stringlengths 18
अड्डा is related to bureau. |
रोर्वट बर्डेन is a synonym of robert borden. |
टाउको is related to top. |
खस्नु is related to mourir. |
हिमाली गुलाफ is a synonym of rosa sericea. |
ठाउँ is related to space. |
🏫 is a symbol of निर्माण. |
international court of justice is a synonym of अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय न्यायालय. |
क्षेत्र is related to region. |
🔼 is a symbol of रातो. |
महिना is related to month. |
भिजेको is related to wet. |
बेहुली is a synonym of bride. |
inde is a synonym of हिन्दुस्तान. |
निकेलब्याक is a synonym of nickelback. |
अलास्का is a synonym of alaska. |
गाई is related to cow. |
⛄ is a symbol of चिसो. |
डोमिनिकन गणतन्त्र is a synonym of dominican republic. |
हेमोफिलिया is a synonym of haemophilia. |
ear is a synonym of कान. |
सेसियम is a synonym of caesium. |
जौ is a synonym of barley. |
उपन्यास is related to novel. |
भिटामिन के is a synonym of vitamin k. |
साकाहारी is related to végétarien. |
आइतवार is a synonym of sunday. |
लुधियाना is a synonym of ludhiana. |
प्रजननदर is a synonym of birth rate. |
अफ्रिकी भाषा is a synonym of afrikaans. |
रातो is related to red. |
🏍 is a symbol of मोटरसाइकल. |
डाक्टर is related to docteur. |
♨ is a symbol of तातो. |
company is a synonym of कम्पनी. |
💘 is a symbol of मुटु. |
फुर्सद is related to temps libre. |
श्रीराम अवतार is a synonym of rama. |
प्रजातान्त्रिक is a synonym of लोकतान्त्रिक. |
उपियाँ is related to puce. |
शेयर is a synonym of share. |
चिन्तित is related to inquiet. |
♒ is a symbol of पानी. |
अस्ति is related to last. |
😙 is a symbol of चुम्बन. |
खाजा is related to meal. |
कजाख्स्तान is a synonym of kazakhstan. |
टोगो is a synonym of togo. |
कोलम्बिया is a synonym of colombia. |
घर is etymologically derived from गृह. |
भान्जी is related to nièce. |
bär is a synonym of भालु. |
⭐ is a symbol of तारा. |
तिम्रो is a form of तिमी. |
पाठेघर is a synonym of uterus. |
भिंडे खुर्सानी is a synonym of capsicum. |
क्विन्सल्याण्ड is a synonym of queensland. |
♀ is a symbol of दुष्ट. |
अरबी भाषा is a synonym of arabic. |
ले is related to with. |
पहड is related to colline. |
माउरी is related to abeille. |
खेर फाल्नु is related to gaspiller. |
तरकारी is related to curry. |
जुलियस सिजर is a synonym of julius caesar. |
coal is a synonym of कोइला. |
खुकुरी is related to kukri. |
मन is related to emotion. |
कस्तो is related to how. |
जेठी मधु is a synonym of liquorice. |
मग is a synonym of mug. |
तुलसी is related to basilic. |
pen is a synonym of कलम. |
😾 is a symbol of अनुहार. |
प्रजातान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र कङ्गो is a synonym of democratic republic of congo. |
झण्डा is related to drapeau. |
दशैं is a synonym of vijayadashami. |
गाग्री is related to eau. |
प्राथमिक उपचार is a synonym of first aid. |
साप is etymologically related to साँप. |
सुँगुरे भालु is a synonym of hog badger. |
💢 is a symbol of पागल. |
असिना is a synonym of hail. |
🧑🔬 is a symbol of चिकित्सक. |
ताइवान is a synonym of taiwan. |
🛡 is a symbol of हतियार. |
अल्कोहल is a synonym of alcohol. |
अल्जाइमर is a synonym of alzheimer's disease. |
कमावणे is etymologically related to कमाउनु. |
पानी is related to water. |
औंला is related to toe. |
बहिनी is related to cadet. |
👆 is a symbol of हात. |
🤱 is a symbol of स्तन. |
📻 is a symbol of भिडियो. |
जम्मा is related to in total. |
🌬 is a symbol of हावा. |
युबक is related to man. |
एक is related to एकीकरण. |
टाउको is related to tête. |
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