Male patient, 40 years old, with a history of health. |
She came to the Urology Department due to dysuria and 3 episodes of urethrorrhagia. |
On physical examination, mucous membranes are moist and normocolored, cardiorespiratory auscultation is normal, abdomen is negative, lumbar fossae are free, rectal examination, inguinal regions are normal. |
Urological ultrasound was performed which was normal. |
A cystourethroplasty is normal, but only a slight urethral stricture is observed. |
She underwent urethrocystography x-ray where a filling defect was observed at the level of the anterior urethra. |
Due to the above mentioned facts, we performed an endoscopic study under anesthesia, detecting a well-defined, reddish polypoid tumor, so we decided to resect it endoscopically. |
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The pathological result of the surgical specimen was an inverted papilloma of the anterior urethra. |
The patient was discharged with improvement, evolving satisfactorily with disappearance of dysuria and urethrorragia. |