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https://developer.bitcoin.org/ | Getting Started â Bitcoin
# Learn Bitcoin and start building Bitcoin\-based applications.
[Developer Guides »](devguide/index.html "Next Chapter: Developer Guides")
# Getting Started[¶](#getting-started "Permalink to this headline")
The site aims to provide the information you need to understand
Bitcoin and start building Bitcoin\-based applications. To make the best use of
this documentation, [make sure youâre running a node](
For technical support, we recommend [Bitcoin Stack Exchange]( For errors or
suggestions related to this documentation, please open an issue on [GitHub](
## Acknowledgments[¶](#acknowledgments "Permalink to this headline")
This documentation would not be possible without the many contributions to the
Bitcoin project over the years from core developers and other people. A very
special thanks, however, goes to [David Harding]( who in 2014 helped lead the
effort to compose and bring together a significant amount of the material found
here. Also, to [Cornelius Schumacher]( for envisioning new ways to extend the
developer documentation that led to this site.
- [Proof Of Work](devguide/block_chain.html#proof-of-work)
- [Block Height And Forking](devguide/block_chain.html#block-height-and-forking)
- [Consensus Rule Changes](devguide/block_chain.html#consensus-rule-changes)
- [P2PKH Script Validation](devguide/transactions.html#p2pkh-script-validation)
* [Pay To Public Key Hash (P2PKH)](devguide/transactions.html#pay-to-public-key-hash-p2pkh)
* [Pay To Script Hash (P2SH)](devguide/transactions.html#pay-to-script-hash-p2sh)
- [Signature Hash Types](devguide/transactions.html#signature-hash-types)
- [Locktime And Sequence Number](devguide/transactions.html#locktime-and-sequence-number)
- [Transaction Fees And Change](devguide/transactions.html#transaction-fees-and-change)
- [Avoiding Key Reuse](devguide/transactions.html#avoiding-key-reuse)
- [Escrow And Arbitration](devguide/contracts.html#escrow-and-arbitration)
* [Private Key Formats](devguide/wallets.html#private-key-formats)
+ [Wallet Import Format (WIF)](devguide/wallets.html#wallet-import-format-wif)
+ [Mini Private Key Format](devguide/wallets.html#mini-private-key-format)
* [Public Key Formats](devguide/wallets.html#public-key-formats)
* [Hierarchical Deterministic Key Creation](devguide/wallets.html#hierarchical-deterministic-key-creation)
+ [Storing Root Seeds](devguide/wallets.html#storing-root-seeds)
- [Disbursing Income (Limiting Forex Risk)](devguide/payment_processing.html#disbursing-income-limiting-forex-risk)
* [Last In, First Out (LIFO)](devguide/payment_processing.html#last-in-first-out-lifo)
* [First In, First Out (FIFO)](devguide/payment_processing.html#first-in-first-out-fifo)
- [Rebilling Recurring Payments](devguide/payment_processing.html#rebilling-recurring-payments)
- [Simplified Payment Verification (SPV)](devguide/operating_modes.html#simplified-payment-verification-spv)
* [Potential SPV Weaknesses](devguide/operating_modes.html#potential-spv-weaknesses)
* [Application Of Bloom Filters](devguide/operating_modes.html#application-of-bloom-filters)
- [Connecting To Peers](devguide/p2p_network.html#connecting-to-peers)
- [Initial Block Download](devguide/p2p_network.html#initial-block-download)
+ [Blocks\-First Advantages \& Disadvantages](devguide/p2p_network.html#blocks-first-advantages-disadvantages)
- [Not A Specification](reference/intro.html#not-a-specification)
- [Raw Transaction Format](reference/transactions.html#raw-transaction-format)
* [TxIn: A Transaction Input (Non\-Coinbase)](reference/transactions.html#txin-a-transaction-input-non-coinbase)
* [Outpoint: The Specific Part Of A Specific Output](reference/transactions.html#outpoint-the-specific-part-of-a-specific-output)
* [TxOut: A Transaction Output](reference/transactions.html#txout-a-transaction-output)
* [Coinbase Input: The Input Of The First Transaction In A Block](reference/transactions.html#coinbase-input-the-input-of-the-first-transaction-in-a-block)
+ [CompactSize Unsigned Integers](reference/transactions.html#compactsize-unsigned-integers)
- [Deterministic Wallet Formats](reference/wallets.html#deterministic-wallet-formats)
* [Type 1: Single Chain Wallets](reference/wallets.html#type-1-single-chain-wallets)
* [Type 2: Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallets](reference/wallets.html#type-2-hierarchical-deterministic-hd-wallets)
- [Constants And Defaults](reference/p2p_networking.html#constants-and-defaults)
+ [Parsing A MerkleBlock Message](reference/p2p_networking.html#parsing-a-merkleblock-message)
+ [Creating A MerkleBlock Message](reference/p2p_networking.html#creating-a-merkleblock-message)
+ [RPC API Reference](reference/rpc/index.html)
+ [Argument \#1 \- blockhash](reference/rpc/getblock.html#argument-1-blockhash)
+ [Argument \#2 \- verbosity](reference/rpc/getblock.html#argument-2-verbosity)
+ [Result (for verbosity \= 0\)](reference/rpc/getblock.html#result-for-verbosity-0)
+ [Result (for verbosity \= 1\)](reference/rpc/getblock.html#result-for-verbosity-1)
+ [Result (for verbosity \= 2\)](reference/rpc/getblock.html#result-for-verbosity-2)
+ [Argument \#1 \- blockhash](reference/rpc/getblockfilter.html#argument-1-blockhash)
+ [Argument \#2 \- filtertype](reference/rpc/getblockfilter.html#argument-2-filtertype)
+ [Argument \#1 \- height](reference/rpc/getblockhash.html#argument-1-height)
+ [Argument \#1 \- blockhash](reference/rpc/getblockheader.html#argument-1-blockhash)
+ [Argument \#2 \- verbose](reference/rpc/getblockheader.html#argument-2-verbose)
+ [Result (for verbose \= true)](reference/rpc/getblockheader.html#result-for-verbose-true)
+ [Result (for verbose\=false)](reference/rpc/getblockheader.html#result-for-verbose-false)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hash\_or\_height](reference/rpc/getblockstats.html#argument-1-hash-or-height)
+ [Argument \#2 \- stats](reference/rpc/getblockstats.html#argument-2-stats)
+ [Argument \#1 \- nblocks](reference/rpc/getchaintxstats.html#argument-1-nblocks)
+ [Argument \#2 \- blockhash](reference/rpc/getchaintxstats.html#argument-2-blockhash)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/getmempoolancestors.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#2 \- verbose](reference/rpc/getmempoolancestors.html#argument-2-verbose)
+ [Result (for verbose \= false)](reference/rpc/getmempoolancestors.html#result-for-verbose-false)
+ [Result (for verbose \= true)](reference/rpc/getmempoolancestors.html#result-for-verbose-true)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/getmempooldescendants.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#2 \- verbose](reference/rpc/getmempooldescendants.html#argument-2-verbose)
+ [Result (for verbose \= false)](reference/rpc/getmempooldescendants.html#result-for-verbose-false)
+ [Result (for verbose \= true)](reference/rpc/getmempooldescendants.html#result-for-verbose-true)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/getmempoolentry.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#1 \- verbose](reference/rpc/getrawmempool.html#argument-1-verbose)
+ [Argument \#2 \- mempool\_sequence](reference/rpc/getrawmempool.html#argument-2-mempool-sequence)
+ [Result (for verbose \= false)](reference/rpc/getrawmempool.html#result-for-verbose-false)
+ [Result (for verbose \= true)](reference/rpc/getrawmempool.html#result-for-verbose-true)
+ [Result (for verbose \= false and mempool\_sequence \= true)](reference/rpc/getrawmempool.html#result-for-verbose-false-and-mempool-sequence-true)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/gettxout.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#2 \- n](reference/rpc/gettxout.html#argument-2-n)
+ [Argument \#3 \- include\_mempool](reference/rpc/gettxout.html#argument-3-include-mempool)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txids](reference/rpc/gettxoutproof.html#argument-1-txids)
+ [Argument \#2 \- blockhash](reference/rpc/gettxoutproof.html#argument-2-blockhash)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hash\_type](reference/rpc/gettxoutsetinfo.html#argument-1-hash-type)
+ [Argument \#1 \- blockhash](reference/rpc/preciousblock.html#argument-1-blockhash)
+ [Argument \#1 \- height](reference/rpc/pruneblockchain.html#argument-1-height)
+ [Argument \#1 \- action](reference/rpc/scantxoutset.html#argument-1-action)
+ [Argument \#2 \- scanobjects](reference/rpc/scantxoutset.html#argument-2-scanobjects)
+ [Argument \#1 \- checklevel](reference/rpc/verifychain.html#argument-1-checklevel)
+ [Argument \#2 \- nblocks](reference/rpc/verifychain.html#argument-2-nblocks)
+ [Argument \#1 \- proof](reference/rpc/verifytxoutproof.html#argument-1-proof)
+ [Argument \#1 \- mode](reference/rpc/getmemoryinfo.html#argument-1-mode)
+ [Result (mode âstatsâ)](reference/rpc/getmemoryinfo.html#result-mode-stats)
+ [Result (mode âmallocinfoâ)](reference/rpc/getmemoryinfo.html#result-mode-mallocinfo)
+ [Argument \#1 \- command](reference/rpc/help.html#argument-1-command)
+ [Argument \#1 \- include](reference/rpc/logging.html#argument-1-include)
+ [Argument \#2 \- exclude](reference/rpc/logging.html#argument-2-exclude)
+ [Argument \#1 \- output](reference/rpc/generateblock.html#argument-1-output)
+ [Argument \#2 \- transactions](reference/rpc/generateblock.html#argument-2-transactions)
+ [Argument \#1 \- nblocks](reference/rpc/generatetoaddress.html#argument-1-nblocks)
+ [Argument \#2 \- address](reference/rpc/generatetoaddress.html#argument-2-address)
+ [Argument \#3 \- maxtries](reference/rpc/generatetoaddress.html#argument-3-maxtries)
+ [Argument \#1 \- num\_blocks](reference/rpc/generatetodescriptor.html#argument-1-num-blocks)
+ [Argument \#2 \- descriptor](reference/rpc/generatetodescriptor.html#argument-2-descriptor)
+ [Argument \#3 \- maxtries](reference/rpc/generatetodescriptor.html#argument-3-maxtries)
+ [Argument \#1 \- template\_request](reference/rpc/getblocktemplate.html#argument-1-template-request)
+ [Argument \#1 \- nblocks](reference/rpc/getnetworkhashps.html#argument-1-nblocks)
+ [Argument \#2 \- height](reference/rpc/getnetworkhashps.html#argument-2-height)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/prioritisetransaction.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#2 \- dummy](reference/rpc/prioritisetransaction.html#argument-2-dummy)
+ [Argument \#3 \- fee\_delta](reference/rpc/prioritisetransaction.html#argument-3-fee-delta)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexdata](reference/rpc/submitblock.html#argument-1-hexdata)
+ [Argument \#2 \- dummy](reference/rpc/submitblock.html#argument-2-dummy)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexdata](reference/rpc/submitheader.html#argument-1-hexdata)
+ [Argument \#1 \- node](reference/rpc/addnode.html#argument-1-node)
+ [Argument \#2 \- command](reference/rpc/addnode.html#argument-2-command)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/disconnectnode.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#2 \- nodeid](reference/rpc/disconnectnode.html#argument-2-nodeid)
+ [Argument \#1 \- node](reference/rpc/getaddednodeinfo.html#argument-1-node)
+ [Argument \#1 \- count](reference/rpc/getnodeaddresses.html#argument-1-count)
+ [Argument \#1 \- subnet](reference/rpc/setban.html#argument-1-subnet)
+ [Argument \#2 \- command](reference/rpc/setban.html#argument-2-command)
+ [Argument \#3 \- bantime](reference/rpc/setban.html#argument-3-bantime)
+ [Argument \#4 \- absolute](reference/rpc/setban.html#argument-4-absolute)
+ [Argument \#1 \- state](reference/rpc/setnetworkactive.html#argument-1-state)
+ [Argument \#1 \- psbt](reference/rpc/analyzepsbt.html#argument-1-psbt)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txs](reference/rpc/combinepsbt.html#argument-1-txs)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txs](reference/rpc/combinerawtransaction.html#argument-1-txs)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexstring](reference/rpc/converttopsbt.html#argument-1-hexstring)
+ [Argument \#2 \- permitsigdata](reference/rpc/converttopsbt.html#argument-2-permitsigdata)
+ [Argument \#3 \- iswitness](reference/rpc/converttopsbt.html#argument-3-iswitness)
+ [Argument \#1 \- inputs](reference/rpc/createpsbt.html#argument-1-inputs)
+ [Argument \#2 \- outputs](reference/rpc/createpsbt.html#argument-2-outputs)
+ [Argument \#3 \- locktime](reference/rpc/createpsbt.html#argument-3-locktime)
+ [Argument \#4 \- replaceable](reference/rpc/createpsbt.html#argument-4-replaceable)
+ [Argument \#1 \- inputs](reference/rpc/createrawtransaction.html#argument-1-inputs)
+ [Argument \#2 \- outputs](reference/rpc/createrawtransaction.html#argument-2-outputs)
+ [Argument \#3 \- locktime](reference/rpc/createrawtransaction.html#argument-3-locktime)
+ [Argument \#4 \- replaceable](reference/rpc/createrawtransaction.html#argument-4-replaceable)
+ [Argument \#1 \- psbt](reference/rpc/decodepsbt.html#argument-1-psbt)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexstring](reference/rpc/decoderawtransaction.html#argument-1-hexstring)
+ [Argument \#2 \- iswitness](reference/rpc/decoderawtransaction.html#argument-2-iswitness)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexstring](reference/rpc/decodescript.html#argument-1-hexstring)
+ [Argument \#1 \- psbt](reference/rpc/finalizepsbt.html#argument-1-psbt)
+ [Argument \#2 \- extract](reference/rpc/finalizepsbt.html#argument-2-extract)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexstring](reference/rpc/fundrawtransaction.html#argument-1-hexstring)
+ [Argument \#2 \- options](reference/rpc/fundrawtransaction.html#argument-2-options)
+ [Argument \#3 \- iswitness](reference/rpc/fundrawtransaction.html#argument-3-iswitness)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/getrawtransaction.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#2 \- verbose](reference/rpc/getrawtransaction.html#argument-2-verbose)
+ [Argument \#3 \- blockhash](reference/rpc/getrawtransaction.html#argument-3-blockhash)
+ [Result (if verbose is not set or set to false)](reference/rpc/getrawtransaction.html#result-if-verbose-is-not-set-or-set-to-false)
+ [Result (if verbose is set to true)](reference/rpc/getrawtransaction.html#result-if-verbose-is-set-to-true)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txs](reference/rpc/joinpsbts.html#argument-1-txs)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexstring](reference/rpc/sendrawtransaction.html#argument-1-hexstring)
+ [Argument \#2 \- maxfeerate](reference/rpc/sendrawtransaction.html#argument-2-maxfeerate)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexstring](reference/rpc/signrawtransactionwithkey.html#argument-1-hexstring)
+ [Argument \#2 \- privkeys](reference/rpc/signrawtransactionwithkey.html#argument-2-privkeys)
+ [Argument \#3 \- prevtxs](reference/rpc/signrawtransactionwithkey.html#argument-3-prevtxs)
+ [Argument \#4 \- sighashtype](reference/rpc/signrawtransactionwithkey.html#argument-4-sighashtype)
+ [Argument \#1 \- rawtxs](reference/rpc/testmempoolaccept.html#argument-1-rawtxs)
+ [Argument \#2 \- maxfeerate](reference/rpc/testmempoolaccept.html#argument-2-maxfeerate)
+ [Argument \#1 \- psbt](reference/rpc/utxoupdatepsbt.html#argument-1-psbt)
+ [Argument \#2 \- descriptors](reference/rpc/utxoupdatepsbt.html#argument-2-descriptors)
+ [Argument \#1 \- nrequired](reference/rpc/createmultisig.html#argument-1-nrequired)
+ [Argument \#2 \- keys](reference/rpc/createmultisig.html#argument-2-keys)
+ [Argument \#3 \- address\_type](reference/rpc/createmultisig.html#argument-3-address-type)
+ [Argument \#1 \- descriptor](reference/rpc/deriveaddresses.html#argument-1-descriptor)
+ [Argument \#2 \- range](reference/rpc/deriveaddresses.html#argument-2-range)
+ [Argument \#1 \- conf\_target](reference/rpc/estimatesmartfee.html#argument-1-conf-target)
+ [Argument \#2 \- estimate\_mode](reference/rpc/estimatesmartfee.html#argument-2-estimate-mode)
+ [Argument \#1 \- descriptor](reference/rpc/getdescriptorinfo.html#argument-1-descriptor)
+ [Argument \#1 \- index\_name](reference/rpc/getindexinfo.html#argument-1-index-name)
+ [Argument \#1 \- privkey](reference/rpc/signmessagewithprivkey.html#argument-1-privkey)
+ [Argument \#2 \- message](reference/rpc/signmessagewithprivkey.html#argument-2-message)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/validateaddress.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/verifymessage.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#2 \- signature](reference/rpc/verifymessage.html#argument-2-signature)
+ [Argument \#3 \- message](reference/rpc/verifymessage.html#argument-3-message)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/abandontransaction.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#1 \- nrequired](reference/rpc/addmultisigaddress.html#argument-1-nrequired)
+ [Argument \#2 \- keys](reference/rpc/addmultisigaddress.html#argument-2-keys)
+ [Argument \#3 \- label](reference/rpc/addmultisigaddress.html#argument-3-label)
+ [Argument \#4 \- address\_type](reference/rpc/addmultisigaddress.html#argument-4-address-type)
+ [Argument \#1 \- destination](reference/rpc/backupwallet.html#argument-1-destination)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/bumpfee.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#2 \- options](reference/rpc/bumpfee.html#argument-2-options)
+ [Argument \#1 \- wallet\_name](reference/rpc/createwallet.html#argument-1-wallet-name)
+ [Argument \#2 \- disable\_private\_keys](reference/rpc/createwallet.html#argument-2-disable-private-keys)
+ [Argument \#3 \- blank](reference/rpc/createwallet.html#argument-3-blank)
+ [Argument \#4 \- passphrase](reference/rpc/createwallet.html#argument-4-passphrase)
+ [Argument \#5 \- avoid\_reuse](reference/rpc/createwallet.html#argument-5-avoid-reuse)
+ [Argument \#6 \- descriptors](reference/rpc/createwallet.html#argument-6-descriptors)
+ [Argument \#7 \- load\_on\_startup](reference/rpc/createwallet.html#argument-7-load-on-startup)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/dumpprivkey.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#1 \- filename](reference/rpc/dumpwallet.html#argument-1-filename)
+ [Argument \#1 \- passphrase](reference/rpc/encryptwallet.html#argument-1-passphrase)
+ [Argument \#1 \- label](reference/rpc/getaddressesbylabel.html#argument-1-label)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/getaddressinfo.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#1 \- dummy](reference/rpc/getbalance.html#argument-1-dummy)
+ [Argument \#2 \- minconf](reference/rpc/getbalance.html#argument-2-minconf)
+ [Argument \#3 \- include\_watchonly](reference/rpc/getbalance.html#argument-3-include-watchonly)
+ [Argument \#4 \- avoid\_reuse](reference/rpc/getbalance.html#argument-4-avoid-reuse)
+ [Argument \#1 \- label](reference/rpc/getnewaddress.html#argument-1-label)
+ [Argument \#2 \- address\_type](reference/rpc/getnewaddress.html#argument-2-address-type)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address\_type](reference/rpc/getrawchangeaddress.html#argument-1-address-type)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/getreceivedbyaddress.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#2 \- minconf](reference/rpc/getreceivedbyaddress.html#argument-2-minconf)
+ [Argument \#1 \- label](reference/rpc/getreceivedbylabel.html#argument-1-label)
+ [Argument \#2 \- minconf](reference/rpc/getreceivedbylabel.html#argument-2-minconf)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/gettransaction.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#2 \- include\_watchonly](reference/rpc/gettransaction.html#argument-2-include-watchonly)
+ [Argument \#3 \- verbose](reference/rpc/gettransaction.html#argument-3-verbose)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/importaddress.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#2 \- label](reference/rpc/importaddress.html#argument-2-label)
+ [Argument \#3 \- rescan](reference/rpc/importaddress.html#argument-3-rescan)
+ [Argument \#4 \- p2sh](reference/rpc/importaddress.html#argument-4-p2sh)
+ [Argument \#1 \- requests](reference/rpc/importdescriptors.html#argument-1-requests)
+ [Argument \#1 \- requests](reference/rpc/importmulti.html#argument-1-requests)
+ [Argument \#2 \- options](reference/rpc/importmulti.html#argument-2-options)
+ [Argument \#1 \- privkey](reference/rpc/importprivkey.html#argument-1-privkey)
+ [Argument \#2 \- label](reference/rpc/importprivkey.html#argument-2-label)
+ [Argument \#3 \- rescan](reference/rpc/importprivkey.html#argument-3-rescan)
+ [Argument \#1 \- rawtransaction](reference/rpc/importprunedfunds.html#argument-1-rawtransaction)
+ [Argument \#2 \- txoutproof](reference/rpc/importprunedfunds.html#argument-2-txoutproof)
+ [Argument \#1 \- pubkey](reference/rpc/importpubkey.html#argument-1-pubkey)
+ [Argument \#2 \- label](reference/rpc/importpubkey.html#argument-2-label)
+ [Argument \#3 \- rescan](reference/rpc/importpubkey.html#argument-3-rescan)
+ [Argument \#1 \- filename](reference/rpc/importwallet.html#argument-1-filename)
+ [Argument \#1 \- newsize](reference/rpc/keypoolrefill.html#argument-1-newsize)
+ [Argument \#1 \- purpose](reference/rpc/listlabels.html#argument-1-purpose)
+ [Argument \#1 \- minconf](reference/rpc/listreceivedbyaddress.html#argument-1-minconf)
+ [Argument \#2 \- include\_empty](reference/rpc/listreceivedbyaddress.html#argument-2-include-empty)
+ [Argument \#3 \- include\_watchonly](reference/rpc/listreceivedbyaddress.html#argument-3-include-watchonly)
+ [Argument \#4 \- address\_filter](reference/rpc/listreceivedbyaddress.html#argument-4-address-filter)
+ [Argument \#1 \- minconf](reference/rpc/listreceivedbylabel.html#argument-1-minconf)
+ [Argument \#2 \- include\_empty](reference/rpc/listreceivedbylabel.html#argument-2-include-empty)
+ [Argument \#3 \- include\_watchonly](reference/rpc/listreceivedbylabel.html#argument-3-include-watchonly)
+ [Argument \#1 \- blockhash](reference/rpc/listsinceblock.html#argument-1-blockhash)
+ [Argument \#2 \- target\_confirmations](reference/rpc/listsinceblock.html#argument-2-target-confirmations)
+ [Argument \#3 \- include\_watchonly](reference/rpc/listsinceblock.html#argument-3-include-watchonly)
+ [Argument \#4 \- include\_removed](reference/rpc/listsinceblock.html#argument-4-include-removed)
+ [Argument \#1 \- label](reference/rpc/listtransactions.html#argument-1-label)
+ [Argument \#2 \- count](reference/rpc/listtransactions.html#argument-2-count)
+ [Argument \#3 \- skip](reference/rpc/listtransactions.html#argument-3-skip)
+ [Argument \#4 \- include\_watchonly](reference/rpc/listtransactions.html#argument-4-include-watchonly)
+ [Argument \#1 \- minconf](reference/rpc/listunspent.html#argument-1-minconf)
+ [Argument \#2 \- maxconf](reference/rpc/listunspent.html#argument-2-maxconf)
+ [Argument \#3 \- addresses](reference/rpc/listunspent.html#argument-3-addresses)
+ [Argument \#4 \- include\_unsafe](reference/rpc/listunspent.html#argument-4-include-unsafe)
+ [Argument \#5 \- query\_options](reference/rpc/listunspent.html#argument-5-query-options)
+ [Argument \#1 \- filename](reference/rpc/loadwallet.html#argument-1-filename)
+ [Argument \#2 \- load\_on\_startup](reference/rpc/loadwallet.html#argument-2-load-on-startup)
+ [Argument \#1 \- unlock](reference/rpc/lockunspent.html#argument-1-unlock)
+ [Argument \#2 \- transactions](reference/rpc/lockunspent.html#argument-2-transactions)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/psbtbumpfee.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#2 \- options](reference/rpc/psbtbumpfee.html#argument-2-options)
+ [Argument \#1 \- txid](reference/rpc/removeprunedfunds.html#argument-1-txid)
+ [Argument \#1 \- start\_height](reference/rpc/rescanblockchain.html#argument-1-start-height)
+ [Argument \#2 \- stop\_height](reference/rpc/rescanblockchain.html#argument-2-stop-height)
+ [Argument \#1 \- outputs](reference/rpc/send.html#argument-1-outputs)
+ [Argument \#2 \- conf\_target](reference/rpc/send.html#argument-2-conf-target)
+ [Argument \#3 \- estimate\_mode](reference/rpc/send.html#argument-3-estimate-mode)
+ [Argument \#4 \- fee\_rate](reference/rpc/send.html#argument-4-fee-rate)
+ [Argument \#5 \- options](reference/rpc/send.html#argument-5-options)
+ [Argument \#1 \- dummy](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-1-dummy)
+ [Argument \#2 \- amounts](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-2-amounts)
+ [Argument \#3 \- minconf](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-3-minconf)
+ [Argument \#4 \- comment](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-4-comment)
+ [Argument \#5 \- subtractfeefrom](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-5-subtractfeefrom)
+ [Argument \#6 \- replaceable](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-6-replaceable)
+ [Argument \#7 \- conf\_target](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-7-conf-target)
+ [Argument \#8 \- estimate\_mode](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-8-estimate-mode)
+ [Argument \#9 \- fee\_rate](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#argument-9-fee-rate)
+ [Result (if verbose is not set or set to false)](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#result-if-verbose-is-not-set-or-set-to-false)
+ [Result (if verbose is set to true)](reference/rpc/sendmany.html#result-if-verbose-is-set-to-true)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#2 \- amount](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-2-amount)
+ [Argument \#3 \- comment](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-3-comment)
+ [Argument \#4 \- comment\_to](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-4-comment-to)
+ [Argument \#5 \- subtractfeefromamount](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-5-subtractfeefromamount)
+ [Argument \#6 \- replaceable](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-6-replaceable)
+ [Argument \#7 \- conf\_target](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-7-conf-target)
+ [Argument \#8 \- estimate\_mode](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-8-estimate-mode)
+ [Argument \#9 \- avoid\_reuse](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#argument-9-avoid-reuse)
+ [Result (if verbose is not set or set to false)](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#result-if-verbose-is-not-set-or-set-to-false)
+ [Result (if verbose is set to true)](reference/rpc/sendtoaddress.html#result-if-verbose-is-set-to-true)
+ [Argument \#1 \- newkeypool](reference/rpc/sethdseed.html#argument-1-newkeypool)
+ [Argument \#2 \- seed](reference/rpc/sethdseed.html#argument-2-seed)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/setlabel.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#2 \- label](reference/rpc/setlabel.html#argument-2-label)
+ [Argument \#1 \- amount](reference/rpc/settxfee.html#argument-1-amount)
+ [Argument \#1 \- flag](reference/rpc/setwalletflag.html#argument-1-flag)
+ [Argument \#2 \- value](reference/rpc/setwalletflag.html#argument-2-value)
+ [Argument \#1 \- address](reference/rpc/signmessage.html#argument-1-address)
+ [Argument \#2 \- message](reference/rpc/signmessage.html#argument-2-message)
+ [Argument \#1 \- hexstring](reference/rpc/signrawtransactionwithwallet.html#argument-1-hexstring)
+ [Argument \#2 \- prevtxs](reference/rpc/signrawtransactionwithwallet.html#argument-2-prevtxs)
+ [Argument \#3 \- sighashtype](reference/rpc/signrawtransactionwithwallet.html#argument-3-sighashtype)
+ [Argument \#1 \- wallet\_name](reference/rpc/unloadwallet.html#argument-1-wallet-name)
+ [Argument \#2 \- load\_on\_startup](reference/rpc/unloadwallet.html#argument-2-load-on-startup)
+ [Argument \#1 \- version](reference/rpc/upgradewallet.html#argument-1-version)
+ [Argument \#1 \- inputs](reference/rpc/walletcreatefundedpsbt.html#argument-1-inputs)
+ [Argument \#2 \- outputs](reference/rpc/walletcreatefundedpsbt.html#argument-2-outputs)
+ [Argument \#3 \- locktime](reference/rpc/walletcreatefundedpsbt.html#argument-3-locktime)
+ [Argument \#4 \- options](reference/rpc/walletcreatefundedpsbt.html#argument-4-options)
+ [Argument \#5 \- bip32derivs](reference/rpc/walletcreatefundedpsbt.html#argument-5-bip32derivs)
+ [Argument \#1 \- passphrase](reference/rpc/walletpassphrase.html#argument-1-passphrase)
+ [Argument \#2 \- timeout](reference/rpc/walletpassphrase.html#argument-2-timeout)
+ [Argument \#1 \- oldpassphrase](reference/rpc/walletpassphrasechange.html#argument-1-oldpassphrase)
+ [Argument \#2 \- newpassphrase](reference/rpc/walletpassphrasechange.html#argument-2-newpassphrase)
+ [Argument \#1 \- psbt](reference/rpc/walletprocesspsbt.html#argument-1-psbt)
+ [Argument \#2 \- sign](reference/rpc/walletprocesspsbt.html#argument-2-sign)
+ [Argument \#3 \- sighashtype](reference/rpc/walletprocesspsbt.html#argument-3-sighashtype)
+ [Argument \#4 \- bip32derivs](reference/rpc/walletprocesspsbt.html#argument-4-bip32derivs)
* [Simple Raw Transaction](examples/transactions.html#simple-raw-transaction)
* [Complex Raw Transaction](examples/transactions.html#complex-raw-transaction)
* [PaymentRequest \& PaymentDetails](examples/payment_processing.html#paymentrequest-paymentdetails)
- [Creating A Bloom Filter](examples/p2p_networking.html#creating-a-bloom-filter)
- [Evaluating A Bloom Filter](examples/p2p_networking.html#evaluating-a-bloom-filter)
- [Retrieving A MerkleBlock](examples/p2p_networking.html#retrieving-a-merkleblock)
- [Parsing A MerkleBlock](examples/p2p_networking.html#parsing-a-merkleblock)
* [How it works](
* [You need to know](
* [Running a full node](
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Finance, gaming, social](/en/dapps/)Use cases## A new way to use the internet
Stablecoins are currencies that maintain stable value. Their price matches the U.S. dollar or other steady assets.
[Learn more](/en/stablecoins/) ### A fairer financial system
Billions can't open bank accounts or freely use their money. Ethereum's financial system is always open and unbiased.
[Explore DeFi](/en/defi/) ### The network of networks
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[Explore benefits](/en/layer-2/) ### Innovative apps
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Art, certificates or even real estate can be tokenized. Anything can be a tradable token. Ownership is public and verifiable.
[More on NFTs](/en/nft/) ### Crypto without volatility
Stablecoins are currencies that maintain stable value. Their price matches the U.S. dollar or other steady assets.
[Learn more](/en/stablecoins/) ### A fairer financial system
Billions can't open bank accounts or freely use their money. Ethereum's financial system is always open and unbiased.
[Explore DeFi](/en/defi/) ### The network of networks
Ethereum is the hub for blockchain innovation. The best projects are built on Ethereum.
[Explore benefits](/en/layer-2/) ### Innovative apps
Ethereum apps work without selling your data. Protect your privacy.
[Browse apps](/en/dapps/) ### The internet of assets
Art, certificates or even real estate can be tokenized. Anything can be a tradable token. Ownership is public and verifiable.
[More on NFTs](/en/nft/) Activity## The strongest ecosystem
Activity from all Ethereum networks
$96\.55BValue locked in DeFi$83\.46BValue protecting Ethereum$0\.045Average transaction cost18\.3MTransactions in the last 24hLearn## Understand Ethereum
Crypto can feel overwhelming. Don't worry, these materials are designed to help you understand Ethereum in just a few minutes.
[What is Ethereum?](/en/what-is-ethereum/)[What are crypto wallets?](/en/wallets/)[How to start, step by step](/en/guides/)[Ethereum Whitepaper](/en/whitepaper/)[Ethereum roadmap](/en/roadmap/)[Other topics](/en/learn/) Values## The internet is changing
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Direct ownershipEqual AccessPrivacy orientedIntegratedDecentralizedCensorship resistantOpen to allDirect ownershipEqual AccessPrivacy orientedIntegratedDecentralizedCensorship resistantOpen to allDirect ownershipEqual AccessPrivacy orientedIntegratedDecentralizedCensorship resistantOpen to allRestricted ownershipDiscriminatoryNo privacyFragmentedCentralizedCensorableClosed to mostRestricted ownershipDiscriminatoryNo privacyFragmentedCentralizedCensorableClosed to mostRestricted ownershipDiscriminatoryNo privacyFragmentedCentralizedCensorableClosed to mostLegacy
Ethereum is home to Web3's largest and most vibrant developer ecosystem. Use JavaScript and Python, or learn a smart contract language like Solidity or Vyper to write your own app.
[Builder's Portal](/en/developers/) [Documentation](/en/developers/docs/)Code examples
Build a bank powered by logic you've programmed
Create tokens that you can transfer and use across applications
A JavaScript Ethereum wallet
Use existing languages to interact with Ethereum and other applications
An open, permissionless DNS
Re\-imagine existing services as decentralized, open applications
### Your own bankBuild a bank powered by logic you've programmed
### Your own currencyCreate tokens that you can transfer and use across applications
### A JavaScript Ethereum walletUse existing languages to interact with Ethereum and other applications
### An open, permissionless DNSRe\-imagine existing services as decentralized, open applications
The ethereum.org website is built and maintained by hundreds of translators, coders, designers, copywriters, and enthusiastic community members each month.
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Ethereum.org community is the perfect place to start and learn.
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[🛠 QA session \- ethereum.org portal(opens in a new tab)]( 06, 2024 at 5:30 PM
[Add to calendar(opens in a new tab)](🛠 QA session \- ethereum.org portal(opens in a new tab)]( 27, 2024 at 5:30 PM
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[](### The Devcon schedule is live!
(opens in a new tab)](### Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 6: The Splurge
(opens in a new tab)](### Xatu Execution Layer data now available
Posts 🤓 on ethPandaOps
(opens in a new tab)](### Announcing the Winners of the Underhanded Solidity Contest 2024
(opens in a new tab)](### AnonKlub: Reflections on Our Journey in Privacy\-Preserving Solutions
Privacy and Scaling Explorations
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* [What is Ethereum?](/en/what-is-ethereum/)
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Search`K`# Powerful for developers. Fast for everyone.
Bring blockchain to the people. Solana supports experiences for power users, new consumers, and everyone in between.
[Start Building](/docs/intro/quick-start)[Resources](/developers)Powering tools and integrations from companies all around the worldPAYMENTS## TechCrunch: Stripe to Start Taking Payments with USDC on Solana
The news was announced live on stage at Stripe’s Connect conference – complete with a live demo of a transaction on Solana.
[Learn more \- TechCrunch: Stripe to Start Taking Payments with USDC on Solana]( Alt Text](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252Fcdaee181be744ddab3d44e9e63fac681&w=3840&q=75)BREAKPOINT 2024## See Every Session on Stage at Breakpoint 2024
Catch up with all the news! Check out the keynotes, product announcements, debates, and more.
[Watch \- See Every Session on Stage at Breakpoint 2024](## Blinks and Actions Put ‘Crypto Back in Crypto Twitter’
From Decrypt: “The new features will allow users to connect and send transactions without having to leave the website they are currently on.”
[Read more \- Blinks and Actions Put ‘Crypto Back in Crypto Twitter’]( Alt Text](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252Fa1e9316b817a4a358b50a82771bc9622&w=3840&q=75)Payments## Coindesk: ‘PayPal Makes Retail Stablecoin Play with PYUSD on Solana’
PayPal USD (PYUSD) is expanding to Solana, taking advantage of native token extensions.
[Read \- Coindesk: ‘PayPal Makes Retail Stablecoin Play with PYUSD on Solana’]( headline from the Block: Robinhood launches Solana staking in Europe plus new customer rewards program](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252F5f533f0a3cce4135bbfe805a9f79c4e4&w=3840&q=75)News## The Block: Robinhood Launches Solana Staking in Europe
The news brings a new staking option to the EU.
[Read \- The Block: Robinhood Launches Solana Staking in Europe]( Alt Text](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252F351865cde87b4b24875c345cdc28ea31&w=3840&q=75)PAYMENTS## TechCrunch: Stripe to Start Taking Payments with USDC on Solana
The news was announced live on stage at Stripe’s Connect conference – complete with a live demo of a transaction on Solana.
[Learn more \- TechCrunch: Stripe to Start Taking Payments with USDC on Solana]( Alt Text](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252Fcdaee181be744ddab3d44e9e63fac681&w=3840&q=75)BREAKPOINT 2024## See Every Session on Stage at Breakpoint 2024
Catch up with all the news! Check out the keynotes, product announcements, debates, and more.
[Watch \- See Every Session on Stage at Breakpoint 2024](## Blinks and Actions Put ‘Crypto Back in Crypto Twitter’
From Decrypt: “The new features will allow users to connect and send transactions without having to leave the website they are currently on.”
[Read more \- Blinks and Actions Put ‘Crypto Back in Crypto Twitter’]( Alt Text](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252Fa1e9316b817a4a358b50a82771bc9622&w=3840&q=75)Payments## Coindesk: ‘PayPal Makes Retail Stablecoin Play with PYUSD on Solana’
PayPal USD (PYUSD) is expanding to Solana, taking advantage of native token extensions.
[Read \- Coindesk: ‘PayPal Makes Retail Stablecoin Play with PYUSD on Solana’]( headline from the Block: Robinhood launches Solana staking in Europe plus new customer rewards program](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252F5f533f0a3cce4135bbfe805a9f79c4e4&w=3840&q=75)News## The Block: Robinhood Launches Solana Staking in Europe
The news brings a new staking option to the EU.
[Read \- The Block: Robinhood Launches Solana Staking in Europe]( Alt Text](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252F351865cde87b4b24875c345cdc28ea31&w=3840&q=75)PAYMENTS## TechCrunch: Stripe to Start Taking Payments with USDC on Solana
The news was announced live on stage at Stripe’s Connect conference – complete with a live demo of a transaction on Solana.
[Learn more \- TechCrunch: Stripe to Start Taking Payments with USDC on Solana]( 1
## Join a community of millions.
Fee Paying Accounts, All Time
Median Fee per Transaction
## Made for mass adoption.
Don’t keep your users waiting. Solana has block times of 400 milliseconds — and as hardware gets faster, so will the network.
Transactions per Second### Scalable
Get big, quick. Solana is made to handle thousands of transactions per second, and fees for both developers and users remain less than $0\.0025\.
The Solana network is validated by thousands of nodes that operate independently of each other, ensuring your data remains secure and censorship resistant.
Validator Nodes### Energy Efficient
Solana’s proof of stake network and other innovations minimize its impact on the environment. Each Solana transaction uses about the same energy as a few Google searches.
0%Net Carbon Impact[Energy Efficient \- Learn more](/environment)#### Designed for real world use.
[Go to Case Studies](/news/tag/case-studies)[Case Study### XP
XP aims to save consumers from high event ticket fees using Solana.](/news/case-study-xp)[ Case Study### XP
XP aims to save consumers from high event ticket fees using Solana.](/news/case-study-xp)[ case Study### Boba Guys
Boba Guys used a Solana\-powered loyalty program to increase monthly sales by 67%.](/news/case-study-boba-guys)[ Case Study### Homebase
Homebase used the Solana blockchain to successfully tokenized a single\-family rental property.](/news/case-study-homebase)[ Video### Hivemapper
Hivemapper decentralizes mapping with better real\-time data and community incentives](/news/case-study-hivemapper)## Build for growth.
PaymentsGamingNFTsDeFiDAOsPaymentsGamingNFTsDeFiDAOsSolana Pay is now available to millions of businesses as an approved app integration on Shopify. Solana Pay is built for immediate USDC transactions, fees that are fractions of a penny, and a net\-zero environmental impact.
[Learn more about Payments on Solana](/developers/payments)## Join a thriving community.
Solana Hacker House participants
### Solana Mobile Announcement
Users, developers, and reporters were on the scene when Solana Labs announced the Solana Mobile Stack and Saga device in June 2022\.
### Solana Breakpoint 2022
3,800 builders. 3 days. 1 community. Teams from around the world gathered in Lisbon in Nov. 2022 to learn, build, and celebrate at the annual conference from the Solana Foundation.
### New York Hacker House
Start spreading the news. Lines were out the door at the Solana Foundation’s New York Hacker House in March 2022\.
Developers building during Solana Hackathons
### Seoul Hacker House
Let’s build! Local devs came to the Solana Foundation’s Seoul Hacker House ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2022\.
Total Solana Breakpoint attendees
### London Hacker House
Builders joined London Hacker House, a five\-day offline event in June 2022, with advice and support from core Solana Lab engineers.
### Seoul Hacker House
Let’s build! Local devs came to the Solana Foundation’s Seoul Hacker House ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2022\.
### New Delhi Hacker House
Vibe. Mint. Build. Thousands of developers came to build together at the Sept. 2022 New Delhi Solana Hacker House.
New and native users came to Solana Miami in April 2022 to build, learn, and see real world Solana use cases.
Solana Hacker House participants
### Solana Mobile Announcement
Users, developers, and reporters were on the scene when Solana Labs announced the Solana Mobile Stack and Saga device in June 2022\.
### Solana Breakpoint 2022
3,800 builders. 3 days. 1 community. Teams from around the world gathered in Lisbon in Nov. 2022 to learn, build, and celebrate at the annual conference from the Solana Foundation.
### New York Hacker House
Start spreading the news. Lines were out the door at the Solana Foundation’s New York Hacker House in March 2022\.
Developers building during Solana Hackathons
### Seoul Hacker House
Let’s build! Local devs came to the Solana Foundation’s Seoul Hacker House ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2022\.
Total Solana Breakpoint attendees
### London Hacker House
Builders joined London Hacker House, a five\-day offline event in June 2022, with advice and support from core Solana Lab engineers.
### Seoul Hacker House
Let’s build! Local devs came to the Solana Foundation’s Seoul Hacker House ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2022\.
### New Delhi Hacker House
Vibe. Mint. Build. Thousands of developers came to build together at the Sept. 2022 New Delhi Solana Hacker House.
New and native users came to Solana Miami in April 2022 to build, learn, and see real world Solana use cases.
Solana Hacker House participants
### Solana Mobile Announcement
Users, developers, and reporters were on the scene when Solana Labs announced the Solana Mobile Stack and Saga device in June 2022\.
### Solana Breakpoint 2022
3,800 builders. 3 days. 1 community. Teams from around the world gathered in Lisbon in Nov. 2022 to learn, build, and celebrate at the annual conference from the Solana Foundation.
### New York Hacker House
Start spreading the news. Lines were out the door at the Solana Foundation’s New York Hacker House in March 2022\.
Developers building during Solana Hackathons
### Seoul Hacker House
Let’s build! Local devs came to the Solana Foundation’s Seoul Hacker House ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2022\.
Total Solana Breakpoint attendees
### London Hacker House
Builders joined London Hacker House, a five\-day offline event in June 2022, with advice and support from core Solana Lab engineers.
### Seoul Hacker House
Let’s build! Local devs came to the Solana Foundation’s Seoul Hacker House ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2022\.
### New Delhi Hacker House
Vibe. Mint. Build. Thousands of developers came to build together at the Sept. 2022 New Delhi Solana Hacker House.
New and native users came to Solana Miami in April 2022 to build, learn, and see real world Solana use cases.
Solana Hacker House participants
### Solana Mobile Announcement
Users, developers, and reporters were on the scene when Solana Labs announced the Solana Mobile Stack and Saga device in June 2022\.
### Solana Breakpoint 2022
3,800 builders. 3 days. 1 community. Teams from around the world gathered in Lisbon in Nov. 2022 to learn, build, and celebrate at the annual conference from the Solana Foundation.
### New York Hacker House
Start spreading the news. Lines were out the door at the Solana Foundation’s New York Hacker House in March 2022\.
Developers building during Solana Hackathons
### Seoul Hacker House
Let’s build! Local devs came to the Solana Foundation’s Seoul Hacker House ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2022\.
Total Solana Breakpoint attendees
### London Hacker House
Builders joined London Hacker House, a five\-day offline event in June 2022, with advice and support from core Solana Lab engineers.
### Seoul Hacker House
Let’s build! Local devs came to the Solana Foundation’s Seoul Hacker House ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2022\.
### New Delhi Hacker House
Vibe. Mint. Build. Thousands of developers came to build together at the Sept. 2022 New Delhi Solana Hacker House.
New and native users came to Solana Miami in April 2022 to build, learn, and see real world Solana use cases.
## It's time to join the thousands of creators, artists, and developers using Solana.
© 2024 Solana Foundation. All rights reserved.Solana* [Grants](
en© 2024 Solana Foundation. All rights reserved. | product | L1 |
https://solanamobile.com | Solana Seeker \| The Definitive Web3 Mobile Device[Preorder Now](
[Preorder Now]( Print](/_next/image?url=%2Fseeker%2Fhero%2Fdevice%402x.png&w=1920&q=75)Shipping 2025
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Each Solana Seeker generates its own non\-transferrable Seeker Genesis Token.
It unlocks exclusive rewards, boosts, access, and content throughout the Solana ecosystem
Preorder your Seeker in the Founder Window or Early Adopter Window to receive the soul\-bound Chapter 2 Preorder Token.
## Preorder your Solana Seeker
##### Founder Window
##### Early Adopter Window
\*Generally, customers are not entitled to a refund of the deposit. However, if Solana Mobile determines not to move forward with the product, customers will be refunded. If the product ships, there will be a return policy associated with the product and refunds will be subject to that return policy.
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https://bond.solanalabs.com | Bond by Solana Labs[Talk to us](/contact)Talk to usTransform Buyer Relationships Into Lifetime BondsToday's companies compete fiercely for customer attention and loyalty. Bond helps your brand go beyond mere transactions to turn every interaction into a lasting connection.[Talk to us](/contact)Your browser does not support the video tag.A New Type of Relationship ManagementBond is a technology stack that enables brands to create experiences that strengthen their customers’ allegiance and connection through seamless user\-centered design, trusted interactions, and enhanced brand partnerships.CreationOffer a unique customer journeyDeliver personalized interactions through innovative engagement programs and digital activations that delight customers, increase retention, and drive lifetime value.ConnectionEngage beyond the saleEstablish a personal touch across all touchpoints, even when customers aren’t buying directly from you. Engage them at the right moment to cultivate enduring relationships.CommunityBuild your loyalty networkCreate an ecosystem that lets customers connect and interact with your brand. Leverage excitement, virality, and network effects to boost customer commitment and growth.CollaborationPartner in public, privatelyCollaborate with partners on a public blockchain to enable interoperability and composability, while customizing privacy settings for your company and customer data.Unlock new opportunities for your brandYour browser does not support the video tag.oneAttract a new generation of customersConnect with individuals who value immersive experiences, deep personalization, and transparency. Engage the vibrant community of the Solana blockchain to tap into Millennial and Gen\-Z purchasing power.twoGenerate digital identities for your productsSet up digital product passports to enhance trust. Allow customers to verify authenticity, gain insights into product provenance, supply chain traceability, and sustainability, while monitoring the secondary lifecycle of your products.Your browser does not support the video tag.threeStrengthen cross\-brand initiatives with enhanced privacySpark new partnerships and launch unique, composable, and interoperable collaborations on the public blockchain. Preserve data privacy and eliminate the risks associated with private blockchains.fourExpand your brand experience with digital collectiblesIntroduce digital twins of your physical products and launch limited\-edition collections that can be traded, collected, and displayed across physical and virtual platforms. Offer exclusive experiences and attract a growing market of digital collectors.fiveIssue certificates of authenticityEnsure customers buy authentic products, new or second\-hand, safeguarding your brand from counterfeits. Build strong connections with your indirect customers, unlocking new engagement opportunities.Reimagine your customer experience with blockchainEnhance your product with Bond’s advanced solutions suite to create digital experiences tailored to your marketing needs.Authenticity and ProvenanceGenerate digital product passports that foster customer trust by verifying provenance and authenticity.Physical and DigitalElevate your customers’ experiences with virtual collections and digital twins, unlocking new blockchain\-enabled revenue streams.Your browser does not support the video tag.Customer InsightsGain comprehensive insights into customer preferences and behavior for personalized communication that drives conversions.Your browser does not support the video tag.Loyalty RewardsDesign custom reward programs that provide unique and exclusive perks, strengthening customer commitment and encouraging repeat purchases.API platformDesigned for seamless integrationBond offers a suite of blockchain\-powered solutions that seamlessly integrate with your existing workflow. Designed for effortless implementation, our tools require no prior blockchain knowledge, enabling your team to quickly launch bespoke customer experiences.1Well\-documented, simple to use API0Blockchain development experience necessaryTrusted by industry leadersMajor brands have achieved remarkable success by tokenizing their loyalty programs, and Bond is the ideal partner for enterprises looking to revolutionize customer engagement through blockchain technology. Solana Labs' unparalleled industry expertise and deep understanding of business needs uniquely position them to empower global brands to innovate and drive unmatched loyalty experiences.Rodri Fernandez Touza
Co\-Founder at CrossmintWith their proven expertise, Bond and Solana Labs have transformed the way enterprises leverage blockchain technology. It's quite remarkable that brands can now launch innovative, engaging experiences in a matter of weeks without any prior blockchain knowledge. They've managed to simplify the entire process, abstracting away the complexities to the point where blockchain becomes virtually invisible to end customers.Davis Hart
Head of GameShiftA premium blockchain experienceBond is built on the Solana blockchain’s cutting\-edge technology to power innovative loyalty programs that are fast, cost\-effective, and connect you to millions of users every day.Trusted ExpertiseAs the initial developer of the Solana blockchain, the expert team at Solana Labs delivers leading solutions, backed by years of industry leadership and a proven record of innovation.Scalable SolutionsThe Solana blockchain’s high\-performance architecture is designed to efficiently support the demands of any business, from boutique brands to global enterprises.Tailored SupportWe understand the uniqueness of your brand. That's why we provide a white\-glove service to ensure that our solutions perfectly align with your business goals.Battle\-Tested InfrastructureWith over 1 million daily active users and more than 370 million digital assets created, your loyalty programs will be pioneering and enduring.Ready to learn more?[Talk to us](/contact) | product | Customer Engagement Platform |
https://app.realms.today/realms | Create DAO](© 2024 Realms Today Ltd\|[Terms](|[Privacy Policy]( the Docs]( by Solana The operating entity of this site and owner of the related intellectual property has changed. The new operator is Realms Today Ltd. (the New Operator). We have accordingly amended the Terms and the Private Policy governing the relationship between our users and the New Operator. By clicking "accept", you represent and warrant that you agree to the revised Terms and Private Policy. | product | DAO Management Platform |
https://gameshift.solanalabs.com | GameShift[Pricing](/pricing)[Docs]( Building]( to GameShift](/_next/image?url=%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Frays.03ced6e4.png&w=3840&q=75)level upyour game
web3 apiPower your game with next gen digital assets without writing a single line of blockchain code.[Start Building]( Guy](/_next/image?url=%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Frunner-guy.5770ab3d.png&w=256&q=75)## See where Gameshift's features can fit into your game!
[](/red-runner)why gameshift?Faster Time to MarketFocus on game dev, not blockchain. GameShift's seamless API integrates in hours, not months.Developer FriendlyAll you need to build an amazing Web3 experience in a single REST API and no need to write a single line of blockchain code.Gaming FirstEnable a frictionless and gasless player experience. Users access game assets via email authentication and make purchases in USD.Increase Player EngagementEnjoy higher engagement and loyalty from your players, and new revenue streams from asset sales and trading.TrustAs the creators of Solana and products like Metaplex, Solana Labs has the proven expertise to deliver a gaming platform you can trust.Ultrafast and Low CostLeverage Solana's leading speed and scalability. Minting costs just a fraction of a penny.key featuresNon\-Custodial WalletsGameShift's non\-custodial wallets give players control over their digital assets while minimizing custody risks for developers.No seed\-phrases. No passwordsPlayers access their wallets without seed\-phrases or passwords, avoiding any blockchain complexity.Minting Game AssetsMint and transfer unique game assets with just a few lines of code.Branded MarketplaceLet your players seamlessly buy and sell assets in USDC on your branded marketplace.Credit Card PaymentsAccept credit card payments from 170\+ countries with high acceptance rates.No Crypto NeededYour team and your players don’t need crypto tokens — GameShift interactions are all in fiat currencies from minting to marketplace.Integrate the GameShift REST API into your game and start building from the intuitive dashboard.our partners“The GameShift API opens up a world of opportunities for game studios, enabling them to launch their own branded marketplaces without the usual high cost and complexity. In\-game marketplaces introduce an immersive and exciting new chapter for games, offering players the ability to trade game assets without leaving the game. They benefit from Tensor's speed and deep liquidity, as listings are cross\-posted on Tensor.”Ilja Moisejevs CEO“GameShift has huge potential to accelerate mainstream adoption of web3 gaming. More than 3 billion daily online gamers can now automatically teleport to Web3 overnight and all they need is their email address. Most importantly, developers don't need to run any Key Management Servers or worry about loss or theft of keys.”Naga Samineni Co\-Founder“Web3 game development is complicated, especially minting blockchain assets. We partnered with Solana Labs because we share GameShift’s mission to abstract away this complexity. What makes us confident this can truly bring web2 gamers to web3 is GameShift being built by veterans like Solana Labs.”Rodri Fernandez Touza Co\-Founder“There are several reasons we partnered with GameShift. As builders themselves and the creators of Solana and Metaplex, they have a unique pedigree in web3\. We believe Gameshift can truly close the gap between web2 and web3 game development by removing blockchain hurdles and enabling USD payments.”Daniel Lev Co\-FounderWhy web3?1Real\-World UsageProvide a unique and immersive experience, allowing players to own, trade, and use digital assets as currency within the game world.2Own Your CollectiblesPromote creativity and foster a player\-driven economy by giving your players the ability to own, customize, share, and trade their assets.3Go Outside The GameGive your players the freedom to use their collectibles elsewhere in the gaming ecosystem to unlock more immersive and interconnected gaming experiences.Why Solana?The future of gaming is on Solana. With its superior throughput and minimal transaction costs, Solana offers a viable and enduring business model for play\-to\-own games.More at Solana.comFastDon’t keep your users waiting. Solana has block times of 400 milliseconds — and as hardware gets faster, so will the network.DecentralizedThe Solana network is validated by thousands of nodes that operate independently of each other, ensuring your data remains secure and censorship resistant.ScalableGet big, quick. Solana is made to handle thousands of transactions per second, and fees for both developers and users remain less than $0\.01\.Energy EfficientSolana’s proof of stake network and other innovations minimize its impact on the environment. Each Solana transaction uses about the same energy as a few Google searches.what the game studios say“GameShift's integration allows players to purchase and evolve NFT player cards as they progress in the game, introducing a new strategic layer to gameplay. Additionally, asset lending will enable the sharing of star players with friends, allowing newcomers to experience high\-level gameplay, and experienced gamers to strategize for upcoming matches.”Matt CandlerCEO at Studio369“There are several reasons why we would want to implement GameShift right away. It grants full control over the player's wallet, saving us some steps in controlling/locking assets while people are playing. It will give us the ability to create our own marketplace, allowing mint\-on\-demand and grants.”Steve DufourCo\-Founder at Solcraft“When we brought our web2 game Ev.io to Solana, we could suddenly create tournaments with real rewards for thousands of players \- massively increasing acquisition and retention. Now GameShift makes implementations like this easy for any game studio without the need to write a single line of blockchain code. It's truly a game changer.”Chris ScottGame Director at Ev.io“Game creators want to spend time building games, not navigating the complexity of the blockchain. GameShift's single easy\-to\-use API is a great tool for developers to make the complex things simple so we can spend our time making great games.”Corey WrightCEO at HoneylandReady to build?A radical shift in web3 workflow is here. Be a part of the next big move in game development.Start Building[Telegram @gameshiftlabs]( [email protected]](mailto:[email protected])© 2024 Solana Technology Services LLC \|[Terms](/website_tos-9-21-23.pdf)\|[Privacy Policy](|[Cookie Policy]( by Solana | product | Blockchain Gaming Infrastructure |
https://solana.com/solutions/actions | Blockchain Links and Solana Actions \| SolanaThis website uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Find out more on how we use cookies.
Search`K`Solana Actions# Bring Crypto to the People with Solana Actions and Blockchain Links
**It’s time to connect Solana to the entire internet.**
Traditional onchain transactions have been locked away in apps or complex interfaces, making it significantly harder for people to use crypto products. With Solana Actions and blockchain links, or blinks, transactions can open up to anywhere on the internet — no dApp required.
[Start Building](/docs/advanced/actions)Featured Action## Blockchain Links, or Blinks
Using Solana Actions, you can turn any transaction into a blockchain link that can be shared anywhere on the internet — no third party application required. Request a payment in a text message. Vote on governance in a chatroom. Buy an NFT on social media. It’s all possible.
## Meet users where they are, with blinks.
Plus more support from## Get Started with Dialect
Build, test, and deploy blinks quickly with Dialect’s suite of developer tools.
[Developer Dashboard]( Docs]( links are an interface. Solana Actions are the APIs to deliver transactions on many surfaces.*
## With Solana Actions, request transactions with…
[More from Dialect](### A QR Code
[More from Dialect](### A push notification
[More from Dialect](### A messaging app
[More from Dialect](### A button
[More from Dialect](### Anywhere you can place a URL
[More from Dialect]( Foundation](/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.builder.io%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fimage%2Fassets%252Fce0c7323a97a4d91bd0baa7490ec9139%252F59a40050d66345b48267bc0f5a9fa794&w=256&q=75)## Got a big idea?
Apply for a grant to help bring your idea for a Solana Action or blink integration to life.
[Make a Proposal]( for Microgrant](
## More About Blinks and Solana Actions
What are Solana Actions and blockchain links (blinks)?Solana Actions are specification\-compliant APIs that return transactions on the Solana blockchain to be previewed, signed, and sent across various contexts, including QR codes, buttons \+ widgets in mobile and desktop applications, and websites across the internet. Actions make it simple for developers to integrate the things you can do throughout the Solana ecosystem right into your environment, allowing you to perform blockchain transactions without needing to navigate away to a different app or webpage.
Blockchain links – or blinks – turn any Solana Action into a shareable, metadata\-rich link. Blinks allow Action\-aware clients (browser extension wallets, bots) to display additional capabilities for the user. On a website, a blink might immediately trigger a transaction preview in a wallet without going to a decentralized app; in Discord, a bot might expand the blink into an interactive set of buttons. This pushes the ability to interact on\-chain to any web surface capable of displaying a URL.
What is the difference between Actions and blinks?Actions are APIs that allow complex business logic (both on and off\-chain) to be used to construct transaction messages that are previewed, signed, and sent by the client. Native buttons, QR codes, or URLs (blinks) can initiate an Action.
Blinks are one way to interact with an Action. Blinks allow users to execute blockchain transactions directly from URLs, making decentralized applications accessible from any platform or device.
How is Solana Pay different from Actions?Solana Pay transactions are now called Actions. Actions are not specific to payments – there are many other types of Actions, such as voting, staking, swapping, minting and more.
The goal with Actions is to apply the Solana Pay specification to many more use cases. By using the Solana Pay primitive as inspiration, Actions will change how users interact with blockchain in everyday environments.
In short, the Solana Pay spec isn’t changing. But what you can do with Actions expands the scope from payments to anything you can do onchain.
What are some examples of how Actions and blinks can be used?Some examples of Actions might include:
* Staking SOL to help secure the Solana network, including liquid staking tokens
* Allowing customers to pay at a retail store using a QR code scan
* Token\-gated minting experiences
* Enabling e\-commerce websites to accept cryptocurrency payments directly from product pages
* Topping up a trading account before a margin call
* Integrating blockchain functionality into gaming platforms for in\-game asset purchases and trades
Some examples of blinks might include:
* Tipping content creators on social media without the need for complex wallet setups
* Minting custom NFTs or participating in governance votes directly from URLs
* Letting users vote on community policies via links in newsletters
What are some key benefits of using Actions and blinks?Key benefits include:
* Enhancing user experiences by bringing signable transactions to users where they already are.
* Increasing accessibility to Web3 applications from any platform.
* Eliminating the friction of many clicks on many websites to send an on\-chain transaction.
* Simplifying the integration of on\-chain actions into existing platforms, websites, or applications for developers.
How can developers integrate Actions and blinks into their applications?Developers create actions as standalone APIs that conform to the Solana Actions Specification, and then may link them to their existing site URLs using an actions.json file.
Blinks are fully\-qualified URLs. An actions.json file must be published at the root of the domain (e.g., solanapay.com/actions.json) in order to self\-register as a blink.
As of launch, all three extensions (Phantom, Backpack, Dialect) will *only* unfurl registered (“trusted”) Actions URLs on [X]( To enable this, developers must register their Actions in the [Dialect Actions Registry](
Developers can test the entire end\-to\-end flow, including what the blink will look like, on [dial.to]( by inputting their Actions URL.
Additionally, there are a host of libraries and SDKs for developers who wish to build clients that support blinks, or wallet chrome extensions that add blinks to existing sites like [X]( These libraries make it possible to build applications that render and style blinks with minimal work.
For more information about Actions and blinks, visit the [official Solana documentation]( and recorded [developer workshop](
Are Actions and blinks secure?Actions and blinks are similar to “connecting” your wallet to dApps \- trust the sites you know and use, just as you trust the dApps you know and use.
The first time a wallet attempts to retrieve a transaction from an unknown API, users should be shown a familiar “connect to site” prompt. If the site domain has connected to the wallet in the past, the site domain is more likely to be trustworthy. As with dApps, Action transactions are always simulated prior to execution.
Note: blinks are executed on a different origin (X, Reddit, etc.) than their Action, so some caution should be exercised.
What does the safety roadmap look like?As of launch, users can opt\-in to wallet support for Actions and blinks. Launch partner domains are currently whitelisted. Whitelisted site domains are run by launch partners of Solana; however, users should take all the security precautions that they ordinarily would when connecting to a new site domain. If you attempt to connect to a site domain that is not whitelisted, you will be prompted to confirm that you trust this site domain and wish to proceed. Regardless of whether a site domain is whitelisted, transaction simulations / previews still occur in wallets as expected, allowing users to view transaction details before signing.
In the future, wallets may have a feature that allows them to “infer” trustworthiness based upon whether or not you've used a site before, and assertions may be required from wallets to safeguard users (agnostic of Actions).
What happens if I click on a blink but don’t have a blockchain wallet set up?Blinks are just regular links, with superpowers. If you don’t have blink support through a wallet Chrome extension (like Phantom or Backpack), the underlying link will behave like links always do – it will take you to a website. That website is either:
1. The existing website of the dApp you are engaging with, whether it be the swap page on Jupiter, an NFT collection on Tensor, or a DAO proposal. From that site you can then take action as you normally do.
2. A kind of popup – or “interstitial” interface – for independent developers without a pre\-existing website or app. This may be a dedicated website, like actions.dialect.to, tiplink.io, or a signing experience in a mobile wallet, with secure, direct access to the user’s signing keys.
In other words, blinks support fallbacks to both familiar website experiences, as well as entirely new, web3\-native ways for developers and creators to distribute experiences to their audience.
What happens if I don’t have a Chrome extension?When an Action is shared via a blink, the blink should provide an [interstitial signing page](#blinks) whenever a Chrome extension is missing. These interstitial sites display the typical “connect to wallet” flow, along with access to embedded wallets associated with emails or phone numbers.
What happens if multiple wallets intercept the click?As of launch, all wallet support is opt\-in, so users can pick and choose which wallets to use. That said, the wallet whose extension code has been injected first receives priority (agnostic of Actions).
What is Dialect’s involvement in Actions and blinks?[Dialect]( is building developer tooling that powers Actions, such as forkable, self\-hosted interstitial signing sites, SDKs, and analytics for Actions APIs. Other teams are free to build tooling, as well.
Solana is a blockchain built for mass adoption. The high\-performance network acts as a single global state machine — it’s open, interoperable, and decentralized.
Solana has slot times of 400 milliseconds.
Solana processes more transactions than every other major blockchain combined.
Thousands of developers are building unique tools — from enterprise\-friendly token extensions to highly scalable state compression.
Each Solana transaction uses about the same energy as a few Google searches.
© 2024 Solana Foundation. All rights reserved.Solana* [Grants](
en© 2024 Solana Foundation. All rights reserved. | product | Developer Tooling |
https://station.jup.ag/docs/apis/swap-api | How to Integrate Jupiter Swap \[API Documentation]
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+ [V6 Swap API](/docs/apis/swap-api)
+ [(Deprecated) Price API V1](/docs/apis/price-api)
+ [Price API V2](/docs/apis/price-api-v2)
+ [CPI / Smart Contract Integration](/docs/apis/cpi)
+ [Game Dev (C\#)](/docs/apis/c-sharp-example)
+ [Self\-hosted V6 Swap API](/docs/apis/self-hosted)
* [Projects and Dexes](/docs/projects-and-dexes)
* V6 Swap API
On this page# V6 Swap API
infoIf you have problems landing transactions, read [Landing Transactions on Solana](/docs/apis/landing-transactions).
Jupiter APIs is the easiest way for developers to access liquidity on Solana. Simply pass in the desired pairs, amount, and slippage, and the API will return the serialized transactions needed to execute the swap, which can then be passed into the Solana blockchain with the required signatures.
Risk Disclaimer**Please use Jupiter's Swap API at your own risk**. [Jupiter's Frontend UI]( contains multiple safeguards and warnings when quoting. Jupiter is not liable for losses incurred by users on other platforms.
## V6 API Reference[](#v6-api-reference "Direct link to V6 API Reference")
All Jupiter swaps are using versioned transactions and address lookup tables. But not all wallets support Versioned Transactions yet, so if you detect a wallet that does not support versioned transactions, you will need to use the `asLegacyTransaction` parameter.
Learn more about the Jupiter API Documentation at the [OpenAPI documentation](/api-v6). This documentation has a REST request list and a built in API Playground. Use the API Playground to try API calls now!
API Documentation [OpenAPI Documentation](/api-v6)
### Guide for V6 Swap API (code example)[](#guide-for-v6-swap-api-code-example "Direct link to Guide for V6 Swap API (code example)")
#### 1\. Install required libraries[](#1-install-required-libraries "Direct link to 1. Install required libraries")
Running this example requires a minimum of [NodeJS 16]( In your command line terminal, install the libraries.
#### 2\. Import from libraries and setup connection[](#2-import-from-libraries-and-setup-connection "Direct link to 2. Import from libraries and setup connection")
Next you can copy the following code snippets to a javascript file jupiter\-api\-example.js. And when you are ready to run the code, just type: *node jupiter\-api\-example.js*
import { Connection, Keypair, VersionedTransaction } from '@solana/web3.js';
import fetch from 'cross-fetch';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
import bs58 from 'bs58';
// It is recommended that you use your own RPC endpoint.
// This RPC endpoint is only for demonstration purposes so that this example will run.
const connection = new Connection('
tipAlways make sure that you are using your own RPC endpoint. The RPC endpoint used by the connection object in the above example may not work anymore. For more information about RPC endpoints see the [official Solana Documentation]( to learn more about their public RPC endpoints.
#### 3\. Setup your wallet[](#3-setup-your-wallet "Direct link to 3. Setup your wallet")
You can paste in your private key for testing purposes but this is not recommended for production applications.
const wallet = new Wallet(Keypair.fromSecretKey(bs58.decode(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY || '')));
#### 4\. Get the route for a swap[](#4-get-the-route-for-a-swap "Direct link to 4. Get the route for a swap")
Here, we are getting a quote to swap from SOL to USDC.
// Swapping SOL to USDC with input 0.1 SOL and 0.5% slippage
const quoteResponse = await (
// console.log({ quoteResponse })
#### 5\. Get the serialized transactions to perform the swap[](#5-get-the-serialized-transactions-to-perform-the-swap "Direct link to 5. Get the serialized transactions to perform the swap")
Once we have the quote, we need to serialize the quote into a swap transaction that can be submitted on chain.
// get serialized transactions for the swap
const { swapTransaction } = await (
// quoteResponse from /quote api
// user public key to be used for the swap
// auto wrap and unwrap SOL. default is true
// feeAccount is optional. Use if you want to charge a fee. feeBps must have been passed in /quote API.
#### 6\. Deserialize and sign the transaction[](#6-deserialize-and-sign-the-transaction "Direct link to 6. Deserialize and sign the transaction")
// deserialize the transaction
const swapTransactionBuf = Buffer.from(swapTransaction, 'base64');
var transaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(swapTransactionBuf);
// sign the transaction
#### 7\. Execute the transaction[](#7-execute-the-transaction "Direct link to 7. Execute the transaction")
// get the latest block hash
const latestBlockHash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
// Execute the transaction
const rawTransaction = transaction.serialize()
const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction, {
Solana Network CongestionDue to the network congestion on Solana, the `sendRawTransaction` method may not be able to help you to land your transaction. You should check out this [`transactionSender`]( file to send transaction.
import { Connection, Keypair, VersionedTransaction } from '@solana/web3.js';
import fetch from 'cross-fetch';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
import bs58 from 'bs58';
// It is recommended that you use your own RPC endpoint.
// This RPC endpoint is only for demonstration purposes so that this example will run.
const connection = new Connection('
const wallet = new Wallet(Keypair.fromSecretKey(bs58.decode(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY || '')));
// Swapping SOL to USDC with input 0.1 SOL and 0.5% slippage
const quoteResponse = await (
// console.log({ quoteResponse })
// get serialized transactions for the swap
const { swapTransaction } = await (
// quoteResponse from /quote api
// user public key to be used for the swap
// auto wrap and unwrap SOL. default is true
// feeAccount is optional. Use if you want to charge a fee. feeBps must have been passed in /quote API.
// deserialize the transaction
const swapTransactionBuf = Buffer.from(swapTransaction, 'base64');
var transaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(swapTransactionBuf);
// sign the transaction
// Execute the transaction
const rawTransaction = transaction.serialize()
const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction, {
## Advanced error handling to disable certain AMM from the API[](#advanced-error-handling-to-disable-certain-amm-from-the-api "Direct link to Advanced error handling to disable certain AMM from the API")
Sometimes an AMM will throw an error when swapping. To prevent getting a quote from the failed AMM, you can use the `excludeDexes` parameter when getting `/quote`.
Example JS, with the help of `@mercurial-finance/optimist` package:
import { parseErrorForTransaction } from '@mercurial-finance/optimist';
// TX ID from last step if the transaction failed.
const transaction = connection.getTransaction(txid, {
const programIdToLabelHash = await (
const { programIds } = parseErrorForTransaction(transaction);
let excludeDexes = new Set();
for (let programId of programIds) {
let foundLabel = programIdToLabelHash[programId];
// Request another quote with `excludeDexes`.
const { data } = await (
## Instructions Instead of Transaction[](#instructions-instead-of-transaction "Direct link to Instructions Instead of Transaction")
Sometimes you may prefer to compose using instructions instead of one transaction that is returned from the `/swap` endpoint. You can post to `/swap-instructions` instead, it takes the same parameters as the `/swap` endpoint.
const instructions = await (
// quoteResponse from /quote api
throw new Error("Failed to get swap instructions: " + instructions.error);
tokenLedgerInstruction, // If you are using `useTokenLedger = true`.
computeBudgetInstructions, // The necessary instructions to setup the compute budget.
setupInstructions, // Setup missing ATA for the users.
swapInstruction: swapInstructionPayload, // The actual swap instruction.
cleanupInstruction, // Unwrap the SOL if `wrapAndUnwrapSol = true`.
addressLookupTableAddresses, // The lookup table addresses that you can use if you are using versioned transaction.
const deserializeInstruction = (instruction) => {
keys: instruction.accounts.map((key) => ({
const getAddressLookupTableAccounts = async (
): Promise<AddressLookupTableAccount[]> => {
keys.map((key) => new PublicKey(key))
return addressLookupTableAccountInfos.reduce((acc, accountInfo, index) => {
const addressLookupTableAddress = keys[index];
const addressLookupTableAccount = new AddressLookupTableAccount({
const addressLookupTableAccounts: AddressLookupTableAccount[] = [];
const blockhash = (await connection.getLatestBlockhash()).blockhash;
const messageV0 = new TransactionMessage({
// uncomment if needed: ...setupInstructions.map(deserializeInstruction),
// uncomment if needed: deserializeInstruction(cleanupInstruction),
const transaction = new VersionedTransaction(messageV0);
## Using `maxAccounts`[](#using-maxaccounts "Direct link to using-maxaccounts")
Sometimes, if you are composing with Jupiter Swap instruction, you may want to spare some accounts (64 max in 1 Solana transaction)
for your own program instruction, you can use `maxAccounts`.
// If you know that your instruction will take up 10 accounts, you
// can pass in 54 as `maxAccounts` when quoting.
const { data } = await (
const quoteResponse = data;
The `maxAccounts` is an estimation since it doesn't consider account overlapping but it is a good start to control how many accounts
you want per transaction.
## Using Token Ledger Instruction[](#using-token-ledger-instruction "Direct link to Using Token Ledger Instruction")
Sometimes you may not know the exact input amount for the Jupiter swap until an instruction before the swap happens.
const instructions = await (
// quoteResponse from /quote api
tokenLedgerInstruction: tokenLedgerPayload, // If you are using `useTokenLedger = true`.
swapInstruction: swapInstructionPayload, // The actual swap instruction.
addressLookupTableAddresses, // The lookup table addresses that you can use if you are using versioned transaction.
// A withdraw instruction that will increase the user input token account amount.
const withdrawInstruction = ...;
// Coupled with the tokenLedgerInstruction, the swap instruction will use the
// user increased amount of the input token account after the withdrawal as input amount.
const tokenLedgerInstruction = new TransactionInstruction({
keys: tokenLedgerPayload.accounts.map((key) => ({
const swapInstruction = new TransactionInstruction({
keys: swapInstructionPayload.accounts.map((key) => ({
const getAdressLookupTableAccounts = async (
): Promise<AddressLookupTableAccount[]> => {
keys.map((key) => new PublicKey(key))
return addressLookupTableAccountInfos.reduce((acc, accountInfo, index) => {
const addressLookupTableAddress = keys[index];
const addressLookupTableAccount = new AddressLookupTableAccount({
const addressLookupTableAccounts: AddressLookupTableAccount[] = [];
const messageV0 = new TransactionMessage({
instructions: [tokenLedgerInstruction, withdrawInstruction, swapInstruction],
const transaction = new VersionedTransaction(messageV0);
This can be useful if you want to withdraw from Solend and immediately convert your withdrawal token into another token with Jupiter.
## Setting Priority Fee for Your Transaction[](#setting-priority-fee-for-your-transaction "Direct link to Setting Priority Fee for Your Transaction")
If transactions are expiring without confirmation on\-chain, this might mean that you have to pay additional fees to prioritize your transaction. To do so, you can set the `computeUnitPriceMicroLamports` parameter.
const transaction = await (
// quoteResponse from /quote api
// user public key to be used for the swap
dynamicComputeUnitLimit: true, // allow dynamic compute limit instead of max 1,400,000
// custom priority fee
prioritizationFeeLamports: 'auto' // or custom lamports: 1000
If 'auto' is used, Jupiter will automatically set a priority fee for the transaction, it will be capped at 5,000,000 lamports / 0\.005 SOL.
## Using Dynamic Slippage[](#using-dynamic-slippage "Direct link to Using Dynamic Slippage")
To understand what Dynamic Slippage is, checkout our [Jupresearch post](
Dynamic slippage is a slippage estimation and optimization mechanism during the /swap call, and is useful because:
* Estimates slippage closer to the time of execution.
* A set of heuristics that accounts for the type of token traded and user's max slippage tolerance.
* Safeguards the user while ensuring success rate.
The frontend sends a payload to the backend with an additional `dynamicSlippage` field with `maxBps` set as the user's max slippage **(this is important to respect the user's max, the jup.ag UI sets the default to 300bps (3%))**.
// get serialized transactions for the swap
const { swapTransaction } = await (
// quoteResponse from /quote api
// user public key to be used for the swap
// auto wrap and unwrap SOL. default is true
// jup.ag frontend default max for user
dynamicSlippage: { "maxBps": 300 },
// feeAccount is optional. Use if you want to charge a fee. feeBps must have been passed in /quote API.
The backend returns a response with a serialized transaction that is already using the final optimized slippage and a `dynamicSlippageReport` for visibility/error catching.
"swapTransaction": "// serialized transaction",
// the final optimized slippage bps used in the serialized transaction
// the incurred out amount observed from simulating the transaction
// the simulated incurred slippage during optimization
// negative integer refers to the loss in bps while positive refers to the gain
// an amplifcation ratio we use to add a buffer to the estimated slippage
## Examples[](#examples "Direct link to Examples")
For more example scripts please visit the [jupiter\-quote\-api\-node public Git repository]( The repository has some further scripts and instructions for you to explore!
Having issues? Head to the [Troubleshooting](/docs/apis/troubleshooting) section for some help.
[Edit this page]( APIs](/docs/api)[NextPayments API](/docs/apis/payments-api)* [V6 API Reference](#v6-api-reference)
+ [Guide for V6 Swap API (code example)](#guide-for-v6-swap-api-code-example)
* [Advanced error handling to disable certain AMM from the API](#advanced-error-handling-to-disable-certain-amm-from-the-api)
* [Instructions Instead of Transaction](#instructions-instead-of-transaction)
* [Using Token Ledger Instruction](#using-token-ledger-instruction)
* [Setting Priority Fee for Your Transaction](#setting-priority-fee-for-your-transaction)
* [Using Dynamic Slippage](#using-dynamic-slippage) | product | DEX Aggregator |
https://terminal.jup.ag | Jupiter TerminalV3 offers full tokens selection, better routing, and more. V2 will be deprecated soon.Check out what's new in v3[# Jupiter aggregatorJupiter]( Terminalv3An open\-sourced, lite version of Jupiter that provides end\-to\-end swap flow by linking it in your HTML. Check out the visual demo for the various integration modes below.
Full functionality and swap experience of Terminal.Things you can configure
Input mint cannot be changed
Output mint cannot be changed
User can freely switch between ExactIn or ExactOut mode.ExactInOrOut
Depending on Exact In / Exact Out, the amount cannot be changed
Prevent Initial slippage from overriding user's last saved slippage
Slippage to be prefilled on first load
Use user slippage is true
Amount to be prefilled on first load
Simulate Terminal with a fake wallet passthrough
(Testing available on Desktop only)
The strict list contains a smaller set of validated tokens. To see all tokens, toggle "off".
Refetch interval for token accounts
Set the interval in milliseconds to refetch getTokenAccountsByOwner.
ModalIntegratedWidgetJupiter renders as a part of your dApp.Loading...
Full functionality and swap experience of Terminal.Things you can configure
Input mint cannot be changed
Output mint cannot be changed
User can freely switch between ExactIn or ExactOut mode.ExactInOrOut
Depending on Exact In / Exact Out, the amount cannot be changed
Prevent Initial slippage from overriding user's last saved slippage
Slippage to be prefilled on first load
Use user slippage is true
Amount to be prefilled on first load
Simulate Terminal with a fake wallet passthrough
(Testing available on Desktop only)
The strict list contains a smaller set of validated tokens. To see all tokens, toggle "off".
Refetch interval for token accounts
Set the interval in milliseconds to refetch getTokenAccountsByOwner.
Terminal is designed to work anywhere the web runs, including React, Plain HTML/JS, and many other frameworks.
Copy to clipboardShare[Open Example directory]( fully typed API](
Alternatively, install from NPM | product | DEX Aggregator |
https://api.jup.ag/metropolis | # Jupiter Metropolis API
The most powerful set of Liquidity APIs in all of crypto.
[Start Building]( Building]( Menu[Jupiter](/)[Docs]( Building]( Menu#### Our Liquidity APIs
Data Transfer Diagonal Streamline Icon: ## Swap API
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Accounting Coins Stack 1 Streamline Icon: ## Token API
Access Jupiter's comprehensive token list, curated by community and partners. More info [here](
File Code Cash 1 Streamline Icon: ## Price API
Retrieve real\-time aggregate prices of any tradable token on Solana.
## Limit Order API
Create, cancel, and manage limit orders for tokens including Token 2022 without Transfer Tax function.
Coming Soon!## Perp API
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[###### Jeremy Allaire (@jerallaire)
5:20 PM · Nov 15, 2023]( am super impressed with]( [@JupiterExchange]( on [@solana]( Truly excellent UX and features. An example of maturation in a range of infrastructure \-\- wallets, usdc on solana liquidity and availability, and product execution.
[###### Topo Gigio (@TopoGigio\_sol)
10:36 PM · Dec 21, 2023]( you know?:]( has a bridge feature? Where it will compare rates and find you the most efficient path to [$SOL]( for me, is the single most important app on [$SOL]( is our Grand Central Station.Love at first swapGM
4:28 PM · Dec 16, 2023]( me this isn't a gorgeous fucking product by]( [@JupiterExchange]( would previously require me to use a slow, redacted CEX that requires KYC and requires me to handover custody of my assets.The performant chain thesis is simple:When your base layer does not require weeks and months of development efforts purely directed towards gas/fee optimizations, you allow your builders to innovate and focus purely on the product \& they make the magic happen | product | Pricing Data API |
https://ape.pro | Ape.Pro \- Solana's Memecoin Terminal[New Tokens](/)[Hunt Gems](/gems)MoreSearch token or address`/`[Login](/login)WatchlistPR# New Tokens
Real\-time feed of tokens launched in the past 24hFilters124hSearchBUYToken / AgeMkt CapVolumeTxsLiquidityChecklistQuick Buy0\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.10\.1[New Tokens](/)[Hunt Gems](/gems)More | product | Digital Assets Terminal |
https://raydium.io/swap/ | 15m1H4H1D1WNo data for this chart.
Please wait for a moment or try refreshing the page.
This website\-hosted user interface (this "Interface") is an open source frontend software portal to the Raydium protocol, a decentralized and community\-driven collection of blockchain\-enabled smart contracts and tools (the "Raydium Protocol"). This Interface and the Raydium Protocol are made available by the Raydium Holding Foundation, however all transactions conducted on the protocol are run by related permissionless smart contracts. As the Interface is open\-sourced and the Raydium Protocol and its related smart contracts are accessible by any user, entity or third party, there are a number of third party web and mobile user\-interfaces that allow for interaction with the Raydium Protocol.
THIS INTERFACE AND THE RAYDIUM PROTOCOL ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. The Raydium Holding Foundation does not provide, own, or control the Raydium Protocol or any transactions conducted on the protocol or via related smart contracts. By using or accessing this Interface or the Raydium Protocol and related smart contracts, you agree that no developer or entity involved in creating, deploying or maintaining this Interface or the Raydium Protocol will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of, this Interface or the Raydium Protocol, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, digital assets, tokens, or anything else of value.
The Raydium Protocol is not available to residents of Belarus, the Central African Republic, The Democratic Republic of Congo, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Crimea, Donetsk People's Republic, and Luhansk People's Republic regions of Ukraine, Cuba, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, the USA, Yemen, Zimbabwe and any other jurisdiction in which accessing or using the Raydium Protocol is prohibited (the "Prohibited Jurisdictions").
By using or accessing this Interface, the Raydium Protocol, or related smart contracts, you represent that you are not located in, incorporated or established in, or a citizen or resident of the Prohibited Jurisdictions. You also represent that you are not subject to sanctions or otherwise designated on any list of prohibited or restricted parties or excluded or denied persons, including but not limited to the lists maintained by the United States' Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control, the United Nations Security Council, the European Union or its Member States, or any other government authority. | product | Digital Assets Terminal |
https://v2.raydium.io | RaydiumIn case you missed it, Raydium V3 Beta is live \- check it out [here]( More info in the [Tweet](×Launch appAn avenue for
the evolution of DeFiLight\-speed **swaps**. Next\-level **liquidity**. Friction\-less **yield**.Launch appRead docsTOTAL VALUE LOCKED$TOTAL TRADING VOLUME$A suite of features powering the evolution of DeFi on SolanaTradeSwap or Trade quickly and cheaply.Enter ExchangeYieldEarn yield through fees and yield farms.Enter FarmsPoolProvide liquidity for any SPL token.Add LiquidityAcceleRaytorLaunchpad for new Solana projects.View ProjectsRaydium provides Ecosystem\-Wide Liquidity for users and projectsOrder Book AMMRaydium's AMM interacts with OpenBook's central limit order book, meaning that pools have access to all order flow and liquidity on OpenBook, and vice versa.Best Price SwapsRaydium determines the best swap route among all pools in order to provide the best price for users, and executes accordingly.Premissionless LiquidityRaydium enables the permissionless creation of liquidity pools and farms so projects can launch and bootstrap liquidity in a decentralized manner.ABOUT[Documentation]( for DropZone]( for Fusion Pool](#responses)[Apply for AcceleRaytor](#responses)[Permissionless Pool]( Started on Raydium]( | product | Digital Assets Terminal |
https://github.com/raydium-io/raydium-amm | GitHub \- raydium\-io/raydium\-amm: Constant product AMM integrated with the OpenBook CLOB
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Constant product AMM integrated with the OpenBook CLOB
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| Name | | Name | Last commit message | Last commit date |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Latest commit History[19 Commits](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/commits/master/) | | |
| [program](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/tree/master/program "program") | | [program](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/tree/master/program "program") | | |
| [.gitignore](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/.gitignore ".gitignore") | | [.gitignore](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/.gitignore ".gitignore") | | |
| [LICENSE](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/LICENSE "LICENSE") | | [LICENSE](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/LICENSE "LICENSE") | | |
| [README.md](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/README.md "README.md") | | [README.md](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/README.md "README.md") | | |
| [SECURITY.md](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/SECURITY.md "SECURITY.md") | | [SECURITY.md](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/SECURITY.md "SECURITY.md") | | |
| View all files | | |
## Repository files navigation
| Environment | [PROGRAM](/raydium-io/raydium-amm/blob/master/program) |
| --- | --- |
| Mainnet | `675kPX9MHTjS2zt1qfr1NYHuzeLXfQM9H24wFSUt1Mp8` |
| Devnet | `HWy1jotHpo6UqeQxx49dpYYdQB8wj9Qk9MdxwjLvDHB8` |
* **The Raydium AMM is an on\-chain smart contract based on the “constant product” in a permissionless and decentralized manner built on the Solana blockchain.And it also shares its liquidity according to the Fibonacci sequence in the form of limit orders on [OpenBook]( the primary central limit order book (CLOB) of Solana**
* **The audit process is [here](
* **The dev document is [here](
2. Install [Solana]( and then run `solana-keygen new` to create a keypair at the default location.
Clone the repository and enter the source code directory.
cargo build-bpf --features devnet
You must update these pubkeys in the "config\_feature" as yours over the localnet feature before build;
cargo build-bpf --features localnet
After building, the smart contract files are all located in the target directory.
Attention, check your configuration and confirm the environment you want to deploy.
1. You must have an openbook market not associated to any amm pool if you want to initialize a new amm pool.
And you can refer to [ListMarket](#L349) to create a new market.
2. Add dependencies in your Cargo.toml
raydium-library = { git = "" }
spl-token = { version = "4.0.0", features = ["no-entrypoint"] }
spl-associated-token-account = { version = "2.2.0", features = [
spl-token-2022 = { version = "0.9.0", features = ["no-entrypoint"] }
3. Import dependent libraries
2. initialize a new amm pool with an associate openbook market
let wallet_file_path = "id.json";
let cluster_url = "";
let amm_program = Pubkey::from_str("HWy1jotHpo6UqeQxx49dpYYdQB8wj9Qk9MdxwjLvDHB8")?;
let market_program = Pubkey::from_str("EoTcMgcDRTJVZDMZWBoU6rhYHZfkNTVEAfz3uUJRcYGj")?;
let market = Pubkey::from_str("74yqm5ihhMg5XJeqvC6oPsHaczjF6U9Rc8zs4wMnAGUL")?;
let amm_coin_mint = Pubkey::from_str("2SiSpNowr7zUv5ZJHuzHszskQNaskWsNukhivCtuVLHo")?;
let amm_pc_mint = Pubkey::from_str("GfmdKWR1KrttDsQkJfwtXovZw9bUBHYkPAEwB6wZqQvJ")?;
let create_fee_destination = Pubkey::from_str("3XMrhbv989VxAMi3DErLV9eJht1pHppW5LbKxe9fkEFR")?;
let client = RpcClient::new(cluster_url.to_string());
let wallet = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(wallet_file_path)
.map_err(|_| format_err!("failed to read keypair from {}", wallet_file_path))?;
let input_pc_amount = 10000_000000;
let input_coin_amount = 10000_000000;
// generate amm keys
let amm_keys = raydium_library::amm::utils::get_amm_pda_keys(
// build initialize instruction
let build_init_instruction = raydium_library::amm::commands::initialize_amm_pool(
3. deposit assets to an amm pool
let wallet_file_path = "id.json";
let cluster_url = "";
let amm_program = Pubkey::from_str("HWy1jotHpo6UqeQxx49dpYYdQB8wj9Qk9MdxwjLvDHB8")?;
let amm_pool_id = Pubkey::from_str("BbZjQanvSaE9me4adAitmTTaSgASvzaVignt4HRSM7ww")?;
let slippage_bps = 50u64; // 0.5%
let input_amount = 10000_000000;
let base_side = 0; // 0: base coin; 1: base pc
let client = RpcClient::new(cluster_url.to_string());
let wallet = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(wallet_file_path)
.map_err(|_| format_err!("failed to read keypair from {}", wallet_file_path))?;
// load amm keys
let amm_keys = raydium_library::amm::utils::load_amm_keys(&client, &amm_program, &amm_pool_id)?;
// load market keys
let market_keys = raydium_library::amm::openbook::get_keys_for_market(
// calculate amm pool vault with load data at the same time or use simulate to calculate
let result = raydium_library::amm::calculate_pool_vault_amounts(
let (max_coin_amount, max_pc_amount) =
// build deposit instruction
let build_deposit_instruction = raydium_library::amm::commands::deposit(
4. withdraw assets from amm pool
let wallet_file_path = "id.json";
let cluster_url = "";
let amm_program = Pubkey::from_str("HWy1jotHpo6UqeQxx49dpYYdQB8wj9Qk9MdxwjLvDHB8")?;
let amm_pool_id = Pubkey::from_str("BbZjQanvSaE9me4adAitmTTaSgASvzaVignt4HRSM7ww")?;
// let slippage_bps = 50u64; // 0.5%
let withdraw_lp_amount = 10000_000000;
let client = RpcClient::new(cluster_url.to_string());
let wallet = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(wallet_file_path)
.map_err(|_| format_err!("failed to read keypair from {}", wallet_file_path))?;
// load amm keys
let amm_keys = raydium_library::amm::utils::load_amm_keys(&client, &amm_program, &amm_pool_id)?;
// load market keys
let market_keys = raydium_library::amm::openbook::get_keys_for_market(
// build withdraw instruction
let build_withdraw_instruction = raydium_library::amm::commands::withdraw(
let wallet_file_path = "id.json";
let cluster_url = "";
let amm_program = Pubkey::from_str("HWy1jotHpo6UqeQxx49dpYYdQB8wj9Qk9MdxwjLvDHB8")?;
let amm_pool_id = Pubkey::from_str("BbZjQanvSaE9me4adAitmTTaSgASvzaVignt4HRSM7ww")?;
let input_token_mint = Pubkey::from_str("GfmdKWR1KrttDsQkJfwtXovZw9bUBHYkPAEwB6wZqQvJ")?;
let output_token_mint = Pubkey::from_str("2SiSpNowr7zUv5ZJHuzHszskQNaskWsNukhivCtuVLHo")?;
let slippage_bps = 50u64; // 0.5%
let amount_specified = 2000_000000u64;
let swap_base_in = false;
let client = RpcClient::new(cluster_url.to_string());
let wallet = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(wallet_file_path)
.map_err(|_| format_err!("failed to read keypair from {}", wallet_file_path))?;
// load amm keys
let amm_keys = raydium_library::amm::utils::load_amm_keys(&client, &amm_program, &amm_pool_id)?;
// load market keys
let market_keys = raydium_library::amm::openbook::get_keys_for_market(
// calculate amm pool vault with load data at the same time or use simulate to calculate
let result = raydium_library::amm::calculate_pool_vault_amounts(
let direction = if input_token_mint == amm_keys.amm_coin_mint
&& output_token_mint == amm_keys.amm_pc_mint
let other_amount_threshold = raydium_library::amm::swap_with_slippage(
// build swap instruction
let build_swap_instruction = raydium_library::amm::commands::swap(
Constant product AMM integrated with the OpenBook CLOB
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https://mainnet.port.finance/ | Port Finance: All in one DeFi solution on Solana | product | Decentralised Borrowing & Lending |
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Stake or liquid stake your Solana in just three clicks
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7:47 PM · Jun 10, 2021
4:43 AM · Apr 13, 2022
12:46 PM · Feb 20, 2022
3:40 AM · Dec 12, 2021
7:47 PM · Jun 10, 2021
4:43 AM · Apr 13, 2022
12:46 PM · Feb 20, 2022
3:40 AM · Dec 12, 2021
7:47 PM · Jun 10, 2021
4:43 AM · Apr 13, 2022
12:46 PM · Feb 20, 2022
3:40 AM · Dec 12, 2021
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Custom\-built hardware and software
that maps down to the centimeter
Stereo\-depth cameras capture 2D images with the depth and distance of objects.
Edge processing automatically identifies and positions road features.
Real\-time driving event detections include harsh braking and swerving.
0% of the worldâs roads mapped in 20 months
[[Navigation \& Logistics](/use-cases/navigation-logistics)[Government \& City](/use-cases/government-city)[Insurance](/use-cases/insurance)[Real Estate](/use-cases/real-estate)[Automotive](/use-cases/automotive)[Navigation \& Logistics](/use-cases/navigation-logistics)[Government \& City](/use-cases/government-city)[Insurance](/use-cases/insurance)[Real Estate](/use-cases/real-estate)[Automotive](/use-cases/automotive)[Navigation \& Logistics](/use-cases/navigation-logistics)[Government \& City](/use-cases/government-city)[Insurance](/use-cases/insurance)[Real Estate](/use-cases/real-estate)Access our Hyper\-Fresh Data
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[Blog](/blog)[Careers](/careers)[Privacy Policy]( of Service](/tos/mapping-network#introduction) | product | DePin |
https://hivemapper.com | Bee Maps \- The fastest growing mapping company in history[](/)[Products](/product)[Solutions](/use-cases)[Contact Sales](/#contactForm)Explore the MapThe fastest growingmapping company in historyExplore the MapTrusted by leaders in technology, automotive, mapping, real estate, the public sector, and beyond
[View customer stories](/use-cases)Superior Quality
Custom\-built hardware and software
that maps down to the centimeter
Stereo\-depth cameras capture 2D images with the depth and distance of objects.
Edge processing automatically identifies and positions road features.
Real\-time driving event detections include harsh braking and swerving.
0% of the worldâs roads mapped in 20 months
[[Navigation \& Logistics](/use-cases/navigation-logistics)[Government \& City](/use-cases/government-city)[Insurance](/use-cases/insurance)[Real Estate](/use-cases/real-estate)[Automotive](/use-cases/automotive)[Navigation \& Logistics](/use-cases/navigation-logistics)[Government \& City](/use-cases/government-city)[Insurance](/use-cases/insurance)[Real Estate](/use-cases/real-estate)[Automotive](/use-cases/automotive)[Navigation \& Logistics](/use-cases/navigation-logistics)[Government \& City](/use-cases/government-city)[Insurance](/use-cases/insurance)[Real Estate](/use-cases/real-estate)Access our Hyper\-Fresh Data
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[Beekeeper for Enterprise
Manage your fleet without recurring SaaS fees or annual contracts.](/fleets)[Bee for Consumers
Map and mine while staying safe with a purpose\-built dashcam.]( Started
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https://www.helius.dev/solana-rpc-nodes | Experience Unmatched Solana RPC Performance with Helius
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Easy\-to\-use APIs to take your apps to the next level in seconds](/solana-apis)
Listen to on\-chain events and stream them to your applications](/solana-webhooks-websockets)
Everything you've ever needed to power up your wallet infrastructure](/use-cases/wallets)[DeFi
Unparalleled performance and reliability for DeFi](/use-cases/defi)[Payments
Over 90% of all payments activity run through Helius rails, for a reason.](/use-cases/payments)
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Power up with our minting APIs, NFT indexers, and compression tools](/use-cases/nfts)[Built with Helius
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# Solana's Leading RPC Nodes
Unparalleled performance, reliability, and domain expertise with Solana's leading RPC Infrastructure. Unlike other providers, we exclusively support Solana and have laser\-focus on providing you with the best possible RPC experience.
[Get started \- free](
## Engineered for growth
### **Add Magic to Your Apps**
Our RPCs are designed to give you the lowest latencies and the fastest speeds in the ecosystem. We have the highest transaction\-sending success rates out of any RPC provider.
### **Never Worry About Reliability**
Due to our advanced failover systems and extra redundancy, we are constantly at the top of all RPC providers regarding uptime guarantees. We have powered the largest events in Solana history with ease.
### **Get The Most out of Solana**
Unlike other providers, we exclusively focus on Solana. This means we have the knowledge, resources, and mission to help you get the best out of Solana, whether debugging network issues or proactively suggesting performance improvements.
## **Leverage the full power of Solana.**
Our infrastructure is globally distributed all over the world with multiple failover and redundancies to ensure you never miss a trade.
### Lowest Latency Sends
We are up to 5x faster than other RPC providers when it comes to transaction confirmation times due to our cutting\-edge transaction forwarders and staked connection networks.
### Generous Rate Limits
Never have to worry about your applications getting limited as you grow.
We power the best of the best â ranging from Jupiter and Drift to Zeta Markets and Orca. We've seen it all and will help you optimize your systems for the best possible outcome.
Hardware businesses are tough on the margins. With Helius, that's one less thing you need to worry about.
As your project evolves, so will your needs. When that happens, we'll be here to help.
## **Shared \& Dedicated Nodes**
We offer both shared and dedicated RPC nodes. Talk to our experts to see which is best suited for your needs.
Embrace the balance of high performance and cost savings with our shared RPC nodes. Tailored for projects leveraging Solana's blockchain, our nodes ensure you receive scalable, consistently high performance globally, all at a cost that respects your budget.
**Unlimited Scalability** \- Your ambitions shouldn't have limits, and neither should your blockchain capabilities.
**Global Coverage** \- Our nodes span the globe, ensuring you have the best speeds wherever your business takes you.
**Low Starting Cost** \- Get started without financial strain; enjoy premium features at a fraction of the cost.
Experience unparalleled security and performance with Dedicated RPC Nodes, tailored for high\-demand Solana projects. These nodes ensure top\-tier functionality and exclusive resource access, delivering tailored solutions that meet your specific needs.
**Optimized Performance** \- Execute intensive RPC methods, such as getProgramAccounts, without compromise.
**Geolocated Servers** \- Benefit from geolocated servers engineered for optimal server\-to\-server communication.
**Enhanced Capabilities with Geyser Plugins** \- Extend functionality with advanced Geyser plugins.
## Ready to build?
Start building with a free account.
Speak to an expert for your Enterprise needs.
[Create a free account](
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Company[Blog](/blog)[Jobs]( \& Conditions](/terms)[Privacy Policy](/privacy-policy) | product | RPC Provider |
https://connect-in-style.wormhole.com | You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
# Connect \- Integrator Tool
Validate your config and customize your theme to tailor Wormhole Connect exactly to your needs.
Select chain and tokenTo
Select chain and tokenAmount
Resume TransactionTerms of Use###### Config
###### Config is valid
[Full config documentation](###### Common config properties
`rpcs` \- RPC endpoints for the chains you're using Connect forExample`routes` \- Which routes/protocols you want Connect to choose fromExample`chains` \- Whitelist of chains you want Connect to offerExample`tokensConfig` \- Arbitrary tokens you want to add to ConnectExample###### React Integration
Copy the code below into your application:
const config: WormholeConnectConfig = {
const theme: WormholeConnectTheme = {"mode":"dark"};
export default () => {
return <WormholeConnect config={config} theme={theme} />;
const config: WormholeConnectConfig \= {
const theme: WormholeConnectTheme \= {"mode":"dark"};
export default () \=\> {
return \<WormholeConnect config\={config} theme\={theme} /\>; | product | Bridge |
https://wormhole.com/products/queries | [Start Building](## Pull any onchain data on\-demand
Developers can leverage Queries for efficient, inexpensive, on\-demand cross\-chain data retrieval and attestation.
[Join the beta]( building]( Cross\-Chain Development
Reduce code and development time by using your existing state and read calls.
Save on gas fees with batched requests and avoid expensive cross\-chain transactions.
Fetch cross\-chain data in seconds, ensuring responsive and reliable cross\-chain data retrieval for your app.
Benefit from attestation provided by the Wormhole Guardians for secure and trustworthy data access \- the same security model trusted by Uniswap Foundation.
Leverage pull\-based data retrieval to unlock new opportunities and flexibility for your application.
### Queries by the numbers
As EVM\-compatible and non\-EVM blockchains emerged, DeFi users gained the ability to trade, lend, and transact across ecosystems.
[Read more](/case-studies/pyth)Discover other Wormhole products##### SDK
Build your custom multichain application.
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[Terms of use](/pages/terms-of-use)[Privacy Policy](/pages/data-protection-and-privacy-policy) | product | OnChain Data API |
https://wormhole.com/platform/gateway | [Start Building](## The gateway to Cosmos
Gateway connects liquidity and users from Ethereum and beyond to Cosmos chains and apps, all with an IBC\-based liquidity router.
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[Terms of use](/pages/terms-of-use)[Privacy Policy](/pages/data-protection-and-privacy-policy) | product | Bridge |
https://wormhole.com/products/native-token-transfers | [Start Building](## Make any token natively multichain
Native Token Transfers (NTT) is an open framework that enables the seamless creation and transfer of multichain tokens, while maintaining ownership and contract upgradability across blockchains.
[Start building]( in touch](/contact)##### Wormhole messaging
Leverage the leading interoperability protocol with over 1 billion secure cross\-chain messages sent to grow your project quickly and securely.
NTT is flexible and customizable, allowing integrators the option to elect an additional verifier, such as a smart contract or off\-chain process (see below).
### How it works
Standard ArchitectureCustom ArchitectureDiscover other Wormhole products##### SDK
Build your custom multichain application.
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[Terms of use](/pages/terms-of-use)[Privacy Policy](/pages/data-protection-and-privacy-policy) | product | Cross-chain Infrastructure |
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https://rendernetwork.com | Render Network[[Integrations](/integrations/ "Integrations")[Future](/futures/ "Future")
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[Resources](/resources/ "Resources")[Getting Started](/getting-started/ "Getting Started")[Grants](/grants/ "Grants")[Case Studies]( "Case Studies")
[About Us](/about/ "About Us")[Showcase]( "Showcase")[Our Blog]( "Our Blog")[Contact](/contact/ "Contact")
[Login]( "Login")## The Distributed GPU Render Network
Supercharge Your Rendering With Near Limitless GPU Power.
[Use The Render Network]( "Use The Render Network").00_01_55_14.Still006.png&w=3840&q=75)##### Transform your Creative Workflow with the Speed and Scale of the Render Network
Welcome to Render Network, the world's first decentralized GPU rendering platform designed to supercharge your creative workflow. We harness idle GPU power worldwide, providing you with near\-limitless rendering capacity at a fraction of the usual cost.
The decentralized project is supported by the Render Network Foundation, a not\-for\-profit dedicated to advancing the core Render Network protocol and fostering the growth of its vibrant community.
[Getting Started](/getting-started/ "Getting Started")## Cloud rendering made easy, secure, and affordable
Create for next generation resolutions at incredible speeds with parallelized rendering
Decentralized supply provides near unlimited scale to meet any project's need
Simple, on\-demand pricing with no minimum spends or upfront commitments
Accelerate your C4D rendering with our powerful native plugin. The Wizard validates your scenes, packages assets, and submits jobs to Render Network \- all without leaving Cinema. It's the fastest way to access distributed GPU rendering, tailor\-made for C4D artists.
[Our Vision]( "Our Vision")### In The News
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[FAQ]( "FAQ")###### Join the community on Telegram
Stay up to date with the latest Render Network community information!
[Join the Render Community]( "Join the Render Community")##### Subscribe to receive news \& updates.
[](/)##### Access Near Unlimited GPU Cloud Rendering Power
Try the Render Network today to transform your creative workflow with the scale of decentralized GPU rendering
[Try Render]( "Try Render")1. Features
1. [How It Works](/how-it-works/ "How It Works")
2. [Node Operators](/participate-node-operators/ "Node Operators")
3. [RENDER Holders](/participate-render-holders/ "RENDER Holders")
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https://app.getgrass.io/ | Grass \| Sign In | product | Data |
https://app.squads.so/squads | Squads \- Your Business Operations Onchain | product | Multi-Sig Wallet |
https://v3.squads.so/squads | Squads App \- Secure On\-chain Assets with MultisigСonnect wallet
Transactions might fail or take longer to confirm due to significant surge in Solana network usage. Please, check current status of the network. | product | Multi-Sig Wallet |
https://www.tensor.trade/ | Tensor \| Solana's Leading NFT Marketplace[COLLECTIONS](/)[TRADE](/trade/default)[NFTS](/trade/default)[INSCRIPTIONS](/inscriptions)[PRICE LOCK](/lock/your)[YOUR LOCKS](/lock/your)[CALCULATOR](/lock/calculator)[LOCK FEED](/lock/feed)[REWARDS](/rewards)[TENSORIANS](/rewards)[LEADERBOARD](/rewards)[EARN POINTS](/rewards)[REFERRALS](/rewards)[GIB BACK](/rewards)⌘k
No collections found matching ''
CONNECT WALLETCONNECT WALLETAPP SETTINGS[List Collection]( Center]( of Service]( Policy]( # Solana's Leading NFT Marketplace
https://backpack.exchange | Backpack: Crypto Exchange \& Wallet \| Solana, Ethereum \& BTC | product | Centralised Exchange |
https://backpack.app | Backpack: Crypto Exchange \& Wallet \| Solana, Ethereum \& BTC[](/)[](/)
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* [© Backpack 2024](/)
# The All\-in\-One Crypto App
[]( Downloads](download)# Boost your Rewards
Use Backpack on these applications to get more points## MarginFi
1\.05x Points Boost (retroactive)](## Zeta Markets
1\.1x Z\-Score Boost](## Tensor
1\.25x Points Boost (campaign)]( Points Boost (retroactive)]( Markets1\.1x Z\-Score Boost]( Points Boost (campaign ended)](# Secure your Collectibles
Lock your NFTs to prevent them from being drained.We support locking for 100\+ of the most popular Solana NFT collections, including:[Learn More](# Filter out Spam
Spam filtering for tokens and collectibles keeps your wallet loooking clean.# Stake and Earn Rewards
Use Backpack to stake using a few clicks.# Make it personal
Customize your RPC, set your own priority fees.# Privacy by default
No KYC required and no personal data is collected.We are Backpack 🎒Open SourcePower User's ChoiceEarn extra with our partnersList and sell NFTs with easecNFT and SPL22 supportDefi and gamesWe are Backpack 🎒## Open Source
The only open source wallet on Solana
Power users prefer Backpack for airdrop claims, minting NFTs, and more
Earn 1\.25x Tensor points, Solana Mobile referral rewards
List directly on Tensor, and accept the highest offer from your wallet
View collectibles using the newest standards
Connect your wallet to dApps and play games in your wallet.
has solidified @Backpack as my primary wallet.[© Backpack 2024](/)[Terms](terms)[Privacy](privacy)[Careers]( Kit](media-kit)* [Media Kit](media-kit)
* [© Backpack 2024](/) | product | Wallet |
https://stake.solblaze.org/ | # Stake Solana tosupport the ecosystem
DAO Treasury \& Airdrops
### Simple Liquid Staking
When you stake at the click of a button, you receive staked tokens (bSOL) that appreciate in value over time relative to staking rewards. Unstake instantly without the standard 2\-3 day delay period by swapping bSOL back to SOL on the instant unstake page.
### DAO Treasury \& Airdrops
Your staked bSOL tokens also represent your voting power, which can be used either to vote on treasury proposals (for supporting Solana ecosystem projects) to or unlock exclusive airdrops (where holding more bSOL gives you more airdropped tokens).
### Secure \& Non\-custodial
The non\-custodial liquid stake pool protocol was built partly by Solana Labs and has been [audited by three separate organizations]( so you don't need to worry about your funds getting stolen. Funds are always in your control.
# How It Works
First, stake your SOL to receive staked tokens (bSOL), which appreciate in value over time relative to staking rewards. The protocol automatically stakes your SOL across many validators according to our [delegation strategy]( in order to help further decentralize Solana.
Then, use your staked tokens (bSOL) in decentralized finance applications to increase your rewards. For instance, use your bSOL to provide liquidity on a decentralized exchange. Whenever someone swaps for bSOL on a DEX, you receive a share of the swap fees.
### Treasury \& Airdrops (Soon)
Finally, use your staked tokens to vote for Solana ecosystem proposals and receive airdrops (holding more bSOL gives you more airdropped tokens). A portion of staking rewards go towards the BlazeStake Treasury, supporting the Solana ecosystem. | product | Liquid Staking |
https://mint.solblaze.org/ | ### Name (ex: MyToken)
### Symbol (ex: TOK)
### Decimals (ex: 9\)
### Initial Supply (ex: 1000000\)
Disabled \- Cannot increase token supply in the future
Enabled \- Can increase token supply in the future
### Future Metadata Changes
Disabled \- Cannot change token name, symbol, image in the future
Enabled \- Can change token name, symbol, image in the future
Minting fee: 0\.25 SOL
If you thought this tool was useful, consider liquid staking your SOL with [BlazeStake]( | product | NFT Issuance Platform |
https://app.marginfi.com | ## Welcome to marginfi
marginfi is a protocol on Solana focused on safety, transparency, and flexibility.
If you're a developer looking to integrate with marginfi, [read our docs here](
Earn Yield Skip## Earn Yield
marginfi enables you to permissionlessly earn variable yield,
paid to you by borrowers.
There are no middlemen. marginfi users come from all over the world,
unblocked from traditional finance rails.
Safety and Use ## Safety and Use
marginfi is an [open source]( , [double audited]( , and [code\-verified]( protocol.
Anyone can build new applications that benefit from marginfi's resources.
Follow marginfi ## Follow marginfi
Join the fastest growing crypto community and keep up with the latest industry news, product releases, and alpha. | product | Decentralised Borrowing & Lending |
https://docs.vybenetwork.com/docs/getting-started | Get your free API Key
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Powered by # Get your free API Key
Follow this guide to quickly get set up with a free Vybe API key.
[Suggest Edits](/edit/getting-started)# Sign in
Go to [Alpha Vybe]( and Sign in with either your Solana wallet or Social Sign In (Google, X, and Github are supported). If you sign in with your Solana wallet, you must authenticate your ownership with a transaction first.
# Go to API Management in your dashboard
Once signed in, navigate to your dashboard in the top right of nav bar. From the dashboard page, navigate to your Vybe API dashboard. From this page, you can manage your API subscriptions and generate your free API key. All users have access to the free plan, where you can test all our available endpoints with limited RPM and credits.
Click on the **"Generate Key"** , and a modal will appear where you can name and create your key. Make sure you copy your key somewhere secure first before continuing. Once the modal is closed, you will not be able to copy your API key again and will need to recreate one. The **Vybe API URL** will also be visible once a key is created.
You can have up to 5 API keys. To delete an existing key, simply press the recycle icon and confirm via a modal.
# Using your API key
To use your API Key, please include it in the request Header as **“X\-API\-Key”**. Failure to include a valid API Key in your request will result in a 403 Forbidden Error.
What’s NextLearn more about our plans, go to your API dashboard, or see the documentation for our endpoints.
* [🚀 Upgrading your plan](/docs/upgrading-your-plan)
* [💥 Vybe API plans](/docs/vybe-api-plans)
* [Table of Contents](#)
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+ [Using your API key](#using-your-api-key) | product | OnChain Data API |
https://alpha.vybenetwork.com/ | Solana Ecosystem metrics and analytics
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We use cookies to collect data about your browsing activity to improve your user experience and our services. By clicking "Accept", you consent to our use of cookies and similar technologies as described in our [privacy policy](/privacy). | product | Digital Assets Terminal |
https://app.goosefx.io/farm | GooseFX \| Your Solana DeFi Destination
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https://www.helium.com/token | HNT, IOT, MOBILE, and Data Credits[](/)* Build
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[Blog]( Explorer]( Documentation]( Studies](/stories)[HIP 51 has been approved by the Community.
Read more here](# The New Wireless Economy.
### HNT is burned out of circulation in order to use the Network. Data Credits are created through the burning of HNT and have a fixed USD value.
[]( Logo](/_next/static/media/coingecko.b5755446.svg)]( Stripe](/_next/static/media/1dtri.bec65256.svg)# HNT
The Helium Network Token ("HNT") is the native cryptocurrency of the Helium Network and is the only token that can be burned to create Data Credits and send device data. Subnetwork tokens (IOT and MOBILE) are backed and redeemable for HNT.
There is no pre\-mine of HNT, and a max supply of 223M HNT.
[HNT]( Hotspots](/_next/image?url=%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Fminer4.d9ba3645.png&w=1920&q=75)# Data Credits
Data Credits are the only payment accepted to send data over the The People's Network.
Data Credits allow users to transfer bytes of data via Helium. The price of Data Credits is fixed in USD (1 Data Credit \= $0\.00001\). Like pre\-paid cellphone minutes or airline miles, Data Credits are non\-transferrable, and can only be used by their original owner.
To acquire Data Credits, network users convert HNT or obtain them from an HNT owner. Any HNT converted to Data Credits is permanently removed (“burned”) from the circulating supply.
Burn\-And\-Mint Equilbrium (BME) is token economic structure utilizing two token types.
The following articles explain more how this works.
New Models for Utility Tokens
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Open for fundingAll opportunities## Pools
By investing in a pool, you automatically diversify your investment over multiple deals by gaining exposure to the senior tranche of all the deals in this pool.
The information herein is provided to accredited investors and for convenience only. Data and values are current as of 11/5/2024, and subject to change. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investments carry risk, including the loss of your entire investment. Credix does not provide investment advice, and is not responsible for the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of third\-party information. This does not constitute an offer or the solicitation of an offer to sell securities, and this material should not be relied upon in making any investment decision(s).APR is subject to change. | product | RWA Tokenisation Platform |
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* Add an additional layer of security by using a supported Ledger hardware wallet | product | Payments Infrastructure |
https://spherepay.co | Sphere \| A better way to transfer value[Sphere
[Sphere ramp](/ramp)[Dashboard](/login)[Sphere Ramp](/ramp) Global payments solutions# Send money anywhere
From dollars and euros to pesos and beyond, Sphere makes moving between currencies effortless.
[For businesses](/en/access-request)[For individuals](/ramp)## Solutions
Optimized payment processing### Cross\-border payments for businesses
Better money movement—from wire, bank transfer, and card to support for every major network—
transferring money over the internet has never been easier.
[Get started](/en/access-request)[Learn more](#faq)#### For international remittances
Send your preferred currency, your vendors receive USD, MXN, BRL, EUR at world\-class exchange rates.
* Compliant \& secure
OTC services, effortless currency conversions, and comprehensive financial tracking and management solutions.* Dedicated support 24/7
* Privacy and encryption
Accept payments any way you want, leverage auto\-conversions that settle directly to your bank, and offer conversion services to your customers with white\-label solutions.* Service level agreements
* API and No\-Code Solutions
### 1White\-labeled solutions for better money movement
Sphere handles the engineering, operational, and regulatory complexities for you — orchestrating so you don't have to.
* Available by API, no\-code, and embeddable widget.
* Save hundreds of hours on development time.
### 2Currencies conversions made easy
Sphere payment links are versatile, customizable and robust. They adapt to your needs, whether for one\-time purchases or recurring subscriptions.
Accept payments directly from email, SMS, social media, website, or app. Get the full power of Sphere without having to write a single line of code.
### 4Customer Insights and Analytics
We follow the best practices in payments to deliver semantic, easy\-to\-use SDKs. Focus on growing your business while we handle smart contract audits, cross\-chain orchestration, and all the technical, operational, and compliance upkeep.
* Simple, powerful, and intuitive RESTful API
* Copy and paste code that just works
* Concise and thorough documentation
[Documentation]( support]( software development kit](/_next/static/media/code-snippet.4d648ad8.svg)Product Features### An end\-to\-end payments suite
Connect seamlessly through a single API or a user\-friendly no\-code console in just minutes.
Gain access to top\-tier compliance, accounting, payments, on/off\-ramps, analytics, and developer tools.
Payment Blocked: Sanctioned IP address198\.51\.100\.1$300\.12 USDPayment Blocked: Sanctioned IP address169\.170\.90\.7$15\.45 USDPayment Blocked: Sanctioned IP address192\.168\.1\.100$120\.87 USDPayment Blocked: Sanctioned wallet addressXoAZ...2m3221\.40 SOL#### Secured and certified
All transactions at a competitor matched fee, with network fees passed at cost.
Payouts directly to your or a third\-party vendor’s bank account, either manually or on a scheduled basis, with competitive OTC rates.
Receive your money in seconds to minutes, instead of days to weeks.
Automatically split payments without extra fees.
Payments are peer to peer and we never handle customer or merchant funds.
Our contracts are audited by industry\-leading experts. We regularly conduct threat modeling, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessments on our infrastructure.
Sphere follows all best practices according to US regulations and uses licensed money transmitters.
All data is encrypted and/or tokenized at rest and in transit. We never store sensitive PIIs, and have strict ACLs.
## Ready to take the next step?
Join industry leaders growing with Sphere.
Commonly asked questions. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please get in touch.
### How much does Sphere cost?
Software access is free, but we take a small transaction fee. Custom enterprise pricing is available upon request.
### Which networks are supported?
### How is currency conversion handled?
### Is Sphere audited?
### Does Sphere custody funds?
### Is it possible to integrate Sphere with my existing payment solution?
Accelerating digital value transfer for a more connected world.
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Sphere Laboratories, Inc \- CRN \#7141668
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[Log In](/login?redirect_uri=/reference/introduction)[Moon (Dark Mode)Sun (Light Mode)v1\.0[API Endpoints](/reference)IntroductionSearchJUMP TO## Sphere API
+ [Create a productpost](/reference/productcontroller_create-1)
+ [Retrieve a productget](/reference/productcontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a productpost](/reference/productcontroller_update)
+ [Delete a productdelete](/reference/productcontroller_delete)
+ [List all productsget](/reference/productcontroller_list)
+ [Create a pricepost](/reference/pricecontroller_create-1)
+ [Retrieve a priceget](/reference/pricecontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all pricesget](/reference/pricecontroller_list-1)
+ [Creates a payment linkpost](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_create-1)
+ [Retrieve a payment linkget](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [Update a payment linkpost](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_update)
+ [Delete a payment linkdelete](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_delete)
+ [List all payment linksget](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_list)
+ [Retrieve a subscriptionget](/reference/subscriptioncontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all subscriptionsget](/reference/subscriptioncontroller_list-1)
+ [Retrieve a paymentget](/reference/paymentcontroller_retrieve)
+ [List all paymentsget](/reference/paymentcontroller_list-1)
+ [Create a webhookpost](/reference/webhookcontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a webhookget](/reference/webhookcontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a webhookpost](/reference/webhookcontroller_update)
+ [Delete a webhookdelete](/reference/webhookcontroller_delete)
+ [List all webhooksget](/reference/webhookcontroller_list)
+ [Retrieve an eventget](/reference/eventcontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all eventsget](/reference/eventcontroller_list-1)
+ [Create a walletpost](/reference/walletcontroller_create)
+ [Delete a walletdelete](/reference/walletcontroller_disconnectwallet-1)
+ [List all walletsget](/reference/walletcontroller_listconnectedwallets-1)
+ [Create a couponpost](/reference/couponcontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a couponget](/reference/couponcontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a couponpost](/reference/couponcontroller_update)
+ [List all couponsget](/reference/couponcontroller_list)
+ [Create a promotion codepost](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a promotion codeget](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a promotion codepost](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_update)
+ [Delete a promotion codedelete](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_delete)
+ [List all promotion codesget](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_list)
+ [Create a customerpost](/reference/customercontroller_create-1)
+ [Retrieve a customerget](/reference/customercontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all customersget](/reference/customercontroller_list-1)
+ [Create a usage recordpost](/reference/usagerecordcontroller_create)
+ [List all usage records for a subscription itemget](/reference/usagerecordcontroller_listallbysubscriptionitem)
+ [Create a tax ratepost](/reference/taxratecontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a tax rateget](/reference/taxratecontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a tax ratepost](/reference/taxratecontroller_update)
+ [Delete a tax ratedelete](/reference/taxratecontroller_delete)
+ [List all tax ratesget](/reference/taxratecontroller_list)
+ [Retrieve a tax categoryget](/reference/taxcategorycontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all tax categoriesget](/reference/taxcategorycontroller_list-1)
+ [Create a new bank accountpost](/reference/bankaccountcontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a bank accountget](/reference/bankaccountcontroller_retrieve)
+ [Delete a bank accountdelete](/reference/bankaccountcontroller_remove)
+ [List all bank accountsget](/reference/bankaccountcontroller_list)
+ [Create a payoutpost](/reference/payoutcontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a payoutget](/reference/payoutcontroller_findone)
+ [Delete a payoutdelete](/reference/payoutcontroller_delete)
+ [List all payoutsget](/reference/payoutcontroller_list)
JUMP TO## Sphere API
+ [Create a productpost](/reference/productcontroller_create-1)
+ [Retrieve a productget](/reference/productcontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a productpost](/reference/productcontroller_update)
+ [Delete a productdelete](/reference/productcontroller_delete)
+ [List all productsget](/reference/productcontroller_list)
+ [Create a pricepost](/reference/pricecontroller_create-1)
+ [Retrieve a priceget](/reference/pricecontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all pricesget](/reference/pricecontroller_list-1)
+ [Creates a payment linkpost](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_create-1)
+ [Retrieve a payment linkget](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [Update a payment linkpost](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_update)
+ [Delete a payment linkdelete](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_delete)
+ [List all payment linksget](/reference/paymentlinkcontroller_list)
+ [Retrieve a subscriptionget](/reference/subscriptioncontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all subscriptionsget](/reference/subscriptioncontroller_list-1)
+ [Retrieve a paymentget](/reference/paymentcontroller_retrieve)
+ [List all paymentsget](/reference/paymentcontroller_list-1)
+ [Create a webhookpost](/reference/webhookcontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a webhookget](/reference/webhookcontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a webhookpost](/reference/webhookcontroller_update)
+ [Delete a webhookdelete](/reference/webhookcontroller_delete)
+ [List all webhooksget](/reference/webhookcontroller_list)
+ [Retrieve an eventget](/reference/eventcontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all eventsget](/reference/eventcontroller_list-1)
+ [Create a walletpost](/reference/walletcontroller_create)
+ [Delete a walletdelete](/reference/walletcontroller_disconnectwallet-1)
+ [List all walletsget](/reference/walletcontroller_listconnectedwallets-1)
+ [Create a couponpost](/reference/couponcontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a couponget](/reference/couponcontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a couponpost](/reference/couponcontroller_update)
+ [List all couponsget](/reference/couponcontroller_list)
+ [Create a promotion codepost](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a promotion codeget](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a promotion codepost](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_update)
+ [Delete a promotion codedelete](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_delete)
+ [List all promotion codesget](/reference/promotioncodecontroller_list)
+ [Create a customerpost](/reference/customercontroller_create-1)
+ [Retrieve a customerget](/reference/customercontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all customersget](/reference/customercontroller_list-1)
+ [Create a usage recordpost](/reference/usagerecordcontroller_create)
+ [List all usage records for a subscription itemget](/reference/usagerecordcontroller_listallbysubscriptionitem)
+ [Create a tax ratepost](/reference/taxratecontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a tax rateget](/reference/taxratecontroller_retrieve)
+ [Update a tax ratepost](/reference/taxratecontroller_update)
+ [Delete a tax ratedelete](/reference/taxratecontroller_delete)
+ [List all tax ratesget](/reference/taxratecontroller_list)
+ [Retrieve a tax categoryget](/reference/taxcategorycontroller_retrieve-1)
+ [List all tax categoriesget](/reference/taxcategorycontroller_list-1)
+ [Create a new bank accountpost](/reference/bankaccountcontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a bank accountget](/reference/bankaccountcontroller_retrieve)
+ [Delete a bank accountdelete](/reference/bankaccountcontroller_remove)
+ [List all bank accountsget](/reference/bankaccountcontroller_list)
+ [Create a payoutpost](/reference/payoutcontroller_create)
+ [Retrieve a payoutget](/reference/payoutcontroller_findone)
+ [Delete a payoutdelete](/reference/payoutcontroller_delete)
+ [List all payoutsget](/reference/payoutcontroller_list)
Sphere is a payments API for digital currencies.
Sphere's mission is to accelerate the development of digital currencies.
To enable people from around the world to transact on cheaper, faster, and more accessible payment rails, we've begun with stablecoins and other digital currencies on decentralized networks.
Sphere provides an end\-to\-end payments experience — from on\-ramp, to multi\-chain and fiat transactions, to off\-ramp — with best\-in\-class compliance, accounting, taxes, tooling, and billing reconciliation.
0\.3% flat fee on all payments, excluding network fees (wire, gas, etc.) which we pass at cost.
We support one\-time and recurring billing through payment links and subscriptions.
You have the flexibility to [create your own frontend and UX](/reference/react-sdk), or use our pre\-built checkout pages.
For subscriptions, you may choose between:
1. **Escrowed**, where funds are locked up and periodically withdrawn from (traditional).
2. **Escrowless**, where funds are automatically withdrawn from your customer's wallet each billing period.
Subscriptions don't require wrapping and unwrapping of tokens.
We support a variety of pricing models: including flat, per\-seat, volume, graduated, and customer chooses.
Automated Invoices will be rolled out in Q1 2024\.
Smart contracts are natively held on Solana and Ethereum. *L2s, and side\-chains coming soon.*
# How it works
Sphere uses three core objects for payments:
1. **`product`** — the goods and services you're selling.
2. **`price`** — the cost, defined by amount and currency, of those products.
3. **`paymentLink`** or **`invoice`** — the payment method for a given set of product and price.
Fundamentally, you as the developer will:
1. Create a [`product`](/reference/productcontroller_create).
2. Create and attach a [`price`](/reference/pricecontroller_create) to your `product`.
3. Create a [`paymentLink`](/reference/paymentLinkcontroller_create) or `invoice` and attach them to a given set of product and price.
4. The API will respond with a `url` for a pre\-built checkout to redirect customers to, [or build your own](/reference/react-sdk).
5. A [`payment`](/reference/payments) object will be auto\-generated when a customer tries to pay.
6. Create a [`webhook`](/reference/webhooks) and listen for [events](/reference/events) on the `payment` object to carry out your business logic.
And that's it! Our [guides](/docs/overview) give more details on specific examples and more complex use cases.
A [`payment`](/reference/payments) object is auto\-generated each time a customer tries to pay for one of your products through a payment method — whether one\-time vs. recurring, or via payment link vs. invoice.
It contains key information about the purchase, such as the customer, transaction, and involved line items, for you to consume on your backend and apply the appropriate business logic upon a purchase.
[`subscription`](/reference/subscriptions) objects are auto\-generated when your customers purchase products with a recurring price. Developers do not need to create `subscription` objects on their own.
This object contains useful information about the subscription, such as the remaining number of billing periods, amounts billed, and the start\-and\-end date of the current period.
At the end of each billing period, the `subscription` objects are billed by Sphere, and `payment` objects are created to record the recurring withdrawals from either the escrow account or customer wallet address.
If you are using [metered billing](/docs/metered-api-subscription), then you will need to submit [usage records](/reference/usage-records) to bill for usage.
[Webhooks](/reference/webhooks) are available for you to listen to a wide selection of events. For example, you may listen to the `payment.successful` event to credit a customer on your backend after a successful purchase.
If there is additional information you'd like to include in a given object, for your own reference or to use later elsewhere, we provide a `meta` field for storing arbitrary JSON in most of our objects.
Some use\-cases could be to include your own pre\-existing `id` tags for reconciliation purposes, or to temporarily reference during a user flow instead of creating a new data model inside of your database.
### Real\-Time Price Updates
Sphere uses the [Pyth]( oracle network to provide real\-time updated price data to our smart contracts across all major supported chains. Whenever one of our programs that you invoke via API, or in select cases directly via cross\-smart contract call, requires an exchange rate (e.g., to correctly price HNT/USDC), Pyth's streamed updates guarantee best pricing.
* [Table of Contents](#)
+ [How it works](#how-it-works) | product | Developer Tooling |
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* Yet another NFT project, but this time it's something different. Building a real company, while using NFT as fuel.
21\.9k33\.9kPrice0\.4 SOLSupply3870Mint DateApr 23, 2024
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ConnectConnect your wallet or watch an address to begin | product | Digital Assets Terminal |
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## DAO\-governed trade analysis engine \& execution platform,supporting your delta\-neutral strategies across exchanges
## Access insights to guide your own strategies
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real\-time insights from across 12 exchanges to let you filter and analyse the best trades for you. \*NFT required
[BTE 2\.0 coming soon \>]( Trade Engine](### THE FASTEST AND MOST ACCURATE EXCHANGE DATA
]( Markets]( Logo]( ](### OUR PROJECT TOKEN
The BASIS utility token underpins the Basis Markets ecosystem. BASIS is used to pay trading fees when using the Basis Trade eXecutor.
NFT holders receive benefits including:
\- Access to the Basis Trade Engine
\- Discounted Basis Trade eXecutor fee structure
\- Voting rights controlling Basis via our DAO
\- Connection with other members via private discord
Buy here :[, Basis is owned and controlled by its diverse community.
Project contributors bring skills and knowledge from backgrounds such as trading, quantitative finance, blockchain engineering, data science, marketing, and product development. Get in touch with the community via our discord
[Get in touch here \>]( # FAQ
What is the Basis Trade Engine?The Basis Trade Engine (BTE) provides Basis NFT holders with real\-time data on funding \& lending rate data from 12 top exchanges. It highlights the most favourable basis trade opportunities currently available, with the advanced analysis needed to interpret and put these opportunities into action.
**What is the Basis Trade eXecutor?**The Basis Trade eXecutor (BTX) is a proprietary trade execution platform that links to your favourite exchanges via API. It provides users with the guidance and tools to open top performing delta\-neutral trades with ease, avoiding any errors with manual execution.
What does a Basis Markets NFT get me?1\. Access to the Basis Trade Engine with its data set and live information on where to find the most profitable basis trade opportunities across multiple exchanges
2\. Discounted fee structure on trading fees when executing trades through the Basis Trade eXecutor. [â](/o/fggBbt9Eg44awhb5796e/s/eP8HBG4v6oxzoDOwFBzR/~/changes/65/products/basis-trade-executor-btx)3\. Membership of the Basis Markets DAO and the ability to influence the direction of the project by participating in governance via discussions, as well as submitting and voting on proposals
4\. Access to a private members\-only area within our [Discord](
Where can I access Basis Markets from?Basis Markets does not provide services to customers located in, established in, or a citizen of the United States and a number of other restricted jurisdictions. If you fall into this category, you must not use the Basis Markets platform.
Please read our [terms of service](#10.-certification-of-non-united-states-person-status) for full details before accessing the Basis Markets ecosystem.
Cant find what your looking for ? Find more information in our [Docs]( | product | Digital Assets Terminal |
https://basis.markets | Basis Markets \- Trade Analysis \& Execution[[Docs]( your wallet](# Next\-level automation.Delta\-neutral strategies. Real\-time insights.
## DAO\-governed trade analysis engine \& execution platform,supporting your delta\-neutral strategies across exchanges
## Access insights to guide your own strategies
The Basis Trade Engine provides a customisable dashboard of
real\-time insights from across 12 exchanges to let you filter and analyse the best trades for you. \*NFT required
[BTE 2\.0 coming soon \>]( Trade Engine](### THE FASTEST AND MOST ACCURATE EXCHANGE DATA
]( Markets]( Logo]( ](### OUR PROJECT TOKEN
The BASIS utility token underpins the Basis Markets ecosystem. BASIS is used to pay trading fees when using the Basis Trade eXecutor.
NFT holders receive benefits including:
\- Access to the Basis Trade Engine
\- Discounted Basis Trade eXecutor fee structure
\- Voting rights controlling Basis via our DAO
\- Connection with other members via private discord
Buy here :[, Basis is owned and controlled by its diverse community.
Project contributors bring skills and knowledge from backgrounds such as trading, quantitative finance, blockchain engineering, data science, marketing, and product development. Get in touch with the community via our discord
[Get in touch here \>]( # FAQ
What is the Basis Trade Engine?The Basis Trade Engine (BTE) provides Basis NFT holders with real\-time data on funding \& lending rate data from 12 top exchanges. It highlights the most favourable basis trade opportunities currently available, with the advanced analysis needed to interpret and put these opportunities into action.
**What is the Basis Trade eXecutor?**The Basis Trade eXecutor (BTX) is a proprietary trade execution platform that links to your favourite exchanges via API. It provides users with the guidance and tools to open top performing delta\-neutral trades with ease, avoiding any errors with manual execution.
What does a Basis Markets NFT get me?1\. Access to the Basis Trade Engine with its data set and live information on where to find the most profitable basis trade opportunities across multiple exchanges
2\. Discounted fee structure on trading fees when executing trades through the Basis Trade eXecutor. [â](/o/fggBbt9Eg44awhb5796e/s/eP8HBG4v6oxzoDOwFBzR/~/changes/65/products/basis-trade-executor-btx)3\. Membership of the Basis Markets DAO and the ability to influence the direction of the project by participating in governance via discussions, as well as submitting and voting on proposals
4\. Access to a private members\-only area within our [Discord](
Where can I access Basis Markets from?Basis Markets does not provide services to customers located in, established in, or a citizen of the United States and a number of other restricted jurisdictions. If you fall into this category, you must not use the Basis Markets platform.
Please read our [terms of service](#10.-certification-of-non-united-states-person-status) for full details before accessing the Basis Markets ecosystem.
Cant find what your looking for ? Find more information in our [Docs]( | product | Digital Assets Terminal |
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Stay ConnectedProvide your email to stay up to\-date on the latest announcements.SubscribeYour subscription could not be saved. Please try again.Check your email to confirm your subscription.# Frequently Asked
### Do I need to buy crypto to get started?
### Where does the yield come from?
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Explore 1700\+ strategies nowAudited by **Certik** \& **Sec3**. Backed by **Solana Ventures**.Audited byBacked byPowered ByWhy HawksightOne\-Stop ShopEarn the best yield on your SOL and USDC with the smartest navigator of Solana DeFi protocols. Choose your preferred strategy from our list of strategies across 4 protocols and start earning in 1 click! No swapping, staking, pairing, bridging, or pooling needed!Flexible Deposits and WithdrawalsDeposit any amount of SOL or USDC to start earning yield. Claim rewards and withdraw your funds anytime! No minimum deposits or lockups!Secure \& Non\-CustodialDecentralized vaults keep depositors in full control over their funds. Hawksight is battle\-tested through internal audits, multiple external audits (CertiK \& Sec3), and will partner with DeFi insurance protocols.Trusted ByTop crypto funds, exchanges, and 1,914,601\+ everyday investors from 36\+ countriesFrequently Asked Questions1\. What is Hawksight?Hawksight is a liquidity manager on Solana helping liquidity providers on Concentrated Liquidity Market Makers maximize their profitability through price range rebalancing and automated fee compounding.2\. Who can use Hawksight?Hawksight is open for all current and prospective liquidity providers. It's our mission to help you maximize your profitability on CLMMs.3\. Is there a fee to use Hawksight?Hawksight only charges a 5% Performance Fee on all yield generated. This aligns the success of our users to the success of Hawksight as a protocol.4\. Is there a minimum/maximum amount to deposit/withdraw?There are no minimum deposits or maximum withdrawals when using Hawksight as it is our mission to make Defi accessible for all!5\. Is there a minimum holding period for my deposits before I can withdraw it?Users can withdraw their funds from any Hawksight pool at any time. We automate the processes needed to enter into these strategies while letting you keep control of your funds. Withdraw your funds at any time that you please.[See complete list of FAQs]( defi project white full logo](/_next/image?url=%2Fassets%2Fimages%2Fgraphics%2Fwhite-hawksight.png&w=384&q=75)Hawksight is the protocol that optimizes your yield on Solana DeFi. Earn optimized yields from Solana's Top DeFi Protocols and manage your positions all in one protocol. Show your support and earn additional yield from our Hawksight NFTs \& HAWK Token.
Our mission is to maximize your experience on Solana DeFi. Join our Discord \& Telegram \- we have a team ready around the clock to get you started.
[Discord]( is building Solana's Yield Optimizer. Our mission is to maximize your experience on Solana Defi, by aggregating and automating DeFi yield strategies in 1\-click so users can instantly get the best yield to grow their Solana tokens ($SOL) and USDC stablecoins ($USDC) from various yield strategies such as liquidity providing, borrow lending, options derivatives, NFT lending, and GameFi yield. Hawksight has and will integrate with leading Solana DeFi protocols including but not limited to: Solend, Marinade Finance, Raydium, Lido, Tulip Protocol, Orca, Quarry, Port Finance, Francium, Saber, Friktion, Mercurial, Socean, JPool, Hubble, UXD, Hedge Labs, Lifinity, Frakt, PsyFi, and many more.
Hawksight has been audited by leading smart contract security firms including CertiK and Sec3 (previously Soteria). Hawksight's $HAWK utility tokens are available on crypto exchanges like KuCoin, MEXC, and Raydium. And Hawksight's DeFi utility NFTs, the Debonair Degen Hawks, are available on Magic Eden, the largest Solana NFT marketplace. Hawksight is backed by Solana Ventures, NGC Ventures, Solar Eco Fund, One Block Capital, Big Brain VC (SOL Big Brain), Mirana, Petrock Capital, Entrepreneur First, Skyvision Capital, Global Founders Capital, Everest Ventures Group, and Double Peak Group. Visit hawksight.co to get the best yield APYs to easily grow your SOL \& USDC. | product | Decentralised Borrowing & Lending |
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SOLFarmLending APY Highlights[Deposit](/app/lend)### Total Value Locked
| Strategy | APY | APR | Leverage | |
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Price | Size | Total || Spread | | |
| Market | L/S | Size | Entry Price | Notional | uPNL | Unsettled PNL | Liq. Price | Unsettled Fund. | |
No Open Positions Found
| Market | B/S | Type | Size | Notional | Trigger |
No Open Orders Found
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No Trade History Found
No Historical Funding Found
| Market | Unsettled PNL | Settled PNL | |
No Positions With Unsettled PNLTradeBUYSELLMARKETLIMITLimit Price:BIDMIDASKUSDCAmount:.1x.5x1x2xMAXNFTUSDCEst. entry price$0\.00Est. slippage0\.00%Est. liquidation price$0\.00Collateral required$0\.00CONNECT WALLETTotal value: 0\.00 USDCAccount OverviewWallet balance$0\.00Used collateral$0\.00Unrealized P\&L\+$0\.00Unsettled P\&L\+$0\.00Free collateral$0\.00Leverage0\.0xSelected max leverage1\.0xHealth100%Total pos. size$0\.00Not connectedHelius (mainnet\-beta) @ 0msTPS: 0v0\.2\.024H Turnover: 0 USDCPriority Fee: Lightning | product | Derivatives |
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If refreshing doesnât work, feel free to reach out to us on Telegram. | product | Decentralised Exchange |
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* The Zeta DEX
+ [📚Learn how to trade on Zeta](/zeta-protocol/learn-how-to-trade-on-zeta)
- [🎓Introduction to Perpetuals](/zeta-protocol/learn-how-to-trade-on-zeta/introduction-to-perpetuals)
- [📖Getting Started on Zeta](/zeta-protocol/learn-how-to-trade-on-zeta/getting-started-on-zeta)
- [💟Margin Account Parameters](/zeta-protocol/learn-how-to-trade-on-zeta/margin-account-parameters)
* [Liquidations \& Insurance](/zeta-protocol/exchange-architecture/margin-system/liquidations-and-insurance)
- [Orderbook \& Matching Engine](/zeta-protocol/exchange-architecture/orderbook-and-matching-engine)
- [Perpetual Funding System](/zeta-protocol/exchange-architecture/perpetual-funding-system)
+ [📱Mobile is LIVE !](/zeta-protocol/mobile-is-live)
+ [💱Trading Rewards Program](/rewards-programs/trading-rewards-program)
- [Z\-Score Active Boosts](/rewards-programs/trading-rewards-program/z-score-active-boosts)
- [🟡$DBR Listing (Live)](/rewards-programs/trading-rewards-program/usddbr-listing-live)
- [🥩Stakers' Boosted Trading Rewards](/rewards-programs/trading-rewards-program/stakers-boosted-trading-rewards)
- [🗃️Ended Trading Campaigns and Boosts](/rewards-programs/trading-rewards-program/ended-trading-campaigns-and-boosts)
* [🪐Jupiter x Zeta (Finished)](/rewards-programs/trading-rewards-program/ended-trading-campaigns-and-boosts/jupiter-x-zeta-finished)
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* ⚡Zeta X (ZX)
+ [📄Zeta X Litepaper](/zeta-x-zx/zeta-x-litepaper)
- [Role of $ZEX](/zeta-x-zx/zeta-x-litepaper/role-of-usdzex)
- [High Level Architecture of ZX](/zeta-x-zx/zeta-x-litepaper/high-level-architecture-of-zx)
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* [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
# 📄Zeta X Litepaper
## Zeta X (ZX): Building a Trustless Layer 2 for Decentralized Derivatives Trading on Solana
> We present our initial approach to scaling decentralized perpetuals trading through an optimistic rollup built on Solana that leverages zero\-knowledge proofs for trustless on\-chain settlement. The rollup will use an off\-chain matching engine to achieve performance on par with centralised exchanges whilst leveraging the transparency and security of Solana L1 for data availability (DA) and settlement.
### Table of Contents
* [Role of $ZEX](/zeta-x-zx/zeta-x-litepaper/role-of-usdzex)
* [High Level Architecture of ZX](/zeta-x-zx/zeta-x-litepaper/high-level-architecture-of-zx)
[PreviousBridge from Polygon to Solana](/bridging-to-solana/bridging-guides/from-other-chains/bridge-from-polygon-to-solana)[NextIntroduction](/zeta-x-zx/zeta-x-litepaper/introduction)Last updated 4 months ago | product | L2 |
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# A DEX For The People
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* [SAMM Protocol Litepaper \- v1\.1](/hxro-network/market-protocols/betting/samm-protocol-litepaper-v1.1)
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- [Claim an esHXRO Airdrop](/tokenomics-and-staking/how-to/claim-an-eshxro-airdrop)
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- [How to Vest esHXRO](/tokenomics-and-staking/how-to/how-to-vest-eshxro)
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* [SPANDEX Risk Engine](#spandex-risk-engine)
Hxro Network doesn’t just provide turnkey liquidity for on\-chain derivatives. Through two core protocols ([**Dexterity**](/hxro-network/market-protocols/derivatives-trading#dexterity-protocol-whitepaper-v1.0-march-2022) and [**SPANDEX**](/hxro-network/market-protocols/derivatives-trading#spandex-risk-engine)) the network also provides fundamental building blocks to developers of CLOB\-based derivatives trading applications, underpinning all necessary **risk and** **exchange infrastructure** to scale derivatives markets on\-chain. By composing with Hxro Network protocols, DeFi builders are given the ability to concentrate on creating unique and superior UI/UX that wins users.
### Dexterity Protocol \-[Whitepaper v1\.0 \- March 2022](
Dexterity is a permissionless collection of smart contracts that allow anyone to connect to and build **CLOB\-based** derivatives trading applications. By building on top of Dexterity, developers have access to turnkey exchange and settlement infrastructure needed to facilitate derivatives markets.
A Central Limit Order Book (CLOB) is a system used in financial markets to match buy and sell orders. Here's how it works:
* **Order Placement:** Traders submit buy or sell orders with specific prices and quantities.
* **Order Matching:** The CLOB constantly matches incoming orders based on their prices and timestamps.
* **Order Book:** Organizes orders in a list, showing the best buying and selling prices.
* **Transparency:** Traders can see all active orders, prices, and quantities.
* **Price Discovery:** The CLOB helps determine the current market price.
CLOBs are crucial for trading efficiency and transparency in both traditional and decentralized markets.
#### MPGs and TRGs
The MPG (Market Product Group) is a collection of products (such as perps, dated futures, ZDFs, combos, etc) and their order books on Hxro’s Dexterity protocol, allowing for the exchange of risk and margin. Each MPG has its own margin vault and supports specific tokens for margin and settlement.
Within an MPG, traders create TRG (Trader Risk Group) accounts. TRG accounts are specific to the MPG they are created in and hold all trading\-related information such as risk, margin, profit/loss, and orders. Put another way, creating a user account (“TRG”) linked to an MPG gives you access to trading the products included on that MPG.
TRGs have health thresholds: Initial Required Margin and Maintenance Margin Requirement. Falling below these levels puts the TRG in different states: Healthy, Risk\-off, or Liquidatable. SPANDEX, Dexterity's on\-chain risk engine, manages these states and processes TRG accounts.
### SPANDEX Risk Engine
One of the biggest considerations for any derivatives trader, whether trading on\-chain or off\-chain, is avoiding liquidation by maintaining the collateral requirements associated with all open positions. Historically in crypto derivatives markets, the required margin put up by traders is calculated on an isolated, position\-by\-position basis.
The initial margin for a given position is established up front, then based on an ongoing fixed percentage of the overall position (“maintenance margin”). Failure to maintain the minimum maintenance margin requirement often results in the liquidation of your position.
When a trader has several positions open simultaneously, the total required margin can quickly stack up, making the use of their capital extremely inefficient, lowering their ROI and limiting their overall trading opportunity. While this has long been standard practice for crypto derivatives, isolated margin is suboptimal and misaligned with how traders can more efficiently account for risk.
Hxro Network’s **SPANDEX** is the only on\-chain, real\-time, portfolio\-based risk and margin engine.
The goal of portfolio\-based margin is for margin levels to be set in a way that more precisely reflects the actual net risk of the trader’s account. The trader can benefit from portfolio margin because resulting margin requirements are generally lower than requirements based on isolated risk.
#### Isolated vs. Portfolio Risk and Margin
SPANDEX real\-time margin requirements are calculated by looking at the risk of the traders portfolio as a whole, rather than the more common method of calculating margin on an isolated, position\-by\-position basis.
By assessing collective risk at the portfolio level vs. each isolated position, SPANDEX accounts for different risk factors and adjusts account margin requirements accordingly. This means that assets in your portfolio that may have offsetting risk effects could result in significant margin requirement relief (see [here](/traders/faqs#a-hypothetical-example-of-how-portfolio-margin-works) for a hypothetical example of isolated vs. portfolio\-based margin calculations).
#### Real\-Time Risk Updates
To capture the greatest benefits of transparency and on\-chain risk management, SPANDEX calculates risk on every market update. This may include a change in wallet balance, a change in mark price, or time to expiration. These factors can all play a role in how a portfolio’s risk is assessed. Changes in input values would therefore update the user’s risk health as well as the health of the entire market product group.
Last updated 9 months ago | product | Decentralised Exchange |
https://docs.hxro.network/hxro-network/market-protocols/betting | Betting \| Hxro[](/)MoreSearchCtrl \+ K* HXRO NETWORK
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* [SAMM Protocol Litepaper \- v1\.1](/hxro-network/market-protocols/betting/samm-protocol-litepaper-v1.1)
- [Transfer HXRO from ERC20 to SPL via Wormhole](/tokenomics-and-staking/how-to/transfer-hxro-from-erc20-to-spl-via-wormhole)
- [Claim an esHXRO Airdrop](/tokenomics-and-staking/how-to/claim-an-eshxro-airdrop)
- [How to Stake HXRO](/tokenomics-and-staking/how-to/how-to-stake-hxro)
- [How to Vest esHXRO](/tokenomics-and-staking/how-to/how-to-vest-eshxro)
- [How to Initialize and Claim Rewards](/tokenomics-and-staking/how-to/how-to-initialize-and-claim-rewards)
- [Python \& Typescript SDKs](/developers/derivatives-tooling/python-and-typescript-sdks)
- [Dexterity Typescript SDK QuickStart](/developers/derivatives-tooling/dexterity-typescript-sdk-quickstart)
- [Dexterity Typscript Scripts](/developers/derivatives-tooling/dexterity-typscript-scripts)
- [DEX Reference Implementations](/developers/derivatives-tooling/dex-reference-implementations)
- [Parimutuel Typescript SDK QuickStart](/developers/parimutuel-tooling/parimutuel-typescript-sdk-quickstart)
- [Parimutuel Typescript \+ React Project](/developers/parimutuel-tooling/parimutuel-typescript-+-react-project)
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* [Smart Automated Market Maker Protocol (sAMM)](#smart-automated-market-maker-protocol-samm)
In the midst of creating a turnkey liquidity layer and infrastructure to support on\-chain derivatives markets, a tangential opportunity was uncovered: on\-chain betting. Worth an estimated $68B globally in 2021, the traditional betting or “**igaming**” industry has been impacted by many of the same issues seen in on\-chain derivatives markets.
By providing liquidity and infrastructure to support a wide variety of betting markets on\-chain across gaming, sports betting, crypto, and other events markets, Hxro’s betting protocols ([Parimutuel protocol](/hxro-network/market-protocols/betting#parimutuel-protocol) and [sAMM](/hxro-network/market-protocols/betting#smart-automated-market-maker-protocol-samm)) enable a more efficient and transparent venue for the next generation of speculation.
Hxro’s Parimutuel Protocol provides builders with a comprehensive framework for creating customizable, peer\-to\-peer markets for betting on any event where participants finish in a ranked order, paying out the winners on a pro\-rata basis.
The protocol is currently capable of running a dual\-outcome parimutuel market in any discrete time frame using any available on\-chain data oracle. It can be used for financial transactions, gaming, and sports wagering among other things.
### Smart Automated Market Maker Protocol (sAMM)
To provide developers with a comprehensive solution to scale on\-chain betting, the Parimutuel protocol composes with sAMM \- a “smart” automated market maker built native to Hxro Network that provides on\-chain liquidity to simplified dual\-outcome parimutuel markets. sAMM is designed to help solve for a liquidity consistency problem often faced by parimutuels that run on a continuous market while still being efficient enough to keep fees to parimutuel participants low.
sAMM uses independent probability nodes that allow liquidity pools to automatically participate in each parimutuel events liquidity.
Last updated 9 months ago | product | Decentralised Exchange |
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https://www.cube3.ai/detect | Web3 smart contract developer security
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[DetectML bots identify on\-chain threats to provide real\-time risk scores for transactions, wallets and smart contracts](/detect)[Monitor](/monitor)[ProtectReal\-time transaction security, empowering your application to block exploits and risky transactions](/protect)[ManageRespond to cyber risks immediately with proactive control through real\-time Alerts, Reports, Automation \& Response](/manage)Developers
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Our advanced machine learning (ML) algorithms continuously monitor your smart contracts and transactions to provide real\-time risk assessments, ensuring your web3 applications are protected against fraud, exploits, and compliance risks.
[Get started for FREE]( credit card required or programmatically (via API) providing real\-time risk assessments for your smart contracts and transactions.
With Explorer, gain unparalleled visibility into your smart contracts and transactions. The upcoming product will provide in\-depth analytics, helping you monitor, manage, and optimize your web3 applications more effectively.
###### Total Smart Contracts Observed
###### Total Wallets Monitored
###### Total Malicious Contracts Last 30 Days
###### Total Malicious Wallets Last 30 Days
#### Sign up for free today
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#### Enhance Security with Real\-time Malicious Activity Detection
Crypto exchanges play a vital role in the digital asset ecosystem but are frequently targeted by malicious actors. By using CUBE3's Detect product, exchanges can proactively blacklist malicious smart contracts and wallets in real\-time. Our Risk Score API empowers exchanges to protect their platforms and customers from fraudulent activities, bolstering their security and fostering trust in their services.
[Get started](#### Protect Your Smart Contracts with Inspector
Smart contract developers are at the forefront of the decentralized revolution, but they can also be exposed to risks when entering transactions with malicious actors seeking to exploit or defraud them. By integrating our Inspector capability through our Risk Score API, developers can evaluate the safety of transactions in real\-time, effectively mitigating risks and ensuring secure interactions. With Inspector, smart contract developers can focus on creating innovative solutions and driving adoption, while maintaining the highest standards of security and trust in their projects.
[Get started](#### Empower Your Research with Comprehensive Risk Analysis
Web3 security researchers are crucial in identifying vulnerabilities and strengthening the decentralized web. Our Explorer product provides these researchers with a powerful tool to analyze and assess the security, fraud, and compliance risks associated with smart contracts, wallets, and transactions. With Explorer, researchers can quickly identify threats, develop mitigation strategies, and contribute to the overall safety of the web3 ecosystem.
[Get started](#### Safeguard Your NFT Marketplace
NFT marketplaces have experienced exponential growth, but with this growth comes the risk of fakes and scams. By leveraging our Sonar capability, NFT marketplaces can evaluate tokens and identify counterfeit or fraudulent items before they impact their customers. Sonar Risk Score API allows NFT marketplaces to maintain the integrity of their platforms, protecting both creators and collectors from potential fraud, and fostering a secure and trustworthy environment for all participants.
[Get started](#### Risk Score API for Security, Fraud, and Compliance Assessment
Payment processors operating in the web3 ecosystem need a robust solution for evaluating the security, fraud, and compliance risks associated with each crypto transaction. By integrating [CUBE3\.AI](âs Sonar Risk Score API, payment processors can thoroughly assess transactions, reducing chargebacks and ensuring a secure, compliant environment for customers.
[Get started](###### EASY TO GET STARTED
## Built by developers for developers
Created with developers in mind, our platform streamlines the development process and ensures maximum efficiency.
###### Add to monitor
Add wallets and smart contracts to a watchlist to monitor all publicly available data
Receive alerts for immediate security response notifications and contract updates
###### Enable RASP Lite
Access transaction risk scoring and block malicious transactions on your front\-end through our client\-side SDK
###### Enable RASP Pro
Multi\-sig proxy enabled smart contract integration via JS SDK for the highest level of security and customization
Read more#### Discover other products
Block Malicious Transactions and Enforce Compliance
Proactively Manage Security Risks and Compliance
[CUBE3\.AI](#) is protecting businesses and reputations by proactively identifying and blocking potential hacks, fraud, and compliance risk
We are grateful to have leading investors and collaborators that share our vision for real\-time web3 security
Committed to ISO27001 and SOC2 compliance.
Backed by biannual in\-house and external audits.
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[DetectML bots identify on\-chain threats to provide real\-time risk scores for transactions, wallets and smart contracts](/detect)[Monitor](/monitor)[ProtectReal\-time transaction security, empowering your application to block exploits and risky transactions](/protect)[ManageRespond to cyber risks immediately with proactive control through real\-time Alerts, Reports, Automation \& Response](/manage)Developers
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Protect platform offers robust defenses against fraud, cyber exploits, wallet hacks, vulnerabilities, and compliance risks. By implementing our Real\-Time Application Self\-Protection (RASP) SDK and API, your applications are shielded from malicious transactions, ensuring a secure environment for your users.
[Get started for FREE]( credit card required is protecting businesses and reputations by proactively identifying and blocking potential hacks, fraud, and compliance risk
We are grateful to have leading investors and collaborators that share our vision for real\-time web3 security
Committed to ISO27001 and SOC2 compliance.
Backed by biannual in\-house and external audits.
[[EU](/eu-programs)[Policies](/policies)© 2023 CUBE3\. All Rights Reserved. [Deny all](#)[Allow all](#)[Mastercard Selects CUBE3\.AI for its Start Path Program to Secure Blockchain and Digital Assets](
[DetectML bots identify on\-chain threats to provide real\-time risk scores for transactions, wallets and smart contracts](/detect)[Monitor](/monitor)[ProtectReal\-time transaction security, empowering your application to block exploits and risky transactions](/protect)[ManageRespond to cyber risks immediately with proactive control through real\-time Alerts, Reports, Automation \& Response](/manage)Developers
[About us](#)[Contact us](#)[Pricing](/pricing)[Getting Started](/getting-started)[Become a partner](/partnerships)[About us](/about-us)[Sign In]( a demo](/book)[Detect](/detect)[Protect](/protect)[Manage](/manage)## Proactively Manage Fraud Risks and Compliance
Respond to fraud risks proactively with watchlists, alerts, reports, analytics, and logs. With the Manage product, you can configure alerts to be sent via email or trigger webhooks for services like Slack, Telegram, WhatsApp, Zapier Discord and more.
[Get started for FREE]( credit card required is protecting businesses and reputations by proactively identifying and blocking potential hacks, fraud, and compliance risk
We are grateful to have leading investors and collaborators that share our vision for real\-time web3 security
Committed to ISO27001 and SOC2 compliance.
Backed by biannual in\-house and external audits.
[[EU](/eu-programs)[Policies](/policies)© 2023 CUBE3\. All Rights Reserved. MetaplexDeveloper HubCreateCommerceUtilityDev Tools[Guides](/guides)Search docsTheme* ## Overview
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# Metaplex Programs and Tools
* [CoreNext gen NFT standard](/core)
* [InscriptionNFT inscribed on Solana](/inscription)
* [Token Auth RulesNFT permissions](/token-auth-rules)
* [Token MetadataDigital ownership standard](/token-metadata)
* [Candy MachineTM NFT launchpad](/candy-machine)
* [Core Candy MachineCore Asset launchpad](/core-candy-machine)
* [FusionNFTs inside NFTs](/fusion)
* [AmmanLocal Validator Toolkit](/amman)
* [DAS APIFetch Digital Asset Data](/das-api)
* [LegacyProducts from our old docs](/legacy-documentation)
* [SugarCreate Candy Machines easily](/candy-machine/sugar)
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Pyth delivers verified data from first\-party sources on a sub\-second timescale.
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https://pyth.network/entropy | A Secure Random Number Generator for Crypto Applications \| Entropy \| Pyth Network* Products[Price FeedsReal\-time prices for smart contracts](/price-feeds)[BenchmarksHistorical Pyth market data](/benchmarks)[EntropyRandom numbers for smart contracts](/entropy)[Express RelayEliminate MEV](/express-relay)
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[Stake]( Products[#### Price Feeds
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[Privacy Policy](/privacy-policy)[Terms of Use](/terms-of-use)# Pyth EntropySecure On\-Chain Randomness
Build secure smart contracts with provably random numbers from Pyth Entropy. Launch NFTs, games, and other unique experiences that your users trust with seamless UX.
[start building]( more](## FAST \& RELIABLEUncompromisingUser Experience
Entropy delivers randomly generated outcomes at lightning\-fast speeds. With Entropy, your app can serve unpredictable experiences quickly and smoothly. Entropy also guarantees reliable, responsive callbacks to keep your app running.
* Request264562User Commitment0x72ed66002c29eTransaction Hash[0x558b032b2acea020](
Reveal264562User Commitment0x72ed66002c29eConverted to Base 10100008306Transaction Hash[0xa9d00513af2dfb49](
Strong security guarantees with minimal trust assumptions ensure that outcomes are tamper\-proof. Generated outcomes by Entropy can be verified on the blockchain at any time.
## Developer FriendlyIntegrate Quickly and Seamlessly
Integrating with Entropy takes just a few lines of code between your smart contract and frontend. Launch your app in 5 minutes — no funding or complicated configuration required.
contract Foo is IEntropyConsumer {
// Entropy Address on Optimism
IEntropy private entropy = IEntropy(0xdF21D137Aadc95588205586636710ca2890538d5);
address private entropyProvider = 0x52DeaA1c84233F7bb8C8A45baeDE41091c616506;
function requestRandomNumber(bytes32 userRandomNumber) external payable {
uint256 fee = entropy.getFee(entropyProvider);
uint64 sequenceNumber = entropy.requestWithCallback{value: fee}(
) internal override {
copy code## Get Started with**Pyth Data**
Unlock the full potential of your DeFi app with Pyth data. Gain the edge you deserve.
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# A persistent online survival gamein a post apocalyptic world
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## What is Decimated?
A post\-apocalyptic survival game with elements of cyberpunk.
Fight against or team up with other players, scavenge loot, transport cargo or VIP’s to other locations, collect legal or illegal resources and trade them, hunt legendary creatures, capture territory and build safehouses for their gang.
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Scavenge supplies and compete against other players in a fight for survival
Earth has been abandoned after hundreds of years of destructive climate change, and catastrophic neglect of the environment by corporations and industries.
Political and social unrest has left the old cities decimated and hostile to life. Civilization has collapsed and destroyed itself, yet a cyborg police force still wields control over the wastelands.
The unworthy who were left behind – criminals, rebels, political dissidents and the poor – scavenge in the forgotten cities of Earth, which have become overgrown with jungle, flooded by swamps, swallowed by sand and frozen by ice.
Pollution and technological debris litter the environment, and survivors have set up shelter in destroyed skyscrapers, laboratories, abandoned metros and crumbling freeways. The cops enforce a totalitarian authority even after society is in ruin, forcing humans to live in the wastelands.
Players can choose to play PvP or PvE by salvaging resources, technology and digital currency, repairing vehicles, building bases, fortifying shelters, collecting bounties, ambushing, looting or trading in this hostile post\-apocalyptic environment.
Earth has been abandoned after hundreds of years of destructive climate change, and catastrophic neglect of the environment by corporations and industries.
Political and social unrest has left the old cities decimated and hostile to life. Civilization has collapsed and destroyed itself, yet a cyborg police force still wields control over the wastelands.
The unworthy who were left behind – criminals, rebels, political dissidents and the poor – scavenge in the forgotten cities of Earth, which have become overgrown with jungle, flooded by swamps, swallowed by sand and frozen by ice.
Pollution and technological debris litter the environment, and survivors have set up shelter in destroyed skyscrapers, laboratories, abandoned metros and crumbling freeways. The cops enforce a totalitarian authority even after society is in ruin, forcing humans to live in the wastelands.
Players can choose to play PvP or PvE by salvaging resources, technology and digital currency, repairing vehicles, building bases, fortifying shelters, collecting bounties, ambushing, looting or trading in this hostile post\-apocalyptic environment.
Earth has been abandoned after hundreds of years of destructive climate change, and catastrophic neglect of the environment by corporations and industries.
Political and social unrest has left the old cities decimated and hostile to life. Civilization has collapsed and destroyed itself, yet a cyborg police force still wields control over the wastelands.
The unworthy who were left behind – criminals, rebels, political dissidents and the poor – scavenge in the forgotten cities of Earth, which have become overgrown with jungle, flooded by swamps, swallowed by sand and frozen by ice.
Pollution and technological debris litter the environment, and survivors have set up shelter in destroyed skyscrapers, laboratories, abandoned metros and crumbling freeways. The cops enforce a totalitarian authority even after society is in ruin, forcing humans to live in the wastelands.
Players can choose to play PvP or PvE by salvaging resources, technology and digital currency, repairing vehicles, building bases, fortifying shelters, collecting bounties, ambushing, looting or trading in this hostile post\-apocalyptic environment.
3rd person survival RPG
Variety of roles and classes
PvP \& PvE Gameplay
Combat and salvage missions
Wide range of weapons
Huge selection of vehicles
Built in Unreal 5
## Choose your role
Hackers are proficient at breaching doors, security systems, and augmentations as well as accessing encrypted data.
They can completely take over and control their victim for a short period of time through the use of hacking tech and remote access.
Endowed with cutting\-edge Vanlith augmented hands, medics are capable of conducting surgeries of any complexity right on the battlefield.
Medical Taki\-Hano backpacks allow them to transport any necessary medications or supplies into combat.
Masters of a wide range of rifles and assault weapons as well as utility grenades, and can carry out sophisticated and timely eliminations anywhere.
Paired with Vanlith Exploration Helmet with 25x zoom and AI assistant will ensure optimal enemy detection.
Advanced Taki\-Hano scanning gloves enable these specialists to quickly evaluate any casualty's possessions.
Their Vanlith Jetpacks provide a competitive advantage and unrivaled mobility, allowing them to infiltrate the combat zone and secure the cargo without getting caught.
Adoption of Taki\-Hano core processors enables mechanics to operate repair drones that can reliably fix practically anything, from vehicles to personal equipment.
With a simple glance, bespoke Vanlith goggles allow for rapid and accurate diagnostics of any malfunctioning mechanisms.
Equipped with energy shields that offer exceptional defense against even the most well\-equipped assailants.
Tasers and handcuffs are widely used by assault squads to restrain suspects. When paired with direct access to heavy combat weaponry and defense systems, no crime goes unpunished.
Utilizes state\-of\-the\-art long\-range combat augmentations and remote surveillance drones.
No stranger to adopting leaked top\-secret Vanlith stealth tech, such as belts that are already available on the black market that allow the wearer to be temporarily invisible.
Capable of gaining access to surveillance networks, drones, and criminal databases to easily identify targets even in a crowd.
Bounty hunters often prefer to incapacitate the target in order to obtain a higher reward.
House of Francis, Room 303, Ile Du Port, Mahe, Seychelles
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https://phantom.app | Phantom — Crypto \& NFT Wallet — Solana \| Ethereum \| Polygon[Logo Phantom](/)* [Security](/security)
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https://www.crossmint.com/products/custodial-wallet-as-a-service | Custodial NFT Wallets \| Embedded Wallets as a Service
Products[[[[[Solutions[Blockchains](#)[Startups](#)By use case[[AI Agents](/solutions/ai-agents)[Gaming](/solutions/gaming)[Identity](#)[Ticketing](/solutions/web3-ticketing)[Real world assets](#)[Loyalty](#)[Marketplaces \& Launchpads](/solutions/nft-launchpads-marketplaces)[Digital Art](/solutions/nft-digital-art)Ecosystem[Case Studies](/case-studies)[Partners](/partners)[Startup Program](/startup-program)Developers[Check the docs[[[[[[Read 25\+ Case Studies](/case-studies)[[[[JavaScript](#w-tabs-2-data-w-pane-0)
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| | const options \= { |
| --- | --- |
| | method: "POST", |
| | headers: { |
| | "X\-API\-KEY": "YOUR\_API\_KEY", |
| | "Content\-Type": "application/json", |
| | }, |
| | body: JSON.stringify({ |
| | chain: "ethereum", |
| | email: "[email protected]", |
| | }), |
| | }; |
| | |
| | fetch("", options) |
| | .then((response) \=\> response.json()) |
| | .then((response) \=\> console.log(response)) |
| | .catch((err) \=\> console.error(err)); |
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[Show hidden characters]({{ revealButtonHref }})
| | const baseUrl \= ""; |
| --- | --- |
| | const chain \= "polygon"; |
| | const wallet \= "0x1234abcde..."; |
| | |
| | const options \= { |
| | method: "GET", |
| | headers: { "X\-API\-KEY": "YOUR\_API\_KEY" }, |
| | }; |
| | |
| | fetch( |
| | \`${baseUrl}/2022\-06\-09/wallets/${chain}:${wallet}/nfts?page\=1\&perPage\=20\`, |
| | options |
| | ) |
| | .then((response) \=\> response.json()) |
| | .then((response) \=\> console.log(response)) |
| | .catch((err) \=\> console.error(err)); |
hosted with ⤠by [GitHub](
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[Show hidden characters]({{ revealButtonHref }})
| | const options \= { |
| --- | --- |
| | method: "POST", |
| | headers: { |
| | "X\-API\-KEY": "YOUR\_API\_KEY", |
| | "Content\-Type": "application/json", |
| | }, |
| | body: JSON.stringify({ |
| | chain: "polygon", |
| | contractAddress: "0x\_CONTRACT\_ADDRESS", |
| | from: "0x\_FROM\_ADDRESS", |
| | to: "0x\_TO\_ADDRESS", |
| | tokenId: "123", |
| | }), |
| | }; |
| | |
| | fetch("", options) |
| | .then((response) \=\> response.json()) |
| | .then((response) \=\> console.log(response)) |
| | .catch((err) \=\> console.error(err)); |
hosted with ⤠by [GitHub](
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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[Show hidden characters]({{ revealButtonHref }})
| | const options \= { |
| --- | --- |
| | method: "POST", |
| | headers: { "X\-API\-KEY": "YOUR\_API\_KEY", "Content\-Type": "application/json" }, |
| | body: JSON.stringify({ |
| | message: "The message to be signed", |
| | }), |
| | }; |
| | |
| | const baseUrl \= ""; |
| | const chain \= "polygon"; |
| | const wallet \= "0x\_SIGNING\_WALLET"; |
| | |
| | fetch(\`${baseUrl}/v1\-alpha1/wallets/${chain}:${wallet}/signMessage\`, options) |
| | .then((response) \=\> response.json()) |
| | .then((response) \=\> console.log(response)) |
| | .catch((err) \=\> console.error(err)); |
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[READ DOCS[Smart wallets](/products/non-custodial-wallets-as-a-service)[Minting Platform](/products/nft-minting-api)[NFT checkout](/products/nft-checkout)[Verifiable Credentials](/products/verifiable-credentials)Support[Status]( Disclosure]( Content]( Downward arrow]( to wallet](/user/collection)[Go to Developer Console](/console)Company[[[[[Solutions[Blockchains](#)[Startups](#)By use case[[AI Agents](/solutions/ai-agents)[Gaming](/solutions/gaming)[Identity](#)[Ticketing](/solutions/web3-ticketing)[Real world assets](#)[Loyalty](#)[Marketplaces \& Launchpads](/solutions/nft-launchpads-marketplaces)[Digital Art](/solutions/nft-digital-art)Ecosystem[Case Studies](/case-studies)[Partners](/partners)[Startup Program](/startup-program)Developers[Smart wallets](/products/non-custodial-wallets-as-a-service)[Minting Platform](/products/nft-minting-api)[NFT checkout](/products/nft-checkout)[Verifiable Credentials](/products/verifiable-credentials)Support[Status]( Disclosure]( Content]( Downward arrow]( to wallet](/user/collection)[Go to Developer Console](/console)Company[[[[[Solutions[Blockchains](#)[Startups](#)By use case[[AI Agents](/solutions/ai-agents)[Gaming](/solutions/gaming)[Identity](#)[Ticketing](/solutions/web3-ticketing)[Real world assets](#)[Loyalty](#)[Marketplaces \& Launchpads](/solutions/nft-launchpads-marketplaces)[Digital Art](/solutions/nft-digital-art)Ecosystem[Case Studies](/case-studies)[Partners](/partners)[Startup Program](/startup-program)Developers[[](#w-tabs-1-data-w-pane-0)
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| | import { CrossmintPayButton } from "@crossmint/client\-sdk\-react\-ui"; |
| --- | --- |
| | |
| | // Add this component next to your minting button |
| | \<CrossmintPayButton |
| | projectId\="YOUR\_PROJECT\_ID" |
| | collectionId\="YOUR\_COLLECTION\_ID" |
| | environment\="ENVIRONMENT" |
| | mintConfig\={{ |
| | type: "erc\-721", |
| | totalPrice: "0\.001", |
| | quantity: 1, |
| | }} |
| | /\>; |
hosted with ⤠by [GitHub](
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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[Show hidden characters]({{ revealButtonHref }})
| | import { CrossmintPaymentElement } from "@crossmint/client\-sdk\-react\-ui"; |
| --- | --- |
| | |
| | \<CrossmintPaymentElement |
| | projectId\="YOUR\_PROJECT\_ID" |
| | collectionId\="YOUR\_COLLECTION\_ID" |
| | environment\="staging" |
| | mintConfig\={{ |
| | type: "erc\-721", |
| | totalPrice: "0\.001", |
| | quantity: "1", |
| | }} |
| | /\>; |
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[READ DOCS[[[[[[Read 25\+ Case Studies](/case-studies)[Smart wallets](/products/non-custodial-wallets-as-a-service)[Minting Platform](/products/nft-minting-api)[NFT checkout](/products/nft-checkout)[Verifiable Credentials](/products/verifiable-credentials)Support[Status]( Disclosure]( Content]( Downward arrow]( to wallet](/user/collection)[Go to Developer Console](/console)Company seamlessly via webhooks
* Sign and decode transactions universally across all protocols
#### Meet with us
### Bring the Complete Staking Solution to Your Organization
First Name(Required) Last Name Email(Required)
Company RegionRegionAPACEMEALATAMNorth AmericaApproximate Staking VolumeApprox. Staking VolumeUnder $5,000,000Between $5,000,000\-$9,999,999Over $10,000,000Are there any other networks of interest? (optional) HiddenPage Source
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## Sign up for our newsletter
Figment respects your privacy. By submitting this form, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our [Privacy Policy](/privacy-policy/), which details how we collect and use your information.
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* [Infrastructure \& Security](
## © 2024 Figment
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* [General Terms of Use](/general-terms-of-use/)
## © 2024 Figment
* [Staking Terms of Use](/staking-terms-of-use/)
* [General Terms of Use](/general-terms-of-use/) | product | OnChain Data API |
https://figment.io/products/staking-app/ | Staking app \- Figment
Discover the basics of staking and how it works.
Learn how to stake your BTC securely and efficiently.
Understand the role of custodians in staking.
Learn how to stake your ETH securely and efficiently.
Calculate potential rewards from staking your assets.
[Figment’s Q3 2024 Ethereum Validator Report](
Explore 30\+ Emerging Protocols
[Babylon: Bitcoin Staking Guide](
Optimize your digital asset portfolio with seamless staking.
Securely manage assets with our custodian and wallet solutions.
Boost revenue and engagement with streamlined staking.
[Story Protocol First Look: Bringing IP on\-chain](
[Berachain Beyond the Basics: Exploring Proof of Liquidity Consensus](
## Stake Securely with Ease
Maintain control of your digital assets, earn rewards, and track performance via Figment’s easy\-to\-use interface. Stake with our industry leading infrastructure, preferred by the largest digital asset institutions in the industry.
### Trusted by the world’s largest digital asset institutions
ETH Staking Rewards Rate (SRR)
Total ETH rewards earned for customers
% of ETH network staked via Figment’s infrastructure
## The Figment Difference
### Keep Your Rewards
Retain 100% of Consensus Layer rewards earned
Stake non\-custodially from your MetaMask or Wallet Connect\-compatible wallet
Earn rewards with confidence that your ETH is never pooled with other ETH
Supported by an audited, individual smart contract that automatically pays validator fees on\-chain eliminating the need for off\-chain invoicing
Stake through Figment’s SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO 27001 compliant infrastructure
## Staking ETH on the Figment app
Effortlessly manage your ETH staking positions while benefiting from our invaluable performance insights and comprehensive rewards reports.
## Secure Staking, with Ease
### True Non\-Custodial Staking
Maintain control over setting the validator’s withdrawal address to an address you control, unlike with other staking providers where you lose control of your validator’s withdrawal address and the custody of your ETH.
### Earn Optimized Rewards
Figment clients benefit from our engineering and protocol expertise to earn consistent staking rewards supported by our safety over liveness approach.
### Comprehensive Rewards Reporting
The Figment app offers portfolio rewards tracking via in\-app dashboards, reports, or CSV file download for all the validator addresses you track with Figment.
### Stake Securely with Confidence
Staking in the Figment app provides access to the same secure infrastructure that leading institutions use, supported by our leading devops and technical support teams.
### Track Any Address
Use Figment as your staking control center to track and access reporting on any ETH validator or address \- whether you stake all or just a portion of your ETH with Figment.
Supported by an audited, individual smart contract that automatically pays validator fees on\-chain eliminating the need for off\-chain invoicing.
## Designed for Simplicity and Security
Our unique staking dashboard and insights section provides data on protocol wide and validator specific performance.
Experience the best point\-and\-click ETH staking interface. Stake, unstake, and view rewards from multiple custodians in one place.
View and download detailed ETH rewards history in platform to get the most up\-to\-date data at your fingertips.
## Your Staking Questions, Answered
What rewards rate can I expect staking ETH through the Figment app?
The latest annualized staking rewards rate (SRR) for ETH can be found on the Dashboard page within the Figment app. The rate displayed reflects the annualized SRR of all Figment validators and is updated daily.
How much does it cost to stake through the Figment app?
You keep all of the consensus layer rewards earned by your validator when staking through the Figment app and only pay a service fee when your validator is selected to propose a block and earns execution layer rewards. This fee is collected on\-chain automatically through a smart contract. Currently, the service fee is 30% of execution layer rewards, but is subject to change – see below for a diagram of this fee in relation to total ETH rewards earned.
How long does it take to start earning ETH rewards when I stake? How long does it take to get my ETH tokens back if I unstake?
The time it takes to begin earning rewards and to unstake a validator on Ethereum varies over time. Up\-to\-date activation and withdrawal times can be found on the Dashboard page within the Figment app.
What wallets or custodians are supported by the Figment app?
Figment app supports MetaMask and all Wallet Connect\-compatible wallets, which includes many wallets from leading custodians like Fireblocks and Anchorage and leading self\-custody wallets such as Ledger.
Can I stake less than 32 ETH?
No – at least not yet. The Figment app only supports native protocol staking, which is in increments of 32 ETH.
### Ready to earn rewards on your ETH?
## Sign up for our newsletter
Figment respects your privacy. By submitting this form, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our [Privacy Policy](/privacy-policy/), which details how we collect and use your information.
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## © 2024 Figment
* [Staking Terms of Use](/staking-terms-of-use/)
* [General Terms of Use](/general-terms-of-use/)
## © 2024 Figment
* [Staking Terms of Use](/staking-terms-of-use/)
* [General Terms of Use](/general-terms-of-use/) | product | Staking Infra |
https://stakingfacilities.com/ | Staking Facilities \- Web 3\.0 Infrastructure \& Services
[[How it works](/how-it-works)[Blog](/blog)[Sustainability](/sustainability)[Ventures](/)Networks[Ethereum](/networks/ethereum)[Solana](/networks/solana)[Aptos](/networks/aptos)[Sui](/networks/sui)[Cosmos](/networks/cosmos)[Celestia](/networks/celestia-network)[Polkadot](/networks/polkadot)[Dfinity](/networks/dfinity)[The Graph](/networks/the-graph)[Chainlink](/networks/chainlink)[Gelato](/networks/gelato)[Wormhole](/networks/wormhole)[Hydra](/networks/hydradx)[Stride](/networks/stride)[Monad](/networks/monad)[Enterprise Solutions](/institutional-clients)[Technology](/security)[We're hiring](/careers)[STAKE NOW](/#network_section)[STAKE NOW](/#network_section)# ENTERPRISE\-GRADE WEB 3\.0 INFRASTRUCTURE \& SERVICES
### **Powering thefuture of web3**
# Secure and performant non\-custodial staking services for individuals and institutional investors.
[ABOUT US](/about-us)[SERVICES](/institutional-clients)Total Assets Staked**$****500,000,000\+**Total Rewards Paid**$ 300,000,000\+**entities working with us[[### Why stake?
Token holders of these networks, both, retail and intstitutional can help secure the networks by staking their tokens in a non\-custodial fashion via our validators. For doing so, they earn rewards in the form of the respective networks' native token.
[[LIVE[[[[### Middleware
[[### Application
[[We are a validator, node operator, and service provider in Web 3\.0We operate industry\-grade, highly secure physical infrastructure for next\-generation blockchains to run on. We offer non\-custodial staking services for Proof\-of\-Stake token holders and provide essential services for the Web 3\.0 ecosystem.[About Uskeyboard\_arrow\_right](/about-us)# What we promise
The security of our customers' stake is of utmost importance to us. Through redundant infrastructure and connectivity, failover systems, 24/7 monitoring, as well as colocations at top\-tier data\-centers, we provide outstanding standards of security.](/security)[#### compliance
We provide a custom staking framework for a variety of clients and offer state\-of\-the\-art reporting. We are fully MaRisk \& MiCA compliant. We're also pursuing an ISO Certification, underlining our commitment to quality standards.](/institutional-clients)[#### sustainability
We work to make Web 3\.0 a reality. Based in Munich, Germany, we are committing ourselves to running this new generation of infrastructure as sustainable as possible.](/sustainability)[#### bare metal infrastructure
Our dedicated infrastructure guarantees low latency and superior routing. By harnessing MEV\-optimized nodes and emphasizing bare metal deployments, we amplify resilience and fortify network security, ensuring a distinct edge for staking.](/security)
> âStaking Facilities has been an avid participant in the Lido protocol since its inception, as one of the first Node Operators in Lido on Ethereum, as well as in governance discussions and the community. In my experience, Staking Facilities is a great example of crypto\-native excellence; technical acumen and professionalism pervades the organization, and their ethos\-driven approach to both operating infrastructure as well as participating in the ecosystems that they operate in makes collaborating with them a pleasure.â
Isidoros Passadis, contributor to Lido DAO as Master of Validators# What we promise
The security of our customers' stake is of utmost importance to us. Through redundant infrastructure and connectivity, failover systems, 24/7 monitoring, as well as colocations at top\-tier data\-centers, we provide outstanding standards of security.
We provide a custom staking framework for a variety of clients and offer state\-of\-the\-art reporting. We actively shape the legal framework for the blockchain ecosystem in Germany, and Europe through our membership in the European Blockchain Association.
We put our money where our mouth is! We are customers of our services and stake a substantial amount of our own tokens on our validators. This guarantees that our incentives are best aligned with those of our customers.
Engagement in the community beyond the mere operation of infrastructure is one of the most important components of our ecosystem strategy. We focus on information, education, and the development of valuable community tools.
Through our non\-custodial staking services, Proof\-of\-Stake token holders can contribute to the security of a network and earn rewards for doing so.[How it workskeyboard\_arrow\_right](/how-it-works)Stay up to date\& filter through the noise Subscribe to our newsletter for news \& updates about our portfolio projects \& the staking ecosystem[SUBSCRIBE](# Community contributions
In addition to running highly secure, enterprise\-grade infrastructure and offering a seamless staking experience, we build, initiate, and invest in tools and projects that improve the overall Web 3\.0 ecosystem. Through these efforts, we want to accelerate the adoption of the underlying technologies by improving UX and accessibility.TiaScanWe built and initiated the first dashboard for the Celestia network. By providing real\-time information about the Celestia, it empowers any stakeholder to analyze the network.[VISIT]( BeachWe build and initiated the first block explorer for the Solana network. Before handing it over to Crypto Tech Munich, we scaled the product to thousands of MAUs and established it as a cornerstone brand of the Solana ecosystem.[VISIT]( AcademyWe believe in a truly open economic system accessible to everyone. To make the onboarding as smooth as possible, we offer a variety of tutorials, introductions, and educational content. The Staking Academy is our comprehensive, curated knowledge base.[VISIT]( questions, feedback or need further assistance?Join our Telegram[JOIN CHANNEL](# Venture Investments
We invest as early as seed stage, and support teams going from prototype, to testnet, all the way to mainnet. We aim to be a long\-term partner and infrastructure provider.[[TELEGRAM](# FAQs
#### What is a Blockchain?
keyboard\_arrow\_downA blockchain is an immutable, distributed ledger of transactions which is maintained by a peer\-to\-peer network rather than a centralized authority. It can be thought of as a distributed database that gets synchronized as soon as changes are made.
Blockchain technology utilizes powerful consensus mechanisms (such as Proof\-of\-Stake) alongside crypto\-economic incentives to verify the authenticity of transactions, secure the peer\-to\-peer network, and nominate nodes (special peers in the network) to generate blocks.
#### What is Proof\-of\-Stake?
keyboard\_arrow\_downProof\-of\-Stake (PoS) is a consensus algorithm used for the generation of new blocks. It requires validators (special nodes running the blockchain) to stake the network's native token in order to propose and/or validate new blocks and ultimately earn rewards. A stake may be slashed by the network and thus disincentives bad behavior.
#### What is a Validator?
keyboard\_arrow\_downValidators are special nodes in PoS\-networks, more precisely delegated Proof\-of\-Stake networks. They operate the blockchain infrastructure, propose and validate new blocks, and receive rewards (in the form of new tokens) for doing so.
#### What is a Delegator?
keyboard\_arrow\_downToken holders who want to stake their tokens but do not want to run a validator node, are called delegators. They can still contribute to the networks' security and earn rewards by delegating their tokens to a validator of their choice and thus use the validatorâs infrastructure instead of setting\-up and maintaining their own servers. For some networks, in the event of a validator misbehaving according to the protocol, delegators of the respective validator will also be penalized by the blockchain network in proportion to their staked assets. We therefore advise you to carefully choose your validator infrastructure.
#### What is a Node Operator?
keyboard\_arrow\_downSimilar to validators, nope operators are special participants within blockchain networks. For the different networks across the Web 3\.0 tech stack, that we work with, we differentiate our role between validator and node operator. The former allows us to accept delegations by token\-holders, whereas we do not accept delegations in the network in which we function as a node operator. In these networks, we provide services to the network such as data indexing or providing off\-chain data as an oracle.
#### What is Web 3\.0?
keyboard\_arrow\_downWeb 3\.0 is also referred to as the "Internet of Value" or the "Stateful Web" and is considered as the next evolution of the internet after Web 2\.0 and Web 1\.0\. Web 3\.0 is the result of technologies such as AI, IoT, or blockchain converging. Blockchains play an important part as they allow for an alternative to the client\-server model in which data is centrally controlled and managed by trusted institutions. This has oftentimes led to privacy issues, monopolistic tendencies, hacks, and data breaches. In the current internet, it is not possible to transact value in a digital native manner. Cryptography and game theory, used in blockchain networks, allow for an alternative to the current architecture of the internet. One that is powered and secured through decentralized infrastructure. Blockchain technology provides a "clearinghouse" and settlement layer to the internet, overcomes single points of failure, allows for digitally\-native assets, as well as collaboration and coordination on a global scale. We are pioneering this new digital frontier. Join us on this exciting journey!
#### What is non\-custodial staking?
keyboard\_arrow\_downNon\-custodial staking refers to the process of using a validatorâs infrastructure by delegating the capability to work for the blockchain and provide infrastructure to the blockchain and ultimately earn rewards by the blockchain network for doing so to someone else. This applies to every Proof\-of\-Stake token. Delegating tokens is not the same as sending tokens, because delegators do not transfer ownership in the token itself. The original holder remains the legal owner of the tokens at all times. Hence, the holder does not give up custody of his/her token.
#### Why should I stake my tokens?
keyboard\_arrow\_downProof\-of\-Stake blockchains are inflationary as new tokens are rewarded for generating and validating new blocks. Token holders who are not engaging in the staking process \- either by operating as a validator themselves or by delegating their tokens to validators and thus using the validatorâs infrastructure \- stand to lose out on rewards and see their assets getting diluted over time.
#### What are the risks associated with delegating my assets to Staking Facilities?
keyboard\_arrow\_downSince we offer non\-custodial delegation services for our networks, we never have control over your assets. Rest assured, you are always in full control of your assets and can withdraw the delegation at any time. By delegating to us, your assets are virtually added to our stake. The blockchain network automatically transfers rewards to your blockchain address and we keep a small fee as a consideration for operating the infrastructure you use. We offer a transparent service and operate industry\-grade architecture in order to achieve our goal to always meet the protocolâs service levels (e.g. no double signing; going offline etc.) and to avoid slashing. Please visit the subpage of the respective protocol for more details. For general information about risks refer to our [terms]( which you accept by delegating tokens to our validator.
Further risks include: key/asset mismanagement by the enduser resulting in loss of funds; protocol errors; or attacks against the network.
#### Does Staking Facilities have access to my tokens?
keyboard\_arrow\_downOur validation services are non\-custodial. We therefore have no access to your tokens at any point in time. It is simply impossible from a technical perspective. You maintain full control over your tokens at all times.
[[## Filter through the noise, stay up to date!
Subscribe to our Newsletter for News \& Updates about our Portfolio Projects \& the Staking Ecosystem[Subscribe]( Networks[Stake Ethereum (ETH)](/networks/ethereum)[Stake Solana (SOL)](/networks/solana)[Stake Polkadot (DOT)](/networks/polkadot)[Stake Cosmos (ATOM)](/networks/cosmos)[Stake The Graph (GRT)](/networks/the-graph)[Stake Aptos (APT)](/networks/aptos)[Stake Sui (SUI)](/networks/sui)[Chainlink (LINK)](/networks/chainlink)[Celestia Network (TIA)](#)Learn More[Staking Academy]( (ICP)](/networks/dfinity)Company[How it works](/how-it-works)[Security](/security)[Sustainability](/sustainability)[Institutionals](/institutional-clients)[About Us](/about-us)[News \& Press](/company-news)[Careers](/careers)Follow Us[[ [oracles](/oracles) [liquid staking](/liquid-staking)
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### Stake one of 70\+ cryptocurrencies in under a minute and accrue tokens before the world goes Web3
### Stake one of 70\+ cryptocurrencies
Everstake lets you effortlessly stake on 70\+ most promising blockchains.
Forget about the risks of centralized staking—work with a responsible
provider and get steady rewards for ensuring the operation of the backbone
EOS 1\.74%](/staking/eos) [cspr Casper 14\.2%](/staking/casper) [mina
Sommelier 2\.66%](/staking/sommelier) [kaia (klay)
Neon \-\-](/staking/neon) [ETH
Obol Collective \-\-](/staking/obol%20collective) [pyth
EigenLayer \-\-](/staking/eigenlayer) [kava Kava 7\.28%](/staking/kava) [aleo
Stader 3\.38%](/staking/stader) [.
BSC coming soon](/staking/)[lit protocol
Lit Protocol coming soon](/staking/)[infura
Cube coming soon](/staking/) 51 BLOCKCHAINS [SEE ALL](/staking) ## Why people stake their crypto with
01 #### To accrue more value by entering what will become the backbone of
03 #### To hedge themselves and their portfolio against market fluctuations
02 #### To abandon financial discomfort and keep earning even in the bear
## Why people stake their crypto with
01 #### To accrue more value by entering what will become the backbone of
02 #### To abandon financial discomfort and keep earning even in the bear
03 #### To hedge themselves and their portfolio against market fluctuations
## Trust engineers with a proven
## track record and long\-term vision
Everstake was founded in 2018 by [Sergey Vasylchuk]( , an engineer with 15 years of experience involved in the blockchain industry since 2014\. Out of 125\+ people currently onboard, 75% are devs and engineers. [about us](/about) 128
[Sergey Vasylchuk CEO 1,980 followers ]( Opryshko COO 1,355 followers ]( Tielnova Head of Staking 6,358 followers ]( Petrenko R\&D Lead 1,110 followers ]( [Sergey Vasylchuk
1,980 followers ]( Opryshko
1,355 followers ]( Tielnova
6,358 followers ]( Petrenko
1,110 followers ]( ## Want to start partnership?
Everstake’s Business Development team is always in search
of new ways to be useful to our partners and exceed their expectations.
[Book a Call]( ## faq
### Why should I stake?
Staking allows you to have passive income and ensure that your funds are safe with you while accruing additional value as well as working for the betterment of the entire ecosystem.
When you stake crypto, you lock it up so that a node where it is stored can validate transactions on Proof\-of\-Stake blockchains. In return, you receive rewards in the form of tokens of the same kind that you staked. Essentially, by staking, you increase the number of tokens available to you, which makes staking a comparatively low\-risk strategy for getting passive income.
### How does staking work?
On PoS blockchains, transactions are validated by nodes that have a certain amount of native tokens (a stake). Since the amount is usually made deliberately high to ensure only technically\-capable node runners (validators) are present, users can delegate their funds to them in exchange for a share of the rewards that validators get for their work.
The actual funds stay with the delegator, however. Only the right to use said funds for the sake of validation goes to the validator. The user can withdraw their tokens.
### What is a staking validator?
A validator is usually an organization or a person who runs one or more nodes on a particular blockchain. Those nodes have a stake of funds that entitles them to validate transactions, hence the name. In exchange for their operation, they are rewarded with the blockchain’s native tokens. This process is philosophically similar to mining in PoW blockchains, yet it is vastly more energy\-efficient. Usually, PoS blockchains consume about 99% less power than comparable PoW chains.
### What is a staking delegator?
A delegator is the holder of tokens that stakes them with a validator to receive a share of validator rewards.
### What is better: a centralized or decentralized staking provider?
A centralized validator, most typically a centralized crypto exchange, actually requires a delegator to transfer funds to them and then stakes them on the delegator’s behalf. Thus, the user runs the risk of not being paid back if some trouble arises. When it comes to decentralized validators, no central entity controls the user’s funds except themselves, so there is no risk of someone running away with your money. This makes decentralized staking more secure and safer than the centralized option.
### Is staking crypto safe?
There are certain risks inherent in centralized staking, most importantly, the risk of not controlling your own private keys and, therefore, handing over control of your funds to an exchange. In this sense, decentralized staking is safer since you retain control over your private keys. That being said, decentralized staking is also not completely risk\-free as some validators may neglect their duties, which can result in penalties. That is why it is paramount to make sure your staking provider is a responsible one.
### How to choose a safe crypto staking provider?
To avoid risking your funds, it is reasonable to keep away from centralized staking providers. Among decentralized staking providers, those who ensure nearly 100% uptime and have geographically\-distributed nodes are safer since you won’t risk missing your rewards or having the network shut down by one jurisdiction.
Finally, research the community sentiment to learn which staking providers actual delegators trust.
### Why should I choose Everstake?
Everstake is a responsible validator trusted by 735K\+ users across 70\+ blockchain networks. Created by engineers for the entire community in 2018\.
### What is staking crypto?
Staking crypto refers to the process of participating in a Proof\-of\-Stake (PoS) blockchain network by holding and "staking" a cryptocurrency in a wallet to support network operations such as transaction validation, security, and governance.
In return for staking their assets, participants often earn staking rewards. Everstake, as a staking platform, supports this process by offering users a simple and secure way to stake their cryptocurrencies.
### How does staking work?
In staking, network participants lock up their cryptocurrency in a wallet to become validators in the network. Validators are then randomly chosen to create new blocks and verify transactions based on the amount they've staked and other network\-specific conditions.
Everstake acts as a trusted validator in multiple networks, ensuring that users who stake their crypto with Everstake can participate in these networks without needing to run their own validator node.
### How to report staking rewards in taxes?
In many jurisdictions, staking rewards are considered taxable income. The specifics of reporting can vary, so it's important to consult with a tax professional or use a service that specializes in cryptocurrency tax reporting.
Generally, you would report the fair market value of the rewards at the time you received them. Everstake provides users with detailed reports of their staking rewards for easier tax reporting.
### What is a staking pool?
A staking pool is a group of coin holders merging their resources to increase their chances of validating blocks and receiving rewards. They combine their staking power and share the rewards proportionally to the amount each person has contributed. Everstake's platform essentially functions as a large staking pool, allowing users to combine their staking power.
### How to calculate staking rewards?
The calculation of staking rewards can depend on several factors including the network's inflation rate, the amount of the cryptocurrency being staked, and the total amount of that cryptocurrency staked in the network. Everstake provides a staking calculator that users can use to estimate potential rewards based on their staked amount.
### How often does staking pay?
The frequency of staking payments can vary greatly and depends on the rules of the specific blockchain. Some networks distribute rewards after every block, while others may do so daily, weekly, or even monthly. Everstake's platform is designed to provide users with timely and consistent payouts.
### Is staking crypto worth it?
Whether staking is worth depends on several factors. These include the anticipated results, the stability and soundness of the chosen network, individual preferences for risk, and an understanding of the staking process and principles. With Everstake, users can maximize their potential results from staking, making it an attractive option for many crypto owners.
# Earn Crypto Rewards with Best Staking Platform
As we navigate the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrencies, an essential
concept has made a significant impact: crypto staking.
[staking platform Everstake]( staking and hosting nodes becomes an efficient, secure, and
non\-custodial process, marking the service as the top crypto staking
#### Table of Contents
1. [Understanding Crypto Staking](#understanding_crypto_staking)
1. [The Basics of Crypto Staking](#the_basics_of_crypto_staking)
2. [Importance of Staking and Hosting Nodes](#importance_of_staking_and_hosting_nodes)
2. [Benefits of Using Everstake Staking Services](#benefits_of_using_everstake_staking_services)
1. [Everstake as a Trusted Validator for Ethereum 2\.0](#everstake_as_a_trusted_validator_for_ethereum_2.0)
2. [Large User Base of Everstake](#large_user_base_of_everstake)
3. [Extensive Network Supported by Everstake: From Proof of Stake (POS) to Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)](#extensive_network_supported_by_everstake:_from_proof_of_stake_(pos)_to_delegated_proof_of_stake_(dpos))
4. [Everstake's Security and Automation: The Key to Safe Crypto Earnings](#everstake's_security_and_automation:_the_key_to_safe_crypto_earnings)
5. [Ensuring Control with Everstake's Non\-Custodial Crypto Staking Service](#ensuring_control_with_everstake's_non-custodial_crypto_staking_service)
3. [Everstake's Exceptional Uptime: A Critical Factor in Maximizing Staking Rewards](#everstake's_exceptional_uptime:_a_critical_factor_in_maximizing_staking_rewards)
1. [Understanding the Importance of Uptime in Crypto Staking](#understanding_the_importance_of_uptime_in_crypto_staking)
2. [Achieving 99\.9% Uptime: How Everstake Ensures Consistent Staking Rewards](#achieving_99.9%_uptime:_how_everstake_ensures_consistent_staking_rewards)
4. [How to Start Earning Passive Income with Everstake: A Step\-By\-Step Guide to Staking](#how_to_start_earning_passive_income_with_everstake:_a_step-by-step_guide_to_staking)
1. [A Detailed Guide to Crypto Staking with Everstake](#a_detailed_guide_to_crypto_staking_with_everstake)
2. [Benefits of Staking with Everstake](#benefits_of_staking_with_everstake)
1. [Recap of Everstake's Offerings](#recap_of_everstake's_offerings)
2. [Start Maximizing Your Crypto Earnings with Everstake Today](#start_maximizing_your_crypto_earnings_with_everstake_today)
6. [Frequently Asked Questions](#frequently_asked_questions)
1. [What is staking crypto?](#what_is_staking_crypto?)
2. [How does staking work?](#how_does_staking_work?)
3. [How to report staking rewards in taxes?](#how_to_report_staking_rewards_in_taxes?)
4. [What is a staking pool?](#what_is_a_staking_pool?)
5. [How to calculate staking rewards?](#how_to_calculate_staking_rewards?)
6. [How often does staking pay?](#how_often_does_staking_pay?)
7. [Is staking crypto worth it?](#is_staking_crypto_worth_it?)
## Understanding Crypto Staking
### The Basics of Crypto Staking
In the world of proof\-of\-stake (PoS) blockchains, crypto staking is
a practice where participants lock up their cryptocurrency to
support network operations, including transaction validation. As a
result, they earn rewards, typically more of the same
cryptocurrency, paving the way for passive income.
### Importance of Staking and Hosting Nodes
Staking and hosting nodes play pivotal roles in the functionality
and security of blockchain networks.
In the world of cryptocurrency, staking is a method of participating
in a proof\-of\-stake (PoS) blockchain network by locking up a certain
amount of the cryptocurrency in a network wallet. Through this
process, stakers can help validate transactions on the network and
earn staking rewards in return.
Staking plays an essential role in blockchain networks, as it
incentivizes participants to maintain the network's operation and
security. It enables decentralized networks to achieve consensus
without needing significant computational power, making them more
energy\-efficient than their proof\-of\-work (PoW) counterparts.
Hosting nodes, on the other hand, refers to the act of running a
computer with specific software that maintains a blockchain network.
Nodes validate and propagate transactions across the network,
contributing to its overall security and resilience against attacks.
Staking and hosting nodes are thus key activities in the world of
decentralized finance (DeFi), contributing to network participation
and helping users earn digital asset earnings. Whether you're
staking Ethereum on Ethereum 2\.0 or engaging in Binance staking on
the Binance Smart Chain, these processes form the backbone of many
## Benefits of Using Everstake
In the realm of cryptocurrency, finding an efficient and secure
staking platform is crucial. Everstake has emerged as one of the
preferred platforms, providing a myriad of benefits for individuals
interested in maximizing their crypto earnings.
### Everstake as a Trusted Validator for Ethereum 2\.0
Ethereum, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies, is transitioning from its original consensus mechanism, Proof of Work (PoW), to a more energy\-efficient one, Proof of Stake (PoS), with Ethereum 2\.0\. Everstake serves as a trusted validator in this new network, allowing users to [stake Ethereum]( with just a few clicks.
As a validator, Everstake facilitates transactions, maintains the network's security, and in return, its users enjoy staking rewards. This service provides users with a secure and potentially profitable way to participate in the anticipated Ethereum 2\.0 network.
### Large User Base of Everstake
Everstake boasts a robust user base, making it one of the largest staking platforms. This extensive community of users allows for a wealth of shared knowledge, experience, and assistance. Especially for beginners in crypto staking, having a supportive community can significantly enhance their staking journey.
### Extensive Network Supported by Everstake: From Proof of Stake (POS) to Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)
Everstake is not limited to Ethereum staking. It supports a broad range of blockchain networks and consensus mechanisms, from Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) to Proof of Stake, making it one of the most versatile staking platforms. Users can stake various cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to, [Atom]( [Solana]( and [Tezos]( and maximize their staking rewards. As well, users can see the full list of supported options on Everstake [staking page.](
### Everstake's Security and Automation: The Key to Safe Crypto Earnings
Security is a fundamental concern in the digital asset space, and Everstake places a high emphasis on it. The platform employs advanced security protocols to ensure the safety of users' assets.
Moreover, Everstake leverages automation, simplifying the staking process and making it more efficient. Users can automate their staking strategies, thus saving time and minimizing manual error.
### Ensuring Control with Everstake's Non\-Custodial Crypto Staking Service
Maintaining control over one's assets is another vital consideration for crypto holders. Everstake's non\-custodial staking service ensures users retain full control of their crypto, even when they're staking. While users benefit from the passive income from staking rewards, they also enjoy peace of mind, knowing their assets are not entirely in the hands of a third party.
In summary, Everstake offers a comprehensive suite of benefits for staking crypto, providing an excellent platform for users to maximize their crypto earnings while minimizing risks.
## Everstake's Exceptional Uptime: A Critical Factor in Maximizing
Maximizing staking rewards involves more than just choosing the right
cryptocurrency or platform, the uptime of the platform plays an
### Understanding the Importance of Uptime in Crypto Staking
Uptime, in the context of crypto staking, refers to the operational
state of the blockchain network or the staking platform. High uptime
ensures that a network or platform is consistently available and
### Achieving 99\.9% Uptime: How Everstake Ensures Consistent Staking Rewards
Everstake ensures consistent staking rewards through its high uptime,
which is achieved by employing various strategies and resources. Here is
Strategy/Resources Description Multiple Validator Nodes
Everstake has set up multiple validator nodes across various
blockchain networks to ensure a continuous presence and
participate actively in the network.
Everstake has backup systems in place for each node. This
redundancy protects against potential failures and ensures that
the nodes are always available to validate transactions.
The platform's infrastructure is designed to handle high volumes
and maintain the seamless operation of the network. It employs
state\-of\-the\-art hardware and software to minimize downtime.
Everstake continuously monitors its nodes and the networks it
operates on. This constant surveillance helps detect potential
issues early and take appropriate action.
Everstake's team of experienced professionals maintain the
network's high uptime. They oversee the operation, ensure regular
updates, and handle any issues that arise.
Through these strategies, Everstake achieves an impressive uptime of
99\.9%, ensuring consistent staking rewards for its users. It is the
platform's commitment to uptime that sets it apart as a leading staking
platform for digital asset earnings.
## How to Start Earning Passive Income with Everstake: A Step\-By\-Step Guide
Staking with Everstake is a straightforward process, designed to make
earning passive income from your cryptocurrency as easy as possible.
### A Detailed Guide to Crypto Staking with Everstake
1. **Visit the Everstake.one Platform:** Start your
staking journey by navigating to the Everstake.one website. You'll
find the 'Stake Now' option conveniently located in the upper corner
of our homepage. Just give that a click!
2. **Choose Your Staking Option:** Everstake is proud to support a broad selection of cryptocurrencies for staking, catering to diverse preferences.
Choose the optimal crypto staking options that align perfectly with your goals.
3. **Start Staking:**Check the staking calculator to simulate your results
Confirm your staking choice and the process will begin.
## Benefits of Staking with Everstake
Everstake offers an array of benefits for stakers:
* **Exceptional Uptime:** With a 99\.9% uptime, Everstake
ensures you don't miss out on staking rewards.
* **Diverse Options:** Everstake supports a wide range of
blockchain networks, giving you multiple staking options.
* **Security:** Advanced security protocols ensure your assets are safe.
* **Non\-Custodial Staking:** Maintain control over your
assets with Everstake's non\-custodial staking service.
* **Large User Base:** Being part of Everstake's large
community gives you access to a wealth of knowledge and assistance.
### Recap of Everstake's Offerings
Copy Everstake, as a trusted staking platform, offers numerous
advantages to its users. It serves as a reliable
for Ethereum 2\.0 and supports a wide range of blockchain networks,
facilitating the staking of diverse cryptocurrencies.
The non\-custodial nature of its services ensures users maintain
control over their assets, while the high uptime of 99\.9% maximizes
### Start Maximizing Your Crypto Earnings with Everstake Today
If you're looking to tap into the potential of cryptocurrency
staking, Everstake provides an optimal platform. With its
comprehensive suite of offerings and commitment to user security and
satisfaction, Everstake presents a compelling choice for both novice
and seasoned crypto enthusiasts.
Start staking with Everstake today and take a step towards
maximizing your crypto earnings.
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### What is a crypto wallet?
### How do crypto wallets work?
### What are the different types of crypto wallets?
### Why do I need a hardware wallet?
### How to get a crypto wallet?
Thinking about buying crypto or NFTs? You’ll need a [crypto wallet](
When you create a wallet, two keys are generated: a private and a public key. The wallet stores your keys and allows you to sign transactions, generate new addresses, initiate transfers, track portfolio balances, manage your crypto, and interact with dApps.
Crypto wallets come in many forms, from hardware wallets like Ledger to mobile apps that you can download on your phone or tablet.
* ### What is a crypto wallet?
Thinking about buying crypto or NFTs? You’ll need a [crypto wallet](
When you create a wallet, two keys are generated: a private and a public key. The wallet stores your keys and allows you to sign transactions, generate new addresses, initiate transfers, track portfolio balances, manage your crypto, and interact with dApps.
Crypto wallets come in many forms, from hardware wallets like Ledger to mobile apps that you can download on your phone or tablet.
* ### How do crypto wallets work?
When you buy crypto like Bitcoin and Ethereum, you’re issued with two keys: [the public and private keys.](
The public key can be compared to a bank account number that you can share with third parties to receive crypto without worrying that your assets will be compromised.
The private key signs transactions and allows you to send and receive crypto. It's crucial to keep your private keys secure and secret. If anyone has access to them, they will also have access to any crypto assets associated with those keys.
A crypto wallet stores your private keys and gives you access to your assets.
* ### What are the different types of crypto wallets?
There are different types of crypto wallets, each with its own benefits and drawbacks.
[Hot wallets]( are connected to the internet and usually convenient to use, however, they are also vulnerable to online attacks. Examples include web\-based, mobile, and desktop wallets. With [cold wallets]( your private keys are stored offline and out of reach of online threats. Examples include paper and hardware wallets.
Wallets can also be categorized as custodial or non\-custodial, depending on who holds the private keys. Storing your crypto in a custodial wallet means that a third party controls your private keys and, therefore, your assets. In contrast, a non\-custodial wallet allows you to fully own and control your crypto.
* ### Why do I need a hardware wallet?
Hot wallets store private keys on systems connected to the internet, which makes them susceptible to online attacks. Keeping your crypto on an exchange means you have no true ownership or control over it. If the exchange files for bankruptcy or pauses withdrawals, you lose access to your funds.
Hardware wallets store your private keys offline, giving you full control and enhanced security. Even if you misplace or lose your hardware wallet, you can get a new one and use your Secret Recovery Phrase to access your assets.
* ### How to get a crypto wallet?
Ready to get started? Here are the steps for getting your crypto wallet:
1\. Get a [Ledger hardware wallet]( It stores your private keys in a secure, offline environment giving you peace of mind and complete control over your assets. All Ledger wallets are powered by an industry\-leading Secure Element chip, together with Ledger's proprietary OS that protects your crypto \& NFTs from sophisticated hacks.
2\. Pair your Ledger wallet with the [Ledger Live app]( to easily send, receive and grow crypto, keep track of your portfolio, and securely access a range of dApps and Web3 services. All in one place.
3\. Add crypto to your Ledger wallet. Ledger has partnered with leading third\-party providers so that you can securely buy, swap, and grow your crypto through the Ledger Live app. Your crypto will be sent to the safety of your Ledger hardware wallet.
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###### As a reminder, this promotion can not be combined with the Refer a Friend Reward of the Invitee (please consult the [Sales T\&Cs]( and the [Referral Program Terms and Conditions]( for more information).
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Ledger Enterprise Secure Staking provides peace of mind to your team, customers and investors.
Secure and Effortless Token Management for all
Generate new digital value with our nft management and token issuance services.
[Introducing Ledger Enterprise – Video Series](
As crypto adoption continues, how do we bring the same level of security of the Ledger Nanos to institutions?
Ledger Donjon our
world class security experts blog.
Ledger Stax™ is our new, breakthrough device.
* [Who We Serve](#)
+ ## Who We Serve
Offering Exchanges the flexibility they need to seize new opportunities or adapt swiftly to shifting environments.
As a custodian, you’re in the business of trust. Providing industry leading security and operating with full compliance gives you an edge.
Experience Web3 innovation without the hassle. Secure, easy to use, trusted.
FAQ, technical issues, support documentation and more.
Learn about the latest features and enhancements.
5000\+ coins and tokens.
[Build a Ledger App](
[Create an NFT Drop](
NFTs embody a new type of digital ownership, enabling communities to be formed around shared values, ideas and outcomes.
[How Crypto Gets Stolen – And How To Avoid It](
There are some threats even a hardware wallet can’t protect you from \-understanding threat vectors is key to protecting your assets.
[Call for Global Standards](
Guiding principles to ensure
proper security and governance for Web3 companies to protect
their customers at scale.
Automate and streamline your reporting process with Ledger Enterprise API.
Provides you with all the content you need to safely navigate the space on your own terms.
* [Full API Reference](
* [Build a Ledger App](
* [Create an NFT Drop](
* [How Crypto Gets Stolen – And How To Avoid It](
+ ## About Us
We believe in a world where users, creators and enterprises manage Web3 value with full ownership, security and freedom. We plan to play a fundamental role in this new digital era.
Ledger Enterprise allows companies from all backgrounds to secure and manage their digital assets. Let’s build a custom plan around your business.
We partner with industry leading experts to enable any organization on the planet to embrace Web3 Securely.
- [Partner With Ledger](/partner/#partner-form)
Ledger Enterprise is the platform to build, scale and secure your Web3 strategy. From crypto\-curious to crypto\-native, everything you need to run a digital\-asset business.
**Welcome to an elevated self\-custody experience.**
### Your Business,Your Tools
**Build custom\-fit web3 solutions to meet your business needs with our powerful suite of simple, secure APIs.**
Replace manual operations. Automate transactions. Real\-time reporting. And all the integrations you need.
With no compromise on Security.
Grow your business with confidence and speed, without compromise. Maintain complete control of your digital assets.
Treasury management, DeFi, NFT, Staking and access to over 500 dApps. All in one.
Secure your digital assets with governance, treasury management and self\-custody at scale. [**Learn more**](
Next Generation Crypto Trading Technology for Institutions: Faster, Cheaper, Safer. **[Learn more.](
**Smart Staking for Businesses**
Leverage Staking to manage your assets and generate yield. **[Lea]( more.](
Generate new digital value with NFT management and token issuance services. **[Learn mor](
Automate your operations and interact with web3 at scale with Ledger Enterprise API. **[Learn more.](
For top global brands, Ledger Enterprise provides tools, tech and education needed to enter Web3 with confidence and keep consumers safe.
Powering top exchanges to increase revenue, build new offers and keep consumers safe. Trade and stake at scale with world\-class self\-custody.
Secure your digital assets with governance, treasury management and self\-custody at scale.
### Billions in transactions, zero mismanaged.
### Web3 Leaders choose Ledger Enterprise.
“We found the Ledger Vault platform to be the most comprehensive and secure in the industry. We were especially impressed by their governance rule engine that ensures safe, secure and flexible processes. The Ledger Vault platform alleviates the stress of managing digital assets which allows our executive team to focus more on building our company.” **Tanim Rasul, COO at NDAX**
“When Damex.io began its journey in 2017 with only three people but a big vision, our very first custody solution was a Ledger Blue. It delivered the military\-grade security that we promised our clients. Five years later, with 65 people and an even bigger vision, we are delighted to now be working with Ledger Enterprise. Ledger continues to deliver what our clients need and has been instrumental in the Damex.io success story. **Samuel Rondot, Managing Director at Damex.io**
“OneOf is excited to be partnered with Ledger Enterprise to secure and manage our cryptocurrency holdings. Ledger Enterprise is the gold standard when it comes to safeguarding digital assets using industry\-leading hardware and software, and employing the latest in cryptographic protocols. Their advanced key management system and multi\-signature authentication gives us the enterprise\-grade tools we need to manage our assets.” **Lin Dai, Co\-Founder \& CEO at OneOf**
“We are thrilled to work with Ledger and their institutional\-grade digital asset custody solution. Ledger Vault allows us to operate our business at scale while maintaining the highest standards of security to protect our client funds.” **Eric Anziani, COO at Crypto.com**
“Ledger is a household name in the space, and it has been a great journey working with Ledger Vault team from the very early days, and to see the evolution of the platform. Ledger is a brand that our clients, and we can trust. It allows us to focus on growing our core business, knowing that our client’s assets are held in the safest way possible.” **Vincent Chok, CEO at Legacy Trust**
“The nature of our business is the easy exchange of value between assets. Fluidity is our lifeblood. The trick is to provide this utility while maintaining the security of a traditional financial institution. Enter Ledger Vault, a solution which creates a chain of trust within a protected enclave, locked by a key to which Ledger has no access. \[September 2020]” **Paul Lee, CISO at Uphold**
“At Tetra, we hold the highest standards for security, and we’ve found a great partner in Ledger. Ledger’s commitment to strong governance and exceptional customer support allows us to operate more efficiently. Additionally, Ledger’s evolving DeFi capabilities ensure we can continue to explore new opportunities with our clients.” ****Didier Lavallée,****
****CEO at Tetra Trust****
### 5000\+ Coins and Tokens
With Ledger Enterprise, you can secure 15 blockchains and any ERC\-20 token, representing more than 90% of the global market capitalization of digital assets.
Ledger is the \#1 brand in Web3 security for consumers and companies.
### In the News
##### [Why Luxury Brands Like Farfetch Are Partnering With Ledger](
##### [Binance\-FTX deal is a ‘big warning for everyone,’ Ledger CEO says](
##### [EXMO Exchange Taps Ledger Vault to Help Secure User Assets After 2020 Hack](
##### [French Crypto Wallet Ledger Is Solving Bitcoin’s Biggest Flaw For Financial Giants](
##### [Ledger Doubles Down on Institutional Crypto With New Business Unit and Hiring Push](
##### [NFTs, rewards, buy now/pay later: Front lines of payments in 2022](
### Your Partner in Web3
Our world\-class, global team can support you every step of the way. Reach out today to unlock Web3 alongside the most trusted brand in self\-custody.
Is Ledger Enterprise a custodian?
Ledger Enterprise is not a custodian. We provide innovative technology solutions that empower companies to self\-custody their digital assets or the digital assets of their customers. With our solution, you are in full control of your private keys assets.
Who uses Ledger Enterprise products and solutions?
Ledger Enterprise provides solutions for companies that want to self\-custody and secure their digital assets. Whether you want to add crypto to your balance sheet or explore the opportunities of Web3, DeFi and NFT, we are there to support you.
What is the link between crypto and private keys?
Owning crypto\-assets means managing your private keys. If you’re not owning your private keys, you don’t really own your crypto. With Ledger Enterprise, you’re always in complete control of your private keys, meaning that you can recover your funds \& assets at any moment if needed, independently of any third party, including us.
What is the difference between Ledger Enterprise and Ledger Nano?
Ledger Enterprise is the Business to Business (B2B) unit of Ledger and provides solutions tailored for enterprise needs. Unlike the Ledger Nano X or Ledger Nano S Plus which are ideal for individual retail investors, Ledger Enterprise is specifically designed for businesses requiring governance rules, compliance\-oriented reporting, and advanced automation. The Ledger Enterprise platform offers a B2B SaaS self\-custody experience, enabling institutions to efficiently manage and safeguard their digital asset operations at scale.
Is Ledger Enterprise a Hardware or Software wallet?
Ledger Enterprise is a solution combining Hardware, Software and Firmware. This unique architecture allows us to provide the only end\-to\-end security Software\-as\-a\-Service solution on the market.
Is Ledger Enterprise certified?
Ledger Enterprise is certified SOC 2 Type 2 and we are currently involved in the process of obtaining ISO 27001, ISO 22301 and the CSPN V4 security visa. Our technology is used by many regulated industry leaders all over the world.
Ledger Enterprise provides the most secure and cost\-effective cloud\-based solutions, and posesses a unique expertise in the security and digital asset industry.
Copyright © Ledger SAS. All rights reserved. Ledger, Ledger Nano S, Ledger Vault, Bolos are registered trademarks of Ledger SAS
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