tiga likur is a synonym of dua puluh tiga.
menunjuk is a synonym of appoint.
melanda is a synonym of score.
pintu air is a synonym of gate.
tidak mengendahkan is a synonym of disregardless.
putaran is a synonym of turn.
pelacur is a synonym of prostitute.
gua is related to saya.
detik is a synonym of moment.
kematangan is a synonym of adulthood.
berdengus is a synonym of snort.
menyamakan is a synonym of synchronize.
bentuk is a synonym of constitute.
keluar is a synonym of secede.
mengenai is a synonym of berkenaan dengan.
menyediakan is a synonym of serve.
makam is a synonym of mausoleum.
kaki is a synonym of erythema nodosum leprosum.
datuk nenek is related to nenek.
terbentang is a synonym of unfold.
menghadapkan is a synonym of give.
beroleh is a synonym of catch.
menyalurkan is a synonym of transport.
caj has context of économie.
sayang is a synonym of affectionate.
sputum is a synonym of phlegm.
kelihatan is a synonym of show.
merangsang is a synonym of boost.
rancak is a synonym of animated.
mematikan is the opposite of menghidupkan.
oren is etymologically derived from orange.
mengawali is a synonym of open.
mencengkam is a synonym of assume.
ikut is a synonym of stick to.
persaraan is a synonym of retirement.
petikan is a synonym of excerpt.
satu puluh lapan is derived from sepuluh.
menyelenggarakan is a synonym of administer.
homoseksual is a synonym of homophile.
lapang is a synonym of capacious.
mengatur is a synonym of do.
periksa is a synonym of affirm.
ado is a synonym of sembilan.
ya is a synonym of for certain.
perhatian is a synonym of limelight.
rancak is a synonym of active.
izinkan is a synonym of back.
asid metanakarboksilat is related to acide acétique.
masa bayi is a synonym of infancy.
perang dunia kedua is a synonym of world war ii.
membawa is a synonym of extradite.
tempat letak is a synonym of rack.
gembira is a synonym of cheer.
rubah is a synonym of musang.
menyumpit is a synonym of shoot.
kaedah is a synonym of technique.
bagus is a synonym of beautiful.
syaitan is a synonym of monster.
infantry is a synonym of infantri.
kesopanan is a synonym of decorum.
pembuangan is a synonym of discharge.
kuning telur is a synonym of yolk.
stesen is etymologically related to estacioun.
mekanik bendalir is a synonym of fluid mechanics.
pelayaran is a synonym of cruise.
croatie is a synonym of croatia.
pukul is a synonym of slam.
carl van doren is a synonym of carl clinton van doren.
ahmak is a synonym of bongak.
penundaan is a synonym of postponement.
menyolang is a synonym of deny.
puas is related to satisfied.
ڤلاجر is the opposite of ڤڠاجر.
teladan is a synonym of exemplar.
membenamkan is a synonym of drown.
tuan is a synonym of victor.
kepulauan falkland is a synonym of falkland islands.
mencecah is a synonym of shave.
setaraf is a synonym of equal.
jalur is a synonym of radio spectrum.
pengasah is a synonym of grinder.
agung is a synonym of redoubtable.
bapang is a synonym of ayah.
confluence is a synonym of kuala.
pengaruh is a synonym of sway.
melucukan is a synonym of strangely.
akal is related to deception.
nipis is a synonym of lightweight.
titik is a synonym of point.
⏯ is a symbol of segi tiga.
👨‍🏫 is a symbol of pengajar.
laporan is a synonym of news program.
pembetulan is a synonym of discipline.
memaksa is a synonym of levy.
lebih suka is a synonym of choose.
alat sintesis is a synonym of synthesizer.
berkebolehan is a synonym of capable.
perhubungan is a synonym of intercourse.
pemain is a synonym of bridge player.
barat is related to ouest.