stringlengths 138
| strip_func_name
stringlengths 2
| prompt
stringclasses 1
value | query
stringlengths 41
| response
stringlengths 12
| hints
stringclasses 1
value |
7dc7fd77c702ac66e020038977e4c5b256bb046b8e96253a37fa2f33ba09f7ff_7dc7fd77c702ac66e020038977e4c5b256bb046b8e96253a37fa2f33ba09f7ff.jsonl.gz | sub_412301 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_412301(unsigned int a1)
return a1;
Q:[a1,sub_412301,] | A:{'a1': 'e', 'sub_412301': 'ConstExpression'} | |
ae7aab2ec0432c0e4475b5090639bd7e03c37b8aefef6d9e74b4223fac92deed_ae7aab2ec0432c0e4475b5090639bd7e03c37b8aefef6d9e74b4223fac92deed.jsonl.gz | sub_406123 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_406123(_DWORD *a1, unsigned __int64 a2, unsigned __int64 a3, char a4)
unsigned __int64 v7; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-28h]
__int16 v8; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-1Ch]
__int16 v9; // [rsp+36h] [rbp-1Ah]
__int128 v10; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h]
__int16 v11; // [rsp+4Ch] [rbp-4h]
__int16 v12; // [rsp+4Eh] [rbp-2h]
v12 = sub_405940(a2);
v11 = sub_405940(a3);
*((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1) = sub_405925(a2) << 10;
*(_QWORD *)&v10 = sub_405925(a3) << 10;
v9 = v12 - v11;
if ( (__int16)(v12 - v11) <= 0 )
if ( v9 < 0 )
if ( v11 == 2047 )
if ( !(_QWORD)v10 )
return sub_4059CB(a4 ^ 1u, 255, 0LL);
return sub_405ACF((__int64)a1, a2, a3);
if ( v12 )
*((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1) |= 0x4000000000000000uLL;
*((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1) = sub_4058C3(*((unsigned __int64 *)&v10 + 1), -v9);
*(_QWORD *)&v10 = v10 | 0x4000000000000000LL;
goto LABEL_19;
if ( v12 == 2047 )
if ( v10 == 0 )
sub_402AD6((__int64)a1, 16);
return -1LL;
return sub_405ACF((__int64)a1, a2, a3);
if ( !v12 )
v12 = 1;
v11 = 1;
if ( (unsigned __int64)v10 >= *((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1) )
if ( *((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1) >= (unsigned __int64)v10 )
return sub_4059CB(*a1 == 2, 0, 0LL);
v7 = v10 - *((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1);
v8 = v11;
a4 ^= 1u;
return sub_405DF1((__int64)a1, a4, v8 - 1, v7);
v7 = *((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1) - v10;
v8 = v12;
return sub_405DF1((__int64)a1, a4, v8 - 1, v7);
if ( v12 != 2047 )
if ( v11 )
*(_QWORD *)&v10 = v10 | 0x4000000000000000LL;
*(_QWORD *)&v10 = sub_4058C3(v10, v9);
*((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1) |= 0x4000000000000000uLL;
goto LABEL_28;
if ( *((_QWORD *)&v10 + 1) )
return sub_405ACF((__int64)a1, a2, a3);
return a2;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,sub_406123,sub_405940,sub_405925,sub_4059CB,sub_405ACF,sub_4058C3,sub_402AD6,sub_405DF1,] | A:{'a3': 'b', 'a4': 'sign', 'a1': 'ctx', 'a2': 'a', 'v7': 'sig', 'v8': 'exp', 'v9': 'exp_diff', 'v10': 'b_sig', 'v11': 'b_exp', 'v12': 'a_exp', 'sub_406123': 'float64_sub_sig', 'sub_405940': 'float64_exp_0', 'sub_405925': 'float64_fract_0', 'sub_4059CB': 'float64_pack_0', 'sub_405ACF': 'float64_propagate_nan', 'sub_4058C3': 'rshr64_1', 'sub_402AD6': 'context_raise', 'sub_405DF1': 'float64_normalize_round_and_pack'} | |
bfa1835a8cfa41c6110f4663d2d821bce11bf6fbfb1ac54ccfda804c176264e2_bfa1835a8cfa41c6110f4663d2d821bce11bf6fbfb1ac54ccfda804c176264e2.jsonl.gz | sub_407E1C | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
double *__fastcall sub_407E1C(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, double a3)
double *result; // rax
result = (double *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 240) + 8 * a2);
*result = a3;
return result;
Q:[a1,a2,a3,sub_407E1C,] | A:{'a1': 'w', 'a2': 'idx', 'a3': 'value', 'sub_407E1C': 'ecos_updateDataEntry_c'} | |
ed44ca9dcc1242045d57739612f7f576c6fb3ac81cc29b7aa045231f88565267_ed44ca9dcc1242045d57739612f7f576c6fb3ac81cc29b7aa045231f88565267.jsonl.gz | sub_41B250 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41B250(__int64 a1, const char *a2, const char *a3)
__int64 v4; // rbp
void **v5; // rax
size_t v6; // r14
__int64 *v7; // rdx
__int64 v8; // rax
__int64 v9; // rdi
__int64 v10; // rbx
__int64 v11; // r14
__int64 *v12; // rbx
__int64 *v13; // rbp
__int64 v14; // rdx
_BYTE *v15; // rsi
__int64 v16; // rdx
_BYTE **v17; // rbx
__int64 v18; // rdx
__int64 v19; // rdx
__int64 v20; // rdx
int v21; // eax
__int64 *v22; // rbx
__int64 *v23; // rbp
__int64 v24; // rdx
_BYTE *v25; // rsi
__int64 v26; // rdx
__int64 *j; // rbx
__int64 *v28; // rbp
__int64 v29; // rdx
_BYTE *v30; // rsi
__int64 v31; // rdx
__int64 v32; // r13
void **v33; // rbx
__int64 *v34; // rbp
void *v35; // rdx
void *v36; // rdx
_BYTE *v37; // rsi
__int64 v38; // rdx
_BYTE *v39; // rsi
__int64 v40; // rdx
_BYTE *v41; // rsi
__int64 v42; // rdx
_BYTE *v43; // rsi
__int64 v44; // rdx
int v45; // eax
__int64 v46; // rbx
__int64 *v47; // rbp
__int64 v48; // rdx
_BYTE *v49; // rsi
__int64 v50; // rdx
__int64 v51; // rbx
__int64 *v52; // rbp
__int64 v53; // rdx
_BYTE *v54; // rsi
__int64 v55; // rdx
__int64 result; // rax
__int64 *v57; // rdi
__int64 v59; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-168h]
__int64 v60[3]; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-130h] BYREF
__int64 *v61; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-118h]
__int64 *v62; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-110h]
void *v63; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-108h] BYREF
void **i; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-100h]
__int64 *v65; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-F8h] BYREF
__int64 v66[2]; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-F0h] BYREF
char v67; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-E0h] BYREF
__int64 v68[2]; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-D0h] BYREF
char v69; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-C0h] BYREF
__int64 v70[2]; // [rsp+C8h] [rbp-B0h] BYREF
char v71; // [rsp+D8h] [rbp-A0h] BYREF
__int64 v72[2]; // [rsp+E8h] [rbp-90h] BYREF
char v73; // [rsp+F8h] [rbp-80h] BYREF
int v74; // [rsp+108h] [rbp-70h]
__int64 v75[2]; // [rsp+110h] [rbp-68h] BYREF
__int64 v76; // [rsp+120h] [rbp-58h]
__int64 v77[2]; // [rsp+128h] [rbp-50h] BYREF
__int64 v78; // [rsp+138h] [rbp-40h]
v4 = a1 + 1416;
v60[0] = 0LL;
sub_4422F0(a1 + 1416);
v63 = &v65;
if ( !a2 )
std::__throw_logic_error("basic_string::_M_construct null not valid");
v5 = (void **)strlen(a2);
v61 = (__int64 *)v5;
v6 = (size_t)v5;
if ( (unsigned __int64)v5 > 0xF )
v63 = (void *)std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>::_M_create();
v57 = (__int64 *)v63;
v65 = v61;
if ( v5 == (void **)1 )
LOBYTE(v65) = *a2;
v7 = (__int64 *)&v65;
goto LABEL_5;
if ( !v5 )
v7 = (__int64 *)&v65;
goto LABEL_5;
v57 = (__int64 *)&v65;
memcpy(v57, a2, v6);
v5 = (void **)v61;
v7 = (__int64 *)v63;
i = v5;
*((_BYTE *)v5 + (_QWORD)v7) = 0;
v8 = sub_41D7D0(a1 + 1368, &v63);
v60[0] = v8;
if ( v63 != &v65 )
operator delete(v63, (unsigned __int64)v65 + 1);
v8 = v60[0];
if ( v8 == a1 + 1376 || *(_QWORD *)(v8 + 488) || (v9 = *(_QWORD *)(v8 + 520)) == 0 )
result = 0LL;
v10 = sub_432FA0(v9, 302LL, 0LL);
v59 = v10;
sub_4164A0(a1, (__int64)v60);
if ( v10 )
v11 = v10 + 256;
v65 = 0LL;
v63 = &v63;
v12 = *(__int64 **)(v10 + 256);
for ( i = &v63; (__int64 *)v11 != v12; v65 = (__int64 *)((char *)v65 + 1) )
v13 = (__int64 *)operator new(0x50uLL);
v14 = v12[3];
v61 = (__int64 *)&v63;
v13[2] = (__int64)(v13 + 4);
v15 = (_BYTE *)v12[2];
v62 = v13;
sub_415260(v13 + 2, v15, (__int64)&v15[v14]);
v16 = v12[7];
v13[6] = (__int64)(v13 + 8);
sub_415260(v13 + 6, (_BYTE *)v12[6], v12[6] + v16);
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v13,
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)&v63);
v12 = (__int64 *)*v12;
v17 = (_BYTE **)v59;
v66[0] = (__int64)&v67;
sub_415260(v66, *(_BYTE **)(v59 + 280), *(_QWORD *)(v59 + 280) + *(_QWORD *)(v59 + 288));
v18 = *(_QWORD *)(v59 + 320);
v68[0] = (__int64)&v69;
sub_415260(v68, v17[39], (__int64)&v17[39][v18]);
v19 = *(_QWORD *)(v59 + 352);
v70[0] = (__int64)&v71;
sub_415260(v70, v17[43], (__int64)&v17[43][v19]);
v20 = *(_QWORD *)(v59 + 384);
v72[0] = (__int64)&v73;
sub_415260(v72, v17[47], (__int64)&v17[47][v20]);
v21 = *(_DWORD *)(v59 + 408);
v76 = 0LL;
v75[0] = (__int64)v75;
v22 = *(__int64 **)(v59 + 416);
v74 = v21;
for ( v75[1] = (__int64)v75; (__int64 *)(v59 + 416) != v22; ++v76 )
v23 = (__int64 *)operator new(0x50uLL);
v62 = v23;
v23[2] = (__int64)(v23 + 4);
v24 = v22[3];
v25 = (_BYTE *)v22[2];
v61 = v75;
sub_415260(v23 + 2, v25, (__int64)&v25[v24]);
v26 = v22[7];
v23[6] = (__int64)(v23 + 8);
sub_415260(v23 + 6, (_BYTE *)v22[6], v22[6] + v26);
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v23,
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v75);
v22 = (__int64 *)*v22;
v78 = 0LL;
v77[0] = (__int64)v77;
v77[1] = (__int64)v77;
for ( j = *(__int64 **)(v59 + 440); (__int64 *)(v59 + 440) != j; ++v78 )
v28 = (__int64 *)operator new(0x50uLL);
v29 = j[3];
v61 = v77;
v28[2] = (__int64)(v28 + 4);
v30 = (_BYTE *)j[2];
v62 = v28;
sub_415260(v28 + 2, v30, (__int64)&v30[v29]);
v31 = j[7];
v28[6] = (__int64)(v28 + 8);
sub_415260(v28 + 6, (_BYTE *)j[6], j[6] + v31);
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v28,
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v77);
j = (__int64 *)*j;
v32 = operator new(0xE0uLL);
v60[1] = v59 + 696;
v33 = (void **)v63;
v60[2] = v32;
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 24) = v32 + 16;
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 16) = v32 + 16;
for ( *(_QWORD *)(v32 + 32) = 0LL; v33 != &v63; ++*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 32) )
v34 = (__int64 *)operator new(0x50uLL);
v35 = v33[3];
v62 = v34;
v61 = (__int64 *)(v32 + 16);
v34[2] = (__int64)(v34 + 4);
sub_415260(v34 + 2, v33[2], (__int64)v35 + (_QWORD)v33[2]);
v36 = v33[7];
v34[6] = (__int64)(v34 + 8);
sub_415260(v34 + 6, v33[6], (__int64)v36 + (_QWORD)v33[6]);
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v34,
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)(v32 + 16));
v33 = (void **)*v33;
v37 = (_BYTE *)v66[0];
v38 = v66[1];
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 40) = v32 + 56;
sub_415260((__int64 *)(v32 + 40), v37, (__int64)&v37[v38]);
v39 = (_BYTE *)v68[0];
v40 = v68[1];
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 72) = v32 + 88;
sub_415260((__int64 *)(v32 + 72), v39, (__int64)&v39[v40]);
v41 = (_BYTE *)v70[0];
v42 = v70[1];
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 104) = v32 + 120;
sub_415260((__int64 *)(v32 + 104), v41, (__int64)&v41[v42]);
v43 = (_BYTE *)v72[0];
v44 = v72[1];
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 136) = v32 + 152;
sub_415260((__int64 *)(v32 + 136), v43, (__int64)&v43[v44]);
v45 = v74;
v46 = v75[0];
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 192) = 0LL;
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 184) = v32 + 176;
*(_DWORD *)(v32 + 168) = v45;
for ( *(_QWORD *)(v32 + 176) = v32 + 176; (__int64 *)v46 != v75; ++*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 192) )
v47 = (__int64 *)operator new(0x50uLL);
v62 = v47;
v47[2] = (__int64)(v47 + 4);
v48 = *(_QWORD *)(v46 + 24);
v49 = *(_BYTE **)(v46 + 16);
v61 = (__int64 *)(v32 + 176);
sub_415260(v47 + 2, v49, (__int64)&v49[v48]);
v50 = *(_QWORD *)(v46 + 56);
v47[6] = (__int64)(v47 + 8);
sub_415260(v47 + 6, *(_BYTE **)(v46 + 48), *(_QWORD *)(v46 + 48) + v50);
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v47,
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)(v32 + 176));
v46 = *(_QWORD *)v46;
v51 = v77[0];
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 216) = 0LL;
*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 208) = v32 + 200;
for ( *(_QWORD *)(v32 + 200) = v32 + 200; (__int64 *)v51 != v77; ++*(_QWORD *)(v32 + 216) )
v52 = (__int64 *)operator new(0x50uLL);
v62 = v52;
v52[2] = (__int64)(v52 + 4);
v53 = *(_QWORD *)(v51 + 24);
v54 = *(_BYTE **)(v51 + 16);
v61 = (__int64 *)(v32 + 200);
sub_415260(v52 + 2, v54, (__int64)&v54[v53]);
v55 = *(_QWORD *)(v51 + 56);
v52[6] = (__int64)(v52 + 8);
sub_415260(v52 + 6, *(_BYTE **)(v51 + 48), *(_QWORD *)(v51 + 48) + v55);
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v52,
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)(v32 + 200));
v51 = *(_QWORD *)v51;
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)v32,
(std::__detail::_List_node_base *)(v59 + 696));
++*(_QWORD *)(v59 + 712);
sub_421CD0(a1 + 72, v59);
result = 1LL;
result = 0LL;
return result;
Q:[a1,v59,v60,v63,sub_41B250,sub_4422F0,sub_41D7D0,sub_442310,sub_432FA0,sub_4164A0,sub_415260,sub_42F9E0,] | A:{'a1': 'this', 'v59': 'pclsMessage', 'v60': 'itMap', 'v63': '__k', 'sub_41B250': 'StopCall', 'sub_4422F0': 'acquire', 'sub_41D7D0': 'find', 'sub_442310': 'release', 'sub_432FA0': 'CreateResponse', 'sub_4164A0': 'Delete', 'sub_415260': '_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12_M_constructIPcEEvT_S7_St20forward_iterator_tag.isra.0_5', 'sub_42F9E0': '~CSipFrom'} | |
e6951f37e53aa26b8cc1158f7a801b19b5050181eb2932e812d0435a1aa23f66_e6951f37e53aa26b8cc1158f7a801b19b5050181eb2932e812d0435a1aa23f66.jsonl.gz | sub_426FE8 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
char *__fastcall sub_426FE8(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, __m128 a7, __m128 a8, __m128 a9, __m128 a10, __m128 a11, __m128 a12, __m128 a13, __m128 a14)
char *result; // rax
char v15; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-B0h] BYREF
__int64 v16; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-A8h]
char *v17; // [rsp+44h] [rbp-A0h]
__int64 v18; // [rsp+4Ch] [rbp-98h]
__int64 v19; // [rsp+54h] [rbp-90h]
__int64 v20; // [rsp+5Ch] [rbp-88h]
__m128 v21; // [rsp+64h] [rbp-80h]
__m128 v22; // [rsp+74h] [rbp-70h]
__m128 v23; // [rsp+84h] [rbp-60h]
__m128 v24; // [rsp+94h] [rbp-50h]
__m128 v25; // [rsp+A4h] [rbp-40h]
__m128 v26; // [rsp+B4h] [rbp-30h]
__m128 v27; // [rsp+C4h] [rbp-20h]
__m128 v28; // [rsp+D4h] [rbp-10h]
v16 = a2;
v17 = (char *)a3;
v18 = a4;
v19 = a5;
v20 = a6;
v21 = a7;
v22 = a8;
v23 = a9;
v24 = a10;
v25 = a11;
v26 = a12;
v27 = a13;
v28 = a14;
result = &v15;
if ( a1 == 5 )
result = v17;
*(_QWORD *)(8LL * (unsigned int)v16 + qword_4335F0) = v17;
return result;
Q:[a1,sub_426FE8,] | A:{'a1': 's', 'sub_426FE8': 'ctxopt_add_global_settings'} | |
616268ddd6c2eb493b2c54efa19d29a7054ba3644d87315019eb9d0213d39602_616268ddd6c2eb493b2c54efa19d29a7054ba3644d87315019eb9d0213d39602.jsonl.gz | sub_41B07F | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 sub_41B07F()
return sub_41B21F("ad");
Q:[sub_41B07F,sub_41B21F,] | A:{'sub_41B07F': 'xcdar', 'sub_41B21F': 'cxr'} | |
ff275f160e5132915ef257ad30f22eb27a5b95b210e4dacc80734b0390b72045_ff275f160e5132915ef257ad30f22eb27a5b95b210e4dacc80734b0390b72045.jsonl.gz | sub_4035AE | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_4035AE(void **a1, unsigned int a2, char a3, unsigned __int16 a4, char a5, char a6)
char v9; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-14h]
v9 = a4;
sub_403328(a1, a2, a3, 101, (a4 >> 7) & 0x7F);
sub_403328(a1, 0, a3, 100, v9 & 0x7F);
sub_403328(a1, 0, a3, 6, a5 & 0x7F);
return sub_403328(a1, 0, a3, 38, a6 & 0x7F);
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,a6,v9,sub_4035AE,sub_403328,] | A:{'a3': 'channel', 'a4': 'number', 'a1': 'track', 'a2': 'delta_time', 'a5': 'value_msb', 'a6': 'value_lsb', 'v9': 'numbera', 'sub_4035AE': 'midi_track_write_rpn_msb_lsb', 'sub_403328': 'midi_track_write_control_change'} | |
8819988e11a74916baa47234d24fc5064c06a15fcca2eaad174890ffb98561f6_8819988e11a74916baa47234d24fc5064c06a15fcca2eaad174890ffb98561f6.jsonl.gz | sub_401B62 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_401B62(__int64 *a1)
return !(unsigned int)sub_4014D5("/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/max_page_sharing", *a1)
&& !(unsigned int)numa_available()
&& ((unsigned int)sub_4014D5("/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/merge_across_nodes", a1[1])
|| (unsigned int)sub_4014D5("/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/pages_to_scan", a1[2])
|| (unsigned int)sub_4014D5("/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run", a1[3])
|| (unsigned int)sub_4014D5("/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/sleep_millisecs", a1[4])
|| (unsigned int)sub_4014D5("/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/stable_node_chains_prune_millisecs", a1[5])
|| (unsigned int)sub_4014D5("/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/use_zero_pages", a1[6]));
Q:[a1,sub_401B62,sub_4014D5,] | A:{'a1': 'ksm_sysfs', 'sub_401B62': 'ksm_restore', 'sub_4014D5': 'ksm_write_sysfs'} | |
8d6c50d0ee12876ec290c4ce0a428fb00f833d36cb02ca4a73baeb460b7db13f_8d6c50d0ee12876ec290c4ce0a428fb00f833d36cb02ca4a73baeb460b7db13f.jsonl.gz | sub_404EAA | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_QWORD *__fastcall sub_404EAA(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
__int64 v4; // rax
__int64 v5; // rax
__int64 v6; // rax
int *v7; // rax
unsigned int v8; // eax
int v9; // ecx
int v10; // er8
int v11; // er9
_QWORD *ptr; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
if ( !a2 )
return 0LL;
ptr = calloc(1uLL, 0x98uLL);
if ( !ptr )
return 0LL;
ptr[17] = a2;
ptr[18] = a3;
if ( a1 )
v4 = a1;
v4 = 0x20000LL;
ptr[13] = sub_406AC6(v4);
if ( ptr[13] )
if ( a1 )
v5 = a1;
v5 = 0x20000LL;
ptr[14] = sub_406AC6(v5);
if ( ptr[14] )
if ( a1 )
v6 = a1;
v6 = 0x20000LL;
ptr[15] = sub_406AC6(v6);
if ( ptr[15] )
*((_DWORD *)ptr + 32) = open("/dev/urandom", 0);
if ( *((int *)ptr + 32) > 0 )
return ptr;
v7 = __errno_location();
v8 = (unsigned int)strerror(*v7);
(unsigned int)"ws_client: Error opening entropy source \"/dev/urandom\". Reason: \"%s\"",
return 0LL;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,ptr,sub_404EAA,sub_406AC6,sub_40760B,sub_406B5F,] | A:{'a3': 'log', 'a1': 'buf_size', 'a2': 'host', 'ptr': 'client', 'sub_404EAA': 'ws_client_new', 'sub_406AC6': 'rbuf_create', 'sub_40760B': 'mws_error', 'sub_406B5F': 'rbuf_free'} | |
6096ba2824eff13515e7a98799ef225f1733fe11d0aede2dde862a8735c916ff_6096ba2824eff13515e7a98799ef225f1733fe11d0aede2dde862a8735c916ff.jsonl.gz | sub_401393 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_401393(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, int a5, int a6)
int v6; // eax
__int16 v7; // ax
unsigned int *v8; // rax
__int64 v9; // rbx
__int64 v10; // rbx
__int64 v11; // rbx
__int64 v12; // rbx
__int64 v13; // rbx
__int64 v14; // rbx
__int64 v15; // rbx
__int64 *v16; // rax
double v17; // rbx
__int64 v18; // rbx
__int64 v19; // rbx
__int64 v20; // rbx
unsigned int *v21; // rbx
__int64 v22; // rbx
unsigned int *v23; // rdx
__int64 v24; // rax
__int64 v25; // rbx
__int64 v26; // rax
__int64 v27; // rbx
__int64 v28; // rax
__int64 v29; // rax
__int64 v30; // rbx
__int64 v31; // rdx
size_t v32; // rbx
size_t v33; // rax
char *v34; // rax
__int64 v35; // rbx
__int64 v36; // rbx
__int64 v37; // rbx
__int64 v38; // rbx
__int64 v39; // rbx
size_t v40; // rax
char *v41; // rbx
__int64 v42; // rbx
__int64 v43; // rbx
__int64 v44; // rbx
__int64 v45; // rbx
int v46; // eax
__int64 v47; // rbx
__int64 v48; // rbx
__int64 v49; // rax
__int64 v50; // rax
__int64 v51; // rax
__int64 v52; // rax
__int64 v53; // rax
__int64 v54; // rbx
__int64 v55; // rbx
__int64 v56; // rbx
__int64 v57; // rbx
__int64 v58; // rbx
__int64 v59; // rbx
__int64 v60; // rdx
__int64 v61; // rbx
__int64 v62; // rdx
double *v63; // rax
double v64; // rbx
__int64 v65; // rbx
__int64 v66; // rbx
__int64 v67; // rbx
unsigned int *v68; // rbx
__int64 v69; // rbx
unsigned int *v70; // rbx
double *v71; // rax
double v72; // rbx
__int64 v73; // rbx
__int64 v74; // rbx
__int64 v75; // rbx
unsigned int *v76; // rbx
__int64 v77; // rbx
unsigned int *v78; // rbx
unsigned int v79; // eax
double *v80; // rax
double v81; // rbx
__int64 v82; // rbx
__int64 v83; // rbx
__int64 v84; // rbx
unsigned int *v85; // rbx
__int64 v86; // rbx
unsigned int *v87; // rbx
double *v88; // rax
double v89; // rbx
__int64 v90; // rbx
__int64 v91; // rbx
__int64 v92; // rbx
unsigned int *v93; // rbx
__int64 v94; // rbx
unsigned int *v95; // rbx
double *v96; // rax
double v97; // rbx
__int64 v98; // rbx
__int64 v99; // rbx
__int64 v100; // rbx
unsigned int *v101; // rbx
__int64 v102; // rbx
unsigned int *v103; // rbx
unsigned int v104; // eax
__int64 v105; // rbx
__int64 v106; // rbx
__int64 v107; // rbx
__int64 v108; // rbx
__int64 v109; // rbx
__int64 v110; // rbx
__int64 v111; // rbx
__int64 v112; // rbx
__int64 v113; // rbx
__int64 v114; // rbx
unsigned int *v115; // rbx
unsigned int *v116; // rbx
__int64 v117; // rbx
__int64 v118; // rbx
__int64 v119; // rbx
__int64 v120; // rbx
__int64 v121; // rbx
__int64 v122; // rbx
__int64 v123; // rbx
__int64 v124; // rbx
__int64 v125; // rbx
__int64 v126; // rbx
__int64 v127; // rbx
__int64 v128; // rbx
__int64 v129; // rbx
__int64 v130; // rbx
__int64 v131; // rbx
__int64 v132; // rbx
__int64 v133; // rbx
__int64 v134; // rbx
__int64 v135; // rbx
__int64 v136; // rbx
__int64 v137; // rbx
__int64 v138; // rbx
__int64 v139; // rbx
__int64 v140; // rbx
__int64 v141; // rbx
__int64 v142; // rbx
__int64 v143; // rbx
__int64 v144; // rax
__int64 v145; // rax
__int64 v146; // rax
__int64 v147; // rax
int v148; // eax
int v149; // eax
int v150; // eax
__int64 v151; // rbx
__int64 v152; // rbx
__int64 v153; // rbx
__int64 v154; // rbx
__int64 v155; // rbx
__int64 v156; // rbx
__int64 v157; // rdx
int v158; // eax
double v159; // rbx
__int64 v160; // rbx
__int64 v161; // rbx
__int64 v162; // rbx
unsigned int *v163; // rbx
__int64 v164; // rbx
unsigned int *v165; // rdx
_BOOL4 v166; // eax
double v167; // rbx
__int64 v168; // rbx
__int64 v169; // rbx
__int64 v170; // rbx
unsigned int *v171; // rbx
__int64 v172; // rbx
unsigned int *v173; // rdx
__int64 v174; // rax
unsigned int *v175; // rax
double v176; // rbx
__int64 v177; // rbx
__int64 v178; // rbx
__int64 v179; // rbx
unsigned int *v180; // rbx
__int64 v181; // rbx
unsigned int *v182; // rbx
int v183; // eax
int v184; // eax
__int16 v185; // ax
unsigned int *v186; // rax
__int64 v187; // rbx
__int64 v188; // rbx
__int64 v189; // rbx
__int64 v190; // rbx
__int64 v191; // rbx
__int64 v192; // rbx
__int64 v193; // rbx
int v194; // eax
__int64 v196; // [rsp-68h] [rbp-5AD8h]
__int64 v197; // [rsp-60h] [rbp-5AD0h]
__int64 v198; // [rsp-58h] [rbp-5AC8h]
__int64 v199; // [rsp-50h] [rbp-5AC0h]
__int64 v200; // [rsp-48h] [rbp-5AB8h]
__int64 v201; // [rsp-40h] [rbp-5AB0h]
__int64 v202; // [rsp-38h] [rbp-5AA8h]
__int64 v203; // [rsp-30h] [rbp-5AA0h]
__int64 v204; // [rsp-28h] [rbp-5A98h]
__int64 v205; // [rsp-20h] [rbp-5A90h]
__int64 v206; // [rsp-18h] [rbp-5A88h]
__int64 v207; // [rsp-10h] [rbp-5A80h]
__int64 v208; // [rsp-8h] [rbp-5A78h]
__int64 v209; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-5A70h] BYREF
double v210; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-5A68h]
__int64 v211; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-5A60h]
__int64 v212; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-5A58h]
__int64 v213; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-5A50h]
__int64 v214; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-5A48h]
__int64 v215; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-5A40h]
__int64 v216; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-5A38h]
__int64 v217; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-5A30h]
unsigned int *v218; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-5A28h]
__int64 v219; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-5A20h]
__int64 v220; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-5A18h]
__int64 v221; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-5A10h]
unsigned int *v222; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-5A08h]
__int64 v223; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-5A00h]
double v224; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-59F8h]
__int64 v225; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-59F0h]
__int64 v226; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-59E8h]
__int64 v227; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-59E0h]
__int64 v228; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-59D8h]
__int64 v229; // [rsp+A0h] [rbp-59D0h]
__int64 v230; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-59C8h]
__int64 v231; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp-59C0h]
unsigned int *v232; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-59B8h]
__int64 v233; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp-59B0h]
__int64 v234; // [rsp+C8h] [rbp-59A8h]
__int64 v235; // [rsp+D0h] [rbp-59A0h]
unsigned int *v236; // [rsp+D8h] [rbp-5998h]
char v237[22400]; // [rsp+E0h] [rbp-5990h] BYREF
char v238[400]; // [rsp+5860h] [rbp-210h] BYREF
int v239; // [rsp+59F0h] [rbp-80h]
int v240; // [rsp+59F4h] [rbp-7Ch]
unsigned __int64 v241; // [rsp+59F8h] [rbp-78h]
unsigned __int64 v242; // [rsp+5A00h] [rbp-70h]
void *dest; // [rsp+5A08h] [rbp-68h]
void *ptr; // [rsp+5A10h] [rbp-60h]
__int64 v245; // [rsp+5A18h] [rbp-58h]
int v246; // [rsp+5A20h] [rbp-50h]
int v247; // [rsp+5A24h] [rbp-4Ch]
unsigned int v248; // [rsp+5A28h] [rbp-48h]
int v249; // [rsp+5A2Ch] [rbp-44h]
unsigned __int64 v250; // [rsp+5A30h] [rbp-40h]
unsigned int *v251; // [rsp+5A38h] [rbp-38h]
void *v252; // [rsp+5A40h] [rbp-30h]
char *v253; // [rsp+5A48h] [rbp-28h]
void *src; // [rsp+5A50h] [rbp-20h]
int v255; // [rsp+5A58h] [rbp-18h]
int v256; // [rsp+5A5Ch] [rbp-14h]
v247 = 0;
v246 = 0;
src = v238;
v253 = v238;
v252 = v237;
v251 = (unsigned int *)v237;
v250 = 200LL;
v256 = 0;
v255 = 0;
dword_4CD770 = 0;
dword_4CD6F0 = -2;
while ( 1 )
*(_WORD *)v253 = v256;
if ( v253 < (char *)src + 2 * v250 - 2 )
goto LABEL_11;
v245 = ((v253 - (_BYTE *)src) >> 1) + 1;
if ( v250 > 0x270F )
v250 *= 2LL;
if ( v250 > 0x2710 )
v250 = 10000LL;
ptr = src;
dest = malloc(114 * v250 + 111);
if ( !dest )
memcpy(dest, src, 2 * v245);
src = dest;
v242 = 2 * v250 + 111;
dest = (char *)dest + 112 * (v242 / 0x70);
memcpy(dest, v252, 112 * v245);
v252 = dest;
v241 = 112 * v250 + 111;
dest = (char *)dest + 112 * (v241 / 0x70);
if ( ptr != v238 )
v253 = (char *)src + 2 * v245 - 2;
v251 = (unsigned int *)((char *)v252 + 112 * v245 - 112);
if ( v253 >= (char *)src + 2 * v250 - 2 )
v248 = 1;
goto LABEL_816;
if ( v256 == 3 )
v248 = 0;
goto LABEL_816;
v249 = word_487180[v256];
if ( v249 != -366 )
if ( dword_4CD6F0 == -2 )
dword_4CD6F0 = sub_40D81F();
if ( dword_4CD6F0 > 0 )
v6 = (unsigned int)dword_4CD6F0 > 0x15F ? 2 : (unsigned __int8)byte_487020[dword_4CD6F0];
v247 = v6;
v247 = 0;
dword_4CD6F0 = 0;
v249 += v247;
if ( v249 >= 0 && v249 <= 1703 && v247 == word_4887A0[v249] )
v7 = word_487A40[v249];
v249 = v7;
if ( v7 > 0 )
if ( v255 )
dword_4CD6F0 = -2;
v256 = v249;
v251 += 28;
v8 = v251;
v9 = qword_4CD708;
*(_QWORD *)v251 = qword_4CD700;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 1) = v9;
v10 = qword_4CD718;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 2) = qword_4CD710;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 3) = v10;
v11 = qword_4CD728;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 4) = qword_4CD720;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 5) = v11;
v12 = qword_4CD738;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 6) = qword_4CD730;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 7) = v12;
v13 = qword_4CD748;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 8) = qword_4CD740;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 9) = v13;
v14 = qword_4CD758;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 10) = qword_4CD750;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 11) = v14;
v15 = qword_4CD768;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 12) = qword_4CD760;
*((_QWORD *)v8 + 13) = v15;
goto LABEL_2;
v249 = -v249;
v246 = (unsigned __int8)byte_489820[v249];
v16 = (__int64 *)&v251[28 * (1 - v246)];
v17 = *((double *)v16 + 1);
v223 = *v16;
v224 = v17;
v18 = v16[3];
v225 = v16[2];
v226 = v18;
v19 = v16[5];
v227 = v16[4];
v228 = v19;
v20 = v16[7];
v229 = v16[6];
v230 = v20;
v21 = (unsigned int *)v16[9];
v231 = v16[8];
v232 = v21;
v22 = v16[11];
v233 = v16[10];
v234 = v22;
v23 = (unsigned int *)v16[13];
v235 = v16[12];
v236 = v23;
switch ( v249 )
case 2:
if ( dword_4E7124 )
dword_4CC170 = 0;
dword_4CC174 = 0;
sub_41481D(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560);
dword_4CC178 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 3:
qword_4CD568 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
qword_4CD570 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
qword_4CD578 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
qword_4CD580 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
qword_4CD588 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
v24 = sub_4136AA("false");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD580, v24);
v25 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v25 + 16) = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 40) = 0LL;
v26 = sub_4136AA("true");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD580, v26);
v27 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v27 + 16) = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 40) = 1LL;
v28 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
v29 = sub_4137B6(v28);
sub_40B7FF(v29, 0LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 4:
sub_485161(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 32LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 6:
goto LABEL_786;
case 12:
sub_485248("input before ; skipped");
while ( qword_4CD560 > (unsigned __int64)&unk_4CCBE0 )
sub_413873(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560);
v255 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 13:
sub_40D7C1(*(_QWORD *)v251);
goto LABEL_786;
case 14:
dword_4CD590 &= 0xFFFFFFF9;
dword_4CD594 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 21:
sub_485248("declaration expected");
v255 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 22:
dword_4CD590 |= 1u;
goto LABEL_786;
case 23:
dword_4CD590 &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
goto LABEL_786;
case 24:
dword_4CD594 = 0x80000;
goto LABEL_786;
case 25:
dword_4CD594 = 0x100000;
goto LABEL_786;
case 26:
dword_4CD594 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 35:
sprintf(s, "incomplete type in declaration of '%s'", (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
v255 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 36:
sub_485248("function declaration?");
v255 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 37:
if ( (*(v251 - 82) & 0x10) != 0 && *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 8LL) == 1 )
if ( **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 21
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 20
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 22
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 18
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 19
|| ((unsigned int)sub_464B97(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42)) || (unsigned int)sub_465D19(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42)))
&& strcmp(
(const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 56) + 32LL),
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 16LL) + 32LL))
|| strcmp(
(const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 56) + 32LL),
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 16LL) + 32LL)) )
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD578, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 56));
v30 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v30 + 16) = sub_414261(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 56));
if ( (*(v251 - 82) & 8) != 0 )
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) = -1;
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 56LL) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 56);
else if ( (unsigned int)sub_448881(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42)) )
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) = -3;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) = *(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 76LL);
if ( !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) )
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = 8;
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 24) = *(v251 - 82);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 40LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 32LL);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 48LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 32LL);
if ( *(v251 - 20) )
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 124LL) = *(v251 - 20);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 132LL) = *(v251 - 18);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 144LL) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 6);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 160LL) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 4);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 48LL) = 0LL;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 124LL) = *(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 124LL);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 132LL) = *(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 132LL);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 144LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 144LL);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 160LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 160LL);
if ( *(v251 - 19) )
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 128LL) = *(v251 - 19);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 136LL) = *(v251 - 17);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 152LL) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 5);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 168LL) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 3);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 48LL) = 0LL;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 128LL) = *(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 128LL);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 136LL) = *(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 136LL);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 152LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 152LL);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 168LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 168LL);
if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 176LL) == 1 )
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 176LL) = *(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 176LL);
if ( *((_QWORD *)v251 - 1) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 184LL) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 1);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 48LL) = 0LL;
else if ( !*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 184LL) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 184LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 184LL);
if ( v251[3] )
sub_40BA94(qword_4CD5D8, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42), v251);
**((_DWORD **)v251 - 56) = 325;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 56));
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 8) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 24) = dword_4CD594 | *(v251 - 82);
if ( v251[3] )
sub_40BA94(qword_4CD5D8, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42), v251);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 40) = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128);
if ( *((__int64 *)v251 - 8) >= 0 )
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 56) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 8);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 56) = !v251[3]
&& (*(v251 - 82) & 0x10000) == 0
&& (*(v251 - 82) & 0x20000) == 0
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 23
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 27
&& !(unsigned int)sub_448942(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42))
&& strncmp((const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 56) + 32LL), "__size", 6uLL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 64) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 7);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 72) = *(v251 - 4);
if ( *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 144) )
v31 = 2LL * *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128);
v31 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128) + 1LL;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128) = v31;
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 48) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
if ( (*(v251 - 82) & 8) != 0 )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 80) = 1;
else if ( (*(v251 - 82) & 0x10) == 0 )
if ( *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 140) )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) += *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
else if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) > *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) = *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 38:
if ( (*(v251 - 26) & 0x10) != 0 )
sprintf(s, "invalid typedef qualifier for '%s'", (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, *(_QWORD *)v251);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 24) = *(v251 - 26);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 28) = 0;
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 48) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
if ( *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 140) )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) += *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
else if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) > *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) = *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 39:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 40:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 41:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 42:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator!");
goto LABEL_786;
case 43:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator~");
goto LABEL_786;
case 44:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 45:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator+=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 46:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator-=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 47:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator*=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 48:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator/=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 49:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator%=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 50:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator&=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 51:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator^=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 52:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator|=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 53:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator<<=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 54:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator>>=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 55:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator||");
goto LABEL_786;
case 56:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator&&");
goto LABEL_786;
case 57:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator|");
goto LABEL_786;
case 58:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator^");
goto LABEL_786;
case 59:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator&");
goto LABEL_786;
case 60:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator==");
goto LABEL_786;
case 61:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator!=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 62:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator<");
goto LABEL_786;
case 63:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator<=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 64:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator>");
goto LABEL_786;
case 65:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator>=");
goto LABEL_786;
case 66:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator<<");
goto LABEL_786;
case 67:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator>>");
goto LABEL_786;
case 68:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator+");
goto LABEL_786;
case 69:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator-");
goto LABEL_786;
case 70:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator*");
goto LABEL_786;
case 71:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator/");
goto LABEL_786;
case 72:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator%");
goto LABEL_786;
case 73:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator++");
goto LABEL_786;
case 74:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator--");
goto LABEL_786;
case 75:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator->");
goto LABEL_786;
case 76:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator[]");
goto LABEL_786;
case 77:
v223 = sub_4136AA("operator()");
goto LABEL_786;
case 78:
::src = (char *)sub_44D116(v251[2]);
qword_4CD5C8 = (char *)sub_44CBEA(*(_QWORD *)v251);
v32 = strlen(::src);
v33 = strlen(qword_4CD5C8);
::dest = (char *)sub_445FC3(v32 + v33 + 10);
v34 = ::dest;
*(_QWORD *)::dest = 0x726F74617265706FLL;
*((_WORD *)v34 + 4) = 32;
strcat(::dest, ::src);
strcat(::dest, qword_4CD5C8);
v223 = sub_4136AA(::dest);
if ( !v223 )
v223 = sub_4135C3(::dest, 323LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 79:
v35 = qword_4CD560;
*(_QWORD *)(v35 + 8) = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v36 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8);
*(_QWORD *)(v36 + 16) = sub_413F78(0LL, 0LL, 0LL);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 24LL) = dword_4CD594;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 48LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
v37 = qword_4CD560;
*(_QWORD *)(v37 + 16) = sub_413F78(1LL, 0LL, 0LL);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 24) = 0;
if ( *(_QWORD *)v251 != **(_QWORD **)qword_4CD560 )
if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 8LL) == 1 )
v38 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8);
*(_QWORD *)(v38 + 16) = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
v39 = qword_4CD560;
*(_QWORD *)(v39 + 16) = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
else if ( strncmp((const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL), "operator ", 9uLL) )
"invalid constructor function '%s' or missing return type",
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
goto LABEL_786;
case 80:
if ( *(_QWORD *)v251 == **(_QWORD **)qword_4CD560 )
v40 = strlen((const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
::dest = (char *)sub_445FC3(v40 + 2);
qword_4CD5C8 = strrchr((const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL), 58);
if ( qword_4CD5C8
&& qword_4CD5C8[1]
&& ((char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL) == qword_4CD5C8 || *(qword_4CD5C8 - 1) != 58) )
strncpy(::dest, (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL), (size_t)&qword_4CD5C8[-*(_QWORD *)v251 - 31]);
v41 = ::dest;
*(_WORD *)&v41[strlen(::dest)] = 126;
strcat(::dest, qword_4CD5C8 + 1);
*(_WORD *)::dest = 126;
strcat(::dest, (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
qword_4CD5D0 = sub_4136AA(::dest);
if ( !qword_4CD5D0 )
qword_4CD5D0 = sub_4135C3(::dest, 323LL);
v42 = qword_4CD560;
*(_QWORD *)(v42 + 8) = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, qword_4CD5D0);
v43 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8);
*(_QWORD *)(v43 + 16) = sub_413F78(0LL, 0LL, 0LL);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 24LL) = *(v251 - 56);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 48LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
sprintf(s, "invalid destructor function '%s'", (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
v44 = qword_4CD560;
*(_QWORD *)(v44 + 16) = sub_413F78(1LL, 0LL, 0LL);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 24) = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 81:
if ( *(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 84) + 80LL) == 1 )
if ( (*(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 84) + 24LL) & 8) == 0
&& *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8)
&& **(_DWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL) == 23
&& **(_DWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL) + 8LL) == 2 )
"last output parameter of service operation function prototype '%s' is a pointer to a char which will o"
"nly return one byte: use char** instead to return a string",
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 84) + 32LL));
if ( (*(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 84) + 24LL) & 8) != 0 )
v45 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 84);
*(_QWORD *)(v45 + 16) = sub_413826(*(_QWORD *)(v45 + 16), *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560);
else if ( *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8)
&& (**(_DWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL) == 23
|| **(_DWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL) == 24
|| **(_DWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL) == 26
|| (unsigned int)sub_448728(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL))) )
if ( **(_DWORD **)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 84) + 16LL) == 5 )
v46 = *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 24LL);
BYTE1(v46) |= 0x80u;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 24LL) = v46;
v47 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 84);
*(_QWORD *)(v47 + 16) = sub_413F78(28LL, *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8), 0LL);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 84) + 16LL) + 16LL) = **((_QWORD **)v251 - 84);
if ( !(unsigned int)sub_448728(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL)) )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_447C6D(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL)) )
sub_40D3EA(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL));
else if ( !(unsigned int)sub_447AB4(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_447BAE(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) + 16LL)) )
sub_40D1CC(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 84), *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8));
sub_40D4D9(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 84), qword_4CD560);
"return type of service operation function prototype '%s' must be integer",
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 84) + 32LL));
"last output parameter of service operation function prototype '%s' is a return parameter and must be a"
" pointer or reference, or use %s(..., void) for one-way sends",
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 84) + 32LL),
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 84) + 32LL));
else if ( !*(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 84) + 80LL) )
v48 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 84);
*(_QWORD *)(v48 + 16) = sub_413826(*(_QWORD *)(v48 + 16), *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560);
*(_DWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 84) + 24LL) |= *v251 | *(v251 - 28);
dword_4CD590 &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
goto LABEL_786;
case 82:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8);
goto LABEL_786;
case 87:
sprintf(s, "undefined '%s'", (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
goto LABEL_786;
case 88:
sub_485248("formal argument expected");
v255 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 90:
if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 8LL) == 2 )
if ( !dword_4E70F8 && dword_4E7150 && dword_4E7150 <= 3 )
v53 = sub_41378B("_param");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, v53);
v51 = qword_4CD560;
++*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128);
v52 = sub_413717("_param", (unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)(v51 + 128));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, v52);
v49 = qword_4CD560;
++*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128);
v50 = sub_413717("param", (unsigned int)*(_QWORD *)(v49 + 128));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, v50);
if ( (*(v251 - 26) & 0x10) != 0 )
sub_4852FC("typedef in function argument");
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 24) = *(v251 - 26);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 48) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
if ( v251[3] )
sub_40BA94(qword_4CD5D8, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), v251);
if ( (*(v251 - 26) & 8) != 0 )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 80) = 1;
else if ( *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 140) )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) += *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
else if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) > *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) = *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 91:
if ( dword_4E70C8 == 2
&& *(_BYTE *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 56) + 32LL) == 95
&& *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 8LL) == 1 )
"SOAP 1.2 does not support anonymous parameters '%s'",
(const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 56) + 32LL));
if ( (*(v251 - 82) & 0x10) != 0 )
sub_4852FC("typedef in function argument");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 56));
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 24) = *(v251 - 82);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 8) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
if ( *((__int64 *)v251 - 8) >= 0 )
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 56) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 8);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 56) = !v251[3]
&& (*(v251 - 82) & 0x10000) == 0
&& (*(v251 - 82) & 0x20000) == 0
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 23
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 42) != 27
&& !(unsigned int)sub_448942(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42))
&& strncmp((const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 56) + 32LL), "__size", 6uLL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 64) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 7);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 72) = *(v251 - 4);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 48) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
if ( v251[3] )
sub_40BA94(qword_4CD5D8, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42), v251);
if ( (*(v251 - 82) & 8) != 0 )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 80) = 1;
else if ( *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 140) )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) += *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
else if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) > *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) )
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) = *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 92:
v54 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 24);
qword_4CD600 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 16);
qword_4CD608 = v54;
v55 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 40);
qword_4CD610 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 32);
qword_4CD618 = v55;
v56 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 56);
qword_4CD620 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 48);
qword_4CD628 = v56;
v57 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 72);
qword_4CD630 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 64);
qword_4CD638 = v57;
v58 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 88);
qword_4CD640 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 80);
qword_4CD648 = v58;
v59 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 104);
qword_4CD650 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 96);
qword_4CD658 = v59;
v60 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 120);
qword_4CD660 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 112);
qword_4CD668 = v60;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 28));
v61 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v61 + 16) = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 24) = dword_4CD594;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 8) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 28) = 1;
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 32) = 0;
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 36) = v251[4];
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 40) = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128);
if ( v251[3] )
sub_40BA94(qword_4CD5D8, *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16), v251);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128) = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 40);
if ( *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 144) )
v62 = 2LL * *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128);
v62 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128) + 1LL;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128) = v62;
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 48) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 93:
case 95:
case 96:
case 221:
case 258:
case 259:
case 262:
case 264:
case 265:
case 267:
case 268:
case 285:
case 289:
case 293:
goto LABEL_671;
case 94:
v223 = sub_413826(qword_4CD600, *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560);
dword_4CD590 &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
goto LABEL_786;
case 97:
case 101:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
LODWORD(v224) = 0;
v63 = (double *)qword_4CD560;
v64 = v224;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 16) = v223;
v63[3] = v64;
v65 = v226;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 4) = v225;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 5) = v65;
v66 = v228;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 6) = v227;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 7) = v66;
v67 = v230;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 8) = v229;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 9) = v67;
v68 = v232;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 10) = v231;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 11) = v68;
v69 = v234;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 12) = v233;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 13) = v69;
v70 = v236;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 14) = v235;
*((_QWORD *)v63 + 15) = v70;
goto LABEL_786;
case 98:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
LODWORD(v224) = *(v251 - 28) | v251[2];
if ( (LODWORD(v224) & 0x10000) != 0 )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_4489F8(*(_QWORD *)v251) )
if ( !(unsigned int)sub_465B25(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_465D19(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_464B97(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_448881(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL)) )
sub_4852FC("invalid attribute smart pointer @type");
else if ( **(_DWORD **)v251 == 23 )
if ( !(unsigned int)sub_465B25(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_465D19(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_464B97(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_448881(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL)) )
sub_4852FC("invalid attribute pointer @type");
else if ( !(unsigned int)sub_465B25(*(_QWORD *)v251)
&& !(unsigned int)sub_465D19(*(_QWORD *)v251)
&& !(unsigned int)sub_464B97(*(_QWORD *)v251)
&& !(unsigned int)sub_448881(*(_QWORD *)v251) )
sub_4852FC("invalid attribute @type");
v71 = (double *)qword_4CD560;
v72 = v224;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 16) = v223;
v71[3] = v72;
v73 = v226;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 4) = v225;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 5) = v73;
v74 = v228;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 6) = v227;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 7) = v74;
v75 = v230;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 8) = v229;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 9) = v75;
v76 = v232;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 10) = v231;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 11) = v76;
v77 = v234;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 12) = v233;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 13) = v77;
v78 = v236;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 14) = v235;
*((_QWORD *)v71 + 15) = v78;
if ( (*(v251 - 28) & 8) != 0 )
dword_4CD590 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 99:
switch ( **((_DWORD **)v251 - 14) )
case 5:
switch ( **(_DWORD **)v251 )
case 2:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
case 4:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
case 5:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
case 6:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
case 7:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
sub_4852FC("invalid int type specified");
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_312;
case 0xD:
switch ( **(_DWORD **)v251 )
case 2:
v223 = sub_413F78(11LL, 0LL, 1LL);
case 4:
v223 = sub_413F78(12LL, 0LL, 2LL);
case 5:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
case 6:
goto LABEL_289;
case 7:
goto LABEL_307;
sub_4852FC("invalid unsigned type specified");
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_312;
case 6:
switch ( **(_DWORD **)v251 )
case 5:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
case 6:
v223 = sub_413F78(7LL, 0LL, 8LL);
case 9:
v223 = sub_413F78(10LL, 0LL, 16LL);
case 0xD:
goto LABEL_289;
case 0xE:
goto LABEL_307;
goto LABEL_296;
goto LABEL_312;
if ( **((_DWORD **)v251 - 14) != 14 )
if ( **(_DWORD **)v251 == 5 )
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
sub_4852FC("invalid type specified (missing ';' or type name used as non-type identifier?)");
goto LABEL_312;
v79 = **(_DWORD **)v251;
if ( v79 == 14 )
goto LABEL_307;
if ( v79 <= 0xE )
switch ( v79 )
case 0xDu:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
goto LABEL_312;
case 5u:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
goto LABEL_312;
case 6u:
goto LABEL_307;
goto LABEL_296;
case 100:
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
LODWORD(v224) = *v251;
v88 = (double *)qword_4CD560;
v89 = v224;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 16) = v223;
v88[3] = v89;
v90 = v226;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 4) = v225;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 5) = v90;
v91 = v228;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 6) = v227;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 7) = v91;
v92 = v230;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 8) = v229;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 9) = v92;
v93 = v232;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 10) = v231;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 11) = v93;
v94 = v234;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 12) = v233;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 13) = v94;
v95 = v236;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 14) = v235;
*((_QWORD *)v88 + 15) = v95;
if ( (*v251 & 8) != 0 )
dword_4CD590 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 102:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
LODWORD(v224) = *(v251 - 28) | v251[2];
if ( (LODWORD(v224) & 0x10000) != 0 )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_4489F8(*(_QWORD *)v251) )
if ( !(unsigned int)sub_465B25(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_465D19(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_464B97(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_448881(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL)) )
sub_4852FC("invalid attribute smart pointer @type");
else if ( **(_DWORD **)v251 == 23 )
if ( !(unsigned int)sub_465B25(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_465D19(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_464B97(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL))
&& !(unsigned int)sub_448881(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL)) )
sub_4852FC("invalid attribute pointer @type");
else if ( !(unsigned int)sub_465B25(*(_QWORD *)v251)
&& !(unsigned int)sub_465D19(*(_QWORD *)v251)
&& !(unsigned int)sub_464B97(*(_QWORD *)v251)
&& !(unsigned int)sub_448881(*(_QWORD *)v251) )
sub_4852FC("invalid attribute @type");
v96 = (double *)qword_4CD560;
v97 = v224;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 16) = v223;
v96[3] = v97;
v98 = v226;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 4) = v225;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 5) = v98;
v99 = v228;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 6) = v227;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 7) = v99;
v100 = v230;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 8) = v229;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 9) = v100;
v101 = v232;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 10) = v231;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 11) = v101;
v102 = v234;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 12) = v233;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 13) = v102;
v103 = v236;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 14) = v235;
*((_QWORD *)v96 + 15) = v103;
if ( (*(v251 - 28) & 8) != 0 )
dword_4CD590 = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 103:
switch ( **((_DWORD **)v251 - 14) )
case 5:
switch ( **(_DWORD **)v251 )
case 2:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
case 4:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
case 5:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
case 6:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
case 7:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
sub_4852FC("invalid int type specified");
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
case 0xD:
switch ( **(_DWORD **)v251 )
case 2:
v223 = sub_413F78(11LL, 0LL, 1LL);
case 4:
v223 = sub_413F78(12LL, 0LL, 2LL);
case 5:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
case 6:
goto LABEL_289;
case 7:
goto LABEL_307;
sub_4852FC("invalid unsigned type specified");
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
case 6:
switch ( **(_DWORD **)v251 )
case 5:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
case 6:
v223 = sub_413F78(7LL, 0LL, 8LL);
case 9:
v223 = sub_413F78(10LL, 0LL, 16LL);
case 0xD:
v223 = sub_413F78(14LL, 0LL, 8LL);
case 0xE:
goto LABEL_307;
goto LABEL_296;
case 0xE:
v104 = **(_DWORD **)v251;
if ( v104 == 14 )
goto LABEL_307;
if ( v104 > 0xE )
goto LABEL_296;
switch ( v104 )
case 0xDu:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
case 5u:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
case 6u:
v223 = sub_413F78(15LL, 0LL, 8LL);
goto LABEL_312;
sub_4852FC("invalid use of 'long'");
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_312;
if ( **(_DWORD **)v251 == 5 )
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
sub_4852FC("invalid type specified (missing ';' or type name used as non-type identifier?)");
LODWORD(v224) = v251[2];
v80 = (double *)qword_4CD560;
v81 = v224;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 16) = v223;
v80[3] = v81;
v82 = v226;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 4) = v225;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 5) = v82;
v83 = v228;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 6) = v227;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 7) = v83;
v84 = v230;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 8) = v229;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 9) = v84;
v85 = v232;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 10) = v231;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 11) = v85;
v86 = v234;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 12) = v233;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 13) = v86;
v87 = v236;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 14) = v235;
*((_QWORD *)v80 + 15) = v87;
v251 -= 28 * v246;
v253 -= 2 * v246;
v246 = 0;
v251 += 28;
v175 = v251;
v176 = v224;
*(_QWORD *)v251 = v223;
*((double *)v175 + 1) = v176;
v177 = v226;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 2) = v225;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 3) = v177;
v178 = v228;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 4) = v227;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 5) = v178;
v179 = v230;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 6) = v229;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 7) = v179;
v180 = v232;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 8) = v231;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 9) = v180;
v181 = v234;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 10) = v233;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 11) = v181;
v182 = v236;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 12) = v235;
*((_QWORD *)v175 + 13) = v182;
v240 = (unsigned __int8)byte_4896E0[v249] - 122;
v239 = word_487900[v240] + *(__int16 *)v253;
if ( v239 >= 0 && v239 <= 1703 && word_4887A0[v239] == *(_WORD *)v253 )
v183 = word_487A40[v239];
v183 = word_4879A0[v240];
v256 = v183;
case 104:
v223 = sub_413F78(1LL, 0LL, 0LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 105:
v223 = sub_413F78(18LL, qword_4CD580, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 106:
v223 = sub_413F78(2LL, 0LL, 1LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 107:
v223 = sub_413F78(3LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 108:
v223 = sub_413F78(4LL, 0LL, 2LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 109:
case 116:
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 110:
v223 = sub_413F78(6LL, 0LL, 8LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 111:
v223 = sub_413F78(7LL, 0LL, 8LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 112:
v223 = sub_413F78(15LL, 0LL, 8LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 113:
v223 = sub_413F78(16LL, 0LL, 8LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 114:
v223 = sub_413F78(8LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 115:
v223 = sub_413F78(9LL, 0LL, 8LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 117:
case 120:
v223 = sub_413F78(13LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 118:
v223 = sub_413F78(11LL, 0LL, 1LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 119:
v223 = sub_413F78(12LL, 0LL, 2LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 121:
v223 = sub_413F78(14LL, 0LL, 8LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 122:
v223 = sub_413F78(17LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 123:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD588, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( !qword_4CD5D8 )
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD588, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v105 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v105 + 16) = sub_41443D(0LL, *(_QWORD *)v251);
**(_DWORD **)v251 = 325;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
goto LABEL_786;
case 124:
qword_4CD5D0 = sub_41378B("_Struct");
sprintf(s, "anonymous class will be named '%s'", (const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, qword_4CD5D0);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) || **(_DWORD **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) != 20 )
"class '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, qword_4CD5D0);
v106 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v106 + 16) = sub_413F78(20LL, 0LL, 0LL);
*(_DWORD *)qword_4CD5D0 = 325;
**(_QWORD **)qword_4CD560 = qword_4CD5D0;
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = qword_4CD5D0;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
goto LABEL_786;
case 125:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 42));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 && *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_464E5E(qword_4CD5D8) )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_413D0A(
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL),
*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560) )
"member name clash in class '%s' declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 42) + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) += *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413C3B(qword_4CD568, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 42));
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD5D8;
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 24LL) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 24LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(sub_413BD7(
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16)
+ 24LL))
+ 16)
+ 8LL);
goto LABEL_427;
case 126:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413C3B(qword_4CD568, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 70));
if ( *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 24LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 16LL) + 8LL);
if ( !*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 24LL)
&& !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 16LL) + 76LL) )
"class '%s' has incomplete type (if this class is not serializable then declare 'extern class %s')'",
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 42) + 32LL),
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 42) + 32LL));
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 24LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42) + 16LL)
+ 16LL);
sub_4852A2("invalid base class");
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD5D8;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
goto LABEL_786;
case 127:
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 16LL) + 16LL) = **(_QWORD **)v251;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 16LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 128:
qword_4CD5D0 = sub_41378B("_Struct");
sprintf(s, "anonymous struct will be named '%s'", (const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, qword_4CD5D0);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( !*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) && **(_DWORD **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) == 21 )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
"struct '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, qword_4CD5D0);
v107 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v107 + 16) = sub_413F78(21LL, *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, *(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD560 + 136));
goto LABEL_419;
case 129:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 42));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 && *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_464E5E(qword_4CD5D8) )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_413D0A(
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL),
*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560) )
"member name clash in struct '%s' declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 42) + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) += *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413C3B(qword_4CD568, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 42));
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD5D8;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
goto LABEL_786;
case 130:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( **(_DWORD **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) == 21 )
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
"'struct '%s' redeclaration (line %d)",
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v108 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v108 + 16) = sub_413F78(21LL, 0LL, 0LL);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v108 + 16);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 131:
qword_4CD5D0 = sub_41378B("_Union");
sprintf(s, "anonymous union will be named '%s'", (const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, qword_4CD5D0);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
"union or struct '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, qword_4CD5D0);
v109 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v109 + 16) = sub_413F78(22LL, *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, *(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD560 + 136));
**(_QWORD **)qword_4CD560 = qword_4CD5D0;
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = qword_4CD5D0;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
goto LABEL_786;
case 132:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 42));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 && *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_464E5E(qword_4CD5D8) )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_413D0A(
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL),
*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560) )
"member name clash in union '%s' declared at line %d",
(const char *)(**((_QWORD **)v251 - 42) + 32LL),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) < *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136) )
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413C3B(qword_4CD568, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 42));
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 136);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD5D8;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
goto LABEL_786;
case 133:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( **(_DWORD **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) == 22 )
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
"'union %s' redeclaration (line %d)",
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v110 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v110 + 16) = sub_413F78(22LL, 0LL, 0LL);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v110 + 16);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 134:
qword_4CD5D0 = sub_41378B("_Enum");
sprintf(s, "anonymous enum will be named '%s'", (const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, qword_4CD5D0);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
goto LABEL_454;
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = 4;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD570, qword_4CD5D0);
v111 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v111 + 16) = sub_413F78(18LL, *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, 4LL);
goto LABEL_457;
case 135:
qword_4CD5D0 = sub_41378B("_Enum");
sprintf(s, "anonymous enum will be named '%s'", (const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, qword_4CD5D0);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
"enum '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(qword_4CD5D0 + 32),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = 9;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD570, qword_4CD5D0);
v112 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v112 + 16) = sub_413F78(18LL, *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560, 9LL);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = qword_4CD5D0;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
goto LABEL_786;
case 136:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 70));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 && !*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
goto LABEL_477;
case 137:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 70));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 && !*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
goto LABEL_477;
case 138:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 70));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 && !*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = 9;
goto LABEL_477;
case 139:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, **((_QWORD **)v251 - 70));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 && !*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = 9;
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = **((_QWORD **)v251 - 70);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
goto LABEL_786;
case 140:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( **(_DWORD **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) != 18 )
sprintf(s, "'enum %s' used where enum class is expected", (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD570, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v113 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v113 + 16) = sub_413F78(18LL, 0LL, 4LL);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v113 + 16);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 141:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( **(_DWORD **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) != 19 )
sprintf(s, "'enum class %s' used where enum is expected", (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD570, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v114 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v114 + 16) = sub_413F78(19LL, 0LL, 4LL);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v114 + 16);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)v251;
**(_DWORD **)v251 = 325;
goto LABEL_786;
case 142:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD578, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
v115 = *(unsigned int **)v251;
if ( v115 == (unsigned int *)sub_4136AA("std::string")
|| (v116 = *(unsigned int **)v251, v116 == (unsigned int *)sub_4136AA("std::wstring")) )
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v117 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v117 + 16) = sub_413F78(20LL, 0LL, 8LL);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v117 + 16);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)v251;
if ( dword_4E70E0 )
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) = 1;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) = -2;
sprintf(s, "unknown type '%s'", (const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL));
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 143:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD588, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
v223 = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) )
*(_DWORD *)(v223 + 76) = *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL);
v118 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
if ( v118 == sub_4136AA("std::deque") )
sub_40D7C1("#include <deque>");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD588, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v119 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v119 + 16) = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v119 + 16);
v120 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
if ( v120 == sub_4136AA("std::list") )
sub_40D7C1("#include <list>");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD588, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v121 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v121 + 16) = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v121 + 16);
v122 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
if ( v122 == sub_4136AA("std::vector") )
sub_40D7C1("#include <vector>");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD588, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v123 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v123 + 16) = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v123 + 16);
v124 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
if ( v124 == sub_4136AA("std::set") )
sub_40D7C1("#include <set>");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD588, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v125 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v125 + 16) = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v125 + 16);
v126 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
if ( v126 == sub_4136AA("std::queue") )
sub_40D7C1("#include <queue>");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD588, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v127 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v127 + 16) = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v127 + 16);
*(_DWORD *)(v223 + 76) = 1;
v128 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
if ( v128 == sub_4136AA("std::stack") )
sub_40D7C1("#include <stack>");
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD588, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v129 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v129 + 16) = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(v129 + 16);
*(_DWORD *)(v223 + 76) = 1;
v130 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
if ( v130 == sub_4136AA("std::shared_ptr")
|| (v131 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42), v131 == sub_4136AA("std::unique_ptr"))
|| (v132 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42), v132 == sub_4136AA("std::auto_ptr")) )
v223 = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
*(_DWORD *)(v223 + 76) = -2;
if ( !dword_4E70E4 )
"To use smart pointers you should also use wsdl2h and soapcpp2 with option -c++11 or -c++14");
v133 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
if ( v133 == sub_4136AA("std::weak_ptr")
|| (v134 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42), v134 == sub_4136AA("std::function")) )
v223 = sub_41443D(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14), *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42));
*(_DWORD *)(v223 + 76) = 1;
sub_4852A2("undefined template");
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 144:
sprintf(s, "undeclared '%s'", (const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14) + 32LL));
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 145:
"perhaps trying to use a template with an undefined type parameter '%s'?",
(const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14) + 32LL));
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 146:
"perhaps trying to use an undefined template or template with a non-type template parameter? Declare 'templ"
"ate <typename T> class name'");
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 147:
sub_485248("malformed class definition (use spacing around ':' to separate derived : base)");
v255 = 0;
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 148:
sub_485248("malformed struct definition");
v255 = 0;
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 149:
sub_485248("malformed union definition");
v255 = 0;
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 150:
sub_485248("malformed enum definition");
v255 = 0;
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 151:
**(_QWORD **)qword_4CD560 = **((_QWORD **)v251 - 14);
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
goto LABEL_786;
case 152:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
if ( !(unsigned int)sub_464E5E(qword_4CD5D8) )
"struct '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413C3B(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) = dword_4CD590;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v135 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v135 + 16) = sub_413F78(21LL, 0LL, 0LL);
v223 = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 153:
**(_QWORD **)qword_4CD560 = **((_QWORD **)v251 - 14);
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
goto LABEL_786;
case 154:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
if ( !(unsigned int)sub_464E5E(qword_4CD5D8) )
"class '%s' already declared at %s:%d (redundant 'class' specifier here?)",
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413C3B(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) = dword_4CD590;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v136 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v136 + 16) = sub_413F78(20LL, 0LL, 0LL);
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)qword_4CD5D8;
**(_DWORD **)v251 = 325;
v223 = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 155:
**(_QWORD **)qword_4CD560 = **((_QWORD **)v251 - 14);
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
goto LABEL_786;
case 156:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
if ( !(unsigned int)sub_464E5E(qword_4CD5D8) )
"union '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413C3B(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 76LL) = dword_4CD590;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
v137 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v137 + 16) = sub_413F78(22LL, 0LL, 0LL);
v223 = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 157:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
"enum '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14) + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD570, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14));
v138 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v138 + 16) = sub_413F78(18LL, 0LL, 4LL);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_QWORD *)v251;
v223 = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 158:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
"enum '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14) + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD570, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14));
v139 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v139 + 16) = sub_413F78(19LL, 0LL, 4LL);
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL) = *(_QWORD *)v251;
**((_DWORD **)v251 - 14) = 325;
v223 = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 159:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
"enum '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14) + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
v140 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v140 + 16) = sub_413F78(18LL, 0LL, 9LL);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD570, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14));
v141 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v141 + 16) = sub_413F78(18LL, 0LL, 9LL);
v223 = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 160:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14));
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 8LL) )
"enum '%s' already declared at %s:%d",
(const char *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14) + 32LL),
*(const char **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 88),
*(unsigned int *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 96));
v142 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v142 + 16) = sub_413F78(19LL, 0LL, 9LL);
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413937(qword_4CD570, *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14));
v143 = qword_4CD5D8;
*(_QWORD *)(v143 + 16) = sub_413F78(19LL, 0LL, 9LL);
**((_DWORD **)v251 - 14) = 325;
v223 = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 161:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
if ( !dword_4E70E4 )
"To use scoped enumerations (enum class) you should also use wsdl2h and soapcpp2 with option -c++11 or -c++14");
goto LABEL_786;
case 162:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
if ( !dword_4E70E4 )
"To use scoped enumerations (enum class) you must also use wsdl2h and soapcpp2 with option -c++11 or -c++14");
goto LABEL_786;
case 163:
v223 = 1LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 164:
v223 = 4LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 165:
v223 = 2LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 166:
v223 = 4LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 167:
v223 = 4LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 168:
v223 = 8LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 169:
v223 = 4LL;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD578, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( !qword_4CD5D8 )
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD570, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
v223 = *(int *)(*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) + 72LL);
sub_4852A2("enum underlying type must be one of int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t");
goto LABEL_786;
case 170:
sub_4852A2("enum underlying type must be one of int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t");
v223 = 4LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 171:
v223 = 4LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 175:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 176:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 177:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 178:
v223 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( !v223 )
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD578, *(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
if ( **(_DWORD **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) == 20 || **(_DWORD **)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16) == 21 )
v223 = qword_4CD5D8;
goto LABEL_786;
case 179:
case 180:
v223 = sub_413BD7(qword_4CD568, *(_QWORD *)v251);
goto LABEL_786;
case 181:
if ( dword_4CD590 < -1 )
dword_4CD590 = 0;
dword_4CD594 = 0;
v144 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
sub_40B82E(v144, 0LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 182:
if ( dword_4CD590 < -1 )
dword_4CD590 = 0;
dword_4CD594 = 0;
v145 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
sub_40B82E(v145, 0LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = 0LL;
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 140) = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 183:
v146 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
sub_40B82E(v146, 0LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = 0LL;
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 144) = 1;
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 128) = 1LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 186:
if ( !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 8LL) )
dword_4CD590 |= 1u;
dword_4CD594 = 0;
v147 = sub_4137B6(0LL);
sub_40B82E(v147, 0LL);
*(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 8) = 0LL;
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)qword_4CD560 + 8LL) = 2;
goto LABEL_786;
case 187:
LODWORD(v223) = 1;
goto LABEL_786;
case 188:
LODWORD(v223) = 2;
goto LABEL_786;
case 189:
LODWORD(v223) = 4;
goto LABEL_786;
case 190:
LODWORD(v223) = 0x40000;
goto LABEL_786;
case 191:
LODWORD(v223) = 8;
dword_4CD590 = 1;
goto LABEL_786;
case 192:
LODWORD(v223) = 16;
goto LABEL_786;
case 193:
LODWORD(v223) = 32;
goto LABEL_786;
case 194:
LODWORD(v223) = 64;
goto LABEL_786;
case 195:
LODWORD(v223) = 256;
goto LABEL_786;
case 196:
LODWORD(v223) = 512;
goto LABEL_786;
case 197:
LODWORD(v223) = 2048;
goto LABEL_786;
case 198:
LODWORD(v223) = 4096;
goto LABEL_786;
case 199:
LODWORD(v223) = 0x4000;
goto LABEL_786;
case 200:
LODWORD(v223) = 0x8000;
goto LABEL_786;
case 201:
LODWORD(v223) = 0x10000;
if ( dword_4E70F8 )
sub_4852FC("SOAP RPC encoding does not support XML attributes");
goto LABEL_786;
case 202:
LODWORD(v223) = 0x20000;
goto LABEL_786;
case 203:
LODWORD(v223) = 8;
dword_4CD590 = -2;
goto LABEL_786;
case 204:
LODWORD(v223) = 0x200000;
dword_4CD590 = -4;
goto LABEL_786;
case 205:
LODWORD(v223) = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 206:
v148 = *(v251 - 28);
LOBYTE(v148) = v148 | 0x80;
LODWORD(v223) = v148;
goto LABEL_786;
case 207:
v149 = *(v251 - 28);
BYTE1(v149) |= 1u;
LODWORD(v223) = v149;
goto LABEL_786;
case 208:
v150 = *(v251 - 28);
BYTE1(v150) |= 2u;
LODWORD(v223) = v150;
goto LABEL_786;
case 209:
LODWORD(v223) = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 210:
LODWORD(v223) = 0x2000;
goto LABEL_786;
case 211:
LODWORD(v223) = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 212:
LODWORD(v223) = 32;
goto LABEL_786;
case 213:
v151 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 24);
qword_4CD600 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 16);
qword_4CD608 = v151;
v152 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 40);
qword_4CD610 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 32);
qword_4CD618 = v152;
v153 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 56);
qword_4CD620 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 48);
qword_4CD628 = v153;
v154 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 72);
qword_4CD630 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 64);
qword_4CD638 = v154;
v155 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 88);
qword_4CD640 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 80);
qword_4CD648 = v155;
v156 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 104);
qword_4CD650 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 96);
qword_4CD658 = v156;
v157 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 120);
qword_4CD660 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD560 + 112);
qword_4CD668 = v157;
v223 = qword_4CD600;
v224 = *(double *)&qword_4CD608;
v225 = qword_4CD610;
v226 = qword_4CD618;
v227 = qword_4CD620;
v228 = qword_4CD628;
v229 = qword_4CD630;
v230 = qword_4CD638;
v231 = qword_4CD640;
v232 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD648;
v233 = qword_4CD650;
v234 = v156;
v235 = qword_4CD660;
v236 = (unsigned int *)v157;
goto LABEL_786;
case 214:
if ( (qword_4CD608 & 0x40) != 0 )
v158 = qword_4CD608 & 0xFFFFFBBF;
BYTE1(v158) = ((unsigned __int16)(qword_4CD608 & 0xFBBF) >> 8) | 4;
LODWORD(qword_4CD608) = v158;
qword_4CD600 = sub_413F78(23LL, qword_4CD600, 4LL);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD600 + 76) = dword_4CD590;
v223 = qword_4CD600;
v224 = *(double *)&qword_4CD608;
v225 = qword_4CD610;
v226 = qword_4CD618;
v227 = qword_4CD620;
v228 = qword_4CD628;
v229 = qword_4CD630;
v230 = qword_4CD638;
v231 = qword_4CD640;
v232 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD648;
v233 = qword_4CD650;
v234 = qword_4CD658;
v235 = qword_4CD660;
v236 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD668;
goto LABEL_786;
case 215:
qword_4CD600 = sub_413F78(24LL, qword_4CD600, 4LL);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD600 + 76) = dword_4CD590;
v223 = qword_4CD600;
v224 = *(double *)&qword_4CD608;
v225 = qword_4CD610;
v226 = qword_4CD618;
v227 = qword_4CD620;
v228 = qword_4CD628;
v229 = qword_4CD630;
v230 = qword_4CD638;
v231 = qword_4CD640;
v232 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD648;
v233 = qword_4CD650;
v234 = qword_4CD658;
v235 = qword_4CD660;
v236 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD668;
goto LABEL_786;
case 216:
qword_4CD600 = sub_413F78(25LL, qword_4CD600, 4LL);
*(_DWORD *)(qword_4CD600 + 76) = dword_4CD590;
v223 = qword_4CD600;
v224 = *(double *)&qword_4CD608;
v225 = qword_4CD610;
v226 = qword_4CD618;
v227 = qword_4CD620;
v228 = qword_4CD628;
v229 = qword_4CD630;
v230 = qword_4CD638;
v231 = qword_4CD640;
v232 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD648;
v233 = qword_4CD650;
v234 = qword_4CD658;
v235 = qword_4CD660;
v236 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD668;
goto LABEL_786;
case 217:
v223 = qword_4CD600;
v224 = *(double *)&qword_4CD608;
v225 = qword_4CD610;
v226 = qword_4CD618;
v227 = qword_4CD620;
v228 = qword_4CD628;
v229 = qword_4CD630;
v230 = qword_4CD638;
v231 = qword_4CD640;
v232 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD648;
v233 = qword_4CD650;
v234 = qword_4CD658;
v235 = qword_4CD660;
v236 = (unsigned int *)qword_4CD668;
goto LABEL_786;
case 218:
if ( !dword_4E70F4 && **(_DWORD **)v251 == 2 )
"char[%lld] will be serialized as an array of %lld bytes: use soapcpp2 option -b to enable char[] string "
"serialization or use char* for strings",
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25));
if ( *(v251 - 53)
&& **((_DWORD **)v251 - 28) == 5
&& *((__int64 *)v251 - 25) > 0
&& *(int *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 72LL) > 0 )
v223 = sub_413F78(
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 72LL) * (unsigned int)*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25));
v223 = sub_413F78(26LL, *(_QWORD *)v251, 0LL);
sub_4852A2("undetermined array size");
LODWORD(v224) = v251[2];
goto LABEL_786;
case 219:
v223 = sub_413F78(23LL, *(_QWORD *)v251, 4LL);
LODWORD(v224) = v251[2];
goto LABEL_786;
case 220:
if ( (**(_DWORD **)v251 == 21 || **(_DWORD **)v251 == 20)
&& !*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL)
&& !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 76LL)
&& (v251[2] & 0x10) == 0 )
if ( **(_DWORD **)v251 == 21 )
"struct '%s' has incomplete type (if this struct is not serializable then declare 'extern struct %s')",
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 16LL) + 32LL),
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 16LL) + 32LL));
"class '%s' has incomplete type (if this class is not serializable then declare 'extern class %s')",
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 16LL) + 32LL),
(const char *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 16LL) + 32LL));
v159 = *((double *)v251 + 1);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
v224 = v159;
v160 = *((__int64 *)v251 + 3);
v225 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 2);
v226 = v160;
v161 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v227 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
v228 = v161;
v162 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v229 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v230 = v162;
v163 = (unsigned int *)*((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v231 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v232 = v163;
v164 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v233 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v234 = v164;
v165 = (unsigned int *)*((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v235 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v236 = v165;
goto LABEL_786;
case 222:
if ( !*(v251 - 25) )
goto LABEL_681;
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v226 = *((__int64 *)v251 - 11);
goto LABEL_786;
case 223:
HIDWORD(v224) = 0;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 224:
if ( !v251[3] )
goto LABEL_681;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v226 = *((__int64 *)v251 + 3);
goto LABEL_786;
case 225:
if ( v251[3] )
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 1;
v226 = *((__int64 *)v251 + 3);
HIDWORD(v224) = 0;
sub_4852A2("initialization expression not constant");
goto LABEL_786;
case 226:
v223 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 227:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 228:
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = 1LL;
v227 = 0LL;
v231 = 0LL;
v232 = 0LL;
v233 = 0LL;
v234 = 0LL;
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
LODWORD(v235) = *(_QWORD *)v251;
v236 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 229:
v229 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
v230 = 1LL;
if ( v229 < 0 )
v229 = -1LL;
v227 = 0LL;
v231 = 0LL;
v232 = 0LL;
v233 = 0LL;
v234 = 0LL;
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
LODWORD(v235) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
v236 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 230:
v229 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
v230 = 1LL;
if ( v229 < 0 )
v229 = -1LL;
goto LABEL_690;
case 231:
v229 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
v230 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
if ( v229 >= 0 && v230 >= 0 )
if ( v229 > v230 )
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = 1LL;
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = 1LL;
v227 = 0LL;
v231 = 0LL;
v232 = 0LL;
v233 = 0LL;
v234 = 0LL;
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
LODWORD(v235) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
v236 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 232:
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
if ( v230 < 0 )
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = 1LL;
v227 = 0LL;
v231 = 0LL;
v232 = 0LL;
v233 = 0LL;
v234 = 0LL;
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
LODWORD(v235) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
v236 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 233:
v227 = 0LL;
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = 1LL;
v231 = 0LL;
v232 = 0LL;
v233 = 0LL;
v234 = 0LL;
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
LODWORD(v235) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
v236 = *(unsigned int **)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 234:
v227 = 1LL;
v228 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v229 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
v230 = 1LL;
if ( v229 < 0 )
v229 = -1LL;
v231 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
v232 = 0LL;
v233 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 13);
v234 = 0LL;
LODWORD(v235) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
v236 = (unsigned int *)*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
goto LABEL_786;
case 235:
v227 = 0x100000001LL;
v228 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 9);
v229 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
v230 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
if ( v229 >= 0 && v230 >= 0 )
if ( v229 > v230 )
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = 1LL;
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = 1LL;
v231 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
v232 = *(unsigned int **)v251;
v233 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 27);
v234 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 1);
LODWORD(v235) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 56);
v236 = (unsigned int *)*((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
goto LABEL_786;
case 236:
v227 = 0x100000000LL;
v228 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 9);
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
if ( v230 < 0 )
v229 = -1LL;
v230 = 1LL;
v231 = 0LL;
v232 = *(unsigned int **)v251;
v233 = 0LL;
v234 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 1);
LODWORD(v235) = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 42);
v236 = (unsigned int *)*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
goto LABEL_786;
case 237:
v166 = dword_4E7150 > 0 && dword_4E7150 <= 3;
v223 = v166;
goto LABEL_786;
case 238:
v223 = 1LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 239:
v223 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 240:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 241:
v224 = *(double *)v251;
v223 = (unsigned int)(int)v224;
goto LABEL_786;
case 242:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
v224 = (double)(int)v223;
goto LABEL_786;
case 243:
v223 = *(char *)v251;
v224 = (double)(int)v223;
goto LABEL_786;
case 244:
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
v224 = *((double *)v251 + 1);
goto LABEL_786;
case 245:
v223 = -*(_QWORD *)v251;
v224 = -*((double *)v251 + 1);
goto LABEL_786;
case 246:
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 247:
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 248:
v228 = 0x100000000LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 249:
v228 = 0x100000000LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 250:
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 251:
v228 = 0x100000000LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 252:
v228 = 1LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 253:
v228 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 254:
v228 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 255:
v228 = 0x100000001LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 256:
v228 = 1LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 257:
v228 = 1LL;
goto LABEL_786;
case 260:
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 28);
v224 = 0.0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 263:
case 266:
HIDWORD(v224) = 0;
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 269:
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"|",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 4),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 5),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 6),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 7),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 8),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 9),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 10),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 11),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 12),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 13));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 270:
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"^",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 4),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 5),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 6),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 7),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 8),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 9),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 10),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 11),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 12),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 13));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 271:
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"&",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 4),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 5),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 6),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 7),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 8),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 9),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 10),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 11),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 12),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 13));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 272:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
v198 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 3);
v197 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 2);
v196 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 1);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"==",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251);
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 273:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
v198 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 3);
v197 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 2);
v196 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 1);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"!=",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251);
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 274:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
v198 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 3);
v197 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 2);
v196 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 1);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"<",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251);
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 275:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
v198 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 3);
v197 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 2);
v196 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 1);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"<=",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251);
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 276:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
v198 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 3);
v197 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 2);
v196 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 1);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)">",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251);
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 277:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
v198 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 3);
v197 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 2);
v196 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 1);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)">=",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251);
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 278:
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"<<",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 4),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 5),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 6),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 7),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 8),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 9),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 10),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 11),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 12),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 13));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 279:
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)">>",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 4),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 5),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 6),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 7),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 8),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 9),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 10),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 11),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 12),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 13));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 280:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"+",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 281:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"-",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 282:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"*",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 283:
v208 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 13);
v207 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 12);
v206 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 11);
v205 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 10);
v204 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 9);
v203 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 8);
v202 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 7);
v201 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 6);
v200 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 5);
v199 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 4);
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"/",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 284:
(unsigned int)&v209,
(unsigned int)"%",
(_DWORD)v251 - 224,
(unsigned int)&v209,
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 28),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 27),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 26),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 25),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 24),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 23),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 22),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 21),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 20),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 19),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 18),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 17),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 16),
*((_QWORD *)v251 - 15),
*(_QWORD *)v251,
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 1),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 2),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 4),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 5),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 6),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 7),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 8),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 9),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 10),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 11),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 12),
*((_QWORD *)v251 + 13));
v223 = v209;
v224 = v210;
v225 = v211;
v226 = v212;
v227 = v213;
v228 = v214;
v229 = v215;
v230 = v216;
v231 = v217;
v232 = v218;
v233 = v219;
v234 = v220;
v235 = v221;
v236 = v222;
goto LABEL_786;
case 286:
if ( v251[3] )
v226 = *((_QWORD *)v251 + 3) == 0LL;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
HIDWORD(v224) = v251[3];
goto LABEL_786;
case 287:
if ( v251[3] )
v226 = ~*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
HIDWORD(v224) = v251[3];
goto LABEL_786;
case 288:
if ( v251[3] )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_40BA08(*(_QWORD *)v251) )
v226 = -*((_QWORD *)v251 + 3);
else if ( (unsigned int)sub_40BA36(*(_QWORD *)v251) )
*(double *)&v226 = -*((double *)v251 + 3);
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
HIDWORD(v224) = v251[3];
goto LABEL_786;
case 290:
if ( **(_DWORD **)v251 == 23 )
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v251 + 8LL);
sub_4853A3("dereference of non-pointer type");
v223 = *(_QWORD *)v251;
v224 = 0.0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 291:
v223 = sub_413F78(23LL, *(_QWORD *)v251, 4LL);
v224 = 0.0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 292:
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
v226 = *(int *)(*((_QWORD *)v251 - 14) + 72LL);
goto LABEL_786;
case 294:
v167 = *((double *)v251 - 13);
v223 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 14);
v224 = v167;
v168 = *((__int64 *)v251 - 11);
v225 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 12);
v226 = v168;
v169 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 9);
v227 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 10);
v228 = v169;
v170 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 7);
v229 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 8);
v230 = v170;
v171 = (unsigned int *)*((_QWORD *)v251 - 5);
v231 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 6);
v232 = v171;
v172 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 3);
v233 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 4);
v234 = v172;
v173 = (unsigned int *)*((_QWORD *)v251 - 1);
v235 = *((_QWORD *)v251 - 2);
v236 = v173;
goto LABEL_786;
case 295:
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_413DEF(*(_QWORD *)v251);
if ( qword_4CD5D8 )
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
qword_4CD5D8 = sub_40B91D(*(_QWORD *)v251);
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v223 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 16);
v226 = *(__int64 *)(qword_4CD5D8 + 40);
goto LABEL_786;
case 296:
v223 = sub_413F78(5LL, 0LL, 4LL);
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v226 = *(__int64 *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 297:
v223 = sub_413F78(8LL, 0LL, 4LL);
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v226 = *(__int64 *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 298:
v223 = sub_413F78(2LL, 0LL, 1LL);
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v226 = *(char *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 299:
v174 = sub_413F78(2LL, 0LL, 1LL);
v223 = sub_413F78(23LL, v174, 4LL);
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v226 = *(__int64 *)v251;
goto LABEL_786;
case 300:
v223 = sub_413F78(18LL, qword_4CD580, 4LL);
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
*(double *)&v226 = 0.0;
goto LABEL_786;
case 301:
v223 = sub_413F78(18LL, qword_4CD580, 4LL);
HIDWORD(v224) = 1;
LODWORD(v225) = 0;
v226 = 1LL;
goto LABEL_786;
goto LABEL_786;
goto LABEL_2;
v249 = (unsigned __int16)word_487540[v256];
if ( v249 )
goto LABEL_30;
if ( dword_4CD6F0 == -2 )
v184 = -2;
else if ( (unsigned int)dword_4CD6F0 > 0x15F )
v184 = 2;
v184 = (unsigned __int8)byte_487020[dword_4CD6F0];
v247 = v184;
if ( !v255 )
sub_4851DD("syntax error");
if ( v255 == 3 )
if ( dword_4CD6F0 > 0 )
dword_4CD6F0 = -2;
else if ( !dword_4CD6F0 )
goto LABEL_814;
v255 = 3;
while ( 1 )
v249 = word_487180[v256];
if ( v249 != -366 && ++v249 >= 0 && v249 <= 1703 && word_4887A0[v249] == 1 )
v185 = word_487A40[v249];
v249 = v185;
if ( v185 > 0 )
if ( v253 == src )
goto LABEL_814;
v251 -= 28;
v253 -= 2;
v256 = *(__int16 *)v253;
v251 += 28;
v186 = v251;
v187 = qword_4CD708;
*(_QWORD *)v251 = qword_4CD700;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 1) = v187;
v188 = qword_4CD718;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 2) = qword_4CD710;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 3) = v188;
v189 = qword_4CD728;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 4) = qword_4CD720;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 5) = v189;
v190 = qword_4CD738;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 6) = qword_4CD730;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 7) = v190;
v191 = qword_4CD748;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 8) = qword_4CD740;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 9) = v191;
v192 = qword_4CD758;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 10) = qword_4CD750;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 11) = v192;
v193 = qword_4CD768;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 12) = qword_4CD760;
*((_QWORD *)v186 + 13) = v193;
v256 = v249;
v253 += 2;
sub_4851DD("memory exhausted");
v248 = 2;
if ( dword_4CD6F0 != -2 )
if ( (unsigned int)dword_4CD6F0 > 0x15F )
v194 = 2;
v194 = (unsigned __int8)byte_487020[dword_4CD6F0];
v247 = v194;
v251 -= 28 * v246;
for ( v253 -= 2 * v246; v253 != src; v253 -= 2 )
v251 -= 28;
if ( src != v238 )
return v248;
Q:[v223,v237,v238,v239,v240,v241,v242,dest,ptr,v245,v246,v247,v248,v249,v250,v251,v252,v253,src,v255,v256,sub_401393,sub_40D81F,sub_40D10F,sub_40C06E,sub_41481D,sub_413873,sub_4137B6,sub_4136AA,sub_413937,sub_413F78,sub_40B7FF,sub_485161,sub_40CEF7,sub_40CF93,sub_40D051,sub_485248,sub_40B902,sub_40D7C1,sub_464B97,sub_465D19,sub_414261,sub_448881,sub_40BA94,sub_448942,sub_4852FC,sub_44D116,sub_44CBEA,sub_445FC3,sub_4135C3,sub_4852A2,sub_413826,sub_448728,sub_447C6D,sub_40D3EA,sub_447AB4,sub_447BAE,sub_40D1CC,sub_40D4D9,sub_41378B,sub_413717,sub_4489F8,sub_465B25,sub_413BD7,sub_41443D,sub_464E5E,sub_413D0A,sub_413C3B,sub_448579,sub_40B82E,sub_40B573,sub_40B6D0,sub_40B1F0,sub_40BA08,sub_40BA36,sub_4853A3,sub_413DEF,sub_40B91D,sub_4851DD,sub_401372,] | A:{'v223': 'yyval', 'v237': 'yyvsa', 'v238': 'yyssa', 'v239': 'yyi', 'v240': 'yylhs', 'v241': 'yynewbytes_0', 'v242': 'yynewbytes', 'dest': 'yyptr', 'ptr': 'yyss1', 'v245': 'yysize', 'v246': 'yylen', 'v247': 'yytoken', 'v248': 'yyresult', 'v249': 'yyn', 'v250': 'yystacksize', 'v251': 'yyvsp', 'v252': 'yyvs', 'v253': 'yyssp', 'src': 'yyss', 'v255': 'yyerrstatus', 'v256': 'yystate', 'sub_401393': 'yyparse', 'sub_40D81F': 'yylex', 'sub_40D10F': 'add_header', 'sub_40C06E': 'add_fault', 'sub_41481D': 'compile', 'sub_413873': 'freetable', 'sub_4137B6': 'mktable', 'sub_4136AA': 'lookup', 'sub_413937': 'enter', 'sub_413F78': 'mktype', 'sub_40B7FF': 'mkscope', 'sub_485161': 'set_namespace', 'sub_40CEF7': 'add_soap', 'sub_40CF93': 'add_XML', 'sub_40D051': 'add_qname', 'sub_485248': 'synerror', 'sub_40B902': 'exitscope', 'sub_40D7C1': 'add_pragma', 'sub_464B97': 'is_binary', 'sub_465D19': 'is_stdstr', 'sub_414261': 'mksymtype', 'sub_448881': 'is_external', 'sub_40BA94': 'set_value', 'sub_448942': 'is_anyAttribute', 'sub_4852FC': 'semwarn', 'sub_44D116': 'c_storage', 'sub_44CBEA': 'c_type', 'sub_445FC3': 'emalloc', 'sub_4135C3': 'install', 'sub_4852A2': 'semerror', 'sub_413826': 'mkmethod', 'sub_448728': 'is_transient', 'sub_447C6D': 'is_response', 'sub_40D3EA': 'add_result', 'sub_447AB4': 'is_XML', 'sub_447BAE': 'is_stdXML', 'sub_40D1CC': 'add_response', 'sub_40D4D9': 'add_request', 'sub_41378B': 'gensym', 'sub_413717': 'gensymidx', 'sub_4489F8': 'is_smart', 'sub_465B25': 'is_primitive_or_string', 'sub_413BD7': 'entry', 'sub_41443D': 'mktemplate', 'sub_464E5E': 'is_mutable', 'sub_413D0A': 'merge', 'sub_413C3B': 'reenter', 'sub_448579': 'base_of_derived', 'sub_40B82E': 'enterscope', 'sub_40B573': 'iop', 'sub_40B6D0': 'relop', 'sub_40B1F0': 'op', 'sub_40BA08': 'integer', 'sub_40BA36': 'real', 'sub_4853A3': 'typerror', 'sub_413DEF': 'enumentry', 'sub_40B91D': 'undefined', 'sub_4851DD': 'yyerror', 'sub_401372': 'yydestruct'} | |
3c0aaf322c6ccdc6b2e4303341c6135e39952377a0ef7fbf56294667f9cd2c29_3c0aaf322c6ccdc6b2e4303341c6135e39952377a0ef7fbf56294667f9cd2c29.jsonl.gz | sub_4221F9 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
char *__fastcall sub_4221F9(__int64 a1)
char *v2; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
if ( !a1 )
return 0LL;
v2 = sub_4205B2(*(_QWORD *)a1);
*((_QWORD *)v2 + 1) = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8);
*((_DWORD *)v2 + 4) = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 16);
*((_DWORD *)v2 + 5) = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 20);
*((_QWORD *)v2 + 3) = sub_4221F9(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24));
return v2;
Q:[a1,v2,sub_4221F9,sub_4205B2,] | A:{'a1': 's', 'v2': 'r', 'sub_4221F9': 'copy_list', 'sub_4205B2': 'uno_getref'} | |
172a2b2342ca5d634b41adc44c9b662352f1c3d83f55ee5a5030612ff100beeb_172a2b2342ca5d634b41adc44c9b662352f1c3d83f55ee5a5030612ff100beeb.jsonl.gz | sub_416400 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_BYTE *__fastcall sub_416400(_QWORD *a1, char *a2, __int64 a3)
_BYTE *result; // rax
char *v5; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h]
_BYTE *v6; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
v5 = a2;
sub_415AEE((__int64)a1, a3 + a1[1]);
v6 = (_BYTE *)(*a1 + a1[1]);
while ( v5 < &a2[a3] )
*v6++ = toupper(*v5++);
a1[1] += a3;
result = (_BYTE *)(*a1 + a1[1]);
*result = 0;
return result;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,v5,v6,sub_416400,sub_415AEE,] | A:{'a3': 'len', 'a1': 'buf', 'a2': 'str', 'v5': 'stra', 'v6': 'to', 'sub_416400': 'strbuf_append_strn_uc', 'sub_415AEE': 'strbuf_ensure_capacity_0'} | |
630e682a8eebb18417c8335eb0f730b3524a8cf1453d9f9691aac5db1c4edf36_630e682a8eebb18417c8335eb0f730b3524a8cf1453d9f9691aac5db1c4edf36.jsonl.gz | sub_41F328 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41F328(_QWORD **a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, int a4)
_QWORD *v4; // rdx
_QWORD *v6; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
v6 = *a1;
if ( (a4 & 0x10000) != 0 )
if ( a2 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8) )
v4 = v6 + 1;
v4 = 0LL;
*(_QWORD *)a2 = v4;
*v6 = a3;
if ( a2 )
memcpy(v6 + 1, *(const void **)a2, *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8));
return 0LL;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v6,sub_41F328,] | A:{'a3': 'attr', 'a4': 'flags', 'a1': 'reserved', 'a2': 'data', 'v6': 'space', 'sub_41F328': 'mdbx_attr_poke'} | |
e75abb83d2b32eafb3b1ba5f14cbfd28cf6afef01d1bc62076b5ecd1d78019e6_e75abb83d2b32eafb3b1ba5f14cbfd28cf6afef01d1bc62076b5ecd1d78019e6.jsonl.gz | sub_4775B8 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_4775B8(unsigned __int8 a1)
__int64 result; // rax
if ( a1 == 7 )
return 4LL;
if ( a1 > 7u )
goto LABEL_12;
if ( a1 == 3 )
return 1LL;
if ( a1 > 3u )
goto LABEL_12;
if ( a1 == 1 )
return 2LL;
if ( a1 == 2 )
result = 3LL;
result = 0LL;
return result;
Q:[a1,sub_4775B8,] | A:{'a1': 'mode', 'sub_4775B8': 'toCommonMode'} | |
4365b5d0920047e31277b8a2796d99fcda79fd077dfd596f28b6a99bb1606856_4365b5d0920047e31277b8a2796d99fcda79fd077dfd596f28b6a99bb1606856.jsonl.gz | sub_40A9AC | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_40A9AC(__int64 a1)
__int64 v1; // rbx
char v3[32]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-90h] BYREF
char v4[32]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-70h] BYREF
char v5[32]; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-50h] BYREF
char v6[48]; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
sub_403CA6((__int64)v4, (__int64)"Count", (__int64)"test/ntest/ntest.cpp", 28);
sub_40A878((__int64)v3, a1 + 224, (__int64)v4);
v1 = sub_40A8AA((__int64)v3);
sub_403CA6((__int64)v6, (__int64)"Count", (__int64)"test/ntest/ntest.cpp", 28);
sub_40A878((__int64)v5, a1 + 168, (__int64)v6);
return v1 - sub_40A8AA((__int64)v5);
Q:[sub_40A9AC,sub_403CA6,sub_40A878,sub_40A8AA,] | A:{'sub_40A9AC': 'Count', 'sub_403CA6': 'debug_info', 'sub_40A878': 'operator', 'sub_40A8AA': 'long'} | |
188521825316f1dd4a5f7a68a55cfef8413d1ed8c86ec170a1b212557172a59c_188521825316f1dd4a5f7a68a55cfef8413d1ed8c86ec170a1b212557172a59c.jsonl.gz | sub_45BDF5 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_45BDF5(unsigned int *a1)
__int64 result; // rax
unsigned int v2; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
int v3; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]
result = (unsigned __int8)byte_67ECA0;
if ( byte_67ECA0 )
result = a1[1];
v3 = a1[1];
if ( v3 )
if ( v3 != 300 )
if ( v3 > 300 || v3 > 269 )
goto LABEL_23;
if ( v3 < 172 )
if ( v3 == 127 )
result = *a1;
if ( (_DWORD)result )
return result;
return sub_45BD68(v3);
if ( v3 <= 127 )
if ( v3 == 27 )
v2 = sub_45EC32(((__int64)dword_4AD7A0 << 8) + 6812992);
byte_67ECA0 = 0;
return sub_45E966((char *)&unk_67F540 + 256 * (__int64)dword_4AD7A0, 0LL, v2);
if ( v3 <= 27 )
if ( v3 == 9 )
return result;
if ( v3 == 13 )
result = sub_45BD68(v3);
byte_67ECA0 = 0;
return result;
result = *a1;
if ( (_DWORD)result )
return result;
if ( byte_67FA80 )
LOBYTE(v3) = *(_BYTE *)(qword_4AFEC0 + v3);
return sub_45BD68(v3);
result = (unsigned int)(v3 - 172);
switch ( v3 )
case 172:
case 173:
case 174:
case 175:
case 184:
case 187:
case 188:
case 189:
case 190:
case 191:
case 192:
case 193:
case 194:
case 195:
case 196:
case 198:
case 199:
case 200:
case 201:
case 207:
case 209:
case 210:
case 215:
case 216:
case 255:
return result;
case 182:
result = *a1;
if ( (_DWORD)result )
result = *a1;
if ( (_DWORD)result == 1 )
byte_67FA80 = 0;
byte_67FA80 = 1;
case 269:
goto LABEL_15;
goto LABEL_23;
return result;
Q:[a1,v2,v3,sub_45BDF5,sub_45BD68,sub_45EC32,sub_45E966,] | A:{'a1': 'ev', 'v2': 'len', 'v3': 'c', 'sub_45BDF5': 'ST_FeedChatMsg', 'sub_45BD68': 'ST_QueueChatChar', 'sub_45EC32': 'dstrlen', 'sub_45E966': 'dmemset'} | |
45450e7da787ad8522c4254a1fb55d2f2a0245c269fcd1544f5f008e388e64c0_45450e7da787ad8522c4254a1fb55d2f2a0245c269fcd1544f5f008e388e64c0.jsonl.gz | sub_42A7F6 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_42A7F6(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
return sub_42B47D(a1, a2, a3);
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_42A7F6,sub_42B47D,] | A:{'a3': '__result', 'a1': '__first', 'a2': '__last', 'sub_42A7F6': 'allocator', 'sub_42B47D': 'allocator'} | |
cd901598d38fe022d67ecab4ee21fd5a349047d4ba2543f37c10743070f275f7_cd901598d38fe022d67ecab4ee21fd5a349047d4ba2543f37c10743070f275f7.jsonl.gz | sub_406781 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_406781(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
bool i; // al
unsigned int v7; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-40h]
for ( i = sub_403659(a1); !i; i = sub_403659(a1) )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_406E88(a1, a3) )
v7 = sub_403B8A(a1);
if ( v7 )
return v7;
else if ( (unsigned __int8)sub_405FDC((unsigned __int64 *)(a3 + 576), (_QWORD *)(a2 + 48), 0LL) )
return 0;
return 17;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_406781,sub_403659,sub_406E88,sub_403B8A,sub_405FDC,] | A:{'a3': 'issuer', 'a1': 'parser', 'a2': 'cert', 'sub_406781': 'x509_find_issuer', 'sub_403659': 'asn1_end', 'sub_406E88': 'x509_parse_cert', 'sub_403B8A': 'asn1_abort', 'sub_405FDC': 'x509_name_eq'} | |
ae353ff1d6b132e8bc266655cc0acee2a7cfbd29790838b22e9e2a3256b7a8f8_ae353ff1d6b132e8bc266655cc0acee2a7cfbd29790838b22e9e2a3256b7a8f8.jsonl.gz | sub_408E43 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_408E43(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, unsigned __int8 a3)
__int64 result; // rax
if ( a1 && *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 344) )
result = (*(__int64 (__fastcall **)(__int64, __int64, _QWORD))(a1 + 344))(a1, a2, a3);
result = 4294967289LL;
return result;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_408E43,] | A:{'a3': 'add_rule', 'a1': 'ring', 'a2': 'rule_to_add', 'sub_408E43': 'pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule'} | |
bdcc38c8cca1a301c72f437fbc2ef4fe15e99ee7737ab0b790ed572e400e6b73_bdcc38c8cca1a301c72f437fbc2ef4fe15e99ee7737ab0b790ed572e400e6b73.jsonl.gz | sub_410C02 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_410C02(char *a1, unsigned __int64 a2, const char *a3, size_t a4)
_BOOL8 result; // rax
char *v5; // rax
size_t v6; // rax
__int64 v7; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]
char *v8; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h]
int v9; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-4h]
if ( !a2 )
return 1LL;
v9 = -1;
v8 = a1;
while ( a2 > v8 - a1 )
v5 = v8++;
if ( !*v5 )
v9 = (_DWORD)v8 - (_DWORD)a1 - 1;
if ( v9 >= 0 )
v7 = a2 - v9 - 1;
if ( v7 >= 0 )
v6 = a2 - v9 - 1;
if ( a4 <= v7 )
v6 = a4;
result = strncat(a1, a3, v6) != a1;
result = 1LL;
*a1 = 0;
result = 1LL;
return result;
Q:[sub_410C02,] | A:{'sub_410C02': 'DEPLOY_STRNCAT_15'} | |
a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4_a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4.jsonl.gz | sub_43AA80 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 sub_43AA80()
return 0LL;
Q:[sub_43AA80,] | A:{'sub_43AA80': 'Validate'} | |
61743b2157e656994e7cb2b64fddfde17eccebb82743e4e1e57bb11fe9f3ffa9_61743b2157e656994e7cb2b64fddfde17eccebb82743e4e1e57bb11fe9f3ffa9.jsonl.gz | sub_41B87C | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_DWORD *__fastcall sub_41B87C(__int64 a1, unsigned int a2, int a3)
const char *v3; // rax
_DWORD *v6; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
v6 = (_DWORD *)sub_41B461(a1, a2);
v6[6] |= a3 | 1;
sub_41B6F5(a1, v6, 0);
v3 = (const char *)sub_424E4E(a2);
sub_426117("Inserting %s element (@%x) from tag type.\n", v3, v6);
return v6;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,v6,sub_41B87C,sub_41B461,sub_41B6F5,sub_424E4E,sub_426117,] | A:{'a3': 'reason', 'a1': 'parser', 'a2': 'tag', 'v6': 'element', 'sub_41B87C': 'insert_element_of_tag_type', 'sub_41B461': 'create_element', 'sub_41B6F5': 'insert_element', 'sub_424E4E': 'gumbo_normalized_tagname', 'sub_426117': 'gumbo_debug'} | |
76c44d09c6b21e64789fa57c54df465bc02b0cbb71c004d2eca2ae7aef0dafb4_76c44d09c6b21e64789fa57c54df465bc02b0cbb71c004d2eca2ae7aef0dafb4.jsonl.gz | sub_4029C2 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_QWORD *__fastcall sub_4029C2(_QWORD *a1, _QWORD *a2, _QWORD *a3)
_QWORD *result; // rax
if ( a2 )
*a2 = *a3;
*a3 = *a1;
*a1 = a3;
result = (_QWORD *)a1[1];
if ( a3 == result )
result = a1;
a1[1] = a2;
return result;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_4029C2,] | A:{'a3': 'node', 'a1': 'head', 'a2': 'pre', 'sub_4029C2': 'list_move_begin'} | |
f81232e8f8bf3f198b92df9965bc7b2feb48e99e357e3b3705f6a1a64be42560_f81232e8f8bf3f198b92df9965bc7b2feb48e99e357e3b3705f6a1a64be42560.jsonl.gz | sub_41907C | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_41907C(FILE *a1, __int64 a2)
int v3; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]
v3 = fwrite(*(const void **)a2, *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8), *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16), a1);
return v3 == *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16);
Q:[a1,a2,sub_41907C,] | A:{'a1': 'file', 'a2': 'out', 'sub_41907C': 'file_write'} | |
3b5d72f99f5eb3da8f19b8df0eef4a3aa16116874d08ef5e6ed040cc58832406_3b5d72f99f5eb3da8f19b8df0eef4a3aa16116874d08ef5e6ed040cc58832406.jsonl.gz | sub_4039FC | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_4039FC(unsigned int a1)
return (unsigned int)sub_4102CC(a1) == 18 && *(_QWORD *)(sub_41051C(a1) + 16)
|| (unsigned int)sub_4102CC(a1) == 19 && *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(sub_41051C(a1) + 16) + 16LL);
Q:[a1,sub_4039FC,sub_4102CC,sub_41051C,] | A:{'a1': 'x', 'sub_4039FC': 'qadv', 'sub_4102CC': 'gettag', 'sub_41051C': 'getptr'} | |
db3d4f096850f6f85e58fff5a846416e1c5f4c67b1b56e7df682b7dfb72ca518_db3d4f096850f6f85e58fff5a846416e1c5f4c67b1b56e7df682b7dfb72ca518.jsonl.gz | sub_40A162 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_40A162(float a1)
__int64 result; // rax
char v2; // [rsp+1Eh] [rbp-12h]
unsigned __int8 v3; // [rsp+1Fh] [rbp-11h]
v3 = 3;
v2 = sub_40A205();
*(float *)&dword_45335C[--v3] = a1;
dword_453350[v3] = 0;
while ( v3 );
BYTE4(qword_455430) = a1 != 1.0;
result = sub_40A205();
if ( v2 != (_BYTE)result )
result = (unsigned __int8)word_453482 | 2u;
LOBYTE(word_453482) = word_453482 | 2;
return result;
Q:[a1,v2,v3,sub_40A162,sub_40A205,] | A:{'a1': 'factor', 'v2': 'state', 'v3': 'idx', 'sub_40A162': 'set_scaling', 'sub_40A205': 'gc_get_g51_state'} | |
48e9b07584ddb7bb2f2e2f5d9910ddef29937c1bd852d72832be8a2603bcf06f_48e9b07584ddb7bb2f2e2f5d9910ddef29937c1bd852d72832be8a2603bcf06f.jsonl.gz | sub_408875 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
bool __fastcall sub_408875(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)
_DWORD *v2; // rbx
_DWORD *v3; // rax
v2 = (_DWORD *)sub_40A4A0(a2);
v3 = (_DWORD *)sub_40A4A0(a1);
return sub_4024AF(v3, v2);
Q:[a1,a2,sub_408875,sub_40A4A0,sub_4024AF,] | A:{'a1': '__t', 'a2': '__u', 'sub_408875': '_S_cmp', 'sub_40A4A0': 'forward', 'sub_4024AF': 'operator<'} | |
7dc7fd77c702ac66e020038977e4c5b256bb046b8e96253a37fa2f33ba09f7ff_7dc7fd77c702ac66e020038977e4c5b256bb046b8e96253a37fa2f33ba09f7ff.jsonl.gz | sub_408855 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_408855(__int64 a1)
return sub_40ADB0(a1);
Q:[a1,sub_408855,sub_40ADB0,] | A:{'a1': '__t', 'sub_408855': '_M_head', 'sub_40ADB0': '_M_head'} | |
c6e23c5bcec1e35f4c9e5cdf90ef6a1dcc060e46e8995a583c7bf859850a6554_c6e23c5bcec1e35f4c9e5cdf90ef6a1dcc060e46e8995a583c7bf859850a6554.jsonl.gz | sub_41CD6C | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41CD6C(__int64 a1)
return sub_41C1CA(a1, 64);
Q:[a1,sub_41CD6C,sub_41C1CA,] | A:{'a1': 's', 'sub_41CD6C': 'handle_spc64', 'sub_41C1CA': 'handle_space'} | |
115d9c9332c0b93740f4adf88b6dad4e3498e5c049937cf97438444fd59ff5ca_115d9c9332c0b93740f4adf88b6dad4e3498e5c049937cf97438444fd59ff5ca.jsonl.gz | sub_42299F | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_42299F(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)
__int64 v2; // rax
unsigned int v4; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]
unsigned int v5; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]
v5 = 0;
if ( !a2 )
__assert_fail("mosq", "../lib/net_mosq.c", 0xC0u, "net__socket_close");
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 168) )
*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 168) = 0LL;
if ( *(_DWORD *)a2 != -1 )
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 552) || *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 560) )
if ( a2 == *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 24LL)
- *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 32LL) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 24LL) = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40)
+ 544LL)
+ 32LL)
+ *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 552);
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 552) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 552) + *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 32LL) + 16LL) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 560);
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 560);
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 560) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 560) + *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 32LL) + 8LL) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 552);
v4 = *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 596) & (*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 8LL) - 1);
v2 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 16LL * v4;
--*(_DWORD *)(v2 + 8);
if ( a2 + 544 == *(_QWORD *)(**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 16LL * v4) )
*(_QWORD *)(16LL * v4 + **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL)) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 576);
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 568) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 568) + 32LL) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 576);
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 576) )
*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 576) + 24LL) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 568);
--*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL) + 16LL);
sub_420A48(**(void ***)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL));
sub_420A48(*(void **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) + 544LL));
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) = 0LL;
v5 = close(*(_DWORD *)a2);
*(_DWORD *)a2 = -1;
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 432) )
--*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 432) + 52LL);
return v5;
Q:[a1,a2,v4,v5,sub_42299F,sub_420A48,] | A:{'a1': 'db', 'a2': 'mosq', 'v4': '_hd_bkt', 'v5': 'rc', 'sub_42299F': 'net__socket_close', 'sub_420A48': 'mosquitto__free'} | |
448d64472cd235d309b0787287aae4b43df6af9375d1a6596bb8fa1c593df428_448d64472cd235d309b0787287aae4b43df6af9375d1a6596bb8fa1c593df428.jsonl.gz | sub_463430 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_QWORD *__fastcall sub_463430(_QWORD *a1)
char *v1; // rax
char v2; // dl
int v4; // ecx
_BYTE *v5; // rax
int v6; // edx
_BYTE *v7; // rsi
v1 = (char *)(*a1)++;
v2 = *v1;
if ( *v1 >= 0 || (v2 & 0x40) == 0 )
return a1;
v4 = v2;
v5 = v1 + 2;
v6 = 64;
v6 >>= 1;
v7 = v5++;
while ( (v4 & v6) != 0 && v6 > 8 );
*a1 = v7;
return a1;
Q:[sub_463430,] | A:{'sub_463430': 'operator++'} | |
cd1db804d710f0be5cc8bd34a21a7aab3c043c465348f2d7ee3f4850690337f5_cd1db804d710f0be5cc8bd34a21a7aab3c043c465348f2d7ee3f4850690337f5.jsonl.gz | sub_409E54 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
int __fastcall sub_409E54(unsigned int *a1, int a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6)
__int64 v6; // r8
__int64 v7; // r9
int result; // eax
__int64 v9; // rax
__int64 v10; // r9
__int64 v11; // rcx
__int64 v12; // r8
__int64 v13; // r9
__int64 *v14; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
v14 = *(__int64 **)a1;
if ( dword_430838 > 0 )
sub_406B48((__int64)&unk_430520, 1, "close local connection", a4, a5, a6);
v14[48] = 0LL;
if ( (int)a1[3] > 0 )
sub_403FF1(v14[60], a1[3], 1);
sub_403FF1(v14[60], a1[3], 2);
if ( dword_430838 > 1 )
sub_406B48((__int64)&unk_430520, 2, "connection closed %d", a1[3], v6, v7);
if ( *((_QWORD *)a1 + 3) )
sub_41956F(*((_QWORD *)a1 + 3));
if ( *((_QWORD *)a1 + 4) )
sub_41956F(*((_QWORD *)a1 + 4));
result = dword_430838;
if ( dword_430838 >= 0 )
v9 = sub_406757((__int64)(v14 + 27));
result = sub_406B48(
"connection to backend closed. change state to NONE:: cseq:%lld lseq:%lld",
if ( a2 )
result = sub_411C45(v14);
if ( result < 0 )
if ( dword_430838 >= 0 )
sub_406B48((__int64)&unk_430520, 0, "do_role_none failed. exiting..", v11, v12, v13);
return result;
Q:[a1,a2,v14,sub_409E54,sub_406B48,sub_403FF1,sub_41956F,sub_406757,sub_411C45,] | A:{'a1': 'lc', 'a2': 'change', 'v14': 'rep', 'sub_409E54': 'free_local_conn_with_role_change', 'sub_406B48': 'log_msg', 'sub_403FF1': 'aeDeleteFileEvent', 'sub_41956F': 'io_stream_close', 'sub_406757': 'aseq_get', 'sub_411C45': 'do_role_none'} | |
71b86316e471fcf5dd584876f9674af29e216631505e95629d25f60ec3ff4051_71b86316e471fcf5dd584876f9674af29e216631505e95629d25f60ec3ff4051.jsonl.gz | sub_41072C | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41072C(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, unsigned int a3)
__int64 result; // rax
if ( (int)libusb_bulk_transfer() >= 0 )
result = a3;
result = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
return result;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_41072C,] | A:{'a3': 'len', 'a1': 'usb', 'a2': 'data', 'sub_41072C': 'usb_read_forever'} | |
f223df43e71fd244b2d3fc8309aa4a9e557a38d76ce9c8ff7a1df98b1c82c5e4_f223df43e71fd244b2d3fc8309aa4a9e557a38d76ce9c8ff7a1df98b1c82c5e4.jsonl.gz | sub_41929A | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41929A(_QWORD *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4)
unsigned __int8 v5; // [rsp+27h] [rbp-9h] BYREF
void *v6; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
sub_40843C(a1, (__int64)sub_42E2F1, (__int64)sub_42561B, a3, a4);
v6 = sub_404388(&v5);
return sub_4324C6(a1, v6, v5, sub_402AE9, a2);
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v5,v6,sub_41929A,sub_40843C,sub_42E2F1,sub_42561B,sub_404388,sub_4324C6,sub_402AE9,] | A:{'a3': 'byte_cb', 'a4': 'gpio_and_delay_cb', 'a1': 'u8g2', 'a2': 'rotation', 'v5': 'tile_buf_height', 'v6': 'buf', 'sub_41929A': 'u8g2_Setup_st7565_lm6059_1', 'sub_40843C': 'u8x8_Setup', 'sub_42E2F1': 'u8x8_d_st7565_lm6059', 'sub_42561B': 'u8x8_cad_001', 'sub_404388': 'u8g2_m_16_8_1', 'sub_4324C6': 'u8g2_SetupBuffer', 'sub_402AE9': 'u8g2_ll_hvline_vertical_top_lsb'} | |
3ab645463ad13ea30c238ceac9bf56691ea8cada0b7c92413fecc09c2d081d33_3ab645463ad13ea30c238ceac9bf56691ea8cada0b7c92413fecc09c2d081d33.jsonl.gz | sub_4159FF | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_4159FF(__int64 a1, _QWORD *a2)
__int64 v2; // rax
__int64 v4; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-18h]
__int64 v5; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
__int64 v6; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h] BYREF
v2 = sub_43ADA6(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8), &v6, "after 'while'");
v4 = sub_4160F5(v2, &v5);
a2[7] = v6;
a2[10] = 0LL;
a2[8] = v5;
return v4;
Q:[a1,a2,v4,v5,v6,sub_4159FF,sub_4153F3,sub_43ADA6,sub_4160F5,sub_4154AA,] | A:{'a1': 'token', 'a2': 'stmt', 'v4': 'tokena', 'v5': 'iterator', 'v6': 'expr', 'sub_4159FF': 'parse_while_statement', 'sub_4153F3': 'start_iterator', 'sub_43ADA6': 'parens_expression', 'sub_4160F5': 'statement_0', 'sub_4154AA': 'end_iterator'} | |
d8bfb375eb6bdb90d2cf30554fe639f8ba987303258e008d3d1be2eed70aeaf9_d8bfb375eb6bdb90d2cf30554fe639f8ba987303258e008d3d1be2eed70aeaf9.jsonl.gz | sub_488591 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_488591(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)
__int64 result; // rax
__int64 v3; // rax
while ( 1 )
result = a1;
if ( a1 == a2 )
v3 = sub_488F16(a1);
a1 += 32LL;
return result;
Q:[sub_488591,sub_488F16,sub_488F24,] | A:{'sub_488591': 'allocator', 'sub_488F16': 'allocator', 'sub_488F24': 'allocator'} | |
8637b53fba300d2bbda36edc905b4ce0ac17bbe93b75784d9e0ff8ef770869f2_8637b53fba300d2bbda36edc905b4ce0ac17bbe93b75784d9e0ff8ef770869f2.jsonl.gz | sub_468CC4 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 sub_468CC4()
return 0LL;
Q:[sub_468CC4,] | A:{'sub_468CC4': 'bone_websocket_send_frame'} | |
a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4_a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4.jsonl.gz | sub_46FA3A | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
void __fastcall sub_46FA3A(__int64 a1, void *a2, __int64 a3)
operator delete(a2, 2 * a3);
Q:[sub_46FA3A,] | A:{'sub_46FA3A': 'deallocate'} | |
251c609d040d03d5f9c14cb2c70e65542d5cb3f75e64f702172bcafe52351651_251c609d040d03d5f9c14cb2c70e65542d5cb3f75e64f702172bcafe52351651.jsonl.gz | sub_40C100 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_40C100(_QWORD *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
__int64 v3; // rax
__int64 result; // rax
v3 = sub_40CA48(a1);
result = sub_40D963(*a1, a2, a3, v3);
a1[1] = result;
return result;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_40C100,sub_40CA48,sub_40D963,] | A:{'a3': '__value', 'a1': 'this', 'a2': '__n', 'sub_40C100': '_M_fill_initialize', 'sub_40CA48': '_M_get_Tp_allocator', 'sub_40D963': '__uninitialized_fill_n_a'} | |
1dfd1e7135476d7e6c1ae721903998a78b3f174bec1a9e13c1703308ffb2276f_1dfd1e7135476d7e6c1ae721903998a78b3f174bec1a9e13c1703308ffb2276f.jsonl.gz | sub_41BAF0 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
unsigned __int64 __fastcall sub_41BAF0(__int64 a1, const __m128i *a2, const __m128i *a3)
__int64 v3; // rbx
const __m128i *v4; // r15
__m128i *v5; // r12
__int64 v6; // rax
__int64 v7; // rcx
bool v10; // cf
unsigned __int64 v11; // rax
signed __int64 v12; // rsi
__int64 v13; // rbx
__int64 v14; // r14
__int64 v15; // rdx
const __m128i *v16; // rax
__m128i v17; // xmm1
void *v18; // rdi
unsigned __int64 result; // rax
unsigned __int64 v20; // rbx
__int64 v21; // rax
unsigned __int64 v22; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-50h]
const __m128i *v23; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-40h]
v4 = *(const __m128i **)(a1 + 8);
v5 = *(__m128i **)a1;
v6 = ((__int64)v4->m128i_i64 - *(_QWORD *)a1) >> 4;
if ( v6 == 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL )
v7 = 1LL;
if ( v6 )
v7 = (__int64)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) - *(_QWORD *)a1) >> 4;
v10 = __CFADD__(v7, v6);
v11 = v7 + v6;
v12 = (char *)a2 - (char *)v5;
if ( v10 )
if ( !v11 )
v22 = 0LL;
v13 = 16LL;
v14 = 0LL;
goto LABEL_7;
if ( v11 <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL )
v3 = v11;
v20 = 16 * v3;
v23 = a3;
v21 = operator new(v20);
a3 = v23;
v14 = v21;
v22 = v20 + v21;
v13 = v21 + 16;
*(__m128i *)(v14 + v12) = _mm_loadu_si128(a3);
if ( a2 != v5 )
v15 = v14;
v16 = v5;
v17 = _mm_loadu_si128(v16++);
v15 += 16LL;
*(__m128i *)(v15 - 16) = v17;
while ( v16 != a2 );
v13 = v14 + (char *)a2 - (char *)v5 + 16;
if ( a2 != v4 )
v18 = (void *)v13;
v13 += (char *)v4 - (char *)a2;
memcpy(v18, a2, (char *)v4 - (char *)a2);
if ( v5 )
operator delete(v5, *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) - (_QWORD)v5);
result = v22;
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) = v22;
*(__m128i *)a1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64((__m128i)(unsigned __int64)v14, (__m128i)(unsigned __int64)v13);
return result;
Q:[sub_41BAF0,] | A:{'sub_41BAF0': 'pair'} | |
aad566df0314b5d78ed017665e7cdff0a3076cbac446f9b6015a6bcb6e12eff6_aad566df0314b5d78ed017665e7cdff0a3076cbac446f9b6015a6bcb6e12eff6.jsonl.gz | sub_40523D | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_40523D(__int64 a1, _BYTE *a2, signed int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, char a7)
_BYTE *v7; // rax
__int64 result; // rax
int v14; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-2Ch] BYREF
int v15; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-28h] BYREF
int v16; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-24h] BYREF
int v17; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
int v18; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-1Ch]
int v19; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-18h]
int v20; // [rsp+44h] [rbp-14h]
char v21; // [rsp+4Bh] [rbp-Dh]
int k; // [rsp+4Ch] [rbp-Ch]
int j; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-8h]
unsigned int i; // [rsp+54h] [rbp-4h]
v17 = 0;
v16 = 0;
v15 = 0;
v14 = 0;
v20 = 8 * a5 * a4;
for ( i = 0; ; ++i )
result = i;
if ( (int)i >= a3 )
for ( j = 0; j <= 7; ++j )
v19 = 8 * (a6 * v14 + v16) + j;
for ( k = 0; k <= 7; ++k )
v18 = 8 * (a5 * v15 + v17) + k;
v21 = *(_BYTE *)(v20 * v19 + v18 + a1);
if ( a7 )
v21 = ~v21;
v7 = a2++;
*v7 = v21;
sub_404AEA(&v17, &v16, &v15, &v14, a4, a5, a6);
return result;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,a6,a7,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19,v20,v21,sub_40523D,sub_404AEA,] | A:{'a3': 'numTiles', 'a4': 'metatilesWide', 'a1': 'src', 'a2': 'dest', 'a5': 'metatileWidth', 'a6': 'metatileHeight', 'a7': 'invertColors', 'v14': 'metatileY', 'v15': 'metatileX', 'v16': 'subTileY', 'v17': 'subTileX', 'v18': 'srcX', 'v19': 'srcY', 'v20': 'pitch', 'v21': 'srcPixel', 'sub_40523D': 'ConvertToTiles8Bpp', 'sub_404AEA': 'AdvanceMetatilePosition'} | |
8b110aab52a6d34ace0220c53cb5bf376dd342b17223a140a48976031a819197_8b110aab52a6d34ace0220c53cb5bf376dd342b17223a140a48976031a819197.jsonl.gz | sub_41DE6F | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41DE6F(__int64 a1, unsigned __int8 a2)
return sub_41EFB8(a1, a2);
Q:[sub_41DE6F,sub_41EFB8,] | A:{'sub_41DE6F': 'allocator', 'sub_41EFB8': 'allocator'} | |
d6f1c4fccbb8fc2066c0c7749389636df7b33c67e152dc8852a86b3a79bd4c3d_d6f1c4fccbb8fc2066c0c7749389636df7b33c67e152dc8852a86b3a79bd4c3d.jsonl.gz | sub_508D8C | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
const char *__fastcall sub_508D8C(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
unsigned int v3; // eax
__int64 v5; // rax
__int64 v6; // rax
const char *v7; // rax
__int64 v8; // rax
__int64 v9; // rax
__int64 v10; // rax
__int64 v11; // rax
unsigned int v12; // ebx
__int64 v13; // rax
__int64 v14; // rcx
__int64 v15; // r8
__int64 v16; // r9
unsigned int v17; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-44h]
const char *v18; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-38h]
const char *j; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-28h]
char *v21; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-28h]
const char *i; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-20h]
v3 = sub_437FF9(a1);
if ( v3 == 8849 )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_43803C(a1) )
return 0LL;
v7 = (const char *)sub_404522("xstorerng");
if ( v3 > 0x2291 )
return 0LL;
if ( v3 == 626 )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_43803C(a1) != 6 )
return 0LL;
v10 = sub_43801A(a1, 0);
if ( !sub_4380D8(v10) )
return 0LL;
v11 = sub_43801A(a1, 0);
v12 = sub_43811D(v11);
v13 = sub_4385F1(a3, 0x2Au);
if ( !sub_438623(v13, v12) )
return 0LL;
v7 = (const char *)sub_404522(aCvtsd2si_0);
goto LABEL_26;
if ( v3 > 0x272 )
return 0LL;
if ( v3 == 23 )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_43803C(a1) != 1 )
return 0LL;
v5 = sub_43801A(a1, 0);
if ( !sub_4380EF(v5) )
return 0LL;
v6 = sub_43801A(a1, 0);
if ( sub_438146(v6) != 10 )
return 0LL;
v7 = (const char *)sub_404522((const char *)&off_60B080);
if ( v3 != 24 )
return 0LL;
if ( (unsigned int)sub_43803C(a1) != 1 )
return 0LL;
v8 = sub_43801A(a1, 0);
if ( !sub_4380EF(v8) )
return 0LL;
v9 = sub_43801A(a1, 0);
if ( sub_438146(v9) != 10 )
return 0LL;
v7 = (const char *)sub_404522((const char *)&off_60B080 + 4);
v18 = v7;
for ( i = v7; *i; ++i )
if ( *i == 32 || *i == 9 )
*i++ = 0;
sub_4046FC(a2, v7);
if ( *i )
sub_4046FC(a2, "\t");
for ( j = i; *j; ++j )
if ( *j == 36 )
if ( *++j == -1 )
v21 = (char *)(j + 1);
v17 = *v21 - 1;
j = v21 + 1;
sub_508D55(a1, v17, *j - 1, a2);
sub_5059FA(a1, *j - 1, a2);
sub_404774(a2, (__int64)"%c", (unsigned int)*j, v14, v15, v16);
return v18;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,v17,v18,v21,i,sub_508D8C,sub_437FF9,sub_43803C,sub_404522,sub_43801A,sub_4380D8,sub_43811D,sub_4385F1,sub_438623,sub_4380EF,sub_438146,sub_4046FC,sub_508D55,sub_5059FA,sub_404774,] | A:{'a3': 'info', 'a1': 'MI', 'a2': 'OS', 'v17': 'OpIdx', 'v18': 'tmp', 'v21': 'ca', 'i': 'AsmOps', 'sub_508D8C': 'printAliasInstr_3', 'sub_437FF9': 'MCInst_getOpcode', 'sub_43803C': 'MCInst_getNumOperands', 'sub_404522': 'cs_strdup', 'sub_43801A': 'MCInst_getOperand', 'sub_4380D8': 'MCOperand_isReg', 'sub_43811D': 'MCOperand_getReg', 'sub_4385F1': 'MCRegisterInfo_getRegClass', 'sub_438623': 'MCRegisterClass_contains', 'sub_4380EF': 'MCOperand_isImm', 'sub_438146': 'MCOperand_getImm', 'sub_4046FC': 'SStream_concat0', 'sub_508D55': 'printCustomAliasOperand_3', 'sub_5059FA': 'printOperand_6', 'sub_404774': 'SStream_concat'} | |
2d3bcb1d0a6d2d2c4d958fe7be136970f60b40087ef9d5ae29f84e62c84bbbf9_2d3bcb1d0a6d2d2c4d958fe7be136970f60b40087ef9d5ae29f84e62c84bbbf9.jsonl.gz | sub_4043B0 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
int __fastcall sub_4043B0(int fildes, struct stat64 *stat_buf)
return __fxstat64(1, fildes, stat_buf);
Q:[sub_4043B0,] | A:{'sub_4043B0': 'fstat64'} | |
89a56c46f037f898ed5be52119007206f2226613e013c90a587db00e358dc334_89a56c46f037f898ed5be52119007206f2226613e013c90a587db00e358dc334.jsonl.gz | sub_423992 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
void sub_423992(__int16 a1, const char *a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, ...)
gcc_va_list ap; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-C8h] BYREF
__int64 v7; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-A0h]
__int64 v8; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-98h]
__int64 v9; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-90h]
__int64 v10; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-88h]
va_start(ap, a6);
v7 = a3;
v8 = a4;
v9 = a5;
v10 = a6;
ap[0].gp_offset = 16;
vsyslog(3, a2, ap);
if ( dword_444A90 >= 0 )
ap[0].gp_offset = 16;
va_start(ap, a6);
sub_423452(a1, 3, a2, ap);
Q:[a1,a2,sub_423992,sub_423452,] | A:{'a1': 'index', 'a2': 'format', 'sub_423992': 'btd_error', 'sub_423452': 'logging_log'} | |
b075dfd15a5f87f7bd9b7e1d96fde5cc5aceb552b90c5c42e9565c1e439733f4_b075dfd15a5f87f7bd9b7e1d96fde5cc5aceb552b90c5c42e9565c1e439733f4.jsonl.gz | sub_40752F | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
char *__fastcall sub_40752F(const char **a1)
char *result; // rax
char *v2; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]
char *v3; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]
char *v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
if ( !*a1 )
*a1 = "flexspin";
if ( (unsigned int)sub_4074DB((__int64)a1, byte_454A20, 1024) )
strcpy(byte_454A20, *a1);
v2 = strrchr(byte_454A20, 47);
if ( v2 )
v3 = v2 + 1;
v3 = byte_454A20;
strcpy(v3, "../include");
result = getenv("FLEXCC_INCLUDE_PATH");
v4 = result;
if ( !result )
result = getenv("FLEXSPIN_INCLUDE_PATH");
v4 = result;
if ( !v4 )
result = getenv("FASTSPIN_INCLUDE_PATH");
v4 = result;
if ( v4 )
result = (char *)sub_41ABF5(&unk_451BC0, v4);
return result;
Q:[a1,v2,v4,sub_40752F,sub_4198D6,sub_40762B,sub_4074DB,sub_41ABF5,] | A:{'a1': 'argv', 'v2': 'progname', 'v4': 'envpath', 'sub_40752F': 'InitPreprocessor', 'sub_4198D6': 'pp_init', 'sub_40762B': 'SetPreprocessorLanguage', 'sub_4074DB': 'getProgramPath', 'sub_41ABF5': 'pp_add_to_path'} | |
9efe75831bb2d739ad5e623dd8fc9dc1fce0841d0625461fd986fbfab6ba943e_9efe75831bb2d739ad5e623dd8fc9dc1fce0841d0625461fd986fbfab6ba943e.jsonl.gz | sub_412C6F | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_412C6F(__int64 a1)
__int64 result; // rax
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) )
result = **(_QWORD **)(a1 + 8);
result = 0LL;
return result;
Q:[a1,sub_412C6F,] | A:{'a1': 'in', 'sub_412C6F': 'listLast'} | |
fc9efd69c78bfd2879262c7c7b7f2edcc043a9e3211c855fda31906cc6864565_fc9efd69c78bfd2879262c7c7b7f2edcc043a9e3211c855fda31906cc6864565.jsonl.gz | sub_403B0A | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_403B0A(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, int a3, unsigned int a4)
int v6; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-34h] BYREF
__int64 v7; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-30h]
__int64 v8; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h]
char v9[4]; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-14h] BYREF
__int64 v10; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
unsigned int v11; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-4h]
v8 = a1;
v7 = a2;
v6 = a3;
v10 = 0LL;
v11 = sub_407AC5(a1, a2, &v10);
if ( !v11 && v10 )
v11 = sub_408FE2(v10, "<new partition>", a4, &v6, v9, 0LL);
if ( !v11 )
sub_402993(v10, 0);
return v11;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,sub_403B0A,sub_407AC5,sub_408FE2,sub_402993,sub_402B7A,sub_4076F9,] | A:{'a3': 'slice_index', 'a4': 'size_in_mb', 'a1': 'config', 'a2': 'device_name', 'v6': 'slice_indexa', 'v7': 'device_namea', 'v8': 'configa', 'v9': 'new_partition_index', 'v10': 'toc', 'v11': 'result', 'sub_403B0A': 'show_apa_cut_out_for_inject', 'sub_407AC5': 'apa_toc_read', 'sub_408FE2': 'apa_allocate_space', 'sub_402993': 'show_apa_toc', 'sub_402B7A': 'show_apa_map', 'sub_4076F9': 'apa_toc_free'} | |
2186ab94bfb3b33f6da9d416fb346ede5a286c47fcbb5318d12aacd9481aebfc_2186ab94bfb3b33f6da9d416fb346ede5a286c47fcbb5318d12aacd9481aebfc.jsonl.gz | sub_401212 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_401212(const void *a1)
char dest[72]; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-70h] BYREF
__int64 v3; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-28h]
__int64 v4; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp-20h]
__int64 v5; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-18h]
v5 = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name();
v4 = 0LL;
v3 = 0LL;
if ( !v5 )
return 0LL;
memmove(dest, a1, 0x40uLL);
dest[64] = 0;
if ( !(unsigned int)BN_hex2bn() )
return 0LL;
if ( !(unsigned int)BN_hex2bn() )
return 0LL;
if ( !(unsigned int)EC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinates() )
return 0LL;
return v5;
Q:[a1,dest,v3,v4,v5,sub_401212,] | A:{'a1': 'pubxy', 'dest': 'x', 'v3': 'bny', 'v4': 'bnx', 'v5': 'key', 'sub_401212': 'hex2pubkey'} | |
2f87019bcafb28a2aa1cb80b55ea9b24b542c7cbbe0806344c2ec21759477cbf_2f87019bcafb28a2aa1cb80b55ea9b24b542c7cbbe0806344c2ec21759477cbf.jsonl.gz | sub_41B29A | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41B29A(_DWORD *a1, __int64 a2)
return sub_41B17B(a1, a2, 1);
Q:[a1,a2,sub_41B29A,sub_41B17B,] | A:{'a1': 'fiber', 'a2': 'value', 'sub_41B29A': 'janet_cancel', 'sub_41B17B': 'janet_schedule_signal'} | |
41d06854252dfb8c032727bb4e7d892e7ceacfe1eb0315c2ad0607148de08969_41d06854252dfb8c032727bb4e7d892e7ceacfe1eb0315c2ad0607148de08969.jsonl.gz | sub_405BBD | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_405BBD(const char *a1)
char s[128]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-80h] BYREF
while ( 1 )
printf("%s [Y/N]: ", a1);
fgets(s, 128, stdin);
if ( s[0] == 121 )
return 1LL;
if ( s[0] <= 121 )
if ( s[0] == 110 )
return 0LL;
if ( s[0] <= 110 )
puts("Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.");
if ( s[0] != 78 )
if ( s[0] == 89 )
return 1LL;
goto LABEL_9;
return 0LL;
Q:[a1,s,sub_405BBD,] | A:{'a1': 'prompt', 's': 'reply', 'sub_405BBD': 'yes_no'} | |
e21ee1127331112975520015498a17d58c54789e99022cdbe64ddc7645b5d66c_e21ee1127331112975520015498a17d58c54789e99022cdbe64ddc7645b5d66c.jsonl.gz | sub_44E37E | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_44E37E(__int64 a1, unsigned __int8 a2)
return *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8LL * a2 + 8);
Q:[a1,a2,sub_44E37E,] | A:{'a1': 'vm', 'a2': 'reg', 'sub_44E37E': 'riscv_read_register_7'} | |
42faebc29e6877a2606d36c9ee4a9acccbfddd98af102782d4cb07481a63ee48_42faebc29e6877a2606d36c9ee4a9acccbfddd98af102782d4cb07481a63ee48.jsonl.gz | sub_424ED7 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_424ED7(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)
__int16 v2; // dx
__int16 v3; // dx
__int64 result; // rax
*(double *)(a1 + 24) = *(double *)(a2 + 24) + *(double *)(a1 + 24);
*(double *)(a1 + 40) = *(double *)(a2 + 40) + *(double *)(a1 + 40);
if ( (*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8) & 0x20) == 0 )
*(double *)(a1 + 16) = *(double *)(a2 + 16) + *(double *)(a1 + 16);
*(double *)(a1 + 32) = *(double *)(a2 + 32) + *(double *)(a1 + 32);
if ( (*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8) & 3) == 3 )
if ( (*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8) & 2) != 0 )
v2 = *(_WORD *)(a2 + 184);
if ( v2 > *(__int16 *)(a1 + 184) )
v2 = *(_WORD *)(a1 + 184);
*(_WORD *)(a1 + 184) = v2;
v3 = *(_WORD *)(a2 + 186);
if ( v3 > *(__int16 *)(a1 + 186) )
v3 = *(_WORD *)(a1 + 186);
*(_WORD *)(a1 + 186) = v3;
*(_WORD *)(a1 + 184) = *(_WORD *)(a2 + 184);
*(_WORD *)(a1 + 186) = *(_WORD *)(a2 + 186);
*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8) |= 2u;
result = *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8) & 8;
if ( (_DWORD)result )
*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8) |= 8u;
if ( *(double *)(a1 + 48) <= 100000000.0 )
if ( *(double *)(a2 + 48) < 100000000.0 )
*(double *)(a1 + 48) = *(double *)(a2 + 48)
* *(double *)(a1 + 48)
/ (*(double *)(a2 + 48) + *(double *)(a1 + 48));
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 48) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 48);
if ( *(double *)(a1 + 64) <= 100000000.0 )
if ( *(double *)(a2 + 64) < 100000000.0 )
*(double *)(a1 + 64) = *(double *)(a2 + 64)
* *(double *)(a1 + 64)
/ (*(double *)(a2 + 64) + *(double *)(a1 + 64));
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 64) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 64);
if ( ((unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8) & (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8) & 1) != 0 )
if ( *(double *)(a1 + 56) <= 100000000.0 )
if ( *(double *)(a2 + 56) < 100000000.0 )
*(double *)(a1 + 56) = *(double *)(a2 + 56)
* *(double *)(a1 + 56)
/ (*(double *)(a2 + 56) + *(double *)(a1 + 56));
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 56) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 56);
if ( *(double *)(a1 + 72) <= 100000000.0 )
result = a2;
if ( *(double *)(a2 + 72) < 100000000.0 )
result = a1;
*(double *)(a1 + 72) = *(double *)(a2 + 72)
* *(double *)(a1 + 72)
/ (*(double *)(a2 + 72) + *(double *)(a1 + 72));
result = a1;
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 72);
else if ( (*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8) & 1) != 0 )
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 56) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 56);
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 72);
result = a1;
*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8) |= 1u;
if ( *(double *)(a1 + 56) > *(double *)(a2 + 56) )
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 56) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 56);
result = a1;
if ( *(double *)(a1 + 72) > *(double *)(a2 + 72) )
result = a1;
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 72);
return result;
Q:[a1,sub_424ED7,] | A:{'a1': 'r', 'sub_424ED7': 'parallel_op'} | |
2954c746386b679ec91901f40cababd226af864899b77eb9b01cf71ccddfb68d_2954c746386b679ec91901f40cababd226af864899b77eb9b01cf71ccddfb68d.jsonl.gz | sub_41BA06 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41BA06(__int64 a1)
__int64 v2; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]
__int64 v3; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
__int64 v4; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
v3 = sub_421A60(241LL, *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16));
v4 = sub_421A60(247LL, *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8)) + v3;
if ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + 32) && *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24) > 1uLL )
v4 += sub_421A60(21368LL, *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24));
v2 = v4 + sub_421A2B(183LL, v4);
return v2 + sub_421A60(179LL, *(_QWORD *)a1);
Q:[a1,v2,v3,sub_41BA06,sub_421A60,sub_421A2B,] | A:{'a1': 'this', 'v2': 'track_pos_size', 'v3': 'sizea', 'sub_41BA06': 'PayloadSize', 'sub_421A60': 'EbmlElementSize', 'sub_421A2B': 'EbmlMasterElementSize'} | |
74b93be29b886f02996dd82341e273fc6ded8145e7a7bad3f6303c5716197756_74b93be29b886f02996dd82341e273fc6ded8145e7a7bad3f6303c5716197756.jsonl.gz | sub_413432 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
void sub_413432()
Q:[sub_413432,] | A:{'sub_413432': 'new_allocator'} | |
2604678e7dff384eee802ca605db3687e7b0f99dd5e013598941564083275560_2604678e7dff384eee802ca605db3687e7b0f99dd5e013598941564083275560.jsonl.gz | sub_401593 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
int __fastcall sub_401593(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5)
double *v6; // rax
double v7; // xmm1_8
double v8; // xmm0_8
double *v9; // rax
double v10; // rbx
double v11; // xmm0_8
double v12; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-60h]
double v13; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-60h]
__int64 v17; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h]
__int64 v18; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h]
__int64 i; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-18h]
if ( !a1 )
return puts(" (failed)");
v18 = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8);
v17 = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16);
for ( i = 0LL; i < v18; ++i )
v6 = (double *)(16 * i + a4);
v7 = *v6;
v8 = v6[1];
v9 = (double *)(16 * i + a5);
*v9 = -v7;
v9[1] = -v8;
sub_403FB3(a2, a3, a5);
v10 = sub_4014D6(a5, v18);
if ( v17 )
v12 = sub_408CDC(a2);
v13 = sub_4014D6(a3, v17) * v12;
v11 = sub_4014D6(a4, v18) + v13;
v11 = 1.0;
return printf("resid: %8.2e\n", v10 / v11);
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v17,v18,sub_401593,sub_403FB3,sub_4014D6,sub_408CDC,] | A:{'a3': 'x', 'a4': 'b', 'a1': 'ok', 'a2': 'A', 'a5': 'resid', 'v17': 'n', 'v18': 'm', 'sub_401593': 'print_resid', 'sub_403FB3': 'cs_cl_gaxpy', 'sub_4014D6': 'norm', 'sub_408CDC': 'cs_cl_norm'} | |
cc514aea46329b2bbe7d1ede9a05315966bd71bcf8cc0ff6e5ffa267e88c9796_cc514aea46329b2bbe7d1ede9a05315966bd71bcf8cc0ff6e5ffa267e88c9796.jsonl.gz | sub_4480AE | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__m128i __fastcall sub_4480AE(__m128i a1, __m128i a2)
return _mm_cvtsi32_si128(COERCE_UNSIGNED_INT(COERCE_FLOAT(_mm_cvtsi128_si32(a1)) / COERCE_FLOAT(_mm_cvtsi128_si32(a2))));
Q:[a1,a2,sub_4480AE,] | A:{'a1': 'Left', 'a2': 'Right', 'sub_4480AE': 'FP_F_Div'} | |
f831702f41994ee170774af7a79dac102dd372be4a801864a0cdf0753939ec83_f831702f41994ee170774af7a79dac102dd372be4a801864a0cdf0753939ec83.jsonl.gz | sub_482E02 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 sub_482E02()
return 1LL;
Q:[sub_482E02,] | A:{'sub_482E02': 'pcrematch'} | |
d38b641159c9df1b4688a4c8c8443c8c7907254ac799e9fb8b49a100c919ec59_d38b641159c9df1b4688a4c8c8443c8c7907254ac799e9fb8b49a100c919ec59.jsonl.gz | sub_40B288 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
int sub_40B288(const char *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, ...)
int result; // eax
gcc_va_list arg; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-C8h] BYREF
__int64 v8; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-A8h]
__int64 v9; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-A0h]
__int64 v10; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-98h]
__int64 v11; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-90h]
__int64 v12; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-88h]
v8 = a2;
v9 = a3;
v10 = a4;
v11 = a5;
v12 = a6;
result = (unsigned __int8)byte_47CFD7;
if ( !byte_47CFD7 )
arg[0].gp_offset = 8;
va_start(arg, a6);
vfprintf(stderr, a1, arg);
result = fputc(10, stderr);
return result;
Q:[a1,arg,sub_40B288,sub_40B24C,sub_40901E,] | A:{'a1': 'format', 'arg': 'ap', 'sub_40B288': 'as_warn', 'sub_40B24C': 'print_architecture_banner', 'sub_40901E': 'as_where'} | |
ed44ca9dcc1242045d57739612f7f576c6fb3ac81cc29b7aa045231f88565267_ed44ca9dcc1242045d57739612f7f576c6fb3ac81cc29b7aa045231f88565267.jsonl.gz | sub_42D820 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_42D820(__int64 a1, char *a2, int a3)
int v4; // eax
char *v5; // r12
int v6; // er13
int v7; // er14
int v8; // eax
const char **v9; // rbx
int v11[11]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-2Ch] BYREF
if ( a2 )
if ( a3 > 0 )
v4 = snprintf(a2, a3, "%s ", *(const char **)a1);
v11[0] = 0;
v5 = &a2[v4];
v6 = a3 - v4;
v7 = v4;
if ( !*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) )
goto LABEL_6;
v8 = snprintf(v5, v6, "%s=\"%s\"", "realm", *(const char **)(a1 + 32));
if ( v8 > 0 )
v11[0] += v8;
if ( (!*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72)
|| (unsigned __int8)sub_42D4D0((__int64)v5, v11, v6, "domain", (const char **)(a1 + 64)))
&& (!*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 104)
|| (unsigned __int8)sub_42D4D0((__int64)v5, v11, v6, "nonce", (const char **)(a1 + 96)))
&& (!*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 136)
|| (unsigned __int8)sub_42D4D0((__int64)v5, v11, v6, "opaque", (const char **)(a1 + 128)))
&& (!*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 168)
|| (unsigned __int8)sub_42D460((__int64)v5, v11, v6, "stale", (const char **)(a1 + 160)))
&& (!*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 200)
|| (unsigned __int8)sub_42D460((__int64)v5, v11, v6, "algorithm", (const char **)(a1 + 192)))
&& (!*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 232)
|| (unsigned __int8)sub_42D460((__int64)v5, v11, v6, "qop", (const char **)(a1 + 224))) )
v9 = *(const char ***)(a1 + 256);
if ( v9 == (const char **)(a1 + 256) )
return (unsigned int)(v7 + v11[0]);
while ( !v9[7] || (unsigned __int8)sub_42D460((__int64)v5, v11, v6, v9[2], v9 + 6) )
v9 = (const char **)*v9;
if ( v9 == (const char **)(a1 + 256) )
return (unsigned int)(v7 + v11[0]);
return 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
return 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
return 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,v11,sub_42D820,sub_42D4D0,sub_42D460,] | A:{'a3': 'iTextSize', 'a1': 'this', 'a2': 'pszText', 'v11': 'iPos', 'sub_42D820': 'ToString', 'sub_42D4D0': 'SetQuoteString', 'sub_42D460': 'SetString'} | |
d20d5d136ed82a5a36fdeedd4c3a30a62ee46f8e0365a7e4e8f0c462411d4a2f_d20d5d136ed82a5a36fdeedd4c3a30a62ee46f8e0365a7e4e8f0c462411d4a2f.jsonl.gz | sub_4940B5 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_4940B5(const struct dirent *a1)
if ( !strcmp(a1->d_name, ".") )
return 0LL;
if ( !strcmp(a1->d_name, "..") )
return 0LL;
return a1->d_type == 4;
Q:[a1,sub_4940B5,] | A:{'a1': 'd', 'sub_4940B5': 'filter_directories'} | |
76c05f321c4703deb67fa538c2cf508c66723817fc1ebd22a9f48d40487c4c60_76c05f321c4703deb67fa538c2cf508c66723817fc1ebd22a9f48d40487c4c60.jsonl.gz | sub_493197 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
double *__fastcall sub_493197(__int64 a1, double *a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4)
double *result; // rax
double v5; // xmm0_8
double v6; // xmm0_8
double v7; // xmm0_8
double v9; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-28h]
double v10; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-20h]
double v11; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-18h]
unsigned int i; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-Ch]
v9 = *a2 / 2.0;
v10 = a2[1] / 2.0;
result = a2;
v11 = a2[2] / 2.0;
for ( i = 0; i <= 7; ++i )
if ( (i & 1) != 0 )
v5 = v9;
v5 = -v9;
*(double *)(a1 + 24LL * i) = v5;
if ( (i & 2) != 0 )
v6 = v10;
v6 = -v10;
*(double *)(a1 + 24LL * i + 8) = v6;
if ( (i & 4) != 0 )
v7 = v11;
v7 = -v11;
result = (double *)(a1 + 24LL * i + 16);
*result = v7;
if ( a3 )
result = (double *)sub_493722(a1, 0LL, a3);
if ( a4 )
result = (double *)sub_493765(a1, a4);
return result;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v9,v10,v11,i,sub_493197,sub_493722,sub_493765,] | A:{'a3': 'rot', 'a4': 'shift', 'a1': 'cub', 'a2': 'size', 'v9': 's', 'v10': 's_8', 'v11': 's_16', 'i': 'p', 'sub_493197': 'CreateCuboid', 'sub_493722': 'RotateCuboid', 'sub_493765': 'ShiftCuboid'} | |
9895acc23197a78b016e2ef6f09316b4db6f035f5b78cc4137e999b9fe3548fe_9895acc23197a78b016e2ef6f09316b4db6f035f5b78cc4137e999b9fe3548fe.jsonl.gz | sub_43D3F6 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_BYTE *__fastcall sub_43D3F6(const void *a1, int a2, _DWORD *a3)
_BYTE *result; // rax
_BYTE *v4; // rdx
char v5; // al
char v7[131080]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20040h] BYREF
_BYTE *v8; // [rsp+20028h] [rbp-38h]
int v9; // [rsp+20034h] [rbp-2Ch]
__int64 v10; // [rsp+20038h] [rbp-28h]
void *dest; // [rsp+20040h] [rbp-20h]
_BYTE *v12; // [rsp+20048h] [rbp-18h]
int j; // [rsp+20050h] [rbp-10h]
int i; // [rsp+20054h] [rbp-Ch]
void *ptr; // [rsp+20058h] [rbp-8h]
if ( a2 > 0 )
v12 = malloc(3 * a2 + 1);
if ( !v12 )
sub_43C17F("out of memory");
dest = &v12[a2 + 1];
memcpy(dest, a1, a2);
memcpy((char *)dest + a2, a1, a2);
ptr = v7;
if ( a2 > 0x4000 )
ptr = malloc(8LL * a2);
if ( !ptr )
sub_43C17F("out of memory");
for ( i = 0; i < a2; ++i )
*((_QWORD *)ptr + i) = (char *)dest + i;
v10 = *(_QWORD *)ptr;
if ( a2 <= 63 )
if ( a2 > 1 )
sub_43DEB9(ptr, (unsigned int)a2, (unsigned int)a2, 0LL);
sub_43DB4C(ptr, (unsigned int)a2, (unsigned int)a2, 0xFFFFFFFFLL);
for ( j = 0; j < a2; ++j )
v9 = *((_DWORD *)ptr + 2 * j) - v10;
if ( v9 )
v4 = &v12[j];
v5 = *((_BYTE *)a1 + v9 - 1);
*a3 = j;
v4 = &v12[j];
v5 = *((_BYTE *)a1 + a2 - 1);
*v4 = v5;
if ( ptr != v7 )
v12[a2] = 0;
result = v12;
*a3 = 0;
v8 = malloc(1uLL);
if ( !v8 )
sub_43C17F("out of memory");
*v8 = 0;
result = v8;
return result;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,v7,v8,v9,v10,dest,v12,j,ptr,sub_43D3F6,sub_43C17F,sub_43DEB9,sub_43DB4C,] | A:{'a3': 'idxp', 'a1': 'ptr', 'a2': 'size', 'v7': 'abuf', 'v8': 'rv', 'v9': 'idx', 'v10': 'fp', 'dest': 'tp', 'v12': 'result', 'j': 'i_0', 'ptr': 'arrays', 'sub_43D3F6': 'tcbwtencode', 'sub_43C17F': 'tcmyfatal', 'sub_43DEB9': 'tcbwtsortstrinsert', 'sub_43DB4C': 'tcbwtsortstrcount'} | |
6fd2ff4fc81fbb5b93e9d6eeb385b761c605441d3171a330123113cee0972421_6fd2ff4fc81fbb5b93e9d6eeb385b761c605441d3171a330123113cee0972421.jsonl.gz | main | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
void __fastcall __noreturn main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3)
_QWORD *v3; // rax
_QWORD *v4; // rax
_QWORD *v5; // rax
_QWORD *v6; // rax
float v7; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-C8h]
unsigned int v8; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-C4h]
char s[128]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-B0h] BYREF
_QWORD *v10; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp-30h]
__int64 v11; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-28h]
_QWORD *v12; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp-20h]
FILE *stream; // [rsp+C8h] [rbp-18h]
uint32_t hostlong[2]; // [rsp+D0h] [rbp-10h]
_QWORD *v15; // [rsp+D8h] [rbp-8h]
*(_QWORD *)hostlong = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
if ( a1 <= 1 )
printf("Usage: %s <TCP stream>\n", *a2);
stream = fopen(a2[1], "r");
if ( !stream )
printf("File %s doesn't seem to exist\n", a2[1]);
v12 = malloc(0x28uLL);
if ( !v12 )
perror("Allocating p-trie node");
v3 = v12;
*v12 = 0LL;
v3[1] = 0LL;
v3[2] = 0LL;
v3[3] = 0LL;
v3[4] = 0LL;
v12[1] = malloc(0x10uLL);
if ( !v12[1] )
perror("Allocating p-trie mask data");
v4 = (_QWORD *)v12[1];
*v4 = 0LL;
v4[1] = 0LL;
v11 = v12[1];
*(_QWORD *)(v11 + 8) = malloc(0x10uLL);
if ( !*(_QWORD *)(v11 + 8) )
perror("Allocating p-trie mask's node data");
**(_BYTE **)(v11 + 8) = 0;
*((_BYTE *)v12 + 16) = 1;
v12[4] = v12;
v12[3] = v12[4];
while ( fgets(s, 128, stream) )
v15 = malloc(0x28uLL);
if ( !v15 )
perror("Allocating p-trie node");
v5 = v15;
*v15 = 0LL;
v5[1] = 0LL;
v5[2] = 0LL;
v5[3] = 0LL;
v5[4] = 0LL;
v15[1] = malloc(0x10uLL);
if ( !v15[1] )
perror("Allocating p-trie mask data");
v6 = (_QWORD *)v15[1];
*v6 = 0LL;
v6[1] = 0LL;
v11 = v15[1];
*(_QWORD *)(v11 + 8) = malloc(0x10uLL);
if ( !*(_QWORD *)(v11 + 8) )
perror("Allocating p-trie mask's node data");
**(_BYTE **)(v11 + 8) = 0;
*v15 = v8;
*(_QWORD *)v15[1] = htonl(hostlong[0]);
v10 = (_QWORD *)sub_401EB6(v8, v12);
if ( *v10 == v8 )
printf("%f %08x: ", v7, v8);
v15 = (_QWORD *)sub_401740(v15, v12);
if ( !v15 )
fwrite("Failed on pat_insert\n", 1uLL, 0x15uLL, stderr);
Q:[a2,a3,a1,v7,v8,s,v10,v11,v12,stream,hostlong,v15,sub_401EB6,sub_401740,] | A:{'a2': 'argv', 'a3': 'envp', 'a1': 'argc', 'v7': 'time', 'v8': 'addr', 's': 'line', 'v10': 'pfind', 'v11': 'pm', 'v12': 'phead', 'stream': 'fp', 'hostlong': 'mask', 'v15': 'p', 'sub_401EB6': 'pat_search', 'sub_401740': 'pat_insert'} | |
5a026635d57cc6473d11eb7eb652bbb3c57efccb736bf2f8a8b3646b27f849e6_5a026635d57cc6473d11eb7eb652bbb3c57efccb736bf2f8a8b3646b27f849e6.jsonl.gz | sub_410414 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_WORD *__fastcall sub_410414(__int64 a1)
__int64 v1; // rax
__int64 v2; // rax
__int16 v3; // bx
__int16 v4; // bx
_WORD *result; // rax
char v6; // [rsp+7h] [rbp-29h] BYREF
__int64 v7; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-28h] BYREF
__int64 v8; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
__int16 v9[5]; // [rsp+1Eh] [rbp-12h] BYREF
v7 = a1;
v1 = sub_40D58C((__int64)&v7);
v9[0] = *(_WORD *)sub_40D59D(v1);
v8 = v7;
while ( (unsigned __int8)sub_41102C(&v6, v9, v8) )
v2 = sub_40D58C((__int64)&v8);
v3 = *(_WORD *)sub_40D59D(v2);
*(_WORD *)sub_40D58C((__int64)&v7) = v3;
v7 = v8;
v4 = *(_WORD *)sub_40D59D((__int64)v9);
result = (_WORD *)sub_40D58C((__int64)&v7);
*result = v4;
return result;
Q:[sub_410414,sub_40D58C,sub_40D59D,sub_410F64,sub_41102C,] | A:{'sub_410414': 'allocator', 'sub_40D58C': 'operator*', 'sub_40D59D': 'move', 'sub_410F64': 'operator--', 'sub_41102C': 'allocator'} | |
52304f58fcc9ab3a0cdd7d4aed0f9528af9d9ebd823601e936453689219b88b5_52304f58fcc9ab3a0cdd7d4aed0f9528af9d9ebd823601e936453689219b88b5.jsonl.gz | sub_40E34D | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_40E34D(_DWORD *a1, __int16 a2, __int16 a3, __int16 a4, const char *a5)
__int16 v5; // ax
int v6; // edx
char v9[2]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-40h] BYREF
__int16 v10; // [rsp+32h] [rbp-3Eh]
char v11; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-3Ch]
char v12[43]; // [rsp+3Dh] [rbp-33h] BYREF
unsigned int v13; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-8h]
unsigned __int16 v14; // [rsp+6Eh] [rbp-2h]
v5 = a3 * (a1[9] / a1[10]);
if ( 2 * (unsigned __int64)(unsigned int)(a1[9] / a1[10]) < (unsigned int)a1[10] )
LOWORD(v6) = 1;
v6 = 2 * (unsigned __int64)(unsigned int)(a1[9] / a1[10]) / (unsigned int)a1[10];
v14 = v5 + v6 + a4;
if ( a2 == -1 || !a2 || a2 >= 0 )
return 4294957226LL;
v13 = sub_405002((__int64)a1, 21, 0LL, a1[7] + (unsigned int)v14 * a1[10], 0x2Eu, v9);
if ( (v13 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
return v13;
if ( !v10 && (v11 & 0xC2) == 192 && !strcmp(a5, v12) )
return 0LL;
return 4294957226LL;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v9,v13,v14,sub_40E34D,sub_405002,] | A:{'a3': 'bix', 'a4': 'ix_entry', 'a1': 'fs_0', 'a2': 'obj_id', 'a5': 'user_const_p', 'v9': 'objix_hdr', 'v13': 'res', 'v14': 'pix', 'sub_40E34D': 'spiffs_object_find_object_index_header_by_name_v', 'sub_405002': 'spiffs_phys_rd'} | |
552648330d8e56cb3c091c2c1c2e19c4189791830acc232658290a0e8dbf3e96_552648330d8e56cb3c091c2c1c2e19c4189791830acc232658290a0e8dbf3e96.jsonl.gz | sub_4101A0 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
int __fastcall sub_4101A0(int fildes, struct stat *stat_buf)
return __fxstat(1, fildes, stat_buf);
Q:[sub_4101A0,] | A:{'sub_4101A0': 'fstat'} | |
473b941682ea09b07b603dfb71d2a7d8480485ec92dc551c93613ac8ed3c5b1d_473b941682ea09b07b603dfb71d2a7d8480485ec92dc551c93613ac8ed3c5b1d.jsonl.gz | sub_4252C7 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_4252C7(double *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
double *v3; // rdx
__int64 v4; // rcx
__int64 result; // rax
__int64 v6; // rdx
double *v7; // rax
__int64 v8; // rdx
double *v9; // rax
__int64 v10; // rdx
double *v11; // rax
__int64 v12; // rdx
double *v13; // rax
__int64 v14; // rdx
double *v15; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-28h]
int i; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]
mcount(a1, a2, a3);
v15 = v3;
if ( (int)a2 > 0 )
if ( (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)v3 == 2 )
v6 = *((_QWORD *)v3 + 1);
*a1 = *v15;
*((_QWORD *)a1 + 1) = v6;
for ( i = 1; i < (int)a2; ++i )
if ( (unsigned __int8)LODWORD(v15[2 * i]) != 2 )
goto LABEL_4;
if ( (LODWORD(v15[2 * i]) & 0x100) != 0 )
if ( (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)a1 == 2 && (*(_DWORD *)a1 & 0x100) != 0 )
if ( a1[1] > v15[2 * i + 1] )
v7 = &v15[2 * i];
v8 = *((_QWORD *)v7 + 1);
*a1 = *v7;
*((_QWORD *)a1 + 1) = v8;
else if ( (double)(int)*((_QWORD *)a1 + 1) > v15[2 * i + 1] )
v9 = &v15[2 * i];
v10 = *((_QWORD *)v9 + 1);
*a1 = *v9;
*((_QWORD *)a1 + 1) = v10;
else if ( (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)a1 == 2 && (*(_DWORD *)a1 & 0x100) != 0 )
if ( a1[1] > (double)(int)*(_QWORD *)&v15[2 * i + 1] )
v11 = &v15[2 * i];
v12 = *((_QWORD *)v11 + 1);
*a1 = *v11;
*((_QWORD *)a1 + 1) = v12;
else if ( *(_QWORD *)&v15[2 * i + 1] < *((_QWORD *)a1 + 1) )
v13 = &v15[2 * i];
v14 = *((_QWORD *)v13 + 1);
*a1 = *v13;
*((_QWORD *)a1 + 1) = v14;
result = 0LL;
spn_ctx_runtime_error(v4, (__int64)"arguments must be numbers", 0LL);
result = 4294967294LL;
spn_ctx_runtime_error(v4, (__int64)"at least one argument is required", 0LL);
result = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
return result;
Q:[a3,a2,v11,v15,sub_4252C7,] | A:{'a3': 'argv', 'a2': 'argc', 'v11': 'result', 'v15': 'argva', 'sub_4252C7': 'rtlb_min'} | |
8637b53fba300d2bbda36edc905b4ce0ac17bbe93b75784d9e0ff8ef770869f2_8637b53fba300d2bbda36edc905b4ce0ac17bbe93b75784d9e0ff8ef770869f2.jsonl.gz | sub_42BA60 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_42BA60(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)
__int64 result; // rax
unsigned int v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h] BYREF
_BOOL4 v4; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]
unsigned int v5; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]
unsigned int v6; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-Ch]
__int64 v7; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
v7 = a2;
v6 = *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 56);
v5 = sub_42B6D2(a1, *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 112) - 16LL);
if ( *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 60) )
return 0LL;
if ( v5 < v6 )
v4 = sub_42B798(a1, a2, v6, v5, 0, &v3);
*(_DWORD *)(v7 + 56) = v3;
result = v4;
*(_DWORD *)(v7 + 56) = v5;
result = 1LL;
return result;
Q:[a1,a2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,sub_42BA60,sub_42B6D2,sub_42B798,] | A:{'a1': 'thr', 'a2': 'obj', 'v3': 'result_len', 'v4': 'rc', 'v5': 'new_len', 'v6': 'old_len', 'v7': 'a', 'sub_42BA60': 'duk__handle_put_array_length', 'sub_42B6D2': 'duk__to_new_array_length_checked', 'sub_42B798': 'duk__handle_put_array_length_smaller'} | |
44e8aed08fe933b793e356a871e8f31cdd3a534e9dca1fb63610d519aee2b0ea_44e8aed08fe933b793e356a871e8f31cdd3a534e9dca1fb63610d519aee2b0ea.jsonl.gz | sub_45C836 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
void sub_45C836()
Q:[sub_45C836,] | A:{'sub_45C836': 'new_allocator'} | |
18ff9bd9c1637b628af63c86f48edfbee6b6b7371ac92f808a17f2cbb8eb4fe5_18ff9bd9c1637b628af63c86f48edfbee6b6b7371ac92f808a17f2cbb8eb4fe5.jsonl.gz | sub_4077AE | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_4077AE(__int64 a1)
unsigned __int8 v2; // [rsp+15h] [rbp-3h]
unsigned __int8 v3; // [rsp+16h] [rbp-2h]
v3 = sub_403B0B(
*(_BYTE *)(a1
+ (*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)a1 + (unsigned __int16)(*(_WORD *)(a1 + 296) & *(_WORD *)(a1 + 8))) & 1)
+ 8 * (((int)*(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 248) >> 3) & 3)
+ 26));
v2 = *(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)a1 + ((*(unsigned __int16 *)(a1 + 296) + 1) & (unsigned int)*(unsigned __int16 *)(a1 + 8)));
if ( v3 >= v2 )
*(_BYTE *)(a1 + 248) &= 0x7Fu;
*(_BYTE *)(a1 + 248) |= 0x80u;
if ( v3 == v2 )
*(_WORD *)(a1 + 296) += 3;
*(_WORD *)(a1 + 296) += *(char *)(*(_QWORD *)a1
+ ((*(unsigned __int16 *)(a1 + 296) + 2) & (unsigned int)*(unsigned __int16 *)(a1 + 8)))
+ 3;
return 1LL;
Q:[a1,v2,v3,sub_4077AE,sub_403B0B,] | A:{'a1': 'aCPU', 'v2': 'value2', 'v3': 'value1', 'sub_4077AE': 'cjne_indir_rx_imm_offset', 'sub_403B0B': 'read_mem_indir'} | |
b7c605c0d02930034284e41b494d984919dd48794f6c7f38c3a390dd290e7f5e_b7c605c0d02930034284e41b494d984919dd48794f6c7f38c3a390dd290e7f5e.jsonl.gz | sub_40173A | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
void __fastcall sub_40173A(_DWORD *a1)
int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]
if ( *a1 != 1 )
__assert_fail("a->ref == 1", "stable.c", 0xEAu, "_delete_array");
for ( i = 0; i < a1[1]; ++i )
sub_4016E2((__int64)&a1[4 * i + 2]);
Q:[a1,sub_40173A,sub_4016E2,] | A:{'a1': 'a', 'sub_40173A': '_delete_array', 'sub_4016E2': '_clear_value'} | |
e75abb83d2b32eafb3b1ba5f14cbfd28cf6afef01d1bc62076b5ecd1d78019e6_e75abb83d2b32eafb3b1ba5f14cbfd28cf6afef01d1bc62076b5ecd1d78019e6.jsonl.gz | sub_44538C | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_44538C(int a1)
if ( a1 == 4 )
return 5LL;
if ( a1 <= 4 )
switch ( a1 )
case 3:
return 4LL;
case 1:
return 1LL;
case 2:
return 2LL;
return 3LL;
Q:[a1,sub_44538C,] | A:{'a1': 'mode', 'sub_44538C': 'convertMode'} | |
2954c746386b679ec91901f40cababd226af864899b77eb9b01cf71ccddfb68d_2954c746386b679ec91901f40cababd226af864899b77eb9b01cf71ccddfb68d.jsonl.gz | sub_412A22 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_412A22(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, _QWORD *a5)
__int64 result; // rax
_QWORD *v6; // rbx
int v10; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-1Ch]
if ( *a5 )
return -1LL;
v6 = (_QWORD *)operator new(0xA0uLL, (const std::nothrow_t *)&std::nothrow);
if ( v6 )
sub_412870(v6, a1, a3, a4);
if ( !v6 )
return -1LL;
v10 = sub_412D00(a2, v6 + 4);
if ( v10 )
(*(void (__fastcall **)(_QWORD *))(*v6 + 8LL))(v6);
result = v10;
*a5 = v6;
result = 0LL;
return result;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v10,sub_412A22,sub_412870,sub_412D00,] | A:{'a3': 'element_start', 'a4': 'element_size', 'a1': 'pSegment', 'a2': 'info', 'a5': 'pResult', 'v10': 'status', 'sub_412A22': 'Create', 'sub_412870': 'Track', 'sub_412D00': 'Copy'} | |
819877a5309a852874e6ff60e55ac0b31c9d82ad9eca5ccd226cbb9e62c77eb8_819877a5309a852874e6ff60e55ac0b31c9d82ad9eca5ccd226cbb9e62c77eb8.jsonl.gz | sub_40A94E | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_40A94E(__int64 a1, _BYTE *a2, _BYTE *a3, const char *a4, int a5)
int v9; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-48h]
char *v10; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-40h]
char *v11; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-30h]
char *ptr; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-20h]
int v13; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-18h]
__int64 v14; // [rsp+6Ch] [rbp-14h]
_BYTE *v15; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-10h]
_BYTE *v16; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-8h]
ptr = (char *)calloc(0x1000uLL, 1uLL);
v11 = (char *)calloc(0x1000uLL, 1uLL);
v10 = (char *)calloc(0x1000uLL, 1uLL);
if ( *a3 )
v15 = sub_4042B2(a2, (__int64)v11, 0x1000uLL);
v16 = sub_4042B2(a3, (__int64)ptr, 0x1000uLL);
while ( v16 || v15 )
v9 = sub_403A3F(a1, v11, ptr, 0);
if ( v9 )
LODWORD(v14) = v9;
goto LABEL_24;
v15 = sub_4042B2(v15, (__int64)v11, 0x1000uLL);
if ( v15 )
v13 = 0;
v14 = (unsigned int)sub_4048B9((unsigned int *)a1, a4, 1);
if ( (_DWORD)v14 == 1 )
goto LABEL_24;
if ( (_DWORD)v14 == 3 )
if ( a5 && (_DWORD)v14 != 4 && !(unsigned int)sub_402FE1(v10, 4096, *(const char **)(a1 + 32)) )
LODWORD(v14) = sub_403164(a1, "string too long");
goto LABEL_24;
v15 = sub_4042B2(a2, (__int64)v11, 0x1000uLL);
v13 = 1;
if ( v16 )
v16 = sub_4042B2(v16, (__int64)ptr, 0x1000uLL);
if ( !v16 && v13 )
if ( !v16 )
*ptr = 0;
LODWORD(v14) = sub_4030E1(a1, v10);
LODWORD(v14) = 0;
return (unsigned int)v14;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v9,v10,v11,ptr,v13,v14,v15,v16,sub_40A94E,sub_4042B2,sub_403A3F,sub_4048B9,sub_402FE1,sub_403164,sub_4030E1,] | A:{'a3': 'list', 'a4': 'body', 'a1': 'interp', 'a2': 'vars', 'a5': 'accumulate', 'v9': 'set_rc', 'v10': 'result', 'v11': 'buf2', 'ptr': 'buf', 'v13': 'done', 'v14': 'rc', 'v15': 'varp', 'v16': 'cp', 'sub_40A94E': 'picolLmap', 'sub_4042B2': 'picolListHead', 'sub_403A3F': 'picolSetVar2', 'sub_4048B9': 'picolEval2', 'sub_402FE1': 'picolLappend', 'sub_403164': 'picolErr', 'sub_4030E1': 'picolSetResult'} | |
05b1d549ca4ce6b6165ba1d2d0151781197ce50d87bbd8b958056cc0f95c3630_05b1d549ca4ce6b6165ba1d2d0151781197ce50d87bbd8b958056cc0f95c3630.jsonl.gz | sub_4263C4 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_4263C4(const char *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, unsigned int a5)
__int64 result; // rax
__int64 v9; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h]
FILE *stream; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]
stream = sub_425DB3(a1, "rb");
if ( stream )
v9 = sub_426441(stream, a2, a3, a4, a5);
result = v9;
sub_425536((unsigned __int64)"can't fopen");
result = 0LL;
return result;
Q:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v9,stream,sub_4263C4,sub_425DB3,sub_426441,sub_425536,] | A:{'a3': 'y', 'a4': 'comp', 'a1': 'filename', 'a2': 'x', 'a5': 'req_comp', 'v9': 'result', 'stream': 'f', 'sub_4263C4': 'stbi_loadf', 'sub_425DB3': 'stbi__fopen', 'sub_426441': 'stbi_loadf_from_file', 'sub_425536': 'stbi__err'} | |
8e89f9502949c1a463a3dd08a58c3c7a60591689c0f4de603abd6f5993935ae2_8e89f9502949c1a463a3dd08a58c3c7a60591689c0f4de603abd6f5993935ae2.jsonl.gz | sub_41E714 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_41E714(__int64 a1, char a2, int a3)
*(_DWORD *)a1 = sub_41E6FD(a3 + 1);
*(_BYTE *)(a1 + 4) = a2;
return a1 + 5;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_41E714,sub_41E6FD,] | A:{'a3': 'size', 'a1': 'p', 'a2': 'id', 'sub_41E714': 'as_command_write_field_header_1', 'sub_41E6FD': 'cf_swap_to_be32_1'} | |
ed16c4089344b4fe60db6a23a873bd8c16d73b96398f0534f78761039f2222dd_ed16c4089344b4fe60db6a23a873bd8c16d73b96398f0534f78761039f2222dd.jsonl.gz | sub_409967 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
char *__fastcall sub_409967(const char *a1, char a2, char a3)
char *result; // rax
for ( result = strchr(a1, a2); result; result = strchr(result + 1, a2) )
*result = a3;
return result;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_409967,] | A:{'a3': 'replace', 'a1': 'str', 'a2': 'find', 'sub_409967': 'string_replace_all_chars'} | |
7219b0ef569734ba548000b39f891b63e71d053f533c94257503597f308a3fd2_7219b0ef569734ba548000b39f891b63e71d053f533c94257503597f308a3fd2.jsonl.gz | sub_415CCE | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_415CCE(_BYTE *a1, unsigned int a2)
_BYTE *v2; // rax
__int64 result; // rax
while ( 1 )
result = a2--;
if ( !(_DWORD)result )
v2 = a1++;
*v2 = 0;
return result;
Q:[a1,a2,sub_415CCE,] | A:{'a1': 'mem', 'a2': 'len', 'sub_415CCE': 'ForceZero_1'} | |
2f87019bcafb28a2aa1cb80b55ea9b24b542c7cbbe0806344c2ec21759477cbf_2f87019bcafb28a2aa1cb80b55ea9b24b542c7cbbe0806344c2ec21759477cbf.jsonl.gz | sub_43AE53 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_43AE53(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2)
__int64 v2; // rcx
__int64 v3; // r8
__int64 v4; // r9
__int64 v5; // rdx
__int64 v6; // rcx
__int64 v7; // r8
__int64 v8; // r9
__int64 v9; // rdx
__int64 v10; // rcx
__int64 v11; // r8
__int64 v12; // r9
int v13; // eax
int *v14; // rax
char *v15; // rax
__int64 v16; // r8
__int64 v17; // r9
const char *v19; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]
const char *v20; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
sub_40C49D(a1, 2, 3, v2, v3, v4);
v20 = (const char *)sub_40D2A2(a2, 0, v5, v6, v7, v8);
v19 = (const char *)sub_40D2A2(a2, 1, v9, v10, v11, v12);
if ( a1 != 3
|| (*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16) & 0xFFFF800000000000LL) == 0xFFF8800000000000LL
|| (*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16) & 0xFFFF800000000000LL) == 0xFFF9000000000000LL && (*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16) & 1LL) == 0 )
v13 = link(v20, v19);
v13 = symlink(v20, v19);
if ( v13 == -1 )
v14 = __errno_location();
v15 = strerror(*v14);
sub_40C286((__int64)"%s: %s -> %s", (__int64)v15, (__int64)v20, (__int64)v19, v16, v17);
return sub_462D8A(0xFFF8800000000001LL);
Q:[a1,a2,v19,v20,sub_43AE53,sub_462479,sub_40C49D,sub_40D2A2,sub_40C286,sub_462D8A,] | A:{'a1': 'argc', 'a2': 'argv', 'v19': 'newpath', 'v20': 'oldpath', 'sub_43AE53': 'os_link', 'sub_462479': 'janet_sandbox_assert', 'sub_40C49D': 'janet_arity', 'sub_40D2A2': 'janet_getcstring', 'sub_40C286': 'janet_panicf', 'sub_462D8A': 'janet_nanbox_from_bits'} | |
a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4_a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4.jsonl.gz | sub_45D3C8 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_45D3C8(__int64 a1, unsigned __int64 a2, const char *a3)
__int64 v3; // rbx
__int64 v4; // rbx
unsigned __int64 v5; // rax
unsigned __int64 v6; // rax
__int64 result; // rax
unsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
__int64 v10; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h]
__int64 v11; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v12; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]
v10 = a1;
v9 = a2;
v3 = sub_46BBEC(a1);
if ( v3 - sub_46BC0E(a1) < a2 )
v4 = sub_46BC0E(v10);
v11 = sub_46BC0E(v10);
v12 = v4 + *sub_43D8EC(&v11, &v9);
v5 = sub_46BC0E(v10);
if ( v12 >= v5 && (v6 = sub_46BBEC(v10), v12 <= v6) )
result = v12;
result = sub_46BBEC(v10);
return result;
Q:[sub_45D3C8,sub_46BBEC,sub_46BC0E,sub_43D8EC,] | A:{'sub_45D3C8': '_M_check_len', 'sub_46BBEC': 'max_size', 'sub_46BC0E': 'size', 'sub_43D8EC': 'max'} | |
490f24084e529343bc00db674ae5939b7b6bd6082a9779a468c0686067b25edf_490f24084e529343bc00db674ae5939b7b6bd6082a9779a468c0686067b25edf.jsonl.gz | sub_429B65 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
void __fastcall sub_429B65()
__int64 v0; // rbp
__int64 v1; // rax
*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 4400) = *(_QWORD *)(v0 - 40);
*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 40) += 8LL;
*(double *)(v0 - 4408) = sub_40C846(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * **(_QWORD **)(v0 - 4400) + *(_QWORD *)(v0 - 24)));
*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 4416) = *(_QWORD *)(v0 - 40);
*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 40) += 8LL;
*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 4424) = **(_QWORD **)(v0 - 4416);
if ( *(double *)(v0 - 4424) <= *(double *)(v0 - 4408) )
v1 = **(_QWORD **)(v0 - 40);
v1 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 40) + 8LL);
*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 40) = v1;
*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 4432) = *(_QWORD *)(v0 - 40);
*(_QWORD *)(v0 - 40) += 8LL;
Q:[sub_429B65,sub_40C846,] | A:{'sub_429B65': 'do_fblt_rfll', 'sub_40C846': 'vm_box_to_double_0'} | |
36716f0adfa2aecbbf781b8c95cb52d5fd2fa084e13a8e4a56985604300627fe_36716f0adfa2aecbbf781b8c95cb52d5fd2fa084e13a8e4a56985604300627fe.jsonl.gz | sub_404B70 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_404B70(int *a1, __int64 a2)
int v2; // eax
unsigned int v3; // eax
char v4; // edx^2
__int64 result; // rax
v2 = *a1;
qword_60B378 = (__int64)a1;
*(_DWORD *)a2 = v2;
*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 4) = a1[1];
*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8) = a1[2];
v3 = a1[3];
*(_WORD *)(a2 + 12) = v3;
v4 = BYTE2(v3);
result = HIBYTE(v3);
*(_BYTE *)(a2 + 15) = result;
*(_BYTE *)(a2 + 14) = v4;
return result;
Q:[a1,a2,sub_404B70,] | A:{'a1': 'md', 'a2': 'out', 'sub_404B70': 'mdfour_result'} | |
d20d5d136ed82a5a36fdeedd4c3a30a62ee46f8e0365a7e4e8f0c462411d4a2f_d20d5d136ed82a5a36fdeedd4c3a30a62ee46f8e0365a7e4e8f0c462411d4a2f.jsonl.gz | packed_buffer_queue_combine | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
int *__fastcall packed_buffer_queue_combine(size_t *a1, pthread_mutex_t *a2)
int *result; // rax
unsigned int size; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-1Ch]
_QWORD *size_4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]
size_t size_4a; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]
int *v6; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]
size = 0;
for ( size_4 = (_QWORD *)*a1; size_4; size_4 = (_QWORD *)size_4[1] )
size += *(_DWORD *)(*size_4 + 12LL);
if ( size )
v6 = (int *)malloc(0x10uLL);
*(_QWORD *)v6 = malloc(size);
v6[2] = size;
v6[3] = 0;
for ( size_4a = *a1; size_4a; size_4a = *a1 )
if ( **(_QWORD **)size_4a )
if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)size_4a + 12LL) )
memcpy((void *)(*(_QWORD *)v6 + v6[3]), **(const void ***)size_4a, *(int *)(*(_QWORD *)size_4a + 12LL));
v6[3] += *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)size_4a + 12LL);
packed_buffer_free(*(void ***)size_4a);
*a1 = *(_QWORD *)(size_4a + 8);
free((void *)size_4a);
*a1 = 0LL;
a1[1] = 0LL;
result = v6;
result = 0LL;
return result;
Q:[a1,a2,size,size_4a,v6,sub_40F4BF,sub_40ED23,sub_40F4E1,] | A:{'a1': 'pbq', 'a2': 'mutex', 'size': 'totalbytes', 'size_4a': 'ia', 'v6': 'answer', 'sub_40F4BF': 'lockmutex', 'sub_40ED23': 'packed_buffer_check', 'sub_40F4E1': 'unlockmutex'} | |
69689a38c3d9f46a978bf43a0e018a9c944cfc002873c546c0e597ff603f6bc0_69689a38c3d9f46a978bf43a0e018a9c944cfc002873c546c0e597ff603f6bc0.jsonl.gz | sub_406BED | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_406BED(unsigned __int64 a1)
__int64 result; // rax
if ( sub_40524D(a1) )
return a1;
if ( sub_4051D9(a1) )
dword_44A5C0 = 1;
result = a1;
else if ( (unsigned int)sub_4050A4(a1) )
dword_44A5C0 = 1;
result = qword_424D10;
result = a1;
return result;
Q:[a1,sub_406BED,sub_40524D,sub_4051D9,sub_4050A4,] | A:{'a1': 'fa', 'sub_406BED': 'fp_sqrtfirstdb', 'sub_40524D': 'fp_zerodb', 'sub_4051D9': 'fp_nandb', 'sub_4050A4': 'fp_signdb'} | |
e191f669788b22c0b8bd75b10116cb2ec96663b4afd68f9ebf351c4b8ecb8433_e191f669788b22c0b8bd75b10116cb2ec96663b4afd68f9ebf351c4b8ecb8433.jsonl.gz | sub_44F4C6 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_QWORD *__fastcall sub_44F4C6(_QWORD *a1)
_QWORD *result; // rax
result = a1;
*a1 = &unk_45FBD8;
return result;
Q:[a1,sub_44F4C6,] | A:{'a1': 'this', 'sub_44F4C6': '~OptIter'} | |
05b1d549ca4ce6b6165ba1d2d0151781197ce50d87bbd8b958056cc0f95c3630_05b1d549ca4ce6b6165ba1d2d0151781197ce50d87bbd8b958056cc0f95c3630.jsonl.gz | sub_4187EE | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_QWORD *__fastcall sub_4187EE(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, __int64 a7, __int64 a8, __int64 a9, __int64 a10, __int64 a11, __int64 a12, __int64 a13, __int64 a14, __int64 a15, __int64 a16, __int64 a17, __int64 a18, __int64 a19, __int64 a20, __int64 a21, __int64 a22, __int64 a23, __int64 a24)
__int64 v24; // rdx
_QWORD *result; // rax
if ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 1552) > 9uLL )
"weapon_slots_count < WEAPON_SLOTS_CAPACITY",
"void Entity::push_weapon(Weapon)");
v24 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 1552);
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 1552) = v24 + 1;
result = (_QWORD *)(a1 + 144 * v24 + 112);
*result = a7;
result[1] = a8;
result[2] = a9;
result[3] = a10;
result[4] = a11;
result[5] = a12;
result[6] = a13;
result[7] = a14;
result[8] = a15;
result[9] = a16;
result[10] = a17;
result[11] = a18;
result[12] = a19;
result[13] = a20;
result[14] = a21;
result[15] = a22;
result[16] = a23;
result[17] = a24;
return result;
Q:[a1,a7,sub_4187EE,] | A:{'a1': 'this', 'a7': 'weapon', 'sub_4187EE': 'push_weapon'} | |
31146286f7c34c986f4a16187c92a35fbaba59c79649cdf48ea40c29070ea8ff_31146286f7c34c986f4a16187c92a35fbaba59c79649cdf48ea40c29070ea8ff.jsonl.gz | sub_4163B1 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_BYTE *__fastcall sub_4163B1(_BYTE *a1)
_BYTE *v1; // rax
while ( *a1 == 32 || *a1 == 9 || *a1 == 10 )
while ( *a1 != 32 && *a1 != 9 && *a1 != 10 )
v1 = a1++;
if ( *v1 == 92 )
return a1;
Q:[a1,sub_4163B1,] | A:{'a1': 's', 'sub_4163B1': 'skipstr'} | |
594a84877c88bdb7053ca218593d53e28f48831518347dba8684851712e7cd3d_594a84877c88bdb7053ca218593d53e28f48831518347dba8684851712e7cd3d.jsonl.gz | sub_406448 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_QWORD *sub_406448()
XWindowAttributes v1; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-C0h] BYREF
Window *v2; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-38h] BYREF
Window v3; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
Window v4; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-28h] BYREF
unsigned int v5; // [rsp+A4h] [rbp-1Ch] BYREF
_QWORD *v6; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-18h]
_QWORD *v7; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp-10h]
unsigned int i; // [rsp+BCh] [rbp-4h]
v7 = 0LL;
XQueryTree(display, qword_41B450, &v4, &v3, &v2, &v5);
for ( i = v5 - 1; i; --i )
XGetWindowAttributes(display, v2[i], &v1);
v6 = sub_405EC7(v2[i], 1);
if ( v6 && (v6[114] & 0x10) == 0 )
v7 = v6;
return v7;
Q:[v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,sub_406448,sub_405EC7,] | A:{'v1': 'attr', 'v2': 'wins', 'v3': 'qparent', 'v4': 'qroot', 'v5': 'nwins', 'v6': 'c', 'v7': 'foundc', 'sub_406448': 'top_client', 'sub_405EC7': 'find_client'} | |
420fee78012e9384f0cb20adb245bb8cafb1900c99adcb642071dfe26f323eeb_420fee78012e9384f0cb20adb245bb8cafb1900c99adcb642071dfe26f323eeb.jsonl.gz | sub_407670 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_407670(_QWORD *a1, _WORD *a2, int a3)
__int64 result; // rax
if ( a3 )
if ( a3 == 1 )
*a1 = a2;
result = 0LL;
if ( a3 == 2 )
*(_WORD *)a1 = *a2;
result = 0LL;
*a1 = &off_41CF28;
result = 0LL;
return result;
Q:[a3,a1,a2,sub_407670,] | A:{'a3': '__op', 'a1': '__dest', 'a2': '__source', 'sub_407670': '_M_manager'} | |
20c07804a3f28a6a5c3f8253e79de0ec1aedc41632a0737ad8dad981cd237640_20c07804a3f28a6a5c3f8253e79de0ec1aedc41632a0737ad8dad981cd237640.jsonl.gz | sub_463B1A | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_463B1A(__int64 a1, int a2)
__int64 result; // rax
if ( !a2 || *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 104) )
*(_BYTE *)(a1 + 321) = 1;
(unsigned int)"IEEE 802.1X: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x BE_AUTH entering state REQUEST",
*(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 216),
*(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 217),
*(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 218),
*(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 219));
*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 104) = 0;
*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 232) + 36LL) = 0;
++*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 120);
result = a1;
*(_BYTE *)(a1 + 23) = 0;
return result;
Q:[a1,a2,sub_463B1A,sub_46FC12,sub_46237E,] | A:{'a1': 'sm', 'a2': 'global', 'sub_463B1A': 'sm_BE_AUTH_REQUEST_Enter', 'sub_46FC12': 'wpa_printf', 'sub_46237E': 'eapol_auth_tx_req'} | |
4c4a7b43cd86f336e7e472c4751124b00439a5223535ac8006f9c77515d99121_4c4a7b43cd86f336e7e472c4751124b00439a5223535ac8006f9c77515d99121.jsonl.gz | sub_451A0F | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_451A0F(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)
unsigned int v2; // eax
__int64 result; // rax
__int64 v4; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]
unsigned int v5; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]
unsigned int i; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]
v5 = 0;
v4 = sub_4573D5(0LL, *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8), 8LL);
for ( i = 0; i < *(_DWORD *)a1; ++i )
if ( (unsigned int)sub_41DB26(a2, **(_DWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 8LL * i) + 0x10000) )
v2 = v5++;
*(_QWORD *)(v4 + 8LL * v2) = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 8LL * i);
free(*(void **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 8LL * i));
free(*(void **)(a1 + 16));
*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) = v4;
result = a1;
*(_DWORD *)a1 = v5;
return result;
Q:[a1,a2,v4,v5,sub_451A0F,sub_4573D5,sub_41DB26,] | A:{'a1': 'payloads', 'a2': 'targets', 'v4': 'list2', 'v5': 'count2', 'sub_451A0F': 'payloads_udp_trim', 'sub_4573D5': 'REALLOCARRAY', 'sub_41DB26': 'massip_has_port'} | |
bdcc38c8cca1a301c72f437fbc2ef4fe15e99ee7737ab0b790ed572e400e6b73_bdcc38c8cca1a301c72f437fbc2ef4fe15e99ee7737ab0b790ed572e400e6b73.jsonl.gz | sub_40C41D | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_40C41D(uint16_t a1)
struct sockaddr addr; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
int fd; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]
*(_QWORD *)&addr.sa_data[6] = 0LL;
addr.sa_family = 2;
*(_WORD *)addr.sa_data = htons(a1);
*(_DWORD *)&addr.sa_data[2] = inet_addr("");
fd = socket(2, 1, 0);
if ( fd == -1 )
return 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
if ( connect(fd, &addr, 0x10u) != -1 )
return (unsigned int)fd;
sub_40DB56((unsigned int)fd);
return 0xFFFFFFFFLL;
Q:[sub_40C41D,sub_40DB4F,sub_40DB56,] | A:{'sub_40C41D': 'sysCreateClientSocket', 'sub_40DB4F': 'sysInitSocketLibrary', 'sub_40DB56': 'sysCloseSocket'} | |
71f8f155de21ed3e3b1be747783768db5846c3cf098c73658f7b39a214e2475c_71f8f155de21ed3e3b1be747783768db5846c3cf098c73658f7b39a214e2475c.jsonl.gz | sub_401212 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 sub_401212()
size_t n; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
char *s; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-18h] BYREF
__int64 v3; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
FILE *stream; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
v3 = 0LL;
s = 0LL;
n = 0LL;
stream = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
if ( !stream )
return 0LL;
while ( getline(&s, &n, stream) > 0 )
if ( sscanf(s, "Hugepagesize: %lu kB", &v3) == 1 )
v3 <<= 10;
return v3;
Q:[n,s,v3,stream,sub_401212,] | A:{'n': 'linelen', 's': 'line', 'v3': 'hps', 'stream': 'f', 'sub_401212': 'default_huge_page_size'} | |
bff35f3b7ff0bbf5e5e52ae6499ba776520880a991546f99df7df7f4351bfb13_bff35f3b7ff0bbf5e5e52ae6499ba776520880a991546f99df7df7f4351bfb13.jsonl.gz | sub_45E4B6 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_45E4B6(__int64 *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, __int64 a7, int a8, __int64 a9, __int64 a10, _DWORD *a11, __int64 a12)
__int64 v13; // rdx
__int64 v14; // rcx
__int64 v15; // r8
__int64 v16; // r9
__int64 v17; // rdx
__int64 v18; // rdx
_DWORD *v23; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-70h] BYREF
__int64 v24; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-68h]
_DWORD *v25; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-60h]
__int64 v26; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-58h]
__int64 v27; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-50h]
__int64 v28; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-48h]
__int64 v29; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-38h] BYREF
_DWORD *v30; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
__int64 v31; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-28h]
int v32; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-20h]
int v33; // [rsp+84h] [rbp-1Ch]
__int64 i; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-18h]
for ( i = 0LL; ; ++i )
if ( i >= a6 )
return a7;
v33 = sub_414CEA(a1, a4, a5, i, (__int64 *)&v30);
if ( v33 < 0 )
return -1LL;
if ( !v33 )
if ( !sub_4050F4(a9, a10) )
v23 = v30;
v24 = v31;
v25 = (_DWORD *)sub_406CFE((__int64)a1, i);
v26 = v17;
v27 = a4;
v28 = a5;
v30 = sub_42F2C4(a1, a9, a10, a11, a12, 3u, (__int64 *)&v23);
v31 = v18;
sub_4051CC((__int64)a1, v23, v24);
sub_4051CC((__int64)a1, v25, v26);
if ( sub_405118((__int64)v30, v31) )
return -1LL;
if ( a8 <= 0 )
v32 = sub_41EC89((__int64)a1, (__int64)v30, v31);
if ( v32 < 0 )
goto LABEL_23;
if ( !v32 )
if ( (int)sub_4586F0(a1, &v29, (__int64)v30, v31) < 0 )
goto LABEL_23;
a7 = sub_45E4B6((_DWORD)a1, a2, a3, (_DWORD)v30, v31, v29, a7, a8 - 1, 0LL, 3LL, 0LL, 3LL);
if ( a7 < 0 )
goto LABEL_23;
sub_4051CC((__int64)a1, v30, v31);
if ( a7 <= 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFELL )
if ( (int)sub_41794F(a1, a2, a3, a7, v30, v31) < 0 )
return -1LL;
goto LABEL_20;
sub_411B05(a1, "Array too long", v13, v14, v15, v16);
sub_4051CC((__int64)a1, v30, v31);
return -1LL;
Q:[a4,a1,a2,a6,a7,a8,a9,a11,v14,v16,v23,v29,v30,v32,v33,i,sub_45E4B6,sub_414CEA,sub_4050F4,sub_406CFE,sub_42F2C4,sub_4051CC,sub_405118,sub_41EC89,sub_4586F0,sub_41794F,sub_411B05,] | A:{'a4': 'source', 'a1': 'ctx', 'a2': 'target', 'a6': 'sourceLen', 'a7': 'targetIndex', 'a8': 'depth', 'a9': 'mapperFunction', 'a11': 'thisArg', 'v14': 'source', 'v16': 'sourceLen', 'v23': 'args', 'v29': 'elementLen', 'v30': 'element', 'v32': 'is_array', 'v33': 'present', 'i': 'sourceIndex', 'sub_45E4B6': 'JS_FlattenIntoArray', 'sub_414CEA': 'JS_TryGetPropertyInt64', 'sub_4050F4': 'JS_IsUndefined', 'sub_406CFE': 'JS_NewInt64', 'sub_42F2C4': 'JS_Call', 'sub_4051CC': 'JS_FreeValue_0', 'sub_405118': 'JS_IsException_0', 'sub_41EC89': 'JS_IsArray', 'sub_4586F0': 'js_get_length64', 'sub_41794F': 'JS_SetPropertyInt64', 'sub_411B05': 'JS_ThrowTypeError'} | |
a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4_a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4.jsonl.gz | sub_46C86F | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_46C86F(__int64 a1)
return sub_475FDF(a1);
Q:[sub_46C86F,sub_475FDF,] | A:{'sub_46C86F': 'default_delete', 'sub_475FDF': 'default_delete'} | |
4365b5d0920047e31277b8a2796d99fcda79fd077dfd596f28b6a99bb1606856_4365b5d0920047e31277b8a2796d99fcda79fd077dfd596f28b6a99bb1606856.jsonl.gz | sub_432024 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_432024(_QWORD *a1)
return sub_434EA6(*a1);
Q:[sub_432024,sub_434EA6,] | A:{'sub_432024': 'operator*', 'sub_434EA6': '_M_valptr'} | |
443cc45dcd20830097ff511a958afd4e03294eccddd08625dd5f605b3048c35c_443cc45dcd20830097ff511a958afd4e03294eccddd08625dd5f605b3048c35c.jsonl.gz | sub_404DD0 | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
_DWORD *__fastcall sub_404DD0(_DWORD *a1, int a2)
*a1 = a2;
return a1;
Q:[sub_404DD0,] | A:{'sub_404DD0': 'operator='} | |
f5cf48e36489938b130850d7d31b80f3c8b40e59e8a6977ebc898c7e9ef8ad3b_f5cf48e36489938b130850d7d31b80f3c8b40e59e8a6977ebc898c7e9ef8ad3b.jsonl.gz | sub_408C6B | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
pthread_mutex_t *sub_408C6B()
pthread_mutex_t *mutex; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h]
mutex = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(0x28uLL);
if ( !mutex )
__assert_fail("m != NULL", "pt_mutex.c", 0x26u, "ptmutex_alloc");
if ( pthread_mutex_init(mutex, 0LL) )
__assert_fail("err == 0", "pt_mutex.c", 0x29u, "ptmutex_alloc");
return mutex;
Q:[mutex,sub_408C6B,] | A:{'mutex': 'm', 'sub_408C6B': 'ptmutex_alloc'} | |
a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4_a929bcff2f328ae24d8d2f5cdc89b316cc93d0a4677dc4ebb21b9d7cd4df04a4.jsonl.gz | sub_4698EE | Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet. |
__int64 __fastcall sub_4698EE(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)
sub_474016(a1, a2);
return sub_474054(a1, a2);
Q:[sub_4698EE,sub_474016,sub_474054,] | A:{'sub_4698EE': '_M_drop_node', 'sub_474016': '_M_destroy_node', 'sub_474054': '_M_put_node'} |