waki is related to particular.
iowa suyu is a synonym of iowa.
hatun kamachi is a synonym of constitution.
hallmay is related to earth.
yachay is related to yacha.
phaway is related to run away.
aspiq is a synonym of pencil.
anku is related to elastic.
tusuna wasi is derived from tusuy.
fox is a synonym of atuq.
llaqway is related to malliy.
ñawpa añaki is a synonym of archaea.
saqra is related to devil.
yañay is related to yaña.
miray is related to reproduce.
allqu ñupchuy is a synonym of solanum dulcamara.
hawiy is related to smear.
wakcha is related to farmer.
house music is a synonym of house.
iskayñiqi is related to iskayñiqin.
t ipiy is related to rip off.
tikra is a form of t ikra.
thasnuy is related to put out.
sanp a mama qucha is a synonym of pacific ocean.
ñaqchʼa is related to peigne.
hunt ay is related to satisfy.
hamuy is related to advance.
llanthu is related to shade.
peanut is a synonym of inchik.
ñusta is a form of ñust a.
sodium is a synonym of natriyu.
wichqay is a form of wichq ay.
aqu is related to kiwach.
ña is related to already.
mihu is a synonym of proso millet.
pukllay is related to tag.
ch ichi is related to dirty.
look for is a synonym of maskhay.
bone is a synonym of tullu.
kay is related to être.
wayllay is related to waylla.
hanka is related to altitude.
phuyu is related to cloud.
sanawrya is etymologically derived from zanahoria.
rikuchiy is related to exposition.
suqta is related to six.
tayu is a synonym of oilbird.
uwa is related to grape.
llamp u is related to llamp uy.
rabbit is a synonym of quwi.
tirika is a synonym of oncilla.
wasi qhatana is derived from wasi.
лама is etymologically derived from llama.
spruce is a synonym of pisya.
achachi is a synonym of machu.
willachikuy is a synonym of communication.
ñawra is related to multiplicity.
wik uña is related to wanaku.
amachaq is related to defender.
k akcha pukllay is a synonym of handball.
hank ay is related to hank a.
churi is related to wawa.
pirqa qillqana is related to blackboard.
muchuy is related to poverty.
illa is related to struck.
hina is related to like so.
happy is a synonym of kusisqa.
illinois suyu is a synonym of illinois.
siqsi is related to tickle.
qhusi is related to bleu ciel.
qunchu is related to cloudy.
anchachay is related to exaggerate.
siqsiy is a synonym of itch.
kiru is related to tooth.
qillqay is related to écrire.
למה is etymologically derived from llama.
riy is related to ayway.
ch uwa is related to transparent.
tiyamuy is related to sit.
teotiwakan is a synonym of teotihuacan.
llalliy is related to llalli.
lluqsiy is related to come out.
ragged is a synonym of chhachu.
allqamari has context of bolivia.
chunka has context of cardinal.
tayta is related to yaya.
allqu is related to dog.
aquchay is related to aqu.
darkness is a synonym of laqha.
cyathée is a synonym of aschaq.
chiriy is related to chiri.
mutkhiy is related to smell.
riti is a form of rit i.
p uti is related to lock.
hoof is a synonym of sillu.
qatuylla is a synonym of mercury.
lata wuru is derived from lata.
hap iy is related to catch.
watana is related to bond.
jampina wasi is derived from jampiy.