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The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 12, 1942, Image 1
—The Frontier I • *. ' , W • ••••. i * * *< a •* »V7i ** j A' ... * _ ___ VOL. LXII O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1942 NUMBER 40 SOUTHWESTERN BREEZES_ By Romaine Saunders The prairie in the southwest I was blanketed Sunday by four] | inches of snow. As I understand daylight saving. I what you gain at one end you lose | at the other. Dr. Gill of Chambers was out this way Saturday evening on a professional call. Haven't seen that there is to be a penalty forv stocking up with sugar, honey and candies. iff It may be all right to bestow a L medal on General McArthur, but f maybe he would rather have rein !| forcements. Warnings from many world f capitals that war is the chief L objective of the nations is now [ echoed across our own fair land. The call of our company to go catch old Sitting Bull was a false alarm; More than could be used responded to the war cry, Re member the. Maine;" the Kaisei took to flight without calling any of my age group to go across; this present call to arms again finds me a lookeron, but if there is a field of activity where an old timer from the prairie can lend a hand in defense of liberty for all mankind, just send on the orders A Correction:—Whether the operator got mixed at the key board or was unable to make out the name, an unfortunate error occured in a paragraph last week which mentioned the death of a pioneer resident of Atkinson. The name is Anna S. Miner, not Min en. This was Sophie Anderson who a few about Atkinson may re member. But I would not know just why the operator should take the word "album" in a line quoted from a peom of Riley's and invent "albuin." J The night is starless. Out of a poll of impenetrable darkness a low wind moans across the land. The blood-congealing cry of a tramp cat out in the night is ad ded to the far-off note of a lone coyote. Lights glow dimly from windows of neighboring houses. A sudden white glare along the road from the headlights of a motorist heedless of wear on tires. The pioneer spirit of neighborli ness is gone. Neighbors no long er "drop in" for a visit. Instead its a trip to town to see a movie or other attraction. Much has gone out of the simple joys of living since neighbors are no longer neighborly. After a look out into the night I drop into an easy chair by the flickering light of buring wood to muse on the smiles and heartaches of life's fit ful drama, while the lady turns on the music. "He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall re ceive a prophet's reward." A scholarly and devout member of Father Cassidy's parish, D. A. Doyle, said he believed in listen ing to a man with a message. Both have passed from life's acti vities—the one from the spiritual guidance of his people, the other from his saddle and horses. When an itinerant street preacher came to town, Colonel Doyle was an at tentive listener. He had the Irish i love for the music of words, but said no man ever finished a shadey story in his presence. When the outstanding Person of the gospels sent forth the twelve "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" he told them a fate more terrible than that of Sodom and Gomorrah awaited the city or household that rejected their message. The coun try is over run today with men and women with a message. I give such as come my way a re spectful hearing, but reserve the right to sift out the error. So you think there would be no war if the sisters were running things Hunters say it is the lioness on the African veldt that rends and kills, the female bear in distant Alaska that knocks the daylight out of you. But are not the sisters sharing the running of things? Isn't the aggressive Mis tress of the White House strictly •" the swim" of world affa.rs? _in , Cncon B Anthony, Remember busan d. that feminine firebrand, and her cohorts who held out the ros y O'NEILL HIGH WINS TWO MORE O'Neill's Eagles came back from the Page defeat to smother their age-old rival under a score of 34-i 16 at Atkinson last Friday. The Balers managed to keep the wolf from their door during the first half. They held a one-j point lead until Ted Manzer, Eagle forward, made a goal in the last thirty seconds to put his mates in front, 8-7, at half time. O'Neill flashed back in the third period to count six fast points before Atkinson (Xrnld put up an effective defense. Before that disastrous quarter was over the Blue and White led by a dozen points. The Eagles coasted in the last period to win by an eighteen point margin. Coach Howard Dean of O. H. S. used many substitutes and his second team part of the time in an effort to start an effective at tack, but the Eagles missed fire during all the first half. Lewis made 12 points to lead the; Eagles in scoring. Starters for the Eagles were Manzer, Lewis, Calkins, and Mc Kenna. The second team, which worked during much of the game included Wolfe, Yantzi, Wetzler Vincent, and Osenbough. _ O'Neill-Butte The O. H. S. Eagles chalked up victory number twelve last Mon day night at O'Neill with a 35-28 triumph over the fighting Butte team. O'Neill's five had the game securely in hand only in the last few minutes, as they overcame a 20-19 Butte lead at the three quarters mark With a rush of j baskets, holding their opponents'; score down. This game was one of the closest j of the season, despite the winning margin. The lead changed hands j many times; Butte led at the end of the first and third quarters; O. H. S. was ahead at the half and at the end of the game. Eagle supporters, confident in their favorites' lead, 15-10, at the half, were caught napping when Butte went ahead in the first min ute of the third period. The gym nasium was a bedlam of noise as* the teams raced neck-and-neck to the close of the quarter, where Butte led, 20-19. As the Eagles broke away in the last quarter Butte, fighting stubbornly all the: way, could not keep pace with the smooth Blue and White attack. Warren Burgess, aggressive Eagle forward, connected with nine points to lead his team. Couch had eight for Butte. Coach Howard Dean of O'Neill used three substitutes to great advantage, working Wolfe, Wetz ler, and Vincent into the starting lineup of Burgess, Manzer, Lewis, Calkins, and McKenna. St. Mary's Grades Wins Majority St. Mary's Grades have gone through the season so far with a fairly clean record. They lost their first game to Inman 21 to 12. They won their next in an overtime over Amelia 18 to 16. They lost their next in a very close decision to O'Neill by a score of 13 to 12. Then they hit their winning steark defeating Orchard 15 to 9, Atkin son 13 to 6 and then playing Amelia High on their own floor they won a thriller 11 to 10. They play Inman there the 17 and then play O'Neill the 20. Next comes the Grade tournament which is to be held here. Lets wish them Luck. tints of national and world per-; fection to follow when they had the ballot? Should a mere man be so lacking in gallantry to now intimate that the sisters were only fooling? That the course of poli tics has moved into the realms of bliss if not perfection since the ladies started the march to the polls with us need hardly be chal lenged. They say over in Europe they are doing everything, even knocking them out of the sky, and the young German fraulenes are endeavering to replace each fallen soldier with a baby. Maybe all this is repellant to the true nature of woman—an unnatural cooper ation with the barbaric blood lust of man. Maybe her more tender sympathies and finer moral fiber have for the time loosed their moorings to soar again to trans cending heights out of the world's baptism of blood and ruin. THE VOICE OF LINCOLN DOWN THE AGES—"I always feel inclined, when I happen to say anything to soldiers, to impress upon them the importance of success In this contest. It is not merely for today, but for all time to come, that we should perpetuate for our children's children that great and free government which we have enjoyed all our lives. . . . Still, let us not be over sanguine of a speedy, final triumph. Let us be quite sober. Let us diligently apply the means, never doubting that a just God, in His own good time, will give us the rightful result." West-Ryan Miss Doris Mae West, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. West of Scotia, Nebraska, and William Francis Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ryan of this city, were mar ried in Omaha last Saturday, Feb ruary 7, 1942, in the Cathedral Rectory, Monsignor Hunkeiier efficiating. Mrs. Ryan is a graduate of the Scotia High School of the class of 1941 and for several months was employed in the Johnson Drug store in this city. The groom is a graduate of St. Mary's Academy, of the 1941 class and while in school was noted as a basketball and foot ball play er. He joined the U. S. Navy the early part of last month and had been at home waiting call to duty. We understand that he was to leave Wednesday for the west coast, having been called Satur day. These young people have many friends in this city who extend congratulations and wish them many years of happiness and pros perity. Missionary Society Elects New Officers The Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. L. A. Burgess Tues day evening. Mrs. J. R. Miller was in charge of the devotions. Following the business meeting Mrs. J. M. Hayes led an interesting discussion on Missionary work among the negroes. Reports were given by Mrs. R. M. Sauers, Mrs. Oral Fox, Miss Elja McCullough, and Mrs. Paul Shirek. The nomin ating committee presented the names of the following members for officers for the following year, and they were duly elected by the group: President, Mrs. Paul Shirek; Vice President, Miss Elja McCullough; Secretary, Mrs. L. A Burgess; Treasurer, Mrs. J. P Brown. At the close of the busi ness meeting refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed by all. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McManamy moved here from Council Bluffs and will make their home with Mrs. McManamy's mother, Mrs. Frank Kubichek. Mr. McManamy is the representative in this ter ritory for the R. J. Reynolds To bacco company. SPORT NOTES Bystander O'Neill High School, after being defeated for the first time by Page High School on the letters floor, won two games but these wins were not enough and O'Neill besides being beaten for the first time were put out of the first ten in class B in the World Herald's selection. Their last game Tuesday when they beat Butte will not count in the standings until next week and if they keep on winning they will still have a chance tc go back to the first ten and all the people in O'Neill hope they can continue their sucesses. Last week we picked four bas ketball games and out of the four I got four right and so that gives me a 1,000% for the week. This week O'Neill High and the Saint Mary's Cardinals will play one and two games repectively. I predict O'Neill to beat Oakdale I don't know much about the Oakdale team but I think they are pretty good this season. Saint Mary's plays Ewing here the 13th and this ought to result in a vic tory for the Cardinals. Even if the thirteenth falls on Friday. Tuesday the Cardinals will go to Inman and this will be a very close ball game, but I pick In man to win this one, although the Cardinals have a very good chance. O'Neill High in class B, and Saint Mary's Academy in class C both received District Touran ments here and this is a great accomplishment for the city of O'Neill. I am sure that the Athe letic Board won't be sorry and O'Neill and Saint Mary's will do their best to make the Touran ment a success and I am sure that the people of O'Neill will also do their share and hope that both tournaments are huge successes. See you next week. Melvin Ruzicka, local Gamble Store manager returned Wednes day from a two day convention held in Hotel Frontenelle, Omaha on February 9 and 10. This is one of five meetings which were held this year and which brought to gether Gamble Authorized Deal ers, Gamble Store managers, Sup ervisors, Fieldmen and some forty five Gamble Home Office Execu tives and Manufacturer's repre sentatives. IOld Age Disappears I When I^ove Appears That age is no barrier to ro Jmance was again exemplified at the office of County Judge Reimer j last Tuesday when he issued a li cense to F. H. Osborne, 78, of Nor folk, and Miss Lucille Worford, 29, of this city, and then joined them j fin holly wedlock. The groom was a former resi dent of this county, living in the Dorsey neighborhood but about I twenty years ago moved to Nor-j folk. The bride had been in Nor- j folk for a couple of months attend ing a beauty school, and had been staying at the Osborne home there while attending school. They will make their future home at Nor folk. Emmet Boy Selected For Naval Academy Thomas J. McNally, of Emmet, has been recommended by Con gressman Stefan as First Alter nate to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. The prin cipal, for whom Mr. McNally is alternate is Robert E. Weidner, of Norfolk. Thirty-three young men in the district took the examinations for these appointments and the nom inations have gone to the boys who made the highest grades and Mr. McNally made a splendid showing in getting second place in this examination and he is en titles to the congratulations of' Holt county residents, for he again put it on the map. Old Time Forger Gets Ten Year Stretch Joe Olsen, of Rose, Nebraska, in Rock County, was before Judge Mounts Wednesday afternoon, charged with forgery and the pas sing of a forged check. He pled i guilty and was sentenced to ten years in the state Penitentiary, on each count, sentences to run con currently. This was his fourth offense and he will not do any more forging for a few years at least. On February 9 he forged the name of Ray Warden of Amelia to a check for $80.00 and passed same on Joe Dass of Cham bers. He was arrested by sheriff Swanson of Rock County and sheriff Duffy brought him to O'Neill. He is about forty-eight years of age. O'NEILL TO HAVE B. B TOURNAMENTS The city of O'Neil] will be host; to two of the district basketball tournaments, as announced last Tuesday by Secretary Webb of the Nebraska High School Ath letic Association. The O'Neill High School team in class B, while St. Mary's Academy team is in class C, so the O'Neill High will be hosts to the Class B players while St. Mary's will be the hosts of the Class C members. Super intendent C. F. Grill of the O'Neill High School, has been selected as the director of both tournaments, j being selected by the N. H. S. A. A. directors. The class C. tournament will be held first. It will be held the last week in February, the exact dates and the pairings of the teams will be made at a meeting of the coaches to be held in this city the latter part of this week. They will also select the officials for the tournament. The following teams will com pete in the Class C tournament here: Butte Lynch, St. Mary's, Page, Spalding Academy, Spencer, Springview, Stuart. The Class B tournament will be held in this city the first week in March, the date for which will be set at a meeting of the coaches of the schools represented to be held in this city next Saturday afternoon. At this meeting they will also make the pairings for the tournament and select the offi cials. The following teams will battle for the district champion ship in this city: Ainsworth, At kinson, Bassett, Creighton, Neligh, O'Neill, Plainview, Valentine. Gregg McBride, one of the sports editors on the World Herald is of opinion that there will be some lively competition in the regional basketball tournaments. He rates favorites in the eight Class B carnivals, according to the early listing, as Creighton and O'Neill. In the Class C he lists Butte and Page as the favorites. We are not much of a judge of basketball players or teams, so we will leave that part if it to "By stander" who will probably make his selections next week, after the pairings have been made. The citizens of O'Neill are glad that the two district tournaments have been allocated to this city. O'Neill and its citizens are hos pitable and we can assure the young athletes from this section of the state that they will receive a royal welcome and their games toyal welcome and their games will be largely attended. Automobile Thief Gets Five Years William Rothleutner, of Clear water, was before the district court late Wednesday charged with automobile theft, and pled guilty to the charge and was sentenced to five years in the state penitentiary. Rothleutner was charged with having stolen a car from Warren Schmidt of Ewing on August 2, 1941. While he had been suspect ed of the theft the car could not be found and it now develops he hid it in a hay stack. As time passed he dismantled the car throwing the body in a pasture near where he lived and used the other parts in his own car. The scent was then warm and he was arrested on February 10, by Deputy sheriff Bergstrom and was brought to this city and he pled guilty, with the result stated in the opening paragraph. He is 23 years of age and this was his third offense. City Campaign Is Opening Up That there is soon to be a city election was brought to light the first of the week when petitions were circulated around th6 city for the purpose of placing sev eral candidates in nomination. Petitions are being circulated for the following candidates: For Mayor, John Kersenbrock. City Clerk, C. W. Porter. City Treasurer, Ed Quinn. Police Judge, Charles Switzer. For Councilmen: First Ward, Dick Rakowski, to succeed the late R. L. Arbuthnot; Second Ward, John Alfs, to succeed him self; Third Ward, Mike Johnson, to succeed himself. On the list above there are only two new names, Charles Switzer for Police Judge and Dick Rakow ski for councilman from the First ward, the others being candidates for re-election. CARDINALS SHORT TWO MORE GAMES Long Pine made it 13 out of fifteen Friday when they beat the Saint Mary's five 28 to 21. Long Pine has only lost two games one to Ainsworth and the other to Wood Lake and the other day in a return game they beat Wood Lake. Long Pine was handicaped by having two of their best play ers missing, both guards Max Johns and Dick Odbert. Saint Mary's was very cold under the basket and it really should have been a win for them, although Long Pine played a good game. Saint Mary's started out with a bang and held a 10 to 5 lead at the end of the first quarter and at the half Long Pine had crept up but Saint Mary's had a one point lead 15 to 14. After returning to the floor after the half it seemed like a jinks hit Saint Mary's and they made only one basket the entire third quarter as Long Pine made 8 points and the score at the end of the third quarter was 122 to 17. In the last quarter Saint Mary's was cold under the basket : and they made four points to their I opponents seven and the final I score was 28 to 21 in favor of Long Pine. The starting lineup was: St. Mary's: Guard, Kubitcheck; Guard, Higgins; Center, Gallagher; 1 Forward, Harty; Forward, Grady. Long Pine: Guard, Luehers; Guard, Wheeler; Center, Arrow smith; Forward, Krouse; Forward, Smith. Krouse played the best floor jg^me for the winners and Gall agher and Kubitcheck for the los ers. Sunday Saint Mary's Cardinals went to Spalding in a private bus to play Spalding Academy quintet and lost a hard fought game 20 to 17. It was a very good game and one of the hinderences to Saint Mary's was their oppon ents small floor, for they couldn't seem to get started and although Spalding was.ahead most all the game it was a good game. Tomorrow night Saint Mary's have a game with the Ewing Tig ers here and Saint Mary's wants to win their last few games before the District Tournament here for they want to be a real threat in the Tournament. Farm Account Books Are Popular Farmers and ranchers have found that an accurate account ing system is a very valuable as sistance in filing tax returns this year. At the present time over fifty books have been placed in the county by County Agent Lyndle Stout. There is still plenty of time to start your 1942 books. New books and assistance in start ing an accounting system may be obtained by calling at the County Agent's office in O'Neill. Mrs. Dean Selah entertained the Last Minute Bridge Club Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emery Peterson. High score was won by Mrs. George Mitchell, Mrs. Robert Brittel second high and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson low. Lunch was served at the Elite Cafe. Marriage Licenses Frank H. Osborne of Norfolk and Lucille E. Worford of O'Neill on February 10, 1942. Robert Harold Manning of At kinson and Leona Elizabeth Cam in of Naper on February 9, 1942. Hospital Notes Mrs. Frank Hawk and son dis missed on Friday. Mrs. Robert Smith, jr., and daughter dismissed on Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Carney dismissed on Sunday. County Court Mark Kenney of Sioux City, la., was arested by Patrolman Meis trel and charged with failure to display proper plates and no oper ators license. He appeared before the county court on February 9, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $25 on count one, $1.00 on count 2, and costs $3.10. Herman E. Anderson was ar rested by Patrolman Meistrel and charged with no Nebraska license plates. He appeared before the county court on February 10, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $2.00 I and costs of $3.10. | commoncrawl |
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Parfait Hair Tonic Lotion
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It's been a little over two months since Roland Dane packed up his desk at Triple Eight Race Engineering and handed the reins to Jamie Whincup.
So what has Dane been up to since last year's season-ending Bathurst 1000 been up to lately and what's on his radar?
Speedcafe.com spoke with Triple Eight Race Engineering's founding father about the state of Supercars, Gen3, and ownership at Queensland Raceway recently.
Speedcafe.com: It's just coming up on two months since you've vacated the desk, is that right?
Roland Dane: Oh, when did I do that? Just before Bathurst.
Speedcafe.com: What have you been up to since?
Roland Dane: I've been up to the UK for six weeks. So I went to Abu Dhabi on the way to London for the last [Formula 1] grand prix. I only got back last week. I made sure I left [Abu Dhabi] on Sunday morning and watched it in the peace and quiet at my daughter's house in England. Honestly, probably a better place to watch it.
Speedcafe.com: I know you're not one to sit still. It's obviously the new year now, the second test this year for these guys. Are you drawn out here for any particular reason?
Roland Dane: I just wanted to see where it was all at. Understand, so that, you know, just from a point of view of what I am doing Triple Eight in terms of being chairman there, I just wanted to make sure he's up to speed on what's going on. So hence coming out here today. I just came out to have a look and see who's doing what.
Speedcafe.com: Are you taking a reasonably hands-off approach?
Roland Dane: Yeah, not involved, just taking an interest
Speedcafe.com: I guess you've been part of this process for a long time. Is it quite satisfying to see this all finally come to a head and see so many people working together towards one common goal?
Roland Dane: Yeah, very much, very much. I mean, to be honest, I feel pretty invested personally in the cars, especially given how the Camaro came to be in the category, which was very much instigated from a personal point of view with General Motors in America. So yeah, I've got a keen interest in seeing it hopefully come to fruition as next year's car in a positive way.
Speedcafe.com: You've worked with Holden in a factory capacity, it must be immensely satisfying as part of your legacy with the team here to convince GM to take some sort of investment in Supercars moving forward.
Roland Dane: Totally. To have them still involved; they have gone through a very difficult period of morphing from a volume car company, one of the most famous brands in Australian history in Holden to the Chevrolet brand, they're a niche part of the market now. Working with them through that and the people who've remained the GM of Australia, it's been something that both sides have worked hard to make happen and I'm very proud of the fact we managed to keep them onboard.
Speedcafe.com: Obviously, it's only early days I suppose in terms of Jamie's role as the boss. The timing of him coming onboard is also an interesting time with him having a newborn at the same time. Have you been speaking to him much lately about how life is in personal and team land?
Roland Dane: I caught up with Jamie yesterday. He was busy last week with the newborn. So I caught up with him yesterday but I've been in touch with him over email. They're all getting on with it. Triple Eight know what the job is. They know what they're doing. We finished off the year last year with pretty much everything done in terms of the refurbishment that we put into play sort of 18 months before refurbishing the factory and building the new place as well. So that was pretty much done by the end of last year.
Speedcafe.com: In terms of I guess your role with the business now as chairman, what does that sort of encompass?
Roland Dane: It's really a non-executive role of being chairman of the board there. The easiest thing is just chairing a few board meetings year, but I'm just there as a consultant if you like for Jamie and the management group to give input as they need it.
Speedcafe.com: Has it been hard to step away having been in such a prominent role with the team?
Roland Dane: Not really, to be honest. If I'm honest, I've been planning things one way or another for a long time to try and give myself the opportunity to step back a bit. I've been going to motor races in one shape or form since I was 17 years old. And I just wanted the ability to stop and think a bit and that's given me that already. I already feel that I didn't have to rush back here straight after New Years or whatever, I could take a bit more time. I wasn't planning to spend some of that time in isolation with COVID, but that's what happened. That wasn't the plan. I'm able to relax a bit more. I still sit on the board at PWR, which I love, and try to consider there. Motorsport Australia has already announced I'll be doing some stuff with them. A couple more potential things that I may or may not do down the line.
Speedcafe.com: COVID aside, are you pretty happy at the moment?.
Roland Dane: Yeah. To be honest, there's no point dwelling on COVID because I can't do anything about it. It is what it is. So you've just got to try and work around it. But yeah, I'm pretty happy with where Triple Eight is at and the people, and I'm pleased to see it carrying on.
Speedcafe.com: Are you excited for the forthcoming season to watch the new group?
Roland Dane: I'm excited about watching Broc in particular. I'm excited about watching the engineering group and hoping they just stick to the fundamental principles that Triple Eight has been built on in Australia over the last 20 years and between the UK and Australia longer than that. As long as they stick to the playbook, it should be right.
Speedcafe.com: You're probably not wanting to sort of sit on your hands. You seem to be about doing something in one way, shape, or another. Have you got some plans for this year to keep yourself busy?
Roland Dane: I'll go to a few races, I plan to go back to Europe when it's a bit warmer. Two years ago I said I'd never go back there at Christmas, it was too cold. Of course, I did because I wanted to catch up with my daughter there. So as soon as the border is open, I was always going to go back to see her. But I want to go in the summer where it's great to go to a race or two, do some shit, and catch up with other people and enjoy Europe at the best time of year.
Speedcafe: Your life to this point has been so engrossed in motorsport. Is there now an opportunity for you to tick off some bucket list items perhaps.
Roland Dane: There's certainly a few things that I want to do. I've been lucky enough to do a lot of things over the years, but yeah, there's certainly a couple of things I'd like to do. I'm going to concentrate on making sure I'm fit enough to do them.
Speedcafe.com: Obviously Supercars is in an interesting phase now. We're on the brink of Gen3 coming in, we've got new owners, TV seems to be doing really well at the moment. Are you excited for what's to come in the next few years for the category?
Roland Dane: I think motorsport around the world has got plenty of challenges. So everyone's gonna have their wits about them and be prepared to adapt to whatever that takes over the years. And at the end of the day, people will enjoy watching Supercars. It's fast, loud, and they race well, and if people still enjoy watching it, then they'll soon be prepared to pay for it and there'll still be professional racing in this country, which to me is the holy grail; to be able to have a proper, professional championship in a country of 25 million. There are plenty of countries with those of the populations who haven't got the same level of motorsport we have.
Speedcafe.com: Do you think we'll see a seismic sort of shift in how the championship is run and maybe that we see a championship over the next couple of years.
Roland Dane: I doubt it because I mean, too much wasn't broken, to be honest. You can always improve things, but somebody comes in and tries too change too much, we're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The fact is, when you go overseas, I can say that, I've just got back from six weeks overseas, and everyone without exception who I talk to in our motorsport world from Formula 1 downwards, I've spoken to a massive amount of people between London and Abu Dhabi, and they all really rate what we're up to here. Sometimes when you're here you can't see the wood through the trees. There's a lot of admiration for what we do.
Speedcafe.com: I guess we can all sit here and nitpick and say, 'Oh, this isn't right. Or that's not right', but like you say, internationally, it's a series is one that's admired, isn't it?
Roland Dane: Very much so. There's all sorts of reasons. From a spectacle point of view, an economic point of view.
Speedcafe.com: What is it about this category that resonates with so many people around the world?
Roland Dane: Well, in the motor racing world, the biggest thing is that we've got good racing without being bumper cars. So they look at the professional side of motorsport. You look at BTCC for instance and even DTM, and they don't really think of the standards being very high. And in terms of racing etiquette, et cetera. So they're full of admiration for how we manage the driving standards, which we all pick holes in sometimes, but overall, I promise you, the motor racing world looks at the way we go racing down here and really admires what we've done over the years with our standards.
Speedcafe.com: Who are the sort of people that are giving you that feedback?
Roland Dane: I'm talking from Formula 1 land down to club racers that I grew up with and everyone in between. Honestly, they look at it with admiration. | commoncrawl |
Honda 400EX 400X Cylinder Head Assembly Top End Rebuild Kit Valves Rocker Arms
Honda 400EX 400X Cylinder Head Assembly Top End Rebuild Kit Valves Rocker Arms. Complete Top End Rebuild Kit with Head. NEW after market 85mm, stock bore cylinder. Wiseco or Wossner forged piston. Nitrite coated piston rings. Assembled cylinder head with valves, valve springs, rocker arms (NO CAM). Talon Titanium head stud kit. Top end gasket kit. HD cam chain conversion. Compatible with all Honda 400X, XR400R, and 400EX models and years. Runs on pump or race gas. This kit is perfect for Honda 400X and 400EX owners looking to rebuild a worn-out top end. With robust forged internals, upgraded head studs, and improved lubrication, this kit will breathe new high-revving life into your engine. Rebuild your top end right the first time with premium components that outperform and outlast stock parts. BPRATV – The Best Parts. 12100-KCY-670, 4606M08500, C7826, 71016-4, 12191-KCY-673, 13011-KCY-670, 90601-KA5-000, 13103-KCY-670, 13111-KCY-670, 12251-HN1-003, 12209-KL4-005, C7825, 808894, 822278, 4040, WPC131A, WPC131B, CBK0016, TBK0012, K014, 8604DA. DO YOU NEED TO HAVE THIS ITEM INSTALLED ON YOUR VEHICLE? WE HAVE YOU COVERED! We are BPRATV, offering you the best in parts and service for over 20 years. PRICES AND LISTINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. Interchangeable part: We stock the same parts from different manufacturers so that when back orders occur, we have a part that is equal in quality and cost to send, preventing what can sometimes be long waits. This would be the only reason your order might vary slightly from the description, and the part that is subbed will always be comparable quality. If you only want a specific brand, just ask and we will let you know if it is out of stock and for how long. Once a part has been installed or prepped for installation it is no longer eligible for return. Over 99% of people in the world are not qualified to build an engine, and it is the responsibility of the person assembling and tuning the engine to make sure all the parts are correct and work properly. We ALWAYS STRONGLY recommend work be done by a qualified, experienced mechanic. Please work with us and we will ALWAYS work with you. No other parts nor any labor are included. We are BPRATV, and we offer a huge selection of Titanium fasteners. Once an item has been used or prepped for use with lubricants, sealant, etc. It is not eligible for return. | commoncrawl |
Disney's Christmas Fantasy on Ice is a CBS Christmas special. It stars twelve Disney characters and nine famous figure skaters.
At Disneyland, Uncle Bronnie tells his niece, Alice, a story in which Disney characters ask Jack Frost to make it snow. He needs a 6 sided snowflake. The Disney characters visit famous figure skaters to help craft it.
- Mickey Mouse
- Minnie Mouse
- Donald Duck
- Pluto
- Goofy
- Roger Rabbit
- Chip 'n' Dale
- Belle
- Beast
- Snow White
- Dopey
- Winnie the Pooh (reairing only; archived from Disney's Christmas on Ice)
- Eeyore (reairing only; archived from Disney's Christmas on Ice)
- Bronson Pinchot as Uncle Bronnie/Jack Frost
- Lindsay Ridgeway as Alice
- Shadoe Stevens as Himself - Announcer
- Seven Dwarfs Cosplayers
Figure Skaters
- Nancy Kerrigan
- Kurt Browning
- Peter and Kitty Carruthers
- Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov
- Katarina Witt
- Brian Boitano
- Scott Hamilton
Songs/Skating Programs
- "Deck the Halls" (sung by the Disneyland Christmas Carolers)
- Seven Dwarves Instrumental Medley ("Heigh-Ho/Whistle While You Work") (skating program by the Seven Dwarfs Cosplayers)
- Medley: "Carol of the Bells"/"What Child is This?" (skating program by Nancy Kerrigan)
- The Nutcracker: Trepak (skating program by Kurt Browning)
- Medley: "Jingle Bells"/"O Christmas Tree"/"I Saw Three Ships"/"Jolly Old St. Nicholas"/"Good King Wenceslas" (skating program by Peter and Kitty Carruthers)
- The Nutcracker: II-XIV. "Pas de deux: Dance of the Prince and the Sugar Plum Fairy" (skating program by Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov)
- "The Twelve Days of Christmas" (reairing only; archived from Disney Christmas on Ice; sung by Roger Whittaker; skating program by Scott Hamilton)
- "Beauty and the Beast" (sung by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson; skating program by Katarina Witt)
- "Transformation" (from Beauty and the Beast; skating program by Brian Boitano; cut from reairings)
- "Under the Sea" (sung by Samuel E. Wright; from The Little Mermaid; skating program by Browning)
- "I Wonder as I Wander" (instrumental; performed by Percy Faith and His Orchestra; skating program by Witt)
- "A Whole New World" (sung by Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle; from Aladdin; skating program by Gordeeva and Grinkov)
- "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" (saxophone by Tom Scott; skating program by Hamilton)
- "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (instrumental)
- The special reaired annually from 1993 to at least 1997.
- When the special reaired in 1994, the archived footage of Scott Hamilton from Disney's Christmas on Ice which aired in 1990 was inserted and some scenes from the original airing (including the scene of Brian Boitano skating alongside Katerina Witt in the Beauty and the Beast segment) had to be cut due to time constraints.
- The special reaired on ABC in 1995, dedicating to the memory of Sergei Grinkov who died of a heart attack on November 20. | commoncrawl |
Apr 25, 20237 min5 Ways Video Testimonials Can Boost Your Oregon Business's Online PresenceDiscover the power of video testimonials in boosting your Portland business's online presence. Learn how they enhance user engagement, SEO,
Mar 10, 20233 minWhy Your Oregon Small Business Needs Video Marketing In 2023Are you looking for ways to boost your small business's marketing strategy in Oregon in 2023? Look no further than video marketing! In today
Nov 2, 20224 minThe Most Essential Types Of Video Marketing Content For Oregon BusinessesPDX Videographer is a professional video production company that can help businesses in the Pacific Northwest produce high-quality video con
Nov 4, 20203 minVideo Marketing Best Practices For Oregon Businesses Video marketing is a powerful marketing tool because it allows businesses to tell their story in a visually engaging way. What's more, it's
Sep 24, 20202 minWhy Your Oregon Business Needs VideoVideo is a powerful tool that, when leveraged correctly, is an effective way to boost your brand, engage with your potential customers, and
Sep 20, 20203 minWhy Your Company Doesn't Need Video?Before you invest in professional video, ask yourself if your business is in position to maximize the investment. | commoncrawl |
San Diego Network: Open Board Meeting
Tue 7/16/2024 • 6PM PDT
Harbor Club
Come join us for our annual open board meeting! This will be a great opportunity to learn more about the UCLA Alumni Network of San Diego and how you can get involved!
Food and drink will be provided as we discuss our plans for the upcoming year, honor our outgoing President, Maura Diegnan, and welcome in new President, Vanessa Wonn.
We'll be meeting in Downtown San Diego at the Harbor Club towers (100 Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 92101). The building entrance is on the corner of 2nd and J St. (above Morton's). Upon entering the building, notify the doorman you are attending the UCLA Alumni meeting and they will let you up to the 6th floor terrace where we'll be gathering. Parking is available in a lot across the street or street parking. | commoncrawl |
Fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church on Monday, July 31st, 2023.
Beloved wife of Angelo A. Colona; devoted mother of John Colona, Marilyn (Marvin) Gilliam, Christopher (Lori) Colona, Timothy (Diane) Colona, and David Colona; adoring grandmother of Dominic (Tanya), Nicholas (Emily), Joseph, Courtney, and Timothy Jr.; cherished great-grandmother of Vincent, Luca, Ella, Senna, Mira, and another great-grandbaby on the way; loving daughter of the late Duncan and Lola (nee Nunn) Shaw; dear sister of Maryanne Long and the late Duncan Shaw Jr.; our dearest aunt, cousin, sister-in-law, and friend of many.
SERVICES: Funeral from Kutis Affton Chapel (10151 Gravois Rd 63123) on Tuesday, August 8th, 2023 at 9:45 am for 10:00 am Mass at Seven Holy Founders Church. Interment at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. Visitation on Monday from 4:00 – 8:00 pm.
In lieu of flowers, contributions to the American Cancer Society are greatly appreciated. | commoncrawl |
At INNOVATION Insights…We transform our clients' career journeys through the art of storytelling via our consulting, coaching, and career management services.
Hosting Ana McCracken on the INNOVATION Insights Podcast was a genuinely enriching experience. Ana and I have been friends for over a decade, and our friendship has been a source of personal joy and professional inspiration. It is a rare and unique bond when you meet someone and instantly connect with them.
Ana is just a fun and positive person, and I never know what a text from her will contain. Once, she sent a photo of a mutual friend and her – unbeknownst to me, this person was a mutual friend. Ana was visiting this friend in Chicago, and they realized we were all acquaintances.
Ana's Journey of Resilience and Transformation
Our discussion clearly showed that Ana's journey is one of resilience and transformation. With a background that spans fashion merchandising to obtaining an MFA in Creative Writing and Environment, Ana has continuously reinvented herself, each time finding new ways to integrate her passions and skills. This ability to pivot and adapt is a cornerstone of innovation, and Ana exemplifies it beautifully.
The Importance of Writing and Communicating One's Story
Writing and communicating one's story is crucial. The first act that oppressors do is silence their victims—silencing happens in various oppressive situations, work, relationships, government institutions, etc. I genuinely appreciate Ana's passion for writing; it is truly freedom. My appreciation also relates to my research on Black female slave narratives—these writings were the foundation for freedom in multiple areas of these women's lives.
Community Building Through Writing
One of the most compelling aspects of Ana's work is her focus on community building through writing. As the founder of the Ames Writers Collective, Ana has created a space where writers of all backgrounds can come together, share their stories, and support one another. This community nurtures emerging writers and is healing for many. Ana's initiative, the Swift Youth Poetry Workshops, is a poignant example of how writing can empower young writers and provide a platform for their voices.
Innovative Approach to Writing Workshops
Ana's innovative approach to writing workshops and programs is another highlight. She shared how she uses generative writing prompts to help participants tap into their creativity and express their innermost thoughts. This method, inspired by the Amherst Writers and Artists Method, emphasizes that everyone has a story to tell. It encourages writers to focus on the act of creation rather than the pressure of perfection. This philosophy resonates deeply with me, as it aligns with the core values of INNOVATION Insights – fostering creativity, encouraging continuous learning, and building supportive communities.
The Necessity of Structure for Creative Pursuits
During our conversation, Ana also emphasized the importance of creating deadlines and structure for oneself. As someone who thrives under pressure, Ana recognized that enrolling in an MFA program would provide the necessary framework to complete her memoir. This insight into the necessity of structure for creative pursuits is a valuable lesson for all of us. Whether it's setting personal goals or participating in organized programs, having a clear timeline can significantly enhance productivity and drive.
A Multifaceted Skill Set
Ana's diverse background in fashion, fundraising, and event planning has also played a crucial role in her success. Her ability to draw from these experiences to manage the Ames Writers Collective demonstrates the importance of a multifaceted skill set. Ana's story is a testament to the idea that innovation often comes from the intersection of different fields and experiences. This cross-pollination of skills allows for more creative solutions and a broader perspective on problem-solving.
Dedication to Continuous Learning and Growth
Another aspect of our discussion that left a lasting impression on me was Ana's dedication to continuous learning and growth. She frequently participates in writing retreats and workshops, not only as a leader but also as a learner. This commitment to self-improvement and staying current in her field is a powerful reminder that innovation requires an ongoing investment in oneself.
Below are some of my favorite writing prompts from the Ames Writers Collective to help spur your creative writing endeavors. Use these prompts to ignite your creativity and embark on your writing journey. Remember, your story matters.
The Role of Community Support in Fostering Innovation
Our conversation also highlighted the critical role of community support in fostering innovation. Ana's work with cancer patients and young writers illustrates how a supportive environment can empower individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. This reinforces the idea that innovation is not a solitary endeavor but a collective effort that thrives on collaboration and mutual encouragement.
The Power of Storytelling
Reflecting on my conversation with Ana, I am filled with a renewed sense of inspiration and a deeper appreciation for the power of storytelling. Ana's journey exemplifies how innovation, resilience, and community can create meaningful change. Her ability to harness the power of writing to heal, connect, and inspire is genuinely remarkable. Storytelling is a foundation of INNOVATION Insights, and Ana's story will continue to guide us in our mission.
Exciting Developments for the Ames Writers Collective
We are delighted to congratulate Ana Hays McCracken on acquiring a new home for the Ames Writers Collective! Her dedication and vision reflect her passion for creating a supportive writing community. Exciting developments are ahead for the Ames Writers Collective as they prepare to open their new location in Fall 2024. Stay tuned!
As we continue our work at INNOVATION Insights, Ana's story will serve as a guiding light. Her dedication to fostering creativity and building supportive communities aligns perfectly with our mission. I am grateful for our friendship and the opportunity to share her incredible journey with our audience. I encourage you to listen to her full podcast episode. Her insights and experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone seeking to innovate and positively impact their community. Remember, as Ana has shown us, your story matters.
To view my entire interview with Ana, click here.
Keep writing, keep innovating, and keep making a difference.
Connect with Ana McCracken
Ames Writers Collective:
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exclusive gift items, empowering gift cards, and free creative coloring pages. | commoncrawl |
To calibrate a system or subsystem, you bring it into conformance, within a certain tolerance, with a predefined characteristic.
Sometimes, we wish to calibrate a device whose intrinsic response is linear - for example, your bathroom scale. This special case of calibration is called linearization. Other times, we wish to calibrate a device whose intrinsic response is nonlinear. The float that measures the fuel level in your car's tank is intrinsically nonlinear, but ideally, the fuel gauge would be linear. We would like to linearize the fuel gauge.
A piano is designed so that each key produces a fundamental frequency related by a fixed ratio to the frequency of the fundamental frequency of key to its left. The ratio is the twelfth-root-of-two, or about 1.06. A piano tuner can be said to "calibrate" the piano: He causes each key to produce the correct frequency. First, he tunes the frequency of A above middle C to be 440 Hz. Then, he imposes the twelfth-root-of-two relationship between adjacent semitones. The piano tuner calibrates the piano, but does not linearize it!
The Barco "Calibrator" is a high-end monitor with excellent calibration facilities. When calibrated, is's not linear - it's calibrated to a conventional CRT 2.5-power function. It's calibrated, but not linearized.
Timo considers "calibration" and "linear" to be synonymous.
See also: Gamma FAQ - Linear and nonlinear coding
Charles Poynton
Copyright © 1998-07-27 | commoncrawl |
Title | New Perspectives on Zirconia Composites as Biomaterials |
Publication Type | Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Authors | Magnani, G., Fabbri Paride, Leoni Enrico, Salernitano E., and Mazzanti Francesca |
Journal | Journal of Composites Science |
Volume | 5 |
Issue | 9 |
Pagination | 244 |
Date Published | Jan-09-2021 |
Abstract | Zirconia–alumina composites couple the high toughness of zirconia with the peculiar properties of alumina, i.e., hardness, wear, and chemical resistance, so they are considered promising materials for orthopedic and dental implants. The design of high performance zirconia composites needs to consider different aspects, such as the type and amount of stabilizer and the sintering process, that affect the mechanics of toughening and, hence, the mechanical properties. In this study, several stabilizers (Y2 O3, CuO, Ta2 O5, and CeO2 ) were tested together with different sintering processes to analyze the in situ toughening mechanism induced by the tetragonal–monoclinic (t–m) transformation of zirconia. One of the most important outcomes is the comprehension of the opposite effect played by the grain size and the tetragonality of the zirconia lattice on mechanical properties, such as fracture toughness and bending strength. These results allow for the design of materials with customized properties and open new perspectives for the development of high-performance zirconia composites for orthopedic implants with high hydrothermal resistance. Moreover, a near-net shape forming process based on the additive manufacturing technology of digital light processing (DLP) was also studied to produce ceramic dental implants with a new type of resin–ceramic powder mixture. This represents a new frontier in the development of zirconia composites thanks to the possibility to obtain a customized component with limited consumption of material and reduced machining costs. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
Notes | cited By 0 |
URL | https://www.mdpi.com/2504-477X/5/9/244https://www.mdpi.com/2504-477X/5/9/244/pdf |
DOI | 10.3390/jcs5090244 |
Short Title | J. Compos. Sci. |
Citation Key | 9280 | | commoncrawl |
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Home Sittingbourne News Article
A beloved western-themed pub has closed its doors for the final time.
The Dancing Dog Saloon in Sheppey Way, between Bobbing and Iwade, near Sittingbourne, has announced its closure following the industry's rising costs.
Landlord of 20 years, and owner of the watering hole, Shaun Egan, said: "Our last straw was the pandemic.
"We were putting our own money into the establishment way before that, but with rising costs we decided that we just couldn't go on."
The pub was originally opened by the 65-year-old in 2002. Shaun announced the pubs immediate closure on Facebook this week.
He added: "We're very sad that we had to close and we're not happy about it but the saloon was no longer financially viable.
"Hopefully something new will take its place."
Over the last two decades, the Dancing Dog Saloon has become a meeting point for villagers and visitors from further afield.
Steve Roalf, a 65-year-old from Bobbing, spoke of the fond memories he made at his local.
He said: "Because the saloon was originally a country and western pub, Shaun filled it with all his western memorabilia, artefacts and pictures.
"There was even a wagon wheel with spurs on it hanging from the ceiling!
"Shaun put on loads of concerts and fairly well-known, international country singers would perform there, so the pub was filled with locals and visitors.
"The regulars were also a mix between amateur and professional musicians, so they also performed.
"The saloon was always friendly, no matter what regulars were there – it was our community.
"We'd just like to thank Shaun for all his hard work on trying to keep the pub going.
"They did an awful lot to help it, but when their competition was supermarket prices there wasn't a lot more they could do.
The bar was also featured on the big screen after it was used for a movie shoot.
It was transformed for an upcoming feature film by production company Reel Entertainment, for a film called Life and Times of Holly Turner.
Actor Jeffrey Stewart, best-known for his role as PC Reg Hollis in the ITV drama The Bill, played the role of Jack Sweeney, a farmer and close friend of Holly's father, Bill Turner.
However, it wasn't all good news throughout the pub's history.
In 2015, the outside of the saloon was damaged after a car smashed into the building.
An elderly woman was sitting behind the door just moments before a car ploughed through it. | commoncrawl |
Embark on a career as a Phlebotomy Technician with our comprehensive training program. Designed to equip you with the skills necessary to perform blood collection effectively and safely.
This program provides both the theoretical knowledge and practical experience required to excel in this critical healthcare role. Phlebotomy technicians are essential team members in hospitals, clinics, laboratory settings, and other healthcare facilities, where they perform blood draws and prepare samples for medical testing.
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This foundational course introduces the principles of phlebotomy, including the healthcare roles and responsibilities of a phlebotomy technician, overview of the healthcare system, and the importance of professional behavior and ethical standards in healthcare settings.
Learn the core skills of venipuncture, capillary draws, and proper blood collection methods. This course covers the techniques for different types of blood draw, including butterfly, vacuum, and syringe methods, and the best practices for patient interaction during these procedures.
Expands on basic skills to include special collection procedures, such as arterial blood sampling, pediatric and neonatal collections, and handling difficult draw situations. Students also learn about the complications that can occur during phlebotomy and how to avoid or manage them.
Offers real-world experience through a clinical externship in a healthcare facility, where students apply their learned skills under the supervision of experienced professionals. This practical experience is crucial for mastering the techniques and understanding the workflow in a professional setting.
Prepares students for the national certification exams with a comprehensive review of all course materials and practice exams. This course focuses on test-taking strategies and reviews the key concepts and skills required to succeed on the certification exam.
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Address: 1311 Marketplace Drive, Suite 180
Garland, TX
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 972-698-7792 | commoncrawl |
Cambridge police car ramming, thief and fraudster jailed
A thief who rammed a police car in a desperate attempt to avoid justice has been jailed for three-and-a-half years.
Jimmy Willett, 22, arranged to buy a Renault Clio car via Facebook.
He agreed to meet the seller at Tesco Express, in High Street, Chesterton, on 13 January 2019.
However, he paid £650 in counterfeit £50 notes and the seller subsequently reported the car stolen.
On 17 January, Willett was spotted driving the Clio on the A10 near Chittering.
Police caught up with him at the Milton Interchange with the A10 and A14.
They attempted to stop him, but he drove off, ramming the police car and almost knocking over an officer before continuing into Milton.
Willett drove at more than twice the 30mph speed limit in Cambridge Road and collided with an Audi TT as he tried to overtake it.
The pursuit ended when Willett crashed into a tree in Ely Road.
He was arrested and released on bail and then charged in December 2020.
Earlier this year, while the court proceedings progressed, Willett went on a stealing spree in Milton, Cambridge, and Fordham:
- On March 5 at about 10.30pm, two bottles of AU Vodka worth £66 were taken from Tesco, Cambridge Road, Milton.
- On March 10 at about 8pm, four bottles of Prosecco worth £28 were taken from the Co-op in Milton Road, Cambridge.
- On April 10, at about 2.40pm, a bike belonging to a staff member at the Post Office in High Street, Bottisham, was stolen.
- On April 17, at about 7pm, Willett went into the Co-op, in Carter Street, Fordham, and stole spirits worth about £300.
- Three days later he entered the shop again with two accomplices and attempted to steal £150 of spirits but left empty handed.
On Tuesday, Willett, of Frank's Lane, Chesterton, Cambridge, was jailed for three years and six months at Cambridge Crown Court.
He was found guilty of theft of a motor vehicle, tendering counterfeit currency, dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified and possession of counterfeit currency.
Willett pleaded guilty to the thefts.
He was also convicted of offences outside the county, including dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, driving with no insurance, criminal damage and assaulting an emergency worker.
Detective Constable Luke Pedlar said: "Willett is a prolific and dangerous offender who chose to put innocent people in danger when he drove so recklessly in an attempt to escape justice.
"The sentence reflects the seriousness and sheer number of offences he's committed in the space of just a few years." | commoncrawl |
Media Team December 20, 2020 Lift Off Film Festival The Other Side has been selected to its first international film festival. The festival is being held online from Pinewood Studios in London (UK). The festival can be followed online from December 21 to December 28, 2020 on Lift-Off Global Network Youtube channel. The Other Side has been selected for two categories "Any film, Any genre" and "Short Live Action Narratives". Results ... Read More | commoncrawl |
Memorable Award Show Moments That Had Us Talking
Award shows are a glitzy spectacle, celebrating the best in film, music, and television. But beyond the trophies and designer gowns, it's the unexpected moments that truly leave a lasting mark. These unscripted bursts of emotion, humour, or controversy become watercooler moments, keeping the buzz alive long after the credits roll. Let's delve into some award show history and revisit the events that had us glued to our screens and chattering amongst ourselves.
The Night Kanye Crashed the Party (2009 MTV VMAs)
This is award-show infamy at its finest. A young Taylor Swift was celebrating her Best Female Video win for "You Belong With Me" when Kanye West, ever the outspoken artist, stormed the stage and snatched the microphone. His now-legendary "Imma let you finish…" rant declaring Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" more deserving sparked outrage and endless debate. Love him or loathe him, Kanye guaranteed the VMAs a place in pop culture history.
The Envelope, Please…It's a Mix-Up! (2017 Oscars)
La La Land bathed in the golden glow of a presumed Best Picture win. Cast and crew revelled in acceptance speeches, only to be brought crashing down moments later. A monumental error revealed "Moonlight" as the true victor. The chaotic aftermath, with apologies and shuffling of trophies, was equal parts cringe-worthy and strangely captivating.
A Standing Ovation for Superman's Resilience (1995 Oscars)
This wasn't about an award, but a testament to the human spirit. Just a year after a horse riding accident left him paralysed, Christopher Reeve took the Oscars stage. The extended standing ovation that followed wasn't just for an accomplished actor, but for his bravery and unwavering determination. It was a moment that transcended Hollywood and resonated deeply with audiences.
Taking a Stand with a Powerful Performance (2019 Grammys)
When Kendrick Lamar took the Grammys stage, it wasn't just a performance, it was a statement. Dressed in prison garb, surrounded by incarcerated individuals, he delivered a powerful medley of songs that addressed police brutality and social justice issues. It was a Grammy moment that sparked conversations far beyond the music itself.
Award Show Shenanigans
Let's not forget the lighter moments! From the unexpected kiss Adrian Brody planted on Halle Berry at the 2003 Oscars to the hilarious acceptance speech chaos created by Will Ferrell and Jimmy Kimmel, award shows offer a platform for lighthearted fun. These moments remind us that even amidst the glitz and glam, there's room for a bit of silliness.
Pink's Daring Aerial Performance (2014 Grammys)
Award shows are all about spectacle, and Pink never disappoints. At the 2014 Grammys, she delivered a breathtaking aerial performance of "Just Give Me a Reason," suspended high above the stage. It was a powerful display of artistry and athleticism that left viewers in awe.
Ellen DeGeneres' Star-Studded Selfie (2014 Oscars)
Social media wasn't as ubiquitous in 2014, but Ellen DeGeneres took advantage of its growing power at the Oscars that year. During her opening monologue, she snapped a selfie with a star-studded cast that included Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, and Brad Pitt. It became the most retweeted image of all time, showcasing the show's global reach and the comedic genius of Ellen.
These are just a taste of the many award show moments that have left us talking. From heartwarming triumphs to side-splitting comedy and moments of social commentary, these unscripted events remind us why we tune in year after year. They add a layer of unpredictability that keeps award shows dynamic and truly unforgettable.
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Sher-e-Bibi in Jammu and Kashmir was successfully completed at an estimated cost of Rs 12 crore.
Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari said in a post that in Jammu and Kashmir we have successfully completed the construction of 224 meter bridge ( 2- lane) at Shere Bibi at an estimated cost of Rs 12 crore.
Shri Gadkari said that this infrastructure is located on Ramban to Banihal section of NH- 44 . As part of the wider project , this 224- metre section not only reduces the travel distance by 125 metres , thus reducing steep slopes , but also cuts steep slopes with hill slope angles greater than 80 degrees. Also reduces the need. Furthermore , it significantly facilitates the smooth flow of vehicles, regardless of the challenging terrain of the slopes of the Sher-e-Bibi region.
The Union Minister said that it is important to note that this project contributes to the economic growth of the region and enhances its overall connectivity. He said that under the visionary leadership of Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji, we stand firm on our commitment to provide better highway infrastructure in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. | commoncrawl |
Only $4,000 *DOWN
2017 Nissan Titan 4x4 for sale in Texas by owner
Used truck located in South Houston, TX 77017
- 1-Owner Vehicle
Vehicle Specs
- Body Style: Truck
- Year: 2017
- Mileage: 113,169
- Transmission: Automatic
- Engine: 8 Cylinder
- Drivetrain: 4WD - 4 Wheel Drive
- Color: White Blanca
- Condition: Excellent
- VIN: Ask Seller
- Truck Listed By: Owner
- Stock: 8KJ8726
- Category: Trucks Under $5000
Owner Notes
$4000 as a down payment. We don't sell cash, only financed. We're in Houston. We accept clients from Texas and around.
$4000 de enganche. No vendemos cash, solo financiado. Estamos en Houston. Aceptamos clientes de Texas y sus alrededores.
Vehicle Features
We're sorry, the seller of this vehicle hasn't specified any other features or specs for this Nissan Titan.
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Is this Titan a good truck? Share your thoughts with others. You can also report any issues or fraud related to this ad. | commoncrawl |
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Silver pearl and crystal bridal belt/sash
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Add a touch of classic elegance to your bridal gown with this sparkling beaded belt! Adorned with an array of glowing crystals and shimmery pearls on a silver base, it will give your dress an extra touch of glam to finish off your perfect look on your wedding day.
Style - S32745
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Management Forester
The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is hiring a Management Forester. This position is specifically focused on State Forest Management and encompasses a wide range of responsibilities including silviculture, forest regeneration, timber sale administration, inventory, and invasive species monitoring and treatment.
Deadline to apply is July 5, 2024. | commoncrawl |
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Frequently asked questions
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When a client enters information (such as a password) into the online form on , the information is encrypted so the client cannot see it. An authorized representative for the client, called a "Doe Representative," must enter the information into the "Signature" field to complete the signature.
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What is an electronic signature on the computer?
It is a set of digital characters. The digital character is the mathematical representation of a set of letters. There are a finite number of characters which are called "alphanumeric characters"[1].
The key is to make it so the computer can easily tell if a given message is in fact an electronic signature on the computer. This can be done with encryption and signing. Encryption and signing make it so that a person's electronic signature can only be decrypted with someone's electronic signature in the corresponding encrypted message. The following is a simple encryption routine that encrypts a string of characters:
A1 := "HEY BUDDY" ; the first character A2 := "HEY BUDDY" ; the second character A3 := "HEY BUDDY" ; the third character A4 := "HEY BUDDY" ; the fourth (and last) character A5 := "HEY BUDDY" ; finally, the key "B" is made up of the remaining characters.
Now for the signature. The following is a simple signature routine that signs a string of characters:
A1 := "HEY BUDDY" ; the first character A2 := "HEY BUDDY" ; the second character A3 := "HEY BUDDY" ; the third character A4 := "HEY BUDDY" ; the fourth (and last) character A5 := "HEY BUDDY" ; finally, the key "B" is made up of the remaining characters.
The following is a sample message: "HEY BUDDY"
The following is the signature: "BUDDY"
This shows that both messages have the same signature. However, the first message has been encrypted, which is not necessary for a signature.
The following will be discuss...
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Tuesday, March 16th
Redwing Girls Freshman (Final Record 8-4) 28 Carson City JV 17
Redwing Girls JV(8-6) 48 Mason Bulldogs 54
The Redwings Girls Varsity team started the game on fire and Mason was never able to mount a comeback. The Redwings started the game on 10-0 run and led 14-7 after the 1st. The 2nd period was all Redwings with three point shots falling everywhere, including a buzzer beater by Rachel Rustad to end the half at 31-14 Redwings. The Bulldogs had a good fourth period, but it wasn't enough as the Redwings take the victory 58-42!
Redwing Girls Varsity (6-8) 58 Mason Bulldogs 42
The regular season wraps up on Friday for JV and Varsity at Lansing Eastern. Varsity will start the District Tournament on Monday at Dewitt. Go Redwings!
Full Scoreboard
SJSportsPage Store | commoncrawl |
Whatever the UI is going to be, if it's remotely useable I'll probably find use cases when I'm shooting handheld. That said, I doubt such features would have me replace my existing 17mm with a newer model. One of the rumors over the past 2'ish years was about wider TS lens with about 14mm. If that one gets released and crosses my bang/buck ratio I'll buy it.There are some posts here about choosing 3 points to define the tilt plane. Imagine, if you will, going into live mode on a R5m2 with a new TS lens and starting a tilt mode shot. You go through using the touch screen to select 3 points on the back for the camera to autofocus on individually and it then works out the correct tilt and sets the lens for you when you push the shutter button. | commoncrawl |
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: describe finance and operations apps, and extend apps by using Microsoft Power Platform technologies; configure administrative features and workflows; manage Finance and Operation data; and validate and support the solution.
Consultants (functional and technical) gather and analyze business requirements and translate those requirements into fully realized business processes and solutions that implement industry recommended practices. They serve as a key resource in implementing and configuring apps to meet business requirements. Consultants should be able to implement core components and features of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps. They should also have awareness of how Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps integrate with external systems and tools including Power Platform. The consultant uses Lifecycle Services (LCS), Azure DevOps, and other Microsoft tools and platforms to facilitate the application lifecycle management (ALM) process. Consultants pursue continuous education by reading the product release notes, reviewing product roadmaps, participating in conferences, or continue learning by using Microsoft Learn, Microsoft Docs, instructor-led training, blogs, and user communities. They should also pursue role-base certifications and assessments to ensure their knowledge is recognized.
Before attending this course, students must have:
Introduction to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
Basic UI and Navigation
Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations Features and Functionality
Power Platform tools that work with Finance and Operations apps
Module Summary
Implementing Security in Finance and Operations Apps
Implementing Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps workflows and business events
Planning and Implementing an organization in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
Administering Finance and Operations Apps
Implement Reporting in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
Module Summary
Manage data in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps
Plan for Data Migration
Introduction to AppSource and ISV solutions
Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations integration
Module Summary
Managing Applications in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
Implement Lifecycle Services (LCS) tools
Testing solutions in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps
Module Summary
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales is an end-to-end application to manage the handling of customers and potential customers. Using Dynamics 365 Sales, organizations can track data against sales goals, automate best practices, learn from data, and more. Join our team of globally ...
This course is developed for those aspired to be and new to the solution architect role. This course provides the technical information focusing on application architecture and technical skills to start their journey into this role. This course will not cover the industrial ...
This course provides students with a detailed hands-on experience of setting up, customizing, configuring and maintaining the CRM components of Microsoft Dynamics 365. Attendees of this course will gain an in-depth understanding of the Dynamics 365 security model, learn how to ...
This course provides students with an introduction to Microsoft Dynamics 365 by building a foundation for all subsequent courses and learning. The main Apps of Dynamics 365 are introduced including Sales, Service and Marketing. Students will learn important end user skills ... | commoncrawl |
It is well-known that donating money to causes that you are passionate about is more than the organizations and causes they aid – it could be extremely rewarding for you as well. Millions of people give to charity regularly to support causes that they are passionate about, as well as the positive impact it has on their lives.
Then why do you think giving to charity is such a rewarding and life-changing experience for everyone involved?
Here are five reasons that you may not have considered making a donation to your charity of preference.
- Giving back to charities makes you feel good.
Donating to charities can be an excellent way to boost your mood. Knowing that you're helping others can be incredibly empowering and, consequently will cause you to feel more positive and more content. Studies have found a connection between making a contribution to charity and greater activity in the part of the brain which is involved in registering pleasure, proving that according to the old saying that it's more beneficial to give than take.
- Giving to charities strengthens your the values of a person.
Recent research revealed that a sense that social responsibility was among the most frequently cited motive to donate to charity. Whatever charity they support 96% of those stated that they felt they were morally bound to utilize their resources to assist others. This is an idea that is deeply grounded in their own ethics and values.
Being able to make a difference in the lives of other people can be, to many it is a privilege and is accompanied by a sense of responsibility. Being able to act on these strong sense of responsibility can be a fantastic way to promote our values as individuals and feel like we're living our lives in a manner that is consistent with our personal convictions.
- Giving has more impact than ever before
Many are worried about the possibility that their charitable donations could be impacted because of administrative or tax charges that prevent the full money from going to causes or people they truly want to aid. There are many ways to get the most of every donation.
If you're a UK taxpayer, you could raise the amount of every donation you make by way of Gift Aid, an Income Tax relief scheme designed to assist charities in getting maximum benefit from the money they receive. Because Gift Aid enables the charity to recover the standard tax rate on your contribution, the program effectively adds 25p to every £1 you make without cost to you.
There are other methods to donate to charities tax-efficiently also, for example, making a donation directly from your earnings (before tax deduction) via a payroll giving scheme; giving shares to charity or leaving an inheritance to charity in your will. These strategies of giving will ensure that the charities you choose to support benefit the most through your contribution and may lead to a lifetime of connections between your cause and those you are passionate about.
- Giving can help reintroduce family and friends to the value of generosity
Being aware of someone who donates to charity can serve as an incentive to give to charities yourself. If you give to charities, you could help to keep your family and friends informed of causes they are interested in and would like to contribute to.
Your donations to charity could create a family-wide initiative to support a charity or charity that has particular significance for the group.
Family giving can create bonds that strengthens relations through a common goal and usually raises more funds than would otherwise be achievable by individual donations. There's a good chance that you have family members who already give to charities and working together can assist you in making an impact on the world.
Giving to charities like the Ramadan appeal with your children can be an effective method of showing children from an early age that they can contribute to positive changes to the world. Children are naturally inclined helping others, so cultivating their natural generosity could mean that they will grow older with a greater appreciation of the things they have and continue to contribute to charities and causes that are good in the future years.
If you have kids and want to start an annual tradition of making donations to charities with them is easy . You can start by creating an annual family donation box which everyone can fill and then nominate a family charity every year, and involve children in deciding which causes they want to support.
- The act of giving to charities builds and strengthens communities.
It is believed that the Covid 19 pandemic has encouraged many of us to take a deeper review of our communities and think about how we can help. Giving to charities especially locally is an effective option to make a difference in the communities and people which make up our daily lives.
If you are a part of diverse communities, you're likely to be in a position to spot causes in your local area that could benefit from charitable donations and help. There are also insights about how you can give your time or money to maximize your impact and help strengthen your community. | commoncrawl |
BDM Patch Notes Explorer
[Jul 2 Patch Notes] - 2024.07.02 (Official )
Patch Notes
[DE] Zur Ankündigung auf Deutsch [LINK]
[FR] Voir Annonce en français [LIEN]
[ES] Ver aviso en español [LINK]
[ID] Baca pengumuman dalam bahasa Indonesia [Link]
[RU] Информация на русском [LINK]
[PT] Ver aviso em português [LINK]
Greetings, Adventurers!
The Patch Notes for the update on Jul 2 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.
※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.
Developer Commentary:
Each class moves a certain distance based on the skill they're using.
When attacked with a skill that inflicts the "Decrease Attack Speed" debuff, using certain skills would slow the skill action, though the character would travel further than when not attacked.
Some of our Adventurers may have experienced the character traveling a further distance than usual when using a movement skill after being attacked with a skill inflicting this "Decrease Attack Speed" debuff.
As it is a bit illogical to grasp the idea of decreased Attack Speed resulting in traveling a further distance, we made adjustments so that the character now travels a set distance regardless of the speed of a skill.
Also, we made the aforementioned adjustments while minimizing the possible impact they may have in controlling the character. However, please note that the travel distance for certain skills may feel different from before the update.
- Changed each skill to move a set distance regardless of attack speed.
- Increased the distance required for usage of "Wrath of Chaos" during auto-combat.
- Increased the distance required for usage of the Succession skill "Wrath of Chaos" during auto-combat.
Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins
- Improved the UI on the top of the screen to display the number of Cannons remaining for each faction.
ㆍ A gray icon will indicate the destruction of a Cannon.
- Improved a visual effect to display when activating a powerful Cannon attack performed when the HP of the opposing faction's Commander decreases a certain amount.
Battlefield of the Sun
- Changed to prevent occupying the Respawn Point when Invincible.
Node War
- Changed the HP display according to the Holy Artifact enhancement level in Node War from % to an HP gauge.
ㆍ The above screenshot shows the HP displayed when Holy Artifact enhancement is at Level 10 and Level 9, respectively.
- Changed victory in Node War to be determined based on the exact stat of the Holy Artifact's remaining HP instead of the percentage when the war ends without the Holy Artifact being destroyed.
Elite Guild Raid
- Changed Urugon at Difficulty Level 11 and above to attack only the initially targeted enemy when performing a powerful attack.
ㆍ A visual effect will display for the target marked by Urugon's Glare.
ㆍ When marked by Urugon's Glare, you can strategize using Urugon's attack.
- Changed the standard price range of the following items in the Market to match that of the [Shattered Guardian Belt].
ㆍ Items: Shattered Ring of Frenzy, Shattered Ring of Vehemence, Shattered Draconic Necklace, Brooch of The Tycoon, Shattered Earrings of Rancor.
- Improved stability when downloading patches or updates in the iOS environment.
- Improved the auto-path to move along a faster route.
- Changed the interface of all exchange shops to match the format of the Guild Fortress NPC Duncan or the Chaos Rift Zone NPC Chaos Rift Watcher.
- Improved "Unobtained Knowledge" to display for bosses who you've yet to obtain knowledge for in the Co-op Rush menu.
- Reduced the size of the minimap icon size for Heuklang and Tett by half.
- Changed the icon placement for the Great Ocean and Donghae Province on the World Map.
- Improved the transition speed of the 4-key skill slot.
Error Fixes
- [Kunoichi] Fixed an issue where Super Armor would not apply momentarily during the skill after "Cripple" or "Kunai Throw."
- [Eclipse] Fixed an issue where the Super Armor of "Star's Breath" would apply in the Arena.
- [Gladiator] Fixed an issue where using "Take Down" while moving in a different direction close to an enemy would display as if the character grabbed the enemy but actually didn't.
- [Gladiator] Fixed an issue where the character would maintain a guard even after using a Succession skill.
- [Huntress] Fixed an issue where "Blasting Gust" would be used in a combo after defeating an enemy with "Evasive Explosion Shot" during auto-combat.
- [Spiritwalker] Fixed an issue where the "Super Armor," "Damage Reduction," and "Cannot be grabbed" effects of "Leaping Tiger" would apply in the Arena.
- [Scholar] Fixed an issue where "Spatial Distortion" would not apply when using "Attraction" in a combo after "One Small Step" or "Gravity Press" with an actuated Gravity Core.
- [Woosa] Fixed an issue where the "Increase Crit Chance on hit" effect of "Thundercloud" would trigger even upon skill use.
- [Grandmaster] Fixed an issue where other skills that should be instantly activated from certain actions could not be used during "Energy Vacuum" with "Flow: Tempest Fangs" active.
- [Titan] Fixed an issue where the additional attack of "Piledriver" could not be used after using the skill with "Flow: Toss" deactivated during Therianthropy.
- [Titan] Fixed an issue where the character would not move during auto-combat even when detecting a monster if it was outside the skill attack range.
- [Lotus] Fixed an issue where the character would stand still for a while after using "Blood Moon" and "Chaos" during auto-combat.
- [Primrose] Fixed an issue where the motion was awkward when using "Moonrise."
- [Warlord] Fixed an issue where the basic attack motion for moving to the right would appear awkward.
- [Legatus] Fixed an issue where the second motion of the basic attack was awkward.
- [Letanas] Fixed the issue where the "Hexeblood" and "Dragonblood" effects would not change after using the "Legacy" skill following a higher-level skill.
- [Hwaryeong] Fixed an issue where the motion of "Emberclaw Crush" was awkward.
- [Hwaryeong] Fixed an issue where the basic lateral attack motions were awkward.
- [Windwalker] Fixed an issue where the camera would not zoom in during face customization.
- [Wizard] Fixed an issue where the Camera would not zoom in during face customization.
- Fixed an issue where the character would stay idle even when attacked by monsters.
- Fixed an issue where character movements would glitch when many characters were displayed on the screen in specific situations like Eilton Defense.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to repair a Neutral Fortress even when its HP is full during Fortress Siege.
- Fixed an issue where all ping icons displayed on the minimap appeared as Guild Officer/Guild Master ping icons.
- Fixed an issue where some UIs overlapped when entering the Golden Vault under certain conditions.
Early Notice
Spoils of Battle
- The adjustment to the item acquisition method in Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan, originally scheduled to be applied through the update maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue), will be updated Jul 23 (Tue).
- Please note that we will provide the details in a future notice.
Starting Events
GM Valentine's Make Your Ice Cream
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 8 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Valentine's Weather Coins!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 8 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Valentine's Request
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 21 (Sun), 2024, 23:59
[Oasis Server] Dream Horse Challenge!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 21 (Sun), 2024, 23:59
Ended Events
· Knowledge Boost Support
· GM Lando's Fairy's Adventure
· [Oasis Server] Fairy's Special Support!
· [Oasis Server] Blessing of Everfrost
· June Monthly Login
Pearl Shop
※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.
New Products
- Special Pack > Special Package
· Golden Step-Up I
· Golden Step-Up II
· Golden Step-Up III
· Golden Step-Up IV
※ These items can be purchased until Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.
· Co-op Pack [3+Gift]
· Golden Charm Chest [2+1]
※ These items can be purchased until Jul 29 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.
- New Outfits
Outfit | Class | Price |
Elderwood | Gladiator, Berserker | 960 Black Pearls | | commoncrawl |
Code: 1235328-NTS
Breathable fabric mesh to keep you cool while you work
Available in 4 colours
Coloured mesh only on the back, not on the seat
Full tilt mechanism lockable in the upright position
Height adjustable seat
Comes with folding, padded arms
This chair also comes with a 12 months warranty
Chair Dimensions:
Seat Width - 500mm
Seat Depth - 500mm
Back Width - 510mm
Back Height - 580mm
Seat Height - 430-530mm
Introducing the Air Mesh Two Colour Swivel and Cantilever Chairs, a perfect blend of comfort and style for your workspace. Crafted with a breathable fabric mesh, this chair ensures optimal airflow, keeping you cool and comfortable throughout your workday.
Available in four vibrant colours, you can choose the one that best suits your personal taste and office decor. The coloured mesh is exclusively featured on the backrest, adding a touch of elegance and uniqueness to the chair's design.
The full tilt mechanism allows you to adjust the chair's angle to your preference and lock it in the upright position for added stability. With a height-adjustable seat, you can easily find the perfect seating position that suits your needs.
For enhanced comfort, the chair comes with folding, padded arms that provide excellent support for your arms and shoulders. Whether you need to rest your arms or engage in focused work, these arms offer flexibility and convenience.
Additionally, the Air Mesh Two Colour Swivel and Cantilever Chairs come with a 12-month warranty, ensuring peace of mind and guaranteeing the quality and durability of the product. Elevate your workspace with this stylish and functional chair that combines comfort, breathability, and versatility.
Most deliveries are shipped within 5 working days but we aim to deliver all orders within 7/10 working days (excludes extended delivery time orders). To ensure that we have time to pack and arrange an appropriate courier, items marked 'Available Next Day' must be ordered before 11am.
Any requests to return furniture must be notified within 14 days from delivery date. However depending on the circumstances there may be a 25% restocking charge and collection charge involved. We are unable to collect items in locations that are deemed as 'out of area' such as Northern Ireland.
Please keep in mind that all 3rd party goods will be considered tailor made and personalised, and therefore are exempt from the 14 day cancellation period.
Call us for more information regarding our high quality office furniture today on 0800 043 9000.
5% Off If You Spend £1000 - SAVE5
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Order now, new stock arriving 16-08-24 | commoncrawl |
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NO. 2i)
<«; »
The unexpected death last night of Javks
: ' Kiq. a3 fully chronicled on the
pj»is » sudden and painful shock to
cot' im«ni'J- Mr. Maxwell's life has
^ ! in the city and county, and he
à r*f-r,»:,'.T known a* well as any man
. ir limits. lie was the son of Mr.
Jou> JIaxwkll, *bo owned a farm near
g0a*v> l'oint, this county. When qmte a
•xT te > -*»ü business with the late Ert
n'v T ' • <'<'*. *•*! *bo »n t^at day dealt
wdv in boots and shoes. From
^ Tcuth until about three years
j_.<5 the deceased has been in active busi
es. .Ways pushing, always careful and
si«»*» attentive, he advanced step by step
in the various trradations of business life un
ci he amassed an unusually large fortune
fcr this section, and attained the moat £suc
frtsiU and respectful prominence. His
jjter ''Ujiness years were confined chieHy to
tie wholesale grocery trade, being identified
r>h the old bouse« of Messrs. Maxwell,
Paxton aud Donlon; Maxwell, Campbell
snilip^*e: Maxwell. Tingle and Iaham,
and others not now recalled.
paie* the deceased's long and successful
%aiinee6 career he was not unmindful of his
duties ss a citizen, as his years of service
is the Comtr.on Council, Board of Eluca
tion and Hoard ot Commissioners will at
t,«. As a director in the several corpora
I as ci which he was a member, his shrewd,
r-Ktieal judgement was of the utmost
nice. -Vr. Maxwei.l was not only one of
the city s best citizens from a public stand
•«oiat. but he stood equally high
jj an exemplary Christian and kind
hrarttJ iranv Always plain and just,
■e nevertheless had the kindliest feelings
:,r tho»e in distress, and was ever ready in
sa unobtrusive wav to lend a helping hand, j
M :ch mere conld be said of great interest
zic-t this £ccd public and private citizen,
.t it is .« ifficient to add that he has pissed
mr fall of years and full of honor, and the
tr.;ire lommuni'y unite in expressing their
deepest synepathy with the grief stricken
ci v v he has been a blessed hus- j
Ltnd aid fa*her.
brief telegrams.
Herr« Jarrett. of Norwalk, 0., commit
•.■(J ji !» .if by banging.
r»t« r Coir stock was found hanging to a
«.r r.»#t Caywood Station, O.
Tr n as I'.uker, o* Dixon. Ky., was 9ho>
atd kill- ' ' « .'ames Karly, whom he teati
s^a-L-t ' efore a grand jury.
St •'( hn was refused the use of the Leg
;,!v -.v ( bamber at Sprirgtield, 111., for the
purto^e of a temperance lecture.
Herry Meyer, of Cincinnati, committed
«-.icide • t barging himself to a door knob.
He "recant desperate over a protracted ill
John ?îsfr whose body was found hanging
fro. a tret-1 ear Canton, 0 , committed sui
cide thrcegh l^ar of ad»ssination. A
•ireatenini» letter signed by Felix Fagin,
c* Iîri«i^refcrt, Ohio, was found among his
S. P. Eolmn. of Paris. Texas, attempted
to tnurier his wife, when Prof. Youmans in
ttrferi i. Ilolmes then stabbed Youmans
to death and also murdered a Mrs. Tighe,
•hp»n< present. He was saved from com
p>'iru* th»* murder of his wife by the timely
arrival of assistance. He says he was
prompted by jealousy.
Inj a Fr|>uMiran- Hi« Residence In Mon
t AHA.
Ottawa, Ont., May 21.—The following
•:»?f®ent in regard to Kiel's citizenship is
lade to the best authority: "Kiel took an
active part late in^*-2, or early in 1883, in
the Montana territorial elections, having be
come an America^ citizen there. Recre
ated considerable excitement in the election
referred to being an active worker for the
Republicans After the elections were over
a- was prosecuted on a charge of having
it-duced stv, rai halt-'oreeds to vote, although
they bad not the necessary qualifications,
l^îorethe çrc»ecuticn had got fairly under
*»y. r.o»ev»-r. he tVd to his old home at St.
V.ta! Vnniti^-a. H»- subsequently returned
to M( ntana ou a flying visit and removed
by fhniil-. t«» st honita^e, Man. Then in
tie Ml of 1.->H he went up into the Sas
ka»i hewan country, where he has been ever
nr. p , l er»- h pn doubt whatever as to his
American c ti/enship "
Th*v >tp|»iri th* St-itle Conimltt»*, »ml
llirHhuIr Malter M Ith Them.
p!TT»;:i'K<;, M:iy 21.—A secret meeting
o; tii*- iron n;am. facturera was held to-day
*t the Association rooms. Fifty mills in
&11 PM-tiors of the district were represented.
The st f.-ior. bepan at ten o'clock and ended
it two. Stcrt-tary Weeks 9tated after the
tenir;» that the sc»le question was tho
ca^Llv ; •Lii-st-d and the action ot the Con
f-r^ci n rrnsiree sustained. It was agreed
to lea\e rhe »bole matter with the com
mittee. So.-re fault w>w found because
the comtr.itt» »*'* demands were not high
fEon^'h. Tnic action," said Secretary
Kek*. "was taken in 18S2, and what it
hIttw. every person know«. The
xanufarurers will not a*k for another con
îtKECe "
Th«* Schwab .Jury Still Oat.
Ni Vi.Riv, Vav 21.—The jury to whom
*>s given the question of the euilt or inno
ce of Justus Schwab, cherged with incit
■3? a r:oj on February 2 last at Concordia
• A t'.is city, during a meeting of the So
hsul iot,«pto 12:30 p m. to-day,
j*m aolc ;o f^gree upon a verdict. The
reurtd to deliberate a: 3:30 p. m. yea
Ne» York, May 21 —The jury in the
of Justus Schwab served under inùict
®«tt f« r inciting riot, was discharged, be
uuabie to a^ree.
The >lat«»r l'rewlui«a Fuotl.
Kkw York, May 21 —Re*. Pr. Atticus
' ■ iisjjfood. of (»eoriiia. general agent of
' ■* J(,hu !• Slater fund for the education of
subniittrd a voluminous report,
*ii*r*in he showed the progress of the negro
'8the South, and how his condition had
a. ,t-d through the munificence of Mr.
T*1*'. I |>wards of $25.000 had been
•,rs"- i 'Jtirir j the past year to various edu
^ittal institutions from the fuud. Kx
•/»•ideM liay-s will remain at the l itth
-*««;e Hotel until Friday in attendance
** fke Hoard.
South«-rti Mormon llUnrii la Jsll.
' "attaso'xja, Tïxx., May 21.—Toe im
Bi«rt of the Mormon elders. Christian
ink'ainer' 00 ,he pf^hin*
»«Mi ajrood deal of excitement
hli?abeth»(.r. The e'ders had niide
v,rJ converts in that s» ction. who say they
■'* F'otect the accused men. Senator
8 ,Ä,h®r is a convert, bnt the S<jd
'* *o»Virijr up puDltj statiment against
'c 9 5'knaries.
•*s eaily hird ca:ch*s the bronchitis. and
^ "t* f f nrK morning wal'-ta will find this
f rb# Wbjpm It we wrre permitted t«
we should whimper :
* Lr. Bull's Cough Synip."
Fire in a Printing Office Causes
a Holocaust.
Seventeen Lives Lost by Burning
and Fatal Leaps
From the Fifth Story of the Build
Heroic John Sullivan Saves tha Lives
of Three Girls
And Then Meets His Own Death
Falling to the Sidewalk.
The Most Pitiful and Horrible Affair
Cincinnati Ever Saw.
Cincinn ati, May 21.—At 1:30 this after
noon & fire broke out in a fire story build
ing at the corner of Sixth and Walnut
streets, occupied by Sullivan <k Co., printers.
There is also a laundry in the building, in
which a number of girla are employed The
flames spread so rapidly that it cut off their
escape, and several girls jumped from the
«bird story windows and were inatantlv
Of the Most Pitiful Lu«* of Life Cincinnati
Ever Und.
Cixcixnati, 0., ;May 21.—This city has
bad its share of shocking disasters, but
never has one happened where such a piti
ful 10*3 of life has occurred as that of to-day
with so little occasion. In less than fifteen
minutes after the fatal blunder began 16 or
17 persons perished. Looking over the
scene after the event it is plaiu that every
life could hare been easily saved. Short as
the time was thtre were displays of thought
that saved two lives, but one of the heroes
lost his own life. At half past one o'clock
this afternoon Mr. J. A. Green, city editor
of the TimearStar, upon goin^' up stairs on
the way to his ofEce, saw dense clouds of
smoke'issuing from the rear windows of the
buildings, No. 19 and 21 West Sixth street
and immediately telephoned to the fire de
partment. An alarm brought engines
almost instantly, and as the firemen could
reach the building from the front and rear,
it was not fifteen minutes until the fire was
so much under control that the Chief kugi
neer was able to reach the fifth or top tloor.
But be was too late to rescue the girls em
ployed there and to his»
he found ten dead bodies lying with hands
to faces and faces blackened and destroyed
in death. The Chief said, in speaking of
it, "The bouse is not burned out, in fact
the fire was chiefly in the fifth story. The
smoke begrimed girls were lving upon
benches, tables and other things and some
on the floor. Their clothing was not
burred but tho skin on the backs of their
hands was scorched. It was a terrible sight,
the worst I ever saw in my experience. The
gir's lay where they had fallen in their
wild anâ helpless despair. It has now been
■ fairly ascertained that the fire started from
A Cau of lieuiiue
on the second fioor tear the elevator shaft.
A boy on that tloor says he heard a report
and instantly the fire leaped to the elevator
gbaft and darted up it. The shaft reaches
to tbe top tloor of the building and from the
third story to the fifth it was eucircled by a
wooden stairway which was the only means
of access to these floors. The elevator
shaft, to add to its combustibility, was en
cased with a thin wooden lattice work. The
second tloor was the press room, the third
the competing room, the fourth a storage
and waste room and the fifth wm the folding
nom. As soon as the tire started
A Young Hero
John Sullivan, cousin of the pro
prietnr, ran up the stair way to the
tilth floor to give warning. Instantly at
I most he found he was too late to put them
down the ptair way and that his own retreat
•as cut cff. What he did for the frightened
iirls could only be told by the glim^es that
ronld be seen ol him at the smoking win
ifow whence four of the girls had already
• '»aped to thtir death. J. R. Kins
ky, son and his foreman had
go-e to the "roof of their building
adjoinirg this and knowirg that the girls
»ere imprisoned on the floor below, they
irocured * rope and lowered to the windo*
u here Sullivan was He ins'antlv grasped
it and fas'ering one of the girls to it helped
her out and Kinsley and Shroeder lowered
her safely to the sidewalk. The rope was
brought ard Suliivan again quickly fasten
ed it to another girl and sent her down
-afely. The rope came out the third time,
und as the other girls by this time were
mffocated or afraid to venture, Sullivan
fastened the rope to his body and wa* being
lowered; when half wav down the tlames
»hot out et a window and he fell.
Head Kor«mo«t to the Sidewalk«
When the girls were jumping from the win
dow a large colored uian heroically tried to
catch them and to break the force of the
fall. He nearly lost his own life in the at
tempt. Within ten minutes after the fire
begun the patrol wagons were called into
u*e to carry away the wounded and killed.
As well as can be ascertained there were
fifty occupants of the building, of whom
twenty or twen'v-five were girls in the
fifth " story. The bojs were on the
second ard third tloors, and this accounts
for their escape. All agree that the spread
rt tlames was almost instantaneous. Mr
Kinsley, who ran to £is upper floor in the
rear, where the flaires were in danger of
coming through his window, found the
smoke so dense that he had to craw! oa th<*
tloor to reach his window and close it. AU
this %»hile there was
An Avenue of F^rap«
which the panic stricken girls did not think
cf. It was an opening in the roof which
they could easily bave reached from a
bench and once on the roof they could
have reached other buildings with
! perfect safety. The lack of
! ready access to this place lost all these
I lives! The fire was almost insignificant.
1 bat wooded stairway around the elevator
is not burned so as to be unless or even
1 unsafe. Vet tiames seem to have pervaded
all floors and to have ruined all the paper
and other light combustible matter Sulli
van estimates his loss at from $*>,000 to
$11» 000, with ample insurance The lo«s
to the building is slight. The so«n*s at th»
nrdertaker's establishment where the dead 1
were taken and where friends and relative-«
I come to identify them, wer«» of the
Most Fwinful
character. In one case, a policeman of
Covington identified his sisters. Lizzie and
Dollie Handle, who were twins Mrs. Men.
found the body of her daughter, and had to
be led away from tbe awful sight. Mrs.
Leabon had the awful experience of finding
her three daughters among the dead.
The Fatal List ^
as now made up is:
Anna Hell, aged 48, wife of David Bell, '
2C I-ock street.
Dollie and Lizzie Handel, twios, aged 20 '
i 713 Scott street Coringtor
Fannie Jones, aged 22. Liberty and Fre€
^ tran.
Delia, Kate and Mary Leobon, sisters,
aged 23, 14 and 16 respectively, lived at
No. 28, Sixth street.
Kate Lowery, aged 20, Newport.
Lizzie Meci, aged 16; 345 Broadway.1
Kate McLure, aged 20; 90 East Sixth
Fannie Norton, aged 21.
Kate and Mary Putnam, sifters, aged
22 and 19 respectively.
John Snlliv&n, 22 years, 39 Broadway.
Lillie Wynn, 20 years, 88 East Fifth
The Injured
are Will Bishop, printer, 23 years, 203 Fifth
street, Covington, crushed and burned; will
probably die. Joeie Hawkes, broken leg
Emma Pinchback, Covington, unconscious;
will probably die. Nannie Shepherd, head
badly cut, Harrison street.
Already preparations are in progress for
tke relief of the families of the victims,
most of whom were the support of depend
ent parents;
ff hat the Medical Record Will Say of Hi*
New York, May 21.—The Medical Ree
of Saturday next will say under the caption:
"The condition of General Grant." During
the pa&t week General Grant has been in a
comparatively comfortable condition. He
obtains his full amount of sleep and takes
his nourishment without difficulty and is
quite free trom pain. At the consultation
May 17th, Drs. Sands, Shrady and Douglass
being present, it was found that the
swelling under the angle of the
jaw on the right side had increased in size,
that the glands were still indurated and
deeply fixed, also that there was a tendency
toward diffused infiltration into adjoining
tissues of the upper and anterior portions
of the neck. There was consequently some
rigidity of the jaws, preventing the wide
opening of the mouth, thus in a measure in
terfering with examination of the throat.
The palate at the curtain was somewhat
swollen, but the destructive process at the
side of the uvula Lid not marked
extended. No change had been noted in
the appearances of the right tonsil region,
nor in these of the posterier part of the
pharynx. The ulceration on the right side
of the base of the tongue showed a tendency
to extend backward was more excavated
and had an elevated and indurated border.
At the examination on Wednesday, made
by Drs. Douglas and Shrady, the local con
ditions were found to be unchanged.
Two Women With Infant' in Arms Sont to
the Penitentiary.
Madison, Wis., May 21.—In th° Munici
pal Court yesterday Mrs Rebecca Merraot,
of liaraboo. and Mrs. Margaret M. Cooley,
of Mitchell, Dak., sisters, pleaded guilty
to the charge of perjury. They have now
each been sentenced to two years in
State's prison. Kach woman when sen
tenced bad an infant in her arms. Kneel
ing at the feet of the Judge they
piteously pleaded for mercy "for their ha
bits sake. ' The scene was a heartrendering
one. Judge Braley, with tears in his
eyes, said the law wa3 inexorable, but he
would fix the lowest penalty prescribed. The
women then prayed and sobbed and uttered
'errible shrieks ad they were finally removed
by the officers. They said that a man named
Kirby had threatened their lives if thev did
not swear as they did, and that they had for
years lived in mortal terror of him. Both
are respectable women of good repute. Their
batiks accompany them to the penitentiary.
An effort will be made to secure an execu
tive f»ardon in their case. These women are
niiters of the wife of James Kirby, alias Sim
mons, a well known cracksman, who, with
a man named Edwards, was last November
sentenecd to States prison in Wisconsin, for
five ) ears for burglary in Madison. At tl^
ttial ot Kirby these women swore that they
were in lîaraboo at Mrs. Merraot's home the
1 t'.th of July last, the night of the burglary,
and that Kirby was also there. They also
taid that that night Mrs. Merraot gave birth
10 a child. The attempt to prove an alibi
was unavailing, however, and Kirby was
found guilty after a most exciting trial. The
women were then arrested for perjury in the
case. It was proven that the child was born
May fith and that Kirby was not present
even at that time
A nod [Twill case.
.1 Peculiar Content Oirr the Will of a
Chicago, May 21.—The vidict in a pecu
liar piece of litigation was announced this
this morning. The will of John Trinkler
j (a suicide ard attempted wile murderer)
bequeathed to the children ot George Trink
'er, a brother living in New Albany. Ind..
$13,M0 in bonds, a raongag* for $1,000
and notes upon property in New Albany;
also four phares ut stock of the Merchant«'
National I!ank of Louisville. The widow
and other heirs at law were left nothing.
S x days after John Trinkler's doath his
wife dud from injuries inflicted by him
t-efore be blew out bis o<*n braius. Tho will
f Trinkler was probated June 21, ISSU,and
letters were granted to Gwynu Garnett, a
lawyer. Trinkler's other brothers and hi«
neices and nephews bronght suit to have
the will declared void. It was charged bv
the contestants that Trinkler bequeathed
the property as he did through the undue
irtluence oi Dauiel S. Trinkler. a legatee,
at:d George S. Trinkler, father of the other
legatees, who caused the domestic tragedy
*nd reaped the benefit of the will by repre
senting to Trinkler that his wife was untrue
to him. A great deal of evidence was
lu ard but no contest was made by the lega
tees, and the jury found from the facts,
that undue influence had bean employed on
the testator, and that the will was not the last
«ill and testament of Trinkler. As prayed
I in the bill, the will was laid aside, and a
distribution ot Trinkler's property will be
made among the heirs-at law
Forging a Chain of Evidence Around the
FionvoNP, Va., May 21.—The morning
session of the Cluverius-Madison murder
trial was mainly occupied in examination
of several employes of the Belle Isle nail
works, as to the visit of a man and woman
to the works on March 13. All of the wit
nesses concurred in their statements as to
the presence of the couple on that day and
as to the general description as to their ap
pearance. Several witnesses testified to
having seen the prisoner at the cityjail and
to having identified him there as the man
thr-y had seen on the Isle, picking him out
from a numoer of other prisoners. A letter
written by the prisoner to Lillian in Sept
ember last and poem found in Lillian s
trunk were put in evidence by the prosecu
tion. The*Wer was read aloud, but the
reading of the poem, owiag to its indelicate
character, was postpqped until afier reos*.
when the court room would be cleared of all
hut those directly interested in the case
The note found at the American Hotel was
offered by prosecution, and its admissibility
argued at length
The Institute.
Ott4wa, May 21.—Senator Alexandria
Y,%s givt n notice that on Friday be will oil
attention to the destitute condition of the
wives atd familes of the volunteers who
bave been killed or wounded while en^ajed
in suppressing the insurrec'ion in the North
west, atd will ask the Government whether
it is their intention to grant immediate aid
to these cases where such families are des
"A COSrmCAL dropping or a very rainy
<?8j st d a contentious woman are alike "
No worder, poor souls, they ire such slaves
to headache. One twen'j-fiv* cena spmt
for a bottle ot Salvation Oil will restore
hartnoDj in the household.
An Interesting Interview With Mr.
For the Interior Department, Whose Record
Has Been Raked Over as an Oppo
nent to the System,
Special to the Reguter.
Washixgtox, May 21.—"Do you know
what the newspapers are saying about you,
Mr. Montgomery?" your correspond
said to Mr. Zachariah Montgomery, who
has been selected as Assistant Attorney
General for the Department of the Interior,
but who is now attacked because of his rec
ord as opponent of the public school system.
"I don't know that I know all that they
are saying" he said with a smile, "but if Ihey
stick to the truth I am content."
He is a tall man, standing fully six feet
high, so tall thaf Lis well shaped head has
pushed its way through a once thick growth
of hair and rises above a tew fringes of the
same in a luxuriance of baldness that would
«race a front row at the ballet. He is not
handsome for he 13 the sort of man who
gives more thought to mind than to body,
even if he did not he would not be hand
some. His eyes are peculiar in appearance,
half closed as he talks, the outer corners
having a peculiar downward curve, with
which his mouth seems to sympathize for
its corners also drop in about the same
manner. His iron gray whiskers are shaven
irom his upper and lower lips aud run in a
fringe about his chin. His six foot Ken
tucky figure, the production ol the bluegrass
water and food and climate, is well propor
tioned, and might ,be the envy of half the
army men in town who cultivate the physi
cal as he does the intellectual.
' Yep, I Lave views on the Public School
'3 stem," he said, "and very pronounced
ones. I have held them for a long tiine,
too, and have never hesitated to avow them
«hen there was reason for doing so. I cer
tainly don't propose to permit the fact that
I have been selected for a public office to
cause me to change my views on a matter
of this importance or to prevent me from
avowing them at proper occasions, though
i have no desire to offensively parade."
"Would you object to stating them briefly
for tbe reading public then/"
"Not at all. On the contrary, I am glad
of an opportunity of correcting any mis
statements or erroneous views regarding
them that may have got abroad, and to
place before the public a theory that is en
dorsed by a great many men ol distinction,
and is the result of a careful study of the
facts in the case. If it strikes at the root of
what is considered an important and al
most sacred feature of our system,
it is the fault of the facts, which
are gathered from official figures
aiid not of the man who has the nerve to
«-.Il the attention to them in the face of
ike feeling that it is sure to arouse. There
i^, os I know, an idea, that to attack our
public school system is next thing to attack
ing tbe Bible. I attack it because 1 am
.-«•titfied that it is wrong, and that I believe
it is making a too large class of criminals
a; J law breakers among the rising genera
tion. It is not because I am opposed to
•.ducction. On the contrary, I favor it,
most heartily."
"How do you reach the conclusions you
have expresstd ou this subject Mr. Mont
gomery? '
"l'y a simple course ot r?asonin<» Dasea
on facta gathered by our trusted public
• :!icials. My 'undamental idea is that the
public Behoof system takes the child out of
•be ccntrol ot tne parents and places it in
control of persons who do not know it
Intimately, who have no personal interest in
its welfare, and who cannot give it the
oisonal care that a parent would, even it
hey desired to do so. No one can give the
ttfïi'ctiocate care to a child that the
parent does, and anyone who has seen
?he workings of the public school
.•»vstem must see how it takes the child out
from under the guidance of the parent, and
causes him to less respect and to throw off
he control ot the guardians that nature has
; ro*idtd for him. In the public school the
parent cnn neither control the views his
hild imbibes nor the associations he <orm3
11 e pupil is taught that the views and au
;bority of the teacher are above those of his
h rent. Every writer on the subject ot law
• r morals claim with one voice that the
tirent is bound to educate his children, as
«111 as to feed and clothe them. By this
ijstun you introduce oue feature of com
:jr.ii.L-m. You might as well go another
s'f-p and say that they shall be ted from a
rommoniund, or clothed in classes from
•he public fund."
"You speak of facts and figures to prove
your theories."
"Yes. I have made a careful analysis of
be ccdsus figures, with this in view. 1 did
r>ot become po thoroughly convinced of the
c« rrectcess of my views until I had made
1 ese investigations. I made them before
he census of l>so. 1 did rot think it best
io take the census of 1^70, for that was
taken just after the war, when things were
net in their normal condition So I took the
eer.scsof 18G0, andconipnredthestatisticsof
of the five New England States that have
hnd the public school for so long with
'hese of the States ot Delaware, Maryland,
Virginia, (ieorgia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Massachusetts and the other
States had 2.1«6">,943 native born white in
habitants against 3,181,069 in the Southern
S'ates that have no public schools. The
proportion ot those who could not read was
a uch greater in the South, ye* I foand that
the New England Staies had with their two
and a halt millions of people 2,-459 crimi
nals in prisons, whil*e the Southern States
had with three millions of whites, compara
tively unfettered, only 4T7 in prison; or in
other words the New England system had
cne native born white criminal to ever one
thousand persons, while the Southern State«
had but one to every six thousand five hun
dred, or six times as many in propoation to
the population in New England as in the
South. This ratio also extendi to pauper
ism. suicide, and even to insanity.
' I)o you find the later ceoius bearing
I you ont in vour views?"
"Yes, telly."
' You are accused ot urging this theory
trcm a religion« standpoint, of favoring
l Utting the educational system and its funds
iuto the hands of the church."
"For which there is no authority. I do
not favor it Here is my theory, in a word:
First—Parents are bound to teed, clothe
ai.d educate their children, and should be
compelled to do so.
Second—It is a public dntr to feed,
c'othe and educate, at public expense, those
»hose parents are nnable.
Third—No citizen should be taxed to
teed, clothe or educate children whose par
ents are able to do for them.
Fourth—All parents, either mentally or
morally, unfit to have charge of ttoeir
children are in doty bound to w« that
neither teachers, societies or institution are
such as to injure their children in any way.
Filth—Neither the State nor the munici
pality thould force upon a child or parent a
te*cber or book or Bvstem. religiows <>r oth
eiwise to which its parent objiicU.
Sixth—Tuition, when a* the public ex
pen«*, should be a good English practical
education *ith f«p»cial training tor special
purpose*, ahich latter should be given to
such u bave special fitness for the same
and as rewards for special merit.
Seventh—The whole business of educa
tion should be open to private enterprise
and free competition. The State should es
tablish and maintain such facilities only as
private enterprise fails to maintain. Every
parent having his child educated at public
expense should select his own school and
teacher and system, teachers to be paid ac
cording to the progress the pupils make, the
progress to be ascertained by authorized ex
aminers, but no religious instruction which
may be given in the schools to be at public
expense or subject to the supervision of
these examiners.
That is my platform, and it is one of
which I am not at all ashamed."
Kenna on Randall's Views.
Senator Kenna said he had only heard of
the views of Mr. Kandall upon the Admin
istration, on his arrival in Washington last
evening, and, so far as he understood them.
Jmi agreed with the ex-Speaker. First, there
TWmrfo no* doubt regarding the honesty,
industry and capacity of the administra
tion to do all tnat was imposed upon it
The number of persons who think they can
alwayB do things better than the responsible
person is usually about ten to the one re
sponsible individual. It is so at a country
fire, when all the water in the neighborhood
is paying tribute to the flames. The fellows
who don't carry a.bucket nor yet exert
themselves in the least, always see how the
fire could be more quickly subdued, and yet
do not think of giving credit to the faithful
ChlldlMi Critic*.
"I suppose," said Senator Kenna, "that
tie number of Democrats in the United
States who tanight think they could admin
ister the Presidential office more satisfacto
rily to themselves than Mr. Cleveland is per
forming that duty, is only limited by the
number who expect office and have not yet
the promise of such honor. So soon as an
active, restless fellow gets located he ceases
to be a reformer, and puts all his trust in the
administration. It only proves that
Mr. Cleveland 1» Doing 'Well,
very well, and the more experience he has
the more certain and rapid will the reforms
be made, which all citizens, regardless of
party affiliations, believe (should be made.
As to the views of Mr. Randall about nomi
nating Mr. Cleveland as our candidate in
1888, if that was the question to-day I
should vote aye every time. But one can
not always pri diet accurately his duty three
years ahead. Moreover, the Democratic
party is likely to be as stronp, if not
stronger, in 1888 tban in 1881, and in that
case it would be safe to declare that our
■•Budidale will be equally as successfully
thtn as last year.
Tariff Reform.
"Finally," said Senator K*nna, "that the
time lor tariff reform has come, has been
Mr. Randall's theory for years That is, he
has always said that measures should be
under Democratic patronage. It follows,
therefore, thut with a Democratic President
the necefsity for tariff legislation is now to
be recognized. On that proposition, too I
think there will be bnt very few opposing
votes in the next Congress among its Dem
ocratic members."
SuMiriiaion Hay for the Virginia Past
Washington, May 21.—The President to
day made the following appointments of
jxstmasters: L. W. Caldwell, at Warren
town, Va., vice W. JA. Pattie, suspended;
W. IT. Ritenour, at Harrisonburg, Ya., vice
Jns. Sullivan, suspended; John A. H. Var
ner, at Lexington, Va., vice Chas. E.
D»avtr, suspended; George. 11. Head, at
Leesburg, Ya., vice Owen T. Holmes, sus
pended; A. P. Bibb, at the University of
Virginia, vice R. IJ. Eife. suspended; Bruce
Gibson, at Winchester, Ya., vice John 11
Dean, suspended; Mrs. Mary II. S. Long,
at Charlottesville, Va., (reappointed); John
T. Regan, at Terre Haute, Ind., vice Jos.
0. Jones, commission expired.
Postmaster General Yilao says the Post
masters named in Virginia were suspended
in the exercise of the President's power of
removal and because the postmasters were
partisans of such character that they ought
not to continue in the service under this
tid ministration.
The President has appointed the follow
ing Board of Visitors to the naval academy
for lyöS: Rear Admiral C. R. P. Rogers,
17. S. Navy; Lieutenant-Colonel Orlando M.
Poe, I*. S. Army; Prof. Wm, G. Sumner,
New Haven, Conn. ; John N. A. Griswold,
Newport and New York; Wm. Read, Balti
more; Hon. James S Grinnell, Greenfield,
Ma.-s. ; Hon. A. M. Craig, Altoona, Ills.
The Ansistant TrcasurytJiip.
Secretary Manning to-day uppointed a
rommittee of depariment bureau official* to
c nduct an inventory of property at the
Bureau of Engraving and Piiutiug. As
. it-taut Treasurer Graves was to day relieve 1
•ri m the duties of that office and will at
orce assume charge of the Bureau of En
.raving and Printing. It is the general im
remion here that Mr. Whelpby, at prcien*
«•«shier of the Treasury Department, and
who stands next to the Assistant Treasurer
in the lite of promotion, will be made As
j-if-tant Treasurer on June 1. This promo
•icn will in turn cause other vacancies in
lower positions, which will a'.so be filled by
To day's session of the Wales court mar
tial was spent in the examination of John
Cook, of the Fourth Auditor's office, regard
ing vouchers signed by Dr. Wales.
That loua Marshalüliip.
Washington", May 21.—The appointment
of a United States Marshal for tne south
em district of Iowa is. as yet, an unsettled
question. The commission to Christopher
L. Williams is still sopend«d awaiting fur
ther inquiry by the President into the case,
and the Iowa Congressmen who are here
are confident that it will be revoked, and
that Ed. Campbell will finally get the ap
Odium'« Remain* Rea< h TCafthinffton.
Washington, May 21.—The house of
Professor Odium's sister and aged mother,
on Four and-a half Btreet, is overrun with
visitors expressing their sympathy. The
young lady to whom Mr. Odium was en
gagea to be married, was among the callers
ai d was very much grieved. His mother
and sister are almost frantic at their be
reavement and some friends have kindly
volunteered to arrange the tnneral. The
remains of the Professor reached Washing
ton this morning. .
The Boston Police Attempting: to Break
l*p Preaching on] the Common.
Boston, May 21.—The Rev. Dr. A. J.
Gordon, pastor of the Clarendon street
Baptist church, Mr. H. L. Hastings, a well
known publisher ot religions works, and
about a dozen others, were arrested veste'
day for holding a religious service on the
Common on Sunday afternoon last The
police say they violated a city ordinance in
making such use of the Common. The
church people declare that they will hold
meetings as usual next Sunday and there
after, and the police say tfcey will arcaat
any man who opens hu moat h to address a
cro*d on the C-ommoc on Sunday. Th»
«-vat gelists arnoutse»» that moit of the
prominert flergy in town will be on hand to
speak, and that when one has begun to
spesk and been amsted. another wiH take
bis place. "They will have to arre*t one
fcundrtd or more ministers and prominent
men if ihey attempt to carry ont their
pîar," eaid one of the officers of tbe V. M.
C. A. Ian evei.ing.
A Gcacal It aiirnad.Strike.
Ottiwa. May 21 —A tr»nera! a'rike oft
ibe Eeslern division ol ihe Canadian Pa
cifrc I! bilvay be« n fixed for Monday
next. Unpaid waft« caute the trouble.
Their Case to Go to the United States
Supreme Court.
The Point of Disagreement That Will Carry
the Case to the Federal
Chicago, May 21.—The matter of the
writ of error asked for in the case of Joseph
C. Maekin and William J. Gallagher, and
argued before Judge Greeham and Justice
Harlan, was decided this morning. The
two Jurist« disagree. The effect of this is,
that the question will go to the United
States Supreme Court, and in the meantime
the convicted parties are released on bail
pending the decision. Mackin nnd Galla
gher were convitfxed oI rifling the ballot
box in the Third precinct ot the Kighteenth
ward at the recent national election and
substituting bey us ballots f or thu9e cast
by the electors. Therr prosecution was based
upon the filing of a criminal informa
tion againstlhem by the United States Dis
trict Attorney, and the point was urged by
their attorney in the [»resent instance that
their offense partook of the nature of an "in
famous crime ' in the meaning of the United
States statute, and that a criminal informa
tion was not adequate, but that the accused
should have been regularly indicted by the
grand jury. On this point Justice Harlan
und Judge Gresham disagree, the former
holding that the conviction of the men was
adequate and complete. The prosecution
of the men has been long and expensive
and great interest centered in the result,
owing to the prominence of Mackin in local
political affairs. If the Supreme Court
hliould sustain Judge Greshau» the prosecu
tion would have to be renewed. In the
meantime indictments against Mackin and
Gallagher are pending in the State Court. "
Geueriit Mite»' Argument.
In bis concluding argument for the prose
iT.iion, General Stiles said "The testi
mony in this case shows that the defendants
mo guilty bejoud any doubt or question.
The preceding by information in such cases
c in accordance with the settled practice ot
l;s district and circuit, and generally, we
■»lieve, of the Circuit and I'istrict Courts of
b° country. It is patent to the court, and
o all, that the defendants have not been in
any way prejudiced by the particular mode
of procedure adopted There is not the
lightest doubt but what a grand jury would
have indicted them without th« least hesita
tion. The evidence in possession of the
Government which was adequate to con
vict them, was certainly adequate to in
dict them. To far as the final result was
concerned it was wholly immaterial
whether they were tried upon an information
or an indictment. Kven if the court has
some doubt as to whether the crime in this
case is infamous within the meaning of the
constitution, yet in view of the considéra
• ions we have just referred to. it ought to
foilow the established practice of the circuit
fiitil the Supreme Court shall clearly indi
cate that it is wrong. Besides. Mackin and
Gallagher are the plaintiffs in this court
They allege error in the record, and the
burden is on them to make out their case
They must do more than raise a doubt in
the mind of the court, and the judgment of
the I'istrict Conrt should be allirmed unless
it clearly appears jhat its judgment is
Willi Hfsh.OiK) timl l.t-nvc« Hit Knmily
Dentil ute.
New York, May 21.—.lohn A. Van
Gelder, receiving teller of the I'nion Na
lional Hank, has tied and an examination
of the books shows him to be a defaulter to
'he amount of $33,000.
Kxperts have been busy for a week past
ingoing over ibe accounts of the I'cion
National Bank, 34 Wall street, to determine
the exact amount of the embezzlement of its
receiving teller, John A. Van fielder. The
exact amount of money taken is found to be
$33,000. Van (ielJer's peculations extend
■ d over eleven years. He eutered the bank
n lf63, wheu but twenty years old, and
wfs promoted through the various grades
nnûl Le became teller at ?:>..'»00 per year
ife be^an by taking $1,000 in May, 1871.
ird all of hts subsejuent embezzlements
•»»re in amounts of #1.000 $2X'00or$.1,000
\c he lived with his wife and two young
'«lighters in verv modes* style in Jersey
1 'ity, it is supposed tha' he sp?nt the money
ii gambling. Uis method was to falsify th<»
r> dits of depositors. entering th? correct
mount on their pa s hooka hut a l*ss
ntronnt on the books of the bank. When the
pass books were balanced he would credit
n the books the amount previously with
held. At the same time he would deduc*
*n eqnl amount from some ether customers'
^epotit thus preserving a balance He wu
he better able to keep (his sysUim up by
'erfon of hii frequently helping an asged
^cok keeper who was very grateful for Van
fh lder's kindnees in relieving him of part
of his duties. The task of keeping the
mutilated accounts straight, however, fin
ally became too difficult, and on May 6th.
Van Gelder atter procuring $3.000, in the
way described, disappeared. Nothing has
since been heard from him. His'latnilj
are destitute.
Iloyton'a Connection With Odium'« I.cap.
NewYork, May 21.—Paul Boy ton sa va
the mother and sister of Odlium are mis
taken when they bitterlv denounce him a*
having induced the Professor to risk his life
by jumping off the Brook'vn bridga. He
fays he tried in every way to talk Odlnm
out of the idea, but he could no«. He fur
ther says that Odium had the id»*a in his
head several years ago, and was constant1?
urging him to aid in earning out the plan,
but be never encouraged him. On the d*y
of the jump Boy ton especially urged bim
to abandon the project.
A National Wool Contention.
St. Lotns, Mar 21.—Arrangements for
holding the annual convention of the Nu
tiotoal Wool Growers' Association here next
wtek are about completed. The conven
tion will be held in the Cotton Kxchange.
which will be specially prepared for the
occasion. A very laree number of dele
gates are expected to be present, including
wveral very prorainent gentlemen from
different parts of the country. Among the
lMt»r will be Cel N J Coleman. Commis
rimer of Agriculture, who takes a de*p in
terest in the wool interests of the country.
A Workman Horribly Mutilated.
Jouit, III., May 21.—A man, terribly
irargled ard in a dying condition was found
in a lreight car here yesterday. He turned
• ur to be a working man who had worked in
he qrames. named Pezderkas, an Austri
an. Iiis lip« and r^e*- were cut off al«o his
• torgtie. which wa* harg'oar by a thrn shred
rf fl«sh. The skull was fractured. The
n an was a horrible sight and was yet alive
though he cannot live. The claim is maae
that the outrage was committed by some
DtdirxUd to Both Hides.
New Vofcx May 21 —G»n. Grant has
written tbefo'1o»ing«Wi»*atinn *o bit book:
To the f ffWn ard poMiers in ih® war of
, 'le rebellion etid aUo er.^a^wf it» th«
I war in Mtiifo tktae vo'uu»^> are dedicate J.
I "U. S G«ji>t."
In Meeting at Weston- Their First Dmj't
fecial la the KrfUfer,
Wwtox, W. Va., May 21—The Wert
Virginia Medical Association met in the
City Hall to-day at 2 o'clock p. m.
The attendance was nnusually large and
a number of doctors arrived on the evening
trains, which will make the number present
fift v and upwards.
The meeting was called to order, with Dr.
Eaird, of Wheeling, in the chair.
Prsver by Rev. Dr. Webb, of the M. E.
On roll call by the Secretary, Dr. Jepson,
twenty-seven name« re«ponded.
Dr. A. H. Kunst, of Weston, Chairman of
Committee of Arrangements, delivered a
learned and lengthy address, which was well
A short address of welcome on behalf of
the citizens of Weston was then delivered by
his honor, Mayor K. W. Sterling. On mo
tion of Dr. Shriver the Mayor was requested
to reduce his address to writing and hand
to the secretary lor publication.
The annual address was delivered in an
able manner by the president. Dr. George
Iiaird, of Wheeling, Dr. Harris, first vice
president, being called to the chair.
Dr. A. F. Husted, of Wheeling, a gradu
ate of Jefferson medical college, of Phila
delphia, was prfsented tor membership.
The board reported, recommending him,and
be »as thereupon elected.
The report of the chairman of committee
on publication was accepted.
Report of the secretary was read and re
ferred to a special committee composed of
Drs Kunst, Shriver and Dickey.
The report of the treasurer was reported
to an auditing committee, and was found to
be correct and very satisfactory.
A nremorial was presented from the
Weston W. C. T. I7, on the subject of tem
perance, asking for the uppointment of a
committee to report at the next meeting on
the intiuence of alcohol on the system, etc.
It was referred to the board of censors as a
committee to report to the society what
action they may deem proper. They re
ported the following resolution, without any
recommtudatioa; * * * Laid on the
l)r. J. I.. Dickey, of Wheeling, read a
paper on ' The Krrors of Refraction."
A paper by Dr. John I-'rissell, of Wheel
ing, un "A l ew Thoughts on Blood Letting
und the Use of thé Foreep" in Labor," w»s
read by Dr. C. M. Frissett. It was then
difcussed by Drs. Howell, McWhorter, Mor
gan. Sbriver, Charter, Harrison, Gregg,
.lepson, Lanham, Hersiuau, Blown and
A committee to examine a case of in
jury presented was appointed, consisting of
I>rs Morgan, Harris, M. Campbell, Manown
and Miller.
Adjouraed until S 30 a. m. to morrow.
A complimentary reception was given to
the members of the association at the
f-kating rink tonight, in which a large
crowd participated.
They will be tendered a reception at the
Hospital to morrow at 4 o'clock, closing
with a grand ball at nijfht, in which the
voting society ladies and gentlemen of
Weaton will participate.
Annual Report of the A merlrjtu Iron ami
Steel Ah-mm'I.H ion.
Phii.adki.piiia, Pa., May 21.—The an
nual report of Secretary (ieorge W. Cope,
of the American Iron aud Steel Aaaociution,
has just been completed. 'I he production
of pig iron in l"tf I was 1,5^9,013 net tona;
of nil rolled iron including nails and rails,
l,i»:»,748 tons; beaeemcr steel rails 1,11 •»,
(ill 1 tons, and nails of all kinds, 1,1 II,*.'»1
tons. '1 he reports of iron and
steel np£re;rated in value $38,211,
H00, and the exports $10,902,150.
Altogether IM,720 tons ^roea of iron ore
were imported. The statement atao gives
the total production o( coal 99.S5I.h70 in
jjross tons, including 30,718,293 tons of
anthracite. The fabulons quantity of f>2,
110,6(i0 hushele of charcoal were required
to make fuel for the iron works of the coun
try. The balance of trad« in favor of the
I nited States in the first eight months
of the fiscal year of ISH5 was
$159,592,359. After alluding to
the bel«ef that a transfer of the Presidency
from one political partv to the other would
create a commercial revulsion, Secretary
Cope in his review of the commercial situa
tion raya With the dread of the adoption
of a reactionary policy by the new national
administration happily dispelled with the
domestic market very largely in the hand*
of home producers so that imports are ex
ceeded in value by exporta with our
currency on a good ba*i*. no that no uns»t
•lirgof vahies ia to be apprehended «oori
rom that quarter With no political ex
citrment deetrainin^ the minds of th" n-o
I le ai d with n majority ot members in the
next House of Kepreaentatives believed to
Ke in favor of protection, the manufacturer»
of the United States are in position to take
ris'nnt advantage of anv favorable cban *
in the condition of business How this
change may be brought about, we are una
ble to explain, but it mar be yery much
nearer at band 'han ia now supposed.
llif I'rfnrlimnn U«pr«ta Ihr Ktory of lltir
Hxtlng Cnmiultteil «nt< Id»..
New York, May 21 —Loui« Francois, the
Frenchman, who was aw<*gted by Officer
McCormick early yesterday mornm? whilo
on Lia way to the river to di»poae of the re
mains oI Li* murd-r»d wife, wu again ar
raigned in the police court this morning.
Wiifoh. Francois fellow workman, who waa
at the latter « house the evening preceding
the murder, stated that ths couple quarrell
ed while he was there, and that he bad to
•eparate them ; alvo, that Francoi« had bis
(Walêh'a) cbiael in bit posaeseion, and
that when witness askid him what he waa
doing with it Francois turned pale and «aid
he did not know it waa Walsns. Witness
concluded by Baying that it waa his belief
tbat Francois intended to murder bis wHe
with the cbiael. The accuaed man held to
the statement previously made by him and
dr ni< d all knowledge of bow bis wife came
to ber death. He says bis wife quarrelled
with bim while in bed and tbat he got up
and drecaed and went out. and on returning
1 found her dead on tbe floor with both hands
! c'atched around ber throa*, He thought
»he had taken poison. He waa too excited
; to call in a doctor. The hearing waa here
adjourned until tomorrow
I A F1tUt>arf Man Murder« a Child and
PiTT*»r»c, May 21.—Khortly after noon
to-day a terrible tragedy took place at No.
69 Webster avenue, which recoiled is the
sudden uebering into eternity of an innocent
little child and her slayer The famil r liv
ing in the boose is named Lippich. and ac
cording to tbe particular* of the affair re
ceived at this writing, it aeems that a B>
bemian boy namfd Franz Bjbbetr, who had
hoarded with the L^ppicha about two
1 weeks, ia the cold-blooded m order«'
i cf the <bild, and certainly deliberately to>k
bia own life. 1 be child, wboae name was
Lizzie, and who waa aged aboot four years,
' waa »ho« in tbe seek by a h alle« from a re
tolnr in the banda of Bobhatt. No
body bot the twain vera in tbe fcoaw at
! the time, and Mr« Lippich, after hearing
the report of the revolver, rashed into the
ri om »bere th- tragedy took plaje jut is
; time tn pick up b»r Kt*(e one and have it die
in h»r arm» \ miBn-nt Ufr Bjbôett
poinded »>* d ach-rri'g »wnhalV« Into hi»
, tr«ast An iu m eise cro'd gathered a *><«
I iL» buildicf
It the 6eneral Feeling la Buiines«
Circlet Abrtad,
The Times Editorially Discusses the 3js
phore Egyptian In
Lokdox, May 21.—Stocka and bom« and
foreign fund« are deprewed, in consequence
of the general feeling that Roaaia will per
mit no peaceful settlement of the present
trouble« but that she is bent on hating war.
The delaying of the return of the guard«
from Fgypt to England, and the news that
comes from India in regard to the contin
ued war preparations there has caoaed a
most uneasy feeling upon the various ex*
Tigrave Tacha, Egyptian Under Secre
tary of State for the Interior, who recently
arrived in Taris on a special mission to the
French Government had a long interview
with M. I>e Frejcinet, Minester of Foreign
Affairs yesterday, in relation to the pre«
laws. The Bosphore incident gave rise to
the discussion.
The Tin»«.
Lovnox, May 21.—The Times this morn
ing returns to the Bosphore incident for
editorial discussion, and makes it the sub
ject upon which to base a general review of
the whole situation in Egypt at the preaent
moment, na atTi ted bv the contiictin^ inter
ests of the various European powers. In
the course of this article it says: "There ia
too much reason to tear that a hostile com
bination against British influence and inter
est in Kgjpt ha« been organized by the
European powers Their action in respect
to the Egyptian convention and in forcing
the Kheoive by their protests to refund the
live percentage which has been deducted
from the amount of the coupons, has been
clearly intended to show that tboy are de
termined to insist on every point against
Kn^lar.d." •
Til* Ail«itnln(r of I'otaeaalon.
The opposition of the European powers to
Iiriut-h interests in Egypt, the limes dis
tinctly seen, muni be taken into the account
in any determination of the future policy of
England uj»on the Nile. "We have, how
ever," the article continue«, "the advantage
of poFiu'ssion, and this is a fact which just
now it is not umiss to emphaaue." 8j»eak
ot the order issued yesterday detaining in
Egypt the guards who were on their way
home from Suakim, the tame article says:
" I here is no need to attribute this action to
the position of the Anglo-IluMiaa difficulty.
There is more than enough in the atVairs of
Fgypt to enforce the necessity of precaution,
if not to justify positive disquietude."
Huwlsn Witr Preparation.
Kussia is constructing batteries at all
strategic noints along the*Gulf of Finland.
I-arge orders have l*cn issued for gun car
The Governor of the Tertian Rarakhe
has granted the request of the Kassian
Commander at Mcrv, to allow two batal
lions of Russian troops to march through
Tertian territory on the lef> bank of the
Tejend river, the roads on the right side
being Hooded.
A (■(ilium fCnitgraut Who llrouglit • Peru
llnr UlifMi From AI>roari.
Dkh Moikkh, 1a., May 21.— I he extreme
ly fatal disease prevailing in Wayne town
chip, Jone« county, and mostly in Onslow
and I.angworthy, in first noticeable in a
veiv idigt lore throat. From there it goea
to tne lungs, and finally lodges in the spina,
nlien di al h immediately follow*. The dia
t nse is generally of about two day« duration,
nnd haa to fu baftlcd all medical «kill.
It is anppoaed to bave been brought from
the old countrv l.y John Claeaaen, and fam
ily who arrived from (iermany about April
I, stopping a while vith Iltck Coleman.
Soon «fur the member« of thia family were
attacked by a disease which caused an erup
tion ot the akin and similar to that whi< h
attenda measles or scarlet lever. Thia waa
tollowid by a sore throat and blackening of
the tongue. The diamse soon • auaed the
'!mih oi two ol Claessen's children, a bof
!our jtars old and a jnrl of II. In the
treaotime Coleman'a tum I y became
afflicted and his wile, aged
'.'5, and his sister «I. law, a young
ladv of IH, died. A number are yet aick,
but have been quarantined, and everv effort
i< btinjr insde to prevent the (pri'iil of
what the phyiiicun* call a contazious dis
cru1. The ravage* ol the disease have been
t oi fined to those places wb*re the emigrant
family visited The Iowa Medical Ami
ciation haa taken in hand, and ia attempt
ing to ferret out the origin and learn ita
cause and the proper treatment There are
our or five down with it at l.angworthy
and a number in Onslow. It ia moatly is
fierman families. It ia the opinion of soma
doctors that it is a spates of ship fever.
Il«*« »«II.
At l/ouiarille—The Brooklyn I/raiavilU
(fi.me «m atopped At tb« third inning by
At Milwaukee—Mileauk«« G, Indianap
oli« 9.
At Pittaburg—Pittsburg, H; AthUtica 2.
At Boston—Kostona, 4, I>etroit, 2.
At Proridenie—Proridenc«, 0; Chi
cago, 10.
At New York—New York, 3, Buffalo. 4.
At Cincinnati—Cincinnati, 10; Balti
more, II.
At i'hiladelphia—Philadelphia, i; ht.
Ix>uia, 3.
At Clerelend—Clerelnnd, 12; Oath*. 7.
At Ht Ijoti»—ht Louis, 11; Metropoli
tana 9. _____________
A«o4h«r Crank Uwm.
Chmaco, May 21 —An Inter Oceae
Bloomirgton. III., »pectnl »»y«: K«b»u«l
Nut», who began a »14*j« fast th« Hih
tritt »ring be was commanded to 4n eo by
th« Lora. died at 1 p. m., Uh1er. He wm
tb« ©ublüher of a curions religio« paper
entitled "Spirit of Tmth."
WUi Work tmr «4M Tmr Tot,
Coixnecs, O., May 21 —Th« union
miner« m New fttraitaviile. have d«cid«d to
work at Üm reduced raU, 40c per ton.
Owing to th« alack demand for coal, rery
'«w can be accommodated.
oa THE OHIO. %
Th« Dauntless paswd on M 4 p. m., and
J. C Bisher at " p at vidi empties
Th« Aaaic BoWta pawed down at t
^ The Looia A. Sharlej U dot ap for Pitt»
bflrg, thia morning.
Th« Emma Qnkaa paaaed down at T
a. m.
The Sende paaaed ap at 8 a.m.
The Chaneefior paved down at 5 a. m.,
thia morning.
Local aacketa all os time.
The rirer waa 5 «sat, 3 iaehaa aad fall
1DCai*o, May 31 -Rirer SO teal 7 iaehaa
and falling. Weather doody aad mild.
Jxxnanm, 21.—Biter ÉaUng with
6 feat 3 inch in the canal aad 4 iaal I
inches oa the falle. Weathar warn.
Eeiaariiut May 21.—Riser t iat It
ach«« aad ^iafiflf. Weatftîr warm aad | commoncrawl |
$45 Free Shipping!
Klara Cosmetics Selfie Queen Glow Kit has your back for every mood and occasion
The ultimate Selfie Queen Glow Kit consists of 4 complimentary shades for every occasion and skin tone. Features 1 cream and 3 powder formulas to step up your highlighting game:
(1) Pink Champagne - Light pink cream formula
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Subcribe to never missout the latest deals and news from us. | commoncrawl |
The same course is also scheduled for the following alternative dates and locations:
Online Introduction To Traffic Signals
This course is suitable for anyone recent or new in the traffic signal/control field. In addition, senior managers who find that they are responsible for traffic signal control teams and their background experience hitherto has been in other specialist areas such as highway design, transportation planning etc. will find this a very useful course. The course offers an ideal preparation for virtually any of our other courses, and particularly for a LinSig course, which usually follows.
Unfortunately, this course is no longer available although alternative dates may be scheduled - please check our course diary.
Course duration is 2 days
Starting on 2nd July 2024
Ending on 3rd July 2024
Course price is: £580 (exc. VAT)
Tutored by:
John Nightingale MSc(Eng), CEng FIHE MCIHT
is empty.
21 Oct 2024: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more
23 Oct 2024: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more
14 Nov 2024: Online Advanced Traffic Signal Design ...more
21 Jan 2025: Online Introduction To Traffic Signals ...more
04 Feb 2025: LinSig3 : Online Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more
To subscribe to Course, Software or Symposium update emails, please click here | commoncrawl |
Sterling Silver Alexandrite Halo Ring
- Regular price
- $ 38.00
- Regular price
$ 152.00 - Sale price
- $ 38.00
- Unit price
- per
Center Stone: 1 piece Simulated Alexandrite, Oval Shape, 9x7 mm, 2.50 carats, Color Changes Hue depending on lighting: Deep Pink, Dark Purple, Rich Blue, and Ocean Teal with Brilliant Sparkle. Side Stones: 42 pieces Super Sparkling Machine Cut White Cubic Zirconia. Ring: 3.75 grams, Pure Sterling Silver with .925 stamp, Ring features Intricate Side Detail, exceptional Design, Craftsmanship and Beautiful Rhodium finishing.
Returns Policy
Returns Policy
Items may be returned within 30 days, unused, unworn in original packaging within 30 days and will be refunded to original method of payment less shipping. Custom items are not returnable. Any item with a manufacturing defect may be returned for full refund. Anything returned not under these conditions will receive a store credit less 20% re-stocking fee. | commoncrawl |
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7915 UC Phone Grayscale Expansion Module
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1 of 2 Airports in Ramona 15 of 31 Airports in San Diego County 231 of 469 Airports in California 3,733 in Airports
Address, Phone Number, and Hours for Ramona Airport, an Airports, at Ramona.
Name : Ramona Airport
Address : 2450 Montecito Road Ramona, California, 92065
Locality : Ramona
Phone : 760-789-6384
Fax : 336-723-2997
View map of Ramona Airport get driving directions from your location.
Ramona Airport is Airports located at 2450 Montecito Road Ramona, California, 92065
Phone number for Ramona Airport is 760-789-6384.
It ranks 1 of 2 Airports in Ramona.
It ranks 15 of 31 Airports in San Diego County.
Ramona Airport are responsible for a variety of duties. Some of these include providing security and checking identification of passengers. Ramona Airport may also provide transportation to and from the airport, as well as selling tickets.
You will get complete details for Ramona Airport above. Also through contact information, you can easily get all the information needed. | commoncrawl |
In 7 Wonders: Architects, 2-7 players race to become a leader of the ancient world by completing an architectural wonder that will last through the ages.
Players receive an unconstructed wonder at the beginning of the game and must collect resources to build their society, develop military might to navigate conflicts, oversee resource management, research science improvements, and collect civil victory points as they race to leave their mark on world history.
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For TR Lancaster, contact them directly for stock enquiries.
Please also note that Games Workshop orders are delayed by around 2 weeks due to warehouse issues on their end.
£39.99 Regular Price
£35.99Sale Price
NOTE: This item is not in stock in-store, but is available to order
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Introducing the Fleur Ice Cream Pretend Play Set, a portable and playful toy for imaginative fun! Made from soft silicone, it includes a bucket, ice cream holder, and three ice cream pieces. Let your child build and "sell" delicious treats anywhere they go. CE and CA marked for safety. Dimensions: Bucket (Dia 15cm, H 12cm), Scoop (Dia 5cm, H 3.7cm), Cone (Dia 5.5cm, H 8cm).
Manufacturer: LIEWOOD
Product number: LW18545 | commoncrawl |
Platoro Reservoir is located in southern Colorado and was completed in 1951. It has a capacity of 42,000 acre-feet and is fed by the Conejos River, which originates in the San Juan Mountains. The reservoir is used for irrigation and hydroelectric power generation, providing water to downstream agricultural communities. The area around Platoro Reservoir is also popular for recreational activities like fishing, camping, and hiking. The reservoir is fed by snowmelt and precipitation, and snowpack in the San Juan Mountains is a major contributor to its water levels. The reservoir is managed by the Conejos Water Conservancy District, which works to maintain water quality and ensure sustainable use of the resource for the surrounding communities.
Storage 24hr Change | -0.11% |
Percent of Normal | 123% |
Minimum |
7,496.7 acre-ft
2020-10-28 |
Maximum |
52,164 acre-ft
2023-06-27 |
Average | 28,832 acre-ft |
Explore the Interactive Map
View recreational hotspots like fishing, camping, and parks, alongside climate-related data such as river levels, snowpack, and weather forecasts. Enjoy 3D mapping for an immersive experience, and switch to satellite view for a detailed look at your favorite spots. Simply click, explore, and discover nature like never before! | commoncrawl |
May 2017 sees the 175th anniversary of one of Britain's most renowned galleries as The Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh celebrates its role at the centre of the UK art scene with three new exhibitions. Duncan Shanks – Winter Journey sees one of Scotland's finest landscape painters return to the gallery with a new show of winter landscapes. He will be joined by a collection of the gallery's current and significant artists in a unique exhibition of painted works and one off pin artworks. 175 years of Art Pins and Paintings is a show of 37 selected artists painting on 175mm x 175mm canvas and a further 45 who have crafted one off decorative pins emulating their practice on a small scale. Portrait of a Gallery II builds on the successful show of 2010 showing important works in of Scottish art including paintings from The Landscape Tradition, The Scottish Colourists, The Schools of Scotland, The War Years, Modern Scottish Women, Contemporary Painters and applied art highlights in The World of Objects.
Speaking ahead of the anniversary celebrations Managing Director Christina Jansen said: "Curating a show to celebrate such a milestone is no easy task. As the first ever public gallery in Scotland, The Scottish Gallery's history is in many ways the history of art in Scotland. To recognise this whilst also celebrating our current artists we knew no one exhibition could capture this so we're delighted to mount three for our birthday month. It's a privilege to host Duncan Shanks' latest show and also to give voice to some of our favourite artists with a unique 175mm x 175mm canvas brief. How artists including Alison Watt, Jock McFadyen and Kate Downie have responded has us excited to see the public reaction to these small but perfectly formed works. Portrait of Gallery II will be the third exhibition and for newcomers as well as regular visitors, a snapshot of the then and now of The Scottish Gallery will be an opportunity to see some of the finest works created in and for Scotland."
Established in South St. David Street, Edinburgh by Aitken Dott in 1842 as "Gilders, Framers, and Artists' Colourmen", the firm, as it does today, also exhibited and sold work by the leading Scottish artists of the day. As all areas of the business grew, larger premises were found in Castle Street in 1860 and a new dedicated gallery space was opened in 1897 as "The Scottish Gallery". The gallery has been situated on Dundas Street since 1992 becoming the cornerstone of Edinburgh's Art Quarter. The gallery currently curates and produces a monthly programme of diverse exhibitions highlighting both emerging and established artists.
Listings Information
Duncan Shanks – Winter Journey
3 May – 3 June 2017
175 Years of Art – Pins and Paintings
3 May – 3 June 2017
Portrait of a Gallery II
3 May – 3 June 2017
To find out more about The Scottish Gallery visit: scottish-gallery.co.uk, call 0131 558 1200, follow on twitter or instagram @scottishgallery and facebook/scottishgallery. | commoncrawl |
Something more
Romance package "Me2 "
Surprise your loved one with a memorable romantic getaway at the cosy Peetrimõisa Villa.
A romance package is more than just a spa experience – it's a chance to rekindle a relationship, deepen a bond and create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether it's to celebrate a special anniversary or just a time for you and your partner, a romance package designed just for you. Step into the world of romance and rediscover intimacy and love!
Included are:
- Accommodation in lux class rooms. Lux rooms are a penthouse with billiard and sauna or a spacious apartment on the ground floor.
- Chilled sparkling wine and a fresh fruit platter to set the mood.
- Bathrobes and slippers in the room.
- Private sauna complex with infrared and Finnish sauna. Hide from the world for 1.5 hours.
- 3D massage chair relaxation room. Enjoy two separate and individual 30-minute sessions.
- For a romantic walk the Uueveski valley, lake and recreation area are in our immediate vicinity.
- Buffet breakfast from 7.00 until 10.00.
- The day spa with solarium and swimming pool is open from 08.00-10.00.
- Dinner. Time must be previously agreed and dinner can be served in room if requested.
Apartment or penthouse – Fri-Fri 319€, Fri-Lun 329€
Book your romantic holiday today:
Please book your package at least one day in advance. The booking will be confirmed with a non-refundable deposit. | commoncrawl |
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Leon Campher, CEO of ASISA.
Beneficiaries of the Fundisa unit trust fund had their benefits boosted by a record bonus payment of R6.3-million in 2013. The bonus payment was shared among 24 997 beneficiaries from low-income families.
How confident are you that insurers treat policyholders fairly, according to the Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) principles? | commoncrawl |
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Safe Hopeful Healthy Baton Rouge
Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome of Baton Rouge, LA established Safe Hopeful Healthy BR, within the Mayor's Healthy City Initiative, to develop a collective vision and strategy to strengthen coordination, capacity, and partnerships to address the root causes of violence, and to advance policies and practices that are grounded in a culture of health.
225 Festival of Baton Rouge
225Fest, the premier celebration of Baton Rouge culture, emerged from the annual 225Day, a social media phenomenon that celebrated the food, music, memes, and memories associated with the iconic Baton Rouge area code, 225.
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Visitors form an opinion in less than a second, so it's essential to captivate them immediately. With a beautiful, strategically designed website, you can boost sales, engage your audience, and clearly communicate your true value.
Social Media Management
When it comes to your brand's online vibe, we're the maestros of the digital groove. We craft an epic online presence that's as fresh and real as you are.
We turn your brand into a digital rockstar and make sure your online presence is as fresh and fly as it gets. Let's vibe together and make your social media shine like never before!
Meet the creatives that make Fresh!
Meet the squad that's all about making your brand shine! We're not just any team—we're the ultimate crew of creative hustlers, strategists, and trendsetters. | commoncrawl |
Shipping Cars To or From Port of Presque Isle Township
Presque Isle Township is a small town with a population of close to 1500 people in the state of Michigan. This small haven is home to two lighthouses, Lake Huron and Presque Isle harbor. Port of Presque Isle Township is an iconic historic treasure and the only natural harbor between Mackinac and Detroit. It has experienced a huge transformation from being home to shipwrecks in the 1800's to evolving into an economic entity in this day and age.
Here's a guide on shipping cars to or from Port of Presque Isle Township.
Port of Presque Isle Township Auto Transport Pricing & Time To Ship Your Car Examples
Shipping To/From Port of Presque Isle Township | Cost | Distance | Estimated Time In Transit |
Presque Isle Township to Chicago | $258 | 430 miles | 3 - 5 days |
Presque Isle Township to Nashville | $464 | 774 miles | 3 - 5 days |
Presque Isle Township to Atlanta | $577 | 961 miles | 3 - 5 days |
Denver to Presque Isle Township | $856 | 1426 miles | 4 - 6 days |
Houston to Presque Isle Township | $893 | 1489 miles | 4 - 6 days |
Presque Isle Township to Phoenix | $1294 | 2156 miles | 6 - 8 days |
Presque Isle Township to Portland | $1393 | 2321 miles | 6 - 8 days |
Presque Isle Township to San Diego | $1495 | 2491 miles | 6 - 8 days |
*Prices and times are estimated. They can vary depending on the season and what type of vehicle you are shipping.
A surefire way to having an easy time when shipping cars to or from Port o Presque Isle Township is by adequately preparing your car for customs clearance. Listed below are the port requirements for passing vehicle inspection.
- Get rid of any personal items in your car. This extends to all aftermarket parts like external speakers and the GPS unit.
- Your gas should be no less than a quarter tank but no more than half. This amount is just enough for loading and offloading without causing leaks.
- The USDA requires that you have your car thoroughly cleaned minimizing the carriage of insects and pests.
- Fill out the bill of lading. This is a document that extensively details existing damages to your car as well as make, model, and date of manufacture of your car.
- Give your auto shipper the appropriate documentation which mainly includes, but is not limited to, proof of vehicle ownership, valid driver's license, vehicle inspection number, and a valid photo ID, e.g. a passport.
Choose a reliable auto transport company
The bare minimum you ought to consider when choosing a transport company is whether they are insured, bonded, and licensed. It's also important to take note of the kind of insurance they will be extending to you. Ideally, it should cover at-fault accidents which the auto shipper is responsible for. However, if you're shipping a luxury car, you may need to invest in additional insurance for added security.
Mode of Shipping
The two main shipping options when shipping cars to or from the port of Presque Isle Township is Ro Ro and Container.
Containerized shipping refers to having your vehicle loaded into a shipping container, which is then placed in a ship carrying various other cargo in containers. This method will cost you more, and as such, is mostly used for exotic cars that need the added care and protection when shipping.
The second alternative is cheaper and simpler to use. Your car will be driven onto the Ro Ro vessel where it will be parked in a cargo area intended for vehicles. After all the cars are safely loaded they are secured in position before the ship takes off.
Cost of shipping
The total moving cost quoted by most auto shippers will be based on; destination, type of vehicle, departure date, and mode of shipment utilized. You will also bear the cost of customs fees as well as compensate the port personnel for handling your cargo.
Kindly reach out to us if you need any assistance.
Neighborhood Areas We Serve
Our auto transport services are proud to help with your move in any of the neighborhoods you see below. And if you don't see your neighborhood listed here, don't worry because we can most likely service it.
Bay Shore Dr | Bonita Dr | Wilderness Dr |
Thorton Ct | Renwick Circle | Northwood Ct |
Includes ZIP codes: | commoncrawl |
Joe Pignataro and Gemma Bastiani bring you the State of Play in the Smithy's VFL and Rebel VFLW competitions.
The penultimate weekend of the VFLW season is upon us, Williamstown will tackle the Western Bulldogs for a spot in the Grand Final. Footscray have fallen to 1 win in their last month while a stalwart of Box Hill shines in their 1 point win over the Cats.
Catch up on:
Subscribe to the State of Play VFL/W Podcast wherever you get your podcast to never miss a moment, a fresh episode is released in-season every Tuesday. | commoncrawl |
The History of Halley's Comet
Pamphlet entitled 'The History of Halley's Comet' by D.W. Hughes.
Object Details
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If an item is shown as "offsite", please allow eight days for your order to be processed. For further information, please contact Archive staff:
Email: [email protected]
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Click "Continue" below to continue processing your order with the Library team. | commoncrawl |
HOW TO USE Benton Snail Bee Ultimate Eye Cream
Saccharomyces/Snail Secretion Filtrate Ferment Filtrate, Aqua (Water), Caprylic/Capric Tr iglyceride, Propanediol, Lactobacillus/Collagen Ferment Filtrate, Butylene Glycol, Polygly ceryl-3 Methylglucose Distearate, Niacinamide, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Pen tylene Glycol, Glyceryl Stearate, Glycerin, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, H ydroxyethylcellulose, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer, Hydrolyzed Sodium Hyaluro nate, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Hyaluronic Acid, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Copper Tripepti de-1, Bifida Ferment Lysate, Arginine, Ceramide NP, Adenosine, Bee Venom, Tocopherol,
Saccharomyces/Snail Secretion Filtrate Ferment Filtrate
Obtained in the process of fermentation of snail mucin using saccharomycetes (yeast fungi obtained from grapes) accelerates cell renewal, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, tightens the skin.
Lactobacillus/Collagen Ferment Filtrate
This ingredient is filtered by fermenting collagen with Lactobacillus. Through the fermentation process, it increases the density and absorption of nourishing to help skin elasticity and vitality.
Bifida Ferment Lysate
It's an ingredient derived from Bifidobakteria, it helps protect the skin by promoting the health of weak skin, and make the skin transparent and healthy.
You can also stay updated with everything that is happening on our website, vobeauty.com.ua | commoncrawl |
Hey, what's up, guys! If you're looking for how to download war thunder on pc in 2024, here's what you need to know:
How to download War Thunder on PC in 2024
Step 1: Click "Play on PC"
Visit the War Thunder website and click the "Play on PC" button.
Step 2: Register Your Account
Enter your email, create a nickname, set a password, and complete the captcha. Accept the rules and create your account.
Step 3: Start the Launcher
The War Thunder launcher will start downloading automatically.
Step 4: Choose Installation Location
Select a location on your hard drive with at least 100 gigabytes of free space for maximum settings. For minimum settings, less space is required.
Step 5: Download and Install
System Requirements to play/download war thunder on PC
- Operating System: Windows 7/8/10, macOS, or Linux
- Processor: Dual-core CPU with at least 2.4 GHz
- Memory: 4 GB RAM minimum (8 GB recommended)
- Graphics Card: DirectX 11 compatible with at least 1 GB of video memory (2GB recommended)
- Hard Drive Space: Minimum 14 GB of free space (100 GB recommended for maximum settings)
- Internet Connection: Stable broadband connection
Authorization Steps for War Thunder
- Check Your Email: While the game is downloading, look for a confirmation message in your email.
- Complete Authorization: Click the confirmation link in the email to complete the authorization process.
- Finish Installation: Once authorized, wait for the game to finish installing on your PC.
How to Download War Thunder on PC/Mac in 2024
Installing on a Mac is almost no different from what you just saw, except for a couple of moments. After downloading the launcher on your PC, drag it to the right, and you won't be able to simply launch the installation, you will see the following message. Go to System Preferences, Privacy, and Security, scroll down and there will be Confirm Login, enter the password if necessary, click Open, and then the same installation process that you saw earlier.
First Launch of War Thunder
When everything is loaded, enter the game through the launcher on the desktop and enter the same email and password that you specified when registering on the website. Then, you will be automatically thrown into your first battle, choose the country and type of equipment, don't worry, it doesn't really matter. You can even immediately exit the battle to the hangar,
Best Vehicles in War Thunder game:
Don't forget to check out the link for the amazing kinds of stuff, click here. And if you don't want to miss out on any future updates follow this site and comment below the content you are looking for! Who knows what game we'll be exploring next See you soon. | commoncrawl |
Stock Markets Analysis & Opinion
Are Semiconductor Stocks Targeting Much Higher Prices?
Technology stocks remain hot as semiconductor stocks like Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) continue to lead the way higher.
In that light, we take another look at the red-hot VanEck Semiconductor ETF (NASDAQ:SMH) and highlight why it should be on your radar. Note that we have written about several similar trading setups lately.
Below we have a weekly chart of the Semiconductors Sector ETF (SMH).
When applying Fibonacci extensions using the 2020 low and 2021 high, we can see that SMH is currently attempting to break out above its 161% Fibonacci extension level.
Barring a major reversal of fortune, the next Fibonacci extension level (261%) could be reached sometime in the intermediate term. | commoncrawl |
Welcome to 10 Things Before the Opening Bell.
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Plus, join us for an exclusive Insider webinar on November 17: The future of crypto and its path to mass adoption. Sign up here.
Let's jump in.
1."Just say the word." Elon Musk is back on Twitter pledging to sell more Tesla shares after disposing of almost $7 billion worth of stock last week. This time, he's asking Democrat senator Bernie Sanders whether he should sell more.
The Tesla CEO sold about 6.4 million shares last week, according to regulatory filings. Tesla stock fell 15% — the biggest weekly drop in the electric-vehicle maker's stock since March last year when around $180 billion its market value was wiped off.
Musk says he's deliberately incurring higher taxes. But others say it's more straightforward than that.
"Let's face it. @elonmusk borrowed against 88.3 million shares, sold all his mansions, moved to Texas, and is asking @BernieSanders whether he should sell more stock. He doesn't need cash. He just wants to sell $TSLA," "Big Short" investor Michael Burry tweeted on Monday.
There are several theories around why Musk is selling stock.
- Musk himself said several months ago he owns stock options that expire next year and that he planned to sell shares to cover the cost of exercising them and the ensuing tax.
- Burry suggested last week Musk might need to sell stock to pay off personal debts, as the executive held loans against 88 million Tesla shares, as of June 30.
- Musk asked his Twitter followers last weekend if he should sell 10% of his stock. The result from his poll was a resounding "yes". However, filings the next day showed at least $5 billion in share sales had been in the works for several months.
The plot thickens....
2. US futures are rising as the TINA trade keeps stocks near records highs. Slipping bond yields are helping persuade investors there's no alternative to stocks if they want a chance of beating inflation. Here are the latest moves on the market.
3. A top Jeffries strategist identified 17 underpriced stocks that are overdue for a rebound. Strategist Steven DeSanctis pulled together a list of "Buy" rated stocks that have been left out of the recent gains in small- and mid-caps, but are poised for a recovery. See his picks here.
4. Earnings on deck: WeWork, Churchill Capital Corp, and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, all reporting.
5. You might have to start paying more for your morning coffee. A convergence of global supply headwinds have pushed coffee prices to multi-year highs, while raw sugar prices are also on the rise over the last month. Here's what you need to know.
6. An oil trader is betting crude prices will soar more than 200%. Rising inflation and a global energy crunch have already pushed oil prices past $80 a barrel this year. One trader is wagering that Brent crude will soon reach $250 a barrel — here's why.
7. Billionaire Ray Dalio thinks the US is on the wrong path as inflation hits a 30-year high. He also warned investors that strong inflation erodes their wealth, even if their portfolios are rising. Read his thoughts on the current state of the economy.
8. BlackRock's iShares chief doesn't have plans to launch a crypto ETF anytime soon. Salim Ramji pointed to the "opaque" regulatory framework and liquidity concerns. Though he sees potential, he wants to see more certainty before going down that road.
9. BiggerPockets' real estate guru Dave Meyer is bullish on the housing market. He broke down key indicators that show him home prices are on solid footing. But he did caution against two things that could cause a market pullback.
10. Crypto influencer WendyO explained her strategy to rake in profits during the current crypto bull run. Her favorite way to add to her crypto positions is with a limit order to buy, especially in the fast-paced world of digital assets. Read her full investing approach here.
Compiled by Phil Rosen. Feedback? Email [email protected] or tweet @philrosenn.
Sign up for more Insider newsletters here. | commoncrawl |
Darsh and Karishma's wedding had every flavour a photographer can dream of. An extravagant location, amazing decor and delicious gujarati food, what more could we ask for. It had an abundance of laughs, tears, cuteness, cuddles, love and most importantly fun. This wedding had all the ingredients necessary to make an epic party. It had the perfect balance of structure and chillness. Everything started on time, the crowd was fantastic and everything in general was simply beautiful. As quoted by the amazingly talented Joe Fernando of JF squared films, every minute of it was DOPE!
To top it off, we got to work with our all time fav cinematographer and long time friends the JF squared films crew. And we got to meet and work alongside our new friends, the awesome duo of Karan and Yogyata from Desibeats. We wish these two a lifetime of bliss. | commoncrawl |
Hi Everyone,
If you are looking for private tutoring for yourself/kids for SACE Stage 1 and 2 exams, look no further.
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1. Legal Studies
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We provide Online / Home visit (within 10km radius from Kuralata Park)
Please contact us to arrange a free consultation. Happy to discuss study plans, prep for SACE 2024, fees, etc.
Both tutors have Work with Children Check (WWC) and other relevant qualifications.
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€ 140,00
Out of stock
Beautiful terracotta monkey figure from Cameroon with a nice aged patina.
A particularly good monkey figure figure, depicting with great accuracy the animal's posture.
The Bulu, a tribe from southern Cameroon, belongs to the Fang-Beti ethnic group, known for its magnificent statues.
Ngil is the gorilla, a mighty animal, that identifies candidates following initiation into the secret society. Nice aged patina with traces of tribal use. Good condition with traces of wear and tear.
Provenance: Manfred Schäfer, former gallery owner from Ulm, Germany.
Any questions? Ask us anything via Whatsapp! | commoncrawl |
Boost Your Business with Rodopex - Unleashing the Power of SEO
Welcome to the world of Rodopex, where we specialize in providing top-notch SEO and high-end copywriting services to take your business to new heights. In today's highly competitive digital landscape, a strong online presence is essential for any business to succeed. With our expertise in SEO and copywriting, we can help you outrank your competitors and showcase your brand to a wider audience. Let's dive into the details and discover how Rodopex can revolutionize your business!
Unleashing the Potential of SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). At Rodopex, we understand the importance of SEO in driving organic traffic to your website. Our team of SEO experts utilizes cutting-edge strategies and techniques to ensure that your website appears on the first page of search engine results.
The Power of Keyword Research
A crucial aspect of SEO is keyword research. Keywords are the words and phrases that users enter into search engines when looking for information, products, or services. Our team at Rodopex conducts in-depth keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for your business.
For your business website, "1000 20" is a keyword that we can optimize to maximize your online visibility. By incorporating this keyword strategically in your website's content, URLs, meta tags, and headings, we improve your chances of ranking higher in search results for searches related to "1000 20."
Content - The King of SEO
When it comes to SEO, content is king. Quality content not only engages your audience but also helps search engines understand what your website is about. At Rodopex, we have a team of highly skilled copywriters who craft SEO-optimized content that ranks. With our high-end copywriting, we will create compelling, informative, and engaging content to attract and retain visitors on your website.
Outranking Your Competitors
Now that we understand the importance of SEO in driving organic traffic to your website, let's delve into how Rodopex can help you outrank your competitors and dominate the search results.
Analytics and Performance Tracking
At Rodopex, we don't just stop at implementing SEO strategies. We believe in data-driven decision-making. Our team uses advanced analytics tools to track the performance of your website, monitor keyword rankings, and analyze user behavior. By constantly monitoring and analyzing the data, we identify areas for further optimization and fine-tuning to stay ahead in the highly competitive digital landscape.
Competitor Analysis
To outrank your competition, it's crucial to understand what they are doing. We conduct thorough competitor analysis to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Armed with this knowledge, we devise unique, tailored strategies to outrank your competitors and gain a competitive edge.
User Experience Optimization
Search engines value user experience, and so do we. A well-optimized website with a seamless user experience can significantly improve your search engine rankings. Our team at Rodopex implements the latest UX/UI principles and best practices to enhance user engagement and conversions. From intuitive navigation to mobile responsiveness, we ensure that your website delivers a flawless user experience across devices.
The Rodopex Advantage
Choosing Rodopex means gaining access to an arsenal of powerful SEO and copywriting techniques that will catapult your business to success:
- Customized SEO strategies tailored to your business
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In today's digital world, a strong online presence is pivotal to your business's success. Investing in SEO and high-end copywriting services can provide a substantial return on investment, drive organic traffic, and boost your brand awareness. With Rodopex.com.br, you'll have experienced professionals who will not only help you outrank your competitors but also provide a seamless user experience that keeps visitors coming back for more. Contact us today and embark on your journey to online success! | commoncrawl |
DFA chief, PH envoy to attend Senate inquiry on proposal to temporarily house Afghans in PH
MANILA, Philippines — Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo and Philippine Ambassador to the United States Jose Manuel Romualdez will face senators on Friday for the "urgent inquiry" on the proposal to temporarily house special immigrant visa (SIV) applicants from Afghanistan in the Philippines.
The office of Senator Imee Marcos, who heads the chamber's foreign affairs committee conducting the probe, said Thursday that Manalo would be attending the hearing.
"As of now, only Secretary Manalo, and Senators [Koko] Pimentel and Senator Jinggoy Estrada have confirmed [their attendance]," Marcos' office told reporters in a Viber message.
In a message to the Inquirer, Romualdez also said he will be attending the hearing, albeit virtually.
The panel announced on Wednesday that a public hearing will be held, instead of an executive meeting, "due to the significance and urgency of the matter."
It was Marcos who filed a resolution seeking the probe. She raised doubts about the intention of the US in proposing the temporary stay in the Philippines of the SIV applicants from conflict-stricken Afghanistan.
She pointed out that other countries are geographically closer and are "better equipped" to accommodate the SIV applicants from conflict-stricken Afghanistan.
"The fact that the US opted to house these foreign nationals in another country and not on US soil, even though these individuals are supporters of the US and, possibly, even former employees of the US government or US companies, casts doubt on the character and background of some of these individuals," Marcos also said.
Romualdez previously said that holding a public inquiry on the issue was a welcome move, so the proposal "can be properly vetted and discussed."
Imee Marcos: Bare PH-US 'deal' on Afghan refugees
PH plan to accept Afghan refugees still for review – envoy | commoncrawl |
Anyone else out there in need of a break from the heavy, eggy, creamy, sugary drinks of the holiday season? Don't get me wrong – I'll happily get behind every nog and spiked hot chocolate that comes my way, but I simply cannot go drink-for-drink on the richer stuff.
Enter my favorite way to cleanse a cocktail palate this time of year: kombucha. If you've somehow missed the craze, kombucha is a lightly fermented tea with an almost vinegar-like tang. It's a little tart, a little fizzy, and, in my humble opinion, delicious.
It's also a fantastic mixer. Kombucha has many of the components of a well-balanced cocktail built right in and ready to go: acid (that tangy tartness), a bit of sweetness, and a bit of fizz. With some very light tweaking, ala the Moscow Mule or a G&T, you can pretty much just add your spirit and start sipping.
I add ginger, lemon and honey to my brew for a more robust flavor, and because something about that combo always feels like a soothing health tonic to me this time of year. And speaking of health, kombucha has been promoted as a cure-all of sorts, a drink that can repel anything from colds to liver disease and digestive upset. I'm no expert, but any excuse to drink more kombucha is a definite win for me.
I used Brew Dr. Kombucha (the Herbal Uplift variety), one of my favorite local Portland brands that's also available nationally, but you can use any variety that's on the milder side (anything too aggressively flavored or funky won't balance as well). Just keep in mind that Kombucha sweetness varies, so you may need to tweak the amount of honey you're adding here.
As a finishing touch, garnish your glass with lemon slices speared with a rosemary sprig for a wonderful rush of aromatics every time you bring your glass to your face. The almost pine-y scent of rosemary will keep you in the holiday spirit, and the lemon will keep things bright and refreshing. It's a recipe you're going to want to keep sipping all year round!
Ginger Lemon Kombucha Cocktail
- 1.5 oz vodka
- 1 slice ginger root
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tsp very hot water
- 1 hearty squeeze lemon
- 4 oz kombucha to top
- Muddle the ginger with the honey and hot water in the bottom of a cocktail shaker until the ginger is broken up. Add ice, lemon, and vodka to the shaker.
- Shake for 10 seconds, then pour over ice and top with kombucha. | commoncrawl |
Hand Tufted Rugs
• Made to order, each rug is uniquely crafted upon receiving your order
• No customs duties or additional fees for customers
• Secure payment options with encrypted gateways
• Hand tufted in rural India
• Indoor use only
• For bedroom, living room, drawing room, hallway etc.
• Production & Delivery Time: 10-17 (appx.) days and 5-7 days for delivery
• Free worldwide shipping with no hidden charges
➤ Primary Colors: Black
➤ Accent Colors: Purple, White, Red
➤ Material: New Zealand Wool
Introducing our exquisite Vintage Hand-Tufted Black Floral Medallion Rug, a timeless piece that combines classic design with luxurious craftsmanship. This rug features an intricate floral medallion pattern in rich black, purple, and white hues, making it a versatile addition to any home decor. The hand-tufted construction ensures durability and a soft, plush feel underfoot. Perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your living room, bedroom, or office.
Care Instructions:
• Shedding is normal for new rugs and will decrease with time.
• Avoid brushing or scrubbing the rug.
• Periodically clean with a vacuum, but avoid using the beater brush mode.
• Blot spills immediately to prevent stains from setting; do not rub.
• Occasionally rotate the rug to ensure even wear.
• Use furniture protectors to prevent indentations from heavy pieces.
• If a thread comes loose, trim it with scissors instead of pulling.
• Professional cleaning is recommended periodically.
• Do not fold the rug; roll it for storage.
• Keep the rug away from wet areas to maintain its quality.
Return & Cancellation Policy:
• 14-day return/exchange window after delivery
• Custom orders not eligible for return/exchange
• Buyer covers return shipping
• Item must be returned in original condition/packaging
• Buyer responsible for any loss in item's value upon return
• Cancel within 24 hours for free. After 24 hours, a cancellation fee applies.
Things To Keep In Mind Before Placing Order:
☛ Our Promise to You: At Rug Root we uphold our promises, never overpromising or overcommitting. We believe in transparency with our customer
☛ Shipping Guarantee: Your shipments are fully insured. In the unlikely event of damages or losses, rest assured that you're fully covered and entitled to a 100% refund
☛ Colour Accuracy: Images depict accurate colours, but variations may occur due to individual screen settings. We're not liable for differences between the actual product and your screen.
☛ Pattern and Color Variations: Sizes may cause patterns and colours to vary slightly.
☛ Measurement Accuracy: We strive for accurate measurements but minor variations may occur, which are not manufacturing defects.
☛ Shedding: Wool rugs may shed initially as loose fibres are released because they are newly made. Shedding is natural and diminishes over time with regular care. | commoncrawl |
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Serve® Pay As You Go Visa® Prepaid Card For the Flexible Spender This Know what you pay, and pay as you go. Get Started. blue Serve American Express card with. Keep up to date with our professional range of PPE. Subscribe. Website. Copyright © Goldfreeze Ltd. All Rights Reserved. visa-card. ✕. Search PPE Products. Visa icon. Apple pay icon. Google pay icon. Mastercard icon. PayPal icon. © Copyright Bunches Florapost Ltd All rights reserved. Ichthys Registered in England. MasterCard; Visa; American Express; Discover Card; Bank transfer. © Copyright Gembassador - Powered by Lightspeed - Theme by totalli t|m e-commerce. | commoncrawl |
The Spike NLOS missile has a range of 25 km. (Janes/Patrick Allen)
Thailand's Defence Technology Institute (DTI) has entered an agreement with Israel's Rafael Advanced Defense Systems to collaborate on producing the Spike family of lightweight multi-purpose electro-optical guided missile systems in the Southeast Asian country.
DTI and Rafael officials told Janes at the Defense & Security 2023 show in Bangkok on 7 November that the agreement, which was signed earlier in 2023, is initially focused on facilitating technology transfers to DTI and exploring local component manufacturing.
Under the agreement, two versions of Spike missiles could be produced in Thailand. These comprise the Spike Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) and Spike Extended Range (ER) weapons.
"If collaboration under the first phase is successful we would look to a second phase, in which we plan to expand technology transfers and production," a DTI official said. However, he also stressed that such collaboration is also dependent on purchase contracts from the Royal Thai Armed Forces.
Should contracts be secured, DTI and Rafael plan to form a joint venture in Thailand through which larger-scale production could take place in collaboration with local industry, said the Rafael representative.
Rafael's Spike missiles have been developed for battlefield anti-tank use by infantry, light armoured vehicles, and tanks. The Spike NLOS and ER versions have been further developed for deployment at sea in a surface-to-surface role.
The Spike NLOS is a long-range (25 km) missile and the Spike ER is a smaller, shorter-range (8 km) multi-purpose missile.
Collaboration between DTI and Rafael is likely linked to the Israeli company's previous deal, announced in 2020, to supply the Royal Thai Army (RTA) with an undisclosed number of Spike medium-range (MR) anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and launchers.
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Many experienced builders and people who have made repairs know that high quality is not always a high price. As an example, you can cite interior laminated doors. Such doors are much cheaper than doors from an array and at the same time a little worse than them.
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Laminated doors are of good fire resistance and moisture resistance. Such a door can be without fear of washing water from a hose. In addition, these doors easily resist mechanical influences and are not subject to deformation. Laminated doors are not affected by a sharp change in temperature and direct sunlight.
Interior laminated doors have an excellent appearance. It is very difficult to distinguish such a door from the door from the array of any tree breed. But this is not all the advantages of these doors, because we must also mention the high chemical stability that these doors show. Therefore, they can be washed with any detergents. Moreover, in order to clean such a door from pollution and it is not necessary to use detergents, since there will be enough ordinary rag and warm water.
Laminated doors are a great choice among a large assortment of interior doors, they are worth every ruble that you will have to pay for them. | commoncrawl |
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Khokhlov Four Areas of Yu. systems of Multiple Series. morphologies of Random Band Matrices. theory: Semi-Markov Approach. now Stable Random Walk. | commoncrawl |
- Paid for the order but product not received Open
Umesh Ahire filed this complaint against Amazon on Mar 30, 2023
I had order a phone (Nothing phone *- ***GB) from amazon on *th March. and it was estimated to be delivered by **th march. Suddenly on *th march. the product is showed as delivered, while in product tracking it was showing ' delivered in Bangalore while my location is in Thane, Maharashtra. had not received the product so I raised a complaint to amazon, they said it might tagged incorrectly as deliver. we will investigate and update you. I was following up but was not getting any update so I raised social escalation through twitter about the incident. the social media team, of amazon contacted me said they will investigate the issue. after multiple follow-up they informed me that your product has been delivered to you in intact condition. I asked them it is incorrect I have not received the product , the tracking shows it delivered to incorrect address and I haven't received any communication through email/text about the delivery. while asked for more details such as to whom it was delivery and to what address it was delivered they denied to tell any information. i called amazon customer care multiple times, they said they cannot help me the issue is resolved by the social media team and denied to tell me more details. This is clearly fraud.
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May 09, 2024 by Priya | commoncrawl |
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I am from the south, was raised to be a good ole southern gal, but that sorta lifestyle wasn't for me. I wanted to see the world, have adventures, and everyday not being happy is certainly a waste of a day. I love to travel and I have taken even opportunity to do so. After college I spent 6 months on my own in eastern and South Africa. Too bad I came back with the malaria as a souvenir! I've also been to Canada and Mexico, Central and South America. I've spent time in Israel and on the West Bank. I have family in Spain and Italy that I imposed on during my travels. You know they love it when their American niece and cousin show up om their doorstep unannounced needing a place to crash :) I've also backpacked around Great Briton which was a lot of funOk, so I like military men, I think it has something to do with the warrior ethos that they are taught. Men who are taught to work on their own or with a team to complete a mission, to me id very impressive.Not to mention keeping a cool head when the whole world erupts aroused you into shit and you can't just stand there and die. I have nothing but respect for men who can get their way out of these situations and move on with what they are supposed to be doing while keeping their cool. I imagine it would be something like a rough day in surgery with a lot of surprises.And nothing is sexier than a man in a uniform. I've always thought myself to be a good pick for a man in the military, I am undoubtedly loyal, faithful and honest. I love the idea of my dream military guy teaching me what he know, making me into his own little soldier, and of course I would love to teach my man about emergency medical care, the two of us making a team that learns together, grows together and becomes as close as two people can be.Does anybody want to hook up for N-S-A pleasure?.I'm not really your typical kind of woman actually. I simply enjoy fucking with guys I don't know hehe. I really like it when a man places my legs around his shoulders by doing this they can press in extremely far in.I enjoy the flavour of spunk and also I truly like to place a hot dick in my eager mouth.If it looks like what you are after please just get in touch. I am a passionate person. I love deeply, which has led to me being hurt, but I've always weathered the storm. If you are looking for an attractive, loving, yet independent girl to get to know better that would be me. I like to read and spend quiet evenings at home, but I also like to go out, I love Reds games. going to the movies, and other things around town. I like the art museum and the conservatory, and I even have a collection of my own bonsai trees, which has to be the most unfulfilling hobby in the world. I am an armature writer, I have a friend who has published books all on her own through Amazon, which is a huge goal of mine. I write constantly, an NO not poetry, I'm an adult for pete's sake not a troubled 14 year old girl.Anyway, if you would like to meet and get to know someone who is above average, that wants a real relationship that gets better with time instead of stagnant and hostile like I see many couples out there today, you may want to email me. I'm a pretty girl, although I am kinda little. I like to learn from my partner and him from me. I also like sport bikes, beaches, camping and hiking, spending time with my dog, cooking, quiet evenings at home or going out with friends, I'd like to learn how to shoot a gun, and pretty much else anything a man would be willing to teach meI'm not the topical 30 year old woman. I'm better, special, and waiting for Mr Amazing to come along and make my life complete as I know I can do for him. | commoncrawl |
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Technology is a crucial area of agricultural development. It has the power to improve the efficiency of farming and increase the yield. This has helped improve the livelihood of maqui berry farmers and customers alike. In addition , it includes also made available a large number of possibilities.
As the global population developing, the demand with respect to food accelerates. www.americanbusinesscouncil.net/generated-post/ Maqui berry farmers are also faced with a shortage of information. Therefore , cultivation corporations will be recognizing the need for innovative technology to improve the livelihood of maqui berry farmers and to make new options.
Artificial Intellect (AI) is one of the biggest innovative developments in the farming industry. AI can bring precision to considerable farming. The technology has got the potential to support farmers make better decisions on the field, which can lead to a significant embrace production.
Robotics and automation will be two additional major aspects of technology invention in mara?chage. These scientific advancements include devices that procedure, offer and crop crops. They may have also decreased wastage.
Drones are an additional technology that is now increasingly popular among farmers. They are utilized to map and monitor the growth of indoor plants, as well as to evaluate crop shifts and water sources levels. Using drones can help increase bounty production and minimize the amount of normal water waste.
Wearable sensors on cattle provides data-driven ideas for the entire küchenherd. Other applications include monitoring health conditions and daily activity.
Genetically changed crops will be one of the most crucial technological improvements in the farming industry. They can improve the vitamins and minerals of plants, while reducing co2 emissions. GMOs also offer increased resistance to infestations and diseases. | commoncrawl |
Department of Health 2024/02/27 - 22:00
The Gauteng Department of Health (GDoH) would like to warn the public not to fall prey to bogus healthcare practitioners who try to solicit bribes before 'allegedly' offering their so-called services. The warning comes after a person impersonating a medical doctor was nabbed at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH) on Sunday (25 February) night after they demanded that an escort to a patient pay R700 for the 'Dr' to assist the patient. The member of the public became suspicious when the bogus doctor who was wearing green scrubs with the name Dr Zulu imprinted on the uniform, advised her to meet at the pedestrian gate where the said payment was to be made. The escort notified the security personnel who eventually apprehended the bogus doctor at the hospital's pedestrian gate. When asked to produce her Health Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA) registration number and a persal number by the security and facility management, the bogus doctor was unable to do so. The CHBAH team has since opened a case at Diepkloof police station. The bogus doctor spent a night in custody and was due to appear at the Orlando Magistrate Court this afternoon. The GDoH urges the public to be vigilant by not falling for such scams. The healthcare workers in the facilities will never ask members of the public to pay them directly. If there are any fees payable in the hospital, this will be done at patient administration and an invoice will be issued to indicate exactly what the patient is paying for.
No related warnings | commoncrawl |
Most often, I assist with company mergers and significant organizational changes that heavily impact people. Here, I act as a change agent, with the task of guiding the organization through the change. This involves preparing effective communication and planning actions in a way that minimally affects employee engagement and motivation. I draw from my extensive experience in this area, both in consulting, where I was responsible for change management workshops at PwC, and many years of work for the Żywiec Group and Heineken, which went through major organizational transformations such as company mergers, outsoursing, closures and the implementation of new commercial strategies.
If organizational changes involve layoffs, we will plan it together so that your organization remains engaged after the changes. Often, changes lead to needs such as integrating compensation systems and HR processes, which fit into the services of an HR Director by the hour or C&B Consulting. You can work with me on these aspects concurrently, taking advantage of the fact that I already know your organization."
- Mergers, restructurings (also see C&B consulting)
- Implementation of IT solutions
- New way of operating
- New business strategy
We determine the scope (number of hours per month) and the duration of collaboration, which are the basic components of the hourly rate. We choose specific days of collaboration – I am either present regularly in the office or work remotely. Typically, in the initial period and during challenging moments, we plan for greater involvement and additional days when I am with you. | commoncrawl |
Commercial Aviation
KLM Unboxing the Boeing 787 Dreamliner
The latest trend in online videos is the so-called unboxing videos. In these videos people show how they unpack their newest, sexiest gadgets. Smart phones, smart watches, tablets, game consoles, you name it. The whole world watches how someone unpacks his or her latest purchase. To introduce the newest member of the KLM fleet, DDB…
Emirates Press Conference – "Big three US Carriers playing with dirty hands" (Video)
This week, Sir Tim Clark, President of Emirates Airline, has held a press conference to response to allegations of subsidy and unfair competition leveled by the "big three" US legacy carriers – Delta, United and American Airlines. The video below features Clark's media conference in Washington DC, following meetings where an Emirates delegation briefed officials…
10 Reasons – Why not to fly with Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Over the past 30 years I've been flying all across the globe with almost all passenger aircraft you can imagine and with a huge number of different airlines – on long-haul, short-haul, charter, low-cost – for both business and pleasure. Of course in recent times I was also flying with the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.…
US Airways Flight US1825 Emergency Landing (Video)
US Airways flight US1825 made an emergency landing in Houston after the nose gear failed to deploy. The Embraer ERJ-190 was bound from Philadelphia, only 1 person sustained light injuries.
Pics – Lufthansa 747-8 Retro Livery
To celebrate their 60th birthday, the German flag carrier Lufthansa has painted one of its new Boeing 747-8i in 1970 retro livery. Since 45 years the "Jumbo" is an integral part and work horse of the Lufthansa long-haul fleet. Back in 1970 the carrier was the first European airline to introduce the 747. The new…
Video – Transasia ATR72 Crash at Taipei
An ATR-72-600 (B-22816), operated by Transasia (Flight GE235), crashed into a river near Taipei shortly after takeoff. According to news sources, shortly after takeoff the crew radioed "Mayday! Mayday! Engine Flame Out!", lost height and hit a bridge with its left wing at nearly 90 degrees of bank angle. At least 31 of the 58…
Pics – Scoot's First 787 Dreamliner
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Infographic – The Story of Ryanair
(c) dpfoc
How much does an Airbus cost?
In case you've ever wondered how much an Airbus passenger jet costs, here are the official Airbus list prices for 2015. Airbus Model Price in Mio USD A318 74.3 A319 88.6 A320 97.0 A321 113.7 A319neo 97.5 A320neo 106.2 A321neo 124.4 A330-200 229.0 A330-800neo 249.6 A330-200 Freighter 232.2 A330-300 253.7 A330-900neo 284.6 A350-800 269.5 A350-900…
Airbus to Introduce Floatable Black Boxes
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Airbus A321 to go Transatlantic
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AirAsia Flight QZ8501- Emergency water landing gone wrong?
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Etihad Airways – First 787-9 Dreamliner Delivered
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Videos of Virgin Atlantic Emergency Landing at London Gatwick
A Virgin Atlantic Boeing 747-400 G-VROM, flight VS43, carried out an emergency landing at London Gatwick airport due to landing gear failure. The flight was bound from London Gatwick to Las Vegas. Part 1 – Emergency Landing incl. ATC audio Part 2 – Emergency Vehicles with Radio Emergency Landing from different perspective Video from inside…
AirAsia A320 Missing in Indonesia
AirAsia flight QZ8501 from Surabaya to Singapore has lost contact with air traffic control December 28 at 07:24 (Surabaya local time). The flight took off from Juanda International Airport in Surabaya at 05:35 hours local time (22:35 UTC). The aircraft was an Airbus A320-200 with the registration number PK-AXC. The plane went missing over the…
Video – On Board the First A350 XWB Flight
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First Airbus A350 XWB Delivered to Qatar Airways
Airbus has delivered the first A350 XWB, the world's latest generation widebody airliner, to launch customer Qatar Airways. The A350 XWB redefines the way people fly for the coming decades and opens up a new era in comfortable, efficient long-haul air travel when it enters service with Qatar Airways, renowned for leading the industry to…
Eastern is back!
Eastern Air Lines is really back! First images of their first Boeing 737 "Spirit of Captain Eddie Rickenbacker" emerged on the internet today! After an absence of over two decades, the newly re-launched Eastern Air Lines will shortly start operations out of Miami International Airport ("MIA"). Their first B737 previously served with Kenya Airways as…
100th Emirates 777-300ER Delivered
Boeing has delivered Emirates' 100th 777-300ER (Extended Range), marking another milestone in a partnership that began over two decades ago when the Dubai-based airline ordered its first 777. With this delivery, Emirates will have 142 777s in operation and is the only airline in the world to operate all the 777 variants. With a current… | commoncrawl |
Used RAM 1500 For Sale in Denver, CO
When you purchase a pickup truck, you want to feel secure. You want something that's tough, reliable, and easy to handle. The RAM 1500 may be regarded as a light-duty pickup truck, but once you get behind the wheel, you'll realize how much power is at your fingertips. The RAM 1500 is ideal for anyone who wants the comfort, luxury, capability, and sheer force that come with a truck.
Interested in the new model? Take a look at the new RAM 1500 for sale at our RAM dealership. | commoncrawl |
August long is just a mere 24 hours away and most are thinking about packing up the trailer, getting the kids and heading out for a weekend of adventuring in Alberta's backwoods.
When camping, especially with children, roasting smores is a right of passage and thankfully, it looks like you will be able to do that this weekend as there are little fire bans in the area.
The City of Chestermere is under a fire advisory. Residents are still allowed to have open flame but the Chestermere Fire Department reminds fire users to remain vigilant. They recommend soaking the area adjacent to the fire pits with water to reduce the risk of a fire.
Vulcan County is also under a Fire Restriction due to the dry, windy, and warm conditions present and in the forecast. There is a very high risk of fire spread during windy conditions in any cured (dead and dry) grass fuel type, such as those that exist across the County. | commoncrawl |
Goku Saiyan Dragon Ball Anime Car Seat Covers are a must-have for any Dragon Ball fan! Transform your car seats into a powerful and stylish statement, showcasing your love for Goku and the Saiyan warriors. Made from high-quality materials, these seat covers offer exceptional durability and comfort.
Featuring a vibrant and detailed design, these seat covers bring the iconic Dragon Ball anime to life in your vehicle. The eye-catching colors and Goku's fierce Super Saiyan form will surely turn heads wherever you go.
Not only do these seat covers enhance the aesthetic appeal of your car, but they also provide practical benefits. The breathable fabric ensures a comfortable driving experience, while the protective layer safeguards your seats from spills, stains, and daily wear and tear.
Easy to install and maintain, these seat covers fit most standard car seats, making them versatile and convenient. They are also machine washable, allowing for effortless cleaning and long-lasting use.
By investing in Goku Saiyan Dragon Ball Anime Car Seat Covers, you add a touch of personality to your car while protecting your seats. Join Goku on his epic adventures and let your passion for Dragon Ball shine through every journey. Upgrade your car interior today and unleash your Saiyan spirit!
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Care instructions:
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See more related product: Car Seat Covers
Source: https://bafud.com | commoncrawl |
Adorn yourself in the delicate beauty of this blush pink floral hand-painted organza saree. Each intricate floral motif is hand-painted with care, creating a unique and artistic design that enhances the saree's elegance. The lightweight organza fabric drapes gracefully, offering comfort and sophistication for any occasion. Perfect for weddings, receptions, or festive gatherings, this saree blends traditional craftsmanship with modern aesthetics. Elevate your wardrobe with this timeless piece that captures the essence of feminine grace and allure. | commoncrawl |
Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) said that its board will meet on Monday, 22 April 2024, to consider raising funds for financial year 2024-2025 through various modes.
To discuss and approve the capital raising plan for FY 2024-25 through follow-on public offer (FPO)/rights issue/ qualified institutional placement (QIP) / preferential issue or any other mode or combination thereof and /or through issue of BASEL III compliant Tier II Bonds or such other securities as may be permitted under the applicable laws subject to necessary regulatory approvals and in one or more tranches within a period of 12 months from the date of approval, the bank stated in the regulatory filing.
Indian Overseas Bank is engaged in the business of banking & financial services.
The companys consolidated net profit jumped 30.5% to Rs 724.13 crore in Q3 FY24 as compared with Rs 555.05 crore in Q3 FY23. Total income increased 32.8% YoY to Rs 7,442.85 crore in Q3 FY24.
The scrip rose 0.44% to end at Rs 61.99 on Tuesday, 16 April 2024.
Powered by Capital Market - Live News
Disclaimer: No Business Standard Journalist was involved in creation of this content | commoncrawl |
Jordaan Food Tour is so much more than meets the eye: it's an exploration through the Jordaan neighbourhood- an area that is at the intersection of history and hipness. As this is a food tour we will be wandering down small backstreets to discover the best food in the city at small local places that few tourists will ever know about. Some foodie highlights include the city's very best Dutch Apple Pie, a selection of gourmet cheeses, Bitterballen, Surinamese food (a former Dutch Colony) and herring just to name a handful of the local delicacies you will be enjoying.
Your local foodie expert will enchant you with stories and insights into what being "Dutch" is all about and why people from this small country take so much pride in their country and cool culture. Take a break from being a tourist and experience the real Amsterdam with us.
Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller. Service animals allowed. Public transportation options are available nearby. Suitable for all physical fitness levels. PLEASE NOTE: The meeting point for the 11.30 AM tour is Café Hegeraad - Noordermarkt 34, 1015 NA Amsterdam, Netherlands . Email to advise of any dietary requirements such as vegetarian and gluten-free diets
PLEASE NOTE: This is the meeting point for the 11.00am, 12.30pm and 2:00pm.
The meeting point for the 11.30 AM tour is Café Hegeraad - Noordermarkt 34, 1015 NA Amsterdam, Netherlands
Café Hegeraad | commoncrawl |
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The standard included holidays are Valentine's Day, St. Patty's Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The other months are recognized with seasonal specific decor. If you need an alternative holiday schedule for a specific religion or would rather have fall instead of Halloween, just please note in the comments during check out or email [email protected] and we willl be happy to make thoughtful substitutions. For more information about the different styles, CLICK HERE.
When do I get my Entry Envy Refill Kit?
Entry Envy Monthly Refill Kits ship on the 23rd of each month to celebrate each holiday and season. For example, on March 23, we ship the April Easter Kit. On April 22, we will ship the May kit. All traditional American holidays are celebrated with the monthly subscription, however, special requests and substitutions are respected.
The Quarterly Refill Decor Kits are seasonal only and ship on February 22 (Spring), May 22 (Summer), August 22 (Fall), and November 22 (Winter). | commoncrawl |
DATASHEETSA SERIES SSL VPNAPPLIANCESSA2500, SA4500, SA6500Product OverviewJuniper Networks SA Series SSL VPNAppliances lead the SSL VPN marketwith a complete range of remoteaccess appliances, including the new,next-generation Juniper NetworksSA2500, SA4500, and SA6500 SSLVPN Appliance with its high scalabilityand redundancy capabilities thatare specifically designed for largeenterprises and service providers. TheSA Series combines the security ofSSL with standards-based accesscontrols, granular policy creation,and unparalleled flexibility. The resultprovides ubiquitous security for allenterprise tasks with options forincreasingly stringent levels of accesscontrol to protect the most sensitiveapplications and data. Juniper NetworksSA Series SSL VPN Appliances deliverlower total cost of ownership overtraditional IPsec client solutions andunique end-to-end security features.Product DescriptionThe Juniper Networks SA2500, SA4500, and SA6500 SSL VPN Appliances meet the needsof companies of all sizes. With the SA6500, Juniper continues to demonstrate its SSL VPNmarket leadership by delivering a highly scalable solution based on real-world performancetesting. SA Series SSL VPN Appliances use SSL, the security protocol found in all standardWeb browsers. The use of SSL eliminates the need for pre-installed client software,changes to internal servers, and costly ongoing maintenance and desktop support. JuniperNetworks SA Series also offers sophisticated partner/customer extranet features thatenable controlled access to differentiated users and groups without requiring infrastructurechanges, demilitarized zone (DMZ) deployments, or software agents.Architecture and Key ComponentsThe SA2500 SSL VPN Appliance enables small- to medium-size businesses (SMBs) todeploy cost-effective remote and extranet access, as well as intranet security. Users canaccess the corporate network and applications from any machine over the Web. The SA2500offers high availability (HA) with seamless user failover. And because the SA2500 runs theexact same software as the larger SA4500 and SA6500, even smaller organizations gain thesame high-performance, administrative flexibility, and end user experience.The SA4500 SSL VPN Appliance enables mid-to-large size organizations to provide costeffective extranet access to remote employees and partners using only a Web browser.SA4500 features rich access privilege management functionality that can be used tocreate secure customer/partner extranets. This functionality also allows the enterprise tosecure access to the corporate intranet, so that different employee and visitor populationscan use exactly the resources they need while adhering to enterprise security policies.Built-in compression for all traffic types speeds performance, and hardware-based SSLacceleration is available for more demanding environments. The SA4500 also offers HAwith seamless user failover.1
The SA6500 SSL VPN Appliance is purpose-built for largeSA6500 Standard Featuresenterprises and service providers. It features best-in-class Dual, mirrored hot swappable Serial Advanced Technologyperformance, scalability, and redundancy for organizations withAttachment (SATA) hard driveshigh volume secure access and authorization requirements. Dual, hot swappable fansAdditionally, the SA6500 offers HA with seamless user failover. Hot swappable power supplyThe SA6500 also features a built-in compression for Web andfiles, and a state-of-the-art SSL acceleration chipset to speedCPU-intensive encrypt/decrypt processes.Because each of the SA Series SSL VPN Appliances runs onthe same software, there is no need to compromise user oradministrator experience based on which one you choose. Alldevices offer leading performance, stability, and scalability.Therefore, deciding which device will best fit the needs of your 4 gigabyte SDRAM 4-port copper 10/100/1000 interface card 1-port copper 10/100/1000 management interface Hardware-based SSL acceleration moduleSA6500 Optional Features Second power supply or DC power supply available 4-port small form-factor pluggable (SFP) interface cardorganization is easily determined by matching the required numberFeatures and Benefitsof concurrent users, and perhaps system redundancy and large-High Scalability Support on SA6500 SSL VPN Appliancescale acceleration options, to the needs of your growing remoteThe SA6500 is designed to meet the growing needs of largeaccess user population.enterprises and service providers with its ability to support SA2500: Supports SMBs as a cost-effective solution that canthousands of users accessing the network remotely. The followingeasily handle up to 100 concurrent users on a single system orlist shows the number of concurrent users that can be supportedtwo-unit cluster.on the SA6500 platform: SA4500: Enables mid-to-large size organizations to grow to asmany as 1,000 concurrent users on a single system and offersthe option to upgrade to hardware-based SSL accelerationfor those that demand the most performance available underheavy load. SA6500: Purpose-built for large enterprises and serviceproviders, the SA6500 features best-in-class performance, Single SA6500: Supports up to 10,000 concurrent users Two-unit cluster of SA6500s: Supports up to 18,000concurrent users Three-unit cluster of SA6500s: Supports up to 26,000concurrent users Four-unit cluster of SA6500s: Supports up to 30,000concurrent usersscalability, and redundancy for organizations with high volumeAll performance testing is done based on real-world scenariossecure access and authorization requirements, with support forwith simulation of traffic based on observed customer networks.as many as 10,000 concurrent users on a single system or tensIn the case of core access, this means real Web applications areof thousands of concurrent users across a four-unit cluster.being accessed, which entails rigorous HTML rewriting and policyevaluation.End-to-End Layered SecurityThe SA2500, SA4500, and SA6500 provide complete end-to-endlayered security, including endpoint client, device, data, and serverlayered security controls.2
Table 1: End-to-End Layered Security Features and BenefitsFEATUREFEATURE DESCRIPTIONBENEFITSUAC-SA FederationSeamlessly provision SA Series user sessions into JuniperNetworks Unified Access Control upon login – or thealternative (provisioning of UAC sessions into the SASeries). Users need to authenticate only one time to getaccess in these types of environments.Provides users – whether remote or local – seamlessaccess with a single login to corporate resources that areprotected by access control policies from UAC or the SASeries. Simplifies end user experience.Antispyware support withEnhanced Endpoint SecurityDynamically download Webroot's market-leadinganti-malware software to enforce endpoint security ondevices which may not be corporate-assigned computersbeing used for network accessProtects endpoints from infection in real-time fromspyware & thereby protects corporate resources fromharm during network accessSMS auto-remediationAutomatically remediates non-compliant endpointsby updating software applications that do not complyto corporate security policies. Dynamically initiates anupdate of these software applications on the endpointusing Microsoft's SMS protocol.Improves productivity of remote users who will gainimmediate access to the corporate network withouthaving to wait for periodic updates of softwareapplications, and ensures compliance with corporatesecurity policies.Host CheckerClient computers can be checked both prior to and duringa session to verify an acceptable device security posturerequiring installed/running endpoint security applications(antivirus, firewall, other). Also supports custom builtchecks including verifying ports opened/closed, checkingfiles/processes and validating their authenticity withMessage Digest 5 (MD5) hash checksums, verifyingregistry settings, machine certificates, and more.Verifies/ensures that endpoint device meets corporatesecurity policy requirements before granting access,remediating devices, and quarantining users whennecessary.Host Checker APICreated in partnership with best-in-class endpointsecurity vendors. Enables enterprises to enforce anendpoint trust policy for managed PCs that havepersonal firewall, antivirus clients, or other installedsecurity clients, and quarantine non-compliant devices.Uses current security policies with remote users anddevices; easier management.Trusted Network Connect(TNC) support on HostCheckerAllows interoperability with diverse endpoint securitysolutions from antivirus to patch management tocompliance management solutions.Enables customers to leverage existing investments inendpoint security solutions from third-party vendors.Policy-based enforcementAllows the enterprise to establish trustworthiness ofnon-API compliant hosts without writing custom APIimplementations or locking out external users, such ascustomers or partners that run other security clients.Enables access to extranet endpoint devices like PCsfrom partners that may run different security clients thanthat of the enterprise.Hardened security applianceDesigned on a purpose-built operating system.Not designed to run any additional services and is thusless susceptible to attacks; no backdoors to exploit orhack.Security services with kernellevel packet filtering and saferoutingUndesirable traffic is dropped before it is processed bythe TCP stack.Ensures that unauthenticated connection attempts suchas malformed packets or denial of service (DoS) attacksare filtered out.Secure virtual workspaceA secure and separate environment for remote sessionsthat encrypts all data and controls I/O access (printers,drives).Ensures that all corporate data is securely deleted from akiosk or other unmanaged endpoint after a session.Cache cleanerAll proxy downloads and temp files installed during thesession are erased at logout.Ensures that no potentially sensitive session data is leftbehind on the endpoint machine.Data trap and cache controlsRendering of content in non-cacheable format.Prevents sensitive metadata (such as cookies, headers,and form entries) from leaving the network.Coordinated threat controlEnables SA Series SSL VPN Appliances and JuniperNetworks IDP Series Intrusion Detection and PreventionAppliances to tie the session identity of the SSL VPNwith the threat detection capabilities of the IDP Series,taking automatic action on users launching attacks.Effectively identifies, stops, and remediates both networkand application-level threats within remote accesstraffic.3
Lower Total Cost of OwnershipIn addition to enterprise-class security benefits, the SA2500, SA4500, and SA6500 have a wealth of features that enable low total costof ownership (TCO).Table 2: Cost of Ownership Features and BenefitsFEATUREFEATURE DESCRIPTIONBENEFITSWX Client IntegrationWhen deployed in conjunction with the WX Client, theSA Series can dynamically provision secure, acceleratedremote access for employees, partners, and contractors.For more details on WX client, please visit www.juniper.net/application-acceleration.Improves end user productivity by providing LAN-likeperformance for accessing applications and files viaNetwork Connect regardless of where the end user islocated.Based on industry standardprotocols and securitymethodsNo installation or deployment of proprietary protocols isrequired.SA Series investment can be leveraged across manyapplications and resources over time.Extensive directory integrationand broad interoperabilityExisting directories in customer networks can beleveraged for authentication and authorization, enablinggranular secure access without recreating those policies.Existing directory investments can be leveraged with noinfrastructure changes; no APIs for directory integration,as they are all native/built in.Integration with strongauthentication and identityand access managementplatformsAbility to support SecurID, Security Assertion MarkupLanguage (SAML), and public key infrastructure (PKI)/digital certificates.Leverages existing corporate authentication methods tosimplify administration.Multiple hostname supportAbility to host different virtual extranet Web sites from asingle SA Series SSL VPN Appliance.Saves the cost of incremental servers, easesmanagement overhead, and provides a transparent userexperience with differentiated entry URLs.Customizable user interfaceCreation of completely customized sign-on pages.Provides an individualized look for specified roles,streamlining the user experience.Juniper Networks Network andSecurity Manager (NSM)Intuitive centralized UI for configuring, updating, andmonitoring SA Series appliances within a single device/cluster or across a global cluster deployment.Enables companies to conveniently manage, configureand maintain SA Series appliances and other Juniperdevices from one central location.In Case of Emergency (ICE)Provides licenses for a large number of additional userson an SA Series SSL VPN Appliance for a limited timewhen a disaster or epidemic occurs.Enables a company to continue business operations bymaintaining productivity, sustaining partnerships, anddelivering continued services to customers when theunexpected happens.Cross-platform supportAbility for any platform to gain access to resources suchas Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile devices.Provides flexibility in allowing users to access corporateresources from any type of device using any type ofoperating system.Rich Access Privilege Management CapabilitiesThe SA2500, SA4500, and SA6500 provide dynamic access privilege management capabilities without infrastructure changes, customdevelopment, or software deployment/maintenance. This facilitates the easy deployment and maintenance of secure remote access,as well as secure extranets and intranets. When users log into the SA Series SSL VPN Appliance, they pass through a pre-authenticationassessment, and are then dynamically mapped to the session role that combines established network, device, identity, and session policysettings. Granular resource authorization policies further ensure exact compliance to security restrictions.Table 3: Access Privilege Management Features and BenefitsFEATUREFEATURE DESCRIPTIONBENEFITSUser-Record SynchronizationSupports synchronization of user records such as userbookmarks across different non-clustered SA Seriesappliances.Ensures ease of experience for users who often travelfrom one region to another and therefore need toconnect to different SA Series appliancesVDI (Virtual DesktopInfrastructure) SupportAllows interoperability with VMware View Manager andCitrix XenDesktop to enable administrators to deployvirtual desktops with the SA Series appliances.Provides seamless access to remote users to their virtualdesktops hosted on VMware or Citrix servers. Providesdynamic delivery of the Citrix ICA client or the VMwareView client, including dynamic client fallback options toallow users to easily connect to their virtual desktops.4
FEATUREFEATURE DESCRIPTIONBENEFITSActiveSync FeatureProvides secure access connectivity from mobile devices(such as Symbian, Windows Mobile, or iPhone) to theExchange server with no client software installation.Enables up to 5000 simultaneous sessions on theSA6500.Enables customers to allow a large number of usersincluding employees, contractors and partners toaccess corporate resources through mobile phones viaActiveSync.Hybrid role/resource-basedpolicy modelAdministrators can tailor access.Ensures that security policies reflect changing etwork and device attributes, including presence ofHost Checker/Cache Cleaner, results of endpoint securityscans, source IP, browser type, and digital certificates canbe examined before login is allowed.Results can be used in dynamic policy enforcementdecisions.Dynamic authentication policyEnables administrators to establish a dynamicauthentication policy for each unique session.Leverages the enterprise's existing investment indirectories, PKI, and strong authentication.Dynamic role mappingCombines network, device, and session attributes todetermine which of three different types of access isallowed.Enables the administrator to provision by purpose foreach unique session.Resource authorizationProvides extremely granular access control to the URL,server, or file level.Allows administrators to tailor security policies to specificgroups, providing access only to essential data.Granular auditing and loggingCan be configured to the per-user, per-resource, perevent level for security purposes as well as capacityplanning.Provides fine-grained auditing and logging capabilities ina clear, easy to understand format.Custom expressionsEnables the dynamic combination of attributes on a "persession" basis, at the role definition/mapping rules, andthe resource authorization policy level.Enables finer granularity and customization of policyroles.User Self-ServiceThe SA2500, SA4500, and SA6500 offer comprehensive password management features. These features increase end user productivity,greatly simplify administration of large diverse user resources, and significantly reduce the number of help desk calls.Table 4: User Self-Service Features and BenefitsFEATUREFEATURE DESCRIPTIONBENEFITSConstrained delegationWhen a user logs into the SA Series with a credentialthat cannot be proxied through to the backend server,the SA Series appliance will retrieve a Kerberos ticket onbehalf of the user from the Active Directory infrastructure.The ticket will be cached on the SA Series appliancethroughout the session. When the user accessesKerberos-protected applications, the SA Series will usethe cached Kerberos credentials to log the user into theapplication without prompting for a password.Eliminates the need for companies to manage staticpasswords resulting in reduced administration time andcosts.Advanced SSO enhancements– Kerberos SSO and NTLMv2supportSA Series will automatically authenticate remote usersvia Kerberos or NTLMv2 using user credentials.Simplifies user experience by avoiding having usersenter credentials multiple times to access differentapplications.Password managementintegrationStandards-based interface for extensive integration withpassword policies in directory stores (LDAP, MicrosoftActive Directory, NT, and others).Leverage existing servers to authenticate users; users canmanage their passwords directly through the SA Seriesinterface.Web-based Single Sign-On(SSO) basic authenticationand NT LAN Manager (NTLM)Allows users to access other applications or resourcesthat are protected by another access managementsystem without re-entering login credentials.Alleviates the need for end users to enter and maintainmultiple sets of credentials for web-based and Microsoftapplications.Web-based SSO forms-based,header variable-based, SAMLbasedAbility to pass user name, credentials, and othercustomer-defined attributes to the authentication formsof other products and as header variables.Enhances user productivity and provides a customizedexperience.5
Secure Meeting License (Optional)High Availability License (Optional)The Juniper Networks Secure Meeting upgrade license extendsJuniper Networks has designed a variety of HA clustering optionsthe capabilities of the SA Series SSL VPN Appliances by providingto support the SA Series, ensuring redundancy and seamlesssecure any time, anywhere, cost-effective online Web conferencingfailover in the rare case of a system failure. These clusteringand remote control PC access. Secure Meeting enables real-timeoptions also provide performance scalability to handle the mostapplication sharing so that authorized employees and partnersdemanding usage scenarios. The SA2500 and SA4500 can becan easily schedule online meetings or activate instant meetingspurchased in cluster pairs, and the SA6500 can be purchased inthrough an intuitive Web interface that requires no trainingmulti-unit clusters or cluster pairs to provide complete redundancyor special deployments. Help desk staff or customer servicerepresentatives can provide remote assistance to any user orcustomer by remotely controlling his/her PC without requiringthe user to install any software. Best-in-class Authentication,Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) capabilities enablecompanies to easily integrate Secure Meeting with their existinginternal authentication infrastructure and policies. Juniper'smarket-leading, hardened, and Common Criteria-certified SSLVPN appliance architecture, and SSL/HTTPS transport securityfor all traffic, means that administrators can rest assured thattheir Web conferencing and remote control solution adheres to thehighest levels of enterprise security requirements.and expansive user scalability. Both multi-unit clusters andcluster pairs feature stateful peering and failover across theLAN and WAN, so in the unlikely event that one unit fails,system configurations (like authentication server, authorizationgroups, and bookmarks), user profile settings (like user-definedbookmarks and cookies), and user sessions are preserved.Failover is seamless, so there is no interruption to user/enterpriseproductivity, no need for users to log in again, and no downtime.Multi-unit clusters are automatically deployed in active/activemode, while cluster pairs can be configured in either active/activeor active/passive mode.High availability licenses allow you to share licenses from one SASeries appliance with one or more additional SA Series appliancesThe Secure Meeting upgrade is available for the SA2500, SA4500,(depending on the platform in question). These are not additive toand SA6500.the concurrent user licenses. For example, if a customer has a 100Instant Virtual System License (Optional)Juniper Networks Instant Virtual System (IVS) option is designedto enable administrators to provision logically independent SSLuser license for the SA4500 and then purchases another SA4500with a 100 user cluster license, this will provide a total of 100 usersthat are shared across both appliances, not per appliance.VPN gateways within a single appliance/cluster. This allowsThe HA option is available for the SA2500, SA4500, and SA6500.service providers to offer network-based SSL VPN managedICE License (Optional)services to multiple customers from a single device or cluster,as well as enabling enterprises to completely segment SSL VPNSSL VPNs can help keep organizations and businesses functioningby connecting people even during the most unpredictabletraffic between multiple groups. IVS enables complete customercircumstances—hurricanes, terrorist attacks, transportationseparation and provides segregation of traffic between multiplestrikes, pandemics, or virus outbreaks—the result of which couldcustomers using granular role based VLAN (802.1Q) tagging.mean the quarantine or isolation of entire regions or groups ofThis enables the secure segregation of end user traffic evenpeople for an extended period of time. With the right balance ofif two customers have overlapping IP addresses, and enablesrisk and cost, the new Juniper Networks SA Series ICE offeringprovisioning of specific VLANs for different user constituenciesdelivers a timely solution for addressing a dramatic peak insuch as remote employees and partners of customers.demand for remote access to ensure business continuity wheneverDomain Name Service (DNS)/Windows Internet Name Service(WINS), AAA, log/accounting servers, and application servers suchas Web mail and file shares to name a few, can reside either in therespective customer's intranets or in the service provider network.a disastrous event strikes. ICE provides licenses for a large numberof additional users on an SA Series SSL VPN Appliance for alimited time. With ICE, businesses can: Maintain productivity by enabling ubiquitous access toService providers can provision an overall concurrent number ofapplications and information for employees from anywhere, atusers on a per-customer basis with the flexibility to distributeany time, and on any device.further to different user audiences such as remote employees,contractors, partners, and others. The SA Series extendsprogrammatic support to configure and manage IVS. This enablesservice providers to integrate IVS management into their ownoperations support systems (OSS). It also enables enterprisesthat use Instant Virtual Systems to leverage XML import/exportcapabilities for management of the individual virtual systems.The IVS upgrade is available for the SA4500 and SA6500. Sustain partnerships with around-the-clock, real-time access toapplications and services while knowing resources are securedand protected. Continue to deliver exceptional service to customers andpartners with online colla
Juniper Networks SA Series SSL VPN Appliances lead the SSL VPN market with a complete range of remote access appliances, including the new, next-generation Juniper Networks SA2500, SA4500, and SA6500 SSL VPN Appliance with its high scalability and redundancy capabilities that are specifically designed for large enterprises and service providers.
Go to SETUP - VPN Settings - SSL VPN Server - SSL VPN Policies, create a policy that allow the SSL VPN users to access remote network. Add a SSL VPN policy and follow below parameters on SSL VPN Policy Configuration Page. Policy For: Global Apply Policy to: All Addresses Policy Name: Allow_all_address Begin: 0 End: 65535 Service: All .
SSL VPN Client for Windows/Mac OS ZyWALL 110 VPN Firewall ZyWALL 1100 VPN Firewall USG20W-VPN VPN Firewall ZyWALL 310 VPN Firewall. Datasheet ZyWALL 110/310/1100 and USG20(W)-VPN 5 Model ZyWALL 110 ZyWALL 310 ZyWALL 1100 USG20-VPN USG20W-VPN Prod
The Juniper Networks SA2500, SA4500, and SA6500 SSL VPN Appliances meet the needs of companies of all sizes. SA Series SSL VPN Appliances use SSL, the security protocol found in all standard Web browsers. The use of SSL eliminates the need for pre-installed client software, changes to int
7. SSL VPN requires DUO 2FA. In this illustration, DUO Push is used. Tap Login request Approved to complete the profile setup. The setup is now completed and a SSL VPN connection is made too. D. Connect to CUHK SSL VPN 1. Open ArubaVIA , VPN DISCONNECTED will then be prompted. Click to Connect to establish a SSL VPN connection
IPsec VPN Throughput (512 byte) 1 98 Gbps Gateway-to-Gateway IPsec VPN Tunnels 20,000 Client-to-Gateway IPsec VPN Tunnels 100,000 SSL-VPN Throughput 10 Gbps Concurrent SSL-VPN Users (Recommended Maximum, Tunnel Mode) 30,000 SSL Inspection Throughput (IPS, avg. HTTPS) 3 17 Gbps SSL Inspection CPS (IPS, avg. HTTPS) 3 9,500 SSL Inspection .
The information in this document applies both to IPsec VPNs and SSL VPNs unless otherwise noted. The encrypted tunnels for SSL VPNs use TCP port 443, which is usually allowed by intermediate firewalls by default. SSL VPN tunnels and the SSL VPN Portal are different remote access methods. You access SSL VPN tunnels using the Stonesoft VPN .
VPN Passthrough: having the device installed as an intermediate part of a secure VPN, requires additional VPN gateway. Remote User VPN Site-to-Site VPN Termination PPTP Termination ( refer to page 15) Peplink Site-to-Site VPN ( refer to page 10) . t Requirement System Requirement for Site-to-Site VPN Configuration When configuring a VPN .
Keywords --- algae, o pen ponds, CNG, renewable, methane, anaerobic digestion. I. INTRODUCTION Algae are a diverse group of autotrophic organisms that are naturally growing and renewable. Algae are a good source of energy from which bio -fuel can be profitably extracted [1].Owing to the energy crisis and the fuel prices, we are in an urge to find an alternative fuel that is environmentally . | commoncrawl |
Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item:
Title: | On the positive effect of UVC light during the removal of benzothiazoles by photoelectro-Fenton with UVA light |
Author: | Xu, Anlin Brillas, Enric Han, Weiqing Wang, Lianjun Sirés Sadornil, Ignacio |
Keywords: | Oxidació electroquímica Contaminació de l'aigua Depuració d'aigües residuals Electrolytic oxidation Water pollution Purification of sewage |
Issue Date: | 25-Aug-2019 |
Publisher: | Elsevier B.V. |
Abstract: | Benzothiazole (BTH) and 2-hydroxybenzothiazole (2-OH-BTH) are ubiquitous pollutants in aquatic ecosystems. This article reports their photoelectro-Fenton (PEF) treatment, either alone or mixed, in sulfate medium at pH 3.0 using an IrO2-based/air diffusion cell that generates H2O2 under UVA and/or UVC irradiation. UVC-PEF was more effective than UVA-PEF to remove the target pollutants, which suggests a positive impact of OH formed via Fenton's reaction and photo-induced homolysis of H2O2 in the former method. In addition, BTH disappeared more quickly than 2-OH BTH. Full-time UVA-/UVC-PEF outperformed UVC-PEF and UVA-PEF to mineralize the mixtures, although requiring a much higher energy consumption. The evolution of generated H2O2 and homogeneous OH confirmed the positive contribution of UVC photolysis in UVA-PEF. Part-time use of UVC radiation in UVA-PEF yielded a similar total organic carbon removal, with much lower energy consumption. BTH was oxidized to 2-OH-BTH, which was subsequently transformed into other five heteroaromatics. |
Note: | Versió postprint del document publicat a: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.118127 |
It is part of: | Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2019, vol. 259, p. 118127 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/2445/147664 |
Related resource: | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.118127 |
Appears in Collections: | Articles publicats en revistes (Ciència dels Materials i Química Física) |
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Leading From the Front: No-Excuse Leadership Tactics for Women
Title | Leading From the Front: No-Excuse Leadership Tactics for Women PDF eBook |
Author | Angie Morgan |
Publisher | McGraw Hill Professional |
Total Pages | 225 |
Release | 2006-03-15 |
Genre | Business & Economics |
Ask yourself honestly, is your professional life going according to plan? If you are not developing your leadership skills, there is an essential element missing from your efforts for success. Leading from the Front will show you how to start leading your life rather than allowing your life to lead you. Many women have never received formal leadership training. They weren't taught to be decisive, commanding, and ready to take risks. But it's never too late to change. Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch weren't born leaders-they became leaders during their years in the U.S. Marine Corps, enduring some of the toughest training on earth. Now they pass the leadership know-how and experience from that training on to you. Drawing on their years as Marine Corps officers and successful private consultants, Morgan and Lynch deliver 10 key practices to becoming a powerful leader. You'll improve your decision making, focus, and performance as you learn to Set an inspiring example Think fast on your feet Stop making excuses Take care of your team (so they'll take care of you) Respond without overreacting Stay cool while dealing with crises Have the courage to achieve your goals Learn how to effectively take on any challenge that comes your way-with the confidence you need to lead like the toughest Marine, but with a woman's touch.
Leading from the Front
Title | Leading from the Front PDF eBook |
Author | Gretchen Evans |
Publisher | Createspace Independent Publishing Platform |
Total Pages | 172 |
Release | 2018-01-29 |
Genre | |
"Leading from the Front" is a taut, touching book of vignettes depicting episodes of war and peace from the perspective of a combat-seasoned leader of military troops.
Bet on You
Title | Bet on You PDF eBook |
Author | Angie Morgan |
Publisher | HarperCollins Leadership |
Total Pages | 223 |
Release | 2022-04-19 |
Genre | Business & Economics |
Build the risk-taking skills that will lead you to a life of fulfillment: Discover the formula for success that will supercharge your decision-making confidence and transform even the most risk-averse mindset. In Bet on You, Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch reveal hard-earned, real-world insights that will help you realize your potential by enacting risk in ways most meaningful to you. The author's risk-taking guidance has been embraced by the world's best businesses – Google, Boston Scientific, FedEx, and Oracle. Their insights are the secret sauce behind any transformative journey to a success-filled life. With clear, actionable steps, this book: Enlightens readers with a new perspective on how risk really works and clears up common misconceptions about risk, such as it being the opposite of reward. Empowers professionals of all types with guidance on how to start practicing new habits right away to build their risk-taking muscle. Shows how to weave a safety net to mitigate the downside of risks. Offers effective strategies for managing risk-killing emotions: fear and failure.
Leadership Strategy and Tactics
Title | Leadership Strategy and Tactics PDF eBook |
Author | Jocko Willink |
Publisher | St. Martin's Press |
Total Pages | 212 |
Release | 2023-10-03 |
Genre | Business & Economics |
The instant #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, #1 USA Today bestseller answers the world's most complex question: How do you lead? Leadership is the most challenging of human endeavors. It is often misunderstood. It can bewilder, mystify, and frustrate even the most dedicated practitioners. Leaders at all levels are often forced to use theoretical guesswork to make decisions and lead their troops. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. There are principles that can be applied and tenets that can be followed. There are skills that can be learned and maneuvers that can be practiced and executed. There are leadership strategies and tactics that have been tested and proven on the battlefield, in business, and in life. Retired U.S. Navy SEAL officer Jocko Willink delivers his powerful and pragmatic leadership methodology, which teaches how to lead any team in any situation to victory. This new expanded edition contains a protocol to develop and hone critical decision-making instincts and make them habitual.
Reality-Based Leadership
Title | Reality-Based Leadership PDF eBook |
Author | Cy Wakeman |
Publisher | John Wiley & Sons |
Total Pages | 199 |
Release | 2010-09-21 |
Genre | Business & Economics |
Leadership strategies grounded in reality and focused on results Recent polls show that 71% of workers think about quitting their jobs every day. That number would be shocking-if people actually were quitting. Worse, they go to work, punching time clocks and collecting pay checks, while completely checked out emotionally. In Reality-Based Leadership, expert Fast Company blogger Cy Wakeman reveals how to be the kind of leader who changes the way people think about and perceive their circumstances-one who deals with the facts, clarifies roles, gives clear and direct feedback, and insists that everyone do the same-without drama or defensiveness. Filled with dynamic examples, innovative tools, and diagnostic tests, this book shows you how to become a Reality-Based Leader, revealing how to: Uncover destructive thought patterns with yourself and others Diffuse drama and lead the person in front of you Stop managing and start leading, empowering others to focus on facts and think for themselves Equipped with a facts-based, confident approach, you will free yourself from the frustrations you face at work and transform yourself into a Reality-Based Leader, with the ability to liberate and inspire others.
No Bullsh*t Leadership
Title | No Bullsh*t Leadership PDF eBook |
Author | Chris Hirst |
Publisher | Profile Books |
Total Pages | |
Release | 2019-05-02 |
Genre | Business & Economics |
WINNER OF BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2020: LEADERSHIP FOR THE FUTURE A Financial Times Business Book of the Month 'A brilliant set of leadership tools that will help you succeed whatever your goal' - Sir Clive Woodward 'A punchy, plainly written guide, offering a readable and enlightened view of what leaders do and how they should do it' - Financial Times 'A new rubric on leadership' - Evening Standard Inspiration behind the No Bullsh*t Leadership Intelligence Squared podcast Leadership is not some special club, open only to elites. It's not a gold star given only to those with expensive degrees. Leadership is for everyone. Based on the author's hard-won experience as a Global CEO, this smart, fun book delivers a step-by-step working manual on how to lead - for anyone. Full of simple and direct approaches, it demystifies an over-analysed subject to get to the heart of modern leadership: the life-changing, career-transforming power to get stuff done. These principles and actionable steps apply to every field, from small businesses to community initiatives, from schools to sports teams to global enterprises. No matter your goal, this book will show you how to: - make effective decisions - build a world-class team - take care of yourself and others - achieve results
No Bullsh!t Leadership
Title | No Bullsh!t Leadership PDF eBook |
Author | Martin G. Moore |
Publisher | Simon and Schuster |
Total Pages | 293 |
Release | 2021-09-28 |
Genre | Business & Economics |
What makes a truly exceptional leader? Discover the practical, fail-proof tools that will help you to fine-tune your leadership skills, solidify respect among your workforce, and ensure your company's lasting success. When Martin G. Moore was asked to rescue a leading energy corporation from ever-increasing debt and a lack of executive accountability, he faced an uphill battle. Not only had he never before stepped into the role of CEO; he also had no experience in the rapidly evolving energy sector. Relying on the practical leadership principles he had honed throughout his thirty-three-year career, he overhauled the company's culture, redefined its leadership capability, and increased earnings by a compound annual growth rate of 125 percent. In No Bullsh!t Leadership, Moore outlines these proven leadership principles in a clear, direct way. He sweeps away the mystical fog surrounding leadership today and lays out the essential steps for success. Moore combines this tangible advice with honest, real-world examples from his own career to provide a no-nonsense look at the skills a true leader possesses. Moore's principles for no bullshit leadership focus on: Creating value by focusing only on the things that matter most Facing conflict, adversity, and ambiguity with decisiveness and confidence Setting uncompromising standards for behavior and performance Selecting and developing great people Making those people accountable, and empowering them to do their best Setting simple, value-driven goals and communicating them relentlessly Though the steps aren't easy, they are guaranteed, if implemented, to lift your leadership–and your organization–to a higher level. Wherever you are in your career, No Bullsh!t Leadership will help you develop the skills and form the habits needed to become a no bullshit leader. | commoncrawl |
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About Our Medication Management Services
Mental health medication management is most-often used in conjunction with individual, one-on-one therapy. The American Psychological Association stated that strict management of prescribed medications in conjunction with therapy is the most effective treatment modality for mental illness currently known.
Therefore, at Serenity Counseling & Support Services, we require that all clients wishing to receive medication management services to currently have a therapist, preferably with our agency, if they wish to be considered for this service.
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For clients seeking medication management services, all services are provided via telehealth on the doxy.me platform and all prescriptions are electronically sent to the pharmacy of your choice. While telehealth has made it easier than ever to connect to a provider, it does have some limitations.
Note We can only provide telehealth services while a client is physically located within the State of Nevada. We cannot provide telehealth services while clients are traveling out of the state or for clients who reside in other states.
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If you feel mental health medication management would help you, a friend or loved one, and are ready to engage in these services with our therapy practice, please call (702) 608-4220, send us an email at [email protected] or begin your appointment request online.
Note To schedule an appointment specifically for medication management, please visit doxy.me.
Seeking Services for Others
If you are seeking our services for another person, our intake form allows you to state your general relationship to them such as representing a family, group or another individual (family member, friend or other loved one) or a local agency, clinic, doctor, HR (human resources) department or other organization.
We are Fully-Licensed, Caring & Private
Our therapists are fully licensed to provide mental health services for families, groups, and individuals, and we provide absolute privacy and respect.
Benefits, Insurance & Self-Pay Accepted
Benefits and insurances are accepted for counseling including telehealth therapy. Cash-pay therapy is for in-office only. | commoncrawl |
Russian missile hits children's hospital
A daytime Russian missile strike hit the main children's hospital in Kyiv Monday, as well as other cities across Ukraine, killing at least 36 civilians in one of the deadliest airstrikes in months. Deliberate attacks on civilians violates the Geneva Convention. We talk to Matthew Evangelista, professor of history and political science emeritus at Cor nell University. A Russian court sentenced a playwright and a theater director each to six years in prison on Monday for "justifying terrorism," concluding a trial that rights campaigners had said demonstrated Russia's intolerance of artistic freedom
July 11, 2024
Biden: "Am I getting the job done?"
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NATO vows "irreversible path" to Ukraine membership
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NATO at 75
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Election Surprise!
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Labour Landslide
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British Elections | commoncrawl |
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The Fame casino bd assistance team is extremely helpful and professional in their approach to customers. Glory Casino ensures the protection of its participants through" "the usage of 128-bit public key encryption. This can make it virtually impossible to your data to become stolen as this travels throughout the casino's network. A level of privacy policy is furthermore in place to avoid third parties coming from buying personal data or obtaining it in other methods. The random quantity generator used simply by Glory Casino provides been certified as honest by typically the government of Curacao.
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The minimum deposit sum may differ dependent" "within the chosen payment gateway. As for typically the quality of these kinds of offers, they may be typically considered dependable. The variations in the offers arise from exactly how sports and on line casino bets are introduced, as well because the resulting chances. Glory Casino Bangladesh introduces a modern betting format called v-sports, which includes personal computer simulated sports matches generated through state of the art simulations. These games provide a combination of realism plus dynamism, with results determined by algorithms that utilize real life data. The login system at Beauty Casino places reduced on security in order to thwart any unauthorized access to your own account.
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Mobile Version
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✅ Extensive Game Titles Library At Fame Casino
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Vip Program At Glory Casino
And if you have any questions or perhaps concerns, the consumer help team is available 24/7 to assist you. While their live casino games are usually strong, we suggest that they put more variety with their virtual table game titles section. We would like to talk a little regarding some good table video games, especially for those who find themselves master gamblers and have an interest inside games.
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Glory Casino Betting
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- The internet casino is owned in addition to operated by Bettor IO NV and is also licensed by the Curacao Authority Gaming, ensuring confidence and safety for almost all users.
With an extensive choice of over 1500 games, including classic slot machines, video slots, live life dealer games, plus scratch cards, there's something to cater to every choice. Moreover, the sport collection encompasses jackpot games, lotteries, quick video games, and much even more, offering a comprehensive plus diverse gaming encounter. Glory Casino will be a new on-line casino at the particular gaming" "industry in Bangladesh that focus on gamers of skill amounts. The Glory on line casino website is made in 2018 and its simple to navigate and user friendly, along with a broad range of impressive slots as well as other games. Glory Casino online offers multiple convenient choices for depositing cash and withdrawing immediately.
Live Casino Focused At Bangladesh
Glory Casino transcends traditional casino gaming, going into the realm regarding sports betting with a focus on popular online sports." "[newline]This expansion into sports betting adds an extra coating of entertainment for players who seek the thrill of both casino video games and sports wagering. The mobile app associated with Glory Casino gives functionalities similar in order to those of its desktop counterpart. It runs seamlessly, offering games that are tailored for different screen sizes, in addition to supports mobile friendly payment options for hassle-free transactions.
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Glory Casino is usually well known if you are an attentive plus customer-oriented platform. That's why they consider very seriously the task of giving bonuses, promos, plus tournaments to all the players. Players might receive 125% reward cash and two hundred fifity spins for every 1000 BDT wagered by inserting a deposit in addition to wagering. This is probably the most worthy gives for online playing Bangladesh.
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On the left side of typically the screen you may see categories associated with different games, which include popular games such as slots, different roulette games, baccarat, poker, black jack, etc. Some some other games are not necessarily as common from all online internet casinos, such as stop, scratch cards, lotto and keno. The casino provides a wide array of games from respected providers like BGaming, Yggdrasil, Endorphina, Playso, Igrosoft, Microgaming, NetGame, Spinomenal, and others. Each developer features an extraordinary portfolio together with numerous successfully carried out projects and well-liked games that experience earned recognition found in the online" "online casino industry.
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- There are several steps that may trigger this block including posting a particular word or even phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.
- Concluding our overview and comparing all of the pros and negatives, we are inclined to the bottom line that Glory on line casino is an excellent solution with regard to gambling fans from Bangladesh.
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You get a satisfactory answer in less than two minutes if you go for live talk. It is also mentioned on the website the customer help is award-winning. Glory Casino collaborates together with popular game suppliers to offer the particular far better to players. Find them and illustrations of the game titles they offer inside the following table. You can choose between two options to contact the client support team at Glory Casino. The android answers this question instantly, while email could take an although to reply to.
What Would Be The Well-known Slot Games?
It allows the casino to accept players from all over the world and also obliges it for making payouts to winners. While reading our Fame Casino review, you will surely note and weigh the pros and cons of the gambling operator. To summarize, in the particular table below we all want to record you the strengths and weaknesses of the online casino.
- There are also no animated elements, so a person can easily employ the platform without a high-speed internet link.
- Players who meet typically the minimum age necessity of 18 can certainly register at Beauty Online Casino Bangladesh and" "enjoy its diverse online casino offerings.
- Glory Casino Bangladesh introduces a cutting-edge betting on format called v-sports, which includes pc simulated sports complements generated through state of the art simulations.
- Nowadays, the particular vast majority regarding Bangladeshi gamblers favor to play in online casinos by means of their smartphones or even tablets.
We have well prepared an easy table regarding you to understand the variety of slot machine games at Beauty Casino more easily. You can employ the live chat feature or send out a message to achieve the customer assistance team. Live chat is available day to day and is also definitely typically the fastest and most convenient way to get all the answers you need. The graphical user interface is presented within multiple languages, creating this online casino a new perfect choice for players from almost all over the world. The platform's client service is accessible 24/7, every day of the yr.
What Gamers Say About Customer Support
In purchase to have some fun at Glory" "Online casino and benefit through the bonuses, a person need to down payment some cash into your current account. To perform this, you need to click on the "+" signal in the upper right corner of the web site while you are logged in to your account. You can choose the particular deposit method of which suits you finest and deposit cash into your account within minutes.
In inclusion, it really is regularly audited with the relevant gambling authority. This reassures players that it complies with the standards in force to guard them. After these types of confirmation steps, just about all that's left to accomplish is make your very first deposit at Beauty Casino and state your bonus.
Glory Casino Clients Support
For gamers who else love smooth game play, the website's useful interface and speedy loading times make it a great option. The Glory Casino website is usually thoughtfully crafted to your ultimate convenience. Its intuitive and easy to use interface ensures of which you can effortlessly find your favorite games or even navigate to your own desired sections.
There are therefore many options around the casino website that you will never run out regarding activities. You could as well, sort plus filter while browsing through adding your nearly all beloved games in order to your "Favorite" checklist. Since this gambling company takes economic operations particularly seriously and wants to ensure that all transactions are safe, this is crucial to stick to these procedures. In Bangladesh's gambling business, Glory Casino is famous for providing some regarding the" "almost all inviting perks. The perks give gamblers the possibility in order to boost one's probability of obtaining a large inside addition to behaving being an attractive bonus to allow them to sign up. Glory. Casino clearly distinguishes itself since a leader inside the sector by giving an extensive variety associated with incentives and honours.
Benefits Of Glory Casino
You can even check the outcome of casino games your self, making use of the Provably Rational calculator in most games. To end up being honest," "most online casino programs in the marketplace do not necessarily have such a new privilege. Many gamblers now want to be able to play games without thinking that online gambling dens are scamming these people. At this level, we meet the particular latest model protocol, Provably Fair technology.
- And once you are usually completed with registration, a person can play virtually any game you would like.
- These games provide a mixture of realism plus dynamism, with results determined by algorithms that utilize real life data.
- or someone who loves live dealer actions, Glory Casino serves to every gambling taste.
- For instance, wild symbols function in order to replace other emblems, multipliers increase the particular payouts of earning combinations, and scatter symbols trigger free spins or added bonus rounds.
You can access your casino accounts, place bets, plus enjoy your favorite games without interruptions. In Aviator, you also have the" "chance to interact with additional players via conversation, share experiences, in addition to keep an eye fixed upon their progress. Furthermore, there's an automated mode accessible to simplify the betting and prize drawback procedure. In Bangladesh, Aviator presents two modes – the paid version and a free demo mode for practice.
Payment Methods
You must verify your account in order in order to withdraw funds coming from your Glory Online casino cash balance. To do this, basically send the following documents for the email address [email protected]. Simply open the established Glory Casino web site within the browser of your cellular phone. Sometimes Glory Casino might block access by means of your country, by way of example by IP deal with.
- Glory Casino has something unique, whether you just like slots, card game titles, poker, bingo, or perhaps sports betting.
- Before making use of Glory casino additional bonuses, you must carefully examine the conditions of wagering.
- The Popular section inside the catalog was created to simplify routing.
Customer support will be a pivotal component in ensuring a satisfactory gaming experience at any casino. Glory Online casino takes pride within its customer assistance team, which is committed to providing professional, well educated, and polite support. Nevertheless, it's important to be aware that payment support providers may impose transaction fees, so it is crucial to validate these specifics before finalizing a deal. In the the greater part of instances, money are promptly credited to your account, regardless associated with the payment method you select. If you encounter any difficulties, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our customer care staff. Aviator undeniably appears out as a single of the almost all acclaimed and coveted online casino video games in Bangladesh nowadays.
Managing Your Finances: Payment Methods
rigorous game screening to ensure a safe and transparent video gaming environment. The reliability of the online on line casino is also certain from the Curaçao certificate. Glory Casino has become a trusted hub where players in Bangladesh and beyond can find a selection of gaming alternatives, personalized experiences, plus an assurance of security.
any profits derived from the particular bonus funds. Understanding and meeting these requirements is crucial to fully enjoy the particular advantages of the added bonus. The first impact of" "Glory Casino's website is one of meticulous organization. Navigating the site | commoncrawl |
Purpose: | Create Windows Jobs and optionally attach processes to a job |
Format: | JOBS [/= /J=jobname /N=jobname /B /C /D /G /K /R /S /U /W /X /Y /JM=mem /PM=mem /P=n /JT=ms /PT=ms] [pid | processname] |
pid - Process ID of a process to assign to the job
processname - Process name of a process to assign to the job
A job in Windows allows you to control of one or more processes as a group. A job's basic function is to allow groups of processes to be managed as a unit. You can limit the amount of memory or cpu time for a job, and put restrictions on what processes in that job are allowed to do. A process can be a member of only one job object, and once a process is associated with a job, the association cannot be broken. After a process is associated with a job, by default any child processes it creates are also associated with the job. (See the /B option below for the exception to this rule.)
You can start a new job attached to a specific job with the "START /job=jobname" option.
You cannot attach a process to a job if that process already belongs to a job.
Start a program, create a job named "NoStop", prevent the program (and any programs it starts) from logging out, rebooting, or shutting down, and terminate all of the processes when the last job handle is closed:
start /pgm myapp.exe
jobs /N=NoStop /X /K %_startpid
/= | Display the JOBS command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog. |
/PM=n | Limit the maximum committed memory for for all processes in the job to n bytes. When a process attempts to commit memory that would exceed the per-process limit, it fails. |
/PT=ms | Limit the maximum amount of user-mode execution for all processes associated with the job to ms milliseconds |
/B | If any process associated with the job creates a child process using the CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB flag while this limit is in effect, the child process is not associated with the job. |
/K | All processes associated with the job will terminate when the last handle to the job is closed. If you START other processes, you should use the /job option if you want the START'd processes to exit when the original process exits. |
/S | Prevent processes associated with the job from changing system parameters using the SystemParametersInfo API. |
/U | Prevent processes associated with the job from using USER handles owned by processes not associated with the same job. |
/X | Prevent processes associated with the job from logging out of Windows, rebooting, or shutting down. |
/Y | Allow any process associated with the job to create child processes that are not associated with the job. |
/Z | Disables the critical error popup dialog for each process associated with the job. If an exception occurs, this will cause termination of the process with the exception code as the exit status. | | commoncrawl |
American Impressionist Don Jalbert is Plaistow Public Library's artist of the month for June.
Jalbert is a painter from New Hampshire who captures animals, still lifes, landscapes, cityscapes and biblical scenes in a French and American Impressionist style. His works will be on display at the Plaistow Public Library, 85 Main St., through Thursday, June 27. Attendees can view the exhibit during regular library hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, 9 a.m.- 7 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday. | commoncrawl |
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Orchestrate Information security Technologies: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (oee).
More Uses of the Information security Technologies Toolkit:
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- Oversee Information security Technologies: work closely with Information Technology (IT), Engineering, Security, Loss Prevention, Safety, Facilities, Supply Chain, Finance, Human Resources, Vendors, General Contractors, Operations, and the Project Team.
- Diagnose, identify, isolate and analyze problems based on information presented by End Users.
- Capture and input information for the scheduling of the initial delivery, pick up, redelivery, and final pick up of all customers containers.
- Initiate Information security Technologies: Information security analysts perform investigations on security alerts and monitor all Security Tools utilized to secure the environment.
- Make sure that your organization protects your programs and Customer Data from outside infiltration (Data Breach) through encryption, secure Data Storage and other necessary means; ensuring information remain protected and confidential.
- Manage work with Chief Information Officers and organization leadership in the development of short and long term strategies to increase the effectiveness of the ediscovery group.
- Guide Information security Technologies: critique evaluate information System Design and Implementation Processes against Project Management and Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Best Practices.
- Warrant that your organization provides direction to teams across the enterprise regarding the development and implementation of the Information Management strategy to support the measuring and monitoring of enterprisE Business needs.
- Confirm you specify; lead the Information security and governance, Risk Management, and compliance teams and external vendors and Service Providers to ensure that the disciplines, protections, and procedures are in place to secure organizational systems and data.
- Orchestrate Information security Technologies: Data Protection and privacy solutions are designed to help organizations protect information over the full Data Lifecycle from acquisition to disposal.
- Develop and execute plans for Information security and Data Privacy programs to support overall Business Strategy.
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- Manage Information security Technologies: document and address organizations Information security, Cybersecurity architecture, and systems Security Engineering requirements throughout the acquisition life cycle.
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Save time, empower your teams and effectively upgrade your processes with access to this practical Information security Technologies Toolkit and guide. Address common challenges with best-practice templates, step-by-step Work Plans and maturity diagnostics for any Information security Technologies related project.
Download the Toolkit and in Three Steps you will be guided from idea to implementation results.
The Toolkit contains the following practical and powerful enablers with new and updated Information security Technologies specific requirements:
STEP 1: Get your bearings
Start with...
- The latest quick edition of the Information security Technologies Self Assessment book in PDF containing 49 requirements to perform a quickscan, get an overview and share with stakeholders.
Organized in a Data Driven improvement cycle RDMAICS (Recognize, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control and Sustain), check the…
- Example pre-filled Self-Assessment Excel Dashboard to get familiar with results generation
Then find your goals...
STEP 2: Set concrete goals, tasks, dates and numbers you can track
Featuring 999 new and updated case-based questions, organized into seven core areas of Process Design, this Self-Assessment will help you identify areas in which Information security Technologies improvements can be made.
Examples; 10 of the 999 standard requirements:
- Do you verify that Corrective Actions were taken?
- How do you go about comparing Information security Technologies approaches/solutions?
- How can you measure Information security Technologies in a systematic way?
- Who will be responsible for documenting the Information security Technologies requirements in detail?
- Can the schedule be done in the given time?
- Who defines (or who defined) the rules and roles?
- Who are the Information security Technologies decision makers?
- How is the value delivered by Information security Technologies being measured?
- Does Information security Technologies create potential expectations in other areas that need to be recognized and considered?
- How is progress measured?
Complete the self assessment, on your own or with a team in a workshop setting. Use the workbook together with the self assessment requirements spreadsheet:
- The workbook is the latest in-depth complete edition of the Information security Technologies book in PDF containing 994 requirements, which criteria correspond to the criteria in...
Your Information security Technologies self-assessment dashboard which gives you your dynamically prioritized projects-ready tool and shows your organization exactly what to do next:
- The Self-Assessment Excel Dashboard; with the Information security Technologies Self-Assessment and Scorecard you will develop a clear picture of which Information security Technologies areas need attention, which requirements you should focus on and who will be responsible for them:
- Shows your organization instant insight in areas for improvement: Auto generates reports, radar chart for maturity assessment, insights per process and participant and bespoke, ready to use, RACI Matrix
- Gives you a professional Dashboard to guide and perform a thorough Information security Technologies Self-Assessment
- Is secure: Ensures offline Data Protection of your Self-Assessment results
- Dynamically prioritized projects-ready RACI Matrix shows your organization exactly what to do next:
STEP 3: Implement, Track, follow up and revise strategy
The outcomes of STEP 2, the self assessment, are the inputs for STEP 3; Start and manage Information security Technologies projects with the 62 implementation resources:
- 62 step-by-step Information security Technologies Project Management Form Templates covering over 1500 Information security Technologies project requirements and success criteria:
Examples; 10 of the check box criteria:
- Cost Management Plan: Eac -estimate at completion, what is the total job expected to cost?
- Activity Cost Estimates: In which phase of the Acquisition Process cycle does source qualifications reside?
- Project Scope Statement: Will all Information security Technologies project issues be unconditionally tracked through the Issue Resolution process?
- Closing Process Group: Did the Information security Technologies Project Team have enough people to execute the Information security Technologies Project Plan?
- Source Selection Criteria: What are the guidelines regarding award without considerations?
- Scope Management Plan: Are Corrective Actions taken when actual results are substantially different from detailed Information security Technologies Project Plan (variances)?
- Initiating Process Group: During which stage of Risk planning are risks prioritized based on probability and impact?
- Cost Management Plan: Is your organization certified as a supplier, wholesaler, regular dealer, or manufacturer of corresponding products/supplies?
- Procurement Audit: Was a formal review of tenders received undertaken?
- Activity Cost Estimates: What procedures are put in place regarding bidding and cost comparisons, if any?
Step-by-step and complete Information security Technologies Project Management Forms and Templates including check box criteria and templates.
1.0 Initiating Process Group:
- 1.1 Information security Technologies project Charter
- 1.2 Stakeholder Register
- 1.3 Stakeholder Analysis Matrix
2.0 Planning Process Group:
- 2.1 Information security Technologies Project Management Plan
- 2.2 Scope Management Plan
- 2.3 Requirements Management Plan
- 2.4 Requirements Documentation
- 2.5 Requirements Traceability Matrix
- 2.6 Information security Technologies project Scope Statement
- 2.7 Assumption and Constraint Log
- 2.8 Work Breakdown Structure
- 2.9 WBS Dictionary
- 2.10 Schedule Management Plan
- 2.11 Activity List
- 2.12 Activity Attributes
- 2.13 Milestone List
- 2.14 Network Diagram
- 2.15 Activity Resource Requirements
- 2.16 Resource Breakdown Structure
- 2.17 Activity Duration Estimates
- 2.18 Duration Estimating Worksheet
- 2.19 Information security Technologies project Schedule
- 2.20 Cost Management Plan
- 2.21 Activity Cost Estimates
- 2.22 Cost Estimating Worksheet
- 2.23 Cost Baseline
- 2.24 Quality Management Plan
- 2.25 Quality Metrics
- 2.26 Process Improvement Plan
- 2.27 Responsibility Assignment Matrix
- 2.28 Roles and Responsibilities
- 2.29 Human Resource Management Plan
- 2.30 Communications Management Plan
- 2.31 Risk Management Plan
- 2.32 Risk Register
- 2.33 Probability and Impact Assessment
- 2.34 Probability and Impact Matrix
- 2.35 Risk Data Sheet
- 2.36 Procurement Management Plan
- 2.37 Source Selection Criteria
- 2.38 Stakeholder Management Plan
- 2.39 Change Management Plan
3.0 Executing Process Group:
- 3.1 Team Member Status Report
- 3.2 Change Request
- 3.3 Change Log
- 3.4 Decision Log
- 3.5 Quality Audit
- 3.6 Team Directory
- 3.7 Team Operating Agreement
- 3.8 Team Performance Assessment
- 3.9 Team Member Performance Assessment
- 3.10 Issue Log
4.0 Monitoring and Controlling Process Group:
- 4.1 Information security Technologies project Performance Report
- 4.2 Variance Analysis
- 4.3 Earned Value Status
- 4.4 Risk Audit
- 4.5 Contractor Status Report
- 4.6 Formal Acceptance
5.0 Closing Process Group:
- 5.1 Procurement Audit
- 5.2 Contract Close-Out
- 5.3 Information security Technologies project or Phase Close-Out
- 5.4 Lessons Learned
With this Three Step process you will have all the tools you need for any Information security Technologies project with this in-depth Information security Technologies Toolkit.
In using the Toolkit you will be better able to:
- Diagnose Information security Technologies projects, initiatives, organizations, businesses and processes using accepted diagnostic standards and practices
- Implement evidence-based Best Practice strategies aligned with overall goals
- Integrate recent advances in Information security Technologies and put Process Design strategies into practice according to Best Practice guidelines
Defining, designing, creating, and implementing a process to solve a business challenge or meet a business objective is the most valuable role; In EVERY company, organization and department.
Unless you are talking a one-time, single-use project within a business, there should be a process. Whether that process is managed and implemented by humans, AI, or a combination of the two, it needs to be designed by someone with a complex enough perspective to ask the right questions. Someone capable of asking the right questions and step back and say, 'What are we really trying to accomplish here? And is there a different way to look at it?'
This Toolkit empowers people to do just that - whether their title is entrepreneur, manager, consultant, (Vice-)President, CxO etc... - they are the people who rule the future. They are the person who asks the right questions to make Information security Technologies investments work better.
This Information security Technologies All-Inclusive Toolkit enables You to be that person.
Includes lifetime updates
Every self assessment comes with Lifetime Updates and Lifetime Free Updated Books. Lifetime Updates is an industry-first feature which allows you to receive verified self assessment updates, ensuring you always have the most accurate information at your fingertips. | commoncrawl |
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F&C Investment Trust 23 October 2019
Disclosure – Independent Investment Research
This is independent research issued by Kepler Partners LLP. The analyst who has prepared this research is not aware of Kepler Partners LLP having a relationship with the company covered in this research report and/or a conflict of interest which is likely to impair the objectivity of the research and this report should accordingly be viewed as independent.
One of the world's oldest investment trusts, F&C Investment Trust (FCIT) is a behemoth of the AIC Global sector, with almost £4bn in AUM.
The company, over 150 years old, utilises a fund of funds approach, employing BMO's specialist teams and third-party managers to invest in global equities. According to JPM Cazenove, the company has over 500 holdings across a wide range of geographies and sectors. On top of this, the managers hold both listed and unlisted securities, helping offer investors access to companies and sectors they might otherwise struggle to have such access to.
The company is on course for its 49th consecutive year of dividend increases, having paid a dividend every year since launch. Income is not the main focus for the manager, however, and the fund is positioned to deliver long-term growth in capital via an internationally-diversified portfolio. This has been shown since Paul Niven took the helm in 2014, delivering decent NAV total returns. Over the period the company has outperformed both the Global AIC and IA peer groups, although has underperformed the FTSE All-World benchmark.
The discount widened out to double digits after the referendum; since then it has narrowed significantly. It currently stands at 5.3%. | commoncrawl |
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When renovating or upgrading your flooring, proper preparation must be emphasised more. Among the crucial preparatory steps, concrete grinding in Geelong stands out as a fundamental process that paves the way for successful flooring installations. Concrete grinding services in Geelong play a vital role in ensuring a smooth and even surface, leading to enhanced adhesion and increased longevity of the new flooring.
Understanding the Significance of Concrete Grinding
Concrete grinding is a specialised technique to refine concrete surfaces to achieve a level and uniform subfloor. Over time, concrete surfaces may develop imperfections, unevenness, or rough patches due to factors like settling, wear and tear, or previous installations. These issues should be addressed before installing new flooring to avoid a host of problems and compromise the quality and durability of the finished floor.
1. Achieving a Flawless and Uniform Surface
One of the primary reasons concrete grinding is essential for successful flooring installations is its ability to create a flawlessly even surface. Concrete grinding services in Geelong employ advanced techniques to level the concrete surface carefully, removing high spots and filling in low areas. The result is a smooth, uniform, and level subfloor, providing an ideal base for the new flooring material.
A properly prepared subfloor ensures the new flooring adheres consistently across the entire surface, minimising the risk of unevenness, lippage, or gaps between tiles or floorboards. It not only enhances the visual appeal of the finished floor but also improves its functionality and ease of maintenance.
2. Enhancing Flooring Adhesion
The success of any flooring installation relies heavily on the adhesion between the flooring material and the concrete subfloor. A rough, uneven, or contaminated concrete surface can hinder bonding, leading to loose or peeling flooring over time.
Geelong's concrete grinding services have the expertise and technology to create a mechanically roughened surface profile. This profile significantly enhances the adhesion of the flooring material to the concrete subfloor, creating a secure and long-lasting bond. As a result, the new flooring remains firmly in place, reducing the risk of unsightly gaps or premature wear and tear.
3. Addressing Surface Contaminants
Concrete surfaces can accumulate contaminants from previous flooring installations, such as oil, grease, adhesives, or residual materials. These surface contaminants can compromise the adhesion of the new flooring material and affect its overall performance.
Concrete grinding effectively addresses these surface contaminants by removing them from the subfloor. This process ensures that the concrete surface is clean and receptive to the adhesive used for the new flooring. As a result, the flooring material adheres securely, leading to a durable and visually appealing finished floor.
4. Mitigating Flooring Installation Challenges
Concrete grinding helps mitigate several challenges that can arise during flooring installations. For instance, the concrete surface may have settled unevenly in older buildings, resulting in height discrepancies between different sections. Without proper levelling through concrete grinding, installing flooring materials like tiles or hardwood can lead to an uneven surface, causing tripping hazards and compromising the aesthetics of the space. Moreover, concrete grinding can also address issues such as curling edges or minor cracks in the concrete, preventing them from propagating and affecting the new flooring's integrity.
5. Compatibility with Various Flooring Types
One of the significant advantages of concrete grinding in Geelong is its compatibility with various flooring materials. Whether you're planning to install tiles, hardwood, laminate, vinyl, or epoxy flooring, the smooth and level surface achieved through concrete grinding ensures a solid and consistent base for any flooring. This versatility allows homeowners and businesses to explore various flooring options, knowing that a properly prepared concrete subfloor will support their choice.
6. Time and Cost Efficiency
While some may view concrete grinding as an additional expense, it is, in fact, a cost-effective investment in the long run. By addressing imperfections and preparing the subfloor adequately, concrete grinding reduces the risk of potential flooring failures or the need for costly repairs in the future. Furthermore, the time and effort spent on resolving flooring issues after installation can be significantly higher than conducting proper concrete grinding beforehand. Investing in Geelong's concrete grinding services ensures your flooring project progresses smoothly and efficiently.
7. Enhancing Floor Longevity and Sustainability
With Geelong's concrete grinding services, the longevity and sustainability of your new flooring are significantly improved. The adhesion between the concrete subfloor and the flooring material is substantially enhanced by creating a mechanically roughened surface profile. This secure bond prevents air pockets, hollow spots, or material separation, which can lead to premature deterioration of the floor. Additionally, by avoiding the need for premature floor replacements due to inadequate preparation, you contribute to a more sustainable approach to construction and reduce unnecessary waste.
Concrete grinding is an indispensable step that sets the stage for successful flooring installations in Geelong. By creating a smooth, level, and well-prepared concrete subfloor, Geelong's concrete grinding services ensure that your new flooring material adheres securely and retains its durability and visual appeal over time.
Incorporating concrete grinding into your flooring installation process enhances the longevity and sustainability of your floor and contributes to a safer and more aesthetically pleasing space. Partnering with reputable concrete grinding services in Geelong like Premium Concrete Resurfacing ensures that your flooring project will be handled with precision and expertise, leaving you with a beautiful, durable, and functional floor to enjoy for years to come. | commoncrawl |
Overview of Graphic Design as A Occupation
Graphic design is a flexible and quickly rising career that encompasses a variety of artistic disciplines. From creating logos and model identities to designing web sites, packaging, and promoting supplies, graphic designers play an important position in shaping the visible communication panorama. In at present's visually-driven world, companies rely closely on expert graphic designers to convey their message successfully and seize the eye of their target market.
One key facet of graphic design as a career is its give attention to efficient communication via visible components. Graphic designers should not solely possess robust inventive abilities but additionally have an in-depth understanding of psychology, advertising rules, and person expertise. They want to have the ability to translate complicated concepts into easy but compelling visuals that resonate with the target market.
Furthermore, being a graphic designer means always staying up-to-date with rising design tendencies and new applied sciences. On this technologically superior period, the place digital platforms dominate the promoting world, graphic designers must adapt shortly to adjustments in software program instruments, digital mediums, social media platforms, and interactive design strategies. Embracing steady studying is important for thriving as knowledgeable designer on this fast-paced business.
General, graphic design provides an thrilling profession path for many who are enthusiastic about creativity and revel in fixing visible challenges. It combines artistry with technique to create visually fascinating designs that talk successfully with audiences throughout numerous platforms. With alternatives accessible each inside corporations or as freelancers engaged on tasks for various shoppers or industries, changing into a professional graphic designer offers infinite potentialities for exploration and progress in at present's dynamic visible communications discipline.
Print Design:
Print design could appear to be a dying career within the digital age, nevertheless it nonetheless has a helpful position to play on the planet of graphic design. Actually, print supplies are sometimes seen as extra tangible and reliable than their digital counterparts. From brochures and enterprise playing cards to product packaging and billboards, there may be a variety of alternatives for print designers.
One key benefit of print design is the power to create a bodily expertise for the viewer. By rigorously deciding on paper inventory, colours, and finishes, print designers can evoke feelings and improve the message being conveyed. The tactile nature of print can even assist to create a long-lasting impression on the viewers.
One other facet that makes print design thrilling is its collaborative nature. Print designers typically work carefully with printers, guaranteeing that their designs are translated precisely onto bodily surfaces. This collaboration supplies a possibility for steady studying and enchancment in an effort to obtain optimum outcomes.
Regardless of the rise of digital media, print design stays related and provides distinctive alternatives for graphic designers to unleash their creativity whereas participating with audiences on a special degree. The mix of visible components with the sensory expertise results in memorable interactions that can not be replicated on a display alone. As such, aspiring graphic designers would profit from exploring this medium as a part of their skilled repertoire.
Creating visible supplies for print media
Creating visible supplies for print media is a necessary talent for graphic designers. Whether or not it's designing brochures, flyers, posters, or journal layouts, the power to create visually interesting and impactful printed supplies is essential in at present's digital age. Whereas digital media continues to realize reputation, there may be nonetheless a requirement for tangible print supplies that may be held and skilled in a extra immersive method.
One key facet of making efficient visible supplies for print media is knowing the totally different printing processes and strategies. This contains information of colour administration, paper sorts, printing limitations, and ending choices. By having grasp of those technical particulars, graphic designers can be sure that their designs are optimized for the printing course of and can come out as meant.
One other vital consideration when creating visible supplies for print media is consideration to element. Each factor – from typography to pictures to spacing – should be rigorously analyzed and perfected to realize a sophisticated last product. This degree of consideration ensures that the design components work collectively harmoniously and convey the meant message successfully. Graphic designers must have an eye fixed for element and have the ability to spot any points or inconsistencies that will come up throughout manufacturing.
In conclusion, creating visible supplies for print media requires each technical information and a eager eye for element. By understanding the intricacies of printing processes and paying shut consideration to each factor inside a design, graphic designers can produce beautiful print supplies that captivate audiences with their magnificence and effectiveness
Web Design:
Website design is a always evolving discipline that provides graphic designers a variety of alternatives. In at present's digital age, each enterprise wants a robust on-line presence, and website design performs an important position in reaching this. From creating visually interesting layouts to making sure user-friendly navigation, web designers mix artistry with performance to ship distinctive web sites.
One fascinating facet of website design is the consideration given to person expertise (UX). Designers should perceive the psychology behind how customers work together with web sites and create intuitive layouts that encourage engagement and ease of use. This requires cautious consideration to particulars similar to font selection, colour schemes, and responsive design that adapts seamlessly throughout numerous units.
One other thrilling facet of website design is the liberty for creativity it permits. Whereas there are rules and greatest practices to comply with, designers have the chance to showcase their distinctive model and character via their work. From experimenting with modern layouts to incorporating eye-catching graphics or animations, website design provides ample alternatives for inventive expression.
In conclusion, website design provides graphic designers a various vary of profession choices the place they'll make the most of their abilities in each aesthetics and performance. With an rising demand for fascinating on-line experiences from companies throughout industries, the necessity for expert web designers will solely proceed to develop. So whether or not you select freelance work or be part of an company specializing in web site growth, this discipline supplies infinite potentialities for progress and innovation as a graphic designer.
Designing web sites and on-line platforms
Designing web sites and on-line platforms has change into a necessary talent for graphic designers on this digital age. With the exponential progress of e-commerce and on-line communication, companies are relying closely on their digital presence to draw prospects and keep forward of the competitors. As a graphic designer, having experience in website design opens up a plethora of job alternatives.
Making a visually interesting web site goes past aesthetics; it additionally includes understanding person expertise (UX) rules. A well-designed web site not solely grabs the eye of tourists but additionally guides them seamlessly via the positioning, guaranteeing they'll simply discover what they're in search of. This entails listening to components similar to intuitive navigation, clear call-to-action buttons, and responsive design that adapts to totally different display sizes. Graphic designers who excel in website design have the power to mix creativity with performance to create participating on-line experiences.
Furthermore, designing on-line platforms goes past simply aesthetics and UX; it requires an understanding of branding and advertising methods. When designing web sites for companies or organizations, it's essential to seize the essence of their model identification whereas aligning with their total advertising targets. Incorporating constant colour schemes, typography decisions, and visible components that mirror the model's character helps strengthen its identification throughout all on-line touchpoints. By delving into website design as a graphic designer, you'll be able to contribute not solely visually however strategically in the direction of creating impactful platforms that resonate with customers.
Branding and Id Design:
Branding and identification design is a vital facet of graphic design that includes creating a visible identification for a model or firm. It goes past simply designing logos and encompasses the general feel and look of a model's communication supplies. A well-executed branding and identification design can assist corporations set up their distinctive character, differentiate themselves from opponents, construct belief with shoppers, and in the end drive model loyalty.
A key factor of branding and identification design is knowing the target market and the way they understand the model. The colours, typography, imagery, and different visible components used within the design ought to align with the model's values and resonate with its goal market. Moreover, consistency throughout totally different touchpoints similar to web sites, packaging, ads, social media channels is essential to reinforcing the model's message constantly.
In at present's saturated market the place shoppers have infinite choices at their fingertips, having a robust model picture is paramount for fulfillment. Graphic designers specializing in branding and identification design play an important position in serving to companies create visually cohesive identities that go away lasting impressions on shoppers' minds. By incorporating storytelling components into their designs alongside artistic visuals, designers can successfully talk an organization's mission, imaginative and prescient, values,and story to attach with prospects on an emotional degree.
Creating visible identities for corporations and types
Creating visible identities for corporations and types is a vital job that falls below the area of graphic design. The visible identification of an organization or model goes past simply making a emblem; it includes crafting the general feel and look that may signify their values, character, and choices. A visually interesting and cohesive identification can go away a long-lasting impression on shoppers, making them extra prone to belief and select the model.
One vital facet of creating a visible identification is knowing the target market. A talented graphic designer conducts market analysis to know the preferences, tendencies, and pursuits of the meant viewers. By mapping out these insights, designers can create visuals that resonate with potential prospects on an emotional degree. This deep connection can construct loyalty in the direction of the model and enhance its possibilities of success in a aggressive market.
Moreover, establishing consistency throughout all touchpoints is essential when creating a visible identification. From packaging design to web sites, social media profiles to enterprise playing cards – each factor ought to seamlessly mirror the model's character utilizing constant colours, fonts, logos, and imagery. Consistency reinforces model recognition whereas permitting shoppers to simply differentiate one firm from one other. Creating a robust visible identification ensures that corporations have an impactful presence of their business in addition to in shoppers' minds.
By considering each target market preferences via market analysis in addition to guaranteeing consistency throughout numerous platforms and mediums – graphic designers play a pivotal position in shaping the visible identities of corporations and types. These considerate designs not solely make companies stand out but additionally assist construct belief amongst shoppers.
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