed and tied up her dress to mid-Thigh . She was still shocked
The two Sat down to a Table full of food . It was Exactly what Laila said she wanted California Burger and Fries, and Steak and Rice For Elijah . There on the table was Apple Martinis . Laila’s heart jumped
" How'd you know that's my favorite drink?" She Questioned
" I pay attention Ma, now Eat" Elijah motioned his finger to her plate
They ate and drank for a while without conversation before Laila broke the silence
" So, Eli you do this for all your Bosses"?
Swallowing his food he was chewing he replied
"Nah, just You. I'm just being a Good friend igh relax"
The word Friend made Laila kinda upset. What she wanted more than ever was a Man
" Oh.. Friend huh. Well that's Cool. Thanks Friend" She said taking a bite more of her burger . The food was incredibly good for it to not be Puerto Rican.
" Your welcome Friend, I figured you could use that right now .Don't get me wrong , I think you the shit but after seeing you cry I just want to Kick it for now" Elijah explained .
He was right. With everything going on that's exactly what she really needed. And she was more than grateful it was Him.
" so tell me about this man" Elijah said in between bites
" there's nothing to tell" Laila shot back taking 3 sips of her drink
She was nervous.
" Look. If you can't be honest with me I guess your not as much of a Grown woman I thought you was" he snapped
Laila knew she had no choice. Here he was being a Gentlemen to her, Caring and treating her nicely the least she could do was give it to him straight up . She downed the rest of her drink before speaking . Right there in that very moment she Told him everything, How she had a affair with her Mother's Ex-husband’s Son , she told him About His drug habit he was sharing with her mother and his recent threats and About Tasha and Ebony. She told him how many times she'd had sex with Micheal and how much she wanted to Just Stop knowing him Completly if it wasn't for the 20,000 he was paying her. She talked so much she began to cry historically. As she cried Elijah tried to consul her
"Damn Laila, you fucked up. I knew it was some shit with you but I didn't know how much. You in deep Ma"
" I know.. I know" Laila said sobbing
" I don't want this life , all I ever wanted was to be Married with Kids and rich . I can't believe I let my life turn into something so ugly . Please don't tell anybody , I'll die if this gets out please I'll pay.." But before Laila could continue Elijah cut her off
" You don't have to pay me shit! Like I said I'm a grown ass man , I'm not going to go around trying to ruin what's already broke . You good Ma, I said Im feeling you and I was since I walked into your office. I hate to see a Woman like yourself fucking with a Lame like ol' boy when it's niggas like Me who can do you better. You belittling yourself , doing shit you have no business doing as pretty as you are. You can trust me like I said but I ain't fucking wit yo lifestyle" Elijah Explained strongly . He wanted nothing more than to get with Laila but her situation would just fuck everything up .
Laila sat in silence in disbelief . She told him everything and he has yet to run for cover Which made Her look at him in a whole other way.
"It’s getting late . We should get you back to the rooms.We have business in the morning " Laila stood
" Wait.. Dance with me" Elijah said noticing the sad expression on her face. The Band changed tunes
She smiled and took his hand . Together they danced the night away
Ebony woke up in A white room in a small bed sounded by white walls and medical informational pictures hanging around. It was Obvious she was in a hospital. She couldn't remember a thing , except leaving Reggie's house and the rest was a blur. Why was she there ? Why was she here in the hospital . She tried to get up but her Neck was In a brace and her head was throbbing. She looked down to her arm That had Screws and a cast all over it. She was in so much pain . Her eyes widened to A Man in a White coat entering the room
" Ms. Smith how are you feeling?" He asked
"I-Im fine where is My son?" Ebony spoke in slow motion .
The room began to spin
"Ms.Smith you were in a horrible car accident you flew through your front glass window, The glass tore ligaments in your neck and you broke your arm bone in 4 different places . You have a severe concussion and a few minor cuts and scrapes . You have to stay here at our facilities for a while ,your very lucky to be alive let alone be awake and aware We failed to get in touch with any family members but Your Husband is here" The doctor informed pointing to a man Ebony Recognized . It was Charles
And that's when Ebony remembered . She caught Charles cheating with Regina, who turned out to be Reggie dressed in drag . Her Man was Gay , and she must have sped off after witnessing him and hit something . It was foggy but her memory was there And Seeing his face brought back it all
"This man is not my husband" Ebony exclaimed in a angry tone
The Doctor looked confused and turned to Charles
"Doctor it's okay , she probably doesn't remember but I am let me speak with her for a few minutes and be on my way" Charles said
The Doctor walked out in Agreement
"Ebony , Oh Ebony I'm so sorry. I cant believe you got into a car accident . What the fuck were you doing in Queens anyway? At that time of night? You never been a good fast driver E" Charles spoke sitting at her bedside
Ebony closed her eyes . Picturing Charles with Reggie sending tears down her fluffy cheeks. She opened her eyes and spoke through her tears
" How long were you fucking Reggie"
Charles could have died right then and there . Her words stung , and he couldn't believe she Knew what he'd been trying to hide for quite some time. He couldn't deny it any longer now that she was in the hospital so vulnerable .
" Ebony I can explain"
But before he could finish ebony repeated the Question
"How long were you fucking Reggie"
Charles put his head in his hands and spoke
" 4 months.. Eb I swear I"
Once again Ebony cut him off her voice now raspy
"Why ..Charles.. Why did you do it"
Charles went on by explaining it was an accident after he lost his Job 4 months ago, that very day he went to the bar and got pissy drunk , A tall skinny Woman came up to him and he went back to her place . Only find out waking up it was Reggie, dressed as Regina and they had slept together . Although Charles was devastated he liked the touch of another Man in all actually but He couldn't face his Son like that knowing he rather sleep with another man than His mother..His wife . He was ashamed but allowed his secret life to continue .
Ebony's Chest began to cave in
She had heard enough. The room became blurry and she suddenly couldn't Breathe . Everything went black and last thing she heard was Charles screaming her name .
Charles watched as Doctors ran to Ebony's bedside . She was flatlining
" Oh god, Ohhhhh no God I killed Ebony" Charles cried in Agony.
Tasha rolled around Brooklyn and couldn't find Ebony or Reach her on her cell for 3 days She was worried and began to panic , the last person she wanted to call was Charles but after all this time she had no choice . She dialed his number on her way out to her apartment door that Monday afternoon and prayed for the best
Puerto Rico was beautiful. The Team landed the property they were trying to invest. Laila and Elijah spent everyday there together , Laying on the beach together, Trying to surf , shopping at the little boutiques The island had and eating all the Wonderful foods. Laila loved every minute with Elijah and while with him she turned her phone completely off to give him all her attention.
" So , when we go back to Work this is all over right" Laila asked walking on the beach the last day of the trip in her yellow bikini feeling the ridge Sand in between her toes .
Elijah was Enjoying the view of her Happy but couldn't help but not want to further their Relationship because of her Situation. These 3 days that passed really made him want her so much more but he wasn't about to fall for a broad in such a mess
" I told you already. I can't do your drama, when you done with that lame lifestyle maybe we could kick of when We go back to work all business igh" Elijah spoke grabbing her hand
“So you that type of nigga huh? Just pretend to care then act like nothing ever happened. When we get back don't even talk to me, just do your job and kick it somewhere else . You just like the Rest" Laila spoke in anger snatching her hand back
Elijah caught an attitude and grabbed her by her waist pulling her in
" Shut the Fuck up, you really don't see a Good thing when It's in your face do you? If you want Me to stop talking to your ass I will! The ball in your Court. I'm just a Player like that other old nigga in the Game"
Elijah snapped and walked off leaving Laila on the Beach. She stood there taking what Elijah said in, he was right again. She was scared of letting someone into her Heart and allowing them to really love her. She was so caught up in her Web of bullshit that she didn't realize Elijah was only trying to Protect himself and her. He didn't want to Be competing with another nigga, trying to win her heart nor get her in more shit than she already was .Laila had no choice but to walk back to the hotel alone .
The team was Packing up headed back to NY later on that day and was back Early that next Tuesday Morning. The employees talked amongst their selves about the trip back at the office but Laila didnt want to stay and look at Elijah any longer, she grabbed her things and headed home. As Laila finally pulled into Her Home driveway and Saw Mikey banging on her door in rage
" What the hell is your problem ? " She yelled closing her car door and running over to him.
He swung wildly causing one of his fist to catch her Cheek . Laila went crazy
" You motherfucker! I'm going to Kill you! I hate you! Put your hands on me again and ima call the Cops on your Junkie Ass" Her hands beating up his back
He turned and snatched her by her pony tail causing her head to jerk back
"Tell your Mama To give me my damn Money bitch, This arrangement ain't cutting it you ain't Giving up no more Pussy! Fuck this shit" Mikey Angrily laughed
Laila was confused. What the fuck was going on
"Nigga I don't know what your talking bout' what my Pussy got to do with Your Money" she Yelled back
Mikey wrapped his arm around her neck and Squeezed causing Laila to gasp for air
"You always been dumb and into yourself since you was younger, You never paid attention to the shit that was Really going On…. While Me and Ebony sat around and got treated like shit You and your Mother got treated like Royalty, Ebony was too damn fat stuffing her face with shit to realize but I wasn’t having it I let my Father in on our little secret way back then Blacked mailed him too, “Cornel Hausley’s Son the Rapest in Affair with his Wife’s 15 year old daughter” Haha.. DON’T SOUND TOO GOOD DOES IT. My father loved his fortune too much so In exchanged for me to keep my mouth shut I needed a piece of Char’s daughters sweet virgin Pussy… and Your mother oh bitch your mother always had a drug problem ive been feeding her this shit for years She basically threw you at me when My father explained our little transation all he had to say was “Millions” and that bitch jumped for Joy " Mikey spoke in a fast pace
“Until They got divorced cus your mother went to heavy on the drugs Cornel was smart enough not to let her ruin our image. When your Mother contacted me 5 years ago with an Even better Bribe, You all grown up with lots of money in the bank ..Money she’d been taking from your ass for a while she payed me, I gave her the drugs and I fucked you we’re all HAPPY baby! BUT THAT BITCH GOT GREEDY STARTED SLACKING OFF SO NOW IMA KILL YOUR ASS”! Mikey screamed at the top of his lungs swinging his arms wildly
Laila couldn't believe her ears. Now that she thought about it, it all seemed true, All her life her mother would turn down money Laila would give on birthdays, Mother’s day and Holiday’s and now she knew why, Char was stealing from her this whole time and cleverly because she knew Laila didn’t keep up with her bank account .What the fuck was her life really about? Her own mother sold her out for a Lavish lifestyle . How could she do such a thing? Mikey let her go and she fell against her Glass front door gasping for breathe
" Fuck Youuuuu! Don't ever come near me again! I DON’T BELIEVE SHIT YOU SAY " she manage to get out trying to pretend this whole thing wasn’t happening
Mikey kicked her against her ribs and watched her clutch her side in pain " Your Mine little Girl! You always been & you Always will be for as Long as your Mother keeps giving me that money and I keep her supply full ! " He stormed away and hopped in his Truck
Laila cried at her doorstep In agony. Elijah was right . Her drama was something nobody could handle not even herself. Her own mother was selling her daughter for her own satisfaction and Happiness . She couldn't deal with this anymore! Every emotion ran through her body at once . She was hurt, angry, ashamed and nieve . Laila reached into her denim pocket for her phone she was going to dial Elijah's number but before she could Tasha's call came through with the worst possible news she'd ever heard
Tasha Flew through traffic in Fear. After calling Charles she has heard what happened to Ebony and how she went into Cardiac arrest and started Flatlining before Doctors rushed in and saved her and was in a dying rush to get to her Sister's bedside . She called Laila, Mama Char, Mikey and even Nicole not Ebony's mother because she didn't want to Worry the Kids
" Omg E, I'm so sorry " Tasha cried rushing into her sister's hospital room on the 4th floor .
Ebony layed there with tubes connecting to what looked like entire body. Monitors Beeped and made crazy noise throughout the whole room . Tasha placed her hand on Ebony's face and gently rubbed, she couldn't believe she was Having Sex with a Girl instead of Taking her Sisters call! Her heart was heavy and she felt a heap of sympathy for Ebony . Minutes later Ebony's hospital room was filled with everyone that Tasha called . They sat around as nurses flew in and out checking on Ebony's monitors very other second .
" What happened to My Sister" Tasha yelled at Charles when he walked in holding a get well soon Balloon and Card .
" I think it's better if you heard it from her when she wakes up , I-I rather not talk about it here around all these people" He nudged his head to everyone Siting behind Tasha
She said nothing else by returned to her sister's bedside in Confusion and Tears
Laila sat in the hospital room in silence wondering if she covered the bruise Mikey gave her across her cheek well enough before walking into the hospital . She eyed her mother in Hatred , She wanted to kill her where she sat but knew it wasn't the place to do so . She had to wait , but if it was the last thing she did she was going to confront her!
" Laila, go get Mikey some water" Mama Char interrupted her thoughts
Laila felt as if she was going to hop across the hospital room and rip her throat out but instead she shot back
"I bet you would like that , Anything else you want me to do for Mikey so that you wouldn't have to get off your Fat ass"
The room grew silence , Tasha and Nicole shot each other a look and both got up and walked out . As they exited Mikey Spoke first
“Don’t speak to your Mama like that Little girl"
Laila laughed at every word. These two were as sick as they came. Sitting here pretending they lives was all that it's cracked up to be
"Excuse me Step BROTHER Was I a little Girl when you were Fucking Me? Or when you told me how Good my Pussy was everytime you was in it"
Laila snapped . Char's eyes widened with everything she had heard
"I guess the secret is out of the closet huh. You selfish bitch!"
"How could I? Do you know how it feels to have three failed marriages drugs was the ONLY thing I had shit I was at Rock Bottom I needed it and Look at you Miss prissy all wealthy shit your Mother wanted that too !!”Mama char turned to Mikey who was pacing back and fourth
Laila had enough! She was two seconds away from Beating Her mother's ass.
Laila’s body shook with every word , She threw herself on her Mother swinging her arms wildly and hitting her as hard as she could. She wanted to kill her! She wished it was Char in that hospital Bed and Not Ebony! She wish she could go back in time and Change her life and the way it was turning out.
Hair went flying and blood was drawn, as Mikey struggled to pry Laila and Char off each other .
Just then Tasha and Nicole walked back in holding McDonald's bags for everyone there. She threw the Food against the leather mini sofa Ebony's
hospital room Had and Joined Mikey to break up the feud
" Are Y'all Crazy fighting in a hospital Room in Ebony's Condition? Have some Respect Laila that's your Mother, Mama Char that's your Child" Tasha spat turning her head to both Laila and Char now on separate sides of the Room
"That ain't My child Selfish Bitch Let her Fuck Mikey Fuck her !" char yelled reaching her hands over as if she were to hit Laila again
Tasha's eyes popped out her head at the accusation
"And You damn sure aint My mother allowing Your Man’s SON to Fuck your daughter while you lived the life you wanted so damn Bad STEALING FROM ME WHILE YOU STAYED HIGH, FUCK YOU TOO" Laila Shouted Grabbing her Bags and hurrying out the Room
Weeks went by and July arrived .Tasha stayed at the Hospital faithfully while Nicole covered her shift at Bottoms Up. Char and Mikey never showed up after the crazy feud but called every chance they Got. Laila stayed home, not attending work or attending the office's big 4th of july party she didnt even leave the house but making sure she Ordered Flowers, Ballons& Teddy bears to the Hospital for her sister. Ebony has yet to awaken but Doctors say she's recovering at a good pace and should make it . Charles visited a few hours a day with Yasin and Malcome who cried the whole time they were there . It so much going on Nobody could make anything of it all.
Laila layed in her bed day by day for 2 weeks. Only getting up to Eat, Shit and drink something . Her hair wasn't done, she hasn't done her makeup in days and she hasn't showered either. All she could do was Cry. Her life had fell Apart. She had Nobody not even Elijah who didn't bother to call not once after their trip. Laila have special Instructions to Samantha to tell everyone she was taking a few days off for personal issues, and that they should continue on with work as if she was there. If it's one thing Laila still had was her Career and she wasn't going to let that go to waste. She couldn't believe she was going through all this shit at once, Ebony's accident , her Mother's Secrets or even her own. She just couldn't do any of it anymore. She just wanted to start over .
Laila rose from her bed and Went to her bathroom . She starred inside her 40 inch mirror with Both hands on her sink . She looked Disgusting . Rings around her eyes, her hair so out of place and the bruise Mikey had given her that had turned purple and blue and brown as it healed .She reached into her medicine cabinet for the sleeping pills she's been taking to go through the motions when she heard her door bell ring . she dragged herself to the door in her Silk pastel Pajamas
" Who is it dammit" she said in a groggy tone
" Room Service" the Voice said and Instantly her heart stopped
It was Elijah.
Laila opened the door and rested her hand on her hip
"What the Fuck is Going on with you" Elijah's smile whipped off his face
"Nothing" Laila put her head down in lies
Elijah pushed pass her and walked in her house
" Yo Ma, what's the Deal? You ain't been to Work in forever its like the 3rd week of JUNE ! Im holding it down at the office but Samantha and the rest isn’t buying my “Laila has food posining from Puerto rico” Act You look like shit not to mention you smell like it to. That ol' nigga gave you that bruise on your face?" He said pointing to her cheek
Laila shook her head in response .
" So what ? You can't talk to me Anymore? That nigga got you like that? Wassup? Tell me What the Fuck is going on"
Laila broke down into tears, and told him everything once again at this point her business didn't matter .
When she finished He took a deep breathe and said
"I told you My Dilemma , but I would be wrong if I just walk away like I did on the Beach.I cant believe all this shit is happening to you, you in too deep yo.."
Before he could continue Laila cut him off
" I know I know, you ain't got time for my Drama! Look you don't have to be there for me for 5 minutes then not the next I don't need that shit right now . So just Leave . Obviously the time we spent meant nothing so get the fuck out!"
Elijah stood there and watched her make a fool of herself before asking
"Where's Yo bathroom"
Laila rolled her eyes and Instructed it was Upstairs last door down the hall and without warning he picked her up and headed for that exact way. Laila kicked and screamed for him to let her down the whole ride but he didn't say a word until they got to the bathroom door, he Put her down and dared her to move . He Reached in her Spacious Glass shower and Turned it on. The Steam Instantly danced across the room
"Get in " he said Strongly
Laila didn't refuse him. She could use a shower, so she undressed and slipped her naked body in. As she tried to close the Shower Door, Elijah blocked it with his hand Stepping in Shoeless but Fully Clothed. Laila’s heart jumped as he Grabbed the Soap from compartment the shower came with and began rubbing it against her body . Laila watched the Water Drench his white Tee and stick to his Muscled body exposing his 8 pack , and His now soaking wet Basket Ball shorts suck to his Thighs making the Print of his Dick Show. The view Turned Laila on Tremendously
Elijah washed Laila up as she layed her head on his chest and allowed the Water to slide down her back. He watched the Soap run down her spine and in between her Naked Ass, His dick began to Harden. This is the first time He had saw her Naked and quite Honestly never knew something was so perfect . She wasn't Skinny but defiantly not fat , to Him Perfect. She had Curves to die for and a Nice Round Ass to complete her frame . He allowed his hands to rub on her sensually sending his hormones in a frenzy .
Laila closed her eyes and allowed sweet sighs past her lips . Elijah spoke first
" You were right I don't need to be here for you then suddenly don't. So I won't ever do it again, your Drama may not be Wassup but You are. And if You ready to leave all this shit behind Honestly and Truthfully I got You Ma, I wont hurt you like your crazy ass mother or that nigga Mikey" his words were Music to Laila’s Soul and she cried tears of closure
"I'm ready .. I am"
That was all the confirmation Elijah needed before Kissing her sweet juicy Lips making Laila’s knees Weak.
" Elijah Fuck me please " she spoke unable to catch her breathe Everything felt so good
He kissed her neck allowing the hot water slide between them and whispered
"Let me make Love to you first"
Laila took off his shirt and he slipped off his pants, they kissed passionately . He grabbed her legs around his waist throwing her back against the Wall, holding her up catching his balance he Slipped his erected Dick in Her pussy and Laila let out a Hard Moan. It was the best thing she felt in a while . She grabbed the back of his head with one hand while the other wrapped around his neck while he Slowly but deeply pleasured her. His strokes were Strong and Passionate , and Laila was loving it all. Elijah released her from the wall and Turned her around , Laila Slid down on her Knees back towards the shower Head and Grabbed his Dick with her hands. It was the Biggest dick she'd ever seen,Thick and Mouth Watering. She closed her eyes and Allowed it to fill her mouth giving it Long and Hard Sucks. Laila never sucked dick before so it was all new to her, still she licked and Slurped it like it was her Job. It tasted so good
Elijah moaned in Enjoyment, putting one hand in back of Laila’s head for her to swallow him whole. He couldn't believe Laila’s head game matched how Bomb her pussy was
Laila jerked her head wildly on the tip of his dick causing Elijah to cum In her mouth
"Damn Baby"
Elijah whispered catching his breathe before turning Laila around to enter her pussy from the back . He let his head go in first cause Her to arch her back for more, she had both hands pressed against the glass ready for the rest of his 10 inches to Enter her Pussy Elijah started off slow, grinding as deeply as he could while watching her Fat ass bounce up and down.
"UHHHH MHMMM COME ON BABY GO DEEPER" Laila moaned now loudly
Elijah grabbed her waste shoving Himself so deep in her that her ass was sounds his waist. Laila moaned in both pleasure and pain. She never had Dick so good and not even Mikey's old 6 inch dick could do what Elijah's 10 inch could . She grew Excited and bent over touching her toes still shaking her ass in Unison to Elijah's movements , a Trick Tasha taught her when she started Stripping.
Elijah watched in amazement at the things she was doing and felt his nut build up once more. He was pounding her now, causing her ass to clap wildly and the water from the shower to Fly off the both .Laila’s pussy oozed out juices as it came over and over again as she Felt Elijah's Hot sticking cum full her Vagina. They has Sex 4 times more each very different before getting out the shower. This was the best Laila had felt not to mention she hasn’t had any since she stopped fucking Mikey she thought as they both layed naked and drifted to sleep in her King size Master Bed.
When she opened her Eyes she didn't know what day it was or what had happened once again. All Ebony knew was the pain she once felt was gone and she now felt as if she floating on air. Her neck brace was gone and so was her Throbbing headache .Her vision got more clear as she blinked to a room of empty life but full of balloons , cards , and teddy bears. She smiled to the gesture
"Aw, Mrs. Smith Welcome back. How are we feeling" Her Doctor wide eyed asked her
Her throat was dry but she managed to talk
"I'm fine. Where's my sisters.. my son..Charles? "
"Your Son is with your husband they come visit when they can. As for the large party you had days ago didn't show back up, they got into a bit of a nasty fight.. Only the slim light skin one is here faithfully except for today of course it's a no visiting day for our hospital we try to give Our patients a break. You went into Cardiac arrest and were in a coma for quite some time. It's August Mrs. Smith do you know that? You've been in a coma for a month or so. You'll be leaving soon now that your awake and doing much better this second time around" The Doctor cheerfully said before checking her vitals and leaving the room
Ebony was in shock. She just came out of a coma she'd been in for weeks and missed the whole summer basically with her Son and Her Sisters. She had full Memory of what happened and thanked God for keeping her on this earth . Since it was no visitors day she sat up in bed using her still castes arm and grabbed the phone with the other, she had a few calls to make and the first was Charles .
It was Tasha's first day back at work since she had been spending the last Month cooped up at the hospital with Ebony. She wasn't beat for Sliding the pole today but she had missed like 4 weeks worth of money and her bills were past due anyday now. As she entered the Strip club she thought about Laila and Mama char and all the shit that went down between them weeks before, She too was confused but didn't want to anymore bad news after Ebony's.
It was Ladies day that earlier that Wednesday August afternoon meaning every Mother, Daughter, Auntie and Grandmama would be in the strip club . Tasha didn't really like these particular days because they didn't pay much but it was something so she sucked it up. BackStaged she lotioned her body , and applied her makeup cover ever freckle on her face, she slipped into a Multicolored Thong onesie with the stomach exposed completely and a thin line of fabric connecting to where her Boobs would Go. Her Burgundy Weave Swaying all down her back . She zipped up her thigh high Leather boots and went out for Lap dances. Tasha eyed the crowd, Woman of all color shape and age throwing cash and screaming at dances they were getting while some at the dancer shaking her ass to R Kelly's Bump and Grind.
Tasha looked through the crowd once more Spying Nicole Flirting and whispering in this Woman's ear. Instantly Tasha caught feelings as Nicole slipped her what looked like her number and proceed to kiss her lips. The woman smiled and sat back to Nicole's ass in her Lap. Don't get Tasha wrong the Woman was pretty from what she could see, Rocking a shoulder length cut , Booty Shorts and a See through lace Tank showing off her double D's , but Tasha wasn't impressed she may not have a Fat ass or Big titties but Nicole didn't complain about the little round Butt or the B cups she did have when they had sex weeks ago. Nicole had been giving Tasha the cold shoulder, Keeping short conversation.
Tasha walked over to Nicole and the Woman .
" You have to pay Extra for Feeling up the Strippers and getting their number" Tasha let the words rolled off her tongue in attitude
Nicole didn't stop dancing and the Woman didn’t seem to pay her any mind so Tasha raised her Voice
"How about yall take this Freak show Home, This a strip Club not a fucking Porno"
Nicole Stopped gave the woman a thanks and turned towards Tasha Snatching her hand and Walking Her to the back. While back stage Nicole started yelling first
"Are you stupid? Fucking up my money like that? Why you Trippin"
Tasha raised her eye brow
"I ain't Trippin, You are . We fuck and you ignore me after like it's nothing! Hoe ass. If you wanted someone else that's cool just don't throw it in my face "
Nicole brushed her hand over her low cut and rolled her eyes .
" I was giving you space , after what happened to your sister damn. And besides dont act like you a Lesbian now you too pussy to fuck with me. I ain't got time "
Tasha was upset at the last comment. Nicole was right as much as she hated to admit it , she wasn't a Lesbian was she ? Was it just a girl crush? It had to be more because the way Nicole touched her no man ever made her feel that way and she didn't want up loose that
" Nicki I like you a lot . You right I'm not a lesbian , all I ever fucked with was niggas but My feelings for you ain't going no fucking where I am scared true of getting my heart broke but not of fucking with you! I'm grown but if you can't get with that then step" Tasha said stomping her foot
Nicole didn't respond instead she pulled Tasha face quickly in kissing her strongly. With both hands she threw them around Tasha's waist pulling her towards a near by Station propping her up on the Table . With 1 hand she Slipped into Tasha's thong playing with her Clit softly . Tasha gripped the sides of the table in pleasure . Nicole Licked and sucked Tasha's now hard nipples before kissing down her stomach, making her way down to her Pussy. While down there Tasha let out a moan followed by
"Nicki stop babygirl we're going to get caught, Uhh oh my god"
Nicole didn't stop but between sucks she said "Nah you not scared right, who gives a Fuck" she Continued eating Tasha's pussy like it was the best thing she ever eaten sending Tasha in a Wild moaning trance.
There was footsteps coming toward the back room but neither Tasha or Nicole stopped. Voices of the other dancers grew closer and Tasha became nervous , she didn't want to loose her job because of this but didn't want Nicki to stop her from Cumin as many times as she was
Just before The others Moved the Black thick Curtains entering the back room where Tasha and Nicole were , Nicole jumped up and stood in front of Tasha .
" What y'all bitches doing" Chocolate Summer one of the Darkest strippers said in a crowd of other dancers
Nicole smiled and said
" Oh Tasha was just greasing my damn Scalp you know I'm tired of being Baled boo"
The girls laughed and while they did Tasha came as hard as she could so they wouldn't notice and put her hands on Nicole's head Playing along with the lie. It was the most thrilling Nut she ever bust and made up her mind right then and there she was going to be a Lesbian.
Laila woke up to an Empty bed, and rubbed her eyes and smiled . A whole month with Elijah has been so wonderful, she went back to work and was back to her old self. Laila rolled over to nothing but empty sheets and panicked, Elijah is never up before her and right when she was about to scream her nose caught the waft of something. She smelled something delicious and her stomach began to Growl. Still Ass naked she stepped out of bed and grabbed her Silk Robe hanging in her Walk in Closet and tip toed down stairs . The cold Stainless floors sent shivers up her spine as she walked towards the kitchen , only to find Elijah With a Towel wrapped around his waist and flipping Pancakes on her Flat top stove
"You taking this room service joke too far " she Joked causing Elijah to spin around startled
Laila laughed at his scare .
"I didn't know you were up , I was going to bring this to you. A woman's gotta eat right" He said showing off his white teeth
Laila was impressed . Was it anything this nigga didn't do? Was she dreaming?
"It's fine, thankyou . I can just eat here it's no Big deal. I'm starving "
Elijah nodded cracking eggs in a pan and setting sausages in another .
Minutes later , he Set a full plate of Pancakes, an Omelette, sausages and cut strawberries on her high island kitchen table.He made his self a plate and poured them Both Orange juice from her Silver Fridge. Laila stuffed her face in amazement , it all tasted so good .
"Who taught you how to Cook"? Laila asked swallowing down a gulp of her orange Juice.
Swallowing a chunk of Pancakes Elijah let out a sigh before saying
"My Father actually , my Mother was too into Drugs to teach Me or my siblings any thing"
Laila felt terrible for even asking the question and Quickly Apologized
" I’m so sorry, I have a big mouth , I need to learn to Mind my own damn business"
Elijah laughed
" Relax Ma, Your entitled to your big mouth. And it's cool, Im not sensitive to the subject . I'm over it"
Laila nodded her head, they wasn’t so different after all but changed the subject
" So what's your Story , Your résumé is tight for a brother in Ny no offense . Wassup?"
Elijah almost fell out from laughing so hard
" And So is your House but I ain't say shit. Nah Ma forreal though I struggled just like You. I work Hard for the success I have "
He went on by explaining to Laila that he too was a Street nigga growing up selling drugs to the neighborhood trying to raise money for his siblings and father. He came from a full family , of 5 including himself but when his mother got hooked on drugs when he was entering his teens and stopped taking care of his younger sister and brother then 9 and 6 he knew selling drugs weren't going to cut it. He started going to school faithfully and got a job mowing lawns until he was old enough to get a real Job. Elijah went on to College and graduated in hopes of starting his own business but when His father passed days after his graduation he wasn't up for the challenge and ending up playing ball and becoming a personal trainer for a while to keep busy. He told her everything from his mother neglected her family for days at a time leaving them dirty and hungry to her almost overdosing when he turned 18 and how he worked to make sure his little sister and brother had the World before he sending them to move with his Father side of his family and moved on with his real hopes and dreams. Elijah didn't have the heart to move out of Newyork since his whole life was there and started working in and out of Sucessful businesses all over the 5 burrows now working for Laila
" You turned out great Elijah really, I know your father would have been proud you did an amazing job with yourself despite the circumstances" Laila said looking into his eyes after he finished .
" I did okay. I had to do what was best for all of us. We were all we had but now I just want a family of my own and to get the fuck out of the NY y'know a fresh start. I'm 27 and damn sure aint getting any younger! I'm getting tired of fucking with the same broads who ain't worth shit when all I want Is a Wife and a little girl. I ain't 18 nomore I want something Real, feel me" Elijah spoke lightly brushing his hand under Laila’s chin. She smirked at his touch
" Yeah I feel you. Your an Good man Eli , a Good head on your shoulders and got Talent out the Ass. You could scoop anything! Believe me these Hoes looking, you just gotta know how to pick em"
The expression on his face changed now more serious and his jaw stiffened .
" See that's the shit I'm talking about. Damn Laala, I'm telling you What I want and you start giving me ultimatums about other Bitches. I ain't feeling that especially considering I'm in Yo kitchen cooking for Yo ass. Like I said You never see what good you have in front of you cause' you too busy on your pedestal not thinking with your damn Head and stop being so damn scared of letting somebody take care of you" his voice Now raised
Laila was confused . What the fuck was he getting at? Nobody ever talked to her like that before so she didn't know whether to be Insulted or Hurt
" Excuse the fuck outta me! You don't know what the fuck my life has been like having Different men running in and out my life cause my Hoe ass mother couldn't Pick one.I was the only child, I grew up lonely and the only sisters I had didn't even fully belong to me and even behind their back I treated them like shit! Keeping all this shit from them when really they were all I Had! Excuse me for being Scared.. To trust .. To love shit to even be happy! I wanted a family! I wanted Kids! But your right I'm too high on my pedestal to settle for any Nigga! " tears now rolling down her face
Elijah walked around and began to hold her. He knew she was broken but was willing to fix everything in a matter of time.
" Lay listen . I want to do everything I can to turn your life around , but you gotta trust me. I ain't your mother nor that fucked up ass nigga you was creepin with. If We do this, you gotta let go of your fears and let me know if I'm what you really want. You too pretty for bullshit" He said brushing her wild hair from her face
She sucked it up and Spoke
" I never had A real relationship before so it's new. But i promise to Try with You. Just don't Hurt me Nigga, With how I'm feeling I could Kill the Next person who betrays me"
Elijah laughed
" I gotchu I gotchu. But you need to kill yourself first for letting your hair get this nappy Ma, Go get yourself dressed I'll be back to Scoop you"
Laila hit his chest at his joke and went with his instructions.
"Look I'm not tryna argue with you. I'm done with this shit. I don't hate you shit you wasn't fucking me so to each his own , I hope you feel as disgusting to me as you do in the eyes of your son. I'm not mad, just Disappointed you were my first we were together since I was Younger. You could have let me know Wassup but instead you had a baby on me and cheated on me with a nigga all along saying said Fuck me in the process. So now it's Fuck you . I filled for DIVORCE and Me and my Son will be moving out! I hope your happy with your choices in life Charles" Ebony talked into the phone
Charles pleaded his case and apologized millions of times but Ebony didn't budge. She no longer cared for being the Other woman .
She hung up the phone in Confidence and went on with her list of people to Call. She called Tasha and Laila first letting them know she was awake and coming home soon , then proceed to tell Her Mother and Father the same as well as Mama Char. Everyone seemed as she left them. After her Calls Ebony Rested and watched TV and thought about how her life would go from here on out. She wanted to go back to school become a Fashion designer, and maybe own a home but needed the money for that and quickly became discouraged . She loved her son too much to give up now and was going to do whatever it takes to get her life back on track .
Laila was so happy when Ebony called The next day , they spoke briefly about her welll being and that she was coming home and then she had to go. Laila was still in her towel when Elijah sent her a text saying he would be there soon, they were going out.While she slipped on her matching Victoria secret lace bra and panty set her phone ranged . It was Mikey. Laila hasn't spoken to him in Months after the incident with her mother and sure as hell wasn't up for speaking to his ass now
" What do you Want Now" She answered anyways
The sound of Mikey's voice made her regret answering the phone
" So you got a new nigga huh? You think because of that fight you and your mother Had a few months back we're through . I want some pussy"
Laila was hesitant but replied
" W-what new nigga? You crazy. I told you to stop calling My ass! You ain't getting shit from me!"
" So you want to play stupid huh . That nigga in the White Range rover that left your house an hour ago, You fucking him Now Huh? What I tell you , you belong to me! Don't get it fucked up your little Career will be ended if I show up at your Job with what I'm bout to Throw at your ass. You wanna be grown right ?! Ima show you grown!" Mikey grunted
" FUCK YOU"! Laila screamed into the phone .
Mikey was all talk and she knew that so his threats wasn't going to get to her this time.
She threw her phone at her bed and finished getting dressed. Laila blew her freshly washed hair out before putting it in a pony tail leaving her long bang to swoop to one side. It was still early so she didn't wanna look too high class today. She slipped on her Grey Juicy Couture sweatsuit perfect for this upcoming September weather , Her Jays on feet made her feel more down to earth than she had felt in a while . She didn't have on her expensive diamond earrings on today instead just regular hoops. Laila applied foundation to her face, since her bags Weren't completed gone . Her eye shadow wasn't dramatic and her Mac Hourglass lip gloss looked as sexy as it made her feel . Laila took one last look in the mirror before spraying her self with her Beyonce Heat perfume, grabbing her phone ,bag and heading downstairs to leave. As she walked out the front door Elijah was already out in front leaning against his Range Rover holding his phone in hand dressed in Dark jeans , a Green and blue plaid button up with a Darker green opened vest
" I was just about to call, You look Different" Elijah said eyeing her from head to toe. He never seen her so dressed down but he loved it.
Laila put her hand on her hip rethinking her outfit
" What you mean? I could go up and changed if Im under dressed? I look crazy don't I" She Questioned
Elijah assured her she looked Good although he's never seen her dress that way before but it fit her well. He opened the door and allowed her to step inside then got in the car himself. Inside the two Listened to music before Laala spoke
" Eli, um Mikey called me before I came out and threatened me again . I wanted to be honest with you y'know in case he really tries something"
Elijah's jaw clenched . Something Laila noticed he did when he was upset.
" I appreciate your honesty , now give me your phone" stopping at a red light and holding his hand out
Laila didn't even question what he had told her to do. She placed phone in his hand and watched in fear as he rolled down the window and launched it out the car. It cracked into pieces
"I'll get you a new one. This nigga ain't getting near you now that your Mines. I ain't got time for games"
Laila was flattered by the him calling her his girlfriend but also shaken at the fact that he just threw her phone the way he did.
He took her shopping at all her favorite stores, to a movie and just before the sun set out by the peer to watch the sun go down
" Thankyou .. For this For everything Eli you really don't know how much this means to me" Laila spoke in his arms
He squeezed her closer in flexing all his muscles around her in security
" No problem. It's one thing I need you to do before we really do the dame thing"
Laila lifted her head under his chin
"Anything, Wassup?"
"I need you to tell your Sister the truth about you and her Brother. It ain't right holding on to baggage and your Mother too "
The thought of telling the truth devastated Laila, Ebony would hate her for sure and she just couldn't have that happen. She didn't say a word, instead she held on to Elijah as hard as she could.
" So , i was thinking you could stay over here for a while" Nicole stated plopping on the couch next to Tasha in her condo
Tasha elbow deep in a bag of Doritos stopped searching for a chip, laughed and questioned
" What you mean ? Like move in? Why the hell would I do that"
" Yeah heffa actually thought it would be nice for us to really give this relationship a shot. I mean we have been fucking like crazy Besides now that your sister is coming home and giving all that she's going through maybe she could stay at your apartment until she gets through all this come on you gotta admit it sounds good"
Tasha thought real fast. It did sound good , Ebony was going through so much and needed a break from everything . She could stay at Nicki's and enjoy her Lesbian Lover for a whiles and good Eb the space she needed.
" I would love to wake up to your pretty ass everyday plus your right Eb really can use some peace and quiet, just let me give her a call"
Nicole kissed her after her response and dug into the bag of Doritos as well.
Ebony was released from the hospital finally just as September began and she allowed Charles to take Yasin to his first day of school, but it was the only thing she let him do. Tasha had called about her proposal and Ebony was so thankful God had answered her prayers. That's exactly what she needed after all this bullshit. While Yasin was away from 8 to 4 she took a cab home to get some of her shit since her car was fucked up. She left Her and Charles apartment with just a few clothes for her and Yasin to have at their stay at Tasha's . Ebony was happy for Tasha's new found relationship and interest in girls when she told her, she always knew Tasha would go down that route not having a man all this time. She was finally at peace with herself and away from Charles. The only person she'd hadn't heard from was Laila, and she started to get annoyed. Ebony even Questioned Tasha about her where-abouts but even she said she rather her hear it from Laila herself. Ebony wanted to get to the bottom of her Mysterious Questions.
Laila and Elijah spent everyday and all day with eachother besides work doing all the things they could imagine, and fucking everywhere . Laila’s life was doing better than ever even Samantha noticed how happy she was. She kept taps on both sisters with the new phone her new man had brought her But from a distance. She explained to her sisters she needed some time to herself failing to have yet tell Ebony the truth. Tasha was still staying at Nicole's and the two were more in love than ever both still working at the strip club, Ebony enjoyed life on her on with her son and even Got her old Teaching job back, never speaking to Charles or telling anyone about what really was the cause of her accident. No one heard from Mama char or even cared to they were each so caught up in there lives, and Mikey was still trying to get at Laila if it was the last thing he did.
September came and Went , October was here and just when things started to get good they got worse.
Laila was in bed stuffing her face with Dominios cheese and sausage pizza when Elijah came her bed room door . She had given him keys to her house and he was using full advantage of it .
" Don't eat your fingers kid" He laughed plopping on the bed next to her and grabbing a slice .
He noticed lately her face was getting plum and new it had to be from all the food she was eating lately.
" Boy shutup. I'm starving"
Elijah bit into his slice of pizza cracking up
" Look I was thinking about Calling Ebony y'know telling her the truth about her Brother "Laila said moving the box of pizza aside and laying back on her bed full of pillows
" Go see her Instead, you could use the activity" Elijah joked
Laila gave him a neck roll and a slap on the arm
" You tryna say I'm getting Fat nigga" she snarled
"La shutup. It ain't even like that, Im just saying face-to-face is more respectable ok Fatty" Elijah let out a snort
Laila shrugged off the comment standing up and looking into her full length mirror. Her stomach was getting a pudge and as much as she hated to admit it, Elijah had a point on her needing activity and decided to go see Ebony once and for all
I wonder what she wanna talk about? Ebony thought to herself after getting a serious call from Laila . Nervous she called Tasha to fill her in
"Girl Ms. mia wants to come over and talk all of a sudden " she spoke into the cordless phone
" It's probably nothing bitch relax! But look ima get Nicki to Drop me over there. I wanna see Ms. Top model myself I miss y'all!" Tasha nervously laughed pondering on what Laila could want to talk about knowing it could most likely be about what had happened in the Hospital Room a Month ago. She wanted to be present on the drama if it unfolded.
" I ain't beat. She hasn't been there for me since I got out the hospital giving me bullshit ass excuses but that's Laila for you. I'll see you when you get here she on her way now" Ebony hung up the phone and waited for them both.
Laila arrived at Ebony's then Tasha. Ebony set out some refreshments and made the girls some homemade Jerk Chicken and rice something her Mother taught her as a child. The three sat on Ebony's new couch her teaching Job landed her along with a bunch of other furniture
"Girl Why you in Tasha joint" Laila spoke in between licking the jerk sauce off her fingers
" Well if you been around then you'd know but FYI me and Charles are done and I needed a place for me and Ya-Ya to crash , since T went gay and had been staying at Nicki's she said I could have her spot for a while" Ebony informed
It was more information than Laila thought she'd missed
" Wait.. wait You turn down the other street and didn't Let me know" Laila turned to Tasha who had a mouth full of rice
Tasha swallowed
" Whatever ho, yeah I did. And I love it" she said licking her lips and bouncin twice on the couch
" You need to come around more, you been neglecting us too much Wassup with that" Tasha went on
" About that.." Laila sighed putting her plate in the mini glass table in front if her " Im really sorry y'all , I was stressed the fuck out but I'm better now, my job and Relationship with Elijah are going well. I promise to be more in the loop"
Ebony nearly choked on her chicken.
" You got a Man"?
Laila nodded
" Well damn that's why you been distance bitch you dick struck I ain't mad at you shit Charles was too at least you getting some . His ass was giving my shit to another Nigga" Ebony laughed hysterically . This was the first she's spoke of Charles's Infidelity and realized how crazy it sounded
The room filled with silence
"What the fuck you say.. Charles did what" Tasha spit out
Ebony explained the whole thing laughing in the process. It was about time she told somebody this stupid shit
" Oh Ebony I'm so sorry, How could he do that to you.. To Yasin .. To Malcome. You should have said somehing" Laila sympathized
Tasha in agreement to her every word
" Girl it's fine! He wasn't fucking me so his ass got it from somewhere else, he been stopped taking care of home. I ain't mad, everything happens for a reason. God knows best. And besides I feel better than ever. Got my groove and Job back" Ebony assured the girls
Instantly Laila felt horrible about why she was there in the first place. Seeing Ebony smiled and laugh the way she was made her regret telling her the truth about her secret life but new it had to be done
" Ebony.. I .. I had sex with your Brother.. ive been having sex with your Brother" Laala slipped out
Tasha's eyes widened with shock and Ebony stopped laughing completely
" Girl for a moment I thought you said you fucked my Brother" Ebony sarcastically blurted
" Ebony.. I.. He manipulated me , he raped me when I was 15 and since then its been crazy. I was stupid and young fresh out of college just starting my dreams! I.. I'm sorry Eb I really am. My mother allowed him to do this while the whole time Her and Cornel was together because Mikey was blackmailing him. He felt like your father did more for me and char then you and him, Cornel …He knew too, and probably still does while she lived her Luxurious life style I was paying the price ..She’s on drugs and Mikey has been her supplier for years , stealing my money out the bank while Mikey used me in every way possible . He's been harassing me every since I stopped us from seeing eachother you have to talk to him " Laila said as fast as she could as Ebony remained quiet
Silence broke ass Ebony rised and slapped Laila so hard spit flew From her mouth . Laila screamed In pain
Tasha tried her best to sub stain her as Laila cried out pleading her case
" Ebony I never meant to hurt you! I had to protect myself first , I had everything going for myself before your BROTHER Stepped in and ruined my life ! I'm wrong yes I admit it and that's why I been stopped the shit! I cared about you! I didn't want this shit to go on, your my sister Ebony you had every right to know the sick shit that was going on all this time, I was scared when was younger but I learned now .. he Damn sure wasn't going to come clean"
Ebony thought about everything Laila had said. She couldn't believe more shit was happening to her but also wasn't shocked. She remembered both her Father and Brother always treated Laila better than her, buying her whatever she wanted and complimenting her every move,she even asked him if he too had a thing for her but got her ass handed to her in return everytime . Ebony began to cry, Her Brother was a Sick bastard and she knew it
" La Im really sorry you had to go through this shit, I can't imagine my step Brother tryna fuck me and my Mama letting him but you dead wrong girl. Ebony has been through too much to for this, you got your perfect life ebony tryna find hers . You fucked up forreal " Tasha bashed now trying to console Ebony
Laila knew it could possibly be the end of her Relationship with either sister and felt sick to her stomach. She hated herself for her selfish upbringing.
" JUST LEAVEEEEE! Get the fuck out ! " Ebony shouted and Laila did just that
" This some crazy shit yo" Tasha thought to herself on the way to Nicki's after the reveal of all Laila’s secrets . Ebony kicked her out too shortly after claiming she needed to be alone. She didn't want shit else with the drama either and agreed to go.
" Hey baby" Nicole greeted Tasha at the door with a kiss
" Not now Nicki, I'm too stressed" Tasha said putting her hand in between their lips
" What's your problem? Hey lets go out for ice cream and skip work today I don't like you this way "
" Nah I'm good. Fuck that ice cream. I could use something else " Licking her lips Tasha guided Nicki to the Bed room. Only Sex would get her mind off of all the bullshit that just took place.
" You sure you okay Ms. Morgan, you look a little pale" Samantha, Laila’s assistant spoke in her office door way. Laila was standing by her large glass Windows looking as if she'd faint
"I'm just feeling Sick today . I'm sure it's nothing, but maybe I should go home the rest of the day" Laila nodded in agreement
She haven't been feeling her 100% best after Last weeks big fight with Ebony. she'd been calling her none stop getting no reply, and gave up hope she'd ever speak to her again.
" Yeah that would be best. Just go, I don't want the rest of us sick anyways" Samantha laughed flipping her blonde hair back and leaving the room
Laila packed up her things and went on her way. On the way home she left Elijah a message but didn't want to bother calling because today was his day off at work and she knew he had other business to take of.
Home Laila undressed out her usual business look , slid on a big T-shirt and laid in bed.
" I feel like shit" She whispered to herself drifting to sleep
Hours later she was awoken by a nauseous feeling. Laila ran to the bathroom clutching her stomach
Quickly Face deep in her toilet with one arm on the seat throwing up what felt like her insides. She sat on the bathroom floor as she finished still weak from hurling, and thought about what could have made her sick, she and Elijah tried a new sushi Restaurant in Manhattan days ago and instantly figured she had food poising. Laila was digging through her medicine cabinet for her sleeping pills and proceeded to drag herself into Bed. As the pills kicked in and Laila finally got comfortable the doorbell ringed
" Oh God please let that be Eli" she said whipping sweat from her forehead, rising up and pacing herself towards her stairs
" Im going to kill this Bitch. I swear I am" Mikey furiously thought to his self outside of Laila’s house ringing the door bell.
His now thin body was Dressed in all black, as his face was covered by a ski mask . He stood there anxious from His Ultimate high, holding a bouquet of flowers . It was Sun down, He knew Laila was home alone because he sat at the edge of her block all day and watched Elijah leave in the morning and stayed until she got off of work.He watched her drag her feet as she walked to the front door from the window and Quickly put the flowers in the peep hole
" Who is it" Laila said in a frail tone putting an eye into the peep hole of her door.
Before the visitor replied, she saw the beautiful flowers and knew it had to be Elijah . Thrilled she opened the door and Mikey Slapped the Flowers in her face as hard as they would go and watched her tumble over. Once in side he close the door behind himself and stomped over to where Laila had fallen
You Stupid Bitch! I told you I was going to Get your Ass!" Mikey yelled hitting her with blows to the side, back and chest.
Laila cried in pain
" Eli, W- What are you doing! Stop baby! What I do wrong?" She cried throwing her hands in front of her for protection
" Eli"?! Mikey questioned
" BITCH I AIN'T YOUR PRINCE CHARMING" He yelled Snatching off his Black ski mask
He watched Laila’s eyes widen to the sight of him as she crawled to get up. He was sick looking, his feautures has sunken in ,the drugs had did him no justice.
Mikey knew she was Scared and laughed watching her plead and cry for him to Leave
" Whyyy you Doing this to me Mikey! We are Through! I don't Belong to You anymore you sick Bastard" Laila now screaming back
Mikey kicked her with every word. He made Sure she felt what he had felt. Ebony was his Bestfriend growing up,they were all they had after being neglected by their father over Laila and Mama Char’s presence , his nephew is the love of his life. When she called Days ago Claiming she knew what he had done to Laila cursing him out calling him all types of sick names, he was So hurt. She said he'll never see her again and his hate for Laila grew like wild flower . Yes, after he started fucking with Laila blackmainling his father he became obsessed and evil and eventually he Ebony less than what she deserved, as if she wasn’t even alive not hanging out with her nor making sure she was good . But he never thought he wouldn't have her in his life . And if He couldn't ? Laila wouldn't have a life. It was that simple
Mikey Dragged Laila by her hair as he walked upstairs , Her body thumping against each stair. He reached her room and He threw her body on her bed and began snatching off her clothes
" STOPPPP! OH GOD NO MIKEY DONT DO THIS" Laila shouted as if he'd already started killing her
" SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! I TOLD YOU I WANT SOME PUSSY! AND YOU GON GIVE IT TO ME! IT'S YOUR FUNERAL DAY BABY GO OUT IN STYLE" He evilly laughed Pulling down her panties with one hand and Holding on to Her neck
He watched Laila closed her eyes tightly as he Pulled down his own pants and lifting up her shirt
He stopped in his tracks when he saw her stomach. It was rounding at the bottom like it never was before. Mikey began to lose it
Laila’s eyes popped open.
" WHAT .. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT M-Mikey I'm not pregnant! I JUST couldn't Fuck you anymore! For God sake your My Mothers Ex Husband SON! WE CAN NEVER BE TOGEHER. LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID TO MY FAMILY, TO ME AND EBONY!!!!!!you disgust me! I HATE YOUR ASS" She yelled holding her side
Mikey's eyes now filled with Tears as he pulled up his pants up. He truly loved Laila In some sick and twisted way, Now more than ever he realized she didn’t feel the same, all these years allowing Mama Char to steal money from Her, to him giving her all those drugs, and even him giving Laila 20,00$ out of the cut he was getting to keep her around. All Laila cared about was the money this whole time too, But he COULDN’T LET HER GO! He never could ever since he Met Charmaine and she became his new step mother . Laila’s smile , her personality and her Womanly Curves was something he never could get out his mind even after Cornel’s divorce .Seeing her now Pregnant once again in her happy perfect little life he hated her so much . She always had it good while others suffered just like her Damn Mother! Now she was having a baby and everyone else's life was crumbling apart . He couldnt let her get away with it
" Laila I Loved you! I really did If you could have went along with what we started that could be my baby" Mikey began to Pace back and fourth
" You were my Step brother! I WAS 15 I DIDN’T KNOW ALL THAT TIME IT WAS REALLY RAPE I WAS TOO YOUNG, YOU USED ME !How could you love me? Your sick Michael You ruined my life and I admit I was greedy that 20,000 every other month was good but now that I know what you did, to me , to my mother, to ebony I will never be with you!" Laala spoke still from the floor eyeing Mikey's every moment
Mikey had heard her last testimony, and quickly drew the Gun he had tucked in his Pants pocket and aimed it for Laila’s body
" You never loved me?!! How could I be so stupid Your just like Your mother!!!!!! Ebony is gone! Yasin is Gone! And Bitch Your going to be Gone too ! " Mikey cried
Laila balled tears and put her hands In the air begging God not to let her die! Her eyes were so heavy She fought to keep them open
" Mikey Please Don't do this! I'm sorry Im Sooo Sorry maybe we could start over please I could Love you I could I just need time! MIKEY DONT PLEASE . Oh God Please don't let him Kill me" Laila now on her knees begging
Mikey didn't care . Her tears meant nothing to the pain he was dealing with , he was hysterical and shaking at this point . Mikey stopped pacing , pointed the Gun at her closed his eyes and Pulled the trigger. When he heard her gasp for air he opened his eyes in shock of what he had really done
" OH GOD OOh GOD Laila look what you've done ! At what you made me do . Oh God Ebony forgive Me! God Forgive me"
Mikey was a Wreck. He ran down the stairs to Laila’s kitchen still holding his Gun. He couldn’t let anybody know it was him the last thing he wanted was to go to jail. He was so frantic searching her kitchen drawls for Matches. When he found them He dropped the gun and Began searching for Anything flammable to catch a fire. He got a hold on gasoline for her Grill she kept in her bottom kitchen draw and went crazy with it
He poured it through the kitchen, Her livingroom , even her front hall where the flowers he had hit her with still layed . He ran through the house throwing the fuel everywhere even getting upstairs in the Master bed room where Laila’s body was . Mikey lit the matches and threw them in Various places before fleeing the crime scene in hopes that shit burned down with Laila still inside
Laila eyes slowly closed as the smell of smoke Pushed past her lungs . Her blood ran slow and her body began to feel lifeless . she allowed her eyes to shut and felt herself drift far far away , it was Really the End .
" Breaking News here In Upper Ny this cool October afternoon a Woman's home located on 34 &West 88th , was Severely burnt down with her inside The woman identified to be 24 year old Laila Morgan a Successful Real estate Broker here in New York, with her own business office not to far from Her residence. She was badly beaten,suffered a gun shot wound and minor burns before neighbors called the police and fire department who arrived minutes later. Right now there are no suspects in custody but investigations states the Weapon, and evidence starting the fire were found inside the home and also recovered Zaleplon in the young woman's system but are still ruling it a Homiside for now Calling it an Act of Tainted Love.The Young woman is now being held in New York University Medical Center and is critical but stable. The Community is calling it true A miracle .Any leads on this unfortunate incident please call the number below" ALL the news channels Simultaneously went over Laila’s near death experience repeatedly
Tasha, Mama Char, Elijah and Even Ebony and her son rushed to the hospital with heavy hearts, each getting the news at just about the same time.
At the Hospital, in the waiting room the broken family waited in silence
"Ok everyone, Hi I'm doctor Michelle Stevens. I'm on Ms. Morgan's case and will be taking care of her while for the rest of her time here. I see she has a lot of family and support but I'm afraid all of you can't see her at this time. If you can agree on going maybe two at a time that would work, and as the rest stay in the waiting room I ask that you respect the level of sound this is a hospital, She’s in room B1325" The Slender Red head with dark blue scrubs and a white coat spoke to the crowd
" Thank you Doctor, we'll talk Among ourselves and then decide who will go first" Mama Char nodding her head and the Doctor turned to return to Laila’s room
"Y'all can go I just came to see if she's alive or not" Ebony turned to the rest of them leaning out her Teal waiting room chair
"Ebony, cut it out How can you be so cruel at a time like this" Tasha cried
Ebony rolled her eyes
" Easy! She didn't come see me in the hospital after my accident so the fact that I'm here she should be lucky"
“SHE DID SO EB, COME ON NOW YOU KNOW SHE WAS GOING THROUGH IT” Tasha stepped in to her defense
Mama Char sucked her teeth annoyed
" Just like your father thinking of yourself! God doesn't like ugly. I came didn't I so put a smile on your face and pretend you wanna be here"
Ebony wanted to spit on her. Who the fuck did she think she was sitting there in her short trench coat and dark eye glasses looking like she was auditioning for a movie role pretending she gave a fuck about Laila at all.
" Your one to talk! Don't act like you wanna be here either! I Know all about what you did to Her , to Us all these years you evil self-centered BITCH don't tell me what to do when you have Sins of your own" Ebony shouted
Tasha raised her head out her own lap and shouted surprised at how she was talking to Char
"Yo forreal . Laila laying up in that hospital bed lucky to be Alive after what the fuck just happened to her and y'all sitting here's arguing like fucking dogs. Y'all suppose to be her family right cause' I can't tell . Any drama y'all got leave that shit somewhere else , this shit is serious she don't need this shit!!!!"
Elijah hissed in his seat . He had heard enough
" Who the fuck are you anyway" Mama char Asked pulling down her shades to peek at him
"Mama Char that's Laila’s Boyfriend" Tasha answered
" I'm the ONLY person who obviously give a fuck more about her.. especially more than you do if it wasn’t for you she wouldn't even be in the predicament she's in now" Elijah spat with intensity
" Young Man stay in your place! You don't know a damn thing. My daughter is in this situation because of her own" Char replied raises her nose in the opposite direction
" Who you fooling ? Damn sure not me. Or anyone else here, We all know the truth just admit it that’s the least you can do ..” Elijah argued
" And you do?" Char laughed so hard almost knocking her glasses off
" Your just the new Dick she riding you ain't shit to her like the rest of us here. Laila is a grown as woman whatever made the person who did this I'm sure had a reason. She got what she deserved" Char continued now waving her finger.
" Mama char ! That's Enough . We all have our own opinions about Laila but damn don't do her like that! She don't deserve this shit. OR the shit you put her through have some sympathy!" Tasha finally let out
" Tasha right . Look at us sitting here arguing in the waiting room while Laila lays there in bed alone. Lets put aside whatever problems and Be there for her! She did for me I would be wrong if I didn't return the favor"Ebony giving her two cents
.The waiting room got quite and Elijah stood up and started heading down the long Hospital hall way to Laila’s room . He didn't wait for the rest of the company to respond he felt terrible sitting there instead of being with Laila
As He entered the room his eyes filled with tears. Laila laid there eyes closed with tubes attached to her chest, gauges where she had gotten shot and an arm sling attached to her right arm. A short Caucasian nurse was changing her bandages and putting ointment on her burns.
" I-I-Is she okay? Did she lose an arm? Is she paralyzed? Can she talk "He Studderd nervously
The nurse turned & smiled
"Oh god No she fine she fine, VERY LUCKY Miss Morgan can talk she just really out of it Poor thing almost lost her baby.I cleaned her burns for her and they should heal just fine. "
Elijah almost fell out hearing the word “Baby” What was this woman talking about. As Doctor Stevens came in as the nurse left out
" Hi, which family member are you? I have information about Ms. Morgan I'm afraid only either Blood relatives such as Her Mother or Husband can be told" She said holding her hand out
Giving her his right hand out of his sweat pants pocket Elijah and lied
"I'm her Husband"
He didn't mean to but he wanted to know what was up.
" Ok well as you know she only suffered minor burns to her arms, and legs thanks to her neighbors Calling 911 when they did. The Sleeping pills in her system we flushed and treated her with lots of pain medicine and Anti biotic. As for The bullet it grazed her right arm we think she tried to block it and then proceeded to hit her her chest. It missed her heart by 2 inches , tearing only muscle in her chest and breast cavity , we operated immediately retrieved the bullet and stitched her up, She also lost quite a bit of blood and we gave her a blood transfusion for that.As for the baby, He or she was in distress causing the heart rate to drop because of blood lost but the blood transfusion we gave did wonders. Honestly your Wife is lucky to be alive"
Elijah couldn't believe his ears. Laila was pregnant and he had no idea. Was it his? Is that why she's been scared of that Mikey nigga? He thought quickly before answering the Doctor
"Thank you for saving her life , I honestly didn't know she was pregnant and I don't think she did either we work alot . How many months is she"
"About 2 months and I understand about having busy work schedules me and my Husband do as well. But Congrats and the Police will be here a little later to further Questions"
“2 months… that baby has to be mines Ive been with Her non stop” Elijah thought to his self in relief
Doctor Stevens left the room and finally Elijah was left alone with Laila. He sat in a hospital chair and put both hands on her as she laid there peacefully with her eyes placed shut her chest caving in and out her body all bruised Elijah felt so bad.
"Damn Laila… baby Im so sorry I couldn’t protect you.." He whispered.
She coughed a few times before talking
"Elijah"? She questioned his authorities .
Shocked she was away ,He clasped her hand into his smiling to the fact that his was always bigger than hers .
"Im here Laila, are you okay ?i thought I lost you kid" He spoke looking into his eyes
" Mikey did this to me.." Laila’s words barely make-out-able
"What you say Ma"?
"He..did..this..to..me… Mikey shot me.. m-MIKEY SHOT ME" Laila’s tone now shaken up as she spoke out every syllable still in Shock
Elijah heard it that time. Immediately Anger Flew through his veins and his jaw clenched. He kissed her forehead and rushed out the room, He knew exactly Who did this shit to his Girl, and He made a promise to himself and his unborn child.. To Kill that Nigga.
The Rest of the Group went in one by one and shortly after Elijah left the left police came and Questioned them. Neither Tasha, Mama Char, or Ebony Honestly knew who could have done this to her and to the Police it made Laila’s case very difficult to figure out.
Elijah reassured the office of Laila’s conditions and although they all seemed so sympathetic He ignored any Questions and went on with the Work he had planned for himself
"Yo, I need a Favor My nigga you got me or what"? Elijah spoke discreetly in a black hoop-tie with the seat Declined
" E my man Wassup anything for you nigga! Always had my back" the other person over the phone enthusiastically
"I need some Heat for this Wack Ass nigga, He did some shit to fam and gotta get the knocked fuck off. I ain't lookin for no big Shit just something To get the job done with No loud Bang bangs Ight"
"Damn E I heard , I gotchu tho come to the spot "
The two hung up and Elijah pulled off driving to the location they would meet
He arrived at a small beat up House, got out and quickly made his way to the door and Inside.
A Bulky dark skin Man with Dreads approached him in the hall way holding a gun inside a black plastic bag
"This perfect. Good looks" Elijah thanked holding The Medium size Gun in his hand after his Boy Tah gave it to him.
He had known Tah since he was slinging drugs and had his back one day when Tah got into some shit with some niggas older than him. After that He'd been doing any favors Elijah asked .
"No prob my nigga. Go handle yours. Stay good no Bullshit igh" Tah and Elijah exchanged abrotherly hug
Back in the Car, Elijah placed the Gun inside the Glove department and drove to where he knew Mikey was.. Inside The projects trying to stay low after what he did to Laila, High and paranoid with some Junkie friends. Elijah had asked a couple niggas around if they knew him earlier that week after What happened to Laila shit he even beat a nigga ass for information on Mikey
The black hooptie turned into Brooklyn projects. Elijah was dressed in all black, black Pullover sweater, Black Baggy Sweat pants Black Tim's , Black gloves and Black skully . He retrieved the gun from the glove department and the bag of coke he got from some lil niggas and hopped out the car.
Elijah walked with Structure Keeping his eyes out for any cops and Mikey.
He walked through the project complex hallways making sure to cover each peephole as he walked pass each apartment and finally reached Apartment 340 the last apartment in that dirty ass building
He knocked twice .
"YO somebody at the door" a Male voice screamed from inside
"Fuck you telling me for, go open it!" Another voice screamed
The chain on the door came off and the door slid open
"WHO YOU" a large Man with a beard asked eye'ing Elijah up and down.
Playing it cool Elijah responded
"I got Some Work for Mikey, from DJ" Elijah lied using a nigga from the hood's name.
"Yo Mikey, This nigga Said He got some Work for You" the Man turned over his shoulder to say
" Let his Ass in then! Shit right on time ! " Mikey Dry Coughed
“This nigga really on the shits bad” Elijah thought to himself
The Large man moved aside and him stepped in.
The little apartment was filthy, and smelled of Sweat , Ass and Smoke. It was cigarette Buds everywhere and nothing but a Couch in living room . A real hole in the wall
" Sit Youngin, Mi Casa es Tu Casa" Mikey declared pointing to couch lighting a cigarette
Elijah sat eyeing him. He was Thin with deflated muscles , ashy skin and a face full of bones. A Real live crackhead just like the Nigga described . Instantly Elijah's anger grew
" So Let me see what you Workin with " Mike pressured
" Dang nigga no conversation first. Lets Kick it. We might be doing more business soon anyways lets get Acquainted" Elijah reassured smirking . He had no plan
Mikey Laughed and nodded
The three talked for a while before Mikey set out lines for himself to hit.
He snorted Hard inhaling all the white candy and sat back while it kicked in. Elijah knew it was his chance
"Yo, y'all heard about that Bitch Laila. Some Nigga Blew her shit off" Elijah spoke cluelessly as if he didn't know her .
"Mikey Know Her very Well ain't that right Mike" The fat one Finally said chuckling at the end
Mikey lifted up a little in seat.
" Thats right! Stupid Bitch got what was coming for Her"
" Word! You know who did it?" Elijah nervously let out
"Know? Youngin I am who did it" Mikey's tone sounded to confident
Elijah wanted to peel his cap right there but needed to hear more
"Nahhhh nigga you lying! They got a suspect I heard" He lied some more . He knew as high as Mikey just got he would say anything
" I did that Shit! And I'd do it Again.. That Bitch was my Step Sister, Ha I fell for that bitch & I Hit that a few times thanks to her Fucked up ass Mama. I payed that bitch 20 grand to stay with my ass sick I know mannnn that was some good pussy…. I even shared My drugs with Ha moms! But Laila , that bitch Fucked up rotation ya feel me started not fuckin wit me! Found a new Man and wasn't giving me None! Don't that bitch know She was Mine!" Mikey slurred
"Tell him Mike" The Fat one interrupted
"Nigga I'm telling ! Shut the Fuck up, Anyway she had to learn a lesson she couldn’t leave ME IM MICHEAL HAUSLEY CORNEL IS MY FUCKING FATHER I WASN’T RAISED TO LET NO BITCH CALL THE SHOTS That Bitch told my sister Ebony everything, and it really…fucked me up she wouldn’t let me see my nephew anymore so Laila’s prissy ass…h-h-had to pay Hell Yeah I did that shit! Went in That Bitch House, Beat her Ass , Tried Rapin her before I saw her dirty Hoe ass was having that nigga baby , I lost it Beat her some More then Shot that bitch. I lit that Motha fucca up then bounced. Ha! You should have Seen that bitch beg dumb Ass bitch. I still pulled the Trigger. Anyways, I heard From Around Her new Nigga was Erin, Edward, or Some E shit" Mikey informed
Hearing that sent Elijah to his Breaking Point . He couldn't take it anymore
"Elijah" He called his own name
"Yeah That's It" Mikey Confirmed "How you know Youngin"
Elijah began Swinging his arms to the side snatching the Gun from his Pocket and Letting off 4 in The Fat nigga that answered the Door who was sitting in the corner causing him to Die Instantly
Mikey's eyes flew open and he jumped up reaching for his Gun
" You Move & I'll Blow your Fucking Head straight off" Elijah barked
Mikey didn't move a muscle
" You Fucking Dumb! You ain't getting Away with this shit ! Watch Ima Kill you Like I Killed that bitch" Mikey yelled back frozen in action
Elijah laughed
" You on Too much Crack . You ain't getting out of hear Alive to tell any fucking body! My bitch ain't Dead you Fien MothaFucca!Obviously your broke ass doesn’t own a Tv to know that But SURPRISE You Tried to Kill her and my Child! Now its your chance to Go" Elijah's spit flew from his mouth
Mikey looked like he was Gona shit his pants
" SEEE! You ain't built For this life you goofy Ass nigga! You left your gun at the scene , They gon know it was you when she tell em exactly How she told me. You really Think you was Gona Walk free? AI got news for you!" Elijah inched closer with every word and he aimed the Gun right in his face
Mikey began to shake. The drugs had full effect now. He started pleading for forgiveness but that didn't mean a damn thing to Elijah
He Cocked the Gun back and suddenly stopped in his tracks when the vision of Laila appeared in his mind.
She was pregnant She needed him and so did his baby, If he killed both men he was sure to go away for life and he couldn't do that to Laila After all he was in Love with what they had become. What example ass he setting for his unborn? Elijah Lowered the gun.. He couldn't do it
" FUCK!" He shouted knocking the gun against his forehead
" Oh! You can't do it huh Young Blood? You Soft I knew it! You going down for my home boy ricky here" Mikey announced laughing it off
" I Could Kill you y'know but I got Laila and now a baby I have to think about. I already won, Killing you won't do me any good . "
“FUCK THAT BABY, AND FUCK YOUR BITCH” Mikey spat sending spit flying out his mouth
Elijah was In rage, No this nigga didn’t speak so ill towards his new family, He through the gun into Mikey’s hand before attacking
As Mikey fumbled to catch it , Elijah Threw a Hard left hook sending Mikey down . Elijah began to Beat His Ass like he's never beaten anyone in his life. Blood from Mikey's mouth , nose , and everywhere else went flying. Elijah beat him until his Knuckles were bloody inside his gloves , he was so angry
Mikey's body layed limp although Elijah knew he wasn't dead
"You ain't bragging now nigga!" Elijah kicked the final blow into Mikey's stomach and he coughed up blood.
Back in the car Elijah thought about what he had done and felt disgusted with himself. He never wanted to go back to his old Hoodish ways but Laila meant everything to her, he couldn't let Mikey get away with anything. He made a vow to himself never to Act in that manner again before flipping his phone and making a call
"911 emergency” the operator answered
Weeks went by as Laila’s body recovered and November just arrived and the Doctors let her know She was going home today. Laila was blessed and so happy to be alive but she no longer had a home and that was no way to raise a child. She wanted to stay safe in that Hospital room with her Pregnant belly away from the media, her Job, and Most importantly Mikey.
"I see your doing better"
Ebony clapped stepping into Laila’s room wearing Wide Legged Pants and a pea coat. She was procrastinating coming to see Laila for quite some time after Laila’s incident but this Tuesday Afternoon she got off of work ,dropped Yasin to Charles and made her to her sister anyways
She could tell Laila was surprised to see her
"Girl get that look off your face. I ain't a Ghost , it's the real Ebony Smith boo" Ebony joked
"You so crazy. I'm just surprised to see you but I'm more than thankful you did I was meaning to talk to you"
Laila sat up in bed and fluffed her pillows making sure to keep her stomach covered. After finding out she was pregnant her belly had grown more.
"Yeah well let me go first okay I need to say something" Ebony let her know pulling a hospital chair closer to her bed
"Laila, I'm so sorry. Don't get me wrong I tried to hate yo ass after you dropped that bomb on me but when this happened I couldn't do it anymore. You hurt me so much I resented you but after they arrest my Brother and the truth came out on the news, and TV I realized my Brother had hurt you so I could no longer be upset. I'm so sorry all this time I had no idea what he was capable of, your my Sister regardless marriage or not we made a Bond bitch" Ebony went on
"I understand , I just couldn't figure out when was the right time to tell you I guess there wasn't a right time. I really wish I could have told you earlier and maybe this would have never happened.. But God knows better. I'm just Happy to be here to do better this time around, for me and my Baby. But wait.. Did you say they caught your Brother?!" Laila instantly thrilled
"Girl Yeah, that Bastard was found beaten the fuck up in Brooklyn Heights projects He shot some nigga up and the news say when he was arrested they found the gun he killed the nigga with so y'know he couldn't deny it his finger prints was all on it and he Confessed to everything he did to you, why and all that . He got sentenced to life , and I don't feel bad he did so much to us all it's only right! And I know you ain't say nothing bout no baby!" Ebony exclaimed jumping up to Laila’s bed side
"GOD is Good. And Yeah I had no idea but After what Mikey did the Doctor's told me. I was in disbelief but it's true and honestly I'm thankful I never wanted to be a mother so soon but this all is in God’s Plans" Laila confidently stated removing her hospital cover
Ebony's eyes filled with tears of joy
Laila’s stomach was in a small basketball form
She placed her hands on Laila’s belly
"Congrats Bitch! I can't believe you having a baby, you better be having it too"
"She Is" Elijah's voice snuck in the room
He walked over to them both holding a bouquet of flowers
"I'm guessing you the Baby Father huh, Congrats forreal I don't know you very well but this is my Sister before anything you hurt her and ima show up to ya residence" Ebony let him know
"Girl cut it out, he's the Best thing that has ever happened to me. He's the reason I stopped dealing with your Brother and told you the truth. He's nothing but Good. Excuse Ebony she's protective" Laila but in
"Well in that case I see your in good hands. Ima let y'all chat I gotta go get my Son. La when you get home holla" Ebony smiled and headed towards the door
"Eb"? Laila called after her
"Yeah"? Ebony answered
"I love you girl . And I'm so sorry about Charles you deserve the best" Laila sincerely announced
"I love you too La, it's all good babe a babyyyy" Ebony nodded Quoting Rapper B.I.G and left
Elijah kissed Laila’s face and placed the Flowers on a near by Counter top. They talked a little about her Job and how everything was going before Elijah shot up ready to leave
"Okay we Leaving I came to take you home since they think I'm Your husband They called me to discharge you, so lets go I want to take you somewhere”
Laila laughed and nodded rising from the bed in baggy sweats
They Drove in his Range rover, windows up and the Heat on. It was getting colder by the day in Ny. Laila had no idea where they was going, but she wish she was still in the hospital. She thought she was too ugly to be outside at that moment, her arm sling was removed but the 5 inch line going across her chest where the doctor had did surgery on her looked like the stitching on a football. Her bruises were going away so they were all a purple brownish color. She felt hideous but said nothing the whole ride.
Elijah drove to Bernards township in Somerset, NJ and arrived at the biggest house Laila had ever seen. It wasn't a mansion but it was way bigger than her 4 bed room residence . It had big glass windows , a stone patio, and a spacious front lawn. The house was already painted in a nice even cream with a Brown roof and shutters . Elijah parked in the drive way and escorted Laila out the car
"Elijah come on now i just came home from the hospital I smell like old ass people and I look nasty the last thing I need is for people to see me" Laila pouted
He took her hand anyways leading her to the door
"It'll be quick Lay I promise" He replied using his new nick name for her knowing she would smile
and she did .
They went inside and Laila was sure she had died and gone to heaven
The floors were shiny Italian wood and it had two rows of stairs , one on each side as if the house were a grand entrance with a gold chandelier in between . To the left Laila could see the kitchen and Dinning room that's was as equally beautiful as the house decked out with some of the Furniture Laila had seen before in the best furniture stores in NY. She was in Aw but confused at why they were there
"Elijah what are we doing here , who's house is this ? And why did we just walk into these people house like this ? Are they even home" Laila’s mouth was going a mile a minute
Elijah still holding hand faced her and let his heart speak for the first time in his life
"Lay, I have to be honest with you . When I met you had no intentions of falling in love with you I really thought you and your shit was out of my Lead. Where I grew up all I ever seen was the ugly but these two months you've shown me nothing but beauty not just your looks but your personality and all. I love you and will never let another man hurt you, disrespect you or degrade you ever again or My child either. After what happened I woke up and realized YOU are all I want and You deserve this…. This is Our house"
Laila began to cry hard. She never heard anybody say the things he had said and was speechless as hell
"Shit don't cry Lay, what I say wrong? You don't like the Crib"? Elijah nervously said kissing her
"Nothing babe everything you said was music to my ears. The house Is beautiful Elijah it really is but I feel bad I don't have nothing to give you " Laila projected
"You gave me enough having my baby real shit all I ever wanted was a family but the streets and my fathers death fucked me up . I never been in love before but I'ma try you feel me. The Doctor told me you was pregnant when I told her I was your Husband, and at the moment I knew what I had to do" Elijah reassured
" I never been either. Mikey fucked my head up along with a bunch of other niggas growing up. I don't know how to love but I do know I love you Elijah I'm just scared that Mikey.."
Laila put her head down not wanting to finish her sentence
"You don't have to worry about him , I took care of that didn't I, now gimme kiss" Elijah smiled that crooked smile sending Laila’s heart into over drive
She knew what Elijah meant by taking care of something so she didn't bother to ask. All she knew is that her life was finally turning around. She looked into his Hazel eyes and planted a big kiss on his nice full lips
Tasha ,Ebony and Laila were all on the phone chatting like they use to when they were younger. Tasha gossiped about Nicole and how she loved their relationship, Ebony and Yasin was doing much better without Charles now that the divorce was finalized and Ebony realized she no longer wanted a relation in general all she had was her Son, Niggas ain't do shit for her and that's how she wanted to keep it. Laila explained how she and Elijah were doing sooo good in their new 7 bed room house , Elijah commuted to Ny for work and she'd stay home like he insisted and wanted to Focus on their family they were about to have.
Before everyone knew it the end of Laila’s pregnancy ,she was now 9 months pregnant and Ebony and Tasha Planned her a big baby shower
"Okay everybody get into place" Tasha yelled at the crowd of people crouched down in Laila’s new house
Elijah sent Her on a food run just to keep her out the house so he could allow everyone to get here and she had made her way back
The door made a click Clack sound as the Key entered it and Laila walked through it
Her house was dark
"Babe, I couldn't find Cheeseburger Heaven , I don’t even think they have one of those over here I got tired and came home! I could make you a cheese burger boy I don't know why you wanted that shit in the first place" Laila’s voiced muffled through the house
She walked to her Dinning room and flicked on a light
"SURPRISE"!!!!!!!!! The crowd jumped out and screamed
The whole Dinning room Was decorated with every type of baby shower decoration there was pink and blue everything! Streamers, balloons, baby bottles, pampers and clothes cut ours were on the walls, And confetti was everywhere.
"You Guys are cleaning this shit up" Laila laughed wobbling into the crowd
Everybody was there! Ebony, Yasin, Tasha, Nicole, ChildHood friends , Her Ex-Co workers, Samantha, Elijah of course and even Mama Char!
Thankyou's flew freely in the room like cigarette smoke.
"Look at the big belly you are a beautiful pregnant lady" Mama Char approached reaching her hand out and rubbing her oversized stomach
"Hi Mama, Im surprised to see you here"
"I know Child. But life is too short to hold on to wrongs when you could be doing so much right. I was wrong, I admit that I cant believe what I had done to you, or to our family But hey I'm only 40 I have alot to learn my damn self, your my First and Only child the Harm I put you in is unforgivable but I still love you. I've been clean for a while and Going to Church "Char talked with fun attitude
Laila was more than happy to have her mother back in her life and didn’t care about anything else now that her baby was on its way, she really Did grow up
"I love you too Ma, and I forgive you I have a child of my own to worry about I can't hold on to nomore pain"
"God Bless you" Char gave her blessings and continued to enjoy the party.
Laila moved through the crowd towards her sisters
"I'm ready to drop this Load" Laila exhaled
"We Know" Both Ebony and Tasha said Simultaneously
"Y'all bitches so annoying. But thank Y'all for throwing this party forreal a bitch was given up all hope of y'all remembering this. Y'all got Everybody in here " Laila thanked
"Auntie Auntie When you throwing up my cousin" Yasin Ebony's son came flying pass people came over with his hands out towards Laila’s stomach
The three laughed
"Ya-ya I can't throw him up. I wish but soon baby soon. You got names ready" Laila teased
"Yeahhhhh a whole list" Yasin elated and went on and on about all the names he had picked
"Alright alright shut up boy before you talk Auntie Laila into Labor" Ebony laughed covering her son's mouth
"Anyways you welcome Boo! I'm God mother Alright don't try no bullshit" Tasha joked with a serious look on her face
"The Hell you are! I'm God mother lean Back" Ebony Fought
"Fat joe your career is over" Tasha shot back
Laila started cracking up
"Shut the hell up T, Ima decide when it's time . But my Bitch ain't Fat no more Look at her" Laila pointed towards Ebony who clearly lost like 35 pounds. Ebony spun around with her hands on her hip
"Tell her Ass! Okay! These a size 16 boo"
Ebony complimented herself
"Y'all are crazy lets Eat please" Tasha cut in
The party went on and everybody ate and played all the baby shower games , pin the tale on the diaper, what chocolate is this?, Spin the Bottle and more. The food was great but the cake that Elijah brought was impeccable. It was 4 layers of butter cream goodness, baby shower style . It had a Bootie shapped Finish and was colored yellow with their Names Embedded in the front of the cake
"I want to give a Special thanks to Ebony and Tasha for pulling this together I really was new to this. And everybody That came out for Laila, I Appreciated it" Elijah Preached and began cutting the cake
The party ended later on that night and Laila was exhausted
"I didn't get to Kick it witchu all day" Laila whispered in Elijah's ear as he washed the dishes.
He spun around hands still wet putting them around the pink tank top she had on
"I know, I wanted you to enjoy yourself " he said kissing her forehead
" I did thankyou, but stop those dishes you can finish in the morning . I want baby daddy time now" Laila laughed pulling her hair behind her ear
Elijah smiled and followed her orders.
He picked her up and carried her all the way up stairs to their Master Bath. It had Mirrors Covering the walls and A jacuzzi Bath and A Shower fit for a group .
"You tired"? Elijah asked
"Tired of being in the air boy put me down " Laila snorted
"You always had a smart mouth" He said putting her down
She walked over to the mirrors, lifting up her shirt looking at the baby kick pass her flesh. Elijah watched in amazement Laila was so beautiful pregnant and he grew to love her even more. He walked over to the Jacuzzi tub and turned the warm water on. He threw in some if her favorite bubble bath the Vanilla cupcake kind. The bubbles rise to the top. Elijah began taking off his V neck, walking over to Laila doing the same. He slid off her bra, unbuttons her jeans and took down her panties. Laila stood there naked before Elijah took her hand and allowed her to step in the tub.
The water was warm and smooth against Laila’s skin. She closed her eyes in relaxation.
Elijah removed the rest of his clothes and joined her. He washed her back with the water and rubbing her big belly.
"So, how long imam is your baby daddy" Elijah asked in kissing her neck
Laila’s head went back and tingles were sent up her spine. She hasn't had sex in months because she was scared it could make her go into labor earlier than expect or it could harm the baby even though all the Doctor appointments she had said otherwise
"Mm, just until I have this baby then you go back to Elijah" Laila smiled at her own smart remark
He turned around to face him and pulled her on his lap.
"Lay, you never want to get married” Elijah asked once again rubbing his strong hands through her now wet hair
She couldn’t take it, for some reason she was getting more in the mood with every word he said and every time he touched her.
"Elijah" Laila let out
He moved one hand under the water and found her pussy. Elijah massaged her clit and flicking it against the water. Laila wrapped her arms around his neck carefully leaving space for her big stomach
"Laila, why can't you marry me" Elijah whispered in her ear
She felt her nut building up but what he was saying brought her to a different place. She moved her clit on his fingers a little faster allowing her to cum on his fingers and the water to saturate her pussy.
"Baby put it in" She begged
"Laila you know that's not going to happen while my baby in there"
Laila caught an attitude. She really thought dick was in her near future but she guessed not.
"You get on my nerves, teasing me like that but whatever you owe me" Laila snapped
Elijah got out the tub and helped her out.
"And you owe me an answer"
He handed her a towel, wrapped himself into one and let the water out the tub.
They both got in the Bed, and fell straight to sleep.
Two days later Tasha was yelling into the phone trying to wake Ebony's ass up "Girl Get up Laila’s gone have the baby"
"Bitch its 7 is why the hell is Laila trine push a damn baby out” Ebony’s voice still sleep
"Her water broke ASSHOLE, Just get your ass up and meet us at NYUMC”
The two Hung up
Laila was screaming in the car of pain, the contractions were killing her now 5 minutes apart. Her water broke that morning in her kitchen when she was making something to eat, she bent down to get a pan and noticed on the floor was a puddle she screamed out for Elijah and went into instant panic.
"You got to Relax Lay; I'm driving as fast as I can" Elijah voice shook
He dodged cars, and swerved between lanes on the high way since Laila insisted they drive all the way back to NY to have the baby because it was closer to everybody else
"It hurtssssssss" Laila whined twisting her body up in her seat
Elijah drove as fast as he could it felt like forever before they finally reached the hospital
“Someone help her please she's In Labor" Elijah waved anxiously as he held Laila’s hand in the emergency room
Nurses came instantly with a wheel chair and a lot of questions. They quickly rushed her to the back for a room, Laila was terrified. She Squeezed Elijah's hand and thought about how quickly her life was about to change....
To be continued ….
Publication Date: June 23rd 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-yja5e1d33087a35 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-missy-maybe-it-was-better-i-didn-039-t-know/ | Missy Maybe it was Better I didn't Know
Hey, I decided to start a new story, and any thoughts about it would be great, and if i should continue to write more chapters. well thanks :)
Chapter one-
“ One, two, three, four, fix, six, seven, and eight!” Lesley scream at us over, and over, and over…. And we did the routine over, and over, and over…. I stood in the back, and I stopped moving and I just stood there, and closed my eyes. it is six in the morning… I don’t want to be doing this cheer leading crap at six in the morning…. Hmmm my bed sounds like a great place to be in right know. that is where I should be anyway. It so warm and soft-
“ Parker yoo-hoo!” Lesley said waving her hand in my face. I took a step back blinking my eyes.
“ lez-ley,” I mumbled.
“ Don’t say my name like that parker!” Lesley cried. I rolled my eyes and she stood up straight her skirt going even shorter… like that was even possible.
“ What do you want?” I muttered.
“ Um… What do you think we are here for?” She asked in a sarcastic bitchy tone. I gave her a flat look. “ I am the captain of this team, and you need to follow my instructions!” She hissed. I waved my hand at her nodding my head.
“ Okay then get to teaching lez-ley,” I mumbled. She made a humph sound and then she turned on her heel swaying her hips, and started up the routine again. I didn’t like the routine. It had too much ass shaking, and it felt as though I was doing a strip routine.
“ Oh my god Parker!” Lesley screamed. I stopped doing the cheer and put my hand on my hip looking at her.
“ What Lez-ley?” I barked.
“ Damn you Parker stop saying my name like that!” She cried stomping her feet on the ground and it looked like she was having a hissy fit. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter, but when she gave a pouting face I started cracking up. She narrowed her eyes at me, and I started laughing even harder. I bent over holding my stomach and my laughter filled the gym. “ I give up!” She screamed, and I looked up and saw her storming off towards the exit doors that lead to the girls changing rooms. i continued to laugh, and I sat on the ground and I looked at the girls and they all were trying to hold back laughter.
“ C’mon that was funny!” I gasped trying to stop laughing. That was it. they all started laughing with me. I sat there and the girls made their way towards the changing rooms.
“ You’re gonna kill Lesley one of these days Parker,” Julie said walking over to me and she looked down at me shaking her head.
“ Lez hates me,” I said smirking.
“ You seem so proud of that though,” Julie said raising an eyebrow. I shrugged my shoulders.
“ Maybe I am,” I mumbled. I heard Julie let out a dry laugh, and then we heard a bunch of voices. I looked up and saw the football team coming in. Damnit.
“ Oh la la,” Julie giggled.
“ Must you?” I moaned.
“ Must I what?”
“ Drool in front of those things,” I said pointing over to the football players.
“ Those things are totally yummy!” She giggled.
“ Stop with the damn giggling,” I hissed.
“ Is it your time of the month?” She asked. I looked up at her shaking my head.
“ Will you please be quiet?” I muttered pinching the bridge of my nose. She shrugged her shoulders, and then I saw her skip off towards the football players. I sat their watching her and how dumb she looked. Honestly, when I tell someone im a cheerleader the first thing they think is that im dumb, whorish, and blonde. One I am not blonde, and two I am not a whore. But im not really the smartest person, but im not a complete idiot! Just a little stupid…. Well whatever.
“ Yoo-hoo Parker!” I heard Julie scream my name from across the gym. Damnit I hate her voice. I looked up, and gave her a smile. “ Come here Parker!” She squealed. I looked down and groaned, and sat up and made my way towards her and the dogs.
“ what is it?” I mumbled.
“ Hey parker,” Grant smirked. I clenched my jaw closing my eyes.
“ Oh, hey Grant,” I said softly.
“ What are you girls up to?” he asked looking at Julie then me.
“ Absolutely nothing,” I said dryly. He smirked.
“ I like em feisty,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.
“ And Im going to cut your balls off,” I hissed. He raised an eyebrow putting his hands in the air.
“ Rawr,” he said. I rolled my eyes, and turned away making my way towards the girl locker rooms. I was walking down the halls, and looked down at my nails, and saw they were chipping. I painted them black a couple days ago. If you paint your nails black it’s simple just go over them if they mess up. Unlike other damn colors….
My body collided into something… maybe someone, and books went flying everywhere. I stumbled back falling on my ass, and I looked up and saw this guy just standing there. He was tall, had shaggy brown hair with lighter and darker highlights. His skin was a olive color, but I couldn’t see his eyes, because his hair was over them. He knelt down and started to pick up his books.
“ Why don’t you watch where your walking,” he said coldly.
“ Um wow,” I muttered standing up.
“ You’re the one who was admiring your damn nails instead of watching where you were walking,” he growled trying to get all his books into his book bag. I felt something next to my foot, and knelt down and picked up his notebook but it was snatched out of my hands. “ I don’t want a cheerleader touching my things,” he said standing up.
“ Dude you’re an ass! If you were watching where you were going then you would of saw me, and moved out of the way,” I hissed standing up. He tilted his head up, and his hair moved away from his eyes, and my eyes met with his bright green eyes.
“ Whatever cheerleader,” he said walking around me.
“ I have a name!” I yelled at him. he continued to walk, and I threw my hands up in the air. “Good day to you, Mr. Cranky ass,” I muttered walking into the girls locker room. When I walked in a was consumed by the horrid scent of perfume. I walked to my locker, and slipped of my uniform, and put on a pair of black skinny jeans, red high heeled boots, and a black and red sparkly tank top with ruffles. I quickly threw my things in, and made my way out of the locker rooms, and walked out running my hands through my hair, and made my way to my first class which is biology… oh god… which is also the class I get into so much trouble in. I walked into the class, and Mr. Jensur looked at me, and he sighed taking off his glasses, and rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“ Hello, Parker,” he said tiredly.
“ hey,” I muttered walking towards my seat in the front of the room right in front of his desk.
“ Parker, you have a D in this class,” he said shaking his head.
“ I’m aware,” I shrugged.
“ Parker do you want to retake Senior year?” he asked.
“ Who would want to retake senior year?” I laughed.
“ No one, but if you fail my class you won’t pass this year,” He said sternly.
“ All my teachers have been saying that lately,” I sighed sitting back in my seat. Students started to fill into the class, and I looked up and saw people just filling in. I let out a deep breath closing my eyes and I heard the chair next to me being pulled out. I looked up and saw Beatrice. Today Beatrice looked like a Barbie. Her fake bright blonde hair was straightened to protection, and she had pounds of makeup on her face. Her black mini shorts showed her ass, and her tight tube top hugged to her. She sat down next to me, flipping her hair over her shoulder. He long… fake hair… she got extensions reached down to her hips. Her hair hit my face, and I leaned away glaring at her.
“ Well, hello Parker,” she said doing this funny thing with her lips.
“ Well, hello Beatrice,” I said overly happy. She rolled her eyes at me, and gave me a fake smile.
“ So, how was that silly cheerleading practice this morning?” She asked looking at her fake nails.
“ You only think it’s silly, because you didn’t get on the squad,” I said meanly.
“ Parker, why are you so mean to me!” She wined. I bit my lip looking down. Oh I could give you a list of reasons. I closed my eyes. “ Hello, Parker!”
“ Do you really want me to list the reasons?” I said sharply.
“ List?”
“ Oh I could give you a dozen reasons why Beatrice,” I muttered.
“ Someone is on their period,” she said bringing out her phone. I stared at her sharply rolling my eyes. The bell rang, and I flinched at the nose. I set my head down on the table closing my eyes.
“ Parker no sleeping in my class!” mr.Jensur said loudly. I sat up and nodded my head looking at the bored. He handed us a worksheet, and Beatrice was complaining about everything. Leading from her little life to make up and boys. Then she did some winning about school, and she was just talking my ear off.
“ Beatrice please,” I said sharply. She looked alarmed. “ Im about to tape your mouth shut,” I hissed.
“ is that a threat?” She cried.
“ I could make it a threat,” I growled.
“ Mr. Jensur! Im being threatened for my life!” Beatrice cried. My jaw dropped and I looked at Mr. Jensur shaking my head.
“ Excuse me?” he said.
“ Parker just threatened to kill me,” She cried. SHE CRIED! I looked over and saw tears coming down her cheeks. I sat their gawking at her.
“ Your kidding right?” I muttered.
“ Parker go to the deans,” Mr. Jensur said filling out a yellow slip.
“ But I didn’t! She is lying!” I said glaring at her.
“ Parker!” He hissed. I stood up grabbing my book bag and threw it over my shoulder, and walked up to him ripping the slip out of his hands and stormed out of the classroom.
“ Freaking bullshit,” I said slamming the door. I walked down the hall, and stopped in front of the dean’s office. When I opened the door the dean looked up at me.
“ hello Parker,” she said.
“ Ugh hey,” I muttered rubbing the back of my neck.
“ What happened know?” She asked. I sat down in the chair and shook my head, and handed her the slip. “ You threatened someone?” She gasped. I brought my hands up to my face rubbing my eyes and I shook my head.
“ It is… nothing like that! She took is out of proportion. I said I would tape her mouth shut,” I said shaking my head. the dean started to laugh, and she went on her lap top and started clicking away. I sat there watching her and then she looked up at me.
“ Well Parker you can get going,” She said.
“ Am I in trouble?” I asked. She shook her head, and I nodded my head sitting up and walked out of there. The second bell rang, and I flinched once again from the sound. I past Beatrice, and stopped grabbing her arm.
“ ugh,” she muttered looking scared.
“ You are one crazy bitch,” I growled and let go of her arm walking towards my next class. This whole school is just full of crazy ass people in this crazy ass world. All my classes went by the same. The teachers nagged at me about my grades, and I sat their nodding my head. My schedule was Biology, English, Fashion, Study, Lunch, Algebra, history, and then gym. I walked into the lunch room, and walked towards the table where I usually sit. It is filled with cheerleaders, and jocks. I don’t like any of them
“ Hey Parker!” Julie smiled. I gave her a weak smile sitting down, and I leaned back closing my eyes. I sat their looking at all the girls. They were all so fake. They all straightened or curled their hair and had so much makeup on, and they were all blondes. I didn’t fit in. I had long black curly hair that reached my waist, and I was tan. My eyes where dark brown, and not blue like theirs. I didn’t wear makeup either. Maybe some mascara sometimes but nothing really. The only reason im friends with these people is because I am forced into the cheerleading squad by my crazy mom, and im in all these stupid little clubs that the fakes and preps go to. Im not even living the life I would want to.
“ Parker, Grant is like totally checking you out right know,” Julie giggled in my ear. I turned towards her rolling my eyes.
“ And I totally don’t care,” I said shaking my head. she started giggling. Giggling? Why is this girl giggling. i sucked in a deep breath rubbing my temples, and looked at Grant. He smirked and I gave him the fakest smile I could give. Lunch sucked. I sat their listening to the girls chat about clothes, makeup, and boys when the guys talked about football. Like this stuff is not interesting or worth talking about. The lunch bell rang, and my ears hurt. Damn that bell. The rest of the day went by, and i hated gym. I am a gym leader with this other dude, and we are like assistance for the teacher. I don’t like it. it’s boring, and we teach snobby little freshman’s. I was sitting on the grass watching them play soccer when the ball came flying towards me. I brought my hands up, and ducked down. the guys started laughing and I glared at them.
“ you little freshman’s,” I growled standing up.
“ Aw babe, be nice,” This once kid said. I glared at him and let out a deep breath, and he walked past me, and slapped my ass. I whipped my head around to glare at him.
“ I’ll kick your ass dude!” I yelled at him.
“ Oh yeah baby hit me hard,” he said bending down. I glared at him, and turned around and walked around the track. I swear to god im going to kill one of these kids before this year ends. I swear to god im going to kill someone before this year ends!
Chapter two-
“Excuse me, Parker?" I heard a quiet voice mumble from behind me. I turned around and saw Cindy standing there twirling a piece of paper between her fingers.
“Hey Cidney," I smiled. She had a small shocked expression on her face and I raised an eyebrow.
“U-Um I'm doing this um survey, well it’s not a survey, I have to do this class project thing," She started talking faster and I could tell she was nervous. I reached my hand out touching her shoulder.
“You don’t have to be scared of me Cid," I laughed. She looked up her eyes popping.
“Now, why... why would I be scared of you?" She said acting like what I said was completely ridiculous, but I could tell she was scared or something.
“You probably hear around school about how much of a bitch I am, and how I am so outspoken and blunt, but under this ruff exterior is actually a kind person," I said with a little bit of sarcasm. She nodded her head and took a deep breath.
“For my project, I had to speak to someone that I haven’t really ever spoken to before, and write about how it went and what not. I couldn’t... well I didn’t really want to do this assignment and I knew that you were a nice person, so I decided to talk to you," She said sounding out of breath.
“If you knew I was a nice person, than why are you practically shitting yourself?" I said, laughing at my own joke.
“Well... I heard earlier that you threatened Beatrice's life..." she said not looking at me. I threw my head back letting out a loud laugh, and shook my head looking back at Cidney.
“Now Cid, out of all the damned people in this school, I never thought you would be the one to believe any shit you heard, “I said cocking my head to the side. Cidney's face washed over with guilt.
“I’m sorry Parker, I... Your right."
I shook my head.
" Don’t worry about it Cid, listen I got to get going but if you want to talk later or tomorrow or something than that would be better," I said smiling. She nodded her head.
“Nice talking to you Parker," She muttered.
“Was it?" I laughed. She smiled, and let out a laugh and walked away. I smirked and turned making my way out of the school building. I got to my car and started heading home. While I was turning out of the school building and heading down the side street I glanced at the radio, and then my eyes traveled back onto the road and I slammed on the breaks my body jerking forward. I sat their gawking at the group of dumbass kids that just walk out into the middle of the street. I rolled down my window, clenching the steering wheel.
“What the hell are you kids doing?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The three girls, none of them over the age of fourteen stood there staring at me and my car. “Don’t you know what it means to look both ways before you cross? You learned it in pre fucking K!" I said gawking at them. They just stood there... “Are you going to move, or am I going to have to move you with me car?" I asked raising an eyebrow. The three girls ran across the street and I let out a heavy sigh shaking my head and started to drive past them, “Dumb ass kids!" I yelled and drove off heading home. Today is just not my day. And you don’t want to piss me off or get in my way.
When I eventually got home, I pulled into the drive of my house. I turned the car off and sat there staring at my house. It’s huge. Two stories, with five bedrooms and three baths. Two kitchens and also two front rooms. Indoor and outdoor swimming pool, oh and a balcony. I hate it. It’s the looniest house ever. I feel like a stranger in it. I highly doubt my Stacey is home, and either are any of my brothers. Two younger brothers and one older. Oldest is Ryan and he's 21, still living at home, why? I don’t know. The two younger brothers, one is 16, his name is Tyler, and the youngest is going to be turning 10 soon and his name is Markey. Markey's the only one I like.
Getting out of my car I made my way towards the house, and reached into my book bag searching for my keys and pulled them out and opened the front door.
“Ryan?" I called out.
“In the kitchen," I heard him say, and I heard running and saw Markey.
“Hi Parker!" he said showing me his big smile.
“Hey Markey boy," I smiled attempting to pick him up. Which I failed at. “How was school?" I asked following him into the kitchen.
“I got a girlfriend," He said sounding all giggly. He jumped onto the stool and I looked over at Ryan whose head was in the fridge.
“You gotta girlfriend?" I asked setting my book bag down on the table and walking over to the cabinets.
“Yeah, we even were holded hands."
I bit my lip trying to hold in my laughter.
“Good job bud, when am I going to meet her?"
“Never!" He almost screamed. I raised my eyes.
" and why is this?"
“Because her name is Milly and she’s so ugly," Ryan laughed.
“Milly isn’t ugly!" Markey almost cried. I walked towards Ryan and slapped him hard on the back. He jumped up hitting his head on the fridge and cursed.
“What the fuck Parker," He growled.
“Don’t call a ten year old little girl ugly, what are you dumb? “I hissed. “Don’t worry Markey your girlfriend isn’t ugly. I bet she is very pretty and I can’t wait to meet her, now how about you go play in the backyard with your toys," I said. He nodded his head and raced through the house to the back yard.
“No imp not dumb," Ryan muttered.
“I believe your pretty fucking dumb."
I heard him mumble something that wasn’t audible, but I just ignored it.
" Where is Tyler?" Ryan asked.
" I didn’t see him in school today at all," I shrugged.
" Ha, that my boy," Ryan laughed.
" Ryan, he shouldn’t be ditching school. We don’t want him to end up like you," I smirked.
" Fuck you," He hissed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my book bag and made my way up stairs. " When Tyler gets home, tell him that I want to talk to him, ok?" I yelled over my shoulder.
" Yeah," I hear Ryan yell back. I let out a sigh making my way to my room, and once I got in my room I closed and locked the door falling onto my bed letting out a heavy sigh. Sweat pants and a foodie I threw on putting my hair up into a messy bun and I laid back down cuddling into my blankets. I just want to get away. For a day.
Chapter three-
I lay in my bed, just lying there. When you don’t feel like doing anything. It was relaxful, but it made me feel damn sad. I felt real depressed and lonely. It washed over me, and I closed my eyes imaging myself somewhere where I felt happy. But I couldn’t think of any place. A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts, and I sat up clearing my throat.
“ Come in,” I muttered. The door opened, and I saw Tyler peeking around the door.
“ Hey Park,” he said giving me a sly smile. He knew I was going to give him shit for ditching school today.
“ Get in here,” I scuffed. He came in closing the door and sat on the bed.
“ Let’s make this fast, okay?” He said. I raised my eyebrows.
“ Tyler, shut the fuck up,” I said shaking my head. he had this taken back look, I never swore at Tyler. I let out a sigh. “ I’m sorry, I just don’t want you to end up like Ryan!” I moaned.
“ there isn’t anything wrong with Ryan!” He said started. I threw my hands up in the air, and brought them back down hitting the bed.
“ Tyler! Just listen, okay? Just listen and don’t say a word?” I asked looking at him. He nodded his head. “ Tyler, he never went to school. He use to do good in school, but then he started ditching, his grades went down, and then boom senior year he dropped out. he doesn’t have a job, and he is still living at home. He isn’t the type of person you should be looking up to, he isn’t a bad person, but the choices he makes are fucking stupid. I don’t want you to end up like him,” I said out of breath.
“ What, you want me to be like you then?” He yelled standing up. My eyes widened.
“ Is there something wrong with being me?” I asked a little started.
“ You’re a fucking idiot! At least im smart! You do everything mom tells you to do, you live her life, not your own! Your fucking pathetic,” he said shaking his head. I just sat there and opened my mouth to say something but I had nothing. I was speechless. Hurt. Tyler stood there looking at me, and then guilt washed over his face. “ I’m sorry Parker, I didn’t mean that,” he said walking over to me. I jumped off of the bed, and pushed his chest back.
“ No! That’s exactly it! You did mean it, you meant all of it. I don’t want some fake ass hearted apology from you. All I was trying to say, is that I know you are capable of doing better,” I looked over at the picture of me and my father sitting in the grass at our old lake house. I felt sadness wash over me. “ I know mom is controlling my life, if I didn’t let her than she would be a wreck. She is trying to do everything she wanted to do, by making me do it, and im not going to say or do anything to stop her because it’s useless. You and I both know it’s impossible to get a damn word with her,” I said shaking my head.
“ Parker, I’m sorry. You’re not an idiot,” He said again. I laughed.
“ I am a fucking idiot, don’t be sorry about saying it. it’s the truth. I’m glad someone finally had the guts to just say it, because I know everyone thinks it.”
“ Dad wouldn’t want you to say that,” He said shaking his head. I looked at him creasing my forehead.
“ If he wouldn’t want me to say that, then he would be here. Not with his other wife..” I murmured. My dad left my mom about two years ago. He was having an affair with this lady named Janice. She was nice, I like her, but I hate her because she took away the one parent that was always there for me. my mom, she is nuts. Everything needs to go her way. Everything has to be perfect, and all she cares about his working. My mom and dad had a custody fight, my mom got full custody of all three of us, because my dad cheated first of all, and he is a pot head. she convinced the judge that he was an unfit parent, but damn he was the best man you could ever meet.
“ Don’t take it out on Janice,” Tyler said.
“ Oh, I’m not. I like her, she cool and all,” I said. “ it’s just, he doesn’t even call. Seems like he doesn’t even bother with us anymore,” I shrugged.
“ It’s not his fault.”
“ I know, but he could have tried a little harder. I mean, we are his children, his blood.”
We were both quiet. We didn’t have anything to say, and I couldn’t think of anything to say. I was still hurt by Tyler’s words, and he looked sad as hell. I lightly punches his shoulder.
“ Go play with Markey, he is in the backyard,” I said. He nodded his head and turned and walked towards the door. Before he walked out, I hear him mumble something along the lines of him being sorry again, but I just ignored it. I know he is sorry for how he put it, but he isn’t sorry for saying it because it’s the truth. Truth fucking sucks eh? I walked over to my window, and saw Markey running around like a loon. I laughed. then I saw Tyler go flying outside, and Markey screamed running away from him. It looks like they were playing tag of some sort. I heard my door open and I turned and saw Ryan.
“ Whatdya want?” I said sitting on my bed.
“ You’re a fucking bitch, talking shit about me to Tyler,” He said giving me the dirty eye.
“ Oh fuck you, get the hell out of my room, I don’t need to deal with your sorry ass,” I yelled, but not so loud that they could hear me outside.
“ there isn’t anything wrong with me, im smart, I could of applied myself and gone to college, but that isn’t me. Unlike you, as hard as your trying, you’re a fucking idiot like Tyler said,” he shrugged. I felt my blood boil and I jumped out of my bed hurling myself at Ryan. He grabbed my arms pinning me against the wall. “ Sorry baby sister, your too weak,” He laughed. I felt my nostrils flare. I hate him! I hate him! what I did next, even I was shocked. I spit on his face. He let go of me, disgusted stepping back. He looked pissed, I could tell he wanted to fucking hit me. he brought his fist up hitting the wall next to me head. “ Your fucking sick,” He growled.
“ And you’re a fucking bastard get out of my god damn room!” I screamed in his face pushing him away from me.
“ What a nice way to treat your damn brother!” He yelled.
“ You’re not shit to me!” I screamed.
“ I’m your blood,” He smirked.
“ I don’t give a damn, I hate your fucking guts. You’re a little bastard, and me and you, even though we are siblings we have always hated one another. In 9 months, when school is over and im eighteen, im fucking gone! None of you bastard will ever see me again! You and Stacey are so damn self-centered!”
“ You mean your mom?” He said looking pissed. Shit. I called her Stacey in front of him.
“ No, I meant Stacey. She has never been a mother to be,” I muttered. I felt tears in my eyes, and I held them back. I can’t cry in front of him. “ Ryan, get out of my room,” my voice cracked. It always does that before I cry. He knew this too.
“ You need to get a reality check, you’re a fucking bitch,” he snarled and he walked out of my room slamming my door so hard I felt my body shake. I heard something fall behind me and shatter. I closed my eyes praying it wasn’t what I thought it was. I turned around seeing my picture of me and my father shattered. The tears poured out. and I sat on the ground moving the pieces of glass around. I leaned over getting my phone off of my bed, and opening it up scrolling down to my dad’s number. I’ve done this so many times, but I just never had the strength to press call. He hasn’t called me, he doesn’t wanna talk to me. He has left me. I sighed standing up, and I walked over to my bed laying down tears falling down my cheeks. I heard the front door open, and then shortly after close.
“ Fuck,” I whispered. Stacey’s home. I laid in my bed, just waiting for my door to slam open, and her walking in with this fake ass smile on her face asking me how cheerleading went. I brought my hand up to my face wiping away the tears, and I sat up and took an old shirt, and started picking up the glass, just then my door opened.
“ Parker,” I heard Stacey’s voice.
“ Hi,” I whispered picking up the glass.
“ oh, what happened?” She gasped.
“ Dropped something,” I muttered. She looked at what had broken, and she laughed.
“ Well hey! At least it wasn’t anything important,” She chuckled. I clenched my teeth together.
“ Yeah.”
“ So darling, I won’t be home tonight, im doing out.”
“ What a surprise,” I whispered underneath my breath.
“ What you say dear?” she said walking around my room, I heard the clicking of her heels hitting the wooden floor.
“ I said, what will we have for dinner?”
“ Oh, you can fetch something together, right?”
“ yeah, it’s no problem,” I said sounding happy, but oh damn. I thought I was going to crack her jaw open right then and there.
“ how was practice this morning?” She said splendidly.
“ Oh, it was just great.”
“ So Parker,” She said trailing off. I looked up at her raising an eyebrow. She had something to tell me, and I don’t know how happy im going to be.
“ What’s going on?” I said standing up.
“ Your grades… Parker, there horrible,” She said shaking her. I rolled my eyes. “ I got you a tutor,” She said looking around the room.
“ What?” I muttered.
“ I called the school, and they have a brilliant student, and he has agreed to help tutor a student at the school, which is you. You both will meet every day after school for two hours, and he is going to get paid for it,” She smiled.
“ I don’t need a tutor,” I said shaking my head.
“ Parker!” She laughed loudly. “ Oh Parker,” She said flicking a piece of my hair, “ Your intelligence isn’t too great, you really need a tutor,” She shrugged and started walking towards the door. “ Well I’m going to go freshen up, by sweetie,” She said closing the door. I stood there with the shirt in my hand just looking at the door.
“ That fucking bitch,” I whispered.
Chapter Four:
This morning I felt like crap, didn’t get very much sleep last night. I sat in biology about 10 minutes early, and I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing pink Victoria secret yoga pants, and a black sweatshirt from there too. I had my hair up in a messy bun. Today was a slop day, and did Lesley and Julie give me shit about it too. They said that I should always try to look my best. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. I heard the chair next to me being pulled out, and I looked over at Beatrice who was sitting down. She wouldn’t even look at me.
“ morning Beatrice,” I said in the bitchiest way I could. I heard her mumble something along the lines of hello, but she sounded scared shitless. I laughed to myself, and sat back in my chair, looking down and lightly closing my eyes. I was so tired, and I let out a deep breath sighing. The day went by pretty fast, I slept through all of my classes, got yelled out numerous times for sleeping, but then I just fell back asleep. My last class was over, and I sighed realizing I could go home, but then I stopped and moaned loudly, causing three guys to look at me strangely.
“ What the hell are you looking at,” I growled. They quickly looked away. I have to stay after for two hours, with my freaking tutor. This sucks! I walked down towards the library, in the back of the library they have private separate rooms, so we can study in peace. Never used it once. I walked into the library, and the trolls turned to me. The trolls are the old cranky ladies that have been working in the library for years without end. They are so damn old, I can’t believe they haven’t died yet. Horrible to say, but true. I walked to the back of the library, and walked into the last open room, and sat down in the spinney chair. there is a long table, and then another spinney chair on the other side. I had my back facing the door, and I sat their screwing around with the stapler.
I was staple shooting at every inch of the room, this guy is late. Man, some people these days, he is wasting my time. I have no patience, and I never did. I heard a door close, and I turned around.
“ Hello..” I stopped when I saw who it was. It was that guy that I ran into in the hall! The ass that called me a cheerleader. He looked at me, and his face went from descent to pure misery and mad. I creased my forehead, and turned back around bringing my feet on the chair and sitting criss cross.
“ You’re the student I’m tutoring?” He asked walking around the table, and sitting in his chair looking at me.
“ Obviously,” I muttered.
“ Great,” He slurred reaching into his book bag.
“ Don’t be such a cocky bastard..” I bit my lip. Shit. I wasn’t supposed to say that, my mouth has a mind of its own. I looked at him, and we was staring at me hard.
“ And maybe you should stop being such a cheer leading whore, learn how to keep your legs shut,” He retorted. My eyes bulged out of my head, and I sat there in awe. Never, has someone talked back to me. We sat there for a minute, and I couldn’t even process what he said. “ exactly,” he said looking back into his book bag. I shook my head slamming my fist on the table.
“ You arrogant son of a flying donkey’s ass!” I nearly screamed. He laughed at me.
“ really? Mature much..” He muttered. I jumped out of my seat, almost flipping the table.
“ Fuck you,” I hissed grabbing my book bag, and I turned towards the door, and I heard him standing up from his chair.
“ You walk out of this room and you’re going to have to repeat senior year, you think that’s going to be fun?” he said sounding damn well pleased with himself. I grinded my teeth, and turned sharply on my heel, and sat back in the chair glaring at him.
“ Listen buddy,” I hissed. He sat back down in his chair looking at me. “ I swear to god, you piss me off again, I will reach over this table and scratch your eyes out!” I said hitting the table.
“ Well, wouldn’t that be interesting,” he laughed. I brought my hands down, and clenched them into fists. This man, is the most, aggravating, cocky, rude, son of a bitch I have ever met. He is the male version of me! this is not going to work out. The hour, we spent it on English, and holy crap it was a disaster.
“ Parker, that’s not proper grammar!” He said his voice becoming louder.
“ What do you mean it’s not fucking proper grammar? It’s you and me, what aint proper about that!” I hissed. He hit his forehead growling. I know it’s not proper grammar, I just wanna piss him off. The next half an hour, we argued about if it was you and me, or you and I. We heard the door open, and I turned around to see one of the trolls.
“ How are things going?” She asked.
“ Oh fine really, I was just telling my tutor, it’s not you and me, it’s you and I, and he’s supposed to be the tutor,” I laughed. She smiled nodding her head, and closed the door. When I turned back around he was staring at me, like he was going to rip my throat out.
“ Parker…” He growled. I opened my mouth but closed it..
“ What’s your name?” I asked.
“ Ha, you don’t even know my name, I don’t think I want to even tell you,” he said raising his nose to me. I glared at me, and saw a folder by his hand, and flew forward grabbing his folder, and I jumped back, when he tried to take it back. He flew out of his chair, and I sprung back, opening his folder. Then he ripped it out of my hands.
“ Well gee, aren’t you touchy, Robbie,” I smirked. He glared at me, sitting back down and sorting his folder.
“ Parker…” He hissed.
“ Yes?” I smirked.
“ You are the most,” he got interrupted when my phone went off, and I pulled it out, and saw our session was over. I jumped out of my seat grabbing my book bag, and opened the door.
“ Well, I had a blast, but unfortunately our time is over, try not to miss me too much!” I chuckled.
“ Go to hell,” I heard him whisper. I whipped my head around looking at him.
“ already there buddy, already there..”
Publication Date: March 5th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-animefreak1201 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-tyler-densmore-my-version-of-total-drama-island-episode-1/ | tyler densmore my version of total drama island episode 1
My version of total drama island episode 1
Chapter 1 the teams
Chris had already introduced the characters he then sits them all down and announces that the two team names are team fishes and team humans. He then tells everyone what team they are on.
Team humans team fishes
Ezekiel Lindsay
Noah Leshawna
Heather Izzy
Geoff Beth
Cody Tyler
Eva Courtney
Alehandro Dj
Sierra Trent
Bridgette Katie
Owen Sadie
Gwen Justin
Duncan Harold
Chapter 2 the challenge
Chris explains for todays challenge both teams will chose three players team humans choose Noah Geoff and Cody team fishes choose Lindsay, Izzy, and Beth. Then Chris explains that the three chosen players will play dodgeball for the challenge
15 minutes later
Both teams players stand on the dodgeball court and the game begins Geoff hits Beth, Cody hits Lindsay, Noah throws the ball at Izzy but Izzy catches it so Noah is out and Beth is back in, Izzy hits Geoff, Cody hits Beth, Izzy throws the ball at Cody but he catches it. “team humans win” Chris yells.
Chapter 3 the elimination
Chris explains that whoever doesn’t get a marshmallow is eliminated and they cant come back EVER! Only the three people who competed are the ones that can get eliminated. The first marshmallow goes to Izzy, and the last one goes to Lindsay. Beth has been sent home. At the edge of the camp Chris says “who will be the second one to go home will Chef get to do anything in the series? What will be the next challenge and will team fishes lose again find out next time on my version of total drama island”
Publication Date: August 5th 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-jamontoast |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-sandra-reyes-where-my-memories-roam/ | Sandra Reyes Where My Memories Roam Things happen when history repeats itself To my beloved boyfriend Anthony. Great part of the story is based on our romance.
“She’s losing blood. Someone pass me a couple of bands and alcohol.”A lady said after those horrible sirens of an ambulance or police appeared in the scene. I could hear footsteps all over the place, but my major concern was to live and have him alive. The sky was bright purple, turning to navy blue as the stars appeared exploding into a beautiful mass of bright lives between the leaves of the tall trees. The sound of owls popped up and the flock of the little birds flew off to the sky. As I felt velvet hands pick me up gently but swiftly from my arms and legs and put me on a stretcher, my eyes turned to Damian, unconscious with a bleeding mouth and his left hand holding mine tight, like not wanting to let go. The distress signal of the cops rang in my ears making me wish I could shout them to shut down the car so the sirens would stop.
“Here you go, Adams. What about the boy?” A young man with a white buttoned shirt and blue latex gloves asked as he handed the paramedic the band aids and alcohol. His golden hair reflected red and blue tones due to the lights of the scandalous sirens that were near. His blue tired eyes looked at the lady and back at me. His mouth presented fear or uncertainty. His feet were separated from each other and lightly bended as if he was ready to run. As she took them and quickly opened them, she put alcohol and rubbed it against my clavicle and passing it down to my left arm through the opened wounds. As soon as the alcohol touched my skin, it was like if fire had fallen on my arm and burned down with strength to make my eyes drop tears and my weak vocal cords explode into a sharp cry. Then a chilly sensation ran through the cuts and the pain slowly faded away. She began to wrap my whole arm and part of my chest, crossing the bands to my right side of the neck to create more support.
“Check his vital signs and put a mask on him. Move him carefully in case he has something fractured and get him straight to an ER, please.” All I could do that moment was look at Damian and give out more tears, tears of sorrow and worry, of sadness and lost hope. The young man stood besides Damian and demanded to have a mask and air over. I looked at Adams and noticed her blank expression. Her face said “I don’t care” but her big brown eyes lied. I thought about how she would feel every time she had to see and act on an accident. Of course her face had to fake it. That way at least she would not scare the awaken patient (like me) and her work would be much easier.
“He is still alive, but his signs are very weak. He will probably make it to the hospital but I’m still not one-hundred percent sure.” The man kept on verifying on other vital signs on Damian when the mask of oxygen arrived along with tubes. The man prepared everything quickly and put the tubes in Damian’s mouth, but I wasn’t strong enough like to see the rest of the process. I could hear him hum to a song that was on a local radio station, probably to distract himself for a bit. Everything became blurry and the sound of the paramedics voices faded as it echoed slowly away from my ears. It was as if the world was swirling and playing jokes on me. But all I could think of at that moment was of Damian’s life and what would possibly happen to my existence. For some reason I felt secure that my life and his life would be in the best condition when this was all over, but then the thought of the “what if’s” came to my mind. What if one of us two died? What if I get blamed on everything that happened? What if I have to live with guilt the rest of my life? What if I die? He would be devastated and out of mind. Everyone would be upset and lost without him. I didn’t matter much. Indeed I didn’t matter at all. Damian was Rose´s son, not I. I was just a stranger that had arrived recently with no reason other than not knowing who I was and I was terrified enough to not want to let go of Rose; that was all I was. She would probably hate me if something bad happened to Damian.
I would not forgive myself if something happened to him, much less her. I would feel like I didn’t need to live any longer and who knows what my coward side for being alone would make me do. Then I felt his hand slip off mine and a little boost up followed by what sounded like two car doors closing. All I could have in my thoughts at that moment was that song that gave me the hope I needed, the hope Damian gave me the instant he sang it to me even though he hated My Chemical Romance and that song in particular. But I loved them and he decided to arm up strength to sing it to me and play it along with his keyboard just for me.
“When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band. He said ‘Son, when you grow up, will you be the singer of the broken…’” As I sang in my head I felt unconsciousness reach me completely and sleep while my eyes closed, the unfinished lyrics faded off into distant dreams of my memories. At the end I had gone back to where I had started. I was again lost and alone inside another vehicle with strangers. The only difference is this stranger was a girl paramedic, not 3 perverted kidnappers.
But that didn’t change things around. I would still have to wait for news from Damian and news from his family that unconditionally accepted me and appreciated me. For now my mind just roams around on its way to, apparently, the hospital. My dreams seem to be far away from where I am at the moment.
Chapter I: The Bloom of Beginning
I live in Glendale, Los Angeles in an ordinary house around ordinary people with ordinary lives. My school is also very ordinary, and everyone around here thinks about the same. I am October Winters, a 21 year old girl, but I am not extraordinary or outstanding from everyone else nor am destined to save the world. I go to Los Angeles College to study nursing for my third year of preparation, and of course, I now have about a year living alone but near my family. Since I only dedicate to school, my life has been more difficult and doesn’t permit me to have a love life, or a life, at all. Also, it’s not like I can take guys’ attention. From my point of view, I am not the best looking girl in the world. My hair is dark brown and straight a bit lower than my shoulders. I have big round green eyes and pale skin. My guess is men are more attracted to the blue-eyed blonde girls that do sports like volleyball as hobbies. They are not so interested in a girl that wants to be a nurse, plays music and makes art as her major interests. Either way it’s not like I ever needed a boyfriend.
My last love broke my heart so bad I couldn’t trust anymore on what a man ever told me. This, of course, happened when I was about 19 that Christopher Jacobs took me to the clouds and let me fall when he told me it wasn’t going to work, and two months later he goes with a girl that was unknown to everyone. It was easy for him to get a girl especially since he had that mysterious look behind his brown eyes and his long Rocker hair. He had such a way to talking to girls that it was easy to fall for him.
Luckily I do have my friends. It’s been so long we graduated from high school but I am still in contact with them. Amber, my metal-head friend and her boyfriend, Jacob, the shy man, and Elizabeth, the most stubborn of all, was the three people I had known my whole life and, no matter how they were, I loved them all. But I had so much I hadn’t talked to them. School absorbed most of my time and life, though, I was willing to reunite with them any time possible and have another of those crazy nights. Drinking is not my fort, but when I go along with Amber and Jacob, everything is about a “shit face” and Elizabeth then joins. First, I would have to see if Amber and her boyfriend Charlie were available to come someday soon. Jacob had a new residency so I had to ask Amber where he lived, and Elizabeth was still with her parents, even though she was willing to leave her house and go somewhere closer to her job. I still had time.
Then I opened my eyes and looked at my phone lying on the night stand. It was Wednesday March 14, 2012 and the time showed 9:50 in the morning. I had to leave to college in 10 minutes and I wasn’t even out of bed. So I jumped off bed, put on the first things I could find in my closet (a Blink 182 t-shirt and black pants), ran to the restroom and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my car keys and my phone, got on my Chrysler, and took off 11 minutes after. I didn’t have such a good sleep last night, just like many other nights. I was creating this horrible habit of waking up at about 2 in the morning and staying awake for about an hour and a half, but I was disposed to break that, I just didn’t know how. For now I would have to stop at the donut shop and buy an ice tea and something else. My advantage was that college was about 10 minutes by car away from my home, so time wouldn’t be a problem. And so it was that I went through a donut shop but I only had a chance to buy my tea and nothing else; I was running a little bit late. As soon as I got into my car I left straight to school and parked the nearest to the entry. I still had 5 minutes before the first bell rang and my heart relaxed. Still I decided to walk to class to be there on time, but then the corner of my right eye caught something. It wasn’t something; it was someone. Ulysses. Ulysses Smith, a handsome tanned boy with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. His muscular tall figure was so much like the typical High School Football player. He loves to goof around with people, especially his close friends, and even more with me, even though he was a year older. He had confessed to me that he was in love with me, but the problem wasn’t me; the problem was he had a girlfriend, Tiffany, and they had been together since freshman year in high school, so I told him it was better if we only kept it as friends. Today he seemed to want to run towards me, but he went behind and further from where I was.
I was expecting him to jump behind my back and try to surprise me. But I was just getting closer to the entry door and nothing had happened. I looked down at my feet, but I could only hear them pass on the grass. Then I looked back and saw him coming towards me running. As soon as I turned around he jumped on me more to my right side. I grabbed him by the left arm and with the strength of my shoulder pushed him to the front from his chest and down, making him fly above me and landing on his face first.
“Ouch!” I looked at him as my face changed to shock. He stayed in the lying position he was for a couple of seconds then he raised his head and turned it back to look at me. “Tobry, what the hell was that?” Tobry, the nickname he had given me. It sounded cute, but it wasn’t something I would have chosen as a nickname.
“Oh my! Ulysses, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that; you just jumped behind me and I did what I was supposed to do. Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I had said enough apologies already, so instead of more talking I stretched out my hand. He turned his body around to sit down and raised his hand to grab mine. When he was back at his feet he gave me a suspicious look for 3 seconds then changed his expression to a smile and playful eyes.
“Don’t you worry my friend, Tobry.” He put his hands around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. “I was just trying to scare you, not to voler you.” Voler, what a word to say, especially to a girl. It means to steal or kidnap in French, a language Ulysses and I are both good at. I giggled and looked down to the ground to notice we were both walking.
“Of course not, Ulysses. I wouldn’t even be near you if you were a kidnapper. Good thing is, as you now know, I know how to escape from them.”
“Oh yeah! That, I did notice a while ago. You know, you’re pretty strong to be a girl.”
“Are you calling me manly?” I looked at him and gave him an ironic look.
“Oh no, no! Of course not; I am not calling you manly! I’m just saying you have a good strength.”
“Good. I shall take that as a compliment.”
“Okay, take it like that. Just don’t tell me anything if I tell you that you decided to not do your hair this morning. But don’t misunderstand me; it goes well with your style. You look like a cute punk girl.” He blushed. It was true what he said, though. I love rock and metal of all kinds. My clothes are all black and I love the Motorhead and Cannibal Corpse t-shirts. My hair has always been a mess, but today it was beyond crazy. I fell asleep today so I didn’t have time to do my make up, but Ulysses seemed to not care about that; he still saw me as the “punk girl.” I just gave him a small smile and detained my feet. I was already in front of my class. I took his arm off my shoulders and faced him.
“Well, Ulysses, I guess I’ll go to class since it’s here in front of me.”
“Wait, not yet; don’t go in yet. Wait until the bell rings so we can talk a little longer.” Then the bell rang. It lasted for about 10 seconds, enough time for Ulysses to change his expression. He looked exasperated with his eyes mingling around. I had to giggle the whole time.
“Well the bell rang now, so I go to my class, you go to yours and we can talk later.”
“Okay, okay. See ya later Tobry.” He walked away looking upset, but I wasn’t up to dealing with his attitude. He wasn’t my boyfriend and I couldn’t be behind him all the time consoling him for everything he didn’t like. So I just went to class and sat down in the middle of the class. There was only the teacher, my presence and a guy I didn’t talk to much, Ling Fa.
Within a couple of minutes the class began to fill up. Then the second bell rang and the last students arrived to their seat. My first class was Phlebotomy. In this class I have been learning how to use a lot of medical utensils, and at some point I was learning how to draw blood, one of the scariest parts of this class. I still loved it, even though it lasted about 3 hours. I have to presume my grades have always been good and no class, other than Physical Education, was a real challenge for me. I could even pass P.E. class with a B. The only good thing I ever learned in that class was swimming and self defense. Sports have never been on my strong list, but it didn’t bother me to pass the class and I put enough effort on that class to pass it well. Today, for some reason, Phlebotomy class was going by really slow, but then it was over. I only had to deal with a one-hour Health class and a Theory class for 3 hours. It seemed like the day would never end after lunch. Ulysses was talking non sense and he was mostly telling me that I was a great person and he wished his girlfriend was more like me and he began to annoy me, but then after lunch and Theory class, it was finally over, I ran to my car. Then I remembered what I was thinking of this morning. I took my phone and looked through my contacts; the first one, Amber. So I called her, but she didn’t answer until the third call.
“Hello?” A natural mocking voice answered. It was Amber. She had a little high pitched voice, more demanding than dry.
“Hey, Amber it’s me, October. How is it going around? We haven’t talked for a while.”
“Oh, October, it is you! Hey girl! Everything here is fine. I am now living with Charlie. It’s a little difficult ‘cause of the mess and stuff, but you know I’m fine and happy with him. What about you? Does that one guy, uhm, Ulysses, still follow you around?”
“Well, what do you think? He still does but I told him to focus on his girlfriend. He is still a little awkward with me though. I’m here in college right now, actually. I just got out of class and I was actually planning on hanging out some day with you, Charlie, Jacob and Elizabeth, like the old times; remember?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course I remember. I’m so down to hanging out. Let me call Jacob and give him your number so he can call you and tell you what his address is. He now lives in San Fernando Valley but I don´t know around what area.”
“It’s okay just give him my number and tell him to call me so I can go down to where he lives. I will call Elizabeth in a while and tell her so she can join.”
“Okay, October. Call me whenever everyone is up to it. I have to go and make Charlie a snack. I’ll talk to you later, girl, bye.”
“Okay, Amber, see you later. Bye and tell Charlie I say ‘Hi.’” Then the conversation ended. But a knock on my window took my surprised attention. I look at the passenger seat to see that Ulysses was there with both hands on the window and his face in between his hands. He walked forward to the front seat as I lowered down the window.
“Yo. Why aren’t you on your way home? It’s dangerous that you go alone especially at this time of the year that night comes out earlier.” Ulysses gave me a trusty smile as he put his arms on top of the door.
“Since when did you become gangster with the ‘Yo’? And well, I was on my way home, I just made a phone call. What still has you here?”
“Oh Tiffany won’t be able to pick me up today. She had an emergency with her brother so
she told me to get a ride from someone else or take the bus. Only problem is I don’t know how to take the bus and I was wondering if…”
“If I could give you a ride? Sure, get in the car.” I unlocked the doors and he opened the door slowly.”
“Thanks, Tobry. You’re a good friend. Now I see why you and my girl get along so well. You take care of me and you make her life easier and she’s much happier.”
“Well Tiffany is a really nice girl.” I turned on the car and put my seatbelt on. Ulysses followed. “I’m not that close to her but she does seem like the lovely kind.”
“Indeed, sometimes her love is too much. She gets really kinky from now and then.”
“You still love her, right, Ulysses?”
“I don’t know at this point. See the thing is that she is not as brilliant, beautiful or good as you are. She doesn’t understand a lot of things and she is just interested in looking pretty and going shopping. You like to go to school and you’re bright. And plus you seem to not be so attached to people.” I was becoming a little awkward, but I kept driving.
“And what do I have to do with Tiffany?” Ulysses didn’t say anything; he just kept looking at me in a day dreaming way. He passed the next 20 minutes like that until we reached his house. The awkward sensation of his seductive stares was only making me feel it would bring disaster at the end.
“You know, October. You have nothing to do with Tiffany. The way you see things and the way you act is what makes me like you so much. I’ve told you this before, but I guess you just won’t take me serious, will you?”
“Well, put it that if you cheated on Tiffany to be with me and you break up with her, she will be heartbroken. You guys have been dating since what 7 years? That is a long time. And plus if you cheat on her, what gives me the certainty that you will not do it to me ever? And Tiffany has been a good person to me. I wouldn’t ever do something to her like that.”
“It doesn’t matter. I know how to be careful around her. She never notices what I do. Again, she just cares about new clothes and make up. And I would not cheat on you because I want someone like you. Plus were both interested in the medical area and imagine what we can do together. Some day we can even play to the doctor.” He winked.
“Oh no; I am not ever playing that game with you. And are you telling me you have already cheated on Tiffany? See? This is what I’m talking about. I don’t think I could ever be with someone like you especially since you may even to that to me. And Tiffany doesn’t deserve any of this. I’m truly sorry, Ulysses, but you’re not my type, and I won’t betray Tiffany with you. I hope you see why it can’t be.”
“And again with Tiffany! Gosh; this had nothing to do with her at all. It’s about you and me and what I feel for you and if you want me.”
“Well it involves Tiffany as well if she’s the victim because of your womanizer life.” He said nothing.
“Well, October, thank you for giving me a ride. We can talk later and I’ll try to fix things.” Fix things. That sounded suspicious. Plus he called me October; it had been the second time he called me like this today instead of Tobry. He stood there looking at me with his hand raised for a shake. My stare wouldn’t leave his hand so I shook his hand and he pulled me towards him with little strength. His shoulder and mine met and my face went directly to his. Quickly I turned my head to the left, leaving his soft pink lips on my right cheek. I departed my face from his and looked at him with a dry grin.
“You’re welcome, Ulysses.” That was all I could say. Then my eyes turned to the door of his house to see a thin blonde girl talking on her cell phone come out of the house. It was Tiffany. Ulysses turned to the direction I was looking and then looked back at me. He opened the car door and got out. He waved good bye and went towards Tiffany. Tiffany turned to the car and looked at me. Her big smile gave me a sensation of guilt. I waved and she waved back, then I departed. I looked at the time to find out it was 6:23 P.M. Ulysses’ house was about 30 minutes away from mine. When I arrived home it was almost seven.
I decided to relax and turned the T.V. and put a movie. Van Helsing was on, probably half way, but I was falling asleep when the phone rang. The caller ID said Richards Jacob. It was my friend. I could feel the corner of my lips curling up in a little smile and my hands move slowly.
“Hello?” I said anxious hoping it was him.
“Hey... October?”
“Yeah it’s me.”
“Oh hey! It’s me Jacob! How’s it been, you, Witch?” I missed that name, Witch; Jacob told me that my name reminded him of the witch seasons, so he began to call me Witch since we were in Fifth grade.
“Hey! You still remember that, Gaycob!”
“Ah it’s not funny anymore”
“Hey, come on, take a joke, man. Don’t be a cry baby.”
“Okay then… So what’s up? Amber told me to call you to this number.”
“Yeah this is my new house number. I now have my own house. I told Amber to hang out with me and you and Elizabeth. So what do you think?”
“Hell yeah. Just tell me when and where and at what time.”
“Well I was planning to hang out at my house next Saturday. I don’t go to school that day. It can be around 5?”
“Oh okay. Just tell me where you live so I can find out what bus takes to your house.”
“Well if you have to take the bus I can go pick you up instead. Just tell me where you live.”
“Okay. I live in San Fernando Valley in Tarzana. If you want you can pick me up at the mall Northridge. You know where it’s at?”
“Uhm well I have a slight idea on how to get to San Fernando Valley. I can ask for directions, though, and when I get there I’ll just have to ask where the mall is at. And in case I get lost I’ll call you. What about that?”
“Sounds good to me.” Want me to call Elizabeth to tell her?”
“Sure, please, and also call Amber to tell her what the plans are. Thanks. I got to go now but I’ll call you later, Jacob. Bye.” As soon as I hung up the phone, I turned the T.V. off and went to take a bath. It was relaxing as the warm water covered me and the bubbles touched my skin. I was reflecting everything that happened today, the long classes, lunch, the “almost got it” kiss. It was a crazy day, but I had hope tomorrow would be much better.
Chapter II: Danger in Every Corner
Every night was becoming more and more tiresome and the mornings would become hell with no sleep. School was getting on my nerves, especially the long hour tests I had to take. The only thing that kept me awake was a good coffee and ice tea. Ulysses didn’t get near me today; he saw me and waved from far away. Of course I answered back in a friendly way, expecting nothing else, but it was strange that he didn’t want to be around me. That was about it, even at lunch time. The only unusual thing was that one of Ulysses’ friends passed by me and made a “you’re in trouble” look. Of course that didn’t matter much to me; probably Ulysses told him what had happened. Things would be a little awkward between us two for the next couple of days. When my classes were finally over, I called Amber, hoping she would be able to tell me the plans for the weekend.
She didn’t answer the phone and so I wanted to leave home and rest a bit. I drove slowly, making my way home almost 20 minutes. It was about 6 at night when I could stand it no more and I just went straight to my room and threw myself on the bed face down with my arms falling in any random position. My back began to relax as I felt tickles running down my spine and my legs stretch comfortably. Then I closed my eyes, letting my mind enter into the dimension of dreams. It lead me to finding myself in front of an old two-story house with a serene porch, red tainted windows, a cabin-like style. It had a garden around with tulips of all sorts and red roses. The beautiful red afternoon was taking over. There were many oak trees, pine trees and so many colorful flowers. My eyes began to delight with the beautiful scene of a crystalline lake and the chirp of the birds flocking around and the singing toads and frogs, letting the green mountains almost hiding the sun completely. I felt as if I was in a fairy tale land. All it needed was magical creatures.
The sun disappeared behind the mounts and all the flowers changed to a fatal dry olive green color. Red and white roses were only thorns now. The tulips looked like laid up sticks that had been intentionally burnt leaving a shell of wood. The beautiful lake became a swamp, bursting various sized green slimy bubbles that popped after growing so much. The little magnificent cabin seemed like a haunted house, so gray and deep penetrated violet, deteriorated from roof to floor, with the red window paint almost fallen off, the roof covered in dust and dead leaves and the porch isolated into the darkness with the floor’s timber broken and filled with plastered stomped insects, making the house look as if no one had lived in there for at least 50 years.
The air became dark and heavy as it carried metallic-like voices, as if demons were flying in the skies. To my horror I sighted three beasts coming to where I was standing. Their gooey grayish brown skin falling off their body as the see-through bat wings carried their massive beings around. Their feet were full of dirt and bleeding cuts. It appeared that their slight portion of hair was old filthy mops attached to their broken cranium. Red eyes that pierced through thoughts were accompanied with ferocious yellow pointed teeth with raw meat in between them and nothing but two nostrils dark where the nose was supposed to be. Their ribs were revealed by the missing flesh and their arms were so thin and long they appeared to only have pure bone covered with a millimeter of that grotesque skin. Six claws scanned around the airs as their goat feet slowly landed in the terrain. The three of the monsters glanced at me as if I were an easy prey or as if I had something they had longed for. As they gathered together and came closer to me I tried to run inside the house but my feet felt heavy and my running was slow. I was becoming desperate with my pace and I could feel the big knot in my throat and a thought that told me I was going to die.
I could hear them all behind me, coming faster and faster until my nose detected their fixating breath. I didn’t wish to look back. I was almost having a heart attack. As soon as I reached the porch the door automatically opened and I threw myself in. It closed again as it left me in complete darkness and a sharp pain the recurred my whole arms. But the creatures went on top of the ceiling and instantly broke the roof and the second floor to reach me.
They managed to get in and herd me to a corner. Then next to me fell a dagger that inserted into the floor. Then a knife fell. I looked up to see that there was raining knives and daggers and swords from the sky. I ducked down to the floor and went on a fetal position. But none of them fell on me or on the monsters. My eyes let me find myself on what seemed a beach so tranquil. The waves reached my knees and as the water went back I saw my phone. It was turned off and as I wanted to grab it, one of the creatures took me by the torso with its long nasty arms. Its skin was slippery and humid as if covered with saliva. I tried to kick and twirl around and scream but it was worthless. It took me to the second story as the other two monsters trailed behind. Then it set me on the floor as if letting me go, except it didn’t let me leave. The creatures all gathered around me in a circle, guarding me of wanting to escape from them. But as soon as they sat down on the floor, they fell into a deep sleep. Curiosity told me to poke the head of one of them to make sure they were unconscious. They didn’t move. All my body rose from the ground. My feet jumped in between their arms and bones that were lingered together. Their wings almost scraped my hands. My heart was beating as twice as fast. Respiration seemed to become noisier. I was afraid they’d hear my breathing. I closed my eyes. Then as I gave my last steps, I opened my eyes and looked back. I did it. I had gotten out the circle of monsters. I was free. Then the biggest beast began to move. As my eyes catched the movements, my feet ran to the hole and threw me in. My feet landed first, followed by the palms of my hands. The sharp pain recurred to my back cramping a great part of it. Then to my right, just behind a little wooden round table, I found a container with a strong familiar scent; Gasoline.
My first instinct was to run upstairs again, this time with the gasoline container. To my luck, along the stairs there was a long rope. I took it and rolled it on my hands creating circles. Then I reached the monsters and tied them carefully one by one then all of them together. I created a ring of gasoline around the monsters. Then I passed the rope around them for a last time. As I was tying the last knot, one of them woke up and looked at me, but it was immobile. It was confused for what it was seeing. Then it gave a short growl, followed by a stronger and longer one, waking up the other two beasts. I jumped to the hole again with the gasoline in my hands. I grabbed the container of gasoline and spread it throughout the whole first floor. Then a voice told me to go to the kitchen. It looked old and forgotten, full of darkness and silence. Draped curtains and broken dishes on the floor. Nasty roaches and beetles running around everywhere in the stove and counters. Cupboards were empty. My eyes turned to a countertop full of insects mingling around. My hands didn’t care and shook some of those bugs off. On top of it I found matches. Perfect. My feet almost flew back to the floor full of gasoline. The beasts’ growls and cries reached my ears. Their brutal movements shook the whole second floor.
I lit a match and looked at the red flame raise and settle. My hands let go of the burning match and I ran outside the house, only looking at the flares grow in delight as the petroleum fed them. The creatures cried and groaned but I didn’t look back anymore. Then the house exploded into millions of pieces. My whole body raised a couple of feet in the air and let my body fall to the ground. My eyes closed and my breath was stronger and faster than ever. I looked back to see that the house was completely gone. Rising to my feet, I went towards the position of the now gone house to only discover a small green stone that looked like jade.
As I took it with my hands, the ground under me began to shake. It shook so hard I couldn’t keep my balance. It didn’t stop quivering when suddenly I open my eyes. My cell phone was vibrating in my left pocket. I twisted my body enough to reach for my phone. It was Jacob. The phone stopped. I had seventeen missed calls from him. Ten seconds later he called again.
“Hello?” My voice sounded weak and sloppy.
“Hey, Oc. What’s up? Why do you sound as if you had a cold?”
“I just woke up from sleeping. Actually, your calls woke me up. First thing I see when I check my phone is ‘seventeen missed calls’ from you.” He laughed for an instant. The only thing I could do is rub my eyes with my hands so I could truly open them.
“Well yeah; I tried calling you a couple of times. But you didn’t answer until right now and now I know why.”
“Well school has been tiring for me lately. I can’t sleep well. And worst thing is I don’t even know how much I slept. Probably hours. Good thing you woke me up; I was having a nightmare.”
“Ha! Good! It’s better if you’re scared. It’s funny to see you scared, Oc.”
“You’re so mean to me! Anyway you were the cause of the nightmare. Everything was fine until you appeared in it” I lied and laughed. “So what is going on with the plans?”
“Everything the way you said. I just called Elizabeth she said it was perfect. She wanted your number. She lost her old phone and now she has a new one. Let me just give you my address so you can come pick me up.” As I looked for something to write on, Jacob waited.
“Okay my address is San Fernando Valley, Tarzana Boulevard Tampa Road. Go straight to the mall and we’ll find each other there.”
“Perfect; then I’ll see you Saturday. I’ll be wearing an Epica shirt and black pants. Just tell me what entrance to take and I’ll go there.”
“Well there is a Costco right next to the mall. Go to the Costco if you want to it’ll be easier. And I gotta go because I want to rent a movie before the store is closed.”
“Okay; I’ll be there Saturday around 3 in the afternoon, Bye and I’ll see you tomorrow for sure.” He hung up and I hung up my phone. The nightmare was so horrible I only wished to go to sleep again and not dream anything.
It was already Friday in the morning when I opened my eyes again. Then I realized it was the first night I didn’t wake up in the middle of the night. It was 8:34 A.M. and I had enough time to get dressed and ready to go to school. But it was Friday and tomorrow I’d have to go to Jacob’s house to go pick him up. The weekend would be great.
So many years have gone by and I couldn’t really be with my friends of basically my whole life. I was so anxious to see how much they had changed. Last time I saw Amber her hair was long and black and in many layers. She was hoping she could make another piercing somewhere else in her face since she already had two, one on her eyebrow and the other one under the inferior lip. Her chunky body no taller than mine. And Charlie, he had cut his beautiful long light brown hair into a mohawk. He was tall and on the big side, but now I had no idea of how he looked. Elizabeth; I remember her as a normal slender looking girl with little make up and her hair still light brown. I saw Jacob more often and he didn’t change his long black hair and still kept on his beard. His cinnamon skin would turn more than with the sun.
After a relaxing shower I looked in my closet to decide on a black V neck gothic blouse with red details and black pants. I left early to school this time. My decision was on going to eat breakfast somewhere instead of cooking just because I didn’t feel like it. The donut shop had a great variety of foods so I took on my addictive coffee and half a cinnamon roll. Afterwards I ordered another coffee and left to school. The coffee was great. It had the exact quantity of caffeine, sugar and cream and it also animated my mind.
Then I arrived to college, got off my car and went straight to the door of the first building. As I entered the building just at the right side of the entrance was Ulysses standing there with his back lying on the wall and his arms crossed. He was looking down as if waiting to be surprised by something. He looks up at me and gives me the sexiest but innocent smile I had ever seen on him as he stood up straight and came towards me. My feet froze in place as he tied his right arm around my waist and said in the most shameless way
“hey baby,” followed by a kiss on my head. Instinctively my hands put around his torso and pushed away from him. I walked back a couple of feet and looked at him in a nagging position. His eyebrow raised but his smile was still on his face.
“Ulysses! What was that?”
“Nothing; can’t I do that? By the way you look extra beautiful today.”
“Well thanks, but you can’t. I’m not your girlfriend; just your friend.”
“Well you can become my girl now. I broke up with Tiffany yesterday night.” Half of my face fell down leaving my mouth open. His expression didn’t change a bit, only his smile into a playful grin full of desire.
“You did what? Oh no, you didn’t break up with her. Why did you do that? How did she take it?”
“She’ll be alright later on. The only thing that matters here is that I am now available for you.”
“What makes you think I’ll date you? I told you; you’re like my brother and nothing else. And plus we talked about this two days ago. Yesterday you didn’t even talk to me!”
“I know, I know, but we can try it; come on I don’t bite. For now.” He winked as he said the last words.
“Agh! No, I’m not dating you at all. I’m sorry, Ulysses but I can’t date you; not when you’re a super jerk that just likes to use women. I know you probably just want to use me.” I looked at my coffee.
“No; I wouldn’t dare to use you. I really like you. I really do; since I met you I knew I had to get to you in any way. Now is the time.”
“Yeah; it’s time for me to leave and you to get things straight. I’ll talk to you later.” And so I left him with the “wait!” in the air. I glanced back to see him standing there like an idiot and then I heard a big slam. My eyes caught his fist hitting the classroom door he was next to, but I just entered my class with my coffee almost spilling it. I didn’t even have the desire for coffee. What a waste. I love coffee so much; it’s my addiction and I had to throw it in the trash because that fool ruined my appetite.
My favorite class sucked that day and the rest of the classes sucked even more. Ulysses tried to reach me in lunch but I didn’t want to talk to him after what he had done with Tiffany and after making me not want my delicious and perfect coffee. I went straight home as soon as the last bell rang. Then I threw myself on the sofa and began to cry. I wasn’t crying because I was sad. Usually I cry whenever I get really mad for something. I was angry at Ulysses for acting stupid with me and not understanding that a “No.” was a “No.” I could be too stubborn but there was something about Ulysses that I didn’t really like, and by now I could tell he is only a player and nothing else but a player and of course I deserved better than that. What woman doesn’t? But I had to stop being so goddamn stubborn as well. At that pace I would probably spend the rest of my life with a bunch of cats and feeding birds at the park. Somehow that didn’t sound bad.
I chose to forget about it just because I desired my coffee. I don’t know what I was capable of doing if I didn’t have my caffeine. I’d probably go nuts or go psycho. My hands cleaned my tears running down my face. Then I went to the kitchen and boiled some water. I had half a sandwich while I waited for the water to be ready. As soon as the water was in its boiling point I turned the pot off, grabbed a cup and put a spoon of coffee grains, the hot water, a spoon of sugar and cream. My coffee tasted ten million times better than the other one. Now no one would ruin my coffee, at least until I finished it. Then my phone began to vibrate. It was an unknown number.
“October, it’s Tiffany.”
“Oh! Tiffany, I didn’t recognize your number. Are you alright?”
“And you think I should be alright? After you seduced my boyfriend into your slutty arms? You bitch. Learn to get your own guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have no girl friends; I’m pretty sure you do the same to all of them.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell are you talking about? Seducing your boyfriend? I didn’t do that. Your boyfriend is just a whore and I’m sorry it’s me the one that has to tell you but he is a damn whore. I have no idea what that idiot told you, but he told me he broke up with you because he wanted to go with some other girl.” I didn’t tell her it was for me.
“Oh! Now you’re calling me a liar? Oh no. You’re the whore here. I don’t even have to know anymore how many times you did it with Ulysses, but you will pay me some day, October Winters.”
“Wait, no! I didn’t do shit with your sorry ass slutty boyfriend. He’s probably lying to you because I don’t even consider him my friend anymore! And if you’re going to be calling me a whore a slut or a bitch, then you’re gaining nothing but shit ‘cause you’re calling those names to the wrong person. It’s not my fault you fell in love with that idiot. I’m sorry but I am not taking your goddamn shit.”
“Well guess what? I’m not taking yours either, especially since you like to play the Good Ass Prostitute with Ulysses. I thought you were better than that, October, But I now know you’re a fucking hoe. You were too perfect to be true.
“Perfect? What are you talking about?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know anything. Perfect body. Perfect face. Smart and in medicine school. You live alone and you have a loving family. Everybody likes you because you’re fun to be around. That is just plain bullshit you make to cover your slutty side.”
“Oh no. I don’t fake any of that. I am all that and still I am not perfect. You’re just too goddamn childish and immature to admit that your idiotic love cheated on you more than once. And again, I have no idea of what he told you about me but I’m pretty sure it’s not true. In fact let me tell you what he told me. He said he broke up with you because he is in love with me and that he’s tired of you and your make up and you going to the mall to only buy clothes and look pretty. He said he wanted a smart girl, not a superficial cheap copy of a ninety-nine cent store Barbie doll. So good luck with your life Tiffany because I’ve lost all respect for you. Bye.” I waited a couple of seconds. She said nothing. I hung up my phone, looking at my coffee cup, luckily empty by now.
I knew that after all this chaos and after drinking coffee I wouldn’t be able to sleep so I decided to go for a walk. Even though sports weren’t my thing, I have to admit that I somehow enjoyed walking in the afternoons. And so I changed into the blue college shorts that had my name and a white shirt, grabbed my music player and my phone and left my house for a good walk. I was saluting everyone that was usually outside. Everyone seemed so happy and so worriless about problems. I only kept thinking but apparently I had gone too far from my house at some point. All this time I was thinking about my attitude and if it was correct to be the way I was with Ulysses.
I knew I was acting very stubborn and cruel and that maybe I should apologize to Tiffany because of all the things I had told her about an hour ago. But then I thought about stupid Ulysses and his Player games and all the things Tiffany told me and that maybe they deserved what I had done to them. Either way it wasn’t my business anymore. It was their problems and their life that was in drama, not mine.
It was already 9 at night when I realized I didn’t know where I was. My feet turned back the direction I was coming from trying to memorize and analyze how was it that I got where I was at the moment. I turned left. Nothing; I recognized nothing. Then I went back and turned right. Nothing either. My heart was pounding fast. I kept going right. Still there was nothing familiar. Then I turned left after 4 blocks.
What the hell was I doing? I had no idea. Where was I? That question was unanswerable even to me. Was I scared? Oh yeah was I scared; more than any other moment in my short life. I kept walking straight and turned to the right in block three. Then I see a black van pass me very slowly. The man driving lowered the window and stared at me. I stared back. His mustache covered part of his upper mouth then fell into a long bushy beard. He was bald from the top, revealing hair in a ring at the back of his head. He had an earring in his left ear. His arm that was sticking out the window had a tattoo of a naked woman that must’ve been her girlfriend. I only kept walking. The van accelerated.
I kept walking in a senseless direction for about 20 minutes. Then I remembered I had my phone, I could call a taxi. My feet ran to the nearest corner as I took out my phone and looked for the taxi phone number. My face began to smile as the number was being dialed automatically.
“Taxi, goodnight; how may I help you?” Her voice sounded tired.
“Good night; May I please have a taxi over in,” I looked at the name of the street. “624 Sun Flower Street in Glendale.”
“Sure; your taxi will be there in about 15 minutes. Is it alright?”
“Yes; thank you.” I hung up. It would be there in a while. One of my favorite songs was on so I put the volume higher. I could see from the corner of my eye two people walking together and I could hear a car calmly coming around the corner, then stop right behind me. I paused the music player. Someone got out of the car. My heart began to go crazy on me again. The people walking my way were men. Then I turned around to see a little Volvo and a senior lady get out of the car. She waved. My heart calmed down. She kept walking until she reached her house and went in.
But the two men walking were in silence and were observing me. The grind of wheels from a vehicle driving quickly sounded behind me. As I looked back I realized it was the same van I saw earlier and it was the same driver. I heard feet running and I look back. Both men were running to my direction. I began to run but after a couple of feet one of them caught me by the waist. I punched him in the stomach with my elbow and stomped on his right foot. I kept running, thanking P.E. class for what I had learned there. But the other man was quicker than me and he catched on to me and jumped on me. I felt my feet stop where they were and my body fall with at least 120 more pounds on top.
My being reached the ground but I twisted my body around and kicked the man on the face with my knee. I began to crawl and tried to stand up as fast as possible, but the man on the floor grabbed my foot. The one I had knocked down put his foot on my back leaving me immobile. I kicked about three times the man holding my foot and I, again, twisted my back to set free of the one that was holding me down with his foot on my back. I was still on the floor and I had lost a tennis shoe, but I got into fetal position but with my gluteus to the ground. He tried to catch my feet but I rolled around my butt. He couldn’t catch me. Then when he got near enough I kicked him in the testicles and he fell down to the floor, twisting of pain. The other man ran towards me but I quickly stood up and turned around to run.
But I saw two hairy hands holding a metal tube that came straight to my face. I heard something banging against metal. I saw an instantaneous white image followed by little stars. A major migraine popped from the front right side of my head. My legs lost balance and swept around. I saw the tattooed man and I slowly closed my eyes. All this happened in a question of seconds.
“Good night, Bitch.” Those were the last words I heard as my vision became blurry and my eyes shut. This sharp noise was ringing in my ears. I could feel like if I were drowning in the ocean. But there was something peculiar. The sea water didn’t taste salty. It had a warm metallic flavor. I still couldn’t see anything but the migraine kept growing stronger. It made me swirl around as I held my head in both arms and felt how the metallic water suffocated my throat.
Publication Date: August 1st 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-innocently.rebel |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-edward-payson-roe-a-knight-of-the-nineteenth-century/ | Edward Payson Roe A KNIGHT OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY
He Best Deserves A Knightly Crest,
Who Slays The Evils That Infest
His Soul Within. If Victor Here,
He Soon Will Find A Wider Sphere.
The World Is Cold To Him Who Pleads;
The World Bows Low To Knightly Deeds.
Cornwall On The Hudson, N.Y.
Chapter I
Bad Training For A Knight
Chapter Ii
Both Apologize
Chapter Iii
Chained to An Iceberg
Chapter Iv
Chapter V
Passion'S Clamor
Chapter Vi
"Gloomy Grandeur"
Chapter Vii
Birds Of Prey
Chapter Viii
Their Victim
Chapter Ix
Pat And The Press
Chapter X
Returning Consciousness
Chapter Xi
Haldane Is Arrested
Chapter Xii
A Memorable Meeting
Chapter Xiii
Our Knight In jail
Chapter Xiv
Mr. Arnot'S System Works Badly
Chapter Xv
Haldane'S Resolve
Chapter Xvi
The Impulses Of Wounded pride
Chapter Xvii
At Odds With The World
Chapter Xviii
The World'S Verdict--Our Knight A Criminal
Chapter Xix
The World'S Best Offer--A Prison
Chapter Xx
Maiden And Wood-Sawyer
Chapter Xxi
Magnanimous Mr. Shrumpf
Chapter Xxii
A Man Who Hated himself
Chapter Xxiii
Mr. Growther Becomes Gigantic
Chapter Xxiv
How Public Opinion Is Often Made
Chapter Xxv
A Paper Poniard
Chapter Xxvi
A Sorry Knight
Chapter Xxvii
God Sent His Angel
Chapter Xxviii
Facing The Consequences
Chapter Xxix
How Evil Isolates
Chapter Xxx
Ideal Knighthood
Chapter Xxxi
The Low Starting-Point
Chapter Xxxii
A Sacred refrigerator
Chapter Xxxiii
A Doubtful Battle In prospect
Chapter Xxxiv
A Foot-Hold
Chapter Xxxv
That Sermon Was A Bomb-Shell
Chapter Xxxvi
Mr. Growther Feeds An Ancient Grudge
Chapter Xxxvii
Hoping For A Miracle
Chapter Xxxviii
The Miracle Takes Place
Chapter Xxxix
Votaries Of The World
Chapter Xl
Human Nature
Chapter Xli
Mrs. Arnot'S Creed
Chapter Xlii
The Lever That Moves The World
Chapter Xliii
Mr. Growther "Stumped"
Chapter Xliv
Chapter Xlv
Laura Romeyn
Chapter Xlvi
Chapter Xlvii
Laura Chooses Her Knight
Chapter Xlviii
Mrs. Arnot'S Knight
Chapter Xlix
A Knightly Deed
Chapter L
"O Dreaded death!"
Chapter Li
"O Priceless Life!"
Chapter Lii
A Man Versus A Connoisseur
Chapter Liii
Exit Of Laura'S First Knight
Chapter Liv
Another Knight Appears
Chapter I (Bad Training For A Knight)
Egbert Haldane Had An Enemy Who Loved him Very Dearly, And He Sincerely
Returned her Affection, As He Was In duty Bound, Since She Was His
Mother. If, Inspired by Hate And Malice, Mrs. Haldane Had Brooded over
But One Question At The Cradle Of Her Child, How Can I Most Surely
Destroy This Boy? She Could Scarcely Have Set About The Task More
Skilfully And Successfully.
But So Far From Having any Such Malign And Unnatural Intention, Mrs.
Haldane Idolized her Son. To Make The Paradox More Striking, She Was
Actually Seeking To Give Him A Christian Training and Character. As He
Leaned against Her Knee Bible Tales Were Told Him, Not Merely For The
Sake Of The Marvellous Interest Which They Ever Have For Children, But
In The Hope, Also, That The Moral They Carry With Them Might Remain As
Germinating Seed. At An Early Age The Mother Had Commenced taking Him To
Church, And Often Gave Him An Admonitory Nudge As His Restless Eyes
Wandered from The Venerable Face In the Pulpit. In brief, The Apparent
Influences Of His Early Life Were Similar To Those Existing In
Multitudes Of Christian Homes. On General Principles, It Might Be Hoped
That The Boy'S Future Would Be All That His Friends Could Desire; Nor
Did He Himself In early Youth Promise So Badly To Superficial Observers;
And The Son Of The Wealthy Mrs. Haldane Was, On The Part Of The World,
More The Object Of Envy Than Of Censure. But A Close Observer, Who
Judged of Characteristic Tendencies And Their Results By The Light Of
Experience, Might Justly Fear That The Mother Had Unwittingly Done Her
Child Irreparable Wrong.
She Had Made Him A Tyrant And A Relentless Task-Master Even In his
Infancy. As His Baby-Will Developed he Found It Supreme. His Nurse Was
Obliged to Be A Slave Who Must Patiently Humor Every Whim. He Was Petted
And Coaxed out Of His Frequent Fits Of Passion, And Beguiled from His
Obstinate And Sulky Moods By Bribes. He Was The Eldest Child And Only
Son, And His Little Sisters Were Taught To Yield To Him, Right Or Wrong,
He Lording It Over Them With The Capricious Lawlessness Of An Eastern
Despot. Chivalric Deference To Woman, And A Disposition To Protect And
Honor Her, Is A Necessary Element Of A Manly Character In our Western
Civilization; But Young Haldane Was As Truly An Oriental As If He Had
Been Permitted to Bluster Around A Turkish Harem; And Those Whom He
Should Have Learned to Wait Upon With Delicacy And Tact Became
Subservient To His Varying Moods, Developing That Essential Brutality
Which Mars The Nature Of Every Man Who Looks Upon Woman As An Inferior
And A Servant. He Loved his Mother, But He Did Not Reverence And Honor
Her. The Thought Ever Uppermost In his Mind Was, "What Ought She To Do
For Me?" Not, "What Ought I To Do For Her?" And Any Effort To Curb Or
Guide On Her Part Was Met And Thwarted by Passionate Or Obstinate
Opposition From Him. He Loved his Sisters After A Fashion, Because They
Were His Sisters; But So Far From Learning To Think Of Them As Those
Whom It Would Be His Natural Task To Cherish And Protect, They Were, In
His Estimation, "Nothing But Girls," And Of No Account Whatever Where
His Interests Were Concerned.
In The Most Receptive Period Of Life The Poison Of Selfishness And
Self-Love Was Steadily Instilled into His Nature. Before He Had Left The
Nursery He Had Formed the Habit Of Disregarding The Wills And Wishes Of
Others, Even When His Childish Conscience Told Him That He Was Decidedly
In The Wrong. When He Snatched his Sisters' Playthings They Cried in
Vain, And Found No Redress. The Mother Made Peace By Smoothing Over
Matters, And Promising The Little Girls Something Else.
Of Course, The Boy Sought To Carry Into His School Life The Same
Tendencies And Habits Which He Had Learned at Home, And He Ever Found A
Faithful Ally In his Blind, Fond Mother. She Took His Side Against His
Teachers; She Could Not Believe In his Oppressions Of His Younger
Playmates; She Was Absurdly Indignant And Resentful When Some Sturdy Boy
Stood Up For His Own Rights, Or Championed another'S, And Sent The
Incipient Bully Back To Her, Crying, And With A Bloody Nose. When The
Pampered youth Was A Little Indisposed, Or Imagined himself So, He Was
Coddled at Home, And Had Bonbons And Fairy Tales In the Place Of
Judicious Friends Shook Their Heads Ominously, And Some Even Ventured to
Counsel The Mother To A Wiser Course; But She Ever Resented such Advice.
The Son Was The Image Of His Lost Father, And Her One Impulse Was To
Lavish Upon Him Everything That His Heart Craved.
As If All This Were Not Enough, She Placed in the Boy'S Way Another
Snare, Which Seldom Fails Of Proving Fatal. He Had Only To Ask For Money
To Obtain It, No Knowledge Of Its Value Being Imparted to Him. Even When
He Took It From His Mother'S Drawer Without Asking, Her Chidings Were
Feeble And Irresolute. He Would Silence And Half Satisfy Her By Saying:
"You Can Take Anything Of Mine That You Want. It'S All In the Family;
What Difference Does It Make?"
Thus Every Avenue Of Temptation In the City Which Could Be Entered by
Money Was Open To Him, And He Was Not Slow In choosing Those Naturally
Attractive To A Boy.
But While His Mother Was Blind To The Evil Traits And Tendencies Which
She Was Fostering With Such Ominous Success, There Were Certain Overt
Acts Naturally Growing Out Of Her Indulgences Which Would Shock Her
Inexpressibly, And Evoke Even From Her The Strongest Expressions Of
Indignation And Rebuke. She Was Pre-Eminently Respectable, And Fond Of
Respect. She Was A Member "In Good And Regular Standing" Not Only Of Her
Church, But Also Of The Best Society In the Small Inland City Where She
Resided, And Few Greater Misfortunes In her Estimation Could Occur Than
To Lose This Status. She Never Hesitated to Humor Any Of Her Son'S Whims
And Wishes Which Did Not Threaten Their Respectability, But The
Quick-Witted boy Was Not Long In discovering That She Would Not Tolerate
Any Of Those Vices And Associations Which Society Condemns.
There Could Scarcely Have Been Any Other Result Save That Which
Followed. She Had Never Taught Him Self-Restraint; His Own Inclinations
Furnished the Laws Of His Action, And The Wish To Curb His Desires
Because They Were Wrong Scarcely Ever Crossed his Mind. To Avoid Trouble
With His Mother, Therefore, He Began Slyly And Secretly To Taste The
Forbidden Fruits Which Her Lavish Supplies Of Money Always Kept Within
His Reach. In this Manner That Most Hopeless And Vitiating Of Elements,
Deceitfulness, Entered into His Character. He Denied to His Mother, And
Sought To Conceal From Her, The Truth That While Still In his Teens He
Was Learning The Gambler'S Infatuation And Forming The Inebriate'S
Appetite. He Tried to Prevent Her From Knowing That Many Of His Most
Intimate Associates Were Such As He Would Not Introduce To Her Or To His
He Had Received, However, A Few Counter-Balancing advantages In his
Early Life. With All Her Weaknesses, His Mother Was A Lady, And Order,
Refinement, And Elegance Characterized his Home. Though Not A Gentleman
At Heart, On Approaching Manhood He Habitually Maintained the Outward
Bearing That Society Demands. The Report That He Was A Little Fast Was
More Than Neutralized by The Fact Of His Wealth. Indeed, Society
Concluded that It Had Much More Occasion To Smile Than To Frown Upon
Him, And His Increasing Fondness For Society And Its Approval In some
Degree Curbed his Tendencies To Dissipation.
It Might Also Prove To His Advantage That So Much Christian And Ethical
Truth Had Been Lodged in his Memory During Early Years. His Mother Had
Really Taken Pains To Acquaint Him With The Divine Man Who "Pleased not
Himself," Even While She Was Practically Teaching Him To Reverse This
Trait In his Own Character. Thus, While The Youth'S Heart Was Sadly
Erratic, His Head Was Tolerably Orthodox, And He Knew Theoreticaly The
Chief Principles Of Right Action. Though His Conscience Had Never Been
Truly Awakened, It Often Told Him That His Action Was Unmanly, To Say
The Least; And That Was As Far As Any Self-Censure Could Reach At This
Time. But It Might Prove A Fortunate Thing That Although Thorns And
Thistles Had Been Planted chiefly, Some Good Seed had Been Scattered
Also, And That He Had Received some Idea Of A Life The Reverse Of That
Which He Was Leading.
But Thus Far It Might Be Said With Almost Literal Truth, That Young
Haldane'S Acquaintance With Christian Ethics Had Had No More Practical
Effect Upon His Habitual Action And Thought Than His Knowledge Of
Algebra. When His Mother Permitted him To Snatch His Sisters' Playthings
And Keep Them, When She Took Him From The School Where He Had Received
Well-Merited punishment, When She Enslaved herself And Her Household To
Him Instead Of Teaching Considerate And Loyal Devotion To Her, She
Nullified all The Christian Instruction That She Or Any One Else Had
The Boy Had One Very Marked trait, Which Might Promise Well For The
Future, Or Otherwise, According To Circumstances, And That Was A Certain
Wilful Persistence, Which Often Degenerated into Downright Obstinacy.
Frequently, When His Mother Thought That She Had Coaxed or Wheedled him
Into Giving Up Something Of Which She Did Not Approve, He Would Quietly
Approach His Object In some Other Way, And Gain His Point, Or Sulk Till
He Did. When He Set His Heart Upon Anything He Was Not As "Unstable As
Water." While But An Indifferent And Superficial Student, Who Had
Habitually Escaped lessons And Skipped difficulties, He Occasionally
Became Nettled by A Perplexing Problem Or Task, And Would Work At It
With A Sort Of Vindictive, Unrelenting Earnestness, As If He Were
Subduing an Enemy. Having Put His Foot On The Obstacle, And Mastered the
Difficulty That Piqued him, He Would Cast The Book Aside, Indifferent To
The Study Or Science Of Which It Formed but A Small Fraction.
After All, Perhaps The Best That Could Be Said Of Him Was That He
Possessed fair Abilities, And Was Still Subject To The Good And Generous
Impulses Of Youth. His Traits And Tendencies Were, In the Main, All
Wrong; But He Had Not As Yet Become Confirmed and Hardened in them.
Contact With The World, Which Sooner Or Later Tells A Man The Truth
About Himself, However Unwelcome, Might Dissipate The Illusion, Gained
From His Mother'S Idolatry, That In some Indefinite Way He Was
Remarkable In himself, And That He Was Destined to Great Things From A
Vague And Innate Superiority, Which It Had Never Occurred to Him To
But As The Young Man Approached his Majority His Growing Habits Of
Dissipation Became So Pronounced that Even His Willingly Blind Mother
Was Compelled to Recognize Them. Rumor Of His Fast And Foolish Behavior
Took Such Definite Shape As To Penetrate The Widow'S Aristocratic
Retirement, And To Pass The Barriers Created by The Reserve Which She
Ever Maintained in regard To Personal And Family Matters. More Than Once
Her Son Came Home In a Condition So Nearly Resembling Intoxication That
She Was Compelled to Recognize The Cause, And She Was Greatly Shocked
And Alarmed. Again And Again She Said To Herself:
"I Cannot Understand How A Boy Brought Up In the Careful Christian
Manner That He Has Been Can Show Such Unnatural Depravity. It Is A Dark,
Mysterious Providence, To Which I Feel I Cannot Submit."
Though Young Haldane Was Aware Of His Mother'S Intolerance Of
Disreputable Vices And Follies, He Was Not Prepared for Her Strong And
Even Bitter Condemnation Of His Action. Having Never Been Taught To
Endure From Her Nor From Any One The Language Of Rebuke, He Retorted as
A Son Never Should Do In any Circumstances, And Stormy Scenes Followed.
Thus The Mother Was At Last Rudely Awakened to The Fact That Her Son Was
Not A Model Youth, And That Something Must Be Done Speedily, Or Else He
Might Go To Destruction, And In the Meantime Disgrace Both Himself And
Her--An Event Almost Equally To Be Dreaded.
In Her Distress And Perplexity She Summoned her Pastor, And Took Counsel
With Him. At Her Request The Venerable Man Readily Agreed to "Talk To"
The Wayward Subject, And Thought That His Folly And Its Consequences
Could Be Placed before The Young Man In such A Strong And Logical
Statement That It Would Convince Him At Once That He Must "Repent And
Walk In the Ways Of Righteousness." If Haldane'S Errors Had Been Those
Of Doctrine, Dr. Marks Would Have Been An Admirable Guide; But The
Trouble Was That, While The Good Doctor Was Familiar With All The
Readings Of Obscure Greek And Hebrew Texts, And All The Shades Of
Opinions Resulting, He Was Unacquainted with Even The Alphabet Of Human
Nature. In approaching "A Sinner," He Had One Formal And Unvarying
Method, And He Chose His Course Not From The Bearing Of The Subject
Himself, But From Certain General Theological Truths Which He Believed
Applied to The "Unrenewed heart Of Man As A Fallen Race." He Rather
Prided himself Upon Calling a Sinner A Sinner, And All Things Else By
Their Right Names; And Thus It Is Evident That He Often Had But Little
Of The Pauline Guile, Which Enabled the Great Apostle To Entangle The
Wayward Feet Of Jew, Greek And Roman, Bond And Free, In heavenly Snares.
The Youth Whom He Was To Convince And Convert By A Single Broadside Of
Truth, As It Were, Moved in such An Eccentric Orbit, That The Doctor
Could Never Bring His Heavy Artillery To Bear Upon Him. Neither Coaxing
Nor Scolding On The Part Of The Mother Could Bring about The Formal
Interview. At Last, However, It Was Secured by An Accident, And His
Mother Felt Thereafter, With A Certain Sense Of Consolation, That "All
Had Been Done That Could Be Done."
Entering The Parlor Unexpectedly One Afternoon, Haldane Stumbled
Directly Upon Dr. Marks, Who Opened fire At Once, By Saying:
"My Young Friend, This Is Quite Providential, As I Have Long Been
Wishing For An Interview. Please Be Seated, For I Have Certain Things To
Say Which Relate To Your Spiritual And Temporal Well-Being, Although The
Latter Is A Very Secondary Matter."
Haldane Was Too Well Bred to Break Rudely And Abruptly Away, And Yet It
Must Be Admitted that He Complied with Very Much The Feeling and Grace
With Which He Would Take A Dentist'S Chair.
"My Young Friend, If You Ever Wish To Be A Saint You Must First Have A
Profound Conviction That You Are A Sinner. I Hope That You Realize That
You Are A Sinner."
"I Am Quite Content To Be A Gentleman," Was The Brusque Reply.
"But As Long As You Remain An Impenitent Sinner You Can Never Be Even A
True Gentleman," Responded the Clergyman Somewhat Warmly.
Haldane Had Caught A Shocked and Warning Look From His Mother, And So
Did Not Reply. He Saw That He Was "In For It," As He Would Express
Himself, And Surmised that The Less He Said The Sooner The Ordeal Would
Be Over. He Therefore Took Refuge In a Silence That Was Both Sullen And
Resentful. He Was Too Young And Uncurbed to Maintain A Cold And
Impassive Face, And His Dark Eyes Occasionally Shot Vindictive Gleams At
Both His Mother And Her Ally, Who Had So Unexpectedly Caged him Against
His Will. Fortunately The Doctor Was Content, After He Had Got Under
Way, To Talk At, Instead Of To, His Listener, And Thus Was Saved the
Mortification Of Asking Questions Of One Who Would Not Have Answered.
After The Last Sonorous Period Had Been Rounded, The Youth Arose, Bowed
Stiffly, And Withdrew, But With A Heart Overflowing With A Malicious
Desire To Retaliate. At The Angle Of The House Stood The Clergyman'S
Steady-Going Mare, And His Low, Old-Fashioned buggy. It Was But The Work
Of A Moment To Slip Part Of The Shuck Of A Horse-Chestnut, With Its
Sharp Spines, Under The Collar, So That When The Traces Drew Upon It The
Spines Would Be Driven Into The Poor Beast'S Neck. Then, Going Down To
The Main Street Of The Town, Through Which He Knew The Doctor Must Pass
On His Way Home, He Took His Post Of Observation.
Chapter II (Both Apologize)
Haldane'S Hopes Were Realized beyond His Anticipations, For The Doctor'S
Old Mare--At First Surprised and Restless From The Wounds Made By The
Sharp Spines--Speedily Became Indignant And Fractious, And At Last, Half
Frantic With Pain, Started on A Gallop Down The Street, Setting all The
Town Agog With Excitement And Alarm.
With Grim Satisfaction Haldane Saw The Doctor'S Immaculate Silk Hat Fly
Into The Mud, His Wig, Blown Comically Awry, Fall Over His Eyes, And His
Spectacles Joggle Down Until They Sat Astride The Tip Of A Rather
Prominent Nose.
Having Had His Revenge He At Once Relented, And Rushing Out In advance
Of Some Others Who Were Coming To The Rescue, He Caught The Poor Beast,
And Stopped her So Suddenly That The Doctor Was Nearly Precipitated over
The Dashboard. Then, Pretending To Examine The Harness To See That
Nothing Was Broken, He Quietly Removed the Cause Of Irritation, And The
Naturally Sedate Beast At Once Became Far More Composed than Her Master,
For, As A Bystander Remarked, The Venerable Doctor Was "Dreadfully Shuck
Up." It Was Quite In keeping With Haldane'S Disingenuous Nature To
Accept The Old Gentleman'S Profuse Thanks For The Rescue. The Impulse To
Carry His Mischief Still Further Was At Once Acted upon, And He Offered
To See The Doctor Safely Home.
His Services Were Eagerly Accepted, For The Poor Man Was Much Too
Unnerved to Take The Reins Again, Though, Had He Known It, The Mare
Would Now Have Gone To The Parsonage Quietly, And Of Her Own Accord.
The Doctor Was Gradually Righted up And Composed. His Wig, Which Had
Covered his Left Eye, Was Arranged decorously In its Proper Place, And
The Gold-Rimmed spectacles Pressed back So That The Good Man Could Beam
Mildly And Gratefully Upon His Supposed preserver. The Clerical Hat,
However, Had Lost Its Character Beyond Recovery, And Though Its Owner
Was Obliged to Wear It Home, It Must Be Confessed that It Did Not At All
Comport With The Doctor'S Dignity And Calling.
Young Haldane Took The Reins With A Great Show Of Solicitude And
Vigilance, Appearing To Dread Another Display Of Viciousness From The
Mare, That Was Now Most Sheeplike In her Docility; And Thus, With His
Confiding Victim, He Jogged along Through The Crowded street, The Object
Of General Approval And Outspoken Commendation.
"My Dear Young Friend," Began The Doctor Fervently, "I Feel That You
Have Already Repaid Me Amply For My Labors In your Behalf."
"Thank You," Said Haldane Demurely; "I Think We Are Getting Even."
"This Has Been A Very Mysterious Affair," Continued the Doctor Musingly;
"Surely 'A Horse Is A Vain Thing For Safety.' One Is Almost Tempted to
Believe That Demoniacal Possession Is Not Wholly A Thing Of The Past.
Indeed, I Could Not Think Of Anything Else While Dolly Was Acting So
Viciously And Unaccountably."
"I Agree With You," Responded haldane Gravely, "She Certainly Did Come
Down The Street Like The Devil."
The Doctor Was A Little Shocked at This Putting Of His Thoughts Into
Plain English, For It Sounded somewhat Profanely. But He Was In no Mood
To Find Fault With His Companion, And They Got On Very Well Together To
The End Of Their Brief Journey. The Young Scapegrace Was Glad, Indeed,
That It Was Brief, For His Self-Control Was Fast Leaving Him, And Having
Bowed a Rather Abrupt Farewell To The Doctor, He Was Not Long In
Reaching One Of His Haunts, From Which During The Evening, And Quite
Late Into The Night, Came Repeated peals Of Laughter, That Grew More
Boisterous And Discordant As That Synonyme Of Mental And Moral Anarchy,
The "Spirit Of Wine," Gained the Mastery.
The Tidings Of Her Son'S Exploit In rescuing The Doctor Were Not Long In
Reaching Mrs. Haldane, And She Felt That The Good Seed sown That Day Had
Borne Immediate Fruit. She Longed to Fold Him In her Arms And Commend
His Courage, While She Poured out Thanksgiving That He Himself Had
Escaped uninjured, Which Immunity, She Believed, Must Have Resulted from
The Goodness And Piety Of The Deed. But When He At Last Appeared with
Step So Unsteady And Utterance So Thick That Even She Could Not Mistake
The Cause, She Was Bewildered and Bitterly Disappointed by The Apparent
Contradictoriness Of His Action; And When He, Too Far Gone For
Dissimulation, Described and Acted out In pantomime The Doctor'S Plight
And Appearance, She Became Half Hysterical From Her Desire To Laugh, To
Cry, And To Give Vent To Her Kindling Indignation.
This Anger Was Raised almost To The Point Of White Heat On The Morrow.
The Cause Of The Old Mare'S Behavior, And The Interview Which Had Led to
The Practical Joke, Soon Became An Open Secret, And While It Convulsed
The Town With Laughter, It Also Gave The Impression That Young Haldane
Was In a "Bad Way."
It Was Not Long Before Mrs. Haldane Received a Note From An Indignant
Fellow Church-Member, In which, With Some Disagreeable Comment, Her
Son'S Conduct Was Plainly Stated. She Was Also Informed that The Doctor
Had Become Aware Of The Rude Jest Of Which He Had Been The Subject. Mrs.
Haldane Was Almost Furious; But Her Son Grew Sullen And Obstinate As The
Storm Which He Had Raised increased. The Only Thing He Would Say As An
Apology Or Excuse Amounted to This:
"What Else Could He Expect From One Who He So Emphatically Asserted was
A Sinner?"
The Mother Wrote At Once To The Doctor, And Was Profuse In her Apologies
And Regrets, But Was Obliged to Admit To Him That Her Son Was Beyond Her
When The Doctor First Learned the Truth His Equanimity Was Almost As
Greatly Disturbed as It Had Been On The Previous Day, And His First
Emotions Were Obviously Those Of Wrath. But A Little Thought Brought Him
To A Better Mood.
He Was Naturally Deficient In tact, And His Long Habit Of Dwelling Upon
Abstract And Systematic Truth Had Diminished his Power Of Observantly
And Intuitively Gauging The Character Of The One With Whom He Was
Dealing. He Therefore Often Failed wofully In adaptation, And His
Sermons Occasionally Went Off Into Rarefied realms Of Moral Space, Where
Nothing Human Existed. But His Heart Was True And Warm, And His Master'S
Cause Of Far More Consequence To Him Than His Own Dignity.
As He Considered the Matter Maturely He Came To The Conclusion That
There Must Have Been Something Wrong On Both Sides. If He Had Presented
The Truth Properly The Young Man Could Not Have Acted so Improperly.
After Recalling The Whole Affair, He Became Satisfied that He Had Relied
Far Too Much On His Own Strong Logic, And It Had Seemed to Him That It
Must Convince. He Had Forgotten For The Moment That Those Who Would Do
Good Should Be Very Humble, And That, In a Certain Sense, They Must Take
The Hand Of God, And Place It Upon The One Whom They Would Save.
Thus The Honest Old Clergyman Tried to Search Out The Error And Weakness
Which Had Led to Such A Lamentable Failure In his Efforts; And When At
Last Mrs. Haldane'S Note Of Sorrowful Apology And Motherly Distress
Reached him, His Anger Was Not Only Gone, But His Heart Was Full Of
Commiseration For Both Herself And Her Son. He At Once Sat Down, And
Wrote Her A Kind And Consolatory Letter, In which He Charged her
Hereafter To Trust Less To The "Arm Of Flesh" And More To The "Power Of
God." He Also Inclosed a Note To The Young Man, Which His Mother Handed
To Him With A Darkly Reproachful Glance. He Opened it With A
Contemptuous Frown, Expecting To Find Within Only Indignant Upbraidings;
But His Face Changed rapidly As He Read The Following Words:
"My Dear Young Friend--I Hardly Know Which Of Us Should Apologize. I
Now Perceive And Frankly Admit That There Was Wrong On My Side. I
Could Not Have Approached you And Spoken To You In the Right Spirit,
For If I Had, What Followed could Not Have Occurred. I Fear There
Was A Self-Sufficiency In my Words And Mariner Yesterday, Which Made
You Conscious Of Dr. Marks Only, And You Had No Scruples In dealing
With Dr. Marks As You Did. If My Words And Bearing Had Brought You
Face To Face With My August Yet Merciful Master, You Would Have
Respected him, And Also Me, His Servant. I Confess That I Was Very
Angry This Morning, For I Am Human. But Now I Am More Concerned lest
I Have Prejudiced you Against Him By Whom Alone We All Are Saved.
Yours Faithfully,
"Zebulon Marks."
The Moment Haldane Finished reading The Note He Left The Room, And His
Mother Heard Him At The Hat-Rack In the Hall, Preparing To Go Out. She,
Supposing That He Was Again About To Seek Some Of His Evil Haunts,
Remonstrated sharply; But, Without Paying The Slightest Attention To Her
Words, He Departed, And Within Less Than Half An Hour Rang The Bell At
The Parsonage.
Dr. Marks Could Scarcely Believe His Eyes As The Young Man Was Shown
Into His Study, But He Welcomed him As Cordially As Though Nothing
Unpleasant Had Occurred between Them.
After A Moment'S Hesitation And Embarrassment Haldane Began:
"When I Read Your Note This Evening I Had Not The Slightest Doubt That I
Was The One To Apologize, And I Sincerely Ask Your Pardon."
The Old Gentleman'S Eyes Grew Moist, And He Blew His Nose In a Rather
Unusual Manner. But He Said Promptly:
"Thank You, My Young Friend, Thank You. I Appreciate This. But No Matter
About Me. How About My Master? Won'T You Become Reconciled to Him?"
"I Suppose By That You Mean, Won'T You Be A Christian?"
"That Is Just What I Mean And Most Desire. I Should Be Willing To Risk
Broken Bones Any Day To Accomplish That."
Haldane Smiled, Shook His Head, And After A Moment Said:
"I Must Confess That I Have Not The Slightest Wish To Become A
The Old Gentleman'S Eager And Interested expression Changed instantly To
One Of The Deepest Sorrow And Commiseration. At The Same Time He
Appeared bewildered and Perplexed, But Murmured, More In soliloquy Than
As An Address To The Young Man:
"O Ephraim! How Shall I Give Thee Up?"
Haldane Was Touched by The Venerable Man'S Tone And Manner, More Than He
Would Have Thought Possible, And, Feeling That He Could Not Trust
Himself Any Longer, Determined to Make His Escape As Soon As
Practicable. But As He Rose To Take His Leave He Said, A Little
"I Feel Sure, Sir, That If You Had Spoken And Looked yesterday As You Do
This Evening I Would Not Have--I Would Not Have--"
"I Understand, My Young Friend; I Now Feel Sure That I Was More To Blame
Than Yourself, And Your Part Is Already Forgiven And Forgotten. I Am Now
Only Solicitous About _You_."
"You Are Very Kind To Feel So After What Has Happened, And I Will Say
This Much--If I Ever Do Wish To Become A Christian, There Is No One
Living To Whom I Will Come For Counsel More Quickly Than Yourself.
Good-Night, Sir."
"Give Me Your Hand Before You Go."
It Was A Strong, Warm, Lingering Grasp That The Old Man Gave, And In the
Dark Days Of Temptation That Followed, Haldane Often Felt That It Had A
Helping and Sustaining Influence.
"I Wish I Could Hold On To You," Said The Doctor Huskily; "I Wish I
Could Lead You By Loving Force Into The Paths Of Pleasantness And Peace.
But What I Can'T Do, God Can. Good-By, And God Bless You."
Haldane Fled rather Precipitously, For He Felt That He Was Becoming
Constrained by A Loving Violence That Was As Mysterious As It Was
Powerful. Before He Had Passed through The Main Street Of The Town,
However, A Reckless Companion Placed an Arm In his, And Led him To One
Of Their Haunts, Where He Drank Deeper Than Usual, That He Might Get Rid
Of The Compunctions Which The Recent Interview Had Occasioned.
His Mother Was Almost In despair When He Returned. He Had, Indeed,
Become To Her A Terrible And Perplexing Problem. As She Considered the
Legitimate Results Of Her Own Weak Indulgence She Would Sigh Again And
"Never Was There A Darker And More Mysterious Providence. I Feel That I
Can Neither Understand It Nor Submit."
A Sense Of Helplessness In dealing With This Stubborn And Perverse Will
Overwhelmed her, And, While Feeling That Something Must Be Done, She Was
At A Loss What To Do. Her Spiritual Adviser Having Failed to Meet The
Case, She Next Summoned her Legal Counsellor, Who Managed her Property.
He Was A Man Of Few Words, And An Adept In worldly Wisdom.
"Your Son Should Have Employment," He Said;
"'Satan Finds Some Mischief Still
For Idle Hands,'
"Etc., Is A Sound Maxim, If Not First-Class Poetry. If Mr. Arnot, The
Husband Of Your Old Friend, Is Willing To Take Him, You Cannot Do Better
Than Place Your Son In his Charge, For He Is One Of The Most Methodical
And Successful Business Men Of My Acquaintance."
Mrs. Arnot, In response To Her Friend'S Letter, Induced her Husband To
Make A Position In his Counting-House For Young Haldane, Who, From A
Natural Desire To See More Of The World, Entered into The Arrangement
Very Willingly.
Chapter III (Chained to An Iceberg)
Hillaton, The Suburban City In which The Arnots Resided, Was Not Very
Distant From New York, And Drew Much Of Its Prosperity From Its
Relations With The Metropolis. It Prided itself Much On Being a
University Town, But More Because Many Old Families Of Extremely Blue
Blood And Large Wealth Gave Tone And Color To Its Society. It Is True
That This Highest Social Circle Was Very Exclusive, And Formed but A
Small Fraction Of The Population; But The People In general Had Come To
Speak Of "Our Society," As Being "Unusually Good," Just As They
Commended to Strangers The Architecture Of "Our College Buildings,"
Though They Had Little To Do With Either.
Mrs. Arnot'S Blood, However, Was As Blue As That Of The Most Ancient And
Aristocratic Of Her Neighbors, While In character And Culture She Had
Few Equals. But With The Majority Of Those Most Cerulean In their Vital
Fluid The Fact That She Possessed large Wealth In her Own Name, And Was
The Wife Of A Man Engaged in a Colossal Business, Weighed more Than All
Her Graces And Ancestral Honors.
Young Haldane'S Employer, Mr. Arnot, Was, Indeed, A Man Of Business And
Method, For The One Absorbed his Very Soul, And The Other Divided his
Life Into Cubes And Right Angles Of Manner And Habit. It Could Scarcely
Be Said That He Had Settled down Into Ruts, For This Would Presuppose
The Passiveness Of A Nature Controlled largely By Circumstances. People
Who Travel In ruts Drop More Often Into Those Made By Others Than Such
As Are Worn By Themselves. Mr. Arnot Moved rather In his Own
Well-Defined grooves, Which He Had Deliberately Furrowed out With His
Own Steely Will. In these He Went Through The Day With The Same Strong,
Relentless Precision Which Characterized the Machinery In his Several
Manufacturing Establishments.
He Was A Man, Too, Who Had Always Had His Own Way, And, As Is Usually
True In such Instances, The Forces Of His Life Had Become Wholly
The Cosmos Of The Selfish Man Or Woman Is Practically This--Myself The
Centre Of The Universe, And All Things Else Are Near Or Remote, Of Value
Or Otherwise, In accordance With Their Value And Interest To Me.
Measuring By This Scale Of Distances (Which Was The Only Correct One In
The Case Of Mr. Arnot) The Wife Of His Bosom Was Quite A Remote Object.
She Formed no Part Of His Business, And He, In his Hard, Narrow
Worldliness, Could Not Even Understand The Principles And Motives Of Her
Action. She Was A True And Dutiful Wife, And Presided over His Household
With Elegance And Refinement; But He Regarded all This As A Matter Of
Course. He Could Not Conceive Of Anything Else In _His_ Wife. All
His "Subordinates" In their Several Spheres, "Must" Perform Their Duties
With Becoming Propriety. Everything "Must Be Regular And Systematic" In
His House, As Truly As In his Factories And Counting-Room.
Mrs. Arnot Endeavored to Conform To His Peculiarities In this Respect,
And Kept Open The Domestic Grooves In which It Was Necessary To His
Peace That He Should Move Regularly And Methodically. He Had His Meals
At The Hour He Chose, To The Moment, And When He Retired to His
Library--Or, Rather, The Business Office At His House--Not The
Throne-Room Of King ahasuerus Was More Sacred from Intrusion; And Seldom
To His Wife, Even, Was The Sceptre Of Favor And Welcome Held Out, Should
She Venture To Enter.
For A Long Time She Had Tried to Be An Affectionate As Well As A
Faithful Wife, For She Had Married this Man From Love. She Had Mistaken
His Cool Self-Poise For The Calmness And Steadiness Of Strength; And
Women Are Captivated by Strength, And Sometimes By Its Semblance. He Was
Strong; But So Also Are The Driving-Wheels Of An Engine.
There Is An Undefined, Half-Recognized force In nature Which Leads Many
To Seek To Balance Themselves By Marrying Their Opposites In
Temperament. While The General Working Of This Tendency Is, No Doubt,
Beneficent, It Not Unfrequently Brings Together Those Who Are So
Radically Different, That They Cannot Supplement Each Other, But Must
Ever Remain Two Distinct, Unblended lives, That Are In duty Bound To
Obey The Letter Of The Law Of Marriage, But Who Cannot Fulfil Its
For Years Mrs. Arnot Had Sought With All A Woman'S Tact To Consummate
Their Marriage, So That The Mystical Words Of God, "And They Twain Shall
Be One Flesh," Should Describe Their Union; But As Time Passed she Had
Seen Her Task Grow More And More Hopeless. The Controlling Principles Of
Each Life Were Utterly Different. He Was Hardening Into Stone, While The
Dross And Materiality Of Her Nature Were Being Daily Refined away. A
Strong But Wholly Selfish Character Cannot Blend By Giving and Taking,
And Thus Becoming Modified into Something Different And Better. It Can
Only Absorb, And Thus Drag Down To Its Own Condition. Before There Can
Be Unity The Weaker One Must Give Up And Yield Personal Will And
Independence To Such A Degree That It Is Almost Equivalent To Being
Devoured and Assimilated.
But Mr. Arnot Seemed to Grow Too Narrow And Self-Sufficient In his
Nature For Such Spiritual Cannibalism, Even Had His Wife Been A Weak,
Neutral Character, With No Decided and Persistent Individuality Of Her
Own. He Was Not Slow In exacting Outward And Mechanical Service, But He
Had No Time To "Bother" With Her Thoughts, Feelings, And Opinions; Nor
Did He Think It Worth While, To Any Extent, To Lead Her To Reflect Only
His Feelings And Opinions. Neither She Nor Any One Else Was Very
Essential To Him. His Business _Was_ Necessary, And He Valued it Even
More Than The Wealth Which Resulted from It. He Grew Somewhat Like His
Machinery, Which Needed attention, But Which Cherished no Sentiments
Toward Those Who Waited on It During Its Hours Of Motion.
Thus, Though Not Deliberately Intending It, His Manner Toward His Wife
Had Come To Be More And More The Equivalent Of A Steady Black Frost, And
She At Last Feared that The Man Had Congealed or Petrified to His Very
Heart'S Core.
While The Only Love In mr. Arnot'S Heart Was Self-Love, Even In this
There Existed no Trace Of Weak Indulgence And Tenderness. His Life
Consisted in making His Vast And Complicated business Go Forward
Steadily, Systematically, And Successfully; And He Would Not Permit That
Entity Known As Thomas Arnot To Thwart Him Any More Than He Would Brook
Opposition Or Neglect In his Office-Boy. All Things, Even Himself, Must
Bend To The Furtherance Of His Cherished objects.
But, Whatever Else Was Lacking, Mr. Arnot Had A Profound Respect For His
Wife. First And Chiefly, She Was Wealthy, And He, Having Control Of Her
Property, Made It Subservient To His Business. He Had Chafed at First
Against What He Termed her "Sentimental Ways Of Doing Good" And Her
"Ridiculous Theories," But In these Matters He Had Ever Found Her As
Gentle As A Woman, But As Unyielding as Granite. She Told Him Plainly
That Her Religious Life And Its Expression Were Matters Between Herself
And God--That It Was A Province Into Which His Cast-Iron System And
Material Philosophy Could Not Enter. He Grumbled at Her Large Charities,
And Declared that She "Turned their Dwelling Into A Club-House For Young
Men"; But She Followed her Conscience With Such A Quiet, Unswerving
Dignity That He Found No Pretext For Interference. The Money She Gave
Away Was Her Own, And Fortunately, The House To Which It Was Her Delight
To Draw Young Men From Questionable And Disreputable Places Of Resort
Had Been Left To Her By Her Father. Though She Did Not Continually
Remind Her Husband Of These Facts, As An Under-Bred woman Might Have
Done, Her Manner Was So Assured and Unhesitating That He Was Compelled
To Recognize Her Rights, And To See That She Was Fully Aware Of Them
Also. Since She Yielded so Gracefully And Considerately All And More
Than He Could Justly Claim, He Finally Concluded to Ignore What He
Regarded as Her "Peculiarities." As For Himself, He Had No
Peculiarities. He Was A "Practical, Sensible Man, With No Nonsense About
Mrs. Haldane Had Been In such Sore Straits And Perplexity About Her Son
That She Overcame Her Habitual Reserve Upon Family And Personal Matters,
And Wrote To Her Friend A Long And Confidential Letter, In which She
Fully Described the "Mysterious Providence" Which Was Clouding Her Life.
Mrs. Arnot Had Long Been Aware Of Her Friend'S Infirmity, And More Than
Once Had Sought With Delicacy And Yet With Faithfulness To Open Her Eyes
To The Consequences Of Her Indulgence. But Mrs. Haldane, Unfortunately,
Was Incapable Of Taking a Broad, And Therefore Correct, View Of
Anything. She Was Governed far More By Her Prejudices And Feelings Than
By Reason Or Experience, And The Emotion Or Prejudice Uppermost Absorbed
Her Mind So Completely As To Exclude All Other Considerations. Her
Friendship For Mrs. Arnot Had Commenced at School, But The Two Ladies
Had Developed so Differently That The Relation Had Become More A
Cherished memory Of The Happy Past Than A Congenial Intimacy Of Their
Maturer Life.
The "Mysterious Providence" Of Which Mrs. Haldane Wrote Was To Mrs.
Arnot A Legitimate And Almost Inevitable Result. But, Now That The
Mischief Had Been Accomplished, She Was The Last One In the World To Say
To Her Friend, "I Told You So." To Her Mind The Providential Feature In
The Matter Was The Chance That Had Come To Her Of Counteracting The Evil
Which The Mother Had Unconsciously Developed. This Opportunity Was In
The Line Of Her Most Cherished plan And Hope Of Usefulness, As Will Be
Hereafter Seen, And She Had Lost No Time In persuading Her Husband To
Give Haldane Employment In his Counting-Room. She Also Secured his
Consent That The Youth Should Become A Member Of The Family, For A Time
At Least. Mr. Arnot Yielded these Points Reluctantly, For It Was A Part
Of His Policy To Have No More Personal Relations With His _Employes_
Than With His Machinery. He Wished them To Feel That They Were Merely A
Part Of His System, And That The Moment Any One Did Not Work Regularly
And Accurately He Must Be Cast Aside As Certainly As A Broken Or
Defective Wheel. But As His Wife'S Health Made Her Practically A Silent
Partner In his Vast Business, He Yielded--Though With Rather Ill Grace,
And With A Prediction That It "Would Not Work Well."
Haldane Was Aware That His Mother Had Written A Long Letter To Mrs.
Arnot, And He Supposed that His Employer And His Wife Had Thus Become
Acquainted with All His Misdeeds. He, Therefore, Rather Dreaded to Meet
Those Who Must, From The First, Regard Him As A Graceless And Difficult
Subject, That Could Not Be Managed at Home. But, With The Characteristic
Recklessness Of Young Men Who Have Wealth To Fall Back Upon, He Had
Fortified himself By Thoughts Like The Following:
"If They Do Not Treat Me Well, Or Try To Put Me Into A Straight-Jacket,
Or If I Find The Counting-House Too Dull, I Can Bid Them Good-Morning
Whenever I Choose."
But Mrs. Arnot'S Frank And Cordial Reception Was An Agreeable Surprise.
He Arrived quite Late In the Evening, And She Had A Delightful Little
Lunch Brought To Him In her Private Parlor. By The Time It Was Eaten Her
Graceful Tact Had Banished all Stiffness And Sense Of Strangeness, And
He Found Himself Warming Into Friendliness Toward One Whom He Had
Especially Dreaded as A "Remarkably Pious Lady"--For Thus His Mother Had
Always Spoken Of Her.
It Was Scarcely Strange That He Should Be Rapidly Disarmed by This Lady,
Who Cannot Be Described in a Paragraph. Though Her Face Was Rather
Plain, It Was So Expressive Of Herself That It Seldom Failed to
Fascinate. Nature Can Do Much To Render A Countenance Attractive, But
Character Accomplishes Far More. The Beauty Which Is Of Feature Merely
Catches The Careless, Wandering Eye. The Beauty Which Is The Reflex Of
Character _Holds_ The Eye, And Eventually Wins The Heart. Those Who
Knew Mrs. Arnot Best Declared that, Instead Of Growing Old And Homely,
She Was Growing More Lovely Every Year. Her Dark Hair Had Turned gray
Early, And Was Fast Becoming Snowy White. For Some Years After Her
Marriage She Had Grown Old Very Fast. She Had Dwelt, As It Were, On The
Northern Side Of An Iceberg, And In her Vain Attempt To Melt And
Humanize It, Had Almost Perished herself. As The Earthly Streams And
Rills That Fed her Life Congealed, She Was Led to Accept Of The Love Of
God, And The Long Arctic Winter Of Her Despair Passed gradually Away.
She Was Now Growing Young Again. A Faint Bloom Was Dawning In her
Cheeks, And Her Form Was Gaming That Fulness Which Is Associated with
The Maturity Of Middle Age. Her Bright Black Eyes Were The Most
Attractive And Expressive Feature Which She Possessed, And They Often
Seemed gifted with Peculiar Powers.
As They Beamed upon The Young Man They Had Much The Same Effect As The
Anthracite Coals Which Glowed in the Grate, And He Began To Be Conscious
Of Some Disposition To Give Her His Confidence.
Having Dismissed the Servant With The Lunch Tray, She Caused him To Draw
His Chair Sociably Up To The Fire, And Said, Without Any Circumlocution:
"Mr. Haldane, Perhaps This Is The Best Time For Us To Have A Frank Talk
In Regard To The Future."
The Young Man Thought That This Was The Preface For Some Decided
Criticism Of The Past, And His Face Became A Little Hard And Defiant.
But In this He Was Mistaken, For The Lady Made No Reference To His
Faults, Of Which She Had Been Informed by His Mother. She Spoke In a
Kindly But Almost In a Business-Like Way Of His Duties In the
Counting-Room, And Of The Domestic Rules Of The Household, To Which He
Would Be Expected to Conform. She Also Spoke Plainly Of Her Husband'S
Inexorable Requirement Of System, Regularity, And Order, And Dwelt Upon
The Fact That All In his Employ Conformed to This Demand, And That It
Was The Business-Like And Manly Thing To Do.
"This Is Your First Venture Out Into The World, I Understand," She Said,
Rising To Intimate That Their Interview Was Over, "And I Greatly Wish
That It May Lead Toward A Useful And Successful Career. I Have Spoken
Plainly Because I Wished you To Realize Just What You Have Undertaken,
And Thus Meet With No Unpleasant Surprises Or Unexpected experiences.
When One Enters Upon A Course With His Eyes Open, He In a Certain Sense
Pledges Himself To Do The Best He Can In that Line Of Duty, And Our
Acquaintance, Though So Brief, Has Convinced me That You _Can_ Do Very
Well Indeed."
"I Was Under The Impression," Said The Young Man, Coloring Deeply, "That
My Mother'S Letter Had Led you To Suppose--To Expect Just The Contrary."
"Mr. Haldane," Said Mrs. Arnot, Giving Him Her Hand With Graceful Tact,
"I Shall Form My Opinion Of You Solely On The Ground Of Your Own Action,
And I Wish You To Think Of Me As A Friend Who Takes A Genuine Interest
In Your Success. Good-Night."
He Went To His Room In quite A Heroic And Virtuous Mood.
"She Does Not Treat Me A Bit Like A 'Bad Boy,' As I Supposed she Would,"
He Thought; "But Appears To Take It For Granted that I Shall Be A
Gentleman In this Her House, And A Sensible Fellow In her Husband'S
Office. Blow Me If I Disappoint Her!"
Nor Did He For Several Weeks. Even Mr. Arnot Was Compelled to Admit That
It Did "Work Rather Better Than He Expected," And That He "Supposed the
Young Fellow Did As Well As He Could."
As The Novelty Of Haldane'S New Relations Wore Off, However, And As His
Duties Became So Familiar As To Be Chiefly A Matter Of Routine, The
Grave Defects Of His Character And Training Began To Show Themselves.
The Restraint Of The Counting-Room Grew Irksome. Associations Were
Formed in the City Which Tended toward His Old Evil Habits. As A Piece
Of Mr. Arnot'S Machinery He Did Not Move With The Increasing Precision
That His Employer Required and Expected on His Becoming Better
Acquainted with His Duties.
Mrs. Arnot Had Expected this, And Knew That Her Husband Would Tolerate
Carelessness And Friction Only Up To A Certain Point. She Had Gained
More Influence Over The Young Man Than Any One Else Had Ever Possessed,
And By Means Of It Kept Him Within Bounds For Some Time; But She Saw
From Her Husband'S Manner That Things Were Fast Approaching a Crisis.
One Evening She Kindly, But Frankly, Told Him Of The Danger In which He
Stood Of An Abrupt, Stern Dismissal.
He Was More Angry Than Alarmed, And During The Following Day About
Concluded that He Would Save Himself Any Such Mortification By Leaving
Of His Own Accord. He Quite Persuaded himself That He Had A Soul Above
Plodding Business, And That, After Enjoying Himself At Home For A Time,
He Could Enter Upon Some Other Career, That Promised more Congeniality
And Renown.
In Order That His Employer Might Not Anticipate Him, He Performed his
Duties Very Accurately That Day, But Left The Office With The
Expectation Of Never Returning.
He Had Very Decided compunctions In thus Requiting Mrs. Arnot'S
Kindness, But Muttered recklessly:
"I'M Tired of This Humdrum, Treadmill Life, And Believe I'M Destined to
Better Things. If I Could Only Get A Good Position In the Army Or Navy,
The World Would Hear From Me. They Say Money Opens Every Door, And
Mother Must Open Some Good Wide Door For Me."
Regardless Now Of His Employer'S Good Or Bad Opinion, He Came Down Late
To Supper; But, Instead Of Observing With Careless Defiance The Frown
Which He Knew Lowered toward Him, His Eyes Were Drawn To A Fair Young
Face On The Opposite Side Of The Table.
Mrs. Arnot, In her Pleasant, Cordial Voice, Which Made The Simplest
Thing She Said Seem Real And Hearty, Rather Than Conventional,
Introduced him:
"Mr. Haldane, My Niece, Miss Laura Romeyn. Laura, No Doubt, Can Do Far
More Than An Old Lady To Make Your Evenings Pass Brightly."
After A Second Glance Of Scrutiny, Haldane Was So Ungratefully Forgetful
Of All Mrs. Arnot'S Kindness As To Be Inclined to Agree With Her Remark.
Chapter IV (Immature)
"Is She A Young Lady, Or Merely A School-Girl?" Was Haldane'S Query
Concerning The Stranger Sitting Opposite To Him; And He Addressed to Her
A Few Commonplace But Exploring Remarks. Regarding Himself As Well
Acquainted with Society In general, And Young Ladies In particular, He
Expected to Solve The Question At Once, And Was Perplexed that He Could
Not. He Had Flirted with Several Misses As Immature As Himself, And So
Thought That He Was Profoundly Versed in the Mysteries Of The Sex. "They
Naturally Lean Toward And Look Up To Men, And One Is A Fool, Or Else
Lacking In personal Appearance, Who Does Not Have His Own Way With
Them," Was His Opinion, Substantially.
Modesty Is A Grace Which Fine-Looking Young Men Of Large Wealth Are
Often Taught By Some Severe Experiences, If It Is Ever Learned. Haldane,
As Yet, Had Not Received such Wholesome Depletion. His Self-Approval And
Assurance, Moreover, Were Quite Natural, Since His Mother And Sisters
Had Seldom Lost An Opportunity Of Developing and Confirming These
Traits. The Yielding Of Women To His Will And Wishes Had Been One Of The
Most Uniform Experiences Of His Life, And He Had Come To Regard It As
The Natural Order Of Things. Without Formulating The Thought In plain
Words, He Nevertheless Regarded mrs. Arnot'S Kindness, By Which She
Sought To Gain A Helpful Influence Over Him, As Largely Due To Some
Peculiar Fascination Of His Own, Which Made Him A Favorite Wherever He
Chose To Be. Of Course, The Young Stranger On The Opposite Side Of The
Table Would Prove No Exception To The Rule, And All He Had To Do Was To
Satisfy Himself That She Was Sufficiently Pretty And Interesting To Make
It Worth While To Pay Her A Little Attention.
But For Some Reason She Did Not Seem Greatly Impressed by His
Commonplace And Rather Patronizing Remarks. Was It Pride Or Dignity On
Her Part, Or Was It Mere Girlish Shyness? It Must Be The Latter, For
There Was No Occasion For Pride And Dignity In her Manner Toward Him.
Then Came The Thought That Possibly Mrs. Arnot Had Not Told Her Who He
Was, And That She Looked upon Him As A Mere Clerk Of Low Degree. To
Remove From Her Mind Any Such Error, His Tones And Manner Became Still
More Self-Asserting and Patronizing.
"If She Has Any Sense At All," He Thought, "She Shall See That I Have
Peculiar Claims To Her Respect."
As He Proceeded in these Tactics, There Was A Growing Expression Of
Surprise And A Trace Of Indignation Upon The Young Girl'S Face. Mrs.
Arnot Watched the By-Play With An Amused expression. There Was Not Much
Cynicism In her Nature. She Believed that Experience Would Soon Prick
The Bubble Of His Vanity, And It Was Her Disposition To Smile Rather
Than To Sneer At Absurdity In others. Besides, She Was Just. She Never
Applied to A Young Man Of Twenty The Standard By Which She Would Measure
Those Of Her Own Age, And She Remembered haldane'S Antecedents. But Mr.
Arnot Went To His Library Muttering:
"The Ridiculous Fool!"
When Miss Romeyn Rose From The Table, Haldane Saw That She Was Certainly
Tall Enough To Be A Young Lady, For She Was Slightly Above Medium
Height. He Still Believed that She Was Very Young, However, For Her
Figure Was Slight And Girlish, And While Her Bearing Was Graceful It Had
Not That Assured and Pronounced character To Which He Had Been
"She Evidently Has Not Seen Much Of Society. Well, Since She Is Not
Gawky, I Like Her Better Than If She Were Blase. Anything But Your Blase
Girls," He Observed to Himself, With A Consciousness That He Was An
Experienced man Of The World.
The Piano Stood Open In the Drawing-Room, And This Suggested music.
Haldane Had At His Tongue'S End The Names Of Half A Dozen Musicians
Whose Professional Titles Had Been Prominent In the Newspapers For A Few
Months Previous, And Whose Merits Had Formed a Part Of The Current
Chit-Chat Of The Day. Some He Had Heard, And Others He Had Not, But He
Could Talk Volubly Of All, And He Asked miss Romeyn For Her Opinion Of
One And Another In a Manner Which Implied that Of Course She Knew About
Them, And That Ignorance In regard To Such Persons Was Not To Be
Her Face Colored with Annoyance, But She Said Quietly And A Trifle
Coldly That She Had Not Heard Them.
Mrs. Arnot Again Smiled as She Watched the Young People, But She Now
Came To Her Niece'S Rescue, Thinking also It Would Be Well To Disturb
Haldane'S Sense Of Superiority Somewhat. So She Said:
"Laura, Since We Cannot Hear This Evening The Celebrated artists That
Mr. Haldane Has Mentioned, We Must Content Ourselves With Simple Home
Music. Won'T You Play For Us That Last Selection Of Which You Wrote To
"I Hardly Dare, Auntie, Since Mr. Haldane Is Such A Critical Judge, And
Has Heard So Much Music From Those Who Make It A Business To Be Perfect.
He Must Have Listened to The Selection You Name A Hundred times, For It
Is Familiar To Most Lovers Of Good Music."
Haldane Had Sudden Misgivings. Suppose He Had Not Heard It? This Would
Be Awkward, After His Assumed acquaintance With Such Matters.
"Even If Mr. Haldane Is Familiar With It," Mrs. Arnot Replied,
"Steibelt'S Storm Rondo Will Bear Repetition. Besides, His Criticism May
Be Helpful, Since He Can Tell You Wherein You Come Short Of The Skilled
Laura Caught The Twinkle In her Aunt'S Eye, And Went To The Piano.
The Young Man Saw At Once That He Had Been Caught In his Own Trap, For
The Music Was Utterly Unfamiliar. The Rondo Was No Wonderful Piece Of
Intricacy, Such As A Professional Might Choose. On The Contrary, It Was
Simple, And Quite Within The Capabilities Of A Young And Well-Taught
Girl. But It Was Full Of Rich Melody Which Even He, In his Ignorance,
Could Understand And Appreciate, And Yet, For Aught That He Knew It Was
Difficult In the Extreme.
At First He Had A Decided sense Of Humiliation, And A Consciousness That
It Was Deserved. He Had Been Talking Largely And Confidently Of An Art
Concerning Which He Knew Little, And In which He Began To Think That His
Listener Was Quite Well Versed.
But As The Thought Of The Composer Grew In power And Beauty He Forgot
Himself And His Dilemma In his Enjoyment. Two Senses Were Finding
Abundant Gratification At The Same Time, For It Was A Delight To Listen,
And It Was Even A Greater Pleasure To Look At The Performer.
She Gave Him A Quick, Shy Glance Of Observation, Fearing Somewhat That
She Might See Severe Judgment Or Else Cool Indifference In the
Expression Of His Face, And She Was Naturally Pleased and Encouraged
When She Saw, Instead, Undisguised admiration. His Previous Manner Had
Annoyed her, And She Determined to Show Him That His Superior Airs Were
Quite Uncalled for. Thus The Diffident Girl Was Led to Surpass Herself,
And Infuse So Much Spirit And Grace Into Her Playing as To Surprise Even
Her Aunt.
Haldane Was Soon Satisfied that She Was More Than Pretty--That She Was
Beautiful. Her Features, That Had Seemed too Thin And Colorless, Flushed
With Excitement, And Her Blue Eyes, Which He Had Thought Cold And
Expressionless, Kindled until They Became Lustrous. He Felt, In a Way
That He Could Not Define To Himself, That Her Face Was Full Of Power And
Mind, And That She Was Different From The Pretty Girls Who Had Hitherto
Been His Favorites.
As She Rose From The Piano He Was Mastered by One Of Those Impulses
Which Often Served him In the Place Of Something Better, And He Said
"Miss Romeyn, I Beg Your Pardon. You Know A Hundred-Fold More About
Music Than I Do, And I Have Been Talking as If The Reverse Were True. I
Never Heard Anything So Fine In my Life, And I Also Confess That I Never
Heard That Piece Before."
The Young Girl Blushed with Pleasure On Having Thus Speedily Vanquished
This Superior Being, Whom She Had Been Learning Both To Dread And
Dislike. At The Same Time His Frank, Impulsive Words Of Compliment Did
Much To Remove The Prejudice Which She Was Naturally Forming against
Him. Mrs. Arnot Said, With Her Mellow Laugh, That Often Accomplished
More Than Long Homilies:
"That Is A Manly Speech, Egbert, And Much To Your Credit. 'Honest
Confession Is Good For The Soul.'"
Haldane Did Not Get On His Stilts Again That Evening, And Before It Was
Over He Concluded that Miss Romeyn Was The Most Charming Young Lady He
Had Ever Met, Though, For Some Reason, She Still Permitted him To Do
Nearly All The Talking. She Bade Him Good-Night, However, With A Smile
That Was Not Unkindly, And Which Was Interpreted by Him As Being
Singularly Gracious.
By This Time He Had Concluded that Miss Romeyn Was A "Young Lady _Par
Excellence_"; But It Has Already Been Shown That His Judgment In most
Matters Was Not To Be Trusted. Whether She Was A School-Girl Or A Fully
Fledged young Lady, A Child Or A Woman, Might Have Kept A Closer
Observer Than Himself Much Longer In doubt. In truth, She Was Scarcely
The One Or The Other, And Had Many Of The Characteristics Of Both. His
Opinion Of Her Was As Incorrect As That Of Himself. He Was Not A Man,
Though He Considered himself A Superior One, And Had Attained to Manly
But There Were Wide Differences In their Immaturity. She Was Forming
Under The Guidance Of A Mother Who Blended firmness And Judgment Equally
With Love. Gentle Blood Was In her Veins, And She Had Inherited many Of
Her Mother'S Traits With Her Beauty. Her Parents, However, Believed
That, Even As The Garden Of Eden Needed to Be "Dressed and Kept," So The
Nature Of Their Child Required careful Pruning, With Repression Here And
Development There. While The Young Girl Was Far From Being Faultless,
Fine Traits And Tendencies Dominated, And, Though As Yet Undeveloped,
They Were Unfolding With The Naturalness And Beauty Of A Budding Flower.
In Haldane'S Case Evil Traits Were In the Ascendant, And The Best Hope
For Him Was That They As Yet Had Not Become Confirmed.
"Who Is This Mr. Haldane, Auntie?" Laura Asked on Reaching Her Room.
There Was A Slight Trace Of Vexation In her Tone.
"He Is The Son Of An Old Friend Of Mine. I Have Induced my Husband To
Try To Give Him A Business Education. You Do Not Like Him."
"I Did Not Like Him At All At First, But He Improves A Little On
Acquaintance. Is He A Fair Sample Of Your Young Men Proteges?"
"He Is The Least Promising Of Any Of Them," Replied mrs. Arnot, Sitting
Down Before The Fire. Laura Saw That Her Face Had Become Shadowed with
Sadness And Anxiety.
"You Look Troubled, Auntie. Is He The Cause?"
"Are You Very Much Interested in him?"
"I Am, Laura; Very Much, Indeed. I Cannot Bear To Give Him Up, And Yet I
Fear I Must."
"Is He A Very Interesting 'Case'?" Asked the Young Girl In some
Surprise. "Mother Often Laughingly Calls The Young Men You Are Trying To
Coax To Be Good By Your Winning Ways, 'Cases.' I Don'T Know Much About
Young Men, But Should Suppose That You Had Many Under Treatment Much
More Interesting Than He Is."
"Sister Fanny Is Always Laughing at My Hobby, And Saying That, Since I
Have No Children Of My Own, I Try To Adopt Every Young Man Who Will Give
Me A Chance. Perhaps If I Try To Carry Out Your Mother'S Figure, You
Will Understand Why I Am So Interested in this 'Case.' If I Were A
Physician And Had Charge Of A Good Many Patients, Ought I Not To Be
Chiefly Interested in those Who Were In the Most Critical And Dangerous
"It Would Be Just Like You To Be So, Auntie, And I Would Not Mind Being
Quite Ill Myself If I Could Have You To Take Care Of Me. I Hope The
Young Men Whom You 'Adopt' Appreciate Their Privileges."
"The Trouble With Most Of Us, Laura, Is That We Become Wise Too Late In
Life. Young People Are Often Their Own Worst Enemies, And If You Wish To
Do Them Good, You Must Do It, As It Were, On The Sly. If One Tries
Openly To Reform And Guide Them--If I Should Say Plainly, Such And Such
Are Your Faults; Such And Such Places And Associations Are Full Of
Danger--They Would Be Angry Or Disgusted, Or They Would Say I Was Blue
And Strait-Laced, And Had An Old Woman'S Notions Of What A Man Should
Be. I Must Coax Them, As You Say; I Must Disguise My Medicines, And
Apply My Remedies Almost Without Their Knowing It. I Also Find It True
In My Practice That Tonics And Good Wholesome Diet Are Better Than All
Moral Drugs. It Seems To Me That If I Can Bring around These Giddy Young
Fellows Refining, Steadying, Purifying Influences, I Can Do Them More
Good Than If I Lectured them. The Latter Is The Easier Way, And Many
Take It. It Would Require But A Few Minutes To Tell This Young Haldane
What His Wise Safe Course Must Be If He Would Avoid Shipwreck; But I Can
See His Face Flush And Lip Curl At My Homily. And Yet For Weeks I Have
Been Angling For Him, And I Fear To No Purpose. Your Uncle May Discharge
Him Any Day. It Makes Me Very Sad To Say It, But If He Goes Home I Think
He Will Also Go To Ruin. Thank God For Your Good, Wise Mother, Laura. It
Is A Great Thing To Be Started right In life."
"Then This Young Man Has Been Started wrong?
"Yes, Wrong Indeed."
"Is He So Very Bad, Auntie?" Laura Asked with A Face Full Of Serious
Mrs. Arnot Smiled as She Said, "If You Were A Young Society Chit, You
Might Think Him 'Very Nice,' As Their Slang Goes. He Is Good-Looking and
Rich, And His Inclination To Be Fast Would Be A Piquant Fact In his
Favor. He Has Done Things Which Would Seem To You Very Wrong Indeed. But
He Is Foolish And Ill-Trained rather Than Bad. He Is A Spoiled boy, And
Spoiled boys Are Apt To Become Spoiled men. I Have Told You All This
Partly Because, Having Been Your Mother'S Companion All Your Life, You
Are So Old-Fashioned that I Can Talk To You Almost As I Would To Sister
Fanny, And Partly Because I Like To Talk About My Hobby."
A Young Girl Naturally Has Quick Sympathies, And All The Influences Of
Laura'S Life Had Been Gentle And Humane. Her Aunt'S Words Speedily Led
Her To Regard Haldane As An "Interesting Case," A Sort Of Fever Patient
Who Was Approaching The Crisis Of His Disease. Curling Down On The
Floor, And Leaning Her Arms On Her Aunt'S Lap, She Looked up With A Face
Full Of Solicitude As She Asked:
"And Don'T You Think You Can Save Him? Please Don'T Give Up Trying."
"I Like The Expression Of Your Face Now," Said Mrs. Arnot, Stroking The
Abundant Tresses, That Were Falling Loosely From The Girl'S Head, "For
In It I Catch A Glimpse Of The Divine Image. Many Think Of God As
Looking Down Angrily And Frowningly Upon The Foolish And Wayward; But I
See In the Solicitude Of Your Face A Faint Reflection Of The 'Not
Willing That Any Should Perish' Which It Ever Seems To Me Is The
Expression Of His."
"Laura," Said She Abruptly, After A Moment, "Did Any One Ever Tell You
That You Were Growing Up Very Pretty?"
"No, Auntie," Said The Girl, Blushing and Laughing.
"Mr. Haldane Told You So This Evening."
"O Auntie, You Are Mistaken; He Could Not Have Been So Rude."
"He Did Not Make A Set Speech To That Effect, My Dear, But He Told You
So By His Eyes And Manner, Only You Are Such An Innocent Home Child That
You Did Not Notice. But When You Go Into Society You Will Be Told This
Fact So Often That You Will Be Compelled to Heed it, And Will Soon Learn
The Whole Language Of Flattery, Spoken And Unspoken. Perhaps I Had,
Better Forewarn You A Little, And So Forearm You. What Are You Going To
Do With Your Beauty?"
"Why, Auntie, How Funny You Talk! What Should I Do With It, Granting
That It Has Any Existence Save In your Fond Eyes?"
"Suppose You Use It To Make Men Better, Instead Of To Make Them Merely
Admire You. One Can'T Be A Belle Very Long At Best, And Of All The
Querulous, Discontented, And Disagreeable People That I Have Met,
Superannuated belles, Who Could No Longer Obtain Their Revenue Of
Flattery, Were The Worst. They Were Impoverished, Indeed. If You Do As I
Suggest, You Will Have Much That Is Pleasant To Think About When You
Come To Be As Old As I Am. Perhaps You Can Do More For Young Haldane
Than I Can."
"Now, Auntie, What Can I Do?"
"That Which Nearly All Women Can Do: Be Kind And Winning; Make Our Safe,
Cosey Parlor So Attractive That He Will Not Go Out Evenings To Places
Which Tend To Destroy Him. You Feel An Interest In him; Show It. Ask Him
About His Business, And Get Him To Explain It To You. Suggest That If
You Were A Man You Would Like To Master Your Work, And Become Eminent In
It. Show By Your Manner And By Words, If Occasion Offers, That You Love
And Revere All That Is Sacred, Pure, And Christian. Laura, Innocent Dove
As You Are, You Know That Many Women Beguile Men To Ruin With Smiles.
Men Can Be Beguiled from Ruin With Smiles. Indeed, I Think Multitudes
Are Permitted to Go To Destruction Because Women Are So Unattractive, So
Absorbed in themselves And Their Nerves. If Mothers And Wives, Maidens
And Old Maids, Would All Commence Playing The Agreeable To The Men Of
Their Household And Circle, Not For The Sake Of A Few Compliments, But
For The Purpose Of Luring Them From Evil And Making Them Better, The
World Would Improve At Once."
"I See, Auntie," Said Laura, Laughing; "You Wish To Administer Me As A
Sugar-Coated pill To Your 'Difficult Case.'"
A Deep Sigh Was The Only Answer, And, Looking Up, Laura Saw That Her
Words Had Not Been Heeded. Tears Were In her Aunt'S Eyes, And After A
Moment She Said Brokenly:
"My Theories Seem True Enough, And Yet How Signally I Have Failed in
Carrying Them Out! Perhaps It Is My Fault; Perhaps It Is My Fault; But
I'Ve Tried--Oh! How I Have Tried! Laura, Dear, You Know That I Am A
Lonely Woman; But Do Not Let This Prejudice You Against What I Have
Said. Good-Night, Dear; I Have Kept You Up Too Long After Your Journey."
Her Niece Understood Her Allusion To The Cold, Unloving Man Who Sat
Alone Every Evening In his Dim Library, Thinking Rarely Of His Wife, But
Often Of Her Wealth, And How It Might Increase His Leverage In his
Herculean Labors. The Young Girl Had The Tact To Reply Only By A Warm,
Lingering Embrace. It Was An Old Sorrow, Of Which She Had Long Been
Aware; But It Seemed without Remedy, And Was Rarely Touched upon.
Chapter V (Passion'S Clamor)
Laura Had A Strong Affection For Her Aunt, And Would Naturally Be
Inclined to Gratify Any Wishes That She Might Express, Even Had They
Involved tasks Uncongenial And Unattractive. But The Proposal That She
Should Become An Ally In the Effort To Lure Young Haldane From His Evil
Associations, And Awaken Within Him Pure And Refined tastes, Was
Decidedly Attractive. She Was Peculiarly Romantic In her Disposition,
And No Rude Contact With The Commonplace, Common-Sense World Had
Chastened her Innocent Fancies By Harsh And Disagreeable Experience. Her
Christian Training and Girlish Simplicity Lifted her Above The Ordinary
Romanticism Of Imagining Herself The Heroine In every Instance, And The
Object And End Of All Masculine Aspirations. On This Occasion She Simply
Desired to Act The Part Of A Humble Assistant Of Mrs. Arnot, Whom She
Regarded as Haldane'S Good Angel; And She Was Quite As Disinterested in
Her Hope For The Young Man'S Moral Improvement As Her Aunt Herself.
The Task, Moreover, Was Doubly Pleasing Since She Could Perform It In a
Way That Was So Womanly And Agreeable. She Could Scarcely Have Given
Haldane A Plain Talk On The Evils Of Fast Living To Save Her Life, But
If She Could Keep Young Men From Going To Destruction By Smiling Upon
Them, By Games Of Backgammon And By Music, She Felt In the Mood To Be A
Missionary All Her Life, Especially If She Could Have So Safe And
Attractive A Field Of Labor As Her Aunt'S Back Parlor.
But The Poor Child Would Soon Learn That Perverse Human Nature Is Much
The Same In a Drawing-Room And A Tenement-House, And That All Who Seek
To Improve It Are Doomed to Meet Much That Is Excessively Annoying and
The Simple-Hearted girl No More Foresaw What Might Result From Her
Smiles Than An Ignorant Child Would Anticipate The Consequences Of Fire
Falling On Grains Of Harmless-Looking Black Sand. She Had Never Seen
Passion Kindling and Flaming Till It Seemed like A Scorching Fire, And
Had Not Learned by Experience That In some Circumstances Her Smiles
Might Be Like Incendiary Sparks To Powder.
In Seeking To Manage Her "Difficult Case," Mrs. Arnot Should Have
Foreseen The Danger Of Employing Such A Fascinating Young Creature As
Her Assistant; But In these Matters The Wisest Often Err, And Only
Comprehend The Evil After It Has Occurred. Laura Was But A Child In
Years, Having Passed her Fifteenth Birthday Only A Few Months Previous,
And Haldane Seemed to The Lady Scarcely More Than A Boy. She Did Not
Intend That Her Niece Should Manifest Anything More Than A Little
Winning Kindness And Interest, Barely Enough To Keep The Young Fellow
From Spending His Evenings Out She Knew Not Where. He Was At Just The
Age When The Glitter And Tinsel Of Public Amusements Are Most
Attractive. She Believed that If She Could Familiarize His Mind With The
Real Gold And Clear Diamond Flash Of Pure Home Pleasures, And Those
Which Are Enjoyed in good Society, He Would Eventually Become Disgusted
With Gilt, Varnish, And Paste. If Laura Had Been A Very Plain Girl, She
Might Have Seconded mrs. Arnot'S Efforts To The Utmost Without Any
Unpleasant Results, Even If No Good Ones Had Followed; And It May Well
Be Doubted whether Any Of The Latter Would Have Ensued. Haldane'S
Disease Was Too Deeply Rooted, And His Tastes Vitiated to Such A Degree
That He Had Lost The Power To Relish Long The Simple Enjoyments Of Mrs.
Arnot'S Parlor. He Already Craved the Pleasures Which First Kindle And
Excite And Then Consume.
Laura, However, Was Not Plain And Ordinary, And The Smiles Which Were
Intended as Innocent Lures From Snares, Instead Of Into Them, Might Make
Trouble For All Concerned. Haldane Was Naturally Combustible, To Begin
With, And Was Now At The Most Inflammable Period Of His Life.
The Profoundest Master Of Human Nature Portrayed to The World A Romeo
And A Juliet, Both Mastered by A Passion Which But A Few Words And
Glances Had Kindled. There Are Many Romeos Who Do Not Find Their Juliets
So Sympathetic And Responsive, And They Usually Develop At About The Age
Of Haldane. Indeed, Nearly All Young Men Of Sanguine Temperaments Go
Through The Romeo Stage, And They Are Fortunate If They Pass It Without
Doing anything Especially Ridiculous Or Disastrous. These Sudden Attacks
Are Exceedingly Absurd To Older And Cooler Friends, But To The Victims
Themselves They Are Tremendously Real And Tragic For The Time Being.
More Hearts Are Broken Into Indefinite Fragments Before Twenty Than Ever
After; But, Like The Broken Bones Of The Young, They Usually Knit
Readily Together Again, And Are Just As Good For All Practical Purposes.
There Was Nothing Unusual In the Fact, Therefore, That Haldane Was Soon
Deeply Enamored with His New Acquaintance. It Was True That Laura Had
Given Him The Mildest And Most Innocent Kind Of Encouragement--And The
Result Would Probably Have Been The Same If She Had Given Him None At
All--But His Vanity, And What He Chose To Regard As His "Undying Love,"
Interpreted all Her Actions, And Gave Volumes Of Meaning To A Kindly
Glance Or A Pleasant Word. Indeed, Before There Had Been Time To Carry
Out, To Any Extent, The Tactics Her Aunt Had Proposed, Symptoms Of His
Malady Appeared. While She Was Regarding Him Merely As One Of Her Aunt'S
"Cases," And A Very Hard One At Best, And Thought Of Herself As Trying
To Help A Little, As A Child Might Hold A Bandage Or A Medicine Phial
For Experienced hands, He, On The Contrary, Had Begun To Mutter To
Himself That She Was "The Divinest Woman God Ever Fashioned."
There Was Now No Trouble About His Spending Evenings Elsewhere, And The
Maiden Was Perplexed and Annoyed at Finding Her Winning Ways Far Too
Successful, And That The One She Barely Hoped to Keep From The
Vague--And To Her Mind, Horrible--Places Of Temptation, Was Becoming as
Adhesive As Sticking-Plaster. If She Smiled, He Smiled and Ogled far Too
Much In return. If She Chatted with One And Another Of The Young Men Who
Found Mrs. Arnot'S Parlor The Most Attractive Place Open To Them In the
Town, He Would Assume A Manner Designed to Be Darkly Tragical, But Which
To The Young Girl Had More The Appearance Of Sulking.
She Was Not So Much Of A Child As To Be Unable To Comprehend Haldane'S
Symptoms, And She Was Sufficiently A Woman Not To Be Excessively Angry.
And Yet She Was Greatly Annoyed and Perplexed. At Times His Action
Seemed so Absurd That She Was Glad To Escape To Her Room, That She Might
Give Way To Her Merriment; And Again He Would Appear So Much In earnest
That She Was Quite As Inclined to Cry And To Think Seriously Of Bringing
Her Visit To An Abrupt Termination.
While Under Mrs. Arnot'S Eye Haldane Was Distant And Circumspect, But
The Moment He Was Alone With Laura His Manner Became Unmistakably
At First She Was Disposed to Tell Her Aunt All About The Young Man'S
Sentimental Manner, But The Fact That It Seemed so Ridiculous Deterred
Her. She Still Regarded herself As A Child, And That Any One Should Be
Seriously In love With Her After But A Few Days' Acquaintance Seemed
Absurdity Itself. Her Aunt Might Think Her Very Vain For Even Imagining
Such A Thing, And, Perhaps, After All It Was Only Her Own Imagination.
"Mr. Haldane Has Acted queerly From The First," She Concluded, "And The
Best Thing I Can Do Is To Think No More About Him, And Let Auntie Manage
Her 'Difficult Case' Without Me. If I Am To Help In these Matters, I Had
Better Commence With A 'Case' That Is Not So 'Difficult.'"
She Therefore Sought To Avoid The Young Man, And Prove By Her Manner
That She Was Utterly Indifferent To Him, Hoping That This Course Would
Speedily Cure Him Of His Folly. She Would Venture Into The Parlor Only
When Her Aunt Or Guests Were There, And Would Then Try To Make Herself
Generally Agreeable, Without An Apparent Thought For Him.
While She Assured herself That She Did Not Like Him, And That He Was In
No Respect A Person To Be Admired and Liked, She Still Found Herself
Thinking about Him Quite Often. He Was Her First Recognized lover.
Indeed, Few Had Found Opportunity To Give More Than Admiring Glances To
The Little Nun, Who Thus Far Had Been Secluded almost Continuously In
The Safest Of All Cloisters--A Country Home. It Was A Decided novelty
That A Young Man, Almost Six Feet In height, Should Be Looking
Unutterable Things In her Direction Whenever She Was Present. She Wished
He Wouldn'T, But Since He Would, She Could Not Help Thinking about Him,
And How She Could Manage To Make Him "Behave Sensibly."
She Did Not Maintain Her Air Of Indifference Very Perfectly, However,
For She Had Never Been Schooled by Experience, And Was Acting Solely On
The Intuitions Of Her Sex. She Could Not Forbear Giving a Quick Glance
Occasionally To See How He Was Taking His Lesson. At Times He Was
Scowling and Angry, And Then She Could Maintain Her Part Without
Difficulty; Again He Would Look So Miserable That, Out Of Pity, She
Would Relent Into A Half Smile, But Immediately Reproach Herself For
Being "So Foolish."
Haldane'S Manner Soon Attracted mrs. Arnot'S Attention, Notwithstanding
His Effort To Disguise From Her His Feeling and A Little Observation On
The Part Of The Experienced matron Enabled her To Guess How Matters
Stood. While Mrs. Arnot Was Perplexed and Provoked by This New
Complication In haldane'S Case, She Was Too Kindly In her Nature Not To
Feel Sorry For Him. She Was Also So Well Versed in human Nature As To Be
Aware That She Could Not Sit Down And Coolly Talk Him Out Of His Folly.
Besides It Was Not Necessarily Folly. The Youth Was But Following a Law
Of Nature, And Following It, Too, In much The Same Manner As Had His
Fathers Before Him Since The Beginning Of Time. There Would Not Be Any
Thing Essentially Wrong In an Attachment Between These Young People, If
It Sprang Up Naturally; Only It Would Be Necessary To Impress Upon Them
The Fact That They Were _Young_, And That For Years To Come Their
Minds Should Be Largely Occupied with Other Matters. Haldane Certainly
Would Not Have Been Her Choice For Laura, But If A Strong Attachment
Became The Means Of Steadying Him And Of Inciting To The Formation Of A
Fine Character, All Might Be Well In the End. She Was Morbidly Anxious,
However, That Her Niece Should Not Meet With Any Such Disappointment In
Life As Had Fallen To Her Lot, And Should The Current Of The Young
Girl'S Affection Tend Steadily In his Direction She Would Deeply Regret
The Fact.
She Would Regret Exceedingly, Also, To Have The Young Girl'S Mind
Occupied by Thoughts Of Such A Nature For Years To Come. Her Education
Was Unfinished; She Was Very Immature, And Should Not Make So Important
A Choice Until She Had Seen Much More Of Society, And Time Had Been
Given For The Formation Of Her Tastes And Character.
Mrs. Arnot Soon Concluded that It Would Be Wiser To Prevent Trouble Than
To Remedy It, And That Laura Had Better Return Speedily To The Safe
Asylum Of Her Own Home. She Could Then Suggest To Haldane That If He
Hoped to Win The Maiden In after Years He Must Form A Character Worthy
Of Her.
Had She Carried out Her Plan That Day All Might Have Turned out
Differently, But The Advanced in life Are Prone To Forget The
Impetuosity Of Youth. Haldane Was Already Ripe For A Declaration, Or,
More Properly, An Explosion Of His Pent-Up Feelings, And Was Only
Awaiting an Opportunity To Insist Upon His Own Acceptance. He Was So
Possessed and Absorbed by His Emotions That He Felt Sure They Would
Sweep Away All Obstacles. He Imagined himself Pleading His Cause In a
Way That Would Melt A Marble Heart; And Both Vanity And Hope Had
Whispered that Laura Was A Shy Maiden, Secretly Responsive To His
Passion, And Only Awaiting His Frank Avowal Before Showing Her Own
Heart. Else Why Had She Been So Kind At First? Having Won His Love, Was
She Not Seeking Now To Goad Him On To Its Utterance By A Sudden Change
Of Manner?
Thus He Reasoned, As Have Many Others Equally Blind.
On Becoming aware Of Haldane'S Passion, Mrs. Arnot Resolved to
Sedulously Guard Her Niece, And Prevent Any Premature And Disagreeable
Scenes. She Was Not Long In discovering That The Feeling, As Yet, Was
All On The Young Man'S Side, And Believed that By A Little Adroitness
She Could Manage The Affair So That No Harm Would Result To Either
But On The Day Following The One During Which She Had Arrived at The
Above Conclusions She Felt Quite Indisposed, And While At Dinner Was
Obliged to Succumb To One Of Her Nervous Headaches. Before Retiring To
Her Private Room She Directed the Waitress To Say To Such Of Her Young
Friends As Might Call That She Was Too Ill To See Them.
Haldane'S Expressions Of Sympathy Were Hollow, Indeed, For He Hoped
That, As A Result Of Her Indisposition, He Would Have Laura All To
Himself That Evening. With An Insinuating Smile He Said To The Young
Girl, After Her Aunt Had Left The Table:
"I Shall Expect You To Be Very Agreeable This Evening, To Compensate Me
For Mrs. Arnot'S Absence."
Laura Blushed vividly, And Was Provoked with Herself That She Did So,
But She Replied quietly:
"You Must Excuse Me This Evening, Mr. Haldane; I Am Sure My Aunt Will
Need me."
His Smile Was Succeeded by A Sudden Frown; But, As Mr. Arnot Was At The
Table, He Said, With Assumed carelessness:
"Then I Will Go Out And Try To Find Amusement Elsewhere."
"It Might Be Well, Young Man," Said Mr. Arnot Austerely, "To Seek For
Something Else Than Amusement. When I Was At Your Age I So Invested my
Evenings That They Now Tell In my Business."
"I Am Willing To Invest This Evening In a Way To Make It Tell Upon My
Future," Replied haldane, With A Meaning Glance At Laura.
Mr. Arnot Observed this Glance And The Blushing Face Of His Niece, And
Drew His Own Conclusions; But He Only Said Dryly:
"That Remark Is About As Inexplicable As Some Of Your Performances At
The Office Of Late."
Laura Soon After Excused herself And Sought A Refuge In her Aunt'S Room,
Which, Being Darkened, Prevented the Lady From Seeing Her Burning Cheeks
And General Air Of Vexation And Disquiet. Were It Not For Mrs. Arnot'S
Suffering Condition And Need of Rest, Laura Would Then Have Told Her Of
Her Trouble And Asked permission To Return Home, And She Determined to
Do This At The First Opportunity. Now, However, She Unselfishly Forgot
Herself In her Effort To Alleviate Her Aunt'S Distress. With A Strong
Sense Of Relief She Heard Haldane Go Out, Slamming The Front Door After
"Was There Ever Such An Absurd Fellow!" Thought She; "He Has Made
Himself Disagreeable Ever Since I Came, With His Superior Airs, As If He
Knew Everything, When, In fact, He Doesn'T Know Anything Well, Not Even
Good Manners. He Acts As If I Belonged to Him And Had No Right To Any
Will Or Wishes Of My Own. If He Can'T Take The Hints That I Have Given
He Must Be As Stupid And Blind As An Owl. In spite Of All That I Can Do
Or Say He Seems To Think That I Only Want An Opportunity To Show The
Same Ridiculous Feeling That Makes Him Appear Like A Simpleton. If I
Were A Young Lady In society I Should Detest A Man Who Took It For
Granted that I Would Fall In love With Him."
With Like Indignant Musings She Beguiled the Time, Wondering
Occasionally Why Her Aunt Did Not Ask Her To Go Down And Entertain The
Object Of Her Dread, But Secretly Thankful That She Did Not.
At Last Mrs. Arnot Said:
"Mr. Haldane Went Out, Did He Not?"
"Yes, Auntie, Some Time Ago."
"I Left My Other Bottle Of Smelling-Salts In the Parlor. I Think It Is
Stronger Than This. Would You Mind Getting It For Me? It'S On The
Laura Had No Difficulty In finding It In the Somewhat Dimly-Lighted
Drawing-Room, But As She Turned to Leave The Apartment She Saw Haldane
Between Her And The Door.
Before He Had Reached any Of His Garish Haunts He Had Felt Such An Utter
Distaste For Them In his Present Mood That He Returned. He Was Conscious
Of The Impulse Merely To Be Near The Object Of His Thoughts, And Also
Hoped that By Some Fortunate Chance He Might Still Be Able To Find Her
Alone. That His Return Might Be Unnoted, He Had Quietly Entered a Side
Door, And Was Waiting and Watching For Just Such An Opportunity As Mrs.
Arnot Had Unwittingly Occasioned.
Laura Tried to Brush Past, But He Intercepted her, And Said:
"No, Miss Laura, Not Till You Hear Me. You Have My Destiny In your
"I Haven'T Anything Of The Kind," She Answered, In tones Of Strong
Vexation. Guided by Instinct, She Resolved to Be As Prosaic And
Matter-Of-Fact As Possible; So She Added: "I Have Only Aunt'S
Smelling-Salts In my Hands, And She Needs Them."
"I Need _You_ Far More Than Mrs. Arnot Needs Her Smelling-Salts,"
He Said Tragically.
"Mr. Haldane, Such Talk Is Very Absurd," She Replied, Half Ready To Cry
From Nervousness And Annoyance.
"It Is Not Absurd. How Can You Trifle With The Deepest And Holiest
Feelings That A Man--Of Which A Man--Feels?" He Retorted passionately,
And Growing a Little Incoherent.
"I Don'T Know Anything about Such Feelings, And Therefore Cannot Trifle
With Them."
"What Did Your Blushes Mean This Evening? You Cannot Deceive Me; I Have
Seen The World And Know It."
"I Am Not The World. I Am Only A School-Girl, And If You Had Good Sense
You Would Not Talk So To Me. You Appear To Think That I Must Feel And Do
As You Wish. What Right Have You To Act So?"
"The Truest And Strongest Right. You Know Well That I Love You With My
Whole Soul. I Have Given You My Heart--All There Is Of Me. Have I Not A
Right To Ask Your Love In return?"
Laura Was Conscious Of A Strange Thrill As She Heard These Passionate
Words, For They Appeared to Echo In a Depth Of Her Nature Of Which She
Had Not Been Conscious Before.
The Strong And Undoubting assurance Which Possessed him Carried for A
Moment A Strange Mastery Over Her Mind. As He So Vehemently Asserted the
Only Claim Which A Man Can Urge, Her Woman'S Soul Trembled, And For A
Moment She Felt Almost Powerless To Resist. His Unreserved giving
Appeared to Require That He Should Receive Also. She Would Have Soon
Realized, However, That Haldane'S Attitude Was Essentially That Of An
Oriental Lover, Who, In his Strongest Attachments, Is Ever Prone To
Maintain The Imperative Mood, And To Consult His Own Heart Rather Than
That Of The Woman He Loves. While In laura'S Nature There Was Unusual
Gentleness And A Tendency To Respect And Admire Virile Force, She Was
Too Highly Bred in our Western Civilization Not To Resent As An Insult
Any Such Manifestation Of This Force As Would Make The Quest Of Her Love
A Demand Rather Than A Suit, After Once Recognizing Such A Spirit. She
Was Now Confused, However, And After An Awkward Moment Said:
"I Have Not Asked or Wished you To Give Me So Much. I Don'T Think You
Realize What You Are Saying. If You Would Only Remember That I Am
Scarcely More Than A Child You Would Not Talk So Foolishly. Please Let
Me Go To My Aunt."
"No, Not Till You Give Me Some Hope. Your Blushes Prove That You Are A
"They Prove That I Am Excessively Annoyed and Vexed."
"Oh, Laura, After Raising So Many Hopes You Cannot--You Cannot----"
"I Haven'T Meant To Raise Any Hopes."
"Why Were You So Kind To Me At First?"
"Well, If You Must Know, My Aunt Wished me To Be. If I Had Dreamed you
Would Act So I Would Not Have Spoken To You."
"What Motive Could Mrs. Arnot Have Had For Such A Request?"
"I Will Tell You, And When You Know The Whole Truth You Will See How
Mistaken You Are, And How Greatly You Wrong Me. Aunt Wanted me To Help
Her Keep You Home Evenings, And Away From All Sorts Of Horrid Places To
Which You Were Fond Of Going."
These Words Gave Haldane A Cue Which He At Once Followed, And He Said
"If You Will Be My Wife, I Will Do Anything You Wish. I Will Make Myself
Good, Great, And Renowned for Your Sake. Your Smiles Will Keep Me From
Every Temptation. But I Warn You That If You Cast Me Off--If You Trifle
With Me--I Shall Become A Reckless Man. I Shall Be Ruined. My Only
Impulse Will Be Self-Destruction."
Laura Was Now Thoroughly Incensed, And She Said Indignantly:
"Mr. Haldane, I Should Think You Would Be Ashamed to Talk In that
Manner. It'S The Same As If A Spoiled boy Should Say: If You Don'T Give
Me What I Wish, Right Or Wrong, I Will Do Something Dreadful. If I Ever
Do Love A Man, It Will Be One That I Can Look Up To And Respect, And Not
One Who Must Be Coaxed and Bribed to Give Up Disgusting Vices. If You Do
Not Open That Door I Will Call Uncle."
The Door Opened, And Mr. Arnot Entered with A Heavy Frown Upon His Brow.
Chapter VI ("Gloomy Grandeur")
Mr. Arnot'S Library Was On The Side Of The Hall Opposite To The
Drawing-Room. Though He Had Been Deeply Intent Upon His Writing, He At
Last Became Conscious That There Were Some Persons In the Parlor Who
Were Talking In an Unusual Manner, And He Soon Distinguished the Voice
Of His Niece. Haldane'S Words, Manner, And Glances At The Dinner-Table
At Once Recurred to Him, And Stepping Silently To The Drawing-Room Door,
He Heard The Latter Part Of The Colloquy Narrated in the Previous
Chapter. He Was Both Amused and Angry, And While Relieved to Find That
His Niece Was Indulging In no "Sentimental Nonsense," He Had Not A
Particle Of Sympathy Or Charity For Haldane, And He Determined to Give
The Young Man A "Lesson That Would Not Soon Be Forgotten."
"What Is The Meaning Of This Ridiculous Scene?" He Demanded sternly.
"What Have You Been Saying To This Child?"
Haldane At First Had Been Much Abashed by The Entrance Of His Employer;
But His Tone And Manner Stung The Young Fellow Into Instant Anger, And
He Replied haughtily:
"She Is Not A Child, And What I Have Said Concerns Miss Romeyn Only."
"Ah, Indeed! I Have No Right To Protect My Niece In my Own House!"
"My Intentions Toward Miss Romeyn Are Entirely Honorable, And There Is
No Occasion For Protection."
Reassured by Her Uncle'S Presence, Laura'S Nervous Apprehension Began To
Give Place To Something Like Pity For The Youth, Who Had Assumed an
Attitude Befitting High Tragedy, And Toward Whom She Felt That She Had
Been A Little Harsh. Now That He Was Confronted by One Who Was Disposed
To Be Still More Harsh, Womanlike, She Was Inclined to Take His Part.
She Would Be Sorry To Have Him Come To An Open Rupture With His Employer
On Her Account, So She Said Eagerly:
"Please, Uncle, Do Me The Favor Of Letting The Whole Matter Drop. Mr.
Haldane Has Seen His Mistake By This Time. I Am Going Home To-Morrow,
And The Affair Is Too Absurd To Make Any One Any More Trouble."
Before He Could Answer, Mrs. Arnot, Hearing Their Voices, And Surmising
The Trouble Which She Had Hoped to Prevent, Now Appeared also, And By
Her Good Sense And Tact Brought The Disagreeable Scene To A Speedy
"Laura, My Dear," She Said Quietly, "Go Up To My Room, And I Will Join
You There Soon." The Young Girl Gladly Obeyed.
There Were Times When Mrs. Arnot Controlled her Strong-Willed husband In
A Manner That Seemed scarcely To Be Reconciled with His Dictatorial
Habits. This Fact Might Be Explained in part By Her Wealth, Of Which He
Had The Use, But Which She Still Controlled, But More Truly By Her
Innate Superiority, Which Ever Gives Supremacy To The Nobler And
Stronger Mind When Aroused.
Mr. Arnot Had Become Suddenly And Vindictively Angry With His Clerk,
Who, Instead Of Being Overwhelmed with Awe And Shame At His Unexpected
Appearance, Was Haughty And Even Defiant. One Of The Strongest Impulses
Of This Man Was To Crush Out Of Those In his Employ A Spirit Of
Independence And Individual Self-Assertion. The Idea Of A Part Of His
Business Machinery Making Such A Jarring Tumult In his Own House! He
Proposed to Instantly Cast Away The Cause Of Friction, And Insert A More
Stolid Human Cog-Wheel In haldane'S Place.
But When His Wife Said, In a Tone Which She Rarely Used:
"Mr. Arnot, Before Anything Further Is Said Upon This Matter, I Would
Like To See You In your Library"--He Followed her Without A Word.
Before The Library Door Closed, However, He Could Not Forbear Snarling.
"I Told You That Your Having This Big Spoiled boy As An Inmate Of The
House Would Not Work Well."
"He Has Been Offering Himself To Laura, Has He Not?" She Said Quietly.
"I Suppose That Is The Way In which You Would Explain His Absurd,
Maudlin Words. A Pitiful Offer It Was, Which She, Like A Sensible Girl,
Declined without Thanks."
"What Course Do You Propose To Take Toward Haldane?"
"I Was On The Point Of Sending Him Home To His Mother, And Of Suggesting
That He Remain With Her Till He Becomes Something More Than A Fast,
Foolish Boy. As Yet I See No Reason For Acting Differently."
"On Just What Grounds Do You Propose To Discharge Him?"
"Has He Not Given Sufficient Cause This Evening In his Persecution Of
Laura And His Impudence To Me?"
"Thomas, You Forget That While Young Haldane Is Your Clerk, He Enjoys A
Social Position Quite Equal To That Which A Son Of Ours Would Possess,
Did We Have One. Though His Course Toward Laura Has Been Crude And
Boyish, I Have Yet To Learn That There Has Been Anything Dishonorable.
Laura Is To Us A Child; To Him She Seems A Very Pretty And Attractive
Girl, And His Sudden Passion For Her Is, Perhaps, One Of The Most
Natural Things In the World. Besides, An Affair Of This Kind Should Be
Managed quietly And Wisely, And Not With Answering Passion. You Are
Angry Now; You Will See That I Am Right In the Morning. At All Events,
The Name Of This Innocent Girl, My Sister'S Child, Must Not Be Bandied
About In the Gossip Of The Town. Among Young Men Haldane Passes For A
Young Man. Do You Wish To Have It The Town Talk That He Has Been
Discharged because He Ventured to Compliment Your Niece With The Offer
Of His Hand? That He Has Been Premature And Rash Is Chiefly The Fault Of
His Years And Temperament; But No Serious Trouble Need follow Unless We
Make It Ourselves. Laura Will Return Home In a Day Or Two, And If The
Young Fellow Is Dealt With Wisely And Kindly, This Episode May Do Much
Toward Making a Sensible Man Of Him. If You Abruptly Discharge Him,
People Will Imagine Tenfold More Than Has Occurred, And They May Surmise
Positive Evil."
"Well, Well, Have It Your Own Way," Said Her Husband Impatiently. "Of
Course, I Do Not Wish That Laura Should Become The Theme Of Scandal. But
As For This Young Firebrand Of A Haldane, There Must Be A Decided change
In Him. I Cannot Bother With Him Much Longer."
"I Think I Can Manage Him. At Any Rate, Please Make No Change That Can
Seem Connected with This Affair. If You Would Also Exercise A Little
Kindness And Forbearance, I Do Not Think You Would Ever Have Cause To
Regret It."
"My Office Is Not An Asylum For Incapables, Lovesick Swains, And Fast
Boys. It'S A Place Of Business, And If Young Haldane Can'T Realize This,
There Are Plenty Who Can."
"As A Favor To Me, I Will Ask You To Bear With Him As Long As Possible.
Can You Not Send Him To Your Factory Near New York On Some Errand? New
Scenes Will Divert His Thoughts, And Sudden And Acute Attacks, Like His,
Usually Do Not Last Very Long."
"Well, Well, I'Ll See."
Mrs. Arnot Returned to The Parlor, But Haldane Was No Longer There. She
Went To His Room, But, Though He Was Within, She Could Obtain No
Response To Her Knocking, Or To The Kind Tone In which She Spoke His
Name. She Sighed, But Thought That Perhaps He Would Be Calmer And More
Open To Reason On The Morrow, And, Therefore, Returned to Her Own
Apartment. Indeed, She Was Glad To Do So, For In her Ill And Suffering
Condition The Strain Had Already Been Too Great.
She Found Laura Tearful And Troubled, And Could Not Do Less Than Listen
To Her Story.
"Do You Think I Have Done Anything Wrong, Auntie?" Asked the Girl In
Deep Anxiety.
"No, Dear, I Think You Have Acted very Sensibly. I Wish I Could Have
Foreseen The Trouble Sooner, And Saved you Both From A Disagreeable
"But Uncle Won'T Discharge Mr. Haldane On My Account, Will He?" She
Continued with Almost Equal Solicitude.
"Certainly Not. Egbert Has Not Done Anything That Should Cause His
Dismissal. I Think That The Only Result Will Be To Teach You Both That
These Are Matters Which Should Be Left To Future Years."
"I'M Glad They Are Distant, For I Had No Idea That Love Affairs Were So
Intensely Disagreeable."
Her Aunt Smiled, And After A Little Time The Young Girl Departed to Her
Rest Quite Comforted and Reassured.
The Next Morning Mrs. Arnot Was Too Ill To Appear At Breakfast, And Her
Niece Would Not Venture Down Alone. Haldane And His Employer Sat Down
Together In grim Silence, And, After A Cup Of Coffee Only, The Former
Abruptly Excused himself And Went To The Office.
As Might Have Been Expected, The Young Man Had Passed a Restless Night,
During Which All Sorts Of Rash, Wild Purposes Surged through His Mind.
At First He Meditated hiding His Grief And Humiliation In some "Far
Distant Clime"; But The Thought Occurred to Him After A Little Time That
This Would Be Spiting Himself More Than Any One Else. His Next Impulse
Was To Leave The House Of His "Insulting Employer" Forever; But As He
Was About To Depart, He Remembered that He Happened to Have Scarcely A
Dollar In his Pocket, And Therefore Concluded to Wait Till He Had Drawn
His Pay, Or Could Write To His Mother For Funds. Then, As His Anger
Subsided, A Sense Of Loss And Disappointment Overwhelmed him, And For A
Long Time He Sobbed like A Brokenhearted child. After This Natural
Expression Of Grief He Felt Better, And Became Able To Think
Connectedly. He Finally Resolved that He Would Become "Famous," And Rise
In "Gloomy Grandeur" Till He Towered far Above His Fellow Men. He Would
Pierce This Obdurate Maiden'S Heart With Poignant But Unavailing Regret
That She Had Missed the One Great Opportunity Of Her Life. He Gave But
Slight And Vague Consideration To The Methods By Which He Would Achieve
The Renown Which Would Overshadow Laura'S Life; But, Having Resolutely
Adopted the Purpose With A Few Tragic Gestures And Some Obscure
Fragmentary Utterances, He Felt Consoled and Was Able To Obtain A Little
The Routine Duties At The Office On The Following Day Did Not Promise
Very Much, But He Went Through Them In a Kind Of Grim, Vindictive
Manner, As If Resolving To Set His Foot On All Obstacles. He Would
"Suffer In silence And Give No Sign" Till The Hour Came When He Could
Flash Out Upon The World. But As The Day Declined, He Found The _Role_
Of "Gloomy Grandeur" Rather Heavy, And He Became Conscious Of The Fact
That He Had Scarcely Eaten Anything For Nearly Twenty-Four Hours.
Another Impulse Began To Make Itself Felt--That Of Fulfilling His
Threat And Torturing Miss Romeyn By Going To Ruin. With Alluring
Seductiveness The Thought Insinuated itself Into His Mind That One Of
The First Steps In the Tragedy Might Be A Game And Wine Supper, And His
Growing Hunger Made This Mode Of Revenge More Attractive Than Cold And
Austere Ambition.
But Laura'S Words Concerning "Disgusting Vices" Recurred to Him With All
And More Than Their First Stinging Plainness, And He Put The Impulse
Away With A Gesture And Tragic Expression Of Face That Struck A Sere And
Withered bookkeeper, Who Happened at That Moment To Look Up, As So Queer
That He Feared the Young Man Was Becoming Demented.
Haldane Concluded--And With Some Reason In view Of Laura'S Romantic
Nature--That Only A Career Of Gloomy Grandeur And High Renown Would
Impress The Maiden Whom Yesterday He Proposed to Make Happy Forever, But
To-Day To Blight With Regret Like A "Worm I' The Bud." He Already Had A
Vague Presentiment That Such A _Role_ Would Often Mortify His Tastes And
Inclinations Most Dismally; And Yet, What Had He Henceforth To Do With
Pleasure? But If, After He Had Practiced the Austerity Of An Anchorite,
She Should Forget Him, Marry Another, And Be Happy! The Thought Was
Excruciating. O, That Awful "Another"! He Is The Fiend That Drags
Disappointed lovers Down To The Lowest Depth Of Their Tortures. If Laura
Had Had A Previous Favorite, Haldane Would Have Been Most Happy To Have
Her Meet "Another" In himself; But Now This Vague But Surely Coming
Rival Of The Future Sent Alternately Cold Chills And Molten Fire Through
His Veins.
He Was Awakened from Such Painful Reveries By A Summons To His
Employer'S Private Office.
Chapter VII (Birds Of Prey)
Mr. Arnot In his Widely Extended business Owned several Factories, And
In The Vicinity Of One, Located at A Suburb Of New York, There Were No
Banking Facilities. It Was, Therefore, His Custom At Stated times To
Draw From His Bank At Hillaton Such Amounts In currency As Were Needed
To Pay Those In his Employ At The Place Indicated, And Send The Money
Thither By One Of His Clerks. Upon The Present Occasion, In compliance
With His Wife'S Request, He Decided to Send Haldane. He Had No
Hesitation In doing This, As The Errand Was One That Required nothing
More Than Honesty And A Little Prudence.
"Mr. Haldane," Said His Employer, In tones Somewhat Less Cold And Formal
Than Those Habitual With Him, "We Will Let Bygones Be Bygones. I Am
Inclined to Think That Hereafter You Will Be Disposed to Give Your
Thoughts More Fully To Business, As A Man Should Who Proposes To Amount
To Anything In the World. In these Envelopes Are One Thousand Dollars In
Currency. I Wish You To Place Them Securely In your Breast-Pockets, And
Take The Five-Thirty Train To New York, And From Thence Early To-Morrow
Go Out On The Long Island Road To A Little Station Called arnotville,
And Give These Packages To Mr. Black, The Agent In charge Of My Factory
There. Take His Receipt, And Report To Me To-Morrow Evening. With That
Amount Of Money Upon Your Person You Will Perceive The Necessity Of
Prudence And Care. Here Is A Check Paying Your Salary For The Past
Month. The Cashier Will Give You Currency For It. Report Your Expenses
On Your Return, And They Will Be Paid. As The Time Is Limited, Perhaps
You Can Get Some Lunch At Or Near The Depot."
"I Prefer To Do So," Said Haldane, Promptly, "And Will Try To Perform
The Business To Your Satisfaction."
Mr. Arnot Nodded a Cool Dismissal, And Haldane Started for A
Hotel-Restaurant Near The Depot With A Step Entirely Too Quick And
Elastic For One Who Must Walk Henceforth In the Shadow Of "Bitter
Memories And Dark Disappointment." The Exercise Brought Color To His
Cheek, And There Certainly Was A Sparkle In his Dark Eyes. It Could Not
Be Hope, For He Had Assured himself Again And Again That "Hope Was Dead
In His Heart." It Might Have Been Caused after His Long Fast By The
Anticipation Of A Lunch At The Depot And A _Petit Souper_ In the
City, And The Thought Of Washing Both Down With A Glass Of Wine, Or
Possibly With Several. The Relish And Complacency With Which His Mind
Dwelt On This Prospect Struck Haldane As Rather Incongruous In a Being
As Blighted as He Supposed himself To Be. With His Youth, Health, And
Unusually Good Digestion He Would Find No Little Difficulty In carrying
Out The "Gloomy Grandeur" Scheme, And He Began To Grow Conscious Of The
Indeed, In response To A Law Of Nature, He Was Already Inclined to React
From His Unwonted depression Into Reckless Hilarity. Impulse And
Inclination Were His Controlling Forces, And He Was Accustomed to Give
Himself Up To Them Without Much Effort At Self-Restraint. And Yet He
Sought To Imagine Himself Consistent, So That He Could Maintain His
"I Will Hide My Despair With Laughter," He Muttered; "The World Cannot
Know That It Is Hollow, And But A Mask Against Its Vulgar Curiosity."
A Good Cold Lunch And A Cup Of Coffee--Which He Could Have Obtained at
Once At The Hotel Near The Depot--Would Not Answer For This Victim Of
Despair. Some Extra Delicacies, Which Required time For Preparation,
Were Ordered. In the Meantime He Went To The Bar For An "Appetizer," As
He Termed it. Here He Met An Acquaintance Among The Loungers Present,
And, Of Course, Asked him To Take A Social Glass Also. This Personage
Complied in a Manner Peculiarly Felicitous, And In such A Way As To Give
The Impression That His Acceptance Of The Courtesy Was A Compliment To
Haldane. Much Practice Had Made Him Perfect In this Art, And The Number
Of Drinks That He Was Able To Secure Gratis In the Course Of A Year By
Being always On Hand And By Maintaining an Air Of Slight Superiority,
Combined with An Appearance Of _Bonhomie_ And Readiness To Be Social,
Would Have Made A Remarkable Sum Total.
Before Their Glasses Clinked together He Said, With The Off-Handed
Courtesy Indigenous To Bar-Rooms, Where Acquaintances Are Made With So
Little Trouble And Ceremony:
"Mr. Haldane, My Friends From New York, Mr. Van Wink And Mr. Ketchem."
Haldane Turned and Saw Two Young Men Standing Conveniently Near, Who
Were Dressed faultlessly In the Style Of The Day. There Was Nothing In
Their Appearance To Indicate That They Did Not Reside On Fifth Avenue,
And, Indeed, They May Have Had Rooms On That Fashionable Street.
Messrs. Van Wink And Ketchem Had Also A Certain Air Of Superiority, And
They Shook Hands With Haldane In a Way That Implied:
"While We Are Metropolitan Men, We Recognize In you An Extraordinarily
Fine Specimen Of The Provincial." And The Young Man Was Not Indifferent
To Their Unspoken Flattery. He At Once Invited them Also To State To The
Smirking Bartender Their Preferences Among The Liquid Compounds Before
Them, And Soon Four Glasses Clinked together.
With Fine And Thoughtful Courtesy They Had Chosen The Same Mixture That
He Had Ordered for Himself, And Surely Some Of The Milk Of Human
Kindness Must Have Been Infused in the Punches Which They Imbibed, For
Messrs. Van Wink And Ketchem Seemed to Grow Very Friendly Toward
Haldane. Perhaps Taking a Drink With A Man Inspired these Worthies With
A Regard For Him Similar To That Which The Social Eating Of Bread
Creates Within The Breasts Of Bedouins, Who, As Travellers Assert, Will
Protect With Their Lives A Stranger That Has Sat At Their Board; But Rob
And Murder, As A Matter Of Course, All Who Have Not Enjoyed that
Distinction. Whatever May Have Been The Cause, The Stylish Men From The
City Were Evidently Pleased with Haldane, And They Delicately Suggested
That He Was Such An Unusually Clever Fellow That They Were Willing To
Know Him Better.
"I Assure You, Mr. Haldane," Protested mr. Van Wink, "Our Meeting Is An
Unexpected pleasure. Having Completed our Business In town, Time Was
Hanging Heavily On Our Hands, And It Is Still A Full Half-Hour Before
The Train Leaves."
"Let Us Drink Again To Further Acquaintance," Said Mr. Ketchem
Cordially, Evincing a Decided disposition To Be Friendly; "Mr. Haldane
Is In new York Occasionally, And We Would Be Glad To Meet Him And Help
Him Pass A Pleasant Hour There, As He Is Enlivening The Present Hour For
Haldane Was Not Cautious By Nature, And Had Been Predisposed by Training
To Regard All Flattering attention And Interest As Due To The Favorable
Impression Which He Supposed himself To Make Invariably Upon Those Whose
Judgment Was Worth Anything. It Is True There Had Been One Marked and
Humiliating Exception. But The Consoling Thought Now Flashed into His
Mind That, Perhaps, Miss Romeyn Was, As She Asserted, But A Mere
"Child," And Incapable Of Appreciating Him. The Influence Of The Punch
He Had Drank And The Immediate And Friendly Interest Manifested by These
Gentlemen Who Knew The World, Gave A Plausible Coloring To This
Explanation Of Her Conduct. After All, Was He Not Judging Her Too
Harshly? She Had Not Realized whom She Had Refused, And When She Grew Up
In Mind As Well As In form She Might Be Glad To Act Very Differently.
"But I May Choose To Act Differently Also," Was His Haughty Mental
This Self-Communion Took Place While The Still Smirking Bartender Was
Mixing The Decoctions Ordered by The Cordial And Generous Mr. Ketchem. A
Moment Later Four Glasses Clinked together, And Haldane'S First
Acquaintance--The Young Man With The Air Of Slight But Urbane
Superiority--Felicitated himself That He Had "Made Two Free Drinks"
Within A Brief Space Of Time.
The Effect Of The Liquor Upon Haldane After His Long Fast Was Far
Greater Than If It Had Been Taken After A Hearty Meal, And He Began To
Reciprocate The Friendliness Of The Strangers With Increasing Interest.
"Gentlemen," Said He, "Our Meeting Is One Of Those Fortunate Incidents
Which Promise Much More Pleasure To Come. I Have Ordered a Little Lunch
In The Dining-Room. It Will Take But A Moment For The Waiters To Add
Enough For Three More, And Then We Will Ride Into The City Together, For
My Business Takes Me There This Evening also."
"I Declare," Exclaimed mr. Van Wink In a Tone Of Self-Gratulation, "Were
I Piously Inclined i Should Be Tempted to Call Our Meeting Quite
Providential. But If We Lunch With You It Must Be On Condition That You
Take A Little Supper With Us At The Brunswick After We Arrive In town."
"No One Could Object To Such Agreeable Terms," Cried haldane; "Come, Let
Us Adjourn To The Dining-Room. By The Way, Mr. Bartender, Send Us A
Bottle Of Your Best Claret."
The Young Man Who An Hour Before Had Regarded himself As Cruelly
Blighted for Life, Was Quite Successful In "Hiding His Despair With
Laughter." Indeed, From Its Loudness And Frequency, Undue Exhilaration
Was Suggested rather Than A "Secret Sorrow." It Gave Him A Fine Sense Of
Power And Of His Manly Estate To See The Waiters Bustling around At His
Bidding, And To Remember That He Was The Host Of Three Gentlemen, Who,
While Very Superior In style, And Evidently Possessed of Wealth, Still
Recognized in him An Equal With Whom They Were Glad To Spend A Social
Scarcely Ever Before Had He Met Any One Who Appreciated him As Fully As
Did Messrs. Van Wink And Ketchem, And Their Courteous Deference
Confirmed a View Which He Had Long Held, That Only In the Large Sphere
Of The Metropolis Could He Find His True Level And Most Congenial
Companionships. These Young Men Had A Style About Them Which Provincials
Could Not Imitate. Even The Superior Gentleman Who Introduced them To
Him Had A Slightly Dimmed and Tarnished appearance As He Sat Beside His
Friends. There Was An Immaculate Finish And Newness About All Their
Appointments--Not A Speck Upon Their Linen, Nor A Grain Of Dust Upon
Their Broadcloth And Polished boots. If The Theory Be True That
Character Is Shown In dress, These Men, Outwardly So Spotless, Must Be
Worthy Of The Confidence With Which They Had Inspired their New
Acquaintance. They Suggested two Bright Coins Just Struck From The Mint,
And "They Have The Ring Of True Metal," Thought Haldane.
It Seemed to The Young Men That They Had Just Fairly Commenced to Enjoy
Their Lunch, When A Prolonged shriek Of A Locomotive, Dying away In the
Distance, Awakened them To A Sense Of The Flight Of Time. Hastily
Pulling Out His Watch, Haldane Exclaimed with An Oath:
"There Goes Our Train."
Messrs. Van Wink And Ketchem Were Apparently Much Concerned.
"Haldane," They Exclaimed, "You Are Much Too Entertaining a Fellow For
One To Meet When There'S A Train To Be Caught."
"This Is A Serious Matter For Me," Said Haldane, Somewhat Sobered by The
Thought Of Mr. Arnot'S Wrath; "I Had Important Business In town."
"Can It Not Be Arranged by Telegraph?" Asked mr. Van Wink In a Tone Of
Kindly Solicitude.
"One Can'T Send Money By Telegraph. No; I Must Go Myself."
The Eyes Of Haldane'S Three Guests Met For A Second In a Way That
Indicated the Confirmnation Of Something In their Minds, And Yet So
Evanescent Was This Glance Of Intelligence That A Cool, Close Observer
Would Scarcely Have Detected it, Much Less Their Flushed and Excited
"Don'T Worry, Haldane," Said His First Acquaintance; "There Is An
Owl-Train Along At Eleven To-Night, And You Can Mail Your Check Or Draft
On That If You Do Not Care To Travel At Such An Unearthly Hour."
"Oh, There Is A Late Train!" Cried the Young Man, Much Relieved. "Then
I'M All Right. I Am Obliged to Go Myself, As The Funds I Carry Are In
Such A Shape That I Cannot Mail Them."
Again The Eyes Of His Guests Met With A Furtive Gleam Of Satisfaction.
Now That Haldane Felt Himself Safely Out Of His Dilemma, He Began To Be
Solicitous About His Companions.
"I Fear," He Said, "That My Poor Courtesy Can Make But Small Amends For
The Loss Of Your Train."
"Well, Haldane," Said Mr. Ketchem, With Great Apparent Candor, "I Speak
For Myself When I Say That I Would Regret Losing This Train Under Most
Circumstances, But With The Prospect Of A Social Evening Together I Can
Scarcely Say That I Do."
"I, Too," Cried mr. Van Wink, "Am Inclined to Regard Our Loss Of The
Train As A Happy Freak Of Fortune. Let Us Take The Owl-Train, Also,
Ketchem, And Make A Jovial Night Of It With Mr. Haldane."
"Fill Up Your Glasses, And We'Ll Drink To A Jolly Night," Cried haldane,
And All Complied with Wonderful Zest And Unanimity. The Host, However,
Was Too Excited and Preoccupied to Note That While Mr. Van Wink And Mr.
Ketchem Were Always Ready To Have Their Glasses Filled, They Never
Drained them Very Low; And Thus It Happened that He And The Slightly
Superior Gentleman Who Made Free Drinks One Of The Chief Objects Of
Existence Shared most Of The Bottle Of Wine Between Them.
As The Young Men Rose From The Lunch Table Haldane Called this
Individual Aside, And Said:
"Harker, I Want You To Help A Fellow Out Of A Scrape. You Must Know That
I Was Expected to Leave Town On The Five-Thirty Train. I Do Not Care To
Be Seen In the Public Rooms, For Old Cast-Iron Arnot Might Make A Row
About My Delay, Even Though It Will Make No Difference In his Business.
Please Engage A Private Room, Where We Can Have A Bottle Of Wine And A
Quiet Game Of Cards, And No One Be The Wiser."
"Certainly--Nothing Easier In the World--I Know Just The
Room--Cosey--Off One Side--Wait A Moment, Gentlemen."
It Seemed but A Moment Before He Returned and Led them, Preceded by A
Bell-Boy, To Just Such An Apartment As He Had Described. Though The
Evening Was Mild, A Fire Was Lighted in the Grate, And As It Kindled it
Combined with The Other Appointments To Give The Apartment An Air Of
Luxurious Comfort.
"Bring Us A Bottle Of Sherry," Said Haldane To The Bell-Boy.
"Also A Pack Of Cards, Some Fine Old Brandy And Cigars, And Charge To
Me," Said Mr. Ketchem; "I Wish To Have My Part In this Entertainment.
Come, Harker, Take A Seat."
"Desperately Sorry I Can'T Spend The Evening With You," Said This
Sagacious Personage, Who Realized with Extreme Regret That Not Even For
The Prospect Of Unlimited free Potations Could He Afford To Risk The
Loss Of His Eminent Respectability, Which He Regarded as A Capitalist
Does His Principal, Something That Must Be Drawn Upon Charily. Mr.
Harker Knew That His Mission Was Ended, And, In spite Of The Order For
The Sherry And Brandy, He Had Sufficient Strength Of Mind To Retire. In
Delicate Business Transactions Like The One Under Consideration He Made
It A Point To Have Another Engagement When Matters Got About As Far
Along As They Now Were In haldane'S Case. If Anything Unpleasant
Occurred between Parties Whom He Introduced to Each Other, And He Was
Summoned as A Witness, He Grew So Exceedingly Dignified and Superior In
His Bearing That Every One Felt Like Asking His Pardon For Their
Suspicions. He Always Proved an _Alibi_, And Left The Court-Room
With The Air Of An Injured man. As People, However, Became Familiar With
His Haunts And Habits, There Was An Increasing Number Who Regarded his
Virtuous Assumptions And Professions Of Ignorance In respect To Certain
Cases Of Swindling With Incredulous Smiles.
Mr. Barker, However, Could Not Tear Himself Away Till The Brandy And
Sherry Appeared, And, After Paying His Respects To Both, Went To Keep
His Engagement, Which Consisted in lounging about Another Hotel On The
Other Side Of The Depot.
Messrs. Van Wink And Ketchem, Of Course, Both Knew How To Deal The
Cards, And With Apologetic Laughter The Young Men Put Up Small Stakes At
First, Just To Give Zest To The Amusement. Haldane Lost The First Game,
Won The Second And Third, Lost Again, Had Streaks Of Good And Bad Luck
So Skilfully Intermingled that The Thought Often Occurred to Him:
"These Fellows Play As Fair A Game As I Ever Saw And Know How To Win And
Lose Money Like Gentlemen."
But These High-Toned "Gentlemen" Always Managed to Keep The Bottle Of
Sherry Near Him, And When They Lost They Would Good-Naturedly And
Hilariously Propose That They Take A Drink. Haldane Always Complied, But
While He Drank They Only Sipped.
As The Evening Waned the Excitement Of The Infatuated youth Deepened.
The Heat Of The Room And The Fumes Of Tobacco Combined with The Liquor
To Unman Him And Intensify The Natural Recklessness Of His Character.
There Is, Probably, No Abnormal Passion That So Completely Masters Its
Victims As That For Gambling; And As Haldane Won, Lost, And Won Again,
He Became So Absorbed as To Be Unconscious Of The Flight Of Time And All
Things Else. But As He Lost Self-Control, As He Half-Unconsciously Put
His Glass To His Lips With Increasing Frequency, His Companions Grew
Cooler And More Wary. Their Eyes No Longer Beamed good-Naturedly Upon
Their Victim, But Began To Emit The Eager, Cruel Gleams Of Some Bird Of
But They Still Managed the Affair With Consummate Skill. Their Aim Was
To Excite Haldane To The Last Degree Of Recklessness, And Yet Keep Him
Sufficiently Sober For Further Playing. From Harker They Had Learned
That Mr. Arnot Had Probably Sent Him In the Place Of The Clerk Usually
Employed; And, If So, It Was Quite Certain That He Had A Large Sum Of
Money Upon His Person. Haldane'S Words On Becoming aware That He Had
Missed his Train Confirmed their Surmises, And It Was Now Their Object
To Beguile Him Into A Condition Which Would Make Him Capable Of Risking
His Employer'S Funds. They Also Wished that He Should Remain
Sufficiently Sober To Be Responsible For This Act, And To Remember, As
He Recalled the Circumstances, That It Was His Own Act. Therefore They
Kept The Brandy Beyond His Reach; That Was Not Yet Needed.
By The Time The Evening Was Half Over, Haldane Found That, Although He
Had Apparently Won Considerable Money, He Had Lost More, And That Not A
Penny Of His Own Funds Remained. With An Angry Oath He Stated the Fact
To His Companions.
"That'S Unfortunate," Said Mr. Ketchem, Sympathetically. "There Are
Nearly Two Hours Yet Before The Train Leaves, And With Your Disposition
Toward Good Luck Tonight You Could Clean Us Out By That Time, And Would
Have To Lend Us Enough To Pay Our Fares To New York."
"It'S A Pity To Give Up Our Sport Now That We Have Just Got Warmed up To
It," Added mr. Van Wink, Suggestively. "Haven'T You Some Funds About You
That You Can Borrow For The Evening--Just Enough To Keep The Game Going,
You Know?"
Haldane Hesitated. He Was Not So Far Gone But That Conscience Entered an
Emphatic Protest. The Trouble Was, However, That He Had Never Formed the
Habit Of Obeying Conscience, Even When Perfectly Sober. Another
Influence Of The Past Also Proved most Disastrous. His Mother'S Weakness
Now Made Him Weak. In permitting Him To Take Her Money Without Asking,
She Had Undermined the Instinct Of Integrity Which In this Giddy Moment
Of Temptation Might Have Saved him. If He From Childhood Had Been Taught
That The Property Of Others Was Sacred, The Very Gravity Of The Crime To
Which He Now Was Urged would Have Sobered and Awakened him To His
Danger. But His Sense Of Wrong In this Had Been Blunted, And There Was
No Very Strong Repugnance Toward The Suggestion.
Moreover, His Brain Was Confused and Excited to The Last Degree Possible
In One Who Still Continued sane And Responsible. Indeed, It Would Be
Difficult To Say How Far He Was Responsible At This Supreme Moment Of
Danger. He Certainly Had Drank So Much As To Be Unable To Realize The
Consequences Of His Action.
After A Moment'S Hesitation, Like One Who Feebly Tries To Brace Himself
In A Swift Torrent, The Gambler'S Passion Surged up Against And Over His
Feeble Will--Then Swept Him Down.
Chapter VIII (Their Victim)
Haldane Drew An Envelope From His Breast-Pocket, And Laid It On The
Table, Saying With A Reckless Laugh:
"Well, Well, As You Say, There Is No Great Harm In borrowing a Little Of
This Money, And Returning It Again Before The Evening Is Over. The Only
Question Is How To Open This Package, For If Torn It May Require
Explanations That I Do Not Care To Make."
"We Can Easily Manage That," Laughed ketchem; "Put The Package In your
Pocket A Few Moments," And He Rang The Bell.
To The Boy Who Appeared he Said, "Bring Us Three Hot Whiskey
Punches--Hot, Remember; Steaming Hot."
He Soon Reappeared with The Punch, And The Door Was Locked again.
"Hold Your Package Over The Steam Of Your Punch, And The Gum Will
Dissolve So That You Can Open And Close It In a Way That Will Defy
The Suggestion Was Speedily Carried out.
"Now," Continued mr. Ketchem, "The Punch Having already Served so
Excellent A Turn, We Will Finish It By Drinking To Your Good Luck."
Haldane Won The First Two Games. This Success, Together With The Liquor,
Which Was Strong, Almost Wholly Dethroned his Reason, And In his Mad,
Drunken Excitement He Began To Stake Large Sums. The Eyes Of His
Companions Grew More Wolfish Than Ever, And, After A Significant Flash
Toward Each Other, The Gamblers Turned fortune Against Their Victim
Finally. The Brandy Was Now Placed within His Reach, And Under Its
Influence Haldane Threw Down Money At Random. The First Package Was Soon
Emptied. He Snatched the Other From His Pocket And Tore It Open, But
Before Its Contents Had Likewise Disappeared his Head Drooped upon His
Breast, And He Became Insensible.
They Watched him A Moment, Smiled grimly At Each Other, Drew A Long
Breath Of Relief, And, Rising, Stretched themselves Like Men Who Had
Been Under A Strain That Had Taxed them Severely.
"Half An Hour Yet," Said Mr. Van Wink; "Wish The Time Was Up."
"This Is A Heavy Swag If We Get Off Safely With It. I Say, Haldane, Wake
But Haldane Was Sunk In the Deepest Stupor.
"I Guess It'S Safe Enough," Said Van Wink, Answering Ketchem'S
Questioning Eyes.
The Latter Thereupon Completely Emptied the Remaining Package Of Money,
And Replaced the Two Empty Envelopes In haldane'S Breast-Pocket, And
Buttoned up His Coat.
With Mutual Glances Of Exultation At The Largeness Of The Sum, They
Swiftly Divided the Spoil Between Them. It Was Agreed that After Leaving
The Hotel They Should Separate, That One Should Go To Boston, The Other
To Baltimore, And That They Should Return To Their Old Haunts In new
York After The Interest Caused by The Affair Had Died out. Then,
Lighting Cigars, They Coolly Sat Down To Wait For The Train, Having
First Opened a Window And Placed haldane Where The Fresh Air Would Blow
Upon Him.
When The Time Of Departure Approached, Mr. Van Wink Went To The Bar And
Paid Both Their Own And Haldane'S Bill, Saying That They Would Now
Vacate The Room. On His Return Ketchem Had So Far Aroused haldane That
He Was Able To Leave The House With Their Assistance, And Yet So
Intoxicated as To Be Incapable Of Thinking and Acting For Himself. They
Took Him Down A Side Street, Now Utterly Deserted, And Left Him On The
Steps Of A Low Groggery, From Whence Still Issued the Voices Of Some
Late Revellers. Five Minutes Later The "Owl Train" Bore From The Town
Messrs. Van Wink And Ketchem, Who Might Be Called with A Certain Aptness
Birds Of The Night And Of Prey.
Haldane Remained upon The Saloon Steps, Where He Had Been Left, Blinking
Stupidly At A Distant Street Lamp. He Had A Vague Impression That
Something Was Wrong--That A Misfortune Of Some Kind Had Befallen Him,
But All Was Confused and Blurred. He Would Have Soon Gone To Sleep Again
Had Not The Door Opened, And A Man Emerged, Who Exclaimed:
"Faix, An Who Have We Here, Noddin' To Himself As If He Knew More'N
Other Folk? Are Ye Waitin' For Some Un To Ax Ye Within For A Comfortin'
"Take Me 'Ome," Mumbled haldane.
"Where'S Yer Home?"
"Mrs. Haldane'S," Answered the Youth, Thinking Himself In his Native
"By Me Sowl, If It Isn'T Boss Arnot'S New Clerk. Sure'S Me Name Is Pat
M'Cabe 'Tis Misther Haldane. I Say, Are Ye Sick?"
"Take Me 'Ome."
"Faix, I See," Winking at Two Or Three Of His Cronies Who Had Gathered
At The Open Door; "It'S A Disase I'M Taken Wid Meself At Odd Spells,
Though I Takes Moighty Good Care To Kape Out O' The Way Of Ould Man
Arnot When I'M So Afflicted. He Has A Quare Way O' Thinkin' That Ivery
Man About Him Can Go As Rigaler As If Made In a Mash-Shine Shop, Bad
Luck Till 'Im."
Perhaps All In mr. Arnot'S Employ Would Have Echoed this Sentiment,
Could The Ill Luck Have Blighted him Without Reaching Them. In working
His Employes As He Did His Machinery, Mr. Arnot Forgot That The Latter
Was Often Oiled, But That He Entirely Neglected to Lubricate The Wills
Of The Former With Occasional Expressions Of Kindness And Interest In
Their Welfare. Thus It Came To Pass That Even Down To Poor Pat M'Cabe,
Man Of All Work Around The Office Building, All Felt That Their Employer
Was A Hard, Driving Taskmaster, Who Ever Looked beyond Them And Their
Interests To What They Accomplished for Him. The Spirit Of The Master
Infused itself Among The Men, And The Tendency Of Each One To Look Out
For Himself Without Regard To Others Was Increased. If Pat Had Served a
Kinder And More Considerate Man, He Might Have Been Inclined to Show
Greater Consideration For The Intoxicated youth; But Pat'S Favorite
Phrase, "Divil Take The Hindmost," Was But A Fair Expression Of The
Spirit Which Animated his Master, And The Majority In his Employ. When,
Therefore, Haldane, In his Thick, Imperfect Utterance, Again Said, "Take
Me 'Ome," Pat Concluded that It Would Be The Best And Safest Course For
Himself. Helping The Young Man To His Feet He Said:
"Can Ye Walk? Mighty Onstiddy On Yer Pins; But I'M Athinkin' I Can Get
Ye To The Big House Afore Mornin'. Should I Kape Ye Out O' The Way Till
Ye Get Sober, And Ould Man Arnot Find It Out, I'D Be In the Street
Meself Widout A Job 'Fore He Ate His Dinner. Stiddy Now; Lean Aginst Me,
And Don'T Wabble Yer Legs So."
With Like Exhortations The Elder And More Wary Disciple Of Bacchus
Disappeared with His Charge In the Gloom Of The Night.
It Chanced that The Light Burned late, On This Evening, In mrs. Arnot'S
Parlor. The Lady'S Indisposition Had Confined her To Her Room And Couch
During The Greater Part Of The Day; But As The Sun Declined, The
Distress In her Head Had Gradually Ceased, And She Had Found Her Airy
Drawing-Room A Welcome Change From The Apartment Heavy With The Odor Of
Anaesthetics. Two Students From The University Had Aided in beguiling
The Early Part Of The Evening, And Then Laura Had Commenced reading
Aloud An Interesting Tale, Which Had Suspended the Consciousness Of
Time. But As The Marble Clock On The Mantel Chimed out The Hour Of
Twelve, Mrs. Arnot Rose Hastily From The Sofa, Exclaiming:
"What Am I Thinking Of, To Keep You Up So Late! If Your Mother Knew That
You Were Out Of Your Bed she Would Hesitate To Trust You With Me Again."
"One More Chapter, Dear Auntie, Please?"
"Yes, Dear, Several More--To-Morrow; But To Bed now, _Instanter_.
Come, Kiss Your Remorseful Aunt Good-Night. I'Ll Remain Here A While
Longer, For Either Your Foolish Story Or The After Effects Of My
Wretched headache Make Me A Trifle Morbid And Wakeful To-Night. Oh, How
That Bell Startles Me! What Can It Mean So Late?"
The Loud Ring at The Door Remained unanswered a Few Moments, For The
Servants Had All Retired. But The Applicant Without Did Not Wait Long
Before Repeating The Summons Still More Emphatically.
Then They Heard The Library Door Open, And Mr. Arnot'S Heavy Step In the
Hall, As He Went Himself To Learn The Nature Of The Untimely Call. His
Wife'S Nervous Timidity Vanished at Once, And She Stepped forward To
Join Her Husband, While Laura Stood Looking Out From The Parlor Entrance
With A Pale And Frightened face. "Can It Be Bad News From Home?" She
"Who Is There?" Demanded mr. Arnot, Sternly.
"Me And Misther Haldane," Answered a Voice Without In broadest Brogue.
"Mr. Haldane!" Exclaimed mr. Arnot Excitedly; "What Can This Mean? Who
Is _Me?_" He Next Asked loudly.
"Me Is Pat M'Cabe, Sure; The Same As Tidies Up The Office And Does Yer
Irrinds. Mr. Haldane'S Had A Bad Turn, And I'Ve Brought Him Home."
As Mr. Arnot Swung Open The Door, A Man, Who Seemingly Had Been Leaning
Against It, Fell Prone Within The Hall. Laura Gave A Slight Scream, And
Mrs. Arnot Was Much Alarmed, Thinking That Haldane Was Suffering From
Some Sudden And Alarming attack. Thoughts Of At Once Telegraphing To His
Mother Were Entering Her Mind, When The Object Of Her Solicitude Tried
To Rise, And Mumbled in the Thick Utterance Of Intoxication:
"This Isn'T Home. Take Me To Mother'S."
Mrs. Arnot'S Eyes Turned questioningly To Her Husband, And She Saw That
His Face Was Dark With Anger And Disgust.
"He Is Drunk," He Said, Turning To Pat, Who Stood In the Door, Cap In
"Faix, Sur, It Looks Moighty Loike It. But It'S Not For A Dacent Sober
Man Loike Meself To Spake Sartainly O' Sich Matters."
"Few Words And To The Point, Sir," Said Mr. Arnot Harshly; "Your Breath
Tells Where You Have Been. But Where Did You Find This--And How Came You
To Find Him?"
Either Mr. Arnot Was At A Loss For A Term Which Would Express His
Estimation Of The Young Man, Who Had Slowly And Unsteadily Risen, And
Was Supporting Himself By Holding Fast The Hatrack, Or He Was Restrained
In His Utterance By The Presence Of His Wife.
"Well, Sur," Said Pat, With As Ingenuous And Candid An Air As If He Were
Telling The Truth, "The Wife O' A Neighbor O' Mine Was Taken On A
Suddint, And I Went For The Docther, And As I Was A Comin' Home, Who
Shud I See Sittin' On A Doorsthep But Misther Haldane, And I Thought It
Me Duty To Bring Him Home To Yees."
"You Have Done Right. Was It On The Doorstep Of A Drinking-Place You
Found Him?"
"I'M Athinkin' It Was, Sur; It Had That Sort O' Look."
Mr. Arnot Turned to His Wife And Said Coldly, "You Now See How It Works.
But This Is Not A Fit Object For You And Laura To Look Upon; So Please
Retire. I Will See That He Gets Safely To His Room. I Suppose He Must Go
There, Though The Station-House Is The More Proper Place For Him."
"He Certainly Must Go To His Own Room," Said Mrs. Arnot, Firmly But
"Well, Then, Steady Him Along Up The Stairs, Pat. I Will Show You Where
To Put The--" And Mr. Arnot Again Seemed to Hesitate For A Term, But The
Blank Was More Expressive Of His Contempt Than Any Epithet Could Be,
Since His Tone And Manner Suggested the Worst.
Returning To The Parlor, Mrs. Arnot Found Laura'S Face Expressive Of The
Deepest Alarm And Distress.
"O Auntie, What Does All This Mean? Am I In any Way To Blame? He Said He
Would Go To Ruin If I Didn'T--But How Could I?"
"No, My Dear, You Are Not In the Slightest Degree To Blame. Mr. Haldane
Seems Both Bad And Foolish. I Feel To-Night That He Is Not Worthy To
Speak To You; Much Less Is He Fit To Be Intrusted with That Which You
Will Eventually Give, I Hope, Only To One Who Is Pre-Eminently Noble And
Good. Come With Me To Your Room, My Child. I Am Very Sorry I Permitted
You To Stay Up To-Night."
But Laura Was Sleepless And Deeply Troubled; She Had Never Seen A
Laborer--Much Less One Of Her Own Acquaintances--In Haldane'S Condition
Before; And To Her Young, Innocent Mind The Event Had Almost The
Character Of A Tragedy. Although Conscious Of Entire Blamelessness, She
Supposed that She Was More Directly The Cause Of Haldane'S Behavior Than
Was True, And That He Was Carrying Out His Threat To Destroy Himself By
Reckless Dissipation. She Did Not Know That He Had Been Beguiled into
His Miserable Condition Through Bad Habits Of Long Standing, And That He
Had Fallen Into The Clutches Of Those Who Always Infest Public Haunts,
And Live By Preying Upon The Fast, Foolish, And Unwary. Haldane, From
His Character And Associations, Was Liable To Such An Experience
Whenever Circumstances Combined to Make It Possible. Young Men With No
More Principle Than He Possessed are Never Safe From Disaster, And They
Who Trust Them Trust Rather To The Chances Of Their Not Meeting The
Peculiar Temptations And Tests To Which They Would Prove Unequal. Laura
Could Not Then Know How Little She Had To Do With The Tremendous
Downfall Of Her Premature Lover. The Same Conditions Given, He Would
Probably Have Met With The Same Experience Upon Any Occasion. After His
First Glass Of Punch The Small Degree Of Discretion That He Had Learned
Thus Far In life Began To Desert Him; And Every Man As He Becomes
Intoxicated is First A Fool, And Then The Victim Of Every One Who
Chooses To Take Advantage Of His Voluntary Helplessness And Degradation.
But Innocent Laura Saw A Romantic And Tragic Element In the Painful
Event, And She Fell Asleep With Some Vague Womanly Thoughts About Saving
A Fellow-Creature By The Sacrifice Of Herself. However, The Morning
Light, The Truth Concerning Haldane, And Her Own Good Sense, Would
Banish Such Morbid Fancies. Indeed the Worst Possible Way In which A
Young Woman Can Set About Reforming a Bad Man Is To Marry Him. The Usual
Result Is Greatly Increased guilt On The Part Of The Husband, And
Lifelong, Hopeless Wretchedness For The Wife.
Chapter IX (Pat And The Press)
Pat Having Steadied and Half Carried haldane To His Room, Mr. Arnot
Demanded of His Clerk What Had Become Of The Money Intrusted to His
Care; But His Only Answer Was A Stupid, Uncomprehending Stare.
"Hold His Hands," Said Mr. Arnot Impatiently.
M'Cabe Having Obeyed, The Man Of Business, Whose Solicitude In the
Affair Had No Concern With The Young Man'S Immeasurable Loss, But
Related only To His Own Money, Immediately Felt In haldane'S Pockets For
The Envelopes Which Had Contained the Thousand Dollars In currency. The
Envelopes Were Safe Enough--One Evidently Opened with The Utmost Care,
And The Other Torn Recklessly--But The Money Was Gone.
When Haldane Saw The Envelopes, There Was A Momentary Expression Of
Trouble And Perplexity Upon His Face, And He Tried to Speak; But His
Thick Utterance Was Unintelligible. This Gleam Of Intelligence Passed
Quickly, However, And The Stupor Of Intoxication Reasserted itself. His
Heavy Eyelids Drooped, And Pat With Difficulty Could Keep Him On His
"Toss Him There On The Lounge; Take Off His Muddy Boots. Nothing Further
Can Be Done While He Is In this Beastly Condition," Said Mr. Arnot, In a
Voice That Was As Harsh As The Expression Of His Face.
The Empty Envelopes And Mr. Arnot'S Dark Looks Suggested a Great Deal To
Pat, And He Saw That One Of His "Sprees" Was An Innocent Matter Compared
With This Affair.
"Now, Go Down To My Study And Wait There For Me."
Pat Obeyed in a Very Steady And Decorous Manner, For The Matter Was
Assuming Such Gravity As To Sober Him Completely.
Mr. Arnot Satisfied himself That There Was No Chance Of Escape From The
Windows, And Then, After Another Look Of Disgust And Anger At Haldane,
Who Was Now Sleeping Heavily, He Took The Key From The Door, And Locked
It On The Outside.
Descending To His Study, The Irate Gentleman Next Wrote A Note, And Gave
It To His Porter, Saying:
"Take That To The Police-Headquarters, And Ask That It Be Sent To The
Superintendent At Once. No Mistake, Now, As You Value Your Place; And
Mind, Not A Word Of All This To Any One."
"Faix, Sir, I'Ll Be As Dumb As An Oyster, And Do Yer Biddin' In a
Jiffy," Said Pat, Backing Out Of The Room, And Glad To Escape From One
Whose Threatening aspect Seemed to Forebode Evil To Any One Within His
"He Looks Black Enough To Murther The Poor Young Spalpeen," Muttered the
Irishman, As He Hastened to Do His Errand, Remembering Now With
Trepidation That, Though He Had Escaped from His Master, The Big,
Red-Faced, Stout-Armed wife Of His Bosom Was Still To Be Propitiated
After His Late Prowlings.
When He Entered the Main Street, A Light That Glimmered from The Top Of
A Tall Building Suggested how He Might Obtain That Kind Of Oil Which,
Cast Upon The Domestic Billows That So Often Raged in his Fourth-Floor
Back Room, Was Most Effective In producing a Little Temporary
Since The Weather Was Always Fouler Within His Domestic Haven Than
Without, And On This Occasion Threatened to Be At Its Worst, Pat At One
Time Half Decided not To Run Into Port At All; But The Glimmer Of The
Light Already Mentioned suggested another Course.
Although The Night Was Far Spent, Pat Still Longed for A "Wink O' Slape"
Before Going To His Work, And, In order To Enjoy It, Knew That He Must
Obtain The Means Of Allaying The Storm, Which Was Not Merely Brewing,
But Which, From The Lateness Of The Hour, Had Long Been Brewed. In his
Own Opinion, The Greenness Of His Native Isle Had Long Ago Faded from
His Mental And Moral Complexion, And He Did Not Propose That Any Stray
Dollars, Which By Any Shrewdness Or Artifice Could Be Diverted into His
Pocket, Should Get By Him.
Since His Wife Had Developed into A Huge, Female Divinity, At Whose
Shrine It Seemed probable That He Would Eventually Become A Human
Sacrifice, And Whose Wrath, In the Meantime, It Was His Daily Task To
Appease, Pat Had Gradually Formed the Habit Of Making a Sort Of
Companion Of Himself. In accordance With His Custom, Therefore, He
Stopped under The High Window From Whence Gleamed the Light, For The
Sake Of A Little Personal Counsel.
"Now, Pat," He Muttered, "If Yees Had Gone Home At Nine O'Clock, Yees
Wudn'T Be Afeared to Go Home Now; And If Yees Go Home Now Widout A
Dollar More Or Less, The Ould 'Ooman Will Make Yer Wish Yees Had Set On
The Curbstone The Rest O' The Night. They Sez Some Men Has No Bowels O'
Marcies; And After What I'Ve Seen The Night, And Afore The Night, Too, I
Kin Belave That Boss Arnot'S In'Ards Were Cast At The Same Foundry Where
He Gets His Mash-Shines. He Told Me That I Must Spake Nary A Word About
What I'Ve Seen And Heard, And If I Should Thry To Turn An Honest Penny
By Givin' A Knowin' Wink Or Two Where They Wud Pay For The Same, That
'Ud Be The Ind Of Pat M'Cabe At The Big Office. And Yet They Sez That
Them As Buys News Is Loike Them That Takes Stolen Goods--Moighty Willin'
To Kape Dark About Where They Got It, So That They Kin Get More Next
Time. That'S The Iditor Of The 'Currier' In yon High Room, And P'Raps
He'Ll Pay Me As Much For A Wink And A Hint The Night As I'Ll Get For Me
Day'S Work Termorrow. Bust Me If I Don'T Thry Him, If He'Ll Fust Promise
Me To Say It Any One Axes Him That He Niver Saw Pat M'Cabe In his
Loife," And The Suddenly Improvised reporter Climbed the Long Stairways
To Where The Night Editor Sat At His Desk.
Pat Gave A Hearty Rap For Manners, But As The Night Was Waning He Walked
In Without Waiting For An Answer, And Addressed the Startled newspaper
Man With A Business-Like Directness, Which Might Often Be Advantageously
"Is This The Shop Where Yer Pays A Dacent Price For News?"
"It Depends On The Importance Of The News, And Its Truthfulness,"
Answered the Editor, After Eying The Intruder Suspiciously For A Moment.
"Thin I'Ve Got Ye On Both Counts, Though I Didn'T Think Ye'D Bear Down
So Heavy On Its Being Thrue," Said Pat, Advancing Confidently.
As The Door Of The Press-Room, In which Men Were At Work, Stood Open,
The Editor Felt No Alarm From The Sudden Appearance Of The Burly Figure
Before Him, But, Supposing The Man Had Been Drinking, He Said
"Please State Your Business Briefly, As My Time Is Valuable."
"If Yer Time Is Worth Mor'N News, I'Ll Go To Another Shop," Said Pat
Stiffly, Making a Feint Of Departure.
"That'S A Good Fellow, Go Along," Chimed in the Editor, Bending Down To
His Writing again.
Such Disastrous Acquiescence Puzzled pat For A Moment, And He Growled,
"No Wonder Yer Prints A Paper That'S Loike A Lump O' Lead, When 'Stead
O' Lookin' For News Yer Turns It Away From Yer Doors."
"Now, Look Here, My Man," Said The Editor Rising, "If You Have Anything
To Say, Say It. If You Have Been Drinking, You Will Not Be Permitted to
Make A Row In this Office."
"It'S Not Me, But Another Man That'S Been Dhrinkin'."
"Well," Snarled the Editor, "If The Other Man Had The Drink, You Have
The 'Drunk,' And If You Don'T Take Yourself Off, I'Ll Call Some Men From
The Press-Room Who May Put You Downstairs Uncomfortably Fast."
"Hould On A Bit," Remonstrated pat, "Before Yer Ruffle Yer Feathers
Clane Over Yer Head And Blinds Yer Eyes. Wud A Man Loike Boss Arnot Send
Me, If I Was Dhrunk, Wid A Letther At This Toime O' Night? And Wud He
Send A Letther To The Superintindent O' The Perlice At This Toime O' The
Night To Ax Him The Toime O' Day! Afore Yer Calls Yer Spalpeens Out O'
The Press-Room Squint At That."
The Moment The Editor Caught Sight Of The Business Stamp On Mr. Arnot'S
Letter And The Formal Handwriting, His Manner Changed, And He Said
"I Beg Your Pardon--We Have Misunderstood One Another--Take A Chair."
"There'S Been No Misunderstandin' On My Part," Retorted pat, With An
Injured air; "I'Ve Got As Dainty A Bit O' Scandal Jist Under Me Tongue
As Iver Ye Spiced yer Paper Wid, And Yees Thrates Me As If I Was The
Inimy O' Yer Sowl."
"Well, You See," Said The Editor Apologetically, "Your Not Being In our
Regular Employ, Mr.--I Beg Your Pardon--And Your Coming In this Unusual
Way And Hour--"
"But, Begorry, Somethin' Unusual'S Happened."
"So I Understand; It Was Very Good Of You To Come To Us First; Just Give
Me The Points, And I Will Jot Them Down."
"But What Are Yees Goin' To Give Me For The Pints?"
"That Depends Upon What They Are Worth. News Cannot Be Paid For Till We
Learn Its Value."
"Och! Here I'M Rinnin' A Grate Risk In tellin' Ye At All, And Whin I'Ve
Spilt It All Out, And Can'T Pick It Up Agin, Ye May Show Me The Door,
And Tell Me To Go 'Long Wid Me Rubbish."
"If You Find What You Have To Report In the Paper, You May Know It Is
Worth Something. So If You Will Look At The Paper To-Morrow You Can See
Whether It Will Be Worth Your While To Call Again," Said The Editor,
Becoming Impatient At Pat'S Hesitancy To Open His Budget.
"But I'M In sore Need of A Dollar Or Two To-Night. Dade, It'S As Much As
My Loife'S Worth To Go Home Widout 'Em."
"See Here, My Good Friend," Said The Editor, Rising again And Speaking
Very Energetically, "My Time Is Very Valuable, And You Have Taken
Considerable Of It. Whatever May Be The Nature Of Your News, It Will Not
Be Worth Anything To Me If You Do Not Tell It At Once."
"Well, You See The Biggest Part O' The News Is Goin' To Happen
"Well, Well, What Has Happened to-Night?"
"Will Ye Promise Not To Mention Me Name?"
"How Can I Mention It When I Don'T Know It?"
"That'S Thrue, That'S Thrue. Now Me Mind'S Aisy On That Pint, For Ye
Must Know That Boss Arnot'S In'Ards Are Made O' Cast-Iron, And He'D Have
No Marcy On A Feller. You'Ll Surely Give Me A Dollar, At Laste."
"Yes, If Your Story Is Worth Printing, And I Give You Just Three Minutes
In Which To Tell It."
Thus Pinned down, Pat Related all He Knew And Surmised concerning
Haldane'S Woful Predicament, Saying In conclusion:
"Ye Must Know That This Haldane Is Not A Poor Spalpeen Uv A Clerk, But A
Gintleman'S Son. They Sez That His Folks Is As Stylish And Rich As The
Arnots Themselves. If Ye'Ll Have A Reporther Up At The Office In the
Mornin', Ye'Ll Git The Balance O' The Tale."
Having Received his Dollar, Pat Went Chuckling On His Way To Deliver His
Employer'S Letter To The Superintendent Of The City Police.
"Faix! I Was As Wise As A Sarpent In not Tellin' Me Name, For Ye Niver
Can Thrust These Iditors. It'S No Green Irishman That Can Make A Dollar
After Twelve O' The Night."
A Sleepy Reporter Was Aroused and Despatched after Pat, In order To
Learn, If Possible, The Contents Of Mr. Arnot'S Note.
In The Meantime Heavily Leaded lines--Vague And Mysterious--Concerning
"Crime In high Life," Were Set Up, Accompanied on The Editorial Page By
A Paragraph To The Following Effect:
"With Our Usual Enterprise And Keen Scent For News, We Discovered at A
Late Hour Last Night That An Intelligent Irishman In the Employ Of Mr.
Arnot Had Been Intrusted by That Gentleman With A Letter Written After
The Hour Of Midnight To The Superintendent Of The Police. The Guilty
Party Appears To Be A Mr. Haldane--A Young Man Of Aristocratic And
Wealthy Connections--Who Is At Present In mr. Arnot'S Employ, And A
Member Of His Family. We Think We Are Aware Of The Nature Of His Grave
Offence, But In justice To All Concerned we Refer Our Readers To Our
Next Issue, Wherein They Will Find Full Particulars Of The Painful
Affair, Since We Have Obtained peculiar Facilities For Learning Them. No
Arrests Have Yet Been Made."
"That Will Pique All The Gossips In town, And Nearly Double Our Next
Issue," Complacently Muttered the Local Editor, As He Carried the Scrawl
At The Last Moment Into The Composing-Room.
In The Meantime The Hero Of Our Story--If Such A Term By Any Latitude Of
Meaning Can Be Applied to One Whose Folly Had Brought Him Into Such A
Prosaic And Miserable Plight--Still Lay In a Heavy Stupor On The Lounge
Where Pat Had Thrown His Form, That Had Been As Limp And Helpless As If
It Had Become A Mere Body Without A Soul. But The Consequences Of His
Action Did Not Cease With His Paralysis, Any More Than Do The Influences
Of Evil Deeds Perish With A Dying Man.
Chapter X (Returning Consciousness)
Mr. Arnot Did Not Leave His Library That Night. His Wife Came To The
Door And Found It Locked. To Her Appeal He Replied coldly, But
Decisively, That He Was Engaged.
She Sighed deeply, Feeling That The Sojourn Of Young Haldane Under Her
Roof Was Destined to End In a Manner Most Painful To Herself And To Her
Friend, His Mother. She Feared that The Latter Would Blame Her Somewhat
For His Miserable Fiasco, And She Fully Believed that If Her Husband
Permitted the Young Man To Suffer Open Disgrace, She Would Never Be
Forgiven By The Proud And Aristocratic Lady.
And Yet She Felt That It Was Almost Useless To Speak To Her Husband In
His Present Mood, Or To Hope That He Could Be Induced to Show Much
Consideration For So Grave An Offense.
Of The Worst Feature In haldane'S Conduct, However, She Had No
Knowledge. Mr. Arnot Rarely Spoke To His Wife Concerning His Business,
And She Had Merely Learned, The Previous Evening, That Haldane Had Been
Sent To New York Upon Some Errand. Acting Upon The Supposition That Her
Husband Had Remembered and Complied with Her Request, She Graciously
Thanked him For Giving The Young Man A Little Change And Diverting
Novelty Of Scene.
Mr. Arnot, Who Happened to Verge Somewhat Toward A Complacent Mood Upon
This Occasion, Smiled grimly At His Wife'S Commendation, And Even Unbent
So Far As To Indulge In some Ponderous Attempts At Wit With Laura
Concerning Her "Magnificent Offer," And Asserted that If She Had Been
"Like His Wife, She Would Have Jumped at The Chance Of Getting Hold Of
Such A Crude, Unreformed specimen Of Humanity. Indeed," Concluded he, "I
Did Not Know But That Mrs. Arnot Was Bringing about The Match, So That
She Might Have A Little Of The Raw Material For Reformatory Purposes
Continually On Hand."
Mrs. Arnot Smiled, As She Ever Did, At Her Husband'S Attempted
Witticisms; But What He Regarded as Light, Delicate Shafts, Winged
Sportively And Carelessly, Had Rather The Character Of Any Heavy Object
That Came To Hand Thrown At Her With Heedless, Inconsiderate Force. It
Is Due Mr. Arnot To Say That He Gave So Little Thought And Attention To
The Wounds And Bruises He Caused, As To Be Unaware That Any Had Been
Made. He Had No Hair-Springs And Jewel-Tipped machinery In his Massive,
Angular Organization, And He Acted practically As If The Rest Of
Humanity Had Been Cast In the Same Mold With Himself.
But Haldane'S Act Touched him At His Most Vulnerable Point. Not Only Had
A Large Sum Of His Money Been Made Away With, But, What Was Far Worse,
There Had Been A Most Serious Irregularity In the Business Routine.
While, Therefore, He Resolved that Haldane Should Receive Full
Punishment, The Ulterior Thought Of Giving The Rest Of His Employes A
Warning and Intimidating Lesson Chiefly Occupied his Mind.
Aware Of His Wife'S "Unbusinesslike Weakness And Sentimental Notions,"
As He Characterized her Traits, He Determined not To See Her Until He
Had Carried out His Plan Of Securing Repayment Of The Money, And Of
Striking a Salutary Sentiment Of Fear Into The Hearts Of All Who Were
Engaged in carrying Out His Methodical Will.
Therefore, With The Key Of Haldane'S Room In his Pocket, He Kept Watch
And Guard During The Remainder Of The Night, Taking Only Such Rest As
Could Be Obtained on The Lounge In his Library.
At About Sunrise Two Men Appeared, And Rapped lightly On The Library
Window. Mr. Arnot Immediately Went Out To Them, And Placed one Within A
Summer-House In the Spacious Garden At The Rear Of The House, And The
Other In front, Where He Would Be Partially Concealed by Evergreens. By
This Arrangement The Windows Of Haldane'S Apartment And Every Entrance
Of The House Were Under The Surveillance Of Police Officers In citizen'S
Dress. Mr. Arnot'S Own Personal Pride, As Well As Some Regard For His
Wife'S Feelings, Led him To Arrange That The Arrest Should Not Be Made
At Their Residence, For He Wished that All The Events Occurring at The
House Should Be Excluded as Far As Possible From The Inevitable Talk
Which The Affair Would Occasion. At The Same Time He Proposed to Guard
Against The Possibility Of Haldane'S Escape, Should Fear Or Shame Prompt
His Flight.
Having Now Two Assistant Watchers, He Threw Himself On The Sofa, And
Took An Hour Or More Of Unbroken Sleep. On Awaking, He Went With Silent
Tread To The Door Of Haldane'S Room, And, Afer Listening a Moment, Was
Satisfied from The Heavy Breathing Within That Its Occupant Was Still
Under The Influence Of Stupor. He Now Returned the Key To The Door, And
Unlocked it So That Haldane Could Pass Out As Soon As He Was Able. Then,
After Taking a Little Refreshment In the Dining-Room, He Went Directly
To The Residence Of A Police Justice Of His Acquaintance, Who, On
Hearing The Facts As Far As Then Known Concerning Haldane, Made Out A
Warrant For His Arrest, And Promised that The Officer To Whom It Would
Be Given Should Be Sent Forthwith To Mr. Arnot'S Office--For Thither The
Young Man Would First Come, Or Be Brought, On Recovering From His Heavy
Believing That He Had Now Made All The Arrangements Necessary To Secure
Himself From Loss, And To Impress The Small Army In his Service That
Honesty Was The "Best Policy" In their Relations With Him, Mr. Arnot
Walked leisurely To One Of His Factories In the Suburbs, Partly To See
That All Was Right, And Partly To Remind His Agents There That They Were
In The Employ Of One Whose Untiring Vigilance Would Not Permit Any
Neglect Of Duty To Escape Undetected.
Having Noted that The Routine Of Work Was Going Forward As Regularly As
The Monotonous Clank Of The Machinery, He Finally Wended his Way To His
City Office, And Was The First Arrival Thither Save Pat M'Cabe, Who Had
Just Finished putting The Place In order For The Business Of The Day.
His Factotum Was In mortal Trepidation, For In coming across Town He Had
Eagerly Bought The Morning "Courier," And His Complacent Sense Of
Security At Having Withheld His Name From The "Oncivil Iditer" Vanished
Utterly As He Read The Words, "An Intelligent Irishman In mr. Arnot'S
"Och! Bloody Blazes! That Manes Me," He Had Exclaimed; "And Ould Boss
Arnot Will Know It Jist As Well As If They Had Printed me Name All Over
The Paper. Bad Luck To The Spalpeen, And Worse Luck To Meself!
'Intilligent Irishman,' Am I? Then What Kind O' A Crather Would One Be
As Had No Sinse A' Tall? Here I'Ve Bin Throwin' Away Fotry Dollars The
Month For The Sake O' One! Whin I Gets Me Discharge I'D Better Go Round
To The Tother Side O' The Airth' Than Go Home To Me Woife."
Nor Were His Apprehensions Allayed as He Saw Mr. Arnot Reading The Paper
With A Darkening Scowl; But For The Present Pat Was Left In suspense As
To His Fate.
Clerks And Book-Keepers Soon Appeared, And Among Them A Policeman, Who
Was Summoned to The Inner Office, And Given A Seat Somewhat Out Of Sight
Behind The Door.
Upon Every Face There Was An Expression Of Suppressed excitement And
Expectation, For The Attention Of Those Who Had Not Seen The Morning
Paper Was Speedily Called to The Ominous Paragraph. But The Routine And
Discipline Of The Office Prevailed, And In a Few Minutes All Heads Were
Bending Over Bulky Journals And Ledgers, But With Many A Furtive Glance
At The Door.
As For Pat, He Had The Impression That The Policeman Within Would Collar
Him Before The Morning Was Over, And March Him Off, With Haldane, To
Jail; And He Was In such A State Of Nervous Apprehension That Almost Any
Event Short Of An Earthquake Would Be A Relief If It Could Only Happen
At Once.
The April Sun Shone Brightly And Genially Into The Apartment In which
Haldane Had Been Left To Sleep Off His Drunken Stupor. In all Its
Appointments It Appeared as Fresh, Inviting, And Cleanly As The
Wholesome Light Without. The Spirit Of The Housekeeper Pervaded every
Part Of The Mansion, And In both Furniture And Decoration It Would Seem
That She Had Studiously Excluded everything Which Would Suggest Morbid
Or Gloomy Thoughts. It Was Mrs. Arnot'S Philosophy That Outward
Surroundings Impart Their Coloring To The Mind, And Are A Help Or A
Hindrance. She Was A Disciple Of The Light, And Was Well Aware That She
Must Resolutely Dwell In its Full Effulgence In order To Escape From The
Blighting Shadow Of A Life-Long Disappointment. Thus She Sought To Make
Her Home, Not Gay Or Gaudy--Not A Brilliant Mockery Of Her Sorrow, Which
She Had Learned to Calmly Recognize As One Might A Village Cemetery In a
Sunny Landscape--But Cheerful And Lightsome Like This April Morning,
Which Looked in through The Curtained windows Of Haldane'S Apartment,
And Found Everything In harmony With Itself Save The Occupant.
And Yet He Was Young And In his Spring-Time. Why Should He Make Discord
With The Bright Fresh Morning? Because The Shadow Of Evil--Which Is
Darker Than The Shadow Of Night, Age, Or Sorrow--Rested upon Him. His
Hair Hung In disorder Over A Brow Which Was Contracted into A Frown. His
Naturally Fine Features Had A Heavy, Bloated, Sensual Aspect; And Yet,
Even While He Slept, You Caught A Glimpse In this Face--As Through A
Veil--Of The Anguish Of A Spirit That Was Suffering Brutal Wrong And
His Insensibility Was Passing away. His Mind Appeared to Be Struggling
To Cast Off The Weight Of A Stupefied body, But For A Time Its
Throes--Which Were Manifested by Starts, Strong Shudderings, And
Muttered words--Were Ineffectual. At Last, In desperation, As It Were,
The Tortured soul, Poisoned even In its Imaginings By The Impurity Of
The Lower Nature, Conjured up Such A Horrid Vision That In its Anguish
It Broke Its Chains, Threw Off The Crushing Weight, And The Young Man
Started up.
This Returning Consciousness Had Not Been, Like The Dawn Stealing In at
His Window, Followed by A Burst Of Sunlight. As The Morning Enters The
Stained, Foul, Dingy Places Of Dissipation, Which Early In the Evening
Had Been The Gas-Lighted, Garish Scenes Of Riot And Senseless Laughter,
And Later The Fighting Ground Of All The Vile Vermin Of The Night With
Their Uncanny Noises--As When, The Doors And Windows Having Been At Last
Opened, The Light Struggles In through Stale Tobacco-Smoke, Revealing
Dimly A Discolored, Reeking Place, Whose Sights And Odors Are More In
Harmony With The Sewer Than The Sweet April Sunshine And The Violets
Opening On Southern Slopes--So When Reason And Memory, The Janitors Of
The Mind, First Admitted the Light Of Consciousness, Only The Obscure
Outline Of Miserable Feelings And Repulsive Events Were Manifest To
Haldane'S Introspection.
There Was A Momentary Relief At Finding That The Horrible Dream Which
Had Awakened him Was Only A Dream, But While His Waking Banished the
Uncouth Shapes Of The Imagination, His Sane, Will-Guided vision Saw
Revealed that From Which He Shrank With Far Greater Dread.
For A Few Moments, As He Stared vacantly Around The Room, He Could
Realize Nothing Save A Dull, Leaden Weight Of Pain. In this Dreary
Obscurity Of Suffering, Distinct Causes Of Trouble And Fear Began To
Shape Themselves. There Was A Mingled sense Of Misfortune And Guilt. He
Had A Confused memory Of A Great Disappointment, And He Knew From His
Condition That He Had Been Drinking.
He Looked at Himself--He Was Dressed. There Stood His Muddy Boots--Two
Foul Blots On The Beauty And Cleanliness Of The Room. So Then He Had
Come, Or Had Been Brought, At Some Hour During The Night, To The House
Of His Stern And Exacting Employer. Haldane Dismissed the Thought Of Him
With A Reckless Oath; But His Face Darkened with Anguish As He
Remembered that This Was Also The Home Of Mrs. Arnot, Who Had Been So
Kind, And, At The Present Time, The Home Of Laura Romeyn Also.
They May Have Seen, Or, At Least, Must Know Of, His Degradation.
He Staggered to The Ewer, And, With A Trembling Hand, Poured out A
Little Water. Having Bathed his Hot, Feverish Face, He Again Sat Down,
And Tried to Recall What Had Happened.
In Bitterness Of Heart He Remembered his Last Interview With Laura, And
Her Repugnance Toward Both Himself And What She Regarded as "His
Disgusting Vices," And So Disgusting Did His Evil Courses Now Seem That,
For The First Time In his Life, He Thought Of Himself With Loathing.
Then, As Memory Rapidly Duplicated subsequent Events, He Gave A
Contemptuous Smile To His "Gloomy Grandeur" Schemes In passing, And Saw
Himself On The Way To New York, With One Thousand Dollars Of His
Employer'S Funds Intrusted to His Care. He Remembered that He Was
Introduced to Two Fascinating Strangers, That They Drank And Lunched
Together, That They Missed the Train, That They Were Gambling, That,
Having Lost All His Own Money, He Was Tempted to Open A Package
Belonging To Mr. Arnot; Did He Not Open The Other Also? At This Point
All Became Confused and Blurred.
What Had Become Of That Money?
With Nervous, Trembling Haste He Searched his Pockets. Both The Money
And The Envelopes Were Gone.
His Face Blanched; His Heart Sank With A Certain Foreboding Of Evil. He
Found Himself On The Brink Of An Abyss, And Felt The Ground Crumbling
Beneath Him. First Came A Mad Impulse To Fly, To Escape And Hide
Himself; And He Had Almost Carried it Out. His Hand Was On The Door, But
He Hesitated, Turned back, And Walked the Floor In agony.
Then Came The Better Impulse Of One As Yet Unhardened in the Ways Of
Evil, To Go At Once To His Employer, Tell The Whole Truth, And Make Such
Reparation As Was Within His Power. He Knew That His Mother Was
Abundantly Able To Pay Back The Money, And He Believed she Would Do So.
This He Conceded was His Best, And, Indeed, Only Safe Course, And He
Hoped that The Wretched affair Might Be So Arranged as To Be Kept Hidden
From The World. As For Mrs. Arnot And Laura, He Felt That He Could Never
Look Them In the Face Again.
Suppose He Should Meet Them Going Out. The Very Thought Was Dreadful,
And It Seemed to Him That He Would Sink To The Floor From Shame Under
Their Reproachful Eyes. Would They Be Up Yet? He Looked at His Watch; It
Had Run Down, And Its Motionless Hands Pointed at The Vile, Helpless
Condition In which He Must Have Been At The Time When He Usually Wound
It Up.
He Glanced from The Window, With The Hope Of Escaping The Two Human
Beings Whom He Dreaded more Than The Whole Mocking World; But It Was Too
Lofty To Admit Of A Leap To The Ground.
"Who Is Yonder Strange Man That Seems To Be Watching The House?" He
Was It His Shaken Nerves And Sense Of Guilt Which Led him To Suspect
Danger And Trouble On Every Side?
"There Is No Help For It," He Exclaimed, Grinding His Teeth; And,
Opening The Door, He Hastened from The House, Looking Neither To The
Right Hand Nor To The Left.
Chapter XI (Haldane Is Arrested)
As Haldane Strode Rapidly Along The Winding, Gravelled path That Led
From Mrs. Arnot'S Beautiful Suburban Villa To The Street, He Started
Violently As He Encountered a Stranger, Who Appeared to Be Coming Toward
The Mansion; And He Was Greatly Relieved when He Was Permitted to Pass
Unmolested. And Yet The Cool Glance Of Scrutiny Which He Received left A
Very Unpleasant Impression. Nor Was This Uneasiness Diminished when, On
Reaching The Street, He Found That The Stranger Had Apparently
Accomplished his Errand To The House So Speedily That He Was Already
Returning, And Accompanied by Another Man.
Were Not Their Eyes Fixed on Him, Or Was He Misled by His Fears? After A
Little Time He Looked around Again. One Of The Men Had Disappeared, And
He Breathed more Fully. No; There He Was On The Opposite Side Of The
Street, And Walking Steadily Abreast With Him, While His Companion
Continued following about The Same Distance Away.
Was He "Shadowed"? He Was, Indeed, Literally And Figuratively. Although
The Sun Was Shining Bright And Warm, Never Before Had He Been Conscious
Of Such A Horror Of Great Darkness. The Light Which Can Banish The
Oppressive, Disheartening Shadow Of Guilt Must Come From Beyond The Sun.
As He Entered the Busier Streets In the Vicinity Of The Office, He Saw A
Few Persons Whom He Knew. Was He Again Misled by His Overwrought And
Nervous Condition? Or Did These Persons Try To Shun Him By Turning
Corners, Entering Shops, Or By Crossing The Street, And Looking
Resolutely The Other Way.
Could That Awful Entity, The World, Already Know The Events Of The Past
A Newsboy Was Vociferating Down A Side Street. The Word "Crime" Only
Caught Haldane'S Ear, But The Effect Was As Cold And As Chilling as The
Drip Of An Icicle.
As He Hastened up The Office Steps, Pat M'Cabe Scowled upon Him, And
Muttered audibly:
"Bad Luck Till Yees! I Wish I'D Lift Ye Ablinkin' Like An Owl Where I
Found Ye."
"An' Back Luck Till Yees, Too," Added pat In his Surly Growl, As A
Reporter, Note-Book In hand, Stepped nimbly In after Haldane; "It'S
Meself That Wishes Iviry Iditer O' The Land Was Burned up Wid His Own
Lyin' Papers."
Even The Most Machine-Like Of The Sere And Withered book-Keepers Held
Their Pens In suspense As Haldane Passed hastily Toward Mr. Arnot'S
Private Office, Followed by The Reporter, Whose Alert Manner And
Observant, Questioning Eye Suggested an Animated symbol Of
The Manner Of His Fellow Clerks Did Not Escape Haldane'S Notice Even In
That Confused and Hurried moment, And It Increased his Sense Of An
Impending Blow; But When, On Entering The Private Office, Mr. Arnot
Turned toward Him His Grim, Rigid Face, And When A Man In the Uniform Of
An Officer Of The Law Rose And Stepped forward As If The One Expected
Had Now Arrived, His Heart Misgave Him Utterly, And For A Moment He
Found No Words, But Stood Before His Employer, Pallid And Trembling, His
Very Attitude And Appearance Making as Full A Confession Of Guilt As
Could The Statement He Proposed to Give.
If Pat'S Opinion Concerning Mr. Arnot'S "In'Ards" Had Not Been
Substantially Correct, That Inexorable Man Would Have Seen That This Was
Not An Old Offender Who Stood Before Him. The Fact That Haldane Was
Overwhelmed with Shame And Fear, Should Have Tempered his Course With
Healing and Saving Kindness. But Mr. Arnot Had Already Decided upon His
Plan, And No Other Thought Would Occur To Him Save That Of Carrying It
Out With Machine-Like Precision. His Frown Deepened as He Saw The
Reporter, But After A Second'S Thought He Made No Objection To His
Presence, As The Increasing Publicity That Would Result Would Add To The
Punishment Which Was Designed to Be A Signal Warning To All In his
After A Moment'S Lowering Scrutiny Of The Trembling Youth, During Which
His Confidential Clerk, By Previous Arrangement, Appeared, That He Might
Be A Witness Of All That Occurred, Mr. Arnot Said Coldly:
"Well, Sir, Perhaps You Can Now Tell Me What Has Become Of The Funds
Which I Intrusted to Your Care Last Evening."
"That Is My Purpose--Object," Stammered haldane; "If You Will Only Give
Me A Chance I Will Tell You Everything."
"I Am Ready To Hear, Sir. Be Brief; Business Has Suffered too Great An
Interruption Already."
"Please Have A Little Consideration For Me," Said Haldane, Eagerly,
Great Beaded drops Of Perspiration Starting From His Brow; "I Do Not
Wish To Speak Before All These Witnesses. Give Me A Private Interview,
And I Will Explain Everything, And Can Promise That The Money Shall Be
"I Shall Make Certain Of That, Rest Assured," Replied mr. Arnot, In the
Same Cold, Relentless Tone. "The Money Was Intrusted to Your Care Last
Evening, In the Presence Of Witnesses. Here Are The Empty Envelopes. If
You Have Any Explanations To Make Concerning What You Did With The
Money, Speak Here And Now."
"I Must Warn The Young Man," Said The Policeman, Interposing, "Not To
Say Anything Which Will Tend To Criminate Himself. He Must Remember That
Whatever He Says Will Appear Against Him In evidence."
"But There Is No Need that This Affair Should Have Any Such Publicity,"
Haldane Urged in great Agitation. "If Mr. Arnot Will Only Show A Little
Humanity Toward Me I Will Arrange The Matter So That He Will Not Lose A
Penny. Indeed, My Mother Will Pay Twice The Sum Rather Than Have The
Affair Get Abroad."
The Reporter Just Behind Him Grinned and Lifted his Eyebrows As He Took
Down These Words _Verbatim_.
"For Your Mother'S Sake I Deeply Regret That 'The Affair' As You Mildly
Term It, Must And Has Become Known. As Far As You Are Concerned, I Have
No Compunctions. When A Seeming Man Can Commit A Grave Crime In the Hope
That A Widowed mother--Whose Stay And Pride He Ought To Be--Will Come
To His Rescue, And Buy Immunity From Deserved punishment, He Neither
Deserves, Nor Shall He Receive, Mercy At My Hands. But Were I Capable Of
A Maudlin Sentiment Of Pity In the Circumstances, The Duty I Owe My
Business Would Prevent Any Such Expression As You Desire. When Any One
In My Employ Takes Advantage Of My Confidence, He Must Also, And With
Absolute Certainty, Take The Consequences."
"Bad Luck Ter Yez!" Mentally Ejaculated pat, Whom Curiosity And The
Fascination Of His Own Impending Fate Had Drawn Within Earshot.
"What Do You Intend To Do With Me?" Asked haldane, His Brow Contracting,
And His Face Growing Sullen Under Mr. Arnot'S Harsh, Bitter Words.
"Do! What Is Done With Clerks Who Steal Their Employers' Money?"
"I Did Not Steal Your Money," Said Haldane Impetuously.
"Where Is It, Then?" Asked mr. Arnot, With A Cold Sneer.
"Be Careful, Now," Said The Policeman; "You Are Getting Excited, And You
May Say What You'Ll Wish You Hadn'T."
"Mr. Arnot, Do You Mean To Have It Go Abroad To All The World That I
Have Deliberately Stolen That Thousand Dollars?" Asked the Young Man
"Here Are The Empty Envelopes. Where Is The Money?" Said His Employer,
In The Same Cool, Inexorable Tone.
"I Met Two Sharpers From New York, Who Made A Fool Of Me--"
"Made A Fool Of You! That Was Impossible," Interrupted mr. Arnot With A
Harsh Laugh.
"Dastard That You Are, To Strike A Man When He Is Down," Thundered
Haldane Wrathfully. "Since Everything Must Go Abroad, The Truth Shall
Go, And Not Foul Slander. I Got To Drinking With These Men From New
York, And Missed the Train--"
"Be Careful, Now; Think What You Are Saying," Interrupted the Policeman.
"He Charges Me With What Amounts To A Bald Theft, And In a Way That All
Will Hear Of The Charge, And Shall I Not Defend My Self?"
"O, Certainly, If You Can Prove That You Did Not Take The Money--Only
Remember, What You Say Will Appear In the Evidence."
"What Evidence?" Cried the Bewildered and Excited youth With An Oath.
"If You Will Only Give Me A Chance, You Shall Have All The Evidence
There Is In a Sentence. These Blacklegs From New York Appeared like
Gentlemen. A Friend In town Introduced them To Me, And, After Losing The
Train, We Agreed to Spend The Evening Together. They Called for Cards,
And They Won The Money."
Mr. Arnot'S Dark Cheek Had Grown More Swarthy At The Epithet Of
"Dastard," But He Coolly Waited until Haldane Had Finished, And Then
Asked in his Former Tone:
"Did They Take The Money From Your Person And Open The Envelopes, One
Carefully, The Other Recklessly, Before They Won It?"
Guided by This Keen Questioning, Memory Flashed back Its Light On The
Events Of The Past Night, And Haldane Saw Himself Opening The First
Package, Certainly, And He Remembered how It Was Done. He Trembled, And
His Face, That Had Been So Flushed, Grew Very Pale. For A Moment He Was
So Overwhelmed by A Realization Of His Act, And Its Threatening
Consequences, That His Tongue Refused to Plead In his Behalf. At Last He
"I Did Not Mean To Take The Money--Only To Borrow A Little Of It, And
Return It That Same Night They Got Me Drunk--I Was Not Myself. But I
Assure You It Will All Be Returned. I Can--"
"Officer, Do Your Duty," Interrupted mr. Arnot Sternly. "Too Much Time
Has Been Wasted over The Affair Already, But Out Of Regard For His
Mother I Wished to Give This Young Man An Opportunity To Make An
Exculpating Explanation Or Excuse, If It Were In his Power. Since,
According To His Own Statement, He Is Guilty, The Law Must Take Its
"You Don'T Mean To Send Me To Prison?" Asked haldane Excitedly.
"I Could Never Send You To Prison," Replied mr. Arnot Coldly; "Your Own
Act May Bring You There. But I Do Mean To Send You Before The Justice
Who Issued the Warrant For Your Arrest, Held By This Officer. Unless You
Can Find Some One Who Will Give Bail In your Behalf, I Do Not See Why He
Should Treat You Differently From Other Offenders."
"Mr. Arnot," Cried haldane Passionately, "This Is My First And Only
Offence. You Surely Cannot Be So Cold-Blooded as To Inflict Upon Me This
Irreparable Disgrace? It Will Kill My Mother."
"You Should Have Thought Of All This Last Evening," Said Mr. Arnot. "If
You Persist In ignoring The Fact, That It Is Your Own Deed that Wounds
Your Mother And Inflicts Disgrace Upon Yourself, The World Will Not.
Come, Mr. Officer, Serve Your Warrant, And Remove Your Prisoner."
"Is It Your Purpose That I Shall Be Dragged through These Streets In the
Broad Light Of Day To A Police Court, And Thence To Jail?" Demanded
Haldane, A Dark Menace Coming Into His Eyes, And Finding Expression In
His Livid Face.
"Yes, Sir," Said The Man Of Business, Rising and Speaking In loud, Stern
Tones, So That All In the Office Could Hear; "I Mean That You Or Any One
Else In my Employ Who Abuses My Trust And Breaks The Laws Shall Suffer
Their Full Penalty."
"You Are A Hard-Hearted wretch!" Thundered haldane; "You Are A Pagan
Idolater, And Gold Is Your God. You Crush Your Wife And Servants At
Home; You Crush The Spirit And Manhood Of Your Clerks Here By Your
Cast-Iron System And Rules. If You Had Shown A Little Consideration For
Me You Would Have Lost Nothing, And I Might Have Had A Chance For A
Better Life. But You Tread Me Down Into The Mire Of The Streets; You
Make It Impossible For Me To Appear Among Decent Men Again; You Strike
My Mother And Sisters As With A Dagger. Curse You! If I Go To Jail, It
Will Require You And All Your Clerks To Take Me There!" And He Whirled
On His Heel, And Struck Out Recklessly Toward The Door.
The Busy Reporter Was Capsized by The First Blow, And His Nose Long Bore
Evidence That It Is A Serious Matter To Put That Member Into Other
People'S Affairs, Even In a Professional Way.
Before Haldane Could Pass From The Inner Office Two Strangers, Who Had
Been Standing Quietly At The Door, Each Dexterously Seized one Of His
Hands With Such An Iron Grasp That, After A Momentary Struggle, He Gave
Up, Conscious Of The Hopelessness Of Resistance.
"If You Will Go Quietly With Us We Will Employ No Force," Said The Man
In Uniform; "Otherwise We Must Use These;" And Haldane Shuddered as
Light Steel Manacles Were Produced. "These Men Are Officers Like Myself,
And You See That You Stand No Chance With Three Of Us."
"Well, Lead On, Then," Was The Sullen Answer. "I Will Go Quietly If You
Don'T Use Those, But If You Do, I Will Not Yield While There Is A Breath
Of Life In me."
"A Most Desperate And Hardened wretch!" Ejaculated the Reporter, Sopping
His Streaming Nose.
With A Dark Look And Deep Malediction Upon His Employer, Haldane Was Led
Mr. Arnot Was In no Gentle Mood, For, While He Had Carried out His
Programme, The Machinery Of The Legal Process Had Not Worked smoothly.
Very Disagreeable Things Had Been Said To Him In the Hearing Of His
Clerks And Others. "Of Course, They Are Not True," Thought The
Gentleman; "But His Insolent Words Will Go Out In the Accounts Of The
Affair As Surely As My Own."
If Haldane Had Been Utterly Overwhelmed and Broken Down, And Had Shown
Only The Cringing Spirit Of A Detected and Whipped cur, Mr. Arnot'S
Complacency Would Have Been Perfect. But As It Was, The Affair Had Gone
Forward In a Jarring, Uncomfortable Manner, Which Annoyed and Irritated
Him As Would A Defective, Creaking Piece Of Mechanism In one Of His
Factories. Opposition, Friction Of Any Kind, Only Made His Imperious
Will More Intolerant Of Disobedience Or Neglect; Therefore He Summoned
Pat In a Tone Whose Very Accent Foretold The Doom Of The "Intelligent
"Did I Not Order You To Give No Information To Any One Concerning What
Occurred last Night?" He Demanded in his Sternest Tone.
Pat Hitched and Wriggled, For Giving Up His Forty Dollars A Month Was
Like A Surgical Operation. He Saw That His Master Was Incensed, And In
No Mood For Extenuation; So He Pleaded--
"Misther Arnot, Won'T Ye Plaze Slape On It Afore Ye Gives Me Me
Discharge. If Ye'Ll Only Think A Bit About Them Newspaper Men, Ye'Ll
Know It Could Not Be Helped a' Tall. If They Suspicion That A Man Has
Anything In him That They'Re Wantin' To Know, They The Same As Put A
Corkscrew Intil Him, And Pull Till Somethin' Comes, And Thin They Make
Up The Rest. Faix, Sur, I Niver Could O' Got By 'Em Aloive Wid Me
Letther Onless A Little O' The News Had Gone Intil Their Rav'Nous Maws."
"Then I'Ll Find A Man Who Can Get By Them, And Who Is Able To Obey My
Orders To The Letter. The Cashier Will Pay You Up To Date; Then Leave
The Premises."
"Och, Misther Arnot, Me Woife'Ll Be The Death O' Me, And Thin Ye'Ll Have
Me Bluid On Yer Sowl. Give Me One More--"
"Begone!" Said His Employer Harshly; "Too Much Time Has Been Wasted
Pat Found That His Case Was So Desperate That He Became Reckless, And,
Instead Of Slinking Off, He, Too Showed the Same Insubordination And
Disregard For Mr. Arnot'S Power And Dignity That Had Been So Irritating
In Haldane. Clapping His Hat On One Side Of His Head, And With Such An
Insolent Cant Forward That It Quite Obscured his Left Eye, Pat Rested
His Hands On His Hips, And With One Foot Thrust Out Sidewise, He Fixed
His Right Eye On His Employer With The Expression Of Sardonic
Contemplation, And Then Delivered himself As Follows:
"The Takin' Up A Few Minits O' Yer Toime Is A Moighty Tirrible Waste,
But The Sindin' Of A Human Bain To The Divil Is No Waste A' Tall A'
Tall: That'S The Way Ye Rason, Is It? I Allers Heerd That Yer In'Ards
Were Made O' Cast-Iron, And I Can Belave--"
"Leave This Office," Thundered mr. Arnot.
"Begorry, Ye Can'T Put A Man In jail For Spakin' His Moind, Nor For
Spakin' The Truth. If Ye Had Given Me A Chance I'D Been Civil And
Obadient The Rist O' Me Days. But Whin Ye Act To'Ard A Man As If He Was
A Lump O' Dirt That Ye Can Kick Out O' The Way, And Go On, Ye'Ll Foind
That The Lump O' Dirt Will Lave Some Marks On Yer Nice Clothes. I Tell
Ye Till Yer Flinty Ould Face That Ye'R A Hard-Hearted riprobate That 'Ud
Grind A Poor Divil To Paces As Soon As Any Mash-Shine In all Yer Big
Factories. Ye'Ll See The Day Whin Ye'Ll Be Under Somebody'S Heel
Yerself, Bad Luck To Yez!"
Pat'S Irate Volubility Flowed in such A Torrent That Even Mr. Arnot
Could Not Check It Until He Saw Fit To Drop The Sluice-Gates Himself,
Which, With A Contemptuous Sniff, And An Expression Of Concentrated
Wormwood And Gall, He Now Did. Lifting His Battered hat A Little More
Toward The Perpendicular, He Went To The Cashier'S Desk, Obtained his
Money, And Then Jogged slowly And Aimlessly Down The Street, Leaving a
Wake Of Strange Oaths Behind Him.
Thus Mr. Arnot'S System Again Ground Out The Expected result; But The
Plague Of Humanity Was That It Would Not Endure The Grinding Process
With The Same Stolid, Inert Helplessness Of Other Raw Material. Though
He Had Had His Way In each Instance, He Grew More And More Dissatisfied
And Out Of Sorts. This Vituperation Of Himself Would Not Tend To Impress
His Employes With Awe, And Strike A Wholesome Fear In their Hearts. The
Culprits, Instead Of Slinking away Overwhelmed with Guilt And The Weight
Of His Displeasure, Had Acted and Spoken As If He Were A Grim Old
Tyrant; And He Had A Vague, Uncomfortable Feeling That His Clerks In
Their Hearts Sided with Them And Against Him. It Even Occurred to Him
That He Was Creating a Relation Between Himself And Those In his Service
Similar To That Existing Between Master And Slaves; And That, Instead Of
Forming a Community With Identical Interests, He Was On One Side And
They On The Other. But, With The Infatuation Of A Selfish Nature And
Imperious Will, He Muttered:
"Curse Them! I'Ll Make Them Move In my Grooves, Or Toss Them Out Of The
Way!" Then, Summoning His Confidential Clerk, He Said:
"You Know All About The Affair. You Will Oblige Me By Going To The
Office Of The Justice, And Stating The Case, With The Prisoner'S
Admissions. I Do Not Care To Appear Further In the Matter, Except By
Proxy, Unless It Is Necessary."
Chapter XII (A Memorable Meeting)
Mrs. Arnot Had Looked upon Haldane'S Degradation With Feelings Akin To
Disgust And Anger, But As Long, Sleepless Hours Passed, Her Thoughts
Grew More Gentle And Compassionate. She Was By Nature An Advocate Rather
Than A Judge. Not The Spirit Of The Disciples, That Would Call Down Fire
From Heaven, But The Spirit Of The Master, Who Sought To Lay His
Healing, Rescuing Hand On Every Lost Creature, Always Controlled her
Eventually. Human Desert Did Not Count As Much With Her As Human Need,
And Her Own Sorrows Had Made Her Heart Tender Toward The Sufferings Of
Others, Even Though Well Merited.
The Prospect That The Handsome Youth, The Son Of Her Old Friend, Would
Cast Himself Down To Perish In the Slough Of Dissipation, Was A Tragedy
That Wrung Her Heart With Grief; And When At Last She Fell Asleep It Was
With Tears Upon Her Face.
Forebodings Had Followed laura Also, Even Into Her Dreams, And At Last,
In A Frightful Vision, She Saw Her Uncle Placing a Giant On Guard Over
The House. Her Uncle Had Scarcely Disappeared before Haldane Tried to
Escape, But The Giant Raised his Mighty Club, As Large And Heavy As The
Mast Of A Ship, And Was About To Strike When She Awoke With A Violent
In Strange Unison With Her Dream She Still Heard Her Uncle'S Voice In
The Garden Below. She Sprang To The Window, Half Expecting To See The
Giant Also, Nor Was She Greatly Reassured on Observing an Unknown Man
Posted in the Summer-House And Left There. Mr. Arnot'S Mysterious
Action, And The Fact That He Was Out At That Early Hour, Added to The
Disquiet Of Mind Which The Events Of The Preceding Night Had Created.
Her Simple Home-Life Had Hitherto Flowed like A Placid Stream In sunny
Meadows, But Now It Seemed as If The Stream Were Entering a Forest Where
Dark And Ominous Shadows Were Thrown Across Its Surface. She Was Too
Womanly To Be Indifferent To The Fate Of Any Human Being. At The Same
Time She Was Still So Much Of A Child, And So Ignorant Of The World,
That Haldane'S Action, Even As She Understood It, Loomed up Before Her
Imagination As Something awful And Portentous Of Unknown Evils. She Was
Oppressed with A Feeling That A Crushing Blow Impended over Him. Now,
Almost As Vividly As In her Dream, She Still Saw The Giant'S Club Raised
High To Strike. If It Were Only In a Fairy Tale, Her Sensitive Spirit
Would Tremble At Such A Stroke, But Inasmuch As It Was Falling On One
Who Had Avowed passionate Love For Her, She Felt Almost As If She Must
Share In its Weight. The Idea Of Reciprocating any Feeling That
Resembled his Passion Had At First Been Absurd, And Now, In view Of What
He Had Shown Himself Capable, Seemed impossible; And Yet His Strongly
Expressed regard For Her Created a Sort Of Bond Between Them In spite Of
Herself. She Had Realized the Night Before That He Would Be Immediately
Dismissed and Sent Home In disgrace; But Her Dream, And The Glimpse She
Had Caught Of Her Uncle And The Observant Stranger, Who, As She Saw,
Still Maintained his Position, Suggested worse Consequences, Whose Very
Vagueness Made Them All The More Dreadful.
As It Was Still A Long Time Before The Breakfast Hour, She Again Sought
Her Couch, And After A While Fell Into A Troubled sleep, From Which She
Was Awakened by Her Aunt. Hastily Dressing, She Joined mrs. Arnot At A
Late Breakfast, And Soon Discovered that She Was Worried and Anxious As
Well As Herself.
"Has Mr. Haldane Gone Out?" She Asked.
"Yes; And What Perplexes Me Is That Two Strangers Followed him To The
Street So Rapidly That They Almost Seemed in pursuit."
Then Laura Related what She Had Seen, And Her Aunt'S Face Grew Pale And
Somewhat Rigid As She Recognized the Fact That Her Husband Was Carrying
Out Some Plan, Unknown To Her, Which Might Involve A Cruel Blow To Her
Friend, Mrs. Haldane, And An Overwhelming Disgrace To Egbert Haldane. At
The Same Time The Thought Flashed upon Her That The Young Man'S Offence
Might Be Graver Than She Had Supposed. But She Only Remarked quietly:
"I Will Go Down To The Office And See Your Uncle After Breakfast."
"Oh, Auntie, Please Let Me Go With You," Said Laura Nervously.
"I May Wish To See My Husband Alone," Replied mrs. Arnot Doubtfully,
Foreseeing a Possible Interview Which She Would Prefer Her Niece Should
Not Witness.
"I Will Wait For You In the Outer Office, Auntie, If You Will Only Let
Me Go. I Am So Unstrung That I Cannot Bear To Be Left In the House
"Very Well, Then; We'Ll Go Together, And A Walk In the Open Air Will Do
Us Both Good."
As Mrs. Arnot Was Finishing Her Breakfast She Listlessly Took Up The
Morning "Courier," And With A Sudden Start Read The Heavy Head-Lines And
Paragraph Which Pat'S Unlucky Venture As A Reporter Had Occasioned.
"Come, Laura, Let Us Go At Once," Said She, Rising Hastily; And As Soon
As They Could Prepare Themselves For The Street They Started toward The
Central Part Of The City, Each Too Busy With Her Own Thoughts To Speak
Often, And Yet Each Having a Grateful Consciousness Of Unspoken Sympathy
And Companionship.
As They Passed down The Main Street They Saw A Noisy Crowd Coming Up The
Sidewalk Toward Them, And They Crossed over To Avoid It. But The
Approaching Throng Grew So Large And Boisterous That They Deemed it
Prudent To Enter The Open Door Of A Shop Until It Passed. Their Somewhat
Elevated position Gave Them A Commanding View, And A Policeman'S Uniform
At Once Indicated that It Was An Arrest That Had Drawn Together The
Loose Human Atoms That Are Always Drifting about The Streets. The
Prisoner Was Followed by A Retinue That Might Have Bowed the Head Of An
Old And Hardened offender With Shame--Rude, Idle, Half-Grown Boys, With
Their Morbid Interest In every Thing Tending To Excitement And Crime,
Seedy Loungers Drawn Away From Saloon Doors Where They Are As Surely To
Be Found As Certain Coarse Weeds In foul, Neglected corners--A Ragged,
Unkempt, Repulsive Jumble Of Humanity, That Filled the Street With
Gibes, Slang, And Profanity. Laura Was About To Retreat Into The Shop In
Utter Disgust, When Her Aunt Exclaimed in a Tone Of Sharp Distress:
"Merciful Heaven! There Is Egbert Haldane!"
With Something Like A Shock Of Terror She Recognized her Quondam Lover,
The Youth Who Had Stood At Her Side And Turned her Music. But As She Saw
Him Now There Appeared an Immeasurable Gulf Between Them; While Her Pity
For Him Was Profound, It Seemed as Helpless And Hopeless In his Behalf
As If He Were A Guilty Spirit That Was Being Dragged away To Final Doom.
Her Aunt'S Startled exclamation Caught The Young Man'S Attention, For It
Was A Voice That He Would Detect Among A Thousand, And He Turned his
Livid Face, With Its Agonized, Hunted look, Directly Toward Them.
As Their Eyes Met--As He Saw The One Of All The World That He Then Most
Dreaded to Meet, Laura Romeyn, Regarding Him With A Pale, Frightened
Face, As If He Were A Monster, A Wild Beast, Nay, Worse, A Common Thief
On His Way To Jail--He Stopped abruptly, And For A Second Seemed to
Meditate Some Desperate Act. But When He Saw The Rabble Closing On Him,
And Heard The Officers Growl In surly Tones, "Move On," A Sense Of
Helplessness As Well As Of Shame Overwhelmed him. He Shivered visibly,
Dashed his Hat Down Over His Eyes, And Strode On, Feeling at Last That
The Obscurity Of A Prison Cell Would Prove A Welcome Refuge.
But Mrs. Arnot Had Recognized the Intolerable Suffering and Humiliation
Stamped on The Young Man'S Features; She Had Seen The Fearful, Shrinking
Gaze At Herself And Laura, The Lurid Gleam Of Desperation, And Read
Correctly The Despairing Gesture By Which He Sought To Hide From Them,
The Rabble, And All The World, A Countenance From Which He Already Felt
That Shame Had Blotted all Trace Of Manhood.
Her Face Again Wore A Gray, Rigid Aspect, As If She Had Received a Wound
That Touched her Heart; And, Scarcely Waiting For The Miscellaneous
Horde To Pass, She Took Laura'S Arm, And Said Briefly And Almost
Mr. Arnot'S Equanimity Was Again Destined to Be Disturbed. Until He Had
Commenced to Carry Out His Scheme Of Striking Fear Into The Hearts Of
His Employes, He Had Derived much Grim Satisfaction From Its
Contemplation. But Never Had A Severe And Unrelenting Policy Failed more
Signally, And A Partial Consciousness Of The Fact Annoyed him Like A
Constant Stinging Of Nettles Which He Could Not Brush Aside. When,
Therefore, His Wife Entered, He Greeted her With His Heaviest Frown, And
A Certain Twitching Of His Hands As He Fumbled among His Papers, Which
Showed that The Man Who At Times Seemed composed of Equal Parts Of Iron
And Lead Had At Last Reached a Condition Of Nervous Irritability Which
Might Result In an Explosion Of Wrath; And Yet He Made A Desperate
Effort At Self-Control, For He Saw That His Wife Was In one Of Those
Moods Which He Had Learned to Regard With A Wholesome Respect.
"You Have Sent Haldane To Prison," She Said Calmly. Though Her Tone Was
So Quiet, There Was In it A Certain Depth And Tremble Which Her Husband
Well Understood, But He Only Answered briefly:
"Yes; He Must Go There If He Finds No Bail."
"May I Ask Why?"
"He Robbed me Of A Thousand Dollars."
"Were There No Extenuating Circumstances?" Mrs. Arnot Asked, After A
Slight Start.
"No, But Many Aggravating Ones."
"Did He Not Come Here Of His Own Accord?"
"He Could Not Have Done Otherwise. I Had Detectives Watching Him."
"He Could Have Tried to Do Otherwise. Did He Not Offer Some
"What He Said Amounted to A Confession Of The Crime."
"What Did He Say?"
"I Have Not Charged my Mind With All The Rash, Foolish Words Of The
Young Scapegrace. It Is Sufficient For Me That He And All In my Employ
Received a Lesson Which They Will Not Soon Forget. I Wish You Would
Excuse Me From Further Consideration Of The Subject At Present. It Has
Cost Me Too Much Time Already."
"You Are Correct," Said Mrs. Arnot Very Quietly. "It Is Likely To Prove
A Very Costly Affair. I Tremble To Think What Your Lesson May Cost This
Young Man, Whom You Have Rendered reckless And Desperate By This Public
Disgrace; I Tremble To Think What This Event May Cost My Friend, His
Mother. Of The Pain It Has Cost Me I Will Not Speak--"
"Madam," Interrupted mr. Arnot Harshly, "Permit Me To Say That This Is
An Affair Concerning Which A Sentimental Woman Can Have No Correct
Understanding. I Propose To Carry On My Business In the Way Which
Experience Has Taught Me Is Wise, And, With All Respect To Yourself, I
Would Suggest That In these Matters Of Business I Am In my Own
The Ashen Hue Deepened upon Mrs. Arnot'S Face, But She Answered quietly:
"I Do Not Wish To Overstep The Bounds Which Should Justly Limit My
Action And My Interest In this Matter. You Will Also Do Me The Justice
To Remember That I Have Never Interfered in your Business, And Have
Rarely Asked you About It, Though In the World'S Estimation I Would Have
Some Right To Do So. But If Such Harshness, If Such Disastrous Cruelty,
Is Necessary To Your Business, I Must Withdraw My Means From It, For I
Could Not Receive Money Stained, As It Were, With Blood. But Of This
Hereafter. I Will Now Telegraph Mrs. Haldane To Come Directly To Our
"To Our House!" Cried mr. Arnot, Perfectly Aghast.
"Certainly. Can You Suppose That, Burdened with This Intolerable
Disgrace, She Could Endure The Publicity Of A Hotel? I Shall Next Visit
Haldane, For As I Saw Him In the Street, With The Rabble Following, He
Looked desperate Enough To Destroy Himself."
"Now, I Protest Against All This Weak Sentimentality," Said Mr. Arnot,
Rising. "You Take Sides With A Robber Against Your Husband."
"I Do Not Make Light Of Haldane'S Offence To You, And Certainly Shall
Not To Him. But It Is His First Offence, As Far As We Know, And, Though
You Have Not Seen Fit To Inform Me Of The Circumstances, I Cannot
Believe That He Committed a Cool, Deliberate Theft. He Could Have Been
Made To Feel His Guilt Without Being Crushed. The Very Gravity Of His
Wrong Action Might Have Awakened him To His Danger, And Have Been The
Turning-Point Of His Life. He Should Have Had At Least One Chance--God
Gives Us Many."
"Well, Well," Said Mr. Arnot Impatiently, "Let His Mother Return The
Money, And I Will Not Prosecute. But Why Need mrs. Haldane Come To
Hillaton? All Can Be Arranged by Her Lawyer."
"You Know Little Of A Mother'S Feelings If You Can Suppose She Will Not
Come Instantly."
"Well, Then, When The Money Is Paid She Can Take Him Home, That Is,
After The Forms Of Law Are Complied with."
"But He Must Remain In prison Till The Money Is Paid?"
"You Intimated that If Any One Went Bail For Him He Need not Go To
Prison. I Will Become His Security."
"O Nonsense! I Might As Well Give Bail Myself."
"Has He Reached the Prison Yet?"
"I Suppose He Has," Replied mr. Arnot, Taking Care To Give No Hint Of
The Preliminary Examination, For It Would Have Annoyed him Excessively
To Have His Wife Appear At A Police Court Almost In the Light Of An
Antagonist To Himself. And Yet His Stubborn Pride Would Not Permit Him
To Yield, And Carry Out With Considerate Delicacy The Merciful Policy
Upon Which He Saw She Was Bent.
"Good-Morning," Said His Wife Very Quietly, And She At Once Left Her
Husband'S Private Room. Laura Rose From Her Chair In the Outer Office
And Welcomed her Gladly, For, In her Nervous Trepidation, The Minutes
Had Seemed like Hours. Mrs. Arnot Went To A Telegraph Office, And Sent
The Following Despatch To Mrs. Haldane:
"Come To My House At Once. Your Son Is Well, But Has Met With
She Then, With Laura, Returned immediately Home And Ordered her Carriage
For A Visit To The Prison. She Also Remembered with Provident Care That
The Young Man Could Not Have Tasted food That Morning.
Chapter XIII (Our Knight In jail)
As Haldane Emerged from The Office Into The Open Glare Of The Street, He
Was Oppressed with Such An Intolerable Sense Of Shame That He Became
Sick And Faint, And Tottered against The Policeman, Who Took No Other
Notice Of His Condition Than The Utterance Of A Jocular Remark:
"You Haven'T Got Over Your Drunk Yet, I'M Athinking."
Haldane Made No Reply, And The Physical Weakness Gradually Passed away.
As His Stunned and Bewildered mind Regained the Power To Act, He Became
Conscious Of A Morbid Curiosity To See How He Was Regarded by Those Whom
He Met. He Knew That Their Manner Would Pierce Like Sword-Thrusts, And
Yet Every Scornful Or Averted face Had A Cruel Fascination.
With A Bitterness Of Which His Young Heart Had Never Before Had Even A
Faint Conception, He Remembered that This Cold And Contemptuous, This
Scoffing and Jeering World Was The Same In which Only Yesterday He
Proposed to Tower In such Lofty Grandeur That The Maiden Who Had
Slighted him Should Be Consumed with Vain Regret In memory Of Her Lost
Opportunity. He Had, Indeed, Gained eminence Speedily. All The Town Was
Hearing Of Him; But The Pedestal Which Lifted him So High Was Composed
Equally Of Crime And Folly, And He Felt As If He Might Stand As A
Monument Of Shame.
But His Grim And Legal Guardians Tramped along In the Most Stolid And
Indifferent Manner. The Gathering Rabble At Their Heels Had No Terror
For Them. Indeed, They Rather Enjoyed parading Before Respectable
Citizens This Dangerous Substratum Of Society. It Was A Delicate Way Of
Saying, "Behold In these Your Peril, And In us Your Defence. We Are
Necessary To Your Peace And Security. Respect Us And Pay Us Well."
They Represented the Majesty Of The Law, Which Could Lay Its Strong Hand
On High And Low Alike, And The Publicity Which Was Like A Scorching Fire
To Haldane Brought Honor To Them.
Although The Journey Seemed interminable To The Culprit, They Were Not
Long In reaching The Police Court, Where The Magistrate Presiding Had
Already Entered on His Duties. All Night Long, And Throughout The Entire
City, The Scavengers Of The Law Had Been At Work, And Now, As A Result,
Every Miserable Atom Of Humanity That Had Made Itself A Pestilential
Offence To Society Was Gathered here To Be Disposed of According To
Sanatory Moral Rules.
Hillaton Was A Comparatively Well-Behaved and Decorous City; But In
Every Large Community There Is Always A Certain Amount Of Human
Sediment, And Haldane Felt That He Had Fallen Low Indeed, When He Found
Himself Classed and Huddled with Miserable Objects Whose Existence He
Had Never Before Realized. Near Him Stood Men Who Apparently Had Barely
Enough Humanity Left To Make Their Dominating animal Natures More
Dangerous And Difficult To Control. To The Instincts Of A Beast Was
Added something Of A Man'S Intelligence, But So Developed that It Was
Often Little More Than Cunning. If, When Throwing away His Manhood, Man
Becomes A Creature More To Be Dreaded than A Beast Or Venomous Reptile,
Whichever He Happens Most To Resemble, Woman, Parting With Her
Womanhood, Scarcely Finds Her Counterpart Even In the Most Noxious Forms
Of Earthly Existence. She Becomes, In her Perversion, Something That Is
Unnatural And Monstrous; Something, So Opposite To The Creator'S Design,
As To Suggest It Only In caricature, Or, More Often, In fiendish
Mockery. The Gorgons, Sirens, And Harpies Of The Ancients Are Scarcely
Myths, For Their Fabled forms Only Too Accurately Portray, Not The
Superficial And Transient Outward Appearance, But The Enduring Character
Side By Side With Haldane Stood A Creature Whose Dishevelled, Rusty
Hair, Blotched and Bloated features, Wanton, Cunning, Restless Eyes,
Combined perfectly To Form The Head Of The Mythological Harpy. It
Required little Effort Of The Imagination To Believe That Her Foul,
Bedraggled dress Concealed the "Wings And Talons Of The Vulture." Being
Still Unsteady From Her Night'S Debauch, She Leaned against The Young
Man, And When He Shrank In loathing away, She, To Annoy Him, Clasped him
In Her Arms, To The Uproarious Merriment Of The Miscellaneous Crowd That
Is Ever Present At A Police Court. Haldane Broke Away From Her Grasp
With Such Force As To Make Quite A Commotion, And At The Same Time Said
Loudly And Fiercely To The Officer Who Had Arrested him:
"You May Have Power To Take Me To Jail, But You Have Not, And Shall Not
Have, The Right Nor The Power To Subject Me To Such Indignities."
"Silence There! Keep Order In the Court!" Commanded the Judge.
The Officer Removed his Prisoner A Little Further Apart From The Others,
Growling as He Did So:
"If You Don'T Like Your Company, You Should Have Kept Out Of It."
Even In his Overwhelming anxiety And Distress Haldane Could Not Forbear
Giving a Few Curious Glances At His Companions. He Had Dropped out Of
His Old World Into A New One, And These Were Its Inhabitants. In their
Degradation And Misery He Seemed to See Himself And His Future
Reflected. What Had The Policeman Said?--"Your Company," And With A
Keener Pang Than He Had Yet Experienced he Realized that This Was His
Company, That He Now Belonged to The Criminal Classes. He Who Yesterday
Had The Right To Speak To Laura Romeyn, Was Now Herded with Drunkards,
Thieves, And Prostitutes; He Who Yesterday Could Enter Mrs. Arnot'S
Parlor, Might Now As Easily Enter Heaven. As The Truth Of His Situation
Gradually Dawned upon Him, He Felt As If An Icy Hand Were Closing Upon
His Heart.
But Little Time, However, Was Given Him For Observation Or Bitter
Revery. With The Rapid And Routine-Like Manner Of One Made Both Callous
And Expert By Long Experience, The Magistrate Was Sorting and Disposing
Of The Miserable Waifs. Now He Has Before Him The Inmates Of A
"Disorderly House," Upon Which A "Raid" Had Been Made The Previous
Night. What Is That Fair Young Girl With Blue Eyes Doing among Those
Coarse-Featured human Dregs, Her Companions? She Looks Like A White Lily
That Has Been Dropped into A Puddle. Perhaps That Delicate And
Attractive Form Is But A Disguise For The Harpy'S Wings And Claws.
Perhaps A Gross, Bestial Spirit Is Masked by Her Oval Madonna-Like Face.
Perhaps She Is The Victim Of One Upon Whom God Will Wreak His Vengeance
Forever, Though Society Has For Him Scarcely A Frown.
The Puddle Is Suddenly Drained off Into Some Law-Ordained receptacle,
And The White Lily Is Swept Away With It. She Will Not Long Suggest A
Flower That Has Been Dropped into The Gutter. The Stains Upon Her Soul
Will Creep Up Into Her Face, And Make Her Hideous Like The Rest.
The Case Of Egbert Haldane Was Next Called. As The Policeman Had Said,
His Own Admissions Were Now Used against Him, For The Confidential
Clerk, And, If There Was Need, The Broken-Nosed reporter, Were On Hand
To Testify To All That Had Been Said. The Young Man Made No Attempt To
Conceal, But Tried to Explain More Fully The Circumstances Which Led to
The Act, Hoping That In them The Justice Would Find Such Extenuating
Elements As Would Prevent A Committal To Prison.
The Judge Recognized and Openly Acknowledged the Fact That It Was Not A
Case Of Deliberate Wrongdoing, And He Ordered the Arrest Of The Superior
Young Gentleman Who Had Introduced the New York Gamblers To Their
Victim; And Yet In the Eye Of The Law It Was A Clear Case Of
Embezzlement; And, As Mr. Arnot'S Friend, The Magistrate Felt Little
Disposition To Prevent Things From Taking Their Usual Course. The
Prisoner Must Either Furnish Bail At Once, Or Be Committed until He
Could Do So, Or Until The Case Could Be Properly Tried. As Haldane Was A
Comparative Stranger In hillaton There Was No One To Whom He Felt He
Could Apply, And He Supposed it Would Require Some Little Time For His
Mother To Arrange The Matter. Upon His Signifying That He Could Not
Furnish Bail Immediately, The Judge Promptly Ordered his Committal To
The Common Jail Of The City, Which Happened to Be At Some Distance From
The Building Then Employed for The Preliminary Examinations.
It Was While On His Way To This Place Of Detention That He Heard Mrs.
Arnot'S Voice, And Encountered her Eyes And Those Of Laura Romeyn. His
First Impulse Was To End Both His Suffering and Himself By Some
Desperate Act, But He Was Powerless Even To Harm Himself.
The Limit Of Endurance, However Had Been Reached. The Very Worst That He
Could Imagine Had Befallen Him. Laura Romeyn Had Looked upon His
Unutterable Shame And Disgrace. From A Quivering and Almost Agonizing
Sensibility To His Situation He Reacted into Sullen Indifference. He No
Longer Saw The Sun Shining In the Sky, Nor The Familiar Sights Of The
Street; He No Longer Heard Nor Heeded the Jeering Rabble That Came
Tramping after. He Became For The Time Scarcely More Than A Piece Of
Mechanism, That Barely Retained the Power Of Voluntary Motion, But Had
Lost Ability To Feel And Think. When, At Last, He Entered his Narrow
Cell, Eight Feet By Eight, The Wish Half Formed itself In his Mind That
It Was Six Feet By Two, And That He Might Hide In it Forever.
He Sat Down On The Rough Wooden Couch Which Formed the Only Furniture Of
The Room, And Buried his Face In his Hands, Conscious Only Of A Dull,
Leaden Weight Of Pain. He Made No Effort To Obtain Legal Counsel Or To
Communicate His Situation To His Mother. Indeed, He Dreaded to See Her,
And He Felt That He Could Not Look His Sisters In the Face Again. The
Prison Cell Seemed a Refuge From The Terrible Scorn Of The World, And
His Present Impulse Was To Cower Behind Its Thick Walls For The Rest Of
His Life.
Chapter XIV (Mr. Arnot'S System Works Badly)
Mr. Arnot Was So Disturbed by His Wife'S Visit That He Found It
Impossible To Return To The Routine Of Business, And, Instead Of
Maintaining The Cold, Lofty Bearing Of A Man Whose Imperious Will Awed
And Controlled all Within Its Sphere, He Fumed up And Down His Office
Like One Who Had Been Caught In the Toils Himself. In the Morning It Had
Seemed that There Could Not Have Been A Fairer Opportunity To Vindicate
His Iron System, And Make It Irresistible. The Offending Subject In his
Business Realm Should Receive Due Punishment, And All The Rest Be Taught
That They Were Governed by Inexorable Laws, Which Would Be Executed with
The Certainty And Precision With Which The Wheels Moved in a Great
Factory Under The Steady Impulse Of The Motor Power. But The Whole
Matter Now Bade Fair To End In a Tangled snarl, Whose Final Issue No One
Could Foretell.
He Was Sensitive To Public Opinion, And Had Supposed that His Course
Would Be Upheld And Applauded, And He Be Commended as A Conservator Of
Public Morals. He Now Feared, However, That He Would Be Portrayed as
Harsh, Grasping, And Unfeeling. It Did Not Trouble Him That He Was So,
But That He Would Be Made To Appear So.
But His Wife'S Words In reference To The Withdrawal Of Her Large
Property From His Business Was A Far More Serious Consideration. He Had
Learned how Resolute And Unswerving She Could Be In matters Of
Conscience, And He Knew That She Was Not In the Habit Of Making Idle
Threats In moments Of Irritation. If, Just At This Time, When He Was
Widely Extending His Business, She Should Demand A Separate Investment
Of Her Means, It Would Embarrass And Cripple Him In no Slight Degree. If
This Should Be One Of The Results Of His Master-Stroke, He Would Have
Reason To Curse His Brilliant Policy All His Days. He Would Now Be Only
Too Glad To Get Rid Of The Haldane Affair On Any Terms, For Thus Far It
Had Proved only A Source Of Annoyance And Mortification. He Was Somewhat
Consoled, However, When His Confidential Clerk Returned and Intimated
That The Examination Before The Justice Had Been Brief; That Haldane Had
Eagerly Stated his Case To The Justice, But When That Dignitary Remarked
That It Was A Clear Case Of Embezzlement, And That He Would Have To
Commit The Prisoner Unless Some One Went Security For His Future
Appearance, The Young Fellow Had Grown Sullen And Answered, "Send Me To
Jail Then; I Have No Friends In this Accursed city."
To Men Of The Law And Of Sense The Case Was As Clear As Daylight.
But Mr. Arnot Was Not By Any Means Through With His Disagreeable
Experiences. He Had Been A Manufacturer Sufficiently Long To Know That
When A Piece Of Machinery Is Set In motion, Not Merely The Wheels
Nearest To One Will Move, But Also Others That For The Moment May Be Out
Of Sight. He Who Proposes To Have A Decided influence Upon A
Fellow-Creature'S Destiny Should Remember Our Complicated relations, For
He Cannot Lay His Strong Grasp Upon One Life Without Becoming Entangled
In The Interests Of Many Others.
Mr. Arnot Was Finding This Out To His Cost, For He Had Hardly Composed
Himself To His Writing again Before There Was A Rustle Of A Lady'S
Garments In the Outer Office, And A Hasty Step Across The Threshold Of
His Private _Sanctum_. Looking Up, He Saw, To His Dismay, The Pale,
Frightened face Of Mrs. Haldane.
"Where Is Egbert?--Where Is My Son?" She Asked abruptly.
At That Moment Mr. Arnot Admitted to Himself That He Had Never Been
Asked so Embarrassing a Question In all His Life. Before Him Was His
Wife'S Friend, A Lady Of The Highest Social Rank, And She Was So
Unmistakably A Lady That He Could Treat Her With Only The Utmost
Deference. He Saw With Alarm Himself The Mother'S Nervous And Trembling
Apprehension, For There Was Scarcely Anything Under Heaven That He Would
Not Rather Face Than A Scene With A Hysterical Woman. If This Was To Be
The Climax Of His Policy He Would Rather Have Lost The Thousand Dollars
Than Have Had It Occur. Rising From His Seat, He Said Awkwardly:
"Really, Madam, I Did Not Expect You Here This Morning."
"I Was On My Way To New York, And Decided to Stop And Give My Son A
Surprise. But This Paper--This Dreadful Report--What Does It Mean?"
"I Am Sorry To Say, Madam, It Is All Too True," Replied mr. Arnot
Uneasily. "Please Take A Chair, Or Perhaps It Would Be Better For You To
Go At Once To Our House And See Mrs. Arnot," He Added, Now Glad To
Escape The Interview On Any Terms.
"What Is Too True?" She Gasped.
"I Think You Had Better See Mrs. Arnot; She Will Explain," Said The
Unhappy Man, Who Felt That His System Was Tumbling In chaos About His
Ears. "Let Me Assist You To Your Carriage."
"Do You Think I Can Endure The Suspense Of Another Moment? In mercy
Speak--Tell Me The Worst!"
"Well," Said Mr. Arnot, With A Shiver Like That Of One About To Plunge
Into A Cold Bath, "I Suppose You Will Learn Sooner Or Later That Your
Son Has Committed a Very Wrong Act. But," He Added hastily, On Seeing
Mrs. Haldane'S Increasing Pallor, "There Are Extenuating
Circumstances--At Least, I Shall Act As If There Were."
"But What Has He Done--Where Is He?" Cried the Mother In agony. Then She
Added in a Frightened whisper, "But The Matter Can Be Hushed up--There
Need be No Publicity--Oh, That Would Kill Me! Please Take Steps--"
"Mr. Arnot," Said A Young Man Just Entering, And Speaking In a Piping,
Penetrating Voice," I Represent The 'Evening Spy.' I Wish To Obtain From
You For Publication The Particulars Of This Disgraceful Affair" Then,
Seeing Mrs. Haldane, Who Had Dropped her Veil, And Was Trembling
Violently, He Added, "I Hope I Am Not Intruding; I--"
"Yes, Sir, You Are Intruding," Said Mr. Arnot Harshly.
"Then, Perhaps, Sir, You Will Be So Kind As To Step Outside For A
Moment. I Can Take Down Your Words Rapidly, And--"
"Step Outside Yourself, Sir. I Have Nothing Whatever To Say To You."
"I Beg You To Reconsider That Decision, Sir. Of Course, A Full Account
Of The Affair Must Appear In this Evening'S 'Spy.' It Will Be Your Own
Fault If It Is Not True In all Respects. It Is Said That You Have Acted
Harshly In the Matter--That It Was Young Haldane'S First Offence,
"Leave My Office!" Thundered mr. Arnot.
The Lynx-Eyed reporter, While Speaking Thus Rapidly, Had Been
Scrutinizing The Veiled and Trembling Lady, And He Was Scarcely
Disappointed that She Now Rose Hastily, And Threw Back Her Veil As She
Said Eagerly:
"Why Must The Whole Affair Be Published? You Say Truly That His Offence,
Whatever It Is, Is His First. Surely The Editor Of Your Paper Will Not
Be So Cruel As To Blast A Young Man Forever With Disgrace!"
"Mrs. Haldane, I Presume," Said The Reporter, Tracing a Few
Hieroglyphics In his Note-Book.
"Yes," Continued the Lady, Speaking From The Impulse Of Her Heart,
Rather Than From Any Correct Knowledge Of The World, "And I Will Pay
Willingly Any Amount To Have The Whole Matter Quietly Dropped. I Could
Not Endure Anything Of This Kind, For I Have No Husband To Shelter Me,
And The Boy Has No Father To Protect Him."
Mr. Arnot Groaned in spirit That He Had Not Considered this Case In any
Of Its Aspects Save Those Which Related to His Business. He Had Formed
The Habit Of Regarding all Other Considerations As Unworthy Of
Attention, But Here, Certainly, Was A Most Disagreeable Exception.
"You Touch My Feelings Deeply," Said The Reporter, In a Tone That Never
For A Second Lost Its Professional Cadence, "But I Much Regret That Your
Hopes Cannot Be Realized. Your Son'S Act Could Scarcely Be Kept A Secret
After The Fact--Known To All--That He Has Been Openly Dragged to Prison
Through The Streets," And The Gatherer Of News And Sensations Kept An
Eye On Each Of His Victims As He Made This Statement. A Cabalistic Sign
In His Note-Book Indicated the Visible Wincing Of The Enraged and
Half-Distracted manufacturer, Whose System Was Like An Engine Off The
Track, Hissing and Helpless; And A Few Other Equally Obscure Marks
Suggested to The Initiated the Lady'S Words As She Half Shrieked:
"My Son Dragged through The Streets To Prison! By Whom--Who Could Do So
Dreadful?"--And She Sank Shudderingly Into A Chair, And Covered her Face
With Her Hands, As If To Shut Out A Harrowing Vision.
"I Regret To Say, Madam, That It Was By A Policeman," Added the
"And Thither A Policeman Shall Drag You, If You Do Not Instantly Vacate
These Premises!" Said Mr. Arnot, Hoarse With Rage.
"Thank You For Your Courtesy," Answered the Reporter, Shutting His Book
With A Snap Like That Of A Steel Trap. "I Have Now About All The Points
I Wish To Get Here. I Understand That Mr. Patrick M'Cabe Is No Longer
Under Any Obligations To You, And From Him I Can Learn Additional
Particulars. Good-Morning."
"Yes, Go To That Unsullied source Of Truth, Whom I Have Just Discharged
For Lying and Disobedience. Go To Perdition, Also, If You Please; But
Take Yourself Out Of My Office," Said Mr. Arnot Recklessly, For He Was
Growing Desperate From The Unexpected complications Of The Case. Then He
Summoned one Of His Clerks, And Said In a Tone Of Authority, "Take This
Lady To My Residence, And Leave Her In the Care Of Mrs. Arnot."
Mrs. Haldane Rose Unsteadily, And Tottered toward The Door.
"No," Said She Bitterly; "I May Faint In the Street, But I Will Not Go
Your House."
"Then Assist The Lady To Her Carriage;" And Mr. Arnot Turned the Key Of
His Private Office With Muttered imprecations Upon The Whole Wretched
"Whither Shall I Tell The Man To Drive?" Asked the Clerk, After Mrs.
Haldane Had Sunk Back Exhausted on The Seat.
The Lady Put Her Hand To Her Brow, And Tried to Collect Her Distracted
Thoughts, And, After A Moment'S Hesitation, Said:
"To The Prison."
The Carriage Containing Mrs. Haldane Stopped at Last Before The Gloomy
Massive Building, The Upper Part Of Which Was Used as A Court-Room And
Offices For City And County Officials, While In the Basement Were
Constructed the Cells Of The Prison. It Required a Desperate Effort On
The Part Of The Timid And Delicate Lady, Who For Years Had Almost Been A
Recluse From The World, To Summon Courage To Alight And Approach A Place
That To Her Abounded in many And Indefinite Horrors. She Was Too
Preoccupied to Observe That Another Carriage Had Drawn Up To The
Entrance, And The First Intimation That She Had Of Mrs. Arnot'S Presence
Occurred when That Lady Took Her Hand In the Shadow Of The Porch, And
"Mrs. Haldane, I Am Greatly Surprised to See You Here; But You Can Rely
Upon Me As A True Friend Throughout This Trial. I Shall Do All In my
Power To--"
After The First Violent Start Caused by Her Disturbed nervous Condition,
Mrs. Haldane Asked, In a Reproachful And Almost Passionate Tone:
"Why Did You Not Prevent--" And Then She Hesitated, As If She Could Not
Bring Herself To Utter The Concluding Words.
"I Could Not; I Did Not Know; But Since I Heard I Have Been Doing
Everything In my Power."
"It Was Your Husband Who--"
"Yes," Replied mrs. Arnot, Sadly, Completing In thought Her Friend'S
Unfinished sentence. "But I Had No Part In the Act, And No Knowledge Of
It Until A Short Time Since. I Am Now Doing all I Can To Procure Your
Son'S Speedy Release. My Husband'S Action Has Been Perfectly Legal, And
We, Who Would Temper Justice With Mercy, Must Do So In a Legal Way.
Permit Me To Introduce You To My Friend, Mr. Melville. He Can Both
Advise Us And Carry Out Such Arrangements As Are Necessary;" And Mrs.
Haldane Saw That Mrs. Arnot Was Accompanied by A Gentleman, Whom In her
Distress She Had Not Hitherto Noticed.
The Janitor Now Opened the Door, And Ushered them Into A Very Plain
Apartment, Used both As An Office And Reception-Room. Mrs. Haldane Was
So Overcome By Her Emotion That Her Friend Led her To A Chair, And
Continued her Reassuring Words In a Low Voice Designed for Her Ears
"Mr. Melville Is A Lawyer, And Knows How To Manage These Matters. You
May Trust Him Implicitly. I Will Give Security For Your Son'S Future
Appearance, Should It Be Necessary, And I Am Quite Satisfied it Will Not
Be, As My Husband Has Promised me That He Will Not Prosecute If The
Money Is Refunded."
"I Would Have Paid Ten Times The Amount--Anything Rather Than Have
Suffered this Public Disgrace," Sobbed the Poor Woman, Who, True To Her
Instincts And Life-Long Habit Of Thought, Dwelt More Upon The Consequent
Shame Of Her Son'S Act Than Its Moral Character.
"Mr. Melville Says He Will Give Bail In his Own Name For Me," Resumed
Mrs. Arnot, "As, Of Course, I Do Not Wish To Appear To Be Acting In
Opposition To My Husband. Indeed, I Am Not, For He Is Willing That Some
Such An Arrangement Should Be Made. He Has Very Many In his Employ, And
Feels That He Must Be Governed by Rigid Rules. Mr. Melville Assures Me
That He Can Speedily Effect Egbert'S Release. Perhaps It Will Save You
Pain To Go At Once To Our House And Meet Your Son There."
"No," Replied the Mother, Rising, "I Wish To See Him At Once. I _Do_
Appreciate _Your_ Kindness, But I Cannot Go To The Place Which Shelters
Your Husband. I Can Never Forgive Him. Nor Can I Go To A Hotel. I Would
Rather Stay In this Prison Until I Can Hide Myself And My Miserable Son
In Our Own Home. Oh, How Dark And Dreadful Are God'S Ways! To Think That
The Boy That I Had Brought Up In the Church, As It Were, Should Show
Such Unnatural Depravity!" Then, Stepping To The Door, She Said To The
Under-Sheriff In waiting, "Please Take Me To My Son At Once, If
"Would You Like Me To Go With You?" Asked mrs. Arnot, Gently.
"Yes, Yes! For I May Faint On The Way. Oh, How Differently This Day Is
Turning Out From What I Expected! I Was In hopes That Egbert Could Meet
Me In a Little Trip To New York, And I Find Him In prison!"
Chapter XV (Haldane'S Resolve)
It Was Not In accordance With Nature Nor With Haldane'S Peculiar
Temperament That He Should Remain Long Under A Stony Paralysis Of Shame
And Despair. Though Tall And Manlike In appearance, He Was Not A Man.
Boyish Traits And Impulses Still Lingered; Indeed, They Had Been
Fostered and Maintained longer Than Usual By A Fond And Indulgent
Mother. It Was Not An Evidence Of Weakness, But Rather A Wholesome
Instinct Of Nature, That His Thoughts Should Gradually Find Courage To
Go To That Mother As His Only Source Of Comfort And Help. She, At Least,
Would Not Scorn Him, And With Her He Might Find A Less Dismal Refuge
Than His Narrow Cell, Should It Be Possible To Escape Imprisonment. If
It Were Not, He Was Too Young And Unacquainted with Misfortune Not To
Long For A Few Kind Words Of Comfort.
He Did Not Even Imagine That Mrs. Arnot, The Wife Of His Employer, Would
Come Near Him In his Deep Disgrace. Even The Thought Of Her Kindness And
His Requital Of It Now Stung Him To The Quick, And He Fairly Writhed as
He Pictured to Himself The Scorn That Must Have Been On Laura'S Face As
She Saw Him On His Way To Prison Like A Common Thief.
As He Remembered how Full Of Rich Promise Life Was But A Few Days Since,
And How All Had Changed even More Swiftly And Unexpectedly Than The
Grotesque Events Of A Horrid Dream, He Bowed his Head In his Hands And
Sobbed like A Grief-Stricken Child.
"O Mother, Mother," He Groaned, "If I Could Only Hear Your Voice And
Feel Your Touch, A Little Of This Crushing Weight Might Be Lifted off My
Growing Calmer After A Time, He Was Able To Consider His Situation More
Connectedly, And He Was About To Summon The Sheriff In charge Of The
Prison, That He Might Telegraph His Mother, When He Heard Her Voice As,
In The Company Of That Official, She Was Seeking Her Way To Him.
He Shrank Back In his Cell. His Heart Beat Violently As He Heard The
Rustle Of Her Dress. The Sheriff Unlocked the Grated iron Door Which Led
To The Long, Narrow Corridor Into Which The Cells Opened, And To Which
Prisoners Had Access During The Day.
"He'S In that Cell, Ladies," Said The Officer'S Voice, And Then, With
Commendable Delicacy, Withdrew, Having First Ordered the Prisoners In
His Charge To Their Cells.
"Lean Upon My Arm," Urged a Gentle Voice, Which Haldane Recognized as
That Of Mrs. Arnot.
"O, This Is Awful!" Moaned the Stricken Woman; "This Is More Than
_I_ Can Endure."
The Pronoun She Used threw A Chill On The Heart Of Her Son, But When She
Tottered to The Door Of His Cell He Sprang Forward With The Low,
Appealing Cry:
But The Poor Gentlewoman Was So Overcome That She Sank Down On A Bench
By The Door, And, With Her Face Buried in her Hands, As If To Shut Out A
Vision That Would Blast Her, She Rocked back And Forth In anguish, As
She Groaned:
"O Egbert, Egbert! You Have Disgraced me, You Have Disgraced your
Sisters, You Have Disgraced yourself Beyond Remedy. O God! What Have I
Done To Merit This Awful, This Overwhelming Disaster?"
With Deep Pain And Solicitude Mrs. Arnot Watched the Young Man'S Face As
The Light From The Grated window Fell Upon It. The Appeal That Trembled
In His Voice Had Been More Plainly Manifest In his Face, Which Had Worn
An Eager And Hopeful Expression, And Even Suggested the Spirit Of The
Little Child When In some Painful Emergency It Turns To Its First And
Natural Protector.
But Most Marked was The Change Caused by The Mother'S Lamentable Want Of
Tact And Self-Control, For That Same Face Became Stony And Sullen.
Instead Of Showing a Spirit Which Deep Distress And Crushing Disaster
Had Made Almost Childlike In its Readiness To Receive A Mother'S Comfort
Once More, He Suddenly Became, In appearance, A Hardened criminal.
Mrs. Arnot Longed to Undo By Her Kindness The Evil Which Her Friend Was
Unwittingly Causing, But Could Not Come Between Mother And Son. She
Stooped down, However, And Whispered:
"Mrs. Haldane, Speak Kindly To Your Boy. He Looked to You For Sympathy.
Do Not Let Him Feel That You, Like The World, Are Against Him."
"O No," Said Mrs. Haldane, Her Sobs Ceasing Somewhat, "I Mean To Do My
Duty By Him. He Shall Always Have A Good Home, But Oh! What A Blight And
A Shadow He Has Brought To That Home! That I Should Have Ever Lived to
See This Day! O Egbert, Egbert! Your Sisters Will Have To Live Like
Nuns, For They Can Never Even Go Out Upon The Street Again; And To Think
That The Finger Of Scorn Should Be Pointed after You In the City Where
Your Father Made Our Name So Honorable!"
"It Never Shall Be," Said Haldane Coldly. "You Have Only To Leave Me In
Prison To Be Rid Of Me A Long Time."
"Leave You, In prison!" Exclaimed his Mother; "I Would As Soon Stay Here
Myself. No; Through Mrs. Arnot'S Kindness, Arrangements Are Made For
Your Release. I Shall Then Take You To Our Miserable Home As Soon As
"I Am Not Going Home."
"Now, This Is Too Much! What Will You Do?"
"I Shall Remain In this City," He Replied, Speaking From An Angry
Impulse. "It Was Here I Fell And Covered myself With Shame, And I Shall
Here Fight My Way Back To The Position I Lost. The Time Shall Come When
You Will No Longer Say I'M A Disgrace To You And My Sisters. My Heart
Was Breaking, And The First Word You Greet Me With Is 'Disgrace'; And If
I Went Home, Disgrace Would Always Be In your Mind, If Not Upon Your
Tongue. I Should Have The Word And Thought Kept Before Me Till I Went
Mad. If I Go Home All My Old Acquaintances Would Sneer At Me As A
Mean-Spirited cur, Whose Best Exploit Was To Get In jail, And When His
Mother Obtained his Release He Could Do Nothing More Manly Than Hide
Behind Her Apron The Rest Of His Days. As Far As I Can Judge, You And My
Sisters Would Have No Better Opinion Of Me. I Have Been A Wicked fool, I
Admit, But I Was Not A Deliberate Thief. I Did Hope For A Little Comfort
From You. But Since All The World Is Against Me, I'Ll Face And Fight The
World. I Have Been Dragged through These Streets, The Scorn Of Every
One, And I Will Remain In this City Until I Compel The Respect Of Its
Proudest Citizen."
The Moment He Ceased his Passionate Utterance, Mrs. Arnot Said Kindly
And Gravely:
"Egbert, You Are Mistaken. There Was No Scorn In my Eyes, But Rather
Deep Pity And Sorrow. While Your Course Has Been Very Wrong, You Have No
Occasion To Despair, And As Long As You Will Try To Become A True Man
You Shall Have My Sympathy And Friendship. You Do Not Understand Your
Mother. She Loves You As Truly As Ever, And Is Willing To Make Any
Sacrifice For You. Only, Her Fuller Knowledge Of The World Makes Her
Realize More Truly Than You Yet Can The Consequences Of Your Act. The
Sudden Shock Has Overwhelmed her. Her Distress Shows How Deeply She Is
Wounded, And You Should Try To Comfort Her By A Lifetime Of Kindness."
"The Best Way I Can Comfort Her Is By Deeds That Will Wipe Out The
Memory Of My Disgrace; And," He Continued, His Impulsive, Sanguine
Spirit Kindling With The Thought And Prospect, "I Will Regain All And
More Than I Have Lost. The Time Shall Come When Neither She Nor My
Sisters Will Have Occasion To Blush For Me, Nor To Seclude Themselves
From The World Because Of Their Relation To Me."
"I Should Think My Heart Was Sufficiently Crushed and Broken Already,"
Mrs. Haldane Sobbed, "Without Your Adding To Its Burden By Charging Me
With Being an Unnatural Mother. I Cannot Understand How A Boy Brought Up
As Religiously As You Have Been Can Show Such Strange Depravity. The
Idea That A Child Of Mine Could Do Anything Which Would Bring Him To
Such A Place As This!"
His Mother'S Words And Manner Seemed to Exasperate Her Son Beyond
Endurance, And He Exclaimed passionately:
"Well, Curse It All! I Am Here. What'S The Use Of Harping On That Any
Longer? Can'T You Listen When I Say I Want To Retrieve Myself? As To My
Religious Bringing Up, It Never Did Me A Particle Of Good. If You Had
Whipped my Infernal Nonsense Out Of Me, And Made Me Mind When I Was
Little--There, There, Mother," He Concluded more Considerately, As She
Began To Grow Hysterical Under His Words, "Do, For God'S Sake, Be More
Composed! We Can'T Help What Has Happened now. I'Ll Either Change The
World'S Opinion Of Me, Or Else Get Out Of It."
"How Can I Be Composed when You Talk In so Dreadful A Manner? You Can'T
Change The World'S Opinion. It Never Forgives And Never Forgets. It'S
The Same As If You Had Said, I'Ll Either Do What Is Impossible Or Throw
Away My Life!"
"My Dear Mrs. Haldane," Said Mrs. Arnot, Gently But Firmly, "Your Just
And Natural Grief Is Such That You Cannot Now Judge Correctly And Wisely
Concerning This Matter. The Emergency Is So Unexpected and So Grave That
Neither You Nor Your Son Should Form Opinions Or Make Resolves Until
There Has Been Time For Calmer Thought. Let Me Take You Home With Me
Now, And As Soon As Egbert Is Released he Can Join You There."
"No, Mrs. Arnot," Said Haldane Decidedly; "I Shall Never Enter Your
Parlor Again Until I Can Enter It As A Gentleman--As One Whom Your
Other Guests, Should I Meet Them, Would Recognize As A Gentleman. Your
Kindness Is As Great As It Is Unexpected, But I Shall Take No Mean
Advantage Of It."
"Well, Then," Said Mrs. Arnot With A Sigh, "Nothing Can Be Gained by
Prolonging This Painful Interview. We Are Detaining Mr. Melville, And
Delaying Egbert'S Release. Come, Mrs. Haldane; I Can Take You To The
Private Entrance Of A Quiet Hotel, Where You Can Be Entirely Secluded
Until You Are Ready To Return Home. Egbert Can Come There As Soon As The
Needful Legal Forms Are Complied with."
"No," Said The Young Man With His Former Decision, "Mother And I Must
Take Leave Of Each Other Here. Mother Wants No Jail-Birds Calling On Her
At The Hotel. When I Have Regained my Social Footing--When She Is Ready
To Take My Arm And Walk Up Main Street Of This City--Then She Shall See
Me As Often As She Wishes. It Was My Own Cursed folly That Brought Me To
The Gutter, And If Mother Will Pay The Price Of My Freedom, I Will Alone
And Unaided make My Way Back Among The Highest And Proudest."
"I Sincerely Hope You May Win Such A Position," Said Mrs. Arnot Gravely,
"And It Is Not Impossible For You To Do So, Though I Wish You Would Make
The Attempt In a Different Spirit; But Please Remember That These
Considerations Do Not Satisfy And Comfort A Mother'S Heart. You Should
Think Of All Her Past Kindness; You Should Realize How Deeply You Have
Now Wounded her, And Strive With Tenderness And Patience To Mitigate The
"Mother, I Am Sorry, More Sorry Than You Can Ever Know," He Said,
Advancing To Her Side And Taking Her Hand, "And I Have Been Bitterly
Punished; But I Did Not Mean To Do What I Did; I Was Drunk--"
"Drunk!" Gasped the Mother, "Merciful Heaven!"
"Yes, Drunk--May The Next Drop Of Wine I Take Choke Me!--And I Did Not
Know What I Was Doing. But Do Not Despair Of Me. I Feel That I Have It
In Me To Make A Man Yet. Go Now With Mrs. Arnot, And Aid In her Kind
Efforts To Procure My Release. When You Have Succeeded, Return Home, And
Think Of Me As Well As You Can Until I Make You Think Better," And He
Raised and Kissed her With Something Like Tenderness, And Then Placed
Within Mrs. Arnot'S Arm The Hand Of The Poor Weak Woman, Who Had Become
So Faint And Exhausted from Her Conflicting Emotions That She Submitted
To Be Led away After A Feeble Remonstrance.
Mrs. Arnot Sent Mr. Melville To The Prisoner, And Also The Food She Had
Brought. She Then Took Mrs. Haldane To A Hotel, Where, In the Seclusion
Of Her Room, She Could Have Every Attention And Comfort. With Many
Reassuring Words She Promised to Call Later In the Day, And If Possible
Bring With Her The Unhappy Cause Of The Poor Gentlewoman'S Distress.
Chapter XVI (The Impulses Of Wounded pride)
That Which At First Was Little More Than An Impulse, Caused by Wounded
Pride, Speedily Developed into A Settled purpose, And Haldane Would
Leave His Prison Cell Fully Bent On Achieving Great Things. In
Accordance With A Tendency In impulsive Natures, He Reacted from
Something Like Despair Into Quite A Sanguine And Heroic Mood. He Would
"Face And Fight The World, Ay, And Conquer It, Too." He Would Go Out
Into The Streets Which Had Witnessed his Disgrace, And, Penniless,
Empty-Handed, Dowered only With Shame, He Would Prove His Manhood By
Winning a Position That Would Compel Respect And More Than Respect.
Mrs. Arnot, Who Returned immediately To The Prison, Was Puzzled to Know
How To Deal With Him. She Approved of His Resolution To Remain In
Hillaton, And Of His Purpose To Regain Respect And Position On The Very
Spot, As It Were, Where, By His Crime And Folly, He Had Lost Both. She
Was Satisfied that Such A Course Promised far Better For The Future Than
A Return To His Mother'S Luxurious Home. With All Its Beauty And Comfort
It Would Become To Him Almost Inevitably A Slough, Both Of "Despond" And
Of Dissipation--Dissipation Of The Worst And Most Hopeless Kind,
Wherein The Victim'S Ruling Motive Is To Get Rid Of Self. The Fact That
The Young Man Was Capable Of Turning Upon And Facing a Scornful And
Hostile World Was A Good And Hopeful Sign. If He Had Been Willing To
Slink Away With His Mother, Bent Only On Escape From Punishment And On
The Continuance Of Animal Enjoyment, Mrs. Arnot Would Have Felt That His
Nature Was Not Sufficiently Leavened with Manhood To Give Hope Of
But While His Action Did Suggest Hope, It Also Contained elements Of
Discouragement. She Did Not Find Fault With What He Proposed to Do, But
With The Spirit In which He Was Entering On His Most Difficult Task. His
Knowledge Of The World Was So Crude And Partial That He Did Not At All
Realize The Herculean Labor That He Now Became Eager To Attempt; And He
Was Bent On Accomplishing Everything In a Way That Would Minister To His
Own Pride, And Proposed to Be Under Obligations To No One.
Mrs. Arnot, With Her Deep And Long Experience, Knew How Vitally
Important It Is That Human Endeavor Should Be Supplemented by Divine
Aid, And She Sighed deeply As She Saw That The Young Man Not Only
Ignored this Need, But Did Not Even Seem Conscious Of It. Religion Was
To Him A Matter Of Form And Profession, To Which He Was Utterly
Indifferent. The Truth That God Helps The Distressed as A Father Helps
And Comforts His Child, Was A Thought That Then Made No Impression On
Him Whatever. God And All Relating To Him Were Abstractions, And He Felt
That The Emergency Was Too Pressing, Too Imperative, For Considerations
That Had No Practical And Immediate Bearing Upon His Present Success.
Indeed, Such Was His Pride And Self-Confidence, That He Refused to
Receive From Mrs. Arnot, And Even From His Mother, Anything More Than
The Privilege Of Going Out Empty-Handed into The City Which Was To
Become The Arena Of His Future Exploits.
He Told Mrs. Arnot The Whole Story, And She Had Hoped that She Could
Place His Folly And Crime Before Him In its True Moral Aspects, And By
Dealing Faithfully, Yet Kindly, With Him, Awaken His Conscience. But She
Had The Tact To Discover Very Soon That Such Effort Was Now Worse Than
Useless. It Was Not His Conscience, But His Pride, That Had Been Chiefly
Wounded. He Felt His Disgrace, His Humiliation, In the Eyes Of Men
Almost Too Keenly, And He Was Consumed with Desire To Regain Society'S
Favor. But He Did Not Feel His Sin. To God'S Opinion Of Him He Scarcely
Gave A Thought. He Regarded his Wrong Act In the Light Of A Sudden And
Grave Misfortune Rather Than As The Manifestation Of A Foul And Inherent
Disease Of His Soul. He Had Lost His Good Name As A Man Loses His
Property, And Believed that He, In his Own Strength, And Without Any
Moral Change, Could Regain It.
When Parting at The Prison, Mrs. Arnot Gave Him Her Hand, And Said:
"I Trust That Your Hopes May Be Realized, And Your Efforts Meet With
Success; But I Cannot Help Warning You That I Fear You Do Not Realize
What You Are Attempting. The World Is Not Only Very Cold, But Also
Suspicious And Wary In its Disposition Toward Those Who Have Forfeited
Its Confidence. I Cannot Learn That You Have Any Definite Plans Or
Prospects. I Have Never Been Able To Accomplish Much Without God'S Help.
You Not Only Seem To Forget Your Need of Him, But You Are Not Even
Willing To Receive Aid From Me Or Your Own Mother. I Honor And Respect
You For Making The Attempt Upon Which You Are Bent, But I Fear That
Pride Rather Than Wisdom Is Your Counsellor In carrying Out Your
Resolution; And Both God'S Word And Human Experience Prove That Pride
Goes But A Little Way Before A Fall."
"I Have Reached a Depth," Replied haldane, Bitterly, "From Whence I
Cannot Fall; And It Will Be Hereafter Some Consolation To Remember That
I Was Not Lifted out Of The Mire, But That I Got Out. If I Cannot Climb
Up Again It Were Better I Perished in the Gutter Of My Shame."
"I Am Sorry, Egbert, That You Cut Yourself Off From The Most Hopeful And
Helpful Relations Which You Can Ever Sustain. A Father Helps His
Children Through Their Troubles, And So God Is Desirous Of Helping Us.
There Are Some Things Which We Cannot Do Alone--It Is Not Meant That We
Should. God Is Ever Willing To Help Those Who Are Down, And Christians
Are Not Worthy Of The Name Unless They Are Also Willing. It Is Our Duty
To Make Every Effort Of Which We Ourselves Are Capable; But This Is Only
Half Our Duty. Since Our Tasks Are Beyond Our Strength And Ability, We
Are Equally Bound To Receive Such Human Aid As God Sends Us, And, Chief
Of All, To Ask Daily, And Sometimes Hourly, That His Strength Be Made
Perfect In our Weakness. But There Are Some Lessons Which Are Only
Learned by Experience. I Shall Feel Deeply Grieved if You Do Not Come Or
Send For Me In any Emergency Or Time Of Special Need. In parting, I Have
One Favor To Ask, And I Think I Have A Right To Ask It. I Wish You To Go
And See Your Mother, And Spend At Least An Hour With Her Before She
Returns Home. As A Matter Of Manly Duty, Be Kind And Gentle. Remember
How Deeply You Have Wounded her, And That You Are Under The Most Sacred
Obligations To Endure Patiently All Reproaches And Expressions Of Grief.
If You Will Do This You Will Do Much To Regain My Respect, And It Will
Be A Most Excellent Step Toward A Better Life. You Can Gain Society'S
Respect Again Only By Doing Your Duty, And Nothing Can Be Duty More
Plainly Than This."
After A Moment'S Hesitation He Said, "I Do Not Think An Interview With
Mother Now Will Do Either Of Us Any Good; But, As You Say, You Have A
Right To Ask This, And Much More, Of Me. I Will Go To Her Hotel And Do
The Best I Can; But Somehow Mother Don'T Understand Human Nature--Or, At
Least, My Nature--And When I Have Been Doing Wrong She Always Makes Me
Feel Like Doing Worse."
"If You Are To Succeed in your Endeavor You Are Not To Act As You Feel.
_You Are To Do Right._ Remember That In your Effort To Win The Position
You Wish In this City, You Start With At Least One Friend To Whom You
Can Always Come. Good-By," And Mrs. Arnot Returned home Weary And Sad
From The Day'S Unforeseen Experiences.
In Answer To Laura'S Eager Questioning, She Related what Had Happened
Quite Fully, Veiling Only That Which A Delicate Regard For Others Would
Lead Her To Pass In silence. She Made The Young Girl Womanly By Treating
Her More As A Woman And A Companion Than As A Child. In mrs. Arnot'S
Estimation Her Niece Had Reached an Age When Her Innocence And
Simplicity Could Not Be Maintained by Efforts To Keep Her Shallow And
Ignorant, But By Revealing To Her Life In its Reality, So That She Might
Wisely And Gladly Choose The Good From Its Happy Contrast With Evil And
Its Inevitable Suffering.
The Innocence That Walks Blindly On Amid Earth'S Snares And Pitfalls Is
An Uncertain Possession; The Innocence That Recognizes Evil, But Turns
From It With Dread And Aversion, Is Priceless.
Mrs. Arnot Told Laura The Story Of The Young Man'S Folly Substantially
As He Had Related it To Her, But She Skilfully Showed how One
Comparatively Venial Thing Had Led to Another, Until An Act Had Been
Committed which Might Have Resulted in years Of Imprisonment.
"Let This Sad And Miserable Affair Teach You," Said She, "That We Are
Never Safe When We Commence To Do Wrong Or Act Foolishly. We Can Never
Tell To What Disastrous Lengths We May Go When We Leave The Path Of
Simple Duty."
While She Mentioned haldane'S Resolution To Regain, If Possible, His
Good Name And Position, She Skilfully Removed from The Maiden'S Mind All
Romantic Notions Concerning The Young Man And Her Relation To His
Laura'S Romantic Nature Would Always Be A Source Both Of Strength And
Weakness. While, On The One Hand, It Rendered her Incapable Of A Sordid
And Calculating Scheme Of Life, On The Other, It Might Lead To Feeling
And Action Prejudicial To Her Happiness. Mrs. Arnot Did Not Intend That
She Should Brood Over Haldane Until Her Vivid Imagination Should Weave A
Net Out Of His Misfortunes Which Might Insnare Her Heart. It Was Best
For Laura That She Should Receive Her Explanations Of Life In very Plain
Prose, And The Picture That Her Aunt Presented of Haldane And His
Prospects Was Prosaic Indeed. He Was Shown To Be But An Ordinary Young
Man, With More Than Ordinarily Bad Tendencies. While She Commended his
Effort In itself, She Plainly Stated how Wanting It Was In the True
Elements Of Success, And How Great Were Her Fears That It Would Meet
With Utter Failure. Thus The Affair Ended, As Far As Laura Was
Concerned, In a Sincere Pity For Her Premature Lover, And A Mild And
Natural Interest In his Future Welfare--But Nothing More.
Mr. Arnot Uttered an Imprecation On Learning That His Wife Had Gone
Security For Haldane. But When He Found That She Had Acted through Mr.
Melville, In such A Way That The Fact Need not Become Known, He
Concluded to Remain Silent Concerning The Matter. He And His Wife Met At
The Dinner-Table That Evening as If Nothing Unusual Had Occurred, Both
Having Concluded to Ignore All That Had Transpired, If Possible. Mrs.
Arnot Saw That Her Husband Had Only Acted characteristically, And, From
His Point Of View, Correctly. Perhaps His Recent Experience Would
Prevent Him From Being Unduly Harsh Again Should There Ever Be Similar
Cause, Which Was Quite Improbable. Since It Appeared that She Could
Minister To His Happiness In no Other Way Save Through Her Property, She
Decided to Leave Him The One Meagre Gratification Of Which He Was
The Future In its General Aspects May Here Be Anticipated by Briefly
Stating That The Echoes Of The Affair Gradually Died away. Mr. Arnot, On
The Receipt Of A Check For One Thousand Dollars From Mrs. Haldane'S
Lawyer, Was Glad To Procure Mr. Melville'S Release From The Bond For
Which His Wife Was Pledged, By Assuring The Legal Authorities That He
Would Not Prosecute. The Superior Young Man, Who Made Free Drinks The
Ambition Of His Life, Had Kept Himself Well Informed, And On Learning Of
The Order For His Arrest Left Town Temporarily For Parts Unknown. The
Papers Made The Most Of The Sensation, To The Disgust Of All Concerned,
But Reference To The Affair Soon Dwindled down To An Occasional
Paragraph. The City Press Concluded editorially That The Great
Manufacturer Had Been Harsh Only Seemingly, For The Sake Of Effect, And
With The Understanding That His Wife Would Show A Little Balancing
Kindness To The Culprit And His Aristocratic Mother. That Haldane Should
Still Remain In the City Was Explained on The Ground That He Was Ashamed
To Go Home, Or That He Was Not Wanted there.
Chapter XVII (At Odds With The World)
Haldane Kept His Promise To Spend An Hour With His Mother. While He Told
Her The Truth Concerning His Folly, He Naturally Tried to Place His
Action In the Best Light Possible. After Inducing Her To Take Some
Slight Refreshment, He Obtained a Close Carriage, And Saw Her Safely On
The Train Which Would Convey Her To The City Wherein She Resided. During
The Interview She Grew Much More Composed, And Quite Remorseful That She
Had Not Shown Greater Consideration For Her Son'S Feelings, And She
Urged and Even Entreated him To Return Home With Her. He Remained firm,
However, In his Resolution, And Would Receive From Her Only A Very Small
Sum Of Money, Barely Enough To Sustain Him Until He Could Look Around
For Employment.
His Mother Shared mrs. Arnot'S Distrust, Greatly Doubting The Issue Of
His Large Hopes And Vague Plans; But She Could Only Assure Him That Her
Home, To Which She Returned crushed and Disconsolate, Was Also His.
But He Felt That Return Was Impossible. He Would Rather Wander To The
Ends Of The Earth Than Shut Himself Up With His Mother And Sisters, For
He Foresaw That Their Daily Moans And Repinings Would Be Daily Torture.
It Would Be Even Worse To Appear Among His Old Acquaintances And
Companions, And Be Taunted with The Fact That His First Venture From
Home Ended in a Common Jail. The Plan Of Drifting away To Parts Unknown,
And Of Partially Losing His Identity By Changing His Name, Made A Cold,
Dreary Impression Upon Him, Like The Thought Of Annihilation, And Thus
His Purpose Of Remaining In hillaton, And Winning Victory On The Very
Ground Of His Defeat, Grew More Satisfactory.
But He Soon Began To Learn How Serious, How Disheartening, Is The
Condition Of One Who Finds Society Arrayed against Him.
It Is The Fashion To Inveigh Against The "Cold And Pitiless World"; But
The World Has Often Much Excuse For Maintaining This Character. As
Society Is Now Constituted, The Consequences Of Wrong-Doing are Usually
Terrible And Greatly To Be Dreaded; And All Who Have Unhealthful
Cravings For Forbidden Things Should Be Made To Realize This. Society
Very Naturally Treats Harshly Those Who Permit Their Pleasures And
Passions To Endanger Its Very Existence. People Who Have Toilsomely And
Patiently Erected their Homes And Placed therein Their Treasures Do Not
Tolerate With Much Equanimity Those Who Appear To Have No Other Calling
Than That Of Recklessly Playing With Fire. The Well-To-Do, Conservative
World Has No Inclination To Make Things Pleasant For Those Who Propose
To Gratify Themselves At Any And Every Cost; And If The Culprit Pleads,
"I Did Not Realize--I Meant No Great Harm," The Retort Comes Back, "But
You Do The Harm; You Endanger Everything. If You Have Not Sense Or
Principle Enough To Act Wisely And Well, Do Not Expect Us To Risk Our
Fortunes With Either Fools Or Knaves." And The Man Or The Woman Who Has
Preferred pleasure Or Passing Gratification Or Transient Advantage To
That Priceless Possession, A Good Name, Has Little Ground For Complaint.
If Society Readily Condoned those Grave Offences Which Threaten Chaos,
Thousands Who Are Now Restrained by Salutary Fear Would Act Out
Disastrously The Evil Lurking In their Hearts. As Long As The Instinct
Of Self-Preservation Remains, The World Will Seem Cold And Pitiless.
But It Often Is So To A Degree That Cannot Be Too Severely Condemned.
The World Is The Most Soulless Of All Corporations. In dealing With The
Criminal Or Unfortunate Classes It Generalizes To Such An Extent That
Exceptional Cases Have Little Chance Of A Special Hearing. If By Any
Means, However, Such A Hearing Can Be Obtained, The World Is Usually
Just, And Often Quite Generous. But In the Main It Says To All: "Keep
Your Proper Places In the Ranks. If You Fall Out, We Must Leave You
Behind; If You Make Trouble, We Must Abate You As A Nuisance." This
Certainty Has The Effect Of Keeping Many In their Places Who Otherwise
Would Drop Out And Make Trouble, And Is, So Far, Wholesome. And Yet, In
Spite Of This Warning Truth, The Wayside Of Life Is Lined with Those
Who, For Some Reason, Have Become Disabled and Have Fallen Out Of Their
Places; And Miserably Would Many Of Them Perish Did Not The Spirit Of
Him Who Came "To Seek And Save The Lost" Animate True Followers Like
Mrs. Arnot, Leading Them Likewise To Go Out After The Lame, The Wounded,
And The Morally Leprous.
Haldane Was Sorely Wounded, But He Chose To Make His Appeal Wholly To
The World. Ignoring Heaven, And Those On Earth Representing Heaven'S
Forgiving and Saving Mercy, He Went Out Alone, In the Spirit Of Pride
And Self-Confidence, To Deal With Those Who Would Meet Him Solely On The
Ground Of Self-Interest. How This Law Works Against Such As Have Shown
Themselves Unworthy Of Trust, He At Once Began To Receive Abundant
He Returned to The Hotel Whence He Had Just Taken His Mother, But The
Proprietor Declined to Give Him Lodgings. It Was A House That Cherished
Its Character For Quietness And Eminent Respectability, And A Young
Gambler And Embezzler Just Out Of Prison Would Prove An Ill-Omened
Guest. On Receiving a Cold And Peremptory Refusal To His Application,
And In the Presence Of Several Others, Haldane Stalked haughtily Away;
But There Was Misgiving and Faintness At His Heart. Such A Public Rebuff
Was A New And Strange Experience.
With Set Teeth And Lips Compressed he Next Resolved to Go To The Very
Hotel Where He Had Committed his Crime, And From That Starting-Point
Fight His Way Up. He Found The Public Room More Than Usually Well Filled
With Loungers, And Could Not Help Discovering, As He Entered, That He
Was The Subject Of Their Loud And Unsavory Conversation. The "Evening
Spy" Had Just Been Read, And All Were Very Busy Discussing The Scandal.
As The Knowledge Of His Presence And Identity Was Speedily Conveyed to
One And Another In loud Whispers, The Noisy Tongues Ceased, And The
Young Man Found Himself The Centre Of An Embarrassing amount Of
Observation. But He Endeavored to Give The Idlers A Defiant And Careless
Glance As He Walked up To The Proprietor And Asked for A Room.
"No, Sir!" Replied that Virtuous Individual, With Sharp Emphasis; "You
Have Had A Room Of Me Once Too Often. It'S Not My Way To Have Gamblers,
Bloats, And Jail-Birds Hanging around My Place--'Not If The Court Knows
Herself; And She Thinks She Does.' You'Ve Done All You Could To Give My
Respectable, First-Class House The Name Of A Low Gambling Hell. The
Evening Paper Even Hints That Someone Connected with The House Had A
Hand In your Being Plucked. You'Ve Damaged me Hundreds Of Dollars, And
If You Ever Show Your Face Within My Doors Again I'Ll Have You
Haldane Was Stung To The Quick, And Retorted vengefully:
"Perhaps The Paper Is Right. I Was Introduced to The Blacklegs In your
Bar-Room, And By A Scamp Who Was A Habitual Lounger Here. They Got Their
Cards Of You, And, Having Made Me Drunk, And Robbed me In one Of Your
Rooms, They Had No Trouble In getting away."
"Do You Make Any Such Charge Against Me?" Bellowed the Landlord,
Starting Savagely Forward.
"I Say, As The Paper Says, _Perhaps_," Replied haldane, Standing
His Ground, But Quivering With Rage. "I Shall Give You No Ground For A
Libel Suit; But If You Will Come Out In the Street You Shall Have All
The Satisfaction You Want; And If You Lay The Weight Of Your Finger On
Me Here. I'Ll Damage You Worse Than I Did Last Night."
"How Dare You Come Here To Insult Me?" Said The Landlord, But Keeping
Now At A Safe Distance From The Incensed youth. "Some One, Go For A
Policeman, For The Fellow Is Out Of Jail Years Too Soon."
"I Did Not Come Here To Insult You, I Came, As Every One Has A Right To
Come, To Ask For A Room, For Which I Meant To Pay Your Price, And You
Insulted me."
"Well, You Can'T Have A Room."
"If You Had Quietly Said That And No More In the First Place, There
Would Have Been No Trouble. But I Want You And Every One Else To
Understand That I Won'T Be Struck, If I Am Down;" And He Turned on His
Heel And Strode Out Of The House, Followed by A Volley Of Curses From
The Enraged landlord And The Bartender, Who Had Smirked so Agreeably The
Evening Before.
A Distorted account Of This Scene--Published in the "Courier" The
Following Day, In connection With A Detailed account Of The Whole
Miserable Affair--Added considerably To The Ill Repute That Already
Burdened haldane; For It Was Intimated that He Was As Ready For A Street
Brawl As For Any Other Species Of Lawlessness.
The "Courier," Having Had The Nose Of Its Representative Demolished by
Haldane, Was Naturally Prejudiced against Him; And, Influenced by Its
Darkly-Colored narrative, The Citizens Shook Their Heads Over The Young
Man, And Concluded that He Was A Dangerous Character, Who Had Become
Unnaturally And Precociously Depraved; And There Was Quite A General
Hope That Mr. Arnot Would Not Fail To Prosecute, So That The Town Might
Be Rid Of One Who Promised to Continue A Source Of Trouble.
The "Spy" A Rival Paper, Showed a Tendency To Dwell On The Extenuating
Circumstances. But It Is So Much Easier For A Community To Believe Evil
Rather Than Good Of A Person, That Mere Excuses And Apologies, And The
Suggestion That The Youth Had Been Victimized, Had Little Weight.
Besides, The World Shows A Tendency To Detest Weak Fools Even More Than
After His Last Bitter Experience Haldane Felt Unwilling To Venture To
Another Hotel, And He Endeavored to Find A Quiet Boarding-Place; But As
Soon As He Mentioned his Name, The Keepers, Male And Female, Suddenly
Discovered that They Had No Rooms. Night Was Near, And His Courage Was
Beginning To Fail Him, When He At Last Found A Thrifty Gentlewoman Who
Gave Far More Attention To Her Housewifely Cares Than To The Current
News. She Readily Received the Well-Dressed stranger, And Showed him To
His Room. Haldane Did Not Hide His Name From Her, For He Resolved to
Spend The Night In the Street Before Dropping a Name Which Now Seemed to
Turn People From Him As If Contagion Lurked in it, And He Was Relieved
To Find That, As Yet, It Had To Her No Disgraceful Associations. He Was
Bent On Securing One Good Night'S Rest, And So Excused himself From
Going Down To Supper, Lest He Should Meet Some One That Knew Him. After
Nightfall He Slipped out To An Obscure Restaurant For His Supper.
His Precaution, However, Was Vain, For On His Return To His Room He
Encountered in a Hallway One Of The Loungers Who Had Witnessed the
Recent Scene At The Hotel. After A Second'S Stare The Man Passed on Down
To The Shabby-Genteel Parlor, And Soon Whist, Novels, And Papers Were
Dropped, As The Immaculate Little Community Learned of The Contaminating
Presence Beneath The Same Roof With Themselves.
"A Man Just Out Of Prison! A Man Merely Released on Bail, And Who Would
Certainly Be Convicted and Tried!"
With A Virtue Which Might Have Put "Caesar'S Wife" To The Blush, Sere
And Withered gentlewomen Pursed up Their Mouths, And Declared that They
Could Not Sleep In the Same House With Such A Disreputable Person. The
Thrifty Landlady, Whose Principle Of Success Was The Concentration Of
All Her Faculties On The Task Of Satisfying The Digestive Organs Of Her
Patrons, Found Herself For Once At Fault, And She Was Quite Surprised to
Learn What A High-Toned class Of People She Was Entertaining.
But, Then, "Business Is Business." Poor Haldane Was But One Uncertain
Lodger, And Here Were A Dozen Or More "Regulars" Arrayed against Him.
The Sagacious Woman Was Not Long In climbing To The Door Of The
Obnoxious Guest, And Her Very Knock Said, "What Are You Doing Here?"
Haldane'S First Thought Was, "She Is A Woman; She Will Not Have The
Heart To Turn Me Away." He Had Become So Weary And Disheartened that His
Pride Was Failing Him, And He Was Ready To Plead For The Chance Of A
Little Rest. Therefore He Opened the Door, And Invited the Landlady To
Enter In the Most Conciliating Manner. But No Such Poor Chaff Would Be
Of Any Avail With One Of Mrs. Gruppins' Experience, And Looking Straight
Before Her, As If Addressing No One In particular, She Said
"I Wish This Room Vacated within A Half-Hour."
"If You Have The Heart Of A Woman You Will Not Send Me Out This Rainy
Night. I Am Weary And Sick In body And Mind. I Wouldn'T Turn A Dog Out
In The Night And Storm."
"You Ought To Be Ashamed of Yourself, Sir," Said Mrs. Gruppins, Turning
On Him Indignantly; "To Think That You Should Take Advantage Of A Poor
And Defenceless Widow, And Me So Inexperienced and Ignorant Of The
Wicked world."
"I Did Not Take Advantage Of Your Ignorance: I Told You Who I Was, And
Am Able To Pay For The Room. In the Morning I Will Leave Your House, If
You Have So Much Objection To My Remaining."
"Why Shouldn'T I Object? I Never Had Such As You Here Before. All My
Boarders"--She Added in a Louder Tone, For The Benefit Of Those Who Were
Listening at The Foot Of The Stairs--"All My Boarders Are Peculiarly
Respectable People, And I Would Not Have Them Scandalized by Your
Presence Here Another Minute If I Could Help It."
"How Much Do I Owe You?" Asked haldane, In a Tone That Was Harsh From
Its Suppressed emotion.
"I Don'T Want Any Of Your Money--I Don'T Want Anything To Do With People
Who Are Lodged at The Expense Of The State. If You Took Money Last
Night, There Is No Telling What You Will Take To-Night."
Haldane Snatched his Hat And Rushed from The House, Overwhelmed with A
Deeper And More Terrible Sense Of Shame And Degradation Than He Had Ever
Imagined possible. He Had Become A Pariah, And In bitterness Of Heart
Was Realizing The Truth.
Chapter XVIII (The World'S Verdict--Our Knight A Criminal)
A Few Moments Before His Interview With The Thrifty And Respectable Mrs.
Gruppins, Haldane Had Supposed himself Too Weary To Drag One Foot After
The Other In search Of Another Resting-Place; And Therefore His Eager
Hope That That Obdurate Female Might Not Be Gifted with The Same Quality
Of "In'Ards" Which Pat M'Cabe Ascribed to Mr. Arnot. He Had, Indeed,
Nearly Reached the Limit Of Endurance, For Had He Been In his Best And
Most Vigorous Condition, A Day Which Taxed so Terribly Both Body And
Mind Would Have Drained his Vitality To The Point Of Exhaustion. As It
Was, The Previous Night'S Debauch Told Against Him Like A Term Of
Illness. He Had Since Taken Food Insufficiently And Irregularly, And
Was, Therefore, In no Condition To Meet The Extraordinary Demands Of The
Ordeal Through Which He Was Passing. Mental Distress, Moreover, Is Far
More Wearing Than Physical Effort, And His Anguish Of Mind Had Risen
Several Times During The Day Almost To Frenzy.
In Spite Of All This, The Sharp And Pitiless Tongue Of Mrs. Gruppins
Goaded him Again To The Verge Of Desperation, And He Strode Rapidly And
Aimlessly Away, Through The Night And Storm, With A Wilder Tempest
Raging In his Breast. But The Gust Of Feeling Died away As Suddenly As
It Had Arisen, And Left Him Ill And Faint. A Telegraph Pole Was Near,
And He Leaned against It For Support.
"Move On," Growled a Passing Policeman.
"Will You Do Me A Kindness?" Asked haldane; "I Am Poor And Sick--A
Stranger. Tell Me Where I Can Hire A Bed for A Small Sum."
The Policeman Directed him Down A Side Street, Saying, "You Can Get A
Bed at No. 13, And No Questions Asked."
There Was Unspeakable Comfort In the Last Assurance, For It Now Seemed
That He Could Hope To Find A Refuge Only In places Where "No Questions
Were Asked."
With Difficulty The Weary Youth Reached the House, And By Paying a Small
Extra Sum Was Able To Obtain A Wretched little Room To Himself; But
Never Did Storm-Tossed and Endangered sailors Enter A Harbor'S Quiet
Waters With A Greater Sense Of Relief Than Did Haldane As He Crept Up
Into This Squalid Nook, Which Would At Least Give Him A Little Respite
From The World'S Terrible Scorn.
What A Priceless Gift For The Unhappy, The Unfortunate--Yes, And For
The Guilty--Is Sleep! Many Seem To Think Of The Body Only As A Clog,
Impeding Mental Action--As A Weight, Chaining The Spirit Down. Were The
Mind, In its Activity, Independent Of The Body--Were The Wounded spirit
Unable To Forget Its Pain--Could The Guilty Conscience Sting
Incessantly--Then The Chief Human Industry Would Come To Be The Erection
Of Asylums For The Insane. But By An Unfathomable Mystery The Tireless
Regal Spirit Has Been Blended with The Flesh And Blood Of Its Servant,
The Body. In heaven, Where There Is Neither Sin Nor Pain, Even The Body
Becomes Spiritual; But On Earth, Where It So Often Happens, As In the
Case Of Poor Haldane, That To Think And To Remember Is Torture, It Is A
Blessed thing That The Body, Formed from The Earth, Often Becomes Heavy
As Earth, And Rests Upon The Spirit For A Few Hours At Least, Like The
Clods With Which We Fill The Grave.
The Morning Of The Following Day Was Quite Well Advanced when Haldane
Awoke From His Long Oblivion, And, After Regaining Consciousness, He Lay
A Full Hour Longer Trying To Realize His Situation, And To Think Of Some
Plan By Which He Might Best Recover His Lost Position. As He Recalled
All That Had Occurred he Began To Understand The Extreme Difficulty Of
His Task, And He Even Queried whether It Were Possible For Him To
Succeed. If The Respectable Would Not Even Give Him Shelter, How Could
He Hope That They Would Employ And Trust Him?
After He Had Partaken Of Quite A Hearty Breakfast, However, His Fortunes
Began To Wear A Less Forbidding aspect. Endowed with Youth, Health, And,
As He Believed, With More Than Usual Ability, He Felt That There Was
Scarcely Occasion For Despair. Some One Would Employ Him--Some One Would
Give Him Another Chance. He Would Take Any Respectable Work That Would
Give Him A Foothold, And By Some Vague, Fortunate Means, Which The
Imagination Of The Young Always Supplies, He Would Achieve Success That
Would Obliterate The Memory Of The Past. Therefore, With Flashes Of Hope
In His Heart, He Started out To Seek His Fortune, And Commenced applying
At The Various Stores And Offices Of The City.
So Far From Giving any Encouragement, People Were Much Surprised that He
Had The Assurance To Ask To Be Employed and Trusted again. The Majority
Dismissed him Coldly And Curtly. A Few Mongrel Natures, True To
Themselves, Gave A Snarling Refusal. Then There Were Jovial Spirits Who
Must Have Their Jest, Even Though The Sensitive Subject Of It Was
Tortured thereby--Men Who Enjoyed quizzing Haldane Before Sending Him
On, As Much As The Old Inquisitors Relished a Little Recreation With Hot
Pincers And Thumb-Screws. There Were Also Conscientious People, Whose
Worldly Prudence Prevented them From Giving Employment To One So Damaged
In Character, And Yet Who Felt Constrained to Give Some Good Advice. To
This, It Must Be Confessed, Haldane Listened with Very Poor Grace, Thus
Extending The Impression That He Was A Rather Hopeless Subject.
"Good God!" He Exclaimed, Interrupting an Old Gentleman Who Was
Indulging In some Platitudes To The Effect That The "Way Of The
Transgressor Is Hard"--"I Would Rather Black Your Boots Than Listen To
Such Talk. What I Want Is Work--A Chance To Live Honestly. What'S The
Use Of Telling a Fellow Not To Go To The Devil, And Then Practically
Send Him To The Devil?"
The Old Gentleman Was Somewhat Shocked and Offended, And Coldly
Intimated that He Had No Need of The Young Man'S Services.
A Few Spoke Kindly And Seemed truly Sorry For Him, But They Either Had
No Employment To Give, Or, On Business Principles, Felt That They Could
Not Introduce Among Their Other Assistants One Under Bonds To Appear And
Be Tried for A State-Prison Offence That Was Already The Same As Proved.
After Receiving Rebuffs, And Often What He Regarded as Insults, For
Hours, The Young Man'S Hope Began To Fail Him Utterly. His Face Grew
Pale And Haggard, Not Only From Fatigue, But From That Which Tells
Disastrously Almost As Soon Upon The Body As Upon The Mind--Discouragement.
He Saw That He Had Not Yet Fully Realized the Consequences Of His Folly.
The Deep And Seemingly Implacable Resentment Of Society Was A Continued
Surprise. He Was Not Conscious Of Being a Monster Of Wickedness, And It
Seemed to Him That After His Bitter Experience He Would Rather Starve
Than Again Touch What Was Not His Own.
But The Trouble Is, The World Does Not Give Us Much Credit For What We
Think, Feel, And Imagine, Even If Aware Of Our Thoughts. It Is What We
_Do_ That Forms Public Opinion; And It Was Both Natural And Just That
The Public Should Have A Very Decided opinion Of One Who Had Recently
Shown Himself Capable Of Gambling, Drunkenness, And Practical Theft.
And Yet The Probabilities Were That If Some Kind, Just Man Had Bestowed
Upon Haldane Both Employment And Trust, With A Chance To Rise, His
Bitter Lesson Would Have Made Him Scrupulously Careful To Shun His
Peculiar Temptations From That Time Forward. But The World Usually
Regards One Who Has Committed a Crime As A Criminal, And Treats Him As
Such. It Cannot, If It Would, Nicely Calculate The Hidden Moral State
And Future Chances. It Acts On Sound Generalities, Regardless Of The
Exceptions; And Thus It Often Happens That Men And Women Who At First
Can Scarcely Understand The World'S Adverse Opinion, Are Disheartened by
It, And At Last Come To Merit The Worst That Can Be Said Or Thought.
As, At The Time Of His First Arrest, Haldane Had Found His Eyes Drawn By
A Strange, Cruel Fascination To Every Scornful Or Curious Face Upon The
Street, So Now He Began To Feel A Morbid Desire To Know Just What People
Were Saying and Thinking Of Him. He Purchased both That Day'S Papers And
Those Of The Previous Day, And, Finding a Little Out-Of-The-Way
Restaurant Kept By A Foreigner, He "Supped full With"--What Were To Him
Emphatically--"Horrors"; The Dinner And Supper Combined, Which He Had
Ordered, Growing Cold, In the Meantime, And As Uninviting as The Place
In Which It Was Served.
His Eyes Dwelt Longest Upon Those Sentences Which Were The Most
Unmercifully Severe, And They Seemed to Burn Their Way Into His Very
Soul. Was He In truth Such A Miscreant As The "Courier" Described? Mrs.
Arnot Had Not Shrunk From Him As From Contamination; But She Was
Different From All Other People That He Had Known; And He Now
Remembered, Also, That Even She Always Referred to His Act In a Grave,
Troubled way, As If Both Its Character And Consequences Were Serious
There Was Such A Cold, Leaden Despondency Burdening His Heart That He
Felt That He Must Have Relief Of Some Kind. Although Remembering His
Rash Invocation Of Fatal Consequences To Himself Should He Touch Again
That Which Had Brought Him So Much Evil, He Now, With A Reckless Oath,
Muttered that He "Needed some Liquor, And Would Have It."
Having Finished a Repast From Which He Would Have Turned in disgust
Before His Fortunes Had So Greatly Altered, And Having Gained a Little
Temporary Courage From The More Than Doubtful Brandy Served in such A
Place, He Obtained permission To Sit By The Fire And Smoke Away The
Blustering Evening, For He Felt No Disposition To Face The World Again
That Day. The German Proprietor And His Beer-Drinking Patrons Paid No
Attention To The Stranger, And As He Sat Off On One Side By Himself At A
Table, With A Mug Of Lager Before Him, He Was Practically As Much Alone,
And As Lonely, As If In a Desert.
In A Dull, Vague Way It Occurred to Him That It Was Very Fitting That
Those Present Should Speak In a Foreign And Unknown Tongue, And Act And
Look Differently From All Classes Of People Formerly Known To Him. He
Was In a Different World, And It Was Appropriate That Everything Should
Appear Strange And Unfamiliar.
Finding That He Could Have A Room In this Same Little, Dingy
Restaurant-Hotel, Where He Had Obtained his Supper, He Resolved that He
Would Torture Himself No More That Night With Thoughts Of The Past Or
Future, But Slowly Stupefy Himself Into Sleep.
Chapter XIX (The World'S Best Offer--A Prison)
After A Walk In the Sweet April Sunshine The Following Morning, A Hearty
Breakfast, And A General Rallying Of The Elastic Forces Of Youth,
Haldane Felt That He Had Not Yet Reached the "Brink Of Dark Despair."
Indeed, He Had An Odd Sense Of Pride That He Had Survived the Ordeal Of
The Last Two Days, And Still Felt As Well As He Did. Although It Was But
An Arab'S Life, In which Every Man'S Hand Seemed against Him, Yet He
Still Lived, And Concluded that He Could Continue To Live Indefinitely.
He Did Not Go Out Again, As On The Previous Day, To Seek Employment, But
Sat Down And Tried to Think His Way Into The Future Somewhat.
The First Question That Presented itself Was, Should He In any
Contingency Return Home To His Mother?
He Was Not Long In deciding adversely, For It Seemed to Him To Involve
Such A Bitter Mortification That He Felt He Would Rather Starve.
Should He Send To Her For Money?
That Would Be Scarcely Less Humiliating, For It Was Equivalent To A
Confession That He Could Not Even Take Care Of Himself, Much Less
Achieve All The Brave Things He Had Intimated. He Was Still More Averse
To Going To Mrs. Arnot For What Would Seem Charity To Her Husband And To
Every One Else Who Might Hear Of It. The Probability, Also, That Laura
Would Learn Of Such An Appeal For Aid Made Him Scout The Very Thought.
Should He Go Away Among Strangers, Change His Name, And Commence Life
Anew, Unburdened by The Weight Which Now Dragged him Down?
The Thought Of Cutting Himself Off Utterly From All Whom He Knew, Or Who
Cared for Him, Caused a Cold, Shivering Sense Of Dread. It Would, Also,
Be A Confession Of Defeat, An Acknowledgment That He Could Not
Accomplish What He Had Promised to Himself And To Others. He Had,
Moreover, Sufficient Forethought To Perceive That Any Success Which He
Might Achieve Elsewhere, And Under Another Name, Would Be Such A Slight
And Baseless Fabric That A Breath From One Who Now Knew Him Could
Overturn It. He Might Lead An Honorable Life For Years, And Yet No One
Would Believe Him Honorable After Discovering That He Was Living Under
An _Alias_ And Concealing a Crime. If He Could Build Himself Up In
Hillaton He Would Be Founded on The Rock Of Truth, And Need fear No
Disastrous Reverses From Causes Against Which He Could Not Guard.
Few Can Be More Miserable Than Those Who Hold Their Fortunes And Good
Name On Sufferance--Safe Only In the Power And Disposition Of Others To
Keep Some Wretched secret; And He Is But Little Better Off Who Fears
That Every Stranger Arriving In town May Recognize In his Face The
Features Of One That, Years Before, By Reason Of Some Disgraceful Act,
Fled from Himself And All Who Knew Him. The More Haldane Thought Upon
The Scheme Of Losing His Identity, And Of Becoming That Vague, And, As
Yet, Unnamed stranger, Who After Years Of Exile Would Still Be Himself,
Though To The World Not Himself, The Less Attractive It Became.
He Finally Concluded that, As He Had Resolved to Remain In hillaton, He
Would Keep His Resolution, And That, As He Had Plainly Stated his
Purpose To Lift Himself Up By His Own Unaided efforts, He Would Do So If
It Were Possible; And If It Were Not, He Would Live The Life Of A
Laborer--A Tramp, Even--Rather Than "Skulk Back," As He Expressed it, To
Those Who Were Once Kindred and Companions.
"If I Cannot Walk Erect To Their Front Doors, I Will Never Crawl Around
To The Back Entrances. If I Ever Must Take To Keep From Starving, It
Will Be From Strangers. I Shall Never Inflict Myself As A Dead Weight
And A Painfully Tolerated infamy On Any One. I Was Able To Get Myself
Into This Disgusting Slough, And If I Haven'T Brains And Pluck Enough To
Get Myself Out, I Will Remain At This, My Level, To Which I Have
Thus Pride Still Counselled and Controlled, And Yet It Was A Kind Of
Pride That Inspires Something Like Respect. It Proved that There Was
Much Good Metal In the Crude, Misshapen Ore Of His Nature.
But The Necessity Of Doing Something Was Urgent, For The Sum He Had Been
Willing To Receive From His Mother Was Small, And Rapidly Diminishing.
Among The Possible Activities In which He Might Engage, That Of Writing
For Papers And Magazines Occurred to Him, And The Thought At Once Caught
And Fired his Imagination. The Mysteries Of The Literary World Were The
Least Known To Him, And Therefore It Offered the Greatest Amount Of
Vague Promise And Indefinite Hope. Here A Path Might Open To Both Fame
And Fortune. The More He Dwelt On The Possibility The More It Seemed to
Take The Aspect Of Probability. Under The Signature Of E. H. He Would
Write Thrilling Tales, Until The Public Insisted upon Knowing The Great
Unknown. Then He Could Reverse Present Experience By Scorning Those Who
Had Scorned him. He Recalled all That He Had Ever Read About Genius
Toiling In its Attic Until The World Was Compelled to Recognize And Do
Homage To The Regal Mind. He Would Remain In seclusion Also; He Would
Burn Midnight Oil Until He Should Come To Be Known As Haldane The
Brilliant Writer Instead Of Haldane The Gambler, Drunkard, And Thief.
All On Fire With His New Project, He Sallied forth To The Nearest
News-Stand, And Selected two Or Three Papers And Magazines, Whose
Previous Interest To Him And Known Popularity Suggested that They Were
The Best Mediums In which He Could Rise Upon The Public As A Literary
Star, All The More Attractive Because Unnamed and Unknown.
His Next Proceeding Indicated a Commendable Amount Of Shrewdness, And
Proved that His Roseate Visions Resulted more From Ignorance And
Inexperience Than From Innate Foolishness. He Carefully Read The
Periodicals He Had Bought, In the Hope Of Obtaining Hints And
Suggestions From Their Contents Which Would Aid Him In producing
Acceptable Manuscripts. Some Of The Sketches And Stories Appeared very
Simple, The Style Flowing along As Smoothly And Limpidly As A Summer
Brook Through The Meadows. He Did Not See Why He Could Not Write In a
Similar Vein, Perhaps More Excitingly And Interestingly. In his Partial
And Neglected course Of Study He Had Not Given Much Attention To
_Belles-Lettres_, And Was Not Aware That The Simplicity And Lucid
Purity Of Thought Which Made Certain Pages So Easily Read Were Produced
By The Best Trained and Most Cultured talent Existing among The Regular
He Spent The Evening and The Greater Part Of A Sleepless Night In
Constructing a Crude Plot Of A Story, And, Having Procured writing
Materials, Hastened through An Early Breakfast, The Following Morning,
In His Eagerness To Enter On What Now Seemed a Shining Path To Fame.
He Sat Down And Dipped his Pen In ink. The Blank, White Page Was Before
Him, Awaiting His Brilliant And Burning Thoughts; But For Some Reason
They Did Not And Would Not Come. This Puzzled him. He Could Dash Off A
Letter, And Write With Ease A Plain Business Statement. Why Could He Not
Commence And Go On With His Story?
"How Do Those Other Fellows Commence?" He Mentally Queried, And He Again
Carefully Read And Examined the Opening Paragraphs Of Two Or Three Tales
That Had Pleased him. They Seemed to Commence And Go Forward Very Easily
And Naturally. Why Could Not He Do The Same?
To His Dismay He Found That He Could Not. He Might As Well Have Sat Down
And Hoped to Have Deftly And Skilfully Constructed a Watch As To Have
Imitated the Style Of The Stories That Most Interested him, For He Had
Never Formed even The Power, Much Less The Habit, Of Composition.
After A Few Labored and Inconsequential Sentences, Which Seemed like
Crude Ore Instead Of The Molten, Burning Metal Of Thought Left To Cool
In Graceful Molds, He Threw Aside His Pen In despair.
After Staring Despondently For A Time At The Blank Page, Which Now
Promised to Remain As Blank As The Future Then Seemed, The Fact Suddenly
Occurred to Him That Even Genius Often Spurred its Flagging Or Dormant
Powers By Stimulants. Surely, Then, He, In his Pressing Emergency, Had A
Right To Avail Himself Of This Aid. A Little Brandy Might Awaken His
Imagination, Which Would Then Kindle With His Theme.
At Any Rate, He Had No Objection To The Brandy, And With This
Inspiration He Again Resumed his Pen. He Was Soon Astonished and
Delighted with The Result, For He Found Himself Writing With Ease And
Fluency. His Thoughts Seemed to Become Vivid And Powerful, And His Story
Grew Rapidly. As Body And Mind Flagged, The Potent Genii In the Black
Bottle Again Lifted and Soared on With Him Until The Marvellous Tale Was
He Decided to Correct The Manuscript On The Following Day, And Was So
Complacent And Hopeful Over His Performance That He Scarcely Noted that
He Was Beginning To Feel Wretchedly From The Inevitable Reaction. The
Next Day, With Dull And Aching Head He Tried to Read What He Had
Written, But Found It Dreary And Disappointing Work. His Sentences And
Paragraphs Appeared like Clouds From Which The Light Had Faded; But He
Explained this Fact To Himself On The Ground Of His Depressed physical
State, And He Went Through His Task With Dogged persistence.
He Felt Better On The Following Day, And With The Aid Of The Bottle He
Resolved to Give His Inventive Genius Another Flight. On This Occasion
He Would Attempt A Longer Story--One That Would Occupy Him Several
Days--And He Again Stimulated himself Up To A Condition In which He
Found At Least No Lack Of Words. When He Attained what He Supposed was
His Best Mood, He Read Over Again The Work Of The Preceding Day, And Was
Delighted to Find That It Now Glowed with Prismatic Hues. In his
Complacence He At Once Despatched it To The Paper For Which It Was
Three Or Four Days Of Alternate Work And Brooding Passed, And If Various
And Peculiar Moods Prove The Possession Of Genius, Haldane Certainly
Might Claim It. Between His Sense Of Misfortune And Disgrace, And The
Fact That His Funds Were Becoming Low, On One Hand, And His Towering
Hopes And Shivering Fears Concerning His Literary Ventures, On The
Other, He Was Emphatically In what Is Termed "A State Of Mind"
Continuously. These Causes Alone Were Sufficient To Make Mental Serenity
Impossible; But The After-Effects Of The Decoction From Which He
Obtained his Inspiration Were Even Worse, And After A Week'S Work The
Thought Occurred to Him More Than Once That If He Pursued a Literary
Life, Either His Genius Or That Which He Imbibed as Its Spur Would
Consume Him Utterly.
By The Time The First Two Stories Were Finished he Found That It Would
Be Necessary To Supplement The Labors Of His Pen. He Would Have To Wait
At Least A Few Days Before He Could Hope For Any Returns, Even Though He
Had Urged in his Accompanying Notes Prompt Acceptance And Remittance For
Their Value.
He Went To The Office Of The "Evening Spy," The Paper Which Had Shown
Some Lenience Toward Him, And Offered his Services As Writer, Or
Reporter; And, Although Taught By Harsh Experience Not To Hope For Very
Much, He Was A Little Surprised at The Peremptory Manner In which His
Services Were Declined. His Face Seemed to Ask An Explanation, And The
Editor Said Briefly:
"We Did Not Bear Down Very Hard On You--It'S Not Our Custom; But Both
Inclination And Necessity Lead Us To Require That Every One And
Everything Connected with This Paper Should Be Eminently Respectable And
Deserving Of Respect. Good-Morning, Sir."
Haldane'S Pre-Eminence Consisted only In his Lack Of Respectability; And
After The Brave Visions Of The Past Week, Based on His Literary Toil,
This Cool, Sharp-Cut Statement Of Society'S Opinion Quenched about All
Hope Of Ever Rising By First Gaining Recognition And Employment Among
Those Whose Position Was Similar To What His Own Had Been. As He Plodded
His Way Back To The Miserable Little Foreign Restaurant, His Mind Began
To Dwell On This Question:
"Is There Any Place In the World For One Who Has Committed a Crime, Save
A Prison?"
Chapter XX (Maiden And Wood-Sawyer)
Before Utterly Abandoning all Hope Of Finding Employment That Should In
Some Small Degree Preserve An Air Of Respectability, Haldane Resolved to
Give Up One More Day To The Search, And On The Following Morning He
Started out And Walked until Nightfall. He Even Offered to Take The
Humblest Positions That Would Insure Him A Support And Some Recognition;
But The Record Of His Action While In mr. Arnot'S Employ Followed him
Everywhere, Creating Sufficient Prejudice In every Case To Lead To A
Refusal Of His Application. Some Said "No" Reluctantly And Hesitatingly,
As If Kindly Feelings Within Took The Young Man'S Part; But They Said
It, Nevertheless.
For The Patient Resolution With Which He Continued to Apply To All Kinds
Of People And Places, Hour After Hour, In spite Of Such Disheartening
Treatment, He Deserved much Praise; But He Did Not Receive Any; And At
Last, Weary And Despondent, He Returned to His Miserable Lodgings. He
Was So Desperately Depressed in body And Mind That The Contents Of The
Black Bottle Seemed his Only Resource.
Such A Small Sum Now Remained that He Felt That Something Must Be Done
Instantly. He Concluded that His Only Course Now Was To Go Out And Pick
Up Any Odd Bits Of Work That He Could Find. He Hoped that By Working
Half The Time He Might Make Enough To Pay For His Board At His Present
Cheap Lodging-Place. This Would Leave Him Time To Continue His Writing,
And In the Course Of A Week More He Would Certainly Hear From The
Manuscripts Already Forwarded. On These He Now Built Nearly All His
Hope. If They Were Well Received and Paid For, He Considered his
Fortunes Substantially Restored, And Fame Almost A Certainty In the
Future. If He Could Only Produce A Few More Manuscripts, And Bridge Over
The Intervening Time Until He Could Hear From Them, He Felt That His
Chief Difficulties Would Be Past.
Having Decided to Do A Laborer'S Work, He At Once Resolved to Exchange
His Elegant Broadcloth For A Laborer'S Suit, And He Managed this
Transfer So Shrewdly That He Obtained quite A Little Sum Of Money In
It Was Well That He Did Replenish His Finances Somewhat, For His
Apparently Phlegmatic Landlord Was As Wary As A Veteran Mouser In
Looking after His Small Interests. He Had Just Obtained an Inkling as To
Haldane'S Identity, And, While He Was Not At All Chary Concerning The
Social And Moral Standing Of His Few Uncertain Lodgers, He Proposed
Henceforth That All Transactions With The Suspicious Stranger Should Be
On A Strictly Cash Basis.
It Was The Busy Spring-Time, And Labor Was In great Demand. Haldane
Wandered off To The Suburbs, And, As An Ordinary Laborer, Offered his
Services In cleaning Up Yards, Cutting Wood, Or Forking Over A Space Of
Garden Ground. His Stalwart Form And Prepossessing appearance Generally
Secured him A Favorable Answer, But Before He Was Through With His Task
He Often Received a Sound Scolding For His Unskilful And Bungling Style
Of Work. But He In part Made Up By Main Strength What He Lacked in
Skill, And After Two Or Three Days He Acquired considerable Deftness In
His Unwonted labors, And Felt The Better For Them. They Counteracted the
Effects Of His Literary Efforts, Or, More Correctly, His Means Of
Inspiration In them.
Thus Another Week Passed, Of Which He Gave Three Days To The Production
Of Two Or Three More Brief Manuscripts, And During The Following Week He
Felt Sure That He Would Hear From Those First Sent.
He Wrote Throughout The Hours Of Daylight On Sunday, Scarcely Leaving
His Chair, And Drank More Deeply Than Usual. In consequence, He Felt
Wretchedly On Monday, And, Therefore, Strolled off To Look For Some
Employment That Would Not Tax His Aching Head. Hitherto He Had Avoided
All Localities Where He Would Be Apt To Meet Those Who Knew Him; And By
Reason Of His Brief Residence In town There Were Comparatively Few Who
Were Familiar With His Features. He Now Recalled the Fact That He Had
Often Seen From His Window, While An Inmate Of Mrs. Arnot'S Home, Quite
A Collection Of Cottages Across A Small Ravine That Ran A Little Back Of
That Lady'S Residence. He Might Find Some Work Among Them, And He
Yielded to The Impulse To Look Again Upon The Place Where Such Rich And
Abundant Happiness Had Once Seemed within His Grasp.
For Several Days He Had Been Conscious Of A Growing Desire To Hear From
His Mother And Mrs. Arnot, And Often Found Himself Wondering How They
Regarded his Mysterious Disappearance, Or Whether Reports Of His Vain
Inquiry For Work Had Reached them.
With A Pride And Resolution That Grew Obstinate With Time And Failure,
He Resolved that He Would Not Communicate With Them Until He Had
Something Favorable To Tell; And He Hoped, And Almost Believed, That
Before Many Days Passed, He Could Address To Them A Literary Weekly
Paper In which They Would Find, In prominent Position, The Underscored
Initials Of E. H. Until He Could Be Preceded by The First Flashes Of
Fame He Would Remain In obscurity. He Would Not Even Let Mrs. Arnot Know
Where He Was Hiding, So That She Might Send To Him His Personal Effects
Left At Her House. Indeed, He Had No Place For Them Now, And Was,
Besides, More Morbidly Bent Than Ever On Making Good The Proud Words He
Had Spoken. If, In the Face Of Such Tremendous Odds He Could, Alone And
Unaided, With Nothing But His Hands And Brain, Win Again All And More
Than He Had Lost, He Could Compel The Respect And Admiration Of Those
Who Had Witnessed his Downfall And Consequent Victorious Struggle.
Was The Girl Who Had Inspired his Sudden, And, As He Had Supposed,
"Undying" Passion, Forgotten During These Trying Days? Yes, To A Great
Extent. His Self-Love Was Greater Than His Love For Laura Romeyn. He
Craved intensely To Prove That He Was No Longer A Proper Object Of Her
Scorn. She Had Rejected him As A Slave To "Disgusting Vices," And Such
He Had Apparently Shown Himself To Be; But Now He Would Have Been
Willing To Have Dipped his Pen In his Own Blood, And Have Written Away
His Life, If Thereby He Could Have Filled her With Admiration And
Regret. Although He Scarcely Acknowledged it To Himself, Perhaps The
Subtlest And Strongest Impulse To His Present Course Was The Hope Of
Teaching Her That He Was Not What She Now Regarded him. But He Was Not
At That Time Capable Of A Strong, True Affection For Any One, And
Thoughts Of The Pretty Maiden Wounded his Pride More Than His Heart.
After Arriving at The Further Bank Of The Ravine, Back Of Mrs. Arnot'S
Residence, He Sat Down For A While, And Gave Himself Up To A Very Bitter
Revery. There, In the Bright Spring Sunshine, Was The Beautiful Villa
Which Might Have Been A Second Home To Him. The Gardener Was At Work
Among The Shrubbery, And The Sweet Breath Of Crocuses And Hyacinths Was
Floated to Him On The Morning Breeze. There Were The Windows Of His
Airy, Lovely Room, In comparison With Which The Place In which He Now
Slept Was A Kennel. If He Had Controlled and Hidden His Passion, If He
Had Waited and Wooed patiently, Skilfully, Winning First Esteem And
Friendship, And Then Affection, Yonder Garden Paths Might Have Witnessed
Many Happy Hours Spent With The One Whom He Loved as Well As He Could
Love Any One Save Himself. But Now--And He Cursed himself And His Folly.
Poor Fellow! He Might As Well Have Said, "If I Had Not Been Myself, All
This Might Have Been As I Have Imagined." He Had Acted naturally, And In
Accordance With His Defective Character; He Had Been Himself, And That
Was The Secret Of All His Troubles. He Sprang Up, Exclaiming In anger:
"Mother Made A Weak Fool Of Me, And I Was Willing To Be A Fool. Now We
Are Bothing Reaping Our Reward."
He Went Off Among The Cottages Looking For Employment, But Found Little
Encouragement. The People Were, As A General Thing, In humble
Circumstances, And Did Their Work Among Themselves. But At Last He
Found, Near The Ravine, A Small Dwelling Standing Quite Apart From Any
Others, Before Which A Load Of Wood Had Been Thrown. The Poor Woman
Whose Gateway It Obstructed was Anxious To Have It Sawed up And Carried
To Her Little Wood-Shed, But Was Disposed to Haggle About The Price.
"Give Me What You Please," Said Haldane, Throwing Off His Coat; "I Take
The Job;" And In a Few Moments The Youth Who Had Meditated indefinite
Heights Of "Gloomy Grandeur" Appeared--Save To The Initiated--As If He
Had Been Born A Wood-Sawyer.
He Was Driving His Saw In the Usual Strong, Dogged manner In which He
Performed such Tasks, When A Light Step Caused him To Look Up Suddenly,
And He Found Himself Almost Face To Face With Laura Romeyn. He Started
Violently; The Blood First Receded from His Face, And Then Rushed
Tumultuously Back. She, Too, Seemed much Surprised and Startled, And
Stopped hesitatingly, As If She Did Not Know What To Do. But Haldane Had
No Doubt As To His Course. He Felt That He Had No Right To Speak To Her,
And That She Might Regard It As An Insult If He Did; Therefore He Bent
Down To His Work Again With A Certain Proud Humility Which Laura, Even
In Her Perturbation, Did Not Fail To Notice.
In Her Diffidence And Confusion She Continued past Him A Few Steps, And,
Although He Expected nothing Less, The Fact That She Did Not Recognize
Or Speak To Him Cut To His Heart With A Deeper Pain Than He Had Yet
Suffered. With A Gesture Similar To That Which He Made When She Saw Him
On The Way To Prison, He Dashed his Hat Down Over His Eyes, And Drove
His Saw Through The Wood With Savage Energy.
She Looked at Him Doubtfully For A Moment, Then Yielding To Her Impulse,
Came To His Side. His First Intimation Of Her Presence Was The Scarcely
Heard Tones Of Her Voice Mingling With The Harsh Rasping Of The Saw.
"Will You Not Speak To Me, Mr. Haldane?" She Asked.
He Dropped his Saw, Stood Erect, Trembled slightly, But Did Not Answer
Or Even Raise His Eyes To Her Face. His Pain Was So Great He Was Not
Sure Of His Self-Control.
"Perhaps," She Added timidly, "You Do Not Wish Me To Speak To You."
"I Now Have No Right To Speak To You, Miss Romeyn," He Answered in a
Tone Which His Suppressed feelings Rendered constrained and Almost
"But I Feel Sorry For You," Said She Quickly, "And So Does My Aunt, And
She Greatly--"
"I Have Not Asked for Your Pity," Interrupted haldane, Growing More
Erect And Almost Haughty In his Bearing, Quite Oblivious For A Moment Of
His Shirt-Sleeves And Bucksaw. What Is More, He Made Laura Forget Them
Also, And His Manner Embarrassed her Greatly. She Was Naturally Gentle
And Timid, And She Deferred so Far To His Mood That One Would Have
Thought That She Was Seeking To Obtain Kindness Rather Than To Confer
"You Misunderstand Me," Said She: "I Do Respect You For The Brave Effort
You Are Making. I Respect You For Doing This Work. You Cannot Think It
Strange, Though, That I Am Sorry For All That Has Happened. But I Did
Not Intend To Speak Of Myself At All--Of Mrs. Arnot Rather, And Your
Mother. They Do Not Know Where To Find You, And Wish To See And Hear
From You Very Much. Mrs. Arnot Has Letters To You From Your Mother."
"The Time Shall Come--It May Not Be So Very Far Distant, Miss
Romeyn--When It Will Be No Condescension On Your Part To Speak To Me,"
Said Haldane Loftily, Ignoring all That Related to Mrs. Arnot And His
Mother, Even If He Heard It.
"I Do Not Feel It To Be Condescension Now," Replied laura, With Almost
The Frank Simplicity Of A Child. "I Cannot Help Feeling Sympathy For
You, Even Though You Are Too Proud To Receive It." Then She Added, With
A Trace Of Dignity And Maidenly Pride, "Perhaps When You Have Realized
Your Hopes, And Have Become Rich Or Famous, I May Not Choose To Speak To
You. But It Is Not My Nature To Turn From Any One In misfortune, Much
Less Any One Whom I Have Known Well."
He Looked at Her Steadily For A Moment, And His Lip Quivered slightly
With His Softening Feeling.
"You Do Not Scorn Me, Then, Like The Rest Of The World," Said He In a
Low Tone.
Tears Stood In the Young Girl'S Eyes As She Answered, "Mr. Haldane, I Do
Feel Deeply For You; I Know You Have Done Very Wrong, But That Only
Makes You Suffer More."
"How Can You Overlook The Wrong Of My Action? Others Think I Am Not Fit
To Be Spoken To," He Asked, In a Still Lower Tone.
"I Do Not Overlook The Wrong," Said She, Gravely; "It Seems Strange And
Terrible To Me; And Yet I Do Feel Sorry For You, From The Depths Of My
Heart, And I Wish I Could Help You."
"You Have Helped me," Said He, Impetuously; "You Have Spoken The First
Truly Kind Word That Has Blessed me Since I Bade Mother Good-By. I Was
Beginning To Hate The Hard-Hearted animals Known As Men And Women. They
Trample Me Down Like A Herd Of Buffaloes."
"Won'T You Go With Me And See Mrs. Arnot? She Has Letters For You, And
She Greatly Wishes To See You."
He Shook His Head.
"Why Not?"
"I Have The Same As Made A Vow That I Will Never Approach Any One To
Whom I Held My Old Relations Until I Regain At Least As Good A Name And
Position As I Lost. I Little Thought We Should Meet Soon Again, If Ever,
And Still Less That You Would Speak To Me As You Have Done."
"I Had Been Taking Some Delicacies From Auntie To A Poor Sick Woman, And
Was Just Returning," Said Laura, Blushing Slightly. "I Think Your Vow Is
Very Wrong. Your Pride Brings Grief To Your Mother, And Pain To Your
Good Friend, Mrs. Arnot."
"I Cannot Help It," Said He, In a Manner That Was Gloomy And Almost
Sullen; "I Got Myself Into This Slough, And I Intend To Get Myself Out
Of It. I Shall Not Take Alms From Any One."
"A Mother Cannot Give Her Son Alms," Said Laura Simply.
"The First Words My Mother Said To Me When My Heart Was Breaking Were,
'You Have Disgraced me.' When I Have Accomplished that Which Will Honor
Her I Will Return."
"I Know From What Auntie Said That Your Mother Did Not Mean Any
Unkindness, And You Surely Know That You Have A Friend In mrs. Arnot."
"Mrs. Arnot _Has_ Been A True Friend, And No Small Part Of My Punishment
Is The Thought Of How I Have Requited her Kindness. I Reverence And
Honor Her More Than Any Other Woman, And I Did Not Know That You Were So
Much Like Her. You Both Seem Different From All The Rest Of The World.
But I Shall Take No Advantage Of Her Kindness Or Yours."
"Mr. Haldane," Said Laura Gravely, But With Rising Color, "I Am Not A
Woman. In years And Feelings I Am Scarcely More Than A Child. It May Not
Be Proper Or Conventional For Me To Stop And Talk So Long To You, But I
Have Acted from The Natural Impulse Of A Young Girl Brought Up In a
Secluded country Home. I Shall Return Thither Tomorrow, And I Am Glad I
Have Seen You Once More, For I Wished you To Know That I Did Feel Sorry
For You, And That I Hoped you Might Succeed. I Greatly Wish You Would
See Mrs. Arnot, Or Let Me Tell Her Where She Can See You, And Send To
You What She Wishes. She Has Heard Of You Once Or Twice, But Does Not
Know Where To Find You. Will You Not Let Me Tell Her?"
He Shook His Head Decidedly.
"Well, Then, Good-By," Said She Kindly, And Was About To Depart.
"Wait," He Said Hastily; "Will You Do Me One Small Favor?"
"Yes, If I Ought."
"This Is My Father'S Watch And Chain," He Continued, Taking Them Off.
"They Are Not Safe With Me In my Present Life. I Do Not Wish To Have It
In My Power To Take Them To A Pawnshop. I Would Rather Starve First, And
Yet I Would Rather Not Be Tempted. I Can'T Explain. You Cannot And
Should Not Know Anything about The World In which I Am Living. Please
Give These To Mrs. Arnot, And Ask Her To Keep Them Till I Come For Them;
Or She Can Send Them, With The Rest Of My Effects, To My Mother. I Have
Detained you Too Long Already. Whatever May Be My Fate, I Shall Always
Remember You With The Deepest Gratitude And Respect."
There Was Distress In laura'S Face As He Spoke; But She Took The Watch
And Chain Without A Word, For She Saw That He Was Fully Resolved upon
His Course.
"I Know That Mrs. Arnot Will Respect My Wish To Remain In obscurity
Until I Can Come With A Character Differing From That Which I Now Bear.
Your Life Would Be A Very Happy One, Miss Romeyn, If My Wishes Could
Make It So;" And The Wood-Sawyer Bowed his Farewell With The Grace And
Dignity Of A Gentleman, In spite Of His Coarse Laborer'S Garb. He Then
Resumed his Work, To The Great Relief Of The Woman, Who Had Caught
Glimpses Of The Interview From Her Window, Wondering and Surmising Why
The "Young Leddy From The Big House" Should Have So Much To Say To A
"If She Had A-Given Him A Tract Upon Leavin', It Would A-Seemed more
Nateral Like," She Explained to A Crony The Latter Part Of The Day.
Mrs. Arnot Did Respect Haldane'S Desire To Be Left To Himself Until He
Came In the Manner That His Pride Dictated; But, After Hearing Laura'S
Story, She Cast Many A Wistful Glance Toward The One Who, In spite Of
His Grave Faults And Weaknesses, Deeply Interested her, And She Sighed:
"He Must Learn By Hard Experience."
"Did I Do Wrong In speaking To Him, Auntie?" Laura Asked.
"I Do Not Think So. Your Motive Was Natural And Kindly; And Yet I Would
Not Like You To Meet Him Again Until He Is Wholly Different In
Character, If That Time Ever Comes."
Chapter XXI (Magnanimous Mr. Shrumpf)
After The Excitement Caused by His Unexpected interview With Laura
Subsided, And Haldane Was Able To Think It Over Quietly, It Seemed to
Him That He Had Burned his Ships Behind Him. He Must Now Make Good His
Proud Words, For To Go "Crawling Back" After What He Had Said To-Day,
And, Of All Persons, To The One Whose Opinion He Most Valued--This Would
Be A Humiliation The Thought Of Which Even He Could Not Endure.
Having Finished his Task, He Scarcely Glanced at The Pittance Which The
Woman Reluctantly Gave Him, And Went Straight To The City Post-Office.
He Was So Agitated with Conflicting Hopes And Fears That His Voice
Trembled as He Asked if There Were Any Letters Addressed to E. H., And
He Was So Deeply Disappointed that He Was Scarcely Willing To Take The
Careless Negative Given. He Even Went To The Express Office, In the
Vague Hope That The Wary Editors Had Remitted through Them; And The
Leaden Weight Of Despondency Grew Heavier At Each Brisk Statement:
"Nothing For E. H."
He Was So Weary And Low-Spirited when He Reached his Dismal Lodgings
That He Felt No Disposition Either To Eat Or Drink, But Sat Down In the
Back Part Of The Wretched, Musty Saloon, And, Drawing His Hat Over His
Eyes, He Gave Himself Up To Bitter Thoughts. With Mental Imprecations He
Cursed himself That He Had Not Better Understood The Young Girl Who Once
Had Been His Companion. Never Before Had She Seemed so Beautiful As
To-Day, And She Had Revealed a Forming Character As Lovely As Her
Person. She _Was_ Like Mrs. Arnot--The Woman Who Seemed to Him
Perfect--And What More Could He Say In her Praise? And Yet His Folly Had
Placed between Them An Impassable Gulf. He Was Not Misled by Her
Kindness, For He Remembered her Words, And Now Believed them, "If I Ever
Love A Man He Will Be One That I Can Look Up To And Respect." If He
Could Only Have Recognized her Noble Tendencies He Might Have Resolutely
Set About Becoming Such A Man. If His Character Had Been Pleasing To
Her, His Social Position Would Have Given Him The Right To Have Aspired
To Her Hand. Why Had He Not Had Sufficient Sense To Have Realized that
She Was Young--Much Too Young To Understand His Rash, Hasty Passion? Why
Could He Not Have Learned from Her Pure, Delicate Face That She Might
Possibly Be Won By Patient And Manly Devotion, But Would Be Forever
Repelled from The Man Who Wooed her Like A Turk?
In The Light Of Experience He Saw His Mistakes. From His Present Depth
He Looked up, And Saw The Inestimable Vantage Ground Which He Once
Possessed. In his Deep Despondency He Feared he Never Would Regain It,
And That His Hopes Of Literary Success Would Prove Delusive.
Regret Like A Cold, November Wind, Swept Through All His Thoughts And
Memories, And There Seemed nothing Before Him But A Chill Winter Of
Blight And Failure That Would Have No Spring.
But He Was Not Left To Indulge His Miserable Mood Very Long, For His
Mousing Landlord--Having Finally Learned who Haldane Was, And All The
Unfavorable Facts And Comments With Which The Press Had Abounded--Now
Concluded that He Could Pounce Upon Him In such A Way That Something
Would Be Left In his Claws Before The Victim Could Escape.
That Very Morning Haldane Had Paid For His Board To Date, But Had
Thoughtlessly Neglected to Have A Witness Or Take A Receipt. The
Grizzled grimalkin Who Kept The Den, And Thrived as Much By His Small
Filchings As From His Small Profits, Had Purred to Himself, "Very Goot,
Very Goot," On Learning That Haldane'S Word Would Not Be Worth Much With
The Public Or In court; And No Yellow-Eyed cat Ever Waited and Watched
For His Prey With A Quieter And Cooler Deliberation Than Did Weitzel
Shrumpf, The Host Of The Dingy Little Hotel.
After Haldane Appeared he Delayed until A Few Cronies Whom He Could
Depend Upon Had Dropped in, And Then, In an Off-Hand Way, Stepped up To
The Despondent Youth, And Said:
"I Zay, Mister, You Been Here Zwei Week; I Want You Bay Me Now."
"What Do You Mean?" Asked haldane, Looking Up With An Uncomprehending
"Dis Is Vot I Mean; You Buts Me Off Long Nuff. I Vants Zwei Weeks'
"I Paid You For Everything Up To This Morning, And I Have Had Nothing
"O, You Have Baid Me--Strange I Did Not Know. Vill You Bays Now Ven I
Does Know?"
"I Tell You I Have Paid You!" Said Haldane, Starting Up.
"Vel, Vell, Show Me Der Receipt, An I Says Not Von Vort Against Him."
"You Did Not Give Me A Receipt."
"No, I Thinks Not--Not My Vay To Give Him Till I Gits De Moneys."
"You Are An Unmitigated scoundrel. I Won'T Pay You Another Cent."
"Lock Dat Door, Carl," Said The Landlord, Coolly, To One Of His
Satellites. "Now, Mister Haldane, You Bays, Or You Goes To Jail. You Has
Been Dare Vonce, And I'Ll But You Dare Dis Night If You No Bays Me."
"Gentlemen, I Appeal To You To Prevent This Downright Villany," Cried
"I Sees No Villany," Said One Of The Lookers-On, Stolidly. "You Shows
Your Receipt, And He No Touch You."
"I Neglected to Take A Receipt. I Did Not Know I Was Dealing With A
"Ho, Ho, Ho!" Laughed the Landlord; "He Tinks I Vas Honest Like Himself,
Who Vas Jus' Out Of Jail!"
"I Won'T Pay You Twice," Said Haldane Doggedly.
"Carl, Call De Policeman, Den."
"Wait A Moment; Your Rascality Will Do You No Good, And May Get You Into
Trouble. I Have Very Little Money Left."
"Den You Can Leave Your Vatch Till You Brings De Money."
"Ah, Thank Heaven! That Is Safe, And Beyond Your Clutches."
"In A Pawnshop? Or Vas He Stolen, Like De Tousand Dollar, And You Been
Made Give Him Up?"
Haldane Had Now Recovered himself Sufficiently To Realize That He Was In
An Ugly Predicament. He Was Not Sufficiently Familiar With The Law To
Know How Much Power His Persecutor Had, But Feared, With Good Reason,
That Some Kind Of A Charge Could Be Trumped up Which Would Lead To His
Being Locked up For The Night. Then Would Follow Inevitably Another
Series Of Paragraphs In the Papers, Deepening The Dark Hues In which
They Had Already Portrayed his Character. He Could Not Endure The
Thought That The Last Knowledge Of Him That Laura Carried away With Her
From Hillaton Should Be That He Was Again In jail, Charged with Trying
To Steal His Board And Lodging From A Poor And Ignorant Foreigner; For
He Foresaw That The Astute Shrumpf, His German Landlord, Would Appear In
The Police Court In the Character Of An Injured innocent. He Pictured
The Disgust Upon Her Face As She Saw His Name In the Vile Connection
Which This New Arraignment Would Occasion, And He Felt That He Must
Escape It If Possible. Although Enraged at Shrumpf'S False Charge, He
Was Cool Enough To Remember That He Had Nothing To Oppose To It Save His
Own Unsupported word; And What Was That Worth In hillaton? The Public
Would Even Be Inclined to Believe The Opposite Of What He Affirmed.
Therefore, By A Great Effort, He Regained his Self-Control, And Said
Firmly And Quietly:
"Shrumpf, Although You Know I Have Paid You, I Am Yet In a Certain Sense
Within Your Power, Since I Did Not Take Your Receipt. I Have Not Much
Money Left, But After I Have Taken Out Fifty Cents For My Supper And Bed
You Can Take All The Rest. My Watch Is In the Hands Of A Friend, And You
Can'T Get That, And You Can'T Get Any More Than I Have By Procuring My
Arrest; So Take Your Choice. I Don'T Want To Have Trouble With You, But
I Won'T Go Out Penniless And Spend The Night In the Street, And If You
Send For A Policeman I Will Make You All The Trouble I Can, And I
Promise You It Will Not Be A Little."
Herr Shrumpf, Conscious That He Was On Rather Delicate Ground, And
Remembering That He Was Already In bad Odor With The Police Authorities,
Assumed a Great Show Of Generosity.
"I Vill Not Be Tough," He Said, "Ven A Man'S Boor And Does All Vat He
Can; I Knows My Rights, And I Stands Up For Him, But Ven I Gits Him Den
I Be Like Von Leetle Lamb. I Vill Leave You Tree Quarter Dollar, And You
Bays Der Rest Vat You Have, And We Says Nothing More 'Bout Him."
"You Are Right--The Least Said The Better About This Transaction. I'Ve
Been A Fool, And You Are A Knave, And That Is All There Is To Say. Here
Are Seventy-Five Cents, Which I Keep, And There Are Four Dollars, Which
Is All I Have--Every Cent. Now Unlock Your Door And Let Me Out."
"I Tinks You Has More."
"You Can Search My Pockets If You Wish. If You Do, I Call Upon These Men
Present To Witness The Act, For, As I Have Said, If You Go Beyond A
Certain Point I Will Make You Trouble, And Justly, Too."
"Nah, Nah! Vat For I Do So Mean A Ting? You But Your Hand In my Bocket
Ven You Takes My Dinners, My Lagers, And My Brandies, But I No Do Vat No
Shentlemens Does. You Can Go, And Ven You Brings De Full Moneys For Zwei
Weeks' Bort I Gives You Receipt For Him."
Haldane Vouchsafed no Reply, But Hastened away, As A Fly Would Escape
From A Spider'S Web. The Episode, Intensely Disagreeable As It Was, Had
The Good Effect Of Arousing Him Out Of The Paralysis Of His Deep
Despondency. Besides, He Could Not Help Congratulating Himself That He
Had Avoided another Arrest And All The Wretched experience Which Must
Have Followed.
He Concluded that There Was No Other Resource For Him That Night Save
"No. 13," The Lodging-House In the Side Street Where "No Questions Were
Asked"; And, Having Stolen Into Another Obscure Restaurant, He Obtained
Such A Supper As Could Be Had For Twenty-Five Cents. He Then Sought His
Former Miserable Refuge, And, As He Could Not Pay Extra For A Private
Room On This Occasion--For He Must Keep A Little Money For His
Breakfast--There Was Nothing For Him, Therefore, But To Obtain What Rest
He Could In a Large, Stifling Room, Half Filled with Miserable Waifs
Like Himself. He Managed to Get A Bed near A Window, Which He Raised
Slightly, And Fatigue Soon Brought Oblivion.
Chapter XXII (A Man Who Hated himself)
The Light Of The Following Day Brought Little Hope Or Courage; But
Haldane Started out, After A Meagre Breakfast, To Find Some Means Of
Obtaining a Dinner And A Place To Sleep. He Was Not As Successful As
Usual, And Noon Had Passed before He Found Anything To Do.
As He Was Plodding Wearily Along Through A Suburb He Heard Some One
Behind A High Board Fence Speaking So Loudly And Angrily That He Stopped
To Listen, And Was Not A Little Surprised to Find That The Man Was
Talking To Himself. For A Few Moments There Was A Sound Of A Saw, And
When It Ceased, A Harsh, Querulous Voice Commenced again:
"A-A-H"--It Would Seem That The Man Thus Given To Soliloquy Often Began
And Finished his Sentences With A Vindictive And Prolonged guttural
Sound Like That Here Indicated--"Miserable Hand At Sawin' Wood! Why
Don'T You Let Some One Saw It That Knows How? Tryin' To Save A Half
Dollar; When You Know It'Ll Give You The Rheumatiz, And Cost Ten In
Doctor Bills! 'Nother Thing; It'S Mean--Mean As Dirt. You Know There'S
Poor Devils Who Need the Work, And You'Re Cheatin' 'Em Out Of It. But
It'S Just Like Yer! A-A-H!" And Then The Saw Began Again.
Haldane Was Inclined to Believe That This Irascible Stranger Was As
Providential As The Croaking Ravens That Fed the Prophet, And He
Promptly Sought The Gate And Entered. An Old Man Looked up In some
Surprise. He Was Short In stature And Had The Stoop Of One Who Is
Bending Under The Weight Of Years And Infirmities. His Features Were As
Withered and Brown As A Russet Apple That Had Been Kept Long Past Its
Season, And His Head Was Surmounted by A Shock Of White Locks That
Bristled out In all Directions, As If Each Particular Hair Was On Bad
Terms With Its Neighbors. Curious Seams And Wrinkles Gave The Continuous
Impression That The Old Gentleman Had Just Swallowed something Very
Bitter, And Was Making a Wry Face Over It. But Haldane Was In no Mood
For The Study Of Physiognomy And Character, However Interesting a
Subject He Might Stumble Upon, And He Said:
"I Am Looking For A Little Work, And With Your Permission I Will Saw
That Wood For Whatever You Are Willing To Pay."
"That Won'T Be Much."
"It Will Be Enough To Get A Hungry Man A Dinner."
"Haven'T You Had Any Dinner?"
"Why Didn'T You Ask For One, Then?"
"Why Should I Ask You For A Dinner?"
"Why Shouldn'T You? If I Be A Tight-Fisted man, I'M Not Mean Enough To
Refuse A Hungry Man."
"Give Me Some Work, And I Can Buy My Dinner."
"What'S Your Name?"
"Egbert Haldane."
"Ah Ha! That Name'S Been In the Papers Lately."
"Yes, And _I_ Have Been In jail."
"And Do You Expect Me To Have A Man Around That'S Been In jail?"
"No; I Don'T Expect Any Humanity From Any Human Being That Knows
Anything about Me. I Am Treated as If I Were The Devil Himself, And
Hadn'T The Power Or Wish To Do Anything Save Rob And Murder. The Public
Should Keep Such As I Am In prison The Rest Of Our Lives, Or Else Cut
Our Throats. But This Sending Us Out In the World To Starve, And To Be
Kicked and Cuffed during The Process, Is Scarcely In keeping With The
Bible Civilization They Are Always Boasting Of."
He Spoke Recklessly And Bitterly, And His Experience Made His Words
Appear To Him Only Too True. But His Shrivelled and Shrunken Auditor
Grinned appreciatively, And Said, With More Than His Usual Vindictive
"A-A-H! That'S The Right Kind Of Talk. Now You'Re Gittin' Past All This
Make-Believin' To The Truth. We'Re A Cussed mean Set--We Folk Who Go To
Church And Read The Bible, And Then Do Just What The Devil Tells Us,
A-Helpin Him Along All The Time. Satan'S Got A Strong Grip On You, From
All I Hear, And We'Re All A-Helpin' Him Keep It. You'Ve Gone Half Way To
The Devil, And All The Good People Tell You To Go The Rest Of The Way,
For They Won'T Have Anything To Do With You. Hain'T That The Way?"
"Oh, No," Said Haldane With A Bitter Sneer; "Some Of The Good People To
Whom You Refer Put Themselves Out So Far As To Give Me A Little Advice."
"What Was It Wuth To You? Which Would You Ruther--Some Good Advice From
Me, Or The Job Of Sawin' The Wood There?"
"Give Me The Saw--No Matter About The Advice," Said Haldane, Throwing
Off His Coat.
"A-A-H! Wasn'T I A Fool To Ask That Question? Well, I Don'T Belong To
The Good People, So Go Ahead--I Don'T S'Pose You Know Much About Sawin'
Wood, Bro'T Up As You'Ve Been; But You Can'T Do It Wuss Than Me. I Don'T
Belong To Any One. What I Was Made For I Can'T See, Unless It Is To Be A
Torment To Myself. Nobody Can Stand Me. I Can'T Stand Myself. I'Ve Got A
Cat And Dog That Will Stay With Me, And Sometimes I'Ll Git Up And Kick
'Em Jest For The Chance Of Cussin' Myself For Doin' It."
"And Yet You Are The First Man In town That Has Shown Me Any Practical
Kindness," Said Haldane, Placing another Stick On His Saw-Buck.
"Well, I Kinder Do It Out O' Spite To Myself. There'S Somethin' Inside
Of Me Sayin' All The Time, 'Why Are You Spendin' Time And Money On This
Young Scapegrace? It'Ll End In your Havin' To Give Him A Dinner, For You
Can'T Be So Blasted mean As To Let Him Go Without It, And Yet All The
Time You'Re Wishin' That You Needn'T Do It.'"
"Well, You Need not," Said Haldane.
"Yes, I Must, Too."
"All I Ask Of You Is What You Think That Work Is Worth."
"Well, That Ain'T All I Ask Of My Confounded old Self. Here, You'Re
Hungry You Say--S'Pose You Tell The Truth Sometimes; Here You'Re Down,
And All The Respectable People Sittin' Down Hard On You; Here You Are In
The Devil'S Clutches, And He'S Got You Half Way Toward The Brimstone,
And I'M Grudgin' You A Dinner, Even When I Know I'Ve Got To Give It To
You. That'S What I Call Bein' Mean And A Fool Both. A-A-H!"
Haldane Stopped a Moment To Indulge In the First Laugh He Had Enjoyed
Since His Arrest.
"I Hope You Will Pardon Me, My Venerable Friend," Said He; "But You Have
A Rather Strangely Honest Way Of Talking."
"I'M Old, But I Ain'T Venerable. My Name Is Jeremiah Growther," Was The
Snarling Reply.
"I'M Fraid You Have Too Much Conscience, Mr. Growther. It Won'T Let You
Do Comfortably What Others Do As A Matter Of Course."
"I'Ve Nothin' To Do With Other People. I Know What'S Right, And I'M All
The Time Hatin' To Do It. That'S The Mean Thing about Me Which I Can'T
Stand. A-A-H!"
"I'M Sorry My Coming Has Made You So Out Of Sorts With Yourself."
"If It Ain'T You It'S Somethin' Else. I Ain'T More Out Of Sorts Than
"Well, You'Ll Soon Be Rid Of Me--I'Ll Be Through In an Hour."
"Yes, And Here It Is The Middle Of The Afternoon, And You Haven'T Had
Your Dinner Yet, And For All I Know, No Breakfast Nuther. I Was Precious
Careful To Have Both Of Mine, And Find It Very Comfortable Standin' Here
A-Growlin' While You'Re Workin' On An Empty Stomach. But It'S Just Like
Me. A-A-H! I'Ll Call You In a Few Minutes, And I Won'T Pay You A Cent
Unless You Come In;" And The Old Man Started for The Small Dilapidated
Cottage Which He Shared with The Cat And Dog That, As He Stated, Managed
To Worry Along With Him.
But He Had Not Taken Many Steps Before He Stumbled slightly Against A
Loose Stone, And He Stopped for A Moment, As If He Could Find No
Language Equal To The Occasion, And Then Commenced such A Tirade Of
Abuse With His Poor Weazened little Self As Its Object, That One Would
Naturally Feel Like Taking Sides With The Decrepit Body Against The
Vindictive Spirit. Haldane Would Have Knocked a Stranger Down Had He
Said Half As Much To The Old Gentleman, Who Seemed bent On Befriending
Him After His Own Odd Fashion. But The Irate Old Man Finished his
Objurgation With The Words:
"What'S One Doin' Above Ground Who Can'T Lift His Foot Over A Stone Only
An Inch High? A-A-H!" And Then He Went On, And Disappeared in the House,
From The Open Door Of Which Not Long After Came The Savory Odor Of
Partly To Forget His Miserable Self In his Employer'S Strange Manner,
And Partly Because He Was Almost Faint From Hunger, Haldane Concluded to
Accept This First Invitation To Dine Out In hillaton, Resolving That He
Would Do His Queer Host Some Favor To Make Things Even.
"Come In," Shouted mr. Growther A Few Minutes Later.
Haldane Entered quite A Large Room, Which Presented an Odd Aspect Of
Comfort And Disorder.
"There'S A Place To Wash Your Hands, If You Think It'S Wuth While. I
Don'T Often, But I Hope There'S Few Like Me," Said The Busy Host,
Lifting The Frying-Pan From Some Coals, And Emptying From It A Generous
Slice Of Ham And Three Or Four Eggs On A Platter.
"I Like Your Open Fire-Place," Said Haldane, Looking Curiously Around
The Hermitage As He Performed his Ablutions.
"That'S A Nuther Of My Weaknesses. I Know A Stove Would Be More
Convenient And Economical, But I Hate All Improvements."
"One Would Think, From What You Said, Your Cat And Dog Had A Hard Time
Of It; But Two More Sleek, Fat, And Lazy Animals I Never Saw."
"No Thanks To Me. I S'Pose They'Ve Got Clear Consciences."
As The Table Began To Fairly Groan With Good Things, Haldane Said:
"Look Here, Mr. Growther, Are You In the Habit Of Giving Disreputable
People Such A Dinner As That?"
"If It'S Good Enough For Me, It'S Good Enough For You," Was The Tart
"O, I'M Not Finding Fault; I Only Wanted you To Know That I Would Be
Grateful For Much Less."
"I'M Not Doin' It To Please You, But To Spite Myself."
"Have Your Own Way, Of Course," Said Haldane, Laughing: "It'S A Little
Odd, Though, That Your Spite Against Yourself Should Mean So Much
Practical Kindness To Me."
"Hold On!" Cried his Host, As Haldane Was About To Attack The Viands;
"Ain'T You Goin' To Say Grace?"
"Well," Said The Young Man, Somewhat Embarrassed, "I Would Rather You
Would Say It For Me."
"I Might As Well Eat Your Dinner For You."
"Mr. Growther, You Are An Unusually Honest Man, And I Think A Kind One;
So I Am Not Going To Act Out Any Lies Before You. Although Your Dinner
Is The Best One I Have Seen For Many A Long Day, Or Am Likely To See,
Yet, To Tell You The Truth, I Could Swear Over It Easier Than I Could
Pray Over It."
"A-A-H! That'S The Right Spirit; That'S The Way I Ought To Feel. Now You
See What A Mean Hypocrite I Am. I'M No Christian--Far From It--And Yet I
Always Have A Sneakin' Wish To Say Grace Over My Victuals. As If It
Would Do Anybody Any Good! If I'D Jest Swear Over 'Em, As You Say, Then
I Would Be Consistent."
"Are You In earnest In all This Strange Talk?"
"Yes, I Am; I Hate Myself."
"Because I Know All About Myself. A-A-H!"
"How Many Poor, Hungry People Have You Fed since The Year Opened?"
"Your Question Shows Me Jest What I Am. I Could Tell You Within Three Or
Four. I Found Myself A-Countin' Of 'Em Up And A-Gloryin' In it All The
Tother Night, Takin' Credit To Myself For Givin' Away A Few Victuals
After I Had Had Plenty Myself. Think Of A Man Gittin' Self-Righteous
Over Givin' To Some Poor Fellow-Critters What He Couldn'T Eat Himself!
If That Ain'T Meanness, What Is It? A-A-H!"
"But You Haven'T Told Me How Many You Have Fed."
"No, And I Ain'T A-Goin' To--Jest To Spite Myself. I Want To Tell You,
And To Take Credit For It, But I'Ll Head Myself Off This Time."
"But You Could Eat These Things Which You Are Serving To Me--If Not
To-Day, Why, Then To-Morrow."
"To-Morrow'S Income Will Provide For To-Morrow. The Lord Shows He'S Down
On This Savin' And Hoardin' Up Of Things, For He Makes 'Em Get Musty
Right Away; And If Anything Spiles On My Hands I'M Mad Enough To Bite
Myself In two."
"But If You Treat All Stragglers As You Do Me, You Do Not Give Away Odds
And Ends And What'S Left Over. This Coffee Is Fine Old Java, And A More
Delicate Ham I Never Tasted."
"Now You Hit Me Twice. I Will Have The Best For Myself, Instead Of
Practicin' Self-Denial And Economy. Then I'M Always Wantin' To Get Some
Second-Hand Victuals To Give Away, But I Daresn'T. You See I Read The
Bible Sometimes, And It'S The Most Awfully Oncomfortable Book That Ever
Was Written. You Know What The Lord Says In it--Or You Ought To--About
What We Do For The Least Of These His Brethren; That Means Such As You,
Only You'Re A Sort Of Black Sheep In the Family; And If Words Have Any
Sense At All, The Lord Takes My Givin' You A Dinner The Same As If I
Gave It To Him. Now S'Pose The Lord Came To My House, As He Did To Mary
And Martha'S, And I Should Git Him Up A Slimpsy Dinner Of Second-Hand
Victuals, And Stand By A-Chucklin' That I Had Saved twenty-Five Cents On
It, Wouldn'T That Be Meanness Itself? Some Time Ago I Had A Ham That I
Couldn'T And Wouldn'T Eat, And They Wouldn'T Take It Back At The Store,
So I Got Some Of The Lord'S Poor Brethren To Come To Dinner, And I
Palmed it Off On Them. But I Had To Cuss Myself The Whole Evenin' To Pay
Up For It! A-A-H!"
"By Jove!" Cried haldane, Dropping His Knife And Fork, And Looking
Admiringly At His Host, Who Stood On The Hearth, Running His Fingers
Through His Shock Of White Hair, His Shriveled and Bristling aspect
Making a Marked contrast With His Sleek And Lazy Cat And Dog--"By Jove,
You Are That I Call A Christian!"
"Now, Look Here, Young Man," Said Mr. Growther, Wrathfully, "Though You
Are Under No Obligations To Me, You'Ve Got No Business Makin' Game Of Me
And Callin' Me Names, And I Won'T Stand It. You'Ve Got To Be Civil And
Speak The Truth While You'Re On My Premises, Whether You Want To Or No."
Haldane Shrugged his Shoulders, Laughed, And Made Haste With His Dinner,
For With Such A Gusty And Variable Host He Might Not Get A Chance To
Finish It. As He Glanced around The Room, However, And Saw How Cosey And
Inviting It Might Be Made By A Little Order And Homelike Arrangement, He
Determined to Fix It Up According To His Own Ideas, If He Could
Accomplish It Without Actually Coming To Blows With The Occupant.
"Who Keeps House For You?" He Asked.
"Didn'T I Tell You Nobody Could Stand Me!"
"Will You Stand Me For About Half An Hour While I Fix Up This Room For
"What Will You Do If I Attempt It?"
"I'Ll Set The Dog On You."
"Nothing Worse?" Asked haldane, With A Laughing Glance At The Lazy Cur.
"You Might Take Something."
An Expression Of Sharp Pain Crossed the Young Man'S Face; The Sunshine
Faded out Of It Utterly, And He Said In a Cold, Constrained voice, As He
Rose From The Table:
"Oh, I Forgot For A Moment That I Am A Thief In the World'S Estimation."
"That Last Remark Of Mine Was About Equal To A Kick, Wasn'T It?"
"A Little Worse."
"Ain'T You Used to 'Em Yet?"
"I Ought To Be."
"Why, Do Many Speak Out As Plain As That?"
"They Act It Out Just As Plainly. Since You Don'T Trust Me, You Had
Better Watch Me, Lest I Put Some Cord-Wood In my Pocket."
"What Do You Want To Do?"
"If The World Is Going To Insist Upon It That I Am A Scoundrel To The
End Of The Chapter, I Want To Find Some Deep Water, And Get Under It,"
Was The Reckless Reply.
"A-A-H! Didn'T I Say We Respectable People And The Devil Was In
Partnership Over You? He Wants To Get You Under Deep Water As Soon As
Possible, And We'Re All A-Helpin' Him Along. Young Man, I _Am_ Afraid Of
You, Like The Rest, And It Seems To Me That I Think More Of My Old Duds
Here Than Of Your Immortal Soul That The Devil Has Almost Got. But I'M
Goin' To Spite Him And Myself For Once. I'M Goin' Down Town After The
Evenin' Paper, And, Instead Of Lockin' Up, As I Usually Do, I Shall
Leave You In charge. I Know It'S Risky, And I Hate To Do It, But It
Seems To Me That You Ought Ter Have Sense Enough To Know That If You
Take All I'Ve Got You Would Be Jest That Much Wuss Off;" And Before
Haldane Could Remonstrate Or Reply He Took A Curiously Twisted and
Gnarled cane That Resembled himself And Departed.
Chapter XXIII (Mr. Growther Becomes Gigantic)
Haldane Was So Surprised at Mr. Growther'S Unexpected course That The
Odd Old Man Was Out Of The Gate Before The Situation Was Fully Realized.
His First Impulse Was To Follow, And Say That He Would Not Be Left Alone
In Circumstances That Might Compromise Him; But A Second Thought Assured
Him That He Was Past Being Compromised. So He Concluded to Fall In with
His Host'S Queer Humor, And Try To Prove Himself Worthy Of Trust. He
Cleared away His Dinner With As Much Deftness As Could Be Expected of
One Engaging In an Unusual Task, And Put Everything In its Place, Or
What Should Be Its Place. He Next Found A Broom, And Commenced sweeping
The Room, Which Unwonted proceeding aroused the Slumbering Cat And Dog,
And They Sat Up And Stared at The Stranger With Unfeigned astonishment.
The Cat Looked on Quietly And Philosophically, Acting On The Generally
Received principle Of The World, Of Not Worrying Until Her Own Interests
Seemed threatened. But The Dog Evidently Thought Of The Welfare Of His
Absent Master, And Had A Vague Troubled sense That Something Was Wrong.
He Waddled up To The Intruder, And Gravely Smelled of Him. By Some
Canine Casuistry He Arrived at The Same Conclusion Which Society Had
Reached--That Haldane Was A Suspicious Character, And Should Be Kept At
Arm'S-Length. Indeed, The Sagacious Beast Seemed to Feel Toward The
Unfortunate Youth Precisely The Same Impulse Which Had Actuated all The
Prudent Citizens In town--A Desire To Be Rid Of Him, And To Have Nothing
To Do With Him. If Haldane Would Only Take Himself Off To Parts Unknown,
To Die In a Gutter, Or To Commit A Burglary, That He Might, As It Were,
Break Into Jail Again, And So Find A Refuge And An Abiding-Place, The
Faithful Dog, Believing His Master'S Interests No Longer Endangered,
Would Have Resumed his Nap With The Same Complacence And Sense Of Relief
Which Scores Of Good People Had Felt As They Saw Mr. Arnot'S Dishonored
Clerk Disappearing From Their Premises, After Their Curt Refusal Of His
Services. The Community'S Thoughts And Wary Eyes Followed him Only
Sufficiently Long To Be Sure That He Committed no Further Depredations,
And Then He Was Forgotten, Or Remembered only As A Danger, Or An
Annoyance, Happily Escaped. What Was To Become Of This Drifting Human
Atom Appeared to Cause No More Solicitude In town Than Mr. Growther'S
Dog Would Feel Should He Succeed in growling The Intruder Out Of The
House; For, Being Somewhat Mystified, And Not Exactly Sure As To His
Master'S Disposition Toward The Stranger, He Concluded to Limit His
Protest To A Union Of His Voice With What Might Be Termed society'S
Surly And Monotonous Command, "Move On."
Haldane Tried to Propitiate This Mild And Miniature Cerberus With A
Dainty Piece Of Ham, But Was Rewarded only By A Disdainful Sniff And
Angrier Snarl. The Politic Cat, However, With Wary Glances At The Dog
And The Stranger, Stole Noiselessly To The Meat, Seized it, And
Retreated quickly To Her Recognized corner Of The Hearth; But When The
Youth, Hoping That The Morsel Might Lead To A Friendly Acquaintance,
Offered a Caress, Her Back And Tail Went Up Instantly, And She Became
The Embodiment Of Repellant Conservatism. He Looked at Her A Moment, And
Then Said, With A Bitter Laugh:
"If You Could Be Transformed into A Woman, As The Old Fairy Tale Goes,
You Would Make An Excellent Wife For Weitzel Shrumpf, While The Snarling
Dog Represents The Respectable Portion Of The Community, That Will Have
Nothing To Do With Me Whatever. When My Pen, However, Has Brought Name
And Fame, The Churlish World Will Be Ready To Fawn, And Forget That It
Tried to Trample Me Into The Mire Of The Street Until I Became A Part Of
It. Curses On The World! I Would Give Half My Life For The Genius Of A
Byron, That I Migt Heap Scorn On Society Until It Writhed under The
Intolerable Burden. Oh That I Had A Wit As Keen And Quick As The
Lightning, So That I Might Transfix And Shrivel Up The Well-Dressed
Monsters That Now Shun Me As If I Had A Contagion!"
From A Heart Overflowing With Bitterness And Impotent Protest Against
The Condition To Which His Own Act Had Reduced him, Haldane Was Learning
To Indulge In such Bitter Soliloquy With Increasing Frequency. It Is
Ever The Tendency Of Those Who Find Themselves At Odds With The World,
And In conflict With The Established order Of Things, To Inveigh With
Communistic Extravagance Against The Conservatism And Wary Prudence
Which They Themselves Would Have Maintained had All Remained well With
Them. The Haldane Who Had Meditated "Gloomy Grandeur" Would Not Have
Looked at The Poor, Besmirched haldane Who Had Just Accepted what The
World Would Regard As Charity. The Only Reason Why The Proud,
Aristocratic Youth Could Tolerate And Make Excuse For The Disreputable
Character Who Was Glad To Eat The Dinner Given By Jeremiah Growther, Was
That This Same Ill-Conditioned fellow Was Himself. Thus Every Bitter
Thing Which He Said Against Society Was Virtually Self-Condemnation. And
Yet His Course Was Most Natural, For Men Almost Invariably Forget That
Their Views Change With Their Fortunes. Thousands Will At Once Form A
Positive Opinion Of A Subject From Its Aspect Seen At Their Standpoint,
Where One Will Walk Around And Scan It On All Sides.
Either To Spite Himself, Or To Show His Confidence In one Whom Others
Regarded as Utterly Unworthy Of Trust, Mr. Growther Remained away
Sufficiently Long For Haldane To Have Made Up A Bundle Of All The
Valuables In the House, And Have Escaped. The Young Man Soon Discovered
That There Were Valuables, But Anything Like Vulgar Theft Never Entered
His Mind. That People Should Believe Him Capable Of Acting The Part Of A
Common Thief Was One Of The Strange Things In his Present Experience
Which He Could Not Understand.
Finally, To The Immense Relief Of The Honest And Conservative Dog, That
Had Growled himself Hoarse, Haldane Gave The Room Its Finishing Touches,
And Betook Himself To The Woodpile Again. The Cat Watched his Departure
With Philosophic Composure. Like Many Fair Ladies, She Had Thought
Chiefly Of Herself During The Interview With The Stranger, From Whom She
Had Managed to Secure A Little Agreeable Attention Without Giving
Anything In return; And, Now That It Was Over, She Complacently Purred
Herself To Sleep, With Nothing To Regret.
"Hullo! You'Re Here Yet, Eh!" Said Mr. Growther, Entering The Gate.
"Can You Name Any Good Reason Why I Should Not Be Here?" Asked haldane,
Somewhat Nettled.
"No, But I Could Plenty Of Bad Reasons."
"Keep Them To Yourself Then," Said The Young Man, Sullenly Resuming His
"You Talk As If You Was An Honest Man," Growled the Old Gentleman,
Hobbling Into The House.
Sitting Down In his Stout Oak Chair To Rest Himself, He Stared in
Silence For A Time At The Changes That Haldane Had Wrought. At Last He
"Now, Jeremiah Growther, I Hope You Can See That You Are A Perfect Pig!
I Hope You Can See That Dirt And Confusion Are Your Nateral Elements;
And You Had To Live Like A Pig Till A Boy Just Out Of Jail Came To Show
You What It Was To Live Like A Decent Human. But You'Ve Been Showed
Before, And You'Ll Get Things Mixed up To-Morrow. A-A-H!
"Where'S That Young Fellow Goin' To Sleep To-Night? That'S None O' Your
Business. Yes, 'Tis My Business, Too. I'M Always Mighty Careful To Know
Where I'M Goin' To Sleep, And If I Don'T Sleep Well My Cat And Dog Hear
From Me The Next Day. You Could Be Mighty Comfortable Tonight In your
Good Bed with This Young Chap Sittin' On A Curb-Stun In the Rain; But I
Be Hanged if You Shall Be. It'S Beginnin' To Rain Now--It'S Goin' To Be
A Mean Night--Mean As Yourself--A Cold, Oncomfortable Drizzle; Just Such
A Night As Makes These Poor Homeless Devils Feel That Since They Are
Half Under Water They Might As Well Go Down To The River And Get Under
Altogether. P'Raps They Do It Sometimes In the Hope Of Finding a Warm,
Dry Place Somewhere. Dreadful Suddint Change For 'Em, Though! And It'S
We Respectable, Comfortable People That'S To Blame For These Suddint
Changes Half The Time.
"You Know That Heady Young Chap Out There Will Go To The Bad If Somebody
Don'T Pull Him Up. You Know That It Would Be Mean As Dirt To Let Him Go
Wanderin' Off To-Night With Only Fifty Cents In his Pocket, Tryin' To
Find Some Place To Put His Head In out Of The Storm; And Yet You Want To
Git Out Of Doin' Anything More For Him. You'Re Thinkin' How Much More
Comfortable It Will Be To Sit Dozin' In your Chair, And Not Have Any
Stranger Botherin' Round. But I'Ll Head You Off Agin In spite Of Your
Cussed, Mean, Stingy, Selfish, Old, Shrivelled-Up Soul, That Would Like
To Take Its Ease Even Though The Hull World Was A-Groanin' Outside The
Door. A-A-H!"
Having Made It Clear To The Perverse Jeremiah Growther--Against Whom He
Seemed to Hold Such An Inveterate Spite--What He Must Do, He Arose And
Called to Haldane:
"What Are You Doin' Out There In the Rain?"
"I'Ll Be Through In a Few Minutes."
"I Don'T Want The Rest Done Till Mornin'."
"It Will Pay Neither Of Us For Me To Come Back Here To Do What'S Left."
"It May Pay You, And As To Its Payin' Me, That'S My Business."
"Not Altogether--I Wish To Do My Work On Business Principles; I Haven'T
Got Down To Charity Yet."
"Well, Have Your Own Way, Then; I S'Pose Other Folks Have A Right To
Have It As Well As Myself, Sometimes. Come In soon As You Are Through."
By The Time Haldaue Finished his Task The Clouds Had Settled heavily All
Around The Horizon, Hastening Forward An Early And Gloomy Twilight, And
The Rain Was Beginning To Fall Steadily. His Mood Comported with The
Aspect Of Sky And Earth, And Weariness, The Fast Ally Of Despondency,
Aided in giving a Leaden Hue To The Future And A Leaden Weight, To His
Thoughts. The Prospect Of Trudging a Mile Or More Through The Drenching
Rain To His Previous Squalid Resting-Place At No. 13, Whose Only
Attraction Consisted in the Fact That No Questions Were Asked, Was So
Depressing That He Decided to Ask Mr. Growther For Permission To Sleep
In The Corner Of His Woodshed.
"Come In," Shouted mr. Growther, In response To His Knock At The Door.
"I'M Through," Said Haldane Laconically.
"Well, I Ain'T," Replied mr. Growther; "You Wouldn'T Mind Taking That
Cheer Till I Am, Would You?"
Haldane Found The Cushioned armchair And The Genial Fire Exceedingly To
His Taste, And He Felt That In such Comfortable Quarters He Could Endure
Hearing The Old Man Berate Himself Or Any One Else For An Hour Or More.
"Where Are You Goin' To Sleep To-Night?" Asked his Quaint-Visaged host.
"That Is A Problem I Had Been Considering Myself," Answered haldane,
Dubiously. "I Had About Concluded that, Rather Than Walk Back Through
The Rain To The Wretched place At Which I Slept Last Night, I Would Ask
For The Privilege Of Sleeping In your Wood-Shed. It Wouldn'T Be Much
Worse Than The Other Place, Or Any Place In which I Could Find Lodging
If I Were Known. Since I Did Not Steal Your Silver I Suppose You Can
Trust Me With Your Wood."
"Yet They Say Your Folks Is Rich."
"Yes, I Can Go To As Elegant A House As There Is In this City."
"Why In thunder Don'T You Go There, Then?"
"Because I Would Rather Be In your Wood-Shed and Other Places Like It
For The Present."
"I Can'T Understand That."
"Perhaps Not, But There Are Worse Things Than Sleeping Hard And Cold.
There Are People Who Suffer More Through Their Minds Than Their Bodies.
I Am Not Going Back Among My Former Acquaintances Till I Can Go As A
The Old Man Looked at Him Approvingly A Moment, And Then Said
"Well, You May Be A Bad Cuss, But You Ain'T A Mean One."
Haldane Laughed outright. "Mr. Growther," Said He, "You Do Me Honor. I
Foresee You Will Trust Me With Your Wood-Pile To-Night."
"No I Won'T Nuther. You Might Not Take My Wood, But You Would Take Cold,
And Then I'D Have To Nuss You And Pay Doctor'S Bills, And Bother With
You A Week Or More. I Might Even Have Your Funeral On My Hands. You
Needn'T Think You'Re Goin' To Get Me Into All This Trouble, Fur I'M One
That Hates Trouble, Unless It'S Fur Myself; And, If I Do Say It, It'S
Askin' A Little Too Much Of Me, Almost A Stranger, To 'Tend To Your
Funeral. I Don'T Like Funerals--Never Did--And I Won'T Have Nothin' To
Do With Yours. There'S A Room Right Upstairs Here, Over The Kitchen,
Where You Can Sleep Without Wakin' Up The Hull Neighborhood A Coughin'
Before Mornin'. Now Don'T Say Nothin' More About It. I'M Thinkin' Of
Myself Plaguy Sight More'N I Am Of You. If I Could Let You Go To The
Dogs Without Worryin' About It, I'D Do It Quick Enough; But I'Ve Got A
Miserable, Sneakin' Old Conscience That Won'T Stand Right Up And Make Me
Do Right, Like A Man; But When I Want To Do Some Thin' Mean It Begins A
Gnawin' And A Gnawin' At Me Till I Have To Do What I Oughter For The
Sate Of A Little Peace And Comfort. A-A-H!"
"Your Uncomfortable Conscience Seems Bent On Making Me Very Comfortable;
And Yet I Pledge You My Word That I Will Stay Only On One Condition, And
That Is, That You Let Me Get Supper And Breakfast For You, And Also Read
The Paper Aloud This Evening. I Can See That You Are Tired and Lame From
Your Walk. Will You Agree?"
"Can'T Very Well Help Myself. These Easterly Storms Allers Brings The
Rheumatiz Into My Legs. About All They Are Good Fur Now Is To Have The
Rheumatiz In 'Em. So Set Plates For Two, And Fire Ahead."
Haldane Entered into His Tasks With Almost Boyish Zest. "I'Ve Camped out
In The Woods, And Am Considerable Of A Cook," Said He. "You Shall Have
Some Toast Browned to A Turn, To Soak In your Tea, And Then You Shall
Have Some More With Hot Cream Poured over It. I'Ll Shave The Smoked beef
So Thin That You Can See To Read Through It."
"Umph! I Can'T See After Dark Any More Than An Old Hen."
"How Did You Expect To Read The Paper Then?" Asked haldane, Without
Pausing In his Labors.
"I Only Read The Headin'S. I Might As Well Make Up The Rest As The
Editors, Fur Then I Can Make It Up To Suit Me. It'S All Made Up Half The
Time, You Know."
"Well, You Shall Hear The Editors' Yarns To-Night Then, By Way Of
The Old Man Watched the Eager Young Fellow As He Bustled from The
Cupboard To The Table, And From The Store-Closet To The Fireplace, With
A Kindly Twinkle In his Small Eyes, From Which The Deep Wrinkles Ran In
All Directions And In strange Complexity. There Could Scarcely Be A
Greater Contrast Than That Between The Headstrong And Stalwart Youth And
The Withered and Eccentric Hermit; But It Would Seem That Mutual
Kindness Is A Common Ground On Which All The World Can Meet And Add
Somewhat To Each Other'S Welfare.
The Sound Hard Wood Which Haldane Had Just Sawn Into Billets Blazed
Cheerily On The Hearth, Filling The Quaint Old Kitchen With Weird And
Flickering Lights And Shades. Mr. Growther Was Projected against The
Opposite Wall In the Aspect Of A Benevolent Giant, And Perhaps The
Large, Kindly, But Unsubstantial Shadow Was A Truer Type Of The Man Than
The Shrivelled anatomy With Which The Town Was Familiar. The
Conservative Dog, No Longer Disquieted by Doubts And Fears, Sat Up And
Blinked approvingly At The Preparation For Supper. The Politic Cat, Now
Satisfied that Any Attentions To The Stranger Would Not Compromise Her,
And Might Lead To Another Delicate Morsel, Fawned against His Legs, And
Purred as Affectionately As If She Had Known Him All Her Life And Would
Not Scratch Him Instantly If He Did Anything Displeasing To Her.
Take It Altogether, It Was A Domestic Scene Which Would Have Done Mrs.
Arnot'S Heart Good To Have Witnessed; But Poor Mrs. Haldane Would Have
Sighed over It As So Utterly Unconventional As To Be Another Proof Of
Her Son'S Unnatural Tastes. In her Estimation He Should Spend Social
Evenings Only In aristocratic Parlors; And She Mourned over The Fact
That From Henceforth He Was Excluded from These Privileged places Of His
Birthright, With A Grief Only Less Poignant Than Her Sorrow Over What
Seemed to Her A Cognate Truth, That His Course And Character Also
Excluded him From Heaven.
Chapter XXIV (How Public Opinion Is Often Made)
"I Don'T S'Pose There'S Any Use Of Two Such Reprobates As Us Thinkin'
About Sayin' Grace," Said Mr. Growther, Taking His Place At The Head Of
The Table; "And Yet, As I Said, I Allers Have A Sneakin' Wish Jest To Go
Through The Form; So We'Ll All Begin In the Same Way--Cat And Dog And
God'S Rational Critters. Howsomever, They Don'T Know No Better, And So
Their Consciences Is Clear. I'Ll Own Up This Toast Is Good, If I Am
Eatin' It Like A Heathen. If You Can'T Find Anything Else To Do, You Can
Take To Cookin' For A Livin'."
"No One In town, Save Yourself, Would Trust Me In their Kitchen."
"Well, It Does Seem As If A Man Had Better Lose Everything Rather Than
His Character," Said Mr. Growther Thoughtfully.
"Then It Seems A Pity A Man Can Lose It So Cursed easily," Added haldane
Bitterly, "For, Having Lost It, All The Respectable And Well-To-Do Would
Rather One Should Go To The Devil A Thousand Times Than Give Him A
Chance To Win It Back Again."
"You Put It Rather Strong--Rather Strong," Said The Old Man, Shaking His
Head; "For Some Reason Or Other I Am Not As Mad At Myself And Everything
And Everybody To-Night As Usual, And I Can See Things Clearer. Be Honest
Now. A Month Ago You Belonged to The Rich, High-Flyin' Class. How Much
Then Would You Have Had To Do With A Young Fellow Of Whom You Knew Only
Four Things--That He Gambled, Got Drunk, 'Bezzled a Thousand Dollars,
And Had Been In jail? That'S All Most People In town Know About You."
Haldane Laid Down His Knife And Fork And Fairly Groaned.
"I Know The Plain Truth Is Tough To Hear And Think About, And I'M An Old
Brute To Spile Your Supper By Bringing It Up. I Hope You Won'T Think I'M
Trying To Save Some Victuals By Doin' It. And Yet It'S The Truth, And
You'Ve Got To Face It. But Face It To-Morrow--Face It To-Morrow; Have A
Comfortable Time To-Night."
"Your Statement Of The Case Is Perfectly Bald," Said Haldane, With A
Troubled brow; "There Are Explanatory And Excusing Circumstances."
"Yes, No Doubt; But The World Don'T Take Much Account Of Them. When One
Gits Into A Scrape, About The Only Question Asked is, What Did He _Do?_
And They All Jump To The Conclusion That If He Did It Once He'Ll Do It
Agin. Lookin' Into The Circumstances Takes Time And Trouble, And It
Isn'T Human Nature To Bother Much About Other People."
"What Chance Is There, Then, For Such As I Am?"
The Old Man Hitched uneasily On His Chair, But At Last, With His
Characteristic Bluntness Said, "Hanged if I Know! They Say That Them
That Gits Down Doesn'T Very Often Git Up Again. Yet I Know They Do
"What Would You Do If You Were Me?"
"Hanged if I Know That Either! Sit Down And Cuss Myself To All Eternity,
Like Enough. I Feel Like Doin' It Sometimes As It Is. A-A-H!"
"I Think I Know A Way Out Of The Slough," Said Haldane More
Composedly--His Thoughts Recurring To His Literary Hopes--"And If I Do,
You Will Not Be Sorry."
"Of Course I Won'T Be Sorry. A Man Allers Hates One Who Holds A Mortgage
Against Him Which Is Sure To Be Foreclosed. That'S The Way The Devil'S
Got Me, And I Hate Him About As Bad As I Do Myself, And Spite Him Every
Chance I Git. Of Course, I'Ll Be Glad To See You Git Out Of His
Clutches; But He'S Got His Claws In you Deep, And He Holds On To A
Feller As If He'D Pull Him In two Before He'Ll Let Go."
"Mr. Growther, I Don'T Want To Get Into A Quarrel With You, For I Have
Found That You Are Very Touchy On A Certain Point; But I Cannot Help
Hinting That You Are Destined to Meet A Great Disappointment When
Through With Your Earthly Worry. I Wish My Chances Were As Good As
"Now You Are Beginnin' To Talk Foolishly. I Shall Never Be Rid Of
Myself, And So Will Never Be Rid Of My Worry."
"Well, Well, We Won'T Discuss The Question; It'S Too Deep For Us Both;
But In my Judgment It Will Be A Great Piece Of Injustice If You Ever
Find A Warmer Place Than Your Own Hearthstone."
"That'S Mighty Hot, Sometimes, Boy; And, Besides, Your Judgment Hasn'T
Led you Very Straight So Far," Said The Old Man Testily. "But Don'T Talk
Of Such Things. I Don'T Want To Come To 'Em Till I Have To."
"Suppose I Should Become Rich And Famous, Mr. Growther," Said Haldane,
Changing The Subject; "Would You Let Me Take A Meal With You Then?"
"That Depends. If You Put On Any Airs I Wouldn'T."
"Good For You!"
"Oh, I'D Want To Make Much Of You, And Tell How I Helped you When You
Was Down, And So Git All The Reflected glory I Could Out Of You. I'Ve
Learned how My Sneakin' Old Speret Pints Every Time; But I'Ll Head It
Off, And Drive It Back As I Would A Fox Into Its Hole."
In Spite Of Some Rather Harrowing and Gloomy Thoughts On The Part Of Two
Of Them, The Four Inmates Of The Cottage Made A Very Comfortable Supper;
For Mr. Growther Always Insisted that Since His Cat And Dog Could "Stand
Him," They Should Fare As Well As He Did.
Having Cleared the Table, Haldane Lighted a Candle--Kerosene Lamps Were
An Abomination That Mr. Growther Would Not Abide--And Began Reading
Aloud The "Evening Spy." The Old Gentleman Half Listened and Half Dozed,
Pricking Up His Ears At Some Tale Of Trouble Or Crime, And Almost
Snoring Through Politics And Finance. At Last He Was Half Startled out
Of His Chair By A Loud, Wrathful Oath From Haldane.
"Look Here, Young Man," He Said; "The Devil Isn'T So Far Off From Either
Of Us That You Need shout For Him."
"True, Indeed! He Isn'T Far Off, And He Has Everything His Own Way In
This World. Listen To This"--And He Read With Sharp, Bitter Emphasis The
Following Editorial Paragraph, Headed "Unnatural Depravity":
"Being Ever Inclined to View Charitably The Faults And Failings Of
Others, And To Make Allowance For The Natural Giddiness Of Youth, We
Gave A Rather Lenient Estimate, Not Of The Crime Committed by Mr.
Arnot'S Clerk, Egbert Haldane, But Of The Young Man Himself. It Would
Seem That Our Disposition To Be Kindly Led us Into Error, For We Learn
From Our Most Respectable German Contemporary, Published in this City,
That This Same Unscrupulous Young Fraud Has Been Guilty Of The Meanness
Of Taking advantage Of A Poor Foreigner'S Ignorance Of Our Language.
Having Found It Impossible To Obtain Lodgings Among Those Posted in the
Current News Of The Day, And Thus To Impose On Any One To Whom He Was
Known, He Succeeded in obtaining Board Of A Respectable German, And Ran
Up As Large A Bill As Possible At The Bar, Of Course. When The Landlord
Of The Hotel And Restaurant At Last Asked for A Settlement, This Young
Scapegrace Had The Insolence To Insist That He Had Paid Every Cent Of
His Bill, Though He Had Not A Scrap Of Paper Or Proof To Support His
Assertion. Finding That This Game Of Bluster Would Not Succeed, And That
His Justly Incensed host Was About To Ask For His Arrest, He Speedily
Came Down From His High And Virtuous Mood, And Compromised by Pretending
To Offer All The Money He Had.
"This Was Undoubtedly A Mere Pretence, For He Had Worn A Valuable Watch
In The Morning, And Had Parted with It During The Day. Though The Sum He
Apparently Had Upon His Person Was Scarcely Half Payment, The
Kind-Hearted german Took Him At His Word, And Also Left Him Seventy-Five
Cents To Procure Lodgings Elsewhere. In what Role Of Crime He Will Next
Appear It Is Hard To Guess; But It Seems A Pity That Mr. Arnot Did Not
Give Him The Full Benefit Of The Law, For Thus The Community Would Have
Been Rid, For A Time At Least, Of One Who Can Serve His Day And
Generation Better At Breaking Stone Under The Direction Of The State
Than By Any Methods Of His Own Choosing. He Is One Of Those Phenomenal
Cases Of Unnatural Depravity; For, As Far As We Can Learn, He Comes From
A Home Of Wealth, Refinement, And Even Christian Culture. We Warn Our
Fellow-Citizens Against Him."
"A-A-A-H!" Ejaculated mr. Growther, In prolonged and Painful Utterance,
As If One Of His Teeth Had Just Been Drawn. "Now That Is Tough! I Don'T
Wonder You Think Satan Had A Finger In that Pie. Didn'T I Tell You The
Editors Made Up Half That'S In the Papers? I Don'T Know What Started
This Story. There'S Generally A Little Beginning, Like The Seed of A Big
Flauntin' Weed; But I Don'T Believe You Did So Mean A Thing. In fact, I
Don'T Think I'M Quite Mean Enough To Have Done It Myself."
"You, And Perhaps One Other Person, Will Be The Only Ones In town, Then,
Who Will Not Believe It Against Me. I Know I'Ve Acted wrong And Like A
Fool; But What Chance Has A Fellow When He Gets Credit For Evil Only,
And A Hundred-Fold More Evil Than Is In him? Curse It All! Since Every
One Insists That I Have Gone Wholly Over To The Devil, I Might As Well
"That'S It, That'S It! We'Re All Right At His Elbow, A-Helpin' Him
Along. But How Did This Story Start? The Scribbler In the German Paper
Couldn'T Have Spun It, Like A Spider, Hully Out Of His Own In'Ards."
Haldane Told Him The Whole Story, Sketching The "Kind-Hearted german" In
His True Colors.
At Its Conclusion Mr. Growther Drew A Long, Meditative Breath, And
Remarked sententiously, "Well, I'Ve Allers Heard That 'Sperience Was An
Awfully Dear School; But We Do Learn In it. I'Ll Bet My Head You Will
Never Pay Another Dollar Without Takin' A Receipt."
"What Chance Will I Ever Have To Make Another Dollar? They Have Raised a
Mad-Dog Cry Against Me, And I Shall Be Treated as If I Were A Dog."
"Why Don'T You Go Home, Then?"
"I'Ll Go To The Bottom Of The River First."
"That Would Suit The Devil, The Crabs, And The Eels," Remarked mr.
"Faugh! Crabs And Eels!" Exclaimed haldane With A Shudder Of Disgust.
"That'S All You'D Find At The Bottom Of The River, Except Mud,"
Responded mr. Growther, Effectually Quenching all Tragic And Suicidal
Ideas By His Prosaic Statement Of The Facts. "Young Man," He Continued,
Tottering To His Feet, "I S'Pose You Realize That You Are In a Pretty
Bad Fix. I Ain'T Much Of A Mother At Comfortin'. When I Feel Most Sorry
For Any One I'M Most Crabbed. It'S One Of My Mean Ways. If There'S Many
Screws Loose In you, You Will Go Under. If You Are Rash, Or Cowardly, Or
Weak--That Is, Ready To Give Up-Like--You Will Make A Final Mess Of Your
Life; But If You Fight Your Way Up You'Ll Be A Good Deal Of A Man. Seems
To Me If I Was As Young And Strong As You Be, I'D Pitch In. I'D Spite
Myself; I'D Spite The Devil; I'D Beat The World; I'D Just Grit My Teeth,
And Go Fur Myself And Everything Else That Stood In my Way, And I'D Whip
'Em All Out, Or I'D Die A-Fightin'. But I'Ve Got So Old And Rheumatic
That All I Can Do Is Cuss. A-A-H!"
"I Will Take Your Advice--I Will Fight It Out," Exclaimed the Excitable
Youth With An Oath. Between Indignation And Desperation He Was
Thoroughly Aroused. He Already Cherished only Revenge Toward The World,
And He Was Catching The Old Man'S Vindictive Spirit Toward Himself.
Mr. Growther Seemed almost As Deeply Incensed as His Guest At The Gross
Injustice Of The Paragraph, Which, Nevertheless, Would Be Widely Copied,
And Create Public Opinion, And So Double The Difficulties In the Young
Man'S Way; And He Kept Up As Steady A Grumble And Growl As Had His
Sorely Disquieted dog In the Afternoon. But Haldane Lowered at The Fire
For A Long Time In silence.
"Well," Concluded the Quaint Old Cynic, "Matters Can'T Be Mended by
Swearin' At 'Em, Is Advice I Often Give Myself, But Never Take. I S'Pose
It'S Bed-Time. To-Morrow We Will Take Another Squint At Your Ugly
Fortunes, And See Which Side Pints Toward Daylight. Would You Mind
Readin' A Chapter In the Bible First?"
"What Have I To Do With The Bible?"
"Well, The Bible Has A Good Deal To Say About You And Most Other
"Like Those Who Pretend To Believe It, It Has Nothing Good To Say About
Me. I'Ve Had About All The Hard Names I Can Stand For One Night."
"Read Where It Hits Some Other Folks, Then."
"Oh, I Will Read Anywhere You Like. It'S A Pity If I Can'T Do That Much
For Perhaps The Only One Now Left In the World Who Would Show Me A
"That'S A Good Fellow. There'S One Chapter I'D Like To Hear To-Night.
The Words Come Out So Strong And Hearty-Like That They Generally Express
Just My Feelin'S. Find The Twenty-Third Chapter Of Matthew, And Read
Where It Says, 'Woe Unto You, Scribes And Pharisees, Hypocrites.'"
Haldane Read The Chapter With Much Zest, Crediting all Its Denunciation
To Others, In accordance With A Very General Fashion. When He Came To
The Words, "Ye Serpents, Ye Generation Of Vipers," The Old Man Fairly
Rubbed his Hands Together In his Satisfaction, Exclaiming:
"That'S It! That'S Genuine! That'S Telling Us Sleek, Comfortable Sinners
The Truth Without Mincin'! No Smooth, Deludin' Lies In that Chapter.
That'S The Way To Talk To People Who Don'T Want Their Right Hand To Know
What Cussedness Their Left Hand Is Up To. Now, Jeremiah Growther, The
Next Time You Want To Do A Mean Thing That You Wouldn'T Have All The
Town Know, Just Remember What A Wrigglin' Snake In the Grass You Are."
With This Personal Exhortation Mr. Growther Brought The Evening To A
Close, And, Having Directed haldane To His Comfortable Quarters, Hobbled
And Mumbled off To An Adjoining Room, And Retired for The Night. The
Dying Fire Revealed for A Time The Slumbering Cat And Dog, But Gradually
The Quaint Old Kitchen Faded into A Blank Of Darkness.
Chapter XXV (A Paper Poniard)
Throughout An Early Breakfast Mr. Growther Appeared to Be Revolving Some
Subject In his Mind, And His Question, At Last, Was Only Seemingly
Abrupt, For It Came At The End Of Quite A Long Mental Altercation, In
Which, Of Course, He Took Sides Against Himself.
"I Say, Young Man, Do You Think You Could Stand Me?"
"What Do You Mean?" Asked haldane.
"Well, Before You Say No, You Ought To Realize All The Bearin'S Of The
Case. The Town Is Down On You. Respectable People Won'T Have Nothin' To
Do With You, Any More Than They Would Walk Arm In arm With The
Charcoal-Man In their Sunday Toggery. I Aren'T Respectable, So You Can'T
Blacken Me. I'Ve Showed you I'M Not Afraid To Trust You. You Can'T Sleep
In The Streets, You Can'T Eat Pavin'-Stuns And Mud, And You Won'T Go
Home. This Brings Me To The Question Again: Can You Stand Me? I Warn You
I'M An Awful Oncomfortable Customer To Live With; I Won'T Take Any Mean
Advantage Of You In this Respect, And, What'S More, I Don'T S'Pose I'Ll
Behave Any Better For Your Sake Or Anybody Else'S. I'M All Finished and
Cooled off, Like An Old Iron Casting, And Can'T Be Bent Or Made Over In
Any Other Shape. You'Re Crooked enough, The Lord Knows; But You'Re Kind
O' Limber Yet In your Moral J'Nts, And You May Git Yourself In decent
Shape If You Have A Chance. I'Ve Taken A Notion To Give You A Chance.
The Only Question Is, Can You Stand Me?"
"It Would Be Strange If I Could Not Stand The Only Man In hillaton Who
Has Shown A Human And Friendly Interest In me. But The Thing I Can'T
Stand Is Taking Charity."
"Who'S Asked you To Take Charity?"
"What Else Would It Be--My Living Here On You?"
"I Can Open A Boardin'-House If I Want To, Can'T I? I Have A Right To
Lend My Own Money, I S'Pose. You Can Open A Ledger Account With Me To A
Penny. What'S More, I'Ll Give You A Receipt Every Time," Added the Old
Man, With A Twinkle In his Eye; "You Don'T Catch Me Gettin' Into The
Papers As 'Kind-Hearted' Mr. Growther."
"Mr. Growther, I Can Scarcely Understand Your Kindness To Me, For I Have
No Claim On You Whatever. As Much As I Would Like To Accept Your Offer,
I Scarcely Feel It Right To Do So. I Will Bring Discredit To You With
Certainty, And My Chances Of Repaying You Seem Very Doubtful Now."
"Now, Look Here, Young Man, I'Ve Got To Take My Choice 'Twixt Two Evils.
On One Side Is You. I Don'T Want You Botherin' Round, Seein' My Mean
Ways. For The Sake Of Decency I'Ll Have To Try To Hold In a Little
Before You, While Before My Cat And Dog I Can Let Out As I Please; So
I'D Rather Live Alone. But The Tother Side Is A Plaguy Sight Worse. If I
Should Let You Go A-Wanderin' Off You Don'T Know Where, The Same As If I
Should Start My Dog Off With A Kick, Knowin' That Every One Else In town
Would Add A Kick Or Fire A Stun, I Couldn'T Sleep Nights Or Enjoy My
Vittels. I'D Feel So Mean That I Should Jest Set And Cuss Myself From
Mornin' Till Night. Look Here, Now; I Couldn'T Stan' It," Concluded mr.
Growther, Overcome By The Picture Of His Own Wretchedness. "Let'S Have
No More Words. Come Back Every Night Till You Can Do Better. Open An
Account With Me. Charge What You Please For Board And Lodgin', And Pay
All Back With Lawful Interest, If It'Ll Make You Sleep Better." And So
It Was Finally Arranged.
Haldane Started out Into The Sun-Lighted streets Of The City As A Man
Might Sally Forth In an Enemy'S Country, Fearing The Danger That Lurked
On Every Side, And Feeling That His Best Hope Was That He Might Be
Unnoted and Unknown. He Knew That The Glance Of Recognition Would Also
Be A Glance Of Aversion And Scorn, And, To His Nature, Any Manifestation
Of Contempt Was Worse Than A Blow. He Now Clung To His Literary Ventures
As The One Rope By Which He Could Draw Himself Out Of The Depths Into
Which He Had Fallen, And Felt Sure That He Must Hear From Some Of His
Manuscripts Within A Day Or Two. He Went To The Post-Office In a Tremor
Of Anxiety Only To Hear The Usual Response, "Nothing For E. H."
With Heavy Steps And A Sinking Heart He Then Set Out In his Search For
Something To Do, And After Walking Weary Miles He Found Only A Small Bit
Of Work, For Which He Received but Small Compensation. He Returned
Despondently In the Evening To His Refuge At Mr. Growther'S Cottage, And
His Quaint Good Samaritan Showed his Sympathy By Maintaining a Perpetual
Growl At Himself And The "Disjinted world" In general. But Haldane
Lowered at The Fire And Said Little.
Several Successive Days Brought Disappointment, Discouragement, And Even
Worse. The Slanderous Paragraph Concerning His Relations With Mr.
Shrumpf Was Copied by The _Morning Courier,_ With Even Fuller And
Severer Comment. Occasionally Upon The Street And In his Efforts To
Procure Employment, He Was Recognized, And Aversion, Scorn, Or Rough
Dismissal Followed instantly.
For A Time He Honestly Tried to Obtain The Means Of Livelihood, But This
Became More And More Difficult. People Of Whom He Asked employment
Naturally Inquired his Name, And He Was Fairly Learning To Hate It From
Witnessing The Malign Changes In aspect And Manner Which Its Utterance
Invariably Produced. The Public Had Been Generally Warned against Him,
And To The Natural Distrust Inspired by His First Crime Was Added a
Virtuous Indignation At The Supposed low Trickery In his Dealing With
The Magnanimous Mr. Shrumpf, "The Poor But Kind-Hearted german."
Occasionally, That He Might Secure A Day'S Work In full Or In part, He
Was Led to Suppress His Name And Give An _Alias_.
He Felt As If He Had Been Caught In a Swift Black Torrent That Was
Sweeping Him Down In spite Of All That He Could Do; He Also Felt That
The Black Tide Would Eventually Plunge Him Into An Abyss Into Which He
Dared not Look. He Struggled hard To Regain A Footing, And Clutched
Almost Desperately At Everything That Might Impede Or Stay His Swift
Descent; But Seemingly In vain.
His Mental Distress Was Such That He Was Unable To Write, Even With The
Aid Of Stimulants; And He Also Felt That It Was Useless To Attempt
Anything Further Until He Heard From The Manuscripts Already In
Editorial Hands. But The Ominous Silence In regard To Them Remained
Unbroken, As A Result, He Began To Give Way To Moods Of The Deepest
Gloom And Despondency, Which Alternated with Wild And Reckless Impulses.
He Was Growing Intensely Bitter Toward Himself And All Mankind. Even The
Image Of His Kind Friend, Mrs. Arnot, Began To Merge Itself Into Merely
That Of The Wife Of The Man Who Had Dealt Him A Blow From Which He Began
To Fear He Would Never Recover. He Was Too Morbid To Be Just To Any One,
Even Himself, And He Felt That She Had Deserted and Turned against Him
Also, Forgetting That He Had Given Her No Clew To His Present Place Of
Abode, And Had Sent A Message Indicating That He Would Regard Any Effort
To Discover Him As Officious And Intrusive. He Quite Honestly Believed
That By This Time She Had Come To Share In the General Contempt And
Hostility Which Is Ever Cherished toward Those Whom Society Regards As
Not Only Depraved and Vile, But Also Dangerous To Its Peace. It Seemed
As If Both She And Laura Had Receded from Him To An Immeasurable
Distance, And He Could Not Think Of Either Without Almost Gnashing His
Teeth In rage At Himself, And At What He Regarded as His Perverse And
Cruel Fate. At Times He Would Vainly Endeavor To Banish Their Images
From His Mind, But More Often Would Indulge In wild And Impossible
Visions Of Coming Back To Them In a Dazzling Halo Of Literary Glory, And
Of Overwhelming Them With Humiliation That They Were So Slow To
Recognize The Genius Which Smouldered for Weeks Under Their Very Eyes.
But His Dreams Were In truth "Baseless Fabrics" For At Last There Came A
Letter Addressed to "E. H.," With The Name Of A Popular Literary Paper
Printed upon It. He Clutched it With A Hand That Shook In his Eagerness,
And Walked half A Mile Before Finding a Nook Sufficiently Secluded in
Which To Open The Fateful Missive. There Were Moments As He Hastened
Through The Streets When The Crumpled letter Was Like A Live Coal In his
Hand; Again It Seemed throbbing With Life, And He Held It Tighter, As
Though It Might Escape. With A Chill At Heart He Also Admitted that This
Bit Of Paper Might Be A Poniard That Would Stab His Hope And So Destroy
He Eventually Entered a Half-Completed dwelling, Which Some One Had
Commenced to Build But Was Not Able To Finish.
It Was A Wretched, Prosaic Place, That Apparently Had Lost Its Value
Even To The Owner, And Had Become To The Public At Large Only An
Unsightly Blot Upon The Street. There Was No Danger Of His Being
Disturbed here, For The Walls Were Not Sufficiently Advanced to Have
Ears, And Even A Modern Ghost Would Scorn To Haunt A Place Whose Stains
Were Not Those Of Age, And Whose Crumbling Ruins Resulted only From
Superficial And Half-Finished work. Indeed, The Prematurely Old And
Abortive House Had Its Best Counterpart In the Young Man Himself, Who
Stole Into One Of Its Small, Unplastered rooms With Many A Wary Glance,
As Though It Were A Treasure-Vault Which He Was Bent On Plundering.
Feeling at Last Secure From Observation, He Tremblingly Opened the
Letter, Which He Hoped contained the First Instalment Of Wealth And
Fame. It Was, Indeed, From The Editor Of The Periodical, And,
Remembering The Avalanche Of Poetry And Prose From Beneath Which This
Unfortunate Class Must Daily Struggle Into Life And Being, It Was
Unusually Kind And Full; But To Haldane It Was Cruel As Death--A
Spartan Short-Sword, Only Long Enough To Pierce His Heart. It Was To The
Following Effect:
"E. H.--Dear Sir: It Would Be Easier To Throw Your Communication Into
The Waste-Basket Than Thus To Reply; And Such, I May Add, Is The Usual
Fate Of Productions Like Yours. But Something In your Letter
Accompanying The Mss. Caught My Attention, And Induced me To Give You A
Little Good Advice, Which I Fear You Will Not Take, However. You Are
Evidently A Young And Inexperienced man, And I Gather From Your Letter
That You Are In trouble Of Some Nature, And, Also, That You Are Building
Hopes, If Not Actually Depending, Upon The Crude Labors Of Your Pen. Let
Me Tell You Frankly At Once That Literature Is Not Your Forte. It You
Have Sent Literary Work To Other Parties Like That Inclosed to Me You
Will Never Hear From It Again. In the First Place, You Do Not Write
Correctly; In the Second, You Have Nothing To Say. We Cannot Afford To
Print Words Merely--Much Less Pay For Them. What Is Worse, Many Of Your
Sentences Are So Unnatural And Turgid As To Suggest That You Sought In
Stimulants A Remedy For Paucity Of Ideas. Take Friendly Advice. Attempt
Something That You Are Capable Of Doing, And Build Your Hopes On _That_.
Any Honest Work--Even Sawing Wood--Well Done, Is Better Than Childish
Efforts To Perform What, To Us, Is Impossible. Before You Can Do
Anything In the Literary World It Is Evident That Years Of Culture And
Careful Reading Would Be Necessary. But, As I Have Before Said, Your
Talents Do Not Seem To Be In this Direction. Life Is Too Precious To Be
Wasted in vain Endeavor; And That Reminds Me That I Have Spent Several
Moments, And From The Kindliest Motives, In stating To You Facts Which
You May Regard As Insults. But Were The Circumstances The Same I Would
Give My Own Son The Same Advice. Do Not Be Discouraged; There Is Plenty
Of Other Work Equally Good And Useful As That For Which You Seem
Unfitted. Faithfully Yours, ---- ----"
Chapter XXVI (A Sorry Knight)
The Writer Has Known Men To Receive Mortal Wounds In battle, Of Which,
At The Moment, They Were Scarcely Conscious. The Mind, In times Of Grand
Excitement, Has Often Risen So Far Superior To The Material Body That
Only By Trickling Blood Or Faintness Have Persons Become Aware Of Their
Injuries. But "A Wounded spirit, Who Can Bear?" And When Did Hope,
Self-Love, Or Pride, Ever Receive Home-Thrusts Unconsciously?
The Well-Meaning Letter, Written By The Kindly Editor, And Full Of
Wholesome Advice, Cut Like A Surgeon'S Knife In some Desperate Case When
It Is A Question Whether The Patient Can Endure The Heroic Treatment
Necessary. Haldane'S Stilted and Unnatural Tales Had Been Projected into
Being By Such Fiery And Violent Means That They Might Almost Be Termed
Volcanic In their Origin; But The Fused mass Which Was The Result,
Resembled scoria Or Cinders Rather Than Fine Metal Shaped into Artistic
Forms. Although His Manuscripts Could Have Been Sold In the World'S
Market Only By The Pound, He Had Believed, Or, At Least, Strongly Hoped
Otherwise, Like So Many Others, Who, With Beating Hearts, Have Sent The
Children Of Their Brains Out To Seek Their Fortunes With No Better
The Unbroken And Ominous Silence Of The Returned manuscript Is A Severe
Disappointment Even To Those Who From Safe And Happy Homes Have Sought
To Gain The Public Ear, And Whose Impelling Motive Toward Literature Is
Scarcely More Than An Impulse Of Vanity. But To Haldane The Letter,
Which In giving The Editorial Estimate Of One Of His Stories Revealed
The Fate Of All The Others, Brought Far More Than A Mere Disappointment.
It Brought Despair And The Recklessness And Demoralization Which
Inevitably Follow. The Public Regarded him As A Depraved, Commonplace
Vagabond, Eminent Only In his Capacity For Evil And Meanness, And He Now
Inclined strongly To The Same View Of Himself. True Self-Respect He Had
Never Possessed, And His Best Substitute, Pride, At Last Gave Way. He
Felt That He Was Defeated for Life, And The Best That Life Could Now
Offer Was A Brief Career Of Sensual Pleasure. Mrs. Arnot And Laura
Romeyn Were So Far Removed from Him As The Stars; It Was Torment To
Think Of Them, And He Would Blot Out Their Memory And The Memory Of All
That He Had Hoped for, With Wine And Excitement. It Seemed to Him That
The World Said To Him With United voice, "Go To The Devil," And Then
Made It Impossible For Him To Do Otherwise.
Since He Was Defeated--Since All His Proud Assurances To His Mother That
He Would, Alone And Unaided, Regain His Lost Good Name And Position In
Society, Had Proved but Empty Boasts--He Would No Longer Hide The Fact
From Her, Not In the Hope Of Being Received at Home As A Repentant
Prodigal (Even The Thought Of Such A Course Was Unendurable), But With
The Purpose Of Obtaining From Her The Means Of Entering Upon A Life Of
Vicious Pleasure.
The Young Man'S Father--Impelled both By His Strong Attachment For His
Wife, And Also By The Prudent Forethought With Which Men Seek To Protect
And Provide For Those They Love, Long After They Have Passed away From
Earthly Life--Had Left His Property Wholly In trust To His Wife,
Associating With Her One Or Two Other Chosen Counsellors. As Long As She
Lived and Remained unmarried she Controlled it, The Husband Trusting To
Her Affection For Her Children To Make Suitable Provision For Them. He
Had Seen With Prophetic Anxiety The Mother'S Fond Indulgence Of Their
Only Son, And The Practical Man Dreaded the Consequences. He Therefore
Communicated to Her Verbally, And Also Embodied in his Will, His Wish
That His Son Should Have No Control Over The Principal Of Such Portion
Of The Estate As Would Eventually Fall To Him Until He Had Established a
Character That Secured the Confidence Of All Good Men, And Satisfied the
Judgment Of The Cautious Co-Executors. The Provisions Of The Will Still
Further Required that, Should The Young Man Prove Erratic And Vicious,
His Income Should Be Limited in such Ways As Would, As Far As Possible,
Curb Excess.
Haldane Knew All This, And In the Days Of His Confidence In himself And
His Brilliant Future Had Often Smiled at These "Absurd Restrictions."
The Idea That There Would Ever Be Any Reason For Their Enforcement Was
Preposterous, And The Thought Of His Fond, Weak Mother Refusing anything
That He Demanded, Was Still Further Out Of The Range Of Possibility.
The Wretched youth Now Sank Into A Far Lower Depth Than He Had Ever Yet
Reached. He Deliberately Resolved to Take Advantage Of That Mother'S
Weakness, And For The Basest Ends. While Under The Influence Of Hope And
Pride, He Had Resolved to Receive No Assistance Even From Her, So That
He Might Wholly Claim The Credit Of Regaining all That He Had Lost; But
Now, In the Recklessness Of Despair, He Proposed not Only To Ask For All
The Money He Could Obtain, But, If Necessary, Extort It By Any Means In
His Power.
He And The Forlorn Place Of His Bitter Revery Grew More And More Into
Harmony. The Small, Half-Finished apartment Of The Ruinous New House
Became More Truly The Counterpart Of His Life, It Was Bare; It Was
Unsightly From The Debris Of Its Own Discolored and Crumbling Walls. The
Possibility Of Sweet Home Scenes Had Passed from It, And It Had Become A
Place In which An Orgy Might Be Hidden, Or Some Revolting Crime
Committed. To Precisely This Use Haldane Put His Temporary Refuge Before
Leaving It; For Excesses And Evil Deeds That The Mind Has Deliberately
Resolved upon Are Virtually Accomplished facts As Far As The Wrong-Doer
Is Concerned. Before Leaving His Dingy Hiding-Place Haldane Had In the
Depths Of His Soul Been Guilty Of Drunkenness And All Kinds Of Excess.
He Also Purposed unutterable Baseness Toward The Widowed mother Whom, By
Every Principle Of True Manhood, He Was Bound To Cherish And Shield; And
He Had In volition More Certainly Committed the Act Of Self-Destruction
Than Does The Poor Wretch Who, Under Some Mad, Half-Insane Impulse,
Makes Permanent By Suicide The Evils A Little Fortitude And Patient
Effort Might Have Remedied. There Is No Self-Murder So Hopeless And
Wicked as That Of Deliberate Sin Against One'S Own Body And Soul.
No Man Becomes A Saint Or Villain In an Hour Or By A Single Step; But
There Are Times When Evil Tendencies Combine With Adverse Influences And
Circumstances To Produce Sudden And Seemingly Fatal Havoc In character.
As The World Goes, Haldane Was A Well-Meaning Youth, Although Cursed
With Evil Habits And Tendencies, When He Entered the Isolated,
Half-Finished house. He Was Bad And Devilish When He Came Out Upon The
Street Again, And Walked recklessly Toward The City, Caring Not Who Saw
Or Recognized him. In the Depths Of His Heart He Had Become An Enemy To
Society, And, So Far From Hoping To Gain Its Respect And Good-Will, He
Defied and Intended to Outrage It To The End Of Life.
A Man In such A Mood Gravitates With Almost Certainty Toward The
Liquor-Saloon, And Haldane Naturally Commenced drinking at The Various
Dens Whose Doors Stood Alluringly Open. His Slender Purse Did Not Give
Him The Choice Of High-Priced wines, And To Secure The Mad Excitement
And Oblivion He Craved, Only Fiery Compounds Were Ordered--Such As Might
Have Been Distilled in the Infernal Regions To Accomplish Infernal
Results; And They Soon Began To Possess Him Like A Legion Of Evil
If Shakespeare Characterized the "Invisible Spirit Of Wine" As A "Devil"
In The Unsophisticated days Of Old, When Wine Was Wine, And Not A
Hell-Broth Concocted of Poisonous Drugs, What Unspeakable Fiends Must
Lurk In the Grimy Bottles Whose Contents, Analyzed and Explained, Would
Appall Some, At Least, Of The Stolid And Stony-Hearted venders!
Haldane Soon Felt Himself Capable Of Any Wickedness, Any Crime. He
Became A Human Volcano, That Might At Any Moment Pass Into A Violent And
Murderous Action, Regardless Of Consequences--Indeed, As Utterly
Incapable Of Foreseeing and Realizing Them As The Mountain That Belches
Destruction On Vineyard And Village.
We Regard Ourselves As A Civilized and Christian People, And Yet We
Tolerate On Every Corner Places Where Men Are Transformed into Incarnate
Devils, And Sent Forth To Run Amuck In our Streets, And Outrage The
Helpless Women And Children In their Own Homes. The Naked inhabitants Of
Dahomey Could Do No Worse In this Direction.
But Haldane Was Not Destined to End His Orgy In the Lurid Glare Of A
Tragedy, For, As The Sun Declined, The Miserable Day Was Brought To A
Wretched and Fitting Close. Unconsciously He Had Strayed to The Saloon
On Whose Low Steps Messrs. Van Wink And Ketchem Had Left Him On The
Memorable Night From Which He Dated his Downfall. Of Course He Did Not
Recognize The Place, But There Was One Within That Associated him
Inseparably With It, And Also With Misfortunes Of His Own. As Haldane
Leaned unsteadily Against The Bar A Seedy-Looking Man Glared at Him A
Moment, And Then Stepped to His Side, Saying:
"I'Ll Take A Few Dhrinks Wid Ye. Faix! After All The Trouble Ye'Ve Been
To Me Ye Oughter Kape Me In dhrink The Year."
Turning To The Speaker, The Young Man Recognized pat M'Cabe, Whom He
Also Associated with His Evil Fortunes, And Toward Whom He Now Felt A
Strong Vindictiveness, The Sudden And Unreasoning anger Of Intoxication.
In Reply, Therefore, He Threw The Contents Of His Glass Into Pat'S Face,
Saying With A Curse:
"That Is The Way I Drink With Such As You."
Instantly There Was A Bar-Room Brawl Of The Ordinary Brutal Type, From
Whose Details We Gladly Escape. Attracted by The Uproar, A Policeman Was
Soon On Hand, And Both The Combatants Were Arrested and Marched off To
The Nearest Police Station. Bruised, Bleeding, Disheveled, And With Rent
Garments, Haldane Again Passed through The Streets As A Criminal, With
The Rabble Hooting after Him. But Now There Was No Intolerable Sense Of
Shame As At First. He Had Become A Criminal At Heart; He Had
Deliberately And Consciously Degraded himself, And His Whole Aspect Had
Come To Be In keeping With His Character.
It May Be Objected that The Transformation Had Been Too Rapid. It Had
Not Been Rapid. His Mother Commenced preparing Him For This In the
Nursery By Her Weak Indulgence. She Had Sown The Seeds Of Which His
Present Actions Were The Legitimate Outgrowth. The Weeds Of His Evil
Nature Had Been Unchecked when Little, And Now They Were Growing So Rank
As To Overshadow All.
Multitudes Go To Ruin Who Must Trace Their Wrong Bias Back To Cultivated
And Even Christian Homes.
Chapter XXVII (God Sent His Angel)
The Mad Excitement Of Anger And Drunkenness Was Speedily Followed by
Stupor, And The Night During Which Haldane Was Locked up In the
Station-House Was A Blank. The Next Morning He Was Decidedly Ill As The
Result Of His Debauch; For The After-Effects Of The Vile Liquor He Had
Drank Was Such As To Make Any Creature Save Rational Man Shun It In the
Future With Utter Loathing.
But The Officers Of The Law Had Not The Slightest Consideration For His
Aching Head And Jarring Nerves. He Was Hustled off To The Police Court
With Others, And He Now Seemed in harmony With The Place And Company.
Pat M'Cabe Was A Veteran In these Matters, And Had His Witnesses Ready,
Who Swore To The Truth, And Anything Else Calculated to Assist Pat,
Their Crony, Out Of His Scrape. Unfortunately For Haldane, The Truth Was
Against Him, And He Remained sullen And Silent, Making No Defence. The
Natural Result, Therefore, Of The Brief Hearing, Was His Committal To
The Common Jail For Ten Days, And The Liberation Of Pat, With A Severe
Thus, After The Lapse Of A Few Brief Weeks, Haldane Found Himself In the
Same Cell Whence He Had Gone Out Promising and Expecting To Accomplish
So Much. He Could Not Help Recalling His Proud Words To His Mother And
Mrs. Arnot As He Looked around The Bare Walls, And He Was Sufficiently
Himself Again To Realize Partially How Complete And Disgraceful Had Been
His Defeat. But Such Was His Mood That It Could Find No Better
Expression Than A Malediction Upon Himself And The World In general.
Then, Throwing Himself Upon His Rude And Narrow Couch, He Again Resigned
Himself To His Stupor, From Which He Had Been Aroused to Receive His
It Was Late In the Afternoon When He Awoke, And His Cell Was Already
Growing Dusky With The Coming Night. It Was A Place Congenial To
Shadows, And They Came Early And Lingered till The Sun Was High.
But As Haldane Slowly Regained full Consciousness, And Recalled all That
Had Transpired, He Felt Himself To Be Under A Deeper Shadow Than The
Night Could Cast. The World Condemned him, And He Deserved condemnation;
But He Was Also Deserving Of Pity. Scarcely More Than Twenty, He Had
Seemingly Spoiled his Life Utterly. It Was Torment To Remember The Past,
And The Future Was Still Darker; For His Outraged physical Nature So
Bitterly Resented its Wrongs By Racking Pains That It Now Seemed to Him
That Even A Brief Career Of Sensual Gratification Was Impossible, Or So
Counterbalanced with Suffering as To Be Revolting. Though Scarcely More
Than Across The Threshold Of Life, Existence Had Become An Unmitigated
Evil. Had He Been Brought Up In an Atmosphere Of Flippant Scepticism He
Would Have Flung It Away As He Would A Handful Of Nettles; But His
Childish Memory Had Been Made Familiar With That Ancient Book Whose
Truths, Like Anchors, Enable Many A Soul On The Verge Of Wreck To
Outride The Storm. He Was Too Well Acquainted with Its Teachings To
Entertain For A Moment The Shallow Theory That A Man Can Escape The
Consequences Of Folly, Villany, And Unutterable Baseness By Merely
Ceasing To Breathe.
He Could Not Eat The Coarse Food Brought To Him For Supper, And His Only
Craving Was For Something To Quench His Feverish Thirst. His Long
Lethargy Was Followed by Corresponding Sleeplessness And Preternatural
Activity Of Brain. That Night Became To Him Like The Day Of Judgment;
For It Seemed as If His Memory Would Recall Everything He Had Ever Done
Or Said, And Place All Before Him In the Most Dreary And Discouraging
He Saw His Beautiful And Aristocratic Home, Which He Had Forfeited so
Completely That The Prison Would Be More Endurable Than The Forced and
Painful Toleration Of His Presence, Which Was The Best He Could Hope For
From His Mother And Sisters; And He Felt That He Would Much Rather Stay
Where He Was For Life Than Again Meet Old Neighbors And Companions. But
He Now Saw How, With That Home And His Father'S Honored name As His
Vantage Ground, He Might Have Made Himself Rich And Honored.
The Misspent Days And Years Of The Past Became Like So Many Reproachful
Ghosts, And He Realized that He Had Idled away The Precious Seed-Time Of
His Life, Or, Rather, Had Been Busy Sowing Thorns And Nettles, That Had
Grown All Too Quickly And Rankly. Thousands Had Been Spent On His
Education; And Yet He Was Oppressed with A Sense Of His Ignorance And
Helplessness. Rude Contact With The World Had Thoroughly Banished
Self-Conceit, And He Saw That His Mind Was Undisciplined and His
Knowledge So Superficial And Fragmentary As To Be Almost Useless. The
Editor Of The Paper Whose Columns He Had Hoped to Illumine Told Him That
He Could Not Even Write Correctly.
While In bitterness Of Soul He Cursed himself For His Wasted life, He
Knew That He Was Not Wholly To Blame. Indeed, In accordance With A Trait
As Old As Fallen Man, He Sought To Lay The Blame On Another. He Saw That
His Own Folly Had Ever Found An Ally In his Mother'S Indulgence, And
That, Instead Of Holding Him With A Firm Yet Gentle Hand To His Tasks
And Duties, She Had Been The First To Excuse Him From Them And To
Palliate His Faults. Instead Of Recalling Her Fond And Blind Idolatry
With Tenderness, He Felt Like One Who Had Been Treacherously Poisoned
With A Wine That Was Sweet While It Rested on The Palate, But Whose
After-Taste Is Vile, And Whose Final Effect Is Death.
There Is No Memory That We Cherish So Sacredly And Tenderly As That Of
Our Parents' Kind And Patient Love. It Often Softens The Heart Of The
Hardened man And Abandoned woman When All Other Influences Are
Powerless. But When Love Degenerates Into Idolatry And Indulgence, And
Those To Whom The Child Is Given As A Sacred trust Permit It To Grow
Awry, And Develop Into Moral Deformity, Men And Women, As Did Haldane,
May Breathe Curses On The Blindness And Weakness That Was The Primal
Cause Of Their Life-Failure. Throughout That Long And Horrible Night He
Felt Only Resentment Toward His Mother, And Cherished no Better Purpose
Toward Her Than Was Embodied in his Plan To Wring From Her, Even By
Methods That Savored of Blackmail, The Means Of Living a Dissipated life
In Some City Where He Was Unknown, And Could Lose Himself In the
But The Ten Days Of Enforced seclusion And Solitude That Must Intervene
Seemed like An Eternity. With A Shudder He Thought Of The Real Eternity,
Beyond, When The Power To Excite Or Stupefy His Lower Nature Would Be
Gone Forever. That Shadow Was So Dark And Cold That It Seemed to Chill
His Very Soul, And By A Resolute Effort Of Will He Compelled his Mind To
Dwell Only On The Immediate Future And The Past.
Day At Last Dawned slowly And Dimly In his Cell, And Found Him Either
Pacing Up And Down Like Some Wild Creature In its Cage, Turning So Often
By Reason Of The Limited space As To Be Almost Dizzy, Or Else Sitting On
His Couch With His Haggard Face Buried in his Hands.
After Fighting all Night Against The Impulse To Think About Mrs. Arnot
And Her Niece, He At Last Gave Up The Struggle, And Permitted his Mind
To Revert To Them. Such Thoughts Were Only Pain Now, And Yet For Some
Reason It Seemed as If His Mind Were Drawn Irresistibly Toward Them. He
Felt That His Deep Regret Was As Useless And Unavailing as The November
Wind That Sweeps Back And Forth The Withered and Fallen Leaves. His
Whole Frame Would At Times Tremble With Gusts Of Remorseful Passion, And
Again He Would Sigh Long And Drearily.
He Now Realized what A Priceless Opportunity He Had Lost. It Was Once
His Privilege To Enter Mrs. Arnot'S Beautiful Home Assured of Welcome.
She Had Been Deeply Interested in him For His Mother'S Sake, And Might
Have Become So For His Own. He Had Been Privileged to Meet Laura Romeyn
As Her Equal, At Least In social Estimation, And He Might Have Made
Himself Worthy Of Her Esteem, And Possibly Of Her Affection. He Saw That
He Had Foolishly Clamored, Like A Spoiled child, For That Which He Could
Only Hope To Possess By Patient Waiting and Manly Devotion; And Now,
With A Regret That Was Like A Serpent'S Tooth, He Felt That Such
Devotion Might Have Been Rewarded.
But A Few Months Ago, Whose Life Had Been More Rich With Promise Than
His, Or To Whom Had Been Given A Better Vantage-Ground? And Yet He Had
Already Found The Lowest Earthly Perdition Possible, And Had Lost Hope
Of Anything Better.
In His Impotent Rage And Despair He Fairly Gnashed his Teeth And Cursed
Himself, His Fate, And Those Who Had Led to His Evil Fortunes. Then, By
A Natural Revulsion Of Feeling, He Sobbed like A Child That Has Lost Its
Way And Can Discover No Returning Path, And Whose Heart The Darkness Of
The Fast-Approaching Night Fills With Unutterable Dread.
He Was A Criminal--In His Despair He Never Hoped to Be Anything
Else--But He Was Not A Hardened criminal And Was Still Capable Of
Wishing To Be Different. In the Memory Of His Bitter Experience A Pure
And Honorable Life Now Appeared as Beautiful As It Was Impossible. He
Had No Expectation, However, Of Ever Living Such A Life, For Pride, The
Cornerstone Of His Character, Had Given Way, And He Was Too Greatly
Discouraged at The Time To Purpose Reform Even In the Future. Without
The Spur And Incentive Of Hope We Become Perfectly Helpless In evil;
Therefore All Doctrines And Philosophies Which Tend To Quench Or Limit
Hope, Or Which Are Bounded by The Narrow Horizon Of Time And Earth, Are,
In Certain Emergencies, But Dead Weights, Dragging Down The Soul.
At Last, From Sheer Exhaustion, He Threw Himself On His Couch, And Fell
Into A Troubled sleep, Filled with Broken And Distorted visions Of The
Scenes That Had Occupied his Waking Hours. But He Gradually Became
Quieter, And It Appeared in his Dream As If He Saw A Faint Dawning In
The East Which Grew Brighter Until A Distinct Ray Of Light Streamed from
An Infinite Distance To Himself. Along This Shining Pathway An Angel
Seemed approaching Him. The Vision Grew So Distinct And Real That He
Started up And Saw Mrs. Arnot Sitting In the Doorway, Quietly Watching
Him. Confused and Oblivious Of The Past, He Stepped forward To Speak To
Her With The Natural Instinct Of A Gentleman. Then The Memory Of All
That Had Occurred rolled before Him Like A Black Torrent, And He Shrank
Back To His Couch And Buried his Face In his Hands. But When Mrs. Arnot
Came And Placed her Hand On His Shoulder, Saying Gently, But Very
Gravely, "Egbert, Since You Would Not Come To Me I Have Come To You," He
Felt That His Vision Was Still True, And That God Had Sent His Angel.
Chapter XXVIII (Facing The Consequences)
A Young Man Of Haldane'S Age Is Capable Of Despairing Thoughts, And Even
Of Desperate Moods, Of Quite Extended continuance; But It Usually
Requires A Long Lifetime Of Disaster And Sin To Bury Hope So Deep That
The Stone Of Its Sepulchre Is Not Rolled away As The Morning Dawns.
Haldane Had Thought That His Hope Was Dead; But Mrs. Arnot'S Presence,
Combined with Her Manner, Soon Made It Clear, Even To Himself, That It
Was Not; And Yet It Was But A Weak And Trembling Hope, Scarcely Assured
Of Its Right To Exist, That Revived at Her Touch And Voice. His Heart
Both Clung To And Shrank From The Pure, Good Woman Who Stood Beside Him.
He Trembled, And His Breast Heaved convulsively For A Few Moments, And
She Quietly Waited until He Should Grow More Calm, Only Stroking His
Bowed head Once Or Twice With A Slight And Reassuring Caress. At Last He
Asked in a Low, Hoarse Voice:
"Do You Know Why I Am Here?"
"Yes, Egbert."
"And Yet You Have Come In kindness--In Mercy, Rather."
"I Have Come Because I Am Deeply Interested in you."
"I Am Not Worthy--I Am Not Fit For You To Touch."
"I Am Glad You Feel So."
"Then Why Do You Come?"
"Because I Wish To Help You To Become Worthy."
"That'S Impossible. It'S Too Late."
"Perhaps It Is. That Is A Question For You Alone To Decide; But I Wish
You To Think Well Before You Do Decide It."
"Pardon Me, Mrs. Arnot," He Said Emphatically, Raising His Head, And
Dashing away Bitter Tears; "The World Has Decided that Question For Me,
And All Have Said In one Harsh, United voice, 'You Shall Not Rise.' It
Has Ground Me Under Its Heel As Vindictively As If I Were A Viper. You
Are So Unlike The World That You Don'T Know It. It Has Given Me No
Chance Whatever."
"Egbert, What Have You To Do With The World?"
"God Knows I Wanted to Recover What I Had Lost," He Continued in the
Same Rapid Tone. "God Knows I Left This Cell Weeks Since With The Honest
Purpose Of Working My Way Up To A Position That Would Entitle Me To Your
Respect, And Change My Mother'S Shame Into Pride. But I Found A Mad-Dog
Cry Raised against Me. And This Professedly Christian Town Has Fairly
Hunted me Back To This Prison."
Mrs. Arnot Sighed deeply, But After A Moment Said, "I Do Not Excuse The
Christian Town, Neither Can I Excuse You."
"You Too, Then, Blame Me, And Side Against Me."
"No, Egbert, I Side With You, And Yet I Blame You Deeply; But I Pity You
He Rose, And Paced the Cell With His Old, Restless Steps. "It'S No Use,"
He Said; "The World Says, 'Go To The Devil,' And Gives Me No Chance To
Do Otherwise."
"Do You Regard The World--Whatever You May Mean By The Phrase--As Your
"Friend!" He Repeated, With Bitter Emphasis.
"Why, Then, Do You Take Its Advice? I Did Not Come Here To Tell You To
Go To Perdition."
"But If The World Sets Its Face Against Me Like A Flint, What Is There
For Me To Do But To Remain In prison Or Hide In a Desert, Unless I Do
What I Had Purposed, Defy It And Strike Back, Though It Be Only As A
Worm That Tries To Sting The Foot That Crushes It."
"Egbert, If You Should Die, The World Would Forget That You Had Ever
Existed, In a Few Days."
"Certainly. It Would Give Me Merely A Passing Thought As Of A Nuisance
That Had Been Abated."
"Well, Then, Would It Not Be Wise To Forget The World For A Little
While? You Are Shut Away From It For The Present, And It Cannot Molest
You. In the Meantime You Can Settle Some Very Important Personal
Questions. The World Has Power Over Your Fate Only As You Give It Power.
You Need not Lie Like A Helpless Worm In its Path, Waiting To Be
Crushed. Get Up Like A Man, And Take Care Of Yourself. The World May Let
You Starve, But It Cannot Prevent You From Becoming Good And True And
Manly; If You Do Become So, However, Rest Assured the World Will
Eventually Find A Place For You, And, Perhaps, An Honored place. But Be
That As It May, A Good Christian Man Is Sustained by Something Far More
Substantial Than The World'S Breath."
Out Of Respect For Mrs. Arnot, Haldane Was Silent. He Supposed that Her
Proposed remedy For His Desperate Troubles Was That He Should "Become A
Christian," And To This Phrase He Had Learned to Give Only The Most
Conventional Meaning.
"Becoming a Christian," In his Estimation, Was The Making Of Certain
Professions, Going Through Peculiar And Abnormal Experiences, And
Joining a Church, The Object Of All This Being To Escape A "Wrath To
Come" In the Indefinite Future. To Begin With, He Had Not The Slightest
Idea How To Set In motion These Spiritual Evolutions, Had He Desired
Them; And To His Intense And Practical Nature The Whole Subject Was As
Unattractive As A Library Of Musty And Scholastic Books. He Wanted some
Remedy That Applied to This World, And Would Help Him Now. He Did Not
Associate Mrs. Arnot'S Action With Christian Principle, But Believed it
To Be Due To The Peculiar And Natural Kindness Of Her Heart. Christians
In General Had Not Troubled themselves About Him, And, As Far As He
Could Judge, Had Turned as Coldly From Him As Had Others. His Mother Had
Always Been Regarded as An Eminently Religious Woman, And Yet He Knew
That She Was Morbidly Sensitive To The World'S Opinion And Society'S
From Childhood He Had Associated religion With Numerous Sunday
Restraints And The Immaculate Mourning-Dress Which Seemed chiefly To
Occupy His Mother'S Thoughts During The Hour Preceding Service. He Had
No Conception Of A Faith That Could Be To Him What The Master'S Strong
Sustaining Hand Was To The Disciple Who Suddenly Found Himself Sinking
In A Stormy Sea.
It Is Not Strange That The Distressed in body Or Mind Turn Away From A
Religion Of Dreary Formalities And Vague, Uncomprehended mental
Processes. Instant And Practical Help Is What Is Craved; And Just Such
Help Christ Ever Gave When He Came To Manifest God'S Will And Ways To
Men. By Whose Authority Do Some Religious Teachers Now Lead The
Suffering Through Such A Round-About, Intricate, Or Arid Path Of Things
To Be Done And Doctrines To Be Accepted before Bringing Them To Christ?
But When A Mind Has Become Mystified with Preconceived ideas And
Prejudices, It Is No Easy Task To Reveal To It The Truth, However
Simple. Mrs. Arnot Had Come Into The Light But Slowly Herself, And She
Had Passed through Too Many Deep And Prolonged spiritual Experiences To
Hope For Any Immediate And Radical Change In haldane. Indeed, She Was In
Great Doubt Whether He Would Ever Receive The Faithful Words She
Proposed speaking To Him; And She Fully Believed that Anything He
Attempted in his Own Strength Would Again End In disheartening Failure.
"Egbert," She Said Gently, But Very Gravely, "Have You Fully Settled it
In Your Own Mind That I Am Your Friend And Wish You Well?"
"How Can I Believe Otherwise, Since You Are Here, And Speaking To Me As
You Do?"
"Well, I Am Going To Test Your Faith In me And My Kindness. I Am Going
To Speak Plainly, And Perhaps You May Think Even Harshly. You Are Very
Sick, And If I Am To Be Your Physician I Must Give You Some Sharp,
Decisive Treatment. Will You Remember Through It All That My Only Motive
Is To Make You Well?"
"I Will Try To."
"You Have Kept Away From Me A Long Time. Perhaps When Released from This
Place You Will Again Avoid Me, And I May Never Have Another Opportunity
Like The Present. Now, While You Have A Chance To Think, I Am Going To
Ask You To Face The Consequences Of Your Present Course. Within An Hour
After Passing Out Of This Cell You Will Have It In your Power To Trample
On Your Better Nature And Stupefy Your Mind. But Now, If You Will, You
Have A Chance To Use The Powers God Has Given You, And Settle Finally On
Your Plan Of Life."
"I Have Already Trampled on My Manhood--What Is Worse, I Have Lost It. I
Haven'T Any Courage Or Strength Left."
"That Can Scarcely Be True Of One But Little More Than Twenty. You Are
To Be Here In quietness For The Next Ten Days, I Learn. It Is My
Intention, So Far As It Is In my Power To Bring It About, That You
Deliberately Face The Consequences Of Your Present Course During This
Time. By The Consequences I Do Not Mean What The World Will Think Of
You, But, Rather, The Personal Results Of Your Action--What You Must
Suffer While You Are In the World, And What You Must Suffer When Far
Beyond The World. Egbert, Are You Pleased with Yourself? Are You
Satisfied with Yourself?"
"I Loathe Myself."
"You Can Get Away From The World--You Are Away From It Now, And Soon You
Will Be Away From It Finally--But You Can Never Get Away From Yourself.
Are You Willing To Face An Eternal Consciousness Of Defeat, Failure, And
Personal Baseness?"
He Shuddered, But Was Silent.
"There Is No Place In god'S Pure Heaven For The Drunkard--The Morally
Loathsome And Deformed. Are You Willing To Be Swept Away Among The Chaff
And The Thorns, And To Have, Forever, The Shameful And Humiliating
Knowledge That You Rightfully Belong To The Rubbish Of The Universe? Are
You Willing To Have A Sleepless Memory Tell You In every Torturing Way
Possible What A Noble, Happy Man You Might Have Been, But Would Not Be?
Your Power To Drown Memory And Conscience, And Stupefy Your Mind, Will
Last A Little While Only At Best. How Are You Going To Endure The Time
When You Must Remember Everything and Think Of Everything? These Are
More Important Questions Than What The World Thinks Of You."
"Have You No Pity?" He Groaned.
"Yes, My Heart Overflows With Pity. Is It Not Kindness To Tell You
Whither Your Path Is Leading? If I Had The Power I Would Lay Hold Of
You, And Force You To Come With Me Into The Path Of Life And Safety,"
She Answered, With A Rush Of Tears To Her Eyes.
Her Sympathy Touched him Deeply, And Disarmed her Words Of All Power To
Awaken Resentment.
"Mrs. Arnot," He Cried, Passionately, "I Did Mean--I Did Try--To Do
Better When I Left This Place; But, Between My Own Accursed weakness And
The Hard-Hearted world, I Am Here Again, And Almost Without Hope."
"Egbert, Though I Did Not Discourage You At The Time, I Had Little Hope
Of Your Accomplishing anything When You Left This Cell Some Weeks Since.
You Went Out To Regain Your Old Position And The World'S Favor, As One
Might Look For A Jewel Or Sum Of Money He Had Lost. You Can Never Gain
Even These Advantages In the Way You Proposed, And If You Enjoy Them
Again The Cause Will Exist, Not In what You Do Only, But Chiefly In what
You _Are_. When You Started out To Win The Favor Of Society, From
Which You Had Been Alienated partly By Misfortune, But Largely Through
Your Own Wrong Action, There Was No Radical Change In your Character, Or
Even In your Controlling Motives. You Regretted the Evil Because Of Its
Immediate And Disagreeable Consequences. I Do Not Excuse The World'S
Harshness Toward The Erring; But, After All, If You Can Disabuse Your
Mind Of Prejudice You Will Admit That Its Action Is Very Natural, And
Would, Probably, Have Been Your Own Before You Passed under This Cloud.
Consider What The World Knows Of You. It, After All, Is Quite Shrewd In
Judging Whom It May Trust And Whom It Is Safe To Keep At Arm'S-Length.
Knowing Yourself And Your Own Weaknesses As You Do, Could You Honestly
Recommend Yourself To The Confidence Of Any One? With Your Character
Unchanged, What Guarantee Have You Against The First Temptation Or Gust
Of Passion To Which You Are Subjected? You Had No Lack Of Wounded pride
And Ambition When You Started out, But You Will Surely Admit That Such
Feelings Are Of Little Value Compared with Christian Integrity And Manly
Principle, Which Render Anything Dishonorable Or Base Impossible.
"I Do Not Consider The World'S Favor Worth Very Much, But The World'S
Respect Is, For It Usually Respects Only What Is Respectable. As You
Form A Character That You Can Honestly Respect Yourself, You Will Find
Society Gradually Learning To Share In that Esteem. Believe Me, Egbert,
If You Ever Regain The World'S Lost Favor, Which You Value So Highly,
You Will Discover The First Earnest Of It In your Own Changed and
Purified character. The World Will Pay No Heed to Any Amount Of
Self-Assertion, And Will Remain Equally Indifferent To Appeals And
Upbraidings; But Sooner Or Later It Will Find Out Just What You Are In
Your Essential Life, And Will Estimate You Accordingly. I Have Dwelt On
This Phase Of Your Misfortune Fully, Because I See That It Weighs So
Heavily On Your Heart. Can You Accept My Judgment In the Matter?
Remember, I Have Lived nearly Three Times As Long As You Have, And Speak
From Ripe Experience. I Have Always Been A Close Observer Of Society,
And Am Quite Sure I Am Right. If You Were My Own Son I Would Use The
Same Words."
"Mrs. Arnot," He Replied slowly, With Contracted brow, "You Are Giving
Me Much To Think About. I Fear I Have Been As Stupid As I Have Been Bad.
My Whole Life Seems One Wretched blunder."
"Ah, If You Will Only _Think_, I Shall Have Strong Hopes Of You. But In
Measuring These Questions Do Not Use The Inch Rule Of Time And Earth
Only. As I Have Said Before, Remember You Will Soon Have Done With
Earth Forever, But Never Can You Get Away From God, Nor Be Rid Of
Yourself. You Are On Wretched terms With Both, And Will Be, Whatever
Happens, Until Your Nature Is Brought Into Harmony With God'S Will. We
Are So Made, So Designed in our Every Fibre, That Evil Tortures Us Like
A Diseased nerve; And It Always Will Till We Get Rid Of It. Therefore,
Egbert, Remember--O That I Could Burn It Into Your Consciousness--The
Best That You Can Gain From Your Proposed evil Course Is A Brief Respite
In Base And Sensual Stupefaction, Or Equally Artificial And Unmanly
Excitement, And Then Endless Waking, Bitter Memories, And Torturing
Regret. Face This Truth Now, Before It Is Too Late. Good-By For A Time.
I Will Come Again When I Can; Or You Can Send For Me When You Please;"
And She Gave Him Her Hand In cordial Pressure.
He Did Not Say A Word, But His Face Was Very White, And It Was Evident
That Her Faithful Words Had Opened a Prospect That Had Simply Appalled
Chapter XXIX (How Evil Isolates)
If Haldane Had Been Left Alone On An Ice-Floe In the Arctic Ocean He
Could Scarcely Have Felt Worse Than He Did During The Remainder Of The
Day After Mrs. Arnot'S Departure. A Dreary And Increasing Sense Of
Isolation Oppressed him. The Words Of His Visitor, "What Have You To Do
With The World?" And "If You Were Dead It Would Forget You In a Few
Days," Repeated themselves Over And Over Again. His Vindictive Feeling
Against Society Died out In the Consciousness Of His Weakness And
Insignificance. What Is The Use Of One'S Smiting a Mountain With His
Fist? Only The Puny Hand Feels The Blow. The World Became, Under Mrs.
Arnot'S Words, Too Large And Vague A Generality Even To Be Hated.
In Order To Be A Misanthrope One Must Also Be An Egotist, Dwarfing The
Objects Of His Spite, And Exaggerating The Small Atom That Has Arrayed
Itself Against The Universe. It Is A Species Of Insanity, Wherein A Mind
Has Lost Perception Of The Correct Relationship Between Different
Existences. The Poor Hypochondriac Who Imagined himself A Mountain Was A
Living Satire On Many Of His Fellow-Creatures, Who Differ Only In being
Able To Keep Similar Delusions To Themselves.
Mrs. Arnot'S Plain, Honest, Yet Kindly Words Had Thrown Down The Walls
Of Prejudice, And Haldane'S Mind Lay Open To The Truth. As Has Been
Said, His First Impression Was A Strange And Miserable Sense Of
Loneliness. He Saw What A Slender Hold He Had Upon The Rest Of Humanity.
The Majority Knew Nothing Of Him, While, With Few Exceptions, Those Who
Were Aware Of His Existence Despised and Detested him, And Would Breathe
More Freely If Assured of His Death. He Instinctively Felt That The
Natural Affections Of His Mother And Sisters Were Borne Down And Almost
Overwhelmed by His Course And Character. If They Had Any Visitors In the
Seclusion To Which His Disgrace Had Driven Them, His Name Would Be
Avoided with Morbid Sensitiveness, And Yet All Would Be As Painfully
Conscious Of Him As If He Were A Corpse In the Room, Which By Some
Monstrous Necessity Could Not Be Buried. While They Might Shed natural
Tears, He Was Not Sure But That Deep In their Hearts Would Come A Sense
Of Relief Should They Hear That He Was Dead, And So Could Not Deepen The
Stain He Had Already Given To A Name Once So Respectable. He Knew That
His Indifference And Overbearing Manner Toward His Sisters Had Alienated
Them From Him; While In respect To Mrs. Haldane, Her Aristocratic
Conventionality, The Most Decided trait Of Her Character, Would Always
Be In sharp Contest With Her Strong Mother-Love, And Thus He Would Ever
Be Only A Source Of Disquiet And Wretchedness Whether Present Or Absent.
In View Of The Discordant Elements And Relations Now Existing, There Was
Not A Place On Earth Less Attractive Than His Own Home.
It May At First Seem A Contradiction To Say That The Thought Of Mrs.
Arnot Gave Him A Drearier Sense Of Isolation Than The Memory Of All
Else. In her Goodness She Seemed to Belong To A Totally Different World
From Himself And People In general. He Had Nothing In common With Her.
She Seemed to Come To Him Almost Literally As An Angel Of Mercy, And
From An Infinite Distance, And Her Visits Must, Of Necessity, Be Like
Those Of The Angels, Few And Far Between, And, In view Of His Character,
Must Soon Cease. He Shrank From Her Purity And Nobility Even While Drawn
Toward Her By Her Sympathy. He Instinctively Felt That In all Her Deep
Commiseration Of Him She Could Not For A Moment Tolerate The Debasing
Evil Of His Nature, And That This Evil, Retained, Would Speedily And
Inevitably Separate Them Forever. Could He Be Rid Of It? He Did Not
Know. He Could Not Then See How. In his Weakness And Despondency It
Seemed inwrought With Every Fibre Of His Being, And An Essential Part Of
Himself. As For Laura, She Was Like A Bright Star That Had Set, And Was
No Longer Above His Dim Horizon.
As He Felt Himself Thus Losing His Hold On The Companionship And
Remembrance Of Others, He Was Thrown Back Upon Himself, And This Led him
To Feel With A Sort Of Dreary Foreboding That It Would Be A Horrible
Thing Thus To Be Chained forever To A Self Toward Which The Higher
Faculties Of His Soul Must Ever Cherish Only Hatred and Loathing. Even
Now He Hated himself--Nay, More, He Was Enraged with Himself--In View Of
The Folly Of Which He Had Been Capable. What Could Be Worse Than The
Endless Companionship Of The Base Nature Which Had Already Dragged him
Down So Low?
As The Hours Passed, The Weight Upon His Heart Grew Heavier, And The
Chill Of Dread More Unendurable. He Saw His Character As Another Might
See It. He Saw A Nature To Which, From Infancy, A Wrong Bias Had Been
Given, Made Selfish By Indulgence, Imperious And Strong Only In carrying
Out Impulses And In gratifying Base Passions, But Weak As Water In
Resisting Evil And Thwarting Its Vile Inclinations. The Pride And Hope
That Had Sustained him In what He Regarded as The Great Effort Of His
Life Were Gone, And He Felt Neither Strength Nor Courage To Attempt
Anything Further. He Saw Himself Helpless And Prostrate Before His Fate,
And Yet That Fate Was So Terrible That He Shrank From It With Increasing
What Could He Do? Was It Possible To Do Anything? Had He Not Lost His
Footing? If A Man Is Caught In the Rapids, Up To A Certain Point His
Struggle Against The Tide Is Full Of Hope, But Beyond That Point No
Effort Can Avail. Had He Not Been Swept So Far Down Toward The Final
Plunge That Grim Despair Were Better Than Frantic But Vain Effort?
And Yet He Felt That He Could Not Give Himself Up To The Absolute
Mastery Of Evil Without One More Struggle. Was There Any Chance? Was He
Capable Of Making The Needful Effort?
Thus Hopes And Fears, Bitter Memories And Passionate Regrets, Swept To
And Fro Through His Soul Like Stormy Gusts. A Painful Experience And
Mrs. Arnot'S Words Were Teaching The Giddy, Thoughtless Young Fellow
What Life Meant, And Were Forcing Upon His Attention The Inevitable
Questions Connected with It Which Must Be Solved sooner Or Later, And
Which Usually Grow More Difficult As The Consideration Of Them Is
Delayed, And They Become Complicated. As His Cell Grew Dusky With Its
Early Twilight, As He Thought Of Another Long Night Whose Darkness Would
Be Light Compared with The Shadow Brooding On His Prospects, His Courage
And Endurance Gave Way.
With Something Of The Feeling Of A Terror-Stricken Child He Called the
Under-Sheriff, And Asked for Writing Materials. With A Pencil He Wrote
"Mrs. Arnot--I Entreat You To Visit Me Once More To-Day. Your Words Have
Left Me In torture. I Cannot Face The Consequences And Yet See No Way Of
Escape. It Would Be Very Cruel To Leave Me To My Despairing Thoughts For
Another Night, And You Are Not Cruel."
In Despatching The Missive He Said, "I Can Promise That If This Note Is
Delivered to Mrs. Arnot At Once, The Bearer Shall Be Well Paid."
Moments Seemed hours While He Waited for An Answer. Suppose The Letter
Was Not Delivered--Suppose Mrs. Arnot Was Absent. A Hundred miserable
Conjectures Flitted through His Mind; But His Confidence In his Friend
Was Such That Even His Morbid Fear Did Not Suggest That She Would Not
The Lady Was At The Dinner-Table When The Note Was Handed to Her, And
After Reading It She Rose Hastily And Excused herself.
"Where Are You Going?" Asked her Husband Sharply.
"A Person In trouble Has Sent For Me."
"Well, Unless The _Person_ Is In the Midst Of A Surgical Operation,
He, She, Or It, Whichever This Person May Be, Can Wait Till You Finish
Your Dinner."
"I Am Going To Visit Egbert Haldane," Said Mrs. Arnot Quietly. "Jane,
Please Tell Michael To Come Round With The Carriage Immediately."
"You Visit The City Prison At This Hour! Now I Protest. The Young Rake
Probably Has The Delirium Tremens. Send Our Physician Rather, If Some
One Must Go, Though Leaving Him To The Jailer And A Strait-Jacket Would
Be Better Still."
"Please Excuse Me," Answered his Wife, With Her Hand On The Door-Knob;
"You Forget My Relations To Mrs. Haldane; Her Son Has Sent For Me."
"'Her Relations To Mrs. Haldane!' As If She Were Not Always At The Beck
And Call Of Every Beggar And Criminal In town! I Do Wish I Had A Wife
Who Was Too Much Of A Lady To Have Anything To Do With This Low Scum."
A Few Moments Later Mr. Arnot Broke Out Anew With Muttered complaint And
Invective, As He Heard The Carriage Driven Rapidly Away.
As By The Flickering Light Of A Dip Candle Mrs. Arnot Saw Haldane'S
Pale, Haggard Face, She Did Not Regret That She Had Come At Once, For A
Glance Gave To Her The Evidence Of A Human Soul In its Extremity.
In Facing These Deep Questions Of Life, Some Regard Themselves As Brave
Or Philosophical. Perhaps It Were Nearer The Truth To Say They Are
Stolid, And Are Staring at That Which They Do Not Understand And Cannot
Yet Realize. Where In history Do We Read--Who From A Ripe Experience Can
Give--An Instance Of A Happy Life Developing Under The Deepening Shadow
Of Evil? Suppose One Has Seen High Types Of Character And Happiness, And
Was Capable Of Appreciating Them, But Finds That He Has Cherished a
Sottish, Beastly Nature So Long That It Has Become His Master, Promising
To Hold Him In thraldom Ever Afterward;--Can There Be A More Wretched
Form Of Captivity? The Ogre Of A Debased nature Drags The Soul Away From
Light And Happiness--From All Who Are Good And Pure--To The Hideous
Solitude Of Self And Memory.
There Are Those Who Will Be Incredulous And Even Resentful In view Of
This Picture, But It Will Not Be The First Time That Facts Have Been
Quarrelled with. It Is _True_ That Many Are Writhing and Groaning
In This Cruel Bondage, Mastered and Held Captive By Some Debasing
Appetite Or Passion, Perhaps By Many. Sometimes, With A Bitter,
Despairing Sorrow, Of Which Superficial Observers Of Life Can Have No
Idea, They Speak Of These Horrid Chains; Sometimes They Tug At Them
Almost Frantically. A Few Escape, But More Are Dragged down And
Away--Away From Honorable Companionships And Friendships; Away From
Places Of Trust, From Walks Of Usefulness And Safety; Away From Parents,
From Wife And Children, Until The Awful Isolation Is Complete, And The
Guilty Soul Finds Itself Alone With The Sin That Mastered it, Conscious
That God Only Will Ever See And Remember. Human Friends Will
Forget--They Must Forget In order To Obtain Relief From An Object That
Has Become Morally Too Unsightly To Be Looked upon; And In mercy They
Are So Created that They Can Forget, Though It May Be Long Before It Is
There Are People Who Scout This Awful Mystery Of Evil. They Have
Beautiful Little Theories Of Their Own, Which They Have Spun In the
Seclusion Of Their Studies. They Keep Carefully Within Their Shady,
Flower-Bordered walks, And Ignore The Existence Of The World'S Dusty
Highways, In which So Many Are Fainting and Being Trampled upon. What
They Do Not See Does Not Exist. What They Do Not Believe Is Not True.
They Cannot Condemn Too Severely The Lack Of Artistic Taste And Liberal
Culture Which Leads Any One To Regard Sin As Other Than A Theologian'S
Phrase Or A Piquant Element In human Life, Which Otherwise Would Be
Rather Dull And Flavorless.
Mrs. Arnot Was Not A Theorist, Nor Was She The Elegant Lady, Wholly
Given To The Aesthetic Culture That Her Husband Desired; She Was A
Large-Hearted woman, And She Understood Human Life And Its Emergencies
Sufficiently Well To Tremble With Apprehension When She Saw The Face Of
Egbert Haldane, For She Felt That A Deathless Soul In its Crisis--Its
Deepest Spiritual Need--Was Looking To Her Solely For Help.
Chapter XXX (Ideal Knighthood)
Mrs. Arnot Again Came Directly To The Youth And Put Her Hand On His
Shoulder With Motherly Freedom And Kindliness. Beyond Even The Word Of
Sympathy Is The Touch Of Sympathy, And It Often Conveys To The Fainting
Heart A Subtle Power To Hope And Trust Again Which The Materialist
Cannot Explain. The Divine Physician Often Touched those Whom He Healed.
He Laid His Hand Fearlessly On The Leper From Whom All Shrank With
Inexpressible Dread. The Moral Leper Who Trembled under Mrs. Arnot'S
Hand Felt That He Was Not Utterly Lost And Beyond The Pale Of Hope, If
One So Good And Pure Could Still Touch Him; And There Came A Hope, Like
A Ray Struggling Through Thick Darkness, That The Hand That Caressed
Might Rescue Him.
"Egbert," Said The Lady Gravely, "Tell Me What I Can Do For You."
"I Cannot Face The Consequences," He Replied in a Low, Shuddering Tone.
"And Do You Only Dread The Consequences?" Mrs. Arnot Asked sadly. "Do
You Not Think Of The Evil Which Is The Cause Of Your Trouble?"
"I Can Scarcely Separate The Sin From The Suffering. My Mind Is
Confused, And I Am Overwhelmed with Fear And Loneliness. All Who Are
Good And All That Is Good Seemed to Be Slipping From Me, And I Should
Soon Be Left Only To My Miserable Self. O, Mrs. Arnot, No Doubt I Seem
To You Like A Weak, Guilty Coward. I Seem So To Myself. If It Were
Danger Or Difficulty I Had To Face I Would Not Fear; But This Slow,
Inevitable, Increasing Pressure Of A Horrible Fate, This Seeing Clearly
That Evil Cuts Me Off From Hope And All Happiness, And Yet To Feel That
I Cannot Escape From It--That I Am Too Weak To Break My Chains--It Is
More Than I Can Endure. I Fear That I Should Have Gone Mad If You Had
Not Come. Do You Think There Is Any Chance For Me? I Feel As If I Had
Lost My Manhood."
Mrs. Arnot Took The Chair Which The Sheriff Had Brought On Her Entrance,
And Said Quietly, "Perhaps You Have, Egbert; Many A Man Has Lost What
You Mean By That Term."
"You Speak Of It With A Composure That I Can Scarcely Understand," Said
Haldane, With A Quick Glance Of Inquiry. "It Seems To Me An Irreparable
"It Does Not Seem So Great A Loss To Me," Replied mrs. Arnot Gently. "As
Your Physician You Must Let Me Speak Plainly Again. It Seems To Me That
What You Term Your Manhood Was Composed largely Of Pride, Conceit,
Ignorance Of Yourself, And Inexperience Of The World. You Were Liable To
Lose It At Any Time, Just As You Did, Partly Through Your Own Folly And
Partly Through The Wrong Of Others. You Know, Egbert, That I Have Always
Been Interested in young Men, And What Many Of Them Regard As Their
Manhood Is Not Of Much Value To Themselves Or Any One Else."
"Is It Nothing To Be So Weak, Disheartened, And Debased that You Lie
Prostrate In the Mire Of Your Own Evil Nature, As It Were, And With No
Power To Rise?" He Asked bitterly.
"That Is Sad Indeed."
"Well, That'S Just My Condition--Or I Fear It Is, Though Your Coming Has
Brought A Gleam Of Hope. Mrs. Arnot," He Continued passionately, "I
Don'T Know How To Be Different; I Don'T Feel Capable Of Making any
Persistent And Successful Effort. I Feel That I Have Lost All Moral
Force And Courage. The Odds Are Too Great. I Can'T Get Up Again."
"Perhaps You Cannot, Egbert," Said Mrs. Arnot Very Gravely; "It Would
Seem That Some Never Do--"
He Buried his Face In his Hands And Groaned.
"You Have, Indeed, A Difficult Problem To Solve, And, Looking at It From
Your Point Of View, I Do Not Wonder That It Seems Impossible."
"Cannot You, Then, Give Me Any Hope?"
"No, Egbert; _I_ Cannot. It Is Not In my Power To Make You A Good
Man. You Know That I Would Do So If I Could."
"Would To God I Had Never Lived, Then," He Exclaimed, Desperately.
"Can You Offer God No Better Prayer Than That? Will You Try To Be Calm,
And Listen Patiently To Me For A Few Moments? When I Said _I_ Could
Not Give You Hope--_I_ Could Not Make You A Good Man--I Expressed
One Of My Strongest Convictions. But I Have Not Said, Egbert, That There
Is No Hope, No Chance, For You. On The Contrary, There Is Abundant
Hope--Yes, Absolute Certainty--Of Your Achieving a Noble Character, If
You Will Set About It In the Right Way. But As One Of The First And
Indispensable Conditions Of Success, I Wish You To Realize That The Task
Is Too Great For You Alone; Too Great With My Help; Too Great If The
World That Seems So Hostile Should Unite To Help You; And Yet Neither I
Nor All The World Could Prevent Your Success If You Went To The Right
And True Source Of Help. Why Have You Forgotten God In your Emergency?
Why Are You Looking Solely To Yourself And To Another Weak
Fellow-Creature Like Yourself?"
"You Are In no Respect Like Me, Mrs. Arnot, And It Seems Profanation
Even To Suggest The Thought."
"I Have The Same Nature. I Struggled vainly And Almost Hopelessly
Against My Peculiar Weaknesses And Temptations And Sorrows Until I Heard
God Saying, 'Come, My Child, Let Us Work Together. It Is My Will You
Should Do All You Can Yourself, And What You Cannot Do I Will Do For
You.' Since That Time I Have Often Had To Struggle Hard, But Never
Vainly. There Have Been Seasons When My Burdens Grew So Heavy That I Was
Ready To Faint; But After Appealing To My Heavenly Father, As A Little
Child Might Cry For Help, The Crushing Weight Would Pass Away, And I
Became Able To Go On My Way Relieved and Hopeful."
"I Cannot Understand It," Said The Young Man, Looking at Her In deep
"That Does Not Prevent Its Being True. The Most Skilful Physician Cannot
Explain Why Certain Beneficial Effects Follow The Use Of Certain
Remedies; But When These Effects Become An Established fact Of
Experience It Were Sensible To Employ The Remedy As Soon As Possible.
One Might Suffer A Great Deal, And, Perhaps, Perish, While Asking
Questions And Waiting For Answers. To My Mind The Explanation Is Very
Simple. God Is Our Creator, And Calls Himself Our Father. It Would Be
Natural On General Principles That He Should Take A Deep Interest In us;
But He Assures Us Of The Profoundest Love, Employing Our Tenderest
Earthly Ties To Explain How He Feels Toward Us. What Is More Natural
Than For A Father To Help A Child? What Is More Certain, Also, Than That
A Wise Father Would Teach A Child To Do All Within His Ability To Help
Himself, And So Develop The Powers With Which He Is Endowed? Only
Infants Are Supposed to Be Perfectly Helpless."
"It Would Seem That What You Say Ought To Be True, And Yet I Have Always
Half-Feared god--That Is, When I Thought About Him At All. I Have Been
Taught That He Was To Be Served; That He Was A Jealous God; That He Was
Angry With The Sinful, And That The Prayers Of The Wicked were An
Abomination. I Am Sure The Bible Says The Latter Is True, Or Something
Like It."
"It Is True. If You Set Your Heart On Some Evil Course, Or Are
Deliberating Some Dishonesty Or Meanness, Be Careful How You Make Long
Or Short Prayers To God While Wilfully Persisting In your Sin. When A
Man Is Robbing and Cheating, Though In the Most Legal Manner--When He Is
Gratifying Lust, Hate, Or Appetite, And _Intends_ To _Continue_ Doing
So--The Less Praying He Does The Better. An Avowed infidel Is More
Acceptable. But The Sweetest Music That Reaches Heaven Is The Honest Cry
For Help To Forsake Sin; And The More Sinful The Heart That Thus Cries
Out For Deliverance The More Welcome The Appeal. Let Me Illustrate What
I Mean By Your Own Case. If You Should Go Out From This Prison In the
Same Spirit That You Did Once Before, Seeking To Gain Position And Favor
Only For The Purpose Of Gratifying Your Own Pride--Only That Self Might
Be Advantaged, Without Any Generous And Disinterested regard For Others,
Without Any Recognition Of The Sacred duties You Owe To God, And Content
With A Selfish, Narrow, Impure Soul--If, With Such A Disposition, You
Should Commence Asking For God'S Help As A Means To These Petty,
Miserable Ends, Your Prayers Would, And With Good Reason, Be An
Abomination To Him. But If You Had Sunk To Far Lower Depths Than Those
In Which You Now Find Yourself, And Should Cry Out For Purity, For The
Sonship Of A Regenerated character, Your Voice Would Not Only Reach Your
Divine Father'S Ear, But His Heart, Which Would Yearn Toward You With A
Tender Commiseration That I Could Not Feel Were You My Only Son."
The Sincerity And Earnestness Of Mrs. Arnot'S Words Were Attested by Her
Fast-Gathering Tears.
"This Is All New To Me. But If God Is So Kindly Disposed toward Us--So
Ready To Help--Why Does He Not Reveal Himself In this Light More
Clearly? Why Are We So Slow And Long In finding Him Out? Until You Came
He Seemed against Me."
"We Will Not Discuss This Matter In general. Take Your Own Experience
Again. Perhaps It Has Been Your Fault, Not God'S, That You Misunderstood
Him. He Tries To Show How He Feels Toward Us In many Ways, Chiefly By
His Written Word, By What He Leads His People To Do For Us, And By His
Great Mind Acting Directly On Ours. Has Not The Bible Been Within Your
Reach? Have None Of God'S Servants Tried to Advise And Help You? I Think
You Must Have Seen Some Such Effort On My Part When You Were An Inmate
Of My Home. I Am Here This Evening as God'S Messenger To You. All The
Hope I Have Of You Is Inspired by His Disposition And Power To Help You.
You May Continue To Stand Aloof From Him, Declining His Aid, Just As You
Avoided your Mother, And Myself All These Weeks When We Were Longing To
Help You; But If You Sink, Yours Will Be The Fate Of One Who Refuses To
Grasp The Strong Hand That Is And Ever Has Been Seeking Yours."
"Mrs. Arnot," Said Haldane Thoughtfully, "If All You Say Is True There
Is Hope For Me--There Is Hope For Every One."
Mrs. Arnot Was Silent For A Moment, And Then Said, With Seeming
"You Have Read Of The Ancient Knights And Their Deeds, Have You Not?"
"Yes," Was The Wondering Reply, "But The Subject Seems Very Remote."
"You Are In a Position To Realize My Very Ideal Of Knightly Endeavor."
"I, Mrs. Arnot! What Can You Mean?"
"Whether I Am Right Or Wrong I Can Soon Explain What I Mean. The Ancient
Knight Set His Lance In rest Against What Seemed to Him The Wrongs And
Evils Of The World. In theory He Was To Be Without Fear And Without
Reproach--As Pure As The White Cross Upon His Mantle. But In fact The
Average Knight Was Very Human. His White Cross Was Soon Soiled by
Foreign Travel, But Too Often Not Before His Soul Was Stained with
Questionable Deeds. It Was A Life Of Adventure And Excitement, And
Abundantly Gratifying To Pride And Ambition. While It Could Be Idealized
Into A Noble Calling, It Too Often Ended in a Lawless, Capricious Career
Of Self-Indulgence. The Cross On The Mantle Symbolized the Heavy Blows
And Sorrows Inflicted on Those Who Had The Misfortune To Differ In
Opinion, Faith, Or Race With The Knight, The Steel Of Whose Armor
Seemingly Got Into His Heart, Rather Than Any Personal Self-Denial.
Without Any Moral Change On His Own Part, Or Being any Way Better Than
They, He Could Fight The Infidel Or Those Whose Views Differed from His
With Great Zest.
"But The Man Who Will Engage Successfully In a Crusade Against The Evil
Of His Own Heart Must Have The Spirit Of A True Knight, For He Attempts
The Most Difficult And Heroic Task Within The Limits Of Human Endeavor.
It Is Comparatively Easy To Run A Tilt Against A Fellow-Mortal, Or An
External Evil; But To Set Our Lance In rest Against A Cherished sin, A
Habit That Has Become Our Second Nature, And Remorselessly Ride It
Down--To Grapple With A Secret Fault In the Solitude Of Our Own Soul,
With No Applauding Hands To Spur Us On, And Fight And Wrestle For Weary
Months--Years Perhaps--This Does Require Heroism Of The Highest Order,
And The Man Who Can Do It Is My Ideal Knight.
"You Inveigh Against The World, Egbert, As If It Were A Harsh And
Remorseless Foe, Bent On Crushing You; But You Have Far More Dangerous
Enemies Lurking In your Own Heart. If You Could Thoroughly Subdue These
With God'S Aid, You Would At The Same Time Overcome The World, Or Find
Yourself So Independent Of It As Scarcely To Care Whether Or No It Gave
You Its Favor. When You Left This Prison Before, You Sought In the Wrong
Way To Win The Position You Had Lost. You Were Very Proud Of Your Former
Standing; But You Had Very Little Occasion To Be, For You Had Inherited
It. The Deeds Of Others, Not Your Own, Had Won It For You. If You Had
Realized it, It Gave You A Great Vantage, But That Was All. If You Had
Been Content To Have Remained a Conceited, Commonplace Man, Versed only
In The Fashionable Jargon And Follies Of The Hour, And Basing Your
Claims On The Wealth Which You Had Shown Neither The Ability Nor
Industry To Win, You Would Never Have Had My Respect.
"Well, To Tell The Truth, Such Shadows Of Men Are Respected by No One,
Not Even Themselves, Even Though They May Commit No Deed which Society
Condemns, But If In this Prison Cell You Set Your Face Like A Flint
Against The Weaknesses And Grave Faults Of Your Nature Which Have
Brought You Here, And Which Would Have Made You Anything But An
Admirable Man Had You Retained your Old Position--If, With God As Your
Fast Ally, You Wage Unrelenting and Successful War Against All That Is
Unworthy Of A Christian Manhood--I Will Not Only Respect, I Will Honor
You. You Will Be One Of My Ideal Knights."
As Mrs. Arnot Spoke, Haldane'S Eyes Kindled, And His Drooping Manner Was
Exchanged for An Aspect That Indicated reviving Hope And Courage.
"I Have Lost Faith In myself," He Said Slowly; "And As Yet I Have No
Faith In god; But After What You Have Said I Do Not Fear Him As I Did. I
Have Faith In you, However, Mrs. Arnot, And I Would Rather Gain Your
Respect Than That Of All The World. You Know Me Now Better Than Any One
Else. Do You Truly Believe That I Could Succeed in such A Struggle?"
"Without Faith In god You Cannot. Even The Ancient Knight, Whose Success
Depended so Much On The Skill And Strength Of His Arm, And The Temper Of
His Weapons And Armor, Was Supposed to Spend Hours In prayer Before
Attempting any Great Thing. But With God'S Help Daily Sought And
Obtained, You Cannot Fail. You Can Achieve That Which The World Cannot
Take From You--Which Will Be A Priceless Possession After The World Has
Forgotten You And You It--A Noble Character."
Haldane Was Silent Several Moments, Then, Drawing a Long Breath, He
Said, Slowly And Humbly:
"How I Am To Do This I Do Not Yet Understand; But If You Will Guide Me,
I Will Attempt It."
"This Book Will Guide You, Egbert," Said Mrs. Arnot, Placing Her Bible
In His Hands. "God Himself Will Guide You If You Ask Sincerely.
Good-Night." And She Gave Him Such A Warm And Friendly Grasp Of The Hand
As To Prove That Evil Had Not Yet Wholly Isolated him From The Pure And
Chapter XXXI (The Low Starting-Point)
On The Afternoon Of The Following Day Mrs. Arnot Again Visited haldane,
Bringing Him Several Letters From His Mother Which Had Been Sent In her
Care; And She Urged that The Son Should Write At Once In a Way That
Would Reassure The Mother'S Heart.
In His Better Mood The Young Man'S Thoughts Recurred to His Mother With
A Remorseful Tenderness, And He Eagerly Sought Out The Envelope Bearing
The Latest Date, And Tore It Open. As He Read, The Pallor And Pain
Expressed in his Face Became So Great That Mrs. Arnot Was Much Troubled,
Fearing That The Letter Contained evil Tidings.
Without A Word He Handed it To Her, And Also Two Inclosed paragraphs Cut
From Newspapers.
"Do You Think Your Mother Would Wish Me To See It?" Asked mrs. Arnot,
"I Wish You To See It, And It Contains No Injunctions Of Secrecy.
Indeed, She Has Been Taking Some Very Open And Decided steps Which Are
Here Indicated."
Mrs. Arnot Read:
"My Unnatural Son--Though You Will Not Write Me A Line, You Still Make
It Certain That I Shall Hear From You, As The Inclosed clippings From
Hillaton Papers May Prove To You. You Have Forfeited all Claim On Both
Your Sisters And Myself. Our Lawyer Has Been Here To-Day, And Has Shown
Me, What Is Only Too Evident, That Money Would Be A Curse To You--That
You Would Squander It And Disgrace Yourself Still More, If Such A Thing
Were Possible. As The Property Is Wholly In my Hands, I Shall Arrange It
In Such A Way That You Shall Never Have A Chance To Waste It. If You
Will Comply With The Following Conditions I Will Supply All That Is
Essential To One Of Your Nature And Tastes. I Stipulate That You Leave
Hillaton, And Go To Some Quiet Place Where Our Name Is Not Known, And
That You There Live So Quietly That I Shall Hear Of No More Disgraceful
Acts Like Those Herein Described. I Have Given Up The Hope Of Hearing
Anything Good. If You Will Do This I Will Pay Your Board And Grant You A
Reasonable Allowance. If You Will Not Do This, You End All Communication
Between Us, And We Must Be As Strangers Until You Can Show An Entirely
Different Spirit. Yours In bitter Shame And Sorrow,
"Emily Haldane."
The Clippings Were Mr. Shrumpf'S Version Of His Own Swindle, And A
Tolerably Correct Account Of The Events Which Led to The Present
"Will You Accept Your Mother'S Offer?" Mrs. Arnot Asked, Anxiously, For
She Was Much Troubled as To What Might Be The Effect Of The Unfortunate
Letter At This Juncture.
"No!" He Replied with Sharp Emphasis.
"Egbert, Remember You Have Given Your Mother The Gravest Provocation."
"I Also Remember That She Did Her Best To Make Me The Fool I Have Been,
And She Might Have A Little More Patience Now. The Truth Is That
Mother'S God Was Respectability, And She Will Never Forgive Me For
Destroying Her Idol."
"Read The Other Letters; There May Be That In them Which Will Be More
"No, I Thank You," He Replied, Bitterly; "I Have Had All That I Can
Stand For One Day. She Believes The Infernal Lie Which That Scoundrel
Shrumpf Tells, And Gives Me No Hearing;" And He Related to Mrs. Arnot
The True Version Of The Affair.
She Had The Tact To See That His Present Perturbed condition Was Not Her
Opportunity, And She Soon After Left Him In a Mood That Promised little
Of Good For The Future.
But In the Long, Quiet Hours That Followed her Departure His Thoughts
Were Busy. However Much He Might Think That Others Were The Cause Of His
Unhappy Plight, He Had Seen That He Was Far More To Blame. It Had Been
Made Still More Clear That, Even If He Could Shift This Blame Somewhat,
He Could Not The Consequences. Mrs. Arnot'S Words Had Given Him A
Glimpse Of Light, And Had Revealed a Path, Which, Though Still Vague And
Uncertain, Promised to Lead Out Of The Present Labyrinth Of Evil. During
The Morning Hours He Had Dared to Hope, And Even To Pray, That He Might
Find A Way Of Escape From His Miserable Self And The Wretched condition
To Which It Had Brought Him.
For A Long Time He Turned the Leaves Of Mrs. Arnot'S Bible, And Here And
There A Text Would Flash Out Like A Light Upon The Clouded future, But
As A General Thing The Words Had Little Meaning.
To His Ardent And Somewhat Imaginative Nature She Had Presented the
Struggle Toward A Better Life In the Most Attractive Light. He Was Not
Asked to Do Something Which Was Vague And Mystical; He Was Not Exhorted
To Emotions And Beliefs Of Which He Was Then Incapable, Nor To Forms And
Ceremonies That Were Meaningless To Him, Nor To Professions Equally
Hollow. On The Contrary, The Evils, The Defects Of His Own Nature, Were
Given An Objective Form, And He Could Almost See Himself, Like A Knight,
With Lance In rest, Preparing To Run A Tilt Against The Personal Faults
Which Had Done Him Such Injury. The Deeper Philosophy, That His Heart
Was The Rank Soil From Which Sprang These Faults, Like Cadmus' Armed
Men, Would Come With Fuller Experience.
But In a Measure He Had Understood And Had Been Inspired by Mrs. Arnot'S
Thought. Although From A Weak Mother'S Indulgence And His Own, From
Wasted years And Bad Companionships, His Life Was Wellnigh Spoiled, He
Still Had Sufficient Mind To See That To Fight Down The Clamorous
Passions Of His Heart Into Subjection Would Be A Grand And Heroic Thing.
If From The Yielding Mire Of His Present Self A Noble And Granite-Like
Character Could Be Built Up, So Strongly And On Such A Sure Foundation
That It Would Stand The Shocks Of Time And Eternity, It Were Worth Every
Effort Of Which Human Nature Is Capable. Until Mrs. Arnot Had Spoken Her
Wise And Kind, Yet Honest Words, He Had Felt Himself Unable To Stand
Erect, Much Less To Enter On A Struggle Which Would Tax The Strongest.
But Suppose God Would Deign To Help, Suppose It Was The Divine Purpose
And Practice To Supplement The Feeble Efforts Of Those Who, Like
Himself, Sought To Ally Their Weakness To His Strength, Might Not The
Creator And The Creature, The Father And The Child, Unitedly Achieve
What It Were Hopeless To Attempt Unaided?
Thoughts Like These More Or Less Distinctly Had Been Thronging His Mind
During The Morning, And Though The Path Out Of His Degradation Was
Obscure And Uncertain, It Had Seemed the Only Way Of Escape. He Knew
That Mrs. Arnot Would Not Consciously Mock Him With Delusive Hopes, And
As She Spoke Her Words Seemed to Have The Ring and Echo Of Truth. When
The Courage To Attempt Better Things Was Reviving, It Was Sad That He
Should Receive The First Disheartening Blow From His Mother. Not That
She Purposed any Such Cruel Stroke; But When One Commences Wrong In life
One Is Apt To Go On Making Mischief To The End. Poor Mrs. Haldane'S
Kindness And Severity Had Always Been Ill-Timed.
For Some Hours, As Will Be Seen, The Contents Of The Mother'S Letter
Inspired only Resentment And Caused discouragement; But Calmer Thoughts
Explained the Letter, And Confirmed mrs. Arnot'S Words, That He Had
Given The "Gravest Provocation."
At The Same Time The Young Man Instinctively Felt That If He Attempted
The Knightly Effort That Mrs. Arnot Had So Earnestly Urged, His Mother
Could Not Help Him Much, And Might Be A Hindrance. Her Views Would Be So
Conventional, And She Would Be So Impatient Of Any Methods That Were Not
In Accordance With Her Ideas Of Respectability, That She Might Imperil
Everything Should He Yield To Her Guidance. If, Therefore, He Could
Obtain The Means Of Subsistence He Resolved to Remain In hillaton, Where
He Could Occasionally See Mrs. Arnot. She Had Been Able To Inspire The
Hope Of A Better Life, And She Could Best Teach Him How Such A Life Was
The Next Day Circumstances Prevented mrs. Arnot From Visiting The
Prison, And Haldane Employed part Of The Time In writing To His Mother A
Letter Of Mingled reproaches And Apologies, Interspersed with Vague
Hopes And Promises Of Future Amendment, Ending, However, With The
Positive Assurance That He Would Not Leave Hillaton Unless Compelled to
Do So By Hunger.
To Mrs. Haldane This Letter Was Only An Aggravation Of Former
Misconduct, And A Proof Of The Unnatural And Impracticable Character Of
Her Son. The Fact That It Was Written From A Prison Was Hideous, To
Begin With. That, After All The Pains At Which She Had Been To Teach Him
What Was Right, He Could Suggest That She Was In part To Blame For His
Course Seemed such Black Ingratitude That His Apologies And
Acknowledgments Of Wrong Went For Nothing. She Quite Overlooked the
Hope, Expressed here And There, That He Might Lead A Very Different Life
In The Future. His Large And Self-Confident Assurances Made Before Had
Come To Naught, And She Had Not The Tact To See That He Would Make This
Attempt In a Different Spirit.
It Was Not By Any Means A Knightly Or Even A Manly Letter That He Wrote
To His Mother; It Was As Confused as His Own Chaotic Moral Nature; But
If Mrs. Haldane Had Had A Little More Of Mrs. Arnot'S Intuition, And
Less Of Prejudice, She Might Have Seen Scattered through It Very Hopeful
Indications. But Even Were Such Indications Much More Plain, Her Anger,
Caused by His Refusal To Leave Hillaton, And The Belief That He Would
Continue To Disgrace Himself And Her, Would Have Blinded her To Them.
Under The Influence Of This Anger She Sat Down And Wrote At Once:
Since You Cast Off Your Mother For Strangers--Since You Attempt Again
What You Have Proved yourself Incapable Of Accomplishing--Since You
Prefer To Go Out Of Jail To Be A Vagrant And A Criminal In the Streets,
Instead Of Accepting My Offer To Live A Respectable And Secluded life
Where Your Shame Is Unknown, I Wash My Hands Of You, And Shall Take
Pains To Let It Be Understood That I Am No Longer Responsible For You Or
Your Actions. You Must Look To Strangers Solely Until You Can Conform
Your Course To The Will Of The One You Have So Greatly Wronged.
Haldane Received this Letter On The Morning Of The Day Which Would Again
Give Him Freedom. Mrs. Arnot Had Visited him From Time To Time, And Had
Been Pleased to Find Him, As A General Thing, In a Better And More
Promising Mood. He Had Been Eager To Listen To All That She Had To Say,
And He Seemed honestly Bent On Reform. And Yet, While Hopeful, She Was
Not At All Sanguine As To His Future. He Occasionally Gave Way To Fits
Of Deep Despondency, And Again Was Over-Confident, While The Causes Of
These Changes Were Not Very Apparent, And Seemingly Resulted more From
Temperament Than Anything Else. She Feared that The Bad Habits Of Long
Standing, Combining With His Capricious And Impulsive Nature, Would
Speedily Betray Him Into His Old Ways. She Was Sure This Would Be The
Case Unless The Strong And Steady Hand Of God Sustained him, And She Had
Tried to Make Him Realize The Same Truth. This He Did In a Measure, And
Was Exceedingly Distrustful; And Yet He Had Not Been Able To Do Much
More Than Hope God Would Help Him--For To Anything Like Trustful
Confidence He Was Still A Stranger.
The Future Was Very Dark And Uncertain. What He Was To Do, How He Was To
Live, He Could Not Foresee. Even The Prison Seemed almost A Refuge From
The World, Out Into Which He Would Be Thrown That Day, As One Might Be
Cast From A Ship, To Sink Or Swim, As The Case Might Be.
While Eager To Receive Counsel And Advice From Mrs. Arnot, He Felt A
Peculiar Reluctance To Take Any Pecuniary Assistance, And He Fairly
Dreaded to Have Her Offer It; Still, It Might Be All That Would Stand
Between Him And Hunger.
After Receiving His Mother'S Harsh Reply To His Letter, His Despondency
Was Too Great Even For Anger. He Was Ashamed of His Weakness And
Discouragement, And Felt That They Were Unmanly, And Yet Was Powerless
To Resist The Leaden Depression That Weighed him Down.
Mrs. Arnot Had Promised to Call Just Before His Release, And When She
Entered his Cell She At Once Saw That Something Was Amiss. In reply To
Her Questioning He Gave Her The Letter Just Received.
After Reading It Mrs. Arnot Did Not Speak For Some Time, And Her Face
Wore A Sad, Pained look.
At Last She Said, "You Both Misunderstand Each Other; But, Egbert, You
Have No Right To Cherish Resentment. Your Mother Sincerely Believes Your
Course Is All Wrong, And That It Will End Worse Than Before. I Think She
Is Mistaken. And Yet Perhaps She Is Right, And It Will Be Easier For You
To Commence Your Better And Reformed life In the Seclusion Which She
Suggests. I Am Sorry To Say It To You, Egbert, But I Have Not Been Able
To Find Any Employment For You Such As You Would Take, Or I Would Be
Willing To Have You Accept. Perhaps Providence Points To Submission To
Your Mother'S Will."
"If So, Then I Lose What Little Faith I Have In providence," He Replied
Impetuously. "It Is Here, In this City, That I Have Fallen And Disgraced
Myself, And It Is Here I Ought To Redeem Myself, If I Ever Do. Weeks
Ago, In pride And Self-Confidence, I Made The Effort, And Failed
Miserably, As Might Have Been Expected. Instead Of Being a Gifted and
Brilliant Man, As I Supposed, That Had Been Suddenly Brought Under A
Cloud As Much Through Misfortune As Fault, I Have Discovered myself To
Be A Weak, Commonplace, Illiterate Fellow, Strong Only In bad Passions
And Bad Habits. Can I Escape These Passions And Habits By Going
Elsewhere? You Have Told Me, In a Way That Excited my Hope, Of God'S
Power And Willingness To Help Such As I Am. If He Will Not Help Me Here,
He Will Not Anywhere; And If, With His Aid, I Cannot Surmount The
Obstacles In my Way Here, What Is God'S Promised help But A Phrase Which
Means Nothing, And What Are We But Victims Of Circumstances?"
"Are You Not Reaching Conclusions Rather Fast, Egbert? You Forget That I
And Myriads Of Others Have Had Proof Of God'S Power And Willingness To
Help. If Wide And Varied experience Can Settle Any Fact, This One Has
Been Settled. But We Should Ever Remember That We Are Not To Dictate The
Terms On Which He Is To Help Us."
"I Do Not Mean To Do This," Said Haldane Eagerly, "But I Have A
Conviction That I Ought To Remain In hillaton. To Tell You The Truth,
Mrs. Arnot, I Am Afraid To Go Elsewhere," He Added in a Low Tone, While
Tears Suffused his Eyes. "You Are The Only Friend In the Universe That I
Am Sure Cares For Me, Or That I Can Trust Without Misgivings. To Me God
Is Yet But Little More Than A Name, And One That Heretofore I Have
Either Forgotten Or Feared. You Have Led me To Hope That It Might Be
Otherwise Some Day, But It Is Not So Yet, And I Dare Not Go Away Alone
Where No One Cares For Me, For I Feel Sure That I Would Give Way To
Utter Despondency, And Recklessness Would Follow As A Matter Of Course."
"O Egbert," Sighed mrs. Arnot, "How Weak You Are, And How Foolish, In
Trusting So Greatly In a Mere Fellow-Creature."
"Yes, Mrs. Arnot, 'Weak And Foolish.' Those Two Words Now Seem To Sum Up
My Whole Life And All There Is Of Me."
"And Yet," She Added earnestly, "If You Will, You Can Still Achieve A
Strong, And Noble Character. O That You Had The Courage And Heroic Faith
In God To Fight Out This Battle To The End! Should You Do So, As I Told
You Before, You Would Be Ideal Knight. Heaven Would Ring With Your
Praise, However Unfriendly The World Might Be. I Cannot Conceive Of A
Grander Victory Than That Of A Debased nature Over Itself. If You Should
Win Such A Victory, Egbert--If, In addition, You Were Able, By The
Blessing Of God On Your Efforts, To Build Up A Strong, True Character--I
Would Honor You Above Other Men, Even Though You Remained a Wood-Sawyer
All Your Days," And Her Dark Eyes Became Lustrous With Deep Feeling as
She Spoke.
Haldane Looked at Her Fixedly For A Moment, And Grew Very Pale. He Then
Spoke Slowly And In a Low Tone:
"To Fail After What You Have Said And After All Your Kindness Would Be
Terrible. To Continue My Old Vile Self, And Also Remember The Prospect
You Now Hold Out--What Could Be Worse? And Yet What I Shall Do, What I
Shall Be, God Only Knows. But In sending You To Me I Feel That He Has
Given Me One More Chance."
"Egbert," She Replied eagerly, "God Will Give You Chances As Long As You
Breathe. Only The Devil Will Tell You To Despair. He, _Never_. Remember
This Should You Grow Old In sin. To Tell You The Truth, However, As I
See You Going Out Into The World So Humbled, So Self-Distrustful, I Have
Far More Hope For You Than When You First Left This Place, Fully Assured
That You Were, In yourself, Sufficient For All Your Peculiar
Difficulties. And Now, Once More, Good-By, For A Time. I Will Do
Everything I Can For You. I Have Seen Mr. Growther To-Day, And He
Appears Very Willing That You Should Return To His House For The
Present. Strange Old Man! I Want To Know Him Better, For I Believe His
Evil Is Chiefly On The Outside, And Will Fall Off Some Day, To His Great
Chapter XXXII (A Sacred refrigerator)
The Glare Of The Streets Was Intolerable To Haldane After His
Confinement, And He Hastened through Them, Looking Neither To The Right
Hand Nor To The Left. A Growl From Mr. Growther'S Dog Greeted him As He
Entered, And The Old Man Himself Snarled:
"Well, I S'Pose You Stood Me As Long As You Could, And Then Went To
Prison For A While For A Change."
"You Are Mistaken, Mr. Growther; I Went To Prison Because I Deserved to
Go There, And It'S Very Good Of You To Let Me Come Back Again."
"No, It Ain'T Good Of Me, Nuther. I Want A Little Peace And Comfort, And
How Could I Have 'Em While You Was Bein' Kicked and Cuffed around The
Streets? Here, I'Ll Get You Some Dinner. I S'Pose They Only Gave You
Enough At Jail To Aggravate Your In'Ards."
"No, Nothing More, Please. Isn'T There Something I Can Do? I'Ve Sat
Still Long Enough."
Mr. Growther Looked at Him A Moment, And Then Said:
"Are You Sayin' That Because You Mean It?"
"Would You Mind Helpin' Me Make A Little Garden? I Know I Ought To Have
Done It Long Ago, But I'M One Of Those 'Crastinating Cusses, And
Rheumatic In the Bargain."
"I'Ll Make Your Garden On The One Condition That You Stand By And Boss
The Job."
"O, I'M Good At Bossin', If Nothing Else. There Ain'T Much Use Of
Plantin' Anything, Though, For Every Pesky Bug And Worm In town Will
Start For My Patch As Soon As They Hear On'T."
"I Suppose They Come On The Same Principle That I Do."
"They Hain'T So Welcome--The Cussed little Varmints! Some On 'Em Are So
Blasted mean That I Know I Ought To Be Easier On 'Em Just Out Of Feller
Feelin'. Them Cut-Worms Now--If They'D Only Take A Plant And Satisfy
Their Nateral Appetites On It, It Would Go A Good Ways, And The Rest O'
The Plants Would Have A Chance To Grow Out Of Harm'S Way; But The Nasty
Little Things Will Jest Eat 'Em Off Above The Ground, As If They Was Cut
In Two By A Knife, And Then Go On To Anuther. That'S What I Call A Mean
Way Of Gettin' A Livin'; But There'S Lots Of People Like 'Em In town,
Who Spile More Than They Eat. Then There'S The Squash-Bug. If It'S His
Nater To Eat Up The Vines I S'Pose He Must Do It, But Why In thunder
Must He Smell Bad Enough To Knock You Over Into The Bargain? It'S Allers
Been My Private Opinion That The Devil Made These Pests, And The Lord
Had Nothin' To Do With 'Em. The Idea That He Should Create A Rose, And
Then A Rose-Bug To Spile It, Ain'T Reconcilable To What Little Reason
I'Ve Got."
"Well," Replied haldane With A Glimmer Of A Smile, "I Cannot Account For
Rose-Bugs And A Good Many Worse Things. I Notice, However, That In spite
Of All These Enemies People Manage To Raise A Great Deal That'S Very
Nice Every Year. Suppose We Try It."
They Were Soon At Work, And Haldane Felt The Better For A Few Hours'
Exercise In the Open Air.
The Next Morning Mrs. Arnot Brought Some Papers Which She Said A Legal
Friend Wished copied, And She Left With Them, Inclosed in an Envelope,
Payment In advance. After She Had Gone Haldane Offered the Money To Mr.
Growther, But The Old Man Only Growled:
"Chuck It In a Drawer, And The One Of Us Who Wants It First Can Have
For The Next Two Or Three Weeks Mrs. Arnot, By The Dint Of Considerable
Effort, Kept Up A Supply Of Mss., Of Which Copies Were Required, And She
Supplemented the Prices Which The Parties Concerned were Willing To Pay.
Her Charitable And Helpful Habits Were Well Known To Her Friends, And
They Often Enabled her Thus To Aid Those To Whom She Could Not Give
Money Direct. But This Uncertain Employment Would Soon Fail, And What
Her Protege Was Then To Do She Could Not Foresee. No One Would Trust
Him, And No One Cared to Have Him About His Premises.
But In the Meantime The Young Man Was Thinking Deeply For Himself. He
Soon Concluded not To Make Mr. Growther'S Humble Cottage A Hiding-Place;
And He Commenced walking abroad Through The City After The Work Of The
Day. He Assumed no Bravado, But Went Quietly On His Way Like Any Other
Passer-By. The Majority Of Those Who Knew Who He Was Either Ignored his
Existence, Or Else Looked curiously After Him, But Some Took Pains To
Manifest Their Contempt. He Could Not Have Been More Lonely And Isolated
If He Were Walking a Desert.
Among The Promises He Had Made Mrs. Arnot Was That He Would Attend
Church, And She Naturally Asked him To Come To Her Own.
"As You Feel Toward My Husband, It Will Probably Not Be Pleasant For You
To Come To Our Pew" She Had Said; "But I Hope The Time Will Come When
Bygones Will Be Bygones. The Sexton, However, Will Give You A Seat, And
Our Minister Preaches Excellent Sermons"
Not Long After, True To His Word, The Young Man Went A Little Early, As
He Wished to Be As Unobtrusive As Possible. At The Same Time There Was
Nothing Furtive Or Cringing In his Nature. As He Had Openly Done Wrong,
He Was Now Resolved to Try As Openly To Do Right, And Let People Ascribe
Whatever Motive They Chose.
But His Heart Misgave Him As He Approached the New Elegant Church On The
Most Fashionable Street. He Felt That His Clothes Were Not In keeping
With Either The Place Of Worship Or The Worshippers.
Mr. Arnot'S Confidential Clerk Was Talking With The Sexton As He
Hesitatingly Mounted the Granite Steps, And He Saw That Dignified
Functionary, Who Seemed in some Way Made To Order With The Church Over
Which He Presided, Eye Him Askance While He Lent An Ear To What Was
Evidently A Bit Of His History. Walking Quietly But Firmly Up To The
Official, Haldane Asked:
"Will You Give Me A Seat, Sir?"
The Man Reddened, Frowned, And Then Said:
"Really, Sir, Our Seats Are Generally Taken Sunday Mornings. I Think You
Will Feel More At Home At Our Mission Chapel In guy Street."
"And Among The Guys, Why Don'T You Add?" Retorted haldane, His Old
Spirit Flashing Up, And He Turned on His Heel And Stalked back To Mr.
Growther'S Cottage.
"Short Sermon To-Day," Said The Old Man Starting Out Of A Doze.
Haldane Told Him Of His Reception.
The Wrinkles In the Quaint Visage Of His Host Grew Deep And Complicated,
As Though He Had Tasted something Very Bitter, And He Remarked
"If Satan Could He'D Pay That Sexton A Whoppin' Sum To Stand At The Door
And Keep Sinners Out."
"No Need of The Devil Paying Him Anything; The Well-Dressed christians
See To That. As I Promised mrs. Arnot To Come, I Tried to Keep My Word,
But This Flunky'S Face And Manner Alone Are Enough To Turn Away Such As
I Am. None But The Eminently Respectable Need apply At That Gate Of
Heaven. If It Were Not For Mrs. Arnot I Would Believe The Whole Thing a
"Is Jesus Christ A Farce?" Asked the Practical Mr. Growther, Testily.
"What Is The Use Of Jumping Five Hundred miles From The Truth Because
You'Ve Happened to Run Afoul Of Some Of Those Pharisees That He Cussed?"
Haldane Laughed and Said, "You Have A Matter-Of-Fact Way Of Putting
Things That There Is No Escaping. It Will, Probably, Do Me More Good To
Stay Home And Read The Bible To You Than To Be At Church."
The Confidential Clerk, Who Had Remained gossiping In the Vestibule,
Thought The Scene He Had Witnessed worth Mentioning To His Employer, Who
Entered with Mrs. Arnot Not Very Long After, And Lingered for A Word Or
Two. The Man Of Business Smiled grimly, And Passed on. He Usually
Attended church Once A Day, Partly From Habit And Partly Because It Was
The Respectable Thing To Do. He Had Been Known To Remark That He Never
Lost Anything By It, For Some Of His Most Successful Moves Suggested
Themselves To His Mind During The Monotony Of The Service.
To Annoy His Wife, And Also To Gratify A Disposition To Sneer At The
Faults Of Christians, Mr. Arnot, At The Dinner, Commenced to Commend
Ironically The Sexton'S Course.
"A Most Judicious Man!" He Affirmed. "Saint Peter Himself At The Gate
Could Not More Accurately Strain Out The Saints From The Sinners--Nay,
He Is Even Keener-Eyed than Saint Peter, For He Can Tell First-Class
From Second-Class Saints. Though Our Church Is Not Full, I Now
Understand Why We Have A Mission Chapel. You May Trust 'Jeems' To Keep
Out All But The Very First-Class--Those Who Can Exchange Silk And
Broadcloth For The White Robe. But What On Earth Could Have Brought
About Such A Speedy Transition From Jail To Church On The Part Of
"I Invited him," Said Mrs. Arnot, In a Pained tone; "But I Did Not Think
It Would Be To Meet With Insult"
"Insult! Quite The Reverse. I Should Think That Such As He Ought To Feel
It An Honor To Be Permitted a Place Among The Second-Class Saints."
Mrs. Arnot'S Thoughts Were Very Busy That Afternoon. She Was Not By
Nature An Innovator, And, Indeed, Was Inclined to Accept The Established
Order Of Things Without Very Close Questioning. Her Christian Life Had
Been Developed chiefly By Circumstances Purely Personal, And She Had
Unconsciously Found Walks Of Usefulness Apart From The Organized church
Work. But She Was A Devout Worshipper And A Careful Listener To The
Truth. It Had Been Her Custom To Ride To The Morning Service, And, As
They Resided some Distance From The Church, To Remain At Home In the
Evening, Giving all In her Employ A Chance To Go Out.
Concerning The Financial Affairs Of The Church She Was Kept Well
Informed, For She Was A Liberal Contributor, And Also To All Other Good
Causes Presented. From Earliest Years Her Eye Had Always Been Accustomed
To The Phases Presented by A Fashionable Church, And Everything Moved
Forward So Quietly And With Such Sacred decorum That The Thought Of
Anything Wrong Did Not Occur To Her.
But The Truth That One Who Was Endeavoring To Lead A Better Life Had
Been Practically Turned from The Door Of God'S House Seemed to Her A
Monstrous Thing. How Much Truth Was There In her Husband'S Sarcasm? How
Far Did Her Church Represent The Accessible Jesus Of Nazareth, To Whom
All Were Welcomed, Or How Far Did It Misrepresent Him? Now That Her
Attention Was Called to The Fact, She Remembered that The Congregation
Was Chiefly Made Up Of The _Elite_ Of The City, And That She Rarely
Had Seen Any One Present Who Did Not Clearly Present The Fullest
Evidence Of Respectability. Were Those Whom The Master Most Emphatically
Came To Seek And Save Excluded? She Determined to Find Out Speedily.
Summoning Her Coachman, She Told Him That She Wished to Attend Church
That Evening. She Dressed herself Very Plainly, And Entered the Church
Closely Veiled. Instead Of Going To Her Own Pew, She Asked the Judicious
And Discriminating Sexton For A Seat. After A Careless Glance He Pointed
To One Of The Seats Near The Door, And Turned his Back Upon Her. A
Richly Dressed lady And Gentleman Entered soon After, And He Was All
Attention, Marshalling Them Up The Aisle Into Mrs. Arnot'S Own Pew,
Since It Was Known She Did Not Occupy It In the Evening. A Few Decent,
Plain-Looking Women, Evidently Sent Thither By The Wealthy Families In
Whose Employ They Were, Came In hesitatingly, And Those Who Did Not Take
Seats Near The Entrance, As A Matter Of Course, Were Motioned thither
Without Ceremony. The Audience Room Was But Sparsely Filled, Large
Families Being Represented by One Or Two Members Or Not At All. But Mrs.
Arnot Saw None Of Haldane'S Class Present--None Who Looked as If They
Were In danger, And Needed a Kind, Strong, Rescuing Hand--None Who
Looked hungry And Athirst For Truth Because Perishing For Its Lack. In
That Elegant And Eminently Respectable Place, Upholstered and Decorated
With Faultless Taste, There Was Not A Hint Of Publicans And Sinners. One
Might Suppose He Was In the Midst Of The Millennium, And That The
Classes To Whom Christ Preached had All Become So Thoroughly Converted
That They Did Not Even Need to Attend Church. There Was Not A Suggestion
Of The Fact That But A Few Blocks Away Enough To Fill The Empty Pews
Were Living Worse Than Heathen Lives.
The Choir Performed their Part Melodiously, And A Master In music Could
Have Found No Fault With The Technical Rendering Of The Musical Score.
They Were Paid To Sing, And They Gave To Such Of Their Employers As
Cared to Be Present Every Note As It Was Written, In its Full Value. As
Never Before, It Struck Mrs. Arnot As A Performance. The Service She Had
Attended hitherto Was Partly The Creation Of Her Own Earnest And
Devotional Spirit. To-Night She Was Learning To Know The Service As It
Really Existed.
The Minister Was Evidently A Conscientious Man, For He Had Prepared his
Evening Discourse For His Thin Audience As Thoroughly As He Had His
Morning Sermon. Every Word Was Carefully Written Down, And The Thought
Of The Text Was Exhaustively Developed. But Mrs. Arnot Was Too Far Back
To Hear Well. The Poor Man Seemed weary And Discouraged with The Arid
Wastes Of Empty Seats Over Which He Must Scatter The Seeds Of Truth To
No Purpose. He Looked dim And Ghostly In the Far-Away Pulpit, And In
Spite Of Herself His Sermon Began To Have The Aspect Of A Paid
Performance, The Effect Of Which Would Scarcely Be More Appreciable Than
The Sighing Of The Wind Without. The Keenest Theologian Could Not Detect
The Deviation Of A Hair From The Received orthodox Views, And The
Majority Present Were Evidently Satisfied that His Views Would Be
Correct, For They Did Not Give Very Close Attention. The Few Plain
Domestics Near Her Dozed and Nodded through The Hour, And So Gained some
Physical Preparation For The Toils Of The Week, But Their Spiritual
Natures Were As Clearly Dormant As Their Lumpish Bodies.
After The Service Mrs. Arnot Lingered, To See If Any One Would Speak To
Her As A Stranger And Ask Her To Come Again. Such Was Clearly Not The
Habit Of The Congregation. She Felt That Her Black Veil, An Evidence Of
Sorrow, Was A Sort Of Signal Of Distress Which Ought To Have Lured some
One To Her Side With A Kind Word Or Two, But Beyond A Few Curious
Glances She Was Unnoticed. People Spoke Who Were Acquainted, Who Had
Been Introduced to Each Other. As The Worshippers (?) Hastened out, Glad
To Escape To Regions Where Living Questions And Interests Existed, The
Sexton, Who Had Been Dozing In a Comfortable Corner, Bustled to The Far
End Of The Church, And Commenced, With An Assistant, Turning Out The
Lights On Either Side So Rapidly That It Seemed as If A Wave Of Darkness
Was Following Those Who Had Come Thither Ostensibly Seeking Light.
Mrs. Arnot Hastened to Her Carriage, Where It Stood Under The Obscuring
Shadow Of A Tree, And Was Driven Home Sad And Indignant--Most Indignant
At Herself That She Had Been So Absorbed in her Own Thoughts And Life
That She Had Not Discovered that The Church To Build And Sustain Which
She Had Given So Liberally Was Scarcely Better Than A Costly
Chapter XXXIII (A Doubtful Battle In prospect)
The Painful Impression Made By The Evening Service That Has Been
Described acted as A Rude Disenchantment, And The Beautiful Church, To
Which Mrs. Arnot Had Returned every Sabbath Morning With Increasing
Pleasure, Became As Repulsive As It Had Been Sacred and Attractive. To
Her Sincere And Earnest Spirit Anything In the Nature Of A Sham Was
Peculiarly Offensive; And What, She Often Asked herself, Could Be More
Un-Christlike Than This Service Which Had Been Held In his Name?
The Revelation So Astonished and Disheartened her That She Was Prone To
Believe That There Was Something Exceptional In that Miserable Sabbath
Evening'S Experience, And She Determined to Observe Further And More
Closely Before Taking any Action. She Spoke Frankly Of Her Feelings And
Purposes To Haldane, And In so Doing Benefited the Young Man Very Much;
For He Was Thus Led to Draw A Sharp Line Between Christ And The
Christlike And That Phase Of Christianity Which Is Largely Leavened with
This World. No Excuse Was Given Him To Jumble The True And The False
"You Will Do Me A Favor If You Will Quietly Enter The Church Next Sunday
Morning and Evening, And Unobtrusively Take One Of The Seats Near The
Door," She Said To Him. "I Wish To Bring This Matter To An Issue As Soon
As Possible. If You Could Manage To Enter A Little In advance Of Me, I
Would Also Be Glad. I Know How Christ Received sinners, And I Would Like
To See How We Who Profess To Be Representing Him, Receive Those Who Come
To His House."
Haldane Did As She Requested. In a Quiet And Perfectly Unobtrusive
Manner He Walked up The Granite Steps Into The Vestibule, And His
Coarse, Gray Suit, Although Scrupulously Clean, Was Conspicuous In its
Contrast With The Elegant Attire Of The Other Worshippers. He Himself
Was Conspicuous Also; For Many Knew Who He Was, And Whispered the
Information To Others. A "Jail-Bird" Was, Indeed, A _Rara Avis_ In
That Congregation, And There Was A Slight, But Perfectly Decorous,
Sensation. However Greatly These Elegant People Might Lack The Spirit Of
Him Who Was "The Friend Of Publicans And Sinners" They Would Not For The
World Do Anything That Was Overtly Rude Or Ill-Bred. Only The Official
Sexton Frowned visibly As The Youth Took A Seat Near The Door. Others
Looked askance Or Glided past Like Polished icicles. Haldane'S Teeth
Almost Chattered with The Cold. He Felt Himself Oppressed, And Almost
Pushed out Of The House, By The Moral Atmosphere Created by The
Repellent Thoughts Of Some Who Apparently Felt The Place Defiled by His
Presence. Mrs. Arnot, With Her Keen Intuition, Felt This Atmosphere
Also, And Detected on The Part Of One Or Two Of The Officers Of The
Church An Unchristian Spirit. Although The Sermon Was An Excellent One
That Morning, She Did Not Hear It.
In The Evening a Lady Draped in a Black Veil Sat By Haldane. The Service
Was But A Dreary Counterpart Of The One Of The Previous Sabbath. The Sky
Had Been Overcast And Slightly Threatening, And Still Fewer Worshippers
Had Ventured out.
Beyond Furtive And Curious Glances No One Noticed them Save The Sexton,
Who Looked and Acted as If Haldane'S Continued coming Was A Nuisance,
Which, In some Way, He Must Manage To Abate.
The Young Man Waited for Mrs. Arnot At Her Carriage-Door, And Said As He
Handed her In:
"I Have Kept My Word; But Please Do Not Ask Me To Come To This Church
Again, Or I Shall Turn Infidel."
"I Shall Not Come Myself Again," She Replied, "Unless There Is A Decided
The Next Morning She Wrote Notes To Two Of The Leading Officers Of The
Church, Asking Them To Call That Evening; And Her Request Was So Urgent
That They Both Came At The Appointed hour.
Mrs. Arnot'S Quiet But Clear And Distinct Statement Of The Evils Of
Which She Had Become Conscious Greatly Surprised and Annoyed them. They,
With Their Associates, Had Been Given Credit For Organizing and
"Running" The Most Fashionable And Prosperous Church In town. An Elegant
Structure Had Been Built And Paid For, And Such A Character Given The
Congregation That If Strangers Visited or Were About To Take Up Their
Abode In the City They Were Made To Feel That The Door Of This Church
Led to Social Position And The Most Aristocratic Circles. Of Course,
Mistakes Were Made. People Sometimes Elbowed their Way In who Were
Evidently Flaunting Weeds Among The Patrician Flowers, And Occasionally
Plain, Honest, But Somewhat Obtuse Souls Would Come As To A Christian
Church. But People Who Were "Not Desirable"--The Meaning Of This Phrase
Had Become Well Understood In hillaton--Were Generally Frozen Out By An
Atmosphere Made So Chilly, Even In august, That They Were Glad To Escape
To Other Associations Less Benumbing. Indeed, It Was Now So Generally
Recognized that Only Those Of The Best And Most Assured social Position
Were "Desirable," That Few Others Ventured up The Granite Steps Or
Sought Admittance To This Region Of Sacred respectability. And Yet All
This Had Been Brought About So Gradually, And So Entirely Within The
Laws Of Good Breeding and Ecclesiastical Usage, And Also Under The Most
Orthodox Preaching, That No One Could Lay His Finger On Anything Upon
Which To Raise An Issue.
The Result Was Just What These Officers Had Been Working For, And It Was
Vexatious Indeed that, After Years Of Successful Manipulation, A Lady Of
Mrs. Arnot'S Position Should Threaten To Make Trouble.
"My Dear Mrs. Arnot," Said One Of These Polished gentlemen, With A
Suavity That Was Designed to Conciliate, But Which Was Nevertheless
Tinged with Philosophical Dogmatism, "There Are Certain Things That Will
Not Mix, And The Attempt To Mingle Them Is Wasting Time On The
Impossible. It Is In accordance With The Laws Of Nature That Each Class
Should Draw Together According To Their Affinities And Social Status.
Our Church Is Now Entirely Homogeneous, And Everything Moves Forward
Without Any Friction."
"It Appears To Me Sadly Machine-Like," The Lady Remarked.
"Indeed, Madam," With A Trace Of Offended dignity, "Is Not The Gospel
Ably Preached?"
"Yes, But It Is Not Obeyed. We Have Been Made Homogeneous Solely On
Worldly Principles, And Not On Those Taught In the Gospels."
They Could Not Agree, As Might Have Been Supposed, And Mrs. Arnot Was
Thought To Be Unreasonable And Full Of Impracticable Theories.
"Very Well, Gentlemen," Said Mrs. Arnot, With Some Warmth, "If There Can
Be No Change In these Respects, No Other Course Is Left For Me But To
Withdraw;" And The Religious Politicians Bowed themselves Out, Much
Relieved, Feeling That This Was The Easiest Solution Of The Question.
Mrs. Arnot Soon After Wrote To The Rev. Dr. Barstow, Pastor Of The
Church, For A Letter Of Dismission. The Good Man Was Much Surprised by
The Contents Of This Missive. Indeed, It So Completely Broke A Chain Of
Deep Theological Speculation That He Deserted his Study For The Street.
Here He Met An Officer Of The Church, A Man Somewhat Advanced in years,
Whom He Had Come To Regard As Rather Reserved and Taciturn In
Disposition. But In his Perplexity He Exhibited mrs. Arnot'S Letter, And
Asked an Explanation.
"Well," Said The Gentleman, Uneasily, "I Understand That Mrs. Arnot Is
Dissatisfied, And Perhaps She Has Some Reason To Be."
"Upon What Grounds?" Asked the Clergyman Hastily.
"Suppose We Call Upon Her," Was The Reply. "I Would Rather You Should
Hear Her Reasons From Herself; And, In fact, I Would Be Glad To Hear
Them Also."
Half An Hour Later They Sat In mrs. Arnot'S Parlor.
"My Dear Madam," Said Dr. Barstow, "Are You Willing To Tell Us Frankly
What Has Led to The Request Contained in this Letter? I Hope That I Am
In No Way To Blame."
"Perhaps We Have All Been Somewhat To Blame," Replied mrs. Arnot In a
Tone So Gentle And Quiet As To Prove That She Was Under The Influence Of
No Unkindly Feeling Or Resentment; "At Least I Feel That I Have Been
Much To Blame For Not Seeing What Is Now But Too Plain. But Habit And
Custom Deaden Our Perceptions. The Aspect Of Our Church Was That Of Good
Society--Nothing To Jar Upon Or Offend The Most Critical Taste. Your
Sermons Were Deeply Thoughtful And Profound, And I Both Enjoyed and Was
Benefited by Them. I Came And Went Wrapped up In my Own Spiritual Life
And Absorbed in my Own Plans And Work, When, Unexpectedly, An Incident
Occurred which Revealed to Me What I Fear Is The _Animus_ And Character
Of Our Church Organization. I Can Best Tell You What I Mean By Relating
My Experience And That Of A Young Man Whom I Have Every Reason To
Believe Wishes To Lead A Better Life, Yes, Even A Christian Life;"
And She Graphically Portrayed all That Had Occurred, And The Impressions
Made Upon Her By The Atmosphere She Had Found Prevalent, When She Placed
Herself In the Attitude Of A Humble Stranger.
"And Now," She Said In conclusion, "Do We Represent Christ, Or Are We So
Leavened by The World That It May Be Doubted whether He Would
Acknowledge Us?"
The Minister Shaded his Pained and Troubled face With His Hand.
"We Represent The World," Said The Church Officer Emphatically; "I Have
Had A Miserable Consciousness Of Whither We Were Drifting For A Long
Time, But Everything Has Come About So Gradually And So Properly, As It
Were, That I Could Find No One Thing Upon Which I Could Lay My Finger
And Say, This Is Wrong And I Protest Against It. Of Course, If I Had
Heard The Sexton Make Such A Remark To Any One Seeking To Enter The
House Of God As Was Made To The Young Man You Mention I Should Have
Interfered. And Yet The Question Is One Of Great Difficulty. Can Such
Diverse Classes Meet On Common Ground?"
"My Dear Sir," Said Mrs. Arnot Earnestly, "I Do Not Think We, As A
Church, Are Called upon To Adjust These Diverse Classes, And To Settle,
On The Sabbath, Nice Social Distinctions. The Head Of The Church Said,
'Whosoever Will, Let Him Come.' We, Pretending To Act In his Name And By
His Authority, Say, 'Whosoever Is Sufficiently Respectable And
Well-Dressed, Let Him Come.' I Feel That I Cannot Any Longer Be A Party
To This Perversion.
"If We Would Preserve Our Right To Be Known As A Christian Church We
Must Say To All, To The Poor, To The Most Sinful And Debased, As Well As
To Those Who Are Now Welcomed, 'Come'; And When They Are Within Our
Walls They Should Be Made To Feel That The House Does Not Belong To An
Aristocratic Clique, But Rather To Him Who Was The Friend Of Publicans
And Sinners. Christ Adjusted himself To The Diverse Classes. Are We His
"But, My Dear Madam, Are There To Be No Social Distinctions?"
"I Am Not Speaking Of Social Distinctions. Birth, Culture, And Wealth
Will Always, And Very Properly, Too, Make Great Differences. In inviting
People To Our Homes We May Largely Consult Our Own Tastes And
Preferences, And Neither Good Sense Nor Christian Duty Requires That
There Should Be Intimacy Between Those Unfitted for It By Education And
Character. But A Church Is Not Our House, But God'S House, And What
Right Have We To Stand In the Door And Turn Away Those Whom He Most
Cordially Invites? Christ Had His Beloved disciple, And So We Can Have
Our Beloved and Congenial Friends. But There Were None Too Low Or Lowly
For Him To Help By Direct Personal Effort, By Sympathetic Contact, And
I, For One, Dare Not Ignore His Example."
"Do You Not Think We Can Better Accomplish This Work By Our Mission
"Where Is Your Precedent? Christ Washed the Feet Of Fishermen In order
To Give Us An Example Of Humility, And To Teach Us That We Should Be
Willing To Serve Any One In his Name. I Heartily Approve Of Mission
Chapels As Outposts; But, As In earthly Warfare, They Should Be Posts Of
Honor, Posts For The Brave, The Sagacious, And The Most Worthy. If They
Are Maintained in the Character Of Second-Class Cars, They Are To That
Extent Unchristian. If Those Who Are Gathered there Are To Be Kept There
Solely On Account Of Their Dress And Humble Circumstances, I Would Much
Prefer Taking My Chances Of Meeting My Master With Them Than In the
Church Which Practically Excludes Them.
"Christ Said, 'I Was A Stranger, And Ye Took Me In.' I Came To Our
Church As A Stranger Twice. I Was Permitted to Walk In and Walk Out, But
No One Spoke To Me, No One Invited me To Come Again. It Seems To Me That
I Would Starve Rather Than Enter A Private House Where I Was So Coldly
Treated. I Have No Desire For Startling Innovations. I Simply Wish To
Unite Myself With A Church That Is Trying To Imitate The Example Of The
Master, And Where All, Whatever May Be Their Garb Or Social And Moral
Character, Are Cordially Invited and Sincerely Welcomed."
Dr. Barstow Now Removed his Hand From His Face. It Was Pale, But Its
Expression Was Resolute And Noble.
"Mrs. Arnot, Permit Me To Say That You Are Both Right And Wrong," He
Said. "Your Views Of What A Church Should Be Are Right; You Are Wrong In
Wishing To Withdraw Before Having Patiently And Prayerfully Sought To
Inculcate A True Christian Spirit Among Those To Whom You Owe And Have
Promised christian Fidelity. You Know That I Have Not Very Long Been The
Pastor Of This Church, But I Have Already Felt That Something Was Amiss.
I Have Been Oppressed and Benumbed with A Certain Coldness And Formality
In Our Church Life. At The Same Time I Admit, With Contrition, That I
Have Given Way To My Besetting Sin. I Am Naturally A Student, And When
Once In my Study I Forget The Outside World. I Am Prone To Become Wholly
Occupied with The Thought Of My Text, And To Forget Those For Whom I Am
Preparing My Discourse. I, Too, Often Think More Of The Sermon Than Of
The People, Forgetting The End In the Means, And Thus I Fear I Was
Becoming But A Voice, A Religious Philosophy, Among Them, Instead Of A
Living and A Personal Power. You Have Been Awakened to The Truth, Mrs.
Arnot, And You Have Awakened me. I Do Not Feel Equal To The Task Which I
Clearly Foresee Before Me; I May Fail Miserably, But I Shall No Longer
Darken Counsel With Many Words. You Have Given Me Much Food For Thought;
And While I Cannot Foretell The End, I Think Present Duty Will Be Made
Clear. In times Of Perplexity It Is Our Part To Do What Seems Right,
Asking God For Guidance, And Then Leave The Consequences To Him. One
Thing Seems Plain To Me, However, That It Is Your Present Duty To Remain
With Us, And Give Your Prayers And The Whole Weight Of Your Influence On
The Side Of Reform."
"Dr. Barstow," Said Mrs. Arnot, Her Face Flushing Slightly, "You Are
Right; You Are Right. I Have Been Hasty, And, While Condemning Others,
Was Acting Wrong Myself. You Have Shown The Truer Christian Spirit. I
Will Remain While There Is Any Hope Of A Change For The Better."
"Well, Mrs. Arnot," Said Mr. Blakeman, The Elderly Church Officer, "I
Have Drawn You Out Partly To Get Your Views And Partly To Get Some
Clearer Views Myself. I, Too, Am With You, Doctor, In this Struggle; But
I Warn You Both That We Shall Have A Hot Time Before We Thaw The Ice Out
Of Our Church."
"First Pure, And Then Peaceable," Said The Minister Slowly And Musingly;
And Then They Separated, Each Feeling Somewhat As Soldiers Who Are About
To Engage In a Severe And Doubtful Battle.
Chapter XXXIV (A Foothold)
The Skies Did Not Brighten For Haldane, And He Remained perplexed and
Despondent. When One Wishes To Reform, Everything Does Not Become Lovely
In This Unfriendly World. The First Steps Are Usually The Most
Difficult, And The Earliest Experience The Most Disheartening. God Never
Designed that Reform Should Be Easy. As It Is, People Are Too Ready To
Live The Life Which Renders Reform Necessary. The Ranks Of The Victims
Of Evil Would Be Doubled did Not A Wholesome Fear Of The Consequences
Within A Few Short Weeks The Fortunes Of The Wealthy And Self-Confident
Youth Had Altered so Greatly That Now He Questioned whether The World
Would Give Him Bread, Except On Conditions That Were Painfully
There Was His Mother'S Offer, It Is True; But Had Mrs. Haldane
Considered the Nature Of This Offer, Even She Could Scarcely Have Made
It. Suppose He Tried to Follow Out His Mother'S Plan, And Went To A City
Where He Was Unknown, Could She Expect An Active Young Fellow To Go To
An Obscure Boarding-House, And Merely Eat And Sleep? By An Inevitable
Law The Springing Forces Of His Nature Must Find Employment Either In
Good Or Evil. If He Sought Employment Of Any Kind The Question Would At
Once Arise, "Who Are You?" And Sooner Or Later Would Come His History.
In His Long, Troubled reveries He Thought Of All This, And The Prospect
Of Vegetating In dull Obscurity At His Mother'S Expense Was As Pleasant
As That Of Being Buried alive.
Moreover, He Could Not Endure To Leave Hillaton In utter Defeat. He Was
Prostrate, And Felt The Foot Of Adverse Fate Upon His Neck, But He Would
Not Acknowledge Himself Conquered. If He Could Regain His Feet He Would
Renew The Struggle; And He Hoped in some Way To Do So. As Yet, However,
The Future Was A Wall Of Darkness.
Neither Did He Find Any Rest For His Spiritual Feet. For Some Reason He
Could Not Grasp The Idea Of A Personal God Who Cared enough For Him To
Give Any Practical Help. In spite Of All That Mrs. Arnot Could Say, His
Heart Remained as Cold And Heavy As A Stone Within His Breast.
But To Some Extent He Could Appreciate The Picture She Had Presented. He
Saw One Who, Through Weakness And Folly, Had Fallen Into The Depths Of
Degradation, Patiently And Bravely Fighting His Way Up To A True
Manhood; And He Had Been Made To Feel That It Was Such A Noble Thing To
Do That He Longed to Accomplish It. Whether He Could Or No He Was Not
Sure, For His Old Confidence Was All Gone. But He Daily Grew More Bent
On Making an Honest Trial, And In this Effort A Certain Native
Persistency And Unwillingness To Yield Would Be Of Much Help To Him.
He Was Now Willing, Also, To Receive Any Aid Which Self-Respect
Permitted him To Accept, And Was Grateful For The Copying Obtained for
Him By Mrs. Arnot. But She Frankly Told Him That It Would Not Last Long.
The Question What He Should Do Next Pressed heavily Upon Him.
As He Was Reading The Paper To Mr. Growther One Evening, His Eye Caught
An Advertisement Which Stated that More Hands Were Needed at A Certain
Factory In the Suburbs. He Felt Sure That If He Presented himself In the
Morning With The Others He Would Be Refused, And He Formed the Bold
Purpose Of Going at Once To The Manufacturer. Having Found The Stately
Residence, He Said To The Servant Who Answered his Summons:
"Will You Say To Mr. Ivison That A Person Wishes To See Him?"
The Maid Eyed him Critically, And Concluded, From His Garb, To Leave Him
Standing In the Hall.
Mr. Ivison Left His Guests In the Parlor And Came Out, Annoyed at The
"Well, What Do You Wish, Sir?" He Said, In a Tone That Was Far From
Being Encouraging, At The Same Time Gaining an Unfavorable Impression
From Haldane'S Dress.
"In The Evening Paper You Advertised for More Hands In your Factory. I
Wish Employment."
"Are You Drunk, Or Crazy, That You Thus Apply At My Residence?" Was The
Harsh Reply.
"Neither, Sir; I--"
"You Are Very Presuming, Then."
"You Would Not Employ Me If I Came In the Morning."
"What Do You Mean? Who Are You?"
"I Am At Least Human. Can You Give One Or Two Moments To The
Consideration Of My Case?"
"One Might Afford That Much," Said The Gentleman With A Half-Apologetic
Laugh; For The Pale Face And Peculiar Bearing Of The Stranger Were
Beginning To Interest Him.
"I Do Not Ask More Of Your Time, And Will Come Directly To The Point. My
Name Is Haldane, And, As Far As I Am Concerned, You Know Nothing Good
Concerning Me."
"You Are Correct," Said Mr. Ivison Coldly. "I Shall Not Need your
"Mr. Ivison," Said Haldane In a Tone That Made The Gentleman Pause,
"Ought I To Be A Thief And A Vagabond?"
"Certainly Not."
"Then Why Do You, And All Who, Like You, Have Honest Work To Give, Leave
Me No Other Alternative? I Have Acted wrongly And Foolishly, But I Wish
To Do Better. I Do Not Ask A Place Of Trust, Only Work With Others,
Under The Eyes Of Others, Where I Could Not Rob You Of A Cent'S Worth If
I Wished. In the Hurry And Routine Of Your Office You Would Not Listen
To Me, So I Come To-Night And Make This Appeal. If You Refuse It, And I
Go To The Devil, You Will Have A Hand In the Result."
The Prompt Business-Man, Whose Mind Had Learned to Work With The
Rapidity Of His Machinery, Looked at The Troubled, Half-Desperate Face A
Moment, And Then Said Emphatically:
"By Jove, You Are Right! I'Ll Give You Work. Come To-Morrow. Good-Night,
And Good Luck To Your Good Intentions. But Remember, No Nonsense."
Here At Last Was A Chance; Here At Last Was Regular Employment. It Was
One Step Forward. Would He Be Able To Hold It? This Seemed doubtful On
The Morrow After He Had Realized the Nature Of His Surroundings. He Was
Set To Work In a Large Room Full Of Men, Boys, And Slatternly-Dressed
Girls. He Was Both Scolded and Laughed at For The Inevitable Awkwardness
Of A New Beginner, And Soon His Name And History Began To Be Whispered
About. During The Noon Recess A Rude Fellow Flung The Epithet Of
"Jail-Bird" At Him, And, Of Course, It Stuck Like A Burr. Never In all
His Life Had He Made Such An Effort At Self-Control As That Which Kept
His Hands Off This Burly Tormentor.
He Both Puzzled and Annoyed his Companions. They Knew That He Did Not
Belong To Their Class, And His Bearing and Manner Made Them Unpleasantly
Conscious Of His Superiority; And Yet All Believed themselves So Much
More Respectable Than He, That They Felt It Was A Wrong To Them That He
Should Be There At All. Thus He Was Predestined to Dislike And
Ill-Treatment. But That He Could Act As If He Were Deaf And Blind To All
That They Could Do Or Say Was More Than They Could Understand. With Knit
Brows And Firmly-Closed lips He Bent His Whole Mind To The Mastery Of
The Mechanical Duties Required of Him, And When They Were Over He Strode
Straight To His Humble Lodging-Place.
Mr. Growther Watched him Curiously As He Reacted into Lassitude And
Despondency After The Strain And Tension Of The Day.
"It'S Harder To Stand Than 'Tis To Git Along With Me, Isn'T It?"
"Yes, Much Harder."
"O Thunder! Better Give It Up, Then, And Try Something Else."
"No, It'S My Only Chance."
"There'S Plenty Other Things To Do."
"Not For Me. These Vulgar Wretches I Am Working With Think It An Outrage
That A 'Jail-Bird,' As They Call Me, Contaminates The Foul Air That They
Breathe. I May Be Driven Out By Them; But," Setting His Teeth, "I Won'T
Give Up This Foothold Of My Own Accord."
"You Might Have Been President If You Had Shown Such Grit Before You Got
"That'S Not Pleasant To Think Of Now."
"I Might 'A Known That; But It'S My Mean Way Of Comfortin' People.
Haldane'S New Venture Out Into The World Could Scarcely Have Had A More
Painful And Prosaic Beginning; But, As He Said, He Had Gained a
There Was One Other Encouraging Fact, Of Which He Did Not Know. Mr.
Ivison Sent For The Foreman Of The Room In which Haldane Had Been Set At
Work, And Said:
"Give The Young Fellow A Fair Chance, And Report To Me From Time To Time
How He Behaves; But Say Nothing Of This To Him. If He Gets At His Old
Tricks, Discharge Him At Once; But If He Shows The Right Spirit, I Wish
To Know It."
Chapter XXXV ("That Sermon Was A Bombshell")
The Following Sabbath Morning Smiled so Brightly That One Might Be
Tempted to Believe That There Was No Sin And Misery In the World, And
That Such A Church As Mrs. Arnot Condemned was An Eminently Proper
Organization. As The Congregation Left Their Elegant Homes, And In
Elegant Toilets Wended their Way To Their Elegant Church, They Saw
Nothing In the Blue Sky And Sunshine To Remind Them Of The Heavy Shadows
Brooding Over The Earth. What More Was Needed than That They Should Give
An Hour To Their Aesthetic Worship, As They Had Done In the Past When
The Weather Permitted, And Then Return To Dinner And A Nap And All The
Ordinary Routine Of Life? There Were No "Beasts At Ephesus" To Fight
Now. The Times Had Changed, And To Live In this Age Like An Ancient
Christian Would Be Like Going To Boston On Foot When One Might Take A
Palace Car. Hundreds Of Fully Grown, Perfectly Sane People Filed into
The Church, Who Complacently Felt That In attending Service Once Or
Twice A Week, If So Inclined, They Were Very Good Christians. And Yet,
Strange To Say, There Was A Conspicuous Cross On The Spire, And They Had
Named their Church "St. Paul'S."
St. Paul! Had They Read His Life? If So, How Came They To Satirize
Themselves So Severely? A Dwarf Is The More To Be Pitied if Named after
A Giant.
It Was Very Queer That This Church Should Name Itself After The
Tent-Maker, Who Became All Things To All Men, And Who Said, "I Made
Myself Servant Unto All That I Might Gain The More."
It Was Very Unfortunate For Them To Have Chosen This Saint, And Yet The
Name, Saint Paul, Had A Very Aristocratic Sound In hillaton, And Thus
Far Had Seemed peculiarly Fitted to The Costly Edifice On Which It Was
And Never Had The Church Seemed more Stately Than On This Brilliant
Sabbath Morning, Never Had Its Elegance And That Of The Worshippers
Seemed more In harmony.
But The Stony Repose And Calm Of Their Gothic Temple Was Not Reflected
In The Faces Of The People. There Was A General Air Of Perturbation And
Expectancy. The Peculiar And Complacent Expression Of Those Who Are
Conscious Of Being Especially Well Dressed and Respectable Was
Conspicuously Absent. Annoyed, Vexed, Anxious Faces Passed into The
Vestibule. Knots Of Twos, Threes, And Half-Dozens Lingered and Talked
Eagerly, With Emphatic Gestures And Much Shaking Of Heads. Many Who
Disliked rough Weather From Any Cause Avoided their Fellow-Members, And
Glided hastily In, Looking Worried and Uncomfortable. Between The
Managing Officers, Who Had Felicitated themselves On Having Secured a
Congregation Containing The _Creme De La Creme_ Of The City, On One
Hand, And The Disquieted mr. Blakeman, Who Found The Church Growing
Uncomfortably Cold, On The Other, Mrs. Arnot'S Words And Acts And The
Minister'S Implied pledge To Bring The Matter Squarely To An Issue, Had
Become Generally Known, And A Foreboding as Of Some Great Catastrophe
Oppressed the People. If The Truth Were Known, There Were Very General
Misgivings; And, Now That The People Had Been Led to Think, There Were
Some Uncomfortable Aspects To The Question. Even That August Dignitary
The Sexton Was In a Painful Dilemma As To Whether It Would Be Best To
Assume An Air Of Offended dignity, Or Veer With These Eddying and
Varying Currents Until Sure From What Quarter The Wind Would Finally
Blow. He Had Learned that It Was Mrs. Arnot Whom He Had Twice Carelessly
Motioned with His Thumb Into A Back Seat, And He Could Not Help
Remarking To Several Of The More Conservative Members, That "It Was Very
Unjust And Also Unkind In mrs. Arnot To Palm Herself Off On Him As An
Ordinary Pusson, When For A Long Time It Had Been The Plainly Understood
Policy Of The Church Not To Encourage Ordinary Pussons."
But The Rumor That Something Unusual Was About To Take Place At St.
Paul'S Brought Thither On This Particular Sabbath All Kinds And
Descriptions Of People; And The Dignified functionary Whose Duty It Was
To Seat Them Grew So Hot And Flustered with His Unwonted tasks, And Made
Such Strange Blunders, That Both He And Others Felt That They Were On
The Verge Of Chaos. But The Most Extraordinary Appearing Personage Was
No Other Than Mr. Jeremiah Growther; And, As With His Gnarled cane He
Hobbled along At Haldane'S Side, He Looked for All The World As If Some
Grotesque And Antique Carving Had Come To Life And Was Out For An
Airing. Not Only The Sexton, But Many Others, Looked askance At The
Tall, Broad-Shouldered youth Of Such Evil Fame, And His Weird-Appearing
Companion, As They Walked quite Far Up The Aisle Before They Could Find
A Seat.
Many Rubbed their Eyes To Be Sure It Was Not A Dream. What Had Come
Over The Decorous And Elegant St. Paul'S? When Before Had Its Dim,
Religious Light Revealed such Scenes? Whence This Irruption Of Strange,
Uncouth Creatures--A Jail-Bird In a Laborer'S Garb, And The Profane Old
Hermit, Whom The Boys Had Nicknamed "Jerry Growler," And Who Had Not
Been Seen In church For Years.
Mrs. Arnot, Followed by Many Eyes, Passed quietly Up To Her Pew, And
Bowed her Head In prayer.
Prayer! Ah! In their Perturbation Some Had Forgotten That This Was The
Place Of Prayer, And Hastily Bowed their Heads Also.
Mr. Arnot Had Been Engaged in his Business To The Very Steps, And Much
Too Absorbed during The Week To Hear Or Heed any Rumors; But As He
Walked up The Aisle He Stared around In evident Surprise, And Gave
Several Furtive Glances Over His Shoulder After Being Seated. As His
Wife Raised her Head, He Leaned toward Her And Whispered:
"What'S The Matter With Jeems? For, If I Mistake Not, There Are A Good
Many Second-Class Saints Here To-Day." But Not A Muscle Changed in mrs.
Arnot'S Pale Face. Indeed, She Scarcely Heard Him. Her Soul Was And Had
Been For Several Days In the Upper Sanctuary, In the Presence Of God,
Pleading With Him That He Would Return To This Earthly Temple Which The
Spirit Of The World Had Seemingly Usurped.
When Dr. Barstow Arose To Commence The Service, A Profound Hush Fell
Upon The People. Even His Face And Bearing Impressed and Awed them, And
It Was Evident That He, Too, Had Climbed some Spiritual Mountain, And
Had Been Face To Face With God.
As He Proceeded with The Service In tones That Were Deep And Magnetic,
The Sense Of Unwonted solemnity Increased. Hymns Had Been Selected which
The Choir Could Not Perform, But Must Sing; And The Relation Between The
Sacred words And The Music Was Apparent. The Scripture Lessons Were Read
As If They Were A Message For That Particular Congregation And For That
Special Occasion, And, As The Simple And Authoritative Words Fell On The
Ear The General Misgiving Was Increased. They Seemed wholly On Mrs.
Arnot'S Side; Or, Rather, She Was On Theirs.
When, At Last, Dr. Barstow Rose, Not As A Sacred orator And Theologian
Who Is About To _Deliver_ A Sermon, But Rather As An Earnest Man,
Who Had Something Of Vital Moment To Say, The Silence Became Almost
Instead Of Commencing By Formally Announcing His Text, As Was His
Custom, He Looked silently And Steadily At His People For A Moment, Thus
Heightening Their Expectancy.
"My Friends," He Began Slowly And Quietly, And There Was A Suggestion Of
Sorrow In his Tone Rather Than Of Menace Or Denunciation; "My Friends, I
Wish To Ask Your Calm And Unprejudiced attention To What I Shall Say
This Morning. I Ask You To Interpret My Words In the Light Of The Word
Of God And Your Own Consciences; And If I Am Wrong In any Respect I Will
Readily Acknowledge It. Upon A Certain Occasion Christ Said To His
Disciples, 'Ye Know Not What Manner Of Spirit Ye Are Of'; And He At Once
Proved how Widely His Spirit Differed from Theirs. They Accepted the
Lesson--They Still Followed him, And Through Close Companionship
Eventually Acquired his Merciful, Catholic Spirit. But At This Time They
Did Not Understand Him Nor Themselves. Perhaps We Can Best Understand
The Spirit We Are Of By Considering His, And By Learning To Know Him
Better Whom We Worship, By Whose Name We Are Called.
"During The Past Week I Have Been Brought Face To Face With The Christ
Of The Bible, Rather Than The Christ Of Theology And Philosophy, Who Has
Hitherto Dwelt In my Study; And I Have Learned with Sorrow And Shame
That My Spirit Differed widely From His. The Christ That Came From
Heaven Thought Of The People, And Had Compassion On The Multitude. I Was
Engrossed with My Sermons, My Systems Of Truth, And Nice Interpretations
Of Passages That I May Have Rendered more Obscure. But I Have Made A Vow
In His Name And Strength That Henceforth I Will No Longer Come Into This
Pulpit, Or Go Into Any Other, To Deliver Sermons Of My Own. I Shall No
Longer Philosophize About Christ, But Endeavor To Lead You Directly To
Christ; And Thus You Will Learn By Comparison What Manner Of Spirit You
Are Of, And, I Trust, Become Imbued with His Spirit. I Shall Speak The
Truth In love, And Yet Without Fear, And With No Wordy Disguise.
Henceforth I Do Not Belong To You But To My Master, And I Shall Present
The Christ Who Loved all, Who Died for All, And Who Said To All,
'Whosoever Will, Let Him Come!'
"You Will Find My Text In the Gospel Of St. John, The Nineteenth Chapter
And Fifth Verse:
"'Then Came Jesus Forth, Wearing The Crown Of Thorns And The Purple
Robe. And Pilate Saith Unto Them, Behold The Man!'
"Let Us Behold Him To-Day, And Learn To Know Him And To Know Ourselves
Better. If We Discover Any Sad And Fatal Mistake In our Religious Life,
Let Us Correct It Before It Is Too Late."
It Would Be Impossible To Portray The Effect Of The Sermon That
Followed, Coming, As It Did, From A Strong Soul Stirred to Its Depths By
The Truth Under Consideration. The People For The Time Being Were Swayed
By It And Carried away. What Was Said Was Seen To Be Truth, Felt To Be
Truth; And As The Divine Man Stood Out Before Them Luminous In his Own
Loving and Compassionate Deeds, Which Manifested his Character And The
Principles Of The Faith He Founded, The Old, Exclusive, Self-Pleasing
Life Of The Church Shrivelled up As A Farce And A Sham.
"In Conclusion," Said Dr. Barstow, "What Was The Spirit Of This Man When
He Summoned publicans And Fishermen To Be His Followers? What Was His
Spirit When He Laid His Hand On The Leper? What, When He Said To The
Outcast, 'Neither Do I Condemn Thee; Go And Sin No More'? What, When To
The Haughty Pharisees, The Most Respectable People Of That Day, He
Threatened, 'Woe Unto You!'
"He Looked after The Rich And Almost Perfect Young Man, By Whom He Was
Nevertheless Rejected, And Loved him; He Also Said To The Penitent
Thief, 'To-Day Thou Shalt Be With Me In paradise.' His Heart Was As
Large As Humanity. Such Was His Spirit.'"
After A Moment'S Pause, In which There Was A Hush Of Breathless
Expectancy, Dr. Barstow'S Deep Tones Were Again Heard. "God Grant That
Henceforth Yonder Doors May Be Open To All Whom Christ Received, And
With The Same Welcome That He Gave. If This Cannot Be, The Name Of St.
Paul, The Man Who 'Made Himself The Servant Unto All That He Might Gain
The More,' Can No Longer Remain Upon This Church Save In mockery. If
This Cannot Be, Whoever May Come To This Temple, Christ Will Not Enter
It, Nor Dwell Within It.'"
The People Looked at Each Other, And Drew A Long Breath. Even Those Who
Were Most In love With The Old System Forgot Dr. Barstow, And Felt For
The Moment That They Had A Controversy With His Master.
The Congregation Broke Up In a Quiet And Subdued manner. All Were Too
Deeply Impressed by What They Had Heard To Be In a Mood For Talking as
Yet; And Of The Majority, It Should Be Said In justice That, Conscious
Of Wrong, They Were Honestly Desirous Of A Change For The Better.
During The Sermon Mr. Growther'S Quaint And Wrinkled visage Had Worked
Most Curiously, And There Were Times When He With Difficulty Refrained
From A Hearty Though Rather Profane Indorsement.
On His Way Home He Said To Haldane, "I'Ve Lived like A Heathen On Lord'S
Day And All Days; But, By The Holy Poker, I'Ll Hear That Parson
Hereafter Every Sunday, Rain Or Shine, If I Have To Fight My Way Into
The Church With A Club."
A Peculiar Fire Burned in the Young Man'S Eyes And His Lips Were Very
Firm, But He Made No Reply. The Man Whose Portraiture He Had Beheld That
Day Was A Revelation, And He Hoped that This Divine Yet Human Friend
Might Make A Man Of Him.
"Well," Remarked mr. Arnot, Sententiously, "That Sermon Was A Perfect
Bombshell; And, Mark My Words, It Will Either Blow The Doctor Out Of His
Pulpit, Or Some Of The First-Class Saints Out Of Their Pews."
But A Serene And Hopeful Light Shone From Mrs. Arnot'S Eyes, And She
Only Said, In a Low Tone:
"The Lord Is In his Holy Temple."
Chapter XXXVI (Mr. Growther Feeds An Ancient Grudge)
The Problem In regard To The Future Of St. Paul'S Church, Which Had So
Greatly Burdened dr. Barstow, Was Substantially Solved. Christ Had
Obtained control Of The Preacher'S Heart, And Henceforth Would Not Be A
Dogma, But A Living Presence, In his Sermons. The Pharisees Of Old Could
Not Keep The Multitudes From Him, Though Their Motives For Following Him
Were Often Very Mixed. Although The Philosophical Christ Of Theology,
Whom Dr. Barstow Had Ably Preached, Could Not Change The Atmosphere Of
St. Paul'S, The Christ Of The Bible, The Man Of Sorrows, The Meek And
Lowly Nazarene, Could, And The Masses Would Be Tempted to Feel That They
Had A Better Right In a Place Sacred to His Worship Than Those Who
Resembled him In spirit As Little As They Did In the Pomp Of Their Life.
There Would Be Friction At First, And Some Serious Trouble. Mr. Arnot'S
Judgment Was Correct, And Some Of The "First-Class Saints" (In Their Own
Estimation) Would Be "Blown Out Of Their Pews." St. Paul'S Would
Eventually Cease To Be _The_ Fashionable Church _Par Excellence_;
And This Fact Alone Would Be Good And Sufficient Reason For A Change On
The Part Of Some Who Intend To Be Select In their Associations On Earth,
Whatever Relations With The "Mixed multitude" They May Have To Endure In
Heaven. But The Warm-Hearted and True-Hearted would Remain; And Every
Church Grows Stronger As The Pharisees Depart And The Publicans And
Sinners Enter.
The Congregation That Gathered at The Evening Service Of The Memorable
Sabbath Described in the Previous Chapter Was Prophetic. Many Of The
Wealthy And Aristocratic Members Were Absent, Either From Habit Or
Disgust. Haldane, Mr. Growther, And Many Who In some Respects Resembled
Them, Were Present. "Jeems," The Discriminating Sexton, Had Sagaciously
Guessed that The Wind Was About To Blow From Another Quarter, And Was
Veering around Also, As Fast As He Deemed it Prudent. "Ordinary Pussons"
Received more Than Ordinary Attention, And Were Placed within Earshot Of
The Speaker.
But The Problem Of Poor Haldane'S Future Was Not Clear By Any Means. It
Is True A Desire To Live A Noble Life Had Been Kindled in his Heart, But
As Yet It Was Little More Than A Good Impulse, An Aspiration. In the
Fact That His Eyes Had Been Turned questioningly And Hopefully Toward
The Only One Who Has Ever Been Able To Cope With The Mystery Of Evil,
There Was Rich Promise; But Just What This Divine Friend Could Do For
Him He Understood As Little As Did The Fishermen Of Galilee. They Looked
For Temporal Change And Glory; He Was Looking For Some Vague And
Marvellous Change And Exaltation.
But The Sabbath Passed, And He Remained his Old Self. Hoping, Longing
For The Change Did Not Produce It.
It Was One Of Mr. Growther'S Peculiarities To Have A Fire Upon The
Hearth Even When The Evenings Were So Warm As Not To Require It. "Might
As Well Kinder Git Ourselves Used to Heat," He Would Growl When Haldane
After The Evening Service They Both Lowered at The Fire For Some Time In
"Except Ye Be Converted, And Become As Little Children, Ye Shall Not
Enter Into The Kingdom Of Heaven," Had Been Dr. Barstow'S Text; And, As
Is Usually The Case, The Necessity Of Conversion Had Been Made Clearer
Than Just What Conversion Is; And Many More Than The Disquieted
Occupants Of The Quaint Old Kitchen Had Been Sent Home Sorely Perplexed
How To Set About The Simple Task Of "Believing." But It Was A Happy
Thing For All That They Had Been Awakened to The Fact That Something
Must Be Done. After That Sermon None Could Delude Themselves With The
Hope That Being Decorous, Well-Dressed worshippers At St. Paul'S Would
Be All That Was Required.
But Mr. Growther Needed no Argument On This Subject, And He Had Long
Believed that His Only Chance Was, As He Expressed it, "Such An
Out-And-Out Shakin' To Pieces, And Makin' Over Agin That I Wouldn'T Know
Myself." Then He Would Rub His Rheumatic Legs Despondently And Add, "But
My Speretual J'Ints Have Got As Stiff And Dry As These Old Walkin' Pins;
And When I Try To Git Up Some Good Sort O' Feelin' It'S Like Pumpin' Of
A Dry Pump. I Only Feel Real Hearty When I'M A Cussin'. A-A-H!"
But The Day'S Experience And Teaching Had Awakened anew In his Breast,
As Truly As In haldane'S, The Wish That He Could Be Converted, Whatever
That Blessed and Mysterious Change Might Be; And So, With His Wrinkled
Face Seamed with Deeper And More Complex Lines Than Usual, The Poor Old
Soul Stared at The Fire, Which Was At Once The Chief Source Of His
Comfort And The Emblem Of That Which He Most Dreaded. At Last He
"I'M A Blasted old Fool For Goin' To Meetin' And Gittin' All Riled up
So. Here, I Haven'T Had A Comfortable Doze Today, And I Shall Be Kickin'
Around All Night With Nothin' Runnin' In my Head But 'Except Ye Be
Convarted, Except Ye Be Convarted'; I Wish I Had As Good A Chance Of
Bein' Convarted as I Have Of Bein' Struck By Lightnin'."
"I Wish I Needed conversion As Little As You," Said Haldane
"Now Look Here," Snapped the Old Man; "I'M In no Mood For Any Nonsense
To-Night. I Want You To Know I Never Have Been Convarted, And I Can
Prove It To You Plaguy Quick If You Stroke Me Agin The Fur. You'Ve Got
The Advantage Of Me In this Business, Though You Have Been A Hard Cuss;
For You Are Young And Kind O' Limber Yet." Then, As He Glanced at The
Discouraged youth, His Manner Changed, And In a Tone That Was Meant To
Be Kindly He Added, "There, There! Why Don'T You Pluck Up Heart? If I
Was As Young As You Be, I'D Get Convarted if It Took Me All Summer."
Haldane Shook His Head, And After A Moment Slowly And Musingly Said, As
Much To Himself As To The Giver Of This Good Advice:
"I'M In the Slough Of Despond, And I Don'T Know How To Get Out. I Can
See The Sunny Uplands That I Long To Reach, But Everything Is Quaking
And Giving Way Under My Feet. After Listening To Dr. Barstow'S Grand
Sermon This Morning, My Spirit Flamed up Hopefully. Now He Has Placed a
Duty Directly In my Path That I Cannot Perform By Myself. Mrs. Arnot Has
Made It Clear To Me That The Manhood I Need is Christian Manhood. Dr.
Barstow Proves Out Of The Bible That The First Step Toward This Is
Conversion--Which Seems To Be A Mysterious Change Which I But Vaguely
Understand. I Must Do My Part Myself, He Says, Yet I Am Wholly Dependent
On The Will And Co-Operation Of Another. Just What Am I To Do? Just When
And How Will The Help Come In? How Can I Know That It Will Come? Or How
Can I Ever Be Sure That I Have Been Converted?"
"O, Stop Splittin' Hairs!" Said Mr. Growther, Testily. "Hanged if I Can
Tell You How It'S All Goin' To Be Brought About--Go Ask The Parson To
Clear Up These P'Ints For You--But I Can Tell You This Much: When You
Git Convarted you'Ll Know It. If You Had A Ragin' Toothache, And It
Suddenly Stopped and You Felt Comfortable All Over, Wouldn'T You Know
It? But That Don'T Express It. You'D Feel More'N Comfortable; You'D Feel
So Good You Couldn'T Hold In. You'D Be Fur Shoutin'; You Wouldn'T Know
Yourself. Why, Doesn'T The Bible Say You'D Be A New Critter? There'Ll Be
Just Such A Change In your Heart As There Is In this Old Kitchen When We
Come In on A Cold, Dark Night And Light The Candles, And Kindle A Fire.
I Tell You What 'Tis, Young Man, If You Once Got Convarted your Troubles
Would Be Wellnigh Over."
Though The Picture Of This Possible Future Was Drawn In such Homely
Lines, Haldane Looked at It With Wistful Eyes. He Had Become Accustomed
To His Benefactor'S Odd Ways And Words, And Caught His Sense Beneath The
Grotesque Imagery. As He Was Then Situated, The Future Drawn By The Old
Man And Interpreted by Himself Was Peculiarly Attractive. He Was Very
Miserable, And It Is Most Natural, Especially For The Young, To Wish To
Be Happy. He Had Been Led to Believe That Conversion Would Lead To A
Happiness As Great As It Was Mysterious--A Sort Of Miraculous Ecstasy,
That Would Render Him Oblivious Of The Hard And Prosaic Conditions Of
His Lot. Through Misfortune And His Own Fault He Possessed a Very
Defective Character. This Character Had Been Formed, It Is True, By
Years Of Self-Indulgence And Wrong, And Mrs. Arnot Had Asserted that
Reform Would Require Long, Patient, And Heroic Effort. Indeed, She Had
Suggested that In fighting and Subduing The Evils Of One'S Own Nature A
Man Attained the Noblest Degree Of Knighthood. He Had Already Learned
How Severe Was The Conflict In which He Had Been Led to Engage.
But Might Not This Mysterious Conversion Make Things Infinitely Easier?
If A Great And Radical Change Were Suddenly Wrought In his Moral Nature,
Would Not Evil Appetites And Propensities Be Uprooted like Vile Weeds?
If A "New Heart" Were Given Him, Would Not The Thoughts And Desires
Flowing From It Be Like Pure Water From An Unsullied spring? After The
"Old Things"--That Is The Evil--Had Passed away, Would Not That Which
Was Noble And Good Spring Up Naturally, And Almost Spontaneously?
This Was Mr. Growther'S View; And He Had Long Since Learned that The Old
Man'S Opinions Were Sound On Most Questions. This Seemed, Moreover, The
Teaching Of The Bible Also, And Of Such Sermons As He Could Recall. And
Yet It Caused him Some Misgivings That Mrs. Arnot Had Not Indicated more
Clearly This Short-Cut Out Of His Difficulties.
But Mr. Growther'S Theology Carried the Day. As He Watched the Young
Man'S Thoughtful Face He Thought The Occasion Ripe For The "Word In
"Now Is The Time," He Said; "Now While Yer Moral J'Ints Is Limber.
What'S The Use Of Climbin' The Mountain On Your Hands And Knees When You
Can Go Up In a Chariot Of Fire, If You Can Only Git In it?" And He
Talked and Urged so Earnestly That Haldane Smiled and Said:
"Mr. Growther, You Have Mistaken Your Vocation. You Ought To Have Been A
Missionary To The Heathen."
"That Would Be Sendin' A Thief To Ketch A Thief. But You Know I'Ve A
Grudge Agin The Devil, If I Do Belong To Him; And If I Could Help Git
You Out Of His Clutches It Would Do Me A Sight O' Good."
"If I Ever Do Get Out I Shall Indeed have To Thank You."
"I Don'T Want No Thanks, And Don'T Desarve Any. You'Re Only Giving Me A
Chance To Hit The Adversary 'Twixt The Eyes," And The Old Man Added his
Characteristic "A-A-H!" In an Emphatic And Vengeful Manner, As If He
Would Like To Hit Very Hard.
Human Nature Was On The Side Of Mr. Growther'S View Of Conversion.
Nothing Is More Common Than The Delusive Hope That Health, Shattered by
Years Of Wilful Wrong, Can Be Regained by The Use Of Some Highly
Extolled drug, Or By A Few Deep Draughts From Some Far-Famed spring.
Haldane Retired to Rest Fully Bent Upon Securing This Vague And Mighty
Change As Speedily As Possible.
Chapter XXXVII (Hoping For A Miracle)
Mr. Ivison, Haldane'S Employer, Was A Worshipper At St. Paul'S, And,
Like Many Others, Had Been Deeply Impressed by The Sermon. Its Influence
Had Not Wholly Exhaled by Monday, And, As This Gentleman Was Eminently
Practical, He Felt That He Ought To Do Something, As Well As Experience
A Little Emotion. Thus He Was Led to Address The Following Note To
Last Week I Gave You A Chance; This Week I Am Induced to Give You A Good
Word. While I Warn You That I Will Tolerate No Weak Dallying With Your
Old Temptations, I Also Tell You That I Would Like To See You Make A Man
Of Yourself, Or, More Correctly, Perhaps, As Dr. Barstow Would Express
It, Be Made A Man Of. If One Wants To Do Right, I Believe There Is Help
For Him (Go And Ask The Rev. Dr. Barstow About This); And If You Will Go
Right Straight Ahead Till I See You Can Be Depended upon, I Will
Continue To Speak Good Words To You And For You, And Perhaps Do More.
George Ivison.
This Note Greatly Encouraged haldane, And Made His Precarious Foothold
Among The World'S Industries Seem More Firm And Certain. The Danger Of
Being Swept Back Into The Deep Water Where Those Struggle Who Have No
Foothold, No Work, No Place In society Would Not Come From The Caprice
Or Forgetfulness Of His Employer, But From His Own Peculiar Temptations
And Weaknesses. If He Could Patiently Do His Duty In his Present Humble
Position, He Justly Believed that It Would Be The Stepping-Stone To
Something Better. But, Having Learned to Know Himself, He Was Afraid Of
Himself; And He Had Seen With An Infinite Dread What Cold, Dark Depths
Yawn About One Whom Society Shakes Off As A Vile And Venomous Thing, And
Who Must Eventually Take Evil And Its Consequences As His Only Portion.
The Hot, Reeking apartment Wherein He Toiled was The First Solid Ground
That He Had Felt Beneath His Feet For Many Days. If He Could Hold That
Footing, The Water Might Shoal So That He Could Reach The Land. It Is
True He Could Always Look To His Mother For Food And Clothing If He
Would Comply With Her Conditions. But, Greatly Perverted as His Nature
Had Been, Food And Clothing, The Maintenance Of A Merely Animal Life,
Could No Longer Satisfy Him. He Had Thought Too Deeply, And Had Seen Too
Much Truth, To Feed contentedly Among The Swine.
But The Temptations Which Eventually Lead To The Swine--Could He
Persistently Resist These? Could He Maintain A Hard, Monotonous Routine
Of Toil, With No Excitements, No Pleasures, With Nothing That Even
Approached happiness? He Dared not Give Way; He Doubted his Strength To
Go Forward Alone With Such A Prospect. If Conversion Be A Blessed
Miracle By Which A Debased nature Is Suddenly Lifted up, And A Harsh,
Lead-Colored, Prosaic World Transfigured into The Vestibule Of Heaven,
He Longed to Witness It In his Own Experience.
It Was While He Was In this Mood That His Thoughts Recurred to Dr.
Marks, The Good Old Clergyman Who Had Been The Subject Of His Rude,
Practical Joke Months Before. He Recalled the Sincere, Frank Letter
Which Led to Their Evening Interview, And Remembered with A Thrill Of
Hope The Strong And Mysterious Emotion That Had Seized upon Him As The
Venerable Man Took His Hand In his Warm Grasp, And Said In tones Of
Pathos That Shook His Soul, "I Wish I Could Lead You By Loving Force
Into The Paths Of Pleasantness And Peace." Wild And Reckless Fool As He
Then Was, It Had Been Only By A Decided effort And Abrupt Departure That
He Had Escaped the Heavenly Influences Which Seemed to Brood In the
Quiet Study Where The Good Man Prayed and Spun The Meshes Of The Nets
Which He Daily Cast For Souls. If He Could Visit That Study Again With A
Receptive Heart, Might Not The Emotion That He Bad Formerly Resisted
Rise Like A Flood, And Sweep Away His Old Miserable Self, And He Become
In Truth A "New Creature"?
The Thought, Having Been Once Entertained, Speedily Grew Into A Hope,
And Then Became Almost A Certainty. He Felt That He Would Much Rather
See Dr. Marks Than Dr. Barstow, And That If He Could Feel That Kind,
Warm Grasp Again, An Impulse Might Be Given Him Which Even Mrs. Arnot'S
Wise And Gentle Words Could Not Inspire.
Before The Week Was Over He Felt That Something Must Be Done Either To
Soften His Hard Lot Or To Give Him Strength To Endure It.
The Men, Boys, And Girls Who Worked at His Side In the Mill Were In
Their Natures Like Their Garb, Coarse And Soiled. They Resented the
Presence Of Haldane For A Twofold Reason; They Regarded the Intrusion Of
A "Jail-Bird" Among Them In the Light Of An Insult; They Were Still More
Annoyed, And Perplexed also, That This Disreputable Character Made Them
Feel That He Was Their Superior. Hence A System Of Petty Persecution
Grew Up. Epithets Were Flung At Him, And Practical Jokes Played upon Him
Till His Heart Boiled with Anger Or His Nerves Were Irritated to The
Last Degree Of Endurance. More Than Once His Fist Was Clenched to
Strike; But He Remembered in time That The Heavier The Blow He Struck,
The More Disastrously It Would React Against Himself.
After The Exasperating Experiences And Noise Of The Day, Mr. Growther'S
Cottage Was Not The Quiet Refuge He Needed. Mr. Growther'S Growl Was
Chronic, And It Rasped on Haldane'S Overstrained nerves Like The Filing
Of A Saw. Dr. Barstow'S Sermons Of The Previous Sabbath Had Emphatically
"Riled" The Old Gentleman, And Their Only Result, Apparently, Was To
Make Him More Out-Of-Sorts And Vindictive Toward His Poor, Miserable
Little Self Than Ever. He Was So Irascible That Even The Comfortable Cat
And Dog Became Aware That Something Unusual Was Amiss, And, Instead Of
Dozing Securely, They Learned to Keep A Wary And Deprecatory Eye On
Their Master And The Toes Of His Thick-Soled slippers.
"I'Ve Been Goin' On Like A Darned old Porkerpine," He Said To Haldane
One Evening," And If You Don'T Git Convarted soon You'D Better Git Out
My Way. If You Was As Meek As Moses And Twice As Good You Couldn'T Stand
Me Much Longer;" And The Poor Fellow Felt That There Was Considerable
Truth In the Remark.
The Mill Closed at An Earlier Hour On Saturday Afternoon, And He
Determined to Visit Dr. Marks If He Could Obtain Permission From His
Employer To Be Absent A Few Hours On Monday Morning. He Wrote A Note To
Mr. Ivison, Cordially Thanking Him For His Encouraging Words, But
Adding, Frankly, That He Could Make No Promises In regard To Himself.
"All That I Can Say, Is," He Wrote, "That I Am Trying To Do Right Now,
And That I Am Grateful To You For The Chance You Have Given Me. I Wish
To Get The 'Help' You Suggest In your Note To Me, But, In memory Of
Certain Relations To My Old Pastor, Dr. Marks, I Would Rather See Him
Than Dr. Barstow, And If You Will Permit Me To Be Absent A Part Of Next
Monday Forenoon I Will Esteem It A Great Favor, And Will Trespass On
Your Kindness No Further. I Can Go After Mill-Hours On Saturday, And
Will Return By The First Train On Monday."
Mr. Ivison Readily Granted the Request, And Even Became Somewhat Curious
As To The Result.
When Mrs. Arnot Had Learned from Haldane The Nature Of His Present
Employment, She Had Experienced both Pleasure And Misgivings. That He
Was Willing To Take And Try To Do Such Work Rather Than Remain Idle, Or
Take What He Felt Would Be Charity, Proved that There Was More Good
Metal In his Composition Than She Had Even Hoped; But She Naturally Felt
That The Stinging annoyances Of His Position Would Soon Become
Intolerable. She Was Not Surprised, Although She Was Somewhat Perplexed,
At The Receipt Of The Following Letter:
My Dear Mrs. Arnot.--You Have Been Such A True, Kind Friend To Me, And
Have Shown So Much Interest In my Welfare, That I Am Led to Give You A
Fuller Insight Into My Present Experiences And Hopes. You Know That I
Wish To Be A Christian. You Have Made Christian Manhood Seem The Most
Desirable Thing That I Can Ever Possess, But I Make Little Or No
Progress Toward It. Something Must Be Done, And Quickly Too. Either
There Must Be A Great Change In me, Or Else In my Circumstances. As
There Is No Immediate Prospect Of The Latter, I Have Been Led to Hope
That There Can Be Such A Change In me That I Shall Be Lifted above And
Made Superior To The Exasperating annoyances Of My Condition. Yes, I Am
Hoping Even Far More. If I Could Only Experience The Marvellous Change
Which Dr. Barstow Described so Eloquently Last Sunday Evening, Might I
Not Do Right Easily And Almost Spontaneously? It Is So Desperately Hard
To Do Right Now! If Conversion Will Render My Steep, Thorny Path
Infinitely Easier, Then Surely I Ought To Seek This Change By Every
Means In my Power. Indeed, There Must Be A Change In me, Or I Shall Lose
Even The Foothold I Have Gained. I Am Subjected, All Day Long, To Insult
And Annoyance. At Times I Am Almost Desperate And On The Verge Of
Recklessness. Every One Of The Coarse Creatures That I Am Compelled to
Work With Is A Nettle That Loses No Chance To Sting Me; And There Is One
Among Them, A Big, Burly Fellow, Who Is So Offensive That I Cannot Keep
My Hands Off Him Much Longer If I Remain My Old Self. You Also Know What
A Reception I Must Ever Expect In the Streets When I Am Recognized. The
People Act As If I Were Some Sort Of A Reptile, Which They Must Tolerate
At Large, But Can, At Least, Shun With Looks Of Aversion. And Then, When
I Get To Mr. Growther'S Cottage I Do Not Find Much Respite. It Seems
Like Ingratitude To Write This, But The Good Old Man'S Eccentric Habit
Of Berating Himself And The World In general Has Grown Wearisome, To Say
The Least. I Want To Be Lifted out Of Myself--Far Above These Petty
Vexations And My Own Miserable Weaknesses.
Once, Before I Left Home, I Played a Rude Joke On Our Good Old Pastor.
Instead Of Resenting It He Wrote Me Such A Kind Letter That I Went To
His Study To Apologize. While There His Manner And Words Were Such That
I Had To Break Away To Escape A Sudden And Mysterious Influence That
Inclined me Toward All That Is Good. I Have Hoped that If I Should Visit
Him I Might Come Under That Influence Again, And So Be Made A New And
Better Man.
I Have Also Another Motive, Which You Will Understand. Mother And I
Differ Widely On Many Things, And Always Will; But I Long To See Her
Once More. I Have Been Thinking Of Late Of Her Many Kindnesses--O That
She Had Been Less Kind, Less Indulgent! But She Cannot Help The Past Any
More Than I Can, And It May Do Us Both Good To Meet Once More. I Do Not
Think That She Will Refuse To See Me Or Give Me Shelter For A Few Hours,
Even Though Her Last Letter Seemed harsh.
I Shall Also Be Glad To Escape For A Few Hours From My Squalid And
Wretched surroundings. The Grime Of The Sordid Things With Which I Have
So Long Been In contact Seems Eating Into My Very Soul, And I Long To
Sleep Once More In my Clean, Airy Room At Home.
But I Am Inflicting Myself Too Long Upon You. That I Have Ventured to Do
So Is Due To Your Past Kindness, Which I Can Only Wonder At, But Cannot
Explain. Gratefully Yours, E. Haldane.
Mrs. Arnot Was More Than Curious; She Was Deeply Interested in the
Result Of This Visit, And She Hoped and Prayed earnestly That It Might
Result In good. But She Had Detected an Element In the Young Man'S
Letter Which Caused her Considerable Uneasiness. His Idea Of Conversion
Was A Sudden And Radical Change In character That Would Be A Sort Of
Spiritual Magic, Contravening all The Natural Laws Of Growth And
Development. He Was Hoping To Escape From His Evil Habits And
Weaknesses, Which Were Of Long Growth, As The Leper Escaped from His
Disease, By A Healing and Momentary Touch. He Would Surely Be
Disappointed: Might He Not Also Be Discouraged, And Give Up The Patient
And Prayerful Struggle Which The Sinful Must Ever Wage Against Sin In
This World? She Trusted, However, That God Had Commenced a Good Work In
His Heart, And Would Finish It.
Even The Sight Of His Native City, With Its Spires Glistening In the
Setting Sun, Moved haldane Deeply, And When In the Dusk He Left The
Train, And Walked once More Through The Familiar Streets, His Heart Was
Crowded with Pleasant And Bitter Memories, Which Naturally Produced a
Softened and Receptive Mood.
He Saw Many Well-Remembered faces, And A Few Glanced at Him As If He
Suggested one Whom They Had Known. But He Kept His Hat Drawn Over His
Eyes, And, Taking advantage Of The Obscurity Of The Night, Escaped
"It Is Almost Like Coming Back After One Has Died," He Said To Himself.
"I Once Thought Myself An Important Personage In this Town, But It Has
Got On Better Without Me Than It Would Have Done With Me. Truly, Mrs.
Arnot Is Right--It'S Little The World Cares For Any One, And The
Absurdest Of All Blunders Is To Live For Its Favor."
It Was With A Quickly Beating Heart That He Rang The Bell At The
Parsonage, And Requested to Be Shown Up To Dr. Marks' Study. Was This
The Supreme Moment Of His Life, And He On The Eve Of That Mysterious,
Spiritual Change, Of Which He Had Heard So Much, And The Results Of
Which Would Carry Him Along As By A Steady, Mighty Impulse Through
Earth'S Trials To Heaven'S Glory? He Fairly Trembled at The Thought.
The Girl Who Had Admitted him Pointed to The Open Study Door, And He
Silently Crossed its Threshold. The Good Old Clergyman Was Bending Over
His Sermon, To Which He Was Giving His Finishing Touches, And The Soft
Rays Of The Student'S Lamp Made His White Hair Seem Like A Halo About
His Head.
The Sacred quiet Of The Place Was Disturbed only By The Quill Of The
Writer, Who Was Penning Words As Unworldly As Himself. Another Good Old
Divine, With His Bible In his Hand, Looked down Benignantly And
Encouragingly At The Young Man From His Black-Walnut Frame. He Was The
Sainted predecessor Of Dr. Marks, And The Sanctity Of His Life Of Prayer
And Holy Toil Also Lingered in this Study. Old Volumes And Heavy Tomes
Gave To It The Peculiar Odor Which We Associate With The Cloister, And
Suggested the Prolonged spiritual Musings Of The Past, Which Are So Out
Of Vogue In the Hurried, Practical World Of To-Day. This Study Was,
Indeed, A Quiet Nook--A Little, Slowly Moving Eddy Left Far Behind By
The Dashing, Foaming Current Of Modern Life; And Haldane Felt Impressed
That He Had Found The Hallowed place, The True Bethel, Where His Soul
Might Be Born Anew.
Chapter XXXVIII (The Miracle Takes Place)
"The Body Of My Sermon Is Finished; May The Lord Breathe Into It The
Breath Of Life!" Ejaculated dr. Marks, Leaning Back In his Chair.
Haldane Now Secured his Attention By Knocking Lightly On The Open Door.
The Old Gentleman Arose And Came Forward With The Ordinary Kindly Manner
With Which He Would Greet A Stranger.
"You Do Not Remember Me," Said Haldane.
"I Cannot Say That I Do. My Eyesight Is Not As Good As When I Was At
Your Age."
"I Am Also The Last One You Expect To See, But I Trust I Shall Not Be
Unwelcome When You Know My Motive For Coming. I Am Egbert Haldane, And I
Have Hoped that Your Study Would Remain Open, Though Nearly All
Respectable Doors Are Closed against Me."
"Egbert Haldane! Can I Believe My Eyes?" Exclaimed the Old Clergyman,
Stepping Eagerly Forward.
"When Last In this Place," Continued the Youth, "I Was Led by Your
Generous Forgiveness Of My Rude Behavior Toward You To Say, That If I
Ever Wished to Become A Christian I Would Come To You Sooner Than To Any
One Else. I Have Come, For I Wish To Be A Christian."
"Now The Lord Be Praised! He Has Heard His Servant'S Prayers," Responded
Dr. Marks Fervently. "My Study Is Open To You, My Son, And My Heart,
Too," He Added, Taking Haldane'S Hand In both Of His With A Grasp That
Emphasized his Cordial Words. "Sit Down By Me Here, And Tell Me All That
Is On Your Mind."
This Reception Was So Much Kinder Than He Had Even Hoped, That Haldane
Was Deeply Moved. The Strong, Genuine Sympathy Unsealed his Lips, And In
Honest And Impetuous Words He Told The Whole Story Of His Life Since
Their Last Interview. The Good Doctor Was Soon Fumbling For His
Handkerchief, And As The Story Culminated, Mopped his Eyes, And
Ejaculated, "Poor Fellow!" With Increasing Frequency.
"And Now," Concluded haldane, "If I Could Only Think That God Would
Receive Me As You Have--If He Would Only Change Me From My Miserable
Self To What I Know I Ought To Be, And Long To Be--I Feel That I Could
Serve Him With Gratitude And Gladness The Rest Of My Life, Even Though I
Should Remain In the Humblest Station; And I Have Come To Ask You What I
Am To Do?"
"He Will Receive You, My Boy; He Will Receive You. No Fears On That
Score," Said The Doctor, With A Heartiness That Carried conviction. "But
Don'T Ask Me What To Do. I'M Not Going To Interfere In the Lord'S Work.
He Is Leading You. If You Wanted a Text Or A Doctrine Explained i'D
Venture To Give You My Views; But In this Vital Matter I Shall Leave You
In God'S Hands, 'Being Confident Of This Very Thing, That He Which Hath
Begun A Good Work In you Will Perform It Until The Day Of Jesus Christ.'
I Once Set About Reforming You Myself, And You Know What A Bungle I Made
Of It. Now I Believe The Lord Has Taken You In hand, And I Shall Not
Presume To Meddle. Bow With Me In prayer That He May Speedily Bring You
Into His Marvellous Light And Knowledge." And The Good Man Knelt And
Spread His Hands Toward Heaven, And Prayed with The Simplicity And
Undoubting Faith Of An Ancient Patriarch.
Was His Faith Contagious? Did The Pathos Of His Voice, His Strongly
Manifested sympathy, Combine With All That Had Gone Before To Melt The
Young Man'S Heart? Or, In answer To The Prayer, Was There Present One
Whose Province It Is To Give Life? Like The Wind That Mysteriously Rises
And Comes Toward One With Its Viewless, Yet Distinctly Felt Power.
Haldane Was Conscious Of Influences At Work In his Heart That Were As
Potent As They Were Incomprehensible. Fear And Doubt Were Passing away.
Deep Emotion Thrilled his Soul. Nothing Was Distinct Save A Rush Of
Feeling Which Seemed to Lift Him Up As On A Mighty Tide, And Bear Him
This Was What He Had Sought; This Was What He Had Hoped; This Strong,
Joyous Feeling, Welling Up In his Heart Like A Spring Leaping Into The
Sunlight, Must Be Conversion.
When He Arose From His Knees His Eyes Were Full Of Tears, But A Glad
Radiance Shone Through Them, And Grasping The Doctor'S Hand, He Said
"I Believe Your Prayer Has Been Answered. I Never Felt So Strangely--So
Happy Before."
"Come With Me," Cried the Old Man, Impetuously, "Come With Me. Your
Mother Must Learn At Once That Her Son, Who 'Was Dead, Is Alive Again';"
And A Few Moments Later Haldane Was Once More In the Low Carriage, On
His Way, With The Enthusiastic Doctor, To His Old Home.
"We Won'T Permit Ourselves To Be Announced," Said The Childlike Old
Clergyman As They Drove Up The Gravelled road. "We Will Descend Upon
Your Mother And Sisters Like An Avalanche Of Happiness."
The Curtains In the Sitting-Room Were Not Drawn, And The Family Group
Was Before Them. The Apartment Was Furnished with Elegance And Taste,
But The Very Genius Of Dreariness Seemed to Brood Over Its Occupants.
The Sombre Colors Of Their Mourning Dresses Seemed a Part Of The Deep
Shadow That Was Resting Upon Them, And The Depth And Gloom Of The Shadow
Was Intensified by Their Air Of Despondency And The Pallor Of Their
Faces. The Younger Daughter Was Reading, But The Elder And The Mother
Held Their Hands Listlessly In their Laps, And Their Eyes Were Fixed on
Vacancy, After The Manner Of Those Whose Thoughts Are Busy With Painful
Haldane Could Endure But A Brief Glance, And Rushed in, Exclaiming:
"Mother, Forgive Me!"
His Presence Was So Unexpected and His Onset So Impetuous That The Widow
Had No Time To Consider What Kind Of A Reception She Ought To Give Her
Wayward Son, Of Whom She Had Washed her Hands.
Her Mother-Love Triumphed; Her Heart Had Long Been Sore With Grief, And
She Returned his Embrace With Equal Heartiness.
His Sisters, However, Had Inherited more Of Their Mother'S
Conventionality Than Of Her Heart; And The Fact That This Young Man Was
Their Brother Did Not By Any Means Obliterate From Their Minds The Other
Facts, That He Had A Very Bad Reputation And That He Was Abominably
Dressed. Their Greeting, Therefore, Was Rather Grave And Constrained,
And Suggested that There Might Have Been A Death In the Family, And That
Their Brother Had Come Home To Attend The Funeral.
But The Unworldly Dr. Marks Was Wholly Absorbed in the Blessed truth
That The Dead Was Alive And The Lost Found. He Had Followed haldane Into
The Apartment, Rubbing His Hands, And Beaming General Congratulation.
Believing That The Serene Light Of Heaven'S Favor Rested on The Youth,
He Had Forgotten That It Would Be Long Before Society Relaxed its Dark
Frown. It Seemed to Him That It Was An Occasion For Great And Unmixed
After Some Brief Explanations Had Been Given To The Bewildered
Household, The Doctor Said:
"My Dear Madam, I Could Not Deny Myself The Pleasure Of Coming With Your
Son, That I Might Rejoice With You. The Lord Has Answered our Prayers,
You See, And You Have Reason To Be The Happiest Woman Living."
"I Am Glad, Indeed," Sighed the Widow, "That Some Light Is Beginning To
Shine Through This Dark And Mysterious Providence, For It Has Been So
Utterly Dark And Full Of Mystery That My Faith Was Beginning To Waver."
"The Lord Will Net Suffer You To Be Tempted above That You Are Able,"
Said The Clergyman, Heartily. "When Relief Is Essential It Comes, And It
Always Will Come, Rest Assured. Take Comfort, Madam; Nay, Let Your Heart
Overflow With Joy Without Fear. The Lord Means Well By This Young Man.
Take The Unspeakable Blessing He Sends You With The Gladness And
Gratitude Of A Child Receiving Gifts From A Good Father'S Hands. Since
He Has Begun The Good Work, He'Ll Finish It."
"I Hope So. I Do, Indeed, Hope That Egbert Will Now Come To His Senses,
And See Things And Duty In their True Light, As Other People Do,"
Ejaculated the Widow, Fervently. "If He Had Only Taken The Excellent
Advice You First Gave Him Here How Much Better It Would Have Been For Us
All! But Now--" A Dreary Sigh Closed the Sentence.
"But Now," Responded the Doctor, A Little Warmly, "The Lord Has Saved a
Soul From Death, And That Soul Is Your Only Son. It Appears To Me That
This Thought Should Swallow Up Every Other; And It Will, When You
Realize It," He Concluded, Heartily. "This World And The Fashion Of It
Passeth Away. Since All Promises Well For The World To Come, You Have
Only Cause For Joy. As For My Excellent Advice, I Was Better Pleased
With It At The Time Than The Lord Was. I Now Am Thankful That He Let It
Do No More Harm Than It Did."
"We Cannot Help The Past, Mother," Said Haldane, Eagerly, "Let Us Turn
Our Eyes To The Future, Which Is All Aglow With Hope. I Feel That God
Has Forgiven Me, And The Thought Fills My Heart With A Tumult Of Joy.
Your Warm Embrace Assures Me That You Have Also Forgiven The Wrong, The
Shame, And Sorrow You Have Received at My Hands. Henceforth It Shall Be
My Life-Effort That You Receive The Reverse Of All This. I At Last Feel
Within Me The Power To Live As A True Man Ought."
"I Trust Your Hopes May Be Realized, Egbert; I Do, Indeed; But You Were
So Confident Before--And Then We All Know What Followed," Concluded his
Mother, With A Shudder.
"My Present Feeling, My Present Motives, In no Respect Resemble My
Condition When I Started out Before. I Was Then A Conceited fool,
Ignorant Of Myself, The World, And The Task I Had Attempted. But Now I
Feel That All Is Different. Mother," He Exclaimed with A Rush Of
Emotion, "I Feel As If Heaven Had Almost Begun In my Heart! Why, Then,
Do You Cloud This Bright Hour With Doubts And Fears?"
"Well, My Son, We Will Hope For The Best," Said His Mother, Endeavoring
To Throw Off Her Despondency, And Share In the Spirit Which Animated her
Pastor. "But I Have Dwelt So Long In sorrow And Foreboding That It Will
Require Time Before I Can Recover My Old Natural Tone. These Sudden And
Strong Alternations Of Feeling and Action On Your Part Puzzle And
Disquiet Me, And I Cannot See Why One Brought Up As You Have Been Should
Not Maintain A Quiet, Well-Bred deportment, And Do Right As A Matter Of
Course, As Your Sisters Do. And Yet, If Dr. Marks Truly Thinks That You
Mean To Do Right From This Time Forward, I Shall Certainly Take Courage;
Though How We Are Going To Meet What Has Already Occurred i Hardly See."
"I Do, Indeed, Believe That Your Son Intends To Do Right, And I Also
Believe That The Lord Intends To Help Him--Which Is Of Far Greater
Consequence," Said Dr. Marks. "I Will Now Bid You Good-Night, As
To-Morrow Is The Sabbath; And Let Me Entreat You, My Dear Madam, In
Parting, To Further By Your Prayer And Sympathy The Good Work Which The
Lord Has Begun."
Haldane Insisted on Seeing The Old Gentleman Safely Back To His Study.
Their Ride Was A Rather Quiet One, Each Being Busy With His Own
Thoughts. The Good Man Had Found His Enthusiasm Strangely Quenched in
The Atmosphere In which Mrs. Haldane Dwelt, And Found That, In spite Of
Himself, He Was Sharing In her Doubts And Fears As To The Future Course
Of The Erratic And Impulsive Youth At His Side. He Blamed himself For
This, And Tried to Put Doubt Resolutely Away. By A Few Earnest Words He
Sought To Show The Young Man That Only As The Grace Of God Was Daily
Asked for And Daily Received could He Hope To Maintain The Christian
He Now Began To Realize What A Difficult Problem Was Before The Youth.
Society Would Be Slow To Give Him Credit For Changed motives And
Character, And As Proof Would Take Only Patient Continuance In
Well-Doing. The Good Doctor Now More Than Suspected that In his Own Home
Haldane Would Find Much That Was Depressing and Enervating. Worse Than
All, He Would Have To Contend With An Excitable And Ungoverned nature,
Already Sadly Warped and Biased wrongly. "What Will Be The Final
Result?" Sighed the Old Gentleman To Himself. But He Soon Fell Back
Hopefully On His Belief That The Lord Had Begun A Good Work And Would
Finish It.
Haldane Listened attentively And Gratefully To All That His Old Friend
Had To Say, And Felt Sure That He Could And Would Follow The Advice
Given. Never Before Had Right Living Seemed so Attractive, And The Path
Of Duty So Luminous. But The Thought That Chiefly Filled him With Joy
Was That Henceforth He Would Not Be Compelled to Plod Forward As A Weary
Pilgrim. He Felt That He Had Wings; Some Of The Divine Strength Had Been
Given Him. He Believed himself Changed, Renewed, Transformed; He Was
Confident That His Old Self Had Perished and Passed away, And That, As A
New Creature, Ennobling Tendencies Would Control Him Completely. He Felt
That Prayer Would Henceforth Be As Natural As Breathing, And Praise And
Worship, The Strong And Abiding Instincts Of His Heart.
Chapter XXXIX (Votaries Of The World)
When Haldane Returned he Found That His Sisters Had Retired. He Was Not
Sorry, For He Wished a Long And Unrestrained talk With His Mother; But
That Lady Pleaded that The Events Of The Evening Had So Unnerved her,
And That There Was So Much To Be Considered, That She Must Have Quiet.
In The Morning They Would Try To Realize Their Situation, And Decide
Upon The Best Course To Be Pursued.
Even In his Exaltation The Last Suggestion Struck Haldane Unpleasantly.
Might Not His Mother Mark Out, And Take As A Test Of His Sincerity, Some
Course That Would Accord With Her Ideas Of Right, But Not With His? But
The Present Hour Was So Full Of Mystical And Inexplicable Happiness That
He Gave Himself Up To It, Believing That The Divine Hands, In which He
Believed himself To Be, Would Provide For Him As A Helpless Child Is
Cared for.
The Mill-People Among Whom He Had Worked the Previous Week Would
Scarcely Have Recognized him As He Came Down To Breakfast The Following
Morning, Dressed with Taste And Elegance. It Was Evident That His
Sisters Could Endure Him With Better Grace Than When Clad In his Coarse,
Working Garb, Redolent With The Hitherto Unimagined odors Pertaining To
Well-Oiled machinery. They, With His Mother, Greeted him, However, With
The Air Of Those Who Are In the Midst Of The Greatest Misfortunes, But
Who Hope They See A Coming Ray Of Light.
With Their Sincere But Conventional Ideas Of Life He Was, In truth, A
Difficult Problem. Nor Can They Be Very Greatly Blamed. This Youth, Who
Might Have Been Their Natural Protector Against Every Scandalous And
Contemptuous Word, And Whose Arm It Would Have Been Their Pride To Take
Before The World, Had Now Such A Reputation That Only An Affection
All-Absorbing and Unselfish Would Be Willing To Brave The Curious And
Scornful Stare That Follows One Who Had Been So Disgraced. Mrs. Haldane
And Her Daughters Were Not Without Natural Affection, But They Were
Morbidly Sensitive To Public Opinion. Like Many Who Live Somewhat
Secluded from The World, They Imagined that Vague And Dreaded entity Was
Giving Them Much More Attention Than It Did. "What Will People Say?" Was
A Terrible Question To Them.
Nothing Could Be Further From Their Nature Than An Attempt To Attract
The World'S Attention By Loud Manners Or Flaunting Dress; But It Was
Essential To Their Peace That Good Society Should Regard Them As
Eminently Respectable, Aristocratic, And High-Toned--As A Family Far
Removed from Vulgar And Ordinary Humanity. That Their Name, In the
Person Of A Son And Brother, Had Been Dragged through Courts, Criminal
Records, And Jails, Was An Unparalleled disaster, That Grew More
Overwhelming as They Brooded over It. It Seemed to Them That The World'S
Great Eye Was Turned full Upon Them In scorn And Wonder, And That Only
By Maintaining Their Perfect Seclusion, Or By Hiding among Strangers,
Could They Escape Its Cruel Glare.
After All, Their Feelings Were Only Morbid Developments Of The Instincts
Of A Refined womanly Nature; But The Trouble Was, They Had Not The
Womanly Largeness Of Heart And Affection Which Would Have Made Them
Equal To The Emergency, However Painful. Poor Mrs. Haldane Was One Of
Those Unfortunate People Who Always Fall Below The Occasion; Indeed, She
Seldom Realized it. Providence Had Now Given Her A Chance To Atone For
Much Of Her Former Weakness And Ruinous Indulgence, But Her Little Mind
Was Chiefly Engrossed with The Question, What Can We Do To Smooth
Matters Over, And Regain Something Like Our Old Standing In society? As
The Result Of A Long Consultation With Her Daughters, It Was Concluded
That Their Best Course Was To Go Abroad. There They Could Venture Out
With Him Who Was The Skeleton Of The Household, Without Having Every One
Turn And Look After Them With All Kinds Of Comment Upon Their Lips.
After Several Years In europe They Hoped society Would Be Inclined to
Forget And Overlook The Miserable Record Of The Past Few Months.
That The Young Man Himself Would Offer Opposition To The Plan, And
Prefer To Return To The Scene Of His Disgrace, And To His Sordid Toil,
Did Not Enter Their Minds.
In The Enthusiasm Of His New-Born Faith Haldane Had Determined to Face
The Public Gaze, And Hear Dr. Marks Preach. It Is True, He Had Greatly
Dreaded the Ordeal--And For His Mother And Sisters, Far More Than For
Himself. When He Began To Intimate Something Of This Feeling His Mother
Promptly Motioned to The Waitress To Withdraw From The Room. He Then
Soon Learned that They Had Not Attended church Since Mrs. Haldane'S
Return From Her Memorable Visit To Hillaton, And That They Had No
Intention Of Going To-Day.
"The Very Thought Makes Me Turn Faint And Sick," Said The Poor, Weak
"We Should Feel Like Sinking Through The Floor Of The Aisle," Chorused
The Pallid Young Ladies.
Haldane Ceased partaking Of His Breakfast At Once, And Leaned back In
His Chair.
"Do You Mean To Say," He Asked gloomily, "That My Folly Has Turned this
House Into A Tomb, And That You Will Bury Yourselves Here Indefinitely?"
"Well," Sighed the Mother, "If We Live This Wretched life Of Seclusion,
Brooding Over Our Troubles Much Longer, Smaller Tombs Will Suffice Us.
You See That Your Sisters Are Beginning To Look Like Ghosts, And I'M
Sure I Feel That I Can Never Lift Up My Head Again. I Know It Is Said
That Time Works Wonders. Perhaps If We Went Abroad For A Few Years, And
Then Resided in some Other City, Or In the Seclusion Of Some Quiet
Country Place, We Might Escape This--" And Mrs. Haldane Finished with A
Sigh That Was Far Worse Than Any Words Could Have Been. After A Moment
She Concluded: "But, Of Course, We Cannot Go Out Here, Where All That
Has Happened is So Fresh, And Uppermost In every One'S Mind. The More I
Think Of It, The More Decided i Am That The Best Thing For Us All Is To
Go To Some Quiet Watering-Place In europe, Where There Are But Few, If
Any, Americans; And In time We May Feel Differently."
Her Son Ate No More Breakfast. He Was Beginning To Realize, As He Had
Not Before, That He Was In a Certain Sense A Corpse, Which This Decorous
And Exquisitely Refined family Could Not Bury, But Would Hide As Far As
"You Then Expect Me To Go With You To Europe?" He Said.
"Certainly. We Could Not Go Without A Gentleman."
"That I Scarcely Am Now, Mother, In your Estimation Or In society'S. I
Think You Could Get On Better Without Me."
"Now, Egbert, Be Sensible."
"What Am I To Do In this Secluded european Watering-Place, Where There
Are No Americans, And At Which We Are To Sojourn Indefinitely?"
"I Am Sure I Have Not Thought. Your Sisters, At Least, Can Venture Out
And Get A Breath Of Fresh Air. It Is Time You Thought Of Them Rather
Than Of Yourself. You Could Amuse Yourself With The Natives, Or By
Fishing and Hunting."
"Mother!" He Exclaimed, Impetuously, "I No Longer Desire To Merely Amuse
Myself. I Wish To Become A Man, In the Best Sense Of The Word."
Mrs. Haldane Evidently Experienced a Disagreeable Nervous Shock At The
Sudden Intensity Of His Manner, But She Said, With Rebuking Quietness:
"I Am Sure I Wish You To Become Such A Man, Thoroughly Well Bred, And
Thoroughly Under Self-Control. It Is My Purpose To Enable You To Appear
Like A Perfect Gentleman From This Time Forward, And I Expect That You
Will Be One."
"What Will I Be But A Well-Dressed nonentity? What Will I Be But A
Coward, Seeking To Get Away As Far As Possible From The Place Of My
Defeat, And To Hide From Its Consequences?" He Answered, With Sharp,
Bitter Emphasis.
"Egbert, Your Tendency To Exaggeration And Violent Speech Is More Than I
Can Bear In my Weak, Nervous Condition. When You Have Thought This
Matter Over Calmly, And Have Realized how I And Your Sisters Feel, You
Will See That We Are Right--That Is, If Dr. Marks Is Correct, And You Do
Really Wish To Atone For The Past As Far As It Now Can Be Done."
The Young Man Paced restlessly Up And Down The Room In an Agitated
Manner, Which Greatly Disquieted his Mother And Sisters.
"Can You Not Realize," He At Last Burst Out, "That I, Also, Have A
Conscience? That I Am No Longer A Child? And That I Cannot See Things As
You Do?"
"Egbert," Exclaimed his Elder Sister, Lifting Her Hand Deprecatingly,
"We Are Not Deaf."
"If You Will Only Follow Your Conscience," Continued mrs. Haldane, In
Her Low Monotone, "All Will Be Well. It Is Your Being Carried away By
Gusts Of Impulse And Violent Passions That Makes All The Trouble. If You
Had Followed your Conscience You Would At Once Have Left Hillaton At My
Request, And Hidden Yourself In the Seclusion That I Indicated. If You
Had Done So, You Might Have Saved yourself And Us From All That Has
Since Occurred."
"But I Would Have Lost My Self-Respect. I Should Have Done Worse--"
"Self-Respect!" Interrupted his Mother, With An Expression Akin To
Disgust Flitting across Her Pale Face. "How Can You Use That Word After
What Has Happened, And Especially Now That You Are Working among Those
Vulgar Factory People, And Living With That Profane Old Creature Who
Goes By The Name Of 'Jerry Growler.' To Think That You, Who Bear Your
Father'S Name, Should Have Fallen So Low! The Daily And Hourly
Mortification Of Thinking Of All This, Here, Where For So Many Years
There Was Not A Speck Upon Our Family Reputation, Is More Than Flesh And
Blood Can Endure. Our Only Course Now Is To Go Away Where We Are Not
Known. Our Best Hope Is To Make You Appear Like What Your Father Meant
You Should Be, And Try To Forget That You Have Been Anything Else; And
If You Have Any Sense Of Obligation To Us Left You Will Do What You Can
To Carry Out Our Efforts. Dr. Marks Thinks You Have Met With 'A Change
Of Heart.' I Am Sure Yon Can Prove It In no Better Way Than By A Docile
Acquiescence In the Wishes Of One Who Has A Natural Right To Control
You, And Whose Teachings," She Added complacently, "Had They Been
Followed, Would Have Enabled you To Hold Up Your Head To-Day Among The
Proudest In the Land."
Haldane Buried his Face In his Hands, And Fairly Groaned, In his
Disappointment And Sense Of Humiliation.
"Is It Possible," Asked one Of His Sisters "That You Thought That We
Could All Go Out To Church To-Day As Usual, And Commence Life To-Morrow
Where He Left Off When You First Went Away From Home?"
"I Expected nothing Of The Kind," Said Her Brother, Lifting Up A Face
That Was Pale From Suppressed feeling; "The Fact Is, I Have Thought
Little About All This That Is Uppermost In your Minds. I Have Been All
Through The Phase Of Shrinking From The World'S Word And Touch, As If My
Whole Being Were A Diseased nerve. While In that Condition I Suffered
Enough, God Knows; But Even In the Police Court I Was Not Made To Feel
More Thoroughly That I Was A Disgraced criminal Than I Have Been Here,
In My Childhood'S Home. Perhaps You Can'T Help Your Feeling; But The
Result Is All The Same. Through The Influence Of A Woman Who Belongs To
Heaven Rather Than Earth, I Was Led to Forget The World And All About
It; I Was Led to Wish To Form A Good Character For Its Own Sake. I
Wanted to Be Rid Of The Debasing Vices Of My Nature Which She Had Made
Me Hate, And Which Would Separate Me From Such As She Is. I Wanted your
Forgiveness, Mother. More Than All, I Wanted god'S Forgiveness, And That
Great Change In my Nature Which He Alone Can Bestow. I Felt That Dr.
Marks Could Help Me, Because I Believed in him; And He Did Carry Me, As
It Were, To The Very Gate Of Heaven. I Expected, At Least, A Little
Sympathy From You All, And A God-Speed as I Went Back To My Work
Tomorrow. I Even Hoped that You Might Take Me By The Hand, And Say To
Those Who Knew Us Here, 'My Son Was Lost, But Is Found. He Wishes To
Live A Manly, Christian Life, And All Who Are Christians Should Help
Him.' I Find, On The Contrary, That Christ And His Words Are Forgotten;
That I Am Regarded as A Hideous And Deformed creature, That Must Be
Disguised as Far As Possible, And Spirited off To Some Remote Corner Of
The Earth, And There Virtually Buried alive. Thus Different Are The
Teachings Of The Bible And The Teachings Of The World. I Thought I Could
Not Endure My Hard Lot At Hillaton Any Longer, But I Shall Go Back To It
Quite Content."
As The Youth Uttered these Words, With His Usual Impetuosity, His Mother
Could Only Weep And Tremble In her Weak And Nervous Way; But His Sisters
"Go Back To Your Old Mill-Life At Hillaton!"
"Yes, By The First Train, To-Morrow."
"Well!" They Chorused, With A Long Breath, But As All Language Seemed
Inadequate They Added nothing To Their Exclamation.
Mrs. Haldane Slowly Wiped her Eyes, And Said, "Egbert Is Excited now,
And Does Not Realize How We Feel. After He Has Thought It All Over
Quietly He Will See Things In a Different Light, And Will Perceive That
He Should Take Counsel From His Mother Rather Than From A Stranger"
(With Peculiar Emphasis On This Word). "If He Really Wishes To Do His
Duty As A Christian Man, He Will See That The First And Most Sacred
Obligations Resting On Him Are To Us And Not To Others, Even Though They
May Be More Angelic Than We Are. You Promised last Evening That It Would
Be Your Life-Effort To Make Amends For The Wrongs You Have Inflicted
Upon Us; And Going Back To Your Old, Sordid Life And Vulgar Associations
Would Be A Strange Way Of Keeping This Pledge. I Suggest That We All
Retire To Our Rooms, And In the After Part Of The Day We Shall Be
Calmer, And Therefore More Rational;" And The Ladies Quietly Glided out,
Like Black Shadows. Indeed, They And Their Lives Had Become Little More
Than Attenuated shadows.
There Is Nothing Which So Thoroughly Depletes And Robs Moral Character
Of All Substance--There Is Nothing Which So Effectually Destroys All
Robust Individuality--As The Continuous Asking Of The Question, "What
Will, People Say?"
Poor Haldane Went To His Room, And Paced it By The Hour. He Had Learned
Thus Early That The Christian Life Was Not Made Up Of Sacred and
Beatific Emotions, Under The Influence Of Which Duty Would Become An
Easy, Sun-Illumined path.
He Already Was In sore Perplexity As To What His Duty Was In this
Instance. Ought He Not To Devote Himself To His Mother And Sisters, And
Hope That Time Would Bring a Healthful Change In their Morbid Feeling?
Surely What They Asked would Not Seem Hard In the World'S Estimation--A
Trip To Europe, And A Life Of Luxurious Ease And Amusement--For Society
Would Agree With His Mother, That He Could Be As Good And Christian-Like
As He Pleased in the Meantime. The Majority Would Say That If He Could
In Part Make Amends By Acquiescence In so Reasonable A Request, And One
That Promised so Much Of Pleasure And Advantage To Himself, He Ought
Certainly To Yield.
But All That Was Good And Manly In the Young Fellow'S Nature Rose Up
Against The Plan. In the First Place, He Instinctively Felt That His
Mother And Sisters' Views On Nearly All Subjects Would Be Continually At
Variance With His Own, Since They Were Coming To Look At Life From Such
Totally Different Standpoints. He Also Believed that He Would Be An
Ever-Present Burden And Source Of Mortification To Them. As A Child And
A Boy He Had Been Their Idol. They Had Looked forward To The Time When
He, With Irreproachable Manners And Reputation, Would Become Their
Escort In the Exclusive Circles In which They Were Entitled to Move. Now
He Was And Would Continue To Be The Insuperable Bar To Those Circles;
And By Their Sighs And Manner He Would Be Continually Reminded of This
Fact. Fallen Idols Are A Perpetual Offence To Their Former Worshippers,
As They Ever Remind Of The Downfall Of Towering Hopes.
With All His Faults, Haldane Had Too Much Spirit To Go Through Life As
One Who Must Be Tolerated, Endured, Kept In the Background, And
Concerning Whom No Questions Must Be Asked.
He Did Think The Matter Over Long And Carefully, And Concluded that Even
For His Mother And Sisters' Sake It Would Be Best That They Should Live
Apart. If He Could Thoroughly Retrieve His Character Where He Had Lost
It, They Would Be Reconciled to Him; If He Could Not, He Would Be Less
Of A Burden And A Mortification Absent Than Present.
When He Considered his Own Feelings, The Thought Of Skulking and Hiding
Through Life Made His Cheek Tingle With Shame And Disgust. Conscience
Sided with His Inclination To Go Back To His Old, Hard Fight At
Hillaton; And It Also Appeared to Him That He Could There Better
Maintain A Christian Life, In spite Of All The Odds Against Him, Than By
Taking The Enervating Course Marked out By His Mother. He Also
Remembered, With A Faint Thrill Of Hope, That Whatever Recognition He
Could Get At Hillaton As A Changed, A Better Man, It Would Be Based on
The Rock Of Truth.
He Therefore Concluded to Go Back As He Had Intended, And With The
Decision Came His Former, Happy, Mystical Feeling, Welling Up In his
Heart Like The Sweet Refreshing Waters Of A Spring, The Consciousness Of
Which Filled his Heart With Courage And Confidence As To The Future.
"Surely," He Exclaimed, "I Am A Changed, A Converted man. These Strange,
Sweet Emotions, This Unspeakable Gladness Of Heart In the Midst Of So
Much That Is Painful And Distracting, Prove That I Am. I Have Not Taken
This Journey In vain."
Haldane Met Only His Sisters At Dinner, For The Scene Of The Morning Had
Prostrated his Mother With A Nervous Headache. In spite Of His Efforts,
It Was A Constrained and Dismal Affair, And All Were Glad When It Was
In The Evening They All Met In mrs. Haldane'S Room, And The Young Man
Told Them His Decision So Firmly And Quietly That, While They Were Both
Surprised and Angry, They Saw It Was Useless To Remonstrate. He Next
Drew Such A Dreary Picture Of The Future As They Had Designed it, That
They Were Half Inclined to Think He Was Right, And That His Presence
Would Be A Greater Source Of Pain Than Of Comfort To Them. He Also
Convinced them That It Would Be Less Embarrassing For Them To Go To
Europe Alone Than With His Escort, And That The Plan Of Going abroad
Need not Be Given Up.
But Mrs. Haldane Was Strenuous On The Point That He Should Leave
Hillaton, Accept Of Her Old Offer, And Live A Quiet, Respectable Life In
Some Retired place Where He Was Not Known.
"I Will Not Have It Said," She Persisted, "That My Son Is Working as A
Common Factory Hand, Nor Will I Have Our Name Associated with That
Wretched old Creature Whose Profanity And General Outlandishness Are The
Town-Talk And The Constant Theme Of Newspaper Squibs. You At Least Owe
It To Us To Let This Scandal Die Out As Speedily As Possible. If You
Will Comply With These Most Reasonable Requirements, I Will See That You
Have An Abundant Support. If You Will Not, I Have No Evidence Of A
Change In your Character; Nor Can I See Any Better Way Than To Leave You
To Suffer The Consequences Of Your Folly Until You Do Come To Your
"Mother, Do You Think A Young Fellow Of My Years And Energy Could Go To
An Out-Of-The-Way Place, And Just Mope, Eat, And Sleep For The Sake Of
Being Supported? I Would Rather Starve First. I Fear We Shall Never
Understand Each Other; And I Have Reached that Point In life When I Must
Follow My Own Conscience. I Shall Leave To-Morrow Morning Before Any Of
You Are Up; And In my Old Working Clothes. Good-By;" And Before They
Could Realize It He Had Kissed them And Left The Room.
They Weakly Sighed as Over The Inevitable; But One Of His Sisters Said,
"He Will Be Glad Enough To Come To Your Terms Before Winter."
Chapter XL (Human Nature)
At An Early Hour Haldane, True To His Purpose, Departed from The Home Of
His Childhood In the Guise Of A Laborer, As He Had Come. His Mother
Heard His Step On The Stairs, For She Had Passed a Sleepless Night,
Agitated by Painful Emotions. She Wished to Call Him Back; She Grieved
Over His Course As A "Dark And Mysterious Providence," As A Misfortune
Which, Like Death, Could Not Be Escaped; But With The Persistence Of A
Little Mind, Capable Of Taking But A Single And Narrow View, She Was
Absolutely Sure She Was Right In her Course, And That Nothing But Harsh
And Bitter Experience Would Bring Her Wayward Son To His Senses.
Nor Did It Seem That The Harsh Experience Would Be Wanting, For The
Morning Was Well Advanced when He Reached his Place Of Work, And He
Received a Severe Reprimand From The Foreman For Being So Late. His
Explanation, That He Had Received permission To Be Absent, Was
Incredulously Received. It Also Seemed that Gibes, Taunts, And Sneers
Were Flung At Him With Increasing Venom By His Ill-Natured associates,
Who Were Vexed that They Had Not Been Able To Drive Him Away By Their
But The Object Of Their Spite Was Dwelling In a World Of Which They Knew
Nothing, And In which They Had No Part, And, Almost Oblivious Of Their
Existence, He Performed his Mechanical Duty In almost Undisturbed
Mr. Growther Welcomed him Back Most Heartily And With An Air Of Eager
Expectation, And When Haldane Briefly But Graphically Narrated his
Experience, He Hobbled up And Down The Room In a State Of Great
"You'Ve Got It! You'Ve Got It! And The Genuine Article, Too, As Sure As
My Name Is Jeremiah Growther!" He Exclaimed; "I'D Give The Whole Airth,
And Anything Else To Boot, That Was Asked, If I Could Only Git Religion.
But It'S No Use For Me To Think About It; I'M Done, And Cooled off, And
Would Break Inter Ten Thousand Pieces If I Tried to Change Myself. I
Couldn'T Feel What You Feel Any More Than I Could Run And Jump As You
Kin. My Moral J'Ints Is As Stiff As Hedge-Stakes. If I Tried to Git Up A
Little Of Your Feelin', It Would Be Like Tryin' To Hurry Along The
Spring By Buildin' A Fire On The Frozen Ground. It Would Only Make One
Little Spot Soft And Sloppy; The Fire Would Soon Go Out: Then It Would
Freeze Right Up Agin. Now, With You It'S Spring all Over; You Feel
Tender And Meller-Like, And Everything Good Is Ready To Sprout. Well,
Well! If I Do Have To Go To Old Nick At Last, I'M Powerful Glad He'S Had
This Set-Back In your Case."
Long And Earnestly Did Haldane Try To Reason His Quaint Friend Out Of
His Despairing Views Of Himself. At Last The Old Man Said Testily:
"Now, Look Here; You'Re Too New-Fledged a Saint To Instruct A Seasoned
And Experienced old Sinner Like Me. You Don'T Know Much About The Lord'S
Ways Yet, And I Know All About The Devil'S Ways. Because You'Ve Got Out
Of His Clutches (And I'M Mighty Glad You Have) You Needn'T Make Light Of
Him, And Take Liberties With Him As If He Was Nobody, 'Specially When
Scripter Calls Him 'A Roarin' Lion.' If I Was As Young As You Be, I'D
Make A Dead Set To Git Away From Him; But After Tryin' More Times Than
You'Ve Lived years, I Know It Ain'T No Use. I Tell You I Can'T Feel As
You Feel, Any More Than You Can Squeeze Water Out Of Them Old Andirons.
Haldane Was Silent, Feeling That The Old Man'S Spiritual Condition Was
Too Knotty A Problem For Him To Solve.
After A Few Moments Mr. Growther Added, In a Voice That He Meant To Be
Very Solemn And Impressive:
"But I Want You To Enjoy Your Religious Feelin'S All The Same. I Will
Listen To All The Scripter Readin' And Prayin' You'Re Willin' To Do,
Without Makin' Any Disturbance. Indeed, I Think I Will Enjoy My Wittles
More, Now That An Honest Grace Can Be Said Over 'Em. An' When You Read
The Bible, You Needn'T Read The Cussin' Parts, If Yer Don'T Want To.
I'Ll Read 'Em To Myself Hereafter. I'Ll Give You All The Leeway That An
Old Curmudgeon Like Myself Kin; And I Expect To Take A Sight O' Comfort
In Seein' You Goin' On Your Way Rejoicin'."
And He Did Seem To Take As Much Interest In the Young Man'S Progress And
New Spiritual Experiences As If He Alone Were The One Interested. His
Efforts To Control His Irritability And Profanity Were Both Odd And
Pathetic, And Haldane Would Sometimes Hear Him Swearing Softly To
Himself, With Strange Contortions Of His Wrinkled face, When In former
Times He Would Have Vented his Spite In the Harshest Tones.
Haldane Wrote Fully To Mrs. Arnot Of His Visit To His Native City And
Its Happy Results, And Enlarged upon His Changed feelings As The Proof
That He Was A Changed man.
Her Reply Was Prompt And Was Filled with The Warmest Congratulations And
Expressions Of The Sincerest Sympathy. It Also Contained these Words:
"I Fear That You Are Dwelling Too Largely Upon Your Feelings And
Experiences, And Are Giving To Them A Value They Do Not Possess. Not
That I Would Undervalue Them--They Are Gracious Tokens Of God'S Favor;
But They Are Not The Grounds Of Your Salvation And Acceptance With God."
Haldane Did Not Believe That They Were--He Had Been Too Well Taught For
That--But He Regarded them As The Evidences That He Was Accepted, That
He Was A Christian; And He Expected them To Continue, And To Bear Him
Forward, And Through And Over The Peculiar Trials Of His Lot, As On A
Strong And Shining Tide.
Mrs. Arnot Also Stated that She Was Just On The Eve Of Leaving Home For
A Time, And That On Her Return She Would See Him And Explain More Fully
Her Meaning.
In Conclusion, She Wrote: "I Think You Did What Was Right And Best In
Returning To Hillaton. At Any Rate, You Have Reached that Age When You
Must Obey Your Own Conscience, And Can No Longer Place The
Responsibility Of Your Action Upon Others. But, Remember, That You Owe
To Your Mother The Most Delicate Forbearance And Consideration. You
Should Write To Her Regularly, And Seek To Prove That You Are Guided by
Principle Rather Than Impulse. Your Mother Has Much Reason To Feel As
She Does, And Nothing Can Excuse You From The Sacred duties You Owe To
Haldane Did Write As Mrs. Arnot Suggested. In a Few Days He Received the
Following Letter From His Mother:
"We Shall Sail For Europe As Soon As We Can Get Ready For The Journey.
Our Lawyer Is Making all The Necessary Arrangements For Us. I Will Leave
Funds With Him, And Whenever You Are Ready In good Faith To Accept My
Offer, Leave Hillaton, And Live So That This Scandal Can Die Out, You
Can Obtain From Him The Means Of Living Decently And Quietly. As It Is,
I Live In daily Terror Lest You Again Do Something Which Will Bring Our
Name Into The Hillaton Papers; And, Of Course, Everything Is Copied by
The Press Of This City. Will The Time Ever Come When You Will Consider
Your Mother'S And Sisters' Feelings?"
For A Time All Went As Well As Could Be Expected in the Trying
Circumstances Of Haldane'S Life. His Prayers For Strength And Patience
Were At First Earnest, And Their Answers Seemed assured--So Assured,
Indeed, That In times Of Haste And Weariness Prayer Eventually Came To
Be Hurried or Neglected. Before He Was Aware Of It, Feeling Began To Ebb
Away. He At Last Became Troubled, And Then Alarmed, And Made Great
Effort To Regain His Old, Happy Emotions And Experiences; But, Like An
Outgoing Tide, They Ebbed steadily Away.
His Face Indicated his Disquiet And Anxiety, For He Felt Like One Who
Was Clinging To A Rope That Was Slowly Parting, Strand By Strand.
Keen-Eyed mr. Growther Watched him Closely, And Was Satisfied that
Something Was Amiss. He Was Much Concerned, And Took Not A Little Of The
Blame Upon Himself.
"How Can A Man Be A Christian, Or Anything Else That'S Decent, When He
Keeps Such Cussed company As I Be?" He Muttered. "I S'Pose I Kinder
Pisen And Wither Up His Good Feelin'S Like A Sulphuric Acid Fact'Ry."
One Evening He Exclaimed to Haldane, "I Say, Young Man, You Had Better
Pull Out O' Here."
"What Do You Mean?"
"I'Ll Give You A Receipt In full And A Good Character, And Then You Look
For A Healthier Boardin'-Place."
"Ah, I See! You Wish To Be Rid Of Me?"
"No, You Don'T See, Nuther. I Wish You To Be Rid Of Me."
"Of Course, If You Wish Me To Go, I'Ll Go At Once," Said Haldane, In a
Despondent Tone.
"And Go Off At Half-Cock Into The Bargain? I Ain'T One Of The Kind, You
Know, That Talks Around Robin Hood'S Barn. I Go Straight In at The Front
Door And Out At The Back. It'S My Rough Way Of Coming To The P'Int At
Once. I Kin See That You'Re Runnin' Behind In speret'Al Matters, And I
Believe That My Cussedness Is Part To Blame. You Don'T Feel Good As You
Used to. It Would Never Do To Git Down At The Heel In these Matters,
'Cause The Poorest Timber In the Market Is Yer Old Backsliders. I'D
Rather Be What I Am Than Be A Backslider. The Right Way Is To Take These
Things In time, Before You Git Agoin' Down Hill Too Fast. It Isn'T That
I Want To Git Rid Of You At All. I'Ve Kinder Got Used to You, And Like
To Have You 'Round 'Mazingly; But I Don'T S'Pose It'S Possible For You
To Feel Right And Live With Me, And So You Had Better Cut Stick In time,
For You Must Keep A-Feelin' Good And Pi'Us-Like, My Boy, Or It'S All Up
With You."
"Then You Don'T Want Me To Go For The Sake Of Your Own Comfort?"
"Not A Bit Of It. I Only Want You To Git Inter A Place That Isn'T So
Morally Pisened as This, Where I Do So Much Cussin'; For I Will And Must
Cuss As Long As There'S An Atom Left Of Me As Big As A Head Of A Pin.
"Then I Prefer To Take My Chances With You To Going anywhere Else."
"Think Twice."
"I Have Thought More Than Twice."
"Then Yer Blood Be On Yer Own Head," Said Mr. Growther With Tragic
Solemnity, As If He Were About To Take Haldane'S Life. "My Skirts Is
Clear After This Warnin'."
"Indeed they Are. You Haven'T Done Me A Bit Of Harm."
"Where Does The Trouble Come From Then? Who Is A-Harmin' You?"
"Well, Mr. Growther," Said Haldane, Wearily, "I Hardly Know What Is The
Matter. I Am Losing Zest And Courage Unaccountably. My Old, Happy And
Hopeful Feelings Are About All Gone, And In their Place All Sorts Of
Evil Thoughts Seem To Be Swarming Into My Mind. I Have Tried to Keep All
This To Myself, But I Have Become So Wretched that I Must Speak. Mrs.
Arnot Is Away, Or She Might Help Me, As She Ever Does. I Wish That I
Felt Differently; I Pray That I May, But In spite Of All I Seem Drifting
Back To My Old Miserable Self. Every Day I Fear That I Shall Have
Trouble At The Mill. When I Felt So Strong And Happy I Did Not Mind What
They Said. One Day I Was Asked by A Workman, Who Is Quite A Decent
Fellow, How I Stood It All? And I Replied that I Stood It As Any
Well-Meaning Christian Man Could. My Implied assertion That I Was A
Christian Was Taken Up As A Great Joke, And Now They Call Me The 'Pi'Us
Jail-Bird.' As Long As I Felt At Heart That I Was A Christian, I Did Not
Care; But Now Their Words Gall Me To The Quick. I Do Not Know What To
Think. It Seems To Me That If Any One Ever Met With A Change I Did. I'M
Sure I Wish To Feel Now As I Did Then; But I Grow Worse Every Day. I Am
Losing Self-Control And Growing Irritable. This Evening, As I Passed
Liquor Saloons On My Way Home, My Old Appetite For Drink Seemed as
Strong As Ever. What Does It All Mean?"
Mr. Growther'S Wrinkled visage Worked curiously, And At Last He Said In
A Tone And Manner That Betokened the Deepest Distress:
"I'M Awfully Afeerd You'Re A-Backslidin'."
"I Wish I Had Never Been Born," Exclaimed the Youth, Passionately, "For
I Am A Curse To Myself And All Connected with Me, I Know I Shall Have
Trouble With One Man At The Mill. I Can See It Coming, And Then, Of
Course, I Shall Be Discharged. I Seem Destined to Defeat In this My Last
Attempt To Be A Man, And I Shall Never Have The Courage Or Hope To Try
Again. If I Do Break Down Utterly, I Feel As If I Will Become A Very
Devil Incarnate. O! How I Wish That Mrs. Arnot Was Home."
"Now This Beats Me All Out," Said Mr. Growther, In great Perplexity. "A
While Ago You Felt Like A Saint And Acted like One, Now You Talk And Act
As If Old Nick And All His Imps Had Got A Hold On Ye. How Do You Explain
All This, For It Beats Me?"
"I Don'T And Can'T Explain. But Here Are The Facts, And What Are You
Going To Do With Them?"
"I Ain'T A-Goin' To Do Nothin' With 'Em Except Cuss 'Em; And That'S All
I Kin Do In any Case. You'Ve Got Beyond My Depth."
The Sorely Tempted youth Could Obtain But Little Aid And Comfort,
Therefore, From His Quaint Old Friend, And, Equally Perplexed and Unable
To Understand Himself, He Sought To Obtain Such Rest As His Disquieted
Condition Permitted.
As A Result Of Wakefulness In the Early Part Of The Night, He Slept Late
The Following Morning, And Hastened to His Work With Scarcely A Mouthful
Of Breakfast. He Was Thus Disqualified, Physically As Well As Mentally,
For The Ordeal Of The Day.
He Was A Few Minutes Behind Time, And A Sharp Reprimand From The Foreman
Rasped his Already Jangling Nerves. But He Doggedly Set His Teeth And
Resolved to See And Hear Nothing Save That Which Pertained to His Work.
He Might Have Kept His Resolve Had There Been Nothing More To Contend
With Than The Ordinary Verbal Persecution. But Late In the Afternoon,
When He Had Grown Weary From The Strain Of The Day, His Special
Tormentor, A Burly Irishman, Took Occasion, In passing, To Push Him
Rudely Against A Pert And Slattern Girl, Who Also Was Foremost In the
Tacit League Of Petty Annoyance. She Acted as If The Contact Of
Haldane'S Person Was A Purposed insult, And Resented it By A Sharp Slap
Of His Face.
Her Stinging Stroke Was Like A Spark To A Magazine; But Paying No Heed
To Her, He Sprang Toward Her Laughing ally With Fierce Oaths Upon His
Lips, And By A Single Blow Sent Him Reeling To The Floor. The Machinery
Was Stopped sharply, As Far As Possible, By The Miscellaneous
Workpeople, To Whom A Fight Was A Boon Above Price, And With Shrill And
Clamorous Outcries They Gathered round The Young Man Where He Stood,
Panting, Like A Wounded animal At Bay.
His Powerful Antagonist Was Speedily Upon His Feet, And At Once Made A
Rush For The Youth Who Had So Unexpectedly Turned upon Him; And Though
He Received another Heavy Blow, His Onset Was So Strong That He Was Able
To Close With Haldane, And Thus Made The Conflict A Mere Trial Of Brute
As Haldane Afterward Recalled the Scene, He Was Conscious That At The
Time He Felt Only Rage, And A Mad Desire To Destroy His Opponent.
In Strength They Were Quite Evenly Matched, And After A Moment'S
Struggle Both Fell Heavily, And Haldane Was Able To Disengage Himself.
As The Irishman Rose, And Was About To Renew The Fight, He Struck Him So
Tremendous A Blow On The Temple That The Man Went To The Floor As If
Pierced by A Bullet, And Lay There Stunned and Still.
When Haldane Saw That His Antagonist Did Not Move, Time Was Given Him To
Think; He Experienced a Terrible Revulsion. He Remembered his Profanity
And Brutal Rage, He Felt That He Had Broken Down Utterly. He Was
Overwhelmed by His Moral Defeat, And Covering His Face With His Hands,
He Groaned "Lost, Lost!"
"By Jocks," Exclaimed a Rude, Half-Grown Fellow, "That Clip Would Have
Felled an Ox."
"Do You Think He'S Dead?" Asked the Slattern Girl, Now Thoroughly
Alarmed at The Consequences Of The Blow She Had Given.
"Dead!" Cried haldane, Catching The Word, And, Pushing all Aside, He
Knelt Over His Prostrate Foe.
"Water, Bring Water, For God'S Sake!" He Said Eagerly, Lifting Up The
Unconscious Man.
It Was Brought And Dashed in his Face. A Moment Later, To Haldane'S
Infinite Relief He Revived, And After A Bewildered stare At The Crowd
Around Him, Fixed his Eyes On The Youth Who Had Dealt The Blow, And Then
A Consciousness Of All That Had Occurred seemed to Return. He Showed his
Teeth In impotent Rage For A Moment, As Some Wild Animal Might Have
Done, And Then Rose Unsteadily To His Feet.
"Go Back To Your Work, All On Ye," Thundered the Foreman, Who, Now That
The Sport Was Over, Was Bent On Making a Great Show Of His Zeal; "As For
You Two Bull-Dogs, You Shall Pay Dearly For This; And Let Me Say To You,
Mister Haldane, That The Pious Dodge Won'T Answer Any Longer."
A Moment Later, With The Exception Of Flushed faces And Excited
Whisperings, The Large And Crowded apartment Wore Its Ordinary Aspect,
And The Machinery Clanked on As Monotonously As Ever.
Almost As Mechanically Haldane Moved in the Routine Of His Labor, But
The Bitterness Of Despair Was In his Heart.
He Forgot That He Would Probably Be Discharged that Day; He Forgot That
A Dark And Uncertain Future Was Before Him. He Only Remembered his Rage
And Profanity, And They Seemed to Him Damning Proofs That All He Had
Felt, Hoped, And Believed was Delusion.
Chapter XLI (Mrs. Arnot'S Creed)
When Haldane Entered the Cottage That Evening His Eyes Were Bloodshot
And His Face So Haggard That Mr. Growther Started out Of His Chair,
Exclaiming: "Lord A' Massy! What'S The Matter?"
"Matter Enough," Replied the Youth, With A Reckless Oath. "The Worst
That I Feared has Happened."
"What'S Happened?" Asked the Old Man Excitedly.
"I'Ve Been Fighting In the Work-Room Like A Bull-Dog, And Swearing Like
A Pirate. That'S The Kind Of A Christian I Am, And Always Will Be. What
I Was Made For, I Don'T See," He Added, As He Threw Himself Into A
"Well, Well, Well!" Said Mr. Growther Dejectedly, "I Was In hopes She'D
Git Here In time; But I'M Afeered you'Ve Just Clean Backslid."
"No Kind Of Doubt On That Score," Replied the Young Man, With A Bitter
Laugh; "Though I Now Think I Never Had Very Far To Slide. And Yet It All
Seems Wrong And Unjust. Why Should My Hopes Be Raised? Why Should Such
Feelings Be Inspired, If This Was To Be The End? If I Was Foreordained
To Go To The Devil, Why Must An Aggravating Glimpse Of Heaven Be Given
Me? I Say It'S All Cruel And Wrong. But What'S The Use! Come, Let'S Have
Supper, One Must Eat As Long As He'S In the Body."
It Was A Silent And Dismal Meal, And Soon Over. Then Haldane Took His
Hat Without A Word.
"Where Are You Goin'?" Asked mr. Growther, Anxiously.
"I Neither Know Nor Care."
"Don'T Go Out To-Night, I Expect Somebody."
"Who, In the Name Of Wonder?"
"Mrs. Arnot."
"I Could As Easily Face An Angel Of Light Now As Mrs. Arnot," He
Replied, Pausing On The Threshold; For Even In his Reckless Mood The Old
Man'S Wistful Face Had Power To Restrain.
"You Are Mistaken, Egbert," Said A Gentle Voice Behind Him. "You Can
Face Me Much More Easily Than An Angel Of Light. I Am Human Like
Yourself, And Your Friend."
She Had Approached the Open Door Through The Dusk Of The Mild Autumn
Evening, And Had Heard His Words. He Trembled at Her Voice, But Ventured
No Reply.
"I Have Come To See You, Egbert; You Will Not Leave Me."
"Mrs. Arnot," He Said Passionately, "I Am Not Worth The Trouble You Take
In My Behalf, And I Might As Well Tell You At Once That It Is In vain."
"I Do Not Regard What I Do For You As 'Trouble,' And I Know It Is Not In
Vain," She Replied, With Calm, Clear Emphasis.
Her Manner Quieted him Somewhat; But After A Moment He Said:
"You Do Not Know What Has Happened to-Day, Nor How I Have Been Feeling
For Many Days Past."
"Your Manner Indicates How You. Feel; And You May Tell Me What Has
Happened if You Wish. If You Prefer That We Should Be Alone, Come With
Me To My Carriage, And In the Quiet Of My Private Parlor You Can Tell Me
"No," Said Haldane Gloomily; "I Am Not Fit To Enter Your House, And For
Other Reasons Would Rather Not Do So. I Have No Better Friend Than Mr.
Growther, And He Already Knows It All. I May As Well Tell You Here; That
Is, If You Are Willing To Stay."
"I Came To Stay," Said Mrs. Arnot Quietly; And Sitting Down, She Turned
A Grave And Expectant Face Toward Him.
"I Cannot Find Words In which To Tell You My Shame, And The Utterness Of
My Defeat."
"Yes, You Can, Egbert. I Believe That You Have Always Told Me The Truth
About Yourself."
"I Have, And I Will Again," He Said Desperately; "And Yet It Seems Like
Profanation To Describe Such A Scene To You." But He Did Describe It,
Briefly And Graphically, Nevertheless. As He Spoke Of His Last Fierce
Blow, Which Vanquished his Opponent, Mr. Growther Muttered:
"Sarved him Right; Can'T Help Feelin' Glad You Hit 'Im So Hard; But Then
That'S In keepin' With The Cussedness Of My Natur'."
A Glimmer Of A Smile Hovered around Mrs. Arnot'S Flexible Mouth, But She
Only Asked quietly:
"Is That All?"
"I Should Think That Was Enough, After All That I Had Felt And
"I Fear I Shall Shock You, Egbert, But I Am Not Very Much Surprised at
Your Course. Indeed i Think It Was Quite Natural, In view Of The
Circumstances. Perhaps My Nature Is Akin To Mr. Growther'S, For I Am
Rather Glad That Fellow Was Punished; And I Think It Was Very Natural
For You To Punish Him As You Did. So Far From Despairing Of You, I Am
The More Hopeful Of You."
"Mrs. Arnot!" Exclaimed the Youth In undisguised astonishment
"Now Do Not Jump To Hasty And False Conclusions From My Words; I Do Not
Say That Your Action Was Right. In the Abstract It Was Decidedly Wrong,
And For Your Language There Is No Other Excuse Save That An Old, Bad
Habit Asserted itself At A Time When You Had Lost Self-Control. I Am
Dealing Leniently With You, Egbert, Because It Is A Trick Of The
Adversary To Tempt To Despair As Well As To Over-Confidence. At The Same
Time I Speak Sincerely. You Are And Have Been For Some Time In a Morbid
State Of Mind. Let My Simple Common-Sense Come To Your Aid In this
Emergency. The Very Conditions Under Which You Have Been Working at The
Mill Imposed a Continuous Strain Upon Your Nervous Power. You Were
Steadily Approaching a Point Where Mere Human Endurance Would Give Way.
Mark, I Do Not Say That You Might Not Have Been Helped to Endure Longer,
And To Endure Everything; But Mere Human Nature Could Not Have Endured
It Much Longer. It Is Often Wiser To Shun Certain Temptations, If We
Can, Than To Meet Them. You Could Not Do This; And If, Taking Into
Account All The Circumstances, You Could Have Tamely Submitted to This
Insult, Which Was The Culmination Of Long-Continued and Exasperating
Injury, I Should Have Doubted whether You Possessed the Material To Make
A Strong, Forceful Man. Of Course, If You Often Give Way To Passion In
This Manner, You Would Be Little Better Than A Wild Beast; But For Weeks
You Had Exercised very Great Forbearance And Self-Control--For One Of
Your Temperament, Remarkable Self-Control--And I Respect You For It. We
Are As Truly Bound To Be Just To Ourselves As To Others. Your Action Was
Certainly Wrong, And I Would Be Deeply Grieved and Disappointed if You
Continued to Give Way To Such Ebullitions Of Passion; But Remembering
Your Youth, And All That Has Happened since Spring, And Observing
Plainly That You Are In an Unhealthful Condition Of Mind And Body, I
Think Your Course Was Very Natural Indeed, And That You Have No Occasion
For Such Despondency."
"Yes," Put In mr. Growther; "And He Went Away Without His Breakfast, And
It Was Mighty Little He Took For Lunch; All Men Are Savages When They
Haven'T Eaten Anything."
"Pardon Me, Mrs. Arnot," Said Haldane Gloomily, "All This Does Not Meet
The Case At All. I Had Been Hoping That I Was A Christian; What Is More,
It Seems To Me That I Had Had The Feelings And Experiences Of A
"I Have Nothing To Say Against That," Said The Lady Quietly; "I Am Very
Glad That You Had."
"After What Has Occurred what Right Have I To Think Myself A Christian?"
"As Good A Right As Multitudes Of Others."
"Now, Mrs. Arnot, That Seems To Me To Be Contrary To Reason."
"It Is Not Contrary To Fact. Good People In the Bible, Good People In
History, And To My Personal Knowledge, Too, Have Been Left To Do
Outrageously Wrong Things. To Err Is Human; And We Are All Very Human,
"But I Don'T Feel That I Am A Christian Any Longer," He Said Sadly.
"Perhaps You Are Not, And Never Were. But This Is A Question That You
Can Never Settle By Consulting Your Own Feelings."
"Then How Can I Settle It?" Was The Eager Response.
"By Settling Fully And Finally In your Mind What Relation You Will
Sustain To Jesus Christ. He Offers To Be Your Complete Saviour From Sin.
Will You Accept Of Him As Such? He Offers To Be Your Divine And Unerring
Guide And Example In your Everyday Life. Will You Accept Of Him As Such?
Doing These Two Things In simple Honesty And To The Best Of Our Ability
Is The Only Way To Be A Christian That I Know Of."
"Is That All?" Muttered mr. Growther, Rising For A Moment From His Chair
In His Deep Interest In her Words. She Gave Him An Encouraging Smile,
And Then Turned to Haldane Again.
"Mrs. Arnot," He Said, "I Know That You Are Far Wiser In these Matters
Than I, And Yet I Am Bewildered. The Bible Says We Must Be Converted;
That We Must Be Born Again. It Seems To Require Some Great, Mysterious
Change That Shall Renew Our Whole Nature. And It Seemed to Me That I
Experienced that Change. It Would Be Impossible For Me To Describe To
You My Emotions. They Were Sincere And Profound. They Stirred the Very
Depths Of My Soul, And Under Their Influence It Was A Joy To Worship God
And To Do His Will. Had I Not A Right To Believe That The Hour In which
I First Felt Those Glad Thrills Of Faith And Love Was The Hour Of My
"You Had A Right To Hope It."
"But Now, To-Day, When Every Bad Passion Has Been Uppermost In my Heart,
What Reason Have I To Hope?"
"None At All, Looking To Yourself And To Your Varying Emotions."
"Mrs. Arnot, I Am Bewildered. I Am All At Sea. The Bible, As Interpreted
By Dr. Barstow And Dr. Marks, Seems To Require So Much; And What You Say
Is Required is Simplicity Itself."
"If You Will Listen Patiently, Egbert, I Will Give You My Views, And I
Think They Are Correct, For I Endeavor To Take Them Wholly From The
Bible. That Which God Requires Is Simplicity Itself, And Yet It Is Very
Much; It Is Infinite. In the First Place, One Must Give Up
Self-Righteousness--Not Self-Respect, Mark You--But Mere Spiritual
Self-Conceit, Which Is Akin To The Feeling Of Some Vulgar People Who
Think They Are Good Enough To Associate With Those Who Are Immeasurably
Beyond Them, But Whose Superiority They Are Too Small To Comprehend. We
Must Come To God In the Spirit Of A Little Child; And Then, As If We
Were Children, He Will Give To Us A Natural And Healthful Growth In the
Life That Resembles His Own. This Is The Simplest Thing That Can Be
Done, And All Can Do It; But How Many Are Trying To Work Out Their
Salvation By Some Intricate Method Of Human Device, And, Stranger Still,
Are Very Complacent Over The Mechanical And Abnormal Results! All Such
Futile Efforts, Of Which Many Are So Vain, Must Be Cast Aside. Listen To
Christ'S Own Words: 'Learn Of Me, For I Am Meek And Lowly In heart.' He
Who Would Enter Upon The Christian Life, Must Come To Christ As The True
Scientist Sits At The Feet Of Nature--Docile, Teachable, Eager To Learn
Truth That Existed long Before He Was Born, And Not Disposed to Thrust
Forward Some Miserable Little System Of His Own. Nothing Could Be
Simpler, Easier, Or More Pleasing To Christ Himself Than The Action Of
Mary As She Sat At His Feet And Listened to Him; But Many Are Like
Martha, And Are Bustling about In his Service In ways Pleasing To
Themselves; And It Is Very Hard For Them To Give Up Their Own Way. I'Ve
Had To Give Up A Great Deal In my Time, And Perhaps You Will.
"In Addition To All Trust In ourselves, In what We Are And What We Have
Done, We Must Turn Away From What We Have Felt; And Here I Think I Touch
Your Present Difficulties. We Are Not Saved by The Emotions Of Our Own
Hearts, However Sacred and Delightful They May Seem. Nor Do They Always
Indicate Just What We Are And Shall Be. A Few Weeks Since You Thought
Your Heart Had Become The Abiding-Place Of All That Was Good; Now, It
Seems To You To Be Possessed by Evil. This Is Common Experience; At One
Time The Psalmist Sings In rapturous Devotion; Again, He Is Wailing In
Penitence Over One Of The Blackest Crimes In history. Peter Is On The
Mount Of Transfiguration; Again He Is Denying His Master With Oaths And
Curses. Even Good Men Vary As Widely As This; But Christ Is 'The Same,
Yesterday, To-Day, And Forever.' By Good Men I Mean Simply Those Who Are
Sincerely Wishing and Trying To Obtain Mastery Over The Evil Of Their
Natures. If You Still Wish To Do This, I Have Abundant Hope For You--As
Much Hope As Ever I Had."
"Of What Value, Then, Were All Those Strange, Happy Feelings Which I
Regarded as The Proofs Of My Conversion?" Haldane Asked, With The Look
Of Deep Perplexity Still Upon His Face.
"Of Very Great Value, If You Look Upon Them In their True Light. They
Were Evidences Of God'S Love And Favor. They Showed how Kindly Disposed
He Is Toward You. They Can Prove To You How Abundantly Able He Is To
Reward All Trust And Service, Giving Foretastes Of Heavenly Bliss Even
In The Midst Of Earthly Warfare. The Trouble Has Been With You, As With
So Many Others, That You Have Been Consulting Your Variable Emotions
Instead Of Looking Simply To Christ, The Author And Finisher Of Our
Faith. Besides, The Power Is Not Given To Us To Maintain An Equable Flow
Of Feeling For Any Considerable Length Of Time. We React From Exaltation
Into Depression Inevitably. Our Feelings Depend Largely Also Upon
Earthly Causes And Our Physical Condition, And We Can Never Be
Absolutely Sure How Far They Are The Result Of The Direct Action Of
God'S Spirit Upon Our Minds. It Is God'S Plan To Work Through Simple,
Natural Means, So That We May Not Be Looking and Waiting For The
Supernatural. And Yet It Would Seem That Many Are So Irrational That,
When They Find Mere Feeling Passing away, They Give Up Their Hope And
All Relationship To Christ, Acting as If The Immutable Love Of God Were
Changing With Their Flickering Emotions."
"I Have Been Just So Irrational," Said Haldane In a Low, Deep Tone.
"Then Settle It Now And Forever, My Dear Young Friend, That Jesus
Christ, Who Died to Save You, Wishes To Save You Every Day And All The
Days Of Your Life. He Does Not Change A Hair-Breadth From The Attitude
Indicated in the Words, 'Come Unto Me; And Whosoever Cometh Unto Me I
Will In no Wise Cast Out.'"
"Do You Mean To Say He Feels That Way Toward Me All The Time, In spite
Of All My Cantankerous Moods?" Asked mr. Growther Eagerly.
"Most Certainly."
"I Wouldn'T A' Thought It If I'D Lived a Thousand Years."
"What, Then, Is Conversion?" Asked haldane, Feeling as If He Were Being
Led safely Out Of A Labyrinth In which He Had Lost Himself.
"In My View It Is Simply Turning away From Everything To Christ As The
Sole Ground Of Our Salvation And As Our Divine Guide And Example In
Christian Living."
"But How Can We Ever Know That We Are Christians?"
"Only By The Honest, Patient, Continued effort To Obey His Brief
Command, 'Follow Me.' We May Follow Near, Or We May Follow Afar Off; But
We Can Soon Learn Whether We Wish To Get Nearer To Him, Or To Get Away
From Him, Or To Just Indifferently Let Him Drop Out Of Our Thoughts. The
Christian Is One Who Holds And Maintains Certain Simple Relations To
Christ. 'Ye Are My Friends,' He Said, Not If You Feel Thus And So, But,
'If Ye Do Whatsoever I Command You;' And I Have Found From Many Years'
Experience That 'His Commandments Are Not Grievous.' For Every Burden He
Imposes He Gives Help And Comfort A Hundred times. The More Closely And
Faithfully We Follow Him, The More Surely Do Fear And Doubt Pass Away.
We Learn To Look Up To Him As A Child Looks In its Mother'S Face, And
'His Spirit Beareth Witness With Our Spirit That We Are His.' But The
Vital Point Is, Are We Following Him? Feeling Varies So Widely And
Strangely In varied circumstances And With Different Temperaments That
Many A True Saint Of God Would Be Left In cruel Uncertainty If This Were
The Test. My Creed is A Very Simple One, Egbert; But I Take A World Of
Comfort In it. It Contains Only Three Words--Trust, Follow Christ
--That Is All."
"It Is So Simple And Plain That I Am Tempted to Take It As My Creed
Also," Said Haldane, With A Tinge Of Hope And Enthusiasm In his Manner,
"And Yet Remember," Warned his Friend Earnestly, "There Is Infinite
Requirement In it. A Child Can Make A Rude Sketch Of A Perfect Statue
That Will Bear Some Faint Resemblance To It. If He Persevere He Can
Gradually Learn To Draw The Statue With Increasing accuracy. In taking
This Divine Man As Your Example, You Pledge Yourself To Imitate One Whom
You Can Ever Approach But Never Reach. And Yet There Is No Occasion For
The Weakest To Falter Before This Infinite Requirement, For God Himself
In Spirit Is Present Everywhere To Aid All In regaining The Lost Image
Of Himself. It Is To No Lonely Unguided effort That I Urge You, Egbert,
But To A Patient Co-Working With Your Maker, That You May Attain A
Character That Will Fit You To Dwell At Last In your Kingly Father'S
House; And I Tell You Frankly, For Your Encouragement, That You Are
Capable Of Forming Such A Character. I Will Now Bid You Good-Night, And
Leave You To Think Over What I Have Said. But Write To Me Or Come To Me
Whenever You Wish."
"Good-Night, Mr. Growther; Hate Yourself If You Will, But Remember That
The Bible Assures Us That 'God Is Love'; You Cannot Hate Him."
Chapter XLII (The Lever That Moves The World)
The Power Of Truth Can Scarcely Be Overestimated, And The Mind That
Earnestly Seeks It Becomes Noble In its Noble Quest. If This Can Be Said
Of Truth In the Abstract, And In its Humbler Manifestations, How
Omnipotent Truth Becomes In its Grandest Culmination And Embodied in a
Being Capable Of Inspiring Our Profoundest Fear And Deepest Love. One
May Accept Of Religious Forms And Philosophies, And Be Little Changed
Thereby. One May Be Perfectly Saturated with Ecclesiasticism, And Still
Continue A Small-Natured man. But The Man That Accepts Of Jesus Christ
As A Personal And Living Teacher, As Did The Fishermen Of Galilee, That
Man Begins To Grow Large And Noble, Brave And Patient.
Egbert Haldane Has Been Sketched as An Ordinary Youth. There Are
Thousands Like Him Who Have Been Warped and Marred by Early Influences,
But More Seriously Injured by A Personal And Wilful Yielding To Whatever
Form Of Evil Proved attractive. The Majority Are Not So Unwary Or So
Unfortunate As He Was; But Multitudes, For Whom Society Has
Comparatively Little Criticism, Are More Vitiated at Heart, More
Cold-Blooded and Deliberate In their Evil. One May Form A Base
Character, But Maintain An Outward Respectability; But Let Him Not Be
Very Complacent Over The Decorous And Conventional Veneer Which Masks
Him From The World. If One Imagines That He Can Corrupt His Own Soul And
Make It The Abiding-Place Of Foul Thoughts, Mean Impulses, And
Shrivelling Selfishness, And Yet Go Forward Very Far In god'S Universe
Without Meeting Overwhelming Disaster, He Will Find Himself Thoroughly
The Sin Of Another Man Finds Him Out In swift Sequence Upon Its
Committal, And Such Had Been Haldane'S Experience. He Had Been Taught
Promptly The Nature Of The Harvest Which Evil Produces Inevitably.
The Terrible Consequences Of Sin Prevent And Deter From It In many
Instances, But They Have No Very Great Reformatory Power It Would Seem.
Multitudes To-Day Are _In Extremis_ From Destroying Vices, And
Recognize The Fact; But So Far From Reacting Upward Into Virtue, Even
After Vice (Save In the Intent Of The Heart) Has Ceased to Be Possible,
There Seems To Be A Moral Inertia Which Nothing Moves, Or A Reckless And
Increasing Impetus Downward.
It Would Appear That, In order To Save The Sinful, A Strong, And Yet
Gentle And Loving, Hand Must Be Laid Upon Them. The Stern Grasp Of
Justice, The Grip Of Pain, Law--Human And Divine--With Its Severe
Penalties, And Conscience Re-Echoing Its Thunders, All Lead Too Often To
Despondency, Recklessness, And Despair. It Would Be Difficult To Imagine
A Worse Hell Than Vice Often Digs For Its Votaries, Even In this World;
And In spite Of All Human Philosophies, And Human Wishes To The
Contrary, It Remains A Fact That The Guilty Soul Trembles At A Worse
Hereafter, And Yet No Sufferings, No Fears, No Fate Can So Appall As To
Turn The Soul From Its Infatuation With That Which Is Destroying It.
More Potent Than Commands, Threats, And Their Dire Fulfilment, Is Love,
Which Wins And Entreats Back To Virtue The Man Whom Even Omnipotence
Could Not Drive Back.
In The Flood God Overwhelmed the Sinful World In sudden Destruction, But
The Race Continued sinning all The Same. At Last God Came Among Men, And
Shared in their Lot And Nature. He Taught Them, He Sympathized with
Them, He Loved them, He Died for Them, And When The Wondrous Story Is
Told As It Should Be, The Most Reckless Pause To Listen, The Most
Callous Are Touched, And Those Who Would Otherwise Despair In their
Guilt Are Led to Believe That There Is A Heart Large And Tender Enough
To Pity And Save Even Such As The World Is Ready To Spurn Into A
Dishonored grave.
The Love Of God As Manifested in christ Of Nazareth Is Doing More For
Humanity Than All Other Influences Combined. The Best And Noblest
Elements Of Our Civilization Can Be Traced either Directly Or Indirectly
To Him, And Shadows Brood Heavily Over Both The Lands And Hearts That
Neither Know Nor Care For Him.
It Would Seem, Then, That Not The Wrath Of God, But His Love, Is Most
Effective In separating Men From The Evil Which Would Otherwise Destroy
Them. God Could Best Manifest This Love By Becoming a Man "Made Like
Unto His Brethren"; For The Love Of God Is Ever Best Taught And Best
Understood, Not As A Doctrine, But When Embodied in some Large-Hearted
And Christlike Person.
Such A Person Most Emphatically Was Mrs. Arnot; And Because Of These
Divine Characteristics Her Gentle, Womanly Hand Became More Potent To
Save Young Haldane Than Were All The Powers Of Evil And The Downward
Impetus Of A Bad Life To Destroy.
How Very Many, Like Him, Might Be Saved, Were More Women Of Tact And
Culture, Large-Hearted also And Willing To Give A Part Of Their Time To
Such Noble Uses!
By A Personal And Human Ministry, The Method That Has Ever Been Most
Effective In god'S Providence, Haldane Was At Last Brought Into Close,
Intimate Relations With The Divine Teacher Himself. He Was Led to Look
Away From His Own Fitful Emotions And Vague Experiences To One Who Was
His Strong And Unchanging Friend. He Was Led to Take As His Daily Guide
And Teacher The One Who Developed peter The Fisherman, Paul The Bigot,
Luther The Ignorant Monk, Into What They Eventually Became, And It Was
Not Strange, Therefore, That His Crude, Misshapen Character Should
Gradually Assume The Outlines Of Moral Symmetry, And That Strength
Should Take The Place Of Weakness. He Commenced to Learn By Experience
The Truth Which Many Never Half Believe, That God Is As Willing To
Lovingly Fashion The Spiritual Life Of Some Humble Follower As He Is To
Shape The Destiny Of Those Who Are To Be Famous In the Annals Of The
Church And The World.
To Haldane'S Surprise He Was Not Discharged from His Humble Position In
Mr. Ivison'S Employ, And The Explanation, Which Soon Afterward Appeared,
Gave Him Great Encouragement. The Man Whom He Had So Severely Punished
In His Outburst Of Passion, Vented his Spite By Giving To The _Morning
Courier_ An Exaggerated and Distorted account Of The Affair, In which
The Youth Was Made To Exchange Places With Himself, And Appear As A
Coarse, Quarrelsome Bully.
When Haldane'S Attention Was Called to The Paragraph His Face Flushed
With Indignation As He Read It; But He Threw The Paper Down And Went To
His Work Without A Word Of Comment. He Had Already About Despaired of
Anything Like Justice Or Friendly Recognition From The Public, And He
Turned from This Additional Wrong With A Feeling Not Far Removed from
Indifference. He Was Learning The Value Of Mrs. Arnot'S Suggestion, That
A Consciousness Of One'S Own Integrity Can Do More To Sustain Than The
World'S Opinion, And Her Words On The Previous Evening Had Taught Him
How A Companionship, And Eventually A Character, Might Be Won That Could
Compensate Him For All That He Had Lost Or Might Suffer.
His Persecutor Was, Therefore, Disappointed in seeing How Little
Annoyance His Spite Occasioned, Nor Was His Equanimity Increased by A
Message From Mr. Ivison Ordering His Instant Discharge.
The Following Morning The Foreman Of The Room In which Haldane Worked
Came To Him With Quite A Show Of Friendliness, And Said:
"It Seems Ye'Re In luck, For The Boss Takes An Interest In ye. Read
That; I Wouldn'T A' Thought It."
Hope Sprang Up Anew In the Young Man'S Breast As He Read The Following
Editor Courier.--_Dear Sir:_ You Will Doubtless Give Space For This
Correction In regard To The Fracas Which Took Place In my Factory A Day
Or Two Since. You, With All Right-Minded men, Surely Desire That No
Injustice Should Be Done To Any One In any Circumstances. Very Great
Injustice Was Done To Young Haldane In your Issue Of To-Day. I Have
Taken Pains To Inform Myself Accurately, And Have Learned that He
Patiently Submitted to A Petty Persecution For A Long Time, And At Last
Gave Way To Natural Anger Under A Provocation Such As No Man Of Spirit
Could Endure. His Tormentor, A Coarse, Ill-Conditioned fellow, Was
Justly Punished, And I Have Discharged him From My Employ. I Have
Nothing To Offer In extenuation Of Young Haldane'S Past Faults, And, If
I Remember Correctly, The Press Of The City Has Always Been Fully As
Severe Upon Him As The Occasion Demanded. If Any Further Space Is Given
To His Fortunes, Justice At Least, Not To Say A Little Encouraging
Kindness, Should Be Accorded to Him, As Well As Severity. It Should Be
Stated that For Weeks He Has Been Trying To Earn An Honest Livelihood,
And In a Situation Peculiarly Trying To Him I Have Been Told That He
Sincerely Wishes To Reform And Live A Cleanly And Decent Life, And I
Have Obtained evidence That Satisfies Me Of The Truth Of This Report. It
Appears To Me That It Is As Mean A Thing For Newspapers To Strike A Man
Who Is Down, But Who Is Endeavoring To Rise Again, As It Is For An
Individual To Do So, And I Am Sure That You Will Not Consciously Permit
Your Journal To Give Any Such Sinister Blow. Respectfully Yours, John
In Editorial Comment Came The Following Brief Remark:
We Gladly Give Mr. Ivison'S Communication A Prominent Place. It Is Not
Our Intention To "Strike" Any One, But Merely To Record Each Day'S
Events As They Come To Us. With The Best Intentions Mistakes Are
Sometimes Made. We Have No Possible Motive For Not Wishing Young Haldane
Well--We Do Wish Him Success In achieving a Better Future Than His Past
Actions Have Led us To Expect. The City Would Be Much Better Off If All
Of His Class Were Equally Ready To Go To Work.
Here At Least Was Some Recognition. The Fact That He Was Working, And
Willing To Work, Had Been Plainly Stated, And This Fact Is An Essential
Foundation-Stone In the Building Up Of A Reputation Which The World Will
Although The Discharge Of The Leading Persecutor, And Mr. Ivison'S
Letter, Did Not Add To Haldane'S Popularity At The Mill, They Led to His
Being Severely Let Alone At First, And An Increasingly Frank And Affable
Manner On The Part Of The Young Man, As He Gained in patience And
Serenity, Gradually Disarmed those Who Were Not Vindictive And Blind
From Prejudice.
Poor Mrs. Haldane Seemed destined to Be Her Son'S Evil Genius To The
End. When People Take A False View Of Life There Seems A Fatality In all
Their Actions. The Very Fact That They Are Not In accord With What Is
Right And True Causes The Most Important Steps Of Their Lives To Appear
Ill-Timed, Injudicious, And Unnatural. That They Are Well-Meaning and
Sincere Does Not Help Matters Much, If Both Tact And Sound Principles
Are Wanting. Mrs. Haldane Belonged to The Class That Are Sure That
Everything Is Right Which Seems Right To Them. True, It Was A Queer
Little Jumble Of Religious Prejudices And Conventional Notions That
Combined to Produce Her Conclusions; But When Once They Were Reached, No
Matter How Absurd Or Defective They Appeared to Others, She Had No More
Doubt Of Them Than Of The Copernican System.
Her Motherly Feelings Had Made Her Willing To Take Her Son To Some
Hiding-Place In europe; But Since That Could Not Be, And Perhaps Was Not
Best, She Had Thoroughly Settled it In her Mind That He Should Accept Of
Her Offer And Live At Her Expense The Undemonstrative Life Of An Oyster
In The Social And Moral Ooze Of The Obscurest Mud-Bank He Could Find. In
This Way The Terrible World Might Be Led to Eventually Leave Off Talking
And Thinking Of The Haldane Family--A Consummation That Appeared to Her
Worth Any Sacrifice. When The Morning Paper Brought Another Vile Story
(Copied from The Hillaton "Courier") Of Her Son'S Misdoings, Her Adverse
View Of His Plans And Character Was Confirmed beyond The Shadow Of A
Doubt. She Felt That There Was A Fatality About The Place And Its
Associations For Him, And Her One Hope Was To Get Him Away.
She Cut The Article From The Paper And Inclosed it To Him With The
Accompanying Note:
"We Go To New York This Afternoon, And Sail For Europe To-Morrow. You
Send Us In parting a Characteristic Souvenir, Which I Return To You. The
Scenes And Associations Indicated in this Disgraceful Paragraph Seem
More To Your Taste Than Those Which Your Family Have Hitherto Enjoyed as
Their Right For Many Generations. While This Remains True, You, Of
Necessity, Cut Yourself Off From Your Kindred, And We, Who Are Most
Closely Connected, Must Remain Where Our Names Cannot Be Associated with
Yours. I Still Cherish The Hope, However, That You May Find The Way Of
The Transgressor So Hard That You Will Be Brought By Your Bitter
Experience To Accept Of My Offer And Give The World A Chance To Forget
Your Folly And Wickedness. When You Will Do This In good Faith (And My
Lawyer Will See That It Is Done In good Faith), You May Draw On Him For
The Means Of A Comfortable Support. In bitter Shame And Sorrow, Your
"Emily Haldane."
This Letter Was A Severe Blow To Her Son, For It Contained the Last
Words Of The Mother That He Might Not See For Years. While He Felt It To
Be Cruelly Unjust To Him And His Present Aims, He Was Calm Enough Now To
See That The Distorted paragraph Which Led to It Fitted in only Too Well
With The Past, And So Had The Coloring Of Truth. When Inclined to Blame
His Mother For Not Waiting For His Versions Of These Miserable Events
And Accepting Of Them Alone, He Was Compelled to Remember That She Was
In Part Awakened from Her Blind Idolatry Of Him By The Discovery Of His
Efforts To Deceive Her In regard To His Increasing Dissipation. Even
Before He Had Entered mr. Arnot'S Counting-Room He Had Taught Her To
Doubt His Word, And Now She Had Evidently Lost Confidence In him
Utterly. He Foresaw That This Confidence Could Be Regained only By Years
Of Patient Well-Doing, And That She Might Incline To Believe In him More
Slowly Even Than Comparative Strangers. But He Was Not Disposed to Be
Very Angry And Resentful, For He Now Had But Little Confidence In
Himself. He Had Been Led, However, By His Bitter Experience And By Mrs.
Arnot'S Faithful Ministry To Adopt That Lady'S Brief But Comprehensive
Creed, He Was Learning To Trust In christ As An All-Powerful And
Personal Friend; He Was Daily Seeking To Grasp The Principles Which
Christ Taught, But More Clearly Acted out, And Which Are Essential To
The Formation Of A Noble Character. He Had Thus Complied with The Best
Conditions Of Spiritual Growth; And The Crude Elements Of His Character,
Which Had Been Rendered more Chaotic By Evil, Slowly Began To Shape
Themselves Into The Symmetry Of A True Man.
In Regard To His Mother'S Letter, All That He Could Do Was To Inclose To
Her, With The Request That It Be Forwarded, Mr. Ivison'S Defence Of Him,
Which Appeared in the "Courier" Of The Following Morning.
"You Perceive," He Wrote, "That A Stranger Has Taken Pains To Inform
Himself Correctly In regard To The Facts Of The Case, And That He Has
For Me Some Charity And Hope. I Do Not Excuse The Wrong Of My Action On
That Occasion Or On Any Other, But I Do Wish, And I Am Trying, To Do
Better, And I Hope To Prove The Same To You By Years Of Patient Effort.
I May Fail Miserably, However, As You Evidently Believe. The Fact That
My Folly And Wickedness Have Driven You And My Sisters Into Exile, Is A
Very Great Sorrow To Me, But Compliance With Your Request That I Should
Leave Hillaton And Go Into Hiding Would Bring No Remedy At All. I Know
That I Should Do Worse Anywhere Else, And My Self-Respect And Conscience
Both Require That I Should Fight The Battle Of My Life Out Here Where I
Have Suffered such Disgraceful Defeat."
Chapter XLIII (Mr. Growther "Stumped")
About Three Weeks After The Occasion Upon Which Haldane'S Human Nature
Had Manifested itself In such A Disastrous Manner As He Had Supposed,
Mrs. Arnot, Dr. Barstow, And Mr. Ivison Happened to Find Themselves
Together At An Evening Company.
"I Have Been Wishing To Thank You, Mr. Ivison," Said The Lady, "For Your
Just And Manly Letter In regard To Young Haldane. I Think It Encouraged
Him Very Much, And Has Given Him More Hopefulness In his Work. How Has
He Been Doing Of Late? The Only Reply He Makes To My Questioning Is, 'I
Am Plodding On.'"
"Do You Know," Said Mr. Ivison, "I Am Beginning To Take Quite An
Interest In that Young Fellow. He Has Genuine Pluck. You Cannot
Understand, Mrs. Arnot, What An Ordeal He Has Passed through. He Is
Naturally As Mettlesome As A Young Colt, And Yet Day After Day He Was
Subjected to Words And Actions That Were To Him Like The Cut Of A Whip."
"Mr. Ivison," Said Mrs. Arnot, With A Sudden Moisture Coming Into Her
Eyes, "I Have Long Felt The Deepest Interest In this Young Man. In
Judging any One I Try To Consider Not Only What He Does, But All The
Circumstances Attending Upon His Action. Knowing Haldane'S Antecedents,
And How Peculiarly Unfitted he Was By Early Life And Training For His
Present Trials, I Think His Course Since He Was Last Released from
Prison Has Been Very Brave," And She Gave A Brief Sketch Of His Life And
Mental States, As Far As A Delicate Regard For His Feelings Permitted,
From That Date.
Dr. Barstow, In his Turn, Also Became Interested in the Youth, Not Only
For His Own Sake, But Also In the Workings Of His Mind And His Spiritual
Experiences. It Was The Good Doctor'S Tendency To Analyze Everything and
Place All Psychological Manifestations Under Their Proper Theological
"I Feel That I Indirectly Owe This Youth A Large Debt Of Gratitude,
Since His Coming To Our Church And His Repulse, In the First Instance,
Has Led to Decided changes For The Better In us All, I Trust. But His
Experience, As You Have Related it, Raises Some Perplexing Questions. Do
You Think He Is A Christian?"
"I Do Not Know. I Think He Is," Replied mrs. Arnot.
"When Do You Think He Became A Christian?"
"Still Less Can I Answer That Question Definitely."
"But Would Not One Naturally Think It Was When He Was Conscious Of That
Happy Change In the Study Of Good Old Dr. Marks?"
"Poor Haldane Has Been Conscious Of Many Changes And Experiences, But I
Do Not Despise Or Make Light Of Any Of Them. It Is Certainly Sensible To
Believe That Every Effect Has A Cause; And For One I Believe That These
Strange, Mystical, And Often Rich And Rapturous Experiences, Are Largely
And Perhaps Wholly Caused in many Instances By The Direct Action Of
God'S Spirit On The Human Spirit. Again, It Would Seem That Men'S
Religious Natures Are Profoundly Stirred by Human And Earthly Causes,
For The Emotion Ceases With The Cause. It Appears To Me That If People
Would Only Learn To Look At These Experiences In a Sensible Way, They
Would Be The Better And Wiser For Them. We Are Thus Taught What A Grand
Instrument The Soul Is, And Of What Divine Harmonies And Profound
Emotions It Is Capable When Played upon By Any Adequate Power. To Expect
To Maintain This Exaltation With Our Present Nature Is Like Requiring Of
The Athlete That He Never Relax His Muscles, Or Of The Prima Donna That
She Never Cease The Exquisite Trill Which Is But The Momentary Proof Of
What Her Present Organization Is Capable. And Yet It Would Appear That
Many, Like Poor Haldane, Are Tempted on One Hand To Entertain No
Christian Hope Because They Cannot Produce These Deep And Happy
Emotions; Or, On The Other Hand, To Give Up Christian Hope Because These
Emotions Cease In the Inevitable Reaction That Follows Them. In my
Opinion It Is When We Accept Of Christ As Saviour And Guide We Become
Christians, And A Christian Life Is The Maintenance Of This Simple Yet
Vital Relationship. We Thus Continue Branches Of The 'True Vine.' I
Think Haldane Has Formed this Relationship."
"It Would Seem From Your Account That He Had Formed it, Consciously, But
A Very Brief Time Since," Said Dr. Barlow, "And Yet For Weeks Previous
He Had Been Putting Forth What Closely Resembles Christian Effort,
Exercising Christian Forbearance, And For A Time At Least Enjoying Happy
Spiritual Experiences. Can You Believe That All This Is Possible To One
Who Is Yet Dead In trespasses And Sins?"
"My Dear Dr. Barstow, I Cannot Apply Your Systematic Theology To All Of
God'S Creatures Any More Than I Could Apply A Rigid And Carefully
Lined-Out System Of Parental Affection And Government To Your Household.
I Know That You Love All Of Your Children, Both When They Are Good And
When They Are Bad, And That You Are Ever Trying To Help The Naughty Ones
To Be Better. I Am Inclined to Think That I Could Learn More Sound
Theology On These Points In your Nursery And Dining-Room Than In your
Study. I Am Sure, However, That God Does Not Wait Till His Little
Bewildered children Reach A Certain Theological Mile-Stone Before
Reaching Out His Hand To Guide And Help Them."
"You Are Both Better Theologians Than I Am," Said Mr. Ivison, "And I
Shall Not Enter The Lists With You On That Ground; But I Know What
Mill-Life Is To One Of His Caste And Feeling, And His Taking Such Work,
And His Sticking To It Under The Circumstances, Is An Exhibition Of More
Pluck Than Most Young Men Possess. And Yet It Was His Only Chance, For
When People Get Down As Low As He Was They Must Take Any Honest Work In
Order To Obtain A Foothold. Even Now, Burdened as He Is By An Evil Name,
It Is Difficult To See How He Can Rise Any Higher."
"Could You Not Give Him A Clerkship?" Asked mrs. Arnot.
"No, I Could Not Introduce Him Among My Other Clerks. They Would Resent
It As An Insult."
"You Could Do This," Said Mrs. Arnot With A Slight Flush, "But I Do Not
Urge It Or Even Ask It. You Are In a Position To Show Great And Generous
Kindness Toward This Young Man. As He Who Was Highest Stooped to The
Lowliest, So Those High In station And Influence Can Often Stoop To The
Humble And Fallen With A Better Grace Than Those Hearer To Them In rank.
If You Believe This Young Man Is Now Trustworthy, And That Trusting Him
Would Make Him Still More So, You Could Give Him A Desk In your Private
Office, And Thus Teach Your Clerks A Larger Charity. The Influential And
Assured in position Must Often Take The Lead In these Matters."
Mr. Ivison Thought A Moment, And Then Said: "Your Proposition Is
Unusual, Mrs. Arnot, But I'Ll Think Of It. I Make No Promises, However."
"Mr. Ivison," Added mrs. Arnot, In her Smiling, Happy Way, "I Hope You
May Make A Great Deal Of Money Out Of Your Business This Year; But If,
By Means Of It, You Can Also Aid In making a Good And True Man, You Will
Be Still Better Off. Dr. Barstow Here Can Tell You How Sure Such
Investments Are."
"If I Should Follow Your Lead And That Of Dr. Barstow, All My Real
Estate Would Be In the 'Celestial City,'" Laughed mr. Ivison. "But I
Have A Special Admiration For The Grace Of Clear Grit, And This Young
Fellow, In declining His Mother'S Offer And Trying To Stand On His Feet
Here In hillaton, Where Every One Is Ready To Tread Him Down, Shows
Pluck, Whatever Else Is Wanting. I'Ve Had My Eye On Him For Some Time,
And I'M About Satisfied he'S Trying To Do Right. But It Is Difficult To
Know What To Do For One With His Ugly Reputation. I Will See What Can Be
Done, However."
That Same Evening Chilly Autumn Winds Were Blowing Without, And Mr.
Growther'S Passion For A Wood Fire Upon The Hearth Was An Indulgence To
Which Haldane No Longer Objected. The Frugal Supper Was Over, And The
Two Oddly Diverse Occupants Of The Quaint Old Kitchen Glowered at The
Red coals In silence, Each Busy With His Own Thoughts. At Last Haldane
Gave A Long Deep Sigh, Which Drew To Him At Once Mr. Growther'S Small
Twinkling Eyes.
"Tough Old World, Isn'T It, For Sinners Like Us?" He Remarked.
"Well, Mr. Growther, I'Ve Got Rather Tired of Inveighing against The
World; I'M Coming To Think That The Trouble Is Largely With Myself."
"Umph!" Snarled the Old Man, "I'Ve Allers Knowed the Trouble Was With
Me, For Of All Crabbed, Cranky, Cantankerous, Old--"
"Hold On," Cried haldane, Laughing, "Don'T You Remember What Mrs. Arnot
Said About Being Unjust To One'S Self? The Only Person That I Have Ever
Known You To Wrong Is Jeremiah Growther, And It Seems To Me That You Do
Treat Him Outrageously Sometimes."
At The Name Of Mrs. Arnot The Old Man'S Face Softened, And He Rubbed his
Hands Together As He Chuckled, "How Satan Must Hate That Woman!"
"I Was In hopes That Her Words Might Lead You To Be A Little Juster To
Yourself," Continued haldane, "And It Has Seemed to Me That You, As Well
As I, Have Been In a Better Mood Of Late."
"I Don'T Take No Stock In myself At All," Said Mr. Growther
Emphatically. "I'M A Crooked stick And Allers Will Be--A Reg'Lar Old
Gnarled knotty Stick, With Not 'Nuff Good Timber In it To Make A Penny
Whistle. That I Haven'T Been In as Cussin' A State As Usual Isn'T
Because I Think Any Better Of Myself, But Your Mrs. Arnot Has Set Me
A-Thinkin' On A New Track. She Come To See Me One Day While You Was At
The Mill, And We Had A Real Speret'Al Tussel. I Argufied my Case In such
A Way That She Couldn'T Git Round It, And I Proved to Her That I Was The
Driest And Crookedest Old Stick That Ever The Devil Twisted out O' Shape
When It Was A-Growin'. On A Suddent She Turned the Argerment Agin Me In
A Way That Has Stumped me Ever Since. 'You Are Right, Mr. Growther,' She
Said, 'It Was The Devil And Not The Lord That Twisted you Out Of Shape.
Now Who'S The Stronger,' She Says, 'And Who'S Goin' To Have His Own Way
In The End? Suppose You Are Very Crooked, Won'T The Lord Get All The
More Glory In making You Straight, And Won'T His Victory Be All The
Greater Over The Evil One?' Says I, 'Mrs. Arnot, That'S Puttin' My Case
In A New Light. If I Should Be Straightened out, It Would Be The
Awfulest Set-Back Old Nick Ever Had; And If Such A Thing Should Happen
He'D Never Feel Sure Of Any One After That.' Then She Turned on Me
Kinder Sharp, And Says She, 'What Right Have You To Say That God Is
Allers Lookin' Round For Easy Work? What Would You Think Of A Doctor Who
Would Take Only Slight Cases, And Have Nothing To Do With People Who
Were Gittin' Dangerous-Like? Isn'T Jesus Christ The Great Physician, And
Don'T Your Common-Sense Tell You That He Is Jist As Able To Cure You As
A Little Child?'
"I Declare I Was Stumped. Like That Ill-Mannered cuss In the Scripter
Who Thought His Old Clothes Good Enough For The Weddin', I Was
"But I Got A Worse Knock Down Than That. Says She, 'Mr. Growther, I Will
Not Dispute All The Hard Things You Have Said Of Yourself (You See I Had
Beat Her On That Line Of Argerment); I Won'T Dispute All That You Say
(And I Felt A Little Sot Up Agin, For I Didn'T Know What She Was
A-Drivin' At), But,' Says She, 'I Think You'Ve Got Some Natural
Feelin'S. Suppose You Had A Little Son, And While He Was Out In the
Street A Wicked man Should Carry Him Off And Treat Him So Cruelly That,
Instead Of Growin' To Be Strong And Fine-Lookin', He Should Become A
Puny, Deformed little Critter. Suppose At Last You Should Hear Where He
Was, And That He Was Longin' To Escape From The Cruel Bands Of His Harsh
Master, Who Kept On A-Treatin' Of Him Worse And Worse, Would You, His
Father, Go And Coolly Look At Him And Say, "If You Was Only A Handsome
Boy, With A Strong Mind In a Strong Body, I'D Deliver You Out Of This
Tyrant'S Clutches And Take You Back To Be My Son Again; But Since You
Are A Poor, Weak, Deformed little Critter, That Can Never Do Much, Or Be
Much, I'Ll Leave You Here To Be Abused and Tormented as Before"--Is
That What You Would Do, Mr. Growther?'
"Well, She Spoke It All So Earnest And Real-Like That I Got Off My
Guard, And I Jist Riz Right Up From My Cheer, And I Got Hold Of My Heavy
Old Cane There, And It Seemed as If My Hair Stood Right Up On End, I Was
That Mad At The Old Curmudgeon That Had My Boy, And I Half Shouts, 'No!
That Ain'T What I'D Do, I'D Go For That Cuss That Stole My Boy, And For
Every Blow He'D Given The Little Chap, I'D Give Him A Hundred.'
"'But What Would You Do With The Poor Little Boy?' She Asks. At That I
Began To Choke, My Feelin'S Was So Stirred up, And Moppin' My Eyes, I
Said, 'Poor Little Chap, All Beaten And Abused out O' Shape! What Would
I Do With Him? Why, I Couldn'T Do 'Nuff For Him In tryn' To Make Him
Forget All The Hard Times He'D Had.' Then Says She, 'You Would Twit The
Child With Bein' Weak, Puny, And Deformed, Would You?' I Was Now
Hobblin' Up And Down The Room In a Great State Of Excitement, And Says
I, 'Mrs. Arnot, Mean A Man As I Am, I Wouldn'T Treat Any Human Critter
So, Let Alone My Own Flesh And Blood, That Had Been So Abused that It
Makes My Heart Ache To Think On'T.'
"'Don'T You Think You Would Love The Boy A Little Even Though He Had A
Hump On His Back And His Features Were Thin And Sharp And Pale?' 'Mrs.
Arnot,' Says I, Moppin' My Eyes Agin, 'If You Say Another Word About The
Little Chap I Shall Be Struck All Of A Heap, Fur My Heart Jist Kinder--
Kinder Pains Like A Toothache To Do Somethin' For Him.' Then All Of A
Suddent She Turns On Me Sharp Agin, And Says She, 'I Think You Are A
Very Inconsistent Man, Mr. Growther. You Have Been Runnin' Yourself
Down, And Yet You Claim To Be Better Than Your Maker. He Calls Himself
Our Heavenly Father, And Yet You Are Sure That You Have A Kinder And
More Fatherly Heart Than He. You Are One Of His Little, Weak, Deformed
Children, Twisted all Out Of Shape, As You Have Described, By His Enemy
And Yours, And Yet You The Same As Say That You Would Act A Great Deal
More Like A True Father Toward Your Child Than He Will Toward His. You
Virtually Say That You Would Rescue Your Child And Be Pitiful And Tender
Toward Him, But That Your Heavenly Father Will Leave You In the Clutches
Of The Cruel Enemy, Or Exact Conditions That You Cannot Comply With
Before Doing anything For You. Haven'T You Read In the Bible That "Like
As A Father Pitieth His Children, So The Lord Pitieth Them That Fear
Him"? You Think Very Meanly Of Yourself, But You Appear To Think More
Meanly Of God. Where Is Your Warrant For Doing So?'
"The Truth Bust In on Me Like The Sunlight Into This Old Kitchen When We
Open The Shutters Of A Summer Mornin'. I Saw That I Was So Completely
Floored in the Argerment, And Had Made Such A Blasted old Fool Of Myself
All These Years, That I Just Looked around For A Knot-Hole To Crawl
Into. I Didn'T Know Which Way To Look, But At Last I Looked at Her, And
My Withered old Heart Gave A Great Thump When I Saw Two Tears A-Standin'
In Her Eyes. Then She Jumps Up And Gives Me That Warm Hand O' Her'N And
Says: 'Mr. Growther, Whenever You Wish To Know How God Feels Toward You,
Think How You Felt Toward That Little Chap That Was Abused and Beaten
All Out O' Shape,' And She Was Gone. Well, The Upshot Of It All Is That
I Don'T Think A Bit Better Of Myself--Not One Bit--But That Weakly
Little Chap, With A Peaked face And A Hump On His Back, That Mrs. Arnot
Made So Real-Like That I See Him A-Lookin' At Me Out Of The Cheer There
Half The Time--He'S A Makin' Me Better Acquainted with The Lord, For The
Lord Knows I'Ve Got A Hump On My Back And Humps All Over; But I Keep
A-Sayin' To Myself, 'Like As A Father Pitieth His Children,' And I Don'T
Feel Near As Much Like Cussin' As I Used to. That Little Chap That Mrs.
Arnot Described is Doin' Me A Sight O' Good, And If I Could Find Some
Poor Little Critter Just Like Him, With No One To Look After Him, I'D
Take Him In and Do For Him In a Minit."
"Mr. Growther," Said Haldane, Huskily, "You Have Found That Poor
Misshapen, Dwarfed creature That I Fear Will Never Attain The
Proportions Of A True Man. Of Course You See Through Mrs. Arnot'S
Imagery. In befriending Me You Are Caring For One Who Is Weak And Puny
"Oh, You Won'T Answer," Said Mr. Growther With A Laugh. "I Can See That
Your Humps Is Growin' Wisibly Less Every Day, And You'Re Too Big And
Broad-Shouldered for Me To Be A Pettin' And A Yearnin' Over. I Want Jest
Such A Peaked little Chap As Mrs. Arnot Pictured out, And That'S Doin'
Me Such A Sight O' Good."
Again The Two Occupants Of The Old Kitchen Gazed at The Fire For A Long
Time In silence, And Again There Came From The Young Man The Same
Long-Drawn Sigh That Had Attracted mr. Growther'S Attention Before.
"That'S The Second Time," He Remarked.
"I Was Thinking," Said Haldane, Rising To Retire, "Whether I Shall Ever
Have Better Work Than This Odious Routine At The Mill."
Mr. Growther Pondered over The Question A Few Minutes, And Then Said
Sententiously: "I'M Inclined to Think The Lord Gives Us As Good Work As
We'Re Cap'Ble Of Doin'. He'Ll Promote You When You'Ve Growed a Little
Chapter XLIV (Growth)
The Next Morning Haldane Received a Message Directing Him To Report At
Mr. Ivison'S Private Office During The Noon Recess.
"Be Seated," Said That Gentleman As The Young Man, Wearing an Anxious
And Somewhat Surprised expression, Entered hesitatingly And Diffidently.
"You Need not Look So Troubled, I Have Not Sent For You To Find
Fault--Quite The Reverse. You Have 'A Friend At Court,' As The Saying
Goes. Not That You Needed one Particularly, For I Have Had My Eye Upon
You Myself, And For Some Days Past Have Been Inclined to Give You A
Lift. But Last Evening Mrs. Arnot Spoke In your Behalf, And Through Her
Words I Have Been Led to Take The Following Step. For Reasons That
Perhaps You Can Understand, It Would Be Difficult For Me To Give You A
Desk Among My Other Clerks. I Am Not So Sensitive, Now That I Know Your
Better Aims, And It Is My Wish That You Take That Desk There, In this,
My Private Office. Your Duties Will Be Very Miscellaneous. Sometimes I
Shall Employ You As My Errand-Boy, Again I May Intrust You With
Important And Confidential Business. I Stipulate That You Perform The
Humblest Task As Readily As Any Other."
Haldane'S Face Flushed with Pleasure, And He Said Warmly, "I Am Not In a
Position, Sir, To Consider Any Honest Work Beneath Me, And After Your
Kindness I Shall Regard Any Service I Can Render You As A Privilege."
"A Neat Answer," Laughed mr. Ivison. "If You Do Your Work As Well I
Shall Be Satisfied. Pluck And Good Sense Will Make A Man Of You Yet. I
Want You To Understand Distinctly That It Has Been Your Readiness And
Determination, Not Only To Work, But To Do Any Kind Of Work, That Has
Won My Good-Will. Here'S A Check For A Month'S Salary In advance. Be
Here To-Morrow At Nine, Dressed suitably For Your New Position.
"Halloo! What'S Happened?" Asked mr. Growther As Haldane Came In that
Evening With Face Aglow With Gladness And Excitement.
"According To Your Theory I'Ve Been Promoted sure," Laughed the Youth,
And He Related the Unexpected event Of The Day.
"That'S Jest Like Mrs. Arnot," Said Mr. Growther, Rubbing His Hands As
He Ever Did When Pleased; "She'S Allers Givin' Some Poor Critter A
Boost. T'Other Day 'Twas Me, Now Agin It'S You, And They Say She'S
Helpin' Lots More Along. St. Peter Will Have To Open The Gate Wide When
She Comes In with Her Crowd. 'Pears To Me Sometimes That I Can Fairly
Hear Satan A-Gnashin' Of His Teeth Over That Woman. She'S The Wust Enemy
He Has In town."
"I Wish I Might Show Her How Grateful I Am Some Day," Said Haldane, With
Moistened eyes; "But I Clearly Foresee That I Can Never Repay Her."
"No Matter If You Can'T," Replied the Old Man. "She Don'T Want Any Pay.
It'S Her Natur' To Do These Things."
Haldane Gave His Whole Mind To The Mastery Of His New Duties, And After
A Few Natural Blunders Speedily Acquired a Facility In the Diverse Tasks
Allotted him. In a Manner That Was Perfectly Unobtrusive And Respectful
He Watched his Employer, Studied his Methods And Habit Of Mind, And Thus
Gained the Power Of Anticipating His Wishes. Mr. Ivison Began To Find
His Office And Papers Kept In just The Order He Liked, The Temperature
Maintained at A Pleasant Medium, And To Receive Many Little Nameless
Attentions That Added to His Comfort And Reduced the Wear And Tear Of
Life To A Hurried business-Man; And When In emergencies Haldane Was
Given Tasks That Required brains, He Proved that He Possessed a Fair
Share Of Them.
After Quite A Lapse Of Time Mr. Ivison Again Happened to Meet Mrs.
Arnot, And He Said To Her:
"Haldane Thinks You Did Him A Great Kindness In suggesting Our Present
Arrangement; But I Am Inclined to Think You Did Me A Greater, For You
Have No Idea How Useful The Young Fellow Is Making Himself To Me."
"Then You Will Have To Find A New Object Of Benevolence," Answered the
Lady, "Or You Will Have All Your Reward In this World."
"There It Is Again," Said Mr. Ivison, With His Hearty Laugh, "You And
Dr. Barstow Give A Man No Peace. I'M Going To Take Breath Before I
Strike In again."
In His New Employment, Haldane, From The First, Had Found Considerable
Leisure On His Hands, And After A Little Thought Decided to Review
Carefully The Studies Over Which He Had Passed so Superficially In his
Student Days.
Mr. Growther Persisted in occupying The Kitchen, Leaving What Had Been
Designed as The Parlor Or Sitting-Room Of His Cottage To Dust And Damp.
With His Permission The Young Man Fitted this Up As A Study, And Bought
A Few Popular Works On Science, As The Nucleus Of A Library. After
Supper He Read The Evening Paper To Mr. Growther, Who Soon Fell Into A
Doze, And Then Haldane Would Steal Away To His Own Quarters And Pursue
With Zest, Until A Late Hour, Some Study That Had Once Seemed to Him
Utterly Dry And Unattractive.
Thus The Months Glided rapidly And Serenely Away, And He Was Positively
Happy In a Mode Of Life That He Once Would Have Characterized as
Odiously Humdrum. The Terrible World, Whose Favor Had Formerly Seemed
Essential, And Its Scorn Unendurable, Was Almost Forgotten; And As He
Continued at His Duties So Steadily And Unobtrusively The Hostile World
Began To Unbend Gradually Its Frowning aspect Toward Him. Those Whom He
Daily Met In business Commenced with A Nod Of Recognition, And
Eventually Ended with A Pleasant Word. At Church An Increasing Number
Began To Speak To Him, Not Merely As A Christian Duty, But Because The
Young Man'S Sincere And Earnest Manner Interested them And Inspired
The Fact That He Recognized that He Was Under A Cloud And Did Not Try To
Attract Attention, Worked in his Favor. He Never Asked the Alms Of A
Kindly Word Or Glance, By Looking appealingly To One And Another. It
Became His Habit To Walk With His Eyes Downcast, Not Speaking To Nor
Looking Toward Any One Unless First Addressed. At The Same Time His
Bearing Was Manly And Erect, And Marked by A Certain Quiet Dignity Which
Inevitably Characterizes All Who Are Honestly Trying To Do Right.
Because He Asked so Little Of Society It Was The More Disposed to Give,
And From A Point Of Bare Toleration It Passed on To A Willingness To
Patronize With A Faint Encouraging Smile. And Yet It Was The General
Feeling That One Whose Name Had Been So Sadly Besmirched must Be Kept At
More Than Arm'S-Length.
"He May Get To Heaven," Said An Old Lady Who Was Remarking Upon His
Regular Attendance At Church, "But He Can Never Hope To Be Received in
Good Society Again."
In The Meantime The Isolated youth Was Finding Such An Increasing Charm
In The Companionship Of The Gifted minds Who Spoke To Him From The
Printed pages Of His Little Library That He Felt The Deprivation Less
And Less.
But An Hour With Mrs. Arnot Was One Of His Chief Pleasures, To Which He
Looked forward With Glad Anticipation. For A Long Time He Could Not
Bring Himself To Go To Her House Or To Take The Risk Of Meeting any Of
Her Other Guests, And In order To Overcome His Reluctance She
Occasionally Set Apart An Evening For Him Alone And Was "Engaged" To All
Others. These Were Blessed hours To The Lonely Young Fellow, And Their
Memory Made Him Stronger And More Hopeful For Days Thereafter.
In His Christian Experience He Was Gaining a Quiet Serenity And
Confidence. He Had Fully Settled it In his Mind, As Mrs. Arnot Had
Suggested, That Jesus Christ Was Both Willing and Able To Save Him, And
He Simply Trusted and Tried to Follow.
"Come," Said That Lady To Him One Evening, "It'S Time You Found A Nook
In The Vineyard And Went To Work."
He Shook His Head Emphatically As He Replied, "I Do Not Feel Myself
Either Competent Or Worthy. Besides, Who Would Listen To Me?"
"Many Might With Profit. You Can Carry Messages From Mr. Ivison, Can You
Not Take A Message From Your Divine Master? I Have Thought It All Over,
And Can Tell You Where You Will Be Listened to At Least, And Where You
May Do Much Good. I Went, Last Sunday, To The Same Prison In which I
Visited you. And I Read To The Inmates. It Would Be A Moral Triumph For
You, Egbert, To Go Back There As A Christian Man And With The Honest
Purpose Of Doing Good. It Would Be Very Pleasant For Me To Think Of You
At Work There Every Sabbath. Make The Attempt, To Please Me, If For No
Better Reason."
"That Settles The Question, Mrs. Arnot," Said Haldane, With A Troubled
Smile. "I Would Try To Preach In choctaw, If You Requested it, And I
Fear All That I Can Say 'Out O' My Own Head,' As Mr. Growther Would Put
It, Will Be Worse Than Choctaw. But I Can At Least Read To The
Prisoners; That Is," He Added, With Downcast Eyes And A Flush Of His Old
Shame, "If They Will Listen To Me, Which I Much Doubt. You, With Your
Large Generous Sympathies, Can Never Understand How Greatly I Am
Despised, Even By My Own Class."
"Please Remember That I Am Of Your Class Now, For You Are Of The
Household Of Faith. I Know What You Mean, Egbert. I Am Glad That You Are
So Diffident And So Little Inclined to Ask On The Ground Of Your
Christian Profession That The Past Be Overlooked. If There Is One Thing
That Disgusts Me More Than Another It Is The Disposition To Make One'S
Religion A Stepping-Stone To Earthly Objects And The Means Of Forcing
Upon Others A Familiarity Or A Relationship That Is Offensive To Them. I
Cannot Help Doubting a Profession Of Faith That Is Put To Such Low Uses.
I Know That You Have Special Reason For Humility, But You Must Not Let
It Develop Into Timidity. All I Ask Is That You Read To Such Poor
Creatures In the Prison As Will Listen To You A Chapter In the Bible,
And Explain It As Well As You Can, And Then Read Something Else That You
Think Will Interest Them."
Haldane Made The Attempt, And Met, At First, As He Feared, With But
Indifferent Success. Even Criminals Looked at Him Askance As He Came In
The Guise Of A Religious Teacher. But His Manner Was So Unassuming, And
The Spirit "I Am Better Than Thou" Was So Conspicuously Absent, That A
Few Were Disarmed, And Partly Out Of Curiosity, And Partly To Kill The
Time That Passed so Slowly, They Gathered at His Invitation. He Sat Down
Among Them As If One Of Them, And In a Voice That Trembled with
Diffidence Read A Chapter From The Gospels. Since He "Put On No Airs,"
As They Said, One And Another Drew Near Until All The Inmates Of The
Jail Were Grouped around Him. Having Finished the Chapter, Haldane
Closed the Bible And Said:
"I Do Not Feel Competent To Explain This Chapter. Perhaps Many Of You
Understand It Better Than I Do. I Did Not Even Feel That I Was Worthy To
Come Here And Read The Chapter To You, But The Christian Lady Who
Visited you Last Sunday Asked me To Come, And I Would Do Anything For
Her. She Visited me When I Was A Prisoner Like You, And Through Her
Influence I Am Trying To Be A Better Man. I Know, My Friends, From Sad
Experience, That When We Get Down Under Men'S Feet, And Are Sent To
Places Like These, We Lose Heart And Hope; We Feel That There Is No
Chance For Us To Get Up Again, We Are Tempted to Be Despairing and
Reckless; But Through The Kindness And Mercy Of That Good Lady, Mrs.
Arnot, I Learned of A Kindness And Mercy Greater Even Than Hers. The
World May Hate Us, Scorn Us, And Even Trample Us Down, And If We Will Be
Honest With Ourselves We Must Admit That We Have Given It Some Reason To
Do All This--At Least I Feel That I Have--But The World Can'T Keep Us
Down, And What Is Far Worse Than The World, The Evil In our Own Hearts
Can'T Keep Us Down, If We Ask Jesus Christ To Help Us Up. I Am Finding
This Out By Experience, And So Know The Truth Of What I Am Saying. This
Bible Tells Us About This Strong, Merciful One, This Friend Of Publicans
And Sinners, And If You Would Like Me To Come Here Sunday Afternoons And
Read About Him, I Will Do So Very Gladly, But I Don'T Wish To Force
Myself Upon You If I'M Not Wanted."
"Come, My Hearty, Come Every Time," Said An Old Sailor, With A
Resounding Oath. "Tain'T Likely I'Ll Ever Ship With Your Captain, For
Sech As I'Ve Come To Be Couldn'T Pass Muster. Howsumever, It'S Kind O'
Comfortin' To Hear One Talk As If There Was Plenty Of Sea-Room, Even
When A Chap Knows He'S Drivin' Straight On The Rocks."
"Come, Oh, Come Again," Entreated the Tremulous Voice Of One Who Was
Crouching a Little Back Of His Chair.
Haldane Turned, And With A Start Recognized the Fair Young Girl, Whose
Blue Eyes And Madonna-Like Face Had, For A Moment, Even In the Agony Of
His Own Shame, Secured his Attention While In the Police Court, More
Than A Year Before. She Was Terribly Changed, And Yet By That Strange
Principle By Which We Keep Our Identity Through All Mutations, Haldane
Knew That She Was The Same, And Felt That By A Glance He Could Almost
Trace Back Her Life Through Its Awful Descent To The Time When She Was A
Beautiful And Innocent Girl. As A Swift Dark Tide Might Sweep A Summer
Pinnace From Its Moorings, And Dash It On The Rocks Until It Became A
Crushed and Shapeless Thing, So Passion Or Most Untoward Circumstances
Had Suddenly Drawn This Poor Young Creature Among Coarse, Destructive
Vices That Had Shattered the Delicate, Womanly Nature In one Short Year
Into Utter Wreck.
"Come Again," She Whispered in response To Haldane'S Glance; "Come Soon,
Or Else I Shall Be In my Grave, And I'Ve Got The Awful Fear That It Is
The Mouth Of The Bottomless Pit. Otherwise I'D Be Glad To Be In it."
"Poor Child!" Said Haldane, Tears Coming Into His Eyes.
"Ah!" She Gasped, "Will God Pity Me Like That?"
"Yes, For The Bible Says, 'The Lord Is Very Pitiful And Of Tender
Mercy,' My Own Despairing Thoughts Have Taught Me To Look For All Of
God'S Promises."
"You Know Nothing Of The Depths Into Which I Have Fallen," She Said In a
Low Tone; "I Can See That In your Face."
Again Haldane Ejaculated, "Poor Child!" With A Heartfelt Emphasis That
Did More Good Than The Longest Homily. Then Finding The Bible Story
Which Commences, "And, Behold, A Woman In the City, Which Was A Sinner,"
He Turned a Leaf Down Saying:
"I Am Neither Wise Enough Nor Good Enough To Guide You, But I Know That
Mrs. Arnot Will Come And See You. I Shall Leave My Bible With You, And,
Until She Comes, Read Where I Have Marked."
Mrs. Arnot Did Come, And The Pure, High-Born Woman Shut The Door Of The
Narrow Cell, And Taking The Head Of Her Fallen Sister Into Her Lap,
Listened with Responsive Tears To The Piteous Story, As It Was Told With
Sighs, Sobs, And Strong Writhings Of Anguish.
As The Girl Became Calmer And Her Mind Emerged from The Chaos Of Her
Tempestuous And Despairing Sorrow, Mrs. Arnot Led her, As It Were, To
The Very Feet Of Jesus Of Nazareth, And Left Her There With These Words:
"He Came To Seek And Save Just Such As You Are--The Lost. He Is Reaching
Down His Rescuing Hand Of Love To You, And When You Grasp It In simple
Confiding Trust You Are Saved."
Before The Week Closed, The Poor Creature Forever Turned her Face Away
From The World In which She Had So Deeply Sinned and Suffered: But
Before She Departed on The Long Journey, He Who Alone Can Grant To The
Human Soul Full Absolution, Had Said To Her, "Thy Sins Are Forgiven; Go
In Peace."
As Mrs. Arnot Held Her Dying Head She Whispered, "Tell Him That It Was
His Tears Of Honest Sympathy That First Gave Me Hope."
That Message Had A Vital Influence Over Haldane'S Subsequent Life.
Indeed these Words Of The Poor Dying Waif Were Potent Enough To Shape
All His Future Career. He Was Taught By Them The Magnetic Power Of
Sympathy, And That He Who In the Depths Of His Heart Feels For His
Fellow-Creatures, Can Help Them. He Had Once Hoped that He Would Dazzle
Men'S Eyes By The Brilliancy Of His Career, But He Had Long Since
Concluded that He Must Plod Along The Lowly Paths Of Life. Until His
Visit To The Prison And Its Results The Thought Had Scarcely Occurred to
Him That He Could Help Others. He Had Felt That He Had Been Too Sorely
Wounded himself Ever To Be More Than An Invalid In the World'S Hospital;
But He Now Began To Learn That His Very Sin And Suffering Enabled him To
Approach Nearer To Those Who Were, As He Was Once, On The Brink Of
Despair Or In the Apathy Of Utter Discouragement, And To Aid Them More
Effectively Because Of His Kindred experience.
The Truth That He, In the Humblest Possible Way, Could Engage In the
Noble Work For Which He Revered mrs. Arnot, Came Like A Burst Of
Sunlight Into His Shadowed life, And His Visits To The Prison Were
Looked forward To With Increasing Zest.
From Reading The Chapter Merely He Came To Venture On A Few Comments.
Then Questions Were Asked, And He Tried to Answer Some, And Frankly Said
He Could Not Answer Others. But These Questions Stimulated his Mind And
Led to Thought And Wider Reading. To His Own Agreeable Surprise, As Well
As That Of His Prison Class, He Occasionally Was Able To Bring, On The
Following Sabbath, A Very Satisfactory Answer To Some Of The Questions;
And This Suggested the Truth That All Questions Could Be Answered if
Only Time And Wisdom Enough Could Be Brought To Bear Upon Them.
He Gradually Acquired a Facility In expressing His Thoughts, And, Better
Still, He Had Thoughts To Express. Some Of The Prisoners, Who Were In
Durance But For A Brief Time, Asked him To Take A Class In the
Guy-Street Mission Chapel.
"They Will Scarcely Want Me There As A Teacher," He Said With A Slight
But The Superintendent And Pastor, After Some Hesitation And Inquiry,
Concluded they Did Want Him There, And With Some Ex-Prisoners As A
Nucleus, He Unobtrusively Formed a Class Near The Door. The Two Marked
Characteristics Of His Christian Efforts--Downright Sincerity And
Sympathy--Were Like Strong, Far-Reaching Hands, And His Class Began To
Grow Until It Swamped the Small Neighboring Classes With Uncouth And
Unkempt-Looking Creatures That Were Drawn By The Voice That Asserted
Their Manhood And Womanhood In spite Of Their Degradation. Finally,
Before Another Year Ended, A Large Side-Room Was Set Apart For Haldane
And His Strange Following, And He Made Every One That Entered it, No
Matter How Debased, Believe That There Were Possibilities Of Good In
Them Yet, And He Was Able To Impart This Encouraging Truth Because He So
Thoroughly Believed it Himself.
As He Stood Before That Throng Of Publicans And Sinners, Gathered from
The Slums Of The City, And, With His Fine Face Lighted up With Thought
And Sympathy, Spoke To Them The Truth In such A Way That They Understood
It And Felt Its Power, One Could Scarcely Have Believed that But Two
Years Before He Had Been Dragged from A Drunken Brawl To The Common
Jail. The Explanation Is Simple--He Had Followed closely That Same
Divine Master Who Had Taught The Fishermen Of Galilee.
Chapter XLV (Laura Romeyn)
Mrs. Haldane And Her Daughters Found European Life So Decidedly To Their
Taste That It Was Doubtful Whether They Would Return For Several Years.
The Son Wrote Regularly To His Mother, For He Had Accepted of The Truth
Of Mrs. Arnot'S Words That Nothing Could Excuse Him From The Sacred
Duties Which He Owed to Her. As His Fortunes Improved and Time Elapsed
Without The Advent Of More Disgraceful Stories, She Also Began To
Respond As Frequently And Sympathetically As Could Be Expected of One
Taking Her Views Of Life. She Was At Last Brought To Acquiesce In his
Plan Of Remaining at Hillaton, If Not To Approve Of It, And After
Receiving One Or Two Letters From Mrs. Arnot, She Was Inclined to
Believe In the Sincerity Of His Christian Profession. She Began To Share
In The Old Lady'S View Already Referred to, That He Might Reach Heaven
At Last, But Could Never Be Received in good Society Again.
"Egbert Is So Different From Us, My Dears," She Would Sigh To Her
Daughters, "That I Suppose We Should Not Judge Him By Our Standards. I
Suppose He Is Doing as Well As He Ever Will--As Well Indeed as His
Singularly Unnatural Disposition Permits."
It Did Not Occur To The Lady That She Was A Trifle Unnatural And
Unchristian Herself In permitting Jealousy To Creep Into Her Heart,
Because Mrs. Arnot Had Wielded a Power For Good Over Her Son Which She
Herself Had Failed to Exert.
She Instructed her Lawyer, However, To Pay To Him An Annuity That Was
Far Beyond His Needs In his Present Frugal Way Of Living.
This Ample Income Enabled him At Once To Carry Out A Cherished purpose,
Which Had Been Forming In his Mind For Several Months, And Which He Now
Broached to Mrs. Arnot.
"For The Last Half Year," He Said, "I Have Thought A Great Deal Over The
Possibilities That Life Offers To One Situated as I Am. I Have Tried to
Discover Where I Can Make My Life-Work, Maimed and Defective As It Ever
Must Be, Most Effective, And It Has Seemed to Me That I Could Accomplish
More As A Physician Than In any Other Calling. In this Character I Could
Naturally Gain Access To Those Who Are In distress Of Body And Mind, But
Who Are Too Poor To Pay For Ordinary Attendance. There Are Hundreds In
This City, Especially Little Children, That, Through Vice, Ignorance, Or
Poverty, Never Receive Proper Attention In illness. My Services Would
Not Be Refused by This Class, Especially If They Were Gratuitous."
"You Should Charge For Your Visits, As A Rule," Said Wise Mrs. Arnot.
"Never Give Charity Unless It Is Absolutely Necessary."
"Well, I Could Charge So Moderately That My Attendance Would Not Be A
Burden. I Am Very Grateful To Mr. Ivison For The Position He Gave Me,
But I Would Like To Do Something More And Better In life Than I Can
Accomplish As His Clerk. A Physician Among The Poor Has So Many Chances
To Speak The Truth To Those Who Might Otherwise Never Hear It. Now This
Income From My Father'S Estate Would Enable Me To Set About The
Necessary Studies At Once, And The Only Question In my Mind Is, Will
They Receive Me At The University?"
"Egbert," Said Mrs. Arnot, With One Of Those Sudden Illuminations Of Her
Face Which He So Loved to See, "Do You Remember What I Said Long Ago,
When You Were A Disheartened prisoner, About My Ideal Of Knighthood? If
You Keep On You Will Fulfil It."
"I Remember It Well," He Replied, "But You Are Mistaken. My Best Hope Is
To Find, As You Said Upon Another Occasion, My Own Little Nook In the
Vineyard, And Quietly Do My Work There."
After Considerable Hesitation The Faculty Of The University Received
Haldane As A Student, And Mr. Ivison Parted with Him Very Reluctantly.
His Studies For The Past Two Years, And Several Weeks Of Careful Review,
Enabled him To Pass The Examinations Required in order To Enter The
Junior Year Of The College Course.
As His Name Appeared among Those Who Might Graduate In two Years, The
World Still Further Relaxed its Rigid And Forbidding aspect, And Not A
Few Took Pains To Manifest To Him Their Respect For His Resolute Upward
But He Maintained his Old, Distant, Unobtrusive Manner, And No One Was
Obliged to Recognize, Much Less To Show, Any Special Kindness To Him,
Unless They Chose To Do So. He Evidently Shrank With A Morbid
Sensitiveness From Any Social Contact With Those Who, In remembrance Of
His Past History, Might Shrink From Him. But He Had Not Been At The
University Very Long Before Mrs. Arnot Overcame This Diffidence So Far
As To Induce Him To Meet With Certain Manly Fellows Of His Class At Her
In All The Frank And Friendly Interchange Of Thought Between Mrs. Arnot
And The Young Man There Was One To Whom, By Tacit Consent, They Did Not
Refer, Except In the Most Casual Manner, And That Was Laura Romeyn.
Haldane Had Not Seen Her Since The Time She Stumbled upon Him In his
Character Of Wood-Sawyer. He Kept Her Image In a Distant And
Doubly-Locked chamber Of His Heart, And Seldom Permitted his Thoughts To
Go Thither. Thus The Image Had Faded into A Faint Yet Lovely Outline
Which He Had Learned to Look Upon With A Regret That Was Now Scarcely
Deep Enough To Be Regarded as Pain. She Had Made One Or Two Brief Visits
To Her Aunt, But He Had Taken Care Never To Meet Her. He Had Learned
Incidentally, However, That She Had Lost Her Father, And That Her Mother
Was Far From Well.
When Calling Upon Mrs. Arnot One Blustering March Evening, Toward The
Close Of His Junior Year, That Lady Explained her Anxious, Clouded face
By Saying That Her Sister, Mrs. Romeyn, Was Very Ill, And After A Moment
Added, Half In soliloquy, "What Would She Do Without Laura?"
From This He Gathered that The Young Girl Was A Loving Daughter And A
Faithful Nurse, And The Image Of A Pale, Yet Lovely Watcher Rose Before
Him With Dangerous Frequence And Distinctness.
A Day Or Two After He Received a Note From Mrs. Arnot, Informing Him
That She Was About To Leave Home For A Visit To Her Invalid Sister, And
Might Be Absent Several Weeks. Her Surmise Proved correct, And When She
Returned laura Came With Her, And The Deep Mourning Of The Orphan'S
Dress But Faintly Reflected the Darker Sorrow That Shrouded her Heart.
When, A Few Sabbaths After Her Arrival, Her Veiled figure Passed up The
Aisle Of The Church, He Bowed his Head In as Sincere Sympathy As One
Person Can Give For The Grief Of Another.
For A Long Time He Did Not Venture To Call On Mrs. Arnot, And Then Came
Only At Her Request. To His Great Relief, He Did Not See Laura, For He
Felt That, Conscious Of Her Great Loss And The Memories Of The Past, He
Should Be Speechless In her Presence. To Mrs. Arnot He Said:
"Your Sorrow Has Seemed to Me Such A Sacred thing That I Felt That Any
Reference To It On My Part Would Be Like A Profane Touch; But I Was Sure
You Would Not Misinterpret My Silence Or My Absence, And Would Know That
You Were Never Long Absent From My Thoughts."
He Was Rewarded by The Characteristic Lighting Up Of Her Face As She
"Hillaton Would Scarcely Give You Credit For Such Delicacy Of Feeling,
Egbert, But You Are Fulfilling My Faith In you. Neither Have I Forgotten
You And Your Knightly Conflict Because I Have Not Seen Or Written To
You. You Know Well That My Heart And Hands Have Been Full. And Now A
Very Much Longer Time Must Elapse Before We Can Meet Again. In her
Devotion To Her Mother My Niece Has Overtaxed her Strength, And Her
Physical And Mental Depression Is So Great That Our Physician Strongly
Recommends A Year Abroad. You Can See How Intensely Occupied i Have Been
In Preparations For Our Hurried departure. We Sail This Week. I Shall
See Your Mother, No Doubt, And I Am Glad I Can Tell Her That Which I
Should Be Proud To Hear Of A Son Of Mine."
The Year That Followed was A Long One To Haldane. He Managed to Keep The
Even Tenor Of His Way, But It Was Often As The Soldier Makes His Weary
March In the Enemy'S Country, Fighting For And Holding, Step By Step,
With Difficulty. His Intense Application In his First Year Of Study And
The Excitements Of The Previous Years At Last Told Upon Him, And He
Often Experienced days Of Extreme Lassitude And Weariness. At One Time
He Was Quite Ill, And Then He Realized how Lonely And Isolated he Was.
He Still Kept His Quarters At The Hermitage, But Mr. Growther, With The
Kindest Intentions, Was Too Old And Decrepit To Prove Much Of A Nurse.
In His Hours Of Enforced idleness His Imagination Began To Retouch The
Shadowy Image Of Laura Romeyn With An Ideal Beauty. In his Pain And
Weakness Her Character Of Watcher--In Which Her Self-Sacrificing
Devotion Had Been So Great As To Impair Her Health--Was Peculiarly
Attractive. She Became To Him A Pale And Lovely Saint, Too Remote And
Sacred for His Human Love, And Yet Sufficiently Human To Continually
Haunt His Mind With A Vague And Regretful Pain That He Could Never Reach
Her Side. He Now Learned from Its Loss How Valuable Mrs. Arnot'S Society
Had Been To Him. Her Letters, Which Were Full And Moderately Frequent,
Could Not Take The Place Of Her Quiet Yet Inspiriting Voice.
He Was Lonely, And He Recognized the Fact. While There Were Hundreds Now
In Hillaton Who Wished him Well, And Respected him For His Brave
Struggle, He Was Too Shadowed by Disgraceful Memories To Be Received
Socially Into The Homes That He Would Care To Visit. Some Of The Church
People Invited him Out Of A Sense Of Duty, But He Recognized their
Motive, And Shrank From Such Constrained courtesy With Increasing
But, Though He Showed human Weakness And Gave Way To Long Moods Of
Despondency, At Times Inclining To Murmur Bitterly At His Lot, He
Suffered no Serious Reverses. He Patiently, Even In the Face Of Positive
Disinclination, Maintained his Duties. He Remembered how Often The
Divine Man, In his Shadowed life, Went Apart For Prayer, And Honestly
Tried to Imitate This Example, So Specially Suited to One As Maimed and
Imperfect As Himself.
He Found That His Prayers Were Answered, That The Strong Friend To Whom
He Had Allied his Weakness Did Not Fail Him. He Was Sustained through
The Dark Days, And His Faith Eventually Brought Him Peace And Serenity.
He Gained in patience And Strength, And With Better Health Came Renewed
Although Not A Brilliant Student, He Was Able To Complete His University
Course And Graduate With Credit. He Then Took The First Vacation That He
Had Enjoyed for Years, And, Equipping Himself With Fishing-Rod And A Few
Favorite Authors, He Buried himself In the Mountains Of Maine.
His Prison And Mission Classes Missed him Sadly. Mr. Growther Found That
He Could No Longer Live A Hermit'S Life, And Began In good Earnest To
Look For The "Little, Peaked-Faced chap" That Had Grown To Be More And
More Of A Reality To Him; But The Rest Of Hillaton Almost Forgot That
Haldane Had Ever Existed.
In The Autumn He Returned, Brown And Vigorous, And Entered upon His
Studies At The Medical School Connected with The University With Decided
Zest. To His Joy He Found A Letter From Mrs. Arnot, Informing Him That
The Health Of Her Niece Was Fully Restored, And That They Were About To
Return. And Yet It Was With Misgivings That He Remembered that Laura
Would Henceforth Be An Inmate Of Mrs. Arnot'S Home. As A Memory, However
Beautiful, She Was Too Shadowy To Disturb His Peace. Would This Be True
If She Had Fulfilled all The Rich Promises Of Her Girlhood, And He Saw
Her Often?
With A Foreboding Of Future Trouble He Both Dreaded and Longed to See
Once More The Maiden Who Had Once So Deeply Stirred his Heart, And Who
In The Depths Of His Disgrace Had Not Scorned him When Accidentally
Meeting Him In the Guise And At The Tasks Of A Common Laborer.
It Was With A Quickened pulse That He Read In the "Spy" One Monday
Evening, That Mrs. Arnot And Niece Had Arrived in town. It Was With A
Quicker Pulse That He Received a Note From Her A Few Days Later Asking
Him To Call That Evening, And Adding That Two Or Three Other Young Men
Whom He Knew To Be Her Especial Favorites Would Be Present.
Because Our Story Has Confined itself Chiefly To The Relations Existing
Between Haldane And Mrs. Arnot, It Must Not Be Forgotten That Her Active
Sympathies Were Enlisted in behalf Of Many Others, Some Of Whom Were
Almost Equally Attached to Her And She To Them.
After A Little Thought Haldane Concluded that He Would Much Prefer That
His First Interview With Laura Should Be In the Presence Of Others, For
He Could Then Keep In the Background Without Exciting Remark.
He Sincerely Hoped that When He Saw Her He Might Find That Her Old Power
Over Him Was A Broken Spell, And That The Lovely Face Which Had Haunted
Him All These Years, Growing More Beautiful With Time, Was But The
Creation Of His Own Fancy. He Was Sure She Would Still Be Pretty, But If
That Were All He Could Go On His Way Without A Regretful Thought. But If
The Shy Maiden, Whose Half-Entreating, Compassionate Tones Had
Interrupted the Harsh Rasping Of His Saw Years Ago, Were The Type Of The
Woman Whom He Should Meet That Evening, Might Not The Bitterest
Punishment Of His Folly Be Still Before Him?
He Waited till Sure That The Other Guests Had Arrived, And Then Entered
To Meet, As He Believed, Either A Hopeless Thraldom Or Complete
As He Crossed the Threshold Of The Parlor The Pleasure Of Seeing Mrs.
Arnot Again, And Of Receiving Her Cordial Greeting, Obliterated all
Other Thoughts From His Mind.
He Had, However, But A Moment'S Respite, For The Lady Said:
"Laura, My Friend Mr. Haldane."
He Turned and Saw, By Actual Vision, The Face That In fancy He Had So
Often Looked upon. It Was Not The Face That He Expected to See At All.
The Shy, Blue-Eyed maiden, Who Might Have Reminded one Of A Violet Half
Hidden Among The Grass, Had Indeed vanished, But An Ordinary Pretty
Woman Had Not Taken Her Place.
He Felt This Before He Had Time To Consciously Observe It, And Bowed
Rather Low To Hide His Burning Face; But She Frankly Held Out Her Hand
And Said, Though With Somewhat Heightened color Also:
"Mr. Haldane, I Am Glad To Meet You Again."
Then, Either To Give Him Time To Recover Himself, Or Else, Since The
Interruption Was Over, She Was Glad To Resume The Conversation That Had
Been Suspended, She Turned to Her Former Companions. Mrs. Arnot Also
Left Him To Himself A Few Moments, And By A Determined effort He Sought
To Calm The Tumultuous Riot Of His Blood. He Was Not Phlegmatic On Any
Occasion; But Even Mrs. Arnot Could Not Understand Why He Should Be So
Deeply Moved by This Meeting. She Ascribed it To The Painful And
Humiliating Memories Of The Past, And Then Dismissed his Manner From Her
Mind. He Speedily Gained self-Control, And, As Is Usual With Strong
Natures, Became Unusually Quiet And Undemonstrative. Only In the Depths
Of His Dark Eyes Could One Have Caught A Glimpse Of The Troubled spirit
Within, For It Was Troubled with A Growing Consciousness Of An Infinite
Chapter XLVI (Misjudged)
The Young Men Who Were Mrs. Arnot'S Guests Were Naturally Attracted to
Laura'S Side, And She Speedily Proved that She Possessed the Rare Power
Of Entertaining Several Gentlemen At The Same Time, And With Such Grace
And Tact As To Make Each One Feel That His Presence Was Both Welcome And
Needed in the Circle.
Mrs. Arnot Devoted herself To Haldane, And Showed how Genuine Was Her
Interest In him By Taking Up His Life Where His Last Letter Left It, And
Asking about All That Had Since Occurred. Indeed, With Almost A Mother'S
Sympathy, She Led him To Speak Of The Experiences Of The Entire Year.
"It Seems To Me," He Said, "That I Have Scarcely More Than Held My
"To Hold One'S Ground, At Times Requires More Courage, More Heroic
Patience And Fortitude, Than Any Other Effort We Can Make. I Have Been
Told That Soldiers Can Charge Against Any Odds Better Than They Can
Simply And Coolly Stand Their Ground. But I Can See That You Have Been
Making Progress. You Have Graduated with Honor. You Are Surely Winning
Esteem And Confidence. You Have Kept Your Faith In god, And Maintained
Your Peculiar Usefulness To A Class That So Few Can Reach: Perhaps You
Are Doing More Good Than Any Of Us, By Proving That It Is A Fact And Not
A Theory That The Fallen Can Rise."
"You Are In the World, But Not Of It," He Said; And Then, As If Anxious
To Change The Subject, Asked. "Did You See My Mother?"
Although Mrs. Arnot Did Not Intend It, There Was A Slight Constraint In
Her Voice And Manner As She Replied: "Yes, I Took Especial Pains To See
Her Before I Returned, And Went Out Of My Way To Do So. I Wished to
Assure Her How Well You Were Doing, And How Certain You Were To Retrieve
The Past, All Of Which, Of Course, She Was Very Glad To Hear."
"Did She Send Me No Message?" He Asked, Instinctively Feeling That
Something Was Wrong.
"She Said That She Wrote To You Regularly, And So, Of Course, Felt That
There Was No Need of Sending any Verbal Messages."
"Was She Not Cordial To You?" Asked the Young Man, With A Dark Frown.
"She Was Very Polite, Egbert. I Think She Misunderstands Me A Little."
His Lace Flushed with Indignation, And After A Moment'S Thought He Said
Bitterly, And With Something Like Contempt, "Poor Mother! She Is To Be
Mrs. Arnot'S Face Became Very Grave, And Almost Severe, And She Replied,
With An Emphasis Which He Never Forgot:
"She Is To Be Loved; She Is To Be Cherished with The Most Delicate
Consideration And Forbearance, And Honored--Yes, Honored--Because She Is
Your Mother. You, As Her Son, Should Never Say, Nor Permit Any One To
Say A Word Against Her. Nothing Can Absolve You From This Sacred duty.
Remember This As You Hope To Be A True Man."
This Was Mrs. Arnot'S Return For The Small Jealousy Of Her Girlhood'S
He Bowed his Head, And After A Moment Replied: "Mrs. Arnot, I Feel, I
Know, You Are Right. I Thank You."
"Now You Are My Knight Again," She Said, Her Face Suddenly Lighting Up.
"But Come; Let Us Join The Others, For They Seem To Have Hit Upon A Very
Mirthful And Animated discussion."
Laura'S Eye And Sympathies Took Them In at Once As They Approached, And
Enveloped them In the Genial And Magnetic Influences Which She Seemed to
Have The Power Of Exerting. Although Naturally And Deeply Interested in
His Interview With Mrs. Arnot, Haldane'S Eyes And Thoughts Had Been
Drawn Frequently And Irresistibly To The Object Of His Old-Time Passion.
She Was, Indeed, Very Different From What He Had Expected. The Diffident
Maiden, So Slight In form And Shy In manner, Had Not Developed into A
Drooping Lily Of A Woman, Suggesting That She Must Always Have A Manly
Support Of Some Kind Near At Hand. Still Less Had She Become A Typical
Belle, And The Aggressive Society Girl Who Captures And Amuses Herself
With Her Male Admirers With The Grace And Sang Froid Of A Sportive
Kitten That Carefully Keeps A Hapless Mouse Within Reach Of Her Velvet
Paw. The Pale And Saint-Like Image Which He Had So Long Enshrined within
His Heart, And Which Had Been Created by Her Devotion To Her Mother,
Also Faded utterly Away In the Presence Of The Reality Before Him. She
Was A Veritable Flesh-And-Blood Woman, With The Hue Of Health Upon Her
Cheek, And The Charm Of Artistic Beauty In her Rounded form And Graceful
Manner. She Was A Revelation To Him, Transcending Not Only All That He
Had Seen, But All That He Had Imagined.
Thus Far He Had Not Attained a Moral And Intellectual Culture Which
Enabled him Even To Idealize So Beautiful And Perfect A Creature. She
Was Not A Saint In the Mystical Or Imaginative Sense Of The Word, But,
As A Queen Reigning By The Divine Right Of Her Surpassing Loveliness And
Grace In even Hillaton'S Exclusive Society, She Was Practically As Far
Removed from Him As If She Were An Ideal Saint Existing Only In a
Painter'S Haunted imagination.
Nature Had Dowered laura Romeyn Very Richly In the Graces Of Both Person
And Mind; But Many Others Are Equally Favored. Her Indescribable Charm
Arose From The Fact That She Was Very Receptive In her Disposition. She
Had Been Wax To Receive, But Marble To Retain. Therefore, Since She Had
Always Lived and Breathed in an Atmosphere Of Culture, Refinement, And
Christian Faith, Her Character Had The Exquisite Beauty And Fragrance
Which Belongs To A Rare Flower To Which All The Conditions Of Perfect
Development Have Been Supplied. Although The Light Of Her Eye Was
Serene, And Her Laugh As Clear And Natural As The Fall Of Water, There
Was A Nameless Something Which Indicated that Her Happy, Healthful
Nature Rested against A Dark Background Of Sorrow And Trial, And Was
Made The Richer And More Perfect Thereby.
Her Self-Forgetfulness Was Contagious. The Beautiful Girl Did Not Look
From One To Another Of The Admiring Circle For The Sake Of Picking Up A
Small Revenue Of Flattery. From A Native Generosity She Wished to Give
Pleasure To Her Guests; From A Holy Principle Instilled into Her Nature
So Long Ago That She Was No Longer Conscious Of It, She Wished to Do
Them Good By Suggesting Only Such Thoughts As Men Associate With Pure,
Good Women; And From An Earnest, Yet Sprightly Mind, She Took A Genuine
Interest Herself In the Subjects On Which They Were Conversing.
By Her Tact, And With Mrs. Arnot'S Efficient Aid, She Drew All Into The
Current Of Their Talk. The Three Other Young Men Who Were Mrs. Arnot'S
Guests That Evening Were Manly Fellows, And Had Come To Treat Haldane
With Cordial Respect. Thus For A Time He Was Made To Forget All That Had
Occurred to Cloud His Life. He Found That The Presence Of Laura Kindled
His Intellect With A Fire Of Which He Had Never Been Conscious Before.
His Eyes Flashed sympathy With Every Word She Said, And Before He Was
Aware He, Too, Was Speaking His Mind With Freedom, For He Saw No
Chilling Repugnance Toward Him In the Kindly Light Of Her Deep Blue
Eyes. She Led him To Forget Himself And His Past So Completely That He,
In The Excitement Of Argument, Inadvertently Pronounced his Own Doom. In
Answer To The Remark Of Another, He Said:
"Society Is Right In being Conservative And Exclusive, And Its Favor
Should Be The Highest Earthly Reward Of A Stainless Life. The Coarse And
The Vulgar Should Be Taught That They Cannot Purchase It Nor Elbow Their
Way Into It, And Those Who Have It Should Be Made To Feel That Losing It
Is Like Losing Life, For It Can Never Be Regained. Thus Society Not Only
Protects Itself, But Prevents Weak Souls From Dallying With Temptation."
So Well-Bred was Laura That, While Her Color Deepened at His Words, She
Betrayed no Other Consciousness That They Surprised her. But He Suddenly
Remembered all, And The Blood Rushed tumultuously To His Face, Then Left
It Very Pale.
"What I Have Said Is True, Nevertheless," He Added quietly And
Decisively, As If In answer To These Thoughts; "And Losing One'S Place
In Society May Be Worse Than Losing Life."
He Felt That This Was True, As He Looked at The Beautiful Girl Before
Him, So Kind And Gentle, And Yet So Unapproachable By Him; And, What Is
More, He Saw In her Face Pitying acquiescence To His Words. As Her
Aunt'S Protege, As A Young Man Trying To Reform, He Felt That He Would
Have Her Good Wishes And Courteous Treatment, But Never Anything More.
"Egbert, I Take Issue With You," Began Mrs. Arnot Warmly; But Further
Remark Was Interrupted by The Entrance Of A Gentleman, Who Was Announced
"Mr. Beaumont."
There Was A Nice Distinction Between The Greeting Given By Mrs. Arnot To
This Gentleman And That Which She Had Bestowed upon Haldane And Her
Other Guests. His Reception Was Simply The Perfection Of Quiet Courtesy,
And No One Could Have Been Sure That The Lady Was Glad To See Him. She
Merely Welcomed him As A Social Equal To Her Parlors, And Then Turned
Again To Her Friends.
But Laura Had A Kindlier Greeting For The New-Comer. While Her Manner
Was Equally Undemonstrative, Her Eyes Lighted up With Pleasure And The
Color Deepened in her Cheeks. It Was Evident That They Were Old
Acquaintances, And That He Had Found Previous Occasions For Making
Himself Very Agreeable.
Mr. Beaumont Did Not Care To Form One Of A Circle. He Was In the World'S
Estimation, Possibly In his Own, A Complete Circle In himself, Rounded
Out And Perfect On Every Side. He Was The Only Son In one Of The Oldest
And Most Aristocratic Families In the City; He Was The Heir Of Very
Large Wealth; His Careful Education Had Been Supplemented by Years Of
Foreign Travel; He Was Acknowledged to Be The Best Connoisseur Of Art In
Hillaton; And To His Irreproachable Manners Was Added an Irreproachable
Character. "He Is A Perfect Gentleman," Was The Verdict Of The Best
Society Wherever He Appeared.
Something To This Effect Haldane Learned from One Of The Young Men With
Whom He Had Been Spending The Evening, As They Bent Their Steps
Homeward--For Soon After Mr. Beaumont'S Arrival All Took Their
That Gentleman Seemed to Bring In with Him A Different Atmosphere From
That Which Had Prevailed hitherto. Although His Bow Was Distant To
Haldane When Introduced, His Manner Had Been The Perfection Of
Politeness To The Others. For Some Reason, However, There Had Been A
Sudden Restraint And Chill. Possibly They Had But Unconsciously Obeyed
The Strong Will Of Mr. Beaumont, Who Wished their Departure. He Was
Almost As Resolute In having His Own Way As Mr. Arnot Himself. Not That
He Was Ever Rude To Any One In any Circumstances, But He Could Politely
Freeze Objectionable Persons Out Of A Room As Effectually As If He Took
Them By The Shoulders And Walked them Out. There Was So Much In his
Surroundings And Antecedents To Sustain His Quiet Assumption, That The
World Was Learning To Say, "By Your Leave," On All Occasions.
Haldane Was Not Long In reaching a Conclusion As He Sat Over A Dying
Fire In his Humble Quarters At The Hermitage. If He Saw Much Of Laura
Romeyn He Would Love Her Of Necessity By Every Law Of His Being.
Assuring Himself Of The Hopelessness Of His Affection Would Make No
Difference To One Of His Temperament. He Was Not One Who Could Coolly
Say To His Ardent And Impetuous Nature, "Thus Far, And No Farther."
There Was Something In her Every Tone, Word, And Movement Which Touched
Chords Within His Heart That Vibrated pleasurably Or Painfully.
This Power Cannot Be Explained. It Was Not Passion. Were Laura Far More
Beautiful, Something In her Manner Or Character Might Speedily Have
Broken The Spell By Which She Unconsciously Held Her Captive. His
Emotion In no Respect Resembled the Strong Yet Restful Affection That He
Entertained for Mrs. Arnot. Was It Love? Why Should He Love One Who
Would Not Love In return, And Who, Both In the World'S And His Own
Estimation, Was Infinitely Beyond His Reach? However Much His Reason
Might Condemn His Feelings, However Much He Might Regret The Fact, His
Heart Trembled at Her Presence, And, By Some Instinct Of Its Own,
Acknowledged its Mistress. He Was Compelled to Admit To Himself That He
Loved her Already, And That His Boyhood'S Passion Had Only Changed as He
Had Changed, And Had Become The Strong And Abiding Sentiment Of The Man.
She Only Could Have Broken The Power By Becoming Commonplace, By Losing
The Peculiar Charm Which She Had For Him From The First. But Now He
Could Not Choose; He Had Met His Fate.
One Thing, However, He Could Do, And That He Resolved upon Before He
Closed his Eyes In sleep In the Faint Dawning Of The Following Day. He
Would Not Flutter As A Poor Moth Where He Could Not Be Received as An
Accepted lover.
This Resolution He Kept. He Did Not Cease Calling Upon Mrs. Arnot, Nor
Did The Quiet Warmth Of His Manner Toward Her Change; But His Visits
Became Less Frequent, He Pleading The Engrossing Character Of His
Studies, And The Increasing Preparation Required to Maintain His Hold On
His Mission-Class; But The Lady'S Delicate Intuition Was Not Long In
Divining The True Cause. One Of His Unconscious Glances At Laura
Revealed his Heart To Her Woman'S Eye As Plainly As Could Any Spoken
Words. But By No Word Or Hint Did Mrs. Arnot Reveal To Him Her
Knowledge. Her Tones Might Have Been Gentler And Her Eyes Kinder; That
Was All. In her Heart, However, She Almost Revered the Man Who Had The
Strength And Patience To Take Up This Heavy And Hopeless Burden, And Go
On In the Path Of Duty Without A Word. How Different Was His Present
Course From His Former Passionate Clamor For What Was Then Equally
Beyond His Reach? She Was Almost Provoked at Her Niece That She Did Not
Appreciate Haldane More. But Would She Wish Her Peerless Ward To Marry
This Darkly Shadowed man, To Whom No Parlor In hillaton Was Open Save
Her Own? Even Mrs. Arnot Would Shrink From This Question.
Laura, Too, Had Perceived that Which Haldane Meant To Hide From All The
World. When Has A Beautiful Woman Failed to Recognize Her Worshippers?
But There Was Nothing In laura'S Nature Which Permitted her To Exult
Over Such A Discovery. She Could Not Resent As Presumption A Love That
Was So Unobtrusive, For It Became More And More Evident As Time Passed
That The Man Who Was Mastered by It Would Never Voluntarily Give To Her
The Slightest Hint Of Its Existence. She Was Pleased that He Was So
Sensible As To Recognize The Impassable Gulf Between Them, And That He
Did Not Go Moaning along The Brink, Thus Making a Spectacle Of Himself,
And Becoming an Annoyance To Her. Indeed, She Sincerely Respected him
For His Reticence And Self-Control, But She Also Misjudged him; For He
Was So Patient And Strong, And Went Forward With His Duties So Quietly
And Steadily, That She Was Inclined to Believe That His Feelings Toward
Her Were Not Very Deep, Or Else That He Was So Constituted that Affairs
Of The Heart Did Not Give Him Very Much Trouble.
Chapter XLVII (Laura Chooses Her Knight)
Why Laura, How Your Cheeks Burn!" Exclaimed mrs. Arnot As She Entered
Her Niece'S Room One Afternoon.
"Now, Don'T Laugh At Me For Being So Foolish, But I Have Become Absurdly
Excited over This Story. Scott Was Well Called the 'Wizard Of The
North.' What A Spell He Weaves Over His Pages! When Reading Some Of His
Descriptions Of Men And Manners In those Old Chivalric Times, I Feel
That I Have Been Born Some Centuries Too Late--In Our Time Everything Is
So Matter-Of-Fact, And The Men Are So Prosaic. The World Moves On With A
Steady Business Jog, Or, To Change The Figure, With The Monotonous Clank
Of Uncle'S Machinery. My Castle In the Air Would Be The Counterpart Of
Those Which Scott Describes."
"Romantic As Ever," Laughed her Aunt; "And That Reminds Me, By The Way,
Of The Saying That Romantic Girls Always Marry Matter-Of-Fact Men,
Which, I Suppose, Will Be Your Fate. I Confess I Much Prefer Our Own
Age. Your Stony Castles Make Me Shiver With A Sense Of Discomfort; And
As For The Men, I Imagine They Are Much The Same Now As Then, For Human
Nature Does Not Change Much."
"O, Auntie, What A Prosaic Speech! Uncle Might Have Made It Himself. The
Idea Of Men Being Much The Same Now! Why, In that Day There Were The
Widest And Most Picturesque Differences Between Men Of The Same Rank.
There Were Horrible Villains, And Then To Vanquish These And Undo The
Mischief They Were Ever Causing, There Were Knights _Sans Peur Et Sans
Reproche._ But Now A Gentleman Is A Gentleman, And All Made Up Very
Much In the Same Style, Like Their Dress Coats. I Would Like To Have
Seen At Least One Genuine Knight--A Man Good Enough And Brave Enough To
Do And To Dare Anything To Which He Could Be Impelled by A Most
Chivalric Sense Of Duty. About The Most Heroic Thing a Man Ever Did For
Me Was To Pick Up My Fan."
Mrs. Arnot Thought Of One Man Whose Heart Was Almost Breaking For Her,
And Yet Who Maintained such A Quiet, Masterful Self-Control That The
Object Of His Passion, Which Had Become Like A Torturing Flame, Was Not
Subjected to Even The Slightest Annoyance; And She Said, "You Are
Satirical Today. In my Opinion There Are As True Knights Now As Your
Favorite Author Ever Described."
"Not In hillaton," Laughed laura, "Or Else Their Disguise Is Perfect."
"Yes, In hillaton," Replied mrs. Arnot, With Some Warmth, "And Among The
Visitors At This House. I Know Of One Who Bids Fair To Fulfil My Highest
Ideal Of Knighthood, And I Think You Will Do Me The Justice To Believe
That My Standard Is Not A Low One."
"Auntie, You Fairly Takeaway My Breath!" Said Laura, In the Same
Half-Jesting Spirit." Where Have My Eyes Been? Pray, Who Is This
Paragon, Who Must, Indeed, Be Nearly Perfect, To Satisfy Your Standard?"
"You Must Discover Him For Yourself; As You Say, He Appears To Be But A
Gentleman, And Would Be The Last One In the World To Think Of Himself As
A Knight, Or To Fill Your Ideal Of One. You Must Remember The Character
Of Our Age. If One Of Your Favorite Knights Should Step, Armed
_Cap-A-Pie,_ Out Of Scott'S Pages, All The Dogs In town Would Be At
His Heels, And He Would Probably Bring Up At The Station-House. My
Knight Promises To Become The Flower Of His Own Age. Now I Think Of It,
I Do Not Like The Conventional Word 'Flower,' As Used in this
Connection, For My Knight Is Steadily Growing Strong Like A Young Oak. I
Hope I May Live To See The Man He Will Eventually Become."
"You Know Well, Auntie," Said Laura, "That I Have Not Meant Half I Have
Said. The Men Of Our Day Are Certainly Equal To The Women, And I Shall
Not Have To Look Far To Find My Superior In all Respects. I Must Admit,
However, That Your Words Have Piqued my Curiosity, And I Am Rather Glad
You Have Not Named this 'Heart Of Oak,' For The Effort To Discover Him
Will Form A Pleasant Little Excitement."
"Were I That Way Inclined," Said Mrs. Arnot, Smiling, "I Would Be
Willing To Wager A Good Deal That You Will Hit Upon The Wrong Man."
Laura Became For A Time Quite A Close Student Of Human Nature, Observing
Narrowly The Physiognomy And Weighing The Words And Manner, Of Her Many
Gentleman Acquaintances; But While She Found Much To Respect, And Even
To Admire, In some, She Was Not Sure That Any One Of Them Answered to
Her Aunt'S Description. Nor Could She Obtain Any Further Light By
Inquiring Somewhat Into Their Antecedents. As For Mrs. Arnot, She Was
Considerably Amused, But Continued perfectly Non-Committal.
After Laura Had Quite Looked through Her Acquaintances Haldane Made One
Of His Infrequent Calls, But As Mr. Beaumont Was Also Present She Gave
To Her Quondam Lover Scarcely More Than A Kindly Word Of Greeting, And
Then Forgot His Existence. It Did Not Occur To Her, Any More Than It
Would To Haldane Himself, That He Was The Knight.
Mr. Arnot, Partly Out Of A Grim Humor Peculiarly His Own, And Partly To
Extenuate His Severity Toward The Youth, Had Sent To His Niece All The
City Papers Containing Unfavorable References To Haldane, And To Her
Mind The Associations Created by Those Disgraceful Scenes Were Still
Inseparable From Him. She Honestly Respected him For His Resolute Effort
To Reform, As She Would Express It, And As A Sincere Christian Girl She
Wished him The Very Best Of Success, But This Seemed as Far As Her
Regard For Him Could Ever Go. She Treated him Kindly Where Most Others
In Her Station Would Not Recognize Him At All, But Such Was The Delicacy
And Refinement Of Her Nature That She Shrank From One Who Had Been
Capable Of Acts Like His. The Youth Who Had Annoyed her With His
Passion, Whom She Had Seen Fall Upon The Floor In gross Intoxication,
Who Had Been Dragged through The Streets As A Criminal, And Who Twice
Had Been In jail, Was Still A Vivid Memory. She Knew Comparatively
Little About, And Did Not Understand, The Man Of To-Day. Beyond The
General Facts That He Was Doing Well And Doing Good, It Was Evident
That, By Reason Of Old And Disagreeable Associations, She Did Not Wish
To Hear Much About Him, And Mrs. Arnot Had The Wisdom To See That Time
And The Young Man'S Own Actions Would Do More To Remove Prejudice From
The Mind Of Her Niece, As Well As From The Memory Of Society In general,
Than Could Any Words Of Hers.
Of Course, Such A Girl As Laura Had Many Admirers, And Among Them Mr.
Beaumont Was Evidently Winning The First Place In her Esteem. Whether He
Were The Knight That Her Aunt Had In mind Or No, She Was Not Sure, But
He Realized her Ideal More Completely Than Any Man Whom She Had Ever
Met. He Did, Indeed, Seem The "Perfect Flower Of His Age," Although She
Was Not So Sure Of The Oak-Like Qualities. She Often Asked herself
Wherein She Could Find Fault With Him Or With All That Related to Him,
And Even Her Delicate Discrimination Could Scarcely Find A Vulnerable
Point. He Was Fine-Looking, His Heavy Side-Whiskers Redeeming His Face
From Effeminacy; He Was Tall And Elegant In his Proportions; His Taste
In His Dress Was Quiet And Faultless; He Possessed the Most Refined and
Highly Cultured mind Of Any Man Whom She Had Known; His Family Was
Exceedingly Proud And Aristocratic, But As Far As There Can Be Reason
For These Characteristics, This Old And Wealthy Family Had Such Reason.
Laura Certainly Could Not Find Fault With These Traits, For From The
First Mr. Beaumont'S Parents Had Sought To Pay Her Especial Attention.
It Was Quite Evident That They Thought That The Orphaned girl Who Was So
Richly Dowered with Wealth And Beauty Might Make As Good A Wife For
Their Matchless Son As Could Be Found, And Such An Opinion On Their Part
Was, Indeed, A High Compliment To Laura'S Birth And Breeding. No One
Else In hillaton Would Have Been Thought Of With Any Equanimity.
The Son Was Inclined to Take The Same View As That Entertained by His
Parents, But, As The Party Most Nearly Interested, He Felt It Incumbent
Upon Him To Scrutinize Very Closely And Deliberately The Woman Who Might
Become His Wife, And Surely This Was A Sensible Thing To Do.
There Was Nothing Mercenary Or Coarse In his Delicate Analysis And Close
Observation. Far From It. Mr. Beaumont Was The Last Man In the World To
Look A Lady Over As He Would A Bale Of Merchandise. More Than All Things
Else, Mr. Beaumont Was A _Connoisseur_, And He Sought Mrs. Arnot'S
Parlors With Increasing Frequency Because He Believed that He Would
There Find The Woman Best Fitted to Become The Chief Ornament Of The
Stately Family Mansion.
Laura Had Soon Become Conscious Of This Close Tentative Scrutiny, And At
First She Had Been Inclined to Resent Its Cool Deliberateness. But,
Remembering That A Man Certainly Has A Right To Learn Well The Character
Of The Woman Whom He May Ask To Be His Wife, She Felt That There Was
Nothing In his Action Of Which She Could Complain; And It Soon Became A
Matter Of Pride With Her, As Much As Anything Else, To Satisfy Those
Fastidious Eyes That Hitherto Had Critically Looked the World Over, And
In Vain, For A Pearl With A Lustre Sufficiently Clear. She Began To
Study His Taste, To Dress For Him, To Sing For Him, To Read His Favorite
Authors; And So Perfect Was His Taste That She Found Herself Aided and
Enriched by It. He Was Her Superior In these Matters, For He Had Made
Them His Life-Study. The First Hour That She Spent With Him In a
Picture-Gallery Was Long Remembered, For Never Before Had Those Fine And
Artistic Marks Which Make A Painting Great Been So Clearly Pointed out
To Her. She Was Brought To Believe That This Man Could Lead Her To The
Highest Point Of Culture To Which She Could Attain, And Satisfy Every
Refined taste That She Possessed. It Seemed as If He Could Make Life One
Long Gallery Of Beautiful Objects, Through Which She Might Stroll In
Elegant Leisure, Ever Conscious That Lie Who Stood By To Minister And
Explain Was Looking away From All Things Else In admiration Of Herself.
The Prospect Was Too Alluring. Laura Was Not An Advanced female, With A
Mission; She Was Simply A Young And Lovely Woman, Capable Of The Noblest
Action And Feeling Should The Occasion Demand Them, But Naturally
Luxurious And Beauty-Loving In her Tastes, And Inclined to Shun The
Prosaic Side Of Life.
She Made Beaumont Feel That She Also Was Critical And Exacting. She Had
Lived too Long Under Mrs. Arnot'S Influence To Be Satisfied with A Man
Who Merely Lived for The Pleasure He Could Get Out Of Each Successive
Day. He Saw That She Demanded that He Should Have A Purpose And Aim In
Life, And He Skilfully Met This Requirement By Frequently Descanting On
Aesthetic Culture As The Great Lever Which Could Move The World, And By
Suggesting That The Great Question Of His Future Was How He Could Best
Bring This Culture To The People. As A Christian, She Took Issue With
Him As To Its Being The Great Lever, But Was Enthusiastic Over It As A
Most Powerful Means Of Elevating The Masses, And She Often Found Herself
Dreaming Over How Much A Man Gifted with Mr. Beaumont'S Exquisite Taste
And Large Wealth Could Do By Placing Within The Reach Of The Multitude
Objects Of Elevating art And Beauty.
By A Fine Instinct She Felt, Rather Than Saw, That Mrs. Arnot Did Not
Specially Like The Seemingly Faultless Man, And Was Led to Believe That
Her Aunt'S Ideal Knight Was To Be Found Among Some Of The Heartier Young
Men Who Were Bent On Doing Good In the Old-Fashioned ways; And, With A
Tendency Not Unnatural In one So Young And Romantic, She Thought Of Her
Aunt As Being a Bit Old-Fashioned and Prosaic Herself. In her Youthful
And Ardent Imagination Beaumont Came To Fill More And More Definitely
Her Ideal Of The Modern Knight--A Man Who Summed up Within Himself The
Perfect Culture Of His Age, And Who Was Proposing To Diffuse That
Culture As Widely As Possible.
"You Do Not Admire Mr. Beaumont," Said Laura A Little Abruptly To Her
Aunt One Day.
"You Are Mistaken, Laura; I Do Admire Him Very Much."
"Well, You Do Not Like Him, Then, To Speak More Correctly; He Takes No
Hold Upon Your Sympathies."
"There Is Some Truth In your Last Remark, I Must Admit. For Some Reason
He Does Not. Perhaps It Is My Fault, And I Have Sometimes Asked myself,
Is Mr. Beaumont Capable Of Strong Affection Or Self-Sacrificing action?
Has He Much Heart?"
"I Think You Do Him Injustice In these Respects," Said Laura Warmly.
"Quite Probably," Replied mrs. Arnot, Adding With A Mischievous Smile,
Which Brought The Rich Color To Her Niece'S Cheeks, "Perhaps You Are In
A Better Position To Judge Of His Possession Of These Qualities Than I
Am. Thus Far He Has Given Me Only The Opportunity Of Echoing Society'S
Verdict--He Is A Perfect Gentleman. I Wish He Were A Better Christian,"
She Concluded gravely.
"I Think He Is A Christian, Auntie."
"Yes, Dear, In a Certain Aesthetic Sense. But Far Be It From Me To Judge
Him. Like The Rest Of The World, I Respect Him As An Honorable
A Few Days After This Conversation Mr. Beaumont Drove A Pair Of
Coal-Black Horses To Mrs. Arnot'S Door, And Invited laura To Take A
Drive. When, In the Twilight, She Returned, She Went Straight To Her
Aunt'S Private Parlor, And, Curling Down At Her Knees, As Was Her Custom
When A Child, Said:
"Give Me Your Blessing, Auntie; Your Congratulations, Also--I Hope,
Although I Am Not So Sure Of These. I Have Found My Knight, Though
Probably Not Yours. See!" And She Held Up Her Finger, With A Great
Flashing Diamond Upon It.
Mrs. Arnot Took The Girl In her Arms And Said, "I Do Bless You, My
Child, And I Think I Can Congratulate You Also. On Every Principle Of
Worldly Prudence And Worldly Foresight I Am Sure I Can. It Will Be Very
Hard Ever To Give You Up To Another; And Yet I Am Growing Old, And I Am
Glad That You, Who Are Such A Sacred charge To Me, Have Chosen One Who
Stands So High In the Estimation Of All, And Who Is So Abundantly Able
To Gratify Your Tastes."
"Yes, Auntie, I Think I Am Fortunate," Said Laura, With Complacent
Emphasis. "I Have Found A Man Not Only Able To Gratify All My
Tastes--And You Know That Many Of Them Are Rather Expensive--But He
Himself Satisfies My Most Critical Taste, And Even Fills Out The Ideal
Of My Fancy."
Mrs. Arnot Gave A Sudden Sigh.
"Now, Auntie, What, In the Name Of Wonder, Can That Foreboding Sigh
"You Have Not Said That He Satisfied your Heart."
"O, I Think He Does Fully," Said Laura, Hastily, Though With A Faint
Misgiving." These Tender Feelings Will Come In their Own Good Time. We
Have Not Got Far Enough Along For Them Yet. Besides, I Never Could Have
Endured a Passionate Lover. I Was Cured of Any Such Tastes Long Ago, You
Remember," She Added, With A Faint Laugh.
"Poor Egbert!" Ejaculated mrs. Arnot, With Such Sad Emphasis That Laura
Looked up Into Her Face Inquiringly As She Asked:
"You Don'T Think He Will Care Much, Do You?"
"Yes, Laura; You Know He Will Care, Perhaps More Deeply Than I Do; But I
Believe That He Will Wish You Happiness As Truly And Honestly As
"O, Auntie! How Can It Be That He Will Care As Much As Yourself?"
"Is It Possible, Laura, That You Have Failed to Detect His Regard For
You In all These Months? I Detected it At A Glance, And Felt Sure That
You Had Also."
"So I Did, Auntie, Long Since, But I Supposed it Was, As You Say, A Mere
Regard That Did Not Trouble Him Much. I Should Be Sorry To Think That It
Was Otherwise."
"At All Events, It Has Not Troubled you Much, Whatever It May Have Cost
Him. You Hardly Do Haldane Justice. Your Allusion To His Former Passion
Should Remind You That He Still Possesses The Same Ardent And Impetuous
Nature, Out It Is Under Control. You Cannot Return His Deep, Yet
Unobtrusive, Love, And, As The World Is Constituted, It Is Probably Well
For You That This Is True; But I Cannot Bear That It Should Have No
Better Reward Than Your Last Rather Contemptuous Allusion."
"Forgive Me, Auntie; I Did Not Imagine That He Felt As You Seem To
Think. Indeed, In my Happiness And Preoccupation, I Have Scarcely
Thought Of Him At All. His Love Has, In truth, Been Unobtrusive. So
Scrupulously Has He Kept It From My Notice That I Had Thought And Hoped
That It Had But Little Place In his Mind. But If You Are Right, I Am
Very, Very Sorry. Why Is The Waste Of These Precious Heart-Treasures
Permitted?" And Gathering Tears Attested her Sincerity.
"That Is An Old, Old Question, Which The World Has Never Answered. The
Scientists Tell Us That By A Law Of Nature No Force Is Ever Lost. If
This Be True In the Physical World, It Certainly Should Be In the
Spiritual. I Also Believe That An Honest, Unselfish Love Can Enrich The
Heart That Gives It, Even Though It Receives No Other Reward. But You
Have No Occasion To Blame Yourself, Laura. It Is One Of Those Things
Which Never Could Have Been Helped. Besides, Haldane Is Serving a Master
Who Is Pledged to Shape Seeming Evils For His Good. I Had No Thought Of
Speaking Of Him At All, Only Your Remark Seemed so Like Injustice That I
Could Not Be Silent. In the Future, Moreover, You May Do Something For
Him. Society Is Too Unrelenting, And Does Not Sufficiently Recognize The
Struggle He Has Made, And Is Yet Making; And He Is So Morbidly Sensitive
That He Will Not Take Anything That Even Looks Like Social Alms. You
Will Be In a Position To Help Him Toward The Recognition Which He
Deserves, For I Should Be Sorry To See Him Become A Lonely And Isolated
Man. Of Course, You Will Have To Do This Very Carefully, But Your Own
Graceful Tact Will Best Guide You In this Matter. I Only Wish You To
Appreciate The Brave Fight He Is Making and The Character He Is Forming,
And Not To Think Of Him Merely As A Commonplace, Well-Meaning Man, Who
Is At Last Trying To Do Right, And Who Will Be Fairly Content With Life
If He Can Secure His Bread And Butter."
"I Will Remember What You Say, And Do My Very Best," Said Laura
Earnestly, "For I Do Sincerely Respect Mr. Haldane For His Efforts To
Retrieve The Past, And I Should Despise Myself Did I Not Appreciate The
Delicate Consideration He Has Shown For Me If He Has Such Feelings As
You Suppose. Auntie!" She Exclaimed after A Moment, A Sudden Light
Breaking In upon Her, "Mr. Haldane Is Your Knight."
"And A Very Plain, Prosaic Knight, No Doubt, He Seems To You."
"I Confess That He Does, And Yet When I Think Of It I Admit That He Has
Fought His Way Up Against Tremendous Odds. Indeed, His Present Position
In Contrast With What He Was Involves So Much Hard Fighting That I Can
Only Think Of Him As One Of Those Plain, Rugged men Who Have Risen From
The Ranks."
"Look For The Plain And Rugged characteristics When He Next Calls," Said
Mrs. Arnot Quietly. "One Would Have Supposed that Such A Rugged nature
Would Have Interposed some Of His Angles In your Way."
"Forgive Me, Auntie; I Am Inclined to Think That I Know Very Little
About Your Knight; But It Is Natural That I Should Much Prefer My Own.
Your Knight Is Like One Of Those Remorseful Men Of The Olden Time Who,
Partly From Faith And Partly In penance For Past Misdeeds, Dons A Suit
Of Plain Heavy Iron Armor, And Goes Away To Parts Unknown To Fight The
Infidel. My Knight Is Clad In shining Steel; Nor Is The Steel Less True
Because Overlaid With A Filagree Of Gold; And He Will Make The World
Better Not By Striking Rude And Ponderous Blows, But By Teaching It
Something Of His Own Fair Courtesy And His Own Rich Culture."
"Your Description Of Haldane Is Very Fanciful And A Little Far-Fetched,"
Said Mrs. Arnot, Laughing; "Should I Reply In like Vein I Would Only Add
That I Believe That He Will Henceforth Keep The 'White Cross' On His
Knightly Mantle Unstained. Already He Seems To Have Won A Place In that
Ancient And Honorable Order Established so Many Centuries Ago, The
Members Of Which Were Entitled to Inscribe Upon Their Shields The
Legend, 'He That Ruleth His Own Spirit Is Better Than He That Taketh A
City.' But We Are Carrying This Fanciful Imagery Too Far, And Had Better
Drop It Altogether. I Know That You Will Do For Haldane All That Womanly
Delicacy Permits, And That Is All I Wish. Mr. Beaumont'S Course Toward
You Commands My Entire Respect. He Long Since Asked both Your Uncle'S
Consent And Mine To Pay You His Addresses, And While We, Of Course, Gave
Our Approval, We Have Left You Wholly Free To Follow The Promptings Of
Your Own Heart. In the World'S Estimation, Laura, It Will Be A Brilliant
Alliance For Each Party; But My Prayer Shall Be That It May Be A Happy
And Sympathetic Union, And That You May Find An Unfailing and Increasing
Content In each Other'S Society. Nothing Can Compensate For The Absence
Of A Warm, Kind Heart, And The Nature That Is Without It Is Like A Home
Without A Hearth-Stone And A Fire; The Larger And More Stately It Is,
The Colder And More Cheerless It Seems."
Laura Understood Her Aunt'S Allusion To Her Own Bitter Disappointment,
And She Almost Shivered at The Possibility Of Meeting a Like Experience.
Chapter XLVIII (Mrs. Arnot'S Knight)
It Will Not Be Supposed that Haldane Was Either Blind Or Indifferent
During The Long Months In which Beaumont, Like A Skilful Engineer, Was
Making His Regular Approaches To The Fair Lady Whom He Would Win. He
Early Foresaw What Appeared to Him Would Be The Inevitable Result, And
Yet, In spite Of All His Fortitude, And The Frequency With Which He
Assured himself That It Was Natural, That It Was Best, That It Was
Right, That This Peerless Woman Should Wed a Man Of Beaumont'S Position
And Culture, Still That Gentleman'S Assured deliberate Advance Was Like
The Slow And Torturing Contraction Of The Walls Of That Terrible Chamber
In The Inquisition Which, By An Imperceptible Movement, Closed in upon
And Crushed the Prisoner. For A Time He Felt That He Could Not Endure
The Pain, And He Grew Haggard Under It.
"What'S The Matter, My Boy?" Said Mr. Growther Abruptly To Him One
Evening. "You Look As If Something Was A-Gnawin' And A-Eatin' Your Very
Heart Out."
He Satisfied his Old Friend By Saying That He Did Not Feel Well, And
Surely One Sick At Heart As He Was Might Justly Say This.
Mr. Growther Immediately Suggested as Remedies All The Drugs He Had Ever
Heard Of, And Even Volunteered to Go After Them; But Haldane Said With A
"I Would Not Survive If I Took A Tenth Part Of The Medicines You Have
Named, And Not One Of Them Would Do Me Any Good. I Think I'Ll Take A
Walk Instead."
Mr. Growther Thought A Few Moments, And Muttered to Himself, "What A
Cussed old Fool I'Ve Been To Think That Rhubob And Jallup Could Touch
His Case! He'S Got Something On His Mind," And With A Commendable
Delicacy He Forbore To Question And Pry.
Gradually, However, Haldane Obtained patience And Then Strength To Meet
What Seemed inevitable, And To Go Forward With The Strong, Measured
Tread Of A Resolute Soldier.
While Passing Through His Lonely And Bitter Conflict He Learned the
Value And Significance Of That Ancient Prophecy, "He Is Despised and
Rejected of Men; A Man Of Sorrows And Acquainted with Grief; And We Hid,
As It Were, Our Faces From Him." How Long, Long Ago God Planned and
Purposed to Win The Sympathy And Confidence Of The Suffering By Coming
So Close To Them In like Experience That They Could Feel Sure--Yes,
Know--That He Felt With Them And For Them.
Never Before Had The Young Man So Fully Realized how Vital A Privilege
It Was To Be A Disciple Of Christ--To Be Near To Him--And Enjoy What
Resembled a Companionship Akin To That Possessed by Those Who Followed
Him Up And Down The Rugged paths Of Judea And Galilee.
When, At Last, Laura'S Engagement Became A Recognized fact, He Received
The Intelligence As Quietly As The Soldier Who Is Ordered to Take And
Hold A Position That Will Long Try His Fortitude And Courage To The
As For Laura, The Weeks That Followed her Engagement Were Like A
Beautiful Dream, But One That Was Created largely By The Springing Hopes
And Buoyancy Of Youth, And The Witchery Of Her Own Vivid Imagination.
The Springtime Had Come Again, And The Beauty And Promise Of Her Own
Future Seemed reflected in nature. Every Day She Took Long Drives Into
The Country With Her Lover, Or Made Expeditions To Picture Galleries In
New York; Again, They Would Visit Public Parks Or Beautiful Private
Grounds In which The Landscape Gardener Had Lavished his Art. She Lived
And Fairly Revelled in a World Of Beauty, And For The Time It
Intoxicated her With Delight.
There Was Also Such A Chorus Of Congratulation That She Could Not Help
Feeling Complacent. Society Indorsed her Choice So Emphatically And
Universally That She Was Sure She Had Made No Mistake. She Was Caused to
Feel That She Had Carried off The Richest Prize Ever Known In hillaton,
And She Was Sufficiently Human To Be Elated over The Fact.
Nor Was The Congratulation All On One Side. Society Was Quite As
Positive That Beaumont Had Been Equally Fortunate, And There Were Some
That Insisted that He Had Gained the Richer Prize. It Was Known That
Laura Had Considerable Property In her Own Name, And It Was The General
Belief That She Would Eventually Become Heiress Of A Large Part Of The
Colossal Fortune Supposed to Be In the Possession Of Mr. And Mrs. Arnot.
In Respect To Character, Beauty, Accomplishments-In Brief, The Minor
Considerations In the World'S Estimation-It Was Admitted by All That
Laura Had Few Superiors. Mr. Beaumont'S Parents Were Lavish In the
Manifestations Of Their Pleasure And Approval. And Thus It Would Seem
That These Two Lives Were Fitly Joined by The Affinity Of Kindred
Tastes, By The Congenial Habits Of Equal Rank, And By Universal
Gradually, However, The Glamour Thrown Around Her New Relationship By
Its Very Novelty, By Unnumbered congratulations, And The Excitement
Attendant On So Momentous A Step In a Young Lady'S Life, Began To Pass
Away. Every Fine Drive In the Country Surrounding The City Had Been
Taken Again And Again; All The Fine Galleries Had Been Visited, And The
Finer Pictures Admired and Dwelt Upon In mr. Beaumont'S Refined and
Quiet Tones, Until There Was Little More To Be Said. Laura Had Come To
Know Exactly Why Her Favorite Paintings Were Beautiful, And Precisely
The Marks Which Gave Them Value. The Pictures Remained just As
Beautiful, But She Became Rather Tired of Hearing Mr. Beaumont Analyze
Them. Not That She Could Find Any Fault With What He Said, But It Was
The Same Thing Over And Over Again. She Became, Slowly And Unpleasantly,
Impressed with The Thought That, While Mr. Beaumont Would Probably Take
The Most Correct View Of Every Object That Met His Eye, He Would Always
Take The Same View, And, Having Once Heard Him Give An Opinion, She
Could Anticipate On All Future Occasions Just What He Would Say. We All
Know, By Disagreeable Experience, That No Man Is So Wearisome As He Who
Repeats Himself Over And Over Again Without Variation, No Matter How
Approved his First Utterance May Have Been. Beaumont Was Remarkably
Gifted with The Power Of Forming a Correct Judgment Of The Technical
Work Of Others In all Departments Of Art And Literature, And To The
Perfecting Of This Accurate Aesthetic Taste He Had Given The Energies Of
His Maturer Years. He Had Carefully Scrutinized in every Land All That
The Best Judges Considered pre-Eminently Great And Beautiful, But His
Critical Powers Were Those Of An Expert, A Connoisseur, Only. His Mind
Had No Freshness Or Originality. He Had Very Little Imagination. Laura'S
Spirit Would Kindle Before A Beautiful Painting Until Her Eyes Suffused
With Tears. He Would Observe Coolly, With An Eye That Measured and
Compared everything With The Received canons Of Art, And If The Drawing
And Coloring Were Correct He Was Simply--Satisfied.
Again, He Had A Habit Of Forgetting That He Had Given His Artistic Views
Upon A Subject But A Brief Time Before, And Would Repeat Them Almost
Word For Word, And Often His Polished sentences And Quiet Monotone Were
As Wearisome As A Thrice-Told Tale.
As Time Wore On The Disagreeable Thought Began To Suggest Itself To
Laura That The Man Himself Had Culminated; That He Was Perfected to The
Limit Of His Nature, And Finished off. She Foresaw With Dread That She
Might Reach A Point Before Very Long When She Would Know All That He
Knew, Or, At Least, All That He Kept In his Mind, And That Thereafter
Everything Would Be Endless Repetition To The End Of Life. He Dressed
Very Much The Same Every Day; His Habits Were Very Uniform And
Methodical. In the World'S Estimation He Was, Indeed, A Bright Luminary,
And He Certainly Resembled the Heavenly Bodies In the Following
Respects. Laura Was Learning That She Could Calculate His Orbit To A
Nicety, And Know Beforehand What He Would Do And Say In given
Conditions. When She Came To Know Him Better She Might Be Able To Trace
The Unwelcome Resemblance Still Further, In the Fact That He Did Not
Seem To Be Progressing Toward Anything, But Was Going Round And Round A
Habitual Circle Of Thought And Action, With Himself As The Centre Of His
Laura Resisted the First And Infrequent Coming Of These Thoughts, As If
They Were Suggestions Of The Evil One; But, In spite Of All Effort, All
Self-Reproach, They Would Return. Sometimes As Little A Thing as An
Elegant Pose--So Perfect, Indeed, As To Suggest That It Had Been Studied
And Learned by Heart Years Ago--Would Occasion Them, And The Happy Girl
Began To Sigh Over A Faint Foreboding Of Trouble.
By No Word Or Thought Did She Ever Show Him What Was Passing In her
Mind, And She Would Have To Show Such Thoughts Plainly Before He Would
Even Dream Of Their Existence, For No Man Ever More Thoroughly Believed
In Himself Than Did Auguste Beaumont. He Was Satisfied he Had Learned
The Best And Most Approved way Of Doing Everything, And As His Action
Was Always The Same, It Was, Therefore, Always Right. Moreover, Laura
Eventually Divined, While Calling With Him On His Parents, That The
Greatest Heresy And Most Aggravated offence That Any One Could Be Guilty
Of In the Beaumont Mansion Would Be To Find Fault With Auguste. It Would
Be A Crime For Which Neither Reason Nor Palliation Could Be Found.
Thus The Prismatic Hues Which Had Surrounded this Man Began To Fade, And
Laura, Who Had Hoped to Escape The Prose Of Life, Was Reluctantly
Compelled to Admit To Herself At Times That She Found Her Lover
Tiresomely Prosy And "Splendidly Null."
In The Meantime Haldane Had Finished the Studies Of His Second Year At
The Medical College, And Had Won The Respect Of His Instructors By His
Careful Attention To The Lectures, And By A Certain Conscientious,
Painstaking Manner, Rather Than By The Display Of Any Striking Or
Brilliant Qualities.
One July Evening, Before Taking His Summer Vacation, He Called on Mrs.
Arnot. The Sky In the West Was So Threatening, And The Storm Came On So
Rapidly, That Mr. Beaumont Did Not Venture Down To The City, And Laura,
Partly To Fill A Vacant Hour, And Partly To Discover Wherein The Man Of
To-Day, Of Whom Her Aunt Could Speak In such High Terms, Differed from
The Youth That She, Even As An Immature Girl, Despised, Determined to
Give Haldane A Little Close Observation. When He Entered she Was At The
Piano, Practicing a Very Difficult And Intricate Piece Of Music That
Beaumont Had Recently Brought To Her, And He Said:
"Please Do Not Cease Playing. Music, Which Is A Part Of Your Daily Fare,
Is To Me A Rarely Tasted luxury, For You Know That In hillaton There Are
But Few Public Concerts Even In winter."
She Gave Him A Glance Of Genuine Sympathy, As She Remembered that Only
At A Public Concert Where He Could Pay His Way To An Unobtrusive Seat
Could He Find Opportunity To Enjoy That Which Was A Part Of Her Daily
Life. In no Parlor Save Her Aunt'S Could He Enjoy Such Refining
Pleasures, And For A Reason That She Knew Well He Had Rarely Availed
Himself Of The Privilege. Then Another Thought Followed swiftly: "Surely
A Man So Isolated and Cut Off From These Aesthetic Influences Which Mr.
Beaumont Regards As Absolutely Essential, Must Have Become Uncouth And
Angular In his Development." The Wish To Discover How Far This Was True
Gave To Her Observation An Increasing Zest. She Generously Resolved,
However, To Give Him As Rich A Musical Banquet As It Was In her Power To
Furnish, If His Eye And Manner Asked for It.
"Please Continue What You Were Playing," He Added, "It Piques My
As The Musical Intricacy Which Gave The Rich But Tangled fancies Of A
Master-Mind Proceeded, His Brow Knit In perplexity, And At Its Close He
Shook His Head And Remarked:
"That Is Beyond Me. Now And Then I Seemed to Catch Glimpses Of Meaning,
And Then All Was Obscure Again."
"It Is Beyond Me, Too," Said Mrs. Arnot With A Laugh. "Come, Laura, Give
Us Something Simple. I Have Heard Severely Classical And Intricate Music
So Long That I Am Ready To Welcome Even 'Auld Lang Syne.'"
"I Also Will Enjoy A Change To Something Old And Simple," Said Laura,
And Her Fingers Glided into A Selection Which Haldane Instantly
Recognized as Steibelt'S Storm Rondo.
As Laura Glanced at Him She Saw His Deepening Color, And Then It
Suddenly Flashed upon Her When She Had First Played that Music For Him,
And Her Own Face Flushed with Annoyance At Her Forgetfulness. After
Playing It Partly Through She Turned to Her Music-Stand In search Of
Something Else, But Haldane Said:
"Please Finish The Rondo, Miss Romeyn;" Adding, With A Frank Laugh, "You
Have, No Doubt, Forgotten It; But You Once, By Means Of This Music, Gave
Me One Of The Most Deserved and Wholesome Lessons I Ever Received."
"Your Generous Acknowledgment Of A Fancied mistake At That Time Should
Have Kept Me From Blunders This Evening," She Replied in a Pained tone.
With A Steady Glance That Held Her Eyes He Said Very Quietly, And Almost
"You Have Made No Blunder, Miss Romeyn. I Do Not Ignore The Past, Nor Do
I Wish It To Be Ignored with Painstaking Care. I Am Simply Trying To
Face It And Overcome It As I Might An Enemy. I May Be Wrong, For You
Know I Have Had Little Chance To Become Versed in the Ways Of Good
Society; But It Appears To Me That It Would Be Better Even For Those Who
Are To Spend But A Social Hour Together That They Should Be Free From
The Constraint Which Must Exist When There Is A Constant Effort To Shun
Delicate Or Dangerous Ground. Please Finish The Rondo; And Also Please
Remember That The Ice Is Not Thin Here And There," He Added with A
Laura Caught Her Aunt'S Glance, And The Significant Lighting Up Of Her
Face, And, With An Answering Smile, She Said:
"If You Will Permit Me To Change The Figure, I Will Suggest That You
Have Broken The Ice So Completely That I Shall Take You At Your Word,
And Play And Sing Just What You Wish;" And, Bent Upon Giving The Young
Man All The Pleasure She Could, She Exerted her Powers To The Utmost In
Widely Varied selections; And While She Saw That His Technical Knowledge
Was Limited, It Was Clearly Evident That He Possessed a Nature
Singularly Responsive To Musical Thoughts And Effects; Indeed, She Found
A Peculiar Pleasure And Incentive In glancing at His Face From Time To
Time, For She Saw Reflected there The Varied characteristics Of The
Melody. But Once, As She Looked up To See How He Liked an Old English
Ballad, She Caught That Which Instantly Brought The Hot Blood Into Her
Haldane Had Forgotten Himself, Forgotten That She Belonged to Another,
And, Under The Spell Of The Old Love Song, Had Dropped his Mask. She Saw
His Heart In his Gaze Of Deep, Intense Affection More Plainly Than
Spoken Words Could Have Revealed it.
He Started slightly As He Saw Her Conscious Blush, Turned pale Instead
Of Becoming Red and Embarrassed, And, Save A Slight Compression Of His
Lips, Made No Other Movement. She Sang The Concluding Verse Of The
Ballad In a Rather Unsympathetic Manner, And, After A Light Instrumental
Piece Devoid Of Sentiment, Rose From The Piano.
Haldane Thanked her With Frank Heartiness, And Then Added in a Playful
Manner That, Although The Concert Was Over, He Was Weather-Bound On
Account Of The Shower, And Would Therefore Try To Compensate Them For
Giving Him Shelter By Relating a Curious Story Which Was Not Only
Founded on Fact, But All Fact; And He Soon Had Both Of His Auditors
Deeply Interested in one Of Those Strange And Varied experiences Which
Occasionally Occur In real Life, And Which He Had Learned through His
Mission Class. The Tale Was So Full Of Lights And Shadows That Now It
Provoked to Laughter, And Again Almost Moved the Listeners To Tears.
While The Narrator Made As Little Reference To Himself As Possible, He
Unconsciously And Of Necessity Revealed how Practically And Vitally
Useful He Was To The Class Among Whom He Was Working. Partly To Draw Him
Out, And Partly To Learn More About Certain Characters In whom She Had
Become Interested, Mrs. Arnot Asked after One And Another Of Haldane'S
"Difficult Cases." As His Replies Suggested inevitably Something Of
Their Dark And Revolting History, Laura Again Forgot Herself So Far As
To Exclaim:
"How Can You Work Among Such People?"
After The Words Were Spoken She Was Already To Wish That She Had Bitten
Her Tongue Out.
"Christ Worked among Them," Replied he Gravely, And Then He Added, With
A Look Of Grateful Affection Toward Mrs. Arnot, "Besides, Your Aunt Has
Taught Me By A Happy Experience That There Are Some Possibilities Of A
Change For The Better In 'Such People.'"
"Mr. Haldane," Said Laura Impetuously, And With A Burning Flush, "I
Sincerely Beg Your Pardon. As You Were Speaking You Seemed so Like My
Aunt In refinement And Character That You Banished every Other
Association From My Mind."
His Face Lighted up With A Strong Expression Of Pleasure, And He Said:
"I Am Glad That Those Words Are So Heartily Uttered, And That There Is
No Premeditation In them; For If In the Faintest And Furthest Degree I
Can Even Resemble Mrs. Arnot, I Shall Feel That I Am Indeed making
"I Shall Say What Is In my Mind Without Any Constraint Whatever," Said
Mrs. Arnot. "Years Ago, Egbert, When Once Visiting You In prison, To
Which You Had Been Sent Very Justly, I Said In effect, That In rising
Above Yourself And Your Circumstances, You Would Realize My Ideal Of
Knighthood. You Cannot Know With What Deep Pleasure I Tell You To-Night
That You Are Realizing This Ideal Even Beyond My Hopes."
"Mrs. Arnot," Replied haldane, In a Tone That Trembled slightly, "I Was
Justly Sent To That Prison, And To-Night, No Doubt, I Should Have Been
In Some Other Prison-House Of Human Justice--Quite Possibly," He Added,
In A Low, Shuddering Tone, "In The Prison-House Of God'S Justice--If You
Had Not Come Like An Angel Of Mercy--If You Had Not Borne With Me,
Taught Me, Restrained me, Helped me With A Patience Closely Akin To
Heaven'S Own. It Is The Hope And Prayer Of My Life That I May Some Day
Prove How I Appreciate All That You Have Done For Me. But, See; The
Storm Is Over, As All Storms Will Be In time. Good-Night, And Good-By,"
And He Lifted her Hand To His Lips In a Manner That Was At Once So Full
Of Homage And Gratitude, And Also The Grace Of Natural And Unstudied
Action, That There Came A Rush Of Tears Into The Lady'S Eyes.
Laura Held Out Her Hand And Said: "Mr. Haldane, You Cannot Respect Me
More Than You Have Taught Me To Respect You."
He Shook His Head At These Words, Involuntarily Intimating That She Did
Not Know, And Never Could, But Departed without Trusting Himself To
The Ladies Sat Quite A Long Time In silence. At Length Laura Remarked
With A Sigh:
"Mr. Haldane Is Mistaken. The Ice Is Thin Here And There, But I Had No
Idea That There Were Such Depths Beneath It"
Mrs. Arnot Did Not Reply At Once, And When She Did Perhaps She Had In
Mind Other Experiences Than Those Of Her Young Friend, For She Only Said
In A Low Musing Tone:
"Yes, He Is Right. All Storms Will Be Over In time."
Chapter XLIX (A Knightly Deed)
The Year Previous Haldane Had Buried himself Among The Mountains Of
Maine, But He Resolved to Spend Much Of The Present Summer In the City
Of New York, Studying Such Works Of Art As Were Within His Reach,
Haunting The Cool, Quiet Libraries, And Visiting The Hospitals, Giving
To The Last, As A Medical Student, The Most Of His Time. He Found
Himself More Lonely And Isolated among The Numberless Strange Faces Than
He Had Been In the Northern Forests. He Also Went To His Native City For
The Purpose Of Visiting Dr. Marks, And As The Family Mansion Was Closed,
Took A Room At The Hotel. His Old Acquaintances Stood Far Aloof At
First, But When Dr. Marks Carried him Off With Friendly Violence To The
Parsonage, And Kept Him There As A Welcome Guest, Those Who Had Known
Him Or His Family Concluded that They Could Shake Hands With Him, And
Many Took Pains To Do So, And To Congratulate Him On The Course He Was
Taking. Dr. Marks' Parsonage Was Emphatically The Interpreter'S House To
Him, And After A Brief Visit He Returned to New York More Encouraged
With The Hope That He Would Eventually Retrieve The Past Than Ever He
Had Been Before.
But Events Now Occurred which Promised to Speedily Blot Out All
Possibility Of An Earthly Future. In answer To His Letter Describing His
Visit To Dr. Marks, He Received from Mrs. Arnot A Brief Note, Saying
That The Warm Weather Had Affected her Very Unfavorably, And That She
Was Quite Ill And Had Been Losing Strength For Some Weeks. On This
Ground He Must Pardon Her Brief Reply. Her Closing Words Were,
"Persevere, Egbert. In a Few Years More The Best Homes In the Land Will
Be Open To You, And You Can Choose Your Society From Those Who Are
Honorable Here And Will Be Honored hereafter."
There Were Marks Of Feebleness In the Handwriting, And Haldane'S Anxiety
Was So Strongly Aroused in behalf Of His Friend That He Returned to
Hillaton At Once, Hoping, However, That Since The Heats Of August Were
Nearly Over, The Bracing Breath Of Autumn Would Bring Renewed strength.
After Being announced he Was Shown Directly Up To Mrs. Arnot'S Private
Parlor, And He Found Himself Where, Years Before, He Had First Met His
Friend. The Memory Of The Bright, Vivacious Lady Who Had Then
Entertained him With A Delicate Little Lunch, While She Suggested how He
Might Make His Earliest Venture Out Into The World Successful, Flashed
Into His Mind, With Thronging Thoughts Of All That Had Since Occurred;
But Now He Was Pained to See That His Friend Reclined feebly On Her
Lounge, And Held Out Her Hand Without Rising.
"I Am Glad You Have Come," She Said With Quiet Emphasis, "For Your
Sympathy Will Be Welcome, Although, Like Others, You Can Do Nothing For
Us In our Trouble."
"Mrs. Arnot," He Exclaimed in a Tone Of Deep Distress, "You Are Not
Seriously Ill?"
"No," She Replied, "That Is Not It. I'M Better, Or Will Be Soon, I
Think. Laura, Dear, Light The Gas, Please, And Egbert Can Read The
Telegrams For Himself. You Once Met My Sister, Mrs. Poland, Who Resides
In The South, I Think."
"Yes, I Remember Her Very Well. There Was Something about Her Face That
Haunted me For Months Afterward."
"Amy Was Once Very Beautiful, But Ill-Health Has Greatly Changed her."
In The Dusk Of The Evening Haldane Had Not Seen Laura And Mr. Beaumont,
As He Entered, And He Now Greeted them With A Quiet Bow; But Laura Came
And Gave Him Her Hand, Saying:
"We Did Not Expect You To Return So Soon, Mr. Haldane."
"After Hearing That Mrs. Arnot Was Ill I Could Not Rest Till I Had Seen
Her, And I Received her Note Only This Morning."
He Now Saw That Both Laura'S Eyes And Mrs. Arnot'S Were Red with
The Latter, In answer To His Questioning, Troubled face, Said: "The
Yellow Fever Has Broken Out In the City Where My Sister Resides. Her
Husband, Mr. Poland, Has Very Important Business Interests There, Which
He Could Not Drop Instantly. She Would Not Leave Him, And Amy, Her
Daughter, Would Not Leave Her Mother. Indeed, Before They Were Aware Of
Their Danger The Disease Had Become Epidemic, And Mr. Poland Was
Stricken Down. The First Telegram Is From My Sister, And States This
Fact; The Second There Is From My Niece, And It Breaks My Heart To Read
It," And She Handed it To Him And He Read As Follows:
"The Worst Has Happened. Father Very Low. Doctor Gives Little Hope. I
Almost Fear For Mother'S Mind. The City In panic--Our Help
Leaving--Medical Attendance Uncertain. It Looks As If I Should Be Left
Alone, And I Helpless. What Shall I Do?"
"Was There Ever A More Pathetic Cry Of Distress?" Said Mrs. Arnot, With
Another Burst Of Grief. "Oh That I Were Strong And Well, And I Would Fly
To Them At Once."
"Do You Think I Could Do Any Good By Going?" Asked laura, Stepping
Forward Eagerly, But Very Pale.
"No," Interposed mr. Beaumont, With Sharp Emphasis; "You Would Only
Become An Additional Burden, And Add To The Horrors Of The Situation."
"Mr. Beaumont Is Right; But You Are A Noble Woman Even To Think Of Such
A Thing," Said Haldane, And He Gave Her A Look Of Such Strong Feeling
And Admiration That A Little Color Came Into Her White Cheeks.
"She Does Not Realize What She Is Saying," Added mr. Beaumont. "It Would
Be Certain Death For An Unacclimated northener To Go Down There Now."
Laura Grew Very Pale Again. She Had Realized what She Was Saying, And
Was Capable Of The Sacrifice; But The Man Who Had Recognized and
Appreciated her Heroism Was Not The One Who Held Her Plighted troth.
Paying No Heed to Beaumont'S Last Remark, Haldane Snatched up The Daily
Paper That Lay Upon The Table, And Turned hastily To A Certain Place For
A Moment, Then, Looking at His Watch, Exclaimed eagerly:
"I Can Do It If Not A Moment Is Wasted. The Express Train For The South
Leaves In an Hour, And It Connects With All The Through Lines. Miss
Romeyn, Please Write For Me, On Your Card, An Introduction To Your
Cousin, Miss Poland, And I Will Present It, With The Offer Of My
Assistance, At The Earliest Possible Moment."
"Egbert, No!" Said Mrs. Arnot, With Strong Emphasis, And Rising From Her
Couch, Though So Ill And Feeble. "I Will Not Permit You To Sacrifice
Your Life For Comparative Strangers."
He Turned and Took Her Hand In both Of His, And Said:
"Mrs. Arnot, There Is No Time For Remonstrance, And It Is Useless. _I
Am Going_, And No One Shall Prevent Me." Then He Added, In tones And
With A Look Of Affection Which She Never Forgot, "Deeply As I Regret
This Sad Emergency, I Would Not, For Ten Times The Value Of My Life,
Lose The Opportunity It Gives Me. I Can Now Show You A Small Part Of My
Gratitude By Serving Those You Love. Besides, As You Say, That Telegram
Is Such A Pathetic Cry Of Distress That, Were You All Strangers, I Would
Obey Its Unconscious Command. But Haste, The Card!"
"Egbert, You Are Excited; You Do Not Realize What You Are Saying!" Cried
The Agitated lady.
He Looked at Her Steadily For A Moment, And Then Said, In a Tone So
Quiet And Firm That It Ended all Remonstrance, "I Realize Fully What I
Am Doing, And It Is My Right To Decide Upon My Own Action. To You, At
Least, I Never Broke My Word, And I Assure You That I Will Go. Miss
Romeyn, Will You Oblige Me By Instantly Writing That Card? Your Aunt Is
Not Able To Write It."
His Manner Was So Authoritative That Laura Wrote With A Trembling Hand:
"The Bearer Is A Very Dear Friend Of Aunt'S. How Brave And Noble
A Man He Is You Can Learn From The Fact That He Comes To Your Aid Now.
In Deepest Sympathy And Love,
"Good-By, My Dear, Kind Friend," Said Haldane Cheerily To Mrs. Arnot
While Laura Was Writing; "You Overrate The Danger. I Feel That I Shall
Return Again, And If I Do Not, There Are Many Worse Evils Than Dying."
"Your Mother," Said Mrs. Arnot, With A Low Sob.
"I Shall Write To Her A Long Letter On The Way And Explain Everything."
"She Will Feel That It Never Can Be Explained."
"I Cannot Help It," Replied the Young Man Resolutely; "I Know That I Am
Doing Right, Or My Conscience Is Of No Use To Me Whatever."
Mrs. Arnot Put Her Arms Around His Neck As If She Were His Mother, And
Said In low, Broken Tones:
"God Bless You, And Go With You, My True Knight; Nay, Let Me Call You My
Own Dear Son This Once. I Will Thank You In heaven For All This, If Not
Here," And Then She Kissed him Again And Again.
"You Have Now Repaid Me A Thousand-Fold," He Faltered, And Then Broke
"Mr. Haldane," Said Laura Tearfully, As He Turned to Her, "Cousin Amy
And I Have Been The Closest Friends From Childhood, And I Cannot Tell
You How Deeply I Appreciate Your Going To Her Aid. I Could Not Expect A
Brother To Take Such A Risk."
Haldane Felt That His Present Chance To Look Into Laura'S Face Might Be
His Last, And Again, Before He Was Aware, He Let His Eyes Reveal All His
Heart. She Saw As If Written In them, "A Brother Might Not Be Willing To
Take The Risk, But I Am."
"Do I Then Render You A Special Service?" He Asked, In a Low Tone.
"You Could Not Render Me A Greater One."
"Why, This Is Better Than I Thought," He Said. "How Fortunate I Was In
Coming This Evening! There, Please Do Not Look So Distressed. A Soldier
Takes Such Risks As These Every Day, And Never Thinks Of Them. You Have
Before You A Happy Life, Miss Laura, And I Am Very, Very Glad. Good
Courage, And Good-By," And His Manner Now Was Frank, Cheerful, And
She Partly Obeyed an Impulse To Speak, But Checked it, And Tremblingly
Bent Her Head; But The Pressure She Gave His Hand Meant More Than He Or
Even She Herself Understood At The Time.
"Good-By, Mr. Beaumont," He Said, Hurriedly. "I Need not Wish You
Happiness, Since You Already Possess It;" And He Hastened from The Room
And The House Without Once Looking Back.
A Moment Later They Heard His Rapid Resolute Tread Echoing From The
Stony Pavement, But It Speedily Died away.
Laura Listened breathlessly At The Window Until The Faintest Sound
Ceased. She Had Had Her Wish. She Had Seen A Man Who Was Good Enough And
Brave Enough To Face Any Danger To Which He Felt Impelled by A Chivalric
Sense Of Duty. She Had Seen A Man Depart Upon As Knightly An Expedition
As Any Of Which She Had Ever Read, But It Was Not Her Knight.
"This Young Haldane Is A Brave Fellow, And I Had No Idea That There Was
So Much Of Him," Remarked mr. Beaumont In his Quiet And Refined tones.
"Really, Take It All Together, This Has Been A Scene Worthy Of The Brush
Of A Great Painter."
"Oh, Auguste!" Exclaimed laura; "How Can You Look Only On The Aesthetic
Side Of Such A Scene?" And She Threw Herself Into A Low Chair And Sobbed
As If Her Heart Would Break.
Mr. Beaumont Was Much Perplexed, For He Found That All Of His Elegant
Platitudes Were Powerless Either To Comfort Or To Soothe Her.
"Leave Her With Me," Said Mrs. Arnot. "The Excitements Of The Day Have
Been Too Much For Her. She Will Be Better To-Morrow."
Mr. Beaumont Was Glad To Obey. He Had Been Accustomed from Childhood To
Leave All Disagreeable Duties To Others, And He Thought That Laura Had
Become A Trifle Hysterical. "A Little Lavender And Sleep Is All That She
Requires," He Remarked to Himself As He Walked home In the Starlight.
"But, By Jove! She Is More Lovely In tears Than In smiles."
That He, Auguste Beaumont, Should Risk The Loss Of Her And All His Other
Possessions By Exposing His Precious Person To A Loathsome Disease Did
Not Enter His Mind.
"Oh, Auntie, Auntie, I Would Rather Have Gone Myself And Died, Than Feel
As I Do To-Night," Sobbed laura.
"'Courage' Was Egbert'S Last Word To You, Laura," Said Mrs. Arnot, "And
Courage And Faith Must Be Our Watchwords Now. We Must Act, Too, And At
Once. Please Tell Your Uncle I Wish A Draft For Five Hundred dollars
Immediately, And Explain Why. Then Inclose It In a Note To Egbert, And
See That Michael Puts It In his Hands At The Depot. Write To Egbert Not
To Spare Money Where It May Be Of Any Use, Or Can Secure Any Comfort. We
Cannot Tell How Your Aunt Amy Is Situated, And Money Is Always Useful.
We Must Telegraph To Your Cousin Amy That A Friend Is Coming. Let Us
Realize What Courage, Prayer, And Faith Can Accomplish. Action Will Do
You Good, Laura."
The Girl Sprang To Her Feet And Carried out Her Aunt'S Wishes With
Precision. That Was The Kind Of "Lavender" Which Her Nature Required.
After Writing all That Her Aunt Dictated, She Added on Her Own Part:
If The Knowledge That I Honor You Above Other Men Can Sustain You, Rest
Assured that This Is True; If My Sympathy And Constant Remembrance Can
Lighten Your Burdens, Know That You And Those You Serve Will Rarely Be
Absent From My Thoughts. You Make Light Of Your Heroic Act. To Me It Is
A Revelation. I Did Not Know That Men Could Be So Strong And Noble In
Our Day. Whether Such Words Are Right Or Conventional, I Have Not Even
Thought. My Heart Is Full And I Must Speak Them. That God May Bless You,
Aid You In serving Those I Love So Dearly, And Return You In safety,
Will Be My Constant Prayer.
Auntie Falters Out One More Message, "Tell Egbert That Sister Amy'S
Household Have Not Our Faith; Suggest It, Teach It If You Can."
Farewell, Truest Of Friends. Laura Romeyn.
Mr. Growther Was Asleep In his Chair When Haldane Entered, And He Stole
By Him And Made Preparations For Departure With Silent Celerity. Then,
Valise In hand, He Touched his Old Friend, Who Started up, And
"Lord A' Massy, Where Did You Come From, And Where Yer Goin'? You Look
Kinder Sperit Like. I Say, Am I Awake? I Was Dreamin' You Was Startin'
Off To Kill Somebody."
"Dreams Go By Contraries. It May Be A Long Time Before We Meet Again.
But We Shall Have Many A Good Talk Over Old Times, If Not Here, Why, In
The Better Home, For Your 'Peaked-Faced little Chap' Will Surely Lead
You There," And He Explained all In a Few Brief Sentences. "And Now, My
Kind, True Friend, Good-By. I Thank You From My Heart For The Shelter
You Have Given Me, And For Your Stanch Friendship When Friends Were So
Few. You Have Done All That You Could To Make A Man Of Me, And Now That
You Won'T Have Time To Quarrel With Me About It, I Tell You To Your Face
That You Are Not A Mean Man. There Are Few Larger-Hearted, Larger-Souled
Men In this City," And Before The Bewildered old Gentleman Could Reply,
He Was Gone.
"Lord A' Massy, Lord A' Massy," Groaned mr. Growther, "The Bottom Is
Jest Fallin' Out O' Everything. If He Dies With The Yellow-Jack I'Ll Git
To Cussin' As Bad As Ever."
Haldane Found Mrs. Arnot'S Coachman At The Depot With The Letter Laura
Had Written. As He Read It His Face Flushed with The Deepest Pleasure.
Having a Few Moments To Spare, He Pencilled hastily:
"Miss Romeyn--I Have Received from Michael The Letter With The Draft.
Say To Mrs. Arnot I Shall Obey Both The Letter And Spirit Of Her
Instructions. Let Me Add For Myself That My Best Hopes Are More Than
Fulfilled. That You, Who Know All My Past, Could Write Such Words Seems
Like A Heavenly Dream. But I Assure You That You Overestimate Both The
Character Of My Action And The Danger. It Is All Plain, Simple Duty,
Which Hundreds Of Men Would Perform As A Matter Of Course. I Ask But One
Favor, Please Look After Mr. Growther. He Is Growing Old And Feeble; I
Owe Him So Much--Mrs. Arnot Will Tell You. Yours--"
"He Couldn'T Write A Word More, Miss, The Train Was A Movin' When He
Jumped on," Said Michael When He Delivered the Note.
But That Final Word Had For Laura No Conventional Meaning. She Had Long
Known That Haldane Was, In truth, Hers, And She Had Deeply Regretted the
Fact, And Would At Any Time Have Willingly Broken The Chain That Bound
Him, Had It Been In her Power. Would She Break It To-Night? Yes,
Unhesitatingly; But It Would Now Cost Her A Pain To Do So, Which, At
First, She Would Not Understand. On That Stormy July Evening When She
Gave Haldane A Little Private Concert She Had Obtained a Glimpse Of A
Manhood Unknown To Her Before, And It Was Full Of Pleasing Suggestion.
To-Night That Same Manhood Which Is At Once So Strong, And Yet So
Unselfish And Gentle, Had Stood Out Before Her Distinct And Luminous In
The Light Of A Knightly Deed, And She Saw With The Absoluteness Of
Irresistible Conviction That Such A Manhood Was Above And Beyond All
Surface Polish, All Mere Aesthetic Culture, All Earthly Rank--That It
Was Something That Belonged to God, And Partook Of The Eternity Of His
Greatness And Permanence.
By The Kindred and Noble Possibilities Of Her Own Womanly Nature, She
Was Of Necessity Deeply Interested in such A Man, Having Once Recognized
Him; And Now For Weeks She Must Think Of Him As Consciously Serving Her
In The Most Knightly Way And At The Hourly Risk Of His Life, And Yet
Hoping For No Greater Reward Than Her Esteem And Respect. While She Knew
That He Would Have Gone Eagerly For Her Aunt'S Sake, And Might Have Gone
From A Mere Sense Of Duty, She Had Been Clearly Shown That The Thought
Of Serving Her Had Turned his Dangerous Task Into A Privilege And A Joy.
Could She Follow Such A Man Daily And Hourly With Her Thoughts, Could
She In vivid Imagination Watch His Self-Sacrificing Efforts To Minister
To, And Save Those She Loved, With Only The Cool, Decorous Interest That
Mr. Beaumont Would Deem Proper In the Woman Betrothed to Himself? The
Future Must Answer This Question.
When Haldane Had Asked for A Ticket To The Southern City To Which He Was
Destined, The Agent Stared at Him A Moment And Said:
"Don'T You Know Yellow Fever Is Epidemic There?"
"Yes," Replied haldane With Such Cold Reserve Of Manner That No Further
Questions Were Asked; But The Fact That He, A Medical Student, Had
Bought A Ticket For The Plague-Stricken City Was Stated in the "Courier"
The Following Morning. His Old Friend Mr. Ivison Soon Informed himself
Of The Whole Affair, And In a Glowing Letter Of Eulogy Made It
Impossible For Any One To Charge That Mrs. Arnot Had Asked the Young Man
To Go To The Aid Of Her Relatives At Such Tremendous Personal Risk.
Indeed it Was Clearly Stated, With The Unimpeachable Mr. Beaumont As
Authority, That She Had Entreated him Not To Go, And Had Not The
Slightest Expectation Of His Going Until He Surprised her By His
Unalterable Decision.
After Reading and Talking Over This Letter, Sustained as It Had Been By
Years Of Straightforward Duty, Even Good Society Concluded that It Could
Socially Recognize And Receive This Man; And Yet, As The Old Lady Had
Remarked, There Was Still An Excellent Prospect That He Would Enter
Heaven Before He Found A Welcome To The Exclusive Circles Of Hillaton.
Chapter L ("O Dreaded death!")
Haldane Found Time In the Enforced pauses Of His Journey To Write A Long
And Affectionate Letter To His Mother, Explaining all, And Asking Her
Forgiveness Again, As He Often Had Before. He Also Wrote To Mrs. Arnot A
Cheerful Note, In which He Tried to Put His Course In the Most Ordinary
And Matter-Of-Fact Light Possible, Saying That As A Medical Student It
Was The Most Natural Thing In the World For Him To Do.
As He Approached the Infected city He Had The Train Chiefly To Himself,
And He Saw That The Outgoing Trains Were Full, And When At Last He
Walked its Streets It Reminded him Of A Household Of Which Some Member
Is Very Ill, Or Dead, And The Few Who Were Moving about Walked as If
Under A Sad Constraint And Gloom. On Most Faces Were Seen Evidences Of
Anxiety And Trouble, While A Few Were Reckless.
Having Obtained a Carriage, He Was Driven To Mr. Poland'S Residence In a
Suburb. He Dismissed the Carriage At The Gate, Preferring To Quietly
Announce Himself. The Sultry Day Was Drawing To A Close As He Walked up
The Gravelled drive That Led to The House. Not Even The Faintest Zephyr
Stirred the Luxuriant Tropical Foliage That Here And There Shadowed his
Path, And Yet The Stillness And Quiet Of Nature Did Not Suggest Peace
And Repose So Much As It Did Death. The Motionless Air, Heavily Laden
With A Certain Dead Sweetness Of Flowers From The Neighboring Garden,
Might Well Bring To Mind The Breathless Silence And The Heavy Atmosphere
Of The Chamber In which The Lifeless Form And The Fading Funeral Wreath
Are Perishing Together.
So Oppressed was Haldane He Found Himself Walking Softly And Mounting
The Steps Of The Piazza With A Silent Tread, As If He Were In truth
Approaching The Majesty Of Death. Before He Could Ring The Bell There
Came From The Parlor A Low, Sad Prelude, Played on A Small Reed organ
That Had Been Built In the Room, And Then A Contralto Voice Of Peculiar
Sweetness Sang The Following Words With Such Depth Of Feeling That One
Felt That They Revealed the Innermost Emotion Of The Heart:
O Priceless Life! Warm, Throbbing Life, With Thought And Love And
Passion Rife, I Cling To Thee. Thou Art An Isle In the Ocean Wide; Thou
Art A Barque Above The Tide; How Vague And Void Is All Beside! I Cling
To Thee.
O Dreaded death! Cold, Pallid Death, Despair Is In thy Icy Breath; I
Shrink From Thee. What Victims Wilt Thou Next Enroll? Thou Hast A Terror
For My Soul Which Will Nor Reason Can Control; I Shrink From Thee.
Then Followed a Sound That Was Like A Low Sob. This Surely Was Amy,
Laura'S Cousin-Friend, And Already She Had Won The Whole Sympathy Of His
After Ringing The Bell He Heard Her Step, And Then She Paused, As He
Rightly Surmised, To Wipe Away The Thickly Falling Tears. He Was Almost
Startled when She Appeared before Him, For The Maiden Had Inherited the
Peculiar And Striking Beauty Of Her Mother. Sorrow And Watching Had
Brought Unusual Pallor To Her Cheeks; But Her Eyes Were So Large, So
Dark And Intense, That They Suggested spirit Rather Than Flesh And
"I Think That This Is Miss Poland," Commenced haldane In a Manner That
Was Marked by Both Sympathy And Respect, And He Was About To Hand Her
His Card Of Introduction, When She Stepped eagerly Forward And Took His
Hand, Saying: "You Are Mr. Haldane. I Know It At A Glance."
"Yes, And Wholly At Your Service."
Still Retaining His Hand, She Looked for A Second Into His Face, As If
She Would Read His Soul And Gauge The Compass Of His Nature; So Intent
And Penetrating Was Her Gaze, That Haldane Felt That If There Had Been
Any Wavering Or Weakness On His Part She Would Have Known It As Truly As
Her Face Suddenly Lighted up With Gratitude And Friendliness, And She
Said, Earnestly:
"I _Do_ Thank You For Coming. I Had Purposed asking You Not To Take
So Great A Risk For Us, But To Return; For, To Be Frank With You, Our
Physician Has Told Me That Your Risk Is Terribly Great; But I See That
You Are One That Would Not Turn Back."
"You Are Right, Miss Poland." Then He Added, With A Frank Smile, "There
Is Nothing Terrible To Me In the Risk You Speak Of. I Honestly Feel It A
Privilege To Come To Your Aid, And I Have But One Request To Make: That
You Will Let Me Serve You In any Way And Every Way Possible. By Any
Hesitancy And Undue Delicacy In this Respect You Will Greatly Pain Me."
"Oh!" She Exclaimed in a Low And Almost Passionate Tone, "I Am So Glad
You Have Come, For I Was Almost Desperate."
"Your Father?" Asked haldane Very Gravely.
"He Is More Quiet, And I Try To Think He Is Better, But Doctor Won'T Say
That He Is. Ah, There He Is Coming Now."
A Carriage Drove Rapidly To The Door, And The Physician Sprang Up The
Steps As If The Hours Were Short For The Increasing Pressure Of His
"Miss Amy, Why Are You Here Yet? I Hoped that You And Your Little Sister
Were On Your Way To The Mountains," He Said, Taking Her Hand.
"Please Do Not Speak Of It Again," She Replied. "I Cannot Leave Father
And Mother, And Bertha, You Know, Is Too Young And Nervous A Child To Be
Forced to Go Away Alone. We Must All Remain Together, And Hope The Best
From Your Skill."
"God Knows I'M Doing all In my Power To Save My Dear Old Friend Poland,"
Said The Physician Huskily, And Then He Shook His Head As If He Had
Little Hope. "How Is He Now?"
"Better, I Think. Dr. Orton, This Is The Friend Of Whom I Spoke, Mr.
"You Have Always Lived at The North?" Asked the Physician, Looking The
Young Man Over With A Quick Glance.
"Yes, Sir."
"Do You Realize The Probable Consequences Of This Exposure To One Not
"Dr. Orton, I Am A Medical Student, And I Have Come To Do My Duty, Which
Here Will Be To Carry Out Strictly Your Directions. I Have Only One Deep
Cause For Anxiety, And That Is That I May Be Taken With The Disease
Before I Can Be Of Much Use. So Please Give Me Work At Once."
"Give Me Your Hand, Old Fellow. You Do Our Profession Credit, If Not
Fully Fledged. You Are Right, We Must All Do What We Can While We Can,
For The Lord Only Knows How Many Hours Are Left To Any Of Us. But, Amy,
My Dear, It Makes Me Feel Like Praying and Swearing In the Same Breath
To Find You Still In this Infernal City. A Friend Promised to Call This
Morning and Take You And Your Sister Away."
"We Cannot Go."
"Well, Well, As Long As The Old Doctor Is Above Ground He Will Try To
Take Care Of You; And This Young Gentleman Can Be Invaluable If He Can
Hold On For A While Before Following Too General A Fashion. Come, Sir, I
Will Install You As Nurse At Once."
"Doctor, Doctor Orton, What Have You Brought For Me?" Cried a Childish
Voice And A Little Girl, Fair And Blue-Eyed, Came Fluttering Down The
Stairs, Intercepting Them On The Way To Mr. Poland'S Room.
"Ah! There'S My Good Little Fairy," Said The Kind-Hearted man, Taking
Her In his Arms And Kissing Her. "Look In my Pockets, Little One, And
See What You Can Find."
With Delightful Unconsciousness Of The Shadows Around Her The Child
Fumbled in his Pockets And Soon Pulled out A Picture-Book.
"No Candy Yet?" She Exclaimed in disappointment.
"No Candy At All, Bertha, Nothing But Good Plain Food Till Next Winter.
You Make Sure Of This, I Suppose," He Said Significantly To The Elder
"Yes, As Far As Possible. I Will Wait For You Here."
They Ascended to A Large Airy Room On The Second Floor. Even To Haldane,
Mr. Poland Appeared far Down In the Dark Valley; But He Was In that
Quiet And Conscious State Which Follows The First Stage Of The Fever,
Which In his Case, Owing To His Vigorous Frame, Had Been Unusually
Without A Word The Doctor Felt The Sick Man'S Pulse, Who Bent Upon Him
His Questioning Eyes. From The Further Side Of The Bed, Mrs. Poland,
Sitting Feebly In her Chair, Also Fixed upon The Physician The Same
Intense Searching Gaze That Haldane Had Sustained from The Daughter. Dr.
Orton Looked for A Moment Into Her Pale, Thin Face, Which Might Have
Been Taken As A Model For Agonized anxiety, And Then Looked away Again,
For He Could Not Endure Its Expression.
"Orton, Tell Me The Truth; No Wincing Now," Said Mr. Poland In low,
Thick Utterance.
"My Dear Old Friend, It Cuts Me To The Heart To Say It, But If You Have
Anything Special That You Would Like To Say To Your Family I Think You
Had Better Say It Now."
"Then I Am Going To Die," Said The Man And Both His Tone And Face Were
Full Of Awe; While Poor Mrs. Poland Looked as If _In Extremis_ Herself.
"This Return And Rapid Rise Of Fever At This Late Day Looks Very Bad,"
Said The Physician, Gloomily, "And You Insisted on Knowing The Truth."
"You Ever Were An Honest Friend, Orton; I Know You Have Done Your Best
For Me, And, Although Worked to Death, Have Come To See Me Often. I
Leave My Family In your Charge. God Grant I May Be The Only One To
Suffer. May I See The Children?"
"Yes, A Few Moments; But I Do Not Wish Them To Be In this Room Long."
"Don'T Go Just Yet, Orton. I--To Tell You The Truth, I Feel That Dying
Is Rather Serious Business, And You And I Have Always Taken Life
Somewhat As A Good Joke. Call The Girls."
They Came And Stood By Their Mother. Amy Was Beyond Tears, But Little
Bertha Could Not Understand It, And With Difficulty Could Be Kept From
Clambering Upon The Bed to Her Father.
"Amy'S Naughty, She Keeps Me Away From You, Papa. I'Ve Been Wanting To
See You All Day, And Amy Won'T Let Me."
The Doctor And Haldane Retired to The Hallway.
There Was An Unutterable Look In the Dying Man'S Eyes As He Fixed them
On The Little Group.
"How Can I Leave You? How Can I Leave You?" He Groaned.
At This The Child Began To Cry, And Again Struggled to Reach Her Father.
She Was Evidently His Idol, And He Prayed, "Wherever I Go--Whatever
Becomes Of Me, God Grant I May See That Child Again."
"Mother," He Said (He Always Called his Wife By That Endearing Name),
"I'M Sure You Are Mistaken. I Want To See You All Again With Such
Intense Longing That I Feel I Shall. This Life Can'T Be All. My Hearts
Revolts At It. It'S Fiendish Cruelty To Tear Asunder Forever Those Who
Love As We Do. As I Told You Before, I'M Going To Take My Chances--With
The Publican. Oh! That Some One Could Make A Prayer! Orton!" He Called
The Doctor Entered, Leaving The Door Open.
"Couldn'T You Offer A Short Prayer? You May Think It Unmanly In me, But
I Am In sore Straits, And I Want To See These Loved ones Again."
"Haldane," Cried dr. Orton, "Here, Offer A Prayer, For God'S Sake, If
You Can. I Feel As If I Were Choking."
Without Any Hesitancy Or Mannerism The Christian Man Knelt At Mr.
Poland'S Bedside And Offered as Simple And Natural A Prayer As He Would
Have Spoken To The Divine Man In person Had He Gone To Him In judea,
Centuries Ago, In behalf Of A Friend. His Faith Was So Absolute That He
That Was Petitioned became A Living Presence To Those Who Listened.
"God Bless You, Whoever You Are," Said The Sick Man. "Oh, That Does Me
Good! It'S Less Dark. It Seems To Me That I'Ve Got Hold Of A Hand That
Can Sustain Me."
"Bress De Lord!" Ejaculated an Old Negress Who Sat In a Distant Corner.
"I Install This Young Man As Your Nurse To-Night," Said Dr. Orton,
Huskily; "I'Ll Be Here In the Morning. Come, Little Girls, Go Now."
"We Shall Meet Again, Amy; We Shall Meet Again, Bertie, Darling;
Remember Papa Said It And Believed it."
Haldane Saw A Strange Blending Of Love And Terror In amy'S Eyes As She
Led her Little And Bewildered sister From The Room.
Dr. Orton Took Him One Side And Rapidly Gave His Directions. "His
Pulse," He Said, "Indicates That He May Be Violent During The Night; If
So, Induce Mrs. Poland To Retire, If Possible. I Doubt If He Lives Till
Morning." He Then Told Haldane Of Such Precautions As He Should Take For
His Own Safety, And Departed.
The Horrors Of That Night Cannot Be Portrayed. As The Fever Rose Higher
And Higher, All Evidence Of The Kind, Loving Husband And Father
Perished, And There Remained only A Disease-Tortured body. The Awful
Black Vomit Soon Set In. The Strong Physical Nature In its Dying Throes
Taxed haldane'S Powerful Strength To The Utmost, And Only By Constant
Effort And Main Force Could He Keep The Sufferer In his Bed. Mrs. Poland
And The Old Colored woman Who Assisted her Would Have Been Totally
Unequal To The Occasion. Indeed, The Wife Was Simply Appalled and
Overwhelmed with Grief And Horror, For The Poor Man, Unconscious Of All
Save Pain, And In accordance With A Common Phase Of The Disease, Filled
The Night With Unearthly Cries And Shrieks. But Before The Morning
Dawned, Instead Of Tossing and Delirium There Was The Calm Serenity Of
As Haldane Composed the Form For Its Last Sleep He Said:
"My Dear Mrs. Poland, Your Faithful Watch Is Ended, Your Husband Suffers
No More; Now, Surely You Will Yield To My Entreaty And Go To Your Room.
I Will See That Everything Is Properly Attended to."
The Poor Woman Was Bending Over Her Husband'S Ashes, Almost As
Motionless As They, And Her Answer Was A Low Cry As She Fell Across His
Body In a Swoon.
Haldane Lifted her Gently Up, And Carried her From The Room.
Crouching at The Door Of The Death-Chamber, Her Eyes Dilated with
Horror, He Found Poor Amy.
"Is Mother Dead Also?" She Gasped.
"No, Miss Amy. She Only Needs Your Care To Revive Speedily. Please Lead
The Way To Your Mother'S Apartment."
"I Think There Is A God, And That He Sent You" She Whispered.
"You Are Right," He Replied, In the Natural Hearty Tone Which Is So
Potent In reassuring The Terror-Stricken. "Courage, Miss Amy; All Will
Be Well At Last. Now Let Me Help You Like A Brother, And When Your
Mother Revives, I Will Give Her Something To Make Her Sleep; I Then Wish
You To Sleep Also."
The Poor Lady Revived after A Time, And Tried to Rise That She Might
Return To Her Husband'S Room, But Fell Back In utter Weakness.
"Mrs. Poland," Said Haldane Gently, "You Can Do No Good There. You Must
Live For Your Children Now."
She Soon Was Sleeping Under The Influence Of An Opiate.
"Will You Rest, Too, Miss Amy?" Asked haldane.
"I Will Try," She Faltered; But Her Large, Dark Eyes Looked as If They
Never Would Close Again.
Returning To The Room Over Which So Deep A Hush Had Fallen, Haldane Gave
A Few Directions To The Old Negress Whom He Left In charge, And Then
Sought The Rest He So Greatly Needed himself.
Chapter LI "O Priceless Life!"
When Haldane Came Down The Following Morning He Found Bertha Playing On
The Piazza As Unconscious Of The Loss Of Her Father As The Birds Singing
Among The Trees Of Their Master. Amy Soon Joined them, And Haldane Saw
That Her Eyes Had The Same Appealing and Indescribable Expression, Both
Of Sadness And Terror, Reminding One Of Some Timid And Beautiful Animal
That Had Been Brought To Bay By An Enemy That Was Feared inexpressibly,
But From Which There Seemed no Escape.
He Took Her Hand With A Strong And Reassuring Pressure.
"Oh," She Exclaimed with A Slight Shudder, "How Can The Sun Shine? The
Birds, Too, Are Singing as If There Were No Death And Sorrow In the
"Only A Perfect Faith, Miss Amy, Can Enable Us, Who Do Know There Is
Death And Sorrow, To Follow Their Example."
"It'S All A Black Mystery To Me," She Replied, Turning away.
"So It Was To Me Once."
An Old Colored man, The Husband Of The Negress Who Had Assisted haldane
In His Watch, Now Appeared and Announced breakfast.
It Was A Comparatively Silent Meal, Little Bertha Doing Most Of The
Talking. Amy Would Not Have Touched a Mouthful Had It Not Been For
Haldane'S Persuasion.
As Soon As Bertha Had Finished, She Said To Haldane:
"Amy Told Me That You Did Papa Ever So Much Good Last Evening: Now I
Want To See Him Right Away."
"Does She Not Know?" Asked haldane In a Low Tone.
Amy Shook Her Head. "It'S Too Awful. What Can I Tell Her?" She Faltered.
"It Is Indeed inexpressibly Sad, But I Think I Can Tell The Child
Without Its Seeming awful To Her, And Yet Tell Her The Truth," He
Replied. "Shall I Try To Explain?"
"Yes, And Let Me Listen, Too, If You Can Rob The Event Of Any Of Its
Unutterable Horror."
"Will Bertie Come And Listen To Me If I Will Tell Her About Papa?"
The Child Climbed into His Lap At Once, And Turned her Large Blue Eyes
Up To His In perfect Faith.
"Don'T You Remember That Papa Spoke Last Night Of Leaving You; But Said
You Would Surely Meet Again?"
At This The Child'S Lip Began To Quiver, And She Said: "But Papa Always
Comes And Kisses Me Good-By Before He Goes Away."
"Perhaps He Did, Bertie, When You Were Asleep In your Crib Last Night."
"Oh Yes, Now I'M Sure He Did If He'S Gone Away, 'Cause I 'Member He Once
Woke Me Up Kissing Me Good-By."
"I Think He Kissed you Very Softly, And So You Didn'T Wake. Our Dear
Saviour, Jesus, Came Last Night, And Papa Went Away With Him. But He
Loves You Just As Much As Ever, And He Isn'T Sick Any More, And You Will
Surely See Him Again."
"Do You Think He Will Bring Me Something Nice When He Comes?"
"When You See Him Again He Will Have For You, Bertie, More Beautiful
Things Than You Ever Saw Before In all Your Life, But It May Be A Long
Time Before You See Him."
The Child Slipped down From His Knees Quite Satisfied and Full Of
Pleasant Anticipation, And Went Back To Her Play On The Piazza.
"Do You Believe All That?" Asked amy, Looking as If Bertha Had Been Told
A Fairy Tale.
"I Do, Indeed. I Have Told The Child What I Regard As The Highest Form
Of The Truth, Though Expressed in simple Language. Miss Amy, I Know That
Your Father Was Ever Kind To You. Did He Ever Turn Coldly Away From Any
Earnest Appeal Of Yours?"
"Never, Never," Cried the Girl, With A Rush Of Tears.
"And Can You Believe That His Heavenly Father Turned from His Touching
Appeal Last Night? Christ Said To Those Who Were Trusting In him, 'I
Will Come Again And Receive You Unto Myself; That Where I Am There Ye
May Be Also.' As Long As Your Father Was Conscious, He Was Clinging To
That Divine Hand That Has Never Failed one True Believer In all These
Centuries. Surely, Miss Amy, Your Own Reason Tells You That The Poor
Helpless Form That We Must Bury Today Is Not Your Father. The Genial
Spirit, The Mind That Was A Power Out In the World, The Soul With Its
Noble And Intense Affections And Aspirations--These Made The Man That
Was Your Father. Therefore I Say With Truth That The Man, The
Imperishable Part, Has Gone Away With Him Who Loved humanity, And Who
Has Prepared a Better Place For Us Than This Earth Can Ever Be Under The
Most Favoring Circumstances. You Can Understand That The Body Is But The
Changing, Perishing Shadow.
"When You Compare The Poor, Disease-Shattered house In yonder Room, With
The Regal Spirit That Dwelt Within It, When You Compare That Prostrate
Form--Which, Like A Fallen Tree In the Forest, Is Yielding To The
Universal Law Of Change--With The Strong, Active, Intelligent Man That
Was Your Father, Do Not Your Very Senses Assure You That Your Father Has
Gone Away, And, As I Told Bertha, You Will Surely See Him Again? It May
Seem To You That What I Said About The Good-By Kiss Was But A Fiction To
Soothe The Child, But In my Belief It Was Not. Though We Know With
Certainty So Little Of The Detail Of The Life Beyond, We Have Two Good
Grounds On Which To Base Reasonable Conjecture. We Know Of God'S Love;
We Know Your Father'S Love; Now What Would Be Natural In view Of These
Two Facts? I Think We Can Manage To Keep Bertha From Seeing That Which
Is No Longer Her Father, And Thus Every Memory Of Him Will Be Pleasant.
We Will Leave Intact The Impression Which He Himself Made When He Acted
Consciously, For This Which Now Remains Is Not Himself At All."
Further Conversation Was Interrupted by The Arrival Of Dr. Orton; But
Haldane Saw That Amy Had Grasped at His Words As One Might Try To Catch
A Rope That Was Being Lowered to Him In some Otherwise Hopeless Abyss.
"I Feared that Such Might Be The End," Said The Doctor, Gloomily, On
Learning From Haldane The Events Of The Night; "It Frequently Is In
Constitutions Like His." Then He Went Up And Saw Mrs. Poland.
The Lady'S Condition Gave Him Much Anxiety, But He Kept It To Himself
Until They Were Alone. After Leaving Quieting Medicines For Her With
Amy, And Breaking Utterly Down In trying To Say A Few Words Of Comfort
To The Fatherless Girl, He Motioned to Haldane To Follow Him.
"Come With Me To The City," He Said, "And We Will Arrange For Such
Disposal Of The Remains As Is Best."
Having Informed amy Of The Nature Of His Errand, And Promising To
Telegraph Mrs. Arnot, Haldane Accompanied the Physician To The Business
Part Of Town.
"You Have Been A Godsend To Them," Said The Kind-Hearted old Doctor,
Blowing His Nose Furiously. "This Case Comes A Little Nearer Home Than
Any That Has Yet Occurred; But Then The Bottom Is Just Falling Out Of
Everything, And It Looks As If We Would All Go Before We Have A Frost.
It Seems To Me, Though, That I Can Stand Anything Rather Than See Amy
Go. She Is Engaged to A Nephew Of Mine--As Fine A Fellow As There Is In
Town, If I Do Say It, And I Love The Girl As If She Were My Own Child.
My Nephew Is Travelling In europe Now, And I Doubt If He Knows The
Danger Hanging Over The Girl. If Anything Happens To Her It Will About
Kill Him, For He Idolizes Her, And Well He May. I'M Dreadfully Anxious
About Them All. I Fear Most For Mrs. Poland'S Mind. She'S A New England
Lady, As I Suppose You Know--Wonderfully Gifted woman, Too Much Brain
Power For That Fragile Body Of Hers. Well, Perhaps You Did Not
Understand All That Was Said Last Night; But Mrs. Poland Has Always Been
A Great Reader, And She Has Been Carried away By The Materialistic
Philosophy That'S In fashion Nowadays. Queer, Isn'T It? And She
Two-Thirds Spirit Herself. Her Husband And My Best Friend Was As Genial
And Whole-Souled a Man As Ever Lived, Fond Of A Good Dinner, Fond Of A
Joke, And Fond Of His Family To Idolatry. His Wife Had Unbounded
Influence Over Him, Or Otherwise He Might Have Been A Little Fast; But
He Always Laughed at What He Called her 'Yankee Notions,' And Said He
Would Not Accept Her Philosophy Until She Became A Little More Material
Herself. Poland Was A Square, Successful Business Man, But I Fear He Did
Not Lay Up Much. He Was Too Open-Hearted and Free-Handed--A Typical
Southerner I Suppose You Would Say At The North, That Is, Those Of You
Who Don'T Think Of Us As All Slave-Drivers And Slave-Traders. I Expect
The North And South Will Have To Have A Good, Square, Stand-Up Fight
Before They Understand Each Other."
"God Forbid!" Ejaculated haldane.
"Well, I Don'T Think You And I Will Ever Quarrel. You May Call Us What
You Please If You Will Take Care Of Poland'S Family."
"I Have Already Learned to Have A Very Thorough Respect Both For Your
Head And Heart, Doctor Orton."
"I'M Considerably Worse Than They Average Down Here. But As I Was
Telling You, Mrs. Poland Was A New England Woman, And To Humor Her Her
Husband Employed such White Servants As Could Be Got In the City, And
Poor Trash They Were Most Of The Time. When The Fever Appeared they Left
Instantly. Poland Bought The Old Colored people Who Are There With The
Place, And Gave Them Their Freedom, And Only They Have Stood By Them.
What They Would Have Done Last Night If You Had Not Come, God Only
Knows. Poor Amy, Poor Amy!" Sighed the Old Doctor Tempestuously; "She'S
The Prettiest And Pluckiest Little Girl In the City. She'S Half
Frightened out Of Her Wits, I Can See That, And Yet Nothing But Force
Could Get Her Away. For My Nephew'S Sake And Her Own I Tried hard To
Induce Her To Go, But She Stands Her Ground Like A Soldier. What Is Best
Now I Hardly Know. Mrs. Poland Is So Utterly Prostrated that It Might
Cost Her Life To Move Her. Besides, They Have All Been So Terribly
Exposed to The Disease That They Might Be Taken With It On The Journey,
And To Have Them Go Wandering Off The Lord Knows Where At This Chaotic
Time Looks To Me About As Bad As Staying Where They Are, And I Can Look
After Them. But We'Ll See, We'Ll See." And In like Manner The Sorely
Troubled old Gentleman Talked rapidly On, Till They Reached the
Undertaker'S, Seemingly Finding a Relief In thus Unburdening His Heart
To One Of Whose Sympathy He Felt Sure, And Who Might Thus Be Led to Feel
A Deeper Interest In the Objects Of His Charge.
Even At That Time Of General Disaster Haldane'S Abundant Funds Enabled
Him To Secure Prompt Attention. It Was Decided that Mr. Poland'S Remains
Should Be Placed in a Receiving Vault Until Such Time As They Could Be
Removed to The Family Burying-Ground In another City, And Before The Day
Closed everything Had Been Attended to In the Manner Which Refined
Christian Feeling Would Dictate.
Before Parting With Haldane, Doctor Orton Had Given Him Careful
Directions What To Do In case He Recognized symptoms Of The Fever In any
Of The Family Or Himself. "Keep Amy And Bertha With Their Mother All You
Can," He Said; "Anything To Rouse The Poor Woman From That Stony Despair
Into Which She Seems To Have Fallen."
The Long Day At Length Came To An End. Haldane Of Necessity Had Been
Much Away, And He Welcomed the Cool And Quiet Evening; And Yet He Knew
That With The Shadow Of Night, Though So Grateful After The Glare And
Heat To Which He Had Been Subjected, The Fatal Pestilence Approached the
Nearer, As If To Strike A Deadlier Blow. As The Pioneer Forefathers Of
The City Had Shut Their Doors And Windows At Nightfall, Lest Their
Savage And Lurking Foes Should Send A Fatal Arrow From Some Dusky
Covert, So Now Again, With The Close Of The Day, All Doors And Windows
Must Be Shut Against A More Subtle And Remorseless Enemy, Whose Viewless
Shafts Sped with A Surer Aim In darkness.
Amy Had Spent Much Of The Day In unburdening Her Heart In a Long Letter
To Her Cousin Laura, In which In her Own Vivid Way She Portrayed the
Part Haldane Had Acted toward Them. She Had Also Written To Her Distant
And Unconscious Lover, And Feeling That It Might Be The Last Time, She
Had Poured out To Him A Passion That Was As Intense And Yet As Pure As
The Transparent Flame That We Sometimes See Issuing From The Heart Of
The Hard-Wood Maple, As We Sit Brooding Over Our Winter Fire.
"Come And Sit With Us, And As One Of Us," She Had Said To Haldane, And
So They Had All Gathered at The Bedside Of The Widow, Who Had Scarcely
Strength To Do More Than Fix Her Dark, Wistful Eyes On One And Another
Of The Group. She Was So Bewildered and Overwhelmed with Her Loss That
Her Mind Had Partially Suspended its Action. She Saw And Heard
Everything; She Remembered it All Afterward; But Now The Very Weight Of
The Blow Had So Stunned her That She Was Mercifully Saved from The Agony
Of Full Consciousness.
Little Bertha Climbed upon Haldane'S Lap And Pleaded for A Story.
"Yes, Bertie," He Said, "And I Think I Know A Story That You Would Like.
You Remember I Told You That Your Papa Had Gone Away With Jesus; Would
You Not Like To Hear A Story About This Good Friend Of Your Papa'S?"
"Yes, Yes, I Would. Do You Know Much About Him?"
"Quite A Good Deal, For He'S My Friend Too. I Know One True Story About
Him That I Often Like To Think Of. Listen, And I Will Tell It To You.
Jesus Is The God Who Made Us, And He Lives 'Way Up Above The Sky.' But
He Not Only Made Us, Bertie, But He Also Loves Us, And In order To Show
Us How He Loves Us He Is Always Coming To This World To Do Us Good; And
Once He Came And Lived here Just Like A Man, So That We Might All Be
Sure That He Cared for Us And Wanted to Make Us Good And Happy. Well, At
That Time When He Lived here In this World As A Man He Had Some True
Friends Who Loved him And Believed in him. At A Certain Time They Were
All Staying On The Shore Of A Sea, And One Evening Jesus Told His
Friends To Take A Little Boat And Go Over To The Other Side Of The Sea,
And He Would Meet Them There. Then Jesus, Who Wanted to Be Alone, Went
Up The Side Of The Mountain That Rose From The Water'S Edge. Then Night
Came And It Began To Grow Darker And Darker, And At Last It Was So Dark
That The Friends Of Jesus That Were In the Boat Could Only See A Very
Little Way. Then A Moaning, Sighing Wind Began To Rise, And The Poor Men
In The Boat Saw That A Storm Was Coming, And They Pulled hard With Their
Oars In hopes Of Getting Over On The Other Side Before The Storm Became
Very Bad; But By The Time They Reached the Very Middle Of The Sea, The
Wind Began To Blow Furiously, Just As You Have Seen It Blow When The
Trees Bent 'Way Over Toward The Ground, And Some Perhaps Were Broken
Down. A Strong Wind At Sea Makes The Water Rise Up In waves, And These
Waves Began To Beat Against The Boat, And Before Very Long Some Of The
Highest Ones Would Dash Into It. The Men Pulled with Their Oars With All
Their Might, But It Was Of No Use; The Wind Was Right Against Them, And
Though They Did Their Best Hour After Hour, They Still Could Get No
Nearer The Shore. How Sad And Full Of Danger Was Their Condition! The
Dark, Dark Night Was Above And Around Them, The Dark, Angry Waves
Dashing By And Over Them, The Cold, Black Depths Of Water Beneath Them,
And No Sound In their Ears But The Wild, Rushing Storm. What Do You
Think Became Of Them?"
"I'M Afraid They Were Drowned," Said Bertha, Looking Up With Eyes That
Were Full Of Fear And Trouble.
"Have You Forgotten Jesus?"
"But He'S 'Way Off On The Side Of The Mountain."
"He Is Never So Far From His Friends But That He Can See Them And Know
All About Them. He Saw These Friends In the Boat, For Jesus Can See In
The Darkness As Well As In the Light; And When The Night Grew Darkest,
And The Waves Were Highest, And His Friends Most Weary And Discouraged,
He Came To Them So That They Might Know That He Could Save Them, When
They Felt They Could Not Save Themselves. And He Came As No Other Help
Could Have Come--Walking Over The Very Waves That Threatened to Swallow
Up His Friends; And When He Was Near To Them He Called out, 'Be Of Good
Cheer, It Is I; Be Not Afraid.' Then He Went Right Up To The Boat And
Stepped into It Among His Friends. Oh! What A Happy Change His Coming
Made, For The Winds Ceased, The Waves Went Down, And In a Very Little
While The Boat Reached the Sea-Shore. The Bright Sun Rose Up, The
Darkness Fled away, And The Friends Of Jesus Were Safe. They Have Been
Safe Ever Since. Nothing Can Harm Jesus' Friends. He Takes Care Of Them
From Day To Day, From Year To Year, And From Age To Age. Whenever They
Are In trouble Or Pain Or Danger He Comes To Them As He Did To His
Friends In the Boat, And He Brings Them Safely Through It All. Don'T You
Think He Is A Good Friend To Have?"
"Isn'T I Too Little To Be His Friend?"
"No, Indeed; No One Ever Loved little Children As He Does. He Used to
Take Them In his Arms And Bless Them, And He Said, 'Suffer Them To Come
To Me'; And Where He Lives He Has Everything Beautiful To Make Little
Children Happy."
"And You Say Papa Is With Him?"
"Yes, Papa Is With Him."
"Why Can'T We All Go To Him Now?"
"As Soon As He Is Ready For Us He Will Come For Us."
"I Wish He Was Ready For Mamma, Amy, And Me Now, And Then We Could All
Be Together. It'S So Lonely Without Papa. Oh! I'M So Tired," She Added
After A Few Moments, And A Little Later Her Head Dropped against
Haldane'S Breast, And She Was Asleep.
"Mr. Haldane," Said Amy In a Low, Agitated voice, "Have You Embodied
Your Faith In that Story To Bertha?"
"Yes, Miss Amy."
"Why Do You Think"--And She Hesitated. "How Do You Know," She Began
Again, "That Any Such Being as Jesus Exists And Comes To Any One'S
"Granting That The Story I Have Told You Is True, How Did His Disciples
Know That He Came To Their Help? Did Not The Hushed winds Prove It? Did
Not The Quieted waters Prove It? Did Not His Presence With Them Assure
Them Of It? By Equal Proof I Know That He Can And Will Come To The Aid
Of Those Who Look To Him For Aid. I Have Passed through Darker Nights
And Wilder Storms Than Ever Lowered over The Sea Of Galilee, And I Know
By Simple, Practical, Happy Experience That Jesus Christ, Through His
All-Pervading Spirit, Has Come To Me In my Utter Extremity Again And
Again, And That I Have The Same As Felt His Rescuing Hand. Not That My
Trials And Temptations Have Been Greater Than Those Of Many Others, But
I Have Been Weaker Than Others, And I Have Often Been Conscious Of His
Sustaining Power When Otherwise I Would Have Sunk Beneath My Burden.
This Is Not A Theory, Miss Amy, Nor The Infatuation Of A Few Ignorant
People. It Is The Downright Experience Of Multitudes In every Walk Of
Life, And, On Merely Scientific Grounds, Is Worth As Much As Any Other
Experience. This Story Of Jesus Gains The Sympathy Of Little Bertha; It
Also Commands The Reverent Belief Of The Most Gifted and Cultivated
Minds In the World."
"Oh, That I Could Believe All This; But There Is So Much Mystery, So
Much That Is Dark." Then She Glanced at Her Mother, Who Had Turned away
Her Face And Seemed to Be Sleeping, And She Asked: "If Christ Is So
Strong To Help And Save, Why Is He Not Strong To Prevent Evil? Why Is
There A Cry Of Agony Going Up From This Stricken City? Why Must Father
Die Who Was Everything To Us? Why Must Mother Suffer So? Why Am I So
Shadowed by An Awful Fear? Life Means So Much To Me. I Love It," She
Continued in low Yet Passionate Tones. "I Love The Song Of Birds, The
Breath Of Flowers, The Sunlight, And Every Beautiful Thing. I Love
Sensation. I Am Not One Who Finds A Tame And Tranquil Pleasure In the
Things I Like Or In the Friends I Love. My Joys Thrill Every Nerve And
Fibre Of My Being. I Cling To Them, I Cannot Give Them Up. A Few Days
Ago Life Was As Full Of Rich Promise To Me As Our Tropical Spring. It Is
Still, Though I Will Never Cease To Feel The Pain Of This Great Sorrow,
And Yet This Horrible Pit Of Death, Corruption, And Nothingness Yawns At
My Very Feet. Mr. Haldane," She Said In a Still Lower And More
Shuddering Tone, "I Have A Terrible Presentiment That I Shall Perish
With This Loathsome Disease. I May Seem To You, Who Are So Quiet And
Brave, Very Weak And Cowardly; But I Shrink From Death With A Dread
Which You Cannot Understand And Which No Language Can Express. It Is
Repugnant To Every Instinct Of My Being, And I Can Think Of It Only With
Unutterable Loathing. If I Were Old And Feeble, If I Had Tasted all The
Joys Of Life, I Might Submit, But Not Now, Not Now. I Feel With Father
That It Is Fiendish Cruelty To Give One Such An Intense Love Of Life And
Then Wrench It Away; And, Passionately As I Love Life, There Is One Far
More Dear. There Is That In your Nature Which Has So Won My Confidence
That I Can Reveal To You My Whole Heart. Mr. Haldane, I Love One Who Is
Like You, Manly And Noble, And Dearly As I Prize Life, I Think I Could
Give It Away In slow Torture For His Sake, If Required. How Often My
Heart Has Thrilled to See His Eyes Kindle With His Foolish Admiration,
The Infatuation Of Love Which Makes Its Object Beautiful At Least To The
Lover. And Now To Think That He Does Not Know What I Suffer And Fear, To
Think That I May Never See Him Again, To Think That When He Returns I
May Be A Hideous Mass Of Corruption That He Cannot Even Approach. Out
Upon The Phrases 'Beneficent Nature,' And 'Natural Law.' Laws Which
Permit Such Things Are Must Unnatural, And To Endow One With Such A Love
Of Life, Such Boundless Capabilities Of Enjoying Life, And Then At The
Supreme Moment When The Loss Will Be Most Bitterly Felt To Snatch It
Away, Looks To Me More Like The Work Of Devilish Ingenuity Than Of A
'Beneficent Nature.' I Feel With Father, It Is Fiendish Cruelty."
Haldane Bowed his Head Among Bertha'S Curls To Hide The Tears That Would
Come At This Desperate Cry Of Distress; But Amy'S Eyes Were Hard And
Dry, And Had The Agonized look Which Might Have Been Their Expression
Had She Been Enduring Physical Torture.
"Miss Amy," He Said Brokenly After A Moment, "You Forget That Your
Father Said, 'If This Life Is All, It Is Fiendishly Cruel To Tear Us
From That Which We Have Learned to Love So Dearly,' And I Agree With
Him. But This Life Is Not All; The Belief That Human Life Ends At Death
Is Revolting To Reason, Conscience, And Every Sense Of Justice. If This
Were True The Basest Villain Could Escape All The Consequences Of His
Evil In a Moment, And You Who Are So Innocent, So Exquisite In your
Spiritual Organization, So Brave And Noble That You Can Face This Awful
Fear In your Devotion To Those You Love--You By Ceasing To Breathe
Merely Would Sink To Precisely The Same Level And Be No Different From
The Lifeless Clay Of The Villain. Such Monstrous Injustice Is
Impossible; It Outrages Every Instinct Of Justice, Every Particle Of
Reason That I Have.
"Miss Amy, Don'T You See That You Are Like The Disciples In the Boat Out
In The Midst Of The Sea? The Night Is Dark Above You, The Storm Is Wild
Around You, The Waves Are Dashing Over You, The Little Boat Is Frail,
And There Are Such Cold, Dark Depths Beneath It. But We Can'T Help These
Things. We Can'T Explain The Awful Mystery Of Evil And Suffering; Sooner
Or Later Every Human Life Becomes Enveloped in darkness, Storm, And
Danger. That Wave-Tossed boat In the Midst Of The Sea Is An Emblem Of
The Commonest Human Experience. On The Wide Sea Of Life, Numberless
Little Barks Are At This Moment At The Point Of Foundering. Few Are So
Richly Freighted as Yours, But The Same Unknown Depths Are Beneath Each.
But, Miss Amy, I Pray You Remember The Whole Of This Suggestive Bible
Story. Those Imperilled disciples Were Watched by A Loving, Powerful
Friend. He Came To Their Aid, Making The Very Waves That Threatened to
Engulf The Pathway Of His Rescuing Love. He Saved those Old-Time
Friends. They Are Living To-Day, They Will Live Forever. I Can'T Explain
The Dark And Terrible Things Of Which This World Is Full, I Cannot
Explain The Awful Mystery Of Evil In any Of Its Forms. I Know The
Pestilence Is All Around Us; I Know It Seems To Threaten Your Precious,
Beautiful Life. I Recognize The Fact, As I Also Remember The Fact Of The
Darkness And Storm Around The Little Boat. But I Also Know With Absolute
Certainty That There Is One Who Can Come To Your Rescue, Whose Province
It Is To Give Life, Deathless Life, Life More Rich And Full Of Thrilling
Happiness Than You Have Ever Dreamed of, Even With Your Vivid
"How, How Can You Know This? What _Proof_ Can You Give Me?" She
Asked; And No Poor Creature, Whose Life Was Indeed at Stake, Ever Bent
Forward More Eagerly To Catch The Sentence Of Life Or Death, Than Did
Amy Poland The Coming answer.
"I Know It," He Replied more Calmly, "On The Strongest Possible Grounds
Of Evidence--My Own Experience, The Experience Of Mrs. Arnot, Who Is
Sincerity Itself, And The Experience Of Multitudes Of Others. Believers
In Jesus Christ Have Been Verifying His Promises In every Age, And In
Every Possible Emergency And Condition Of Life, And If Their Testimony
Is Refused, Human Consciousness Is No Longer A Basis Of Knowledge. No
One Ever Had A Better Friend Than Mrs. Arnot Has Been To Me; She Has
Been The Means Of Saving Me From Disgrace, Shame, And Everything That
Was Base, And I Love Her With A Gratitude That Is Beyond Words, And Yet
I Am Not So Conscious Of Her Practical Help And Friendship As That Of
The Divine Man Who Has Been My Patient Unwavering Friend In my Long,
Hard Struggle."
Under His Words, The Hard, Dry Despair Of Amy Had Given Way To Gentler
Feelings, Which Found Expression In low, Piteous Sobbing.
"Oh, When Will He Come To Me?" She Asked, "For I Cannot Doubt After Such
"When You Most Need him, Miss Amy. It Is Your Privilege To Ask His
Comforting and Sustaining Presence Now; But He Will Come When He Sees
That You Most Need him."
"If Ever Poor Creatures Needed such A Friend As You Have Described, We
Need him Now," Faltered mrs. Poland, Turning Her Face Toward Them And
Then They Knew That She Had Heard All.
Amy Sprang To Her Embrace, Exclaiming, "Mother, Is It Possible That We
Can Find Such A Friend In our Extremity?"
"Amy, I Am Bewildered, I Am Overwhelmed."
Haldane Carried little Bertha To Her Crib And Covered her With An
Afghan. Then Coming To The Lady'S Side He Took Her Hand And Said Gently,
And Yet With That Quiet Firmness Which Does Much To Produce Conviction:
"Mrs. Poland, Before Leaving Your Husband To His Quiet Sleep We Read
Words Which Jesus Christ Once Spoke To A Despairing, Grief-Stricken
Woman. Take Them Now As If Spoken To You. 'Jesus Said Unto Her, I Am The
Resurrection And The Life: He That Believeth In me, Though He Were Dead,
Yet Shall He Live; And Whosoever Liveth And Believeth In me Shall Never
Die.' As Your Husband Said To You, You Will All Surely Meet Again."
Then He Lifted her Hand To His Lips In a Caress That Was Full Of
Sympathy And Respect, And Silently Left The Room.
Chapter LII (A Man Versus A Connoisseur)
Amy'S Sad Presentiment Was Almost Verified. She Was Very Ill, And For
Hours Of Painful Uncertainty Haldane Watched over Her And Administered
The Remedies Which Dr. Orton Left; And Indeed the Doctor Himself Was
Never Absent Very Long, For His Heart Was Bound Up In the Girl. At Last,
After A Wavering Poise, The Scale Turned in favor Of Life, And She Began
To Slowly Revive.
Poor Mrs. Poland Was So Weak That She Could Not Raise Her Head Or Hand,
But, With Her Wistful, Pathetic Eyes, Followed every Motion, For She
Insisted on Having amy In the Same Room With Herself. Aunt Saba, The Old
Negress, To Whom Mr. Poland Had Given Her Freedom, Continued a Faithful
Assistant. Bound To Her Mistress By The Stronger Chain Of Gratitude And
Affection, She Served with Fidelity In every Way Possible To Her; And
She And Her Husband Were So Old And Humble That Death Seemingly Had
Forgotten Them.
Before Amy Was Stricken Down With The Fever The Look Of Unutterable
Dread And Anxiety That Was So Painful To Witness Passed away, And Gave
Place To An Expression Of Quiet Serenity.
"I Need no Further Argument," She Had Said To Haldane; "Christ Has Come
Across The Waves Of My Trouble. I Am As Sure Of It As I Am Sure That You
Came To My Aid. I Do Not Know Whether Mother Or Bertha Or I Will
Survive, But I Believe That God'S Love Is As Great As His Power, And
That In some Way And At Some Time All Will Come Out For The Best. I Have
Written To My Friend Abroad And To Auntie Arnot All About It, And Now I
Am Simply Waiting. O, Mr. Haldane, I Am So Happy To Tell You," She Had
Added, "That I Think Mother Is Accepting The Same Faith, Slowly And In
Accordance With Her Nature, But Surely Nevertheless. I Am Like Father,
Quick And Intense In my Feelings. I Feel That Which Is False Or That
Which Is True, Rather Than Reason It Out As Mother Does."
Aunt Saba And Her Husband Managed to Take Care Of Bertha And Keep Her
Mind Occupied; But Before Amy'S Convalescence Had Proceeded very Far The
Little Girl Was Suddenly Prostrated by A Most Violent Attack Of The
Disease, And She Withered before The Hot Fever Like A Fragile Flower In
A Simoom. Haldane Went Hastily For Dr. Orton, But He Gave Scarcely A
Hope From The First.
During The Night Following The Day On Which She Had Been Stricken Down A
Strange Event Occurred. [Footnote: It Is Stated on High Medical Authority
That "All Patients Suffer More During Thunder-Showers," And An Instance
Is Given Of A Physician Who Was Suffering From This Fever, And Who Was
Killed as Instantly, By Vivid Flash And Loud Report, As If He Had Been
Struck By The Lightning.] The Sultry Heat Had Been Followed by A
Tropical Thunder-Storm, Which Had Gathered in the Darkness, And Often
Gave To The Midnight A Momentary And Brighter Glare Than That Of The
Previous Noon. The Child Would Start As The Flashes Grew More Intense,
For They Seemed to Distress Her Very Much.
As Haldane Was Lifting Her To Give Her A Drink He Said:
"Perhaps Bertie Will See Papa Very Soon."
Hearing The Word "Papa," The Child Forgot Her Pain For A Moment And
Smiled. At That Instant There Was A Blinding Flash Of Lightning, And The
Appalling Thunder-Peal Followed without Any Interval.
Both Mrs. Poland And Amy Gave A Faint And Involuntary Cry Of Alarm, But
Haldane'S Eyes Were Fixed on The Little Smiling Face That He Held So
Near To His Own. The Smile Did Not Fade. The Old, Perplexed expression
Of Pain Did Not Come Back, And After A Moment He Said Quietly And Very
"Bertie Is With Her Father;" And He Lifted her Up And Carried her To Her
Mother, And Then To Amy, That They Might See The Beautiful And Smiling
Expression Of The Child'S Face.
But Their Eyes Were So Blinded by Tears That They Could Scarcely See The
Face From Which All Trace Of Suffering Had Been Banished almost As Truly
As From The Innocent Spirit.
Having Laid Her Back In the Crib, And Arranged the Little Form As If
Sleeping, He Carried the Crib, With Aunt Saba'S Help, To The Room Where
Mr. Poland Had Died. Then He Told The Old Negress To Return And Remain
With Her Mistress, And That He Would Watch Over The Body Till Morning.
That Quiet Watch By The Pure Little Child, With A Trace Of Heaven'S Own
Beauty On Her Face, Was To Haldane Like The Watch Of The Shepherds On
The Hillside Near Bethlehem. At Times, In the Deep Hush That Followed
The Storm, He Was Almost Sure That He Heard, Faint And Far Away, Angelic
Minstrelsy And Song.
Haldane'S Unusually Healthful And Vigorous Constitution Had Thus Far
Resisted the Infection, But After Returning From The Sad Duty Of Laying
Little Bertha'S Remains By Those Of Her Father, He Felt The Peculiar
Languor Which Is So Often The Precursor Of The Chill And Subsequent
Fever. Although He Had Scarcely Hoped to Escape An Attack, He Had Never
Before Realized how Disastrous It Would Be To The Very Ones He Had Come
To Serve. Who Was There To Take Care Of Him? Mrs. Poland Was Almost
Helpless From Nervous Prostration. Amy Required absolute Quiet To
Prevent The More Fatal Relapse, Which Is Almost Certain To Follow
Exertion Made Too Early In convalescence. He Knew That If He Were In the
House She Would Make The Attempt To Do Something For Him, And He Also
Knew It Would Be At The Risk Of Her Life. Old Aunt Saba Was Worn Out In
Her Attendance On Bertha, Amy, And Mrs. Poland. Her Husband, And A
Stranger Who Had Been At Last Secured to Assist Him, Were Required in
The Household Duties.
He Took His Decision Promptly, For He Felt That He Had But Brief Time In
Which To Act. Going To Mrs. Poland'S Room, He Said To Her And Amy:
"I Am Glad To Find You Both So Brave And Doing as Well As You Are On
This Sad, Sad Day. I Do Not Think You Will Take The Disease, Mrs.
Poland; And You, Miss Amy, Only Need perfect Quiet In order To Get Well.
Please Remember, As A Great Favor To Me, How Vitally Important Is The
Tranquillity Of Mind And Body That I Am Ever Preaching To You, And Don'T
Do That Which Fatigues You In the Slightest Degree, Till Conscious Of
Your Old Strength. And Now I Am Going away For A Little While. This Is A
Time When Every Man Should Be At His Post Of Duty. I Am Needed
Elsewhere, For I Know Of A Case That Requires Immediate Attention.
Please Do Not Remonstrate," He Said, As They Began To Urge That He
Should Take Some Rest; "My Mission Here Has Ended for The Present And My
Duty Is Elsewhere. We Won'T Say Good-By, For I Shall Not Be Far Away;"
And Although He Was Almost Faint From Weakness, His Bearing Was So
Decided and Strong, And He Appeared so Bent On Departure, That They Felt
That It Would Hardly Be In good Taste To Say Anything More.
"We Are Almost Beginning To Feel That Mr. Haldane Belongs To Us," Said
Amy To Her Mother Afterward, "And Forget That He May Be Prompted by As
Strong A Sense Of Duty To Others."
As Haldane Was Leaving The House Dr. Orton Drove To The Door. Before He
Could Alight The Young Man Climbed into His Buggy With Almost Desperate
"Drive Toward The City," He Said So Decisively That The Doctor Obeyed.
"What'S The Matter, Haldane? Speak, Man; You Look Sick."
"Take Me To The City Hospital. I Am Sick."
"I Shall Take You Right Back To Mrs. Poland'S," Said The Doctor, Pulling
Haldane Laid His Hands On The Reins, And Then Explained his Fears And
The Motive For His Action.
"God Bless You, Old Fellow; But You Are Right. Any Effort Now Would Cost
Amy Her Life, And She Would Make It If You Were There. But You Are Not
Going To The Hospital."
Dr. Orton'S Intimate Acquaintance With The City Enabled him To Place
Haldane In a Comfortable Room Near His Own House, Where He Could Give
Constant Supervision To His Case. He Also Procured a Good Nurse, Whose
Sole Duty Was To Take Care Of The Young Man. To The Anxious Questioning
Of Mrs. Poland And Amy From Time To Time, The Doctor Maintained the
Fiction, Saying That Haldane Was Watching a Very Important Case Under
His Care; "And You Know His Way," Added the Old Gentleman, Rubbing His
Hands, As If He Were Enjoying Something Internally, "He Won'T Leave A
Case Till I Say It'S Safe, Even To Visit You, Of Whom He Speaks Every
Chance He Gets;" And Thus The Two Ladies In their Feeble State Were
Saved all Anxiety.
They At Length Learned of The Merciful Ruse That Had Been Played upon
Them By The Appearance Of Their Friend At Their Door In dr. Orton'S
Buggy. As The Old Physician Helped his Patient, Who Was Still Rather
Weak, Up The Steps, He Said With His Hearty Laugh:
"Haldane Has Watched over That Case, That He And I Told You Of, Long
Enough. We Now Turn The Case Over To You, Miss Amy. But All He Requires
Is Good Living, And I'Ll Trust To You For That. He'S A Trump, If He Is A
Yankee. But Drat Him, I Thought He'D Spoil The Joke By Dying, At One
The Sentiments That People Like Mrs. Poland And Her Daughter, Mrs.
Arnot, And Laura, Would Naturally Entertain Toward One Who Had Served
Them As Haldane Had Done, And At Such Risk To Himself, Can Be Better
Imagined than Portrayed. They Looked and Felt Infinitely More Than They
Were Ever Permitted to Say, For Any Expression Of Obligation Was
Evidently Painful To Him.
He Speedily Gained his Old Vigor, And Before The Autumn Frosts Put An
End To The Epidemic, Was Able To Render Dr. Orton Much Valuable
Amy Became More Truly His Sister Than Ever His Own Had Been To Him. Her
Quick Intuition Soon Discovered his Secret--Even The Changing
Expression Of His Eyes At The Mention Of Laura'S Name Would Have
Revealed it To Her--But He Would Not Let Her Speak On The Subject. "She
Belongs To Another," He Said, "And Although To Me She Is The Most
Beautiful And Attractive Woman In the World, It Must Be My Lifelong
Effort Not To Think Of Her."
His Parting From Mrs. Poland And Amy Tested his Self-Control Severely.
In Accordance With Her Impulsive Nature, Amy Put Her Arms About His Neck
As She Said Brokenly:
"You Were Indeed god'S Messenger To Us, And You Brought Us Life. As
Father Said, We Shall All Meet Again."
On His Return, Mrs. Arnot'S Greeting Was That Of A Mother; But There
Were Traces Of Constraint In laura'S Manner. When She First Met Him She
Took His Hand In a Strong, Warm Pressure, And Said, With Tears In her
"Mr. Haldane, I Thank You For Your Kindness To Amy And Auntie As
Sincerely As If It Had All Been Rendered to Me Alone."
But After This First Expression Of Natural Feeling, Haldane Was Almost
Tempted to Believe That She Shunned meeting His Eyes, Avoided speaking
To Him, And Even Tried to Escape From His Society, By Taking Mr.
Beaumont'S Arm And Strolling Off To Some Other Apartment, When He Was
Calling On Mrs. Arnot. And Yet If This Were True, He Was Also Made To
Feel That It Resulted from No Lack Of Friendliness Or Esteem On Her
"She Fears That My Old-Time Passion May Revive, And She Would Teach Me
To Put A Watch At The Entrance Of Its Sepulchre," He At Length
Concluded; "She Little Thinks That My Love, So Far From Being Dead, Is A
Chained giant That Costs Me Hourly Vigilance To Hold In lifelong
But Laura Understood Him Much Better Than He Did Her. Her Manner Was The
Result Of A Straightforward Effort To Be Honest. Of Her Own Free Will,
And Without Even The Slightest Effort On The Part Of Her Uncle And Aunt
To Incline Her Toward The Wealthy And Distinguished mr. Beaumont, She
Had Accepted all His Attentions, And Had Accepted the Man Himself. In
The World'S Estimation She Would Not Have The Slightest Ground To Find
Fault With Him, For, From The First, Both In conduct And Manner, He Had
Been Irreproachable.
When The Telegram Which Announced mr. Poland'S Death Was Received, He
Tried to Comfort Her By Words That Were So Peculiarly Elegant And
Sombre, That, In spite Of Laura'S Wishes To Think Otherwise, They Struck
Her Like An Elegiac Address That Had Been Carefully Prearranged and
Studied; And When The Tidings Of Poor Little Bertha'S Death Came, It
Would Occur To Laura That Mr. Beaumont Had Thought His First Little
Address So Perfect That He Could Do No Better Than To Repeat It, As One
Might Use An Appropriate Burial Service On All Occasions. He Meant To Be
Kind And Considerate. He Was "Ready To Do Anything In his Power," As He
Often Said. But What Was In his Power? As Telegrams And Letters Came,
Telling Of Death, Of Desperate Illness, And Uncertain Life, Of Death
Again, Of Manly Help, Of Woman-Like Self-Sacrifice In the Same Man, Her
Heart Began To Beat In quick, Short, Passionate Throbs. Bat It Would
Seem That Nothing Could Ever Disturb The Even Rhythm Of Beaumont'S
Pulse. He Tried to Show His Sympathy By Turning His Mind To All That Was
Mournful And Sombre In art And Literature. One Day He Brought To Her
From New York What He Declared to Be The Finest Arrangement Of Dirge
Music For The Piano Extant, And She Quite Surprised him By Declaring
With Sudden Passion That She Could Not And Would Not Play A Note Of It.
In Her Deep Sorrow And Deeper Anxiety, In her Strange And Miserable
Unrest, Which Had Its Hidden Root In a Cause Not Yet Understood, She
Turned to Him Again And Again For Sympathy, And He Gave Her Abundant
Opportunity To Seek It, For Laura Was The Most Beautiful Object He Had
Ever Seen; And Therefore, To Feast His Eye And Gratify His Ear, He Spent
Much Of His Time With Her; So Much, Indeed, That She Often Grew Drearily
Weary Of Him. But No Matter When Or How Often She Would Look Into His
Face For Quick, Heartfelt Appreciation, She Saw With Instinctive
Certainty That, More Than Lover, More Than Friend, And Eventually, More
Than Husband, He Was, And Ever Would Be, A Connoisseur. When She Smiled
He Was Admiring Her, When She Wept He Was Also Admiring Her. Whatever
She Did Or Said Was Constantly Being Looked at And Studied from An
Aesthetic Standpoint By This Man, Whose Fastidious Taste She Had Thus
Far Satisfied. More Than Once She Had Found Herself Asking: "Suppose I
Should Lose My Beauty, What Would He Do?" And The Instinctive Answer Of
Her Heart Was: "He Would Honorably Try To Keep All His Pledges, But
Would Look The Other Way."
Before She Was Aware Of It, She Had Begun To Compare Her Affianced with
Haldane, And She Found That The One Was Like A Goblet Of Sweet, Rich
Wine, That Was Already Nearly Exhausted and Cloying To Her Taste; The
Other Was Like A Mountain Spring, Whose Waters Are Pure, Ever New,
Unfailing, Prodigally Abundant, Inspiring Yet Slaking Thirst.
But She Soon Saw Whither Such Comparisons Were Leading Her, And
Recognized her Danger And Her Duty. She Had Plighted her Faith To
Another, And He Had Given Her No Good Reason To Break That Faith. Laura
Had A Conscience, And She As Resolutely Set To Work To Shut Out Haldane
From Her Heart, As He, Poor Man, Had Tried to Exclude Her Image, And
From Very Much The Same Cause. But The Heart Is A Wayward Organ And Is
Often At Sword'S-Point With Both Will And Conscience, And Frequently, In
Spite Of All That She Could Do, It Would Array Haldane On The One Side
And Beaumont On The Other, And So It Would Eventually Come To Be, The
Man Who Loved her, _Versus_ The Connoisseur Who Admired her, But Whose
Absorbing Passion For Himself Left No Place For Any Other Strong
Chapter LIII (Exit Of Laura'S First Knight)
Haldane Was Given But Little Time For Quiet Study, For, Before The Year
Closed, Tidings Came From His Mother, Who Was Then In italy, That She
Was Ill And Wished to See Him. Poor Mrs. Haldane Had At Last Begun To
Understand Her Son'S Character Better, And To Realize That He Would
Retrieve The Past. She Also Reproached herself That She Had Not Been
More Sympathetic And Helpful To Him, And Was Not A Little Jealous That
He Should Have Found Better And More Appreciative Friends Than Herself.
And, At Last, When She Was Taken Ill, She Longed to See Him, And He Lost
Not A Moment In reaching Her Side.
Her Illness, However, Did Not Prove Very Serious, And She Improved
Rapidly After A Young Gentleman Appeared who Was So Refined in his
Manners, So Considerate And Deferential In his Bearing Toward Her That
She Could Scarcely Believe That He Was The Same With The Wild, Wretched
Youth Who Had Been In jail, And, What Was Almost As Bad, Who Had Worked
In A Mill.
Haldane Made The Most Of His Opportunities In seeing What Was Beautiful
In Nature And Art While In the Old World, But His Thoughts Turned with
Increasing Frequency To His Own Land--Not Only Because It Contained the
Friends He Loved so Well, But Also Because Events Were Now Rapidly
Culminating For That Great Struggle Between The Two Jarring Sections
That Will Eventually Form A Better And Closer Union On The Basis Of A
Mutual Respect, And A Better And Truer Knowledge Of Each Other.
When Mrs. Haldane Saw That Her Son Was Determined to Take Part In the
Conflict, He Began To Seem To Her More Like His Old Unreasonable Self.
She Feebly Remonstrated as A Matter Of Course, And Proved to Her Own
Satisfaction That It Was Utter Folly For A Young Man Who Had The
Enjoyment Of Such Large Wealth As Her Son To Risk The Loss Of Everything
In The Hardships And Dangers Of War. He Was As Kind And Considerate As
Possible, But She Saw From The Old And Well-Remembered expression Of His
Eyes That He Would Carry Out His Own Will Nevertheless, And Therefore
She And His Sisters Reluctantly Returned with Him.
Having Safely Installed them In their Old Home, And Proved by The Aid Of
Dr. Marks And Some Other Leading Citizens Of His Native City That They
Had No Further Occasion To Seclude Themselves From The World, He
Returned to Hillaton To Aid In organizing a Regiment That Was Being
Recruited there, And In which Mr. Ivison Had Assured him Of A
Commission. By Means Of The Acquaintances He Had Made Through His Old
Mission Class, He Was Able To Secure Enlistments Rapidly, And Although
Much Of The Material That He Brought In was Unpromising In its First
Appearance, He Seemed to Have The Faculty Of Transforming The Slouching
Dilapidated fellows Into Soldiers, And It Passed into General Remark
That "Haldane'S Company Was The Roughest To Start With And The Best
Disciplined and Most Soldierly Of Them All When Ordered to The Seat Of
The Colonelcy Of The Regiment Was Given To Mr. Beaumont, Not Only On
Account Of His Position, But Also Because Of His Large Liberality In
Fitting It Out. He Took A Vast Interest In the Aesthetic Features Of Its
Equipment, Style Of Uniform, And Like Matters, And He Did Most Excellent
Service In insisting On Neatness, Good Care Of Weapons, And A
Soldier-Like Bearing From The First.
While Active In this Work He Rose Again In laura'S Esteem, For He Seemed
More Manly And Energetic Than He Had Shown Himself To Be Before; And
What Was Still More In his Favor, He Had Less Time For The Indulgence Of
His Taste As A Connoisseur With Her Fair But Often Weary Face As The
Object Of Contemplation.
She, With Many Others, Visited the Drill-Ground Almost Daily, And When
She Saw The Tall And Graceful Form Of Mr. Beaumont Issuing From The
Colonel'S Tent, When She Saw Him Mount His Superb White Horse, Which He
Managed with Perfect Skill, When She Saw The Sun Glinting On His Elegant
Sword And Gold Epaulets, And Heard His Sonorous Orders To The Men, She
Almost Felt That All Hillaton Was Right, And That She Had Reason To Be
Proud Of Him, And To Be As Happy As The Envious Belles Of The City
Deemed her To Be. But In spite Of Herself, Her Eyes Would Wander From
The Central Figure To Plain Captain Haldane, Who, Ignoring The Admiring
Throng, Was Giving His Whole Attention To His Duty.
Before She Was Aware, The Thought Began To Creep Into Her Mind, However,
That To One Man These Scenes Were Military Pageants, And To The Other
They Meant Stern And Uncompromising War.
This Impression Had Speedy Confirmation, For One Evening When Both Mr.
Beaumont And Haldane Happened to Be Present, Mrs. Arnot Remarked in
Effect That Her Heart Misgive Her When She Looked into The Future, And
That The Prospect Of A Bloody War Between People Of One Race And Faith
Was Simply Horrible.
"It Will Not Be Very Bloody," Remarked mr. Beaumont, Lightly. "After
Things Have Gone About So Far The Politicians On Both Sides Will Step In
And Patch Up A Compromise. Our Policy At The North Is To Make An
Imposing Demonstration. This Will Have The Effect Of Bringing The
Fire-Eaters To Their Senses, And If This Won'T Answer We Must Get Enough
Men Together To Walk Right Over The South, And End The Nonsense At Once.
I Have Travelled through The South, And Know That It Can Be Done."
"Pardon Me, Colonel," Said Haldane, "But Since We Are Not On The
Drill-Ground I Have A Right To Differ With You. I Anticipate A Very
Bloody, And, Perhaps, A Long War. I Have Not Seen So Much Of The South,
But I Have Seen Something Of Its People. The Greatest Heroism I Ever Saw
Manifested in my Life Was By A Young Southern Girl, And If Such Are
Their Women We Shall Find The Men Foemen Abundantly Worthy Of Our Steel.
We Shall Indeed have To Literally Walk Over Them, That Is, Such Of Us As
Are Left And Able To Walk. I Agree With Mrs. Arnot, And I Tremble For
The Future Of My Country."
Mr. Beaumont Forgot Himself For Once So Far As To Say, "Oh, If You Find
Such Cause For Trembling--" But Laura'S Indignant Face Checked further
"I Propose To Do My Duty," Said Haldane, With A Quiet Smile, Though A
Quick Flush Showed that He Felt The Slur, "And It Will Be Your Duty,
Colonel, To See That I Do."
"You Have Taught Us That The Word Duty Means A Great Deal To You,
Egbert," Said Mrs. Arnot, And Then The Matter Dropped. But The Animus Of
Each Man Had Been Quite Clearly Revealed, And The Question Would Rise In
Laura'S Mind, "Does Not The One Belittle The Occasion Because Little
Himself?" Although She Dreaded the Coming War Inexpressibly, She Took
Haldane'S View Of It. His Tribute To Her Cousin Amy Also Touched a Very
Tender Chord.
On The Ground Of Having Secured so Many Recruits Mr. Ivison Urged that
Haldane Should Have The Rank Of Major, But At That Time Those Things
Were Controlled largely By Political Influence And Favoritism, And There
Were Still Not A Few In hillaton Who Both Thought And Spoke Of The Young
Man'S Past Record As A Good Reason Why He Should Not Have Any Rank At
All. He Quietly Took What Was Given Him And Asked for Nothing More.
All Now Know That Mr. Beaumont'S View Was Not Correct, And As The
Conflict Thickened and Deepened that Elegant Gentleman Became More And
More Disgusted. Not That He Lacked personal Courage, But, As He Often
Remarked, It Was The "Horrid Style Of Living" That He Could Not Endure.
He Could Not Find An Aesthetic Element In the Blinding Dust Or
Unfathomable Mud Of Virginia.
As Was Usually The Case, There Was In the Regiment A Soldier Gifted with
The Power And Taste For Letter-Writing, And He Kept The Local Papers
Quite Well Posted concerning affairs In the Regiment. One Item
Concerning Beaumont Will Indicate The Condition Of His Mind. After
Describing The "Awful" Nature Of The Roads And Weather, The Writer
Added, "The Colonel Looks As If In a Chronic State Of Disgust."
Suddenly The Regiment Was Ordered to The Far Southwest. This Was More
Than Beaumont Could Endure, For In his View Life In that Region Would Be
A Burden Under Any Circumstances. He Coolly Thought The Matter Over, And
Concluded that He Would Rather Go Home, Marry Laura, And Take A Tour In
Europe, And Promptly Executed the First Part Of His Plan By Resigning On
Account Of Ill-Health. He Had A Bad Cold, It Is True, Which Had Chiefly
Gone To His Head And Made Him Very Uncomfortable, And So Inflamed his
Nose That The Examining Physician Misjudged the Exemplary Gentleman,
Recommending That His Resignation Be Accepted, More From The Fear That
His Habits Were Bad Than From Any Other Cause. But By The Time He
Reached hillaton His Nose Was Itself Again, And He As Elegant As Ever.
The Political Major Had Long Since Disappeared, And So Haldane Started
For His Distant Field Of Duty As Lieutenant-Colonel.
The Regimental Letter-Writer Chronicled this Promotion In the Hillaton
"Courier" With Evident Satisfaction.
"Lieut.-Col. Haldane," He Wrote, "Is Respected by All And Liked by The
Majority. He Keeps Us Rigidly To Our Duty, But Is Kind And Considerate
Nevertheless. He Is The Most Useful Officer I Ever Heard Of. Now He Is
Chaplain And Again He Is Surgeon. He Coaxes The Money Away From The Men
And Sends It Home To Their Families, Otherwise Much Of It Would Be Lost
In Gambling. Many A Mother And Wife In hillaton Hears From The Absent
Oftener Because The Colonel Urges The Boys To Write, And Writes For
Those Who Are Unable. To Give You A Sample Of The Man I Will Tell You
What I Saw Not Long Ago. The Roads Were Horrible As Usual, And Some Of
The Men Were Getting Played out On The March. The First Thing I Knew A
Sick Man Was On The Major'S Horse (He Was Major Then), And He Was
Trudging along In the Mud With The Rest Of Us, And Carrying The Muskets
Of Three Other Men Who Were Badly Used up. [Footnote: I Cannot Refrain
Here From Paying a Tribute To My Old Schoolmate And Friend, Major James
Cromwell, Of The 124Th New York Volunteers, Whom I Have Seen Plodding
Along In the Mud In a November Storm, A Sick Soldier Riding His Horse,
While He Carried the Accoutrements Of Other Men Who Were Giving Out From
Exhaustion. Major Cromwell Was Killed while Leading a Charge At The
Battle Of Gettysburg. ] We Want The People Of Hillaton To Understand,
That If Any Of Us Get Back We Won'T Hear Anything More Against Haldane.
Nice, Pretty Fellows, Who Don'T Like To Get Their Boots Muddy, As Our
Ex-Colonel, For Instance, May Be More To Their Taste, But They Ain'T To
Laura Read This Letter With Cheeks That Reddened with Shame And Then
Grew Very Pale.
"Auntie," She Said, Showing It To Mrs. Arnot, "I Cannot Marry That Man.
I Would Rather Die First."
"I Do Not Wonder That You Feel So," Replied mrs. Arnot Emphatically.
"With All His Wealth And Culture I Neither Would Nor Could Marry Him,
And Would Tell Him So. I Have Felt Sure That You Would Come To This
Conclusion, But I Wished your Own Heart And Conscience To Decide The
But Before Laura Could Say To Mr. Beaumont That Which She Felt She Must,
And Yet Which She Dreaded, For His Sake, To Speak, A Social Earthquake
Took Place In hillaton.
Mr. Arnot Was Arrested! But For The Promptness Of His Friends To Give
Bail For His Appearance, He Would Have Been Taken From His Private
Office To Prison As Poor Haldane Had Been Years Before.
It Would Be Wearisome To Tell The Long Story Of His Financial Distress,
Which He Characteristically Kept Concealed from His Wife. Experiences
Like His Are Only Too Common. With His Passion For Business He Had
Extended it To The Utmost Limit Of His Capital. Then Came A Time Of
Great Depression And Contraction. Prompted by A Will That Had Never Been
Thwarted, And A Passion For Routine Which Could Endure No Change, He
Made Herculean Effort To Keep Everything Moving On With Mechanical
Regularity. His Strong Business Foresight Detected the Coming Change For
The Better In the Business World, And With Him It Was Only A Question Of
Bridging Over The Intervening Gulf. He Sank His Own Property In his
Effort To Do This; Then The Property Of His Wife And Laura, Which He
Held In trust. Then Came The Great Temptation Of His Life. He Was Joint
Trustee Of Another Very Large Property, And The Co-Executor Was In
Europe, And Would Be Absent For Years. In order To Use Some Of The Funds
Of This Property It Was Necessary To Have The Signature Of This
Gentleman. With The Infatuation Of Those Who Dally With This Kind Of
Temptation, Mr. Arnot Felt Sure That He Could Soon Make Good All That He
Should Use In his Present Emergency, And, Therefore, Forged the Name Of
The Co-Trustee. The Gentleman Returned from Europe Unexpectedly, And The
Crime Was Discovered and Speedily Proved.
It Was Now That Mrs. Arnot Proved what A Noble And Womanly Nature She
Possessed. Without Palliating His Fault, She Ignored the Whole Scoffing,
Chattering World, And Stood By Her Husband With As Wifely Devotion As If
His Crime Had Been Misfortune, And He Himself Had Been The Affectionate
Considerate Friend That She Had Believed he Would Be, When As A Blushing
Maiden She Had Accepted the Hand That Had Grown So Hard, And Cold, And
Mr. Beaumont Was Stunned and Bewildered. At First He Scarcely Knew What
To Do, Although His Sagacious Father And Mother Told Him Very Plainly To
Break The Engagement At Once. But The Trouble With Mr. Beaumont Upon
This Occasion Was That He Was A Man Of Honor, And For Once He Almost
Regretted the Fact. But Since He Was, He Believed that There Was But One
Course Open For Him. Although Laura Was Now Penniless, And The Same
Almost As The Daughter Of A Man Who Would Soon Be In state Prison, He
Had Promised to Marry Her. She Must Become The Mistress Of The Ancient
And Aristocratic Beaumont Mansion.
He Braced himself, As Had Been His Custom When A Battle Was In prospect,
And Went Down To The Beautiful Villa Which Would Be Laura'S Home But A
Few Days Longer.
As He Entered, She Saw That He Was About To Perform The One Heroic Act
Of His Life, But She Was Cruel Enough To Prevent Even That One, And So
Reduced his Whole Career To One Consistently Elegant And Polished
He Had Taken Her Hand, And Was About To Address Her In the Most
Appropriate Language, And With All The Dignity Of Self-Sacrifice, When
She Interrupted him By Saying Briefly:
"Mr. Beaumont, Please Listen To Me First. Before The Most Unexpected
Event Occurred which Has Made So Great A Change In my Fortunes, And I
May Add, In so Many Of My Friends, I Had Decided to Say To You In all
Sincerity And, Kindness That I Could Not Marry You. I Could Not Give You
That Love Which A Wife Ought To Give To A Husband. I Now Repeat My
Decision Still More Emphatically."
Mr. Beaumont Was Again Stunned and Bewildered. A Woman Declining To
Marry Him!
"Can Nothing Change Your Decision?" He Faltered, Fearing That Something
"Nothing," She Coldly Replied, And With An Involuntary Expression Of
Contempt Hovering around Her Flexible Mouth.
"But What Will You Do?" He Asked, Prompted by Not A Little Curiosity.
"Support Myself By Honest Work," Was Her Quiet But Very Decisive Answer.
Mr. Beaumont Now Felt That There Was Nothing More To Be Done But To Make
A Little Elegant Farewell Address, And Depart, And He Would Make It In
Spite Of All That She Could Do.
The Next Thing She Heard Of Him Was That He Had Started on A Tour Of
Europe, And, No Doubt, In his Old Character Of A Connoisseur, Whose
Judgment Few Dared to Dispute.
Chapter LIV (Another Knight Appears)
The Processes Of Law Were At Length Complete, And Mr. Arnot Found
Himself In a Prison Cell, With The Prospect That Years Must Elapse
Before He Would Receive A Freedom That Now Was Dreaded almost More Than
His Forced seclusion. After His Conviction He Had Been Taken From
Hillaton To A Large Prison Of The State, In a Distant City.
"I Shall Follow You, Thomas, As Soon As I Can Complete Such Arrangements
As Are Essential," Mrs. Arnot Had Said, "And Will Remain As Near To You
As I Can. Indeed, It Will Be Easier For Laura And Me To Commence Our New
Life There Than Here."
The Man Had At Last Begun To Realize The Whole Truth. True To His
Nature, He Thought Of Himself First, And Saw That His Crime, Like A
Great Black Hand, Had Dragged him Down From His Proud Eminence Of Power
And Universal Respect, Away From His Beloved business, And Had Shut Him
Up In this Narrow, Stony Sepulchre, For What Better Was His Prison Cell
Than A Tomb To A Man With His Tireless Mind? The Same Mind Which Like A
Giant Had Carried its Huge Burden Every Day, Was Still His; But Now
There Was Nothing For It To Do. And Yet It Would Act, For Constant
Mental Action Had Become A Necessity From A Lifetime Of Habit.
Heretofore His Vast Business Taxed every Faculty To The Utmost. He Had
To Keep His Eye On All The Great Markets Of The World; He Had To Follow
Politicians, Diplomats, And Monarchs Into Their Secret Councils, And
Guess At Their Policy In order To Shape His Own Business Policy. His
Interests Were So Large And Far-Reaching That It Had Been Necessary For
Him To Take A Glance Over The World Before He Could Properly Direct His
Affairs From His Private Office. For Years He Had Been Commanding a
Small Army Of Men, And With Consummate Skill And Constant Thought He Had
Arrayed the Industry Of His Army Against The Labors Of Like Armies Under
The Leadership Of Other Men In competition With Himself. His Mind Had
Learned to Flash With Increasing Speed and Accuracy To One And Another
Of All These Varied interests. But Now The Great Fabric Of Business And
Wealth, Which He Had Built By A Lifetime Of Labor, Had Vanished like A
Dream, And Nothing Remained but The Mind That Had Constructed it.
"Ah!" He Groaned again And Again, "Why Could Not Mind And Memory Perish
But They Remained, And Were The Only Possessions Left Of His Great
Then He Began To Think Of His Wife And Laura. He Had Beggared them, And,
What Was Far Worse, He Had Darkened their Lives With The Shadow Of His
Own Disgrace. Wholly Innocent As They Were, They Must Suffer Untold
Wretchedness Through His Act. In his View He Was The Cause Of The Broken
Engagement Between His Niece And The Wealthy Mr. Beaumont, And Now He
Saw That There Was Nothing Before The Girl But A Dreary Effort To Gain A
Livelihood By Her Own Labor, And This Effort Rendered almost Hopeless By
The Reflected shame Of His Crime.
His Wife Also Was Growing Old And Feeble. At Last He Realized he Had A
Wife Such As Is Given To But Few Men--A Woman Who Was Great Enough To Be
Tender And Sympathetic Through All The Awful Weeks That Had Elapsed
Since The Discovery Of His Crime--A Woman Who Could Face What She Saw
Before Her And Utter No Words Of Repining Or Reproach.
He Now Saw How Cold And Hard And Unappreciative He Had Been Toward Her
In The Days Of His Prosperity, And He Cursed himself And His Unutterable
Thus His Great Powerful Mind Turned in vindictive Rage Against Itself.
Memory Began To Show Him With Mocking Finger And Bitter Jibes Where He
Might Have Acted more Wisely In his Business, More Wisely In his Social
Relations, And Especially More Wisely And Humanely, To Say The Least, In
His Own Home. It Seemed to Take A Fiendish Delight In telling Him How
Everything Might Have Been Different, And How He, Instead Of Brooding In
A Prison Cell, Might Have Been The Most Honored, Useful, Wealthy, And
Happy Man In hillaton.
Thus He Was Tortured until Physical Exhaustion Brought Him A Brief
Respite Of Sleep. But The Next Day It Was The Same Wretched round Of
Bitter Memories And Vain But Torturing activity Of Mind. Day After Day
Passed and He Grew Haggard Under His Increasing Mental Distress. His
Mind Was Like A Great Driving Wheel, Upon Which All The Tremendous
Motive Power Is Turned without Cessation, But For Which There Is Nothing
To Drive Save The Man Himself, And Seemingly It Would Drive Him Mad.
At Last He Said To Himself, "I Cannot Endure This. For My Own Sake, For
The Sake Of My Wife And Laura, It Were Better That An Utter Blank Should
Take The Place Of Thomas Arnot. I Am, And Ever Shall Be, Only A Burden
To Them. I Am Coming To Be An Intolerable Burden To Myself."
The Thought Of Suicide, Once Entertained, Grew Rapidly In favor, And At
Last It Became Only A Question How He Could Carry Out His Dark Purpose.
With This Definite Plan Before Him He Grew Calmer. At Last He Had
Something To Do In the Future, And Terrible Memory Must Suspend For A
Time Its Scorpion Lash While He Thought How Best To Carry Out His Plan.
The Suicide About To Take The Risk Of Endless Suffering Is Usually
Desirous That The Intervening Moments Of His "Taking Off" Should Be As
Painless As Possible, And Mr. Arnot Began To Think How He Could Make His
Exit Momentary. But His More Tranquil Mood, The Result Of Having Some
Definite Action Before Him, Led to Sleep, And The Long Night Passed in
Unconsciousness, The Weary Body Clogging The Wheels Of Conscious
The Sun Was Shining When He Awoke; But With Returning Consciousness Came
Memory And Pain, And The Old Cowardly Desire To Escape All The
Consequences Of His Sin By Death. He Vowed he Would Not Live To See
Another Day, And Once More He Commenced brooding Over The One Question,
How He Would Die. As He Took Up This Question Where He Had Dropped it
The Previous Night, The Thought Occurred to Him What A Long Respite He
Had Had From Pain. Then Like A Flash Of Lightning Came Another Thought:
"Suppose By My Self-Destroying act I Pass Into A Condition Of Life In
Which There Is No Sleep, And Memory Can Torture Without Cessation,
Without Respite? True, I Have Tried to Believe There Is No Future Life,
But Am I Sure Of It? Here I Can Obtain A Little Rest. For Hours I Have
Been Unconscious, Through The Weight Of The Body Upon My Spirit. How Can
I Be Sure That The Spirit Cannot Exist Separately And Suffer Just The
Same? I Am Not Suffering Now Through My Body, And Have Not Been Through
All These Terrible Days. My Body Is Here In this Cell, Inert And
Motionless, Painless, While In my Mind I Am Enduring The Torments Of The
Damned. The Respite From Suffering That I Have Had Has Come Through The
Weariness Of My Body, And Here I Am Planning To Cast Down The One
Barrier That Perhaps Saves Me From An Eternity Of Torturing Thought And
He Was Appalled at The Bare Possibility Of Such A Future; Reason Told
Him That Such A Future Was Probable, And Conscience Told Him That It Was
Before Him In veritable Truth. He Felt That Wherever He Carried memory
And His Present Character He Would Be Most Miserable, Whether It Were In
Dante'S Inferno, Milton'S Paradise, Or The Heaven Or Hell Of The Bible.
There Was No More Thought Of Suicide. Indeed, He Shrank From Death With
Inexpressible Dread.
Slowly His Thoughts Turned to His Wife, The Woman Who Had Been So True
To Him, The One Human Being Of All The World Who Now Stood By Him. She
Might Help Him In his Desperate Strait. She Seemed to Have A Principle
Within Her Soul Which Sustained her, And Which Might Sustain Him. At Any
Rate, He Longed to See Her Once More, And Ask Her Forgiveness In deep
Contrition For His Base And Lifelong Failure To "Love, Honor, And
Cherish Her," As He Had Promised at God'S Altar And Before Many
The Devoted wife Came And Patiently Entered on Her Ministry Of Love And
Christian Faith, And Out Of The Chaos Of The Fallen Man Of Iron And
Stone There Gradually Emerged a New Man, Who First Became In christ'S
Expressive Words "A Little Child" In spiritual Things, That He Might
Grow Naturally And In the Symmetry Of The Enduring Manhood Which God
Designs To Perfect In the Coming ages.
Mrs. Arnot'S Sturdy Integrity Led her To Give Up Everything To Her
Husband'S Creditors, And She Came To The City Of Her New Abode Wherein
The Prison Was Located almost Penniless. But She Brought Letters From
Dr. Barstow, Mr. Ivison, And Other Christian People Of Hillaton. These
Were Presented at A Church Of The Denomination To Which She Belonged,
And All She Asked was Some Employment By Which She And Laura Could
Support Themselves. These Letters Secured confidence At Once. There Was
No Mystery--Nothing Concealed--And, Although So Shadowed by The Disgrace
Of Another, The Bearing Of The Ladies Inspired respect And Won Sympathy.
A Gentleman Connected with The Church Gave Laura The Position Of
Saleswoman In his Bookstore, And To Mrs. Arnot'S Little Suburban Cottage
Of Only Three Rooms Kind And Interested ladies Brought Sewing and
Fancy-Work. Thus They Were Provided for, As God'S People Ever Are In
Some Way.
Mrs. Arnot Had Written A Long Letter To Haldane Before Leaving Hillaton,
Giving a Full Account Of Their Troubles, With One Exception. At Laura'S
Request She Had Not Mentioned the Broken Engagement With Beaumont.
"If Possible, I Wish To See Him Myself Before He Knows," She Had Said.
"At Least, Before Any Correspondence Takes Place Between Us, I Wish To
Look Into His Eyes, And If I See The Faintest Trace Of Shrinking From Me
There, As I Saw It In mr. Beaumont'S Eyes, I Will Never Marry Him, Truly
As I Love Him."
Mrs. Arnot'S Face Had Lighted up With Its Old-Time Expression, As She
"Laura, Don'T You Know Egbert Haldane Better Than That?"
"I Can'T Help It," She Had Replied with A Troubled brow; "The Manner Of
Nearly Every One Has Changed so Greatly That I Must See Him First."
Haldane Did Not Receive Mrs. Arnot'S First Letter. He Was At Sea With
His Regiment, On His Way To The Far Southwest, When The Events In which
He Would Have Been So Deeply Interested began To Occur. After Reaching
His New Scene Of Duty, There Were Constant Alternations Of March And
Battle. In the Terrible Campaign That Followed, The Men Of The Army He
Was Acting With Were Decimated, And Officers Dropped out Fast. In
Consequence, Haldane, Who Received but Two Slight Wounds, That Did Not
Disable Him, Was Promoted rapidly. The Colonel Of The Regiment Was
Killed soon After Their Arrival, And From The Command Of The Regiment He
Rose, Before The Campaign Was Over, To Command A Brigade, And Then A
Division; And He Performed his Duties So Faithfully And Ably That He Was
Confirmed in this Position.
Mrs. Arnot'S First Letter Had Followed him Around For A Time, And Then
Was Lost, Like So Many Others In that Time Of Dire Confusion. Her Second
Letter After Long Delay Reached him, But It Was Very Brief And Hurried,
And Referred to Troubles That He Did Not Understand. From Members Of His
Old Regiment, However, Rumors Reached him Of Some Disaster To Mr. Arnot,
And Wrong-Doing On His Part, Which Had Led to Imprisonment.
Haldane Was Greatly Shocked at The Bare Possibility Of Such Events, And
Wrote A Most Sympathetic Letter To Mrs. Arnot, Which Never Reached her.
She Had Received some Of His Previous Letters, But Not This One.
By The Time The Campaign Was Over One Of Haldane'S Wounds Began To
Trouble Him Very Much, And His Health Seemed generally Broken Down From
Exposure And Overexertion. As A Leave Of Absence Was Offered him, He
Availed himself Of It And Took Passage To New York.
Three Or Four Letters From His Mother Had Reached him, But That Lady'S
Causeless Jealousy Of Mrs. Arnot Had Grown To Such Proportions That She
Never Mentioned her Old Friend'S Name.
The Long Days Of The Homeward Voyage Were Passed by Haldane In vain
Conjecture. Of One Thing He Felt Sure, And That Was That Laura Was By
This Time, Or Soon Would Be, Mrs. Beaumont; And Now That The Excitement
Of Military Service Was Over, The Thought Rested on Him With A Weight
That Was Almost Crushing.
One Evening Mr. Growther Was Dozing as Usual Between His Cat And Dog,
When Some One Lifted the Latch And Walked in without The Ceremony Of
"Look Here, Stranger, Where'S Yer Manners?" Snarled the Old Gentleman.
Then Catching a Glimpse Of The Well-Remembered face, Though Now Obscured
By A Tremendous Beard, He Started up, Exclaiming,
"Lord A' Massy! 'Taint You, Is It? And You Compared yourself With That
Little, Peaked-Faced chap That'S Around Just The Same--You With
Shoulders As Broad As Them Are, And Two Stars On 'Em Too!"
The Old Man Nearly Went Beside Himself With Joy. He Gave The Cat And Dog
Each A Vigorous Kick, And Told Them To "Wake Up And See If They Could
Believe Their Eyes."
It Was Some Time Before Haldane Could Get Him Quieted down So As To
Answer All The Questions That He Was Longing To Put; But At Last He Drew
Out The Story In full Of Mr. Arnot'S Forgery And Its Consequences.
"Has Mr. Beaumont Married miss Romeyn?" At Last He Faltered.
"No; I Reckon Not," Said Mr. Growther Dryly.
"What Do You Mean?" Asked haldane Sharply.
"Well, All I Know Is That He Didn'T Marry Her, And She Ain'T The Kind Of
A Girl To Marry Him, Whether He Would Or No, And So They Ain'T Married."
"The Infernal Scoundrel!" Thundered haldane, Springing To His Feet.
"Hold On!" Cried mr. Growther. "O Lord A' Massy! I Half Believe He'S Got
To Swearin' Down In the War. If He'S Backslid Agin, Nothin' But My
Little, Peaked-Faced chap Will Ever Bring Him Around A Nuther Time."
Haldane Was Stalking Up And Down The Room In strong Excitement And Quite
Oblivious Of Mr. Growther'S Perplexity.
"The Unutterable Fool!" He Exclaimed, "To Part From Such A Woman As
Laura Romeyn For Any Cause Save Death."
"Well, Hang It All! If He'S A Fool That'S His Business. What On 'Arth Is
The Matter With You? I Ain'T Used to Havin' Bombshells Go Off Right
Under My Nose As You Be, And The Way You Are Explodin' Round Kinder
Takes Away My Breath."
"Forgive Me, My Old Friend; But I Never Had A Shot Strike Quite As Close
As This. Poor Girl! Poor Girl! What A Prospect She Had A Few Months
Since. True Enough, Beaumont Was Never A Man To My Taste; But A Woman
Sees No Faults In the Man She Loves; And He Could Have Given Her
Everything That Her Cultivated taste Could Wish For. Poor Girl, She Must
Be Broken-Hearted with All This Trouble And Disappointment."
"If I Was You, I'D Go And See If She Was," Said Mr. Growther, With A
Shrewd Twinkle In his Eyes. "I'Ve Heerd Tell Of Hearts Bein' Mended in
My Day."
Haldane Looked at Him A Moment, And, As He Caught His Old Friend'S
Meaning, He Brought His Hand Down On The Table With A Force That Made
Everything In the Old Kitchen Ring again.
"O Lord A' Massy!" Ejaculated mr. Growther, Hopping Half Out Of His
"Mr. Growther," Said Haldane, Starting Up, "I Came To Have A Very
Profound Respect For Your Sagacity And Wisdom Years Ago, But To-Night
You Have Surpassed solomon Himself. I Shall Take Your Most Excellent
Advice At Once And Go And See."
"Not To-Night--"
"Yes, I Can Yet Catch The Owl Train To-Night. Good-By For A Short Time."
"No Wonder He Took The Rebs' Works, If He Went For 'Em Like That,"
Chuckled mr. Growther, As He Composed himself After The Excitement Of
The Unexpected visit. "Now I Know What Made Him Look So Long As If
Something Was A-Gnawin' At His Heart; So I'M A-Thinkin' There'Ll Be Two
Hearts Mended."
Haldane Reached the City In which Mrs. Arnot Resided early In the
Morning, And As He Had No Clew To Her Residence, He Felt That His Best
Chance Of Hearing Of Her Would Be At The Prison Itself, For He Knew Well
That She Would Seek Either To See Or Learn Of Her Husband'S Welfare
Almost Daily. In answer To His Inquiries, He Was Told That She Would Be
Sure To Come To The Prison At Such An Hour In the Evening Since That Was
Her Custom.
He Must Get Through The Day The Best He Could, And So Strolled off To
The Business Part Of The City, Where Was Located the Leading Hotel, And
Was Followed by Curious Eyes And Surmises. Major-Generals Were Not In
The Habit Of Inquiring at The Prison After Convicts' Wives.
As He Passed a Bookstore, It Occurred to Him That An Exciting Story
Would Help Kill Time, And He Sauntered in and Commenced looking Over The
Latest Publications That Were Seductively Arranged near The Door.
"I'Ll Go To Breakfast Now, Miss," Said The Junior Clerk Who Swept The
"Thank You. Oh, Go Quickly," Murmured laura Romeyn To Herself, As With
Breathless Interest She Watched the Unconscious Officer, Waiting Till He
Should Look Up And Recognize Her Standing Behind A Counter. She Was
Destined to Have Her Wish In very Truth, For When He Saw Her He Would Be
So Surely Off His Guard From Surprise That She Could See Into The Very
Depths Of His Heart.
Would He Never Look Up? She Put Her Hand To Her Side, For Anticipation
Was So Intense As To Become A Pain. She Almost Panted from Excitement.
This Was The Supreme Moment Of Her Life, But The Very Fact Of His Coming
To This City Promised well For The Hope Which Fed her Life.
"Ah, He Is Reading. The Thought Of Some Stranger Holds Him, While My
Intense Thoughts And Feelings No More Affect Him Than If I Were A
Thousand Miles Away. How Strong And Manly He Looks! How Well That
Uniform Becomes Him, Though Evidently Worn And Battle-Stained! Ah! Two
Stars Upon His Shoulder! Can It Be That He Has Won Such High Rank? What
Will He Think Of Poor Me, Selling Books For Bread? Egbert Haldane,
Beware! If You Shrink From Me Now, Even In the Expression Of Your Eye, I
Stand Aloof From You Forever."
The Man Thus Standing On The Brink Of Fate, Read Leisurely On, Smiling
At Some Quaint Fancy Of The Author, Who Had Gained his Attention For A
"Heigh Ho!" He Said At Last," This Stealing Diversion From A Book
Unbought Is Scarcely Honest, So I Will--"
The Book Dropped from His Hands, And He Passed his Hands Across His Eyes
As If To Brush Away A Film. Then His Face Lighted up With All The Noble
And Sympathetic Feeling That Laura Had Ever Wished or Hoped to See, And
He Sprang Impetuously Toward Her.
"Miss Romeyn," He Exclaimed. "Oh, This Is Better Than I Hoped."
"Did You Hope To Find Me Earning My Bread In this Humble Way?" She
Faltered, Deliciously Conscious That He Was Almost Crushing Her Hand In
A Grasp That Was All Too Friendly.
"I Was Hoping To Find _You_--And Mrs. Arnot," He Added with A Sudden
Deepening Of Color. "I Thought A Long Day Must Elapse Before I Could
Learn Of Your Residence."
"Do You Know All?" She Asked, Very Gravely.
"Yes, Miss Romeyn," He Replied with Moistening Eyes, "I Know All.
Perhaps My Past Experience Enables Me To Sympathize With You More Than
Others Can. But Be That As It May, I Do Give You The Whole Sympathy Of
My Heart; And For This Brave Effort To Win Your Own Bread I Respect And
Honor You More, If Possible, Than I Did When You Were In your Beautiful
Home At Hillaton."
Laura'S Tears Were Now Falling Fast, But She Was Smiling Nevertheless,
And She Said, Hesitatingly:
"I Do Not Consider Myself Such A Deplorable Object Of Sympathy; I Have
Good Health, A Kind Employer, Enough To Live Upon, And A Tolerably Clear
Conscience. Of Course I Do Feel Deeply For Auntie And Uncle, And Yet I
Think Auntie Is Happier Than She Has Been For Many Years. If All Had
Remained as It Was At Hillaton, The Ice Around Uncle'S Heart Would Have
Grown Harder And Thicker To The End; Now It Is Melting away, And
Auntie'S Thoughts Reach So Far Beyond Time And Earth, That She Is
Forgetting The Painful Present In thoughts Of The Future."
"I Have Often Asked myself," Exclaimed haldane, "Could God Have Made A
Nobler Woman? Ah! Miss Laura, You Do Not Know How Much I Owe To Her."
"You Have Taught Us That God Can Make Noble Men Also."
"I Have Merely Done My Duty," He Said, With A Careless Gesture. "When
Can I See Mrs. Arnot?"
"I Can'T Go Home Till Noon, But I Think I Can Direct You To The House."
"Can I Not Stay And Help You Sell Books? Then I Can Go Home With You."
"A Major-General Behind The Counter Selling Books Would Make A Sensation
In Town, Truly."
"If The People Were Of My Way Of Thinking, Miss Laura Romeyn Selling
Books Would Make A Far Greater Sensation."
"Very Few Are Of Your Way Of Thinking, Mr. Haldane."
"I Am Heartily Glad Of It," He Ejaculated.
"Pardon Me, Miss Romeyn" He Said With A Deep Flush, "You Do Not
Understand What I Mean." Then He Burst Out Impetuously, "Miss Laura, I
Cannot School Myself Into Patience. I Have Been In despair So Many Years
That Since I Now Dare To Imagine That There Is A Bare Chance For Me, I
Cannot Wait Decorously For Some Fitting Occasion. But If You Can Give Me
Even The Faintest Hope I Will Be Patience And Devotion Itself."
"Hope Of What?" Said Laura Faintly, Turning away Her Face.
"Oh, Miss Laura, I Ask Too Much," He Answered sadly.
"You Have Not Asked anything Very Definitely, Mr. Haldane," She
"I Ask For The Privilege Of Trying To Win You As My Wife."
"Ah, Egbert," She Cried, Joyously, "You Have Stood The Test; For If You
Had Shrunk, Even In your Thoughts, From Poor, Penniless Laura Romeyn,
With Her Uncle In yonder Prison, You Might Have Tried in vain To Win
"God Knows I Did Not Shrink," He Said Eagerly, And Reaching Out His Hand
Across The Counter.
"I Know It Too," She Said Shyly.
"Laura, All That I Am, Or Ever Can Be, Goes With That Hand."
She Put Her Hand In his, And Looking Into His Face With An Expression
Which He Had Never Seen Before, She Said:
"Egbert, I Have Loved you Ever Since You Went, As A True Knight, To The
Aid Of Cousin Amy."
And Thus They Plighted their Faith To Each Other Across The Counter, And
Then He Came Around On Her Side.
We Shall Not Attempt To Portray The Meeting Between Mrs. Arnot And One
Whom She Had Learned to Look Upon As A Son, And Who Loved her With An
Affection That Had Its Basis In the Deepest Gratitude.
Our Story Is Substantially Ended. It Only Remains To Be Said That
Haldane, By Every Means In his Power, Showed gentle And Forbearing
Consideration For His Mother'S Feelings, And Thus She Was Eventually Led
To Be Reconciled to His Choice, If Not To Approve Of It.
"After All, It Is Just Like Egbert," She Said To Her Daughters, "And We
Will Have To Make The Best Of It."
Haldane'S Leave Of Absence Passed all Too Quickly, And In parting He
Said To Laura:
"You Think I Have Faced some Rather Difficult Duties Before, But There
Was Never One That Could Compare With Leaving You For The Uncertainties
Of A Soldier'S Life."
But He Went Nevertheless, And Remained till The End Of The War.
Not Long After Going To The Front He Was Taken Prisoner In a Disastrous
Battle, But He Found Means Of Informing His Old Friend Dr. Orton Of The
Fact. Although The Doctor Was A Rebel To The Backbone, He Swore He Would
"Break Up The Confederacy" If Haldane Was Not Released, And Through His
Influence The Young Man Was Soon Brought To His Friend'S Hospitable
Home, Where He Found Amy Installed as Housekeeper. She Was Now Mrs.
Orton, For Her Lover Returned as Soon As It Was Safe For Him To Do So
After The End Of The Epidemic. He Was Now Away In the Army, And Thus
Haldane Did Not Meet Him At That Time; But Later In the Conflict Colonel
Orton In turn Became A Prisoner Of War, And Haldane Was Able To Return
The Kindness Which He Received on This Occasion. Mrs. Poland Resided
With Amy, And They Both Were Most Happy To Learn That They Would
Eventually Have A Relative As Well As Friend In their Captive, For Never
Was A Prisoner Of War Made More Of Than Haldane Up To The Time Of His
Years Have Passed. The Agony Of The War Has Long Been Over. Not Only
Peace But Prosperity Is Once More Prevailing Throughout The Land.
Mr. And Mrs. Arnot Reside In their Old Home, But Mrs. Egbert Haldane Is
Its Mistress. Much Effort Was Made To Induce Mr. Growther To Take Up His
Abode There Also, But He Would Not Leave The Quaint Old Kitchen, Where
He Said "The Little Peaked-Faced chap Was Sittin' Beside Him All The
At Last He Failed and Was About To Die. Looking Up Into Mrs. Arnot'S
Face, He Said:
"I Don'T Think A Bit Better Of Myself. I'M Twisted all Out O' Shape. But
The Little Chap Has Taught Me How The Good Father Will Receive Me."
The Wealthiest People Of Hillaton Are Glad To Obtain The Services Of Dr.
Haldane, And To Pay For Them; They Are Glad To Welcome Him To Their
Homes When His Busy Life Permits Him To Come; But The Proudest Citizen
Must Wait When Christ, In the Person Of The Poorest And Lowliest, Sends
Word To This Knightly Man, "I Am Sick Or In prison"; "I Am Naked or
Publication Date: August 19th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-tj5a887cd663e35 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-j-c-laird-going-home/ | J. C. Laird Going Home Short Story BookRix GmbH & Co. KG 81371 Munich
Going Home
It was the fourth game of the basketball season for the University of New Mexico. The 16,000 seat arena was filled to near capacity when the first explosion detonated on the east side of the structure. After a muffled ‘thrump,’ a noticeable tremor passed through the great building—a desert leviathan of cement, steel and glass—mortally struck by a monstrous hammer, the vibration somehow more terrifying than the sound itself. A second and third explosion, louder and closer to the northeast and southeast corners of the building, brought the darting basketball players on the court thirty-seven feet below to a standstill. They stood milling about, staring upward in confusion toward the alien sounds high above them. Jenny was standing on the concourse near the top of the cement stairway of Section S, her descent down to here seat delayed as she looked in bewilderment at the far side of the arena, her cardboard container of hotdogs and cokes forgotten in her hands. Thoughts of David, her date that afternoon, were pushed from her mind. She knew of the sixty-million-dollar, year-long renovations on the arena and the addition of the luxury suites and club seating overhead; maybe what she was hearing and feeling were the results of a construction accident? Another explosion and the cement shuddered beneath her feet as if in response to another mammoth sledgehammer strike. Jenny’s heart seemed to pause in her chest; her stomach roiled. This was no accident. The word ‘terrorist’ ricocheted through her mind The cardboard carryall fell to the floor unheeded from trembling hands; her eyes widened in horror as she gaped at a world slowly crumbling—the great leviathan had commenced its death throes. The entire roof-line opposite her was sagging. Seemingly in slow motion, the second level—holding the luxury suites and club seating—succumbed to gravity and joined the concourse below with a thundering roar, tons of concrete crushing concession stands, an athletic store and everyone on the walkway, as well as the upper ten rows of arena seating and their occupants. Billowing clouds of cement dust roiled out high over the basketball court below. Then, almost incomprehensibly, the steel-paneled Behlen roof—the vast, protective covering of the immense complex—complete with lighting, acoustical tiling, multi-use duct work and massive, hidden heating and cooling units, began its long fall to the court and stands a hundred feet below, promising to turn the below-ground arena into a gigantic graveyard. A huge, deafening explosion erupted from somewhere behind Jenny, throwing her into the railing in front of her. Despite the muffled ringing in her ears, she could hear the screams welling up from over 15,000 basketball fans, as the walls and roofing on the other three sides of the arena continued their implosions down onto the either trapped or fleeing occupants of the dying giant. A massive support column to Jenny’s left cracked with a muted popping sound. A gigantic slab of concrete crumpled onto the concourse to her right, several people disappearing beneath its enormous bulk. It would only be a matter of seconds before the west side of the arena completely collapsed; the well-placed explosives bringing down the walls, roofing and upper story—spelling out in falling debris the fate of those below. Panicked, shrieking people jammed the concourse, pushing and shoving, trying to escape the horror that even now they didn’t understand. Jenny was on her knees, buckled by the latest blast. She pulled herself back up by the railing and looked down, trying to locate David in the chaos of fleeing, terrified people. Several had fallen; those following climbed and trampled over them. Then she saw him. David, trying to clamber up over the bench seats along with hundreds of others. He looked up from fourteen rows below, saw her and waved her back, away, signaling her to flee. Jenny shouldered her way into the yelling, screaming mob on the concourse, managed to maintain her balance and fought her way towards one of the exits. Her mind registered daylight shining into the once enclosed arena from the slowly opening roof; huge sections of the former ceiling had filled the court and seating areas, entombing the two basketball teams and many of their fans. Support beams failed; steel girders groaned and twisted as the blasts started a domino effect, weakening one area and overloading another. The upper level on the west side began to collapse, hastening the fall of what was left of the steel roofing high above. Jenny was knocked to the floor by the terrified crowd as they all fought for survival. She crawled to a wall near a ‘Domino’s Pizza’ concession stand and pulled herself up. There was one final explosion, erasing any hope that the arena’s west side would somehow survive. The blast threw Jenny to the floor again. All her numbed ears could discern was a dull roar, her vision blurred by tears and thick cement dust, the rotten egg smell of gas and burning insulation assaulting her nose…. She regained her footing just as the raw electrical wires ignited the ruptured gas line; the blast tossed her into the debris behind her. Jenny felt a stabbing pain in her back. Then nothing.
It had been over a minute since the last explosion; the dust and smoke was thick, despite a now open roof and several breached walls. Occasional rumbles and crashes from shifting and settling debris, the crackling of fires and the moans and cries from the injured and dying—many buried in the rubble—combined to form a continuous background chorus of pain. Amid this shrouded carnage, silhouettes and voices in the eerie gloom were making their way through the jigsaw of broken obstacles toward hoped for exits. On the concourse level near a destroyed pizza stand and kitchen, one of these shadows separated itself from those around it. Grim faced and dust covered, a dark-haired young man neared a steel girder that had fallen at an angle, now propped up by the remnants of an interior wall. Entering the stillness under this partial shelter, Michael stopped and stared at the motionless body of a young woman. She was sitting against a broken slab of concrete beneath the beam, her jean-clad legs splayed out in front of her; her cherry colored sweatshirt now two-toned—the lower half a darker red—soaked with blood. But the tear tracks on her pale, dusty cheeks belied her death. That and a slight twitch from her sneakered left foot. A feeble breeze was attempting to dissipate some of the acrid fog wafting through the immediate area. Michael knelt next to the woman. She was a pretty girl with dark hair and a pale, peaches and cream complexion. Eyes closed, chin resting on her chest, she could well have been sleeping. That impression was contradicted, not only by the blood, but by the iron rod protruding from her body below her right breast. She wasn’t just sitting against the broken concrete; she had been impaled upon it. She had been thrown against the damaged wall and skewered by a section of quarter-inch thick, iron reinforcing rod. Somehow, she was still alive. Her eyelids fluttered open. She looked up and stared at him with chestnut-brown eyes confused and clouded with pain. “Help me,” she whispered. “Get it out.” Surprised, his heart leaped into his throat. He glanced at the six inches of iron rebar jutting from her body. “I’m…ah…I’m not a doctor, but I know that if I pulled you off that… you’d bleed to death before I could even get you out the door, let alone to a hospital. The internal injuries…” “No…no,” she interrupted. “Under me.” Wincing, she bent her left leg up, her hand dropping to the floor next to her left hip. “Sitting on it…hurts.” Michael’s handsome face went blank, dark-brown eyes questioning. Then his face flushed and grew hot as he realized the problem and what she wanted. A jagged chunk of cement was wedged beneath her and she wanted it removed. He stammered, “But I…it’s…it’s…” “Please…it hurts.” She tried shifting her lower body slightly, moving the weight from her left hip to the right. Of course, the metal shaft transecting her chest failed to move. She screamed as the immobile iron bar inflicted even more damage inside her battered body. Her agonized shriek spurred Michael into action. Gingerly working his hands beneath her tight jeans, he managed to work the uneven piece free and tossed it to the side. He plopped down next to her, his back to the wall and breathing heavily, not only from tension and exertion but —surprisingly, considering the world around him—an unexpected embarrassment. “Thank you, that was hurting almost as much as this…” She looked down at the glistening-red, iron re-bar. The trajectory of the alien, metal spear passing through her was slightly downward from rear to front; blood was sluggishly coursing along the metal shaft and dripping from the end, the droplets almost like tears slowly being shed by her body. Real tears were tracking down her cheeks, mixing with streaks of black mascara, marring her pale complexion. The young woman grimaced as a liquid cough racked her, followed by a long, drawn-out groan as her body shifted again on the impaling spit within her. A pink, frothy bubble formed at one corner of her mouth, burst, the blood tainted spittle running down her chin. Michael felt helpless. “I’ll be right back; I want to get something,” he said. He began to push himself up, but she grabbed his arm, her nails digging in painfully. Her expression was pleading, her eyes begging. “Please don’t leave me.” He held her hand and smiled. “I’m not leaving you; I’m just going over there.” He indicated the demolished concession area nearby. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” She let go of his hand; he thought he detected a flicker of a smile in response to his feeble attempt at humor. Michael picked his way through the razed and rubble strewn area, bypassing the partially buried bodies of two concession workers and detouring around a small, smoldering fire. A little farther and he found what he wanted—the sink and wash area—now crumpled like aluminum foil by a huge I-beam. Water had spread out over the floor from broken water lines, mixing with the blood and dust. Michael located two towels, soaked them and headed back. He could smell the smoke from fires, hear the cries of the injured and trapped, see the moving shadows of the ‘walking wounded’ through the slowly wafting haze of smoke and dust. Sunlight, attempting to dissipate this miasma through the open roof and ravished walls, cast a surreal glow on the death and destruction below. He choked back a rising surge of despair. Michael knelt next to his mortally wounded charge. “I told you I’d be back. Glad you decided to stick around.” Her expression was the definition of gratefulness. She smiled weakly. “Very funny.” He put one of the towels around the back of her neck, carefully rested her head against the wall and began to gently clean her face with the other. As he continued his ministrations her soft brown eyes were focused on him in abject appreciation. He lightly wiped the blood from her lips and the corners of her mouth. “You know, since we’re on a fairly intimate basis…” he could feel himself blushing again...“all things considered—I think I should at least know your name.” “Jennifer…Jennifer Peterson, but all my friends call me Jenny,” she said. She looked at him expectantly. “Michael, but all my friends call me…well…Michael.” He smiled self-consciously. Several awkward seconds passed as he continued to clean her. “I’m going to die, aren’t I Michael?” she asked. He tried not to look at the darker crimson of the sodden sweatshirt below her breasts, or the steady weeping of blood from the shaft’s end. "As soon as the emergency crews get here, they’ll cut that bar off at the wall and get you to a hospital where they can remove it.” He looked away. “Listen, I can hear the sirens now; the fire department and ambulances will be here in minutes.” He was avoiding her question. And judging from her expression, she knew it. “Michael, do you have a cell phone?” “Sorry, no. I lost it somewhere trying to get up here.” “Mine’s in my purse; I left it with David…” She looked at Michael hopefully. “I don’t suppose you know a David Ortiz?” “No, I’m sorry, I don’t.” “David’s my date. We were in row 14, Section S. I was getting something to eat, but he was still down there when this side of the arena blew up. I hope to God he’s okay...I just wish I could call my parents.” She squeezed her eyes shut, holding back her tears, her lower lip quivering. “I just want to go home.” Michael sat back down next to her. “Where are you from, Jenny? You have a…ummm…Midwestern accent?” Now she managed a small grin. “Good guess. I’m from Nebraska—your stereotypical farm girl—born and bred. My parents still live there.” “How did you end up in New Mexico?” “My high school friend, Amber, got a scholarship to UNM. I visited the campus with her, loved the place, and decided to enroll.” Her expression dimmed. “Amber doesn’t like basketball; I wish I’d gone to the movies with her today.” She carefully raised her hand to brush the hair out of her eyes and her sleeve pulled back to reveal a silver bracelet, several charms jingling faintly and glowing in the eerie light. “That’s a pretty bracelet,” he said. “My parents gave it to me for my tenth birthday. My Dad said it was a special birthday since I was hitting double digits in age.” She held it close for Michael. “See, it’s the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer, one charm for each.” She attempted to shift herself closer to Michael, then gasped and squeezed her eyes shut as the fire in her chest blazed white hot. She pressed her face into his shoulder. When she breathed there was a moist rattle from lungs filling with blood. She whispered, “I’m scared, Michael. “Promise me you won’t leave; don’t leave me alone, please…” “I promise.” He drew an imaginary X on his chest. “Cross my heart. I’m not going anywhere.” He sidled as close as possible, his body pressing against hers. He turned almost completely on his side towards her and slipped his arm around her shoulders, cradling her head gently against his shoulder with his other hand. “Where in Nebraska?” “Thedford,” she whispered. “Population 242. We had a farm nearby and life was just like in the old movies: chores before school, chores after school, milking cows, feeding the chickens, collecting the eggs, a pet goat, 4-H Club, the Thomas County Fair—that was the highlight of the year. The highlight of our week was going to church on Sunday and getting together with family and friends after. We made the drive into North Platte every month or so to pick up stuff we couldn’t raise on the farm or get in Thedford. Once or twice a year we’d make the trek into Lincoln to check out all the new-fangled things in the big city. You can see why I wanted to leave; there was a whole other world out here.” She paused to catch her breath, something that was becoming more and more difficult to find. Her head was heavy on his shoulder, her pallor alarming. “Compared with what’s going on in today’s world, that life style doesn’t sound half bad,” he said. Jenny actually managed a soft, two syllable laugh. Then solemnly, “Coming to Albuquerque is my one claim to fame. I’m only nineteen. I’ve never gone anywhere; never even left Nebraska until I came here. I was going to visit the Grand Canyon next year…maybe the Pacific Ocean…and…and…I’m still a virgin, Michael…” He could feel her crying silently. He didn’t know what to say. Her voice was barely audible. “I’m never going to fall in love, never going to make love, never have children or a home, never...” She paused for a few seconds, her breathing thick and labored. “Pretty pathetic, huh? Now…” Michael interrupted, “What if you could do all those things—and more?” Jenny tilted her head back with a wide-eyed, questioning look. “Maybe all the good things that ever were, or are, or ever will be—and good things still to be imagined—will be yours to experience forever,” he said. Still puzzled but managing a smile, “What are you talking about?” He gave an almost imperceptible shrug. “Just my definition of Heaven, I guess. The place we came from, the home some will go back to one day...” Suddenly, Jenny began coughing raggedly, deeply; her head and body jerking forward, moving in agony on the metal spear impaling her. Her coughing turned into a scream; bright red blood spewed from her mouth, spattering down onto her shirt and Michael’s arm as he grabbed her, trying to keep her from moving. He held her in his arms in a vise-like grip until her choking subsided and her head lolled back, her eyes closed, whether dead or unconscious he didn’t know. He pulled the damp towel from the back of her neck and cleaned the blood from her face. She moaned and her eyelids fluttered open; eyes big as silver dollars focused on him, eyes filled with pain and fear. He helped move her head back to his shoulder; where she immediately buried her face in his neck. “The movies were right,” she whispered. “What do you mean?” “I’m cold…so cold…I can hardly feel my legs or anything….oh, my God…oh, no…oh, no….” She raised her hand feebly to her face, covering, trying to somehow hide from him. “What is it?” he said. “I’ve wet myself…oh, my God, I’ve wet myself….” He could feel her tears on his neck. “Shhhhhh, Jenny, it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re going home. Trust me, it’ll be alright, I promise. Heaven is waiting for you, I just know it.” He held her close. Even with her mouth near his ear, her voice was faint. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters...” She was reciting the 23rd Psalm. As she whispered the words, her warm breath caressed his skin; her eyelashes made an occasional flicker, tickling his neck, reminding him of that old song “Butterfly Kisses.” Her words became hesitant and faltering, slowly fading. “…I will…fear no evil…for thou…thou…art with me…” Her voice finally became inaudible, melding into the vacuum around them. The faint, rhythmic caress of her breaths ceased. The last, delicate touch of a ‘butterfly kiss’ fluttered upon his cheek. Michael finished the Psalm for Jenny. “...surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life; and you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” He gently laid her head back against the wall, her sightless eyes staring through him—no longer aware of the world. On his knees he straddled her, took her by the shoulders and pulled her forward, freeing her from the iron shaft that held her prisoner. He laid her on her back and folded her hands on her abdomen. With tears in his eyes he closed hers, brushed the hair from her face and kissed her softly on the forehead. “You’re going home, Jenny.” The sound of footsteps nearby. It was Gabriel, sandy-haired and boyishly freckled, staring at his kneeling friend. He spoke quietly. “We’re finished here, it’s time to go.” He looked around him. “Maybe the world really is going to Hell, Michael.” Michael frowned. Gabriel looked away. “Sorry, it just seems that fewer go home every year. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it anymore.” Michael looked down at Jenny, then back at his ageless companion and finally smiled. “Gabriel, you know how He is; it would be worth it even if there were only one.”
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG Implerstraße 24 81371 Munich Germany Text: John C. Laird Images: John C. Laird/Alexandra Laird Editing: Alexandra Laird All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 20th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-alsam2 ISBN: 978-3-7309-0656-9 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-aaliyah-am-i-dreaming-not-done/ | Aaliyah Am I Dreaming ? ( not done ) .
Kalli World
Do you ever wonder if your even apart of this world ? Well i feel the same way.I'm Kallia Isabella Frank. I'm almost 16 teen and i'm a geek a loser not so ever to be cool. I'm also crushing on Micheal Luke Rodriguez. He was sixteen. He had dark brown hair, grey eyes, tan skin and the most perfect smile He would never in a million years fall for a nerd like me ! He's popular and he isn't even the talking type ! But we hanged out a couple of times , and it was of course AWESOME ! "Kally get up your gonna be late for school again!" Mother yelled. "Im up!" I yelled back and ran downstairs. My thirteen year old sister Nyah was at the table. She was short for her age, she was light brown with dark brown eyes . Her hair was a milk chocolate. We were also mixed."Hey Nyah" I said. "Mom Kal is acting weird." She yelled. "You okay Kally ?" Mom asked. My mom was 35 and she was brown, she had dark brown eyes and her hair was black. She put the plate on the table "Nothings wrong can i be in a good mood for once?" I stated. "Oh sorry ." Nyah said. I started to eat my breakfast, it was my favorite. Pancakes with egg and bacon. I always had syrup on them. 2 minutes later i was done. I went up stairs and brushed my teeth and hair . When i entered my room i was shocked. My big sister Jazmine Got me vans a shirt that say "cool story bro!" and the skinny jeans. I had the perfect socks to wear with these. I put everything on and left fir school. Since i didn't have a car i had to walk or take the bus.Just then i was walking to the bus and it started raining. " Are you kidding me!" I said quietly. It started raining harder. "Just great." I thought. Five minutes later the bus came. I sat down pissed off. My hair was wet , my clothes was wet everything was wet i could tell it would be a bad day. After 10 minutes i got to school , my clothes were a bit dry but i always had a spare set of clothes in my locker. I then saw Micheal coming in. He was soaking wet. "He so hot." I said quietly. Amber glanced at me i think she heard me but i didn't care. Micheal was walking up to me. "Kal we should hang sometime." He said shyly. "Sure." I told him. "Here's my number." He said and put his number in my phone. "See you later." We said walking away smiling. I walked to my locker and saw my bestfriend Evan. "Hey Evan." I smiled. "You'll never guess what happened!" I added. "what happened?" She asked. "Well Micheal gave me his number!" I squealed. "Your lying!" She gasped and looked at me. I showed her his number. " I never lie Evan. Kallia never lies." I Replied. "Dude! Your so lucky. I wish his brother would notice me!" Evan Sighed. "I can tell his brother something." I told her. The bell rang it was 4th period. "Time for math." I said. "I have health." Evan said we hugged and walked to our class. As i was walking to class , i bumped into Micheal. My books fell out of my hands. " Sorry !" Micheal said and picked up my books quickly. " It's alright, but i should have been looking where i'm going, but thanks." I said and took my books. "Well im going to math class." He exclaimed. "I have math too. " I said. "And Math Is This Way." I assumed. "There's another way to." He explained. "Alright, so about us hanging out, where you wanna go?" I asked. " I don't know " He responded. "How about ice skating?" I suggested. "Eh ,alright but i never been ice skating." He said. " It's fun and besides i'll be here." The bell rang and we missed Math. Oh well i thought. "Well i'll see you around!" Stated and hugged me.
The Fight
I was walking to gym.
Text: Aaliyah Images: Aaliyah Editing: Aaliyah Translation: Aaliyah All rights reserved. Publication Date: January 1st 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-aaliyahlovescookies |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-stephanie-massie-don-039-t-let-me-go/ | Stephanie Massie Don't Let Me Go Jack Cornett
The beginning
Hi I'm Lizzy Greene and I’m going to tell the story of when I fell in love and my life became the start of a messed up fairy tale. It started 8th grade year on a Tuesday after school I was going to hang out with my friends Cassandra and Brittney. When I got home from school I walked to Cassandra and Brittney's house.
(Knock knock)
Cassandra answered the door and I asked if they wanted to hang out. Brittney comes to the door and say sure but she might hang with someone later on. so we start to walk down the street and I asked who else was she planning on hanging out with. Brittney response was "Nicholas" and as soon as she said that I said "Nicholas Gaddis?" She looks at me surprised and said "Yes do you know him?" When she asked that I looked up the street and saw Nicholas walking down to us. When he got down to us I started to come off a little shy and my heart skipped a beat every time I looked at him and I started to get butterflies in my stomach. I didn’t understand why because this never done this with anyone else I didn’t know. I knew people got these feelings at times but only when they fall in love and I didn’t believe I was.
Well I was so shy and didn't know what to do so I picked up an acorn and threw it at him. Nicholas looked at me for a second and picked up an acorn and threw it at me. Nicholas, Cassandra, Brittney and I all ran behind a tree and started to throw acorns at each other it was fun but it hurt. I gave up on throwing the acorns and surrendered. Then we all started to walk up the street to see if our friends were up the street. As we got up the street we didn't see anyone. I sat down on the side walk and Cassandra grabbed my phone. She started to mess around with it and started recording Nicholas, Brittney, and I. It was a fun day an hour passed and we had to go home because we all had school in the morning. We walked up to Cassandra and Brittney's street. Nicholas went down one street and I went down the other. When I got home I lie down and slowly fell asleep.
That morning I woke up to my alarm screaming at me to wake up. I did not want to wake up for school that morning but I had to. I remember hearing my mom call into my room to get up. I got up and went straight into my closet and put on skinny jean and my shirt that says my anger management classes pisses me off. I eat breakfast really quick and run down to my bus stop. When I walked there the bus slowly pulled up and I hopped on. I walked to the back of the bus and sat down in the back seat. The bus starts to pull off and I was the last stop so now off to school I really hated school but then again what teenager don't. The whole school day went by fast that day I only had a few classes. When school ended I hopped on the bus and went back home. When I got home I dropped my books off and left out. I walked to Cassandra and Brittney's house. When I arrived they were already outside about to go up the street. We started to walk up the street and we hear someone call down to us. We look up the street and it was Nicholas calling for us.
Nicholas ran down to us then I looked at him and asked if he wanted to go to church with us at 6 o’clock today. He stared at me for a second before he replied and said he would have to ask first. Then he asks me for my phone to use so I hand my phone to him and he calls his grandma. When he was asking I was staring hoping that he was allowed. Nicholas hung up the phone and handed it back to me and said he was allowed we all got happy. It was about 4 o'clock then so we just hung out and walked around until it was time to go to church. 6 o'clock came up quick and we started to walk to church. When we arrived I went downstairs to thinking about things because that day there was a lot on my mind and I didn't know what to do. I walked in to the sanctuary and went up the stairs to the balcony. When I was up there I had a lot of time to think until Nicholas came running away from Brittney. Then Brittney got tired of running so she ran back down stair and Nicholas came over to me.
Falling for him
Nicholas sat up on the ledge and acted like he was going to fall to see what I would do so I pulled him on to the balcony. Nicholas landed on to his arm and it started to hurt him and he walked down stairs. I felt bad I didn't know what to do so I just sat back down. All of the sudden I hear Nicholas sister Jessica coming and she came up to me and started to yell at me because of I hurt Nicholas arm. I told her that I thought he was going to fall and she say he wasn't then she left. I felt bad enough she didn’t have to come and yell at me too so I feel worse. Nicholas came up and sat next to me and I told him I was sorry and that his sister came and yelled at me. Nicholas looks at me and told me don’t mind Jessica she'll get over it and that his arm is fine. I asked if he was sure and he said yes and then told me he likes me.
The first thing running through my mind was is he just saying this to make me feel better or is he serious. Nicholas and I started to talk about things and got to know each other better and before we knew it church was over. But in the same day I found out Nicholas likes me and three of my friends (Brittney, Amelia, and Cassandra.) Well I started to walk home with my friend Amelia and Brittney and kept wondering what was I thinking I can't like him when he likes three of my other friends but it's only liking it's not like he is going out with any of them or me. When I arrived home I went into the kitchen and made me some Ramen noodles chicken flavored my favorite. When I finished I washed my dish and went to bed.
I wake up to my mom shaking me telling me if I don't get up now I will be late for school. It was the last day of school until thanksgiving break I was happy. So I get up in a rush and jump into the first clean pair of pants I had and put on a shirt that was Hollister and brushed my hair and teeth then walked to the bus stop. When I got there everyone was waiting for the bus already so I knew I wasn't late. Five minutes later the bus showed up late. I get on the bus and sit in the very back and look out the window as we on our way to school. When the bus arrives at school I go into the lunch room to eat breakfast and sit down. Then the teacher picks us up and walks us to the class room.
When we get up to the class room everyone sits down and starts to eat. I just put my head down for a little until everyone was done. Then the teacher starts talking and everyone get quiet. The Teacher was writing something on the board but I wasn't paying attention I was too busy thinking about Nicholas and why I couldn't stop thinking about him since I met him. When the teacher looks at me I act as if I was paying attention. The teacher tells everyone it's about time to switch classes.
Editing: Jalyn Dale Publication Date: May 9th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-ua0f3ddd20ae615 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-charles-reade-a-terrible-temptation-fiscle-part-3/ | Charles Reade A Terrible Temptation (Fiscle Part 3)
Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 1
The Morning-Room Of A Large House In Portman Square, London.
A Gentleman In The Prime Of Life Stood With His Elbow On The Broad
Mantel-Piece, And Made Himself Agreeable To A Young Lady, Seated A
Little Way Off, Playing At Work.
To The Ear He Was Only Conversing, But His Eyes Dwelt On Her With
Loving Admiration All The Time. Her Posture Was Favorable To This
Furtive Inspection, For She Leaned Her Fair Head Over Her Work With A
Pretty, Modest, Demure Air, That Seemed To Say, "I Suspect I Am Being
Admired: I Will Not Look To See: I Might Have To Check It."
The Gentleman's Features Were Ordinary, Except His Brow--That Had Power
In It--But He Had The Beauty Of Color; His Sunburned Features Glowed
With Health, And His Eye Was Bright. On The Whole, Rather Good-Looking
When He Smiled, But Ugly When He Frowned; For His Frown Was A Scowl,
And Betrayed A Remarkable Power Of Hating.
Miss Arabella Bruce Was A Beauty. She Had Glorious Masses Of Dark Red
Hair, And A Dazzling White Neck To Set It Off; Large, Dove-Like Eyes,
And A Blooming Oval Face, Which Would Have Been Classical If Her Lips
Had Been Thin And Finely Chiseled; But Here Came In Her Anglo-Saxon
Breed, And Spared Society A Minerva By Giving Her Two Full And Rosy
Lips. They Made A Smallish Mouth At Rest, But Parted Ever So Wide When
They Smiled, And Ravished The Beholder With Long, Even Rows Of Dazzling
White Teeth.
Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 2
Her Figure Was Tall And Rather Slim, But Not At All Commanding. There
Are People Whose Very Bodies Express Character; And This Tall, Supple,
Graceful Frame Of Bella Bruce Breathed Womanly Subservience; So Did Her
Gestures. She Would Take Up Or Put Down Her Own Scissors Half Timidly,
And Look Around Before Threading Her Needle, As If To See Whether Any
Soul Objected. Her Favorite Word Was "May I?" With A Stress On The
"May," And She Used It Where Most Girls Would Say "I Will," Or Nothing,
And Do It.
Mr. Richard Bassett Was In Love With Her, And Also Conscious That Her
Fifteen Thousand Pounds Would Be A Fine Addition To His Present Income,
Which Was Small, Though His Distant Expectations Were Great. As He Had
Known Her But One Month, And She Seemed Rather Amiable Than
Inflammable, He Had The Prudence To Proceed By Degrees; And That Is
Why, Though His Eyes Gloated On Her, He Merely Regaled Her With The
Gossip Of The Day, Not Worth Recording Here. But When He Had Actually
Taken His Hat To Go, Bella Bruce Put Him A Question That Had Been On
Her Mind The Whole Time, For Which Reason She Had Reserved It To The
Very Last Moment.
"Is Sir Charles Bassett In Town?" Said She, Mighty Carelessly, But
Bending A Little Lower Over Her Embroidery.
"Don't Know," Said Richard Bassett, With Such A Sudden Brevity And
Asperity That Miss Bruce Looked Up And Opened Her Lovely Eyes. Mr.
Richard Bassett Replied To This Mute Inquiry, "We Don't Speak." Then,
After A Pause, "He Has Robbed Me Of My Inheritance."
"Oh, Mr. Bassett!"
"Yes, Miss Bruce, The Bassett And Huntercombe Estates Were Mine By
Right Of Birth. My Father Was The Eldest Son, And They Were Entailed On
Him. But Sir Charles's Father Persuaded My Old, Doting Grandfather To
Cut Off The Entail, And Settle The Estates On Him And His Heirs; And So
They Robbed Me Of Every Acre They Could. Luckily My Little Estate Of
Highmore Was Settled On My Mother And Her Issue Too Tight For The
Villains To Undo."
These Harsh Expressions, Applied To His Own Kin, And The Abruptness And
Heat They Were Uttered With, Surprised And Repelled His Gentle
Listener. She Shrank A Little Away From Him. He Observed It. She
Replied Not To His Words, But To Her Own Thought:
"But, After All, It Does Seem Hard." She Added, With A Little Fervor,
"But It Wasn't Poor Sir Charles's Doing, After All."
"He Is Content To Reap The Benefit," Said Richard Bassett, Sternly.
Then, Finding He Was Making A Sorry Impression, He Tried To Get Away
From The Subject. I Say Tried, For Till A Man Can Double Like A Hare He
Will Never Get Away From His Hobby. "Excuse Me," Said He; "I Ought
Never To Speak About It. Let Us Talk Of Something Else. You Cannot
Enter Into My Feelings; It Makes My Blood Boil. Oh, Miss Bruce! You
Can't Conceive What A Disinherited Man Feels--And I Live At The Very
Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 3
Door: His Old Trees, That Ought To Be Mine, Fling Their Shadows Over My
Little Flower Beds; The Sixty Chimneys Of Huntercombe Hall Look Down On
My Cottage; His Acres Of Lawn Run Up To My Little Garden, And Nothing
But A Ha-Ha Between Us."
"It _Is_ Hard," Said Miss Bruce, Composedly; Not That She Entered Into
A Hardship Of This Vulgar Sort, But It Was Her Nature To Soothe And
Please People.
"Hard!" Cried Richard Bassett, Encouraged By Even This Faint Sympathy;
"It Would Be Unendurable But For One Thing--I Shall Have My Own Some
"I Am Glad Of That," Said The Lady; "But How?"
"By Outliving The Wrongful Heir."
Miss Bruce Turned Pale. She Had Little Experience Of Men's Passions.
"Oh, Mr. Bassett!" Said She--And There Was Something Pure And Holy In
The Look Of Sorrow And Alarm She Cast On The Presumptuous
Speaker--"Pray Do Not Cherish Such Thoughts. They Will Do You Harm. And
Remember Life And Death Are Not In Our Hands. Besides--"
"Sir Charles Might--"
"Might He Not--Marry--And Have Children?" This With More Hesitation And
A Deeper Blush Than Appeared Absolutely Necessary.
"Oh, There's No Fear Of That. Property Ill-Gotten Never Descends.
Charles Is A Worn-Out Rake. He Was Fast At Eton--Fast At Oxford--Fast
In London. Why, He Looks Ten Years Older Than I, And He Is Three Years
Younger. He Had A Fit Two Years Ago. Besides, He Is Not A Marrying Man.
Bassett And Huntercombe Will Be Mine. And Oh! Miss Bruce, If Ever They
Are Mine--"
"Sir Charles Bassett!" Trumpeted A Servant At The Door; And Then
Waited, Prudently, To Know Whether His Young Lady, Whom He Had Caught
Blushing So Red With One Gentleman, Would Be At Home To Another.
"Wait A Moment," Said Miss Bruce To Him. Then, Discreetly Ignoring What
Bassett Had Said Last, And Lowering Her Voice Almost To A Whisper, She
Said, Hurriedly: "You Should Not Blame Him For The Faults Of Others.
There--I Have Not Been Long Acquainted With Either, And Am Little
Entitled To Inter--But It Is Such A Pity You Are Not Friends. He Is
Very Good, I Assure You, And Very Nice. Let Me Reconcile You Two. _May_
This Well-Meant Petition Was Uttered Very Sweetly; And, Indeed--If I
May Be Permitted--In A Way To Dissolve A Bear.
Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 4
But This Was Not A Bear, Nor Anything Else That Is Placable; It Was A
Man With A Hobby Grievance; So He Replied In Character:
"That Is Impossible So Long As He Keeps Me Out Of My Own." He Had The
Grace, However, To Add, Half Sullenly, "Excuse Me; I Feel I Have Been
Too Vehement."
Miss Bruce, Thus Repelled, Answered, Rather Coldly:
"Oh, Never Mind _That;_ It Was Very Natural.--I Am At Home, Then," Said
She To The Servant.
Mr. Bassett Took The Hint, But Turned At The Door, And Said, With No
Little Agitation, "I Was Not Aware He Visits You. One Word--Don't Let
His Ill-Gotten Acres Make You Quite Forget The Disinherited One." And
So He Left Her, With An Imploring Look.
She Felt Red With All This, So She Slipped Out At Another Door, To Cool
Her Cheeks And Imprison A Stray Curl For Sir Charles.
He Strolled Into The Empty Room, With The Easy, Languid Air Of Fashion.
His Features Were Well Cut, And Had Some Nobility; But His Sickly
Complexion And The Lines Under His Eyes Told A Tale Of Dissipation. He
Appeared Ten Years Older Than He Was, And Thoroughly _Blase._
Yet When Miss Bruce Entered The Room With A Smile And A Little Blush,
He Brightened Up And Looked Handsome, And Greeted Her With Momentary
After The Usual Inquiries She Asked Him If He Had Met Any Body.
"Here; Just Now."
"What, Nobody At All?"
"Only My Sulky Cousin; I Don't Call Him Anybody," Drawled Sir Charles,
Who Was Now Relapsing Into His Normal Condition Of Semi-Apathy.
"Oh," Said Miss Bruce Gayly, "You Must Expect Him To Be A Little Cross.
It Is Not So Very Nice To Be Disinherited, Let Me Tell You."
"And Who Has Disinherited The Fellow?"
"I Forget; But You Disinherited Him Among You. Never Mind; It Can't Be
Helped Now. When Did You Come Back To Town? I Didn't See You At Lady
D'arcy's Ball, Did I?"
"You Did Not, Unfortunately For Me; But You Would If I Had Known You
Were To Be There. But About Richard: He May Tell You What He Likes, But
He Was Not Disinherited; He Was Bought Out. The Fact Is, His Father Was
Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 5
Uncommonly Fast. My Grandfather Paid His Debts Again And Again; But At
Last The Old Gentleman Found He Was Dealing With The Jews For His
Reversion. Then There Was An Awful Row. It Ended In My Grandfather
Outbidding The Jews. He Bought The Reversion Of His Estate From His Own
Son For A Large Sum Of Money (He Had To Raise It By Mortgages); Then
They Cut Off The Entail Between Them, And He Entailed The Mortgaged
Estate On His Other Son, And His Grandson (That Was Me), And On My
Heir-At-Law. Richard's Father Squandered His Thirty Thousand Pounds
Before He Died; My Father Husbanded The Estates, Got Into Parliament,
And They Put A Tail To His Name."
Sir Charles Delivered This Version Of The Facts With A Languid
Composure That Contrasted Deliciously With Richard's Heat In Telling
The Story His Way (To Be Sure, Sir Charles Had Got Huntercombe And
Bassett, And It Is Easier To Be Philosophical On The Right Side Of The
Boundary Hedge), And Wound Up With A Sort Of Corollary: "Dick Bassett
Suffers By His Father's Vices, And I Profit By Mine's Virtues. Where's
The Injustice?"
"Nowhere, And The Sooner You Are Reconciled The Better."
Sir Charles Demurred. "Oh, I Don't Want To Quarrel With The Fellow: But
He Is A Regular Thorn In My Side, With His Little Trumpery Estate, All
In Broken Patches. He Shoots My Pheasants In The Unfairest Way." Here
The Landed Proprietor Showed Real Irritation, But Only For A Moment. He
Concluded Calmly, "The Fact Is, He Is Not Quite A Gentleman. Fancy His
Coming And Whining To You About Our Family Affairs, And Then Telling
You A Falsehood!"
"No, No; Be Did Not Mean. It Was His Way Of Looking At Things. You Can
Afford To Forgive Him."
"Yes, But Not If He Sets You Against Me."
"But He Cannot Do That. The More Any One Was To Speak Against You, The
More I--Of Course."
This Admission Fired Sir Charles; He Drew Nearer, And, Thanks To His
Cousin's Interference, Spoke The Language Of Love More Warmly And
Directly Than He Had Ever Done Before.
The Lady Blushed, And Defended Herself Feebly. Sir Charles Grew Warmer,
And At Last Elicited From Her A Timid But Tender Avowal, That Made Him
Supremely Happy.
When He Left Her This Brief Ecstasy Was Succeeded By Regrets On Account
Of The Years He Had Wasted In Follies And Intrigues.
He Smoked Five Cigars, And Pondered The Difference Between The Pure
Creature Who Now Honored Him With Her Virgin Affections And Beauties Of
A Different Character Who Had Played Their Parts In His Luxurious Life.
After Profound Deliberation He Sent For His Solicitor. They Lighted The
Inevitable Cigars, And The Following Observations Struggled Feebly Out
Part 3 Chapter 1 Pg 6
Along With The Smoke.
"Mr. Oldfield, I'm Going To Be Married."
"Glad To Hear It, Sir Charles." (Vision Of Settlements.) "It Is A High
Time You Were." (Puff-Puff.)
"Want Your Advice And Assistance First."
"Must Put Down My Pony-Carriage Now, You Know."
"A Very Proper Retrenchment; But You Can Do That Without My Assistance,
"There Would Be Sure To Be A Row If I Did. I Dare Say There Will Be As
It Is. At Any Rate, I Want To Do The Thing Like A Gentleman."
"Send 'Em To Tattersall's." (Puff.)
"And The Girl That Drives Them In The Park, And Draws All The Duchesses
And Countesses At Her Tail--Am I To Send Her To Tattersall's?" (Puff.)
"Oh, It Is _Her_ You Want To Put Down, Then?"
"Why, Of Course."
Part 3 Chapter 2 Pg 7
Sir Charles And Mr. Oldfield Settled That Lady's Retiring Pension, And
Mr. Oldfield Took The Memoranda Home, With Instructions To Prepare A
Draft Deed For Miss Somerset's Approval.
Meantime Sir Charles Visited Miss Bruce Every Day. Her Affections For
Him Grew Visibly, For Being Engaged Gave Her The Courage To Love.
Mr. Bassett Called Pretty Often; But One Day He Met Sir Charles On The
Stairs, And Scowled.
That Scowl Cost Him Dear, For Sir Charles Thereupon Represented To
Bella That A Man With A Grievance Is A Bore To The Very Eye, And Asked
Her To Receive No More Visits From His Scowling Cousin. The Lady
Smiled, And Said, With Soft Complacency, "I Obey."
Sir Charles's Gallantry Was Shocked.
Part 3 Chapter 2 Pg 8
"No, Don't Say 'Obey.' It Is A Little Favor I Ventured To Ask."
"It Is Like You To Ask What You Have A Right To Command. I Shall Be Out
To Him In Future, And To Every One Who Is Disagreeable To You. What!
Does 'Obey' Frighten You From My Lips? To Me It Is The Sweetest In The
Language. Oh, Please Let Me 'Obey' You! _May_ I?"
Upon This, As Vanity Is Seldom Out Of Call, Sir Charles Swelled Like A
Turkey-Cock, And Loftily Consented To Indulge Bella Bruce's Strange
Propensity. From That Hour She Was Never At Home To Mr. Bassett.
He Began To Suspect; And One Day, After He Had Been Kept Out With The
Loud, Stolid "Not At Home" Of Practiced Mendacity, He Watched, And Saw
Sir Charles Admitted.
He Divined It All In A Moment, And Turned To Wormwood. What! Was He To
Be Robbed Of The Lady He Loved--And Her Fifteen Thousand Pounds--By The
Very Man Who Had Robbed Him Of His Ancestral Fields? He Dwelt On The
Double Grievance Till It Nearly Frenzied Him. But He Could Do Nothing:
It Was His Fate. His Only Hope Was That Sir Charles, The Arrant Flirt,
Would Desert This Beauty After A Time, As He Had The Others.
But One Afternoon, In The Smoking-Room Of His Club, A Gentleman Said To
Him, "So Your Cousin Charles Is Engaged To The Yorkshire Beauty, Bell
"He Is Flirting With Her, I Believe," Said Richard.
"No, No," Said The Other; "They Are Engaged. I Know It For A Fact. They
Are To Be Married Next Month."
Mr. Richard Bassett Digested This Fresh Pill In Moody Silence, While
The Gentlemen Of The Club Discussed The Engagement With Easy Levity.
They Soon Passed To A Topic Of Wider Interest, Viz., Who Was To Succeed
Sir Charles With La Somerset. Bassett Began To Listen Attentively, And
Learned For The First Time Sir Charles Bassett's Connection With That
Lady, And Also That She Was A Woman Of A Daring Nature And Furious
Temper. At First He Was Merely Surprised; But Soon Hatred And Jealousy
Whispered In His Ear That With These Materials It Must Be Possible To
Wound Those Who Had Wounded Him.
Mr. Marsh, A Young Gentleman With A Receding Chin, And A Mustache
Between Hay And Straw, Had Taken Great Care To Let Them All Know He Was
Acquainted With Miss Somerset. So Richard Got Marsh Alone, And Sounded
Him. Could He Call Upon The Lady Without Ceremony?
"You Won't Get In. Her Street Door Is Jolly Well Guarded, I Can Tell
"I Am Very Curious To See Her In Her Own House."
"So Are A Good Many Fellows."
"Could You Not Give Me An Introduction?"
Part 3 Chapter 2 Pg 9
Marsh Shook His Head Sapiently For A Considerable Time, And With All
This Shaking, As It Appeared, Out Fell Words Of Wisdom. "Don't See It.
I'm Awfully Spooney On Her Myself; And, You Know, When A Fellow
Introduces Another Fellow, That Fellow Always Cuts The Other Out."
Then, Descending From The Words Of The Wise And Their Dark Sayings To A
Petty But Pertinent Fact, He Added, _"Besides,_ I'm Only Let In Myself
About Once In Five Times."
"She Gives Herself Wonderful Airs, It Seems," Said Bassett, Rather
Marsh Fired Up. "So Would Any Woman That Was As Beautiful, And As Witty
And As Much Run After As She Is. Why She Is A Leader Of Fashion. Look
At All The Ladies Following Her Round The Park. They Used To Drive On
The North Side Of The Serpentine. She Just Held Up Her Finger, And Now
They Have Cut The Serpentine, And Followed Her To The South Drive."
"Oh, Indeed!" Said Bassett. "Ah Then This Is A Great Lady; A Poor
Country Squire Must Not Venture Into Her August Presence." He Turned
Savagely On His Heel, And Marsh Went And Made Sickly Mirth At His
By This Means The Matter Soon Came To The Ears Of Old Mr. Woodgate, The
Father Of That Club, And A Genial Gossip. He Got Hold Of Bassett In The
Dinner-Room And Examined Him. "So You Want An Introduction To La
Somerset, And Marsh Refuses--Marsh, Hitherto Celebrated For His Weak
Head Rather Than His Hard Heart?"
Richard Bassett Nodded Rather Sullenly. He Had Not Bargained For This
Rapid Publicity.
The Venerable Chief Resumed: "We All Consider Marsh's Conduct
Unclubable And A Thing To Be Combined Against. Wanted--An
Anti-Dog-In-The-Manger League. I'll Introduce You To The Somerset."
"What! Do _You_ Visit Her?" Asked Bassett, In Some Astonishment.
The Old Gentleman Held Up His Hands In Droll Disclaimer, And Chuckled
Merrily "No, No; I Enjoy From The Shore The Disasters Of My Youthful
Friends--That Sacred Pleasure Is Left Me. Do You See That Elegant
Creature With The Little Auburn Beard And Mustache, Waiting Sweetly For
His Dinner. He Launched The Somerset."
"Launched Her?"
"Yes; But For Him She Might Have Wasted Her Time Breaking Hearts And
Slapping Faces In Some Country Village. He It Was Set Her Devastating
Society; And With His Aid She Shall Devastate You.--Vandeleur, Will You
Join Bassett And Me?"
Mr. Vandeleur, With Ready Grace, Said He Should Be Delighted, And They
Dined Together Accordingly.
Part 3 Chapter 2 Pg 10
Mr. Vandeleur, Six Feet High, Lank, But Graceful As A Panther, And The
Pink Of Politeness, Was, Beneath His Varnish, One Of The Wildest Young
Men In London--Gambler, Horse-Racer, Libertine, What Not?--But In
Society Charming, And His Manners Singularly Elegant And Winning. He
Never Obtruded His Vices In Good Company; In Fact, You Might Dine With
Him All Your Life And Not Detect Him. The Young Serpent Was Torpid In
Wine; But He Came Out, A Bit At A Time, In The Sunshine Of Cigar.
After A Brisk Conversation On Current Topics, The Venerable Chief Told
Him Plainly They Were Both Curious To Know The History Of Miss
Somerset, And He Must Tell It Them.
"Oh, With Pleasure," Said The Obliging Youth. "Let Us Go Into The
"Let--Me--See. I Picked Her Up By The Sea-Side. She Promised Well At
First. We Put Her On My Chestnut Mare, And She Showed Lots Of Courage,
So She Soon Learned To Ride; But She Kicked, Even Down There."
"Kicked All Round; I Mean Showed Temper. And When She Got To London,
And Had Ridden A Few Times In The Park, And Swallowed Flattery, There
Was No Holding Her. I Stood Her Cheek For A Good While, But At Last I
Told The Servants They Must Not Turn Her Out, But They Could Keep Her
Out. They Sided With Me For Once. She Had Ridden Over Them, As Well.
The First Time She Went Out They Bolted The Doors, And Handed Her Boxes
Up The Area Steps."
"How Did She Take That?"
"Easier Than We Expected. She Said, 'Lucky For You Beggars That I'm A
Lady, Or I'd Break Every D--D Window In The House.'"
This Caused A Laugh. It Subsided. The Historian Resumed.
"Next Day She Cooled, And Wrote A Letter."
"To You?"
"No, To My Groom. Would You Like To See It? It Is A Curiosity."
He Sent One Of The Club Waiters For His Servant, And His Servant For
His Desk, And Produced The Letter.
"There!" Said Vandeleur. "She Looks Like A Queen, And Steps Like An
Empress, And This Is How She Writes:
Part 3 Chapter 2 Pg 11
"'Dear Jorge--I Have Got The Sak, An' Praps Your Turn Nex. Dear Jorge
He Alwaies Promise Me The Grey Oss, Which Now An Oss Is Life An Death
To Me. If You Was To Ast Him To Lend Me The Grey He Wouldn't Refuse
"'Yours Respecfully,
"'Rhoda Somerset.'"
When The Letter And The Handwriting, Which, Unfortunately, I Cannot
Reproduce, Had Been Duly Studied And Approved, Vandeleur Continued--
"Now, You Know, She Had Her Good Points, After All. If Any Creature Was
Ill, She'd Sit Up All Night And Nurse Them, And She Used To Go To
Church On Sundays, And Come Back With The Sting Out Of Her; Only Then
She Would Preach To A Fellow, And Bore Him. She Is Awfully Fond Of
Preaching. Her Dream Is To Jump On A First-Rate Hunter, And Ride Across
Country, And Preach To The Villages. So, When George Came Grinning To
Me With The Letter, I Told Him To Buy A New Side-Saddle For The Gray,
And Take Her The Lot, With My Compliments. I Had Noticed A Slight
Spavin In His Near Foreleg. She Rode Him That Very Day In The Park, All
Alone, And Made Such A Sensation That Next Day My Gray Was Standing In
Lord Hailey's Stables. But She Rode Hailey, Like My Gray, With A Long
Spur, And He Couldn't Stand It. None Of 'Em Could Except Sir Charles
Bassett, And He Doesn't Play Fair--Never Goes Near Her."
"And That Gives Him An Unfair Advantage Over His Fascinating
Predecessors?" Inquired The Senior, Slyly.
"Of Course It Does," Said Vandeleur, Stoutly. "You Ask A Girl To Dine
At Richmond Once A Month, And Keep Out Of Her Way All The Rest Of The
Time, And Give Her Lots Of Money--She Will Never Quarrel With You."
"Profit By This Information, Young Man," Said Old Woodgate, Severely;
"It Comes Too Late For Me. In My Day There Existed No Sure Method Of
Pleasing The Fair. But Now That Is Invented, Along With Everything
Else. Richmond And--Absence, Equivalent To 'Richmond And Victory!' Now,
Bassett, We Have Heard The Truth From The Fountain-Head, And It Is
Rather Serious. She Swears, She Kicks, She Preaches. Do You Still
Desire An Introduction? As For Me, My Manly Spirit Is Beginning To
Quake At Vandeleur's Revelations, And Some Lines Of Scott Recur To My
Gothic Memory--
"'From The Chafed Tiger Rend His Prey, Bar The Fell Dragon's Blighting
Part 3 Chapter 2 Pg 12
Way, But Shun That Lovely Snare."'
Bassett Replied, Gravely, That He Had No Such Motive As Mr. Woodgate
Gave Him Credit For, But Still Desired The Introduction.
"With Pleasure," Said Vandeleur; "But It Will Be No Use To You. She
Hates Me Like Poison; Says I Have No Heart. That Is What All
Ill-Tempered Women Say."
Notwithstanding His Misgivings The Obliging Youth Called For Writing
Materials, And Produced The Following Epistle--
"Dear Miss Somerset--Mr. Richard Bassett, A Cousin Of Sir Charles,
Wishes Very Much To Be Introduced To You, And Has Begged Me To Assist
In An Object So Laudable. I Should Hardly Venture To Present Myself,
And, Therefore, Shall Feel Surprised As Well As Flattered If You Will
Receive Mr. Bassett On My Introduction, And My Assurance That He Is A
Respectable Country Gentleman, And Bears No Resemblance In Character To
"Yours Faithfully,
"Arthur Vandeleur."
Next Day Bassett Called At Miss Somerset's House In May Fair, And
Delivered His Introduction.
He Was Admitted After A Short Delay And Entered The Lady's Boudoir. It
Was Luxury's Nest. The Walls Were Rose Colored Satin, Padded And
Puckered; The Voluminous Curtains Were Pale Satin, With Floods And
Billows Of Real Lace; The Chairs Embroidered, The Tables All Buhl And
Ormolu, And The Sofas Felt Like Little Seas. The Lady Herself, In A
Delightful Peignoir, Sat Nestled Cozily In A Sort Of Ottoman With Arms.
Her Finely Formed Hand, Clogged With Brilliants, Was Just Conveying
Brandy And Soda-Water To A Very Handsome Mouth When Richard Bassett
She Raised Herself Superbly, But Without Leaving Her Seat, And Just
Looked At A Chair In A Way That Seemed To Say, "I Permit You To Sit
Down;" And That Done, She Carried The Glass To Her Lips With The Same
Admirable Firmness Of Hand She Showed In Driving. Her Lofty Manner,
Coupled With Her Beautiful But Rather Haughty Features, Smacked Of
Imperial Origin. Yet She Was The Writer To "Jorge," And Four Years Ago
A Shrimp-Girl, Running Into The Sea With Legs As Brown As A Berry.
Part 3 Chapter 2 Pg 13
So Swiftly Does Merit Rise In This World Which, Nevertheless, Some
Morose Folk Pretend Is A Wicked One.
I Ought To Explain, However, That This Haughty Reception Was Partly
Caused By A Breach Of Propriety. Vandeleur Ought First To Have Written
To Her And Asked Permission To Present Richard Bassett. He Had No
Business To Send The Man And The Introduction Together. This Law A
Parliament Of Sirens Had Passed, And The Slightest Breach Of It Was A
Bitter Offense Equilibrium Governs The World. These Ladies Were Bound
To Be Overstrict In Something Or Other, Being Just A Little Lax In
Certain Things Where Other Ladies Are Strict.
Now Bassett Had Pondered Well What He Should Say, But He Was
Disconcerted By Her Superb Presence And Demeanor And Her Large Gray
Eyes, That Rested Steadily Upon His Face.
However, He Began To Murmur Mellifluously. Said He Had Often Seen Her
In Public, And Admired Her, And Desired To Make Her Acquaintance, Etc.,
"Then Why Did You Not Ask Sir Charles To Bring You Here?" Said Miss
Somerset, Abruptly, And Searching Him With Her Eyes, That Were Not To
Say Bold, But Singularly Brave, And Examiners Pointblank.
"I Am Not On Good Terms With Sir Charles. He Holds The Estates That
Ought To Be Mine; And Now He Has Robbed Me Of My Love. He Is The Last
Man In The World I Would Ask A Favor Of."
"You Came Here To Abuse Him Behind His Back, Eh?" Asked The Lady With
Undisguised Contempt.
Bassett Winced, But Kept His Temper. "No, Miss Somerset; But You Seem
To Think I Ought To Have Come To You Through Sir Charles. I Would Not
Enter Your House If I Did Not Feel Sure I Shall Not Meet Him Here."
Miss Somerset Looked Rather Puzzled. "Sir Charles Does Not Come Here
Every Day, But He Comes Now And Then, And He Is Always Welcome."
"You Surprise Me."
"Thank You. Now Some Of My Gentlemen Friends Think It Is A Wonder He
Does Not Come Every Minute."
"You Mistake Me. What Surprises Me Is That You Are Such Good Friends
Under The Circumstances."
"Circumstances! What Circumstances?"
"Oh, You Know. You Are In His Confidence, I Presume?"--This Rather
Satirically. So The Lady Answered, Defiantly:
"Yes, I Am; He Knows I Can Hold My Tongue, So He Tells Me Things He
Tells Nobody Else."
Part 3 Chapter 2 Pg 14
"Then, If You Are In His Confidence, You Know He Is About To Be
"Married! Sir Charles Married!"
"In Three Weeks."
"It's A Lie! You Get Out Of My House This Moment!"
Mr. Bassett Colored At This Insult. He Rose From His Seat With Some
Little Dignity, Made Her A Low Bow, And Retired. But Her Blood Was Up:
She Made A Wonderful Rush, Sweeping Down A Chair With Her Dress As She
Went, And Caught Him At The Door, Clutched Him By The Shoulder And Half
Dragged Him Back, And Made Him Sit Down Again, While She Stood Opposite
Him, With The Knuckles Of One Hand Resting On The Table.
"Now," Said She, Panting, "You Look Me In The Face And Say That Again."
"Excuse Me; You Punish Me Too Severely For Telling The Truth."
"Well, I Beg Your Pardon--There. Now Tell Me--This Instant. Can't You
Speak, Man?" And Her Knuckles Drummed The Table.
"He Is To Be Married In Three Weeks."
"Oh! Who To?"
"A Young Lady I Love."
"Her Name?"
"Miss Arabella Bruce."
"Where Does She Live?"
"Portman Square."
"I'll Stop That Marriage."
"How?" Asked Richard, Eagerly.
"I Don't Know; That I'll Think Over. But He Shall Not Marry
Bassett Sat And Looked Up With Almost As Much Awe As Complacency At The
Fury He Had Evoked; For This Woman Was Really At Times A Poetic
Impersonation Of That Fiery Passion She Was So Apt To Indulge. She
Stood Before Him, Her Cheek Pale, Her Eyes Glittering And Roving
Savagely, And Her Nostrils Literally Expanding, While Her Tall Body
Quivered With Wrath, And Her Clinched Knuckles Pattered On The Table.
"He Shall Not Marry Her. I'll Kill Him First!"
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 15
Richard Bassett Eagerly Offered His Services To Break Off The Obnoxious
Match. But Miss Somerset Was Beginning To Be Mortified At Having Shown
So Much Passion Before A Stranger.
"What Have You To Do With It?" Said She, Sharply.
"Everything. I Love Miss Bruce."
"Oh, Yes; I Forgot That. Anything Else? There Is, Now. I See It In Your
Eye. What Is It?"
"Sir Charles's Estates Are Mine By Right, And They Will Return To My
Line If He Does Not Marry And Have Issue."
"Oh, I See. That Is So Like A Man. It's Always Love, And Something More
Important, With You. Well, Give Me Your Address. I'll Write If I Want
"Highly Flattered," Said Bassett, Ironically-Wrote His Address And Left
Miss Somerset Then Sat Down And Wrote:
"Dear Sir Charles--Please Call Here, I Want To Speak To You.
Yours Respecfuly,
"Rhoda Somerset."
Sir Charles Obeyed This Missive, And The Lady Received Him With A
Gracious And Smiling Manner, All Put On And Catlike. She Talked With
Him Of Indifferent Things For More Than An Hour, Still Watching To See
If He Would Tell Her Of His Own Accord.
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 16
When She Was Quite Sure He Would Not, She Said,
"Do You Know There's A Ridiculous Report About That You Are Going To Be
"They Even Tell Her Name--Miss Bruce. Do You Know The Girl?"
"Is She Pretty?"
"As An Angel."
"And Are You Going To Marry Her?"
"Then You Are A Villain."
"The Deuce I Am!"
"You Are, To Abandon A Woman Who Has Sacrificed All For You."
Sir Charles Looked Puzzled, And Then Smiled; But Was Too Polite To Give
His Thoughts Vent. Nor Was It Necessary; Miss Somerset, Whose Brave
Eyes Never Left The Person She Was Speaking To, Fired Up At The Smile
Alone, And She Burst Into A Torrent Of Remonstrance, Not To Say
Vituperation. Sir Charles Endeavored Once Or Twice To Stop It, But It
Was Not To Be Stopped; So At Last He Quietly Took Up His Hat, To Go.
He Was Arrested At The Door By A Rustle And A Fall. He Turned Round,
And There Was Miss Somerset Lying On Her Back, Grinding Her White Teeth
And Clutching The Air.
He Ran To The Bell And Rang It Violently, Then Knelt Down And Did His
Best To Keep Her From Hurting Herself; But, As Generally Happens In
These Cases, His Interference Made Her More Violent. He Had Hard Work
To Keep Her From Battering Her Head Against The Floor, And Her Arms
Worked Like Windmills.
Hearing The Bell Tugged So Violently, A Pretty Page Ran Headlong Into
The Room--Saw--And; Without An Instant's Diminution Of Speed, Described
A Curve, And Ran Headlong Out, Screaming "Polly! Polly!"
The Next Moment The Housekeeper, An Elderly Woman, Trotted In At The
Door, Saw Her Mistress's Condition, And Stood Stock-Still, Calling,
"Polly," But With The Most Perfect Tranquillity The Mind Can Conceive.
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 17
In Ran A Strapping House-Maid, With Black Eyes And Brown Arms, Went
Down On Her Knees, And Said, Firmly Though Respectfully, "Give Her Me,
She Got Behind Her Struggling Mistress, Pulled Her Up Into Her Own Lap,
And Pinned Her By The Wrists With A Vigorous Grasp.
The Lady Struggled, And Ground Her Teeth Audibly, And Flung Her Arms
Abroad. The Maid Applied All Her Rustic Strength And Harder Muscle To
Hold Her Within Bounds. The Four Arms Went To And Fro In A Magnificent
Struggle, And Neither Could The Maid Hold The Mistress Still, Nor The
Mistress Shake Off The Maid's Grasp, Nor Strike Anything To Hurt
Sir Charles, Thrust Out Of The Play Looked On With Pity And Anxiety,
And The Little Page At The Door--Combining Art And Nature--Stuck
Stock-Still In A Military Attitude, And Blubbered Aloud.
As For The Housekeeper, She Remained In The Middle Of The Room With
Folded Arms, And Looked Down On The Struggle With A Singular Expression
Of Countenance. There Was No Agitation Whatever, But A Sort Of
Thoughtful Examination, Half Cynical, Half Admiring.
However, As Soon As The Boy's Sobs Reached Her Ear She Wakened Up, And
Said, Tenderly, "What Is The Child Crying For? Run And Get A Basin Of
Water, And Fling It All Over Her; That Will Bring Her To In A Minute."
The Page Departed Swiftly On This Benevolent Errand.
Then The Lady Gave A Deep Sigh, And Ceased To Struggle.
Next She Stared In All Their Faces, And Seemed To Return To
Next She Spoke, But Very Feebly. "Help Me Up," She Sighed.
Sir Charles And Polly Raised Her, And Now There Was A Marvelous Change.
The Vigorous Vixen Was Utterly Weak, And Limp As A Wet Towel--A Woman
Of Jelly. As Such They Handled Her, And Deposited Her Gingerly On The
Now The Page Ran In Hastily With The Water. Up Jumps The Poor Lax
Sufferer, With Flashing Eyes: "You Dare Come Near Me With It!" Then To
The Female Servants: "Call Yourselves Women, And Water My Lilac Silk,
Not Two Hours Old?" Then To The Housekeeper: "You Old Monster, You
Wanted It For Your Polly. Get Out Of My Sight, _The Lot!"_
Then, Suddenly Remembering How Feeble She Was, She Sank Instantly Down,
And Turned Piteously And Languidly To Sir Charles. "They Eat My Bread,
And Rob Me, And Hate Me," Said She, Faintly. "I Have But One Friend On
Earth." She Leaned Tenderly Toward Sir Charles As That Friend; But
Before She Quite Reached Him She Started Back, Her Eyes Filled With
Sudden Horror. "And He Forsakes Me!" She Cried; And So Turned Away From
Him Despairingly, And Began To Cry Bitterly, With Head Averted Over The
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 18
Sofa, And One Hand Hanging By Her Side For Sir Charles To Take And
Comfort Her. He Tried To Take It. It Resisted; And, Under Cover Of That
Little Disturbance, The Other Hand Dexterously Whipped Two Pins Out Of
Her Hair. The Long Brown Tresses--All Her Own--Fell Over Her Eyes And
Down To Her Waist, And The Picture Of Distressed Beauty Was Complete.
Even So Did The Women Of Antiquity Conquer Male Pity--_"Solutis
The Females Interchanged A Meaning Glance, And Retired; Then The Boy
Followed Them With His Basin, Sore Perplexed, But Learning Life In This
Admirable School.
Sir Charles Then, With The Utmost Kindness, Endeavored To Reconcile The
Weeping And Disheveled Fair To That Separation Which Circumstances
Rendered Necessary. But She Was Inconsolable, And He Left The House,
Perplexed And Grieved; Not But What It Gratified His Vanity A Little To
Find Himself Beloved All In A Moment, And The Somerset Unvixened. He
Could Not Help Thinking How Wide Must Be The Circle Of His Charms,
Which Had Won The Affections Of Two Beautiful Women So Opposite In
Character As Bella Bruce And La Somerset.
The Passion Of This Latter Seemed To Grow. She Wrote To Him Every Day,
And Begged Him To Call On Her.
She Called On Him--She Who Had Never Called On A Man Before.
She Raged With Jealousy; She Melted With Grief. She Played On Him With
All A Woman's Artillery; And At Last Actually Wrung From Him What She
Called A Reprieve.
Richard Bassett Called On Her, But She Would Not Receive Him; So Then
He Wrote To Her, Urging Co-Operation, And She Replied, Frankly, That
She Took No Interest In His Affairs; But That She Was Devoted To Sir
Charles, And Should Keep Him For Herself. Vanity Tempted Her To Add
That He (Sir Charles) Was With Her Every Day, And The Wedding
This Last Seemed Too Good To Be True, So Richard Bassett Set His
Servant To Talk To The Servants In Portman Square. He Learned That The
Wedding Was Now To Be On The 15th Of June, Instead Of The 31st Of May.
Convinced That This Postponement Was Only A Blind, And That The
Marriage Would Never Be, He Breathed More Freely At The News.
But The Fact Is, Although Sir Charles Had Yielded So Far To Dread Of
Scandal, He Was Ashamed Of Himself, And His Shame Became Remorse When
He Detected A Furtive Tear In The Dove-Like Eyes Of Her He Really Loved
And Esteemed.
He Went And Told His Trouble To Mr. Oldfield. "I Am Afraid She Will Do
Something Desperate," He Said.
Mr. Oldfield Heard Him Out, And Then Asked Him Had He Told Miss
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 19
Somerset What He Was Going To Settle On Her.
"Not I. She Is Not In A Condition To Be Influenced By That, At
"Let Me Try Her. The Draft Is Ready. I'll Call On Her To-Morrow." He
Did Call, And Was Told She Did Not Know Him.
"You Tell Her I Am A Lawyer, And It Is Very Much To Her Interest To See
Me," Said Mr. Oldfield To The Page.
He Was Admitted, But Not To A _Tete-A-Tete._ Polly Was Kept In The
Room. The Somerset Had Peeped, And Oldfield Was An Old Fellow, With
White Hair; If He Had Been A Young Fellow, With Black Hair, She Might
Have Thought That Precaution Less Necessary.
"First, Madam," Said Oldfield, "I Must Beg You To Accept My Apologies
For Not Coming Sooner. Press Of Business, Etc."
"Why Have You Come At All? That Is The Question," Inquired The Lady,
"I Bring The Draft Of A Deed For Your Approval. Shall I Read It To
"Yes; If It Is Not Very Long." He Began To Read It. The Lady
Interrupted Him Characteristically.
"It's A Beastly Rigmarole. What Does It Mean--In Three Words?"
"Sir Charles Bassett Secures To Rhoda Somerset Four Hundred Pounds A
Year, While Single; This Is Reduced To Two Hundred If You Marry. The
Deed Further Assigns To You, Without Reserve, The Beneficial Lease Of
This House, And All The Furniture And Effects, Plate, Linen, Wine,
"I See--A Bribe."
"Nothing Of The Kind, Madam. When Sir Charles Instructed Me To Prepare
This Deed He Expected No Opposition On Your Part To His Marriage; But
He Thought It Due To Him And To Yourself To Mark His Esteem For You,
And His Recollection Of The Pleasant Hours He Has Spent In Your
Miss Somerset's Eyes Searched The Lawyer's Face. He Stood The Battery
Unflinchingly. She Altered Her Tone, And Asked, Politely And Almost
Respectfully, Whether She Might See That Paper.
Mr. Oldfield Gave It Her. She Took It, And Ran Her Eye Over It; In
Doing Which, She Raised It So That She Could Think Behind It
Unobserved. She Handed It Back At Last, With The Remark That Sir
Charles Was A Gentleman And Had Done The Right Thing.
"He Has; And You Will Do The Right Thing Too, Will You Not?"
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 20
"I Don't Know. I Am Just Beginning To Fall In Love With Him Myself."
"Jealousy, Madam, Not Love," Said The Old Lawyer. "Come, Now! I See You
Are A Young Lady Of Rare Good Sense; Look The Thing In The Face: Sir
Charles Is A Landed Gentleman; He Must Marry, And, Have Heirs. He Is
Over Thirty, And His Time Has Come. He Has Shown Himself Your Friend;
Why Not Be His? He Has Given You The Means To Marry A Gentleman Of
Moderate Income, Or To Marry Beneath You, If You Prefer It--"
"And Most Of Us Do--"
"Then Why Not Make His Path Smooth? Why Distress Him With Your Tears
And Remonstrances?"
He Continued In This Strain For Some Time, Appealing To Her Good Sense
And Her Better Feelings.
When He Had Done She Said, Very Quietly, "How About The Ponies And My
Brown Mare? Are They Down In The Deed?"
"I Think Not; But If You Will Do Your Part Handsomely I'll Guarantee
You Shall Have Them."
"You Are A Good Soul." Then, After A Pause, "Now Just You Tell Me
Exactly What You Want Me To Do For All This."
Oldfield Was Pleased With This Question. He Said, "I Wish You To
Abstain From Writing To Sir Charles, And Him To Visit You Only Once
More Before His Marriage, Just To Shake Hands And Part, With Mutual
Friendship And Good Wishes."
"You Are Right," Said She, Softly; "Best For Us Both, And Only Fair To
The Girl." Then, With Sudden And Eager Curiosity, "Is She Very Pretty?"
"I Don't Know."
"What, Hasn't He Told You?"
"He Says She Is Lovely, And Every Way Adorable; But Then He Is In Love.
The Chances Are She Is Not Half So Handsome As Yourself."
"And Yet He Is In Love With Her?"
"Over Head And Ears."
"I Don't Believe It. If He Was Really In Love With One Woman He
Couldn't Be Just To Another. _I_ Couldn't. He'll Be Coming Back To Me
In A Few Months."
"God Forbid!"
"Thank You, Old Gentleman."
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 21
Mr. Oldfield Began To Stammer Excuses. She Interrupted Him: "Oh, Bother
All That; I Like You None The Worse For Speaking Your Mind." Then,
After A Pause, "Now Excuse Me; But Suppose Sir Charles Should Change
His Mind, And Never Sign This Paper?"
"I Pledge My Professional Credit."
"That Is Enough, Sir; I See I Can Trust You. Well, Then, I Consent To
Break Off With Sir Charles, And Only See Him Once More--As A Friend.
Poor Sir Charles! I Hope He Will Be Happy" (She Squeezed Out A Tear For
Him)--"Happier Than I Am. And When He Does Come He Can Sign The Deed,
You Know."
Mr. Oldfield Left Her, And Joined Sir Charles At Long's, As Had Been
Previously Agreed.
"It Is All Right, Sir Charles; She Is A Sensible Girl, And Will Give
You No Further Trouble."
"How Did You Get Over The Hysterics?"
"We Dispensed With Them. She Saw At Once It Was To Be Business, Not
Sentiment. You Are To Pay Her One More Visit, To Sign, And Part
Friends. If You Please, I'll Make That Appointment With Both Parties,
As Soon As The Deed Is Engrossed. Oh, By-The-By, She Did Shed A Tear Or
Two, But She Dried Them To Ask Me For The Ponies And The Brown Mare."
Sir Charles's Vanity Was Mortified. But He Laughed It Off, And Said She
Should Have Them, Of Course.
So Now His Mind Was At Ease, His Conscience Was At Rest, And He Could
Give His Whole Time Where He Had Given His Heart.
Richard Bassett Learned, Through His Servant, That The Wedding-Dresses
Were Ordered. He Called On Miss Somerset. She Was Out.
Polly Opened The Door And Gave Him A Look Of Admiration--Due To His
Fresh Color--That Encouraged Him To Try And Enlist Her In His Service.
He Questioned Her, And She Told Him In A General Way How Matters Were
Going. "But," Said She, "Why Not Come And Talk To Her Yourself? Ten To
One But She Tells You. She Is Pretty Outspoken."
"My Pretty Dear," Said Richard, "She Never Will Receive Me."
"Oh, But I'll Make Her!" Said Polly.
And She Did Exert Her Influence As Follows:
"Lookee Here, The Cousin's A-Coming To-Morrow And I've Been And
Promised He Should See You."
"What Did You Do That For?"
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 22
"Why, He's A Well-Looking Chap, And A Beautiful Color, Fresh From The
Country, Like Me. And He's A Gentleman, And Got An Estate Belike; And
Why Not Put Yourn To Hisn, And So Marry Him And Be A Lady? You Might
Have Me About Ye All The Same, Till My Turn Comes."
"No, No," Said Rhoda; "That's Not The Man For Me. If Ever I Marry, It
Must Be One Of My Own Sort, Or Else A Fool, Like Marsh, That I Can Make
A Slave Of."
"Well, Any Way, You Must See Him, Not To Make A Fool Of _Me,_ For I Did
Promise Him; Which, Now I Think On't, 'Twas Very Good Of Me, For I
Could Find In My Heart To Ask Him Down Into The Kitchen, Instead Of
Bringing Him Upstairs To You."
All This Ended, Somehow, In Mr. Bassett's Being Admitted.
To His Anxious Inquiry How Matters Stood, She Replied Coolly That Sir
Charles And Herself Were Parted By Mutual Consent.
"What! After All Your Protestations?" Said Bassett, Bitterly.
But Miss Somerset Was Not In An Irascible Humor Just Then. She Shrugged
Her Shoulders, And Said:
"Yes, I Remember I Put Myself In A Passion, And Said Some Ridiculous
Things. But One Can't Be Always A Fool. I Have Come To My Senses. This
Sort Of Thing Always Does End, You Know. Most Of Them Part Enemies, But
He And I Part Friends And Well-Wishers."
"And You Throw _Me_ Over As If I Was Nobody," Said Richard, White With
"Why, What Are You To Me?" Said The Somerset. "Oh, I See. You Thought
To Make A Cat's-Paw Of Me. Well, You Won't, Then."
"In Other Words, You Have Been Bought Off."
"No, I Have Not. I Am Not To Be Bought By Anybody--And I Am Not To Be
Insulted By You, You Ruffian! How Dare You Come Here And Affront A Lady
In Her Own House--A Lady Whose Shoestrings Your Betters Are Ready To
Tie, You Brute? If You Want To Be A Landed Proprietor, Go And Marry
Some Ugly Old Hag That's Got It, And No Eyesight Left To See You're No
Gentleman. Sir Charles's Land You'll Never Have; A Better Man Has Got
It, And Means To Keep It For Him And His. Here, Polly! Polly! Polly!
Take This Man Down To The Kitchen, And Teach Him Manners If You Can: He
Is Not Fit For My Drawing-Room, By A Long Chalk."
Polly Arrived In Time To See The Flashing Eyes, The Swelling Veins, And
To Hear The Fair Orator's Peroration.
"What, You Are In Your Tantrums Again!" Said She. "Come Along, Sir.
Part 3 Chapter 3 Pg 23
Needs Must When The Devil Drives. You'll Break A Blood-Vessel Some Day,
My Lady, Like Your Father Afore Ye."
And With This Homely Suggestion, Which Always Sobered Miss Somerset,
And, Indeed, Frightened Her Out Of Her Wits, She Withdrew The Offender.
She Did Not Take Him Into The Kitchen, But Into The Dining-Room, And
There He Had A Long Talk With Her, And Gave Her A Sovereign.
She Promised To Inform Him If Anything Important Should Occur.
He Went Away, Pondering And Scowling Deeply.
Part 3 Chapter 4 Pg 24
Sir Charles Bassett Was Now Living In Elysium. Never Was Rake More
Thoroughly Transformed. Every Day He Sat For Hours At The Feet Of Bella
Bruce, Admiring Her Soft, Feminine Ways And Virgin Modesty Even More
Than Her Beauty. And Her Visible Blush Whenever He Appeared Suddenly,
And The Soft Commotion And Yielding In Her Lovely Frame Whenever He
Drew Near, Betrayed His Magnetic Influence, And Told All But The Blind
She Adored Him.
She Would Decline All Invitations To Dine With Him And Her Father--A
Strong-Minded Old Admiral, Whose Authority Was Unbounded, Only, To
Bella's Regret, Very Rarely Exerted. Nothing Would Have Pleased Her
More Than To Be Forbidden This And Commanded That; But No! The Admiral
Was A Lion With An Enormous Paw, Only He Could Not Be Got To Put It
Into Every Pie.
In This Charming Society The Hours Glided, And The Wedding-Day Drew
Close. So Deeply And Sincerely Was Sir Charles In Love That When Mr.
Oldfield's Letter Came, Appointing The Day And Hour To Sign Miss
Somerset's Deed, He Was Unwilling To Go, And Wrote Back To Ask If The
Deed Could Not Be Sent To His House.
Mr. Oldfield Replied That The Parties To The Deed And The Witnesses
Must Meet, And It Would Be Unadvisable, For Several Reasons, To
Irritate The Lady's Susceptibility Previous To Signature; The
Appointment Having Been Made At Her House, It Had Better Remain So.
That Day Soon Came.
Sir Charles, Being Due In Mayfair At 2 P.M., Compensated Himself For
The Less Agreeable Business To Come By Going Earlier Than Usual To
Portman Square. By This Means He Caught Miss Bruce And Two Other Young
Part 3 Chapter 4 Pg 25
Ladies Inspecting Bridal Dresses. Bella Blushed And Looked Ashamed,
And, To The Surprise Of Her Friends, Sent The Dresses Away, And Set
Herself To Talk Rationally With Sir Charles--As Rationally As Lovers
The Ladies Took The Cue, And Retired In Disgust.
Sir Charles Apologized.
"This Is Too Bad Of Me. I Come At An Unheard-Of Hour, And Frighten Away
Your Fair Friends; But The Fact Is, I Have An Appointment At Two, And I
Don't Know How Long They Will Keep Me, So I Thought I Would Make Sure
Of Two Happy Hours At The Least."
And Delightful Hours They Were. Bella Bruce, Excited By This Little
Surprise, Leaned Softly On His Shoulder, And Prattled Her Maiden Love
Like Some Warbling Fountain.
Sir Charles, Transfigured By Love, Answered Her In Kind--Three Months
Ago He Could Not--And They Compared Pretty Little Plans Of Wedded Life,
And Had Small Differences, And Ended By Agreeing.
Complete And Prompt Accord Upon Two Points: First, They Would Not Have
A Single Quarrel, Like Other People; Their Love Should Never Lose Its
Delicate Bloom; Second, They Would Grow Old Together, And Die The Same
Day--The Same Minute If Possible; If Not, They Must Be Content With The
Same Day, But, On That, Inexorable.
But Soon After This Came A Skirmish. Each Wanted To Obey T'other.
Sir Charles Argued That Bella Was Better Than He, And Therefore More
Fit To Conduct The Pair.
Bella, Who Thought Him Divinely Good, Pounced On This Reason Furiously.
He Defended It. He Admitted, With Exemplary Candor, That He Was Good
Now--"Awfully Good." But He Assured Her That He Had Been Anything But
Good Until He Knew Her; Now She Had Been Always Good; Therefore, He
Argued, As His Goodness Came Originally From Her, For Her To Obey Him
Would Be A Little Too Much Like The Moon Commanding The Sun.
"That Is Too Ingenious For Me, Charles," Said Bella. "And, For Shame!
Nobody Was Ever So Good As You Are. I Look Up To You And--Now I Could
Stop Your Mouth In A Minute. I Have Only To Remind You That I Shall
Swear At The Altar To Obey You, And You Will Not Swear To Obey Me. But
I Will Not Crush You Under The Prayer-Book--No, Dearest; But, Indeed,
To Obey Is A Want Of My Nature, And I Marry You To Supply That Want:
And That's A Story, For I Marry You Because I Love And Honor And
Worship And Adore You To Distraction, My Own--Own--Own!" With This She
Flung Herself Passionately, Yet Modestly On His Shoulder, And, Being
There, Murmured, Coaxingly, "You Will Let Me Obey You, Charles?"
Thereupon Sir Charles Felt Highly Gelatinous, And Lost, For The Moment,
All Power Of Resistance Or Argument.
Part 3 Chapter 4 Pg 26
"Ah, You Will; And Then You Will Remind Me Of My Dear Mother. She Knew
How To Command; But As For Poor Dear Papa, He Is Very Disappointing. In
Selecting An Admiral For My Parent, I Made Sure Of Being Ordered About.
Instead Of That--Now I'll Show You--There He Is In The Next Room,
Inventing A New System Of Signals, Poor Dear--"
She Threw The Folding-Doors Open.
"Papa Dear, Shall I Ask Charles To Dinner To-Day?"
"As You Please, My Dear."
"Do You Think I Had Better Walk Or Ride This Afternoon?"
"Whichever You Prefer."
"There," Said Bella, "I Told You So. That Is Always The Way. Papa Dear,
You Used Always To Be Firing Guns At Sea. Do, Please, Fire One In This
House--Just One--Before I Leave It, And Make The Very Windows Rattle."
"I Beg Your Pardon, Bella; I Never Wasted Powder At Sea. If The Convoy
Sailed Well And Steered Right I Never Barked At Them. You Are A Modest,
Sensible Girl, And Have Always Steered A Good Course. Why Should I
Hoist A Petticoat And Play The Small Tyrant? Wait Till I See You Going
To Do Something Wrong Or Silly."
"Ah! Then You _Would_ Fire A Gun, Papa?"
"Ay, A Broadside."
"Well, That Is Something," Said Bella, As She Closed The Door Softly.
"No, No; It Amounts To Just Nothing," Said Sir Charles; "For You Never
Will Do Anything Wrong Or Silly. I'll Accommodate You. I Have Thought
Of A Way. I Shall Give You Some Blank Cards; You Shall Write On Them,
'I Think I Should Like To Do So And So.' You Shall Be Careless, And
Leave Them About; I'll Find Them, And Bluster, And Say, 'I Command You
To Do So And So, Bella Bassett'--The Very Thing On The Card, You Know."
Bella Colored To The Brow With Pleasure And Modesty. After A Pause She
Said: "How Sweet! The Worst Of It Is, I Should Get My Own Way. Now What
I Want Is To Submit My Will To Yours. A Gentle Tyrant--That Is What You
Must Be To Bella Bassett. Oh, You Sweet, Sweet, For Calling Me That!"
These Projects Were Interrupted By A Servant Announcing Luncheon. This
Made Sir Charles Look Hastily At His Watch, And He Found It Was Past
Two O'clock.
"How Time Flies In This House!" Said He. "I Must Go, Dearest; I Am
Behind My Appointment Already. What Do You Do This Afternoon?"
"Whatever You Please, My Own."
"I Could Get Away By Four."
Part 3 Chapter 4 Pg 27
"Then I Will Stay At Home For You."
He Left Her Reluctantly, And She Followed Him To The Head Of The
Stairs, And Hung Over The Balusters As If She Would Like To Fly After
He Turned At The Street-Door, Saw That Radiant And Gentle Face Beaming
After Him, And They Kissed Hands To Each Other By One Impulse, As If
They Were Parting For Ever So Long.
He Had Gone Scarcely Half An Hour When A Letter, Addressed To Her, Was
Left At The Door By A Private Messenger.
"Any Answer?" Inquired The Servant.
The Letter Was Sent Up, And Delivered To Her On A Silver Salver.
She Opened It; It Was A Thing New To Her In Her Young Life--An
Anonymous Letter.
"Miss Bruce--I Am Almost A Stranger To You, But I Know Your Character
From Others, And Cannot Bear To See You Abused. You Are Said To Be
About To Marry Sir Charles Bassett. I Think You Can Hardly Be Aware
That He Is Connected With A Lady Of Doubtful Repute, Called Somerset,
And Neither Your Beauty Nor Your Virtue Has Prevailed To Detach Him
From That Connection.
"If, On Engaging Himself To You, He Had Abandoned Her, I Should Not
Have Said A Word. But The Truth Is, He Visits Her Constantly, And I
Blush To Say That When He Leaves You This Day It Will Be To Spend The
Afternoon At Her House.
"I Inclose You Her Address, And You Can Learn In Ten Minutes Whether I
Am A Slanderer Or, What I Wish To Be,
"A Friend Of Injured Innocence."
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 28
Sir Charles Was Behind His Time In Mayfair; But The Lawyer And His
Clerk Had Not Arrived, And Miss Somerset Was Not Visible.
She Appeared, However, At Last, In A Superb Silk Dress, The Broad
Luster Of Which Would Have Been Beautiful, Only The Effect Was Broken
And Frittered Away By Six Rows Of Gimp And Fringe. But Why Blame Her?
This Is A Blunder In Art As Universal As It Is Amazing, When One
Considers The Amount Of Apparent Thought Her Sex Devotes To Dress. They
Might Just As Well Score A Fair Plot Of Velvet Turf With Rows Of Box,
Or Tattoo A Blooming And Downy Cheek.
She Held Out Her Hand, Like A Man, And Talked To Sir Charles On
Indifferent Topics, Till Mr. Oldfield Arrived. She Then Retired Into
The Background, And Left The Gentlemen To Discuss The Deed. When
Appealed To, She Evaded Direct Replies, And Put On Languid And Imperial
Indifference. When She Signed, It Was With The Air Of Some Princess
Bestowing A Favor Upon Solicitation.
But The Business Concluded, She Thawed All In A Moment, And Invited The
Gentlemen To Luncheon With Charming Cordiality. Indeed, Her Genuine
_Bonhomie_ After Her Affected Indifference Was Rather Comic. Everybody
Was Content. Champagne Flowed. The Lady, With Her Good Mother-Wit, Kept
Conversation Going Till The Lawyer Was Nearly Missing His Next
Appointment. He Hurried Away; And Sir Charles Only Lingered, Out Of
Good-Breeding, To Bid Miss Somerset Good-By. In The Course Of
Leave-Taking He Said He Was Sorry He Left Her With People About Her Of
Whom He Had A Bad Opinion. "Those Women Have No More Feeling For You
Than Stones. When You Lay In Convulsions, Your Housekeeper Looked On As
Philosophically As If You Had Been Two Kittens At Play--You And Polly."
"I Saw Her."
"Indeed! You Appeared Hardly In A Condition To See Anything."
"I Did, Though, And Heard The Old Wretch Tell The Young Monkey To Water
My Lilac Dress. That Was To Get It For Her Polly. She Knew I'd Never
Wear It Afterward."
"Then Why Don't You Turn Her Off?"
"Who'd Take Such A Useless Old Hag, If I Turned Her Off?"
"You Carry A Charity A Long Way."
"I Carry Everything. What's The Use Doing Things By Halves, Good Or
"Well, But That Polly! She Is Young Enough To Get Her Living Elsewhere;
And She Is Extremely Disrespectful To You."
"That She Is. If I Wasn't A Lady, I'd Have Given Her A Good Hiding This
Very Day For Her Cheek!"
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 29
"Then Why Not Turn Her Off This Very Day For Her Cheek?"
"Well, I'll Tell You, Since You And I Are Parted Forever. No, I Don't
"Oh, Come! No Secrets Between Friends."
"Well, Then, The Old Hag Is--My Mother."
"And The Young Jade--Is My Sister."
"Good Heavens!"
"And The Page--Is My Little Brother."
"Ha, Ha, Ha!"
"What, You Are Not Angry?"
"Angry? No. Ha, Ha, Ha!"
"See What A Hornets' Nest You Have Escaped From. My Dear Friend, Those
Two Women Rob Me Through Thick And Thin. They Steal My Handkerchiefs,
And My Gloves, And My Very Linen. They Drink My Wine Like Fishes.
They'd Take The Hair Off My Head, If It Wasn't Fast By The Roots--For A
"Why Not Give Them A Ten-Pound Note And Send Them Home?"
"They'd Pocket The Note, And Blacken Me In Our Village. That Was Why I
Had Them Up Here. First Time I Went Home, After Running About With That
Little Scamp, Vandeleur--Do You Know Him?"
"I Have Not The Honor."
"Then Your Luck Beats Mine. One Thing, He Is Going To The Dogs As Fast
As He Can. Some Day He'll Come Begging To Me For A Fiver. You Mark My
Words Now."
"Well, But You Were Saying--"
"Yes, I Went Off About Van. Polly _Says_ I've A Mind Like Running
Water. Well, Then, When I Went Home The First Time--After Van, Mother
And Polly Raised A Virtuous Howl. 'All Right,' Said I--For, Of Course,
I Know How Much Virtue There Is Under _Their_ Skins. Virtue Of The
Lower Orders! Tell That To Gentlefolks That Don't Know Them. I Do. I've
Been One Of 'Em--'I Know All About That,' Says I. 'You Want To Share
The Plunder, That Is The Sense Of Your Virtuous Cry.' So I Had 'Em Up
Here; And Then There Was No More Virtuous Howling, But A Deal Of
Virtuous Thieving, And Modest Drinking, And Pure-Minded Selling Of My
Street-Door To The Highest Male Bidder. And They Will Corrupt The Boy;
And If They Do, I'll Cuts Their Black Hearts Out With My Riding-Whip.
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 30
But I Suppose I Must Keep Them On; They Are My Own Flesh And Blood; And
If I Was To Be Ill And Dying, They'd Do All They Knew To Keep Me
Alive--For Their Own Sakes. I'm Their Milch Cow, These Country
Sir Charles Groaned Aloud, And Said, "My Poor Girl, You Deserve A
Better Fate Than This. Marry Some Honest Fellow, And Cut The Whole
"I'll See About It. You Try It First, And Let Us See How You Like It."
And So They Parted Gayly.
In The Hall, Polly Intercepted Him, All Smiles. He Looked At Her,
Smiled In His Sleeve, And Gave Her A Handsome Present. "If You Please,
Sir," Said She, "An Old Gentleman Called For You."
"About An Hour Ago. Leastways, He Asked If Sir Charles Bassett Was
There. I Said Yes, But You Wouldn't See No One."
"Who Could It Be? Why, Surely You Never Told Anybody I Was To Be Here
"La, No, Sir! How Could I?" Said Polly, With A Face Of Brass.
Sir Charles Thought This Very Odd, And Felt A Little Uneasy About It.
All To Portman Square He Puzzled Over It; And At Last He Was Driven To
The Conclusion That Miss Somerset Had Been Weak Enough To Tell Some
Person, Male Or Female, Of The Coming Interview, And So Somebody Had
Called There--Doubtless To Ask Him A Favor.
At Five O'clock He Reached Portman Square, And Was About To Enter, As A
Matter Of Course; But The Footman Stopped Him. "I Beg Pardon, Sir
Charles," Said The Man, Looking Pale And Agitated; "But I Have Strict
Orders. My Young Lady Is Very Ill."
"Ill! Let Me Go To Her This Instant."
"I Daren't, Sir Charles, I Daren't. I Know You Are A Gentleman; Pray
Don't Lose Me My Place. You Would Never Get To See Her. We None Of Us
Know The Rights, But There's Something Up. Sorry To Say It, Sir
Charles, But We Have Strict Orders Not To Admit You. Haven't You The
Admiral's Letter, Sir?"
"No; What Letter?"
"He Has Been After You, Sir; And When He Came Back He Sent Roger Off To
Your House With A Letter."
A Cold Chill Began To Run Down Sir Charles Bassett. He Hailed A Passing
Hansom, And Drove To His Own House To Get The Admiral's Letter; And As
He Went He Asked Himself, With Chill Misgivings, What On Earth Had
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 31
What Had Happened Shall Be Told The Reader Precisely But Briefly. .
In The First Place, Bella Had Opened The Anonymous Letter And Read Its
Contents, To Which The Reader Is Referred.
There Are People Who Pretend To Despise Anonymous Letters. Pure
Delusion! They Know They Ought To, And So Fancy They Do; But They
Don't. The Absence Of A Signature Gives Weight, If The Letter Is Ably
Written And Seems True.
As For Poor Bella Bruce, A Dove's Bosom Is No More Fit To Rebuff A
Poisoned Arrow Than She Was To Combat That Foulest And Direst Of All A
Miscreant's Weapons, An Anonymous Letter. She, In Her Goodness And
Innocence, Never Dreamed That Any Person She Did Not Know Could
Possibly Tell A Lie To Wound Her. The Letter Fell On Her Like A Cruel
Revelation From Heaven.
The Blow Was So Savage That, At First, It Stunned Her.
She Sat Pale And Stupefied; But Beneath The Stupor Were The Rising
Throbs Of Coming Agonies.
After That Horrible Stupor Her Anguish Grew And Grew, Till It Found
Vent In A Miserable Cry, Rising, And Rising, And Rising, In Agony.
"Mamma! Mamma! Mamma!"
Yes; Her Mother Had Been Dead These Three Years, And Her Father Sat In
The Next Room; Yet, In Her Anguish, She Cried To Her Mother--A Cry The
Which, If Your Mother Had Heard, She Would Have Expected Bella's To
Come To Her Even From The Grave.
Admiral Bruce Heard This Fearful Cry--The Living Calling On The
Dead--And Burst Through The Folding-Doors In A Moment, White As A
He Found His Daughter Writhing On The Sofa, Ghastly, And Grinding In
Her Hand The Cursed Paper That Had Poisoned Her Young Life.
"My Child! My Child!"
"Oh, Papa! See! See!" And She Tried To Open The Letter For Him, But Her
Hands Trembled So She Could Not.
He Kneeled Down By Her Side, The Stout Old Warrior, And Read The
Letter, While She Clung To Him, Moaning Now, And Quivering All Over
From Head To Foot.
"Why, There's No Signature! The Writer Is A Coward And, Perhaps, A
Liar. Stop! He Offers A Test. I'll Put Him To It This Minute."
He Laid The Moaning Girl On The Sofa, Ordered His Servants To Admit
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 32
Nobody Into The House, And Drove At Once To Mayfair.
He Called At Miss Somerset's House, Saw Polly, And Questioned Her.
He Drove Home Again, And Came Into The Drawing-Room Looking As He Had
Been Seen To Look When Fighting His Ship; But His Daughter Had Never
Seen Him So. "My Girl," Said He, Solemnly, "There's Nothing For You To
Do But To Be Brave, And Hide Your Grief As Well As You Can, For The Man
Is Unworthy Of Your Love. That Coward Spoke The Truth. He Is There At
This Moment."
"Oh, Papa! Papa! Let Me Die! The World Is Too Wicked For Me. Let Me
"Die For An Unworthy Object? For Shame! Go To Your Own Room, My Girl,
And Pray To Your God To Help You, Since Your Mother Has Left Us. Oh,
How I Miss Her Now! Go And Pray, And Let No One Else Know What We
Suffer. Be Your Father's Daughter. Fight And Pray."
Poor Bella Had No Longer To Complain That She Was Not Commanded. She
Kissed Him, And Burst Into A Great Passion Of Weeping; But He Led Her
To The Door, And She Tottered To Her Own Room, A Blighted Girl.
The Sight Of Her Was Harrowing. Under Its Influence The Admiral Dashed
Off A Letter To Sir Charles, Calling Him A Villain, And Inviting Him To
Go To France And Let An Indignant Father Write Scoundrel On His
But When He Had Written This His Good Sense And Dignity Prevailed Over
His Fury; He Burned The Letter, And Wrote Another. This He Sent By Hand
To Sir Charles's House, And Ordered His Servants--But That The Reader
Sir Charles Found The Admiral's Letter In His Letter-Rack. It Ran Thus:
"Sir--We Have Learned Your Connection With A Lady Named Somerset, And I
Have Ascertained That You Went From My Daughter To Her House This Very
"Miss Bruce And Myself Withdraw From All Connection With You, And I
Must Request You To Attempt No Communication With Her Of Any Kind. Such
An Attempt Would Be An Additional Insult.
"I Am, Sir, Your Obedient Servant,
"John Urquhart Bruce."
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 33
At First Sir Charles Bassett Was Stunned By This Blow. Then His Mind
Resisted The Admiral's Severity, And He Was Indignant At Being
Dismissed For So Common An Offense. This Gave Way To Deep Grief And
Shame At The Thought Of Bella And Her Lost Esteem. But Soon All Other
Feelings Merged For A Time In Fury At The Heartless Traitor Who Had
Destroyed His Happiness, And Had Dashed The Cup Of Innocent Love From
His Very Lips. Boiling Over With Mortification And Rage, He Drove At
Once To That Traitor's House. Polly Opened The Door. He Rushed Past
Her, And Burst Into The Dining-Room, Breathless, And White With
He Found Miss Somerset Studying The Deed By Which He Had Made Her
Independent For Life. She Started At His Strange Appearance, And
Instinctively Put Both Hands Flat Upon The Deed.
"You Vile Wretch!" Cried Sir Charles. "You Heartless Monster! Enjoy
Your Work." And He Flung Her The Admiral's Letter. But He Did Not Wait
While She Read It; He Heaped Reproaches On Her; And, For The First Time
In Her Life, She Did Not Reply In Kind.
"Are You Mad?" She Faltered. "What Have I Done?"
"You Have Told Admiral Bruce."
"That's False."
"You Told Him I Was To Be Here To-Day."
"Charles, I Never Did. Believe Me."
"You Did. Nobody Knew It But You. He Was Here To-Day At The Very Hour."
"May I Never Get Up Alive Off This Chair If I Told A Soul. Yes, Our
Polly. I'll Ring For Her."
"No, You Will Not. She Is Your Sister. Do You Think I'll Take The Word
Of Such Reptiles Against The Plain Fact? You Have Parted My Love And
Me--Parted Us On The Very Day I Had Made You Independent For Life. An
Innocent Love Was Waiting To Bless Me, And An Honest Love Was In Your
Power, Thanks To Me, Your Kind, Forgiving Friend And Benefactor. I Have
Heaped Kindness On You From The First Moment I Had The Misfortune To
Know You. I Connived At Your Infidelities--"
"Charles! Don't Say That. I Never _Was."_
"I Indulged Your Most Expensive Whims, And, Instead Of Leaving You With
A Curse, As All The Rest Did That Ever Knew You, And As You Deserve, I
Bought Your Consent To Lead A Respectable Life, And Be Blessed With A
Virtuous Love. You Took The Bribe, But Robbed Me Of The
Blessing--Viper! You Have Destroyed Me, Body And Soul--Monster! Perhaps
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 34
Blighted Her Happiness As Well; You She-Devils Hate An Angel Worse Than
Heaven Hates You. But You Shall Suffer With Us; Not Your Heart, For You
Have None, But Your Pocket. You Have Broken Faith With Me, And Sent All
My Happiness To Hell; I'll Send Your Deed To Hell After It!" With This,
He Flung Himself Upon The Deed, And Was Going To Throw It Into The
Fire. Now Up To That Moment She Had Been Overpowered By This Man's
Fury, Whom She Had Never Seen The Least Angry Before; But When He Laid
Hands On Her Property It Acted Like An Electric Shock. "No! No!" She
Screamed, And Sprang At Him Like A Wildcat.
Then Ensued A Violent And Unseemly Struggle All About The Room; Chairs
Were Upset, And Vases Broken To Pieces; And The Man And Woman Dragged
Each Other To And Fro, One Fighting For Her Property, As If It Was Her
Life, And The Other For Revenge.
Sir Charles, Excited By Fury, Was Stronger Than Himself, And At Last
Shook Off One Of Her Hands For A Moment, And Threw The Deed Into The
Fire. She Tried To Break From Him And Save It, But He Held Her Like
Yet Not For Long. While He Was Holding Her Back, And She Straining
Every Nerve To Get To The Fire, He Began To Show Sudden Symptoms Of
Distress. He Gasped Loudly, And Cried, "Oh! Oh! I'm Choking!" And Then
His Clutch Relaxed. She Tore Herself From It, And, Plunging Forward,
Rescued The Smoking Parchment.
At That Moment She Heard A Great Stagger Behind Her, And A Pitiful
Moan, And Sir Charles Fell Heavily, Striking His Head Against The Edge
Of The Sofa. She Looked Round--As She Knelt, And Saw Him, Black In The
Face, Rolling His Eyeballs Fearfully, While His Teeth Gnashed Awfully,
And A Little Jet Of Foam Flew Through His Lips.
Then She Shrieked With Terror, And The Blackened Deed Fell From Her
Hands. At This Moment Polly Rushed Into The Room. She Saw The Fearful
Sight, And Echoed Her Sister's Scream. But They Were Neither Of Them
Women To Lose Their Heads And Beat The Air With Their Hands. They Got
To Him, And Both Of Them Fought Hard With The Unconscious Sufferer,
Whose Body, In A Fresh Convulsion, Now Bounded Away From The Sofa, And
Bade Fair To Batter Itself Against The Ground.
They Did All They Could To Hold Him With One Arm Apiece, And To Release
His Swelling Throat With The Other. Their Nimble Fingers Whipped Off
His Neck-Tie In A Moment; But The Distended Windpipe Pressed So Against
The Shirt-Button They Could Not Undo It. Then They Seized The Collar,
And, Pulling Against Each Other, Wrenched The Shirt Open So Powerfully
That The Button Flew Into The Air, And Tinkled Against A Mirror A Long
Way Off.
A Few More Struggles, Somewhat Less Violent, And Then The Face, From
Purple, Began To Whiten, The Eyeballs Fixed; The Pulse Went Down; The
Man Lay Still.
"Oh, My God!" Cried Rhoda Somerset. "He Is Dying! To The Nearest
Doctor! There's One Three Doors Off. No Bonnet! It's Life And Death
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 35
This Moment. Fly!"
Polly Obeyed, And Doctor Andrews Was Actually In The Room Within Five
He Looked Grave, And Kneeled Down By The Patient, And Felt His Pulse
Miss Somerset Sat Down, And, Being From The Country, Though She Did Not
Look It, Began To Weep Bitterly, And Rock Herself In Rustic Fashion.
The Doctor Questioned Her Kindly, And She Told Him, Between Her Sobs,
How Sir Charles Had Been Taken.
The Doctor, However, Instead Of Being Alarmed By Those Frightful
Symptoms She Related, Took A More Cheerful View Directly. "Then Do Not
Alarm Yourself Unnecessarily," He Said. "It Was Only An Epileptic Fit."
"Only!" Sobbed Miss Somerset. "Oh, If You Had Seen Him! And He Lies
Like Death."
"Yes," Said Dr. Andrews; "A Severe Epileptic Fit Is Really A Terrible
Thing To Look At; But It Is Not Dangerous In Proportion. Is He Used To
Have Them?"
"Oh, No, Doctor--Never Had One Before."
Here She Was Mistaken, I Think.
"You Must Keep Him Quiet; And Give Him A Moderate Stimulant As Soon As
He Can Swallow Comfortably; The Quietest Room In The House; And Don't
Let Him Be Hungry, Night Or Day. Have Food By His Bedside, And Watch
Him For A Day Or Two. I'll Come Again This Evening."
The Doctor Went To His Dinner--Tranquil.
Not So Those He Left. Miss Somerset Resigned Her Own Luxurious Bedroom,
And Had The Patient Laid, Just As He Was, Upon Her Bed. She Sent The
Page Out To Her Groom And Ordered Two Loads Of Straw To Be Laid Before
The Door; And She Watched By The Sufferer, With Brandy And Water By Her
Sir Charles Now Might Have Seemed To Be In A Peaceful Slumber, But For
His Eyes. They Were Open, And Showed More White, And Less Pupil, Than
However, In Time He Began To Sigh And Move, And Even Mutter; And,
Gradually, Some Little Color Came Back To His Pale Cheeks.
Then Miss Somerset Had The Good Sense To Draw Back Out Of His Sight,
And Order Polly To Take Her Place By His Side. Polly Did So, And, Some
Time Afterward, At A Fresh Order, Put A Teaspoonful Of Brandy To His
Lips, Which Were Still Pale And Even Bluish.
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 36
The Doctor Returned, And Brought His Assistant. They Put The Patient To
"His Life Is In No Danger," Said He. "I Wish I Was As Sure About His
At One O'clock In The Morning, As Polly Was Snoring By The Patient's
Bedside, A Hand Was Laid On Her Shoulder. It Was Rhoda.
"Go To Bed, Polly: You Are No Use Here."
"You'd Be Sleepy If You Worked As Hard As I Do."
"Very Likely," Said Rhoda, With A Gentleness That Struck Polly As Very
Singular. "Good-Night."
Rhoda Spent The Night Watching, And Thinking Harder Than She Had Ever
Thought Before.
Next Morning, Early, Polly Came Into The Sick-Room. There Sat Her
Sister Watching The Patient, Out Of Sight.
"La, Rhoda! Have You Sat There All Night?"
"Yes. Don't Speak So Loud. Come Here. You've Set Your Heart On This
Lilac Silk. I'll Give It To You For Your Black Merino."
"Not You, My Lady; You Are Not So Fond Of Mereeny, Nor Of Me Neither."
"I'm Not A Liar Like You," Said The Other, Becoming Herself For A
Moment, "And What I Say I'll Do. You Put Out Your Merino For Me In The
"All Right," Said Polly, Joyfully.
"And Bring Me Two Buckets Of Water Instead Of One. I Have Never Closed
My Eyes."
"Poor Soul! And Now You Be Going To Sluice Yourself All The Same.
Whatever You Can See In Cold Water, To Run After It So, I Can't Think.
If I Was To Flood Myself Like You, It Would Soon Float Me To My Long
"How Do You Know? _You Never Gave It A Trial._ Come, No More Chat. Give
Me My Bath: And Then You May Wash Yourself In A Tea-Cup If You
Like--Only Don't Wash My Spoons In The Same Water, For _Mercy's Sake!"_
Thus Affectionately Stimulated In Her Duties, Polly Brought Cold Water
Part 3 Chapter 5 Pg 37
Galore, And Laid Out Her New Merino Dress. In This Sober Suit, With
Plain Linen Collar And Cuffs, The Somerset Dressed Herself, And Resumed
Her Watching By The Bedside. She Kept More Than Ever Out Of Sight, For
The Patient Was Now Beginning To Mutter Incoherently, Yet In A Way That
Showed His Clouded Faculties Were Dwelling On The Calamity Which Had
Befallen Him.
About Noon The Bell Was Rung Sharply, And, On Polly Entering, Rhoda
Called Her To The Window And Showed Her Two Female Figures Plodding
Down The Street. "Look," Said She. "Those Are The Only Women I Envy.
Sisters Of Charity. Run You After Them, And Take A Good Look At Those
Beastly Ugly Caps: Then Come And Tell Me How To Make One."
"Here's A Go!" Said Polly; But Executed The Commission Promptly.
It Needed No Fashionable Milliner To Turn A Yard Of Linen Into One Of
Those Ugly Caps, Which Are Beautiful Banners Of Christian Charity And
Womanly Tenderness To The Sick And Suffering. The Monster Cap Was Made
In An Hour, And Miss Somerset Put It On, And A Thick Veil, And Then She
No Longer Thought It Necessary To Sit Out Of The Patient's Sight.
The Consequence Was That, In The Middle Of His Ramblings, He Broke Off
And Looked At Her. The Sister Puzzled Him. At Last He Called To Her In
She Made No Reply.
"Je Suis A L'hopital, N'est Ce Pas Bonne Soeur?"
"I Am English," Said She, Softly.
Part 3 Chapter 6 Pg 38
"English!" Said Sir Charles. "Then Tell Me, How Did I Come Here? Where
Am I?"
"You Had A Fit, And The Doctor Ordered You To Be Kept Quiet; And I Am
Here To Nurse You."
"A Fit! Ay, I Remember. That Vile Woman!"
"Don't Think Of Her: Give Your Mind To Getting Well: Remember, There Is
Somebody Who Would Break Her Heart If You--"
"Oh, My Poor Bella! My Sweet, Timid, Modest, Loving Bella!" He Was So
Part 3 Chapter 6 Pg 39
Weakened That He Cried Like A Child.
Miss Somerset Rose, And Laid Her Forehead Sadly Upon The Window-Sill.
"Why Do I Cry For Her, Like A Great Baby?" Muttered Sir Charles. "She
Wouldn't Cry For Me. She Has Cast Me Off In A Moment."
"Not She. It Is Her Father's Doing. Have A Little Patience. The Whole
Thing Shall Be Explained To Them; And Then She Will Soon Soften The Old
Man. 'It Is Not As If You Were Really To Blame."
"No More I Was. It Is All That Vile Woman."
"Oh, Don't! She Is So Sorry; She Has Taken It All To Heart. She Had
Once Shammed A Fit, On The Very Place; And When You Had A Real Fit
There--On The Very Spot--Oh, It Was So Fearful--And Lay Like One Dead,
She Saw God's Finger, And It Touched Her Hard Heart. Don't Say Anything
More Against Her Just Now. She Is Trying So Hard To Be Good. And,
Besides, It Is All A Mistake: She Never Told That Old Admiral; She
Never Breathed A Word Out Of Her Own House. Her Own People Have
Betrayed Her And You. She Has Made Me Promise Two Things: To Find Out
Who Told The Admiral, And--"
"The Second Thing I Have To Do--Well, That Is A Secret Between Me And
That Unhappy Woman. She Is Bad Enough, But Not So Heartless As You
Sir Charles Shook His Head Incredulously, But Said No More; And Soon
After Fell Asleep.
In The Evening He Woke, And Found The Sister Watching.
She Now Turned Her Head Away From Him, And Asked Him Quietly To
Describe Miss Bella Bruce To Her.
He Described Her In Minute And Glowing Terms. "But Oh, Sister," Said
He, "It Is Not Her Beauty Only, But The Beauty Of Her Mind. So Gentle,
So Modest, So Timid, So Docile. She Would Never Have Had The Heart To
Turn Me Off. But She Will Obey Her Father. She Looked Forward To Obey
Me, Sweet Dove."
"Did She Say So?"
"Yes, That Is Her Dream Of Happiness, To Obey."
The Sister Still Questioned Him With Averted Head, And He Told Her What
Had Passed Between Bella And Him The Last Time He Saw Her, And All
Their Innocent Plans Of Married Happiness. He Told Her, With The Tear
In His Eye, And She Listened, With The Tear In Hers. "And Then," Said
He, Laying His Hand On Her Shoulder, "Is It Not Hard? I Just Went To
Mayfair, Not To Please Myself, But To Do An Act Of Justice--Of More
Than Justice; And Then, For That, To Have Her Door Shut In My Face.
Part 3 Chapter 6 Pg 40
Only Two Hours Between The Height Of Happiness And The Depth Of
The Sister Said Nothing, But She Hid Her Face In Her Hands, And
The Next Morning, By Her Order, Polly Came Into The Room, And Said,
"You Are To Go Home. The Carriage Is At The Door." With This She
Retired, And Sir Charles's Valet Entered The Room Soon After To Help
Him Dress.
"Where Am I, James?"
"Miss Somerset's House, Sir Charles."
"Then Get Me Out Of It Directly."
"Yes, Sir Charles. The Carriage Is At The Door."
"Who Told You To Come, James?"
"Miss Somerset, Sir Charles."
"That Is Odd."
"Yes, Sir Charles."
When He Got Home He Found A Sofa Placed By A Fire, With Wraps And
Pillows; His Cigar Case Laid Out, And A Bottle Of Salts, And Also A
Small Glass Of Old Cognac, In Case Of Faintness.
"Which Of You Had The Gumption To Do All This?"
"Miss Somerset, Sir Charles."
"What, Has She Been _Here?"_
"Yes, Sir Charles."
"Curse Her!"
"Yes, Sir Charles."
Part 3 Chapter 7 Pg 41
"Love Lies Bleeding."
Bella Bruce Was Drinking The Bitterest Cup A Young Virgin Soul Can
Taste. Illusion Gone--The Wicked World Revealed As It Is, How Unlike
What She Thought It Was--Love Crushed In Her, And Not Crushed Out Of
Her, As It Might If She Had Been Either Proud Or Vain.
Frail Men And Women Should See What A Passionate But Virtuous Woman Can
Suffer, When A Revelation, Of Which They Think But Little, Comes And
Blasts Her Young Heart, And Bids Her Dry Up In A Moment The Deep Well
Of Her Affection, Since It Flows For An Unworthy Object, And Flows In
Vain. I Tell You That The Fair Head Severed From The Chaste Body Is
Nothing To Her Compared With This. The Fair Body, Pierced With Heathen
Arrows, Was Nothing To Her In The Days Of Old Compared With This.
In A Word--For Nowadays We Can But Amplify, And So Enfeeble, What Some
Old Dead Master Of Language, Immortal Though Obscure, Has Said In Words
Of Granite--Here
"Love Lay Bleeding."
No Fainting--No Vehement Weeping; But Oh, Such Deep Desolation; Such
Weariness Of Life; Such A Pitiable Restlessness. Appetite Gone; The
Taste Of Food Almost Lost; Sleep Unwilling To Come; And Oh, The Torture
Of Waking--For At That Horrible Moment All Rushed Back At Once, The Joy
That Had Been, The Misery That Was, The Blank That Was To Come.
She Never Stirred Out, Except When Ordered, And Then Went Like An
Automaton. Pale, Sorrow-Stricken, And Patient, She Moved About, The
Ghost Of Herself; And Lay Down A Little, And Then Tried To Work A
Little, And Then To Read A Little; And Could Settle To Nothing But
Sorrow And Deep Despondency.
Not That She Nursed Her Grief. She Had Been Told To Be Brave, And She
Tried. But Her Grief Was Her Master. It Came Welling Through Her Eyes
In A Moment, Of Its Own Accord.
She Was Deeply Mortified Too. But, In Her Gentle Nature, Anger Could
Play But A Secondary Part. Her Indignation Was Weak Beside Her Grief,
And Did Little To Bear Her Up.
Yet Her Sense Of Shame Was Vivid; And She Tried Hard Not To Let Her
Father See How Deeply She Loved The Man Who Had Gone From Her To Miss
Somerset. Besides, He Had Ordered Her To Fight Against A Love That Now
Could Only Degrade Her; He Had Ordered, And It Was For Her To Obey.
As Soon As Sir Charles Was Better, He Wrote Her A Long, Humble Letter,
Owning That, Before He Knew Her, He Had Led A Free Life; But Assuring
Part 3 Chapter 7 Pg 42
Her That, Ever Since That Happy Time, His Heart And His Time Had Been
Solely Hers; As To His Visit To Miss Somerset, It Had Been One Of
Business Merely, And This He Could Prove, If She Would Receive Him. The
Admiral Could Be Present At That Interview, And Sir Charles Hoped To
Convince Him He Had Been Somewhat Hasty And Harsh In His Decision.
Now The Admiral Had Foreseen Sir Charles Would Write To Her; So He Had
Ordered His Man To Bring All Letters To Him First.
He Recognized Sir Charles's Hand, And Brought The Latter In To Bella.
"Now, My Child," Said He, "Be Brave. Here Is A Letter From That Man."
"Oh, Papa! I Thought He Would. I Knew He Would." And The Pale Face Was
Flushed With Joy And Hope All In A Moment.
"Do What?"
"Write And Explain."
"Explain? A Thing That Is Clear As Sunshine. He Has Written To Throw
Dust In Your Eyes Again. You Are Evidently In No State To Judge. _I_
Shall Read This Letter First."
"Yes, Papa," Said Bella, Faintly.
He Did Read It, And She Devoured His Countenance All The Time.
"There Is Nothing In It. He Offers No Real Explanation, But Only Says
He Can Explain, And Asks For An Interview--To Play Upon Your Weakness.
If I Give You This Letter, It Will Only Make You Cry, And Render Your
Task More Difficult. I Must Be Strong For Your Good, And Set You An
Example. I Loved This Young Man Too; But, Now I Know Him"--Then He
Actually Thrust The Letter Into The Fire.
But This Was Too Much. Bella Shrieked At The Act, And Put Her Hand To
Her Heart, And Shrieked Again. "Ah! You'll Kill Us, You'll Kill Us
Both!" She Cried. "Poor Charles! Poor Bella! You Don't Love Your
Child--You Have No Pity." And, For The First Time, Her Misery Was
Violent. She Writhed And Wept, And At Last Went Into Violent Hysterics,
And Frightened That Stout Old Warrior More Than Cannon Had Ever
Frightened Him; And Presently She Became Quiet, And Wept At His Knees,
And Begged His Forgiveness, And Said He Was Wiser Than She Was, And She
Would Obey Him In Everything, Only He Must Not Be Angry With Her If She
Could Not Live.
Then The Stout Admiral Mingled His Tears With Hers, And Began To
Realize What Deep Waters Of Affliction His Girl Was Wading In.
Yet He Saw No Way Out But Firmness. He Wrote To Sir Charles To Say That
His Daughter Was Too Ill To Write; But That No Explanation Was
Possible, And No Interview Could Be Allowed.
Sir Charles, Who, After Writing, Had Conceived The Most Sanguine Hopes,
Part 3 Chapter 7 Pg 43
Was Now As Wretched As Bella. Only, Now That He Was Refused A Hearing,
He Had Wounded Pride To Support Him A Little Under Wounded Love.
Admiral Bruce, Fearing For His Daughter's Health, And Even For Her
Life--She Pined So Visibly--Now Ordered Her To Divide Her Day Into
Several Occupations, And Exact Divisions Of Time--An Hour For This, An
Hour For That; An Hour By The Clock--And Here He Showed Practical
Wisdom. Try It, Ye That Are Very Unhappy, And Tell Me The Result.
As A Part Of This Excellent System, She Had To Walk Round The Square
From Eleven To Twelve A. M., But Never Alone; He Was Not Going To Have
Sir Charles Surprising Her Into An Interview. He Always Went With Her,
And, As He Was Too Stiff To Walk Briskly, He Sat Down, And She Had To
Walk In Sight. He Took A Stout Stick With Him--For Sir Charles. But Sir
Charles Was Proud, And Stayed At Home With His Deep Wound.
One Day, Walking Round The Square With A Step Of Mercury And Heart Of
Lead, Bella Bruce Met A Sister Of Charity Pacing Slow And Thoughtful;
Their Eyes Met And Drank, In A Moment, Every Feature Of Each Other.
The Sister, Apparently, Had Seen The Settled Grief On That Fair Face;
For The Next Time They Met, She Eyed Her With A Certain Sympathy, Which
Did Not Escape Bella.
This Subtle Interchange Took Place Several Times And Bella Could Not
Help Feeling A Little Grateful. "Ah!" She Thought To Herself, "How Kind
Religious People Are! I Should Like To Speak To Her." And The Next Time
They Met She Looked Wistfully In The Sister's Face.
She Did Not Meet Her Again, For She Went And Rested On A Bench, In
Sight Of Her Father, But At Some Distance From Him. Unconsciously To
Herself, His Refusal Even To Hear Sir Charles Repelled Her. That Was So
Hard On Him And Her. It Looked Like Throwing Away The Last Chance, The
Last Little Chance Of Happiness.
By-And-By The Sister Came And Sat On The Same Bench.
Bella Was Hardly Surprised, But Blushed High, For She Felt That Her Own
Eyes Had Invited The Sympathy Of A Stranger; And Now It Seemed To Be
Coming. The Timid Girl Felt Uneasy. The Sister Saw That, And Approached
Her With Tact. "You Look Unwell," Said She, Gently, But With No
Appearance Of Extravagant Interest Or Curiosity.
"I Am--A Little," Said Bella, Very Reservedly.
"Excuse My Remarking It. We Are Professional Nurses, And Apt To Be A
Little Officious, I Fear."
No Reply.
"I Saw You Were Unwell. But I Hope It Is Not Serious. I Can Generally
Tell When The Sick Are In Danger." A Peculiar Look. "I Am Glad Not To
See It In So Young And--Good A Face."
Part 3 Chapter 7 Pg 44
"You Are Young, Too; Very Young, And--" She Was Going To Say
"Beautiful," But She Was Too Shy--"To Be A Sister Of Charity. But I Am
Sure You Never Regret Leaving Such A World As This Is."
"Never. I Have Lost The Only Thing I Ever Valued In It."
"I Have No Right To Ask You What That Was."
"You Shall Know Without Asking. One I Loved Proved Unworthy."
The Sister Sighed Deeply, And Then, Hiding Her Face With Her Hands For
A Moment, Rose Abruptly, And Left The Square, Ashamed, Apparently, Of
Having Been Betrayed Into Such A Confession.
Bella, When She Was Twenty Yards Off, Put Out A Timid Hand, As If To
Detain Her; But She Had Not The Courage To Say Anything Of The Kind.
She Never Told Her Father A Word. She Had Got Somebody Now Who Could
Sympathize With Her Better Than He Could.
Next Day The Sister Was There, And Bella Bowed To Her When She Met Her.
This Time It Was The Sister Who Went And Sat On The Bench.
Bella Continued Her Walk For Some Time, But At Last Could Not Resist
The Temptation. She Came And Sat Down On The Bench, And Blushed; As
Much As To Say, "I Have The Courage To Come, But Not To Speak Upon A
Certain Subject, Which Shall Be Nameless."
The Sister, As May Be Imagined, Was Not So Shy. She Opened A
Conversation. "I Committed A Fault Yesterday. I Spoke To You Of Myself,
And Of The Past: It Is Discouraged By Our Rules. We Are Bound To
Inquire The Griefs Of Others; Not To Tell Our Own."
This Was A Fair Opening, But Bella Was Too Delicate To Show Her Wounds
To A Fresh Acquaintance.
The Sister, Having Failed At That, Tried Something Very Different.
"But I Could Tell You A Pitiful Case About Another. Some Time Ago I
Nursed A Gentleman Whom Love Had Laid On A Sick-Bed."
"A Gentleman! What! Can They Love As We Do?" Said Bella, Bitterly.
"Not Many Of Them; But This Was An Exception. But I Don't Know Whether
I Ought To Tell These Secrets To So Young A Lady."
"Oh, Yes--Please--What Else Is There In This World Worth Talking About?
Tell Me About The Poor Man Who Could Love As We Can."
The Sister Seemed To Hesitate, But At Last Decided To Go On.
"Well, He Was A Man Of The World, And He Had Not Always Been A Good
Man; But He Was Trying To Be. He Had Fallen In Love With A Young Lady,
Part 3 Chapter 7 Pg 45
And Seen The Beauty Of Virtue, And Was Going To Marry Her And Lead A
Good Life. But He Was A Man Of Honor, And There Was A Lady For Whom He
Thought It Was His Duty To Provide. He Set His Lawyer To Draw A Deed,
And His Lawyer Appointed A Day For Signing It At Her House. The Poor
Man Came Because His Lawyer Told Him. Do You Think There Was Any Great
Harm In That?"
"No; Of Course Not."
"Well, Then, He Lost His Love For That."
Miss Bruce's Color Began To Come And Go, And Her Supple Figure To
Crouch A Little. She Said Nothing.
The Sister Continued: "Some Malicious Person Went And Told The Young
Lady's Father The Gentleman Was In The Habit Of Visiting That Lady, And
Would Be With Her At A Certain Hour. And So He Was; But It Was The
Lawyer's Appointment, You Know. You Seem Agitated."
"No, No; Not Agitated," Said Bella, "But Astonished; It Is So Like A
Story I Know. A Young Lady, A Friend Of Mine, Had An Anonymous Letter,
Telling Her That One She Loved And Esteemed Was Unworthy. But What You
Have Told Me Shows Me How Deceitful Appearances May Be. What Was Your
Patient's Name?"
"It Is Against Our Rules To Tell That. But You Said An 'Anonymous
Letter.' Was Your Friend So Weak As To Believe An Anonymous Letter? The
Writer Of Such A Letter Is A Coward, And A Coward Always Is A Liar.
Show Me Your Friend's Anonymous Letter. I May, Perhaps, Be Able To
Throw A Light On It."
The Conversation Was Interrupted By Admiral Bruce, Who Had Approached
Them Unobserved. "Excuse Me," Said He, "But You Ladies Seem To Have Hit
Upon A Very Interesting Theme."
"Yes, Papa," Said Bella. "I Took The Liberty To Question This Lady As
To Her Experiences Of Sick-Beds, And She Was Good Enough To Give Me
Some Of Them."
Having Uttered This With A Sudden Appearance Of Calmness That First
Amazed The Sister, Then Made Her Smile, She Took Her Father's Arm,
Bowed Politely, And A Little Stiffly, To Her New Friend, And Drew The
Admiral Away.
"Oh!" Thought The Sister. "I Am Not To Speak To The Old Gentleman. He
Is Not In Her Confidence. Yet She Is Very Fond Of Him. How She Hangs On
His Arm! Simplicity! Candor! We Are All Tarred With The Same Stick--We
That Night Bella Was A Changed Girl--Exalted And Depressed By Turns,
And With No Visible Reason.
Her Father Was Pleased. Anything Better Than That Deadly Languor.
Part 3 Chapter 7 Pg 46
The Next Day Bella Sat By Her Father's Side In The Square, Longing To
Go To The Sister, Yet Patiently Waiting To Be Ordered.
At Last The Admiral, Finding Her Dull And Listless, Said, "Why Don't
You Go And Talk To The Sister? She Amuses You. I'll Join You When I
Have Smoked This Cigar."
The Obedient Bella Rose, And Went Toward The Sister As If Compelled.
But When She Got To Her Her Whole Manner Changed. She Took Her Warmly
By The Hand, And Said, Trembling And Blushing, And All On Fire, "I Have
Brought You The Anonymous Letter."
The Elder Actress Took It And Ran Her Eye Over It--An Eye That Now
Sparkled Like A Diamond. "Humph!" Said She, And Flung Off All The
Dulcet Tones Of Her Assumed Character With Mighty Little Ceremony.
"This Hand Is Disguised A Little, But I Think I Know It. I Am Sure I
Do! The Dirty Little Rascal!"
"Madam!" Cried Bella, Aghast With Surprise At This Language.
"I Tell You I Know The Writer And His Rascally Motive. You Must Lend Me
This For A Day Or Two."
"Must I?" Said Bella. "Excuse Me! Papa Would Be So Angry."
"Very Likely; But You Will Lend It To Me For All That; For With This I
Can Clear Miss Bruce's Lover And Defeat His Enemies."
Bella Uttered A Faint Cry, And Trembled, And Her Bosom Heaved
Violently. She Looked This Way And That, Like A Frightened Deer. "But
Papa? His Eye Is On Us."
"Never Deceive Your Father!" Said The Sister, Almost Sternly; "But,"
Darting Her Gray Eyes Right Into Those Dove-Like Orbs, "Give Me Five
Minutes' Start--If You Really Love Sir Charles Bassett."
With These Words She Carried Off The Letter; And Bella Ran, Blushing,
Panting, Trembling, To Her Father, And Clung To Him.
He Questioned Her, But Could Get Nothing From Her Very Intelligible
Until The Sister Was Out Of Sight, And Then She Told Him All Without
"I Was Unworthy Of Him To Doubt Him. An Anonymous Slander. I'll Never
Trust Appearances Again. Poor Charles! Oh, My Darling! What He Must
Have Suffered If He Loves Like Me." Then Came A Shower Of Happy Tears;
Then A Shower Of Happy Kisses.
The Admiral Groaned, But For A Long Time He Could Not Get A Word In.
When He Did It Was Chilling. "My Poor Girl," Said He, "This Unhappy
Love Blinds You. What, Don't You See The Woman Is No Nun, But Some Sly
Hussy That Man Has Sent To Throw Dust In Your Eyes?"
Part 3 Chapter 7 Pg 47
Nothing She Could Say Prevailed To Turn Him From This View, And He
Acted Upon It With Resolution: He Confined Her Excursions To A Little
Garden At The Back Of The House, And Forbade Her, On Any Pretense, To
Cross The Threshold.
Miss Somerset Came To The Square In Another Disguise, Armed With
Important Information. But No Bella Bruce Appeared To Meet Her.
All This Time Richard Bassett Was Happy As A Prince.
So Besotted Was He With Egotism, And So Blinded By Imaginary Wrongs,
That He Rejoiced In The Lovers' Separation, Rejoiced In His Cousin's
Polly, Who Now Regarded Him Almost As A Lover, Told Him All About It;
And Already In Anticipation He Saw Himself And His Line Once More Lords
Of The Two Manors--Bassett And Huntercombe--On The Demise Of Sir
Charles Bassett, Bart., Deceased Without Issue.
And, In Fact, Sir Charles Was Utterly Defeated. He Lay Torpid.
But There Was A Tough Opponent In The Way--All The More Dangerous That
She Was Not Feared.
One Fine Day Miss Somerset Electrified Her Groom By Ordering Her Pony
Carriage To The Door At Ten A. M.
She Took The Reins On The Pavement, Like A Man, Jumped In Light As A
Feather, And Away Rattled The Carriage Into The City. The Ponies Were
All Alive, The Driver's Eye Keen As A Bird's; Her Courage And Her
Judgment Equal. She Wound In And Out Among The Huge Vehicles With
Perfect Composure; And On Those Occasions When, The Traffic Being
Interrupted, The Oratorical Powers Were Useful To Fill Up The Time, She
Shone With Singular Brilliance. The West End Is Too Often In Debt To
The City, But, In The Matter Of Chaff, It Was Not So This Day; For
Whenever She Took A Peck She Returned A Bushel; And So She Rattled To
The Door Of Solomon Oldfield, Solicitor, Old Jewry.
She Penetrated Into The Inner Office Of That Worthy, And Told Him He
Must Come With Her That Minute To Portman Square.
"Impossible, Madam!" And, As They Say In The Law Reports, Gave His
"Certain, Sir!" And Gave No Reasons.
He Still Resisted.
Thereupon She Told Him She Should Sit There All Day And Chaff His
Part 3 Chapter 7 Pg 48
Clients One After Another, And That His Connection With The Bassett And
Huntercombe Estates Should End.
Then He Saw He Had To Do With A Termagant, And Consented, With A Sigh.
She Drove Him Westward, Wincing Every Now And Then At Her Close
Driving, And Told Him All, And Showed Him What She Was Pleased To Call
Her Little Game. He Told Her It Was Too Romantic. Said He, "You Ladies
Read Nothing But Novels; But The Real World Is Quite Different From The
World Of Novels." Having Delivered This Remonstrance--Which Was
Tolerably Just, For She Never Read Anything But Novels And Sermons--He
Submitted Like A Lamb, And Received Her Instructions.
She Drove As Fast As She Talked, So That By This Time They Were At
Admiral Bruce's Door.
Now Mr. Oldfield Took The Lead, As Per Instructions. "Mr. Oldfield,
Solicitor, And A Lady--On Business."
The Porter Delivered This To The Footman With The Accuracy Which All
Who Send Verbal Messages Deserve And May Count On. "Mr. Oldfield And
The Footman, Who Represented The Next Step In Oral Tradition, Without
Which Form Of History The Heathen World Would Never Have Known That
Hannibal Softened The Rocks With Vinegar, Nor The Christian World That
Eleven Thousand Virgins Dwelt In A German Town The Size Of Putney,
Announced The Pair As "Mr. And Mrs. Hautville."
"I Don't Know Them, I Think. Well, I Will See Them."
They Entered, And The Admiral Stared A Little, And Wondered How This
Couple Came Together--The Keen But Plain Old Man, With Clothes Hanging
On Him, And The Dashing Beauty, With Her Dress In The Height Of The
Fashion, And Her Gauntleted Hands. However, He Bowed Ceremoniously, And
Begged His Visitors To Be Seated.
Now The Folding-Doors Were Ajar, And The _Soi-Disant_ Mrs. Oldfield
Peeped. She Saw Bella Bruce At Some Distance, Seated By The Fire, In A
Judge That Young Lady's Astonishment When She Looked Up And Observed A
Large White, Well-Shaped Hand, Sparkling With Diamonds And Rubies,
Beckoning Her Furtively.
The Owner Of That Sparkling Hand Soon Heard A Soft Rustle Of Silk Come
Toward The Door; The Very Rustle, Somehow, Was Eloquent, And Betrayed
Love And Timidity, And Something Innocent Yet Subtle. The Jeweled Hand
Went In Again Directly.
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 49
Meantime Mr. Oldfield Began To Tell The Admiral Who He Was, And That He
Was Come To Remove A False Impression About A Client Of His, Sir
Charles Bassett.
"That, Sir," Said The Admiral, Sternly, "Is A Name We Never Mention
He Rose And Went To The Folding-Doors, And Deliberately Closed Them.
The Somerset, Thus Defeated, Bit Her Lip, And Sat All Of A Heap, Like A
Cat About To Spring, Looking Sulky And Vicious.
Mr. Oldfield Persisted, And, As He Took The Admiral's Hint And Lowered
His Voice, He Was Interrupted No More, But Made A Simple Statement Of
Those Facts Which Are Known To The Reader.
Admiral Bruce Heard Them, And Admitted That The Case Was Not Quite So
Bad As He Had Thought.
Then Mr. Oldfield Proposed That Sir Charles Should Be Re-Admitted.
"No," Said The Old Admiral, Firmly; "Turn It How You Will, It Is Too
Ugly; The Bloom Of The Thing Is Gone. Why Should My Daughter Take That
Woman's Leavings? Why Should I Give Her Pure Heart To A Man About
"Because You Will Break It Else," Said Miss Somerset, With Affected
"Give Her Credit For More Dignity, Madam, If You Please," Replied
Admiral Bruce, With Equal Politeness.
"Oh, Bother Dignity!" Cried The Somerset.
At This Free Phrase From So Well-Dressed A Lady Admiral Bruce Opened
His Eyes, And Inquired Of Oldfield, Rather Satirically, Who Was This
Lady That Did Him The Honor To Interfere In His Family Affairs.
Oldfield Looked Confused; But Somerset, Full Of Mother-Wit, Was Not To
Be Caught Napping. "I'm A By-Stander; And They Always See Clearer Than
The Folk Themselves. You Are A Man Of Honor, Sir, And You Are Very
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 50
Clever At Sea, No Doubt, And A Fighter, And All That; But You Are No
Match For Land-Sharks. You Are Being Made A Dupe And A Tool Of. Who Do
You Think Wrote That Anonymous Letter To Your Daughter? A Friend Of
Truth? A Friend Of Injured Innocence? Nothing Of The Sort. One Richard
Bassett--Sir Charles's Cousin. Here, Mr. Oldfield, Please Compare These
Two Handwritings Closely, And You Will See I Am Right." She Put Down
The Anonymous Letter And Richard Bassett's Letter To Herself; But She
Could Not Wait For Mr. Oldfield To Compare The Documents, Now Her
Tongue Was Set Going. "Yes, Gentlemen, This Is New To You; But You'll
Find That Little Scheming Rascal Wrote Them Both, And With As Base A
Motive And As Black A Heart As Any Other Anonymous Coward's. His Game
Is To Make Sir Charles Bassett Die Childless, And So Then This Dirty
Fellow Would Inherit The Estate; And Owing To You Being So Green, And
Swallowing An Anonymous Letter Like Pure Water From The Spring, He Very
Nearly Got His Way. Sir Charles Has Been At Death's Door Along Of All
"Hush, Madam! Not So Loud, Please," Whispered Admiral Bruce, Looking
Uneasily Toward The Folding, Doors.
"Why Not?" Bawled The Somerset. "The Truth May Be Blamed, But It Can't
Be Shamed. I Tell You That Your Precious Letter Brought Sir Charles
Bassett To The Brink Of The Grave. Soon As Ever He Got It He Came
Tearing In His Cab To Miss Somerset's House, And Accused Her Of Telling
The Lie To Keep Him--And He Might Have Known Better, For The Jade Never
Did A Sneaking Thing In Her Life. But, Any Way, He Thought It Must Be
Her Doing, Miscalled Her Like A Dog, And Raged At Her Dreadful, And At
Last--What With Love And Fury And Despair--He Had The Terriblest Fit
You Ever Saw. He Fell Down As Black As Your Hat, And His Eyes Rolled,
And His Teeth Gnashed, And He Foamed At The Mouth, And Took Four To
Hold Him; And Presently As White As A Ghost, And Given Up For Dead. No
Pulse For Hours; And When His Life Came Back His Reason Was Gone."
"Good Heavens, Madam!"
"For A Time It Was. How He Did Rave! And 'Bella' The Only Name On His
Lips. And Now He Lies In His Own House As Weak As Water. Come, Old
Gentleman, Don't You Be Too Hard; You Are Not A Child, Like Your
Daughter; Take The World As It Is. Do You Think You Will Ever Find A
Man Of Fortune Who Has Not Had A Lady Friend? Why, Every Single
Gentleman In London That Can Afford To Keep A Saddle-Horse Has An
Article Of That Sort In Some Corner Or Other; And If He Parts With Her
As Soon As His Banns Are Cried, That Is All You Can Expect. Do You
Think Any Mother In Belgravia Would Make A Row About That? They Are
Downier Than You Are; They Would Shrug Their Aristocratic Shoulders,
And Decline To Listen To The _Past_ Lives Of Their Sons-In-Law--Unless
It Was All In The Newspapers, Mind You."
"If Belgravian Mothers Have Mercenary Minds, That Is No Reason Why I
Should, Whose Cheeks Have Bronzed In The Service Of A Virtuous Queen,
And Whose Hairs Have Whitened In Honor."
On Receiving This Broadside The Somerset Altered Her Tone Directly, And
Said, Obsequiously: "That Is True, Sir, And I Beg Your Pardon For
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 51
Comparing You To The Trash. But Brave Men Are Pitiful, You Know. Then
Show Your Pity Here. Pity A Gentleman That Repented His Faults As Soon
As Your Daughter Showed Him There Was A Better Love Within Reach, And
Now Lies Stung By An Anonymous Viper, And Almost Dying Of Love And
Mortification; And Pity Your Own Girl, That Will Soon Lose Her Health,
And Perhaps Her Life, If You Don't Give In."
"She Is Not So Weak, Madam. She Is In Better Spirits Already."
"Ay, But Then She Didn't Know What He Had Suffered For _Her._ She Does
Now, For I Heard Her Moan; And She Will Die For Him Now, Or Else She
Will Give You Twice As Many Kisses As Usual Some Day, And Cry A
Bucketful Over You, And Then Run Away With Her Lover. I Know Women
Better Than You Do; I Am One Of The Precious Lot."
The Admiral Replied Only With A Look Of Superlative Scorn. This
Incensed The Somerset; And That Daring Woman, Whose Ear Was Nearer To
The Door, And Had Caught Sounds That Escaped The Men, Actually Turned
The Handle, And While Her Eye Flashed Defiance, Her Vigorous Foot
Spurned The Folding-Doors Wide Open In Half A Moment.
Bella Bruce Lay With Her Head Sidewise On The Table, And Her Hands
Extended, Moaning And Sobbing Piteously For Poor Sir Charles.
"For Shame, Madam, To Expose My Child," Cried The Admiral, Bursting
With Indignation And Grief. He Rushed To Her And Took Her In His Arms.
She Scarcely Noticed Him, For The Moment He Turned Her She Caught Sight
Of Miss Somerset, And Recognized Her Face In A Moment. "Ah! The Sister
Of Charity!" She Cried, And Stretched Out Her Hands To Her, With A Look
And A Gesture So Innocent, Confiding, And Imploring, That The Somerset,
Already Much Excited By Her Own Eloquence, Took A Turn Not Uncommon
With Termagants, And Began To Cry Herself.
But She Soon Stopped That, For She Saw Her Time Was Come To Go, And
Avoid Unpleasant Explanations. She Made A Dart And Secured The Two
Letters. "Settle It Among Yourselves," Said She, Wheeling Round And
Bestowing This Advice On The Whole Party; Then Shot A Sharp Arrow At
The Admiral As She Fled: "If You Must Be A Tool Of Richard Bassett,
Don't Be A Tool And A Dupe By Halves. _He_ Is In Love With Her Too.
Marry Her To The Blackguard, And Then You Will Be Sure To Kill Sir
Charles." Having Delivered This With Such Volubility That The Words
Pattered Out Like A Roll Of Musketry, She Flounced Out, With Red Cheeks
And Wet Eyes, Rushed Down The Stairs, And Sprang Into Her Carriage,
Whipped The Ponies, And Away At A Pace That Made The Spectators Stare.
Mr. Oldfield Muttered Some Excuses, And Retired More Sedately.
All This Set Bella Bruce Trembling And Weeping, And Her Father Was Some
Time Before He Could Bring Her To Anything Like Composure. Her First
Words, When She Could Find Breath, Were, "He Is Innocent; He Is
Unhappy. Oh, That I Could Fly To Him!"
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 52
"Innocent! What Proof?"
"That Brave Lady Said So."
"Brave Lady! A Bold Hussy. Most Likely A Friend Of The Woman Somerset,
And A Bird Of The Same Feather. Sir Charles Has Done Himself No Good
With Me By Sending Such An Emissary."
"No, Papa; It Was The Lawyer Brought Her, And Then Her Own Good Heart
_Made Her Burst Out._ Ah! She Is Not Like Me: She Has Courage. What A
Noble Thing Courage Is, Especially In A Woman!"
"Pray Did You Hear The Language Of This Noble Lady?"
"Every Word Nearly; And I Shall Never Forget Them. They Were Diamonds
And Pearls."
"Of The Sort You Can Pick Up At Billingsgate."
"Ah, Papa, She Pleaded For _Him_ As I Cannot Plead, And Yet I Love Him.
It Was True Eloquence. Oh, How She Made Me Shudder! Only Think: He Had
A Fit, And Lost His Reason, And All For Me. What Shall I Do? What Shall
I Do?"
This Brought On A Fit Of Weeping.
Her Father Pitied Her, And Gave Her A Crumb Of Sympathy: Said He Was
Sorry For Sir Charles.
"But," Said He, Recovering His Resolution, "It Cannot Be Helped. He
Must Expiate His Vices, Like Other Men. Do, Pray, Pluck Up A Little
Spirit And Sense. Now Try And Keep To The Point. This Woman Came From
Him; And You Say You Heard Her Language, And Admire It. Quote Me Some
Of It."
"She Said He Fell Down As Black As His Hat, And His Eyes Rolled, And
His Poor Teeth Gnashed, And--Oh, My Darling! My Darling! Oh! Oh! Oh!"
"There--There--I Mean About Other Things."
Bella Complied, But With A Running Accompaniment Of The Sweetest Little
"She Said I Must Be Very Green, To Swallow An Anonymous Letter Like
Spring Water. Oh! Oh!"
"Green? There Was A Word!"
"Oh! Oh! But It Is The Right Word. You Can't Mend It. Try, And You Will
See You Can't. Of Course I Was Green. Oh! And She Said Every Gentleman
Who Can Afford To Keep A Saddle-Horse Has A Female Friend, Till His
Banns Are Called In Church. Oh! Oh!"
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 53
"A Pretty Statement To Come To Your Ears!"
"But If It Is The Truth! 'The Truth May Be Blamed, But It Can't Be
Shamed.' Ah! I'll Not Forget That: I'll Pray Every Night I May Remember
Those Words Of The Brave Lady. Oh!"
"Yes, Take Her For Your Oracle."
"I Mean To. I Always Try To Profit By My Superiors. She Has Courage: I
Have None. I Beat About The Bush, And Talk Skim-Milk; She Uses The Very
Word. She Said We Have Been The Dupe And The Tool Of A Little Scheming
Rascal, An Anonymous Coward, With Motives As Base As His Heart Is
Black--Oh! Oh! Ay, That Is The Way To Speak Of Such A Man; I Can't Do
It Myself, But I Reverence The Brave Lady Who Can. And She Wasn't
Afraid Even Of You, Dear Papa. 'Come, Old Gentleman'--Ha! Ha!
Ha!--'Take The World As It Is; Belgravian Mothers Would Not Break
_Both_ Their Hearts For What Is Past And Gone.' What Hard Good Sense! A
Thing I Always _Did_ Admire: Because I've Got None. But Her _Heart_ Is
Not Hard; After All Her Words Of Fire, That Went So Straight Instead Of
Beating The Bush, She Ended By Crying For Me. Oh! Oh! Oh! Bless Her!
Bless Her! If Ever There Was A Good Woman In The World, That Is One.
She Was Not Born A Lady, I Am Afraid; But That Is Nothing: She Was Born
A Woman, And I Mean To Make Her Acquaintance, And Take Her For My
Example In All Things. No, Dear Papa, Women Are Not So Pitiful To Women
Without Cause. She Is Almost A Stranger, Yet She Cried For Me. Can You
Be Harder To Me Than She Is? No; Pity Your Poor Girl, Who Will Lose Her
Health, And Perhaps Her Life. Pity Poor Charles, Stung By An Anonymous
Viper, And Laid On A Bed Of Sickness For Me. Oh! Oh! Oh!"
"I Do Pity You, Bella. When You Cry Like This, My Heart Bleeds."
"I'll Try Not To Cry, Papa. Oh! Oh!"
"But Most Of All, I Pity Your Infatuation, Your Blindness. Poor,
Innocent Dove, That Looks At Others By The Light Of Her Own Goodness,
And So Sees All Manner Of Virtues In A Brazen Hussy. Now Answer Me One
Plain Question. You Called Her 'The Sister!' Is She Not The Same Woman
That Played The Sister Of Charity?"
Bella Blushed To The Temples, And Said, Hesitatingly, She Was Not Quite
"Come, Bella. I Thought You Were Going To Imitate The Jade, And Not
Beat About The Bush. Yes Or No?"
"The Features Are Very Like."
"Bella, You Know It Is The Same Woman. You Recognized Her In A Moment.
That Speaks Volumes. But She Shall Find I Am Not To Be Made 'A Dupe And
A Tool Of' Quite So Easily As She Thinks. I'll Tell You What--This Is
Some Professional Actress Sir Charles Has Hired To Waylay You. Little
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 54
He Said No More At That Time; But After Dinner He Ruminated, And Took A
Very Serious, Indeed Almost A Maritime, View Of The Crisis. "I'm
Overmatched Now," Thought He. "They Will Cut My Sloop Out Under The
Very Guns Of The Flagship If We Stay Much Longer In This Port--A Lawyer
Against Me, And A Woman Too; There's Nothing To Be Done But Heave
Anchor, Hoist Sail, And Run For It."
He Sent Off A Foreign Telegram, And Then Went Upstairs. "Bella, My
Dear," Said He, "Pack Up Your Clothes For A Journey. We Start
"A Journey, Papa! A Long One?"
"No. We Shan't Double The Horn This Time."
"Brighton? Paris?"
"Oh, Farther Than That."
"The Grave: That Is The Journey I Should Like To Take."
"So You Shall, Some Day; But Just Now It Is A _Foreign_ Port You Are
Bound For. Go And Pack."
"I Obey." And She Was Creeping Off, But He Called Her Back And Kissed
Her, And Said, "Now I'll Tell You Where You Are Going; But You Must
Promise Me Solemnly Not To Write One Line To Sir Charles."
She Promised, But Cried As Soon As She Had Promised; Whereat The
Admiral Inferred He Had Done Wisely To Exact The Promise.
"Well, My Dear," Said He, "We Are Going To Baden. Your Aunt Molineux Is
There. She Is A Woman Of Great Delicacy And Prudence, And Has Daughters
Of Her Own All Well Married, Thanks To Her Motherly Care. She Will
Bring You To Your Senses Better Than I Can."
Next Evening They Left England By The Mail; And The Day After Richard
Bassett Learned This Through His Servant, And Went Home Triumphant,
And, Indeed, Wondering At His Success. He Ascribed It, However, To The
Nemesis Which Dogs The Heels Of Those Who Inherit The Estate Of
Such Was The Only Moral Reflection He Made, Though The Business In
General, And Particularly His Share In It, Admitted Of Several.
Miss Somerset Also Heard Of It, And Told Mr. Oldfield; He Told Sir
Charles Bassett.
That Gentleman Sighed Deeply, And Said Nothing. He Had Lost All Hope.
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 55
The Whole Matter Appeared Stagnant For About Ten Days; And Then A
Delicate Hand Stirred The Dead Waters Cautiously. Mr. Oldfield, Of All
People In The World, Received A Short Letter From Bella Bruce.
"Konigsberg Hotel, Baden.
"Miss Bruce Presents Her Compliments To Mr. Oldfield, And Will Feel
Much Obliged If He Will Send Her The Name And Address Of That Brave
Lady Who Accompanied Him To Her Father's House.
"Miss Bruce Desires To Thank That Lady, Personally, For Her Noble
Defense Of One With Whom It Would Be Improper For Her To Communicate;
But She Can Never Be Indifferent To His Welfare, Nor Hear Of His
Sufferings Without Deep Sorrow."
"Confound It!" Said Solomon Oldfield. "What Am I To Do? I Mustn't Tell
Her It Is Miss Somerset." So The Wary Lawyer Had A Copy Of The Letter
Made, And Sent To Miss Somerset For Instructions.
Miss Somerset Sent For Mr. Marsh, Who Was Now More At Her Beck And Call
Than Ever, And Told Him She Had A Ticklish Letter To Write. "I Can Talk
With The Best," Said She, "But The Moment I Sit Down And Take Up A Pen
Something Cold Runs Up My Shoulder, And Then Down My Backbone, And I'm
Palsied; Now You Are Always Writing, And Can't Say 'Bo' To A Goose In
Company. Let Us Mix Ourselves; I'll Walk About And Speak My Mind, And
Then You Put Down The Cream, And Send It."
From This Ingenious Process Resulted The Following Composition:
"She Whom Miss Bruce Is Good Enough To Call 'The Brave Lady' Happened
To Know The Truth, And That Tempted Her To Try And Baffle An Anonymous
Slanderer, Who Was Ruining The Happiness Of A Lady And Gentleman. Being
A Person Of Warm Impulses, She Went Great Lengths; But She Now Wishes
To Retire Into The Shade. She Is Flattered By Miss Bruce's Desire To
Know Her, And Some Day, Perhaps, May Remind Her Of It; But At Present
She Must Deny Herself That Honor. If Her Reasons Were Known, Miss Bruce
Would Not Be Offended Nor Hurt; She Would Entirely Approve Them."
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 56
Soon After This, As Sir Charles Bassett Sat By The Fire, Disconsolate,
His Servant Told Him A Lady Wanted To See Him.
"Who Is It?"
"Don't Know, Sir Charles; But It Is A Kind Of A Sort Of A Nun, Sir
"Oh, A Sister Of Charity! Perhaps The One That Nursed Me. Admit Her, By
All Means."
The Sister Came In. She Had A Large Veil On. Sir Charles Received Her
With Profound Respect, And Thanked Her, With Some Little Hesitation,
For Her Kind Attention To Him. She Stopped Him By Saying That Was
Merely Her Duty. "But," Said She, Softly, "Words Fell From You, On The
Bed Of Sickness, That Touched My Heart; And Besides I Happen To Know
The Lady."
"You Know My Bella!" Cried Sir Charles. "Ah, Then No Wonder You Speak
So Kindly; You Can Feel What I Have Lost. She Has Left England To Avoid
"All The Better. Where She Is The Door Cannot Be Closed In Your Face.
She Is At Baden. Follow Her There. She Has Heard The Truth From Mr.
Oldfield, And She Knows Who Wrote The Anonymous Letter."
"And Who Did?"
"Mr. Richard Bassett."
This Amazed Sir Charles.
"The Scoundrel!" Said He, After A Long Silence.
"Well, Then, Why Let That Fellow Defeat You, For His Own Ends? I Would
Go At Once To Baden. Your Leaving England Would Be One More Proof To
Her That She Has No Rival. Stick To Her Like A Man, Sir, And You Will
Win Her, I Tell You."
These Words From A Nun Amazed And Fired Him. He Rose From His Chair,
Flushed With Sudden Hope And Ardor. "I'll Leave For Baden To-Morrow
The Sister Rose To Retire.
"No, No," Cried Sir Charles. "I Have Not Thanked You. I Ought To Go
Down On My Knees And Bless You For All This. To Whom Am I So Indebted?"
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 57
"No Matter, Sir."
"But It Does Matter. You Nursed Me, And Perhaps Saved My Life, And Now
You Give Me Back The Hopes That Make Life Sweet. You Will Not Trust Me
With Your Name?"
"We Have No Name."
"Your Voice At Times Sounds Very Like--No, I Will Not Affront You By
Such A Comparison."
"I'm Her Sister," Said She, Like Lightning.
This Announcement Quite Staggered Sir Charles, And He Was Silent And
Uncomfortable. It Gave Him A Chill.
The Sister Watched Him Keenly, But Said Nothing.
Sir Charles Did Not Know What To Say, So He Asked To See Her Face. "It
Must Be As Beautiful As Your Heart."
The Sister Shook Her Head. "My Face Has Been Disfigured By A Frightful
Sir Charles Uttered An Ejaculation Of Regret And Pity.
"I Could Not Bear To Show It To One Who Esteems Me As You Seem To Do.
But Perhaps It Will Not Always Be So."
"I Hope Not. You Are Young, And Heaven Is Good. Can I Do Nothing For
You, Who Have Done So Much For Me?"
"Nothing--Unless--" Said She, Feigning Vast Timidity, "You Could Spare
Me That Ring Of Yours, As A Remembrance Of The Part I Have Played In
This Affair."
Sir Charles Colored. It Was A Ruby Of The Purest Water, And Had Been
Two Centuries In His Family. He Colored, But Was Too Fine A Gentleman
To Hesitate. He Said, "By All Means. But It Is A Poor Thing To Offer
"I Shall Value It Very Much."
"Say No More. I Am Fortunate In Having Anything You Deign To Accept."
And So The Ring Changed Hands.
The Sister Now Put It On Her Middle Finger, And Held Up Her Hand, And
Her Bright Eyes Glanced At It, Through Her Veil, With That Delight
Which Her Sex In General Feel At The Possession Of A New Bauble. She
Recovered Herself, However, And Told Him, Soberly, The Ring Should
Return To His Family At Her Death, If Not Before.
"I Will Give You A Piece Of Advice For It," Said She. "Miss Bruce Has
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 58
Foxy Hair; And She Is Very Timid. Don't You Take Her Advice About
Commanding Her. She Would Like To Be Your Slave! Don't Let Her. Coax
Her To Speak Her Mind. Make A Friend Of Her. Don't You Put Her To
This--That She Must Displease You, Or Else Deceive You. She Might
Choose Wrong, Especially With That Colored Hair."
"It Is Not In Her Nature To Deceive."
"It Is Not In Her Nature To Displease. Excuse Me; I Am Too Fanciful,
And Look At Women Too Close. But I Know Your Happiness Depends On Her.
All Your Eggs Are In That One Basket. Well, I Have Told You How To
Carry The Basket. Good-By."
Sir Charles Saw Her Out, And Bowed Respectfully To Her In The Hall,
While His Servant Opened The Street Door. He Did Her This Homage As His
When Admiral And Miss Bruce Reached Baden Mrs. Molineux Was Away On A
Visit; And This Disappointed Admiral Bruce, Who Had Counted On Her
Assistance To Manage And Comfort Bella. Bella Needed The Latter Very
Much. A Glance At Her Pale, Pensive, Lovely Face Was Enough To Show
That Sorrow Was Rooted At Her Heart. She Was Subjected To No Restraint,
But Kept The House Of Her Own Accord, Thinking, As Persons Of Her Age
Are Apt To Do, That Her Whole History Must Be Written In Her Face.
Still, Of Course, She Did Go Out Sometimes; And One Cold But Bright
Afternoon She Was Strolling Languidly On The Parade, When All In A
Moment She Met Sir Charles Bassett Face To Face.
She Gave An Eloquent Scream, And Turned Pale A Moment, And Then The Hot
Blood Came Rushing, And Then It Retired, And She Stood At Bay, With
Heaving Bosom--And Great Eyes.
Sir Charles Held Out Both Hands Pathetically. "Don't You Be Afraid Of
When She Found He Was So Afraid Of Offending Her She Became More
Courageous. "How Dare You Come Here?" Said She, But With More Curiosity
Than Violence, For It Had Been Her Dream Of Hope He Would Come.
"How Could I Keep Away, When I Heard You Were Here?"
"You Must Not Speak To Me, Sir; I Am Forbidden."
"Pray Do Not Condemn Me Unheard."
"If I Listen To You I Shall Believe You. I Won't Hear A Word. Gentlemen
Can Do Things That Ladies Cannot Even Speak About. Talk To My Aunt
Molineux; Our Fate Depends On Her. This Will Teach You Not To Be So
Wicked. What Business Have Gentlemen To Be So Wicked? Ladies Are Not.
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 59
No, It Is No Use; I Will Not Hear A Syllable. I Am Ashamed To Be Seen
Speaking To You. You Are A Bad Character. Oh, Charles, Is It True You
Had A Fit?"
"And Have You Been Very Ill? You Look Ill."
"I Am Better Now, Dearest."
"Dearest! Don't Call Me Names. How Dare You Keep Speaking To Me When I
Request You Not?"
"But I Can't Excuse Myself, And Obtain My Pardon, And Recover Your
Love, Unless I Am Allowed To Speak."
"Oh, You Can Speak To My Aunt Molineux, And She Will Read You A Fine
"Where Is She?"
"Nobody Knows. But There Is Her House, The One With The Iron Gate. Get
Her Ear First, If You Really Love Me; And Don't You Ever Waylay Me
Again. If You Do, I Shall Say Something Rude To You, Sir. Oh, I'm So
Having Let This Out, She Hid Her Face With Her Hands, And Fled Like The
Very Wind.
At Dinner-Time She Was In High Spirits.
The Admiral Congratulated Her.
"Brava, Bell! Youth And Health And A Foreign Air Will Soon Cure You Of
That Folly."
Bella Blushed Deeply, And Said Nothing. The Truth Struggled Within Her,
Too, But She Shrank From Giving Pain, And Receiving Expostulation.
She Kept The House, Though, For Two Days, Partly Out Of Modesty, Partly
Out Of An Honest And Pious Desire To Obey Her Father As Much As She
The Third Day Mrs. Molineux Arrived, And Sent Over To The Admiral.
He Invited Bella To Come With Him. She Consented Eagerly, But Was So
Long In Dressing That He Threatened To Go Without Her. She Implored Him
Not To Do That; And After A Monstrous Delay, The Motive Of Which The
Reader May Perhaps Divine, Father And Daughter Called On Mrs. Molineux.
She Received Them Very Affectionately. But When The Admiral, With Some
Hesitation, Began To Enter On The Great Subject, She Said, Quietly,
"Bella, My Dear, Go For A Walk, And Come Back To Me In Half An Hour."
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 60
"Aunt Molineux!" Said Bella, Extending Both Her Hands Imploringly To
That Lady.
Mrs. Molineux Was Proof Against This Blandishment, And Bella Had To Go.
When She Was Gone, This Lady, Who Both As Wife And Mother Was Literally
A Model, Rather Astonished Her Brother The Admiral. She Said: "I Am
Sorry To Tell You That You Have Conducted This Matter With Perfect
Impropriety, Both You And Bella. She Had No Business To Show You That
Anonymous Letter; And When She Did Show It You, You Should Have Taken
It From Her, And Told Her Not To Believe A Word Of It."
"And Married My Daughter To A Libertine! Why, Charlotte, I Am Ashamed
Of You."
Mrs. Molineux Colored High; But She Kept Her Temper, And Ignored The
Interruption. "Then, If You Decided To Go Into So Indelicate A Question
At All (And Really You Were Not Bound To Do So On Anonymous
Information), Why, Then, You Should Have Sent For Sir Charles, And
Given Him The Letter, And Put Him On His Honor To Tell You The Truth.
He Would Have Told You The Fact, Instead Of A Garbled Version; And The
Fact Is That Before He Knew Bella He Had A Connection, Which He
Prepared To Dissolve, On Terms Very Honorable To Himself, As Soon As He
Engaged Himself To Your Daughter. What Is There In That? Why, It Is
Common, Universal, Among Men Of Fashion. I Am So Vexed It Ever Came To
Bella's Knowledge: Really It Is Dreadful To Me, As A Mother, That Such
A Thing Should Have Been Discussed Before That Child. Complete
Innocence Means Complete Ignorance; And That Is How All My Girls Went
To Their Husbands. However, What We Must Do Now Is To Tell Her Sir
Charles Has Satisfied Me He Was Not To Blame; And After That The
Subject Must Never Be Recurred To. Sir Charles Has Promised Me Never To
Mention It, And No More Shall Bella. And Now, My Dear John, Let Me
Congratulate You. Your Daughter Has A High-Minded Lover, Who Adores
Her, With A Fine Estate: He Has Been Crying To Me, Poor Fellow, As Men
Will To A Woman Of My Age; And If You Have Any Respect For My
Judgment--Ask Him To Dinner."
She Added That It Might Be As Well If, After Dinner, He Were To Take A
Little Nap.
Admiral Bruce Did Not Fall Into These Views Without Discussion. I Spare
The Reader The Dialogue, Since He Yielded At Last; Only He Stipulated
That His Sister Should Do The Dinner, And The Subsequent Siesta.
Bella Returned Looking Very Wistful And Anxious.
"Come Here, Niece," Said Mrs. Molineux. "Kneel You At My Knee. Now
Look--Me In The Face. Sir Charles Has Loved You, And You Only, From The
Day He First Saw You. He Loves You Now As Much As Ever. Do You Love
"Oh, Aunt! Aunt!" A Shower Of Kisses, And A Tear Or Two.
"That Is Enough. Then Dry Your Eyes, And Dress Your Beautiful Hair A
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 61
Little Better Than _That;_ For He Dines With Me To-Day!"
Who So Bright And Happy Now As Bella Bruce?
The Dreaded Aunt Did Not Stop There. She Held That After The Peep Into
Real Life Bella Bruce Had Obtained, For Want Of A Mother's Vigilance,
She Ought To Be A Wife As Soon As Possible. So She Gave Sir Charles A
Hint That Baden Was A Very Good Place To Be Married In; And From That
Moment Sir Charles Gave Bella And Her Father No Rest Till They
Little Did Richard Bassett, In England, Dream What Was Going On At
Baden. He Now Surveyed The Chimneys Of Huntercombe Hall With
Resignation, And Even With Growing Complacency, As Chimneys That Would
One Day Be His, Since Their Owner Would Not Be In A Hurry To Love
Again. He Shot Sir Charles's Pheasants Whenever They Strayed Into His
Hedgerows, And He Lived Moderately And Studied Health. In A Word,
Content With The Result Of His Anonymous Letter, He Confined Himself
Now To Cannily Out-Living The Wrongful Heir--His Cousin.
One Fine Frosty Day The Chimneys Of Huntercombe Began To Show Signs Of
Life; Vertical Columns Of Blue Smoke Rose In The Air, One After
Another, Till At Last There Were About Forty Going.
Old Servants Flowed Down From London. New Ones Trickled In, With Their
Boxes, From The Country. Carriages Were Drawn Out Into The Stable-Yard,
Horses Exercised, And A Whisper Ran That Sir Charles Was Coming To Live
On His Estates, And Not Alone.
Richard Bassett Went About Inquiring Cautiously.
The Rumor Spread And Was Confirmed By Some Little Facts.
At Last, One Fine Day, When The Chimneys Were All Smoking, The
Church-Bells Began To Peal.
Richard Bassett Heard, And Went Out, Scowling Deeply. He Found The
Village All Agog With Expectation.
Presently There Was A Loud Cheer From The Steeple, And A Flag Floated
From The Top Of Huntercombe House. Murmurs. Distant Cheers. Approaching
Cheers. The Clatter Of Horses' Feet. The Roll Of Wheels. Huntercombe
Gates Flung Wide Open By A Cluster Of Grooms And Keepers.
Then On Came Two Outriders, Ushered By Loud Hurrahs, And Followed By A
Carriage And Four That Dashed Through The Village Amid Peals Of Delight
From The Villagers. The Carriage Was Open, And In It Sat Sir Charles
And Bella Bassett. She Was Lovelier Than Ever; She Dazzled The Very Air
With Her Beauty And Her Glorious Hair. The Hurrahs Of The Villagers
Part 3 Chapter 8 Pg 62
Made Her Heart Beat; She Pressed Sir Charles's Hand Tenderly, And
Literally Shone With Joy And Pride; And So She Swept Past Richard
Bassett; She Saw Him Directly, Shuddered A Moment, And Half Clung To
Her Husband; Then On Again, And Passed Through The Open Gates Amid Loud
Cheers. She Alighted In Her Own Hall, And Walked, Nodding And Smiling
Sunnily, Through Two Files Of Domestics And Retainers; And Thought No
More Of Richard Bassett Than Some Bright Bird That Has Flown Over A
Rattlesnake And Glanced Down At Him.
But A Gorgeous Bird Cannot Always Be Flying. A Snake Can Sometimes
Creep Under Her Perch, And Glare, And Keep Hissing, Till She Shudders
And Droops And Lays Her Plumage In The Dust.
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 63
Generally Deliberate Crimes Are Followed By Some Great Punishment; But
They Are Also Often Attended In Their Course By Briefer
Chastisements--Single Strokes From The Whip That Holds The Round Dozen
In Reserve. These Precursors Of The Grand Expiation Are Sharp But
Kindly Lashes, For They Tend To Whip The Man Out Of The Wrong Road.
Such A Stroke Fell On Richard Bassett: He Saw Bella Bruce Sweep Past
Him, Clinging To Her Husband, And Shuddering At Himself. For This,
Then, He Had Plotted And Intrigued And Written An Anonymous Letter. The
Only Woman He Had Ever Loved At All Went Past Him With A Look Of
Aversion, And Was His Enemy's Wife, And Would Soon Be The Mother Of
That Enemy's Children, And Blot Him Forever Out Of The Coveted
The Man Crept Home, And Sat By His Little Fireside, Crushed. Indeed,
From That Hour He Disappeared, And Drank His Bitter Cup Alone.
After A While It Transpired In The Village That He Was Very Ill. The
Clergyman Went To Visit Him, But Was Not Admitted. The Only Person Who
Got To See Him Was His Friend Wheeler, A Small But Sharp Attorney, By
Whose Advice He Acted In Country Matters. This Wheeler Was Very Fond Of
Shooting, And Could Not Get A Crack At A Pheasant Except On Highmore;
And That Was A Bond Between Him And Its Proprietor. It Was Wheeler Who
Had First Told Bassett Not To Despair Of Possessing The Estates, Since
They Had Inserted Sir Charles's Heir At Law In The Entail.
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 64
This Wheeler Found Him Now So Shrunk In Body, So Pale And Haggard In
Face, And Dejected In Mind, That He Was Really Shocked, And Asked Leave
To Send A Doctor From A Neighboring Town.
"What To Do?" Said Richard, Moodily. "It's My Mind; It's Not My Body.
Ah, Wheeler, It Is All Over. I And Mine Shall Never Have Huntercombe
"I'll Tell You What It Is," Said Wheeler, Almost Angrily, "You Will
Have Six Feet By Two Of It Before Long If You Go On This Way. Was Ever
Such Folly! To Fret Yourself Out Of This Jolly World Because You Can't
Get One Particular Slice Of Its Upper Crust. Why, One Bit Of Land Is As
Good As Another; And I'll Show You How To Get Land--In This
Neighborhood, Too. Ay, Right Under Sir Charles's Nose."
"Show Me That," Said Bassett, Gloomily And Incredulously.
"Leave Off Moping, Then, And I Will. I Advise The Bank, You Know, And
'Splatchett's' Farm Is Mortgaged Up To The Eyes. It Is Not The Only
One. I Go To The Village Inns, And Pick Up All The Gossip I Hear
"How Am I To Find Money To Buy Land?"
"I'll Put You Up To That, Too; But You Must Leave Off Moping. Hang It,
Man, Never Say Die. There Are Plenty Of Chances On The Cards. Get Your
Color Back, And Marry A Girl With Money, And Turn That Into Land. The
First Thing Is To Leave Off Grizzling. Why, You Are Playing The Enemy's
Game. That Can't Be Right, Can It?"
This Remark Was The First That Really Roused The Sick Man.
Wheeler Had Too Few Clients To Lose One. He Now Visited Bassett Almost
Daily, And, Being Himself Full Of Schemes And Inventions, He Got
Bassett, By Degrees, Out Of His Lethargy, And He Emerged Into Daylight
Again; But He Looked Thin, And Yellow As A Guinea, And He Had Turned
Miser. He Kept But One Servant, And Fed Her And Himself At Sir Charles
Bassett's Expense. He Wired That Gentleman's Hares And Rabbits In His
Own Hedges. He Went Out With His Gun Every Sunny Afternoon, And Shot A
Brace Or Two Of Pheasants, Without Disturbing The Rest; For He Took No
Dog With Him To Run And Yelp, But A Little Boy, Who Quietly Tapped The
Hedgerows And Walked The Sunny Banks And Shaws. They Never Came Home
But On Those Rarer Occasions When Sir Charles And His Friends Beat The
Bassett Woods Richard Was Sure To Make A Large Bag; For He Was A Cool,
Unerring Shot, And Flushed The Birds In Hedgerows, Slips Of Underwood,
Etc., To Which The Fairer Sportsmen Had Driven Them.
These Birds And The Surplus Hares He Always Sold In The Market-Town,
And Put The Money Into A Box. The Rabbits He Ate, And Also Squirrels,
And, Above All, Young Hedgehogs: A Gypsy Taught Him How To Cook Them,
Viz., By Inclosing Them In Clay, And Baking Them In Wood Embers; Then
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 65
The Bristles Adhere To The Burned Clay, And The Meat Is Juicy. He Was
His Own Gardener, And Vegetables Cost Him Next To Nothing.
So He Went On Through All The Winter Months, And By The Spring His
Health And Strength Were Restored. Then He Turned Woodman, Cut Down
Every Stick Of Timber In A Little Wood Near His House, And Sold It; And
Then Set To Work To Grub Up The Roots For Fires, And Cleared It For
Tillage. The Sum He Received For The Wood Was Much More Than He
Expected, And This He Made A Note Of.
He Had A Strong Body, That Could Work Hard All Day, A Big Hate, And A
Mania For The Possession Of Land. And So He Led A Truly Spartan Life,
And Everybody In The Village Said He Was Mad.
While He Led This Hard Life Sir Charles And Lady Bassett Were The
Gayest Of The Gay. She Was The Beauty And The Bride. Visits And
Invitations Poured In From Every Part Of The Country. Sir Charles,
Flattered By The Homage Paid To His Beloved, Made Himself Younger And
Less Fastidious To Indulge Her; And The Happy Pair Often Drove Twelve
Miles To Dinner, And Twenty To Dine And Sleep--An Excellent Custom In
That Country, One Of Whose Favorite Toasts Is Worth Recording: "May You
Dine Where You Please, And Sleep Where You Dine."
They Were At Every Ball, And Gave One Or Two Themselves.
Above All, They Enjoyed Society In That Delightful Form Which Is
Confined To Large Houses. They Would Have Numerous And Well-Assorted
Visitors Staying At The House For A Week Or So, And All Dining At A
Huge Round Table. But Two O'clock P.M. Was The Time To See How Hosts
And Guests Enjoyed Themselves. The Hall Door Of Huntercombe Was
Approached By A Flight Of Stone Steps, Easy Of Ascent, And About
Twenty-Four Feet Wide. At The Riding Hour The County Ladies Used To
Come, One After Another, Holding Up Their Riding-Habits With One Hand,
And Perch About This Gigantic Flight Of Steps Like Peacocks, And
Chatter Like Jays, While The Servants Walked Their Horses About The
Gravel Esplanade, And The Four-In-Hand Waited A Little In The Rear. A
Fine Champing Of Bits And Fidgeting Of Thoroughbreds There Was, Till
All Were Ready; Then The Ladies Would Each Put Out Her Little Foot,
With Charming Nonchalance, To The Nearest Gentleman Or Groom, With A
Slight Preference For The Grooms, Who Were More Practiced. The Man
Lifted, The Lady Sprang At The Same Time, And Into Her Saddle Like A
Bird--Lady Bassett On A Very Quiet Pony, Or In The Carriage To Please
Some Dowager--And Away They Clattered In High Spirits, A Regular
Cavalcade. It Was A Hunting County, And The Ladies Rode Well; Square
Seat, Light Hand On The Snaffle, The Curb Reserved For Cases Of
Necessity; And, When They Had Patted The Horse On The Neck At Starting,
As All These Coaxing Creatures Must, They Rode Him With That Well-Bred
Ease And Unconsciousness Of Being On A Horse Which Distinguishes Ladies
Who Have Ridden All Their Lives From The Gawky Snobbesses In Hyde Park,
Who Ride, If Riding It Can Be Called, With Their Elbows Uncouthly
Fastened To Their Sides As If By A Rope, Their Hands At The Pit Of
Their Stomachs, And Both Those Hands, As Heavy As A Housemaid's, Sawing
The Poor Horse With Curb And Snaffle At Once, While The Whole Body
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 66
Breathes Pretension And Affectation, And Seems To Say, "Look At Me; I
Am On Horseback! Be Startled At That--As I Am! And I Have Had Lessons
From A Riding-Master. He Has Taught Me How A Lady Should Ride"--In His
Opinion, Poor Devil.
The Champing, The Pawing, The Mounting, And The Clattering Of These
Bright Cavalcades, With The Music Of The Women Excited By Motion,
Furnished A Picture Of Wealth And Gayety And Happy Country Life That
Cheered The Whole Neighborhood, And Contrasted Strangely With The Stern
Spartan Life Of Him Who Had Persuaded Himself He Was The Rightful Owner
Of Huntercombe Hall.
Sir Charles Bassett Was A Magistrate, And Soon Found Himself A Bad One.
One Day He Made A Little Mistake, Which, Owing To His Popularity, Was
Very Gently Handled By The Bench At Their Weekly Meeting; But Still Sir
Charles Was Ashamed And Mortified. He Wrote Directly To Oldfield For
Law Books, And That Gentleman Sent Him An Excellent Selection Bound In
Smooth Calf.
Sir Charles Now Studied Three Hours Every Day, Except Hunting Days,
When No Squire Can Work; And As His Study Was His Justice Room, He Took
Care To Find An Authority Before He Acted. He Was Naturally Humane, And
Rustic Offenders, Especially Poachers And Runaway Farm Servants, Used
To Think Themselves Fortunate If They Were Taken Before Him And Not
Before Squire Powys, Who Was Sure To Give Them The Sharp Edge Of The
Law. So Now Sir Charles Was Useful As Well As Ornamental.
Thus Passed Fourteen Months Of Happiness, With Only One Little
Cloud--There Was No Sign Yet Of A Son And Heir. But Let A Man Be Ever
So Powerful, It Is An Awkward Thing To Have A Bitter, Inveterate Enemy
At His Door Watching For A Chance. Sir Charles Began To Realize This In
The Sixteenth Month Of His Wedded Bliss. A Small Estate Called
"Splatchett's" Lay On His North Side, And A Marginal Strip Of This
Property Ran Right Into A Wood Of His. This Strip Was Wretched Land,
And The Owner, Unable To Raise Any Wheat Crop On It, Had Planted It
With Larches.
Sir Charles Had Made Him A Liberal Offer For "Splatchett's" About Six
Years Ago; But He Had Refused Point-Blank, Being Then In Good
Sir Charles Now Received A Hint From One Of His Own Gamekeepers That
The Old Farmer Was In A Bad Way, And Talked Of Selling. So Sir Charles
Called On Him, And Asked Him If He Would Sell "Splatchett's" Now. "Why,
I Can't Sell It Twice," Said The Old Man, Testily. "You Ha' Got It,
Han't Ye?" It Turned Out That Richard Bassett Had Been Beforehand. The
Bank Had Pressed For Their Money, And Threatened Foreclosure; Then
Bassett Had Stepped In With A Good Price; And Although The Conveyance
Was Not Signed, A Stamped Agreement Was, And Neither Vender Nor
Purchaser Could Go Back. What Made It More Galling, The Proprietor Was
Not Aware Of The Feud Between The Bassetts, And Had Thought To Please
Sir Charles By Selling To One Of His Name.
Sir Charles Bassett Went Home Seriously Vexed. He Did Not Mean To Tell
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 67
His Wife; But Love's Eye Read His Face, Love's Arm Went Round His Neck,
And Love's Soft Voice And Wistful Eyes Soon Coaxed It Out Of Him. "Dear
Charles," Said She, "Never Mind. It Is Mortifying; But Think How Much
You Have, And How Little That Wicked Man Has. Let Him Have That Farm;
He Has Lost His Self-Respect, And That Is Worth A Great Many Farms. For
My Part, I Pity The Poor Wretch. Let Him Try To Annoy You; Your Wife
Will Try, Against Him, To Make You Happy, My Own Beloved; And I Think I
May Prove As Strong As Mr. Bassett," Said She, With A Look Of
Her Sweet And Tender Sympathy Soon Healed So Slight A Scratch.
But They Had Not Done With "Splatchett's" Yet. Just After Christmas Sir
Charles Invited Three Gentlemen To Beat His More Distant Preserves.
Their Guns Bellowed In Quick Succession Through The Woods, And At Last
They Reached North Wood. Here They Expected Splendid Shooting, As A
Great Many Cock Pheasants Had Already Been Seen Running Ahead.
But When They Got To The End Of The Wood They Found Lawyer Wheeler
Standing Against A Tree Just Within "Splatchett's" Boundary, And One Of
Their Own Beaters Reported That Two Boys Were Stationed In The Road,
Each Tapping Two Sticks Together To Confine The Pheasants To That Strip
Of Land, On Which The Low Larches And High Grass Afforded A Strong
Sir Charles Halted On His Side Of The Boundary.
Then Wheeler Told His Man To Beat, And Up Got The Cock Pheasants, One
After Another. Whenever A Pheasant Whirred Up The Man Left Off Beating.
The Lawyer Knocked Down Four Brace In No Time, And Those That Escaped
Him And Turned Back For The Wood Were Brought Down By Bassett, Firing
From The Hard Road. Only Those Were Spared That Flew Northward Into
"Splatchett's." It Was A Veritable Slaughter, Planned With Judgment,
And Carried Out In A Most Ungentlemanlike And Unsportsmanlike Manner.
It Goaded Sir Charles Beyond His Patience. After Several Vain Efforts
To Restrain Himself, He Shouldered His Gun, And, Followed By His
Friends, Went Bursting Through The Larches To Richard Bassett.
"Mr. Bassett," Said He, "This Is Most Ungentlernanly Conduct."
"What Is The Matter, Sir? Am I On Your Ground?"
"No, But You Are Taking A Mean Advantage Of Our Being Out. Who Ever
Heard Of A Gentleman Beating His Boundaries The Very Day A Neighbor Was
Out Shooting, And Filling Them With His Game?"
"Oh, That Is It, Is It? When Justice Is Against You You Can Talk Of
Law, And When Law Is Against You You Appeal To Justice. Let Us Be In
One Story Or The Other, Please. The Huntercombe Estates Belong To Me By
Birth. You Have Got Them By Legal Trickery. Keep Them While You Live.
_They Will Come To Me One Day, You Know._ Meantime, Leave Me My Little
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 68
Estate Of 'Splatchett's.' For Shame, Sir; You Have Robbed Me Of My
Inheritance And My Sweetheart; Do You Grudge Me A Few Cock Pheasants?
Why, You Have Made Me So Poor They Are An Object To Me Now."
"Oh!" Said Sir Charles, "If You Are Stealing My Game To Keep Body And
Soul Together, I Pity You. In That Case, Perhaps You Will Let My
Friends Help You Fill Your Larder."
Richard Bassett Hesitated A Moment; But Wheeler, Who Had Drawn Near At
The Sound Of The Raised Voices, Made Him A Signal To Assent.
"By All Means," Said He, Adroitly. "Mr. Markham, Your Father Often Shot
With Mine Over The Bassett Estates. You Are Welcome To Poor Little
'Splatchett's.' Keep Your Men Off, Sir Charles; They Are Noisy
Bunglers, And Do More Harm Than Good. Here, Tom! Bill! Beat For The
Gentlemen. They Shall Have The Sport. I Only Want The Birds."
Sir Charles Drew Back, And Saw Pheasant After Pheasant Thunder And Whiz
Into The Air, Then Collapse At A Report, And Fall Like Lead, Followed
By A Shower Of Feathers.
His Friends Seemed To Be Deserting Him For Richard Bassett. He Left
Them In Charge Of His Keepers, And Went Slowly Home.
He Said Nothing To Lady Bassett Till Night, And Then She Got It All
From Him. She Was Very Indignant At Many Of The Things; But As For Sir
Charles, All His Cousin's Arrows Glided Off That High-Minded Gentleman,
Except One, And That Quivered In His Heart. "Yes, Bella," Said He, "He
Told Me He Should Inherit These Estates. That Is Because We Are Not
Blessed With Children."
Lady Bassett Sighed. "But We Shall Be Some Day. Shall We Not?"
"God Knows," Said Sir Charles, Gloomily. "I Wonder Whether There Was
Really Anything Unfair Done On Our Side When The Entail Was Cut Off?"
"Is That Likely, Dearest? Why?"
"Heaven Seems To Be On His Side."
"On The Side Of A Wicked Man?"
"But He May Be The Father Of Innocent Children."
"Why, He Is Not Even Married."
"He Will Marry. He Will Not Throw A Chance Away. It Makes My Head
Dizzy, And My Heart Sick. Bella, Now I Can Understand Two Enemies
Meeting Alone In Some Solitary Place, And One Killing The Other In A
Moment Of Rage; For When This Scoundrel Insulted Me I Remembered His
Anonymous Letter, And All His Relentless Malice. Bella, I Could Have
Raised My Gun And Shot Him Like A Weasel."
Lady Bassett Screamed Faintly, And Flung Her Arms Round His Neck. "Oh,
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 69
Charles, Pray To God Against Such Thoughts. You Shall Never Go Near
That Man Again. Don't Think Of Our One Disappointment: Think Of All The
Blessings We Enjoy. Never Mind That Wretched Man's Hate. Think Of Your
Wife's Love. Have I Not More Power To Make You Happy Than He Has To
Afflict You, My Adored?" These Sweet Words Were Accompanied By A Wife's
Divine Caresses; With The Honey Of Her Voice, And The Liquid Sunshine
Of Her Loving Eyes. Sir Charles Slept Peacefully That Night, And Forgot
His One Grief And His One Enemy For A Time.
Not So Lady Bassett. She Lay Awake All Night And Thought Deeply Of
Richard Bassett And "His Unrelenting, Impenitent Malice." Women Of Her
Fine Fiber, When They Think Long And Earnestly On One Thing, Have Often
Divinations. The Dark Future Seems To Be Lit A Moment At A Time By
Flashes Of Lightning, And They Discern The Indistinct Form Of Events To
Come, And So It Was With Lady Bassett: In The Stilly Night A Terror Of
The Future And Of Richard Bassett Crept Over Her--A Terror
Disproportioned To His Past Acts And Apparent Power. Perhaps She Was
Oppressed By Having An Enemy--She, Who Was Born To Be Loved. At All
Events, She Was Full Of Feminine Divinations And Forebodings, And Saw,
By Flashes, Many A Poisoned Arrow Fly From That Quiver And Strike The
Beloved Breast. It Had Already Discharged One That Had Parted Them For
A Time, And Nearly Killed Sir Charles.
Daylight Cleared Away Much Of This Dark Terror, But Left A Sober Dread
And A Strange Resolution. This Timid Creature, Stimulated By Love,
Determined To Watch The Foe, And Defend Her Husband With All Her Little
Power. All Manner Of Devices Passed Through Her Head, But Were
Rejected, Because, If Love Said "Do Wonders," Timidity Said "Do Nothing
That You Have Not Seen Other Wives Do." So She Remained, Scheming, And
Longing, And Fearing, And Passive, All Day. But The Next Day She
Conceived A Vague Idea, And, All In A Heat, Rang For Her Maid. While
The Maid Was Coming She Fell To Blushing At Her Own Boldness, And, Just
As The Maid Opened The Door, Her Thermometer Fell So Low That--She Sent
Her Upstairs For A Piece Of Work. Oh, Lame And Impotent Conclusion!
Just Before Luncheon She Chanced To Look Through A Window, And To See
The Head Gamekeeper Crossing The Park, And Coming To The House. Now
This Was The Very Man She Wanted To Speak To. The Sudden Temptation
Surprised Her Out Of Her Timidity. She Rang The Bell Again, And Sent
For The Man.
That Colossus Wondered In His Mind, And Felt Uneasy At An Invitation So
Novel. However, He Clattered Into The Morning-Room, In His Velveteen
Coat, And Leathern Gaiters Up To His Thigh, Pulled His Front Hair,
Bobbed His Head, And Then Stood Firm In Body As Was He Of Rhodes, But
In Mind Much Abashed At Finding Himself In Her Ladyship's Presence.
The Lady, However, Did Not Prove So Very Terrible. "May I Inquire Your
Name, Sir?" Said She, Very Respectfully.
"Moses Moss, My Lady."
"Mr. Moss, I Wish To Ask You A Question Or Two. _May_ I?"
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 70
"That You May, My Lady."
"I Want You To Explain, If You Will Be So Good, How The Proprietor Of
'Splatchett's' Can Shoot All Sir Charles's Pheasants."
"Lord! My Lady, We Ain't Come Down To That. But He Do Shoot More Than
His Share, That's Sure An' Sartain. Well, My Lady, If You Please, Game
Is Just Like Christians: It Will Make For Sunny Spots. Highmore Has Got
A Many Of Them There, With Good Cover; So We Breeds For Him. As For
'Splatchett's,' That Don't Hurt We, My Lady; It Is All Arable Land And
Dead Hedges, With No Bottom; Only There's One Little Tongue Of It Runs
Into North Wood, And Planted With Larch; And, If You Please, My Lady,
There Is Always A Kind Of Coarse Grass Grows Under Young Larches, And
Makes A Strong Cover For Game. So, Beat North Wood Which Way You Will,
Them Artful Old Cocks Will Run Ahead Of Ye, Or Double Back Into Them
Larches. And You See Mr. Bassett Is Not A Gentleman, Like Sir Charles;
He Is Always A-Mouching About, And The Biggest Poacher In The Parish;
And So He Drops On To 'Em Out Of Bounds."
"Is There No Way Of Stopping All This, Sir?"
"We Might Station A Dozen Beaters Ahead. They Would Most Likely Get
Shot; But I Don't Think As They'd Mind That Much If You Had Set Your
Heart On It, My Lady. Dall'd If I Would, For One."
"Oh, Mr. Moss! Heaven Forbid That Any Man Should Be Shot For Me. No,
Not For All The Pheasants In The World. I'll Try And Think Of Some
Other Way. I Should Like To See The Place. _May_ I?"
"Yes, My Lady, And Welcome."
"How Shall I Get To It, Sir?"
"You Can Ride To The 'Woodman's Rest,' My Lady, And It Is Scarce A
Stone's-Throw From There; But 'Tis Baddish Traveling For The Likes Of
She Appointed An Hour, Rode With Her Groom To The Public-House, And
Thence Was Conducted Through Bush, Through Brier, To The Place Where
Her Husband Had Been So Annoyed.
Moss's Comments Became Very Intelligible To Her The Moment She Saw The
Place. She Said Very Little, However, And Rode Home.
Next Day She Blushed High, And Asked Sir Charles For A Hundred Pounds
To Spend Upon Herself.
Sir Charles Smiled, Well Pleased, And Gave It Her, And A Kiss Into The
"Ah! But," Said She, "That Is Not All."
"I Am Glad Of It. You Spend Too Little Money On Yourself--A Great Deal
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 71
Too Little."
"That Is A Complaint You Won't Have Long To Make. I Want To Cut Down A
Few Trees. _May_ I?"
"Going To Build?"
"Don't Ask Me. It Is For Myself."
"That Is Enough. Cut Down Every Stick On The Estate If You Like. The
Barer It Leaves Us The Better."
"Ah, Charles, You Promised Me Not. I Shall Cut With Great Discretion, I
Assure You."
"As You Please," Said Sir Charles. "If You Want To Make Me Happy, Deny
Yourself Nothing. Mind, I Shall Be Angry If You Do."
Soon After This A Gaping Quidnunc Came To Sir Charles And Told Him
Lady Bassett Was Felling Trees In North Wood.
"And Pray Who Has A Better Right To Fell Trees In Any Wood Of Mine?"
"But She Is Building A Wall."
"And Who Has A Better Right To Build A Wall?"
With The Delicacy Of A Gentleman He Would Not Go Near The Place After
This Till She Asked Him; And That Was Not Long, She Came Into His
Study, All Beaming, And Invited Him To A Ride. She Took Him Into North
Wood, And Showed Him Her Work. Richard Bassett's Plantation, Hitherto
Divided From North Wood Only By A Boundary Scarcely Visible, Was Now
Shut Off By A Brick Wall: On Sir Charles's Side Of That Wall Every
Stick Of Timber Was Felled And Removed For A Distance Of Fifty Yards,
And About Twenty Yards From The Wall A Belt Of Larches Was Planted, A
Little Higher Than Cabbages.
Sir Charles Looked Amazed At First, But Soon Observed How Thoroughly
His Enemy Was Defeated. "My Poor Bella," Said He, "To Think Of Your
Taking All This Trouble About Such A Thing!" He Stopped To Kiss Her
Very Tenderly, And She Shone With Joy And Innocent Pride. "And I Never
Thought Of This! You Astonish Me, Bella."
"Ay," Said She, In High Spirits Now; "And, What Is More, I Have
Astonished Mr. Moss. He Said, 'I Wish I Had Your Head-Piece, My Lady.'
I Could Have Told Him Love Sharpens A Woman's Wits; But I Reserved That
Little Adage For You."
"It's All Mighty Fine, Fair Lady, But You Have Told Me A Fib. You Said
It Was To Be All For Yourself, And Got A Hundred Pounds Out Of Me."
"And So It Was For Myself, You Silly Thing. Are You Not Myself? And The
Part Of Myself I Love The Best?" And Her Supple Wrist Was Round His
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 72
Neck In A Moment.
They Rode Home Together, Like Lovers, And Comforted Each Other.
Richard Bassett, With Wheeler's Assistance, Had Borrowed Money On
Highmore To Buy "Splatchett's"; He Now Borrowed Money On
"Splatchett's," And Bought Dean's Wood--A Wood, With Patches Of Grass,
That Lay On The East Of Sir Charles's Boundary. He Gave Seventeen
Hundred Pounds For It, And Sold Two Thousand Pounds' Worth Of Timber
Off It The First Year. This Sounds Incredible; But, Owing To The Custom
Of Felling Only Ripe Trees, Landed Proprietors Had No Sure Clew To The
Value Of All The Timber On An Acre. Richard Bassett Had Found This Out,
And Bought Dean's Wood Upon The Above Terms--_I.E.,_ The Vender Gave
Him The Soil And Three Hundred Pounds Gratis. He Grubbed The Roots And
Sold Them For Fuel, And Planted Larches To Catch The Overflow Of Sir
Charles's Game. The Grass Grew Beautifully, Now The Trees Were Down,
And He Let It For Pasture.
He Then, Still Under Wheeler's Advice, Came Out Into The World Again,
Improved His Dress, And Called On Several County Families, With A View
To Marrying Money.
Now In The Country They Do Not Despise A Poor Gentleman Of Good
Lineage, And Bassett Was One Of The Oldest Names In The County; So
Every Door Was Open To Him; And, Indeed, His Late Hermit Life Had
Stimulated Some Curiosity. This He Soon Turned To Sympathy, By Telling
Them That He Was Proud But Poor. Robbed Of The Vast Estates That
Belonged To Him By Birth, He Had Been Unwilling To Take A Lower
Position. However, Heaven Had Prospered Him; The Wrongful Heir Was
Childless; He Was The Heir At Law, And Felt He Owed It To The Estate,
Which Must Return To His Line, To Assume A Little More Public
Importance Than He Had Done.
Wherever He Was Received He Was Sure To Enlarge Upon His Wrongs; And He
Was Believed; For He Was Notoriously The Direct Heir To Bassett And
Huntercombe, But The Family Arrangement By Which His Father Had Been
Bought Out Was Known Only To A Few. He Readily Obtained Sympathy, And
Many Persons Were Disgusted At Sir Charles's Illiberality In Not Making
Him Some Compensation. To Use The Homely Expression Of Govett, A Small
Proprietor, The Baronet Might As Well Have Given Him Back One Pig Out
Of His Own Farrow--_I.E.,_ One Of The Many Farms Comprised In That
Large Estate.
Sir Charles Learned That Richard Was Undermining Him In The County, But
Was Too Proud To Interfere; He Told Lady Bassett He Should Say Nothing
Until Some _Gentleman_ Should Indorse Mr. Bassett's Falsehoods.
One Day Sir Charles And Lady Bassett Were Invited To Dine And Sleep At
Mr. Hardwicke's, Distance Fifteen Miles; They Went, And Found Richard
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 73
Bassett Dining There, By Mrs. Hardwicke's Invitation, Who Was One Of
Those Ninnies That Fling Guests Together With No Discrimination.
Richard Had Expected This To Happen Sooner Or Later, So He Was
Comparatively Prepared, And Bowed Stiffly To Sir Charles. Sir Charles
Stared At Him In Return. This Was Observed. People Were Uncomfortable,
Especially Mrs. Hardwicke, Whose Thoughtlessness Was To Blame For It
At A Very Early Hour Sir Charles Ordered His Carriage, And Drove Home,
Instead Of Staying All Night.
Mrs. Hardwicke, Being A Fool, Must Make A Little More Mischief. She
Blubbered To Her Husband, And He Wrote Sir Charles A Remonstrance.
Sir Charles Replied That He Was The Only Person Aggrieved; Mr.
Hardwicke Ought Not To Have Invited A Blackguard To Meet _Him._
Mr. Hardwicke Replied That He Had Never Heard A Bassett Called A
Blackguard Before, And Had Seen Nothing In Mr. Bassett To Justify An
Epithet So Unusual Among Gentlemen. "And, To Be Frank With You, Sir
Charles," Said He, "I Think This Bitterness Against A Poor Gentleman,
Whose Estates You Are So Fortunate As To Possess, Is Not Consistent
With Your General Character, And Is, Indeed, Unworthy Of You."
To This Sir Charles Bassett Replied:
"Dear Mr. Hardwick--You Have Applied Some Remarks To Me Which I Will
Endeavor To Forget, As They Were Written In Entire Ignorance Of The
Truth. But If We Are To Remain Friends, I Expect You To Believe Me When
I Tell You That Mr. Richard Bassett Has Never Been Wronged By Me Or
Mine, But Has Wronged Me And Lady Bassett Deeply. He Is A Dishonorable
Scoundrel, Not Entitled To Be Received In Society; And If, After This
Assurance, You Receive Him, I Shall Never Darken Your Doors Again. So
Please Let Me Know Your Decision.
"I Remain
"Yours Truly,
"Charles Dyke Bassett."
Mr. Hardwicke Chafed Under This; But Prudence Stepped In. He Was One Of
The County Members, And Sir Charles Could Command Three Hundred Votes.
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 74
He Wrote Back To Say He Had Received Sir Charles's Letter With Pain,
But, Of Course, He Could Not Disbelieve Him, And Therefore He Should
Invite Mr. Bassett No More Till The Matter Was Cleared.
But Mr. Hardwicke, Thus Brought To Book, Was Nettled At His Own
Meanness; So He Sent Sir Charles's Letter To Mr. Richard Bassett.
Bassett Foamed With Rage, And Wrote A Long Letter, Raving With Insults,
To Sir Charles.
He Was In The Act Of Directing It When Wheeler Called On Him. Bassett
Showed Him Sir Charles's Letter. Wheeler Read It.
"Now Read What I Say To Him In Reply."
Wheeler Read Bassett's Letter, Threw It Into The Fire, And Kept It
There With The Poker.
"Lucky I Called," Said He, Dryly. "Saved You A Thousand Pounds Or So.
You Must Not Write A Letter Without Me."
"What, Am I To Sit Still And Be Insulted? You're A Pretty Friend."
"I Am A Wise Friend. This Is A More Serious Matter Than You Seem To
"Of Course. Why, If Sir Charles Had Consulted _Me,_ I Could Not Have
Dictated A Better Letter. It Closes Every Chink A Defendant In Libel
Can Creep Out By. Now Take Your Pen And Write To Mr. Hardwicke."
"Dear Sir--I Have Received Your Letter, Containing A Libel Written By
Sir Charles Bassett. My Reply Will Be Public.
"Yours Very Truly,
"Richard Bassett."
"Is That All?"
"Every Syllable. Now Mind; You Never Go To Hardwicke House Again; Sir
Charles Has Got You Banished From That House; Special Damage! There
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 75
Never Was A Prettier Case For A Jury--The Rightful Heir Foully
Slandered By The Possessor Of His Hereditary Estates."
This Picture Excited Bassett, And He Walked About Raving With Malice,
And Longing For The Time When He Should Stand In The Witness-Box And
Denounce His Enemy.
"No, No," Said Wheeler, "Leave That To Counsel; You Must Play The Mild
Victim In The Witness-Box. Who Is The Defendant Solicitor? We Ought To
Serve The Writ On Him At Once."
"No, No; Serve It On Himself."
"What For? Much Better Proceed Like Gentlemen."
Bassett Got In A Passion At Being Contradicted In Everything. "I Tell
You," Said He, "The More I Can Irritate And Exasperate This Villain The
Better. Besides, He Slandered Me Behind My Back; And I'll Have The Writ
Served Upon Himself. I'll Do Everything I Can To Take Him Down. If A
Man Wants To Be My Lawyer He Must Enter Into My Feelings A Little."
Wheeler, To Whom He Was More Valuable Than Ever Now, Consented Somewhat
Reluctantly, And Called At Huntercombe Hall Next Day With The Writ, And
Sent In His Card.
Lady Bassett Heard Of This, And Asked If It Was Mr. Bassett's Friend.
The Butler Said He Thought It Was.
Lady Bassett Went To Sir Charles In His Study. "Oh, My Dear," Said She,
"Here Is Mr. Bassett's Lawyer."
"Why Does He Come Here?"
"I Don't Know."
"Don't See Him."
"Why Not?"
"I Am So Afraid Of Mr. Bassett. He Is Our Evil Genius. Let Me See This
Person Instead Of You. _May_ I?"
"Certainly Not."
"Might I See Him _First,_ Love?"
"You Will Not See Him At All."
"No, Bella; I Cannot Have These Animals Talking To My Wife."
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 76
"But, Dear Love, I Am So Full Of Forebodings. You Know, Charles, I
Don't Often Presume To Meddle; But I Am In Torture About This Man. If
You Receive Him, May I Be With You? Then We Shall Be Two To One."
"No, No," Said Sir Charles, Testily. Then, Seeing Her Beautiful Eyes
Fill At The Refusal And The Unusual Tone, He Relented. "You May Be In
Hearing If You Like. Open That Door, And Sit In The Little Room."
"Oh, Thank You!"
She Stepped Into The Room--A Very Small Sitting-Room. She Had Never
Been In It Before, And While She Was Examining It, And Thinking How She
Could Improve Its Appearance, Mr. Wheeler Was Shown Into The Study. Sir
Charles Received Him Standing, To Intimate That The Interview Must Be
Brief. This, And The Time He Had Been Kept Waiting In The Hall, Roused
Wheeler's Bile, And He Entered On His Subject More Bruskly Than He Had
"Sir Charles Bassett, You Wrote A Letter To Mr. Hardwicke, Reflecting
On My Client, Mr. Bassett--A Most Unjustifiable Letter."
"Keep Your Opinion To Yourself, Sir. I Wrote A Letter, Calling Him What
He Is."
"No, Sir; That Letter Is A Libel."
"It Is The Truth."
"It Is A Malicious Libel, Sir; And We Shall Punish You For It. I Hereby
Serve You With This Copy Of A Writ. Damages, Five Thousand Pounds."
A Sigh From The Next Room Passed Unnoticed By The Men, For Their Voices
Were Now Raised In Anger.
"And So That Is What You Came Here For. Why Did You Not Go To My
Solicitor? You Must Be As Great A Blackguard As Your Client, To Serve
Your Paltry Writs On Me In My Own House."
"Not Blackguard Enough To Insult A Gentleman In My Own House. If You
Had Been Civil I Might Have Accommodated Matters; But Now I'll Make You
Nothing Provokes A High-Spirited Man More Than A Menace. Sir Charles,
Threatened In His Wife's Hearing, Shot Out His Right Arm With
Surprising Force And Rapidity, And Knocked Wheeler Down In A Moment.
In Came Lady Bassett, With A Scream, And Saw The Attorney Lying Doubled
Up, And Sir Charles Standing Over Him, Blowing Like A Grampus With Rage
And Excitement.
But The Next Moment Be Staggered And Gasped, And She Had To Support Him
To A Seat. She Rang The Bell For Aid, Then Kneeled, And Took His
Throbbing Temples To Her Wifely Bosom.
Part 3 Chapter 9 Pg 77
Wheeler Picked Himself Up, And, Seated On His Hams, Eyed The Pair With
Concentrated Fury.
"Aha! You Have Hurt Yourself More Than Me. Two Suits Against You Now
Instead Of One."
"Conduct This Person From The House," Said Lady Bassett To A Servant
Who Entered At That Moment.
"All Right, My Lady," Said Wheeler; "I'll Remind You Of That Word When
This House Belongs To Us."
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 78
With This Bitter Reply Wheeler Retired Precipitately; The Shaft Pierced
But One Bosom; For The Devoted Wife, With The Swift Ingenuity Of
Woman's Love, Had Put Both Her Hands Right Over Her Husband's Ears That
He Might Hear No More Insults.
Sir Charles Very Nearly Had A Fit; But His Wife Loosened His Neckcloth,
Caressed His Throbbing Head, And Applied Eau-De-Cologne To His
Nostrils. He Got Better, But Felt Dizzy For About An Hour. She Made Him
Come Into Her Room And Lie Down; She Hung Over Him, Curling As A Vine
And Light As A Bird, And Her Kisses Lit Softly As Down Upon His Eyes,
And Her Words Of Love And Pity Murmured Music In His Ears Till He
Slept, And That Danger Passed.
For A Day Or Two After This Both Sir Charles And Lady Bassett Avoided
The Unpleasant Subject. But It Had To Be Faced; So Mr. Oldfield Was
Summoned To Huntercombe, And All Engagements Given Up For The Day, That
He Might Dine Alone With Them And Talk The Matter Over.
Sir Charles Thought He Could Justify; But When It Came To The Point He
Could Only Prove That Richard Had Done Several Ungentleman-Like Things
Of A Nature A Stout Jury Would Consider Trifles.
Mr. Oldfield Said Of Course They Must Enter An Appearance; And, This
Done, The Wisest Course Would Be To Let Him See Wheeler, And Try To
Compromise The Suit. "It Will Cost You A Thousand Pounds, Sir Charles,
I Dare Say; But If It Teaches You Never To Write Of An Enemy Or To An
Enemy Without Showing Your Lawyer The Letter First, The Lesson Will Be
Cheap. Somebody In The Bible Says, 'Oh, That Mine Enemy Would Write A
Book!' I Say, 'Oh, That He Would Write A Letter--Without Consulting His
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 79
It Was Lady Bassett's Cue Now To Make Light Of Troubles. "What Does It
Matter, Mr. Oldfield? All They Want Is Money. Yes, Offer Them A
Thousand Pounds To Leave Him In Peace."
So Next Day Mr. Oldfield Called On Wheeler, All Smiles And Civility,
And Asked Him If He Did Not Think It A Pity Cousins Should Quarrel
Before The Whole County.
"A Great Pity," Said Wheeler. "But My Client Has No Alternative. No
Gentleman In The County Would Speak To Him If He Sat Quiet Under Such
After Beating About The Bush The Usual Time, Oldfield Said That Sir
Charles Was Hungry For Litigation, But That Lady Bassett Was Averse To
It. "In Short, Mr. Wheeler, I Will Try And Get Mr. Bassett A Thousand
Pounds To Forego This Scandal."
"I Will Consult Him, And Let You Know," Said Wheeler. "He Happens To Be
In The Town."
Oldfield Called Again In An Hour. Wheeler Told Him A Thousand Pounds
Would Be Accepted, With A Written Apology.
Oldfield Shook His Head. "Sir Charles Will Never Write An Apology:
Right Or Wrong, He Is Too Sincere In His Conviction."
"He Will Never Get A Jury To Share It."
"You Must Not Be Too Sure Of That. You Don't Know The Defense."
Oldfield Said This With A Gravity Which Did Him Credit.
"Do You Know It Yourself?" Said The Other Keen Hand.
Mr. Oldfield Smiled Haughtily, But Said Nothing. Wheeler Had Hit The
"By The By," Said The Latter, "There Is Another Little Matter. Sir
Charles Assaulted Me For Doing My Duty To My Client. I Mean To Sue Him.
Here Is The Writ; Will You Accept Service?"
"Oh, Certainly, Mr. Wheeler And I Am Glad To Find You Do Not Make A
Habit Of Serving Writs On Gentlemen In Person."
"Of Course Not. I Did It On A Single Occasion, Contrary To My Own Wish,
And Went In Person--To Soften The Blow--Instead Of Sending My Clerk."
After This Little Spar, The Two Artists In Law Bade Each Other Farewell
With Every Demonstration Of Civility.
Sir Charles Would Not Apologize.
The Plaintiff Filed His Declaration.
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 80
The Defendant Pleaded Not Guilty, But Did Not Disclose A Defense. The
Law Allows A Defendant In Libel This Advantage.
Plaintiff Joined Issue, And The Trial Was Set Down For The Next
Sir Charles Was Irritated, But Nothing More. Lady Bassett, With A
Woman's Natural Shrinking From Publicity, Felt It More Deeply. She
Would Have Given Thousands Of Her Own Money To Keep The Matter Out Of
Court. But Her Very Terror Of Richard Bassett Restrained Her. She Was
Always Thinking About Him, And Had Convinced Herself He Was The Ablest
Villain In The Wide World; And She Thought To Herself, "If, With His
Small Means, He Annoys Charles So, What Would He Do If I Were To Enrich
Him? He Would Crush Us."
As The Trial Drew Near She Began To Hover About Sir Charles In His
Study, Like An Anxious Hen. The Maternal Yearnings Were Awakened In Her
By Marriage, And She Had No Child; So Her Charles In Trouble Was
Husband And Child.
Sometimes She Would Come In And Just Kiss His Forehead, And Run Out
Again, Casting Back A Celestial Look Of Love At The Door, And, Though
It Was Her Husband She Had Kissed, She Blushed Divinely. At Last One
Day She Crept In And Said, Very Timidly, "Charles Dear, The Anonymous
Letter--Is Not That An Excuse For Libeling Him--As They Call Telling
The Truth?"
"Why, Of Course It Is. Have You Got It?"
"Dearest, The Brave Lady Took It Away."
"The Brave Lady! Who Is That?"
"Why, The Lady That Came With Mr. Oldfield And Pleaded Your Cause With
Papa--Oh, So Eloquently! Sometimes When I Think Of It Now I Feel Almost
Jealous. Who Is She?"
"From What You Have Always Told Me, I Think It Was The Sister Of
Charity Who Nursed Me."
"You Silly Thing, She Was No Sister Of Charity; That Was Only Put On.
Charles, Tell Me The Truth. What Does It Matter _Now?_ It Was Some Lady
Who Loved You."
"Loved Me, And Set Her Wits To Work To Marry Me To You?"
"Women's Love Is So Disinterested--Sometimes."
"No, No; She Told Me She Was A Sister Of--, And No Doubt That Is The
"A Sister Of Whom?"
"No Matter: Don't Remind Me Of The Past; It Is Odious To Me; And, On
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 81
Second Thoughts, Rather Than Stir Up All That Mud, It Would Be Better
Not To Use The Anonymous Letter, Even If You Could Get It Again."
Lady Bassett Begged Him To Take Advice On That; Meantime She Would Try
To Get The Letter, And Also The Evidence That Richard Bassett Wrote It.
"I See No Harm In That," Said Sir Charles; "Only Confine Your
Communication To Mr. Oldfield. I Will Not Have You Speaking Or Writing
To A Woman I Don't Know: And The More I Think Of Her Conduct The Less I
Understand It."
"There Are People Who Do Good By Stealth," Suggested Bella Timidly.
"Fiddledeedee!" Replied Sir Charles; "You Are A Goose--I Mean An
Lady Bassett Complied With The Letter, But, Goose Or Not, Evaded The
Spirit Of Sir Charles's Command With Considerable Dexterity.
"Dear Mr. Oldfield--You May Guess What Trouble I Am In. Sir Charles
Will Soon Have To Appear In Open Court, And Be Talked Against By Some
Great Orator. That Anonymous Letter Mr. Bassett Wrote Me Was Very Base,
And Is Surely Some Justification Of The Violent Epithets My Dear
Husband, In An Unhappy Moment Of Irritation, Has Applied To Him. The
Brave Lady Has It. I Am Sure She Will Not Refuse To Send It Me. I Wish
I Dare Ask Her To Give It Me With Her Own Hand; But I Must Not, I
Suppose. Pray Tell Her How Unhappy I Am, And Perhaps She Will Favor Us
With A Word Of Advice As Well As The Letter.
"I Remain, Yours Faithfully,
"Bella Bassett."
This Letter Was Written At The Brave Lady; And Mr. Oldfield Did What
Was Expected, He Sent Miss Somerset A Copy Of Lady Bassett's Letter,
And Some Lines In His Own Hand, Describing Sir Charles's Difficulty In
A More Businesslike Way.
In Due Course Miss Somerset Wrote Him Back That She Was In The Country,
Hunting, At No Very Great Distance From Huntercombe Hall; She Would
Sent Up To Town For Her Desk; The Letter Would Be There, If She Had
Kept It At All.
Oldfield Groaned At This Cool Conjecture, And Wrote Back Directly,
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 82
Urging Expedition.
This Produced An Effect That He Had Not Anticipated.
One Morning Lord Harrowdale's Foxhounds Met At A Large Covert, About
Five Miles From Huntercombe, And Sir Charles Told Lady Bassett She Must
Ride To Cover.
"Yes, Dear. Charles, Love, I Have No Spirit To Appear In Public. We
Shall Soon Have Publicity Enough."
"That Is My Reason. I Have Not Done Nor Said Anything I Am Ashamed Of,
And You Will Meet The County On This And On Every Public Occasion."
"I Obey," Said Bella.
"And Look Your Best."
"I Will, Dearest."
"And Be In Good Spirits."
"Must I?"
"I Will Try. Oh!--Oh!--Oh!"
"Why, You Poor-Spirited Little Goose! Dry Your Eyes This Moment."
"There. Oh!"
"And Kiss Me."
"There. Ah! Kissing You Is A Great Comfort."
"It Is One You Are Particularly Welcome To. Now Run Away And Put On
Your Habit. I'll Have Two Grooms Out; One With A Fresh Horse For Me,
And One To Look After You."
"Oh, Charles! Pray Don't Make Me Hunt."
"No, No. Not So Tyrannical As That; Hang It All!"
"Do You Know What I Do While You Are Hunting? I Pray All The Time That
You May Not Get A Fall And Be Hurt; And I Pray God To Forgive You And
All The Gentlemen For Your Cruelty In Galloping With All Those Dogs
After One Poor Little Inoffensive Thing, To Hunt It And Kill It--Kill
It Twice, Indeed; Once With Terror, And Then Over Again With Mangling
Its Poor Little Body."
"This Is Cheerful," Said Sir Charles, Rather Ruefully. "We Cannot All
Be Angels, Like You. It Is A Glorious Excitement. There! You Are Too
Good For This World; I'll Let You Off Going."
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 83
"Oh No, Dear. I Won't Be Let Off, Now I Know Your Wish. Only I Beg To
Ride Home As Soon As The Poor Thing Runs Away. You Wouldn't Get Me Out
Of The Thick Covers If I Were A Fox. I'd Run Round And Round, And Call
On All My Acquaintances To Set Them Running."
As She Said This Her Eyes Turned Toward Each Other In A Peculiar Way,
And She Looked Extremely Foxy; But The Look Melted Away Directly.
The Hounds Met, And Lady Bassett, Who Was Still The Beauty Of The
County, Was Surrounded By Riders At First; But As The Hounds Began To
Work, And Every Now And Then A Young Hound Uttered A Note, They
Cantered About, And Took Up Different Posts, As Experience Suggested.
At Last A Fox Was Found At The Other End Of The Cover, And Away
Galloped The Hunters In That Direction, All But Four Persons, Lady
Bassett, And Her Groom, Who Kept Respectfully Aloof, And A Lady And
Gentleman Who Had Reined Their Horses Up On A Rising Ground About A
Furlong Distant.
Lady Bassett, Thus Left Alone, Happened To Look Round, And Saw The Lady
Level An Opera-Glass Toward Her And Look Through It.
As A Result Of This Inspection The Lady Cantered Toward Her. She Was On
A Chestnut Gelding Of Great Height And Bone, And Rode Him As If They
Were One, So Smoothly Did She Move In Concert With His Easy,
Magnificent Strides.
When She Came Near Lady Bassett She Made A Little Sweep And Drew Up
Beside Her On The Grass.
There Was No Mistaking That Tall Figure And Commanding Face. It Was The
Brave Lady. Her Eyes Sparkled; Her Cheek Was Slightly Colored With
Excitement; She Looked Healthier And Handsomer Than Ever, And Also More
Feminine, For A Reason The Sagacious Reader May Perhaps Discern If He
Attends To The Dialogue.
_"So,"_ Said She, Without Bowing Or Any Other Ceremony, "That Little
Rascal Is Troubling You Again."
Lady Bassett Colored And Panted, And Looked Lovingly At Her, Before She
Could Speak. At Last She Said, "Yes; And You Have Come To Help Us
"Well, The Lawyer Said There Was No Time To Lose; So I Have Brought You
The Anonymous Letter."
"Oh, Thank You, Madam, Thank You."
"But I'm Afraid It Will Be Of No Use Unless You Can Prove Mr. Bassett
Wrote It. It Is In A Disguised Hand."
"But You Found Him Out By Means Of Another Letter."
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 84
"Yes; But I Can't Give You That Other Letter To Have It Read In A Court
Of Law, Because--Do You See That Gentleman There?"
"That Is Marsh."
"Oh, Is It?"
"He Is A Fool; But I Am Going To Marry Him. I Have Been Very Ill Since
I Saw You, And Poor Marsh Nursed Me. Talk Of Women Nurses! If Ever You
Are Ill In Earnest, As I Was, Write To Me, And I'll Send You Marsh. Oh,
I Have No Words To Tell You His Patience, His Forbearance, His
Watchfulness, His Tenderness To A Sick Woman. It Is No Use--I Must
Marry Him; And I Could Have No Letter Published That Would Give Him
"Of Course Not. Oh, Madam, Do You Think I Am Capable Of Doing Anything
That Would Give You Pain, Or Dear Mr. Marsh Either?"
"No, No; You Are A Good Woman."
"Not Half So Good As You Are."
"You Don't Know What You Are Saying."
"Oh Yes, I Do."
"Then I Say No More; It Is Rude To Contradict. Good-By, Lady Bassett."
"Must You Leave Me So Soon? Will You Not Visit Us? May I Not Know The
Name Of So Good A Friend?"
"Next Week I Shall Be _Mrs. Marsh."_
"And You Will Give Me The Great Pleasure Of Having You At My House--You
And Your Husband?"
The Lady Showed Some Agitation At This--An Unusual Thing For Her. She
Faltered: "Some Day, Perhaps, If I Make Him As Good A Wife As I Hope
To. What A Lady You Are! Vulgar People Are Ashamed To Be Grateful; But
You Are A Born Lady. Good-By, Before I Make A Fool Of Myself; And They
Are All Coming This Way, By The Dogs' Music."
"Won't You Kiss Me, After Bringing Me This?"
"Kiss You?" And She Opened Her Eyes.
"If You Please," Said Lady Bassett, Bending Toward Her, With Eyes Full
Of Gratitude And Tenderness.
Then The Other Woman Took Her By The Shoulders, And Plunged Her Great
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 85
Gray Orbs Into Bella's.
They Kissed Each Other.
At That Contact The Stranger Seemed To Change Her Character All In A
Moment. She Strained Bella To Her Bosom And Kissed Her Passionately,
And Sobbed Out, Wildly, "O God! You Are Good To Sinners. This Is The
Happiest Hour Of My Life--It Is A Forerunner. Bless You, Sweet Dove Of
Innocence! You Will Be None The Worse, And I Am All The Better--Ah!
Sir Charles. Not One Word About Me To Him."
And With These Words, Uttered With Sudden Energy, She Spurred Her Great
Horse, Leaped The Ditch, And Burst Through The Dead Hedge Into The
Wood, And Winded Out Of Sight Among The Trees.
Sir Charles Came Up Astonished. "Why, Who Was That?"
Bella's Eyes Began To Rove, As I Have Before Described; But She Replied
Pretty Promptly, "The Brave Lady Herself; She Brought Me The Anonymous
Letter For Your Defense."
"Why, How Came She To Know About It?"
"She Did Not Tell Me That. She Was In A Great Hurry. Her Fiance Was
Waiting For Her."
"Was It Necessary To Kiss Her In The Hunting-Field?" Said Sir Charles,
With Something Very Like A Frown.
"I'd Kiss The Whole Field, Grooms And All, If They Did You A Great
Service, As That Dear Lady Has," Said Bella. The Words Were Brave, But
The Accent Piteous.
"You Are Excited, Bella. You Had Better Ride Home," Said Sir Charles,
Gently Enough, But Moodily.
"Thank You, Charles," Said Bella, Glad To Escape Further Examination
About This Mysterious Lady. She Rode Home Accordingly. There She Found
Mr. Oldfield, And Showed Him The Anonymous Letter.
He Read It, And Said It Was A Defense, But A Disagreeable One. "Suppose
He Says He Wrote It, And The Facts Were True?"
"But I Don't Think He Will Confess It. He Is Not A Gentleman. He Is
Very Untruthful. Can We Not Make This A Trap To Catch Him, Sir? _He_
Has No Scruples."
Oldfield Looked At Her In Some Surprise At Her Depth.
"We Must Get Hold Of His Handwriting," Said He. "We Must Ransack The
Local Banks; Find His Correspondents."
"Leave All That To Me," Said Lady Bassett, In A Low Voice.
Part 3 Chapter 10 Pg 86
Mr. Oldfield Thought He Might As Well Please A Beautiful And Loving
Woman, If He Could; So He Gave Her Something To Do For Her Husband.
"Very Well; Collect All The Materials Of Comparison You Can--Letters,
Receipts, Etc. Meantime I Will Retain The Two Principal Experts In
London, And We Will Submit Your Materials To Them The Night Before The
Lady Bassett, Thus Instructed, Drove To All The Banks, But Found No
Clerk Acquainted With Mr. Bassett's Handwriting. He Did Not Bank With
Anybody In The County.
She Called On Several Persons She Thought Likely To Possess Letters Or
Other Writings Of Richard Bassett. Not A Scrap.
Then She Began To Fear. The Case Looked Desperate.
Then She Began To Think. And She Thought Very Hard Indeed, Especially
At Night.
In The Dead Of Night She Had An Idea. She Got Up, And Stole From Her
Husband's Side, And Studied The Anonymous Letter.
Next Day She Sat Down With The Anonymous Letter On Her Desk, And
Blushed, And Trembled, And Looked About Like Some Wild Animal Scared.
She Selected From The Anonymous Letter Several Words--"Character,
Abused, Sir, Charles, Bassett, Lady, Abandoned, Friend, Whether, Ten,
Slanderer" Etc.--And Wrote Them On A Slip Of Paper. Then She Locked Up
The Anonymous Letter. Then She Locked The Door. Then She Sat Down To A
Sheet Of Paper, And, After Some More Wild And Furtive Glances All
Around, She Gave Her Whole Mind To Writing A Letter.
And To Whom Did She Write, Think You?
To Richard Bassett.
Part 3 Chapter 11 Pg 87
"Mr. Bassett--I Am Sure Both Yourself And My Husband Will Suffer In
Public Estimation, Unless Some Friend Comes Between You, And This
Unhappy Lawsuit Is Given Up.
"Do Not Think Me Blind Nor Presumptuous; Sir Charles, When He Wrote
That Letter, Had Reason To Believe You Had Done Him A Deep Injury By
Unfair Means. Many Will Share That Opinion If This Cause Is Tried. You
Are His Cousin, And His Heir At Law. I Dread To See An Unhappy Feud
Part 3 Chapter 11 Pg 88
Inflamed By A Public Trial. Is There No Personal Sacrifice By Which I
Can Compensate The Affront You Have Received, Without Compromising Sir
Charles Bassett's Veracity, Who Is The Soul Of Honor?
"I Am, Yours Obediently,
"Bella Bassett."
She Posted This Letter, And Richard Bassett Had No Sooner Received It
Than He Mounted His Horse And Rode To Wheeler's With It.
That Worthy's Eyes Sparkled. "Capital!" Said He. "We Must Draw Her On,
And Write An Answer That Will Read Well In Court."
He Concocted An Epistle Just The Opposite Of What Richard Bassett, Left
To Himself, Would Have Written. Bassett Copied, And Sent It As His Own.
"Lady Bassett--I Thank You For Writing To Me At This Moment, When I Am
Weighed Down By Slander. Your Own Character Stands So High That You
Would Not Deign To Write To Me If You Believed The Abuse That Has Been
Lavished On Me. With You I Deplore This Family Feud. It Is Not Of My
Seeking; And As For This Lawsuit, It Is One In Which The Plaintiff Is
Really The Defendant. Sir Charles Has Written A Defamatory Letter,
Which Has Closed Every House In This County To His Victim. If, As I Now
Feel Sure, You Disapprove The Libel, Pray Persuade Him To Retract It.
The Rest Our Lawyers Can Settle,
"Yours Very Respectfully,
"Richard Bassett."
When Lady Bassett Read This, She Saw She Had An Adroit Opponent. Yet
She Wrote Again:
Part 3 Chapter 11 Pg 89
"Mr. Bassett--There Are Limits To My Influence With Sir Charles. I Have
No Power To Make Him Say One Word Against His Convictions.
"But My Lawyer Tells Me You Seek Pecuniary Compensation For An Affront.
I Offer You, Out Of My Own Means, Which Are Ample, That Which You
Seek--Offer It Freely And Heartily; And I Honestly Think You Had Better
Receive It From Me Than Expose Yourself To The Risks And Mortifications
Of A Public Trial.
"I Am, Yours Obediently,
"Bella Bassett."
"Lady Bassett--You Have Fallen Into A Very Natural Error. It Is True I
Sue Sir Charles Bassett For Money; But That Is Only Because The Law
Allows Me My Remedy In No Other Form. What Really Brings Me Into Court
Is The Defense Of My Injured Honor. How Do You Meet Me? You Say,
Virtually, 'Never Mind Your Character: Here Is Money.' Permit Me To
Decline It On Such Terms.
"A Public Insult Cannot Be Cured In Private.
"Strong In My Innocence, And My Wrongs, I Court What You Call The Risks
Of A Public Trial.
"Whatever The Result, _You_ Have Played The Honorable And Womanly Part
Of Peacemaker; And It Is Unfortunate For Your Husband That Your Gentle
Influence Is Limited By His Vanity, Which Perseveres In A Cruel
Slander, Instead Of Retracting It While There Is Yet Time.
"I Am, Madam, Yours Obediently,
"Richard Bassett."
"Mr. Bassett--I Retire From A Correspondence Which Appears To Be
Useless, And Might, If Prolonged, Draw Some Bitter Remark From Me, As
It Has From You.
"After The Trial, Which You Court And I Deprecate, You Will Perhaps
Review My Letters With A More Friendly Eye.
"I Am, Yours Obediently,
"Bella Bassett."
Part 3 Chapter 11 Pg 90
In This Fencing-Match Between A Lawyer And A Lady Each Gained An
Advantage. The Lawyer's Letters, As Might Have Been Expected, Were The
Best Adapted To Be Read To A Jury; But The Lady, Subtler In Her Way,
Obtained, At A Small Sacrifice, What She Wanted, And That Without
Raising The Slightest Suspicion Of Her True Motive In The
She Announced Her Success To Mr. Oldfield; But, In The Midst Of It, She
Quaked With Terror At The Thought Of What Sir Charles Would Say To Her
For Writing To Mr. Bassett At All.
She Now, With The Changeableness Of Her Sex, Hoped And Prayed Mr.
Bassett Would Admit The Anonymous Letter, And So All Her Subtlety And
Pains Prove Superfluous.
Quaking Secretly, But With A Lovely Face And Serene Front, She Took Her
Place At The Assizes, Before The Judge, And Got As Near Him As She
The Court Was Crowded, And Many Ladies Present.
_Bassett V. Bassett_ Was Called In A Loud Voice; There Was A Hum Of
Excitement, Then A Silence Of Expectation, And The Plaintiff's Counsel
Rose To Address The Jury.
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 91
"May It Please Your Lordship: Gentlemen Of The Jury--The Plaintiff In
This Case Is Richard Bassett, Esquire, The Direct And Lineal
Representative Of That Old And Honorable Family, Whose Monuments Are To
Be Seen In Several Churches In This County, And Whose Estates Are The
Largest, I Believe, In The County. He Would Have Succeeded, As A Matter
Of Course, To Those Estates, But For An Arrangement Made Only A Year
Before He Was Born, By Which, Contrary To Nature And Justice, He Was
Denuded Of Those Estates, And They Passed To The Defendant. The
Defendant Is Nowise To Blame For That Piece Of Injustice; But He
Profits By It, And It Might Be Expected That His Good Fortune Would
Soften His Heart Toward His Unfortunate Relative. I Say That If
Uncommon Tenderness Might Be Expected To Be Shown By Anybody To This
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 92
Deserving And Unfortunate Gentleman, It Would Be By Sir Charles
Bassett, Who Enjoys His Cousin's Ancestral Estates, And Can So Well
Appreciate What That Cousin Has Lost By No Fault Of His Own."
"Hear! Hear!"
"Silence In The Court!"
_The Judge._--I Must Request That There May Be No Manifestation Of
_Counsel._--I Will Endeavor To Provoke None, My Lord. It Is A Very
Simple Case, And I Shall Not Occupy You Long. Well, Gentlemen, Mr.
Bassett Is A Poor Man, By No Fault Of His; But If He Is Poor, He Is
Proud And Honorable. He Has Met The Frowns Of Fortune Like A
Gentleman--Like A Man. He Has Not Solicited Government For A Place. He
Has Not Whined Nor Lamented. He Has Dignified Unmerited Poverty By
Prudence And Self-Denial; And, Unable To Forget That He Is A Bassett,
He Has Put By A Little Money Every Year, And Bought A Small Estate Or
Two, And Had Even Applied To The Lord-Lieutenant To Make Him A Justice
Of The Peace, When A Most Severe And Unexpected Blow Fell Upon Him.
Among Those Large Proprietors Who Respected Him In Spite Of His Humbler
Circumstances Was Mr. Hardwicke, One Of The County Members. Well,
Gentlemen, On The 21st Of Last May Mr. Bassett Received A Letter From
Mr. Hardwicke Inclosing One Purporting To Be From Sir Charles Bassett--
_The Judge._--Does Sir Charles Bassett Admit The Letter?
_Defendant's Counsel_ (After A Word With Oldfield).--Yes, My Lord.
_Plaintiff's Counsel._--A Letter Admitted To Be Written By Sir Charles
Bassett. That Letter Shall Be Read To You.
The Letter Was Then Read.
The Counsel Resumed: "Conceive, If You Can, The Effect Of This Blow,
Just As My Unhappy And Most Deserving Client Was Rising A Little In The
World. I Shall Prove That It Excluded Him From Mr. Hardwicke's House,
And Other Houses Too. He Is A Man Of Too Much Importance To Risk
Affronts. He Has Never Entered The Door Of Any Gentleman In This County
Since His Powerful Relative Published This Cruel Libel. He Has Drawn
His Spartan Cloak Around Him, And He Awaits Your Verdict To Resume That
Place Among You Which Is Due To Him In Every Way--Due To Him As The
Heir In Direct Line To The Wealth, And, Above All, To The Honor Of The
Bassetts; Due To Him As Sir Charles Bassett's Heir At Law; And Due To
Him On Account Of The Decency And Fortitude With Which He Has Borne
Adversity, And With Which He Now Repels Foul-Mouthed Slander."
"Hear! Hear!"
"Silence In The Court!"
"I Have Done, Gentlemen, For The Present. Indeed, Eloquence, Even If I
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 93
Possessed It, Would Be Superfluous; The Facts Speak For
Themselves.--Call James Hardwicke, Esq."
Mr. Hardwicke Proved The Receipt Of The Letter From Sir Charles, And
That He Had Sent It To Mr. Bassett; And That Mr. Bassett Had Not
Entered His House Since Then, Nor Had He Invited Him.
Mr. Bassett Was Then Called, And, Being Duly Trained By Wheeler,
Abstained From All Heat, And Wore An Air Of Dignified Dejection. His
Counsel Examined Him, And His Replies Bore Out The Opening Statement.
Everybody Thought Him Sure Of A Verdict.
He Was Then Cross-Examined. Defendant's Counsel Pressed Him About His
Unfair Way Of Shooting. The Judge Interfered, And Said That Was
Trifling. If There Was No Substantial Defense, Why Not Settle The
"There Is A Defense, My Lord."
"Then It Is Time You Disclosed It."
"Very Well, My Lord. Mr. Bassett, Did You Ever Write An Anonymous
"Not That I Remember."
"Oh, That Appears To You A Trifle. It Is Not So Considered."
_The Judge._--Be More Particular In Your Question.
"I Will, My Lord.--Did You Ever Write An Anonymous Letter, To Make
Mischief Between Sir Charles And Lady Bassett?"
"Never," Said The Witness; But He Turned Pale.
"Do You Mean To Say You Did Not Write This Letter To Miss Bruce? Look
At The Letter, Mr. Bassett, Before You Reply."
Bassett Cast One Swift Glance Of Agony At Wheeler; Then Braced Himself
Like Iron. He Examined The Letter Attentively, Turned It Over, Lived An
Age, And Said It Was Not His Writing.
"Do You Swear That?"
_Defendant's Counsel._--I Shall Ask Your Lordship To Take Down That
Reply. If Persisted In, My Client Will Indict The Witness For Perjury.
_Plaintiff's Counsel._--Don't Threaten The Witness As Well As Insult
Him, Please.
_The Judge._--He Is An Educated Man, And Knows The Duty He Owes To God
And The Defendant.--Take Time, Mr. Bassett, And Recollect. Did You
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 94
Write That Letter?"
"No, My Lord."
Counsel Waited For The Judge To Note The Reply, Then Proceeded.
"You Have Lately Corresponded With Lady Bassett, I Think?"
"Yes. Her Ladyship Opened A Correspondence With Me."
"It Is A Lie!" Roared Sir Charles Bassett From The Door Of The Grand
Jury Room.
"Silence In The Court!"
_The Judge._--Who Made That Unseemly Remark?
_Sir Charles._--I Did, My Lord. My Wife Never Corresponded With The
_The Plaintiff._--It Is Only One Insult More, Gentlemen, And As False
As The Rest. Permit Me, My Lord. My Own Counsel Would Never Have Put
The Question. I Would Not, For The World, Give Lady Bassett Pain; But
Sir Charles And His Counsel Have Extorted The Truth From Me. Her
Ladyship Did Open A Correspondence With Me, And A Friendly One.
_The Plaintiff's Counsel._--Will Your Lordship Ask Whether That Was
After The Defendant Had Written The Libel?
The Question Was Put, And Answered In The Affirmative.
Lady Bassett Hid Her Face In Her Hands. Sir Charles Saw The Movement,
And Groaned Aloud.
_The Judge._--I Beg The Case May Not Be Encumbered With Irrelevant
Counsel Replied That The Correspondence Would Be Made Evidence In The
Case. _(To The Witness.)_--You Wrote This Letter To Lady Bassett?"
"And Every Word In It?"
"And Every Word In It," Faltered Bassett, Now Ashy Pale, For He Began
To See The Trap.
"Then You Wrote This Word 'Character,' And This Word 'Injured,' And
This Word--"
_The Judge_ (Peevishly).--He Tells You He Wrote Every Word In Those
Letters To Lady Bassett.--What More Would You Have?
_Counsel._--If Your Lordship Will Be Good Enough To Examine The
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 95
Correspondence, And Compare Those Words In It I Have Underlined With
The Same Words In The Anonymous Letter, You Will Perhaps Find I Know My
Business Better Than You Seem To Think. (The Counsel Who Ventured On
This Remonstrance Was A Sergeant.)
"Brother Eitherside," Said The Judge, With A Charming Manner, "You
Satisfied Me Of That, To My Cost, Long Ago, Whenever I Had You Against
Me In A Case. Please Hand Me The Letters."
While The Judge Was Making A Keen Comparison, Counsel Continued The
"You Are Aware That This Letter Caused A Separation Between Sir Charles
Bassett And The Lady He Was Engaged To?"
"I Know Nothing About It."
"Indeed! Well, Were You Acquainted With The Miss Somerset Mentioned In
This Letter?"
"You Have Been At Her House?"
"Once Or Twice."
"Which? Twice Is Double As Often As Once, You Know."
"No More?"
"Not That I Recollect."
"You Wrote To Her?"
"I May Have."
"Did You, Or Did You Not?"
"I Did."
"What Was The Purport Of That Letter?"
"I Can't Recollect At This Distance Of Time."
"On Your Oath, Sir, Did You Not Write Urging Her To Co-Operate With You
To Keep Sir Charles Bassett From Marrying His Affianced, Miss Bella
Bruce, To Whom That Anonymous Letter Was Written With The Same Object?"
The Perspiration Now Rolled In Visible Drops Down The Tortured Liar's
Face. Yet Still, By A Gigantic Effort, He Stood Firm, And Even Planted
A Blow.
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 96
"I Did Not Write The Anonymous Letter. But I Believe I Told Miss
Somerset I Loved Miss Bruce, And That _Her_ Lover Was Robbing Me Of
Mine, As He Had Robbed Me Of Everything Else."
"And That Was All You Said--On Your Oath?"
"All I Can Recollect." With This The Strong Man, Cowed, Terrified,
Expecting His Letter To Somerset To Be Produced, And So The Iron Chain
Of Evidence Completed, Gasped Out, "Man, You Tear Open All My Wounds At
Once!" And With This Burst Out Sobbing, And Lamenting Aloud That He Had
Ever Been Born.
Counsel Waited Calmly Till He Should Be In A Condition To Receive
Another Dose.
"Oh, Will Nobody Stop This Cruel Trial?" Said Lady Bassett, With The
Tears Trickling Down Her Face.
The Judge Heard This Remark Without Seeming To Do So.
He Said To Defendant's Counsel, "Whatever The Truth May Be, You Have
Proved Enough To Show Sir Charles Bassett Might Well Have An Honest
Conviction That Mr. Bassett Had Done A Dastardly Act. Whether A Jury
Would Ever Agree On A Question Of Handwriting Must Always Be Doubtful.
Looking At The Relationship Of The Parties, Is It Advisable To Carry
This Matter Further? If I Might Advise The Gentlemen, They Would Each
Consent To Withdraw A Juror."
Upon This Suggestion The Counsel For Both Parties Put Their Heads
Together In Animated Whispers; And During This The Judge Made A Remark
To The Jury, Intended For The Public: "Since Lady Bassett's Name Has
Been Drawn Into This, I Must Say That I Have Read Her Letters To Mr.
Bassett, And They Are Such As She Could Write Without In The Least
Compromising Her Husband. Indeed, Now The Defense Is Disclosed, They
Appear To Me To Be Wise And Kindly Letters, Such As Only A Good Wife, A
High-Bred Lady, And A True Christian Could Write In So Delicate A
_Plaintiff's Counsel._--My Lord, We Are Agreed To Withdraw A Juror.
_Defendant's Counsel._--Out Of Respect For Your Lordship's Advice, And
Not From Any Doubt Of The Result On _Our_ Part.
_The Crier._--Wace _V._ Haliburton!
And So The Car Of Justice Rolled On Till It Came To Wheeler V. Bassett.
This Case Was Soon Disposed Of.
Sir Charles Bassett Was Dignified And Calm In The Witness-Box, And
Treated The Whole Matter With High-Bred Nonchalance, As One Unworthy Of
The Attention The Court Was Good Enough To Bestow On It. The Judge
Disapproved The Assault, But Said The Plaintiff Had Drawn It On Himself
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 97
By Unprofessional Conduct, And By Threatening A Gentleman In His Own
House. Verdict For The Plaintiff--40s. The Judge Refused To Certify
For Costs.
Lady Bassett, Her Throat Parched With Excitement, Drove Home, And
Awaited Her Husband's Return With No Little Anxiety. As Soon As She
Heard Him In His Dressing-Room She Glided In And Went Down On Her Knees
To Him. "Pray, Pray Don't Scold Me; I Couldn't Bear You To Be Defeated,
Sir Charles Raised Her, But Did Not Kiss Her.
"You Think Only Of Me," Said He, Rather Sadly. "It Is A Sorry Victory,
Too Dearly Bought."
Then She Began To Cry.
Sir Charles Begged Her Not To Cry; But Still He Did Not Kiss Her, Nor
Conceal His Mortification: He Hardly Spoke To Her For Several Days.
She Accepted Her Disgrace Pensively And Patiently. She Thought It All
Over, And Felt Her Husband Was Right, And Loved Her Like A Man. But She
Thought, Also, That She Was Not Very Wrong To Love Him In Her Way.
Wrong Or Not, She Felt She Could Not Sit Idle And See His Enemy Defeat
The Coolness Died Away By Degrees, With So Much Humility On One Side
And So Much Love On Both: But The Subject Was Interdicted Forever.
A Week After The Trial Lady Bassett Wrote To Mrs. Marsh, Under Cover To
Mr. Oldfield, And Told Her How The Trial Had Gone, And, With Many
Expressions Of Gratitude, Invited Her And Her Husband To Huntercombe
Hall. She Told Sir Charles What She Had Done, And He Wore A Very
Strange Look. "Might I Suggest That We Have Them Alone?" Said He Dryly.
"By All Means," Said Lady Bassett. "I Don't Want To Share My Paragon
With Anybody."
In Due Course A Reply Came; Mr. And Mrs. Marsh Would Avail Themselves
Some Day Of Lady Bassett's Kindness: At Present They Were Going Abroad.
The Letter Was Written By A Man's Hand.
About This Time Oldfield Sent Sir Charles Miss Somerset's Deed,
Canceled, And Told Him She Had Married A Man Of Fortune, Who Was
Devoted To Her, And Preferred To Take Her Without Any Dowry.
Bassett And Wheeler Went Home, Crestfallen, And Dined Together. They
Discussed The Two Trials, And Each Blamed The Other. They Quarreled And
Parted: And Wheeler Sent In An Enormous Bill, Extending Over Five
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 98
Years. Eighty-Five Items Began Thus: "Attending You At Your House For
Several Hours, On Which Occasion You Asked My Advice As To Whether--"
Now As A Great Many Of These Attendances Had Been Really To Shoot Game
And Dine On Rabbits At Bassett's Expense, He Thought It Hard The
Conversation Should Be Charged And The Rabbits Not.
Disgusted With His Defeat, And Resolved To Evade This Bill, He
Discharged His Servant, And Put A Retired Soldier Into His House, Armed
Him With A Blunderbuss, And Ordered Him To Keep All Doors Closed, And
Present The Weapon Aforesaid At All Rate Collectors, Tax Collectors,
Debt Collectors, And Applicants For Money To Build Churches Or Convert
The Heathen; But Not To _Fire_ At Anybody Except His Friend Wheeler,
Nor At Him Unless He Should Try To Shove A Writ In At Some Chink Of The
This Done, He Went On His Travels, Third-Class, With His Eyes Always
Open, And His Heart Full Of Bitterness.
Nothing Happened To Richard Bassett On His Travels That I Need Relate
Until One Evening When He Alighted At A Small Commercial Inn In The
City Of York, And There Met A Person Whose Influence On The Events I Am
About To Relate Seems At This Moment Incredible To Me, Though It Is
Simple Fact.
He Found The Commercial Room Empty, And Rang The Bell. In Came The
Waiter, A Strapping Girl, With Coal-Black Eyes And Brows To Match, And
A Brown Skin, But Glowing Cheeks.
They Both Started At Sight Of Each Other. It Was Polly Somerset.
"Why, Polly! How D'ye Do? How Do You Come Here?"
"It's Along Of You I'm Here, Young Man," Said Polly, And Began To
Whimper. She Told Him Her Sister Had Found Out From The Page She Had
Been Colloguing With Him, And Had Never Treated Her Like A Sister After
That. "And When She Married A Gentleman She Wouldn't Have Me Aside Her
For All I Could Say, But She Did Pack Me Off Into Service, And Here I
The Girl Was Handsome, And Had A Liking For Him. Bassett Was Idle, And
Time Hung Heavy On His Hands: He Stayed At The Inn A Fortnight, More
For Polly's Company Than Anything: And At Last Offered To Put Her Into
A Vacant Cottage On His Own Little Estate Of Highmore. But The Girl Was
Shrewd, And Had Seen A Great Deal Of Life This Last Three Years; She
Liked Richard In Her Way, But She Saw He Was All Self, And She Would
Not Trust Him. "Nay," Said She, "I'll Not Break With Rhoda For Any
Young Man In Britain. If I Leave Service She Will Never Own Me At All:
She Is As Hard As Iron."
"Well, But You Might Come And Take Service Near Me, And Then We Could
Often Get A Word Together."
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 99
"Oh, I'm Agreeable To That: You Find Me A Good Place. I Like An Inn
Best; One Sees Fresh Faces."
Bassett Promised To Manage That For Her. On Reaching Home He Found A
Conciliatory Letter From Wheeler, Coupled With His Permission To Tax
The Bill According To His Own Notion Of Justice. This And Other Letters
Were In An Outhouse; The Old Soldier Had Not Permitted Them To
Penetrate The Fortress. He Had Entered Into The Spirit Of His
Instructions, And To Him A Letter Was A Probable Hand-Grenade.
Bassett Sent For Wheeler; The Bill Was Reduced, And A Small Payment
Made; The Rest Postponed Till Better Times. Wheeler Was Then Consulted
About Polly, And He Told His Client The Landlady Of The "Lamb" Wanted A
Good Active Waitress; He Thought He Could Arrange That Little Affair.
In Due Course, Thanks To This Artist, Mary Wells, Hitherto Known As
Polly Somerset, Landed With Her Boxes At The "Lamb "; And With Her
Quick Foot, Her Black Eyes, And Ready Tongue Soon Added To The
Popularity Of The Inn. Richard Bassett, Esq., For One, Used To Sup
There Now And Then With His Friend Wheeler, And Even Sleep There After
By-And-By The Vicar Of Huntercombe Wanted A Servant, And Offered To
Engage Mary Wells.
She Thought Twice About That. She Could Neither Write Nor Read, And
Therefore Was Dreadfully Dull Without Company; The Bustle Of An Inn,
And People Coming And Going, Amused Her. However, It Was A Temptation
To Be Near Richard Bassett; So She Accepted At Last. Unable To Write,
She Could Not Consult Him; And She Made Sure He Would Be Delighted.
But When She Got Into The Village The Prudent Mr. Bassett Drew In His
Horns, And Avoided Her. She Was Mortified And Very Angry. She Revenged
Herself On Her Employer; Broke Double Her Wages. The Vicar Had Never
Been Able To Convert A Smasher; So He Parted With Her Very Readily To
Lady Bassett, With A Hint That She Was Rather Unfortunate In Glass And
In That Large House Her Spirits Rose, And, Having A Hearty Manner And A
Clapper Tongue, She Became A General Favorite.
One Day She Met Mr. Bassett In The Village, And He Seemed Delighted At
The Sight Of Her, And Begged Her To Meet Him That Night At A Certain
Place Where Sir Charles's Garden Was Divided From His Own By A Ha-Ha.
It Was A Very Secluded Spot, Shut Out From View, Even In Daylight, By
The Trees And Shrubs And The Winding Nature Of The Walk That Led To It;
Yet It Was Scarcely A Hundred Yards From Huntercombe Hall.
Mary Wells Came To The Tryst, But In No Amorous Mood. She Came Merely
To Tell Mr. Bassett Her Mind, Viz., That He Was A Shabby Fellow, And
She Had Had Her Cry, And Didn't Care A Straw For Him Now. And She Did
Tell Him So, In A Loud Voice, And With A Flushed Cheek.
But He Set To Work, Humbly And Patiently, To Pacify Her; He Represented
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 100
That, In A Small House Like The Vicarage, Every Thing Is Known; He
Should Have Ruined Her Character If He Had Not Held Aloof. "But It Is
Different Now," Said He. "You Can Run Out Of Huntercombe House, And
Meet Me Here, And Nobody Be The Wiser."
"Not I," Said Mary Wells, With A Toss. "The Worse Thing A Girl Can Do
Is To Keep Company With A Gentleman. She Must Meet Him In Holes And
Corners, And Be Flung Off, Like An Old Glove, When She Has Served His
"That Will Never Happen To You, Polly Dear. We Must Be Prudent For The
Present; But I Shall Be More My Own Master Some Day, And Then You Will
See How I Love You."
"Seeing Is Believing," Said The Girl, Sullenly. "You Be Too Fond Of
Yourself To Love The Likes O' Me."
Such Was The Warning Her Natural Shrewdness Gave Her. But Perseverance
Undermined It. Bassett So Often Threw Out Hints Of What He Would Do
Some Day, Mixed With Warm Protestations Of Love, That She Began Almost
To Hope He Would Marry Her. She Really Liked Him; His Fine Figure And
His Color Pleased Her Eye, And He Had A Plausible Tongue To Boot.
As For Him, Her Rustic Beauty And Health Pleased His Senses; But, For
His Heart, She Had Little Place In That. What He Courted Her For Just
Now Was To Keep Him Informed Of All That Passed In Huntercombe Hall.
His Morbid Soul Hung About That Place, And He Listened Greedily To Mary
Wells's Gossip. He Had Counted On Her Volubility; It Did Not Disappoint
Him. She Never Met Him Without A Budget, One-Half Of It Lies Or
Exaggerations. She Was A Born Liar. One Night She Came In High Spirits,
And Greeted Him Thus: "What D'ye Think? I'm Riz! Mrs. Eden, That
Dresses My Lady's Hair, She Took Ill Yesterday, And I Told The
Housekeeper I Was Used To Dress Hair, And She Told My Lady. If You
Didn't Please Our Rhoda At That, 'Twas As Much As Your Life Was Worth.
You Mustn't Be Thinking Of Your Young Man With Her Hair In Your Hand,
Or She'd Rouse You With A Good Crack On The Crown With A Hair-Brush. So
I Dressed My Lady's Hair, And Handled It Like Old Chaney; By The Same
Token, She Is So Pleased With Me You Can't Think. She Is A Real Lady;
Not Like Our Rhoda. Speaks As Civil To Me As If I Was One Of Her Own
Sort; And, Says She, 'I Should Like To Have You About Me, If I Might.'
I Had It On My Tongue To Tell Her She Was Mistress; But I Was A Little
Skeared At Her At First, You Know. But She Will Have Me About Her; I
See It In Her Eye."
Bassett Was Delighted At This News, But He Did Not Speak His Mind All
At Once; The Time Was Not Come. He Let The Gypsy Rattle On, And Bided
His Time. He Flattered Her, And Said He Envied Lady Bassett To Have
Such A Beautiful Girl About Her. "I'll Let My Hair Grow," Said He.
"Ay, Do," Said She, "And Then I'll Pull It For You."
This Challenge Ended In A Little Struggle For A Kiss, The Sincerity Of
Which Was Doubtful. Polly Resisted Vigorously, To Be Sure, But Briefly,
And, Having Given In, Returned It.
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 101
One Day She Told Him Sir Charles Had Met Her Plump, And Had Given A
Great Start.
This Made Bassett Very Uneasy. "Confound It, He Will Turn You Away. He
Will Say, 'This Girl Knows Too Much.'"
"How Simple You Be!" Said The Girl. "D'ye Think I Let Him Know? Says
He, 'I Think I Have Seen You Before.' 'Yes, Sir,' Says I, 'I Was
Housemaid Here Before My Lady Had Me To Dress Her.' 'No,' Says He, 'I
Mean In London--In Mayfair, You Know.' I Declare You Might Ha' Knocked
Me Down Wi' A Feather. So I Looks In His Face, As Cool As Marble, And I
Said, 'No, Sir; I Never Had The Luck To See London, Sir,' Says I. 'All
The Better For You,' Says He; And He Swallowed It Like Spring Water, As
Sister Rhoda Used To Say When She Told One And They Believed It."
"You Are A Clever Girl," Said Bassett. "He Would Have Turned You Out Of
The House If He Had Known Who You Were."
She Disappointed Him In One Thing; She Was Bad At Answering Questions.
Morally She Was Not Quite So Great An Egotist As Himself, But
Intellectually A Greater. Her Volubility Was All Egotism. She Could
Scarcely Say Ten Words, Except About Herself. So, When Bassett
Questioned Her About Sir Charles And Lady Bassett, She Said "Yes," Or
"No," Or "I Don't Know," And Was Off At A Tangent To Her Own Sayings
And Doings.
Bassett, However, By Great Patience And Tact, Extracted From Her At
Last That Sir Charles And Lady Bassett Were Both Sore At Not Having
Children, And That Lady Bassett Bore The Blame.
"That Is A Good Joke," Said He. "The Smoke-Dried Rake! Polly, You Might
Do Me A Good Turn. You Have Got Her Ear; Open Her Eyes For Me. What
Might Not Happen?" His Eyes Shone Fiendishly.
The Young Woman Shook Her Head. "Me Meddle Between Man And Wife! I'm
Too Fond Of My Place."
"Ah, You Don't Love Me As I Love You. You Think Only Of Yourself."
"And What Do You Think Of? Do You Love Me Well Enough To Find Me A
Better Place, If You Get Me Turned Out Of Huntercombe Hall?"
"Yes, I Will; A Much Better."
"That Is A Bargain."
Mary Wells Was Silly In Some Things, But She Was Very Cunning, Too; And
She Knew Richard Bassett's Hobby. She Told Him To Mind Himself, As Well
As Sir Charles, Or Perhaps He Would Die A Bachelor, And So His Flesh
And Blood Would Never Inherit Huntercombe. This Remark Entered His
Mind. The Trial, Though Apparently A Drawn Battle, Had Been Fatal To
Him--He Was Cut; He Dared Not Pay His Addresses To Any Lady In The
County, And He Often Felt Very Lonely Now. So Everything Combined To
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 102
Draw Him Toward Mary Wells--Her Swarthy Beauty, Which Shone Out At
Church Like A Black Diamond Among The Other Women; His Own Loneliness;
And The Pleasure These Stolen Meetings Gave Him. Custom Itself Is
Pleasant, And The Company Of This Handsome Chatterbox Became A Habit,
And An Agreeable One. The Young Woman Herself Employed A Woman's Arts;
She Was Cold And Loving By Turns Till At Last He Gave Her What She Was
Working For, A Downright Promise Of Marriage. She Pretended Not To
Believe Him, And So Led Him Further; He Swore He Would Marry Her.
He Made One Stipulation, However. She Really Must Learn To Read And
Write First.
When He Had Sworn This Mary Became More Uniformly Affectionate; And As
Women Who Have Been In Service Learn Great Self-Government, And Can
Generally Please So Long As It Serves Their Turn, She Made Herself So
Agreeable To Him That He Began Really To Have A Downright Liking For
Her--A Liking Bounded, Of Course, By His Incurable Selfishness; But As
For His Hobby, That Was On Her Side.
Now Learning To Read And Write Was Wormwood To Mary Wells; But The
Prize Was So Great; She Knew All About The Huntercombe Estates, Partly
From Her Sister, Partly From Bassett Himself. (He Must Tell His Wrongs
Even To This Girl.) So She Resolved To Pursue Matrimony, Even On The
Severe Condition Of Becoming A Scholar. She Set About It As Follows:
One Day That She Was Doing Lady Bassett's Hair She Sighed Several
Times. This Was To Attract The Lady's Attention, And It Succeeded.
"Is There Anything The Matter, Mary?"
"No, My Lady."
"I Think There Is."
"Well, My Lady, I Am In A Little Trouble; But It Is My Own People's
Fault For Not Sending Of Me To School. I Might Be Married To-Morrow If
I Could Only Read And Write."
"And Can You Not?"
"No, My Lady."
"Dear Me! I Thought Everybody Could Read And Write Nowadays."
"La, No, My Lady! Not Half Of Them In Our Village."
"Your Parents Are Much To Blame, My Poor Girl. Well, But It Is Not Too
Late. Now I Think Of It, There Is An Adult School In The Village. Shall
I Arrange For You To Go To It?"
"Thank You, My Lady. But Then--"
"All My Fellow-Servants Would Have A Laugh Against Me."
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 103
"The Person You Are Engaged To, Will He Not Instruct You?"
"Oh, He Have No Time To Teach Me. Besides, I Don't Want Him To Know,
Either. But I Won't Be His Wife To Shame Him." (Another Sigh.)
"Mary," Said Lady Bassett, In The Innocence Of Her Heart, "You Shall
Not Be Mortified, And You Shall Not Lose A Good Marriage. I Will Try
And Teach You Myself."
Mary Was Profuse In Thanks. Lady Bassett Received Them Rather Coldly.
She Gave Her A Few Minutes' Instruction In Her Dressing-Room Every Day;
And Mary, Who Could Not Have Done Anything Intellectual For Half An
Hour At A Stretch, Gave Her Whole Mind For Those Few Minutes. She Was
Quick, And Learned Very Fast. In Two Months She Could Read A Great Deal
More Than She Could Understand, And Could Write Slowly But Very
Now By This Time Lady Bassett Had Become So Interested In Her Pupil
That She Made Her Read Letters And Newspapers To Her At Those Parts Of
The Toilet When Her Services Were Not Required.
Mary Wells, Though A Great Chatterbox, Was The Closest Girl In England.
Limpet Never Stuck To A Rock As She Could Stick To A Lie. She Never
Said One Word To Bassett About Lady Bassett's Lessons. She Kept Strict
Silence Till She Could Write A Letter, And Then She Sent Him A Line To
Say She Had Learned To Write For Love Of Him, And She Hoped He Would
Keep His Promise.
Bassett's Vanity Was Flattered By This. But, On Reflection, He
Suspected It Was A Falsehood. He Asked Her Suddenly, At Their Next
Meeting, Who Had Written That Note For Her.
"You Shall See Me Write The Fellow To It When You Like," Was The Reply.
Bassett Resolved To Submit The Matter To That Test Some Day. At
Present, However, He Took Her Word For It, And Asked Her Who Had Taught
"I Had To Teach Myself. Nobody Cares Enough For Me To Teach Me. Well,
I'll Forgive You If You Will Write Me A Nice Letter For Mine."
"What! When We Can Meet Here And Say Everything?"
"No Matter; I Have Written To You, And You Might Write To Me. They All
Get Letters, Except Me; And The Jades Hold 'Em Up To Me: They See I
Never Get One. When You Are Out, Post Me A Letter Now And Then. It Will
Only Cost You A Penny. I'm Sure I Don't Ask You For Much."
Bassett Humored Her In This, And In One Of His Letters Called Her His
Wife That Was To Be.
This Pleased Her So Much That The Next Time They Met She Hung Round His
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 104
Neck With A Good Deal Of Feminine Grace.
Richard Bassett Was A Man Who Now Lived In The Future. Everybody In The
County Believed He Had Written That Anonymous Letter, And He Had No
Hope Of Shining By His Own Light. It Was Bitter To Resign His Personal
Hopes; But He Did, And Sullenly Resolved To Be Obscure Himself, But The
Father Of The Future Heirs Of Huntercombe. He Would Marry Mary Wells,
And Lay The Blame Of The Match Upon Sir Charles, Who Had Blackened Him
In The County, And Put It Out Of His Power To Win A Lady's Hand.
He Told Wheeler He Was Determined To Marry; But He Had Not The Courage
To Tell Him All At Once What A Wife He Had Selected.
The Consequence Of This Half Confession Was That Wheeler Went To Work
To Find Him A Girl With Money, And Not Under County Influence.
One Of Wheeler's Clients Was A Retired Citizen, Living In A Pretty
Villa Near The Market Town. Mr. Wright Employed Him In Little Matters,
And Found Him Active And Attentive. There Was A Miss Wright, A Meek
Little Girl, Palish, On Whom Her Father Doted. Wheeler Talked To This
Girl Of His Friend Bassett, His Virtues And His Wrongs, And Interested
The Young Lady In Him. This Done, He Brought Him To The House, And The
Girl, Being Slight And Delicate, Gazed With Gentle But Undisguised
Admiration On Bassett's _Torso._ Wheeler Had Told Richard Miss Wright
Was To Have Seven Thousand Pounds On Her Wedding-Day, And That Excited
A Corresponding Admiration In The Athletic Gentleman.
After That Bassett Often Called By Himself, And The Father Encouraged
The Intimacy. He Was Old, And Wished To See His Daughter Married Before
He Left Her And This Seemed An Eligible Match, Though Not A Brilliant
One; A Bit Of Land And A Good Name On One Side, A Smart Bit Of Money On
The Other. The Thing Went On Wheels. Richard Bassett Was Engaged To
Jane Wright Almost Before He Was Aware.
Now He Felt Uneasy About Mary Wells, Very Uneasy; But It Was Only The
Uneasiness Of Selfishness.
He Began To Try And Prepare; He Affected Business Visits To Distant
Places, Etc., In Order To Break Off By Degrees. By This Means Their
Meetings Were Comparatively Few. When They Did Meet (Which Was Now
Generally By Written Appointment), He Tried To Prepare By Telling Her
He Had Encountered Losses, And Feared That To Marry Her Would Be A Bad
Job For Her As Well As For Him, Especially If She Should Have Children.
Mary Replied She Had Been Used To Work, And Would Rather Work For A
Husband Than Any Other Master.
On Another Occasion She Asked Him Quietly Whether A Gentleman Ever
Broke His Oath.
"Never," Said Richard.
In Short, She Gave Him No Opening. She Would Not Quarrel. She Adhered
To Him As She Had Never Adhered To Anything But A Lie Before.
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 105
Then He Gave Up All Hope Of Smoothing The Matter. He Coolly Cut Her;
Never Came To The Trysting-Place; Did Not Answer Her Letters; And,
Being A Reckless Egotist, Married Jane Wright All In A Hurry, By
Special License.
He Sent Forward To The Clerk Of Huntercombe Church, And Engaged The
Ringers To Ring The Church-Bells From Six O'clock Till Sundown. This
Was For Sir Charles's Ears.
It Was A Balmy Evening In May. Lady Bassett Was Commencing Her Toilet
In An Indolent Way, With Mary Wells In Attendance, When The
Church-Bells Of Huntercombe Struck Up A Merry Peal.
"Ah!" Said Lady Bassett; "What Is That For? Do You Know, Mary?"
"No, My Lady. Shall I Ask?"
"No; I Dare Say It Is A Village Wedding."
"No, My Lady, There's Nobody Been Married Here This Six Weeks. Our
Kitchen-Maid And The Baker Was The Last, You Know. I'll Send, And Know
What It Is For." Mary Went Out And Dispatched The First House-Maid She
Caught For Intelligence. The Girl Ran Into The Stable To Her
Sweetheart, And He Told Her Directly.
Meantime Lady Bassett Moralized Upon Church-Bells.
"They Are Always Sad--Saddest When They Seem To Be Merriest. Poor
Things! They Are Trying Hard To Be Merry Now; But They Sound Very Sad
To Me--Sadder Than Usual, Somehow."
The Girl Knocked At The Door. Mary Half Opened It, And The News Shot
In--"'Tis For Squire Bassett; He Is Bringing Of His Bride Home To
Highmore To-Day."
"Mr. Bassett--Married--That Is Sudden. Who Could He Find To Marry Him?"
There Was No Reply. The House-Maid Had Flown Off To Circulate The News,
And Mary Wells Was Supporting Herself By Clutching The Door, Sick With
The Sudden Blow.
Close As She Was, Her Distress Could Not Have Escaped Another Woman's
Eye, But Lady Bassett Never Looked At Her. After The First Surprise She
Had Gone Into A Reverie, And Was Conjuring Up The Future To The Sound
Of Those Church-Bells. She Requested Mary To Go And Tell Sir Charles;
But She Did Not Lift Her Head, Even To Give This Order.
Mary Crept Away, And Knocked At Sir Charles's Dressing-Room.
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 106
"Come In," Said Sir Charles, Thinking, Of Course, It Was His Valet.
Mary Wells Just Opened The Door And Held It Ajar. "My Lady Bids Me Tell
You, Sir, The Bells Are Ringing For Mr. Bassett; He's Married, And
Brings Her Home Tonight."
A Dead Silence Marked The Effect Of This Announcement On Sir Charles.
Mary Wells Waited.
"May Heaven's Curse Light On That Marriage, And No Child Of Theirs Ever
Take My Place In This House!"
"A-A-Men!" Said Mary Wells.
"Thank You, Sir!" Said Sir Charles. He Took Her Voice For A Man's, So
Deep And Guttural Was Her "A--A--Men" With Concentrated Passion.
She Closed The Door And Crept Back To Her Mistress.
Lady Bassett Was Seated At Her Glass, With Her Hair Down And Her
Shoulders Bare. Mary Clinched Her Teeth, And Set About Her Usual Work;
But Very Soon Lady Bassett Gave A Start, And Stared Into The Glass.
"Mary!" Said She, "What _Is_ The Matter? You Look Ghastly, And Your
Hands Are As Cold As Ice. Are You Faint?"
"Then You Are Ill; Very Ill."
"I Have Taken A Chill," Said Mary, Doggedly.
"Go Instantly To The Still-Room Maid, And Get A Large Glass Of Spirits
And Hot Water--Quite Hot."
Mary, Who Wanted To Be Out Of The Room, Fastened Her Mistress's Back
Hair With Dogged Patience, And Then Moved Toward The Door.
"Mary," Said Lady Bassett, In A Half-Apologetic Tone.
"My Lady."
"I Should Like To Hear What The Bride Is Like."
"I'll Know That To-Night," Said Mary, Grinding Her Teeth.
"I Shall Not Require You Again Till Bedtime."
Mary Left The Room, And Went, Not To The Still-Room, But To Her Own
Garret, And There She Gave Way. She Flung Herself, With A Wild Cry,
Part 3 Chapter 12 Pg 107
Upon Her Little Bed, And Clutched Her Own Hair And The Bedclothes, And
Writhed All About The Bed Like A Wild-Cat Wounded.
In This Anguish She Passed An Hour She Never Forgot Nor Forgave. She
Got Up At Last, And Started At Her Own Image In The Glass. Hair Like A
Savage's, Cheek Pale, Eyes Blood-Shot.
She Smoothed Her Hair, Washed Her Face, And Prepared To Go Downstairs;
But Now She Was Seized With A Faintness, And Had To Sit Down And Moan.
She Got The Better Of That, And Went To The Still-Room, And Got Some
Spirits; But She Drank Them Neat, Gulped Them Down Like Water. They
Sent The Devil Into Her Black Eye, But No Color Into Her Pale Cheek.
She Had A Little Scarlet Shawl; She Put It Over Her Head, And Went Into
The Village. She Found It Astir With Expectation.
Mr. Bassett's House Stood Near The Highway, But The Entrance To The
Premises Was Private, And Through A Long White Gate.
By This Gate Was A Heap Of Stones, And Mary Wells Got On That Heap And
When She Had Been There About Half An Hour, Richard Bassett Drove Up In
A Hired Carriage, With His Pale Little Wife Beside Him. At His Own Gate
His Eye Encountered Mary Wells, And He Started. She Stood Above Him,
With Her Arms Folded Grandly; Her Cheek, So Swarthy And Ruddy, Was Now
Pale, And Her Black Eyes Glittered Like Basilisks At Him And His Bride.
The Whole Woman Seemed Lifted Out Of Her Low Condition, And Dignified
By Wrong.
He Had To Sustain Her Look For A Few Seconds, While The Gate Was Being
Opened, And It Seemed An Age. He Felt His First Pang Of Remorse When He
Saw That Swarthy, Ruddy Cheek So Pale. Then Came Admiration Of Her
Beauty, And Disgust At The Woman For Whom He Had Jilted Her; And That
Gave Way To Fear: The Hater Looked Into Those Glittering Eyes, And Saw
He Had Roused A Hate As Unrelenting As His Own.
Part 3 Chapter 13 Pg 108
For The First Few Days Richard Bassett Expected Some Annoyance From
Mary Wells; But None Came, And He Began To Flatter Himself She Was Too
Fond Of Him To Give Him Pain.
This Impression Was Shaken About Ten Days After The Little Scene I Have
Described. He Received A Short Note From Her, As Follows:
Part 3 Chapter 13 Pg 109
"Sir--You Must Meet Me To-Night, At The Same Place, Eight O'clock. If
You Do Not Come It Will Be The Worse For You.
"M. W."
Richard Bassett's Inclination Was To Treat This Summons With Contempt;
But He Thought It Would Be Wiser To Go And See Whether The Girl Had Any
Hostile Intentions. Accordingly He Went To The Tryst. He Waited For
Some Time, And At Last He Heard A Quick, Firm Foot, And Mary Wells
Appeared. She Was Hooded With Her Scarlet Shawl, That Contrasted
Admirably With Her Coal-Black Hair; And Out Of This Scarlet Frame Her
Dark Eyes Glittered. She Stood Before Him In Silence.
He Said Nothing.
She Was Silent Too For Some Time. But She Spoke First.
"Well, Sir, You Promised One, And You Have Married Another. Now What
Are You Going To Do For Me?"
"What _Can_ I Do, Mary? I'm Not The First That Wanted To Marry For
Love, But Money Came In His Way And Tempted Him."
"No, You Are Not The First. But That's Neither Here Nor There, Sir.
That Chalk-Faced Girl Has Bought You Away From Me With Her Money, And
Now I Mean To Have My Share On't."
"Oh, If That Is All," Said Richard, "We Can Soon Settle It. I Was
Afraid You Were Going To Talk About A Broken Heart, And All That Stuff.
You Are A Good, Sensible Girl; And Too Beautiful To Want A Husband
Long. I'll Give You Fifty Pounds To Forgive Me."
"Fifty Pounds!" Said Mary Wells, Contemptuously. "What! When You
Promised Me I Should Be Your Wife To-Day, And Lady Of Huntercombe Hall
By-And-By? Fifty Pounds! No; Not Five Fifties."
"Well, I'll Give You Seventy-Five; And If That Won't Do, You Must Go To
Law, And See What You Can Get."
"What, Han't You Had Your Bellyful Of Law? Mind, It Is An Unked Thing
To Forswear Yourself, And That Is What You Done At The 'Sizes. I Have
Seen What You Did Swear About Your Letter To My Sister; Sir Charles
Have Got It All Wrote Down In His Study: And You Swore A Lie To The
Judge, As You Swore A Lie To Me Here Under Heaven, You Villain!" She
Raised Her Voice Very Loud. "Don't You Gainsay Me, Or I'll Soon Have
Part 3 Chapter 13 Pg 110
You By The Heels In Jail For Your Lies. You'll Do As I Bid You, And
Very Lucky To Be Let Off So Cheap. You Was To Be My Master, But You
Chose Her Instead: Well, Then, You Shall Be My Servant. You Shall Come
Here Every Saturday At Eight O'clock, And Bring Me A Sovereign, Which I
Never Could Keep A Lump O' Money, And I Have Had One Or Two From Rhoda;
So I'll Take It A Sovereign A Week Till I Get A Husband Of My Own Sort,
And Then You'll Have To Come Down Handsome Once For All."
Bassett Knitted His Brows And Thought Hard. His Natural Impulse Was To
Defy Her; But It Struck Him That A Great Many Things Might Happen In A
Few Months; So At Last He Said, Humbly, "I Consent. I Have Been To
Blame. Only I'd Rather Pay You This Money In Some Other Way."
"My Way, Or None."
"Very Well, Then, I Will Bring It You As You Say."
"Mind You Do, Then," Said Mary Wells, And Turned Haughtily On Her Heel.
Bassett Never Ventured To Absent Himself At The Hour, And, At First,
The Blackmail Was Delivered And Received With Scarcely A Word; But
By-And-By Old Habits So Far Revived That Some Little Conversation Took
Then, After A While, Bassett Used To Tell Her He Was Unhappy, And She
Used To Reply She Was Glad Of It.
Then He Began To Speak Slightingly Of His Wife, And Say What A Fool He
Had Been To Marry A Poor, Silly Nonentity, When Be Might Have Wedded A
Mary Wells, Being Intensely Vain, Listened With Complacency To This,
Although She Replied Coldly And Harshly.
By-And-By Her Natural Volubility Overpowered Her, And She Talked To
Bassett About Herself And Huntercombe House, But Always With A Secret
Later--Such Is The Force Of Habit--Each Used To Look Forward With
Satisfaction To The Saturday Meeting, Although Each Distrusted And
Feared The Other At Bottom.
Later Still That Came To Pass Which Mary Wells Had Planned From The
First With Deep Malice, And That Shrewd Insight Into Human Nature Which
Many A Low Woman Has--The Cooler She Was The Warmer Did Richard Bassett
Grow, Till At Last, Contrasting His Pale, Meek Little Wife With This
Glowing Hebe, He Conceived An Unholy Liking For The Latter. She Met It
Sometimes With Coldness And Reproaches, Sometimes With Affected Alarm,
Sometimes With A Half-Yielding Manner, And So Tormented Him To Her
Heart's Content, And Undermined His Affection For His Wife. Thus She
Revenged Herself On Them Both To Her Heart's Content.
But Malice So Perverse Is Apt To Recoil On Itself; And Women, In
Particular, Should Not Undertake A Long And Subtle Revenge Of This
Part 3 Chapter 13 Pg 111
Sort; Since The Strongest Have Their Hours Of Weakness, And Are
Surprised Into Things They Never Intended. The Subsequent History Of
Mary Wells Will Exemplify This. Meantime, However, Meek Little Mrs.
Bassett Was No Match For The Beauty And Low Cunning Of Her Rival.
Yet A Time Came When She Defended Herself Unconsciously. She Did
Something That Made Her Husband Most Solicitous For Her Welfare And
Happiness. He Began To Watch Her Health With Maternal Care, To Shield
Her From Draughts, To Take Care Of Her Diet, To Indulge Her In All Her
Whims Instead Of Snubbing Her, And To Pet Her, Till She Was The
Happiest Wife In England For A Time. She Deserved This At His Hands,
For She Assisted Him There Where His Heart Was Fixed; She Aided His
Hobby; Did More For It Than Any Other Creature In England Could.
To Return To Huntercombe Hall: The Loving Couple That Owned It Were No
Longer Happy. The Hope Of Offspring Was Now Deserting Them, And The
Disappointment Was Cruel. They Suffered Deeply, With This
Difference--That Lady Bassett Pined And Sir Charles Bassett Fretted.
The Woman's Grief Was More Pure And Profound Than The Man's. If There
Had Been No Richard Bassett In The World, Still Her Bosom Would Have
Yearned And Pined, And The Great Cry Of Nature, "Give Me Children Or I
Die," Would Have Been In Her Heart, Though It Would Never Have Risen To
Her Lips.
Sir Charles Had, Of Course, Less Of This Profound Instinct Than His
Wife, But He Had It Too; Only In Him The Feeling Was Adulterated And At
The Same Time Imbittered By One Less Simple And Noble. An Enemy Sat At
His Gate. That Enemy, Whose Enduring Malice Had At Last Begotten Equal
Hostility In The Childless Baronet, Was Now Married, And Would Probably
Have Heirs; And, If So, That Hateful Brood--The Spawn Of An Anonymous
Letter-Writer--Would Surely Inherit Bassett And Huntercombe, Succeeding
To Sir Charles Bassett, Deceased Without Issue. This Chafed The
Childless Man, And Gradually Undermined A Temper Habitually Sweet,
Though Subject, As We Have Seen, To Violent Ebullitions Where The
Provocation Was Intolerable. Sir Charles, Then, Smarting Under His
Wound, Spoke Now And Then Rather Unkindly To The Wife He Loved So
Devotedly; That Is To Say, His Manner Sometimes Implied That He Blamed
Her For Their Joint Calamity.
Lady Bassett Submitted To These Stings In Silence. They Were Rare, And
Speedily Followed By Touching Regrets; And Even Had It Not Been So She
Would Have Borne Them With Resignation; For This Motherless Wife Loved
Her Husband With All A Wife's Devotion And A Mother's Unselfish
Patience. Let This Be Remembered To Her Credit. It Is The Truth, And
She May Need It.
Her Own Yearning Was Too Deep And Sad For Fretfulness; Yet Though,
Unlike Her Husband's, It Never Broke Out In Anger, The Day Was Gone By
Part 3 Chapter 13 Pg 112
When She Could Keep It Always Silent. It Welled Out Of Her At Times In
Ways That Were Truly Womanly And Touching.
When She Called On A Wife The Lady Was Sure To Parade Her Children. The
Boasted Tact Of Women--A Quality The Narrow Compass Of Which Has
Escaped Their Undiscriminating Eulogists--Was Sure To Be Swept Away By
Maternal Egotism; And Then Poor Lady Bassett Would Admire The Children
Loudly, And Kiss Them, To Please The Cruel Egotist, And Hide The Tears
That Rose To Her Own Eyes; But She Would Shorten Her Visit.
When A Child Died In The Village Mary Wells Was Sure To Be Sent With
Words Of Comfort And Substantial Marks Of Sympathy.
Scarcely A Day Passed That Something Or Other Did Not Happen To Make
The Wound Bleed; But I Will Confine Myself To Two Occasions, On Each Of
Which Her Heart's Agony Spoke Out, And So Revealed How Much It Must
Have Endured In Silence.
Since The Day When Sir Charles Allowed Her To Sit In A Little Room
Close To His Study While He Received Mr. Wheeler's Visit She Had Fitted
Up That Room, And Often Sat There To Be Near Sir Charles; And He Would
Sometimes Call Her In And Tell Her His Justice Cases. One Day She Was
There When The Constable Brought In A Prisoner And Several Witnesses.
The Accused Was A Stout, Florid Girl, With Plump Cheeks And Pale Gray
Eyes. She Seemed All Health, Stupidity, And Simplicity. She Carried A
Child On Her Left Arm. No Dweller In Cities Could Suspect This Face Of
Crime. As Well Indict A Calf.
Yet The Witnesses Proved Beyond A Doubt That She Had Been Seen With Her
Baby In The Neighborhood Of A Certain Old Well On A Certain Day At
Noon; That Soon After Noon She Had Been Seen On The Road Without Her
Baby, And Being Asked What Had Become Of It, Had Said She Had Left It
With Her Aunt, Ten Miles Off; And That About An Hour After That A Faint
Cry Had Been Heard At The Bottom Of The Old Well--It Was Ninety Feet
Deep; People Had Assembled, And A Brave Farmer's Boy Had Been Lowered
In The Bight Of A Cart-Rope, And Had Brought Up A Dead Hen, And A Live
Child, Bleeding At The Cheek, Having Fallen On A Heap Of Fagots At The
Bottom Of The Well; Which Child Was The Prisoner's.
Sir Charles Had The Evidence Written Down, And Then Told The Accused
She Might Make A Counter-Statement If She Chose, But It Would Be Wiser
To Say Nothing At All.
Thereupon The Accused Dropped Him A Little Short Courtesy, Looked Him
Steadily In The Face With Her Pale Gray Eyes, And Delivered Herself As
"If You Please, Sir, I Was A-Sitting By Th' Old Well, With Baby In My
Arms; And I Was Mortal Tired, I Was, Wi' Carring Of Him; He Be Uncommon
Heavy For His Age; And, If You Please, Sir, He Is Uncommon Resolute;
And While I Was So He Give A Leap Right Out Of My Arms And Fell Down
Th' Old Well. I Screams, And Runs Away To Tell My Brother's Wife, As
Lives At Top Of The Hill; But She Was Gone Into North Wood For Dry
Sticks To Light Her Oven; And When I Comes Back They Had Got Him Out Of
Part 3 Chapter 13 Pg 113
The Well, And I Claims Him Directly; And The Constable Said We Must
Come Before You, Sir; So Here We Be."
This She Delivered Very Glibly, Without Tremulousness, Hesitation, Or
The Shadow Of A Blush, And Dropped Another Little Courtesy At The End
To Sir Charles.
Thereupon He Said Not One Word To Her, But Committed Her For Trial, And
Gave The Farmer's Boy A Sovereign.
The People Were No Sooner Gone Than Lady Bassett Came In, With The
Tears Streaming, And Threw Herself At Her Husband's Knees. "Oh,
Charles! Can Such Things Be? Does God Give A Child To A Woman That Has
The Heart To Kill It, And Refuse One To Me, Who Would Give My Heart's
Blood To Save A Hair Of Its Little Head? Oh, What Have We Done That He
Singles Us Out To Be So Cruel To Us?"
Then Sir Charles Tried To Comfort Her, But Could Not, And The Childless
Ones Wept Together.
It Began To Be Whispered That Mrs. Bassett Was In The Family Way.
Neither Sir Charles Nor Lady Bassett Mentioned This Rumor. It Would
Have Been Like Rubbing Vitriol Into Their Own Wounds. But This Reserve
Was Broken Through One Day. It Was A Sunny Afternoon In June, Just
Thirteen Months After Mr. Bassett's Wedding--Lady Bassett Was With Her
Husband In His Study, Settling Invitations For A Ball, And Writing
Them--When The Church-Bells Struck Up A Merry Peal. They Both Left Off,
And Looked At Each Other Eloquently. Lady Bassett Went Out, But Soon
Returned, Looking Pale And Wild.
_"Yes!"_ Said She, With Forced Calmness. Then, Suddenly Losing Her
Self-Command, She Broke Out, Pointing Through The Window At Highmore,
_"He_ Has Got A Fine Boy--To Take Our Place Here. Kill Me, Charles!
Send Me To Heaven To Pray For You, And Take Another Wife That Will Love
You Less But Be Like Other Wives. That Villain Has Married A Fruitful
Vine, And" (Lifting Both Arms To Heaven, With A Gesture Unspeakably
Piteous, Poetic, And Touching) "I Am A Barren Stock."
Part 3 Chapter 14 Pg 114
Of All The Fools Nature Produces With The Help Of Society, Fathers Of
First-Borns Are About The Most Offensive.
The Mothers Of Ditto Are Bores Too, Flinging Their Human Dumplings At
Every Head; But, Considering The Tortures They Have Suffered, And The
Anguish The Little Egotistical Viper They Have Just Hatched Will Most
Likely Give Them, And Considering Further That Their Love Of Their
Firstborn Is Greater Than Their Pride, And Their Pride Unstained By
Vanity, One Must Make Allowances For Them.
But The Male Parent Is Not So Excusable. His Fussy Vanity Is An
Inferior Article To The Mother's Silly But Amiable Pride. His Obtrusive
Affection Is Two-Thirds Of It Egotism, And Blindish Egotism, Too; For
If, At The Very Commencement Of The Wife's Pregnancy The Husband Is
Sent To India, Or Hanged, The Little Angel, As They Call It--Lord
Forgive Them!--Is Nurtured From A Speck To A Mature Infant By The Other
Parent, And Finally Brought Into The World By Her Just As Effectually
As If Her Male Confederate Had Been Tied To Her Apron-String: All The
Time, Instead Of Expatriated Or Hanged.
Therefore The Law--For Want, I Suppose, Of Studying Medicine--Is A
Little Inconsiderate In Giving Children To Fathers, And Taking Them By
Force From Such Mothers _As Can Support Them;_ And Therefore Let
Gallina Go On Clucking Over Her First-Born, But Gallus Be Quiet, Or
Sing A Little Smaller.
With These Preliminary Remarks, Let Me Introduce To You A Character New
In Fiction, But Terribly Old In History--
The Clucking Cock.
Upon The Birth Of A Son And Heir Mr. Richard Bassett Was Inflated
Almost To Bursting. He Became Suddenly Hospitable, Collected All His
Few Friends About Him, And Showed Them All The Boy At Great Length, And
Talked Boy And Little Else. He Went Out Into The World And Made Calls
On People Merely To Remind Them He Had A Son And Heir.
His Self-Gratulation Took A Dozen Forms; Perhaps The Most Amusing, And
The Richest Food For Satire, Was The Mock-Querulous Style, Of Which He
Showed Himself A Master.
"Don't You Ever Marry," Said He To Wheeler And Others. "Look At Me; Do
You Think I Am The Master Of My Own House? Not I; I Am A Regular Slave.
First, There Is A Monthly Nurse, Who Orders Me Out Of My Wife's
Presence, Or Graciously Lets Me In, Just As She Pleases; That Is Queen
1. Then There's A Wet-Nurse, Queen 2, Whom I Must Humor In Everything,
Or She Will Quarrel With Me, And Avenge Herself By Souring Her Milk.
But These Are Mild Tyrants Compared With The Young King Himself. If He
Does But Squall We Must All Skip, And Find Out What He Ails, Or What He
Wants. As For Me, I Am Looked Upon As A Necessary Evil; The Women Seem
To Admit That A Father Is An Incumbrance Without Which These Little
Angels Could Not Exist, But That Is All."
He Had A Christening Feast, And It Was Pretty Well Attended, For He
Reminded All He Asked That The Young Christian Was The Heir To The
Part 3 Chapter 14 Pg 115
Bassett Estates. They Feasted, And The Church-Bells Rang Merrily.
He Had His Pew In The Church New Lined With Cloth, And Took His Wife To
Be Churched. The Nurse Was In The Pew Too, With His Son And Heir. It
Squalled And Spoiled The Liturgy. Thereat Gallus Chuckled.
He Made A Gravel-Walk All Along The Ha-Ha That Separated His Garden
From Sir Charles's, And Called It "The Heir's Walk." Here The Nurse And
Child Used To Parade On Sunny Afternoons.
He Got An Army Of Workmen, And Built A Nursery Fit For A Duke's Nine
Children. It Occupied Two Entire Stories, And Rose In The Form Of A
Square Tower High Above The Rest Of His House, Which, Indeed, Was As
Humble As "The Heir's Tower" Was Pretentious. "The Heir's Tower" Had A
Flat Lead Roof Easy Of Access, And From It You Could Inspect
Huntercombe Hall, And See What Was Done On The Lawn Or At Some Of The
Here, In The August Afternoons, Mr. And Mrs. Bassett Used To Sit
Drinking Their Tea, With Nurse And Child; And Bassett Would Talk To His
Unconscious Boy, And Tell Him That The Great House And All That
Belonged To It Should Be His In Spite Of The Arts That Had Been Used To
Rob Him Of It.
Now, Of Course, The Greater Part Of All This Gratulation Was Merely
Amusing, And Did No Harm Except Stirring Up The Bile Of A Few Old
Bachelors, And Imbittering Them Worse Than Ever Against Clucking Cocks,
Crowing Hens, Inflated Parents, And Matrimony In General.
But The Overflow Of It Reached Huntercombe Hall, And Gave Cruel Pain To
The Childless Ones, Over Whom This Inflated Father Was, In Fact,
As For The Christening, And The Bells That Pealed For It, And The
Subsequent Churching, They Bore These Things With Sore Hearts, And
Bravely, Being Things Of Course. But When It Came To Their Ears That
Bassett And His Family Called His New Gravel-Walk "The Heir's Walk,"
And His Ridiculous Nursery "The Heir's Tower," This Roused A Bitter
Animosity, And, Indeed, Led To Reprisals. Sir Charles Built A Long Wall
At The Edge Of His Garden, Shutting Out "The Heir's Walk" And
Intercepting The View Of His Own Premises From That Walk.
Then Mr. Bassett Made A Little Hill At The End Of His Walk, So That The
Heir Might Get One Peep Over The Wall At His Rich Inheritance.
Then Sir Charles Began To Fell Timber On A Gigantic Scale. He Went To
Work With Several Gangs Of Woodmen, And All His Woods, Which Were Very
Extensive, Rang With The Ax, And The Trees Fell Like Corn. He Made No
Secret That He Was Going To Sell Timber To The Tune Of Several Thousand
Pounds And Settle It On His Wife.
Then Richard Bassett, Through Wheeler, His Attorney, Remonstrated In
His Own Name, And That Of His Son, Against This Excessive Fall Of
Part 3 Chapter 14 Pg 116
Timber On An Entailed Estate.
Sir Charles Chafed Like A Lion Stung By A Gad-Fly, But Vouchsafed No
Reply: The Answer Came From Mr. Oldfield; He Said Sir Charles Had A
Right Under The Entail To Fell Every Stick Of Timber, And Turn His
Woods Into Arable Ground, If He Chose; And Even If He Had Not, Looking
At His Age And His Wife's, It Was Extremely Improbable That Richard
Bassett Would Inherit The Estates: The Said Richard Bassett Was Not
Personally Named In The Entail, And His Rights Were All In Supposition:
If Mr. Wheeler Thought He Could Dispute Both These Positions, The Court
Of Chancery Was Open To His Client.
Then Wheeler Advised Bassett To Avoid The Court Of Chancery In A Matter
So Debatable; And Sir Charles Felled All The More For The Protest. The
Dead Bodies Of The Trees Fell Across Each Other, And Daylight Peeped
Through The Thick Woods. It Was Like The Clearing Of A Primeval Forest.
Richard Bassett Went About With A Witness And Counted The Fallen.
The Poor Were Allowed The Lopwood: They Thronged In For Miles Round,
And Each Built Himself A Great Wood Pile For The Winter; The Poor
Blessed Sir Charles: He Gave The Proceeds, Thirteen Thousand Pounds, To
His Wife For Her Separate Use. He Did Not Tie It Up. He Restricted Her
No Further Than This: She Undertook Never To Draw Above 100 Pounds At A
Time Without Consulting Mr. Oldfield As To The Application. Sir Charles
Said He Should Add To This Fund Every Year; His Beloved Wife Should Not
Be Poor, Even If The Hated Cousin Should Outlive Him And Turn Her Out
Of Huntercombe.
And So Passed The Summer Of That Year; Then The Autumn; And Then Came A
Singularly Mild Winter. There Was More Hunting Than Usual, And Richard
Bassett, Whom His Wife's Fortune Enabled To Cut A Better Figure Than
Before, Was Often In The Field, Mounted On A Great Bony Horse That Was
Not So Fast As Some, Being Half-Bred, But A Wonderful Jumper.
Even In This Pastime The Cousins Were Rivals. Sir Charles's Favorite
Horse Was A Magnificent Thoroughbred, Who Was Seldom Far Off At The
Finish: Over Good Ground Richard's Cocktail Had No Chance With Him; But
Sometimes, If Toward The Close Of The Run They Came To Stiff Fallows
And Strong Fences, The Great Strength Of The Inferior Animal, And That
Prudent Reserve Of His Powers Which Distinguishes The Canny Cocktail
From The Higher-Blooded Animal, Would Give Him The Advantage.
Of This There Occurred, On A Certain 18th Of November, An Example
Fraught With Very Serious Consequences.
That Day The Hounds Met On Sir Charles's Estate. Sir Charles And Lady
Bassett Breakfasted In Pink; He Had On His Scarlet Coat, White Tie,
Irreproachable Buckskins, And Top-Boots. (It Seemed A Pity A Speck Of
Dirt Should Fall On Them.) Lady Bassett Was In Her Riding-Habit; And
When She Mounted Her Pony, And Went To Cover By His Side, With Her
Blue-Velvet Cap And Her Red-Brown Hair, She Looked More Like A
Brilliant Flower Than A Mere Woman.
Part 3 Chapter 14 Pg 117
A Veteran Fox Was Soon Found, And Went Away With Unusual Courage And
Speed, And Lady Bassett Paced Homeward To Wait Her Lord's Return, With
An Anxiety Men Laugh At, But Women Can Appreciate. It Was A Form Of
Quiet Suffering She Had Constantly Endured, And Never Complained, Nor
Even Mentioned The Subject To Sir Charles But Once, And Then He
Pooh-Poohed Her Fancies.
The Hunt Had A Burst Of About Forty Minutes That Left Richard Bassett's
Cocktail In The Rear; And The Fox Got Into A Large Beech Wood With
Plenty Of Briars, And Kept Dodging About It For Two Hours, And Puzzled
The Scent Repeatedly.
Richard Bassett Elected Not To Go Winding In And Out Among Trees, Risk
His Horse's Legs In Rabbit-Holes, And Tire Him For Nothing. He Had Kept
For Years A Little Note Book He Called "Statistics Of Foxes," And That
Told Him An Old Dog-Fox Of Uncommon Strength, If Dislodged From That
Particular Wood, Would Slip Into Bellman's Coppice, And If Driven Out
Of That Would Face The Music Again, Would Take The Open Country For
Higham Gorse, And Probably Be Killed Before He Got There; But Once
There A Regiment Of Scythes Might Cut Him Out, But Bleeding, Sneezing
Fox-Hounds Would Never Work Him Out At The Tail Of A Long Run.
So Richard Bassett Kept Out Of The Wood, And Went Gently On To
Bellman's Coppice And Waited Outside.
His Book Proved An Oracle. After Two Hours' Dodging And Maneuvering The
Fox Came Out At The Very End Of Bellman's Coppice, With Nothing Near
Him But Richard Bassett. Pug Gave Him The White Of His Eye In An Ugly
Leer, And Headed Straight As A Crow For Higham Gorse.
Richard Bassett Blew His Horn, Collected The Hunt, And Laid The Dogs
On. Away They Went, Close Together, Thunder-Mouthed On The Hot Scent.
After A Three Miles' Gallop They Sighted The Fox For A Moment Just
Going Over The Crest Of A Rising Ground Two Furlongs Off. Then The
Hullabbaloo And Excitement Grew Furious, And One Electric Fury Animated
Dogs, Men, And Horses. Another Mile, And The Fox Ran In Sight Scarcely
A Furlong Off; But Many Of The Horses Were Distressed: The Bassetts,
However, Kept Up, One By His Horse Being Fresh, The Other By His
Animal's Native Courage And Speed.
Then Came Some Meadows, Bounded By A Thick Hedge, And Succeeded By A
Plowed Field Of Unusual Size--Eighty Acres.
When The Fox Darted Into This Hedge The Hounds Were Yelling At His
Heels; The Hunt Burst Through The Thin Fence, Expecting To See Them
Kill Close To It.
But The Wily Fox Had Other Resources At His Command Than Speed.
Appreciating His Peril, He Doubled And Ran Sixty Yards Down The Ditch,
And The Impetuous Hounds Rushed Forward And Overran The Scent. They
Raved About To And Fro, Till At Last One Of The Gentlemen Descried The
Fox Running Down A Double Furrow In The Middle Of The Field. He Had Got
Into This, And So Made His Way More Smoothly Than His Four-Footed
Part 3 Chapter 14 Pg 118
Pursuers Could. The Dogs Were Laid On, And Away They Went
At The End Of This Stiff Ground A Stiffish Leap Awaited Them; An Old
Quickset Had Been Cut Down, And All The Elm-Trees That Grew In It, And
A New Quickset Hedge Set On A High Bank With Double Ditches.
The Huntsman Had An Irish Horse That Laughed At This Fence; He Jumped
On To The Bank, And Then Jumped Off It Into The Next Field.
Richard Bassett's Cocktail Came Up Slowly, Rose High, And Landed His
Forefeet In The Field, And So Scrambled On.
Sir Charles Went At It Rather Rashly; His Horse, Tried Hard By The
Fallow, Caught His Heels Against The Edge Of The Bank, And Went
Headlong Into The Other Ditch, Throwing Sir Charles Over His Head Into
The Field. Unluckily Some Of The Trees Were Lying About, And Sir
Charles's Head Struck One Of These In Falling; The Horse Blundered Out
Again, And Galloped After The Hounds, But The Rider Lay There
Nobody Stopped At First; The Pace Was Too Good To Inquire; But
Presently Richard Bassett, Who Had Greeted The Accident With A Laugh,
Turned Round In His Saddle, And Saw His Cousin Motionless, And Two Or
Three Gentlemen Dismounting At The Place. These Were Newcomers. Then He
Resigned The Hunt, And Rode Back.
Sir Charles's Cap Was Crushed In, And There Was Blood On His White
Waistcoat; He Was Very Pale, And Quite Insensible.
The Gentlemen Raised Him, With Expressions Of Alarm And Kindly Concern,
And Inquired Of Each Other What Was Best To Be Done.
Richard Bassett Saw An Opportunity To Conciliate Opinion, And Seized
It. "He Must Be Taken Home Directly," Said He. "We Must Carry Him To
That Farmhouse, And Get A Cart For Him."
He Helped Carry Him Accordingly. The Farmer Lent Them A Cart, With
Straw, And They Laid The Insensible Baronet Gently On It, Richard
Bassett Supporting His Head. "Gentlemen," Said He, Rather Pompously,
"At Such A Moment Everything But The Tie Of Kindred Is Forgotten."
Which Resounding Sentiment Was Warmly Applauded By The Honest Squires.
They Took Him Slowly And Carefully Toward Huntercombe, Distant About
Two Miles From The Scene Of The Accident.
This 18th November Lady Bassett Passed Much As Usual With Her On
Hunting Days. She Was Quietly Patient Till The Afternoon, And Then
Restless, And Could Not Settle Down In Any Part Of The House Till She
Part 3 Chapter 14 Pg 119
Got To A Little Room On The First Floor, With A Bay-Window Commanding
The Country Over Which Sir Charles Was Hunting. In This She Sat, With
Her Head Against One Of The Mullions, And Eyed The Country-Side As Far
As She Could See.
Presently She Heard A Rustle, And There Was Mary Wells Standing And
Looking At Her With Evident Emotion.
"What Is The Matter, Mary?" Said Lady Bassett.
"Oh, My Lady!" Said Mary. And She Trembled, And Her Hands Worked.
Lady Bassett Started Up With Alarm Painted In Her Countenance.
"My Lady, There's Something Wrong In The Hunting Field."
"Sir Charles!"
"An Accident, They Say."
Lady Bassett Put Her Hand To Her Heart With A Faint Cry. Mary Wells Ran
To Her.
"Come With Me Directly!" Cried Lady Bassett. She Snatched Up Her
Bonnet, And In Another Minute She And Mary Wells Were On Their Road To
The Village, Questioning Every Body They Met.
But Nobody They Questioned Could Tell Them Anything. The Stable-Boy,
Who Had Told The Report In The Kitchen Of Huntercombe, Said He Had It
From A Gentleman's Groom, Riding By As He Stood At The Gates.
The Ill News Thus Flung In At The Gate By One Passing Rapidly By Was
Not Confirmed By Any Further Report, And Lady Bassett Began To Hope It
Was False.
But A Terrible Confirmation Came At Last.
In The Outskirts Of The Village Mistress And Servant Encountered A
Sorrowful Procession: The Cart Itself, Followed By Five Gentlemen On
Horseback, Pacing Slowly, And Downcast As At A Funeral.
In The Cart Sir Charles Bassett, Splashed All Over With Mud, And His
White Waistcoat Bloody, Lay With His Head Upon Richard Bassett's Knee.
His Hair Was Wet With Blood, Some Of Which Had Trickled Down His Cheek
And Dried. Even Richard's Buckskins Were Slightly Stained With It.
At That Sight Lady Bassett Uttered A Scream, Which Those Who Heard It
Never Forgot, And Flung Herself, Heaven Knows How, Into The Cart; But
She Got There, And Soon Had That Bleeding Head On Her Bosom. She Took
No Notice Of Richard Bassett, But She Got Sir Charles Away From Him,
And The Cart Took Her, Embracing Him Tenderly, And Kissing His Hurt
Head, And Moaning Over Him, All Through The Village To Huntercombe
Part 3 Chapter 14 Pg 120
Four Years Ago They Passed Through The Same Village In A
Carriage-And-Four--Bells Pealing, Rustics Shouting--To Take Possession
Of Huntercombe, And Fill It With Pledges Of Their Great And Happy Love;
And As They Flashed Past The Heir At Law Shrank Hopeless Into His
Little Cottage. Now, How Changed The Pageant!--A Farmer's Cart, A
Splashed And Bleeding And Senseless Form In It, Supported By A
Childless, Despairing Woman, One Weeping Attendant Walking At The Side,
And, Among The Gentlemen Pacing Slowly Behind, The Heir At Law, With
His Head Lowered In That Decent Affectation Of Regret Which All Heirs
Can Put On To Hide The Indecent Complacency Within.
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 121
At The Steps Of Huntercombe Hall The Servants Streamed Out, And
Relieved The Strangers Of The Sorrowful Load. Sir Charles Was Carried
Into The Hall, And Richard Bassett Turned Away, With One Triumphant
Flash Of His Eye, Quickly Suppressed, And Walked With Impenetrable
Countenance And Studied Demeanor Into Highmore House.
Even Here He Did Not Throw Off The Mask. It Peeled Off By Degrees. He
Began By Telling His Wife, Gravely Enough, Sir Charles Had Met With A
Severe Fall, And He Had Attended To Him And Taken Him Home.
"Ah, I Am Glad You Did That, Richard," Said Mrs. Bassett. "And Is He
Very Badly Hurt?"
"I Am Afraid He Will Hardly Get Over It. He Never Spoke. He Just
Groaned When They Took Him Down From The Cart At Huntercombe."
"Poor Lady Bassett!"
"Ay, It Will Be A Bad Job For Her. Jane!"
"Yes, Dear."
"There Is A Providence In It. The Fall Would Never Have Killed Him; But
His Head Struck A Tree Upon The Ground; And That Tree Was One Of The
Very Elms He Had Just Cut Down To Rob Our Boy."
"Yes; He Was Felling The Very Hedgerow Timber, And This Was One Of The
Old Elms In A Hedge. He Must Have Done It Out Of Spite, For Elm-Wood
Fetches No Price; It Is Good For Nothing I Know Of, Except Coffins.
Well, He Has Cut Down _His."_
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 122
"Poor Man! Richard, Death Reconciles Enemies. Surely You Can Forgive
Him Now."
"I Mean To Try."
Richard Bassett Seemed Now To Have Imbibed The Spirit Of Quicksilver.
His Occupations Were Not Actually Enlarged, Yet, Somehow Or Other, He
Seemed Full Of Business. He Was All Complacent Bustle About Nothing. He
Left Off Inveighing Against Sir Charles. And, Indeed, If You Are One Of
Those Weak Spirits To Whom Censure Is Intolerable, There Is A Cheap And
Easy Way To Moderate The Rancor Of Detraction--You Have Only To Die.
Let Me Comfort Genius In Particular With This Little Recipe.
Why, On One Occasion, Bassett Actually Snubbed Wheeler For A Mere
Allusion. That Worthy Just Happened To Remark, "No More Felling Of
Timber On Bassett Manor For A While."
"For Shame!" Said Richard. "The Man Had His Faults, But He Had His Good
Qualities Too: A High-Spirited Gentleman, Beloved By His Friends And
Respected By All The County. His Successor Will Find It Hard To
Reconcile The County To His Loss."
Wheeler Stared, And Then Grinned Satirically.
This Eulogy Was Never Repeated, For Sir Charles Proved Ungrateful--He
Omitted To Die, After All.
Attended By First-Rate Physicians, Tenderly Nursed And Watched By Lady
Bassett And Mary Wells, He Got Better By Degrees; And Every Stage Of
His Slow But Hopeful Progress Was Communicated To The Servants And The
Village, And To The Ladies And Gentlemen Who Rode Up To The Door Every
Day And Left Their Cards Of Inquiry.
The Most Attentive Of All These Was The New Rector, A Young Clergyman,
Who Had Obtained The Living By Exchange. He Was A Man Highly Gifted
Both In Body And Mind--A Swarthy Adonis, Whose Large Dark Eyes From The
Very First Turned With Glowing Admiration On The Blonde Beauties Of
Lady Bassett.
He Came Every Day To Inquire After Her Husband; And She Sometimes Left
The Sufferer A Minute Or Two To Make Her Report To Him In Person. At
Other Times Mary Wells Was Sent To Him. That Artful Girl Soon
Discovered What Had Escaped Her Mistress's Observation.
The Bulletins Were Favorable, And Welcomed On All Sides.
Richard Bassett Alone Was Incredulous. "I Want To See Him About Again,"
Said He. "Sir Charles Is Not The Man To Lie In Bed If He Was Really
Better. As For The Doctors, They Flatter A Fellow Till The Last Moment.
Let Me See Him On His Legs, And Then I'll Believe He Is Better."
Strange To Say, Obliging Fate Granted Richard Bassett This Moderate
Request. One Frosty But Sunny Afternoon, As He Was Inspecting His
Coming Domain From "The Heir's Tower," He Saw The Hall Door Open, And A
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 123
Muffled Figure Come Slowly Down The Steps Between Two Women: It Was Sir
Charles, Feeble But Convalescent. He Crept About On The Sunny Gravel
For About Ten Minutes, And Then His Nurses Conveyed Him Tenderly In
This Sight, Which Might Have Touched With Pity A More Generous Nature,
Startled Richard Bassett, And Then Moved His Bile. "I Was A Fool," Said
He; "Nothing Will Ever Kill That Man. He Will See Me Out; See Us All
Out. And That Mary Wells Nurses Him, And I Dare Say In Love With Him By
This Time; The Fools Can't Nurse A Man Without. Curse The Whole Pack Of
Ye!" He Yelled, And Turned Away In Rage And Disgust.
That Same Night He Met Mary Wells, And, In A Strange Fit Of Jealousy,
Began To Make Hot Protestations Of Love To Her. He Knew It Was No Use
Reproaching Her, So He Went On The Other Tack.
She Received His Vows With Cool Complacency, But Would Only Stay A
Minute, And Would Only Talk Of Her Master And Mistress, Toward Whom Her
Heart Was Really Warming In Their Trouble. She Spoke Hopefully, And
Said: "'Tisn't As If He Was One Of Your Faint-Hearted Ones As Meet
Death Half-Way. Why, The Second Day, When He Could Scarce Speak, He
Sees Me Crying By The Bed, And Says He, Almost In A Whisper, 'What Are
_You_ Crying For?' 'Sir,' Says I, ''Tis For You--To See You Lie Like A
Ghost.' 'Then You Be Wasting Of Salt-Water,' Says He. 'I Wish I May,
Sir,' Says I. So Then He Raised Himself Up A Little Bit. 'Look At Me,'
Says He; 'I'm A Bassett. I Am Not The Breed To Die For A Crack On The
Skull, And Leave You All To The Mercy Of Them That Would Have No
Mercy'--Which He Meant You, I Suppose. So He Ordered Me To Leave
Crying, Which I Behooved To Obey; For He Will Be Master, Mind Ye, While
He Have A Finger To Wag, Poor Dear Gentleman, He Will."
And, Soon After This, She Resisted All His Attempts To Detain Her, And
Scudded Back To The House, Leaving Bassett To His Reflections, Which
Were Exceedingly Bitter.
Sir Charles Got Better, And At Last Used To Walk Daily With Lady
Bassett. Their Favorite Stroll Was Up And Down The Lawn, Close Under
The Boundary Wall He Had Built To Shut Out "The Heir's Walk."
The Afternoon Sun Struck Warm Upon That Wall And The Walk By Its Side.
On The Other Side A Nurse Often Carried Little Dicky Bassett, The Heir;
But Neither Of The Promenaders Could See Each Other For The Wall.
Richard Bassett, On The Contrary, From "The Heir's Tower," Could See
Both These Little Parties; And, As Some Men Cannot Keep Away From What
Causes Their Pain, He Used To Watch These Loving Walks, And See Sir
Charles Get Stronger And Stronger, Till At Last, Instead Of Leaning On
His Beloved Wife, He Could March By Her Side, Or Even Give Her His Arm.
Yet The Picture Was, In A Great Degree, Delusive; For, Except During
These Blissful Walks, When The Sun Shone On Him, And Love And Beauty
Soothed Him, Sir Charles Was Not The Man He Had Been. The Shake He Had
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 124
Received Appeared To Have Damaged His Temper Strangely. He Became So
Irritable That Several Of His Servants Left Him; And To His Wife He
Repined; And His Childless Condition, Which Had Been Hitherto Only A
Deep Disappointment, Became In His Eyes A Calamity That Outweighed His
Many Blessings. He Had Now Narrowly Escaped Dying Without An Heir, And
This Seemed To Sink Into His Mind, And, Co-Operating With The
Concussion His Brain Had Received, Brought Him Into A Morbid State. He
Brooded On It, And Spoke Of It, And Got Back To It From Every Other
Topic, In A Way That Distressed Lady Bassett Unspeakably. She Consoled
Him Bravely; But Often, When She Was Alone, Her Gentle Courage Gave
Way, And She Cried Bitterly To Herself.
Her Distress Had One Effect She Little Expected; It Completed What Her
Invariable Kindness Had Begun, And Actually Won The Heart Of A Servant.
Those Who Really Know That Tribe Will Agree With Me That This Was A
Marvelous Conquest. Yet So It Was; Mary Wells Conceived For Her A Real
Affection, And Showed It By Unremitting Attention, And A Soft And
Tender Voice, That Soothed Lady Bassett, And Drew Many A Silent But
Grateful Glance From Her Dove-Like Eyes.
Mary Listened, And Heard Enough To Blame Sir Charles For His
Peevishness, And She Began To Throw Out Little Expressions Of
Dissatisfaction At Him; But These Were So Promptly Discouraged By The
Faithful Wife That She Drew In Again And Avoided That Line. But One
Day, Coming Softly As A Cat, She Heard Sir Charles And Lady Bassett
Talking Over Their Calamity. Sir Charles Was Saying That It Was
Heaven's Curse; That All The Poor People In The Village Had Children;
That Richard Bassett's Weak, Puny Little Wife Had Brought Him An Heir,
And Was About To Make Him A Parent Again; He Alone Was Marked Out And
Doomed To Be The Last Of His Race. "And Yet," Said He, "If I Had
Married Any Other Woman, And You Had Married Any Other Man, We Should
Have Had Children By The Dozen, I Suppose."
Upon The Whole, Though He Said Nothing Palpably Unjust, He Had The Tone
Of A Man Blaming His Wife As The Real Cause Of Their Joint Calamity,
Under Which She Suffered A Deeper, Nobler, And More Silent Anguish Than
Himself. This Was Hard To Bear; And When Sir Charles Went Away, Mary
Wells Ran In, With An Angry Expression On The Tip Of Her Tongue.
She Found Lady Bassett In A Pitiable Condition, Lying Rather Than
Leaning On The Table, With Her Hair Loose About Her, Sobbing As If Her
Heart Would Break.
All That Was Good In Mary Wells Tugged At Her Heart-Strings. She Flung
Herself On Her Knees Beside Her, And Seizing Her Mistress's Hand, And
Drawing It To Her Bosom, Fell To Crying And Sobbing Along With Her.
This Canine Devotion Took Lady Bassett By Surprise. She Turned Her
Tearful Eyes Upon Her Sympathizing Servant, And Said, "Oh, Mary!" And
Her Soft Hand Pressed The Girl's Harder Palm Gratefully.
Mary Spoke First. "Oh, My Lady," She Sobbed, "It Breaks My Heart To See
You So. And What A Shame To Blame You For What Is No Fault Of Yourn. If
I Was Your Husband The Cradles Would Soon Be Full In This House; But
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 125
These Fine Gentlemen, They Be Old Before Their Time With Smoking Of
Tobacco; And Then To Come And Lay The Blame On We!"
"Mary, I Value You Very Much--More Than I Ever Did A Servant In My
Life; But If You Speak Against Your Master We Shall Part."
"La, My Lady, I Wouldn't For The World. Sir Charles Is A Perfect
Gentleman. Why, He Gave Me A Sovereign Only The Other Day For Nursing
Of Him; But He Didn't Ought To Blame You For No Fault Of Yourn, And To
Make You Cry. It Tears Me Inside Out To See You Cry; You That Is So
Good To Rich And Poor. I Wouldn't Vex Myself So For That: Dear Heart,
'Twas Always So; God Sends Meat To One House, And Mouths To Another."
"I Could Be Patient If Poor Sir Charles Was Not So Unhappy," Sighed
Lady Bassett; "But If Ever You Are A Wife, Mary, You Will Know How
Wretched It Makes Us To See A Beloved Husband Unhappy."
"Then I'd Make Him Happy," Said Mary.
"Ah, If I Only Could!"
"Oh, I Could Tell You A Way; For I Have Known It Done; And Now He Is As
Happy As A Prince. You See, My Lady, Some Men Are Like Children; To
Make Them Happy You Must Give Them Their Own Way; And So, If I Was In
Your Place, I Wouldn't Make Two Bites Of A Cherry, For Sometimes I
Think He Will Fret Himself Out Of The World For Want On't."
"Heaven Forbid!"
"It Is My Belief You Would Not Be Long Behind Him."
"No, Mary. Why Should I?"
"Then--Whisper, My Lady!"
And, Although Lady Bassett Drew Slightly Back At This Freedom, Mary
Wells Poured Into Her Ear A Proposal That Made Her Stare And Shiver.
As For The Girl's Own Face, It Was As Unmoved As If It Had Been Bronze.
Lady Bassett Drew Back, And Eyed Her Askant With Amazement And Terror.
"What Is This You Have Dared To Say?"
"Why, It Is Done Every Day."
"By People Of Your Class, Perhaps. No; I Don't Believe It. Mary, I Have
Been Mistaken In You. I Am Afraid You Are A Vicious Girl. Leave Me,
Please. I Can't Bear The Sight Of You."
Mary Went Away, Very Red, And The Tear In Her Eye.
In The Evening Lady Bassett Gave Mary Wells A Month's Warning, And Mary
Accepted It Doggedly, And Thought Herself Very Cruelly Used.
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 126
After This Mistress And Maid Did Not Exchange An Unnecessary Word For
Many Days.
This Notice To Leave Was Very Bitter To Mary Wells, For She Was In The
Very Act Of Making A Conquest. Young Drake, A Very Small Farmer And
Tenant Of Sir Charles, Had Fallen In Love With Her, And She Liked Him
And Had Resolved He Should Marry Her, With Which View She Was Playing
The Tender But Coy Maiden Very Prettily. But Drake, Though Young And
Very Much In Love, Was Advised By His Mother, And Evidently Resolved To
Go The Old-Fashioned Way--Keep Company A Year, And Know The Girl Before
Offering The Ring.
Just Before Her Month Was Out A More Serious Trouble Threatened Mary
Her Low, Artful Amour With Richard Bassett Had Led To Its Natural
Results. By Degrees She Had Gone Further Than She Intended, And Now The
Fatal Consequences Looked Her In The Face.
She Found Herself In An Odious Position; For Her Growing Regard For
Young Drake, Though Not A Violent Attachment, Was Enough To Set Her
More And More Against Richard Bassett, And She Was Preparing An Entire
Separation From The Latter When The Fatal Truth Dawned On Her.
Then There Was A Temporary Revulsion Of Feeling; She Told Her Condition
To Bassett, And Implored Him, With Many Tears, To Aid Her To Disappear
For A Time And Hide Her Misfortune, Especially From Her Sister.
Mr. Bassett Heard Her, And Then Gave Her An Answer That Made Her Blood
Run Cold. "Why Do You Come To Me?" Said He. "Why Don't You Go To The
Right Man--Young Drake?"
He Then Told Her He Had Had Her Watched, And She Must Not Think To Make
A Fool Of Him. She Was As Intimate With The Young Farmer As With Him,
And Was In His Company Every Day.
Mary Wells Admitted That Drake Was Courting Her, But Said He Was A
Civil, Respectful Young Man, Who Desired To Make Her His Wife. "You
Have Lost Me That," Said She, Bursting Into Tears; "And So, For God's
Sake, Show Yourself A Man For Once, And See Me Through My Trouble."
The Egotist Disbelieved, Or Affected Not To Believe Her, And Said,
"When There Are Two It Is Always The Gentleman You Girls Deceive. But
You Can't Make A Fool Of Me, Mrs. Drake. Marry The Farmer, And I'll
Give You A Wedding Present; That Is All I Can Do For Any Other Man's
Sweetheart. I Have Got My Own Family To Provide For, And It Is All I
Can Contrive To Make Both Ends Meet."
He Was Cold And Inflexible To Her Prayers. Then She Tried Threats. He
Laughed At Them. Said He, "The Time Is Gone By For That: If You Wanted
To Sue Me For Breach Of Promise, You Should Have Done It At Once; Not
Waited Eighteen Months And Taken Another Sweetheart First. Come, Come;
You Played Your Little Game. You Made Me Come Here Week After Week And
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 127
Bleed A Sovereign. A Woman That Loved A Man Would Never Have Been So
Hard On Him As You Were On Me. I Grinned And Bore It; But When You Ask
Me To Own Another Man's Child, A Man Of Your Own Sort That You Are In
Love With--You Hate Me--That Is A Little Too Much: No, Mrs. Drake; If
That Is Your Game We Will Fight It Out--Before The Public If You Like."
And, Having Delivered This With A Tone Of Harsh And Loud Defiance, He
Left Her--Left Her Forever. She Sat Down Upon The Cold Ground And
Rocked Herself. Despair Was Cold At Her Heart.
She Sat In That Forlorn State For More Than An Hour. Then She Got Up
And Went To Her Mistress's Room And Sat By The Fire, For Her Limbs Were
Cold As Well As Her Heart.
She Sat There, Gazing At The Fire And Sighing Heavily, Till Lady
Bassett Came Up To Bed. She Then Went Through Her Work Like An
Automaton, And Every Now And Then A Deep Sigh Came From Her Breast.
Lady Bassett Heard Her Sigh, And Looked At Her. Her Face Was Altered; A
Sort Of Sullen Misery Was Written On It. Lady Bassett Was Quick At
Reading Faces, And This Look Alarmed Her. "Mary," Said She, Kindly, "Is
There Anything The Matter?"
No Reply.
"Are You Unwell?"
"Are You In Trouble?"
"Ay!" With A Burst Of Tears.
Lady Bassett Let Her Cry, Thinking It Would Relieve Her, And Then Spoke
To Her Again With The Languid Pensiveness Of A Woman Who Has Also Her
Trouble. "You Have Been Very Attentive To Sir Charles, And A Kind Good
Servant To Me, Mary."
"You Are Mocking Me, My Lady," Said Mary, Bitterly. "You Wouldn't Have
Turned Me Off For A Word If I Had Been A Good Servant."
Lady Bassett Colored High, And Was Silenced For A Moment. At Last She
Said, "I Feel It Must Seem Harsh To You. You Don't Know How Wicked It
Was To Tempt Me. But It Is Not As If You Had _Done_ Anything Wrong. I
Do Not Feel Bound To Mention Mere Words: I Shall Give You An Excellent
Character, Mary--Indeed I _Have._ I Think I Have Got A Good Place For
You. I Shall Know To-Morrow, And When It Is Settled We Will Look Over
My Wardrobe Together."
This Proposal Implied A Boxful Of Presents, And Would Have Made Mary's
Dark Eyes Flash With Delight At Another Time; But She Was Past All That
Now. She Interrupted Lady Bassett With This Strange Speech: "You Are
Very Kind, My Lady; Will You Lend Me The Key Of Your Medicine Chest?"
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 128
Lady Bassett Looked Surprised, But Said, "Certainly, Mary," And Held
Out The Keys.
But, Before Mary Could Take Them, She Considered A Moment, And Asked
Her What Medicine She Required.
"Only A Little Laudanum."
"No, Mary; Not While You Look Like That, And Refuse To Tell Me Your
Trouble. I Am Your Mistress, And Must Exert My Authority For Your Good.
Tell Me At Once What Is The Matter."
"I'd Bite My Tongue Off Sooner."
"You Are Wrong, Mary. I Am Sure I Should Be Your Best Friend. I Feel
Much Indebted To You For The Attention And The Affection You Have Shown
Me, And I Am Grieved To See You So Despondent. Make A Friend Of Me.
There--Think It Over, And Talk To Me Again To-Morrow."
Mary Wells Took The True Servant's View Of Lady Bassett's Kindness. She
Looked At It As A Trap; Not, Indeed, Set With Malice Prepense, But
Still A Trap. She Saw That Lady Bassett Meant Kindly At Present; But,
For All That, She Was Sure That If She Told The Truth, Her Mistress
Would Turn Against Her, And Say, "Oh! I Had No Idea Your Trouble Arose
Out Of Your Own Imprudence. I Can Do Nothing For A Vicious Girl."
She Resolved Therefore To Say Nothing, Or Else To Tell Some Lie Or
Other Quite Wide Of The Mark.
Deplorable As This Young Woman's Situation Was, The Duplicity And
Coarseness Of Mind Which Had Brought Her Into It Would Have Somewhat
Blunted The Mental Agony Such A Situation Must Inflict; But It Was
Aggravated By A Special Terror; She Knew That If She Was Found Out She
Would Lose The Only Sure Friend She Had In The World.
The Fact Is, Mary Wells Had Seen A Great Deal Of Life During The Two
Years She Was Out Of The Reader's Sight. Rhoda Had Been Very Good To
Her; Had Set Her Up In A Lodging-House, At Her Earnest Request. She
Misconducted It, And Failed: Threw It Up In Disgust, And Begged Rhoda
To Put Her In The Public Line. Rhoda Complied. Mary Made A Mess Of The
Public-House. Then Rhoda Showed Her She Was Not Fit To Govern Anything,
And Drove Her Into Service Again; And In That Condition, Having No More
Cares Than A Child, And Plenty Of Work To Do, And Many A Present From
Rhoda, She Had Been Happy.
But Rhoda, Though She Forgave Blunders, Incapacity For Business, And
Waste Of Money, Had Always Told Her Plainly There Was One Thing She
Never Would Forgive.
Rhoda Marsh Had Become A Good Christian In Every Respect But One. The
Male Rake Reformed Is Rather Tolerant; But The Female Rake Reformed Is,
As A Rule, Bitterly Intolerant Of Female Frailty; And Rhoda Carried
This Female Characteristic To An Extreme Both In Word And In Deed. They
Were Only Half-Sisters, After All; And Mary Knew That She Would Be Cast
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 129
Off Forever If She Deviated From Virtue So Far As To Be Found Out.
Besides The General Warning, There Had Been A Special One. When She
Read Mary's First Letter From Huntercombe Hall Rhoda Was Rather Taken
Aback At First; But, On Reflection, She Wrote To Mary, Saying She Could
Stay There On Two Conditions: She Must Be Discreet, And Never Mention
Her Sister Rhoda In The House, And She Must Not Be Tempted To Renew Her
Acquaintance With Richard Bassett. "Mind," Said She, "If Ever You Speak
To That Villain I Shall Hear Of It, And I Shall Never Notice You
This Was The Galling Present And The Dark Future Which Had Made So
Young And Unsentimental A Woman As Mary Wells Think Of Suicide For A
Moment Or Two; And It Now Deprived Her Of Her Rest, And Next Day Kept
Her Thinking And Brooding All The Time Her Now Leaden Limbs Were
Carrying Her Through Her Menial Duties.
The Afternoon Was Sunny, And Sir Charles And Lady Bassett Took Their
Usual Walk.
Mary Wells Went A Little Way With Them, Looking Very Miserable. Lady
Bassett Observed, And Said, Kindly, "Mary, You Can Give Me That Shawl;
I Will Not Keep You; Go Where You Like Till Five O'clock."
Mary Never Said So Much As "Thank You." She Put The Shawl Round Her
Mistress, And Then Went Slowly Back. She Sat Down On The Stone Steps,
And Glared Stupidly At The Scene, And Felt Very Miserable And Leaden.
She Seemed To Be Stuck In A Sort Of Slough Of Despond, And Could Not
Move In Any Direction To Get Out Of It.
While She Sat In This Somber Reverie A Gentleman Walked Up To The Door,
And Mary Wells Lifted Her Head And Looked At Him. Notwithstanding Her
Misery, Her Eyes Rested On Him With Some Admiration, For He Was A Model
Of A Man: Six Feet High, And Built Like An Athlete. His Face Was Oval,
And His Skin Dark But Glowing; His Hair, Eyebrows, And Long Eyelashes
Black As Jet; His Gray Eyes Large And Tender. He Was Dressed In Black,
With A White Tie, And His Clothes Were Well Cut, And Seemed
Superlatively So, Owing To The Importance And Symmetry Of The Figure
They Covered. It Was The New Vicar, Mr. Angelo.
He Smiled On Mary Graciously, And Asked Her How Sir Charles Was.
She Said He Was Better.
Then Mr. Angelo Asked, More Timidly, Was Lady Bassett At Home.
"She Is Just Gone Out, Sir."
A Look Of Deep Disappointment Crossed Mr. Angelo's Face. It Did Not
Escape Mary Wells. She Looked At Him Full, And, Lowering Her Voice A
Little, Said, "She Is Only In The Grounds With Sir Charles. She Will Be
At Home About Five O'clock."
Part 3 Chapter 15 Pg 130
Mr. Angelo Hesitated, And Then Said He Would Call Again At Five. He
Evidently Preferred A Duet To A Trio. He Then Thanked Mary Wells With
More Warmth Than The Occasion Seemed To Call For, And Retired Very
Slowly: He Had Come Very Quickly.
Mary Wells Looked After Him, And Asked Herself Wildly If She Could Not
Make Some Use Of Him And His Manifest Infatuation.
But Before Her Mind Could Fix On Any Idea, And, Indeed, Before The
Young Clergyman Had Taken Twenty Steps Homeward, Loud Voices Were Heard
Down The Shrubbery.
These Were Followed By An Agonized Scream.
Mary Wells Started Up, And The Young Parson Turned: They Looked At Each
Other In Amazement.
Then Came Wild And Piercing Cries For Help--In A Woman's Voice.
The Young Clergyman Cried Out, _"Her_ Voice! _Her_ Voice!" And Dashed
Into The Shrubbery With A Speed Mary Wells Had Never Seen Equaled. He
Had Won The 200-Yard Race At Oxford In His Day.
The Agonized Screams Were Repeated, And Mary Wells Screamed In Response
As She Ran Toward The Place.
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 131
Sir Charles Bassett Was In High Spirits This Afternoon--Indeed, A
Little Too High.
"Bella, My Love," Said He, "Now I'll Tell You Why I Made You Give Me
Your Signature This Morning. The Money Has All Come In For The Wood,
And This Very Day I Sent Oldfield Instructions To Open An Account For
You With A London Banker."
Lady Bassett Looked At Him With Tears Of Tenderness In Her Eyes.
"Dearest," Said She, "I Have Plenty Of Money; But The Love To Which I
Owe This Present, That Is My Treasure Of Treasures. Well, I Accept It,
Charles; But Don't Ask Me To Spend It On Myself; I Should Feel I Was
Robbing You."
"It Is Nothing To Me How You Spend It; I Have Saved It From The Enemy."
Now That Very Enemy Heard These Words. He Had Looked From The "Heir's
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 132
Tower," And Seen Sir Charles And Lady Bassett Walking On Their Side The
Wall, And The Nurse Carrying His Heir On The Other Side.
He Had Come Down To Look At His Child In The Sun; But He Walked Softly,
On The Chance Of Overhearing Sir Charles And Lady Bassett Say Something
Or Other About His Health; His Design Went No Further Than That, But
The Fate Of Listeners Is Proverbial.
Lady Bassett Endeavored To Divert Her Husband From The Topic He Seemed
To Be Approaching; It Always Excited Him Now, And Did Him Harm.
"Do Not Waste Your Thoughts On That Enemy. He Is Powerless."
"At This Moment, Perhaps; But His Turn Is Sure To Come Again; And I
Shall Provide For It. I Mean To Live On Half My Income, And Settle The
Other Half On You. I Shall Act On The Clause In The Entail, And Sell
All The Timber On The Estate, Except About The Home Park And My Best
Covers. It Will Take Me Some Years To Do This; I Must Not Glut The
Market, And Spoil Your Profits; But Every Year I'll Have A Fall, Till I
Have Denuded Mr. Bassett's Inheritance, As He Calls It, And Swelled
Your Banker's Account To A Plum. Bella, I Have Had A Shake. Even Now
That I Am Better Such A Pain Goes Through My Head, Like A Bullet
Crushing Through It, Whenever I Get Excited. I Don't Think I Shall Be A
Long-Lived Man. But Never Mind, I'll Live As Long As I Can; And, While
I Do Live, I'll Work For You, And Against That Villain."
"Charles," Cried Lady Bassett, "I Implore You To Turn Your Thoughts
Away From That Man, And To Give Up These Idle Schemes. Were You To Die
I Should Soon Follow You; So Pray Do Not Shorten Your Life By These
Angry Passions, Or You Will Shorten Mine."
This Appeal Acted Powerfully On Sir Charles, And He Left Off Suddenly
With Flushed Cheeks And Tried To Compose Himself.
But His Words Had Now Raised A Corresponding Fury On The Other Side Of
That Boundary Wall. Richard Bassett, Stung With Rage, And, Unlike His
High-Bred Cousin, Accustomed To Mix Cunning Even With His Fury, Gave
Him A Terrible Blow--A Very _Coup De Jarnac._ He Spoke _At_ Him; He Ran
Forward To The Nurse, And Said Very Loud: "Let Me See The Little
Darling. He Does You Credit. What Fat Cheeks!--What Arms!--An Infant
Hercules! There, Take Him Up The Mound. Now Lift Him In Your Arms, And
Let Him See His Inheritance. Higher, Nurse, Higher. Ay, Crow Away,
Youngster; All That Is Yours--House And Land And All. They May Steal
The Trees; They Can't Make Away With The Broad Acres. Ha! I Believe He
Understands Every Word, Nurse. See How He Smiles And Crows."
At The Sound Of Bassett's Voice Sir Charles Started, And, At The First
Taunt, He Uttered Something Between A Moan And A Roar, As Of A Wounded
"Come Away," Cried Lady Bassett. "He Is Doing It On Purpose."
But The Stabs Came Too Fast. Sir Charles Shook Her Off, And Looked
Wildly Round For A Weapon To Strike His Insulter With.
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 133
"Curse Him And His Brat!" He Cried. "They Shall Neither Of Them--I'll
Kill Them Both."
He Sprang Fiercely At The Wall, And, Notwithstanding His Weakly
Condition, Raised Himself Above It, And Glared Over With A Face So Full
Of Fury That Richard Bassett Recoiled In Dismay For A Moment, And Said,
"Run! Run! He'll Hurt The Child!"
But, The Next Moment, Sir Charles's Hands Lost Their Power; He Uttered
A Miserable Moan, And Fell Gasping Under The Wall In An Epileptic Fit,
With All The Terrible Symptoms I Have Described In A Previous Portion
Of This Story. These Were New To His Poor Wife, And, As She Strove In
Vain To Control His Fearful Convulsions, Her Shrieks Rent The Air.
Indeed, Her Screams Were So Appalling That Bassett Himself Sprang At
The Wall, And, By A Great Effort Of Strength, Drew Himself Up, And
Peered Down, With White Face, At The Glaring Eyes, Clinched Teeth,
Purple Face, And Foaming Lips Of His Enemy, And His Body That Bounded
Convulsively On The Ground With Incredible Violence.
At That Moment Humanity Prevailed Over Every Thing, And He Flung
Himself Over The Wall, And In His Haste Got Rather A Heavy Fall
Himself. "It Is A Fit!" He Cried, And Running To The Brook Close By,
Filled His Hat With Water, And Was About To Dash It Over Sir Charles's
But Lady Bassett Repelled Him With Horror. "Don't Touch Him, You
Villain! You Have Killed Him." And Then She Shrieked Again.
At This Moment Mr. Angelo Dashed Up, And Saw At A Glance What It Was,
For He Had Studied Medicine A Little. He Said, "It Is Epilepsy. Leave
Him To Me." He Managed, By His Great Strength, To Keep The Patient's
Head Down Till The Face Got Pale And The Limbs Still; Then, Telling
Lady Bassett Not To Alarm Herself Too Much, He Lifted Sir Charles, And
Actually Proceeded To Carry Him Toward The House. Lady Bassett,
Weeping, Proffered Her Assistance, And So Did Mary Wells; But This
Athlete Said, A Little Bruskly, "No, No; I Have Practiced This Sort Of
Thing;" And, Partly By His Rare Strength, Partly By His Familiarity
With All Athletic Feats, Carried The Insensible Baronet To His Own
House, As I Have Seen My Accomplished Friend Mr. Henry Neville Carry A
Tall Actress On The Mimic Stage; Only, The Distance Being Much Longer,
The Perspiration Rolled Down Mr. Angelo's Face With So Sustained An
He Laid Him Gently On The Floor Of His Study, While Lady Bassett Sent
Two Grooms Galloping For Medical Advice, And Half A Dozen Servants
Running For This And That Stimulant, As One Thing After Another
Occurred To Her Agitated Mind. The Very Rustling Of Dresses And Scurry
Of Feet Overhead Told All The House A Great Calamity Had Stricken It.
Lady Bassett Hung Over The Sufferer, Sighing Piteously, And Was For
Supporting His Beloved Head With Her Tender Arm; But Mr. Angelo Told
Her It Was Better To Keep The Head Low, That The Blood Might Flow Back
To The Vessels Of The Brain.
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 134
She Cast A Look Of Melting Gratitude On Her Adviser, And Composed
Herself To Apply Stimulants Under His Direction And Advice.
Thus Judiciously Treated, Sir Charles Began To Recover Consciousness In
Part. He Stared And Muttered Incoherently. Lady Bassett Thanked God On
Her Knees, And Then Turned To Mr. Angelo With Streaming Eyes, And
Stretched Out Both Hands To Him, With An Indescribable Eloquence Of
Gratitude. He Gave Her His Hands Timidly, And She Pressed Them Both
With All Her Soul. Unconsciously She Sent A Rapturous Thrill Through
The Young Man's Body: He Blushed, And Then Turned Pale, And Felt For A
Moment Almost Faint With Rapture At That Sweet And Unexpected Pressure
Of Her Soft Hands.
But At This Moment Sir Charles Broke Out In A Sort Of Dry,
Business-Like Voice, "I'll Kill The Viper And His Brood!" Then He
Stared At Mr. Angelo, And Could Not Make Him Out At First. "Ah!" Said
He, Complacently, "This Is My Private Tutor: A Man Of Learning. I Read
Homer With Him; But I Have Forgotten It, All But One Line--
"That's A Beautiful Verse. Homer, Old Boy, I'll Take Your Advice. I'll
Kill The Heir At Law, And His Brat As Well, And When They Are Dead And
Well Seasoned I'll Sell Them To That Old Timber-Merchant, The Devil, To
Make Hell Hotter. Order My Horse, Somebody, This Minute!"
During This Tirade Lady Bassett's Hands Kept Clutching, As If To Stop
It, And Her Eyes Filled With Horror.
Mr. Angelo Came Again To Her Rescue. He Affected To Take It All As A
Matter Of Course, And Told The Servants They Need Not Wait, Sir Charles
Was Coming To Himself By Degrees, And The Danger Was All Over.
But When The Servants Were Gone He Said To Lady Bassett, Seriously, "I
Would Not Let Any Servant Be About Sir Charles, Except This One. She Is
Evidently Attached To You. Suppose We Take Him To His Own Room."
He Then Made Mary Wells A Signal, And They Carried Him Upstairs.
Sir Charles Talked All The While With Pitiable Vehemence. Indeed, It
Was A Continuous Babble, Like A Brook.
Mary Wells Was Taking Him Into His Own Room, But Lady Bassett Said,
"No: Into My Room. Oh, I Will Never Let Him Out Of My Sight Again."
Then They Carried Him Into Lady Bassett's Bedroom, And Laid Him Gently
Down On A Couch There.
He Looked Round, Observed The Locality, And Uttered A Little Sigh Of
Complacency. He Left Off Talking For The Present, And Seemed To Doze.
The Place Which Exerted This Soothing Influence On Sir Charles Had A
Contrary And Strange Effect On Mr. Angelo.
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 135
It Was Of Palatial Size, And Lighted By Two Side Windows, And An Oriel
Window At The End. The Delicate Stone Shafts And Mullions Were Such As
Are Oftener Seen In Cathedrals Than In Mansions. The Deep Embrasure Was
Filled With Beautiful Flowers And Luscious Exotic Leaf-Plants From The
Hot-Houses. The Floor Was Of Polished Oak, And Some Feet Of This Were
Left Bare On All Sides Of The Great Aubusson Carpet Made Expressly For
The Room. By This Means Cleanliness Penetrated Into Every Corner: The
Oak Was Not Only Cleaned, But Polished Like A Mirror. The Curtains Were
French Chintzes, Of Substance, And Exquisite Patterns, And Very
Voluminous. On The Walls Was A Delicate Rose-Tinted Satin Paper, To
Which French Art, Unrivaled In These Matters, Had Given The Appearance
Of Being Stuffed, Padded, And Divided Into A Thousand Cozy Pillows, By
Gold-Headed Nails.
The Wardrobes Were Of Satin-Wood. The Bedsteads, One Small, One Large,
Were Plain White, And Gold In Moderation.
All This, However, Was But The Frame To The Delightful Picture Of A
Wealthy Young Lady's Nest.
The Things That Startled And Thrilled Mr. Angelo Were Those His
Imagination Could See The Fair Mistress Using. The Exquisite Toilet
Table; The Dresden Mirror, With Its Delicate China Frame Muslined And
Ribboned; The Great Ivory-Handled Brushes, The Array Of Cut-Glass
Gold-Mounted Bottles, And All The Artillery Of Beauty; The Baths Of
Various Shapes And Sizes, In Which She Laved Her Fair Body; The Bath
Sheets, And The Profusion Of Linen, Fine And Coarse; The Bed, With Its
Frilled Sheets, Its Huge Frilled Pillows, And Its Eider-Down Quilt,
Covered With Bright Purple Silk.
A Delicate Perfume Came Through The Wardrobes, Where Strata Of Fine
Linen From Hamburg And Belfast Lay On Scented Herbs; And This,
Permeating The Room, Seemed The Very Perfume Of Beauty Itself, And
Intoxicated The Brain. Imagination Conjured Pictures Proper To The
Scene: A Goddess At Her Toilet; That Glorious Hair Lying Tumbled On The
Pillow, And Burning In Contrasted Color With The Snowy Sheets And With
The Purple Quilt.
From This Reverie He Was Awakened By A Soft Voice That Said, "How Can I
Ever Thank You Enough, Sir?"
Mr. Angelo Controlled Himself, And Said, "By Sending For Me Whenever I
Can Be Of The Slightest Use." Then, Comprehending His Danger, He Added,
Hastily, "And I Fear I Am None Whatever Now." Then He Rose To Go.
Lady Bassett Gave Him Both Her Hands Again, And This Time He Kissed One
Of Them, All In A Flurry; He Could Not Resist The Temptation. Then He
Hurried Away, With His Whole Soul In A Tumult. Lady Bassett Blushed,
And Returned To Her Husband's Side.
Doctor Willis Came, Heard The Case, Looked Rather Grave And Puzzled,
And Wrote The Inevitable Prescription; For The Established Theory Is
That Man Is Cured By Drugs Alone.
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 136
Sir Charles Wandered A Little While The Doctor Was There, And Continued
To Wander After He Was Gone.
Then Mary Wells Begged Leave To Sleep In The Dressing-Room.
Lady Bassett Thanked Her, But Said She Thought It Unnecessary; A Good
Night's Rest, She Hoped, Would Make A Great Change In The Sufferer.
Mary Wells Thought Otherwise, And Quietly Brought Her Little Bed Into
The Dressing-Room And Laid It On The Floor.
Her Judgment Proved Right; Sir Charles Was No Better The Next Day, Nor
The Day After. He Brooded For Hours At A Time, And, When He Talked,
There Was An Incoherence In His Discourse; Above All, He Seemed
Incapable Of Talking Long On Any Subject Without Coming Back To The
Fatal One Of His Childlessness; And, When He Did Return To This, It Was
Sure To Make Him Either Deeply Dejected Or Else Violent Against Richard
Bassett And His Son; He Swore At Them, And Said They Were Waiting For
His Shoes.
Lady Bassett's Anxiety Deepened; Strange Fears Came Over Her. She Put
Subtle Questions To The Doctor; He Returned Obscure Answers, And Went
On Prescribing Medicines That Had No Effect.
She Looked Wistfully Into Mary Wells's Face, And There She Saw Her Own
Thoughts Reflected.
"Mary," Said She, One Day, In A Low Voice, "What Do They Say In The
"Some Say One Thing, Some Another. What Can They Say? They Never See
Him, And Never Shall While I Am Here."
This Reminded Lady Bassett That Mary's Time Was Up. The Idea Of A
Stranger Taking Her Place, And Seeing Sir Charles In His Present
Condition, Was Horrible To Her. "Oh, Mary," Said She, Piteously,
"Surely You Will Not Leave Me Just Now?"
"Do You Wish Me To Stay, My Lady?"
"Can You Ask It? How Can I Hope To Find Such Devotion As Yours, Such
Fidelity, And, Above All, Such Secrecy? Ah, Mary, I Am The Most Unhappy
Lady In All England This Day."
Then She Began To Cry Bitterly, And Mary Wells Cried With Her, And Said
She Would Stay As Long As She Could; "But," Said She, "I Gave You Good
Advice, My Lady, And So You Will Find."
Lady Bassett Made No Answer Whatever, And That Disappointed Mary, For
She Wanted A Discussion.
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 137
The Days Rolled On, And Brought No Change For The Better. Sir Charles
Continued To Brood On His One Misfortune. He Refused To Go
Out-Of-Doors, Even Into The Garden, Giving As His Reason That He Was
Not Fit To Be Seen. "I Don't Mind A Couple Of Women," Said He, Gravely,
"But No Man Shall See Charles Bassett In His Present State. No.
Patience! Patience! I'll Wait Till Heaven Takes Pity On Me. After All,
It Would Be A Shame That Such A Race As Mine Should Die Out, And These
Fine Estates Go To Blackguards, And Poachers, And Anonymous-Letter
Lady Bassett Used To Coax Him To Walk In The Corridor; But, Even Then,
He Ordered Mary Wells To Keep Watch And Let None Of The Servants Come
That Way. From Words He Let Fall It Seems He Thought "Childlessness"
Was Written On His Face, And That It Had Somehow Degraded His Features.
Now A Wealthy And Popular Baronet Could Not Thus Immure Himself For Any
Length Of Time Without Exciting Curiosity, And Setting All Manner Of
Rumors Afloat. Visitors Poured Into Huntercombe To Inquire.
Lady Bassett Excused Herself To Many, But Some Of Her Own Sex She
Thought It Best To Encounter. This Subjected Her To The Insidious
Attacks Of Curiosity Admirably Veiled With Sympathy. The Assailants
Were Marvelously Subtle; But So Was The Devoted Wife. She Gave Kiss For
Kiss, And Equivoque For Equivoque. She Seemed Grateful For Each Visit;
But They Got Nothing Out Of Her Except That Sir Charles's Nerves Were
Shaken By His Fall, And That She Was Playing The Tyrant For Once, And
Insisting On Absolute Quiet For Her Patient.
One Visitor She Never Refused--Mr. Angelo. He, From The First, Had Been
Her True Friend; Had Carried Sir Charles Away From The Enemy, And Then
Had Dismissed The Gaping Servants. She Saw That He Had Divined Her
Calamity And She Knew From Things He Said To Her That He Would Never
Breathe A Word Out-Of-Doors. She Confided In Him. She Told Him Mr.
Bassett Was The Real Cause Of All This Misery: He Had Insulted Sir
Charles. The Nature Of This Insult She Suppressed. "And Oh, Mr.
Angelo," Said She, "That Man Is My Terror Night And Day! I Don't Know
What He Can Do, But I Feel He Will Do Something If He Ever Learns My
Poor Husband's Condition."
"I Trust, Lady Bassett, You Are Convinced He Will Learn Nothing From
Me. Indeed, I Will Tell The Ruffian Anything You Like. He Has Been
Sounding Me A Little; Called To Inquire After His Poor Cousin--The
"How Good You Are! Please Tell Him Absolute Repose Is Prescribed For A
Time, But There Is No Doubt Of Sir Charles's Ultimate Recovery."
Mr. Angelo Promised Heartily.
Mary Wells Was Not Enough; A Woman Must Have A Man To Lean On In
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 138
Trouble, And Lady Bassett Leaned On Mr. Angelo. She Even Obeyed Him.
One Day He Told Her That Her Own Health Would Fail If She Sat Always In
The Sick-Room; She Must Walk An Hour Every Day.
_"Must_ I?" Said She, Sweetly.
"Yes, Even If It Is Only In Your Own Garden."
From That Time She Used To Walk With Him Nearly Every Day.
Richard Bassett Saw This From His Tower Of Observation; Saw It, And
Chuckled. "Aha!" Said He. "Husband Sick In Bed. Wife Walking In The
Garden With A Young Man--A Parson, Too. He Is Dark, She Is Fair.
Something Will Come Of This. Ha, Ha!"
Lady Bassett Now Talked Of Sending To London For Advice; But Mary Wells
Dissuaded Her. "Physic Can't Cure Him. There's Only One Can Cure Him,
And That Is Yourself, My Lady."
"Ah, Would To Heaven I Could!"
"Try _My_ Way, And You Will See, My Lady."
"What, _That_ Way! Oh, No, No!"
"Well, Then, If You Won't, Nobody Else Can."
Such Speeches As These, Often Repeated, On The One Hand, And Sir
Charles's Melancholy On The Other, Drove Lady Bassett Almost Wild With
Distress And Perplexity.
Meanwhile Her Vague Fears Of Richard Bassett Were Being Gradually
Bassett Employed Wheeler To Sound Dr. Willis As To His Patient's
Dr. Willis, True To The Honorable Traditions Of His Profession, Would
Tell Him Nothing. But Dr. Willis Had A Wife. She Pumped Him: And
Wheeler Pumped Her.
By This Channel Wheeler Got A Somewhat Exaggerated Account Of Sir
Charles's State. He Carried It To Bassett, And The Pair Put Their Heads
The Consultation Lasted All Night, And Finally A Comprehensive Plan Of
Action Was Settled. Wheeler Stipulated That The Law Should Not Be
Broken In The Smallest Particular, But Only Stretched.
Four Days After This Conference Mr. Bassett, Mr. Wheeler, And Two
Spruce Gentlemen Dressed In Black, Sat Upon The "Heir's Tower,"
Watching Huntercombe Hall.
They Watched, And Watched, Until They Saw Mr. Angelo Make His Usual
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 137
Daily Call.
Then They Watched, And Watched, Until Lady Bassett And The Young
Clergyman Came Out And Strolled Together Into The Shrubbery.
Then The Two Gentlemen Went Down The Stairs, And Were Hastily Conducted
By Bassett To Huntercombe Hall.
They Rang The Bell, And The Taller Said, In A Business-Like Voice, "Dr.
Mosely, From Dr. Willis."
Mary Wells Was Sent For, And Dr. Mosely Said, "Dr. Willis Is Unable To
Come To-Day, And Has Sent Me."
Mary Wells Conducted Him To The Patient. The Other Gentleman Followed.
"Who Is This?" Said Mary. "I Can't Let All The World In To See Him."
"It Is Mr. Donkyn, The Surgeon. Dr. Willis Wished The Patient To Be
Examined With The Stethoscope. You Can Stay Outside, Mr. Donkyn."
This New Doctor Announced Himself To Sir Charles, Felt His Pulse, And
Entered At Once Into Conversation With Him.
Sir Charles Was In A Talking Mood, And Very Soon Said One Or Two
Inconsecutive Things. Dr. Mosely Looked At Mary Wells And Said He Would
Write A Prescription.
As Soon As He Had Written It He Said, Very Loud, "Mr. Donkyn!"
The Door Instantly Opened, And That Worthy Appeared On The Threshold.
"Oblige Me," Said The Doctor To His Confrere, "By Seeing This
Prescription Made Up; And You Can Examine The Patient Yourself; But Do
Not Fatigue Him."
With This He Retired Swiftly, And Strolled Down The Corridor, To Wait
For His Companion.
He Had Not To Wait Long. Mr. Donkyn Adopted A Free And Easy Style With
Sir Charles, And That Gentleman Marked His Sense Of The Indignity By
Turning Him Out Of The Room, And Kicking Him Industriously Half-Way
Down The Passage.
Messrs. Mosely And Donkyn Retired To Highmore.
Bassett Was Particularly Pleased At The Baronet Having Kicked Donkyn;
So Was Wheeler; So Was Dr. Mosely. Donkyn Alone Did Not Share The
General Enthusiasm.
When Sir Charles Had Disposed Of Mr. Donkyn He Turned On Mary Wells,
And Rated Her Soundly For Bringing Strangers Into His Room To Gratify
Their Curiosity; And When Lady Bassett Came In He Made His Formal
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 138
Complaint, Concluding With A Proposal That One Of Two Persons Should
Leave Huntercombe, Forever, That Afternoon--Mary Wells Or Sir Charles
Mary Replied, Not To Him, But To Her Mistress, "He Came From Dr.
Willis, My Lady. It Was Dr. Mosely; And The Other Gent Was A Surgeon."
"Two Medical Men, Sent By Dr. Willis?" Said Lady Bassett, Knitting Her
Brow With Wonder And A Shade Of Doubt.
"A Couple Of Her Own Sweethearts, Sent By Herself," Suggested Sir
Lady Bassett Sat Down And Wrote A Hasty Letter To Dr. Willis. "Send A
Groom With It, As Fast As He Can Ride," Said She; And She Was Much
Discomposed And Nervous And Impatient Till The Answer Came Bade.
Dr. Willis Came In Person. "I Sent No One To Take My Place," Said He.
"I Esteem My Patient Too Highly To Let Any Stranger Prescribe For Him
Or Even See Him--For A Few Days To Come."
Lady Bassett Sank Into A Chair, And Her Eloquent Face Filled With An
Undefinable Terror.
Mary Wells, Being On Her Defense, Put In Her Word. "I Am Sure He Was A
Doctor; For He Wrote A Prescription, And Here 'Tis."
Dr. Willis Examined The Prescription, With No Friendly Eye.
"Acetate Of Morphia! The Very Worst Thing That Could Be Given Him. This
Is The Favorite Of The Specialists. This Fatal Drug Has Eaten Away A
Thousand Brains For One It Has Ever Benefited."
"Ah!" Said Lady Bassett. "'Specialists!' What Are They?"
"Medical Men, Who Confine Their Practice To One Disease."
"Mad-Doctors, He Means," Said The Patient, Very Gravely.
Lady Bassett Turned Very Pale. "Then Those Were Mad-Doctors."
"Never You Mind, Bella," Said Sir Charles. "I Kicked The Fellow
"I Am Sorry To Hear It, Sir Charles."
Dr. Willis Looked At Lady Bassett, As Much As To Say, "I Shall Not Give
_Him_ My Real Reason;" And Then Said, "I Think It Very Undesirable You
Should Be Excited And Provoked, Until Your Health Is Thoroughly
Dr. Willis Wrote A Prescription, And Retired.
Part 3 Chapter 16 Pg 139
Lady Bassett Sank Into A Chair, And Trembled All Over. Her Divining Fit
Was On Her; She Saw The Hand Of The Enemy, And Filled With Vague Fears.
Mary Wells Tried To, Comfort Her. "I'll Take Care No More Strangers Get
In Here," Said She. "And, My Lady, If You Are Afraid, Why Not Have The
Keepers, And Two Or Three More, To Sleep In The House? For, As For Them
Footmen, They Be Too Soft To Fight."
"I Will," Said Lady Bassett; "But I Fear It Will Be No Use. Our Enemy
Has So Many Resources Unknown To Me. How Can A Poor Woman Fight With A
Shadow, That Comes In A Moment And Strikes; And Then Is Gone And Leaves
His Victim Trembling?"
Then She Slipped Into The Dressing-Room And Became Hysterical, Out Of
Her Husband's Sight And Hearing.
Mary Wells Nursed Her, And, When She Was Better, Whispered In Her Ear,
"Lose No More Time, Then. Cure Him. You Know The Way."
Part 3 Chapter 17 Pg 140
In The Present Condition Of Her Mind These Words Produced A Strange
Effect On Lady Bassett. She Quivered, And Her Eyes Began To Rove In
That Peculiar Way I Have Already Noticed; And Then She Started Up And
Walked Wildly To And Fro; And Then She Kneeled Down And Prayed; And
Then, Alarmed, Perplexed, Exhausted, She Went And Leaned Her Head On
Her Patient's Shoulder, And Wept Softly A Long Time.
Some Days Passed, And No More Strangers Attempted To See Sir Charles.
Lady Bassett Was Beginning To Breathe Again, When She Was Afflicted By
An Unwelcome Discovery.
Mary Wells Fainted Away So Suddenly That, But For Lady Bassett's Quick
Eye And Ready Hand, She Would Have Fallen Heavily.
Lady Bassett Laid Her Head Down And Loosened Her Stays, And Discovered
Her Condition. She Said Nothing Till The Young Woman Was Well, And Then
She Taxed Her With It.
Mary Denied It Plump; But, Seeing Her Mistress's Disgust At The
Falsehood, She Owned It With Many Tears.
Being Asked How She Could So Far Forget Herself, She Told Lady Bassett
Part 3 Chapter 17 Pg 141
She Had Long Been Courted By A Respectable Young Man; He Had Come To
The Village, Bound On A Three Years' Voyage, To Bid Her Good-By, And,
What With Love And Grief At Parting, They Had Been Betrayed Into Folly;
And Now He Was On The Salt Seas, Little Dreaming In What Condition He
Had Left Her: "And," Said She, "Before Ever He Can Write To Me, And I
To Him, I Shall Be A Ruined Girl; That Is Why I Wanted To Put An End To
Myself; I _Will,_ Too, Unless I Can Find Some Way To Hide It From The
Lady Bassett Begged Her To Give Up Those Desperate Thoughts; She Would
Think What Could Be Done For Her. Lady Bassett Could Say No More To Her
Just Then, For She Was Disgusted With Her.
But When She Came To Reflect That, After All, This Was Not A Lady, And
That She Appeared By Her Own Account To Be The Victim Of Affection And
Frailty Rather Than Of Vice, She Made Some Excuses; And Then The Girl
Had Laid Aside Her Trouble, Her Despair, And Given Her Sorrowful Mind
To Nursing And Comforting Sir Charles. This Would Have Outweighed A
Crime, And It Made The Wife's Bowels Yearn Over The Unfortunate Girl.
"Mary," Said She, "Others Must Judge You; I Am A Wife, And Can Only See
Your Fidelity To My Poor Husband. I Don't Know What I Shall Do Without
You, But I Think It Is My Duty To Send You To Him If Possible. You Are
Sure He Really Loves You?"
"Me Cross The Seas After A Young Man?" Said Mary Wells. "I'd As Lieve
Hang Myself On The Nighest Tree And Make An End. No, My Lady, If You
Are Really My Friend, Let Me Stay Here As Long As I Can--I Will Never
Go Downstairs To Be Seen--And Then Give Me Money Enough To Get My
Trouble Over Unbeknown To My Sister; She Is All My Fear. She Is Married
To A Gentleman, And Got Plenty Of Money, And I Shall Never Want While
She Lives, And Behave Myself; But She Would Never Forgive Me If She
Knew. She Is A Hard Woman; She Is Not Like You, My Lady. I'd Liever Cut
My Hand Off Than I'd Trust Her As I Would You."
Lady Bassett Was Not Quite Insensible To This Compliment; But She Felt
"What, Help You To Deceive Your Sister?"
"For Her Good. Why, If Any One Was To Go And Tell Her About Me Now,
She'd Hate Them For Telling Her Almost As Much As She Would Hate Me."
Lady Bassett Was Sore Perplexed. Unable To See Quite Clear In The
Matter, She Naturally Reverted To Her Husband And His Interest. That
Dictated Her Course. She Said, "Well, Stay With Us, Mary, As Long As
You Can; And Then Money Shall Not Be Wanting To Hide Your Shame From
All The World; But I Hope When The Time Comes You Will Alter Your Mind
And Tell Your Sister. May I Ask What Her Name Is?"
Mary, After A Moment's Hesitation, Said Her Name Was Marsh.
"I Know A Mrs. Marsh," Said Lady Bassett; "But, Of Course, That Is Not
Your Sister. My Mrs. Marsh Is Rather Fair."
Part 3 Chapter 17 Pg 142
"So Is My Sister, For That Matter."
"And Tall?"
"Yes; But You Never Saw Her. You'd Never Forget Her It You Had. She Has
Got Eyes Like A Lion."
"Ah! Does She Ride?"
"Oh, She Is Famous For That; And Driving, And All."
"Indeed! But No; I See No Resemblance."
"Oh, She Is Only My Half-Sister."
"This Is Very Strange."
Lady Bassett Put Her Hand To Her Brow, And Thought.
"Mary," Said She, "All This Is Very Mysterious. We Are Wading In Deep
Mary Wells Had No Idea What She Meant.
The Day Was Not Over Yet. Just Before Dinner-Time A Fly From The
Station Drove To The Door, And Mr. Oldfield Got Out.
He Was Detained In The Hall By Sentinel Moss.
Lady Bassett Came Down To Him. At The Very Sight Of Him She Trembled,
And Said, "Richard Bassett?"
"Yes," Said Mr. Oldfield, "He Is In The Field Again. He Has Been To The
Court Of Chancery _Ex Parte,_ And Obtained An Injunction _Ad Interim_
To Stay Waste. Not Another Tree Must Be Cut Down On The Estate For The
"Thank Heaven It Is No Worse Than That. Not Another Tree Shall Be
Felled On The Grounds."
"Of Course Not. But They Will Not Stop There. If We Do Not Move To
Dissolve The Injunction, I Fear They Will Go On And Ask The Court To
Administer The Estate, With A View To All Interests Concerned,
Especially Those Of The Heir At Law And His Son."
"What, While My Husband Lives?"
"If They Can Prove Him Dead In Law."
"I Don't Understand You, Mr. Oldfield."
"They Have Got Affidavits Of Two Medical Men That He Is Insane."
Lady Bassett Uttered A Faint Scream, And Put Her Hand To Her Heart.
Part 3 Chapter 17 Pg 143
"And, Of Course, They Will Use That Extraordinary Fall Of Timber As A
Further Proof, And Also As A Reason Why The Court Should Interfere To
Protect The Heir At Law. Their Case Is Well Got Up And Very Strong,"
Said Mr. Oldfield, Regretfully.
"Well, But You Are A Lawyer, And You Have Always Beaten Them Hitherto."
"I Had Law And Fact On My Side. It Is Not So Now. To Be Frank, Lady
Bassett, I Don't See What I Can Do But Watch The Case, On The Chance Of
Some Error Or Illegality. It Is Very Hard To Fight A Case When You
Cannot Put Your Client Forward--And I Suppose That Would Not Be Safe.
How Unfortunate That You Have No Children!"
"Children! How Could They Help Us?"
"What A Question! How Could Richard Bassett Move The Court If He Was
Not The Heir At Law?"
After A Long Conference Mr. Oldfield Returned To Town To See What He
Could Do In The Way Of Procrastination, And Lady Bassett Promised To
Leave No Stone Unturned To Cure Sir Charles In The Meantime. Mr.
Oldfield Was To Write Immediately If Any Fresh Step Was Taken.
When Mr. Oldfield Was Gone, Lady Bassett Pondered Every Word He Had
Said, And, Mild As She Was, Her Rage Began To Rise Against Her
Husband's Relentless Enemy. Her Wits Worked, Her Eyes Roved In That
Peculiar Half-Savage Way I Have Described. She Became Intolerably
Restless; And Any One Acquainted With Her Sex Might See That Some
Strange Conflict Was Going On In Her Troubled Mind.
Every Now And Then She Would Come And Cling To Her Husband, And Cry
Over Him; And That Seemed To Still The Tumult Of Her Soul A Little.
She Never Slept All That Night, And Next Day, Clinging In Her Helpless
Agony To The Nearest Branch, She Told Mary Wells What Bassett Was
Doing, And Said, "What Shall I Do? He Is Not Mad; But He Is In So Very
Precarious A State That, If They Get At Him To Torment Him, They Will
Drive Him Mad Indeed."
"My Lady," Said Mary Wells, "I Can't Go From My Word. 'Tis No Use In
Making Two Bites Of A Cherry. We Must Cure Him: And If We Don't, You'll
Never Rue It But Once, And That Will Be All Your Life."
"I Should Look On Myself With Horror Afterward Were I To Deceive Him
"No, My Lady, You Are Too Fond Of Him For That. Once You Saw Him Happy
You'd Be Happy Too, No Matter How It Came About. That Richard Bassett
Will Turn Him Out Of This Else. I Am Sure He Will; He Is A Hard-Hearted
Lady Bassett's Eyes Flashed Fire; Then Her Eyes Roved; Then She Sighed
Part 3 Chapter 17 Pg 144
Her Powers Of Resistance Were Beginning To Relax. As For Mary Wells,
She Gave Her No Peace; She Kept Instilling Her Mind Into Her Mistress's
With The Pertinacity Of A Small But Ever-Dripping Fount, And We Know
Both By Science And Poetry That Small, Incessant Drops Of Water Will
Wear A Hole In Marble.
"Gutta Cavat Lapidem Non Vi Sed Saepe Cadendo."
And In The Midst Of All A Letter Came From Mr. Oldfield, To Tell Her
That Mr. Bassett Threatened To Take Out A Commission _De Lunatico,_ And
She Must Prepare Sir Charles For An Examination; For, If Reported
Insane, The Court Would Administer The Estates; But The Heir At Law,
Mr. Bassett, Would Have The Ear Of The Court And The Right Of
Application, And Become Virtually Master Of Huntercombe And Bassett;
And, Perhaps, Considering The Spirit By Which He Was Animated, Would
Contrive To Occupy The Very Hall Itself. Lady Bassett Was In The
Dressing-Room When She Received This Blow, And It Drove Her Almost
Frantic. She Bemoaned Her Husband; She Prayed God To Take Them Both,
And Let Their Enemy Have His Will. She Wept And Raved, And At The
Height Of Her Distress Came From The Other Room A Feeble Cry,
"Childless! Childless! Childless!"
Lady Bassett Heard That, And In One Moment, From Violent She Became
Unnaturally And Dangerously Calm. She Said Firmly To Mary Wells, "This
Is More Than I Can Bear. You Pretend You Can Save Him--Do It."
Mary Wells Now Trembled In Her Turn; But She Seized The Opportunity.
"My Lady, Whatever I Say You'll Stand To?"
"Whatever You Say I'll Stand To."
Part 3 Chapter 18 Pg 145
Mary Wells, Like Other Uneducated Women, Was Not Accustomed To Think
Long And Earnestly On Any One Subject; To Use An Expression She Once
Applied With Far Less Justice To Her Sister, Her Mind Was Like Running
But Gestation Affects The Brains Of Such Women, And Makes Them Think
More Steadily, And Sometimes Very Acutely; Added To Which, The Peculiar
Dangers And Difficulties That Beset This Girl During That Anxious
Period Stimulated Her Wits To The Very Utmost. Often She Sat Quite
Still For Hours At A Time, Brooding And Brooding, And Asking Herself
How She Could Turn Each New And Unexpected Event To Her Own Benefit.
Now So Much Does Mental Force Depend On That Exercise Of Keen And Long
Part 3 Chapter 18 Pg 146
Attention, In Which Her Sex Is Generally Deficient, That This Young
Woman's Powers Were More Than Doubled Since The Day She First
Discovered Her Condition, And Began To Work Her Brains Night And Day
For Her Defense.
Gradually, As Events I Have Related Unfolded Themselves, She Caught A
Glimpse Of This Idea, That If She Could Get Her Mistress To Have A
Secret, Her Mistress Would Help Her To Keep Her Own. Hence Her
Insidious Whispers, And Her Constant Praises Of Mr. Angelo, Who, She
Saw, Was Infatuated With Lady Bassett. Yet The Designing Creature Was
Actually Fond Of Her Mistress: And So Strangely Compounded Is A Heart
Of This Low Kind That The Extraordinary Step She Now Took Was Half
Affectionate Impulse, Half Egotistical Design.
She Made A Motion With Her Hand Inviting Lady Bassett To Listen, And
Stepped Into Sir Charles's Room.
"Childless! Childless! Childless!"
"Hush, Sir," Said Mary Wells. "Don't Say So. We Shan't Be Many Mouths
Without One, Please Heaven."
Sir Charles Shook His Head Sadly.
"Don't You Believe Me?"
"What, Did Ever I Tell You A Lie?"
"No: But You Are Mistaken. She Would Have Told Me."
"Well, Sir, My Lady Is Young And Shy, And I Think She Is Afraid Of
Disappointing You After All; For You Know, Sir, There's Many A Slip
'Twixt The Cup And The Lip. But 'Tis As I Tell You, Sir."
Sir Charles Was Much Agitated, And Said He Would Give Her A Hundred
Guineas If That Was True. "Where Is My Darling Wife? Why Do I Hear This
Through A Servant?"
Mary Wells Cast A Look At The Door, And Said, For Lady Bassett To Hear,
"She Is Receiving Company. Now, Sir, I Have Told You Good News; Will
You Do Something To Oblige Me? You Shouldn't Speak Of It Direct To My
Lady Just Yet; And If You Want All To Go Well, You Mustn't Vex My Lady
As You Are Doing Now. What I Mean, You Mustn't Be So Downhearted--
There's No Reason For't--And You Mustn't Coop Yourself Up On This
Floor: It Sets The Folks Talking, And Worries My Lady. You Should Give
Her Every Chance, Being The Way She Is."
Sir Charles Said Eagerly He Would Not Vex Her For The World. "I'll Walk
In The Garden," Said He; "But As For Going Abroad, You Know I Am Not In
A Fit Condition Yet; My Mind Is Clouded."
"Not As I See."
Part 3 Chapter 18 Pg 147
"Oh, Not Always. But Sometimes A Cloud Seems To Get Into My Head; And
If I Was In Public I Might Do Or Say Something Discreditable. I Would
Rather Die."
"La, Sir!" Said Mary Wells, In A Broad, Hearty Way--"A Cloud In Your
Head! You've Had A Bad Fall, And A Fit At Top On't, And No Wonder Your
Poor Head Do Ache At Times. You'll Outgrow That--If You Take The Air
And Give Over Fretting About The T'other Thing. I Tell You You'll Hear
The Music Of A Child's Voice And Little Feet A-Pattering Up And Down
This Here Corridor Before So Very Long--If So Be You Take My Advice,
And Leave Off Fretting My Lady With Fretting Of Yourself. You Should
Consider: She Is Too Fond Of You To Be Well When You Be Ill."
"I'll Get Well For Her Sake," Said Sir Charles, Firmly.
At This Moment There Was A Knock At The Door. Mary Wells Opened It So
That The Servant Could See Nothing.
"Mr. Angelo Has Called."
"My Lady Will Be Down Directly."
Mary Wells Then Slipped Into The Dressing-Room, And Found Lady Bassett
Looking Pale And Wild. She Had Heard Every Word.
"There, He Is Better Already," Said Mary Wells. "He Shall Walk In The
Garden With You This Afternoon."
"What Have You Done? I Can't Look Him In The Face Now. Suppose He
Speaks To Me?"
"He Will Not. I'll Manage That. You Won't Have To Say A Word. Only
Listen To What I Say, And Don't Make A Liar Of Me. He Is Better
"How Will This End?" Cried Lady Bassett, Helplessly. "What Shall I Do?"
"You Must Go Downstairs, And Not Come Here For An Hour At Least, Or
You'll Spoil My Work. Mr. Angelo Is In The Drawing-Room."
"I Will Go To Him."
Lady Bassett Slipped Out By The Other Door, And It Was Three Hours,
Instead Of One, Before She Returned.
For The First Time In Her Life She Was Afraid To Face Her Husband.
Part 3 Chapter 19 Pg 148
Meantime Mary Wells Had A Long Conversation With Her Master; And After
That She Retired Into The Adjoining Room, And Sat Down To Sew
Baby-Linen Clandestinely.
After A Considerable Tune Lady Bassett Came In, And, Sinking Into A
Chair, Covered Her Face With Her Hands. She Had Her Bonnet On.
Mary Wells Looked At Her With Black Eyes That Flashed Triumph.
After So Surveying Her For Some Time She Said: "I Have Been At Him
Again, And There's A Change For The Better Already. He Is Not The Same
Man. You Go And See Else."
Lady Bassett Now Obeyed Her Servant: She Rose And Crept Like A Culprit
Into Sir Charles's Room. She Found Him Clean Shaved, Dressed To
Perfection, And Looking More Cheerful Than She Had Seen Him For Many A
Long Day. "Ah, Bella," Said He, "You Have Your Bonnet On; Let Us Have A
Walk In The Garden."
Lady Bassett Opened Her Eyes And Consented Eagerly, Though She Was Very
They Walked Together; And Sir Charles, Being A Man That Never Broke His
Word, Put No Direct Question To Lady Bassett, But Spoke Cheerfully Of
The Future, And Told Her She Was His Hope And His All; She Would Baffle
His Enemy, And Cheer His Desolate Hearth.
She Blushed, And Looked Confused And Distressed; Then He Smiled, And
Talked Of Indifferent Matters, Until A Pain In His Head Stopped Him;
Then He Became Confused, And, Putting His Hand Piteously To His Head,
Proposed To Retire At Once To His Own Room.
Lady Bassett Brought Him In, And He Reposed In Silence On The Sofa.
The Next Day, And, Indeed, Many Days Afterward, Presented Similar
Mary Wells Talked To Her Master Of The Bright Days To Come, Of The Joy
That Would Fill The House If All Went Well, And Of The Defeat In Store
For Richard Bassett. She Spoke Of This Man With Strange Virulence; Said
"She Would Think No More Of Sticking A Knife Into Him Than Of Eating
Her Dinner;" And In Saying This She Showed The White Of Her Eye In A
Manner Truly Savage And Vindictive.
To Hurt The Same Person Is A Surer Bond Than To Love The Same Person;
And This Sentiment Of Mary Wells, Coupled With Her Uniform Kindness To
Himself, Gave Her Great Influence With Sir Charles In His Present
Weakened Condition. Moreover, The Young Woman Had An Oily, Persuasive
Part 3 Chapter 19 Pg 149
Tongue; And She Who Persuades Us Is Stronger Than He Who Convinces Us.
Thus Influenced, Sir Charles Walked Every Day In The Garden With His
Wife, And Forbore All Direct Allusion To Her Condition, Though His
Conversation Was Redolent Of It.
He Was Still Subject To Sudden Collapses Of The Intellect; But He
Became Conscious When They Were Coming On; And At The First Warning He
Would Insist On Burying Himself In His Room.
After Some Days He Consented To Take Short Drives With Lady Bassett In
The Open Carriage. This Made Her Very Joyful. Sir Charles Refused To
Enter A Single House, So High Was His Pride And So Great His Terror
Lest He Should Expose Himself; But It Was A Great Point Gained That She
Could Take Him About The County, And Show Him In The Character Of A
Mere Invalid.
Every Thing Now Looked Like A Cure, Slow, Perhaps, But Progressive; And
Lady Bassett Had Her Joyful Hours, Yet Not Without A Bitter Alloy: Her
Divining Mind Asked Itself What She Should Say And Do When Sir Charles
Should Be Quite Recovered. This Thought Tormented Her, And Sometimes So
Goaded Her That She Hated Mary Wells For Her Well-Meant Interference,
And, By A Natural Recoil From The Familiarity Circumstances Had Forced
On Her, Treated That Young Woman With Great Coldness And Hauteur.
The Artful Girl Met This With Extreme Meekness And Servility; The Only
Reply She Ever Hazarded Was An Adroit One; She Would Take This
Opportunity To Say, "How Much Better Master Do Get Ever Since I Took In
Hand To Cure Him!"
This Oblique Retort Seldom Failed. Lady Bassett Would Look At Her
Husband, And Her Face Would Clear; And She Would Generally End By
Giving Mary A Collar, Or A Scarf, Or Something.
Thus Did Circumstances Enable The Lower Nature To Play With The Higher.
Lady Bassett's Struggles Were Like Those Of A Bird In A Silken Net;
They Led To Nothing. When It Came To The Point She Could Neither Do Nor
Say Any Thing To Retard His Cure. Any Day The Court Of Chancery, Set In
Motion By Richard Bassett, Might Issue A Commission _De Lunatico,_ And,
If Sir Charles Was Not Cured By That Time, Richard Bassett Would
Virtually Administer The Estate--So Mr. Oldfield Had Told Her--And
That, She Felt Sure, Would Drive Sir Charles Mad For Life.
So There Was No Help For It. She Feared, She Writhed, She Hated
Herself; But Sir Charles Got Better Daily, And So She Let Herself Drift
Mary Wells Made It Fatally Easy To Her. She Was The Agent. Lady Bassett
Was Silent And Passive.
After All She Had A Hope Of Extrication. Sir Charles Once Cured, She
Would Make Him Travel Europe With Her. Money Would Relieve Her Of Mary
Wells, And Distance Cut All The Other Cords.
Part 3 Chapter 19 Pg 150
And, Indeed, A Time Came When She Looked Back On Her Present Situation
With Wonder At The Distress It Had Caused Her. "I Was In Shallow Water
Then," Said She--"But Now!"
Publication Date: June 17th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-azbdcf75988b535 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-camie-finch-i-am-broken/ | camie finch I am broken never going to be fixed
"stop!",i cry to my stepdad as he hits me."no! you deserve punishment,you brat!", he yelled at me, that time i feel on the ground.my brother ethan ran through the door,"steve!? what are you doing?!" he asked hm. "she needs puishment." my brother was able to get him away from me, i was broken. and yes, all of me is broken ,not just the bones my soul.
this isnt the first time this ha happened, steve has abused me ever since him and my mom got maried. ive had broken bones before,but now its broken on the inside.i dont trust men, other than my brother, hes my best friend well other than jen."come on bells you need to get up," my brother said i nodded,he lifted me up bridal style,''thank you, ethan,"i muttered, "its fine bells"he said as he took me to my room.
i geuss i should tell you about my self well my name is isabella,or bella, im 5'3 and 14 ,i have black hair down to my thys and bright emerald eyes,ethan on the other and has short brown hair and my emerald eyes is 6'0 and 16 ,tall butt.oh and one other thing- im a werewolf,so is ethan.but we dont have a pack ,we are alone.
"come on bells ,do you want me to stay with you?", ethan askes ,i opened my mouth to say yes but no words would come out ,so i just nodded."okay," he said and put me down in my bed and tucked me in and slipped into the bed also,we always did this.he just pulled me to his chest in a protective big brother way.so0on i fell alseep.
"bella,wake up ," ethan said to me tapping me lightly on my sholder, "why?", i asked verry sleepily."its your first day at high school, trust me you'll be fine with me there." he said, thats when i got up finaly, "ill get out so you can get dressed.' he said while leaving,well this should be an interesting day.
i decided to wear my usaly out-fit wich concisted of ripped purpple skinny jeans, a grey wolf shirt , and my black vans.i put on some black eye liner and some light grey eye shadow. then i went down stairs ,making sure me and ethan were the only ones home -we were- i grabed an apple and poked ethan's sholder ,"you ready?" ,i asked him, "yea come on we gotta go before school starts ", e said and i finished my apple. we went to is car and got in.
we buckled up and were off, "hey bells umm so im moving out," ethan said , "where are you going?" i asked on t verge of tears ,"no! not me ,us ,we are moving out . i told my firend sam about whats going on and e said if we wantedwe could move in with him, he has a pretty big house so he as enogh spance." , e said,"really?" i asked ,he nodded,"hey look there's the school!" he said as we pulled up into a parking lot.i took a deep breathand got out of the car.
worst day ever
when i got out of te car i could feel manny people staring at me,i felt uncomftoble . ethan came to my side and put his arm around my shoulder,i calmed down and got some angery glares from some girls.i tried my best to ignor them,and it worked . "come on bells we gotta get your scedual,",ethan said to me,"okay,lets go then," i said.we walked to the ofice and there was an older looking reseptionest."hi ,we need, isabella black's scedual," ethan said.the woman looked up,and sigh,gave me my scedual and motioned us out.rude!i wanted to say but didnt,we walked out of the office and into a hall.
i looked at my scedual,and its the normal stuff ,"okay ethan, where is my homeroom?" ,i asked ethan,"down that hall room 110", he said pointing down a hall "and you locker is down there too 300 i think," he look at my sceduale and nodded.
Publication Date: August 11th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-camcam.books |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-arielle-reyes-a-fight-of-my-friend-ryan-and-my-neighbor-angel/ | arielle reyes A fight of my friend ryan and my neighbor angel when ryan broke angel's hand when everybody got punished
Text: yes angel did broke his arm he had a cast for 6 weeks and a brase on his arm for 3 months All rights reserved. Publication Date: February 10th 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-popcornariellecapri |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-timothy-carstensen-dreamer/ | Timothy Carstensen Dreamer
The day is sunny, the classroom full, and quietly boisterous. Each twelve year old is busily at work on a project, scratching out a letter to someone else from the future. There is many giggles, several of the kids sneaking a glance at other letters, but several of them are busily at work. He is busily at work. He recalls what he wrote, back then. "I am only twelve, but I know I love you. Do you love me too?" The letter continues, but those were the words to begin it, the words that he sat at the desk the longest to come up with. He sees himself stashing the letter in his backpack, and later at his home, in a small box. He sees himself growing up, periodically checking the letter as time flies by, and wondering how long it would be till he would part with it for its rightful owner. He sees the letter changing shape, from a ruled white sheet, slowly tanning, curling, wrinkling, fading. Still he sees himself caring for it, hiding it, protecting it.
The nurse wheels the man into the room, tubes and bandages covering his body, lacerations open and bleeding, burns on his side and back, with braces keeping his neck and spine as straight as possible. She quickly leaves, as a doctor, his assistant and several accompanying nurses prep for surgery. The doctors voice soon rings out... "Scalpel," then again and again, for forceps, suction, retractors, irrigation, and again suction. The nurses work in a frenzy to provide him what he needs and keep the patient stable, He sees himself with his father, everything they used to do together. He sees himself looking over crowds of people on his fathers shoulders, racing with him on quads, playing lasertag with his and his fathers friends, sees himself laughing in bliss, his father grinning in merriment. He sees himself fishing with his father, shooting with him at the range, exploring the bay in scuba gear, and backpacking through the mountains. He remembers his father telling stories to him, remembers his father teaching him lessons, how to climb a rock face, how to fight, how to hide, how throw a ball. He remembers asking his father how to propose to a girl.
The operating room is now silent but for the oxygen machine and the noises of the staff running around and working hastily. Several of the patients ribs are revealed, broken, as the doctor attempts to pull the splinters of bone gingerly from the tissue, lungs and heart where they had flown. The silence of the room accents the moans from a few rooms down, where a woman is undergoing labor. She screams, once, loudly, and the patients heart rate accelerates. The staff struggle to lower his heart rate, administering a drip and struggling to keep bleeding to a minimum. The cries of an infant from the other room interrupt the flustered sounds of the staff. He recalled most powerfully the jasmine. There was a night blooming jasmine that night on the hill, and its sweet, intimate fragrance whirled around them in the gentle breeze that night as they lay on the hill and watched the stars over the skyline of the city. He could almost smell that jasmine now. His heart starts to speed up as he remembers seeing her face when he starts to ask, remembers her tremble when he shows her the ring. It was a simple thing, but to her it was like he'd offered her the moon. He melts even now, remembering her passionate embrace, the catch in her voice, the emphatic 'yes' repeated over and over. He knows that nothing could ever take this memory from him.
The patients heart rate spikes, and he enters cardiac arrest. The doctor yells for a crash cart, sewing him back up as fast as possible mid surgery. The crash cart arrives and the doctor wipes the patients chest clean as the staff gel and charge the paddles. "Clear," the doctor calls, and they shock the patient. There is no response. They charge and shock him twice more, before they can raise a beat. The staff pause in relief, and the doctor gives orders to stabilize him and finish sewing him up. "He's too weak. Continuing now would kill him." The drapes flow and balloon at the windows, the light purple, almost violet drapes. He recalls choosing them out when they moved in, Nicki and him. They had so much fun choosing them! They went from home improvement store to home improvement store looking for the perfect windows, the perfect accessories, the perfect linens. They'd found the perfect house, on the side of a hill with a large open lot nearby for the children, when the children came.
He recalls, and smiles to himself, the mornings that they woke up to the brilliant sunrises shining directly in their room, bathing their bed and their faces in radiant glory. He remembers sharing a comforter on the patio as they watched the sunset and the stars in the evening. This far from the city, the stars were so bright. He smiles again, almost smelling his sharp Raspberry tea, and her favorite, the milder Vanilla and Cinnamon tea. He sees her reach her hand out to him, and he clasps it in his own.
The patient is wheeled to ICU, and along the way, a woman with bandages of her own and an infant lying in her lap is brought alongside in her wheelchair. The baby is now silent, but squirming about gently. The nurses aren't watching carefully, and the woman reaches out to the man's hand, lying limply on the side of the bed. She holds his hand for a split second, and the nurse stops her. "He's in critical condition. We can't afford the chance of getting him infected." She begs the nurse with her eyes, but the nurse refuses. "Not now. Maybe when they've got him stable enough they can move him out." He sees her face on the day she told him. He was dancing for joy, holding her tight, feeling her stomach, and wondering about it's new treasure. He sees the ultrasounds, after her belly has begun to swell, and falls hopelessly in love with the little boy inside. He sees the two of them making over the house, once again, for children. He sees from the windows the children from the neighborhood playing in the lot nearby, and wonders what kind of a child his boy will be. He is apprehensive. Will he be like his father? Will he like the same sports? Will he be loving? Will he be a rebel?
He sees them both hanging up decorations in the child's room. He remembers looking back in his old files, wondering if he ever kept that letter. He finds it eventually... He sees it now. "I am only twelve, but I know I love you. Do you love me too? I'm only twelve, but someday I'll be your dad, and I'll want to do everything with you. I'll want to share everything with you. I don't know what you look like, but I imagine you look handsome, like Dad says I look." He smiles, remembers showing it to her, and them both framing it in the new boy's room. He remembers walking into the new, yet empty room and wondering what it would be like with their new addition.
The crying of the newborn wakes the nearby mother, who has fallen asleep from exhaustion. She props herself up, painfully, and reaches over. Their son is squirming round, reaching for her. She lifts him, holds him close to her. He is warm, soft and smooth. He reminds her of her love. She rings for a nurse. He sees her waking him in the night, her moaning, the contractions. He runs out, dazed, to fetch the car, and helps her to it. He is tired, but exhilarated at the same time. He can't wait to see his new son. They pull out.
He sees them on the country road, eucalyptus trees and deep ditches framing the two lanes keeping the water from rising despite the fog and rain. He's glancing back at her in the back seat, both anxious for her and excited for the little one. She moans in anguish, the pain of anticipation, and he speaks to her, softly, quickly, soothingly. She attempts to smile at him, and he knows despite the torment, she's as anxious, nervous, and excited as he is. He gets goosebumps, and he glances back at the windshield and accelerates, hears her moan once more as the car rocks over a bump, and he is suddenly back at her side, telling her it's going to be everything they've ever dreamed of. He sees her look at her stomach, at him, at the windshield. Her eyes widen in alarm, and then... He sees the turn, the pickup roaring round the trees, swinging idly through the divider. He wonders slowly if the driver is drunk, or asleep. He sees it slide slightly on the slick asphalt, and suddenly he realizes the peril. He tries to pull over, but there is no room, no time, no space. The pickup is suddenly in his windshield...
...and several staff run past them with an AED and a crash cart. She knows something is wrong. She sees something has happened. She runs, runs with her bandages, runs with her son. The nurse runs after her. They reach the room, she watches from the door. The staff are charging the paddles, shocking him, trying time after time to raise him, to restart his heart. The nurse holds her, she pulls herself free. She runs to his side, through the medics surrounding the bed. They are shocking him once, and as if his body can sense her presence, the monitor jumps a beat. The following rhythm is unsteady, weak, fading. The staff start CPR, one of them injecting a syringe into his IV bag, and she holds her son with one hand as she takes his limp hand in hers once again. He sees a bright light. It all gradually forms into a soft, intangible fog of reality. He temporarily gains control, and can hear the staff speaking, though he cannot speak or respond. He struggles to communicate, but only in vain. Their voices fall to whispers, and fade away. He calls for his love, his rose. He sees her then. She's giving birth, like he'd always imagined it. They made it to the hospital in time. He is holding her hand, she is grasping his tightly. She is panting, heaving, moaning, but smiling. The doctor is giving her directions, calmly talking her through it. He sees her groan and scream. He sees the doctor retrieve the infant... he holds his breath, stumbles towards the doctor slowly, tentatively, as if in a dream. The doctor ties off the umbilical cord, washes the infant, and wraps him tightly. He is standing near the doctor, and the doctor finally turns, and holds the bundle towards him.
She continues holding his hand tightly. The monitor registers several more beats, irregular, arrythmic, but he is still fading. The staff increase their resuscitation efforts, the AED is useless now. She kneels beside him, puts the baby beside him, holds the infant close to him. She weeps, remembering the accident, seeing him stretched out, torn open on the asphalt. He holds the child, sees his sons face. He sees her face, she smiles, and closes her eyes in exhaustion. He holds the child. He could hold him forever. He wonders what his life will be like. He sees himself with his son. He sees him curled up with his son, his arm on the boys shoulder, them reading comic books together. He sees his son reading his letter, framed on the wall. "I am only twelve, but I know I love you. Do you love me too?" He sees the letter now, old, wrinkled, faded. He sees him and his son, and everything he's planned to do together. He sees himself holding his son on his shoulders, seeing himself racing with his son on quads, playing lasertag with his and his sons friends, sees his son laughing in bliss, he grinning in merriment. He sees himself fishing with his son, shooting with him at the range, exploring the bay in scuba gear, and backpacking through the mountains. He sees himself telling stories to him, sees himself teaching the boy lessons, how to climb a rock face, how to fight, how to hide, how throw a ball. He hears his son telling him, "I know you love me, and I love you too." He knows that he sees himself in his son, and no matter what happens to him, he can leave the boy everything; The boy will love and care for everything even after he himself must leave.
The machine loudly flatlines, for the third time. She gasps, holds her son in one arm, grasps his limp hand in her other. Her eyes plead at the staff, but they can do little. They remove her hand and try the AED again, but it is fruitless. The CPR does little good. They try longer, and eventually stop. She holds his hand desperately, wishing it would do some good. He sees, and smiles to himself, the mornings that he woke his wife to, his son too. He sees the light on his sons hair, sees himself stroking his wife's shoulders as she slept. He sees the two sharing a comforter on the patio as they watched the children play soccer in the lot in the afternoon, watched his son among them. He sees the sunset and the stars in the evening. This far from the city, the stars were so bright. He smiles again, almost smelling his sharp Raspberry tea, and her favorite, the milder Vanilla and Cinnamon tea. He sees her reach her hand out to him, and he clasps it in his own, as evening falls, and all fades to darkness.
Publication Date: August 17th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-timothy.carstensen |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-dakota-demps-the-life-i-lived/ | Dakota Demps The Life I Lived What a Waste?? To book is dedicated to all the heart breaking men in this worl and the ones that just play us girls that really loves them.
chpapter 1
We finally made it to my new home. My bed was bigger than the one before. I unpacked my cloths and hunged them up in my walk-in closet. Yes, it was so much better from were we lived before. Ever since my dad became a top lawer and started making millions, my life became sweet. I finally got done with my room and went down stairs. The stairs was made out of a pretty marble matrial. I walked into the kitchen on my dad and step mom making out. Ewww, I hated when they did that in the kitchen. My dad looked up and me. "So what do you think honey, do you like it here?", he askesd me. "Yeah, I mean it's okay. And I love my walk-in closet
",I said smiling at him. "Well honey thats good to know.You are starting a knew school tomorrow",my step mom said. "What? Why? Why tomorrow dad? We just Moved here. Why Can't I explore the new world here and go to school the next day?" My dad chuckled at me. "You'll Do fine at School tomorrow. Trust me. I know you're kind of nervous but you'll be okay." NERVOUS! I wasn't nervous at all or was I? "But dad i-" i started to say untill my dad cut me off. "But dad noting. Go get your things ready for school in the morning and com back down in an hour to eat dinner.
I went back to my room. I couldn't believe that i was starting a new school tomorrow. I really wasn't ready to even meet new people yet. Yep, my dad was right i am just a little nervous about a new school and new people. I scammed my closet to look for an outfit for school tomorrow. i took out a white sweater dress with a yellow belt that goes around it which stopped above my knees and a pear of yellow flats to bring out the belt a little more.
I went down stairs for dinner. I sat down at the table and took my napkin and layed it on my lap.
Dinner was fairly queit.....
chapter 2
I layed on my bed and got a txt messege from my ex-boy friend Carmel.
Carmel:whats up bby i been missing you every since you left...hw is it up there?:)
he is so full of bull. and for one i know he don't miss me because when i left he didn't even tell me good bye. i txted him bac.
Me:u knw u full of b.s. right? u did n even tell meh good bye....bt its ok up here n i start a new school tomorrow..
Carmel: o word....n u was n 'round fa me to even tell u good bye..
Me: o so nw u jus gon blame it all on me..u could hav found me jus lik every other person did......so that ain't no excuse..
Carmel: y n the hell u always so hard on me? its like every since we broke up u treat me like we never had anything. i can stand da way u treat me...:(
Me: carmel plz cut the b.s. out.....
Carmel: i still love you doe...
Me: ya wateva..
Carmel: o nw you dnt love me????
Me: i neva said dat so stop putting words in my mouth.....
Carmel: den tell me you love me den!!!
Me: wateva carmel
Carmel: yea i c hw it is wit u nw....there aint no point to even have a friendship any mo if u gne treat me like this.....:(
Me: stop act n lik dat
Carmel: naw u stop act n like dat
Me: ok wateva imma txtyl im bout to go to bed nw
Carmel: yea wateva bye!!!!!
Me: y u act n like dat
Carmel: aint u bout to go to bed
Me: yea good nite oh nd guess what????...
Carmel: yea wats up??
Me: i love you boy lol
Carmel: ily 2 bbygirl good nite
Me: nite!!!!!!!
chapter 3
i got up and took a long shower and got dressed. i looked in my full body mirrow. Hmmm i got a shape like a black girl to be white. Got nice hips and booty....... i put a little bit of curls in my hair and did my make up. just eye shadow and macara... i went down stairs to grab a galola bar.. i see my dad looking at me."What?" i say to him. "Don't you need the directions to school?" he asks me. He pointed to the window. I looked out the window and seen a brand new purple Dodge Charger sitting in the drive way. "Oh my gosh. Thank you so much daddy," i said hugging him. "you welcome honey" he said. he gave me the keys and a sheet of paper with dthe adress on it. "and how am i going to get there with just this on it?",i asked. "G.P.S."' he said answering my question. I ran out the door kissin his cheek. I got into my fresh car and ckunked it up. I put the address into the G.P.S. and was on my way to school.
When i got to the school there were a lot of kids on the campus just hanging around. Alot of atteneion was on my car. I looked in the mirrow one last time to check my make up. i got out of the car and grabed my bag out the back seat. "dang white girl got back", one of the guys said that was in a group next to my car. I smiled at them and said'"well thank you". I walked pass a group of girls who looked at me mugging hard. "i hope she dont think she bout to be miss glmour girl cuz she white"' one of them said. I stopped and turned around to the group of girls.
Me: "excuse me, come agian!"
Girl: "okay wanna be black girl you need to keep walking"
Me: "first of all who said i wanted to be black. oh i know what the problem is; you dont get enough of attention from boys do you? well imma give you a tip:STOP hating. oh and one other thing, learn how to dress and match honey."
And with that said i walked away. The only thing who could here was "oooos" and "awwws". I'm use to the black girls hatting on my swag. I had the same problem at my other school. i was the bomb diggty and didn't have too much drama. But i see here i'm not gonna make to many friends............
when i walked into the halls i got a lot of stares and eye rolling. i flipped my hair and kept walking. i looked at my schedule to see where my locker was...5021..i went to my locker and did my combination and then when i tried to open it my locker wouldn't even come open....
Boy: a yo look at shawty tryna get ha locker open.
i rolled my eyes at him while the boy and his crew came up to me. he pushed me out the way and magically my locker opened. he smiled at me with his shiney teeth and dimples in both cheecks. Damn he was fine. Light-skinned completion, 6'1, built with a nice body(just wish he could take that shirt off), he had it all.
Boy: now thats how you do that thing girl.
Boy 2: yo man that girl look like she ain't even with us right now!
Boy 3: yea derren man i dont knw whats wrong with this chick here.
i rolled my eyes at all of them as they cracked up in laugher.
Me: what's so freaking funny?
Boy 2: oh shoot! shawty talking to us.
Boy 3: With the attitude bruh!
Me: i dont have an attitude. thank you! And I like the way yall cracking yall corny jokes in my face. you all needs to get a life and stay out of mine. i turned around to my locker and started placing my things into it.
Boy: yo ma' we was just messin around. you-
Me: well look, i aint the person to be messing round with. so play with somebody who'll put up with yall.
Boy 2: man white girl going black on us on some real stuff mane, i aint messin with her no more.
Boy: well you could at least say thank you for openin your locker fa you.
Me: i didn't ask you to open it fa me; i had it.
Boy; well looked like to me you was having some problems, so you really needs to have some respect when a man just tryna help yall skanky tricks out. yall always gots to have an attitude with somebody. Mane yall lets roll out this piece.
They all walked away shaking there heads. What did i care? Then he had a nerv to call me skanky trick cause i didn't say thank you. I slammed my locker door and went to my first class which was math.
chapter 4
i was the first person in class when class started. When the students started coming into class i noticed the girl i was arguing with and the boy that opened my locker with their crews. OMG! this can't be happening right now. I rolled my eyes at them all!!
Boy 2: aww mane we gt the white girl in our class man? dang bruh she got a crazy attitude on some real stuff.
Me: the only one thats gone have an attitude in here is yo momma. Cause when i get trouhg with you she gone wish she could have done something better with your butt. Now im gone tell you this once and once only: LEAVE-ME-ALONE!
Everyone in the class was staring me down like i was crazy or something. THen the next thing i know the class just started bussin out laughing. I looked around the class confused. why was everyone laughin at me? I sat down in my seat. i was mad now! everything i do around here is a problem or its funny...bluh bluh bluh!
Teacher: excuse me class but may i ask whats so funny?
No one said a word. everyone just sat down. Then the cutie just had to sit next to me didn't he. That's how it always goes huh? Ilooked at him and he smiled then started snickering. i slammed my hands on the desk and got up in his face while he was just sittin there in his seat.
ME: What is so funny?(he stood up as well)
Boy: i dont know shawty you tell me. You swear you badder than everybody round here with that little attitude of yours. you need to go back where you came from.
Me: For get this crap.(i picked up my books and headed for the door) This whole school is full of just CRAP!
Teacher: aye little girl close my door behind you!
these people are insane but i did just that as i walked out of the class. I went into the hallway and sat on the floor. I dont know how much longer i can take this mess. I just want to go back home where i was loved and everyone liked me for who i was.
Someone came out of the classroom. Now you knw it was Mr. Cutie. i guess he was coming to apoligize, bt to my suprise he looked down at me and laughed then walked down the hall to the restroom. See what i mean. He had his pants sagging. UGH! He was just killing me. When he came out the restroom he looked down at me again before going in the class room. i looked back at him.
Boy: man come on and stop acting like that bruh.
Me: for one im not a man or your bruh. I do have a name and thats Hope. Just get out of my face and go back in the class with your little friends.
Boy: yo ma' look, ain't nobody tryna be mean to you or nothing but you got a bad attitude like on some real stuff.
Me: i dont have a bad attitude. It's people like yall that i act like this towards.
Boy: what did me and my boys do to you?
Me: oh dnt play stupid! yall crackin jokes in my face and crap like that. That makes me mad. And then yall acted like i wasn't even there.
Boy: that was the expresion on ur face. looked like you was daydreaming or something.
Me: well i wasn't!
Boy: yo you need to chill with the attitude like fa real.
Me: whatever!
Boy: but fa real doe! you need to get it together ma'.
Me: look i'm not your ma'. i should be the last person that u need to tell get it together to. one thing you need to do is pull up your pants and stop sagging...its not cute, second stop with the slang...you don't sound right talking like that, and third those people in there are not even your true friends....i'm just saying.
Boy: look you don't know nothing 'bout me, so you need to take that somewhere else.
Me: look at you!(getting off the floor)you can't even take the truth.
Boy: and you can't either. so what? (getting closer to me)
Me: you're stupid. back out my face dude. (stepping back and him getting closer)
Boy: i'm not stupid for one thing. i'm a str8 A student on the basketball team; the best player they ever had for that matter.
Me: well it don't look like it to me. Not when u 'round here sagging like u some type of thug or something.
Boy: what you hating for? you act like you the baddest white chick around here. but i can do better.
Me: what you trying to say?
Boy: man dont worry about it, just do you.
Me: whatever.
Boy: are you coming back in the class or what. i done wasting my time on you.
Me: boy i didnt tell you to come out here running behind me anyways.
Boy: you know what you right.
He walked away and went back in the class room and left me standing in the hall way all alone looking sytupid. After a few minutes i walked back into the class. Everybody stared at me and i just went to my seat and put my head down. The bell rung a little after that. I got up and got my things and headed to my next class. As i was in the hallway this girl bumped into me.
me: bitch, you cant say excuss me or something.
the girl just kept walking no giving a care in the world if i was talking to her or not. when i got in my class, there he was again.
Publication Date: January 18th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-dakota22 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-jasmine-unexpected-sister/ | jasmine unexpected sister when did i have a sister? to my best friend who never left my side
chapter one
"STOP IT Niall" Zayn yelled "No" And I just laugh my bum off and record every second of this because Niall is trying to eat Zayn hand because Zayn ate his last chip.Then Liam came barging in and trying to break up the fight."Louis help me"Liam pleaded "I am" "how?" "by video tapping all of this" Then Harry came in the room naked like he always does.its a harry thing that you will never understand.Then my phone started to ring.I dug it out of my pocket.And It was my little sister phoebe .I answered it."Hi Phoebe" "Louis it mommy" "what about mum" I said and felt my smile go away as my sister told me the horrible news.
"what's wrong Louis" Harry said "I need to get to the hospital my mum was just in a accident" "ok I will drive" Harry said "wait I need to get my cote" I said then I went in my room and grab my cote that was in my suit case.Then ran back to the boys."Lets go" I said and push the boys out the door.I put on my cote while I was running.Then I just remember our fans.I stop dead in my tracks.All the boys did to."What is it?" Liam ask "Our fans how are we going to go out their all of our fans our surrounding Harry car" we all thought a second then Niall beam with happiness "Lets walk?" "no office Niall but that's the stupendous idea ever" I said then he pouted "I was trying to help" then Liam hug him "It's ok mate" I just rolled my eyes because of the 'Niam' dram.
"Ok here's the plan call Paul" Zayn said then we all said "ooooooo" I pulled out my phone and flip it open not knowing what to do I mean hes a bodyguard how the hell am I suppose to know his phone number."Call already" Zayn said "what's his phone number" I said in a panic voice."Uhhhh" then Liam snatch the phone from my lose grip.Then he dial his phone number.And slam it to his ear."Hi Paul we need help" then he fell silent "Great hurry we need help fast"then he hung up.and look at me and smile "Paul is on his way" I sigh in relief "perfect" then their was an odd slice.Then I said "BABIES ARE MAID FROM CARROTS" "What?" Niall ask I look around and the boys had crazy looks on their faces but let me tell you the4ir dame funny."Well its true because of baby carrots" "Your weird but I love you" Harry said.Then we heard my phone ring I dug it out and it was Paul.
"Hello" I answered "Louis I will be there in a second what floor are you guys on" "uh er the six" "ok" then the line went dead "Who was it?" Niall ask "the cookie monster who else?" "holy crab really" I look at him and there was a big grin on his face his eyes sparkle with existed "No" "never kid around with the cookie monster" i just rolled my eyes Then the elevator door open to fine Paul and other guys."Let's go" we all look at each other then hurry up in the elevator.I was really squish by the boys and bodyguards.
And once we got out let me tell you there was girls everywhere.Don't gt me wrong I love girls but not crazy.We all hope in the van and speed off to the hospital
chapter two I am related to that???!!!
I keep running in the halls getting yelled at by people but who cares? its MY MOTHER! My toms shoes squeaking as I ran down the shiny new tides then I fell over somebody."Ow watch it!" a girl scream I turn my head and look at the girl she kinda look like me same face same blue eyes but black raven hair."Louis lad!" Liam yelled then help me get up.I tried to help the girl up by giving her my hand but she swat it away."I really don't need your fucking help" she spat in my face "hey he was only tr- "I know trying to help but I really don't need it I been alone forever sine our mum left me" I just stood their trying to remember if i had her for a sister but nothing came to me."Wait what do you mean OUR mum?" I said totally confuse. She gave a harsh laugh "you know we both came out of her- "yes yes please don't say that" I said really gross out."Hey you ask" she shrug then slid her back against the wall and sat down.Then Harry pip up "so your Louis sister?" "true that" she nodded then continue "but that's the sad part I'm related to you" she frown "and what's that suppose to mean" I said and cross my arm on my chest.She rolled her eyes "I'm related to your fucking retard ass"she said with no emotion in her voice.
My stomach drop and I felt my smile turn upside down."What?" "you heard me" then Liam step in and put his arm around my shoulder."There is no need to talk like that" she curl her hands up into fist then turn her head really fast and look at me and Liam straight in the eyes."Yes there is now go run to mum before she... you know" she said broadly."Yea whatever" I said then turn around "shes the other way" she scream I turn around the other way "thanks" I mumble "no prob" she smirk at me as I ran down the halls looking for the door 121.....128.....134...here it is 134.I stop then open the door to see my pale mother lying in bed as he heart beep was slowed."Mum?" she tun her head a bit to face me then let out a smile...but it was force."Louis ,honey" "mum" my eyes burn with tears as I made my way to her then drop down on my knees."Shhhh its going to be alright" she said unsure like she wasn't going to be.
"Mum do I have a sister?" "about that" she laugh my eye brows shot up."Wait she not crazy she is really my sister" I shouted at her."Louis William Tomlinson there is no need to talk to your mother like that" I bow my head just a slim "sorry mum" "its alright just be nice she HAS been throw a lot just be nice" "fine" I said while getting up"and one more thing" "what's that?" "let her stay with you and the ,lads no butts or anything just do it" "fine" I said again then went out.I saw the boys leaning on the wall sharing quit whispers.
"Bad news" then=y stop talking and there faces drop Harry was the first one to step up "were sorry Louis but everybody dies" "what? no no I have to let my 'sister live with us" "the girl in the hall?" Zayn ask and pointed at her lying flat on the floor."Yes" Harry smile "what are you smiling about?" "nothing" he said and walk away as his grin grew "that boy sometimes" I rolled my eyes then walk over to the girl."Hello" I said lightly and smile.
She look up to me "what?" "well would you lik- "YO BITCH!" someone scream which she filch but smile and stood up "YO MY MAN WHORE!" then ran in each other and hug then let go. They both had big goofy grins on but I think I got a little jealous."Ok ok like I was saying why don't you come live with me" I said turning her around so she can face me."Why?" "because well uh you had a hard life and I want to make everything up to you" "thanks but no thanks" "what why?" "because nobody can make it up to me" she said and started to walk away but I grab her sweeter sleeve and look right in her eyes "but I can" "fine! go ahead but I warn you" she said.Great this HAS to be fun...........
chapter three hell must where she came from
"But,Can I say goodbye to him" She beg me with sorrow in her voice.I sighed because I'm not that rude so I nodded my head.She smile a bit and ran over to the guy.He gave her a tight squeeze while glaring at me with daggers.He lean down to her ear and move his lips so I couldn't hear.He pulled back and smirk at her but she only frown and nodded to him.What did he just say? My brain question.I might just meet her but she is my sister I love her.Even if she hates me I will love her.
She walk over to me and smile,But I knew it was force."Well,I am Liam its nice to meet you" He smile warmly at her blank face.She smile back "nice to meet you to Liam and my name is Winter" She smile warmly at him back.But again force..."I'm Niall" Niall blush at her and smile big.She keep on the last smile and smile at him "Nice to me you Niall" "I'm Zayn" "Nice to meet you Zayn" She had that force smile again..please be a real smile and I'm not just thinking weird.
"I'm Harry Styles and your just one beautiful girl" Harry wink,But i think I just lost it.?I stood in front of ,Winter."We should go,Come on Winter" I said and lightly grab her hand and walk her to the SUV."There isn't enough room..." "You can sit on my lap" Harry grin cheeky at her."No she is my sister and I really don't know her so she is with me." Harry look hurt,Which made me feel a bit bad but he is a player with girls hearts I can't have him around my sister.
"Well ok" She shrug and claim on top of my lap.But she is very light,just like a feather.She yawn a bit and put her forehead on the window."Tire?" "Yes" she mumble lightly I smile lightly as she was trying to force herself awake but she finally lost and just close her eyes and started to to light breaths."Aw she looks so cute when she sleeps!" I whisper."You really love your new sister don't you Louis?" "yea" I gush."Aw my boo bear loves his sister!" Harry said.I sighed "Harry,I'm sorry how I acted a bit back about my sister,IT just your a player and I don't want her to get play" I finally got out."Its alright Louis,I understand" well that was easy "So mate we should eat!" Niall sang "We ate already Niall" "Ya but..that was an hour ago" He groin and clutch his stomach."Ok we can stop at- "NANDOS!" Niall yelled.
My sister move in get sleep and whimper."Don't hurt..me" She whimper.We just stare at her mouths open."Did she just say" "yes" "I said.Still mouth open.Looking at her,scared for her at what was in her past that she face by herself.
chapter four ~what are those on your arms? :'(
ok before we start this chapter i gotta say something! sorry for not writing in a while i just got hit my the lazy bus ya know anyways this chapter was kinda hard to ride for me :( so um ya here it is!
As we pulled in Nados the car was turn off and Nial jump out.My sissy was sleeping my lap with her fingers tugging on her hair.I didn't even know the boys were out yet until Liam woke me up from my daydreaming."Time to eat ,lou" "ok but..what about my sis?" "Paul will look over her no worries come on" He grin all daddy like.I nodded and slid out of the car and started to walk in of Nados...
I stern in my sleep again as another flashback came creeping in my dream again. "Worthless" He grin as his bright blue eyes shone with evil in them.He creepy toward me with the knife in his hand,ready for action.My eyes became glassy with tears as my back hit the wall.I slid down slowly,shaking as the man kept going towards me faster and faster his pearly white teeth showing."P-Pleas-s don't h-hurt me" I sluttier and sob at once."I won't hurt you.Not at all just Mr.Blade will" He laugh deeply right before slashing my arms with the blade carving some in my back as I scream out for help.He finally threw me down and spit on me."Just worthless" He laugh right before walking away leaving me in the cold basement to bleed.
I gasp and shout out but only to bag my head on the car roof."Owww" I whine and rub my head a kinda chunky guy turn aroun in the drivers seat."Are you ok?" "meh kinda A ok!" I said and smile force once again.
"Well ok then..O by the way I'm Paul your brother bodyguard." "well ok then" "How long was i sleeping?" I said trying to break the silence "O um an hour o so I guess" "O ok..so where my um brother?" I hesitate to say 'brother'."O he just eating and didn't want to wake you.But you can go in the rest-runt if you want." Um naw I'll just chill here" "chill?" "ya know hang out?" "You are nothing like Louis now are you?" "probably not" I shrug and turn my head to see what's outside.But only saw my brother and his friends laughing and coming back to the car.
"Well hi sleepy head!" Louis almost shouted.I groin "You don't really have to shout!" His smile faded "Um I'm sorry?" He scratch the back of neck.I sighed "Its fine" They all slid in and I sat on the floor.My legs tucks in my chest."Why don't you sit on my lap sissy?" "No thanks" I said but didn't even look up."O ok.." "Ya whatever" I blink and feel into my daydreams again..but i really wish I didn't.
"Your stupid nobody loves you..not eve your own mother that's why she threw you in the streets and your brother hated you to" I said to myself while I stare in the mirror.The ice cold razor in my hand ready to do its 'thing'."Hes right" I whisper."I am fat ugly and -gulps- worthless" I slides my skin breaking it so it would gush blood.But I kept doing i not knowing what I was doing until..I finally stop and saw the word carve into me. 'WORTHLESS ' I felt kinda happy I was doing this to myself but I knew its not a good thing to do...Its a bad thing.
I woke u[ again by hush soft whispers."Why are there scars all over her!?" A worried voice ask."I don't know probably from her past" a clam voice answer "But the real question is why does it look like worthless?" I open my eyes and sat up."That's because I am"
Text: ? Images: google Editing: me Translation: ? All rights reserved. Publication Date: January 17th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-minght.girl.fangs |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-ash-unexpected/ | Ash . Unexpected.
Chapter 1.
- Katie's POV -
I'd never recall that night again. I lost everything. My dignity; my respect; and my virginity. All of it to some stupid, ignorant popular kid that didn't even know my name. And we were on the same committee together! I couldn't believe I was so stupid.
"Katie, time for school!" my mom yelled from downstairs.
I sighed and checked my outfit in the mirror one more time before going downstairs and leaving. My car drove smoothly down the road and the wind from outside my window swept my hair gently. I pulled into the parking lot I've drove into every day for the last 134 days of this school year and again, no one paid attention to the nerdy girl from gym class. I grabbed my bag and wallet from the car before locking it and walking through the front doors for my day of torture.
Heads turned to me as I walked down the hallway and I got overwhelmed from all of the attention. I've never had so many people looking at me before and I wasn't on stage for drama performances or choral showcases. I got to my locker and Alex's girlfriend, Heather, was standing there with her arms crossed and a tear on her face in rage. I'd never seen her so angry.
"You made Alex break up with me, you whore!" she screamed at me and then a sharp pain came at my cheek that made my head turn quickly.
"Firstly," I started as I turned back to look at her face as another tear rolled, "I can't make anyone's boyfriend break up with them. If I'm the reason you and Alex broke up, it's his fault, not mine. He's obviously got something going that involves me and I have nothing to do with it. Secondly," I said, continuing, "you're nothing but a slut anyways, Heather. I mean, you did sleep with the entire boys' track team."
A bunch of ooohs and ohhh's came from behind us. She was turning red and getting more heated but I just smiled gently at her and grabbed my textbook before stalking off to Chemistry 01. I entered the class and Alex was actually there already. I was the one that was late.
"And your reasoning for being late to my class is?" Mr. Fargo asked me.
"I got into some trouble with someone," I replied and sat in my seat next to my best friend, Kaylin.
She passed a note over to me. What happened with queen bitch?
She was waiting for me to bitch about Alex. I wrote back.
Wow. Must have some nerve. You can really throw punches. She put her little crush face and I burst out laughing.
We finished our Chemistry assignment and I wrote down the homework before leaving the classroom. Someone grabbed me by my sweater's pocket and pulled me down the hallway backwards swiftly. They didn't seem to care about the head-turners paying attention to them kidnapping me and they actually let out a chuckle. A deep chuckle. One I knew very well. He finally stopped and I turned to look at him with a confused face.
"What the hell did you drag me all the way to the teacher's lounge for? We could get in big trouble!" I shouted at him.
"This is the old teacher's lounge and no one comes in here but janitors after school hours. I want to talk about the party," Alex said.
"No. There's nothing to say about that party," I said and reached for the doorknob.
"Yes, there is. There is plenty to say about that party. I fucked you for crying out loud and it was your first time, Katie!"
Chapter 2.
- Katie's POV -
"You really know how to fuck up a girls' day," I said and tried to slip past him.
"Katie," he said and blocked the door. "I can't stop thinking about you since that night. That wasn't just sex we had... I felt like I made love to you, Kathryn. I just-,"
"Don't ever call me that." I was starting to get heated at the sound of my actual name.
"Katie, don't you get it? I love you. I'm possibly in love with you!" He was in my face now and his breath smelled like cigarettes and minty toothpaste.
"You can't love me. You love girls like Heather; with nice boobs and asses and who are dumb enough to even like guys like you," I said harshly and looked down at our bodies barely touching.
His finger touched my chin lightly and lifted it up so I was looking him in the eyes. "Kiss me, Katie," he whispered and leaned forward.
And I did. Hell, who wouldn't kiss Alex? He was hot. But the kiss wasn't what I thought it would be; forced, harsh, and distasteful. No. It was soft, subtle, and it made me melt. His lips and breath and tongue were all I could feel against me. His hands around my waist, being careful of touching me in that way. And it seemed like we were there for days and days; just kissing. When it was over, I still kept my eyes shut. He made me realize we weren't kissing anymore by wiping a tear off of my cheek.
Chapter 3.
- Alex's POV -
"Man, what were you thinking? Katie's a nerd! She's way below your standards!"
"Well, maybe you're not such a good friend if you can't see that I actually like her, Josh." I was getting frustrated as my boys starting dissing Katie as if she were another slut.
"But she's a NERD!" he shouted and the cafeteria got quiet.
"It's better than your whore of a girlfriend who tried to get me to fuck her last weekend!" I shouted back at him and made his girlfriend Denisa blush. "Stay out of my love life or get the fuck out of my life and my girlfriend's."
"You've changed. And it's because of that thing you're with," Josh said and glared at Katie.
I saw her put her head down and look as if she were about to cry. That was it. My fist connected with Josh's nose and he fell out onto the floor. A sea of gasps exploded in the quiet room and I saw officers coming over towards us. Katie looked up and smiled gently at me before covering her mouth and heading towards the door in a sprint. What the-
"Mr. Milan, we need to speak with you in the principal's office," one of the cops said to me.
"Look, dude, can I just go and check on my girlfriend?"
"No, sir, we need you to-,"
"Let him go," Josh coughed out to them.
They considered it for a second and then nodded at me. I ran out of the room and down the hall to find Katie quickly. I heard someone puking inside the girls' bathroom and then the flush of a toilet. The stall door creaked open and the girl coughed before running water. The door then swung open and out came Katie, red-faced and miserable.
"I don't feel so well," she whispered.
"I'll take you home," I told her and pulled her into my arms.
When I got her home, no one was there so she asked me to stay with her. And I did. Hell, who wouldn't?
Chapter 4.
- Katie's POV -
"Mom, I need new clothes," I shouted down the hall at her.
"Sweetie, I just bought you new clothes last week and they fit fine!" she yelled back.
"I can't get into this dress mom and this party is huge!"
"Well, wear some shorts and a tank top or something. No cleavage though and make sure the shorts cover your thighs!"
"Mom, I'm starting to gain a little weight."
"Your boobs are also growing a little so you will not be showing anything. Alright?"
"Mom, no. Seriously. I've gained five pounds in these past few weeks..." I started to become a little worried and looked at myself in the mirror. My used to be anorexic body was starting to develope a little curve and excess fat in the stomach but I still looked pretty small. And my butt was getting a little bigger, too.
"Well, why don't we go on a diet?"
"I've been eating nothing but salads and drinking fruit juice and water this whole time. What other kind of diet is there, mother?"
"Well, you could try eating fish, maybe? And drinking more milk and juices instead of water. Water weight can be a killer."
"Whatever," I snapped at her and was confused about my sudden change in mood.
"Kathryn, don't use that tone."
"Ugh," I groaned and closed my door.
Chapter 5.
- Katie's POV -
"Babe, you're starting to get a little big, don't you think?" Alex commented while I kissed him tenderly.
"Well, mom and me started a diet yesterday and it's been a little hefty these past few weeks. With graduation coming up and everything, I don't-,"
"You don't have to help with the senior's graduation," he said quickly and looked at me.
"I want to, though. It's kind of fun running the walk and stuff with them."
"It's stressing you out and I don't like it. You're quitting tomorrow," he said seriously.
"Why are you being such a dick? Gosh, it's one event. I've done plenty others," I said and pushed him away.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he said a little louder.
"I should ask you the same thing!"
He took a deep breath and looked me over. His looked turned sad and then angry. His fists connected with his steering wheel then.
"Fuck," he yelled and then got out of the car.
"What's wrong?" I asked and climbed out then walked to his side.
He put his head in his hands and leaned against the car before starting to sob. I was so confused that I didn't know what to do so I just stood there and put a hand on his shoulder gently.
"You're pregnant, aren't you?" he whispered through his sobs.
"What? How could I be pregnant?" I asked him and took a step back.
"We didn't..." His never finished his thought but I caught on pretty quickly.
"This is your fault!" I screamed at him and started to punch his arms.
"Katie, wait-,"
"Don't Katie me, you bastard! You take my virginity and don't even have the decency to use a fucking condom?" I kept screaming and punching him.
"I wasn't thinking! Back then, you were just another fuck toy that satisfied my needs that night. You weren't my world; you are now."
"Bullshit," I screamed. "You're nothing to me but a low, selfish, ignorant bastard. Go find another girl to be your fuck toy because I'm sure as hell not a candidate in this race."
"Katie, you're not-,"
"Fuck you, Alex!" I shouted and then started to walk home.
Chapter 6.
- Katie's POV -
I got home and smelled the fresh fish cooking in the kitchen and stomach instantly growled. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now. I followed the smells and found daddy fixing a plate. He smiled at me when he saw me and then frowned.
"Why are there tear stains on your face, baby girl?" he asked in alarm.
"Alex and me just broke up," I told him and sobbed into his arms.
"Oh honey," he said sympathetically and hugged me tightly.
Mom came in and joined the hug. I started to pull away from them both and looked at their concerned faces. I had to tell them. I looked down at my now bulging stomach and sniffled.
"Mom, dad," I started.
"Yes?" they said in unison.
"I'm pregnant," my weak voice said and I heard the sharp intakes of breath they took.
"Katie," my dad started.
"We're not mad, honey," mom added.
"How did this happen?" dad.
"Do you know who?" mom.
They were starting to frustrate me with questions they knew the answers to. "Mom, you technically just called me a whore. Of course Alex is the father! And dad, you know exactly how the hell it happened! Damn, if you don't, how did I happen?" I yelled.
"Sweetie, not like that," he said.
"Then like what, dad?"
"You were always with the whole 'waiting until marriage' thing. I just didn't think you would..."
"Well shows how much you've been in my life these past couple years, daddy. I haven't said a word about sex until marriage since 8th grade when coach Barnes showed us that video of sexual reproduction. You guys are terrible parents," I snapped viciously. "If I even decide to keep my baby, I'd hope to be nothing like you two."
Chapter 7.
- Alex's POV -
"Mr. Miller, is she home?" I asked when Katie's dad answered the door.
"Even if she were, you aren't welcome into our house, Alex. Good day," he said and started to close the door.
I put my foot in the door frame. "I fucked up, I get that, Mr. Miller! But please, please... Let me see her. It's been months. Two whole months and I have no idea where she is or what state she's in with our baby. Please," I started to cry and his sympathy came out.
He sighed and opened the door. "I didn't answer the door for you; Nathan did."
"Who's Nathan?"
"Her nephew. My son has two children," he told me.
"Congratulations," I said and walked upstairs to her room.
I heard Twilight playing behind the bedroom door and smiled. She was always a sucker for Jacob Black. I opened the door gently and she looked up at me.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
"How are you?" I shot right back.
"I'm managing," she said softly.
"Katie, I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. These past few months I've made hell for you and now we're having a child and I'm not the best father on Earth. I'm trying to be, though," I said sadly.
She looked at me like she was reassuring me that I was off the hook and then looked at the television screen again. I climbed onto the bed with her and pulled her into my chest gently. She didn't push away; she leaned into me and snuggled against my pecs. I smiled and kissed the top of her head softly before noticing her stomach. In two months, it went from a bulge to much rounder; almost a basketball under her shirt.
Chapter 8.
- Katie's POV -
"Do you know what it is yet?" Kaylin asked as me and Alex walked into her room.
"It's a boy," Alex told her proudly and smiled.
She screeched and hugged both of us before they both helped me sit down. "I'm so happy you guys are keeping it."
"Yeah, well," I started. "I didn't really have any other options in mind at the time I decided."
"And I wouldn't have let her choose any other options so," Alex said and kissed my cheek.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What are you naming him?" Kaylin asked impatiently.
"I was thinking maybe Devin," I said softly and stroked my stomach. "Devin Lucas Milan."
"I think that's so cute!" Kaylin screeched in excitement.
"Please stop the screeching," I said and covered my ears.
"I'm sorry. It's just that you're my best friend and this is my god-son and... I'm just so excited!"
I laughed because she was practically bouncing out of her chair. Alex was staring at his phone and texting someone a serious message; I knew it was serious because his worry lines were starting to show.
"What's wrong, love?" I asked and leaned over to see what he was typing.
"Nothing," he said a little too quickly and then stood up. "I just need some, uh.. Air."
His phone rang and he looked at it before walking out of the door.
"That was weird."
"Yes, it was," I added to Kaylin's comment before stroking my stomach again. "He's been worried ever since these people have started calling him about scholarships and stuff for football. It's a pain in the ass for him and I've tried to be understanding."
"That didn't seem like a call from a scholar scout," Kaylin said concerned and then looked at me.
Tears started in my eyes. "Well, it might just be something he has going on that he doesn't want me knowing about."
"Katie, don't cry." She pulled me into a tight hug and I hugged her back before smiling at her weakly.
"I'm fine," I assured her and then looked away.
Chapter 9.
- Katie's POV -
"Babe, who were you texting while we were at Kaylin's today?" I asked quietly in the darkness of my room as we lay there.
"My aunt passed a couple days ago and it's been a little hard on me because I haven't seen her in two years and she's my favorite aunt. But I didn't want to worry you or our little one," he paused and rubbed my stomach gently," so I kept it to myself."
"Baby, you know I would have let you go to the funeral. I feel really bad now," I said and turned to him.
"Don't worry about it. The funeral's on Friday."
"Great! You're going."
"No," he said and then turned me back over so my back was against his chest.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not leaving you here while I'm gone to New York," he said.
I kept quiet after that. I heard the ticking of the clocks hands as the minutes passed by. The fall and rise of Alex's chest were all I could feel and I waited until they slowed before sliding out of his arms and going over to my desk and turning on my laptop. I was searching on the internet and then a message popped up on the screen. I noticed that it was Alex's Facebook message but I couldn't help but be curious and opened it.
Hey babe. Why aren't you returning my calls? :) From some girl named Alecia. Oh hell no, I said to myself. I looked back at Alex and saw his peaceful sleeping face. I knew it was wrong but I did it anyways; I sent her one back:
Hi Alecia, this is Alex's girlfriend and the mother of his soon-to-be child. I'd appreciate it if you didn't send anymore messages to my boyfriend from here on out and if you do, I'll have a problem worth fixing with you myself. Good night. (: and hit send.
My adrenaline was pumping as I got back into bed and curled into Alex's body.
"Where'd you go, babe?" he whispered hoarsly.
"I had to pee," I lied and felt him sigh deeply before going back to sleep.
Chapter 10.
- Katie's POV -
"Kathryn!" I heard Alex shout from upstairs.
I stopped eating my french toast and turned to see him red with anger. I'd never seen him this angry before and it frightened me a bit.
"Yes, love?" I asked in the middle of chewing.
"You want to explain the message I read from Alecia this morning?" he shouted at me.
"She called you 'babe,'" I said quietly.
"So that gives you fucking right to-,"
"Don't you dare yell at my daughter like that!" my dad shouted over Alex.
"Sir, I didn't-,"
"Get the hell out of my house," daddy shouted again.
"Dad, it's fine. I was wrong for messaging her back in the first place. Alex, she has no right calling you 'babe.' Why would she even call you that?" I asked.
He didn't say anything and averted his gaze from me quickly. I nodded and took my plate to the sink.
"It's not what you think," he said softly.
And I lost it. "Then what the hell is it!" I shouted and threw the plate at the wall.
It shattered into a million pieces, just like my heart did.
"She's just obsessed with the fact that I'm not hers anymore and she's trying to do everything she can to get me back."
"And so she has the right to call you 'babe,' but then when I go to confront her, I'm wrong? I'm the one carrying your child, Alex! I'm the one you're going to marry someday!"
"She was carrying my kid too, ok?" he yelled back and then sat down.
I stopped yelling and my dad looked at him. I held up a hand to keep him from yelling at Alex next and sighed.
"I found out last week," Alex continued. "She texted me when we were at Kaylin's house. She got an abortion and didn't tell me that she was even pregnant."
"How many months was she?"
"She was 3 months."
"We were together 3 months ago," I shouted.
"Which doesn't make sense because I haven't had sex with her in over a year! And the reason I got upset and worried was because she threatened to call you and tell you all these lies about her fantasies and stuff. You can read the text messages, Katie. She made it all up just so that I'd-,"
"I don't want to hear anymore, Alex." I was done.
"No, Katie, listen to me," he tried.
"I've listened to enough in these past 4 months and I don't think I can listen to any more from you. I'm done with all of this," I whispered and started to walk away.
"Katie!" he called after me.
I stopped in my steps and looked back at him.
"I'm sorry," he cried.
"I'm sorry, too," I said and walked out.
Chapter 11.
- Katie's POV -
"What are you going to do, baby? You can't raise this child on your own," my mom said to me on the verge of tears.
"I'll find a way, mom," I said to her as I zipped my suitcase and turned to her. "I'm going to make a living for my child and that's not going to happen here with all of this drama. I promise, you and dad can come visit every weekend. I'll tell you where the spare key is."
"I love you, baby," she said and hugged me tight.
"Oh, mom... I love you so much. Now don't make me late. My ride is outside waiting and I doubt that grandma is all that patient," I joked and scored a little because mom chuckled.
"Alright. Call me as soon as you get there and don't forget to take the vitamins and floss."
"Mom, I may be a kid still, but I'm having one and eventually have to grow up." Saying that made her start to cry again. "Ugh. Mom."
We hugged and cried together for a few minutes more before she kissed my forehead and rubbed my stomach then sent me off to the car. I put my bags into the trunk with the help of my dad and we shared a quick hug before he released me; stroking my hair and kissing my forehead just like mom had. I smiled gently at him.
"Thank you, daddy," I whispered.
"I'm a terrible father," he replied.
"You're the most amazing daddy in the world. I couldn't imagine having a better one because no one gets better than you. If it did, then they'd be perfect and I don't want a perfect daddy."
He chuckled. "You've always been manipulating."
"I had to get it from someone," I said and poked his chest gently.
A loud roar of thunder came from above us and we shared another smile before I got inside of the car.
"Everything set?" Nana asked me.
"Yep," I told her and buckled my seatbelt.
My parents stood at the door and kept waving as we drove off. I knew they still stood there even after the tail lights disappeared from view.
Chapter 12.
- Katie's POV -
"Yes, I'm taking the vitamins, mom," I told her for the 13th time since we'd been on the phone.
"Baby, I'm just making sure my grandson is healthy," she said.
"Alright mom but he can't be any healthier the way I've been taking these pills. He's going to be fine."
"You can't guarantee that."
"I can guarantee that I'll burst into a million pieces if I take any more of these vitamins," I joked and it made her laugh. "Mom, I have to go. Nana's making soup for me."
"It's good for the feet swelling. Go ahead, darling. I love you," she shouted into the phone and I heard a loud "Love you," from dad.
"I love you guys, too! I'll speak to you real soon," I said before ending the call.
"Are they being parents again?" Nana asked me as she brought me a bowl of soup.
"As always, Nana. But it's fine. I'll have to get used to it, seeing as though it's a parent thing."
"Have you talked to the baby's father?" she asked quietly.
"Alexander Milan cannot and will not be my child's father. He won't be in my son's life either, Nana. I may sound selfish but if he's got an altar ego so big that he gets another girl pregnant while he's with me, then he's not worth it."
"That's no ego, darling; that's the whore in men. He's young and he made one mistake," she said considerately.
"And that mistake hurt me to the core."
"I can imagine."
"I love him so much that it hurts to even let him go like this. I mean, it's been a month since I left that place."
"I know. Do whatever your heart is telling you to do, sweetie."
"What if my mind doesn't agree?" I asked and looked at her.
"Only one way to find out," she said and winked at me.
Chapter 13.
- Katie's POV -
"Congratulations," everyone shouted as I walked into the room.
"All of this for me?" I asked in fake disbelief.
"And for our little one inside of you," Kaylin said and rubbed my stomach gently before hugging me tight.
"Is he coming?"
"We don't know. Kevin and Marcus are trying to get in touch with him," Kaylin's sister, Janice, told me.
- Alex's POV -
As I drove, a million thoughts ran through my head. Three months without seeing Katie was complete hell and now that she was back in town, I could prove that I really was sorry. Well, since today was her baby shower, I didn't do much for the baby but more for her. I stopped by the florist shop and got her a dozen Carnations, then I went to the store and bought her favorite ice cream, and finally I got her the biggest teddy bear that I could find. Then I started towards her house before my cell phone rang.
"It's Marcus," Josh said.
"Answer it," I told him as we turned onto her street. Thankfully no one was outside.
"Marcus, we're coming to her house now. Wait like 10 minutes before bringing everyone outside, man," Josh said into the phone and disconnected the call.
When I stopped the car, Josh helped me unload everything and carry the bear and flowers to the side of the house. I hid behind the bush with everything and smiled in the hope that she'd take me back.
- Katie's POV -
"Alright everyone, I'm going to need you to come outside," Marcus shouted over everyone talking.
"What's going on?" I asked as people started towards the door.
"I don't know, I guess we'll find out soon," Kaylin told me as she grabbed one of my arms and started towards the front door.
We made it outside and I saw a huge teddy bear sitting in the middle of the lawn. I was confused and then all eyes turned and Alex came into view. I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes when he started singing Nothing Like Us by Justin Bieber to me.
On the final line, he started to walk towards me. "There's nothing like us... There's nothing like you and me together through the storm. There's nothing like us... There's nothing like you and me together..." he sang to me and then grabbed my hands.
"Kathryn Miller," he whispered and then got down on one knee.
A bunch of gasps and Awws came from all of our friends and then I let the tears run down my cheeks.
"I am so sorry for every thing I've done. I'm sorry for every excuse I've given you since that night. And I'm sorry that I haven't been the boyfriend that your parents would be proud of. But if you let me, I promise to be the best father," he said and then pulled out a small box from Jared's. "And the best husband that you need in your life. And if you'd only say..."
"Yes," I said softly and kissed him tenderly.
Someone cleared their throat after about five minutes of us kissing and I blushed with embarassment.
"Oh, that's not it," Alex said with a grin and ran to the side of my house.
He came back to me with a bouquet of my favorite flower and a blue gift bag. "These are for you," he handed me the flowers, "and this is for our bouncing baby boy."
"I already have plenty of things for him. His father shouldn't have to-,"
"I wanted to."
I smiled and gave him a kiss before we went back to the baby shower.
Chapter 14.
- Alex's POV -
"Have you thought of any names? You do have two months left," Kaylin asked.
"Well, I was thinking of Kellin..." My thoughts were clouded.
"As in the lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens? You'd probably have a million dollar baby for having that name," she joked.
"Yeah well, Katie's making me come up with his first name and right now, I'm thinking about how these next two months are going to go."
"Just take it easy. I'll help you."
"Really?" I was surprised at the fact that my soon-to-be wife's best friend wanted to help me out.
"Of course. We'll be practically family soon and it's never gonna get easy," she said matter-of-factly.
"Well, first; you know who Sleeping With Sirens is?" I joked.
"Of course! My favorite song by them is Alone featuring MGK."
** Sidenote!!: Alone is MY favorite song but I just thought I'd add a little extra into it. PLAY!! (:
"Well, mine happens to be Congratulations featuring Matty Mullins."
"I'm impressed that a guy is into Sleeping with Sirens as much as I am," she commented.
We worked for a couple of hours, spitting out the first name that came to mind while listen to songs from SWS. When it was starting to get late, I told her goodnight.
"Wait, Alex," she called.
I turned around and she kissed me full on the lips. My first reaction was to push her away but she was so warm and soft that my lips acted before my mind did and I kissed her back. With passion.
Chapter 15.
- Katie's POV -
"Mom, I just got to Kaylin's place. I'll be there soon," I told her and then disconnected our call.
It was hard for me getting out of the car but I managed and made my way up her steps. I knocked on the door a few times but no one answered so I got the spare key out of the plant beside the porch and let myself in. She's not here? I thought to myself and then I heard a thud upstairs. I made my way up there quietly before I heard sounds coming from her room.
"I really need to go," I heard a guy whisper.
"No, don't go," Kaylin pleaded him and then it got quiet.
I knocked on her door even though I knew it was rude. "Hey, Kaylin, it's me. I just came by to get my things and I'll just show myself out. I didn't know you had company, sorry," I told her and then started down the stairs before something broke inside of her room.
"Kaylin?" I yelled and opened her door to find Alex on the floor in nothing but his boxers.
"Katie, it's not what you think," he exclaimed and stood to his feet.
The tears came in my eyes despite the fact that I held them back. "Then what is this, Alex? Kaylin?"
"I'm so tired of you guys walking around all perfect and I thought that if I could get Alex to cheat on you then-,"
"Then I'd break up with him again and leave? And we'd be completely destroyed and our son... Our son! " I yelled at her.
"Stop acting like you're Mrs. Perfect, Katie! You're not even close to being perfect!" she yelled back.
"Well, you sure as hell are because you try and sleep with your best friend's boyfriend!"
"Stop," Alex yelled and his voice boomed and echoed in the hallway. "I'm never going to sleep with you, Kaylin! Tonight was strictly about my son. That's where it should have ended. Yes, I kissed you back but that's only because I'm a guy and you're a girl and we do stupid shit! Katie, don't yell at her because it takes two to sleep together. And I didn't try and stop her until a few minutes before you came."
"Well then be with her, Alex," I told him finally and walked out.
"No," he yelled again and grabbed my arm before I reached the front door.
"Let go of me," I told him.
"Make me. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me anymore, Kathryn."
I turned around and looked at him and saw how sorry he was but that didn't change anything. I looked in his eyes and, "I don't love you anymore."
And that was it. He let me go and I walked out of whatever was to be our life.
Chapter 16.
- Alex's POV -
"Honey, you haven't touched your dinner," mom said to me.
"I'm not hungry. Excuse me," I said and walked to my room.
I couldn't think or eat or sleep or focus on anything from the moment Katie walked out on my a month ago. She was all I could think about. Her and my son. I logged onto my Facebook page and went to read her and my messages from when we were together. I saw that she changed her status from Engaged to Single today and it hurt a lot. I mean, it's Facebook but why let everyone know that we're broken up? I logged off and went to my bed. What were you thinking, idiot? I said to myself.
I got up from the bed and started to punch my wall in anger at myself. On the last punch, I screamed, " Fuck!" at the pain that ran through my hand. I looked at my knuckles and they were bleeding. I cursed under my breath before running out of the door. I saw a car parked beside my house and noticed that it was Alecia's. My anger started to build inside of my chest again and then she stepped out of her car, smiling sweetly at me.
"Why are you here?" I snapped at her.
"I just wanted to come see you and-,"
"No. Why the fuck are you here, Alecia? I'm done with you!" I yelled.
"Alex, what's gotten into you?" she asked, making tears come to her eyes.
"What's gotten into me? I'll tell you- I was this close to getting my life back from fucking with you! And now I've lost that again because of your slut friend Kaylin!"
"Kaylin's not my friend ," she retorted. "We hung out one time! That doesn't necessarily make us buddies. "
"Well it's close enough to plot a reason for me not to be with Katie. And you know what, Alecia? You weren't even pregnant! That pregnancy test was false."
She seemed to be getting the picture and got into her car, slammed the door, and drove off without another word. I started to calm down a little, feeling the blood slide down my fingers slowly and drip onto the pavement. I started to feel weak and unsteady. And before I knew it, I blacked out.
Chapter 17.
- Katie's POV -
"Are you going to eat, sweetie?" mom asked me.
"Yes, mom. After the news is over," I told her.
"You're not even watching it," my big brother, Donny, said to me.
"Well, something interesting will come on," I said and turned up the volume, sticking my tongue out at him.
The reporter was speaking. "In further news, young teen, Alex Milan of Kammela High School, was recently found unconscious in his own driveway. Parents of the 17-year-old teen say that Milan was furiously punching wall, screaming vulgar words to himself and then left the house. The teen is in critical condition at the hospital and if anyone has information on this act of violence, please contact us at-,"
I turned the t.v. off and quickly grabbed my coat.
"Katie, you can't go up there," Donny said.
"Why can't I?" I asked in a hurry and slipped my shoes onto my feet.
"You're 8 months pregnant and it's not the time for you to stress over this. Alex will be fine," my dad said.
"Me being 8 months pregnant has nothing to do with Alex being in the hospital!" I shouted at them both and then grabbed the keys.
"Wait, sweetie, I'll drive you," mom told me and grabbed a jacket before following me.
We got there in 15 minutes tops and asked for Alex's room.
"Are you family of the patient?" the secretary asked us.
"I'm his fiancee," I told her and showed her my ring.
"And I'm his mother-in-law," mom told her.
"Room 1145; take the elevator upstairs and go to the right," she told us.
We walked quickly to the elevator and got impatient as the floors went by slowly. Stopping every-so-often to pick up new passengers. Once we got to his floor, it stopped and we followed the directions that the secretary gave us until we found his room. Balloons and bears were outside of his door. A note was taped on the door. Family Only Enter it said. Wow. That'll keep intruders out, I thought to myself as I twisted the doorknob. A blonde girl with glasses and chewing gum way too loud looked up from paying attention to me and frowned when he smiled at me.
"You came," he whispered hoarsely.
"Are you ok?" I asked as the tears started to spill from my eyes.
"Oh Katie," he said when I went into his arms.
He held me while I sobbed in his arms. I loved the feeling of his arms around me again and couldn't imagine being anywhere else but here. I looked up at him and kissed him deeply on the lips. I could imagine he was shocked by the kiss so I leaned into him more and took his face between my hands. Soon, he started to kiss me back and started to pull me closer. I guess when I said I was his fiancee, it was the truth. He's the only one I'd marry.
Chapter 18.
- Alex's POV -
Suddenly, she pulled away from me quickly and her eyes clouded with tears.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked, alarmed.
Her hands flew to her stomach. "I..."
"No. You're not due for another four weeks," I told her.
"My water just broke, Alex," she said and started to panic.
"Someone call a doctor!" I screamed as loud as I could with a weak voice.
In minutes, they had a wheel chair inside of my room and the nurses were talking soothingly to Katie as they wheeled her out of my room. I started to get out of bed but the doctor put a hand on my chest.
"No, son, you have to stay here," he told me.
"No, you don't understand; that's my child!" I said.
"I know how you must feel but in your condition, you shouldn't be around all of the excitement. I'm going to call a nurse to come and sit with you and I will tell her all the feed so she may tell you what's happening with your child."
I didn't like the idea of me not being there with her but I couldn't fight any further and I lay back down respectfully. I just waited for the time...
Hours passed and I wasn't getting anything. "Where the hell is my wife?" I shouted at the nurse.
"She's still in labor, sir," she said politely. "The doctor will notify us when-," Something beeped in her pocket and she took out a small pager. She left the room quickly and ran down the hall.
I got up and ripped off the IV in my arm and took off to the next floor where delivery was. Once I got there, I looked through the glass in the door and saw Katie's body laying on the table unmoving. A baby was crying in the doctors arms. I burst the door open.
"What the-,"
"Sir, I specifically told you-,"
"What happened to my-,"
I was pulled out of the door in a flash.
Chapter 19.
"Today we say goodbye to one of the best people that's impacted our lives. 17 years of life is a lot to ask for from God but he gave it to her and luckily, in those 17 years, she was able to bare another life to this Earth. We say goodbye to Kathryn Elicia Miller."
I wasn't too much in favor of funerals. Seeing her lifeless body one more time broke me, though. All we'd worked for and the day she died was the day she had our baby boy, Devin Lucas Milan. He was five pounds four ounces. He was a handsome young thing. When I held him, I swore I could see so much of her in him than I saw myself. I guess it was him that motivated to keep going on with my life. He was all I had left of her and if I was to end my life to see her again, I'd leave him to nothing. My son. My little baby boy all alone with no one that truly loved him like a father could.
"Alex, it's time to go," Katie's mother told me.
"I think I'm going to stay here with Devin a bit, Mrs. Miller," I told her softly and rocked Devin gently.
"We'll wait in the limo for you," she said and forced a smile before walking away.
I looked down into the hole that her casket lay inside and threw a handful of dirt into it. "He's going to make you proud, baby. I'm going to make you proud," I whispered.
As if on cue, the wind blew right as I said that last word. I breathed in the air and smelled the pine and evergreen smell of the trees. I could still smell the coconut shampoo that she'd used on her hair that morning. It smelled so fresh and lovely.
"Come on, Devin," I said as if he could follow me and carried him back to the family car that everyone was waiting in.
"Are you alright?" my mother asked me when I was staring at Devin.
I thought about the answer for a second. "Yeah, I'm better."
"You're sure?" dad asked.
"I'm positive. I have to be for my son," I said and then we started back home.
I saw the trees we passed and thought about how much Katie loved nature. Then Devin stirred in his sleep and started to whine.
"You want me to-," I stopped Mrs. Miller in her sentence.
"It's fine," I told her with a gentle smile and stuck my pinky finger inside of his mouth.
Reluctantly, he sucked on my finger and settled soon after that. I smiled at his little face and his small, yet still a little rough, tongue tickling my finger. I felt protective like a mother and proud like a father when I looked down at Devin. I'd do anything and everything for this kid. He was mine.
Chapter 20. The End.
- Alex's POV -
Let me just tell you: God gives everyone life for a reason. He gives them a goal that he wants them to accomplish before they die. He wants them to reach the climax of life before moving on to become one of his Guardian Angels. Katie's an angel for me and little Devin now. And when you look up in the sky and see a little twinkling star, she's become your Guardian Angel too.
My name's Alexander. And sure, I made a mistake by taking an innocent girl's virginity and then dropping her at some party. But that mistake soon covered my refridgerator and is now my life. I guess when you take things for granted, then that's when things start to get challenging. I guess I'm ready for the challenge that life's going to give me with this new person I have to care for. And that's my story on how love can be so... Unexpected.
Publication Date: July 28th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-laceylove |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-christina-foster-you-broke-me-but-i-fell-for-you-anyway-it-wasnt-like-i-had-a-choice/ | christina foster you broke me, but i fell for you anyway ( it wasnt like i had a choice ) i dedicate this book to the person who inspire me the most even though your no longer here you inspire me everyday pop I love you sooo much
and miss you more then you could imagine xxx
new guy
walking into school sucked i hate mondays
i walked into english and sat down in my usual spot at the back with katie,lola,stefenie and luke "hey elena"they all yelled "hey girls " i said hugging them "and guy" hmmfpt luke "of course " i said giving him a hug and sitting down "ok class " sai mrs bront as she said that someone walked in the door "hi " he said smiling showing of his pearly white teeth this mysteries guy blondish darkish hair,blue eyes,looked like he played football (beause he had our football jersey in his hand) he had the most gorgeous smile . "hi" mrs bront siad "hi im jackson " he said to the teacher while looking around and then stopped at me and smiled i smiled back "well jackson you can take a seat over there " she said pointing to s seat i followed her finger to the seat next to me "fck" i said under my breath he walked down the aile of seats,chairs and people and came and sat down next to me "ok now lets get started " mrs brot said truning to the board me being a grade a student i paid alot of attentain in class but today i could feel a bruning star at the side of my head and noticed jackson sitting there staring at me. i blushed and continued on with my work. we were sitting in class for ages,i hated english so it always went really slow for me all i could here all class were girl bickering over jack and giving me death stars i didnt unerstad hy until spotted jack staring at me. ok yes i was good looking i had blond brownish hair alost down to my bum, i had hazel eyes,i had a slim curvy body, i was capiton of the cheerleaders, i was popular and i was smart. after en whole mintes figeruring why jack was staring at me, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of the class room "my miss bront" "by elena my dear" i loved mrs bront but i just hated english "Elena "called katie,lola,stefenie and luke "hey" i said walking up to them "mystery boy is staring at you " lola said pointing down the hall were i see jack with all the football team we all started walking up to the football team and the rest of the cheer team "hey max" "hey Elena" max was the caipton of the football team me and him get along quite well i guesse we have to because he's my friken twin. "Elena this is jack " max said pointing to jack "hi Elena "jack said "hey" "come on Max we have art lets go "i said jumping on maxs back and towards the art room "ugh Elena get off you are heavier then you look " "oh why thank you " "hahah Elena you cheeky person " he siad while grabbing me and pulling me over his shouder and through the art rooms doors jack povs i walked into english just as the class was about to start "hi" i said looking around the room "hi" the english teacher said i think her name was mrs bront "hi im jackson but people call me jack " i said again looking around the room and stopped when i saw the most beutiful girl i have ever seen, she has blonde hair, hazel eyes, gorgeous smile and beautiful figure.i stopped admiring her when she gave me a soft smile. "well jack you can sit over there " she said pointingt o the seat next to the girl i couldnt stop staring at "fck " i heard her say under her breath all through class i just kept staring at her and couldnt keep my eyes away i think she noticed me staring at her because she turned around and blushed damn she was beautiful. soon after the bell rang and i jumped out of class to meet the boys until our next class. i noticed my girl was coming towards me and the boys , i think she saw me staring once again "hey max " "hey elena " wow elena what i name for a beautiful girl "Elena this is jack " max said pointing to me "hi elena " i siad trying to act cool she kinda just strugged and looked at max "come on Max we have art lets go " she said jumping on maxs back "ugh Elena get off you are heavier then you look" max said with a smirk "oh why thank you " she siad with a smirk "hahah Elena you cheeky person " he siad while grabbing her and pulling her over his shouder and through the art rooms doors i could feel the rush of anger coming out and i knew my wolf was fighting, i had to hold him back, i needed to know before i did anything stupid.
stupid people
elena pov art class and the rest of the day went by really quikly art class went by quikely because i love art but the other calsses i had i really didnt know why they went fast so quikely. i walked out of maths which was my last class for the day (yay) i saw the group standing by the car park waiting for me. "hey guys" i yelled while running towards then "ELENA" they all yelled "hey can we have a party tonight " i asked giving max i hug "yeah why not everyone at our place at 6:00" he said "wait your place " jack said pointing to me and max "yeah they live together " said kaite "you do " jack said "yeah we are twins "max replied "oh okie" jack said speed walking to his car "ok now that was weird " i said pulling max towards my car "see you all at our place " max said before getting in the car we drove in scilence beofre max broke it ugh stupid brother "hey you know jack kept staring at you all day " he siad "he was really didnt notice " i said blushing "bullshit elena you knew he was i can see you blsuhing " max said pocking my cheeks "ugh fine i know he was but so what " "i think he has a crush on you and btw he is a wolf i smelt it on him " "how come every other one of our friends have become wolfves and i havent how mean i that " "dont worry sis youre almost 17 you will form soon " "yeah but you formed when you were 15 " "that was becasue dad triggered mine him being the alpha he made me so made it triggered my wolf " "its just soo unfair "i siad pulling into the drive way "i know sis i know" max said pulling me into a hug we walked up to the front door and saw mum and dad and our baby sister sitting at the kitchen table "hey mum we are having a couple friends over tonight we can all stay down at the lake house down the back so we dont disturb you " i said coming into the kitchen "thats alright honey but remeber olive needs sleep she is only 6 mounths old remeber that "she said giving me a kiss on the forehead "yes mum dont worry we wont be to loud " max said walking up stairs to his room i soon after walked up to my room as everyone would be here in half an hour i got upstairs and jumped into the shower washed my body and hair thn hoped out i grabbed my black fitted dress that stopped just at mid-thigh and grabbed my black wedges and slid them on i grabbed out my straightner and my curling iron and started straighting my hair and then curly the ends. i put on my make up and headed down towards the lake house towars the end of the fence. our ouse was huge even fora family of 5 it even had a small lake house just at the end of the backyard for our parties. we started setting up and got everyhting ready. everyone soon arrived and i noticed jack wasnt here yet i went to go see if he had knocked on the house door when the door swung open and hit me straight in the head and i fell to the ground "omg elena are you ok " i heard jack voice "yeah yeah im fine " i siad standing up "here let me help you " he said helping me keep my balance he placed me onto the couch and got us a drink and sat down "you look beautiful " i blushed and hid my face so he wouldnt see "you dont look bad youre self " we talked almost al night until every had left and it was just me and him because max went to bed "hey ill see you at school tomorrow ok " i said leading him up the front "yeah ill see you at school " "i had fun tonight " "me to " "that is good ill see you later" i said walking away but before i could walk one more step my lips were met with lushes and smooth lips the kiss was passionate. "sorry i had to do that before i left " jack sad running of into the night i blushed and went in side i couldnt help but think about the kiss all night. it was magical.
i woke up the next morning to the sound of voices and shuffling feet outside my bed room door. i soon relised people were bringing over there stuff for the holidays as it was the last day of term today and normally becase our parents are alway away being models for i dont know what, so its always just me and my brother. we have massive mantion home with like twenty bedrooms all with bthrooms and walking wardrobes,we have a kitchen and staff to cook clean and they also stay here , me and my brother think of the as family cuase we ave knwon them all our lives,we have four lounge room and we ony use like two, we have a massive backyard and a lake house just on the water, we also have a forest either side of the house for when the pack comes to our house and they go for runs, we have a pool and spa in the backyard as well. now you probably thinking OH MY GOSH they are stuck up rich kids, well we are not yes we are rich but we dont ever act like it, me and my brother someties hate having parents whoare never home beause they are off somewhere around the world doing modeling. i soon hopped out of bed and grabbed a mid-drift shirt that said "imma bad girl" on it some shorts that werent to short some matching bra and panties and hopped into the shower. (20 minutes later) all refreshed i got dressed grabbed some socks and slipped them on and went down stairs. everyone had soon left for school as they were all boys and they had morning football pactice, i tld he girl tocome in the afternoon while the boys could hep as well. i strowledinto the kitchen and saw the staff ard at work "hey lidia,mark,lucinda,greg,jo how are you all this morning" "very well elena how are you " replied lidia "im very good lidia thank you" i said giving all of them a hug "here's your breakfast sweetie" greg said while putting a plate of hot eggs and bancon in front of me "thanks greg " i atemy breakfast, said bye to the staff, garbbed my white converse slipped them on, grabbed my kays to my black porsche and grove off to school "elena " screamed katie,lola,stefenie and luke while running up to me and pulling mt into a hug "hey my gorgeous friends" "wasssup" "hey you all still staying over for the holidays right " "duh" "of course" "your crazy" "yes" "ok cool " "hey elena how was jacks kiss last night " katie said oh shit the kiss i forgot that jack kissed me last night "WHAT"" screamed lola,stefenie,and luke "oh yeah jack kissed elena last night" "wait how do you know he kissed me " "well i forgot my purse at yours and when i went to go grbb it i saw jack kiss you " "oh yeah i kinda forgot that he ever did that i guesse " "well jack has told everyone that he is gonna ask you out tonight at your place" "WAIT WHAT! " i screamed "NOTHING" they all said running to class "they betta watch out hahaha " i said to my selfwhile walking to class the school day went as usual i droe in the drive noticing all of the boys cars and my girls cars there yay they were all here "hey everyone" i said walking into the door no respne was heard until i heard screaming coming from the backyard "pool" i said to my self before rushing up stairs putting on my black and white bikini and running out side "damn your sister hot " said daniel maxs bestfriend "shut up daniel " max said getting out of the pool and giving me a hug "wasup sis were you been " "miss kept me in as she asked me to finish my art project" " ok then " he said lifting me up over his shouder and ruching over to the pool "no no no matt my oh" but befoe i could say it i was in the pool "MATTTT you fcken asss hole my phone was in my hand you little fck " "oh please you have like ten phones ok " i was really mad with matt as my phone had all my memories in it "ugh you little ffck i was really really really made now and i didnt know why "hello elena " wtf "oh sorry " "huh" "oh elena im your wolf and im setting my self free , this is gonna hurt " but before i could ask what my bones sarted cracking, imense pain shot throuh my body "elena what is going on " i heard max yell from behind me i couldnt talk my bones went CRACK! and before i know it i had formed into a crisp white wolf with a black line going through its eyes "omg elena you did it " everyone screamed i felt my body fal to the ground and soft hands piced me up and then i blacked out.
i really didnt know how long i had blacked out for but i woke up with everyone beside me, thank god they all were wolves as that would of been trouble. "elena" i heard a soft voice say "mmmm" i replied trying to gte up but everything hurt "no no dont get up " i soon relised the voice was maxs "why " i groanded "your gonna be really sore for today and that is how it ges but by tomorrow you should have healded but for now sit down and relaxe you have you own personal slaves for the day " "slaves?" i asked confused "oh yeah everyone has movedin today and they are unpacking so if you need anything just cal me " "ok thank bro " "no worries sis sit tight" i layed back down and fell back asleep. jacks pov
today was the day we all moved into matts house and stayed all holidays i begged and begged my parentd until they gave in and et me go, i txted max and sad i could come. i packed all my stuff and got into the car and drove to the adress matt gave me, i got to the adress and the house was huge like a masion well it kinda was, it was blackish kinda outisde and look like it went out all the way, i had ben here before but never relly went inside. i walked u to the door and knockedon the large wooden door. "hey" matt gretted me at the door "hey " "comone in and i wll show you your room" we walked up stairs an notced everyone else here i didnt bother saying hi as they were busy unpacking "this is your room " i walkedinto the rooma and all that could come out was "wow" "ill levae you to it " matt said before leaving the room an closing the door. i looked around the room it had a king sized ben in the middle of the room, i walk in closet , my own bathroom , a balcony, and a large window our stretcinthe forest(yas perfect for my weekly more like daily runs) i unpacked and left the house for school school was just like usual boring balh blah blah imma grade A student so i really didnt matter to me after school matt came up to me "hey coming back to mine " "yeah " we got into our cars and drove to matts house technacly now our house but what eves when we drove into the drive way we noticed all the girl cars in the drive way so we all went to one and grabbed there stuff and took it to there room. after a intense unpacking we all decided to hit the pool. we were all being realy stupid dunking each other under the water and splashing around the pool. we all were having alot of fun and we heard a loud slamm of the door and soon relised it was elena coming into the house. lot long after she same outsite in a black and white bikini showing of her six pack , wow it was just damn sexy. "damn your sister is hot" daniel siad when she walked out "shut up daneil " matt said getting out of the pool and running up to elena and giving her a hug "wassup sis were uyou been " "the teacher kept me in " she replyed " ok then " he said lifting her up over his shouder and ruching over to the pool "no no no matt my oh" but befoe she could say it she was in the pool "MATTTT you fcken asss hole my phone was in my hand you little fck " "oh please you have like ten phones ok " "ugh you little ffck she said to mat i could she was really really mad and her beauiful hazel eyes turned balck shit ! i sai in my head everyone heard bonses cracking and elena screaing out in pain "elena what is going on" matt screamed "let her " i said to matt through mindlink her final bone cracked and she shifted into a beautfiul white wolf with a blac line through her eyes "elena you did it" everyone screamed wow she was beautiful she was the complete opisite of me i was full black wolf with a white stripped down through my eyes we were all so happy no one noticed elena fall to the ground i soon ran up to her and picked her and and wlaked her up to her room and couldnt help but notice my whole body tingled when i picked her up, i shocke it off and continuded up the staris, people following after. "matt which room " "one next to youre " "thanks" i walked into her room and it was beuaitful i plopped her down on her bed and sat next to her and just looked at her peacufully sleeping , she looked beautiful, woah beautiful what th hell "MATE" my wolf cried "shut up no way " "oh fck off useless boy she is your mate " my whole heart fluttered, i cant belevie out of all girl she is mine.
beep beep beep beep "ok i get it " i turned my alram clock off, since i forgot to turn it off for the holidays "grate now im awake" i said getting out of bed and into the bathroom i wasnt sore anymore and cold move with out pain, i washed my hair and body then jumed out and wrapped a towl around my body and walked into my walk in closet and got out a a two piece bikini which was blue and black, my black shorts, my see through grey top that said " bite me bitch " on it and slipped them on and walked down stairs for breakfast. i walked into the kitchen and was greeted by staff and bacon and eggs. "thank you lidia" "youre welcome dear" i walked outisde and noticed everyone up "why " i thought to my self "why you all up so early " "elena its 12:00 " said jack "oh right " i walked over to a chair and stripped so i was just in my bikini, and jumped in splashing everyone "hey" they all said "sucked in " i felt some one pulled my legs and far enough that i was face to face with jack "wtf" i thought to my self my thoughts were soon stopped when lips went to mine and tingles shot through my body yeah we kissed under water what a weird thing to do we had to come up for a breath but no one had noticed thank god i quikely got out of the poola grabbed my towl and ran up stairs. jack pov i woke up at i think 10:00, i got up and got straigt into my swimmer and went don for a swim i got out side and notced the staff cleaning the pool, i helped them clean the pool got my breakfast from them said thank you and went outside. i ate my breakfast and the everyone came donw and jupmed in the pool, i soon followed. we swam for a while until elena came out isde in a gorgeous blue and black bikini on, she looked amazing. my wolf went crazy. she got into the pool and splashed and did a nomal swim like everyone else. i couldnt take it anymore i grabbed her by the ankle pulled her under and kissed her, i body as doing flips. she kissed back i got excited until she pulled away for air but instead of doing something i thought she woud do she jumped out f the pool and ran up stairs. "what did you do " matt said to me coming closer "nothingi swear" i jumped out of the pool and ran to the wood i was sad,angry,and fustrated i stripped and shifted into my black wolf and went for a run, the soft drass against my paws and i soon found a river and laid down in the sun and my body filled with heat and i soon fell asleep in the summer morning light. elena pov i decided to go for run to think about what i felt when kissing jack, i have to admit it was a great kiss and my body went crazy "hey " "ugh what do you want " "i wanna tell you that jack is your mate that is why you body flt that way " wtf are yoou talking about" "omg you stupid girl go talk to him" my wolf cried out to me i ran out into the forste strpped and shirfted into my white wolf, i justkept running and running untl i melt a familira smel i followed the smell until i saw jack in his wolf form sleeping in the summer sun, i look so peace full. after admiring him for a while i moved my paws closer trying not to make a oise but of course to late a twig snapped and jack woke up and jupmed onto all fours and looked aorund, i came out of the trees and my eyes locked with his.shit! i walked close and he walked back "what are you doing here" he siad through mind-link in a sweer husky voice "i was on a run when i saw you" "why did you run" his voice boomed in my head i winced at the loudness "im sorry that was loud" he said sounding sorry "its okay , and i ran because it was unexpected" "i now we are mates jack " "yeah i know " "well what do we do " "just i will talk later" he said running off back into the wood leaving me confused and fustrated.
aurthor note
hey guys im sorry i havent been updating this book very often ut i am in school and i spend most of my life there, so whenever i have the time i am writing this book , i realy like were this book is going and i hope you guys like it. please tell me what you think but i hope you guys like.<3<3 go read my other book heven pr hell i kno i spelt heaven worng ibut it was on purpose
annoying but cute
i was fustrated with ben.
Publication Date: July 12th 2017 https://www.bookrix.com/-xucaa9380267d75 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-william-shakespeare-as-you-like-it/ | William Shakespeare As You Like It
Persons represented.
DUKE, living in exile.
FREDERICK, Brother to the Duke, and Usurper of his Dominions.
AMIENS, Lord attending on the Duke in his Banishment.
JAQUES, Lord attending on the Duke in his Banishment.
LE BEAU, a Courtier attending upon Frederick.
CHARLES, his Wrestler.
OLIVER, Son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
JAQUES, Son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
ORLANDO, Son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
ADAM, Servant to Oliver.
DENNIS, Servant to Oliver.
CORIN, Shepherd.
SILVIUS, Shepherd.
WILLIAM, a Country Fellow, in love with Audrey.
A person representing HYMEN.
ROSALIND, Daughter to the banished Duke.
CELIA, Daughter to Frederick.
PHEBE, a Shepherdess.
AUDREY, a Country Wench.
Lords belonging to the two Dukes; Pages, Foresters, and other Attendants.
The SCENE lies first near OLIVER'S house; afterwards partly in the Usurper's court and partly in the Forest of Arden.
SCENE I. An Orchard near OLIVER'S house.
[Enter ORLANDO and ADAM.]
ORLANDO. As I remember, Adam, it was upon this fashion,--bequeathed me by will but poor a thousand crowns, and, as thou say'st, charged my brother, on his blessing, to breed me well: and there begins my sadness. My brother Jaques he keeps at school, and report speaks goldenly of his profit: for my part, he keeps me rustically at home, or, to speak more properly, stays me here at home unkept: for call you that keeping for a gentleman of my birth that differs not from the stalling of an ox? His horses are bred better; for, besides that they are fair with their feeding, they are taught their manage, and to that end riders dearly hired; but I, his brother, gain nothing under him but growth; for the which his animals on his dunghills are as much bound to him as I. Besides this nothing that he so plentifully gives me, the something that nature gave me, his countenance seems to take from me: he lets me feed with his hinds, bars me the place of a brother, and as much as in him lies, mines my gentility with my education. This is it, Adam, that grieves me; and the spirit of my father, which I think is within me, begins to mutiny against this servitude; I will no longer endure it, though yet I know no wise remedy how to avoid it.
ADAM. Yonder comes my master, your brother.
ORLANDO. Go apart, Adam, and thou shalt hear how he will shake me up.
[ADAM retires]
[Enter OLIVER.]
OLIVER. Now, sir! what make you here?
ORLANDO. Nothing: I am not taught to make anything.
OLIVER. What mar you then, sir?
ORLANDO. Marry, sir, I am helping you to mar that which God made, a poor unworthy brother of yours, with idleness.
OLIVER. Marry, sir, be better employed, and be naught awhile.
ORLANDO. Shall I keep your hogs, and eat husks with them? What prodigal portion have I spent that I should come to such penury?
OLIVER. Know you where you are, sir?
ORLANDO. O, sir, very well: here in your orchard.
OLIVER. Know you before whom, sir?
ORLANDO. Ay, better than him I am before knows me. I know you are my eldest brother: and in the gentle condition of blood, you should so know me. The courtesy of nations allows you my better in that you are the first-born; but the same tradition takes not away my blood, were there twenty brothers betwixt us: I have as much of my father in me as you, albeit; I confess, your coming before me is nearer to his reverence.
OLIVER. What, boy!
ORLANDO. Come, come, elder brother, you are too young in this.
OLIVER. Wilt thou lay hands on me, villain?
ORLANDO. I am no villain: I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Bois: he was my father; and he is thrice a villain that says such a father begot villains. Wert thou not my brother, I would not take this hand from thy throat till this other had pulled out thy tongue for saying so: thou has railed on thyself.
ADAM. [Coming forward] Sweet masters, be patient; for your father's remembrance, be at accord.
OLIVER. Let me go, I say.
ORLANDO. I will not, till I please: you shall hear me. My father charged you in his will to give me good education: you have trained me like a peasant, obscuring and hiding from me all gentleman-like qualities: the spirit of my father grows strong in me, and I will no longer endure it: therefore, allow me such exercises as may become a gentleman, or give me the poor allottery my father left me by testament; with that I will go buy my fortunes.
OLIVER. And what wilt thou do? beg, when that is spent? Well, sir, get you in; I will not long be troubled with you: you shall have some part of your will: I pray you leave me.
ORLANDO. I no further offend you than becomes me for my good.
OLIVER. Get you with him, you old dog.
ADAM. Is "old dog" my reward? Most true, I have lost my teeth in your service.--God be with my old master! he would not have spoke such a word.
[Exeunt ORLANDO and ADAM.]
OLIVER. Is it even so? begin you to grow upon me? I will physic your rankness, and yet give no thousand crowns neither. Holla, Dennis!
[Enter DENNIS.]
DENNIS. Calls your worship?
OLIVER. Was not Charles, the duke's wrestler, here to speak with me?
DENNIS. So please you, he is here at the door and importunes access to you.
OLIVER. Call him in.
[Exit DENNIS.]
--'Twill be a good way; and to-morrow the wrestling is.
[Enter CHARLES.]
CHARLES. Good morrow to your worship.
OLIVER. Good Monsieur Charles!--what's the new news at the new court?
CHARLES. There's no news at the court, sir, but the old news; that is, the old duke is banished by his younger brother the new duke; and three or four loving lords have put themselves into voluntary exile with him, whose lands and revenues enrich the new duke; therefore he gives them good leave to wander.
OLIVER. Can you tell if Rosalind, the duke's daughter, be banished with her father?
CHARLES. O, no; for the duke's daughter, her cousin, so loves her,--being ever from their cradles bred together,--that she would have followed her exile, or have died to stay behind her. She is at the court, and no less beloved of her uncle than his own daughter; and never two ladies loved as they do.
OLIVER. Where will the old duke live?
CHARLES. They say he is already in the Forest of Arden, and a many merry men with him; and there they live like the old Robin Hood of England: they say many young gentlemen flock to him every day, and fleet the time carelessly, as they did in the golden world.
OLIVER. What, you wrestle to-morrow before the new duke?
CHARLES. Marry, do I, sir; and I came to acquaint you with a matter. I am given, sir, secretly to understand that your younger brother, Orlando, hath a disposition to come in disguis'd against me to try a fall. To-morrow, sir, I wrestle for my credit; and he that escapes me without some broken limb shall acquit him well. Your brother is but young and tender; and, for your love, I would be loath to foil him, as I must, for my own honour, if he come in: therefore, out of my love to you, I came hither to acquaint you withal; that either you might stay him from his intendment, or brook such disgrace well as he shall run into; in that it is thing of his own search, and altogether against my will.
OLIVER. Charles, I thank thee for thy love to me, which thou shalt find I will most kindly requite. I had myself notice of my brother's purpose herein, and have by underhand means laboured to dissuade him from it; but he is resolute. I'll tell thee, Charles, it is the stubbornest young fellow of France; full of ambition, an envious emulator of every man's good parts, a secret and villainous contriver against me his natural brother: therefore use thy discretion: I had as lief thou didst break his neck as his finger. And thou wert best look to't; for if thou dost him any slight disgrace, or if he do not mightily grace himself on thee, he will practise against thee by poison, entrap thee by some treacherous device, and never leave thee till he hath ta'en thy life by some indirect means or other: for, I assure thee, and almost with tears I speak it, there is not one so young and so villainous this day living. I speak but brotherly of him; but should I anatomize him to thee as he is, I must blush and weep, and thou must look pale and wonder.
CHARLES. I am heartily glad I came hither to you. If he come to-morrow I'll give him his payment. If ever he go alone again I'll never wrestle for prize more: and so, God keep your worship!
OLIVER. Farewell, good Charles.--Now will I stir this gamester: I hope I shall see an end of him: for my soul, yet I know not why, hates nothing more than he. Yet he's gentle; never schooled and yet learned; full of noble device; of all sorts enchantingly beloved; and, indeed, so much in the heart of the world, and especially of my own people, who best know him, that I am altogether misprised: but it shall not be so long; this wrestler shall clear all: nothing remains but that I kindle the boy thither, which now I'll go about.
SCENE II. A Lawn before the DUKE'S Palace.
CELIA. I pray thee, Rosalind, sweet my coz, be merry.
ROSALIND. Dear Celia, I show more mirth than I am mistress of; and would you yet I were merrier? Unless you could teach me to forget a banished father, you must not learn me how to remember any extraordinary pleasure.
CELIA. Herein I see thou lov'st me not with the full weight that I love thee; if my uncle, thy banished father, had banished thy uncle, the duke my father, so thou hadst been still with me, I could have taught my love to take thy father for mine; so wouldst thou, if the truth of thy love to me were so righteously tempered as mine is to thee.
ROSALIND. Well, I will forget the condition of my estate, to rejoice in yours.
CELIA. You know my father hath no child but I, nor none is like to have; and, truly, when he dies thou shalt be his heir: for what he hath taken away from thy father perforce, I will render thee again in affection: by mine honour, I will; and when I break that oath, let me turn monster; therefore, my sweet Rose, my dear Rose, be merry.
ROSALIND. From henceforth I will, coz, and devise sports: let me see; what think you of falling in love?
CELIA. Marry, I pr'ythee, do, to make sport withal: but love no man in good earnest, nor no further in sport neither than with safety of a pure blush thou mayst in honour come off again.
ROSALIND. What shall be our sport, then?
CELIA. Let us sit and mock the good housewife Fortune from her wheel, that her gifts may henceforth be bestowed equally.
ROSALIND. I would we could do so; for her benefits are mightily misplaced: and the bountiful blind woman doth most mistake in her gifts to women.
CELIA. 'Tis true; for those that she makes fair she scarce makes honest; and those that she makes honest she makes very ill-favouredly.
ROSALIND. Nay; now thou goest from Fortune's office to Nature's: Fortune reigns in gifts of the world, not in the lineaments of Nature.
CELIA. No; when Nature hath made a fair creature, may she not by Fortune fall into the fire?--Though Nature hath given us wit to flout at Fortune, hath not Fortune sent in this fool to cut off the argument?
ROSALIND. Indeed, there is Fortune too hard for Nature, when Fortune makes Nature's natural the cutter-off of Nature's wit.
CELIA. Peradventure this is not Fortune's work neither, but Nature's, who perceiveth our natural wits too dull to reason of such goddesses, and hath sent this natural for our whetstone: for always the dullness of the fool is the whetstone of the wits.-- How now, wit? whither wander you?
TOUCHSTONE. Mistress, you must come away to your father.
CELIA. Were you made the messenger?
TOUCHSTONE. No, by mine honour; but I was bid to come for you.
ROSALIND. Where learned you that oath, fool?
TOUCHSTONE. Of a certain knight that swore by his honour they were good pancakes, and swore by his honour the mustard was naught: now, I'll stand to it, the pancakes were naught and the mustard was good: and yet was not the knight forsworn.
CELIA. How prove you that, in the great heap of your knowledge?
ROSALIND. Ay, marry; now unmuzzle your wisdom.
TOUCHSTONE. Stand you both forth now: stroke your chins, and swear by your beards that I am a knave.
CELIA. By our beards, if we had them, thou art.
TOUCHSTONE. By my knavery, if I had it, then I were: but if you swear by that that is not, you are not forsworn: no more was this knight, swearing by his honour, for he never had any; or if he had, he had sworn it away before ever he saw those pancackes or that mustard.
CELIA. Pr'ythee, who is't that thou mean'st?
TOUCHSTONE. One that old Frederick, your father, loves.
CELIA. My father's love is enough to honour him enough: speak no more of him: you'll be whipp'd for taxation one of these days.
TOUCHSTONE. The more pity that fools may not speak wisely what wise men do foolishly.
CELIA. By my troth, thou sayest true: for since the little wit that fools have was silenced, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. Here comes Monsieur Le Beau.
ROSALIND. With his mouth full of news.
CELIA. Which he will put on us as pigeons feed their young.
ROSALIND. Then shall we be news-crammed.
CELIA. All the better; we shall be the more marketable.
[Enter LE BEAU.]
Bon jour, Monsieur Le Beau. What's the news?
LE BEAU. Fair princess, you have lost much good sport.
CELIA. Sport! of what colour?
LE BEAU. What colour, madam? How shall I answer you?
ROSALIND. As wit and fortune will.
TOUCHSTONE. Or as the destinies decrees.
CELIA. Well said: that was laid on with a trowel.
TOUCHSTONE. Nay, if I keep not my rank,--
ROSALIND. Thou losest thy old smell.
LE BEAU. You amaze me, ladies; I would have told you of good wrestling, which you have lost the sight of.
ROSALIND. Yet tell us the manner of the wrestling.
LE BEAU. I will tell you the beginning, and, if it please your ladyships, you may see the end; for the best is yet to do; and here, where you are, they are coming to perform it.
CELIA. Well,--the beginning, that is dead and buried.
LE BEAU. There comes an old man and his three sons,--
CELIA. I could match this beginning with an old tale.
LE BEAU. Three proper young men, of excellent growth and presence, with bills on their necks,--
ROSALIND. 'Be it known unto all men by these presents,'--
LE BEAU. The eldest of the three wrestled with Charles, the duke's wrestler; which Charles in a moment threw him, and broke three of his ribs, that there is little hope of life in him: so he served the second, and so the third. Yonder they lie; the poor old man, their father, making such pitiful dole over them that all the beholders take his part with weeping.
TOUCHSTONE. But what is the sport, monsieur, that the ladies have lost?
LE BEAU. Why, this that I speak of.
TOUCHSTONE. Thus men may grow wiser every day! It is the first time that ever I heard breaking of ribs was sport for ladies.
CELIA. Or I, I promise thee.
ROSALIND. But is there any else longs to see this broken music in his sides? is there yet another dotes upon rib-breaking?-- Shall we see this wrestling, cousin?
LE BEAU. You must, if you stay here: for here is the place appointed for the wrestling, and they are ready to perform it.
CELIA. Yonder, sure, they are coming: let us now stay and see it.
[Flourish. Enter DUKE FREDERICK, Lords, ORLANDO, CHARLES, and Attendants.]
DUKE FREDERICK. Come on; since the youth will not be entreated, his own peril on his forwardness.
ROSALIND. Is yonder the man?
LE BEAU. Even he, madam.
CELIA. Alas, he is too young: yet he looks successfully.
DUKE FREDERICK. How now, daughter and cousin? are you crept hither to see the wrestling?
ROSALIND. Ay, my liege; so please you give us leave.
DUKE FREDERICK. You will take little delight in it, I can tell you, there is such odds in the men. In pity of the challenger's youth I would fain dissuade him, but he will not be entreated. Speak to him, ladies; see if you can move him.
CELIA. Call him hither, good Monsieur Le Beau.
DUKE FREDERICK. Do so; I'll not be by.
[DUKE FREDERICK goes apart.]
LE BEAU. Monsieur the challenger, the princesses call for you.
ORLANDO. I attend them with all respect and duty.
ROSALIND. Young man, have you challenged Charles the wrestler?
ORLANDO. No, fair princess; he is the general challenger: I come but in, as others do, to try with him the strength of my youth.
CELIA. Young gentleman, your spirits are too bold for your years. You have seen cruel proof of this man's strength: if you saw yourself with your eyes, or knew yourself with your judgment, the fear of your adventure would counsel you to a more equal enterprise. We pray you, for your own sake, to embrace your own safety and give over this attempt.
ROSALIND. Do, young sir; your reputation shall not therefore be misprised: we will make it our suit to the duke that the wrestling might not go forward.
ORLANDO. I beseech you, punish me not with your hard thoughts: wherein I confess me much guilty to deny so fair and excellent ladies anything. But let your fair eyes and gentle wishes go with me to my trial: wherein if I be foiled there is but one shamed that was never gracious; if killed, but one dead that is willing to be so: I shall do my friends no wrong, for I have none to lament me: the world no injury, for in it I have nothing; only in the world I fill up a place, which may be better supplied when I have made it empty.
ROSALIND. The little strength that I have, I would it were with you.
CELIA. And mine to eke out hers.
ROSALIND. Fare you well. Pray heaven, I be deceived in you!
CELIA. Your heart's desires be with you.
CHARLES. Come, where is this young gallant that is so desirous to lie with his mother earth?
ORLANDO. Ready, sir; but his will hath in it a more modest working.
DUKE FREDERICK. You shall try but one fall.
CHARLES. No; I warrant your grace, you shall not entreat him to a second, that have so mightily persuaded him from a first.
ORLANDO. You mean to mock me after; you should not have mocked me before; but come your ways.
ROSALIND. Now, Hercules be thy speed, young man!
CELIA. I would I were invisible, to catch the strong fellow by the leg.
[CHARLES and ORLANDO wrestle.]
ROSALIND. O excellent young man!
CELIA. If I had a thunderbolt in mine eye, I can tell who should down.
[CHARLES is thrown. Shout.]
DUKE FREDERICK. No more, no more.
ORLANDO. Yes, I beseech your grace; I am not yet well breathed.
DUKE FREDERICK. How dost thou, Charles?
LE BEAU. He cannot speak, my lord.
DUKE FREDERICK. Bear him away.
[CHARLES is borne out.]
What is thy name, young man?
ORLANDO. Orlando, my liege; the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
DUKE FREDERICK. I would thou hadst been son to some man else. The world esteem'd thy father honourable, But I did find him still mine enemy: Thou shouldst have better pleas'd me with this deed Hadst thou descended from another house. But fare thee well; thou art a gallant youth; I would thou hadst told me of another father.
[Exeunt DUKE FREDERICK, Train, and LE BEAU.]
CELIA. Were I my father, coz, would I do this?
ORLANDO. I am more proud to be Sir Rowland's son, His youngest son;--and would not change that calling To be adopted heir to Frederick.
ROSALIND. My father loved Sir Rowland as his soul, And all the world was of my father's mind: Had I before known this young man his son, I should have given him tears unto entreaties Ere he should thus have ventur'd.
CELIA. Gentle cousin, Let us go thank him, and encourage him: My father's rough and envious disposition Sticks me at heart.--Sir, you have well deserv'd: If you do keep your promises in love But justly, as you have exceeded promise, Your mistress shall be happy.
ROSALIND. Gentleman,
[Giving him a chain from her neck.]
Wear this for me; one out of suits with fortune, That could give more, but that her hand lacks means.-- Shall we go, coz?
CELIA. Ay.--Fare you well, fair gentleman.
ORLANDO. Can I not say, I thank you? My better parts Are all thrown down; and that which here stands up Is but a quintain, a mere lifeless block.
ROSALIND. He calls us back: my pride fell with my fortunes: I'll ask him what he would.--Did you call, sir?-- Sir, you have wrestled well, and overthrown More than your enemies.
CELIA. Will you go, coz?
ROSALIND. Have with you.--Fare you well.
[Exeunt ROSALIND and CELIA.]
ORLANDO. What passion hangs these weights upon my tongue? I cannot speak to her, yet she urg'd conference. O poor Orlando! thou art overthrown: Or Charles, or something weaker, masters thee.
[Re-enter LE BEAU.]
LE BEAU. Good sir, I do in friendship counsel you To leave this place. Albeit you have deserv'd High commendation, true applause, and love, Yet such is now the duke's condition, That he misconstrues all that you have done. The Duke is humorous; what he is, indeed, More suits you to conceive than I to speak of.
ORLANDO. I thank you, sir: and pray you tell me this; Which of the two was daughter of the duke That here was at the wrestling?
LE BEAU. Neither his daughter, if we judge by manners; But yet, indeed, the smaller is his daughter: The other is daughter to the banish'd duke, And here detain'd by her usurping uncle, To keep his daughter company; whose loves Are dearer than the natural bond of sisters. But I can tell you that of late this duke Hath ta'en displeasure 'gainst his gentle niece, Grounded upon no other argument But that the people praise her for her virtues And pity her for her good father's sake; And, on my life, his malice 'gainst the lady Will suddenly break forth.--Sir, fare you well! Hereafter, in a better world than this, I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
ORLANDO. I rest much bounden to you: fare you well!
[Exit LE BEAU.]
Thus must I from the smoke into the smother; From tyrant duke unto a tyrant brother:-- But heavenly Rosalind!
SCENE III. A Room in the Palace.
CELIA. Why, cousin; why, Rosalind;--Cupid have mercy!--Not a word?
ROSALIND. Not one to throw at a dog.
CELIA. No, thy words are too precious to be cast away upon curs, throw some of them at me; come, lame me with reasons.
ROSALIND. Then there were two cousins laid up; when the one should be lamed with reasons and the other mad without any.
CELIA. But is all this for your father?
ROSALIND. No, some of it is for my child's father. O, how full of briers is this working-day world!
CELIA. They are but burs, cousin, thrown upon thee in holiday foolery; if we walk not in the trodden paths, our very petticoats will catch them.
ROSALIND. I could shake them off my coat: these burs are in my heart.
CELIA. Hem them away.
ROSALIND. I would try, if I could cry hem and have him.
CELIA. Come, come, wrestle with thy affections.
ROSALIND. O, they take the part of a better wrestler than myself.
CELIA. O, a good wish upon you! you will try in time, in despite of a fall.--But, turning these jests out of service, let us talk in good earnest: is it possible, on such a sudden, you should fall into so strong a liking with old Sir Rowland's youngest son?
ROSALIND. The duke my father loved his father dearly.
CELIA. Doth it therefore ensue that you should love his son dearly? By this kind of chase I should hate him, for my father hated his father dearly; yet I hate not Orlando.
ROSALIND. No, 'faith, hate him not, for my sake.
CELIA. Why should I not? doth he not deserve well?
ROSALIND. Let me love him for that; and do you love him because I do.--Look, here comes the duke.
CELIA. With his eyes full of anger.
[Enter DUKE FREDERICK, with Lords.]
DUKE FREDERICK. Mistress, despatch you with your safest haste, And get you from our court.
ROSALIND. Me, uncle?
DUKE FREDERICK. You, cousin: Within these ten days if that thou be'st found So near our public court as twenty miles, Thou diest for it.
ROSALIND. I do beseech your grace, Let me the knowledge of my fault bear with me: If with myself I hold intelligence, Or have acquaintance with mine own desires; If that I do not dream, or be not frantic,-- As I do trust I am not,--then, dear uncle, Never so much as in a thought unborn Did I offend your highness.
DUKE FREDERICK. Thus do all traitors; If their purgation did consist in words, They are as innocent as grace itself:-- Let it suffice thee that I trust thee not.
ROSALIND. Yet your mistrust cannot make me a traitor: Tell me whereon the likelihood depends.
DUKE FREDERICK. Thou art thy father's daughter; there's enough.
ROSALIND. So was I when your highness took his dukedom; So was I when your highness banish'd him: Treason is not inherited, my lord: Or, if we did derive it from our friends, What's that to me? my father was no traitor! Then, good my liege, mistake me not so much To think my poverty is treacherous.
CELIA. Dear sovereign, hear me speak.
DUKE FREDERICK. Ay, Celia: we stay'd her for your sake, Else had she with her father rang'd along.
CELIA. I did not then entreat to have her stay; It was your pleasure, and your own remorse: I was too young that time to value her; But now I know her: if she be a traitor, Why so am I: we still have slept together, Rose at an instant, learn'd, play'd, eat together; And wheresoe'er we went, like Juno's swans, Still we went coupled and inseparable.
DUKE FREDERICK. She is too subtle for thee; and her smoothness, Her very silence, and her patience Speak to the people, and they pity her. Thou art a fool: she robs thee of thy name; And thou wilt show more bright and seem more virtuous When she is gone: then open not thy lips; Firm and irrevocable is my doom Which I have pass'd upon her;--she is banish'd.
CELIA. Pronounce that sentence, then, on me, my liege: I cannot live out of her company.
DUKE FREDERICK. You are a fool.--You, niece, provide yourself: If you outstay the time, upon mine honour, And in the greatness of my word, you die.
[Exeunt DUKE FREDERICK and Lords.]
CELIA. O my poor Rosalind! whither wilt thou go? Wilt thou change fathers? I will give thee mine. I charge thee be not thou more griev'd than I am.
ROSALIND. I have more cause.
CELIA. Thou hast not, cousin; Pr'ythee be cheerful: know'st thou not the duke Hath banish'd me, his daughter?
ROSALIND. That he hath not.
CELIA. No! hath not? Rosalind lacks, then, the love Which teacheth thee that thou and I am one: Shall we be sund'red? shall we part, sweet girl? No; let my father seek another heir. Therefore devise with me how we may fly, Whither to go, and what to bear with us: And do not seek to take your charge upon you, To bear your griefs yourself, and leave me out; For, by this heaven, now at our sorrows pale, Say what thou canst, I'll go along with thee.
ROSALIND. Why, whither shall we go?
CELIA. To seek my uncle in the Forest of Arden.
ROSALIND. Alas! what danger will it be to us, Maids as we are, to travel forth so far? Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold.
CELIA. I'll put myself in poor and mean attire, And with a kind of umber smirch my face; The like do you; so shall we pass along, And never stir assailants.
ROSALIND. Were it not better, Because that I am more than common tall, That I did suit me all points like a man? A gallant curtle-axe upon my thigh, A boar spear in my hand; and,--in my heart Lie there what hidden woman's fear there will,-- We'll have a swashing and a martial outside, As many other mannish cowards have That do outface it with their semblances.
CELIA. What shall I call thee when thou art a man?
ROSALIND. I'll have no worse a name than Jove's own page, And, therefore, look you call me Ganymede. But what will you be call'd?
CELIA. Something that hath a reference to my state: No longer Celia, but Aliena.
ROSALIND. But, cousin, what if we assay'd to steal The clownish fool out of your father's court? Would he not be a comfort to our travel?
CELIA. He'll go along o'er the wide world with me; Leave me alone to woo him. Let's away, And get our jewels and our wealth together; Devise the fittest time and safest way To hide us from pursuit that will be made After my flight. Now go we in content To liberty, and not to banishment.
SCENE I. The Forest of Arden.
[Enter DUKE Senior, AMIENS, and other LORDS, in the dress of foresters.]
DUKE SENIOR. Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile, Hath not old custom made this life more sweet Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods More free from peril than the envious court? Here feel we not the penalty of Adam,-- The seasons' difference: as the icy fang And churlish chiding of the winter's wind, Which when it bites and blows upon my body, Even till I shrink with cold, I smile and say, 'This is no flattery: these are counsellors That feelingly persuade me what I am.' Sweet are the uses of adversity; Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head; And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything. I would not change it.
AMIENS. Happy is your grace, That can translate the stubbornness of fortune Into so quiet and so sweet a style.
DUKE SENIOR. Come, shall we go and kill us venison? And yet it irks me, the poor dappled fools, Being native burghers of this desert city, Should, in their own confines, with forked heads Have their round haunches gor'd.
FIRST LORD. Indeed, my lord, The melancholy Jaques grieves at that; And, in that kind, swears you do more usurp Than doth your brother that hath banish'd you. To-day my lord of Amiens and myself Did steal behind him as he lay along Under an oak, whose antique root peeps out Upon the brook that brawls along this wood: To the which place a poor sequester'd stag, That from the hunter's aim had ta'en a hurt, Did come to languish; and, indeed, my lord, The wretched animal heav'd forth such groans, That their discharge did stretch his leathern coat Almost to bursting; and the big round tears Cours'd one another down his innocent nose In piteous chase: and thus the hairy fool, Much marked of the melancholy Jaques, Stood on the extremest verge of the swift brook, Augmenting it with tears.
DUKE SENIOR. But what said Jaques? Did he not moralize this spectacle?
FIRST LORD. O, yes, into a thousand similes. First, for his weeping into the needless stream; 'Poor deer,' quoth he 'thou mak'st a testament As worldlings do, giving thy sum of more To that which had too much:' then, being there alone, Left and abandoned of his velvet friends; ''Tis right'; quoth he; 'thus misery doth part The flux of company:' anon, a careless herd, Full of the pasture, jumps along by him And never stays to greet him; 'Ay,' quoth Jaques, 'Sweep on, you fat and greasy citizens; 'Tis just the fashion; wherefore do you look Upon that poor and broken bankrupt there?' Thus most invectively he pierceth through The body of the country, city, court, Yea, and of this our life: swearing that we Are mere usurpers, tyrants, and what's worse, To fright the animals, and to kill them up In their assign'd and native dwelling-place.
DUKE SENIOR. And did you leave him in this contemplation?
SECOND LORD. We did, my lord, weeping and commenting Upon the sobbing deer.
DUKE SENIOR. Show me the place: I love to cope him in these sullen fits, For then he's full of matter.
FIRST LORD. I'll bring you to him straight.
SCENE II. A Room in the Palace.
[Enter DUKE FREDERICK, Lords, and Attendants.]
DUKE FREDERICK. Can it be possible that no man saw them? It cannot be: some villains of my court Are of consent and sufferance in this.
FIRST LORD. I cannot hear of any that did see her. The ladies, her attendants of her chamber, Saw her a-bed; and in the morning early They found the bed untreasur'd of their mistress.
SECOND LORD. My lord, the roynish clown, at whom so oft Your grace was wont to laugh, is also missing. Hesperia, the princess' gentlewoman, Confesses that she secretly o'erheard Your daughter and her cousin much commend The parts and graces of the wrestler That did but lately foil the sinewy Charles; And she believes, wherever they are gone, That youth is surely in their company.
DUKE FREDERICK. Send to his brother; fetch that gallant hither: If he be absent, bring his brother to me, I'll make him find him: do this suddenly; And let not search and inquisition quail To bring again these foolish runaways.
[Enter ORLANDO and ADAM, meeting.]
ORLANDO. Who's there?
ADAM. What, my young master?--O my gentle master! O my sweet master! O you memory Of old Sir Rowland! why, what make you here? Why are you virtuous? why do people love you? And wherefore are you gentle, strong, and valiant? Why would you be so fond to overcome The bonny prizer of the humorous duke? Your praise is come too swiftly home before you. Know you not, master, to some kind of men Their graces serve them but as enemies? No more do yours; your virtues, gentle master, Are sanctified and holy traitors to you. O, what a world is this, when what is comely Envenoms him that bears it!
ORLANDO. Why, what's the matter?
ADAM. O unhappy youth, Come not within these doors; within this roof The enemy of all your graces lives: Your brother,--no, no brother; yet the son-- Yet not the son; I will not call him son-- Of him I was about to call his father,-- Hath heard your praises; and this night he means To burn the lodging where you use to lie, And you within it: if he fail of that, He will have other means to cut you off; I overheard him and his practices. This is no place; this house is but a butchery: Abhor it, fear it, do not enter it.
ORLANDO. Why, whither, Adam, wouldst thou have me go?
ADAM. No matter whither, so you come not here.
ORLANDO. What, wouldst thou have me go and beg my food? Or with a base and boisterous sword enforce A thievish living on the common road? This I must do, or know not what to do: Yet this I will not do, do how I can: I rather will subject me to the malice Of a diverted blood and bloody brother.
ADAM. But do not so. I have five hundred crowns, The thrifty hire I sav'd under your father, Which I did store to be my foster-nurse, When service should in my old limbs lie lame, And unregarded age in corners thrown; Take that: and He that doth the ravens feed, Yea, providently caters for the sparrow, Be comfort to my age! Here is the gold; All this I give you. Let me be your servant; Though I look old, yet I am strong and lusty: For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood; Nor did not with unbashful forehead woo The means of weakness and debility; Therefore my age is as a lusty winter, Frosty, but kindly: let me go with you; I'll do the service of a younger man In all your business and necessities.
ORLANDO. O good old man; how well in thee appears The constant service of the antique world, When service sweat for duty, not for meed! Thou art not for the fashion of these times, Where none will sweat but for promotion; And having that, do choke their service up Even with the having: it is not so with thee. But, poor old man, thou prun'st a rotten tree, That cannot so much as a blossom yield In lieu of all thy pains and husbandry: But come thy ways, we'll go along together; And ere we have thy youthful wages spent We'll light upon some settled low content.
ADAM. Master, go on; and I will follow thee To the last gasp, with truth and loyalty.-- From seventeen years till now almost fourscore Here lived I, but now live here no more. At seventeen years many their fortunes seek; But at fourscore it is too late a week: Yet fortune cannot recompense me better Than to die well and not my master's debtor.
SCENE IV. The Forest of Arden.
[Enter ROSALIND in boy's clothes, CELIA dressed like a shepherdess, and TOUCHSTONE.]
ROSALIND. O Jupiter! how weary are my spirits!
TOUCHSTONE. I care not for my spirits, if my legs were not weary.
ROSALIND. I could find in my heart to disgrace my man's apparel, and to cry like a woman; but I must comfort the weaker vessel, as doublet and hose ought to show itself courageous to petticoat; therefore, courage, good Aliena.
CELIA. I pray you bear with me; I can go no further.
TOUCHSTONE. For my part, I had rather bear with you than bear you: yet I should bear no cross if I did bear you; for I think you have no money in your purse.
ROSALIND. Well, this is the forest of Arden.
TOUCHSTONE. Ay, now am I in Arden: the more fool I; when I was at home I was in a better place; but travellers must be content.
ROSALIND. Ay, be so, good Touchstone.--Look you, who comes here?, a young man and an old in solemn talk.
[Enter CORIN and SILVIUS.]
CORIN. That is the way to make her scorn you still.
SILVIUS. O Corin, that thou knew'st how I do love her!
CORIN. I partly guess; for I have lov'd ere now.
SILVIUS. No, Corin, being old, thou canst not guess; Though in thy youth thou wast as true a lover As ever sigh'd upon a midnight pillow: But if thy love were ever like to mine,-- As sure I think did never man love so,-- How many actions most ridiculous Hast thou been drawn to by thy fantasy?
CORIN. Into a thousand that I have forgotten.
SILVIUS. O, thou didst then never love so heartily: If thou remember'st not the slightest folly That ever love did make thee run into, Thou hast not lov'd: Or if thou hast not sat as I do now, Wearing thy hearer in thy mistress' praise, Thou hast not lov'd: Or if thou hast not broke from company Abruptly, as my passion now makes me, Thou hast not lov'd: O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe!
[Exit Silvius.]
ROSALIND. Alas, poor shepherd! searching of thy wound, I have by hard adventure found mine own.
TOUCHSTONE. And I mine. I remember, when I was in love, I broke my sword upon a stone, and bid him take that for coming a-night to Jane Smile: and I remember the kissing of her batlet, and the cow's dugs that her pretty chapp'd hands had milk'd: and I remember the wooing of a peascod instead of her; from whom I took two cods, and giving her them again, said with weeping tears, 'Wear these for my sake.' We that are true lovers run into strange capers; but as all is mortal in nature, so is all nature in love mortal in folly.
ROSALIND. Thou speak'st wiser than thou art 'ware of.
TOUCHSTONE. Nay, I shall ne'er be 'ware of mine own wit till I break my shins against it.
ROSALIND. Jove, Jove! this shepherd's passion Is much upon my fashion.
TOUCHSTONE. And mine: but it grows something stale with me.
CELIA. I pray you, one of you question yond man If he for gold will give us any food: I faint almost to death.
TOUCHSTONE. Holla, you clown!
ROSALIND. Peace, fool; he's not thy kinsman.
CORIN. Who calls?
TOUCHSTONE. Your betters, sir.
CORIN. Else are they very wretched.
ROSALIND. Peace, I say.-- Good even to you, friend.
CORIN. And to you, gentle sir, and to you all.
ROSALIND. I pr'ythee, shepherd, if that love or gold Can in this desert place buy entertainment, Bring us where we may rest ourselves and feed: Here's a young maid with travel much oppress'd, And faints for succour.
CORIN. Fair sir, I pity her, And wish, for her sake more than for mine own, My fortunes were more able to relieve her: But I am shepherd to another man, And do not shear the fleeces that I graze: My master is of churlish disposition, And little recks to find the way to heaven By doing deeds of hospitality: Besides, his cote, his flocks, and bounds of feed, Are now on sale; and at our sheepcote now, By reason of his absence, there is nothing That you will feed on; but what is, come see, And in my voice most welcome shall you be.
ROSALIND. What is he that shall buy his flock and pasture?
CORIN. That young swain that you saw here but erewhile, That little cares for buying anything.
ROSALIND. I pray thee, if it stand with honesty, Buy thou the cottage, pasture, and the flock, And thou shalt have to pay for it of us.
CELIA. And we will mend thy wages. I like this place, And willingly could waste my time in it.
CORIN. Assuredly the thing is to be sold: Go with me: if you like, upon report, The soil, the profit, and this kind of life, I will your very faithful feeder be, And buy it with your gold right suddenly.
SCENE V. Another part of the Forest.
[Enter AMIENS, JAQUES, and others.]
Under the greenwood tree,
Who loves to lie with me,
And turn his merry note
Unto the sweet bird's throat,
Come hither, come hither, come hither;
Here shall he see
No enemy
But winter and rough weather.
JAQUES. More, more, I pr'ythee, more.
AMIENS. It will make you melancholy, Monsieur Jaques.
JAQUES. I thank it. More, I pr'ythee, more. I can suck melancholy out of a song, as a weasel sucks eggs. More, I pr'ythee, more.
AMIENS. My voice is ragged; I know I cannot please you.
JAQUES. I do not desire you to please me; I do desire you to sing. Come, more: another stanza. Call you them stanzas?
AMIENS. What you will, Monsieur Jaques.
JAQUES. Nay, I care not for their names; they owe me nothing. Will you sing?
AMIENS. More at your request than to please myself.
JAQUES. Well then, if ever I thank any man, I'll thank you: but that they call compliment is like the encounter of two dog-apes; and when a man thanks me heartily, methinks have given him a penny, and he renders me the beggarly thanks. Come, sing; and you that will not, hold your tongues.
AMIENS. Well, I'll end the song.--Sirs, cover the while: the duke will drink under this tree:--he hath been all this day to look you.
JAQUES. And I have been all this day to avoid him. He is too disputable for my company: I think of as many matters as he; but I give heaven thanks, and make no boast of them. Come, warble, come.
SONG [All together here.]
Who doth ambition shun,
And loves to live i' the sun,
Seeking the food he eats,
And pleas'd with what he gets,
Come hither, come hither, come hither.
Here shall he see
No enemy
But winter and rough weather.
JAQUES. I'll give you a verse to this note that I made yesterday in despite of my invention.
AMIENS. And I'll sing it.
JAQUES. Thus it goes:
If it do come to pass
That any man turn ass,
Leaving his wealth and ease
A stubborn will to please,
Ducdame, ducdame, ducdame;
Here shall he see
Gross fools as he,
An if he will come to me.
AMIENS. What's that "ducdame?"
JAQUES. 'Tis a Greek invocation, to call fools into a circle. I'll go sleep, if I can; if I cannot, I'll rail against all the first-born of Egypt.
AMIENS. And I'll go seek the duke; his banquet is prepared.
[Exeunt severally.]
SCENE VI. Another part of the Forest.
[Enter ORLANDO and ADAM.]
ADAM. Dear master, I can go no further: O, I die for food! Here lie I down, and measure out my grave. Farewell, kind master.
ORLANDO. Why, how now, Adam! no greater heart in thee? Live a little; comfort a little; cheer thyself a little. If this uncouth forest yield anything savage, I will either be food for it or bring it for food to thee. Thy conceit is nearer death than thy powers. For my sake be comfortable: hold death awhile at the arm's end: I will here be with thee presently; and if I bring thee not something to eat, I'll give thee leave to die: but if thou diest before I come, thou art a mocker of my labour. Well said! thou look'st cheerily: and I'll be with thee quickly.--Yet thou liest in the bleak air: come, I will bear thee to some shelter; and thou shalt not die for lack of a dinner if there live anything in this desert. Cheerily, good Adam!
SCENE VII. Another part of the Forest.
[A table set. Enter DUKE Senior, AMIENS, and others.]
DUKE SENIOR. I think he be transform'd into a beast; For I can nowhere find him like a man.
FIRST LORD. My lord, he is but even now gone hence; Here was he merry, hearing of a song.
DUKE SENIOR. If he, compact of jars, grow musical, We shall have shortly discord in the spheres. Go, seek him; tell him I would speak with him.
FIRST LORD. He saves my labour by his own approach.
[Enter JAQUES.]
DUKE SENIOR. Why, how now, monsieur! what a life is this, That your poor friends must woo your company? What! you look merrily!
JAQUES. A fool, a fool!--I met a fool i' the forest, A motley fool;--a miserable world!-- As I do live by food, I met a fool, Who laid him down and bask'd him in the sun, And rail'd on Lady Fortune in good terms, In good set terms,--and yet a motley fool. 'Good morrow, fool,' quoth I: 'No, sir,' quoth he, 'Call me not fool till heaven hath sent me fortune.' And then he drew a dial from his poke, And, looking on it with lack-lustre eye, Says very wisely, 'It is ten o'clock: Thus we may see,' quoth he, 'how the world wags; 'Tis but an hour ago since it was nine; And after one hour more 'twill be eleven; And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe, And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot; And thereby hangs a tale.' When I did hear The motley fool thus moral on the time, My lungs began to crow like chanticleer, That fools should be so deep contemplative; And I did laugh sans intermission An hour by his dial.--O noble fool! A worthy fool!--Motley's the only wear.
DUKE SENIOR. What fool is this?
JAQUES. O worthy fool!--One that hath been a courtier, And says, if ladies be but young and fair, They have the gift to know it: and in his brain,-- Which is as dry as the remainder biscuit After a voyage,--he hath strange places cramm'd With observation, the which he vents In mangled forms.-O that I were a fool! I am ambitious for a motley coat.
DUKE SENIOR. Thou shalt have one.
JAQUES. It is my only suit, Provided that you weed your better judgments Of all opinion that grows rank in them That I am wise. I must have liberty Withal, as large a charter as the wind, To blow on whom I please; for so fools have: And they that are most galled with my folly, They most must laugh. And why, sir, must they so? The 'why' is plain as way to parish church: He that a fool doth very wisely hit Doth very foolishly, although he smart, Not to seem senseless of the bob; if not, The wise man's folly is anatomiz'd Even by the squandering glances of the fool. Invest me in my motley; give me leave To speak my mind, and I will through and through Cleanse the foul body of the infected world, If they will patiently receive my medicine.
DUKE SENIOR. Fie on thee! I can tell what thou wouldst do.
JAQUES. What, for a counter, would I do but good?
DUKE SENIOR. Most mischievous foul sin, in chiding sin; For thou thyself hast been a libertine, As sensual as the brutish sting itself; And all the embossed sores and headed evils That thou with license of free foot hast caught Wouldst thou disgorge into the general world.
JAQUES. Why, who cries out on pride That can therein tax any private party? Doth it not flow as hugely as the sea, Till that the weary very means do ebb? What woman in the city do I name When that I say, The city-woman bears The cost of princes on unworthy shoulders? Who can come in and say that I mean her, When such a one as she, such is her neighbour? Or what is he of basest function That says his bravery is not on my cost,-- Thinking that I mean him,--but therein suits His folly to the metal of my speech? There then; how then? what then? Let me see wherein My tongue hath wrong'd him: if it do him right, Then he hath wrong'd himself; if he be free, Why then, my taxing like a wild-goose flies, Unclaim'd of any man.--But who comes here?
[Enter ORLANDO, with his sword drawn.]
ORLANDO. Forbear, and eat no more.
JAQUES. Why, I have eat none yet.
ORLANDO. Nor shalt not, till necessity be serv'd.
JAQUES. Of what kind should this cock come of?
DUKE SENIOR. Art thou thus bolden'd, man, by thy distress: Or else a rude despiser of good manners, That in civility thou seem'st so empty?
ORLANDO. You touch'd my vein at first: the thorny point Of bare distress hath ta'en from me the show Of smooth civility: yet am I inland bred, And know some nurture. But forbear, I say; He dies that touches any of this fruit Till I and my affairs are answered.
JAQUES. An you will not be answered with reason, I must die.
DUKE SENIOR. What would you have? your gentleness shall force More than your force move us to gentleness.
ORLANDO. I almost die for food, and let me have it.
DUKE SENIOR. Sit down and feed, and welcome to our table.
ORLANDO. Speak you so gently? Pardon me, I pray you: I thought that all things had been savage here; And therefore put I on the countenance Of stern commandment. But whate'er you are That in this desert inaccessible, Under the shade of melancholy boughs, Lose and neglect the creeping hours of time; If ever you have look'd on better days, If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church, If ever sat at any good man's feast, If ever from your eyelids wip'd a tear, And know what 'tis to pity and be pitied, Let gentleness my strong enforcement be: In the which hope I blush, and hide my sword.
DUKE SENIOR. True is it that we have seen better days, And have with holy bell been knoll'd to church, And sat at good men's feasts, and wip'd our eyes Of drops that sacred pity hath engender'd: And therefore sit you down in gentleness, And take upon command what help we have, That to your wanting may be minister'd.
ORLANDO. Then but forbear your food a little while, Whiles, like a doe, I go to find my fawn, And give it food. There is an old poor man Who after me hath many a weary step Limp'd in pure love: till he be first suffic'd,-- Oppress'd with two weak evils, age and hunger,-- I will not touch a bit.
DUKE SENIOR. Go find him out. And we will nothing waste till you return.
ORLANDO. I thank ye; and be blest for your good comfort!
DUKE SENIOR. Thou seest we are not all alone unhappy; This wide and universal theatre Presents more woeful pageants than the scene Wherein we play in.
JAQUES. All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms; Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lin'd, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well sav'd, a world too wide For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion; Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
[Re-enter ORLANDO with ADAM.]
DUKE SENIOR. Welcome. Set down your venerable burden, And let him feed.
ORLANDO. I thank you most for him.
ADAM. So had you need; I scarce can speak to thank you for myself.
DUKE SENIOR. Welcome; fall to: I will not trouble you As yet, to question you about your fortunes.-- Give us some music; and, good cousin, sing.
[AMIENS sings.]
Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen,
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude. Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then, heigh-ho, the holly!
This life is most jolly.
Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
That dost not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot:
Though thou the waters warp,
Thy sting is not so sharp
As friend remember'd not. Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! &c.
DUKE SENIOR. If that you were the good Sir Rowland's son,-- As you have whisper'd faithfully you were, And as mine eye doth his effigies witness Most truly limn'd and living in your face,-- Be truly welcome hither: I am the duke That lov'd your father. The residue of your fortune, Go to my cave and tell me.--Good old man, Thou art right welcome as thy master is; Support him by the arm.--Give me your hand, And let me all your fortunes understand.
SCENE I. A Room in the Palace.
[Enter DUKE FREDERICK, OLIVER, Lords and Attendants.]
DUKE FREDERICK. Not see him since? Sir, sir, that cannot be: But were I not the better part made mercy, I should not seek an absent argument Of my revenge, thou present. But look to it: Find out thy brother wheresoe'er he is: Seek him with candle; bring him dead or living Within this twelvemonth, or turn thou no more To seek a living in our territory. Thy lands, and all things that thou dost call thine Worth seizure, do we seize into our hands, Till thou canst quit thee by thy brother's mouth Of what we think against thee.
OLIVER. O that your highness knew my heart in this! I never lov'd my brother in my life.
DUKE FREDERICK. More villain thou.--Well, push him out of doors, And let my officers of such a nature Make an extent upon his house and lands: Do this expediently, and turn him going.
SCENE II. The Forest of Arden.
[Enter ORLANDO, with a paper.]
ORLANDO. Hang there, my verse, in witness of my love;
And thou, thrice-crowned queen of night, survey With thy chaste eye, from thy pale sphere above,
Thy huntress' name, that my full life doth sway. O Rosalind! these trees shall be my books,
And in their barks my thoughts I'll character, That every eye which in this forest looks
Shall see thy virtue witness'd every where. Run, run, Orlando; carve on every tree, The fair, the chaste, and unexpressive she.
CORIN. And how like you this shepherd's life, Master Touchstone?
TOUCHSTONE. Truly, shepherd, in respect of itself, it is a good life; but in respect that it is a shepherd's life, it is naught. In respect that it is solitary, I like it very well; but in respect that it is private, it is a very vile life. Now in respect it is in the fields, it pleaseth me well; but in respect it is not in the court, it is tedious. As it is a spare life, look you, it fits my humour well; but as there is no more plenty in it, it goes much against my stomach. Hast any philosophy in thee, shepherd?
CORIN. No more but that I know the more one sickens, the worse at ease he is; and that he that wants money, means, and content, is without three good friends; that the property of rain is to wet, and fire to burn; that good pasture makes fat sheep; and that a great cause of the night is lack of the sun; that he that hath learned no wit by nature nor art may complain of good breeding, or comes of a very dull kindred.
TOUCHSTONE. Such a one is a natural philosopher. Wast ever in court, shepherd?
CORIN. No, truly.
TOUCHSTONE. Then thou art damned.
CORIN. Nay, I hope,--
TOUCHSTONE. Truly, thou art damned, like an ill-roasted egg, all on one side.
CORIN. For not being at court? Your reason.
TOUCHSTONE. Why, if thou never wast at court, thou never saw'st good manners; if thou never saw'st good manners, then thy manners must be wicked; and wickedness is sin, and sin is damnation. Thou art in a parlous state, shepherd.
CORIN. Not a whit, Touchstone; those that are good manners at the court are as ridiculous in the country as the behaviour of the country is most mockable at the court. You told me you salute not at the court, but you kiss your hands; that courtesy would be uncleanly if courtiers were shepherds.
TOUCHSTONE. Instance, briefly; come, instance.
CORIN. Why, we are still handling our ewes; and their fells, you know, are greasy.
TOUCHSTONE. Why, do not your courtier's hands sweat? and is not the grease of a mutton as wholesome as the sweat of a man? Shallow, shallow: a better instance, I say; come.
CORIN. Besides, our hands are hard.
TOUCHSTONE. Your lips will feel them the sooner. Shallow again: a more sounder instance; come.
CORIN. And they are often tarred over with the surgery of our sheep; and would you have us kiss tar? The courtier's hands are perfumed with civet.
TOUCHSTONE. Most shallow man! thou worm's-meat in respect of a good piece of flesh indeed!--Learn of the wise, and perpend: civet is of a baser birth than tar,--the very uncleanly flux of a cat. Mend the instance, shepherd.
CORIN. You have too courtly a wit for me: I'll rest.
TOUCHSTONE. Wilt thou rest damned? God help thee, shallow man! God make incision in thee! thou art raw.
CORIN. Sir, I am a true labourer: I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness, glad of other men's good, content with my harm; and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck.
TOUCHSTONE. That is another simple sin in you: to bring the ewes and the rams together, and to offer to get your living by the copulation of cattle; to be bawd to a bell-wether; and to betray a she-lamb of a twelvemonth to crooked-pated, old, cuckoldly ram, out of all reasonable match. If thou be'st not damned for this, the devil himself will have no shepherds; I cannot see else how thou shouldst 'scape.
CORIN. Here comes young Master Ganymede, my new mistress's brother.
[Enter ROSALIND, reading a paper.]
'From the east to western Ind,
No jewel is like Rosalind.
Her worth, being mounted on the wind,
Through all the world bears Rosalind.
All the pictures fairest lin'd
Are but black to Rosalind.
Let no face be kept in mind
But the fair of Rosalind.'
TOUCHSTONE. I'll rhyme you so eight years together, dinners, and suppers, and sleeping hours excepted. It is the right butter-women's rank to market.
ROSALIND. Out, fool!
TOUCHSTONE. For a taste:--
If a hart do lack a hind,
Let him seek out Rosalind.
If the cat will after kind,
So be sure will Rosalind.
Winter garments must be lin'd,
So must slender Rosalind.
They that reap must sheaf and bind,--
Then to cart with Rosalind.
Sweetest nut hath sourest rind,
Such a nut is Rosalind.
He that sweetest rose will find
Must find love's prick, and Rosalind.
This is the very false gallop of verses: why do you infect yourself with them?
ROSALIND. Peace, you dull fool! I found them on a tree.
TOUCHSTONE. Truly, the tree yields bad fruit.
ROSALIND. I'll graff it with you, and then I shall graff it with a medlar. Then it will be the earliest fruit in the country: for you'll be rotten ere you be half ripe, and that's the right virtue of the medlar.
TOUCHSTONE. You have said; but whether wisely or no, let the forest judge.
[Enter CELIA, reading a paper.]
ROSALIND. Peace! Here comes my sister, reading: stand aside.
'Why should this a desert be?
For it is unpeopled? No;
Tongues I'll hang on every tree
That shall civil sayings show:
Some, how brief the life of man
Runs his erring pilgrimage,
That the streching of a span
Buckles in his sum of age.
Some, of violated vows
'Twixt the souls of friend and friend;
But upon the fairest boughs,
Or at every sentence end,
Will I Rosalinda write,
Teaching all that read to know
The quintessence of every sprite
Heaven would in little show.
Therefore heaven nature charg'd
That one body should be fill'd
With all graces wide-enlarg'd:
Nature presently distill'd
Helen's cheek, but not her heart;
Cleopatra's majesty;
Atalanta's better part;
Sad Lucretia's modesty.
Thus Rosalind of many parts
By heavenly synod was devis'd,
Of many faces, eyes, and hearts,
To have the touches dearest priz'd.
Heaven would that she these gifts should have,
And I to live and die her slave.'
ROSALIND. O most gentle Jupiter!--What tedious homily of love have you wearied your parishioners withal, and never cried 'Have patience, good people!'
CELIA. How now! back, friends; shepherd, go off a little:--go with him, sirrah.
TOUCHSTONE. Come, shepherd, let us make an honourable retreat; though not with bag and baggage, yet with scrip and scrippage.
CELIA. Didst thou hear these verses?
ROSALIND. O, yes, I heard them all, and more too; for some of them had in them more feet than the verses would bear.
CELIA. That's no matter; the feet might bear the verses.
ROSALIND. Ay, but the feet were lame, and could not bear themselves without the verse, and therefore stood lamely in the verse.
CELIA. But didst thou hear without wondering how thy name should be hanged and carved upon these trees?
ROSALIND. I was seven of the nine days out of the wonder before you came; for look here what I found on a palm-tree: I was never so berhymed since Pythagoras' time, that I was an Irish rat, which I can hardly remember.
CELIA. Trow you who hath done this?
ROSALIND. Is it a man?
CELIA. And a chain, that you once wore, about his neck. Change you colour?
ROSALIND. I pray thee, who?
CELIA. O lord, lord! it is a hard matter for friends to meet; but mountains may be removed with earthquakes, and so encounter.
ROSALIND. Nay, but who is it?
CELIA. Is it possible?
ROSALIND. Nay, I pr'ythee now, with most petitionary vehemence, tell me who it is.
CELIA. O wonderful, wonderful, most wonderful wonderful! and yet again wonderful, and after that, out of all whooping!
ROSALIND. Good my complexion! dost thou think, though I am caparisoned like a man, I have a doublet and hose in my disposition? One inch of delay more is a South-sea of discovery. I pr'ythee tell me who is it? quickly, and speak apace. I would thou couldst stammer, that thou mightst pour this concealed man out of thy mouth, as wine comes out of narrow-mouth'd bottle; either too much at once or none at all. I pr'ythee take the cork out of thy mouth that I may drink thy tidings.
CELIA. So you may put a man in your belly.
ROSALIND. Is he of God's making? What manner of man? Is his head worth a hat or his chin worth a beard?
CELIA. Nay, he hath but a little beard.
ROSALIND. Why, God will send more if the man will be thankful: let me stay the growth of his beard, if thou delay me not the knowledge of his chin.
CELIA. It is young Orlando, that tripped up the wrestler's heels and your heart both in an instant.
ROSALIND. Nay, but the devil take mocking: speak sad brow and true maid.
CELIA. I' faith, coz, 'tis he.
ROSALIND. Orlando?
CELIA. Orlando.
ROSALIND. Alas the day! what shall I do with my doublet and hose?-- What did he when thou saw'st him? What said he? How look'd he? Wherein went he? What makes he here? Did he ask for me? Where remains he? How parted he with thee? and when shalt thou see him again? Answer me in one word.
CELIA. You must borrow me Gargantua's mouth first: 'tis a word too great for any mouth of this age's size. To say ay and no to these particulars is more than to answer in a catechism.
ROSALIND. But doth he know that I am in this forest, and in man's apparel? Looks he as freshly as he did the day he wrestled?
CELIA. It is as easy to count atomies as to resolve the propositions of a lover:--but take a taste of my finding him, and relish it with good observance. I found him under a tree, like a dropp'd acorn.
ROSALIND. It may well be called Jove's tree, when it drops forth such fruit.
CELIA. Give me audience, good madam.
ROSALIND. Proceed.
CELIA. There lay he, stretched along like a wounded knight.
ROSALIND. Though it be pity to see such a sight, it well becomes the ground.
CELIA. Cry, "holla!" to thy tongue, I pr'ythee; it curvets unseasonably. He was furnished like a hunter.
ROSALIND. O, ominous! he comes to kill my heart.
CELIA. I would sing my song without a burden: thou bring'st me out of tune.
ROSALIND. Do you not know I am a woman? when I think, I must speak. Sweet, say on.
CELIA. You bring me out.--Soft! comes he not here?
ROSALIND. 'Tis he: slink by, and note him.
{CELIA and ROSALIND retire.]
JAQUES. I thank you for your company; but, good faith, I had as lief have been myself alone.
ORLANDO. And so had I; but yet, for fashion's sake, I thank you too for your society.
JAQUES. God buy you: let's meet as little as we can.
ORLANDO. I do desire we may be better strangers.
JAQUES. I pray you, mar no more trees with writing love songs in their barks.
ORLANDO. I pray you, mar no more of my verses with reading them ill-favouredly.
JAQUES. Rosalind is your love's name?
ORLANDO. Yes, just.
JAQUES. I do not like her name.
ORLANDO. There was no thought of pleasing you when she was christened.
JAQUES. What stature is she of?
ORLANDO. Just as high as my heart.
JAQUES. You are full of pretty answers. Have you not been acquainted with goldsmiths' wives, and conned them out of rings?
ORLANDO. Not so; but I answer you right painted cloth, from whence you have studied your questions.
JAQUES. You have a nimble wit: I think 'twas made of Atalanta's heels. Will you sit down with me? and we two will rail against our mistress the world, and all our misery.
ORLANDO. I will chide no breather in the world but myself, against whom I know most faults.
JAQUES. The worst fault you have is to be in love.
ORLANDO. 'Tis a fault I will not change for your best virtue. I am weary of you.
JAQUES. By my troth, I was seeking for a fool when I found you.
ORLANDO. He is drowned in the brook; look but in, and you shall see him.
JAQUES. There I shall see mine own figure.
ORLANDO. Which I take to be either a fool or a cipher.
JAQUES. I'll tarry no longer with you: farewell, good Signior Love.
ORLANDO. I am glad of your departure: adieu, good Monsieur Melancholy.
[Exit JAQUES.--CELIA and ROSALIND come forward.]
ROSALIND. I will speak to him like a saucy lacquey, and under that habit play the knave with him.--Do you hear, forester?
ORLANDO. Very well: what would you?
ROSALIND. I pray you, what is't o'clock?
ORLANDO. You should ask me what time o' day; there's no clock in the forest.
ROSALIND. Then there is no true lover in the forest, else sighing every minute and groaning every hour would detect the lazy foot of time as well as a clock.
ORLANDO. And why not the swift foot of time? had not that been as proper?
ROSALIND. By no means, sir. Time travels in divers paces with divers persons. I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time trots withal, who time gallops withal, and who he stands still withal.
ORLANDO. I pr'ythee, who doth he trot withal?
ROSALIND. Marry, he trots hard with a young maid between the contract of her marriage and the day it is solemnized; if the interim be but a se'nnight, time's pace is so hard that it seems the length of seven year.
ORLANDO. Who ambles time withal?
ROSALIND. With a priest that lacks Latin and a rich man that hath not the gout: for the one sleeps easily because he cannot study, and the other lives merrily because he feels no pain; the one lacking the burden of lean and wasteful learning, the other knowing no burden of heavy tedious penury. These time ambles withal.
ORLANDO. Who doth he gallop withal?
ROSALIND. With a thief to the gallows; for though he go as softly as foot can fall, he thinks himself too soon there.
ORLANDO. Who stays it still withal?
ROSALIND. With lawyers in the vacation; for they sleep between term and term, and then they perceive not how time moves.
ORLANDO. Where dwell you, pretty youth?
ROSALIND. With this shepherdess, my sister; here in the skirts of the forest, like fringe upon a petticoat.
ORLANDO. Are you native of this place?
ROSALIND. As the coney, that you see dwell where she is kindled.
ORLANDO. Your accent is something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.
ROSALIND. I have been told so of many: but indeed an old religious uncle of mine taught me to speak, who was in his youth an inland man; one that knew courtship too well, for there he fell in love. I have heard him read many lectures against it; and I thank God I am not a woman, to be touched with so many giddy offences as he hath generally taxed their whole sex withal.
ORLANDO. Can you remember any of the principal evils that he laid to the charge of women?
ROSALIND. There were none principal; they were all like one another as halfpence are; every one fault seeming monstrous till his fellow fault came to match it.
ORLANDO. I pr'ythee recount some of them.
ROSALIND. No; I will not cast away my physic but on those that are sick. There is a man haunts the forest that abuses our young plants with carving "Rosalind" on their barks; hangs odes upon hawthorns, and elegies on brambles; all, forsooth, deifying the name of Rosalind: if I could meet that fancy-monger, I would give him some good counsel, for he seems to have the quotidian of love upon him.
ORLANDO. I am he that is so love-shaked: I pray you tell me your remedy.
ROSALIND. There is none of my uncle's marks upon you; he taught me how to know a man in love; in which cage of rushes I am sure you are not prisoner.
ORLANDO. What were his marks?
ROSALIND. A lean cheek; which you have not: a blue eye and sunken; which you have not: an unquestionable spirit; which you have not: a beard neglected; which you have not: but I pardon you for that, for simply your having in beard is a younger brother's revenue:-- then your hose should be ungartered, your bonnet unbanded, your sleeve unbuttoned, your shoe untied, and every thing about you demonstrating a careless desolation. But you are no such man; you are rather point-device in your accoutrements, as loving yourself than seeming the lover of any other.
ORLANDO. Fair youth, I would I could make thee believe I love.
ROSALIND. Me believe it! you may as soon make her that you love believe it; which, I warrant, she is apter to do than to confess she does: that is one of the points in the which women still give the lie to their consciences. But, in good sooth, are you he that hangs the verses on the trees, wherein Rosalind is so admired?
ORLANDO. I swear to thee, youth, by the white hand of Rosalind, I am that he, that unfortunate he.
ROSALIND. But are you so much in love as your rhymes speak?
ORLANDO. Neither rhyme nor reason can express how much.
ROSALIND. Love is merely a madness; and, I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen do: and the reason why they are not so punished and cured is, that the lunacy is so ordinary that the whippers are in love too. Yet I profess curing it by counsel.
ORLANDO. Did you ever cure any so?
ROSALIND. Yes, one; and in this manner. He was to imagine me his love, his mistress; and I set him every day to woo me: at which time would I, being but a moonish youth, grieve, be effeminate, changeable, longing and liking; proud, fantastical, apish, shallow, inconstant, full of tears, full of smiles; for every passion something and for no passion truly anything, as boys and women are for the most part cattle of this colour; would now like him, now loathe him; then entertain him, then forswear him; now weep for him, then spit at him; that I drave my suitor from his mad humour of love to a living humour of madness; which was, to forswear the full stream of the world and to live in a nook merely monastic. And thus I cured him; and this way will I take upon me to wash your liver as clean as a sound sheep's heart, that there shall not be one spot of love in 't.
ORLANDO. I would not be cured, youth.
ROSALIND. I would cure you, if you would but call me Rosalind, and come every day to my cote and woo me.
ORLANDO. Now, by the faith of my love, I will: tell me where it is.
ROSALIND. Go with me to it, and I'll show it you: and, by the way, you shall tell me where in the forest you live. Will you go?
ORLANDO. With all my heart, good youth.
ROSALIND. Nay, you must call me Rosalind.--Come, sister, will you go?
SCENE III. Another part of the Forest.
[Enter TOUCHSTONE and AUDREY; JAQUES at a distance observing them.]
TOUCHSTONE. Come apace, good Audrey; I will fetch up your goats, Audrey. And how, Audrey? am I the man yet? Doth my simple feature content you?
AUDREY. Your features! Lord warrant us! what features?
TOUCHSTONE. I am here with thee and thy goats, as the most capricious poet, honest Ovid, was among the Goths.
JAQUES. [Aside] O knowledge ill-inhabited! worse than Jove in a thatch'd house!
TOUCHSTONE. When a man's verses cannot be understood, nor a man's good wit seconded with the forward child understanding, it strikes a man more dead than a great reckoning in a little room.--Truly, I would the gods had made thee poetical.
AUDREY. I do not know what "poetical" is: is it honest in deed and word? is it a true thing?
TOUCHSTONE. No, truly: for the truest poetry is the most feigning; and lovers are given to poetry; and what they swear in poetry may be said, as lovers, they do feign.
AUDREY. Do you wish, then, that the gods had made me poetical?
TOUCHSTONE. I do, truly, for thou swear'st to me thou art honest; now, if thou wert a poet, I might have some hope thou didst feign.
AUDREY. Would you not have me honest?
TOUCHSTONE. No, truly, unless thou wert hard-favoured; for honesty coupled to beauty is to have honey a sauce to sugar.
JAQUES. [Aside] A material fool!
AUDREY. Well, I am not fair; and therefore I pray the gods make me honest!
TOUCHSTONE. Truly, and to cast away honesty upon a foul slut were to put good meat into an unclean dish.
AUDREY. I am not a slut, though I thank the gods I am foul.
TOUCHSTONE. Well, praised be the gods for thy foulness! sluttishness may come hereafter. But be it as it may be, I will marry thee: and to that end I have been with Sir Oliver Martext, the vicar of the next village; who hath promised to meet me in this place of the forest, and to couple us.
JAQUES. [Aside] I would fain see this meeting.
AUDREY. Well, the gods give us joy!
TOUCHSTONE. Amen. A man may, if he were of a fearful heart, stagger in this attempt; for here we have no temple but the wood, no assembly but horn-beasts. But what though? Courage! As horns are odious, they are necessary. It is said,--"Many a man knows no end of his goods;" right! many a man has good horns and knows no end of them. Well, that is the dowry of his wife; 'tis none of his own getting. Horns? Ever to poor men alone?--No, no; the noblest deer hath them as huge as the rascal. Is the single man therefore blessed? No: as a walled town is more worthier than a village, so is the forehead of a married man more honourable than the bare brow of a bachelor: and by how much defence is better than no skill, by so much is horn more precious than to want. Here comes Sir Oliver.
Sir Oliver Martext, you are well met. Will you despatch us here under this tree, or shall we go with you to your chapel?
MARTEXT. Is there none here to give the woman?
TOUCHSTONE. I will not take her on gift of any man.
MARTEXT. Truly, she must be given, or the marriage is not lawful.
JAQUES. [Discovering himself.] Proceed, proceed; I'll give her.
TOUCHSTONE. Good even, good Master 'What-ye-call't': how do you, sir? You are very well met: God 'ild you for your last company: I am very glad to see you:--even a toy in hand here, sir:--nay; pray be covered.
JAQUES. Will you be married, motley?
TOUCHSTONE. As the ox hath his bow, sir, the horse his curb, and the falcon her bells, so man hath his desires; and as pigeons bill, so wedlock would be nibbling.
JAQUES. And will you, being a man of your breeding, be married under a bush, like a beggar? Get you to church and have a good priest that can tell you what marriage is: this fellow will but join you together as they join wainscot; then one of you will prove a shrunk panel, and like green timber, warp, warp.
TOUCHSTONE. [Aside] I am not in the mind but I were better to be married of him than of another: for he is not like to marry me well; and not being well married, it will be a good excuse for me hereafter to leave my wife.
JAQUES. Go thou with me, and let me counsel thee.
TOUCHSTONE. Come, sweet Audrey; We must be married or we must live in bawdry. Farewell, good Master Oliver!--Not--
"O sweet Oliver,
O brave Oliver,
Leave me not behind thee." But,--
"Wind away,--
Begone, I say,
I will not to wedding with thee."
MARTEXT. 'Tis no matter; ne'er a fantastical knave of them all shall flout me out of my calling.
SCENE IV. Another part of the Forest. Before a Cottage.
ROSALIND. Never talk to me; I will weep.
CELIA. Do, I pr'ythee; but yet have the grace to consider that tears do not become a man.
ROSALIND. But have I not cause to weep?
CELIA. As good cause as one would desire; therefore weep.
ROSALIND. His very hair is of the dissembling colour.
CELIA. Something browner than Judas's: marry, his kisses are Judas's own children.
ROSALIND. I' faith, his hair is of a good colour.
CELIA. An excellent colour: your chestnut was ever the only colour.
ROSALIND. And his kissing is as full of sanctity as the touch of holy bread.
CELIA. He hath bought a pair of cast lips of Diana: a nun of winter's sisterhood kisses not more religiously; the very ice of chastity is in them.
ROSALIND. But why did he swear he would come this morning, and comes not?
CELIA. Nay, certainly, there is no truth in him.
ROSALIND. Do you think so?
CELIA. Yes; I think he is not a pick-purse nor a horse-stealer; but for his verity in love, I do think him as concave as a covered goblet or a worm-eaten nut.
ROSALIND. Not true in love?
CELIA. Yes, when he is in; but I think he is not in.
ROSALIND. You have heard him swear downright he was.
CELIA. 'Was' is not 'is': besides, the oath of a lover is no stronger than the word of a tapster; they are both the confirmer of false reckonings. He attends here in the forest on the duke, your father.
ROSALIND. I met the duke yesterday, and had much question with him. He asked me of what parentage I was; I told him, of as good as he; so he laughed and let me go. But what talk we of fathers when there is such a man as Orlando?
CELIA. O, that's a brave man! he writes brave verses, speaks brave words, swears brave oaths, and breaks them bravely, quite traverse, athwart the heart of his lover; as a puny tilter, that spurs his horse but on one side, breaks his staff like a noble goose: but all's brave that youth mounts and folly guides. --Who comes here?
[Enter CORIN.]
CORIN. Mistress and master, you have oft enquired After the shepherd that complain'd of love, Who you saw sitting by me on the turf, Praising the proud disdainful shepherdess That was his mistress.
CELIA. Well, and what of him?
CORIN. If you will see a pageant truly play'd Between the pale complexion of true love And the red glow of scorn and proud disdain, Go hence a little, and I shall conduct you, If you will mark it.
ROSALIND. O, come, let us remove: The sight of lovers feedeth those in love. Bring us to this sight, and you shall say I'll prove a busy actor in their play.
SCENE V. Another part of the Forest.
[Enter SILVIUS and PHEBE.]
SILVIUS. Sweet Phebe, do not scorn me; do not, Phebe: Say that you love me not; but say not so In bitterness. The common executioner, Whose heart the accustom'd sight of death makes hard, Falls not the axe upon the humbled neck But first begs pardon. Will you sterner be Than he that dies and lives by bloody drops?
[Enter ROSALIND, CELIA, and CORIN, at a distance.]
PHEBE. I would not be thy executioner: I fly thee, for I would not injure thee. Thou tell'st me there is murder in mine eye: 'Tis pretty, sure, and very probable, That eyes,--that are the frail'st and softest things, Who shut their coward gates on atomies,-- Should be called tyrants, butchers, murderers! Now I do frown on thee with all my heart; And if mine eyes can wound, now let them kill thee: Now counterfeit to swoon; why, now fall down; Or, if thou canst not, O, for shame, for shame, Lie not, to say mine eyes are murderers. Now show the wound mine eye hath made in thee: Scratch thee but with a pin, and there remains Some scar of it; lean upon a rush, The cicatrice and capable impressure Thy palm some moment keeps; but now mine eyes, Which I have darted at thee, hurt thee not; Nor, I am sure, there is not force in eyes That can do hurt.
SILVIUS. O dear Phebe, If ever,--as that ever may be near,-- You meet in some fresh cheek the power of fancy, Then shall you know the wounds invisible That love's keen arrows make.
PHEBE. But till that time Come not thou near me; and when that time comes Afflict me with thy mocks, pity me not; As till that time I shall not pity thee.
ROSALIND. [Advancing] And why, I pray you? Who might be your mother, That you insult, exult, and all at once, Over the wretched? What though you have no beauty,-- As, by my faith, I see no more in you Than without candle may go dark to bed,-- Must you be therefore proud and pitiless? Why, what means this? Why do you look on me? I see no more in you than in the ordinary Of nature's sale-work:--Od's my little life, I think she means to tangle my eyes too!-- No, faith, proud mistress, hope not after it; 'Tis not your inky brows, your black silk hair, Your bugle eyeballs, nor your cheek of cream, That can entame my spirits to your worship.-- You foolish shepherd, wherefore do you follow her, Like foggy south, puffing with wind and rain? You are a thousand times a properer man Than she a woman. 'Tis such fools as you That makes the world full of ill-favour'd children: 'Tis not her glass, but you, that flatters her; And out of you she sees herself more proper Than any of her lineaments can show her;-- But, mistress, know yourself; down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting, for a good man's love: For I must tell you friendly in your ear,-- Sell when you can; you are not for all markets: Cry the man mercy; love him; take his offer; Foul is most foul, being foul to be a scoffer. So take her to thee, shepherd;--fare you well.
PHEBE. Sweet youth, I pray you chide a year together: I had rather hear you chide than this man woo.
ROSALIND. He's fall'n in love with your foulness, and she'll fall in love with my anger. If it be so, as fast as she answers thee with frowning looks, I'll sauce her with bitter words.--Why look you so upon me?
PHEBE. For no ill-will I bear you.
ROSALIND. I pray you do not fall in love with me, For I am falser than vows made in wine: Besides, I like you not.--If you will know my house, 'Tis at the tuft of olives here hard by.-- Will you go, sister?--Shepherd, ply her hard.-- Come, sister.--Shepherdess, look on him better, And be not proud; though all the world could see, None could be so abused in sight as he. Come to our flock.
PHEBE. Dead shepherd! now I find thy saw of might; 'Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?'
SILVIUS. Sweet Phebe,--
PHEBE. Ha! what say'st thou, Silvius?
SILVIUS. Sweet Phebe, pity me.
PHEBE. Why, I am sorry for thee, gentle Silvius.
SILVIUS. Wherever sorrow is, relief would be: If you do sorrow at my grief in love, By giving love, your sorrow and my grief Were both extermin'd.
PHEBE. Thou hast my love: is not that neighbourly?
SILVIUS. I would have you.
PHEBE. Why, that were covetousness. Silvius, the time was that I hated thee; And yet it is not that I bear thee love: But since that thou canst talk of love so well, Thy company, which erst was irksome to me, I will endure; and I'll employ thee too: But do not look for further recompense Than thine own gladness that thou art employ'd.
SILVIUS. So holy and so perfect is my love, And I in such a poverty of grace, That I shall think it a most plenteous crop To glean the broken ears after the man That the main harvest reaps: lose now and then A scatter'd smile, and that I'll live upon.
PHEBE. Know'st thou the youth that spoke to me erewhile?
SILVIUS. Not very well; but I have met him oft; And he hath bought the cottage and the bounds That the old carlot once was master of.
PHEBE. Think not I love him, though I ask for him; 'Tis but a peevish boy:--yet he talks well;-- But what care I for words? yet words do well When he that speaks them pleases those that hear. It is a pretty youth:--not very pretty:-- But, sure, he's proud; and yet his pride becomes him: He'll make a proper man: the best thing in him Is his complexion; and faster than his tongue Did make offence, his eye did heal it up. He is not very tall; yet for his years he's tall; His leg is but so-so; and yet 'tis well: There was a pretty redness in his lip; A little riper and more lusty red Than that mix'd in his cheek; 'twas just the difference Betwixt the constant red and mingled damask. There be some women, Silvius, had they mark'd him In parcels as I did, would have gone near To fall in love with him: but, for my part, I love him not, nor hate him not; and yet I have more cause to hate him than to love him: For what had he to do to chide at me? He said mine eyes were black, and my hair black; And, now I am remember'd, scorn'd at me: I marvel why I answer'd not again: But that's all one; omittance is no quittance. I'll write to him a very taunting letter, And thou shalt bear it: wilt thou, Silvius?
SILVIUS. Phebe, with all my heart.
PHEBE. I'll write it straight, The matter's in my head and in my heart: I will be bitter with him and passing short: Go with me, Silvius.
SCENE I. The Forest of Arden.
JAQUES. I pr'ythee, pretty youth, let me be better acquainted with thee.
ROSALIND. They say you are a melancholy fellow.
JAQUES. I am so; I do love it better than laughing.
ROSALIND. Those that are in extremity of either are abominable fellows, and betray themselves to every modern censure worse than drunkards.
JAQUES. Why, 'tis good to be sad and say nothing.
ROSALIND. Why then, 'tis good to be a post.
JAQUES. I have neither the scholar's melancholy, which is emulation; nor the musician's, which is fantastical; nor the courtier's, which is proud; nor the soldier's, which is ambitious; nor the lawyer's, which is politic; nor the lady's, which is nice; nor the lover's, which is all these: but it is a melancholy of mine own, compounded of many simples, extracted from many objects: and, indeed, the sundry contemplation of my travels; in which my often rumination wraps me in a most humorous sadness.
ROSALIND. A traveller! By my faith, you have great reason to be sad: I fear you have sold your own lands to see other men's; then to have seen much and to have nothing is to have rich eyes and poor hands.
JAQUES. Yes, I have gained my experience.
ROSALIND. And your experience makes you sad: I had rather have a fool to make me merry than experience to make me sad; and to travel for it too.
[Enter ORLANDO.]
ORLANDO. Good day, and happiness, dear Rosalind!
JAQUES. Nay, then, God be wi' you, an you talk in blank verse.
ROSALIND. Farewell, monsieur traveller: look you lisp and wear strange suits; disable all the benefits of your own country; be out of love with your nativity, and almost chide God for making you that countenance you are; or I will scarce think you have swam in a gondola.
[Exit JAQUES.]
Why, how now, Orlando! where have you been all this while? You a lover!--An you serve me such another trick, never come in my sight more.
ORLANDO. My fair Rosalind, I come within an hour of my promise.
ROSALIND. Break an hour's promise in love! He that will divide a minute into a thousand parts, and break but a part of the thousand part of a minute in the affairs of love, it may be said of him that Cupid hath clapped him o' the shoulder, but I'll warrant him heart-whole.
ORLANDO. Pardon me, dear Rosalind.
ROSALIND. Nay, an you be so tardy, come no more in my sight: I had as lief be wooed of a snail.
ORLANDO. Of a snail!
ROSALIND. Ay, of a snail; for though he comes slowly, he carries his house on his head; a better jointure, I think, than you make a woman: besides, he brings his destiny with him.
ORLANDO. What's that?
ROSALIND. Why, horns; which such as you are fain to be beholding to your wives for: but he comes armed in his fortune, and prevents the slander of his wife.
ORLANDO. Virtue is no horn-maker; and my Rosalind is virtuous.
ROSALIND. And I am your Rosalind.
CELIA. It pleases him to call you so; but he hath a Rosalind of a better leer than you.
ROSALIND. Come, woo me, woo me; for now I am in a holiday humour, and like enough to consent.--What would you say to me now, an I were your very very Rosalind?
ORLANDO. I would kiss before I spoke.
ROSALIND. Nay, you were better speak first; and when you were gravelled for lack of matter, you might take occasion to kiss. Very good orators, when they are out, they will spit; and for lovers lacking,--God warn us!--matter, the cleanliest shift is to kiss.
ORLANDO. How if the kiss be denied?
ROSALIND. Then she puts you to entreaty, and there begins new matter.
ORLANDO. Who could be out, being before his beloved mistress?
ROSALIND. Marry, that should you, if I were your mistress; or I should think my honesty ranker than my wit.
ORLANDO. What, of my suit?
ROSALIND. Not out of your apparel, and yet out of your suit. Am not I your Rosalind?
ORLANDO. I take some joy to say you are, because I would be talking of her.
ROSALIND. Well, in her person, I say I will not have you.
ORLANDO. Then, in mine own person, I die.
ROSALIND. No, faith, die by attorney. The poor world is almost six thousand years old, and in all this time there was not any man died in his own person, videlicet, in a love-cause. Troilus had his brains dashed out with a Grecian club; yet he did what he could to die before; and he is one of the patterns of love. Leander, he would have lived many a fair year, though Hero had turned nun, if it had not been for a hot midsummer night; for, good youth, he went but forth to wash him in the Hellespont, and, being taken with the cramp, was drowned; and the foolish chroniclers of that age found it was--Hero of Sestos. But these are all lies; men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love.
ORLANDO. I would not have my right Rosalind of this mind; for, I protest, her frown might kill me.
ROSALIND. By this hand, it will not kill a fly. But come, now I will be your Rosalind in a more coming-on disposition; and ask me what you will, I will grant it.
ORLANDO. Then love me, Rosalind.
ROSALIND. Yes, faith, will I, Fridays and Saturdays, and all.
ORLANDO. And wilt thou have me?
ROSALIND. Ay, and twenty such.
ORLANDO. What sayest thou?
ROSALIND. Are you not good?
ORLANDO. I hope so.
ROSALIND. Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing?--Come, sister, you shall be the priest, and marry us.--Give me your hand, Orlando:--What do you say, sister?
ORLANDO. Pray thee, marry us.
CELIA. I cannot say the words.
ROSALIND. You must begin,--'Will you, Orlando'--
CELIA. Go to:--Will you, Orlando, have to wife this Rosalind?
ORLANDO. I will.
ROSALIND. Ay, but when?
ORLANDO. Why, now; as fast as she can marry us.
ROSALIND. Then you must say,--'I take thee, Rosalind, for wife.'
ORLANDO. I take thee, Rosalind, for wife.
ROSALIND. I might ask you for your commission; but,--I do take thee, Orlando, for my husband:--there's a girl goes before the priest; and, certainly, a woman's thought runs before her actions.
ORLANDO. So do all thoughts; they are winged.
ROSALIND. Now tell me how long you would have her, after you have possessed her.
ORLANDO. For ever and a day.
ROSALIND. Say "a day," without the "ever." No, no, Orlando: men are April when they woo, December when they wed: maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives. I will be more jealous of thee than a Barbary cock-pigeon over his hen; more clamorous than a parrot against rain; more new-fangled than an ape; more giddy in my desires than a monkey: I will weep for nothing, like Diana in the fountain, and I will do that when you are disposed to be merry; I will laugh like a hyen, and that when thou are inclined to sleep.
ORLANDO. But will my Rosalind do so?
ROSALIND. By my life, she will do as I do.
ORLANDO. O, but she is wise.
ROSALIND. Or else she could not have the wit to do this: the wiser, the waywarder: make the doors upon a woman's wit, and it will out at the casement; shut that, and it will out at the keyhole; stop that, 'twill fly with the smoke out at the chimney.
ORLANDO. A man that had a wife with such a wit, he might say,--'Wit, whither wilt?'
ROSALIND. Nay, you might keep that check for it, till you met your wife's wit going to your neighbour's bed.
ORLANDO. And what wit could wit have to excuse that?
ROSALIND. Marry, to say,--she came to seek you there. You shall never take her without her answer, unless you take her without her tongue. O, that woman that cannot make her fault her husband's occasion, let her never nurse her child herself, for she will breed it like a fool.
ORLANDO. For these two hours, Rosalind, I will leave thee.
ROSALIND. Alas, dear love, I cannot lack thee two hours!
ORLANDO. I must attend the duke at dinner; by two o'clock I will be with thee again.
ROSALIND. Ay, go your ways, go your ways; I knew what you would prove; my friends told me as much, and I thought no less:--that flattering tongue of yours won me:--'tis but one cast away, and so,--come death!--Two o'clock is your hour?
ORLANDO. Ay, sweet Rosalind.
ROSALIND. By my troth, and in good earnest, and so God mend me, and by all pretty oaths that are not dangerous, if you break one jot of your promise, or come one minute behind your hour, I will think you the most pathetical break-promise, and the most hollow lover, and the most unworthy of her you call Rosalind, that may be chosen out of the gross band of the unfaithful: therefore beware my censure, and keep your promise.
ORLANDO. With no less religion than if thou wert indeed my Rosalind: so, adieu!
ROSALIND. Well, Time is the old justice that examines all such offenders, and let time try: adieu!
CELIA. You have simply misus'd our sex in your love-prate: we must have your doublet and hose plucked over your head, and show the world what the bird hath done to her own nest.
ROSALIND. O coz, coz, coz, my pretty little coz, that thou didst know how many fathom deep I am in love! But it cannot be sounded: my affection hath an unknown bottom, like the bay of Portugal.
CELIA. Or rather, bottomless; that as fast as you pour affection in, it runs out.
ROSALIND. No; that same wicked bastard of Venus, that was begot of thought, conceived of spleen, and born of madness; that blind rascally boy, that abuses every one's eyes, because his own are out, let him be judge how deep I am in love.--I'll tell thee, Aliena, I cannot be out of the sight of Orlando: I'll go find a shadow, and sigh till he come.
CELIA. And I'll sleep.
SCENE II. Another part of the Forest.
[Enter JAQUES and Lords, in the habit of Foresters.]
JAQUES. Which is he that killed the deer?
LORD. Sir, it was I.
JAQUES. Let's present him to the duke, like a Roman conqueror; and it would do well to set the deer's horns upon his head for a branch of victory.--Have you no song, forester, for this purpose?
LORD. Yes, sir.
JAQUES. Sing it; 'tis no matter how it be in tune, so it make noise enough.
1. What shall he have that kill'd the deer?
2. His leather skin and horns to wear.
1. Then sing him home:
[The rest shall bear this burden.]
Take thou no scorn to wear the horn;
It was a crest ere thou wast born.
1. Thy father's father wore it;
2. And thy father bore it; All. The horn, the horn, the lusty horn,
Is not a thing to laugh to scorn.
SCENE III. Another part of the Forest.
ROSALIND. How say you now? Is it not past two o'clock? And here much Orlando!
CELIA. I warrant you, with pure love and troubled brain, he hath ta'en his bow and arrows, and is gone forth--to sleep. Look, who comes here.
[Enter SILVIUS.]
SILVIUS. My errand is to you, fair youth;-- My gentle Phebe did bid me give you this:
[Giving a letter.]
I know not the contents; but, as I guess By the stern brow and waspish action Which she did use as she was writing of it, It bears an angry tenor: pardon me, I am but as a guiltless messenger.
ROSALIND. Patience herself would startle at this letter, And play the swaggerer; bear this, bear all: She says I am not fair; that I lack manners; She calls me proud, and that she could not love me, Were man as rare as Phoenix. Od's my will! Her love is not the hare that I do hunt; Why writes she so to me?--Well, shepherd, well, This is a letter of your own device.
SILVIUS. No, I protest, I know not the contents: Phebe did write it.
ROSALIND. Come, come, you are a fool, And turn'd into the extremity of love. I saw her hand: she has a leathern hand, A freestone-colour'd hand: I verily did think That her old gloves were on, but 'twas her hands; She has a huswife's hand: but that's no matter: I say she never did invent this letter: This is a man's invention, and his hand.
SILVIUS. Sure, it is hers.
ROSALIND. Why, 'tis a boisterous and a cruel style; A style for challengers: why, she defies me, Like Turk to Christian: women's gentle brain Could not drop forth such giant-rude invention, Such Ethiop words, blacker in their effect Than in their countenance.--Will you hear the letter?
SILVIUS. So please you, for I never heard it yet; Yet heard too much of Phebe's cruelty.
ROSALIND. She Phebes me: mark how the tyrant writes. [Reads]
'Art thou god to shepherd turn'd,
That a maiden's heart hath burn'd?'
Can a woman rail thus?
SILVIUS. Call you this railing?
'Why, thy godhead laid apart,
Warr'st thou with a woman's heart?'
Did you ever hear such railing?
'Whiles the eye of man did woo me,
That could do no vengeance to me.'--
Meaning me a beast.--
'If the scorn of your bright eyne
Have power to raise such love in mine,
Alack, in me what strange effect
Would they work in mild aspect?
Whiles you chid me, I did love;
How then might your prayers move?
He that brings this love to thee
Little knows this love in me:
And by him seal up thy mind;
Whether that thy youth and kind
Will the faithful offer take
Of me and all that I can make;
Or else by him my love deny,
And then I'll study how to die.'
SILVIUS. Call you this chiding?
CELIA. Alas, poor shepherd!
ROSALIND. Do you pity him? no, he deserves no pity.--Wilt thou love such a woman?--What, to make thee an instrument, and play false strains upon thee! Not to be endured!--Well, go your way to her, --for I see love hath made thee a tame snake,--and say this to her;--that if she love me, I charge her to love thee; if she will not, I will never have her unless thou entreat for her.--If you be a true lover, hence, and not a word; for here comes more company.
[Enter OLIVER.]
OLIVER. Good morrow, fair ones: pray you, if you know, Where in the purlieus of this forest stands A sheep-cote fenc'd about with olive trees?
CELIA. West of this place, down in the neighbour bottom: The rank of osiers, by the murmuring stream, Left on your right hand, brings you to the place. But at this hour the house doth keep itself; There's none within.
OLIVER. If that an eye may profit by a tongue, Then should I know you by description; Such garments, and such years: 'The boy is fair, Of female favour, and bestows himself Like a ripe sister: the woman low, And browner than her brother.' Are not you The owner of the house I did inquire for?
CELIA. It is no boast, being ask'd, to say we are.
OLIVER. Orlando doth commend him to you both; And to that youth he calls his Rosalind He sends this bloody napkin:--are you he?
ROSALIND. I am: what must we understand by this?
OLIVER. Some of my shame; if you will know of me What man I am, and how, and why, and where, This handkerchief was stain'd.
CELIA. I pray you, tell it.
OLIVER. When last the young Orlando parted from you, He left a promise to return again Within an hour; and, pacing through the forest, Chewing the food of sweet and bitter fancy, Lo, what befell! he threw his eye aside, And, mark, what object did present itself! Under an oak, whose boughs were moss'd with age, And high top bald with dry antiquity, A wretched ragged man, o'ergrown with hair, Lay sleeping on his back: about his neck A green and gilded snake had wreath'd itself, Who, with her head nimble in threats, approach'd The opening of his mouth; but suddenly, Seeing Orlando, it unlink'd itself, And with indented glides did slip away Into a bush: under which bush's shade A lioness, with udders all drawn dry, Lay couching, head on ground, with cat-like watch, When that the sleeping man should stir; for 'tis The royal disposition of that beast To prey on nothing that doth seem as dead: This seen, Orlando did approach the man, And found it was his brother, his elder brother.
CELIA. O, I have heard him speak of that same brother; And he did render him the most unnatural That liv'd amongst men.
OLIVER. And well he might so do, For well I know he was unnatural.
ROSALIND. But, to Orlando:--did he leave him there, Food to the suck'd and hungry lioness?
OLIVER. Twice did he turn his back, and purpos'd so; But kindness, nobler ever than revenge, And nature, stronger than his just occasion, Made him give battle to the lioness, Who quickly fell before him; in which hurtling From miserable slumber I awak'd.
CELIA. Are you his brother?
ROSALIND. Was it you he rescued?
CELIA. Was't you that did so oft contrive to kill him?
OLIVER. 'Twas I; but 'tis not I: I do not shame To tell you what I was, since my conversion So sweetly tastes, being the thing I am.
ROSALIND. But, for the bloody napkin?--
OLIVER. By and by. When from the first to last, betwixt us two, Tears our recountments had most kindly bath'd, As, how I came into that desert place;-- In brief, he led me to the gentle duke, Who gave me fresh array and entertainment, Committing me unto my brother's love, Who led me instantly unto his cave, There stripp'd himself, and here upon his arm The lioness had torn some flesh away, Which all this while had bled; and now he fainted, And cried, in fainting, upon Rosalind. Brief, I recover'd him, bound up his wound, And, after some small space, being strong at heart, He sent me hither, stranger as I am, To tell this story, that you might excuse His broken promise, and to give this napkin, Dy'd in his blood, unto the shepherd-youth That he in sport doth call his Rosalind.
[ROSALIND faints.]
CELIA. Why, how now, Ganymede! sweet Ganymede!
OLIVER. Many will swoon when they do look on blood.
CELIA. There is more in it:--Cousin--Ganymede!
OLIVER. Look, he recovers.
ROSALIND. I would I were at home.
CELIA. We'll lead you thither:-- I pray you, will you take him by the arm?
OLIVER. Be of good cheer, youth:--you a man?--You lack a man's heart.
ROSALIND. I do so, I confess it. Ah, sir, a body would think this was well counterfeited. I pray you tell your brother how well I counterfeited.--Heigh-ho!--
OLIVER. This was not counterfeit; there is too great testimony in your complexion that it was a passion of earnest.
ROSALIND. Counterfeit, I assure you.
OLIVER. Well then, take a good heart, and counterfeit to be a man.
ROSALIND. So I do: but, i' faith, I should have been a woman by right.
CELIA. Come, you look paler and paler: pray you draw homewards.-- Good sir, go with us.
OLIVER. That will I, for I must bear answer back How you excuse my brother, Rosalind.
ROSALIND. I shall devise something: but, I pray you, commend my counterfeiting to him.--Will you go?
SCENE I. The Forest of Arden.
TOUCHSTONE. We shall find a time, Audrey; patience, gentle Audrey.
AUDREY. Faith, the priest was good enough, for all the old gentleman's saying.
TOUCHSTONE. A most wicked Sir Oliver, Audrey, a most vile Martext. But, Audrey, there is a youth here in the forest lays claim to you.
AUDREY. Ay, I know who 'tis: he hath no interest in me in the world: here comes the man you mean.
[Enter WILLIAM.]
TOUCHSTONE. It is meat and drink to me to see a clown: By my troth, we that have good wits have much to answer for; we shall be flouting; we cannot hold.
WILLIAM. Good even, Audrey.
AUDREY. God ye good even, William.
WILLIAM. And good even to you, sir.
TOUCHSTONE. Good even, gentle friend. Cover thy head, cover thy head; nay, pr'ythee, be covered. How old are you, friend?
WILLIAM. Five and twenty, sir.
TOUCHSTONE. A ripe age. Is thy name William?
WILLIAM. William, sir.
TOUCHSTONE. A fair name. Wast born i' the forest here?
WILLIAM. Ay, sir, I thank God.
TOUCHSTONE. "Thank God;"--a good answer. Art rich?
WILLIAM. Faith, sir, so-so.
TOUCHSTONE. "So-so" is good, very good, very excellent good:--and yet it is not; it is but so-so. Art thou wise?
WILLIAM. Ay, sir, I have a pretty wit.
TOUCHSTONE. Why, thou say'st well. I do now remember a saying; 'The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.' The heathen philosopher, when he had a desire to eat a grape, would open his lips when he put it into his mouth; meaning thereby that grapes were made to eat and lips to open. You do love this maid?
WILLIAM. I do, sir.
TOUCHSTONE. Give me your hand. Art thou learned?
WILLIAM. No, sir.
TOUCHSTONE. Then learn this of me:--to have is to have; for it is a figure in rhetoric that drink, being poured out of cup into a glass, by filling the one doth empty the other; for all your writers do consent that ipse is he; now, you are not ipse, for I am he.
WILLIAM. Which he, sir?
TOUCHSTONE. He, sir, that must marry this woman. Therefore, you clown, abandon,--which is in the vulgar, leave,--the society,--which in the boorish is company,--of this female,--which in the common is woman,--which together is abandon the society of this female; or, clown, thou perishest; or, to thy better understanding, diest; or, to wit, I kill thee, make thee away, translate thy life into death, thy liberty into bondage: I will deal in poison with thee, or in bastinado, or in steel; I will bandy with thee in faction; will o'er-run thee with policy; I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways; therefore tremble and depart.
AUDREY. Do, good William.
WILLIAM. God rest you merry, sir.
[Enter CORIN.]
CORIN. Our master and mistress seek you; come away, away!
TOUCHSTONE. Trip, Audrey, trip, Audrey;--I attend, I attend.
SCENE II. Another part of the Forest.
ORLANDO. Is't possible that on so little acquaintance you should like her? that but seeing you should love her? and loving woo? and, wooing, she should grant? and will you persever to enjoy her?
OLIVER. Neither call the giddiness of it in question, the poverty of her, the small acquaintance, my sudden wooing, nor her sudden consenting; but say with me, I love Aliena; say, with her, that she loves me; consent with both, that we may enjoy each other: it shall be to your good; for my father's house, and all the revenue that was old Sir Rowland's will I estate upon you, and here live and die a shepherd.
ORLANDO. You have my consent. Let your wedding be to-morrow: thither will I invite the duke and all's contented followers. Go you and prepare Aliena; for, look you, here comes my Rosalind.
ROSALIND. God save you, brother.
OLIVER. And you, fair sister.
ROSALIND. O, my dear Orlando, how it grieves me to see thee wear thy heart in a scarf!
ORLANDO. It is my arm.
ROSALIND. I thought thy heart had been wounded with the claws of a lion.
ORLANDO. Wounded it is, but with the eyes of a lady.
ROSALIND. Did your brother tell you how I counterfeited to swoon when he show'd me your handkercher?
ORLANDO. Ay, and greater wonders than that.
ROSALIND. O, I know where you are:--nay, 'tis true: there was never anything so sudden but the fight of two rams and Caesar's thrasonical brag of "I came, saw, and overcame:" for your brother and my sister no sooner met, but they looked; no sooner looked, but they loved; no sooner loved, but they sighed; no sooner sighed, but they asked one another the reason; no sooner knew the reason, but they sought the remedy: and in these degrees have they made pair of stairs to marriage, which they will climb incontinent, or else be incontinent before marriage: they are in the very wrath of love, and they will together: clubs cannot part them.
ORLANDO. They shall be married to-morrow; and I will bid the duke to the nuptial. But O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes! By so much the more shall I to-morrow be at the height of heart-heaviness, by how much I shall think my brother happy in having what he wishes for.
ROSALIND. Why, then, to-morrow I cannot serve your turn for Rosalind?
ORLANDO. I can live no longer by thinking.
ROSALIND. I will weary you, then, no longer with idle talking. Know of me then,--for now I speak to some purpose,--that I know you are a gentleman of good conceit: I speak not this that you should bear a good opinion of my knowledge, insomuch I say I know you are; neither do I labour for a greater esteem than may in some little measure draw a belief from you, to do yourself good, and not to grace me. Believe then, if you please, that I can do strange things: I have, since I was three year old, conversed with a magician, most profound in his art and yet not damnable. If you do love Rosalind so near the heart as your gesture cries it out, when your brother marries Aliena, shall you marry her:-- I know into what straits of fortune she is driven; and it is not impossible to me, if it appear not inconvenient to you, to set her before your eyes to-morrow, human as she is, and without any danger.
ORLANDO. Speak'st thou in sober meanings?
ROSALIND. By my life, I do; which I tender dearly, though I say I am a magician. Therefore put you in your best array, bid your friends; for if you will be married to-morrow, you shall; and to Rosalind, if you will. Look, here comes a lover of mine, and a lover of hers.
[Enter SILVIUS and PHEBE.]
PHEBE. Youth, you have done me much ungentleness, To show the letter that I writ to you.
ROSALIND. I care not if I have: it is my study To seem despiteful and ungentle to you: You are there follow'd by a faithful shepherd; Look upon him, love him; he worships you.
PHEBE. Good shepherd, tell this youth what 'tis to love.
SILVIUS. It is to be all made of sighs and tears;-- And so am I for Phebe.
PHEBE. And I for Ganymede.
ORLANDO. And I for Rosalind.
ROSALIND. And I for no woman.
SILVIUS. It is to be all made of faith and service;-- And so am I for Phebe.
PHEBE. And I for Ganymede.
ORLANDO. And I for Rosalind.
ROSALIND. And I for no woman.
SILVIUS. It is to be all made of fantasy, All made of passion, and all made of wishes; All adoration, duty, and observance, All humbleness, all patience, and impatience, All purity, all trial, all observance;-- And so am I for Phebe.
PHEBE. And so am I for Ganymede.
ORLANDO. And so am I for Rosalind.
ROSALIND. And so am I for no woman.
PHEBE. [To ROSALIND.] If this be so, why blame you me to love you?
SILVIUS. [To PHEBE.] If this be so, why blame you me to love you?
ORLANDO. If this be so, why blame you me to love you?
ROSALIND. Why do you speak too,--'Why blame you me to love you?'
ORLANDO. To her that is not here, nor doth not hear.
ROSALIND. Pray you, no more of this; 'tis like the howling of Irish wolves against the moon.-- [to SILVIUS] I will help you if I can;-- [to PHEBE] I would love you if I could.-- To-morrow meet me all together.-- [to PHEBE] I will marry you if ever I marry woman, and I'll be married to-morrow:-- [to ORLANDO] I will satisfy you if ever I satisfied man, and you shall be married to-morrow:-- [to SILVIUS] I will content you if what pleases you contents you, and you shall be married to-morrow. [to ORLANDO] As you love Rosalind, meet. [to SILVIUS] As you love Phebe, meet;-- and as I love no woman, I'll meet.--So, fare you well; I have left you commands.
SILVIUS. I'll not fail, if I live.
Nor I.
Nor I.
SCENE III. Another part of the Forest.
TOUCHSTONE. To-morrow is the joyful day, Audrey; to-morrow will we be married.
AUDREY. I do desire it with all my heart; and I hope it is no dishonest desire to desire to be a woman of the world. Here come two of the banished duke's pages.
[Enter two Pages.]
FIRST PAGE. Well met, honest gentleman.
TOUCHSTONE. By my troth, well met. Come sit, sit, and a song.
SECOND PAGE. We are for you: sit i' the middle.
FIRST PAGE. Shall we clap into't roundly, without hawking, or spitting, or saying we are hoarse, which are the only prologues to a bad voice?
SECOND PAGE. I'faith, i'faith; and both in a tune, like two gipsies on a horse.
It was a lover and his lass,
With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino,
That o'er the green corn-field did pass
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding:
Sweet lovers love the spring.
Between the acres of the rye,
With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino,
These pretty country folks would lie,
In the spring time, &c.
This carol they began that hour,
With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino,
How that a life was but a flower,
In the spring time, &c.
And therefore take the present time,
With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino,
For love is crowned with the prime,
In the spring time, &c.
TOUCHSTONE. Truly, young gentlemen, though there was no great matter in the ditty, yet the note was very untimeable.
FIRST PAGE. You are deceived, sir; we kept time, we lost not our time.
TOUCHSTONE. By my troth, yes; I count it but time lost to hear such a foolish song. God be with you; and God mend your voices! Come, Audrey.
SCENE IV. Another part of the Forest.
DUKE SENIOR. Dost thou believe, Orlando, that the boy Can do all this that he hath promised?
ORLANDO. I sometimes do believe and sometimes do not: As those that fear they hope, and know they fear.
ROSALIND. Patience once more, whiles our compact is urg'd:--
[To the Duke.]
You say, if I bring in your Rosalind, You will bestow her on Orlando here?
DUKE SENIOR. That would I, had I kingdoms to give with her.
ROSALIND. [To Orlando.] And you say you will have her when I bring her?
ORLANDO. That would I, were I of all kingdoms king.
ROSALIND. [To Phebe.] You say you'll marry me, if I be willing?
PHEBE. That will I, should I die the hour after.
ROSALIND. But if you do refuse to marry me, You'll give yourself to this most faithful shepherd?
PHEBE. So is the bargain.
ROSALIND. [To Silvius.] You say that you'll have Phebe, if she will?
SILVIUS. Though to have her and death were both one thing.
ROSALIND. I have promis'd to make all this matter even. Keep you your word, O duke, to give your daughter;-- You yours, Orlando, to receive his daughter;-- Keep your word, Phebe, that you'll marry me; Or else, refusing me, to wed this shepherd:-- Keep your word, Silvius, that you'll marry her If she refuse me:--and from hence I go, To make these doubts all even.
[Exeunt ROSALIND and CELIA.]
DUKE SENIOR. I do remember in this shepherd-boy Some lively touches of my daughter's favour.
ORLANDO. My lord, the first time that I ever saw him Methought he was a brother to your daughter: But, my good lord, this boy is forest-born, And hath been tutor'd in the rudiments Of many desperate studies by his uncle, Whom he reports to be a great magician, Obscured in the circle of this forest.
JAQUES. There is, sure, another flood toward, and these couples are coming to the ark. Here comes a pair of very strange beasts which in all tongues are called fools.
TOUCHSTONE. Salutation and greeting to you all!
JAQUES. Good my lord, bid him welcome. This is the motley-minded gentleman that I have so often met in the forest: he hath been a courtier, he swears.
TOUCHSTONE. If any man doubt that, let him put me to my purgation. I have trod a measure; I have flattered a lady; I have been politic with my friend, smooth with mine enemy; I have undone three tailors; I have had four quarrels, and like to have fought one.
JAQUES. And how was that ta'en up?
TOUCHSTONE. Faith, we met, and found the quarrel was upon the seventh cause.
JAQUES. How seventh cause? Good my lord, like this fellow.
DUKE SENIOR. I like him very well.
TOUCHSTONE. God 'ild you, sir; I desire you of the like. I press in here, sir, amongst the rest of the country copulatives, to swear and to forswear; according as marriage binds and blood breaks:--A poor virgin, sir, an ill-favoured thing, sir, but mine own; a poor humour of mine, sir, to take that that no man else will; rich honesty dwells like a miser, sir, in a poor-house; as your pearl in your foul oyster.
DUKE SENIOR. By my faith, he is very swift and sententious.
TOUCHSTONE. According to the fool's bolt, sir, and such dulcet diseases.
JAQUES. But, for the seventh cause; how did you find the quarrel on the seventh cause?
TOUCHSTONE. Upon a lie seven times removed;--bear your body more seeming, Audrey:--as thus, sir, I did dislike the cut of a certain courtier's beard; he sent me word, if I said his beard was not cut well, he was in the mind it was: this is called the Retort courteous. If I sent him word again it was not well cut, he would send me word he cut it to please himself: this is called the Quip modest. If again, it was not well cut, he disabled my judgment: this is called the Reply churlish. If again, it was not well cut, he would answer I spake not true: this is called the Reproof valiant. If again, it was not well cut, he would say I lie: this is called the Countercheck quarrelsome: and so, to the Lie circumstantial, and the Lie direct.
JAQUES. And how oft did you say his beard was not well cut?
TOUCHSTONE. I durst go no further than the Lie circumstantial, nor he durst not give me the Lie direct; and so we measured swords and parted.
JAQUES. Can you nominate in order now the degrees of the lie?
TOUCHSTONE. O, sir, we quarrel in print by the book, as you have books for good manners: I will name you the degrees. The first, the Retort courteous; the second, the Quip modest; the third, the Reply churlish; the fourth, the Reproof valiant; the fifth, the Countercheck quarrelsome; the sixth, the Lie with circumstance; the seventh, the Lie direct. All these you may avoid but the Lie Direct; and you may avoid that too with an 'If'. I knew when seven justices could not take up a quarrel; but when the parties were met themselves, one of them thought but of an 'If', as: 'If you said so, then I said so;' and they shook hands, and swore brothers. Your 'If' is the only peace-maker;--much virtue in 'If.'
JAQUES. Is not this a rare fellow, my lord? he's as good at anything, and yet a fool.
DUKE SENIOR. He uses his folly like a stalking-horse, and under the presentation of that he shoots his wit.
[Enter HYMEN, leading ROSALIND in woman's clothes; and CELIA.]
[Still MUSIC.]
Then is there mirth in heaven,
When earthly things made even
Atone together.
Good duke, receive thy daughter;
Hymen from heaven brought her,
Yea, brought her hither,
That thou mightst join her hand with his,
Whose heart within his bosom is.
ROSALIND. [To DUKE SENIOR.] To you I give myself, for I am yours. [To ORLANDO.] To you I give myself, for I am yours.
DUKE SENIOR. If there be truth in sight, you are my daughter.
ORLANDO. If there be truth in sight, you are my Rosalind.
PHEBE. If sight and shape be true, Why then, my love, adieu!
ROSALIND. [To DUKE SENIOR.] I'll have no father, if you be not he;-- [To ORLANDO.] I'll have no husband, if you be not he;-- [To PHEBE.] Nor ne'er wed woman, if you be not she.
Peace, ho! I bar confusion:
'Tis I must make conclusion
Of these most strange events:
Here's eight that must take hands
To join in Hymen's bands,
If truth holds true contents. [To ORLANDO and ROSALIND.] You and you no cross shall part: [To OLIVER and CELIA.] You and you are heart in heart; [To PHEBE.] You to his love must accord, Or have a woman to your lord:-- [To TOUCHSTONE and AUDREY.] You and you are sure together, As the winter to foul weather. Whiles a wedlock-hymn we sing, Feed yourselves with questioning, That reason wonder may diminish, How thus we met, and these things finish.
Wedding is great Juno's crown;
O blessed bond of board and bed!
'Tis Hymen peoples every town;
High wedlock then be honoured;
Honour, high honour, and renown,
To Hymen, god of every town!
DUKE SENIOR. O my dear niece, welcome thou art to me! Even daughter, welcome in no less degree.
PHEBE. [To SILVIUS.] I will not eat my word, now thou art mine; Thy faith my fancy to thee doth combine.
JAQUES DE BOIS. Let me have audience for a word or two; I am the second son of old Sir Rowland, That bring these tidings to this fair assembly:-- Duke Frederick, hearing how that every day Men of great worth resorted to this forest, Address'd a mighty power; which were on foot, In his own conduct, purposely to take His brother here, and put him to the sword: And to the skirts of this wild wood he came; Where, meeting with an old religious man, After some question with him, was converted Both from his enterprise and from the world; His crown bequeathing to his banish'd brother, And all their lands restored to them again That were with him exil'd. This to be true I do engage my life.
DUKE SENIOR. Welcome, young man: Thou offer'st fairly to thy brother's wedding: To one, his lands withheld; and to the other, A land itself at large, a potent dukedom. First, in this forest, let us do those ends That here were well begun and well begot: And after, every of this happy number, That have endur'd shrewd days and nights with us, Shall share the good of our returned fortune, According to the measure of their states. Meantime, forget this new-fall'n dignity, And fall into our rustic revelry:-- Play, music!--and you brides and bridegrooms all, With measure heap'd in joy, to the measures fall.
JAQUES. Sir, by your patience. If I heard you rightly, The duke hath put on a religious life, And thrown into neglect the pompous court?
JAQUES. To him will I: out of these convertites There is much matter to be heard and learn'd.-- [To DUKE SENIOR] You to your former honour I bequeath; Your patience and your virtue well deserves it:-- [To ORLANDO] You to a love that your true faith doth merit:-- [To OLIVER] You to your land, and love, and great allies:-- [To SILVIUS] You to a long and well-deserved bed:-- [To TOUCHSTONE] And you to wrangling; for thy loving voyage Is but for two months victuall'd.--So to your pleasures; I am for other than for dancing measures.
DUKE SENIOR. Stay, Jaques, stay.
JAQUES. To see no pastime I; what you would have I'll stay to know at your abandon'd cave.
DUKE SENIOR. Proceed, proceed: we will begin these rites, As we do trust they'll end, in true delights.
[A dance.]
ROSALIND. It is not the fashion to see the lady the epilogue; but it is no more unhandsome than to see the lord the prologue. If it be true that good wine needs no bush, 'tis true that a good play needs no epilogue. Yet to good wine they do use good bushes; and good plays prove the better by the help of good epilogues. What a case am I in, then, that am neither a good epilogue nor cannot insinuate with you in the behalf of a good play! I am not furnished like a beggar; therefore to beg will not become me: my way is to conjure you; and I'll begin with the women. I charge you, O women, for the love you bear to men, to like as much of this play as please you: and I charge you, O men, for the love you bear to women;--as I perceive by your simpering, none of you hates them,--that between you and the women the play may please. If I were a woman, I would kiss as many of you as had beards that pleased me, complexions that liked me, and breaths that I defied not; and, I am sure, as many as have good beards, or good faces, or sweet breaths, will, for my kind offer, when I make curtsy, bid me farewell.
[The End.]
Publication Date: May 29th 2008 https://www.bookrix.com/-bx.shakespeare |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-sarah-eva-casey-a-chilly-mourning/ | Sarah Eva Casey A Chilly Mourning
Some say life after death
You lose every breath
Hanging on to what was
When there’s no reason because,
The hurt’s just far too deep
Tears turn to a weep
Nobody quite understands this process
Which attacks once there is progress
It’s a stepping stone in life
The kind which stabs you like a knife
Imprinting in your mind and soul
Staying alert and on patrol
There’s nothing quite the same
When life is thought about a game
And time passes without notice
Leaving skin imprints, from the focus
Of being alive, living each day
Experiencing bad and good
In every possible way
In every way it should
Life is so precious, so valuable
When all is lost, they’ve lost the truth
When its mandatory, the company suffers
Losing hope from those who are tougher
Such great sorrow cannot be healed
In hearts forever, love is sealed
Coming from deep within
Along with agitation making your head spin
Moving on, to another life
Seems so peculiar but such a strife
To those who watch, those who witness
Crying, screaming waiting on that one last kiss
Once the moment finally hits
Sudden or expected, reality sits
Waiting for duty, as it calls again
Lingering the moment, keeping it open
It not only stings, but creates a life of new
Settling in the ground
Saying goodbye to someone true
Repeating clearly every last echoed sound
To those who still mourn
Those who still cry
It’s extremely difficult to say goodbye
Leaving behind the past, leaving behind that love
When all you really think is what their thinking of
But indeed they watch over
No matter where they are
Enjoying life somewhere else, waiting for arrival
Tedious journeys will soon be passed
Because forever in our hearts is where they will stay and last.
Publication Date: January 15th 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-sarah.1 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-serena-1-a-burning-soul/ | Serena.1 A Burning Soul Is a life of pain truly a life worth living
*What is death like* I asked myself as I sat in my bath tub that night with a razor in my right hand and my left arm extended in front of my chest. *I defiantly didn’t know, but it has to be better than what I’m going through. Better than my life here on this Earth. I’m eighteen and trapped!* My head screamed and ached. So many thoughts ran through it and I couldn't control what they were. I grew up depending on my self. My family was to wrapped up in there own problems to pay any attention to me. My mom couldn’t keep a job, so she gave up on that when I was thirteen and she started spending her time in old run down bars drinking the day away. She would home drunker than a truck driver. She would greet us a good evening but she was so drunk that every word that came out of her mouth was so slurred none of use understood her, it was like a foreign language that was not to be deciphered. My dad wasn’t a drunk or a drug addict like my mother, but he was abusive and a control freak. Nothing ever good comes from being abusive and a control freak. Both the abuser and the one getting abused can tell you that. My father is unloved by all of us, we don't give a horse's ass about him, and we get the downside of all of my father's anger. If he doesn't love us why should we love him. You have to give to receive. I'm cover in bruises of all sort from head to toe I'm surprised people haven't noticed. I have two siblings. Karmen, my older sister, and Balthazar my younger brother of fifteen but there another detail I'll tell later when I thinks it's important. Right now it's about me. I was alone that night dad was working late and wouldn't be home until almost midnight. Mom was out at another bar getting drunk for the second time to day, and Karmen and Balthazar are up to whatever they do every evening . Proabably creating havoc somewhere, but I didn't care. I'm actually happy to be alone with no one around. I can think that way. Okay, don't get me wrong I'm a loner (The Lone Wolf). I have one friend and my family hates me, but I love being own. I sat in the tub and laid the razor down on the rim of the tub and turn the water on straight hot. The way I like it then I sighed and reached over and picked up the razor again. Placing it firmly against my waist. I knew what I was about to do and I was okay with it. I slid the razor across my wrist a trail of blood following behind. Instead of feeling pain a sudden rush of instint relief cover me like a pretective blanket but my problems weren't completely gone and I knew it to well. Blood dripped from my wrist and hit the water, turning tge water pink as the blood mix with water then disappeared completely. I placed the razor against my wrist again right of above her last cut and slid it across my waist. The water the tub began to turn red because the water wasn't very high yet and I was losing quite a bit of blood. Finally, my goal was achieved as tears began to run down my face. She was finally able to cry after months on end. Months of holding all of her emotions and problems inside hiding away from the outside world. When, I slid the razor across my wrist for the third and blood began to pour from that cut. my head began to spin and spin. I tried to get out of the tub-the water had gone cold-but she was to weak and fell back down into the water with a loud splash. That's when I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but my mind hadn't someone had knock on my door, and now that person was standing in front me. I tired to put faces with faces but this one I didn't recognize. I knew that I knew this person but for some reason I couldn't put my finger on it. “Miranda?!” I heard the person call my name right before I black out and everything when dark.
The Dream
“Who are you?” I asked the figure that stood in front. “ Who know exactly who I am?” The figured replied “No I don't I have never seen you before. Where I'm I. Am I dead?” “Miranda your not dead. You here because you just put yourself in danger, you nearly killed yourself.” “Well, no offense- what ever your name is- but if you haven't noticed thats what I was trying to achieve.” “Well Miranda. I hate to burst your bubble but is not time for you to die yet.” “How the hell do you know my name?” I asked, “And whats your's” “You know my name? Think about it?” I thought about it for a few minutes and then suddenly the name came me but I said like a question. “Corrina?” “I told you. You knew it.” She chuckled “Yeah but how did I know that. I have never see you before.” “ That's because I'm you?” “What the hell do you mean.” I said in an angry tone even though I was trying to keep my cool. It didn't work. I was angry. Who was this girl? Why is she really here other than to bug me to death, and what did she mean by “that's because I'm you.” “Miranda stop acting like you don't have a brain and use it for once in your life?” She snapped, apparently she didn't like the mood I was given her, but she was going to have to deal because I am know where near finished with her. She had no right to come in and tell what to do. I mean who the hell did she think she was? The queen of England. I think not. “If you haven't notice I use my stinking brain everyday. Your not the know you has to keep up with and rely on yourself to get dinner made everynight and clean the house every weekend or watch you little brother, older sister, and parents who suppose to the ground up and setting the right examples for the the rest of us. And since they can't get there acts together I have to be the adult and I growing sick and tired of it. I want to be a kid while I still can. I'm growing up and I running out of time to be a kid.” I shouted at her. I knew she was going to shout back at me but didn't give a care. “I understand that, But you need to get it through that puny little brain of yours that you can't do everything yourself. If you try to do everything yourself you'll just get yourself into a heap of trouble that you can't get yourself out of. Your just digging yourself a hole and you just going to dig it deeper and deeper until you have dug it so deep that when you finally realize what you have done it'll be to late and then stuck at the bottom of a dark pit.” By the time she had finished she had lowered her voice back to where she had it originally I know she was right, but I also knew what I had to do., But I took and deep breath and sighed before I spoke again. “I understand Corrina, But please let me handle my own problems my own way, and I doubt I'll need any help. Oh, yeah, and back to the question I asked you earlier 'What you mean your me?' that I still don't understand” “Miranda. I'm your mind. Your subconscious. I don't usually take the form for a girl your have a name, but I came to you in this dream. Thats why I'm in human form and the reason I have a name I because I used to sneak my way into your dream all the time when you were little. You kept trying to get rid of me but when you realized you couldn't you gave me the name Corrina, and it just stuck.” She giggled to herself, but I heard her loud and clear and giggled along with her before she said “Miranda this won't be the last me. You'll have know where and when I might pop up, but right now it's time for you to wake up.” I tired to ask her what she meant by that but she had already vanished before the word even escaped my lips. Now, I heard a different voice calling my name. “Miranda? Miranda? Wake up hun. You have to wake up now.” The dream began to vanish right behind Corrina, as I rolled over and opened my eyes.
Come with Me
The room was unfamiliar and very very dull. I engulf and white, the most boring color ever. The walls were white the door was white the only two window in the room where white. The sheets on the bed where white and the one lonely vase of flowers was white also. WHITE! Why WHITE! I must have sat up to fast cause when I did a throbbing pain shot through my head. I moaned in agony and pressed the palm of my hand against my head. I noticed that there where I.V's stuck in my arm. “Well, well, I'll be. Sleeping beauty's finally wake.” Some said calming. I looked up to see my best friend, Eleanore, sitting on the and of my bed. “Eleanore? Where am I” I asked trying to concentrate through my throbbing head. My voice sounded weak and my throat Ached when I talked. “Your in the hospital. If found in the bathroom the other night.” She said it as calmly she could, but I could sense the worry in her voice. She looked exhausted, she had bags under her eyes and was really really pale. “Are you okay?” I asked her watching her doze off. “Huh, oh, yeah I'm fine. Just staying up for to days straight has wore me out.” “Well why did you still you for two days straight?” “Because I was worried about you stupid. I mean you tried to kill yourself and you might have succeeded if I hadn't showed up.” She said a frown forming on her face. “Why?!” She said sincerely. “Why what?” I asked acting all innocent. “Why?” She asked again To my advantage the nurse walked and said “Miranda I need to change your bandages” I smiled and held out my left hand and she unwrapped the bandage. When my arm was completely unwrapped I noticed that of the cuts where stitched up. She re-wrapped my wrist and ask me to promise I would do that again then added the fact that I could leave today and go home. “Thank you?” I said simply. The nurse smiled and left the room. Then, Eleanore spoke up; “Your not going home! Your coming with me. I'm not letting you go back to that house. I care about you and your safety to much.” Suddenly I knew what I was going to say was the wrong thing to say and it would hurt Eleanore. She is my best friend and she loves and cares so much. A little to much if you ask me, but I ode her and I was going to pay someday somehow. She saved my life and this made me realize my job here on Earth is not over so Its not my time to go. God has a time and place for me and I'll endure all of the hardships that he throws at me, and if I need help I'll turn to him. Not to death. Hopefully. (Well at for a while at least not right now) “I can't go with you Eleanore. I have to go back to that family the family I hate. The family I don't claim, But they need me. I'm the only in that house that actually has a functioning brain. I hope you understand?” “I understand. Do what you have to, but here.” She said, grabbing my right arm and pulled a pin out of her pocket. She wrote a number on the back of my hand and said “Call me when ever you need me. Anytime of the day. I love you Miranda.” She smiled and kissed my forehead.
Back to that place
My sister pulled up into the parking lot about thirty minutes later. Right about now I was wishing I had succeeded earlier in the bathroom. I din not want to get into that car with my sister. I didn't want to she the way she was dressed even though I already knew how that was going to be, and I diffently did not want to go back to that house, but I knew what I had to do. I got into the car and yep I was right she was wearing I a white net pattern see through shirt with a black bra on underneath, and a mini skirt that was so short that you could she her black thongs why she was both sitting and standing it wasn't every pleasant, but she seemed happy enough, but that wasn't enough for me to keep my big fat mouth shut. I just had to open it. "I know your a big fat whore thats walks around town or goes into some random strangers house struting her stuff, but that so does not goes you the right to come pick me up at the hospital in this ged-up." I said in a overly loud voice. "And where in the world to get off talking to me in the tone, little girl, and who do you think you are calling me a fat whore." She shouted back at me. her right hand come of the steering wheel and collided hard and fast with my face. "Why where you in the hospital anyways." "That's none of you fucking businees. You don't acknowledge me at home or pay enough attention to me to even care. So why should I tell you, Karman." I shouted back. Her slap not even fazsing because I have became us to it. "I don't care." She said, "I do you think I go out every day doing what I do. To feed you and that house of fucking idiots." "Karman, there are other ways to get money the selling your souls to any random stranger that come up to you on the side of the road. As long as they've got money where it's a boy, girl, or dog for crying out loud you fuck them like crazy. You know Karmen why don't get you fucking act together and grow a brain and learn to use it. Cause what you doing it only causes four things and none of them are good things 1. illegal but you don't care. 2. harmful to your body and will probably get you pregnant if not infected by some kind of sexual transmitted disease. 3. It gives you a bad reputation, and last but not least 4. killed but you don't care about that either. You know Karmen is you think more highly of yourself other people will to and maybe you'll have some friends, but right now your only being thunk of as a easy piece of trash the people can use and through out when there done with you." I finished and this got me a punched in the face and a bloody nose but I didn't care I know I was right and what she was doing was completely wrong. "Miranda, do yourself a favorite and never but into my life again your you will regret it. I don't care that your my little sister cause your were about something. I don't care, I don't care about you or our little brother or our parents." She reached and grabbed my hand make my palm face up. She pulled down the shelve of my shirt and said, "I wouldn't have shredded a tear and I would miss you at all." This struck me like a ton of bricks but I had back the tears cause I couldn't show her that I got to me and would make her think that I'm weak and that is thing I defiantly am not, is weak. Karmen pulled into the drive out and stopped. "Get out I have to go. Do what you have to do but do not make me see your face and defently do not make me pick you up from the hospital. You if you ever try to kill yourself again you might as well succeed, because to me you are already dead." She said. I didn't say anything instead i got quickly and quitely out of the car and slammed the door closed. Karmen drove off in such a hurry the wind from the car knocked me over. I stood back up and brushed myself off. I headed to the front door, but before I entered to glanced at the clock and was noon so I'm the only one here again. I locked the door and enter. I started up stairs to my room and I heard some unfamiliar voices. I grabbed the nearest thing I could use for a weapon which was a umbrella, and followed the sound to mother parents room. Okay now I reconized my mother's voice, but the other voice I still didn't reconized. It was a guys voice but not my father's. I reached the bedroom door and opened slowly, to find my mom in a very awkward position with a gut other than my dad I closed the door slowly and as lightly as could, but I guess it was to loud because I heard my mother yell, "who's there?" I quitely and quickly tried to get up stairs but my what at her door and fully dressed in what seemed like seconds. "Milanda Gwendolyn Collins? What the hell do you think your doing just walking into my room like that!" She shouted walked towards me fast with a look of daggers on her face. Her right hand went immedately around my neck and my feet came off the floor an a mere second. Before I caould explain I was flung into the wall across the room with full speed, and hit the floor with a loud thud. She chuckled evilly and said, "If i ever catch you in my room again." She then turn and left the room. I stood but granted with the pain that shot through my back, and headed slowly up stairs to my room. the end of chapter four five will be up soon. thanks serena.1
The next morning I woke to my head pounding and the sound of my family bickering violently at each other. Welcome to my hell of a life. Why didn't I just go with my eleanore, oh yeah duh that's the reason. This fucked family of mine needs someone to look out for them or they won't survive. I dought very highly that they would make it with out me. They don't have enough brain compasity to know that one plus is two, how would they know how to take care of themselves. "MIRANDA!" Everyone yelled at the same fucking time, causing head to feel like it just had a dozen dull knives shoved to it at the same time. I granted against the agonizing pain, and hollered back. "I am coming." I reluctantly crawled out of my comfort zone that was that of my bed and my room, they only place in this house that was mine and the place were I could be me. I sighed at the top of the stairs and decended down them. Turning to the Kitchen I went to start breakfast. Five minutes later the rest of my braty-assed family stroles in. My brother in his boxer's carriing a overflowing basket of laungry. My sister dressed in her usual slutty gittup.
Publication Date: March 22nd 2018 https://www.bookrix.com/-serena.1 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-biswajit-ganguly-dream-coming-true/ | Biswajit Ganguly Dream Coming True Drabbles on fictions related to dream / sleep
Publication Date: August 29th 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-biswajit |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-alada-porter-the-weight-of-forgiveness/ | Alada Porter The Weight of Forgiveness
A Strange Man is Stealing my Fridge
The first time I saw him he was climbing out of my bedroom window, feet first, my blue mini-fridge nestled precariously under his left armpit as he attempted to limbo his way out onto the roof.
My hand seemed to be glued to the light switch, I blinked hard, trying to better process the situation. My heart was too shocked to beat in a normal manner so it simply jumped sporadically against my sternum.
“W-What are you doing?” I finally managed. The words seemed to hover in the air a moment, and we both looked up to examine them.
“Well, currently, I'm taking your fridge,” he replied after some consideration, slowly shimming his way out the window as he spoke. As though I wouldn’t notice.
“Would you please stop that.”
He stopped, and with a sigh let go of the mini-fridge. I watched in horror as it hit my hardwood floor, forcing the door to open and causing all of the food and drinks I had been saving for later to spill out.
He made an apologetic face as the bottles rolled across the floor.
We were frozen there for a time, our eyes locked as he tried to decide if he should run and I tried to work up the gumption to call the cops.
But looking at him I felt kind of bad, he was so skinny and scraggly looking. His eyes were sharp and shifty, like a hungry alley cat, and his hair was caked with dirt. I found myself wondering when the last time he had eaten was and before I knew it I was walking over to one of the bottles. I laboriously bent down to pick one up, embarrassed by how hard it was for me, and handed it to him.
“Here, you look thirsty.”
He looked at the bottle for a second, and then smiled at me, “Well that would be why I was stealing your fridge instead of your purse. Go straight for what you want, that’s what I always say.”
He climbed back inside my room and sunk to the floor, happily guzzling from the bottle like a baby calf sucking on its mother’s teat. I just watched him as he drank, half expecting him to tell me off for being creepy, but he never did. When he had finished drinking I took the bottle from him and threw it towards the trashcan on the other side of the room, I listened with great satisfaction as it hit the rim with a hollow sound and toppled inside. If I wasn’t so fat I could be a decent basketball player, as it was I could only make a decent basketball.
“Nice shot,” he said, looking impressed. I smiled a little at the compliment. I’m not used to compliments.
“Are you hungry?” I asked, picking up the mini fridge with a huff and dragging it back into the corner where it had previously resided.
“I’m not, not hungry,” he replied, scratching the back of his head in a way that convinced me that he had lice. I kicked a bag of chips towards him, still out of breath from lifting the mini-fridge.
He looked at me for a moment before he opened the bag, his face an odd combination of confused, thankful and embarrassed.
“You know, you’re alright for a fat chick.”
And it was at that exact moment that I had a beautiful and terrible premonition.
I was going to fall in love with this boy, and he was going to break my heart.
Conversation With A Drifter
“What’s your name anyway?” he asked suddenly, looking up at me from his spot on the floor. I blinked at him, surprised that he wanted to stay and talk to me, rather than grab a couple bags of chips and run.
“Angela; and you?”
“I’m Jack,” he said, grabbing another bag of chips off of the floor and groping inside with greedy hands. I frowned a little; up to this point I had just assumed that he was just some local who had gone through a growth spurt since I had last seen him. But there was nobody his age named Jack as far as I knew.
For the first time I felt a small pang of fear. This guy was a total stranger.
“Where the hell did you come from? Are you a tourist or something?” my voice had risen up an octave or two, and I found myself stepping back towards the wall. He could be anyone, he could be a mass murderer that I had just fed and sheltered, was I insane?
“I guess you could call me a tourist, I hitchhiked here; the guy driving the meat truck I had been stowed in the back of for the last eighty miles or so found me and kicked me to the curb. I walked about four or five miles until I reached this town and decided to stay for a day or so. I was planning on getting myself something to eat and then hitchhiking my way to California.”
“Hitchhiking? Isn’t that dangerous?” I said, both surprised and impressed. I couldn’t imagine getting in a car and making small talk for six hours with a strange old man who smelled like fish tacos and rotten milk. But then again I never was the adventurous type.
“It’s the drivers that are really scared, if you’re a hitchhiker you can handle yourself but those nice suburban types are always so jittery when it comes to strangers, most of the time they don’t bother pulling over. Bunch of pansies. Stowing away in the back of a semi truck is easier and more convenient; as long as I don’t get caught. This time I’m going to try to find a mattress truck or something, my back hurts like a bitch. Also I’m less likely to get caught since they don’t check on the merchandise as often.”
“You’ve really thought this through. What’s in California that’s worth all the trouble?”
He looked up at me and smiled, leaning back comfortably against the crumbly baby blue wallpaper and stretching out his legs so that his beaten up boots smeared mud all over the floor I had literally just mopped this morning. But instead of being annoyed I found myself treasuring the gesture, I had never seen someone look so at ease in my room, the only feeling I ever got from these four walls was the tension of disappointment. I found myself smiling back at him.
“If I knew what was there already why would I bother going?”
No, I had definitely never known him. Or anyone like him for that matter.
We both froze as we heard the front door swing open and the distinctive click click of heels on the wood floor.
“Oh crap, my mom’s home early. Climb out the window and meet me at Old’s Diner tomorrow morning at six okay?” I whispered, my heart beating so fast that I could barely hear my own words over the sound of my blood pumping. He kind of grimaced when I told him our meeting time but he didn’t complain.
“Come on Angela! I brought some salads for dinner.” She called from downstairs. Jack laughed at me from the window.
“Ooh a salad, aren’t you in for a treat,” he said, talking louder than I would have liked.
“Just go!” I hissed as he quickly slipped out the window.
“You’re a good kid,” he said, not looking back at me as he slid down the roof. I watched from the window as he slipped off the edge and landed on the lawn with a thud. I bit my bottom lip, wondering if his legs were broken, but before I could even finish the thought he stood up and took off running.
Family Values
Dinner is always riddled with silence.
The grandfather clock on the wall chimed every fifteen minutes, the air conditioning buzzed, and my mother made crunching noises as she bit a little too forcefully into the occasional crouton, but words were hard to come by.
“So, Angela, did you go for your walk today?” she asked slowly, her fork perched halfway between her lips and her plate. The salad dressing made the green lettuce shine and glisten on her fork in what I considered a kind of ominous way.
“Yeah,” I said, looking everywhere but at her. I could feel where this was going, and I was already getting mad.
“No you didn’t,” she sighed, setting down her fork, “look Angela, you can’t keep going on like this. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Do you realize how-“
“What mom?” I interrupted, choosing a spot on her forehead to talk to, “Do I realize how embarrassing it is for you? Is that what you were going to say? How excruciating
it is to hear people talking about your parenting skills, or lack there of? Is it hard for you mom? Please, tell me how you
feel about my
“I-I’m only worried about your health, I just don’t understand how you could let yourself get this way,” she said slowly, no word leaving her mouth without being perfectly weighed and measured.
“Go to hell.”
I stood up and made my way over to the stairs, my eyes burning with the promise of tears. It was always the same.
“Goddamn it Angela! I’m doing my best! What the hell was I supposed to do after your father left? I’m sorry I’m gone so much, but I try to make it up to you when I am home. Damn it, it’s my job to raise you and you’re just not letting me! What the hell am I supposed to do? Just sit back and watch you turn into a-a fat pig
!?” she screamed from behind me, her voice shaking from the effort of holding in her tears. I felt my heart crumble like a piece of charred firewood, lifting up and drifting off with the wind.
“I’m sorry that I look just like you mom,” I said quietly, “I know how much pride you take in your appearance, it must be difficult to see a younger version of yourself a hundred pounds overweight. But I’m not you; in fact you can just pretend we’re not even related. Why don’t you just go back to the office? Please don’t concern yourself with me; I’m sure you have better things to do with your time.”
She didn’t say anything, and after I closed my bedroom door I heard the door slam and the car start. As she drove away I lay on my bed and wondered if things can change without you making an effort to change them.
The Last Breakfast
“I thought you wouldn’t show,” I said, leaning up against the counter as he walked into the diner, the little bell over the door twinkling cheerfully.
“Why would you think that?” he said, sitting down next to me with a groan. He looked like he had just woken up; his eyes were still puffy with sleep and his breath smelled like raw sewage.
“Well you’re an hour late for starters.”
“Hate to break it to you toots but homeless guys aren’t so great at knowing what time it is,” he yawned, placing his cheek against the counter and closing his eyes. I blinked at him; of course I must have known that he was homeless, it was patently obvious from the get go what with his dirty clothes and thin face, but hearing it just said out loud like that gave me a bit of a shock.
“So why did you come at all? You could be sleeping right now.”
“I can sleep anytime; it isn’t every day that I get offered a free meal. You are going to feed me right?”
“Of course,” I replied, laughing despite myself. I turned away from him and faced the tall old lady who was polishing a glass behind the counter, “Hey Marie, you know what I want.”
She looked at me over the top of her glasses, “Does your mother know how you’re spending your allowance?”
“Oh come on Marie, mom’s been making me live off of salad for the past three weeks. Besides, I promised Jack here a hearty breakfast.”
He snored lightly against the counter, dead to the world for the time being.
“You’re a sneak alright, I won’t tell your mama, but you better give that poor boy at least two thirds of your order. He looks like he’s going to drop dead any minute.”
“Sure thing.”
I watched him as he slept, his dirty brown hair falling over his eyelids, his face squished against the counter top in a kind of endearingly childish way. His face showed none of the strain I associated with a hard life, and I tried to guess what he was dreaming about. California? The thought was like a knife twisting in my heart, but I tried my best to ignore it.
“Here you go hun,” Marie said, placing the tray of freshly made donuts on the counter with a sharp clack. Jack startled awake and stared at the tray of food, blinking hard to get the last of the sleep out of his eyes.
“Holy crap, this is your regular order? No wonder you’re fat… no offense,” he said, grimacing slightly at his own brutal honestly. I just shrugged, for some reason nothing he said ever seemed to hurt my feelings, maybe because I knew he didn’t mean anything by it.
“What can I say? I like to eat. But you go ahead, have as much as you want.”
He clapped his hands and proceeded to shove an entire cream filled doughnut into his mouth; I didn’t know human jaws could unhinge like that, but I guess you learn something new every day.
After wolfing down two donuts he looked over at me, “Why are you being so nice to me?”
The question startled me a little, and I gaped at him like a fish.
“Uh, because it’s the right thing to do?” I managed, biting my lip.
“No it’s not. I tried to steal your stuff, why would buying things for me be the right thing to do?” he sounded almost hostile as he said it, and I could feel my heart rate rising.
“W-what?” I said, feeling nervous. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. He seemed to notice my palpitations and softened a bit.
“I’m sorry, I’m just not used to people being so nice to me. Especially when I don’t deserve it.”
I hesitated for a moment, “No, you deserve it.”
I felt my vision blurring a little bit and I looked away so that he wouldn’t see me, I felt ridiculous. Why did he have to make me say it out loud?
“B-because you stayed and talked to me, instead of leaving as soon as you could, just like everyone else.”
There was a silence then, as painful as a million dinners with my mother, and I felt my heart break all over again.
I stood up quickly, turning my back to him, “I think I’ll just go. Finish your breakfast.”
I took one step forward but felt a sticky hand grasp my wrist and I turned around in surprise.
“Hey, hey, not so fast. You haven’t paid yet,” he smiled, his muddy brown eyes twinkling at me. I felt the tears sliding down my cheeks, and I wiped them away with the back of my hand, trying to decide what it was exactly that I felt.
“Yeah, I suppose I should at least wait until I’ve paid.”
Hello, Goodbye.
We sat on the sidewalk for a while, watching the cars drive lazily by, and for once the silence didn’t seem so bad; mostly because I was afraid of what would be said if we started talking.
He must’ve known I had fallen in love with him, and I felt bad that he knew; that my kindness wasn’t just genuine kindness but some kind of ploy to get him to stay with me just a little bit longer. But he didn’t seem to care.
“You know, I’ve met a lot of people. Most of them deserve what they got, and what they don’t got,” he started, laying down on the sidewalk and staring up at the wide blue sky above us, “But I really think you deserve better Angela. And I’m sorry.”
I bit my lip, afraid of what was coming next, “Sorry for what?”
“Just look in your wallet when you get home,” he said, for the first time unable to look me in the eyes, “I found a guy who’s offered to give me a ride. He’s actually waiting for me right now; I just thought that I should say good-bye. You at least deserve that.”
“Thank you,” I whispered, staring at my feet as he stood up.
When I got home that night I plopped onto the couch and looked in my wallet. All my money was gone.
“Wow what an asshole,” I laughed, the tears streaming down my face, my laughter peppered with pathetic little hiccups. Then I saw the note that was shoved into the side pocket.
Don’t grow bitter, people are selfish, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care about you. I stole your money and left you this note because I want you to understand that. Also because I really really needed the money, but you get the idea. I care about you, it’s impossible not to, and I’m sure you have plenty of people who care about you too.
p.s. you’re pretty hot for a fat chick
I turned at the sound of the door opening, and my mother and I stared at each other for a long time.
She sighed, “Look Angela, I just want to say-“
“Mom?” I interrupted, standing up with the tears still streaming down my face.
“Um, yes?” she asked, looking kind of confused.
“Can you just hold me?”
Word count: 3,000
Publication Date: January 29th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-mokomonko |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-yasmine-johnson-honey-hustle/ | Yasmine Johnson Honey Hustle
Chapter 1
Honey woke up to the yelling and screaming of her mother and sister Diamond. This was usual to Honey she knew that Diamond had probably had tried to sneak into the apartment from coming from her boyfriend Devon house. Honey got up when she heard glass being thrown onto the floor. “Your just mad I came on the top of the hustle and you’re not anymore.”, shouted Diamond at her mother Cindy. “What, who the world you think you talking to I’m the one that bought you into this world, don’t forget that!”, Cindy shouted at her daughter while throwing a plate onto the floor. Honey decided to leave them alone and go call her best friend Candy. “Hello”, said Candy. “Hey girl”, Honey answer back. “Wassup girl”. “Nothing the usual, girl my mom and Diamond fussing and fighting again, anyway I was wondering do you want to go to the mall and found some cute boy’s maybe.”, said Honey. “Yeah girl, you know I’m done.” After the two girl’s finished their conversation Honey went to take a shower. When Honey got out the shower she realized that she needed “quick and fast money.” Luckily she had enough money to shop a little around the mall. She walked to her room and put on her best outfit in her closet. She was only going to the mall, but she still had to look good. She was putting on perfum on when she heard a loud banging on her door. “Aye Honey Candy out here waiting for you.”, Diamond said. “Okay I’m coming and stop banging on my door like you the police or something.”, she yelled while walking out. The two girls went to catch a cab. When they arrived at the mall they instantly went searching for name brand clothes. When the girls got finishing shopping they decided to go to the food court. As they were eating, Candy noticed a boy looking at her and his friend staring at her and Honey. The boys approached the two girls. “We should go”, Honey whispered to Candy. “Girl what you talking ‘bout the party has just begun!” “What up ma?”, said one of the boys. “Nothing much what a-do.”, said Candy trying to sound like a thug. “Same ma, who's your friend over here?”, he said nodding towards Honey. “Oh Honey she not shy, you know what they say looks can be deceiving!”, said a surprise Candy. “So what’s up ma?”, the thug asked Honey. “Nothing munch”, said a nerves Honey. “So you two busy tonight”, the thugs ask the two girls. “Of course not”, said Candy who was ready for some action. “So you two can make to the local club around the corner correct?”, the boy asked.
When Honey and Candy finished their conversation with the two boys, they learned the boys names were Kane and Chance and they had a lot of money. After leaving the food court the two girls decided to go home. Candy caught a cab, while Honey got on the train uptown. While Honey rode the train she thought about tricking the niggas into getting “fast and quick money.” When Honey arrived home she saw that Devon, Diamond boyfriend was at the apartment. Honey never liked Devon she felt he was a pervert, once he had tried to smack her ass, but luckily Diamond had came. Honey tried to walk into the apartment quickly, but Devon had already spoken to her. “Sup girl”, said Devon. “Sup”, Honey replied while closing the apartment door. “So I saw you with my cousin at the food court, and I know they ask you to come to the club later on, I get yall in for free .”, Devon said with a slight grin. “We’ll be okay we don’t need your help!”, said Honey trying to make the conversation short as possible. “Look bitch I was trying to help your dumb-self out!”, said a angry Devon. “Look mother fu-”, Candy was interrupt by Diamond. “You two need to chill be cool, like for real thought. Honey went to her room and hung up her clothes she had gotten from the mall.She took out the best outfit she had bought and laid it on her dresser. She looked at her clock and saw that she had about two hours before going to the local club. She decided to take a little nap.
Chapter 2
Honey woke up to the sound of her phone going off, it was Candy. “Hello", said a sleepy Honey. “Hey girl, you still sleeping its 10:00, you know we can’t afford to let this moment by pass us!”, Candy replied back. “Okay well let me get dress I’ll meet you in the lobby in a few.”, said Honey. When she hung up the phone and got dressed into a tight fit dress that showed off her curves with pink stilettos to match. When the two girls meet each other in the lobby they instantly admired each other, Candy was wearing some short shorts with a white crop top and some res pumps. When the girls arrived at the club they found that it was a long line outside. The two went to the of the line and tried to wait patiently . Honey felt a tap on her shoulder. “You with me we don’t do lines baby!”, said Kane with a grin. Kane took Honey hand while Chance took Candy hand. They went to the back of the club where a security guard was standing blocking a door. “Sup man”, Kane said to the guard. “Working as usual, but who are these two beautiful young ladies here?”, replied the guard. “This here is Honey”, said Kane. “And this here is Candy”, said Chance. “Oh they sure do look like honey and candy if you know what I mean, but yall can go ahead in the V.I.P section is already set-up”, said the guard. The four went into the V.I.P section where they saw mostly thugs and strippers, but Honey knew none of the hoes could ever compare to her. Honey noticed the expressions and the attention men were giving her. She enjoyed the attention. Everybody knew not to fuck with a bitch like her, because everyone feared Diamond. The four went to the bar to get a couple of drinks. Honey and Candy noticed men gather around a stripper who looked familiar to them. The two girls realized the girl was Diamond. Honey did not know what to she was embarrassed. Kane interrupt her out of her thoughts and asked her to dance. Of course she wasn’t going to say no so she agreed to dance to only one song. When Honey went on the dance floor with Kane people gather around them while they grind on each other. BOOM BOOM BOOM, there were gun shots going off.
Chapter 3
Kane grab Honey while Chance grab Candy. They got into Kane BMW and speeded away. “Where are we going!”, Honey said shivering. “To my crib, you’ll be safe there.” Candy tried to take action and snuggled close to Chance. The four rode in silence. They arrived at Kane house. When they got in Kane and Honey sat in the living room, while Candy and Chance went into one of the back rooms. Kane explained to Honey that Diamond wanted Kane to take Honey and Candy to his house before the shot-out started. “She gets on my nerves she thinks that I can’t handle my-self.”, Honey said getting mad. “Chill she was only trying to make sure you were safe, she didn’t want you to get hurt.”, he said trying to clam her down. Soon Honey found herself in the kitchen with Kane feeding her strawberries. They feel asleep naked in Kane’s room. Honey woke up to see that Kane wasn't beside her and it was 10:30 am. She got up and got dressed then found Kane in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon. "Well good morning Ms.Honey, I cooked you breakfast",he said while fixing her plate. They went to the livingroom and saw Candy and Chance making out on the sofa. "Let's go to the backroom would want to interrupt the two love birds", Kane said while smiling. They went into the room. Kane feed Honey then they watched "Love and Basketball."
Publication Date: December 7th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-ms.unique |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-maddy-the-killer/ | Maddy The Killer
It was a dark night, everyone was asleep. No one suspected any danger. Well, except for Kevin Peace. Kevin Peace was the scardest person in Kidscom Town, no one suspected him as a killer, except for now.
Kevin Peace was a strange person, whenever he saw someone he screamed at them. He had no friends because everyone thought he was crazy, except for Angela. Angela was Kevin's girlfriend, well just for now.
One day, Kevin saw Angela cheating on him. Kevin was so angry that he started to punch everyone instead of scream. Later on Kevin broke up with Angela and pushed her into his closet and locked her in there for lots of years. Except for when his parents came.
1 year after Kevin had stuffed her in the closet, Kevin's Mom thought she had smelled something funny in Kevin's room. Kevin's Mom ran into his room where Kevin was sitting on his bed. "Hey Kevin, what's that smell?" Kevin's Mom asked suspiciously. "I don't know," Kevin lied. Kevin's Mom looked around his room, but then she slowly opened his closet door.
Kevin's Mom was about to look in the closet, until Kevin ran down stairs and made an oven timer go off. She ran down stairs and said, "What is that cooking?" but she ran back up stairs when she noticed she didn't cook anything. She opened the closet door and nothing was there. Kevin had moved her body and put it in the oven, so her mom smelled something down stairs and opened the oven, there she saw bits of arms and legs and a head. She screamed and yelled, "WHAT IS THAT KEVIN?" and she grounded Kevin for the rest of his life.
Kevin killed him self 9 years later, in 1940, in a phone booth. Kevin is now haunting and killing and screaming into his phone to his parents, Angela and all the people who were born on 1940. (doesn't include everything over 1940 or under) If you say 1940 Kevin Peace in the bathroom 50 times with the lights off and no light, you will summon his ghost and he will jump out and kill you.
Publication Date: December 7th 2008 https://www.bookrix.com/-huskylover1999 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-milli-may-skys-second-choice/ | Milli-May Skys Second Choice
I passed a man wearing a wholey jacket and wholey pants.He sat on the ground holding a cup.He held it out every time someone would pass.I felt bad for the man.He probably lost his wife and kids.I felt as if I were that old man.All alone in this world.With no one to call your own.I ran acrossed the busy street trying not to run into puddles left by the rain storm the night before.I still didn't understand why I kept running to his every need.My mother would be so disappointed if she knew where I'd be.Unless she already knew...Some say your loved ones are still with you even though they are gone.If she was with me still I would feel her right?I never really believed in all that afterlife stuff.To me they are just dead and thats the end of it.My mother had passed away a year ago from cancer.My father decided to leave her in the past and marry again.So now I live with my father and so called step mother in Manhattan.I was just a veiw blocks away from where I was going.My father nor Angie knew where I was.I would just up and leave.They assumed I was with friends.Oh I was with a friend if thats what you want to call it.His name is Dylayn Davison.Hes the most coolest kid in my school.Hes irrisitable to all the girls including me.A senior and a going for pro skater.All I want to be is his girl.Just for him to call me his girl.But unfortunetly all I am is his booty call.I try to push the thought of me forever just being his booty call out of my head and tell myself one day I will be his girlfriend.But that one day has yet to come.Hes still in a relationship with the head cheerleader Courtney Myers.Shes everything I will never be.She has long blonde shiny hair.Beautiful crystal blue eyes.Perfect body that every guy wants.Everything about her is perfect and I'm just ordinary...I'm way over my head...I had a choice to just turn around and go back home but of course I deny...Something about this guy keeps bringing me back to him.Maybe its his grey-blue eyes and flippy black hair.Or maybe its the way he holds me after we are done.Either way I can't stay away from him.Believe me I've tried...I finally got to the apartments.I showed the guard my school ID.
"Bridgette you know you don't have to show me your ID..."The guard said with a kind smile.
"I know Mike but it makes me feel like its my first time coming here."I smiled.
He rolled his eyes playfully while letting Dylyan know I was here.
"Go on up."He said.
I nodded and went in the elevator.I went up 15 floors.I checked myself in the reflection on the walls of the elevator.I let out a long breath.The elevator made a beep noise and then opened to his apartment.He was waiting infront of the elevator for me.His shirt off and basketball shorts on.He didn't like to waste time.He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss.His hands went up my shirt and cupped my breasts as he deepend the kiss.
"It took you long enough."He breathed as he picked me up.
"Yeah sorry."I mummbled wrapping my legs around his waist.
He brought me to his room and let his self fall on the bed.He landed ontop of me.We both laughed.
"I'm gunna go get a condom.You take you pants and underwear off."He winked and disappeared into the bathroom.
I did as he said and waited.
"Shirt too."He said throwing the condom on the bed.
I took my shirt off as he took his pants and boxers off.He jumped ontop of me and kissed my neck.
"Uh bra too sweet cheeks."He smerked.
I rolled my eyes playfully and took my bra off.He opened the condom and put it on.
"Ready?"He asked.
"As always."I said with a fake smile.
The only bad thing about having sex with Dylyan was that he just shoved it in.He didn't even get me going or nothing.He didn't slow down at all but I was used to it.I mean I should be...I've been haveing sex with him sence one year ago.And still nobody knows...It's surprising actually.Everybody knows everybodies business in this school.He grabbed my hips and went inside me.I flinched at the pain for a view seconds.He went fast as usual.Everytime we had sex I would have one orgasm.I guess I was just one of those girls that can only have one orgasm .He went deeper and harder.He kept asking if I like that.As usual I would moan yes.He bit my neck hard making me gasp.One hand groped my left breast.I moaned as he went faster.The only time he would slow down was when he was cuming.He would make this one face I would adore.His mouth was a little bit open and his eyebrows were pulled together.He would whisper oh yeah when he would start to cum.He pulled my hair roughly as he kept going.He went in real deep and I moaned loudly.He kept going and I soon I felt a orgasim coming on.I scratched his back roughly as I moaned.He went faster and faster until he made that one face.He pulled out and rolled over on his back.He took the condom off and threw it away.He turned and wraped his arm around me.I nuzzled against his chest.I slowly closed my eyes.This was my favorite part.
"Hey babe!I almost forgot!"He said loudly making me fling up.
"You have to go right now beacuse Courtney will be here soon."He said.
I rolled my eyes and put my clothes back on as he watched me.He slipped his shorts back on and stood up.He wrapped his arms around me as I brushed my hair with his brush.He kissed my neck up to my ear.
"I love you."He whispered and then kissed my ear.
I turned around and kissed him.
"I love you too."I said.
He kissed me hard and then walked me to the elevator.We kissed one more time and I turned to get in the elevator.He smacked my ass as I walked.I shook my head.I heard him chuckle.The elevator doors closed.I bit my lip remembering what we had just done."Good day miss Powell."Mike said tipping his hat.I waved and walked down the siement path to the white gate entrance.I looked up from my grey and blue vans.There she was...Her head tossed back as she laughed with her two friends.Her two friends were Brooke and Andy.I walked with my head down.Courtney glared at me.I could hear them snicker about my messy hair.I wanted to turn around and tell them why my hair was messy but it would ruin everything.I called for a taxi.
"Where to Miss?"The taxi guy asked.
"To Brooklyn street."I said.
He dropped me off and I payed him.I walked up the steps and into my house.My father was rich.It irriatated me how Angie pretended she loved him just for the money.
"Oh Darling.Your hair."Angie said.
I rolled my eyes and walked to my room.I went to my bathroom and took a shower.When I came out Candice my best friend was sitting on my bed with a fearious look.
"Okay look I can explain."I said.
I was supposed to hang out with her today while she baby sat.I couldn't pass Dylyn up...
"Keep going."She nodded.
"My dad had bring your kid into work day today and I couldn't disappoint him."I said.
"I just saw your dad in town earlier and he said he hasn't seen you all day.So try again."She said.
Sooner or later I was gunna have to tell her.I keep blowing her off.I can't tell her yet...I can't tell anyone..They just wouldn't understand.I sat down next to her.
"Okay I do have something to hide.This has been going on for along time.I just don't know how to tell you."I said.
"Bridge you know you can tell me anything and I will never think different of you."She said.
I nodded.
'I've been sleeping around with Dylyn."I blurrted out.
Her mouth fell open.
"Dylyn Davidson!?!?"She asked standing up.
I nodded.
"Candi you promised you wouldn't think differently of me."I said.
"I don't but this is some real shit.I thought you were going to tell me you had a drug problem."She said.
"I know and I can't stop."I said.
"Bridgette!!!"She yelled.
"I know its wrong but I like him."I said.
"Enough to be his little toy."She asked.
"Its not even like that."I said.
"Hun it is."She said.
"Well I'm just waiting for him and Courtney to break up.He told me himself he would be mine."I said.
She shook her head.
"Are you guys careful?"She asked.
I nodded.
"What if Courtney finds out?Have you thought about that?"She asked.
"I'll deal with it when it happens."I said.
"Your playing with fire."She said.
"Then let me get burned.I have to make my own mistakes."I said throwning up my hair.
"Well what ever happens you know I'll always be there."She said.
Publication Date: March 8th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-aj362face961925 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-destiny-y-n-bowman-all-she-wanted/ | Destiny Y.N. Bowman All She Wanted
Chapter 1
“Where I’ve been in my life and where I am going is two different things. My life wasn’t always as perfect as it should have been. I was smart in my own kind of way. Whatever I put my mind to I could accomplish it in no time. My parents were both drug addicts only difference between them was that my mom was the abuser and my stepdad the molester. I hated them both but for now my story has ended, and today I committed suicide here’s my story.”
My name is Katelyn Marie Marshall
I laid there listening to the rain and praying that he would get off of me. The painful feeling of my insides ripping hurt like hell. The stings of my tears burned the bruises of my face. Once again she had left for work and left me there with him. “You better not tell anyone.” He said throwing the covers over me and slamming my bedroom door. I waited until I heard him close his bedroom door to sneak my way to the bathroom. I cut on the cold water and prepared myself for another all night soak in the tub to subside the burning and hurting from my bruises. I stood there in the mirror and looked at my 12 year old body. I rub my trembling fingers across the spots of purple and blue on my arm. I looked at my perfect face and its scars of imperfection. My perfect dark auburn hair that I use to see as my crown and glory now stuck to the dried up bloody scars on my face. “Katelyn Marie Marshall get your ass down here now and clean this fucking house up.” I heard her yell as she came inside. I cut the water off and slowly walked to the edge of the stairs, and before I could prepare myself to walk own them she was already rushing up them towards me. She pushed me to the floor and started kicking and punching me wherever she could. Each blow only making the pain my fragile body already held even worse. I laid there in a fetal position with more tears stinging my face and praying for this god or whoever he was to make her stop and realize how much she was hurting me. I looked up and saw him standing there with a smile on his face laughing as if this were some kind of game or joke. I wanted to yell out daddy please make her stop please help me, but I only knew that would make it worse. After of what felt like a lifetime of beating he finally put out his cigarette and walked towards her. “Okay I think the little bitch has had enough you can stop now.” I watched as she kicked me for the last time
and walked off into their room with him I knew that the exact thing he had done to me he was about to do to her. Only difference between me and her was that she liked it and I hated it. I laid there until I heard the sound of the head board against the wall and knew it was okay to move. I slowly got up and winced at the intense pain my body now held. I walked downstairs preparing myself to clean up only to find that the house was already clean. What the hell was she talking about cleanup it was already clean down here there is nothing to be cleaned. I grabbed my raggedy back pack and took my science book out of it and flipped through the pages. I sat on the floor in the living room and sat there for what seemed like hours until I finally heard footsteps. I turned around to see which ones were they hers or his only to turn and meet the back of her hand against my face. “Stay the fuck away from my man you little whore or else.” She said before disappearing to the kitchen. I listened to what appeared to be her preparing dinner in the kitchen. My stomach started growling and I edged my way to the door opening to get a whiff of what she was cooking. Only to meet the back of her hand again. “Get the fuck away from my kitchen I don’t feed hoes they feed their self around here. I got up and grabbed my stuff and ran to my room and closed my door. I laid there in my bed for what seemed like hours. I grabbed the picture of me, her, and my real dad from under my bed mattress. Tears began to fall as reality sunk in. This was my life and there was nothing I could do about it I missed when we were happy and things were fun and loving. Most of all I missed my dad it had been a year ago today since my dad passed away. I remember it like it was a recent event my dad had left for the Army and three weeks after he left two men in uniform came and knocked on the door. My mom was fixing dinner and I was doing homework. The rest is too painful to remember but just know that losing my dad was the least of my problems. I never thought my life would be so painful.
Chapter 2
Somewhere in between me crying and laying in my bed last night I must have fell asleep, because today I woke up to him and her arguing downstairs. I laid there in bed and listened as kids were leaving and going to school. Me I wasn’t allowed to go to school, but I managed to go from time to time with him or her knowing. I laid there listening to the footsteps as they came up the stairs. “Katelyn get your ass up Katelyn.” I listened as she ran up the stairs and busted in my room. ‘Girl didn’t you hear me I said get your ass up. I opened my eyes and met the back of her hand. “Didn’t I tell you to clean up last night huh didn’t I.” with each word I met the back of her hand each swing hurting worse than the last. “Now get your ass up and clean this damn house.” She said walking out of my room. I turned my head towards my window and seen my next door neighbor looking in my window. Tears began to slide down my face it was times like these I wanted to die and just leave the phases of the earth all together. I got up slowly out of my bed and walked over to my drawer to get out my raggedy close for today. When she was here I wasn’t allowed to bathe in the house. She said dogs bathe outside where they belonged and that they didn’t have the luxury of bathing inside and if caught she would kill them. In other words if I were caught bathing in the house she would kill me. I went outside to the back yard and cut on the water I grabbed my bucket and filled it with water. I began to clean myself up until I caught the eyes of him looking down on me from upstairs. I quickly cleaned myself up and threw on my clothes. I hated him I wanted to kill him and make him suffer slowly. I gathered up my clothing and put them in the bucket of water and began to clean them. I felt as if someone were standing over me. I turned around and bumped right into his chest. “Hurry the hell up I’m hungry slut.” Was what he said to me. In the back of my mind I wanted to curse him and call him names the way he did me. I tried to ease my way pass him but he grabbed me and shoved his hands down the front of my pants I flinched at him and watched as she came outside by the look on her face I could tell she was fired up and ready for war. I knew he heard her too because he took his hands out of my pants and walked off. She walked up to me and began to hit me repeatedly over and over. I fell to the ground and met the bottom of her work boots as the kicked me over and over again until my body went numb and everything became blurry. I couldn’t see out of my left eye but with my right I could see her boot come down for its final time as everything around me went completely black.
Chapter 3
I woke up to what felt like water being poured on me. “Get your ass up.” She said walking back in the house. I got up and went inside for my morning routine. I snatched my sheets and my blanket and headed for the basement to wash my stuff. I gathered my stuff and decided that I would use the bathroom down there to get ready that way I wouldn’t be in their way if and when they got up. After putting my things in the washing machine and turning it on I closed and locked the basement door so that they couldn’t get down to bother me or start any drama. I ran my bath water and proceeded to soak away the dried blood that was on my skin. I bit my bottom lip as I eased down in the warm almost hot water I admitted that it burned, but after a while the warmness soaked into my skin and the pains began to subside and fade away. It hadn’t even been five minutes when I heard her banging at the basement door. I decided to get up and push the heavy Chester in front of the door so that they really couldn’t get in. I swear I could live in this basement and avoid them all together. “Katelyn unlock this fucking door right now.” She yelled. I sat there and laughed at how she was literally wasting her time trying to get in here knowing she couldn’t. After my hour soak my skin had returned to its usual color and majority of the scars were invisible. I decided to sponge my body down with some peroxide and put Neosporin and Band-Aids on majority of the visible scars you could almost see. My outfit for the day consisted on a pair of boot cut blue jeans and a thermal baby phat long sleeve shirt. All of which Ms. Ruthie the nice old lady I called grandma next door would get her grandson to jump across the fence and bring every morning to my window. After getting dressed and brushing my hair into the perfect ponytail I continued to get settled and dressed for the day. After hearing the front door slam twice and looking out of the small basement window to see if the car was pulling out and waiting for them both to drive off. I moved the Chester and headed next door to Ms. Ruthie’s for some real breakfast before school. I walked outside and the cold Ohio air hit me like nothing I grabbed my coat and proceeded out the door. I cross the yard and entered Ms. Ruthie’s yard through the small gate. “Grandma Katelyn is here.” Joey yelled. I opened the door and followed the smell of homemade butter biscuits. “Good morning family.” I said kissing Ms. Ruthie on the cheek and sitting down in my usual seat. “Good Morning my Katelyn.” Ms. Ruthie said running her hand over the Band-Aid I had on my face. I watched as she shook her head and quickly turned away. “Katelyn, Why do you have a Band-Aid on your face?” Samuel Ms. Ruthie’s youngest grandson asked me. I looked at Ms. Ruthie who was busy fixing plates and humming. “It’s a new fashion statement Sammie.” I said blowing off his question. Ms. Ruthie Placed our breakfast in front of us and took her seat. I looked at her, joey, and Samuel and wished my family at home was more like theirs. Samuel said prayer and we ate our breakfast in peace. Afterwards we all headed out the door for our usual day of school.
Chapter 4
At school it really didn’t seem as if everything got better. I had to deal with kids picking and pointing at my scars. On top of that I got jumped and the money I had taken this morning to get something to eat for later was now gone so I would not be eating anything tonight. I decided that maybe she was right about this school thing what was the use it’s not like I was learning anything. By my third class I was tired of the constant stares and snickers from my classmates so I decided to get up and leave I raised my hand for the bathroom pass. “Yes Ms. Marshall what is it this time?” Mr. Barkley asked. “Can I get the restroom pass?” I asked giving him just as much attitude as he gave me. I watched as he slowly walked towards his desk and took his time searching for the pass. By now I was irritated and decided to say to hell with it and walked out the class without it. I listened as the sound of Mr. Barkley yelling my name became a whisper in my ear. I stepped out into a world of dark clouds and large water puddles. I stood there in the exit of the school and looked at the scenery. I decided to head towards my neighborhood where I lived with him and her. The closer I got the more my pain and hurt came back to my body. When I reached the house my heart sanked down into my shoes both cars were in the driveway. I slowly walked up to the house and put my hand on the door knob. I stood there for what may have been forever I could hear the screams, the words, the glass shattering, and the punches of him hitting her. I stood there shaking as if it was zero below freezing. The warmness of the tears sliding down face, I turned to walk away but ended up walking into someone’s chest. Whoever I was they took me in their arms and held me there. I looked up to see my grandma smiling down at me. A sense of relief swept over me as se stroked my hair and began humming my favorite song. “Why are you not at school young lady?” she asked me. I sat down on the steps and put my head down in my hands. “Mama says school is for dummies and that it’s a waste of time and I am never going to get anywhere with it.” I said catching tears in my hand. I watched as my grandma’s face went from caring and loving to hurt and anger. “Lisa! LISA!..” I listened to my grandma yell for her as she walked upstairs. I sat at the bottom of the steps and continued to hold my face in my hands. “Ma what the hell do you want?” she said coming out her room. I turned around to look at her and she cut me a look that made my heart jump into my throat. I decided to walk pass her and go to my room. I left the door cracked so that I could hear my grandma chew her out. I watched as my granny came towards me and pushed my door open. “Come on Katelyn lets go.” She said. I looked at her with a confused look on my face, and watched as she put all my clothes and belonging in a big trash bag. “Come on Katelyn lets go we going home.” She said grabbing my hands. At that very moment words couldn’t describe how I felt. Was it true? Was I really leaving the hell hole I was forced to call home? I turned around and seen him standing there beside her. The look on their faces wasn’t what really scared me the most it was knowing that if something went wrong with grandma I would be coming back. Once outside I hugged and kissed Ms. Ruthie and the boys. She winked at me I knew she had called granny and told her what had went on the other day. I made sure to hug her extra tight and tell her thank you as my tears fell as Granny and I
left walking hand in hand.
Text: Destiny Bowman Images: Destiny Bowman All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 20th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-destinybowman12 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-melody-dupree-anthony-039-s-story/ | MELODY DUPREE Anthony's Story
Anquan's point of view
It was another normal guys night out. Without our captain to ruin things and tell us what to do, we headed to the newest strip club in town. Apparently a dancer from out of town had come to visit and was there to entertain the new men that flocked the club. I had just parked the car containing Pierce, Ray, Flacco and I when there was a knock on my window. I rolled down my window and saw Randy Moss staring in at me.
“What Moss,” I snapped as I noticed a brown haired girl get out of his car. Her hair was in a French braid and my immediate thought was to drive off, but when she turned around I saw a younger version of my team captain.
“Mel has a daughter and she’s supposed to meet you here,” I guessed and he nodded.
“She’s my pride and joy and here comes Mel,” he said straightening up and causing all of us to groan in disappointment.
“Melinda,” Mel called and the girl ran over to her tears in her eyes.
“Roll up the window,” Ray hissed as Melinda started giving us away.
“Momma four of your teammates are in that car daddy’s standing next to,” she said in a singsong voice.
“Oh really; I remember very clearly telling my team that they could not come to the strip club and anyone of my team that disobeyed me would not like the consequences,” she said and I looked back at Flacco.
“What I didn’t think she was serious,” he said and I let out a sigh.
“Yeah well we’re busted now,” Ray said and Pierce shook his head.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? Three of my wide receivers and one of my linebackers disobeying me. Let’s see what I can come up with for punishments,” Mel said and my head snapped up.
I flashed my eyes up to the rearview mirror to look at Ray and I knew I had to protect him.
“Captain please,” I whispered and she turned her attention to me.
“Please what,” she snapped and the guys shrunk back in their seats.
“It wasn’t their idea to come to the strip club and disobey you. We were sitting in my car when I decided to suddenly pull out of my driveway. It was a stupid move and I take full responsibility for disobeying you,” I said and she wrenched open my car door, forcefully yanking me out as she did so.
I knew it was never going to stop until she got my son as retribution for the death of her son, which happened while he was in my care, but still I never give in that easily and I'll be damned before I turn my son over to a monster like her.
Captain pushed me up against the car and breathed, “Why do I suddenly regret letting you off the hook when you disobeyed me last week.” Out loud she said, “Randy let’s meet again tomorrow night because I have something I need to take care of right now.”
Randy nodded and left with Melinda in tow and Mel waited until they were out of sight before she knocked me to the ground with her fist. I heard a car door slam shut and suddenly Mel was being lured away from me by someone I couldn’t see but I knew it had to be Joe Flacco. I was yanked up by my other two teammates who had come to my rescue as well.
“You guys didn’t need to yank me up that roughly,” I said and they immediately apologized.
“Get Flacco and let’s go,” I said and got in the car.
“Flacco let’s go,” Ray called and I looked back to see Flacco get knocked to the ground as he turned towards the car to get in.
“Ray let’s go! We got to go. We can’t help him now let’s go,” I shouted and Ray jumped in the car.
We pulled out of the parking lot leaving Flacco at the mercy of our team captain.
Flacco's point of view
I turned at the sound of Ray’s voice only to get knocked to the ground by my team captain. I heard voices shouting, the sound of a car door slamming shut, and a car pulling out of the parking lot. I scrambled backwards as my team captain came over to me with an angry look in her eyes.
“Get up, right now,” she snapped and I immediately scrambled to get to my feet.
I stood there in front of her with my head down and realized I was about to find out what happened to Anquan every time he was called in to her office even when he hadn’t had the chance to piss her off.
“Come on let’s get you home Joe,” Mel whispered and walked away towards her car.
“Wait I’m not in trouble with you for coming to the strip club with the guys,” I asked and she shook her head.
“No but the guys are in trouble with me for leaving you behind. What’s my number one rule when on the field,” she asked looking over at me.
“Stick together and leave no man or in your case woman behind,” I replied and she nodded.
“Get in the car and let’s get you home,” she said and I went home immediately throwing myself into my bed headfirst.
“Joe tell me who Anquan was protecting. When he looked up at the rearview mirror it looked like he was looking at you. But if he had been protecting you I don’t think you would have come so close to me tonight. I want you to tell me who he was protecting,” Mel whispered in my ear while running her hands down my back.
“If I do then what: Anquan gets hurt for protecting one of the team,” I whispered tears running down my face.
“All I want to know is who Anquan was protecting so badly. Trust me you would not like the kind of punishment Anquan receives if it was coming to you Joe. So make it easier on yourself and tell me who he was protecting,” she whispered, dragging her fingers through my over grown hair.
‘Damn, I need a haircut again,’ I thought as I panicked about what to do in this situation I was now in.
She got to the base of my skull and gently tugged on my hair but from what Anquan had told me it wouldn’t be gentle for long.
“He was protecting Ray. It was all Ray’s idea to disobey you and Captain, I am personally sorry for going along with the deception and not notifying you about his plan to disobey you. I will take whatever punishment you have to give me for disobeying you,” I whispered and buried my face in my pillow so she couldn’t see the tears streaming down my face.
“I’ll decide your punishment later because right now I have to deal with Anquan,” Mel said and left.
The front door slammed shut and with that I fell into a fitful sleep.
Anquan's point of view
I was back at home but I knew it wasn’t safe as my team captain had a key to my house.
“Thank God Anthony isn’t home and that he had enough sense to go to Jamie’s house for the night,” I thought as the front door suddenly slammed open.
I ran for my room in a panic but just as I reached the threshold my captain slammed into me sending me to the floor of my hallway with her fist. I curled into a ball on my side carefully and discreetly putting my back against the wall of the hallway. But luck was not on my side today as she yanked me into a standing position and threw me head first into my bedroom where I crumpled to the floor in a sobbing heap of skin and clothes. I looked up at her fear the present emotion on my face and tried to scramble away from her as she walked over to me. Still, I had no luck as she knelt down and started to run her fingers through my braids. When she got to the end of my braids she gently tugged on one of the braids and I maneuvered myself into a kneeling position so she could do what she came to do. But what happened next was a complete surprise for me.
“Why did you lie to me Anquan? What did I ever do to deserve the disrespect I got from you boys tonight,” she asked and I carefully turned my head to look at her face.
She was upset, that much was clear but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be punished tonight. Then suddenly it dawned on me: she was here to get my son and he wasn’t here. Once again I thanked God for giving me a son that had a brain under all that pretty hair on his head.
“Anthony’s not here Mel. He’s at Jamie’s house for the night with the rest of the team. I’ll bring him to you tomorrow so you can stop trying to force me to give him to you. Okay,” I said and hung my head ashamed that I had just showed that kind of weakness in my resolve.
“Don’t bother to bring him to me. Pack his things and I’ll go pick him up now,” Mel said and got up.
She waited for me to stand and then walked towards the only other occupied room in the house. I slowly grabbed the duffel bags that Anthony kept under his bed and packed his clothes in one; his shoes in another; and all his posters in another. I waited to see what she was going to say about his electronics and she answered my unspoken question.
“He can bring his laptop, his IPod, and his cellphone. Nothing else do you hear me,” she said and I nodded.
I took the bags out to her car and went back inside to pack his laptop in its case; put the iPod in the case along with his cellphone and finally I put in the chargers. I took the bag out to her and she put it on the passenger side seat next to her.
“Tell him I said goodbye and that I love him,” I begged and she nodded.
“I will,” she promised and left without a backwards glance at me.
Anthony's point of view
It was late but we were enjoying ourselves. With no adult to tell us we had to go to bed at ten at night, we were grouped in a circle with an empty beer bottle, that Junior had drank out of, in the middle of the circle with all of us taking turns to spin the bottle. With no girls around for us to kiss we resorted to acting gay for a minute or two so we could play the game properly. I was sitting between Jamie Pierce and Joseph Jones when suddenly the bottle landed on Jamie. I suppressed a groan and dropped my head into my hands causing the guys to laugh and making Jamie pout. I knew I had no other choice and couldn’t force him to choose someone else so I turned towards him, quietly conveying that he had to do all of the work in this. He nodded and leaned towards me meeting me halfway and made the kiss quick and short knowing I didn’t want to do it. After I got that out of the way it was my turn to spin the bottle and it immediately landed on me. I smiled and turned to my other side away from Jamie and lunged at Joseph almost immediately. I planted a big kiss on his lips and smirked when he started to complain after I pulled back.
“Man why couldn’t you have kissed Junior? He’s drunk enough that he wouldn’t remember that unless someone here took a picture of it,” he said causing all of the guys to laugh.
“Just take your damn turn and shut up,” I said and he spun the bottle which immediately made it my turn again.
I lunged across the circle towards Junior who met me halfway and made it the longest kiss any of us ever had while playing this game. Junior pulled back after about five minutes and spun the bottle which landed on Jason the youngest player on the team. Jason looked towards me and then at Michael before looking back at me. I nodded and we met halfway across the circle before our lips touched completely. Just then the lights went out and I heard a swishing sound coming down towards Jamie who let out a scream and I turned to see the mother of most of the team glaring down at me and Jason, looking completely out of her mind. I looked at Jamie who was a sobbing mess and noticed his back was bleeding through the white T-shirt he was wearing.
“Jamie,” I cried as his whimpers grew louder.
His blood was pooling on the floor and there was no way we could explain this one to his dad. Except by my disappearance and that was if I could get her to take me without hurting the guys which was a very slim chance. I crawled towards Jamie and noticed a tear in his shirt and quickly looked at his mother’s hand to see a horsewhip wrapped around her hand with just the tip hanging loose. I cringed away and gently pulled Jamie into a sitting position and ripped the shirt off of him and pressed the soft cotton against the open wound. By the time his mother realized what I was doing I had wrapped an ace bandage around the shirt and secured it just as his dad came in to check on us. When Jamie’s dad saw Jamie’s mother standing over us he immediately thought we had done something wrong. I explained that we had just finished playing spin the bottle with Jason being the last one to have the bottle land on him and that Jamie’s mother had probably walked in on something that she didn’t think her children were capable of and that was us kissing each other. He nodded and walked away taking Jamie’s mother with him. I sighed in relief and started to get to my feet to go to the bathroom when Jamie’s dad came back in with a scowl on his face and it was directed at Jamie.
“Jamie were you boys playing spin the bottle without girls being here at all during all these parties you boys always throw,” his dad asked.
“Yes we do, dad,” Jamie whispered, and leaned against me as he started to cry harder.
“I got to go okay guys? See you on Monday at school,” I said and got up.
I walked out of the room and straight into my new master who grabbed my upper arm and dragged me out of the house and threw me into her car before I could even speak.
“Um, you do know I have a car and I can follow you to your house from here,” I stammered and she looked back at me and laughed.
“You are coming with me. There’s no way I am letting you take your car and then you head to your father’s house. You are now my slave and your father’ requested that I tell you that he loves you,” she said and I threw myself from the car just as she pulled out of the driveway.
I ran for my car and jumped in quickly starting the engine and pulling out of Jamie’s driveway and heading for the plantation on the outskirts of town. The one place I had always dreaded going to was the Johnson Plantation and now I had no choice but to go. The one thing I knew for sure was that I had just earned myself a beating when I get there.
“I will just do it and take my punishment,” I said looking in the rearview mirror.
She was hot on my tail and I made the final turn and drove up the long winding path all the way to the front door. This would possibly be the last time I used my car so I took a few minutes to let her park and get out of her car before I opened my car door and got out of mine. Once out of my car I breathed in the smell of pine and walnut and slowly I walked over to her quietly kneeling down in front of her; my new master.
Mel's point of view
I stared at the boy kneeling in front of me with nothing short of anger on my face. He kept his head bowed and stared at my feet not saying a word. Then I noticed he was shaking and that all he had on was a wife beater tank top and his blue jeans with ratty sneakers. I made a mental note to check his clothes and see what was too old for him to wear before I made any judgments. I took a deep breath in and smelled the scent of ripe and ready to be picked walnuts before I looked back at the boy.
“You may stand,” I said and he slowly stood up his eyes never leaving the ground.
“Where is your shirt,” I asked gently lifting his chin so I could have eye contact.
“It’s in my book bag because it ripped so I took it off and put it in there instead of throwing it away,” he whispered and I took off my jacket quietly wrapping it around his shoulders.
“Let’s get your bags out of the trunk of my car and up to your new room so you can unpack okay,” I said and he nodded quietly looking back at the ground hoping and praying that I had not seen his tears.
Suddenly I realized why Anquan had always been so adamant about refusing to let him go: Anthony was emotionally attached to his dad since he grew up without a mom all of his life. Right there I decided that I would be that mother figure that he needed and probably wanted. I pulled the shivering boy into my arms and let him break down as I pulled him down to the ground so we could be comfortable and not have aching feet when he calmed down enough to get his things out of the trunk of my car.
“There, there everything’s going to be okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to you here. I promise you that. Do you hear me Anthony,” I said and he nodded quietly wiping his face dry with the back of his hand.
“I want to go back home to my dad, please. I can come and check in every morning before I go to school and every afternoon before I go home,” he whispered hopefully.
I shook my head and said, “That is not possible but I can allow you to call him just so you know that he’s okay. And I will also let you visit him over the weekend every weekend: from Friday night to Sunday evening. But here is the condition in that: you cannot go to anyone else’s house unless you have my permission and you have to tell me how long you are going to be there and if I have to pick you up from that person’s house. Is that okay with you Anthony?”
“Okay I guess that can work since it’s probably the only offer I’m going to get like that,” he whispered and I let out a laugh.
“You can call him after we unpack your things in your new room okay,” I said and he nodded.
He stood up and offered me his hand which I took gratefully and he helped me up. If there was one thing I had been doubtful about before every doubt I had was erased. He was probably the best trained kid that was probably more obedient than my own children and that was from what I had walked in on. Reflecting now I realize that I probably got Jason into a lot of trouble when I called his dad and told him what had happened and what I had walked in on.
“Well it’s too late to go back now,” I thought and clicked open the trunk of my car.
I went around the front of my car and grabbed the laptop case and handed it to Anthony and gestured towards the trunk of my car. We walked around my car and I helped him with his bags taking the two that were the heaviest.
“Anthony do you want me to show you to a room or do you want to choose from the rooms which one you want,” I asked and he shook his head.
“You decide because it’s your house,” he whispered and walked towards his car.
I followed after him and showed him to the master bedroom and said, “It’s all yours Anthony. I hope you enjoy it.” After that I went to my room and changed into my nightclothes. After about twenty minutes I went and checked on Anthony to find all of his things put away and him fast asleep curled up on the floor, so I picked him up and pulled back the covers before I laid him down and covered him with the many quilts I had placed on the bed to keep him warm. That night was the most peaceful night’s sleep I had ever had in that house.
Jason's point of view
I was panicking. I had not wanted to go home and face my dad because I knew he would ask why I was kissing one of the guys. Shit if he has a problem with it he can talk to Junior who happens to be my boyfriend. I’m gay and proud of it. Just then I heard the front door open and two men came into the house laughing their butts off. I hid behind the couch even though I knew one of the men was my dad but I did not recognize the other man. Hell I knew my dad was gay but I had never seen him with another man.
“Damn Michael that was freaking funny but are you sure you need to stay the night to make sure nothing happens to me or is it because you want to be in charge of this relationship,” my dad asked and I sucked in a breath.
“What was that sound,” I heard the other guy ask as they stepped into the living room.
“Probably just my butler trying not to be noticed even though I know he’s behind the couch hiding from me. Now my room is right down the hall the first doorway on the left,” my dad said and the other guy left the room.
I heard a door close and suddenly my dad was yanking me up onto my feet from behind the couch.
“What are you doing here, Junior” my dad hissed looking behind him with a worried expression on his face.
“Jamie sent us all home because mom showed up and she now knows I’m gay. Now on to other subjects he doesn’t know about me does he,” I whispered and my dad shook his head.
“No he doesn’t and I don’t want to tell him,” my dad whispered back and I nodded.
“Well I will be in my room if you need me. Have a nice night okay,” I whispered and he nodded.
Slowly I walked down the hallway and opened my bedroom door to go in my room when suddenly my dad was behind me. He grabbed my upper arm and pulled me into my room, quickly closing and locking the door behind him. He gave me a set of instructions to which I nodded and he left the room. I changed into my nightclothes and went to bed for a peaceful night’s sleep. The next morning I got up and headed to breakfast only to walk right back to my room, grab my wallet and place it in my book bag. I got dressed and grabbed my bag, quietly grabbing a couple fifty dollar bills from out of the jar in my closet and my car keys before going out of my bedroom window. I got in my car and quietly started the engine before realizing that the fool had parked behind me and I had no way to get out of the driveway. I turned off the car, went back inside and told my “uncle” about the problem of his friend parking behind me and he quickly got the keys and moved the car.
“Thanks a lot dad,” I whispered and left as he waved goodbye to me.
The next stop on my list was Junior’s house and one way or another he was getting in my goddamn car. I pulled up to Junior’s house and honked the horn to see him peek out of the window to his bedroom and immediately drop the blinds. I parked the car and got out quietly walking up to his bedroom window. I pushed it open and climbed in scaring the crap out of him when he turned around. I gave him a good once over and noticed he was still in his night clothes before I spoke.
“Are you coming to school today Junior,” I asked looking over his shoulder at the door and over my shoulder at the window.
“I can’t go. I caught the flu,” he whispered but even at that voice tone I could tell his nose was stuffed up and he had a sore throat.
“So do you want me to bring your school work over or is your dad going to pick it up for you,” I asked and he shook his head.
“My dad said he was going to pick it up and also see if his captain could give him a day off from work to take care of me,” Junior said and immediately started coughing.
“You know what you probably caught that damn virus from kissing Anthony last night. He had been going on about being sent to school by his dad even though he was sick and Jamie still invited him. The way I see it if I get sick behind him he’s going to get hurt. And Joseph wasn’t even supposed to be there so you know he isn’t going to show at school today. Well besides all of that have a nice day off and I hope you feel better,” I said giving him a gentle kiss on the lips.
I went back out through the window and drove off just as his dad pulled into the driveway. I knew just by Junior not going that I was going to have a crappy day.
Junior's point of view
As I heard my dad’s car pull back into the driveway I scrambled to get into my bed and make it seem like I had been there the whole time. Just then there was a knock on my bedroom door and my dad came in with my schoolbooks, homework and my classwork which he placed on the desk that was by the window. He looked at the window and then at me before he closed the window with a bang and locked it.
“Junior was Jason here before I got back because I could have sworn he was pulling off just as I was arriving,” my dad said sitting down on the side of my bed.
“He just stopped by to pick me up for school and left after telling me to feel better once I told him I had caught the flu,” I whispered and started to cough again.
My dad let out a sigh and asked, “What else did he say because I don’t think you are telling me everything?”
I too let out a sigh and said, “When we have those parties you do know there are no girls present, right? So last night we were playing spin the bottle and it landed on Anthony twice but he is already sick with the virus but we didn’t know so the first time it landed on Anthony he kissed Joseph. The second time it landed on him Anthony and I kissed for a good five minutes, so Jason thinks I got the flu from Anthony.”
My dad stared at me like I had grown a second head and I knew it was time I confessed to my dad the truth about me being gay.
“Dad I have a confession to make and I’m almost positive you’re not going to like it. So here it goes: I’m gay and Jason is my boyfriend,” I said and my dad hit the floor unconscious.
I let out a sigh and knelt down beside him as I always did when he would pass out when I was little. I pulled his head onto my lap and checked his eyes to see if there was recognition ability in the dark brown irises. I let his eyelid drop once I was satisfied and I grabbed my pillow, gently placing his head on it once the pillow was on the floor. I got up and sat down on my bed to await the storm and inevitable fury of my dad when he awoke. I knew he wasn’t happy about my choice but I knew that my confession could probably just have gotten me kicked out of the house. But I sat and waited for him to regain consciousness so I could escape to my dream world where Jason was no doubtedly waiting for me to arrive and tend to his every need.
“Junior, please tell me you were joking about being gay and dating Jason,” my dad asked the moment he regained consciousness.
He looked up at me with those dark brown eyes full of sadness and despair and all I could do to answer him was shake my head no. I couldn’t bear the emotion that entered his eyes next. It was one of such loathing and dislike that I cringed away as tears started to stream down my face. I threw myself face down on my bed and cried as I heard my bedroom door slam shut as he stormed out of the room. Over the sound of my cries I heard something shatter in the living room and knew he had probably just smashed the brand new family photo that we had done just last Saturday with me in my football uniform and him in his. The next action would be him tearing it into pieces and destroying all evidence that we had ever been a happy family. I began to sob harder as I realized I had just lost all the love my dad had for me and I would never get that back. Just then the front door slammed shut and the glass on the door shattered causing my dad to curse at the top of his lungs as he now had to spend money on a brand new door for the front entrance. At that moment I made the decision to leave this home and never look back, so I started to pack all my clothes, shoes, and books in my suitcases. I quietly zipped up the suitcases and looked at the posters on the walls of my room sadly and took the suitcases out to my car. I sat the cases on the backseat of my car and went back inside the house to see what my dad had broken. As I had thought the family photo was smashed and torn in two pieces, so I picked up the two pieces and repaired the damage, before walking out of the house with the newly repaired picture in my hands. Without sparing the house another glance I headed towards the airport. By the end of the week I would be in London in the house my mother had left me in her will. And without a second thought about Jason or the rest of my teammates I boarded the plane to London and comfortably sat back in my first class seat as I waited for the flight to take off. This was the start of my new life and I was finally breaking free from my dad and my now exboyfriend. I was finally free and it felt good.
Ray's point of view
After I calmed down I went home to find Junior’s room empty except for the posters I had bought him when he was little. No clothes, shoes or books could be found in that room and all I could do when I found his cell phone was break down in tears like he had and sob. I went into the living room and noticed the two halves of the family photo we had done were gone and that there was the scotch tape in its place on the table.
“What did I do to him that could possibly make him runaway like this,” I asked myself and I came up empty as always.
So I decided I would go to Anquan’s house to see what I could have done to make my son run off like that. When I got there I knew something was wrong because Anthony’s car was not in the driveway where he normally parked it and I knew for a fact his dad would take him to school instead of him driving the expensive car to school. I knocked on the front door and then waited as Anquan shouted that he was coming from behind the door. When he opened it a look of surprise crossed his features and he stepped back to let me in without a word. So I started the conversation for the first time in years; actually since we were kids.
“Did you let Anthony drive to school today, Anquan,” I asked and he shook his head.
“Naw, Mel went over to Jamie’s and took him from me last night. I don’t even think she knows that he called me last night before he went to bed. All I know is I’m never going to see him again, just like my dad never saw me again. So enough about me and my life what brings you here Ray because we haven’t talked since I was in Anthony’s position with being Melissa’s slave,” he whispered and I knew it would be hard to hear that his fun loving nephew had up and done a runner to somewhere new.
“Junior ran away today and left behind all of his posters and even his cell phone behind; nothing else was left,” I said and Anquan’s head shot up his brow wrinkled in confusion.
“He could be heading to London because Mel left him a house out there. She gave him the keys to it on his sixteenth birthday and told him what they were for. It’s a really nice house with antique furnishings and purple painted and black trimmed walls in every room. The way her father decorated it for her with me, the one time he took all of us me included on a family vacation, was to die for and she showed it to Junior. He loved it. Try heading him off and take a much needed vacation while you’re at it, okay Ray,” he said and I nodded.
“Thanks a lot Anquan that’s all I needed to hear,” I said and he nodded quietly showing me to the door.
“Have a nice vacation Ray. You deserve it,” Anquan shouted as I made my way to my car on the side of the street where I always parked.
“I will,” I shouted and drove towards the airport.
My luck was with me; I made it to the airport with enough time to catch the second flight to London and get to him just before he could leave Heathrow Airport in London. When the flight landed three days later I had security radio Junior over the intercom and when no one came to where I was standing that looked like my son I hopped into a cab and told them the location of the house and tossed some of my converted money over the seat and the cab driver took off. Once there I got out of the car and went inside the house to see Junior lying on the couch asleep and his ravens blanket covering him. There was no pillow under his head but I knew he was asleep because of the time difference and jetlag.
“Junior it’s time for you to wake up,” I said roughly shaking his shoulder.
He groaned and rolled over on the wide sofa and looked at me through sleep filled eyes.
“Dad what are you doing here,” he groaned too afraid to go back to sleep now that I was here.
“We need to talk because I don’t take kindly to my only son running away from home like you did three days ago,” I whispered kneeling down beside him and running one of my hands through his hair.
He looked down tears in his eyes and started to cry in shame as I noticed the picture I had torn in two above the mantlepiece in a new frame and taped back together into one piece. Junior looked up as I rose to my full height to look at the picture to see that it wasn’t taped but that it was the one that he had kept in his room with him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto the couch as he wrapped his arms around my waist in a hug that we both very much needed. I pulled him up into a sitting position and hugged him tightly as he cried into my shirt.
“Junior you’re not in any trouble with me. I just need to know what I did to you that would make you do something like this,” I whispered into his hair.
“When you asked if I was joking about being gay and dating Jason and I told you no you looked at me with so much hate in your expression that it made me feel like you didn’t want me anymore. So I decided to just leave it all behind and never look back. But I would still have the pictures so I could always have the memories. Those would never fade away,” he sobbed into my shirt and I just rubbed his back hoping he would calm down.
We stayed that way until he fell back to sleep against me and I stretched out on the sofa quietly going to sleep with my arms wrapped protectively around my son. I slept for about three hours and then I got up to make dinner for my son and I when a hand shot out and pulled me back down onto the couch and then my son was breathing in the scent of my cologne that was on my shirt. A knock on the door alerted me to the fact that we had a visitor so I got up and went to answer the door with Junior trailing along behind me. The last person I expected to see there on the front steps was my team captain looking extremely pissed at something and I knew it wasn’t the boy standing behind her. I stepped to the side and Mel came into the house with Anthony right behind her. I looked at Junior with the question ‘did you tell her where we were at any point’ in my eyes and he shook his head in response. Now I knew I was in deep shit because the only person that knew I was here was Anquan and it wasn’t every day your team captain showed up where you were at taking a much needed vacation. I closed the door and walked after my team captain who was looking around the living room at the changes in décor when Junior and Anthony made eye contact which was the one thing that didn’t go unnoticed by Mel. She smacked Anthony on the back of his head and he ducked his eyes quickly tearing his gaze away from Junior’s gaze. Junior turned around and walked up the stairs to the second floor and entered the room that had the door open. I heard the springs creak on the bed and knew he had laid back down to go to sleep. I sighed in exasperation and walked over to the couch and sat down gesturing for the other two to also take a seat. Mel took a seat and Anthony looked at me and the chair fear in his eyes before he decided to lean against the wall instead of taking a seat. I shrugged and turned towards Mel before Anthony noticed the glare she was sending him. Anthony got off of the wall and took the seat she pointed at all the while never saying a single word. I looked at my team captain’s hands and noticed that she had a cut on the back of her wrist going down to the inside of her elbow that made me think the reason Anthony was keeping his mouth shut was because of that mark on her arm. I took her injured arm in my hand and called Junior down with the first aid kit. I wiped down the cut with an alcohol wipe and then wrapped an ace bandage around her arm, quietly pulling her into my arms when I noticed she was crying.
“Mel baby girl it is okay. I’m right here just tell me what happened,” I whispered over and over until finally she nodded.
“I went over to your house to talk to Junior but his room was empty of everything except for his posters. So I called your phone to let you know and I got a notice saying that you were on your way to London and that you would call me back when you returned to the states so I went over to Anquan’s house to drop Anthony off with him for the weekend. We got into a fight and he cut my hand all the way to the inside of my elbow by pushing me through a glass door. So I left and took Anthony with me. Anthony was trying to put up a fight as well when he saw his dad so he knows he’s in trouble with me which is why he hasn’t said a single word since we got here which is also the reason I looked pissed off when you opened the front door. So how are you enjoying London so far, Ray,” she asked and I shook my head.
“I really only came to get Junior because he ran away. Anquan was the one who told me about this house and that Junior was probably on his way here. When I left his house he told me to take a vacation but I have no clothes over here so I can’t really stay, now can I,” I asked with a faint smile and she shook her head in agreement.
“My dad’s old room has plenty of clothes in the closet that might fit you if you want me to show you which room was his,” she whispered and I silently nodded ‘yes’.
I took her hand and pulled her to her feet and spun her around in a slow circle as she let loose a stream of giggles. I pulled her in close and our lips touched but I noticed that her eyes never left Anthony who was heading up the stairs because Junior was calling him. I heard the bedroom door click shut and then Anthony let loose a scream of pain that had me and Mel running up the stairs in a rush. Mel grabbed the key that was above the door jamb and unlocked the door with me pushing on it with enough force to get it open even though Junior was leaning against it trying to keep it shut. Junior got it closed again and this time there was the sound of a dead bolt sliding into the locked position and then the unmistakable sounds of Anthony’s whimpers and Junior’s footsteps which clearly told me he was walking away from the door. I looked at Mel and she looked at me before I got what she was trying to tell me with her eyes. We took the necessary steps and together we crashed into the door taking it off of its hinges just as Anthony let out another scream of pain. I lunged towards Junior and grabbed him around his waist and taking him to the floor at the same time. The only problem was we landed right on top of Anthony who tried to scramble away even as I noticed that there was a sickening cut on the side of his face.
“Damn Anquan’s not going to like it when I tell him how his son got that cut,” I thought and rolled onto my back taking Junior with me so Anthony could get away from Junior.
Mel pulled Anthony into a standing position and he immediately started to cry just like Junior was because one: Junior knew he was in trouble and two: Anthony believed that he was in trouble with Mel and then again I wouldn’t know. I looked at Mel to see her drag Anthony out of the room and I distinctly heard another door slam shut down the hallway before I let go of Junior. He curled into a ball on his side and let the tears just fall as I got to my feet. I examined the damage done to the door and noticed that the screws had been loosened enough for us to easily take the door off of its hinges the way we did when we crashed into the door. I walked back over to Junior and bent down wrapping my hand around his upper arm and yanked him up into a standing position. My only surprise was that he didn’t fight back not even when I slammed him into the bed and took off my belt and whipped his behind.
“You never attack anyone. I taught you better than that,” I roared as I hit him across his face with the belt to prove my point as it cut the side of his face from his temple to the edge of his jaw.
He slid to the ground at my feet and wrapped his arms around his chest completely ignoring the new bleeding cut. He looked straight ahead not even blinking and I bent down so I was eye level with him. When I made eye contact with him he stared past me like I wasn’t in his face. That had the most terrifying effect on me that I couldn’t help but call for his mother. She was the one to tell me his mind had shut down and to just leave him be for the meantime. I checked him for cuts (besides the one he had gotten from the belt) and bruises and then checked the room for any weapons that could hurt him and finding none I picked him up and gently placed him on the bed and then cleaned the cut to which I received several faint whimpers before I stopped cleaning the wound. After that I left and went to have a nice "talk" with Mel while she supervised Anthony in the living room.
Anthony's point of view
I was scared. I couldn’t tell if she was angry with me or if she thought I had gotten what I deserved now that I had this cut going down the side of my face. I was sitting on the wide sofa with a wet towel pressed against the side of my face that was bleeding and my master sitting across from me just staring at me. I leant my head back against the back of the sofa and closed my eyes and tried to remember a time when my life wasn’t so complicated and it came to me: my first year of high school which was the day I tried out for the football team.
“Damn it I’m always running late,” I thought, as I ran to get to the field before tryouts for the football team started.
I got to the field and dropped my bag down by the bleachers and walked over to where my childhood friends were sitting and I dropped to the ground just as the actual members of the team were arriving on the field. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at Jamie Pierce to see him grinning like a Cheshire cat and then he pointed at the guys in uniform and I saw why. Both of his older brothers where on the team and he was dying to join so he could hang out with them every day. Linebackers Junior Lewis and Jasper Moss were forces to be reckoned with on and off the field. No one and I mean no one dared to mess with them unless you didn’t know what they could do and trust me it would haunt you later. I stared at the team not blinking for a few seconds and then I closed my eyes and released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Then came the coach behind the team. The rumor surrounding the coach and football team of Baltimore High School was that the first woman to play football who happened to be stationed in Baltimore on the Ravens came from this school and had paved the way for women of future generations to play football like she had. The coach turned to face us and with a sigh his one paragraph speech began.
“ Now I know six of you boys through your fathers’ incessant talking about you during high school reunions while your mother is a little more reserved about her kids and her life. Anthony I know because I personally invited him to try out even though his father actually advised against it. Which I found quite funny actually. Probably scared his kid will beat his rushing and one interception record he left behind when he went on to college because no wide receiver has yet to beat it unless you count the only girl I ever coached who went on to be the Baltimore Ravens Quarterback. Do your best I do not expect any of you to be done under the time limit that I will set but I do expect your scores in each test area to be extremely high because of who your parents are. Now good luck and I will be back in three hours.”
Three weeks later I was on the team although my dad wasn’t happy about it. Things had never seemed simpler than they did then.
*end flashback*
I felt a hand on my leg and I opened my eyes to see Junior’s dad kneeling in front of me one hand on the sofa the other hand on my upper leg just below my thigh. I took the towel from my face and let him clean the wound so it didn’t get infected. Then he did something that really shocked me. He pulled me into a hug and told me that he would take care of telling my dad what had happened so there wouldn’t be a war between him and Mel. I nodded my thanks and looked at Mel quietly asking if I could go to bed and she nodded yes and pointed at the couch which I immediately laid down upon before she said the floor.
“Ray is this blanket Junior’s or is it from one of the rooms upstairs,” I heard her ask before I could ask for a blanket.
“It’s Junior’s because his has his name on it and it’s not on his bed back home,” Ray answered and took the blanket upstairs before draping a fresh one over me that was just like the one Junior owned.
I breathed in the scent of my dad just before I fell asleep and I could have sworn that I heard Ray whisper in my master's ear 'let's go have some fun' just as I drifted off.
I was walking through a dark cellar. The floor beneath my feet made of nothing but dirt and dust. With the lantern in my hands I noticed that the ground was sprinkled with blood. I followed the trail to a blank stretch of wall and I could tell that the blood trail stopped behind the wall which had to be able to move in order for that to happen. I pushed against the wall and it creaked open as if it was sentencing me to be executed by hanging. I lifted the lantern high and saw a rectangular box covered in a white cloth. Walking up to it I saw that it was made from fine polished oak. The plaque on the top said: 'Here lies Melinda Johnson, the loving wife of James Johnson and mother of Melissa and Joseph Johnson ages 5 and 15.' I lifted the lid much to my curiosity and found a perfectly preserved mummy that was more than likely in her early forties when she died, her white dress covered in her blood; buried before she had stopped breathing. And then I woke up.
*end dream*
I was drenched in sweat that much I could tell by the sticky feeling all over my body. I got up out of bed and went and took a shower before quietly putting on the clothes that had been laid out. After I had gotten dressed I went downstairs and shook my master awake which anyone else doing that would have gotten themselves hurt. She sat up and looked at me with a worried expression on her face as if she could tell or even knew what I had dreamed of. I reluctantly asked the question that had been nagging at the back of my head since I had woken up.
"Mistress how many white people disappeared in that house you own and I mean the original owners," I asked and she turned even whiter than she normally was.
"Do not meddle in what you don't know. There is a reason we both dreamed about the coffin of Melinda Johnson. But I can assure you that her spirit does not haunt that place," she snapped.
I couldn't help but argue with her.
"Where was the body buried because I'm pretty damn sure it wasn't in the family mausoleum if I am dreaming about a secret room in the cellar where you can't even tell the wall moves unless you push on it," I snapped back and she sobered down.
"You're right Anthony but no one and I mean no one has ever found that secret room in the cellar so we don't actually have a body in that house that we are aware of," she whispered taking my hand and pulling me down onto the couch beside her.
"The dream led me to a wall that is shrouded in darkness because you have to follow the trail of blood on the ground to find it. And if there is no longer the trail I can find the wall by using my dream and the memory of the position of the wall that I have of it in my head," I whispered and she shook her head.
"We can search for it together. Now Ray needs some help getting Junior to respond because he's not talking and he's also throwing his things all over the place in that room he stayed in," she said and I nodded.
I walked upstairs and knocked on the closed door, entered, and immediately grabbed Junior around his waist quietly forcing him to the ground in a sitting position. His breathing slowed and he leaned against me as tears began to stream down his face. I knew he hated crying in front of any one of the guys on the team but sometimes for him he just couldn't help it. After I calmed him down we packed his things and we left to go back to America. And that was the beginning of my relationship with Junior.
Junior's point of view
With Anthony by my side I approached Jason and told him it was over. I made it quick just like pulling off an old Band-Aid or quitting cold turkey. Just as Jason was about to protest I gave him back the chain he had bought for me when we had first started dating and he turned and walked away silent tears streaming down his face. I made to follow after him but then remembered who was beside me and I turned to face him. He looked at me with a look that said ‘go after him’ and I gladly ran after Jason to find him in Jamie’s arms with the chain at his feet. I walked up to them and whispered ‘give us some space’ in Jamie’s ear and he nodded. He stepped back and I knelt down and picked up the chain and said, “Jason if it will make you feel better I’ll keep the chain.” He looked up at me his face tear streaked and nodded and I unclasped the hook on the chain and fastened it around my neck causing a small smile to appear on Jason’s face.
“Thanks Junior,” he whispered and we went our separate ways until lunch.
At lunch all the phones in people’s pockets went off only for all of us to receive a mass text alert revealing that the entire Baltimore high school football team was gay. Everyone immediately turned to look at our table just as another one went out saying our mother was a whore for giving birth to the entire high school football team. Just then I noticed Anthony texting on his phone and I leant over to read the text just as my phone beeped revealing Anthony’s new status as my mother’s slave and everyone burst into laughter as Anthony sent out his own mass text saying “Yeah I’m a slave and proud of it. So go suck your fathers’ dicks motherfuckers”, and everyone turned to look at our table with a vengeance. I grabbed Anthony and pulled him out of the cafeteria before anyone could attack him and I slammed him up against my locker once we were far enough away from the cafeteria.
“What is wrong with you man,” I asked as I noticed he was still texting out another mass text message.
He hit send and immediately my phone beeped and I pulled it out to read, “At least their mom knows who their fathers are do your mothers know who your fathers are?”
I looked up at him and said, “I can’t protect you unless we go in the janitor’s closet you know that right?”
“I know but I can defend myself plus I have the team looking out for me right guys,” he whispered as the rest of the guys came up to us.
“Yeah we got your back because they attacked both the girls’ basketball team and the boys’ basketball team as well so we have to have each other’s backs or else we will get walked all over. Anyway that mass text you sent out was fuckin’ hilarious. Both of them were actually,” Jason said and all of the people behind me agreed.
“Just let me know if you need a bullshit mass text alert sent out because I can reword it just right and it will have the whole school in an uproar,” Anthony said and I pulled him behind me just as the whole school surged down the hallway towards us.
I looked at the guys and noticed that both the girls’ and boys’ basketball teams were standing there in a circle glaring at the rest of the school as they tried to get at Anthony. I heard Anthony texting another message and immediately everyone’s phones went off simultaneously and I pulled mine out to read, “Everyone’s going to be gay when they die and go to either hell or heaven so why everyone hating on the gay teams. Being gay just mean’s we are more unified and have more loyalty to our teammates than we would have if we were straight. So go hate on someone your own size,” and everyone busted out laughing.
“Okay Anthony we’ll let you go but only because you managed to get that mass text that said we’d all be gay when we die out to us before we hurt you,” the captain of the baseball team said as he walked away with his teammates behind him.
Anthony let out a relieved and nervous laugh as everyone walked away and went to their lockers to get their books for Spanish or whatever foreign language they took and headed to class. Anthony and the rest of the football team headed to Spanish class as I grabbed my book out of my locker and then headed to class. As I passed the janitor’s closet I heard Michael arguing with the team captain of the baseball team.
“I did what you wanted me to do James. So pay up and give me my god damn money,” he demanded and my first thought was to go in and punch him in his face for being a backstabber.
Just as I was about to open the door Anthony pulled me back and whispered, “The team knows and Jason is notifying the basketball teams as soon as classes let out. I saw him texting and each time he finished a mass text alert was sent out. I was checking the time on my phone but how he knew my status as that is a mystery because you know I don’t talk about my business like that."
“Yeah I know thanks because I wanted to punch him in his face,” I whispered back as we walked to the field for football practice.
After that we went home because practice was cancelled for all teams with gay members so that they could plan how to get back at the person responsible for insulting them. With Anthony in my car we headed to my house with literally thirty people behind us so we could plan our revenge on Michael. The plan would be placed in effect the next day and we wanted to be ready.
“What do you have in mind for the traitor you have on your team guys,” Johnathan Jordan asked as he walked up to us after we had all gotten out of our cars.
“Well I know something about his dad that he probably wouldn’t want to get out to the whole school along with something on his mother,” Jason said with a huge shit eating grin on his face.
“And what would that be bro,” I asked as the team turned to stare at Jason.
“His dad and my dad are dating and shacking up in my dad’s bed every night and his mom was a lesbian that didn’t even want a son or a daughter because she didn’t want kids so she abandoned him by leaving him with his dad as a baby,” Jason replied with a big ass smirk on his face.
“So what you are saying is he’s embarrassed because his dad is gay and his mom is a lesbian and he’s the only one straight in that family. So if that gets out his dad would hear about it and be extremely pissed off that his own son would break his teammates trust like that by revealing a secret that was entrusted to him to the entire school,” Johnathan said and Jason nodded.
“Let’s reveal it and do we all agree that Jason should be the one to send out the mass text alert since it’s his dad Michael’s dad is sleeping with,” Anthony asked and everyone nodded their consent.
After everyone left my house I took Anthony home and told my mom about what had happened and she shrugged it off even though I knew it hurt her to see all of her children’s business put out there like that especially Anthony’s new status. I gave her a reassuring hug, gave Anthony one last kiss and I headed back home for some food and a goodnight’s sleep.
Michael's point of view
I got to school and parked my car in my usual spot before I realized I was in deep shit if my teammates found out I betrayed them the way I did the day before at lunch. I walked over to the front doors to see most of the kids sitting on the front steps or lounging around on the grass of the quad as the bell had not yet rang for us to go to class. I walked over to where the team was sitting and the moment I sat down they got up and went inside the building. I looked at their retreating backs and watched as they abandoned me in front of everyone. Just then my phone went off as all over the quad phones started going off as a mass text alert went out. I picked up my phone from where I had dropped it and got up to go inside when the team captain of the baseball team approached me.
“I thought you were embarrassed by the fact that your teammates are gay, Michael,” he said and I looked at him and shrugged.
“I am but it doesn’t mean I won’t talk to them,” I said as I walked away.
He jogged beside me and said, “Check your phone because I think they revealed something that you should see.”
I nodded and went inside the building as I checked my phone and then froze in mid-step as I realized all my business that only Jason knew was now all over the school. I turned and ran as fast as I could to my car only to have the team step out from behind various cars and block my path to my car. They stood there with their arms crossed and each time I tried to go around them they found a way to block my attempts. I shoved my phone in my jacket pocket and zipped it up before I turned around and made a break for it just as I realized only half of the team was behind me. I skidded to a stop and made a mad dash for the forest on the western edge of the school grounds only to be surrounded by the rest of my teammates. I dashed to my left and got blocked by the girls’ basketball team. I turned to my right and got further before I got blocked by the boys’ basketball team. I backed up and ran right into my own teammates before I got thrown to the ground in the center of the circle. Junior grabbed me by the back of my shirt and yanked me up onto my knees while Jason came forward and wrapped a gag around my mouth. After making sure it was tight Junior slammed me down onto my stomach and held me down as Anthony came forward with an actual tattoo gun and knelt down beside us.
“Get his shirt up so I can do the tattoos,” I heard him say and then it dawned on me what they had planned.
I started thrashing against Junior’s hold as tears started to stream down my face as the fight or flight hormones kicked in and since I couldn’t take flight it came down to me fighting back. Junior raised his fist and punched me in my face and I immediately went limp against the ground as I blacked out. The moment the needle pierced my skin my eyes flew open with a vengeance and I started to cry harder.
“Aw it seems Mikey can’t take the pain,” I heard Jason mock as I felt the needle moving through my skin in a way that told me Anthony was writing in cursive with the ink and needle.
I tried to push myself up onto my knees only to have Anthony dig the needle in deeper than it already was. Carefully, I placed myself back down and let him carve the needle through my skin and suddenly it registered what he was writing with the ink and needle on my lower back. The needle was pulled from my skin and suddenly another part of my back was targeted as the needle once again pierced my skin, but this time it was in my left hand shoulder blade. I felt it as he started with the letters ‘I, A and M’ before the letters came together and I could actually be sure of what it said and the needle was permanently pulled from my skin. Junior let me go and by the time I sat up everyone was gone. I retrieved my book bag from where I dropped it and I headed to my car only to find that every other car that had been in the parking lot was gone. I got in my car and turned it on quietly pulling out of the parking lot. I ripped the gag off of my mouth and tossed it in the backseat of my car just as a hand shot out and grabbed me by my left shoulder. I cried out in pain and slammed on the brakes to stop the car from swerving into the left-hand lane so I wouldn’t cause a collision. Carefully, I turned around to see both Anthony and Junior clutching their sides as they tried to hold in the laughter.
“Very funny guys, now if you don’t mind….GET OUT OF MY CAR,” I shouted at them and they looked at me like I owed them money.
“Junior’s mom was kind enough to drop us off because unlike you she has a heart and didn’t abandon her kids. Unless I am mistaken about that Junior,” Anthony replied and I turned around in my seat and slammed on the gas quickly arriving at the plantation on the edge of town and slamming on the brakes I stopped at the front door for them to get out so they wouldn’t have to walk up the driveway.
“Thanks for the ride man but you still owe us. When you get home get your dad to tell you what the tattoos say,” Junior said and I shook my head and drove off with them laughing on the front stairs of the manor.
This was the last time they would do something like this to me. Never again would I be taken advantage of and drawn on by someone who didn’t know how to properly use a tattoo gun. I went home and started planning my revenge for all the times they forced me to make out with them and what they did to me today. Then a better idea came to mind. I was going to quit the football team and never look back regardless of what the tattoos have to say about me. I came out of my room for dinner shirtless only to see Jason’s dad there looking at me with pity in his eyes that I didn’t want. I walked towards the fridge for the leftover pizza and quietly popped it into the microwave only for my dad to come into the kitchen while I still had my back towards the door.
“What the hell did you do to your goddamn back Michael,” my dad roared and I immediately wished I still had at least one friend that would talk to me.
“Why don’t you ask him? His son is one of the one’s that did this to me and put my business about mom all over the school because he was the only one on the team that knew about mom. And don’t act like you believed that ‘he’s my nephew crap’ because J.J had tried that with me when I first met him and I told him straight up I didn’t believe him,” I snapped and grabbed my pizza out of the microwave and stormed back down the hallway with my dad staring after me like an idiot.
After I ate my pizza I went and took a hot shower to soothe the pain that was all over my back and then I went to bed only to have my dad come in and close the door behind him. He sat down on the edge of my bed and gently placed his hand on my shoulder to pull me down onto my back so he could see my face. I rolled onto my stomach and turned my head so he could see my face and he knelt down beside the bed.
“Now I don’t particularly like what you did to start this whole mess but I definitely do not like what your teammates did to you. I’m going to see what I can do to get those tattoos removed and I will also do a report with the school so they can take some action against this as well. Do you understand me Michael,” he asked me.
I nodded my answer and he got up and left the room. I heard his bedroom door click shut and immediately he was shouting at Jason’s dad and I just prayed to god I would not wake up in the morning to find Jason’s dad dead on my dad’s bedroom floor.
Jason's point of view
I sat at the desk in my room praying to god that my dad was alright since he had not come home the night before. I was just getting ready to swear my revenge on Michael if he got my dad killed when the front door slammed open and my dad stormed in. I could tell he had gotten in a fight and lost. I came out of my room and walked up to him making as much noise as possible in order to make him aware that I had not gone to school at all that day.
“Dad have a seat and I’ll get the ice pack okay,” I whispered and he nodded throwing himself down on the couch as he did so.
“Why aren’t you in school Junior,” my dad asked as I went into the kitchen.
“I wasn’t feeling good today so I decided to stay home and wait for you to get home because I never heard you come home last night. So what happened? Wait don’t tell me: Michael snitched on you and told his dad that you aren’t really my uncle causing you and his dad to get in a fight and cause the relationship to turn abusive,” I said and my dad nodded and gratefully took the ice pack which he placed on the bare skin of his face.
“You do know this happens every time you get a boyfriend. You lie and say you’re my uncle, then they find out the truth and you guys get into fights that turn violent. Why don’t you just tell the guy you want to date straight off that you have a kid? Dad sometimes you got to look at things from my point of view. What if one day you get in a fight that turns really nasty and you’re not at home where I can call the cops and attempt to intervene and you get killed? Do you know what is going to happen to me while keeping in mind that you turned gay because mom died giving birth to me? I could end up on the streets unable to defend myself because the news is out that the whole football team at Baltimore High is gay and after I tried to defend Michael he turned around and nearly got you killed last night because I saw the gash on the back of your head and that you got stitches before you came home, and now none of the team wants to talk to me. So please I am begging you tell them about me before you get into the relationship because honesty is the best policy and the truth will also set you free from a relationship that wasn’t meant to be before it started,” I said and gave him a quick hug before going back to my room to send the team a message.
The moment the message was sent I sat back and waited for the team to arrive. They all came in through my bedroom window and sat on the floor until I closed the door. Suddenly Anthony jumped up and slammed the window shut and closed the blinds.
“What you got man because you look pissed off,” Anthony said and I nodded my answer.
“I need a job done that only Anthony can professionally do because it involves tattooing something on Michael’s back,” I announced and the team looked up at me in shock.
“You want us to help you after you defended the traitor,” Junior asked skeptical of my sudden change of mind.
“My dad’s face is black and blue from a fight that he obviously got into with Michael’s dad last night and the only thing that could have caused that fight was Michael opening his big mouth and telling his dad that I was his boyfriend’s son and one of the one’s that tattooed him yesterday. Because when my dad left home to go over there yesterday his face was the same color as mine and he didn’t have stitches in the back of his head,” I said and walked over to my desk and drew a rough draft of what I wanted tattooed on his back and where it would go.
I handed the sketch to Anthony and he took a long look at it before taking different tubes of colored ink out of his jacket pocket and holding up three he asked, “Which two colors do you want to use on his back?”
“Red and yellow because his dad will have a field day when he sees his son with a tattoo done in redskins colors,” I said cracking up and collapsing on my bed in laughter.
“Junior can I come in,” my dad called in through the door and I turned to my teammates with fear on my face.
“You asking me or your son, sir,” Junior called out and we all cracked up.
The bedroom door opened and my dad came in still holding the icepack to his face. I ducked the swing my dad took at me and darted out of the room full speed knowing very well that he could not see.
“You boys have too much of your fathers’ blood in you for your own good. You do know that right,” I heard my dad say as I snuck up behind him and lunged at his back.
We landed sprawled on the bed my dad groaning and I realized last night’s fight had went further than just his face.
“Um you guys go in the living room please so I can see what else happened to my dad. Because I don’t think he stopped at just his face last night which is a bad thing because I can’t see the full extent of his injuries,” I said and they got up and walked to the living room with Anthony closing the door behind him.
Before I could move my dad grabbed me by the back of my shirt and threw me off of the bed and onto the floor so he could get up and leave the room. I grabbed his legs and caused him to fall down. I moved to get on his back but he flipped me onto my back and I realized I had just pissed him off and he pinned me down with one hand and I immediately knew the moment my teammates left I was going to get a beat down.
Michael's point of view
As I walked down the street to Junior’s house I began to wish he had never called because something didn’t sound right about the eerie silence that was in the background even though I knew he wasn’t alone in the house. I turned up the walkway to his house and quietly knocked on the door and when no one answered I sat on the front porch steps to wait for someone to come home. Just then I heard an angry shout come from the back yard and I walked to the side of the house and hopped the fence like we always did in order to run and hide on Junior’s property. Junior had Anthony by his throat pinned up against the side of the house out of sight of the others and I prayed to god I could be of some use to Anthony. I grabbed Junior by his shoulder and pulled him away from Anthony effectively breaking his hold on the other boy’s throat.
Junior turned to look at me and a shit eating grin spread across his face.
“Well, well, well, look at what the cat brought in,” he said loud enough for the whole team to hear and they all came over in their bathing suits.
“I only came to say I was leaving the team and it would be the last time you guys would see me at Baltimore High because me and my dad are moving due to a business advance in his company so see you around or maybe never. Whichever one comes first as my dad always says. And Jason tell your dad I said I am sorry for what I caused to happen. I got to go and finish packing my things,” I said and walked away quietly unfastening the lock on the fence and opening the door to go out through there.
“Like we want you around anymore. My dad is afraid to leave the house to go to work because of his face. So good thing you’re moving because we were going to add another tattoo to your back come later today. So go ahead and leave, you worthless piece of shit,” Jason shouted and I just shook my head and walked away back the way I had come.
As I reached my house I heard running footsteps coming up behind me, so I moved off of the sidewalk and waited until the person ran past me but they didn’t come to a stop. The person stopped beside me and stepped in front of me and put their arms around me quickly pulling me into a hug. I looked up to see Anthony standing there in front of me and I immediately broke down in tears.
“Hush Michael, I am not going to hurt you,” he whispered and I recoiled at the sound of his voice which sounded like it had not been used in a while.
I pushed him away and walked up the walkway to my front door only to have Anthony pull me back and sit me down on the porch steps. I tried to fight him and he held me down until I had completely calmed down and then he let me up into a sitting position. Just as he was about to speak a car pulled up next to the sidewalk and Junior got out, anger the present emotion on his face. Anthony swallowed hard and backed up until he had pressed his back against my front door and I couldn’t call my dad for help because he wasn’t home. He was in Washington D.C unpacking what we had already packed and sent to the new house.
“You know what pisses me off about you Anthony,”Junior asked and I looked at Anthony who shook his head quickly.
“No I don’t,” he whispered and I knew he had a sore throat based on the fact that I could hardly hear his answer but I could definitely read his lips.
“You know exactly what to do that will tick me off,” Junior hissed and I mouthed at Anthony soundlessly the word ‘run’.
He did just that. He leaped off of the porch and ran across three different lawns before he hit the street and kept on running. Junior cursed and ran for his car quickly flooring the gas pedal and making a U-turn in the middle of the street. I prayed to god that Anthony made it somewhere safe before Junior got to him because I knew Junior would not have mercy on him after all the times Jason came to school banged up and we knew it wasn’t his dad.
Anthony's point of view
As I ran down the deserted street hoping and praying Junior wouldn’t find me a black car turned onto the street from a side road and floored the gas and pulling to a stop in front of me Junior’s mom got out.
“Get in and it’s a good thing you called because Junior’s car is coming up the street now,” she said as we got in the car.
“Thank you for believing me and coming to get me even though I know it’s a lot to ask of you after you have been so kind to feed me and not make me find my own food,” I said and she laughed a short laugh as Junior pulled up beside the car.
“Anthony get out of her goddamn car and get in mine. NOW,” he shouted and I just shrunk back in my seat and started to cry.
“Junior when you have calmed down you are more than welcome to come over to my house, but until you calm down I cannot let Anthony get in your car,” my master said and pulled off with me still in the car.
I looked back and immediately I regretted it as I saw Junior pull out his phone and start texting. By the time Monday came I would have no friends anywhere in Baltimore. I turned back around and pulled out my phone and called Michael whose number I had not yet deleted from my contact list. He picked up on the first ring and told me he was busy so I asked if he needed help packing his things. After I got off of the phone with him my master turned the car towards Michael’s house and let me off there with the warning that I could not be seen by any of Junior’s friends outside Michael’s house. I nodded and got out and let myself in the house to find most of the furniture gone and closed boxes everywhere. I walked to Michael’s bedroom and found his room in disarray and him nowhere to be seen.
“Michael where are you,” I called and immediately I regretted it when the whole team came out of the bathroom, Junior included.
I pushed past them and found Michael huddled in a corner of the bathroom his knees pulled up to his chest and his eyes staring blankly like he had lost his vision. I pulled out a miniature flashlight and shined it in his eyes and it immediately registered that he had a concussion and I pulled out my phone to call his dad. A hand reached out for my phone and I looked at Michael and smiled when I saw the recognition slam him back to reality.
“Hey man are you okay,” I asked and he shook his head and burst into tears as I realized all he had on was boxers and a wife beater and that Junior was in the same thing with the exception of the blood that stained the front of his tank top crimson red.
“Hey man I am going to call your dad so he can get you somewhere safe okay,” I whispered and he nodded and I helped him up pulling him into a one armed hug as I heard Junior’s name called. I let him go and pushed him into the corner and turned my back to him so I could protect him without getting knocked unconscious.
Junior came into the room and glared at me so viciously I knew I was in deep shit. “So let me get this straight Michael : you will harp on us at school with that mass text alert for being gay when you’re in love with Anthony even though you claim you are straight. Why is that,” Junior sneered looking me up and down before turning his full attention to Michael.
I turned to look at Michael also and realized he looked younger than he actually was as he broke down and cried as all of his pent up anger and sadness at my ignorance of his feelings for me came out and he forced the confession out in front of me. I turned to Junior and sent him flying backwards into the wall with a punch that should have knocked him unconscious. I pulled Michael up onto his feet and forced him to make eye contact with me which caused him to throw his arms around me and cry into my shirt.
As I heard Junior get to his feet behind me, I raised Michael’s head and touched my lips to his lips and wrapped my arms around him to secure him to me. I let him continue to cry as I kissed him fervently and ran my hands up his back and into his hair. Behind me Junior let out a scream of rage and threw himself at the two of us and once more I threw him into the wall before turning back to Michael. I smiled sadly at him and shook my head quietly mouthing the words ‘I have to go’ and he nodded as I turned my back on him and walked over to Junior. I glared down at him with so much anger in my eyes he actually started to cry.
“Get out of here all of you because I want nothing to do with any of you anymore. The only time you will see me is in class and on the field for practice and the games. Because from now on I stand by Michael even if he did betray us. Do you understand me,” I snapped and the team nodded with Jason pulling Junior to his feet and leaving with the rest of the team.
Slowly I turned to Michael and pulled him into another hug and this time he met me halfway and was the one to start the kiss. He pulled me into his bedroom and pushed me backwards onto the bed and that was how his dad found us at eight o’clock that night.
“Michael I’m home are you packed and ready to go,” his dad called and I bolted upright on the bed sending Michael to the floor.
“Um no not really,” he called back with a sheepish smile on his face.
His dad came into the room and saw Michael’s position on the floor and my position on the bed and shook his head at the two of us.
“Michael please tell me you have not been making out with him when you should have been packing your room up,” his dad said and I looked up at him in shock.
“How did you know he was gay before us,” I asked and Michael looked sheepish.
“Because I know my son Anthony and that is how I know he hasn’t done any work all day long,” his dad said giving his son a pointed look.
“I have done some work because the rest of the living room is packed and ready to go which wasn’t like that this morning when you left,” Michael protested and his dad shot him a withering glare.
Michael closed his mouth and looked at me and I shrugged not seeing how I could help. Then it came to me: blame the team for what happened.
“Michael wasn’t able to finish because I had called him to see if he wanted help so he told me to come over. When I got here though the team had literally given him a concussion and I was about to call you when he snapped back to reality. Junior got really rude about Michael’s feelings for me and then me and him just sort of lost track of the day from there,” I said and his dad let out a sigh.
After the three of us spent the rest of the night packing Michael’s room I said goodbye to Michael and his dad for the last time after promising to keep in touch with them. I called my master and she came and picked me up and caught me in full on make out mode with Michael. I let him go and whispered goodbye one more time and then left in my masters car and that was the last time I saw Michael.
Author's note
dear readers,
from now on it is going to flop between two points of views: Anthony's and Michael's. now that they are going to be in a relationship they have to cope and learn how to balance a long distance relationship. sorry for any inconvienence you may be experiencing if you thought this was a new chapter.
Michael's point of view
As I unpacked my new room it quickly dawned on me that I had no friends anywhere except for here if I can make them as easily as I did in Baltimore. But then I remembered that word travels and any gay guy in Washington D.C would not want to be my friend once they found out what I had done to my teammates at lunch that one day. I sat back on my newly made bed and looked out my bedroom window as the rain poured down on the outside. After about twenty minutes I grabbed my car keys and headed to my car to go and view the school I would be going to. Once there I hopped out of my car and walked to the football field to see if they were in the middle of practice so I could get a feel for the game before I tried out next year. I got to the field and found it in use as the Washington High Bruins practiced for this week’s game against the Woodson High School Indians from Fairfax County. I stood in the rain just in the shade of the bleachers so they didn’t think I was from the enemy team but anyways my car’s tail end was facing the field and they would be able to see that the plate was from Maryland. As I watched a strong wind blew the scent of my cologne towards the center of the field where the team had gathered in front of their coach to listen to his speech. The team captain’s eyes strayed away from the face of his coach and he zeroed in on the spot where I was standing, so I stood very still hoping he would not be able to see me in the darkness of the rain and shade.
“I think we are being spied on coach,” the boy said loud enough for me to hear and I quickly shied away from the place where I was hiding and walked over to them.
I kept my eyes open for hostile body language and aggressiveness as I approached but they seemed pretty relaxed, which was what had me on edge. Any time someone was at ease with being spied on it always meant you were going to get hurt sooner or later. I hoped it was later and not right now.
“What’s your name son,” the coach asked as he turned to face me and I looked up into his eyes with a defiant determination.
“I don’t like saying my name because of the ‘king of pop’ jokes that are always centered on my dad and me for our names,” I said and the other boys looked at me in shock while their coach nodded.
“Why would someone make jokes about the king of pop when they hear your name,” the team captain asked me.
“Three, two, one,” I thought and they all busted out laughing.
A small smile crossed my face but I knew the jokes would start soon, so I got to the point of why I was there.
“I was here because I just moved here from Baltimore, Maryland and I wanted to see how the football team here worked together and if it would be worth trying out for the team next year. I played varsity with my last team. We were literally the Baltimore demons on the field. Anything you could think of to throw at us we could overcome and beat you without going into overtime. Every season we went to the state championship and won bringing home the trophy to the excitement of all of Baltimore,” I said and they looked at me in amazement.
“Please tell us your team wasn’t Baltimore High because we play them next week in the final game of the season and that is the equivalent of the NFL Superbowl which we call nationals,” the team captain said.
“I did play for them. They were my former teammates which I just left behind yesterday,” I said and they exchanged a glance that said I had to give up Baltimore High’s best kept secret play.
I gladly started talking about the plays I knew and how to counter them but mentioned one that no one had yet to stop in action. They urged me to talk about it and I went on in detail describing the first game it was used in and by whom. When they heard a woman had invented the play they were in complete and utter shock at that fact. I went on to explain that the woman had become the first female to venture on to a real NFL football field and that she was the mother of most of my former teammates and that more than likely she would be at the game next week. I started to say that their most formidable enemy on that team would have been me, but I decided to not say that and went on to describe the play and the basic structure of the play and how it was ran. When I finished the guys and coach in front of me where staring at me as if I had just fallen from the sky.
“I am going to let you guys go home and process what I just told you and then we can discuss some more about this after your game on Friday. Is that okay with you,” I asked and they all nodded their consent.
I walked away back towards my car and ran right into solid muscle which sent me sprawling into the mud. I looked up to see that the Baltimore High football team had showed up and that Junior wasn’t happy about seeing me here. Anthony however ran towards me and pulled me up and hugged me to him putting slight pressure where the tattoos were at.
“It’s only been a day Anthony. Surely you don’t miss the backstabber that much,” I joked but I saw the hurt in Anthony’s eyes and pulled him to me even closer just enough for him to see what he was going up against the next week.
“We came because we go up against them next week in nationals so I hope you are prepared for a good game because you are playing with us,” Junior stated in a bored voice while looking at Anthony in distaste.
“I don’t play with you guys next week I got a glimpse of the opposing team’s defensive lineup on the coach’s clipboard and it looks like I play with them next week. But more than likely I will throw a huge party to celebrate my win over Baltimore High because I just found a way to stop that so called unstoppable play of yours,” I said and Anthony stepped back in shock.
“How would you be able to stop a play you never ran,” Jason snapped at me and my eyes flashed.
“You will see but just remember to watch your back on and off the field, Mr. I am a royal quarterback,” I said and walked away from them to my car.
I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Anthony following me to my car with Junior staring after him in anger. I opened the passenger side door and Anthony climbed in. I walked around my car and got in on the driver’s side and turned on the car and hit the gas to go home. When I got there my dad was home and had a slew of guests that I immediately registered as his former teammates. I pulled on my hood and walked past the living room and Anthony followed at a more sedate pace. That was when I heard her voice and realized that it was the whole team visiting because their children had made it to nationals. I was now sentenced to a life of hell if I put my plan in action next week.
Anthony's point of view
I looked towards the living room as I heard my name called and immediately ran into Michael who had stopped just at the far edge of the door. I managed to grab the back of a chair that then ended up flipping over and Michael busted out laughing as I went down to the ground with the chair. I glared up at him then shrugged and apologized to his dad for messing up the quietness of his house and he shrugged and said “It’s okay Anthony. How you managed to flip an armchair just by grabbing onto it to keep from falling down I don’t know but thanks for the entertainment.” I nodded and followed Michael to his room after I had put the chair in its standing position. Once in Michael’s room I jumped him from behind and took him to the floor. What I forgot was that he was still sore from the tattoos we had given him.
“Anthony you could not have caused a louder noise to make them think we were having sex and trashing the room,” Michael said with a smile on his face.
“Well sorry if I felt like tackling you to the floor,” I said with a smirk.
Just then his bedroom door opened and the rest of my teammates came in clearly unhappy. I got to my feet and walked over to the window to look out at the rain. Michael got to his feet and came and stood beside me as the team plopped themselves down in beanbags and the couch that Michael had bought from the NFL store online because it was decorated with the raven’s team symbol.
“Nice to know you guys think you can come in here and make yourselves comfortable without asking me,” Michael said without turning from the window.
“What else are we supposed to do? Your dad invited us to stay here while we are in town and it looks like we all have to share a room with you even though we don’t want to,” Junior said and Michael turned to stare at Junior with a smirk on his face.
“Enjoy your stay but you will not take the nationals trophy home with you. But just in case let’s make a deal,” Michael said his smirk even more pronounced.
“What deal is this,” I asked before Junior could speak.
“If you guys don’t use that new play of yours that I watched you run last night then I will personally let you take home the trophy by not using my counter for quarterback fake out. Do we have a deal,” Michael said and Jason looked up and nodded.
“We have a deal,” he whispered and Michael nodded.
That was when I noticed that Jason had a black eye forming and that Junior was glaring at him with nothing short of anger.I also noticed that he had a cut lip and bruised knuckles. He didn’t make eye contact with Michael when he had spoken but had looked at Junior who had completely ignored him until he had spoken. Junior opened his mouth to speak but Michael held up his hand to stop him. He was staring at Jason and I realized that he had noticed what I had noticed.
“Jason who hit you this time because I know damn well it wasn’t your dad,” Michael said and Jason looked down at his lap as tears began to stream down his face.
“Tell me how you knew a best kept secret because you know who hit me. I don’t have to tell you,” Jason replied and leaned back against the wall.
“Look Junior if you want us to tell you something you don’t punch the person to get what you want. You wait until they are ready to talk to you about what they are hiding. And even when you find it out you don’t punch them in the face for hiding it. Otherwise Anthony would probably have punched me for hiding my feelings from him,” I said and then turned my attention to Jason. “I knew a best kept secret because I remember something that the guys didn’t know. Anyways I also did research on your family. You are closely related to the royal British family and if William and Harry predecease you the throne goes to you when Charles dies.”
“What did you remember Michael,” I asked looking at him in shock.
“He used to have a British accent like the one his dad has, but due to the fact that he grew up here he lost the accent while his father still has one,” Michael responded and the guys looked at him like he was crazy.
“How do you remember that and no one else does,” Jason asked Michael.
“I remember that because every time I hear your dad talk it reminds me of a really cute boy who had a really cute accent before he got an American one,” Michael replied. “And that boy was you.”
“How about we have a pizza party tonight and just hang out with each other,” I suggested and Michael agreed.
“That is a good idea Anthony but how are you going to pay for that when you have to feed the adults also,” a voice said from the doorway.
We all whipped around to see Mel Johnson standing in my bedroom doorway with her hair dripping wet. She looked at us with a haughty look in her eyes in a way that told me she wasn’t helping Anthony pay for any pizza party.
“I thought we could pool our money together and order seven extra-large cheese and pepperoni pizzas and eight or nine 2 liters of soda of different selections,” Michael suggested and everyone turned to stare at him.
Michael Senior pulled out his wallet and pulled six hundred dollars from it and said, “That should be enough for all of that food and drink. I am pretty sure that between the kids three whole pizzas will disappear,” he said.
Michael smiled at his dad and picked up the house phone that he had in his room and dialed pizza hut and placed our orders with two of each soda, half of them diet and half of them regular. Once the pizzas had arrived as predicted Michael came into the room with three boxes of pizza and one of each soda in mine and his hands.
“How did you get that past them,” Junior asked and Anthony shrugged as he dumped the soda’s on Michael’s bed.
“One of the pizzas I picked up is half pepperoni and half cheese so it’s an even count of slices,” Michael said.
And with that said we dug into the pizzas and didn’t say a word until we had finished eating.
Michael's point of view
As we all winded down for the night we set up who would get the bed on Monday’s with whoever they were dating and who would get the pullout bed on the couch that same night and who got the floor. Once that was settled I lunged for my blanket and pulled out the pullout couch bed. Junior took the bed with Jason reluctantly climbing in next to him and we all went to sleep. We rotated for the whole week up until the game where I had the bed and went to sleep cuddling next to Anthony. For game night our parents packed our Gatorade’s and a change of clothes because afterwards we would be going out and partying.
“Hey coach said you’re supposed to play with your former teammates today so he can see how good you are,” the captain said and I nodded.
I went to the visitor’s locker rooms and slipped in past the team and donned my former jersey for the last game of the season. After this game I would never wear it again. I left the corner where I was hiding and approached Junior and he turned to face me with a blank expression on his face. I filled him in on what the other captain had said and he went to find my new coach to see if it was true. When he came back he had a shit eating grin on his face and I knew the deal we had made was off.
“It’s a shame I didn’t tell them my counter for quarterback fake out,” I thought and went to the bench and sat next to Anthony.
I looked up at Junior and he immediately began lecturing us on how important it was that we win this game. I sighed and threw and arm around Anthony’s shoulders. I tried to hide my yawn but Junior caught it and smacked me upside my head.
“I won’t tolerate people falling asleep on me either,” Junior yelled getting in my face.
I looked down at Joseph who had fallen asleep with his head against Jamie’s knees and nudged him. When that didn’t work we all scooted away from Joseph and watched as he got doused with a shower hose. He woke up spluttering and coughing and dripping wet. Just then coach came into the locker room and saw Junior putting away the shower hose and Joseph dripping wet and immediately benched Junior for the whole game. I got to play in Junior’s place instead of him. I suited up and we headed down onto the field as the announcer’s voice ripped through the stadium announcing the fearless Baltimore High School team. We ran onto the field and the loudest one’s cheering had to be my dad and his former teammates. We took our positions in the center of the field while Junior went and sat down on the bench in front of his dad. I looked over to them and then looked at my coach before the whistle was blown and took my position behind Anthony as Joseph took his place beside me. I tore my eyes away from the field for a second and almost missed the ball being snapped. I caught the ball and went tearing down the field as all three opposing linebackers came bearing down on me. I ducked, dodged and went flying over people as I ran for the touchdown. I braced myself and took to the air and somersaulted in midair to land on my back in the end zone.
“What the hell was that,” I heard Anthony scream at me as I got to my feet.
“That was me making a touchdown for you with a little dramatic flair. You are welcome,” I said and we returned to the sidelines as the others took positions on the field.
I stopped in front of Junior and held out my hand praying to god he wouldn’t make me look like a fool in front of everyone. He took my hand and said, “That was really something but you need to work on your landing because you are going to hurt yourself if you land the wrong way on your back and I think you said you wanted to be a pro football player.” I let out a laugh and let go of his hand and we sat down to watch the rest of the quarter. It was two quarters into the game when I saw him. A thin black boy standing behind a tree wearing nothing but rags. But even in that he looked good. I got up off of the bench and walked around the bleachers before beckoning him to follow me. He shook his head and pointed at Mel Johnson and mouthed ‘I want her to notice me.’ I nodded and walked behind the bleachers to Ms. Johnson’s seat and I gently tapped her on her shoulder.
“What Michael,” she hissed turning around to look at me.
“A thin black boy in rags wants your attention, Ms. Johnson,” I said and pointed in his direction.
She looked in the direction I was pointing and paled to a whole other color. I beckoned to him and he came and stood beside me. He leaned in close to her and whispered something that strangely sounded like she would be having another child but this one would be a girl. I looked at her to gauge her reaction and heard the boy whisper Anquan’s name as the father of the child. She nodded and dismissed him and he simply disappeared into thin air. I walked away from my current position and went and sat back down on the bench beside Anthony. I didn’t see the glare that Mel Johnson was sending me but even if I had I would never dare repeat what I heard to no one. Finally it was time for half-time.
“Finally the game is half over,” Anthony groaned as he dumped his head in the ice bucket.
“I agree but now it’s time for you, Jamie, and Joseph and Jason to take the brunt of the action. I am not doing another somersault in midair just to score a touchdown. We are now using quarterback fake out and we are going to use it good. Jason they don’t know the counter so they can’t stop it. If I was playing with them we would have stopped it in action. But I swear we never talked about the counter because before there wasn’t one but I see one that no one else saw. Now let’s get out there and you main four keep focused or we can kiss that trophy goodbye. Let’s win this thing and show them who is boss around here,” I said and we ran out the locker rooms like mad men.
As the game winded down the score was 59-25 with Baltimore High in the lead. With one more final play left on our books I was ready to piss Melissa Johnson off. So with two minutes left on the clock we ran the best play on the planet and won the trophy for the game. "Hate to say it guys but I am really going to miss playing football with all of you," I said as we headed to the locker rooms to change into party clothes. That was my last night with them and I was going to live it up.
Text: MELODY DUPREE Images: NINA KARI Editing: MELODY DUPREE Translation: MELODY DUPREE All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 11th 2015 https://www.bookrix.com/-bellacullen830 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-abigail-livinghouse-abandoned/ | Abigail Livinghouse Abandoned
“A school building?” Tessie Porter asked her parents at the dinner table. They had just informed her that they had bought an old school building from a few years back. “Why?”
Mr. Porter grinned, twirling spaghetti with his salad fork. “Why not? It was the elementary school me and your mother went to. It’s full of memories. Plus, they were going to tear it down. We just had to save it.”
Tessie’s dark red eyebrows came together in a scowl. She knew her parents were dying to spend some of their lotto money on something. But an old school building sounded like such a waste to her. That was certainly not what she would’ve done with the money.
She sighed, playing with the untouched food on her plate. She ate little, considering the hefty breakfast she had had earlier. Her mother was a good cook, and believed that the way you showed your family you loved them was with a big, hot meal.
Mrs. Porter looked up at her daughter, her blue eyes warm. “You’ll like it Tessie. We’re going to remodel it into a beautiful home. By the time we’re done it’ll be a mansion.”
Tessie didn’t understand why they didn’t just buy a house. Or better yet, with the money it would take to restore a large school building, they could build their own house.
Her mother seemed to sense Tessie’s next question. “The place is filled with history. You can’t build history.”
“Why can’t we stay here? I like our house.”
“Sweetheart, we are running out of space. Besides, the contract is signed. It’s a done deal.” Her father said, taking a sip of his water.
Tessie excused herself, picking up her plate from the table and dumping the majority of her food in the trash. She headed up to her room, closing the door maybe a bit too loudly.
Chapter 1
They pulled into the large parking lot of the school that was now owned by the Porters.
It was a modest brick building. A flag pole with the American flag flapping in the wind greeted them as they pulled up. The school was built on a hill, with about fifty steps leading up to the building. Engraved above the doors was Chester Elementary School 1879, reading in big, proud letters.
The Porters got out of the car, slamming their doors. Mr. Porter held up his hand to shield his eyes from the sun as he stared up at the huge school.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” He said as he hugged Mrs. Porter.
The building had many windows. Some of the bricks seemed to ooze black from age, staining the surface. Mr. Porter touched one of the bricks. His finger came back the color of ink.
“Nothing a good cleaning won’t fix.” He said, wiping his hand on his pants.
Tessie didn’t think much of the school. It was just a school to her.
“Let’s go inside.” Mr. Porter said, pulling jangling keys out of his pocket.
They made the climb up the stairs, where he stuck the key in the hole, turned it, and they entered the foyer of the building. There was another set of doors to unlock before they were actually in the school.
The air was stale with the moisture and smell of chalk. The closed windows did not help with the smell. Tessie wondered if there was mold.
She looked around, her eyes wide. Papers and pencils littered the concrete floor. Some of the walls were spray painted profanities, the empty cans on the floor. Most of the windows were either cracked or shattered. The place was in shambles. Tessie could not possibly see how they could ever live there.
Her parents seemed to feel the exact opposite. Her father lovingly touched one of the faded walls.
“I almost don’t want to remodel it.” He murmured.
Mrs. Porter linked her arm through his, resting her chin on his shoulder. “I know.”
She turned to Tessie. “You can look around, honey.”
Tessie nodded, then began walking through the halls that hadn’t been explored in years. She passed glass cases of old trophies and black and white pictures of long-dead classes and staff members.
There were cork boards with papers still pinned, others scattered across the floors. Some of the paint on the walls was peeling, some sections of the ceiling were also cracked. Tessie shoved her hands in her pockets, her steps echoing down the barren halls.
Why would her parents buy this place? She preferred it ripped down. She walked by classrooms with desks cluttered around the room, along with erasers, papers, and other writing utensils. She passed by each room, not bothering to peek inside. Each one was the same.
She had explored most of the building when she stopped at a classroom. Room 15. Tessie didn’t know why she found this classroom different. It was just a feeling she had. It was an uneasiness that she only got when something was wrong or off.
Once, when her parents had gone out, the stove had not been completely shut off. She was only about eleven at the time, but she had sensed that something was not right. Something just told her to go to the kitchen, something was pulling her there.
When she arrived flames were licking up from one of the gas burners. She quickly shut it off but grabbed the fire extinguisher anyway, spraying the whole kitchen with foam. When her parents got home they were furious, but at least the house was still standing. Tessie had saved her home from burning down.
That odd feeling was back now, something was just attracting her into that room. She felt she must go in. She stepped into the classroom. It did not look special. There were about six windows in the room, with the same desks, papers, pencils, and erasers. There was also a chalkboard taking up the north wall.
She leaned against the wall where the air vents were. She shivered, rubbing her arm, moving her hand over the vent to feel if the air conditioning had been turned on. No air came out. The windows were open though, maybe that was why she was cold. Even though it was only late September.
Tessie’s skin prickled, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. She looked over her shoulder, staring out the window at the schoolyard where a rusty swing-set sagged sadly on the yellowing grass. She studied every corner of the playground. No one was there.
She still felt odd, like she was not alone. She felt the urge to call out. Her eyes darted around the room, still searching. There was someone in here. There had to be. How could there not?
Tessie felt like she was in an auditorium, onstage, and all eyes were on her. It was an uncomfortable feeling, which increased further when a rat scurried across the floor and over her foot.
She clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle her scream. Tessie’s heart thundered loudly, she placed her hand over it, and felt the erratic pulse. Calm down, Tessie, she told herself. There’s no one else in here. You’re alone.
But no matter what the facts, she felt that she couldn’t be alone. The feeling of watchful eyes seeing Tessie’s every move would not recede. It became so terrible that she broke out in a sweat. She had to leave the room. She could no longer stand to be in there.
She took a few steps toward the door, but halted at a desk. Her eyes roved over the wooden surface. It was scratched, curses forever engraved in the wood. Tessie ran her hand over it, feeling the rough texture of the scrapes of many unruly children sitting in the desk.
She walked over to the side of the desk, where the chair opened up, welcoming her to sit down. She did. Tessie studied the desk a few more minutes, then looked up at the chalkboard.
A rush of ecstasy washed over her, so much that she felt that she would fall out of the chair. Memories that were not hers flooded her mind. Teachers writing on the board, the chalk scratching against the black surface. Educators rambling on about things the children didn’t care about.
Some other students hurriedly scribbling notes while others doodled aimlessly. Writing, writing for hours at a time. Ignoring everything the teacher said. Writing in a notebook, drawing, dreaming . . .
The visions abruptly stopped, cut off suddenly as if the film had been ripped away before the ending could be revealed. Tessie bent her head forward, her forehead touching the top of the cool desk.
This had happened before, it was not a surprise to her. When Tessie was about six, she had been on a plane going home from California where she had visited her grandmother. She had known nothing about the plane, which had once crashed, killing about twenty people. It had been retired to the junkyard before being remodeled so that it could fly again.
Tessie was just a little girl, she had been playing with her Barbie dolls when it happened. It was like she was daydreaming, moving pictures just came to her. She felt like she was watching a television show that only she could see. She saw breathing assistors come down from the ceiling as the pilot called for them to remain calm. She felt her hands clutch the seat cushions as alarms beeped and the plane spiraled out of control.
The vision stopped when the plane crashed, suddenly engulfed in flames. Her mother was shaking her, Tessie had been screaming and crying. Her mother had been terrified, and had even called the flight attendant over, giving her water to splash on Tessie’s face.
When she woke up, tears were streaming down her cheeks and her throat was sore from screaming. She had been afraid of planes ever since. It was the last time she stepped foot in an airplane.
The vision Tessie had just had was odd. Usually, the vision continued until there was no more to be seen. This one just fell off suddenly. It was like there was something she wasn’t supposed to see.
She placed her hand over her clammy forehead, trying to catch her breath. Of course, she should’ve expected this. It was such a historic building.
Tessie took a deep breath, staring down at the desk. There was a small arrow drawn near the bottom. She scowled, looking down, and reached into the desk. Her hand touched a smooth surface which she grasped and pulled out.
Tessie’s eyes widened slightly. She placed the notebook on the desktop. Should she open it? Tessie’s heart skipped as she held the page with her quivering fingers. She laid the cover gently on the desk.
The faded page was taken up by a handwritten story, in calligraphy. Tessie blinked, staring at the paper in surprise and awe. A child could not have written this.
The story had no title, but as Tessie read the first paragraph, which told about an ailing girl who would not survive the year and wished to live to her eighth birthday, she felt that it did not need one. It was strange, the page was not signed, but the girl in the story was named Cynthia.
Tessie swallowed, closing the notebook and sitting back in the chair. Whoever had written this, she found no reason why it had not been published. If it was a true story, than it was even more amazing that a child had written it.
Thump! A book smacked loudly on the floor, causing Tessie to jump. She really couldn’t take the anxiety of this room any longer. She got up, and left the room quickly, taking the notebook with her.
Chapter 2
She slipped the notebook into her backpack as her parents drove home. They were too busy discussing what walls they were going to tear down and what materials they were going to pick out to notice.
“So what did you think, Tessie?” Her mother asked, looking over her shoulder.
Tessie shrugged. “It’s a school, Mom. It’s not that special.”
Mrs. Porter looked aghast at her daughter’s comment.
“Tessie, this school is special to your father and I. It should be special to you too.” She scolded, turning around and crossing her arms.
Tessie rolled her eyes. It was nothing special to her, if not a bit strange or creepy. She wasn’t sure if she was happy that the place would be remodeled or not.
She headed up to her room once they got home, where she shut the door and sat down at her desk, taking the notebook and placing it on her desktop. She opened it up and read the rest of the first page.
The little girl Cynthia grew up with her mother, father, and little sister. She was born in 1881, but it said nothing more about when she was born except that it was in July.
Her little sister’s name was Lily, but she died from pneumonia when she was only two. She told about how the pain of losing her sister had affected her and her family so much. The girl said she felt so terrible, so heartbroken, but her parents had it worse.
Her mother and father became so depressed they rarely got out of bed at all. They were fired from their jobs for missing so many days, and soon Cynthia was no longer welcome at the school she was currently going to for all the absences she had.
Her parents never had truly gotten over her sibling’s death, but they had to join the rest of the world eventually. They were able to retrieve their old jobs, however Cynthia was not allowed back at her school.
Her parents searched for another place to give their daughter an education, and they found Chester Elementary School, a new and shiny school at the time. It was the only school in the area, plus, it was very appealing to her parents to have their child go to a new and very highly talked about educational facility.
Cynthia started the school when she was six, she was in first grade. She was known as the new girl, and most of the children disliked her. She had very little friends, and was often bullied for her stick straight blonde hair and clear blue eyes.
She told later about how when she was seven she came down with leukemia, lung cancer that made it very difficult for her to breathe. The doctors told her that she wouldn’t live to eight.
She wished that she could just live to her eighth birthday, hell, she wished she could live way past her eighth birthday. Cynthia just wanted to live period.
Her parents had been fighting a lot, they wanted a divorce. She wanted to help them. She had to live to help them. They said that when she turned eight they would split up, and decide who kept her.
Maybe she could help them. She thought that she could help them. That was the end of the book. The other pages had small drawings of unicorns, fairies, and bunnies. The rest of the pages were blank.
Tessie sat back in her chair, taking a breath. Cynthia must’ve died from the disease before she turned eight and could try to help her parents.
A single tear rolled down Tessie’s cheek. She wished that Cynthia had been able to live, she was so young. She did not deserve to die.
Chapter 3
Tessie stood in the middle of Room 15 where all the desks had been removed, the chalk board stripped off the wall, and the floors reduced to dirt. It had been turned into an even worse state than the previous one.
The whole day she had felt sick, dizzy, and very lightheaded. She had a feeling that it was not a normal ailment. There was something about the room, whoever or whatever was in it did not want it changed.
“This is where the kitchen will go.” Her mother instructed, wearing a white hardhat.
They had all been told to wear them, Tessie’s was too big, and slumped over her eyes. She sighed, lifting the hat up once again so that she could see.
Her mother gave Tessie a one arm hug. “It’s going to look gorgeous. What do you think?”
Tessie shrugged, looking around with more disgust than awe like Mrs. Porter. “I suppose.”
Her mother patted her on the back before she returned to the contractor, electrician, and plumber. The plumber stooped down near Tessie, examining an area on the wall where the sink would go.
“What do you think, little lady? You excited for the remodel?” The man spoke with a sort of Southern drawl. He looked up at Tessie with lazy green eyes. “Eh?” He asked her.
She shrugged again. “Sure.”
Tessie headed out the door, away from Room 15. All the floors were hard-packed dirt, marks had been spray painted on the walls where they were to be ripped down or repainted. The whole place was reduced to shambles. Tessie never thought she’d say it, but she wished they hadn’t even touched the school. Why not just leave good enough alone? Whatever is in this building was content, before the Porters came along and ruined its peace.
A sense of dread slowly washed over Tessie as she walked down the destroyed halls. The uneasy feeling was back again, telling her to get out, and get out now. She quickened her steps, scanning the halls for the nearest exit. Her heart thundered in her chest. As she hurried along, her breathing quickened. Tessie’s chest was starting to tighten, it was getting harder to breathe as she began to sprint.
An exit sign that her parents had not ripped away shined like a beacon of hope down the hall. Tessie slammed into the door and burst into the midday sun, where she gasped for breath, taking huge gulps of blessed oxygen. She placed her hand over her heart, feeling her thundering pulse. She doubled over, her hands on her knees, trying to get her breath back.
“Hey!” A voice called, causing Tessie to jump.
One of the demo guys had called to her from a window. He waved. “Hey you! Girl! You okay?”
Tessie straightened up, wiping sweat off her brow.
“I’m fine!” She shouted back.
The man ducked back inside the school, a few seconds later, he poked his head out the window again.
“Your mama wants you in here girlie!” He yelled.
Tessie rolled her eyes, brushing herself off.
“Tell her I’ll be there in a few minutes!” She shouted.
The man went inside hopefully for the last time. Tessie refused to go back into that building. There was something in there that did not want them there. It terrified Tessie. She could not imagine what it would be like when the remodel was done, she just hoped that things would calm down with whatever was in there. If things didn’t relax, then there would be hell on earth. Tessie just knew it.
* * *
“It’s definitely an improvement from its previous condition. I’m just afraid that you might’ve downgraded your profits rather than increased them. Are you planning on selling this building?” The realtor, Mr. Houston spoke with Mr. and Mrs. Porter six months after they had bought the school, which was now completely remodeled.
With six bedrooms and four bathrooms, the house was now the Porters’ dream. At least, it was Mr. and Mrs. Porter’s dream. Mrs. Porter shook her head, grabbing Mr. Porter’s hand.
“Oh no, we’ve invested so much in this property.” She looked around lovingly. “It’s our dream.”
The realtor nodded, his face expressionless. “It’s never smart to become emotionally attached to a home.” He chided.
Mrs. Porter stared at him coolly. “I’m terribly sorry, but we do love this home. It’s ours, and we’ve done everything we’ve ever wanted to. It’s perfect.”
Mr. Houston nodded again. “Yes, I see.” He touched one of the dark wood cabinets. “It is very taste specific.”
Mr. Porter cleared his throat, getting the realtor’s attention. “Mr. Houston, with all due respect, we are very much attached to this property. It was our old school, and we love it very much. We could not bear to part with it.”
Mrs. Porter nodded, her expression a bit smug. “Yes.”
Mr. Porter hesitated, seeming to not want to upset his wife. “We would however, like to know the value of the home.” He said.
Mr. Houston observed the kitchen, tiled floors, and the pastel walls. “How much did you pay for the home?” He asked.
Mr. Porter jumped in, suddenly animated. “A bit over three hundred thousand dollars. It was in very poor condition.”
The realtor considered before answering. “Well, I should say, if my estimate is correct with the market here in Chester, your home is probably worth, after the remodel about two to three million dollars.”
Mrs. Porter clutched her chest where her heart was, gasping. Mr. Porter looked equally surprised. Mr. Houston did not bat an eye at the high price tag of the newly redone home. After they shook hands and said thank you Mr. Houston left, leaving the Porters ecstatic with the value of the old school.
“This is wonderful, Jane! Just wonderful!” Mr. Porter exclaimed. Mrs. Porter was nearly jumping with joy.
“It’s just perfect, Matthew! It’s amazing! I never would’ve thought we would be able to attain our dreams. This is a dream. Oh goodness, this is amazing!” She squealed, repeating herself often because she was so flustered.
Tessie leaned against the old chain link fence in the yard, watching the realtor get in his car and drive off. She knew that the assessment had gone well. She could see her parents jumping through the window. She had almost hoped that it would not go well, so that they wouldn’t want to stay there. At least they would be able to sell the home and get it out of their hands. But no, Tessie had a feeling this would happen.
The house had gone up in value, and considering the softened market, the price of the old school would just skyrocket even further with time. Tessie groaned inwardly. Throughout the remodel things had gotten worse. Tessie felt sick every time she set foot inside the home, and she developed breathing problems whenever she entered the kitchen, which did not surprise her.
She kept the notebook she had found there. She had read the story at least ten times. The style and the hand that the story was written in did not add up with the characteristics of a child. Tessie wished more than ever to know if it was a true story, if the little Cynthia really did exist at a time.
“Hello”, a voice whispered in her ear.
She gasped, spinning around and clenching her fists, preparing for a fight.
A tall, lean blond boy with eyes the color of the sky on a sunny day leaned against the fence, his expression teasing.
“Hey”, he waved, grinning. Tessie scowled.
“Who the hell are you?” She nearly shouted.
He laughed. “Chill girl, I live next door.”
He jutted his thumb over to a house about two miles away from the school. The home was barely noticeable, you could hardly see it from where they were standing.
“That’s not exactly next door.” Tessie said, eyeing the kid suspiciously.
He looked about her age. He waggled his eyebrows jokingly. She rolled her eyes.
“I’m Chip”, the boy said, extending his hand through the fence for her to shake it.
She grasped it, “Tessie.”
His hand was rough, probably from working on the expansive house and all the land around it, which required hours of manual labor that probably was his responsibility.
“I haven’t seen you around. You just moved here?” He asked.
Tessie nodded. Her parents had bought the place months ago, but had just finished the renovations a few weeks ago. “Yes. We just moved in last week.”
Chip nodded, looking impressed at the large building. He shielded his eyes from the sun as he gazed up at the old school.
“Chester Elementary. My parents went there.” He said.
Yeah, yours and everyone else’s. Tessie thought. Chip’s eyes returned to Tessie.
“You going to Chester High in the fall?” He asked.
“None of your business.” She responded defensively. He chuckled again.
“Feisty. Ah well, see you around Tessie.” He said, jumping away from her fence and sprinting back to his house.
Tessie’s eyes narrowed. He was one odd kid. Or maybe he was just annoying. Probably.
Chapter 4
The Porters were very untraditional, they ate dinner in the living room. Tessie sat on the sofa, where her parents lounged on the loveseat.
“What do you think of the renovation, Tessie?” Mr. Porter asked her, sphering a piece of meatloaf and popping it in his mouth.
Tessie played around with her food, not really eating anything. Her appetite always deserted her when she was in the school.
“It’s fine.” She responded flatly.
Mr. Porter scowled, observing Tessie’s clammy skin and dull green eyes, which were usually glowing.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asked her.
She looked up at him, her lip curling as her temper shot up into the danger zone.
“Of course I’m not okay. I hate it here. I wish we had never moved. I absolutely loathe this place.” Her tone was harsh, even though she spoke calmly.
She could tell that her words had stung her parents. They both looked at her with wounded expressions that quickly turned into furious ones.
“You do not speak to us like that, young lady.” Her mother said, placing her half eaten food on the coffee table and standing up.
Tessie carelessly dropped her plate on the table, where some of her food toppled over onto the floor.
“Punish me, send me away to boarding school. I don’t care. In fact, please do send me away to maybe a military school. Anything to get out of this hellhole.” Tessie said with venom.
Her parents both stared at her in surprise and anger. She threw her napkin down. “You know what. I’ll see you later. I’ll be in my room.”
She left calmly, climbing the staircase to her bedroom. Tessie’s room was painted midnight blue, and dark curtains repelled any light that tried to seep into her bedroom. All the furniture was dark wooden, even her bed sheets were black or dark blue.
Tessie groaned as she fell onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She had a terrible headache, she knew, that no drug could take care of. This place was draining the life out of her, and she hated it. She hated the building. It had such a large and terrible influence on her that if she had it her way, she would’ve had it torn down the moment anyone would tell her it was ready for demolition.
Tessie sneered, her dark red hair sticking to her face from her sweating. She absolutely hated it here. Ever since she set foot in the building, she had felt a strange electric charge in the air, which had progressively gotten worse over time. But what could she do?
Something brushed her shoulder. She immediately sat straight up, alert as her eyes darted around the room. She appeared to be alone, but she did not feel like she was. Something was tugging at her, telling her to go to her desk, which rested in the corner of the room.
She got up, and with the guide of the invisible force encouraging her, she walked forward until she was standing over her desk. She realized what was in the desk that had drawn her to it.
She reached inside and pulled out the notebook where Cynthia’s life story was written. She swallowed, her fingers shaky as she gripped the cover. She felt as if a spotlight was shining down on her, waiting for her to make a move.
Tessie opened the notebook, and what she saw made her heart leap. The pages were blank. Completely untouched, not even worn from time. Tessie dropped the notebook, a small scream escaping her lips before she covered her mouth with her hand. This could not be happening.
Chapter 5
Tessie gripped the edge of the desk, trembling from fear and shock. Was she crazy? The words had been there. She could not have imagined such a sorrowful story.
What if she was crazy? No. She refused to think she was insane. That story was not made up from Tessie’s imagination, it could not be. She just wished she knew who the little Cynthia girl was, and if she was real. She also would like to know who wrote the story.
Tessie shut the notebook, pulling a laptop out of her desk and stetting it on top. It was time to do some research.
Tessie scrolled through the many online articles about children who had died during the 1880s. There was one little girl, Cynthia Evans. The name caught Tessie’s eye since it was a Cynthia, and the date of birth was 1881, which matched the birthday in the story that had mysteriously vanished.
Cynthia Evans was born here in Montana not far from Chester. Her younger sister whose name was not mentioned, had passed away only a few years after her birth. Her parents weren’t really mentioned, except that their names were Theresa and Jonathan Evans. The article was focused mainly on Cynthia herself.
At the age of six she knew how to play the violin and piano. She had wished to become a musical protégé when she grew up, but those dreams were thwarted when she turned seven and was diagnosed with lung cancer.
Tessie’s heart pounded at the words typed on the screen. This story was almost an identical copy to the one that had been written in the notebook, aside from a few missing details, it was nearly exactly the same.
Tessie was at the public library, afraid to do the research in the building. She tapped her foot nervously on the linoleum floor as she read. The rest of the article talked about Cynthia’s date of birth and death, July 17th, 1881- January 6th, 1888. Cynthia had died just a few months before her eighth birthday.
Tessie exited out of the page and got up, taking an armful of books with her. She had checked out Modern Hauntings, Visions: A Psychic’s Guide to Coping and Helping Others , and a few other stories about haunted spots in Montana and just how to deal with spirits.
She zipped the books up in her backpack, and then threw it over her shoulder, getting on her bike and beginning to pedal. She had to work her legs fiercely in order to get up the hill that led to the school, but once she was up there and shining with sweat, she threw her bike down and headed inside.
Her parents had gone out, which was strange, usually they liked to make arrangements to have people come here to show off their wonderful investment, oh well. Tessie dropped her backpack in her room and removed the books, throwing them on her bed. She grabbed a small notebook and pen before heading outside.
Tessie enjoyed artwork and drawing, she loved drawing nature. Maybe drawing would get her mind off of things. She sat down on the ground, beginning to sketch a detailed picture of a dandelion when she saw Chip in the cornfield behind his house, removing good and bad stocks.
“Chip!” She called, dropping what she was doing and running over to him.
He looked up at her and a grin spread across his face. He was wearing jeans overalls and was shirtless. He had a straw hat on. Tessie would’ve laughed at his appearance any other time. He was the picture perfect country boy. Chip leaned against his plow as he looked at Tessie.
“Hello, what can I do for you?” He asked.
She hardened her tone, her eyes cold. “I want you to tell me everything you know about Chester Elementary School.”
He scowled, his blond eyebrows coming together in confusion. “I thought your family would’ve known all about the place, considering you bought it. If not, then it’s going to take time to tell you everything about it.”
“I got time.” Tessie said.
He shrugged, walking over and setting the plow against the side of his large farmhouse. He wiped his hands on his jeans. “Alright. Do you wanna come in? I’m sure Mom won’t mind.”
Tessie nodded. “Sure. Thank you.”
She followed Chip inside the house, which was just as old fashioned country style as it was on the outside. With wooden furniture, flowered wallpaper, and even a rocking chair. They entered the kitchen where a plump woman scrubbed dishes in the sink. The kitchen was bright with whitewashed cabinets, curtains the color of sunshine, and fruits and vegetables wallpaper. There was a cookie jar on the counter in the shape of a rooster.
“Mom”, Chip said, and the woman turned around.
She looked a lot like her son. She had short blond hair, and blue eyes. She looked at them kindly, grabbing a dishtowel and drying off her hands. She smiled.
“Hello, I apologize I’m in my work clothes, such a mess. How do you do?” She greeted Tessie, reaching out her hand.
Tessie shook it, smiling kindly. “Hi, I’m Tessie.”
Chip’s mother nodded. “Very nice to meet you. Chip, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were going to have a friend over.”
Chip rolled his eyes but said nothing. His mother placed the dishtowel on the counter and wiped her hands on her apron.
“Well, I’m just going to go change. There are some cookies on the table. Help yourself.” She said, leaving the kitchen.
Tessie noticed a plate of chocolate chip cookies on an oak table shoved against the west wall. Chip gestured with his arm.
“Have a seat. You want some milk?” He asked, already opening the fridge and pulling out a carton.
Tessie nodded, pulling out a chair and sitting down. “Sure.”
He placed glasses on the table, pouring the milk for both of them and handing one to her. Tessie clutched her glass, taking a cookie.
“So”, Chip said, biting off some of his own cookie, “What do you want to know about the school?”
Tessie decided she’d come right out with it. There was no point in beating around the bush. “The children that went there. Did any of them die?”
“You mean in the school?”
She nodded. Chip shook his head. “I don’t think so. I mean, out of all the stories I’ve heard about the old place, only one told about a kid who died there.”
“What was that?” Tessie asked.
Chip paused to take a sip of milk before continuing, taking another cookie. “Her name was Katie Lee. Rumor has it she was beaten to death by kids who bullied her. She was only ten when she died. The kids who supposedly killed her by accident were sent to the Juvenile Detention Center, but it’s said that Katie never really did move on.”
Chip shrugged. “I doubt that’s true. But that’s the only story I know of kids who died there.”
Tessie took a bite of her cookie. It was still warm and the chocolate was gooey, and melted in her mouth. She took another. “What else can you tell me about the school?”
He pursed his lips, considering. “Well, the school was notorious for hauntings. It’s said that a teacher went insane there and killed herself by jumping out the second story window. Another is a kid was playing near the swing-set when they jumped the fence and disappeared. The kid’s body was never found. There are other stories of children disappearing in the detention room.”
That caught Tessie’s attention. She set down the milk. “What room was that?”
“Room 15.”
Tessie gripped her glass, trying to keep her hands from shaking. Chip could see the change in her. Her lips had turned pale white, and her skin was chalky.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked her. She shook her head and swallowed.
“I’m fine. Tell me more about the detention room.” She urged.
He hesitated a moment, seeing her sudden change in mood, but he told her anyway. “It was where children were punished when they disobeyed the teachers. They were to write over and over on the chalkboard, sometimes smacked with rulers, or just told to sit there for hours at a time. It was never fun for the kids. Some considered it torture, for children to do nothing for such a long period. The detention time was eventually reduced to about an hour or two instead of the length of six to eight, but it was still a hated and feared room.”
Tessie pushed her milk away from her and got up. “I think I’d better go now. Thanks for the cookies. I’ll see you later.” She turned to leave.
“Wait.” Chip stood up and walked in front of her, blocking the doorway.
“What? Let me go.” She tried to push past him but couldn’t.
“Why are you asking about the history of the school?” He asked.
Tessie glared up at him when an idea came to her. She smiled sweetly.
“What’s my business is my business.” She leaned closer until she was breathing in his face. “And not yours.”
She then stomped on his foot, hard. He grunted in pain and she jumped past him, opening the door and stepping onto the porch.
“Thanks for all the help.” She called behind her.
Chip limped to the door where Tessie stood, grinning.
“That wasn’t very nice.” He said, rubbing his sore foot. Tessie laughed.
“You should know by now that I’m not the nicest girl around.” She scowled, any sweetness wiped clean from her features.
“I suggest you keep your nose in your own business. Trust me, you don’t want to get tangled up in anything that has to do with that school. Thank you for helping me, really. Goodbye.” She turned on her heel and headed back to the school.
Chapter 6
It was for Chip’s own good that Tessie was keeping him in the dark. The less he knew about Chester Elementary School the better.
When she got inside she found her parents sipping wine in the kitchen with a few of their friends. Tessie was careful to stand a few feet away from the doorway. Her parents smiled when they saw her.
“Tessie, c’mon in!” Her mother said, waving for her to come into the kitchen.
She refused. She was already getting on odd vibe from the place, the feel of get the hell out of here or else was very strong. She hesitated, her foot inches away from the tile floor. One more step and she felt she would literally enter hell, because that’s what it felt like it was. She had begun to sweat, her hair sticking to her neck and forehead. Her mother gave her a funny look.
“Tessie, come in and say hello to our guests. Don’t be rude.” Mrs. Porter chided her, but she refused to budge.
“I’ll be in my room.” She said, and turned abruptly to leave. Mrs. Porter gasped.
“We do not treat our guests this way. I am so sorry, she’s usually not like this.” Tessie’s mother apologized to her friends but Tessie was already up the stairs and in her bedroom.
The books she had checked out were still in a pile on her bed. She walked forward and picked up, Visions: A Psychic’s Guide to Coping and Helping Others. Tessie laid back on her bed, opening up the book and reading the introduction.
You may feel singled out at times, and you might even wonder, as well as question your sanity at others. But trust me, you are no crazier than I am. I am a licensed psychic, I help people and spirits on a daily basis. I love being a psychic, and I know you may hate it now, but believe me, it will get better. You just got to hang in there. Enjoy!
Sheri Wilde
The book spoke about living as a psychic, and about how even though you are different from society, you are not a freak.
Tessie read the book with rapt attention, and had finished it in one hour. She sighed when she was done reading it, hopefully understanding more about her visions. Tessie was not sure if she was a true psychic, but she knew she had visions, and that was enough.
In the book, it said that when having a vision, you are supposed to pay as much attention to it as possible, let it suck you in so that you can absorb as much as you can. That was what Tessie was going to do the next time she had a vision.
Now there was Haunted Spots of Chester , a book detailing the spirits in Chester, Montana. Tessie was nearly positive there would be at least one insert about Chester Elementary School. She looked in the table of contents, and sure enough, Chester Elementary School was listed as number five. She flipped to page twenty where two pages told about the school.
Chester Elementary School, founded in 1879 by William Michener, was one of the most well-known educational facilities in the state of Montana. It was a new school, which attracted parents to enroll their students there, and had fabulous records for being dedicated to teach even the most stubborn student . . . at first. About five years later a teacher supposedly committed suicide by throwing themselves out a second story classroom window, in the middle of class. Some say a child pushed the teacher as a joke while they were straightening the blinds on the window and the teacher slipped. There are many versions of the educator’s death. About two years later a young girl died during a lecture from her lungs shutting down. Ten years after a child escaped from the playground and went missing. Another tragedy was a young woman was stabbed to death by an intruder in the building who had broken in, planning to steal, but ending up murdering the girl. Two years later the school was shut down from the terrible incidents and crimes that had occurred there. About another decade went by and the school was vacant, until it was put up for sale. Many went through it, but were plagued by strange noises and shadows lurking the halls and abandoned classrooms. Time passed, the school remained empty. The most reported haunt in the school was in specific classrooms, and in the detention room where children were punished for their misdoings. In the room, Room 15, people reported seeing children in odd clothing sitting in desks or on top of them, yelling soundlessly. Others heard children laughing and running footsteps through the halls. It kept people away for years, and to this day, it remains vacant.
Tessie shut the book in frustration. Damn her parents. Why in hell did they have to buy this damned school?
She threw the book in the corner, picking up another. Spirits, Deal with Them, or get rid of Them.
Tessie spent the rest of the day reading, she fell asleep with Modern Hauntings over her eyes.
A loud crash bounced off the walls, waking Tessie up with a start. She sat straight up, the book toppling to the floor with a soft thump.
She jumped out of bed and sprinted down the hall, her breath coming quicker as she ran down the steps and down more halls. The sound came from the kitchen, and just the feel of everything put Tessie on edge.
She ran straight into the kitchen, seeing her mother in her bathrobe and father in his modern day suit but with slippers on. Her mother had her hands over her heart, staring down at the floor, where the shattered remains of Mrs. Porter’s fine china lay about. Her mother looked up at Tessie, Tessie’s eyes tired and a bad case of bedhead ravaging her hair.
“Tessie”, Mrs. Porter breathed, her voice almost a whisper, “Did you do this?”
Tessie’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “What? How could I have done this? I just got here!”
Mrs. Porter shook her head, getting down on her knees and picking up a few of the bigger chunks of the china she had loved so much.
“Oh, oh my.” She murmured, tears sliding down her cheeks. She seemed too heartbroken to speak.
“My great-granny used to only use this china to serve thanksgiving, or for afternoon tea.” She clutched some of the pieces in her fists.
“I inherited this when she died when I was five.” She seemed to be talking more to herself than to anyone else.
Mr. Porter placed his hands on his hips and stared at Tessie through his spectacles, which sat loosely on the end of nose.
“I didn’t do this!” Tessie gestured to her mother. “Why would I do this?” She shouted.
Mr. Porter shook his head, kneeling down next to his wife who was weeping softly.
“We’ll discuss your punishment later. For now, just go to your room.” He said to Tessie, trying to console Mrs. Porter while she sobbed onto her husband’s good shirt. Tessie threw her hands in the air.
“But I didn’t do it!” She yelled.
Mr. Porter glared at her, telling her that she was already screwed, and that she wasn’t helping herself, she was hurting herself.
She dropped her arms, her fists clenched at her sides. She was fuming, blood pounding in her temples as she stood there, her face beat red.
Tessie’s chest was tight from the foul vibe pulsing in the room. She breathed in and out quickly, feeling the pressure of the walls closing in on her. She had never been claustrophobic, and the room was not small. It was actually quite large, but length and width did not matter when it came to this room. Tessie knew that the only cure for this would be to leave, so she did.
She headed up to her room, slamming the door in her frustration. What the hell was going on? She spun around and stared up at the ceiling.
“Do you think this is funny?” She shouted at nothing. “Do you really want to mess with me?”
She stopped, her eyes scanning the room and spotting the notebook that had held Cynthia’s story. Tessie picked it up, staring at the black cover.
“You want to play hard ball?” Tessie asked, looking around. “Game on.”
Chapter 7
Tessie hit a dead end. She had cross referenced all the books she read about the school. She had exhausted all research sites she could find on the internet and she had checked the notebook over and over again to see if the story had somehow magically returned like it had disappeared.
Tessie decided, against her better judgment, to consult once again in Chip. She might leave him thinking she was crazy, but it would be worth it just to hear what he thought she should do.
Tessie headed over to the old style farmhouse and knocked on the door. Mrs. Kyle greeted her, smiling when she saw Tessie.
“Well hello, it’s nice to see you again. I’ll get Chip. Please come in.” She gestured with her arm and Tessie smiled.
“Thank you.”
She came inside, where the smells of a cake baking in the oven wafted over to her. She inhaled the delicious scent.
The room next to the foyer was the living room, where an old rocking chair leaned proudly against the wall. A flowered couch sat on the west wall, with a green cover thrown over the arm. There was no television like most modern homes. There were numerous TVs in Tessie’s home. Even though she did not really consider the school her home. The house they moved from, that was her home.
“Chip! Chip! Chip Timothy Kyle get down here! Tessie’s here!” Mrs. Kyle smiled at Tessie. “I’m so sorry. He’s a little hard of hearing.”
Chip came down the stairs, in a white T-shirt and jeans. His hair was wet from a shower. “I’m not hard of hearing Mom. I choose not to listen to you.”
She snickered. “Oh of course.” She went to pinch his cheek and he batted her hand away.
“Mom!” He said, shooting a glance at Tessie. Mrs. Kyle laughed and waved her hand.
“Oh, sorry for embarrassing you sweetie. I have a cake to ice. You two are welcome to the living room.” She said, and headed into the bright kitchen.
Chip shoved his hands in his pockets, his face red. He looked thoroughly embarrassed. Tessie smiled, a pang of envy hitting her. Chip had such a wonderful, natural life. The life a fifteen year old should have. Why couldn’t Tessie?
“What are you doing here anyway?” He asked her as they took seats in the living room.
Chip settled into the sofa, while Tessie sat on the very edge of an armchair across from the couch. She leaned forward, and Chip noticed the seriousness in her eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He asked her.
“I want to know your opinion on spirits.” Tessie expected him to burst out laughing, but instead, he sat there, without a trace of humor in his features.
“Why do you ask that?”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
He sighed and sat back, shrugging. “I’m not sure. I never really thought about ghosts much. Never ran into one. Of course, I’ve watched movies. But they were always versions with tricked out special effects. Nothing real. Why? What’s your opinion on spirits?”
Now it was Tessie’s turn to answer a question with a question. “Do you think they’re real?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” He said, but Tessie ignored him, waiting. He finally answered after about a minute.
“I don’t know. Like I said, I never ran into one to determine if they’re real or not. Now, answer my question.”
Tessie knew that she would just go around in circles with Chip if she did not let him get some answers out of her too.
She sat back in her seat. “I suppose I do believe in spirits.”
Chip snorted. Tessie’s eyes snapped to his face, surprised. “Excuse me?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. Except how could you not believe in ghosts? You’re living with them.”
Chapter 8
Tessie started, staring at Chip with wide eyes, which were bright from the lack of off vibe in the room. “What?”
He laughed. “Oh please. Don’t act so surprised. How could the school not be haunted? Of course there are ghosts. And there’s also your interest in the history of the school, and coming to me for info.” Chip gestured to himself and Tessie laughed.
“My parents bought the school. I should be able to ask about it.”
Chip rolled his eyes, which were as clear a blue as the sky on a cloudless day. “Don’t bullshit me, Tessie. I’m not as stupid as you may think I am.”
Tessie’s face had gone white with surprise and shock. She wet her lips before responding.
“I don’t think you’re stupid.” She whispered.
He laughed again. “Clueless then, but let’s be serious Tessie. A place with that much history, and a violent history at that, is bound to be filled with roaming spirits. Have you read the book, Most Haunted Spots of Chester ? It’s number three on the most haunted list.”
Tessie could’ve kicked herself. Of course, out of all the books she had read the one that held valuable information was the one she had overlooked. It must’ve been pretty obvious how the place was haunted, and how she had been desperate enough to go to Chip for information on Chester Elementary School.
There was just one thing. Chip must’ve been researching the school, or else he wouldn’t know all of this. Tessie gazed at him quizzically.
“Why do you care?” She asked him.
He scowled. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you know all of this about the school. Why do you care?”
Chip shrugged. “I’ve always been interested in the supernatural. It’s fascinated me since I was young. I’ve read so many books, the one about Chester Elementary School kind of stuck since I live right next door to the place. To me, the school is like the White House, as valuable as a national monument.”
Tessie laughed bitterly. “I wish your family had bought it then, so that way we wouldn’t be saddled with the little piece of hell sent to us personally by Satan himself.”
Chip’s scowl deepened. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean it’s hell on earth. And I am not the least bit kidding.”
“I don’t understand. I knew the place was haunted, but–”
“Try possessed.”
“Cake’s done!” Mrs. Kyle suddenly came into the room, a plate with a large chocolate cake resting on her palm. The arrival of Chip’s mother made them both jump.
“Thank you Mom.” Chip said, a bite of sarcasm in his tone. Tessie shot him a look. He kept quiet.
“You may slice it yourself, I’m going to tidy up the kitchen.” She said, wiping her hands on her apron and then heading back into the sunlight kitchen.
Tessie sighed. “I’d better go.”
She went to stand but Chip objected. “Wait! What were you saying earlier? The place is possessed? Do you believe the spirits there are evil?”
Tessie settled back into the chair, shrugging. “I wish I knew. But the fact is, I don’t.”
Chip calculated. “Do you have any proof that the spirits exist in the home? Or do you have any that can prove the souls in the house are evil?”
Tessie hesitated, thinking of the notebook that once had Cynthia’s story written in it.
“I did.” She said.
Chip’s eyes widened with interest and a spark of excitement. “Really? That’s amazing. After so many years of paranormal research, no one has come up with true evidence of spirits.”
At that moment Tessie weighed her options. She could use Chip’s help, because her alone didn’t seem to be cutting it. Then again, it was a risk pulling Chip into this, a risk for her and him. She took another moment before she made her decision.
“Would you like to come over?”
Chapter 9
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Tessie asked.
They were on the doorstep of the school, Tessie’s hand wavered above the doorknob. She was giving Chip a chance to back down, a small part of her wished he would. But to her dismay he shook his head, excitement and expectation glowing in his blue eyes.
“Totally. Let’s go in.”
Tessie opened the door, even though every nerve ending in her body was screaming to get out of there, and refuse to let Chip in. They entered into the foyer, where a table with a vase with a dead rose slumped in it greeted them.
“Wow”, Chip gazed around, at the high ceilings that Tessie’s mother had gotten an artist to stencil in beautiful drawings and illusions, at the long hallways, the paintings on the walls, the wooden floors, and the long, winding staircase that led upstairs, the banister old fashioned oak.
“It’s beautiful here.” Chip breathed. “And you said this place is evil?” He asked.
Tessie took a look around. The place was beautiful in its own way. But she could not decide whether it was evil or not. “I don’t know.”
Chip took a deep breath, still staring around in awe. “Where’s this proof you were talking about?”
“I’ll go get it.”
Tessie headed into her room and looked around, spotting the notebook on her desktop where she left it. She picked it up but before she left she took a second look at the cover. The left corner was bent, like someone had gripped it too hard and had nearly ripped it. Tessie’s eyebrows came together in confusion. Had her parents gone in her room? She didn’t think about it much longer. She went back into the foyer, where Chip was still looking around like he was in a trance.
“Here”, she handed it to him. “It was here before my parents cleaned the place out. It was the only thing that was saved from the school. Everything else they took to the dump.”
Chip held the notebook like it was very delicate, opening the cover gently. His eyes widened when he saw the pages.
He looked at Tessie. “Did you write this?”
She scowled. “Write what?”
She moved next to him and gasped when she saw that the page was filled with elegant handwriting. Cynthia’s story was there like it had never disappeared.
“I didn’t write that. The pages were blank the last time I opened it.”
Tessie’s heart pounded erratically. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Chip read a few sentences and looked at Tessie in surprise.
“Is this girl real?” He asked.
She sighed, shaking her head. “I wish I knew.”
Chip finished the story and closed the book, handing it back to Tessie. “Did you research her?”
She laughed bitterly. “I didn’t have much to go on. No last name, no true date of birth. But, I did find a little girl named Cynthia Evans who died in the same year and the same month as the one in the story. Also, the biography I had found was fairly similar to this.”
She tapped the cover of the notebook. “Only a few details were missing. However, that doesn’t prove that the girl in the story and the girl who died are the same person. I can’t tell you how much I wish I knew if this was real or not, or who had written it.”
Chip looked at the book in Tessie’s hands, a look of deep concentration on his face. He sighed after a few seconds of calculation.
“I don’t know.”
“I think I’ve hit a dead end.” Tessie said with a bit of resignation.
She had wanted to know who or what was in this place, but she had done all she could. She set the notebook on the table in the foyer when suddenly a feeling of dread came over her. Tessie’s pupils dilated, the greens of her eyes barely noticeable. She gripped the edge of the table to keep from falling over as her knees buckled.
“Tessie?” Chip gasped, reaching out and grabbing her arms to steady her, but she was already gone, everything began to spin.
The blaring of sirens in the distance pounded Tessie’s eardrums. The feeling of no control over what was happening swept over her. All the while, she was engulfed in blackness. However she knew that this was not herself who was experiencing this, it was someone else’s memories and feelings, not her own.
Cold hands touching her face and her wrist, also her neck, then an ear resting on her chest, searching for a heartbeat. They could find none.
She felt herself slipping away, farther and farther away. She could no longer feel the touch of human hands, what she did feel were the cold tendrils of death reaching out to her, embracing her. She screamed out in fear and protest.
I will not go with you! I refuse! She jerked away from the hands trying to grip her, to take her with them. She lurched backward, away, she didn’t know where she was going, only that she had to get away from the unseen creatures lurking in the suffocating darkness, trying to drag her down with them.
She felt herself falling, plummeting, her clothes and hair whipping in the wind that slapped at her face and body. She screamed again, over and over. She felt that she would never stop falling.
If felt like hours passed until she made impact on a solid surface with a hard slam. She didn’t feel any pain, which was odd. She would’ve expected some sort of spasm from the fall. But no, no pain.
She no longer felt the hands, cold or otherwise, probing her anymore, for which she was glad. She realized that her eyes were closed, she opened them and saw people gathered around something or someone on the floor, shouting frantically about what they should do and how to help.
She moved closer to get a look at what was going on. Tessie recognized the one woman, with short brown hair and loving brown eyes, which were bloodshot and damp with tears. For some reason she recognized the woman as her mother. This was not Tessie’s mom, but no matter, she felt that it was her mother.
She moved behind the woman and barely stifled the scream that threatened to escape her lips at the sight of the sprawled figure on the ground.
The girl on the floor was her. Not Tessie, but the girl whose memories she was experiencing. The body was still, her skin drained of all color. Her eyes were closed, and her blonde hair was laying limp on the floor.
Tessie shook her head, feeling all too horribly that this was her who was dead. The memories were so strong, it was as if they were Tessie’s. She could not be dead. She refused to believe it.
“Wake up!” She shouted at the girl on the ground. “Wake up!” She was sobbing, tears dripping from her face.
“Please! Wake up! Please!” She begged, falling to the ground on her knees.
Suddenly, the room around her dissolved, reality rushed back to her, and her sense of herself, of Tessie Porter came back, and Tessie was herself again.
She was on the floor of the foyer in the school. She was in somebody’s arms, she could feel the warmth of this person next to her. A hand went to her face.
“Tessie? Are you okay? Tessie?”
Tessie’s eyes snapped open, and she saw that she was in Chip’s arms. He must’ve caught her as she fell. His face was stricken with worry and alarm. He lowered his head when she looked at him.
“Damn, what happened to you?” He asked, looking exhausted like he had just come back from a run that had taken his breath away.
Tessie sat up, her face flushed with embarrassment and because she was tired herself. The energy in the vision had drained the life out of her, no pun intended. That vision had been terribly potent. It had sucked her in, and Tessie had felt that she had actually been there, and that she was the girl herself who had given her that memory. Tessie swallowed and shook her head.
“Chip”, she whispered, “I have something to tell you.”
Chapter 10
“Okay, but you have to lie down.”
Chip helped Tessie to her feet, and she let him lead her into the living room where he sat her down on the couch. He took a seat next to her, keeping hold of her hands.
“I’m fine.” She said, but it didn’t help that her voice broke. He rubbed her palms with his thumbs.
“Your hands are freezing, and shaking.” He said. Tessie jerked her hands away.
“Sorry, look. I have to tell you something, important.”
He nodded, his face stony serious. “Okay. I’m listening.”
She took a deep breath, thinking about what to say. She knew that after what she told Chip, how much he knows about the school, and what she just put him through with her vision, he deserved to know. Tessie looked Chip directly in his eyes.
“I’m psychic.”
For a moment, Chip just stared at Tessie, trying to see if she was joking, but he could find no trace of humor in her features. All the blood drained from Tessie’s face as her palms grew damp with anticipation. Why isn’t he saying something? She wondered. If he’d just say something, it would be better than just sitting here deciding whether or not I’m mentally stable. Chip scowled.
“Are you okay?” He asked her. She uttered out a laugh. She should be the one asking him that.
“I’m fine. Wondering if I’m insane or not, but otherwise fine.”
Chip laughed which caused Tessie to jump.
“What?” She asked with a hint of irritation. “It’s not funny.” She snapped.
His laughter died away. He was now totally serious. “I know. I’m sorry. I just don’t really know what to say. But you’re not crazy. After what just happened in the foyer, I believe you. But”, he leaned forward. “What did you see?”
Tessie shook her head, rubbing her temples. Her head was pounding, she knew, from the recent vision that had overtaken her. Chip touched her arm. She looked up.
“What did you see?”
Tessie took a deep breath. “It was like I was in the body of a girl who had just died. But, it was like she came back, and was staring at her dead body on the floor. Everyone was gathered around her, wondering what they could do to help, not knowing that she was already dead.”
“When the vision ended I was crying, or, the girl was crying. Anyway, I don’t know what happened exactly. I was fine, until I . . .” Tessie trailed off, suddenly comprehending.
“I’m such an idiot.” She whispered.
Chip scowled and shook his head. “I’m confused. What are you talking about?”
Tessie didn’t answer, she was already on her feet and into the foyer.
“That.” She said, gesturing to the notebook when Chip came in and stood next to her. He couldn’t have looked more lost.
“What is it? Tessie, what the hell were you talking about?” He was getting angry, but Tessie was in the middle of realizing the most important detail.
It had finally dawned on her when she was recalling her most recent and powerful vision. The last time she touched the notebook and it held Cynthia’s story she had a vision. This time, Chip had the notebook, and it had Cynthia’s story written down, like it hadn’t for weeks, and Tessie hadn’t had a vision in weeks. But when she touched the notebook now, with the story, she had a vision, one that had overtaken her. She had nearly passed out. Tessie feared that the next time she would. But she wasn’t going to think about that now. She pointed to the notebook which Chip held.
“That’s the key.”
He cocked one eyebrow. “Which means?”
Tessie rolled her eyes. “It means that if we want to annoy whatever’s here enough to show itself.” She gestured to the notebook. “Then we use this.”
Both of Chip’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “You want to provoke the spirits here?”
Tessie grinned. “Exactly.”
Chapter 11
“What should we do first?” Chip asked.
Tessie and Chip were in the kitchen, Room 15. The former detention room. Tessie figured that if they were going to piss off the spirits, they might as well do it thoroughly.
The notebook was open on the table. She had had Chip open it for her. She was afraid to touch it, worried that a vision would leave her incapacitated again.
Tessie pointed to the notebook. “I want you to rip out a page and crumple it up. Then throw it in the trash.” C
hip’s eyebrows rose. “And why do I have to do it?”
Tessie smirked. “Because I can’t touch the thing. Just do it.”
He walked forward and gripped one of the pages, giving it a good jerk. It ripped off easily, but with the tear Tessie winced. Her head throbbed, and she placed a hand on her forehead, shutting her eyes.
“Tessie?” Chip asked, about to set the page on the table.
She shook her head, her eyes snapped open. “No! Crumple it up and throw it away! Now!”
He was surprised at the sharpness in her tone, but he also seemed to understand not to screw with her, that she was in no mood for any kind of crap. He rolled the paper up in a ball, then pulled out the trash can from one of the cabinets. He let it drop. It fell into the can like Tessie expected it to. But what she didn’t expect was the sudden swell of dizziness that crashed in her head. She swayed on her feet. Chip moved to help her, concern showing on his face. Tessie’s eyes widened, staring at the notebook on the table. Her voice seemed to have left her, so she merely pointed. Chip jumped back a step.
“Holy hell.” He muttered.
The notebook was glowing a florescent white, like it was bathed in moonlight, even though it was two in the afternoon. Not only that, a gust of wind shrieked through the room, causing the pages of the notebook to flap like it was alive.
Suddenly, it was as if a tornado had entered the kitchen, tearing up the whole place. Pots and pans ricocheted off the walls, one flew near Chip’s head. He had to duck to avoid getting hit. Drawers flew open and the contents flew about the room.
Knives, forks, spoons, all of them whipped past Tessie.
“Get down!” She yelled as she and Chip dropped to the floor. They were on their stomachs to avoid whatever was ripping through the kitchen.
“Let’s get out of here!” Chip yelled through the screaming wind. Tessie shook her head.
“Wait!” She shouted, and began to get to her feet. Chip gripped her arm to stop her.
“Are you crazy? Do you notice what’s going on here?” He asked, looking around at the rushing wind and cutlery flying about the room. She considered that for a moment.
She was just about to stand up in the middle of a hurricane tearing through her kitchen. Well, maybe she was crazy. But she wasn’t crazy enough to let this go on any longer.
“Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.” She said, breaking away from Chip’s grasp.
“Tessie! Don’t be stupid, you’ll get killed with all the shit flying around! Get down here and let’s get out of here!” He shouted but Tessie ignored him, and stood up in the middle of the kitchen.
Her hair whipped around her face, blocking her vision, and the terrible screaming of the wind was pounding in her eardrums painfully. She didn’t pay any mind to this though, she began to yell.
“You think you can screw around with me? You are wrong! You are below me! I am your master! You are dead! You are a spirit, and you are nothing!” She screamed.
In response, the tornado just seemed to increase its speed and destructive course.
“Tessie! Get down!” Chip yelled, and Tessie ducked just in time for utensils and a pot to fly over the spot right where her head had been.
She swallowed but did not show her fear. She knew that she had to be assertive and take control of this thing that was haunting the school. It was not theirs. It belonged to the Porters, and Tessie intended to make that clear.
“You do not belong here! This is my house, not yours! You are a coward! Show yourself, if you are so great!”
At that moment, everything became still. The cutlery clattered loudly to the ground, and the wind disappeared. Tessie’s hair fell limply at her sides. She sighed. Chip was still on the floor, but got to his feet as soon as he saw that the storm was over.
Tessie wasn’t sure what was to come next, but what she certainly didn’t expect was the little girl that came forward, seeming to walk right out of the walls. She wasn’t ghostly at all, in fact, she looked very much alive. She had skin the color of a peach, with rosy cheeks and dimples even when she didn’t smile. She was a skinny little thing, with long honey blonde hair and intelligent blue eyes that were much too focused for a child. She wore a simple plaid dress with a white shirt underneath. She clasped her hands in front of her.
“Hello.” She said. Her voice was very friendly. Tessie’s eyebrows rose.
“Who are you?” She asked the girl. Chip looked just as interested in who the child was as Tessie.
The girl smiled. “Cyndi.”
Before Tessie could react, the child bounded forward and leapt into Tessie’s arms. She stumbled, surprised, but found that the girl was as light as a feather and actually very easy to hold. Cyndi buried her face in Tessie’s shoulder.
“It’s great to finally meet you.” She murmured.
Tessie looked at Chip for help but he just shrugged. Cyndi pulled back and smiled at her.
“Do you know who I am?” She asked her. Tessie shook her head.
“No, I’m sorry. Who are you, sweetie?” She asked kindly.
Cyndi’s smile widened. “You’ve read my story. You should know me quite well.”
All the blood drained from Tessie’s face. Her arms felt too weak to even support the light little girl. Cyndi seemed to sense this. She jumped out of Tessie’s arms just as they fell at her side. Cyndi held Tessie’s hand.
“I knew you’d recognize me. And I know you can help me.” She said, and hugged Tessie around the waist.
Chapter 12
“Wait a minute, how can you be Cynthia? You’re not dead. You’re obviously alive.” Chip said.
Cyndi turned around and smiled at him. “Oh, my full name is Cynthia Connie Evans, but please, call me Cyndi. And no, I may look alive by I am deceased.”
Tessie’s eyes widened in shock. “You’re Cynthia Evans?”
She looked warmly at Tessie and nodded. “Yes. You’ve done your research. Tell Chip about me please, Tessie.”
Tessie had trouble keeping her jaw from dropping to the floor. “How do you know my name?”
Cyndi trilled out a laugh, shaking her head. “I know all about you Tessie Lea Porter. Your family bought Chester Elementary School one and a half months ago. When you all came to check the place out after the purchase, you found my notebook here”, she gestured to the wrecked kitchen.
“In Room 15. You read my story and even got a good idea about what my classroom was like.” She squeezed Tessie’s hand and lowered her voice.
“You also understand what my death was like. I’m sorry. I did not mean to frighten you. But you were the only person I could speak to. Trust me, telepathy is not my favorite form of communication, but it was the only way I could contact you without completely freaking you out. You have had visions before, I understand.”
Tessie swallowed and uttered out a shaky laugh. “You’ve done your share of research too.”
Cyndi laughed joyously again. “Oh, no. I’m more of an observer. But, does Chip know about me?”
Chip scowled. “And, how do you know my name?”
Cyndi rolled her eyes, seeming to get annoyed. “Were you not listening Chip Timothy Kyle? I said, I am an observer. I know just as much about you as I do Tessie, thank you.”
He seemed to realize that the girl was getting irritated with him. He nodded. “Okay.”
Cyndi sneered. “As I was saying, Tessie, why not tell him about me?”
Tessie was about to speak, when Chip beat her to it. “I read your story. Did you write it?”
Cyndi’s face brightened. She seemed to enjoy this topic more than the last. “Oh, why yes I did. I wrote it a week before I died.”
Tessie swallowed. The way the girl spoke was like an educated adult giving a lecture. Very proper and sophisticated. She did not sound like a little girl.
“So you know enough about me to know that I died here?” Cyndi asked, addressing both Tessie and Chip. Both of them were surprised.
“Um, actually we did not know that.” Tessie said.
Cyndi looked embarrassed, she played nervously with a strand of her corn silk hair.
“Oh, sorry. I did not mean to alarm either of you with this whole debacle, but I was getting a bit irritated. I apologize.” Cyndi said sheepishly, staring up at them with big blue eyes. Her eyes were so large they reminded Tessie of doe eyes. Cyndi kept ahold of Tessie’s hand, giving it another gentle squeeze.
“You can help us.” She murmured softly.
Tessie’s eyebrows rose. “Us?”
Chapter 13
Cyndi nodded, her face lighting up once again.
“Yes, I would love for you to meet them, however”, she looked uneasily at Chip, Tessie did too, and was taken aback at his appearance.
His face was chalky white, his eyes glazed over like he was daydreaming, and he was gripping the countertop for support, his legs wobbly and looking like they would not support him much longer. Tessie moved forward and gripped him by his arms, looking sadly at the sweet young girl.
“I’m sorry, but I have to get him home.”
Cyndi smiled sympathetically. “I understand. There is plenty of time for introductions. You must take him to his house before he swoons.”
Tessie nodded, shuffling the woozy Chip out the door. She struggled over the distance between his house and the school, stopping a few times to catch her breath. But eventually she got him there, telling Mrs. Kyle that he felt lightheaded while they were playing a 3-D video game. It was a weak excuse, Tessie knew, but the motherly woman was too concerned with the state of her son to worry. She thanked Tessie and took hold of Chip.
He seemed to come through right when Tessie was about to leave. He touched her arm as his mother went to get a thermometer.
“Hey, sorry. I just began to feel a little sick in there. Did you see that girl?” He asked, serious.
“Who Cyndi? Yes, of course I saw her. You weren’t hallucinating Chip, trust me. You’ll be fine. Get some rest.” She gave him a smile before she headed back to the school.
When she got inside she saw Cyndi waiting in the foyer. She smiled when she saw Tessie. “Welcome back. How is Chip? Is he feeling better?”
Tessie shrugged. “I’m not sure. I think so, he’ll be all right. Now, who are the others that you’re talking about?”
Cyndi took hold of Tessie’s hand once again, leading her into the living room. “There are many of us who have died on this property. But there are only few of us who will show ourselves to the living.”
Cyndi sat Tessie down on the sofa while the little girl rested next to her.
“Why did you wait to introduce yourself to me? Why leave all the little clues? You were making me think I was going insane.” Tessie said angrily.
Cyndi patted Tessie on the arm. “You are not insane, Tessie. I was unsure of showing myself at first. Can you blame me? It’s been years since humans had ever trodden on our sacred ground, this was as much a surprise to you as it was to me.”
I seriously doubt that, Tessie thought. But she didn’t say anything. Instead, she asked a question.
“Who are the others?”
“Be patient.” Cyndi said calmly. “You will meet them. In fact,” She stood, Tessie stood along with her. “I do have someone who is most anxious to meet you.”
Cyndi took Tessie’s hand and guided her down the hall and into the library that used to be where the old school’s library was. It was the only part of the house that was used for the same purpose as Chester Elementary had used it for. Cyndi released Tessie’s hand.
“Who is it that you want me to meet?” Tessie asked.
“You will know him when you see him.” Cyndi said simply.
Tessie did not quite understand, but before she could ask, Cyndi walked forward and placed her palm against a bare wall that had only a painting of a lake on it. She shut her eyes. Tessie new better than to disturb her, instead she stood back and waited.
A few moments later, Cyndi’s eyes snapped open and she backed up until she was once again standing next to Tessie. Tessie opened her mouth to ask the girl what was going on, when a boy seemed to come out of the walls, just as Cyndi had done.
The child had shaggy black hair, and intimidating black eyes. He wore tan slacks and a white shirt. He glared at Tessie as he spoke, even though his words were directed at Cyndi.
“Who is she?” He asked her, his voice surprisingly deep for such a young boy.
Cyndi smiled sheepishly. “You have but to touch her to know who she is.”
Mild surprise registered to Tessie, but she wasn’t that surprised. With what was currently going on nothing could surprise Tessie. The boy stared at Tessie a few minutes longer, seeming to size her up.
He looked to be about eight years old, maybe a year or two older than that, but he still looked incredibly young. But, the power and intelligence in his eyes showed that he was much older than he looked. The knowledge in his eyes reminded Tessie of Cyndi’s eyes. He seemed to decide as he stared deeply into Tessie’s glowing green eyes. He walked forward and before she could react, took hold of Tessie’s hand in a swift but gentle grip. Tessie immediately was affected.
The walls around her swirled until she was no longer standing in the library, but in a classroom, the smell of chalk and ink in the air. A teacher stood in the front of the room and slapped the board with a ruler, barking at the students. Tessie–or maybe it was the boy–cringed at the educator’s yells.
Kids around the boy sucked in terrified breaths of anticipation. The teacher had a temper, they all knew it. The educator gripped the ruler in his hands so tightly that the stress on the wood was too much. It snapped to pieces in his hands. The teacher roared in outrage and threw the remains of the ruler to the floor, the wood splinters scattering everywhere. One large chunk hit the boy’s foot, causing him to jump slightly. The teacher noticed the child’s fear.
He came bounding to the boy’s desk and placed his red hands on the edges, blowing hot breath in the boy’s face as he growled at him. His ugly face pinched in anger.
“You think I’m funny boy? Do you really? Well, why don’t you just go straight to the office then? Or, better yet, get up.” The teacher barked, taking a step back and pointing to the front of the classroom.
The child didn’t hesitate, he couldn’t. The educator was angry enough, and he didn’t want to increase that frustration by disobeying a direct order. The boy walked to the front of the class, looking up at the teacher.
“Turn around you foolish child.” The teacher commanded.
The boy did as he was told. He turned, now facing the class. Suddenly, a fierce slap whipped his buttocks. He howled in pain, gripping his backside as he fell to his knees. The teacher merely smirked.
“You still think I’m funny boy?” He asked, sneering in the child’s face.
The vision swirled out of focused, colors and scenery shifting from brown classroom to green playground. Older children towered over the shorter boy, who cowered below them in fear. One took a swing at him, socking him in the gut. The boy fell to the ground, gasping for breath. This only made the children laugh.
Enjoying the boy’s pain, they punched him a few more times, and got in a few kicks. Once they became bored with him, they began to disperse. The boy struggled to his feet, bruised and bleeding. The older children realized that the boy was on his feet, and they turned around, heading back for round two.
The boy took off, running for the chain link fence. He climbed it as quickly as he could, ripping his good pants on the sharp edges in his haste. He landed on the hard asphalt on the other side of the fence, outside of the school. He began to run.
He ran and ran, until he soon got lost in the nearby trees of the forest. He wandered for hours, calling for help until he lost his voice. That night, it became so cold, he curled up in a ball and fell into a deep and numbing sleep. He did not remember waking up.
Everything fell away as the vision ended. Tessie felt herself returning to realty, and she saw that she was once again standing in the library. The boy’s pupils had become so large that there was barely any white left to his eyes. They dilated for a moment before returning to ordinary size. He let go of her hand but did not move away from her. Tessie took a deep breath.
“You were the child who jumped the fence and disappeared.” Tessie knew his history now, but she did not know his name.
The boy, seeming to read her mind, said, “Conner.”
Tessie scowled. “What?”
“My name is Conner.” He then took a few steps back and stared accusingly at Cyndi.
“I said I would meet her at the right time. I did not want to be forced.” He said.
Cyndi snickered. “Terribly sorry, but since I had already thrown myself in the fire, I figured I might as well go ahead and take you with me.”
“Without asking permission?” Conner asked her.
She let out a sweet laugh. “No, of course not. Do you not know me at all?”
Conner permitted himself a small smile. “I know you perfectly well.”
“Than this should not surprise you.”
He rolled his eyes, his smile fading. Tessie watched the odd exchange with interest. The children bickered like they were related.
“Did you want me to meet anyone else?” Tessie asked Cyndi.
Cyndi blinked a few times like she had just remembered something that she had forgotten. She shook her head. “Not now. Maybe another time. But I promise you, you will meet them.”
Conner seemed to have gotten bored with the conversation for he turned around and took a seat in Tessie’s father’s desk chair, where he swiveled around in circles while his eyes remained focused on the ceiling. Tessie and Cyndi watched him with mild interest. Cyndi grew bored.
“Tessie, I would like to speak to you in private.” She said, her tone completely serious.
Tessie nodded sternly. “Alright.”
The girls began to leave. They were halfway out the door when Conner suddenly sat bolt upright.
“Where are you going?” He asked Cyndi, getting up. She gave him a sweet smile that did not look the least bit forced, which Tessie could tell it was.
“We are just stepping out for a bit. Don’t worry. We will return soon.”
Conner scowled, lines of worry showing on his forehead. The boy was so young-looking, it was hard to believe he could have worry lines at his age. Tessie stole a glance and Cyndi.
The smile on her face looked even more plastered than it had before, like it was about to crack and then shatter into a million pieces, revealing the pain shining in her eyes like a pleading beacon. Conner, however sharp, did not say anything about her fake expression. He just nodded curtly once.
Cyndi took Tessie’s hand and nearly dragged her out of the room. She was strong for such a little thing. Whatever Cyndi had to tell Tessie, she figured that it was fairly urgent. They headed to the back covered porch. Cyndi barely took a few steps over the threshold before she hopped back inside. Tessie scowled in confusion at Cyndi’s fear. The little girl was eyeing the doorway like it was a hazardous area.
“Why don’t you come outside?” Tessie asked her.
Cyndi ignored her. “Tessie, you know how I died, do you not?”
Tessie nodded. She had noticed how Cyndi had conveniently avoided her question. She figured she would bring it up later.
“Yes, I do.”
Cyndi nodded, her expression grave. “You read how I died, in Room 15?”
Tessie nodded again.
“The doctors who examined my body said that I died from my lung cancer. They noted that my lungs gave out from too much fluid filling them. They said my lungs burst.” Cyndi let out a bitter laugh. “They did not.”
Tessie’s scowl deepened. “I’m lost.”
Cyndi waved a hand. “Tessie, I did not die from my lung cancer. It’s true that the doctors told me and my parents that I only had a year, maybe less, to live. However, I did not die from the leukemia.”
Tessie cocked an eyebrow. “What are you saying?”
Cyndi gripped Tessie’s fingers in her small hand. Her grip was cold as death. “What I’m getting at is that, I did not die naturally. I was murdered.”
Chapter 14
For a moment, Tessie said nothing, chewing on what the girl had said. Murdered. Impossible. The facts were too concrete. Cynthia Evans, diagnosed with leukemia when she was seven, died in January of 1888, on the sixth.
She had been ridiculed as a little girl, and had suffered terribly nearly her whole life. With the death of her sister, and then her death. Some said death was a blessing for the child, that she had been through enough in the few short years of her life. However, that did not mean she did not die at a horribly young age. Dying at age seventy was too young to die. Cynthia had not lived a long life, or a full one. Tessie could almost understand why she was a spirit.
“What do you want? Closure?” She asked Cyndi.
She hesitated. “Well, not exactly.”
The bitterness in her tone, the cold depths of her clear blue eyes, it all slammed into Tessie, and she realized what the girl desired. Cyndi wanted blood.
“Revenge.” Tessie murmured. The little girl looked at her with huge, pleading eyes. “I’m begging you. Help me.”
Tessie swallowed. Her throat was very dry. “Help you what? I can’t help you hurt anyone.”
Cyndi waved her hand, looking slightly annoyed. “I don’t want to hurt who murdered me. I just want to know who did it. I need to know. Please, Tessie. I have to know. I’m stuck here until I do.”
Tessie pursed her lips. “So, in a way, you do want closure?”
Cyndi took a moment before answering, considering. “I suppose so. I can’t get out of here until I find who did it.”
Tessie nodded. It was the reason why Cyndi hadn’t moved on. She was here to find her murderer and bring justice to him. The little girl was stuck here until she found who had killed her.
“But, why can’t you come outside?” Tessie gestured behind her at the wide expanse of cornfields and lush, green farmland.
“She can’t.” Conner’s voice pierced the stillness of the room like a knife, causing both Tessie and Cyndi to jump.
He was a few feet back, away from the two girls, leaning against the doorframe near the dining room, looking completely drained of all emotion. The pink flush of his cheeks had vanished completely, leaving him looking sickly pale.
“None of us can.” He said, his voice seeming to echo throughout the entire house. “This place is damned. And as long as we are inside it, we are damned as well. We should’ve burned the place to the ground when we had the chance.”
“Conner, you know we couldn’t.” Cyndi said, her voice pained. “You know what would happen to us if this building was destroyed.”
Conner nodded, his face flat. “We would go to hell.”
Tessie sucked in a quick breath. Conner shrugged. “I personally do not see the difference. We’re going to end up there anyway. We’re already screwed.”
“Don’t say that.” Cyndi said, her eyes on the ground.
“Why not? It’s the truth.”
“It’s horrible.” Cyndi’s voice was barely a whisper. Tessie wished Conner would quit pushing her.
“It’s an ugly truth.” He said flatly. “We cannot step outside of this building. But anything is better than this hellhole.”
Tessie remembered when she had said something similar to that. She had told her parents to send her away to maybe a military school, anything to get out of this hellhole. She had said. Now, Tessie shook her head. Compared to the two children, she had it easy here.
“Even the actual hell? If this building burns we burn with it!” Cyndi screamed at Conner.
He looked at her with dull black eyes. “And? Like I said, anything is better than here.”
A terrible crash that reminded Tessie all too much of her mother’s shattered china shrieked through the house. Conner suddenly became alert. He spun around and darted into the kitchen. Cyndi and Tessie wasted no time. They rushed after him.
Tessie came to a screeching halt when she saw a beautiful dark skinned girl standing in her kitchen. The girl was about her height, with sparkling green eyes and long hair the color of warm chestnut. She looked Tessie’s age, maybe a year older, and was leaning against the island, staring down at shards of glass on the floor as if she was trying to decide what to do with it.
“Ah hell”, Conner muttered, placing a hand on his head.
Cyndi had the exact opposite reaction. She ran and threw her arms around the girl’s neck, squeezing her gently. She hugged and greeted the girl like she had greeted Tessie. The teenager hugged her back, laughing and smiling.
“Well, hello little Cyndi. How are you, my dear?”
Cyndi giggled, squirming until the girl set her on her feet. “I’m wonderful! I haven’t seen you in so long. What have you been doing? Where have you been?”
The girl laughed again. “I never left. Oh,” She hugged Cyndi again, keeping one arm around the little girl. “I’ve missed you so much, girlie.” She ruffled Cyndi’s hair.
She then seemed to notice Tessie for the first time. She didn’t glare at her, like Conner had, but she didn’t jump over and hug her like Cyndi. She simply nodded in Tessie’s direction.
“What have you been up to?”
Referring to Tessie. Cyndi blushed, playing with a strand of her silky blonde hair.
“Um, this is Tessie.” She said, gesturing weakly in Tessie’s direction. The girl rolled her eyes.
“Amazing timing you have. Hello”, she said, reaching out her hand. Tessie shook it. The girl’s fingers were icy.
“I’m Brandy. And these two”, She looked down at the two children, “You know them already.”
Conner looked thoroughly pissed off. His fists were clenched and his black eyes seemed to blaze with fury.
“What the hell are you doing here? We thought you had left.” He said with conviction.
Brandy turned to Conner with a kind smile, unfazed at the boy’s rudeness. “Dear Conner, I did not leave. If I had, who would keep an eye on you and the others?”
Tessie cocked an eyebrow but said nothing. Others? She could barely deal with Conner and Cyndi’s arrival. And now another? It was fortunate though that Brandy seemed more mature than the two kids.
A clink of metal caused Tessie to stiffen. The front door opened and she heard the crinkling of plastic bags along with keys being placed on the table in the foyer.
“Could you help me with these bags?” Mrs. Porter asked Mr. Porter who grunted under the weight of the groceries. Shit.
Chapter 15
“Who are they?” Brandy asked.
No one answered her. Everyone, even Conner, was frozen at the sudden entrance of her parents. Tessie was busy formulating a plan.
The staircase was right next to the door, so they could forget going upstairs. And no one but Tessie could go outside. Their only option was downstairs.
“Follow me and keep quiet.” Tessie said, jumping over to the door that led to the basement. She opened it, gesturing for everyone to get inside.
Brandy took Cyndi’s hand and pushed the little girl forward. When Tessie was about to duck inside Brandy turned at the last minute, bumping into her.
“Wait! Where’s Conner?” She whispered fervently.
Tessie surveyed the room and shook her head. The boy was nowhere to be seen. “There’s no time. Get inside.”
Brandy did not move. “No. We have to find Conner.” She demanded.
Tessie grabbed the girl’s arm. “We have to go. If my parents see you we’re all screwed. Don’t worry. He’s still here.”
Brandy’s pretty face suddenly crumpled in pain and sorrow. Real tears began to flow down her face. She gestured helplessly with her hands.
“Please, please Tessie. What if he left? If he left I don’t know what I’ll do.” She sobbed, burying her face in Tessie’s shoulder.
Tessie tried her best to console the girl while still listening to what her parents were doing. They were making their way through the hall and were about to enter the kitchen. Tessie couldn’t even imagine what they would say if they saw her with a hysterical girl crying on her shoulder and a shaking child, both who had died years ago.
“C’mon”, Tessie closed the door with a barely audible click. She just prayed her parents couldn’t hear it with all the noise they were making.
She shuffled Brandy down the stairs, gripping Cyndi’s trembling hand. The basement was finished, but dark without any lights on. Tessie felt her way over to the couch and sat the two girls down. She was afraid that if she did turn on a light, her parents would know she was down here.
The girls sitting in the dark gave off a faint florescent glow that Tessie had never seen before. She didn’t say anything though. She did not want to offend either of them.
Cyndi hugged Brandy close to her, who had her hands covering her face while she cried, her bony shoulders heaving forward. Tessie heard her mother scream. They must be in the kitchen. The mini tornado had done quite a number on the place.
Cyndi embraced Brandy, who clung to her like a frightened child. In the darkness, Tessie noticed something about the girl that she had not before. She was very pale, everything about her, even her hair, which was a very warm color, had a bit of a pale tint, like she had been out in the sun too long. It was hard to describe, but she had almost a grayish look to her. She wasn’t as bright as Conner and Cyndi. Brandy broke away from Cyndi, who looked at her with eyes wide with worry.
“Are you okay?” She asked her in a small voice.
Brandy moved her hands away from her face, which was damp with tears. She shook her head and shut her eyes, sniffling.
“N-no, what if something happened to Conner? What if he left? He could be in hell, and it’s all my fault!” Brandy suddenly threw her arms around Tessie, catching her off guard.
Goose-bumps rose on her arms. Brandy’s skin was so cold, like ice. She felt like she was being embraced by an ice creature. Tessie hugged the girl awkwardly.
“I’m sure he’s fine. He wouldn’t leave.” She said, even though she wasn’t entirely sure.
He had been the one to say that even hell was better than here. Brandy seemed to sense Tessie’s lie. She moved away, wiping at her eyes. “No, he would if he could. And he can anytime he’d like. I just don’t know what I’d do if he left.”
Cyndi gripped Brandy’s hands. “Brandy, I know Conner. I’ve known him for a long time as well as you have, and I am positive that he did not leave. He wouldn’t do that to you, or me. I’m sure he’s still here.”
Tessie touched Brandy lightly on the shoulder. “I–”
She didn’t finish what she was saying. Darkness swirled around her until the room she had been in disappeared completely. She gripped Brandy until her nails seemed to dig into her skin, but they didn’t, Tessie ended up clutching air.
The darkness came to an abrupt halt. Colors began to merge together like puzzle pieces clicking, until there was an entire picture. This was more of an out-of-body experience. Tessie could see Brandy, her back against the chalkboard, and her eyes wide with fear. A black clad figure held some sort of object in his right hand. He was pointing at Brandy with the other hand and shouting at her.
“There’s nothing here! Please!” Brandy begged, sobbing into her hands. The man yelled profanities at her, cussing and calling her horrible names.
“Get on the ground!” He commanded.
Brandy did as she was told. Now on her knees, she cried and begged for mercy. The man held up his right hand, the object he gripped flashed with the sunlight streaming in through the open windows. It was a knife.
Tessie jerked away from the scene unfolding before her, she felt herself fall. A red hot flash of pain warmed the back of her head. The vision shattered.
Tessie blinked a few times, her eyes were cloudy. Once she could see, she realized she was back in the basement. Brandy stared at Tessie in surprise, a bit of alarm showing on her face. Tessie was on the ground, her hand clutching the back of her head. She had banged it against the coffee table, she now realized. She brought her fingers back, they were red with sticky blood. Tessie moaned softly. Her parents were going to kill her.
“Oh my God,” Brandy breathed, reaching out with her hand. Tessie recoiled automatically. No way was she returning to that vision.
“Are you okay?” Cyndi asked, getting down on the ground so that she was at eye level with Tessie. “What did you see?”
Tessie’s eyes flickered to Brandy, whose eyes got big with fear. Not like Brandy was afraid of Tessie, but that she was afraid of what she had done to Tessie. She swallowed, ignoring Brandy’s frightened gaze.
“I saw Brandy, she was”, Tessie swallowed again, “ attacked . I didn’t see anything else.” Tessie lied.
She saw the guy begin to stab Brandy viciously, but she didn’t want to recall it. Cyndi nodded, her eyes grave as if she understood what Tessie did not say. Brandy had become completely still. Her lip trembled slightly, and she was as pale as a sheet.
Cyndi placed her hand on Brandy’s shoulder. “It’s okay. Let’s go find Conner.”
“There’s no need.” Everyone’s head snapped up at the voice.
Conner leaned in the corner not ten feet from where the girls sat, giving off the same faint white glow as the other two ghosts. Brandy immediately jumped off the sofa, ran over, and threw her arms around him. She was hysterical, but Tessie couldn’t tell if she was happy or angry.
“Oh Conner, where did you go? I was so worried! What were you thinking?! You are in so much trouble!” Brandy gave him another hug. “I’m just glad you’re back.”
Conner patted Brandy’s arms awkwardly. “I never left.”
“ Tessie !” Mrs. Porter shrieked from upstairs. Conner eyed the ceiling.
“Who was that?” He asked, then shook his head. “Never mind.”
Tessie wasn’t sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but she could’ve sworn Conner floated up to the ceiling, and dissolved into the plaster. He appeared moments later, holding a crowbar in his pale hands.
“I’ll take care of it.” He said, making for the stairs.
“No!” Tessie rushed forward, blocking Conner’s way. He cocked an eyebrow.
“They’re my parents. I’ll deal with them. Just, give me that.” She held out her hand for the crowbar.
Conner gripped it tighter for a moment before Brandy walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder, a silent warning passing between them. Conner reluctantly handed the thing to Tessie. She clenched her fingers around the cold metal. Where the hell did he get a crowbar anyway? Tessie wondered. She discarded the thing onto the ground, where it landed with a loud clatter.
Tessie climbed the stairs, but hesitated at the top, listening to her parents arguing.
“We can’t let her home alone anymore.” Her mother’s voice filtered through the wooden door separating the basement from the kitchen. “Not if she’s going to do this.”
Tessie imagined her mother gesturing wildly at the disaster around her. She heard her father sigh.
“I just can’t figure why she would do such a thing. Tessie was never the violent type.” She could picture her father running his hands over his tired face.
“She said it herself”, Mrs. Porter said heatedly, “She hates it here.”
“Mary, what do you suggest we do?”
Tessie could hear the impatience in Mr. Porter’s voice. He didn’t feel like dealing with this right now. He wanted to put the groceries away and have a hot meal. The last thing he wanted to do was come up with a punishment for Tessie.
Tessie hesitated at the top of the stairs, worried that coming up now would be a bad time. Well, she realized, coming up at any time would be a bad time. She wondered if they would actually send her away like she had wanted when they first moved in. She turned around to see Brandy, Cyndi, and Conner all watching her, waiting. Tessie realized that she couldn’t leave them, not now. Because, no matter how much Conner would try to deny it, they needed her.
They had business that they had to take care of, and they all needed Tessie to help them with it. Whatever her punishment, she would have to persuade her parents that sending her away would be the last thing that would help her. “I can come with you.” A whisper came from beside Tessie. Cyndi looked up at her with shining blue eyes.
She clasped Tessie’s hand in hers. “They can’t see me. I’ll go with you.”
Tessie gave Cyndi’s cool fingers a gentle squeeze. “Okay, but just so you know I can’t censor out what you’re about to hear.”
Cyndi giggled softly and nodded. Tessie pressed a finger to her lips to signal for quiet as she headed upstairs, Cyndi’s hand slick in Tessie’s from sweat. She swallowed, gripped the doorknob, and stepped out, releasing Cyndi’s hand as she came into her parents’ view. Mr. and Mrs. Porter’s eyes snapped to Tessie as soon as she came out of the basement.
“What the hell did you do?!" Mrs. Porter shouted at her.
Mrs. Porter’s face was beat red from yelling, as opposed to her husband whose face was pasty from stress. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, shaking his head.
“Mary”, he said in a strained voice. Mrs. Porter spun around to face her husband, her eyes blazing.
“She destroyed my kitchen Tom!” She turned back to Tessie, her face hardening. “Tessie, I’m sorry but, you’re going to St. Theresa’s Catholic School this fall. I hope that this will be an effective punishment.”
Tessie’s jaw dropped, her eyes widening and burning with anger.
“ What ? You can’t send me to a private school! That’s–crazy!” She shouted.
Mrs. Porter crossed her arms. “It’s the last thing I want to do, trust me, but it’s the only thing I can think to help you.”
“Mary”, Mr. Porter interrupted, shooting a glance at Tessie that said keep quiet . She nodded slightly. “Don’t you think that’s just a little rash? Just ground her. I’m sure that’ll teach her.”
Mrs. Porter laughed curtly. “Hardly. When has grounding her ever worked? Remember a few months ago when she snuck out? We grounded her for weeks and that didn’t stop her from doing it again.”
“You snuck out?” A whisper tickled Tessie’s ear. She jumped slightly. Cyndi had glided up to her height, how, Tessie didn’t know.
She coughed lightly, hiding a muffled shh! Cyndi rolled her eyes but thankfully kept quiet. Tessie turned her attention back to her parents, who were in the middle of a heated argument.
“I don’t care if she doesn’t like the school! That’s the point! It has a very good educational system and high standards. The records are spotless and the references are miraculous. She’ll get a very good education there and if she doesn’t like it, that’s tough.”
Tessie stamped her foot, actually stamped her foot. She knew the gesture was childish and stupid, but she couldn’t help it. She was furious. A Catholic school? Of all the things she was being sent to a Catholic school? She could’ve screamed.
“That’s not fair!” She shrieked.
Mrs. Porter shrugged indifferently. “Life isn’t fair.”
Tessie clamped her mouth shut in an effort to swallow a scream. She couldn’t believe this. She absolutely refused to go to a Catholic school. Never. Ne-ver.
“You can’t do this.” She said breathlessly. “I won’t go, and you can’t make me go.”
Tessie was playing the ‘you can’t do this’ card, when she really was being royally flushed. She knew that her parents had the upper hand. They had a few aces up their sleeves. Saying she was screwed was an understatement.
The corners of her mother’s mouth turned up in a grim smile. “I’m sorry Tessie, but if this is what it takes to get you to behave, so be it.”
Tessie clenched her fists in outrage. “No”, she said through her teeth, “I’m not going. I’ll–leave here before I go to a Catholic school.”
Her father’s eyebrows arched up in surprise. “You’ll leave home?” He asked incredulously.
She nodded, folding her arms across her chest defiantly. “I’ll run away. I swear, I won’t go to Catholic school. The streets are better than here.”
She meant to sound firm but it didn’t help that her voice quivered at the end.
There was a beat of silence that was broken by Cyndi going psst! Tessie’s eyes roved over to the little girl in silent question.
“You wouldn’t really leave us, would you?” Cyndi asked, her voice thick with unshed tears.
Tessie shook her head, making it look like she was shaking it in defeat at her parents’ argument.
“Look”, she spoke up, “I don’t want to leave here. I really don’t. But, I won’t go to Catholic school. Anything else, I promise, any other punishment I’ll follow.”
Her parents exchanged a questioning glance before her father sighed. “Let’s just ground her.”
Mrs. Porter’s jaw clenched in anger. After a moment she finally shrugged.
“Fine”, she looked at Tessie, “you’re grounded for two months, maybe more if you keep this up. For starters, you can clean up this mess. You will also be paying for a majority of the repairs.”
Tessie’s stomach dropped to her feet. She swallowed, feeling like her heart had jumped into her throat. “But–where am I supposed to get that money?”
Her mother shrugged again. “You tell me. It’s not my problem.”
She swept out of the room then, but to Tessie it felt like a cold breeze had just entered it, giving her a chill that shivered down her spine. Mr. Porter gave her a look that said, just let her alone , and followed after her mother.
Tessie breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back against the wall. She felt like she had just faced the beginning of a huge battle. Her parents would be keeping an extra watchful eye on her from now on. Even though it seemed like she had won the battle, to her it felt like she had just suffered a brutal loss.
Cyndi glided over and hopped up onto the countertop, observing Tessie with sad eyes. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”
Tessie looked at the little girl, her eyes tired. “No. It’s not. Trust me, this’ll all blow over.”
Cyndi’s angelic face pinched into a scowl. “When?”
She let out a bitter laugh. “Oh, I’d say two, maybe three years.”
Cyndi shut her eyes. “I’m sorry. I only did this to get your attention.”
“Why did you do this?” She asked curiously.
Cyndi covered her face with her hands, taking a deep breath before speaking. “I wanted you to know that I was here. I know I scared you with the notebook, and I figured you had thought you’d gone insane. I wanted to let you know that you were completely sane, and that the things happening around you weren’t figments of your imagination.”
Tessie gave a short laugh. “Nice way of making yourself known.”
“Well what else was she supposed to do?” Conner said from the doorway to the basement.
He walked over and leaned against the island Cyndi was sitting on, Brandy coming up behind him and closing the door.
“You were doing a heck of a job ignoring us.” Brandy commented, taking a seat in one of the kitchen chairs.
Tessie cocked an eyebrow in surprise. “I was?”
“Hell yeah.” Conner muttered. Brandy shot him a look.
“We don’t curse Conner.” She chided. He snorted in response.
“Oh yeah? I’ve heard a few choice words come from your mouth before. Don’t tell me not to swear.” He said smugly. Brandy blushed lightly.
“We all slip up sometimes.” She said quietly.
Cyndi cleared her throat. “Hate to be a bother, but Tessie asked a question.”
Cyndi gave her a warm smile. “Yes, you were doing a very good job of completely blocking us.”
Tessie cocked her head at an angle. “How was I doing that?”
Conner gave another snort before he moved away from the island, heading into the hall.
“Okay, this is ridiculous. Tessie”, she jumped at the sound of her name. He had never addressed her by her name before. “You’re psychic. You can block us when you want to.”
She scowled. “How could I block you without knowing it?”
Conner rolled his eyes irritably. Tessie was done trying to be kind to him. Why should she give him kindness if he was not willing to give her some in return? Besides, Conner didn’t seem to care what Tessie did. If he didn’t want her help, then she wouldn’t give it to him, point blank.
“It’s very simple.” Conner said, grabbing Tessie’s attention again.
He hesitated a moment, his hands in the air in front of him, trying to describe something apparently with difficulty. “How can I put this in a way that you’ll understand?”
He pressed his fingers to his lips in concentration. After a moment of thinking, he spoke.
“When a person goes through a traumatic experience they block it out. They refuse to remember it or see it happen. Sometimes they have hallucinations, or they hear things. It’s similar with you when it comes to your psychic abilities. If you aren’t open to receiving visions, like when you’re pissed off or in an especially terrible mood, then you won’t receive them. When you’re in a good, relaxed mood, then that’s usually when you get the visions we try to send you.”
Tessie chewed this information over for a moment. It sounded simple enough, like Conner had mentioned, but if it was so simple, she couldn’t get why she hadn’t figured it out before. She shook her head.
“Wait. How can I block the visions without knowing I’m blocking them?” She asked.
Conner hung his head in disgust. “Listen carefully”, he spoke slowly and with enunciation, like Tessie was incredibly stupid, which, might not be that far off the mark. “You block them subconsciously . As in without knowing you’re doing it .”
Her face crumpled into a sour scowl. “I understand Conner, thank you.” She said snidely. Brandy gave Conner a sharp look.
“You seriously have to reconsider your attitude.” She chided. He rolled his eyes at her.
Cyndi giggled softly. “Tessie, we can help you remain open to all visions. You can help others as well as us.”
Tessie snorted. “Will I be able to predict the future?”
Cyndi shrugged. “Who knows? I would expect so.”
Her stomach did a little flip at the possibility of seeing the future, of knowing things no one else could possibly know. To know what’s going to happen next . . . Tessie couldn’t even imagine it.
A prompt banging on the front door made everyone but Conner jump. He swore under his breath. “God damn it, who’s that now?”
The question was directed at Tessie, but she shrugged. “I have no idea.” She said truthfully.
Conner spun around, beginning to head down the hall to the door. “I’ll take care of it.”
“No!” She jumped in front of him, extending her arm out so that he could not get past. His eyebrows rose in surprise. She spoke quickly.
“It might be someone I know. You can’t just go attacking people for no reason.” She said, her eyes hardening.
Conner brushed off her words as if she had commented on the weather.
“Whatever. But next time, I won’t even bother.” He said, making it out to be a harsh comment.
Tessie shrugged, the gesture saying, don’t. Conner’s eyes narrowed slightly at her before he turned and stalked off in the opposite direction, ascending the stairs to the second floor. Tessie let out a sigh of relief before another fist connected with the wood on the front door, startling her into alertness.
She tiptoed to the door, but instead of opening it she peeked through the small window in the wood. A guy, tall, dirty blonde, head down. Tessie exhaled slowly, then opened the door.
Chip’s clear blue eyes searched her before they wandered over her shoulder, his eyebrows rising. She stepped aside and gestured for him to come in, closing the door behind him.
“What are you doing here?” She asked him.
Granted, Chip had just witnessed a tornado in her kitchen, ghosts appearing, and her nearly fainting, she still wondered what he was doing back here. If the situation were reversed, she would be running for the hills right about now.
Chip’s eyes roved around the room, as if he was trying to find something. It was a full minute before his gaze finally rested on her. She could guess what he was searching for.
“Are you alright?” He asked, his eyes hard, brow pulled together.
Tessie nodded. “Of course. I’m fine. Kitchen needs a remodel, I’ll be paying for it, and my parents are super pissed at me, but that’s just a bonus.”
A corner of his mouth twitched but his expression remained solemn.
“Where are they?” He asked.
Tessie scowled. “They?”
Chip shifted his weight uncomfortably. He didn’t seem to like this topic very much.
“You know”, he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking away before turning back to Tessie. “ They. The–you know.”
She folded her arms across her chest. “Tell me, what do I know?”
Chip rolled his eyes irritably. The feeling was mutual, Tessie thought snidely. “Just say it Chip.”
She refused to take him seriously if he couldn’t even say the word. He huffed, dropping his hands.
“Fine. Ghosts. Happy?” He said, frustration plain in his features.
Tessie smiled smugly. “Very.”
Chip began to move throughout the house. Inspecting the living room first, then the dining room.
“Excuse me”, Tessie said, following after him. “Just what are you doing?”
He ignored her, moving books and magazines from the coffee table, then beginning to lift up the sofa and chair cushions.
“Hey! Ex cuse me! This is my house!” She exclaimed, rushing over and grabbing Chip’s arms from behind.
He turned, tugging free with little effort. Tessie silently cursed herself for her horrible upper body strength. He cocked an eyebrow.
“I’m–investigating.” He said almost sheepishly, his eyes still roaming around the room.
She snorted. “Or do you mean snooping around? A hello would’ve been nice, and first of all, what are you doing here?”
Before he could answer, Cyndi strolled into the room, tugging on Tessie’s sleeve. She looked down.
“ What ?” She hissed. “I’m a bit busy at the moment.” She said, gesturing to Chip.
He scowled in confusion. “Who are you talking to?”
Tessie stood up straight, scowling for herself. “I’m talking to Cyndi. Duh.” She added, as if it was ridiculous to think that she was just talking to herself.
Evidently, it seemed that Chip thought she was, because his expression didn’t waver. It just stayed frozen in confusion, and concern.
“Are you having a vision? Maybe you should sit down.” He said, reaching out to guide her to the sofa.
She scrambled away. “No. I’m not having a vision. What are you talking about?”
He seemed even more confused than before, and there was something in his eyes that Tessie refused to see, it came close to pity, which she wouldn’t acknowledge.
“I’m talking to Cyndi.” She growled, her teeth clenched.
Chip shook his head. “There’s no one else here, Tessie. We’re alone.”
He gestured around him at the seemingly empty room, even though Cyndi was standing right next to her. She shook her head but then it hit her. They can’t see me. I’ll go with you. They can’t see me.
Tessie shut her eyes then opened them again, looking down at Cyndi. “Let me guess. He can’t see you?”
She looked up at her sheepishly. “Sorry.”
She gave Chip a quick glance, then looked back up at Tessie. “My fault.”
Chip blinked a few times, then stumbled back a step. He pointed to Cyndi, sputtering in surprise.
“Sh-she–her . . . I–” He then looked at Tessie and his expression shifted into one of rage. His lip curled in anger. “Mind telling me what the hell is going on?” He shouted.
She winced. His voice was much too loud. She was sure her parents hadn’t left, not after what ‘she’ had done to the kitchen. If they knew that Chip had come over, even without her knowing, it would only add on to the mountain of trouble that she was already in.
“Shh, Chip you wouldn’t believe the shit load of trouble I’m in right now, and you screaming at the top of your lungs isn’t going to help me. If you really want me to tell you, then why don’t we go outside?”
Chip shut his mouth, his face flushing bright red. “Sorry”, he mumbled, his hands in his pockets and his eyes glued to the floor. “How about my place? My mom went shopping for back to school crap.”
Tessie raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you have gone with her?”
He shrugged indifferently. “I don’t care.”
Tessie knelt down so that she was at eye level with Cyndi. “I’m going to go with Chip for a little–”
“But you’re coming back, aren’t you?” Cyndi said, her voice hitching up an octave with hysteria. She took the little girl’s cold hands in hers, looking her directly in her dark blue eyes.
“Of course. I promise.”
Cyndi nodded, her eyes beginning to fill. She threw her arms around Tessie, squeezing her tightly.
“Please come back.” She hugged her gently.
“I promise.” She repeated.
Chapter 16
Sitting in Chip’s homey kitchen, with flowered wallpaper and the smells of baking cookies around her, Tessie was reminded of what she didn’t have, and probably never would. Sure, her mom could bake cookies, that didn’t mean she did. Sure, their kitchen was nice, at least it had been, but to her it wasn’t comfortable, like Chip’s kitchen.
He sat across from her, a plate of chocolate chip cookies in between them. Neither of them had touched the sweets. They had caught Mrs. Kyle just as they had arrived, and she had given them the freshly baked goodies. They weren’t hungry though, they were too hyped up from the afternoon’s events.
Tessie hadn’t told her parents where she was, which probably would only get her into even more trouble, but she didn’t care. She was already in way too deep, might as well keep on pushing her luck.
Chip leaned forward, his elbows on the table. “Now tell me, what is going on with that house of yours?”
Tessie placed her clasped hands on the wooden tabletop. She sighed, almost in exasperation. “A whole shit load of crap. Believe me, you don’t want to know.”
Chip’s eyes darkened, all traces of humor wiped clean from his features. “Believe me”, he said in a deep, grave voice, “I want to know.”
She swallowed, realizing that Chip was the only person she could tell. He was the only one who knew she was psychic, well, the only living one. She could try to play the spirits off as a trick of the light, or maybe a hallucination, a weak excuse, but a plausible one, one that made about a speck of sense.
But no matter how much she could try to downplay it, he knew that there was something going on in the house, and he knew she was psychic. Tessie ran her hands through her curly hair, which only got even curlier as she let it fall onto her shoulders. Chip was the only person who knew about this, the only person who could know about this. She just hoped he wouldn’t tell anyone. She hoped she could trust him.
Tessie took a deep breath, then told him everything she knew, starting with the notebook filled with Cyndi’s life story, the odd feeling she got whenever she entered the school, her visions, the research she had done, everything. She told him everything up until Cyndi appeared, which he was there for. Now he knew what had happened. He knew absolutely everything.
Tessie sat back in her chair, letting out a lungful of air. Telling Chip hadn’t made her feel any better. If anything, it made her feel worse. Chip had information now that if he used it against her could land Tessie in a mental hospital, wrapped in a strait jacket with doctors watching her through surveillance cameras. Paranoid? You try telling doctors about visions and ghosts, and not get yourself sent off to the psych ward.
Chip rubbed his jaw tentatively, thinking. “Well”, he said after a few seconds of thought, “that sucks.”
Suddenly Tessie was laughing. She doubled over, clutching her midsection which was erupting in side stitches from her bursts of laughter. She had tears streaming down her face, which she wiped away with shaking fingers. Chip cleared his throat, looking slightly irritated.
“Is there something funny?” He asked her. She shook her head, breathing in and out quickly, still drying her eyes.
“No.” She got out breathlessly. “It’s just the way you said it.”
She shook her head again, fighting off another fit of giggles. She had just poured her secrets out to him, and he said “that sucks”. Tessie couldn’t believe it.
“Call me crazy.” She said, her laughter dying away. “But I expected a little bit more of a reaction.”
Chip shrugged indifferently, beginning to get up from the table. Tessie stood. Chip eyed her for a moment before flashing a devil-may-care grin.
“I’m more of an actions speak louder than words kind of guy. Here”, he tossed Tessie her keys, she barely caught them.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
His smile grew more mischievous. “Library. We’re going to be playing Ghost Busters for a little while.”
Chapter 17
“Wait. What? ” She wasn’t sure if she had misheard him, but she was pretty positive he had said Ghost Busters .
He was already at the front door, opening it and stepping outside. Tessie had to hurry to keep up with him.
“Whoa, what did you say? Hold on.” She closed the door behind her, then jogged across the lawn to where Chip was headed, the barn behind his house.
It was a large shack, so poorly built that you could call it a shack, it looked no more than a few boards of plywood nailed together. There were gaping slots where you could see through like there wasn’t even a barrier there. Chip opened the passenger door of a rusty old Toyota, gesturing for her to get in.
“You got shotgun.” He said, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
Tessie folded her arms across her chest, not moving an inch. “Not until you tell me what exactly we’re going to do at the library.”
Chip sighed and slammed the door. Specks of rust showered the ground from the little impact. “We’re going to research on how to get rid of spirits. From what you told me, we’re dealing with a nasty case.” He said.
“I’m not a total couch potato, if that’s what you’re thinking, or the simple farm boy type either. I go to the library like any other nerd. And the library is the place to go when your Wi-Fi isn’t working.”
Tessie almost laughed but kept her expression blank. “We’re going to get rid of them?” She asked.
Chip’s eyebrows rose in surprise. For once, he was speechless. After a moment of silence he said, “Isn’t that what you want?”
Tessie paused. That’s what she should want. Any sane person would want ghosts out of their house. So why didn’t she? Why did the thought of getting rid of the kids break her heart? They were just kids. They weren’t dangerous.
Well, a tiny ignorant part of her that always had to be right said, quite the contrary. They turned your kitchen into a demo sight. They are very dangerous. So? Tessie thought. They needed her help. She couldn’t just kick them out and send them to hell. No. She would help them. Tessie shook her head, coming out of her cloud of thoughts and answering Chip’s question.
“No. I don’t want that. I want to help these kids.” At the look of utter surprise on his face, she quickly added. “They’re kids Chip. Children. I could never kick them out. Do you know where they would go?”
She didn’t give him time to answer. “Hell. They would go straight to hell. I can’t do that to them. I can’t let it happen.”
Chip’s eyes had widened in surprise, but now, they had darkened with seriousness. “Tessie”, he said and she could hear the lecture coming on.
The Tessie, really it isn’t the right thing to do. They don’t belong here. It’s better this way . . . She refused to listen.
She spun around and stalked out of the barn, then jogged the rest of the way back to the school. She would handle this with or without Chip.
Chapter 18
When Tessie got home she slammed the door behind her, only realizing a moment later that there was a piece of paper taped to the front door. She opened it up and tore the note off, reading it as she slammed the door for a second time, making the walls rattle.
She couldn’t believe it. Her parents had gone out to dinner. She knew that her parents were dumb, but she didn’t think they were that dumb. She crumbled the note, tossing it in a nearby trash bin.
She ascended the stairs, going into her bedroom then slamming that door. She wasn’t surprised to find Cyndi sitting on the bed. Tessie walked over to her desk, taking a seat in the stiff chair.
“Are you alright?” Cyndi asked.
Tessie let out a bitter laugh. She couldn’t help it. She had just told Chip everything, and now, she wasn’t even sure she could trust him. If it was anything else, including anyone else, she wouldn’t be doing this. She would say that it wasn’t worth it and just walk away. But this was different, with this, she simply couldn’t walk away.
“Where’s Conner and Brandy?” She asked Cyndi.
The little girl’s eyes darted over Tessie’s shoulder for a moment, then flicked back in front of her. It was barely noticeable, but Tessie noticed. She cast a glance behind her.
“What are you looking at?”
“Nothing.” Cyndi answered too quickly.
Tessie sighed exasperatedly, placing a hand on her forehead, creased with worry and tiredness.
“Cyndi”, she said, her voice sounding just as exhausted as she was.
She chanced a look at the clock. Almost ten. She felt ready to pass out. She let out her breath slowly and shut her eyes, keeping them closed as she spoke to the child.
“Is there someone other than you, Conner, and Brandy here?” She asked, wanting to hear the answer and at the same time not wanting to.
Cyndi shook her head, her hands clasped in front of her. Cyndi’s hair was straight as a ruler, a light blonde, light enough to be called white blonde, and her sharp blue eyes watched Tessie with much intelligence. The way the girl looked at things, it seemed like she was always trying to soak up as much knowledge as possible, drinking it up like a man dying of thirst.
Tessie shook her head. “You’re lying. Who else is here? I know that you and the others aren’t the only ones.”
She knelt down so that she was at eye level with the girl. “Who else is here?”
Cyndi’s eyes locked on hers, and for the first time Tessie actually saw a flicker of hesitation, maybe even fear. Cyndi bit her lip. “Um . . .”
Before Tessie could react, an arm hooked around her waist, and a cold hand clamped down on her mouth. She barely got out a muffled scream before she blacked out, the familiar swirling colors of a vision rendering her helpless.
Tessie found herself standing in a hospital room, the smells of floor cleaner and blood choking her and turning her stomach. She looked around. There were several cots in this room. Women in white uniforms stood over the men lying in the poor beds. Tessie’s stomach clenched at the condition of the people on the cots.
Some had terrible, oozing bumps all over their bodies, puss filled boils covering every inch of skin on others, and then there were some men with sweat pouring off of them, their skin white as the sheets they laid on. They wore nothing but underwear, some with blankets pulled over them and others with the blankets thrown off and onto the floor. The whole room was filled with moans from the patients on the cots.
Tessie swallowed the bile rising in her throat. This was an old fashioned hospital, which meant old fashioned medicine, which led to most of these people dying. Tessie shook her head, trying to erase these images, only opening her eyes and seeing them replayed once more. She sucked in a breath, which caused her to nearly gag. The stench of sweat was suffocating. She had to focus. She was here for a reason.
Tessie quickly scanned the faces of the sickly men, trying to find one she recognized. Nope. None of them registered as familiar to her. There was one face at the end of the lineup that was exceptionally young.
Tessie moved silently among the bustling nurses, deftly avoiding one with a pail of water rushing to the side of a man who was pleading for God to help him. She made it to the side of the young man. His skin was deathly pale, his hair was a dark mahogany, limp and resting flatly on his pillow, which was soaked in his own sweat. His eyes were a beautiful chestnut, with specks of gold in the irises. Even though they were gorgeous, they stared blankly up at the ceiling, showing no emotion. His stare was dead.
Even though ill, he was handsome. Tessie could tell this boy had given up any ounce of hope he had once held. He knew that he was going to die. He knew that he didn’t have long.
An elderly nurse moved over to the boy’s other side, feeling his forehead and quickly withdrawing her hand.
“You’re burning up, dear.” She murmured, eyeing him with a grandmotherly concern.
The boy paid no mind to her. He simply continued to look up at the ceiling with flat eyes. He looked maybe a year older than Tessie, but compared to the other men, he was just a child, about a ten years difference between him and the patients near him. The boy’s eyelids fluttered suddenly, causing Tessie to suck in a sharp breath.
No . She pleaded silently. Don’t let him die. I can’t take this. Please. No. But all the begging in the world couldn’t stop the inevitable.
She had to do something. She couldn’t stay here and watch this. Sudden inspiration came to her. With great effort, she threw herself backward, her head breaking her fall with a painful thump . She saw stars for a moment. Silver and blue bursts of white light dotted her vision, until she felt herself returning to reality.
The vision dissolved around her, but not before she glimpsed the boy’s eyes shutting as he let out his final breath.
Her eyes snapped open, and she was grateful to see the foyer of the house around her instead of the awful hospital scene. She let out a grateful sigh, only to feel the cold fingers of the person gripping her on her lips, constricting her breathing.
“Lemph mefh gooooo!” Tessie’s command came out sounding like gibberish since she was speaking with a hand over her mouth.
She wriggled in the person’s grasp, but it did nothing but make her even more tired than the vision had left her.
“Cade! Let her go!” Brandy thundered into the room, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Brandy shouted at him. “Let her go or I swear to God I’ll kick your ass straight to hell if I have to!” She shrieked with so much conviction in her voice it sent a chill up Tessie’s spine.
The hands on her mouth only pressed tighter, forcing her lips against her teeth. She let out a plea that just sounded like a moan. Brandy moved up so close to Tessie that if either would move, their chins would collide. Brandy was looking above Tessie’s head. She strained to look up to see who Brandy was addressing.
“You better get off of her, or there will be hell to pay.” She growled.
The hold didn’t lighten up in the least, but it didn’t tighten either. Tessie relaxed slightly.
“Cade, please.” Cyndi begged from somewhere near Tessie’s waist. Again, not loose, not tight.
“What is she doing here? She shouldn’t be here.” A deep, velvety voice came from somewhere above Tessie’s head. She stiffened automatically. Whoever this was, they were strong, much too strong for her. She wouldn’t be able to throw whoever this was off. She shut her eyes tightly.
Please . She thought. Just let me go.
Even though she wanted to beat the crap out of this asshole, she knew that if she would try to take him, she would lose.
“She lives here.” Brandy cautioned, her eyes shooting a warning at the person holding Tessie. “Her family bought the school a few months ago. It’s hers now.”
“Are you kidding me? I knew that damn realtor should’ve been taken care of the moment she stepped in here.” The voice growled, a hidden threat in his tone. She took as much of a deep breath as she could with his hand still pressing against her mouth.
“Get off her.” Conner walked down the hall, his face darker than Tessie had ever seen it.
Before anyone had a chance to do anything, Conner clocked the person holding Tessie straight in his jaw. The arms around her disappeared. The person who had been holding her stumbled backward from the abrupt punch.
Conner grabbed Tessie’s arm and tugged her to his side, where she spun around and could now see who Cade was. Her breath caught in her throat.
It was him, the youngest boy from the lineup of death in the old hospital. He wasn’t shirtless like the last time she saw him, he wore a thin cotton tee, and loose jeans. This boy’s color wasn’t as vibrant as Brandy, Conner, or Cyndi. He looked washed out, like when you clean a very bright shirt a couple of times, after about the fifth or sixth wash, you can tell it lost some of its color. It’s not as bright as it used to be.
Tessie swallowed the lump in her throat. The sight of this boy reminded her of the terrible hospital where patients were sent to die. The boy’s eyes, which were such a beautiful color, narrowed with coldness as he locked gazes with her. She could see a flicker of recognition before the hard mask of bitterness replaced any emotion.
“Get out.” He said simply. Tessie recoiled instantly. Conner placed his hand on her shoulder, his gaze trained on the boy. She was shocked, to say the least.
Conner had never shown her that he cared, or even liked her. And he had hit the boy to get her away from him. She felt a flutter of warmth in her chest.
“You don’t belong here.” The boy spoke, the warm moment breaking sharply away at his angry voice. She bit back the comment she had ready. Oh, she could say so many things.
Instead, she said, “What the hell are you doing here?”
About all eyes in the room except for the boy’s shot her a warning glance. The boy cocked a surprised eyebrow. “Me? Oh, nothing. Except I’ve been here for the last few centuries, and I’m not about to haul ass just because you’re here.”
She snorted, folding her arms across her chest. A gesture that said bring it on . “You don’t have to ‘haul ass’ for anyone. But for all I’m concerned, you can either stay here and I can help you, or burn in hell with the rest of the uncast souls. Your choice.”
She knew it was harsh, and she regretted it instantly after the words had left her mouth. Everyone in the room seemed to stiffen, everyone except for Tessie and the person standing across from her. Someone squeezed her shoulder in caution, but she didn’t look to see who. She was focused on the spirit who she was locked in a stare down with.
His name must be Cade, that’s what they were all calling him. He also had to be the dying boy in her vision. Either him or a ghost strikingly similar to him. There wasn’t a break in the icy frozenness of his calm. Just chiseled features and a pouting mouth. Tessie kept her expression hard, hoping to look just as unfeeling as him.
“You think that you can tell me what to do? You think you can give me an ultimatum?” He gave a short, humorless laugh.
“Oh, please.” She said with a mimic of his icy laughter at the end of her sentence, which only came out sounding squeaky and fake, which it was.
“Who died and made you king?” Tessie said, with a bit more venom then needed but she didn’t care.
His hard expression stayed locked in place, as unreadable as English to someone Greek. “Who abandoned this place and made you head bitch?”
Chapter 19
It was odd, having Cade there. He wasn’t like any other spirit, not like Brandy, or Cyndi, or even Conner, who brushed off his brief hero moment with nothing more than a mumbled counter to Tessie’s grateful apology.
Even though Cade seemed to appear out of nowhere, Cyndi said that he was always there, he just never paid much attention to any of them, ignoring them and acting like they weren’t even there. When Tessie asked Cyndi if there were any others, she said there were many spirits in the house, but not all of them would ever show themselves. Some didn’t even show themselves to Cyndi or Brandy, who seemed to be the gentler of the ghosts.
Cade was actually the oldest of them all. He had been in the school for nearly two centuries. He had lost consciousness in St. Joseph’s hospital and everyone thought he was dead, but his body was still latched onto his spirit when they wheeled it off to the morgue. He died there. He returned to the hospital, since the morgue was filled with the dead which always reminded him that he was no longer living. He was one to shy away from the pain and rejected what he had become.
Cade wandered the hospital for decades before it was shut down and ordered to be ripped away from the ground it was built on. Cade was terrified. Without a place to stay, he would be cast away to hell.
He couldn’t go outside, not literally, in a way, he fooled the system by jumping into a slave carrier on its way to an auction. He caught sight of the school while passing by, and from then on, he’d been there. He was there when the school opened and when it closed. Cade had always thought of the school as his, after all, it saved him from an eternity of burning in hell.
When Tessie’s family came into the picture, it was natural that he’d be super pissed. Now that he knew about Tessie, he mostly just skulked around the school, casting dark shadows down the hallways, always popping up in her peripheral vision and then disappearing before she could decide if she was seeing things or not.
The kitchen had been remodeled, out of Tessie’s own pocket, along with her allowance for the next ten years. She would be broke until she went off to college, even a little after that.
“Marry rich and young.” Her mother snickered when Tessie asked her what she could do without any cash.
Marry rich and young my ass, Tessie thought as she headed upstairs and into her room. She opened the door, slamming it behind her. She spun around, about to fling herself onto the bed when she gave a little yelp of surprise when she saw that her bed was already occupied.
Chapter 20
Tessie took in a lungful of air, ready to let it out in a scream when his hand clamped down on her mouth.
“Shh, relax Tessie. It’s just me.”
Her eyes blazed emerald green with fury. She mumbled uselessly against his palm. He gave her a pleading look before tentatively dropping his hand.
“What the hell are you doing in my room Chip?” She gasped, taking in gulps of oxygen.
Chip stood in front of her in ripped jeans and a cotton tee. He had on running shoes, and his hair was mussed from the wind outside.
“How did you get in here anyway?” She asked, her face flushed with anger.
Chip’s eyes remained calm pools of blue. He didn’t flinch at how pissed off she was, granted, he probably expected it. God knows how many times he’s snuck into a girl’s room and gotten his ass kicked because of it. He gazed at her, his eyes approaching.
“I didn’t mean to startle you. I came to talk to you.”
She let out a laugh, rolling her eyes. “Wonderful. Okay”, she crossed her arms, “let’s get this over with.”
Chip spoke quickly, like he was afraid of her judgment of him. “I’m sorry I upset you earlier with the whole ‘ghost buster’ jibe. I didn’t mean it. I–I just thought you wanted to get rid of the ghosts. I didn’t know you cared about them so much. I’m–really sorry.”
The look on his face was similar to one of a puppy’s after it knows it’s done something wrong. Tessie had an absurd thought of Chip on his knees, his pink tongue hanging out of his mouth, and her waving a biscuit in front of his face. She couldn’t help the curve of her mouth.
“Alright, alright. I forgive you already. Just–stop looking at me like that.”
Chip’s expression softened, and the doe eyes he had been giving her finally let up. “Thanks. But, that’s not the only reason I came here.”
Tessie let out a sigh. Of course it wasn’t. It never could be that simple, always complicated. Always.
“Well?” She asked expectantly.
Chip rubbed his jaw, seeming to choose his words carefully. “Um, how do I put this? What exactly happens when you have a vision?”
Tessie’s stomach did a little flip. “What are you saying?”
Chip hesitated a fraction of a second before speaking. “Well, I think I might’ve had one, and I’d like to know the specifics just to make sure I’m not going crazy.”
Her stomach went from flipping to plummeting down to her feet. All she could think was no . No. Please, Chip isn’t psychic. He can’t be psychic .
The thing was, visions weren’t “fun”. Tessie wouldn’t wish this on anyone else. It was completely unfair that she was psychic, if she had a choice, she would say take it away and never give it back.
But Chip being psychic? It would be horrible. The sickening colors, the swirling dizziness, fainting, feeling like you’re going to puke every time you come out of a vision. And the worst part would be: Tessie wouldn’t even be able to help him.
Sure, she had no help herself, but she didn’t know any other psychic. If there had been one around, she would’ve begged for their help. She knew that Chip would need help. She had desperately wanted it when she had started getting visions. But to be there, and not be able to help, it would kill Tessie.
Chip would have to go through this with no help, basically alone, with her on the sidelines being able to offer him no salvation. It would be as if she wasn’t even there. Chip noticed Tessie’s fear. He reached out to caress her shoulder, but she paled at his touch. She swallowed, feeling a lump thickening her throat.
“Tell me Chip.” She murmured so quiet he leaned in further in order to hear her. She cleared her throat, speaking up. “Tell me. What happened?”
He hesitated, seeming to wonder if he said something wrong she would break down. She stood taller, trying to show that she was strong and confident, even though her hands were shaking. He eyed her for a moment, but then seemed to decide that she could hold up. She wasn’t as sure.
“I was in my room when this enormous pressure settled onto my chest, like someone was sitting on me. I couldn’t breathe. I thought I’d blacked out, but then I started seeing this–face.” Tessie scowled but motioned for him to continue.
“It was blurry. The features were all distorted. I remember that the face was really angry, angry at me. I didn’t know why. It was strange, I didn’t recognize the person. But, I probably wouldn’t have known if I had known the person, it was so dark and fuzzy. The face’s eyes flashed, God, those eyes were pretty scary. They were almost black, I couldn’t tell what color they were exactly, but they were piercing. And then, the pressure was gone, and I woke up. It took me a minute to remember what had happened. It felt like someone had knocked me out, but I passed out. I’m sure about that.”
He eyed Tessie curiously. “What’s your take on that?”
She shook her head, glaring at the wood floors. It definitely wasn’t a vision, more like a dream. A nightmare. Or maybe a hallucination. But no, you’d have to be awake to have a hallucination, wouldn’t you? Tessie couldn’t tell. She had never had something like that happen to her. If was almost like something had overpowered him and forced him to see what it wanted. But what was it?
She was relieved that he wasn’t psychic, but what if something worse had happened to him? Her mind went immediately to the ghosts, but they couldn’t leave the house without being sent to hell, could they?
Tessie hated this endless loop of questions. She felt like she was going in circles, making no progress, and ending up right back where she started.
“Tessie?” Chip asked, bringing her back to reality.
She shook her head. “That wasn’t a vision. I don’t know what it was.”
I wish I knew, she thought dismally. Chip sighed, sitting down on the edge of her bed, the springs groaning loudly under his weight.
“I had a feeling I wasn’t psychic. I figured I might as well come to you. You’re the specialist when it comes to this stuff.” He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, but Tessie stood straight as a board, her face stern.
“I wish I could offer more advice than this but, just stay away from this place for a while, okay?”
His eyes widened and he sprang to his feet. “What? No. No way. What about you? I can’t just leave you alone to deal with these spirits floating around.”
Tessie sighed, leaning against her bedframe. She was exhausted. It had only been a week since Cade had shown up, and she was still tired from that encounter. Right now, she just wanted to happily pass out on her bed. But no, there was always something to deal with. Something to keep her entertained even when she would just be glad to be bored for once. God, why couldn’t she be bored like any other teenager?
“I can handle the spirits on my own. They won’t hurt me.” Chip eyed her suspiciously.
“I don’t trust them.” He murmured.
“They’re completely harmless. And I trust them.” She snapped, regretting the harsh tone of her voice.
Chip shook his head, getting to his feet and brushing his jeans off. He caught her gaze, his face softening but his eyes hard. “I just don’t want you to get hurt Tessie. You may trust them, but I don’t. I–”
He sucked in a breath, abruptly pushing away what he was about to say. He shut his eyes for a moment, and then opened them again.
“Just be careful.” He cautioned.
She was about to say that she could take care of herself, but stopped at the sincerity shining in his eyes like tears. She nodded instead.
Chip ducked out the window, jumping onto a thick tree branch, from the oak near her window, gripping the thick limb, swinging his legs for traction and then releasing. Tessie sucked in a sharp breath as he whistled through the air. He landed hard on the balls of his feet, straightening up. Unbelievably he stuck the landing, sprinting off in the direction of his house. Tessie’s jaw dropped in awe and annoyance. That lucky bastard.
Chapter 21
“Tessie! You’re going to be late for school!” Her mother shrieked.
Tessie groaned and rolled over in bed, thrusting a pillow over her head.
“Tessie Lea Porter you’d better get down here right now or else you will get an extension on your punishment! Get down here! ” Her mom’s shrill voice pierced through the wall and bounced around in Tessie’s eardrums, reverberating over and over again.
She grunted, tossing the pillow to the ground and sitting up in bed.
“Morning.” A tiny voice whispered in her ear.
She yelped, leaping to her feet. It was amazing that she hadn’t jumped out of her skin.
“Cyndi!” She hissed, pressing her palm to her erratically beating heart.
Cyndi’s face crinkled with worry as she stood, clasping her hands in front of her. Tessie noticed that she was still wearing her school girl uniform. In fact, none of the ghosts seemed to change their clothes. Did ghosts even have wardrobes?
Tessie let out a long breath, moving to her closet and opening the doors. She riffled through the little articles of clothing she owned, dropping her hands after a moment, figuring it was useless. At that moment, she almost wished her parents had made good on their threat to send her to Catholic school. At least then she’d have a uniform and wouldn’t have to go through the agonizing process of finding an outfit. Cyndi came up next to her shoulder, gazing into her walk-in closet.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
Tessie sighed, shaking her head. “I’m having a bit of trouble finding an outfit.”
She ran her hands through her tangled red hair. She would have to attempt to tame the wild mane. She sure as hell wasn’t going to attend her first day of high school as a new student looking like this. Cyndi gave a little giggle and plopped down on Tessie’s bed, lying back and staring at the ceiling.
“Pick the first things your hands touch. If it doesn’t match, it doesn’t matter. It’s what you want to wear.” The girl murmured with her eyes closed.
Tessie turned to look at her. “I don’t know. I don’t want to end up wearing green skinny jeans and an orange tank top.”
Cyndi giggled again. “Why would you even own such a ghastly outfit?”
“Good point.” She said, laughing herself.
Tessie shut her eyes and reached out, feeling the fuzzy texture of wool. She pulled back and opened her eyes, a black sweater and dark jeans. Not bad.
“Good call.” She said to Cyndi. “Who told you to pick clothes like that?” She asked, combing through her closet for her tennis shoes.
Cyndi shrugged. “When I was living in Chester my mother told me that clothes were just superficial items and no one really cares how you look. Then again, she also said that to save time in the morning before school just shut your eyes and shove your hands in your closet. Whatever you touch first will be what you wear.”
Cyndi sat up, her blonde hair slightly disheveled. “She said that it would’ve been your first choice and is what you would’ve wanted to wear anyway.” She rolled her eyes and got up from the bed.
“I’ll leave you to getting ready.” She said with a smile before heading out into the hall. Tessie groaned, falling back on her bed.
“What are you doing?” The deep voice came from her bedroom door.
She sat straight up, gasping in surprise. Cade was actually standing in the doorway. He stepped over the threshold and into her room, reaching backward and with the flick of his wrist slamming the door behind him. Tessie flinched at the loud banging.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, proud that her voice came across as firm.
Cade walked forward until they were inches away from each other. His eyes seemed to have gotten darker, changed from warm brown to almost a black opaque. A scowl etched his devilishly handsome features. He looked less than happy to see her. Tessie noticed then that he was wearing designer jeans, and a black V-neck tee. He had on combat boots and was toe-to-toe with Tessie’s bare feet. It looked like he had just walked out of Hot Topic . All he needed were some piercings and a few rainbow streaks in his hair.
“You changed your clothes.” Tessie blurted out. He seemed to be the only ghost to change outfits. His eyes narrowed slightly.
“Of course I changed clothes. Just because I died doesn’t mean I have to stop living.” He quipped shortly.
She pursed her lips, taking a step back and then to the side, walking past him to her dresser.
“Well, if you don’t mind I have to get ready for school now, so–” She waited for him to leave, but he stayed rooted to the spot, his eyes following her as she went through her jewelry.
Could you kick a ghost out of your room? Preferably in the ass? She wasn’t sure, but she would find out if he didn’t leave in the next few minutes.
“I came to talk.” He said in a tone that suggested he wanted to duck out just as much as Tessie wanted to kick him out. She turned her head slightly, only showing her profile.
“Oh?” She said.
He nodded, turning around fully and looking at her head on. “Yes. You shouldn’t be here. It’s best if you get out.”
Tessie gave a curt laugh. “You don’t think I haven’t tried that one with my parents? This place is their pride and joy. They won’t leave it.”
“Try again.” He said bluntly.
She turned so that she could see his eyes. The cold hatred there almost made her wince. “It’s useless.” She said, inspecting a pair of fake diamond studs.
“They won’t listen. Besides, we’ve been here for about four months. Trying to get them to move now would be pointless. And the kids need me.” She said, her voice thick.
Cade disregarded what she had just said, speaking with so much conviction that she couldn’t comprehend how someone could sound so miserable. “You must get out. This isn’t your house. It’s mine. Leave.”
She fought back a sigh. They had been over this already. Cade was pissed off that her family was in the school, but it never was his school. It was abandoned, and owned by no one. Except now it was owned by Tessie and her parents. Period. She opened her mouth to speak but he began talking before she could.
“Besides, I can take care of them.”
Rage flashed through Tessie, warming her whole body. She clenched her fists, her face reddening.
“You sure as hell can’t.” She said, moving forward until she was all up in his face. He was completely unaffected by her rage. He brushed her off coolly. “They are not your responsibility. You can’t do anything to help them.”
“Why not?” She shrieked.
She eyed the door for a moment to see if her parents were about to burst in. After a minute with no yelling she turned back to Cade.
“I can help them a lot better than you ever can. Why couldn’t I?” She asked, her fists clenching with anger.
He smirked nastily. “You’re alive. They’re dead.”
Chapter 22
Tessie’s eyes narrowed into thin slits as she stared Cade down and he stared right back. She was pissed off that he had said she couldn’t help the others. She so could. It had nothing to do with them being dead and her alive.
A little part of her said that Cade was jealous that he wasn’t alive. Of course, the dead would be jealous of the living and they would want to be alive too. But the key word here was dead . The world Tessie had lived in before her family had moved to Chester Elementary was a world where people were alive and the dead were dead. But in this world, some of the dead were ghosts and not exactly alive but still living.
Tessie was alive and was trying to help those who hadn’t moved on. But Cade was just plain miserable. It was almost as if he would be miserable no matter what. Tessie cleared her throat, forcing herself to keep her gaze locked on Cade’s black eyes.
“It doesn’t matter that I’m alive and they’re not. But Cade, I’m trying to help them move on. I can help you too. Isn’t that what you want?”
Instead of answering, he brushed past her, more like his shoulder actually went through hers like air. She shivered, feeling like she had just been hit with a cold blast of wind, her hair even flew back. He turned when he was at the door, his face devoid of emotion.
“I’d rather go to hell than let you help me.” Cade abruptly spun around, then walked through the door.
Tessie rushed forward, gripped the doorknob and looked out into the hallway. No one was there, except her mother was thundering up the steps and Tessie was still in her pajamas. Looks like her punishment was going to be extended after all.
The high school was a dismal brick building with chipped white paint and a few cracked windows which janitors were lazily repairing. It was a few weeks into the start of the school year. It had taken a while for her parents to get her enrolled since she had been in Havre High before she moved, a very nice school that unlike this one had cleanly washed bricks and crack-free windows.
Her parents were driving her to school, and since they won the lottery and had quit their jobs they said they could pick her up after school, but she had politely refused, saying she’ll take the bus instead, even though she despised the bus. But she would rather be in a hot school vehicle full of shouting kids rather than a car with her parents arguing about trips to Vegas or new paint colors for the house.
“Now, are you sure you don’t want us to pick you up?” Her mother asked as they pulled up to the curb.
A bunch of kids stopped to gawk at the shiny new Jaguar, most of them boys who pointed and jeered about how much of a “sweet ride” it was. Tessie wanted to hit them.
“I’ll be fine.” She said, slinging her beat up leather messenger bag over her shoulder and opening the door.
“Alright. Have a good day hun!” Her mom shouted much too loudly as Tessie got out and slammed the door.
Blood rushed to her cheeks as the boys who had been making comments on the car looked at her and snickered. Ignoring them, she walked forward and pushed on the double doors to enter into the school. They wouldn’t open. She shoved again, bruising her shoulder.
“Damn it”, she cursed under her breath.
Someone came up next to her, gripped the handle to the door to her right, and pulled it open. She stood back, feeling her face grow hot.
“I know push and pull sound familiar, but trust me they’re two entirely different things.” The boy standing in front of her chuckled.
“It’s tricky the first time but you’ll get it after a while. Nice to meet you, I’m Rick.”
Tessie looked up, seeing a boy with large black framed glasses enlarging clear jade green eyes. Freckles dotted his nose and cheeks, which stood out even though he had a deep tan from summer break. He was very tall and lanky, he was at least two heads taller than her. He had a full, pouty mouth that looked sensual especially since it was curved upward in an amused smile. His messy brown hair fell onto the glasses and into his eyes.
He outstretched one tan hand. She took it, shaking it once then withdrawing her hand. His grin only widened.
“I’m Tessie.”
Obvious surprise and then joy flitted across his face. “So you’re the famous new girl I’ve been hearing about. Well then it’s very nice to meet you.”
She rolled her eyes, hitching her bag up higher onto her shoulder. “Charming. Would you please move?”
She gave the door a good yank, it creaked on its hinges as it opened slowly. Rick chuckled again, grabbing the door and holding it open for her. She glared at him.
“Can I help you?” She asked.
His lip quirked. “No. Just helping a pretty girl inside. And if you’d like, I can show you to your classes too.”
Tessie bit her lip. She was planning on getting lost, taking at least ten minutes instead of the allowed two between classes to find her way. It would save her a lot of time to just know where she was going. With a sigh she reluctantly agreed.
“Fine. That would be–fine.” She cleared her throat, walking inside and completely ignoring the amused laugh from behind her as Rick followed.
Chapter 23
She was beautiful. With long tangled scarlet curls that cascaded down her back with wild volume. Her eyes were such a shocking dark green, so different from his dull jade ones. She was tall, most girls didn’t reach up to his shoulders, and she had a very slim build.
Another thing was that she barely paid any attention to him. Even when he talked to her it seemed like she was only half listening. She walked around with her chin up, looking no one in the eye when they addressed her, a nice chip on her shoulder. Another nice thing was that she didn’t seem to like him at all.
Girls he talked to tried to flirt with him and go out with him. He usually charmed them just for fun and didn’t really go out with each of them more than once.
Now, Rick Lenard wasn’t a player. He was a really nice and funny guy. He was the kind of guy that people instantly liked and wanted to hang out with. But Tessie, she seemed to completely hate him, which only made him like her even more.
It would be nice to have a friend who was a girl but not a girlfriend. He didn’t have many of those. Even though she didn’t like him, he would still be her friend.
Tessie wasn’t the kind of person who made friends that often. The friends she had had at her old school were old elementary school friends that she had kept ties with over the years and stayed on pretty good terms with through high school. She hadn’t planned on making friends at her new school, she really didn’t want to. She figured she’d just sit under some tree with good shade from the hot sun at lunch and then coast through the rest of the day, maybe skipping one of her more boring classes like biology or French, which she didn’t understand half the time anyway.
But Rick was actually a pretty nice guy, and she kind of liked him a little. He wasn’t all that annoying, it was easy to tune him out when he talked, and he was pretty funny when she actually listened to him.
Right now he was showing her to her gym class, which was one of the classes she knew she would pass. Just because her grades were lame when it came to academics doesn’t mean she couldn’t kick some serious ass in dodge ball.
“Here it is. There’s the girl’s locker room and I think you can figure out the rest.” Rick said, pointing to a door with a tiny rectangle of a window.
It looked like she was early, since no one was in the halls yet and the first bell hadn’t rung. She nodded.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” She walked over and gripped the handle to the locker room door.
“Actually”, Rick said, causing her to turn. “I have this class with you. So, I’ll see you out on the floor.”
He opened the door to the boy’s locker room, casting her a taunting glance, “Today’s dodge ball, good luck.” He teased, giving her a wink before ducking into the locker room.
Tessie’s lip turned up. Whacking some high school snobs with hard rubber balls. This was going to be a good first day.
Chapter 24
The gym uniforms consisted of a gold tank top and baggy blue shorts. Tessie wore her tennis shoes while other girls whined about not being able to wear their strappy sandals or stilettos. She snorted. This was high school for crying out loud, and these chicks acted like they were preparing for the runway, or the corner.
While they all filed into the gym, which was a large area with thirty foot ceilings and scuffed wood floors, the girls around Tessie whispered. She caught bits and pieces of the conversations as she passed them.
“ . . . yeah, the new girl.”
“Did you see the way she dressed?”
“Looks like a slob to me.”
“Dropout? Yeah, probably.”
“I bet ten bucks she won’t last the week.”
“You think she’ll get kicked out?”
“Or start a fist fight and get expelled.”
“She looks pretty pissed off most of the time.”
Tessie moved away from those girls, then another group moved up near her. “–Don’t know about you, but I’m staying away from her.”
Tessie snickered, falling back so that she was alone. Stuck up rich girls, which translated to her as big time bitches. Ah well, this was high school after all.
The boys came into the gym next, Rick grinned at Tessie when he caught sight of her. She nodded in his direction. Since the boys’ coach was absent, the only coach that was here was Coach Lessor, who couldn’t have had a more appropriate name with less than most hair, the lights shining off his bald head, and a less than attractive build, with a large gut strained against his T-shirt.
He blew his whistle. “Alright kids”, he barked much too loudly, his voice echoing unpleasantly in the large space. “Split into four teams and let’s get to throwing some balls!”
A few kids snickered but Tessie ignored them. She moved into a team with mostly guys, ignoring the teams of bottle blonde girls. Rick was on her team, and he came over to her, grinning.
“Hello”, he said giddily, she half-smiled. “So, what do you think of our fine school system so far?” He asked, spreading his hands wide at the scratched floors and water stained ceiling. Tessie laughed.
“It’s very fine. Are we having quail and biscuits for lunch? Or steamed salmon? Maybe even baked Alaska for desert.” Tessie said. Rick laughed loudly.
“Most certainly, madam.” He tried on a ridiculous British accent, causing her to laugh harder. She shoved his shoulder playfully.
Coach Lessor’s shrill whistle sounded, and with it, a raining of rubber fury came their way. Tessie pushed Rick away, ducking in the process and falling to the ground on her knees. She grabbed a red ball, getting into a crouch position and looking for a good target. She found one, aimed, and then hurled it at a tall spray tanned girl who was busy examining her manicure. It slammed her in her gut, and she doubled over, gasping.
“You’re out!” Coach Lessor shouted, giving a little tweet of his whistle.
The girl gave Tessie a vengeful glare before hobbling off to the bench. Tessie laughed, grabbing a green ball out of the hands of a fidgety freshman.
“Hey!” He shouted in protest just before a ball smashed into his face, promptly causing blood to gush out of his crooked nose. He howled in pain, covering his wound with his hands.
The coach blew his whistle again. Oh how she wanted to grab that thing and throw it at a bottle blonde just like she had with the dodge balls. “
Time out!” Coach Lessor shouted. “Rick, Jamie, take Kyle to the nurse.” He said, gesturing to the whimpering boy.
Rick sighed, dropping an armful of rubber balls he had been holding. One bounced off Tessie’s leg.
“Poor little freshman”, she muttered.
Rick snorted. “You’re not the one who has to lug him to the nurse’s office.”
She shrugged, grabbing a blue rubber ball and taking aim at a girl who very much resembled Barbie, with a slutty twist.
“Have fun.” Rick said, slinging one of Kyle’s arms over his shoulders while Jamie took the other.
The game was moderately less interesting without Rick there. Tessie took out most of the fake blonde team, then the posers, but she didn’t bother hitting more than two of the Goths. It was amusing to be on the cheerleaders’ hit list, but she didn’t need a druggie or crack head on her tail.
When the game was over and she was back in her ordinary clothes, it was time to head to chemistry, or better yet, to skip chemistry. Not that she wasn’t in the mood for a nap, she’d rather nap at the nurse then fall asleep in class and wind up with a detention on her first day. She was on her way down the hall after the bell had rung, making everyone who wasn’t in class late, when footsteps echoed down the hall. She sighed, stopping. If she was caught by some obnoxious teacher then she would be given a detention anyway.
“Hey, Tessie wait up!” She was glad to hear Rick instead of any staff member.
He bounded up next to her, grinning. “Are you skipping on the first day of school? I’m impressed.”
She rolled her eyes. “Speak for yourself. What are you doing in the halls and not in class Mr. Goodie Goodie.”
He snickered. “Ha ha. Who said I was so good? Where are you headed?”
She shrugged. “Nurse. I heard she’s a real pushover. I figure I’d be able to catch up on my sleep.”
His grin widened. “I like your style. But I know a great joint down the street. Serves the best burgers in Chester. You up for it?”
Tessie smiled mischievously, eyeing the glowing exit sign just above the door a few feet down the hall from them. “I’m up for anything.”
Publication Date: February 17th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-em282649375df15 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-danea-what-goes-around-comes-back-ten-times-harder/ | DANEA WHAT GOES AROUND COMES BACK TEN TIMES HARDER i DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO MY FRIENDS
Chapter one
I walked in my class. Everybody was looking at me. I wondered what for.
Teacher: umm excuse me class we have a new student all the way from russia, so honey whats your name
I gave her a look as if to say im shy. Then a boy yelled are you stupid you cant talk.
Me: umm im lisa
Teacher: well lisa make your way to your seat i will let you sit by carla, carla help our new student.
Carla: my pleasure.
I took my seat.
me: so what im I suppose to do
Carla: You dont have to do anything
Me: ok
Everybody kept laughing i didt know why.
Me: umm is there something wrong.
Carla: yeah your face.
I got up out my seat and ran tears came streaming out my eyes like a river going fast speed. Then i went to the bathroom cleaned my face and walkedback to the class. Everybody was laughing at me including the teacher. I sat at my seat and then a boy pulled my seat out and i fell.
Me: whats wrong with you
Boy: yo ugly face
All the boys laughed and high fived each other. I couldn't wait till school was over.
Finally school was over I didnt feel like riding the bus so i walked home. i opened the door.
Mom: hey honey how was school
Me: it was awful everybody treated me bad
Mom: well honey its only your first day
Me: i know i cant believe this
I wlaked upstaires and ploped on ym bed. i dreamed of me just going away and what it would be like if i had no friends. I thought well i want friends but their mean so how can i make them.
I went fast asleep.
Chapter Two
I wlaked in the class. i saw everybody passing papers around and they were laughing. I saw a paper on my desk i grabbed it and looked at it. It showed my face on a fat person and it said need to lose weight. I looked at eveybody and they all laughed at me. I was on my way to run but a boy stopped me.
Boy: Hey im mike are you ok
Me: no do you see what they did
he looked at the picture still people were laughing.
Mike: wow you are one fat girl. I snatched the picture and cried. He started to laugh. I thought i had made a friend but i was wrong. Then the teacher walked in and told me to sit down. Then this girl walked up to me.
Mya: hey im mya and i see how horrible those jerks are treating you and i want to invite you to my part tonight.
Me: tonight
Mya: what you cant come cuzz i can re schedule it
I thought she really wants me to come.
Me: sure just give me the address and im there
Mya: well its at a club
Me: oh i can still come
Mya: ok make sure you come
Later on that day i told my mom about the party and we went shopping she got my hair fixed and put makeup on me. i had on a short baby doll dress and my chinese bangs cut. I curled my shoulder lenght hair and but on my heels. Me and my mom was out the door. I gave her the direction. Then we saw the place.
Mom: are you sure this is it honey it looks empty
Me: mom it is now leave me alone
Mom: wait let me go check it out first
My mom got out the car. Then she came back.
Mom: umm honey they stood you up
Me: no they didnt mom your crazy i got out the car and ran inside. Umm sir is there a party here.
Man: do you see one
I looked it was so empty i started to cry how could i have been so stupid. i ran in the car. My mom looked at me and i cried on her shoulder.
Mom: its ok baby dont cry those kids are stupid
Me: no im stupid i cried and cried making the makeup on my face smear. I hit the window with my fist. When we got home i ran upstaires to my bed and cried myself to sleep.
Chapter Three
I wlaked in the classrom everybody was looking at me. i walked up to mya.
Mya: umm is there something wrong
Me: yes there is you stood me up you didnt have a party
Mya: oh are you sure
Me: dont play dumb with me
Mya: im not its just you are the dumb look.
She took out a camera and there i was looking inside the building to see if there had been a party and then i saw me crying on my moms shoulder.
Me: how did you get that
Mya: lets just say i had somebody spy on you while you look stupid.
Everybody laughed.
Mya: You are so sumb what makes you think i would bring a girl like you to my party
Me: my mom siad theres nothing wrong with me
Mya: well you and your mom is stupid.
I gave her a look. I sat at my seat. I thought to myself why do i talk to these girl even try to be there friends. I thought maybe if they were dead i wouldn't have to put up with them.
People: aw is somebody sad
Me: no but i feel sad for you
Mya: is that a threat
Me: call it what you want.
The bell rung and it was time for lunch i walked to my locker droped my stuff in and head to the lunch room. I got in line and grabbed my try. Then a foot came out and there i was on the floor and everybody was laughing at me. I got up and had all kinds of food on me. I ran to the bathroom and i could still here kids laughing. I looked at myslef in the mirrow. Then some girls walked in and had there cameras out and was taking pics of me.
Me: stop stop it get out get out i yelled
The girls were laughing.
Girls: dont go we just want to take a picture.
I ran out the bathrooma and a whole crowd surrounded me. Then 6 girls came out. I couldn't go anywhere becaus ei was surounded. One of the girls pushed me and then the other. Next thing you know im on the ground bleeding and a woman is holding her hand out for me. I get up and i see my mom running down the halls. They take me in the office.
Me: why am i here
Lady: well you were jumped
Mom: thats my daughter and your telling me you dont know who did it
Lady: well im sorry but your daughter was surrounded and when we made it to her everybody dissappeared.
Mom: well cant you look on the cameras
Lady: we tried that and we didnt see anything except a crowd.
Mom: this is crazy
Me: mom im ok
Mom: i dont care you were hurt now baby do you rember the people.
Me: no i dont
Mom: lets go
When we arrived home my mom kept crying and saying she was going to take me out of this school. I didnt want to seem like a punk i told her. But she wouldn't listen.
Chapter Four
I walked down the halls eveybody was looking at me. I had on my book bag with my one hand holding it then i had on my uniform with a tie. I walked down the halls with my shoulder lenght hair and my bangs covering my eyes. Everybody was laughing but i didnt care. I walked to my locker and grabbed my things and closed it. then i walked to class. I sat at my seat. I saw the 6 girls who had jumped me. yeah i lide and told my mom i didnt remeber.
I wlaked up to them. they stoped and laughed.
Girls: umm can you move
Me: i can but i wont
Girls: then we will have to do what we did the last time
Me: you shouldn't have done that
They looked at me crazy as i walked back to my seat. I knew hat i had in mind but i wanted to wait for the right time to come.
I was taking out the trash when three boys walked up to me.
Boys: hey what you doing there
I looked at them and kept doing what i had to do.
Boys: Do you speak english you gotta name
Me: i still didnt say anything. One of the boys walked up to me and touched my skirt.
Boy: nice skirt i want to see what it looks like under it
The boys laughed.
Me: get away from me now
Boys: and if we dont
Me: get away now
They still stood there.
I walked up to them.
Me: you wanna see so bad come to my house
Boys: ok
They walked up. I opned the door.
They walked up the steps to my room.
Me: so what do you wanna do
they looked at me and laughed. One of the boys started kising me and then i leaned down and grabbed my pocket knife and sliced his throat. Blood went everywhere. The other boys looked at me.
Me: you better not say anything or i will cut your balls off before you get to use them now run.
They ran out the house as i carried the body out to the garbbage and dumped it in the river by my house were nobody could find him.
Chapter Five
Mom: so baby what did you do today
me: nothing
Mom: well can you turn the news on
Me: sure mom
I turned the tv on. There in red " BOY FOUND IN RIVER UNKNOWN CAUSES"
Mom: all that poor boy.
I wanted to say he deserved it.
Mom: thats sad they are giving up and wont find his muder
I thought that was a good idea
Me: well immma go upstaires school tomrrow
I walked up the steps and went fast asleep.
I woke up and got on my school clothes brushed my teeth and washed my face and was out the door. I had saw those boys again i looked at them and they ran. I knew they were scared and they should be im not a girl to mess with. I walked on the bus and sat near the back were the popular people sat.
Zoey: umm this is our side so imma need you to get up
Me: sorry im already comforatble
Zoey: well if you dont get up im goin go to make you
Me: is that right
Zoey: yep
She touched me and i wnt bazard and through her against the window she started bleeding and tears ran down her eyes. I got up off the bus and everybody stared at me. I knew what i had to do next.
Chapter Six
Publication Date: February 19th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-iluv.gummybears |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-brittany-ferguson-me-i-need-to-feel-in-progress/ | Brittany Ferguson (me) I Need to Feel... (in progress)
Chapter 1
“I’m sorry Daddy!” pleaded little 6 year old Tyler after he spilt his milk all over the floor. But his cry didn’t stop and Daddy hit him. He slapped little Tyler across his face making him scream in pain and leaving a very bright red hand print on his face. Mommy stood there, in shock. She had never seen Daddy hit and of her children. It was like her mouth was sown shut, she was speechless, socked, stunned. Daddy stormed out of the kitchen, grabbed his briefcase and left for work.
“Come on hunny,” said Mommy, “get your stuff; I’ll take you to school today.”
Tyler usually took the bus to Belmont Elementary school. The hand print on Tyler’s face had disappeared by the time they got to school. Mommy was driving her new car that Daddy had bought her just the other day. She was wearing a silk blouse and a very expensive suit with a cashmere scarf, it was winter. Little Tyler was wearing an old, stained shirt from last year and a pair of ripped jeans that were a little too short for him. His sneakers were a worn down from playing at the park all summer with Mommy, and they were a little cold since it was November. Mommy always asked Daddy if she could buy him new clothes but he said they worked just fine. But the thing was they didn’t. He was always cold because his jacket wasn’t warm enough.
When little Tyler got to school, his teacher gasped, she saw the bruise on his eye from this morning. She asked but happened.
“I fell down the stairs this morning.” Tyler lied. That’s when it all started. That moment he realized, only at 6 years old, that he didn’t want anyone to know what had happened and he felt like Daddy was going to hit him again if he told somebody. So he kept it a secret, and so did Mommy.
When daddy came home that night he looked like he felt better, but he didn’t even say he was sorry to Tyler for hitting him. Tyler was the youngest in his family; he has one older sister and two older brothers, Cassie, Ryan, and Dyllan. Cassie was only about four years older than Tyler but Ryan was seven years older and Dyllan was 10 years older. Dyllan didn’t like what Daddy had done to Tyler, but he didn’t say anything because he too was scared. Now Ryan and Cassie didn’t care, they didn’t like Tyler. They thought he was talking away Mommy from them, so they teased him and bullied him at school and at home.
Before supper Daddy told Tyler to go to his room without supper. Tyler screamed “WHY?!” and started crying. It only took one step towards Tyler and the raise of his hand and Tyler started running to his room, but Daddy was faster. He pulled Tyler back down the stairs and hit him again, but this time it wasn’t just a slap but a punch in the stomach. He crumpled to the ground crying in pain, his stomach felt like it was on fire, like a needle pierced in the stomach, like someone had put a knife right though him. Mommy started to get up to run to Tyler’s side but Daddy yelled at her saying “SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!! Leave him there he deserved what he got and more.” Mommy sat back down slowly, a single tear slid down her cheek as she heard her little baby lie on the floor and scream in pain.
Tyler limped up the stairs clutching his stomach; he didn’t ask for help, he didn’t speak at all because he knew Daddy would hit him again. He became so terrified of Daddy, the one who used to pick him up and spin him around when he got home. The one who used to call Tyler his little boy, his prized possession, what happened to that Daddy?
*9 Years Later*
Chapter 2
”GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!” screamed Daddy at Tyler. Tyler was now 15 years old. All of his siblings had moved out and his favorite sibling and oldest brother had moved out seven years ago, so he had no one to look up at to depend on. Dyllan still tried to talk to him all the time, but Daddy usually wouldn’t let him, because he thought that Dyllan was a no good worthless piece of shit just like Tyler, those were his exact words as Dyllan was walking through that door the day he turned 18.
Tyler lay in his bed crying, silently. So his dad wouldn’t come in and beat the shit out of him again, but he was going to anyways. Just like every other day. And that’s what Daddy did. He came in and told Tyler to get up and face him, no he ordered him to just like he were a dog or some animal. And that’s exactly what Tyler did he stood up in front of Daddy.
“Oh you think you’re so tough to stand up to me like that?!” Daddy yelled at Tyler. But he was just simply doing what Daddy had told him to do. But he closed his eyes and waited for the blow. And just like that Tyler dropped to his knees after Daddy punched him in the stomach. He kicked and punched Tyler, while he lay on the ground staying as silent as possible, because Daddy hatted it when Tyler spoke. He said he hatted the way his voice sounded. So he just laid there and waited for the beating to be over. But this one lasted unusually long. Daddy did something he had never done; he picked Tyler up and threw him against the wall, hard. He did it again, and again, and again, until Tyler was finally out.
He woke up hours later, it was 1 am. He felt horrible. He ached, his entire body hurt everytime he moved. He heard people arguing downstairs. He wondered what was going on at 1 o’clock in the morning. He peaked out of his door and it was Mommy and Daddy yelling at each other. Mommy started to go upstairs and when tyler saw her coming he closed the door and limped into bed, but Mommy knew he was awake. She came in very quietly.
“hi hunny. Its Mommy. Get up were going somewhere.” Soothed Mommy.
“where?” tyler asked very quietly so Daddy couldn’t hear.
“away from here.” Said Mommy. She started packing his stuff up in a suit case. She grabbed his clothes, most of them, his notebooks and sketchbooks, and his drawing tools. Tyler loved to draw and he was very good at it, but only Mommy and his art teacher knew how good he was. If Daddy ever found out he would beat him for being such a pussy. Tyler was very passionate about drawing. It would make him feel a little better after a beating, even though it may hurt his hand or arm, but drawing eased some of the pain.
Mommy asked tyler to get up and walk with her. He did, but it hurt and he stuggled very much. But he would do anything for his mom. He slowly walked down the stairs with her, wincing at every step, but he knew Mommy had him. They walked passed Daddy and he glared at both of them with those evil eyes. He had no clue what they were doing, only that they were leaving him forever. They go into the car and started driving. Tyler had blacked out.
“he has a severe concussion Mrs. Ronald, and a few broken and bruised ribs. How did this happen Mrs. Ronald? He didn’t just fall down the stairs this time.” The doctor said.
Mommy, Mrs. Ronald, started to cry and told the doctor her husband had been doing that to Tyler since he was six years old. He let her cry there and told her it was going to be ok, that he would call the cops,a nd that soothed her a little bit.
“why hadn’t you told anyone earlier?” asked Doctor Palmer.
“I was scared. I didn’t know what to do. He hit me too but not as near as much as Tyler.” Replied Mrs. Ronald.
“I understand, I will make sure the court doesn’t accuse you of child abuse also.” Said Dr. Palmer.
“thank you doctor.” Mrs. Ronald thank him.
Tyler spoke so his mom would know he was awake. “we’re going to be alright?” he asked Mommy.
“yes hunny, we’re going to be alright” she said as she held him and hugged him. After Tyler healed and got discharged from the hospital, they moved to California.
Chapter 3
Tyler became enrolled into a new school and Mommy got a new job, a well-paying one at that. But Tyler had become severely depressed, his mom didn’t notice though, because she was used to him not talking much. She just thought that everything was better, that everything was normal. She didn’t even notice any of the little scratches on his arms. That’s what they start out as, little scratches.
School started and Tyler was the new kid. Everyone looked at him, like he was a freak, like some kind of animal. He wore black skinny jeans, a black shirt with “Suicide Silence” on it and a black and dark grey stripped hoodie. He had on black high top Converse. His hair was black and long, it had layers and it covered his face just like an “emo” kid. He just kept his head down and didn’t talk to anyone. One of his new teachers made him stand in the front of the class and introduce himself, he said his name was Tyler and tried to sit down, but his teacher wouldn’t let him. He forced Tyler to stand at the front of the class while people asked him questions. One kid asked, “Are you emo? Like do you like cut yourself and stuff?” Tyler just ignored him. He finally got to sit down after his teacher realized he didn’t like to talk and was getting annoyed.
There was one open seat left in the class, it was in the very back, but next to the most beautiful girl Tyler had ever seen. She had pink hair and it was teased and she wore a black bow in her hair. She had on thick eyeliner and bright colored eye shadow. She wore a lot of bracelets, some of them looked big like it was one whole thing. She had on a black tutu, how unusual, thought Tyler. She wore skinny jeans also but they were very bright colored, a lime green and also a black shirt that said “Suicide Silence” on it. She had lip piercings two on both sides of her bottom lip, called shark bites. She also had a septum piercing and a normal nose ring. He sat down next to her and he wanted to talk to her to tell her that she was beautiful, that he loved her shirt, that she was just jaw dropping gorgeous and that he instantly fell in love with her. He noticed something on her hand, a scar, but not just one, many. Like she too, self-harmed. He became very interested and wanted to know her story.
“nice shirt.” She told him.
“uh, thanks.” Tyler replied.
“it’s so sad that Mitch died huh?” she asked him.
“yeah, it is.”
She kept silent after that. That was first period, Biology. Second period was mathematics (aka algebra). He saw her there too and coincidently she was in that class too. Tyler hated algebra, he was never good at it, but man she was a genius. She knew exactly what was going on. Tyler needed help, but he didn’t want to annoy her with a stupid question.
Class was over and he didn’t see her again till lunch. He saw her laughing and smiling with her friends. They were listening to music blasting it in the courtyard. The song “You Only Live Once” came on by Suicide Silence, Tyler’s favorite band. He moved a little closer to them, wanted to hear it louder. Finally he was right next to her, the beautiful pink haired girl.
“oh hi!’ she said shocked to see him there. “guys this is Tyler. He’s new here. Where are you from?” she asked him.
“small ass town Nebraska.” He replied.
“big change then huh?” asked one of the girl with the pink hair’s friends. “I’m Kyley.”
“I’m janessa.”
“I’m Matt.”
“and I’m Allison.” Said the girl with the pink hair. What a pretty name, thought Tyler. She was so enthusiastic and hyper all the time, it was so adorable.
“we’re all in band, we’re the Fire In The Hearts. I’m the drummer.” Said Kyley. “Allison is lead guitarist and backup vocals, Janessa is bad guitar and matt is our sing screamer.”
“so a metal band?” asked Tyler.
“yeah,” said Allison, “pretty hardcore, huh?”
“haha yeah.” That was the first time Tyler has laughed, even a little bit, in a very, very, very long time. It made him feel good.
“so do you play any instuments?” asked Kyley.
“uh, yeah,” tyler stuttered, “the guitar, drums, saxophone, piano, trumet, tuba, trombone, uhm… oh and the vocal cordes.”
“you sing?” asked Allison.
“uh, yeah a little, and I scream a bit too.”
“that’s rad dude.” Matt told tyler.
For once in his life, Tyler felt accepted, like he belonged somewhere, but not for long. An averaged sized guy wearing skinny jeans, rubber bracelets, and a Bring Me the Horizon shirt came up and kissed Allison on the cheek and called her babe. Tyler’s heart sunk, the feeling of emptiness came back, he got up and walked off. He went to the bathroom, the one that looked like no one used anymore. He was angry at himself, falling for a girl like that? I must be literally stupid, she will NEVER like me like that, let alone love me. Look at me, I’m a failure, I’ve had a failure family and failure life. He looked at the little scratches on his wrist that he made this morning. Maybe I need to go deeper, maybe that might let me feel something, thought tyler. For some reason this morning after making those scratches he had put the razor in his pocket. He took the razor out of his pocket and twirled it in his fingers, gazing at it. I need to feel… Little did he know that that razor would become his best friend for the next year.
Chapter 4
Tyler came out of the bathroom with no cuts on his arm, his forearm. His scratches would heal and wouldn’t leave a trace. He walked to fifth period by himself, it was art. He was actually excited for art class. His teacher was awesome, and understanding it seemed like. Their first project was to draw something that meant very much to them, like an object or even a person.
Tyler drew his friend Alex; he committed suicide two years ago, when he was only 13 years old. He also had a troubled life, his parents abused him also but he was also molested by his older brother, he couldn’t handle it anymore so he took his own life. Alex was Tyler’s only friend; he became very depressed and lonely, even lonelier than before.
He laid his pencil on his paper and started to sketch Alex’s outline of his face, then he added the bright blue eyes and then his black hair that was always over his eyes. Tyler had a good memory, which was good and bad. He didn’t want to remember certain things but he couldn’t help it. He drew every single detail of Alex’s face. It was amazing, so realistic. He got every single freckle on his face right, in the exact spot. When he handed Mr. Carlson (Tyler’s art teacher), he looked at Tyler in amazement. He had never seen anyone draw something so detailed. Mr. Carlson got became interested; he knew that Tyler had potential that he could exceed.
Sixth period was horrible, psychology. Tyler didn’t know anything about psychology. He was clueless, but there she was right across from him, the seat in front of him in the next row. She seemed to know what she was doing. She looked back at him and smiled, then turned back to grab something and passed it to him. It was her notes that she took, he mouthed thank you to her and she just smiled back.
The notes were very helpful because they had a test the next day over what they had studied that week, well this was Tyler’s first day of school here so he had no clue what they learned. But the notes had everything on them, everything.
Last period was band, Tyler actually kind of liked it, but there she was, once again. She played the trumpet also. And Tyler chose to play the saxophone again, but this time decided to play the Bari. Tyler had played the Soprano Saxophone and the alto before, moving here was for a change right? So Tyler told Mr. Quillard that he played the Baritone Saxophone.
“Mr. Quillard, may I go to the restroom please?” Tyler asked very politely about a quarter the way into class. The teacher excused him and on his way three guys came up to him.
“Hey queer!” laughed one.
“What are you doing out of class you freak?” asked another.
Tyler just ignored them, but they started pushing and shoving him around, calling him even worse names. One of them pushed him down and Tyler just lay there, waiting for the beating.
“Get up and fight queer!” they all kept saying as they were kicking him in the ribs and head, one of them stomped on his arm nearly breaking it, but luckily didn’t. They thought it was time to go back to class so they left him there, in pain, having flashbacks of before, when Daddy used to hit him, every single day. Tears were sliding down his cheeks; he got up and went to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and winced at himself thinking, why I am I so ugly and fat? Why does everyone hate me? Oh yeah, cause I’m disgusting looking, my face is gross, I have a huge nose and oh yeah my dad used to beat the shit out of me. Tyler remembered the razor in his pocket. He grabbed it and twirled it in his fingers again thinking, I wonder if I go deeper I could feel something more, maybe a relief. And that’s what he did. He took the razor and found the sharpest point, laid it against his skin and pressed down. Slowly he dragged the blade across his skin, slowly ripping it open. It was like someone had relieved pressure on him, he felt so much better. There was a single drop of blood slowly pooling on the cut. He looked at it, admired its beauty. The crimson red slipped down his arm, slowly and dropped into the sink. He stood there staring at his arm, wondering, how could something like this feel so good? It made him happy, he could feel something, instead of being numb all the time. Feeling pain was better than nothing. The beating wasn’t enough, it was a different kind of pain, a pain that didn’t feel well, cutting feels good, it cools him down. He pulls his sleeve back over his arm and returns to class.
“By gollie! What happened Mr. Tyler?” asked Mr. Quillard, he saw that Tyler’s lip was a bit swollen and he had a black eye.
“Uh, nothing Mr. Quillard. I uh, tripped and fell.” Lied Tyler. Tyler sat back down at his chair and started to play with the band, it hurt his lip, but he didn’t want to look like a pussy.
The bell rand and everyone sped out of class, all of them laughing and smiling, except for Tyler. Allison saw him and came up to him.
“Dud what the hell happened?” she asked him. “I know you didn’t fall.”
“Some kids came up to me and pushed me around a little bit.” He told Allison.
“Pushed you around a little bit? Sounds more like a beating to me.” He winced at the word “beating”.
“It was nothing, I got to go, I’ll see you tomorrow bye.” Tyler quickly hurried off. When he got home, his mom asked him what the hell happened, and he replied with what he told Allison, some guys just pushed him around a little bit.
Mommy got an ice pack and wrapped it in a small towel and gave it to Tyler to put on his face. It hurt but it started to feel a little better. He sat down at the kitchen table and saw some papers, divorce papers. He knew this was going to happen, but it was still a shock to him. He also saw some other papers; court papers, financial papers, and his hospital record. They had found traces of semen on him, in him. He dropped the papers and got up and ran to his room. His dad had raped him.
Chapter 5
He turned on his stereo on full blast; “Fuck Everything” by Suicide Silence was playing.
“If you hate the world around you.
And it makes you sick what you see.
Then follow me.
Life is short; I'll make it what it’s worth.
With time well spent, time spent so well.
So don't run away, just face the new day,
Without a single fear in mind.
Just take it one day at a time!
And...Fuck everything! Everything!
Fuck everything! Everything!
Welcome to a nightmare,
This is the place we all call home.
Welcome to a nightmare,
This is the place we hate to call home.
We fucking hate! Hate hate hate”
The Lyrics to “Fuck Everything” meaning, be strong and don’t give a fuck what people think. But it’s hard not to. Everything cares what people think no matter what. In some ways Tyler doesn’t care but in other ways he does. If people knew his secrets they would judge him. Alex (Tyler) would have said, he is gay, a queer, a freak (although they already do sadly). It hurts. To be bullied every day, to be called names, and finding out that he was raped by his own father hurts the most. How could someone possibly do that! I feel so violated… so vulnerable… so-just disgusting, like I deserved it, but I do, but it’s so wrong… Tyler laid there in his bed crying, tears rolling down his cheeks across his nose.
He got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He turned on the shower head and got undressed. He got into the shower and sat down, just letting the water run over his shoulders, all over his back. He turned the cold water all the way off and it became scolding hot, but it felt good, it felt like it was cleansing him. It was like needles were piercing his skin, scorching needles. There was a razor in the shower and he tore it apart, taking out the blades, he took one and slid it across his leg, his upper thigh. No one would see it there right? He thought, so he did it again and it felt good, it felt amazing. He did it again but this time a tiny bit deeper drawing a tiny bit more blood. The blood swirled in the water of the shower, going down the drain.
He did it again… and again… and again… he had 27 cuts on his leg by the time he stopped. It felt so good, but it was going to hurt later rubbing against his pants. He didn’t cut that deep just deep enough to draw a few drops of blood. He also had burns on his back from the scorching hot water striking his back, and it burned. He turned the cold water on and turned the shower head so it was dripping out softly. It felt even better, he let the water drip on his cuts and the chill is wonderful, but it’s not like the burn of cutting.
He got out of the shower and hurried to his room with the towel around his waist. He looked at himself in the mirror and though of how disgusting he looked. He looked at his cuts on his legs, they looked beautiful, the way the red showed and how clean they were. But by tomorrow they would look gross and will have brown crusted old dried blood on them and they will sting because his rough jeans will rub against them an pull off the scabs. He didn’t care though, he wanted the pain, he thought he deserved the pain.
He went down stairs to see what Mommy was cooking. Fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, Tyler’s favorite. Mommy felt bad about today, about Tyler getting beat up at school and him seeing the papers, but she didn’t know that he saw his medical report. She wanted to cheer him up a bit so she made him his favorite supper and bought him something, a guitar. He loved to play the guitar and he was amazingly good at it too, but Daddy had smashed it just before they left because he was tired of the noise that it made and was tired of Tyler playing it all the time.
It was a beauty, and it really did cheer him up for quite a while, she bought him a brand new amp, a really expensive nice on at that, and a new pedal. It was black with red that looked like blood dripping from it. He loved it, after supper he went right to his room to set up is brand new amp and start playing his guitar. It was like he never even stopped playing. He was brilliant; he could listen to a song once and play it on the guitar. He wrote songs too. He had them playing in his head all the time.
Playing his guitar and drawing made him take his mind off of things for a while. The rush of the music of the guitar got his adrenaline pumping and he started screaming along with a song. He hadn’t sung or scream for a very long time but it’s like he got better by not doing it.
Chapter 6
That night Tyler went to bed feeling happy, but not actually happy, it’s just when your brain thinks you are, but you really aren’t. He had a good night’s sleep though. When he woke up he could spell waffles and bacon and fresh warm syrup. Mommy had made him and herself breakfast, but time was running out so he had to hurry and eat. He wasn’t “hungry” so he only had a few bites.
“why aren’t you eating much Tyler?” asked Mommy. “are you not hungry?”
“Not really. And I’m going to be late for the bus so I got to go mom, I love you bye, see you after school.” Tyler kissed his mom on the cheek and left for the bus. He got there just in time. But there she was. She only lived three doors down from him, great. Just great. She walked onto the bus and a few seconds later so did he, she had already sat down and no one would let him sit next to them and there were no empty seats left.
“here, sit by me.” Suggested Allison. Tyler sat down next to her. She told him that she only lived three doors down from him, her and her parents would have stopped by to say welcome to the neighborhood but they were out of town and they’ve been really busy ever since.
Tyler saw a bruise on her arm, a fresh one, not from just bumping it on something, no he’s had those same exact ones. Her parents beat her.
“what happened to your arm…?” Tyler asked her cautiously.
“oh, uhhh, nothing.” she replied quickly.
“I’ve had ones similar, and don’t say you just bumped your arm in the doorway. There is one on the other arm isn’t there?” Tyler became very fond of her, like he needed to protect her from any danger, like she needed him.
“My dad got rough with me last night, so what? We were just messing around.” Allison lied, and when she said that last sentence her voice broke, like she knew she shouldn’t have lied to him. She felt she could trust him with anything, but she didn’t want to tell him just yet.
They arrived at the school, finally, the bus was a little late and Allison and Tyler had to hurry to first period, biology. They were studying genetics. About how the cells combine to make babies after having sex. All the other boys and girls started laughing whenever the teacher said “sex”, Tyler and Allison thought it was really annoying.
“oh my god, why does everyone have to be so immature its just a stupid word.” Whispered Allison quietly into Tyler’s ear.
“right? There really isn’t anything funny about the word. But the jokes are pretty good, you got to admit.” Said tyler.
“yeah, haha I guess they are.” Allison said as she giggled at Tyler. Tyler smiled, not just a fake “ya I’m fine” smile but a real smile. He liked allison’s laugh , it was adorable and a little load and the teacher heard, but he still loved it.
“ahem, would you two like to share with the class what you were whispering about?” asked the teacher.
“nothing Mrs. Gull.” Allison said sarcastically.
“alright then, may we get back to class Ms. Allison?” the teacher asked in a rude tone.
“yeah, whatever.” Replied Allison with an attitude.
“meow!” tyler said to Allison teasing her.
“oh shush up!” she said, smiling.
The bell rang and everyone gathered there stuff and walked out of class hurriedly, Allison and tyler took their time gathering there stuff and talking. Allison dropped her book and they both bent down to grab it. Somehow their hands entangled landing on the book, tyler pulled his hand away quickly and said, “uh, I got to go to the bathroom, see you in a few.” And sped out of the classroom like a 5 year old after drinking a Monster Energy Drink.
Tyler went into the bathroom and waited until there was no one there, the bell rang, he was going to be late for second period. Shit, shit, shit! What have I done? I grabbed her fucking hand. God I’m so fucking stupid!!! She blushed though… I saw her flawless cheeks flush a bright red, and she smiled at me… god why am I so fucked up! he grabbed his razor out of his pocket and took it to his arm. He slowly slid the cool metal across his forearm, slicing it open. This time a few drops of blood came out, more than the last ones. He had cut deeper, but still not enough… it felt so good, the cold metal, the warm blood. He was still angry so he put the razor back up against his arm, but below the one he had made only seconds ago and dragged it across. But someone was opening the door so he put away the razor and pulled down his sleeve.
“oh look who it is, the little emo boy from yesterday in the hall. Ready for another beat down fag?” said one of the guys.
Tyler pulled his blade on them and told them to get out of his fucking way. They backed off right away.
“woah dude, put it away we weren’t trying to do anything, we just wanted to have some fun.” One of the guys said.
“ you call beating the living shit out of the new kid fun? What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking bastards.” Tyler sure did call them out, for the first time in his life he stood up himself. He felt good, felt strong for once. He walked out of the bathroom with pride.
Text: Brittany Ferguson (me) All rights reserved. Publication Date: February 8th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-brittanybenevolence |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-janelle-johnson-football-player-little-girl/ | Janelle Johnson Football player little girl It hard being famous
Cast members
• daughter- Maly
•football player/father- Johnny James
•mother of children- Karen
Bom bom the big touch down . People throw there food in the air and jump up in elate. A he makes the touchdown he smiles and do his Johnny dance they call it. he does his dance thinking that his family could be here in this moment. He stop dance as his team mates take him away on there back. He smileed so bueaty fully made the chear leaders fant. He was the best of the best. He was in magazines,books, stories, and Internet. He was the man on the moon it said in one article and he had it all but his family.
*after the game * *reporters yelling and shaving the microphone* "wow that touchdown I bet you wished your family was here to celebrate with you sad huh"? The reporters say to Johnny. "He Johnny he doesn't need family to make him hole" another reporter said . "Johnny was so angry he pushed all them away and went in his locker room . " everyone out of the room one moment please" said Johnny's manager. *players upset* "hey dude I can get you your amily date night" he said with a funny smile. " okay ya that's a good Idea Joe and you know what I'm going to take one lucky lady out to night" he said so elated. But a part of him knew that he love his ex-girlfriend and his son and daughter.
*fun night* " where are you going" Johnny mother asked when he came to vist. " mother why are your worrying about me I'm a gown man" he Sid grabbing his coat. " oh I know you so called homie/manger called he has a big mouth and can't keep anything your going out and bailing on your other family and don't bring no pice of trash girl home to me and say this is your new girl" she said angry. Drink her tea Johnny fixed for her. " will do (making a face." As the day went on he look and looked for that special outfit and he found the right one. " your ready? Com on now can't leave no girl waiting" Johnny's manger say with a big smile, " ok coming , which car should I take my.... Lexus,Camry,Sonata,or hummer." He says looking at his car key nicely polished by his made and put up on hooks. "Hummer totally she'll love it" he says opening the car door as Johnny enters. " okay man I hope this girl will be the one."
He picked her up she as the finest of the finest she was everyone and anyone's boo she loved being the star of the show everyone stops and stares at her. " so where are we going?" She said with her glossy lip gloss and he cute but not to much makeup. " huh... I was thinking the new pizza place ." He said driving . " okay sounds good.
He opens the door for her And giving the key to the valet person. He smiles and gets in the car. "Oh I like the blue car *she say with a big smile* rich huh." She said with a little touch on her lip. As walking in giving the hostest there names and leadIng them to there table. "You drink say the waiter. He looks up and sees his ex-girlfriend Karen. Looking bueatiful as ever in her pencil dress. She was in Johnny's fav. Color. " yes I would like the... Chicken salad with shampain." And you Karen looks at Johnny. Johnny's date sees the eye contact. "I would like the...." Before Johnny would answer Karen says the "ribs with ex. Sauce and light on the mushrooms." She says with a serious face. " aka the order you get every time you come here." "Yes" he says looking so amazed to see Karen. "So are you going to tell the chef." Johnny date yells. "Oh yes ma'am I will" Karen says with a slight smile.
"So you like her or do you know her" Johnny's date says. "We'll she's my my son and daughters mother." He says trying to not be to serious.
She was so upset she went to the bathroom. "Excuse me!" She walks away. Karen walks back with the drinks. As she walks away Johnny grabs her hand. "How's the kids." H says woundering. " leaving but of course you don't care your over there on every magazine I pick up making money." She says shaming the glass on the table. "Sorry!" She cleans the mess up looking around hoping no ones looking. " look I been trying to make a living." "With out your kids " she spat at him. "Karen your shift is over ill take over" the old lady says. " thank you marry" she smiles. "Goodbye" Johnny says. Karen walks away with out saying anything.
" how was the date" Joe the manger says. " I don't want to all about it" he say with a frown. "That bad...
*karens house* ring door bell. Maly answers the Johnny's little girl she only 3. "Hi daddy." She says softly. "Baby girl "he grab her
And swigs her around. "Maly come here" Karen says . Mal runs into her arms. Johnny looks up and sees her bueatiful mother with a red dress that look wonderful on her annoy to much make up long hair, lip gloss and eye shadow. he looks around. " so the place looks different." He says. "Daddy we got a Christmas tree see I decorated it." She say smiling showing him. " we did actually" Maly brother yells from the kitchen.
1hour later " I have to go to work tomorrow so I'm going to need you to leave. The door bell rings. Johnny goes to the door it Johnny's date from last night. " I saw your car out front and.... Your here." She says suprise. "I was just leaving." "With a waiter" she points at Karen. Karen rolls her eyes and tell her kids to go In there rooms and play a game, " he was just leaving dont let me eat in the way of this love" .... " but my kids and I need to go to the store so you guys can't stay with all this drama. " they walk out side . " I don't need this rite now ok ehhhh girl" Johnny's says. "Girl oh now you can't remember my name. ," okay listen I'm in love with this family and I live my children and I'm not going to let them grow or live with out me." He bends down to Karen and tells her he loves her with all his heart and he's very sorry.
There and on they have had one more child and he counties to be a famous football player. The kids move in at dads house and they go to the next big game. Also, I forgot one ,ore thing Karen and Johnny get married they spent 50,000$ at the wedding and have ben together for 2 years now. And know there bot on the cover of magazines.
Text: Janelle Images: Janelle Editing: Janelle Translation: Janelle All rights reserved. Publication Date: November 28th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-jjanelle5 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-chloe-knox-betrayed-wife-v-s-daughter/ | Chloe Knox Betrayed: Wife v.s. Daughter Life of a Forgiver? ...not really
Walking Down Memory Lane
“I hate you!”
This sentence, in my young teenage years, I used a lot! Like, every other day, a lot! This sentence was usually—actually always and only—directed toward my parents. I’d always scream those three horrid words, for the stupidest reasons too. I would mumble it under my breath because my mother told me to do the dishes. I would growl it into my pillow because my father said I couldn’t date the guy with the tattoos, piercings, and motorcycle. I would trash my room, kick the walls, and shriek in their faces those three atrocious words all because I was a spoiled kid. My parents no matter what I said or did did their best to give me my every desire, grant my every wish! I was too arrogant to see that all the curfews and the punishments were because they loved me and just wanted me to be happy and safe…or did they?
Out of all the hundreds of times I’ve said that ghastly sentence, there’s only one time that I ever truly meant it…at least I think I did! To this day, I’m still not sure! But the one day I wanted to show how I felt, all the real venom on my lips and spats of hatred on my tongue, I was too scared to. I was angry, but I felt this black pit of nothingness in the cavity of my gut and it seemed to paralyze me. That one day I can remember more clearly than any happy memory.
I remember it more than my first kiss, or my first love, or anything that you’re supposed to have imprinted into your mind.
I remember the faint sweet smell of pot coming from my father’s and step-mother’s bed room. I remember how my three little sisters, Claire, Carly, and, Carmine, were sitting on the floor of the trailer’s living room watching ‘SpongeBob Squarepants’! I remember everything from the color of the trailer walls, to the sound of the harsh winter wind as it thrashed the screen door back and forth. No one ever bothered to just close the damn thing.
The only thing I can’t seem to remember about that day is how everything started.
When I was a young teen, me and my step-mother fought non-stop. It was so bad to the point where you could feel the tension in the air. So bad, that my oldest sister, Carmine, said that there were days were she’d feel choked by the apprehension…figuratively of course!
And just like every other day in that stress filled trailer, I remember waking up and for no reason at all feeling pissed at the world. I felt alone and uncared for, and then my step-mother woke up. She complained and complained to my father like she always did, but today everyone was on edge. Usually it was me versus my step-mother! Today my father was in the equation and he was forced to pick a side…he chose wrong! At least that’s what I think!
It was around noon, and my step-mother had gotten mad at my father for something, which I’m not sure of! There were cusses and the slamming of doors! Claire and Carly were crying! Carmine embraced them and whispered words of kindness in their two and five year old ears! Me? I was fed up!
I was tired of the way my “mother” treated my father, and I wasn’t going to stand for this any longer! She had to realize what she was doing to me, my sisters, and my father! She was ripping apart our family—my family!!!!
“You better drop your attitude, or I’ll drop it for ya’!”
What I did then was very disrespectful, but at the time I wasn’t thinking about that. When I was thirteen, I rarely thought about anyone but myself!
So I laughed! I flat out looked into my step-mother’s brown eyes and laughed. Her eyes went black with hurt, and then anger, but I didn’t care. I didn’t because I knew she couldn’t do anything about it despite her threats. If she ever so much as laid a finger on me, my mother would whoop my step-mother like there was no tomorrow. And my father? He’d have to take my side! I was fighting for him! I was defending him!
…I was wrong…
My step-mother ran off into her bedroom, tears rolling down her face, as I walked into the bathroom. I locked the door, and began to undress to take a shower as if nothing had happened.
But just as I was about to take off my shirt I heard the loud BOOM! BOOM! BOOM, of my father’s footsteps. The small three bedroom trailer shook, just as my heart began to speed up. Knots formed in the pit of my stomach as the blood rushed to my head.
I didn’t understand why, but my father was mad! I could tell that much just by the loud breathing I heard on the other side of the door!
One, two, after three bangs on the door, my father stormed into the bathroom. His brown eyes were black with anger and disgust, and his lips that usually smiled were now a clenched frown of hatred that immediately made me cower in fear.
Never once had my father hit me, or yelled at me before, but just that horrid look in his eyes was—and still is—enough to make my legs feel like jell-o and my body uncontrollably tremble.
I opened my mouth to speak, but there was no excuse for what I had done; no good reason, anyway. Was my “mother” in the wrong? Yes, but so was I. That much was evident when my father grasped my throat with his right thick and callused hand and slammed me against the wall. He pinned me there against the wall, the grip on my neck growing tighter and tighter. I coughed and gasped for air, not because he was choking me, though. He held me tight and still, and it hurt. I could feel his thick nails digging into my skin. What made me strangle was the thick aroma of smoke from the two packs of cigarettes he’d smoke a day and another faint smell, which even though was sweet made me feel nauseas…pot!
His face only inches from mine growled words which I didn’t hear. I was too scared by my father’s soulless and cold black eyes that bore into mine, like a predator looking down at his pathetic and helpless prey…that’s how I felt.
I was pinned to the wall with no room for escape.
A long plump dirty finger, that showed evidence of rough labor, aggressively jabbed my shoulders and waved in front of my face as he screamed, and screamed, and screamed.
Ten minutes later I sit on my bed crying. My music’s cranked up so no one will hear me, so I can be left alone. And I am, for a bit, but then in walks my father.
His eyes are outlined in red and are puffy. They’re back to their normal chocolate and soft brown, but they’re also glassy. He looks like a lost puppy full of sadness and want, but I still don’t see him. I no longer see the man that I said I’d love no matter what! I no longer see the man that cried when telling me Santa Clause wasn’t real, or the man that bought me my first Tigger(as in Whinnie the Pooh) footie pajamas! He was no longer the man that I had thought I could always count on! He, now, was just a pathetic, irresponsible, pot user that verbally abused his wife. I no longer loved him—at least that’s what I had told myself—and I no longer pitied his hard teenage years! Even as he stood there tears streaming down his face saying, “I’m sorry,” I couldn’t forgive him.
It was innate. He took one step toward me, and I scooted backward on my bed in the opposite direction!
After a moment of trying, my father gave up, and walked out of the room as I thought—I didn’t yell, didn’t mumble under my breath, I just thought, I HATE YOU!
Now, I know that my story could be way worse, I know. But still, to be betrayed by the one man I thought would be there for me through thick and thin hurt more than any physical pain I’ve ever in my life experienced, and worse than any heartbreak! He had chosen my step-mother over me, even when I was the one to stand up for him! How could he do that to me?
And so when I think back on that day, I wonder…did I fully mean it? No! When I was younger all my feelings were over whelming and confusing. As I get older I learn, and I now know that I don’t hate my father. I’ll love him no matter what. It was what he did that I hated. I hated the fact that he didn’t have the guts to stand up for his own daughter. I hated the fact that he couldn’t see that what I had done was for him. I hated that he had hurt me, emotionally and physically!
…but even though I love him, and even though I’ve told him that I’ve forgiven him, I haven’t…it hurts too much…it hurts too much to not be able to look at him and see the man that I had when I was a little, little girl…I hope that’ll change! I hope one day I’ll be able to look at him and say that I love him without any hesitation…I can only hope…but I don’t think that day will ever come…
Publication Date: May 7th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-chloeknox18 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-cece-roland-emerald-city/ | Cece Roland Emerald City Emerald City
When I stand in that booth my world falls way the when the bass drops in what I wrote down don’t seem good enough so instead I rap and sing from my heart I don’t talk about this life I be about this life... And that’s just the way it is
"DEV... DEV... Rosie I think he's dead". I hear my little sister Maddy Say. She’s been trying to wake me up by poking me in the face. She’s 4 with dark chocolate skin and long curly black hair and big brown eyes that could make you cry. She’s the most annoying. "I’m not dead.” I say rolling over And giving them the look that Says get the hell out my room Rosie Plants Her Hands On her hips and looks at me like what you going to Do If I don’t. I sit up and they run off into the next room I look at my clock 6:45 damn they get up earlier and earlier every day I get up and go into the living room were Anisa sits watching Elmo on the TV she 3 and my favorite cause she doesn’t talk much. I go into the kitchen and make them all breakfast then I go and head for the shower when I’m done I set out their clothes and do their hair by the time we leave its 7:00 a little bit on schedule as we all pile into my car their all talking but Anisa I Play with her and watch her eyes light up Rosie is Sitting with Maddy And Gossiping about the other girls at school Maddy is Rosie’s twin and together they are a handful when I drop the twins off at school and Anisa at daycare I head to school myself being 17 isn’t easy for me working 2 jobs going to school and raising my sisters I should win the brother of the year award but that’s not how it goes when I pull into the parking lot of my school I get attention like a soldier I’m 6'4 and chiseled to the max with a baby face apparently the ladies dig that around here as I walk to my locker I see my boys but I just nod in their way and continue to class but I see her. She’s new I could tell she looked really nervous and scared so I decided to introduce my self "Hi I’m Dev." I say sticking out my hand while she gives me a once over a smile spreads on my face as she takes me in she looks up at me and frowns she scans the hall cause we’re getting unwanted attention She has caramel colored skin and her eyes were black instead of brown with long black hair and 3 tattoos and stood at 5'2 she was fine and not just any kind of fine but the fine that said I don’t have time for lames "Hi I’m Angie." She said in her soft voice But Didn’t take my hand just starred me down "Nice to meet you Angie”. So I see that your new need some help finding your way around." I say putting my hand back in my pocket. "Actually yea um I need to get to room 478." She said looking back at her schedule which made her long hair fall in her face. "Actually ima heading that way I could walk you there if you want". "Really Thanks." She smiles But Her voice sounds like she hates being here and who could blame her high school sucks as we walk down the hall she gets a couple whistles and hey baby but she holds her head high and ignores them when I point out the room she walks in without a second glance or a thank you. By third period I can’t get her out of my head so far we have no classes together but I hope that changes soon but I've been watching her in the halls as guys try and get her attention but she pays them no mind does she know she’s just that fine??... I shake my head as I try to forget her and focus on my work but it’s not possible “Dev. Are you okay?” "Yea I’m fine" She’s really young with short red hair she’s got a thing for me but that’s some pedophile shit so ima leave it alone. I try and focus on this geometry class but I can’t get her out my head her long hair and brown eyes I give up I can’t do this I get up and go to the bathroom knowing I’ll never have to ask to go in this class even though that’s not where I’m going as I walk down the hall I spot her she sits by her locker texting "Hey." I say walking towards her "Hi." she replies "I didn’t know you ditched." I say raising an eyebrow. "Neither did I goody two shoes” she Said smiling up at me is it me or did my heart just stop. "Technically it’s not skipping since my teacher knows I’m in class. I’m just taking a break" "Whatever Dev. "she said shaking her head I sit next to her. "So why'd you move her." immediately after I asked the question I regretted it her eyes filled with sadness and her smile was washed away by sorrow and regret "Uh I don’t want to talk about it." She said fiddling with the rings on her hand “Okay." I said we sat there for a few minutes in silence while she texted whoever was on the other line "Uh I should be heading back to class before the teacher flips out on me”. She says while standing up I catch a glimpse of the butterfly tattoo she has on her back I stand up as well "Okay so see you at lunch then." She nods her head and we walk away in our separate directions By lunch time I’m starving not for food but to see Angie as I walk into the cafeteria I spot her Standing in the burger line while a group of guys try to get her attention she talks to them a little but not much she keeps it simple I walk over to her in the line and she smiles up at me "Hey Dev." she says. The guys behind her look me up and down and try to intimidate me but that shit don’t work on me I hold my ground and show me who the man is I turn my attention back to Angie "Hey told you I’d see you at lunch." I say smiling back at her “Yea you sure told me." She says lowering her voice to match mine. I can only smile at her attempt. I just shake my head and pay for my lunch "So were we sitting" she says looking up at me I point to the table were my boys are sitting "There." I Say and start walking over in that direction with her following not far behind as we sit down all of my friends heads turn towards her "Hi." She says in her little shy voice and waves. Jonny’s the first to give her a once over his eyes lingering longer in certain places they shouldn't and I don’t know why it makes me mad but it does. "WELL DAMN aren’t you a thick one... I’m Jonny by the way." He says holding out his hand I nearly almost slap him but mill beats me to it "I’m mill." he says with a smile Angie blushes which kind of makes me jealous and last but not least Ben I really hope he don’t say something stupid "Hey shawty I’m Benny. But you can call me daddy" Benny says coming and sitting next to her Angie can’t even hold it in anymore she burst out laughing on the floor when she stops she looks at benny and falls out laughing all over again I just shake my head with the rest of the boys Benny always thinks he’s a mac and he ends up getting played out Benny looks furious and walks back over to his seat on the other side of the table "I’m sorry. She says "But if you going to try and get at me you got to come way harder than that boosky" She says trying not to fall out laughing again she stands up and throws her food away And Comes and sits down next to me "So you feel my boy Dev. huh??" Jonny says "He aight I guess." Angie replies I Sit there and look at her she winks at me "He was trying to spit game huh??" "Naww not really he aint been comein hard enough to really grasp my attention." She says pushing her hair back off her face which exposes another tattoo behind her ear. "Dev Why aint you made your move yet Girls like her don’t wait around for nobody." I Give Jonny the look and he shuts up. "Well gentlemen I need to go find my next class. Dev. I’ll see you later." She says collecting her books and standing up. "Yea sees you later." I say giving her a small wave and she’s out the door. "DAMN MAN I’m still in a trace from seeing that ass walks out the door" Benny says. "Fo real man if you don’t get at her I sure Will." Says Jonny pounding fist with Benny. I Give them the look and they shut up real fast and Mills watching the door like he's waiting for someone to come through I sure as hell hope none of my boys go after her Cause she’s mine whether they know it or not.
After Benny said that I had to go he was straight trippin you can call me daddy boy bye not with them shoes on anyways it’s the last period of the day and so far it’s my favorite cause Dev.’s in here I keep catching him looking at me from time to time but I’m not here to date I’m here to get in and get out I don’t have time for any more games and I learned that the hard way just the thought of the past give me chills and then the same thoughts come to mind. What if he finds me? What if he’s here right now? Stop it Angie he’s not here there’s no way he knows you’re here I try to slow my breathing but the same thought keep running through my mind finally the bell rings as I stand up a girl comes up to the table I’m sitting at. “Can I help you”? I say not really impressed by her fronting “I have one question for you.” “And what’s that” I say putting my stuff in my bag “Do you have a thing for my man?” she says shifting her wait to one side and planting her hand on her hip. “And who might that be?” I say cocking an eyebrow “Don’t try and play me I’m talking about Dev.” “Pshh girl please I just got here I barely know him and if he’s your man you might wanna get him on lock.” I say with just as much attitude she gave me “Hey Angie.” I hear Dev say behind me. “So uh Dev when was you going to tell me you have a girl.” I say turning my irritation on him it’s always the same with dude they make you like them but then have a girl but who cares I wasn’t feelin him that much anyways. “As soon as I got o-“ he stops cause I’m guessing he caught sight of this chick who’s in my face he sighs but I don’t stay to hear his excuses I turn toss my hair back and walk out the room I don’t have time for games. I hear him call my name but I’m gone.
I look at Tina and I know she knows I’m mad Tina is a recent ex of mine who can’t seem to understand the our relationship is over part I tried calling Angie back to explain but she was already gone and by the way her face looked she didn’t want to hear a word I have to say. As I try to control my rage I turn my attention on Tina
“Tina how many times do I have to tell you that you’re not my girl?” I say trying to keep from yelling
“Oh come on baby you know you don’t mean that we’ll always be together forever.” She says while wrapping herself around me
“Yes I do Tina we’re done it’s been over for a little while now.” I say pushing her away
She tries to wrap herself around me again but I keep pushing her away she stops and I can tell she’s furious
“What does she have that I don’t?”
“What are you talking about? “
“Don’t play with me I see the way you look at her”
“Tina I just met her know what I don’t need to explain myself to you the point is. Is that we’re done” I brush past her leaving her to cope with her own insecurities my main focus was trying to get another chance with Angie I run out to the parking lot just in time to see her get in her car and speed off ugh this is going to be a lot more complicated than I thought. So I push all thoughts of her out of my head for now and get in my car first stop my job after school I work part time at a restaurant bussing tables it’s not much but it’s all I have for right now my second job is on the weekends I work in a mechanics shop if it wasn’t for music cars would be my first love by the time I clock in its 3:00 and its busy and immediately I’m called by my boss into the back of the kitchen
“Your late.” My boss is such an ass sometimes I’m supposed to be here at 3:00 but every day I get here at 3:05 apparently.
“As usual.” I grumble underneath my breath.
“listen I know how hard it is for you I really do but you need to be here on time or I have to let you go and that’s not something I want to do.” She says in her fake pity voice ugh this bitch
“Sure can I get to work now?”
“Yes you may go.”
When I turn my back I roll my eyes and leave is all females trippin today but at this point I don’t really care I have one thing to do and one thing only… WORK. I go into the kitchen and put on the quote on quote apron she makes us wear I grab a bucket and head out into the lounge I pick up the cups and wipe down the tables who knew that people could be such nasty eaters on my first week on this job I almost hurled even thinking about it make me wanna GAG!. But you take what you can get when I finish the first table I put in my headphones and go back to work the good thing about this job is that time flies.
“Are You Dev.?” Asks this tall guy in a navy blue leather jacket he wasn’t that that tall but he was a good size.
“Who’s askin.” I say kind of defensively.
“Chill dawg I’m just lookin for someone.”
“A girl her name Angie ring any bells.”
Now this dude looks like someone you shouldn’t lie too but he was shady and I didn’t want him around Angie even though I barley know her
“Naww man I don’t know her.” I say.
“Aight my dude guess I’ll see you later”
He walked away kind slow as if he were waiting for me to tell him something but I aint no snitch and something told me that he was just bad news.
I watched him leave and waited just to be sure he wasn’t coming back thankfully he didn’t see me or get into the apartment and that I was grateful for I waited a little longer just to make sure when I was sure he wasn’t coming back I got out of the car still kind of edgy when I made it to the door I hurried inside and locked the doors I felt a little relief but I was still on edge I heard my stomach and let it decide on what my dinner will be I live in this apartment alone its sometimes lonely but I survive my mom was around for some of my life but then she found her new boyfriend and they took their crack love to the streets so it was just me when I turned 17 I was out on my own I have to do what’s best for me but last year I got into something’s with certain people and now I’m paying the consequences for it so now I’m here I scrimmage through the cubards for something to eat and i settle for ravioli i while it's cooking in the pot i go through my mail open up a letter that gives me my schedual and when i start i sigh with relief i put my ravioli in a bowl and sit on the floor and turn on my Xbox and play Black Ops 2 i stay up and play for about 2 hours then i head to my room and start my homework its not to hard but i still dont want to do it and when my phone rings im glad for the distraction i look at my phne and its a unknown number but i answer it anyways "Hello." "Hey is this Angie." "Yes." "oh Well this is johnny." "how did you get my number." "Dont worry about it. anyways im calling to give you Devs number so write it down." "im so confused but okay." i write down the number and he hangs up before i can say anythingi shake my head put my books away change and go to bed i hope Dev didnt actually think i was going to call him when he has a girlfriend i lay down and fall asleep it takes awhile for sleep to come but it does.
By the time i pick up the girls and get home it's about 9:00 and im dog tired i check my phone and read the text messages i got from my boy stuey me and him been down since i was like five but latley he been actin kinda strange he into drug dealing i cant be doin all of that i got my sisters and one thing they dont need is a brother locked up so ignore his message i go to the freezer and think of what to make them but since im not the cook master i just order a pizza the girls already did there homework at day care so when they're done eating i send them off to bed and i pull out my homework and start to work on it everything is easy except calculus its about midnight when i finish all of my homework i head to the bathroom and take a shower i get out and change and head tto my room me time the normal peace and quiet but its not as peaceful as i think cause my mind is filled with Angie i check my phone and read the message i got from johnny and siince its filled with a bunch of bull i stop reading it niggas always want somethin i flip over and force my self to fall a sleep but my sleep isnt peaceful but i suffer through the nightmare knowing it will be gone in the morning i wake up and look at the time 6:00 yes no little sisters bothering me i stand up and go into thier room and they are already dressed and eating cerel and Rosie already did thier hair i look at them then go to take a shower but i check my phone and it says saturday i look at them and they just smile "Do You guys know what today is?." "Its Friday." Rosie says "Hmm are you sure about that.?" i say to Rosie Rosie looks at Maddy and whispersin her ear and maddy goes to take a look at the calender and Maddy rushes back to Rosie to tell her its Saturday "See i told you it was Saturday." i juts start bussting out laughing my sisters are something else i went to go shower cause even though it's saturday i still have to work onthe weekends the girl that lives down the hall baby sists the girls till i get off of work she dont cost me much and on a good day she'll braid thier hair for me after i get dressed i drop them off and head to the cafe to clock in i go to the back to grab my apron and then i see her shes picking up dishes in the corner her hairs tied into a bun so yu can see her tattoo behind her ear i grab my apron and walk over to her "Hey Angie " she looks up at me and frowns and goes back to working. "Did i do something wrong." she stops what shes doing and looks at me "You have a girlfriend so what are you bothering me for. i dont have time to be playing games with you or any other dude." she brushes past me moving onto the next table i gram my bucket and follow her lead. "I dont have a girlfriend Tina and i used to date but i broke u with her a couple months ago" i say collecting the dishes from the table in front of her. "Whatever Dev i dont have time for this so if you'll exscuse me i have work to do." she walks into the kitchen and dumps her bucket into the sink and goes on to busing the table
I would most definetly wouldnt have took the job if i had known he was working here. i can feel him watching me from across the room but i dont dare look up like i want to believe he doesnt have a girlfriend and he probably doesnt but i dont date dudes who every girl wants it only leads to drama i learned that the hard way and it didnt work out to well at all ugh i just cant get away from this dude.... I clock out in the back room and grab my bag and head for the door but i hear Dev call my name and so i stop in my tracks and face him might as well get this over with. "Theres something i need to tell yu..." (so i decided that im going to add more to this chapter its just to short dont cha think?? well ta ta my lovlies enjoy!) i turn around and look at him but his expression is troubled. "Wuss hannin" i say pretending to be a thug to lighten his mood im rewarded with a small smile but it doesnt reach his eyes. "i just thin you should know that there was a guy looking for you yesterday" my stomache starts to churn and my head feels woozy and a million thoughts arwe raceing through my mind "Ca-can y-you desrbe what he looked like." i say stumbling over my words "He was a little taller than me he looked like a biker dude" I felt my body shu down and i swear that i heard god calling me while on my way to the floor this shit cant be happening to me. _________________________________________ As i slowly came back to planet earth i kept feeling a constant poking at my face "Who is she??" said a small sassy voice while a small buzz of a convesation was going on oo this bed was so comfortable "Anisa stop that." the poking paused but then continued oo whos sleepy voice was that ... wait Anisa?? who the i opend my eyes and when i tell you i jumped 20 feet in he air i mean 20 feet in the air i see three lil munchkins and one giant Dev they all looked at me with a worried expression "Angie are you okay." Dev said looking a me with nothing but concern it was kinda cute how he was worried about me but then i rember what he told me and i started feeling nausious in a flash Dev had me in his arms and ran to the bathrrom pushing back my Bangs so i could heave my life into the toilet after about ten minuets of that Dev handed me a tooth brush and kissed my forehead and walked out of the bathroom my head stung were he kissed it and my heart did a flutter and i swear i was pink well this shit is just down right embarrasing. afte about five minuets of cleaning my mouth i made it back to Devs room were i found him on his bed on his phone his face looked grim. i sat down next to him on the bed and he looked up at me. "You okay for real this time??" he said a hint of amusment in his voice i flipped him the bird and go underneath his covers "well go head and make your self at home he said rolling his eyes "i plan to do just that." i felt him stand up and some rustling and then i felt his body underneath the covers next to mine and it seemed like he wasnt wearing a shirt oh please sweet jesus help me control myself i looked at him over my shoulder to see him staring at me so i flip over to face him. "Now what you do that for i was gettin a pretty good view of the otherside if ya know what i mean." ugh and i thought he was nice fucking pervert i didnt resmpond just layed there with my eyes close but i could feel his eyes booring into my face. i opend one eye slightly then shut it quickly. i flipped back to my previous position. i felt his hand slid onto my waist. "Boy dont go gettin the-" "shh girl chill i just wanna cuddle wich you" i thought about it for a bit but he already pulled me closer to his body and he wrapped his arms around me and lets just say thats the safest ive ever felt in years.
I woke up with a smile on my face but it quickly disapeared as i looked at the empty space infront of me i snap into a sit up position and rush out of bed i run to my living room as i hear giggling i look into the room to see Angie on the floor with anisa In her lap watching Elmo and Maddy and Rosie playin in her hair
"Your going to look so pretty when we're finished the ponytail is so 2009" Maddy says as she does her version of combing angies hair.
"Were you even born in 09?" Angie says in a playfull tone as i decide to step out of my hiding spot i pick up anisa and sit next to Angie.
"I made breakfast." She says while wincing at Maddys constant tugging
"You cooked." i said surprised no offense but she doesnt look like the type to step foot near a kitchen.
"What are you impying " she says with a little bit of defense
"Nothing just didnt know you cooked."
"That would be because you dont know me"
"why do i feel like im back at square one?" werent we just making progress..
"You were always at square one." she said looking at her phone
"ohh" i'm a little confused cause i thought we just slept in the same bed as each other hmm
"Yea but look thanks for everything but i need to get home." she said fiddling with her fingers
"uhh okay ill drop you off at the job so you can get your car"I say standing up
"NO umm no ill just walk its not that far away."she said getting her stuff together
"I really dont feel comfortable with you walking alone."
"Look i can take care of myself .. i'll see you later" Without a second glance she walked out my door
I walked back to my room and looked out my window i watched her walk down the strret as she was about to cross the street a car stopped in front of her and a guy got out he grabbed her by her arm and i didnt wait to see the rest i told the girls to go in thier room and not to come out i ran down the street to where i saw angie trying to get oout of the guys hold i pushed him up against the car and pushed Angie behind me.
"Fuck your problem bro ya mama never taught you to never place hands on a women" i said moving Angie farther behind me i could feel her shaking like a Chihuahua hwich angerd me more
"Mind your own damn buisness." he said trying to reach for Angie
"Naww man if you place hands on her it automatically becomes my buisness"
He sized me up a bit but looked at angie "We'll Talk later" he growls at me than jumps in his car and speeds away i hear Angie let out the biggest sigh and she sreleases some of her grip on my arm but she doesnt dare let go
"Who was he." i ask turning towards her
"Nobody dont worry bout it."she says and i can tell shes scared as hell so i post pone all questions and pull her in towards me and embrace her and from this very moment i refuse to let anyone harm her in anyway...
A/N Is it getting good yet i hope so since i havent updated in weeks i have decided to reward you with a BONUS CHAPTER ooo cece you so nice.. oh why thank you i try my best lol okay so let me know what you think about it so far until next time TA-TA
"Does he know where you live?" i asked but i had a pretty good guess that he did
" yea he does sadly.." she said looking at the ground
"You're living with me from now on no if ands or buts about it got it."
"i cant youve got your sisters a-"
"dont worry bout it plus you can help pay rent and cook for the girls"
"your not gonna let me say no are you." she said giving a defeated sigh
"i'll go get the car so we can get your stuff okay? stay right here dont move."
"Naww im gonna run away." i just rolled my eyes at him but deep down inside im happy im not going to be alone anymore but i dont want to put his sisters in any danger.
after about 10 minuets of waiting Dev pulled up in front of me and i quickly hopped into the car not wanting to be alone anymore.
"what' your adress"
"Alder courts apartments" i didnt dare looks at him knowing i might burst into tear i felt weak and i didnt need him piting me after about 20 minuets or so we arived at my apartment i unlocked the door and walked in with Dev rightt on my heels
"Well this is it." i said gesturing to the small one bedroom apartment
"Nice he said looking around the apartment." so grab your clothse and bath stuff we can find a place to put your t.v and couch and bed but uhh that ps3 yea im takeing that. he said playfully grabbing it and pretending to leave with it
i just rolled my eyes and smiled at him but went to my room and started packing my clothse and shoes but then it dawned on me where exactly would i be sleeping
"HEY DEV" i yelled from my room as he came running in covering his ears
"dang women.. whats up" he asked moving his hands from his head
"i was just wondering... i bit my lip nervously... "were exactly would i be sleeping??"
"with me duh.." he respondes as if it was the most obvious thing
"ohh." was all i could say
"Dont worry im not going to try and take advantage of you i just dont want you to be alone alright now hurry my sisters are waiting for us.
i just nodded and went back to packing but i could feel his eyes on me waiting for a sudden reaction but whe he didnt get one he grabbed a bag and headed for my bathroom and started collecting the rest of my things we didnt take longer that 30 minuets tops but i knew the girls were getting restless s we hurried as fast as we could back to the house once we walked through the door i was greeted by little arms wrapping around my legs i looked down and saw the girls. And thats one of the first times i have ever felt accepted some where.
A/N alright next up date NEXT FRIDAY I PROMISE THIS TIME okay im tired so uhh BIEE
DAMMNIT I can’t find Angie anywhere I forgot there were people around what was he doing anyways Angie oh god my little Angie all alone it’s okay baby daddy’s coming ha-ha and this time I’m never letting you leave me my mind goes back to all the fun things we used to do all the long nights we spent together god I miss her but yet I hit her and she betrayed me but all could be forgiven if she survives her punishment…
Angie is a beautiful sleeper I know that sounds creepy but when I walked in here she was sprawled out on the bed her hair lightly tussled she looked like a lost little girl. I go to turn back into the living room but I hear her mumble my name.
“What?” she says sitting in an upright position
“You said my name” I say grabbing my wallet off the dresser
“Oh… I did?” she turns a light shade of pink which makes me curious about what she was dreaming about but I drop it for now
I was think about going to get your things now but then realized I don’t know where you live” I lightly chuckle she gets up reaches in her purse and pulls our paper and pen then proceeds to write something down she then pulls out her keys and passes both over to me I take both the items and put it in my pocket while I grab my key.
“Thank-you for doing all of this and I kind of drooled on your pillow so we can trade if you’d like or I could wash your sheets or something” She starts to fidget and she goes back to her light shade of pink it’s cute
“We can just trade pillows for now but I will be getting something from you drooling on my pillow” she rolls her eyes at me and pats down her hair she stands up and walks past me making sure she sway her hips when she walks in front of me I can’t help but look her tattoo is showing and some naughty thoughts that contain that tattoo cross my mind good god how am I going to sleep in a bed with her and keep my hands to myself I’m going to be completely honest with you last night I let my hands wander a bit but not in any private areas she just has a really soft tummy and you thought I basically molested her shame on you tsk, tsk, tsk but she’s a great cuddle buddy cause she ACTUALLY CUDDLES not just be close to you but I just walk in the same direction and tell the girls I will be back later I go to my car and guess who’s posted on my hood you guessed it Tina
“Hey babe” she greets me but I ignore her and continue towards my car I go to get into the front seat but she stands in front of the door and wraps herself around me. I push her back and she hits the car
“You’re doing this to me AGAIN she’s here isn’t she? Where she at first school now she posted at your house! Oh hell no!” what did I see in this girl she wasn’t close to my type yet I wasted a year of my life with her
“Tina we don’t date anymore I want nothing to do with you why don’t you understand that?”
“Because I know you don’t mean it we are meant to be remember when you said that baby I know I made a mistake it will never happen again I just want to start over with you”
Why in the hell did she break down crying in the parking lot so that very day I told Tina that we were meant to be together forever was the same day she cheated on me with some dude from Seattle named Damon now me being me I really thought she was the one for me but I've moved on but she still hangin in but this was 3 months ago the pain she be soothed a little bit by now and it was HER fault I did everything I possibly could to make this girl happy but it’s someone else turn and by someone I mean hopefully Angie
“GO AWAY damn girl” I nudge her away from my car climb into the seat and pull out I don’t have time for this and especially not her.
I pull into the apartments were Angie stays I park in front of her apartment and jog up the stairs when I open the door I’m greeted with the smell of blossoms and vanilla I make my way to her room and find a couple duffle bags and suit cases I go to her dresser and put all her clothes and jewelry neatly in a suitcase I put all her shoes in a duffle bad I take another bag to the bathroom and put her shower stuff and other necessities making sure they are closed and don’t spill I place them in the bag along with her four flat irons what does she need four for? I move on from the bathroom and look for other things she might need and then I see it in the living room the Xbox I run to grab another bad and unhook it and place the games in the bag along with the controllers when I feel like everything that’s necessary is packed I start to unload stuff into the car when I finish I lock the door and drive home when I arrive I see all the girls are at the dinner table eating what looks and smells like lasagna I drop Angie stuff in my but now our room and head back to the kitchen to make me a plate when I sit next to Angie I’m greeted with smiles and questions from Rosie
“Is Angie staying with us now?” she asks in a hopeful voice
“Yes Rosie”
“How long Dev?”
“However long she wants to stay”
“Where will she sleep? She can share Anisa bed”
“She’s going to sleep in my room Rosie now eat your food”
“Are you guys dating?” Rosie ask Angie
“Married!!??”Squeals Anisa and all Angie and I can do is sit there and stare at the girls.
“No we’re just friends” Angie says in a soft voice she collects every ones finished plates and goes to the kitchen to wash them while I get the girls and myself ready for bed and school in the morning but I don’t think I’m going. When the girls are in bed I head t my room and make myself comfortable in my bed Angie strolls in and face plants onto the bed her small frame lightly bounces the t-shirt she’s wearing reveals another tattoo on her left shoulder.
“How many tattoos do you have?” I ask her having the urge to trace every single one of her tattoos
“5” she says her voice muffled from her head still in the mattress
“Plan on getting anymore?”
“Eventually” We fall back into a silence she stands up and goes through her bags and pulls out a giant shirt she takes off her shorts and shirt and tosses the shirt on over her head I have never watched someone as closely as I watched her she moved from her spot and climbed underneath the covers on her side of the bed dear Jesus please make sure my twin below doesn’t attack her having her this close with very little fabric is extremely tempting I start to relax but then I feel a small frame next to mine I look down at her and see those gorgeous brown eyes staring back at me intently I pull her closer so now we are chest to chest I play with a strand of her long hair I can feel her body relax and her arms close around me I feel like I was meant to protect this fragile and innocent girl but yet she’s so strong and independent and at this very moment I will make a promise to myself that I will protect her like I would one of my sisters.
I wake up from the most peaceful sleep I have had In a while I feel around for the small warm body my body aches for but I am disappointed that’s when I jump up and look at the clock 10:45 Oh Shit the girls I throw on a pair of shorts and dash to go wake them up but I get the frightening sight that the girls are gone oh god and Angie I run to the living room where I see Angie walk through the front door and set down her bag and some coffee.
“Angie where are the girls!!” I almost scream in her face
“I took them to school.”
“WITHOUT TELLING ME OR WAKING ME UP”I Say way to close to her face she flinches away from me as if she’s preparing for a blow but she realizes it never comes and I feel terrible because now I’ve made her rehash the past
“I’m sorry” she whispers so soft I couldn’t even tell if she actually said them “I just didn’t want to wake you cause you were sleeping so I made breakfast and took them to school for you I left you a note on the counter but I guess you never noticed it” she says her voice barely above a whisper while picking up a small piece of paper and handing it to me she looks at the floor and heads to the room I hear the door softly click shut and I bang my head on the counter just fucking great Dev!
I’ve been yelled at before but the way Dev did it struck a chord I didn’t want to ever be played again I have never felt so useless I should have woke him up before we left I grab all my clothes for the day since I didn’t shower earlier move quietly into the bathroom to shower as I climb in I let the warm water wash all the bad memories clogging my memory knowing that they will haunt me in my dreams for the next couple of days the water starts to get cold I quickly wash my hair and decide to let it air dry so it will fall into its natural curl I see Dev in the living room watching T.V he looks deep in thought so I put aside my cold feelings for him at the moment and slide onto his lap one thing about Dev he’s so warm and comfortable and when he holds you. You fit perfectly with his body like a complete puzzle so while I sat on his lap he sits back on the couch and we’re watching T.V I was starting to get interested when I heard a knock at the door so I lazily go to answer it I start to quicken my pace as the knocking became pounding I look through the pea hole and see a girl she looks kind of familiar I open the door and she bust through.
“THE FUCK YOU DOING HERE?” She says when she sees it was me who opened the door Dev starts toward the door but I’m already to swing if needed
“I live here who the fuck are you?”
“So you wanna act as if you don’t know who I am DEV tell her to get out of OUR house.” She has now stood by Dev and grabbed his hand which he quickly pulls away
“Tina what are you doing here?” Dev says and you can tell he’s pissed
You know when you have that one pesky ex that just can’t seem to get the hint and move on I’ve had a couple in my past but Tina is a straight up stalker. The thing is she barely wanted me when we dated now she just crazy and the fact that she claims to live here is scary
“What do you mean what am I doing here I live here. Question is who this bitch is so you got extra hoes around huh?”
“Um excuse me crazy chick yea umm ima need you to leave” Angie said taking the attention from me to her bad move baby girl bad move
“EXSCUSE ME as you can see me and my man are having a conversation as a matter of fact bitch leave.” Trina says pointing to the door
“If I’m not mistaken you’re the one standing in the hallway” Angie replies and closes the door but Trina foot gets in the way.
“I don’t think so bitch that’s my man mine and I don’t appreciate your I’m so hood because I have weak ass tattoos and a fucked up hairline thinking you can show up and take my man so take yo wanna be Billy badass back to the group home” Trina says pushing the door open and standing so she was completely in Angie face I really don’t think that this is going to end well in any way
I know i know my chapters are short and i've been MIA for a while yadda yadda yadda but guess what i'm back and i may update later on tonight or tomorrow anywhos love you honey boo boos!!
Publication Date: March 5th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-ceceroland |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-zarah-smith-opened-sores/ | Zarah Smith Opened Sores I'd like to dedicate this to the people of Booksie.com They are amazing in support.
Prologue: Anywhere but here!
The sand was warm and the water was cold and the sun was slowly setting. The sky was decorated with pink and purple lights, Alyssa sat there admiring the image that would only be projected for a few more minutes. She dug her toes through the sand enjoying the only warmth left. She was wearing black gym shorts, an olive green shirt covered by a white and gray hoodie. At the end of the sleeves was a small hole that she slid her thumbs through. She loved that jacket and almost always wore it.
Alyssa flipped open her cell phone and read the time, 7:05 p.m. She had to get going soon before her parents found another reason to flip out on her, not that they had a perfectly good one. Alyssa quickly got up taking one last look around the beach. She loved it there and wish she could never leave. Quickly spinning around, Alyssa started to walk home, her feet dragging along the cemented sidewalk and her hands dug in her jacket pockets.
Fifteen minutes later Alyssa walked through her front door and seen her father sprint pass her, loudly slamming the door as he left. She looked at her mother and seen that her eyes were red and puffy as she held a bottle of Spanish Rum in her hand. She glared at Alyssa for a long minute and opened her mouth to give her orders, "I want this place clean within the next hour you hear?" She demanded. "Cleaned from corner to corner, and if it's not done there is going to be hell to pay." With that, her mother walked off into her bedroom and slammed the door. Every Time something went wrong, Alyssa's mom gave her ridiculous orders. Alyssa looked around the house and seen that it was fairly clean so there wasn't much to do. She could have it done in the next half hour, but she knew that she'd have to go a little slower. If her mother came out in the next hour and didn't see her cleaning the house, she would assume that Alyssa didn't do anything and start throwing glass bottles everywhere giving her something to actually clean.
An hour later Mrs. Cameron came out of her room and glanced around the house searching for something to yell at Alyssa for. She couldn't find anything and was mildly satisfied. She decided to let it go but still called Alyssa down. "Alyssa! Get your but down here right now!" She yelled angrily so she didn't have to wait too long for Alyssa to come. Almost instantly, Alyssa came flying down the stairs and looked straight at her mother. "What do you plan on doing for dinner?" Mrs. Cameron asked. "I don't know yet." Alyssa answered softly. "Well you better figure it out soon or starve to death. I'm leaving and I won't be back for awhile." "Okay." Alyssa muttered.
It didn't matter to Alyssa that her mom was leaving, whenever she said awhile she came back the next day more drunk than when she left. She never did anything for Alyssa and could care less about what she did with her life. Alyssa could be running around having sex all day and her mom wouldn't give a damn about it. Alyssa's dad was never home and when he was he was either yelling or beating Alyssa. The weekdays were Alyssa's favorite time, she could go to school and not think about those things she was forced to call parents.
"Alyssa Paige Cameron!" Mr. Cameron yelled as he walked through the front door. Alyssa stepped down the stairs in a matter of seconds. She tripped on the last step and fell to the floor catching herself with her hands. She felt a sharp pain against her hand and she instantly knew she was cut by something sharp. Alyssa looked down at her hand and seen a small amount of blood seeping out onto the ground. She wondered where the glass came from. She looked to her left and seen liquid dripping down the wall and glass shattered at the bottom of the stairs. She knew her father must have thrown a bottle of liquor against the wall. The smell of the liquor invaded her nose as she slowly got up from the floor.
"Where is your mother?" Mr. Cameron snapped. "She said she was leaving and wouldn't be back for awhile." Alyssa answered through gritted teeth trying not to show signs of pain. Mr. Cameron's blood instantly began to boil with anger, he looked like he was going to explode. He was always angry and took it out on the first person he saw, meaning Mrs. Cameron or Alyssa. Angry, Mr. Cameron took off the belt he was wearing and yanked Alyssa up from the ground. Alyssa held her bloody hand to her head trying to somehow ease the pain that she was now feeling from her scalp. Her father quickly whipped the belt across Alyssa's back multiple times. The first few times Alyssa was able to hold her screams in. With every continuous whip, she no longer was able to hold it in and let out a loud yell. Tears streamed down her face as she stood there being controlled by her drunken father. Mr. Cameron let go of her and Alyssa fell to the ground with a loud thumping noise. Mr. Cameron felt relieved that he was able to get all that anger out of his body. As soon as he let go of Alyssa he headed for the door and took off again.
Alyssa watched him walk away leaving her feeling like her back was on fire. Tears slowly fell from her eyes, she couldn't move so she just stayed there. Alyssa soon got up feeling only a slight bit better. Alyssa looked down at the big pieces of glass left on the floor. She walked up the steps with a huge chunk off glass hanging from her hands, wincing with every step she took. As soon as she got to the bathroom, she started cutting herself in her wrist. He whole arms were marked up scars and she felt relief as she watched the blood seep out of her. She stepped into the bathtub fully clothed and watch the water fill. The water was becoming a bloody red. She set her arms down into the water and felt her cuts sting. She sat there all not watching the tub overflow and flood the entire room wishing she was anywhere but here. Chapter 1: School is my playground when
I'm not speaking of an issue!
The moon was up, the stars were out and Alyssa had just woken up. She opened her eyes to the darkness that was illuminated around her room. Only a small light shone on her rainbow colored walls, and that light came from the moon. Alyssa turned around looked straight out the window and up at the stars. The moon was full and gave off a bright light that Alyssa was drawn to. She thought of the moon as another person stuck in the sky who's only duty was to push and pull the tides. She'd rather do that than be here with her drunk parents.Thinking of her parents, she remembered the beating her father had gave her and thought of how much her back still burned. She pictured her father throwing his arm back and forth as the belt whipped her. She could still feel the burn, and she knew the marks would be clearly visible if she were to pull up her shirt.
Alyssa got out of bed and threw on a long sleeved white shirt to hide the marks on her arms. She pulled on a black Beatles t-shirt over it. It had each beatle member, John Lennon on the upper left, Paul McCartney on the upper right, Ringo Starr on the bottom left, and George Harrison on the bottom right. She put on dark blue jeans and black converse. She loved the Beatles music and each movie they have ever done, her favorite was called Help!
After a few more minutes Alyssa went across the hall and into the bathroom. She dimmed the lights and stood in front of the mirror and brushed her black hair that came just beneath her shoulder blades. She stood there and looked at herself. Her face showed that she was calm but her brown eyes begged for help.
Almost immediately after making sure that she looked almost presentable, Alyssa flew out the front door wanting to get away from this hell hole that she called home. She made her way down the sidewalk and started walking towards her school. Alyssa knew that this was going to be a long walk considering she did it almost every week. She took out her Ipod and stuck her headphones in her ears. She listened to one of her favorite songs and gladly had it blasting through her ears; Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold.
Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen.
So unsure but it seems, 'cause we've been waiting for you.
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste.
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.
I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right.
Such a surreal place to see so how did this come to be,
Arrived too early.
And when I think of all the places I just don't belong,
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far.
I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.
A place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain.
Can leave this place but refrain, 'cause we've been waiting for you.
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste.
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.
This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall).
No pain or sign of time (I'm much too young to fall).
So out of place don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign.
I've made up my mind.
Give me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye.
Please understand I have to leave and carry on my own life. I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.
Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you.
This place full of peace and light, and I'd hoped you might,
Take me back inside, when the time is right.
Loved ones back home all crying 'cause they're already missing me.
I pray by the grace of God that there's somebody listening.
Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be.
(I am unbroken, I'm choking on this ecstasy.)
Oh Lord I'll try so hard but you gotta let go of me
(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live.)
"Hey, Alyssa." Gavin said as he approached Alyssa. He noticed that she looked hurt and distant away from this place. Like she wasn't even on earth anymore. It was probably because she was listening to her Ipod again, he thought. "Hey." Alyssa smiled softly. "What's wrong?" Gavin asked curiously. He knew he shouldn't have asked because she probably wasn't going to answer, but he couldn't help himself, curiosity just got the best of him. "Everything." Alyssa muttered. Her voice showed sorrow and Gavin felt just...sad. "What?" Gavin asked pretending not to hear hoping she'd give him more detail. Gavin was one of the very few people that Alyssa had actually talked to but she still didn't say to much. "Nothing." Alyssa looked down at the ground as she continued to walk away leaving Gavin standing there confused.
Alyssa sat down alone at cookie break. Cookie break was a half hour long period in the middle of the school day where they could just relax and be alone much like Alyssa was doing now. Alyssa closed her eyes and say under the sun trying to think about happy thoughts. An Image of Gavin came to her mind. She felt like it was always easy to talk to Gavin and sometime she knew no matter what act she put on, he could tell when there was something seriously wrong. If he didn't think it was too serious he wouldn't bother and let Alyssa come to him. Earlier she wanted to tell Gavin everything that was happening. How her parents were drunk twenty four seven, how her father beats her everyday, and how she cuts herself to relieve the pain. But it was too hard to put it in words and she didn't even know how Gavin could help let alone react. Alyssa figured that he would be horrified but upset and filled with rage at the same time. It was just like Gavin, and that's one of the many things she loved about him. He was like the brother she never had. Trying to forget about Gavin and pouring out her feelings to him, she found the only other way she could think of. She sat on a brick ledge and pulled out her Ipod enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin. Alyssa opened her backpack and pulled out one of her favorite books to read; A child called It. It was the only other thing that relaxed her as much as soft music and a tragic novel.
At lunch Alyssa sat alone, or so she hoped. A few minutes had passed when she looked up from her book and seen Gavin approaching her with a tray covered with a sandwich, an apple, and a small carton of milk. His shaggy black hair bounced slightly with ever step he took and his muscles seemed to flex just a little the tighter he gripped his tray. Gavin sat down and offered Alyssa a bit of his lunch but she just refused. Gavin chomped on his sandwich and Alyssa could of sworn that was the biggest bit she's every seen, he bit off half the sandwich. She just looked at him with her mouth hanging open in awe.
"So I'm not convinced." Gavin stated as he looked upwards at Alyssa. She looked straight into Gavin's eyes and noticed for the first time that there was one green and one blue one. "Your a husky." She said. "What are you talking about?" Gavin questioned not forgetting about the statement he made earlier. "Your eyes. And what's there not to be convinced about?" She replied. "You're not okay, just tell me what's wrong? I guess that's one way of putting it." Gavin said, the both of them having two conversations at once. "Well everyone has issues and I just happened to look like hell." Alyssa said a little irritated getting up to walk outside. Gavin got up and threw his tray in the garbage before following Alyssa outside.
"And what's that suppose to mean?" Gavin pushed. "Well there's two meanings. One meaning get the hell away from me and I don't want to talk about it," She continued not even glancing his way, "And the second meaning i'm a bit frustrated so I wouldn't get in my face if I were you." Alyssa sped up her walking pace trying to get away from Gavin. She knew that she was soon going to start going off about how horrible her life was and didn't want to cry in front of anyone, especially if that person was Gavin. "Look, I didn't mean to push it on you," Gavin said slurring his words a little lightly grabbing Alyssa's arm so she could stop and face him. "Ow." Alyssa jumped facing Gavin's way. It hurt for anyone or anything to even touch her in her arms because of her cutting, but she didn't want to stop. It was like alcohol, it took away the pain.
"Are you okay? I barely touched you." Gavin said softly noticing Alyssa's pain. His hand was still placed around her forearm loosened. "It's nothing," Alyssa whispered looking down trying to hide the tears. "Hey, Alyssa look at me." Alyssa refused and tried to pull away but Gavin wouldn't let her, every time she tried his arm was there restraining her or she would feel the pain. Gavin let out his arm and tilted Alyssa's face towards her. He seen her eyes filled with water and knew she was on the verge of tears but couldn't understand why. Gavin decided to let it go and figured that maybe she'd tell him when she's ready. "I'm sorry," Gavin said remorseful. He couldn't help but wonder why she was crying but he didn't want to push her even more. "It's fine," Alyssa muttered turning around and sprinting off in the opposite direction. Chapter 2: Because he's the only one that cares...
After the incident with Gavin, Alyssa wanted to get as far away from him as possible. She wasn't able to leave school, it's not like she wanted to, but she had to get away. She didn't want to look him in the eye and lie, exactly like she was doing a few minutes ago. After that, Alyssa just ran off. There wasn't much places to go, so she went inside the bathroom until she was stable enough to walk around school like there was no problem. She heard the bell ring and she knew she was late for class but didn't care.
Fifteen Minutes late, Alyssa walks into her honors class. "Alyssa, you're late." Mr. Bates exclaimed as she walked through the door. "Fifteen minutes late." Alyssa stood there and looked him straight in the eye, not even attempting to say a word. "Why?" Mr. Bates said as if she couldn't already take a hint. "No reason," She whispered. "Just take a seat." Mr.Bates sighed. Alyssa did as she was told and took the first seat closest to the door. Glancing back, she seen Gavin's blue and green eye studying her body, she could just never get away from him could she?
Her honors class was the last class of the day and when the bell rang, Alyssa was quick to get out of there. She got up and walked out the door as quickly as possible. Pulling out her Ipod, Alyssa trips and everything falls on the floor. Her body quickly flipped around and her backpack broke her fall. She closed her eyes and rested her head back on the ground too frustrated to get up. "Need some help?" Gavin asked kneeing right beside Alyssa. She took a large breath of air before opening her eyes. "No..." She muttered softly standing up to collect her books. Gavin picks up her Ipod from the ground and scrolls through a few of her songs. "Nice play list." "Thanks. Now can I have it back?" Alyssa asks extending her arm. "Sure." She puts all her items inside her bag and leaves immediately.
She walked off into the woods in broad daylight. Alyssa had her earphones dangling from her ears and her hands in her jacket pocket. She walked all the way to the end of the woods which took about a half hour. No one ever went as far as she did when it came to the woods. They barely even went near it. A few months back Alyssa discovered a lake at the end. It was a place that was just there, it didn't even connect to it. There was a small area of green grass with a few trees that were fully leaved. The blue lake spread wide and if you looked far out, you could see multiple buildings out in the distance.
"It's a nice view isn't it?" A voice came from behind her, apparently she wasn't the only one that knew the lake was back here. Alyssa looked behind her and seen Gavin approaching to sit next to her. "What, did you follow me?" She asked a bit rude. "Not at all." Gavin answered. "Then what are you doing here?" " I could ask you that same question myself." He smirks. Gavin looks straight into Alyssa's eyes trying to figure out what she was thinking but knew she wouldn't let him. He always noticed that he only saw the things that Alyssa would allow him to see and the things she wouldn't. "What? Someone can't come to a lake without having a reason?" "Not without a perfectly good one." "Well I do have a reason." He says. "And what's that?" Alyssa asks. Gavin stands up and extends his hand for Alyssa to take. "Canoeing." Alyssa was confused, and a bit taken aback. You could even say she was a little afraid. "I have never went canoeing before." She says hesitantly. "Well can you swim?" Gavin asks. "Yea." "Well then you're coming." He smiles. "A-alright. But where are you going to get a canoe?" Gavin just smiles.
Alyssa and Gavin both get on the boat and float off onto the water. They float far out to the middle of nowhere. "Do you even know where we are?" Alyssa asks. "No." He answers. "Then how will we get back?" "I don't know. We'll manage." Gavin replies smiling. Truth was, he didn't want to go back, he just wanted to stay with Alyssa and pretend like they were the only two people left on earth. Gavin stands up in the canoe slightly making it wobble. "What are you doing?" Alyssa asks a bit scared. "Come on get up." He demands, she looks at him with a questioning look. "What if I fall?" "You wont." He smiles warmly assuring her safety. Alyssa slowly stands up holding onto Gavin. "Okay now do what I do, at the same time. Don't be afraid...." Gavin lifts his feet on the edges of the canoe balancing so he doesn't fall. Alyssa follows slow but steady. "...Because I'll always catch you when you fall." Alyssa smiles as she holds the both of his hands trying not to shake and wobble. She loved that Gavin said that. She knew that it wasn't just the whole falling in the water thing. Gavin was always there for her, way before her family started becoming a mess. Alyssa just sort of shut him out, she never really bothered to talk to him about anything anymore. Her parents practically sucked everything that was fun out of her life when they started drinking again. Gavin just happened to be the one thing that didn't fully drift away.
Alyssa looks up at a smiling Gavin. He had that mischievous look in his eyes. "What?" Alyssa blushed. Before she knew it, the both of them were flying off the canoe. The both of their bodies hit the water at the same time. For a brief moment, Alyssa panicked trying to process her thoughts. Alyssa swam to the surface to take a large breath. She lifted her hands and wiped her hair and extra water out of her eyes. She looked around and spotted Gavin's his once floppy hair, now wet and damp from the water. His head was turned around scanning for Alyssa's familiar face. Alyssa saw this as an opportunity. Alyssa dug her body underwater and swam towards Gavin. She resurfaced and saw him trying to get back onto the boat. Smiling to herself, Alyssa quickly took hold of Gavin's shirt and yanked him back into the water. Gavin grabbed hold of Alyssa's waist to bring her with him, the both of them going about two feet from surface. When they both surfaced Alyssa held onto Gavin to avoid anymore serious down holds. Alyssa spewed all the excess water from her mouth and face. She heard Gavin's laugh and looked towards him. "If I go down, you go down with me." "I've noticed," Alyssa replied with a laugh. "You know there's gators in the pond?" Gavin smiles. Alyssa's face suddenly goes solemn and her eyes become wide with fear. "What?" Gavin explodes with laughter at the sight of Alyssa's scared face. "I'm joking, if there was I wouldn't even be here." There was a long pause, Alyssa pushed the top of the water in Gavin's face. "Hey!" He yelled playfully. "Don't mess with me like that! I'm terrified of those things!" Alyssa scolded. "Okay, jeesh." They both laughed as Gavin got up in the canoe. "Come on, I gotta get you home."
As Alyssa arrives through the front door she skips off up the stairs with a smile glued to her face. It was the first time in a long time since she's had that much fun with anyone and she was glad that out of all people it was with Gavin. He made her feel comfortable, it was rare when Alyssa felt awkward talking to Gavin.
She hops into the the shower and lets the warm water trickle its way down her body. The steam filled the room and fog surrounded clouding up the thin glassed mirror. Alyssa looked down at her arms and noticed that the scars were fading away, they were now barely visible. She was happy that they were going away, but upset that she made those marks. She was more upset about how she knew she was going to do it again.
"When you're upset, you should practice smiling." She once heard that saying and knew how difficult it was to do that. Alyssa's smile was slowly fading away and she re-thought about that saying. She reattached that smile to her face. It was easy to put on that smile because joy already filled her body, it was more overwhelming than the sad and it was all because of one afternoon with Gavin.
When Alyssa got out of the shower, she gently brushed her hair and walked straight towards her room. She noticed that the people she called parents weren't home and that made her even more relaxed than she already was. Alyssa plunged herself backwards onto her soft fluffy bed sheets. Her mind was filled with thoughts about everything. The one thing that Alyssa stopped to actually think about, was Gavin. Alyssa couldn't figure out why Gavin cared so much. It's not that she doesn't want him to care, but she didn't understand his motive or even if he actually had a motive. Although she didn't know why, Alyssa liked the fact that Gavin cared so much. It made her feel...special. Alyssa looked towards the clock standing on her auburn colored nightstand. It was nine o'clock and she felt her eyes start to droop. For once in a long time, Alyssa would go to sleep happy. Her eyes fell completely shut and she mumbled the words, "Goodnight Gavin." and fell into a blissful dream.
Alyssa woke to the screams of her parents argument. She checked the time and saw that it was three a.m. At least I know they're home, she thought. "That has nothing to do with this!" Her mother yelled. "It has everything to do with it!" She heard the screams from her father and knew that he was at the point where he wouldn't hesitate to hit her mom. Every word came out more slurred than the other and Alyssa knew the both of them were drunk, or at least her father was.
There was a loud shatter that came from against the wall down the stairs. Alyssa heard all sorts of things being thrown around and somehow knew that her mom didn't get hit with not one item that was thrown. Everything got silent and then she heard a loud whip. It was the same kind that she always heard when the cold leather belt hit her skin when her father knocked her down. Her mothers whimpers were too painful to hear. Alyssa put her pillow over the side of her face and tried to block out the pain of her mothers screams. Tears flood out of Alyssa's eyes and onto the bottom sheet of her bed. Alyssa got up wanting to help her mom from that horrible beating she had just received. She got close to the door and reached out her hand ready to open it. A tear fell from her left cheek as she stood there with her hand on the knob frozen. She knew she wasn't going to help her mom no matter how much she wanted to.
All the screams stopped and she heard a door slam. Alyssa always wondered how her mother slept at night, how her father did especially. How could her father sleep knowing he beat the only family he has? All she managed to hear was her mom trudging up the stairs and down to her room in pain.
Mrs. Cameron silently cried her way to her bedroom holding her back with one hand. Her tears were now dry but the pain was still burning. Mrs. Cameron felt guilty for her whole life. She was nineteen turning twenty when she was pregnant with Alyssa. A long time before that she knew she should have left Mr. Cameron before anything like that happened, but it was too late. She only wished that Alyssa wasn't even born for her own selfish reasons, but she thought she had a good cause. Chapter 3: Witness to an action...
School passed by and Gavin occasionally seen Alyssa. It seemed like today she was sort of hiding and Gavin knew that something must have happened but didn't know what. Alyssa came up to Gavin only sometimes, she didn't want him to start to get suspicious about why she was acting so weird after one of the most best days that she's had in awhile. Alyssa tried to shield the pain she was feeling but she just couldn't. She felt like when she talked to Gavin that day, that he saw right through her, he saw what was really there and no doubt he would want to know what was wrong. For practically the whole day Alyssa avoided him, but not too much. The bell rang and Alyssa had her last class with Gavin. She walked off, almost running, out of school. Alyssa wanted to go home and get away to give her some time to think, not that there was much to think about, but at the same time she wanted to be with Gavin.
It was around nine o'clock and Alyssa sat at her desk doing her honors homework. She didn't like homework much, she couldn't imagine who actually did, it was just annoying. She put her pencil down and was about to shove her earphones in her ears when she heard a knock on the door followed by the doorbell. Alyssa walked down stairs wondering who it could be. Just as she took her last step she wondered why she didn't just look out the window first. She could clearly see anyone who would be at her front door through her window. She opened the door and seen a guy with black shaggy hair turned around. The guy turned around and she seen that it was Gavin. What was Gavin doing here?
"Um, hey?" Alyssa greeted.
"Hey," Gavin smiled. "Can I come in?"
"Sure...I guess." Alyssa stepped aside and let Gavin in. "I was kinda doing something in my room so follow me." Alyssa said turning around and stepping back upstairs. Gavin followed her glad she wasn't interrogating him about why he was there. He plainly wanted to see her, and maybe find out a little more.
They both walked into Alyssa's room and Alyssa took her papers off her desk and placed them on her bed. She jumped on the bed and crossed her legs to hold her books. She looked up and motioned for Gavin to sit anywhere. She kind of hoped he would come sit next to her. It almost seemed like Gavin was reading Alyssa's mind, he walked over to her and sat next to her. Gavin was a couple inches taller than Alyssa so when he sat down it felt like he was hovering over her. "What are you doing?" He asked looking over her shoulder. "OUR homework." Alyssa said emphasizing our. "Let me guess, you didn't do it." "Not at all," Gavin smiled. "But I will." "Uh-huh." The room got silent but it wasn't that awkward silent, it was sort of calm. "So what's up?" Alyssa said looking down at her lined paper. "Just thought we could hang out again. I had fun yesterday." Gavin said getting up and walking around Alyssa's room. "This is a very interesting look for your room, " He commented. "Thanks...I guess. I had it custom made."
Alyssa's room was wide and square. Her walls we different shades of all the colors of the rainbow. The main color was black, it was used as a background. There were lines of different colors all over the wall. Blue, red, yellow, and purple were the semi-main colors. It all went in patterns, line after line after line. There were four walls, Two striped horizontally and two striped vertically. It all seemed to mesh together in a neat way. Multi-colored hand prints were covering the wall also and the stripes were used as a background just like the black. Some of the other stuff looked like she drew it on there herself. "Whose hand prints are these?" Gavin ask touching his hand to the wall. "Mine," Alyssa laughed. Alyssa walked over to Gavin and put her right hand on the hand next on the right of his, her hand fit perfectly. Gavin took Alyssa's' hand and his eyes grew wide. "What?" Alyssa smiled. Gavin stretched out his long fingers and placed on Alyssa's. This clearly showed that his fingers were way longer than hers. His eyes were still wide and her slowly opened his mouth. "What?" Alyssa laughed a bit confused. "Me Tarzan, you Jane." He said taking his other hand and pointing one long finger towards her. Alyssa laughed, she loved that movie. "That's nice. But there's one problem. You don't wear an old diaper that you had since you were a kid and you wasn't born in the jungle." She laughed. "You don't know that." Gavin smiled. "Oh I know more than you think." Alyssa said turning around and walking towards her bed. Gavin's long arms wrapped around her small waist and pulled her close to him. "Oh do you?" He whispered softly in her ear. Alyssa's face was turned sideways slightly as she listened to Gavin's voice. The both of them leaned into each other, their lips almost meeting.
A door slammed shut and the sound of an angry man stomped across the floor. A bunch of glasses were shattered against walls and the marble tile. Mr. Cameron grunted as he checked around for anyone. He was furious and he didn't know why but he could careless. He just wanted all of his fury out of his body. His mind instantly thought of Alyssa. She was the perfect target, so weak and scrawny, she would never fight back. Just thinking about it made Mr. Cameron a bit upset, she would never fight back. Everyday he enjoyed whooping the living daylights out of her and made it seem like he didn't give a flying fa doodle about it. Truth was he did feel bad about it, but he only wished she was never born. He would have been better off, him and his wife. He knew that Mrs. Cameron wished the same thing but didn't really know what her reasons were.
Gavin walked towards the door wondering what that noise was. He was standing there confused and seen that Alyssa looked scared. Gavin was kind of scared himself but didn't know why she wasn't panicking, he just sorta assumed she would do that much. Alyssa looked at Gavin and wondered what she should do. She needed to do something and needed to do it fast. She wasn't suppose to have anyone with her, especially if it was Gavin. Right when she heard the door slam she knew it was her father. The shattering glasses only made Alyssa certain that it was him. Alyssa heard angry footsteps slowly stomp up the stairs and knew she only had about thirty seconds to hide Gavin. "You're not suppose to be here, you have to hide!" Alyssa exclaimed softly. Gavin looked confused but was interrupted by Alyssa's pushing. She quickly pushed him into her closet, "Wait here! Be quiet, don't make a move no matter what happens!" Alyssa shoved the door shut and plopped herself onto her bed. She put her papers on her lap to make her appear busy. Her door burst open and Alyssa's heart stopped.
"Who's here?" Her father demanded. "No-No one." Alyssa's voice came out a bit hoarse and she knew her father could tell that she was frightened. The smell of Vodka filled her nose, she wished that her parents would just stop drinking, maybe they'd make smarter decisions. "Don't lie to me," Mr. Cameron spat. "There's no one here." She said after clearing her throat. Mr. Cameron was a little shocked. Alyssa barely said two words to him when he spoke to her and when she did, it was barely even a whisper. He was quite pleased. Mr. Cameron thought for a minute, deciding if he wanted to inflict some physical pain upon his only daughter. This time Mr. Cameron felt like using something more powerful than his leather belt. He looked at the side of Alyssa's bed and spotted a metal hanger on the ground. He walked over to it slowly and then picked it up. He gave Alyssa a menacing glare and she knew exactly what was bound to happen, what was about to happen in a few seconds. She stood up freezing in her spot. It was bad enough that she was going to get hit with something metal, but Gavin had to be hiding in her closet about to be a witness.
Gavin peeks through the blinds of the closet door wondering what the heck was going on out there. Why was her father carrying a metal hanger? Why did Alyssa look like she was about to burst into tears? He watched as Mr. Cameron lifted his arm up in the air with the hanger gripped tightly around his hand. Mr. Cameron whacked Alyssa across the back and Alyssa fell to the ground. Her nails dug into the tile but didn't make a dent. Her nails scratched against the marble as her dad whacked her again. The metal felt cold and rusty and it sent a greater pain dashing through her nerves. Tears slowly fell from Alyssa's eyes as she hung her head down, her hair flipped over the sides of her face. She didn't make a sound as she cried, she held in all her screams just because Gavin was watching. Gavin grew angry inside. He placed his hand on the door ready to put a stop to Alyssa's pain, but thought against it. He didn't want to do anything that would provoke her father to hit her more when he was forcibly kicked out of the house. Gavin stood there watching every hit and every tear fall onto the ground. His heart sunk while he stood there watching it and his blood boiled. A few moments later the sound of the whipping noises stopped. Mr. Cameron, satisfied, left the room smiling. He knew for a fact that there was someone there with Alyssa, or was. Either way he didn't care. He walked down the stairs and left. It was late at night and he wanted to give Alyssa some time to mourn over her pain.
As soon as Gavin heard Mr. Cameron leave the house, he left the closet. Alyssa didn't move, her fist was still clenched tightly and she closed her eyes letting her tears fall to the ground. She felt a hand wrap around her and bring her to her bed. The room was dark and she kept her head to prevent Gavin from seeing her face. Gavin didn't want to see her face because of the pain that would surely be displayed on it. Gavin knew he didn't need to say a word, nor did he want to. There wasn't a word in the world that could make this better. He held Alyssa close to him, he didn't know what to do, but he wasn't going to leave her side. Chapter 4: What the real story is?
The halls were loud and noisy, and everyone was happy. Friends laughed, Teachers giggled, and strangers smiled. All was well except for two people; Alyssa and Gavin. After the night they had last night, they barely even spoke. Alyssa felt foolish and embarrassed, Gavin was infuriated and upset. The both of them passed through the hallways without a word and awkward glances. More than anything, Gavin wanted to know the whole story, from every last detail.
The night before, Gavin had stayed with Alyssa at risk of her father coming back home. To both of their luck, neither one of her parents came back home. Alyssa cried and cried until she couldn't cry anymore, until she cried herself to sleep. Alyssa was grateful to Gavin for staying with her, she was really happy that he did although he wouldn't be able to tell.
After school Alyssa goes to the lake and sees Gavin already sitting there. She breathed in a big breath of air and went to sit next to Gavin. She knew that she was going to have to tell him the story. It wasn't so much that she had to, it was that she needed to, she wanted to. Alyssa sat down slowly and didn't say a word. The grass was soft and had a comfortable feeling under Alyssa's bottom.
As she sat there, she looked straight ahead and out into the lake thinking about how she wanted to word what she was going to say. Gavin turned his head slightly and looked towards Alyssa. He patiently waited for her to open her mouth and speak. The longer he stared at her the more concerned he became. He knew this was going to be extremely hard but didn't know how to react to it.
"My mom was pregnant with me when she was nineteen years old." She started. "Her and my father had been dating for about a year but they weren't ready for anything like this, anything like me. While I was still in her stomach there were multiple times where she tried to kill the baby, tried to kill me before I was even born." Alyssa swallowed hard as she thought about the time her mother told this story to her. Mrs. Cameron showed no remorse, no regret as she spoke those words to her daughter. "My mother would drink and drink and drink until she would literally pass out. She even had my father try to beat her so I would die. No matter what they tried, it wouldn't work. Somehow the police found out and sent her to a hospital where she was no longer able to try and harm herself for the remainder of her pregnancy.
'They decided that for a little while they'd stop all that nonsense that they were doing and actually take care of me. But only until I was old enough to take care of myself. Once I reached that age, they did as they pleased." Her voice started to shake and a tear ran down her left cheek. "And now that the drinking has started again they beat me. He beats me. 'I like the feel,' he says. 'Your screams are the sound of my pleasure,' he says, 'Nothing brings me more joy,' he says.....
And my mom, she---she just stands there and watches. 'You're nothing to me,' They say..."
Alyssa silently cries as she stares of into the lake. Gavin turns his head to follow her gaze. He wasn't looking at anything, but his thoughts raced through his mind. Gavin, himself felt like he could just sit there and cry with her. He hated seeing her like this, it formed an extreme amount of pain in his heart and he knew that there wasn't much that he could do.
"The beatings use to be rare, they were still painful, but rare. Now it happens almost everyday. The days I don't get beat are the lucky ones, but they don't come too often..." Alyssa takes a big breath of air and clears her throat. "Everyday it's something new." For that brief moment, she sounded relaxed, like she was over it. Silence slowly flew around them. Alyssa used it as a sign as a way of saying that she refused to say anything else. There was only one thing left to say, but she knew she wasn't going to say it anytime soon. She was a little afraid of how he would react when she told him that last little detail, or in this case, the last big detail.
Gavin looked at Alyssa and knew she was done speaking. He was impressed at how she was able to act like she just hadn't been crying a few seconds ago. He could tell that Alyssa was still thinking about the whole thing, her face scrunched up and she quickly threw both hands over her face. Warm tears started flowing out of Alyssa's eyes and onto her hands. She just couldn't hold it in any longer, she couldn't hold in that pain. Gavin pulled Alyssa into his warm embrace much like he did the night before.
As she let the tears stream down her face, Alyssa felt kind of relieved that Gavin knew. Now he wouldn't be wondering all too much. It wasn't just that fact, it was the fact that she finally brought herself to tell an actual person instead of the rainbow colored walls she looked at everyday of her life.
The sun was slowly setting and all that was left to keep Alyssa warm, was the warmth of Gavin's body pressed against hers. Alyssa didn't want to go back home, and she didn't necessarily have to either. Gavin and Alyssa both laid back against the grass and Alyssa rested her head on Gavin's chest. She held on tight to Gavin's body and closed her eyes to fall asleep. Gavin heard Alyssa's breathing start to get into a steady motion. He held onto her just as she held onto him. He liked that the were able to be with each other again but he didn't like the reason why. Gavin cleared the thoughts out of his mind and thought about only being with Alyssa. That was all that mattered right now so he closed his eyes and let himself fall into a restless sleep. Everything was quite and the only two things being heard was the sound of music that the both of them made as they slept through the night. It was a perfect melody...
Chapter 5: Gone for the Weekend!
The leaves on the trees rustled softly as it blew a steady breeze. Gavin and Alyssa laid there breathing in rhythm with each other. Alyssa's arm wrapped around Gavin's waist as she rested her head upon Gavin's chest. Gavin tied his arm around Alyssa protectively as he slept. The both of them had fell asleep in their spots after Alyssa explained everything to Gavin. At the time, Gavin couldn't Imagine why her parents would feel that way about a child, especially when that child was Alyssa.
Gavin slowly stirred in his spot as he caught the light beaming down in his eyes. He opened his eyes to see Alyssa still sound asleep. He reached into his side pocket with his free hand and pulled out his cell phone. He had 3 missed calls and 4 unread text messages. He figured that it was his parents probably concerned about him being out all night without telling them, or in this case, her. He looked at his screen and read 8:07 a.m. He was surprised that he was awake so early. Had Gavin been asleep in his bed, he'd probably be waking up around one p.m.
Gavin shuffled as he tried to push his phone into his pocket without waking Alyssa. It seemed that Alyssa was slowly waking too. He felt her move around as she mumbled a few words he couldn't quite make out. Gavin instantly stopped moving to hear nothing but Alyssa's breathing. A smile slowly formed across his face. Her breathing was so steady and soft, he could listen to her for the whole day if he had the chance.
Alyssa moved around and looked up at the blue sky. She struggled to remember how she got outside. She felt herself pressed against another body and knew it was Gavin that she was mushed to. She looked up and saw his ," smiling face. "Good Morning," she mumbled. "Morning love," Gavin smiled. Alyssa sat up and moved her hands through her hair straightening it out. Alyssa turned her head to get a better look at Gavin. He soon sat up as well. There was a hint of concern in his eyes but then she saw him get relaxed. She looked around and seen the blue lake around and the green leaves surrounding them. Had I really stayed here all night? She wondered. And with Gavin? She smiled softly at the thought. Yes, it had been an uncomfortable night but near the end of it, everything seemed to get better.
Gavin looked at Alyssa with love in his eyes, even though she had just woke up and had some serious bed head, she still looked like the most beautiful person he's ever laid eyes on. Alyssa looked at Gavin and he patted for her to come sit with him. She didn't argue, and went to go sit in his lap like he wanted. Without thinking, Gavin wrapped his arms around Alyssa's waist and tucked his head into the nape of her neck. Alyssa placed her hands on his making sure he wouldn't remove himself from that particular position. She felt protected, like no one was able to get to her. Gavin could feel Alyssa loosen up and felt a smile rise upon her face. The both of them barely said two words to each other but somehow knew what the other was saying.
Alyssa felt the warmth of Gavin's body being passed onto her. Here they were sitting with each other like they'd been dating for years. It was as if something just took over the booth of them. They stayed there silently in each others embrace. Alyssa turned her head and looked into Gavin's eyes. It was as if their eyes had said it all. Gavin leaned forward ready to press his lips against hers. Just as their mouths were about to touch, Alyssa's phone rang causing both of them to jump sending them both back into reality.
Alyssa flips open her cell phone and reads the first and only text message sent by her mother. It read, YOU BETTER HOME WHEN I GET BACK! Alyssa's facial expression changed and became a little worried. No doubt she had forgotten to go back home. She'd be in major trouble for NOT coming back.
"What's wrong?" Gavin asked.
"I-I shouldn't have stayed here. I"m-I'm suppose to be home. I'm gonna get in so much trouble....." She says getting up from Gavin's lap ready to leave. Gavin holds onto Alyssa's hand not ready to let her leave.
"How about you stay with me for the weekend?" Gavin asks with pleading eyes.
"I'm sorry, I can't. It'll probably get me into more trouble than I'm already in."
"You'll be fine. All of you guys could use a break." He pushes.
"I can't" She says softly. More than anything Alyssa wanted to go with him, but she's too afraid of her parents. Specifically her father.
Alyssa stares at Gavin's pleading eyes. It's like they were shouting at her, PLEASE ALYSSA, PLEASE STAY WITH ME!! Gavin stood up and faced Alyssa's already stiff body. "Please," He whispers. "Okay..." Gavin smiles and pulls Alyssa into a big hug. "Come on," Alyssa says grabbing his hand and leading him home.
Alyssa walks up to her front door with Gavin slowly trudging behind her. He really should be going faster, Alyssa thought. She pulled out a key from her jean pocket and started to unlock the door. Alyssa stopped and let the key hang from the door. She spotted a yellow piece of paper with a note written on it. ALYSSA, WE'VE GONE AWAY FOR THE MONTH. WE NEED A BREAK AWAY FROM YOU! DON'T WORRY, WE MOST DEFINITELY WILL NOT MISS YOU! YOU BETTER BE HOME WHEN WE GET BACK! -MOM
"What happened?" Gavin asked as he approached Alyssa's side.
"Absolutely nothing," Alyssa muttered. She breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she was saved. A smile slowly crept across Alyssa's face.
"They're gone." She said just above a whisper.
"What do you mean?" Gavin asked with concern. Alyssa let out a small laugh.
"They left for the entire month! Freedom from a month!" She exclaimed Alyssa stared at the yellow paper in her hand and jumped up an down.
"That's great. I told you it'll be okay." Gavin smiled. Alyssa threw her arms over Gavins neck and hugged him tight. Gavin placed his arms around Alyssa's waist and smiled warmly. He felt a burst of excitement surge through his veins. Without Alyssa's parents there for a month, everything would be fine. He was happy for the month, he could already see it now.
"So I guess this means you don't have to come with me." Gavin says pulling away from Alyssa. "You could stay home."
"I could...." She started. " But I don't want to." She pauses for a moment thinking. These words weren't exactly suppose to come out of her mouth, it sorta just slipped. But she meant it, she didn't want to stay in her house, or at least not alone. "I still want to be with you." Alyssa said after clearing her throat. Gavin softly smiled, hearing Alyssa say those words made him happy. It kinda reminded him of one of those corny romance movies where the couple broke up and the girl is saying that she still wants to be with the guy.
"How about I stay with you here." Gavin suggest.
"That's fine, as long as you're by my side." Alyssa said.
"Good." Gavin pulled Alyssa into a warm hug.
"Come on, let's go inside." He says taking Alyssa's hand and pulling her inside the house. When alls said and done
Alyssa slouched down onto her couch and clicked on the television. The screen was all black and had soft music coming from the speakers. She had Direct TV so there were multiple channel that looked exactly like this one but had different generes of music. Alyssa decided to lay back and relax while she waited for Gavin to come back from his home. He had to go tell his mom where he had been all night and that he was okay. She's been really paranoid ever since Gavin's father died years ago, which to Alyssa, was pretty much understanable. Gavin's mother was afraid that Gavin would soon leave her too. While Alyssa sat there, she flipped on her side and closed her eyes to fall asleep.
About half an hour later, Gavin made his way back to Alyssa's house. He thought about his mom the whole way while he was driving. It's been seven years since the death of his father and he only wished that some of that tension would slowly cease. Gavin had told his mom that for the next month he'd ne with Alyssa so he wouldn't be around all too much. He wasn't necessarily lying to her, actually now that he thought about it, he wasn't lying to her at all.
Gavin stepped out of his car and walked inside the house. He put his keys into his pocket and looked up searching for Alyssa. He spotted her sleeping peacefully on the sofa. He smiled at the sight; strands of her long black hair was tangled over her face and her body was cuddled up into a small ball. Gavin felt his stomach growl as he lifted up his arm to check the time on his silver Rolex watch, 4:58. Gavin walked over to the kitchen and looked around i the cabinets. He searched for all different spices and different types of food. He carefully studied the kitchen and where everything was. Within a matter of minutes, he was throwing things together to make a wonderful aroma that drifted through the house.
Alyssa awoke to one of her favorite songs playing, You shook me all night long by ac/dc. She sat up and looked around. She seen a light that came from the kitchen. It was then that she smelt a pleasant smell tickle through her nose. She rose up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen. Alyssa peered over the counter top and saw Gavin working at the stove. She silently stood there watching him move,stir, and mix the ingredients inside the pan. "Mhhhm, smells good." She said with her eyes closed, slowly breathing in the smell. Gavin jumps a little and smiles.
"I know," He winks.
"Looks like someone doesn't know how to take a compliment." Alyssa smirked. Gavin laughs ignoring her comment.
"Does this mean you're not hungry?" He asks.
"Oh no, not at all. In fact, I'm starving." Alyssa's says licking her lips,
"Well what did you make?" She ask, her curiosity radiating off of her body.
"Just your everyday rice with chicken. But better than average." He answers with another wink. Alyssa laughs, walking over and sitting down at the round glass table. Gavin walks over and places one of the two plates right in front of Alyssa. He takes a seat across from her and starts to eat. Alyssa takes a big forkful of food and puts it into her mouth.
"Holy smokes!" She exclaims, "This is amazing!" Gavin laughs showing his pearly white teeth. "Thanks."
"Where did you learn how to cook like that?" Alyssa questions.
"My parents. They both use to own a restaurant; they were great chefs." Gavin answered smiling at the memory of how excited his parents were when they first got the restaurant.
"Amazing" She smiled
Alyssa looked down and started to concentrate on the magnificent plate of food that was thoughtfully prepared for her. Gavin watched her for a moment and thought back a few years ago. He was only eleven when his parents owned the restaurant. His mother and father used to always take him there and tell him all their secrets and show him how to prepare different dishes with just that "right touch." As smile rose upon Gavin's face as her remembered these times. He also remembered of how his mom gave up the restaurant when his father had died. She said there was no point in having the restaurant without the whole family and his father was a big part of it; they all were. Just thinking about it made Gavin a little teary eyed. Gavin blinked a few times and took a slow, steady deep breath, being sure to not let Alyssa hear him. He stood up from the table and looked at Alyssa. Alyssa took her focus from eating and looked up at Gavin with confused eyes.
"Excuse me," Gavin calmly with an assuring smile.
"Gavin! No! Gavin! Stop!" Alyssa playfully squealed as she felt Gavin trying to pull her into the salty ocean water below. Wiggling and laughing, Alyssa falls into the water bringing Gavin with her. They both resurfaced and quickly caught their breaths. "Just to let you know, I never go down alone." She scolded. "One day I'll be successful," Gavin promises. "Wooh!" Alyssa yelps jumping up and immediately clinging to Gavin's body. "I STEPPED ON ONE OF THOSE.....those....Well I forgot what they are called." She says tightly hugging Gavin. "It's okay, It won't kill you or anything like that." Gavin laughs. "Come on let's get out of this water." Alyssa's says trying to tug Gavin to shore. They stand up on the sand and Gavin lifts Alyssa onto his back while walking over to his beach towel.
"Gosh Alyssa!" You're fat!" Gavin says wobbling.
"No I'm not!" She scoffs playfully. "Besides, if I was wouldn't you-----!" Alyssa squeals as Gavin's knees purposefully give out. Gavin falls on his back as Alyssa topples over him.
"Uh, I think I beg to differ." Gavin laughs.
"Pfft..." Alyssa says looking away. "I am not." She whispers. "Am I?" She asks knowing his answer.
"No. Of course not." Gavin says his smile slightly fading. " Has anyone ever told you otherwise?" He asked.
"Only every other day of my life." She muttered under her breath.
"Well I think you're beautiful. I like you just the way you are." He says looking into her eyes and she smiles.
Night falls and Alyssa just got out of the shower. She walks out of the bathroom and throws her clothes into a hamper in her room. She walks around and finds Gavin outside on the balcony. Gavin stars up at the stars and Alyssa could tell that Gavin was thinking of something really important. She took a minute and thought back to dinner; Gavin suddenly got up and left excusing himself. She remembered looking at his face and his eyes were slightly watery. She wondered if it was something that she said but couldn't remember her saying anything offensively. Her curiosity got the best of her and she stepped into the balcony space next to him.
"Hey," She spoke softly.
"What's up?" Gavin said looking at her smiling softly. She seen that his eyes were slightly red.
"It's your father isn't it?" She asked whispering without thinking. She hoped it wouldn't offend him.
"What?" Gavin asked slightly embarrassed that he's been caught.
"It's why you left the dinner table so immediately. And it's why your eyes our red, isn't it? You're thinking about your father?" She softly stated.
"Uh, yea." He softly laughed.
"I'm sorry, Gavin."
"Don't sweat it. It's not your fault." He assured.
"Yea..." Alyssa looked down. "I hope it doesn't....well..." She stopped.
"No, it's fine. I'm glad you cared enough to ask." He softly smiled. Alyssa stepped closer to Gavin and gave him a hug. "Thanks." He said. Gavin looked down at Alyssa smiling softly and laced his fingers through hers. Without thinking, Gavin leaned down and placed a kiss right upon her lips. "A lot." He said. Chapter 7: Alone
Alyssa woke up and searched the house for Gavin. He was no where in sight and hasn't been for the past two weeks. Alyssa tried calling him but he never answered. She became worried, scared even. What if something had happened to him? What if he never came back? Alyssa knew that she was probably being paranoid but with her it seemed to be a natural reaction. As Alyssa came down the stairs, she heard a knock on the door and stopped moving instantly. Who could it be? She thought.
"Alyssa, It's me! Gavin!" He yelled.
"Gavin?" She whispered to herself. "Wait, It's Gavin!" She quickly sped to the door and opened it. Alyssa ran into Gavins arms and gave him a hug.
"Gavin," She mumbled. She pulled away and squinted with her eyes.
"Where have you been? I was worried and seeing as how you weren't in school didn't make it any better."
"I'm sorry." He answered. "I was...well...sick. I didn't want you to see me like that."
"Well," She started but thought against it. "Come in."
Later that day Gavin left and promised to come back. He went home to see his mom.
"Are you feeling better?" She asked him.
"I'm fine, mom." He sighed.
"The doctors said they finished the test. They also said that you'd be fine. It's a good thing it's Friday, you get to relax. Now do me a favor and go back to that girl you have been spending so much time with lately." Gavin opened his mouth to say something but his mom held up her hands to silent him. Seeing the look of bewilderment on his face, she threw her head back and started laughing.
"Good-bye son." She said getting up and walking out of the room.
That night after dinner, Gavin and Alyssa sat down for a movie. After minutes of deciding which one they should watch, they settled on Last Holiday. It was about a girl who got the wrong diagnosis from a doctor and was told she had a number of weeks to live. Alyssa cuddled up in Gavin's arms on the sofa. About halfwat through the movie, the two of them fell asleep.
"Gavin?" Alyssa called.
Alyssa turns around and sees a hospital right behind her. Her phone vibrated and she viewed a text message from an unknown number. Gavin's at the hospital. After reading, Alyssa rann into the hospital and looked around for some help.
"M'am. I'm looking for Gavin, Gavin Reed. I was told that he was here."
"Just a minute." The lady said. "He's in the room down the hall. Make a left and he's the first door on the right. The lady watched Alyssa leave and frowned. She knew that she was the one the he has been asking for. She wished that she could keep her from going into that room, from finding out what was happening. To keep it from happening.
Alyssa ran to his room; her heart beating through her ears. She spotted Gavin laying on the hospital bed looking at the doctor as he explained some things. His mom stood by his side with eyes that were blood shot. Alyssa's heart nearly broke as she watched Gavin's mom sob. She knew the news wasn't going to be good. It took her a few minutes to walk inside the room. The doctor had already left and it was just her, Gavin, and Mrs. Reed. Alyssa looked from Gavin to his mom and his mom silently left the room. Tears welled up in Alyssa eyes as she heard the door close. She walked over to Gavin's side grabbing his hand in hers.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.
"I don't like you to worry." He replied weakly.
"Either way, I was going to worry." She said, her voice now breaking. A tear fell down her face as she stared into her boyfriends eyes. Alyssa didn't want Gavin to leave her, ever. She would be so alone without him.
"Don't cry over me." He whispered, wearily wiping a tear from her face.
"How could I not? I care about you too much." She said through short breaths.
"I'm sorry." Gavin said touching his hand to Alyssa's cheek. It almost angered Alyssa to hear Gavin say I'm sorry. It assured her that this wasn't going to end well.
"Kiss me," Gavin whispered.
"What?" Alyssa asked confused; Gavin gave a faint laugh.
"I want you to kiss me, Alyssa." Gavin feared he only had a few more minutes left and wanted Alyssa to be the last thing he felt. She kissed him softly with tears still rolling down her cheeks. She pulled away and slid her hand through his soft hair. Gavin smile and moaned softly, treasuring the feeling. Alyssa gave a quiet laugh, a laugh that almost sounded like a whimper.
"I love you." Gavin says. Alyssa looks at Gavin in shock. She didn't want to hear those words. She knew it was his way of telling her good-bye without actually saying it.
"No, don't say that." She cried, her voice hoarse. "Not now, not like this.
"It's okay, Alyssa. Everything will be alright." Gavin was lying through his teeth, but he didn't know what else to say.
"I love you," Gavin gave one last smile and squeezedd Alyssa's hand gently. Tears streamed down Alyssa's face as she heard the sound that told her Gavin wasn't coming back.
"No! No!" She cried. "Gavin! I'm sorry! I love you! Come back! Please! Gavin, come back!"
Alyssa's eyes shot open and she found herself staring at the blank t.v screen. She could see her arm draped over Gavin's body as he slept. He looked so serene and peaceful to her; a smile smile playing on her lips. She felt Gavin move under her and heard him taking a deep breath. Gavin moved his hand across Alyssa's back slowly and cleared his throat.
"What's wrong?" He asked. Gavin could feel Alyssa tense up.
"Nothing," She whispered. "Bad dream." Gavin kissed Alyssa's forehead as she squeezed him tighter, holding her in his grasp making her feel warm and secure.
"It's just a dream." He said after a moment. "Come on, let's go upstairs. You'll need more rest than a two hour nap." He softly smiled.
"Okay," She whispered reluctantly. She was afraid of another horrible dream about Gavin.
Gavin watched her walk upstairs and waited until he heard the click of the bedroom door closing. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and clutched the area over his heart. He sat there unable to move for a brief moment. Soon he fot up and went to the bathroom. He coughed a few times and spewed up small amounts of blood into his hands. He didn't know what was happening to him but didn't want to tell Alyssa. He didn't like her to worry so much, he hated her to worry. Gavin didn't want to be another burden in her life. He decided to take a shower to fully cleanse himself.
About twenty minutes passed when Gavin got out of the shower. He came into Alyssa's bedroom and lay beside her with his back facing her. Gavin inhaled deeply as he felt Alyssa scoot towards him. He felt his heart jump as Alyssa touched him; him almost cried right then and there. Gavin shifted his body to his side and wrapped his arm around Alyssa's waist. Alyssa put her hand over his signalling for him to not move it.
"Sorry about your boyfriend," Mr. Cameron said sarcastically with a smirk on his face. Alyssa stared at him for a long minute before saying, "That's not funny." Her voice was cold and bitter, her nose runny, eyes red. Mr. Cameron stepped towards her bringing them face to face.
"It's hilarious," He said slowly, the smell of alcohol heavy on his breath. "Death is hilarious." Alyssa's anger grew at new lengths as she clutched her fist turning away from her father.
"Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" He mocked.
A tear ran down Alyssa's cheek as she left through the front door. She ran outside running towards the school. As the day passed by she instinctively searcheed for Gavin at every hallway, at every class, refusing to believe the reality of the situation. After school she ran to the lake where he first took her on the canoe. After, she went to the beachm and then she went home. Her parents weren't home so she ran upstairs, slamming her bedroom door shut. Alyssa thought about the last moment in the hospital. She thought about how he was still concerned for her when he was the one that needed the concern. She thought about how he had asked her to kiss him, she thought about him saying I love you. She remembered how she didn't get to say it back. Alyssa plopped onto her bed laying in the spot that Gavin always laid in. She sobbed into her pillow as she thought of him; his voice, his face, his smile, his eyes, his touch, everything. She was shattered.
"I love you too, Gavin."
Alyssa got up from her bed removing Gavins arm from around her. She watched him sleep for a couple seconds before grabbing a jacket and leaving the house. She went behind the woods and to the vacant lake. The sun wasn't up completely; the sky was dark, light barely present. Alyssa sat down and brung her knees to her chest crossing her arms over them. She couldn't seem to shake the though of Gavin dying from her mind; the thought of being alone...again.
Gavin awoke to Alyssa gone and found himself sweating. He had a fever and was sick as a dog. He wondered where Alyssa was and decided to go look for her; his concern for her greater than his for himself. He couldn't go to sleep without knowing she was okay and by his side. He went to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water. He thought of the lake, where he and Alyssa first talked; where they first had a real conversation. He went as fast as he could without becoming too overwhelmed. he was worried about her.
When Gavin arrived at the lake he seen Alyssa crying into her hackey. His heart ached for her, just seeing he upset. He quickly walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her protectively.
"Hey, Alyssa, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked just above a whisper, his voice soft. When she didn't reply, Gavin kissed her forehead and told her it'll be alright.
"I'm afraid," She mumbled into his shirt.
"Afraid of what?"
"Of you leaving me alone. I'm afraid to be stuck here with them again, stuck alone. I'm scared, Gavin." She stopped speaking and cried. Gavin's heart broke to pieces. He didn't know what was happening to him. All he knew was that it wasn't good. He had a high fever well above one hundred, chest pains, and now he was coughing up blood. He didn't know what to expect next.
"I'm not going anywhere." He said. The truth was, that he was scared too.
Chapter 8: What's love is love
"Come home," Gavin whispered into Alyssa's ear. "Come with me," He tried to stiffle a cough while holding Alyssa; his hands slowly quivering. Gavin loosened his grip on her in attempt to keep from feeling him shake. Alyssa looked up and saw Gavin quickly avert his gaze.
"Gavin," She whispered. "Look at me." Gavin took a couple seconds before looking into ALyssa's eyes/ She saw that his eyes were red and saw sweat glistening from his forehead. She pulled away feeling his hands shake.
"You're sick, what's wrong?" She asked. "We have to get you home." She put a hand to his forehead and felt heat race to the surface. "Gavin, you're burning up!" We have to get you to a hos-"
"No, no. I'm fine." He interrupted.
"Well at least come home."
Alyssa stood up and held out her hands, helping Gavin to his feet. He staggered up, wrapping his arm around Alyssa's shoulder to support himself. On the way to Alyssa's house, Gavin stumbled over small leaves and buts of broken branches.
Alyssa layed Gavin on the couch and ran to get a cold rag. When she came back she saw Gavin clutching his chest in pain. Flashbacks of her previous dreams flashed through her mind. In an instant tears started to form in her eyes. She folded the rag and layed it across his forehed as she sat next to him running her fingers through his hair. Gavin reached up to grab her free hand and mumbled a "thank you" when he found it. He rolled over on his side and positioned his head onto Alyssa's lap.
As Alyssa ran her hand through his curly black locks, she found herself staring into a blank wall. She saw Gavin on his death bed, she saw him slowly dying. She heard her father's voice making fun of his death and she watched Gavin's mom yell screams of pain. Alyssa blinked a gew times and look down at Gavin. He was shaking and beginning to cough. Gavin tried to stand but Alyssa pulled him back. He kept trying until Alyssa gave in.
Gavin grunted as he stood, bending over and covering his mouth as he coughed. When he took his hand away from his mouth, he spotted buts of blood. He closed his hands in attempt to hide it from sight. He uncontrollably coughed as blood poured from his lips. Alyssa jumped to her feet frightened and ran over to him with the small hand towel in her hand. "Oh my god," She said as she wiped the blood witht the damp towel. "Oh my god," She kept repeating.
Gavin clutched his stomach as he watched a stream of blood pour onto the floor. It was becoming too much and Alyssa found her hands covered in his blood. She ran to fetch her cell phone to call an ambulance. She didn't want him to go in fear of him dying like in her dream but she had no choice. The blood that was pouring onto the floor was now light and thin, slowly descending.
In a matter of minutes the ambulance came and took gavin in. During the drive to the hospital, Alyssa held Gavins hand, his blood still stained onto them. Tears slid from her eyes as she looked at his now pale and colorless face. As they arrived at the hospital. The doctor took Gavin to the E.R to stop the bleeding completely. Alyssa immediately took out and called Mrs. Reed.
Alyssa was waiting with Mrs. Reed when the doctor came out of the room. Mrs. Reed stood up and waited for the doctor to come over.
"Hello, My name is Dr. Parker, I was just evaluating your son, Gavin Reed."
"Yes, yes, will he be alright?" Mrs. Reed asked worriedly.
"That's what I'm here to talk about." He started. "Your son has what is called a Pulmonary Embolism."
"What's that?" Alyssa blurted.
" A Pulmonary Embolism is a blockage of a main artery of the lungs or one of its branches by a substance that has travelled from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream. In this case, a severe blood clot. This blood clot is blocking the circulation of his blood stream and he will need an embolectomy."
"A-an embolectomy? What is that some type of surgery?" Mrs. Reed nervously asked.
"It's a surgical procedure in which we usually perform under anesthia and in some cases we use sedatives. However, this is highly risky. This can cause tissue death or loss of the leg."
"And if we don't do this?" Mrs. Reed asked slowly.
"I'm afraid that his lungs will collapse and cause death."
"We'll do it..." Mrs. Reed says just below a whisper, frowning.
"Can we see him? Quickly? Before the procedure?" Mrs. Reed asked.
"We need to perform the embolectom...." Dr. Parker started but stotpped short. "Um...Only for a few minutes. I will submit your decision and then call him into surgery. But please, one at a time."
Mrs. Reed went in first to see him. When she came out of the room Alyssa sped past her. She stopped short of her footsteps taking a deep breath before appearing at his bedside. She blinked a few times and wiped the tears from her eyes. She walked towards him painting a small smile onto her face. She watched as he smile weakly.
"I don't like you to worry." Gavin said reading her mind.
"Either way, I was going to worry." She said slowly trying to keep her voice steady.
"Don't cry over me." He whispered, wearily wiping a tear from her face. Alyssa averted her gaze as she realised the replay of her dream.
"How could I not? I care about you too much." She said hesitantly through short breaths.
"I'm sorry." Gavin said touching his hand to Alyssa's cheek.
"Kiss me," Gavin whispered. Alyssa didn't question or argue this time, she just obeyed. Gavin moaned softly as he felt her lips against his. Alyssa gave a quiet laugh the sounded close to a whimper. She pulled away replaying the end of her dream in her mind, tears rolling faster across her cheeks.
"Don't say it," Alyssa whispered.
"Don't say what?" Gavin asked wearily.
"Don't say I Love You." She said her voice dry and hoarse.
"But I do, I do Love you." Gavin said forcing a small smile making her look away again.
"No, don't say it now, Gavin." She said meeting his gaze. "You're afraid of what's happening to you so you're saying this as a good-bye, just in case."
"I love you, really I do," Gavin said his voice shaking just a little. "Don't you believe me?"
"I do, I really do, but I just...."
"I know." He said interrupting her. Gavin squeezed her hand softly mentally urging her to say I love you back.
"I love you too."
A few hours later Gavin came out of surgery and Alyssa and Mrs. Reed was relieved to see him live and well. Dr. Parker started to walk towards the two with a soft smile playing at her lips.
"Surgery was a success." She said smiling. Alyssa and Mrs. Reed sighed in relief and hugged eachother. "He's sleeping now, but you can see him."
"Thank you so so much." Alyssa said motioning towards Mrs. Reed. "From the both of us."
The doctor lead the both of them into Gavin's room. Alyssa smiled in relief, happiness filling her body. She gently took hold of Gavin's hand as a tear of happiness ran down her cheek. She gazed at the man she loved smiling. She was relieved that everything was going to be okay again.
Chapter 9: Parents acting like Parents?
"I'll walk you home." Gavin said smiling at Alyssa as the school bell rang.
"Sure." She smiled.
Gavin stood up from his seat and helped Alyssa with her stuff. They walked out of school and down the street with their hands tied together. Gavin watched Alyssa stare at her feet as she dragged them against the cement. He stopped walking, pulling Alyssa towards him so that she was facing him. When Alyssa failed to meet his gaze, Gavin became concerned.
"Hey," He said softly putting a finger under her chin gently tugging upwards. "What's wrong?"
"I'm just not too thrilled to go home." She said staring into his eyes, hoping he'd rescue her.
"Why?" He started to ask but stopped remembering the date. "Well do you want to do something before you go? Stall?"
"No, I might as well just go. It won't make a difference." She said averting her gaze again. Gavin frowned wanting to help her but knowing there wasn't much he could do.
"Should I come with you?" He asked hopefully.
"No, not really." Alyssa muttered turning to walk. Gavin grabbed her hand, slowing her down so he could walk alongside her.
"Well i'm coming over later." Gavin stated watching Alyssa's reaction.
"And I won't take no for an answer." He smiled softly, squeezing her hand.
"Okay," She smiled as they arrived to her house.
"I'll see you tonight," He said leaning in to kiss her.
Alyssa threw her arms over Gavins neck as he felt his lips touch her. She felt as if time had stopped in that moment. A smiled played on Gavins lips as he felt her arms tighten around him. When he started to pull away he felt Alyssa groan and started to laugh. He held on to her hands as he kissed her on the cheek before whispering an 'I love you' to her.
"I love you too." She whispered back.
Alyssa walked inside her house, briefly turning back to see Gavin walking away. She closed the door and turned to see her mother sitting on the couch. She was reading a book and wearing her glasses. Alyssa hadn't seen her mother do that since she was six and it freaked her out to find her doing that now.
"Hey sweetie, how was school?" Mrs. Cameron asked in a warm motherly voice, peering up from her book, only for a brief moment.
"It was...okay." Alyssa replied wondering what was making her mom so cheery.
"Where's dad?" Alyssa asked hesitantly.
"Oh he's in the kitchen." Mrs. Cameron smiled. "Hun! Alyssa's home!" She yelled almost instantly. Alyssa winced at the sound of her moms yelling. It wasn't angry and piercing like usual, but loud and high pitched. Nothing like Alyssa has been used too.
"Hey hun," Mr. Cameron said smiling as he peered into the room. He walked over and gave her a small hug. "How was school?"
"Good." Alyssa muttered.
Alyssa took the time to study the people sitting in front of her. She noticed her fathers clean shave and his silver rimmed glasses. His hair was combed and neat. As he spoke, she took the liberty of taking a whiff of his usual maladorous odor only to find out that he smelled quite pleasant. His eyes didn't have horrid bags under them and he looked happy. Mrs. Cameron's hair was nicely parted and fell over her shoulders. Her blue eyes were smiling and neatly lined with eyeliner and mascara. They were glowing.
"Oh, hun, guess what?" Mrs. Cameron said excitingly as she set her book onto the wooden coffee table.
"What happened?" Mr. Cameron laughed.
"Alyssa has gotten a boyfriend!" Mrs. Cameron yelped, almost sounding like a squeal.
"What?!?" Alyssa and her father both said in shock.
"Did you not see it?" Mrs. Cameron smiled. "I saw them holding hands and he kissed her! Right out the window." She pointed towards the direction where she seen them. Alyssa looked down to her feet and blushed a bright pink.
"Alyssa, is this true?" Mr. Cameron asked in almost disbelief.
"Guilty," Alyssa muttered.
"Well, why don't we meet the boy?" Mr. Cameron suggested.
"What?!?" Alyssa blurted, her eyes practically bugging out of her head.
"Come on Alyssa, I insist." Mr. Cameron said, daring her to say otherwise.
"W-when?" She asked nervously.
"Tomorrow's fine." Mrs. Cameron practically sang.
"Alright." She said before turning to walk to her room. "I'm going to do some homework. Then maybe take a nap." She said slowly so they didn't question her, hoping they wouldn't.
"Okay!" Mrs. Cameron called. "We'll be going out tonight anyways! You'll be fine wont you?"
"Y-yea," Alyssa stuttered, stopping short of herself. She glanced at her parents in disbelief, realizing the fun may just be over.
Around nine o'clock, after Mr. and Mrs. Cameron left, Gavin arrived at Alyssa's front door. She opened it almost immediately letting him in. She crossed her arms and started to pace back and forth mumbling to herself.
"Alyssa?" Gavin said softly.
"I just don't get it!" Alyssa said frustrated while throwing her hands in the air and plopping down onto the couch.
"You don't get what?" Gavin asked trying to calm her.
"My parents." Alyssa said her voice muffled as she pressed her face into a cushion.
"Did they do something?" Gavin asked; voice serious, his eyes narrowed.
"Oh they did something," Alyssa sat up looking into Gavin's eyes. "But nothing horrible. Far from it."
"Then what was it?" Gavin asked confused. Alyssa told him what happened just minutes after he left.
"They want to meet me?" Gavin asked in disbelief. Alyssa nods.
"And then tonoight they went out and when they come home I don't know what to do because usually when they go out and then come back..." She rambled.
"It'll be fine," Gavin said softly.
"How do you know that?" Alyssa pouted throwing her hands on her face bowing her head.
"I just do." Gavin said taking her hands in his, willing her to look at him. "Besides, I'll be by your side the whole time."
Alyssa awoke to the soft yells of her parents arguments. It was two o'clock in the morning and she was the least bit surprised to be woken up. She got up from her bed and walked over to the door. She placed a hand on the wooden frame and pressed her ear against it.
"What if she questions us?" Mrs. Cameron yelled quietly.
"She won't." Mr. Cameron said.
"And how can you be so sure?"
"Because she's Alyssa!" Mr. Cameron yelled furiously. "Name one time she has questioned us!" Mrs. Cameron didn't say anything and averted her gaze.
"Exactly," Mr. Cameron said simmering down. "Now, just go to bed."
"Gladly," Mrs. Cameron muttered pulling the covers over her body.
Gavin came over to Alyssa's house right on time. He was a little nervous but only because of Mr. Cameron. He knew that the slightest thing would make him furious. He simply couldn't stand the sight of him, let alone being in his presence but he didn't dare tell Alyssa.
Alyssa opened the door and instinctively peered over his shoulder. She stepped aside playing all of the nights events through here mind. Imagining every way possible that this could go wrong. She turned around after shutting the door waiting for her parents to come down the stairs. After moments of waiting, Mrs. Cameron practically ran down the stairs.
"Well look at you," She said with a smile from ear to ear. "You are even cuter in person."
"Back off mom, he's mine." Alyssa joked trying to lift some of the tension she could tell Gavin was feeling. Alyssa's mom burst into a fit of laughter.
"You must be...." Mrs. Cameron said waiting extending her arm letting Gavin finish the sentence.
"Gavin Reed." He said taking her hand.
"Oh that's a cute name," Mrs. Cameron giggled. "Just think, Alyssa Paige Cameron-Reed. Oh how cute."
Alyssa looked away before sneaking a peek at Gavin's amused face. She was sure she was blushing hard. She had no idea her mom would have said that. She looked into her mom's brown eyes and searched for some kind of answer. Usually when Mrs. Cameron had a smile on her face and in her eyes, there was some sort of hint that she was still as sour as she has ever been. As Alyssa looked, she couldn't find anything other than pure happiness. Mrs. Cameron was genuinely happy to see someone taking such good care of her daughter.
"Oh how cute, your blushing hun. I see no reason." Mrs. Cameron pointed out slightly laughing.
Gavin looked at Alyssa and seen her blushing a dark crimson. He thought it was so cute of her to be blushing over him. Alyssa Paige Cameron-Reed sounded like music to his ears. He loved it and he loved her. Gavin smiled at the both of them with a huge grin on his face. He thought Mrs. Cameron was very amusing.
"What do you think, Gavin?" Mrs. Cameron asked.
"The cutest." He smiled grabbing onto Alyssa's hand.
"What's the cutest?" Mr.Cameron asked walking down the stairs with a small smile on his face.
"Our daughter," Mrs. Cameron answers.
"I'll say," Mr. Cameron said calmly. Gavin tried his hardest to not narrow his eyes in hatred while looking at Mr. Cameron. He was the one person he despised most. He looked away trying to calm his mind letting go of Alyssa's hand and gently rubbing his neck.
"Shall we eat? I made dinner," Mrs. Cameron announced breaking the awkward silence that had briefly came amongst them.
"Oh yes," Mr. Cameron said motioning everyone towards the dinning room.
The four of them ate dinner in anything but silence. It never came near silent with Mrs. Cameron there. She was practically glowing. She lifted the mood with her stories and amusing jokes. Mr. Cameron sat and listened and laughed only at rare times. His eyes were focused on Gavin the whole time and noticed that Gavin never looked his way, not even once.
As dinner was coming to an end, Alyssa looked around the table. The night came nowhere near the disastrous events that played in her head hours before. She was pleased with this night but there was one problem. Her father. She could tell her father was trying to bring the mood down with his death glares and mind shattering laughs. Whatever it was that he did or said, Mrs. Cameron simply wouldn't allow it. She simply ignored him and gave all her attention to Alyssa and Gavin.
"While they're in the kitchen, I suppose we should have a little talk." Mr. Cameron said lowering his voice motion to Mrs. Cameron and Alyssa cleaning up a few things.
"About what." Gavin said, gaze fixed on Mr. Cameron.
"About my daughter." Mr. Cameron said slowly.
"Clearly we don't. There's nothing to talk about anyways." Gavin said coldly.
"You better not hurt her." Mr. Cameron threatened.
"Or what?" Gavin said narrowing his eyes into small slits.
"You don't want to know." Mr. Cameron said, a smirk playing at his lips.
"Yea," Gavin scoffed. "Besides, i'm not the one who's been hurting her."
"What did you say?" Mr. Cameron hissed, hands tightly gripping the edge of his table.
"You heard me," Gavin spat glancing towards the two women walking into the room.
"I think I better go," Gavin said turning towards Alyssa, his face softening.
"Okay," Alyssa whispered.
"Well, Gavin, it was so nice having you here. We'll have to do this again. You're just a pleasure to be around." Mrs. Cameron said hugging him as if he was her son. Mr. Cameron narrowed his eyes and almost exploded with rage.
"Thanks a lot for having me." Gavin smiled at her softly.
"Well, I suppose you should walk him out Alyssa," Mrs. Cameron said squeezing her hand gently.
"Alright," Alyssa walked Gavin out of her home and down the drive way where she was sure her parents couldn't hear them.
"What did you think?" Alyssa asked holding on to Gavins hand.
"It was fun," He smiled. "Your mom is totally cool."
"Yeah, she was awesome tonight." Alyssa laughed thinking back on it.
"Definitely," Gavin sighed. "Well I better be going. What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked quickly.
" I don't know yet. I have to see what's up with them," Alyssa smiled hoping she'd be able to spend it with him.
"Okay, well i'll call you." Gavin said squeezing her hand. Her kissed her slowly before letting go.
"I love you," He said softly.
"I love you too."
As soon as Alyssa walked into her house Mr. Cameron sped right out the door. She gulped and looked towards her mother. She was smiling softly while humming a tune that Alyssa wasn't familiar with. She took a deep breath before walking over to her.
"Where's dad going?" She asked.
"I don't know. He was having a fit." Mrs. Cameron sighed, still smiling. "He was being sour."
"Oh," Alyssa muttered.
"Listen," Mrs. Cameron started. "Tomorrow I have nothing to do, so I planned a girls day out. I know you'd much rather spend your Saturday with Gavin, but we need some time together don't you think? Besides, you have all day Sunday."
"What about dad," Alyssa questioned.
"You and I both know we don't want him to tag along." Mrs. Cameron said calmly. " Besides, he would make the mood drop. Much like he tried to do tonight. Such a prick he was being." Alyssa laughed at her mother. She never heard her mother talk about her dad like that. Or even talk about her dad period.
"That boy you have there is wonderful by the way," Mrs. Cameron stated turning towards Alyssa.
"He really is," Alyssa smiled.
"Lucky you," Mrs. Cameron said pulling her daughter into a hug. "Lucky him.
Lucky us, Alyssa thought.
Chapter 10: Dirty Little secrets
"Alyssa, Get up sweetie! We're going out!" Alyssa's mom yelled throwing a pillow at her.
Alyssa lifted her head up from under her pillow and glanced at her mother. Mrs. Cameron started laughing as she stared at her daughter. Her hair was touseled and tangled into a black mess. Her eyes were squinted as she tried to keep most of the light away. Alyssa quickly sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"Come on dear, you need a shower. After, come down stairs and we'll head out. Alright?" Mrs. Cameron smiled and hopped down stairs. She met Mr. Cameron with a smile and watched as he drank his coffee.
"I'm going to go soon." He said looking straight at Mrs. Cameron.
"Okay," Mrs. Cameron said turning to give him a quick and reluctant kiss on his cheek. She didn't want him getting suspicous about what she planned on revealing to Alyssa. Something she knows he wouldn't approve of.
"Going out today?" He asked.
"Yep," She replied warmly.
"Where are you going?" Mr. Cameron asked concerned.
"Taking her out. Trying to get her to earn my trust." Mrs. Cameron said turning to walk to the sink. Mr. Cameron gets up and stands behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. His lips at her ear when he whispers,
"She won't find out, it's only a matter of time before she trust you fully. Don't worry about it,"
His voice sent chills down her spine and Mrs. Cameron did her best not to shiver under his touch. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath thinking about all she planned to finally reveal to Alyssa. She wanted to be a real family, she always wanted to be. Now that Gavin came into the picture, she hoped that maybe they actually could be a family. She saw something in Gavin that made her feel like things were bound to change for the better.
Mr. Cameron took one look at his wife and almost instantly remembered why he fell in love with her. How he felt for her was simple, but the way he feels when he looks at Alyssa brings him to shame. When they had Alyssa they were too young to be real parents. It's the main reason why he resented Mrs. Cameron's decision to keep Alyssa. He never wanted kids, it was too much of a responsibility for him. The only way he deals with it is to bring fear upon his daughter and wife. Mr.Cameron gave his wife one last peck on the cheek before leaving.
Alyssa walked downstairs and seen her mother cleaning up the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks and watched for a minute. She lifted an eyebrow and wondered why her mother was being so kind. She hated to say it, but she didn't know that she had it in her. She tried to figure out the conundrum of the day; what her mother could possibly want to tell her. What was serious enough that she couldn't just tell her at home?
Alyssa's phone rang and she jumped at the sound of the sound of Leona Lewis' voice singing happy. Mrs. Cameron quickly turned around and saw her daughter reading what appeared to be a text message. She gave a her a small smile even though she knew Alyssa wasn't looking. She wasn't sure about how Alyssa was going to take the news.
"You ready?" Mrs. Cameron asked.
"Yeah," Alyssa said looking up from her phone.
"Okay, let's go." Mrs. Cameron said leading her daughter away from home.
Mrs. Cameron and Alyssa went out and bought whatever clothes they felt like for a first few hours they were together. Around four o'clock Mrs. Cameron went to take Alyssa to an ice cream shop. She decided that she was going to tell her what she's been waiting to tell her all day. She was procrastinating from the moment she got up this morning but she decided she couldn't wait any longer.
As they sat down, Alyssa looked at her mother with suspicous eyes. As she saw Mrs. Cameron looking her way, she forced her face to soften. Instead, she looked at her questioningly before taking a deep breath. Alyssa decided to finally ask the question she has been worrying about the whole morning and was worried about the reaction she would get. She was worried about the ramification her question would bring.
"Mom," Alyssa said shakily.
"Yes," Mrs. Cameron said smiling warmly.
"Um, why d-did." She stopped short and cleared her throat before steading her voice to speak again.
"What happened? Why have you ch-changed?" Mrs. Cameron frowned and took a deep breath of her own.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Mrs. Cameron started. "But that comes later. First I wanted to talk about the way your father and I have.....raised you." Alyssa nods and readied herself for the worst.
"Alyssa, I'm sorry. Over these past years i've treated you like something you scrape off of your shoe and it wasn't right." She began. "I'm not sure about your father, but i'm sure he's sorry too. I only wanted you to become stronger and I was too weak to do anything. I sort of hoped you would someday gain courage to stand up to your father. Now I have a different idea. A different form of hope."
"What changed?" Alyssa questioned.
"Gavin." Mrs. Cameron said simply.
"W-What?" Alyssa stuttered. "What does he have to do with anything?"
"Before, I officially lost all hope. Last month when we left, I was hanging onto the sliver of hope I had left in my heart. Then, when I seen you out there with Gavin, it made me happy. I have a feeling that things will change with him. I can see it already, Alyssa. I can see it in you. You are more happy, you are positively radiant and I know just a bit of that ceases everytime you step foot into this house. I don't want it to be like that."
Alyssa sat there stunned at the information her mom was giving her. She had a feeling that her mother was far from done. Gavin brought happiness and peace to Alyssa's mind. Gavin was Alyssa's hope and now she was finding out, after a day of meeting him, that it was her mother's too. She had so many questions but waited for her mother to continue.
"There's more." Mrs. Cameron closed her eyes and took another deep breath. "I'm sorry for telling you that I wish you'd never been born. I was trying to tear you down until....until you hopefully decided that you couldn't take it anymore. That maybe you would run off somewhere or finally stand your ground to one of us. At first I had hope for you, but now I found it in Gavin. He's the change i've been waiting for, Alyssa."
"But there's something else isn't there?" Alyssa asked. Mrs. Cameron nodded.
"There's one more thing....and it's the biggest one of all." Mrs. Cameron said nervously. "I-I-I'm not sure how you'll react. It's about where your father and I went last month. Where we went." Alyssa nods calmly.
"Where did you go?" Alyssa asked.
"I went to see...." Mrs. Camerons started. "I went to see your sister."
"You what?" Alyssa gasped. "M-My sister?"
Chapter 11: The truth
Mrs. Cameron nods and looks away avoiding her daughter's gaze. She waited for the question that was coming next and was worried about what Alyssa would think of her. She must of think of her as a horrid parent and this only adds to it. Mrs. Cameron was determined to change though, she wanted to change.
"But why? Why did you give her away? Why didn't you tell me about her?" Alyssa asked in disbelief.
"When I was pregnant, your father didn't want a child but he knew that he just couldn't drop you off at any random doorstep. When we find out that we were having twins-"
"Wait, you said twins?" Alyssa interrupted. Mrs. Cameron nodded.
"Anyways, your father of course was even more upset. I told him I wanted to keep both of you guys but he just kept saying no. I tried to negociate with him and eventually he said that we could only keep one." Mrs. Cameron frowned.
"And you chose me." Alyssa whispered. "What's her name?"
"Aly. Allison Cameron." She paused."Alyssa, I'm sorry for everything, really I am. You have to believe me, I don't want to go on like this anymore. I'm sorry." Mrs. Cameron looked into her daughters eyes hoping that she'd forgive her.
Alyssa looked at her mother and took in everything she had just said. Did she want the same thing? Did she want to forgive her? Does she trust her mom? Does she even want to trust her mom? Is she lying just to get sympathy? Countless amounts of questions ran through Alyssa's mind before making her decision.
Alyssa looked at Mrs. Cameron pausing for a moment. She let her hand fall over hers and looked her straight in the eyes. She squeezed her hand a little tighter, tears welling up in her eyes. She smiled softly hoping to relieve her mother's pain.
" It's okay, mom." She paused. " I forgive you."
Mrs. Cameron exhaled and a smile appeared on her face. She wondered how her daughter could be so forgiving. She knew that if it was her in Alyssa's position she would have been furious. She was lucky to have her as a daughter. She was lucky to get a second chance.
"But why?" Mrs. Cameron whispered.
"Because I believe you." Alyssa said blinking a few times trying to keep the tears from falling. Maybe her mom was right. Maybe things can change. Maybe things will finally get better.
Mrs. Cameron and Alyssa went home after their day around four o'clock. Alyssa was still trying to take it in. She still had a lot of questions. Questions like if Aly even knew about her and where did Aly even live? How did Aly feel about her parents? Did she think that they were horrid? Did she think they were the sweetest people? Did Aly even like them?
"Hey, Alyssa! I'm going out! I'll be home late! Don't wait up!" Mrs. Cameron yelled from downstairs.
"Alright! But Gavin's coming over!" Alyssa yelled back.
"That's fine!"
About fifteen minutes later Gavin knocked on the front door. Alyssa yelled a "Come in!" and watched as Gavin walked through the door. The moment she seen him, her heart jumped. She greeted him with a hug and smiled.
"Hey," He said hugging her tight. "How'd it go?"
"It was....not as I expected." Alyssa mumbled into his shirt." But then again, I didn't know what to expect."
"Do you want to elaborate on that?" Gavin asked laughing slightly.
"Well." Alyssa started but then stopped. She wasn't sure what she wanted to tell him.
"Well?" Gavin pressed slightly squeezing her hand to let her know that it would be okay.
"She basically told me that she was sorry. That she was trying to make up for it and that she never wanted it to be like this." Alyssa said quickly.
"What changed?" Gavin asked softly.
"You." Alyssa said slowly.
"Me?" Gavin asked shocked. He pulled away from Alyssa and looked into her eyes. "What do I have to do with this?"
"She said that she sees hope in you. That you have been the hope she's been waiting for. That you are the change she's been looking for." Alyssa explains.
"But how?" Gavin asked.
"I don't know," Alyssa lied. She knew exactly why. It was for the same reasons that she saw in Gavin. She didn't know how to explain it be she knew that Gavin was her saviour.
"Did she say anything else?" Gavin asked slowly.
"Just something. She said," Alyssa paused taking a deep breath. "She told me that I had a sister named Aly. A twin sister."
"You have a what?" Gavin gaped. "And you believe her?"
"Yes, I do actually." Alyssa paused. " I don't know how to explain it but I do. I could tell she wasn't lying. But after that she just kept saying that she was sorry for everything."
"And what did you do?" He asked.
"I told her I forgave her. That I believed her." Alyssa answered.
"And you're sure about that?" Gavin asked softly, stepping closer to Alyssa and taking her hands in his.
"I am," She whispered.
Alyssa woke up to a loud crash that sounded like glass hitting the floor. Her eyes flew open and she looked around seeing that it was still dark. She looked at the clock and seen that it was eleven at night. She saw her bedroom door crack open and the light peer in. She expected it to be her mother but saw her father walk through.
Alyssa squinted her eyes and watched her father edge closer. He stepped slowly towards her bed careful not to make noise. Alyssa tried to read the expression on his face, hoping to find an answer but to no avail. It was too dark for her to see anything.
"I know you're awake. Get up." He demanded.
"Where's mom?" Alyssa asked sitting up.
"She's not home. She's with a friend. And I said get up." Mr. Cameron hissed.
Alyssa got up and felt the cold floor beneath her feet. She took a small step near her night stand and held onto it for support. She groggily moved, still tired from waking up so abruptly. She looked at her father and waited for him to say something.
"What did your mother tell you?" He questioned.
"Nothing too important." Alyssa mumbled.
"She told you something, what was it?" Mr. Cameron asked growing impatient.
"She just said that you guys were sorry for how you treated me over the years and you were trying to make up for it." Alyssa said quickly, her words almost muffled.
"She said it was from both of us?" He asked.
"Yea," Alyssa answered. Mr. Cameron laughed a devious laugh and inched closer to Alyssa.
"She must have meant just her. Because I am NOT part of that category." Mr. Cameron cocked his head to the side. " What else did she say?" Alyssa stayed silently for a moment.
"What did she say!" Mr. Cameron yelled.
"Nothing. That was all." Alyssa said bringing her hands to her face and rubbing her eyes.
Alyssa felt two cold hands touching her and throwing her to the wall. Her eyes immediately flew open and she seen her father pressed against her, pinning her against the wall behind her. Alyssa felt the back of her head throb as she struggled to keep her focus. Mr. Cameron brings his arm around and hits alyssa in her stomach knocking all the air out of her body. He stepped back and watched as Alyssa hunched over and held her stomach.
Alyssa tried to cry but couldn't. She couldn't speak, she couldn't breath. All she could do was clutch her stomach and gasp for air. It hurt so much and Alyssa desperately tried to take in air but the air wouldn't come. Alyssa's eyes watered and tears slowly streamed down her face. As she caught her breath, Alyssa let out a small yelp. She breathed deeply, panting and taking all the air in as quickly as she could.
"You better not be lying to me," Mr. Cameron said venomously as he walked out of her room slamming the door.
Tears slowly streaked down Alyssa's face as she was still struggling to catch her breath. She sat on her knees hunched over and clutching her stomach. She burried her face into the ground and cried into it. Her head was spinning and she didn't know what to do. She just cried. She couldn't believe her father. For the slightest moment, she hoped he had changed too. But she was wrong, he hasn't and never will.
Alyssa seen the door inch open and she held her breath. She didn't want her father to catch her crying. He'd only hurt her more. When she seen her mother walk in she looked back to the ground. Mrs. Cameron ran over to her and wrapped her arms around her.
"Alyssa, what happened?" Mrs. Cameron said. Alyssa didn't answer. "Was it him?" Alyssa nodded.
"It's okay, Alyssa. It'll be okay." Mrs. Cameron comforted. "Shh...." Alyssa cried and to her mothers shoulder and held onto her tightly. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want to stay here anymore. She was going to go insane. She cried into her mother's shoulder until she fell asleep. Mrs.Cameron rested her back against Alyssa's bed and put her head on top of hers. She was exhausted, but this time she wasn't leaving her side.
Chapter 12: Anniversaries
Alyssa felt hot breath tickling the side of her neck. She squirmed under her sheets and opened her eyes. She saw her father hovering over her; watching her. Frightened, she jumped, up falling off of her bed and hitting her arm on the nightstand. Mr. Cameron laughed and stared at her. Alyssa's heart was racing and she didn't know what her father was up to.
"Seventeen years ago, this was the day that I found out we were having you." He said just above a whisper.
Mr. Cameron picked Alyssa up squeezing her arms tight and throwing her onto the bed. He climbed over her laughing a laugh that sent chills down her spine. He took in her scent and smirked. Alyssa shut her eyes tight hoping this was all a dream, that none of this was happening.
"You know," Mr.Cameron started. "You're going to go through hell before death do me part."
Mr. Cameron got up and laughed while walking to the door. He opened it and turned around before muttering, "Happy Anniversary, Alyssa."
Alyssa looked around the hallways hoping to spot Gavin. He hasn't been at school all day and she didn't know where he was. She wondered why he didn't bother calling her and hoped he was okay. Alyssa walked down the steps outside of her school and started to head for Gavins house. She knocked on the door but there was no answer.
Alyssa took out her phone and dialed Gavins number but it went straight to voicemail. She put her phone away and tried to not be paranoid. But she couldn't help herself, today was a day when she really needed a shoulder to lean on. After what happened last night and this morning, all she wanted to do is be with Gavin. She felt her phone vibrate and saw that her mom was calling. Alyssa ignored it and started heading for the lake.
Gavin closed his eyes and took deep breaths, feeling the wind slowly blow through his hair. His mouth slowly formed into a small smile as he remembered the memories of his father. His mind went through a series of events, tears slowly streaking down his face on this dreadful day. It was the anniversary of his father's death and he hated it everytime it came around.All of those wonderful memories were taken away when that horrid moment played through his mind.
Gavin sat in the back seat of his Father's silver honda civic. He sat there patiently waiting to finally be home after a long day with his parents.
"Gavin, did you have fun today?" Mrs. Reed asked.
"Yea, mom. It was cool." Gavin answered smiling.
"That's good, Gavin. Really good. We'll do this another time if you'd like." Mr. Reed smiled.
"Maybe," Gavin mumbled.
"I'm going to drop by the restaurant if you guys don't mind," Mr. Reed stated.
"Of course not," Mrs. Reed laughed.
Mr. Reed took his eyes from the road for a moment to glimpse towards Mrs. Reed. Within seconds, a fast moving vehicle rammed into the side of the car. The small car flipped over a few times before remaining immobile in the middle of the road. Gavin tried to move but found that he couldn't. He looked around and saw both of his parents lying unconcious in the front of the car. He wanted so desperately to move, to go to them but he couldn't. The pain was too much for him to handle; he felt better just lying there.
The sound of the two cars colliding made Gavin cringe a little; as much as he could in the position he was in. The sound of his father's bones breaking replayed in his mind and he knew that he was dead on direct impact. Gavin could smell the Gasoline seeping out of the car. He tried to call for help but his voice came out dry and hoarse.
Gavin's vision became blurry as his head began to throb in pain. Before he wasn't aware of it but it was becoming worse by the minute. He could feel the warm blood slowly spilling out of his body. Gavin's eyes drooped closed as he heard the sound of the police sirens get louder.
The sound of crackling leaves ripped Gavin from his thoughts. Gavin jumped up and spun around looking for the person that was there. He didn't see anyone at first and figured it was just an animal. Alyssa appeared in front of him and Gavin quickly turned around to hide his bloodshot eyes.
"Gavin?" Alyssa said slowly. She walked towards Gavin and took his hand. She could tell something was wrong, he would have looked at her by now.
"Are you okay?" She asked.Gavin cleared his throat.
"Yea, I"m fine," He said squeezing her hand a little. He quickly wrapped his arms around Alyssa and hugged her. He rested his chin on top of her head and shut his eyes.
Alyssa didn't object to Gavin's unexpected hug. For a moment, she wondered if he actually knew that she was hurting but thought against it. There was no way Gavin could have known unless her mom told him. But Alyssa knew she wouldn't do that. Would she?
Gavin's arms were wrapped tightly around Alyssa's body and he tried to loosen up a bit. He knew she was going to worry and ask him what's wrong so he just let the moment pass. Alyssa squirmed under his touch and tried to look up at him but could barely move.
"Gavin." She said in a muffled tone. "Gavin, where were you today?"
"Here all day?" She asked when he didn't answer.
"Yep." Gavin whispered.
"But why?" Alyssa asked pulling away from him. She saw him deliberately avert his gaze and tried to get a good look at his eyes.
"I---" Gavin started but stopped and closed his eyes again. Alysaa seen a tear fall from his eye and wiped it off with her thumb.
"Gavin, what happened?' She spoke softly, her voice nearly breaking. She didn't want to see Gavin cry, it was heartbreaking. "Gavin...."
"I'm sorry." Gavin whispered clearing his throat.
"For what?" Alyssa asked worried. She didn't know what he'd have to be sorry about. Usually when some says I'm sorry bad news comes right after and in this case, was Gavin breaking up with her?
"For me. For acting this way," He said sniffling and sitting on the ground.
"Gavin, I'm confused." Alyssa said sitting next to him. "What's wrong Gavin?"
"Remember that day when I was out in your balcony? After dinner?" Gavin asked softly.
"When you were---"
"Yes," He interrupted.
"And today is---"
"Yea." Gavin interrupted again. "I really didn't want you to see me like this."
"Gavin, I'm sorry and it's okay. There's nothing wrong with you being like this. Especially on this day." Alyssa comforted taking his hand.
"It makes me look really weak. I don't mean to sound shallow but it's just----" Alyssa shook her head motioning him to stop.
"No it doesn't." She whispered. "You are not weak, nor do you look like you are."
"Thank you," Gavin whispered leaning his head on her shoulders. "I love you."
Chapter 13: The gateway to hell
There was five minutes left of class until the weekend was here. Alyssa couldn't be any happier. She just wanted to go home and relax, and if she was lucky, her father wouldn't be anywhere within range. Alyssa glanced in Gavin's direction and gave him a small smile. As soon as the bell rang, she was out of her seat and heading for the door; going slow enough for Gavin to catch up with her.
Gavin raced up to her and draped his arm over her shoulder. He kissed small kisses all over her face and laughing. Alyssa turned around and hooked her arms over Gavins neck and kissed him on the nose.
"I think I like your nose better," She laughs.
"Really?" Gavin asks playfully. "Are you sure you don't like these better?" Gavin leans down and gives her a long caressing kiss and pressing her body to his.
"Well I take that back." Alyssa smiles.
"Alyssa," He whispers as he pulls away. "Guess what?"
"What?" She whispers playfully, giggling like a little girl.
"I love you," He whispers in her ear. "Shh...Don't tell."
"Don't worry," Alyssa laughs. " I won't."
"Good," He says as they leave the school campus.
"So tonight," Gavin starts. "If you need anything, please call me."
"Of course I will,"
"Hey Alyssa, I'm going out." Mrs. Cameron says, peering her head into Alyssa's bedroom.
"Going where?" Alyssa asked.
"With some new friends I made at work," Mrs. Cameron smiles.
"Friends?" Alyssa questions. "No offense, but I didn't know you had any friends."
"Well I do," Mrs.Cameron laughs. "But then again there's not a lot of things you don't know yet."
"And I'm hoping to know more."
"Indeed. Love you hun," Mrs. Cameron winks at her and hops off down the stairs.
Alyssa lays back on her bed and looks at her clock reading 9:43 p.m. She turns to her side and her eyes start to droop close. Her phone rings playing whatever it takes by lifehouse. She flips open her phone and smiles.
"Hey love," She answers in a fake english accent.
"Just having a cup of tea," Gavin laughs playing along.
"Aw, and you didn't invite me?" Alyssa wines.
"Sorry love, I don't know wot I was thinking," He apologizes smiling. Alyssa hears a door downstairs shut and looks at the time. She's back already, she questions.
"You're forgiven, but I must go now. My owners have arrived," She smiles.
"If you shall," Gavin says.
"I must," Alyssa states. "But i'll be thinking of you the whole time."
"Tis why I love thee," Gavin laughs. "Aw man, I so wish I was there."
"Me too," Alyssa says fiddling with her blanket.
"Do you know what i'd be doing?" Gavin says.
"I have an idea, but why don't you tell me," Alyssa insists.
"I'd be kissing you like a madman," He says. "But i'd only be pretending I was mad."
"No, no," Alyssa starts. "I'm pretty sure you have the crazy part down."
"That hurts love," Gavin plays.
"You'll be okay," Alyssa laughs. "But I do love you dearly."
"Oh I love you too." Gavin smiles.
"Good." Alyssa sighs. "Well I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Are you sure you don't want me to come over?" Gavin wines.
"I do, but we'll be okay." Alyssa says softly.
"You suck, Cameron. Did I ever tell you that?" He asks.
"Nope." Alyssa smiles. "But that's okay too."
"I love you," Gavin says.
"I love you too,"
"Sweet dreams, my angel," Gavin says. "Night."
"Good night,"
Alyssa shuts her phone and hops out of her bed. She steps out into the hallway and doesn't see anything. Every light in the house is turned off. Alyssa slowly feels around with her feet, careful not to step on anything. She trips over something in her way. As she falls, she finds herself rolling down the stairs with someone next to her.
Alyssa brings her head up and starts to feel around on the person beneath her. She hears a laugh that always sends chills down her spine and she instantly knew who it was. The light turns on and she sees her father underneath her. Alyssa jumps and stumbles to her feet.
"You should watch your step," Mr. Cameron says with a dark glint in his eyes. He steps towards her smiling; his eyes softening but still cold.
"It was dark," Alyssa says after a pause, stepping away from him.
She bumps into a wall and her father inches closer, almost closing the space between them. He takes her in, looking her up and down hungrily. Alyssa turns her face to the side and closes her eyes; her heart beating faster. Mr. Cameron puts his arms against the walls, preventing her escape. His cold fingers touches her cheeks and he turns her face to his.
"Open your eyes," He mumbles. Alyssa could smell the alcohol on his breath and obeyed his request.
"You have a pretty face," He says in a gruff, hoarse voice.
Mr.Cameron here's a click on the door and knew Mrs. Cameron was seconds away from walking in. He turns off the light and yanks Alyssa towards him. His hand cuffs her mouth to keep her from screaming. He brings the both of them to the couch and sits there quietly.
The front door opens and Mrs. Cameron walks through sighing to herself. She walks up the stairs silently and Mr. Cameron waited until he heard the door click shut. His grip on Alyssa becomes a little tighter.
"Remember when I said you were going to go to hell before you get rid of me?" Mr. Cameron starts.
"Welcome to hell and back."
Chapter 14: Back at square one
"Hello?" Alyssa answers as she picks up her cell phone.
"Hey, where have you been stranger?" Gavin asks as he walks out of his house.
"At home," Alyssa mumbles.
"What's wrong?" He questions. "I haven't heard from you all day."
"Nothing," She objects. "I have been tired."
"Does that mean I shouldn't come over?" Gavin asks with a frown."So you can get some rest."
"No!" Alyssa replies quickly."No, I want you to come. I'm just kind of alone here. Besides I really want to see you."
"Okay," He smiles. "I'll be there in a few."
"Alright. Just let yourself in, i'll be in my room."
"Kay, see ya."
Despite the fact that Alyssa was scared out of her mind by her father, she was hoping Gavin could somehow ease the pain. She didn't want to tell Gavin about it, so she wasn't going to. She figured that Gavin would blow a fuse if he heard about what her father did. She just wanted to enjoy the time she had with Gavin.
Hearing the door to her house open, Alyssa smiled to herself. She almost jumped up and ran downstairs just so she could be with Gavin faster. The door to her room opened and she was about to say something when she seen her father walk through. Mr. Cameron shut the door and leaned against it.
"Where's your mother?" He hissed.
"I don't know. I haven't seen her all day," Alyssa replied softly, looking down at her pillow. Mr. Cameron stayed silent for a moment before continuing.
"What did she say?" He asked.
"About what?" She asked innocently.
"About the day she took you out," He started. "You're hiding more than you're letting on, Alyssa. What did she tell you?!"
"What does it matter anyway?" Alyssa muttered under her breath; her eyes narrowed.
"What did you say?" Mr. Cameron spat stepping closer.
"Was I not speaking clearly enough?" Alyssa asked standing up. She knew that it was one of the worst decisions she could make at this moment but deep down she hoped that maybe he would back off just a little.
"No, you weren't!" Mr. Cameron yelled reaching for her as she dodged out of the way.
"Leave me alone!" She screamed as she tried to jump over the bed and onto the other side of the room.
"That damn boyfriend of yours is messing with your fucking head!" He screamed in anger still reaching for her.
Mr. Cameron caught her foot and she fell onto the floor face first. He heard someone outside of the house and wondered who was here. He looked at her daughter with a smirk on his face. She was holding her nose, trying to stop the bleeding. She got up and ran past her father and down the stairs. Mr. Cameron heard a knock on the door and went to open it. On his way down the stairs, he could hear Alyssa in the bathroom.
He opened the door with a devious smirk on his face. He looked Gavin up and down and almost slammed the door shut on his face. Mr. Cameron smiled softly putting on the fake charade that he knew Gavin could see right through. He almost jumped up in happiness when he seen the smile on Gavin's face turn into a death glare.
"Gavin!" Mr. Cameron spoke, making sure he was loud enough for Alyssa to hear. "How can I help you on this lovely day?"
"Is Alyssa home?" He asked clenching his fist tightly. It took all the strength in his body to not hit Mr. Cameron.
"She's," He started, smirking to himself. "In the bathroom cleaning herself up. But please, let yourself in."
Alyssa came out of the bathroom hoping to find her father gone. She watched Gavin carefully navigate his way around her dad and cursed herself for coming out of the bathroom with her hand still to her nose. The tissue was becoming bloodier the longer she stayed and stared at the two of them. Gavin's eyes grew wide when he spotted the blood. He walked over to her and reached for her nose.
"Alyssa, what happened?" He asked with concern in his voice.
"Oh, you know her," Mr. Cameron started. "She's such a klutz. But that's okay. I'm sure you'll watch her so she doesn't hurt herself even more."
Gavin glared at Mr. Cameron in disbelief, he wouldn't buy his story for the world. He saw a dark glint in Mr. Cameron's eyes as he watched him turn around and head out the door humming. He turned his attention back to Alyssa and his face softened.
"Really, Alyssa, what happened?" He asked hoping to get the truth.
"I fell," She answered looking down at her feet.
"Now you know I don't believe that," Gavin pleaded. "What happened?"
"Well, why not? It's what happened," She said raising her voice. She didn't mean to be rude about it but she didn't want to talk about it. "Never mind that. Please, can we just go upstairs and forget about the cause and take care of the effect?"
"Sure," Gavin whispered frowning.
Alyssa lay her head in Gavin's lap as she held a clean tissue to her nose. She closed her eyes and felt Gavin run his fingers through her hair. After what seemed like ten minutes she threw the tissue away and her nose finally stopped bleeding. She lay quietly in her bed slowly drifting asleep. Gavin waited until she was sleeping to get up. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered a silent goodnight before seeing Alyssa fidget.
She moved around trying to find something next to her but only felt the covers underneath her. Her eyes shot open and she quickly sat up. She looked at the door and wondered if Gavin had already left. She scrambled to her feet and ran towards the door before feeling a hand on her wrist. She quickly turned around and hit whoever was holding her as first instinct. She heard someone groan and looked at the person who was hunched over in pain.
"Gavin!" She yelped. "I-I'm sorry!"
"Shit, Alyssa," He mumbled. "That hurt."
"I-I'm sorry, really I am," She said quickly running to his side, her eyes tearing up.
"Don't worry about it," He said. "But that's some punch you got there."
"Yeah," She slightly laughed. "God, Gavin. I'm so sorry."
"It's alright, Alyssa. Seriously," He comforted. "Are you okay?"
Alyssa walked over to the bed and sat down. She took a deep breath and felt tears trying to escape her eyes. She put her hands over her face so Gavin wouldn't see her cry. Gavin wrapped his arms around her and let her lean on him. He was so confused but he didn't want to push his luck.
"Alyssa, what's wrong?" He asked. "Why are you crying?"
"I-I'm sorry," She mumbled repeatedly.
"No, Alyssa it's okay! Honestly, please don't cry." He said holding her.
"Please, don't go," She sobbed. "I'm so scared. Just don't go."
"I won't, don't worry." He kissed her on the forehead again and lay down with her still in his arms. He didn't know what was wrong but there has to be a reason for it and for some reason he had the feeling it was because of her father.
"Alyssa!!" Mr. Cameron yelled storming up the stairs.
Alyssa jumped up from her bed making Gavin jump too. She stood up as she seen the door fly open making her heart jump. As soon as Gavin was able to reach his composure he glared at Mr. Cameron. Alyssa wobbled on her two legs, still groggy from sleeping. She watched her father smirk as Gavin took her hand.
"What're you still doing here?" Mr. Cameron asked Gavin.
"What does it look like?" Gavin spat.
"Don't get smart with me boy," Mr. Cameron said.
"Whatever," Gavin said looking towards Alyssa.
"Now, if you don't mind you need to leave." Mr. Cameron said stepping away from the doorway.
"Actually, I do mind," Gavin says remaining stationary. "I'm not leaving here without Alyssa."
"Well, it's not like you have a choice." Mr. Cameron smiled.
"Go," Alyssa whispered letting go of Gavin's hand.
"What?" Gavin said surprised.
"I'll be okay, just go." She whispered.
"But, Alyss—"
"You heard her, now go!" Mr. Cameron said almost yelling, growing impatient by the second. He watched as Alyssa kissed him and rolled his eyes.
"Is this love fest over yet? I mean it's cute and all but you gotta go," He pretended to yawn.
Gavin reluctantly walked out of the house. Alyssa watched him go and was tempted to run after him. When he left her father was staring at her like a madman.
"How was it?" He asked smirking. "You know, the kiss."
"Fine," Alyssa mumbled looking down.
She heard the bedroom door click shut and her head instantly shot up. Before she could react her father was already pinning her to the bed. He laughed a menacing laugh sending chills down her spine. Alyssa was sure the little hairs on her neck was sticking up as tall as they could. She got a whiff of his breath and noticed that there wasn't the usual smell of alcohol. He was totally sober and this scared her even more. She almost understood if he was dead drunk but not if he was flat out sober.
Mr. Cameron kissed Alyssa on her cheek and laughed. He ran is fingers through her hair quickly pulling the locks and making it hurt. He bit down on her earlobe hard and listened to Alyssa whimper.
"Don't worry, you can make all the noise in the world you want, " He said. "No one will hear you."
Alyssa tried to fight back, hitting him as hard as she could but it didn't even bother him. She struggled so hard for an escape, hoping that some miracle could happen. She felt her father start to rip of her clothes and she screamed. He covered her mouth with his hand and yelling a "be quiet" to her. Her cries were muffled and faint as she kept fighting.
After what seemed like hours of fighting, she finally gave up and let her father have his fun. It lasted for hours and she cried and cried until she couldn't cry anymore. When it was all over her father crushed his lips to hers one last time before laughing as he left the house.
Alyssa's body was shaking as tears slowly spilled from her face. She didn't move at first and just laid there on her bed. When she stepped of her bed she tripped over a shoe that was left on the floor. She fell on something sharp and her eyes teared up a little. She looked at the ground and saw it covered in glass by her bed. She hadn't even notice it was there.
Alyssa noticed the blood slowly seeping out of her hand. She looked at the pieces of glass on the ground and touched a huge chunk of it with her bloody hand. She almost forgot how it felt to be cut open. She stayed there and stared at the glass like she was in a trance. Alyssa picked up the largest piece of glass that had her blood on it. She forgot. How could she possibly forget? Chapter 15: After Shock
"Alyssa Hun, are you okay?" Mrs. Cameron asked from the other side of the locked bedroom door.
Hearing her mothers voice unexpectedly made Alyssa jump. She wasn't going to say anything hoping she'd go away. It was six-thirty and Alyssa wasn't up to part for going to school. She cleared her throat before speaking after changing her mind about talking.
"Yea, I'm fine mom." She said. "I'm just feeling a little sick."
"Do you want to go to school?" Mrs. Cameron asked.
"No, not really," She replied.
"Okay," Mrs. Cameron said. "I'll be home around eight. I'm working a little late today."
"Okay," Alyssa said as she stood next to her bedroom door. She put her hand on the door knob slightly twisting it open so that she could whisper.
"M-mom?" She said hesitantly.
"Yes," Mrs. Cameron said knitting her eyebrows together in confusion.
"W-where were you?" Alyssa asked replaying the memory of her and her father. "L-last night."
"I went," Mrs. Cameron started, looking to her left and seeing her husband watch her. "To hang out with my friends."
She stared at Alyssa intently as if to say that she could not tell her right now but she'll tell her later. She gave a quick smile before hopping down the stairs.
Gavin looked around wondering where Alyssa was. She hasn't been to school for the past three days. She wouldn't answer any of his calls or reply to any of his text messages and he became filled with concern and worry.
After school that Wednesday afternoon, Gavin immediately went to Alyssa's house. He knocked on the door anxiously waiting for someone to answer him. A few short minutes later Mrs. Cameron greeted Gavin with a smiling face.
"Gavin!" She exclaimed. "What a nice surprise. Please, come in."
"Thank you." Gavin said giving her a soft smile. "Is Alyssa here?
"She's in her room," Mrs. Cameron answered frowning. "Um, Gavin?"
"Yeah?" He asked nervously.
"Is, is she okay?" Mrs. Cameron asked hesitantly.
"Um," He paused debating on if he should say yes and lie or no and tell the truth. "I don't know."
"She's been a little," Mrs. Cameron paused, searching for a word. "Different."
"How so?" He asked.
"She's been unusually quiet," She said slowly. "Her door is always locked and I haven't seen her out of her room all week. Much less in it. I mean I know I'm not home much because of work, but I should be able to see her sometimes."
"That's...Um," He sighed. " I really couldn't tell you, even if I wanted to. I just don't know anything."
"Maybe she'll talk to you," She frowned. "Please stay with her." She paused.
"As a matter of fact, I want you to bring her with you." She said sternly. "Before you go home, persuade her to come with you. I don't want her here with him alone. Not right now, not when she's like this. Okay?"
"Has he done something to her?" Gavin asked after a moments pause, anger slightly building up.
"Not that I know of," Mrs. Cameron answered walking towards the door. "Make sure he doesn't.
"I will." He said nodding and going upstairs.'
Alyssa heard footsteps coming up the stairs and she knew someone was coming for her. She sat in the darkest corner of her room fidgeting with her fingers. She was mumbling under her breath, trying to blink back her tears. She crawled a few inches away from the wall trying to figure out who was coming. She heard a knock on the door and she felt her throat tighten. Alyssa looked at the piece of glass on the floor and then to her arms. She saw the cuts and scrapes and quickly pulled a jacket over herself. She pushed the pieces of glass under her bed and slightly cut her hand cursing under her breath. A small amount of blood seeped out of her hand and Alyssa closed her palm tightly, applying whatever pressure she could.
"Alyssa," Gavin called. "Alyssa, are you there?"
"Ye-yes," She whispered instinctively.
"Alyssa?" He called again twisting the door knob and opening the door.
Alyssa froze and stared at Gavin. She was on her knees and she didn't know what to say. She wanted to move, to go back into her corner, isolated from everyone. Her fingers started to tap the ground nervously and she started to mumble again.
"Alyssa, are you okay?" Gavin asked in confusion.
"I made you leave, I had no control, I couldn't do anything," She mumbled repeatedly.
"Alyssa," Gavin said reaching for her. Alyssa jumped back and scrambled into the corner bringing her knees to her chest.
"N-no," She mumbled quickly. "Don't come, leave me alone."
"Alyssa what happened?" Gavin asked slowly walking towards her. "I don't get it, Alyssa. I'm confused."
Gavin tried to reach for her again but she kept shaking her head and mumbling no. He got on his knees and slipped his fingers through hers. He tried to stand up, helping her do the same. He put his hand on her arm, gently tugging her upwards. Alyssa resisted, twisting and turning in his arms.
"Alyssa, it's okay. Look at me," He said assuringly, noticing she was closing her eyes. "Remember?"
He cradled her into his arms trying to hug her and ease her pain. Alyssa twisted and turned in his arms, bring her hands to his chest and trying to push him away. Gavin wouldn't let her leave and struggled to get her to stay still and calm down.
"Stop! Don't touch me! Leave me alone! Get off, get off!" Alyssa screamed, tears streaming down her face. "Not again, don't do it again!"
"Do what again," Gavin asked a little scared, letting go of her and watching her crawl back into the corner, her body rocking back and forth.
"Don't, don't touch me," She cried again, the words muffled as she laid her head into her arms.
"Alyssa," Gavin said feeling his throat tighten and hearing his voice falter a little. "Come with me, please. Come home with me."
"I c-can't. He's going to get me," She cried. "He's going to take me. I know it, I know he is."
"No he won't," Gavin said clearing his throat as best as he could. "You'll be safe with me."
Gavin held out his hand and hoped she would take it. He didn't want to make he any more distraught than she already was but he surely wasn't going to leave her here. He stared at her and waited for Alyssa to take it. She was really scaring him and he couldn't have been any more concerned even if he wanted to be.
Alyssa looked at Gavin's hand, tears still spilling from her eyes. She tried to get the memory of her father out of her mind but was failing miserably. She wanted Gavin to comfort her but she was too scared to let him do anything. She didn't want anyone to touch her in fear that someone was going to rape her again. She couldn't go through that again, not with anyone else.
Alyssa wiped the tears off of her face and took a few deep breaths. She could feel her eyes start to droop close and she didn't want to fall asleep here. She looked at Gavin's sad eyes and then to his outstretched hand. She shakily took it and waited for his arms to wrap around her comfortably. Her breathing was shaky as she forced her self to not whimper and cry. Alyssa closed her eyes and felt warm tears slide down her cheek. She didn't mean to cry, she didn't mean to freak out on Gavin, but she was scared.
Alyssa sat up on the bed and notice she was at Gavin's house but Gavin wasn't next to her. She looked around and said Gavin's name hoping he'd respond. She turned on the bedside light and looked around once more. She spotted Gavin in a chair in the corner of his room tied up. Her heart started to race and she started to go near him. She noticed blood trickling down the side of his face as he struggled to move. She saw him look into her eyes and never saw so much pain and agony in a person.
The room was still dark as she scrambled off the bed and towards Gavin. She felt a hand wrap around her waist and cover her mouth. She punched and kicked about but she still couldn't see the person who was holding her. She tried to scream but only muffled sounds escaped her lips. She heard the sound of a chair hitting the ground. Alyssa glanced towards Gavin's direction and saw him try to fight his way out of the rope he was tied in.
"It's not over yet," She heard a deep voice tell her. He laughed a laugh that she'd recognize anywhere. It was her fathers.
Chapter 16: Argument
Alyssa woke up screaming and kicking. She sat up on Gavin's bed realizing where she was. She saw Gavin look at her with a confused and weary expression. She watched him move towards her causing her to jump and fall off the bed with a loud thump. She reached up to touch the spot on her head where it hurt.
"Alyssa," Gavin exclaimed while running towards her. "Are you okay?"
Alyssa looking into Gavin's blue and green eyes and felt her brown ones start to water. She kept her hand on her wounded head as Gavin helped her up. She blinked a few times to keep the tears from streaming down her face.
"No, I'm not," She whined. " I had a stupid nightmare."
"What was it about," Gavin asked.
"Um," Alyssa gulped nervously. She still couldn't bring herself to tell Gavin that her nightmare was similar to what actually happened in reality. "I, uh."
"Alyssa," Gavin pleaded.
"I was alone," She lied. "I was the only one left and e everyone left because of me."
"Alyssa," Gavin sighed. "What happened?"
"I just told you," Alyssa replied shakily.
"Not about that," Gavin said."Earlier today you scared the hell out of me."
"I-I," Alyssa spoke feeling her throat tighten. "I was, um."
"Please," He whispered. "Tell me what happened."
Alyssa felt a warm tear slide down her cheek and she felt her chest clench. She wasn't exactly ready to tell Gavin what her father had done to her. She was sure that he would call the police and have him arrested and for some odd reason she didn't want him to go to jail. Alyssa felt like she had a need to protect him. She felt like she had no other choice, that it was how it is supposed to be.
"H-he did it, Gavin," Alyssa whispered.
"Did what," Gavin asked.
"He raped me," She whispered while looking down at the ground. Her voice was low and shaky, it was almost inaudible.
"He what," Gavin exclaimed furiously. "Who?"
Alyssa looked at Gavin with blood shot eyes. She was scared and Gavin being angry wasn't going to help anything. She hoped that by her not saying anything he would know who it was.
"Oh no," He said. "But that's—It couldn't---when---it was when I left wasn't it?"
"Yes," She whispered nodding.
"You have to turn him in. You can't let him get away with this. You'll be away from him for good," Gavin insisted.
"No! No, you can't," Alyssa cried grabbing onto him.
"Why? You have to," Gavin demanded angrily.
"Because you just can't," Alyssa mumbled.
"That is not even close to a reason," He said.
"I'll deny it anyway," She said turning away from him.
"What? You can't," He said.
"It's my choice Gavin," Alyssa said wiping a tear off of her cheek.
"Alyssa," Gavin said peeved.
"Gavin," She said mocking him. "You know it doesn't make it any better when you are angry."
"Alyssa, please do not try and turn this around to make it seem like I'm the bad guy," Gavin said crossing his arms.
"That's not what I am doing," She exclaimed.
"The hell you aren't," Gavin said practically yelling.
Alyssa sat on Gavin's bed avoiding eye contact. She didn't like the yelling and the fighting. She had always hated it because it never did any good to people. It only separated people and she couldn't bare be apart from Gavin. Not at a time like this.
"Gavin? Alyssa," Mrs. Reed said walking through Gavin's door. "Is everything alright in here?"
"Yeah mom, we're fine," Gavin lied, looking towards his mom then back at Alyssa.
"Just peachy," Alyssa said giving a small smile before standing up and walking out the door.
"Alyssa," Gavin said sighing.
Alyssa ignored Gavin and kept walking. She knew it wasn't the best thing to do but she didn't want to argue anymore. She knew that Gavin was right but she did not intentionally make him seem like the bad guy. She hoped that maybe while she was gone that it would give him enough time to cool off and then she'll be able to discuss he reasons calmly. It was too much of a fantasy but it was worth a shot.
Alyssa started to walk towards her house out of habit. She quickly turned away and started to walk towards the lake. She sat at the edge and listened to all of the nature around her. At this time at night, it was no surprise that she could here all the crickets and some of the birds chirping.
Alyssa heard the sound of twigs breaking and crumbling and she quickly turned her attention to where the noise was coming from. She didn't see anyone and she began to stand, ready to take off if anyone was there. She heard a faint snicker and began to back up. She bumped into something and turned around and saw a big man standing behind her.
Leaving no time to scream, Alyssa jolted off into the opposite direction, running as fast as she could. She could hear the man chasing after her and she turned around to see how close he was. She turned her attention back to the path in front of her and failed to see the roots of the trees sticking out of the ground. Alyssa tripped over the large roots and stumbled to get back up, her heart racing. She felt the mans hands start to pick her small body up. She squirmed and tried to break out of his grips.
"Alyssa, sweetie," Mr. Cameron whispered into her ear. "You can run, but you can't hide."
"Come on Alyssa, Please pick up," Gavin said to himself while dialing Alyssa's number for the third time.
"Where are you?" Chapter 17: Her whereabouts
It's been a little over a couple days and Gavin's concern for Alyssa grows larger. He sits down onto his bed and places his face in his hands angrily. He was sorry that he argued with Alyssa and he couldn't help but think that if he did not argue with her, then she'd be here with him right now.
Gavin was really worried and frustrated. He barely ate any of his meals and he barely slept. He looked like a mess but he did not care, all he wanted was Alyssa.
Alyssa woke up in an old house. She looked around and saw the house built with old wood that was withering away. It was dark and she could not see a thing, no matter how wide she opened her eyes. She listened to the room and it sounded like it was empty. She started to crawl on her hands and feet to try and get a visual of where she was and what was in there for her. The floor creaked under her every move and she cringed at every sound. Hearing something from behind her, Alyssa stopped dead in her tracks. She slowly sat on her but and turned around, trying not to make any noise.
"So you are awake," A voice all too familiar spoke.
"D-dad," Alyssa stuttered.
"If not me, than who else would it be," He stepped next to the window, the moonlight slightly hitting his face.
"Don't worry," He said. "I'm not going to force you to have sex with me again. At least not now, anyway."
"But I don't understand. Why are—"
"Because I want to," He moved closer to Alyssa and grabbed her by the arm.
Alyssa felt a warm tear slide down her cheek and her heart sped up. Something was going to happen to her in a few seconds but she did not know what to brace herself for. Was it going to be another beating? Was he going to rape her again? She felt something shove her back and she found herself lying onto the floor.
"Don't you see," He said crawling over her. "I enjoy it."
Mr. Cameron grabbed Alyssa's head in both of his hands. He picked it up and quickly slammed it against the ground. He listened to Alyssa cry in pain and laughed. He felt no remorse for his actions and couldn't care less if he went to jail after he's done with her. He wouldn't be surprised if the police rammed the door down any second. He didn't pick the best place to keep her, it was just an old abandoned house. It wasn't in the middle of no where, it was in the middle of everywhere. It is hard to miss.
Mr. Cameron gets up and smirks as he watches her hold her throbbing head in pain. He wasn't going to say anything because he did not want to ruin this glorious moment but he decided against it.
"Alyssa, did your mother tell you about your sister," He leans against the wall behind him. Alyssa shakes her head no.
"Her names Allison," He said smiling at the memory. "I didn't want her, just like I didn't want you. It was you are her. I made a random decisions so don't go and feel special."
"Is it just me," She mumbles sitting up.
"What," He asks.
"Do you beat her too," She asks a little louder, dragging her body to the opposite end of the room with her hands.
"No. But that's because I can't," He mumbled.
Gavin heard a knock on his bedroom door and woke up from his hazy sleep. He jumped out of bed and ran to the door hoping it was Alyssa. His heart sunk when he saw his mom standing on the other side. He stepped aside and let her in, watching her walk over to his bed. Mrs. Reed sat down onto Gavin's bed, placing her hands into her lap.
"Gavin, how are you," She asks worriedly.
"I'm fine," He sits next to her.
"And Alyssa," She asks.
"She's," Gavin paused thinking about what he should say."Okay."
"Look," Mrs. Reed started. "I know you guys are having trouble."
"We got into a little argument, that's all," He mumbled averting his gaze.
"You look a mess Gavin," She frowns.
"Gee, thanks," He mumbled.
"Has she been at school," Mrs. Reed asks.
"Yeah, we just haven't been talking," Gavin lied.
"But why,"
"It's complicated, mom."
Gavin looks away feeling his eyes water. He didn't like to lie to his mom and he didn't like the fact that he didn't know where Alyssa was. He had no control over anything, no say in anything and he didn't know what to do. Gavin felt his mom's soft hand on his and he forced himself to look at her. He felt a tear fall from his eye and he closed them. Mrs. Reed pressed his head into her shoulders and held him.
"You can't be strong all the time." She said.
"But everything will be okay." Chapter 18: Looking for Alyssa
Early in the morning Gavin heads over to Alyssa's house. He knocks on the door and patiently waits for an answer. Thinking of Mr. Cameron, Gavin straightened up and braced himself for the worse. He saw Mrs. Cameron open the door and loosened up. Mrs. Cameron looks relieved and motions for Gavin to come inside.
"Gavin," She paces back and forth. "I'm worried."
"Is it about Alyssa," He asked sitting down on the couch.
"Yes, Have you seen her? I'm worried."
"No," Gavin puts his face in both of his hands. "I'm sorry."
"For what," Mrs. Cameron asks.
"I was supposed to protect her, I didn't," He mumbled.
"Oh honey," Mrs. Cameron said sitting next to him. "It is not your fault."
"We had an argument. I really shouldn't have, especially after what she had said," He stood up and started to walk around.
Gavin looked at Mrs. Cameron and frowned. Alyssa looked so much like her mother and it almost hurt him to look at her. He didn't know what to do. Was he supposed to call the cops? He knew Alyssa wouldn't like that but he had to do something. Did her father kidnap her? Is her father going to rape her again?
"What were you guys fighting about," Mrs. Cameron frowns and looks at Gavin with sad eyes.
"Um," He pauses and tries to carefully select his words.
Gavin did not want to tell Mrs. Cameron that Alyssa was raped by her father. What would she think? Would she blame him for the rape? After all, Gavin was supposed to protect her and she ended up getting raped. He knew he was the worst at protecting Alyssa. What was he supposed to do? How could he help bring her back? She's out there and there is no doubt that Alyssa is with her father.
"About her dad," He said. "He hurts her. A lot, more than you know."
"I know," Mrs. Cameron said after a long moment. "I don't know what to do Gavin."
"Me too," He looked at her and felt the need to comfort Mrs. Cameron. He started to walk towards her but stopped, knowing she wasn't finished.
"He has her Gavin," She stood up and walked over to him. "He hasn't been home in weeks and neither has Alyssa."
"Maybe," He paused. "Maybe we should call the police."
"No!" Mrs. Cameron exclaimed. "We can't!"
"But why," Gavin threw up his hands in disappointment. "What is wrong with that? When I suggested that idea to Alyssa she said the same. After what she told me, how could I not want to call them."
"Because we just can't," Mrs. Cameron said. "Wait."
"What," Gavin knitted his eyebrows together in confusion and waited for an answer.
"What did Alyssa tell you," She asked.
Gavin swore under his breath. That part about Alyssa slipped out. What was he supposed to tell Mrs. Cameron now? Gavin stared at her and tried to buy enough time to think. He could tell she was getting impatient and decided to just tell her the truth.
"He raped her," He looked down at his feet.
"What," Mrs. Cameron whispered. "Oh no. I didn't think he would ever do that again, not to her anyway."
Mrs. Cameron took a deep breath and sat back down. She could not believe her husband would do such a thing. She knew he was a monster, but raping his own daughter? Who does that? Mrs. Cameron shook her head and disbelief. She couldn't help but feel like this whole thing was her fault.
"What do you mean again?" Gavin asked suddenly.
"I—" She looked around searching for words. "He did that to me too."
"What!" Gavin exclaimed, he's eyes practically popping out of his head.
"Oh my gosh," She stood up and paced back and forth. "Gavin this is all my fault!"
"What? How? I don't—"
"I knew marrying him was a bad idea! I shouldn't have, I really shouldn't have!" She exclaimed. "I could have had Alyssa and Allison on my own. I would have been just fine. I didn't want to abort them but what if I had? None of this would have ever happened."
"What? No!" Gavin said frustratingly. "That would have been a terrible idea! I'm so ecstatic that you had both of them! It isn't your fault! It's that asshole of a father's fault!"
"What are we going to do," Mrs. Cameron asked, her voice slightly cracking.
"I don't know."
Gavin looked at her and remembered what happened with him and his mother. He walked over to Mrs. Cameron and wrapped his arms around her. He remembered crying on his mom's shoulder about this whole situation. Now it was his turn to be smart about everything. It was his turn to be strong. It was his turn to lend a shoulder to lean on.
"But it'll all be okay."
Mrs. Reed sat down at the diner table with a mug filled with tea in her hands. She stared off out of the kitchen window and contemplated her decisions. She wondered what was wrong with Gavin. Where was Alyssa? Why were they arguing? She wanted to help Gavin, she was worried.
"What am I going to do," She asked herself.
She heard a knock on the front door and she quickly turned her head to the direction where it came from. She hesitated for a moment and hoped it was Alyssa. If it was Alyssa then this madness could all disappear and everything could be back to normal. Right?
Mrs. Reed placed her mug onto the wooden coffee table as she passed the living room. She walked slowly and straightened up her clothes and made sure she looked almost decent. She opened the door and saw a man standing in front of her. He had brown eyes that looked strangely familiar. He was tall and had black hair.
"Can I help you," She asked curiously.
"Is there a," He paused looking at a white envelope with small letters printed onto it. "Gavin Reed here?"
"Yes, he's my son," Mrs. Reed answered. "He's not here right now."
"My name is John." He smiled. " I found this letter while I was walking my dog. It was addressed to this address so I thought I would just hand deliver it."
"Does it have a name from where it came from," Mrs. Reed asked.
"No. It just says Gavin Reed and then the address."
"Okay," Mrs. Reed takes the envelope and begins to shut the door.
She watches the stranger walk away and questions him. As she shuts the door, she took another look at the envelope. Mrs. Reed walks all the way over to Gavin's room and places the envelope onto his pillow. She wanted to read it and see who it was from. Her curiosity grew stronger but she had to have some faith in her son.
She shook her head and tore open the letter. There wasn't much words printed on it. All it said was, "Dear Gavin, good-bye. Signed, Alyssa." She would never leave him, Mrs. Cameron thought. Who was that man, John? Why did he look so familiar?
She walked over to the window and saw a figure in the distance and felt her heart jump. It was that stranger, John. He was staring at the window and he was smirking. Mrs. Reed got a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach and quickly shut the door. She ran downstairs and made sure all of the windows and doors were locked. What was going on here?
Mr. Cameron walked through the old bedroom door and looked at Alyssa. He smirked and laughed at the thought of Mrs. Reed. He walked towards Alyssa and watched her cringe in fear. He laughed again and sat next to her, taking a deep breath.
"Dear Gavin," Alyssa said. "What else did it say."
"Good-bye," Mr. Cameron grinned.
"Has forever come yet," Alyssa looks away and squeezes her eyes shut. "You couldn't have possibly handed it to him."
"Oh don't worry," He laughed. "They both got the message."
"Both?" Alyssa said, quickly looking at him.
"I'm sure his mother got the message too." Chapter 19
Alyssa opened her eyes awaking from a hazey sleep. She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times, trying to acquire a good vision of the room around her. The room was dark but not too dark as to where she couldn't see. For a moment, Alyssa forgot where she was. She looked to her left and saw a laptop on a computer desk. She looked towards her chained ankle and hoped that the chain would reach far enough. She crawled towards the desk and extended her arm as much as she could. Her fingers moved over the keyboard and slipped off, pushing the laptop away. She cursed under her breath and tried again. Once she got a good grip, she pulled it towards her and flipped it open.
She clicked on her fathers e-mail and clicked on compose new message. She quickly typed in Gavin's e-mail hoping that he would get the message instantly from his cell phone. If he came fast enough, then she could make an escape. She clicked on the body and started to type her message:
Gavin, it's Alyssa. DO NOT reply to this message. I somehow found access to a computer but I am starting to think that it wasn't on accident. Anyway, I don't have much time. I need your help, I'm scared and I don't know what my father is going to do. I'm at the old abandoned house on Gracie avenue. Please hurry. I miss you. I love you.... -Alyssa.
Alyssa started to delete the message from the sent folder. She heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards her room. Her eyes flickered to the door and she paused for a moment. She shut the laptop and placed it back onto the desk, quickly moving into the corner she was previously in. The doorknob started to flick up and down and Alyssa's eyes were instantly drawn to it. Her heart began to race and as she watched the door open, she held her breath.
"What's this?" Gavin mumbled as he picked up the little white envelope off of his pillow.
Gavin squinted his eyes, unsure if he was reading the words correctly. There was no way Alyssa could have written any of these words. Plus, he knew she had better penmanship than this. Gavin looked around the room for any other signs of Alyssa's presence. Was it possible that Alyssa was actually there? She couldn't have been, he thought. He saw that the drapes over his window was closed. Gavin thought that it was weird, he never closed his drapes.
Gavin felt something moving in his pocket and looked down. He pulled out his cell phone and saw that he had one new message. It was an email. He looked at the address and read [email protected]. He started to read the e-mail and he suddenly felt somewhat relieved. It was from Alyssa.
"Mom!" Gavin yelled turning on his feet. "Mom, where are you?"
Gavin walked through his entire house looking back and forth and didn't spot his mom anywhere. He started to walk out the door and looked back. Something was different but he didn't know what it was.
Alyssa watched the wooden door slowly start to creep open before slamming open.
"What the hell is this?" Mr. Cameron spat as he entered the room enraged.
"What are you talking about?"
Alyssa looks at the strands of hair that his clutched between her father's fist. She knew it wasn't her hair and she let her eyes travel down and saw a body. It wasn't just anyone's body, it was Mrs. Reed. She watched her father drag Mrs. Reed into the room by her hair. She saw her face and spotted small amounts of blood on her clothes. Alyssa's mouth twitched as if she was going to speak.
"W-what did you do to her?" Alyssa whispered struggling to find her voice.
Mr. Cameron dropped Mrs. Reed's nearly lifeless body onto the floor and glared at Alyssa with a smirk on his face.
"It's not what I did," Mr. Cameron's face started to soften. "It's what she did to herself." Chapter 20:
Mrs. Cameron looks out of her window thinking about Alyssa. How could her father do such a thing? He was a horrid man. Mrs. Cameron always heard that sick things happened but she never would have imagined that it could ever happen to her and revolve around her life. She tried to think of the places that her father could have taken Alyssa. There wasn't too many places but there was only one that came across her mind. She squinted her eyes and saw Gavin making his way down the side walk.
"Gavin!" She yelled sprinting out of her house. "I know where she is!!"
"Me too," Gavin smiles softly.
"The old house on Gracie," They both said.
"How did you know?" Mrs. Cameron asked.
"No time," Gavin pulled her along and took out his cell phone. "She sent me this."
"C'mon," Gavin said heading towards the house.
"She needs help!" Alyssa cried. "She needs a hospital!"
"Forget about it," Mr. Cameron hissed.
"Gavin didn't do anything! Mrs. Reed did not do a thing!" She yelled. "Why does he have to pay! Why does Mrs. Reed have to atone? It makes NO sense!"
"The world revolves around you, Alyssa." Mr. Cameron smiled pleadingly.
"That's all fine and dandy but what does that have to do with me? Just leave them alone! Why won't you leave them alone?" Alyssa begged and pleaded..
"You still don't get it do you?" Mr. Cameron laughed venomously. "You're so stupid."
"Then explain it to me!" Alyssa said, her voice growing hoarse.
"It all is part of my plan to break you," He says.
"Haven't you broken me enough?" She asks, ignoring her hurting throat.
"Not quite," He smiles. "All that's left is Gavin."
"I don't understand," Alyssa shakes her head wishing that this was all just a dream.
"You're weak!" Mr. Cameron yells angrily. "You have always been weak! It's time to be strong Alyssa!"
"How the hell am I supposed to do that? You've got me locked in chains!" Alyssa exploded.
"Figure it out," Mr. Cameron turned to walk away but heard faint laughter growing louder behind him. It was a sick laugh, one who belonged to someone who was going crazy. "What's so funny?"
"And you call me weak," Alyssa says above a whisper, laughing with pity.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Mr. Cameron eyed her angrily, slowly taking steps closer to her.
"It means that I am not the weak one," Alyssa voice gets louder and louder intul she finds herself yelling. "When in reality, you're the weak one. You prey on the weaker kind! You attack who you know will not challenge you! That is not strength, father!" That is pure and utter weakness!!"
Mr. Cameron glares at Alyssa angrily. She's learning, he thought. He couldn't have been more proud of Alyssa. She was finally standing up to him and he underestimated her. Though, she wasn't ready, that wasn't enough.
"I'll show you who the weak one is."
Mrs. Cameron and Gavin opens the door belonging to an old abandoned house. Gavin walks in cautiously, observing the rooms carefully.
"Alyssa," He yelled. "Where are you?" He opened the door and spotted a body in the far corner. His heart jumped in fear and his throat started to tighten, his eyes becoming watery.
"Alyssa," He muttered running towards the corner and overturning the body. He saw the pale face of his mom and instantly came to tears.
"Mom," Gavin said. "Mom, mom, please wake up!"
"Gavin," Mrs. Cameron said walking into the room. "Oh, Gavin I'm sorry."
"He killed her," He cried. "She didn't do anything and he killed her."
He felt her phone vibrate and answered out of instinct.
"Hello," He sniffled.
"Gavin," Alyssa said.
"Alyssa?" He started to stand up. "Where are you?"
"Gavin, please help." She cried. "I'm home, he brought me home."
The line went dead and Gavin dropped his cell phone. He started to walk out of the room determined not to let anyone else get hurt, not like his mom did.
"Gavin!" Mrs. Cameron called after him. "Gavin please, don't act with rage!" Gavin stopped walking and faced Mrs. Cameron.
"He killed my mother and if I don't do something now, he'll do the same to Alyssa and I am not going to let that happen. I can't lose her too!" Gavin yelled angrily.
"Fine," Mrs. Cameron's voice became stern. "Do whatever the hell you want but do not act out of anger! You know damn well that your mom would not want it that way!"
Gavin's mouth nearly dropped open. He was shocked, even more than shocked. He was hurt, heartbroken, and afraid. Gavin fell to his nears, his tears spilling out of her eyes. He cried into Mrs. Cameron.
"She didn't do anything," He mumbled.
"I know honey," Mrs. Cameron said softly. "Neither of us did."
Chapter 21:
Mrs. Cameron and Gavin walked into Alyssa's home with caution. The house was dark and silent. Where could they be? Gavin thought. As the two of them walked up the stairs, their vision started to waver, everything was becoming harder to see. Gavin held his hand in front of his body as he checked for obstacles in front of him. Out of instinct, Mrs. Cameron held onto Gavin.
"I can't see a thing," She practically exclaimed.
"Me neither," Gavin agreed.
"I guess I forgot to mention that the house gets pretty dark sometimes," She gave a hesitant laugh.
"You don't say," Gavin mumbled sarcastically.
"No, no! I do say."
Despite all that was happening, Gavin was surprised, though happy, that Mrs. Cameron could make him laugh. Gavin looked behind him at Mrs. Cameron knowing he couldn't see and smiled. He started to take a few steps, hanging onto the wall next to him. He squinted his eyes and tried to peer his way through the dark. Down the hallway he spotted a glimpse of light that flickered on and off. He stopped in his tracks and waited for sudden movement. The sound of screams were finally heard and Gavin rushed towards the sound. He tried to open up the door but it wouldn't buge.
"Alyssa!" He yelled. "Alyssa!"
"Gavin!" She screamed between her own cries of terror.
Gavin tried to get the door to open but something was blocking it. He heard a glass shatter and became scared. He looked towards Mrs. Cameron and then back at the door.
"May I?" He asked.
"Break away," Mrs. Cameron chuckled nervously.
As Gavin broke into the room he quickly looked around and called Alyssa's name. He heard a shriek and his eyes darted towards the closet. He walked cautiously to the closet and began to open it. He heard the clanking noise of a chair hitting the floor. He saw Alyssa' struggling to get out of the chair she was tied to. She tried to speak but had tape over her mouth. Gavin quickly untied her and took the tape off of her mouth.
Alyssa hugged Gavin tight when she was free. She began to chuckle at the thought of her father. He was so silly and not in a good way.
"That was so cliche," She slightly giggled.
"What?" Gavin said confused.
"That was so cliche," She repeated. "As soon as you came to bust me out, he tied my up to this chair. Who does that anymore?"
"I don't understand," Alyssa looked down at her hands. "Where is he?"
"I don't know," She mumbled.
"Why are you so, so-"
"Not freaked out?" She interrupted.
"Well, yea." Gavin averted his gaze.
"I am," Alyssa mumbled. "I just thought that...I don't know."
"I'm still confused," Gavin said.
Alyssa stood up and laughed. She looked at Gavin and gave him a quick kiss and hugged him again.
"I missed you so much," She said.
"Me too," Gavin hugged her back but felt her pull away.
"Well to answer your question," She started. "I'm not sure where my father is but if I know anything about him he'll appear any second so it would be best if we get out of here."
"Alyssa," Mrs. Cameron said stepping into the room. "Alyssa!"
"Mom," She ran to her and gave her a hug.
"Oh I was so worried," Mrs. Cameron said. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"Not anymore," She answered. She saw something move in the reflection behind her and pushed her mom out of the door. "Come on, we have to go!"
The three of them started to run down the steps. They heard a noise and stopped moving. Mr. Cameron laughed as he sat on the couch knowing they couldn't see him. He watched them look around as he patted his side to make sure his weapon was there. He stepped a little closer to them and flicked the light switch up, reaveling everything in the room. There was shattered glass all over the floor.
"You people are so stupid," He laughed. "You could have turned on a light."
"Right, I should have thought of that," Mrs. Cameron whispered to herself.
"Really?" Alyssa nudged her with her elbow.
"Well it's true," Mrs. Cameron said.
"Precisely," Mr. Cameron smiled. He looked towards the person next to them and glared amusingly at Gavin. "Hey there son. Happy to be reunited?"
Gavin stepped towards him taking precaution. "Seriously, what do you want?"
"If I were to put that in words," Mr. Cameron said. "It would be too inappropriate for little Alyssa's ears." Alyssa's mouth gaped open in shock.
"Since when was I little Alyssa?" She asked stepping forward.
"Stay," Mrs. Cameron said watching Gavin nod in agreement.
"Alright," Mr. Cameron yawned. "Is the small talk over?"
Everyone stood still and waited for someone to make a move. Mr. Cameron lunged at Gavin with a smirk glued to his face. Gavin dodged and conteracted with a punch. Alyssa stared at the two of them with fear in her eyes. Fist were flying everywhere and she didn't know what to do. She spotted something black hanging from her fathers pants. It was small and metal. She stared at it and saw that it was a gun. She wanted to help but didn't know what to do. If she made a wrong move Gavin could die. If she made a wrong move, anyone could die.
Alyssa's eyes looked to the large shattered pieces of glass on the floor. It was like she was hypnotized. She stared at it and all the memories from the previous year flooded back to her. She remembered the countless times the she deliberately inflicted pain on herself and she remembered all the terrible beatings her father gave her. It was all so painful but if they never happened, maybe she would have never got together with Gavin. She looked at Gavin and her father as if everything was slowing down, as if the world was waiting for her to decide. It was her father, her own flesh and blood, or Gavin, the love of her life. Alyssa picked up a sharp piece of glass, handling it carefully so she wouldn't cut herself.
"Alyssa," Mrs. Cameron whispered. "Don't."
"I have to do something," She said.
"Not like this," Her mom said.
"Then how? Beg dady to stop?" Alyssa asked. "Really, mom? He was so cruel to rape me and beat me. Do you really believe that he won't hurt Gavin in an even worse way?"
Mrs. Cameron looked sad and she pressed her lips together knowing Alyssa was right. She knew that she wasn't going to do anything herself.
Alyssa looked away towards Gavin and her father. Her father was craddled on top of Gavin pinning him down. She saw him reach for his gun and quickly lunged at him driving the shard of glass into his side. She heard her father grunt and fall to his side and watched as the gun slid across the living room. She started towards the gun but felt something catch her ankle. She fell onto some glass and winced as little specks cut into her hands. She looked at Gavin and saw him slowly getting up. He looked badly beat up.
She rolled onto her back and ignored the crunching of glass. Her father pulled the glass out of his side like it was a splinter. She started to crawl backwards and watched her father get closer. Her hands were shaking and slowly crumbling under her weight. She watched her father lunge towards her and she cringed, closing her eyes. Noticing she wasn't tackled, she looked at Gavin and her father fighting again.
Alyssa scrambled towards the gun and picked it up. It felt heavy and cold. She checked how many bullets it was supplied with and saw only one. She had one shot. She held up the gun, her hands shaking and tears slowly falling out. She hoped she wouldn't miss. Alyssa took a deep breath and slowly started to pull the trigger.
After the bullet had left, she dropped the gun, her body shaking. All the comotion stopped and she prayed that she didn't hit Gavin. She looked towards him and saw shock and terror in her eyes. Her eyes fled towards her father and she saw him on the ground holding his wound. He was bleeding and gasping for air. Alyssa fell to her knees. She watched her father's head tilt upwards and saw him look at her.
"I-I am proud of you," He said between breaths.
"W-what?" Alyssa stuttered.
"You did it," He gave one last, loving smile before closing his eyes forever.
Mrs. Cameron ran to Alyssa and wrapped her arms around her daughter in a comforting mannor. Her eyes were slightly puffy and they started to tear up. She rocked back and forth with her daughter in her arms and said "shhh" to quiet her. Mrs. Cameron looked across the room curiously and saw Gavin sitting next to the wall shocked and exhausted. It's finally over, she thought. Epilogue:
Alyssa sat at her father's grave reading the note that she had found. It was in his hand writing but she couldn't believe the words that she was reading. It sounded nothing like him. He was so sincere and nice, nothing that he has ever shown her. Dear Alyssa,
I know that you probably don't understand my actions. What I have done and why I had done it. As crazy as it sounds, I did it for you. A lot of parents would not approve of my actions and my decisions but as It was MY choice and no one else's. Through out your life, you have lived believing that I disliked you. It seemed as though that I hated you. I, for one, am not great at showing feelings and that's partly why I have treated you the way I have. I have thought about my choice. It wasn't a matter of one day I rolled out of bed and thought, "Hey, maybe I don't like my daughter anymore."
I imagine that your mother told you that I never wanted to have kids. That was not entirely true. Yes, I did not plan to have you but it doesn't mean that it makes me upset and disgusted. I know that your mother told you about your sister and I don't exactly blame her. In order for me to persue my decision, I had to get your mother to believe the same as you.
I'm sorry, Alyssa, for all of the pain I put you and your mother through all of these years. This was my "sick" way of preparing you for life. No one could ever fully understand me and I don't want them to. All that really counts to me is that you grow up to be strong. I know that you probably hate me and if I know anything, I know that if you were raised correctly then you don't hate me because no matter what, you couldn't even hate something as small as a fly.
I really do love you and I am proud of you, Alyssa. You have grown to be such a lovely woman. Since I know you're reading this, that means that I probably am not alive. That was my intention. I planned everything out from the day you were born. Assuming that I am dead, I left you because I knew that you did not need me anymore. You have the love of your boyfriend and your mother.
Live your life and don't be afraid. That was the whole point of my "lesson." Don't be afraid of the world, don't be weak. You may have not noticed, but I noticed how you would go into your little "cocoon" and you cut off your whole social life. That's not right. I knew that eventually you'd have to open up and when you did, it was time for me to make the final moves. So I did and I ended up exactly where I wanted to end up: right where I am.
Do me a favor will you? Don't forget your father.
Your dad.
Alyssa read the note over and over again. He was right, she didn't hate her. There was no way that she could hate him. The truth was, she loved him even though she didn't understand him. A tear fell from her eye. These words that she held in her hands were the only nice things that he has ever said to her and she held it close to her heart. She thought that she must be crazy as well. Had it been anyone else, they would never forgive such a person for doing things like my father did and although he thought that she couldn't understand, she really did understand.
Alyssa peered over her shoulder and watched her mother and sister wait for her. Alyssa stood up and held a bouquet of flowers in her hands. She stepped towards his grave and neatly placed it next to the gravestone. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and muttered her last words.
"I love you too, dad."
Publication Date: June 26th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-insanemindfreak |
Chapter 8 "He Shoots, He Scores!"The wind, blowing this his hair, it was a bright and sunny day. Koby was driving over to Jade's house for their 2 week anniversary with gifts galore in his trunk. He parked in her driveway and carried all of the gifts up to her door."Uhhhhh." Koby said, seeing he had no hands to ring the doorbell. Instead he used his foot. That didn't go so well though, he ended up dropping the gifts and rolling down Jade's front yard just as she opened the door."Oh my gosh!" Jade said, running to Koby's side. "Are you ok?" She helped him up and began dusting him off."Yeah I'm fine, I just hope none of your presents got damaged." He said. He began to pick all of her gifts up one by one and then stepped inside her house."Those are for me? Oh Koby how sweet!" Jade said, hugging him, it caused him to drop all of the gifts again but he didn't care. He kissed her gently."Of course they are baby, I love you." He hugged her tight, looking for his gift."I love you too." She said, closing the front door. "Come with me." She took him by his hand and walked him into the kitchen. "My parents are out on their date night, so we have the house to ourseleves." Jade said, twirling around, showing him a feast of his favorites foods she made. There was chocolate satin pie, potato soup, garlic bread, and iced tea. He wiped his mouth just to make sure he wasn't drooling. "First, I thought we'd start off with dinner, then I rented your favorite movie, Texas Chainsaw Mascare. It's in 3D." She said, pulling out the glasses from a drawer. Then we'll go up to my room and I'll show you how much I love you.""Is this real life?" Koby asked, joking around, partially not though. This was the best."Yes silly!" Jade said, serving him some food. They enjoyed the night like it was the last night of their lives. They fed eachother, Koby would hug Jade when she got scared during the movie, and they practically broke her bed. Jade slid up tin the covers, both of them naked. She kissed him once more and checked the clock. It was 11 pm, and he had come over at 4. Where did time go? Koby got up and started putting his clothes on. Jade wrapped a purple silk robe around herself and put on white furry slippers. She walked him to the door where they kissed one more time and said goodnight. When Jade closed the door, her heart hurt. Was she already missing him? She went back upstairs and fell asleep, she'd HAVE to tell the girls about this tomorrow at school.Cloe walked in that Friday morning wearing her hair straight with big hoop earings. She had a white long sleeve shirt on with a faux fur jacket on. She had her camoflauge dark and light blue leggings on, outlining her perfectly shaped ass. She had black heels on that were 5 inches. Instead of walking in with Cameron, she walked in with Dylan. They were laughing and talking about the day they had yesterday when they hung out. Cameron walked up immedietly when he saw them, and grabbed Cloe by her hand, pulling her to his locker."What are you doing?" He said, looking at Dylan over Cloe's shoulder."Talking with my friend?" Cloe said, a bit confused. She wrapped her arms around Cameron's neck and kissed him gently. This time though, he didn't kiss back. "Excuse me but... You're my boyfriend right?" She said, now crossing her arms and shifting her weight."I'm pissed Cloe. You know I don't like him, why are you hanging out with him so much." Chill out babe, it's Dylan, you know I don't think of him that way." Cloe said, looking back at Dylan standing there waiting for her to come back."I know, but he thinks of YOU that way Cloe, I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm scared to lose you." He said looking down at the floor and placing both his hands inside his pockets."Awwww that's the cutest thing I've ever heard!" Cloe said jumping on him. He caught her and placed his hand on her ass, holding her tightly. Dylan glared at them and Cameron just smiled. Dylan walked away to his class, pissed at Cameron. Cloe jumped down from his arms and gave him a quick kiss. "I'll see you at lunch baby.""Alright babe love you." He said, walking to his class."Love you too!" She called out as she walked away.
Chapter 9 "If All Else Fails..."
Yasmin ran over to the lunch table with her Caines lunch meal. Today was the day that the dance was going to be announced, and she was so excited for Koby to ask her. She sat down and ate quickly, looking all around for Eric.
"Chill out Yas." Cloe said, noticing she was eating much faster then usual. "Sasha doesn't rule over us, remember?" Cloe took a bit of her garlic bread and crossed her legs.
"It's not that, I'm waiting for Eric to come over, the dance is being announced today!" Yasmin said, spitting some of the special sauce out when she talked. She wiped her mouth.
"Oh no way! I'm so excited, the guys are supposed to think of a cute way to ask the girls, not just ask them." Cloe said, eating her chicken fingers.
"What are you guys talking about?" Jade asked, sitting down and opening her Caines box, devouring it within seconds.
"The dance, they're announcing it today and this is the one where the guys have to ask the girls in a special way!" Cloe exclaimed.
"Oh sweet, you gonna eat that?" Jade asked, pointing to Cloe's fries. She reached in for them.
"Yes!" Cloe said, slapping Jade's hands away from her food. She growled at her, much like a watchdog growls at a burgler.
"Who's a nice girl, who's a good girl?" said Jade, patting Cloe's head. Cameron ran over to the table out of breath and a mess. He fixed himself up and sat gown next to Cloe.
"Whats the rush?" Cloe asked, kissing his cheek.
"Oh I just wanted to eat my food before it got cold." Cameron said, lying. He couldn't tell Cloe that he wanted to beat Dylan over here. Koby and Eric walked over. Koby wrapped his arm around Jade, and she pulled him in for a hug so she could steal one of his chicken fingers.
"Don't think I don't know what you're doing." Koby said, pushing her away gently and snatching his food back.
"Ugh, doesn't anyone wanna give me some food." Jade whined.
"Actually Jade, you can have mine." Dylan said, sitting down at the table and pushing his food over to her.
"Thanks!" Jade said, devouring every last crumb.
"What's wrong Dyl?" Yasmin asked, placing her hand her hand on his shoulder.
"Nothing just, feel a little sick today." He said, shrugging.
"Alright." Yasmin said. Just then, the principal turned on the microphone and began speaking into it.
"Hello students of Styles High." She began,
"CA CA, CA CA!" Yelled a group of students, the reason for that was the principal looked like a hawk, so whenever people saw her, they'd make that sound.
"That's ENOUGH" she started again. "Everybody has been anticipating the arrival of this studeous occasion."
"What the hell, is she speaking Enlish?" Jade asked.
"SHH" Yasmin said.
"There is a dance, not just any dance though, the winter formal. Guys this doesn't mean to just ask the girls reguarly, it means you must do something special." She continued.
"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Every single guy in the cafeteria groaned.
"If you choose to interupt classes, you must ask for permission from your teachers, otherwise, have fun!" and with that, she turned off the mic and when back to her office.
"So, the winter formal!" Cloe said, nudging Cameron.
"Already got it covered babe." He said, taking her hand, he kissed it gently.
"You hear that, he already has it covered." Jade said to Koby.
"I do too!" He replied.
"Uhm, yeah." Yasmin said, looking at Eric. He didn't look, he was busy staring at other kids eating their lunch. He was still starving, those little meals weren't enough for him. The bell rang then, and everybody rushed off to class. Yasmin stayed back, walking slow to class, wondering if he'd even heard the announcement.
Chapter 10 "Dance Week"
"He didn't even ask you yet though." Yasmin said, sitting on the chair in front of the dressing room, waiting for Cloe to come out.
"I know he is, he's my boyfriend, he said he has it covered anyways." She replied, still changing.
"I guess you're right." Yasmin sighed. Out stepped Cloe in a gorgeous long purple gown. It was like a bikini at the top, but connected in the back. It flowed in all the right places. She looked absolutley stunning. It had a medium sized silver snowflake that was glittery on the side of one of her hips.
"Wow Cloe, you look beautiful!" Yasmin said, her mouth wide open.
"You think so?" "It was either this or red, and red makes me look like a vampire." Cloe answered, twirling around.
"That's your dress!" Yasmin said, standing up. "And it doesn't even matter what shoes you wear, you can't see them!"
"Oh for sure it does, that's why once you're done picking your dress, we're going to the shoe store next." Cloe said, while changing in the dressing room.
"But, I don't even know if Eric's going to ask me." Yasmin said, picking at her nails.
"Of course he's going to ask you." Cloe said, stepping out of the dressing room, holding the dress. "After all, he is your boyfriend."
"I guess you're right." Yasmin said, looking through the racks of dresses. "How about this one?" She asked, holding up a short dress.
"You're kidding right." Cloe said, walking over. She sighed, "where do I begin, first of all this dress has sunflowers on it, definetly not for a winter formal."
"Okay, okay I get it." Yasmin said, placing the dress back on the rack.
"Oh, I'm not done." Cloe continued, "second of all, it's orange. Orange is not your color. And last but not least, it's short. Winter, plus short dress, equals a big mistake."
"I know, I know." Yasmin said, rolling her eyes.
"Now this, a dress you should wear." Cloe said, holding up a long skin tight baby blue dress. It had white roses painted on it with dark blue stems. There were matching white long gloves. "Put this on right now!" Cloe said, tossing the dress and gloves over to Yasmin. She pushed Yasmin into the dressing and sat down on the seat waiting.
"Are you sure? I don't normally look good in blue." Yasmin said, zipping up the dress.
"One hundred percent!" Cloe said. "Now come on, let me see you in that gorgeous dress!" She said, throwing open the curtain.
"You're lucky I was fully dressed." Yasmin said, pushing past her to a mirror. "There's something missing." Yasmin said twirling around. The bottom of the dress billowed out a d made her look super model skinny, (which she was.)
"I know what's missing" Cloe said, twirling to a rack and twirling back. She placed a long scarf-like accessory around Yasmin's neck. It flowed all the way to her feet, it was dark blue and had silver sparkles. "There, perfect!" Cloe said clapping. "I'm so jealous right now." Yasmin looked at herself up and down, she actually did look gorgeous. Cloe's phone beeped. She walked over to her purse, picked up her purple dress and checked the text message. Yasmin went back into the dressing room to change, but she didn't want to get out of it. "Hurry up! Jade wants to meet up at her house, her mom just bought her the best dress and shoes she said." Cloe said. Yasmin changed out of the dress quickly and both of the girls walked to the cashier. Both the girls paid for their dresses and they rushed over to the shoe store. "Alright, blue dress means what shoes, go. I need to find gold shoes." Cloe said, rushing to the 4 inch heel section. Yasmin followed behind. Shoes were her passion, she was in heaven. Shoes galore, Yasmin couldn't just buy only one pair of shoes, but she had to. She was on a deadline, and she could always come back another time and get more shoes.
"Perfect!" Cloe said, wearing 4 inch heels that spiraled up her leg.
"Amazing, you found those so fast!" Yasmin said, she was very impressed, normally it took Cloe forever to pick anything out, but obviously it was very important to her that she got to Jade's ASAP.
"I picked out shoes for you too!" Cloe said, tossing Yasmin a box of golden heels. Yasmin sat down next to her a put them on, they fit perfectly. They wrapped around her heel, snug but not too snug. Cloe rushed them to the cash register where she whipped out her master card and grabbed the bags, she pulled Yasmin out of the mall and threw her in the car. Off they drove.
"Uh Cloe?" Yasmin said, holding on for dear life.
"Shh we have to get to Jade's she thinks the guys are going to set something up outside, we have to beat them there so we don't ruin it." Cloe said, making a sharp turn. A million things ran through Yasmin's mind, she hid the bags with the dresses and shoes in them and off they went, speeding down the highway to Jade's.
Chapter 11 "One Of A Kind"
SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEECH. Cloe's car stopped in front of Jade's house suddenly.
"Wait, did we forget the dresses and shoes?!" Cloe said, looking in the car.
"No, I put them in the trunk." Yasmin said, unbuckling and getting out.
"Oh ok, the boys aren't here yet so let's go up to her house." Cloe said. Jade had met then at the door and rushed them inside.
"Anyone up for facials?" Jade said exciedtly while she got out some avacado and lemons.
"Sure!" Both Cloe and Yasmin said at the same time. The girls went to work, taking off their clothes, putting on silk robes and furry slippers. When they finished mashing the ingredients together and spreading them on eachother's faces, the boys pulled up. Each of them were in seperate cars, which were filled with supplies. There were banners, fireworks, conffetti cannons and tons of glitter.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" All the girls squealed, looking out Jade's window at the boys. Cameron, Eric, and Koby all met up in Jade's front yard.
"Good they're here, the plan's going perfectly." Koby said happily.
"Yup! This is where they always hang out after school." Cameron said, pulling the conffeti cannons out of his car. Koby helped him, while Eric started getting the glitter out of his car.
"We should do our nails for the dance." Jade said, she was sitting on her bed, Cloe on the floor, and Yasmin in a chair. "The day of though, so we don't chip them or anything." Jade said, looking at her nails. They were in dire need of a manicure.
"Let's see that fabulous dress Jade." Cloe said. Yasmin and Cloe had already shown off their dresses and shoes to her, now it was her turn to do the same. Jade rushed to the bathroom, carrying her bag which had her shoes and dress inside of it. When she came out a few minutes later, she was wearing a light sky blue dress. It was a sparkly sleeveless tube top for the top, and a long flowing part at the bottom. She had a white silk scarf-like accessory around her neck. She lifted up the bottom of her skirt to show silver heels, which went all the way up to her thighs!
"Jeez Jade, even for YOU that's over the top." Yasmin said, looking at Jade's heels.
"It's trendy." Jade said, twirling around. She went back into the bathroom and changed. She came back and put the bag in her closet.
"I think it's gorgeous." Cloe said.
"Is my face supposed to burn?" Yasmin said, touching the avacado and lemon mix.
"That means it's done." She said, taking it off Yasmin's face. Cloe took Jade's off and Yasmin took Cloe's off.
"Wow, perfect!" Cloe said, touching her face in the mirror. "Not a zit on my face, I mean, not like I've ever had one."
"Oh whatever." Jade said, throwing a pillow at her. Just then, the doorbell rang. The girls rushed downstairs, still in their robes and slippers. Yasmin threw open the door, right when she did it, tons of conffeti, and glitter went all over her. Eric was standing on top of his car with a megaphone. There were posters spelling out "Dance?"
"Oh Em Gee!" Cloe said, clapping while jumping up and down. ...This was all for me...? Yasmin though to herself.
"Yasmin, I love you, would you please go to the winter formal dance with me?" He asked, holding out a white corsage.
"OF COURSE!" Yasmin yelled, rushing towards him. He helped her up onto the truck and kissed her. Cameron and Koby popped out the side of the house, tackling their girlfriends. Cameron got down on one knee after helping Cloe up. "So, considering the dance is tomorrow, and the circus people had to cancel, would you please go to the dance with me?" He said, opening up the baclk box which had the light light pink corsage.
"LIKE DUH!" Cloe said, wrapping her arms around him. Jade looked at Koby, waiting for him to ask her. He did nothing. absolutley nothing. Just then, a parade of cheerleaders, band members, dance team members, and choir singers from Styles high came around the corner of the neighborhood, playing Jade's favorite song. Koby pulled a microphone out from behind his back, and spoke into it.
"Jade Morgan Shaye, would you accompany me to the winter formal dance tomorrow night?" He held out the corsage which was dark blue.
"OH MY GOD YES!" She screamed, everybody clapped.
"I'm really sorry the people bailed on me, I guess I should of had a backup." Cameron said, still hugging Cloe.
"It's fine baby! I love you, I would of been fine with a simple will you go to the dance with me." Cloe said, kissing his cheek.
"Dylan appeared around the corner and everybody went silent, moving their eyes to Cameron. Dylan walked up to Cloe.
"Cloe, you're my best friend and I'd never want to hurt you, I don't know if that dope has asked you yet, but in case he hasn't, would you please be my date for the winter formal dance tomorrow evening?" He opened up a box which had diamond earings in it, in the middle of the box was a gorgeous glittery corsage, fitted for Cloe's tiny wrist. Cameron swelled up with anger, he smashed the box on the floor and bashed Dylan's head into his knee.
"NO SHE WON'T ASSHOLE!" Cameron said, kicking him as he screamed in pain.
"CAMERON STOP." Cloe said, pulling him back. The people in the parade rushed over to Dylan's side and walked him to his house. Jade,Yasmin,Eric, and Koby stood astonished at what had just happened.
"Was Dylan serious?" Eric said, helping Yasmin off the top of his car.
"Better not of been." Cameron said, clenching his fists.
"Control your fucking anger." Cloe said, holding Cameron's hands.
"It's just hard when someone is trying to steal you away from me, especially with all these expensive gifts that you know I can't afford. Cameron said, kicking a rock lightly. Cloe leaned in and kissed him passionetly. At that moment, he knew everything was going to be ok.
Chapter 12 "Winter Formal""I'm so nervous about tonight!" Jade said, watching the salon worker paint her finger nails."What's there to be worried about?" Yasmin asked, leaning back while several workers styled her hair."Hello, like what if Sasha does something, or Dylan causes yet another fight." Jade replied, flipping her head towards Yasmin."I've talked to Cameron, he won't do that again." Cloe said, her eyes closed. She was getting a facial done. The girls were at the salon, it was the day of the dance. Everything was going perfectly. They were getting their hair, and nails done. Yasmin and Cloe were super excited. Jade however, had a sick feeling in her stomach that something particular was going to happen tonight. When the girls had finished up at the salon, they drove to Cloe's house. Each of them changed into their dresses and accesorries and shoes quickly. Cloe's, Yasmin's, and Jade's parents sat down to talk with the boys. When the three girls walked down the staircase in their glamorous dresses, everyone's mouths were wide open. They boys put the corsages on their girlfriend's wrist. They began posing while the parents took pictures."You look gorgeous babe." Cameron whispered in Cloe's ear."Thank you, you very dashing tonight." She said back with a huge smile on her face. Koby couldn't keep his hands off Jade, and Eric couldn't stop staring at Yasmin. Finally the couples got into the limo the boys had rented and the limo driver drove them to the school. They were laughing, joking around, and drinking sodas together. When they pulled up to the parking lot, they all got out. They held eachother's hands and walked in with huge smiles on their faces."Now THIS is a dance!" Cloe said, squeezing Cameron's hand in approvement. Cameron was the head of the party committe, he planned all of the dances. Cloe would give him ideas if he had run out of them, and he certainly brought her vision to life. There were snowflakes hanging from the ceiling everywhere, fake snow was lightly falling from the ceiling, and beautiful twinkling white and silver lights blinked slowly, they were hung everywhere. Cloe pulled Cameron to the photo area where Yasmin and Eric were taking their turn."You did a fantastic job!" Jade said, waiting in line for photos with Koby."Yeah man, the cafeteria looks great." Koby said, walking Jade over to the stand for pictures. When all three of the couples finished getting pictures taken, they walked to the middle of the dance floor. A slow song came on, as if on cue. The girls wrapped their arms around their boyfriend's necks. Each of the boys put their hands on their girlfriend's butts, except for Eric. He was shy about PDA, and didn't want to cause a scene. Yasmin slowly moved his hands onto her butt and smiled. He blushed and kissed her gently. He was absolutley in love. In walked Sasha, she was wearing a long black dress, that stopped at her ankles. her heels for 7 inches which were black. She had a tube top with spaghetti strap sparkly top. She had a wrap around long scarf it was black and silk. Everybody watched her walk in. She was holding someones hand. It was Dylan's. Cloe was in shock he had moved on so quickly, and kind of sad. She liked having boys fight over her actually it was kind of, arousing. When Cameron was beating Dylan up, she got a little wet. It was strange, but true. She cried because she felt embarresed over getting wet, but finally she didn't care. She loved seeing Cameron jealous, he looked even more adorable then usual. When Cloe saw Dylan and Sasha walk in together, she got a little upset. Cameron saw she was looking at them and glared at the two. He turned back to Cloe, who's eyes were fixated on Dylan. Cameron got tears in his eyes, was Cloe falling for Dylan? ...No she couldnt be... He told himself, he stepped closer to her and grabbed her butt. She smiled and began kissing his neck while they danced. Sasha got up on the stage and took the microphone out of the stand."I'd just like to say, my boyfriend Dylan has been treating me so kind! So everyone vote for me for the winter formal princess!" and with that, Sasha stepped on the stage, dropping the microphone behind her. Cloe began to freak out, she'd only ever wanted to be Winter Formal Princess, with Sasha competeing as well, she might lose. Yasmin and Jade walked over with Koby and Eric, they asked Cameron and Cloe if they wanted to get something to eat. They all sat down at a table, and chowed down on desserts of all kinds. The whole time they ate, talked, and drank, Cloe was focused on watching people place their papers in the voting box for winter formal princess, trying to read what names the papers said. Cameron fed her a chocolate covered strawberry and kissed her cheek. At this moment, Cloe realized she didn't care about being the Winter Formal princess, or Dylan dating Sasha, she had the perfect life. Sasha however, thought that Cloe was becoming extremely jealous, and continued to throw herself at Dylan. All Dylan could do was stare at Cloe, feeling sorry for the trouble he'd caused. He truly did like her, but following was Sasha told him to do was a huge mistake. The rest of the night consisted of dancing, laughing and joking around. Finally the principal stepped up on stage."CAA CAAA CAAAAAAAAA!" Everyone yelled."Settle down students, now I have the results for your Winter Formal Princess." The principal said. She opened up the envelope and announced, "your winter formal princess is..."
Chapter 13 "Not Working"
"That crown totally matches your outfit!" Yasmin said excitedly to Cloe, as Cloe twirled around her bedroom.
"I know right?" Cloe said, looking at herself in the mirror now.
"I'm still laughing about how Sasha tried to pay the principal to have her win." Jade said, wrapping a sparkly pink feather boa around her neck.
"And to think I was worried about losing to a pathetic loser like her." Cloe said, laughing and grabbing a fedora and putting it on her head. Yasmin flipped through the pages of the new 17 magazine, checking out the collums on the latest trends.
"I still don't get it." Jade said, sitting down next to Yasmin. "You actually liked them fighting, but you stopped it?" She continued.
"And you liked Dylan a little bit?" Yasmin said, tossing the magazine on the floor.
"Would you shut up? The boys will be coming soon! I'll explain later." Cloe said, pulling them both off the couch and tackling them.
"AHHHH" They screamed in unison. They started cracking up when their sodas fell from the table and spilt all over them.
"OH MY GOSH! YES!" All three of the boys yelled when they walked in.
"My dream is coming true!" Cameron yelled, grabbing Cloe's video camera.
"A PORNO!" Koby and Eric screamed, watching the girls wrestle.
"As if." Cloe said, pushing Cameron onto her bed. He dropped the camera and they started making out.
"Well that escalated quickly. Jade said, sitting on Koby's lap.
"Hahaha right?" Yasmin said, sitting next to Eric on the couch. "What's the plan for tonight Cloe?" Yasmin asked, resting her head on Eric's shoulder.
"Movie, desserts, boys get a makeover, more desserts, a challange to see who's the better couple," Cloe began.
"Hold up!" Koby said. "We get a makeover?"
"Yes sir, I mean you don't want pasty skin." Jade said, rubbing his cheek. He sighed, looking towards the avacado and lemon mask mix.
"Uh I'm out." Cameron said, holding Cloe's hand.
"Sorry but, no backing out!" She replied, kissing his cheek.
"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh." All the boys moaned.
"Alright! Part one, movie time!" Jade said, popping in the DVD. She turned off the lights and pressed play on the remotes. All of the couples cuddled with their signifcant others.
"This isn't a sappy love movie is it?" Eric said, looking at the previews.
"Uhh no." Cloe said, fast forwarding through the preview of the movie.
"Then what's it called?" Eric said, staring at her intently.
"Twilight... Breaking Dawn..." Cloe said, biting her bottom lip.
"NOPE FORGET IT!" He said, taking the movie out and putting in 'House At The End Of The Street'
"And we're not watching one of your stupid scary movies." Jade said, turning it off and putting in a comedy.
"Now this is something I agree on." Cameron said, putting his arm around Cloe and pulling her close.
Chapter 14 "New""Shut up you don't know what you're talking about." Sasha said, slamming her locker door while yelling at Dylan. It was Thursday afternoon, there was no school the next day and Sasha was super excited. She was wearing a sleelevles light pink shirt with ruffles on the bottom. She had a navy blue jacket with white button linings on it. She had silver leggings and gold short pleated shorts. She had on black studded boots which were 3 inches, and her hair was wavy. Dylan sighed, knowing tomorrow was going to be absolute hell. Sasha had planned a cookout for the entire school, it was going to be at Rosewood park. Everybody who was anybody was supposed to come, and the losers only came because well, they never get invited anywhere. She knew Cloe,CameronKoby,Yasmin,Jade, and Eric would be there. She had it all planned out. Somehow she'd get Cameron to run to the store so he could get more chips for the cook out. Coincidently Sasha would be there, looking for chips already, she'd start up a conversation by apologizing, asking him if he could repeat her apology to the others. She'd be wearing something super sexy, to keep him interested. They'd chat for a while, when they'd walk back to the park, and she'd make her move, charming him. Dylan could imagine Cameron falling into Sasha's devilish plan, he wasn't the smartest guy. "Forget it, I need to get to class." She said, strutting off. Dylan watched her go."Can't believe I'm not warning him." Dylan sighed, looking towards Cameron. No, he couldnt let Sasha do this. He walked over, ignoring the glares they all gave him. "Cameron listen, you can't go to the store tomorrow for any reason, trust me," Dylan began, but Cameron tuned him out."Why don't you just shut your mouth and go away?" Cameron said, pushing Dylan away."Just listen to me man!" Dylan said, begging now."Chill the fuck out, jackass." Cameron said, walking off with his arm around Cloe. Dylan watched them walk away, Cloe was wearing a peach tank with gold spaghetti straps and lining. It had huge ruffles at the bottom in triangles. She also had huge gold hoop earings. Her pants were light jeans, which flared at the bottom. They had flowers on the bottom as well. She had on gold heels which were 2 inches and her hair was curled. Yasmin and Eric walked behind them to the lunch room. Yasmin was wearing a short sleeve and short bottom dark denim jumpsuit. She had a big gold belt, and black boots which were 3 inches. She had her hair straightened. Next was Jade and Koby, they held hands and walked by. Jade was wearing a black and white striped shirt on, which was tucked in her all white pleated skirt with a pink bow. She had on a black leather jacket, her hair was straightened and she had tall black boots which were 2 inches. Dylan watched all of them walk to the lunch, shocked at how Cameron wouldn't even listen."Maybe it was something important, he did mention Sasha." Yasmin said, eating a slice of pizza."Whatever involves Sasha, is just trouble." Cameron said, putting his arm around Cloe."Yeah but, maybe he was trying to warn you?" Yasmin said, setting her pizza down and wiping her hands on a napkin."I doubt it, he's been nothing but trouble the past few weeks." Cameron said, taking a bite of Cloe's burger."Whatever you say Cam." Yasmin said, turning and talking to Eric."Maybe she's on to something." Cloe said to Cameron when he started eating."Not you too!" Cameron said, throwing his food in the trash and storming out."What's his problem?" Jade asked, watching Cameron storm out."I honestly have no idea." Cloe said, throwing out her food and running after him."This has Sasha's name all over it." Yasmin said, watching Cloe run out."Just what we need." Jade said, laying her head on Koby's shoulder."I'll talk to him, don't worry." Eric said, walking out with Yasmin. When school finished, Yasmin,Eric,Jade, and Koby rushed to Cameron's car to beat him there."Has anyone talked to Cloe at all?" Jade asked, looking around for Cameron."No but I think ma-THERES CAMERON!" Yasmin shouted, pointing to Cameron. Cloe was following behind him, practically begging on her knees for him to talk to her."PLEASE CAMERON! LISTEN TO ME, I'M SORRY." Cloe yelled. Jade,Eric,Koby and Yasmin blocked all of Cameron's doors to his car so he couldn't escape."C'mon man just listen." Eric said, placing his hand on Cameron's shoulder."I'm just SO pissed off right now, Cameron said, pushing Eric to the side and getting in his car. He drove off quickly before anyone could stop him. Cloe began crying her eyes out."I don't know what to do! He won't give me the time of day!" Cloe exclaimed, her makeup was now running."Don't worry we'll do something." Yasmin said, hugging Cloe and looking at everyone with worried eyes. She honestly had no idea what to do.
Chapter 15 "Apology"At the cookout, Dylan made sure to keep an eye on Cameron. Although Cameron would only beat him to death if Dylan talked to him, he would do it so that he and Cloe would stay together. Marshall, a guy who's totally in love with Sasha walked up to Cameron, asking him to get more chips, thats when Dylan walked over. Marshall was obviously a part of Sasha's plan, he would do anything for her."Cameron listen I uh er..." Began Dylan when he ran up to Cameron. Cameron pushed him on the sidewalk and continued to walk to the store."Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone." Cameron replied. Dylan had no other choice, Cameron was not stopping. Dylan walked over to Cloe and began talking to her, making sure Cameron saw. A bit confused, Cloe glanced around thinking it was a joke. Dylan checked Cloe out, not just to piss Cameron off, but because Cloe was smoking hot. She was wearing a 3 inch strap colorful dress with tons of patterns, the straps tied on the back of her neck. Also her hair was wavy from enjoying the water park area of the park, and she'd had blue sunglasses on her head. She also had on brown short boots with fringe on the sides. Damn she looked hot, thought Dylan. Cameron turned around to see where Dylan had gone, thinking maybe he'd gotten the hint. He saw Dylan talking to Cloe, while she just looked around nervously. "Fuck no." Cameron muttered. He barged over to Dylan and Cloe, where he was red in the face with anger. He grabbed a glass of iced tea from the table next to them and threw it at Dylan, but it ended up hitting Cloe."WHAT THE HELL?!" Cloe screamed, her new dress was ruined. She began to cry, when Yasmin and Jade rushed to her side."I didn't mean to I swear!" Cameron screamed, collecting tons of napkins and trying to sop up the iced tea from her dress."I know you can be a jerk sometimes Cam, but not a total ass." Jade said, walking Cloe to her car."I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT HER, I MENT TO HIT HIM!" Cameron yelled, pointing to Dylan, but little did he know Yasmin was standing next to him, and he ended up slapping her in the face."OW!" Yasmin screamed, falling to the floor."HOLY SHIT!" Eric said, dropping his food and rushing to Yasmin's side. He helped her up. "WHAT THE FUCK CAMERON?" Eric yelled, pushing Cameron back."IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Cameron screamed, stepping back. At this point Yasmin's eye was bleeding and she was in a ton of pain. She tugged Eric's arm and he ran her to the car to drive her home. Everybody just stared in astonishment. Dylan stood there, frozen. Koby walked away slowly to his car before anything "accidently" happened to him. Sasha saw the whole thing, she laughed, it was even better then her plan, and she didn't have to do a thing."Well, I think it's time we all head home." Sasha said, clapping her hands together and snapping for the waitors to start cleaning up. Cameron stood there for about 30 minutes. He could not believe his awful luck today. His girlfriend hated him, he hit a girl, his friends were furious and scared of him, and all because of his jealousy. Knowing there was no point in going to their houses and apologizing, he had fucked up badly and had no idea how to fix it all. Cameron had never been so screwed over in his life, he went home and just cried. He cried all night long, and locked himself in his room. He wouldn't come out for anyone. He didn't do anything but cry.
Chapter 16 "One Thing"
Cloe's phone rang again, it was the 7th time that hour. Every single time it rang, she hoped it was Cameron, even though she was totally pissed at him. Who was she kidding? She missed him! They hadn't talked for 2 days and she was starting to worry. The 8th time it rang, Cloe had checked it yet again hoping it would be Cameron, but instead, it was just Jade again.
"Hey girl we really need to talk, I'm worried about you! Call me back." Jade said on the answering machine. Cloe rolled over to the other side of her king sized bed. She groaned at the sunlight trying to peek through her closed windows.
"Cloe honey, please open the door and eat something." Cloe's mom called from outside her door. Cloe ignored her, throwing the covers over her face and groaning. Luckily Cloe's mom knew where a spare key was, and she unlocked Cloe's door and walked in.
"MOOOOOM!" Cloe screamed.
"I'm just leaving it on your desk because you have to eat at some time." Her mom said, placing the silver tray of buttermilk pancakes on Cloe's desk. She walked out, locking the door from the outside and slid the spare key under the door, knowing Cloe would be mad if she didn't. Cloe sat up at the smell of buttermilk pancakes, it was tempting, but she didn't feel like walking 2 feet to get her food. Her phone rang again, she checked it hoping yet again it would be her possible ex-boyfriend. This time it was Yasmin, this had only been the 3rd time she'd called. Cloe tossed her phone to the other side of the room. She moaned, standing up and taking the lid off of the silver tray of delicious pancakes. She chowed down, she hadn't eaten in forever. She looked at herself in the mirror, her hair was a mess, she had a red nose from blowing it so much, puffy red eyes from crying so much, and a silk robe and bunny slippers on. God she looked awful. When she finished her food she walked back over to her bed and layed down. Her phone rang yet again. She'd thrown it across the room though, it could be Cameron though. Cloe started making a list of pro's and con's in her head instead of getting up and answering the damn thing. She hoped out of bed and picked up her phone.
"UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Cloe screamed, dropping the phone on her bed. It was only Jade. She sent it to voicemail.
"That's it, Yasmin and I are outside your bedroom door and we're going to break it down unless you talk to us." Jade said on the voicemail. Cloe didn't believe her, she unlcked her bedroom door and peeked out, but Jade was ready and pushed open the door, forcing her way in. Yasmin followed her in quickly. They both stared at Cloe in astonishment.
"What." Cloe said, crossing her arms. Both Jade and Yasmin had their sleepover bags with them, Cloe knew that ment only one thing, they weren't going anywhere. In barged Eric and Koby too. "REALLY?!" Cloe said, running over to her bed and covering her hideous self up.
"Chill out girl, they're not your boyfriend, besides he won't care anyways." Jade said, holding hands with Koby.
"Don't you mean wouldn't?" Cloe said, pulling the covers down so she could look at them.
"Sorry chicka, but no." Jade said, stepping to the side with Koby. There Cameron was standing there.
"I LOVE YOU I'M SO SORRY!" Cloe said kissing him a ton. She didn't even care what she looked like, she was just happy he was here.
"I'm the one who should be apologizing babe. I love you, I didn't mean to throw that drink on you, I'm sorry please forgive me." Cameron said, standing up and squeezing her tightly. She squeezed back tightly, and kissed him.
"It's fine please don't ever not talk to me for 2 days EVER again!" Cloe said jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist. He placed his hands on her butt to hold her up, he was so happy. He didn't want to let go of her.
"Now that that's over," Jade began "what do we do first?" She clapped her hands together, looking around.
"First of all, I'm going to take a shower while you 2 clean up my room!" Cloe took Cameron's hand and walked him to the bathroom with her. She needed a nice, hot, and steamy shower with him. She unzipped his pants when they got in there and it started. This is why life is worth living. Cloe thought. As she turned on the shower and both of them stepped in, totally nude, and totally in love.
Chapter 17 "Apology"
"So... Forgiven?" Cameron asked, leaning against the locker next to Dylan's. He had owed him an apology, finding out he was trying to warn him about Sasha's plan.
"Forgiven." Dylan said, closing his locker door. Both the guys walked to Cameron's car, got in and drove to Nicco's Diner. Cloe,Jade,Yasmin,Eric, and Koby were all already there. They were suprised to see Cameron and Dylan walk in together.
"Did I miss something?" Yasmin asked, looking at the boys when they approached the table.
"I think we all did." Eric said, taking a bite of his burger. The two boys sat down together, Cameron put his arm around Cloe and acted as if nothing out of particular was going on.
"Care to explain?" Koby said, looking directly at Cameron and Dylan.
"Well you all were right, he was warning me about Sasha, so I owed him an apology." Cameron said, taking a sip of Cloe's chocolate milkshake.
"Well I'm glad you're friends and all, but care to explain why you decided to be nice all of a sudden?" Cloe asked, snatching her milkshake away from Cameron and looking at Dylan.
"I missed hanging out with you guys." Dylan began, "you know, I missed our crazy Saturday night parties, our Sunday afternoon picnics, and well I didn't want to get glared at 24/7 by you all. He said.
"Understandable, I do give a mean evil eye." Cloe said, dipping a french fry in her milkshake then taking a bite. Just then the bell in Nicco's Diner rang, signaling that new customers had come in.
"No." Cloe said.
"Fucking." Jade continued.
"Way." Yasmin said, wiping her mouth and hands with a napkin quickly. In walked Sasha with her cousin Jule. Jule had never been one to put up with bullshit. She didn't even like Cloe,Jade, and Yasmin when Sasha was bestfriends with them. Imagine how furious she was with them now. Sasha's cousin Jule was wearing a pink strapless dress with black and white and hot pink designs on it. She had on a big pink belt in the middle, and a jean jacket which was light. She also had on pink pumps which were 3 inches. Everybody stared as the two girls walked in, talking and laughing. They stopped at the table Cloe,Jade, and Yasmin were sitting at.
"Hags." Jule said, before walking away.
"Pig." Jade replied, making an oink sound as she walked away.
"What was that?" Jule said turning around, she placed her hands on her hips, trying to show attitude.
"You, *oink* heard *oink oink* me, *oink*." Jade said, standing up. Cloe and Yasmin stood up with her.
"How pathetic." Jule said walking away with Sasha as she rolled eyes.
"Says the one who has a a tear in the ass part of her outfit." Cloe said, pointing out a tear, revealing granny panties that Jule was wearing. In embarresment Jule ran out, trying to hold back tears. Everybody high fived Cloe and began laughing. "All in a days work." Cloe said sitting down and enjoying the rest of her milkshake.
"So, that new scary movie is coming out." Jade said, looking at Koby. She knew he was dying to see it.
"I know! I'm so excited." He replied, kissing her cheek.
"Please." Cloe began. "My dad already got it on DVD for me." She said twirling her hair.
"Damn Cloe, your dad works fast." Dylan said.
"Yeah, but what did it cost?" Eric said, knowing Cloe had to do something for the latest monster movie.
"A week of good behavior, and a hug and kiss." Cloe sighed, looking down at her empty milkshake glass.
"A whole week? Can she do it ladies and gentlemen?" Eric said, holding up an invisible microphone to his mouth.
"Hey!" Cloe said, throwing one of Yasmin's french fries at him. He caught it in his mouth and everyone cracked up.
"Moving on, Jule's here." Yasmin said, fidgeting with her skirt. This ment she was nervous.
"Big whoop she's all bark, and no bite." Cloe said, flipping her hair behind her shoulders.
"True, but that's the last thing we need." Yasmin said, grabbing a hold of Eric's hand.
"Trust me," Cloe began. "She has nothing on us." She finished, wiping her mouth with a napkin and standing up. "Now how about we all go back to my place and watch the movie?" She asked, picking up her purse.
"Sounds good!" Koby said standing up.
Chapter 18 "Upcoming Issues"It was Monday morning. Cloe and Jade were physced to show off their new outfits they'd gotten at the mall, but Yasmin on the other hand was nervous. Jule was starting at Styles High today which ment more drama then usual. Cloe pushed open the front doors of the school. She had her hair curled. She was wearing a black strapless v-neck shirt, which was tucked into her all black skinny jeans. She also had on black heels, which had a cuff part at the top with gold studs. For a little color she added a purple jean jacket with 4 quarter sleeves which were rolled. Jade strutted next to her, wearing her hair straight. He had on lavender pants which were silk. Also she had on a closed dark jean jacket which was long sleeved and had light purple fur on the collar. For shoes she was wearing black boots with silver studs on the back. Yasmin struggled to keep up. Although she looked totally gorgeous as usual, she didn't feel gorgeous. She was wearing her hair straight in a ponytail with her bangs neatly combed. She had on a strapless shirt with light colors of bubbles on it such as orange and yellow. She had a sort sleeved jean jacket on. Also she had red skinny jeans, which were tucked neatly into her black boots with buckles on them."Now, you aren't acting like the usual Yasmin I know and love." Eric said, wrapping his arm around Yasmin and kissing her cheek as they walked to her first class together. "Whats wrong?" He asked again."Just that Jule starts here now, and she's going to make my life a living hell. Not that it isn't already." Yasmin replied laying her head on his shoulder as they walked. "I'm scared she'll go after not just Cameron and Koby, but you too. And when she has her sights set on something, she doesn't quit until she has it." Yasmin faught the urge to bite her nails which were freshly manicured."Don't worry, I can promise you 5000% that I won't let her get within 10 feet of me." Eric said, letting Yasmin walk into her first class. She sighed and walked in. In walked Jule, looking as if she'd gone to this school for months. She strutted over to an empty desk an sat down. Yasmin looked at her in astonishment. Although she was a total bitch, she WAS pretty. Jule had her hair straightened, which was under a black and white checkered french painters hat. She had on a white long sleeved shirt which had tears in it (which was the style) and it had a link pink tank top underneath. She had on a grey and black skirt. For shoes she had on white boots with a black buckle."Alright class." Mrs. Ricker, the teacher walked in and began giving the class a lecture on proper educute. The class groaned and began texting on their phones, filing their nails, and passing notes. Yasmin however paid attention, she wasn't into all that "slacking off" kind of thing. Jule paid attention as well, not to the teacher, but to Yasmin, trying to read her mind. It might of been weird, but what if it worked? Right when Jule had thought she was beginning to feel something, the bell rang and the class rushed out, including Yasmin. To avoid contact with Jule, Yasmin rushed down the hall, not looking back."OOF!" Yasmin said, running into someone."Slow down there Yasmin." Cameron said, helping her up. "Is something... wrong?" He asked, brushing himself off."No I was just getting to class so I wasn't late." Yasmin said, picking up her books and walking off quickly. She couldn't afford another run in like that, next time it could be with Jule. And that spells trouble with a capital T. Finally lunch time came, the glorious time of the day where the girls would kick back and chat as a group."Mr. Wensim is such a pain in my-" Jade began, right when Yasmin walked up with her tray of food."Hey guys!" She interupted. Cloe examined Yasmin's tray, today she had a salad with no bowl of ice cream. This could mean only one thing, either Yasmin was becoming a vegan again, or something was going wrong."Spill it." Cloe said, dragging Yasmin into her seat by her arm."What?" Yasmin said, looking at everyone at the table."You KNOW what." Cloe said, giving her the evil eye. Yasmin tried to look away, but she was trying not to make it too obvious to the others that she was hiding something. Leave it to Cloe to catch on to her pre-mishap symptoms."We'll talk after school ok?" Yasmin said, digging in to her salad. Cloe rolled her eyes and chowed down on her slize of pizza. Everybody stared at the two girls. There wasn't tension between them, but friend to friend, someone wasn't telling the other one something. This ment it was time to spy. Cameron leaned in and began nibbling on Cloe's neck lightly. She pushed him back."Forget it, you can't know." Cloe said, sipping some of her Diet Coke."Fuck." Cameron said, leaning back in his chair."That's not how you do it." Dylan said, he leaned over to Jade."Back the fuck up." Koby said. "You can't nibble on my girlfriend's neck." He said, glaring at Dylan."Ew what? I was just gonna give her a wet willy until she said something." Dylan said, backing up, looking appauled."EW." Jade said, scooting away from Dylan."You guys can forget it, the only ones hearing about it is Cloe and Jade, and that is that." Yasmin said, crossing her arms and smiling."Ughhh!" All the guys groaned. Cloe, Jade, and Yasmin winked at eachother, knowing they'd have to plan a little meeting after school.
Chapter 19 "Pre- Fund Raiser""Well, what if she does start something, then I could have to go into the witness protection program and have to change my name to Besty and have to wear *shivers* plaid." Cloe rambled on about Jule to Cameron. It had been a whole week having her at school and she'd done everything to start rumors about Jade, Yasmin, and Cloe. There was one rumor about Cloe that said she let her dog eat her out! It was so idiotic because first of all Cloe didn't have a dog, and second of all that's what she let Cameron do!"Chill out, nobody believes the bullshit coming out of her mouth." Cameron said, wrapping his arm around Cloe's waist. She sighed."Alright, but if any of this does happen, I'm so going to blame you for me not being prepared." Cloe said, crossing her arms."Knock knock!" Jade said, stepping in to Cloe's room."Hey girly." Cloe said, running and helping Jade with her clothes. Tomorrow, Cloe's parents were having a fund raiser, where people donate their clothes and things they don't need or want anymore to Cloe's parents. Which they would sell them to raise money for kids who couldn't afford food or water. It was a huge deal to Cloe's parents, they got on the front of every magazine in town when they did this."Where's Koby?" Cameron asked, looking around for him."Oh he'll be here soon." Jade said. "Three, two one." She counted down and in walked Koby, carrying hundreds of clothes. "It's all last season." Jade said, gagging."You COULD of carried up some more y'know." Koby said, dropping the clothes on the pile where Cloe's and some of Jade's had already been. Cloe and Jade cracked up, while the guys walked over and turned on the TV to a football game."Hey hey!" Yasmin said, walking in. She had 5 shopping bags filled with clothes. Eric walked in behind her with 10 others. The two dumped them out on the pile and walked over to their friends."So Cloe, is it true that tons of celebs are going to be there and selling their clothes?" Jade asked, crossing her legs and digging in to the endless amount of chocolates Cloe had stashed up in her room."Yup! My parents even told me that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez would be making an appearance together!" Cloe said, trying to act as nonchalant as possible."That's super scorchin!" Yasmin said, grabbing a chocolate from Jade and putting it in her mouth."Hey! I wanted that one." Koby said."Oh sorry." Yasmin let the chewed up chocolate fall out of her mouth and into her hand. "Here you go." She said, putting her hand towards him."Thanks." He replied, taking it and plopping it in his mouth."EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" The girls all screamed, while the guys cracked up."Something's seriously wrong with your boyfriend." Cloe said, cracking up now."That's why I love him!" Jade said, giving Koby a kiss. Yasmin threw a pillow at them and Jade started chasing her around the room. When they ran past Cloe, she tripped them and they fell into the pile of clothes. Everybody cracked up."Alright guys and girls, time to put the clothes in these buckets by color for the fund raiser tomorrow." Cloe's mom said, walking in with 5 buckets. Her dad followed behind carrying 5 other buckets. The girls got to work, while the guys bonded over the football game which they didn't even care about, they'd do anything to get out of sorting out clothes. "All done!" Cloe's mom said, calling her husband over to get 5 of the buckets. They walked out, closing the door. The guys threw popcorn and chocolate at the girls when the parents left."GET THEM!" Cloe said, picking up a pillow and wacking Eric in the face with it."ATTACKKKKKKKKK!" Koby said, picking up a pillow and hitting Cloe down."THEY'RE DOUBLE TEAMING HER!" Jade said, grabbing 2 small pillows and wacking both the boys."HELP!" Eric said."I GOT YOU MAN!" Cameron said, picking up a body pillow and hitting all 3 girls at the same time. Everybody cracked up. Cloe couldn't wait to see the look on Jule's face when she saw her and her parents on the cover of every single magazine in town.
Chapter 20 "What Happens At Styles High, Spreads"
"Don't give that away!" Yasmin screamed lunging toward a fur coat.
"Why? None of us have ever used it." Cloe said, dropping the fur coat before Yasmin ran into her.
"My mom would love me if I gave it to her!" Yasmin replied, grabbing the coat and hugging it tightly.
"You are now, officially weird." Jade said, tossing Yasmin a shirt to hang up. "Tell me again why your mom is making US put up the clothes?" She asked, tossing more clothes to Yasmin.
"Because she said if we do a good job making outfits and such, she might just let us go to Utah in the winter. Cloe replied, dressing a mannequin in clothes. Yasmin groaned, she hated traveling. The only reason she ever did travel was to hang out with her best friends also because she could spread news about her animal alliance club.
"Fair enough." Jade said, dressing a mannequin.
"Question." Yasmin said putting a finger up in the air and biting her bottom lip. "Why do I have to organize the clothes while you two do the fun?" She asked, tapping her foot.
"Because uh" Cloe began.
"Duh, because you're all orginizey and we're not." Jade said, rolling her eyes.
"You think I'm stupid enough to fall for THAT?" Yasmin said twirling. The boys walked in. "Good you're here." She pushed the clothes towards the boys.
"Uhhh." Cameron said. "Thanks Yas, but this isn't my style." He held up the brown pleated mini skirt.
"No duh, organize them dipthong." She replied, while dressing a mannequin.
"Yeah, dipthong!" Eric said, punching Cameron's arm in a friendly way.
"Oh and you two have to help him." Yasmin said crossing her arms.
"WHAT?!" Koby and Eric shouted in unison.
"Must I repeat myself?" Yasmin said. She turned back to her half dressed mannequin to finish her masterpiece. The boys grumbled and got to work, separating plaid from stripes and neutral colors to neon colors.
"Alright girls." Cloe's mom said walking in. "Oh, and guys." She added. "Come with me to your dressing rooms where you can put on your outfits for the Fund Raiser." Everybody stopped what they were doing and followed her. The boys dressed quickly in their tuxedos, while the girls took their time. First to step out was Cloe. She had her hair partially up, and partially down. It was curled perfectly. She had on a light mint green dress that went to her knees. For shoes she had on 3 inch white sparkly heels. In the middle of the dress was a big gold belt/sash without a buckle. The dress had silver diamond flowers on it as a little pattern.
"Gorgeous." Cameron said, not able to keep his eyes off of her. Next to walk out was Jade. She had her hair in a fancy bun, which highlighted her collarbones. Her dress also went to her knees. It was a hot pink, with a dark pink sash in the middle and light pink flower in the middle of that. The bottom of it was ruffly, and it was strapless. Her shoes were gold and 3 inches
"Amazing." Koby said, taking Jade's hand and kissing it. Next to walk out was Yasmin. Her dress went a bit further then her knees, but not very far. Her hair was fully down and curly, but with a poof on top of her head which was just the right size. Her dress was a gorgeous shade of purple, with diamond studded flowers with their stems in the chest ad stomach area. Her dress was also strapless and she had black 2 inch heels. Eric was speechless, the only thing that was able to come out of his mouth was drool. Yasmin smiled, he was adorable. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him the biggest hug in the world. They all walked in together, couple after to couple, until BAM. Cloe, Jade, and Yasmin stopped. They say Jule, laughing at the clothes that were put up.
"Who put this ugly piece of shit together?" Jule said, pointing to Cloe's outfit. Cloe was steamed. Her face turned red with anger, before she could stomp up and beat the shit out of Jule, the guys held her back. She kicked her feet in the air and screamed.
"AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? NASTY WHORE. UGLY PIECE OF SHIT, YOU COCK SUCKING HOE." Cloe broke free a stomped back to her room, where she locked herself in and cried in her beautiful dress. Yasmin, Jade, Cameron, Eric, and Koby ran after her, sitting by her door and listening to her sob the whole time the event happened.
"Ugh I just wish we could come up with rumors about Jule that would make her cry." Yasmin said, tapping her chin.
"Maybe, we can." Jade said, having a devilish grin on her face.
colouring page
Text: EBBY DENY Images: ARFA ALIM Editing: ARFA ALIM Translation: ARFA ALIM All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 21st 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-rs40ab2e7740e15 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-aria-myst-a-dark-kind-of-hope/ | Aria Myst A Dark Kind of Hope
I walked into the room not knowing what to expect. I glanced down the hallway and gasped when I saw him through the window. He was outside, waiting for the end. I had fallen in love with him, but he lied. The disease had taken over him and changed his brain. Seeing the door made me shudder. I took a deep breath and slowly twisted the old glass doorknob.
"Don't delay, my darling, we must have our last dance,” his seductive voice purred. How could I have been so stupid? No one was there but us. No one at all.
I was walking into the room that I was to die in.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The white floor of marble was cold underneath my bare feet. The walls were a cream color and the ceiling was painted like a night sky. It was dark blue, with silver s
tars scattered over it as if someone had a handful of them and had just tossed them there.
I sighed as we whirled around the dance floor. I completely forgot the crash while dancing with him. I looked up at Raul’s face. His golden hair drooped over his vibrant, emerald green eyes. I blushed as he smiled at my embarrassment. He chuckled in my ear.
“Let’s get back to the corridor, Raul. I don’t really feel like dancing right now,” I whispered back. He took my hand and guided me away from the crowd. My silver dress swished against the floor and my pinned hair was coming loose as we ran down the hall.
He knew that I hated the fact that I had to act normal, but now we could escape. He led me to the library were we had spent many days reading, and talking to each other. Usually while we were there nowadays we would read stories to all the children that lived here with us.
See, me and Raul lived in a mansion where our “father” took in children off the streets and from orphanages, and brought them here. He gave us all a good education and taught us good manners. The only thing that we ever called him was Father. He never let us know his real name, or why he had so much money. Everyone was sure that he had once had a wife who passed, but he refused to tell anyone.
Then there was Maria. She was our governess, who was the closest thing we have to a mother. She was the one who taught us our rights and wrongs, and how to act, and which fork to use when. She tucked us all in at night, young or old. And once you were eighteen our father gave us the opportunity to work for him as a teacher and you would live there unless you decided to leave or he would let you live there for three months time to find a job and move out.
I was seventeen, and so was Raul. Father had already invited us to be the new ballroom dancing teachers. The previous dancer instructors had been planning to move out for years but they could never find a replacement. The only people who ever work at the house are former residents, except for Maria. Maria was the mother of a baby, Mark, who had passed away right after she had brought the baby here. Father adopted Maria to work with the children that had been around Mark’s age and now she just works with everyone.
But Father had agreed that once we are both eighteen he would hold a wedding for us. We were already planning. So we were very separated from the other residents except for balls, lessons, and meals. We had a ball four times a year, and we had just escaped from the winter ball.
I turned around to face him as we entered the library. Whenever I saw the mass of books I lost my breath. There were so many to choose from. There were old books, new books, books in different languages. I had learned Latin, Greek, French, Italian, Irish, and Spanish so far. I had been learning since I was three, when I first came. I would come here with Raul and we would read the tales of pirates and fairies and wizards and anything you could think of.
Raul smiled at me right before I kissed him. His strong arms wrapped around me. My muscles tensed and relaxed at the same time. He broke away from our embrace and looked down at me.
“I know you’ve been through a lot, Oak. You need to sleep. Let’s get you to bed,” Raul said. He worried too much.
“I’m okay, Raul! Everyone keeps expecting me to freak out and break, but I’m fine, really.” I said, waiting for his argument.
“I don’t expect you to crack, or anything. I just wish you would sleep. It’s been three days since the car crash and you haven’t slept at all. You just spend all night in the nursery and just watch the children sleep. You need to get some rest,” Raul said, as if I didn’t know what I had been doing the past three nights.
“Raul I just can’t sleep. We used to share a room. And we weren’t just sisters, we were twins. Honestly, Raul. Going in that room is something I won’t be able to do for a very long time. It’s too hard.” I told him. He didn’t understand that if I went in there I… well I don’t know what would happen. I just knew I couldn’t go in.
“Then you and me can set up camp in here, like we used to when I was little. I’ll get both of our things and come back in twenty minutes. Sit down and read a book.” He agreed.
I nodded and sat down. I didn’t like it when I had to talk about the crash and I liked it even less when I fought with Raul. Frustrated, I picked up Pride and Prejudice and opened it to random page. Fifteen minutes later he returned with blankets and pillows.
I took the blankets and laid one of them on the floor and put the two pillows next to each other, I laid down on one of them and Raul laid next to me. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his muscular shoulder. I looked at him and saw his smile until I slipped into a long awaited slumber.
When I woke up Raul had changed and was sitting in a chair in the corner. I smiled at him and he chuckled under his breath. Since we were little it had been me who had woken up first.
“I win this time, Oak. Maybe next time you might win.” He joked, hoping to raise my spirits. “I am glad you got the sleep, but just to let you know, it’s three o’clock in the afternoon. Let’s go get you some breakfast, sleeping beauty.” He suggested. I sat up and stretched, but soon enough realized my empty stomach growling. I nodded at him and walked hastily to the kitchen. We knew that Maria wouldn’t be there, so we didn’t need permission to go in.
I grabbed bread, cheese, and some grape juice, threw them on a plate and sat down. Raul ate nothing. I looked at him, perplexed. This whole time he hadn’t talked about the crash yet. Tomorrow was the day I was to tell the police exactly what happened to my twin sister, Ivy, and I. The thought terrified me.
I watched his expression the entire time but his face never wavered. So I rattled on about something unimportant things until he gave up listening. I could tell, so I decided to freak him out.
“So yesterday I found out that I’m pregnant and obviously its not yours because we’ve never had sex it’s actually Father’s. His boring dimeanor really turns me on,” I said, testing him.
The look on his face was priceless. “You can pick your jaw up off the floor any time now, Raul. I was only kidding. I could tell you were bored I just wanted to see if you were paying any attention,” I said, fighting back the smug grin I had been hiding for the last half hour.
His face turned beet red and I could tell he too, was fighting back a smile. I looked into his eyes. They looked suddenly sad as if he was remembering a passed relative.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t listening to you, Oak. It’s just I am worried about tomorrow. I’m scared for you, because I know how hard it will be for you. I just want the best for you. I want to see that smile on your face, that mischievous look in your eyes, how your hair turns red when we swim in the pool, how your body moves when we dance. I miss it, Oak. I want this to be easier on you, but I don’t know how. Tell me, Oak. How do I make it better?” he asked. I sighed at the desperate tone in his voice. I didn’t deserve him.
Why did he have to go through this? Why? I didn’t want him to suffer just because of something that had happened to me, and least of all something that wasn’t his fault.
“Raul, I know I’m not doing my best right now, but I promise eventually I will be okay. It might take years, or it could be later today. There’s no way anyone can tell, least of all me. You couldn’t possibly do anything better.” I said.
I looked to me left and saw a little boy around the age of eight running in. I recognized him at once as Simon. I read a book to him and his three roommates every night to help out. There was a system in our house; you take care of anyone if you can. Everyone lived by those standards, and it was wonderful. It helped Maria not get swamped with work.
Simon came over to me and hopped up onto my lap. I hugged him and he turned his head and kissed me on the cheek. He was very shy, and I liked to think that I was one of the few people he talked to. Simon was probably the sweetest eight year old you could find in the world. He picked flowers for all the girls whenever he went for a walk, he played with all the boys, and whenever Maria or any other one of the staff needed help, he dropped what he was doing to pitch in any way he could. Sometimes he felt like a son to me.
I looked over at Raul and smiled. I could live like this forever. And for a moment, I had almost forgotten the crash. Then I remembered that the next day was the day I had to tell the police exactly what had happened on those earth-shattering hours of darkness.
“Hey Simon, guess what?” I said, tickling the youthful little boy as I spoke.
“What?” he asked, seeming excited.
“Everyone is going down to the lake to swim today. Why don’t you go ask one of the older boys to help you get into your swimsuit?”
“Yay! Swimming! I’ll see you in a little bit, Oak.” He hurriedly said as he hopped down from the table to run and find someone.
I glanced at Raul waiting for his reaction to the newest bit of information. His face glided into a playful smile.
“So we’re swimming? I’ll bring our swimsuits down here so we can change in the bathroom” he replied cheerfully.
Half an hour later everyone was in their bathing suits with towels and goggles galore loading into the bus. I was wearing my favorite dark blue bikini, and I had my towel with me. Swimming just let me relax. The longest time I had ever been under water was around two minutes.
The first bus Raul and I were in charge, and on the second bus two boys around our age, Rick and Tom, were in charge. Maria and Father never came swimming; Maria was taking care of the younger children while Father was… Well he never left the house except to walk the streets looking for children and visiting orphanages. No one ever saw him other than when you were first brought to the house.
When we arrived at the beach everyone spilled out and raced towards the cool water. I walked over to a patch of sand far enough away from the shore and there threw down my towel and took off my flip-flops.
Raul knew that whenever there was a large enough gathering of water I would be swimming, no matter what. Once he had tried talking to me while I was about to swim. Let’s just say that things didn’t end well for him.
I began my first lap thinking about Raul’s and my future as a couple, and maybe even as a family. I would live in the same house my whole life. I wasn’t sure if I could live that way. I wanted to travel the world, see new things, learn new things, and most importantly, write.
I wrote stories, and poetry, newspaper articles, you name it, and I would write it. I remember when I was young I had always wanted to move to Paris, France to own a coffee shop and write books under my nom de plume. I wanted people to hear my words, and love them. But the one thing I wouldn’t be able to deal with would be if I had to leave Raul. He was my other half, my soul twin. I could never leave him behind.
By the time I had done around 40 laps it was sunset, so I reluctantly swam to the shore of the lake and walked onto the dry sand. I searched the crowd of Raul and watched him as he handed out bottled water to everyone. The smile on his face warmed the hearts of all. Anyone could see that he was hopelessly devoted to helping everyone that lived with us.
I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. “Hello, Raul.” I said.
“Why hello, Oak. How was the lake? I heard from these silly little beings that it was fun.” He said, looking at the soaking wet children that were giggling at our “lovey-dovey ness”. He took my hand in his and led me around the pavilion while handing out the water.
Later after dinner and some picnic games we all went back to the house and all changed into our pajamas. One of the boys our age was going to read everyone a story that he wrote. His name was Ted and he could bring any character alive. The way his expressions changed as he read and how he made up voices made the younger kids absolutely adore him. We gathered in the library and he sat in a large red armchair with everyone at his feet.
“ Alright everyone, quiet down, quiet down. “ He said in his gentle, yet firm, voice. All I heard him say was “Once upon a time” before I fell asleep.
When I woke up I was still in the library lying on the floor with Raul. I struggled to look at his face while in his arms. I managed to turn my head toward his face and looked up. He hadn’t woken up yet. Over the years I had found that watching people sleep was one of the most fascinating things to do. I know it sounds creepy, but it’s calming.
You just see their chest rise and fall with each breath they took. You see their eyes restlessly move. You see them toss and turn. But watching Raul sleep was different. He would mouth words. Not talk, not even whisper. He would mouth words that he was thinking. Luckily I was good at lip-reading. He sometimes mouthed my name, or he mouthed things that had happened that day. It was usually my name, though.
This morning was different though. He was whispering this time. I couldn’t make out the first words, but then very clearly he said; Ivy…Oak… crash …police…” The tears started flowing before I knew it. Today I had to talk to the police. After I dried my eyes from tears I shook Raul awake.
“Unh..." was all he mumbled as he sat up, disoriented. Recognition appeared in his eyes when he saw me looking down at him as I sat up in the makeshift bed. “Good morning, Oak.” Raul said, smiling. I could tell he was going to try and distract me from the meeting with the police.
“Would you go get me a clean pair of my jeans, my favorite blouse, and my flats please? I need to get ready to go to the station.” I said, trying to seem gentle but firm at the same time. He nodded and groggily got up to go get our things. Once he left I slipped away to the kitchen to check the time and get us some breakfast.
I ambled into the kitchen and glanced at the digital clock on one of the ovens. It was 8:07 a.m. Perfect timing for me to wake up; I was to be at the station answering questions at nine thirty. I opened the cupboards and looked through the refrigerator and walked out of the kitchen with two grapefruits, a plate of bacon, and a plate of pancakes.
Proud of my haul, I stumbled back into the library. I set out our feast out on the floor in front of me. There were pillows for each of us to sit on. I couldn’t wait until he came in and saw that breakfast was already taken care of.
Five minutes later he came back with a stack of clothes and a shocked expression on his face. “You got breakfast? You didn’t have to, I was about to get us some after I came to check on you and bring these clothes” He said lovingly, as he handed me a bundle of clothing. Of course, he had chosen what he liked to see me best in. I liked it too.
It was a dark blue, long sleeved dress made with crushed velvet. It had silver ribbons on the bottoms of the sleeves, the collar, and around the bottom. It flattered my curves, and made my waist look tiny.
I went to the restroom and changed, while he did the same in the library. I strolled back into the library. He was sitting in an armchair wearing a light blue button down shirt with dark wash jeans. “I’m sorry to say this, love, but we have to eat now so that we can get to the station on time,” he said. We ate breakfast quickly and then walked out to the garage where the dark blue Mercedes was waiting for us. It was the car that Raul had received for his 16th birthday when he got his driver’s license. Father gave all of us cars when we got out licenses. We got in and he held my hand as we drove down to the police station.
We parked in the parking lot and you could tell that we were a small town because there were only about fifteen spaces total and seven of them were vacant. Raul maneuvered us in-between two police cruisers. I opened my car door and walked over to the one-story grey building trying to stay brave. I didn’t want to talk to any kind of detective, but it could lead to finding out who tried to kill me and/or my twin sister. I wanted to know who would hate us enough to do that, and why they would hate us in the first place. I couldn’t think of any specific reason as to why someone might want one or both of us dead. It just didn’t make any sense to me. I walked into the police station and walked up to the counter.
“Good morning ma’am. What can I do for you today?” asked the officer sitting behind the desk.
“My name is Oak Berrettini and I am supposed to be here for an interrogation,” I replied, as kindly as I could.
“Right this way, Miss Berrettini. Detective Roberts is waiting for you.” He said as he opened the door. “Now your friend here is going to have to stay outside and wait until the interview is over” I noticed how he said interview as nice as he could, but I knew that I was on their suspect list. I would just have to prove them wrong.
I released Raul’s hand and walked into the room. There was a mirror on one wall and I knew there were people behind it watching my every move. I sat down and tried to prepare myself for what was coming. I hadn’t talked about the crash to anyone; I was scared that I would have some kind of mental breakdown.
“Hello, Miss Berrettini. My name is Detective Roberts but you can just call me Jon.” The man across the table said. He had a manila folder in front of him on the table. It was still closed.
He didn’t pronounce my last name right and it was going to bother me so I decided to take the easy route. I said, “Call me Oak, please.”
He looked at me with what to most people would seem like welcoming eyes and an open heart, but I knew it was all fake. He thought it was me who did it. He was wrong.
“So Oak, where were you the day of the crash?” he asked.
“ First I was at home; then Ivy and I went out for lunch around noon. After that we went shopping at the mall and then we went out to dinner. Then we went to see a movie. We were driving home when the crash happened,” I said, suddenly realizing that I was crying. Detective Oak just stared at me.
“Who was driving when the crash occurred?” he asked, no longer nice.
“Oh, Ivy was,” I said, then I started bawling. I knew thinking about the crash wasn’t going to be easy, but I didn’t think I would cry this much, here, in front of the officers. I hid behind my arms, laying my head on the table. I cried for a few minutes then tried to compose myself to answer the next question.
“Oak, the brakes on the car were cut. We can show you if you’d like,” he said. When I nodded, he opened the folder. There was a picture of the brake cables and they were very clearly cut in half. It was a clean cut. “Is there anyone, anyone at all, that you can think of that might want to hurt you or your sister?” he said, softer this time.
I racked my brain for any kind of enemy that my sister or me had made. I could think of none. I shook my head no and started wringing my hands. It was killing me emotionally not to know who did this.
“Well Oak, this is all we are going to need for now. If there’s anything you need to tell us just call us. Now if whoever did this is targeting you tell us immediately. In the meantime, one of the officers is going undercover. You are going to pretend he is your boyfriend and he will be your bodyguard. His name is Charlie.”
I walked out of the room and ran into Raul’s arms and explained everything.
“Oak, it’s going to be okay. We can get through this. We will get through this. We are getting through this. I promise that we will be okay and someday we will be together again/ I love you,” he said, choking up.
“I love you too, Raul,” I sobbed.
I turned around to see a tall man around my age with curly dark brown hair. His eyes were a clear blue, and unlike many blue-eyed people there was no dark ring on the outside of his irises. In them I saw that he, too was in emotional pain. I wondered briefly if our scene would upset him, but as far as I knew he was a cold-hearted jerk.
“Um, hello. My name is Charlie, but I guess you already knew that. I’m really sorry. I don’t want to break you and your boyfriend up. You have to walk out of here as if you and him are nothing more than siblings. You and I though, are going to look like a couple,” he said, nervously.
There was some dark, alluring air about him that made me thing that something in his past had affected him deeply, and that he was hiding a big secret from the rest of the world. I didn’t know that I really wanted to find out what it was.
I sniffled and wiped my face. “Okay,” I said, still wary of this stranger that I was supposed to pretend to love. I couldn’t bring myself to look at either Raul or Charlie. I hugged Raul once more and then went over to stand next to Charlie, and he held my hand. He squeezed it once, and I thought that meant he was sorry. But I would never know.
Chapter 2
We walked out to the car and Raul got in the driver’s seat. I watched as Charlie sat in the front seat so I resorted to the back. I sat behind Charlie, just to be safe.
The drive home was awkward; no one spoke for a short while. I just sat there and kept to myself.
“Well where do we sleep? Because they said you guys lived at some kind of orphanage, and I guess I’ll be living there, too.” Charlie inquired. I was nervous about him moving in with all of us. He wouldn’t understand the way that things were.
“You’ll probably be in the East wing, were Raul and I are. I haven’t been sleeping in my room lately, because I shared it with my sister; we’ve been sleeping in the library. I might be moving back to my room soon…” I trailed off. I realized that I had said something that bothered him, because he, ever so slightly, stiffened in his seat.
Raul glanced at me, puzzled, in the mirror. He knew I didn’t trust Charlie, but for some irrational reason I was telling him things. I didn’t usually open up to people this way. Sometimes I said less than a sentence to strangers. I shrugged at Raul.
We got back to the house and met Maria at the door.
“Now this has to be Charlie,” she said in a loving yet slightly skeptical way. He nodded. “All three of you, follow me,” she said, a little more solemnly. She led us up to our father’s study, and knocked on the door,
“Come in,” his familiar, gruff voice sounded.
Maria opened the door for us. Raul walked in first, I walked in second, and Charlie followed close behind.
Publication Date: July 3rd 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-ariamyst15 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-hugs-and-kisses-like-father-like-daughter/ | Hugs.And.Kisses Like Father,Like Daughter
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Remember
October 28, 2007 (ooh, the future! insert twilight zone theme )
I woke up covered in a cold sweat and my stomach churning. I ran into the bathroom that connected my room to Emily's and over to the toilet. Emily walked in after I flushed. "Aubrey?" She yawned, rubbing her eyes. She started to stretch, but stopped as she saw me clutching the toilet's porcelain rim. "Oh no, not again."
I looked up at her. "I told you I couldn't stomach it." My throat was burning from the acid.
She sat down next to me. "This is the fourth time in the three weeks."
"You think I don't know that?" I snapped. My stomach lurched. "I'm gonna puke again…"
She sighed and pulled my hair back. "You need to relax, sis. This stress is gonna kill you."
I smirked. "Maybe then I can finally relax." The last syllable was barely out of my mouth when I had to turn away to empty the contents of my stomach.
As soon as there was nothing left for me to puke, I stood back up and walked to my room. "You sure you don't wanna come lay down with me?"
I shook my head. "No. I'm fine now." I shut the bathroom door and flopped back down on my bed.
I had lied to her again.
I was as far from fine as possible. Getting sick regularly in the middle of the night, insomnia, not eating much, I was the opposite of fine. I was sick.
It had been like this ever since I remembered what really happened to dad ten months ago, i.e. the car crash that Oogie caused.
I pulled my necklace out from under my pajama shirt. It was true; I missed Halloween Town and everyone there, especially Lock. Okay, I know I sound lovesick or something, but I can't help it. Lock was the first person I'd met in years that I could relate to. Yeah, there were Jack and Sally, but Jack was always busy, and they were both adults. They didn't have teenager problems; they had adult problems.
Mom had enrolled me in the local high school. I was now officially a sophomore, but it was still nothing compared to being a freshman in Halloween Town. Really boring is the only way to describe it here. People tend to avoid , that's not completely true. I've had a couple of boys ask me out, and they were both fairly normal. I turned both down.
What can I say? I can't do normal anymore.
I'm the crazy psycho girl with freaky eyes.
Lock was right: any other guy pales in comparison to one who could use make fire romantic, especially when I used to be close to terrified of it. Besides, he'd taught me how to pull off most of our pranks without getting caught. Well, most of the time. Stealing a bottle of Banshee's Shriek from science and opening it in the next class we had wasn't the best idea the three of us ever had.
Then there was Barrel. I didn't see Barrel during the school day, he was in middle school still, but he was really growing up. I don't care what Shock says, he's smart, and he probably could've skipped a grade if he'd wanted. Barrel really likes Shock too. It's SO obvious, but I don't think she even notices the sweet little things he does for her. It's just stuff like making absolutely sure that he's always there waiting for her when school lets out (Shock's locker is closest to the exit, so she always beats me and Lock out.), giving her all of her favorite candy from his stock without arguing (of course, he actually just slips it into hers without her knowing. She's often asked me where all those mini chocolate bats come from.), etc.
Speaking of that witch, Shock and me had just started getting to know each other. She was a lot of fun to have as a lab partner. Witches are just naturally good at that kind of stuff. Unlike Lock, who would be if he didn't purposely heat his experiment up so high that it spontaneously combusts and takes half a lab with it. That was the first time, if anyone's wondering.
I rolled over in my bed. TGIF much.
"Lock, wake up!" Barrel yelled, bouncing up and down on my back.
I threw a pillow at him. "Shut up and go away. It's Saturday."
"But Jack and Sally are taking us down to the lake! We can collect toads to throw at people." He tempted me.
"Just shut up and go away. I don't feel like going." I muttered, placing my other pillow over my head.
"God, are you going to do this every weekend?" Shock asked. I looked up to see her in my doorway. "What would Aubrey say if she saw you like this?"
I rolled my eyes. "If Aubrey could say something, I wouldn't be like this."
She ignored me. "She'd be in here helping Barrel, yelling 'wake up you lazy ass' just like I'm about to."
"Fine, I'm up!" I growled, sitting up. Barrel slid off my bed and hit the floor with a hard 'tunk'. Both of them scrambled out of my room so I could get dressed.
I sighed. This is not my idea of fun…
Shock and Barrel came down the stairs to see the Pumpkin King and Queen waiting. "Well?" Jack asked.
"He's up." Shock offered.
Jack sighed. "That's better than most days."
Lock tromped downstairs in a red T-shirt and jeans. "Can we just go now?" Barrel barreled out the door (no pun intended. Well, okay, yeah there was.), cursing as he fell down the stairs. Sally shook her head and followed him out, making sure the green-haired boy was okay when she reached the bottom.
Lock sighed. This was going to suck.
"It's Saturday. Why do I need to get up?" Aubrey groaned.
Her mother, Rachel, smiled at her. "Well you certainly can't sleep the day away, silly. It's beautiful out; why don't you go to the park or something?"
"I'd really rather not, mom…" She muttered, picking at her eggs.
Either not hearing or ignoring her daughter, she continued smiling. "By the way, a boy called for you."
Aubrey nearly choked on her eggs. "WH-WHAT? Who?"
"I believe he said his name was Nathaniel." Aubrey scrunched her nose in disgust. He had to be the most annoying boy in her third period English I class.
"What did he want?"
"Something about a Halloween Dance… why didn't you tell me that your school was holding a dance, sweetie?" Rachel asked, scrubbing her plate off in the sink.
"Because I'm not going. Especially not with him." Aubrey muttered, setting her plate on the counter. "I'm going to the library."
Lock chuckled as Shock shoved a toad down Barrel's shirt. He was having a better time than he'd expected. The wind rustled the trees behind him. 'Practice.' He thought. Halloween was in two days, and Lock, quite frankly, was surprised Jack could even find the time to come out to 'play' with them. At the moment, playing involved throwing mud at each other.
He sighed again. Normally, he looked forward to Halloween. Not even the thought of the new costumes Sally had been making him, Shock, and Barrel could perk him up now.
A handful of mud hit the side of his face, jerking him from his thoughts. He wiped it off and glared at his 'siblings'. Shock was laughing madly, the ball of goop in her hand dropping to the ground. That left only one suspect… "BARREL!"
October thirtieth. One day until Halloween. One day until my birthday. It was late afternoon, and I still hadn't gotten out of bed. I had curled into a little ball under my covers to try and keep out the cold, failing miserably. "Ryan, could you turn up the thermostat?" I called.
"It's almost at eighty, Aubrey. It's not going any higher." I shivered and burrowed deeper under my blankets. If it was almost eighty then why was the house so damn cold! 'Maybe it's just me.' I thought. It wouldn't be the first time. I couldn't stand the house anymore. I needed to be outside. But I'd gotten sick again this morning and was being confined to my room. Mom and Emily had gone shopping in the Mercedes, which left Ryan's truck and mom's van in the driveway.
It was a bad idea, I know. But it was an idea, and I grabbed at it. I shoved open the window, pulled the screen, frame and all, out, and climbed onto the roof of Ryan's truck. I got hit with a flashback of déjà vu, except this time I knew Shock wasn't here to pull the strings.
I slid down into the truck bed and jumped over the rails. Ryan hadn't noticed yet. I made a break for it.
Somewhere in the 'other world' offices…
A small goblin walked into a large, black covered office. "Um… Mr. Reaper?"
The skeleton looked up. "What is it?"
The goblin held up an hourglass. "You might want to take a look at this." The Grim Reaper grabbed the hourglass. He narrowed his eyes in that weird way skeletons can.
"Well I'll be…"
Inside the hourglass, the sands that filled the top had started to fall at an alarming rate, already less than half full. "I see. I'll keep an eye on this one." He flashed the goblin a toothy grin. "Personally."
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
My Name is Death
It was almost two a.m. when the phone at the Peterson house rang. Ryan snatched up the receiver. "Hello?" He paused. "This is." A longer pause, and Ryan's face paled. "Yes. We'll be down right away." He hung up.
His mother clutched his shoulder. "Was that Aubrey? Is she all right?" Ryan didn't answer. "Ryan, tell me!"
"Just get in the car."
"Poor kid. Must've died almost immediately." A police officer murmured. His partner nodded in agreement before going back to question a young man in a blue Corvette.
A worn out old truck pulled up, and Ryan, Emily, and Rachel climbed out. Emily blanched at the sight before her. Rachel screamed and started crying again.
The phone call had been about Aubrey, but she was far from all right. Ryan turned to one of the officers, and showed him his ID. "What happened to her?"
The officer, his tag said 'Brothers, N.' on it, shook his head. "From what we got, she ran out into the road and got hit. The impact sent her flying, and, well…" He gestured behind him.
Aubrey was hanging on a tree, one of her arms tangled in the branches above her, the other hanging at her side at an odd angle. Her shirt had a dark stain that blossomed around her chest and traveled down, like it had been dripping.
But the first thing Ryan's eyes were drawn to was a large branch through his baby sister's chest.
An ambulance pulled up, and a couple of paramedics climbed out. They walked over to Aubrey and, after disentangling her arm, pulled her off the tree with a squelching noise. Emily thought she was going to be sick. After a few minutes of examining her, one of the paramedics nodded. "Time of death, twelve forty-four a.m., October thirty-first."
Ryan held both Emily and his mother close. "Happy Halloween." He muttered. Faintly, he heard his mother humming the 'Happy Birthday' song.
"You've been causing me quite a bit of trouble, Miss Aubrey." I turned around to see a skeleton in a black cloak.
"The Grim Reaper? Can this get any more cheesy?" I asked myself.
He frowned. "Watch it, brat." He looked me up and down. "So you're the girl that Jack's been going on about."
I blinked a few times. "Skellington? You know him?"
The Reaper nodded. "I've been friends with that family for years."
"So, erm, Mr. Reaper-"
"Please. My name is Death."
"Oookay. So Death, where are you taking me?"
"Judgment." He told me, grabbing my wrist. "They'll decide where you go after that." He tugged my arm.
I didn't move. Death sighed. "Aubrey, don't be stubborn."
"Hello? I'm trying to follow." To prove my point, I lifted my leg to take a step, but couldn't put it back down.
He growled and pulled what looked like a cell phone out of his pocket. "We've got a problem."
A transparent goblin appeared beside me. "What kind of problem?" He turned around. "Oh, hello."
"Hi." I said warily.
Death motioned towards me with a bony hand. "She is the problem. She can't get to judgment. Aubrey Peterson."
"Be right back." The goblin disappeared for a few minutes, then reappeared. "All right, the reason she can't get to judgment is because she's already got a destination." He showed Death some papers.
He didn't have eyes, but I could tell he was reading them. "Whatever. Saves me some trouble." The goblin disappeared again. A wicked looking scythe appeared in Death's hand. He grinned at me. "Well, have fun." He slashed the air beside me, and a rip appeared. I turned to look at it, and a bony hand pushed me through. I tried to scream as I fell through the darkness, but didn't have any air. My body throbbed painfully, and I succumbed to the darkness, letting it knock me out.
"Lock, it's Halloween. Cheer up!" Barrel said, grinning at him. His new costume was almost exactly the same as the last one, black with a skeleton on it. But the bones looked more real, and some even had little pieces chipped off them.
Lock rolled his eyes. "Why? We all know what's gonna happen." Lock's costume too looked almost the same, except it was a darker shade of red and wasn't near as worn out.
Shock hit him with her mask. "Stop sulking and have some fun. We aren't supposed to complain how boring it is until AFTER Jack does his thing." Her costume didn't look the same at all. It was still the same dark violet shade, but it jagged black stitches all over it, giving it a slightly creepier look. She pulled her hat and mask on and ran downstairs. "Come on, or we'll miss it!" Both boys followed her.
All three sat on top of the fence to get a bird's eye view of the festivities. In the distance, they could hear the song starting. Shock started humming it loudly, mainly to annoy Lock, who said she was tone deaf.
"Shock, you tone deaf witch, stop that!"
The awards ceremony had started, and Jack was bored again. He almost wished that the trio WOULD try something, just so he could do something other than stand there.
Well, he was about to get his wish. A high pitched whistling filled the air, and he looked around for Lock, Shock, and Barrel, surprised to find them sitting on the fence, looking for the source of the noise. Shock nudged both the boys and pointed up. Both followed her gaze and, after staring for a moment, all three jumped off the fence and ran toward the Hinterlands.
Jack, in all the confusion that was happening, slipped away after them. He was getting better and better at doing that. He was close enough behind the trio to hear their conversation.
"You really think it's her?" Shock asked.
"Why else would we all feel tingly at the exact same time?"
"Tingly? Lock, is that even a word?"
"Shut up Barrel." Lock ordered. "We're just going to check. If I'm wrong, then you can both call me stupid, okay?"
"Can we do it anyway?"
"NO!" Lock stopped and looked around. "It's this way, right?"
"I think so… we haven't been out here in a while." Shock muttered.
Barrel was running ahead of them. "C'mon, guys. It's this way!"
"Barrel, wait up!"
"Slow down idiot!" Jack followed silently, still trying to figure out what they were up to.
"Are you sure this is the right way?" I asked Barrel.
"Yes, Shock. I know where I'm going, okay? I'm not stupid, okay?" He responded. I opened my mouth to make a comment on that last sentence, but he stopped me. "It was rhetorical. Don't answer it."
Lock was looking around. "Am I the only one who feels like we're being followed?"
Barrel and I looked at each other. I mouthed 'paranoid.' He laughed silently. "I'm being serious here, guys!"
"Lock, no one's following us." I told him. "Everyone's busy with that stupid awards thing."
"We're here." Barrel muttered, shoving some branches out of his way.
I peered into the clearing. "What is that?" Illuminated by the moonlight was a heap of what looked like feathers.
Then the heap groaned and sat up. I saw a flash of white hair, and Lock ran by me. "Aubrey!"
Her head turned toward him. "Lock?"
Everything was sore, especially my back and head. 'What the hell did Death do to me? Heh. Stupid question.' I groaned and sat up, putting a hand to my head. I felt something sharp. Suddenly, before I could figure out what it was, I heard, "Aubrey!"
I turned my head to see Lock. "Lock?" I didn't have a chance to say anything else as he hugged me.
"I think he's happy to see you." I turned my head slightly to see Shock and Barrel.
The latter grinned. "I'd say very happy." I saw his eyes travel behind me. "Whoa."
Lock pulled away. "Barrel, what are you- okay. Whoa."
"What?" I asked, reaching behind me. I felt… feathers? I stood up and turned around to look at my shadow. "Holy shit."
"You've got wings." Shock said.
"So I've noticed." I touched my forehead again. No pain. I poked it. Pain. I looked down at my hands. "Claws. Just what I need."
I turned back around and Lock kissed me. I heard Barrel make a gagging noise. "Fangs too, probably." He grinned.
I blushed and looked over his shoulder. "Jack?"
He walked out of the trees as Lock, Shock, and Barrel turned around. "I knew I wasn't paranoid!" Lock grinned triumphantly, pointing at Jack.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
New body, new powers, new…parents!
It was now November first. I was sitting in my old bedroom in Skellington Manor, looking in a mirror. Whatever Death had done, I liked it.
My eyes were now blood red instead of the bright pinkish-red they had been. My canines were longer than they had been, but the sun wasn't burning me, and I didn't have a sudden craving for blood, so I wasn't a vampire. My fingers now ended in claws, which were very sharp; I'd tested them on the wall earlier by carving out 'hi' with a few quick scratches.
My clothes had changed too. I was wearing a black top that looked suspiciously like the top half of my old ghost costume from last time I was here, only it had one of the sleeves attached to it and the other sleeve/glove thing wasn't even there. The end of the sleeve and hem of the shirt were still ragged and cut up looking though, so… Black jeans and slipper-like shoes finished the outfit, along with Lock's pendant.
But the biggest change was the wings.
A pair of black angel wings that were most definitely real, with a span that was wider than I was tall, had attached to my back. At the moment, they were folded up so they took up a lot less room. The weird thing was, they felt so natural to me that I fell asleep in five minutes once I'd gotten in my bed.
I hadn't tried flying yet.
A knock on the door pulled me away from the mirror, and Zero flew through the wood, floating up to lick my face. The door opened. "You know, people may start to think you're vain or something if you don't stop staring at your reflection." Shock said, sitting on my bed.
I shoved the ghost dog off of me. "I can't help it. It's kind of a drastic change." I flared my wings a bit for emphasis.
"I get it, I get it." She grumbled. All three of my friends had changed a lot since I'd been gone. Shock's wild black hair was even thicker and wilder now, and she'd grown a couple of inches. Puberty had been a lot kinder to her than it had me, 'cause she had more curves in more places. Her costume had ragged black stitches across it, and she was wearing combat boots over her black tights. "Have you tried to do any magic yet?"
I rolled my eyes. "Please. You remember last time I was here. I couldn't summon a fly, let alone do any actual magic."
"Yeah, but you were alive then." Shock paused to think. "Try this: knirhs sgniw."
"What's it gonna do?" I asked warily.
"Just look in the mirror and try it." She ordered.
I sighed and looked back at the mirror. "I better not blow up or something… Knirhs sgniw." I gasped as my wings shrunk down on my back until they were the size of a small bird's. "Cool!"
Shock grinned. "Can't do magic my ass! The reversal spell is wrog sgniw." I repeated her, and the wings grew back to their normal size. "That's just basic stuff. You could probably make them vanish, but I don't know the spell for that."
"S'okay, this is cool! Wonder if I can set things on fire…"
She rolled her eyes and shoved me. "No way, we've already got one pyromaniac in the house, we don't need another one, especially when they're dating."
I pushed her back. "Don't you shove me!"
"I'll shove you all I want!"
"Ow! You'll pay for that…"
"Ooh, cat fight!" Both of us looked at the door to see Lock and Barrel standing there.
"Breakfast is ready." Lock said, smirking. Both of us stood up and smoothed our costumes back down. I folded my wings as flat as I could, I didn't want to bother with the spell. Zero followed us down the stairs, barking and yipping happily.
As soon as we entered the kitchen, the dog went over and started attacking Jak with kisses, leaving us alone for the moment. "Morning." Sally said.
I looked at the clock. It read eleven thirty. "More like afternoon." I sat down as Sally sat a plate down on the table.
"PANCAKES!" Barrel yelled, grabbing six of them. Barrel was now about an inch taller than me, which was kind of sad, because he'd been about two inches shorter than me last year. His yellow-green hair was now more like green with yellow highlights. He, according to what all three of them had caught me up on last night, was on the freshman football team, though I couldn't remember for the life of me what position he played.
"Save some for the rest of us, will ya'?" Lock muttered, grabbing a couple. Lock's bright red hair wasn't curled up in the front like it used to be, but instead just spiked up a little. He'd obviously gotten it cut to show off the blood red horns that had grown on his forehead. Lock was still almost three inches taller than me, which kind of made me mad, but I'd live with it. His fangs, which showed when he smiled, were sharper than I remembered, but that may have been because one of Lock's actual smiles were pretty hard to come by back when I first met him.
Jack and Sally looked the same as I remembered. There wasn't really much they could change; Sally's a rag doll, and Jack's a skeleton. Sally could cut her hair or something, but she looked fine like she was.
"Aubrey, I've enrolled you back in the High School, so you'll be starting again next Monday."
Barrel grinned. "Oh yeah, we've still got the entire week off!"
I laughed and finished my pancakes. "That's fine with me, otherwise I'd be sitting around here all day getting bored."
The rest of breakfast was… interesting. Barrel grabbed the last of the pancakes before Lock could, Lock set Barrel on fire, and when Barrel tried to put it out, he ended up soaking everyone and everything in the kitchen… except himself. Shock just poured her milk over his head and ended it.
And after everyone had dried off (again, courtesy of Shock) and the kitchen was clean, the four of us bolted. "You feel okay Aubrey?" Lock asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, but I feel weird." I told him. "I mean, I'm dead."
Shock shrugged. "It's reasonable. So, what happened?"
"I got hit by a car."
"What were you doing, crossing the street?"
"No, I…" I grimaced. "I jumped in front of it."
"WHAT!" Lock yelled.
I winced. "It was a really bad decision, okay? I wasn't thinking straight 'cause I'd been sick and sleep deprived for the last week."
"Okay, it was a bad idea." Barrel muttered. "But getting hit by a car isn't fatal a lot of the time. How fast were they going?"
"Fast. Way above the speed limit." I muttered. "It hit me, I flew back into a tree, and…" I turned away and pulled my top up above my stomach. There was a hole going through straight through where my diaphragm was.
"And apparently got skewered." Shock said, looking at the hole.
"Cool! Does it go all the way through?" Barrel asked. The three of us stared at him. "Uh, never mind."
"Okay, so it wasn't the car." I muttered, pulling my shirt back down. "Well, now that we've figured that out, who wants to go do something fun?"
Aubrey's idea of 'something fun' include stealing the mayor's hat, stuffing a frog in it, then filling the rest of it with mud. I knew there was another reason I loved this girl! "I can't see Lock!" Barrel hissed. I looked over. A particularly thick tree branch was in his way.
Shock reached down and grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him up on the branch next to her. "Now shush!" She hissed.
Aubrey giggled as I put my arm around her. "Here he comes!"
The mayor, hatless, walked into the town square, his upset face facing forward. When he spotted his hat, his head spun to the happy face and he flipped the upside down hat over to put it on his head. All the mud, and the frog, fell out all over his cone-shaped head.
All four of us were covering our mouths, trying not to laugh. If we did, we'd get caught. Then the frog, which was still sitting on the mayor's head, let out an indignant ribbit. We couldn't hold it in any longer.
We jumped out of the tree and broke into a run toward the woods, laughing our heads off. "Did… did you see his face?" Shock cackled. Barrel nodded, his hands on his knees for support.
"Th-that stupid frog! If it hadn't… hadn't…" Aubrey couldn't finish her sentence. She leaned up against me, holding her sides.
"Just… be glad that... you don't have… have to breath…" I told her, gasping for the air to form words.
After we'd all calmed down, which took longer than it should have, because Barrel started imitating the Mayor, we started back toward town.
Once I'd taken a quick look around and seen that the coast was clear, we ran back to Skellington Manor. Jack and Sally were sitting in the living room. We all blanched. "Aubrey, Sally and I need to talk to you." Jack said, surprisingly calm. Maybe we weren't in trouble…
"Okay." She followed after them into the kitchen.
"What is it?" I asked sitting down at the table. There was still a possibility of me being in trouble for the Mayor's hat…
Sally started first. "Well, Aubrey, Jack and I wanted to know if you would be all right with the idea of us adopting you."
That took a moment to sink in. "Wait… you mean, as in, becoming my parents?" I asked.
Jack nodded. "We had planned on doing this last time you were here, but with the… circumstances…"
I paused, looking at the paper Sally had given me. "Can I ask you guy something first?"
"Of course." Sally said.
"Um… do you guys mind if I call you mom and dad?" The smiles on their faces answered for me, and I signed the paper as neatly as I could:
Aubrey Skellington
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
The Pumpkin Princess
I sighed as Lock, once again, attempted to make the fire under his beaker get hotter than he was supposed to, and Aubrey muttered the cooling spell under her breath. A blast of cold wind blew past the devil and put out the growing flame. He turned around and glared at me, and I, in turn, pointed at his girlfriend. She shoved me. "Shock!"
I shrugged. "It's not like he'll try to set you on fire."
After class let out, Lock caught Aubrey in the hall. "You're going to pay for that." He muttered, his tail swishing against her legs. She giggled.
I rolled my eyes in disgust. "I'm outta here." I told them, going to my locker. It was our first day back, and already I was sick of High School again. Oh well, at least Barrel was here this year and we all had the same lunch so we could plot and crap.
It was funny though. Every class we had, (Aubrey had almost every class with either Lock or me) everyone always freaked when they found out it was Aubrey Skellington. We had lunch next, so I headed over to our regular table. Well, technically, it was the regular LSB table, but since Aubrey was back (and it would seem weird to put an 'A' somewhere in there), it was the trick-or-treater's table.
Aubrey and Lock sat down next. "I'm starting to regret this decision." Aubrey muttered, laying her head down on her arms.
"What decision?" Barrel asked. When he'd gotten here, I had no clue.
"The one to let Jack and Sally adopt me."
Lock rolled his eyes. "They're calling her the Pumpkin Princess."
I bit my lip, but it was too late. A giggle had already escaped from my mouth. "Go ahead." Aubrey sighed. Barrel and I both cracked up laughing.
"P-Pumpkin P-pr-princess!" I choked out. "Oh my fucking god that's good!"
Aubrey glared at me from between her arms, her eyes glowing red. "All right all ready, you've both had your laugh, now do me a favor and shut up!"
Gradually, we stopped laughing. Then I caught sight of the cafeteria doors opening and groaned as I saw who was walking through them. "Lock, put your head down, it's Vida."
Aubrey blinked, confused. "Who's Vida?"
Lock growled and sank down in his seat. "Vida Areolas. She's head cheerleader on Junior Varsity."
Barrel rolled his eyes. "She's the leader of what we have oh-so-venomously named the 'pop' squad, which consists of at least all the preps and jocks in school-"
"Save you." Aubrey interrupted.
"Save me, and did I mention that she has a HUMUNGOUS crush on Lock?"
Aubrey's eyebrows shot up. "Really now?"
Lock put a book up in front of his face. "Can we talk about this later…?" He hissed, glancing over the top of his book.
But alas, it was too late. Vida had seen us and was walking over, her ever present group of cheerleaders behind her. "Lock, what are you doing?" She asked. Vida was a very odd mix; half-vampire, half-cat demon. Fuzzy ears poked through her straight black hair, and a tail poked out from under her skirt. Green feline eyes surveyed our table with quite obvious annoyance. She was abnormally pale, even for someone who was dead, and had really, really long canines.
Lock sat up. "Back problems…" He muttered, his tail twitching under the table. How do I know this you ask? Simple: the tip hit me in the leg.
Vida gave Lock a smile, then turned to Aubrey, whose eyes I could've sworn were glowing red a second ago. "And you must be the new girl. Aubrey Skellington, right?"
"Yeah." Aubrey answered curtly.
Vida sent a look of disgust toward Barrel and I. "Why in the world would a Skellington be hanging out with the lowest end of the food chain?"
"Vida, do you like being turned into a slug?" I asked. "Because you should know I don't have a problem doing it aga-"
"What can I say?" Aubrey cut me off. "I like hanging out with my friends and boyfriend." She gave Lock a kiss on the cheek.
Vida's eye twitched. Barrel was having trouble not laughing. "Oh. I'll see you later then." She turned tail and left, her entourage following her, twittering incessantly.
Lock grinned. "I have finally discovered something that will make Vida leave me alone!"
Aubrey glared at him halfheartedly. "I believe 'thank' and 'you' are the words you're looking for." Lock hugged her and muttered 'I love you'. Aubrey sighed, pretending to be annoyed. "That works too."
I smirked. "That worked almost as well as when I turned her into a slug."
"I would've paid to see that. Five seconds and I already hate her." Aubrey growled.
"That's longer than most." Barrel commented. "I think you turned her into a slug in, what, three?"
"Three and a half." I responded, poking the food on my tray cautiously. It growled at me. "You know, I'm suddenly not hungry."
After school, we all headed straight back to Skellington Manor, preferring to avoid Vida and her 'pack' for the rest of the day. Thankfully, we managed to avoid her today and get back to the house.
Jack and Sally were waiting in the main room. "Whatever it is, we didn't do it." I automatically responded. Jack raised a nonexistent eyebrow. "Sorry. It's a reflex."
"Don't worry, you aren't in trouble, but we need to talk to Aubrey." She nodded and followed them upstairs.
"See you in a minute!" She called.
Ten minutes later, Aubrey came flying back down the stairs (quite literally), grinning. "Whoa, what happened?"
"Sally's pregnant!"
I blinked. "Wait, say what?"
"How the hell'd that happen?" Barrel asked.
Shock and Aubrey looked at him like he was speaking German or something. "Barrel, do you just not pay attention in health?"
He blushed. "No, I know about that! What I meant was, Jack's a skeleton and Sally was pretty much built from doll parts. How can Jack get her pregnant?"
"Well, apparently, the Grim Reaper can make it so that undead who want to have kids but can't, like Sally and Jack, can have kids. But only once." Aubrey explained. "They went to visit him while we were at school."
"So that means you're gonna have a little sister or brother?" Shock asked. If my ears weren't fooling me, she sounded excited. Aubrey nodded. "Cool!"
Barrel and I looked at each other. "Run on three?"
He nodded. "One…"
"Try it and we'll gut you both." Shock said, walking out the door before we could move. Aubrey followed her, laughing quietly.
I blinked. "Scary."
"You said it." Barrel murmured, following the girls.
The next couple of months went by rather slowly. School does that, whether it be in living world or Halloween Town.
On a better note, Vida now absolutely despised me. One, I was dating Lock. Two, I was pretty much the most high ranked girl in town, and I refused to hang out with her. Three, well, there wasn't really a three, but I'm sure I could make one.
School was going pretty well actually. None of us were failing anything, Barrel was trying to work up the courage to ask Shock out on a date, and Lock was… well, Lock.
As Shock and I (Lock was probably skipping again) walked into Basic Magic and Potions, Ms. Aurelius, a witch, looked up. "Ah, there you two are. The counselor wants to see you both."
Shock and I glanced at each other and took the pink slips of paper from our teacher and walked out.
"What did we do this time?" Shock asked.
I paused to think. "Well… maybe when we switched the labels for the Frog's Breath and Dragon's Breath?"
"Yeah, but that was like two weeks ago."
I shrugged. "I don't know, that's all I can think of."
"Well, whatever it is, we can probably blame it on Lock."
"Shock!" I laughed, not really all that surprised.
We reached the door to Mr. Bitter's office and walked inside. Mr. Bitter was a vampire, and therefore had a windowless office and always had low lights. "Ah, Aubrey, Shock. Just the girls I wanted to see."
"Whatever it is, I blame Lock." Shock said quickly. I sighed and shook my head.
Mr. Bitter chuckled. "No, no. You two aren't in trouble this time. Actually, I was wondering if you knew your grades in Ms. Aurelius' class?"
We looked at each other again. "Um… passing, I'd hope." I replied.
"Oh, much better than passing. You two are excelling in that class. Therefore, Ms. Aurelius came to me with the proposition of moving you two up to her advanced magic class."
"But… that class is for seniors!" Shock exclaimed. "We aren't taking that for two more years."
"Ah, let me finish. I can only move you up if you two are alright with it."
Shock grinned. "I don't know about Aubrey, but I am."
"Same here." I agreed.
Mr. Bitter nodded and handed us each a schedule. "You'll start tomorrow."
"Advanced Magic?" Barrel asked. "Isn't that for seniors?"
I nodded. "Yeah, but Mr. Bitter said that Ms. Aurelius recommended us to be moved up."
Lock frowned as he looked over me and Shock's new schedules. "Yeah, but now most of your classes are moved. We hardly have anything together."
Shock rolled her eyes and took her schedule back. "Oh, stop whining. Look, we still have History of Halloween, Haunting, and Gym together."
"Gym doesn't count. The guys and girls don't even use the same gym."
"Yeah, well you still get to see Aubrey in those annoying little short shorts." I blushed heavily and shoved her.
"Shut up." I muttered. Lock grinned and put an arm around me, kissing my cheek.
After school let out, we all raced outside to get home. Unfortunately, we never got outside. "Vida's waiting for us." Shock told Barrel, Lock, and I as we neared the doors.
"Well, what if we went out the back and cut through the Graveyard?" Lock suggested.
"Better than trying to sneak past Vida." I muttered. "C'mon, let's go."
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
An old friend
"Where are we?" Shock asked.
Lock looked around. "I'm not sure. I didn't know the graveyard went back this far." Instead of heading straight back to Skellington Manor like we should have, we had hopped the back fence of the graveyard, continuing on that way. We thought it would just lead into the Hinterlands.
Boy, were we wrong. It led us into a part of the graveyard we didn't know existed, and neither did anyone else from the looks of it. It was overgrown with dead weeds and grass, and trees even more twisted than what we were used to made it even darker than normal.
Aubrey clutched Lock's arm. "Let's go back. This place is creeping me out."
I nodded. "I'm with Aubrey. Let's get- ow!" A sharp pain went through my foot. I cursed and grabbed it, hopping around like an idiot.
"What happened?" Shock asked. I couldn't tell if she turned around or not, I couldn't really see anything.
"I kicked something." I muttered, bending down. I shoved the weeds away from the spot in front of me. My fingers brushed against cool stone. I ran my hands over the square piece of stone, tracing the letters carved into it with my fingers. My eyes widened as I realized what it said. "No way… guys, you've got to come look at this!"
Lock peered over my shoulder. "Barrel, it's a grave. We're in a graveyard."
"Not the grave, smart ass!" I snapped. "What's written on it! Listen: 'Here lies her majesty Luna Nigh T'mare, Pumpkin King'."
Aubrey knelt down next to me, the little moonlight showing reflecting off her white hair. She touched the place just below my fingers, and then pulled her hand back, examining her fingers. "It's wet."
"Yeah, I know. The whole things soaked in something. Lock, a little light?" He obliged, a ball of flame appearing in his open hand.
Aubrey looked down at her fingers and shrieked. "It's blood!" I looked down at my own hands to see that they were stained red. I fell back with a cry, wiping my palms frantically on my shirt.
Shock looked around at the ground. "It's all over the place. There's a whole fucking trail of it!" (a/n: Subtle, isn't she?)
A quiet noise, like a sob, made us all shut up.
I stood quickly, forgetting the blood that covered my hands. "Did you hear that?"
Shock shushed me. "Listen!"
Another noise, louder this time. Shock's eyes widened. "Holy shit…"
"Now can we leave?" I asked.
Lock grabbed Aubrey's arm with the hand the fire wasn't in. "Yeah, let's go."
She pushed him off. "Hold on." She followed the crimson trail that stained the weeds and dirt carefully.
"Aubrey, it's usually best to walk AWAY from creepy noises coming out of thin air!" Lock called, running after her.
"Quiet!" Aubrey ordered over her shoulder. She placed two fingers in her mouth and blew, producing a high whistle.
There was a moment of silence, and then, "Aubrey?"
I couldn't see her face, but Aubrey's eyes must've been huge. "Sandy!" She exclaimed before taking off at a run deeper into the graveyard.
"H-hey! Aubrey, wait a minute!"
Shock grabbed my hand. "C'mon! We can't let them get lost in here."
I felt my face heating up, but ignored it as I nearly tripped over another tombstone. "Shock, slow down! You're faster then I am!"
She looked back at me. "You're a football player, Barrel!"
"Yeah, but-" I decided to just shut my mouth at that moment, because I nearly tripped again.
We caught up with Lock and Aubrey a few seconds later. "Whoa…" I muttered. In Aubrey's arms was a girl who looked a few years older than us. Tan skin was stretched tight over her frame, and scraggly black hair fell past her waist. A white, hospital-like robe covered her frame, but it was pretty much in rags. Her fingers to her wrists were darker than the rest of her skin, probably covered with blood, and there was a stain of it on her chest. The trail we had been following led right to her.
"Sandy? Sandy, come on, wake up!" Aubrey was shaking the girl.
Lock put a hand on her shoulder. "Let's take her back to Dr. Finklestein. He'll be able to do something."
Lock forced me to let him carry Sandy as we headed back to Halloween Torn. Not that I minded much; she was heavier than I remembered and my strength seemed to be sapped away. Every so often she'd mumble something unintelligible or her eyelids would flutter, but she didn't show any other side of waking.
I felt something upon my waist and looked down to see Lock's tail curled around me. "She'll be fine. She's just asleep."
I smiled at him weakly, laying my head on his shoulder before going back to worrying about Sandy.
About ten minutes later, Barrel's shout of, "Hey, there's the fence!" pulled me from my thoughts again. We followed it to the always unlocked gate, where we shoved it open (luckily, it didn't squeak) and slipped out of the alley.
Hardly anyone was in the square, so it wasn't hard to slip over to Dr. Finklestein's door, Shock, Barrel, and I walking around Lock to hide the unconscious figure in her arms. Lock knocked on the door and Jewel opened it a second later.
"There you four are!" She scolded. "Jack and Sally have been worried sick-" She stopped with a gasp. "Aubrey, Barrel! You're both covered in blood!" We looked down at our fronts. In the darkness of the graveyard, it had been nearly impossible to tell, but because of the light from the hall, the dark stains were obvious on our white shirts
"It's not ours." Barrel responded quickly.
Jewel crossed her arms disbelievingly. "Then whose is it?"
As Shock stepped out of the way to reveal Lock holding Sandy, Jack and Sally walked out of the lab. Sally took one look at our fronts and ran down the staircase. Almost immediately, she ran over to me, trying to locate the source of the blood. "Aubrey, what happened!"
I shook my head, grabbing her wrists gently. "It's not mine mom." I looked over to Lock, whose shirt was also now stained red, and Sally's gaze followed mine. Her hands flew to her mouth in horror.
As Dr. Finklestein and Jewel examined Sandy, Jack questioned Lock, Shock, Barrel, and Aubrey.
"I'm guessing that the reason you're late has something to with finding Sandy?" He asked, his bony arms crossed.
"Well, sort of…" Barrel murmured. Shock elbowed him sharply.
Jack saw this and raised an 'eyebrow'. "One of you had better start talking."
Lock and Shock both sent glares toward the younger boy, neither made a move to say anything further. The Pumpkin King cast his gaze over all of them, stopping on Aubrey.
The girl had her head resting on Lock's shoulder tiredly, and her expression of exhaustion was only disguised by the worry and fear clear on her face. Her eyes pulled away from the lab doorway on the second story to Jack's face for a moment, and then past him to the wall.
For a moment, Jack thought she too would stay silent but then she took a breath. "The graveyard." She muttered. "That's where we found Sandy. We were in the graveyard."
"What?" Sally asked. "What were you doing at the graveyard?"
Lock sighed. "We cut through the graveyard after school to avoid Vida and her friends."
'Now we're getting somewhere.' Jack thought. "That still should've had you home hours ago." He reprimanded.
"Well, we were going to check out what's left of the tree house, just cause we haven't been able to go back there in a while, but…"
"We thought hopping the back fence would take us straight into the Hinterlands." Shock continued hesitantly.
"But it led us to another part of the graveyard!" Barrel took up the explanation excitedly. "It was really dark and it looked like no one had set foot in there for… ages…" He trailed off into silence. As Barrel had spoken, Jack's expression had changed from somewhat annoyed curiosity to dark fury.
Said skeleton's empty eye sockets blazed. "You four are to stay away from the graveyard! If any of you so much as go near the gate, you will be severely punished! Now go back to the manor and stay there!"
The four of them practically ran out of the Laboratory, the door slamming shut violently behind them in their hurry.
Sally looked at her husband, somewhat horrified. "Jack! What in the world did they do to force you yell at them like that? They were late, it's not like anything could happen to them!"
Jack's expression softened and he took Sally's hands in his. "Sally… I wish I could tell you. But you have to believe me when I say this: it's safer for the four of them if they don't go into the graveyard for a while." Sally still didn't look sure. "But you're right, I shouldn't have snapped at them like that. I promise, I'll apologize to them when we get home."
Sally hugged him lovingly. "Thank you Jack." She walked upstairs to the lab where Dr. Finklestein and Jewel were.
As she walked up the stairs, Jack turned and strode over to the window, looking out at Skellington Manor. Four figures were rushing through the gates and up the narrow stairs. One, probably Barrel, tripped on the third stair, scrambling to catch up with the others. As the door opened and shut, his vision drifted to the lab doorway. 'I may have to keep a closer eye than I thought on this one…'
As we sat in the living room, we were all silent. Shock was helping Barrel clean the blood off his face from the cut he'd gotten when he'd cracked his head on the stairs, and I was sitting on the opposite couch with Aubrey, who was still using me as a pillow. But finally, I had to voice what everyone was thinking. "What the hell did we do wrong?"
Aubrey's grip on my hand tightened. "I'm not sure. I've never seen Jack that mad… not at anyone!"
Barrel nodded his agreement, being careful not to make Shock poke him in the eye. "Yeah. I don't think even Oogie got THAT look."
"He scared the shit outta me." Shock muttered. We all murmured something along the same lines.
"Maybe we should just go to bed." I suggested. "I'd rather not be awake when Jack comes home."
Barrel nodded. "Yeah, that, and Aubrey looks ready to pass out."
Aubrey blushed as we stood up, walking upstairs. After we all said goodnight to each other, and I gave Aubrey a quick kiss, we headed into our rooms.
I pulled my shirt off and looked down at it. It wasn't as bad as Aubrey or Barrel's, but I definitely wasn't wearing it to school tomorrow. I sighed and flopped down on my bed after switching off the lights.
The same thought kept racing through my head as I closed my eyes: What got Jack so riled up?
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Unanswered Questions
The next morning, the breakfast table was silent. The height of conversation was when Barrel asked Lock to pass the salt.
After the four of them left, I turned to Jack. "I don't think I've even seen them that quiet."
"Me neither."
"You really should apologize you know."
"I know," Jack sighed, "But I had a feeling that waking them up to apologize last night would have been a bad idea." He kissed my cheek. "Once they get home from school. I promise." He stood up. "I have some business to take care of, but I'll try to be back by dinner." Jack started to walk out, Zero following him. At the door, he stopped. "No, Zero. You stay here boy."
Zero floated back over to me, whimpering. I frowned as I laid my hand on his head. My suspicions had just jumped from 'somewhat paranoid' up to 'undoubtedly confirmed.'
One: Jack left Zero behind, something that I have never seen him do.
Two: Jack never went to meet with the Mayor or do anything related to being Pumpkin King willingly. Usually, he had to be dragged kicking and screaming (not literally, but you get my point).
As I scratched Zero behind the ears, my frowned deepened. It wasn't like Jack to keep secrets.
Concentrating was never Lock's strong suit. And the fact that his mind was occupied with Jack's outburst the night before was definitely not helping.
A quick, and really loud, 'smack' on his desk snapped him out of his trance. Looking up, he saw that Mr. Black, the Haunting teacher (a swamp monster), had just slammed a slimy fist down on his desk. "Welcome back Lock. Now, maybe you can answer my question. Who was the Pumpkin King before Jack Skellington?"
Lock's mind raced. Of course, the one thing he doesn't copy out of Shock and Aubrey's notes… wait… he knew this! "Luna T'mare."
Mr. Black blinked, surprised. "Er… yes, that's correct." Lock couldn't help letting a triumphant smirk creep onto his face. Aubrey and Shock hid smiles behind their hands as their teacher flustered.
Alexis Blunt, a werewolf, raised her hand. "Isn't Luna a girl's name?"
The teacher nodded. "Luna T'mare WAS female, but the title of Pumpkin King is given to the leader of Halloween Town whether they are male or female." He finished by looking at Aubrey pointedly. Aubrey put a hand in front of her face, embarrassed. "Now, if you'll all turn to page three ninety-seven in your books…"
"Does every teacher have to single me out whenever the subject of Pumpkin King is brought up?" Aubrey groaned, stabbing the spork she stole from Shock into her sandwich.
Barrel pulled the sucker out of his mouth. "Well, maybe it's 'cause you're the Pumpkin Prin-"
Aubrey brandished the spork at the younger boy like a weapon. "Barrel, if you finish that sentence, the spork is getting stabbed into you next." She threatened. He stuck the sucker back in his mouth
Shock sighed. "Well, at least it's something good to get acknowledged for."
Aubrey scoffed. "Feh. What d'you sound unhappy for? It's more fun getting noticed for the crap we pull. Right Lock?" Lock didn't answer. Aubrey turned toward her boyfriend. "Lock?"
The devil was staring down at the table, tapping his claws against the gray plastic.
Shock punched him in the forehead. "Hey!"
Lock put a hand over the spot the witch socked. "Ow! What?"
"Jeez, quite spacing out on us, will ya'?"
"Sorry." He muttered.
"Are you still thinking about last night?" Aubrey asked. Lock nodded with a sigh. "Don't bother. I don't think any of us could figure out why dad freaked."
Shock tapped her fingers on the tabletop, much like Lock had been earlier. "Well, maybe there was a reason that part of the graveyard was like that."
Lock looked over at her. "Shock, this is Halloween Town. What could've been bad enough to make Jack that mad?"
"Mayhaps a giant spider?" Aubrey asked under her breath.
Lock tugged her hair lightly. "Shut up."
Barrel shook his head. "I don't think that even Jack was THAT mad. Yeah he was pretty pissed, but since Lock's the one who killed it, and actually saved everyone, he went a little lighter on us."
"But not much." Aubrey reminded them. "I was there too, remember?"
"How can we not?" Shock asked. "Lock threw the axe just before it tried to eat you and Sally."
Aubrey glared at her. "Yeah. Thanks for reminding me."
Shock grinned. "No pro-" The bell cut her off and she growled at it. "Oh shut up."
Barrel sighed and tossed the bare stick that his sucker had been on in the trash. "Let's go; I've already been late twice today."
"You know, I think this is the first time I've actually WANTED detention." Lock muttered as we walked out the door.
"No kidding." Shock and Barrel responded.
I shook my head. "I swear, it's still really creepy when you do that."
"Do what?" All three asked, grinning.
Lock smiled and kissed my cheek. "Ah, you'll get used to it. In about three hundred years." I rolled my eyes shoved him off of me.
"I don't think I'm patient enough to wait that long." I stopped at the gate of Skellington Manor. "I'm going to go over to Dr. Finklestein's and check on Sandy, okay?"
They nodded and continued up the walk as I turned and headed toward the lab. I opened the door, wincing as it squeaked loudly. "Hey gramps, you here?" Stupid question, he was almost always in his lab.
I didn't get a response. "Gramps?"
A familiar figure walked to the top of the stairs. "Aubrey?"
My eyes widened and I flew up the stairs (not literally; the stairway's too small for my wings. And they were still shrunk anyway) and hugged them tightly. "Sandy! Oh my god, you're awake! Are you alright?"
She nodded, seemingly unfazed by my sudden bombardment of hugging-ness. (a/n: I know… not an actual word… go away)"Yeah, I'm okay, but I really shouldn't be standing according to that lady…"
I let go of her and stepped back. "Oh, you mean Jewel? Then you should probably lie back down, you don't need her to get mad at you." I pulled her back into the room she had been in (mom's old room, coincidentally) and sat down on her bed with her.
There was a somewhat awkward silence between us for a minute. "So…" Sandy started. "What happened?"
"Huh?" Not my most intelligent answer ever.
"Well, I'm guessing that you're dead now, right?"
I blinked. "Oh, yeah." I lifted up my shirt and showed her the hole.
She peered through it and whistled. "Lovely. You get shot or something?"
"Staked on a tree branch."
"Can't be much worse than swallowing glass." I realized what I'd said and murmured an apology.
Sandy waved it off. "Nah, I deserved that. I shouldn't have left you there by yourself."
"Damn straight you shouldn't of. My new roomie was n-u-t-s nuts with a capital 'N'. She talked to plastic trees."
Sandy laughed. "No!"
"Yes! The girl was a certified loon!" I said, making the 'crazy' sign with my finger. Then I got serious. "How long have you been here Sandy? I mean, I know since you died, but where've you been? I looked everywhere for you! And how'd you end up in the graveyard?"
Sandy blinked. "What d'you mean?"
I stared at her. "Sandy… it's been over a year since you died."
"It has?" I blinked. How could she not know that? "I don't know… I don't remember anything before waking up in here…"
Stunned, I asked, "Are you serious? Nothing at all?"
She shrugged. "Mmm… nope. Nada."
I frowned. This couldn't be good.
Sandy smiled at me. "But who cares, right? I'm here now, aren't I?"
The corners of my mouth turned up into a smile. "Yeah."
She hugged me for a minute, then let go and sat back, a sly grin creeping onto her face. "So… how's it going with Lock?"
My face was probably bright red right now. "SANDY!"
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Broken Bonds
School the next week was weird. Not that it's ever normal, mind you. I mean, we learn how to set things on fire. That's not anywhere near average vicinity of 'normal school curriculum'.
But school wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was Sandy. Don't get me wrong, I've only known the girl for like two days really, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let her get away with pulling a trick-or-treater away from the group!
The person I'm speaking of is Aubrey. Ever since Sandy had been up and about, our table had been reduced from four back to three. She wasn't even spending time with Lock. They used to be attached at the hip, but now, it was like nothing had even happened between them.
This, of course, meant that our favorite devil was even grumpier than the rest of us.
Now, everyone's probably asking, why do I care? I can hear you saying, 'Shock never really liked Aubrey anyway.' And if even one of you makes some crude comment about getting Lock, I'll turn you into a slug.
Do you know how boring it can get being the only girl in a group that consists of two other guys? I don't look it, but sometimes I need to talk about girl stuff!
In other words: our tight knit group was falling apart at the seams.
Gym that next Tuesday was more than a little weird. Vida was, as usual, being a pain in the ass as I walked in to change back into my uniform, but for once, her snide little comments weren't being directed at me.
Instead, they were being directed at Aubrey.
"What's wrong, princess? Are you too high and mighty for your lowlife friends?" Vida asked, flanked by three of her lackeys; Yuri Blunt, Patty Reilly, and Octavia Kinas.
Aubrey didn't say anything, but I saw her grip on her locker door tighten. I frowned. Aubrey may not have been the greatest friend in the world this past week, but she was still my friend! "C'mon, say something!" Vida grabbed a feather on Aubrey's wing and pulled it off, hard enough to make Aubrey let out a cry of pain.
My fists clenched. That was the last straw.
"Lay off Vida!" I growled, stepping between her and Aubrey.
Vida narrowed her eyes at me. "Or what? You can't do anything to me or you'll be expelled, you bitchy little witch."
I raised a hand. "You know, I wasn't going to do anything to you, but you just crossed the line." I began to review painful spells in my mind when Vida suddenly found herself sprawled across the floor. I blinked and Sandy was suddenly standing there.
She cracked her knuckles. "Your voice is REALLY annoying."
Vida held her cheek in shock (a/n: haha… puns galore!). "You… you punched me!"
"Yeah, and I'll do a lot worse if you insult my friends again."
The cat-vampire scrambled up and ran out of the locker room. Sandy sighed and turned toward us. "You okay Aubrey?"
She nodded, touching her wing lightly. "Yeah. It'll grow back."
Sandy turned toward me next. "Sorry. That was supposed to be your hit wasn't it?"
I shrugged. "Whatever. Saves me the trouble of explaining why I got expelled to Jack." I turned to walk out, grabbing my bag.
"Shock, wait up!" I stopped, a little surprised. Lately, all I'd heard from Aubrey the past few days after class had been 'Go on, I'll catch up.' Needless to say, she never did.
She ran up next to me, guilt clear in her eyes. "Um, Shock… I'm sorry for being such a bitch lately."
Well, that was a little blunter than I expected. I blinked a few times, trying to wipe the surprise off my face. "Whatever." I muttered. Suddenly, I stopped and put her in a headlock. "Just don't do it again!"
"Wha-? Hey!" She pushed me off, falling back on her butt. Blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face, she gave me an obviously fake glare. "Meanie."
"Ooh, I'm hurt." I said sarcastically. I looked back to see Sandy standing in the locker room doorway. "Are you coming or not?"
Aubrey pulled herself up. "You don't mind?"
"She just decked Vida. Anyone who does that is good in my book." Sandy caught up with us as I finished.
"God, is she always such a bitch?" She asked.
Aubrey and I looked at each other. "Yeah, pretty much." We said at once.
Sandy looked at us. "That's creepy."
Both of us started laughing.
A month later… (a/n: it's now sometime in March, just so you all know)
I couldn't help smiling a little as Aubrey dragged Lock off to, ahem, quote unquote, 'talk'. I looked over at the other side of the table at Sandy and Shock, who were brooding over a copy of an 'Advanced Magic' spell book. Things had almost gotten back to normal since Sandy had started hanging out with us. Sure, Shock and Aubrey hung out with her a little more than they did us, but they're GIRLS. I don't try to understand them.
But I couldn't help worrying a little. Lock, who had confided this to me after making me swear to keep it the utmost of secrets, seriously, he even made me spit-shake on it, didn't trust Sandy.
"Barrel?" I looked up from doing my homework to see Lock standing in my door. I waved for him to come in; I had a sucker in my mouth. "Can I tell you something?"
I sat up and pushed my homework over to my pillow (yes, I was doing it on my bed.). Pulling the sucker out of my mouth, I joked, "Do you really have to ask?"
Lock didn't laugh. Hell, he didn't even crack a smile. Instead he shut my door. "You have to swear that what I say never leaves this room."
Now I was a little worried. "Yeah, sure."
He held his hand up.
"Oh no Lock! Don't make me spit swear!" That was SO gross, even for me.
A minute later…
I wiped my hand on my jeans, scrunching my nose. "I hate when we do that…" After my hand was dry, I looked up at him. "So, what's up?"
Lock walked over to my window and stared out of it. "I don't trust her."
I got up and looked out. Aubrey, Shock, and Sandy were sitting out next to the fountain, giggling about something. My eyes widened. "Aubrey?"
"No, stupid! Sandy!" He growled.
I blinked. "Well, why not? I mean, Shock and Aubrey like her… she can't be that bad."
"I just don't." He stated again. "I can't help it. Every time she's around, I just get this weird feeling. It… it's like…" He frowned. "It's like the feeling I got around Oogie Boogie."
I stared. And stared. And stared some more, until I found my voice again and yelled, "WHAT?"
Lock winced. "Quiet!" He gripped the windowsill. "Look, I don't know WHY I get that feeling around her. I just… do." Lock moved his stare from the girls to his hands. "I don't like her. At all."
I looked out at the girls again. They were getting up and heading toward Skellington Manor. "Maybe… maybe you're just being a little paranoid."
Lock's death grip on the windowsill loosened, and I could see the gouges he'd carved in it with his claws. "Yeah. Maybe."
I heard the door open downstairs. "Lock, Barrel, we're back!" Aubrey called.
As I grabbed the doorknob, I felt Lock put a hand on my shoulder. "Remember. This never leaves this room."
I nodded and shoved open the door.
I saw Shock make a gagging motion as Lock and Aubrey kissed. Then, she looked down at her watch. "Are you timing them?" I asked, a little grossed out myself.
"Mm-hmm." She replied. Then, moments later. "Minute thirty."
"Guess it kinda helps when you don't have to breathe." Sandy laughed as they walked back over. Aubrey stuck her tongue out, then turned to Shock.
"You need a hobby."
"I do not."
"You're timing me and Lock KISSING."
"It's lunch. I don't need a hobby during lunch." Lock came over and sat down next to me, glancing at Sandy, who was watching Shock and Aubrey argue with a small smile. I frowned a little bit. Maybe it was just because of Lock, but I couldn't help being a little nervous around Sandy. It was something about her eyes… they never showed ANY emotion. Like… like one of those creepy dolls with the freaky glass eyes that look like they're watching you no matter where you move.
Okay, so maybe Lock's paranoia was rubbing off on me a little. Okay, more than a little. But he had some really good points.
When we got home that afternoon, Sally was over at Dr. Finklestein's getting a checkup and Jack was off doing… Pumpkin King stuff.
"I'm so bored…" Aubrey sighed, flopping down on the couch.
Lock shook his head. "Not even in the house for a minute and she's already bored." Aubrey stuck her tongue out at him.
"She's got a point." Shock said. "I mean, we can't even prank the Mayor because Jack's with him!"
"We can't prank ANYONE because Jack could show up anywhere in the town at any time and catch us." I muttered. "It is boring."
Lock sighed and sat down in the chair near the end of the couch Aubrey's head was laying at. "God, you guys are mood killers."
I looked over at him. "What mood are we killing? There is no mood in this house EXCEPT boring."
Sandy pushed Aubrey's legs off of the couch and sat down. "Well… I have an idea… but it's not very good."
"It's better than nothing." Shock reminded her.
Sandy bit her lip. "It's just something that's been bugging me for a couple of weeks. You know how you guys found me in that old part of the Graveyard? Well, I want to find out how the heck I got there."
Lock's gaze changed from bored to shocked and angry. "Are you saying that we should go back there?"
Aubrey looked wary. "I dunno… dad said that we shouldn't… and he seemed really mad last time."
"Well, it's not like he has to find out." Shock said. "It doesn't sound like that bad of a plan. We can sneak out when Jack and Sally are sleeping."
Aubrey started tugging at her hair, something that she did whenever she started to get nervous. "I-I guess, I mean, if dad doesn't find out…"
Lock stood up rather quickly. "Aubrey, can we talk? Alone?" She nodded, surprised. They walked upstairs, Lock pulling Aubrey along more than a little forcefully.
-Lock's POV-
I shut the door to my room before turning back to Aubrey. "Are you going crazy? You do remember what Jack said, right?"
"It's just an idea, Lock. Besides, dad's not going to find out about it!" She protested.
"Aubs, please, just listen to me. I don't think Sandy get-"
"What do you have against Sandy? If Shock or I had suggested it-"
"You and Shock are smart enough not to suggest it!" I said, trying to keep from yelling.
Aubrey turned away from me, her arms crossed over her chest. "I can't believe this… Sandy was right."
Okay, now I was just pissed. "Right about what?"
"That you're jealous about how much time I've been spending with her and Shock."
I'll tell you right now: I have a temper problem. But I have it under control most of the time. This moment was not one of them. "JEALOUS?" I yelled, not even trying to keep my voice down now. "You know what, forget trying to help you! We're over!" I stormed out of the room, down the stairs, and straight out the door.
Aubrey's POV
I stood there, shocked, confused, and, most of all, angry. Lock's words rang through my skull like an alarm that I couldn't shut up. "We're over!"
Of course I didn't want to end me and Lock's relationship; I loved him. Or, at least, I thought I did. But over the past few weeks… well, let's just say I was having my doubts.
I walked downstairs, ignoring Shock and Barrel's questions about what had happened. I looked at Sandy, who seemed eerily calm for just seeing Lock storm out of the house. "Let's go. Tonight."
The rest of the day progressed fairly normally. Mom came home and told us it was likely she was having not just one baby, or even twins, but triplets, nearly causing a few fainting fits. Dad couldn't have been happier. He picked her up and danced her all around the room when she told him.
Lock came home about an hour after he left, but he shut himself up in his room and would only let Barrel in. He skipped dinner and didn't even come down to congratulate Sally (a/n: There are times when names must be used and not mom and dad. Sorry!).
Around twelve thirty, we got going. Climbing out a window isn't particularly hard, considering Skellington Manor has plenty of dead trees around back to use as ladders. Barrel came with us, even though Lock didn't, and we headed toward the graveyard. Shock unlocked the gate easily, it didn't squeak (someone must have oiled it finally) and we slipped through, careful not to disturb any tombstones.
The back gate seemed higher than it had the first time we'd climbed it, but it must have only been my imagination because Sandy could lift one leg across and touch the ground on the other side.
We headed deeper into the trees, and it gradually got darker as the branches overhead got thicker and allowed less light in.
"How much farther?" Sandy asked.
I stopped, searching the area with the flashlight I'd hidden in my room earlier. "Um… not much, I think. Shock, Barrel, see if you can find that trail." Both of them started looking for it. Shock let out a triumphant cry after a few minutes and we followed it deeper into the woods.
3rd Person, earlier that day
"Jealous, Barrel! She thinks I'm jealous! Of Sandy, of all people!" Lock ranted. Barrel grimaced. He'd been listening to Lock rant for a while now, but it usually helped the devil let off steam. Now it just seemed to be making him angrier.
'Well you're sure acting like it right now…' He thought treacherously. "I'm sure Aubrey didn't mean it." Barrel said in a futile attempt to calm the older boy down.
"Oh yes she did." Lock growled, his tail thrashing angrily as he paced the floor. "She swallows ANYTHING Sandy tells her." He sat down on his bed, still angry. "Barrel, I need you to do me a favor."
The younger boy looked wary. "What is it?"
Lock looked up, his yellow eyes boring into Barrel's black ones. "I want you to go with the girls tonight. Just to…"
"Keep an eye on Aubrey for you?" Barrel questioned. Lock nodded with a sigh.
"I might be mad at her, but Aubrey's still Aubrey and I still want her to be safe, alright?"
Barrel nodded. "Don't worry about it; you can count on me!"
'Sorry Barrel.' Lock thought as he slipped watched the group from his window. 'But I have to make sure.' As soon as the group was out of the Skellington Manor gate and to the fountain, Lock slipped his window open and climbed out. The tree branch groaned and protested as he set his weight on it, but Lock ignored it and swiftly climbed down.
As he reached the square, he didn't see anyone. 'Damn it! Did I wait too long?' Lock asked himself, looking around desperately. He caught sight of a flash of moonlight off of something white. 'Aubrey!' They had already made it to the back fence.
"I definitely waited too long." He muttered to the air as he ran toward the Graveyard. He followed after them quietly, making sure that he kept the light from the flashlight in Aubrey's hands in sight at all times. Twice he almost lost them, the first time from tripping on an unseen root or rock, the second time by turning and running into a tree branch that gave him a splitting headache, but he luckily managed to catch up both times.
Aubrey stopped as the trail turned into a dark stain on the ground. "We're here."
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Family Reunion
Aubrey stopped as the trail turned into a dark stain on the ground. "We're here."
Instead of searching the area curiously as Aubrey had expected her to be doing, Sandy was looking at her with a calm, somewhat eerie smile. "I know." She walked over, past Aubrey, and knelt down next to the bloodstain, touching it with three fingers. "Do you want to know what else I know?"
"Sandy?" Aubrey asked cautiously, taking a step back as her Sandy's body shuddered. Shock and Barrel stared on behind her, unmoving.
The older girl gripped her head with both hands, her emerald eyes wide. "No… I won't let you… you can't have her!"
Aubrey ran over and knelt down next to Sandy, grabbing her wrists. "Sandy? Sandy, what's wrong? What are you talking about?"
Shock grabbed Aubrey's shoulder. "Aubrey, I think we should get out of here." Aubrey ignored her, still trying to talk to Sandy.
"Sandy, tell me what you're talking about!" Sandy's convulsing stopped and, quicker than any of the eyes watching could follow, she was on her feet, smiling that calm smile down at Aubrey and Shock again. Shock looked at Aubrey's hands and shrieked.
"Oopsie." Sandy giggled, holding up her wrists. Her hand-less wrists.
"Ah!" Aubrey let out a shriek as Sandy's hands, which she was still holding, exploded into dust, effectively blinding her and Shock.
Shock rubbed her eyes. "I can't see!" She backed up into something soft, which she presumed to be Barrel. That is, until she heard him yell out her name. She pulled her fists away from her eyes and turned around, only to see a blast of blue something-or-other get blown at her. "Sleeping powder…" She managed to gasp as she fell toward the ground.
As Aubrey stumbled blindly to her feet, coughing violently, Barrel felt a pair of arms wrap around from behind and lift him off the ground, locking him in a bear hug. He struggled uselessly for a moment before slamming the back of his head into his captor's face. A yell of pain and his release signified that he'd hit target. As soon as Barrel's feet hit the ground, he started running. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!' He thought, shoving through the trees.
"Ugh!" Barrel groaned as he tripped over something and his ankle twisted painfully. He looked back to see that his foot was entangled in a tree root, which had coiled up around his ankle. Barrel blinked, and a figure suddenly loomed over him, something large in their hand. Barrel saw them raise the object and bring it down toward his head, and a burning pain laced through his skull before he fell unconscious.
Sandy walked over to the still half-blind Aubrey calmly, ignoring the enraged look on the girl's face. "Get away from me!" Aubrey hissed. Sandy didn't seem to hear her and continued toward her. Aubrey growled. "Noitanoted!" She yelled, pointing at the blur that was her friend.
The left half of Sandy's face exploded, causing stuffing much like what Sally had in her to fall all over the clearing. But still, she kept walking her straight, slow, path. Aubrey watched in horror as the impersonator disappeared in a blur and arms wrapped around her neck from behind her. "Wh-what a-are you?" She gasped.
The thing smiled with what was left of its mouth. "A messenger." She blew strongly in Aubrey's face, and blue powder came with the blow. "Now be a good girl and go to sleep." Aubrey's head fell as much as it could, the muscles limp and useless thanks to her sudden unconsciousness.
Sandy laid Aubrey down, sliding her arms under her shoulders and knees, and picking her back up again. "Cay, what's taking Jacob so long?" Sandy asked Shock's captor. Her voice sounded rough and forced now, not anywhere near how it did earlier.
"I don't know. Maybe he the brat got away." Came the curt reply. Barely taller than her captive, Cay had dark hair in a short crop a half inch from her scalp, with a black webbed fin shooting out through her short hair. Her green skin was luminescent and scaly in the little moonlight that fell, and her webbed hands were wrapped around Shock's upper arms. Black, piercing eyes looked out into the forest were Barrel had run. Her clothes consisted of little more than what looked like a black bikini, and that in itself was in shreds.
At that moment, Jacob walked back into the clearing with Barrel slung over his shoulder like a sack. Taller than even Jack, Jacob towered over the two girls and their captives. His head was free of any hair, and his skin consisted of scraps of cloth and other… 'materials' that were held together with large, crude, black stitches. One of his eyes was missing, leaving only an empty socket, but the remaining was an electric shade of blue. These rested over a hole which one could only assume was where his nose would have been had he possessed one, and a sewn shut mouth. His clothing, which was not in much better conditions than Cay's, was a ragged pair of pants and a t-shirt. And in Jacob's free hand was a makeshift club formed from a tree branch half his size.
Sandy glared at him as she walked around to inspect Barrel. "Idiot, you weren't supposed to hurt him!" She growled as she saw the blood trailing down his temple. "If I get in trouble with her for this, you're getting the blame, understood?"
"He isn't an idiot, Sandy." Cay called from behind her.
Sandy whirled around, being careful not to drop Aubrey. "No one asked you, Cay. I was put in charge, so you two do what I say, got it?" Cay nodded, her eyes narrowing into a glare as soon as the "girl" looked off somewhere else. "Now, we should get going. We don't want to be late." All three grimaced at the thought and walked off deeper into the woods.
As soon as they disappeared from view, Lock began breathing again. That giant had passed right by him, SAW him! Lock swallowed his fear and slipped out of the bushes where he had concealed himself, following after the three as quietly and quickly as his trembling muscles would allow.
He had been right about Sandy all along! His brief moment of triumphant feelings had been squashed when that… thing had taken Aubrey hostage. And God only knows what those three wanted with Shock, Barrel, and Aubrey. Or who that 'she' Sandy had referred to was.
'Focus Lock.' He ordered himself. 'You can't lose them.' Unfortunately, Lock's mind would not focus, so he barely saw that the group in front of him had stopped in time. He scrambled back soundlessly into the bushes. The only thing there was a giant tree that was even taller than Jacob.
They just stood there for a moment until 'Sandy' turned to Jacob. "Jacob!"
He grunted, which Lock took to meant he was apologizing, and reached up toward the tree in front of them. Grabbing a thick branch, he pulled it down. Lock winced, expecting it to snap. Instead, the ground began to rumble and a hole opened in between the large roots. The two girls climbed down inside, but Jacob paused at the opening. He turned toward where Lock was hiding, and the devil froze.
Something that resembled a grin formed on Jacob's stitched shut lips and held up his hand. He opened and closed it twice and turned and went through the hole as well.
'Ten seconds?' Lock thought. 'Why is he helping me?' Slowly, he counted to ten, and then he sprinted toward the hole and slid through.
Behind him, the ground pulled itself back together with another loud rumble.
Lock looked up as what little light he'd had disappeared. 'Damn it, now what am I supposed to do?' He reached both arms out next to him and felt hard, cool stone. Feeling along the walls, he started forward slowly. Ahead of him, he heard voices.
"-So important about her anyway?" Cay asked.
"Idiot!" Sandy hissed. "This little brat has the other half of the key!" Lock paused. Other half? "And you know we're not supposed to talk about that so shut up!"
"Alright, alright. Calm down before you bust another seam or something."
"Not funny, Cay."
"Jacob thought it was, didn't you Jake?" There was a grunt. "See? Ah, hold on, I'm about to drop her again." There was a pause. "Geez, why'd we have to grab these brats again? We only needed that one."
"Well we couldn't very well have them running off to tell Jack! Now hush up; we're almost there." Lock ran into something hard face first. He cursed and clutched his nose, feeling something warm and wet on his fingers as he did. "What was that?" Lock's eyes widened. "Cay, go check it out."
"Fine. Jacob, take the witch." Lock cursed again in his head as he heard soft footsteps coming toward him.
"Ekam em elbisivni." He muttered, still holding his nose. His body shimmered out of sight as Cay turned the corner, torch in hand. Her black eyes surveyed the space with an unsurpassed scrutiny before she turned and walked back. Lock sighed. "Ekam em elbisiv." He whispered, bringing his body back to the visible plane. Then, concentrating on his nose, he softly said, "Laeh." Lock winced as the bone straightened itself back out and mended together, though he was grateful that the blood flow had stopped. He wiped his hands on his shirt, thankfully he was wearing his costume so it wouldn't be too noticeable.
Then, being sure NOT to hit the wall this time, he followed after the now small torchlight. He stopped when the three ahead of him did (not counting those unconscious), watching as Sandy shoved over a rock and pressed down part of the earth below. Jacob glanced over his shoulder and smiled a little when he saw Lock standing there. Lock saw the giant's gaze and held up both hands, fingers out. Jacob nodded and followed after Cay as she climbed the stairs that had appeared.
Lock counted to ten, a little quicker this time, and then ran after them. He peered around the first corner to see that the trio had stopped once more.
Sandy turned to Cay. "You two take Shock and Barrel down to the dungeons. I'll take Aubrey to Raphael." Cay nodded and turned off to her left, going through the large doors there. Sandy continued going forward.
Lock froze up. Who was he supposed to go after? Was he really still mad enough at Aubrey to abandon her? But going after her meant losing Shock and Barrel… He watched as Sandy kicked open the doors at the end of the hall in front of her. Well, it wouldn't be too hard to remember where that was.
After a long glance at the doors that Sandy had gone through, he turned and ran down the stairs after Jacob and Cay.
"Raphael." Sandy said coolly, kneeling down before the stiff, formal throne in the middle of the room. On it sat a man, perhaps in his late thirties, dressed in all black; loose, silken pants, a tight long-sleeved shirt, leather boots, and cloak. He was thin, though not to the extremes Sandy was, but you could see his high cheekbones, and his eyes appeared to be a bit sunken in his head, but you could see the wiry muscle underneath his tight shirt. His hair was dark black, though there were a few streaks of silver in it, contrasting with his abnormally pale skin, even for a resident of Halloween Town. His eyes glowed red as he looked up at the girls.
"Good job, Sandy. Leave her here." Sandy nodded and laid Aubrey down on the floor, then stood and turned to leave. A scream echoed through the room as a ball of black energy hit her square in the middle of her back. It ate away from where it hit, leaving nothing of the body left. A small, sapphire ring set in gold fell to the floor, and, of its own accord, rolled over and into the pocket of Aubrey's jeans.
Raphael stood and walked halfway over to the unconscious angel's form. "Nkeawa."
Aubrey's eyes fluttered open and she sat up, putting a hand to her head. "Unnh… where am I…?"
"With me, Aubrey." Aubrey's head snapped around and she stared at Raphael for what seemed like an eternity. Then, she scrambled up and ran over to him, throwing her arms around his chest.
"Dad!" Raphael smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "I though I'd never see you again…"
"Shh… it's alright, Aubrey. I'm here now." He soothed, his eyes glittering oddly in the light of the room, which seemed to be radiating from nowhere. He pushed her away and looked over her. "Look at you, all grown up."
Aubrey's smile could not be wavered. "Well, it's been twelve years since you've seen me."
Raphael nodded. "And it is so good to see you again. Though, I must ask, how in the world did you end up dead?"
Aubrey pulled her shirt up to show him the circular scar below her ribs. "I, uh, got turned into a shish kabob on a broken tree branch."
"I see." He slid his hand into his pocket.
Aubrey's smile fell and she bit her lip. "Dad, I know about… about the night you died." Aubrey didn't notice her father stiffen. "I know it was Oogie Boogie who caused the crash and made you drive over the edge of the cliff. Mom tried to make me and Emily forget, but Emily found out and reversed it." She paused. "And… and I know it was because Oogie wanted the key to Living World that my soul holds."
Raphael began to laugh. "Ah, poor, simple little girl." He pushed part of her bangs out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.
Aubrey looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"
Raphael's laughter died down to a quiet chuckle. "The key isn't IN your soul, child. The key to the Living World IS your soul!" He pulled her into his chest with his free arm. "But don't you worry your little head about it. It won't be for much longer." He pulled his hand out of his pocket, revealing a glinting dagger clutched in his fist. Aubrey saw the glint of the silver blade seconds before her father plunged it into the scar that was the cause of her death.
Aubrey looked up at Raphael's face, confused. "Dad…?" She whispered before collapsing to the floor, her eyes closing. Raphael looked at the fallen form before him for a moment before snapping his fingers. A heavily armored cat demon walked in.
"Take her to the dungeon." He smirked. "Chain her up with her 'friends'." As the guard walked out, another figure walked in. Raphael smiled. "Vanessa."
The girl smiled. "Hi daddy."
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Misplaced Affection
Lock nearly cursed again as he lost sight of the torchlight that Cay was carrying. The stairway they were walking down had so many twists and turns it was more like one of Oogie's labyrinths than a staircase! A soft orange glow cast flickering shadows from around the turn ahead of him and he sighed in relief. He was going to have to stay closer, dangerous or not.
Finally, they reached a large, circular room that had several pairs of, here, Lock grimaced, shiny new steel shackles hanging from thick metal nails high up in the wall. Jacob handed Shock to Cay, who chained the witch up. Shock's toes didn't even touch the ground. Cay grunted as she reached up to close the second shackle around Shock's wrist.
A large hand reached above her head and snapped it shut. Cay smiled up at Jacob. "Thanks Jake. You go chain up the boy, and then let's get out of here."
Lock winced. That smile was the same one he had always strived so hard to get from Aubrey. He sunk back around the corner as he heard chains jingling, then the two walked out. Lock waited until they had turned the opposite corner before bolting into the room.
The room seemed to be alight from some invisible, ethereal source that radiated from everywhere. Lock grimaced; the light only made the room seem worse. He walked over to Shock and patted her cheek. "Shock?" He whispered. "Shock, wake up!"
No reaction. Lock frowned and pinched her thigh. Her eyes flew open and Lock had to clap a hand over her mouth to muffle the loud curse that she was about to yell out. "Be quiet!" He hissed.
Shock glared at him but nodded. Lock pulled his hand away. "That hurt!" Shock growled.
"Hey, it isn't my fault you're a deep sleeper." He walked over to Barrel and did the same, pinching his arm instead of his leg.
Barrel, who was used to this kind of treatment from Lock and Shock, woke up less… violently than Shock. "If I'm bleeding, I'm going to get you."
"Sure, sure. Just let me get you down first." Lock muttered, reaching up to fiddle with the cuffs around his friend's wrists.
"L-Lock?" Barrel asked in a quavering voice.
"Shut up and let me concentra-"
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Lock whipped around, losing his balance and falling against the wall behind him.
Standing in the open doorway was a mirror image of Aubrey, only in place of Aubrey's white hair and ruby eyes were ebony black hair and eyes. Lock glared at her. "Who the hell are you?"
The girl giggled. "Ooh, you said a bad word." Lock raised an eyebrow. The girl started walking into the room. "Sandy said there were three of you; I was starting to wonder if she lied to me." She stopped in the middle of the room, swinging her arms like a five-year-old. "My name's Vanessa. What's yours?"
Lock decided that this girl was definitely insane and it would definitely be best to play along with whatever little game she was playing. "Lock."
Vanessa's eyes lit up. "Oh! So YOU'RE my little sister's boyfriend."
All three's eyes widened. "Little sister?" Barrel asked. "Wait, you're Aubrey's sister?"
Vanessa's smile widened. "She's my twin, actually. Of course, she never knew."
Lock glared at her. "Where is she?"
"Oh, I can't tell you that." She giggled again. That was getting REALLY annoying. Vanessa's eyes traveled up and down Lock's form. "Though I must say, she's got really good taste. You're cute." Vanessa smiled. "I'll make a deal with you. If my daddy finds out about this, not only will YOU be in trouble, but so will they." She gestured behind him at Shock and Barrel.
"What's the deal?" Lock growled.
Vanessa walked over to him. "Dump Aubrey. Be my boyfriend, and I'll keep this little rescue attempt under wraps."
Barrel and Shock looked like they'd just been told Lock had to cut their heads off. "Lock, you aren't seriously going to listen to her, right?" Shock asked.
Barrel looked over at her. "Of course he's no-"
"Shut up, Barrel." Lock growled. If he could've, Barrel would've drawn back away from him. Lock looked back at Vanessa. "Fine." Vanessa grinned. "But on one condition. Show me Aubrey first."
"Why?" Vanessa asked, pouting.
"If she's not okay, there's no deal."
Vanessa sighed. "Well, I don't know where she is, so I really can't do that." She paused. "Stay here." She walked out, and returned five minutes later. "Found her." Vanessa smiled at Lock and clapped twice. The wall opposite of Shock shimmered, and a figure appeared there.
Shock gasped. "Oh god…"
Lock stayed silent, staring at Aubrey. Her hands were bound directly to the wall, spread apart in a 'v' shape over her head. Her ankles were chained together with a heavy steel ball hanging from the chain and just barely resting on the ground. Her shirt was all but destroyed, missing from just below her ribs down, and the pale skin was stained red from the blood that was still oozing from around the dagger stuck in her chest. Behind her, her wings were spread to their full lengths, a silver nail hammered into the middle of each to keep it that way.
Barrel glared at Vanessa. "That's not right! She's your sister, why would you do that to her?"
Vanessa smacked him. "Shut up!" She glared at Aubrey. "She has something I need."
Lock's fists clenched. "No…" Vanessa turned around, her eyes narrow slits.
"Come on. We had a deal." She grabbed Lock's wrist.
The devil wrenched his hand out of her grasp and ran toward the locked up angel. "Aubrey!" He choked and fell back as Vanessa's arm looped around his neck.
"Tegrof reh." She whispered in his ear. Lock's struggles stopped and he stood still for a moment. Vanessa pulled her arm from around his neck and took his hand. "Come on Lock. Let's get out of here."
Lock blinked and his gaze passed over Aubrey. "What about Shock and Barrel?"
"I'll have someone unlock them a.s.a.p." Vanessa assured him.
Lock looked at his friends, who were utterly taken aback, unsurely. "I don't know, maybe I should stay…"
Vanessa pouted. "Please, Lock?"
"I guess…" He muttered, letting her lead him out.
Barrel looked over at Shock, horrified. "What just happened?"
Shock's head fell to her chest, tears starting to blur her vision. "She used a memory spell. Lock doesn't remember a thing about Aubrey. Instead, all he remembers is Vanessa."
"But… shouldn't he remember that she wasn't in any of those memories? School? When he killed Oogie? 'Cause he sure as hell didn't do it to save her!"
Shock shook her head. "No. Memory spells are the most difficult form of black magic that there is. It actually alters the memories so that even if Aubrey was in it, it erases her and then bends and twists the memory to make sense."
"But… there's got to be a way to reverse it, right?"
Shock looked up at him, and Barrel saw the tear tracks on her face. "Not unless we can find the spell book she got it out of. You can't make up a memory spell on the spot; you have to get it out of a spell book. And the only way to reverse it is to use a white magic spell."
"Um, Shock, you suck at white magic." Barrel reminded her.
She glared at him. "Thanks for the reminder. And anyway, I don't know any white magic spells other than laeh."
Barrel looked over at Aubrey. "So, basically then… we're screwed?"
Shock let out a sigh. "Yeah, basically."
"Jack, I can't find them anywhere!" Sally cried. Jack wrapped his arms around her.
"It'll be all right, Sally. We'll find them." There was a loud knock on the door and the Vampire Brothers burst in.
"Jack, you have to come outside!" The eldest pleaded.
"It's an emergency!" The other three told him. Jack let go of Sally and ran outside.
He gasped as he ran out onto the porch. Towering above the Graveyard was a huge castle, about as dark and evil looking as they came. "Oh no…" He turned to the Vampires. "I'll handle this, don't worry." He ran back inside.
Sally stood up as Jack ran into the living room. "Jack? What's going on?"
"Sally, I promise I'll explain everything, but we have to hurry." He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the staircase.
"Jack, where did that castle come from?"
Jack closed his eyes as he led Sally up to their tower room. "Sally, there was a reason that I got so angry when I'd heard the kids had found that part of the graveyard. It… it's been a secret, passed down from Pumpkin King to Pumpkin King." He paused. "There are some evils so great that they must be dealt with."
"Jack?" Sally asked.
He continued, ignoring her question. "Halloween Town is made up of, if you'll excuse the phrase, the living dead. But there is a way to make the dead STAY dead. This condition is called Eternal Sleep, or 'perma-death'. It can only be initiated by the reigning Pumpkin King.
"When my mother was still King, the Skellington's were guardians of the key that connected Halloween Town to the Living World."
Sally gasped. "The one that Aubrey…?"
Jack nodded. "The very same." He opened the door to their room and walked over to the far wall. "When I was still a kid, the key was stolen by three of Halloween Town's best pranksters. The Lock, Shock, and Barrel of their time. We caught two of them, but the third got away, managing to use the key and escape into the Living World." Jack pushed in a piece of the wood paneling on the wall. A piece of the floor slid away, revealing a spiraling staircase. "His name… was Raphael Peterson."
Sally had to stop and think for a moment. "Peterson… you don't mean that he was…"
Jack nodded and took Sally's hand again as they started down the staircase. "Aubrey's father, yes. I didn't even realize it until Dr. Finklestein told me that… well, you remember when we were first thinking about adopting Aubrey? When she was still alive?" Sally nodded. "He ran some tests and found out that Aubrey's soul wasn't deteriorating slower than the normal rate because of her will power. It was because Aubrey was already half dead."
Sally gasped for what seemed to be the fiftieth time that day. "Does Aubrey know?"
Jack stopped as they reached a large, steel door at the bottom of the stairs. "No." He pushed it open.
Sally looked around. The room was large, and looked much like the living room of Skellington Manor. "Jack… where are we?"
"A sort of safe house that my grandfather built to protect my mother and I if something ever happened. We've never had to use it until now." Jack turned around to face Sally, worry clear on his face. "Sally, I want you to stay down here until I come back to get you. It's too risky to leave you out in the open where someone could…"
Sally cut him off, putting a finger over his lips. "I understand, Jack." She hugged him. "Be careful."
Jack smiled and kissed her. "I will be." He ran out, pulling the door shut behind him. He ran up the staircase quickly, his long legs letting him take three at a time. Jack slid the trapdoor shut and the indentation in the wall disappeared. Walking into the living room, he looked down to the floor, where Sally was below him. "I love you, Sally." He whispered before walking out the door.
In the square, everyone moved out of the way of their Pumpkin King as he walked hurriedly toward the Graveyard. The gates creaked open as Jack neared them, slamming shut as he walked through. Jack weaved through the tombstones until he reached the back fence.
Taking a quick glance over his shoulder, he nodded at the town and stepped over the steel fence.
In his throne room, Raphael began to grin. "Cay, Jacob." With a shimmer of the air, they appeared in the middle of the room. "His Royal Pumpkin Head has left town. You know what to do."
Cay nodded as Jacob lifted her up onto his shoulder. "We'll get her." Another shimmer, and they were gone.
Vida was sulking. She was sulking because… well, does someone really need a reason to sulk? Actually, yes, but that isn't the point.
The cat-vampire mix was sulking because of three reasons: Lock, Aubrey, and Sandy. All of which were obvious reasons. She sighed and sat up, pulling her fingers out of the cold fountain water. She shivered. Something was making her hair stand on end. Vida looked around, trying to figure out what was wrong.
A large hand covered her mouth and lifted her up, and that's when she realized it. It was far too dark for ten in the morning. But there was nothing wrong with the sun. The sun was being blocked out by something, or someone, very, VERY large.
"Vida!" Corpse Kid, though it was more like Corpse Teen now, yelled. This alerted the rest of the somehow oblivious square to the fact that Jacob and Cay had just appeared in the middle of Halloween Town.
Cay sighed. "Put her down, Jacob. We'll get you a pet after this is all over." Jacob nodded and set Vida, who had now passed out, on the ground. Cay pulled a bright silver amulet out of her pocket and held it high above her head. It flashed brightly, covering Halloween Town in its light. When it faded, it revealed the denizens of Halloween Town, all with the blackened eyes of someone under a puppet spell.
With a grin, Cay jumped to the ground. "Find me the Pumpkin Queen and bring her here. Now!" All of the citizens turned toward Skellington Manor and walked, floated, or oozed toward it.
In the safe house, Sally was busy with her own problems. She had paced the room twenty-six times, unstitched and re-stitched her left hand twice, and contemplated opening the door and running after Jack more times than she could count. She sighed. "All this worrying is going to drive me crazy." She stood up and walked over to the door, resting her hand on the handle. Biting her lip, she turned it and began to pull it open. She groaned from the effort. Jack had made it seem so easy!
'Well, Jack is a lot stronger than I am.' She thought, managing to make the door slide another inch. After another few tugs (and nearly losing an arm), the opening was just large enough for her to slip through. She climbed the staircase and ran into another problem. The trapdoor was shut.
At that moment, Sally said a word that she would've never dared to say around any of her family or friends. Feeling along the smooth wood, her hands pressed down an unseen switch and the door slid back, letting her out. With a smile of satisfaction, the ragdoll climbed out into the bedroom, and, after sealing the door again, went downstairs.
Straight into the arms of the hypnotized Behemoth. "Let go of me!" Sally cried, struggling in his grasp pointlessly. After all, Sally really had no muscle, and muscle was pretty much all Behemoth was made of. But she continued her fruitless struggling until she was dragged out to the fountain where Jacob and Cay were waiting.
"So, this is Sally Skellington." Cay muttered, mainly to herself, as she examined the Pumpkin Queen. "Not much to look at." She noticed the bulge in Sally's stomach, and felt a twinge of guilt pass through her mind. "But I'm not here to judge. Grab her Jacob." The giant took the Queen from Behemoth, wrapping a fist around her torso. "Be careful." Cay warned in a low whisper, too low for Sally to hear. Jacob nodded and lifted Cay back up to his shoulder. The air shimmered, and all three disappeared.
SC: Okay, let's see if I can sum this chapter up: Shock and Barrel are in chains, Aubrey's being crucified for her twisted daddy and sister's evil schemes, Lock is yet again the victim of hypnotism, Jack is off to kick some serious ass, or so he thinks, the whole of Halloween Town has been put under a mass puppet spell, and Sally has been kidnapped by Cay and Jacob. And to top it all off, I leave you all at a cliffhanger! Don't you just love me?
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Sibling Rivalry
-Jack's POV-
It wasn't hard to get to Raphael's Palace; he'd laid out the path for me. The trees had been turned apart to let me through, and many had been torn out by their roots to block any other paths. I stopped as the dirt under my feet turned to wood. A drawbridge? "Getting a little theatrical, aren't we?" I called into the air. But really, I didn't expect a reply, at least, not until I got further inside the castle.
I walked across the drawbridge and shoved open the doors. A pair of masked guards stepped in front of me. "His Majesty is waiting for you in the throne room." The first said in a flat voice.
"Please follow us." They both turned on their heel and started to walk off. I followed after them. What choice did I have? Trap or not, either I followed or got lost.
Eventually, we stopped at another pair of large wooden doors. The guards pushed them open and I walked through. I glared at the figure sitting on the throne. "Raphael."
He, on the other hand, found my anger amusing, and grinned. "Ah, Jacky! It's been to long!"
"It's Jack." The doors slammed shut behind me. I didn't flinch.
"Oh, so you finally ditched the nickname after mommy dearest banished us!" Raphael spat. "We were your best friends, Jack! And you didn't even stick up for us!"
"I trusted you when I showed you the key!" I roared. "And then you, Cay, and Jacob stole it!" I muttered a few words under my breath, and a bolt of lightning destroyed the throne. I smiled, a sense of repulsing satisfaction, until I heard a laugh from in the smoke.
"Nice try, Jack, but you missed." I rolled to the side as a pillar of flame consumed the spot I'd previously been standing in. A hand wrapped around my neck and lifted me up. "Normally, simply snap your neck, but I'm enjoying this far too much."
"Enjoy this!" I hauled my arm back and punched him in the face. I felt another revolting wave of satisfaction as I felt the bone crunch under my fist. He dropped me, clutching his nose.
He sneered at me from the ground, blood leaking from between his fingers. "How eager to fight are you? Eager enough to risk the life of your wife and unborn children?"
I froze. "What have you done to Sally?" Raphael laughed. I ran over and pulled him up by the front of his shirt. "What did you do, Raphael?"
"Nothing." A female voice behind me drawled. "Yet. Long time no see Jacky." I turned around to see Cay hopping off Jacob's shoulder.
"Jack." I growled. My eyes traveled to the giant's fist to see MY Sally, unconscious. "Sally! Put her down, Jacob!"
Jacob shook slightly, glancing at Cay for support. "You don't have to do anything Pumpkin Head says, Jakie." She soothed, managing to cast a glare in my direction.
"Still making all his decisions for him Cay?" I asked spitefully.
She glared at me, full-on this time. "Thanks to your dearest mummy's spell, Jacob permanently lost his ability to say anything and his brain is almost gone. He's like a toddler again." I heard a twinge of sorrow in her voice.
"I'm sorry Cay." I muttered. "I never wanted you two dragged into this mess."
She glared at me. "Well we were!" She wrapped her arms around herself. "Do you have any idea what it was like down there? Hell couldn't have been so bad."
I winced. "Cay…"
"Don't try to butter me up now, Jack. You're about twenty-five years too late." Cay growled. "Now surrender or I'll have Jacob tear Sally into pieces and kill your kids."
I sighed, defeated. I didn't have any choice now. I glared at Raphael, a broken shell. "You win."
Raphael grinned, moving his hands from his now healed nose. The dried blood did nothing for helping him look sane. "You have NO idea how long I've waited to hear you say that. Cay, take Sally down to the dungeon. I'll deal with Jack myself." Raphael snapped his fingers and thick stone chains shot out of the wall behind me, pulling me back and holding me tightly against the stone.
I glared at him. "If you hurt her-"
His expression grew serious. "I give you my word that Sally will not be harmed." Jacob and Cay walked out, but not before I saw Cay take Sally from Jacob and carry her much more safely. I let out a sigh of relief. As long as Sally was okay…
Raph walked over, the insane grin back. He raised a hand up to my arm and grasped my wrist. "You know, Aubrey is such a marvelous girl. She's really grown up." I winced as he pulled my entire left arm off; it didn't really hurt, considering I had no nerve endings, but it still creeped me out that he had just purposely pulled off my arm. "So… powerful. And her soul really turned out beautifully. An angel." He smiled lovingly, like he actually meant what he was saying. But if I knew Raph as well as I thought I did, he had an ulterior motive. "It's such a shame that I have to remove the key for my plan to work."
My eyes widened. "Raphael, you can't take the key from Aubrey. She'll die!"
He paused in his dismantling of my arm to look up at me. "You think I don't know that? In fact, Jacky," He grinned, "That's what I'm counting on."
Vanessa growled. "Marvelous? Powerful? She's nothing compared to me!" She took on a deeper voice, imitating her father. "'Her soul turned out so beautifully. An angel.'" She paused, and a grin formed on her face. "Lock, you wait up in my room. I'll be there soon." She kissed his cheek and walked off toward the dungeons.
"Barrel will you stop pulling on those chains? They aren't going to come loose." Shock sighed.
Barrel gave her a dry stare. "Well I don't see you coming up with any ideas."
Shock sighed again. "That's because I don't have any." She looked towards the arched doorway. "Someone's coming."
"Oh, brilliant deduction." Vanessa drawled, clapping sarcastically as she walked in. "Don't worry; I'm not here for you two." She walked over to Aubrey, glaring up at her. "You think you're so fucking special, don't you? Let's see how 'special' daddy thinks his little angel is when she loses her wings." Vanessa's fingers curled around the handle of the dagger protruding from her twin's stomach and pulled it out. Aubrey flinched and gave a moan.
Vanessa backhanded her across the face. "Wakey, wakey! I want you conscious for this." Aubrey's eyes fluttered open and Vanessa smirked nastily. "Good." She walked around to Aubrey's left side and raised the dagger, bringing it down on the protrusion that connected the black feathered wing to Aubrey's back.
If Aubrey hadn't been awake before, she was now. She screamed as the steel cut through flesh and muscle and Vanessa began to saw through the bone. She thrashed as much as she could, which wasn't much, as the blade sawed through the marrow, finally coming out the other side. Tears poured down Aubrey's face and blood stained her back the same dark crimson as her stomach. Her muscles spasmed uncontrollably as Vanessa slowly walked around to her other side.
"N-no… please…" Aubrey managed to choke out through her pain.
Vanessa ignored her and made quick work of her remaining wing, and the unmistakable smell of blood that had filled the room strengthened. Shock and Barrel closed their eyes this time, turning their heads away but not able to block out their friend's screams of pain.
Finally, it was done. The black wings hung on the wall, no longer a part of the girl hanging in front of them. Aubrey could do nothing now but make small, whimpering noises and cry. Her body was convulsing in pain, and blood was now running down her wrists and ankles from where the shackles had cut them.
Vanessa twirled the knife in her hands, a contented smile on her face. Blood was spattered across her front and over her cheeks and forehead. As she looked over her work, her eyes fell on the crimson pendant hanging around Aubrey's neck and a sinister gleam took over her eyes. "Since you and Lock are no longer an item, dear sister," Vanessa reached around Aubrey and unhooked the necklace, and it fell to the floor, "You'll no longer need this." She bent down and picked it up before walking out, the bloody knife still in her grasp.
It was several minutes before Aubrey managed to stop the small, pathetic noises issuing from her and calm her quaking muscles somewhat. But the tears refused to stop flowing, much like the blood that was dripping from the two mutilated stumps resting on her shoulder blades and the newly reopened hole in her stomach. "Aubrey?" Barrel asked quietly. "God, I'm sorry."
She shook her head. "It… not your f-fault…" She gasped.
Shock growled. "That witch is gonna pay for this."
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
-Aubrey's POV-
Speeding into the horizon
I was soaked to the bone, freezing cold, and tired. It had been hours since I'd ran from the house, and the sun not long after I'd gotten out of my neighborhood, bringing in a freezing rain, not icy enough to be considered sleet, but trying none the less.
Dreaming of the siren
Pain coursed through my burning leg muscles as I kept walking, no longer able to run. The only good thing about the sun setting was that it wasn't blinding me anymore. I had no idea where I was going. At first, I'd thought about going to The Towers and finding the tree, but then I remembered that it was gone. So I'd just been wandering stupidly for hours and hours.
Wishing for broken glass on the highway
My ears were sore and cold, and the ringing silence wasn't helping my headache any. I had long since realized I was lost, and had taken to following the highway, hiding behind something whenever a car would pass. But I hadn't seen one for hours. I glanced down at the glowing watch on my wrist. Eleven thirty-seven.
It could be so easy
Shivering, I looked up and down the road. What I wouldn't have given for a car. I would've rather been taken home and suffered there rather than suffering out in the cold and wet. With a sigh, I kept walking. Why I didn't just turn around and try and find my way back, I didn't know. It was like something was pulling me along, refusing to let me turn back. I stopped rubbing my arms to clutch the necklace that was trapped under my soaked shirt.
I don't know what made me think of Lock and made me pull the necklace out to stare at it, which I'd developed a habit of doing lately. 'I'm not going to see him again until I die.' If I wasn't afraid of them freezing, I would've let the tears stinging my eyes fall.
The rhythm
I turned around to see pinpricks of light so small that at first, I thought I was seeing things. Then I heard the low rumble of a car engine.
Rhythm of an engine
I climbed over the guardrail and felt the rough stones that lined the roadsides under my feet.
Always makes me empty
'I could flag them down.' I thought. 'Go home.'
I see the headlights coming at me
Then I felt the cold metal of the necklace in my hand, and I felt… empty. 'Or… or I could…' I looked at the oncoming headlights.
And I can't help but wonder
They were getting closer, and now I could see the outline of the car. I could hear the pounding base even through the windows. The tears poured freely down my face as my sense of reason battled with my heart. 'Lock wouldn't have wanted you to kill yourself.' I berated.
'But Lock isn't here, is he? Don't you want to see him again?'
"More than anything." I whispered to the air.
'Then run. NOW!' My feet took flight and the stones flew as I scrambled onto the hard pavement.
The brakes screeched, but it was too late. They had been going to fast, and the road was too slick. I felt my ribs cave in as the vehicle slammed into my side.
Flying in slow motion
Everything seemed to slow down as the force lifted me off the ground and sent me flying back.
Wind through my hair
I saw the horrified faces of the occupants of the car in perfect detail, felt the pain lacing through the left side of my chest with every breath I took, felt the cold wind whipping my hair up around my face, and felt the hard rain pouring down on my scalp and arms.
And ripping through the scene that's made of the wreckage
The wind was knocked out of me as pain tore through my chest and back I couldn't breathe. Why couldn't I breathe? Something was wrong with my neck too. I couldn't lift it. But it wasn't broken, because I could still feel everything hurting.
It is not a secret
My vision was red and fuzzy; the blood vessels must've burst. I blinked many times to try, and fail, to fix my eyesight. But it seemed that every time my lids closed, they got harder to open. My body was going numb, and I felt, scratch that, I WAS suffocating.
Then it hit me; the feeling that my mind was being torn out of my body and being pushed in at the same time. I was going to die. I was dying.
Into the horizon
I managed to lift my head and look at the cloudy night. It was probably just my oxygen-deprived brain playing tricks on me, but it seemed like the clouds were just disappearing, leaving a clear, starry night.
Dreaming of the sirens
As my head fell back to my chest, my vision was going black. My head was ringing again; if I had survived, I would've had a serious concussion. Maybe even brain damage. My muscle control evaporated, and I felt… not hurt, not even particularly upset.
Wishing for broken glass on the highway
I felt free. I turned around as I sensed someone behind me. "Hello Aubrey."
It could be so easy
Only it wasn't the Grim Reaper standing there. It was my father-
-My third birthday… the cliff… Oogie's shadow…
-with a knife in his hand.
-Sandra stole a plastic knife from the kitchen and cut herself with it.
-He plunged it into my stomach, and pain shot through me. "No…"-
-The car… the tree…
-But then it wasn't my father. It was Lock holding the dagger's hilt, pushing it in deeper, intensifying the pain-
-So much pain… like my heart was being torn out…
-driving it deeper and deeper through my body until it came out the other side-
-No… stop! Wake up!
-driving my mind into darkness. And Lock was laughing. No. Not Lock. Oogie. Shock. Barrel. Jack. Sally.
And then the dagger was gone. It was pulled out. The shadows surrounding me started to vanish, and I could feel my body; my limbs stiff, something heavy pulling me down so bad it felt like my legs were going to be pulled out of their sockets, but I was still being held up by something cold and hard across my wrists.
My head snapped around as something, or someone, hit me hard across the cheek. "Wake up! I want you conscious for this." I groaned and opened my eyes a little, my vision still blurry.
The figure in front of me said something else, it wasn't nice, I could tell that much, before disappearing around my side. My eyes opened wide as I felt the steel that had been in my chest bite into my wing. I screamed as the flesh was hacked away in painful chunks. I screamed as I felt the bone being sawed through like wood, only much more painful. I screamed until I couldn't gasp in the air to scream anymore. Then, the knife vanished, stopped cutting through my limb, and left my body feeling strangely… uneven. I realized then that my wing was no long my wing. It wasn't attached to me anymore.
The figure walked in front of me again, going to my other side. I knew what they were planning to do, and I fought. But what good would my fighting do when I could barely move? The pain came back, harsher this time, and I couldn't stop screaming again.
Finally, the deed was done. I let my head fall to my chest, too tired and numb to do anything else. I didn't have the air to sob, so my body settled for little whimpering noises that I couldn't have stopped if I'd tried.
The figure's footsteps stopped again, in front of me. "Since you and Lock are no longer an item, dear sister," I felt cold fingers against my chest, "You'll no longer need this." I felt something pulling against the back of my neck, then felt a snap, and realized that my necklace was gone.
The silence was overwhelming for a few minutes. Then, I heard, "Aubrey?" It was Barrel. For some reason, the fact that my friends had just seen this act made me cry even harder. "God I'm sorry."
I managed to remember how to shake my head. "No…" I gasped out, barely loud enough for even me to hear. "It… not your f-fault."
I heard a growl, obviously Shock. "That bitch is gonna pay for this."
I blinked a few times, the tears clearing from my eyes. I could see again, at least. Pulling my head up, I looked around. Shock and Barrel were chained up to the walls in front of and next to me, and both seemed to be in okay condition, save the fact that Barrel had blood dripping down his left cheek.
"Who-" I coughed; my throat was sore from screaming. "Who was that?"
Shock and Barrel looked over at each other. Shock sighed. "Her name's Vanessa. She's your twin."
I stared at her. "I don't have a twin."
"Yeah, well she sure looks a lot like she could be." Barrel told me. "The only difference is that her hair's black."
I swallowed, then winced. That hurt too. "She was talking about Lock… where is he?"
Neither of them spoke.
"Shock? Barrel?"
Shock looked up at me, sympathy obvious in her black eyes, even from across the room. "She… Vanessa, I mean, cast a memory spell on Lock. He doesn't remember you anymore."
If my heart had still been beating, it would have. "Great. This can't get any worse."
"No, but I think it's about to get better." A familiar voice said from the doorway.
Lock looked up as Vanessa walked into her room, slamming the door behind her. "Something wrong?" He asked.
She smiled at him. "Actually, I've never felt better." She tossed something silver onto her bed before walking over to her vanity chair where Lock was sitting. "Scoot."
He got up and walked over to her bed, sitting down. Vanessa's room was decorated much like you'd expect a rich, spoiled, five-year-old to be. There were quite a few stuffed animals, most of which were bigger than Lock, and a huge four poster canopy bed. Only instead of the frilly pink that a child would've preferred, everything was black lace and spider webs. Except for one wall, which was covered by the huge mirror that reflected the entire room and that Vanessa was staring into.
Lock rubbed his eyes as the room started to blur again. He blinked as the decoration, no, the entire room changed, showing him another darkly decorated room. The mattress below him was softer, more… familiar, almost, and the stuffed animals vanished. The ribbons hanging from the walls disappeared, replaced with gray paint, with the random spider web placed here and there. The huge dresser vanished, and a small table appeared next to the bed. A picture frame rested on the smooth, flat top. He stared at it. He, Shock, and Barrel were in it, but his arm was out, like it was supposed to be wrapped around something… or someone.
But then he blinked again, and the strange room disappeared. He shook his head and let himself fall back on the bed, his hand brushing over cool metal. Lock looked over, picking up the object. He began to stare again at the bright crimson stone as his mind flew off again.
"I wanted to give this to you at least once since Barrel had to do it for me last time."
Lock put a hand on his throbbing head and sat up, looking at Vanessa.
Except it wasn't Vanessa.
The long black hair was gone, replaced by silvery white hair in a short crop, framing a face almost just as pale. The crimson and black mini dress was replaced by a black sleeveless top and jeans. A pair of feathered ebony wings unfurled from her shoulders.
"Lock, stop spacing out." He blinked and the stranger was gone, and Vanessa was staring at him like he had gone nuts.
"Sorry." He muttered, tucking the necklace in his pocket.
She shook her head, turning back to the mirror. "Well, whatever. Like I was saying, I need to recharge for a couple of hours. Make sure no one moves me, okay?"
He nodded, his claws still playing with the jewelry in his pocket. Vanessa slumped over in her chair, and the mirror glowed for a moment. Blurry at first, an image formed.
I'll give you one guess what that image was.
Vanessa sighed, reclining on the reflection of her bed in the mirror, which was absent of Lock. "I really wish daddy would hurry up and get my body fixed." She looked over at Lock, who had a faraway expression. "Lock!"
His head jerked up. "What?"
"I thought I said to stop spacing out."
'Getting a bit bossy, aren't we?' Lock thought. "I'm just tired."
Vanessa lost her cold glare and giggled like a toddler. "Well then take a nap. Duh."
Lock flopped back on the bed and closed his eyes, the image of the girl he saw burning into his closed lids. He frowned slightly as sleep began to overtake him.
'Who are you…?'
-Twenty minutes earlier-
"Alright Jakie. She's good and tight; now let's go. I think we've earned some 'us' time, don't you?" I heard a grunt and footsteps faded from the room. Opening one eye, I looked around. It was empty. I waited until the footsteps had completely faded before I began to work. My wrists were chained close together; close enough that even my little fingers could reach the seams on my left wrist. Of course, reaching them wasn't the problem. The problem itself rested in undoing my seams.
'Note to self: never redo the stitches so tightly.' I thought, pulling the last one free. I dropped slightly, held uneven. My hand scurried over to my ear and pulled out the needle there, offering it carefully to my mouth. Taking it in my teeth, I slowly transferred it up to my still attached hand. My left hand hopped back onto my wrist, balancing carefully. I'll say this about my detached limbs having a mind of their own; they certainly seem to know what they're doing.
After a few failed attempts at putting myself back together, I decided to go with Plan B. As soon as my other hand was off, I fell to the floor, landing in a heap. I sat patiently while my left hand sewed the right back on, then I proceeded to reattach it as well. I walked out of the room quietly, looking down the dark hallways, trying to figure out where to go.
Then I heard it; the scream that echoed through the hallways. I ran in the direction that I thought it came from. The screams stopped and started again, before stopping completely. I kept running, my bare feet silent on the stone floor.
I heard footsteps coming toward me, and I froze. Not a great idea, which I quickly realized. Glancing around, I jumped back around the corner I'd just turned, praying that whoever it was didn't have to come this way. The footsteps faded, and I braved a look around the corner. No one was there, so I made a break for it.
"…talking about Lock… where is he?" I gasped. That was Aubrey's voice! "Shock? Barrel?"
"She… Vanessa, I mean, cast a memory spell on Lock. He doesn't remember you anymore." That was Shock. I sped up.
Turning, I saw an opening in the dark stone wall. "Great. This can't get any worse."
I stepped into the doorway. "No, but I think it's about to get better." Three heads shot up toward me.
"Sally!" Shock and Barrel yelled. Aubrey didn't say anything. I looked over at her and gasped.
"Aubrey, your wings…" The sight of what had been done to Aubrey, my DAUGHTER, infuriated me to no end.
"Yeah… they've been amputated." She chuckled, but it turned into a cough.
Anger welled up in my chest. "I'm going to get you three down from there, and then we can talk."
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
It took a couple of minutes, but soon Sally had all three of us down. I sat back and watched Barrel carry Aubrey over, trying to work some feeling back into my hands as I did. He set her down carefully, she winced anyway, and then came and sat on my other side. "Are you two all right?" Sally asked us.
I nodded. "My hands are asleep, but otherwise yeah."
Barrel nodded, touching the cut on his forehead softly. "This doesn't hurt; head wounds always bleed a lot." I smirked a little. He would know, as often as he trips and cracks his head open on those stairs.
Turning to Aubrey, I held my hands out. "Let me see your back." She nodded and scooted around so she was facing away from me. I nearly gagged at the sight of the damage that had been done; not only were her wings gone, but Vanessa had missed a few times, and the skin above both of Aubrey's shoulder blades was gone, barely covered by the torn cloth of her shirt. I closed my eyes and put my hands on her back, actually gagging as my hands pressed against the blood-soaked skin. "Laeh." I muttered.
Opening my eyes, I saw that the bloodied stump ends had new skin on them, and the wounds above them were gone. "Good, now your chest."
Aubrey smiled at me. "It's good too. You got 'em with one spell this time." She held out her wrists to show the cuts there gone as well. Sally knelt down next to me, needle in hand. She went to work on sewing up what she could of Aubrey's shirt while we talked.
"Now what do we do?" Barrel asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I mean, I guess we have to save Lock again, right?"
I chuckled as I cleaned off my hands. "He does always seem to be the one who gets hypnotized, doesn't he?"
"The dangers of dating me." Aubrey muttered.
Barrel and I glanced at each other. We recognized that tone; it was the 'this-is-all-my-fault' tone. Sally broke the thread she was using off, done. "Aubrey, this isn't your fault."
"Yeah, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine." I told her. "I'm the one who helped pressure you into going back to the graveyard with me and Sandy."
Barrel sighed and looked at the ground. "Lock's gonna be SO mad at me when we snap him out of it."
Aubrey and I both looked at him. "Why?"
"Because the only reason I came is because he wanted me to keep an eye on Aubrey." She blushed a little, but there was a small smile on her face.
It faded, though, in a matter of seconds. "I should've listened when he told me something was wrong with Sandy." She mumbled. She suddenly seemed to remember something and looked up at Sally. "Mom, where's dad?"
Sally shook her head. "I don't know. Raphael did something to him. He's down here… somewhere."
Barrel groaned. "Great. If this guy can take down Jack, what the heck can we do?"
Again, Sally shook her head. "No, he couldn't. He used me as leverage to get Jack to surrender."
I nodded. "So if we can find Jack, we have a chance." I snapped my fingers and an orb of light appeared in front of my face. "Dnif Jack." It started to fly off, hovering at the door for someone to follow. "It's a tracker spell." I explained to Sally. "It'll lead you straight to Jack. He should be able to conjure one up to find us again." She nodded and stood up, following the floating orb out the door.
"What about us?" Aubrey asked.
I paused. "We need to find a way to help Lock, so we need a more powerful spell."
After a moment, Aubrey nodded in realization. "A spell to find a spell." I nodded and held out my hands. She took them. "Do you remember the words?"
"Well enough." I replied, closing my eyes. "Do you?"
"I think so." I heard her take a breath. "Ready?"
I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Wohs em eht yaw ot taht hcihw I tnaw ot dnif." We chanted in unison. Light flared through my closed eyelids, and when I opened them, there was an orb about the size of my fist glowing bright red in between my face and Aubrey's.
"You've gotta love advanced magic." I laughed, standing. After pulling Aubrey up, I laid a hand on the orb. "Find a way to break the spell on Lock."
The orb paused for a moment, and then floated out the doorway. "C'mon Barrel!" I yelled, running after it. I heard him scramble up and run out after Aubrey and me.
"Are you sure this will work?" He asked.
"Nope, this is the first time we've tried." Aubrey confessed. "But it worked when Ms. Aurelius did it."
"Then why did both of you have to do it?"
I rolled my eyes. "Because finding an inanimate object, like a spell book, is harder than finding a person."
Aubrey nodded. "If someone inexperienced tried to cast that spell on their own, they could drain all their magic away. It was just a precautionary measure." She added after a moment.
The orb led us up several sets of stairs and ended up backtracking about four times because of dead ends. Hey, even magic has its faults. Finally, it began to grow lighter, and the three of us could finally see again as we left the dark, torch-lit corridors. It led us down three twisting hallways, no dead ends this time, and we were about to turn down another one when Aubrey stopped us.
I grabbed the orb and pulled it close to my chest to dim the crimson glow as footsteps neared us. A voice followed soon after, passing to close for comfort but not noticing our presence. I recognized the girl, sort of, as the one who'd grabbed me when we were ambushed. "She's playing in the throne room again. Raphael's got to keep her on a tighter leash or something, especially with her new 'boyfriend' around." The girl shook her head. "God this is fucked up. Vanessa, ordering US around. Never thought I'd see the day I was getting bossed around by a fucking teenager… well, we don't want to keep her royal pain in the ass waiting. Come on Jacob."
Aubrey looked at me desperately. I knew that she wanted me to say it was okay for her to follow them, but… I wasn't supposed to be the leader! That was Lock's job.
Oh. Right. Lock's not here. So why am I next in line to be in charge?
'Well it could be the fact that you always tried to undermine Lock's authority.' I thought to myself bitterly. I sighed inwardly. "Go."
She smiled at me before turning and running after them, her bare feet soundless on the carpeted floor. I let go of the orb and it continued to float ahead of us.
Several hallways and a few close calls with the guards later, it finally stopped in front of a blank wall and didn't move. I let out some very colorful curses before kicking the wall. This was stupid and only resulted in me hurting my foot. Barrel, however, seemed to think the wall was extremely interesting. "What are you doing you idiot?" I asked from the floor.
"There's something behind this wall." He muttered, his hands roaming over the bricks. He paused, then pushed the one the orb was floating over. It slid in under his touch and the wall moved away. He grinned at me. "Told you." He offered me his hand.
I took it and let him help me up. We walked though the door and it slid shut behind us. "Where are we?" Lights flared at my words, momentarily blinding me. When my eyes adjusted, I saw rows and rows of books.
Barrel grinned at me. "It's a library." The orb whizzed past his ear, flying through the shelves of books.
I realized that my hand was still in Barrel's and pulled it out, fighting off the blush rising to my cheeks. "Don't just stand there, stupid. It's still looking for the counter spell!" I ran off after it, letting Barrel catch up to me.
I followed behind the two silently. The girl had been there when Sandy, or whatever that thing was, had captured me. Which meant the guy must have been too, because there was no way that the girl or Sandy could've carried me or Shock and Barrel. I was so caught up in her thoughts, I barely noticed as they stopped, and I ducked around a corner to avoid being spotted.
A door creaked open and footsteps started and stopped. I peered around the corner, listening. "You're late." I winced. That was the voice from earlier, the person who'd cut off my wings.
"It's a big castle. What do you want?"
"Where's my dad?"
"Where is he?"
"…I can't tell you that."
A crash. "I want to see him."
"He said he'd come and see you when he was finished."
Silence for a few minutes. "Fine. You can leave." I went back around the corner, pressing my back against the wall. The two passed by me without so much as a pause and I let out a silent sigh of relief. I slipped over to the doors. I looked in through the crack between the wood, thankful that the doors weren't completely shut.
"Calm down Vanessa." Lock's voice floated from out of my range of sight. "Cay said he'd come see you once he's done, didn't she?"
"Yeah, but she'll say anything to make me shut up." My eyes widened as I saw the girl that the voice belonged to. Barrel was right; this girl looked exactly like me except that her hair was longer and black, and she had a thing for sluttish minis. She was sitting on the throne dad had been sitting in earlier, her legs draped over one of the armrests and her back against the other. Black leather boots reached up to her knees, and patterns of red swirled over her black dress like blood.
Lock finally walked into my line of view. "Well, then go look for him in a little while."
I heard footsteps behind me but didn't move fast enough to stop the hand that had grabbed my arm from pulling me up. A webbed hand covered my mouth. "What are you doing here?" Cay hissed. "Damn it, if Vanessa finds you-"
"Cay?" The girl, Vanessa, called. "Is that you?"
She bit her lip and looked down at me. "I'm really sorry about this." She shoved the door open and dragged me inside. "Yeah, it's me. And look I found outside."
Vanessa smiled down at me, her black eyes flashing dangerously. 'A puppet spell?' I thought, remembering the effects of the one Shock had cast on Lock. 'No, her eyes aren't totally black.'
"You can leave." Vanessa dismissed Cay. I watched her over my shoulder. She stopped at the door, casting me an almost apologetic look before walking out and shutting the large door behind her. I turned my attention back to my… twin. "Well, well, well. How in the world did you get out?"
I stayed silent.
Her eyes narrowed. "I asked you a question!"
"Go to hell." I spat.
She smiled at me with a sickeningly fake innocent sweetness. "Aw, are you still bitter about your wings little sister?"
I growled, my lips curling back into a snarl. "I'll kill you!" I lunged at her, only to fall to the floor in an ungracious heap as Lock's fist slammed into my stomach. I clutched my abdomen, fighting for the air to speak. "L-Lock…" I looked up at him, a tear rolling down my cheek. I scanned his face for anything, anything that would show that he felt bad, that he recognized me.
Nothing. Not so much as a flicker. I let my head drop, preferring for my tears to fall on the floor than be watched by that bitch on the throne.
Sally stumbled over a loose stone as she followed the tracker spell Shock had cast. She'd been walking for what seemed to be forever through the dark halls. She sped up a little as the tracker did. It had only led her down deeper into the dungeons, where even the torches were gone. But the little orb's white light was bright enough to illuminate the corridors considerably.
Abruptly it turned. Sally did as well, and it put her in a rounded room much like the one she'd found Shock, Barrel, and Aubrey in. But she didn't see anything; no doors, no other halls, and certainly no Jack. Then something in the corner caught her eye, standing out against the dark stone. Walking over, she picked it up. After a moment of examination, Sally realized what she was holding and her eyes widened. It was one of Jack's fingers. Spinning around, she saw the rest of Jack's bones scattered about the room. Looking around she located his skull sitting in a corner, its eyes closed. Well, most of his skull at least. His jawbone was missing.
She ran over and picked it up, shaking it gently. "Jack…" She whispered. The empty sockets snapped open. She smiled. "Don't worry; I'm going to put you back together." Glancing around, she spotted his jaw and picked it up, placing it back in its rightful spot.
"How did you get down here?" Jack asked.
Sally smiled at him again. "Having detachable parts comes in handy sometimes." She sat down, holding his skull in her hands. "Did Raphael do this?"
Jack looked solemn. "Yes. He tore me to pieces, and then threw me down here. I was so worried about you Sally."
Sally kissed his cheek. "You don't have to worry now."
"My chest's over there." Jack motioned with a struggled nod to the opposite corner of the room. Sally turned to see that indeed, Jack's torso was sitting there, his pinstriped shirt still on it. She walked over and placed his head back on his neck.
"Better?" She asked.
Jack rolled his head around a couple of times. "Much." Sally nodded and began to pick up his pieces and put them back together.
Within fifteen minutes, Sally had reassembled both of Jack's arms, save his left hand, and had started putting that back together. "Sally?"
She looked up from pushing his ring finger back in its socket. "Yes Jack?"
"Thank you." She smiled at him and went back to piecing him back together.
Ten minutes later, Jack was back on his feet. He bent down and grabbed the last of the four ribs Raphael had broken out of spite and slid it under his shirt. He flinched a little as he felt it mend back into place. "Good as new." He proclaimed, doing a little twirl to prove it. "Whoops!" He cried, falling over. Sally caught him, standing him upright. If Jack had skin, it would've been red. "Thanks."
Sally shook her head, smiling still. "Not a problem."
Jack smiled down at her before getting serious. "Let's go." He laid a bony hand on the tracker and muttered a few words under his breath. After a moment of deliberation, it flew out of the room. Jack bent down and scooped Sally up in his arms before running after it.
Vanessa chuckled as Aubrey laid on the floor, tears trickling down her face. Her face lit up as her fingers played with the handle of the dagger still in her boot. She pulled it out, examining the bright blade. The blood that should've stained the steel was gone, wiped away by some unseen force. 'We'll have to fix that.' Vanessa thought with a chuckle. "Don't worry Aubrey. You won't have to worry about anything in… a…" She trailed off, her eyes traveling from the heap that was her sister on the floor to the boy whose feet the heap was lying at.
"Lock, come here." Vanessa crooned. He looked down at Aubrey once before walking over.
Vanessa grabbed his wrist and placed the dagger's handle in Lock's hand and closed his fingers around it. "Do me a favor and take care of that problem, would you?" She asked sweetly, smiling at him.
Lock looked down at the gleaming blade in his hand. "Sure."
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Remember Me
"Shock!" Barrel yelled. "I found the book!" He held up a thick book with a black, leathery looking cover. A series of complicated spirals that seemed to be made up of a snake biting its tail decorated the center, painted in gold.
The witch stopped searching the shelf she had nearly emptied of books and ran over. "Find the spell."
"What should I look for?"
Shock groaned and grabbed the orb that was hovering around the book and shoved it into the black cover. It snapped open in Barrel's hands, the pages glowing red. They began to flip to higher and higher pages, stopping almost a quarter of the way to the end. Several lines of text were shining blood red. "All right." She bent the corner and shut the book, standing.
Snapping her fingers, a white orb, much like the one she'd conjured for Sally earlier, appeared in front of her. "Dnif em Aubrey." The orb began to fly off. "Let's go."
After chasing the telltale light for a while, Barrel spoke up. "Hey, should we be going up?"
Shock looked at him. "What… what do you mean?" She panted.
"Well, we just went up a staircase."
Shock swallowed hard. "They could've… gone this way. I'm… not really… sure…"
"You all right?" Barrel, being a football player, was used to running for long periods of time. But so was Shock. That's pretty much all they ever did when they were younger; ran from Jack, ran after each other, ran from Halloween Town to the Tree House, etc.
"Fine." She snapped, turned away from him. Barrel turned his vision back to the orb in front of them.
That's when it flickered. Barrel was a bit surprised, but figured he was seeing things.
But then it flickered again, and again, and again, until it flickered out completely. Barrel turned at the soft thump next to him, skidding to a stop. "Shock!" He scrambled over and knelt down next to her. "Shock, what happened?"
She turned her head weakly and motioned at the book. "The book's draining all my energy away. I can't carry the damn thing any further." Shock let out a small cry of protest as Barrel lifted her up onto his back.
"Hold on." He bent down and grabbed the book off the cold floor. "Any chance you can conjure up one more tracker spell?"
Shock snapped her fingers weakly. An orb, much smaller than the previous ones, floated in front of his face. "This is the last one. I'm out of energy." She muttered the spell under her breath before leaning her head against his shoulder tiredly. Barrel blushed slightly at the somewhat intimate (in his mind) contact. This was probably one of the first times Shock had touched him for a long period of time without him being in pain as a result. Barrel shook his head slightly; this was most definitely NOT a good time to start thinking about his feeling for Shock. 'Just keep your eye on the tracker.' He ordered himself, running after the light.
Aubrey let out a shriek as the knife in Lock's hand came inches from slicing her stomach open. She had long since realized that talking to him was pointless, he wasn't listening anyway, and had since lost the extra energy required to make her lungs take in the air to form words. Now, she was just trying to keep out of reach of that knife. Dead or not, if Lock attacked her with that thing, she was going to fall down and her chances of getting back up were slim.
She stumbled, and her chest hit the hard, unforgiving floor painfully. She groaned as felt claws grab her shoulder and flip her onto her back, and something sharp and cold was pressed against her throat. Aubrey's eyes shot open to meet gold ones.
Lock smirked as the girl's eyes shot opened, but then he froze. Her crimson eyes were stricken with fear, and the wings were gone, but otherwise it was her. The girl he had seen earlier in Vanessa's room.
He growled in pain and fell back as Aubrey's foot made a firm connection with his stomach. After putting some distance between them, she shoved herself up. Raising a hand to her throat, Aubrey felt something warm and wet come off on her fingers. Grimacing, she pulled her hand back. Blood was smeared across the pads of her middle and first finger, and she could feel it trickling down over her right collarbone.
"Great." She muttered. Taking a quick look at Lock, who was still doubled over in pain, Aubrey told herself that she was going to have to apologize for kicking him so hard later; she bolted for the door and tugged at it for a moment before realizing it was locked. Risking another glance at Lock, Aubrey saw that he was getting up, and he was NOT happy.
"Aubrey!" Her head, as well as Vanessa and Lock's, jerked up to the balcony to see Barrel standing there, Shock on his back and a thick book clutched in his hands.
"Took you long enough!" She yelled. Lock was slightly confused now; Barrel knew the girl? "What's wrong with Shock?"
Shock lifted her head, smirking. "I'm allergic to white magic." Barrel set her down, leaning her against the wall, before flipping the book open.
Aubrey's eyes lit up. "Please tell me that's what I think it is."
Barrel nodded, his eyes scanning the glowing words on the page. He looked up as Aubrey shrieked. Lock had thrown the knife, embedding it in the door next to Aubrey's head. "Hurry!" She pleaded, running to the opposite side of the room, barely dodging Lock's claws as she did.
Vanessa stared up at the balcony, trying to see the book's cover. Too late did she realize what it was, and her angry yell could do nothing; Barrel had already started the spell.
"I invoke thee; powers of water, fire, earth, and air to lift the veil of lies and let he accursed see truth once more." Barrel stared at the page for a moment, then turned to Shock. "Now I see why you like black magic."
Shock groaned. "Say it two more times!" Barrel repeated the words twice, then looked down at the floor below him. Lock had Aubrey pinned up against the wall, the blade in his hand poised to carve a hole in her chest. Tears poured down Aubrey's face as she attacked Lock's wrist uselessly. The skin on his wrist and the back of his hand had been nearly ripped apart by Aubrey's claws, but Lock hadn't even batted an eye.
"Shock, it didn't work!" Barrel cried.
The witch pulled herself up and stumbled over, using the railing and Barrel to support herself. For a moment of terror, she stared as the blade dove closer to Aubrey's ribcage, but at the last second Lock's wrist turned, and the dagger flew back, embedding itself instead in Vanessa's chest. A choked noise came out of her mouth before her body went slack and her head dropped to her chest.
Lock removed his hand from Aubrey's throat, catching her as her knees buckled. "Sorry about that Aubrey. I didn't want to risk Vanessa casting another memory spell on me."
Aubrey just stared at him for a moment before she threw her arms around Lock's neck and cried into his shoulder. Lock wrapped his arms around her in return, letting her tears soak his shoulder. "I should've listened to you." She whispered. "I'm sorry."
Lock pushed her away and stared at her. "You really think that I'm still mad at you about that? Geez, Aubs. Shock's the one who holds grudges, not me."
"Hey!" Came the protest from above them.
Lock smirked at her over his shoulder before turning back to Aubrey. "Besides, you were right. I was jealous."
"I knew it!"
"Shut up Barrel! You're ruining my moment!" Lock growled. Aubrey giggled slightly, wiping at her eyes. Lock looked back over at her and smiled, brushing away a piece of hair that had fallen in her face.
Shock's yell of surprise made him freeze. "Lock, Aubrey! Vanessa's still alive!" Both of them looked toward the throne to see Vanessa's body gone.
"Over here, lovebirds." Slowly, Lock and Aubrey turned to the opposite wall to see Vanessa standing there, her hand over a large button that had seemingly come out of nowhere, save the fact that one of the dark stones from the wall was laying at Vanessa's feet. "Well, now that I have your attention… bye-bye." She waved at them with her free hand, pushing down the button with the other.
A low rumble filled the room, and then the floor underneath three pairs of feet collapsed. Aubrey let out a scream before Lock grabbed her and pulled her into his chest. The scream was not because she was falling, oh no, it was because, as they began to fall, Aubrey had caught a glimpse of the gleaming edges of the serrated steel spikes that lined the pit far below them. Lock's futile attempt at trying to save her was going to fail miserably, because if they landed on one of those spikes, both would be impaled, and it would be over. For good this time.
A feeling of warmth that started in her leg seeped up her body and to her brain. Without even realizing what she was doing, her mouth was open and forming the words that her mind was supplying. "Nruter ym sgniw ot em!"
A noise that sounded suspiciously like something tearing filled Aubrey's ears, and pain shot through her back. She felt the muscles in her back strain, also painful, as she and Lock's descent slowed to a controllable speed.
That, of course, didn't mean that either knew how to control it.
Ungracefully, she and Lock slammed into the ground, landing in a tangled heap. Aubrey pushed herself up and rolled over to side, making sure not to touch and of the spikes surrounding them. "Well, that could've gone better." She muttered.
Lock looked over at her and grinned. "Not by much."
"What do you mean?" She asked, confused. Lock reached up and tugged something behind her. "Ow!"
Lock held up a long black feather. "Look familiar?"
Aubrey jumped up and looked behind her. "My wings!" Her newly re-grown wings were more demonic looking than her last pair, though they could still be considered almost an angel's. The wings were torn, their span had grown almost three feet, and, though still covered in feathers, looked much more appropriate for Halloween Town.
Lock grimaced as he saw blood on his fingers. "Yeah, but you might want to let them dry out a bit before you try to fly." He told her, standing up. She reached back and felt the wet feathers, a similar look coming onto her face.
"Speaking of bleeding..." She gasped. Lock looked down at his other hand, which was still bleeding from numerous lacerations.
Aubrey smiled apologetically. "Sorry about that."
He shook his head. "Don't worry. Laeh." He muttered. The skin sealed itself together, leaving unmarred skin.
"I'm sorry about kicking you too." She added after a moment, flexing her wings slightly, trying to re-accustom herself to them. "These feel funny."
"They look different." Lock told her.
"How different?" She asked curiously.
Lock walked around behind her. "Well… for one thing, you've got four of them."
"I have… what?"
"Four. As in two pairs. But this pair's still small, about the size of my hand" She felt a slight tug.
"Hey, are you two planning to sit down there all day?" Shock's voice echoed from above.
"Just a sec!" Lock yelled. He spun Aubrey over to him and pressed his lips up against hers. When he pulled back a minute later, Aubrey was smiling and had turned a light pink. "Okay, so now that that's out of my system, how do we get out of here?"
Aubrey smiled at him and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hold on." Lock held on tighter than she expected. But what could he say? He knew that smile all too well. It was the same one he got whenever he was about to do something that was really going to piss Jack off.
They landed on the balcony next to Shock and Barrel moments later. "Never do that again." Lock told her, stumbling back. She smiled sweetly at him before turning worriedly to Shock.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
Shock nodded, her face still a very pale shade of green. Well, paler than normal anyway. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Now I'm just a little dizzy." She frowned. "And I have almost no magic."
"Well, you aren't the only one." Aubrey laughed. "That little trick with my wings drained me. And I didn't have much magic to begin with."
"Then I suggest we find Jack and Sally and get out of here." Barrel said.
"Jack and Sally are here?" Lock muttered. But he conjured up a tracker spell nonetheless and everyone ran after it.
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Sally clung to Jack's neck as he ran through the twists and turns of Raphael's dungeons. Something was nagging her at the back of her mind, but she couldn't put her finger on what. That's when she realized it. Jack wasn't going up; he was going down, heading deeper into the dungeons. "Jack?"
Sally paused, thinking about how she was going to word the question. She decided to go with the direct approach. "You didn't send the tracker spell after the kids, did you?" Jack didn't reply. "Jack?"
The skeleton slowed to a steady walk. "No, Sally. I didn't send the tracker spell after the kids. I sent it after Raphael."
Sally frowned slightly; she wasn't exactly happy with the fact that her guilty suspicions had been proven correct once again. But the next question slipped out before she could stop it. "Why does he hate you so much?"
Jack closed his eyes, his mouth twisting into a sad frown. "It wasn't always like this. We used to be friends; Raphael, Cay, Jacob, and me. But… something went wrong."
He was hiding something, and Sally knew it. "Something?"
Jack sighed, speeding up slightly to keep the glowing orb dancing ahead of him in sight. "The Boogeyman."
"No… well, not really. It's hard to explain. He got a hold of Raphael, Jacob, and Cay, and… well…" He paused. "My mother destroyed him after she sent Cay and Jacob into Eternal Sleep, and accidentally created Oogie in the process." The orb braked suddenly, stopping in front of a pair of plain, steel doors. He set Sally down, moving in front of her.
The doors slammed open with a whoosh of hot air. "Come on in, Jacky." Raphael's voice floated out in a cackle.
Jack turned to Sally and kissed her forehead. "Stay here. Please." He walked through the doors, and they slammed shut behind him. Sally wrung her hands together, as she had a habit of doing when she was nervous.
"Be careful Jack." She whispered.
Jack didn't jump as the doors slammed behind him noisily. Instead, he observed the room that Raphael was hiding in. It was smaller than the throne room, not by much, and had a square, arena-like platform in the middle of the room with a stone bridge leading to it. Around the room's edges was a long drop, leading down into a moat of boiling lava. "Getting a little overdramatic, aren't we Raphael?"
Raphael smirked at him from his spot in the middle of the Arena. "Now, Jacky, I think that YOU, of all people, should appreciate a few over-the-top theatrics."
"We're going to have a fair fight this time, Raphael." Jack growled. "You don't have any leverage against me this time."
Raphael shrugged. "Are you trying to make a point here, Jacky?"
Jack's eyes narrowed. "Yes. We're going to fight, I'm going to win, and then," The corners of Jack's mouth tugged up into a smile, "I'm going to kill you."
Raphael put a hand over his chest. "My, my, Jacky. This is quite a new side of you. I thought you hated getting your hands dirty." He smirked. "Or is sending your mommy not good enough?"
Jack snarled and ran at Raphael, his fist missing the other man's face by inches. Raphael's expression turned from one of contempt to one of fear as he realized just how serious Jack was. He regained his bearings and aimed a punch at the skeleton's rib cage. Jack danced back, just out of reach.
It continued like this. One would attack, and the other would dodge and retaliate. And if they didn't dodge, they counterattacked just as the other attack hit, throwing both back.
It was after one of these attacks that Raphael began to change strategies. Instead of attacking Jack straight on, he baited him, aiming his attacks low and hard. Jack leapt back from a near blow to his skull, grimacing.
Raphael smirked at him. "It seems that the battle has turned in my favor, Jack."
'Not Jacky?' The Pumpkin King mused to himself. 'He's getting serious. I guess that means I'd better up my game.' Closing his eyes, he felt a burning start in his chest, spreading outwards until it consumed his entire body.
Raphael watched as fire consumed his opponent, disappearing in a matter of seconds to reveal Jack… but not Jack. The pinstriped tuxedo was gone, replaced by a dark maroon shirt and tan pants. His hands were no longer bone, but almost looked like straw or wood, and a pumpkin sat in his skull's place. "You wanted the Pumpkin King Raphael, and you've got him." Jack growled; his voice was harsher now, and much darker. He raised a hand in front of him, fire dancing around it. "Prepare to burn."
"How much farther can it be?" Shock growled, running after Lock's tracker.
"Hopefully not much!" Lock called back. Barrel looked over at Shock worriedly. She was lagging behind, quite a bit actually, and he thought that she still hadn't gotten her energy back. He slowed down a little so that he was in pace with her.
"You all right?" He asked under his breath.
Shock nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine." Barrel let it drop and sped back up, catching up with Aubrey. Shock bit her lip. Since when did she feel guilty about lying to Barrel? And why was she so… ugh, happy that Barrel was concerned about her? Did she…? No. She did not, could not, like Barrel. Not like that anyway.
"Mom!" Aubrey's sudden yell brought Shock back to reality as she slowed down next to the rest of the group.
Sally turned, surprised. "Aubrey! Your wings…?"
Aubrey hugged Sally tightly. "Yeah, they grew back. But we can talk about that later; where's dad?"
Sally motioned to the doors behind her. "In there. With Raphael."
Aubrey's eyes narrowed and took on a slight red glow as she walked over to the doors. After examining them for a moment, she turned around. "Lock, Shock, Barrel; get over here and help me with this."
All three looked at each other. For a second there, Aubrey sounded almost like Jack. They all ran over and put their weight into shoving the doors open. "Come on you stupid doors…" Lock growled, digging his heels into the stone floor.
After another few minutes, all four had collapsed on the ground. "Why… won't it… move?" Shock panted.
Barrel shook his head. "We were all pushing randomly. If we combine strength, we should be able to get it open." Lock, Shock, and Aubrey looked at him. "What?"
Aubrey smiled at him and ruffled his yellow-green hair. "Athletic and smart; that's a first." She stood back up. "Alright; let's give this one more try."
Lock pulled Shock to her feet and placed his hands on the door. "On three?"
"One…" Barrel started.
"Two…" Shock muttered. Everyone's muscles tensed.
"Three!" Came the unanimous cry. All four shoved at the steel door, sweat trickling down their foreheads. A loud scraping sound of steel against stone filled five pairs of ears, and the doors flew open…
…just in time to see Raphael send his fist into Jack's jaw and send him flying backwards. "Jack!" Sally gasped, her hands covering her mouth.
"Dad!" Aubrey yelled.
Raphael leapt to the side, rolling dangerously close to the edge of the arena as a fireball flew at the spot he was previously standing in. Blood dripped from his busted lip and a cut above his right eye, while burns shone on his chest where Jack's fire had eaten away at the cloth of his shirt. Thankfully, Jack had run out of energy and had been forced to turn back to normal.
Speaking of whom, Jack wasn't faring well either. Raphael had torn a large hole in the left shoulder of his shirt, and that was all, thankfully, and there was a thin, almost unnoticeable gash about two inches long from the bottom of his left eye socket.
A loud noise from behind him made Jack hesitate for a moment, and then he heard the sickening crack of Raphael's fist connecting with his bottom jaw. The Pumpkin King flew back, landing painfully at the edge of the stone bridge.
"Jack!" 'Sally?' Jack thought blearily through his pain.
Raphael looked up, surprised to see Aubrey standing in the doorway. But what surprised, and angered, him more was that she ran over to Jack's side, not his. Lock and Barrel ran over, pulling Jack to his feet, while Shock examined the crack in his cheek. With a quick word, it vanished, leaving no trace of any injury.
Raphael took a step forward, his eyes blazing with fury. "Aubrey. Come here."
The group froze. Aubrey turned to look at Raphael, her eyes narrowing slightly. But she didn't move. Raphael growled. "Didn't you hear me?" He snapped. "Come here. Now."
Jack put an arm around Aubrey's shoulders. "She doesn't have to do anything."
"She's my daughter, and she will do what I say!" Raphael roared.
"You are not my father." Aubrey hissed.
Raphael froze, and then looked at her with an emotion resting between shock and utter rage. "What did you just say?"
"You aren't my father." She repeated. "Jack is."
Raphael's fingers twitched, and his hands balled into fists. He let out another roar and a violent wind whipped through the room.
"Hold on!" Jack yelled, wrapping his arms around Sally and the four clinging tightly to each other. When the wind died down, Raphael was gone.
"What the hell was that?" Lock asked to no one in particular.
Jack growled. "Transportation spell. He's trying to run." He stepped away from Sally, looking at her remorsefully.
She didn't look at him. "You're going after him, aren't you?"
Jack nodded slowly, kissing her cheek before turning to the kids, his expression now stern. "Stay here." He ordered before running out of the room.
Raphael threw open the doors of his throne room, barely stopping himself from falling into the pit of spikes. His eyes immediately fell on the tattered and torn figure of Vanessa, impaled on one of the bikes. A scowl crossed his face as he jumped down, landing neatly in between two the pointed implements of sharp and painful DEATH(!). Walking over, he examined the lifeless body, frowning deeper when he didn't see what he was looking for.
He looked down as his foot set down on something cold and metallic. Lifting his foot, Raphael smiled, lifting the knife. Wind whipped through the room and he closed his eyes as a slightly uncomfortable tingling overtook his body. When he opened them, he was standing in Vanessa's room.
Walking over to the closet, he flung the door open to reveal a limp figure slumped over in an elegant chair- almost a throne. He looked down at the dagger's hilt, popping a glowing red, ruby-like jewel out of its setting in the hand guard.
Tossing the dagger away, Raphael knelt down in front of the figure, pressing the jewel over their heart. Slowly, it sunk through the dusty clothing and into their chest. A moment passed before the figure's head slowly rose, revealing ebony black eyes. Raphael smiled. "Welcome back, Vanessa."
Chapter 15
Chapter 15
True Intentions
"Mom? What are you doing?" Aubrey questioned as Sally started toward the door.
Sally smiled at her over her shoulder. "If Jack thinks that I'm just going to sit here and do nothing, he has another thing coming." She walked over to the door and slipped through the barely wide enough crack. "Stay here." Her voice floated back into the room.
Shock frowned. "We really should listen to Sally…"
"No we shouldn't." Lock corrected. "Because we have a serious revenge complex, remember?"
Barrel laughed. "Right!"
"Well let's go then." Lock said, walking toward the door. The other three got up and followed him out.
"Which way did they go?" Aubrey questioned, huddling close to Lock. Without a tracker spell, the dungeons were just creepy. Shock blushed and looked over at Barrel as Lock grabbed Aubrey's hand and conjured up a tracker spell, smiling over at her. The younger boy was conveniently looking everywhere but the couple in front of him and Shock.
"Dnif em Jack." Lock muttered. The tracker set off, and the four followed.
"This seems to be becoming a habit." Shock muttered.
Lock looked over his shoulder. "What do you mean?"
"Us, having to track down Jack. Wasn't it normally the other way around?"
Barrel laughed. "You have a point there."
Aubrey tilted her head to the side, frowning. "Do you guys hear that?"
"Sounds like a fight." Lock muttered.
"You would know." Shock chuckled. Lock glared at her before braking sharply. "What?"
"The tracker spell's confused."
Aubrey's eyes widened. "He sent out a dummy!"
"A what?" Barrel questioned.
"A dummy." Shock repeated. "It's a duplicate of someone's magical signature, which is what the tracker spell searches for. Jack made one to throw us off."
"Why do you think we sent it after him and not Sally? She doesn't have a magical signature." Shock sighed and waved her hand over Lock's tracker. It stopped zipping between directions and held still.
"Well, at least we still have light." Aubrey said before grimaced slightly.
"What's wrong?" Lock asked.
Aubrey shook her head. "I'm still so tired… like I don't have any energy."
Shock frowned as well. "That shouldn't be happening."
"Lecture us later, oh-mighty-ones." Barrel said sarcastically. "Let's go; follow the sound of fist fighting!"
-Lock's POV-
It didn't take long for the four of us to find Jack on the first floor, and it didn't take long for all of us to get very confused. Jack was fighting what appeared to be Vanessa, only… way older. "What the…" I murmured. Aubrey's grip on my hand tightened as Jack's fist connected with Vanessa's face and there was a very audible 'crack'. Vanessa fell to the ground, clutching her nose and moaning.
"Dad!" Aubrey let go of my hand and ran over to Jack.
Jack looked surprised to see us. "Aubrey? I thought I told you to- oh, never mind." He sighed. He looked over at us. "Is everyone all right?"
"For the moment, Jacky." We all looked over to the throne room doors to see Raphael walk out.
"Aubrey." Jack nodded toward us. She ran back over to me, and I gripped her hand tightly.
Vanessa looked up through her fingers before scrambling over to her father. "I lost, daddy. I'm sorry!" She sobbed at his feet. Raphael pulled her up, shushing her calmly.
"Don't worry about it sweetheart. You've done everything I needed." He smiled at her and a sick squelching reached our ears.
"D-daddy…?" Vanessa gasped before cups of blood poured out of her mouth. She fell to the ground, motionless. Raphael's front was covered in blood, and in his hand he held a bloody sphere, randomly flecked with pieces of Vanessa's insides. I felt my stomach churn violently. That was disgusting enough, but to do it to your own daughter?
Raphael flicked bits of the gore off of the object in his hand. "Messy little business, isn't it Jack?" He questioned.
Jack gasped. "Raphael… please tell me that's not what I think it is!"
He grinned at Jack. "Oh, but it is, Jacky. The Skellington Key to the Living World!" He held it up triumphantly, leering over at Aubrey. "And now for the last piece."
Aubrey let out a cry of pain and fell to her knees. "No!" I yelled, charging at Raphael. His fist made a firm connection with my gut, and I doubled over. Pain laced through the side of my chest as he kicked me, sending me sliding halfway across the room.
"Aubrey!" Shock shrieked, and I managed to look over. Aubrey had fallen to the floor, and she wasn't moving. I ignored the pain in my side and my gut and scrambled over. Aubrey's eyes were dull and glassy, and there was a hole in the middle of her chest, where her heart should have been. Not a bloody hole, like what Vanessa was sporting, just… a hole.
The orb in Raphael's hand pulsed brightly, shining with a light that froze and burned at the same time. "It is complete!" He cackled.
Jack ran at him, fire consuming both arms up to his elbow. "Don't you dare!" But Raphael had already put his hand to his mouth, swallowing the key. Energy literally battered all of us, sending us shooting another few yards across the floor. When the light died down, I saw that everyone, including me, was chained against the wall.
Well, everyone except Aubrey and Vanessa.
"Raphael…" Jack growled from somewhere to my left. "You bastard!"
There was a smack, which I assumed meant Jack had just gotten hit. "Watch your language, Jack. I'm in charge now."
"You killed your own daughters!" Jack yelled.
"What is family in the quest for power?"
"Monster!" Shock yelled next to me.
Raphael walked over to her, and his hand closed around her windpipe. "What did you call me, child?" He hissed.
"Leave her alone!" Barrel ordered from my other side. Raphael looked over at him, then, after a moment, released Shock. She gasped for air, sucking it greedily into her lungs.
"Why, Raphael? Why kill Aubrey and Vanessa? Why give them the key if all you were going to do is take it back from them?" Jack yelled.
The bastard actually had the nerve to smile, like this was the question he'd been waiting Jack to ask. "Ah, simple, really. You see, Jacky, after I had the key in my possession, I knew that Cay and Jacob would have to be sacrificed in order for me to get away. So, I double-crossed them. It was one of my worse plans, true, because I neglected to realize that they would do the same to me by ratting me out to your mother."
Raphael turned away from us, clasping his hands behind his back. "I remember it so vividly; fleeing through the Hinterlands in terror, praying that I could get away, maybe get back to the Tree House and regroup."
"The Tree House?" Shock, Barrel, and I gasped.
He looked at us over his shoulder, grinning madly. "What, did you three think that you were the original pranksters of Halloween Town? No, no, no. Cay, Jacob, and I were the first Boogie's Boys, before old Oogie Boogie came into play. We worked for the first, the true Boogeyman."
"I always knew that he put you three up to it." Jack muttered.
Raphael laughed, like this was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. "Him? Oh Jack, Jack, Jack! Do your really think for one moment that that idiotic shadow could've dreamed up that plan? No, it was I who planned the entire thing." He smirked. "Your mommy always told you that she was the one who killed him, didn't she? Well, mommy dearest lied. I'd killed him weeks before, relaying fake messages and plots and schemes to Cay and Jacob. And the best part was that they actually believed me."
"But why, Raphael? Why do all of this?" Jack shouted.
"Why, Jack? For the absolute power, of course!" He laughed, throwing his head back. "I made a door in the Hinterlands and slipped through to the Living World. I had only planned on hiding out there until I could master the key's power and return to dethrone the Skellingtons and take over. But…" He trailed off.
My eyes fell on Aubrey and Vanessa. "Things didn't go as planned." I muttered, not really conscious of what I was saying.
Raphael's eyes closed. "No. My plan was proceeding perfectly, but then I met Rachel. I forgot everything that I'd planned, my schemes, my plots, everything. We started a family.
"That's when I realized it. If I still had the key at Halloween, the one night where the entire town was free to roam the Living World, I would be found, and quickly. I had to place it into a living vessel. One that would be able to mask the key's power. I chose my newborn son, Ryan. But it didn't take long for me to see that the sheer power of the key was killing him. He grew ill, and I took the key back.
"After a few years, I tried a different method, giving the key while the baby was still in the womb. Rachel's pregnancy had… complications, nearly killing her and the baby. Emily was born as though she was asleep. Her eyes were closed, and she wouldn't scream like most babies. I took the key back."
Raphael was silent for a moment. "It was then that I realized that the key was just too much for any one living person to handle. I needed more than one host. So, when Rachel found out she was having twins, I did the same as I had for Emily, only splitting the key into two separate pieces.
"It worked, but not as I expected." His gaze drifted over the two motionless bodies. "Vanessa was stillborn. Aubrey was born healthy, but she physically looked as if she had been long dead. I knew that Vanessa, as a mere infant spirit, would not survive long. I had to act, and quickly. I used the magic I had left to send her soul to Halloween Town, bypassing judgment. Then, I used a warping spell to make her body grow at two times the normal rate.
"I hoped that, somehow, Vanessa would learn to use the key's powers on her own, and manage to find us. But three years later, I realized how foolish this notion was. Oogie Boogie, who seemed to have somehow inherited the residual memories of his predecessor, took revenge on me. I had promised him a key, and he was going to hold me to it. That explosion would have only killed Aubrey, had I not forced her and Emily out of the car. Instead, it killed me.
"Or so everyone thought. I wasn't really dead, but the living body I had created to house my soul was. I returned to Halloween Town. Imagine my surprise when I found Vanessa waiting for me. She somehow recognized me as her father." He paused, his gaze boring holes into the wall beside us. "Her body is twenty-five years old, but her mind has not matured any farther than the age of twelve, thirteen at most. That is my fault, I suppose."
He actually sounded like he felt guilty for doing this to them, for a moment. "But after growing so rapidly, Vanessa's body was weak. She needed a new host. This is where Aubrey's friend, Sandy, came into play. After so much time with Aubrey, some of the key's power must have affected her. When she died, she was sent to my doorstep. Immediately, I began to try to use her for my experiments. I successfully transferred her soul into a blank homunculus with a spell on it to control her.
"But that's where everything went wrong. Sandy's body wouldn't take to Vanessa's soul, and it backfired, ravaging her real body. I had to improvise, quickly, or Vanessa, and her half of the key, would die. Of course, by now, I had remembered all of my old plans and dreams and had begun forming new ones, and Vanessa was a vital part of these plots. So, I transferred her soul into a mirror, and eventually, into a homunculus that she could control, but only part of the time because of her weakened state." He turned and grinned at us. "Everything else simply fell into place."
I growled. I had heard enough, and boy was I pissed. A strange pulsing started in the middle of my forehead, and it spread all over my body. I gritted my teeth painfully as it began to feel as though fire was flowing through my veins.
Then something wet tricked down my arm. I looked up to see that the chains holding my wrists were melting. I concentrated harder on that pulse. The chains practically liquefied, and I dropped to the ground. Reaching up I grabbed Shock and Barrel's chains, melting them as well. Raphael, whose back was still turned, hadn't noticed us yet.
Glancing at my friends, a wordless agreement passed between us:
This bastard was dead.
The three of us charged, and we managed to hit him once, obliterating his shirt with a combination of my fire, Shock's magic, and Barrel's pure brute strength. But that's about all we managed to do. The skin underneath the cloth had remained unmarred, and Raphael was pissed. With a nod of his head, he sent Shock flying into Barrel and into me if I hadn't ducked.
I jumped up to charge him again, but quickly found a hand wrapped around my throat. I ripped at Raphael's fingers, stopping when he tightened his grip. He locked his eyes with mine, a snarl on his lips. "I should just kill you now, boy." He hissed. "But I have a world to take over, so it will have to wait.
What happened next is a little blurry. What I do know is that Raphael tossed me into a wall (not the one he'd used Shock to smack Barrel into) and a burning pain laced through my head and back before I blacked out completely.
When I came to, Shock and Barrel were getting Sally and Jack down. I tried to sit up, to help them, but I had barely twitched my finger and it felt like a hundred swords were cutting into my back. I let out a cry of pain, which diverted all attention to where I was laying. "Lock!" Shock and Barrel yelled, and I heard them run over.
Then Shock gasped, and I knew something was very wrong. "What?" I rasped, and then winced. My throat hurt. A lot.
"Lock… I think Raphael broke something… a lot of somethings…" That's when I realized that she was talking about my back. "Barrel, help me turn him over." I felt two pairs of hands begin to lift me, and I let out another scream of pain. The hands disappeared.
I heard light footsteps and realized that Jack and Sally had come over. "Oh no…" Sally whispered.
"Shock, can you do anything?"
"No… this is nowhere near as bad as anything I've ever done, not even Aubrey after Oogie tried to kill her. I could see the wounds then… if I tried to heal Lock, even if I had enough energy, I could fix something wrong and make it worse." She paused. "But Barrel might be able to."
"What?" Barrel asked her, surprised. "Shock, I can't use magic."
"Barrel, you're the best white magic user I've ever seen. If you can't do this, no one can." I think that, had I opened my eyes, I would've probably gagged, so I kept them shut.
"All right…" Barrel said hesitantly. I felt his hands on my chest and heard him mutter, "Laeh." Warmth fell over my body, and the pain in my back and head faded away. Barrel pulled his hands back and I felt Jack lift me up, back onto my feet. I looked at the wall that I was lying beside to see a five inch hole in it.
I grinned down at Barrel, who seemed a little shell-shocked. "Well, looks like we've got ourselves a mage, eh Shock?" After realizing that this was a compliment, Barrel grinned.
"Lock, Shock, Barrel." Jack said sternly. Our joking demeanors fell like dead flies and we turned to him. "I'm going after Raphael."
"We're going with you." I said before he had a chance to protest.
Shock walked up next to me. "Yeah. Aubrey was- is- our friend."
"Besides," Barrel added as he appeared at my other side, "We'd just follow after you anyway."
Jack smiled at us, proudly if I wasn't seeing things, and turned to Sally. "Sally…"
She smiled. "I know Jack. I'll be all right here. Go get him." I had to look away as they kissed, an ache passing through my chest. Shock put a hand on my shoulder. "We're going get him, Lock. And then we're going to fix up Aubrey."
Barrel put his hand on my other shoulder. "Trick or treaters stick together forever, right?"
I couldn't help grinning at them both. "Right." We turned to the hole Raphael had blasted in the wall. "Let's get this pig."
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
It's Over
Lock, Shock, and Barrel ran were several feet behind Jack, dodging and weaving through the Graveyard and then the Hinterlands trees like the experts that were. "Where's he going?" Lock called to the skeleton ahead of him.
"It would take too much time to create a new door to Living World, so he's headed to the clearing where Aubrey destroyed the first door, to resurrect it."
"How much time will that take?" Shock asked.
Jack closed his eyes, sighing. "Not nearly enough." His eyes snapped open as a pillar of light shot up far ahead of them. "No… he's already started!"
He was somewhat surprised as Lock, Shock, and Barrel raced past him, heading straight toward the pillar. They disappeared out of his sight, into the trees. Jack groaned. He knew that they were trying to help, but Raphael was just too powerful for them! Hadn't they realized that earlier when he tossed them around without even trying?
But then again… Lock had seemed different when he was going against Raphael, more powerful almost. If Lock could do that, then maybe Shock and Barrel… Jack smiled to himself, despite the situation. If anyone had a chance at beating Raphael, it was them.
Speaking of whom, the trio had just about reached the clearing where the door had stood once upon a time. They cleared the last ring of trees to see Raphael standing in the center of the pillar, which had shot through the hard, dead earth in the spot where the ashes of the old door still surprisingly sat.
Lock growled and took a step forward, but a tug on his arm stopped him. "Lock," Shock whispered. "Look at the light." He looked at her curiously, but did so. He saw that, as Raphael's chanting filled the air with more and more force, that the pillar of light no longer glowed uniformly white but changed color constantly from white to gray to black to a marbled white and black.
"What's happening?" Barrel asked.
"I don't know." Lock whispered back. "But I'm stopping him, right now!" Lock charged into the pillar, his shoulder connecting squarely with the middle of Raphael's back, knocking him out of the pillar.
Raphael knocked Lock off of him with a burst of energy, sending him into one of the dead trees surrounding the clearing. "You! You just don't know when to give up, do you boy?" He raised a hand in front of him, and a sword appeared in it. "Apparently, almost killing you isn't enough. Well, I certainly won't make that mistake again." He raised the blade, and moved to bring it down on Lock's neck, but was rudely interrupted by being tackled again, much like he had earlier, only twice as hard.
"Lock, get up you idiot!" Shock yelled, fighting to keep Raphael pinned to the tree next to the floored devil.
Lock shook the fuzz from his head and scrambled over, his elbow going into Raphael's back to hold him.
"I was only going to kill you boy!" Raphael spat, his eyes wild as blood trickled down his forehead. "But now none of you will receive any mercy!"
"Glad to know." A voice from behind them commented coldly. "Now I won't have to pretend to show you any."
"Jack!" Lock, Shock, and Barrel exclaimed.
Raphael laughed. "Ah, Jacky! Here to finish me off, are we? Or are you going to chicken out again, like last time?"
"I've grown up since then, Raphael. I won't let you get away this time." Jack said, his eyes narrowing.
Raphael just laughed. "You didn't have the guts to stop me then. And every chance you've had to kill me, you've hesitated. Why should I believe you now?"
Lock, Shock, and Barrel hardly had a chance to blink before Jack had taken Raphael out of their grasps and was holding him up by the neck. "You threatened to kill my wife, and you killed my daughter. Now, look really hard, and tell me that I wouldn't kill you."
Raphael's black eyes scanned Jack's eye sockets, and his face paled. "Jacky… Jack, please! You know how I get once I start on something. I- nngh!" He choked as Jack's hand plunged into his chest, pulling the key out.
Jack dropped Raphael to the ground. He looked up at the Pumpkin King, clutching his now bleeding chest. "Jack…"
Jack punched Raphael hard in the jaw. "Goodbye, Raphael." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I, Pumpkin King Jack, sentence you, Raphael Peterson, to death after death. An eternal sleep from which you shall never wake, and your soul will remain in cold darkness for all of eternity."
Raphael twitched and screamed as Jack spoke, white mist flowing from every pore of his body. Shock recognized what was happening immediately, remembering when Oogie tried to take her own soul. But it was happening so much more quickly than it had with Oogie, maybe because Jack was actually using magic to do it and Oogie never really had any magic to speak of. The mist took a vaguely humanoid form for a moment, just before it was sent flying toward the graveyard with a noise that sounded eerily like a scream.
"Is… is he dead?" Barrel asked. Jack nodded, his hands falling to his sides. The four stood in silence for several minutes before a low rumbling reached their ears.
"What the hell?" Lock exclaimed.
"The castle!" Shock pointed over their heads, and everyone turned around. In the distance, Raphael's castle faded away into nothing.
"Aubrey and Sally were still in there!" Barrel yelped. All four rushed back to the graveyard.
"You don't think that they would've…" Lock trailed off as they reached the area where Raphael's palace stood moments before, seeing nothing but dirt and rock.
"Jack!" Sally cried, running out from the trees to their left.
"Sally!" Jack met her halfway, hugging her tightly. "Thank god you're all right." He pulled away and looked down at her, confused. "But where's Aubrey?" Sally looked behind her. All gazes fell to the tree line as Cay and Jacob walked out, the latter carrying the unconscious Aubrey.
Jack glowered at them and moved to raise his fist, but Sally stopped him. "No, Jack! Cay and Jacob helped me escape. They want to help." Jack looked between his wife and two ex-friends twice before lowering his arm.
"Aubrey's dead. How can they help?" Lock asked from behind Jack and Sally.
Cay shook her head. "She's not dead. Not yet, anyway. Raphael was wrong; the key wasn't Aubrey's soul. Her soul is still in her body, but he was right about her needing the key to survive."
"That doesn't make any sense." Jack said skeptically.
Cay sighed, putting a finger on her temple. "It's hard to explain. It's… Aubrey's soul and the key have been living inside her in harmony for so long, that they've become codependent on each other. And the more Aubrey used the key's power, the more they… fused, I suppose is the best word."
"But she's only ever had half of the key." Shock protested.
Cay nodded. "That's true. But now, I don't think that anything less than the whole key could save her, if even that."
"Try, Cay. Please." Jack begged.
She nodded and held out her hands. "Give me the key and I'll try." Jack hesitated. Cay stomped her foot irritably. "God dammit, Jack! Aubrey's your daughter, and if that hole in her chest seals up she'll die! We have minutes, maybe. So either trust me, or never see her wake up again!"
Jack handed Cay the glowing sphere. She cupped it carefully in one webbed hand, and then turned to Jacob. "Set her down, Jakie." The giant did so before stepping back. Cay knelt down next to Aubrey, slipping her free hand under her back and supporting her into a somewhat upright position. Closing her black eyes, she chanted inaudibly under her breath, pressing the key to the almost sealed hole in Aubrey's chest. It resisted at first, but then the skin opened, and the key all but fell in with the tear closing behind it.
"Did it work?" Sally asked hopefully.
Cay looked over Aubrey's body, which remained motionless. "I… I don't know…" She bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Jack."
The words had barely left her mouth when Aubrey coughed and opened her eyes, groaning. "Aubrey!" Jack exclaimed, lifting her up.
"Hi dad." She muttered, blinking the sleep from her eyes. "Did we win?"
Jack smiled and kissed her cheek. "Yes, we won." He set her down and, after making sure she wasn't going to fall over and hugging her tightly, let go. Sally hugged her next.
"I'm so glad you're all right." The rag doll whispered. Aubrey hugged her back, smiling. Sally let go suddenly, and looked over at Lock, Shock, and Barrel. Aubrey stepped back and smiled at her three friends.
They just looked at each other for a moment before Aubrey finally said, "Well, do I get a hug or what?"
Lock (duh, who else?) ran over and hugged her, picking her up and twirling around before kissing her. Shock and Barrel averted their gazes, both blushing pink. Finally, Barrel looked over at Shock.
"Um… Sh-Shock?" He stuttered nervously.
She looked at him, her face still pink. "Yeah?"
Barrel shuffled his feet nervously, and started twiddling his fingers. "Um, well… I-I've wanted to tell you this for a long time, but, um…"
"Would you just shut up and kiss her already?" Lock groaned, his arms still around Aubrey, who giggled.
Barrel blushed crimson and looked over at Shock who, smiling mischievously, grabbed the front of Barrel's shirt and pulled his lips to hers. "Dominatrix." Lock muttered quietly.
Shock threw one of her boots at his head before turning back to Barrel, who had a goofy grin on his face. "Nice shot."
"Thank you." She said, kissing him again.
Aubrey, who had finally stopped laughing at Lock, smiled slightly. "Were we like that when we started dating?"
Barrel and Shock broke apart and unanimously responded, "Yes!"
Lock rolled his eyes and tossed Shock's boot back at her. "That hurt, you know. Hey, what's this?" He reached into Aubrey's pocket and produced a ring.
Aubrey frowned. "I don't know. I've never seen it before."
Jacob's eyes widened and he tapped Cay's shoulder. "What, Jakie?" She asked, confused. He pointed at the ring. "You've seen it before?" He nodded.
Lock cursed as the ring began to glow and burn his hand, dropping it to the ground. The gemstone shattered into dust, and the dust flew around Cay and Jacob, completely concealing their bodies.
A moment later, it flew back, revealing Cay and Jacob, but differently. Cay's shredded clothing was gone, replaced by a short black halter top and black capris. Her crew had grown out to the fin protruding from the middle of her back.
"Cay…" A soft voice said. All eyes turned to Jacob.
Cay gasped. "Jakie…?" The patchwork skin was gone, replaced by the smooth, white-blue skin of most Halloween Town's residents. Shaggy blonde hair fell down to his shoulders and in his bright blue eyes (note the plural). A crimson t-shirt and blue jeans fell over black tennis shoes. The heavy black stitches still pierced his lips, but now loosely enough to allow him to talk. She touched his cheek carefully. "But… how?"
"It's broken." Everyone turned around to see…
"Sandy!" Aubrey cried, running over to her. She stopped halfway though, her eyes cautious.
Sandy smiled at her. "I guess you don't really have a reason to trust me. But it's really me this time, Aubrey."
"Prove it."
The older girl paused, then smiled brightly. "My knight in shining armor turned out just to be a loser in aluminum foil."
Aubrey squealed and hugged her tightly. "It is you!" She stepped back after a moment, looking over her. "But…"
"Raphael couldn't control me, not to capture you." Sandy explained. "That ring was the spell he was using to control me, Cay, and Jacob. I tried to break through at the last second, but I wasn't strong enough."
"That's why I tried to save you." Cay explained. "If Vanessa or Raphael ordered either of us to do something, we had to do it. Whether we wanted to or not. That's why I tried to get you out of there before Vanessa heard you." She smiled softly. "I might be a bitch, but I'm not a heartless one."
Jack coughed slightly. "I think it would be best for all of us if we got out of here and back to the manor."
"Um, hold on." Cay said, pulling an amulet out from under her shirt. Snapping the string that held it, she handed it to Jacob. He grinned at her and smashed it.
"We, uh, kind of put the town under a mass puppet spell. Sorry." She shrugged. Jack shook his head, smiling wryly.
"C'mon, let's go."
-The next day-
"I'm gonna miss you." Aubrey said, hugging Sandy tightly.
"You can always come visit me. Hell, you'd BETTER come visit me." Sandy laughed, hugging her back. It had been decided that, since Sandy would have been sent to the Underworld if not for unforeseeable circumstances, she had to go there and couldn't stay in Halloween Town.
"Grim should be here any minute." Jack told them, smiling sentimentally as his daughter and Sandy said their last goodbyes.
"Jack, why did we have to come?" Cay asked from behind him.
Jack smiled back at her. "Well, I certainly can't let you and Jacob stay here. If I did, I'd have to send you back into E.S. Somehow, I convinced my thick headed brother to take you two with Sandy."
Aubrey looked over at him. "Wait a sec, the Grim Reaper's my uncle?"
"Yes, I am. Why are you so surprised?" Said skeleton asked, appearing next to her.
She put her hands on her hips. "YOU said that you were just a 'friend of the family'."
Jack sighed. "Grim…"
"Oh, I was just teasing her Jack." The Reaper laughed. "Now, who is it that I'm taking?" He looked behind the Pumpkin King. "Hey, I remember you two!"
"You should, I just talked to you about them last night."
Grim laughed again. "All right, all right. Let's get going now." He tapped the end of his scythe on the ground and a large, elaborate door appeared next to him. "Oh, wait a sec." He pointed his scythe at Cay and Jacob. There was a 'poof' noise, and much more human versions were standing in there places.
Jacob looked at Cay. "You look weird without fins."
"And you talk too much without your mouth sewn shut." She retorted, walking toward the door. She paused with one foot through. "Hey, Jack!"
"What is it?" He asked.
She grinned. "I'll make sure to tell BJ that you said hi." Jack groaned as she slipped through the multi-colored portal in the doorway. Jacob smiled at the skeleton and followed her through.
Sandy looked at Aubrey. "Guess this is it. See you."
Aubrey nodded, and walked back over to Lock, who wrapped an arm around her waist.
Sandy paused, looking back at them. "Oh, and Lock?"
He looked up, surprised. "Yeah?"
Sandy smiled evilly at him. "You break her heart, and I'll rip yours out."
"Sandy!" Aubrey protested.
Lock chuckled and squeezed Aubrey's waist. "I wouldn't dream of it."
Sandy nodded. "Good."
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
-Halloween, 2008-
"Mom, can I please just go now?" I begged.
My mom smiled up at me. "I'm almost done, Aubrey. Just stand still for one more second." She tugged one last time at the strings of my top, and I was thankful that I didn't have any breath to have choked out of me. "There. All done."
"Finally! Thanks mom!" I ran out of the room and down the hall, knocking on three doors as I passed them. "You guys are SO not allowed to bitch at me to hurry up when you aren't done yet!" I called, heading for the stairs.
"Language." My dad warned as I leapt down the stairs.
"Sorry." I apologized, walking over to the couch. "There's the babies!" I cooed, kneeling down in front of my three baby siblings. I kissed all three of them on the forehead. Mom had the babies on May 13, which was "coincidentally" a Friday.
First, there was Jonathan Frederick Skellington, Johnny for short. He looked more like dad than mom, all bones except for the top left half of his chest and his left arm.
Next in line, there was Edward Jason Skellington, Eddy or Ed for short. He looked more like mom, except his right arm was bone from the shoulder down.
Lastly, there was the youngest of the Skellington triplets, Mercy Alice Skellington, Mercy for short. She was completely mom, only paler and skinnier and she, like both the boys, had empty sockets in place of eyes.
"Okay, let's get going before Aubrey starts with the baby talk." Shock groaned from the staircase. Shock loved her costume. It was a short, dark violet mini dress that came down just a few inches below her butt, with black and violet striped tights that came up three quarters of the way of her thighs, a spiked fringe at the top, and her clunky 'ugg' boots. But it was the sleeves that were the coolest; they were flowing, black flames, with each individual flame outlined in gold. And, of course, her hat, which she'd magically resized so it would fit. Her wild hair was… somewhat less frizzy, but still stuck out like mad because it was just so damn curly.
"Like you're one to talk." I teased, standing up. Of course, as much as Shock loved her costume, I loved mine more. It was a collared, long sleeved white shirt with black corset on top, stopping just below my chest. A short, vest-like attachment covered my the area between my shoulders and my neck and hooked onto the corset, with a pair of straps that hooked around my upper arms like bracelets, pulling the sleeves tight there before letting them loosen up above and below. Coming out from underneath the corset was a flowing black cape-skirt, which blended almost perfectly with my tight jeans and, heh, ugg boots. Shock and I go shopping together, what can I say? The back of my shirt was, of course, open for my wings, my main pair and the one that was still growing in, which were as long as my arm now.
"But they're just too cute not to baby talk." Barrel complained, his arm around Shock's shoulders. Barrel's costume was more for Shock's sake than his own, though I think he secretly liked it.
It was mainly a black tank top with a stiff, Chinese style collar and black jeans tucked into black boots with two dark green straps around the top. Two wide green belts were buckled around his waist, covering the bottom of his shirt and top of his jeans. An emerald sat at the base of the collars, in the middle where they met. And did I mention the cape?
Oh, the cape. Shock had the TOUGHEST time getting Barrel to wear the cape, but she won in the end (as usual). It had a collar like the tank top, and attached to his tank top just around the emerald. It consisted of two winged layers; one that fell to just past his elbows and the other fell to his ankles. The top was black, while the underside was, surprise, green.
Yeah, I know. It was hilarious as hell for the rest of us too.
Lock rolled his eyes. "You ready to go?" Lock's costume was better than Barrel's, mainly because I let him pick instead of picking for him. A low cut red vest over a black muscle shirt that tucked into black jeans, and his combat boots. Okay, those I picked out, but that's only because his tennis shoes looked stupid.
I nodded and walked over, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let's go wreak some havoc!"
"Don't kill anyone." Dad warned, almost teasingly.
"Who?" Barrel asked innocently.
"Us?" Shock continued.
"Never!" Lock finished. I sighed. Never too old to finish each other's sentences… we walked calmly out of the house, our pace speeding up as we passed the gate, and we were all out sprinting by the time we reached the graveyard. Halloween, the one night of the year that every citizen of Halloween Town could go to Living World and scare the shit out of some poor, innocent humans was the biggest night of the year and goddamn, we were going to enjoy it!
"Which one, which one?" Barrel asked excitedly.
"Oh, who cares?" Shock groaned. "Just pick one so we can get going already!" I look around the graveyard, my gaze stopping on a large statue of a crucified angel. I hated that statue.
"That one." I pointed. The other three shrugged and ran over, tugging it open. We hopped through, emerging in a cemetery somewhere in Living World.
"Where are we?" Lock asked.
"Who cares?" Shock replied.
"Good point." He replied, hooking an arm around my waist.
Shock rolled her eyes. "Let's just go already."
I moved to step forward, but Lock's grip tightened. "You two go ahead. We'll catch up." I recognized the evil smirk on his face all too well and shook my head, motioning for them to go.
Barrel, apparently, got Lock's hint and grabbed Shock's hand, pulling her off. "We have scaring to be doing." I complained.
"In a minute." He replied, kissing me. I sighed happily, wrapping my arms around his neck. There were times where I loved Lock's hopeless romantic side. Then I remembered what night it was, and what we were supposed to be doing.
I pushed him away. "Lo-ock…" I whined. "Let's go. I wanna go scare people."
He rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed. "Fine. But you owe me a kiss later."
"Gotcha." I chirped, pulling him along. "Where did Shock and Barrel go?"
"Who cares?" Lock sighed. "We can do this way better on our own. I mean, you're the Pumpkin King's heir, and I'm, well, me."
"Yes, your Mr. Modest." I laughed. I stopped as the crowded streets met my eyes and a smile broke out across my face. "Who first?" I asked excitedly.
Lock looked around the crowd, then back at me. "In honor of your birthday, you pick." My smile widened and I looked around, my eyes falling on a group of four teenage boys, probably about our age, picking on a group of younger kids, just old enough to go out on their own for Halloween. My eyes narrowed.
Lock followed my gaze. "The jerks?" I nodded. He grinned evilly. "Nice pick. Let's go."
The group quickly grew tired of teasing the kids and headed off to a worse looking part of town, probably to a party. Lock and I quickly found a shortcut to get ahead of them (aka: the rooftops) and put a plan into action. "Sgniw raeppasid." I muttered, my wings fading away as I spoke.
"I still don't like using you as bait." Lock muttered.
I kissed his cheek. "Oh, stop being jealous. I don't even like them. Besides, they're perfect targets. Now go get ready." I shooed him off. He rolled his eyes and went to go, ah, get ready.
Peering around the corner, I saw the boys making their way down the street. I grinned. All I had to do was lead them to Lock. I stepped out into the street, and their line of vision. I heard a couple of them whistle, and purposely sped my footsteps in the proper direction. They did as well, then started running after me.
'Silly boys.' I thought with a laugh. 'You're going to regret this.' A hand brushed my arm as I passed a dark, spooky alleyway (hey, if we were going to be cliché, we were going to do it right) and I turned into it. I pulled my wings back into reality and hopped up onto the roof nearby.
Peering over the edge, I saw the boys walk into the alley. "Hey, babe, where'd you go?"
"Yeah, we just wanted to party!" Another hooted. A third howled. Oh, were they going to regret that.
A low growl rumbled through the air. "Wh-what was that?" One whispered.
A huge monster, with bright red skin and huge, curling horns stepped out of the shadows. Smoke trailed out of its nose and mouth, and a crown of fire floated between its horns. I grinned and grabbed the items I'd hidden earlier, pulling on the black cloak and cheap, plastic scythe I'd… erm… borrowed from a store. My wings tore through the cloak (also cheap, now that I think about it) just before I hopped down behind the frightened group, who had been paralyzed by fear and a little magic.
I scuffed the edge of the magic circle I'd drawn in the dirt earlier, and the spell broke. Lock (for that is who the monster was) let out a loud roar and they scrambled for the alley mouth… which is where I was standing.
Now, if you'd just seen a huge monster that could probably swallow you whole, then a figure in a black cloak, with a shadowed face and scythe, you probably would've had the same reaction that these idiots had. One screamed and promptly fainted, and the rest ran past me, screaming bloody murder.
"I don't remember that being part of the plan." Lock observed as he returned to normal.
I shrugged, pulling the cloak off. "I was improvising. Uncle Grim's really gonna get me for that one."
"He'll be flattered, I'm sure." Lock said, stepping over the unconscious body on the ground.
"I can't believe you got your shape shifting down so quickly." I told him incredulously, quite impressed.
He grinned at me. "Hey, I like that class. I tried to get you and Shock to join…"
"I thought you liked how I looked." I replied, shoving him playfully. Lock just smiled and kissed me as we walked off.
We headed back around four hours later, about eleven thirty. The rest of the town was heading back as well, which we saw once we reached the Halloween Town graveyard. Music was filling the air, and the shadows on the gravestones were stirring. "The song is starting, come on!" I urged as we weaved in and out of the graves.
"Boys and girls of every age wouldn't you like to see something strange?" The shadows called.
"Come with us and you will see this, our town of Halloween." The Siamese butcher shadow called. (a/n: Seriously, they're holding a butcher's knife. And if they're not, they should be. And I'm seeing things)
Ghosts flew up through the ground and from their graves. "This is Halloween, this is Halloween!"
"Pumpkins scream in the dead of night!" Behemoth's wailing pumpkins sung out.
"This is Halloween, everybody make a scene! Trick or treat 'till the neighbors gonna die of fright!" The ghosts took back over. "It's our town, everybody scream in our town of Halloween!"
The creature under the bed took over. "I am the one hiding under their beds; teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red!"
"I am the one hiding under their stairs, with fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair!" The creature under the bed sang.
"This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!" The vampire brothers took over. "In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song!"
Even from our place in the graveyard, we could hear the Mayor on his megaphone. "In this town, don't we love it now, everyone's waiting for the next surprise."
The corpse chorus was up next. "Round that corner, there's a man hiding in the trash can. How he's waiting to pounce and hear you-"
"Scream!" Harley yelled, with a metallic clatter sounding after him, signifying he'd jumped out of the trash can.
There was a loud crash, which meant that Harry had just broken through a wall. "This is Halloween!"
"Red 'n' black!" Harley sung.
"Slimy green!" The melting man jumped in.
"Are you scared?" Harry howled.
Hazel and Zoë swooped over our heads, giving us a look that clearly said get to town. "Well that's just fine! Say it once say it twice, take a chance and roll the dice! Ride with the moon in the dead of night!"
We passed through the gate as the Hanging Tree stomped into the square. "Everybody scream! Everybody scream!"
"In our town of Halloween…" The five Hanged men chorused as he finished.
Clown rode up on his unicycle, scaring some of the younger citizens. "I am the clown with the tear away face! Here in a flash and gone without a trace!"
A shadow rose from the ground next to the fountain. "I am the who when you call 'Who's there'?"
A gust of strong wind blew through, making an eerie howling noise as it passed through the trees and blowing everyone's hair gently. "I am the wind blowing through your hair!"
The four of us looked up at this point and saw (instead of the deceased Oogie Boogie) a shadow that covered the moon's entire surface, showing fangs and eyes only. "I am the one that goes bump in the night, the air filled with screams of children's fright!"
"This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!"
"Tender lumplings everywhere, life's no fun without a good scare!" C.K., Drake, and Ra sang, even though they were way older now.
"That's our job but we're not mean, in our town of Halloween!" A few of the parents sang.
Now the entire town was out in the square. "In this town,"
"Don't we love it now?" The Mayor sang.
"Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back and scream like a banshee make you jump out of your skin! This is Halloween, everybody scream! Won't ya' please make way for a very special guy?"
The crowd parted as the pumpkin patch scarecrow, my dad in his costume, was wheeled in. "Our man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch! Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King!" Everyone grinned as the scarecrow began to dance, swallowing the torch that had been over its head. "This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!" On the last 'Halloween,' dad jumped from the platform into the fountain.
I took a deep breath and walked up to the fountain. "In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song." I sang clearly as dad rose from the fountain. Everyone cheered as he stepped out of the water, bone dry (a/n: Haha! Bad puns!).
"You sounded wonderful." He whispered to me.
"Thanks." I smiled, pleased. I hated singing in front of crowds, and for something as important as our town song, I had been really nervous, even if it was just one solo line.
-Lock's POV-
Soon, the Awards Ceremony was well under way. Aubrey, Shock, Barrel, and I sat toward the back where we could talk quietly. Mostly, we just made fun of the awards, because the same people won them every year. "The award for most blood sucked in one evening goes to-"
"The Vampire Brothers." Shock sighed.
"The Vampire Brothers, with the lake leeches earning an honorable mention. The next award goes to…"
And so it continued. Finally, we got down to the last awards: solo and couple scare. "And the Best Solo scare goes to…"
"Jack." The four of us sighed.
"Jack!" Cheering rose from the hall as dad walked up to the stage to take the trophy, just like every year. "Jack, would you do us the honors of reading the last award?" The Mayor asked.
The four of us looked at each other, confused. He and Sally always won the award. So why was he reading it? Jack smiled as he opened the envelope. "And finally, the Best Couple Scare goes to…"
"Jack and Sally." Barrel muttered.
"Lock and Aubrey!" My head and Aubrey's shot up. Jack smiled back at us and motioned for us to come up on stage. Glancing at each other, we stood and made our way to the stage. "Congratulations." Jack smiled, handing us the trophy. We both blushed and walked back to our seats amidst the cheering crowd. "I have one more announcement before you all go." Jack announced, and those who had begun to stand sat back down. "As you all know, I have put off choosing an heir for… well, a very long time." Titters of laughter rose throughout the room. "I've finally decided that the next heir to the Halloween throne will be my daughter, Aubrey."
The room broke out in cheers yet again as Aubrey blushed happily next to me.
Not long after, the four of us found ourselves sitting in my room, talking. "So, an award and a crown all in one night." Shock poked Aubrey's leg. "You'll be the talk of the school on Monday."
Barrel groaned. "Crap, I forgot about that."
Shock laughed. "Ah, we all know you like school Barrel."
"You're such a geek." I teased. I looked over at Aubrey, who hadn't said anything. She was staring at the wall with a distant expression. "Mini-chocolate bat for your thoughts." I held the candy in front of her face.
She pushed the candy away. "It's nothing."
"Every time you say that, something comes and attacks us." Shock told her flatly.
Aubrey bit her lip, instead of laughing like I'd expected. "I… you guys know how you explained to me about how Raphael got put in eternal sleep?" We nodded. "It's just… I never remembered dad doing anything like that to Oogie."
Shock, Barrel, and I looked at each other. "He… Oogie couldn't come back again… he couldn't, right?" Barrel asked, looking from me to Shock and back again.
"No way." Shock said finally. "Oogie only survived last time because one of his bugs must've escaped. Lock burned them all to a crisp."
I almost corrected her, almost said that I just THOUGHT killed all of Oogie's bugs. I hadn't been paying attention to whether or not any escaped. And he'd had that hole in his side… "You're right." Aubrey sighed. "Even if they had, Oogie would've made a move by now."
I nodded. "Yeah. No way Oogie's coming back."
Publication Date: December 7th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-hugs.and.kisses |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-hannah-s-what-about-my-skateboard/ | Hannah S. What about my skateboard
List of characters
Riely- girl, main character
Jacob- boy, jock, footbal player, a little popular, Riely's big crush
Samantha (Sam)- Riely's bff, nerd but pretty, Mike's gf
Kasie- girl, newbie
Cally- girl, most popular
Mike- boy, Sam's bf
Whitney- girl, Riely's big sister
Brody- boy, Riely's little brother
Todd- boy, Riely's dad
Stacie- girl, Riely's mom
Chapter 1
"Riely! Get up!" yelled my mother. "Urrgh. I'm too tired!" I said as I pulled the covers over my face after my mother opened my blinds. "Honey, you need to wake up, it's your first day of high school. You don't want to be late do you?" As she said that I jumped up from my bed and picked up my outfit which was, a white tank top with a crop top pink sweater with faded skinny jeans, black converse, and a chain earing on one ear, also little curls in my hair. As I finished taking a shower, and getting ready, my mom scared half to death by standing in front of my door and saying, "Oh honey, those curls look so beautiful with your brown hair." "Umm, thanks..." Since I didn't want to get more into that conversation, I slipped past my mom and went to the pantry and grabbed a poptart, shoved it in my mouth, and as I grabbed my keys to my car, I yelled to my mom, "Later mom, goin' to school!" And just as I was opening the door my mom said, "Bye honey, have a good day and,.." I didn't hear the rest of what she was saying because I already closed the door behind me and was riding down the street.
Chapter 2
As I got to school, I went straight to where my best friend was standing. And as usual, she was under a tree, kissing her boyfriend, Mike. "Hey!" "Hey!" "HEY!!" I try to get their attention but it's hard to when they are not listing to you and that have their face smashed into someone else's. Finally I gave up trying and went to my locker. In summer school (yes I had to go to summer school) I already knew where everything was. I was closing my locker door when someone said, "Hey!" I literaly jumped and slammed my face into my locker door. "OOOOOOO, I bet that hurt." The person said. "Yeah, well no duh." I said that as I turned around to see who the voice belonged to. Oh my gosh! It's..It's..It's Jacob!
Chapter 3
Ring! Ring! As everyone got up to leave Mrs. Crawlod yelled, "Class be seated! The bell does not dismiss you, I do. Now sit down!" Then what is the bell for? I thought. After Mrs. Crawlod gave us our homework assignment, I shot out of the classroom, went to my locker, and again, there was another "Hey!" And I jumped again. But luckly I didn't hit my locker door. "hey," I said weakly not turning around. Gosh I hate having a crush on him! And why does he have to talk to me? "So, I was wondering.." Before he could say anything I lifted my head up to meet his eyes, oh they are soo, Sam called me over shaking me out of my daydreams. Thank God! "Oh, sorry got to go. Um.. bye?" I said walking backwards. "Yeah bye. Se you tommorrow." He kind of sounded a little deflated. "OMG!!!!! THAT WAS JACOB? WASN'T IT! YES IT WAS!! OMG WHAT DID HE SAY? WHAT WAS HE SAYING? I WANNA KNOW!" Sam yelled in my ear. "Um I don't know. You called me over here before he could say anything." "oh. OH WELL! GOT TO GO BACK TO MIKEY-POO!" Sam yelled. She always yelled. "Mikey-poo?! Serioulsy. Ha! That sounds retarded. Poor Mike." I laughed at that. But Sam glared at me. As always, she is a drama queen. Like when her brother, Justin, stepped on her favorite shoe, she started whining about how it has germs and dirt on it now. And let me tell you this, you couldn't see ant footprints or dirt on it, it looked the same. But I still love her (in a friend way). Then I walked to the parking lot, got in my car, and drove home.
Chapter 4
When I got home my mom was waiting at the front porch for me in her work clothes. And let me tell you, she did not look happy. As I walked up the porch to meet my mother, I noticed it wasn't anger it was more like sadness. Before I knew it she started bawling. "Oh! Mom what's wrong?" "It..It..It's your,..fathe..er." And that was all she could get out before I stormed into the house and found my father in bed with another women! I kicked open the door and shouted at my father, "WTF! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED MY MOTHER!!!" I started crying mad hot tears. "I... I.. I do. I.." studderd my father. "Aww shut up! I can see that you love that women more!" I spat "I can see her right there! That fat lump in the bed! She's trying to hide herself. She's so stupid! For sleeping with a man that is married and has THREE children!" "Don't say that she is stupid and fat! She is beautiful." I almost puked at that thought and the meaning of beautiful . "Aha! I knew it! You love her more than mom! But why would you do that to her!" I yelled. "I... I thought she was seeing another man too." He said defensively. "Ya she was. FOR WORK! And she was not sleeping with him!" "Oh.'' "Ya! And if you didn't know, then don't just asume and sleep with someone else!" I pressed back. Now the women had poked her head out of the sheets. And I couldn't stop my self from saying this, "You fat, ugly, stupid, women! You slept with my father! And I bet you knew that he had a wife and kids didn't you?" She shook her head slowly and had a scared expression on her face. "yes.'' She said in a tiny voice. "GET OUT!!!!!!!!" I screamed at her. And she looked very scared now. And I was also suprised at the tone of my voice. Then she scrambled out of the bed and grabbed her clothes from the floor and rushed out of the room. Thank goodness she had her underwear on. "Now you..." I pointed a slim finger at my dad.
Chapter 5
I sat on my bed and cried my eyes out. There was a knock on my door and it slowly opened to reveal my mother. She closed the door behind her, and came up to my bed next to me and cried her eyes out with me.
Chapter 6
Ever since my dad left us, I started to change. My straight A's had dropped down to B's and C's. I became a little more moody. I was always late, mono-toned, and in my own daydreams. I also changed my apperance. I cut my hair so inow it has blue highlights in the front. I mostly always wore dark colors. And my black coverse's. But I'm not the only one who has changed, my sister quit all her sports and became a lazy person. My mom has either been in bed or working. The only person who hasn't changed was my brother. He's still the same little ninja turtle obsessed baby brother.
A week later Sam came up to my locker and waited for me to be done. "Whatdoyouwant." I said in a bored mono-tone voice. "I just wanted to ask you what's been going on that I nned to know about." "Thereisnothingtotell." I sighed. I wanted to tell Sam I just couldn't, it's too hard to tell. "Don't lie to me Rye. I can see sadness is your eyes. What's wrong?" Sam pleaded me to tell her. "LikeIsaidthereisnothingtotell.NowI'mgoingtoclass." I said as I closed my locker and turned around and started to class. "Oh come on! You can tell me anything. I'm your best friend. So just tell me!" She pleaded. "I SAID THERE IS NOTHING TO TELL!" I yelled at her. That's the first time I have yelled at Sam. She looked shocked and I was too. "Oh... ok. Well goodbye Riely." Sam said as she walked off. Everyone was staring at me like I was some kind of monster. But I guess I am. No one every yelled at Sam, she was too sweet. I couldn't take it anymore. I'm tired of people giving me dirty looks and staring at me like I'm a piece of crap. So I ran out of the school trying to not cry in front of people.
Chapter 7
Since my mom wasn't home I went home. But I thoight I was home alone but then I saw a blonde head sitting on the couch. My heart rate picked upbecause honestly, I don't really have good defensive skills. But then slowed down when I found out it was just my sister. "Hey Riely! I didn't know that today was a half day." Whitney says al liitle slurred. My face started to heat up. Oh no! Busted. Whitney stood and tried to turn but she kind of stumbled off the couch. "Have you been drinking?" I said as my face started to cool off and go back to the normal color. It sure seems like it since she's swaying so much. "What pushttttttttt no!" Even though she said that she wasn't I could still tell. I sighed and went up the stairs to get the puke bucket. Every time she get's drunk, she always pukes it up. When I got it I didn't really feel like going all the way downstairs so I just threw it over the railing. I meant for it to hit the floor, but instead it hit my sister right square in the face. "OWWWWWWWW!" I had to cover my ears because she is so dang LOUD! "Sorry!" But I wasn't that sincere. It was halirious! "Now I can't watch tv, cause' I have to put a #@&%$! bag of %$&@#!& peas on my face." She mumbled. "Whatever." I laughed while walking to my bedroom. My bedroom has changed with me also. It has dark purple walls, a queen size bed with a black conforter with purple a blue zebra stripes. Besides that my room is the same. I didn't really have a lot of things in my room. But I did have a desk that I dared not to change. My bestfriend in New york made it for me. Yeah, I lived in NY. It's no biggie, it was for my dad's work. Ugh. My dad. I almost cried at the thought of my dad. I thought back to all the good times I had with my dad but my mom's voice interuppted my thoughts. "Ry! Someone's here for you! RY?" "Comin' mom." I groned. I stoped being mono-toned, but now I'm always annoyed. I wonder who's at the door though.
Chapter 8
When I got to the door it was opened and I saw a man, that man was middle-aged. But I couldn't see his face. But when he turned around I realized it was my dad... Just then before I could say anything my mom came rolling up in her car to the driveway. "Oh no"
"WHO'S AT THE DOOR??" Whitney screamed. "Uh, you should see for yourself." I half whispered.
What Riely's emo haircut looked like-
What Brody looked like-
What Whitney looked like when she was more lazy-
What Stacie looked like-
What Riely looked like at prom
What Riely looked like before the change
What Whitney looked like before the change-
What Sam looked like-
What Jacob looked like-
What Mike looked like-
What Cassie looked like-
What Cally looked like-
What Todd looked like-
What Jacob looked like at prom-
What Sam looked like at prom-
What Mike looked like at prom-
What Cassie looked like at prom-
What Cally looked like at prom-
Publication Date: August 15th 2015 https://www.bookrix.com/-naee33701b39255 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-j-c-laird-redemption/ | J. C. Laird Redemption A Short Story BookRix GmbH & Co. KG 81371 Munich
Although seated some distance away, the woman had distracted Simon enough to have cost him his speed chess game against Charlie—one of the oldest chess hustlers in Roosevelt Park—along with their ten-dollar bet. She was sitting at a table under one of the giant cottonwood trees scattered throughout the green, urban oasis, staring at the chess game laid out in front of her, her defeated opponent having already vanished.
A feeling of unease, of apprehension, grew within him as he approached her. Wearing a tailored, black pant-suit, red silk blouse, matching red high heels and a string of small, black pearls around her neck, she was like a beautiful, exotic flower in the midst of a field of weeds. Unexpectedly, Simon felt himself blushing.
The young, dark-haired woman began putting away her chess set.
Sudden panic gripped him. “Hello, my name is Simon Mathews. How about a quick game of speed chess?” he blurted.
Dark brown eyes coolly dissected him, a slight smile curving her mouth, her lips the same shade of red as her blouse and shoes. “Sorry, not my game.” She dropped her opponent’s king into the wooden box, closed the lid and held out her hand. “I’m Sarah Coventry.”
Simon noticed that her manicured nails were that same complementary red. Her hand was smooth and cool, her grip firm. She held his hand for several seconds before letting go—her dark eyes boring into his disconcertingly. He swallowed, pushed on. “A regular game of chess, then. And you can name the stakes.”
Her smile remained, but her eyes darkened. Her next words drained the flush from his face. “You might want to reconsider that offer, Mr. Mathews. I only play for men’s souls.”
Simon’s awkward grin froze as he waited for the joke’s punch-line or some obscure metaphor. But none came, the silence stretching several uncomfortable seconds as the beautiful, pale-faced woman continued to look at him with that enigmatic, half- smile on her full lips. Simon finally found his voice, albeit hesitant and a little strained. “So…uh…who are you supposed to be, the Devil?” he asked.
Sarah’s smile widened. “Hardly. I guess you could say I’m one of Satan’s minions, or to put it more alliteratively, Satan’s assistant.” She picked up a small, black canvas bag from next to her chair and slid her chess set inside.
Simon was staring at her slack-jawed; if it wasn’t an elaborate joke, then maybe mental problems or drugs? But she seemed clear eyed, articulate and apparently serious—besides being very attractive—so Simon decided to humor her. “Okay, but whatever happened to the simple ‘selling your soul to the Devil’?”
Sarah laughed. “Selling your soul is still acceptable, but people can be more easily tempted if they are given the opportunity to obtain their heart’s desire and keep their soul, too.”
Simon’s mind was starting to catch up. “So…what about all the Devil’s deceptions and morbid tricks? With Satan, nothing is ever what it seems.” He figured he had her there.
Sarah picked up her chess clock, hesitated, then placed it in her bag. “Please, Mr. Mathews, tricks and deceptions are against the rules. Satan is actually a straight shooter in that respect. You win, you get what you want. You lose, goodbye soul and…well, you know how that story goes. But be positive, as someone once said: ‘Better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven.’ ”
She shook her head, pursed her lips and continued. “Temptation is the only weapon my Master uses, the only one necessary. Man’s greed and ambition, his conceit, arrogance and self-worship, his belief that he can be God, do the real work. Our job is to offer ‘opportunities and improvements’ to his earthly life. He has the choice whether to bargain his immortal soul against them or not. Minions—assistants if you please—are for those easily tempted, undecided or lacking in that 'faith’ thing. Other minions do other things well, but my forte is chess and I’m very good at it. And by the way, Satan doesn’t have horns, a forked tail or cloven hooves; he just is…like God just is. It’s just that Man is so imaginative and melodramatic.”
Now, grim-faced and slightly flushed, she continued. “God gave Man...and Woman...an immortal soul and the rules to live by. But He also gave them free will, and not only do they break the rules, look at the evil they commit against their neighbor and fellow man. The majority of people have already mortgaged their souls, ‘the walking damned,’ so to speak.” She took a deep breath and stood up. “And that, Mr. Mathews, concludes your condensed Theology 101 course.”
Sarah was shorter than he had thought, 5’4” at best. At 6’3,” Simon towered over her. He guessed that she was in her late twenties, considerably younger than his forty-five. Yet, he somehow felt cowed, unnerved. Again, he blurted impulsively. “What if I still wanted that chess game?”
Her look was almost one of regret. “Yes, if you want.” She bent and picked up her purse, red of course. She removed a small card and envelope. “Write down what you’re wagering your soul for, and seal it in the envelope. Bring it with you tomorrow, 10:00 am, this table. Be specific: ‘all the money in the world’ or ‘to live forever’ won’t work. And my Master can’t raise the dead; that’s reserved for God. As for the chess game itself: standard tournament rules, forty moves in two hours. If the game is not completed at that time, white will write down and seal their forty-first move, and the game will continue the following day.” She turned to leave. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Matthews.”
“Wait…Ms. Coventry…have you ever lost a chess game before?”
She turned back to him. “Twice. Once in 1797 and again in 1878.”
“Huh?” Simon was gaping at her again.
“What did you think, eternity for me started in the twenty-first century?” she said. “And Satan paid off on the wagers: one player became one of the richest men in the world and the other became President of the United States. My Master was not happy with my losing; he made me pay in ways you couldn’t fathom.” Her voice was as cold and bitter as a winter wind, and Simon imagined he actually saw a tremor pass through her body. With eyes as black as a bottomless pit, she continued. “I haven’t lost since, and I don’t plan on losing again.”
Before she could turn to leave he queried softly, “What about you?”
Now it was her turn to look confused. “What?”
“How did you lose your soul, Sarah?”
She was staring at him as if he had just slapped her, her mouth parted, eyes wide. She licked, then bit her lower lip; Simon didn’t think she was going to answer. But she did.
“It was 1649. I was twenty-eight, living in London with my husband, Richard, and ten-year-old daughter, Mary. One night we were returning from my grand-pa-pa’s—my original chess teacher—in nearby Greenwich, and were set upon by three drunken brigands. They murdered my husband, raped and murdered my daughter and raped and left me for dead. But I lived.” Sarah’s voice was flat and emotionless. “Revenge, Mr. Mathews. It took me over a year, but I tracked down all three—planned, plotted and killed them. When I was done, I drowned myself in the Thames River. And here I am.” Now she did noticeably shudder.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
He could see her jaw muscles work as she clenched her teeth. “Sorry for what?”
“Sorry for your life, for your death, for your now.”
Storm clouds swirled in her dark eyes. “I’ll see you in the morning, Mr. Matthews.” She turned and left the park.
Simon was still staring after her when Charlie’s voice came from behind him. “Don’t bother following her, she’s gone.”
Simon turned and looked at him questioningly.
Charlie continued. “Sarah is sort of our local ‘urban legend.’ She isn’t here every day, or every week, just when she has a game scheduled. She first appeared about fifteen years ago, about six months after I started hanging out at the chess tables. I tried following her two or three times, kept losing her on the path leading out of the park, then dropped that idea when those three gang-bangers went after her and wound up dead—”
Charlie’s lined, grey-whiskered face split in a wide grin. “Although Roosevelt Park is located near Albuquerque’s ‘War Zone’—home turf to several area gangs—do you see any of them in the park, or even any graffiti anywhere?”
Simon had been coming to the ten acres of shaded green for over two weeks, enjoying the cool, spring days of May and an occasional game of chess, but realized that Charlie was right. College kids, retirees, and several families were enjoying the bright sunlit day, but no unsavory characters were present in the clean and well-kept park. “No, it’s one of the nicer parks I’ve been in.”
“It was pretty rough back in ’96,” Charlie said. “A couple of the local gangs claimed this turf; fights, harassment, and graffiti were common. Three bangers followed Sarah out the second time she was here. I read in the paper the next day that their bodies had been found, victims of apparent gang warfare—according to the police. A few more weeks and a few more obituaries, and the gangs started avoiding this place like the plague.”
Simon stood there musing aloud. “She looks to be in her mid to late twenties. If so, in ’96 she would have barely been a teenager, if that.” He coughed, clearing his throat nervously. “And would you believe she gave me this spiel about the Devil, being his minion and playing chess games for people’s souls?” He laughed uneasily. “Pretty crazy, eh?”
From Charlie’s expression it was apparent he didn’t think it was crazy at all; he didn’t seem surprised in the least. “I’m telling you what I know,” he said. “Sarah looks the same now as she did back then. She hasn’t lost a chess game here that I know of. And after losing, all of her opponents have never been seen again. I’d think twice about taking her on, no matter how good you are or how bad you want something. I’d hate to lose you; good competition is hard to come by.”
That night Simon sat alone in his darkened apartment with the day’s events looping through his mind, the possibilities and consequences ricocheting through that loop. He turned on the desk lamp and stared at the framed picture of his wife and daughter, three years dead now. He began to relive the accident: the out of control 16-wheeler running the red light, the crash, the screams as it broadsided their SUV. He stopped the always agonizing train of thought, but couldn’t halt the question that always followed—why had he lived when they had died? He sighed and looked at the blank card that Sarah had given him.
In college he had been president of the chess club and had been ranked by the U.S. Chess Federation as a Master, only a few points shy of a Grand Master ranking. He believed that he was as good, or better, than he ever was. But, maybe, that was part of a damning conceit and arrogance that Sarah had alluded to…
Sarah was sitting at her usual table when Simon arrived, looking beautifully stylish in a black skirt and a burgundy, long-sleeve silk blouse, the string of small, black pearls accenting her slim neck. In his tennis shoes, blue-jeans and blue polo-shirt, Simon felt suddenly shabby.
She smiled and held out her hand. “Good to see you, Mr. Matthews.”
Probably his imagination but, as he took her hand, he sensed a look of disappointment in her ebony eyes. Simon sat down, opened his canvas bag, took out his chess set and clock and put them on the table.
Sarah gave a small laugh. “Don’t trust me?”
“Considering the stakes, I’ll be more comfortable using my set and clock.”
Simon secreted a white and black pawn, one in each hand, and held out his fists for Sarah to choose. She chose his right hand, hiding the white pawn; she would have the first move. Somehow, this didn’t surprise him. They set up the chess men on the cement table’s inlaid, black and white tiled chess board. Next, each pulled out paper and pen with which to record the moves. Simon laid the sealed envelope next to the clock.
Sarah looked at the envelope, then at him, that crooked, half smile back on her face. “Last chance, Mr. Matthews.”
He took a deep breath, swallowed. “Anytime you’re ready.”
She moved the pawn in front of her king forward; hit the button atop her clock face—which started his clock—then wrote down the move. He countered with a knight, hit his button, stopping his time and restarting hers.
And so it went—move, clock, notation. The only sounds were the faint ticking of the chess clock, a slight breeze rustling the cottonwood leaves overhead and occasional voices carried to them on that gentle current from distant parts of the park. Distant, because their seeming oasis was consciously shunned by the aware and unconsciously shunned by the unaware.
Simon was focused, his attention lasered in on the board before him. But slowly, inexorably, Sarah’s white chess army began to control the center of the board, then to methodically push his pieces back. He exchanged a bishop, then a knight, in an attempt to slow her advance. But to no avail. His king and its dwindling defenders were forced to retreat, slowly surrounded, the pressure building.
Simon felt the panic rising in his chest, his stomach clenching like a fist, the gall rising in his throat. Sarah was slowly crushing him; he couldn’t see a way out.
Sarah had been precise, methodical, almost robotic in her game: move, clock, notate, study. She never missed a move, never spoke, never looked at Simon. Until the twenty-ninth move.
Simon had been exchanging pieces whenever possible, hoping that he could somehow force a draw. But now he realized even that would be impossible. On her next move she would position her queen, and checkmate would only be four moves away.
Her hand lifted and hovered over the white queen, then withdrew and returned to her lap.
Simon looked up from the board and saw Sarah looking at him, her eyes brimming with tears, threatening to overflow. Her hand again rose, drifted towards the queen, clenched, opened, wavered, then picked up and moved her knight instead.
Simon stared in disbelief. It was the wrong move; it freed his position. He looked up again. Sarah was staring at the chess board, a single tear coursing down her cheek. He counter-attacked and hit his clock. Seven moves later Sarah had been checkmated.
Her hands on the table, Sarah slowly stood up, shoulders slumped, head bowed, more tears escaping her eyes. “You win, Simon.”
He rose also. “Why, Sarah?”
She put her hand to her lips in a losing attempt to regain her composure before continuing. “In over 350 years, you were the only person who cared why I had been consigned to Hell. Everyone else was only concerned about themselves and what they wanted. I just couldn’t do it to you, I just couldn’t.”
Simon was unable to suppress a smile. “Sarah, see what I won.”
She looked at him with a lost and forlorn look. “Why, what difference does it make?”
She opened the envelope and read the card. She looked at him. Back at the card. Her hand again went to her lips in another failing effort at composure. Sobbing, she turned and ran from the park.
Simon sat back down, breathing deeply, as if he had just finished an arduous and grueling race, tension flowing out of him and relief rushing in. He picked up the string of black pearls that were now lying on the table; he hadn’t noticed when Sarah had taken them off.
For several minutes Simon gazed at the treed path that Sarah had disappeared through, listening to the faint rustling of the leaves and enjoying the clean air of the mile-high city. He heard the soft footfalls on the grass next to him.
It was Charlie. “I have to admit I didn’t think you’d be here Simon, I didn’t think you could beat her.” .
Simon handed him the card. “You just need to have a little faith, Charlie. And I don’t think you’ll be seeing her again.”
The old chess player looked at the card and its neatly printed, ‘Free Sarah Coventry’s Soul.’ He stared open-mouthed. “You played for her soul?”
“God works in mysterious ways, Charlie. And now I know why I’m here, why I didn’t die in the accident; I provided the road, and Sarah traveled it. Redemption. Oh, and she left me these black…” he looked down at his open hand, at the string of small, white pearls resting in his palm, “…these white pearls.”
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG Implerstraße 24 81371 Munich Germany Text: John C. Laird Images: istockphoto/Alexandra Laird Editing: Alexandra Laird All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 20th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-alsam2 ISBN: 978-3-7309-0148-9 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-bailee-carruth-ballet-queen/ | Bailee Carruth Ballet Queen Bullying To my mom and Dad
The Queen
My name is Elizabeth Looy and I'm the Ballet Queen. I have been doing ballet sense I was 3 years old and I am 8 now so that is 5 years and that is a long time. My mommy and daddy are rich and they give me whatever I want and I want to stay in ballet entail I'm a grownup and thats that. I have every coloer leotard,toto,tights,and shoes for ballet. When mommy went to the mall she bot me over 100 bows to wear to
ballet classes. When I went to ballet class Mrs.Tent abounds that we are going to have a resettle in two weeks so we will half to work hard on our new dance the Tangle. I was so exceeded because it was going to be my first resettle on stage.
Publication Date: February 4th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-haybales |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-bs-murthy-onto-the-stage-slighted-souls-and-other-stage-and-radio-plays/ | BS Murthy Onto the Stage - Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays Under the British Raj in India, the self-indulging Nizams of Hyderabad abdicated the administration of their vast principality to doralu, the village heads, letting them turn the areas under their domain into their personal fiefdoms. While the successive Nizams were obsessed with building palaces and acquiring jewelry, the village heads succeeded in ushering in an oppressive era of tyrannical order. Acting as loose cannon from their palatial houses called gadis, the doralu succeeded in foisting an inimical feudal order upon the downtrodden dalits. Besides making these dalits toil for them as cheap labor without impunity, the doralu had no qualms in making vassals out of the hapless women folk. What with the police patels and the revenue patwaris in nexus with the landed gentry and the moneyed shaukars making a common cause with the doralu in their unabated exploitation, their sub-human condition ensured that the dalits were distressed economically,degraded socially 'n debased morally
Onto the Stage - Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays
Onto the Stage
‘Slighted Souls’ and other stage and radio plays
BS Murthy
ISBN 81-901911-5-2
Copyright © 2014 BS Murthy
Cover with Mohan’s water color painting
F-9, Nandini Mansion, 1-10-234,
Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad – 500 020
Other books of BS Murthy
Benign Flame – Saga of Love
Jewel-less Crown - Saga of Life
Crossing the Mirage – Passing through youth
Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel
Prey on the Prowl - A Crime Novel
Puppets of Faith: Theory of Communal Strife(non-fiction)
Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of self – help (A translation in verse)
Sundara Kãnda - Hanuman’s Odyssey (also in verse)
Stage Plays
Slighted Souls
Men at work on Women at work
Castle of Despair
Radio Play
A Love on Hold
With boundless gratitude to the peerless
Chatla Sreeramulu,
the director–actor of Telugu theatre,
who had opened the wide windows to the grand stage
the sneaking view of which enabled me to shape these plays
Slighted Souls
Dramatis Personae
On one side
Muthyal Rao, Dora of Rampur.
Papa Rao, Police Patel.
Rami Reddy, Patwari.
Papi Reddy, landlord.
Shaukar Suryam, moneylender.
Veeraiah, Head Constable.
Venkataswamy, MLA.
Mallesam Goud, ex-MLA. .
Narsi Reddy, son of Rami Reddy.
Henchmen, Police Constables,
Capt. Kapoor, Home Guards/Greyhounds
On the otherside
Yellaiah, a peasant.
Mallamma,Yellaiah’s wife.
Narsimma,Yellaiah’s son.
Sarakka,Yellaiah’s daughter.
Maisamma, Mallamma’s mother.
Yadagiri,Maisamma’s son.
Renuka,Yadagiri’s daughter
Maisaiah, a peasant.
Lachamma, Maisaiah’s wife
Madanna, head of a naxal dalam
Mallanna, Madanna’s confidant.
Srisailam, Narsimma’s friend
Nirmala, victim of Narsi Reddy.
Annalu , and onlookers.
Of the other side on this side
Anasuya, Yadagiri’s wife.
Saailu, Anasuya’s brother.
And on neither side is Raja, the six-year old grandson of the I.G of A. P. Police.
Scene – 1
Voice Over : Under the British Raj in India, the self-indulging Nizams of Hyderabad abdicated the administration of their vast principality to doralu, the village heads, letting them turn the areas under their domain into their personal fiefdoms. While the successive Nizams were obsessed with building palaces and acquiring jewelry, the village heads succeeded in ushering in an oppressive era of tyrannical order. Acting as loose cannon from their palatial houses called gadis , the doralu succeeded in foisting an inimical feudal order upon the downtrodden dalits. Besides making these dalits toil for them as cheap labor without impunity, the doralu had no qualms in making vassals out of the hapless women folk. What with the police patels and the revenue patwaris in nexus with the landed gentry and the moneyed shaukars making a common cause with the doralu in their unabated exploitation, their sub-human condition ensured that the dalits were distressed economically, degraded socially and debased morally. Ironically, lending the privileged few the muscle power to perpetrate the inimical social order were their henchmen from the other backward classes. Moreover, given the British political pragmatism of an indifference to the Indian caste conundrum the downtrodden dalits had nowhere to run for cover.
Though the merger of their province with the Union of India brought the curtains down on the Nizams’ two-hundred year misrule, the exploitation of the rural dalits by the dora-patel-patwari nexus continued unabated. And that led to the formation of 'communes' as part of a peasant movement in July 1948 under the Telangana Struggle that didn’t take off any way. On the other hand as the seeds of egalitarianism began to take roots in the urban Indian soil, in time, these “slighted souls” too began to envision the dawn of an equitable era for them. However, the nascent upward mobility of the downtrodden was at odds with the vested interests of the feudal order, and to nip the dalit moral assertiveness in the bud, the ‘axis of evil’ saw to it that such were brutalized to make an example of them.
“Slighted Souls” scripts the life of the downtrodden of Rampur nearly a decade after the famous but failed peasant struggle of Telangana. Making cohorts with Muthyal Rao the dora in oppressing its dalits are Papa Rao the Police Patel , Rami Reddy the Patwari , Papi Reddy the landlord and Shaukar Suryam the moneylender. Beginning with the life and times of Yellaiah and his wife Mallamma this play unfolds the urge of the deprived to unyoke themselves, and the desperation of the privileged to rein in them.
[Curtains up: Mallamma sits in front of her thatched hut in the dalit mohalla weaving a bamboo basket. Enter: Yellaiah, and seeing him, she goes into the hut to fetch some water for him, and he takes over the work.]
Mallamma [Back with a glass of water]: Why make a mess of it maava .
Yellaiah [Taking over the glass]: Take it I’m giving them their due.
Mallamma : I wonder how they’re harming you.
Yellaiah [Having empted the glass]: Aren’t they harsh on my darling’s delicate hands?
Mallamma [Taking back the glass]: I’m glad you’re still fond of your old woman.
Yellaiah : Who said you’re old dear. I’m ever scared that some dora or a patel might grab my Malli.
Mallamma [Taking the bamboo work]: You know it would never be the case.
Yellaiah : Well but still.
M allamma : Leave alone the patels and the patwaris, would the dora ever forget that incident in a hurry? Besides, I’m behind the bamboo curtain, am I not?
Yellaiah : Well who can forget that potential tragedy turned farce? [He laughs heartily]. But still it hurts to let you toil day and night.
Mallamma : So be it, till our Narsimma becomes a big officer. Till then, the fact that you care keeps it going.
Yellaiah : Where is Sarakka?
Mallamma : Wonder why she hasn’t turned up yet.
Yellaiah [Making a move to get up]: Why not I better check up at her school.
Mallamma [Holding him back]: Isn’t it enough that you’ve been toiling like a mule all day long.
Yellaiah : Why their lot is any day better dear. They are well-fed by peddollu and attended by doctors. See, they’ve doctors to look after them but we’ve to put with the quacks. I hear even their lives are insured these days.
Mallamma : Well, mules have a price tag on them, but what about us. Don’t dalits come cheaper by the dozen?
[Enter: Maisaiah on his way in a hurry.]
Yellaiah : O Maisaiah, where are you running to now?
Maisaiah : Running around on Shaukar’s errands, oh, how I’ve forgot about memsaab. She said she has some work for me before he returned from Warangal.
[Exit: Maisaiah.]
Yellaiah : Why, their women too boss over our men, don’t they? How I wish our Narsimma won’t have to put up with all that.
Mallamma : Why should he as Pantulayya says he’s bright. He feels the same way about our Sarakka, and Renuka. But I think Renuka is better than both.
Yellaiah : Don’t I know you’re always partial towards your brother’s daughter.
Mallamma : It’s as if I’m a stepmother to your kids.
Yellaiah : Why get hurt dear, I was just joking. But still our kids are hot heads while she carries a clear head? If not for you, wouldn’t they have become rebels by now?
Mallamma : Whatever, once he sets his mind; Narsimma is not the one to waver. And Sarakka too is developing the same traits, isn’t she?
Yellaiah : Well, how you’ve been drumming him not to get distracted from his studies.
Mallamma : Why not? You know how we’re undone by being unpad. I want all three of them to be well educated. I’ve been hoping that an educated Renuka makes an ideal wife for our Narsimma. But sadly vadina seems to have developed second thoughts about giving her to him.
Yellaiah : Don’t I see Anasuya is rooting for Saailu, her good for nothing brother. Well, we can only hope that your brother Yadagiri puts his foot down for once.
Mallamma : But can he do that? Any way, there is still a long way to go. Let’s see what the future has in store for them.
Yellaiah : What a wretched life ours is Malli? We don’t even have a say in our own affairs. It’s Papi Reddy Patel who’s behind all this. And don’t I see his game plan?
Mallamma : Don’t they say woman is woman’s enemy. Let’s hope Renuka’s fate prevails over vadina’s whims.
Yellaiah : How I wish that happens.
Mallamma : I’m quite hopeful, more so as times are changing.
Yellaiah : Wish I’ve your strength of belief Malli.
Mallamma : Maava, if you want change, you’ve got to dream about it.
Yellaiah : How’re we to dream Malli, when life itself is a nightmare? Oh, how the peddollu have reduced us.
[Enter Sarakka with a slate and a few school books, and collapses in front of them.]
Yellaiah : Malli quick, fetch some water for Sarakka.
[Even as Mallamma brings in some water, Yellaiah takes Sarakka in his lap. After the mother sprinkles some water on her, the girl gets up and greedily drinks from the tumbler.]
Mallamma : What happened to you my child?
Sarakka : I felt thirsty on the way amma . But they didn’t allow me to drink from their well.
Yellaiah : They refuse water to a thirsty child! Oh, how lowly are these peddollu.
Mallamma : Well, their well is full of frogs, yet they think it gets polluted if we drink from it. What an irony?
Yellaiah : Why, being a frog in the well is better than the bane of being a dalit .
Mallamma : Oh, why did God make it so inhuman for us?
Yellaiah : And see their gall; they say its God’s own will. Isn’t it like rubbing salt on our wounds?
Mallamma : He must be a cruel God to say that. But did He say that?
Sarakka : We’re dearer to God, that’s why Gandhiji said we’re harijan. We’ve that lesson in our class.
Yellaiah : If only Gandhiji lived long enough to make it true for us.
Sarakka : Maastaaru says God helps only those who help themselves.
Mallamma : Who knows another mahatma might be waiting in the wings to pick up the threads?
Yellaiah : Having made us anguthachaps all along, mercifully, they’re letting our children study these days.
Mallamma : Well, grudgingly. Whatever, it’s going to be the turning point for us.
[Enter a tired Narsimma with his schoolbag]
Yellaiah : How our poor Narsimma has to walk all those miles. If only we’ve a high school here.
Mallamma : Why’re you so dull my boy?
Narsimma : I couldn’t go to school amma .
Yellaiah : Why what’s the matter?
Narsimma : I was crossing the gadi and the dorasani held me. As their Maali fell ill, she made me work all day in the garden.
Mallamma : Why, when it’s julum on us, the dorasanlu score no less.
Narsimma : And all the while she was yelling, Narsiga, Narsiga, Narsiga. It’s as if she can’t get my name right.
Yellaiah : Well, they think we’re not entitled to our name even.
Mallamma to Narsimma : Bear all that for now my boy. Once you’re a B.A., all will call you Narsimma.
Yellaiah to Mallamma : I’ll sell my shirt to make him a B.A., and it’s my word to you.
[There is a commotion outside, and Sarakka exits.]
Sarakka [Reenters]: Maisaiah mama is being carried on a cart. Shaukar Saab is also there.
Yellaiah : Let me find out what’s the matter.
Mallamma : I’ll also come. Lachamma might need me.
[Exit: Yellaiah and Mallamma leaving Narsimma and Sarakka. Curtains down.]
Scene – 2
[Curtains up: Maisaiah’s body ‘in drawer’ laid in front of his hut in the dalit mohalla . Lachamma, his wife wails over it. Shaukar Suryam and two of his henchmen with sticks stand aside. Enter Yellaiah and Mallamma anxiously. ]
Yellaiah : Dandaalu Shaukar Saab.
[Yellaiah goes over to Maisaiah and sees he’s dead.]
Yellaiah : Shaukar Saab, how’s that Maisaiah died in his drawer?
Shaukar Suryam : Yera Yelliga, are you questioning me?
Yellaiah : Is it possible Shaukar Saab . But what it means to die in one’s drawer?
Shaukar Suryam : Yedava Naayala stole my money. It’s only to make him open his mouth, he was stripped and beaten. But sadly for me, he died before coughing up.
Mallamma: Shaukar Saab , we’re poor but we’re no thieves.
Shaukar Suryam : That will be known now. [He turns to his henchmen.] Go in and see.
[The two go into the hut as directed.]
Mallamma : Shaukar Saab, there aren’t any attics in our huts to hide booty.
Shaukar Suryam : O, Mallamma, mind your own business or else.
Yellaiah : Don’t mind her words Shaukar Saab.
[Thrown out of the hut by the search party, some dented and unkempt aluminum vessels fall all over the place. In the end, as his henchmen appear with a cloth bundle, Shaukar Suryam is delighted, and the gathering is stunned. He eagerly unfolds the bundle and finds a plastic kiddy bank that he expectantly opens. But disappointed at finding only some small change, he throws the plastic on the floor, however, after pocketing the money. Lachamma takes the empty box, and wails inconsolably.]
Mallamma : Now what do you say Shaukar Saab ? Why didn’t you make sure he really stole? Oh, how you’ve killed an innocent man.
Shaukar Suryam : I suspect he was at it all along. Naayaala might’ve hidden it somewhere.
Lachamma : Oh, he was saving for his child in my womb but couldn’t save his own life. As I’m penniless, his child would be posthumous.
Shaukar Suryam : Don’t worry Lachhi. Aren’t you good enough to find a mate in double quick time? Do you think I’ll let you down in the meantime?
[Enter Papa Rao Patel in mufti and Head Constable Veeraiah in vardi. ]
Shaukar Suryam : Randi Veeraiah garu, but sorry for the bother.
Veeraiah : Isn’t it my duty Shaukar Saab.
Papa Rao to Veeraiah : Mori Saab, don’t think Shaukar Saab won’t how know risky it is for you ?
Shaukar Suryam : Don’t I know Papa Rao Patel that I’ve to provide an ‘all risks cover’ for Veeraiah garu.
Veeraiah : [Goes near Maisaiah’s body.] What happened to this fellow?
Papa Rao : Poor fellow died of snake bite Mori Saab.
Shaukar Suryam : If Veeraiah garu clears the air, they can cremate the body.
Lachamma : Mori Saab, please listen to me.
Papa Rao : Didn’t you hear what Shaukar Saab has said? What is left for you to add?
Mallamma : Mori Saab, she’s his wife after all, and you’ve got to take her statement, won’t you?
Veeraiah : Keep your mouth shut or else I’ll drag you to the Police Naaka, and book you under the Brothel Act. You dirty bitch, what do you think of yourself?
Shaukar Suryam : Pardon her Veeraiah garu . After all, it hurts to lose one of their own. Now let’s go about the panchanama.
[Exit: Shaukar Suryam with his henchmen and Veeraiah.]
[Enter: Yadagiri, Mallamma’s brother. After condoling Lachamma, he whispers into Mallamma’s ear. In turn Mallamma whispers into Yellaiah’s ear.]
[Exit: All three of them. Curtains down.]
Scene - 3
[Curtains up: Maisamma on a stool besides two wooden chairs and Renuka on a mat in the hall of a kacha building in the dalit mohalla .]
Renuka : Why all this fuss naanamma ?
Maisamma : Because our Renu has matured.
Renuka : So what.
Maisamma : Well, it’s the day that begins your nights.
Renuka : What do you mean by that?
[Maisamma whispers into Renuka’s ears.]
Renuka : But isn’t amma against baava.
Maisamma : Sadly she’s rooting for Saailu. Say you don’t want to wed any till you pass Matric, and we’ll see later.
Renuka : But why is naayana afraid of amma ?
Maisamma : Well, how long can it be hidden from you. Your mother is hand in glove with that cruel Papi Reddy, and so my poor Yadagiri is scared of him.
Renuka : I hear naayana call amma a loose woman. Who’s a loose woman naanamma ?
Maisamma : Someone close to more than one man, but as things stand, it’s rare for a dalit woman not to be loose, especially in youth. These peddollu force upon us and there is no way we can resist them.
Renuka : But don’t they say we’re untouchables?
Maisamma : That’s the irony of sex Renu. How I wish you remain untouchable for them.
Renuka : What about you?
Maisamma : One day Shankar Rao Pate l caught my hand in the fields, and I slapped him with all my strength. Imagine what he did. He took my hand, rolled it over his face, and said that he loved it far better that way. After that, I couldn’t resist him for long. Well, we had a steady affair till he died, sadly at fifty. But unlike the peddollu you’ve come to see, he was a kind man.
Renuka : What about aththa ?
Maisamma : My Mallamma is made of a different mettle. When this dora tried to molest her, she said she would rather die than yield to him. But as he tried to grab her still, she ran like hell and jumped into their well. Luckily, she was saved in the nick of time.
Renuka : Oh, really!
Maisamma : That’s not all. What a predicament it was for the peddollu that an untouchable jumped into their well. As nobody was prepared to drink from it, they had to purify it with gangajal, that too after pumping out all the water from it. In the meantime, oh how long it took them, they had to fetch water from other villages. Well, what news it made then, and they got the message that Mallamma won’t bend any way. Maybe, it could be the fear of her jumping into the well again that keeps the patels and the patwaris too at bay.
Renuka : Why not all of us do that naanamma ?
Maisamma : It’s because of our love to live that we put up with the indignities of life. Being branded loose women is just one such.
Renuka : What about the memsaabs ?
Maisamma : Why aren’t they women like us.
Renuka : But do they get close to our dalit men?
Maisamma : In hush-hush ways that is. But if the cat is out of the bag, often it gets killed. Of course, the dark one, but the fate of the fair thing depends on other things . But, mostly the affair is pushed under the carpet.
[Enter: Yadagiri with Yellaiah and Mallamma.]
Yadagiri : Amma, Maisaiah is dead.
Maisamma : Oh how come?
Yellaiah : I doubt that Shaukar got him killed.
Maisamma : But why should he get his own naukar killed?
Yellaiah : Shaukar says Maisaiah has stolen his money but I suspect there’s something fishy about it. [Then he turns to Mallamma.] Malli, didn’t Maisaiah tell us that he was going to memsaab as she had some work for him before Shaukar returned from Warangal. Can’t we now put two and two together?
Mallamma : Why all that now before Renuka. [To Renuka.] So, you’ve left Sarakka behind.
Renuka : Po aththa.
Mallamma : You better preserve your shyness for your baava . Well, where is vadina ?
Maisamma : Don’t you know she’s always with that Papi Reddy Patel ?
Yellaiah : It’s high time we had put some sense into her head.
Yadagiri : Whenever I’m hard on her, she goads him to get tough with me. Why blame him when she herself is so mean.
Mallamma : Why not I give her a bit of my mind.
Yadagiri : Don’t ever do that akka ; you know what a foul mouth she has.
Mallamma : So be it. It won’t do any good to Renuka if she won’t mend her ways now.
Yadagiri : Let’s get Renu married to Narsimma, and that solves all the problems.
Mallamma : How I wish we could do that. But I want Narsimma to be a B.A. at any cost and you know marriage means its curtains down. Moreover, aren’t they too young to wed?
Yadagiri : Oh, how my poor girl is caught between two stools. If we don’t move fast Anasuya would make her wed that good for nothing Saailu, her pimp of a brother.
Maisamma : Be a man at last, and let not things come to that pass.
[Enter: Anasuya.]
Anasuya : Whom is the old hag instigating?
Yadagiri : Learn to respect my mother at least.
Anasuya : Respect her, my foot.
Yadagiri : Any way, what does a loose woman know about respect?
Anasuya : Oh, don’t tell me your mother kept her thighs ever closed.
Mallamma : It’s sickening really; at least consider her age vadina.
Anasuya : True, an old whore is chaste no less. Oh the poor thing.
Mallamma : Forget about her past; now think about Renuka’s future. .
Anasuya : Don’t I know what this panchayat is all about.
Yadagiri : Why what’s the secret about it? Who would want Renu wed a pimp.
Anasuya : Oh, penimiti , better mind your tongue.
Yadagiri : Don’t forget Renu has a mind of her own. Don’t you know she’s fond of Narsimma.
Anasuya : Once she weds Saailu, she would be no less fond of him.
Mallamma : Vadina, w hy hurry things, let her first complete her Matric.
Anasuya : Why, to let your B.A son elope with her then?
Yellaiah : Well, all along you’ve been teasing them as a couple in the making, didn’t you?
Anasuya : Maybe, but I’ve changed my mind.
Mallamma : But then, they’re in love with each other.
Anasuya : Don’t worry; it won’t take long for them to fall out of it.
Mallamma : But vadina, why are you bent upon breaking the alliance?
Anasuya : Yeendee lolli . Am I obliged to tell to you?
Yellaiah : I’ll see how you can back out now. Don’t I drag you to the panchayat ?
Anasuya : Listen Yellaiah, Renu can wed your son over my dead body, but before that take care you don’t die of some snake bite like that poor Maisaiah.
Yadagiri : What to do when the fence itself is bent on eating up the crop. [Turns to Yellaiah.] Why should you suffer more of her foul mouth?
[Yadagiri leads away Yellaiah, and Mallamma follows them.]
Anasuya : Good riddance bad rubbish.
[Anasuya goes inside.]
Renuka : Who’s a whore naanamma ?
Maisamma : An abusive word for a loose woman that loosens her lovers’ purse strings.
And the irony of abuse is that in abusing man, it’s the woman that is abused. Won’t the list of abusive words reveal that?
Renuka : And what about a pimp?
Maisamma : Why do you want to know all about sex the day you’ve matured? [She laughs heartily.] Well, God forbid you won’t have to deal with any.
[Curtains down.]
Scene – 4
[Curtains up: The sun is still some way to set on Rampur’s horizon, and seated on the square cement dais around a mango tree at the temple are Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao Patel, Rami Reddy Patwari , Papi Reddy Patel and Shaukar Suryam. A couple of Muthyal Rao’s henchmen stand guard as well. Papa Rao Patel opens the day’s daily, and is about to read out the earmarked news to them.]
Muthyal Rao : Papa Rao Patel, for once why not give precedence to the local news. Let’s hear the update on Maisaiah’ widow from the horse’s mouth.
Rami Reddy : Dora, why embarrass Shaukar Saab ?
Muthyal Rao : Why Patwari, what’s new in it? Won’t he take women on lien in lieu of interest?
Rami Reddy : Why don’t you realize dora that he has to pay for her upkeep in this case? Isn’t it like parting with the principal? What an unwelcome development for any moneylender.
Papi Reddy : Why isn’t she well-endowed to make value addition.
Rami Reddy : By the way, Shaukar Saab , have you any clue who stole the money?
Muthyal Rao : God knows that but don’t we know the widow’s stole is in Shaukar’s hands? [Laughs.]
Shaukar Suryam : And the money under my wife’s pillow. She was to send it to her brother but forgot to tell me about it. It’s as well she didn’t part with it for that gambler would’ve squandered at the races.
Papa Rao : Now that Shaukar Saab had galloped with the widow, what if his brother-in-law got stranded in his tracks.
Papi Reddy : If not for the brother’s turn to the tale, surely it’s tabloid stuff. And that would’ve made Shaukar Suryam a household name.
Muthyal Rao : That is if our Shaukar is prepared to spend some time behind the bars. Well, don’t ever spread it, it won’t help any. Now let’s turn to the press Papa Rao Patel.
Papa Rao : There’s disturbing news from West Bengal dora.
Shaukar Suryam : Isn’t West Bengal too far away to disturb us any way.
Papa Rao : Don’t they say what Bengal thinks today the rest of India thinks tomorrow, and that’s my worry.
Rami Reddy : What’s it any way?
Papa Rao : Well, it took place only the other day and God forbid 25 May 1967 won’t be a red-letter day.
Muthyal Rao : What for is all this buildup, Papa Rao Patel ? Why don’t you tell us in a nutshell?
Papa Rao : You know, well who would’ve ever known, Naxalbari is a small village in West Bengal. As it happens all the time, there was a dispute over an assigned land between a landlord and a peasant. And again, as is the case all over, the landlord got the peasant thrashed by his goons. That was on 2nd March, but on 25th May the story took a different turn with an unpalatable twist to it. Led by the ultra leftists, Charu Majumdar and Kanu Sanyal, the peasants of Naxalbari revolted against the landlords and usurped their lands. What’s worse, vowing to take this revolutionary opposition to every nook and corner, the Maoist duo gave a call to the downtrodden to join the movement in numbers.
Muthyal Rao : Even then, I’m not the one to lose sleep over a storm in the Naxalbari teacup. After all, haven’t we seen the so-called Telangana Struggle fizzle out before? Why not move on to something more relevant.
Papa Rao : Maybe you’re right after all? Well, our sarkar says it’s going to distribute banjar among the peasants.
Rami Reddy : Won’t it make some welcome news?
Shaukar Suryam : Our Patwari must be out of his wits to say that dora.
Rami Reddy : What would moneylenders know about land grabbing? How long would it take us to relieve them of their pattas ?
Muthyal Rao : That’s true. We can look for better times then. But how are we to believe the politicians?
Papa Rao : They also plan to propagate family planning among them.
Papi Reddy : Why isn’t it a sensible measure? Won’t that cap the scum?
Shaukar Suryam : Papi Reddy Patel seems to miss the point here. What if that picks up amongst them? Won’t we be short of women pandering to us?
Papa Rao : That’s true; Shaukar Saab has some foresight after all.
Muthyal Rao : Why, won’t that shrink his customer base as well? What a double jeopardy it could be to our Shaukar. But then, there is no need to worry as things won’t change in a hurry, if at all they change.
[Enter: Anasuya.]
Anasuya : Dandaal dora .
Muthyal Rao : Why, any problem?
Anasuya : I seek protection for my daughter dora .
Papi Reddy : Well, what’s the matter?
Anasuya : Dora , my sister-in-law and her husband are forcing my daughter to wed their son.
Papa Rao : What’s the objection? After all, isn’t it the custom?
Anasuya : But the custom in my family is to get her married to her maama that is my brother Saailu.
Muthyal Rao to his henchman : Bring Yellaiah and Mallamma to the panchayat.
[Exit: Henchman.]
Rami Reddy : How old is your daughter?
Anasuya : Patwari-ji , she has just now matured.
Shaukar Suryam : Won’t it be in the know of Papi Reddy Patel as well?
Papi Reddy : Why poke your nose into my affairs. Did I ever enquire about her EDD, you know who.
Muthyal Rao : Oh, stop it. [Turns to Anasuya.] What’s your man’s take on this?
Anasuya : He’s coerced by them into agreeing dora .
[Enter: Henchman with Mallamma.]
Mallamma : Dandaal dora.
Muthyal Rao : What about Yelligadu?
Mallamma : He’s gone to town dora.
Muthyal Rao : Yeme Mallamma, Anasuya complains that you’re fiddling in her family matters.
Mallamma : Dora, my son was betrothed to Renuka at her birth itself. Now it’s my vadina who backtracks.
Muthyal Rao : Yemey Anasuya, is it true?
Papi Reddy : Whatever, we may restrain the Yellaiahs to keep away from the girl.
Mallamma : Dora, how can Papi Reddy Patel decide for the panchayat even before Anasuya replies?
Papi Reddy : Yeme Mallamma, aren’t you talking like a panch. Don’t you know it’s the parents who decide whom the children have to marry? Now the panchayat decides that none from Yellaiah’s family should take things into their hands.
Mallamma : How come dora fails to stop Papi Reddy Patel from hijacking the panchayat.
Papi Reddy : Oh how dare you? Don’t we see you’re thrashed and then thrown out of Rampur?
Mallamma [in all fury]: Dora, they say panch is parameshwar but here I see the Satan in collusion.
Papi Reddy : You dirty bitch. [He spats on her.]
Mallamma: Orey Papi Reddy. [She leaps up to Papi Reddy but drops down holding her chest in pain.]
Papi Reddy : Won’t it serve you right , you upstart. It does no good for the dalits to be angry. Realize that.
Mallamma : Orey luchchaa. [Getting up with some effort, she pounces upon Papi Reddy.]
[As Mallamma tries to throttle Papi Reddy, Anasuya tries to restrains her. In the end, Mallamma collapses as Papi Reddy Patel pushes her away.]
Rami Reddy : Looks like she’s dead, maybe, it’s a massive stroke followed by a mild one.
Papa Rao : Thank God, she didn’t have a sickle in her hand. Now I can imagine the peasant fury at Naxalbari.
Muthyal Rao : Papa Rao Patel, forget about Naxalbari, surely its one headache less in Rampur.
Shaukar Suryam : More so for Papi Reddy Patel. Oh, the way he’s rooting for Anasuya! Dora, don’t you see some daal me kaala in this?
Papi Reddy [Recovers his composure]: Why not you go and please yourself with that just widowed.
Muthyal Rao (Gets up): Let’s go.
Rami Reddy : Where, to Maisaiah’s widow.
[All laugh as they exit and Mallamma lay on the floor.]
[Enter Yellaiah with a bag in hand, and seeing Mallamma, he rushes to her.]
Yellaiah : Oh Malli, why did you desert me? Now how am I to live without you? [Lying over her body Yellaiah wails inconsolably.]
[Enter: Narsimma, Sarakka, Yadagiri, Maisamma and other villagers as the curtains are slowly down.]
Scene - 5
[Curtains up: Standing near the well of the downtrodden, Narsimma peeps into it . ]
[Enter: Renuka on tiptoe, and blindfolds him.]
Narsimma : Don’t I smell my Renu from a mile. [He clasps her hand that blindfolds him.]
Renuka [Pushes a sweetmeat into his mouth]: See how my success in Matric tastes.
Narsimma : [Taking her into his arms.] But I’m for sweeter things from a sweet sixteen.
Renuka [Coyly]: Po baava . [Coquettishly] As if I’m holding you at the threshold. You can smell me from a mile but won’t move an inch into my life. What a buddhu you are baava.
Narsimma : Buddhu or badiya you would only know after we wed. But don’t you feel the pull of my love from the pulse of my heart?
Renuka : [Puts her ear to his chest.] Well, now if you don’t pull me into your life, my mother would push me out of it, and b aava that would be the end of me. [She sits morosely on the wall and looks into the well.]
Narsimma : Don’t you know Renu that lovers never die. Ask Romeo - Juliet, Salim - Anarkali, Heer - Ranjha etc.
Renuka : Do you want us to go their way or what, to live ‘happily ever after’ only in the hereafter.
Narsimma : Don’t lose heart Renu; we’ll make it a unique baava- maradalu saga in Rampur itself.
Renuka : With Saailu as villain, don’t you know my mother has her own script . Oh, the very thought of wedding him is so scary. [She looks into the well.] Well, if ever the push comes to the shove, like aththa, I too would jump into their well.
Narsimma [Holding her]: Why don’t you have a thought for me Renu? Don’t you know I live with the hope of living with you? If you die, it would be the end of me as well. [He peeps into the well.]
Renuka : Oh, baava, how you keep me in the trisankhu swargam .
Narsimma : Bear with me, I’ll find a way out.
Renuka : I don’t see any way out but to elope, and now is the time. If not. [She mocks to slip into the well]
Narsimma [Catching her by the waist.]: Do you think I didn’t think about it?
Renuka : Baava, I suspect my mother has a secret agenda. We’ve no time to lose now.
Narsimma : Oh, if only Sarakka were married and I’ve my degree on hand. Then I would’ve left this god-damn place with you and my father. But if we run away now, my father and sister would be hauled over the coals by your mother. Leave aside Papi Reddy Patel, she would have the full panchayat to back her on that score.
Renuka : Don’t I foresee that? But I don’t want to lose you at any cost, and that’s my dilemma. Oh, God, I’m going mad.
Narsimma : Even if our fears are liars, still our move puts a full stop to my studies. How my mother lived and died dreaming about my being a B.A.
Renuka : Don’t I value your feelings for her and cherish her memory myself. In a way, didn’t she die trying to avert my fate? Now it’s up to you baava to see that she didn’t die in vain. Let not your misplaced sentiment make me a living dead.
Narsimma : More than my sentiment Renu, it’s my conviction that’s inhibiting me.
Renuka : What is it baava that overrides the fate of your beloved?
Narsimma : Don’t you know how I swear by dalit education. What’s the use of preaching without practicing?
Renuka : Oh! Life is not for tagging to theories baava ; it’s about grabbing its moments.
Narsimma : Maybe, I’m too young to be realistic about life.
Renuka : It’s nothing but escapism baava , and that’s going to ruin my life. [She looks into the well over her shoulder]
Narsimma : Don’t you see that I’m powerless now to protect you? Let’s see how your life itself protects you.
Renuka : You don’t need any crystal ball to see what my future portends, do you? [She looks into the well.]
Narsimma : Don’t I know what my future would be like without you.
Renuka : Why, I’ve an idea. [She jumps down to the ground] Let’s elope with mavayya and Sarakka in tow. We three will toil to keep you going.
Narsimma [Excitedly.]: Why couldn’t I think of it myself Renu? Is it that I love you any less?
Renuka : I know you love me more than you realize. Well, your wooly ideologies seem to be the bane of my life.
Narsimma : Maybe, it’s possible. But Renu, if there’s a way of not losing you, do you think I’ll ever lose you?
Renuka : But baava, God forbid what if it’s a foiled bid.
Narsimma : Why do you think so? As you’ve buoyed my love, I’ll fly you to the moon itself. All said and done, it’s better to try and fail than never to have tried at all.
Renuka : Just in case, don’t forget that I live in the hope of being your wife before I die.
Narsimma : If ever I lose your love, I know it would be the end of my life. Well let’s plan for our life together.
[Narsimma and Renuka talk in undertones. Curtains down]
Scene – 6
[Curtains up: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam sit on the dais of scene - 4 with a couple of henchmen standing guard. While Yellaiah, Narsimma, Renuka and Sarakka stand accused, sitting on the floor are Maisamma, Yadagiri, Anasuya and other villagers.]
Muthyal Rao : Papa Rao Patel, let the panchayat begin.
Papa Rao : Hahn dora. Abetted by Yelligadu and Sarakka, Narsigadu tried to elope with Renuka. All were caught red-handed while leaving the village at the dead of the night, last night.
Renuka : Dora, as my mother fixed my marriage against my wishes, it’s I who goaded them to take me away.
Muthyal Rao : Keep quiet, no one called for your sanjaayishi .
Narsimma : Dora, Renu is my betrothed , and my aththa is the spoilsport.
Muthyal Rao : Narsiga, why didn’t you approach the panchayat then?
Narsimma : Dora , you know how Papi Reddy Patel takes sides .
Papi Reddy : Narsiga, how dare you accuse a panch?
Yellaiah : Dora , please pardon me and bless the children.
Reddy : Wah Yelliga wah. Blessing the runaways, what a precedent it sets.
Yellaiah : [Bows his head in silence]
Muthyal Rao : Yera Yelliga, why abet your son, don’t you know elopement is a crime in Rampur?
Yellaiah: Hahn dora, but Anasuya is the cause of it.
Yadagiri : Hahn dora.
Maisamma : Dora, bless the children and may God bless you.
Muthyal Rao : Maisamma, sadly it’s all too late now. Had any of you brought the issue before the panchayat, we would’ve addressed it suitably.
Narsimma : Is it so dora ?
Muthyal Rao : Well, now that the crime is committed, it’s the punishment time. What the panch have to say?
Papa Rao: What’s there to disagree dora .
Papi Reddy : Dora, we might note that Yellaiah’s family members are habitual offenders.
Shaukar Suryam : Well, didn’t Mallamma attack Papi Reddy Patel in the panchayat itself. If not for that stroke of luck and for lack of a sickle, God knows where he would’ve been now.
Muthyal Rao : It’s five lashes each to Narsigadu and Yelligadu, and two to Sarakka.
Renuka : Why leave me out dora . Let me also share their fate.
Muthyal Rao : What makes you think you’re let off scot-free; your turn would come any way.
[Taking cue from Muthyal Rao, his henchman was about to lash at Narasimma. Even before Narsimma could take the blow, Renuka rushes to him and takes it herself. While other henchman holds Renuka, Narsimma, Yellaiah and Sarakka are whipped as directed.]
Muthyal Rao : As Renuka tried to elope with Narsigadu, the panchayat prohibits her from marrying him.
Papi Reddy : And for having shamed Saailu, she should be his slavish wife.
Renuka : Dora, is not history repeating itself. Don’t you see Papi Reddy Patel hijacking the panchayat all again.
[Instinctively Papi Reddy gets into a protective posture.]
Narsimma : And yet dora says we should’ve approached the panchayat .
Anasuya : See his audacity dora . I’m afraid he may frisk her away before the wedding.
Muthyal Rao : When is that?
Anasuya : It’s day after tomorrow dora .
Muthyal Rao : Then, till Renuka’s marriage is performed, Yelligadu and his children may be confined in the banduldoddi.
Rami Reddy : Dora, with strayed cattle for company?
Muthyal Rao : So be it Patwari . Won’t that serve as a lesson for the others?
[Exit: Yellaiah, Narsimma and Sarakka led away by the henchmen.]
Maisamma : [As she exits.] Oh, if only Mallamma were alive.
Shaukar Suryam : We would’ve kept round the clock vigil at our well. What do you say dora ?
Muthyal Rao [Frowns]: Go jump yourself.
Papi Reddy : Why so dora , hasn’t he got better things on his hands?
Rami Reddy : Better we focus on Narsimma for hurt cuts both ways.
[Curtains down.]
Scene - 7
[Curtains up: Narsimma is at the reading table in his room in the Scheduled Castes -Scheduled Tribes Hostel. Enter: Srisailam, his friend and fellow inmate.]
Srisailam : Hi, how’re you still here?
Narsimma : [Doesn’t respond.]
Srisailam : Don’t you know Madanna is expected?
Narsimma : Is it in tow with Charu Majumdar and Kanu Sanyal or what?
Srisailam : It’s no joking matter you know, the People’s War Group.
Narsimma : What else is it? Don’t they think bashing up the peddollu is going to solve our problems? And they call it revolutionary opposition, my foot. Let them go to hell with their naxalism, and better we mind our studies.
Srisailam : All said and done, is he not your langotiyaar ?
Narsimma : If not why did I put up with that Majumdar’s 'Historic Eight Documents’ for so long?
Srisailam : I don’t know why you’re so cut up with him.
Narsimma : Why should I not be? You know he is of IAS stuff. Oh, how I did my best to convince him that as a District Collector he could have made a difference to the downtrodden. Besides, won’t a bright dalit boost the morale of our folks? If only you knew how I begged him not to put all that on the naxal line. But he spoiled it all for him and for us as well. Hasn’t he become a fugitive already?
Srisailam : So be it. He’s already the darling of the downtrodden and a high-up in the PWG .
Narsimma : Why forget even a dalam bears his name? And he wants me as his deputy. It’s as if he’s making me the Vice-President of the nation.
Srisailam : I’m sure you’ve declined to pursue your god-damn studies.
Narsimma : You leave me to my studious fate and tell me why you’re eager to join the gang.
Srisailam : Why, do you feel we’re not oppressed enough to be aggressive?
Narsimma : If a few of us bash up a few of them, do you believe that would end our ordeals?
Srisailam : It may not be the end but surely it would be the beginning of the end.
Narsimma : Why, your revolutionary opposition is sure to invite their retaliatory repression. Won’t the cycle of violence stymie our struggle?
Srisailam : So what’s your prescription to our ailment? Bear it all through life waiting for death to end it.
Narsimma : Why, didn’t Baba Saheb pave the path for dalit progress through education? Maybe, the journey is long, arduous even, but it surely gets us there. But these Charus and Kanus are leading us astray. I’m convinced about it.
Srisailam : No denying Ambedkar Marg leads us to the dalit country. But we need Majumdar’s musketeers and Sanyal’s sepoys to guard our convoys, don’t we?
Narsimma : Maybe, but what about the oppressors from our own ranks?
Srisailam : What a weird thought it is, oppressors among the oppressed.
[Enter: Madanna on the run.]
Narsimma to Madanna : You know I’m not a game for it.
Madanna : Oh, you shut up, and find a way out for me. I’m on the run now.
[Exit: Narsimma even as Madanna gets under the cot.]
Srisailam : I too want to serve the cause anna.
Madanna : Well, Narsimma would lead you to my hideout. Let’s meet tomorrow if I’m not nabbed now.
[Enter: Narsimma, and lets Madanna slip away from the window.]
Srisailam : After this can you miss the heroism in naxalism .
Narsimma : Oh, what a rendezvous it was with your idol.
Srisailam : And he showed me the green light.
Narsimma : He himself being on the run that is. Well, who am I to stop you, any way?
Srisailam : Show me the way then.
[Even as Narsimma whispers into Srisailam’s ear, there is a knock on the door. And Narsimma opens it. Enter: Two Police Constables and they search the place]
Police Constable (1) to Narsimma : Where is Madanna?
Narsimma : Constable Saab , he left the hostel long ago.
Police Constable (1): Where is he is now?
Narsimma : Saab, I’ve lost touch with him
Police Constable (2) [Pushing Narsimma.]: Chal beta , once in the lockup, surely you would sing a different tune.
Police Constable (1) [Pushing Srisailam]: Chal, tum bhi chal.
[Exit: Police Constables with Narsimma and Srisailam. Curtains down.]
Scene – 8
[Curtains up: Badly bruised Narsimma and Srisailam lodged in the Police Lockup.]
Srisailam : Though I was sure you wouldn’t, I was worried that I might spill the beans. Maybe, it’s the confidence that you won’t let out that let me hold out. Oh, how these bastards beat us to pulp.
Narsimma : Oppressors among the oppressed, is it still a weird thought?
Srisailam : Not any more, but do tell me whom you had in mind before my eyes were opened by these brutish cops.
Narsimma : I didn’t tell you what my aunt did to her own daughter. Oh how she got her daughter married to a pimp of her brother. God knows how my poor Renu is putting up with that Saailu. Hope his last threads of decency hold him from pimping for his own wife.
Srisailam : Oh, how sad. Can’t I understand your hurt at losing your sweetheart?
Narsimma : And to add insult to injury was that banduldoddi. I didn’t tell you about it either. How our family was hauled up there for three days. Now this lockup has only opened my old wounds. Oh, how sickening it feels.
[Optional - Projecting a pre-shot movie clip showing Yellaiah, Narsimma and Sarakka in the banduldoddi with cattle for company.]
Srisailam : Agreed that your aunt is an oppressor herself though from the oppressed lot. But delve deeper and you see the source of her callousness is her closeness with her own oppressors. If we eradicate the poison that is feudalism, then that would defang our own snakes in the grass.
Narsimma : Maybe what you say could be true. But how would you explain the brutality of the men of our ilk simply because they don the police uniform?
Srisailam : Isn’t it a good reason for you to strengthen Madanna’s hands?
Narsimma : As I told you, I don’t do anything that spoils my studies, more so as I’ve lost my Renu. But when they call me ‘Narsiga’, I feel like cutting their tongues for that.
Srisailam : You need a knife for that, don’t you? Let not the silly degree hold you in bettering the dalit lot of as a whole. Seize the moment and be Madanna’s deputy.
Narsimma : You may demean the peddollu with a gun but that won’t make you dignified either. It’s by being well educated that we force them to give us our due, though grudgingly in the beginning.
Srisailam : Sure you score. But the other side of the dalit coin bears Majumdar’s facsimile.
Narsimma : Well can we call both heads and tails at the same time. Maybe, for the dalit good, we need some brainstorming and a little arm-twisting as well. But the question is one of division of roles. If not my temperament, surely my circumstance, rules out any revolutionary role for me .
Srisailam : Well said. Let some of us pick up guns while others stick to their studies. Seems we need them both to uplift our folks. Be glued to your books as I arm myself. Know this lockup has only steeled my resolve for revolutionary opposition.
Narsimma : Honestly, I’m no less bitter about the cops. Maybe, a little maalish at some joint might soothe our bodies if not our souls.
Srisailam : That is, if they don’t have more of an interrogation. Well, won’t that earn them more of our ill-will?
Narsimma : We’ll know right now. Don’t you see that cop coming to us?
[Enter: Police Constable (1) and opens the lockup.]
Police Constable (1): It’s over for now, but mind you; we’ll keep an eye on you.
[Narsimma and Srisailam come out of the lockup.]
Srisailam : Hope, a homely dasara would lighten this a little.
Narsimma : Having gone through hell, why not we’ve some fun at our place.
Srisailam : I would’ve loved to, but you know where my heart is pushing me to.
Narsimma : Well, let’s see how long I can hold out at this rate.
[Exit: Narsimma and Srisailam. Curtains down.]
Scene – 9
[Curtains up: Papa Rao Patel with the day’s daily on the dais of scenes – 4 & 6 . ]
[Enter: Shaukar Suryam.]
Papa Rao : Aayiye Shaukar Saab
Shaukar Suryam : Patel garu, I thought I was late.
Papa Rao : Well isn’t that the privilege of our dora, not of the patels and the patwaris. Lo, here he comes.
[Enter: Muthyal Rao.]
Muthyal Rao : What’s the news Papa Rao Patel ?
Papa Rao : Dora , it’s all about annalu and their atrocities.
Shaukar Suryam : Oh, how difficult they’re making life for us these days. You know my brother-in-law in Burugupadu, they told him to move out or else. It seems they don’t want moneylenders any more.
Muthyal Rao : What is their dora doing there, hatching eggs?
Shaukar Suryam : Whatever it is, he’s shifting to Nizamabad.
Muthyal Rao : When lions are on the run, it’s the rabbits that chase them, don’t they?
Shaukar Suryam : When in dilemma one should go by our proverbs dora . Isn’t it said that it’s better to kick around than kicking the bucket.
Papa Rao : Thanks to dora , our ilaaka is out of their bounds, at least for now.
Muthyal Rao : Where have Rami Reddy Patwari and Papi Reddy Patel gone?
Papa Rao : They went to Warangal dora.
Muthyal Rao : Why, to spy on their keeps. [He laughs heartily.]
Papa Rao : That’s the problem with keeping a woman dora , one has to keep an eye on her forever.
Shaukar Suryam : Our dora has to thank his forefathers for saving him the bother.
Muthyal Rao : What do you mean by that Shaukar?
Shaukar Suryam : Why, didn’t they make it your privilege to have the lowly brides in their nuptials beds? With bride a night, where’s the need for you to keep any, much less keep an eye?
Papa Rao [aside]: The women he takes to bed could be his half-sisters and most of the lowly youth must be his bastard sons. But here comes an exception.
[Enter: Narsimma bearing the bruises.]
Muthyal Rao : Yera Narsiga why those bruises, were you caught picking a pocket or what?
[Narsimma proceeds ignoring them.]
Muthyal Rao : Lamdiki, have you turned deaf?
Narsimma : Dora, I’m Narsimma, not Narsiga. And, I’m a college student, not a pickpocket.
Papa Rao : Osos, if Inter-pass Narsigadu is Narsimma, then what would be Narsigadu the graduate?
Shaukar Suryam : Well, Narsimma Saab of Rampur, won’t he be?
Papa Rao : Dora , the way the sarkar is pampering these, one day we may have to call him Narsimma Sir.
Muthyal Rao : Bhosdike, if you’re Narsimma, what to say of Yelligadu thera baap ?
Papa Rao : Dora, it has to be Yellaiah garu, no less . Why doubt that?
Narsimma : Papa Rao Patel, be it a patel father or a dalit father, father is a father.
Papa Rao : Naayaala, don’t forget your aukaat. If Yellaiahs and Pullaiahs are Yella Raos and Pulla Raos, what’s the use of being a dora, leave alone a patel or a patwari ?
Narsimma : B.A. is bound to change my aukaat but many patels may remain anguthachaaps.
Papa Rao : Banchut, what audacity, mind you, you would pay for it.
Shaukar Suryam : Well, was it not Gandhi who brought things to this pass. How he turned these lowly against us saying they are harijan. It’s as if we are devil’s descendents.
Muthyal Rao : Why blame Gandhi who’s dead and gone. Isn’t it the sarkar that feeds their egos with free food and all, that too with the taxpayers’ money? And the irony is they prefer to be referred as dalits , whatever it might mean.
Papa Rao : Dora, how are the naxals any better? Don’t they extort money from us to turn these against us?
Muthyal Rao : Well said Papa Rao Patel , this naxal extortion is a damn good business without investment. What about joining their gang?
Shaukar Suryam : Dora, if only we’re young enough to take a little beating in the woods, then maybe, it’s not a bad business line at all.
Papa Rao : Any way, Narsiga, better keep off from the naxal hawa or else you would come to grief in the end.
Muthyal Rao : Narsiga, fetch your baap here and now. I’ll find out why he failed to teach you how to respect your dora.
Papa Rao : Why dora forgets about poor patels.
Shaukar Suryam : Now why spoil our time with these men. Isn’t it time to spend time with their women? Why not summon him to the gadi tomorrow.
Muthyal Rao : Oh, how I’ve got carried away. Orey Narsiga, haven’t you heard what Shaukar Saab said? Tell your abba to be at the gadi at eleven in the morning. Sharp eleven. [Exit: Narsimma in all silence.]
Shaukar Suryam : Dora, didn’t you see the defiant look in him. If this is going to be the trend with them, then what would the future portend us?
Papa Rao : My son pesters me to shift to Karimnagar but I thought there’s no point in becoming a nonentity there. Now that these too don’t khatir us any more, maybe it calls for a rethink on my part.
Shaukar Suryam : Don’t lose heart Papa Rao Patel. Wait and watch as dora takes Yelligadu to task. Won’t Narsigadu fall in line then?
Papa Rao : Dora , looks like it has turned out to be two swords in a sheath syndrome now. It’s either they or us, and that’s for sure.
Muthyal Rao : Papa Rao Patel , all I can say is, wait till the morrow.
Shaukar Suryam : Dora, do remember, the proof of pudding is in the eating.
Muthyal Rao : Let come the dinner time. [He gets up.]
[Exit: Others too get up. Curtains down.]
Scene - 10
[Curtains up: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao and Shaukar Suryam in the courtyard of Muthyal Rao’s gadi. ]
Papa Rao : Why dora, Yelligadu hasn’t turned up so far!
Shaukar Suryam : Well, won’t he need time to pick up courage to come?
Muthyal Rao : And gather his wits as well.
[Enter: Head Constable Veeraiah amidst their laughter.]
Veeraiah : What makes the dora so mirthful, that too in these naxal times!
Muthyal Rao : Oh, leave it Veeraiah, what brings you here so often? Is it a second set-up or what?
Veeraiah : Dora, with sarkari salary where’s the scope for a havaldar having a chinnillu ?
Shaukar Suryam : Maintain wife with salary, and sustain keep with mamools . Isn’t it the norm with the sarkari naukars ?
Veeraiah : Shaukar Saab , it was the case in the good old days. But now, it’s the politicians that are lining their pockets, leaving us with soiled hands. By the way, is there any fish here that’s not in your net already?
Muthyal Rao : With so many brothels in the town why cry foul Veeraiah. Raid a den and you’re in. Isn’t it as simple as that?
Veeraiah : Dora, we’re more at raiding naxal hideouts these days. Now it’s all about braving bullets and not pulling pallus . Oh, these annalu and their god-damn intent to kill cops.
Papa Rao : Mori Saab , do you smell a rat here or what?
Veeraiah : Well, we suspect that Madanna Dalam has a mole here.
Muthyal Rao : Who could that be?
Veeraiah : Dora , looks like its Yellaiah’s son Narsimma. Once he was Madanna’s roommate at the SC-ST Hostel.
Papa Rao : So, he’s just a step away from joining his gang.
Veeraiah : Who knows by my next visit, he would’ve gone underground. Well we all have to keep an eye on him.
Muthyal Rao : Don’t worry Veeraiah, leave that to me.
Veeraiah : It will surely make my job easy. Yellostha dora.
[Exit: Veeraiah.]
Shaukar Suryam : Dora , won’t that explain Narsigadu’s impudence?
Papa Rao : Now it’s high time our dora gets tough with him.
Muthyal Rao : Let Yelligadu come and then see the tamaasha.
Shaukar Suryam : But why is there no sign of him yet?
Papa Rao : Who knows if Narsigadu cared to tell him at all?
Muthyal Rao : Maybe it’s possible. It’s as if the rascal is already putting on naxal airs.
Papa Rao : If we fail to act now, it might even send wrong signals to them.
Shaukar Suryam : Why, it will be surely taken as our weakness.
Muthyal Rao : Why not I send my men to drag them here together.
Papa Rao : Better we make an example of both of them in their own backyard dora . That would send the right signals to one and all.
Shaukar Suryam : What do you say about that dora ?
Muthyal Rao [Gets up]: Come, let’s nip it in the bud. [He gets up.]
[Exit: Others too get up. Curtains down.]
Scene – 11
[Curtains up: Yellaiah’s hut of scene -1 in the dalit mohalla .]
[Enter: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao and Sahukar Suryam with their walking sticks and their henchmen.]
Papa Rao : Orey Yelliga.
Yellaiah [From inside]: Dandaalu Patel garu.
[Enter: Yellaiah with folded hands.]
Yellaiah : Why take the trouble of coming here dora . You could’ve sent word to me.
Muthyal Rao : Yera , didn’t Narsigadu tell you?
Yellaiah : He told me nothing dora.
Muthyal Rao : Where’s that rascal?
Yellaiah : He left in the morning dora , I don’t know where to.
Muthyal Rao [Raising the walking stick]: Jhootakor, don’t tell lies, tell us where he is.
Yellaiah : Believe me d ora, I really don’t know where he has gone. Please tell me what’s wrong with him, and I will set him right.
Sahukar Suryam : Dora, if only we set right the father, the son gets it right, won’t he?
[Muthyal Rao strikes Yellaiah with his walking stick followed by Papa Rao and Sahukar Suryam: As Yellaiah falls on the ground, they beat him still, hurling abuses at him. All the while the terrified onlookers watch helplessly.]
Muthyal Rao : Yedava naayaala, if you want to stay here, send your son to the gadi.
[Enter: Sarakka from outside, and goes to Yellaiah.]
Muthyal Rao [Pulling Sarakka away from Yellaiah]: Arre, how I failed to notice this lass all these days?
Yellaiah : She’s just a kid dora .
Muthyal Rao : Bhosdike , do you think your dora is blind or what?
Papa Rao : Don’t worry Yelliga; we’ll let her taste the sweetness of life before her brother tastes its bitterness.
Yellaiah : Dora, it won’t go well with ammorlu, Sarakka and Sammakka . Know she’s born with their blessings.
Papa Rao (Beating Yellaiah with his stick): So you want to invoke their curse on us.
Muthyal Rao : Try sending your ammoru Sammakka to save your daughter Sarakka.
[Exit: Muthyal Rao dragging a wailing Sarakka, followed by Papa Rao, Shaukar Suryam and the henchmen.]
[The neighbours gather around Yellaiah. Someone fetches him some water that he drinks. Yellaiah slowly goes into the hut as all leave.]
[Enter: Narsimma after a while and finds a distraught Yellaiah ]
Narsimma : Why what happened?
Yellaiah : But why did you offend the dora ?
Narsimma : Well, he called me Narsiga and I told him that I’m Narsimma. Has he taken it out on you or what?
Yellaiah : Don’t you know these peddollu are quick to take offence. Didn’t your mother bind you to bear till you’re a B.A.? But still you turn a hotheaded at the least provocation.
Narsimma : Why, didn’t I bear the banduldoddi ? Or did I fail to keep my cool after the police lockup. Animals too retort but we, oh how we’re conditioned not to protest even. Oh, what a life we lead, if it can be called life at all. But don’t try to bind me with that sentiment any more. Enough is enough.
Yellaiah : Please yourself with your foolhardy as we pay the price for it.
Narsimma : Why where’s Sarakka?
Yellaiah : What I can tell you? [He cries no end.]
Narsimma : Why don’t you tell me what happened to her?
Yellaiah : Oh how your amma died protesting against the injustice to her brother’s daughter. Failing to protect my own daughter why am I still alive? Oh what an accursed life.
[Enter Sarakka with tattered clothes and shattered look. As Yellaiah takes her into his arms, Narsimma picks up a sickle from the bamboo work.]
Narsimma : Who’s that?
Sarakka: Not one, it’s three of them.
Narsimma [Raising the sickle.]: Tell me who they are? I’ll see their end.
Yellaiah : Why put your life at risk as if we’re not harmed enough. Won’t they see your end before you raise your hand?
[Narsimma throws the weapon in frustration, and folds about Sarakka in emotion]
Narsimma : Oh, if only I acted in time, I would’ve been Madanna’s deputy by now. Who would’ve dared touch you then?
Yellaiah : It’s as well you’re not. Now don’t get carried away in the heat of the moment and ruin your life. In time, all this will come to pass any way.
Narsimma : Now that they’ve tasted our blood, do you think they won’t thirst for more of it. Can’t I see this as their proxy war against Madanna?
Yellaiah : Whatever, lay low till you get your degree, and all will be fine thereafter.
Narsimma : Oh the god-damn degree. Of what avail is it when my sister’s life is in tatters.
Sarakka : If anything, your Renu’s life is worse for she has to endure more of it. Oh, how she longs for you.
Yellaiah : Sarakka don’t be crazy and incite him further. Don’t you know whoso revolted came to grief? Have you forgotten what happened to your mother? Don’t they say devils tread where angels fear. Let him not spoil the show after all the preparation. Once he gets a job, we’ll get rid of this hell and be done with them.
Narsimma : Patience beyond a point is cowardice naayana . Didn’t amma prove that point in the panchayat ? And even if we get away from here, our folks remain entrapped all the same. Its better I die fighting the peddollu than live a slighted soul.
Yellaiah : But don’t you see the police are shooting these naxals like stray dogs these days.
Narsimma : It’s worth dying for the downtrodden than live as one. I’ve made up my mind now; I won’t let you live as their vassals any longer.
Sarakka : Anna , now I’ve no reason to live than to be avenged. And if that helps our dalit cause as well, won’t I have a purpose added to it. Oh, how I’m raring to go now.
Yellaiah : Why there’s no thought for your old father? Don’t you know I’ve vested all my interests in you? Do you want to throw me to the wolves?
Narsimma : No emotional blackmail would do now naayana . Why, with both of us in the dalam, who would dare come near you? If land lends them strength, gun gives us power, won’t it?
Sarakka : If only amma had a sickle in her hand then, that bloody Papi Reddy wouldn’t have been alive now? With a gun in hand, won’t I show them the difference now?
Narsimma to Sarakka : Wait till I brief Madanna and send for you. Any way, it won’t be long. Bye till then [Goes to Yellaiah and takes his hand.] Be assured no harm would ever come to you.
[Exit: Narsimma as Sarakka sees him off.]
Yellaiah [Falling on the floor]: Malli, don’t you see how our hopes have collapsed like a pack of cards? Oh, God only knows what would happen now?
[Curtains down.]
Scene – 12
[Curtains up: Madanna, Mallanna, Srisailam and Narsimma in a jungle hideout.]
Madanna to Narsimma : So, the bird has come home to roost after all.
Narsimma : Driven out of its hearth so to say.
Mallanna : How peddanna has been waiting for this day.
Madanna : Well, who doesn’t want to have a strategic brain like his?
Srisailam : Oh, how he used to turn the tables on your opponents at every turn.
Madanna : Wait and see what a difference he makes to the dalit cause. [Turns to Naesimma.] But how did you achieve your nirvana Narsimma?
Narsimma : Oh, how my sister was raped, and for what reason? It’s just because I protested their calling me Narsiga.
Madanna : I hope it’s not just your hurt that drove you here
Narsimma : Why, I’ve lost patience for a patient change.
Srisailam : Peddanna, to be fair to Narsimma, he too feels that it calls for a little arm-twisting besides some brainstorming. I know that temperamentally he’s all for revolutionary opposition, but ironically it was his circumstances that kept him away from the People’s War in the beginning and brought him into it in the end.
Narsimma : How well you’ve read me anna. Now, with the end of my dilemma, won’t they begin to feel the heat of my hurt?
Madanna : Mark my words Mallanna, wounded that he is, he’s going to revolutionize the revolutionary opposition itself.
Srisailam: Why its Ugra Narsimma the peddollu have to contend with now.
Narsimma : Why have you forgiven the cops already?
Srisailam : How can I?
Narsimma to Madanna : Peddanna, my sister Sarakka too is itching to join us.
Mallanna: Why not, our dalam will have one more motivated member in it. (Turns to Madanna) What do you say peddanna ? Won’t that herald women cadres?
Madanna : Why not take all the members into confidence. I don’t want them to carry the impression that it’s our joint enterprise. Moreover, as it involves women, you better ascertain their views.
[Exit: Mallanna.]
Srisailam : Don’t we need to be cautious in our move? What if it turns out to be the ideological dilution in a romantic setting? Well, I’m not speaking for myself as I swore to be single.
Narsimma : What if they are ideologically compatible, won’t they contribute in their own way. Instead of keeping them away altogether, why not we wed them to our struggle as our wives.
Madanna : Well, let’s wait for the feedback.
[Enter: Mallanna.]
Mallanna : They’re all for it peddanna .
Madanna : Now, three of you together put procedures in place . Let it also be known that it’s innovation in planning and daring in operation that decides who climbs up the ladder, and nothing else, gender included. By now all know Madanna doesn’t play favourites.
Narsimma : It’s my word that I shall never try to allow my closeness to peddanna affect my attitude towards others. I shall strive to win the trust and affection of all in every possible way.
Madanna : Mallanna may fetch Narsimma’s sister.
[Exit: Mallanna. Curtains down.]
Scene – 13
[Curtains up: Madanna, Srisailam and Narsimma in the jungle hideout of scene -12.]
[Enter: Sarakka ushered in by Mallanna. Narsimma goes up and takes her hand.]
Narsimma : How is naayana ?
Sarakka : Don’t worry; he’s reconciling.
Narsimma to Madanna : She’s Sarakka, my sister.
Madanna : Warm welcome Saroopa. Don’t you like your alias?
Sarakka : Thanks for the welcome and the alias as well.
Madanna : Maybe you’re smart, but life here is tough, tougher than you could’ve imagined it to be.
Sarakka : Didn’t I have a taste of it trekking all the way.
Madanna : Being a single female here, it could be odd even.
Sarakka : And so I’ve come with my companion.
Narsimma : Who’s that?
Sarakka : Let the leader show the green light, and then you could see for yourself.
Madanna : Interesting and intriguing even, coming on recommendation yourself, you have another to commend to our dalam . Okay, go ahead.
[Exit: Sarakka leaving a perplexed Narsimma.]
[Enter: Renuka with Sarakka. Narsimma goes up to Renuka and takes her hand.]
Renuka : I’m Narsimma’s Renuka. Annalu may excuse my trespass.
Madanna : Welcome Renakka. But what brings you here?
Renuka : To seek redress for myself and to serve our cause as well.
Madanna : What’s your grievance like?
Renuka : I’m wronged by my mother and abused by my man.
Madanna : What’s the evidence to prove your accusation?
Renuka : Your friend Narsimma can provide the evidence and my cousin Sarakka can bear witness to my travails.
[Narsimma and Renuka murmur into Madanna’s ears in turns.]
Madanna : Now that their guilt is established beyond doubt, what about the punishment?
Renuka : Death to my mother, and I would like to put my man’s fate in your hands.
Madanna : How do you justify the exemplary punishment to a woman, that too your mother?
Renuka : She knew that I don’t share her idea of dalit life as pandering to the peddollu . Knowing that her brother makes his living by pimping for them, still she coerced me into marrying him knowing fully well that I’m in love with my baava . What’s worse, it’s she who turned her brother into a pimp to serve her ends. Isn’t she an inimical woman, wife, mother and sister all rolled into one. I believe she deserves to die.
Madanna : What about your man who has harmed you no less?
Renuka : Well it’s I who married him though against my will. Sure he bedded me with that Papi Reddy, and I failed to resist him on my own. Now I don’t want to punish him with borrowed strength.
Madanna : I appreciate your sense of justice and invite you to be the conscience keeper of the dalam.
Renuka : Peddanna, I’m honoured indeed.
Madanna : Now, besides confirming the sentencing of Anasuya, I pronounce death to Saailu as well for his anti- dalit activities. But for our dalam it’s an irony to punish the errant dalits ahead of the erring dora .
Narsimma : Coinciding with their execution, why not we have a dalit adalat at Rampur to try its dora and his cohorts.
Madanna : Well, it’s tactically sound. All may assist Mallanna in planning things.
Srisailam to Mallanna : Didn’t I tell you Narsimma makes a difference to the revolutionary opposition.
Mallanna : Don’t I know that Madanna is spot on when it comes to judging people. Now that he has his alter ego in tow, won’t it be a time of nightmares for them?
[Curtains down.]
Scene – 14
[Curtains up: Madanna, Srisailam, Narsimma, Sarakka and Renuka (all in the dalam’s uniform) sit on the dais around the mango tree of the scenes – 4, 6 & 9 as armed naxals (also in the same uniform) stand besides them. A stream of villagers gathers there.]
[Enter: Anna (1) of the dalam .]
Anna (1) : Peddanna, we’ve got them.
Madanna : Usher them in.
[Exit: Anna (1) ]
[Enter: Anna (1) and Anna (2) with bleary eyed Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Shaukar Suryam, Papi Reddy, and Rami Reddy with his son Narsi Reddy. Srisailammotions to them to sit.]
Narsimma : With the dalit adalat trying the gram panchayat , well, what a day it is going to be for the revolutionary opposition. But why is Narsi Reddy brought here?
Anna (1) : You may know Madiga Yellanna’s daughter Nirmala. She has complained against Rami Reddy’s son Narsi Reddy.
Narsimma : Well, but where is she?
Anna (2) : Anna, she would be here any time now.
Narsimma : Okay, we’ll take up the issue after she turns up. Meanwhile, let’s deal with the dora and his cohorts.
[ Anna (2) calls up Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam, and they all stand up]
Sarakka : Chief, these are the sinful five.
Madanna : What are they accused of?
Sarakka : To start with, they’re all inimical towards the dalits.
Madanna : Are you guilty on that count or not?
[All five nod in agreement.]
Narsimma : Any submission to this dalit adalat ?
Papa Rao : Forgive us Narsimma, pardon us peddanna, we’ll behave ourselves.
Narsimma : Will you swear to respect dalits ?
[All five nod in agreement.]
Madanna : It’s the revolutionary decree of this adalat to tattoo ‘I respect dalits ’ on both their forearms. And for better effect, let it be capital D.
[Exit: A stunned Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam are led away by Anna(1) and Anna(2) as the gathered applaud the judgment.]
[Enter: Anna (3) with Nirmala.]
Anna (3) : Anna, this is Nirmala.
Srisailam : What’s your grievance?
Nirmala : This Narsi Reddy has raped me.
Srisailam : Yera Narsi Reddy, are you guilty of the charge?
Narsi Reddy : Anna allow me to make amends by marrying her.
Srisailam to Nirmala : Does that redress your grievance?
Nirmala : It’s not out of remorse that he proposes. He wants to save his skin, that’s all. And the whole village knows he’s a habitual violator.
Madanna : Let Narsi Reddy face the firing squad.
Narsi Reddy : Peddanna, please.
Narsimma : Not to take anything away from Nirmala’s hurt; we may take Narsi Reddy’s youth into account. It’s true he’s willing to atone for his sin only to save his skin but still.
Srisailam : Anna , it’s not some juvenile delinquency calling for leniency. It’s his patwari mind-set to debauch dalit women that we’re dealing with.
Madanna : What is our conscience keeper’s say on this?
Renuka : It’s only fair that he serves a jail term as per law. But sadly our failed system lets him go scot-free. And that enables him to violate many more women, if not here, elsewhere . So to save the trauma of his likely victims, he should lose his life.
Madanna : Let the sentence be carried out.
[Exit: A stunned Narsi Reddy led away by Anna (3). ]
[Enter: Anna (1) and Anna (2) with Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam, amidst a hail of bullets.]
Rami Reddy : Where is my son? What have you done to him?
Srisailam : Well, he has got his deserts.
Rami Reddy : Peddanna please let me see him.
Madanna : Yeh , Patwari , sit still till all get their due. [To Sarakka] Well, are there any more charges against these fellows?
Sarakka : I accuse Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao and Shaukar Suryam of having raped me.
Narsimma : Are you guilty of the charge?
[All the three nod in agreement}
Narsimma : Any submissions by you?
Shaukar Suryam : Annalu, we beg of you, pardon us and spare our lives.
Yellaiah (From the gathering): Maisaiah too would have pleaded for his life, wouldn’t he have?
Narsimma : Well, what has the victim to say?
Sarakka : They too must face the firing squad like Narsi Reddy, and for the same reason.
Yellaiah: Only after they undergo the pain of seeing the gang-bang of their daughters.
Gathering :Yah, Yah.
Madanna : What’s Renakka’s take on this?
Renuka : That would surely humiliate these thick-skinned but at the same time it amounts to punishing the innocent. Thus, violating their daughters is a crime against the girls and not a punishment for their lecherous fathers.
Sarakka : Still they deserve to die, don’t they?
Renuka : Won’t death make it easy for them. Why can’t we imagine their life reminiscing over their humiliation? So it serves them well if they’re spared to suffer. Moreover, putting them to death means punishing their wives for no fault of theirs.
Madanna : But how’s that?
Renuka : Why, didn’t these rascals’ roving eye deny them as wives? And don’t we know what a shabby treatment awaits them as widows? If we kill their men, won’t it be a double jeopardy for them?
Madanna : But if let loose, won’t they stray again?
Renuka : Not so if bailed on fidelity bonds.
Madanna : What if they jump bail?
Renuka : After all this, they are no fools not to see the writing on the wall.
Srisailam : What have the guilty to say?
[All three in turns]: I swear that I’ll not stray again.
Madanna : They may be let off but on parole.
[All three in one voice]: Thank you peddanna , Thank you all.
Narsimma : Not before spending a night or two in the banduldoddi. Let them have a taste of their own medicine.
Srisailam : Why should the cattle there endure these rotten souls? Surely it makes a case of cruelty to animals, won’t it?
Madanna : True, but the cattle might have its own scores to settle with these fiends. Let the filthy five spend five days with them .
Sarakka : Chief, but if ever it comes to light that these eyed a dalit woman, nay any woman, why not we cut off their staffs. Won’t that take the stuffing out of these buggers, and justify their women sleeping with dalit men in full view of these eunuchs.
Madanna : Let that be the caveat of the dalit adalat . If they misuse the reprieve, then it’s death for them without further trial.
[Even as their faces show relief all the guilty five bow their heads in shame.]
[Enter: Mallanna with Yadagiri and Maisamma, followed by two armed annalu. ]
Madanna : Anna , are the guilty brought to book?
Mallanna : As ordained, Anasuya and Saailu are executed.
Madanna : This is for the information of all. It was decreed by the dalam that Anasuya and Saailu should face the firing squad for their anti- dalit activities, both being dalits . As all are aware of their nefarious activities, the charges against them need no repetition.
Yadagiri : Though it pains me, I welcome the punishment to my wife and her brother whom I never considered as my daamaad. I’m sure it warns our black sheep as well.
Madanna : Well, at dalit adalats it’s all about fairness and firmness regardless of class. Let the world know that these are no kangaroo courts, and may history hail this as the Rampur Resolution.
Nirmala : Isn’t it still an unresolved resolution?
Madanna : What makes you think so?
Nirmala : Where’s the succor to the abused women.
Madanna : Well, before we come to grips with that let the condemned be led away to the banduldoddi.
[Exit: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam led away by Anna (1) and Anna (2) as the onlookers hoot them.]
[Madanna confabulates with Mallanna, Srisailam and Narsimma in undertones.] Madanna : We reprerhend the taboo and like to lead by example. All those willing to take a revolutionary’s hand can have their swayamvaram at our hideout. Let’s see who leads whom to the altar. [Exit: Curtains down]
Scene - 15
[Curtains up: Madanna - Nirmala, Narsimma - Renuka and Mallanna - Sarakka (all in wedding attire) with Srisailam and members of the dalam in the jungle hideout of the scene -12 and 13. After mutual congratulations, Madanna and Nirmala exit with Srisailam and others.]
Sarakka : What a day it is for us Renu, sorry, vadina.
Renuka : Won’t I prefer to tell your brother first.
Mallanna to Sarakka : Don’t you take the cue from her?
Sarakka : Don’t worry you didn’t marry a dumb either.
[Exit: Mallanna led away by Sarakka.]
Narsimma : I thought I’ve lost you forever. [He takes Renuka into his arms.]
Renuka : Let bygones be bygones baava.
Narsimma : Oh, how your mother had played the spoilsport?
Renuka : I think I solved the puzzle in the end. Like all our women, she too had to pander to the peddollu , which she did but with a difference. Unlike the others, she learned to exploit her exploiters to improve her lot. But sensing that the fancies of the patels are but passing clouds, she manipulated Papi Reddy into taking her as his concubine. Yet to cater to his roving eye, and to make him ingratiate to herself, she set her brother to pimp for him.
Narsimma : Where did you pick up all the psychological threads from?
Renuka : Why, from the ruins of my life. And to continue, she was too shrewd not to foresee that as her own charms wane, her influence on Papi Reddy would wean. Well, she knew that would take her back to square one of the dalit life, or worse. And to avert that from ever happening, she had this idea of making me his keep as Saailu’s wife. In her scheme of things, the prospect of our marriage was but a red herring to her. Oh, how she spoiled her brother’s and daughter’s life to serve her own ends. That’s why I felt she deserved to die, and not entitled to any mercy.
Narsimma : Now I see the canvas fate had chosen to paint the picture of our misery. But how do you explain her hatred to my mother?
Renuka : She came to hate aththa as she herself suffered in comparison. After all, aththa had a spotless image, and my mom knew how low her own moral stock was. In a way, she wanted to drag me into Papi Reddy’s bed out of spite for your mother. She knew your mother loved me, and so she wanted to hurt her through my fall. And sadly she succeeded.
Narsimma : Oh, how miserable it was craving for you in the bunduldoddi. The very thought of your plight deepened my sense of humiliation even more. Oh, how I cursed my life for its powerlessness to protect you.
Renuka : When we were caught on the verge of freedom, I felt as if the ground beneath was giving way. But now, armed with your power, I feel secure in your arms. What is more, I feel fulfilled for I’ve left behind the pathos of my past.
Narsimma : Renu, I didn’t dare dream of our union, and holding you, still I’m unable to believe it.
Renuka : Hi baava. [Pinches him] I always wanted to be your wife before I died. I don’t know why but I had a premonition that we would come together, that is in spite of that fiasco of an escape. That’s why, instead of dying, I married Saailu hoping to be your wife someday. But when he pushed me into that Papi Reddy’s arms, I wanted to live for a different reason.
Narsimma : What’s that Renu?
Renuka : Instead of dying a despaired dalit, I was obsessed with the idea of dying only at the threshold of dalit empowerment. In a way, that has become the fulcrum of my life and the purpose of my suffering. Now that I’ve a sense of power even, I shall use it against anyone who tends to spoil my vision.
Narsimma : But then, why didn’t you complain to Madanna earlier?
Renuka : I knew he would rid me off Saailu but then what next. I didn’t want to run from pillar to post as I’ve fixed my heart on you. But when Sarakka told me you joined his dalam , I didn’t waste a moment, did I?
Narsimma : Didn’t I tell you that our love would script a unique story.
Renuka : Oh, how the filthy five forbade us from marrying? But why didn’t it occur to us to force them to witness our wedding? What a sorry figure they would’ve cut then?
Narsimma : It’s as if they didn’t eat crow at the dalit adalat.
Renuka : Well, but how could they be digesting that now?
[As Narsimma takes her into his arms, lights go off. Curtains down]
Scene – 16
[Curtains up: Muthyal Rao, Papa Rao, Rami Reddy, Papi Reddy and Shaukar Suryam sit morosely in to the courtyard of Muthyal Rao’s gadi of scene -10.]
Shaukar Suryam : What a relief, if it can be called so, to come out of the banduldoddi. What a five-day ordeal it was. Oh, how they turned our plight into a tamaasha for all. Didn’t it turn out to be a tiranaala of our taluka? Can we raise our heads in our lifetime again? (Stares at his forearm) What a shame they added insult to injury. Our forefathers might be turning in their graves at our humiliation.
Rami Reddy : What to say Shaukar Saab, with the death of my son, my family is deprived of its lineage as well.
Papa Rao (Sniffs at his shoulders): What’s left to bestow than the stink of the banduldoddi. Aren’t you better off on that score?
Shaukar Suryam : Perhaps, death is much preferable than to be shamed like this.
Rami Reddy : But then, you were on your knees begging for life, didn’t you?
Shaukar Suryam : Don’t tell me you stood your ground, even after they had killed your son.
Rami Reddy : It’s not as if they had let others go scot-free. Have you forgotten their staff and stuffing warning or what? Apart from handling the gun, these buggers are learning to handle the language as well, aren’t they?
Papa Rao : Why blame any? What can anyone do when they hold the gun and the sarkar is on the run? For that matter haven’t we come to fear their shadow even? Well, did they stand guard at the banduldoddi ? Yet didn’t we fail to rescue ourselves from it though the S.P offered us police protection for the rest of our lives?
Papi Reddy : Coming to Shaukar Saab , maybe, he wanted to save his skin to latch onto Lachhi who holds sway on him.
Sahukar Suryam : What about you Papi Reddy Patel ? Haven’t you lost your keep as well as your pimp, not to speak of the future upkeep?
Muthyal Rao : You stop taking snipes at each other, will you? Before he arrives, let’s work out a strategy to confront our MLA Venkataswamy. I want to get tough with him to see that he exerts pressure on the C.M. Isn’t he known to brag about his closeness to him.
Shaukar Suryam : Dora , I’m really out of my wits to apply my mind now. Its better we lay low for the time being.
Papi Reddy : Wait and watch the next naxal order could be interest free loans, free of guarantees at that. Surely that makes you think, won’t it?
Papa Rao: Isn’t it like their running a parallel regime?
[Enter Mallesam Gowd, the ex-MLA of the constituency]
Muthyal Rao : Randi, Gowd garu.
Mallesam Gowd : I feel sad for all that has happened dora . But if only you people had seen the writing on the wall, it was all in the coming. You know while our party is committed to put an end to this naxal menace, all others pamper them for political gains. Don’t you know why our party was humbled at the hustings, and how this party of opportunists came to rule? Was it not the fear of the naxal gun that turned away our voters from the polling booths? Now it’s the payback time, and so the sarkar looks the other way even as the naxals are on the rampage. What else can you expect from a party that dabbles with the annalu to come to power and then goes soft on them to retain it? Well, it’s the turn of the gentry to suffer now.
Muthyal Rao : Gowd garu , what you say maybe true. Now our worry is how to keep things going our way without hindrance from them.
Mallesam Gowd : Don’t you see it’s already turning out to be a war between the haves and the have-nots?
Papa Rao : Why doubt that?
Mallesam Gowd : Is it not said that everything is fair in love and war.
Shaukar Suryam : What is sad, we’re made to lose in our love life also, what do you say Papi Reddy Patel ?
Muthyal Rao : Oh, stop it Shaukar. It seems our Gowd garu has something up his sleeve.
Papa Rao : Well, not for nothing he is a politician after all. You know how well Gowd garu ingratiates himself with the party high command. Win or lose, the party ticket is his, isn’t it?
Muthyal Rao : Let’s come to the point Gowd garu.
Mallesam Gowd : As the naxals are helping the dalits to raise their heads, you can hurt them by hitting at their bellies, if not below their belts.
Muthyal Rao : But how can we do that when we’re on parole. Oh damn the dalit adalat and its Rampur Resolution.
Mallesam Gowd : Don’t worry about that for they can’t get wind of it. What if you set your crops on fire, and then blame it upon the naxals. As there will be no grain left on your farms for the dalits to lay their claim on, won’t the pangs of hunger knock at the bottom of the naxal base? And as for you, you’ve enough to last for years, don’t you? Why not see this scorch earth strategy cutting both ways?
Muthyal Rao : What a brilliant idea Gowd garu ? What do you say Rami Reddy?
Rami Reddy : Why, it’s a case of hitting two birds at one shot. Besides, we can avenge ourselves at least to some extent.
[Enter: An apologetically looking Venkataswamy, the current MLA.]
Muthyal Rao : Swamy Saab, who is ruling the State, you people or the annalu?
Mallesam Gowd : Dora, didn’t I tell you that it’s the nexus of the naxals and the opportunists.
Venkataswamy: Gowd garu , why fish in the troubled waters.
Mallesam Gowd : Isn’t it like pot calling the kettle black?
Muthyal Rao : Gowd garu’s barbs apart, how do you explain the lawlessness, MLA saab ?
Venkataswamy: Well, I’ve spoken to the C. M. In fact, it was the other way round. He rang me up to express his distress at the episode, and said an emergency cabinet meeting was held to root out the naxal menace once and for all . To tackle these guys, soon an elite force of Greyhounds would be grounded.
Mallesam Gowd : Heard dora , Greyhounds of these greenhorns. Won’t it make a case of balsam on self-inflicted wounds? They lifted the ban we had imposed upon them and held the so-called peace talks, that too when they came with their guns. They made merry with the carrots, and these are left holding their broken sticks.
Shaukar Suryam : Sure it seems too little too late.
Papi Reddy : By now, all know that whatever the politicians say against each other is only for the public consumption. When it comes to protecting each others interests, they’re ever hand in glove, aren’t they?
Muthyal Rao : Whatever, Swamy Saab, now it’s clear that your sarkar is running with the hares and hunting with the hounds. Well, it can’t go on like this anymore. You’ve to take your pick, quickly at that. It’s up to your party now.
Venkataswamy : Dora, don’t we know which side of the public bread has political butter?
Mallesam Gowd : Dora , don’t you know they’re postmasters at licking off the butter and throwing the crumbs at the rich and poor alike.
Venkataswamy : Don’t tell me you’re any political novices.
Papa Rao : How can there be novices in the cesspool of leeches that is politics?
Mallesam Gowd : Sour grapes Papa Rao Patel .
Venkataswamy : Set aside party politics, we’ve to admit that our public stock is low.
Muthyal Rao : Why not you people do something about improving your worse than ‘the last resort of the scoundrels’ image?
Venkataswamy : You won’t say that dora , if you’re in politics even for a day. Where’s the scope for that, and moreover why is it needed? Won’t people have to choose between a rogue of a Gog and a moron of a Megog? Well, the blessing that is electoral politics hands them power on a platter, well in turns. And five years is not too long a period to make good the lost opportunities. Is it Gowd garu ?
Papa Rao : He’ll respond on the floor of the house or raise a hell of it in the well of it.
Venkataswamy : Well, that’s not going to happen till either of us changes the constituency. What do you say Gowd garu ?
Muthyal Rao : It’s no joking matter Swamy Saab . If your Greyhounds don’t hunt them in their hideouts, they’re sure to hound us out of the villages. And that would be curtains down on your party propped up by the landlords.
Venkataswamy : Are we naïve not to understand that dora . Wait and watch, it will be thumbs up for us any way. But isn’t it time we cheer up with cheers, why don’t I see any preparations.
Muthyal Rao : Why not, some Scotch might drown our sorrows a little. What do you prefer, Johnnie Walker or Chivas Regal?
Mallesam Gowd : Maybe Johnnie Walker as any way they’re on the way out.
Venkataswamy : Dora why not let poor Gowd garu dream over Chivas Regal.
Muthyal Rao : And to keep both of you in good humour, won’t we have both.
Venkataswamy : Well, with three cheers to the Greyhounds on the hunt. [Curtains down]
Scene - 17
[Curtains up: Narsimma, Mallanna, Srisailam, Renuka, Sarakka, Nirmala and others in the jungle hideout of the scenes-12, 13 & 15. Sitting by a transistor as Nirmala is impatient for the news, Narsimma looks at his watch restlessly, and others wait in anxiety. As the beeps heralding the news are aired, all hold their breath.]
News Reader : This is All India Radio. The news read by Swathi Rangarajan. Here’s a flash. Acting on intelligence, the A.P. Police have nabbed Madanna, a high ranking PWG leader from a hideout in Hyderabad. Even as he was frisked away to an undisclosed location, fearing retaliatory raids by the Madanna Dalam, the Government has placed the police on the alert. In the other headlines…
[Nirmala switches off the transistor, and looks at Narsimma anxiously.]
Sarakka : So , it takes them twenty-four hours to break the news.
Nirmala : I’m worried that he may be harmed anna.
Narsimma : It’s my word Nirmalakka; I’ll go to any lengths to see he is freed.
Nirmala : Don’t I know that anna . But still, I’m afraid as he’s high on their wanted list.
Narsimma : Renu, you better take her out and steady her nerves.
[Exit: Renuka with Nirmala.]
[Narsimma huddles himself with Mallanna, Srisailam and Sarakka.]
Mallanna : Who could’ve betrayed peddanna ?
Narsimma : Can’t the post-mortem wait Mallanna. Let’s think of a tit-for-tat to free him.
Srisailam : But anna , now that they’re on the alert, I don’t see any soft targets to kidnap.
Narsimma : Who wants a soft target now? Well, we’ve to think it big. Won’t a tough ask with sentimental value soften their stance.
Sarakka : Why not the I.G’s kid if he has one.
Narsimma : Isn’t the I.G old enough to be a grandfather. Well, that works out better as he will be under varied pressure. Find out and plan for that. If not, think about some other kid with value addition. But who shall be on the mission.
Sarakka : Being a woman, won’t I be the best suited.
Narsimma : Well, you be at the forefront as we provide the back-up.
Mallanna : Why not you hold our fort as Srisailam and I will help her raid theirs.
Narsimma : Best of luck, but don’t throw caution to the winds, the dalam can’t afford to lose any of you.
[Exit: Mallanna, Srisailam and Sarakka.]
[Enter: Renuka and Nirmala.]
Nirmala : What happened to our couriers?
Narsimma : Well, for now, no news is good news. But Mallanna and others have left to create some very soon.
Renuka : Have you sent them on a rescue mission or what?
Narsimma : Well, we don’t even know where he’s kept.
Renuka : I think it’s time we think of penetrating their ranks.
Narsimma : It’s not a bad idea in the long run. Well, you look after the counter intelligence of the dalam . But for now, it’s about kidnapping one kid or the other of the I.G’s household.
Renuka : I love to build a network, won’t I? But why involve kids in this war of nerves.
Narsimma : Well, don’t we’ve to choose horses for the races?
Renuka : Women and children are always kept out, aren’t they? Why break rules.
Narsimma : Why not think I’m rewriting them.
Nirmala : Why not, if it helps to secure his release without harming any.
Renuka : Why don’t you both realize that it’s a dangerous game to start?
Narsimma : So be it. But why place the cart before the horse. Let’s wait for their return. Till then it’s sojourn.
[Lights go on and off to indicate the passage of a few days.]
[Bright light and Narsimma, Renuka and Nirmala are in anxious wait near the transistor.]
News Reader : This is All India Radio. The news read by Rakesh Tiwari. Here’s a flash. In a daring operation, Madanna Dalam of the People’s War has kidnapped Raja, the I.G’s six-year-old grandson from his school in Hyderabad. The two accompanying Home Guards were also taken hostage by the gang suspected to have been led by Sarakka. In a handwritten note left behind on the school premises, the dalam sought the release of their leader Madanna within twenty-four hours threatening to kill the hostages after the deadline. It may be recalled that Madanna was nabbed by the Police from his hideout in Hyderabad only recently.
Narsimma : Didn’t they make us proud. Won’t they deserve a hero’s welcome?
Nirmala [In Excitement]: I’ll go out and receive them at the frontier.
[Exits: Nirmala.]
Renuka : Your raising the stakes is really worrying me baava. I wish one won’t lead to the other.
Narsimma : Why don’t you see this as a breakthrough for the revolution Renu.
Renuka : Well, I’ll wait and watch with my fingers crossed.
[Lights go on and off to indicate the passage of time.]
[Bright light and Narsimma with Renuka in wait.]
[Enter Nirmala, Mallanna, Srisailam and Sarakka with Raja, the six-year-old grandson of the I G. of Police and two sheepish looking Home Guards. Even as Renuka reaches out to a nonplussed Raja, Narsimma in excitement hugs Sarakka, Mallanna and Srisailam.]
Narsimma : Hail the heroes [Goes up to Raja.] Don’t worry my boy; we’ll send you home soon.
Raja [cries]: O Mummy …, I want my mummy
Renuka : Don’t cry my Raja, she’s would come soon. Till then why don’t you play with me?
[As Renuka folds round him, Raja stops crying.]
Nirmala : Anna, the deadline is up and yet there is no contact. Now I see all my worries returning.
Renuka : You know it’s no easy decision, is it?
Narsimma : Won’t a tough stance make it easy for them?
Renuka : What’s that?
Narsimma : A Home Guard in a body-bag.
[Narsimma looks at Mallanna, and then he eyes one of the Home Guards. Exit: Mallanna and Srisailam with the Home Guards.]
Renuka : It’s atrocious to kill an innocent, isn’t it?
Narsimma : Sarakka why not see that Nirmalakka rests as I handle your restless vadina.
[Taking the cue, Sarakka tries to take Raja along he resists and cries. As Renuka holds Raja, Sarakka leads Nirmala away.]
Narsimma : Why don’t you understand Renu? The crisis calls for hard decisions. Besides, isn’t he guilty by association? After all, he sides with the system.
Renuka : But it’s his occupation to make a living. And he’s only doing his duty.
Narsimma : Sadly for him, his duty clashes with our cause.
Renuka : So be it, but they’re poor like us, and our struggle is supposed to better their lot.
Narsimma : It’s the price the poor have to pay in our struggle for them.
Renuka : What if they won’t yield?
Narsimma : They would have two more body-bags to count.
Renuka [She hugs Raja tight]: Oh, he’s just a kid as you and I were once.
Narsimma : But unlike us, he’s a potential class enemy. As a grown-up, won’t he serve the very system that oppresses us? But still we might spare him if that helps to secure our Madanna’s release.
Renuka : Why not hold out and see.
Narsimma : Why not turn the heat on them by killing the other guard as well. It’s then they would come around to save their privileged kid.
Renuka : Oh, what a change. Oh, how you had pleaded for Narsi Reddy’s life in that dalit adalat . And this Raja is just a kid.
Narsimma : In a way I was more of my mother’s boy than my own man then.
Renuka : Oh, how strange life could be. If you were not forthcoming then as your mother’s boy, now you are distancing yourself from me as your own man. But you were your own self when you symbolized the ethos of the Rampur Resolution. Not before and certainly not now.
Narsimma : Maybe, but then they were the early days of the revolutionary opposition. As the course of the struggle made me its leader, am I not obliged to give it a new direction. As a lot of naxal blood had flowed down the ideological bridge, let revolutionary aggression be the new mantra of the movement.
Renuka : Oh, what a ruthless leader you’re turning out to be?
Narsimma : Maybe, underneath I’ve always been ruthless Renu. Why, didn’t I keep you away till you showed me the way to save my studies?
Renuka : I am afraid we’re drifting away baava .
Narsimma : Don’t worry Renu, our love is sure to bind us together, and that’s forever.
Renuka : I feel as if your life has trapped our love in a padmavyuham . And my fear is that like Abhimanyu, you too don’t know the way out to save it.
Narsimma : But unlike his wife Uttara, aren’t you right in the middle to do that for me?
Renuka : It’s my only hope, and God forbid a let down.
Narsimma : Now wish that God wills our Madanna’s release.
Renuka : Won’t I pray for that any way. More so as that saves the kid and the Home Guard.
Narsimma : Oh, how it feels when you can’t pin hopes on prayers even. I experienced that when I was powerless to prevent your marriage. Well, it can never be described, and God forbid one can only experience it. And now, all my power seems inadequate to secure Madanna’s release.
Renuka : Oh really, how helpless life makes us to save our beloveds. Given my newfound zeal to serve our folks, now I’m coming to fathom your the then obsession for graduation. If not for my urge to further my vision won’t I wish to die if I were to fail you?
Narsimma : You failing me, forget about it. Can you do that even in your dreams Renu?
Renuka : But baava , its nightmares these days.
Narsimma : Why lose your nerve and tie my hands at this crucial moment? Are we not equally passionate about our mission?
Renuka : Why am I not here to strengthen your hands to fight for our folks? But are you not bloodying your hands more and more. Oh, don’t I find them slippery to hold even, leave alone lending support to you. Why not we rescind from violence and put some substance into our struggle baava ?
Narsimma : Why not, let’s first secure Madanna’s release, and then we’ll have a full house to discuss. Didn’t Madanna himself hold you as the conscience keeper to the dalam ?
Renuka : I’m relieved baava. Now won’t I pray for Madanna as much as for Raja and his escort?
Narsimma : Let’s see what the sarkar has up its sleeve. Hope it’s not a case of Renu proposing and the regime disposing.
[Curtains down.]
Scene – 18
Voice Over : In spite of its repeated threats to kill the kid, the dalam failed to secure Madanna’s release, and a cornered Narsimma carried out the threat. In a swift move that followed while the Greyhounds captured Sarakka, the police had eliminated her in a fake encounter thereafter. And this hardened Narsimma’s attitude towards the men in uniform even more, and he began raiding the Police Stations and blasting their patrol jeeps at will. In time, when the police claimed to have killed a fleeing Madanna in an encounter, he in rage went on a rampage. And that made him the most wanted in the land with a reward of Rupees two million on his head. Outraged by his revolutionary aggression, Renuka was wont to advocate the course of political opposition to further the dalit cause but a cynical Narsimma wouldn’t change tack. In the end, Renuka threatened to leave him, and the dalam, but to no avail.
[Curtains up: Narsimma and Renuka are in the hideout of scenes – 12, 13, 15 & 17.]
Renuka : Baava , do you realize what this day means to us?
Narsimma : Why aren’t we still a year away from the seven year itch?
Renuka : Oh no, but why there’s no word about it all day.
Narsimma : You know how I’m bogged down to blow up that big fish.
Renuka : What a shame, six years over and we haven’t added.
Narsimma : Why hasn’t the reward on my head got multiplied?
Renuka : It’s no time to joke as we’re at the crossroads of life.
Narsimma : You know that’s the sacrifice the revolutionaries have to make.
Renuka : But still we’re human with human wants, aren’t we?
Narsimma : True, but there is no way we can be parents.
Renuka : What’s that we’ve achieved after all the self-denial?
Narsimma : Don’t you see the changes around? Now nobody dares demean the dalits .
Renuka : Maybe, but they still remain poor, don’t they?
Narsimma : Do we have a magic wand to make them rich.
Renuka : Now I am sure they remain poor as long as we’re around.
Narsimma : Renu, don’t you sound reactionary?
Renuka : So be it. Until we vacate the stage, no entrepreneur would ever step onto it, and unless industry goes rural, the village poor remain poor. And I’m sure about it.
Narsimma : What if we give up arms, won’t the peddollu rule the roost all again.
Renuka : Why don’t you realize, it’s as farmhands that dalits are at the landlords’ mercy. If only the villages are industrialized, won’t the landlords lose their grip over the peasants?
Narsimma : Since when are you in the pay of the capitalists? [Laughs.]
Renuka : Jokes apart, let’s seek amnesty and work differently.
Narsimma : Well, as you know, I’ve crossed the Rubicon, not once but twice.
Renuka : And I crossed it when you had put that innocent kid to death. You don’t know what a dilemma I was in then. I was obsessed with the idea of saving his life, and I racked my brains as to how to go about it. It even crossed my mind to kill you and others to let him live. But then, I realized your life was more valuable to the dalit struggle.
Narsimma : Oh, really! That’s my Renu I’m proud of. But you too know that was the most difficult sentence I had ever pronounced.
Renuka : It’s the one death that came to haunt me ever since. How poignant his death was for he died crying for his mother. It was then that I realized how paramount motherhood is to a woman’s life.
Narsimma : Is nursing the dalit cause any less paramount to you as a woman. And as for death, as we chose to live by the sword, we shall be prepared to fall by it. But still a revolutionary never dies in vain. Won’t his death stir others to carry on the struggle?
Renuka : What about the deaths we had caused, can we live without remorse? Unlike that kid, can we face premature death without fear, and a sense of betrayal by life itself? Oh, how he died without fearing death. Maybe, he’s too young to grasp the import of life, leave alone death.
Narsimma : Won’t death ensure that we don’t live long enough to suffer on that count.
Renuka : Why not we take solace in building lives instead of destroying homes? I’m sure it would help our souls. Let’s begin paving the dalit political way to power.
Narsimma : Want to join politics that last resort of the scoundrels.
Renuka : As we’re no scoundrels, won’t we make a difference to the politics?
Voice Over : Greyhounds, Greyhounds.
[Narsimma tries to rollover with Renuka who resists.]
Renuka : Baava, let’s surrender. [She raises her white dupatta. ]
Narsimma : Lets run Renu; it’s no time to vacillate.
Renuka : I’m fed up with this life baava . Let’s give up ourselves.
Narsimma : Won’t I prefer to die in a real encounter than in a fake one.
Renuka : I’ll see that you’re not harmed. I’ll stake my life for that. [She rolls over him suggesting a protective embrace.]
Voice Over : Run for cover, they’ve neared us.
Narsimma : Chalo , have you gone mad or what?
Renuka : Won’t you stay back for my sake. .
Narsimma : Come on Renu, it’s not the way to force the issue.
Renuka : Don’t say nakko, baava . I want to love you and live with you.
[Sound of a hail of bullets and approaching foot steps. Renuka holds Narsimma tightly in her embrace even as he tries to wriggle out.]
Renuka : I want to bear your child baava.
[But as the Greyhounds come near, Narsimma wriggles himself out of Renuka’s grip and tries to drag her but she continues to hold him. In the end, he manages to escape and the Greyhounds go after him in hot pursuit. A crestfallen Renuka sits still on the ground.]
[Enter: Captain Ranjit Kapoor of the Greyhounds as the gun shots cease.]
Captain Kapoor : Sorry Renu- ji , he’s dead.
Renuka : Oh, what about others?
Captain Kapoor : Well, they all escaped.
Renuka : Oh, if only I could have prevailed over him.
Captain Kapoor : We understand your hurt and appreciate your sacrifice madam.
Renuka : Did he have any last words for me?
Captain Kapoor : He begged us not to harm you in any way.
Renuka : It’s a consolation that he died without feeling let down.
Captain Kapoor : Don’t we know Renu- ji that you’ve chosen it as a last resort.
Renuka : Oh, if only I was able to persuade him. But what to do when he was so distrustful of you guys. See how fake encounters discourage change of heart.
Captain Kapoor : That’s sad indeed, but Renu- ji we too are human, after all. Given that we’re senselessly targeted, no denying that we too tend to be insensitive. Don’t think that I’m trying to justify the fake encounters. I’m only putting them in the proper perspective.
Renuka : How I wish his death makes both sides introspect.
Captain Kapoor : I’m sure this poignant tale would. Well, I’ve orders to free you.
Renuka : Thanks for keeping your word. [She pauses as if to know his name.]
Captain Kapoor : I’m Captain Ranjit Kapoor.
Renuka : Well Captain, I’ve better things to do than rotting in the jail.
Captain Kapoor : And those two millions will be yours as well.
Renuka : Are you implying that I betrayed my man for booty?
Captain Kapoor : Oh no, Renu- ji , don’t we know, you chose to risk his life to end his mayhem.
Renuka : Well, that’s the only solace I’ve to my sense of loss.
Captain Kapoor : Just reconsider Renu -ji that money may be handy to help the needy.
Renuka : True, but won’t that demean me in my own eyes?
Captain Kapoor : Hats off to your sensitivity madam.
Renuka : Thank you Captain. Better use it for the needy families of the policemen who died at his hands. At least, that should give some solace to his lost soul.
Captain Kapoor : It’s praiseworthy really. But don’t say no to the rehabilitation package.
Renuka : It’s not my rehabilitation that’s on my mind now. Captain, it’s the cause of dalit good that rules my heart. I’ve realized that fugitives can’t improve the dalit plight from their jungle hideouts. If only we take the fight into the political arena, we’ve the numbers to boot. Where my man failed with his naxal bullets, I shall succeed with the ballot papers. I want to ensure that I haven’t sacrificed my man in vain.
[Captain Ranjit Kapoor, in attention, salutes Renuka, and it’s the final-curtain.]
Men at work on Women at work
Dramatis Persona
Men at Work:
Naveen (40) Materials Manager, Bricks & Bats Ltd.
Nayak (55) Manager, HRD, Hares & Hounds Ltd.
Rakesh (50) Managing Director, Hares & Hounds Ltd.
Sunil (35), Assistant Manager, Personnel, Hares & Hounds Ltd.
Gopal (55) Assistant, Marketing., Hares & Hounds Employees Union
Balram (35) Inspector of Police.
Sanjay (40) General Manager, Marketing, Brims & Dregs Ltd.
Kumar (35) Assistant Finance Manager, Skins & Hides Ltd.
Diwakar (50) Finance Manager, Skins & Hides Ltd.
Bhagawan ( 45 ) Lawyer.
Women at Work:
Navya (30) Naveen’s wife and Sanjay’s P.A at Brims & Dregs Ltd.
Rachana (26) Navya’s friend and Kumar’s Assistant at Skins & Hides Ltd.
Rekha (59) Company Secretary, Hares & Hounds Ltd., who with Navya and Rachana starts MAWAW, Movement against womanizing at workplace.
Nritya (21) Navya’s sister and Nayak’s Stenographer at Hares & Hounds Ltd.
Preeti (26) Personal Secretary to Rakesh at Hares & Hounds Ltd.
Margaret (45) Manager Personal, Hares & Hounds Ltd.
Ramya( 40) Deputy Manager, Finance, Hares & Hounds Ltd.
Divya (25) Receptionist, Bricks & Bats Ltd.
Anasuya(35) Maid servant of the Naveens
Mithuna: Accuser of Naveen sans appearance.
Children at play: Ranjan (7) and Nrupa (5), son and daughter of Naveen and Navya.
Scene - 1
[Curtains up: Drawing room of the Naveens. Nine chimes of the clock (not in the scene). Naveen is seen solving the The Hindu ‘crossword’. The telephone in the hall starts ringing.]
Navya: [Not in the scene.] Naveen, are you there?
Naveen: Very much dear. [He goes to answer the call.]
Naveen: It’s Naveen here. [Pause] Wait a minute [Closes the mouthpiece.] Navya, Rachana is on the line for you.
[Enter: Navya from the kitchen portion (left side of the stage) and takes the receiver from Naveen.]
Navya: Hi, Rachana.
[Naveen goes into the master-bedroom (left side of the backstage)]
Navya: You are mistaken, Nritya is expected only tomorrow. [Long pause] Why not, we can meet in the evening.
[Navya disconnects the phone. Naveen comes into the hall with a briefcase in one hand and shoes in the other.
Naveen [Wearing the socks]: What’s the matter?
Navya: Rachana wants to bring her friend’s auntie Rekha on some important business.
Naveen: Bet, if not Amway its Gold Quest to lure you into becoming an Independent Business Owner. See how they network. Rachana became your friend after being introduced by someone, you may not even remember. She runs a ladies hostel in which you wanted her to accommodate your sister and in turn she wants you to entertain her friend’s auntie. What a way to network.
Navya: Why not if it comes to that. You know I’m idling all day and it’s boring.
Naveen: When kids hang around at home it’s tiring, and it’s boring as they grow up to hang out with their friends. Why, this networking would be no less boring. Well, it’s all about parroting the worn out lines day in and day out. What’s worse, you end up being a nuisance to your acquaintances.
Navya: I thought of taking up a job but Rachana feels it amounts to standing in the way of the needy. Like she did, she wants me too start something on my own.
Naveen: Why not get involved in some social activity.
Navya: That’s what I told Rachana. Maybe, this Rekha’s visit has something to with that.
Naveen: Wait and see if Rekha turns out to be an Amway auntie with an axe to grind. If it’s the case don’t count on me to network for you.
Navya: Well, if it’s some social work, I’m bound to bother you.
Naveen: [Goes near her and strokes her head.] Won’t I then leave no stone unturned.
Navya: [Leans on him lovingly] I always know that I can count on you. I’m expecting them by six, why not you come by then.
[Naveen extends the ring and the middle fingers of his right hand towards Navya.]
Navya: What are you aiming at?
Naveen: Let’s see what’s in store for me.
[Navya kisses the middle finger.]
Naveen: It’s all about woman’s sixth sense.
Navya: Why tease me, tell me, what’s the matter?
Naveen: I will tell you if I don’t click.
Navya: Isn’t it strange?
Naveen: My dear, life is like that.
[Navya goes into the kitchen and reappears with the lunch box. Naveen takes it and readies himself to leave.]
Naveen: Bye darling [Kisses her on her cheek]
Navya: [coyly.] Bye.
[Exit: Naveen. Anasuya comes out from the kitchen portion with a plastic cover containing the leftovers.]
Anasuya: Amma, you are lucky to have such a husband
Navya: How is your man, is he keeping his word to give up drinking.
Anasuya: He is drinking more than ever. Why, he says that he won’t be able to drink once he stops drinking.
Navya: That is some logic, isn’t it? [Navya laughs heartily.]
Anasuya: I don’t know amma what to do with him. But when sober there is no man like him.
[Exit: Anasuya. Navya goes into the kitchen. Navya re-enters and goes to the master bedroom. In time, two chimes of the clock (not in the scene) and Navya comes out from the children’s bed room (the right side of the backstage) and goes into the kitchen portion. Navya reappears wiping her hands with the pallu of her saree and goes into the master bedroom. Thereafter, the clock chimes thrice and Navya comes out of the master bedroom and picks up ‘The Hindu’ lying on the centre table. Shortly Ranjan and Nrupa with tired looks and bag loads of school books enter.]
Nrupa: I’m hungry mummy.
Navya: Go have a wash; I shall prepare some garam garam upma for both of you.
[Ranjan and Nrupa go into the children’s bedroom and Navya into the kitchen portion. Navya reappears with two platefuls of upma and goes into the children’s bedroom. Shortly Navya comes into the drawing room with a carom board with Ranjan (holding a box of coins) and Nrupa. Navya spreads the board and as the kids set the coins they converse.]
Ranjan: After Nritya comes we can play doubles every day?
Nrupa: I shall be her partner.
Ranjan: She no fool for that.
[Ranjan and Nrupa come to blows and Navya intervenes.]
Navya: She is not going to stay with us anyway.
Nrupa: But where she will stay?
Navya: In Rachana auntie’s ladies hostel.
Ranjan: Why not she stays with us, mummy.
Navya: It’s better that way.
Nrupa: But how?
Navya: You are too young to understand all that now.
[They get along for a while with the game of carom bank (In the first round, each player keeps the coins he pockets and that makes his bank. While the red is priced at Rs. 5, the whites and blacks are valued at Rs. 2 and Rs.1 respectively. In the second round each player stakes equal money on the board and the process is repeated till a winner emerges.) Six chimes of the clock (not in the scene) and they wind up the show without a clear winner and go into the children’s bedroom. Shortly, Navya appears in the drawing room and picks up a periodical and sits in the sofa. Thereafter Ranjan and Nrupa too come out with a couple of shuttle cocks and their racquets.]
[Exit: Ranjan and Nrupa saying bye to Navya. The door buzzer alerts Navya to the arrival Rachana and Rekha.]
[Enter: Rachana and Rekha with their handbags.]
Rachana: Meet Mrs. Rekha.
Navya: Welcome madam.
Rachana I’ve just come to know that Rekha madam works at Hares & Hounds where your sister is going to join.
Navya: Oh what a relief it is.
Rekha: Maybe fortuitous for it sets the right tone. Thank you for agreeing to see me.
Navya: What a way to embarrass this nobody.
Rekha: But Rachana thinks otherwise.
Navya: Friends tend to either overrate you or underrate you, don’t they?
Rekha: How I wish that Rachana underrates you.
[Navya asks Rekha and Rachana to sit in the sofa while she sits in the chair.]
Navya: What would you like to have madam, coffee or tea?
Rekha: Tea, preferably with elachi and sugar without kanjoosi .
Navya: I see you are quite humorous.
Rachana: That would do for me too.
Navya: What, elachi or kanjoosi ?
[Navya goes into the kitchen leaving Rekha and Rachana in all smiles.]
Rekha: Your friend is quite interesting.
Rachana: If you can rope her in, it would be a big catch for you.
Rekha: Don’t ever imagine that I will let you go. I need both of you.
[Navya comes back with three cups of tea in a tray, and they begin to sip it from their cups.]
Rekha: We don’t get to have such tea here. What’s the secret if I may know?
Navya: I’ve learnt it from my sister Nritya. What a sweet girl she is and to be honest I’m against her taking up a job. I know how faint hearted she is. I told my father to get her married instead. But she was adamant and my dad gave in. Well, being born so late after me, she’s his laadli. God forbid, if she has to face harassment at the workplace that I hear about, she won’t be able to cope up with that.
Rekha: Don’t worry about Nritya for men at our office are a decent lot. Even otherwise, your worrying about her won’t stop men at work work on women at work and it’s no stopping them if women start sitting at home. It would be like setting the clock backwards. [One chime of the clock (not in the scene) indicating it was six-thirty] Isn’t it a good omen? We have to mend men in their own den.
Navya: I think the only way out for women is to mend their own ways. I believe that women bring it upon themselves by being half-hearted about male advances. I learn that all women are no angels for many do flirt with men either for fun or out to sponge on them. I know most men do try to interest women they fancy but it is the baser lot who resort to harassing them. Maybe it’s not a cut and dry case any way.
Rekha: No denying, but one has to nuance between the luring female and the harassing male. While a crafty female won’t be able to lead an unwilling man up the garden path, any stupid fellow of some rank can spoil it for the chastely female at the workplace. Whatever, the flirty female syndrome cannot be bracketed with the dirty male menace. It’s not that the two ills at the workplace cancel out each other warranting our inaction. Let men take care of flirts among us while we work on men who work on women.
Navya: I do agree but I still feel it is for the individual woman to tackle the problem.
Rekha: But still there is a need for an institutional mechanism to rein in the errant men, and the Supreme Court ruling in the Visaka’s case is all about it.
Navya: What is it?
Rachana: Sexual harassment at the work place is all about sexually coloured remarks or physical contact and advances or showing pornography or a demand or request for sexual favour and or any other unwelcome physical, verbal/non-verbal conduct being sexual in nature. And in case of a complaint of sexual harassment, every employer must provide a complaints committee headed by a woman with half its members being women. What is equally important is that the committee should also include an outside organization- which is familiar with the ways and means by which men resort to sexual harassment. We may fill in the gap as there are not many if not any and we want to take you on board.
Navya: Being unfamiliar with all that, what can I bring to the table?
Rekha: That’s no constraint. Why Rachana is also is not exposed to any such situation. I can see that both of you are employed for a while to come face to face with the ugly facets of womanizing at the workplace.
Navya: Give me sometime to think it over. Besides, I’ve to discuss with Naveen as well.
Rekha: [Smiling.] You have time only till I retire from my job in a couple of months.
Navya: Before that, I hope you would be able to stabilize things for Nritya.
Rekha: Like you would have done, had you been in my place.
Navya: See the irony of my sisterly care. It is to avoid the saala- saali flirting in my place that I want her to stay at Rachan’s hostel. Unlike the sexual harassment at workplace, there is no escaping from the alien sexual enthusiasm at home.
Rekha: It’s another facet of female vulnerability. You have a thinking head on your shoulders and that should help you to shoulder our cause. I wait for your word to get on board. Meanwhile, you may go through these case studies on sexual harassment at workplace that I downloaded from the net.
[Rekha pulls out a spiral bound volume and gives it to Navya.]
Navya: Thank you, I’ll go through it.
Rachana: [Gets up from her seat.] See you with Nritya tomorrow.
Navya: In the evening that is.
[Rekha and Navya too get up from their seats.]
[Exit: Rachana and Rekha, after bidding adieu to Navya.]
[Navya browses through the material that Rekha gave her and shortly Ranjan and Nrupa come back from play. Navya nudges them into the children’s bedroom for wash and she resumes reading the material. Seven chimes of the clock (not in the scene)]
[Enter: Naveen with his briefcase and the lunch box. Navya goes up to him.]
Navya: [Taking the lunchbox.] What’s the news?
Naveen: I had a sumptuous meal.
Navya: What about my sixth sense?
Naveen: I said that I will tell you if I fail.
Navya: So you have clicked?
Naveen: It’s not that I failed to pass.
Navya: Why are you talking in circles?
Naveen: Because there is nothing straight about it.
Navya: To hell with you.
Naveen: Okay, but did Amway auntie turn up?
Navya: Stop saying that. Why as it turned out Rekha is the Company Secretary of Hares & Hounds.
Naveen: I’m relieved more than you as it soothes your nerves.
Navya: She wants to start a NGO to nail down the womanizers at workplace. Be a good boss or else.
[Naveen catches his ears with his hands crossed.]
Navya: Well, she wants to take me on board.
Naveen: You can cross the bridge when you come to it.
Navya: So you are not against the idea.
Naveen: If I oppose, you may lose your face.
Navya: How’s that?
Naveen: What if she propagates that your man is a MCP.
Navya: Well, I won’t let that happen. [She strokes his head affectionately.] [Curtains down.]
Scene – 2
[Curtains up: The Naveens’ drawing room where Ranjan and Nrupa were slow in getting ready to go to school. The clock (not in the scene) eight chimes.]
[Enter: Navya hurriedly with the lunch packs for them.]
Navya: [Annoyed] Oh, you, I know why you are dragging your feet.
Ranjan: Mummy, didn’t you tell us that Nritya auntie comes before we leave for school.
Navya: What am I to do when the train runs late? Your daddy rang up and said that it won’t reach before ten.
Nrupa: Why he forces us to go school when we love to play with auntie.
Ranjan: Please mummy, allow us to bunk school today.
Navya: Don’t you know your daddy won’t allow that.
Ranjan: But why?
Navya: Because he loves you and wants to see you becoming MBAs from IIMs.
[Honking of a horn]
Navya: Hurry up, the auto uncle has come.
[Exit: Ranjan and Nrupa literally dragging their feet with their school bags and lunch packs.]
[Enter: Maid servant Anasuya with a broom and as she begins to sweep the floor.]
Navya: What a pity we deny our kids a certain present for the sake of an uncertain future. Why it’s the pressure of the times. Thanks to our dad and the times, what a wonderful childhood Nritya and I had. But would Nritya’s boss play the father to her.
Anasuya: Amma every man is not like ayya . How men ogle at the maid servants as they go about their work? You can understand how jittery it feels but changing households won’t help as men are same everywhere. But for the fear of their wives, men would be forcing themselves on the maid servants.
Navya: Oh, it’s another facet of the male malaise. That being a woman’s plight in another woman’s place, where she can be safe from the ogling men. I wonder how Nritya would cope up with that.
[Enter: Naveen with two suitcases and Nritya with two travel bags. Naveen rushes into their bedroom and Anasuya takes the bags from Nritya and takes them into the guest room (to the right of the stage).]
Nritya: Hi akka.
Navya: [Hugging Nritya] Welcome to being a Hyderabadi.
Nritya: Doesn’t it sound like barbadi. [Laughs]
Navya: [Frowns.] It’s no good talking like that.
[Anasuya comes back to picks up Nritya’s suitcases.]
Nritya: How are you Anasuya?
Anasuya: Your akka takes good care of me chinnamma.
[Anasuya moves the suitcases into the guest room. Anasuya comes out of the guest room, and takes leave of Navya and Nritya.]
[Exit: Anasuya and Navya and Nritya go into the kitchen.]
[Naveen comes into the drawing room with his briefcase and shoes. He goes about wearing his socks and shoes as Navya with lunch pack in hand followed by Nritya enter.]
Nritya: Bava, hoping for a drop, thank you for the lift.
Naveen: Why I forgot that your akka is packing you off to the hostel.
Navya: Don’t be unfair. I only want her to be on her own.
Naveen: I’m just joking.
[Naveen’s mobile rings and he answers the call (mime.)]
Naveen: My Secretary says the M.D is already missing me.
Navya: If it’s not for akka’s ears, may I take it is your secretary who is missing you.
Navya: Why put unwelcome ideas into his head.
Naveen: Unwelcome to whom is the question. [He smiles heartily.] Wonder how the instincts of a woman as woman, and her constraints as wife contrast. Bye.
[Exit: Naveen as Navya and Nritya wave him good bye.]
Navya: Don’t take him seriously. There is no seven year itch yet even after fourteen years. He’s a lovely man.
Nritya: Why forget about your sweeties, Ranjan and Nritya. How I love to be with them. Tell me if your wanting me to be on my own is not a bahana .
Navya: Yes and no. Well, I don’t want any complications for you and me.
Nritya: What complications?
Navya: You are too young to visualize them.
Nritya: If only you care to tell me, I’m old enough to understand.
Navya: When the wife lets her sister stay in the house, her man takes it as a license from her to seduce his saali.
Nritya: Why it’s like fearing one’s own shadow.
Navya: You won’t say that when you are of my age.
Nritya: Well, that is all about the generation gap.
Navya: Okay baaba , you are jet age type and I am of bullock cart class.
Nritya: Whatever, you are sweet and still cute.
Navya: You know how worried I was about your taking up a job. But I’m relieved after getting acquainted with Rekha. She works in the firm that you are going to join.
Nritya: Whether she would be of help to me or not, I am glad that you are feeling easy.
Navya: After retiring in two months, she’s planning to be a social activist against sexual harassment at workplace. She wants to take me on board as well.
Nritya: Why not.
Navya: I am also inclined but before that I have a lot of ground to cover.
Nritya: Akka I am famished so to say.
Navya: Don’t I know one can hardly eat that railway stuff.
[The clock chimes twelve times and Navya and Nritya go into the kitchen portion only to reenter the drawing room after lunch.]
Nritya: Now I think your cooking is better than mummy’s.
Navya: Well, after all these years, she must have got tired of it all.
Nritya: [Yawns] I didn’t have a wink on the train.
Navya: That’s what happens when you get a berth near the exit.
[Nritya goes into the guestroom and Navya begins reading the spiral bound volume that Rekha gave her. At length, the clock (not in the scene) chimes four times. Nritya comes out from the guest room and joins Navya.]
Navya: I suppose you slept like a log.
Nritya: Yes, but where are the kids? You said they would be back by three-thirty.
Navya: It won’t take long for you to realize that in Hyderabad, the snarling traffic takes time forward. Why not familiarize yourself with what might lie in store for you. [Navya gives the volume to Nritya.] Who knows you may change your mind to become a housewife instead of a workingwoman.
Nritya: Let me be a woman by working before becoming a wife.
[Nritya browses the material as Navya peeps out to see if Ranjan and Nrupa are in sight.]
Navya: Think about the devils and here they come.
[Enter: Ranjan and Nrupa with a weary look that becomes lively on seeing Nritya. Throwing the school bags and lunch packs on the floor, Ranjan and Nrupa rush into Nritya’s outstretched arms. Nritya kisses both of them and they kiss her in return.]
Nritya: Oh, how sweet you look.
Ranjan: Auntie, the whole day we were thinking about you only.
Nritya: Don’t you know that you should concentrate at school.
Nrupa: We didn’t want to go to school but daddy said ‘no bunking please’.
Ranjan: Mummy says you won’t stay with us.
Nrupa: Why so auntie?
Nritya: If I’m here, it will be chutti to your studies. I will come on Sundays. Is that okay?
Ranjan: It’s not okay.
Nrupa: Why it’s bad.
[Nritya takes them into her embrace and cajoles them (mime)]
Navya: Now go and have a wash while I prepare Maggi for you.
[Nritya picks up the school bags and goes with Ranjan and Nrupa into the children’s room. Navya picks up the lunch packs and goes into the kitchen portion. Navya reappears with two plates of Maggi on her way to the children’s bedroom. Shortly all appear in the drawing room and Navya watches as Nritya plays hide and seek with Ranjan and Nrupa. The clock (not in the scene) chimes six times.]
[Enter: Naveen. Ranjan and Nrupa go into sulking. Naveen goes up to them and cajoles them (mime)]
Nritya: Hi bava , are you done with your darlings .
Naveen: Hi, when shall I book the return ticket?
Nritya: What do you mean?
Naveen: why I thought she had brainwashed you into not taking up the job. Oh, how she was after me to compile a dossier on every male employee at the Hares & Hounds. Why, she is uneasy with the company’s name itself. I understand that they styled the firm to reflect their marketing strategy of hunting with the hounds and running with the hares. How on earth they can do that is anybody’s guess.
Nritya: Don’t tell me bava that your Bricks & Bats is any less funny.
Navya: See she hasn’t even joined there but she is already siding with them. What loyalty.
Naveen: Whatever why not I request their management to let the elder sister stand guard her younger sister at the workplace to ward off the male wolves. Well, there is precedent after all. Won’t film actresses’ mothers come in tow with their daughters?
Navya: You seem to be stuck up with the old English. There are no actresses any more, male or female, an actor is an actor.
[the telephone rings and Navya answers the call.]
Navya: It’s Navya here. [Pause] Hi Rachana, we will be there in half an hour.
[Exit: Naveen, Navya with a suitcase each and Nritya with two travel bags followed by Ranjan and Nrupa.] [Curtains down.]
Scene -3
[Curtains up: Office of Hares & Hounds Ltd. Nayak is in his chambers to the left back of stage and Nritya is seated in its right front portion. The clock (not in the scene) strikes twelve times and Nayak dials Nritya on the intercom.]
Nayak: Come on in Nritya.
[Nritya goes to Nayak with a notebook and takes her seat opposite to Nayak.]
Nayak: How do you like our Hares & Hounds dear?
Nritya: They are quite friendly Sir.
Nayak: Who, hares or hounds?
Nritya: I don’t get you Sir.
Nayak: Don’t they say women are hares and men are hounds.
Nritya: [Smiles.] Why both.
Nayak: I know you are Miss but are you engaged.
Nritya: No Sir.
Nayak: Are you in love?
Nritya: No Sir.
[Nayak gets up and goes near Nritya. She gets up but he gently nudges her back into her chair. She sits uncomfortably as he holds her shoulders.]
Nayak: Oh, what a perfect Miss not to be missed.
Nritya: [Looks up at him a little scared and pushes away his hands.]
Nayak: Are you a modern girl?
Nritya: Sir I don’t know what you mean.
Nayak: What else is modernity but to think and act freely?
Nritya: That way I am modern Sir.
Nayak: What do you say about premarital sex?
Nritya: Sir, you may please excuse me. [Gets up to go]
Nayak: You may go if you please but it helps you to hear what I say. [He nudges her back into her seat and she pushes away his hand.] Being a virgin bride isn’t a guarantee to be a fulfilled wife and vice versa. But extramarital affairs are bound to put the wife at odds with her husband in the long run. That’s why clever girls savour the spice of life before they come to endure the staleness of married life.
Nritya: What are you aiming at Sir?
Nayak: Why, I want to be your friend, philosopher and guide. [He caresses her bare back.]
Nritya: I find your philosophy quite discomforting Sir. [She pushes away his hand.]
Nayak: But my friendliness can further your career.
Nritya: I’m like your daughter Sir.
Nayak: What were your subjects of study?
Nritya: I’m a commerce graduate Sir.
Nayak: That’s the problem with the non-biology gang. Even if it is half a pass at them, these women are quick to say, don’t you have a mother, sister etc. What stupidity. Why to drive out the silliness from women’s heads, study of biology must be made compulsory.
Nritya: [Keeps mum.]
Nayak: Put an end to the fatherly nonsense and begin to see the attractions older men hold for young things like you. Well, if it not attraction, let it be expediency. Who wants to be hired in the morning only to be fired in the evening? It’s not the way to start a career. Think about it.
[Nritya goes to her seat and sits perplexed while Nayak continues to ogle at her from his chamber. The clock (not in the scene) strikes one and they both open their lunchboxes. They both finish their meal and the telephone rings in the chamber and Nayak answers the call (mute). Nayak goes to Nritya with a file in hand.]
Nayak: I’ve an urgent meeting to attend. I’ll be back by five to take you out for a movie. Be ready.
Nritya:[Keeps mum.]
[Exit: Nayak in a hurry.]
[Nritya is seen lost in her thoughts in her chair. The clock (not in the scene) strikes five and she comes out of her stupor.]
[Enter: Nayak. He goes into his chamber and calls Nritya on the intercom (mime). Nritya picks up a bunch of letters and goes up to him. Having placed them on the table she turns to go back to her seat.]
Nayak: Nritya.
Nritya: [Stops and turns towards Nayak.] Yes Sir.
Nayak: Have you thought of any movie?
Nritya: I thought you were only testing me Sir.
Nayak: Sit down.
Nritya: [Takes her seat.]
Nayak: Don’t you know that you should always carry your notebook and pencil when I call you.
Nritya: I’m sorry sir.
[Nayak pushes a paper and pencil towards Nritya that she takes and awaits his dictation.]
Nayak: Would you like me to dictate your termination letter?
Nritya: But why Sir.
Nayak: Do you know how a corrupt cop behaves?
Nritya: I don’t know Sir?
Nayak: Why he harasses before he obliges that too if bribed. And that bugs you, won’t it?
Nritya: [Keeps quiet.]
Nayak: And it bugs man if a woman grants only after tormenting him. I’m no teen to be contented with pushes and prods on the sly. It’s neither here nor there either for me or for you. What’s worse; I might make a nuisance of myself.
Nritya: That’s true Sir.
Nayak: I don’t believe in seduction for it is uncertain besides being time consuming. I don’t have time on my side any way. Let it be quid pro quo, you give me what you have and I will get you where you want to reach. If you are not willing so be it. But I have to fire you to hire a willing YPT.
Nritya: It’s unfair Sir.
Nayak: You will know by and by that life is not all that fair. If you can’t, you have to make way for someone willing. The choice is yours, hit out or get out.
[Exit: Nritya slowly as Nayak watches her hopefully.]
[Curtains down.]
Sc ene - 4
[Curtains Up: The conference hall of Hares & Hounds Ltd. The clock (not in the scene) strikes eleven times.]
Voice Over: As Nritya had complained about Nayak’s sexual harassment of her, the Complaints Committee of Hounds & Hares Ltd., is about to meet to take up her case. The committee is headed by Rekha, the Company Secretary [Enter: Rekha.] and comprises of Margaret, Manager Personnel [Enter: Margaret.], Ramya, Deputy Manager, Finance [Enter: Ramya.], Sunil, Assistant Manager, Personnel [Enter: Sunil] and Gopal, Assistant, Marketing [Enter: Gopal]. Preeti, Personal Secretary to the Managing Director, [Enter: Preeti] would assist the committee.
[All except Preeti take their seats on the table on which pads and pens are placed for their use. Preeti stands next to Rekha with a bunch of papers.]
Rekha: Miss. Preeti, I don’t see any from NGO in the committee. Didn’t I say someone familiar with sexual harassment should be associated with this case?
Preeti: Sorry madam, we couldn’t find any.
Rekha: What a shame.
Ramya: Why not start a forum of your own after retirement. I shall follow suit when my time comes.
Rekha: Why, won’t I welcome you?
Gopal: What about taking me on board madam.
Rekha: Maybe it’s an idea to court the devil in the fight against the devil.
Sunil: Why tar all men with the same brush even before the complaint is tabled.
Rekha: Miss. Preeti, place the material before the committee.
[Preeti distributes the copies of Nritya’s complaint that they go through in silence.]
Rekha: Let’s first examine the complainant.
[Exit: Preeti.]
[Enter: Nritya followed by Preeti.]
Rekha: Are you Miss. Nritya?
Nritya: Yes, madam.
Rekha: Are you married?
Nritya: No, I’m single.
Rekha: When did you join the company?
Nritya: On 14 March.
Gopal: Oh, it’s hardly a week.
Rekha: In which department are you?
Nritya: In the HRD.
Ramya: What’s your designation?
Nritya: Stenographer.
Ramya: Is it your complaint that Mr. Nayak sought sexual favours from you not to terminate your services.
Nritya: That’s true madam.
Rekha: Was he forthright in his demand?
Nritya: Quite so madam.
Gopal: Is there anyone you can vouch for your allegation.
Nritya: There is no one as he said what he said in his chambers on the day I reported to him. On my complaint I was moved out of the department the next day.
Rekha: Preeti, please ask Mr. Nayak to come in.
[Exit: Preeti.]
[Enter: Nayak followed by Preeti.]
Rekha: Are you Mr. Nayak?
Nayak: Yes, Mrs. Rekha.
Rekha: What are you in the organization?
Nayak: I’m the Head of the HRD.
Ramya: Had Ms. Nritya ever reported to you?
Nayak: Yes, she did.
Ramya: And for how long.
Nayak: Luckily it was a one day ordeal for me.
Margaret: What do you mean by that?
Nayak: Why she was such a pain in the neck.
Rekha: Ms. Nritya complained that you threatened to fire her if she failed to grant you sexual favours. What have you got to say on that?
Nayak: Actually it was she who was warming up to me.
Nritya: He’s lying, the old lecher.
Rekha: Mind your language Miss. Nritya.
Margaret: Mr. Nayak, what was your response to her alleged advances?
Nayak: I didn’t fall for her as she is not my kind of girl.
Nritya: Oh God, he’s adding insult to injury.
Nayak: Miss. Nritya, what was your complaint but a character assassination.
Rekha: Mr. Nayak, the agenda is to go into Nritya’s complaint and not to get into a debate about her appeal to you.
Nayak: I say her devious complaint is devoid of truth.
Rekha: Mr. Nayak, why should Nritya scandalize herself by making a baseless allegation against you?
Nayak: That’s the crux of the matter and the malady of the times. It’s all about overriding ambition to make it big by hook or crook. Miss. Nritya wants to climb up the career ladder fast and furious never mind a slip or two on the moral line. Why in someone so fresh and young, this attitude is quite amazing. Well, I didn’t want to play ball with her as that would have lowered our Hares & Hounds. Worried that I would report against her, she scandalized me before hand. Now it is for the committee to consider the ill affects of having such a lose woman in the company rolls.
[Nritya rushes to a window and jumps out of it. Others too rush to the two windows (at the back of the stage] to peep down.]
Rekha: [Exiting in a hurry] My God, the poor thing could be dead.
Gopal: [Exiting behind Rekha.] It’s all Mr. Nayak’s making.
Nayak: Who expected this? [He sinks his head on the conference table.]
[Exit: Ramya, Preeti and Sunil, all sighing and Margaret, crossing herself.]
[Curtains down.]
Scene – 5
[Curtains up: Partially visible body of Nritya face down (not the head) is seen lying in a pool of blood on the ground. Rekha, Gopal, Ramya, Preeti, Sunil, Margaret are around it with their backs to the audience.]
[Enter: Rakesh hurriedly.]
Rakesh: [Examines Nritya] Oh, she’s dead. What went wrong?
Rekha: Sir, she was upset by Mr. Nayak’s character assassination.
Rakesh: Well, we will deal with that later.
[Rakesh signals to Preeti and as she goes to him, he whispers in her ears (mime)]
[Exit: Preeti.]
[Rakesh takes Rekha aside.]
Rakesh: Mrs. Rekha, I understand you know her sister.
Rekha: Yes Sir.
Rakesh: I know how it hurts you, but [He pauses]
Rekha: Our Company’s reputation is at stake.
Rakesh: I know you are part of it for thirty-five years now.
Rekha: It’s hard on my conscience Sir.
Rakesh: There is no way out for us but to keep quiet.
Rekha: [Keeps mum.]
Rakesh: Why don’t you call up her people?
Rekha: I’ve to shut up to save one and open up to hurt another.
Rakesh: Don’t think the irony is lost on me.
[Rekha moves away from Rakesh into a corner and talks to Navya on her mobile (mime).]
Rakesh: Sunil, why not you call up the cops.
Sunil: Yes Sir.
[Exit: Sunil.]
Rakesh: Gopal, let the guards take care till the cops come.
Gopal: Yes, Sir. [Exit: All of them but Gopal.]
[Curtains down]
Scene - 6
[Curtains up: Split setting of the chambers of the Managing Director, Hares & Hounds Ltd. One third of the stage on the right is Managing Director’s office, in which sits a downcast Nayak. Preeti stands near the Managing Director’s chair with a bunch of papers pertaining to Nritya’s complaint and the related matters. Two thirds of the stage to the left is the visitors’ room with chairs and a centre table.]
[Enter: Rakesh followed by Rekha, Ramya and Margaret. Rakesh goes into his chamber as others sit in the visitors’ room. Preeti hands over the papers she was holding to Rakesh.]
Rakesh: Oh shit, what a mess this is.
Nayak: Sorry Sir, I was out of wits.
Rakesh: Why not own it up and be done with it.
Nayak: Its better I too jump to my death.
Rakesh: Why, to make it worse for us.
Nayak: If I confess, what face I will have to show to my children.
Rakesh: You should have thought about it when you brought it upon yourself.
Nayak: Sir, please Sir.
Rakesh: Preeti, go and shred them right now [He hands over the papers back to her.] No, no, why court trouble for destroying evidence should things go wrong [Takes back the papers and locks them in his drawer.]
[Enter: Sunil and Gopal and join the women in the visitors’ room. Preeti too joins them and Nayak is seen pleading with Rakesh (mime)]
Sunil: Inspector Balram is expected any time now.
Preeti: Boss is mad with Mr. Nayak.
Ramya: But will he go against him?
Rekha: But we will, won’t we?
Margaret: Come out clean and be fair to Nritya’s soul.
Sunil: Why wash our dirty linen in public? Won’t the stink reach your own homes?
Gopal: What if we get fired for spilling the beans?
Rekha: What self-serving arguments. If only some NGO was involved.
Margaret: Why that would’ve cooked Nayak’s’s goose for good.
[Nayak gets up from the chair and folds his hands in gratitude.]
Nayak: Thank you Sir.
Rakesh: But you’ve to put them in the silent mode.
[Nayak goes into the visitors’ room and Rakesh picks up the phone. While Rakesh makes a number of phone calls (mime), Nayak pleads with his colleagues (mime) and Rekha is seen resisting the most (mime).]
[Enter: Inspector Balram in uniform and all fell silent and Nayak retreats into a corner. As Balram takes a look at all those present, Preeti goes up to him]
Balram: I’m Inspector Balram.
Preeti: Please be seated Sir.
Balram: No need for that, I want to see your M.D.
Preeti: Mr. Rakesh is expecting you Sir. Please wait.
[Preeti goes up to Rakesh and announces Balram’s visit (mime) Rakesh goes up to Balram, greets him and leads him into his office (mime). And they take their seats.]
Rakesh: Sorry for the bother Mr. Balram
Balram: Why it’s my duty.
Rakesh: If only there are a few more like you, India would be on top of the world.
Balram: Any way, who pushed her out of the window?
Rakesh: Sir, how can you say that?
Balram: Well, if its suicide, what was the provocation?
Rakesh: We are at a loss ourselves Sir. I thought she had a great future. We’re upset that it should’ve ended that way that too in the office.
Balram: Has anyone witnessed it?
[Rakesh is seen talking to Balram and his gestures suggest that he knew the higher ups in the department. He rings up someone on phone and hands over the receiver to Balram. Balram talks reverentially and gives back the receiver to Rakesh who disconnects the line after expressing his gratitude (mime).]
Balram: I agree the D.I.G is your buddy but would he take the flak if things go wrong. Why not I register it as a case of suspected murder and then see how things shape up.
[Rakesh is seen desperately pleading with Balram to hush up the case while the latter is seen explaining the difficulties involved. Rakesh offers bribe and Balram raises the stakes. In the end Rakesh shakes Balram’s hands.]
Balram: Let me go through the motions.
Rakesh: Why not Sir.
Balram: May I talk to her female colleagues.
Rakesh: You are welcome.
Balram: One by one that is.
[Rakesh goes into the office portion and all flock to him. He talks to them (mime). Rekha goes into the M .D’s chamber. Balram and Rekha are seen talking to each other (mime) and in the end the latter gets up and goes into the visitors’ room. As the others mob Rekha, Ramya goes up to Balram, and the process is repeated with Margaret and Preeti (all in mime). Rakesh goes back into his chamber after Preeti comes out of it.}
Balram: I see you manage your people admirably. But it may not so easy for me with her people.
Rakesh: Why Sir, we’ve covered the costs.
Balram: But there can always be overruns.
Rakesh: If it comes to that won’t I underwrite them.
Balram: Good, let me go to her people and see how the tide turns over there.
Rakesh: Why trouble yourself, her sister is expected any time now. Meanwhile you can savour our coffee.
[Rakesh calls Preeti on the intercom and asks her to fetch them some coffee (mime). Rakesh and Balram chat (mime).]
[Exit: Preeti.]
Gopal: Looks like its smooth sailing for our Nayak.
Sunil: That is if Nritya’s sister won’t puncture the rudder. Would she buy the suicide theory? Who knows she may be privy to what went on in Nayak’s chamber.
Gopal: Why scare him Sir, he’s half dead already.
Sunil: Well, I’m just showing him the danger end and no more.
[Enter: Preeti with two coffee cups in a tray and goes serve Rakesh and Balram. Preeti goes back to her seat. Rakesh and Balram sip coffee from their cups.]
[Enter: Navya in disarray as all watch her she goes up to Rekha.]
Navya: How is Nritya?
Rekha: [She hugs Navya with tears in her eyes.]
Navya: Oh God, where is she take me to her.
Rekha: No dear, you can’t bear the sight.
[Navya becomes unconscious and collapses on the floor.]
[Exit: Preeti to fetch some water as Rekha takes Navya into her lap.]
[Enter: Preeti with a water bottle and she sprinkles some water on Navya’s face. Navya regains her consciousness.]
Navya: Where is her body?
Rekha: The police moved it to the Gandhi Hospital.
Navya: Take me there.
Rekha: Let your husband also come.
[While others try to console Navya (mime) and Preeti goes into Rakesh’s chamber and informs him of the developments (mime). Rakesh comes out of his chamber to see Navya.]
Rakesh: I’m sorry madam.
Navya (Wiping her tears): Oh, how she brought it upon herself.
[Enter: Naveen and a sobbing Navya falls into his hands.]
Navya: Let’s go and see her.
Rakesh: Madam, Inspector Balram is here and he would arrange things.
[Rakesh leads Navya and Naveen into his chamber and introduces them to Balram who receives them by getting up from his chair [mime]. Rakesh motions Navya and Naveen to sit and as they take their seats, Rakesh and Balram too take their seats.]
Balram: It feels sad really.
Navya: [Sobs silently.]
Naveen: I wonder why she should commit suicide.
Rakesh: It’s no good talking ill about the dead but as it involves the life of the living, I’ve to be frank with you. In hindsight I see she has a troubled psyche. Wonder how she mistook Mr. Nayak’s patronizing behaviour as sexual harassment. Why he’s on the wrong side of fifties with a thirty-year-old clean slate. When he tried to set the record straight before the complaints committee, she took it as a personal affront and lost her balance. Devastated by her act, now Mr. Nayak looks on the wrong side of sixties.
Navya: Well, the day I came to know of her complaint, I wanted her to pack up and go home. But she was not to listen.
Rakesh: Maybe, you can throw some light on her private life. Inspector Balram may like to have a word with you. [Rakesh moves to get up from his seat] I better leave you alone.
Balram: Why, you may as well stay.
Rakesh: As you please [He sits back in his chair.]
Balram: Madam, I’ve got to look at her death from all angles.
Navya: I understand Sir.
Balram: Is your sister put up with you?
Navya: She stays in a ladies hostel.
Balram: Was there any domestic discord or was she jilted by someone.
Navya: I don’t think either was the case.
Balram [Gets up]: I understand your loss and we shall investigate the matter. If you come across any information that incites your suspicion, please let me know. [Balram opens his wallet, pulls out his visiting card and hands it over to Naveen.] Please come along to identify the body and to record your statement.
[Exit: Balram with Navya and Naveen seen off by Rakesh. Rakesh talks to Rekha and others (mime).]
[Exit: all except Rakesh. He goes into his chamber and broods over the matter with his head buried in his hands placed on the table. Curtains down]
Scene - 7
[Curtains up: In the Naveen’s drawing room Navya is morose in the sofa. Seven chimes of the clock (not in the scene). At the sound of the door buzzer, Navya gets up and goes to the door.]
Navya: Nice you’ve come.
[Enter: Rekha and Rachana and they shake hands with Navya.]
Rekha: How are your parents?
Navya: They have a long way to go.
Rekha: Well, time is a great healer
Navya: But I wonder whether I could have averted the mishap
Rekha: It’s a case of ifs and buts but you can make a difference to Nrityas in the making.
Rachana: You know madam had resigned on moral grounds.
Rekha: Well, after that immoral silence.
Navya: Looks like it was all pre-destined. What was her barbadi jest but a premonition?
Rachana: What was it about?
Navya: [In tears] When I said she was welcome to being a Hyderabadi, didn’t she joke that it sounded like barbadi.
Rekha: But for her ill-fate, why a decent guy like Nayak should have misbehaved as he did? When I confronted him, he confessed his guilt and expressed regret. I asked him why he behaved out of character; he said that as he is nearing sixty, he began to see the beginning of the end of his sex life. Why, having stuck to his wife all his life; he thought that he missed the thrills on the frill. It was his sense of deprivation that drove him towards Nritya. When I asked him why he pressurized her the day she joined, he said he wanted to overwhelm her without giving her time to think for herself or consult with others.
Navya: Whatever, he got away with it having abetted, didn’t the police close the case once and for all.
Rekha: Since he was not brought to justice, you can say so. But he resigned on his own to atone for his sin.
Navya: Would that bring her back to life?
Rekha: But it won’t take his life forward the way he wanted it to be. Why her tragic death farcically ended his quest for variety before it ever began.
Navya: That’s true. But till Rachana put things in the proper perspective, I was upset that you didn’t stand up and be counted in Nritya’s case.
Rekha: Thank you for your understanding; well I may even say forgiveness. How I pressurized Rakesh not to hush up the case and how Nayak and his wife begged me to relent I only know. Well, I didn’t have it in me what it takes to be on the just side of the dilemma. If only an outsider was in the commute, even if she couldn’t have saved Nritya’s life at least she would have ensured that Nayak got booked for abetting her suicide. If anything, my failure to protect Nritya’s fair name underscores the need for us to form a NGO.
Navya: I am with you in any movement against womanizing at workplace.
Rachana: MAWAW for short.
Navya: Why, it sounds nice.
Rekha: Let it sound a death knell to the errant. [Rekha raises her hand and opens her palms; Navya and Rachana make it high-fives.] But for that, both of you need to familiarize yourselves with men at work on women at work. Navya, you would join Brims & Dregs, producers of major IMFL brands and you, Rachana, Skins & Hides, leather carpet makers. I would sound the concerned at both the firms.
Navya: [Contemplates for a while.] After the Nritya fiasco, Naveen won’t like my working even for a day.
Rekha: Why not I speak to him.
Navya: It won’t help. Well, I never did anything behind his back but for the larger good let us keep it from him.
Rachana: Who would protect us from men as we train ourselves to protect women from them?
Navya: Why it’s our zeal for a cause.
Rachana: To catch men with their pants down.
Rekha: But if you go overboard, they will get away, citing that women run faster with their skirts up than men with their pants down. [All laugh. Curtains down.]
Scene - 8
[Curtains up: Split setting. Right portion is the office chamber of the General Manager, Marketing, Brims & Dregs Ltd. Left portion is the ante-room of the Personnel Assistant. Navya is seated in the ante-room. Intercom rings and she talks on the phone (mime). After she completes the clock (not in the scene) strikes twelve.]
[Enter: Sanjay holding a brief case.]
Navya: Sir, M.D. is looking for you.
Sanjay: That is as I was missing you. Well, connect me to him.
[He walks into his chamber and picks up the phone and is at conversation (mime). Navya goes into his portion with a bunch of papers and having placed them on the table is about to turn back. He gestures her to stay and she sits in a chair opposite to him as he continues on the phone (mime). He disconnects the phone.]
Sanjay: What do you think of the baseline of our corporate ads?
Navya: What is it Sir?
Sanjay: Fill it to the brim and drain it to the dregs.
Navya: Isn’t it apt for liquors.
Sanjay: It’s relevant for the SEWs as well.
Navya: What is that Sir?
Sanjay: Don’t you know I am no Sir Sanjay
Navya: I just said Sir and no more.
Sanjay: Smart, I like it but…
[He gets up, goes to her and bends behind her.]
Sanjay: [Whispers to her.] Don’t you know that Sir to a SEW is Mr. Spent-force
Navya: [Feels uncomfortable] I don’t get you Sir.
Sanjay: [Breathing over her back.]: Why, are you not a sexually experienced woman?
Navya: What you are talking Sir? [She gets up from the chair.]
Sanjay: [Hugs her from behind.] Know it’s your sex-appeal at work.
[Navya wriggles herself out of his hold but Sanjay nudges her back into the chair.]
Navya: Leave me Sir.
Sanjay: Try asking an iron rod to leave a magnetic hole.
[He holds her by her shoulders. She struggles to get up from her chair. He finds a mole on her exposed back.
Sanjay: Navya it’s eureka. Oh, a mole on your back.
Navya: What for you?
Sanjay: Oh, how it fascinates me. Won’t that stand you in good stead? You know what and in which posture to afford you a varied experience.
[She wriggles herself out of his hold and he lets her go. As she moves away from him, he pinches her bottom. She settles down in her seat and shortly thereafter he calls her on the intercom. She goes back into his chambers, he motions her to sit and she does.]
Sanjay: I’m sorry I’ve got carried away.
Navya: It’s okay Sir.
Sanjay: What is okay, my ardour or my apology?
Navya: Don’t you know?
Sanjay: My ardour is never an apology to an amorous dame.
Navya: Why pester a disinterested woman?
Sanjay: What am I to do when I am interested?
Navya: Why woman should give a damn to every Tom, Dick and Harry who comes to fancy her?
Sanjay: Ask any rapist and he would tell you.
Navya: Isn’t it like a thief borrowing from a robber’s lexicon.
Sanjay: Why isn’t it a higher knowledge? It’s the refrain of the rapists that having enjoyed the fare it’s unfair of women to accuse them of rape. As with rape so with the so called sexual harassment, it’s about woman’s inward exhilaration couched by outward indignation. Like rape gets better for woman as it lasts longer, so is the case with the sexual harassment for sure.
Navya: [Gets up] I don’t think neither you are paid to harass me nor I am hired to be harassed by you.
Sanjay: Cool dear. [Sanjay goes up to Navya and gently nudges her into the chair.] If it’s hard this way, I’ll make it soft another way [Lightly brushes her breast and she recoils] but there is nothing really soft about ball games barring the handball that is if it’s not about throwing the ball against the wall. Why, in golf, it gets clubbed before it is nudged into the hole. What a tame end, but hockey is different. It is taken into the D before it is slammed it into the goal, something manly, isn’t it? But how piteous is the ping-pong, at least in tennis, the balls are bigger and get respite. And savage is the squash, what do you say?
Navya: Oh, stop it Sir.
[Navya tries to get up and Sanjay nudges her back into the chair.]
Sanjay: I’m glad you want the balls are handled better than that. Why, volleyball is a via media. A dozen men get to handle the ball and scores of them voyeur. If the dames are at it, two dozen balls get agitated as well. What with those bikinis, won’t the sight get better in the beach volleyball? But it’s the rough and tough rugby that is true to life as it allows men to hug the ball. Wonder how in football it’s a foul to handle the ball. But it’s cricket that is sexy with its field placements like say, no cover, no extra cover while there is a deep gully between two fine legs.
Navya: It’s all foul Sir.
Sanjay: Talk about foul and nothing to beat caroms at it. Why, with four holes to fill, there is no peg on board.
Navya: Stop it Mister. [She gets up]
Sanjay: Well, Sir to Mister is one step closer, isn’t it? Call me Sanjay and we would leap frog to it, won’t we?
Navya: After all, there is a limit. [She goes back to her seat in a huff.]
[Sanjay picks up a note book and begins to sketch Navya and having finished the drawing, he calls her on the intercom (mime). Navya goes back to into Sanjay’s chamber.]
Navya: Yes.
Sanjay: Is Her Ladyship an artist?
Navya: So, if not harassment it should be mocking then.
Sanjay: Given your lovely fingers, I guess you could be one.
Navya: I am not, is it okay?
Sanjay: Still you could be an art lover. [He gives her the sketch book] Judge this one.
Navya: [Holding the sketch book] I take objection to this.
Sanjay: I don’t blame you for that but you won’t be complaining if only you model in nude. How else can I do justice to your figure?
[Navya slowly but deliberately begins to slide her pallu. Sanjay looks at her bulging blouse in heightened anticipation and she holds it back coquettishly. Sanjay goes nearer to her and Navya, feigning to protect her self, puts her hand into her blouse. [She presses the button to stop the recording and then another to start rewinding the tape in the audience view]. Sanjay looks in wonderment as Navya drops her pallu exposing her valley to him.]
Sanjay: What a valley!
Navya: Of your fall.
[Navya pulls out a pocket tape recorder from within her blouse. As Sanjay stands stunned, Navya pulls her pallu back over her blouse. Recovering himself, Sanajy tries to grab the tape recorder from her hand. Navya pushes Sanjay with all her strength and he falls on the floor. Navya plays the tape recorder. Sanjay gets up from the floor and attempts to grab it from her. She runs out of the place leaving him stunned and worried. Curtains down.]
Scene – 9
[Curtains up: Split setting of the office of Skins & Hides Ltd. Cabin of the Finance Manager on the left and the Finance Department on the right. Diwakar is in the cabin with Rachana. Kumar sits in the office portion. Rachana comes out of the cabin and takes her seat at the adjacent table to Kumar’s. The clock (not in the scene) strikes four.
Rachana: How I wish every boss is like our boss.
Kumar: May I know what you saw in him that we failed to see all these years.
Rachana: He doesn’t misbehave with women.
Kumar: What a simpleton you are.
Rachana: It’s no flattering.
Kumar: I think its early days for that [He smiles.]
Rachana: [Though pleased, she tries to hide her feelings.]
Kumar: Once I overheard a conversation between an old woman and a young girl. Well, they were egg vendors at our hostel mess. When the young thing said that boys misbehave with her, the oldie averred they were all nice to her. [Laughs]
Rachana: It’s insulting.
Kumar: What if I say you are terrific.
Rachana: Won’t I complain of harassment?
Kumar: That’s what Deepti did when the boss lost his eyes for her. But the only difference was she carried the complaint to his wife and that was that. Well, he acquired the look of a castrated bull after that. Deepti resigned having had her last laugh but his wife got a couple of surveillance cameras installed in his cabin. I suppose to be doubly sure.
Rachana: Don’t joke.
Kumar: It’s no joke that it pays to report on man’s womanizing ways to his wife. Wonder why women won’t realize that.
Rachana: Give me your wife’s number, just in case.
Kumar: She’s going to welcome your call.
Rachana: But why, if it’s not a joke.
Kumar: You will know when we get close.
Rachana: How clever, incite a woman’s curiosity to induce her to come closer
Kumar: It’s for the woman to choose to be or not to be. But why should I open my life to someone not closer to me.
Rachana: Looks like you are a seasoned hand.
Kumar: I can vouch that I’m thirty-five and no less.
Rachana: I think there is lot that one can learn from you.
Kumar: One needn’t come close to me for that.
[Diwakar talks to Kumar on intercom (mime). Kumar takes the file to Diwakar. Rachana watches Kumar as Diwakar pulls him up [mime] Kumar goes back to his seat.]
Rachana: I could see that boss is annoyed with you.
Kumar: Of what avail being a boss if he won’t pull subordinates for his shortcomings.
Rachana: Maybe he’s jealous.
Kumar: You give me cause to complain.
Rachana: Why do you think so?
Kumar: Is it not inducing womanizing.
Rachana: Jokes apart, what it is all about.
Kumar: Take men as sperms and women as eggs, as you should, and it’s the Sperm-egg Syndrome that governs the male female attitudes. Like hordes of sperms seek a single egg, scores of men chase a desirable woman. As with eggs, so with women, having taken one, they would ignore others. But like an odd egg that lets in multiple sperms, some women revel in multiple partners.
Rachana: What are you suggesting?
Kumar: It’ natural for men to besiege a desirable dame and it’s for her to let the superfluous suitors pass by.
Rachana: Why it’s but shifting the onus on women.
[Diwakar with some files in hand reaches them.]
Diwakar: Kumar hold the fort till I come back. .
Kumar: Yes Sir.
[Exit: Diwakar.]
Kumar: Picking up the threads from where we left them, there was an episode which proves that men are far too ill-equipped to guard against scheming women.
Rachana: What is that?
Kumar: There was a lady clerk in the marketing department who was a past master of soft sell. It was her tactic to let the targeted man know that she was short of money. What with the man perceiving her as vulnerable, she starts flirting with him to begin fleecing him in time. Well, all the while keeping him at an arms length. But were he to tighten his purse strings in frustration, she invites him home insinuating her willingness.
Rachana: What next?
Kumar: When he goes to her in heightened anticipation, she would introduce her mother-in-law who supposedly came on an unscheduled visit. Having proved her intent to grant him, she would fleece him before a couple of repeats give her game away to him. When she picks up a new prey, the wounded keeps mum for fear of being ridiculed. It went on for a year before she was exposed. But before that, she induced Diwakar’s predecessor to sanction a departmental loan of two lakhs and stand guarantee for her. And the matter is in the court now.
Rachana: But who belled the cat.
Kumar: I don’t believe in being boastful.
Rachana: I thought you are a gentleman.
Kumar: What if I’m a ladies man.
Rachana: It’s shameful being a married man.
Kumar: How women bemoan if marriage turns man into half a man.
Rachana: There is no winning an argument with you.
Kumar: Why, you are a wonderful conversationalist.
Rachana: What’s her name?
Kumar: Who’s name, my wife’s or the one I crave.
Kumar: Mind the tense, Mr.?
Kumar: She is ever evocative.
Rachana: Oh, you are impossible.
Kumar: But I do see possibilities.
Rachana: [Smiles.] Won’t the soft-pedaling be harder on women than the hard sell?
Kumar: How am I to know?
Rachana: Wait till I figure it out.
[The clock (not in the scene) strikes five and they get ready to go.]
[Enter: Diwakar and he talks to Kumar and Rachana (mime). He goes into his chamber, picks up his briefcase and lunch box and comes out. Kumar too picks up his briefcase and lunch box while Rachana keeps her lunch boxes in her handbag.]
[Exit: The three of them. Curtains down.]
Scene – 10
[Curtains up: Split setting of the office of Bricks & Bats. In the conference room [right portion] Naveen, Manager, Materials, is deposing before the Complaints Committee on the sexual harassment at the workplace [mime]. In the left portion is Divya.]
[Enter: Navya and goes to the reception desk.]
Navya: Miss, I’m Navya from MAWAH. I would like to meet your Managing Director.
Divya: Well he is out of station and is expected only the next week..
Navya: [Hands over her business card.] I am from a NGO dealing with sexual harassment at the workplace. Maybe I can see the Personnel manager.
Divya: [Divya glances at Navya’s business card.] What a coincidence! Right now the Complaints Committee is hearing a case.
Navya: Oh, really. Is there anyone from a NGO?
Divya: I don’t think so.
Navya: Then why not send my card to the concerned person.
Divya: Let me see if she would like to see you now.
[As Navya is seated in the visitors’ sofa, Divya goes into the conference room with Navya’s business card. When Divya gives the card to the lady heading the complaints committee, she is seen talking to the others [mime] A perplexed Naveen comes out of the conference hall and goes up to Navya.]
Naveen: Believe me, it was all false.
Navya: [surprised.] What is it about?
Naveen: I thought you got wind of Mithuna’s complaint against me.
Navya: So you lead a double life.
Naveen: I’ll explain everything.
Navya: You should have done that before.
Naveen: I didn’t want to upset you dear.
Navya: Now you made it worse for me.
Naveen: Bear with me, I’ll tell them and come.
[As Naveen goes into the conference room, Divya comes out of it. As Naveen explains things to his colleagues [mime] they wear a surprised look. At the same time, Navya is seen talking to Divya [mine]. Even as Naveen comes out of the chamber, Navya storms out of the office. A stunned Naveen follows her. [Curtains down.]
Scene - 11
[Curtains up: In her drawing room that evening, Rekha in serious discussion with Rachana (mime). The clock (not in the scene) strikes six.]
[Enter: Navya (with a suitcase in each hand) with Ranjan and Nrupa]
Rekha: Is it miya bibi jhagada or what?
Navya: It’s no mere jhagada, its jeopardy.
Rachana: Why what happened?
Rekha: Naveen has thrown me into a dilemma.
Rekha: So has Kumar our Rachana.
Navya: Who is that?
Rekha: The Cupid at her office
Navya: Why is it an unrequited love?
Rekha: He’s already married.
Navya: Oh how men mislead women
Rekha: Is Naveen cheating on you or what?
Navya: If that’s the case, I would have been sulking at home hoping that man always comes back to his wife.
Rachana: What then?
Navya: He was harassing a woman at his office.
Rachana: Oh God, I can understand your dilemma. But what’s his version?
Navya: I think his was a partial confession. As coincidences go, he met Mithuna that is her name, on the very day we met. He did admit that he coveted her bowled over by her charms. When he realized she was a flirt, he says that his ardour for her evaporated. But when she shifted gear and began flirting with one and all he saw it was telling upon their performance. Well, the complaints committee upheld his stance that she fixed him as he tried to discipline her and the management fired her.
Rachana: What’s the dilemma then?
Navya: After Nritya affair, I’m not going to believe the verdict of any committee. Why, he would have complained against her when she didn’t yield to his advances. Besides, having put Sanjay on the mat if I let Naveen off the hook, won’t I have to answer to my conscience?
Rekha: Even if he was guilty, what can be done now?
Navya: Why can’t I divorce him to make men realize that womanizing at workplace could be hazardous at home?
Rachana: Don’t be crazy.
Rekha: Why become more Christian than the Christ to ruin your children’s lives. [She takes the nonplussed Ranjan and Nrupa into her arms.]
Navya: Won’t the double jeopardy be doubly deterring for the hopefuls.
Rekha: Don’t be silly and make me feel guilty for radicalizing you.
Navya: Well, after that experience with Sanjay, I am obsessed about fighting against the errant men.
Rekha: I don’t think you have any grounds for divorce at all.
Navya: Maybe but can’t I desert him?
Rekha: What about the children?
Navya: If I can keep them it’s fine. If not I would find meaning to my meaningless life by dedicating myself to the MAWAW.
Rekha: Why not I take you to Lawyer Bhagawan? Rachana also needs to understand the implications of bigamy.
Rachana: I don’t think there is any law against a live-in relationship.
Rekha: What a shame that you want to disturb a woman’s married life.
Rachana: Well everything is fair in love and war.
Navya Why not get acquainted with his wife and take her to a couple of movies of the fifties and sixties. Bet if not you, she would imbibe the spirit of self-sacrifice to make it easy for him
Rekha: Jokes apart, why build castles in the air when you have neither declared your love to him nor he indicated his to you.
Rachana: Madam might recall that love manifests itself in looks much before it gets expressed in words.
Rekha: Let Bhagawan (Looks up to the heavens) judge after Lawyer Bhagawan appraises Him about the law of our land.
[Rekha gets up from her seat followed by Rachana and Navya.]
[Enter: Naveen. Navya instinctively takes hold of Ranjan and Nrupa.]
Naveen: Spoil your life if you must. [He moves towards Ranjan and Nrupa as Navya hugs them closer to her.] I don’t want your stupidity to ruin their lives.
[Naveen tries to take hold of Ranjan and Nrupa and Navya resists him as Rekha and Rachana watch in dismay. A tug of war ensues between Naveen and Navya for the possession of the bewildered Ranjan and Nrupa who alternately cry ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’. Naveen prevails in the end and takes hold of the crying Ranjan and Nrupa and drags them towards the exit.]
Navya: I swear I’ll drag you to the court.
Naveen: Leaving your home, you’ve become lame.
Navya: Wait, I’ll show you what I am
Naveen: What a sight it makes, a lame woman dragging her man to the court.
[Exit: Naveen with Ranjan and Nrupa yelling ‘mummy’.]
Rekha: I think you must bend for your children’s sake.
Navya: Well, I’m more focused than ever. Let’s go to Lawyer Bhagawan.
[Exit: Navya, Rachana and Rekha. Curtains down.]
Scene - 12
[Curtains up: Lawyer Bhagawan’s Office. Bhagawan is at his desk poring over some papers. The clock (not in the scene) strikes seven.]
[Enter: Rekha, Rachana and Navya.]
Bhagawan: Hi Rekha. I’ve read about your MAWAW in The Hindu and wanted to compliment you. Why, work may not kill man but surely it kills his social life.
[Bhagawan asks them to take their seats and as they sit his mobile rings. He checks the caller number and answers the call.]
Bhagawan: I’ve some clients with me. You can come and collect the decree.
[Bhagawan switches off his mobile.]
Rekha: Sorry for barging in with my battalion.
Bhagawan: You know you’re always welcome.
Rekha: Thank you and let me introduce the co-activists of MAWAW. This is Navya [Bhagawan and Navya greet each other] and this is Rachana [Bhagawan and Rachana greet each other].
Bhagawan: Is it about a legal dilemma or a liberal donation. [Bhagawan laughs heartily.]
Rekha: You’ve put an idea into my head. Be MAWAW’s honorary legal advisor.
Bhagawan: Done, I deem it an honour.
Rekha: Thanks a lot. Now we have a twin dilemma, one is about bigamy and another is about divorce.
Bhagawan: Why not we deal with the prosaic before we go to the poetic. Which of these two ladies seeks divorce?
Rekha: Men are men whatever be their calling.
Bhagawan: If not, where’s the charm for women.
[Rekha briefs Bhagawan about Navya’s case (mime)]
Bhagawan: I think you should give him the benefit of doubt.
Navya: I‘ve no doubt about his guilt
Bhagawan: What if Mithuna is a questionable character?
Navya: Lawyer saab , this is no argument in the court.
[Bhagawan pulls out three case files and places before them. Navya reads one and her colour changes. Rekha and Rachana too peruse one each.]
Rachana: [Exclaims.] Oh, it’s our company’s suit against Mithuna. Without taking her name, Kumar told me about her.
Bhagawan: How do you know him?
Rachana: He’s my boss.
Bhagawan: And he’s my client.
Rekha: The world is small indeed and the other side of the sexual coin is no less ugly
Navya: [Holds Bhagawan’s hand.] If not for you, it would have been a certain ruin for me.
Bhagawan: It’s all God’s will.
Navya: Let me go and apologize to Naveen. [She gets up from her chair.]
Rekha: Why not ask him to drive down. He can be here before you can persuade some autowallah to take you home.
Navya: Not a bad idea. Lend me your cell
[Rekha gives her mobile to Navya. Navya goes to a corner and talks to Naveen on the mobile (mime).]
[Enter: Kumar. He is surprised to see Rachana in profile.]
Bhagawan: Think about the devil…
[Rachana turns her head in all curiosity and rises from her seat surprised.]
Kumar: I hope Ms. Rachana has no brief for an original suit against me.
Bhagawan: Why you have picked up the legal jargon as well.
Kumar: Am I not in the right company on a wrong issue.
Bhagawan: [Handing over a document to Kumar] Now you are free to set right your life.
Kumar: I owe it to you really. I am sure if not for you; I would have been in the limbo till the very end.
[Kumar opens his briefcase and having placed the document in it pulls out his bank cheque book. He signs a leaf, puts the cheque book in the briefcase and closes it. Kumar gives the cheque to Bhagawan]
Bhagawan: Why a blank cheque?
Kumar: Just to show my boundless gratitude within my limited bank balance.
Bhagawan: [Embraces Kumar.]You touched me like no other client. I wish your next wife would see life from the right side of it. [Bhagawan checks himself] Oh, I’ve got carried away. I am sorry for breaching the client confidentiality.
Kumar: Why blame your emotional involvement that ended my marital stalemate.
Rekha [Goes up to Kumar.]: I’m Rekha. I want to have a word with you.
Kumar: Welcome, if it’s not platitude.
Rekha: I want to play a matchmaker.
[Rachana’s face brightens up and readily she becomes tense.]
Kumar: Thank you. I shall give you my resume.
Rekha: I have it from Rachana underscored with love.
Kumar: [Goes up to Rachana with apparent joy.] Will you accept my love and lead me in life.
Rachana: If only you vow not to put your charms at work on the women at work, ever.
Rekha [to Rachana]: But before that you pledge to work against men at work on women at work
Rachana: Only against men unfairly at work.
Bhagawan: [in jest.] Shall I get the affidavits ready for both of you to sign?
Navya: Why forget me. Don’t I need an affidavit affirming trust in my man?
Rekha: With a rider that mischief in the office can misfire at home.
[Rekha receives a call on her mobile and she nods in agreement as she talks (mime).]
Rekha: It’s about a complaint at Tits & Tats for MAWAW to get cracking.
[The clock (not in the scene) strikes eight.]
Bhagawan: Why it sounds good tidings for MAWAW.
Rekha: And bad omen for men at work on women at work.
[Enter: Naveen with Ranjan and Nrupa. Navya rushes to Naveen while Ranjan and Nrupa run to Navya. Naveen hugs Navya and she holds Ranjan and Nrupa on either side. Curtains down.]
Castle of Despair -
A stage play
Dramatis Personae:
Rajiv: Forty year old businessman.
Ramya: Rajiv’s thirty-five-year-old wife.
Deva: Rajiv’s thirty-five-year old businessman friend
Divya: Deva’s thirty year old wife and Ramya’s close friend.
Rau: Forty year old lawyer and Rajiv’s long lost friend.
Inspector Slesha: Rau’s thirty-year old wife.
Nayak: Fifty-year-old lawyer and Rajiv’s friend.
Raju: Forty-five year-old Bank Manager and a friend of Rajiv.
Dr. Aslam: The Rajivs’ fifty-five year old family physician.
Rangaiah: The sixty-five year old servant at the Rajivs’ house.
Scene – 1
[Curtains Up: The Rajivs’ well-furnished drawing room at the right side with an adjoining bedroom on the left side. A backside opening in the drawing room connects the rest of the backstage bungalow. Rangaiah is seen in the drawing room dusting the furniture.]
[Enter: Rajiv with briefcase in one hand and cell phone in the other tucked to the ear.]
Rajiv: Rangaiah, has Bank Manager Raju called on the landline?
Rangaiah: No, Rajiv babu .
Rajiv: Is Ramya at home?
Rangaiah: No babu , she has gone out with Divya beti.
[Rangaiah goes backstage and Rajiv continues to redial on the cell phone. Rangaiah returns with a glass of water that Rajiv takes.]
Rangaiah: You know you are more than my lost son to me.
Rajiv: Don’t I feel free with you than I was with my father? Why, you are a confident of sorts to me from childhood. But why do we need to vouch for all that now?
Rangaiah: If you don’t get angry I want to say something.
Rajiv: What’s holding you?
Rangaiah: I’m scared of the new Rajiv babu in you.
Rajiv: What do you mean?
Rangaiah: I see you are a changed man all charged up for the pipes project. What’s the need for you to bother about it being a landlord yourself? Moreover, you have a flourishing steel business as well. You know how uncomfortable Ramya beti is about your obsession.
Rajiv: Rangaiah, you are living in a world that time had left behind and Ramya is unable to step into the new one despite my pushing and prodding. Nowadays landlords are passé and businessmen still carry the shopkeeper tag. Industry is the in-thing but its dog- eats- the-dog out there. Realize that the gentleman of leisure your late master was is a dead species now.
[Enter: Raju with his briefcase.]
Raju: Sorry Rajiv.
Rajiv: Raju,I was really mad with you. Ask Rangaiah if you don’t believe me.
[Rangaiah greets Raju and goes backstage.]
Rajiv: You were not at the bank and your cell is ever engaged.
Raju: I couldn’t call you to tell about the summons from my zonal office. There was no way anyway. You know how a call from our zonal manager sends us into jitters. Oh, the way he hauls us over the coals right in front of our subordinates! What a nasty fellow!
Rajiv: Don’t we all know that its man’s frustration at home giving vent to itself at the workplace.
Raju: Seems so from what is rumoured about his wife. More to the point, even as he let me go after a good dressing down, my wife took over on my way here. Why, this damned cell phone could be the brainchild of a nagging wife. But as the Hyderabadi road sense is no less scary, self-driving is not a sensible option either.
Rajiv: Isn’t the bumper-to-bumper on the road as unending as the red tape in your bank. Won’t my year-old application for term loan prove that?
Raju: You know I’m only a clog in an inertial wheel.
[Enter: Rangaiah with elachi chai for them.]
Rajiv: Why not get a little momentum now.
[They both begin to sip the beverage.]
Raju: Wah Taj!
Rangaiah: Saab , its Ramya beti’s recipe as you know .
Raju [to Rajiv]: So, Ramya is a good teacher as well.
Rajiv: Besides being a strict wife that is.
Raju: Without wife for a jockey, a man can’t run life’s course. That’s for sure. Is she not at home now ?
Rajiv: She went out with Divya for some shopping. What a compelling attraction shopping has for women, more so, window shopping.
Raju: Why a window-shopping wife is any day better than a nagging one.
[Rangaiah collects the tea cups and goes backstage.]
Rajiv: But why all this dodging. You know I’m dying to ground my project. You promised to get back to me by this evening, didn’t you?
Raju: To make the long story short, your pipes project might remain your pipedream forever.
Rajiv: But why?
Raju: They feel it’s like facilitating the delivery of a white elephant for my nursing.
Rajiv: Someone must be mad over there.
Raju: Well, to borrow from cricketer Mohinder Amarnath, they are a bunch of jokers anyway. Leave alone the mega term-loan for your proposed venture; they are dodgy about measly working capital to a profit-making unit!
Rajiv: How would that help me anyway?
Raju: Eureka! Why not I borrow from the prodding of the courts for out-of-court settlements?
Rajiv: Enough of borrowing my friend as the topic is about lending.
Raju: Oh, if only you are a little less impatient and our people have a little more alacrity. Of what avail is working capital once his unit becomes sick?
Rajiv: Is it your idea that I should wait to pick up that sick unit or what?
Raju: I’ve a much healthier mind than you may like to credit me with. What if you lay a pipeline to his oil unit with the margin money of your proposed venture for mutual benefit? Besides being sensible it sounds nice, doesn’t it?
Rajiv: You know I want to be an industrialist and not a money lender.
Raju: Be patient for once. What’s your problem if he takes you as a partner? Won’t that open the doors for some future projects of your own?
Rajiv: Instead, why not I take over the unit? Won’t your bank facilitate that?
Raju: But why should he sell it to you?
Rajiv: To follow suit, let me borrow from Casanova.
Raju: I suppose the topic is not about sexual exploits. Looks like you want to delve into it taking advantage of your wife’s absence.
Rajiv: Jokes apart, I tell you he had a better grasp of life being a playboy than you guys have of money being bankers.
Raju: Is it so?
Rajiv: During one of his sojourns, he had for co-lodgers a poor widow and her three daughters. Seeing him dole out money to all and sundry, when the hapless woman had gone to him to make up leeway, he sought as barter the charms of her eldest daughter.
Raju: What an indecent proposal!
Rajiv: Protest she did but to no avail. Why he was all logic, cold logic you may say. Whatever be his charity, he reasoned it out with her, it wouldn’t last forever and before long she would have to approach other men for succor. Well, their line would be no different from his and her response too could be the same. But for how long was the question. It was only time before she would lose hold on her daughters’ chastity. When push would come to shove at some future time, won’t she let them grant their final favour to someone or the other? That being the case, he said, why should he not be the lucky guy?
Raju: What an abominable fellow he was!
Rajiv: I don’t think so.
Raju: Well!
Rajiv: Lest she should mistake his character, he clarified that he wouldn’t have attached any strings if her daughters were plain looking.
Raju: Didn’t she spit on him thrice over in spite of that?
Rajiv: Well, she let him have her eldest one and he had the other two on his own.
Raju: Isn’t it an exploitation of the meanest kind!
Rajiv: Why, it’s life’s reality of the ironic kind. Logically seen, it’s very sound, but sentimentally approached, it’s all fury. Whatever, can’t you visualize the parallel?
Raju: I do see but as you know I won’t approve of it.
Rajiv: So be it. By the way, who’s the guy we were talking about?
Raju: He’s Sampath one of my valued clients.
Rajiv: What’s his background like?
Raju: Why bother about that when you are averse to my proposal?
Rajiv: How do you know he won’t be interested in my proposal?
Raju: Well who knows, ask Nayak who also happens to be his lawyer.
Rajiv: Whatever, don’t lose track of my application.
Raju: Don’t I owe it to my clients to pursue their cases. Now it’s time I attended to Rani’s errand. I will see your wife sometime later.
Ramya (voice over): Why don’t you come in Divya?
Divya (voice over): No, Ramya, Deva would have reached home by now. See you tomorrow, bye.
Ramya (voice over): Bye.
[Enter: Ramya.]
Ramya: Hi Raju garu , how is Rani?
Raju: She’s fine at my account and expense that is.
Ramya: Oh, all you men! Are you not worse for it when it comes to portraying the better-half as the worst-half?
Rajiv: But with the honourable exception of His Exalted Obedience.
Raju: Well, Her Exalted Eminence would be waiting for me, good night.
Ramya: Tell her Divya and I will soon catch up with her. Good night.
Rajiv: Good night.
[Exit: Raju as Rajiv sees him off. Ramya goes into the bedroom.]
[Curtains down.]
Scene - 2
[Curtains Up: The Rajivs’ drawing room and the adjacent bedroom.]
[Enter: An excited Rajiv into the drawing room yelling for Ramya. He drops his briefcase on the sofa and goes into the bedroom in search of her. Not finding her there, he goes backstage, yelling for her.]
Ramya (voice over): Why, what’s wrong with you?
Rajiv (voice over): That’s the problem with you middle-aged women.
Ramya (voice over): Okay baba , what has turned my old boy into a horny lad now? [Pause] Rajiv, don’t be mad.
[Rajiv, carrying a demure Ramya in his hands, comes out of the backstage and goes into the bedroom. He drops her in the bed and then draws her towards himself.]
Ramya: Wait until dark.
Rajiv: Is not sex the physical manifestation of emotional expression? Why, it’s the barrier-less bearer of man’s inner impulses.
[Lights are off as Rajiv cuddles with Ramya.]
[Lights are on as Ramya rearranges her dress.]
Ramya: If only we can turn the clock back?
Rajiv: What a thought when it’s time to leap frog in life.
Ramya: Beware of a fall dear.
Rajiv: Why not start a course in the art of pessimistic living. Just as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has his following, you’re sure to have your share of fame. Never mind my predicament as a celebrity’s husband.
Ramya: Be serious, your obsession to advance has become a drag on my life.
Rajiv: Relax Ramya; I’ve got a grip on the lifeline to success, almost that is.
Ramya: Looks like you are riding a bigger horse than ever.
Rajiv: It could as well be a carriage of four for the empress of my heart.
Ramya: And our Ravi the heir apparent to your industrial empire in the making. Why not summon him back from the States leaving his course in M.S. mid-course. Oh, my dream merchant, you give me nightmares really.
Rajiv: Let Nayak come to set your mind at rest.
Ramya: Why talk in circles?
[Rajiv leads her into the drawing room, opens the briefcase and pulls out a document and gives it to her.]
Ramya: What’s this?
Rajiv: Game changer.
[Ramya goes through the document.]
Ramya: Who is this Mr. Sampath by the way?
Rajiv: He’s a technocrat, a good one I may say, but with very little business sense.
Ramya: So he has put his unit up for sale, is it?
Rajiv: Well, not yet. It’s my idea to make him do that.
Ramya: But how!
Rajiv [pointing to the document]: By signing on the dotted line.
Ramya: Why should he sell his hatta katta unit to you? What wishful thinking!
Rajiv: It was nothing short of a miracle that he came thus far, in spite of the banker’s lending hand that is. He’s hard up for funds to run the unit and the financial stress is bound to make him wind up the show any time now. Won’t I grab that and proceed.
Ramya: Enough of this wild goose chase, I long to go back to our laid back times. You know I’m getting sick of you and your devious ways for quick bucks. Haven’t you inherited enough to last our lifetime and more? You’re not doing any badly either at your business. What could be a better setting for leading a contented life? Why this urge for more and more of the moolah?
Rajiv: Don’t you see this could be the document of our destiny?
Ramya: Or a pathway for frustration.
Rajiv: Wonder why you always sing a sluggish tune forgetting there is a woman behind every successful man?
Ramya: Maybe, to push him into the cesspool of greed only to find him dragging her along.
Rajiv: Isn’t it silly to dub the hard-nosed as greedy?
Ramya: Why, eying what is not your due is plain greedy, isn’t it?
Rajiv: The world doesn’t care how you make your money but weighs you with the moolah you have. Well, it’s the credo of the dull to deride success one way or the other.
Ramya: God save you, if you have one.
Rajiv: Don’t you know God helps those who help themselves.
Ramya: Isn’t it also said that those whom Gods want to destroy they make mad.
Rajiv: Besides your beauty nothing makes me madder than your madness.
Ramya: Don’t you know I’m mad with you because I love you?
[Enter: Nayak ushered in by Rangaiah. Rangaiah goes backstage.]
[Nayak greets Rajiv and Ramya, they greet him in turn.]
Rajiv: I thought you would bring Mr. Samapath along with you.
Nayak: I’ll come to that later. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting for too long. Blame it upon the hazards of our haphazard traffic.
Ramya: Don’t we, Hyderabadies learn to live with the pregnant traffic ever?
Rajiv [winks at Ramya]: Of what avail is an ever pregnant wife, what do you say?
Ramya: Is it a plea for bigamy? [Turns to Nayak] What do you say lawyer garu ?
Nayak: I recall a limerick about the trial of a man who had three wives. When the judge had asked him, why three, the guy said, one is impossible, bigamy, sir, is a crime.’
Ramya [to Nayak]: What about having on hand my plaint for divorce?
Nayak: Won’t my conflict of interest rule that out.
Ramya: That is in spite of the notorious double tongue.
Nayak: Isn’t it a professional hazard? But I can put you to Rau.
Rajiv: You mean my class fellow Rau! Is he still going round the courts in his worn-out black coat?
Nayak: Soon he’s going to be sworn in as a judge of the Delhi High Court.
Rajiv: What, Rau, a high court judge, are you joking.
Nayak: Why, even as he was growing intellectually all the while, you got stuck in your belief that you had outgrown him.
Rajiv: Why didn’t you tell me before?
Nayak: Is your role model of success a low profile lawyer on the right side of justice?
[Rangaiah brings some tea for them.]
Rajiv: If it’s all merit well and good but if it’s a case of political pull God help mother justice. Rangaiah, don’t you recall my friend Rau who was always in our house, now he’s going to be a high court judge.
Rangaiah: Don’t I know you were closest to each other. Oh how you used to gossip in the name of combined study. I’m sure he remembers me too. Why don’t you invite him home?
Rajiv: Who knows he might put on airs now. Well, we will see. [Turns to Nayak] Have you got Mr. Sampath around? I’ve readied the agreement to be signed and sealed.
[Rajiv shows the document to Nayak who keeps it aside without going through the same.]
Nayak: Honestly, I didn’t have the heart to tell him to sell his unit to you. Don’t I know what he had to endure to realize his dream? But why did you raise the bar?
Rajiv: To lower the risk.
Nayak: What risk do you run by the way?
Rajiv: I don’t see the partnership on offer working out for me in the long run.
Nayak: Why it’s a win win deal for you in the short as well as the long run. I wonder why you fail to see it that way and wish I had the money myself.
Ramya: Why any doubt! It’s all fair and square whichever way one may look at it.
Nayak: Rajiv, it pays for man to go by the wifely instincts, won’t it?
Rajiv: But its no romantic matter is it? Why talk about a distant future in an uncertain life. If it comes to bargaining, it’s ten percent over its fair market value and I’ll let him keep his job by doubling his salary. What can be a better incentive than that?
Nayak: No denying if it were to be a distress sale. But as he is desperate to run the show, I asked him to try his luck with Deva.
Rajiv: What a double-cross it is Nayak? Having sent Sampath to deal with Deva, you’ve come to see my defeat, isn’t it? But mind you, being my chela, Deva won’t fall for the bait. He knows how keen I am about this.
Nayak: Sorry, you got it all wrong Rajiv. I could have conveyed Sampath’s mind to you over phone itself. But I’ve come here only to make your disappointment less hard to digest. Well, if my memory serves me right its Musil who said that life becomes unimaginably confused when we think of ourselves but it becomes very simple when we think in terms of helping others.
Rajiv: Maybe that’s the philosophy for philanthropists but do realize businessmen are made of a sterner stuff. I hope you would agree that I will find it hard to forgive you.
[Rajiv goes into the bedroom and lies on the bed.]
[Exit: Nayak leaving a perplexed Ramya.]
Ramya: Life becomes unimaginably confused when we think of ourselves but it becomes very simple when we think in terms of helping others. Oh, how beautifully said. Well, would Rajiv ever realize that?
[Curtains down.]
Scene – 3
[Curtains Up: A morose Rajiv and a concerned Ramya in their drawing room.]
Ramya: Since there is no word from Deva, maybe all is not lost.
Rajiv: My worry is not about Deva. I’m only wondering how to bring Sampath around.
Ramya: After all, it’s another day. Won’t a little give and take sort this out?
Rajiv: Do you want me to walk the halfway street all my life.
Ramya: What can be done when life bars one from its highways?
Rajiv: Why not take a detour to destiny?
Ramya: Its better that you stick to the road of contentment.
Rajiv: I’m sick and tired of you and your sermons. Won’t the so-called contented deride success from their rooftops of inadequacy. What hypocrisy, sour grapes. Scratch their surface and you will find layers of limitations. That’s why contentment is nothing but conceding ones’ limitations.
[Ramya answers an incoming call on her cell phone.]
Ramya: Hi Divya?
Divya (voice over): Are you at home.
Ramya: Very much, what’s the matter?
Divya (voice over): We’ve something to tell you.
Ramya: Missed your periods or what?
Divya (voice over): You know its no more do ya teen but ek ya do .
Ramya: After gems of twins, you don’t need any more, do you?
[Switching off the phone, Ramya turns to Rajiv.]
Rajiv: So, my chela has snubbed Sampath. It would serve Nayak as well.
Ramya: Chela or not, Deva is a gem.
Rajiv: Why, you always side with him.
Ramya: Because I find him sensible.
Rajiv: Why not say he’s your contented classmate?
Ramya: So be it but why forget Divya. Are they any losers?
[Enter: Deva and Divya.]
Rajiv: Don’t you look buoyed?
Divya: Is it so? I thought I’ve taken it in my stride.
Rajiv: What’s up your sleeve anyway?
Deva: So to say, it’s no more than your leavings.
Rajiv: Why talk in circles?
Deva: It’s about Sampath’s offer.
Rajiv: Don’t you know I am not yet through with it?
Deva: But Nayak said you were not for it!
Rajiv: Why didn’t you check up with me?
Deva: Nayak is your own man, isn’t he?
Rajiv: So are you, aren’t you?
Deva: Why doubt?
Rajiv: But still you undermine me, don’t you?
Deva: No. I just want to sail on a deserted ship.
Rajiv: You thought I’m naïve to miss the voyage myself.
Deva: Maybe you’ve a different agenda.
Rajiv: Why don’t you say I’m a grabber?
Ramya: What happened to you Rajiv? Won’t you stop now?
Rajiv: Didn’t you hear me tell Nayak that Deva wouldn’t go against me. Won’t he have the last laugh? Oh what would he think of me now? A boastful bastard at the very least, isn’t it? [Turns to Deva] You know I always believed you are my own man. How could you let me down?
Deva: Had you told me, I would’ve dropped the deal like a hot brick.
Rajiv: don’t you know loyalty is not begged.
Ramya: Is it his fault that you took him for granted.
Deva [to Rajiv]: I will stand by you if you get right back into the act.
Rajiv: Unless you tell him you are out of it, he’s no fool to come around to me.
Deva: Why not go by his terms. I think he’s more than reasonable.
Rajiv: So you think I’m unreasonable, don’t you?
Deva: Rajiv for God’s sake why not sort it out with him and be done with it.
Rajiv: Is it that you don’t want to let it go on your own?
Deva: Why don’t you understand? Won’t I lose my face if I backtrack now?
Rajiv: Don’t you owe it to me to save my face, though late?
Deva: Yes my friend, but not at the cost of my credibility.
Rajiv: Why don’t you say you don’t want to lose the bonanza?
Deva: If it were the case, why didn’t you grab it in the first place?
Rajiv: Because I couldn’t foresee you stabbing in my back.
Divya: Oh, how could you be so unkind to him!
Ramya: Rajiv, you’re being petty really.
Rajiv: Et tu, Ramya. What an unkindly cut from my wife in support of another man.
Deva: Divya, let’s go before we make it worse for her.
Ramya: What is left for him to shame me more?
Rajiv: You would know after they leave. [Turns to Deva] If only you had shown half the concern to your friend as you bear to his wife, things wouldn’t have come to this pass.
[Exit: Deva and Divya followed by Ramya.]
[Rajiv goes to the backstage.]
Ramya (voice over): Sorry Deva, it’s just his pique at work and it would pass.
Deva (voice over): Ramya, let’s leave it at that. Good night.
Ramya (voice over): Good night Deva.
[Rajiv reappears with a Whisky bottle, a water bottle and a glass tumbler.]
[Rajiv begins to mix his drink.]
Divya (voice over): Ramya, see you tomorrow. Good night.
Ramya (voice over): Bye Divya.
[Enter: Ramya and walks past Rajiv.]
Rajiv: Isn’t it strange that you’re less concerned about your husband than about his friend?
Ramya: You don’t seem to know how insane you’ve become.
[Ramya goes into the bedroom and Rajiv continues to drink in the drawing room.]
[Curtains down.]
Scene - 4
[Curtains up: Rajiv and Ramya are in deep sleep in their bedroom.]
[The alarm clock strikes twelve times, Ramya gets up languidly and goes backstage. Shortly thereafter, she returns with a cup of coffee and goes up to Rajiv.]
Ramya [at the entrance to the bedroom]: Bed coffee, hot coffee for a hothead.
[As Rajiv doesn’t stir, Ramya keeps the coffee cup on a side table. She sits on the cot beside Rajiv.]
Ramya: Get up man.
[Rajiv doesn’t respond. Ramya prods at him and realizes he is dead.]
Ramya: Oh, how sad he has died before he could find his lost soul. But could he have redeemed it had he lived any longer? Unlikely, isn’t it? Its better he died than lived on to abuse my life more than ever.
[Ramya makes a few calls on her cell phone (mime). Then she clings on to Rajiv’s body and yells for Rangaiah.]
[Enter: Rangaiah.]
Ramya: See how he has orphaned me!
[Rangaiah feels Rajiv’s body and breaks down.]
Rangaiah: How sad, babu has died so young.
Ramya: Am I not worse off being widowed so young?
Rangaiah: Why so beti, won’t Deva babu take care of you?
Ramya: We’ll come to that later but let’s move the body out of my bedroom.
[Ramya and Rangaiah manage to lay the body in the drawing room. Rangaiah spreads a white bedspread over it.]
Rangaiah: Oh the poor master has lost his life and he won’t be raising from the dead either.
Ramya: Get lost; do you expect me to do a sati with him or what?
[Enter: Deva and Divya.]
[They rush towards Ramya. Divya takes Ramya into her arms. Ramya sinks into Divya’s lap and Deva caresses Ramya.]
Deva [to Ramya]: Oh the way he was cut up with both of us.
Divya: But how did the end come?
Deva: Dr. Aslam would be able to tell us. Has anyone informed him?
Ramya: Why, I called him. Don’t we need a death certificate now? I told Nayak to come as well to find out if Rajiv had left any will.
[Enter: Dr. Aslam and Nayak one after the other.]
[Dr. Aslam examines Rajiv’s body and closes its eyes.]
Divya: What went wrong with him Doctor saab?
Dr. Aslam: Looks like it’s a stroke.
Deva: Without a warning that is!
Dr. Aslam: Why I had been warning him not to pump himself with his faulty success pump all the time. But sadly he wouldn’t listen. Why, the mantra of our time is to fast-fruit life before age ripens it. In a way, he lost his way in life much before death has snatched it away from him.
Divya: Maybe it’s true with every life, doctor.
Nayak: More or less, yes, but it’s truer with people like Rajiv who place success above all else. Why they even shut out all that is associated with their early life believing they had outgrown their humble beginnings. Losing their life’s moorings thus, they allow themselves to marooned by bogus characters. But there are honourable exceptions. Why, didn’t bandit Valmiki become sage Valmiki?
Dr. Aslam: How come?
Nayak: It’s a cultural question that’s understandable. When the bandit accosted some saintly soul who it was I don’t know, well it’s a cultural dilution of the day, the good man asked the bad guy to ascertain from his family members whether they were prepared to share his sins. To the bandit’s shock and dismay, everyone of his family, including his wife, refused to share the sins of his banditry, the source of their livelihood! And that turned the bandit into a sage poet who bestowed Ramayana to the world of letters.
Dr. Aslam: Nothing surprising about it really as intellectual growth makes man ever humbler. The problem with man is he mistakes his bulging bank balances as a sign of his outgrowing his humble friends.
Ramya: Sadly Rajiv was a victim of that myopic of success.
[Exit: Nayak, Dr. Aslam and Rangaiah.]
Divya: Had he lived, maybe he would have repented.
Ramya: Do you honestly believe that he could have?
Divya: I’m not sure but what if he had died out of remorse.
Ramya: It’s unlikely the way he had behaved only yesterday.
Divya: Well, of what use it is talking about the dead.
Ramya [to Divya]: That’s true. Won’t you make some coffee for us?
[Divya goes backstage.]
Ramya: You know he died believing I’m in love with you?
Deva: But is it so?
Ramya: [clutching at Deva’s arm]: Don’t you know?
Deva: Maybe, but I didn’t believe I could be so fortunate.
Ramya [sinking into his arms]: And now?
Deva [hugging her]: I can’t rejoice more.
Ramya: Don’t we owe it to him for making our dreams come true?
[Deva reaches out to her lips.]
[Curtains down.]
Scene - 5
[Curtains up: Ramya in the bedroom and Rajiv in the drawing room sofa both lay asleep.]
[Rajiv wakes up in a trance seemingly perturbed. He looks up at the wall clock.]
Rajiv: Oh God, it’s nearing six! Don’t they say early morning dreams come true?
[He goes into the bedroom to wake up Ramya.]
Ramya [drowsily]: What’s the matter?
Rajiv: What a dreadful dream!
Ramya: What’s new about it?
Rajiv: It’s a bad omen.
Ramya: O ho, damn superstitions.
[Ramya fails to get up, Rajiv moves into the drawing room after a good stare at her even as Rangaiah enters with a broom.]
Rangaiah: What’s wrong Rajiv babu ?
Rajiv: I had a dreadful dream.
Rangaiah: Rajiv babu, are you not upset at the unexpected developments.
Rajiv: What happened to my life Rangaiah? It’s as if it has turned on its head all of a sudden. Oh, how I started snubbing Rau after our graduation and gave him enough hints that I had outgrown him? And imagine, he’s going to be a high court judge now! Still I would have held my industrial head high enough for him had I got my project grounded or took hold of Sampath’s unit. Since it’s not the case and as Nayak is bound to carry my failure to Rau, won’t he have a hearty laugh at my expense?
Rangaiah: Rajiv babu , are you not stretching things too far. Who knows, Rau babu may not be a fishing- in-the-troubled waters type.
Rajiv: Rangaiah, because you are a simpleton you think everyone is like you. Oh, how I’ve lost my face with Nayak and allowed Rau to have his last laugh. Why, is it not owing to Deva’s betrayal? Oh, how he had shamed me. Won’t I pay him back in the same coin? But how is the question. [He pauses to think] Why not hurt him where it hurts most.
Rangaiah: Don’t get carried away by your hurt Rajiv babu . I’m really worried as I recall that incident when you were at Rau babu’s throat for befriending Ravi whom you used to hate no end. It was only by chance that I could save him in the nick of time.
Rajiv: Now it’s worse than that, isn’t it?
[The bedroom alarm clock rings six times. Ramya gets up and goes into the drawing room.]
Rangaiah: I’m worried more for that.
[Exit: Rangaiah as Ramya walks up to Rajiv.]
Ramya: What’s troubling you? Is that your dream or what?
Rajiv: Hasn’t my life become a joke for you?
Ramya: Why do you hurt yourself?
Rajiv: Why should I when you are at it anyway.
Ramya: How am I hurting you?
Rajiv: Maybe, that dream has only portrayed my premonition.
Rajiv: What’s that?
[Rajiv keeps mum though Ramya repeatedly asks him to tell her what was bothering him.]
Ramya: Why it can’t be a delirium born out of your failed dream?
Rajiv: Can a wife be more insensitive than that to her husband’s concerns?
Ramya: Why not I fetch some coffee to ease your nerves a little.
[Ramya goes backstage.]
Rajiv: Oh, how I loved her? What an artful bitch she has turned out to be. What a devoted ass of a husband I am! And what a cheating whore of a wife she is? Oh God, why this to me! What I’ve been missing being faithful to her? Well, dames by their dozen. What a tragedy really!
[Ramya returns with some coffee for them. She offers him one cup but he doesn’t take it. Keeping the cups on the teapoy, she sits beside him to soothe him. But he gets up and she catches him by his arm.]
Ramya: Why are you being so childish?
[Rajiv keeps mum.]
Ramya: Be a man and be done with it.
Rajiv: Don’t you see you disgust me?
Ramya: But why?
Rajiv: Don’t act innocent.
Ramya: What do you mean by that?
Rajiv: Why, are you not churlish?
Ramya: Me, churlish!
Rajiv: Why doubt.
Ramya: Mind it; I’m no mirror image of yours.
Rajiv: Enough of your high-mindedness.
Ramya: What madness!
Rajiv: Is it any worse than artfulness?
Ramya: Me, artful. Any more compliments?
Rajiv: If only you drop your veil I’ll tell you more about you.
[Ramya pauses being perplexed.]
Rajiv: You don’t want me to see your ugly moles and hideous warts, do you?
Ramya: What is there for me to hide from you?
Rajiv: You should know that better, don’t you?
Ramya: Oh me, what are you aiming at?
Rajiv: That which you’ve been hiding from me all along.
Ramya: What is that?
Rajiv: Don’t you know it yourself?
Ramya: Why beat around the bush?
Rajiv: It’s better than carrying-on behind my back, isn’t it?
Ramya: What did you say! me carrying-on behind your back?
Rajiv: Is it news to you?
Ramya: So, our life has come to this pass.
Rajiv: Because I was naïve to your ways with that Deva fellow.
Ramya: I knew you are a big dreamer and a bad loser but never could I imagine you are such a nasty character. Perhaps I should have guessed. Oh! how I wasted my life with you.
Rajiv: Why waste more of it?
Ramya: Maybe you are right for once.
Rajiv: Having been wronged for long that is.
[Exit: Ramya in a huff.]
Rajiv: She didn’t look guilty, did she? But can she deny that she has a soft spot for Deva? Oh how he has become the bane of my life by first charming my wife and then hijacking my agenda. What if in her fit of anger she turns to Rau for legal counsel. Won’t that double the ridicule? What an accursed fate that had brought him into my life! Don’t I owe it to me to avenge myself upon him?
[Enter: Divya seeking Ramya.]
Divya [to Rajiv]: Hi.
Rajiv: Hi.
[Divya goes backstage.]
[Rajiv hails for Rangaiah.]
[Enter: Rangaiah as Divya returns.]
Divya: Where is Ramya?
Rajiv: Wait, I’ll tell you. [Turns to Rangaiah] Go and fetch her.
Rangaiah: Babu she didn’t tell me where she was going.
Rajiv: Why, she must be with one of the women in the colony. [Turns to Divya] Can’t you make a guess?
[Rangaiah lingers on at the exit.]
Divya: Why spoil her party; I’ll come later.
Rajiv: But I want to detain you for a while. [Turns to Rangaiah] What’s holding you up?
[Exit: Rangaiah.]
Divya: What’s the matter?
Rajiv: You first tell me what you thought about me the other day.
Divya: Why, you were so nasty with Deva, more so with Ramya.
Rajiv: Did you ever think why I behaved the way I behaved.
Divya: Why, I thought you couldn’t digest the prospect of Deva’s progress.
Rajiv: So you got it all wrong and I can’t fault you for that.
Divya: What else then?
Rajiv: It was only a trigger to vent my ire at both of them.
Divya: Why any ill-feeling at all!
Rajiv: Do you expect me to rejoice for being cuckolded.
Divya: What nonsense?
Rajiv: Right now they would be in each others’ arms, I don’t know where.
[Divya remains mum.]
Rajiv: Won’t that make some sense at least for them?
Divya: Do you want me to swallow that rubbish?
Rajiv: Don’t you see my misery unable to digest that?
Divya: Maybe you are imagining things. Don’t I know you are not well?
Rajiv: Do you think my grief itself is imaginary?
Divya: You surprise me really.
Rajiv: So was I when I caught them in the act.
Divya: But still…
Rajiv: If I let you catch your man with my wife, would that do?
Divya: Won’t I be shamed no end then?
Rajiv: Having endured the ordeal, I can tell you what it would be like. It would be worse than you can ever imagine what it might feel like.
Divya: I can understand [she takes his arm] I’m sorry really.
Rajiv [holding her arm]: What a relief your empathy gives me. [He rests his head on her shoulder] Won’t you give me you shoulder to cry over?
Divya [caressing his head]: Can’t I share your agony being in the same boat?
Rajiv [hugging her]: Dear, let us weather out the storm together.
[As Rajiv tries to take Divya into his arms, she smoothly withdraws from him.]
Rajiv: What a pity even a woman can’t hold her pity for a cuckold for long.
Divya [taking his hand]: Please don’t hurt yourself with self-pity.
Rajiv [holding her hand]: Divya please, I need your understanding to get over her deceit?
Divya: You can count on that.
Rajiv: When the tragedy sinks in you, don’t you crave for a lover’s solace?
Divya: I am too dazed to visualize that.
Rajiv: Why don’t’ you see the mirror image of your hurt soul in my wretched bosom?
[Divya stares at him long and hard. He gently forces her into the bedroom even as she protests.]
Divya: No Rajiv, no, please, leave me.
Rajiv: Believe me; I’ll die if you deny.
Divya: Oh, it’s not fair.
Rajiv: Is it fair to deny us our solace.
[Rajiv forces himself on Divya.]
[Lights go off to indicate the impending act as he forces himself upon her.]
[Enter: Ramya as lights are switched on.]
[Ramya goes straight into the bedroom as Rajiv was about to make it into the drawing room. Once in, Ramya finds a distraught Divya rearranging her dress. Divya sinks into Ramya’s arms.]
Ramya: Oh, how come?
Divya: Why, haven’t you brought it upon me?
Ramya: What do you mean?
Divya: Are you not carrying on with Deva?
Ramya: Don’t be crazy.
Divya: Don’t you know Rajiv is mad about it.
Ramya: He may be imagining things or worse still…
Divya: I tried to console him and he forced himself upon me.
Ramya: You must be a fool to have believed him.
Divya: Why is it not true?
Ramya: Never, I swear upon you.
Divya: But his manner made me believe him.
Ramya: Don’t I seem sincere to you?
[Divya looks into Ramya’s eyes.]
Divya: Oh, if only I’ve had more faith in you, I wouldn’t have allowed myself to be tricked by him.
Ramya: Aren’t we women, besides being human.
Divya: Oh what a cheat he turned out to be!
Ramya: I didn’t know he could play act too.
Divya: But for his wiles, I would’ve resisted him more vigorously than I did.
Ramya: Don’t I understand that?
Divya: What an irony that truth should deprive me of some solace though perverse. And now I am worse off for the reality, am I not?
Ramya: It’s one of those ironies of truth.
Divya: Oh, why did the devil enter into his head to ruin my life?
Ramya: Well, it was all along lurking behind his ambitious wings. What with his greed baring it, it came to the fore. Didn’t we all see that yesterday?
Divya: Damn the devil but how can I face Deva now?
Ramya: Dear, treat it as a bad dream and let life take over for time to dissipate the distress. I can understand how difficult it could be, but for Deva’s sake, you must put all this behind.
Divya: I’ll try, but whatever happens, promise you stand by me.
[Ramya hugs Divya.]
Ramya: I’m yours dear, more than ever.
Divya: Now I really feel easy.
[Ramya caresses and kisses Divya before she goes to Rajiv.]
Ramya: If you carry your villainy any farther, I myself will end your accursed life.
Rajiv: Ramya, please listen.
[Ramya goes behind the stage and comes out with two suitcases that she keeps in the drawing room. She goes into the bedroom and comes out with Divya.]
Rajiv [holds Divya’s hand]: I’m really sorry, forgive me if you can.
Ramya [pushes Rajiv]: Leave us alone.
[Ramya and Divya pick up a suitcase each.]
[Exit: Ramya and Divya leaving Rajiv.]
[Curtains down.]
Scene - 6
[Curtains Up: In the drawing room Rajiv looks lost.]
[Enter: Rangaiah with an envelope.]
Rangaiah: Rajiv babu someone gave it for you.
[Rajiv tears open the envelope and starts reading the letter aloud]
You would have realized by now that all is over between us bar divorcing. My new found advocate who happens to be your long lost friend would call on you to discuss the terms of separation. I hope he would find you sensible for once.
Once yours,
Rajiv: See Rangaiah, your Ramya beti wants to divorce me. What’s worse she has engaged Rau as her lawyer to rub some salt on my wounded psyche. Oh how gleefully he would have taken her vakalat to upstage me . So, the one I slighted once is going to put me in the dock now. Can life get more ironical than that!
Rangaiah: I can’t believe that babu . There is something that doesn’t meet the eye here.
Rajiv: Whatever, didn’t I bring it upon myself? When did I lose my way in life? Could it be when I began to think I outgrew Rau? Oh how I took it for granted that he could be living somewhere in the wilderness of life suffering from an inferiority complex. How I was to know that fate would bring us together to let him catch me on the wrong foot! What a mess I’ve made of my life!
[Sound of the calling bell.]
[Exit: Rangaiah only to readily return.]
[Rangaiah talks to Rajiv (mime) and Rajiv’s colour changes.]
[Exit: Rangaiah as Rajiv goes to the entrance with apprehension.]
[Enter: Slesha in vardi with a baton in her hand. She pulls out her ID card from her shirt pocket and flashes it.]
Slesha: I’m Inspector Slesha.
Rajiv: What brings you here Inspector?
Slesha: Investigation into a rape case.
[Rajiv is shocked but he quickly recovers.]
Rajiv: How can I help you madam?
Slesha: By giving truthful answers to my questions.
Rajiv: Of course, you can count on that.
Slesha: Do you know Ms. Divya?
Rajiv: Why not, she’s my friend Deva’s wife.
Slesha: She has accused you of raping her.
Rajiv: Oh God. How could it be!
Slesha: That’s beside the point, isn’t it?
Rajiv: Don’t you see I’m shocked no end?
Slesha: Why it’s apparent from the beginning.
Rajiv: How it can be different when the police come knocking at the door.
Slesha: The alarm of the guilty and the anxiety of the accused don’t look alike, do they?
Rajiv: How am I to know that?
Slesha: You would know when I begin my interrogation.
Rajiv: I’m no expert in these matters but I hear I can have my lawyer on hand.
Slesha: Besides the law, I don’t mind suffering your lawyer’s presence.
[Rajiv tries to call Nayak on his cell phone but the line is ever engaged.]
Rajiv: Don’t you think in use phones measure the ongoing gossip in society.
Slesha: By any chance, is your wife a gossiping type?
Rajiv: One may say she’s a gospel type.
[Enter: Rangaiah]
[Rangaiah hands over a business card and tells Rajiv that Rau had come to see him (mime).]
Rajiv: Think of the devil and here it comes. Would you please excuse me for a moment?
[Slesha nods her assent.]
[Exit: Rajiv with Rangaiah.]
Rajiv (voice over): Congrats Rau my old boy! Let me take a hard look at the justice in the making. Why, you haven’t changed a wee bit really! Why, I would’ve recognized you in a crowd. Though I’m expecting you, it’s Godsend in a way. I’m in a soup right now, well, not the one your client is brewing for me. Won’t you help me for old-time’s sake?
Rau (voice over): Why, what’s the other bother?
Rajiv (voice over): I can be booked for rape anytime now.
Rau (voice over): Oh God, but how come!
Rajiv (voice over): I’ll tell you but first help me see the back of my tormentor.
[Enter: Rau (in lawyer’s suit) led by Rajiv.]
Rau [to Slesha]: You here!
Rajiv: Do you know her!
Rau: Well, as much as a man would know his wife, no more and no less.
Rajiv: Nothing is truer than fact being stranger than fiction, isn’t it?
Slesha: Maybe, but can I take it Mr. Rajiv, that you’ve engaged a lawyer in advance anticipating the complaint?
Rajiv: Come on Inspector, you know that’s not the case. Wouldn’t you know that your husband and I haven’t seen each other for ages?
Slesha: Lawyer garu, is it such a coincidence that you come to see your long lost friend when I’m acting on a complaint of rape against him!
Rau: So what?
Slesha: How does that answers my question?
Rau: What if it doesn’t?
Slesha: Don’t you know criminal investigation warrants citizens’ cooperation?
Rau: I came to see him at his wife’s behest.
Slesha: Is it for negotiating the terms of separation?
Rau: I can’t satisfy your curiosity as it’s a matter of client confidentiality.
Slesha: We will come to that later. [Turns to Rajiv] I would like to talk to your wife.
Rajiv: She’s not at home.
Slesha: Can’t I guess that much. Where is she now?
Rajiv: I don’t know about it myself.
Slesha: So, the plot thickens even more, isn’t it? Is it possible that after raping your friend’s wife, you had murdered yours to eliminate the witness to your crime?
Rau: Inspector, don’t let your imagination run amuck. Know she’s very much alive and kicking.
Slesha: Put her on the line then.
[Rau pulls out his cell phone and Slesha on a second thought stops him in his tracks.]
Slesha: I want Mr. Rajiv to talk to her on his cell.
Rau: What’s the hitch if I contact her myself?
Slesha: I’ve my reasons for wanting him to do that.
[Rajiv tries to contact Ramya on his cell phone but she doesn’t answer his calls.]
Slesha: Don’t I see, she’s not receiving your calls. Why this estrangement?
Rau: An unanswered telephone call is no proof of a marital discord.
Slesha: What if she’s cut up with him because of the alleged rape.
Rau: It’s for the police to find that out, isn’t it? But I expect you to respect my client’s right for silence on this issue.
Slesha: Dear lawyer garu , habits seem to die hard. Why put the cart before the horse. Don’t you know the matter is still under investigation and is yet to be committed to trial? [Turning to Rajiv] Is your wife estranged from you because you had raped Ms. Divya?
Rau: When he didn’t even admit to the alleged rape, your question doesn’t brook an answer, does it?
Slesha: Oh I see. But he can guess nevertheless?
Rau: But guesswork makes no evidence, does it?
Slesha [turns to Rajiv]: Do you admit to your estrangement?
Rajiv: It’s just a storm in our marital teacup.
Slesha: What was the cause of it?
[Rajiv contemplates for an answer.]
Rau: Why not elicit that from Ramya? I can ask her to come now.
Slesha [checking up with her wristwatch]: Ask her how long it would take her.
[Rau makes contact with Ramya and talks to her (mime).]
Rau: She said she would be here in half an hour.
Slesha [to Rajiv]: Meanwhile, I would like to go over the alleged crime scene. Do you insist on a search warrant?
Rajiv: Please, I’ve nothing to hide anyway.
[Slesha goes into the bedroom leaving Rajiv and Rau. While Slesha was at work in the bedroom Rajiv and Rau deliberate.]
Rajiv: If not for you, I wouldn’t have any respite from your wife.
Rau: It’s just a case of lawyer’s instincts at work and no more.
Rajiv: Maybe it’s a straw but it still carries hope, does it not?
Rau: I’m sorry I can’t be of much help to you. Don’t you see my wife hasn’t finished as yet and your wife too has some unfinished business with you?
Rajiv: I know I’ve no right to expect either.
Rau: But still, for old time’s sake, I’ll get you an ace lawyer to handle the rape case.
Rajiv: Don’t bother about that as I am seeing life in a fresh light. Why, the worst of fates cannot be worse than my wasted past. If only I could relive my past, I would never lose a friend like you at the threshold of life? I know it’s neither here nor there but whatever comes now, I’ll take it in my stride rather stoically.
[As Slesha joins them with a folded bedspread in her hand, Rau’s cell phone rings and he answers the call (mime).]
Rau: Ramya says she got stuck in a traffic jam.
Slesha: Oh damn it; I’ve only half an hour to spare.
Rau: What if she calls on you later?
Slesha: No, let her wait here for me.
Rau: My client may not prefer that.
Slesha: Is it okay if we meet here in two hours from now?
Rau: That gives me time to brief her about the developments.
Slesha: Oh the way you lawyers help your clients is nothing but unlawful.
Rau: Whatever, it’s permissible under the law, isn’t it?
Slesha: When was it a policewoman won an argument with a lawyer husband?
Rau: Well, on your cue, I’ll make it with my client.
Slesha: By the way, Mr. Rajiv, did you realize that you haven’t denied Ms. Divya’s accusation?
[Exit: Slesha and Rau leaving Rajiv in contemplation.]
[Curtains down.]
Scene - 7
[Curtains Up: Rajiv in disarray in the drawing room. After a short while Rangaiah brings some tea from the backstage.]
Rajiv: Rangaiah, what a quick fall after a slow raise! Or is it a slow fall from a stable life? Whatever, it was my ambition that has undone me. No, it was my greed that was the culprit. Well, aren’t ambition and greed the two sides of the coin of success? So what difference does that make anyway, either way? How my quest for success made me mean to bring about my ruin in the end? How Ramya used to caution me against it by counseling contentment. If only I paid heed to her ardent pleas, my life wouldn’t have come to this sorry pass. Didn’t Rau condescend to descend at my comeuppance? Or am I still wearing my blinkers for failing to see his empathy for me?
[Rajiv begins to sip from the cup.]
Rangaiah: Rajiv babu, my sixth sense tells me that all would end well
Rajiv: But is it not clear I’m going to end up in jail. How am I to live with my guilt and bear the shame as well? Maybe it could be different with Ramya’s support? Now that she has chosen to unyoke her life from mine, how am I to endure the terminal pains for the rest of my life?
Rangaiah: Once Ramya beti notices the change in you everything would change.
Rajiv: But sadly I’ve pushed her beyond the point of no return. More than my abominable offence, the deceitful way in which I had committed it might have broken her heart.
Rangaiah: I don’t know why but I’m still hopeful.
[Exit: Rangaiah.]
[Rajiv in contemplation paces up and down the room for a while and settles at the desk and pens a letter and reads it aloud.]
“Dear Divya
Oh how fate had contrived with my ambition to make you a victim of my pique. What irony that I should’ve felt robbed by Deva when I was myself trying to loot Sampath! What perversion to hurt you to redress my own hurt. That’s the ironic tragedy of my final fall!
It pains me even more that I failed to give a thought to what Nayak said only a few days back. Didn’t he tell someone had felt that life becomes unimaginably confused when we think of ourselves but it becomes very simple when we think in terms of helping others? Now that I missed out on life, what death would hold for me? Why wouldn’t it become simpler if I were to erase someone else’s shame through it? Won’t my end help the two women I had wronged begin life afresh? It would for sure. Isn’t the very thought impelling me to embrace death.
I suggest that you too should see the past in a fresh light. Why feel humiliated thinking about the old fiend who had hurt you. Why not let the pristine soul of the dead Rajiv elevate your life. Well, to begin with, it may seem hard to believe but if you dwell upon the difference, it would be easy to grasp the nuances of it.Forget the old fiend and forgive the new soul for denying you. Rajiv.”
[Rajiv hails for Rangaiah]
[Enter: Rangaiah. Rajiv wants him to deliver it to Divya (mime).]
[Exit: Rangaiah with the letter. Rajiv paces up and down and ensures that Rangaiah had left the place. He was about to enter the bedroom.]
[Enter: Ramya and Rau and Rajiv turns back.]
Rajiv: Ramya, you may relieve Rau as any way I’m going to release you. Well, my trial is over in my court of conscience and I need your pardon as I undergo the punishment.
Ramya: It’s easier asked than given. How is your change of heart going to redress my hurt and her shame? Whatever, I’m at a loss to react to your self-discovery after ruining three lives including yours. I wonder how I can help you rebuild your life when the next fourteen years of it is going to be behind the bars.
Rau: Not if you withdraw your plaint, I can take up his case to ensure that he walks out a free man at the first hearing itself. Why, his confession to Slesha is worthy of the court dustbin and no more. Any district court lawyer would make out a case of consensual sex given the familiarity the family friendship had bred.
Rajiv: Oh stop it my friend. I was mad to violate her chastity but I won’t be mean to slur her character to save my skin.
Rau: So be it if you are prepared to spend your life in jail losing your wife as well.
Rajiv: So what. If Ramya forgives me, won’t my penitence in jail make our reunion sublime in the end?
Ramya: That only means you want me to languish as your chaste wife all the while.
Rajiv: I’m sorry; I’ve failed to see it from your point of view.
[Rajiv goes into the bedroom and locks the door. Ramya and Rau suspecting the untoward frantically knock at the door and plead with him to come out (mime). Rajiv pulls out the revolver from underneath the bed.]
[Enter: Slesha.]
[She takes out the bullets from her shirt pocket and shows them to Ramya and Rau. Rajiv comes out of the bedroom and sees the bullets in Slesha’s hand.]
Rajiv: Oh what a life that won’t let me die even. Why am I not dying out of shame having been caught in the act?
Slesha: Why, from the look of you I knew you would push yourself over the precipice and so I had emptied the cartridge.
Rajiv: If only you could have visualized the impending joy of dying in my face as I clicked the revolver, I’m sure you wouldn’t have tried to stop me from dying.
Slesha: Can’t I feel your misery from the pain I see in you now.
Rajiv: Believe me, the pain you see is but the loss of that joy. If only you could grasp my soul, you would get the essence of my mind. The thought that my death would make it easier for the two women I had hurt made me rejoice at the threshold of death. But having stopped me from dying, you had only made life difficult for them and me as well. Aren’t you guilty on both the counts?
Slesha: Far from it. You would have died leaving your poor image for an obituary. Why not live to better that before death visits you on its own. As for Ramya, she would’ve lived in guilt for pushing you over the precipice. With you gone how would Divya have the joy of forgiving.
Rajiv: By losing Rau and by extension you, oh, how I’ve missed my life all these years.
Slesha: By striving to build the castle of despair for you and your spouse ending up in debasing your friend’s wife.
[Enter: Divya with the letter in her hand rushes in with Rangaiah. Rangaiah holds Rajiv’s hand as Divya leads Ramya and Slesha into the bedroom and shows them the letter. They talk to each other (mime).]
Rangaiah: I lost a son when I was still young and can I lose another when I am old. Why didn’t you think of me Rajiv babu ?
Rajiv: Rangaiah, what do you expect from a man who couldn’t even think of himself. Thank our Rau’s wife that I’m still alive.
Rangaiah [to Rau]: Rau babu , I want to live in the old days during the last days of my life. I’m glad you’ve as good a wife as Rajiv babu has.
Rau: Thank you for your abiding affection and the good opinion about Slesha.
Rajiv I’m glad my wife made such a difference to your life.
Rajiv: Now it’s left for your client to remain a convict’s wife or not.
Rau: Let me talk to her.
[Rau joins Slesha, Ramya and Divya. Slesha talks to him (mime).]
Rau: Wonder how the play had developed beyond the script! Oh how life came up with a bigger plan than our little one to put sense into Rajiv’s wayward head.
[Rau accompanied by the three women rejoins Rajiv and Rangaiah.]
Ramya: Isn’t it said that to err is human but to forgive is divine.
[As Divya gives his hand to Rajiv, he embraces Ramya.]
Rajiv: Thank you both, it feels like beginning life afresh.
[Enter: Deva.]
[Rajiv turns sad all again and others too are surprised. In turn, Deva looks questioningly at Slesha in police uniform and Rau in his lawyer’s dress. Ramya begins introductions by holding Slesha.]
Ramya: Isn’t it ladies first? Meet Inspector Slesha Rau my childhood playmate [She
looks at a surprised Rajiv] and this is lawyer Rau, Slesha’s husband and Rajiv’s lost and found friend. And this is Deva our family friend.
Slesha [to Rajiv]: We met only the other day when she came seeking Rau’s counsel.
Rajiv: I take it that you are Godsend to help me pull down my castle of despair.
Deva [to Rajiv]: Don’t I smell the scent of enlightenment. What better time to say sorry to you.
Rajiv: Deva, you don’t know how ashamed I am. [He turns emotional.]
Ramya: Deva can understand, calm down dear.
[Ramya leads Rajiv into the bedroom.]
[Rau and Slesha engage Deva (mime) as Divya looks on.]
Ramya: Don’t make it worse for them with your confession. I’ve seen to it that
Divya has kept it to herself. All this drama is Rau’s idea to shake you up from your slumber of success.
Rajiv: Oh, how he made me even humbler than ever.
[Rajiv and Ramya join the others in the drawing room. Rajiv goes to Rau and Slesha to hold their hands in gratitude and then turns to Deva.]
Rajiv: Deva please help me treat the Sampath episode as a bad dream.
Deva: Let bygones be bygones. You may deal with him whichever way you choose.
Rajiv: No Deva, don’t I know now how treacherous success is? Oh, how it changes its goal post whenever one is at a striking distance from it. I envy you for wanting to quit the rat race before it could ruin your life.
Rau: Why blame success when the fault lies in the way we approach it. Haven’t you heard Emerson’s success quote that’s a hit on the net?
Rajiv: No, what is that?
Rau: Among other things, he feels that to know even one life has breathed easier because you’ve lived is to have succeeded.
Ramya: Oh, to hear it said itself feels so nice.Slesha: I’m proud to say he has tasted success many times over.Rau: Thank you for your high praise. But that’s beside the point I am making. I suggest that Rajiv and Deva join hands with Sampath to help build that fledgling unit to contribute to our country’s economy. It’s not about the generation of wealth that one should be skeptical about. It is the way the rich spend money that should bother the sane minded. For instance, it’s one thing to build bigger and better workplaces and another to do the same for personal ostentation.Deva [to Rajiv]: What do you say now?Rajiv: Still I would leave Mr. Sampath to your care. With Ramya, I would like to find our way for personal fulfillment through social enrichment.Rau: Best of luck to all of you.
Ramya [to Rajiv]: I’m happy you’ve realized humility is the essence of life.
Rajiv: And that wife is the scent of it.
Rau: Why not, if a man is upright in this topsy-turvy world, much of the credit for that should go to his wife. Rajiv: On that note, let it be my privilege to propose vote of thanks to the good Samaritans, my eminent friend Rau and his worthy spouse Slesha for the beneficial roles played by them in the drama of my chequered life. [Rangaiah and others clap as the audience joins them with Rajiv.]
A love on Hold - A radio play
INT – It’s the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Shamshabad in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. That winter evening, Sekhar was waiting to receive Pratap, his childhood friend and classmate, settled in the U.S.A.
SFX – Soundtrack of Airport activity such as the announcements of the flight schedules, the take-off and landing of the aircraft.
EXT - The exit point of the ‘arrivals’ section is crowded with people waiting to welcome their relatives, friends or visitors among the incoming passengers.
SFX - Buzz of the motor cars bringing in more people and the sound of the car doors being slammed. The passengers begin appearing at the exit and those in waiting hail their names.
SEKHAR: Hi, Pratap.
PRATAP: Hi, Sekhar.
SFX - Buzz of an aircraft taking off.
SEKHAR: (OFF) Raju bring the vehicle. (PAUSE) Mother India welcomes its prodigal son.
PRATAP: Let me see what’s in her lap for me.
SEKHAR: What else but love and warmth.
PRATAP: If only that’s in tune with my longing.
SEKHAR: What you’ve got to long for here. Why, you never bothered to contact any of us all these years.
PRATAP: That I’ll tell you.
SEKHAR: Only me.
PRATAP: Who else is interested?
SEKHAR: Vimala your old flame.
PRATAP: She lost her man it seems.
SEKHAR: That’s a year-old tragedy.
PRATAP: Of my week-long knowledge.
SEKHAR: How did you come to know about it? I don’t know of any you’re in touch with.
PRATAP: It was by chance that I’ve heard somebody talk about the tragedy at a gathering.
SEKHAR: Oh, your empathy at work. So, it’s flattered to be deceived.
PRATAP: I plead guilty.
SEKHAR: No need to be apologetic. It’s in jest.
PRATAP: It’s just the catalyst. (PAUSE) How’s she, the poor thing?
SEKHAR: She’s gotten over it.
PRATAP: I’m glad to hear that.
SEKHAR: Our guys at Amalapuram want you there.
PRATAP: I’m flattered really.
SEKHAR: Without being so, I’m glad you’ve made it at last.
PRATAP: After twenty years that is.
SEKHAR: It’s a long time in our short life.
PRATAP: Dragging time in a drab life.
SEKHAR: Be serious; tell me all about your life.
PRATAP: Want to be done with me here and now.
SEKHAR: Count on me till you’re done with Vimala.
SFX – It’s a roar of an aircraft take-off followed by the sound of a car coming to its screeching halt.
PRATAP: So, what I see confirms what I’ve heard.
SEKHAR: What’s that?
PRATAP: This world class airport and your first rate sedan. Are they not in tune with the ‘emerging India’ buzz?
SFX - The car doors are slammed thrice followed by the sound of the speeding car.
SEKHAR: You deserter, you took the first flight to the U.S. when India was in dire stairs.
PRATAP: Why blame me for not wanting to sink in our socialistic mire. Who did foresee then that our own P.V. would clean up the things with his reform broom? Tell me if you know a soothsayer who had predicted. I want to consult him.
SEKHAR: Is it for a prediction about the U.S. recession?
PRATAP: Don’t think the U.S. is only about materialism. I’m altruistic in my quest for a zest-filled life.
SEKHAR: What’s up your sleeve?
PRATAP: You hold the key now.
SEKHAR: Why did you hold-up all these years?
PRATAP: What do you want to know first, the reason for my inaction or the cause of action?
SEKHAR: Let’s get into action…
PRATAP: In Vimala’s reflection.
SEKHAR: Oh! The old flame still singes.
PRATAP: It’s nothing cut and dry about it Sekhar. It’s all mixed impulses and hazy emotions. My initial impulse was of a childhood friend, I wanted to share her grief. Then my love on hold came to the fore. I’ve here to explore know not what.
SEKHAR: In the shadow of her widowhood.
PRATAP: Has she lost much, you know what.
SEKHAR: What if and if not.
PRATAP: Don’t tell me you don’t know how it matters.
SEKHAR: What if she’s balloon like.
PRATAP: Sadly, it would be a platonic retreat.
SEKHAR: I know but …
PRATAP: It’s not fair I press you for her statistics.
SEKHAR: I too don’t see her statistically.
PRATAP: One competitor less, isn’t it?
SEKHAR: So you presume she inspires.
PRATAP: Oh, don’t kill me, tell me …
SEKHAR: You can ask my wife, her cousin of sorts.
PRATAP: Why didn’t you tell that before?
SEKHAR: It’s like the pot calling the kettle black. You didn’t think of me all these years and you expect me to remember you had a crush on Vimala which is history now.
PRATAP: With her too?
SEKHAR: How am I to know?
PRATAP: Okay baba , come to the point.
SEKHAR: She’s no less a Liz Hurley herself.
PRATAP: Oh, you’ve an update on middle-aged women.
SEKHAR: Without eyeing them (V.O. a car horn)
PRATAP: Now I’m full of hope.
SEKHAR: Is it because I don’t eye her.
PRATAP: What about other possibilities.
SEKHAR: With a widow you mean.
PRATAP: Partly right but I’m single to boot.
SEKHAR: I’ve heard you married an American.
PRATAP: We were divorced for ages.
SEKHAR: But still, I’ve to discourage you.
PRATAP: Why, she wants to be forever wedded to her husband’s memory or what?
SEKHAR: She’s not the one to live in the past any way.
PRATAP: Then what’s the hitch?
SEKHAR: It’s her daughter.
PRATAP: Why should she be a hurdle?
SEKHAR: Its emotional stagnation my boy, India is not sexually modern.
PRATAP: What is she doing?
SEKHAR: M.B.B.S pre-final.
PRATAP: I’m glad Vimala would see herself in her daughter as a doctor. What’s her name?
SEKHAR: Prati.
PRATAP: (OFF) Pratap and Prati, sound similar, don’t they?
SEKHAR: What are you thinking about?
PRATAP: Oh, what dreams Vimala had of becoming a doctor? I had a hard time consoling her when she missed the bus.
SEKHAR: Well, I don’t know. So you were closer than we thought you were. But still, she may not like to hurt her daughter’s future. If she ties up with you, her daughter’s marriage would be jeopardized.
PRATAP: Damn the cultural prejudices. How they make life materially complex.
SEKHAR: Don’t lose heart; love hath its way, more often than not.
PRATAP: With your pushing and prodding, hope it leads us to the altar.
SEKHAR: So that I’ll do the décor. Well, I’ve booked for you in the Krishna Oberoi, but still I prefer you stayed with me.
PRATAP: It’s okay that way.
SEKHAR: With my wife and son having gone to my in-laws place. PRATAP: What a shame! I didn’t enquire about Vijaya and Suresh.
SEKHAR: Understandable preoccupation, isn’t it? For the record, Suresh is doing his M.B.A program in the Central University here.
SFX - Their car drives into the corridor of the Krishna Oberoi. Sekhar and Pratap come out of the car as the latter’s luggage was picked up by the chauffeur.
EXT - Sekhar and Pratap and go up to the reception at the Krishna Oberoi and the receptionist allots Room No. 303 to Pratap. The hotel attendant transports the luggage as the friends go up to the elevator. Once out of the elevator at the third floor, they all reach Room No. 303.
INT – The attendant opens the door and Pratap and Sekhar go in. As the attendant leaves the room, the friends settle down.
b/g – Sound track of classical instrumental music.
PRATAP: Oh, what a hotel.
SEKHAR: They say it’s the best.
PRATAP: To begin the stay with Glenfiddich.
SEKHAR: Welcome toast from a U.S. citizen
SFX - Setting the table for a drink and the creaking sound of breaking the seal of Glenfiddich bottle. Clinking sound of glass as the friends set out to drink.
PRATAP: Cheers to Mera Bharat Mahan.
SEKHAR: Cheers to P.V the P.M. who made it possible.
PRATAP: Why disjoint the mind Manmohan Sing?
SEKHAR: What to cheer about him now?
SEKHAR: Means you’re not up to date. P.V’s chela is now Sonia’s chamcha.
PRATAP: Politics can wait tell me all about you.
SEKHAR: Why the protocol of a hypocrite. Let’s begin with Vimala.
PRATAP: Oh, you.
SEKHAR: Enough of close to the chest, show your love-card.
PRATAP: Printed in the press of Sarat’s Devadas.
SEKHAR: The classic of an unfulfilled love.
PRATAP: Pending the ending, our life had run the fictional course as we grew up together. Like Devadas and Parvathi we too became fond of each other and to the same affect. Vimala’s dad said no, I got into depression and my uncle too me to the U.S. Devadas embraced Bacchus but I latched on to Mammon. But our beloveds got glued to their respective spouses. Now the story seems to fork. Devadas might’ve died unfulfilled but I’ve a possibility, of possession.
SEKHAR: Is there a Chandramukhi you had spurned?
PRATAP: If I were Devadas, I wouldn’t have been a stupid to slight such a lover.
SEKHAR: But you married any way.
PRATAP: My wife failed me emotionally and I dulled the pain with materialistic malady.
SEKHAR: If I’m not curious ….
PRATAP: Martha is her name and no faulting her. Why, she had her own expectations of life. We were childless, but that was not the hitch. Well, there is a price to pay for the so-called progress. And that’s interesting. What the primitive man could’ve expected from life than food and sex. Maybe they were better off for that.
SEKHAR: Better off or worse off, what’s life without progress. What more we had than a girl’s furtive glance in our teens? See now, every fool has a girl friend. Oh, how I wish we were teens these days.
PRATAP: But still parents remain spoilers.
SEKHAR: At least not in the educated classes. Thank the laws; they are scared of saying no for the fear of being booked.
PRATAP: What of women’s lib?
SEKHAR: Why, Vimala wears her bindi. She says husband’s death can’t take away woman’s birth rights.
PRATAP: A mate is a birth right too.
SEKHAR: But I told you the hurdle is her daughter.
PRATAP: I’m sure we can get her around.
SEKHAR: It’s hard as it is and ….
PRATAP: It’s as if you’re again it.
SEKHAR: You may know Vimala doesn’t share our materialistic ethos. If you marry her by miracle, you may not stick together for long. She would never cross our shores and you can’t remain fish out of water here.
PRATAP: Maybe so, but let me see what life has in store for us.
SEKHAR: I don’t see any scope for hope. You want to get into her ex’s shoes. But Bhadru walked his life only in sandals, that too as an Engineer in the Department of Roads and Buildings. Bribe is more of a norm there than exception.
PRATAP: I heard he was killed in a contrived road accident.
SEKHAR: Well, he was known to take on the errant, that too head on. And a roguish contractor did him in a stage-managed road mishap.
PRATAP: It’s said one’s nature is one’s fate.
SEKHAR: Its other way round, mind goes the way fate takes it, buddhihi karmananusarine.
PRATAP: It seems the Eastern and the Western philosophies are the obverse and the reverse of the same thought-coin.
SEKHAR: And that shows in the ways and values of life.
PRATAP: True, what are Vimala’s ways and means?
SEKHAR: They have an ancestral house in Himayatnagar and she helps run a small pickles unit.
PRATAP: Nice simple living..
SEKHAR: With high thinking. The pickles succor the family of their car driver. Sadly, he too died in the accident.
PRATAP: He should’ve known, discretion is the better part of valour.
SEKHAR: There you are. Your name symbolizes chivalry, but the same applies to you. Why burn your heart a second time with the same flame.
PRATAP: That’s all about first love, in my case, the only love.
SEKHAR: Who knows, she too feels the same way.
PRATAP: What makes you think so?
SEKHAR: She’s has agreed to go with us to Amalapuram.
PRATAP: Oh really! When is it?
SEKHAR: Day-after tomorrow’s Gowthami Express.
PRATAP: Don’t you think it’s encouraging?
SEKHAR: What if it’s for old time’s sake.
PRATAP: So be it. Art of life lies in making good of half chances. If we travel by car, I’ll have more room to maneuver.
SEKHAR: And I can see games lovers play.
PRATAP: In the shadow of love on hold.
SEKHAR: If she agrees we’ll go the day-after tomorrow..
PRATAP: Why not by the morrow.
SEKHAR: What about your jet log?
PRATAP: Isn’t it a silly question?
SEKHAR: Vimala may answer that better. Wish you a dreamy night.
PRATAP: After all those dreary years. Thanks a lot.
SEKHAR: Be ready by eight, bye.
(PAUSE) This is a Rolex for you to be on time.
SEKHAR: Thank you, I’ll cherish it.
PRATAP: It’s my pleasure. These are for Vijaya and Suresh.
SEKHAR: I’m glad. Good night, bye,
SFX – Slamming sound of the door.
EXT – Sekhar self-drives his sedan into the corridor of the Krishna Oberoi and as he gets out of it, a hotel staff drives it away. Sekhar goes into the hotel lounge and takes the elevator to make it to Pratap’s room. SFX - Door buzzer followed by door opening.
PRATAP: Has she agreed?
SEKHAR: We’re going to pick her up on the way.
PRATAP: Can I thank you enough?
SEKHAR: No thanks, she didn’t need any persuasion.
PRATAP: What did she say?
SEKHAR: She said she would join us, no more and no less.
PRATAP: What of her tone?
SEKHAR: Rather dry I suppose.
PRATAP: Oh, come on, don’t tell me that.
SEKHAR: Did you expect her to jump for joy or what?
PRATAP: What to expect from the mistress when the messenger is so candid.
SEKHAR: Anything but coyness. I shall tell her I didn’t find you eager either. Why, I expected you in the lounge, waiting impatiently.
PRATAP: Know I’ve been trying all my dresses on me.
SEKHAR: Why bother about that, you don’t carry your age any way.
PRATAP: Why don’t you make her see me through your eyes?
SEKHAR: You may be better off with her eyes.
PRATAP: Chalo, onto the un-chartered course of love.
SFX - Sound track indicates the locking of the door, getting into and getting out of the elevator, opening of the car boot, opening and closure of the car doors and the speeding of the car.
SEKHAR: Are you nervous or what?
PRATAP: It’s a flux of fact and fiction.
SEKHAR: I feel she’s also in a similar fix.
PRATAP: (V.O. a car horn) Now I’m really nervous. Maybe, raised expectations, oh, what an irony life is!
SEKHAR: Perhaps, I’m too practical to understand all that.
PRATAP: Life worries you less as you miss much of it.
SEKHAR: But business worries you no less
PRATAP: But anxieties of love are wearisome.
SEKHAR: Didn’t Faiz say there are worries in life other than the love-induced and there are fulfillments too other than love-making.
PRATAP: Maybe, but my festering love-wounds sorely need the balm of our union.
SFX – The car comes to a halt.
SEKHAR: We’re at the ground zero.
PRATAP: Thanks for bringing me this far.
SEKHAR: Now it’s for you to find the right entry.
SFX – Indicative sounds of their car having come to a halt, Sekhar and Pratap were getting down from it.
EXT – Sekhar and Pratap get down from the sedan near Vimala’s house in Himayatnagar. Sekhar opens the iron-gate and they enter the compound.
SEKHAR: Beware, Prati could be around.
SFX - Sekhar presses the door buzzer and Vimala readily opens the door.
VIMALA (OFF): He loves me still, his eyes show that.
PRATAP (OFF): She’s glad to see me, her face radiates!
VIMALA (OFF): Isn’t he looking around for Bhadru’s photograph, he’s staring at it, how his face has changed.
SEKHAR: Hi, Prati, meet our classmate Pratap Varma, a U.S. citizen.
PRATI: Hi uncle.
PRATAP: Hi, I hear you’re a nice girl.
PRATI: Uncle, don’t go by Sekhar uncle’s words.
PRATAP: What do you say Vimala?
VIMALA: Nice but not easy.
PRATI: Oh mummy.
PRATAP: Why, that’s the way it should be, given a little flexibility. (PAUSE) Will the mother and daughter do me an honour?
VIMALA: I thought you are in the States, Pratap, not in Victorian England.
PRATAP: Glad you’ve retained your spark. (PAUSE) Please let these Rolexes help you time your moments.
PRATI: Lovely it is, thanks uncle.
VIMALA: Thanks Pratap, it’s nice of you.
SEKHAR: It’s time we get started. Wish we could have taken Prati along but she would be a fish out of water. Who would have time for her chatting about our old times?
PRATI: I’m glad mummy is making the trip. I was after her to go out a bit but she wouldn’t listen.
VIMALA: Why not we have some filter coffee before we leave.
PRATAP: I’ll have a mug-full. It is ages since I had any.
VIMALA: I’ve guessed that and got the decoction on hand.
PRATI: Let me prepare mummy.
VIMALA: No, I’ve some scores to settle with Pratap.
PRATAP: So, you haven’t forgotten that. Prati, once I’d put salt into your mummy’s coffee. You can payback later, but not now.
VIMALA: Okay, I’ll keep it on hold. But there is no escaping.
PRATAP: I’ll surrender my passport to you.
VIMALA: I’ll serve you in flat five minutes. (OFF) It feels we’ve picked up where we’d left.
PRATAP: Prati, any idea of going to the U.S for higher studies?
PRATI: No uncle. My Hippocratic Oath is some time away. But mummy had already sworn me into Indian medical service.
PRATAP: Nice but not easy, your mother is.
VIMALA: Sekhar, why didn’t you tell me that Pratap runs an immigration agency in the U.S? I would have let a ‘No-entry’ board greet him.
SFX – Indicative of Vimala serving them coffee.
PRATAP: Jokes apart, with the right incentive, I’m a candidate for remigration.
SEKHAR: Who won’t welcome you with open arms?
PRATAP: Don’t be too sure my boy.
VIMALA: I’m ready.
SEKHAR: To welcome or to leave.
PRATAP: Let me handle your luggage.
VIMALA: Why bother?
PRATAP: If age didn’t wither you chivalry didn’t desert me.
SEKHAR: Vimala, oh, the same old Pratap for you.
VIMALA: What to do, what can’t be cured should be endured.
PRATAP: Am I supposed to take it as a compliment?
PRATI: Thank you Pratap uncle, I’ve never seen mummy so lively.
PRATAP: Maybe, old-timers meet ushers in new times.
SFX – Indicative sounds of opening of the compound gate, the car boot and closing the same, the opening of the back door to facilitate Vimala’s entry and closing it thereafter. Opening of the car front doors by Pratap and Sekhar and closing the same and the sound of ignition.
VIMALA: Prati dear, take care.
PRATI: Wish you all a happy journey, bye.
SEKHAR and PRATAP: Bye Prati.
SFX – Indicative of the car speeding away.
EXT – Journey by car with the hustle and bustle of the morning life in Hyderabad.
PRATAP: Think about school times, you think of teachers’ nicknames. Birada, Pakodi, kothhimeeri katta.
VIMALA: What about the nicknames you had for girls?
PRATAP: I don’t remember any but..
VIMALA: Halwa.
PRATAP: Are you still fond of it?
VIMALA: I’ve stopped having it.
PRATAP: But why?
VIMALA: Who was to tease me?
SEKHAR: Pratap, Rama Rao maastaru is keen on seeing you.
PRATAP: I don’t know why, he thought I would come well in life.
SEKHAR: And so it is.
PRATAP: Yes and no.
VIMALA: You’ve always been like that, ‘yes and no’. Am I right?
PRATAP: Yes and no, and I can’t I fault you for thinking so.
SEKHAR: Pratap, why talk in circles.
PRATAP: Because I can’t be forthright.
SEKHAR: What’s the restraint?
PRATAP: It’s my constraint.
SEKHAR: What is it?
PRATAP: That I can’t tell you without being forthright.
SEKHAR: Why back to square one via your nonsensical route.
SFX – Car screeching to a halt.
SEKHAR: Oh, what an ass he is? If he came under, I would’ve been hauled up for manslaughter not amounting to murder? Oh the goddamn legal jargon.
PRATAP: Is the Indian road sense any less nonsensical? We’ve hardly clocked a kilometer and I’m already crazy really.
SEKHAR: The chaos on the roads was no less yesterday.
PRATAP: Wasn’t my mind more chaotic yesterday?
SEKHAR: Yes and no.
VIMALA: Pratap, he won’t leave you till you commit yourself
PRATAP: Okay then, bank deposits “yes”, emotional withdrawals “no” and future course “don’t know”.
SEKHAR: It’s the way life these days. What do you say Vimala?
VIMALA: Ladies come last …
PRATAP: With their last word.
VIMALA: Glad you haven’t lost your wit a wee-bit.
PRATAP: And you, your ability to appreciate.
SEKHAR: Why make me feel left out?
VIMALA: Are you not in the driver’s seat.
SFX –A lorry whizzes past.
PRATAP: Is he drunk or what?
SEKHAR: Drink or no drink they drive insane.
PRATAP: I’ve come here to mend my life, not to break my bones.
VIMALA: Don’t worry; if it comes to that I’ll tend your bones.
PRATAP: Won’t I mend my life as you tend them?
VIMALA: How am I to know?
SEKHAR: You may know you’re in safe hands.
PRATAP: But still, we’ve a long way to go, to and fro.
SEKHAR: Why worry, you’ll get used to our traffic ways by then.
PRATAP: Only to lose my way on the U.S. roads.
VIMALA: But you said you would come back for good.
PRATAP: That is, if I don’t go back out of heart.
SEKHAR: Vimala, have you ever heard of an Indian American discarding his suffix.
PRATAP: Why do you prejudge to prejudice her mind?
VIMALA: I’ve a mind of my own and you know that.
PRATAP: But out of sight is out of mind.
VIMALA: Not with the nursery to degree kind of …well, I don’t suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, at least for now.
PRATAP: I tell you those days make the almanac of my life.
VIMALA: Well tucked in the attic to gather dust.
PRATAP: I can’t fault you for faulting me.
VIMALA: That Houdini like vanishing act and the prodigal son like hibernation. What to make out of that?
PRATAP: Silence of the lamb.
PRATAP: Let bygones be bygones, won’t you let me dust my almanac.
VIMALA: You may need a broom for that. Wait till I fetch it.
PRATAP: Meanwhile let me clear the air. I felt sorry for you when I heard about your tragedy
VIMALA: (OFF) Hypocrite.
PRATAP: I took the first available flight.
VIMALA: I’m glad you care.
PRATAP: I wish I were there right then.
VIMALA: Maybe, it would have helped (PAUSE) or might not have. Now I’ve come to see it more as a tragedy of our country.
PRATAP: When Sekhar told me about it, I too thought so. I’m ashamed for what the world thinks of us Indians.
VIMALA: Why feel apologetic at all. Why, was it any worse than the senseless outrages in the U.S campuses? Bhadru’s killers had an ill-motive at least. But there, don’t sick-minds routinely gun down the unwary. What a shame, the so-called gun culture.
PRATAP: Leave alone the U.S., tell me what went wrong here.
VIMALA: Blame the businessman, present company excluded.
SEKHAR: I’ve my share of sins and there is no shying away from that.
PRATAP: But give the devil where it is due. But for their enterprise India wouldn’t have been what it is economically.
VIMALA: It’s like not seeing the wood for the trees. It is they who corrupted our society and weakened its moral fabric.
SEKHAR: What do you mean by that Vimala? It’s the so-called government servants who started it all. Will they ever touch a file without greasing their palms? If I’m right, Nehru said that bribes act like lubricants in the smooth running of the government machinery. And what’s his daughter’s take on corruption? Didn’t Indira Gandhi say it was a global phenomenon? Mind you, both of them together ruled the country for the best part after independence, what do you say about it?
VIMALA: Well, the need to bribe the black sheep is not same as corrupting the entire flock. That’s what the business community did over the years. Who hasn’t heard of their bribe talk, khushi se dete hai or sabhi lete hai and such? Bhadru used to say only ten percent officials were corrupt in the seventies. I need not tell you less than ten percent could be honest now.
PRATAP: What do you say Sekhar?
SEKHAR: In hind sight, I think she is right.
VIMALA: Seems we’ve lost the foresight forever.
PRATAP: What about having some garam chai to rev up a little.
VIMALA: Why not, we’ve a dhabha nearby.
SFX – Indicative of the car being parked near an open air eatery and the passengers alighting from the same.
EXT - Pratap, Sekhar and Vimala take their chairs at a table in the open
VIMALA: Sekhar will you find out if there is a toilet somewhere here.
SEKHAR: Wait, let me go and check up.
PRATAP: How can you think of a passable loo in this filthy place?
VIMALA: I understand your obsession for cleanliness. But if you focus on what is lacking, you lose sight of all that is different.
PRATAP: Now I realize, much of your appeal is the way you think.
VIMALA: Are you dismissing me as a bluestocking?
PRATAP: Won’t my body language answer that.
SEKHAR: Vimala, it’s in the backyard.
SEKHAR: You’ve set her heart on the right beat.
PRATAP: But I’ve lost my heart all again. Never mind your Liz Hurly hint, how to imagine she would be so fascinating. But if I can’t have her I’ll have a twice broken heart to mend. And that would be my undoing.
SEKHAR: I don’t think you’ve to worry about it. I’ve a hunch she would not like to miss out either. But she may not like to migrate to the U.S.
PRATAP: What I’ve got to do with the U.S any way. Know I am counting on you to tilt the scales.
SEKHAR: If need be, with the combined weight of my wife.
PRATAP: Quiet, she’s coming along with some bearer. (OFF) What a lovely frame in that graceful gait.
VIMALA: Hi Pratap, you seem to have lost yourself.
SEKHAR: Why are you after the poor fellow?
VIMALA: Sekhar, better get your eyes checked up.
PRATAP: Why, don’t I see that koya dora approaching us.
VIMALA: Wonder how these koya doras are such good face readers! It’s an idea to let him predict Pratap’s future.
PRATAP: Why not let me enjoy in the suspension of belief.
VIMALA: Why, don’t you see he’s focusing on you?
KOYA DORA: I’ve got it from our goddess Poleramma. Beta, you are at the crossroad now. Is it not true?
PRATAP: When your goddess tells you, why do you ask me?
KOYA DORA: Oyoye. (PAUSE) You loved and lost. She agreed but not her father. You went west and married. Amassed wealth but not happy, no love, no children.
SEKHAR: Pratap is it all true; I mean to the last million. No yes and no please.
PRATAP: Yes, including a meager fortune.
SEKHAR: It’s a sort of yes and no again. But why didn’t you tell me about that?
PRATAP: You know I’m never boastful. I’ve a small chain of Indian eateries over there.
SEKHAR: Understatement again, Koya Dora, what about his wife?
Koya Dora: I’ll see his hand. (PAUSE) She left you, ten years ago, right.
SEKHAR: What about his future?
Koya Dora: He won’t go back. (PAUSE) Gets a beautiful wife, (PAUSE) she bears him a son, (PAUSE) long and happy married life. Give some money to please Poleramma.
KOYA DORA: Poleramma says I should take the money from beti’s hand.
PRATAP: Vimala, would you mind obliging him.
KOYA DORA: Beti, Poleramma says you’ll get what you want.
SEKHAR: What about my future Koya Dora?
KOYA DORA: Give me your hand. (PAUSE) You’re happy with your family. You’ll be a very rich man. Your son goes abroad.
SEKHAR: Will he come back or not?
KOYA DORA: I have to see his hand. (PAUSE) Poleramma blesses all of you.
PRATAP: Wonder how he’s on dot about my past!
VIMALA: They’ve a knack of telling the past and gain confidence.
SEKHAR: What about their ability to foresee into the future.
VIMALA: That time only would tell.
SEKHAR: If this Koya Dora has his way, Pratap can blissfully wait and you can choose for sure, but what about me? God forbid, if his prediction comes true, I will be lost without my Suresh by my side.
PRATAP: Why don’t you take advantage of his prediction?
SEKHAR: What advantage in a disadvantaged situation?
VIMALA: Wait Pratap. Sekhar, thank the Koya Dora for not taking advantage of his disadvantageous prediction.
SEKHAR: It’s fine if you are thankful to him but not me. He gave you a blank cheque and me a bleak future, didn’t he?
VIMALA: Why are you cut up with him? You should be thankful to him.
PRATAP: Vimala, what this rubbing salt into his poor wounds.
VIMALA: You may not know but Sekhar knows the way the soothsayers operate. But this Koya dora neither offered to do some puja nor wanted Sekhar to wear a tayattu . What’s more it was a free consultation.
PRATAP: Any doubt he would’ve fallen for the bait, hook, line and sinker.
VIMALA: Well, I’ve nothing against astrology if it’s not handled by charlatans. If things are destined to go wrong, they will go wrong, never mind their fake supplements. I believe it pays to know the realities of life. I don’t think there was ever a way of making life a smooth sailing affair, all the way. Better, we learn to weather out the storm till it subsides. After all, it can’t last forever.
SEKHAR: I don’t see the clue to my rider lies in your theorem.
PRATAP: Then why not draw from the American way of life. What’s this parental urge to get glued to bearded children? Why not let them go on their own from adolescence as the Americans do.
VIMALA: Isn’t it the other extreme? What is adolescence if it’s not vulnerable? It’s stupid to abandon children at the crossroads of life. It’s insensitive even; we know freedom without responsibility spoils, moreso at the tender age.
PRATAP: Maybe, if we average both cultures, we have the optimum.
VIMALA: I think you’ve got it.
SEKHAR: Let’s go then. (RAISED YONE) Bearer, bring the bill.
PRATAP: Sekhar, do you remember what lifting little finder in the class meant.
SEKHAR: Well, you can relive yourself but it’s an open affair here.
PRATAP: I’m relearning to be an Indian in India.
VIMALA: Is it under the koya dora’s influence or what?
SEKHAR: What laggards these bearers are. Let me go and see what the hitch is.
VIMALA: Pratap, why don’t you answer my question?
PRATAP: As he said you’ll get what you want, I think the answer to your question lies in his prediction.
VIMALA: What a puzzle for an answer.
PRATAP: What you want might solve the puzzle.
VIMALA: What I want is what I may get.
SFX – Pratap and Vimala break into laughter
SEKHAR: If you are not making fun of me, I’m glad to see Vimala laugh again.
VIMALA: Thank you.
PRATAP: Let me go into the wilderness.
VIMALA: I hope you don’t get lost
SEKHAR: Don’t worry, I’m going with him.
SFX - Indicating that they get into their car and proceed on their way.
EXT –Continuation of their journey in the hustle and bustle of the vehicular traffic.
SEKHAR: I may say, no friend like a childhood friend.
PRATAP: I would add, no sweetheart as the first love.
SEKHAR: I don’t know. Ours is marriage kind of love.
PRATAP: Would it be any different with women Vimala?
VIMALA: Man or woman, love is love, isn’t it?
PRATAP: But the love in question is the first love.
VIMALA: My answer is, silence is golden.
SEKHAR: Is it a conspiracy of silence?
PRATAP: Are you not poking your nose too much.
SEKHAR: Maybe, for you, personal space is spacious but for us privacy yields to inquisitiveness.
PRATAP: Both cut both ways. I repeat, average these two for optimizing the way of living.
VIMALA: One day I may have to sit with you and arrive at the mean.
SEKHAR: Then I would stand guard (PAUSE) Look, how the guy is frantic for some help. It’s clear his car broke down and he would’ve left the jack in his garage.
PRATAP: Let’s find out.
SFX- Indicating the stoppage of the car.
PRATAP: Hi, what’s the matter?
SEKHAR: Vimala, don’t mind accommodating him.
SFX - Opening and the shutting of the car door.
VIMALA: Never mind, I’m Vimala. He’s Pratap and he’s Sekhar.
PRATAP: Doctor, you may know her daughter Prati is a doctor in the making.
VIMALA: Pre-final in the Gandhi Medical College.
VIMALA: What a chance meeting.
PRATAP: No less ours, meeting a young and handsome doctor.
SEKHAR: Possibly an eligible bachelor.
PRATAP: When it comes to eligibility, you might have heard the saying. It’s for the mother-in-law to know what a good son-in-law one makes.
PRATAP: What difference does that make if one is not snubbed?
SEKHAR: Having a doctor at home is fine. But at corporate hospitals it’s like you are thrown at the wolves.
SEKHAR: Whatever be the provocation, I don’t see any justification. Oh, how they short change you at every turn. Why the unwarranted tests and the uncalled for hospitalization. By the way, when did a doctor last felt his patient’s pulse by hand? Bemoan the society with doctors without integrity?
SEKHAR: Don’t tell me, you can put judges and doctors on the same footing.
SEKHAR: All that is fine, but why the fleecing at the corporate hospitals?
SEKHAR: That way you can explain away every shortcoming.
SEKHAR: Well India is no Utopia.
VIMALA: Bhadru, used to say corruption makes us collectively poor Well, Raghu, he’s my late husband. (PAUSE) You could’ve heard about the engineered accident of an engineer.
VIMALA: Maybe, that’s life all about, it makes and breaks. Back to the corrupt, they won’t have it easy any way. One may have a Benz but it doesn’t help much on our congested roads. It goes like that with everything else.
SEKHAR: It won’t be easy for Raghu till he clears the mess in the corporate hospitals.
PRATAP: Would our doctors like to work in such hospitals?
PRATAP: What if I provide money, would you run the show.
VIMALA: Are you into it already!
PRATAP: It’s my word and money is no constraint. Give her your contact number and we’ll call you up.
VIMALA: I’ve enough words of praise.
PRATAP: Vimala, know I owe it your inspiration.
VIMALA: Oh, you too live in Hyderabad. What are your parents?
SEKHAR: With such a pedigree, you can’t deny your eligibility.
PRATAP: Caught in the shackles of marriage, he’s jealous of your freedom
VIMALA: Is it that you want to be shackle-free.
PRATAP: The saying, do as I say but don’t do as I do, goes with me too. To tell you the truth, I’ll be happy being a netted fish.
VIMALA: Empty words, what do you say Sekhar.
SEKHAR: He’s deemed right till you prove him wrong.
VIMALA: It’s stupid of women to expect justice in an all male court.
VIMALA: (OFF) Buddhu, you’ve played his card. It’s good you’re not a lawyer.
PRATAP: Vimala, you know I’m a game.
SEKHAR: Looks like we’ve some trouble on hand. Why the traffic came to a halt. Don’t you see the police are all over?
SFX – the sound of the door opening and closure.
PRATAP: Could be a traffic jam.
SEKHAR: You don’t know, police are hardly seen in such times. It could be a major road mishap or worse.
SFX – the sound of the door opening and closure.
VIMALA: I think we should go back.
SEKHAR: What do you say Pratap?
PRATAP: I’ll go with Vimala.
VIMALA: What if I say, I’ll go with you.
SEKHAR: It will be a case of pehle app and missing the bus.
SFX – Car being reversed amidst the chaos.
VIMALA: Sekhar, what about train tickets?
SEKHAR: It’s slipped from my mind.
VIMALA: So, forgetfulness helps.
PRATAP: And remembrances too.
SEKHAR: Now it helps to go back.
SFX - Sound of picking up speed.
EXT – continuation of the journey in the hustle and bustle of the vehicular traffic
SEKHAR: The Naxal trouble is back for worse. Didn’t our government claim they fled to Chattisgarh with broken backs?
SEKHAR: I don’ see how anyone in his right mind can believe that a band of brigands can capture Delhi by hiding in the jungles.
SEKHAR: Maybe, it was the case before; we were not even born then. Now assorted characters fill the Naxal ranks. Oh, the way they arm-twist businessmen, Naxalism is nothing but extortionism. That’s not all. It could’ve been a hard grind earlier in their jungle hideouts. And now, with women cadres around the Naxals don’t miss out much of life. Can’t you imagine the jangal me mangal . I say, the social fringes are better off in deep jungles.
SEKHAR: But why should they kill the police? After all, it’s the poor who join the police force.
SEKHAR: Don’t tell me there ever was an ideology of social parity. What about communism? Banish the czars to make the proletariat the czars. What do you say?
SEKHAR: I think Naxals should realize democracy is the best bargain for the poor in our bad world. But then, if they get into our democratic circus they too would become corrupt buffoons.
SEKHAR: But was it not anti- progress.
SEKHAR: But do you subscribe to your father’s old values?
SEKHAR: What’s your sister doing?
PRATAP: Why, the biggest ‘graduate engineer’ factory in the world is in India
He could’ve called you up. Located in South India. (PAUSE) I don’t see my car here. Hopefully Raju could’ve moved it to a repair shop.
SEKHAR: Oh these guys are bloody stupid. Why didn’t he call you?
SEKHAR: That is all about giving with one hand and taking with the other. Well, for good or bad, Dhirubhai’s dream of seeing a cell in every Indian hand is on hand. (PAUSE) Pratap, what’re you dreaming about?
SEKHAR: Vimala.
SEKHAR: What’s this conspiracy of silence?
VIMALA: What’s the matter?
SEKHAR: Raghu, excuse me doctor for dropping the prefix, I find it …
SEKHAR: Vimala, he belongs to your school of thought.
VIMALA: Nice. I hope he has a lesson or two for you.
SEKHAR: Were in your dreamland or what, that’s what he has been doing. (PAUSE) What about you Pratrap?
PRATAP: It’s good you dropped his prefix; why not help me drop my suffix.
VIMALA: Why make it Greek and Latin?
SEKHAR: He’s desperate to turn an Indian from an Indian American.
VIMALA: Let him apply for the visa and then I’ll see.
PRATAP: Vimala, is there a standard format?
VIMALA: Boy, be a little imaginative.
SFX- Thudding sound of a head-on collision. (PAUSE)
EXT – Accident site, Sekhar, Vimala and Pratap shout for help.
PASSERS BY: Catch him, the lorry driver is on the run. (PAUSE) The fellow next to driver would’ve surely died. (PAUSE) Miracle he’s still alive, pull him out fast.
SFX- soundtrack of the hustle and bustle of rescue activity.
VIMALA: Are you okay Pratap (PAUSE) why don’t you talk? (PAUSE)
Raghu see what’s wrong with him.
VIMALA: Thank God.
SEKHAR: He bore the brunt, it’s a miracle really.
VIMALA: Raghu, what about shifting him to hospital.
SEKHAR: Wait, I’ll find some vehicle.
VIMALA: Be quick Sekhar.
VIMALA: Raghu, are you sure there’s no danger?
SFX – An approaching car and its coming to a halt.
VIMALA: Oh, really! (In high pitch) Sekhar come back quick.
VIMALA: Are you okay Pratap.
PRATAP: (Feeble tone). It’s paining here.
PRATAP: It’s some pain.
SFX – bang of the car doors.
SEKHAR: I’ll join you soon.
VIMALA: Why, what’s the matter.
SEKHAR: I’ve to report to the police.
VIMALA: But how can we leave you alone.
SEKHAR: Don’t bother about me, take care of him.
VIMALA: Know he’s in safe hands.
SEKHAR: Thank you Raghu, hope to catch up with you soon.
SFX – opening and closure of the car door (PAUSE) Starting of the car engine and speeding of the car.
PRATAP: Thank you Vimala, but..
VIMALA: Be quiet or suffer a parody of Saigal’s lullaby, soja raja kumara soja.
PRATAP: As you tap me to sleep.
VIMALA: One more word, I’ll bang your head.
SFX – Stoppage of the car.
VIMALA: And a bottle of mineral water, all to be billed later.
VIMALA: I tell you, he means what he says and does what he means.
SFX – Opening and closing of the car door.
PRATAP: (FEEBLE TONE). Vimala, I’ve kept my love on hold and lived without hope. I can feel my love unbinding in your lap. What a living feeling, I don’t mind dying now.
PRATAP: No, I don’t want to see you in tears.
PRATAP: I’m dying to be on my knees with flowers.
SFX – Opening and closing of the car door.
VIMALA: Wish I had a son like you.
VIMALA: It’s son-like, Raghu, you’re a godsend really.
VIMALA: No, I don’t want to disturb his sleep.
PRATAP: (drowsy). Don’t worry Raghu, I’ve made a will in her name. Even if I die, I know she’ll stand by my word.
VIMALA: Who’s going to let you die?
PRATAP: (drawling) Vimala, I don’t want to live without you
VIMALA: Didn’t you hear what he has said? If he wakes up and won’t find me, he may get it all wrong.
VIMALA: You want me to confide to you, don’t you?
VIMALA: Maybe, there may not be a better soul than you.
VIMALA: You might’ve heard the story of Devadas and Parvathi.
VIMALA: We were like Devadas and Parvathi, we fond of each other from our childhood. My father rejected Pratap because our sub-sects are different. He left for the States in dejection and I took Bhadru’s hand in helplessness. We remained lost to each other ever since and we met only this morning. After that fate’s tragedy now it’s life’s surprise. I had a sense of my love gushing out from every recess of my heart.
VIMALA: Well, he’s without encumbrances and it’s clear he kept his love on hold. As you’ve observed he wants to unbind it now. To let him or not is my dilemma.
VIMALA: I know love is beckoning us. But I’m afraid of our fate, what if it plays spoilsport the second time. If my father was prejudiced against him then my daughter is possessive about me now. Also she’s over obsessed about her father’s memory. I’ve to choose between them and you know it’s no choice.
VIMALA: What’s that by the way? I am no movie buff anyway.
VIMALA: Doctor or not, my daughter is no fool.
VIMALA: I’ve to wait till she finds one. I welcome if you are the one.
VIMALA: Like to see her picture in my cell phone.
SFX- ring tone of Vimala’s cell phone.
SEKHAR: (OFF). How is Pratap?
VIMALA: No worry, he’s in deep sleep. What about you?
SEKHAR: (OFF). I’ve just finished with the police. Raju is quite handy. Thank Raghu for me. Where are you now?
VIMALA: We’ve crossed Koti.
SEKHAR: (OFF). Where will you put him up?
VIMALA: In my place, where else.
SEKHAR: (OFF). Nice, that helps. I’ll catch up.
VIMALA: Bye then.
(PAUSE) Sekhar wants me to thank you for sending Raju.
VIMALA: Road No. 3, Himayatnagar.
VIMALA: I’ve sambar and vankai koora. I’ve only to cook some rice for us. It must be ages since the poor chap had a proper food.
VIMALA: (OFF) Maybe, he wants to leave us alone.
VIMALA: Stop near that gate. (PAUSE) wake up Pratap, we’ve reached home.
PRATAP: Now I’m okay; take me to the hotel.
VIMALA: Why not if you book a suite for us.
SFX – Creaking of the compound gate.
VIMALA: Pratap, mind your step, wait.
PRATAP: Misstep now, no way.
SFX - Opening of the house door.
SCENE - 10
INT – Vimala, Pratap and Dr. Raghu in Vimala’s three bed-room house.
VIMALA: Pratap, lie down now. (PAUSE) Raghu, just see…
PRATAP: Why make fuss, I’m a little weak, that’s all.
VIMALA: Let it come from the horse’s mouth.
PRATAP: Satisfied Vimala.
VIMALA: Agreed, but know he’s irritably obstinate.
PRATAP: Wait, you’ll see how mellowed I am.
VIMALA: It helps, but what a fool I’m …
PRATAP: A sentimental fool.
VIMALA: Don’t think that life didn’t teach me. I’m not the timid Vimala you knew. But you too were never a candidate for a bravery award.
PRATAP: Bet, I’ll win it hands down now.
VIMALA: Okay baba , but not on an empty stomach.
PRATAP: Raghu, it’s slightly paining here.
VIMALA: For all I know its pangs of hunger. Let me cook some rice.
SFX – Indicative of a running tap, rice being washed, stove being lit and such kitchen activity.
VIMALA: If you come in the evening.
VIMALA: Prati prepared.
VIMALA: Yes, that’s the last one, taken by Prati. She’s so fond of photography; you only have to stand still for a second.
VIMALA: That’s true; all his life, he was honest to the core.
VIMALA: You know how the media exaggerates. I tell you, nothing scared him more than his death. It’s sad and silly; he was so obsessed about playing with his great grand children. Maybe, what we crave, life denies us.
VIMALA: But with strings attached.
VIMALA: Thank you for trying to strengthen my hands. I’ll tell you a secret I won’t like to share even with Pratap. You can imagine me as a reluctant bride but try visualizing my marital life.
VIMALA: I’ll give you a clue. Bhadru was uprightness in motion and discipline in relaxation.
VIMALA: I don’t wish my fate for her, if I can help. If only Bhadru was an average man, I tell you, Prasad would’ve been like any other man in my life, even early in my married life. But thanks to that upright soul, he remains my only love. Now, I don’t want to miss the first honeymoon of my life. I know it would put me at odds with my daughter. So be it. (PAUSE)
VIMALA: Can he find a better man? (PAUSE) But is there something didn’t strike you.
VIMALA: The phonetic likeness of Pratap and Prati.
VIMALA: You’re smart. But what you see of my love is a fraction of what’s hidden in my heart.
SFX – opening of the door.
VIMALA: Ragu don’t give a miss to the miss.
VIMALA: Oh, you’re smarter than I thought
SFX- Closing of the door.
VIMALA: (OFF) Why not I give him food in bed, as a prelude.
PRATAP: Why spoil me Vimala …
VIMALA: Wanting reciprocity.
PRATAP: Oh, you’re always one step ahead.
VIMALA: Why not follow me in my footsteps.
PRATAP: I need energy for that.
VIMALA: I’ll feed you with my hand for that.
PRATAP: Be warned, I’m really hungry.
VIMALA: You can have my share by right. Open your mouth (PAUSE) that’s a good boy.
PRATAP: I told you, I’ve willed my whole to you.
VIMALA: But keeping yourself to you.
PRATAP: When you were a half-self.
VIMALA: What’s now, now that I’m myself?
PRATAP: Now I’m yours, what more do you want?
VIMALA: Pratap, Junior.
PRATAP: Vimala, oh, what we’ve missed.
VIMALA: What’s that?
PRATAP: Sumptuous times.
VIMALA: I want hard evidence.
PRATAP: You’ll have it in ample measure.
VIMALA: Well, I’ll join you soon.
SFX- Cleaning of vessels in the kitchen.
VIMALA: I thought you would be in siesta.
PRATAP: I was waiting to tell you something.
VIMALA: Why wait, you should’ve called me.
PRATAP: Do you know why I married a white?
VIMALA: Why, you men crave white skin, don’t you?
PRATAP: Oh, my wheatie, no other desi.
VIMALA: And no fun with pardesis.
PRATAP: Eyes glued on my Liz Hurley
VIMALA: Habits die hard, I give up.
PRATAP: Give up on me or my habits.
SFX - Door buzzer sounds (PAUSE)
VIMALA: It could be Sekhar.
SCENE - 11
INT - Vimala in the drawing room.
VIMALA: Who’s that?
PRATI: It’s me mom.
SFX- Soundtrack of a door opening.
VIMALA: What Keerti, both of you bunked classes or what.
KEERTI: Auntie, you know it’s not possible with Prati.
PRATI: What happened to your trip mummy?
VIMALA: Well, it’s a long story of only a few miles journey.
PRATI: What mummy, you talk so strangely.
PRATAP: Hi, Prati.
PRATI: Pratap uncle, you, here.
KEERTI: Prati, maybe we’ve come at a wrong time. I better leave.
VIMALA: No Keerti, you couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m happy to tell you, my friend Pratap has proposed and I’ve accepted.
PRATI: How could you…
VIMALA: Why not…
PRATI: In your situation… chee chee.
SFX – banging of the door.
KEERTI: Pardon me aunty. (PAUSE) You know I never misbehave; surely some devil entered my head. (PAUSE) I’ve made it worse for Prati, I’m ashamed really.
VIMALA: I don’t blame you Keerti.
KEERTI: But I’m worried about Prati.
VIMALA: Don’t worry, she would get over.
KEERTI: It won’t be easy auntie; you’re an angel for her.
VIMALA: Am I a devil now?
KEERTI: You know how she cherishes her father’s memory.
VIMALA: I’m sure she’s concerned about her mother’s life.
KEERTI: Why doubt, sorry once again.
KEERTI: Bye uncle.
PRATAP: Good luck.
VIMALA: Be on hand if I need.
PRATAP: Handle with care.
VIMALA: Don’t I know.
SFX – A crying Prati in her room.
VIMALA: You hate your mummy, don’t you?
PRATI: (Sobbing) I love you mummy, sorry for hurting you but..
VIMALA: You don’t want me to remarry.
PRATI: I never thought you would.
VIMALA: Why so?
VIMALA: You took it for granted.
PRATI: Maybe.
VIMALA: You want me to live and die as your father’s widow.
PRATI: I don’t want to be rude but …
VIMALA: Remarriage is amoral for a forty year old woman with a teenaged daughter.
PRATI: Why do you put words into my mouth? I just can’t think of any man in your life.
VIMALA: But why? Have you thought about it?
PRATI: You know what father’s memory means to me.
VIMALA: Are you not bothered about your mother’s life?
PRATI: I’ll give up my life for you.
VIMALA: But you don’t want me to improve mine.
PRATI: Like it or not, your life is behind you.
VIMALA: What about the rest of it. Won’t it count?
PRATI: It’s different if you were a young widow.
VIMALA: How it’s different being an older widow?
PRATI: Don’t you’ve a teenaged daughter?
VIMALA: What if I were childless.
PRATI: Why, you would be shaming none.
VIMALA: So you’re not against widow marriage. But she should be a young mother or a childless oldie. You make me envy young widows with or without children.
PRATI: And pity middle-aged ones with teenage dudes like me. You may curse your luck but at your age there’s sanctity to widowhood.
PRATI: I know you’re guilty. Why marry on impulse and live in guilt.
VIMALA: You got it wrong. I don’t wish to talk about my married life with you because it involves your sentiments of your father.
PRATI: It’s no excuse; there is nothing I don’t know about you and father.
VIMALA: I never knew you were an eavesdropper and a voyeur combined into one.
PRATI: Oh, I don’t mean it that way.
VIMALA: Leave it at that, and get to the realities of your life.
PRATI: What realities?
VIMALA: I won’t mean much to you once you marry…
PRATI: If you drop your idea, I won’t get married at all.
VIMALA: These are no Mahabharata days my dear. But still if you keep your vow, it will make it worse for me. Well, Bhishma didn’t marry to let his father have the woman he fancied. And you want to remain unmarried to prevent your mother from marrying the man who loves her.
PRATI: But don’t love him, do you?
VIMALA: What for you if I love him or not?
PRATI: Won’t it reflect on your marriage?
VIMALA: You’re just a girl not even a newly wed.
PRATI: Maybe, I’m old enough to understand.
VIMALA: If only life is as simple to comprehend…
PRATI: I know it’s the stock stuff to gag the young mouths.
VIMALA: Okay, I’ll tell you about a stark reality. If ever you were in my position, you would feel as much need for a male company as I do now.
PRATI: Don’t think I don’t care for your needs. But I can’t bear your shaming dad’s memory by marrying. If you still go ahead, I know I can’t prevent it. But I’m not sure whether I want to live to see you as someone else’s woman.
VIMALA: I think doctors save lives and not take lives.
PRATI: Why do you forget I’m no less a devoted daughter.
VIMALA: Prati dear, know my love is as precious as your life.
PRATI: What, you love him!
VIMALA: Had my father cared for my feelings, Pratap would have been your father. (PAUSE)
SCENE - 12
INT – Vimala goes to Pratap.
VIMALA: The sentimental fool has put her life on line.
PRATAP: Didn’t you foresee that?
VIMALA: No, I thought I could put some sense into her stupid head.
PRATAP: Now would you put my love on line or what?
VIMALA: No way come what may.
PRATAP: What if she acts stupid; it’ll cast a shadow on our love life.
VIMALA: So be it, no missing you even at the cost of my life.
PRATAP: That’s the love I crave, but still we’ve to save her life
VIMALA: I’m glad it’s father like.
PRATAP: If the koya dora gets it right, won’t I become a proper father.
VIMALA: The day I deliver, would be the day of my life.
PRATAP: Never mind, the daughterly rebuff.
VIMALA: Mind you, only a woman would know that.
PRATAP: Wish I were one to be able to feel like you.
VIMALA: You would know as I open my heart and soul to you. Now see how we can save Prati’s life without wasting ours.
PRATAP: Maybe, Sekhar could help us out. Why no word from him.
VIMALA: I don’t think so, yet Raghu may make some difference. But self-help is the best help, isn’t it? You apply your mind and I’ll find out what she is up to.
VIMALA: The she devil is sleeping. (PAUSE) I know you’ve an idea, it’s written on your face.
PRATAP: It’s husbanding trouble ahead.
VIMALA: What do you mean?
PRATAP: What else, wife being a face reader.
VIMALA: Oh, how I’ve been missing life.
PRATAP: And I, for the lack of inspiration.
VIMALA: That’s behind us any way; tell me what next.
PRATAP: As your logic failed to cut her sentimental ice, we shall melt it with her emotional heat.
VIMALA: But how?
PRATAP: By feigning our suicide.
VIMALA: What an idea really, but how to go about it?
PRATAP: We bleed a little by slashing our writs and Sekhar will alert Prati to our suicide pact. Then we all should be smiling for our wedding album.
VIMALA: But what if the timing goes wrong?
PRATAP: I see your drawing hall wall is wide enough to accommodate our photographs. Why doubt, Prati’s sentiment would ensure that.
VIMALA: It’s no time to joke any way.
PRATAP: It’s all nuts and bolts my dear. Don’t you have a razor blade at home?
VIMALA: I think it’s there somewhere.
PRATAP: You get hold of it as I get Sekhar on line.
SEKHAR: (OFF) How do you feel now?
PRATAP: Quite fit to think and act.
SEKHAR: (OFF) I’ll be reaching there shortly.
PRATAP: It’s the climax scene here. I’ve a role for you too.
SEKHAR: (OFF) I know it’s hard to handle Prati.
PRATAP: Listen carefully so that you won’t mess it up. Prati has threatened to commit suicide. I thought of vajram vajrena bhedyate. You’ll find Vimala and me in blood with our wrists slashed. You alert Prati and work on her emotion for the turnaround. Call me back to give us five minutes and we’ll keep the main door ajar.
SEKHAR: (OFF) What an idea sirji . I’m sure it makes Ajitab Bachan proud.
PRATAP: Wait, Vimala has something to say.
VIMALA: Sekhar ask Raghu to follow you with his medical kit, just in case. You call him on 9246209733, okay.
SEKHAR: (OFF) Done, I’m glad you’ve got your man Vimala.
VIMALA: We’ll wait for your call.
SEKHAR: (OFF) Be ready, I won’t take long.
PRATAP: Nice you found it. (PAUSE) It looks new.
VIMALA: How to go about it, I mean…
PRATAP: Hand in hand in the bed for better affect. Go and open the front door and keep it ajar. Don’t make noise.
SFX – Two rings of cell phone.
SEKHAR: (OFF) I’ll be there in five minutes. Raghu is on the way, he said he’ll bring some bandage along with him. Better be careful.
PRATAP: Don’t goof up, okay.
SCENE - 13
INT – Sekhar enters Vimala’s house and finds Vimala and Pratap in a pool of bed.
SEKHAR: Oh my god, (loud tone) Come Prati, be quick.
PRATI: (OFF) Sekhar uncle, what’s wrong with you?
SEKHAR: (loud tone) Your mother … .
PRATI: Oh, God.
PRATI: Mummy, are you okay?
VIMALA: Please leave us?
(PAUSE) How can you do this to me? Uncle, get something to stop the flow.
SEKHAR: Okay, let me see.
PRATI: Are you okay uncle?
SEKHAR: Here’s is a saree. (PAUSE) Why he’s not responding?
PRATI: He’ll be okay. Please get some glucose from the medical shop.
SEKHAR: I’m back in a minute.
SFX – Soundtrack of cloth being torn.
VIMALA: Doesn’t save us.
PRATI: I‘m sorry mummy.
PRATI: I’m ashamed uncle.
PRATAP: I don’t blame you Prati.
PRATI: Don’t you forgive me mummy.
PRATI: Sekhar uncle, with water.
SEKHAR: Why this madness Vimala. I thought he would give you new life and not abet you to suicide.
VIMALA: Don’t blame him.
PRATI: Uncle, have some glucose please.
PRATAP: Give your mummy.
PRATI: Mummy, please.
PRATI: If you have, uncle also will have.
PRATI: That’s a good girl. (PAUSE) Uncle, be a good boy.
SFX- sound of the door buzzer.
SEKHAR: Prati, find out who it is.
PRATI: (OFF) Who has called you?
PRATI: (OFF) What’s that?
PRATI: (OFF) It’s news to me. But how do you know?
PRATI: (OFF) Please come in.
SEKHAR: How timely. Prati is taking care but surly you can help.
PRATI: Oh, I haven’t thought about it.
PRATI: I’ll go and get some bandage.
PRATI: Mummy, steady, (PAUSE) Sekhar uncle, help Pratap uncle (PAUSE) This way, to mummy’s room.
PRATAP: What luck it is when I couldn’t live life one day in twenty years.
PRATI: Uncle, with mummy with you can’t you let bygones be bygones
VIMALA: I know you love me dear. That’s why I don’t want to embarrass you any more. I would go to the States with Pratap. I hope you understand.
PRATI: Mummy he’s right.
SEKHAR: Its no to Vimala’s visa.
PRATI: On one condition.
SEKHAR: What’s that?
PRATI: Pratap uncle should surrender his passport.
PRATAP: Can I have a better man for that.
VIMALA: It’s just not you..
PRATI: Why leave me out of the loop.
VIMALA: You may know Pratap is going to fund Raghu’s pro-poor hospital project.
PRATI: Oh, I’m glad I’ve a job already..
PRATI: One step at a time.
SEKHAR: All’s well that ends well.
SFX – Marriage tunes
The End
Publication Date: July 9th 2020 https://www.bookrix.com/-fe8b2014585d745 |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-liana-munoz-a-circle-that-goes-round-and-round/ | Liana Munoz A Circle that goes Round and Round
OMG there's Brody! says Cami. Hot, tall, tan, and blond perfectly describes Cami Goodman. She's the most popular girl in highschool, everyone loves being around her because she's just.. Cami. Where? Jessica and Rosalina say at the same exact moment. Right there! Cami exclaims. Now, Brody Duncan is the most popular guy in highschool, he's definetley good looking and all the girls want him. Except the thing is he likes someone that you wouldn't expect. He likes Sara Clark. But of course no one knows that, not even Brody's best friend Derek. Ohh why don't you just talk to him, Jessica states. Yeah you both are like popular so, shouldn't matter, says Rosalina. Okay, here I go.. Cami says fearfully.
Heyy Brody, Cami says shyly. Oh hey Cami, what's up? Oh um just wondering If I could sit with you guys... AHHA! Derek says suddenly. What? Cami says confusingly. Oh nothing... it's really nothing.. Ok then.. So Cami, glad that it's almost Winter Break? Brody says. Yea totally, my family and I are going to ski at Mount Hood for like the whole break so I can't call anybody from my cell, Cami sighs. While Cami was going on and on about her plans and what so ever, Brody saw Sara and couldn't keep his gaze off of her.
Wowww Dylan sooo immature! Sara yells. Dylan just grins and sits at his table satisfied. How the hell am I going to get this food out of my hair? I don't know go and wash it? Dylan says matter of factly. Oh Im gonna- Sara gets cut off by the vice principle Mrs. Munroe. Hi Saara, nice to see you... again. Oh Ms. M.. see you weren't here and.. Sara! I don't want to hear another word about it, come with me to my office immediatley. Dylan seems to feel bad for Sara and tries to help but it does not work at all.
So, Dylan.. I hear some girl has a crush on you, says Matty. Oh really who!? I don't know her name man i've just been hearing it jeez, chill your beans. Well i really hope it's ya know.. Peyton, Dylan whispers. Dude!! Stop, seriously that girl is a freakin' nerd and why would you wanna date that? Well she's smart, and beautiful, and just i don't know whenever I see her.. i just freeze up. I can't stop staring at her during class, and If she ever talks to me i have no idea what to say cause' my mind goes blank. Oh my god.... you are the biggest girly girl ever! No i'm not... i'm just very open about my feelings... Uh huh you priss, why don't you just go over there and talk to her she's only five tables down says Matty.
Publication Date: October 27th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-lianamunoz |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-friedrich-schiller-the-death-of-wallenstein/ | Friedrich Schiller The Death of Wallenstein
WALLENSTEIN, Duke of Friedland, Generalissimo of the Imperial Forces in the Thirty Years' War.
DUCHESS OF FREIDLAND, Wife of Wallenstein.
THEKLA, her Daughter, Princess of Friedland.
THE COUNTESS TERZKY, Sister of the Duchess.
OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI, Lieutenant-General.
MAX. PICCOLOMINI, his Son, Colonel of a Regiment of Cuirassiers.
COUNT TERZKY, the Commander of several Regiments, and Brother-in-law of Wallenstein.
ILLO, Field-Marshal, Wallenstein's Confidant.
ISOLANI, General of the Croats.
BUTLER, an Irishman, Commander of a Regiment of Dragoons.
GORDON, Governor of Egra.
NEUMANN, Captain of Cavalry, Aide-de-Camp to TERZKY.
COLONEL WRANGEL, Envoy from the Swedes.
ROSENBURG, Master of Horse.
ANSPESSADE of the Cuirassiers.
A PAGE, to the Duke.
Cuirassiers, Dragoons, and Servants.
A room fitted up for astrological labors, and provided with
celestial charts, with globes, telescopes, quadrants, and other mathematical instruments. Seven colossal figures, representing the planets, each with a transparent star of different color on its head, stand in a semicircle in the background, so that Mars and Saturn are nearest the eye. The remainder of the scene and its disposition is given in the fourth scene of the second act. There must be a curtain over the figures, which may be dropped and conceal them on occasions.
[In the fifth scene of this act it must be dropped; but in the seventh scene it must be again drawn up wholly or in part.]
WALLENSTEIN at a black table, on which, a speculum astrologicum is described with chalk. SENI is taking observations through a window.
WALLENSTEIN. All well - and now let it be ended, Seni. Come, The dawn commences, and Mars rules the hour; We must give o'er the operation. Come, We know enough.
Your highness must permit me Just to contemplate Venus. She is now rising Like as a sun so shines she in the east.
WALLENSTEIN. She is at present in her perigee, And now shoots down her strongest influences.
[Contemplating the figure on the table. Auspicious aspect! fateful in conjunction, At length the mighty three corradiate; And the two stars of blessing, Jupiter And Venus, take between them the malignant Slyly-malicious Mars, and thus compel Into my service that old mischief-founder: For long he viewed me hostilely, and ever With beam oblique, or perpendicular, Now in the Quartile, now in the Secundan, Shot his red lightnings at my stars, disturbing Their blessed influences and sweet aspects: Now they have conquered the old enemy, And bring him in the heavens a prisoner to me.
SENI (who has come down from the window). And in a corner-house, your highness - think of that! That makes each influence of double strength.
WALLENSTEIN. And sun and moon, too, in the Sextile aspect, The soft light with the vehement - so I love it. Sol is the heart, Luna the head of heaven, Bold be the plan, fiery the execution.
SENI. And both the mighty Lumina by no Maleficus affronted. Lo! Saturnus, Innocuous, powerless, in cadente Domo.
WALLENSTEIN. The empire of Saturnus is gone by; Lord of the secret birth of things is he; Within the lap of earth, and in the depths Of the imagination dominates; And his are all things that eschew the light. The time is o'er of brooding and contrivance, For Jupiter, the lustrous, lordeth now, And the dark work, complete of preparation, He draws by force into the realm of light. Now must we hasten on to action, ere The scheme, and most auspicious positure Parts o'er my head, and takes once more its flight, For the heaven's journey still, and adjourn not.
[There are knocks at the door. There's some one knocking there. See who it is.
TERZKY (from without). Open, and let me in.
Ay - 'tis Terzky. What is there of such urgence? We are busy.
TERZKY (from without). Lay all aside at present, I entreat you; It suffers no delaying.
Open, Seni!
[While SENI opens the door for TERZKY, WALLENSTEIN draws the curtain over the figures.]
TERZKY (enters). Hast thou already heard it? He is taken. Gallas has given him up to the emperor.
[SENI draws off the black table, and exit.
WALLENSTEIN (to TERZKY). Who has been taken? Who is given up?
TERZKY. The man who knows our secrets, who knows every Negotiation with the Swede and Saxon, Through whose hands all and everything has passed - -
WALLENSTEIN (drawing back). Nay, not Sesina? Say, no! I entreat thee.
TERZKY. All on his road for Regensburg to the Swede He was plunged down upon by Gallas' agent, Who had been long in ambush, lurking for him. There must have been found on him my whole packet To Thur, to Kinsky, to Oxenstiern, to Arnheim: All this is in their hands; they have now an insight Into the whole - our measures and our motives.
To them enters ILLO.
ILLO (to TERZKY). Has he heard it?
TERZKY. He has heard it.
Thinkest thou still To make thy peace with the emperor, to regain His confidence? E'en were it now thy wish To abandon all thy plans, yet still they know What thou hast wished: then forwards thou must press; Retreat is now no longer in thy power.
TERZKY. They have documents against us, and in hands, Which show beyond all power of contradiction - -
WALLENSTEIN. Of my handwriting - no iota. Thee I punish or thy lies.
And thou believest, That what this man, and what thy sister's husband, Did in thy name, will not stand on thy reckoning? His word must pass for thy word with the Swede, And not with those that hate thee at Vienna?
TERZKY. In writing thou gavest nothing; but bethink thee, How far thou venturedst by word of mouth With this Sesina! And will he be silent? If he can save himself by yielding up Thy secret purposes, will he retain them?
ILLO. Thyself dost not conceive it possible; And since they now have evidence authentic How far thou hast already gone, speak! tell us, What art thou waiting for? Thou canst no longer Keep thy command; and beyond hope of rescue Thou'rt lost if thou resign'st it.
In the army Lies my security. The army will not Abandon me. Whatever they may know, The power is mine, and they must gulp it down And if I give them caution for my fealty, They must be satisfied, at least appear so.
ILLO. The army, duke, is thine now; for this moment 'Tis thine: but think with terror on the slow, The quiet power of time. From open violence The attachment of thy soldiery secures thee To-day, to-morrow: but grant'st thou them a respite, Unheard, unseen, they'll undermine that love On which thou now dost feel so firm a footing, With wily theft will draw away from thee One after the other - -
'Tis a cursed accident! Oh! I will call it a most blessed one, If it work on thee as it ought to do, Hurry thee on to action - to decision. The Swedish general?
He's arrived! Know'st What his commission is - -
To thee alone Will he intrust the purpose of his coming.
WALLENSTEIN. A cursed, cursed accident! Yes, yes, Sesina knows too much, and won't be silent.
TERZKY. He's a Bohemian fugitive and rebel, His neck is forfeit. Can he save himself At thy cost, think you he will scruple it? And if they put him to the torture, will he, Will he, that dastardling, have strength enough - -
WALLENSTEIN (lost in thought). Their confidence is lost, irreparably! And I may act which way I will, I shall Be and remain forever in their thought A traitor to my country. How sincerely Soever I return back to my duty, It will no longer help me - -
Ruin thee, That it will do! Not thy fidelity, Thy weakness will be deemed the sole occasion - -
WALLENSTEIN (pacing up and down in extreme agitation). What! I must realize it now in earnest, Because I toyed too freely with the thought! Accursed he who dallies with a devil! And must I - I must realize it now - Now, while I have the power, it must take place!
ILLO. Now - now - ere they can ward and parry it!
WALLENSTEIN (looking at the paper of Signatures). I have the generals' word - a written promise! Max. Piccolomini stands not here - how's that?
TERZRY. It was - be fancied - -
Mere self-willedness. There needed no such thing 'twixt him and you.
WALLENSTEIN. He is quite right; there needed no such thing. The regiments, too, deny to march for Flanders Have sent me in a paper of remonstrance, And openly resist the imperial orders. The first step to revolt's already taken.
ILLO. Believe me, thou wilt find it far more easy To lead them over to the enemy Than to the Spaniard.
I will hear, however, What the Swede has to say to me.
ILLO (eagerly to TERZKY).
Go, call him, He stands without the door in waiting.
Stay! Stay but a little. It hath taken me All by surprise; it came too quick upon me; 'Tis wholly novel that an accident, With its dark lordship, and blind agency, Should force me on with it.
First hear him only, And then weigh it.
[Exeunt TERZKY and ILLO.
WALLENSTEIN (in soliloquy).
Is it possible? Is't so? I can no longer what I would? No longer draw back at my liking? I Must do the deed, because I thought of it? And fed this heart here with a dream? Because I did not scowl temptation from my presence, Dallied with thoughts of possible fulfilment, Commenced no movement, left all time uncertain, And only kept the road, the access open? By the great God of Heaven! it was not My serious meaning, it was ne'er resolved. I but amused myself with thinking of it. The free-will tempted me, the power to do Or not to do it. Was it criminal To make the fancy minister to hope, To fill the air with pretty toys of air, And clutch fantastic sceptres moving toward me? Was not the will kept free? Beheld I not The road of duty close beside me - but One little step, and once more I was in it! Where am I? Whither have I been transported? No road, no track behind me, but a wall, Impenetrable, insurmountable, Rises obedient to the spells I muttered And meant not - my own doings tower behind me.
[Pauses and remains in deep thought. A punishable man I seem, the guilt, Try what I will, I cannot roll off from me; The equivocal demeanor of my life Bears witness on my prosecutor's party. And even my purest acts from purest motives Suspicion poisons with malicious gloss. Were I that thing for which I pass, that traitor, A goodly outside I had sure reserved, Had drawn the coverings thick and double round me, Been calm and chary of my utterance; But being conscious of the innocence Of my intent, my uncorrupted will, I gave way to my humors, to my passion: Bold were my words, because my deeds were not Now every planless measure, chance event, The threat of rage, the vaunt of joy and triumph, And all the May-games of a heart overflowing, Will they connect, and weave them all together Into one web of treason; all will be plan, My eye ne'er absent from the far-off mark, Step tracing step, each step a politic progress; And out of all they'll fabricate a charge So specious, that I must myself stand dumb. I am caught in my own net, and only force, Naught but a sudden rent can liberate me.
[Pauses again.
How else! since that the heart's unbiased instinct Impelled me to the daring deed, which now Necessity, self-preservation, orders. Stern is the on-look of necessity, Not without shudder may a human hand Grasp the mysterious urn of destiny. My deed was mine, remaining in my bosom; Once suffered to escape from its safe corner Within the heart, its nursery and birthplace, Sent forth into the foreign, it belongs Forever to those sly malicious powers Whom never art of man conciliated.
[Paces in agitation through the chamber, then pauses, and, after
the pause, breaks out again into audible soliloquy.
What it thy enterprise? thy aim? thy object? Hast honestly confessed it to thyself? Power seated on a quiet throne thou'dst shake, Power on an ancient, consecrated throne, Strong in possession, founded in all custom; Power by a thousand tough and stringy roots Fixed to the people's pious nursery faith. This, this will be no strife of strength with strength. That feared I not. I brave each combatant, Whom I can look on, fixing eye to eye, Who, full himself of courage, kindles courage In me too. 'Tis a foe invisible The which I fear - a fearful enemy, Which in the human heart opposes me, By its coward fear alone made fearful to me. Not that, which full of life, instinct with power, Makes known its present being; that is not The true, the perilously formidable. O no! it is the common, the quite common, The thing of an eternal yesterday. Whatever was, and evermore returns, Sterling to-morrow, for to-day 'twas sterling! For of the wholly common is man made, And custom is his nurse! Woe then to them Who lay irreverent hands upon his old House furniture, the dear inheritance From his forefathers! For time consecrates; And what is gray with age becomes religion. Be in possession, and thou hast the right, And sacred will the many guard it for thee!
[To the PAGE, - who here enters.
The Swedish officer? Well, let him enter.
[The PAGE exit, WALLENSTEIN fixes his eye in deep thought
on the door.
Yet, it is pure - as yet! - the crime has come Not o'er this threshold yet - so slender is The boundary that divideth life's two paths.
WALLENSTEIN (after having fixed a searching look on him). Your name is Wrangel?
Gustave Wrangel, General Of the Sudermanian Blues.
It was a Wrangel Who injured me materially at Stralsund, And by his brave resistance was the cause Of the opposition which that seaport made.
WRANGEL. It was the doing of the element With which you fought, my lord! and not my merit, The Baltic Neptune did assert his freedom: The sea and land, it seemed were not to serve One and the same.
WALLENSTEIN You plucked the admiral's hat from off my head.
WRANGEL. I come to place a diadem thereon.
WALLENSTEIN (makes the motion for him to take a seat, and seats himself).
And where are your credentials Come you provided with full powers, sir general?
WRANGEL. There are so many scruples yet to solve - -
WALLENSTEIN (having read the credentials). An able letter! Ay - he is a prudent, Intelligent master whom you serve, sir general! The chancellor writes me that he but fulfils His late departed sovereign's own idea In helping me to the Bohemian crown.
WRANGEL. He says the truth. Our great king, now in heaven, Did ever deem most highly of your grace's Pre-eminent sense and military genius; And always the commanding intellect, He said, should have command, and be the king.
WALLENSTEIN. Yes, he might say it safely. General Wrangel,
[Taking his hand affectionately. Come, fair and open. Trust me, I was always A Swede at heart. Eh! that did you experience Both in Silesia and at Nuremberg; I had you often in my power, and let you Always slip out by some back door or other. 'Tis this for which the court can ne'er forgive me, Which drives me to this present step: and since Our interests so run in one direction, E'en let us have a thorough confidence Each in the other.
Confidence will come Has each but only first security.
WALLENSTEIN. The chancellor still, I see, does not quite trust me; And, I confess - the game does not lie wholly To my advantage. Without doubt he thinks, If I can play false with the emperor, Who is my sovereign, I can do the like With the enemy, and that the one, too, were Sooner to be forgiven me than the other. Is not this your opinion, too, sir general?
WRANGEL. I have here a duty merely, no opinion.
WALLENSTEIN. The emperor hath urged me to the uttermost I can no longer honorably serve him. For my security, in self-defence, I take this hard step, which my conscience blames.
WRANGEL. That I believe. So far would no one go Who was not forced to it.
[After a pause.
What may have impelled Your princely highness in this wise to act Toward your sovereign lord and emperor, Beseems not us to expound or criticise. The Swede is fighting for his good old cause, With his good sword and conscience. This concurrence, This opportunity is in our favor, And all advantages in war are lawful. We take what offers without questioning; And if all have its due and just proportions - -
WALLENSTEIN. Of what then are ye doubting? Of my will? Or of my power? I pledged me to the chancellor, Would he trust me with sixteen thousand men, That I would instantly go over to them With eighteen thousand of the emperor's troops.
WRANGEL. Your grace is known to be a mighty war-chief, To be a second Attila and Pyrrhus. 'Tis talked of still with fresh astonishment, How some years past, beyond all human faith, You called an army forth like a creation: But yet - -
But yet?
But still the chancellor thinks It might yet be an easier thing from nothing To call forth sixty thousand men of battle, Than to persuade one-sixtieth part of them - -
WALLENSTEIN. What now? Out with it, friend?
To break their oaths.
WALLENSTEIN. And he thinks so? He judges like a Swede, And like a Protestant. You Lutherans Fight for your Bible. You are interested About the cause; and with your hearts you follow Your banners. Among you whoe'er deserts To the enemy hath broken covenant With two lords at one time. We've no such fancies.
WRANGEL. Great God in heaven! Have then the people here No house and home, no fireside, no altar?
WALLENSTEIN. I will explain that to you, how it stands: The Austrian has a country, ay, and loves it, And has good cause to love it - but this army That calls itself the imperial, this that houses Here in Bohemia, this has none - no country; This is an outcast of all foreign lands, Unclaimed by town or tribe, to whom belongs Nothing except the universal sun. And this Bohemian land for which we fight Loves not the master whom the chance of war, Not its own choice or will, hath given to it. Men murmur at the oppression of their conscience, And power hath only awed but not appeased them. A glowing and avenging memory lives Of cruel deeds committed on these plains; How can the son forget that here his father Was hunted by the bloodhound to the mass? A people thus oppressed must still be feared, Whether they suffer or avenge their wrongs.
WRANGEL. But then the nobles and the officers? Such a desertion, such a felony, It is without example, my lord duke, In the world's history.
They are all mine - Mine unconditionally - mine on all terms. Not me, your own eyes you must trust.
[He gives him the paper containing the written oath. WRANGEL reads
it through, and, having read it, lays it on the table, - remaining
So then; Now comprehend you?
Comprehend who can! My lord duke, I will let the mask drop - yes! I've full powers for a final settlement. The Rhinegrave stands but four days' march from here With fifteen thousand men, and only waits For orders to proceed and join your army. These orders I give out immediately We're compromised.
What asks the chancellor?
WRANGEL (considerately). Twelve regiments, every man a Swede - my head The warranty - and all might prove at last Only false play - -
WALLENSTEIN (starting).
Sir Swede!
WRANGEL (calmly proceeding).
Am therefore forced To insist thereon, that he do formally, Irrevocably break with the emperor, Else not a Swede is trusted to Duke Friedland.
WALLENSTEIN. Come, brief and open! What is the demand?
WRANGEL. That he forthwith disarm the Spanish regiments Attached to the emperor, that he seize on Prague, And to the Swedes give up that city, with The strong pass Egra.
That is much indeed! Prague! - Egra's granted - but - but Prague! 'Twon't do. I give you every security Which you may ask of me in common reason - But Prague - Bohemia - these, sir general, I can myself protect.
We doubt it not. But 'tis not the protection that is now Our sole concern. We want security, That we shall not expend our men and money All to no purpose.
'Tis but reasonable.
WRANGEL. And till we are indemnified, so long Stays Prague in pledge.
Then trust you us so little?
WRANGEL (rising). The Swede, if he would treat well with the German, Must keep a sharp lookout. We have been called Over the Baltic, we have saved the empire From ruin - with our best blood have we sealed The liberty of faith and gospel truth. But now already is the benefaction No longer felt, the load alone is felt. Ye look askance with evil eye upon us, As foreigners, intruders in the empire, And would fain send us with some paltry sum Of money, home again to our old forests. No, no! my lord duke! it never was For Judas' pay, for chinking gold and silver, That we did leave our king by the Great Stone. [1] No, not for gold and silver have there bled So many of our Swedish nobles - neither Will we, with empty laurels for our payment, Hoist sail for our own country. Citizens Will we remain upon the soil, the which Our monarch conquered for himself and died.
WALLENSTEIN. Help to keep down the common enemy, And the fair border land must needs be yours.
WRANGEL. But when the common enemy lies vanquished, Who knits together our new friendship then? We know, Duke Friedland! though perhaps the Swede Ought not to have known it, that you carry on Secret negotiations with the Saxons. Who is our warranty that we are not The sacrifices in those articles Which 'tis thought needful to conceal from us?
WALLENSTEIN (rises). Think you of something better, Gustave Wrangel! Of Prague no more.
Here my commission ends.
WALLENSTEIN. Surrender up to you my capital! Far liever would I force about, and step Back to my emperor.
If time yet permits - -
WALLENSTEIN. That lies with me, even now, at any hour.
WRANGEL. Some days ago, perhaps. To-day, no longer; No longer since Sesina's been a prisoner.
[WALLENSTEIN is struck, and silenced. My lord duke, hear me - we believe that you At present do mean honorably by us. Since yesterday we're sure of that - and now This paper warrants for the troops, there's nothing Stands in the way of our full confidence. Prague shall not part us. Hear! The chancellor Contents himself with Alstadt; to your grace He gives up Ratschin and the narrow side. But Egra above all must open to us, Ere we can think of any junction.
You, You therefore must I trust, and not you me? I will consider of your proposition.
WRANGEL. I must entreat that your consideration Occupy not too long a time. Already Has this negotiation, my lord duke! Crept on into the second year. If nothing Is settled this time, will the chancellor Consider it as broken off forever?
WALLENSTEIN. Ye press me hard. A measure such as this Ought to be thought of.
Ay! but think of this too, That sudden action only can procure it. Success - think first of this, your highness.
ILLO. Is't all right?
Are you compromised?
This Swede Went smiling from you. Yes! you're compromised.
WALLENSTEIN. As yet is nothing settled; and (well weighed) I feel myself inclined to leave it so.
TERZKY. How? What is that?
Come on me what will come, The doing evil to avoid an evil Cannot be good!
Nay, but bethink you, duke.
WALLENSTEIN. To live upon the mercy of these Swedes! Of these proud-hearted Swedes! - I could not bear it.
ILLO. Goest thou as fugitive, as mendicant? Bringest thou not more to them than thou receivest?
WALLENSTEIN. How fared it with the brave and royal Bourbon Who sold himself unto his country's foes, And pierced the bosom of his father-land? Curses were his reward, and men's abhorrence Avenged the unnatural and revolting deed.
ILLO. Is that thy case?
True faith, I tell thee, Must ever be the dearest friend of man His nature prompts him to assert its rights. The enmity of sects, the rage of parties, Long-cherished envy, jealousy, unite;' And all the struggling elements of evil Suspend their conflict, and together league In one alliance 'gainst their common foe - The savage beast that breaks into the fold, Where men repose in confidence and peace. For vain were man's own prudence to protect him. 'Tis only in the forehead nature plants The watchful eye; the back, without defence, Must find its shield in man's fidelity.
TERZKY. Think not more meanly off thyself than do Thy foes, who stretch their hands with joy to greet thee. Less scrupulous far was the imperial Charles, The powerful head of this illustrious house; With open arms he gave the Bourbon welcome; For still by policy the world is ruled.
To these enter the COUNTESS TERZKY.
WALLENSTEIN. Who sent for you? There is no business here For women.
I am come to bid you joy.
WALLENSTEIN. Use thy authority, Terzky; bid her go.
COUNTESS. Come I perhaps too early? I hope not.
WALLENSTEIN. Set not this tongue upon me, I entreat you: You know it is the weapon that destroys me. I am routed, if a woman but attack me: I cannot traffic in the trade of words With that unreasoning sex.
I had already Given the Bohemians a king.
WALLENSTEIN (sarcastically).
They have one, In consequence, no doubt.
COUNTESS (to the others).
Ha! what new scruple?
TERZKY. The duke will not.
He will not what he must!
ILLO. It lies with you now. Try. For I am silenced When folks begin to talk to me of conscience And of fidelity.
How? then, when all Lay in the far-off distance, when the road Stretched out before thine eyes interminably, Then hadst thou courage and resolve; and now, Now that the dream is being realized, The purpose ripe, the issue ascertained, Dost thou begin to play the dastard now? Planned merely, 'tis a common felony; Accomplished, an immortal undertaking: And with success comes pardon hand in hand, For all event is God's arbitrament.
SERVANT (enters). The Colonel Piccolomini.
COUNTESS (hastily).
- Must wait.
WALLENSTEIN. I cannot see him now. Another time.
SERVANT. But for two minutes he entreats an audience Of the most urgent nature is his business.
WALLENSTEIN. Who knows what he may bring us! I will hear him.
COUNTESS (laughs). Urgent for him, no doubt? but thou may'st wait.
WALLENSTEIN. What is it?
Thou shalt be informed hereafter. First let the Swede and thee be compromised.
WALLENSTEIN. If there were yet a choice! if yet some milder Way of escape were possible - I still Will choose it, and avoid the last extreme.
COUNTESS. Desirest thou nothing further? Such a way Lies still before thee. Send this Wrangel off. Forget thou thy old hopes, cast far away All thy past life; determine to commence A new one. Virtue hath her heroes too, As well as fame and fortune. To Vienna Hence - to the emperor - kneel before the throne; Take a full coffer with thee - say aloud, Thou didst but wish to prove thy fealty; Thy whole intention but to dupe the Swede.
ILLO. For that too 'tis too late. They know too much; He would but bear his own head to the block.
COUNTESS. I fear not that. They have not evidence To attaint him legally, and they avoid The avowal of an arbitrary power. They'll let the duke resign without disturbance. I see how all will end. The King of Hungary Makes his appearance, and 'twill of itself Be understood, and then the duke retires. There will not want a formal declaration. The young king will administer the oath To the whole army; and so all returns To the old position. On some morrow morning The duke departs; and now 'tis stir and bustle Within his castles. He will hunt and build; Superintend his horses' pedigrees, Creates himself a court, gives golden keys, And introduceth strictest ceremony In fine proportions, and nice etiquette; Keeps open table with high cheer: in brief, Commenceth mighty king - in miniature. And while he prudently demeans himself, And gives himself no actual importance, He will be let appear whate'er he likes: And who dares doubt, that Friedland will appear A mighty prince to his last dying hour? Well now, what then? Duke Friedland is as others, A fire-new noble, whom the war hath raised To price and currency, a Jonah's gourd, An over-night creation of court-favor, Which, with an undistinguishable ease, Makes baron or makes prince.
WALLENSTEIN (in extreme agitation).
Take her away. Let in the young Count Piccolomini.
COUNTESS. Art thou in earnest? I entreat thee! Canst thou consent to bear thyself to thy own grave, So ignominiously to be dried up? Thy life, that arrogated such an height To end in such a nothing! To be nothing, When one was always nothing, is an evil That asks no stretch of patience, a light evil; But to become a nothing, having been - -
WALLENSTEIN (starts up in violent agitation). Show me a way out of this stifling crowd, Ye powers of aidance! Show me such a way As I am capable of going. I Am no tongue-hero, no fine virtue-prattler; I cannot warm by thinking; cannot say To the good luck that turns her back upon me Magnanimously: "Go; I need thee not." Cease I to work, I am annihilated. Dangers nor sacrifices will I shun, If so I may avoid the last extreme; But ere I sink down into nothingness, Leave off so little, who began so great, Ere that the world confuses me with those Poor wretches, whom a day creates and crumbles, This age and after ages [2] speak my name With hate and dread; and Friedland be redemption For each accursed deed.
What is there here, then, So against nature? Help me to perceive it! Oh, let not superstition's nightly goblins Subdue thy clear, bright spirit! Art thou bid To murder? with abhorred, accursed poniard, To violate the breasts that nourished thee? That were against our nature, that might aptly Make thy flesh shudder, and thy whole heart sicken. [3] Yet not a few, and for a meaner object, Have ventured even this, ay, and performed it. What is there in thy case so black and monstrous? Thou art accused of treason - whether with Or without justice is not now the question - Thou art lost if thou dost not avail thee quickly Of the power which thou possessest - Friedland! Duke! Tell me where lives that thing so meek and tame, That doth not all his living faculties Put forth in preservation of his life? What deed so daring, which necessity And desperation will not sanctify?
WALLENSTEIN. Once was this Ferdinand so gracious to me; He loved me; he esteemed me; I was placed The nearest to his heart. Full many a time We like familiar friends, both at one table, Have banqueted together - he and I; And the young kings themselves held me the basin Wherewith to wash me - and is't come to this?
COUNTESS. So faithfully preservest thou each small favor, And hast no memory for contumelies? Must I remind thee, how at Regensburg This man repaid thy faithful services? All ranks and all conditions in the empire Thou hadst wronged to make him great, - hadst loaded on thee, On thee, the hate, the curse of the whole world. No friend existed for thee in all Germany, And why? because thou hadst existed only For the emperor. To the emperor alone Clung Friedland in that storm which gathered round him At Regensburg in the Diet - and he dropped thee! He let thee fall! he let thee fall a victim To the Bavarian, to that insolent! Deposed, stripped bare of all thy dignity And power, amid the taunting of thy foe Thou wert let drop into obscurity. Say not, the restoration of thy honor Has made atonement for that first injustice. No honest good-will was it that replaced thee; The law of hard necessity replaced thee, Which they had fain opposed, but that they could not.
WALLENSTEIN. Not to their good wishes, that is certain, Nor yet to his affection I'm indebted For this high office; and if I abuse it, I shall therein abuse no confidence.
COUNTESS. Affection! confidence! - they needed thee. Necessity, impetuous remonstrant! Who not with empty names, or shows of proxy, Is served, who'll have the thing and not the symbol, Ever seeks out the greatest and the best, And at the rudder places him, e'en though She had been forced to take him from the rabble - She, this necessity, it was that placed thee In this high office; it was she that gave thee Thy letters-patent of inauguration. For, to the uttermost moment that they can, This race still help themselves at cheapest rate With slavish souls, with puppets! At the approach Of extreme peril, when a hollow image Is found a hollow image and no more, Then falls the power into the mighty hands Of nature, of the spirit-giant born, Who listens only to himself, knows nothing Of stipulations, duties, reverences, And, like the emancipated force of fire, Unmastered scorches, ere it reaches them, Their fine-spun webs, their artificial policy.
WALLENSTEIN. 'Tis true! they saw me always as I am - Always! I did not cheat them in the bargain. I never held it worth my pains to hide The bold all-grasping habit of my soul.
COUNTESS. Nay rather - thou hast ever shown thyself A formidable man, without restraint; Hast exercised the full prerogatives Of thy impetuous nature, which had been Once granted to thee. Therefore, duke, not thou, Who hast still remained consistent with thyself, But they are in the wrong, who, fearing thee, Intrusted such a power in hands they feared. For, by the laws of spirit, in the right Is every individual character That acts in strict consistence with itself: Self-contradiction is the only wrong. Wert thou another being, then, when thou Eight years ago pursuedst thy march with fire, And sword, and desolation, through the circles Of Germany, the universal scourge, Didst mock all ordinances of the empire, The fearful rights of strength alone exertedst, Trampledst to earth each rank, each magistracy, All to extend thy Sultan's domination? Then was the time to break thee in, to curb Thy haughty will, to teach thee ordinance. But no, the emperor felt no touch of conscience; What served him pleased him, and without a murmur He stamped his broad seal on these lawless deeds. What at that time was right, because thou didst it For him, to-day is all at once become Opprobrious, foul, because it is directed Against him. O most flimsy superstition!
WALLENSTEIN (rising). I never saw it in this light before, 'Tis even so. The emperor perpetrated Deeds through my arm, deeds most unorderly. And even this prince's mantle, which I wear, I owe to what were services to him, But most high misdemeanors 'gainst the empire.
COUNTESS. Then betwixt thee and him (confess it, Friedland!) The point can be no more of right and duty, Only of power and the opportunity. That opportunity, lo! it comes yonder Approaching with swift steeds; then with a swing Throw thyself up into the chariot-seat, Seize with firm hand the reins ere thy opponent Anticipate thee, and himself make conquest Of the now empty seat. The moment comes; It is already here, when thou must write The absolute total of thy life's vast sum. The constellations stand victorious o'er thee, The planets shoot good fortune in fair junctions, And tell thee, "Now's the time!" The starry courses Hast thou thy life-long measured to no purpose? The quadrant and the circle, were they playthings?
[Pointing to the different objects in the room.
The zodiacs, the rolling orbs of heaven, Hast pictured on these walls and all around thee. In dumb, foreboding symbols hast thou placed These seven presiding lords of destiny - For toys? Is all this preparation nothing? Is there no marrow in this hollow art, That even to thyself it doth avail Nothing, and has no influence over thee In the great moment of decision?
WALLENSTEIN (during this last speech walks up and down with inward
struggles, laboring with passion; stops suddenly, stands still, then
interrupting the COUNTESS). Send Wrangel to me - I will instantly Despatch three couriers - -
ILLO (hurrying out).
God in heaven be praised!
WALLENSTEIN. It is his evil genius and mine. Our evil genius! It chastises him Through me, the instrument of his ambition; And I expect no less, than that revenge E'en now is whetting for my breast the poinard. Who sows the serpent's teeth let him not hope To reap a joyous harvest. Every crime Has, in the moment of its perpetration, Its own avenging angel - dark misgiving, An ominous sinking at the inmost heart. He can no longer trust me. Then no longer Can I retreat - so come that which must come. Still destiny preserves its due relations, The heart within us is its absolute Vicegerent. [To TERZKY.
Go, conduct you Gustave Wrangel To my state cabinet. Myself will speak to The couriers. And despatch immediately A servant for Octavio Piccolomini.
[To the COUNTESS, who cannot conceal her triumph.
No exultation! woman, triumph not! For jealous are the powers of destiny, Joy premature, and shouts ere victory, Encroach upon their rights and privileges. We sow the seed, and they the growth determine.
[While he is making his exit the curtain drops.
Scene as in the preceding Act.
WALLENSTEIN (coming forward in conversation). He sends me word from Linz that he lies sick; But I have sure intelligence that he Secretes himself at Frauenberg with Gallas. Secure them both, and send them to me hither. Remember, thou takest on thee the command Of those same Spanish regiments, - constantly Make preparation, and be never ready; And if they urge thee to draw out against me, Still answer yes, and stand as thou went fettered. I know, that it is doing thee a service To keep thee out of action in this business. Thou lovest to linger on in fair appearances; Steps of extremity are not thy province, Therefore have I sought out this part for thee. Thou wilt this time be of most service to me By thy inertness. The meantime, if fortune Declare itself on my side, thou wilt know What is to do.
Now go, Octavio. This night must thou be off, take my own horses Him here I keep with me - make short farewell - Trust me, I think we all shall meet again In joy and thriving fortunes.
OCTAVIO (to his son).
I shall see you Yet ere I go.
MAX. (advances to him). My general!
That I am no longer, if Thou stylest thyself the emperor's officer.
MAX. Then thou wilt leave the army, general?
WALLENSTEIN. I have renounced the service of the emperor.
MAX. And thou wilt leave the army?
Rather hope I To bind it nearer still and faster to me.
[He seats himself. Yes, Max., I have delayed to open it to thee, Even till the hour of acting 'gins to strike. Youth's fortunate feeling doth seize easily The absolute right, yea, and a joy it is To exercise the single apprehension Where the sums square in proof; But where it happens, that of two sure evils One must be taken, where the heart not wholly Brings itself back from out the strife of duties, There 'tis a blessing to have no election, And blank necessity is grace and favor. This is now present: do not look behind thee, - It can no more avail thee. Look thou forwards! Think not! judge not! prepare thyself to act! The court - it hath determined on my ruin, Therefore I will be beforehand with them. We'll join the Swedes - right gallant fellows are they, And our good friends.
[He stops himself, expecting PICCOLOMINI's answer. I have taken thee by surprise. Answer me not: I grant thee time to recollect thyself.
[He rises, retires to the back of the stage. MAX. remains
for a long time motionless, in a trance of excessive anguish.
At his first motion WALLENSTEIN returns, and places himself
before him.
MAX. My general, this day thou makest me Of age to speak in my own right and person, For till this day I have been spared the trouble To find out my own road. Thee have I followed With most implicit, unconditional faith, Sure of the right path if I followed thee. To-day, for the first time, dost thou refer Me to myself, and forcest me to make Election between thee and my own heart.
WALLENSTEIN. Soft cradled thee thy fortune till to-day; Thy duties thou couldst exercise in sport, Indulge all lovely instincts, act forever With undivided heart. It can remain No longer thus. Like enemies, the roads Start from each other. Duties strive with duties, Thou must needs choose thy party in the war Which is now kindling 'twixt thy friend and him Who is thy emperor.
War! is that the name? War is as frightful as heaven's pestilence, Yet it is good, is it heaven's will as that is. Is that a good war, which against the emperor Thou wagest with the emperor's own army? O God of heaven! what a change is this. Beseems it me to offer such persuasion To thee, who like the fixed star of the pole Wert all I gazed at on life's trackless ocean? O! what a rent thou makest in my heart! The ingrained instinct of old reverence, The holy habit of obediency, Must I pluck life asunder from thy name? Nay, do not turn thy countenance upon me - It always was as a god looking upon me! Duke Wallenstein, its power has not departed; The senses still are in thy bonds, although Bleeding, the soul hath freed itself.
Max., hear me.
MAX. Oh, do it not, I pray thee, do it not! There is a pure and noble soul within thee, Knows not of this unblest unlucky doing. Thy will is chaste, it is thy fancy only Which hath polluted thee - and innocence, It will not let itself be driven away From that world-awing aspect. Thou wilt not, Thou canst not end in this. It would reduce All human creatures to disloyalty Against the nobleness of their own nature. 'Twill justify the vulgar misbelief, Which holdeth nothing noble in free will, And trusts itself to impotence alone, Made powerful only in an unknown power.
WALLENSTEIN. The world will judge me harshly, I expect it. Already have I said to my own self All thou canst say to me. Who but avoids The extreme, can he by going round avoid it? But here there is no choice. Yes, I must use Or suffer violence - so stands the case, There remains nothing possible but that.
MAX. Oh, that is never possible for thee! 'Tis the last desperate resource of those Cheap souls, to whom their honor, their good name, Is their poor saving, their last worthless keep, Which, having staked and lost, they staked themselves In the mad rage of gaming. Thou art rich And glorious; with an unpolluted heart Thou canst make conquest of whate'er seems highest! But he who once hath acted infamy Does nothing more in this world.
WALLENSTEIN (grasps his hand).
Calmly, Max.! Much that is great and excellent will we Perform together yet. And if we only Stand on the height with dignity, 'tis soon Forgotten, Max., by what road we ascended. Believe me, many a crown shines spotless now, That yet was deeply sullied in the winning. To the evil spirit doth the earth belong, Not to the good. All that the powers divine Send from above are universal blessings Their light rejoices us, their air refreshes, But never yet was man enriched by them: In their eternal realm no property Is to be struggled for - all there is general. The jewel, the all-valued gold we win From the deceiving powers, depraved in nature, That dwell beneath the day and blessed sunlight. Not without sacrifices are they rendered Propitious, and there lives no soul on earth That e'er retired unsullied from their service.
MAX. Whate'er is human to the human being Do I allow - and to the vehement And striving spirit readily I pardon The excess of action; but to thee, my general! Above all others make I large concession. For thou must move a world and be the master - He kills thee who condemns thee to inaction. So be it then! maintain thee in thy post By violence. Resist the emperor, And if it must be force with force repel; I will not praise it, yet I can forgive it. But not - not to the traitor - yes! the word Is spoken out - Not to the traitor can I yield a pardon. That is no mere excess! that is no error Of human nature - that is wholly different, Oh, that is black, black as the pit of hell!
[WALLENSTEIN betrays a sudden agitation. Thou canst not hear it named, and wilt thou do it? O turn back to thy duty. That thou canst, I hold it certain. Send me to Vienna; I'll make thy peace for thee with the emperor. He knows thee not. But I do know thee. He Shall see thee, duke! with my unclouded eye, And I bring back his confidence to thee.
WALLENSTEIN. It is too late! Thou knowest not what has happened.
MAX. Were it too late, and were things gone so far, That a crime only could prevent thy fall, Then - fall! fall honorably, even as thou stoodest, Lose the command. Go from the stage of war! Thou canst with splendor do it - do it too With innocence. Thou hast lived much for others, At length live thou for thy own self. I follow thee. My destiny I never part from thine.
WALLENSTEIN. It is too late! Even now, while thou art losing Thy words, one after another, are the mile-stones Left fast behind by my post couriers, Who bear the order on to Prague and Egra.
[MAX. stands as convulsed, with a gesture and countenance
expressing the most intense anguish.
Yield thyself to it. We act as we are forced. I cannot give assent to my own shame And ruin. Thou - no - thou canst not forsake me! So let us do, what must be done, with dignity, With a firm step. What am I doing worse Than did famed Caesar at the Rubicon, When he the legions led against his country, The which his country had delivered to him? Had he thrown down the sword, he had been lost. As I were, if I but disarmed myself. I trace out something in me of this spirit. Give me his luck, that other thing I'll bear.
[MAX. quits him abruptly. WALLENSTEIN startled and overpowered,
continues looking after him, and is still in this posture when
TERZKY enters.
TERZKY. Max. Piccolomini just left you?
Where is Wrangel?
TERZKY. He is already gone.
In such a hurry?
TERZKY. It is as if the earth had swallowed him. He had scarce left thee, when I went to seek him. I wished some words with him - but he was gone. How, when, and where, could no one tell me. Nay, I half believe it was the devil himself; A human creature could not so at once Have vanished.
ILLO (enters).
Is it true that thou wilt send Octavio?
How, Octavio! Whither send him?
WALLENSTEIN. He goes to Frauenberg, and will lead hither The Spanish and Italian regiments.
No! Nay, heaven forbid!
And why should heaven forbid?
ILLO. Him! - that deceiver! Wouldst thou trust to him The soldiery? Him wilt thou let slip from thee, Now in the very instant that decides us - -
TERZKY. Thou wilt not do this! No! I pray thee, no!
WALLENSTEIN. Ye are whimsical.
O but for this time, duke, Yield to our warning! Let him not depart.
WALLENSTEIN. And why should I not trust him only this time, Who have always trusted him? What, then, has happened That I should lose my good opinion of him? In complaisance to your whims, not my own, I must, forsooth, give up a rooted judgment. Think not I am a woman. Having trusted him E'en till to-day, to-day too will I trust him.
TERZKY. Must it be he - he only? Send another.
WALLENSTEIN. It must be he, whom I myself have chosen; He is well fitted for the business. Therefore I gave it him.
Because he's an Italian - Therefore is he well fitted for the business!
WALLENSTEIN. I know you love them not, nor sire nor son, Because that I esteem them, love them, visibly Esteem them, love them more than you and others, E'en as they merit. Therefore are they eye-blights, Thorns in your footpath. But your jealousies, In what affect they me or my concerns? Are they the worse to me because you hate them? Love or hate one another as you will, I leave to each man his own moods and likings; Yet know the worth of each of you to me.
ILLO. Von Questenberg, while he was here, was always Lurking about with this Octavio.
WALLENSTEIN. It happened with my knowledge and permission.
ILLO. I know that secret messengers came to him From Gallas - -
That's not true.
O thou art blind, With thy deep-seeing eyes!
Thou wilt not shake My faith for me; my faith, which founds itself On the profoundest science. If 'tis false, Then the whole science of the stars is false; For know, I have a pledge from Fate itself, That he is the most faithful of my friends.
ILLO. Hast thou a pledge that this pledge is not false?
WALLENSTEIN. There exist moments in the life of man, When he is nearer the great Soul of the world Than is man's custom, and possesses freely The power of questioning his destiny: And such a moment 'twas, when in the night Before the action in the plains of Luetzen, Leaning against a tree, thoughts crowding thoughts, I looked out far upon the ominous plain. My whole life, past and future, in this moment Before my mind's eye glided in procession, And to the destiny of the next morning The spirit, filled with anxious presentiment, Did knit the most removed futurity. Then said I also to myself, "So many Dost thou command. They follow all thy stars, And as on some great number set their all Upon thy single head, and only man The vessel of thy fortune. Yet a day Will come, when destiny shall once more scatter All these in many a several direction: Few be they who will stand out faithful to thee." I yearned to know which one was faithfulest Of all, my camp included. Great destiny, Give me a sign! And he shall be the man, Who, on the approaching morning, comes the first To meet me with a token of his love: And thinking this, I fell into a slumber, Then midmost in the battle was I led In spirit. Great the pressure and the tumult! Then was my horse killed under me: I sank; And over me away, all unconcernedly, Drove horse and rider - and thus trod to pieces I lay, and panted like a dying man; Then seized me suddenly a savior arm; It was Octavio's - I woke at once, 'Twas broad day, and Octavio stood before me. "My brother," said he, "do not ride to-day The dapple, as you're wont; but mount the horse Which I have chosen for thee. Do it, brother! In love to me. A strong dream warned me so." It was the swiftness of this horse that snatched me From the hot pursuit of Bannier's dragoons. My cousin rode the dapple on that day, And never more saw I or horse or rider.
ILLO. That was a chance.
WALLENSTEIN (significantly).
There's no such thing as chance And what to us seems merest accident Springs from the deepest source of destiny. In brief, 'tis signed and sealed that this Octavio Is my good angel - and now no word more.
[He is retiring.
TERZKY. This is my comfort - Max. remains our hostage.
ILLO. And he shall never stir from here alive.
WALLENSTEIN (stops and turns himself round). Are ye not like the women, who forever Only recur to their first word, although One had been talking reason by the hour! Know, that the human being's thoughts and deeds Are not like ocean billows, blindly moved. The inner world, his microcosmus, is The deep shaft, out of which they spring eternally. They grow by certain laws, like the tree's fruit - No juggling chance can metamorphose them. Have I the human kernel first examined? Then I know, too, the future will and action.
Chamber in the residence of Piccolomini: OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI
(attired for travelling), an ADJUTANT.
OCTAVIO. Is the detachment here?
It waits below.
OCTAVIO. And are the soldiers trusty, adjutant? Say, from what regiment hast thou chosen them?
ADJUTANT. From Tiefenbach's.
OCTAVIO. That regiment is loyal, Keep them in silence in the inner court, Unseen by all, and when the signal peals Then close the doors, keep watch upon the house. And all ye meet be instantly arrested.
[Exit ADJUTANT. I hope indeed I shall not need their service, So certain feel I of my well-laid plans; But when an empire's safety is at stake 'Twere better too much caution than too little.
A chamber in PICCOLOMINI's dwelling-house: OCTAVIO,
ISOLANI. Here am I - well! who comes yet of the others?
OCTAVIO (with an air of mystery). But, first, a word with you, Count Isolani.
ISOLANI (assuming the same air of mystery). Will it explode, ha? Is the duke about To make the attempt? In me, friend, you may place Full confidence - nay, put me to the proof.
OCTAVIO. That may happen.
Noble brother, I am Not one of those men who in words are valiant, And when it comes to action skulk away. The duke has acted towards me as a friend: God knows it is so; and I owe him all; He may rely on my fidelity.
OCTAVIO. That will be seen hereafter.
Be on your guard, All think not as I think; and there are many Who still hold with the court - yes, and they say That these stolen signatures bind them to nothing.
OCTAVIO. Indeed! Pray name to me the chiefs that think so;
ISOLANI. Plague upon them! all the Germans think so Esterhazy, Kaunitz, Deodati, too, Insist upon obedience to the court.
OCTAVIO. I am rejoiced to hear it.
You rejoice?
OCTAVIO. That the emperor has yet such gallant servants, And loving friends.
Nay, jeer not, I entreat you. They are no such worthless fellows, I assure you.
OCTAVIO. I am assured already. God forbid That I should jest! In very serious earnest, I am rejoiced to see an honest cause So strong.
The devil! - what! - why, what means this? Are you not, then - - For what, then, am I here?
OCTAVIO. That you may make full declaration, whether You will be called the friend or enemy Of the emperor.
ISOLANI (with an air of defiance).
That declaration, friend, I'll make to him in whom a right is placed To put that question to me.
Whether, count, That right is mine, this paper may instruct you.
ISOLANI (stammering). Why, - why - what! this is the emperor's hand and seal
[Reads. "Whereas the officers collectively Throughout our army will obey the orders Of the Lieutenant-General Piccolomini, As from ourselves." - Hem! - Yes! so! - Yes! yes! I - I give you joy, lieutenant-general!
OCTAVIO. And you submit to the order?
I - But you have taken me so by surprise Time for reflection one must have - -
Two minutes.
ISOLANI. My God! But then the case is - -
Plain and simple. You must declare you, whether you determine To act a treason 'gainst your lord and sovereign, Or whether you will serve him faithfully.
ISOLANI. Treason! My God! But who talks then of treason?
OCTAVIO. That is the case. The prince-duke is a traitor - Means to lead over to the enemy The emperor's army. Now, count! brief and full - Say, will you break your oath to the emperor? Sell yourself to the enemy? Say, will you?
ISOLANI. What mean you? I - I break my oath, d'ye say, To his imperial majesty? Did I say so! When, when have I said that?
OCTAVIO. You have not said it yet - not yet. This instant I wait to hear, count, whether you will say it.
ISOLANI. Ay! that delights me now, that you yourself Bear witness for me that I never said so.
OCTAVIO. And you renounce the duke then?
If he's planning Treason - why, treason breaks all bonds asunder.
OCTAVIO. And are determined, too, to fight against him?
ISOLANI. He has done me service - but if he's a villain, Perdition seize him! All scores are rubbed off.
OCTAVIO. I am rejoiced that you are so well disposed. This night break off in the utmost secrecy With all the light-armed troops - it must appear As came the order from the duke himself. At Frauenberg's the place of rendezvous; There will Count Gallas give you further orders.
ISOLANI. It shall be done. But you'll remember me With the emperor - how well disposed you found me.
OCTAVIO. I will not fail to mention it honorably.
[Exit ISOLANI. A SERVANT enters.
What, Colonel Butler! Show him up.
ISOLANI (returning). Forgive me too my bearish ways, old father! Lord God! how should I know, then, what a great Person I had before me.
No excuses!
ISOLANI. I am a merry lad, and if at time A rash word might escape me 'gainst the court Amidst my wine, - you know no harm was meant.
OCTAVIO. You need not be uneasy on that score. That has succeeded. Fortune favor us With all the others only but as much.
BUTLER. At your command, lieutenant-general.
OCTAVIO. Welcome, as honored friend and visitor.
BUTLER. You do me too much honor.
OCTAVIO (after both have seated themselves)
You have not Returned the advances which I made you yesterday - Misunderstood them as mere empty forms. That wish proceeded from my heart - I was In earnest with you - for 'tis now a time In which the honest should unite most closely.
BUTLER. 'Tis only the like-minded can unite.
OCTAVIO. True! and I name all honest men like-minded. I never charge a man but with those acts To which his character deliberately Impels him; for alas! the violence Of blind misunderstandings often thrusts The very best of us from the right track. You came through Frauenberg. Did the Count Gallas Say nothing to you? Tell me. He's my friend.
BUTLER. His words were lost on me.
It grieves me sorely To hear it: for his counsel was most wise. I had myself the like to offer.
Spare Yourself the trouble - me the embarrassment. To have deserved so ill your good opinion.
OCTAVIO. The time is precious - let us talk openly. You know how matters stand here. Wallenstein Meditates treason - I can tell you further, He has committed treason; but few hours Have past since he a covenant concluded With the enemy. The messengers are now Full on their way to Egra and to Prague. To-morrow he intends to lead us over To the enemy. But he deceives himself; For prudence wakes - the emperor has still Many and faithful friends here, and they stand In closest union, mighty though unseen. This manifesto sentences the duke - Recalls the obedience of the army from him, And summons all the loyal, all the honest, To join and recognize in me their leader. Choose - will you share with us an honest cause? Or with the evil share an evil lot?
BUTLER (rises). His lot is mine.
Is that your last resolve?
BUTLER. It is.
Nay, but bethink you, Colonel Butler. As yet you have time. Within my faithful breast That rashly uttered word remains interred. Recall it, Butler! choose a better party; You have not chosen the right one.
BUTLER (going).
Any other Commands for me, lieutenant-general?
OCTAVIO. See your white hairs; recall that word!
OCTAVIO. What! Would you draw this good and gallant sword In such a cause? Into a curse would you Transform the gratitude which you have earned By forty years' fidelity from Austria?
BUTLER (laughing with bitterness). Gratitude from the House of Austria!
[He is going.
OCTAVIO (permits him to go as far as the door, then calls after him). Butler!
What wish you?
How was't with the count?
BUTLER. Count? what?
OCTAVIO (coldly).
The title that you wished, I mean.
BUTLER (starts in sudden passion). Hell and damnation!
OCTAVIO (coldly).
You petitioned for it - And your petition was repelled - was it so?
BUTLER. Your insolent scoff shall not go by unpunished. Draw!
OCTAVIO. Nay! your sword to its sheath! and tell me calmly How all that happened. I will not refuse you Your satisfaction afterwards. Calmly, Butler!
BUTLER. Be the whole world acquainted with the weakness For which I never can forgive myself, Lieutenant-general! Yes; I have ambition. Ne'er was I able to endure contempt. It stung me to the quick that birth and title Should have more weight than merit has in the army. I would fain not be meaner than my equal, So in an evil hour I let myself Be tempted to that measure. It was folly! But yet so hard a penance it deserved not. It might have been refused; but wherefore barb And venom the refusal with contempt? Why dash to earth and crush with heaviest scorn The gray-haired man, the faithful veteran? Why to the baseness of his parentage Refer him with such cruel roughness, only Because he had a weak hour and forgot himself? But nature gives a sting e'en to the worm Which wanton power treads on in sport and insult.
OCTAVIO. You must have been calumniated. Guess you The enemy who did you this ill service?
BUTLER. Be't who it will - a most low-hearted scoundrel! Some vile court-minion must it be, some Spaniard; Some young squire of some ancient family, In whose light I may stand; some envious knave, Stung to his soul by my fair self-earned honors!
OCTAVIO. But tell me, did the duke approve that measure?
BUTLER. Himself impelled me to it, used his interest In my behalf with all the warmth of friendship.
OCTAVIO. Ay! are you sure of that?
I read the letter.
OCTAVIO. And so did I - but the contents were different.
[BUTLER is suddenly struck. By chance I'm in possession of that letter - Can leave it to your own eyes to convince you.
[He gives him the letter.
BUTLER. Ha! what is this?
I fear me, Colonel Butler, An infamous game have they been playing with you. The duke, you say, impelled you to this measure? Now, in this letter, talks he in contempt Concerning you; counsels the minister To give sound chastisement to your conceit, For so he calls it.
[BUTLER reads through the letter; his knees tremble, he seizes a
chair, and sinks clown in it.
You have no enemy, no persecutor; There's no one wishes ill to you. Ascribe The insult you received to the duke only. His aim is clear and palpable. He wished To tear you from your emperor: he hoped To gain from your revenge what he well knew (What your long tried fidelity convinced him) He ne'er could dare expect from your calm reason. A blind tool would he make you, in contempt Use you, as means of most abandoned ends. He has gained his point. Too well has he succeeded In luring you away from that good path On which you had been journeying forty years!
BUTLER (his voice trembling). Can e'er the emperor's majesty forgive me?
OCTAVIO. More than forgive you. He would fain compensate For that affront, and most unmerited grievance Sustained by a deserving gallant veteran. From his free impulse he confirms the present, Which the duke made you for a wicked purpose. The regiment, which you now command, is yours.
[BUTLER attempts to rise, sinks down again. He labors inwardly
with violent emotions; tries to speak and cannot. At length
he takes his sword from the belt, and offers it to PICCOLOMINI.
OCTAVIO. What wish you? Recollect yourself, friend.
Take it.
OCTAVIO. But to what purpose? Calm yourself.
O take it! I am no longer worthy of this sword.
OCTAVIO. Receive it then anew, from my hands - and Wear it with honor for the right cause ever.
BUTLER. Perjure myself to such a gracious sovereign?
OCTAVIO. You'll make amends. Quick! break off from the duke!
BUTLER. Break off from him.
What now? Bethink thyself.
BUTLER (no longer governing his emotion). Only break off from him? He dies! he dies!
OCTAVIO. Come after me to Frauenberg, where now All who are loyal are assembling under Counts Altringer and Gallas. Many others I've brought to a remembrance of their duty This night be sure that you escape from Pilsen.
BUTLER (strides up and down in excessive agitation, then steps up to
OCTAVIO with resolved countenance). Count Piccolomini! dare that man speak Of honor to you, who once broke his troth.
OCTAVIO. He who repents so deeply of it dares.
BUTLER. Then leave me here upon my word of honor!
OCTAVIO. What's your design?
Leave me and my regiment.
OCTAVIO. I have full confidence in you. But tell me What are you brooding?
That the deed will tell you. Ask me no more at present. Trust me. Ye may trust safely. By the living God, Ye give him over, not to his good angel! Farewell.
SERVANT (enters with a billet).
A stranger left it, and is gone. The prince-duke's horses wait for you below.
OCTAVIO (reads). "Be sure, make haste! Your faithful Isolani."
- O that I had but left this town behind me. To split upon a rock so near the haven! Away! This is no longer a safe place For me! Where can my son be tarrying!
MAX. enters almost in a state of derangement, from extreme
agitation; his eyes roll wildly, his walk is unsteady, and he
appears not to observe his father, who stands at a distance,
and gazes at him with a countenance expressive of compassion.
He paces with long strides through the chamber, then stands still
again, and at last throws himself into a chair, staring vacantly
at the object directly before him.
OCTAVIO (advances to him). I am going off, my son.
[Receiving no answer, he takes his hands
My son, farewell.
OCTAVIO. Thou wilt soon follow me?
I follow thee? Thy way is crooked - it is not my way.
[OCTAVIO drops his hand and starts back. Oh, hadst thou been but simple and sincere, Ne'er had it come to this - all had stood otherwise. He had not done that foul and horrible deed, The virtuous had retained their influence over him He had not fallen into the snares of villains. Wherefore so like a thief, and thief's accomplice Didst creep behind him lurking for thy prey! Oh, unblest falsehood! Mother of all evil! Thou misery-making demon, it is thou That sinkest us in perdition. Simple truth, Sustainer of the world, had saved us all! Father, I will not, I cannot excuse thee! Wallenstein has deceived me - oh, most foully! But thou has acted not much better.
Son My son, ah! I forgive thy agony!
MAX. (rises and contemplates his father with looks of suspicion). Was't possible? hadst thou the heart, my father, Hadst thou the heart to drive it to such lengths, With cold premeditated purpose? Thou - Hadst thou the heart to wish to see him guilty Rather than saved? Thou risest by his fall. Octavio, 'twill not please me.
God in heaven!
MAX. Oh, woe is me! sure I have changed my nature. How comes suspicion here - in the free soul? Hope, confidence, belief, are gone; for all Lied to me, all that I e'er loved or honored. No, no! not all! She - she yet lives for me, And she is true, and open as the heavens Deceit is everywhere, hypocrisy, Murder, and poisoning, treason, perjury: The single holy spot is our love, The only unprofaned in human nature.
OCTAVIO. Max.! - we will go together. 'Twill be better.
MAX. What? ere I've taken a last parting leave, The very last - no, never!
Spare thyself The pang of necessary separation. Come with me! Come, my son!
[Attempts to take him with him.
MAX. No! as sure as God lives, no!
OCTAVIO (more urgently). Come with me, I command thee! I, thy father.
MAX. Command me what is human. I stay here.
OCTAVIO. Max.! in the emperor's name I bid thee come.
MAX. No emperor has power to prescribe Laws to the heart; and wouldst thou wish to rob me Of the sole blessing which my fate has left me, Her sympathy? Must then a cruel deed Be done with cruelty? The unalterable Shall I perform ignobly - steal away, With stealthy coward flight forsake her? No! She shall behold my suffering, my sore anguish, Hear the complaints of the disparted soul, And weep tears o'er me. Oh! the human race Have steely souls - but she is as an angel. From the black deadly madness of despair Will she redeem my soul, and in soft words Of comfort, plaining, loose this pang of death!
OCTAVIO. Thou wilt not tear thyself away; thou canst not. Oh, come, my son! I bid thee save thy virtue.
MAX. Squander not thou thy words in vain. The heart I follow, for I dare trust to it.
OCTAVIO (trembling, and losing all self-command). Max.! Max.! if that most damned thing could be, If thou - my son - my own blood - (dare I think it?) Do sell thyself to him, the infamous, Do stamp this brand upon our noble house, Then shall the world behold the horrible deed, And in unnatural combat shall the steel Of the son trickle with the father's blood.
MAX. Oh, hadst thou always better thought of men, Thou hadst then acted better. Curst suspicion, Unholy, miserable doubt! To him Nothing on earth remains unwrenched and firm Who has no faith.
And if I trust thy heart, Will it be always in thy power to follow it?
MAX. The heart's voice thou hast not o'erpowered - as little Will Wallenstein be able to o'erpower it.
OCTAVIO. O, Max.! I see thee never more again!
MAX. Unworthy of thee wilt thou never see me.
OCTAVIO. I go to Frauenberg - the Pappenheimers I leave thee here, the Lothrings too; Tsokana And Tiefenbach remain here to protect thee. They love thee, and are faithful to their oath, And will far rather fall in gallant contest Than leave their rightful leader and their honor.
MAX. Rely on this, I either leave my life In the struggle, or conduct them out of Pilsen.
OCTAVIO. Farewell, my son!
How! not one look Of filial love? No grasp of the hand at parting? It is a bloody war to which we are going, And the event uncertain and in darkness. So used we not to part - it was not so! Is it then true? I have a son no longer?
[MAX. falls into his arms, they hold each other for a long time
in a speechless embrace, then go away at different sides.
(The curtain drops.)
A chamber in the house of the Duchess of Friedland.
at the same table at work).
COUNTESS (watching them from the opposite side). So you have nothing to ask me - nothing? I have been waiting for a word from you. And could you then endure in all this time Not once to speak his name?
[THEKLA remaining silent, the COUNTESS rises and advances to her.
Why, how comes this? Perhaps I am already grown superfluous, And other ways exist, besides through me Confess it to me, Thekla: have you seen him?
THEKLA. To-day and yesterday I have not seen him.
COUNTESS. And not heard from him, either? Come, be open.
THEKLA. No Syllable.
And still you are so calm?
May it please you, leave us, Lady Neubrunn.
COUNTESS. It does not please me, princess, that he holds Himself so still, exactly at this time.
THEKLA. Exactly at this time?
He now knows all 'Twere now the moment to declare himself.
THEKLA. If I'm to understand you, speak less darkly.
COUNTESS. 'Twas for that purpose that I bade her leave us. Thekla, you are no more a child. Your heart Is no more in nonage: for you love, And boldness dwells with love - that you have proved Your nature moulds itself upon your father's More than your mother's spirit. Therefore may you Hear what were too much for her fortitude.
THEKLA. Enough: no further preface, I entreat you. At once, out with it! Be it what it may, It is not possible that it should torture me More than this introduction. What have you To say to me? Tell me the whole, and briefly!
COUNTESS. You'll not be frightened - -
Name it, I entreat you.
COUNTESS. Lies within my power to do your father A weighty service - -
Lies within my power.
COUNTESS. Max. Piccolomini loves you. You can link him Indissolubly to your father.
I? What need of me for that? And is he not Already linked to him?
He was.
And wherefore Should he not be so now - not be so always?
COUNTESS. He cleaves to the emperor too.
Not more than duty And honor may demand of him.
We ask Proofs of his love, and not proofs of his honor. Duty and honor! Those are ambiguous words with many meanings. You should interpret them for him: his love Should be the sole definer of his honor.
COUNTESS. The emperor or you must he renounce.
THEKLA. He will accompany my father gladly In his retirement. From himself you heard, How much he wished to lay aside the sword.
COUNTESS. He must not lay the sword aside, we mean; He must unsheath it in your father's cause.
THEKLA. He'll spend with gladness and alacrity His life, his heart's blood in my father's cause, If shame or injury be intended him.
COUNTESS. You will not understand me. Well, hear then: Your father has fallen off from the emperor, And is about to join the enemy With the whole soldiery - -
Alas, my mother!
COUNTESS. There needs a great example to draw on The army after him. The Piccolomini Possess the love and reverence of the troops; They govern all opinions, and wherever They lead the way, none hesitate to follow. The son secures the father to our interests - You've much in your hands at this moment.
Ah, My miserable mother! what a death-stroke Awaits thee! No! she never will survive it.
COUNTESS. She will accommodate her soul to that Which is and must be. I do know your mother: The far-off future weighs upon her heart With torture of anxiety; but is it Unalterably, actually present, She soon resigns herself, and bears it calmly.
THEKLA. O my foreboding bosom! Even now, E'en now 'tis here, that icy hand of horror! And my young hope lies shuddering in its grasp; I knew it well - no sooner had I entered, An heavy ominous presentiment Revealed to me that spirits of death were hovering Over my happy fortune. But why, think I First of myself? My mother! O my mother!
Calm yourself! Break not out in vain lamenting! Preserve you for your father the firm friend, And for yourself the lover, all will yet Prove good and fortunate.
Prove good! What good? Must we not part; part ne'er to meet again?
COUNTESS. He parts not from you! He cannot part from you.
THEKLA. Alas, for his sore anguish! It will rend His heart asunder.
If indeed he loves you. His resolution will be speedily taken.
THEKLA. His resolution will be speedily taken - Oh, do not doubt of that! A resolution! Does there remain one to be taken?
Hush! Collect yourself! I hear your mother coming.
THERLA. How shall I bear to see her?
Collect yourself.
To them enter the DUCHESS.
DUCHESS (to the COUNTESS). Who was here, sister? I heard some one talking, And passionately, too.
Nay! there was no one.
DUCHESS. I am growing so timorous, every trifling noise Scatters my spirits, and announces to me The footstep of some messenger of evil. And you can tell me, sister, what the event is? Will he agree to do the emperor's pleasure, And send the horse regiments to the cardinal? Tell me, has he dismissed von Questenberg With a favorable answer?
No, he has not.
DUCHESS. Alas! then all is lost! I see it coming, The worst that can come! Yes, they will depose him; The accursed business of the Regensburg diet Will all be acted o'er again!
No! never! Make your heart easy, sister, as to that.
[THEKLA, in extreme agitation, throws herself upon her mother,
and enfolds her in her arms, weeping.
Yes, my poor child! Thou too hast lost a most affectionate godmother In the empress. Oh, that stern, unbending man! In this unhappy marriage what have I Not suffered, not endured? For even as if I had been linked on to some wheel of fire That restless, ceaseless, whirls impetuous onward, I have passed a life of frights and horrors with him, And ever to the brink of some abyss With dizzy headlong violence he bears me. Nay, do not weep, my child. Let not my sufferings Presignify unhappiness to thee, Nor blacken with their shade the fate that waits thee. There lives no second Friedland; thou, my child, Hast not to fear thy mother's destiny.
THEELA. Oh, let us supplicate him, dearest mother! Quick! quick! here's no abiding-place for us. Here every coming hour broods into life Some new affrightful monster.
Thou wilt share An easier, calmer lot, my child! We, too, I and thy father, witnessed happy days. Still think I with delight of those first years, When he was making progress with glad effort, When his ambition was a genial fire, Not that consuming flame which now it is. The emperor loved him, trusted him; and all He undertook could not but be successful. But since that ill-starred day at Regensburg, Which plunged him headlong from his dignity, A gloomy, uncompanionable spirit, Unsteady and suspicious, has possessed him. His quiet mind forsook him, and no longer Did he yield up himself in joy and faith To his old luck and individual power; But thenceforth turned his heart and best affections All to those cloudy sciences which never Have yet made happy him who followed them.
COUNTESS. You see it, sister! as your eyes permit you, But surely this is not the conversation To pass the time in which we are waiting for him. You know he will be soon here. Would you have him Find her in this condition?
Come, my child! Come, wipe away thy tears, and show thy father A cheerful countenance. See, the tie-knot here Is off; this hair must not hang so dishevelled. Come, dearest! dry thy tears up. They deform Thy gentle eye. Well, now - what was I saying? Yes, in good truth, this Piccolomini Is a most noble and deserving gentleman.
COUNTESS. That is he, sister!
THEKLA (to the COUNTESS, with narks of great oppression of spirits).
Aunt, you will excuse me?
(Is going).
COUNTESS. But, whither? See, your father comes!
THEKLA. I cannot see him now.
Nay, but bethink you.
THEKLA. Believe me, I cannot sustain his presence.
COUNTESS. But he will miss you, will ask after you.
DUCHESS. What, now? Why is she going?
She's not well.
DUCHESS (anxiously). What ails, then, my beloved child?
[Both follow the PRINCESS, and endeavor to detain her. During
this WALLENSTEIN appears, engaged in conversation with ILLO.
WALLENSTEIN. All quiet in the camp?
It is all quiet.
WALLENSTEIN. In a few hours may couriers come from Prague With tidings that this capital is ours. Then we may drop the mask, and to the troops Assembled in this town make known the measure And its result together. In such cases Example does the whole. Whoever is foremost Still leads the herd. An imitative creature Is man. The troops at Prague conceive no other, Than that the Pilsen army has gone through The forms of homage to us; and in Pilsen They shall swear fealty to us, because The example has been given them by Prague. Butler, you tell me, has declared himself?
ILLO. At his own bidding, unsolicited, He came to offer you himself and regiment.
WALLENSTEIN, I find we must not give implicit credence To every warning voice that makes itself Be listened to in the heart. To hold us back, Oft does the lying spirit counterfeit The voice of truth and inward revelation, Scattering false oracles. And thus have I To entreat forgiveness for that secretly. I've wronged this honorable gallant man, This Butler: for a feeling of the which I am not master (fear I would not call it), Creeps o'er me instantly, with sense of shuddering, At his approach, and stops love's joyous motion. And this same man, against whom I am warned, This honest man is he who reaches to me The first pledge of my fortune.
And doubt not That his example will win over to you The best men in the army.
Go and send Isolani hither. Send him immediately. He is under recent obligations to me: With him will I commence the trial. Go.
[Exit ILLO.
WALLENSTEIN (turns himself round to the females). Lo, there's the mother with the darling daughter. For once we'll have an interval of rest - Come! my heart yearns to live a cloudless hour In the beloved circle of my family.
COUNTESS. 'Tis long since we've been thus together, brother.
WALLENSTEIN (to the COUNTESS, aside). Can she sustain the news? Is she prepared?
COUNTESS. Not yet.
Come here, my sweet girl! Seat thee by me, For there is a good spirit on thy lips. Thy mother praised to me thy ready skill; She says a voice of melody dwells in thee, Which doth enchant the soul. Now such a voice Will drive away from me the evil demon That beats his black wings close above my head.
DUCHESS. Where is thy lute, my daughter? Let thy father Hear some small trial of thy skill.
My mother I - -
DUCHESS. Trembling? Come, collect thyself. Go, cheer Thy father.
O my mother! I - I cannot.
COUNTESS. How, what is that, niece?
THEKLA (to the COUNTESS). O spare me - sing - now - in this sore anxiety, Of the overburdened soul - to sing to him Who is thrusting, even now, my mother headlong Into her grave.
How, Thekla! Humorsome! What! shall thy father have expressed a wish In vain?
Here is the lute.
My God! how can I - -
[The orchestra plays. During the ritornello THEKLA expresses in her
gestures and countenance the struggle of her feelings; and at the
moment that she should begin to sing, contracts herself together, as
one shuddering, throws the instrument down, and retires abruptly.
DUCHESS. My child! Oh, she is ill - -
What ails the maiden? Say, is she often so?
Since then herself Has now betrayed it, I too must no longer Conceal it.
She loves him!
Loves him? Whom?
COUNTESS. Max. does she love! Max. Piccolomini! Hast thou never noticed it? Nor yet my sister?
DUCHESS. Was it this that lay so heavy on her heart? God's blessing on thee, - my sweet child! Thou needest Never take shame upon thee for thy choice.
COUNTESS. This journey, if 'twere not thy aim, ascribe it To thine own self. Thou shouldst have chosen another To have attended her.
And does he know it?
COUNTESS. Yes, and he hopes to win her.
Hopes to win her! Is the boy mad?
Well - hear it from themselves.
WALLENSTEIN. He thinks to carry off Duke Friedland's daughter! Ay? The thought pleases me. The young man has no groveling spirit.
Since Such and such constant favor you have shown him - -
WALLENSTEIN. He chooses finally to be my heir. And true it is, I love the youth; yea, honor him. But must he therefore be my daughter's husband? Is it daughters only? Is it only children That we must show our favor by?
DUCHESS. His noble disposition and his manners - -
WALLENSTEIN. Win him my heart, but not my daughter.
Then His rank, his ancestors - -
Ancestors! What? He is a subject, and my son-in-law I will seek out upon the thrones of Europe.
DUCHESS O dearest Albrecht! Climb we not too high Lest we should fall too low.
What! have I paid A price so heavy to ascend this eminence, And jut out high above the common herd, Only to close the mighty part I play In life's great drama with a common kinsman? Have I for this - -
[Stops suddenly, repressing himself.
She is the only thing That will remain behind of me on earth; And I will see a crown around her head, Or die in the attempt to place it there. I hazard all - all! and for this alone, To lift her into greatness. Yea, in this moment, in the which we are speaking
[He recollects himself. And I must now, like a soft-hearted father, Couple together in good peasant fashion The pair that chance to suit each other's liking - And I must do it now, even now, when I Am stretching out the wreath that is to twine My full accomplished work - no! she is the jewel, Which I have treasured long, my last, my noblest, And 'tis my purpose not to let her from me For less than a king's sceptre.
O my husband! You're ever building, building to the clouds, Still building higher, and still higher building, And ne'er reflect, that the poor narrow basis Cannot sustain the giddy tottering column.
WALLENSTEIN (to the COUNTESS). Have you announced the place of residence Which I have destined for her?
No! not yet, 'Twere better you yourself disclosed it to her.
DUCHESS. How? Do we not return to Carinthia then?
DUCHESS. And to no other of your lands or seats?
WALLENSTEIN. You would not be secure there.
Not secure. In the emperor's realms, beneath the emperor's Protection?
Friedland's wife may be permitted No longer to hope that.
O God in heaven! And have you brought it even to this!
In Holland You'll find protection.
In a Lutheran country? What? And you send us into Lutheran countries?
WALLENSTEIN. Duke Franz of Lauenburg conducts you thither.
DUCHESS. Duke Franz of Lauenburg? The ally of Sweden, the emperor's enemy.
WALLENSTEIN. The emperor's enemies are mine no longer.
DUCHESS (casting a look of terror on the DUKE and the COUNTESS). Is it then true? It is. You are degraded Deposed from the command? O God in heaven!
COUNTESS (aside to the DUKE). Leave her in this belief. Thou seest she cannot Support the real truth.
To them enter COUNT TERZKY.
Terzky! What ails him? What an image of affright! He looks as he had seen a ghost.
TERZKY (leading WALLENSTEIN aside). Is it thy command that all the Croats - -
TERZKY. We are betrayed.
They are off! This night The Jaegers likewise - all the villages In the whole round are empty.
TERZKY. Him thou hast sent away. Yes, surely.
TERZKY. No? Hast thou not sent him off? Nor Deodati? They are vanished, both of them.
To them enter ILLO.
ILLO. Has Terzky told thee?
He knows all.
And likewise That Esterhatzy, Goetz, Maradas, Kaunitz, Kolatto, Palfi, have forsaken thee.
TERZKY. Damnation!
WALLENSTEIN (winks at them). Hush!
COUNTESS (who has been watching them anxiously from the distance and
now advances to them). Terzky! Heaven! What is it? What has happened?
WALLENSTEIN (scarcely suppressing his emotions). Nothing! let us be gone!
TERZKY (following him).
Theresa, it is nothing.
COUNTESS (holding him back). Nothing? Do I not see that all the life-blood Has left your cheeks - look you not like a ghost? That even my brother but affects a calmness?
PAGE (enters). An aide-de-camp inquires for the Count Terzky.
[TERZKY follows the PAGE.
WALLENSTEIN. Go, hear his business.
This could not have happened So unsuspected without mutiny. Who was on guard at the gates?
'Twas Tiefenbach.
WALLENSTEIN. Let Tiefenbach leave guard without delay, And Terzky's grenadiers relieve him.
[ILLO is going.
Stop! Hast thou heard aught of Butler?
Him I met He will be here himself immediately. Butler remains unshaken,
[ILLO exit. WALLENSTEIN is following him.
COUNTESS. Let him not leave thee, sister! go, detain him! There's some misfortune.
DUCHESS (clinging to him).
Gracious Heaven! What is it?
WALLENSTEIN. Be tranquil! leave me, sister! dearest wife! We are in camp, and this is naught unusual; Here storm and sunshine follow one another With rapid interchanges. These fierce spirits Champ the curb angrily, and never yet Did quiet bless the temples of the leader; If I am to stay go you. The plaints of women Ill suit the scene where men must act.
[He is going: TERZKY returns.
TERZKY. Remain here. From this window must we see it.
WALLENSTEIN (to the COUNTESS). Sister, retire!
No - never!
'Tis my will.
TERZKY (leads the COUNTESS aside, and drawing her attention
to the DUCHESS). Theresa!
Sister, come! since he commands it.
WALLENSTEIN (stepping to the window). What now, then?
TERZKY. There are strange movements among all the troops, And no one knows the cause. Mysteriously, With gloomy silentness, the several corps Marshal themselves, each under its own banners; Tiefenbach's corps make threatening movements; only The Pappenheimers still remain aloof In their own quarters and let no one enter.
WALLENSTEIN. Does Piccolomini appear among them?
TERZKY. We are seeking him: he is nowhere to be met with.
WALLENSTEIN. What did the aide-de-camp deliver to you?
TERZKY. My regiments had despatched him; yet once more They swear fidelity to thee, and wait The shout for onset, all prepared, and eager.
WALLENSTEIN. But whence arose this larum in the camp? It should have been kept secret from the army Till fortune had decided for us at Prague.
TERZKY. Oh, that thou hadst believed me! Yester-evening Did we conjure thee not to let that skulker, That fox, Octavio, pass the gates of Pilsen. Thou gavest him thy own horses to flee from thee.
WALLENSTEIN. The old tune still! Now, once for all, no more Of this suspicion - it is doting folly.
TERZKY. Thou didst confide in Isolani too; And lo! he was the first that did desert thee.
WALLENSTEIN. It was but yesterday I rescued him From abject wretchedness. Let that go by; I never reckoned yet on gratitude. And wherein doth he wrong in going from me? He follows still the god whom all his life He has worshipped at the gaming-table. With My fortune and my seeming destiny He made the bond and broke it, not with me. I am but the ship in which his hopes were stowed, And with the which, well-pleased and confident, He traversed the open sea; now he beholds it In eminent jeopardy among the coast-rocks, And hurries to preserve his wares. As light As the free bird from the hospitable twig Where it had nested he flies off from me: No human tie is snapped betwixt us two. Yea, he deserves to find himself deceived Who seeks a heart in the unthinking man. Like shadows on a stream, the forms of life Impress their characters on the smooth forehead, Naught sinks into the bosom's silent depth: Quick sensibility of pain and pleasure Moves the light fluids lightly; but no soul Warmeth the inner frame.
Yet, would I rather Trust the smooth brow than that deep furrowed one.
ILLO (who enters agitated with rage). Treason and mutiny!
And what further now?
ILLO. Tiefenbach's soldiers, when I gave the orders. To go off guard - mutinous villains!
What followed?
ILLO. They refused obedience to them.
TERZKY. Fire on them instantly! Give out the order.
WALLENSTEIN. Gently! what cause did they assign?
No other, They said, had right to issue orders but Lieutenant-General Piccolomini.
WALLENSTEIN (in a convulsion of agony). What? How is that?
ILLO. He takes that office on him by commission, Under sign-manual from the emperor.
TERZKY. From the emperor - hearest thou, duke?
At his incitement The generals made that stealthy flight - -
Duke, hearest thou?
ILLO. Caraffa too, and Montecuculi, Are missing, with six other generals, All whom he had induced to follow him. This plot he has long had in writing by him From the emperor; but 'twas finally concluded, With all the detail of the operation, Some days ago with the Envoy Questenberg.
[WALLENSTEIN sinks down into a chair and covers his face.
TERZKY. Oh, hadst thou but believed me!
To them enter the COUNTESS.
This suspense, This horrid fear - I can no longer bear it. For heaven's sake tell me what has taken place?
ILLO. The regiments are falling off from us.
TERZKY. Octavio Piccolomini is a traitor.
COUNTESS. O my foreboding!
[Rushes out of the room.
Hadst thou but believed me! Now seest thou how the stars have lied to thee.
WALLENSTEIN. The stars lie not; but we have here a work Wrought counter to the stars and destiny. The science is still honest: this false heart Forces a lie on the truth-telling heaven, On a divine law divination rests; Where nature deviates from that law, and stumbles Out of her limits, there all science errs. True I did not suspect! Were it superstition Never by such suspicion to have affronted The human form, oh, may the time ne'er come In which I shame me of the infirmity. The wildest savage drinks not with the victim, Into whose breast he means to plunge the sword. This, this, Octavio, was no hero's deed 'Twas not thy prudence that did conquer mine; A bad heart triumphed o'er an honest one. No shield received the assassin stroke; thou plungest Thy weapon on an unprotected breast - Against such weapons I am but a child.
To these enter BUTLER.
TERZKY (meeting him). Oh, look there, Butler! Here we've still a friend!
WALLENSTEIN (meets him with outspread arms and embraces him with warmth). Come to my heart, old comrade! Not the sun Looks out upon us more revivingly, In the earliest month of spring, Than a friend's countenance in such an hour.
BUTLER. My general; I come - -
WALLENSTEIN (leaning on BUTLER'S shoulder).
Knowest thou already That old man has betrayed me to the emperor. What sayest thou? Thirty years have we together Lived out, and held out, sharing joy and hardship. We have slept in one camp-bed, drank from one glass, One morsel shared! I leaned myself on him, As now I lean me on thy faithful shoulder, And now in the very moment when, all love, All confidence, my bosom beat to his He sees and takes the advantage, stabs the knife Slowly into my heart.
[He hides his face on BUTLER's breast.
Forget the false one. What is your present purpose?
Well remembered! Courage, my soul! I am still rich in friends, Still loved by destiny; for in the moment That it unmasks the plotting hypocrite It sends and proves to me one faithful heart. Of the hypocrite no more! Think not his loss Was that which struck the pang: Oh, no! his treason Is that which strikes the pang! No more of him! Dear to my heart, and honored were they both, And the young man - yes - he did truly love me, He - he - has not deceived me. But enough, Enough of this - swift counsel now beseems us. The courier, whom Count Kinsky sent from Prague, I expect him every moment: and whatever He may bring with him we must take good care To keep it from the mutineers. Quick then! Despatch some messenger you can rely on To meet him, and conduct him to me.
[ILLO is going.
BUTLER (detaining him). My general, whom expect you then?
The courier Who brings me word of the event at Prague.
BUTLER (hesitating). Hem!
And what now?
You do not know it?
BUTLER. From what that larum in the camp arose?
That courier - -
WALLENSTEIN (with eager expectation).
Is already here.
TERZKY and ILLO (at the same time). Already here?
My courier?
For some hours.
WALLENSTEIN. And I not know it?
The sentinels detain him In custody.
ILLO (stamping with his foot).
And his letter Was broken open, and is circulated Through the whole camp.
You know what it contains?
BUTLER. Question me not.
Illo! Alas for us.
WALLENSTEIN. Hide nothing from me - I can bear the worst. Prague then is lost. It is. Confess it freely.
BUTLER. Yes! Prague is lost. And all the several regiments At Budweiss, Tabor, Braunau, Koenigingratz, At Brunn, and Znaym, have forsaken you, And taken the oaths of fealty anew To the emperor. Yourself, with Kinsky, Terzky, And Illo have been sentenced.
[TERZKY and ILLO express alarm and fury. WALLENSTEIN remains
firm and collected.
WALLENSTEIN. 'Tis decided! 'Tis well! I have received a sudden cure From all the pangs of doubt: with steady stream Once more my life-blood flows! My soul's secure! In the night only Friedland stars can beam. Lingering irresolute, with fitful fears I drew the sword - 'twas with an inward strife, While yet the choice was mine. The murderous knife Is lifted for my heart! Doubt disappears! I fight now for my head and for my life.
[Exit WALLENSTEIN; the others follow him.
COUNTESS TERZKY (enters from a side room). I can endure no longer. No!
[Looks around her.
Where are they! No one is here. They leave me all alone, Alone in this sore anguish of suspense. And I must wear the outward show of calmness Before my sister, and shut in within me The pangs and agonies of my crowded bosom. It is not to be borne. If all should fail; If - if he must go over to the Swedes, An empty-handed fugitive, and not As an ally, a covenanted equal, A proud commander with his army following, If we must wander on from land to land, Like the Count Palatine, of fallen greatness An ignominious monument. But no! That day I will not see! And could himself Endure to sink so low, I would not bear To see him so low sunken.
THEKLA (endeavoring to hold back the DUCHESS) Dear mother, do stay here!
No! Here is yet Some frightful mystery that is hidden from me. Why does my sister shun me? Don't I see her Full of suspense and anguish roam about From room to room? Art thou not full of terror? And what import these silent nods and gestures Which stealthwise thou exchangest with her?
Nothing Nothing, dear mother!
Sister, I will know.
COUNTESS. What boots it now to hide it from her? Sooner Or later she must learn to hear and bear it. 'Tis not the time now to indulge infirmity; Courage beseems us now, a heart collect, And exercise and previous discipline Of fortitude. One word, and over with it! Sister, you are deluded. You believe The duke has been deposed - the duke is not Deposed - he is - -
THEKLA (going to the COUNTESS),
What? do you wish to kill her?
COUNTESS. The duke is - -
THEKLA (throwing her arms round her mother).
Oh, stand firm! stand firm, my mother!
COUNTESS. Revolted is the duke; he is preparing To join the enemy; the army leave him, And all has failed.
A spacious room in the Duke of Friedland's palace.
WALLENSTEIN (in armor). Thou hast gained thy point, Octavio! Once more am I Almost as friendless as at Regensburg. There I had nothing left me but myself; But what one man can do you have now experience. The twigs have you hewed off, and here I stand A leafless trunk. But in the sap within Lives the creating power, and a new world May sprout forth from it. Once already have I Proved myself worth an army to you - I alone! Before the Swedish strength your troops had melted; Beside the Lech sank Tilly, your last hope; Into Bavaria, like a winter torrent, Did that Gustavus pour, and at Vienna In his own palace did the emperor tremble. Soldiers were scarce, for still the multitude Follow the luck: all eyes were turned on me, Their helper in distress; the emperor's pride Bowed itself down before the man he had injured. 'Twas I must rise, and with creative word Assemble forces in the desolate camps. I did it. Like a god of war my name Went through the world. The drum was beat; and, to The plough, the workshop is forsaken, all Swarm to the old familiar long loved banners; And as the wood-choir rich in melody Assemble quick around the bird of wonder, When first his throat swells with his magic song, So did the warlike youth of Germany Crowd in around the image of my eagle. I feel myself the being that I was. It is the soul that builds itself a body, And Friedland's camp will not remain unfilled. Lead then your thousands out to meet me - true! They are accustomed under me to conquer, But not against me. If the head and limbs Separate from each other, 'twill be soon Made manifest in which the soul abode.
(ILLO and TERZKY enter.)
Courage, friends! courage! we are still unvanquished; I feel my footing firm; five regiments, Terzky, Are still our own, and Butler's gallant troops; And an host of sixteen thousand Swedes to-morrow. I was not stronger when, nine years ago, I marched forth, with glad heart and high of hope, To conquer Germany for the emperor.
(To them enter NEUMANN, who leads TERZKY aside,
and talks with him.)
TERZKY. What do they want?
What now?
Ten cuirassiers From Pappenheim request leave to address you In the name of the regiment.
Let them enter.
This May end in something. Mark you. They are still Doubtful, and may be won.
[4], march up and arrange themselves, after the word of command,
in one front before the DUKE, and make their obeisance. He takes
his hat off, and immediately covers himself again).
ANSPESSADE. Halt! Front! Present!
WALLENSTEIN (after he has run through them with his eye, to the
NSPESSADE). I know thee well. Thou art out of Brueggen in Flanders: Thy name is Mercy.
Henry Mercy.
WALLENSTEIN. Thou were cut off on the march, surrounded by the Hessians, and didst fight thy way with an hundred and eighty men through their thousand.
ANSPESSADE. 'Twas even so, general!
WALLENSTEIN. What reward hadst thou for this gallant exploit?
ANSPESSADE. That which I asked for: the honor to serve in this corps.
WALLENSTEIN (turning to a second). Thou wert among the volunteers that seized and made booty of the Swedish battery at Altenburg.
WALLENSTEIN. I forget no one with whom I have exchanged words. (A pause.) Who sends you?
ANSPESSADE. Your noble regiment, the cuirassiers of Piccolomini.
WALLENSTEIN. Why does not your colonel deliver in your request according to the custom of service?
ANSPESSADE. Because we would first know whom we serve.
WALLENSTEIN. Begin your address.
ANSPESSADE (giving the word of command). Shoulder your arms!
WALLENSTEIN (turning to a third). Thy name is Risbeck; Cologne is thy birthplace.
THIRD CUIRASSIER. Risbeck of Cologne.
WALLENSTEIN. It was thou that broughtest in the Swedish colonel Duebald, prisoner, in the camp at Nuremberg.
THIRD CUIRASSIER. It was not I, general.
WALLENSTRIN. Perfectly right! It was thy elder brother: thou hadst a younger brother, too: where did he stay?
THIRD CUIRASSIER. He is stationed at Olmutz, with the imperial army.
WALLENSTEIN (to the ANSPESSADE). Now then - begin.
ANSPESSADE. There came to hand a letter from the emperor Commanding us - -
WALLENSTEIN (interrupting him).
Who chose you?
Every company Drew its own man by lot.
Now! to the business.
ANSPESSADE. There came to hand a letter from the emperor Commanding us, collectively, from thee All duties of obedience to withdraw, Because thou wert an enemy and traitor.
WALLENSTEIN. And what did you determine?
All our comrades At Braunau, Budweiss, Prague, and Olmutz, have Obeyed already; and the regiments here, Tiefenbach and Toscano, instantly Did follow their example. But - but we Do not believe that thou art an enemy And traitor to thy country, hold it merely For lie and trick, and a trumped-up Spanish story!
[With warmth. Thyself shall tell us what thy purpose is, For we have found thee still sincere and true No mouth shall interpose itself betwixt The gallant general and the gallant troops.
WALLENSTEIN. Therein I recognize my Pappenheimers.
ANSPESSADE. And this proposal makes thy regiment to thee: Is it thy purpose merely to preserve In thine own hands this military sceptre, Which so becomes thee, which the emperor Made over to thee by a covenant! Is it thy purpose merely to remain Supreme commander of the Austrian armies? We will stand by thee, general! and guarantee Thy honest rights against all opposition. And should it chance, that all the other regiments Turn from thee, by ourselves we will stand forth Thy faithful soldiers, and, as is our duty, Far rather let ourselves be cut to pieces Than suffer thee to fall. But if it be As the emperor's letter says, if it be true, That thou in traitorous wise wilt lead us over To the enemy, which God in heaven forbid! Then we too will forsake thee, and obey That letter - -
Hear me, children!
Yes, or no, There needs no other answer.
Yield attention. You're men of sense, examine for yourselves; Ye think, and do not follow with the herd: And therefore have I always shown you honor Above all others, suffered you to reason; Have treated you as free men, and my orders Were but the echoes of your prior suffrage.
ANSPESSADE. Most fair and noble has thy conduct been To us, my general! With thy confidence Thou has honored us, and shown us grace and favor Beyond all other regiments; and thou seest We follow not the common herd. We will Stand by thee faithfully. Speak but one word - Thy word shall satisfy us that it is not A treason which thou meditatest - that Thou meanest not to lead the army over To the enemy; nor e'er betray thy country.
WALLENSTEIN. Me, me are they betraying. The emperor Hath sacrificed me to my enemies, And I must fall, unless my gallant troops Will rescue me. See! I confide in you. And be your hearts my stronghold! At this breast The aim is taken, at this hoary head. This is your Spanish gratitude, this is our Requital for that murderous fight at Luetzen! For this we threw the naked breast against The halbert, made for this the frozen earth Our bed, and the hard stone our pillow! never stream Too rapid for us, nor wood too impervious; With cheerful spirit we pursued that Mansfeldt Through all the turns and windings of his flight: Yea, our whole life was but one restless march: And homeless, as the stirring wind, we travelled O'er the war-wasted earth. And now, even now, That we have well-nigh finished the hard toil, The unthankful, the curse-laden toil of weapons, With faithful indefatigable arm Have rolled the heavy war-load up the hill, Behold! this boy of the emperor's bears away The honors of the peace, an easy prize! He'll weave, forsooth, into his flaxen locks The olive branch, the hard-earned ornament Of this gray head, grown gray beneath the helmet.
ANSPESSADE. That shall he not, while we can hinder it! No one, but thou, who has conducted it With fame, shall end this war, this frightful war. Thou leadest us out to the bloody field Of death; thou and no other shalt conduct us home, Rejoicing, to the lovely plains of peace - Shalt share with us the fruits of the long toil.
WALLENSTEIN. What! Think you then at length in late old age To enjoy the fruits of toil? Believe it not. Never, no never, will you see the end Of the contest! you and me, and all of us, This war will swallow up! War, war, not peace, Is Austria's wish; and therefore, because I Endeavored after peace, therefore I fall. For what cares Austria how long the war Wears out the armies and lays waste the world! She will but wax and grow amid the ruin And still win new domains.
[The CUIRASSIERS express agitation by their gestures.
Ye're moved - I see A noble rage flash from your eyes, ye warriors! Oh, that my spirit might possess you now Daring as once it led you to the battle Ye would stand by me with your veteran arms, Protect me in my rights; and this is noble! But think not that you can accomplish it, Your scanty number! to no purpose will you Have sacrificed you for your general.
[Confidentially. No! let us tread securely, seek for friends; The Swedes have proffered us assistance, let us Wear for a while the appearance of good-will, And use them for your profit, till we both Carry the fate of Europe in our hands, And from our camp to the glad jubilant world Lead peace forth with the garland on her head!
ANSPESSADE. 'Tis then but mere appearances which thou Dost put on with the Swede! Thou'lt not betray The emperor? Wilt not turn us into Swedes? This is the only thing which we desire To learn from thee.
What care I for the Swedes? I hate them as I hate the pit of hell, And under Providence I trust right soon To chase them to their homes across their Baltic. My cares are only for the whole: I have A heart - it bleeds within me for the miseries And piteous groanings of my fellow-Germans. Ye are but common men, but yet ye think With minds not common; ye appear to me Worthy before all others, that I whisper thee A little word or two in confidence! See now! already for full fifteen years, The war-torch has continued burning, yet No rest, no pause of conflict. Swede and German, Papist and Lutheran! neither will give way To the other; every hand's against the other. Each one is party and no one a judge. Where shall this end? Where's he that will unravel This tangle, ever tangling more and more It must be cut asunder. I feel that I am the man of destiny, And trust, with your assistance, to accomplish it.
To these enter BUTLER.
BUTLER (passionately). General! this is not right!
What is not right?
BUTLER. It must needs injure us with all honest men.
It is an open proclamation Of insurrection.
Well, well - but what is it?
BUTLER. Count Terzky's regiments tear the imperial eagle From off his banners, and instead of it Have reared aloft their arms.
Right about! March!
WALLENSTEIN. Cursed be this counsel, and accursed who gave it!
[To the CUIRASSIERS, who are retiring. Halt, children, halt! There's some mistake in this; Hark! I will punish it severely. Stop They do not hear. (To ILLO). Go after them, assure them, And bring them back to me, cost what it may.
[ILLO hurries out.
This hurls us headlong. Butler! Butler! You are my evil genius, wherefore must you Announce it in their presence? It was all In a fair way. They were half won! those madmen With their improvident over-readiness - A cruel game is Fortune playing with me. The zeal of friends it is that razes me, And not the hate of enemies.
To these enter the DUCHESS, who rushes into the chamber;
THEKLA and the COUNTESS follow her.
O Albrecht! What hast thou done?
And now comes this beside.
COUNTESS. Forgive me, brother! It was not in my power - They know all.
What hast thou done?
COUNTESS (to TERZKY). Is there no hope? Is all lost utterly?
TERZKY. All lost. No hope. Prague in the emperor's hands, The soldiery have taken their oaths anew.
COUNTESS. That lurking hypocrite, Octavio! Count Max. is off too.
Where can he be? He's Gone over to the emperor with his father.
[THEKLA rushes out into the arms of her mother, hiding her face
in her bosom.
DUCHESS (enfolding her in her arms). Unhappy child! and more unhappy mother!
WALLENSTEIN (aside to TERZKY). Quick! Let a carriage stand in readiness In the court behind the palace. Scherfenberg, Be their attendant; he is faithful to us. To Egra he'll conduct them, and we follow.
[To ILLO, who returns. Thou hast not brought them back?
Hear'st thou the uproar? The whole corps of the Pappenheimers is Drawn out: the younger Piccolomini, Their colonel, they require: for they affirm, That he is in the palace here, a prisoner; And if thou dost not instantly deliver him, They will find means to free him with the sword.
[All stand amazed.
TERZKY. What shall we make of this?
Said I not so? O my prophetic heart! he is still here. He has not betrayed me - he could not betray me. I never doubted of it.
If he be Still here, then all goes well; for I know what
[Embracing THEKLA. Will keep him here forever.
It can't be. His father has betrayed us, is gone over To the emperor - the son could not have ventured To stay behind.
THEKLA (her eye fixed on the door).
There he is!
To these enter MAX. PICCOLOMINI.
MAX. Yes, here he is! I can endure no longer To creep on tiptoe round this house, and lurk In ambush for a favorable moment: This loitering, this suspense exceeds my powers.
[Advancing to THEKLA, who has thrown herself into her mother's arms.
Turn not thine eyes away. O look upon me! Confess it freely before all. Fear no one. Let who will hear that we both love each other. Wherefore continue to conceal it? Secrecy Is for the happy - misery, hopeless misery, Needeth no veil! Beneath a thousand suns It dares act openly.
[He observes the COUNTESS looking on THEKLA with expressions
of triumph.
No, lady! No! Expect not, hope it not. I am not come To stay: to bid farewell, farewell forever. For this I come! 'Tis over! I must leave thee! Thekla, I must - must leave thee! Yet thy hatred Let me not take with me. I pray thee, grant me One look of sympathy, only one look. Say that thou dost not hate me. Say it to me, Thekla!
[Grasps her hand.
O God! I cannot leave this spot - I cannot! Cannot let go this hand. O tell me, Thekla! That thou dost suffer with me, art convinced That I cannot act otherwise.
[THEKLA, avoiding his look, points with her hand to her father.
MAX. turns round to the DUKE, whom he had not till then perceived.
Thou here? It was not thou whom here I sought. I trusted never more to have beheld thee, My business is with her alone. Here will I Receive a full acquittal from this heart; For any other I am no more concerned.
WALLENSTEIN. Think'st thou that, fool-like, I shall let thee go, And act the mock-magnanimous with thee? Thy father is become a villain to me; I hold thee for his son, and nothing more Nor to no purpose shalt thou have been given Into my power. Think not, that I will honor That ancient love, which so remorselessly He mangled. They are now passed by, those hours Of friendship and forgiveness. Hate and vengeance Succeed - 'tis now their turn - I too can throw All feelings of the man aside - can prove Myself as much a monster as thy father!
MAX (calmly). Thou wilt proceed with me as thou hast power. Thou knowest I neither brave nor fear thy rage. What has detained me here, that too thou knowest.
[Taking THEKLA by the hand. See, duke! All - all would I have owed to thee, Would have received from thy paternal hand The lot of blessed spirits. That hast thou Laid waste forever - that concerns not thee. Indifferent thou tramplest in the dust Their happiness who most are thine. The god Whom thou dost serve is no benignant deity, Like as the blind, irreconcilable, Fierce element, incapable of compact. Thy heart's wild impulse only dost thou follow. [5]
WALLENSTEIN. Thou art describing thy own father's heart. The adder! Oh, the charms of hell o'erpowered me He dwelt within me, to my inmost soul Still to and fro he passed, suspected never. On the wide ocean, in the starry heaven Did mine eyes seek the enemy, whom I In my heart's heart had folded! Had I been To Ferdinand what Octavio was to me, War had I ne'er denounced against him. No, I never could have done it. The emperor was My austere master only, not my friend. There was already war 'twixt him and me When he delivered the commander's staff Into my hands; for there's a natural Unceasing war twixt cunning and suspicion; Peace exists only betwixt confidence And faith. Who poisons confidence, he murders The future generations.
I will not Defend my father. Woe is me, I cannot! Hard deeds and luckless have taken place; one crime Drags after it the other in close link. But we are innocent: how have we fallen Into this circle of mishap and guilt? To whom have we been faithless? Wherefore must The evil deeds and guilt reciprocal Of our two fathers twine like serpents round us?
Why must our fathers' Unconquerable hate rend us asunder, Who love each other?
Max., remain with me. Go you not from me, Max.! Hark! I will tell thee - - How when at Prague, our winter quarters, thou Wert brought into my tent a tender boy, Not yet accustomed to the German winters; Thy hand was frozen to the heavy colors; Thou wouldst not let them go. At that time did I take thee in my arms, And with my mantle did I cover thee; I was thy nurse, no woman could have been A kinder to thee; I was not ashamed To do for thee all little offices, However strange to me; I tended thee Till life returned; and when thine eyes first opened, I had thee in my arms. Since then, when have Altered my feelings toward thee? Many thousands Have I made rich, presented them with lands; Rewarded them with dignities and honors; Thee have I loved: my heart, my self, I gave To thee; They all were aliens: thou wert Our child and inmate. [6] Max.! Thou canst not leave me; It cannot be; I may not, will not think That Max. can leave me.
Ob, my God!
I have Held and sustained thee from thy tottering childhood. What holy bond is there of natural love, What human tie that does not knit thee to me? I love thee, Max.! What did thy father for thee, Which I too have not done, to the height of duty? Go hence, forsake me, serve thy emperor; He will reward thee with a pretty chain Of gold; with his ram's fleece will he reward thee; For that the friend, the father of thy youth, For that the holiest feeling of humanity, Was nothing worth to thee.
O God! how can I Do otherwise. Am I not forced to do it, My oath - my duty - my honor - -
How? Thy duty? Duty to whom? Who art thou? Max.! bethink thee What duties may'st thou have? If I am acting A criminal part toward the emperor, It is my crime, not thine. Dost thou belong To thine own self? Art thou thine own commander? Stand'st thou, like me, a freeman in the world, That in thy actions thou shouldst plead free agency? On me thou art planted, I am thy emperor; To obey me, to belong to me, this is Thy honor, this a law of nature to thee! And if the planet on the which thou livest And hast thy dwelling, from its orbit starts. It is not in thy choice, whether or no Thou'lt follow it. Unfelt it whirls thee onward Together with his ring, and all his moons. With little guilt steppest thou into this contest; Thee will the world not censure, it will praise thee, For that thou held'st thy friend more worth to thee Than names and influences more removed For justice is the virtue of the ruler, Affection and fidelity the subject's. Not every one doth it beseem to question The far-off high Arcturus. Most securely Wilt thou pursue the nearest duty: let The pilot fix his eye upon the pole-star.
To these enter NEUMANN.
The Pappenheimers are dismounted, And are advancing now on foot, determined With sword in hand to storm the house, and free The count, their colonel.
Have the cannon planted. I will receive them with chain-shot.
[Exit TERZKY. Prescribe to me with sword in hand! Go, Neumann! 'Tis my command that they retreat this moment, And in their ranks in silence wait my pleasure.
[NEUMANN exit. ILLO steps to the window.
COUNTESS. Let him go, I entreat thee, let him go.
ILLO (at the window). Hell and perdition!
What is it?
ILLO. They scale the council-house, the roof's uncovered, They level at this house the cannon - -
ILLO. They are making preparations now to fire on us.
DUCHESS and COUNTESS. Merciful heaven!
Let me go to them!
Not a step!
MAX. (pointing to THEKLA and the DUCHESS). But their life! Thine!
What tidings bringest thou, Terzky?
To these TERZKY returning.
TERZKY. Message and greeting from our faithful regiments. Their ardor may no longer be curbed in. They entreat permission to commence the attack; And if thou wouldst but give the word of onset They could now charge the enemy in rear, Into the city wedge them, and with ease O'erpower them in the narrow streets.
Oh come Let not their ardor cool. The soldiery Of Butler's corps stand by us faithfully; We are the greater number. Let us charge them And finish here in Pilsen the revolt.
WALLENSTEIN. What? shall this town become a field of slaughter, And brother-killing discord, fire-eyed, Be let loose through its streets to roam and rage? Shall the decision be delivered over To deaf remorseless rage, that hears no leader? Here is not room for battle, only for butchery. Well, let it be! I have long thought of it, So let it burst then!
[Turns to MAX.
Well, how is it with thee? Wilt thou attempt a heat with me. Away! Thou art free to go. Oppose thyself to me, Front against front, and lead them to the battle; Thou'rt skilled in war, thou hast learned somewhat under me, I need not be ashamed of my opponent, And never hadst thou fairer opportunity To pay me for thy schooling.
Is it then, Can it have come to this? What! Cousin, cousin! Have you the heart?
MAX. The regiments that are trusted to my care I have pledged my troth to bring away from Pilsen True to the emperor; and this promise will I Make good, or perish. More than this no duty Requires of me. I will not fight against thee, Unless compelled; for though an enemy, Thy head is holy to me still,
[Two reports of cannon. ILLO and TERZKY hurry to the window.
WALLENSTEIN. What's that?
He falls.
Falls! Who?
Tiefenbach's corps Discharged the ordnance.
Upon whom?
On - Neumann, Your messenger.
WALLENSTEIN (starting up).
Ha! Death and hell! I will - -
TERZKY. Expose thyself to their blind frenzy?
No! For God's sake, no!
Not yet, my general! Oh, hold him! hold him!
Leave me - -
Do it not; Not yet! This rash and bloody deed has thrown them Into a frenzy-fit - allow them time - -
WALLENSTEIN. Away! too long already have I loitered. They are emboldened to these outrages, Beholding not my face. They shall behold My countenance, shall hear my voice - Are they not my troops? Am I not their general, And their long-feared commander! Let me see, Whether indeed they do no longer know That countenance which was their sun in battle! From the balcony (mark!) I show myself To these rebellious forces, and at once Revolt is mounded, and the high-swollen current Shrinks back into the old bed of obedience.
COUNTESS (to the DUCHESS). Let them but see him - there is hope still, sister.
DUCHESS. Hope! I have none!
MAX. (who during the last scene has been standing at a distance, in a visible struggle of feelings advances).
This can I not endure. With most determined soul did I come hither; My purposed action seemed unblamable To my own conscience - and I must stand here Like one abhorred, a hard, inhuman being: Yea, loaded with the curse of all I love! Must see all whom I love in this sore anguish, Whom I with one word can make happy - O! My heart revolts within me, and two voices Make themselves audible within my bosom. My soul's benighted; I no longer can Distinguish the right track. Oh, well and truly Didst thou say, father, I relied too much On my own heart. My mind moves to and fro - I know not what to do.
What! you know not? Does not your own heart tell you? Oh! then I Will tell it you. Your father is a traitor, A frightful traitor to us - he has plotted Against our general's life, has plunged us all In misery - and you're his son! 'Tis yours To make the amends. Make you the son's fidelity Outweigh the father's treason, that the name Of Piccolomini be not a proverb Of infamy, a common form of cursing To the posterity of Wallenstein.
MAX. Where is that voice of truth which I dare follow! It speaks no longer in my heart. We all But utter what our passionate wishes dictate: Oh that an angel would descend from heaven, And scoop for me the right, the uncorrupted, With a pure hand from the pure Fount of light.
[His eyes glance on THEKLA. What other angel seek I? To this heart, To this unerring heart, will I submit it; Will ask thy love, which has the power to bless The happy man alone, averted ever From the disquieted and guilty - canst thou Still love me, if I stay? Say that thou canst, And I am the duke's - -
Think, niece - -
Think nothing, Thekla! Speak what thou feelest.
Think upon your father.
MAX. I did not question thee, as Friedland's daughter. Thee, the beloved and the unerring God Within thy heart, I question. What's at stake? Not whether diadem of royalty Be to be won or not - that mightest thou think on. Thy friend, and his soul's quiet are at stake: The fortune of a thousand gallant men, Who will all follow me; shall I forswear My oath and duty to the emperor? Say, shall I send into Octavio's camp The parricidal ball? For when the ball Has left its cannon, and is on its flight, It is no longer a dead instrument! It lives, a spirit passes into it; The avenging furies seize possession of it, And with sure malice, guide it the worst way.
THEKLA. Oh! Max. - -
MAX. (interrupting her).
Nay, not precipitately either, Thekla. I understand thee. To thy noble heart The hardest duty might appear the highest. The human, not the great part, would I act. Even from my childhood to this present hour, Think what the duke has done for me, how loved me And think, too, how my father has repaid him. Oh likewise the free lovely impulses Of hospitality, the pious friend's Faithful attachment, these, too, are a holy Religion to the heart; and heavily The shudderings of nature do avenge Themselves on the barbarian that insults them. Lay all upon the balance, all - then speak, And let thy heart decide it.
Oh, thy own Hath long ago decided. Follow thou Thy heart's first feeling - -
Oh! ill-fated woman!
THEKLA. Is it possible, that that can be the right, The which thy tender heart did not at first Detect and seize with instant impulse? Go, Fulfil thy duty! I should ever love thee. Whate'er thou hast chosen, thou wouldst still have acted Nobly and worthy of thee - but repentance Shall ne'er disturb thy soul's fair peace.
Then I Must leave thee, must part from thee!
Being faithful To thine own self, thou art faithful, too, to me: If our fates part, our hearts remain united. A bloody hatred will divide forever The houses Piccolomini and Friedland; But we belong not to our houses. Go! Quick! quick! and separate thy righteous cause From our unholy and unblessed one! The curse of heaven lies upon our head: 'Tis dedicate to ruin. Even me My father's guilt drags with it to perdition. Mourn not for me: My destiny will quickly be decided.
[MAX. clasps her in his arms in extreme emotion. There is heard
from behind the scene a loud, wild, long-continued cry, Vivat
Ferdinandus! accompanied by warlike instruments. MAX. and THEKLA
remain without motion in each other's embraces.
To the above enter TERZKY.
COUNTESS (meeting him). What meant that cry? What was it?
All is lost!
COUNTESS. What! they regarded not his countenance?
TERZKY. 'Twas all in vain.
They shouted Vivat!
To the emperor.
COUNTESS. The traitors?
Nay! he was not permitted Even to address them. Soon as he began, With deafening noise of warlike instruments They drowned his words. But here he comes.
To these enter WALLENSTEIN, accompanied by ILLO and BUTLER.
WALLENSTEIN (as he enters). Terzky!
My general!
Let our regiments hold themselves In readiness to march; for we shall leave Pilsen ere evening.
Yes, my general.
WALLENSTEIN. The Governor of Egra is your friend And countryman. Write him instantly By a post courier. He must be advised, That we are with him early on the morrow. You follow us yourself, your regiment with you.
BUTLER. It shall be done, my general!
WALLENSTEIN (steps between MAX. and THEKLA, who have remained during this time in each other's arms).
O God!
[CUIRASSIERS enter with drawn swords, and assemble in the
background. At the same time there are heard from below some
spirited passages out of the Pappenheim March, which seem to
address MAX.
WALLENSTEIN (to the CUIRASSIERS). Here he is, he is at liberty: I keep him No longer.
[He turns away, and stands so that MAX. cannot pass by him
nor approach the PRINCESS.
MAX. Thou know'st that I have not yet learnt to live Without thee! I go forth into a desert, Leaving my all behind me. Oh, do not turn Thine eyes away from me! Oh, once more show me Thy ever dear and honored countenance.
[MAX. attempts to take his hand, but is repelled: he
turns to the COUNTESS.
Is there no eye that has a look of pity for me?
[The COUNTESS turns away from him; he turns to the DUCHESS.
My mother!
Go where duty calls you. Haply The time may come when you may prove to us A true friend, a good angel at the throne Of the emperor.
You give me hope; you would not Suffer me wholly to despair. No! no! Mine is a certain misery. Thanks to heaven! That offers me a means of ending it.
[The military music begins again. The stage fills more and more
with armed men. MAX. sees BUTLER and addresses him.
And you here, Colonel Butler - and will you Not follow me? Well, then, remain more faithful To your new lord, than you have proved yourself To the emperor. Come, Butler! promise me. Give me your hand upon it, that you'll be The guardian of his life, its shield, its watchman. He is attainted, and his princely head Fair booty for each slave that trades in murder. Now he doth need the faithful eye of friendship, And those whom here I see - -
[Casting suspicious looks on ILLO and BUTLER.
Go - seek for traitors In Gallas', in your father's quarters. Here Is only one. Away! away! and free us From his detested sight! Away!
[MAX. attempts once more to approach THERLA. WALLENSTEIN prevents
him. MAX. stands irresolute, and in apparent anguish, In the
meantime the stage fills more and more; and the horns sound from
below louder and louder, and each time after a shorter interval.
MAX. Blow, blow! Oh, were it but the Swedish trumpets, And all the naked swords, which I see here, Were plunged into my breast! What purpose you? You come to tear me from this place! Beware, Ye drive me not to desperation. Do it not! Ye may repent it!
[The stage is entirely filled with armed men.
Yet more! weight upon weight to drag me down Think what ye're doing. It is not well done To choose a man despairing for your leader; You tear me from my happiness. Well, then, I dedicate your souls to vengeance. Mark! For your own ruin you have chosen me Who goes with me must be prepared to perish.
[He turns to the background; there ensues a sudden and violent
movement among the CUIRASSIERS; they surround him, and carry him
off in wild tumult. WALLENSTEIN remains immovable. THERLA sinks
into her mother's arms. The curtain falls. The music becomes
loud and overpowering, and passes into a complete war-march - the
orchestra joins it - and continues during the interval between the
second and third acts.
The BURGOMASTER's house at Egra.
BUTLER (just arrived). Here then he is by his destiny conducted. Here, Friedland! and no further! From Bohemia Thy meteor rose, traversed the sky awhile, And here upon the borders of Bohemia Must sink.
Thou hast forsworn the ancient colors, Blind man! yet trustest to thy ancient fortunes. Profaner of the altar and the hearth, Against thy emperor and fellow-citizens Thou meanest to wage the war. Friedland, beware - The evil spirit of revenge impels thee - Beware thou, that revenge destroy thee not!
Is it you? How my heart sinks! The duke a fugitive traitor! His princely head attainted! Oh, my God! Tell me, general, I implore thee, tell me In full, of all these sad events at Pilsen.
BUTLER. You have received the letter which I sent you By a post-courier?
Yes: and in obedience to it Opened the stronghold to him without scruple, For an imperial letter orders me To follow your commands implicitly. But yet forgive me! when even now I saw The duke himself, my scruples recommenced. For truly, not like an attainted man, Into this town did Friedland make his entrance; His wonted majesty beamed from his brow, And calm, as in the days when all was right, Did he receive from me the accounts of office. 'Tis said, that fallen pride learns condescension. But sparing and with dignity the duke Weighed every syllable of approbation, As masters praise a servant who has done His duty and no more.
'Tis all precisely As I related in my letter. Friedland Has sold the army to the enemy, And pledged himself to give up Prague and Egra. On this report the regiments all forsook him, The five excepted that belong to Terzky, And which have followed him, as thou hast seen. The sentence of attainder is passed on him, And every loyal subject is required To give him in to justice, dead or living.
GORDON. A traitor to the emperor. Such a noble! Of such high talents! What is human greatness? I often said, this can't end happily. His might, his greatness, and this obscure power Are but a covered pitfall. The human being May not be trusted to self-government. The clear and written law, the deep-trod footmarks Of ancient custom, are all necessary To keep him in the road of faith and duty. The authority intrusted to this man Was unexampled and unnatural, It placed him on a level with his emperor, Till the proud soul unlearned submission. Woe is me! I mourn for him! for where he fell, I deem Might none stand firm. Alas! dear general, We in our lucky mediocrity Have ne'er experienced, cannot calculate, What dangerous wishes such a height may breed In the heart of such a man.
Spare your laments Till he need sympathy; for at this present He is still mighty, and still formidable. The Swedes advance to Egra by forced marches, And quickly will the junction be accomplished. This must not be! The duke must never leave This stronghold on free footing; for I have Pledged life and honor here to hold him prisoner, And your assistance 'tis on which I calculate.
GORDON. O that I had not lived to see this day! From his hand I received this dignity, He did himself intrust this stronghold to me, Which I am now required to make his dungeon. We subalterns have no will of our own: The free, the mighty man alone may listen To the fair impulse of his human nature. Ah! we are but the poor tools of the law, Obedience the sole virtue we dare aim at!
BUTLER. Nay! let it not afflict you, that your power Is circumscribed. Much liberty, much error! The narrow path of duty is securest. And all then have deserted him you say? He has built up the luck of many thousands For kingly was his spirit: his full hand Was ever open! Many a one from dust
[With a sly glance on BUTLER. Hath he selected, from the very dust Hath raised him into dignity and honor. And yet no friend, not one friend hath he purchased, Whose heart beats true to him in the evil hour.
BUTLER. Here's one, I see.
I have enjoyed from him No grace or favor. I could almost doubt, If ever in his greatness he once thought on An old friend of his youth. For still my office Kept me at distance from him; and when first He to this citadel appointed me, He was sincere and serious in his duty. I do not then abuse his confidence, If I preserve my fealty in that Which to my fealty was first delivered.
BUTLER. Say, then, will you fulfil the attainder on him, And lend your aid to take him in arrest?
GORDON (pauses, reflecting - then as in deep dejection). If it be so - if all be as you say - If he've betrayed the emperor, his master, Have sold the troops, have purposed to deliver The strongholds of the country to the enemy - Yea, truly! - there is no redemption for him! Yet it is hard, that me the lot should destine To be the instrument of his perdition; For we were pages at the court of Bergau At the same period; but I was the senior.
BUTLER. I have heard so - -
'Tis full thirty years since then, A youth who scarce had seen his twentieth year Was Wallenstein, when he and I were friends Yet even then he had a daring soul: His frame of mind was serious and severe Beyond his years: his dreams were of great objects He walked amidst us of a silent spirit, Communing with himself; yet I have known him Transported on a sudden into utterance Of strange conceptions; kindling into splendor His soul revealed itself, and he spake so That we looked round perplexed upon each other, Not knowing whether it were craziness, Or whether it were a god that spoke in him.
BUTLER. But was it where he fell two story high From a window-ledge, on which he had fallen asleep And rose up free from injury? From this day (It is reported) he betrayed clear marks Of a distempered fancy.
He became Doubtless more self-enwrapped and melancholy; He made himself a Catholic. [7] Marvellously His marvellous preservation had transformed him. Thenceforth he held himself for an exempted And privileged being, and, as if he were Incapable of dizziness or fall, He ran along the unsteady rope of life. But now our destinies drove us asunder; He paced with rapid step the way of greatness, Was count, and prince, duke-regent, and dictator, And now is all, all this too little for him; He stretches forth his hands for a king's crown, And plunges in unfathomable ruin.
BUTLER. No more, he comes.
To these enter WALLENSTEIN, in conversation with the
WALLENSTEIN. You were at one time a free town. I see Ye bear the half eagle in your city arms. Why the half eagle only?
We were free, But for these last two hundred years has Egra Remained in pledge to the Bohemian crown; Therefore we bear the half eagle, the other half Being cancelled till the empire ransom us, If ever that should be.
Ye merit freedom. Only be firm and dauntless. Lend your ears To no designing whispering court-minions. What may your imposts be?
So heavy that We totter under them. The garrison Lives at our costs.
I will relieve you. Tell me, There are some Protestants among you still?
[The BURGOMASTER hesitates. Yes, yes; I know it. Many lie concealed Within these walls. Confess now, you yourself - -
[Fixes, his eye on him. The BURGOMASTER alarmed. Be not alarmed. I hate the Jesuits. Could my will have determined it they had Been long ago expelled the empire. Trust me - Mass-book or Bible, 'tis all one to me. Of that the world has had sufficient proof. I built a church for the Reformed in Glogau At my own instance. Hark ye, burgomaster! What is your name?
Pachhalbel, my it please you.
WALLENSTEIN. Hark ye! But let it go no further, what I now Disclose to you in confidence.
[Laying his hand on the BURGOMASTER'S shoulder with a certain
The times Draw near to their fulfilment, burgomaster! The high will fall, the low will be exalted. Hark ye! But keep it to yourself! The end Approaches of the Spanish double monarchy - A new arrangement is at hand. You saw The three moons that appeared at once in the heaven?
BURGOMASTER. With wonder and affright!
Whereof did two Strangely transform themselves to bloody daggers, And only one, the middle moon, remained Steady and clear.
We applied it to the Turks.
WALLENSTEIN. The Turks! That all? I tell you that two empires Will set in blood, in the East and in the West, And Lutherism alone remain.
[Observing GORDON and BUTLER.
I'faith, 'Twas a smart cannonading that we heard This evening, as we journeyed hitherward: 'Twas on our left hand. Did ye hear it here?
GORDON. Distinctly. The wind brought it from the south.
BUTLER. It seemed to come from Weiden or from Neustadt.
WALLENSTEIN. 'Tis likely. That's the route the Swedes are taking. How strong is the garrison?
Not quite two hundred Competent men, the rest are invalids.
WALLENSTEIN. Good! And how many in the vale of Jochim?
GORDON. Two hundred arquebusiers have I sent thither To fortify the posts against the Swedes.
WALLENSTEIN. Good! I commend your foresight. At the works too You have done somewhat?
Two additional batteries I caused to be run up. They were needless; The Rhinegrave presses hard upon us, general!
WALLENSTEIN. You have been watchful in your emperor's service. I am content with you, lieutenant-colonel.
[To BUTLER. Release the outposts in the vale of Jochim, With all the stations in the enemy's route.
[To GORDON. Governor, in your faithful hands I leave My wife, my daughter, and my sister. I Shall make no stay here, and wait but the arrival Of letters to take leave of you, together With all the regiments.
To these enter COUNT TERZKY.
TERZKY. Joy, general, joy! I bring you welcome tidings.
WALLENSTEIN. And what may they be?
There has been an engagement At Neustadt; the Swedes gained the victory.
WALLENSTEIN. From whence did you receive the intelligence?
TERZKY. A countryman from Tirschenreut conveyed it. Soon after sunrise did the fight begin A troop of the imperialists from Tachau Had forced their way into the Swedish camp; The cannonade continued full two hours; There were left dead upon the field a thousand Imperialists, together with their colonel; Further than this he did not know.
How came Imperial troops at Neustadt? Altringer, But yesterday, stood sixty miles from there. Count Gallas' force collects at Frauenberg, And have not the full complement. Is it possible That Suys perchance had ventured so far onward? It cannot be.
We shall soon know the whole, For here comes Illo, full of haste, and joyous.
To these enter ILLO.
ILLO (to WALLENSTEIN). A courier, duke! he wishes to speak with thee.
TERZKY (eagerly). Does he bring confirmation of the victory?
WALLENSTEIN (at the same time). What does he bring? Whence comes he?
From the Rhinegrave, And what he brings I can announce to you Beforehand. Seven leagues distant are the Swedes; At Neustadt did Max. Piccolomini Throw himself on them with the cavalry; A murderous fight took place! o'erpowered by numbers The Pappenheimers all, with Max. their leader,
[WALLENSTEIN shudders and turns pale. Were left dead on the field.
WALLENSTEIN (after a pause, in a low voice). Where is the messenger? Conduct me to him.
[WALLENSTEIN is going, when LADY NEUBRUNN rushes into the room.
Some servants follow her and run across the stage.
NEUBRUNN. Help! Help!
ILLO and TERZKY (at the same time).
What now?
The princess!
Does she know it?
NEUBRUNN (at the same time with them). She is dying!
[Hurries off the stage, when WALLENSTEIN and TERZKY follow her.
GORDON. What's this?
BUTLER. She has lost the man she loved - Young Piccolomini, who fell in the battle.
GORDON. Unfortunate lady!
You have heard what Illo Reporteth, that the Swedes are conquerers, And marching hitherward.
Too well I heard it.
BUTLER. They are twelve regiments strong, and there are five Close by us to protect the duke. We have Only my single regiment; and the garrison Is not two hundred strong.
'Tis even so.
BUTLER. It is not possible with such small force To hold in custody a man like him.
GORDON. I grant it.
Soon the numbers would disarm us, And liberate him.
It were to be feared.
BUTLER (after a pause). Know, I am warranty for the event; With my head have I pledged myself for his, Must make my word good, cost it what it will, And if alive we cannot hold him prisoner, Why - death makes all things certain!
Sutler! What? Do I understand you? Gracious God! You could - -
BUTLER. He must not live.
And you can do the deed?
BUTLER. Either you or I. This morning was his last.
GORDON. You would assassinate him?
'Tis my purpose.
GORDON. Who leans with his whole confidence upon you!
BUTLER. Such is his evil destiny!
Your general! The sacred person of your general!
BUTLER. My general he has been.
That 'tis only An "has been" washes out no villany, And without judgment passed.
The execution Is here instead of judgment.
This were murder, Not justice. The most guilty should be heard.
BUTLER. His guilt is clear, the emperor has passed judgment, And we but execute his will.
We should not Hurry to realize a bloody sentence. A word may be recalled, a life never can be.
BUTLER. Despatch in service pleases sovereigns.
GORDON. No honest man's ambitious to press forward To the hangman's service.
And no brave man loses His color at a daring enterprise.
GORDON. A brave man hazards life, but not his conscience.
BUTLER. What then? Shall he go forth anew to kindle The unextinguishable flame of war?
GORDON. Seize him, and hold him prisoner - do not kill him.
BUTLER. Had not the emperor's army been defeated I might have done so. But 'tis now passed by.
GORDON. Oh, wherefore opened I the stronghold to him?
BUTLER. His destiny, and not the place destroys him.
GORDON. Upon these ramparts, as beseemed a soldier - I had fallen, defending the emperor's citadel!
BUTLER. Yes! and a thousand gallant men have perished!
GORDON. Doing their duty - that adorns the man! But murder's a black deed, and nature curses it.
BUTLER (brings out a paper). Here is the manifesto which commands us To gain possession of his person. See - It is addressed to you as well as me. Are you content to take the consequences, If through our fault he escape to the enemy?
GORDON. I? Gracious God!
Take it on yourself. Come of it what may, on you I lay it.
GORDON. Oh, God in heaven!
Can you advise aught else Wherewith to execute the emperor's purpose? Say if you can. For I desire his fall, Not his destruction.
Merciful heaven! what must be I see as clear as you. Yet still the heart Within my bosom beats with other feelings!
BUTLER. Mine is of harder stuff! Necessity In her rough school hath steeled me. And this Illo, And Terzky likewise, they must not survive him.
GORDON. I feel no pang for these. Their own bad hearts Impelled them, not the influence of the stars. 'Twas they who strewed the seeds of evil passions In his calm breast, and with officious villany Watered and nursed the poisonous plants. May they Receive their earnests to the uttermost mite!
BUTLER. And their death shall precede his! We meant to have taken them alive this evening Amid the merrymaking of a feast, And keep them prisoners in the citadel, But this makes shorter work. I go this instant To give the necessary orders.
To these enter ILLO and TERZKY.
TERZKY. Our luck is on the turn. To-morrow come The Swedes - twelve thousand gallant warriors, Illo! Then straightwise for Vienna. Cheerily, friend! What! meet such news with such a moody face?
ILLO. It lies with us at present to prescribe Laws, and take vengeance on those worthless traitors Those skulking cowards that deserted us; One has already done his bitter penance, The Piccolomini: be his the fate Of all who wish us evil! This flies sure To the old man's heart; he has his whole life long Fretted and toiled to raise his ancient house From a count's title to the name of prince; And now must seek a grave for his only son.
BUTLER. 'Twas pity, though! A youth of such heroic And gentle temperament! The duke himself, 'Twas easily seen, how near it went to his heart.
ILLO. Hark ye, old friend! That is the very point That never pleased me in our general - He ever gave the preference to the Italians. Yea, at this very moment, by my soul! He'd gladly see us all dead ten times over, Could he thereby recall his friend to life.
TERZKY. Hush, hush! Let the dead rest! This evening's business Is, who can fairly drink the other down - Your regiment, Illo! gives the entertainment. Come! we will keep a merry carnival The night for once be day, and 'mid full glasses Will we expect the Swedish avant-garde.
ILLO. Yes, let us be of good cheer for to-day, For there's hot work before us, friends! This sword Shall have no rest till it is bathed to the hilt In Austrian blood.
GORDON. Shame, shame! what talk is this, My lord field-marshal? Wherefore foam you so Against your emperor?
Hope not too much From this first victory. Bethink you, sirs! How rapidly the wheel of fortune turns; The emperor still is formidably strong.
ILLO. The emperor has soldiers, no commander, For this King Ferdinand of Hungary Is but a tyro. Gallas? He's no luck, And was of old the ruiner of armies. And then this viper, this Octavio, Is excellent at stabbing in the back, But ne'er meets Friedland in the open field.
TERZKY. Trust me, my friends, it cannot but succeed; Fortune, we know, can ne'er forsake the duke! - And only under Wallenstein can Austria Be conqueror.
ILLO. The duke will soon assemble A mighty army: all come crowding, streaming To banners, dedicate by destiny To fame, and prosperous fortune. I behold Old times come back again! he will become Once more the mighty lord which he has been. How will the fools, who've how deserted him, Look then? I can't but laugh to think of them, For lands will he present to all his friends, And like a king and emperor reward True services; but we've the nearest claims.
[To GORDON. You will not be forgotten, governor! He'll take from you this nest, and bid you shine In higher station: your fidelity Well merits it.
I am content already, And wish to climb no higher; where great height is, The fall must needy be great. "Great height, great depth."
ILLO. Here you have no more business, for to-morrow The Swedes will take possession of the citadel. Come, Terzky, it is supper-time. What think you? Nay, shall we have the town illuminated In honor of the Swede? And who refuses To do it is a Spaniard and a traitor.
TERZKY. Nay! nay! not that, it will not please the duke - -
ILLO. What; we are masters here; no soul shall dare Avow himself imperial where we've the rule. Gordon! good-night, and for the last time take A fair leave of the place. Send out patrols To make secure, the watchword may be altered. At the stroke of ten deliver in the keys To the duke himself, and then you've quit forever Your wardship of the gates, for on to-morrow The Swedes will take possession of the citadel.
TERZKY (as he is going, to BUTLER). You come, though, to the castle?
At the right time.
[Exeunt TERZKY and ILLO.
GORDON (looking after them). Unhappy men! How free from all foreboding They rush into the outspread net of murder In the blind drunkenness of victory; I have no pity for their fate. This Illo, This overflowing and foolhardy villain, That would fain bathe himself in his emperor's blood.
BUTLER. Do as he ordered you. Send round patrols, Take measures for the citadel's security; When they are within I close the castle-gate That nothing may transpire.
GORDON (with earnest anxiety).
Oh! haste not so! Nay, stop; first tell me - -
You have heard already, To-morrow to the Swedes belongs. This night Alone is ours. They make good expedition. But we will make still greater. Fare you well.
GORDON. Ah! your looks tell me nothing good. Nay, Butler, I pray you promise me!
The sun has set; A fateful evening doth descend upon us, And brings on their long night! Their evil stars Deliver them unarmed into our hands, And from their drunken dream of golden fortunes The dagger at their hearts shall rouse them. Well, The duke was ever a great calculator; His fellow-men were figures on his chess-board To move and station, as his game required. Other men's honor, dignity, good name, Did he shift like pawns, and made no conscience of Still calculating, calculating still; And yet at last his calculation proves Erroneous; the whole game is lost; and low! His own life will be found among the forfeits.
GORDON. Oh, think not of his errors now! remember His greatness, his munificence; think on all The lovely features of his character, On all the noble exploits of his life, And let them, like an angel's arm, unseen, Arrest the lifted sword.
It is too late. I suffer not myself to feel compassion, Dark thoughts and bloody are my duty now.
[Grasping GORDON's hand. Gordon! 'tis not my hatred (I pretend not To love the duke, and have no cause to love him). Yet 'tis not now my hatred that impels me To be his murderer. 'Tis his evil fate. Hostile occurrences of many events Control and subjugate me to the office. In vain the human being meditates Free action. He is but the wire-worked [8] puppet Of the blind Power, which, out of its own choice, Creates for him a dread necessity. What too would it avail him if there were A something pleading for him in my heart - Still I must kill him.
If your heart speak to you Follow its impulse. 'Tis the voice of God. Think you your fortunes will grow prosperous Bedewed with blood - his blood? Believe it not!
BUTLER. You know not. Ask not! Wherefore should it happen That the Swedes gained the victory, and hasten With such forced marches hitherwards? Fain would I Have given him to the emperor's mercy. Gordon! I do not wish his blood, - but I must ransom The honor of my word, - it lies in pledge - And he must die, or - -
[Passionately grasping GORDON's hand.
Listen, then, and know I am dishonored if the duke escape us.
GORDON. Oh! to save such a man - -
It is worth A sacrifice. Come, friend! Be noble-minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions, Forms our true honor.
BUTLER (with a cold and haughty air).
He is a great lord, This duke, and I am of but mean importance. This is what you would say! Wherein concerns it The world at large, you mean to hint to me, Whether the man of low extraction keeps Or blemishes his honor - So that the man of princely rank be saved? We all do stamp our value on ourselves: The price we challenge for ourselves is given us. There does not live on earth the man so stationed That I despise myself compared with him. Man is made great or little by his own will; Because I am true to mine therefore he dies!
GORDON. I am endeavoring to move a rock. Thou hadst a mother, yet no human feelings. I cannot hinder you, but may some God Rescue him from you!
[Exit GORDON. BUTLER [9] (alone). I treasured my good name all my life long; The duke has cheated me of life's best jewel, So that I blush before this poor weak Gordon! He prizes above all his fealty; His conscious soul accuses him of nothing; In opposition to his own soft heart He subjugates himself to an iron duty. Me in a weaker moment passion warped; I stand beside him, and must feel myself The worst man of the two. What though the world Is ignorant of my purposed treason, yet One man does know it, and can prove it, too - High-minded Piccolomini! There lives the man who can dishonor me! This ignominy blood alone can cleanse! Duke Friedland, thou or I. Into my own hands Fortune delivers me. The dearest thing a man has is himself.
[A gothic and gloomy apartment at the DUCHESS FRIEDLAND's.
THEKLA on a seat, pale, her eyes closed. The DUCHESS and LADY
NEUBRUNN busied about her. WALLENSTEIN and the COUNTESS in
WALLENSTEIN. How knew she it so soon?
She seems to have Foreboded some misfortune. The report Of an engagement, in which had fallen A colonel of the imperial army, frightened her. I saw it instantly. She flew to meet The Swedish courier, and with sudden questioning, Soon wrested from him the disastrous secret. Too late we missed her, hastened after her, We found her lying in his arms, all pale, And in a swoon.
A heavy, heavy blow! And she so unprepared! Poor child! how is it?
[Turning to the DUCHESS. Is she coming to herself?
Her eyes are opening - -
COUNTESS. She lives!
THEKLA (looking around her).
Where am I?
WALLENSTEIN (steps to her, raising her up in his arms). Come, cheerly, Thekla! be my own brave girl! See, there's thy loving mother. Thou art in Thy father's arms.
THEKLA (standing up).
Where is he? Is he gone?
DUCHESS. Who gone, my daughter?
He - the man who uttered That word of misery.
Oh, think not of it! My Thekla!
Give her sorrow leave to talk! Let her complain - mingle your tears with hers, For she hath suffered a deep anguish; but She'll rise superior to it, for my Thekla Hath all her father's unsubdued heart.
THEKLA. I am not ill. See, I have power to stand. Why does my mother weep? Have I alarmed her? It is gone by - I recollect myself.
[She casts her eyes round the room, as seeking some one. Where is he? Please you, do not hide him from me. You see I have strength enough: now I will hear him.
DUCHESS. No; never shall this messenger of evil Enter again into thy presence, Thekla!
THEKLA. My father - -
Dearest daughter!
I'm not weak. Shortly I shall be quite myself again. You'll grant me one request?
Name it, my daughter.
THEKLA. Permit the stranger to be called to me, And grant me leave, that by myself I may Hear his report and question him.
No, never!
COUNTESS. 'Tis not advisable - assent not to it.
WALLENSTEIN. Hush! Wherefore wouldst thou speak with him, my daughter?
THEKLA. Knowing the whole, I shall be more collected; I will not be deceived. My mother wishes Only to spare me. I will not be spared - The worst is said already: I can hear Nothing of deeper anguish!
Do it not.
THEKLA. The horror overpowered me by surprise, My heart betrayed me in the stranger's presence: He was a witness of my weakness, yea, I sank into his arms; and that has shamed me. I must replace myself in his esteem, And I must speak with him, perforce, that he, The stranger, may not think ungently of me.
WALLENSTEIN. I see she is in the right, and am inclined To grant her this request of hers. Go, call him.
[LADY NEUBRUNN goes to call him.
DUCHESS. But I, thy mother, will be present - -
'Twere More pleasing to me if alone I saw him; Trust me, I shall behave myself the more Collectedly.
Permit her her own will. Leave her alone with him: for there are sorrows, Where of necessity the soul must be Its own support. A strong heart will rely On its own strength alone. In her own bosom, Not in her mother's arms, must she collect The strength to rise superior to this blow. It is mine own brave girl. I'll have her treated Not as the woman, but the heroine.
COUNTESS (detaining him). Where art thou going? I heard Terzky say That 'tis thy purpose to depart from hence To-morrow early, but to leave us here.
WALLENSTEIN. Yes, ye stay here, placed under the protection Of gallant men.
Oh, take us with you, brother. Leave us not in this gloomy solitude. To brood o'er anxious thoughts. The mists of doubt Magnify evils to a shape of horror.
WALLENSTEIN. Who speaks of evil? I entreat you, sister, Use words of better omen.
Then take us with you. Oh leave us not behind you in a place That forces us to such sad omens. Heavy And sick within me is my heart - These walls breathe on me like a churchyard vault. I cannot tell you, brother, how this place Doth go against my nature. Take us with you. Come, sister, join you your entreaty! Niece, Yours too. We all entreat you, take us with you!
WALLENSTEIN. The place's evil omens will I change, Making it that which shields and shelters for me My best beloved.
LADY NEUBRUNN (returning).
The Swedish officer.
WALLENSTEIN. Leave her alone with me.
DUCHESS (to THEKLA, who starts and shivers). There - pale as death! Child, 'tis impossible That thou shouldst speak with him. Follow thy mother.
THEKLA. The Lady Neubrunn then may stay with me.
CAPTAIN (respectfully approaching her). Princess - I must entreat your gentle pardon - My inconsiderate rash speech. How could! - -
THEKLA (with dignity). You have beheld me in my agony. A most distressful accident occasioned You from a stranger to become at once My confidant.
I fear you hate my presence, For my tongue spake a melancholy word.
THEKLA. The fault is mine. Myself did wrest it from you. The horror which came o'er me interrupted Your tale at its commencement. May it please you, Continue it to the end.
Princess, 'twill Renew your anguish.
I am firm, - I will be firm. Well - how began the engagement?
CAPTAIN. We lay, expecting no attack, at Neustadt, Intrenched but insecurely in our camp, When towards evening rose a cloud of dust From the wood thitherward; our vanguard fled Into the camp, and sounded the alarm. Scarce had we mounted ere the Pappenheimers, Their horses at full speed, broke through the lines, And leaped the trenches; but their heedless courage Had borne them onward far before the others - The infantry were still at distance, only The Pappenheimers followed daringly Their daring leader - -
[THEKLA betrays agitation in her gestures. The officer pauses
till she makes a sign to him to proceed.
Both in van and flanks With our whole cavalry we now received them; Back to the trenches drove them, where the foot Stretched out a solid ridge of pikes to meet them. They neither could advance, nor yet retreat; And as they stood on every side wedged in, The Rhinegrave to their leader called aloud, Inviting a surrender; but their leader, Young Piccolomini - -
[THEKLA, as giddy, grasps a chair.
Known by his plume, And his long hair, gave signal for the trenches; Himself leaped first: the regiment all plunged after. His charger, by a halbert gored, reared up, Flung him with violence off, and over him The horses, now no longer to be curbed, - -
[THEKLA, who has accompanied the last speech with all
the marks of increasing agony, trembles through her whole
frame and is falling. The LADY NEUBRUNN runs to her, and
receives her in her arms.
NEUBRUNN. My dearest lady!
I retire.
'Tis over. Proceed to the conclusion.
Wild despair Inspired the troops with frenzy when they saw Their leader perish; every thought of rescue Was spurned; they fought like wounded tigers; their Frantic resistance roused our soldiery; A murderous fight took place, nor was the contest Finished before their last man fell.
THEKLA (faltering).
And where - Where is - you have not told me all.
CAPTAIN (after a pause).
This morning We buried him. Twelve youths of noblest birth Did bear him to interment; the whole army Followed the bier. A laurel decked his coffin; The sword of the deceased was placed upon it, In mark of honor by the Rhinegrave's self, Nor tears were wanting; for there are among us Many, who had themselves experienced The greatness of his mind and gentle manners; All were affected at his fate. The Rhinegrave Would willingly have saved him; but himself Made vain the attempt - 'tis said he wished to die.
NEUBRUNN (to THEKLA, who has hidden her countenance). Look up, my dearest lady - -
Where is his grave?
CAPTAIN. At Neustadt, lady; in a cloister church Are his remains deposited, until We can receive directions from his father.
THEKLA. What is the cloister's name?
Saint Catherine's.
THEKLA. And how far is it thither?
Near twelve leagues.
THEKLA. And which the way?
You go by Tirschenreut And Falkenberg, through our advanced posts.
Who Is their commander?
Colonel Seckendorf.
[THEKLA steps to the table, and takes a ring from a casket.
THEKLA. You have beheld me in my agony, And shown a feeling heart. Please you, accept
[Giving him the ring. A small memorial of this hour. Now go!
CAPTAIN (confusedly). Princess - -
[THEKLA silently makes signs to him to go, and turns from him.
The captain lingers, and is about to speak. LADY NEUBRUNN repeats
the signal, and he retires.
THEKLA (falls on LADY NEUBRUNN's neck). Now gentle Neubrunn, show me the affection Which thou hast ever promised - prove thyself My own true friend and faithful fellow-pilgrim. This night we must away!
Away! and whither?
THEKLA. Whither! There is but one place in the world. Thither, where he lies buried! To his coffin!
NEUBRUNN. What would you do there?
What do there? That wouldst thou not have asked, hadst thou e'er loved. There, that is all that still remains of him! That single spot is the whole earth to me.
NEUBRUNN. That place of death - -
Is now the only place Where life yet dwells for me: detain me not! Come and make preparations; let us think Of means to fly from hence.
Your father's rage
THEKLA. That time is past - And now I fear no human being's rage.
NEUBRUNN. The sentence of the world! The tongue of calumny!
THEKLA. Whom am I seeking? Him who is no more. Am I then hastening to the arms - O God! I haste - but to the grave of the beloved.
NEUBRUNN. And we alone, two helpless, feeble women?
THEKLA. We will take weapons: my arm shall protect thee.
NEUBRUNN. In the dark night-time?
Darkness will conceal us.
NEUBRUNN. This rough tempestuous night - -
Had he a soft bed Under the hoofs of his war-horses?
Heaven! And then the many posts of the enemy!
THEKLA. They are human beings. Misery travels free Through the whole earth.
The journey's weary length - -
THEKLA. The pilgrim, travelling to a distant shrine Of hope and healing doth not count the leagues.
NEUBRUNN. How can we pass the gates?
Gold opens them. Go, do but go.
Should we be recognized - -
THEKLA. In a despairing woman, a poor fugitive, Will no one seek the daughter of Duke Friedland.
NEUBRUNN. And where procure we horses for our flight?
THEKLA. My equerry procures them. Go and fetch him.
NEUBRUNN. Dares he, without the knowledge of his lord?
THEKLA. He will. Go, only go. Delay no longer.
NEUBRUNN. Dear lady! and your mother?
Oh! my mother!
NEUBRUNN. So much as she has suffered too already; Your tender mother. Ah! how ill prepared For this last anguish!
Woe is me! My mother!
[Pauses. Go instantly.
But think what you are doing!
THEKLA. What can be thought, already has been thought.
NEUBRUNN. And being there, what purpose you to do?
THEKLA. There a divinity will prompt my soul.
NEUBRUNN. Your heart, dear lady, is disquieted! And this is not the way that leads to quiet.
THEKLA. To a deep quiet, such as he has found, It draws me on, I know not what to name it, Resistless does it draw me to his grave. There will my heart be eased, my tears will flow. Oh hasten, make no further questioning! There is no rest for me till I have left These walls - they fall in on me - a dim power Drives me from hence - oh mercy! What a feeling! What pale and hollow forms are those! They fill, They crowd the place! I have no longer room here! Mercy! Still more! More still! The hideous swarm, They press on me; they chase me from these walls - Those hollow, bodiless forms of living men!
NEUBRUNN. You frighten me so, lady, that no longer I dare stay here myself. I go and call Rosenberg instantly.
THEKLA. His spirit 'tis that calls me: 'tis the troop Of his true followers, who offered up Themselves to avenge his death: and they accuse me Of an ignoble loitering - they would not Forsake their leader even in his death; they died for him, And shall I live? For me too was that laurel garland twined That decks his bier. Life is an empty casket: I throw it from me. Oh, my only hope; To die beneath the hoofs of trampling steeds - That is a lot of heroes upon earth!
[Exit THEKLA. [10]
(The Curtain drops.)
NEUBRUNN. He is here, lady, and he will procure them.
THEKLA. Wilt thou provide us horses, Rosenberg?
ROSENBERG. I will, my lady.
And go with us as well?
ROSENBERG. To the world's end, my lady.
But consider, Thou never canst return unto the duke.
ROSENBERG. I will remain with thee.
I will reward thee. And will commend thee to another master. Canst thou unseen conduct us from the castle?
When can I go?
This very hour. But whither would you, lady?
To - Tell him, Neubrunn.
NEUBRUNN. To Neustadt.
So; I leave you to get ready.
NEUBRUNN. Oh, see, your mother comes.
Indeed! O Heaven!
DUCHESS. He's gone! I find thee more composed, my child.
THEKLA. I am so, mother; let me only now Retire to rest, and Neubrunn here be with me. I want repose.
My Thekla, thou shalt have it. I leave thee now consoled, since I can calm Thy father's heart.
Good night, beloved mother!
(Falling on her neck and embracing her with deep emotion).
DUCHESS. Thou scarcely art composed e'en now, my daughter. Thou tremblest strongly, and I feel thy heart Beat audibly on mine.
Sleep will appease Its beating: now good-night, good-night, dear mother.
(As she withdraws from her mother's arms the curtain falls).
Butler's Chamber.
BUTLER. Find me twelve strong dragoons, arm them with pikes For there must be no firing - Conceal them somewhere near the banquet-room, And soon as the dessert is served up, rush all in And cry - "Who is loyal to the emperor?" I will overturn the table - while you attack Illo and Terzky, and despatch them both. The castle-palace is well barred and guarded, That no intelligence of this proceeding May make its way to the duke. Go instantly; Have you yet sent for Captain Devereux And the Macdonald?
They'll be here anon.
BUTLER. Here's no room for delay. The citizens Declare for him - a dizzy drunken spirit Possesses the whole town. They see in the duke A prince of peace, a founder of new ages And golden times. Arms, too, have been given out By the town-council, and a hundred citizens Have volunteered themselves to stand on guard. Despatch! then, be the word; for enemies Threaten us from without and from within.
MACDONALD. Here we are, general.
What's to be the watchword?
BUTLER. Long live the emperor!
BOTH (recoiling).
Live the house of Austria.
DEVEREUX. Have we not sworn fidelity to Friedland?
MACDONALD. Have we not marched to this place to protect him?
BUTLER. Protect a traitor and his country's enemy?
DEVEREUX. Why, yes! in his name you administered Our oath.
And followed him yourself to Egra.
BUTLER. I did it the more surely to destroy him.
DEVEREUX. So then!
An altered case!
Thou wretched man So easily leavest thou thy oath and colors?
DEVEREUX. The devil! I but followed your example; If you could prove a villain, why not we?
MACDONALD. We've naught to do with thinking - that's your business. You are our general, and give out the orders; We follow you, though the track lead to hell.
BUTLER (appeased). Good, then! we know each other.
I should hope so.
DEVEREUX. Soldiers of fortune are we - who bids most He has us.
'Tis e'en so!
Well, for the present You must remain honest and faithful soldiers.
DEVEREUX. We wish no other.
Ay, and make your fortunes.
MACDONALD. That is still better.
We attend.
BUTLER. It is the emperor's will and ordinance To seize the person of the Prince-Duke Friedland Alive or dead.
It runs so in the letter.
MACDONALD. Alive or dead - these were the very words.
BUTLER. And he shall be rewarded from the state In land and gold who proffers aid thereto.
DEVEREUX. Ay! that sounds well. The words sound always well That travel hither from the court. Yes! yes! We know already what court-words import. A golden chain perhaps in sign of favor, Or an old charger, or a parchment-patent, And such like. The prince-duke pays better.
Yes, The duke's a splendid paymaster.
All over With that, my friends. His lucky stars are set.
MACDONALD. And is that certain?
You have my word for it.
DEVEREUX. His lucky fortune's all passed by?
Forever. He is as poor as we.
As poor as we?
DEVEREUX. Macdonald, we'll desert him.
We'll desert him? Full twenty thousand have done that already; We must do more, my countrymen! In short - We - we must kill him.
BOTH (starting back)
Kill him!
Yes, must kill him; And for that purpose have I chosen you.
BUTLER. You, Captain Devereux, and thee, Macdonald.
DEVEREUX (after a pause). Choose you some other.
What! art dastardly? Thou, with full thirty lives to answer for - Thou conscientious of a sudden?
Nay To assassinate our lord and general - -
MACDONALD. To whom we swore a soldier's oath - -
The oath Is null, for Friedland is a traitor.
DEVEREUX. No, no! it is too bad!
Yes, by my soul! It is too bad. One has a conscience too - -
DEVEREUX. If it were not our chieftain, who so long Has issued the commands, and claimed our duty - -
BUTLER. Is that the objection?
Were it my own father, And the emperor's service should demand it of me, It might be done perhaps - but we are soldiers, And to assassinate our chief commander, That is a sin, a foul abomination, From which no monk or confessor absolves us.
BUTLER. I am your pope, and give you absolution. Determine quickly!
'Twill not do.
'Twont do!
BUTLER. Well, off then! and - send Pestalutz to me.
DEVEREUX (hesitates). The Pestalutz - -
What may you want with him?
BUTLER. If you reject it, we can find enough - -
DEVEREUX. Nay, if he must fall, we may earn the bounty As well as any other. What think you, Brother Macdonald?
Why, if he must fall, And will fall, and it can't be otherwise, One would not give place to this Pestalutz.
DEVEREUX (after some reflection). When do you purpose he should fall?
This night. To-morrow will the Swedes be at our gates.
DEVEREUX. You take upon you all the consequences?
BUTLER. I take the whole upon me.
And it is The emperor's will, his express absolute will? For we have instances that folks may like The murder, and yet hang the murderer.
BUTLER. The manifesto says - "alive or dead." Alive - 'tis not possible - you see it is not.
DEVEREUX. Well, dead then! dead! But bow can we come at him. The town is filled with Terzky's soldiery.
MACDONALD. Ay! and then Terzky still remains, and Illo - -
BUTLER. With these you shall begin - you understand me?
DEVEREUX. How! And must they too perish?
They the first.
MACDONALD. Hear, Devereux! A bloody evening this.
DEVEREUX. Have you a man for that? Commission me - -
BUTLER. 'Tis given in trust to Major Geraldin; This is a carnival night, and there's a feast Given at the castle - there we shall surprise them, And hew them down. The Pestalutz and Lesley Have that commission. Soon as that is finished - -
DEVEREUX. Hear, general! It will be all one to you - Hark ye, let me exchange with Geraldin.
BUTLER. 'Twill be the lesser danger with the duke.
DEVEREUX. Danger! The devil! What do you think me, general, 'Tis the duke's eye, and not his sword, I fear.
BUTLER. What can his eye do to thee?
Death and hell! Thou knowest that I'm no milksop, general! But 'tis not eight days since the duke did send me Twenty gold pieces for this good warm coat Which I have on! and then for him to see me Standing before him with the pike, his murderer. That eye of his looking upon this coat - Why - why - the devil fetch me! I'm no milksop!
BUTLER. The duke presented thee this good warm coat, And thou, a needy wight, hast pangs of conscience To run him through the body in return, A coat that is far better and far warmer Did the emperor give to him, the prince's mantle. How doth he thank the emperor? With revolt And treason.
That is true. The devil take Such thankers! I'll despatch him.
And would'st quiet Thy conscience, thou hast naught to do but simply Pull off the coat; so canst thou do the deed With light heart and good spirits.
You are right, That did not strike me. I'll pull off the coat - So there's an end of it.
Yes, but there's another Point to be thought of.
And what's that, Macdonald?
MACDONALD. What avails sword or dagger against him? He is not to be wounded - he is - -
BUTLER (starting up).
MACDONALD. Safe against shot, and stab, and flash! Hard frozen. Secured and warranted by the black art His body is impenetrable, I tell you.
DEVEREUX. In Ingolstadt there was just such another: His whole skin was the same as steel; at last We were obliged to beat him down with gunstocks.
MACDONALD. Hear what I'll do.
In the cloister here There's a Dominican, my countryman. I'll make him dip my sword and pike for me In holy water, and say over them One of his strongest blessings. That's probatum! Nothing can stand 'gainst that.
So do, Macdonald! But now go and select from out the regiment Twenty or thirty able-bodied fellows, And let them take the oaths to the emperor. Then when it strikes eleven, when the first rounds Are passed, conduct them silently as may be To the house. I will myself be not far off.
DEVEREUX. But how do we get through Hartschier and Gordon, That stand on guard there in the inner chamber?
BUTLER. I have made myself acquainted with the place, I lead you through a back door that's defended By one man only. Me my rank and office Give access to the duke at every hour. I'll go before you - with one poinard-stroke Cut Hartschier's windpipe, and make way for you.
DEVEREUX. And when we are there, by what means shall we gain The duke's bed-chamber, without his alarming The servants of the court? for he has here A numerous company of followers.
BUTLER. The attendants fills the right wing: he hates bustle, And lodges in the left wing quite alone.
DEVEREUX. Were it well over - hey, Macdonald! I Feel queerly on the occasion, devil knows.
MACDONALD. And I, too. 'Tis too great a personage. People will hold us for a brace of villains.
BUTLER. In plenty, honor, splendor - you may safely Laugh at the people's babble.
If the business Squares with one's honor - if that be quite certain.
BUTLER. Set your hearts quite at ease. Ye save for Ferdinand His crown and empire. The reward can be No small one.
DEVEREUX. And 'tis his purpose to dethrone the emperor?
BUTLER. Yes! Yes! to rob him of his crown and life.
DEVEREUX. And must he fall by the executioner's hands, Should we deliver him up to the emperor Alive?
It were his certain destiny.
DEVEREUX. Well! Well! Come then, Macdonald, he shall not Lie long in pain.
[Exeunt BUTLER through one door, MACDONALD and DEVEREUX
through the other.
A saloon, terminated by a gallery, which extends far
into the background.
WALLENSTIN sitting at a table. The SWEDISH CAPTAIN
standing before him.
WALLENSTEIN. Commend me to your lord. I sympathize In his good fortune; and if you have seen me Deficient in the expressions of that joy, Which such a victory might well demand, Attribute it to no lack of good-will, For henceforth are our fortunes one. Farewell, And for your trouble take my thanks. To-morrow The citadel shall be surrendered to you On your arrival.
[The SWEDISH CAPTAIN retires. WALLENSTEIN sits lost in thought,
his eyes fixed vacantly, and his head sustained by his hand. The
COUNTESS TERZKY enters, stands before him for awhile, unobserved
by him; at length he starts, sees her and recollects himself.
WALLENSTEIN. Comest thou from her? Is she restored? How is she?
COUNTESS. My sister tells me she was more collected After her conversation with the Swede. She has now retired to rest.
The pang will soften She will shed tears.
I find thee altered, too, My brother! After such a victory I had expected to have found in thee A cheerful spirit. Oh, remain thou firm! Sustain, uphold us! For our light thou art, Our sun.
Be quiet. I ail nothing. Where's Thy husband?
At a banquet - he and Illo.
WALLENSTEIN (rises and strides across the saloon). The night's far spent. Betake thee to thy chamber.
COUNTESS. Bid me not go, oh, let me stay with thee!
WALLENSTEIN (moves to the window). There is a busy motion in the heaven, The wind doth chase the flag upon the tower, Fast sweep the clouds, the sickle [11] of the moon, Struggling, darts snatches of uncertain light. No form of star is visible! That one White stain of light, that single glimmering yonder, Is from Cassiopeia, and therein Is Jupiter. (A pause.) But now The blackness of the troubled element hides him!
[He sinks into profound melancholy, and looks vacantly
into the distance.
COUNTESS (looks on him mournfully, then grasps his hand). What art thou brooding on?
Methinks If I but saw him, 'twould be well with me. He is the star of my nativity, And often marvellously hath his aspect Shot strength into my heart.
COUNTESS. Thou'lt see him again.
WALLENSTEIN (remains for awhile with absent mind, then assumes a livelier manner, and turning suddenly to the COUNTESS). See him again? Oh, never, never again!
He is gone - is dust.
Whom meanest thou, then?
WALLENSTEIN. He, the more fortunate! yea, he hath finished! For him there is no longer any future, His life is bright - bright without spot it was, And cannot cease to be. No ominous hour Knocks at his door with tidings of mishap, Far off is he, above desire and fear; No more submitted to the change and chance Of the unsteady planets. Oh, 'tis well With him! but who knows what the coming hour Veiled in thick darkness brings us?
COUNTESS. Thou speakest of Piccolomini. What was his death? The courier had just left thee as I came.
[WALLENSTEIN by a motion of his hand makes signs to her
to be silent.
Turn not thine eyes upon the backward view, Let us look forward into sunny days, Welcome with joyous heart the victory, Forget what it has cost thee. Not to-day, For the first time, thy friend was to thee dead; To thee he died when first he parted from thee.
WALLENSTEIN. This anguish will be wearied down [12], I know; What pang is permanent with man? From the highest, As from the vilest thing of every day, He learns to wean himself: for the strong hours Conquer him. Yet I feel what I have lost In him. The bloom is vanished from my life, For oh, he stood beside me, like my youth, Transformed for me the real to a dream, Clothing the palpable and the familiar With golden exhalations of the dawn, Whatever fortunes wait my future toils, The beautiful is vanished - and returns not.
COUNTESS. Oh, be not treacherous to thy own power. Thy heart is rich enough to vivify Itself. Thou lovest and prizest virtues in him, The which thyself didst plant, thyself unfold.
WALLENSTEIN (stepping to the door). Who interrupts us now at this late hour? It is the governor. He brings the keys Of the citadel. 'Tis midnight. Leave me, sister!
COUNTESS. Oh, 'tis so hard to me this night to leave thee; A boding fear possesses me!
Fear! Wherefore?
COUNTESS. Shouldst thou depart this night, and we at waking Never more find thee!
Ob, my soul Has long been weighed down by these dark forebodings, And if I combat and repel them waking, They still crush down upon my heart in dreams, I saw thee, yesternight with thy first wife Sit at a banquet, gorgeously attired.
WALLENSTHIN. This was a dream of favorable omen, That marriage being the founder of my fortunes.
COUNTESS. To-day I dreamed that I was seeking thee In thy own chamber. As I entered, lo! It was no more a chamber: the Chartreuse At Gitschin 'twas, which thou thyself hast founded, And where it is thy will that thou shouldst be Interred.
Thy soul is busy with these thoughts.
COUNTESS. What! dost thou not believe that oft in dreams A voice of warning speaks prophetic to us?
WALLENSTEIN. There is no doubt that there exist such voices, Yet I would not call them Voices of warning that announce to us Only the inevitable. As the sun, Ere it is risen, sometimes paints its image In the atmosphere, so often do the spirits Of great events stride on before the events, And in to-day already walks to-morrow. That which we read of the fourth Henry's death Did ever vex and haunt me like a tale Of my own future destiny. The king Felt in his breast the phantom of the knife Long ere Ravaillac armed himself therewith. His quiet mind forsook him; the phantasma Started him in his Louvre, chased him forth Into the open air; like funeral knells Sounded that coronation festival; And still with boding sense he heard the tread Of those feet that even then were seeking him Throughout the streets of Paris.
And to thee The voice within thy soul bodes nothing?
Nothing. Be wholly tranquil.
And another time I hastened after thee, and thou rann'st from me Through a long suite, through many a spacious hall. There seemed no end of it; doors creaked and clapped; I followed panting, but could not overtake thee; When on a sudden did I feel myself Grasped from behind, - the hand was cold that grasped me; 'Twas thou, and thou didst kiss me, and there seemed A crimson covering to envelop us.
WALLENSTEIN. That is the crimson tapestry of my chamber.
COUNTESS (gazing on him). If it should come to that - if I should see thee, Who standest now before me in the fulness Of life - -
[She falls on his breast and weeps.
WALLENSTEIN. The emperor's proclamation weighs upon thee - Alphabets wound not - and he finds no hands.
COUNTESS. If he should find them, my resolve is taken - I bear about me my support and refuge.
WALLENSTEIN. All quiet in the town?
The town is quiet.
WALLENSTEIN. I hear a boisterous music! and the castle Is lighted up. Who are the revellers?
GORDON. There is a banquet given at the castle To the Count Terzky and Field-Marshal Illo.
WALLENSTEIN. In honor of the victory - this tribe Can show their joy in nothing else but feasting.
[Rings. The GROOM OF THE CHAMBER enters. Unrobe me. I will lay me down to sleep.
[WALLENSTEIN takes the keys from GORDON. So we are guarded from all enemies, And shut in with sure friends. For all must cheat me, or a face like this
[Fixing his eyes on GORDON. Was ne'er a hypocrite's mask.
[The GROOM OF THE CHAMBER takes off his mantle, collar, and scarf.
WALLENSTEIN. Take care - what is that?
The golden chain is snapped in two.
WALLENSTEIN. Well, it has lasted long enough. Here - give it.
[He takes and looks at the chain. 'Twas the first present of the emperor. He hung it round me in the war of Friule, He being then archduke; and I have worn it Till now from habit - From superstition, if you will. Belike, It was to be a talisman to me; And while I wore it on my neck in faith, It was to chain to me all my life-long The volatile fortune, whose first pledge it was. Well, be it so! Henceforward a new fortune Must spring up for me; for the potency Of this charm is dissolved.
[GROOM OF THE CHAMBER retires with the vestments. WALLENSTEIN
rises, takes a stride across the room, and stands at last before
GORDON in a posture of meditation.
How the old time returns upon me! I Behold myself once more at Burgau, where We two were pages of the court together. We oftentimes disputed: thy intention Was ever good; but thou were wont to play The moralist and preacher, and wouldst rail at me - That I strove after things too high for me, Giving my faith to bold, unlawful dreams, And still extol to me the golden mean. Thy wisdom hath been proved a thriftless friend To thy own self. See, it has made thee early A superannuated man, and (but That my munificent stars will intervene) Would let thee in some miserable corner Go out like an untended lamp.
My prince With light heart the poor fisher moors his boat, And watches from the shore the lofty ship Stranded amid the storm.
Art thou already In harbor, then, old man? Well! I am not. The unconquered spirit drives me o'er life's billows; My planks still firm, my canvas swelling proudly. Hope is my goddess still, and youth my inmate; And while we stand thus front to front almost, I might presume to say, that the swift years Have passed by powerless o'er my unblanched hair.
[He moves with long strides across the saloon, and remains
on the opposite side over against GORDON.
Who now persists in calling fortune false? To me she has proved faithful; with fond love Took me from out the common ranks of men, And like a mother goddess, with strong arm Carried me swiftly up the steps of life. Nothing is common in my destiny, Nor in the furrows of my hand. Who dares Interpret then my life for me as 'twere One of the undistinguishable many? True, in this present moment I appear Fallen low indeed; but I shall rise again. The high flood will soon follow on this ebb; The fountain of my fortune, which now stops, Repressed and bound by some malicious star, Will soon in joy play forth from all its pipes.
GORDON. And yet remember I the good old proverb, "Let the night come before we praise the day." I would be slow from long-continued fortune To gather hope: for hope is the companion Given to the unfortunate by pitying heaven. Fear hovers round the head of prosperous men, For still unsteady are the scales of fate.
WALLENSTEIN (smiling). I hear the very Gordon that of old Was wont to preach, now once more preaching; I know well, that all sublunary things Are still the vassals of vicissitude. The unpropitious gods demand their tribute. This long ago the ancient pagans knew And therefore of their own accord they offered To themselves injuries, so to atone The jealousy of their divinities And human sacrifices bled to Typhon.
[After a pause, serious, and in a more subdued manner. I too have sacrificed to him - for me There fell the dearest friend, and through my fault He fell! No joy from favorable fortune Can overweigh the anguish of this stroke. The envy of my destiny is glutted: Life pays for life. On his pure head the lightning Was drawn off which would else have shattered me.
To these enter SENI.
WALLENSTEIN. Is not that Seni! and beside himself, If one can trust his looks? What brings thee hither At this late hour, Baptista?
Terror, duke! On thy account.
What now?
Flee ere the day break! Trust not thy person to the Swedes!
What now Is in thy thoughts?
SENI (with louder voice). Trust not thy person to the Swedes.
What is it, then?
SENI (still more urgently). Oh, wait not the arrival of these Swedes! An evil near at hand is threatening thee From false friends. All the signs stand full of horror! Near, near at hand the net-work of perdition - Yea, even now 'tis being cast around thee!
WALLENSTEIN. Baptista, thou art dreaming! - fear befools thee.
SENI. Believe not that an empty fear deludes me. Come, read it in the planetary aspects; Read it thyself, that ruin threatens thee From false friends.
From the falseness of my friends Has risen the whole of my unprosperous fortunes. The warning should have come before! At present I need no revelation from the stars To know that.
Come and see! trust thine own eyes. A fearful sign stands in the house of life - An enemy; a fiend lurks close behind The radiance of thy planet. Oh, be warned! Deliver not up thyself to these heathens, To wage a war against our holy church.
WALLENSTEIN (laughing gently). The oracle rails that way! Yes, yes! Now I recollect. This junction with the Swedes Did never please thee - lay thyself to sleep, Baptista! Signs like these I do not fear.
GORDON (who during the whole of this dialogue has shown marks
of extreme agitation, and now turns to WALLENSTEIN). My duke and general! May I dare presume?
WALLENSTEIN. Speak freely.
What if 'twere no mere creation Of fear, if God's high providence vouchsafed To interpose its aid for your deliverance, And made that mouth its organ?
Ye're both feverish! How can mishap come to me from the Swedes? They sought this junction with me - 'tis their interest.
GORDON (with difficulty suppressing his emotion). But what if the arrival of these Swedes - What if this were the very thing that winged The ruin that is flying to your temples?
[Flings himself at his feet.
There is yet time, my prince.
Oh hear him! hear him!
GORDON (rises). The Rhinegrave's still far off. Give but the orders, This citadel shall close its gates upon him. If then he will besiege us, let him try it. But this I say; he'll find his own destruction, With his whole force before these ramparts, sooner Than weary down the valor of our spirit. He shall experience what a band of heroes, Inspirited by an heroic leader, Is able to perform. And if indeed It be thy serious wish to make amend For that which thou hast done amiss, - this, this Will touch and reconcile the emperor, Who gladly turns his heart to thoughts of mercy; And Friedland, who returns repentant to him, Will stand yet higher in his emperor's favor Then e'er he stood when he had never fallen.
WALLENSTEIN (contemplates him with surprise, remains silent a while,
betraying strong emotion). Gordon - your zeal and fervor lead you far. Well, well - an old friend has a privilege. Blood, Gordon, has been flowing. Never, never Can the emperor pardon me: and if he could, Yet I - I ne'er could let myself be pardoned. Had I foreknown what now has taken place, That he, my dearest friend, would fall for me, My first death offering; and had the heart Spoken to me, as now it has done - Gordon, It may be, I might have bethought myself. It may be too, I might not. Might or might not Is now an idle question. All too seriously Has it begun to end in nothing, Gordon! Let it then have its course.
[Stepping to the window. All dark and silent - at the castle too All is now hushed. Light me, chamberlain?
[The GROOM OF THE CHAMBER, who had entered during the last dialogue,
and had been standing at a distance and listening to it with visible
expressions of the deepest interest, advances in extreme agitation
and throws himself at the DUKE's feet.
And thou too! But I know why thou dost wish My reconcilement with the emperor. Poor man! he hath a small estate in Carinthia, And fears it will be forfeited because He's in my service. Am I then so poor That I no longer can indemnify My servants? Well! to no one I employ Means of compulsion. If 'tis thy belief That fortune has fled from me, go! forsake me. This night for the last time mayst thou unrobe me, And then go over to the emperor. Gordon, good-night! I think to make a long Sleep of it: for the struggle and the turmoil Of this last day or two was great. May't please you Take care that they awake me not too early.
follows, GORDON remains on the darkened stage, following the DUKE
with his eye, till he disappears at the further end of the gallery:
then by his gestures the old man expresses the depth of his anguish,
and stands leaning against a pillar.
GORDON, BUTLER (at first behind the scenes).
BUTLER (not yet come into view of the stage). Here stand in silence till I give the signal.
GORDON (starts up). 'Tis he! he has already brought the murderers.
BUTLER. The lights are out. All lies in profound sleep.
GORDON. What shall I do, shall I attempt to save him? Shall I call up the house? alarm the guards?
BUTLER (appears, but scarcely on the stage). A light gleams hither from the corridor. It leads directly to the duke's bed-chamber.
GORDON. But then I break my oath to the emperor; If he escape and strengthen the enemy, Do I not hereby call down on my head All the dread consequences.
BUTLER (stepping forward).
Hark! Who speaks there?
GORDON. 'Tis better, I resign it to the hands Of Providence. For what am I, that I Should take upon myself so great a deed? I have not murdered him, if he be murdered; But all his rescue were my act and deed; Mine - and whatever be the consequences I must sustain them.
BUTLER (advances).
I should know that voice.
GORDON. Butler!
'Tis Gordon. What do you want here? Was it so late, then, when the duke dismissed you?
GORDON. Your hand bound up and in a scarf?
'Tis wounded. That Illo fought as he were frantic, till At last we threw him on the ground.
GORDON (shuddering).
Both dead?
BUTLER. Is he in bed?
Ah, Butler!
Is he? speak.
GORDON. He shall not perish! Not through you! The heaven Refuses your arm. See - 'tis wounded!
BUTLER. There is no need of my arm.
The most guilty Have perished, and enough is given to justice.
[The GROOM OF THE CHAMBER advances from the gallery with his finger
on his mouth commanding silence.
GORDON. He sleeps! Oh, murder not the holy sleep!
BUTLER. No! he shall die awake.
[Is going.
GORDON. His heart still cleaves To earthly things: he's not prepared to step Into the presence of his God!
BUTLER (going).
God's merciful!
GORDON (holds him). Grant him but this night's respite.
BUTLER (hurrying of).
The next moment May ruin all.
GORDON (holds him still).
One hour!
Unhold me! What Can that short respite profit him?
Oh, time Works miracles. In one hour many thousands Of grains of sand run out; and quick as they Thought follows thought within the human soul. Only one hour! Your heart may change its purpose, His heart may change its purpose - some new tidings May come; some fortunate event, decisive, May fall from heaven and rescue him. Oh, what May not one hour achieve!
You but remind me How precious every minute is!
[He stamps on the floor.
To these enter MACDONALD and DEVEREUX, with the HALBERDIERS.
GORDON (throwing himself between him and them).
No, monster! First over my dead body thou shalt tread. I will Hot live to see the accursed deed!
BUTLER (forcing him out of the way). Weak-hearted dotard!
[Trumpets are heard in the distance.
Hark! The Swedish trumpets! The Swedes before the ramparts! Let us hasten!
GORDON (rushes out). Oh, God of mercy!
BUTLER (calling after him).
Governor, to your post!
GROOM OF THE CHAMBER (hurries in). Who dares make larum here? Hush! The duke sleeps.
DEVEREUX (with loud, harsh voice). Friend, it is time now to make larum.
Help! Murder!
Down with him!
GROOM OF THE CHAMBER (run through the body by DEVEREUX, falls at
the entrance of the gallery).
Jesus Maria!
BUTLER. Burst the doors open.
[They rush over the body into the gallery - two doors are heard to
crash one after the other. Voices, deadened by the distance - clash
of arms - then all at once a profound silence:
COUNTESS TERZKY (with a light). Her bedchamber is empty; she herself Is nowhere to be found! The Neubrunn too, Who watched by her, is missing. If she should Be flown - but whither flown? We must call up Every soul in the house. How will the duke Bear up against these worst bad tidings? Oh, If that my husband now were but returned Home from the banquet! Hark! I wonder whether The duke is still awake! I thought I heard Voices and tread of feet here! I will go And listen at the door. Hark! what is that? 'Tis hastening up the steps!
GORDON (rushes in out of breath)
'Tis a mistake! 'Tis not the Swedes; ye must proceed no further - Butler! Oh, God! where is he?
[Observing the COUNTESS.
Countess! Say - -
COUNTESS. You're come then from the castle? Where's my husband?
GORDON (in an agony of affright). Your husband! Ask not! To the duke - -
Not till You have discovered to me - -
On this moment Does the world hang. For God's sake! to the duke. While we are speaking - -
[Calling loudly.
Butler! Butler! God!
COUNTESS. Why, he is at the castle with my husband.
[BUTLER comes from the gallery.
GORDON. 'Twas a mistake. 'Tis not the Swedes - it is The imperialists' lieutenant-general Has sent me hither - will be here himself Instantly. You must not proceed.
He comes Too late.
[GORDON dashes himself against the wall.
Oh, God of mercy!
What, too late? Who will be here himself? Octavio In Egra? Treason! Treason! Where's the duke?
[She rushes to the gallery.
Servants run across the stage full of terror. The whole scene
must be spoken entirely without pauses.
SENI (from the gallery). Oh, bloody, frightful deed!
What is it, Seni?
PAGE (from the gallery). Oh, piteous sight!
[Other servants hasten in with torches.
COUNTESS. What is it? For God's sake!
And do you ask? Within the duke lies murdered - and your husband Assassinated at the castle.
[The COUNTESS stands motionless.
FEMALE SERVANT (rushing across the stage). Help! help! the duchess!
What mean these confused Loud cries that wake the sleepers of this house?
GORDON. Your house is cursed to all eternity. In your house doth the duke lie murdered!
BURGOMASTER (rushing out)
Heaven forbid!
FIRST SERVANT. Fly! fly! they murder us all!
SECOND SERVANT (carrying silver-plate).
That way! the lower Passages are blocked up.
VOICE (from behind the scene). Make room for the lieutenant-general!
[At these words the COUNTESS starts from her stupor, collects
herself, and retires suddenly.
VOICE (from behind the scene). Keep back the people! Guard the door!
To these enter OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI with all his train. At the same
time DEVEREUX and MACDONALD enter from out the corridor with the
Halberdiers. WALLENSTEIN's dead body is carried over the back part
of the stage, wrapped in a piece of crimson tapestry.
OCTAVIO (entering abruptly). It must not be! It is not possible! Butler! Gordon! I'll not believe it. Say no!
[GORDON, without answering, points with his hand to the body of
WALLENSTEIN as it is carried over the back of the stage. OCTAVIO
looks that way, and stands overpowered with horror.
DEVEREUX (to BUTLER). Here is the golden fleece - the duke's sword - -
MACDONALD. Is it your order - -
BUTLER (pointing to OCTAVIO).
Here stands he who now Hath the sole power to issue orders.
[DEVEREUX and MACDONALD retire with marks of obeisance. One drops
away after the other, till only BUTLER, OCTAVIO, and GORDON remain
on the stage.
OCTAVIO (turning to BUTLER). Was that my purpose, Butler, when we parted? Oh, God of Justice! To thee I lift my hand! I am not guilty Of this foul deed.
Your hand is pure. You have Availed yourself of mine.
Merciless man! Thus to abuse the orders of thy lord - And stain thy emperor's holy name with murder, With bloody, most accursed assassination!
BUTLER (calmly). I've but fulfilled the emperor's own sentence.
OCTAVIO. Oh, curse of kings, Infusing a dread life into their words, And linking to the sudden, transient thought The unchanging, irrevocable deed. Was there necessity for such an eager Despatch? Couldst thou not grant the merciful A time for mercy? Time is man's good angel. To leave no interval between the sentence, And the fulfilment of it, doth beseem God only, the immutable!
For what Rail you against me? What is my offence? The empire from a fearful enemy Have I delivered, and expect reward. The single difference betwixt you and me Is this: you placed the arrow in the bow; I pulled the string. You sowed blood, and yet stand Astonished that blood is come up. I always Knew what I did, and therefore no result Hath power to frighten or surprise my spirit. Have you aught else to order; for this instant I make my best speed to Vienna; place My bleeding sword before my emperor's throne, And hope to gain the applause which undelaying And punctual obedience may demand From a just judge.
To these enter the COUNTESS TERZKY, pale and disordered.
Her utterance is slow and feeble, and unimpassioned.
OCTAVIO (meeting her). Oh, Countess Terzky! These are the results Of luckless, unblest deeds.
They are the fruits Of your contrivances. The duke is dead, My husband too is dead, the duchess struggles In the pangs of death, my niece has disappeared; This house of splendor, and of princely glory, Doth now stand desolated: the affrighted servants Rush forth through all its doors. I am the last Therein; I shut it up, and here deliver The keys.
OCTAVIO (with a deep anguish).
Oh, countess! my house, too, is desolate.
COUNTESS. Who next is to be murdered? Who is next To be maltreated? Lo! the duke is dead. The emperor's vengeance may be pacified! Spare the old servants; let not their fidelity Be imputed to the faithful as a crime - The evil destiny surprised my brother Too suddenly: he could not think on them.
OCTAVIO. Speak not of vengeance! Speak not of maltreatment! The emperor is appeased; the heavy fault Hath heavily been expiated - nothing Descended from the father to the daughter, Except his glory and his services. The empress honors your adversity, Takes part in your afflictions, opens to you Her motherly arms. Therefore no further fears. Yield yourself up in hope and confidence To the imperial grace!
COUNTESS (with her eye raised to heaven) To the grace and mercy of a greater master Do I yield up myself. Where shall the body Of the duke have its place of final rest? In the Chartreuse, which he himself did found At Gitschin, rests the Countess Wallenstein; And by her side, to whom he was indebted For his first fortunes, gratefully he wished He might sometime repose in death! Oh, let him Be buried there. And likewise, for my husband's Remains I ask the like grace. The emperor Is now the proprietor of all our castles; This sure may well be granted us - one sepulchre Beside the sepulchres of our forefathers!
OCTAVIO. Countess, you tremble, you turn pale!
COUNTESS (reassembles all her powers, and speaks with energy and
You think More worthily of me than to believe I would survive the downfall of my house. We did not hold ourselves too mean to grasp After a monarch's crown - the crown did fate Deny, but not the feeling and the spirit That to the crown belong! We deem a Courageous death more worthy of our free station Than a dishonored life. I have taken poison.
OCTAVIO. Help! Help! Support her!
Nay, it is too late. In a few moments is my fate accomplished.
GORDON. Oh, house of death and horrors!
[An OFFICER enters, and brings a letter with the great seal.
GORDON steps forward and meets him.
What is this It is the imperial seal.
[He reads the address, and delivers the letter to OCTAVIO with
a look of reproach, and with an emphasis on the word.
To the Prince Piccolomini.
[OCTAVIO, with his whole frame expressive of sudden anguish,
raises his eyes to heaven.
The Curtain drops.
[1] A great stone near Luetzen, since called the Swede's Stone, the body of their great king having been found at the foot of it, after the battle in which he lost his life.
[2] Could I have hazarded such a Germanism as the use of the word afterworld for posterity, - "Es spreche Welt und Nachwelt meinen Namen" - might have been rendered with more literal fidelity: Let world and afterworld speak out my name, etc.
[3] I have not ventured to affront the fastidious delicacy of our age with a literal translation of this line,
Die Eingeweide schaudernd aufzuregen.
[4] Anspessade, in German, Gefreiter, a soldier inferior to a corporal, but above the sentinels. The German name implies that he is exempt from mounting guard.
[5] I have here ventured to omit a considerable number of lines. I fear that I should not have done amiss had I taken this liberty more frequently. It is, however, incumbent on me to give the original, with a literal translation.
"Weh denen, die auf Dich vertraun, an Dich
Die sichre Huette ihres Glueckes lehnen,
Gelockt von deiner geistlichen Gestalt.
Schnell unverhofft, bei naechtlich stiller Weile,
Gaehrts in dem tueckschen Feuerschlunde, ladet,
Sich aus mit tobender Gewalt, und weg
Treibt ueber alle Pflanzungen der Menschen
Der wilde Strom in grausender Zerstoerung."
"Du schilderst deines Vaters Herz. Wie Du's
Beschreibst, so ist's in seinem Eingeweide,
In dieser schwarzen Heuchlers Brust gestaltet.
Oh, mich hat Hoellenkunst getaeuscht! Mir sandte
Der Abgrund den verflecktesten der Geister,
Den Luegenkundigsten herauf, und stellt' ihn
Als Freund an meiner Seite. Wer vermag
Der Hoelle Macht zu widersthn! Ich zog
Den Basilisken auf an meinem Busen,
Mit meinem Herzblut naehrt' ich ihn, er sog
Sich schwelgend voll an meiner Liebe Bruesten,
Ich hatte nimmer Arges gegen ihn,
Weit offen liess ich des Gedankens Thore,
Und warf die Schluessel weiser Vorsicht weg,
Am Sternenhimmel," etc.
"Alas! for those who place their confidence on thee, against thee lean their secure hut of their fortune, allured by thy hospitable form. Suddenly, unexpectedly, in a moment still as night, there is a fermentation in the treacherous gulf of fire; it discharge itself with raging force, and away over all the plantations of men drives the wild stream in frightful devastation."
WALLENSTEIN. - "Thou art portraying thy father's heart; as thou describest, even so is it shaped in its entrails, in this black hypocrite's breast. Oh, the art of hell has deceived me! The abyss sent up to me the most the most spotted of the spirits, the most skilful in lies, and placed him as a friend by my side. Who may withstand the power of hell? I took the basilisk to my bosom, with my heart's blood I nourished him; he sucked himself glutfull at the breasts of my love. I never harbored evil towards him; wide open did I leave the door of my thoughts; I threw away the key of wise foresight. In the starry heaven, etc." We find a difficulty in believing this to have been written by Schiller.
[6] This is a poor and inadequate translation of the affectionate simplicity of the original -
Sie alle waren Fremdlinge, Du warst
Das Kind des Hauses.
Indeed the whole speech is in the best style of Massinger.
O si sic omnia!
[7] It appears that the account of his conversion being caused by such a fall, and other stories of his juvenile character, are not well authenticated.
[8] We doubt the propriety of putting so blasphemous a statement in the mouth of any character. - T.
[9] [This soliloquy, which, according to the former arrangement, constituted the whole of scene ix., and concluded the fourth act, is omitted in all the printed German editions. It seems probable that it existed in the original manuscript from which Mr. Coleridge translated. - ED.]
[10] The soliloquy of Thekla consists in the original of six-and-twenty lines twenty of which are in rhymes of irregular recurrence. I thought it prudent to abridge it. Indeed the whole scene between Thekla and Lady Neubrunn might, perhaps, have been omitted without injury to the play. - C.
[11] These four lines are expressed in the original with exquisite felicity: -
Am Himmel ist geschaeftige Bewegung.
Des Thurmes Fahne jagt der Wind, schnell geht
Der Wolken Zug, die Mondessichel wankt
Und durch die Nacht zuckt ungewisse Helle.
The word "moon-sickle" reminds me of a passage in Harris, as quoted by Johnson, under the word "falcated." "The enlightened part of the moon appears in the form of a sickle or reaping-hook, which is while she is moving from the conjunction to the opposition, or from the new moon to the full: but from full to a new again the enlightened part appears gibbous, and the dark falcated."
The words "wanken" and "schweben" are not easily translated. The English words, by which we attempt to render them, are either vulgar or antic, or not of sufficiently general application. So "der Wolken Zug" - The Draft, the Procession of Clouds. The Masses of the Clouds sweep onward in swift stream.
[12] A very inadequate translation of the original: -
Verschmerzen werd' ich diesen Schlag, das weiss ich,
Denn was verschmerzte nicht der Mensch!
I shall grieve down this blow, of that I'm conscious:
What does not man grieve down?
Publication Date: May 21st 2008 https://www.bookrix.com/-bx.schiller |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-alex-phan-your-the-one/ | Alex Phan Your The One I love you
At The Beach
Alex Jackson was at the beach, it was a really sunny day at the beach. This day was a really special day for Alex. When he was surfing on a seven foot wave he saw the most beautiful girl in the world and after he took a glance at her he wiped out. When Alex got out of the water he grabbed a Heineken out of the ice chest and he gulped it down like he was scared to do something. After he drank his beer he went over to the peer about to ask her something he chickened out so he went back to his friends. When he went back, he took an other glance then he saw a gang of college guys trying harass her. The main college guy took her wallet and threw it into the water then they walked away. When Alex saw that, he ran to the peer and dived into the water and found the purse then he swam to shore. Then he gave it to the girl. She said" Hi, I'm Isabella." Alex said I'm Alex, you have a pretty name." After a few hours everybody at the beach left.
Pretty Girl At The Window
When Alex woke up he was so excited because he was gonna call Isabella to go on a date with him. he was really nervous about calling Isabella because if she says NO he would be so embarrass because she would be the first girl to say no to him. When he dialed the number he saw a girl out of his bedroom window. Then he ran out of the front door and said to the girl "Hi, I'm Alex," She said "I'm Emmy I just moved here 2 months ago." Alex said "How would you like to go on a date with me?" Emmy Replied Friday at 7:00?" Alex said " Perfect!"
2 days later at 7:00...... Alex was waiting outside of Emmy's door and when he rang the doorbell she open the door and she was wearing the most beautiful dress ever. Emmy asked " Do you like steak?" Alex answered " yes, I love steak." When they were at Salt grass Alex wanted to know if Emmy was a gold Digger as in if she only likes him for his money. But Emmy said she would never do something like that. Then Emmy said " I'll pay for dinner." Alex said back " No I'll pay." Emmy asked " Are you sure?" Alex replied back " I'm positive." When Emmy and Alex drove back home They both said I had a really fun time. When Alex walked Emmy to her front door they said goodbye.
The Second Date
When Alex came back from his date he shouted to himself " I love this girl," and he didn't even think about Isabella.
Then it came to his mine, why am I not dating Isabella? Then he called Isabella the phone was ringing Then he heard a voice it was Isabella she asked" Where were you last night. " I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home," Alex answered. Then Alex hung up. He was feeling so bad that he lied so he threw his phone out the window. He got his home phone and called Isabella " Hey, um want to go out tomorrow at 6:00ish?" If you don't want to that's fine with me." Alex asked nervously.
Tomorrow at 5:30 Alex was changing for his big date with Isabella. When he looked in the mirror he said to himself " I can do this I'm awesome." his dog looked at him funny. Alex said to the dog " Shut up!". When he got into his car he didn't know to address to Isabella's house so he called her "Where's your house?"Alex asked. Isabella answered" 4401 Sugar cane Court League City TX." "Thank you," Alex said.
When Alex got to her house He rang the doorbell and when she open the door she dress so nice you would not believe it. Alex asked " Would you like to eat somewhere fancy or just somewhere normal. "I really don't care where we eat as long as were together," Isabella said. Alex said " I was thinking the same thing." When they were having dinner they asked what do you do? Alex answered "I'm a lawyer." Isabella answered " I'm a doctor at a children's hospital. Alex exclaimed" cool!" After dinner he drove her to her house. Alex said "we should do this again some other time." Isabella said " Yeah, definitely." Alex drove home and slept real fast.
They Meet Up
When Alex woke up Isabella called him at 8:00 in the morning. She asked "Alex would you like to eat at salt grass tonight?" Alex answered " sure, What ever you Want." Isabella said " Thanks, your the best boyfriend Alex." Then Isabella hung up. After she hung up Emmy said she can't make it to lunch or dinner today.
When Alex got in the car he remembered the address Isabella told him: 4401 Sugar Cane court League City TX. Alex typed that into his GPS and he drove to her house. When Alex rang her doorbell Isabella answered it and she wore something casual, Alex loved her outfit. "Nice outfit your wearing" Alex said in a nervous voice. Alex was nervous because he took Emmy to salt grass and he didn't want to get that stuck in his head on his second date with Isabella.
When they got to salt grass Alex and Isabella waited for about one hour then Isabella said " You want to go somewhere else?" Alex said "No it's fine, look theirs a table for two. Wait here I'm going to ask the waiter if we can sit there." Alex asked the waiter " Can we sit here?" The waiter answered " Of course sir." When they went to go sit Alex saw Emmy and another man was sitting there. Alex said to Isabella " Excuse me I need to go to the rest room." Alex walked to there and said to the guy " Who the crap are you?" The guy answered I'm her boyfriend." "WHAT" Alex shouted. "I'm her boyfriend." Alex said. The guy stood up and they started fighting. Then Isabella walked over and said " What's going on." Emmy said "There fighting because I cheated on Alex for James." "What!" No I was His girlfriend for the past 2 weeks" Isabella said. " No I was" Emmy said loudly. "Is that true, you dated this broad." Isabella asked. "you cheated on both of us" Emmy said. No, yes but I didn't know which one to pick. The two girls ran outside with there hearts broken by Alex.
Final Chapter: Your The One
The next day he called Isabella, he got the same voice mail. She must be really mad at Alex. After he called Emmy, she didn't pick up either. He didn't know which one to pick so he picked then he got his computer and wrote facts about what he did and he got about the same number of facts on both of them. Then he went to a address he would really like and apologize to .......
Isabella, he knew the whole time that Isabella was the one. After Alex rang doorbell, her dad picked it up. Her dad said" You should leave. You broke my daughters heart, now she won't come out of her bedroom." " I know I messed up but would you please let me talked to her. I love her." Alex said. When Alex went to her room he said" I know your mad at me but Your The One I Love." " Then why did you cheat on me with that piece of S**t?" Isabella asked. Alex said " I didn't cheat on you, I dated her before we went out." " Really?" Isabella asked. Alex said back " Really." She got up and said to him" Your the one I would've pick too." And from this day on they would always go to the beach on Saturday. They got married 5 years later.
Text: Don't copy me! All rights reserved. Publication Date: December 30th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-alexphan |
https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-destinee-h-temptations-introduction-of-series/ | Destinee.h Temptations ( Introduction of Series ) Thugs Need Love To ......
The DMV aint never been no friendly nigga's, but if you go a little deeper you'll step on Norlfolk Va . We the city that barely ever get notice but depending on what game you tryna play thats a good thing. There's bad bitches then there's bad lookin bitch haha , that just how it is . We got gangs but dont mean shit unless you got respect in yo hood .Females dont want a nigga with no respect in his hood think im lying :) Keep reading .
Trinity |
RING RING. Ughh who tf calling me this early in the morninn!
"Trinity ...? " She cried.
"Saphire the fuck you crying for ?!"
"They jumped me!" she sobbed.
" O shitt i told your ass to stay low , ill be there in 5"
O hell no see every time Saphire calles me its with some bullshit, but she apart of clique so im never trippin.I threw my juicy couture suit on. Dammit i told reese i'd meet him for dinner, ... he wont mind he know i'd jump in fire for Saphire no matter when or where. Maybe i should call him and still let him know. Beep beep. O shit its 5 oclock lemme text him.
Text To Reese: Baby i cant make dinner tonight imma go chill with saphire today.
Beep Beep . "Aye saphire she coming , gimme my pants. "
" iiight baby , so how dis shit gon work ... she comes here then what?" she said.
" Dont worry bout that part just stay back here in this room " i said loading my gun.
Trinity was my one and only love , but the little side hustle shit she was doing behind my back is what threw her fine ass off track. I hate to have kill someone so damn sexy she was 5'7 slim sexy brown skin with a booty halle berry would be jealous of , she never cheats never questions me .She just dont know how to keep her mouth closed , so she dies .. Today.
" Would you kill me ? " she whispered.
"What ?!" i snorted.
" If i was to say something bout the deal would you just kill me off like trini , would you claim you love me then put a bullet in my chest" she said
"Yes. Now get dressed ." i said with a stone cold look in my eyes.
" Dis aint girl scouts saphire , we nigga's dont play round here if you cant handle the heat i suggest you leave. But dont leave thinkin you any better than i am , cause your ass sittin here naked waiting on the same person." i shouted.
End of Introduction of Series Give Me Some Feedback Please.!!! MUAH
Text: Destinee. h Images: Supreme Editing: Destinee Translation: Destinee All rights reserved. Publication Date: January 27th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-trulyfinelotus |
Subsets and Splits