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medellin | Juegos de mesa en Medellín | manjarga | 2024-10-18T17:18:14 | Buen da. Conocen de algn lugar donde se pueda ir a parchar con juegos de mesa? O alguna comunidad que est interesada en este tipo de juegos, mas complejos tipo terraforming mars? Me parece un hobby sano y divertido pero no tengo grupo de amigos o conocidos en mi circulo que comparta ese gusto. Gracias. | 75 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,742 |
medellin | Quien pa tocar guitarra conmigo | DimondFlame | 2024-10-18T14:31:48 | Lo del titulo, soy guitarrista principiante y necesito alguien para practicar juntos. Toco rock y metal pero no me cierro a ningun genero. | 39 | 0 | 0.99 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,744 |
medellin | Alguien que en realidad sepa de dropshipping y ecomerce ? | ZestycloseAd8266 | 2024-10-18T17:14:27 | Que les parece SmartBeemo para empezar en el mundo del comercio electrnico ? | 19 | 0 | 0.99 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,745 |
medellin | Estabilidad Laboral | aaaleejoo | 2024-10-18T16:29:13 | Hola, soy Mateo. Estoy buscando un trabajo mejor pagado, pero me cuesta encontrar algo decente. He tenido experiencia en marketing digital, ventas, atencin al cliente y creacin de contenido. Tengo 4 aos de experiencia y he trabajado en empresas de renombre, pero los reclutadores a veces dudan de m porque he cambiado de trabajo varias veces. La verdad es que esos cambios fueron por razones externas como mala pago, explotacin laboral o humillaciones. Me siento estancado y quiero avanzar en mi carrera. He estudiado tecnologa en animacin digital y tcnico en marketing en el SENA. En el futuro planeo estudiar ingls y una carrera profesional. Actualmente estoy enfocado en marketing digital, ventas e-commerce, atencin al cliente, creacin de contenido, community manager, estrategias de ventas, creacin de pauta, edicin de fotografa y video. Alguien ha pasado por algo similar? Alguna sugerencia de cmo encontrar un trabajo que me permita crecer y no me exploten | 241 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,746 |
medellin | Consumir hongos | DScore000 | 2024-10-18T04:00:04 | Buenas!! De repente me dio ganas de probar los hongos, estuve leyendo y dicen que no son adictivos porque ese es uno de mis miedos y varios dicen que no lo es, entoncese me anime. Pero despus vi que esa vuelta me va a pegar mera desconectada del mundo y ah s me asust jajaja pero sigo con ganas, algn concejo? Pues de hacerlo o no y que tener en cuenta. Afortunadamente tengo buena voluntad, ya he probado mariajuana como 4 veces es sus diferentes presentaciones y no me gusto, me da como sensacin de ahogo y descontrol de mi cuerpo y pues ni ganas da de probarla otra vez pero con los hongos me gustara relajarme bien parchado, los leo A y quien vende e.e | 190 | 0 | 0.95 | 1 | 0.8 | 3,747 |
medellin | Looking for Grass-Fed, Farm-to-Table Beef in Medellín – Help Needed! | Ferrero_1847 | 2024-10-19T01:26:19 | Hey Medelln community! I'm looking for a local farm-to-table option for **grass-fed beef** near Medelln. Ideally, I'm interested in getting my choice of cuts and would love to find a local farm or market that offers sustainable, organic meat. Does anyone know of any ranches, farms, or butchers in the area that provide this service? I'd appreciate any recommendations or contacts! Thanks in advance! | 88 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,748 |
medellin | Lugares para comprar charms | JohanMchado | 2024-10-18T08:24:58 | Alguien conoce algn sitio, pgina, emprendimineto que venda charms alusivos a Colombia o Medelln? He visto que en la joyera pandora los venden, pero que cosas ms costosas, y en mercadolibre encontr a buenos precios, pero muy pocas. Alguien saber si ac en la ciudad hay algn lugar donde se puedan conseguir? Es para una amiga Mexicana que visit la ciudad | 96 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,749 |
medellin | Que haces cuando sientes celos? | Historical-Area-6994 | 2024-10-17T21:11:40 | He sentido unos celos muy fuertes por mi amigo, y aunque somos amigos, verlo hablar con otras, y engaar a su pareja me genera incomodidad, ltimamente me molesta ms que nunca. Un da me contaron que estuvo con alguien que conozco y me molest tanto que volv a casa con un dolor de cabeza impresionante y una ira indescriptible, ni siquiera dormir poda. Les ha pasado? cuntenme su experiencia de celos | 109 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,750 |
medellin | ¿De que manera me incapacitan seguro? | Smooth-Reason-8394 | 2024-10-18T05:31:33 | Tengo que ir a un evento muy importante, en mi trabajo de mierda no me aprobaron los permisos de dos das ya que los ped muy tarde. Cmo puedo llegar a la eps para que si o si me den incapacidad y no me vea enfermo? | 59 | 0 | 0.95 | 1 | 0.8 | 3,751 |
medellin | Solicitar cirugia con sura o mejor ir diciendo que tengo dolor? | Levi_Statement | 2024-10-17T15:28:54 | Hace poco me puse braquets y resulta que tengo que sacarme las 4 cordales pero el precio por las 4 es algo alto, un amigo fue hace poco a sura por urgencias porque que le dolian y se las reriraron por la eps solo por el valor de los copago. Sera que puedo hacer lo mismo aun si tengo braquets? Es mejor ir quejandome de dolor o puedo solicitar el retiro por la eps en una cita medica? Me queda la duda porque aqui solo te mandan cirujias si te estas muriendo | 124 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,752 |
medellin | En Colombia se consumen puros | blunt616 | 2024-10-17T19:30:41 | Hola, mi pregunta es sobre que tan comn es el consumo de puros de tabaco o tabaco en general en colombia.sigue siendo alto, o es bajo comparado con otros pases?. | 42 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,753 |
medellin | Estoy buscando un sitio donde vendan estos naipes | JohnLymphocyte | 2024-10-18T00:40:37 | Hola! Estoy visitando Colombia y maana llego a mi ltimo destino, vuestra ciudad, Medelln! Me preguntaba si conocen algn sitio en la ciudad (que sea ms o menos seguro ir para un turista) donde pueda comprar estos naipes. Son exclusivos de Colombia y me resultara muy difcil encontrarlos en Espaa al volver. Muchas gracias de antemano y si me recomiendan adems algn sitio para comer o visitar en la ciudad, bienvenido es! Un abrazo a todo el que lea esto! | 124 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,754 |
medellin | ¿Que vale la pena preservar? Sobre textos y pictogramas en la historia de la ciudad | camilo-248 | 2024-10-17T20:19:57 | Me gustara hacer en algn momento un poco de voluntariado ayudando a preservar algo para la historia y cultura de la ciudad pero no s en qu enfocarme | 37 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,755 |
medellin | Alguna señora dispuesta? | Shadow_Co | 2024-10-18T08:25:43 | Ser rpido, Yo tengo 22 y estoy con ganas de cumplir el sueo de estar con una mujer mucho mayor (hablo de unos 30 en adelante, entre ms mejor), alguna seora que desee tener colgeno? Mido 1.79cm, soy de contextura atltica por el gym, (no soy blanco, pero mucho menos moreno o trigueo) | 86 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,756 |
medellin | Quien vende boletas para ver al Fercho aquí en Medellín? | jorlyshiny | 2024-10-18T01:05:30 | Buenas chicos me pregunto si conocen a alguien de confianza que est vendiendo boleta para ver al Ferxxo #feid en Medelln Colombia ? | 39 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,757 |
medellin | Compraré casco nuevo | Ok-Wrangler7797 | 2024-10-17T14:23:10 | Donde y que casco me recomiendan comprar? Tengo mximo $ 750.000 | 22 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,758 |
medellin | Cómo conocer gente? | chucky6455 | 2024-10-17T07:25:54 | Hola, soy Mexicano y planeo prximamente viajar a Medelln a conocer la cultura colombiana, tengo trabajo remoto as que estar trabajando la mayor parte de la semana, pero me gustara tambin salir a conocer la ciudad por las tardes. He ledo bastante en Reddit que la ciudad es muy insegura para los gringos no se si tambin aplique para los mexicanos, no bebo alcohol ni me interesan las drogas o la prostitucin. Andaba pensando en meterme a clases de baile o de cocina, igualmente los fines de semana buscar algo ms lejos me gusta hacer hiking y explorar en general, tena pensado buscar un hostal pero con el tema de la inseguridad ya lo estoy reconsiderando, normalmente as es como suelo conocer gente. Me podran dar algn consejo?, se los agradecera bastante | 192 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,759 |
medellin | Que putas está pasando en la ciudad? | Upset-Chemist-488 | 2024-10-16T17:16:49 | Ahora adems de los taxistas con corona que son dueos de las calles, y los camiones que tienen chimeneas andantes, ahora hay que estar pendientes de malandrines que te atacan con palos y tubos para robar o tiran rocas desde los puentes.... | 100 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,760 |
medellin | Camiseta de selección Colombia aniversario 100 réplica | Fabulous_Peak_140 | 2024-10-17T04:04:42 | Hola amigos en donde puedo conseguir una rplica de la camiseta de la seleccin Colombia aniversario 100? | 26 | 0 | 0.99 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,761 |
medellin | Cotizar tatuaje | asuos777 | 2024-10-17T21:40:54 | Hola, quisiera saber en cuanto me saldra este diseo en un tatuaje de unos 5 o 4 centmetros en el cuello. Por si alguien quiere saber, es un kanji japones que se traduce en "amor" | 54 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,762 |
medellin | Jueves de quejas / Rant Thursday | j_ram2803 | 2024-10-17T11:00:44 | Buenas querida gente, Este ser su thread semanal para cualquier queja que tengan de la ciudad. Aqu va cualquier idea o comentario suelto que tengan que no sea lo suficientemente extensa para ir en un post completo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello dear people, This will be your weekly thread to complain about the city. These complaints are one-liners or comments that are not long enough to be their own posts. Rant to your hearts content! | 95 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,763 |
medellin | Opiniones? | asuos777 | 2024-10-17T19:44:24 | Por que a algunas mujeres les gustas ms si tienes pareja? Contexto: Me cre una cuenta en Badoo para hacer amistades, hice match con una paisa (si, soy veneco) y normal, empezamos a hablar y todo bien. Hay como un feeling entre los dos, nos hemos visto una sola vez desde los dos meses que tenemos hablando. Pero la pregunta del post va en qu: ella sabe que tengo pareja (aclaro que mi relacin est por terminar, as que no me digan "que pesar de tu pareja") y an as sigue con "eso" que tenemos. Le he preguntado pero las respuestas son tan vagas que quedo con la misma duda. | 151 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,764 |
medellin | Algún grupo para salir a montar bicicleta? | Juandy2004 | 2024-10-16T20:13:29 | Estoy en esta ciudad hace dos meses, en Sabaneta para ser exactos, en Barranquilla mi hobby era montar bicicleta pero ms que todo para socializar y me sirvi muy bien. Aqu no he encontrado grupos de bicicleta y rutas recreativas . Si me podran ayudar con Informacion de grupos en sabaneta Envigado y cerca sera de mucha ayuda muchas gracias. | 88 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,765 |
medellin | Moteles para llegar sin vehiculo | nosredna21 | 2024-10-17T01:19:14 | Que ms gente, rpido y conciso; Saben de algn motel o moteles en los que pueda llegar sin vehiculo? estoy sin carro ahora mismo y pues no s si muy maluco pedirle al del uber que me arrime hasta adentro; muchas gracias | 58 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,767 |
medellin | ¿Quién va para el Festival Altavoz este fin de semana? | ChoiceQueasy4083 | 2024-10-16T14:12:04 | Este fin de semana ser el Festival Altavoz en Medelln. Alguien ms planea ir en alguna de las fechas? Y si es as, Qu fecha recomiendan ir? Me gustara saber qu bandas estn esperando ver o si tienen recomendaciones para disfrutar mejor el evento. Tambin podramos organizar un grupo o simplemente compartir el gusto por la experiencia del festival. | 87 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,768 |
medellin | Comprar artículos de barbería y asesoría | Hohenzollern47 | 2024-10-16T20:00:57 | Hola chicos, quisiera escuchar recomendaciones de tiendas de artculos de barbera como mquinas para cortar cabello y dems elementos auxiliares. Hace poco compr una rasuradora elctrica para la barba y me ha gustado el hecho que puedo organizarme cuando quiera y a mi gusto | 69 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,769 |
medellin | Artículo para disfraz | Aggressive-Reserve-4 | 2024-10-16T16:30:55 | Buenas Medelln, este ao decid disfrazarme de liquidador, para esto necesito un atuendo de caucho o goma verde o gris, adems de una mascara Sovitica estilo gp5, si alguien sabe dnde conseguir estas cosas me avisan porfa | 62 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.95 | 3,770 |
medellin | Que snack/alimento descontinuado extrañan? | Puzzled_Initial2344 | 2024-10-15T23:46:57 | Est es una duda que tengo, ya que aveces parace que la gente no recuerda los snacks descontinuados recientes (soy de 2007) por ejemplo yo extrao mucho los detodito que tenan un "muslito" de pollo adentro, o el bon-ice triangulito, entonces ustedes cul snack recuerdan que descontinuaron y desearan volverlo a probar (y si alguien sabe dnde conseguirlo se le agradece que lo diga)... Los leo | 115 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,771 |
medellin | ¿Quien es el culpable de un accidente de tránsito? | Dry_Operation_9941 | 2024-10-16T14:48:08 | Hace poco sufr un accidente de trnsito; yo iba en el centro del carril en mi moto, de repente el carro de adelante frena en seco, yo freno tambin sin embargo me percato de que no voy a poder frenar antes y voy a chocar, por lo que intento esquivar el carro y colisiono contra la farola trasera, esto debido a que la chica del carro menciona que se asust, freno en seco y se iba a pasar de carril (no puso direccionales) | 123 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,772 |
medellin | Cómo les ha ido haciendo pedidos por Aliexpress o temu? | Puzzled_Initial2344 | 2024-10-15T23:24:46 | Acabo de hacer una compra en Aliexpress, aunque no se cmo funciona, y quiero saber la experiencia de otras personas de aqu de Colombia que ya han usado estas aplicaciones como Shein, Aliexpress, Alibaba, Temu, etc... Los leo | 52 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,773 |
medellin | El lleras y Provenza murieron? | Flimsy-Cantaloupe-85 | 2024-10-15T12:19:33 | Vivo cerca a la zona desde hace unos aos y he podido ver de cerca los cambios que han habido. Los negocios que llegan, los que se van, las prostitutas en su auge y tambin su ausencia, etc El caso es que cada vez es ms comn ir un viernes o un sbado y ver cuadras y cuadras de locales vacos o a lo mucho con 2 o 3 clientes Me pregunto cmo hacen para sostenerse si en los mejores das comerciales de la semana en su sector nadie va a consumir Solo lo he vuelto a ver lleno cuando hay un partido de Colombia o algo similar Me pregunto si el sector ya lleg a su clmax y ahora empez su declive comercial, me pregunto si ya empezar a morir | 172 | 0 | 0.95 | 1 | 0.8 | 3,775 |
medellin | Festival de cine de terror y ciencia ficción | Jackeado | 2024-10-15T20:31:32 | Hola qu tal para los que dicen que en Medelln no hay nada que hacer. Estamos en festival de cine de terror | 27 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,776 |
medellin | ¿Te gustan los perritos y gaticos? | hamsaita | 2024-10-15T18:46:29 | Muchachos buenas tardes. El hogar Huellitas Felices est vendiendo un paquete de 30 empanaditas para recoger fondos para la deuda veterinaria y el alimento de los peluditos pero hasta el momento no han tenido mucho xito con las ventas si desean apoyarlos, en la imagen estn todas las opciones de contacto. Colaboremos con estas hermosas iniciativas que tratan de ayudar a los ms indefensos. | 106 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,777 |
medellin | Vender galletas | ImaNeedy | 2024-10-16T00:54:38 | Voy a vender galletas rellenas de al menos 2 sabores, quiero saber lugares donde las pueda vender todas ahi mismo. Hara unas 30 galletas cada tanda y el precio mximo lo estimo en 3.000 | 56 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,778 |
medellin | Cuál ha sido su peor experiencia laboral? | Puzzled_Initial2344 | 2024-10-15T15:05:40 | Tengo esta duda ya que dentro de poco quiero empezar a trabajar, pero antes quiero saber de experiencias malas, cosas que les han pasado, o simplemente historias laborales que los hayan sido raras o fuera de lo comn, los leo... | 56 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,780 |
medellin | Un drogadicto duerme en la acera al frente de mi casa, a veces se pone a gritar y es bastante molesto, ¿qué se puede hacer al respecto? | d3vCr0w | 2024-10-15T09:30:16 | Cabe aclarar que es familiar de personas que viven a la vuelta pero por alguna razn que no me interesa no lo dejan dormir ni en la casa ni en la cuadra y el man se va a dormir a la vuelta (donde vivo yo), son las 4:30am y me despert con el escndalo que est haciendo (es algo comn ya), qu puedo hacer?, gracias. EDIT: Tambin fuma marihuana ah al frente, el humo se sube (vivo en 2do piso) y queda la casa pasada con ese olor. | 133 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,781 |
medellin | Medellín es aburrido? | Puzzled_Initial2344 | 2024-10-15T05:46:50 | Despus de buscar y preguntar me di cuenta que medelln se ha vuelto montono, siempre la gente busca hacer las mismas cosas, fiestas en Provenza, ir a la 70, a un centro comercial, etc. Y si no es de esta manera, siempre van a los pueblos cercanos, realmente medelln tiene cosas fuera de lo comn donde se salga de la monotona y el estereotipo paisa? (sin ofender, yo soy de Medelln y aveces lo siento montono) | 120 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,782 |
medellin | ¿Algún consejo? | CursedSwarm | 2024-10-15T18:17:14 | Soy una persona que trabaja en el rea audiovisual, en general conozco muchas personas y algunas de ellas me encantara poder conservarlas en mi vida, como buenos amigos, pero soy muy retrado, siento que verdaderamente tengo problemas para socializar y establecer lazos duraderos, solamente he podido abrirme de verdad a mi pareja y por eso llevamos tantos aos juntos. Tienen algn consejo para socializar? Es que a veces quisiera preguntarle a alguien cmo est, cmo le fue le fin de semana o cosas as pero a veces siento que la gente me va a ver como un intruso en vez de un amigo... | 150 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,783 |
medellin | Ayuda en transporte Aeropuero hacia la ciudad | Think_Confidence_258 | 2024-10-15T18:02:05 | Hola gente, vengo a pedir de su ayuda en como irme desde el aeropuerto de rio negro hasta la ciudad, voy de visita a medellin a fin de mes y quiero saber cuanto cuesta el bus y donde se hagarra en el aeropuerto y en que parte de la ciudad te deja (yo voy para laureles por la 70) ya he ido ha medellin unas 3 veces pero siempre ha sido por trabajo y pues siempre me han dado transporte y donde quedarme pero esta ves voy de turismo y en modo low cost, soy de El Salvador y se que no debo de dar papaya mas que viajo solo. Tambien preguntar donde se puede cambiar dolares por pesos, los mejores lugares que tengan la mejor taza de cambio y a cuanto esta el dolar en estos dias ya que cuando iba siempre las personas con las que trabajaba me cambiaban algunos dolares y nunca fui a una casa de cambio, se que el cambio en el aeropuerto no es el mejor asi que por eso pregunto de antemano gracias :) | 233 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,784 |
medellin | Donde puedo comprar plantas carnivoras | ScriptNone | 2024-10-15T13:58:38 | Hola! Donde puedo comprar plantas carnvoras en Medellin? Si saben de cuentas de Instagram, paginas o tiendas avsenme, por favor. Gracias de antemano! | 93 | 0 | 0.99 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,785 |
medellin | Una obra del gran David Betancourt | CoolPattern3730 | 2024-10-15T11:03:22 | David es posiblemente el mejor cuentista colombiano de hoy. | 15 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,786 |
medellin | Solo quiero una amiga para mochilear jajaja | GlitteringSkirt9812 | 2024-10-16T00:24:30 | Hola, soy Laura, soy buena onda, quisiera tener amigos con quines salir ya que soy muy mala para dar el primer paso frente a frente | 32 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,787 |
medellin | Executive Medical Check In Medellin | kiany | 2024-10-15T15:42:13 | Hi, I will be travelling to Medellin soon and I wanted to maybe spend half a day and do a full medical checkup. Has anyone done this in Medellin before? if so, how are was your experience and what did they test? what are some of the best private hospitals that may do this. thank you! | 68 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,788 |
medellin | Soy ingeniero civil, pero estoy harto!! | SrCifur | 2024-10-15T05:13:54 | Soy ingeniero civil y tengo 22 aos, llevo casi 2 aos ejerciendo la profesin, estoy en una empresa donde a pesar de que no me presionan mucho, tengo demasiadas tareas para mi solo debido a que no cuento con sst, almacenista u otros profesionales, solo soy yo con mi equipo de trabajo (maestro, oficiales y ayudantes), sin embargo me siento agobiado, mi maestro de obra y mis oficiales no estn lo suficientemente capacitados y es demasiado complicado conseguir personal en la zona donde vivo, aparte de que me toca conseguirlo a mi directamente, en conclusin tengo que estar pendiente de todo y de absolutamente todos para que la obra funcione correctamente, pero me siento agobiado, estresado y cansado por la presin de terminar la obra a tiempo, la horrible labor de tener que tratar con todo el personal, la falta de tiempo para realizar mis labores administrativas y el terrible salario, no s qu hacer y siento que voy a colapsar en algn momento, me gustara dedicarme a algo ms, sin embargo siento que habra desperdiciado 5 aos de mi vida. Algn consejo? | 269 | 0 | 0.85 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,789 |
medellin | Martes de Comida / Food Tuesday | AutoModerator | 2024-10-15T10:01:07 | ​ [La bandeja paisa]( ​ Buenas querida gente, Este ser su thread semanal para recomendaciones de comida (ya sea en restaurantes, comida callejera o recetas (pongan links o cuentas de Instagram)) y los lugares donde pueden ir a probarla. \---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello dear people, This will be your weekly thread for food recommendations (either restaurants, street food o,r recipes (post links or Instagram accounts)) and the places where you can go to try them. | 168 | 0 | 0.99 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,790 |
medellin | Update on Paul Nguyen | FURRYPICKLESACK | 2022-11-13T02:20:47 | Hey everyone, As many of you have seen, I posted that my brother was missing a few days ago. Unfortunately, he passed away on 11/10/2022 from a heinous crime. We are currently trying to organize funds to bring him back home so he can be with loved ones. I just want to say thank you for everyones support and kind words. Ive attached a GoFundMe link to help cover expenses. The amount of resources everyone sent and aiding in any way possible is something my family and I will greatly appreciate and remember. Thank you again for everything. RIP Paul. []( | 158 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,792 |
medellin | Don’t visit Medellin or Parque Lleras!!!!!! | Ipluggucci | 2022-07-04T19:11:28 | Hey guys so I am a 25 year old M, 5,2, 480 Pounds. I wanted to visit Medellin for the hotties and nightlife that people have showed on Youtube and I COULDNT BELIEVE IT. I had to get myself there so I planned a trip and thought it would be a trip of the lifetime. The first day I landed, I got to my apartment in Parque Lleras and got dressed in the flyest outfit I had. I put on a brand new balenciaga T shirt, my brand new yeezy boost, my grandfathers presidential rolex, and a cuban gold chain I bought before the trip. I was guaranteed to have all the girls this trip! I got dressed and walked outside to the park outside of Gustos. I saw a really sexy girl and thought she really liked me, she called me over and said Hola Papi, Amor. I took out my iPhone 13 Pro Max to speak to her on my translate app in the middle of the park. We were having a good conversation and she agreed to come to my AirBnB for only $600K COP an hour JACKPOT! She really gave me a deal because of my charm! Then all of a sudden, some douchebag comes running towards me wearing a bicycle helmet, and grabs my phone out of my hand and starts running away on a motorcycle!! Why would Medellin let something like this happen to me? I told the police and there was not much they could do. SHAME ON THIS CITY For not looking out for tourist that come here and support their economy and people. I ended up still taking the girl with me to the AirBnB and on our walk back, a guy pulls out a knife and robs me for my chain and rolex that my grandfather gave me. The start of this trip was horrible! I got robbed twice on my first day! What is wrong with these people!!! I went to buy a bottle and take it to my airbnb to drink with the girl to destress, she said that sometimes she likes to add coffee creamer to her drinks to make them taste better. I said couldnt hurt to try. She puts this powdered coffee creamer in my glass and i take a shot but the taste was weird. Anyways, I started making out with her and then blacked out. I woke up the next day and my whole apartment was empty! My Macbook, Ipad, Cameras, Wallet, apartment tvs everything stolen!! I dont suggest anyone going to Medellin. The city does not care about tourist at all. I came here for a good time and my trip was ruined. I flew home, next night I blame the police and the people for my losses. | 571 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,796 |
medellin | Medellín | Jsteveaa | 2022-10-17T11:08:18 | As se ve Medelln hoy, foto hacia la pista de atletismo Alfonso Galvis en el en la unidad deportiva Atanacio Girardot (estadio) | 39 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,804 |
medellin | Global tourist killings report and some tips for newbies (from someone who fucking loves this city) | BNICEALWAYS | 2022-11-15T21:27:24 | Check this out! It's apparently proper global data, from 2017. About me: I'm British, been living in Medelln permanently for about 5.5 years. I have lived in San Javier (18 months), Aranjuez (6 months), Suramericana (6 months), Boston (Medelln) (2 years), and Laureles (1 year, where I am now). I got mugged in Estadio about 7 years ago (before I moved here permanently), which was totally my fault. I took a shortcut through a little park on the night of the biggest football event in Medelln in recent history. What was I thinking? I wasn't. I let them have everything, I lost like 30 USD and a shit phone. No loss. Obviously we've all heard the recent tragic news (and it _is_ tragic), so here's my... --- *SECURITY SENSE a la PAISA* for inexperienced tourists in Medelln: --- > DON'T EVER GET IN A RANDOM FUCKING CAR WHICH YOU HAVEN'T ORDERED OR WAVED DOWN YOURSELF (if it's a yellow cab, obviously); > EVEN IF YOU SPEAK SOME SPANISH DON'T TRY TO HOOK UP WITH WOMEN UNDER 25 OR ANY ERAS (lower class hoodrat types who have a chavvy look); > IF YOU DON'T SPEAK A WORD OF SPANISH, DON'T HOOK UP WITH PEOPLE WHO DON'T SPEAK A WORD OF ENGLISH (*or your language); > DON'T DO DRUGS WITH STRANGERS; > DON'T ACCEPT DRINKS OFF STRANGERS; > CARRY CASH YOU NEED FOR THE DAY/NIGHT; > CARRY POCKET CHANGE AND GIVE IT OUT WHEN ASKED; > DON'T GET SHIT FACED; > VIDEO CALL FOR A FEW MINUTES BEFORE MEETING YOUR DATE. (as I said before, if you can't communicate with them orally, what the fuck are you even doing?) --- Those are the main ones. I honestly love this place, I feel extremely safe here, I go out often and apart from my one incident, I've never felt not even a whiff of danger here (obviously, super subjective statement). The people here are genuinely some of the loveliest people in the world, there is a real sense of community, everyone is super polite and helpful, and if you make an effort with your Spanish people will look out for you, because they'll be able to communicate with you. Tourists here shit on the police, but you know what, if you went up to a police officer in the UK without being able to speak a word of English you would be shit out of luck too. Generally speaking, Colombians don't speak good English (but better than the Spanish that Brits speak, ya know?), and the police here aren't gonna be able to help you if you can't speak in their language. I always say that I would have been in trouble if I had moved here in my 20s, when I was even younger and dumber than I am now, but as someone who came to live here in my 30s, and has generally (although not always) played by the rules listed above, I have come to love this city as my home, and I feel as safe here as I do in Europe, and I know Europe well. If you come here horny and lonely, you're putting yourself at a greater risk. However, if you must, don't pay less than 300k COP an hour for a woman's special services. There are legit websites you can find and safe places you can go to hook up, as prostitution is legal. Again, don't risk hooking up with women under 25, and if you don't speak Spanish, find a woman who speaks some of a language you speak. Just to reiterate, don't ever, like ever ever, get into a rando car that you haven't ordered or waved down (if it's a legit yellow taxi, which I use all the time). That advice you should use anywhere in the world, not just Medelln. Be safe, Medelln is an amazing city with amazing people. --- Notes: 1. The 'don't go younger than 25' part: just to be on the uber safe side for guys who come here wanting to hook up with a hot young woman. Biologically our brains have developed properly by 25, and I'd hazard a guess that most of these honey traps are younger. They don't set out to get people killed, they just want some money, and they're more likely to be controlled by gangs when they're young. 2. Regarding _where_ to hang out. I feel as safe walking around San Javier as I do in Laureles. The same goes for most of the city. However, I wouldn't walk around the centre after dark on my own, and I stay away from the Estrato 1 neighbourhoods on my own. 2-6 are generally fine. See here for a map of estratos: | 1,111 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,809 |
medellin | Pequeño rant | PezAnonimo | 2022-11-29T06:20:37 | Escribo en espaol porque esto va para los paisas. No vivo en el momento en Medelln, pero trabajo con gente que viaja seguido all y no me haban dicho nada malo. Hasta esta semana. De repente solo hay crticas hacia Medallo, porque al parecer somos campeones de drogar y robar a expats. Me dicen que es muy difcil ser un hombre extranjero en Medelln Y no s a ustedes, pero es que a m me da tanta rabia. Quin putas invita a su casa a una vieja cualquiera de Tinder? Nadie los obliga a pagar por tener sexo. Nadie los obliga a vivir en Medelln. Y luego villanizan a las paisas, nos tachan de p*tas Sin vergenzas. Como mujer, desde que empec a salir me ensaaron a cuidar mis bebidas, a desconfiar de desconocidos, a nunca traerme a un extrao a mi casa. Es sentido comn. Si yo pagara por cogerme a un tipo y l terminara siendo un ladrn, no habra empata para m. Con qu cara nos culpan a nosotros por situaciones que son un peligro inmenso en todo el mundo? Nos culpan porque el gobierno no acta y sin embargo todos sabemos que la polica solo se pone las pilas cuando hay un rico involucrado. Nunca he publicado nada ac, pero me pareci un sitio adecuado para el rant. Y si no estn de acuerdo, todo bien, pero yo de verdad no entiendo cmo el turismo sexual ahora es nuestra culpa | 366 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,810 |
medellin | Im gonna start posting classic Latam/Colombian music here to offset the negativity | anarmyofJuan305 | 2022-12-16T16:47:13 | This genre is called Champeta. []( | 32 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,820 |
medellin | Robbed at gunpoint in gelato shop | throwthisthingppp | 2022-11-27T06:57:08 | Got my shit nicked facing a revolver whilst eating cake at Arte Dolce. | 16 | 0 | 0.85 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,825 |
medellin | Tips for foreigners who want to date paisas | persefone1 | 2022-11-14T02:23:44 | Hey guys! First I gotta say English is not my mother language. Sorry in advance for my mistakes. Reading about Paul Nguyen's death and reading the news about other men who had been drugged, robbed and killed by bad paisas, got me so heartbroken and as a local woman I felt the urge to give you, - foreign men - some tips in case you want to date a paisa. 1. Make the first 3 dates at a public place and by day. Chat a lot with her to get to know her better, and ask about her parents, friends, ask all the questions you can about her job or about whatever she's studying, but choose a woman who's doing one of those 2 things. 2. I suggest you to have a side instagram/Facebook account with few info about yourself, then ask her about her social media accounts, befriend her and analyze what she posts/says and her "friends" and followers. 3. Tell your friends about that girl you're interested in and analyze with them if she's a good catch. If you feel something off about her or her life, pay attention to your gut. 4. To be honest, you don't have to be scared if she lives at the Northern side of the city. Many professionals and good people live in the barrios located in the North side of Medellin, just take more time to get to know her, her family and specially her friends. 5. If you feel safe enough with her and all you know by now, invite her and her parents to have lunch. Don't worry, they won't think you guys are getting married or something like that, it's just for you to gather more info. Better places to know "good paisas" Join dance classes Join some trekking/ sport groups Go to places where they make conversation exchange with locals Final words: While dating a paisa, be very selective, don't rush anything and trust your gut. | 404 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,826 |
medellin | postal de Medellín | expedicion_13 | 2022-08-09T02:21:36 | Pusieron est postal en la pgina del metro de Medelln, quera saber Que sienten los extranjeros la primera vez que ven este tipo de fotografas de la ciudad? | 42 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,828 |
medellin | Does anyone actually have the story on what happened to the young guy? | great_craic963 | 2022-11-15T00:36:52 | I've been to Medellin before in 2017. Loved it. I'm excited to go back next year. I'm going regardless and I am pretty intelligent when it comes to common sense, traveling and not being an idiot(I'm not saying that kid was, I just mean I'm smart in the context of traveling) I was aware of the scams and robberies and men having drinks or cocktails laced with drugs and then getting robbed. I've traveled a lot and every country has its own common form of theft and scams. I'm just genuinely curious about what happened. The earliest post I came across about it was basically shitting on the kid calling him a sex tourist pretty much but yet there was no evidence that he was one. Also if you're reading this and you're a guy fellas please. If you meet a woman whether it be in person or on a dating app and without any effort put in by you and in a very short amount of time she already wants to come over to your house and you tell yourself this is too easy or too good to be true then it probably is. On what planet is a woman going to come over to a strangers house she just met to drink alcohol? I'm not saying that one night stands don't happen. I've had a few but there was still talking there was still an entire evening of us learning about each other there was still a form of us vetting each other and her making sure I'm not a murderer and me making sure she's not a thief and going to drug me and rob me. Please be careful ladies and gentlemen, always exercise common sense and a level of awareness of your environment wherever you go, be it home or another country. Stay safe friends, respect the culture, learn the language as best you can, even some simple phrases and basic beginner level phrases and questions of whatever country you're visiting goes a long way and is always appreciated(except in France, just kidding relax) respect people be good to people, be realistic, have realistic expectations. Safe travels folks. I'm sorry to hear what happened to that kid and hope you all stay safe and enjoy your time traveling and visiting Medellin. It's my favorite city in the world and it's beautiful and I appreciate the Colombian friends I've made and the people thaymt welcome me everytime I go. | 476 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,845 |
medellin | "Armed" Robbery Near Santafe Mall | CanuckBoppingAround | 2022-09-07T20:27:11 | I am a solo traveller that go robbed last night by the GO Living & Suites a block away from the Santafe Mall. This is more of a heads-up to other visitors. I have largely felt reasonably safe in this beautiful city and have found the Reddit posts about what to do/not do incredibly informative. I was walking home around 8:30 at night when two guys on a motorcycle pulled up in front of me. The second guy jumped off and started yelling while pointing a gun at me under his shirt (no idea if the gun was real, I'm inclined to believe it wasn't, but as there were two of them and one of me and they both had helmets on, I wasn't going to risk it). They took my phone and wallet and drove off. This is just a warning to other travellers as even if you aren't giving papaya bad things can still happen. I was totally sober, wearing jeans, a tee shirt, sneakers, no jewelry, and didn't have my phone out. I had a black bag, which I'm guessing is the only thing that could stand out. To those saying that Medellin is no different than other major cities I really don't agree. I have travelled extensively in Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America and never had anything remotely similar happen. Maybe I was just unlucky here but there does seem to be more of an underlying edge than other places I've visited solo. | 291 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,855 |
medellin | Paragliding in Medellin | Soflohooker | 2022-12-06T18:53:43 | Took my wife paragliding in medellin this weekend. She had a blast | 19 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,859 |
medellin | I got got for 4k in Medellin by this professional pickpocket fat broad | N/A | 2022-11-20T03:05:35 | This happened to me last year (January 2021) and with the recent passing of this vietnamese kid (man, this breaks my heart), thought of sharing this. Fortunately in my case there was no drugging involved, just good ol classic pickpocketing by a skilled trade rat. ​ Within two months after the robbery and with the help of some locals, I managed to identify that woman (her full name is Yesica Leana Correa Rojo) and doxxed her by making a quick website: []( ​ Needless to say, her family from Jardin quickly found out what she did, however they all say that they don't know of her whereabouts nor how to contact her (how is that even possible?) ​ From what I've heard, shortly after she stole the $ she fled to Barranquilla and moved along the coast for several months. I know for a fact that she's back in Medallo because in late August she lost her ID in the minorista and the person who found it (and with the power of the interwebs) contacted me through the website. I asked him if he could send me a pic of her cedula to use as content for the site and he gladly obliged. ​ Just last month she was robbing in a bus with her gang, they all got caught except her, who managed again to get away. I must admit that woman is very slick (video of the incident has been uploaded on the webpage). ​ When someone exchanges dollars, it's done with ID. I have her cedula # and I'm curious to know if she was dumb enough to exchange the currency herself, how does one go about verifying this? ​ If someone is willing to help, I can be contacted here: []( | 430 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,860 |
medellin | Comic con 2022 | BladerKenny333 | 2022-12-23T21:16:45 | Just adding to the sub with these photos I took at comic con this year | 15 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,869 |
medellin | Sub improvements - News from the Mods! | j_ram2803 | 2022-12-23T04:40:34 | **Hello everyone!** Once again I, u/j_ram2803, am writing to you, the community, as to inform you on what has been done! # Mod Team First, I would like to present to you all the **new mod team!** u/Vivian_Y, u/anarmyofJuan305 and u/t6_macci **Us four are all paisas**, which will help moderation stand in a similar point of view. # Content Creators Other than Mods, we also created the user flair of **Content-Creator** which will allow users using it to have featured posts! These people will be in charge of doing special posts concerning Medellin, such as restaurant reviews, local IG/YT accounts recommendations, etc. # User and Post flairs We created only two user flairs that are the ones mentioned above, but concerning post flairs we created a lot more! They range from economics and entertainment to personal opinions! **Please remember to flair your posts** # Design The subs design department was lacking... A lot, haha. The current improvements are minimal but makes the sub look brand new! New color scheme, new banner and new logo! # Rules, rules and more rules! The most important thing this sub was missing were rules. There were a ton of posts that on other subs wouldn't stand a minute. It was time to organize this sub once and for all! So we hope everyone can follow the rules, and for the ones that don't remember that there is now an active mod team which will check on posts and reports. Also, Automod is now active, so expect autoremovals. # The future of the sub We hope to make this sub a better place for everyone. A place where you can browse and scroll without crashing into millions of shitposts and trolls. In a future where the sub gets bigger we would want to create more strict rules, increase the number of mods (And who knows, even include foreigners into it), add bots, add a custom design, etc... But in the meantime, we hope you enjoy the newly moderated Sub! ​ >This post was made in english as to increase reach for everyone who would want to post in the sub! | 453 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.95 | 3,874 |
medellin | I made Montreal Smoked Meat and Poutine here in Medellin | N/A | 2022-10-20T14:44:45 | Like Real Smoked Meat and Real Poutine. I got the curd cheese, the sauce and the meat just like you would get it in Montreal. Theses are the two plates from my home city that make people travel from everywhere in the world to have. My tests are done and i'm thinking my next steps to commercialize. I would love to hold an event with 10-20 persons soon to get the vibes of locals and gringos as well. Might rent a place for a day, might partner with a local resto, might do it in a private home. Want to join in? Have ideas? | 126 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,875 |
medellin | Petición ortográfica | astrojuanda | 2022-12-23T13:47:38 | Se podra decir que tengo un poquito de grammarnazi... Podran los nuevos mods ponerle la tilde a Medelln en el ttulo y otros textos del sub? Gracias. | 42 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,880 |
medellin | On security -by someone who has lived in Medellín for more than 5y | Vivian_Y | 2022-11-14T07:42:48 | First of all I want to send condolences and prayers to Paul's family and friends I think that we are all a bit shocked and furious over Paul's murder, it was wrong and we want justice But sadly, thinks are not always how we want them to be, I wish and want the police to catch whoever killed Paul and to bring them justice; but it will probably not be the first neither the last time that someone dies in the hands of a "date" or "robbery" I really wish to not have a case like this ever again, so I, as a woman who is pretty alert of her surroundings most of the time and is pretty aware of everything (to the point of developing anxiety but...) want to give you some security tips ​ 1. Don't go out all alone: always try to have someone with you, if you are a solo traveler, try to make friends from where you are staying at, if unable to, always share all your information with someone that you really trust (i.e. family member/friend) 2. Don't accept anything from strangers, be careful of any drink or food that you get, if something tastes off, leave the drink and go somewhere safe, also alert the people who are with you 3. Don't invite anyone who you just met to your place: if you want to spend some time alone with anyone who you just met, just go to another hotel or motel, but be aware of your personal belongings, if the room has a safe box, use it 4. Be aware of the streets that you are using, be careful if there is too much people on the street as there can be pickpockets, and be aware if the street is just a desert, as you might get robbed with a knife or gun, try to be on streets with enough people to be safe 5. Meeting new people: as it is easier just paying a hooker than trying to build something intimate with someone else, it is dangerous, h00kers are not regulated, and people that will straight up rob you can act as hookers ; what i recommend is trying to meet new people that are more secure in public actings such as dance classes, language exchanges etc. (I will soon make a post on where to meet people in Medelln) 6. Don't be flashy, try to blend in with the local population as most as you can, in terms of clothing but also in attitude 7. Use Uber/ Didi, apps that let you know who you will be riding with, and always check that the license plate matches the one on the app, if it doesn't match DON'T get into the car 8. If you feel weird, nauseas, like sizzles in your hands or feets, confused, disoriented or are straight up hallucinating, you may have been drugged with escopolamina, try to get to a safe place as soon as you can, usually a cafe that's nearby you or go directly to the hospital and get test run so you can get treatment as soon as possible 9. If you want to spend the night with someone, don't go to the first hotel/place they suggest, try to go somewhere you are close to like a police station or the hospital, or just a place that you feel comfortable( in case of the worst), always tell someone where and who you are with ​ These are some of the things that have helped me stay safe in this city even tho I'm Colombian I was not born here in Medellin, feel free to post more security tips here | 737 | 0 | 0.95 | 1 | 0.8 | 3,881 |
medellin | “X.O Medellin - A Must-Try Colombian Experience” | salsac23 | 2022-12-23T20:45:06 | I recently had the opportunity to dine at X.O Medellin, a Colombian restaurant that is part of the Carmen Restaurant Group. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint! We opted for the 11 course tasting menu with wine pairing and it was a great decision. The food was absolutely excellent, with each course being a delicious and carefully crafted representation of Colombian cuisine. The wine pairing was also well-done and really added to the overall dining experience. But its not just the food that impressed me - the service at X.O Medellin was top-notch. The staff were attentive and knowledgeable about the food and wine being served. And its no surprise that X.O Medellin has been recognized as one of the best restaurants in Latin America by The Worlds 50 Best. The price point for this spot was about $390,000 pesos for an 11 course tasting menu with wine pairing. I fully concede this is quite expensive, but its worth every peso. X.O Medellin is a truly special dining experience that shouldnt be missed if youre in the Provenza area. Overall, I highly recommend checking out X.O Medellin if youre in the mood for some high-quality Colombian cuisine provided by chefs who understand the value of using locally sourced ingredients. You wont be disappointed! En Espaol: "X.O Medelln - Una Experiencia Omakase Colombiana que Debes Probar" Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de cenar en X.O Medelln, un restaurante colombiano Omakase que es parte del Grupo de Restaurantes Carmen. Djenme decirles, no decepcion! Optamos por el men degustacin de 11 platos con maridaje de vinos y fue una gran decisin. La comida fue absolutamente excelente, con cada plato siendo una deliciosa y cuidadosamente elaborada representacin de la cocina colombiana. El maridaje de vinos tambin estuvo muy bien hecho y realmente aadi a la experiencia gastronmica en general. Pero no solo la comida me impresion - el servicio en X.O Medelln fue de primera clase. El personal fue atento y conocedor de los alimentos y vinos que se servan. Y no es de extraar que X.O Medelln haya sido reconocido como uno de los mejores restaurantes de Amrica Latina por The World's 50 Best. Ahora, s lo que ests pensando - $390.000 pesos por un men degustacin con maridaje de vinos suena como mucho. Pero creme, vale cada peso. X.O Medelln es una experiencia gastronmica verdaderamente especial que no deberas perderte si ests en la zona. En general, recomiendo encarecidamente probar X.O Medelln si ests en el nimo para alguna cocina colombiana de alta calidad. No te decepcionar! | 603 | 0 | 0.99 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,887 |
medellin | A story I am lucky to be alive to tell | N/A | 2022-06-22T22:36:08 | I literally just came home from a trip to Laureles near Estadio. I am sure people have seen this before way too often. It's a (maybe not so) friendly reminder to be aware and don't hold your phone on busy streets especially not when there's people from all around the greater area to come watch the local football team play. ​ I was right in front of the Metro station and was just figuring out which way to go. Had my google maps open as a small guy snatches my phone out my hands and immediately runs away as I run right after him, he looks behind and I see the panic in his eyes. I had a fight or flight response and chose fight but was still very aware of what was going on and wasn't blindly running after him. After about 7-8 seconds he throws my phone up in the air towards another guy (one of his friends I assume). He catches it as I run right after it. I see him put my phone in his back pocket as he plays dumb and acts like he only has my phone.. This is the moment, I either grab it and might face consequences of everyone around us who is staring, his friend who scarily creeps up right behind me and of course on his side. Or I give up and walk off. I snatch my phone back from his back pocket with my right hand as I flick my left hand into the sky to distract him. I run right off as a security officer walks up to me and escorts me to the tram station. Now I am home, lucky to be able to tell this story. There's a lot of different ways this could, and maybe probably, should have ended. ​ (I am lucky I am very confident in my skin because of years of high level fighting experience so the 2nd guy was pretty shook when he saw my face where there was 0 fear just pure willingness to fight, I AM IN ANY WAY NOT SAYING THIS IS A GOOD THING. Had he had a knife that would've probably been the end of my story, of my book. That confidence is double bladed in some situations it can save you in others it can cause more trouble.) ​ TL;DR Be careful, don't be like me, don't blindly hold your phone in super busy area's and maybe, it is probably smarter not to do like I did. If I never got my phone back that would've still been a good ending compared to being stabbed or whatever you might be able to think off. | 522 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,891 |
medellin | Any new information on the person of interest in Paul Nguyen’s murder? | AgentZer0674 | 2022-12-06T03:43:41 | Hello, If anyone has any new information can you please add it to the thread. As well as if you have any photos of the girl in question please add them. The last couple post have been jumbled and I would like to create an easier place to find information about this repeat offender and murderer. Thank you. | 64 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,892 |
medellin | Plane crash in Medellín, 8 confirmed dead | Sad_Birthday_1741 | 2022-11-22T04:00:20 | | 54 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,893 |
medellin | drugged in poblado | kestrelmt | 2022-04-21T02:00:38 | Hola Buenos noches. I went on a tinder date with a woman calling herself "Maria Camilla Bran" 42(f) we went to a nice dinner at Argentina Pampas. We came back to my place she poured me a drink and I did not wake up until 9am today and all my money, credit card and phone where gone. She seemed very nice. Her profession is taking care of abused children. She also said that she has a lingerie business "Fiorentina" these may be lies? I have know a way of contacting her, but maybe some reditor knows her? I really need my phone back. Thank you for any help. | 135 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.8 | 3,895 |
medellin | Extranjero, al parecer drogado, se desnudó en Laureles | t6_macci | 2022-12-11T13:33:31 | Laureles is slowly becoming parques lleras | 11 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,896 |
medellin | What paisas think about foreigners? | yxmma | 2022-12-17T11:06:59 | Soy un extranjero viviendo ac hace 2 aos y mdio. La gente s muy amigable conmigo, pero yo veo muchas turistas, especificamente de los Estados Unidos venir ac solamente por los prepagos y por el fcil accesso de drogas. En los cafs de Laureles se v muchos gringos de tercera edad con chiquas jvenes. Adems la renta subi demasiado en los ltimos aos. Por otro lado supongo que llega algo inversin para Colombia atravs de los extranjeros, y obviamente no son todos sobre prostitutas y perico. En general que piensan? | 144 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,905 |
medellin | Lleras park… stay away from this club!!! | ohtheboog | 2022-07-04T03:32:38 | I went here while on vacation in Medellin, it is just a bunch of sex workers and they all have stds. While there I was constantly harassed by a lady to take her home for 250,000 peso I should have been smarter but I gave in as Ive never done something like this before and Im in Medellin, I asked her if she had any STD and she laughed and told me she wouldnt be able to do what she did if she had STDs so stupid me believed her. After the whole experience I asked her to exchange numbers as Ill be in Medellin for a few more day (to which she gave me a wrong number) and I Ubered her home to which she changed the address multiple times before giving me a generic street address (assuming she did that because she knew what she was doing). I come back to America and Im struck by a terrible sickness go to the doctor to find out I have been diagnosed with herpes 2 I believe she knew exactly what she was doing and the club doesnt test their workers. My life will never be the same all over a mistake that I was pressured into. Whatever you do PLEASE stay away from this place. Its not worth it | 245 | 0 | 0.95 | 1 | 0.95 | 3,910 |
medellin | Drugged and robbed the other night. I have some useful information and want to file a police report. A friend is warning me that I'll just get into more danger by doing so. Thoughts? | paxmlank | 2022-10-03T12:32:51 | I'm American but have befriended some overly protective people while having spent time here. Anyway, I was out one night per the title was drugged, robbed, and hacked into all of my accounts. The police gave me a ride back when they found me asleep in the streets so they know where I live and have seen my passport. I was able to regain access and control and found some useless things (likely burner numbers and emails), but also one address saved as "Casa" and a device's location and network name when it was using my account. Being useful information, I want to file a police report today, but I'm being warned by my protective friend that I'll just be getting into more trouble, as if the police look for them they'll just look for me. The way I see it, this will only happen if the police here aren't just incompetent, but are corrupt. Edit: I do recall telling the woman who drugged me the general location of where I am living, but obviously I don't know if more was said when I was under the effects or if they similarly saved my devices' location from my accounts before I took back control. I'm sorry, but I don't know much about Medellin yet - is this something I should heed? Should I listen to said friend? I'm not expecting to get my phone or anything back unlike the other post. I just have information that I want to give the police. | 296 | 0 | 0.95 | 0 | 0.9 | 3,914 |
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