Aithin felt the arousal sear a path from his groin directly up to his navel as the half elf gripped him around the waist to pull him back against his own body. "You're warm M'lord- the youth began shakily, then jumping as he felt Aiden's fingers snake down beneath his own that were submersed in water. He gasped and automatically pulled forward, stunned by the action, but soon remained calmer as the handsome being held him still against his chest and hushed him gently, whispering kind words against his pointed ear. "A-Oh....I-I..." However, Aithin was at a loss for words. He tensed and let his head fall back into the crook of Aiden's shoulder as those long fingers continued their wonderful dance. 'I...cannot believe is more spectacular than anything I have ever experianced..please forgive me, Ada..' The youth placed his own hand over the traveler's, making sure that it did not stray away from him and, quite unintentionally, began to move his hips back and forth beneath the talented ministrations in a very untalented, virginal way. All he new is that whatever this was he never wanted it to stop. "Mmm...M-My...L-Lord..." he whispered, his breath hitching with a small, sparratic buck of his hips. He let his neck go limp, nuzzling the bridge of his nose into the hollow just below Aiden's chiseled jaw bone. The youth was beginning to pant gently, silken hairs sticking to his forehead, his tender cherry lips parted and emitting sudden groans and whimpers. He had never felt so strange, embarassed, and wonderful in his life. "I..I don't...t-think I can go on M'Lord...something's happening!" the young Prince gasped, fighting through the overbearing pleasure. He felt something strange below the half elf's hand..a welling sensation..a building sensation... It was starting to feel way...too...good. 'Oh please...let this last forever...' But Aithin was young, and so was his body, and just as soon as it had begun, it had ended. The Prince nuzzled his face into the crook of Aiden's collarbone, letting out a loud, muffled cry of disbelief and wiggling frantically in his arms. His heels dug into the sand beneath them, his toes curled, his stomach clenched, and his knees grew weak and began to shake under his weight. He squeezed his eyes shut and released a high pitched moan, arching his slim back and squeezing his eyes shut. He was so frightened, and so glorified. It was as if he had seen the Elven Gods themselves... "Aiden!" he whimpered, eyes gazing up lazily into the heavens.
The elder enjoyed the feeling of this Aithin, this lovely youth, pressed up against his form. It was as though they had known each other for so much longer than just a few (though significant) moments in time. This simple gesture alone made him feel such strength and empowerment, though not in the way one might typically think. He felt as though this male and him had shared a unique and unbreakable bond, as though he was Aithin's guardian and companion. It was not about mere arousal, but something far more than skin deep. He uttered calming, soothing words to the other, letting his warmth envelope him as their endeavor continued on. Aiden kissed the tip of the youth's beautifully crafted and pointed ear, caressing him effectively through the cloth keeping him covered, shifting their bodies closer together so the other would find release from the pain that he sought. As his fingers would travel along Aithin's aching form, Aiden's head would comfortingly nuzzle against the writhing youth. Such gentle pleas and cries, his purity practically dripping past his lips. It was all quite an enticing situation, though one Aiden would probably have to keep very much to himself. "Aithin," he whispered, kissing his ear yet again, even when the prince began to shift his hips forward, and he began to succumb to one of pain's greatest pleasures. He held onto him strongly, unwavering, not letting the youth fall due to weakness into the cooling water. He was so fragile, but there was not a thing in the world wrong with that right now. Like a father cradling his child, attempting to rid him of his falling tears, Aiden waited until Aithin's arousal began to show signs of fading away before he would turn the other around within his arms. "It's alright," he assured, shushing his gentle whimpers and pleasure-filled protests; Aithin's tantalizing moan still caressing his senses as he held him still within the water. He would pet those lovely blond locks, and kiss his forehead with care, allowing Aithin to feel his warmth, and the beating of his heart.
As the Prince's body began to relax, he felt an almost magical sleepiness take over his limbs. He was peace relaxed. The aching down below had seized, and he felt new and refreshed as ever. He let himself be turned around and embraced limply by Aiden, comforted by his arms. He wrapped his own arms around the traveler's neck, nuzzling his cheek into his collarbone once more and lifting his legs up to wrap them around Aiden's waist gently. The elf was as light as he looked. He listened closely to the beating heart that thumped beneath his ear, noticing that it too had quickened slightly. The youth panted calmly, his now warmer chest rising and falling against the other, and his breath hot and sensual against Aiden's neck. "T-Thank you... M'Lord...Aiden.." the Prince corrected himself, snuggling closer and enjoying basking in his post ecstacy. He wiggled his toes and was about to ask the man up to Rivendell, but instead was overcome with a question. "Aiden...something happened just now...something I could not control.." he whispered, red cheeked, as if someone might hear. "I'm afraid I might have..c-contaminated the pool. Is that..." stuttered Aithin, reffering back to the half elf's past words, "...n-natural..?"
It had been a good while since Aiden had felt the same sort of sensual embrace that Aithin had just endured so perfectly. Here they were, in the middle of a deep wood, alone enough to where only the trees and the soothing water could keep their secrets safe from those who may wish to harm such a precious thing. His arms adjusted themselves around Aithin, strong hands becoming comfortable beneath the affectionate prince as he held him out of the water. Aiden closed his own eyes and basked silently in the moment. He allowed the breeze to gently cool off their warm, blanketed skin. He nuzzled his head up against the youth's, and became quiet in order to memorize the entire picture without interruption; the young blond in his arms, the sensations he had just felt, the feelings that Aiden himself yearned to feel again some day. It was all quite calming, and the half-elf doubted that either of them truly wanted it to end. Aithin's warming breaths against his neck brought him back to reality, especially when he began to speak again not long afterwards. The elder shook his head, laughing gently at the prince's question. "Indeed. After all, what just happened was a part of how you were created some time ago. Come, now. The sun is beginning to sink in the sky, and I've no doubt that you have to return home soon." He began to walk slowly through the water, still holding Aithin, bringing them both back to the shore with ease. Without saying so, Aiden knew that he too would probably have to go as well.
Oh....I see.." the youth replied quietly, pondering the answer he had been given, then deciding to give it up. Aithin relished the feeling of the sun caressing his back and those comforting arms wrapped around him as he was carried to shore. As soon as they reached the grassy water's edge, the Prince jumped down. "Leave your things things here, I will send a guard down to pick them up for you when we return!" Aithin spoke happily, hesitating a moment before leaning forward and kissing the man quickly and rather sloppily on the mouth. 'I hope I did that right...' He grabbed his hand, that oh so glorious hand, and began to run with him up the narrow road that lead to the back entrance of Rivendell. The Prince ran with all of the grace and endearing style of a long legged young doe, tripping slightly here and there while laughing musically at the whole situation. Aithin had a serious case of the giggles. "Come, father will be delighted to see you!" The two finally came to a halt at the entrance to the furthest courtyard, where his father Elendil was speaking softly to a woodland guard, also blonde. "Ah, my son! I was just enlightening this guard on where he might find you, I needed you home now, for a very special guest has just arrived- and who might this be?" Lord Elendil spoke, his hair dark and straight. He bore a silver headdress and a pair of very severe eyes. "Another guest for our halls?" "Yes Ada. Elon, please go fetch his things from the poolside and bring them for safe keeping." The guard nodded and set off. Lord Elendil gazed harshly, yet not unfriendly like, into the eyes of the stranger. Yet, it did not once cross his mind how strange it was for them to be brand new friends, and quite damp in not much clothing. "I see my son has shown you the beauty of our refreshing waters?"
Well, Aiden believed that was an appropriate way to explain the answer to his question. Sure, there were a million other ways he could have responded to the prince's musing, but Aiden was quite sure his reply would suffice until he was prepared to learn and understand further. He wasn't quite sure how the 'birds and the bees' talk went when you were of pure elven blood, but he could swear on his life that Aithin had never heard it in his life. Or perhaps even seen some of the finer examples among his own people. Less startled by the strangely preformed kiss and more by the fact that Aithin wished him to run off to meet his father, Aiden attempted to protest. Being among a prince and his elders was almost a mortifying thought to the half-elf, especially once they realized he was far from their kin. It was even worse that Aiden hadn't even had the chance to re-dress before he was being torn through the forest more effortlessly than what should have been possible. The elder urged Aithin's name; attempted to break him free of his stride, but he seemed deaf to even the strongest of voices. Before he would even have time to improvise and make a break for it, they were back into his town, within the vast courtyard where the youth's father stood only a short distance from the hesitant and moist Aiden. His head lowered, veiling the sides of his face in dark, lengthy black locks as he would show respect for the obviously venerable male before him. Whether Aiden appreciated it or not, he was now stuck in a position where he had to pay his dues and walk on pins and needles in fear for his own livelihood. Especially, with the lord's son so very nearby, poorly attempting to hide his infatuation with the stranger at his hand. "I am Aiden, fair Lord," he began. There was no fancy name or flashy title, for he served none but himself and the nature that surrounded him. "Indeed. The young prince is quite the tour guide of such beautiful surroundings. His generosity unerringly mirrors the manor of such a fine upbringing." Flattery, he hoped, would help to lessen that harsh gaze just a bit.
"Your words are kind...yes, I would expect nothing less from my son, he is a gentle creature..far more beautiful than any maiden found in the land of Men...and bravest of Princes." Lord Elendil sighed, looking upon his heir not with boastfullness, but an entranced paternal love. Aithin was indeed his pride and joy. "Well now, Aiden of roads long traveled," The Elven Lord spoke, his dark eys piercing the other's once more as he noticed his ranger like qualities. "Allow my son to refresh your clothing and show you to the halls of my people, where we will continue the celebration of the return of Prince Haldir, Aithin's eldest sibling. It will be fitting for you to stay as well, for we always have room, and it would be my pleasure to see you rested in Rivendell." The elf turned away with a short bow, hands clasped together at his middle, and glided away through the grass without waiting for a reply. When you stayed in Rivendell, you stayed the night, ate and drink till you were content; Elendil insisted this, and while he was being friendly, there was a silent hint of, "You WILL accept my invitation into my home. The dark haired elf had a very sensitive grasp on people's personalities, and he was not easily fooled. So far, he very much liked Aiden; he was warm, kind, and charming. "Come M'Lord Aiden, let me show you where we keep the spare tunics." The Prince smiled after waving goodbye to his father. "I think you will find them very, very comfortable." He hugged Aiden's bare arm and rested his chin upon his shoulder, his long lashed eyes wide with joy. Sounds of choral singing and flute music sounded quietly from the East Hall of Rivendell...
Aiden could agree with the words that this lord said, even though he had only known his son for a short period of time. He was gentle and beautiful, indeed, though the half-elf was not so certain about his bravery as of yet. The type of courage that Elendil spoke of could come in various forms. Of course, if bringing a complete and soaking wet stranger home to his father's kingdom wasn't worth some sort of merit, than Aiden wasn't quite sure what else would be. Aiden responded to Elendil's stern gaze by becoming erect in his place once more and returning it like the man that he was; strong, honest, and faithful unlike no other of his kind. The onyx-haired male did note that Elendil referred to those within his kingdom as 'my' people, and Aiden had no doubt that he meant the elves of his blood and clan. A half-blood would never be truly accepted amongst such walls, and Aiden knew this well. However, were Elendil to deny any creature of any creed lodging within his halls? Some would consider that an unwise, unfair, and possibly even unjust move by a king that was supposedly the direct opposite, and an elven one at that. He thanked the lord, though, despite whatever sort of hidden agenda that may have been behind his actions. Aiden would take the king at face value, since he did not truly know how long or short his stay in this new city would be for him, or whether the young prince's infatuation would ever wear off when it came to the elder half-elf. Following the son, which was still clinging comfortably to his arm, Aiden remained silent for now, inwardly curious and wondering what he was to make of this entirely unique predicament.
"It's just past my brother's quarters.." Aiden spoke, tugging the guest past small trickling waterfalls, winding trees of brown and white bark, and elegantly carved statues of the mystical Elven figures. Grass, elegantly scattered leaves, and packed, soft dirt covered most of the way. Rivendell was aglow with golden, autumn like colors. Soon enough, they entered a small room with a few candle holders, chairs, and very large wardrobe carved intricately in a silvery brown wood. The room was of course, complete with glassless windows, some curtained, some not, like every other room or hall in Rivendell. The breeze and the leaves could flow freely in at any time. "Here." the boy began, opening the wardrobe by the coppery handles and searching for a moment "This one will probably do.." The Prince withdrew a long sleeved tunic and leggings made of a fine, thin cloth, along with Aiden's own pair of boots, which had been wiped down of all dust and dirt. He then drew close to Aiden and slipped the tunic onto his arms and over his slender, muscular shoulders, fingers brushing gently over his collarbone. The boy's eye lingered on his chest, almost as if he were in a trance. "It seems nicely." The youth pulled the shirt forward and hooked it closed all the way down to Aiden's stomach, his eyes then lingering on the slightly damp pants that he wore. For the first time in his life, he wondered what this being would look like without them. "Here!" Aithin said suddenly, smiling nervously and handing him the leggings. He then turned his back to Aiden and began to pull on his own tunic, swallowing the frog in his throat and combing his fingers through his long hair
Aiden remained silent, allowing his eyes to do the talking for him as he marvled at the various sights around him. This place was beautiful, he would have to admit that. The very essence of nature seemed to be present within every place and sight they had passed. The spirits practically danced across the waters, and sung among the leaves of the unique and vibrant trees. Everything was so intricate, without being gaudy or unnecessarily overdone. The city was relatively open and free, allowing both people in passing and the environment to travel through the halls unhindered at practically any time one could imagine. The half-elf was surprised to see the young prince finding such fine clothing for him, but he did not refuse his gestures. He only breathed in baited, curious breaths when Aithin touched him with such careful hands, and attempted to keep his mind away from longing to feel more. His fingertips against his sun-kissed flesh made his gaze lower, and caused his lips to part gently. The soft sensations were welcome, but soon they would come to an end. "Quite nicely. Perhaps, perfectly," Aiden finally found to say before he was handed a pair of just as nicely made leggings. As the boy walked away and turned himself about, beginning to dress himself, the elder male turned off to the side and allowed his eyes to wander elsewhere before he would begin removing his moist clothing. He shifted out of the clothe easily, revealing strong, smoothed out legs, and of course the most delicate parts of his body that made up his lower half. He rubbed tiredly at his eyes while he eased the clean leggings on, and then sat himself down in order to begin lacing up his own boots once more.
When the Prince had finally slipped into his tunic, free of both leggings and shoes (his father had accepted his light, nymph like style by now) he had to discipline his mind in a most unruly manner in order to keep his eyes away from Aiden's undressing form. However, at one point, he just managed to catch a glimpse of the unsheathing of the half elf's gloriously toned leg, and quickly turned his back on him completely. He waited for a moment, listening to the rustling of cloth and lace, then turned, finally, to meet his image. He was very pleased with what he saw. "Oh M'Lord...I-I must say, it does suit you very well indeed." the youth smiled, slender, bare legs trembling ever so slightly. He swallowed and stepped forward, placing both hands upon Aiden's shoulders in a kind of elvish handshake/greeting type advance. Aithin sucked in a breath, "Welcome to my homeland, Aiden of the Wood. I'm sure that you will find great comforts here.." His voice trailed off slowly as he spoke, and he found himself getting utterly lost, once again, in those piercing green eyes. No footsteps echoed around the outside of the storeroom as Aithin grew closer, eyes now fixed a little beneath those glowing orbs. "Let us..make our way to..the..the dining halls to..attend the c-celebration M'Lord.." The youth blinked lazily, seeming to fall forward slowly, like he were swimming through a dream, and came crashing down upon the half elf's lips with an unexpected force. He fisted both hands in the front of his newly adorned tunic with a gentle caress and drew his lips back a barely detectable length, then kissed the man again, this time with his mouth open rather wide. His tongue hung back in it's place timidly; he was afraid of pushing it.. All he knew is that he wanted his mouth on Aiden's.
Terribly conflicted, though attempting not to show it in the least, Aiden finished replacing his boots before running sturdy fingers through his lengthy (and finally drying) hair. Here he was, completely unsupervised, re-dressing with one of the most stunningly beautiful creatures he had ever seen in all his life. And a prince, besides! To rest amongst his elaborate halls was an honor enough, but to have him next to Aiden upon his awakening to a welcome morning sun? It would not only be a privilege to the elder half-elf, but it would be something that he could find himself treasuring forever. Aithin's stuttering was adoring to him. He was curious about him, and especially his body, but yet he was oh so shy and precious like a porcelain doll. Oh, how he longed to become the essence that flowed within his veins, that drove his very being, and inspired his articulate movements. Great comforts indeed, Aiden thought to himself, emerald becoming lost in a sea of pure sapphire again as Aithin greeted him with an added flare and formality. His touch warmed his skin like a soothing fire, his lips soft like satin, and the finest of golden threads upon his head reminding him of the rarest of silks. It seemed that the thoughts of a crowded celebration had disappeared from both their minds as Aithin came crashing down onto his lips like a glorious falling star; presenting him soon after with an opportunity to get a deeper taste of such a sweet, tantalizing prince. Hearing no footsteps, unaware that any were even nearby the location of the two, Aiden succumbed to this heavenly sinful corruption without restrain. His arms snaked around the youth's slender back, embracing close, while his deep hues disappeared beneath a veil of dark lashes. Parted lips would invite Aiden's tongue to slip out and gently caress Aithin's gentle month, before moving in deeper. A groan of contentment left the elder when he managed to brush the elf's tongue, indicating that he too was finding subtle enjoyment their moment of togetherness.
The arms that swirled around the Prince's body to pull him closer were most welcome in his mind. All he could think about was how wonderful it felt to make contact with this man; his warmth, his beating heart. He was soft, yet strong. Smooth as silk was his skin, yet hard as wood were the toned muscles that lay, calm underneath. Something inside Aithin had urged him to do this; a soundless voice that mainly spoke from places often ignored. He found himself slowly sucking the life out of the man, kissing and tasting and whimpering into his hot, yet refreshing mouth. His hips were gradually pressing harder and harder into the one's before him, a feeling growing in stomach that was frighteningly like the one before. It was so, very good... "!" the youth gasped through their lips, breaking the kiss and wiping the wetness from his mouth to his sleeve in a very boyish way. "We musn't...we must go to the hall, like my Ada wishes of us.." Aithin caught his breath and reached down quickly, adjusted his cloth tunic in a flash (to make sure no evidence was evident), blushed gently, and nodded for Aiden to follow him from the room. Apparently that "reaction" was going to start coming easier and easier...what a pain indeed.
Aithin was his polar opposite in many senses. His flesh was cool to his warm, his hair shining of pure sun rays, while Aiden's reflected the darkness of the night sky. Aiden was less seemingly innocent, while the young prince was pristine in more ways than he perhaps should have been at his ripe and ready for picking age. Like the forbidden, succulent fruit that rested untouched upon the blessed tree; Aithin was playing the part of a far too alluring tease. Aiden wished to be the first and only one to take a bite of such fragile flesh. However, such innocence was also beginning to drive Aiden's entire being mad. That exuberant voice sounded yet again within his ears as their kiss would break away as effortlessly as it was started. He had left Aithin breathless, and yet the youth still insisted on pulling away from him; leaving him out in the cold when it came to his own needs and feelings. For now, Aiden would remain patient and pleased by Aithin's presence alone, but this was not a game he wished to play forever. Much was on the line for the both of them, and Aiden was not a man to lose without a fight. The half-elf nodded his head in understanding, uttering 'yes, my prince' before following him less than eagerly from the room. He too was good at hiding the evidence of his feelings. Therefore, he put in a placid air, and trailed his untouchable virgin through the halls of his people.
Aithin seemed to return to his normal, naive self once they had entered the Great Elven Halls. He introduced Aiden to everyone he knew, and didn't know, and they responded with glorious warmth and affection, patting his shoulders and taking his hands in their's. "Welcome friend...welcome." the Rivendell elves spoke, offering them both food and drink, and the gayest of entertainment ( After the party, when the lights were dimmed and the clouds overhead had disappeared, Aithin found his way back to his friend, who had been swept off by a small group of eager young maidens, and took his arm posessively. "Aithin, has he ever bonded before?" one of them whispered in his ear. He replied with a sharp, "No!", and tugged Aiden away in disbelief. "Bonding" was the ultimate level of relationships between elves, and something that often took place after marriage. Aithin knew of it simply as, "the way in which elflings appear on the earth". "Now M'Lord, now that we have escaped your.." the youth grumbled. "curious onlookers, shall we retire you to your bed?" He lead his friend from the halls and along a winding, leaf covered path, all the way up to a large cluster of small, open huts. Some were on the ground, and some were in the lighted trees. Aithin decided to put the newcomer in a branch dwelling one. "Here M'Lord..a perfect place to turn in from a long journey." the Prince smiled as they entered, "The bath houses are just down the trail to the left if you like, by the little statues." Aithin placed a gentle hand on Aiden's shoulder. "I hope you enjoyed tonight my friend. Tomorrow should be a peaceful and well rested day."
Aiden was beginning to believe that Aithin was much like the main character of some estranged book, where a man was not only 'himself' but another on an entirely (and perhaps more interestingly) persona when a different sort of light was shed upon him. Such thoughts ebbed from the half-elf's mind when he was greeted by so many like-minded, beautifully designed creatures. Surely, they could not all think that he was a pure blooded being like them. His eyes reflected his more elegant elven heritage, but the color of his skin and the deepness of his hair gave away that he was also human. Yet, he was called friend. Together, they partook in drink sweeter than wine, that left the taste of sun-touched nectar upon Aiden's lips. As Aithin would sing so sweetly, with a truly blessed voice, his companion would become engrossed in a crowd full of interested onlookers, and perhaps more so. The women were flattering. Really they were, but Aiden always had a way of giving a female the subtle charms she wished in passing, without ever letting on that he didn't quite fall in that direction. Being within the arms of a flower did little to stir his senses. Not truly. Without warning, Aiden found himself practically jerked away from the crowd of more than curious elven-folk of the female persuasion; his presence brought back to Aithin with nothing more than a silent glance and a quiet nod. Such visions of living art seemed to pass quickly by his line of sight as the prince showed Aiden where he would be resting. His touches had begun to feel numb upon his body, his words resounding slowly within his mind. The half-elf appreciated the youth's kindness, but as soon as his worn eyes glimpsed the gentle bed resting within the dim room, he couldn't help but have a sit. However, this gesture turned into a half-lay soon after, and what might have started out as a sort of 'testing the bed' notion, ended in the strong Aiden drifting into a slightly uncomfortable sleep against the soft piece of furniture. Oh, how undisturbed he looked resting beneath a veil of onyx, still fully clothed, and so very tired from the day's events.
"Out! OUT! GODDAMNIT GET OUT!" The machines moved at the sound of their master's voice, unkindly ejecting the petitioners. Unkindly enough to break a bone or two, by the sounds of the caterwauling as the doors shut behind them. Albert Wily sat back in his desk and looked around. His office was plenty opulent, but he felt something of a fool for just now realizing that wealth and power came with a price. Who would have thought that 'Rule' and 'Administrate' were synonymous? Not this scientist. Not his brainless steel servants. Something was going to have to be done about that... Wily turned to his computer, booting up a succession of engineering programs. His anger with the series of factory workers and factory owners and humans rights activists and other rabble that polluted his days became the seed of an idea. Wouldn't it be fun to use THEM to shore up the materials shortage they complained of? After all, the human body was just a machine... Why not turn them into LITERAL machines, fit only to serve him, as they rightly should? Hours blew past. Nothing relating to the work of the city was done. The work of robotics advanced significantly in that time, however. The guards stood watch impassively, their single red optic gliding back and forth, back and forth. Wily was deaf to the world, once again utterly lost in his work. He called a neurologist at one point for clarification on nerve cells. When the man complained that it was 3 AM, Wily threatened to have him killed. When the call ended, his reverie broke momentarily. I used to be so GOOD with the peons. This stress is doing nothing good for me. Must find a solution soon. For the moment, alcohol was a sufficient solution. Wily pulled a brandy bottle out of a desk drawer, intending a short break. Five drinks later, he was very unconscious.
The city was never dark enough at this point. There was always a light source, whether it was the light-rail as it slid smoothly past or the numerous neon lights. The constant glow of red eyes through out the city kept the warning. "We Keep You Safe", they said silently. The robots never spoke, not to anyone. That was one of the reasons she now hated the city she was raised in. Mina could no longer recognize any of it. The school that she attended when she was young, the old market that she stopped at on her way home, the once battered but beautiful home she grew up in. All of them were gone thanks to the man who sat happily in the tower. Her friends had tried to convince her that what she wanted to do was foolish. They had heard rumors about what happened to the people who spoke out against their new leader. In her eyes, he was nothing more than a greedy child, playing his hand at god. Mina's mind continued to race as she made the slow descent down the stairs of her apartment complex, her pale hands pulling her jacket collar up to shield her from the cold that seemed to be penetrating her very bones. As her foot hit the bottom platform, her eyes scanned the street before her, searching for the distinguishable glare of the red eyes. A deep sigh of relief left her when she found none. The idea had first come to her in the form men in the bar she worked at. They spoke of how the city used to be, pining for it like a child to a lost puppy. It made her sick. These men had spent most of their lives in the mines, working for a living. Now, they had no choice but to sit by and watch as machines did the work. The young woman's stride seemed much longer and faster than normal. She wanted to get it over with. The gun in the pocket of her coat would do her no good against the massive metal that would no doubt be greeting her at the door. It would, however, do her plenty of good against the man at the top of the tower. By the time she reached the base of the tower, her hands would not stop shaking. Her eyes grew wide at the pure height, and her breath was heavy from the distance and speed at which she traveled. Mina had no time to stop for a breath of air. Moving swiftly past the security bots, she tried to look as normal as possible, trying to slip in as though she was supposed to be here. Her movement was quickly halted by a large pile of metal that suddenly stood in front of her. Her eyes grew wide as her feet were suddenly moved out from under her and she was grabbed brutally by a pair of shiny steel hands. "Let me go! I've done nothing. I'm simply here to look around!" The woman's voice rang out but was heard by nothing human. The feet marched heavily to the elevator, she was allowed to stand but not allowed to leave. As they reached the top floor, Mina's hand slipped into her jacket, securing her hand on the grip of the gun. The robot that grabbed her approached the door and pounded heavily. Upon getting no answer, the robot slowly opened the door. Pushed forward, she found herself in the wolf's den. Her pulled herself up right, her feet moving almost unconsciously to the space in front of the desk. As she viewed the man sleeping on his desk, she began to second guess her actions, until she thought about the reason she had come to this position. Her hand came out of her pocket quickly, the gun seeming to fire on it's own. What she didn't see or think of was the three robots still positioned around her. The last thing she remembered was a sharp blow to the back of her head and a stabbing pain in her lower back. A knife that she hadn't seen on one of the robots. One that had not been used in several years.
The gunshot was only just loud enough to wake Wily from his stupor. The crack of wood splintering by his head as the bullet went wide was the first sound he consciously recognized. A jumble of images flew at him - The Snipers standing in defense formation, shields forward, except for his prototype, which was holding a bloodied knife. The burnt hole in his desk. And in front of his desk, a crumpled figure. He ran around the desk, managing to minimize stumbling, and got a clearer look at the situation. As soon as he was fully cognizant, Wily was only able to laugh. Once again, God had provided. As always. Whether it be his innate brilliance, that delightful patsy Light, or now, a giftwrapped test subject for his new model, God always paved the way with gold for Albert Wily. "Lock down Abel General Hospital, and take her there. I want her stabilized and kept sedated until I arrive." He sat down again, barely noticing as the robots drug off their parcel. Wily was more annoyed with the burrhole in his desk. Maybe it should be left there, a reminder of failures before. No, best not to plant any ideas. He fired off a request to Maintenance, highlighting the bullet damage and bloodstains, before he turned back to his computer. He quickly cleaned up some details of the project and dropped it onto disk, packing up to go as quickly as he could. Sleep could wait. Work was more fun anyway!
The hospital was colder than normal. Not that she would be able to tell the difference, she had never been in a hospital before. The only things she could tell when she came to was that those robots were still there. She had no idea where she was currently laying. All she knew was the fact that she didn't feel any pain. Perhaps she had died and heaven had robots too. Had he managed to reach the heavens with his evil? She wasn't sure anymore. Mina tried to sit up but found herself incapable. Looking down at her body, she found herself bound to the hospital bed by several straps. She could lift her head just enough to seehimjust outside the door speaking with what was obviously a doctor. Laying her head back down, she stilled her heart. She hadn't died. She was still stuck in this living hell that this man had created. No. He wasn't a man, she reminded herself, he was a monster. A charming, attractive monster that had the entire city in a choke hold that no one in the city was willing to break because of fear. Mina opened her mouth to speak, but the only thing that managed to leave her was a slight rasp. "Hello? Please, I don't want to be alone in here. Someone? Anyone?" Her words were barely loud enough for her to hear, she was almost entirely certain that no one outside of that door could hear her. Almost as though commanded, one of the nearby machines turned abruptly, marching its way out the glass doors and stood nearby Wily, as though to retrieve him. A sudden burst of fear spread through her body as she realized what the machine was doing. She didn't want that man any closer to her. She began to strain against the restraints that held her in place. She suddenly found her voice as she struggled. "Let me out of here!" her voice seemed to carry a lot further than before. She continued her struggle until she felt something in her back tear, a wave of pain seemed to hit her out of nowhere, stopping her movements in their tracks. She felt something vaguely wet and warm begin to pool under her and felt the heat begin to drain out of her body. One of the robots had stabbed her. She must have broken the stitches.
My name? It's Augustus Alistaire, I'm 24 year of age, I stand at around 6'1 and I'm around 170, mostly musical, and I'm a native of the great streets of Brooklyn New-york. I've lived in the same run down neighborhood since I was 4 years old. I gotten myself in to trouble, I'll admit, but in general I've kinda tried to keep my head down and get my shit taken care of. Miny? Oh man, we've been together since we were like... 4? 5? Pft, he moved in to the house across the and he couldn't speak a spit of English. Fuck, it was annoying. The first day I met him was like two weeks after he had moved in, he was the weirdest thing, he looked completely different then anyone I had ever met he sounded different and he couldn't speak to me. Well, needless to say, I wasn't all to fond of the fucker when I first met him. But my mom made me go across the street and say hello.. Well it didn't go so well in truth... I now know "Anyounghaseyo" isn't nearly as insulting as it sounds and punching the new kid in the face ends up getting you in a lot of trouble. I tried to avoid him as much as possible but my fucking mother was had been hell bent on teaching his mother English. So, low and behold, I found my ass planted in the living room arm chair staring at a kid I couldn't speak to 4 days out of the week. Well, as time went by Seung Min became more adapt to the streets of New york and he leaned enough English for me to tolerate him and we kinda became hip buddy ya know? We lived across the street from each other, we were always around each other, what was I suppose to do? Let the kid fend for himself? I think not. Boy did I get in to a lot of fights for that kid. The seat in the principle office has an imprint that matches my ass and most of the reasons were becasue people decided to fuck with him... Right now I work in a bar down town and I cover commission piercings down in Seung Min's parlor for side cash. I live in a decent sized apartment and I'm trying to keep my head above water each and every day. In truth most of my time is spent with Seung Min and the people we hang around, we don't do much other then bull shit and go to work, it's not thing extravagant but fuck... its a life right?
Name: Seung Min Cho English name: Sylar Race: Korean/Japanese Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Personality: Egotistical, a bit cocky, bitchy from time to time, mellow, relaxed and reserved. Doesn't get angry easily, but once he is, watch out. The boy has a temper and a violent streak. Likes: Tattoos, art, architecture, traveling, fashion and his mother's cooking, rough sex. Dislikes: Public restrooms, the smell of bananas, mochi, drugs. Piercings: Naval, 11 in each ear, eyebrow, tongue, nose, left nipple, lip. Tattoos: For being a tattoo artist, Seung Min has very few tattoos. He has a line of stars running from his shoulder up his neck to the area just behind his ear, a large old compass on his side pointing east, a Buddhist scripture written in Korean on the back of his arm and a keyhole on his left ankle. I don't remember much before moving to America. I don't even remember the plane ride here. I didn't even know what Korea looked like until we returned there when I was 12 for my grandmother's funeral. Who I didn't know, by the way. But what I do remember was the first day the store opened, and I remember Augustus. He showed up about the second week I was here. I came home with my father during lunch and he was there with his mom, and my mom introduced us. I don't know how the two of those understood one another. My mother hardly knew a lick of English, and although Mrs. Alistaire thought she could speak korean, her speaking was like nails on a chalkboard, even to my small ears. I often made fun of her, I'll admit it. It was too funny not to. Is it possible to forget her son punching me? No. He spent a large portion of my childhood beating up on me... but that all changed once I got into school, and other kids started picking on me. Since then, he's been attached to me. I don't know why he felt like he needed to protect me when he chose to beat me up. My mother said it was like big brother syndrome, that no one else could touch me but him. But he's the one who calms me down when Aleksandra pushes me to the breaking point; he's the one that makes me laugh; he knows everything about me. I probably would have killed someone sooner if it hadn't been for him.
The faint buzz of the tattoo gun hummed in Augustus's ears as the familiar sting of needles driving in to his flesh set in to his defined hip bone. He let out a small sigh as the constant sting slowly subsided and eventually numbed allowing him to set comfortably in the parlor chair as his friend continued the portrait on his body that he had long time been working on. Their goal: Cover every last section of flesh, outside of his face and hands, with ink. They had managed to cover most of his entire upper half of his body with various displays of the others imagination; different splashes of color, inks intertwining- mixing to lavish decorations all construed with in the workings of the small Asians mind. They had now begun to carve a path down the side of his body, starting with a set of large paralleled stars on the top his pelvis, each one connected with the the word "Imprints" in large beautiful script. He let out another long winded sigh, his hip twitched a bit as the needled ran over a sensitive spot. His eyes flickered opened to look up to that soft featured face twisted slightly in concentration as he worked. He calmed again, watching the man scalped his body in to the depiction that he saw fit. Augustus pondered on that thought for a moment, asking himself why he had dedicated his body to another mans trade. He settled with a simple shake of the head, pushing the thought aside figuring it was a question to think upon on another day. With that his eyes flickered to the office door as it opened and Chris exited stopping to look down to the two, a smirk settled on his bawd freshwater. "You're in here again boy?" He spoke in a raspy tone and a boorish chuckle fallowed. "I'll be damned if I can go with out seeing you for a full week, has your other tattoo even begun to heal yet?" He smiled a bit giving a slightly awkward shrug do to his positioning in the chair. "I pay right?" He said with a sarcastic draw lingering in his voice. "Yeah kid, but what happened when you run of of skin to ink over eh? At this rate you'll be covered by the end of the year easy." Augustus frowned at the thought of not being able to be tattooed by Sylar any more, they thought in of itself set very sour on the red heads shoulders. He shrugged again, not being able to find a sufficient answer or rather not wanting to find one. He didn't like the idea of not being able to be worked on by Skylar any longer, they had been working on the canvas that was his body since the tiny Asian had gotten his license and they had been planning out the designs together since they were 17. That's far too many years dedicated to the project to even begin to think about it ending. But fact was fact and they had been chipping away at the canvas bit by bit, even more so this past few mouths. "We'll cut me open and he can tattoo on my intestines." He answered sarcastically. "Brutal." Chris answered before walking over to a empty chair near by where he flopped down, his leg hanging over the chair's arm. As the thought continued to roll around in his head the soothing sensation of the needles diving shallowly in to his skin became an annoying raw feeling that made him uneasy. "Ah fuck Minny, watch that shit." He said resisting the urge to jerk away. "You're getting sloppy." He said wit a bit of a smirk as his amber eyes directed up to his friend. "Do I have to find another artist to take your place?" He teased light heartily "If this shit scabs your out of a job." He smiled a bit as he relaxed in to the chair agian sudying the smaller man's face notting on the tention held in his neck shoulders and the way he was holding he jaw. "Hey Miny, you okay? You seem kind of out of it today, we can Finnish the tattoo another day if your not up to it."
Seung Min simply wasn't sure what had started Augustus' obsession with tattoos. Growing up, the boy had watched animations, he'd been into designing and art, and it wasn't until their last year of high school that he'd decided what he wanted to do as a career. That's when he had bought his very first gun and ink, and stupidly without practice, Augustus had allowed him to ink him. What was supposed to be a simple chinese character had turned into something someone thought a 5 year old drew on his body. He'd fixed it soon enough though, covering it up with a different design while apologizing profusely for his mistake. He had always agreed to tattoo anything Agustus wanted and that was because Augustus was both his best friend, and he liked his work. At first, he'd hated the fact that it hurt Augustus. He had been slow and had to concentrate deeply, but these days he worked quicker, he knew how to handle the sensitive skin. Today was no different. When his friend had walked in, he'd got to work and carefully placed the tattoos, joking with him while he did it, but once it got down to actually using the needle, the jokes had stopped. The asian never spoke when he was tattooing, even to customers, unless he was pulled away to do so. The twitch made him look up at his friend and grin just a little, but he looked back down. "I told you it would hurt," he said softly, in accented english that he'd never been able to overcome. He had tried, and when he concentrated hard enough, he could speak perfectly well. With Augustus, he didn't have to concentrate. He didn't even have to speak in english sometimes especially when he was angry at him for whatever reason. Augustus could certainly understand swearing in insults thanks to the years he had to practice his listening. "Hey Chris," he said off handedly, not taking a second to look at his boss while he colored in the stars and bent his head in further to concentrate. Well, that is, usually he concentrated on what he was doing. But he couldn't help thinking about the fight he and Aleksandra had the night before. They had screamed and yelled, and she had even hit him. Seung Min, although he hadn't hit her, had grabbed her and pushed he against the wall, and things had escalated from there until she had locked herself in the bedroom and left him out of his own room to sleep on the couch. He paid for the apartment! She didn't even have a job, and with his suspicion that she was cheating (which he hadn't told Augustus about, otherwise he'd just have more bad things to say about her), he was faster to lose his temper these days. The fighting had gotten worse over small things that he wasn't aware of that would even start a fight. Asking about dinner, about her day, about a bill it always turned into a fight. He jumped a little as he heard Augustus' voice, his hand pulled back from his face and he glared up at him. "Ya! I'm not sloppy, and my name is Seung Min. Or Sylar! Aish, you're just a whiney cry baby. Get over it, 'cause no one is gonna be as cheap as I am for you and make it look at good." He went back to work, this time intentionally making it hurt before he eased up and continued. "I'm almost done," he said softly while he worked, crooking his head in even closer to his waistline to check that his lines were even on the other one, going back to the outline on his other hip bone. "Do you have work tonight? This is gonna rub really bad in jeans"
Augustus smirked at the slightly frustrated way the man above him retorted. It was almost predictable in a way, he shot back a quick insult, corrected his own taunting and all in all avoided the question he had asked before he went back to work. Augustus narrowed his eyes a bit wondering what the male had been hiding but he didn't have much time to think about it before he felt a sharp throb radiating from his hip bone. Gritting his teeth a bit he shot a glare up to the Sylar and seethed in a low tone "Mother fucker." through his teeth. His eyes flickered darkly as he took in a short breath controlling his muscle as well as the slight burn of anger that grew in his stomach. "Lay off that." He said, the usual cheery demeanor melting away and promptly replaced with a more calloused side of him clearly understanding the fact that the act was done to display an annoyance rather then done accidentally. There were times where he would allow the smaller male to take out his frustrations upon his body using the tattoo gun as his tool. This was clearly not one of them, partucularly becasue he had no idea why the male seemed to be so tense. He kept a warning eye on his friend as the pain slowly eased up showing him that the action wasn't the slightest bit appreciated. As the question came his slight anger slowly died down. He closed his eyes again and relaxing his body back on to the chair. "Yeah, but I have a pair of slow riding jeans in the car." He explained. "They should come up right below the star, with any hope. I'll change before I leave." Another sigh blew past his lips as he thought. "You gonna stop by the bar tonight? Keep me company, there has been this sexy brunette that's been coming by lately. Says shes new to the city..." He mused as he spoke, knowing that the other would catch on to what he was insinuating soon enough. Augustus had been on a 8 months escapade replace the bitch that Sylar was currently with. He couldn't stand her, he really couldn't. Her general ora just pissed him off. He didn't like the way the girl talked to Sylar, she didn't like the way she always pointed out the flaws in everything he did, or the way she was always bitching about what Sylar couldn't provide for her even though everything the bitch had was giving to he by his friend, right down to the 600 dollar pumps on her feet. She used him all the time and Augustus couldn't stand her for it. "She's looking for someone to show her around. I'd do it myself but... well... she's not necessarily my type. But shes a cutie, aworkingcutie at that."
"You should wear pajama pants to work," he said softly. Normally he would have grinned at his own suggestion, but he was too concentrated his work. Maybe it was a sign of him being a good artist, but Seung Min had never been good at concentrating on one thing. He could hardly translate between his parents and other people. Not because he was stupid, that wasn't it at all. He was quite clever, who else could fluently speak three languages and be stupid? He had street smarts, but he had never been a multi tasked simply because it wasn't how his brain worked, and it often made the things he made much better, much prettier. "You're gonna rub it raw and make it bleed if you don't" And as he said it, he leaned back and turned off the gun, wheeling himself away on his little stool as he took care of the needle and got the gauze and suran wrap to come back and take care of it. He gently took care of it, tilting his head just a little while he leaned over him, and then he was finished. The design wasn't difficult, so it wasn't hard and hand't taken much time. Tossing his hair out of his face, he got up and went to the sterilize station to sterilize his gun and his needle. "I'll stop by, but not for the brunette," he said, turning his head to look over his shoulder at his friend and put the things away. "Come on, man, you know I have Aleksandra. Don't be like that - she's going to nursing school and we're going to get a new place together. I told you this a hundred times, but it takes time." Seung Min was paying for her school. Or at least he thought so. He gave her the money she told him she needed for books and the tuition prices. And he wrote the checks. It was something he didn't tell Augustus, because if he had well, his friend would have blown a gasket. The asian was easy to take advantage of, simply because he was too trusting of others. Especially girls that were suppose to love him. She still technically lived at home, but six nights out of the week, she stayed with him, slept in his bed and ate his food he gave her everything she wanted and more, and still he was treating him this way. Maybe he just liked being punished, like hurting. Wasn't there a medical term for that? In any case, he sat down next to his friend and checked how he had bandaged up the tattoos, and then he sat back. "Why do you hate her so much? Seriously dude, you have to stop saying things like that. I'll go home and change and meet you at the bar, okay? I get off in like an hour, anyway. Besides, that girl talks to you and tells you that stuff 'cause she wants to go out with you, not an asian guy like me. White girls don't like asian guys, not in New York." Unless you're a cold hearted bitch using one.
Augustus shook his head at the comment about wearing Pajama pants to his job, almost cringing at the thought of what Sally would do if he had dared to even think about doing something like that. Sally was a rather strict individual when it came to the work place. You had to fit the scene that the bar appealed to to even be let behind the counter to work, which was New york underground Street fashion. Anything else equaled a lost day of work and a lecture on how you needed to take the job more seriously or it would lead to your dismissal and Augustus, in truth, couldn't afford either. Unlike his friend he made just enough money to get by every month. Sure, he was paid well but with the money he sent home to his mother, the tattoos, what he put away for security, and the rest of his living expenses it seemed like he was always just making it by. Risking a reduction of hours was a lot more painful then risking a raw tattoo. He laid still as the flesh was cleaned and bandaged up not bothering to check it trusting the others work he sat up, wincing a bit at the irritated feeling that radiated across the top layer of flesh stretched across his pelvis. He rolled his eyes as his friend began to defend the girl -again-, letting out a sigh he began to tap his foot irritably against the tile flooring, almost waiting for him to quit speaking. He let out a sigh "Just because shes going to school doesn't mean shes not a bitch my friend." He said in a jesting tone though the stone look to his expression showed quite clearly that he wasn't much kidding all at. "Yeah, it takes time for her to get her shit together and I understand that... but how much time is it going to take her to realizes shes not a fucking princess and live down here with the rest of us eh? She treats everyone like shit, you know she flipped out on me the other day for being in your house while no one was there?" "Really?" Chris chimed in fro behind the counter clearly taking side with Augustus. "Yeah! Because I fucking went in to the fridge and got something to eat." Augustus exclaimed twisting in the chair to look to Chris."She was like bla bla bla, you have no right to be in here. Bla bla bla. Then she went on to say how I was liable to fuck something up in the house and the she took my fucking key. Took MY fucking key." Augustus's words were riddled with an annoyed laughter though it didn't settled much of the rage towards the idea that was lingering in his stomach. "How's get get it?" "I took it off my ring and handed it to her..." He explained as he pushed himself off of the seat with a bit of a stretch "I figured if I was meant to have a key to his pad I'd get it back soon enough." His dark eyes directed over to Sylar slyly as he raised an eyebrow. "That was two weeks ago." He said a-matter-of-factly before he reached in to his pocket and pulled out his wallet walking over to the counter pulling out the due payment placing it on the counter as well as a generous tip -as he had always done- "But yeah, I could give a damn how she treats me shes not mine. But I don't like the fact that she treats you like a fucking ATM or anything else about her for that matter. But hey, what I do I know eh? I gotta change and get going, my shift starts early today."
"Sure, she could have a part time job, but it's better if she focuses and gets it finished. It's good that she's going to school, it's more than both of us did. We're working out asses off now but she will too, and her education will be worth it. And she's young, she'd only nineteen. Just give her time, Augustus." He leaned over his drawing table, turning on the light to work on a design someone had asked him to work on for his appointment later this week, pulling out his pencil to begin another careful line, but he stopped drawing to look away and listen to their conversation. Okay, sure. She was incredibly hard to get along with. Most of the time she wasn't home when Augustus was over. In truth, she hated the fact that he had such a good friend that was given more than she was. She knew that if it was a choice between her and Augustus, the choice would be him. She had tried to make him chose before, and he told her she could get the fuck out and be sure to lock the door behind her. Seung Min liked her, he cared about her a lot, but he cared about Augustus, his best friend, a lot more. Hearing that she had been so angry that he was there, hearing that she had taken his key away without asking him made his blood boil. He stopped moving completely, forgetting that he needed to breath for a second before he turned his head away, shut off the light and grabbed his jacket. "She took your key?" Augustus was right it was time that she learned her place; she'd gone way too far this time.. "That's your fucking key," he said in Korean, too angry to think in Korean, while he reached for his phone and left the parlor. "You'll get your key back tonight." And with that, he was gone, getting into his small car parked on the curb in his spot and taking off without another word. He made his own hours, he rented his spot from Chris anyway, and with it being so late now, Chris probably wouldn't mind him leaving early. Pushing his key into the lock once he got home, he pushed the door open forcefully and shut it behind him. "Aleksandra!" he called out, dropping his bag and his jacket, quickly kicking his shoes off by the door and walking in. He heard her somewhere in the apartment, the t.v. was still on in the living room with he bags at the coffee table where she supposedly did her homework everyday. He never saw it. "Aleksandra!" he yelled again, going back into the bedroom to see her standing in the bathroom doing her hair. "You just got in the shower?" "Oh, hey baby," she said, turning with the curling iron in her hand to put it down and walk to the door connecting the bedroom and bathroom. "One of my classes were canceled so I came home and showered, I had a P.E. class today." Well, he wasn't about to argue with that. She could sense he was on edge anyway, being slightly out of breath, his words more accented than usual, his whole body hard. "Augustus' key you took it from him?" The stood there for a second, her mouth opening to speak before she closed it. Even if she picked her words carefully here, she knew he'd be pissed anyway. "I was in the shower and he just came in without any warning. What if he had let other people in or came in when I was getting dressed, Sylar?" "It's his his fucking key! He had key before you! This is my house, not your house. You live here, but it not your house!" He should have been more careful with his rods, thought them through more carefully, because it was always the first thing she attacked. When he got emotional, when he had to think fast, he spoke to fast to make sure his words were organized right or he used the right tense. Sure, he'd grown up most of his life in America, but his first language was Korean, and he spoke it more than he did english what with his parents being at home and Korean T.V. was watched more than American. "You always take his side! He could have done something while he was here!" "No! He is my best friend, and he is GAY, Aleksandra. You are stupid, fucking stupid, to sit there and say he would have done something." "So what, I'm STUPID now?! Is that what you're paying for, for me to be stupid?" "No, I'm paying for something else to go into your head other than fucking air!" She had gotten closer the more they talked, and they were hardly two feet apart now. She was glaring at him, practically livid with anger as much as he was. "You are such a fucking piece of shit boyfriend." At that, he snorted. "I pay for everything. You go if you want, no one else is going to pay for your school and your clothes and give you a roof over your head. You are like baby and you're nineteen. Grow up and get a job and start paying the bills, then you make decision about who gets key. But this is my house. Give me his key. Right now!" "No! If I'm here, he can't just have key!" "It's not your choice, give me the key! You can go either way!" And with that, she spit in his face, which made him grab her and push her up against the wall, lifting his hand to hit her. She flinched, turning her head away, but he didn't hit her. His sense had kicked in just before that. He pulled away and pushed her again, leaving the room to go to the living room and go through her bag. "You won't give me the key? I'll give him yours." "Maybe you should just fuck him then - it's the only thing you don't do you fag!" He threw the bag back at her, which made her cry out when it hit her, taking his house key off the ring and throwing them on the table. "Maybe you're right. Bet he'd do better than just lay and fake orgasms. Maybe you should go to one of those boys in your phone you flirt with. Get the fuck out!" "Trust me, I'm going!" He wasn't sure if she was leaving. Maybe she was getting her things, maybe not. He slammed the door behind him to the bathroom to get in the shower and put something on for the club - a pair of blue skinny jeans and a ripped shirt with a vest on top of it, gelling his hair a bit after he straightened it, and then he grabbed his leather jacket in order to leave. When he did, he saw her sitting on the couch, curled in the corner and watching him carefully, before he closed the door behind him and got into his car to grab a bite, and then go the bar. It was only seven thirty when he got there, but when he sat down, he was pissed off like always after he had a fight with her. "I got your key," he said to Augustus once he came to see what he wanted to have to drink, putting it on the bar in front of him and sliding it across with one finger.
Augustus' brows raised at the sound of Sylar's voice and he turned to look at the brooding Asian noting how thoroughly aggravated the smaller male had seemed by the fact that the key had been taken from him. He didn't quite have time to translate exactly what he had said but he could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't all to happy. at the second comment he went to speak again "No, man, I don't really ca..." But before he could finish the man was heading towards the door "Sylar. Seung Min." Again he went ignored "Minnie don't trip on it man, I was just talking is all." The door closed and he knew there was no stopping the agreement that was undeniably brewing. "Fuuuuck." He said looking over to Chis who simply shrugged and turned to continue on with his own business. Augustus let out a sigh and shook his head looking to the door again "I'm so sick of that bitch." He stated again, not quite caring if Chris cared or not. "He's completely changed since he got with her." "Aw, don't do that, Si isn't treating you any different then what he always has... from what I can see that is." "No, not like that. He just seems so pissed off all the time now, so stressed about bills and trivial things that he has never even thought about before. Always checking the time and shit, it's like he's under constant fucking pressure to be something completely different then what he is. It just sucks to see you know?" "Yeah. I get it. But what are you gonna do eh? Doesn't seem like he's gonna get rid of her any time soon. I'd say just keep your head down and stay out of it." "How can I stay out of it? He's fucking miserable and he's too thick headed to admit it." "Yeah, but again... what are you gonna do?" The smooth sound of a simple trance track looped in Agustus' ear's as he walked up and down the bar lazily tending to each order placed. It was still early so the bar was relatively empty outside of a few regulars who had begun to mingle amongst themselves. August bobbed his head loosely to the bass-line his red hair swooshing to his movements as he walked around. He was dressed in a rather simple yet oddly flamboyant out fit which consisted of a pair of black skinny jeans that cut off extremely low on his hips and a black button up shirt that flared at the button due to the last button being intentionally left open showing off the sculpted structure of his lower abdomen. It was out fits like these that showed just how scroungy the man was, despite how tall and strong he was. "Hey Auggie. How are you doing tonight?" He heard a voice call from the other side of the bar. He smiled as he brushed his hair from his face. "Start us off with a few temples dalin." "I'm fabulous as always." He said in a higher tone then he usually spoke but a slight twang to his voice. "And how bout yourself? Here to catch yourself a man again." He laughed as he went to work preparing the drinks. "God knows I am." There was a distinct difference between Augustus and Auggie. One was who he was and one was a work persona for the sake of tips and customer service. Augustus was someone you just didn't really want to fuck with, he was a goof ball sure, but there was something about him that said "Don't Fuck With Me." While Auggie was a tease to the mass amounts of people that came in to the bar, both male and female. He had a rather homosexual appeal to him, the way he swung his hips and held his postures and his choice in words that gave gays that came in to the bar the green light to flirt with him. While at the same time there was a strength and boldness to him that made the females there tilt their heads and ask weather or not he was really gay or if he was just kinda... metro. Either way it worked to his advantage and he surly used that in order to rake in more tips. Call it fake if you want to, Augustine didn't care... it worked. The woman laughed "You know it, always on the look out right?" "You know it." He retorted handing the women their drinks "There you go honey. Enjoy." His eyes turned to the door as it opened he made a face as Sylar walked through looking as pissed off as ever. He sighed a bit as he watched the man approach him. "Hey Dolly." he said as he walked over to him leaning forward on the bar. "How are things?" As the kay was given to him he let out a sigh. "Thank you. it wasn't that big of a deal, I had figured you had already known about it which is why I said anything at all. I wasn't all to pissed off about it just kinda bothered. If she doesn't want me to have a key then I wont.. I can't guarantee to will keep me out of the house but I can promise not to go through the front door again if that would make you feel any better." He said jokingly as he looked over his friend seeing that the tension in his body had doubled since the last time he had seen him not and hour again. "You okay kid?
What Aleksandra had said was quite true. In a lot of way, Seung Min looked gay, but part of that way due to his culture. Although he had grown up in America, was used to the way Americans were, he couldn't help but feel the constant influence from Korea. He'd traveled there with his family, had gone to visit his family on his own, and he had grown up watching Korean movies in a Korean household that ate Korean food. Not that he didn't like America he loved America. He loved the food and the kindness of the people that were so much different than his own. But he couldn't help but relate to his roots more than what he'd been raised in. And so the boy looked gay, metrosexual, whatever you wanted to call it. It was probably one of the reasons he and Augustus got along, really.. they were rather alike in a lot of ways. His hair was always washed, he sometimes wore makeup out, his hair was meticulously sculpted, his clothes were carefully picked and he looked damn good. "Hey fag," he said jokingly with a grin on his face. He hated it when Augustus treated him like that, or called him anything effeminate. Perhaps it was because of his insecurities, really insecurities that he didn't like to think about but Aleksandra brought up in fights, about fucking his best friend or his sexuality. That was, however, a conversation for another time probably, when the topic was brought up. Otherwise, he didn't want to think about it. He looked at the girl walking past him, turning his body to slide between her and other people. She smiled, and he smiled back politely, but he was at the bar in a second to sit there and gently knock on the counter. he wasn't happy his whole body language screamed it even more so than it had in the parlor. His neck was tense, his jaw tightly clenched, and finally he let out a sigh and leaned forward on his elbows towards Augustus, though he kept his eyes down casted on the bar in front of him. "Just shut up and take it," he grumbled softly, pushing back away from the bar. "It's your key. You think I would just give it to you and let her take it after telling me? No way. I can't believe you would think like that. You were around before her. What is that saying? 'Bros before hoes' or something." He grinned a little and looked towards the people at the other end of the bar, coming in for their after dinner drinks or drinks before the real parties began, and then at the bar again. He didn't want to answer his question. He did know, though, that if he didn't answer the question laid out in front of him, Augustus would get angry. Finally, he signed again and pointed towards one of the glasses. "Can I get a vodka tonic?" Right now, it would have been nice to have a drink and calm down a little. It's what he needed after a day like today. "How are your new designs doing? Rubbing at all?" Okay, so he was avoiding it. But let him get there. As there was silence between them, Seung Min took a few peanuts to put his attention on other things, and then his mouth opened to speak. "She told me I either give you back the key and she leaves, or you don't have a key. I took the key and gave it to you. I guess you were right all along, you know. I should have left her back when all the shit started and the mood fucking swings. I paid for everything and what did she do? Nothing at all. She just take money and asks for more money. I don't know why I took it for so long. And if she is gone when i go back, goodbye. Really. I'll be glad." He let out an exhausted sigh and put his hands on either side of his neck, hiding the stars before leaning back again and taking them away to look up at him. "I'm sorry. For the way I've been for the last almost... year. I wasn't a good friend to you."
Augustus frowned a bit as the slanderous term used as a greeting and he eyed the raven haired male sitting on the other side of the counter from him. Hadn't the male already been in such a fowl mood he probably would have corrected the statement. He didn't like the term "fag" not even when being used in a joking manner. In his eyes he wasn't a "Fag" or a "Queer" Or anything like that he just so happened to like men. He understood that in Korea it was looked down on and he understood that Sylar wasn't really looking down on him for being gay but that didn't make it any less irritating. He smirked none the less not wanting to pollute already rough waters. He sighed a bit shaking his head as the male continued to speak no inertly liking his aggressive tone. "What was I suppose to think? She took the key and I didn't get it back... well till now. I figured you knew but you didnt want to argue about it so you kinda just let it go. i mean, I wouldn't blame you if you had. Which is why I didn't push the subject." He explained as he went to cleaning glasses, waiting for his question to be answered though he could easily tell that it was being avoided. He nodded as the order was placed and he skillfully went to preparing the drink. "It's doing alright." He said as he stepped back from the counter. "See, these things dont touch the tattoo at all." He said as he cocked his hip showing just how low the pants rode on his hips. He mixed the tonic water and vodka together with a shake of his wrist before poring in to the glass and sliding it across the bar to his friend. "On me dalin." He said in a low tone before he turned his attention to a group of females on the other side of the bar waving him down. "Hold on." He said walking to the group. "Hey Auggie, can we one Alien Urine, After glow and an Berry blister." A brunette asked as she swayed to the beat of the song. "Sure thing, how are you ladies tonight. Out a little early wouldn't you say?" He said as he began to rim a few glasses with lime and sugar. "Yeah, we are showing a new friend around she should be coming pretty soon. You know shes single." "Sexy little brunet? Eyebrow periling, about 5'6, cute Californian accent?" "Yeah, is she here already?" "No, she was in here the other night though." He said casually as he poured the first dink sliding it across the bar. There was a pause in conversation as the woman eyed him a questioning grin slathered on her face. Augustus narrowed his eyes a bit "Oh no, no no no." He stared with a laugh. "You're barking up the wrooong tree dalin I don't even swing that way." The woman gasped in an exasperated manner her eyes bulging a bit "Don't tell me that Auggie, don't break my heart." Augustus laughed with a shrug as he finished off the last drink. "Fraid so, I'm as gay as gay could be, never even been with a female." He said a-matter-of-factly smiling off to the side. "But, I'll keep a look out for a match kay? We'll find her someone right quick in a hurry." With this he collected the money and with a wink walked back over to his friend. He leaned forward on the bar his seriousness returning as he did so. He looked over his friend as the silence lingered still. He blinked a few times as Sylar began speaking again. He listened nodded slightly as he spoke. He couldn't help but feel slightly agitated by the ultimatum but he more so felt bad for Sylar, why did he let this woman treat him so badly. "Woah, so you actually told her to leave? " He said with a smile, tiling his chin down slightly as he spoke. It wasn't that he was happy to see that Sylar's in a bad relationship so much as he was glad to see it was ending. He knew that the two of them had been at each others throats for a few months now but this was the first time he had... well told her to leave. "Normally I'd say go for the girl because I've always been for you having a girl even if she dosen't like me personally. Because at the end of the day I know I'll always be around even if I can't be around. But she doesnt make you happy why be around that?" He asked in a frustrated tone. "It's not even a matter of you treating me any differently because you haven't. But more so the way you've been treating yourself. I've never been one to sit back and let someone treat you like shit and you shouldn't either... I hope, you mean it. But well... I've heard it before." He said with a shrug. Ill believe it when I see it and when I see it well find you some other gorgeous beauty to replace that bitch okay? He smiled boldly looking in to the familiar eyes of his friend. See, the best thing about having me as your gay bar tending friend is that I make and brilliant wing man. He said giving another laugh.
That was the weird thing about Augustus, wasn't it? Augustus could call him Minnie, he could call him shortie or gook, but the second Seung Min tried to joke around and call him a name, it was he who was in the wrong. He saw the frown on his friends face, and considering the bar mood he was already in, it just pissed him off more. He couldn't really help the fact that he had a temper. Having a bad day didn't make things any easier, nor did the fight he had already. Never had he really used those words in a demeaning way... he couldn't even really remember the last time they had gotten into a fight, simply because the understood each other so well after all these years. So while his eyes watched Augustus move back to show him the tattoos, he looked without saying a word, then turned his head away to drink what was in his glass a little. He was brooding. Or pouting, one or the other. He'd come all the way here, only to be treated coldly by Augustus while he flirted with girls on the other side of the bar. It was his job. He knew it was his job, after all, but that didn't mean he liked it at all. Everyone in town called him Auggie, acted a if they were better friends with him than he was, but who had been there at every break up? Who had been there at every single birthday party and every other important thing Augustus had? Yep, one person: Seung Min. But he always seemed to be so easily irritated by him, calling him names and purposefully annoying him. That was all fine and good now that he had kicked his girlfriend out for his friend, who was simply ignoring him now. He was so... nice to everyone but him. Why? Why couldn't Augustus just act to friendly around him, too? That's what he really wanted, you see. He really just wanted to be with Augustus and be happy, like he used to be. "I don't want to deal with girls for a while. We all thought Aleksandra was awesome in the beginning, and now look at her. Even you hate her. At least if I'm single, I'll be able to save some money rather than working my ass off in overtime to pay for everything - the apartment, the bills, the groceries, her tuition, books, whatever the fuck she wanted. For now, being single and horny is fine." He stood up from the bar stool and put a few bills down from his wallet onto the counter. Augustus had said things were on the house, but he would have rather paid so Augustus didn't have to. Plus, he felt like his friend was more pissed off at him rather than happy to see him with his attitude. "I'm going to get out of here," he said, drinking the last of his drink and setting it back down and rubbing his face to recollect himself. He was agitated, that was obvious, maybe rather upset, but he didn't say anything. "I just wanted to bring it by." He pointed to the key and then gathered his jacket to put it back on and go. He didn't want to go home... but he didn't really have any other friends beside Augusutus. Ever since he was young, he was content with everything as long as he had his best friend beside him, and that was still how things were. "See you around," he said with a shrug, but he stopped for a second to turn back around and point at his hips. "Be sure to put ointment on those; don't sleep with pants on or you'll... agitate the skin." And with that, he was walking through the bar again, sliding past people in order to just drive somewhere, anywhere but here.
Augustus looked up as the bills were laid on the table a slight frown setacross his feathers but before he could respond the male was off. He let out a sigh before he set down the glass he had in his had and walked around the bar starting after his small friend. "You shouldn't leave. If you leave now you'll end up right back at home arguing with that bitch again." He said as he began walking behind Sylar, his hands tucked in his pockets holding the bills there as he fallowed. "Si." He said as he realized he was being ignored. He cut through the crowed fallowing close behind his friend until he found himself walking out side. He gave a glance back to the bar and he made a face knowing that he had left the bar unattended and would probobly get flack for it as soon as Akabane noticed. He gave an annoyed look over to the bar and then with a groan he started after his friend figuring the risk to be better then ignoring his friend. Besides, he was already pissed off he was bound to get in trouble already. Picking up his strides a bit he grabbed Sylar by the wrist pulling hims around to look at him. "What the fuck is your problem? You don't have to leave, you just got here." He let Skylar's wrist go and glared at the smaller male in front of him. "I know you're pissed off right now but coming to my work and throwing one of your fucking fits isn't going to fly here. I haven't done anything to you. It's not my fault you can't keep your bitch in line Sylar so don't come around just to piss me off alright." He forced the bills against the males chest and glared at him. "You don't turn down free drinks ass hole, it's rude. Now, you can get your ass back in the bar and have a good time or you can let the bitch control you -again- and leave but if you do you can know that I'm not there to help piece shit back together when it falls apart."
Yeah, Seung Min was not a happy boy; and yeah, he was ignoring Augustus. His lithe little body slid in between the dancers and drinkers at the bar, hoping that Augustus' job would drag him back to the bar rather than allow him to follow... and with how busy it was getting, that should have been the case. But he was still there, calling out to him while he waved him off and continued out the door to the alley, where he ran his hands back through his hair with frustration. "Fuck off!" He yelled at him as he grabbed his wrist, trying to pull it away while his friend dragged him in closer with his arm around him. It wasn't like he needed to leave, Augustus would never tell him to do such a thing, but he just didn't want to be here anymore. He didn't want to see his best friend flirting with everyone and trying to hook him up with just anyone. That wasn't what he wanted. He didn't want him to look at him like all he was in for was some cute girl, because less that a year ago, Aleksandra had been the same. He didn't want just anyone, he wanted a specific person that he had already denied himelf for a long time for a lot of reasons. "I'm not throwing a fucking tantrum, you prick! I'm trying to go... to go somewhere else! All right? I wasn't going to go home, because I didn't want to see her. Is that fucking okay with you Augustus? Because you can never let me just do what I want, it always has to be okay with you, and it's bullshit!" He pushed him then, looking at the money that was thrown back at him, and he grabbed it before it could go anywhere else. It only made everything worse. Right now, he could care less what Augustus thought of him, could care less if he disappeared in his life... it was just how self distructive he was feeling. "You know what Augustus? I don't fucking need you! I don't need you or your help picking up the fucking pieces, so just go fuck yourself!" He wanted to punch something, to lash out at anything, because it just felt like everything was crumbling around him. He had tried to make things better between him and the one person that mattered, but now everything just seemed to be falling apart. What had he done wrong? As if to prove his point, he pulled out his own key ring and pulled off the key to hi sfriend's home quickly, throwing it on the ground and just standing there to glae at him. He didn't move a muscle, didn't even dare twitch. If Augustus wanted to hit him, then fine. But he had already said he didn't want to be the one to help him anymore. So fine. "You wanna know the one fuck up thing? I stayed in America all those years ago because of you, 'cause I didn't want to leave you here. Because you were my best friend. But I should have gone. Fuck this, and fuck you, Augustus! Just fuck you!"
Augustus eyes focused in on the ground beside hims as Sylar's temper flared out to him once -again-. He had grown used to the smaller males temper in truth, generally speaking he was a rather laid back person but when he was on edge he seemed to be easily pushed to snapping. Augustus knew better then to fallow him out to the ally, and he knew better then to speak his mind when Sylar was upset... but at the same time... why was he always the one who had to bite his tongue? Nonetheless he was kicking himself in the head as the man in front of him continued to scream at him, forcing him in to an uncomfortable place in his mind. "I just didn't" He was cut off again. "If you were going." Again his words were cut short and he settled on the idea of just keeping quite until Sylar flared himself out. His hand clench shut as he was shoved and his own temper almost got the best of him, but rather he kept his eyes focused sorely on the ground beside him counting the pebbles in the street in order to keep himself from firing back: Twice as hard mind you. But as the key was thrown on the ground his eyes narrowed and he looked to the mans face, pausing for a moment as his rage grew steadily. Was he seriously casting him out? Just like that? After all the shit he went through all of his goddamn life he was trowing him aside? Like he was nothing? A dark chuckle emitted from his throat and echoed darkly in the shadows of the ally. "You're serious? Best friend? Tsk. You know what? I- I have a little bit more respect for you to just toss my problems with you out in the air because I'm pissed off at someone else. I don't believe in scapegoating. But if I weren't at work right now I'd sock you clean in the mouth for the amount of disrespect your showing me by running your fucking mouth. I'm at work, as I just fucking said, this is not the place for one of your tantrums. Grow the fuck up." He bent down and picked the key out of the gravel and slid it in his pocket before he shook his head. "But hey if this, our friendship, isn't working for you anymore then far be it for me to try and hold on to something that's been there since your ass showed up in America. If you wanna burn your bridges, be my guest. But I'll be damned if I'm going to help your ass build them back up again and I'll bedamnedif I'm going to stand here and let you take your frustrations out on me. So there will be no taking this type of shit back, because you've never broken off our friendship before. I bet that you didn't even argue with your girl, I bet that this was the plan all along. She made you choose and well, badda-bing I'm out in the cold. Here's to you kid! And 20 fucking years servitude, saving you're ass when you talked yourself in to much trouble. You want this to end? Peace. Go, run back to your bitch or go to Korea where they won't accept your ass anyway because you grew up in the states. Go be alone for the rest of your fucking life, I don't care. But, I would like to point out that I, I have been standing on my own two feet for a long ass time. I know who I count on when shit gets bad... you on the other hand? You had better be careful who you cut out of your life." With this Augustus turned on his heels and started to walk back to the bar, his teeth grinding as he tried to push the thought of what just happened in to the back of his mind. Eh, after a few drinks he wouldn't care much anyway...
He had turned to go finally, and he kept walking even as Augustus spoke. He turned back around sharply though, his eyes livid as he walked back towards him. "Oh yeah, Augustus, because that sounds so like me! Yeah, I picked the bitch over you, because in every fight, I always took her side. Are you fucking stupid? I took your side, always! When she yelled at you when I was home about food, I told her to shut up because I paid for it, when she complained about you making the house dirty, I defended you and said the shit wasn't yours! I've always defended you against her, and now fucking what? Oh, that's right, I picked her, and I came to end things for her. That sounds so like me!" His voice had raised in pitch a bit, and it was that moment when his voice had gone higher than usual that he realized he was crying. The dam had finally burst and the tears were falling, and he let out an angry sound as he turned back around to go, stopping for just a second when the next words cut through him like a knife. Maybe he'd been expecting Augustus to say no, to stop it and try to calm him down like he usually did, but here he was, agreeing with him. He stopped moving, stopped talking and just... watched him, and his face paled a little as he felt his heart jump up into his throat and twist. "I'm glad that it was always me who gave a damn and needed you then, because you're right. You don't need me." He was still crying, a little harder this time, and the features on his face had changed from angry and hard to sheer pain as it coarse through him, and then he was gone. He didn't walk, he flat out dashed to get away. He couldn't breath, and his legs shook so much he was sure they'd give out. And they did, eventually, when he got right next to his car in the parking garage, where he scrambled to unlock the door. And once inside, he let it out: he screamed, he kicked, he punched, and once he was completely exhausted, he leaned forward against the wheel and sobbed. Seung Min didn't usually cry. He was an emotional fellow, but more than not he just got angry. He didn't really get to the point where he had to cry. So while he sat there and cried, he felt so emotionally drained that he could hardly grasp the fact that he was in a place where people could see him, and that he shouldn't be driving. Eventually, when he got too tired and the sobs stopped, he sat back and stared out the window in front of him, and then reached to turn on the engine. It was almost a mechanical movement, seeing as he did it without much thought, and he slowly backed up and drove. Driving was one thing that calmed Seung Min. The other was smoking pot. He'd given up the latter a few years back when he decided he shouldn't get himself into trouble. So now, he just drove. He wasn't aware of his speed or which direction he was going until he realized he was driving further north than necessary... and he'd been driving for longer than he had thought. He turned around then, and returned to home, where he parked the car in the garage and got out slowly. At least if Aleksandra was still around, she'd be sleeping. Using his body to open the door quietly, he slid into the apartment and shut it behind him, making sure that he had locked the door behind him and he went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Nothing really felt out of the ordinary... and because of that he couldn't tell if Aleksandra was really around. He leaned against the counter and drank, then looked over his shoulder to the TV that she had left on. Shutting it off with the remote on the counter, he set his glass of water down next to a pack of smokes. It wasn't his brand. Aleksandra didn't smoke. And Augustus stayed far away from the brand because it 'tasted like charcoal was burning' in his lungs. Picking up the cigarettes, he looked them over and opened them to see several missing, and it was funny because the house didn't smell like smoke. So it hadn't been Aleksandra. Who was smoking? His head turned as he heard the sound of the washing machine flick to a new cycle, and he went to look inside. Sheets. It wasn't that abnormal, they both liked sleeping on clean sheets, but hadn't they just but new sheets on the bed a few nights ago? He could have sworn... yeah, he was positive they had. He turned his head to look towards the bedroom and walked towards it slowly, opening the door to see her walk towards the bed with a towel around her, leaning down to pick an article of her clothes from the ground. "What are you doing here still?" He looked at him and jumped suddenly, fixing the towel around her. "I can't leave until the morning. There's aren't any buses going, so I have to call to get someone to pick me up in the morning." "Why are you washing the sheets?" She went stiff for a second before shrugging her shoulders, trying to pass it off as just being annoyed by his questions. "Just did it to give myself something to do. Can't you just leave me alone?" "No, I told you to get out. Who did you have over here already and why couldn't they have come and got you? You had time tonight. So leave." "No one was over. I don't know what you're talking about." "Don't lie, I saw the cigarettes on the counter." Instead of answering, she just scoffed and went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. But without a lock, she was screwed. He entered behind her as she shut the door to the shower and stood under the spray. He shoved it against the glass and stared hard at her. "Who do these belong to?" "Shut up, don't start shit. I'm out of here in the morning - those are probably Augustus'. Leave me alone, Sylar." "Liar! Just fucking tell the truth, who the fuck was here!" "They're Augustus', okay?! He was here and left them!" "Bullshit, fucking bullshit, it's not his brand!" He left the bathroom for just a second and came back with her phone, which made her open to door to grab at it. He turned his back while he looked for the last call, which was to... a man. She grabbed his hair and he threw the phone down, grabbing her arm to wrench it away. "Give that back, Sylar! Keep your fucking hands off of me!" "Who the fuck is Ri...Richard? Why did he call you three times?" "Give it to me! Sylar!" She was screaming at him and pushing, hitting him while he picked it up to look at the screen again. But he didn't let go, he simply grabbed her hand with his free one and looked into her text messages, trying to read them as she squirmed, and that's when he saw it. 'All right, I'll come over. I knew you'd call again, so that makes me happy. I loved the last time we were together.' "What the fuck...?" "Sylar!" "Are you fucking someone else?" "Sylar give it to me!" "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!" He threw the phone on the ground, hearing it crack under the effort. "How could I not when I'm dating someone like you! You a piece of shit and you can't fuck to save yo-" Seung Min had really never gone as far as seeing red before. But he did. The anger and hatred boiled up inside of him, and before he knew what he was doing, she was on the floor beneath him, with his hands wrapped around her throat, her face a purple color before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body went completely limp. He was suddenly aware of the fact he was breathing harshly, his brows furrowed while he glared down at her, and he let go as the water sprayed onto his back. He stared down at her body in shock, hardly able to believe was he had done, and he shook her. "Aleksandra!" He cried out, and he seemed to crack at that moment. He was sobbing, gasping for air while he backed up out of the shower quickly and stared, rocking back and forth as he cried, and then he pulled his knees up, hiding his face in his knees while he moved back and forth, back and forth, and then moved to the toilet to vomit up his dinner. What had he done?
The majority of Sylars words went right over Augustus head as he continued to walk back down the ally back to the entrance of the bar. That was, until Sylar's voice reached that awkward pitch that he recognized simply because of the rarity of it. Despite how angry he was and how much he wanted to just go back in to the bar and ignore Sylar all together he just couldn't leave the man crying in the ally... he had known him to long, he cared to much about him to just leave him like that. He let out a sigh as his strides slowed and he turned to look back at the man but before he could say anything Sylar sped passed him. "Sylar, wait." He said trying to grab his arm to try and stop him but he just rushed forward ignoring him again. "Sylar!" Before he could even realize it the male was past the point of chasing. Normally he would hunt him down but hewasat work. As much as he wanted to try and make amends, to try and fix this, he couldn't... not right now anyway. Running a hand over the back of his head he cursed to himself and looked up to the night sky giving out a tired sigh before he continued on back in to the bar. His demeanor had melted in to a mix of sheer annoyance and guilt. This was the problem with their friendship, every time they fought Sylar could flare out freely but every time he shot back,hewas the big bad wolf. The rest of the night went by rather slowly, Augustus found himself in a numbed middle ground as he walked around the bar severing out drinks and pretty much ignoring any banter that had come his way. He wasn't in the mood to play friendly with a bunch of strangers; he had other shit to worry about. He could swear with every drink he served the clocked tick backwards and with ever lost minuet that uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach grew a little stronger; no matter what he tried to focus on his mind kept switching to Sylar and where he was. He wouldn't go back home, not at the risk of being pester by his girl, would he? And if didn't go home where did he go? Another bar? No, that would be to public... he'd end up in another made Augustus feel even worse, if he did go pick a fight with a stronger he probably ended up getting his ass kicked. Not to say that Sylar couldn't handle his own but bar fighter were never fair and well... he wasn't there to protect him. But Sylar was smarter then that, he wouldn't just go and pick a fight. No, that would be a bit too rash, even for him. Maybe he just went out driving? He did that when he was up set... but he was drinking before he left and he was pretty upset... driving was probably more dangerous then anything. It wasn't until he heard Akabane's voice call his name did he realize that he had been cleaning the same glass for a good ten minuets. He blinked a few time and set the glass down to look over to his boss who was standing next to him with a questioning look on his face. "You okay?" "Not really, no. I think I'm going to clock out early Ace, I'm feeling pretty shitty." He lied running a hand through his hair. Akabane sighed a bit before giving a nod and gesturing for him to go. "You look it, take off you only have like an hour in your shift anyway. You're not much good to me when youre like this. Go get some rest." Augustus nodded giving half a smile and he quickly clocked out, practically running out the door and to his car. Augustus chewed at his bottom lip as he sped down the back roads of the city in search of his friends home. He made it to the home in what seemed to be a quarter of the time. Pulling in to the drive way he jumped out of his car and looked around letting out a relived sigh as his eyes landed on Sylars car. Part of him felt out right silly for the panic and just wanted to get back in the car and go home but for some reason his nerves hadn't quite settled yet. The air seemed to be thicker then usual, uncomfortable, almost eerie. He looked around for a moment, frowning up to the sky as he tried to figure out why it felt so different here and he made his way to Sylar's apartment knocking as he reached the door. There was no answer. Wanting to leave but not wanting to turn away he knocked again, and again, and one last time before he remembered that his key had been returned to him that night... which ironically was the start of their argument. He reached in to his pocket and let himself in, sliding in and closing the door behind him. At first glance everything seemed normal; in fact he wasn't even sure if anyone was really there. But as he ventured further in to the apartment the hairs on the back of his neck seemed to stand on end and that feeling in the pit of his stomach grew to what resembled pain. He jumped a bit as the panicked sound of Sylars voice reached his ears. He frowned a bit and paused trying to make out what he was saying but the more he listened the less he could understand until he just sounded like the muffled cries of his friend. There was no way he was still crying, right? Augustus let but a sigh and walked to his friends room knocking as he stepped in. "Miny?' He said as he looked around the door he was greeted by humidity and Sylars cries and he felt his stomach twist will guilt. "Sylar?" He called as he walked through the room it wasn't until he reached the brink of the bathroom did he realize exactly what had happened. His eyes widened as he looked down on his friend soaking wet and sobbing next to his girlfriends unconscious body. His breath caught in his throat with shock as he stared down at them for a long moment blinking a few times before he came back in to reality. His mind swirled a bit and in truth... he wanted to run. He wanted to get as far away from Sylar as he possibly could, for the first time in his life he was truly scared of the smaller male and what he might do to him. He wanted to leave Sylar where he was but he couldn't he just... couldn't. Slowly he stepped in to the bathroom, his feet turning to led as he inched his way in to the bathroom assessing the risk. "Sylar?" He asked shakily as he reached the shower, shutting off the spray once he got close enough. Eying his friend he leaned down to the girl and placed two fingers on her neck checking her pulse, he pulled away quickly once he realized that she was indeed dead. He looked over the body to see the harsh bruising forming around her throat and his paled face turned to Sylar. He took a moment to collect his thoughts. "Sylar, it okay. I'll fix this." He said under his breath as he slowly inched towards his friend. "Just calm down." He reached out for the man in front of him pulling him in to his arms he picked him up and carried him out of the bathroom away from the body. He carried Seung Min out in to the living room where he sat on the couch and cradled his sobbing friend in his arms as he tried to think of what their next move would be. "I'll fix this." He cooed over and over again hugging the man closer to his body as he thought. "I'll fix this."
He was sitting next to the sink, huddled up with his hands over his ears, sobbing and talking quickly in Korean. "I didn't mean to do this... oh god, why didn't she just go? How could I do this...?" His eyes nervously went to her body, waitin for her to wake up as the water poured over her torso and waist, wishing that he could turn back time and restart everything that had happened that day, but he couldn't. So his gaze adverted and he sobbed, rocking himself back and forth. Sooner or later, he was going to have to call the police and tell them what he had done. He was going to have to fess up to everything, and he'd go to prison. There was no way around any of that. And he probably shouldn't have jumped so quickly to conclusions, but he had been right. He had pushed, he'd been on the verge all night, and coming home had been a horrible idea after being angry with Aleksandra and fighting with Augustine, who he was sure he'd never see again. He couldn't call to beg him for his help, he couldn't apologize because he was at work anyway... what had he done? He needed someone right now, and if it had been Augustine, then everything would have been okay. Everything was okay when Augustine was around, because Augustine made things right even when he thought things impossible. His entire body tensed and he jumped as he felt Augustine touch him, his dark eyes wide and frightened. He struggled for a second to push him away, thinking that the person must have been the authorities or someone else, but the more Augustine spoke, the more he called, and his face contorted as he felt heavier sobs leave his lips and shook his body completely. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I didn't... mean to... I... I don't know what I did... I just... they're going to kill me for this," he whispered as he friend wrapped his arms around him, and the small man couldn't help but lean into his touch as he picked him up and carried him into the living room and sat. What were they supposed to do, and why was Augustine even here now? They had fought, he had said he didn't want him around anymore because he fucked everything up... And here he was, fucking up everything else again because of his temper.
Mid summer in New Austin, everyone had two words to describe it, hot, and dangerous. You see, the local gangs around New Austin seem to become more erratic, more vicious in the hot months of mid summer. They tended to rob, murder and steal at a rate higher than any other time. For most people, it's a time to stay on your guard, to be wary and prepared for the worst. However, for Jayden Williams, full-time bounty hunter. It was the best time of the year, wanted posters hung on every street with rewards in the hundreds. It was a financial boon for 34 year old Jayden, and he was happy to partake in this vast opportunity for money. Jayden had been a bounty hunter for many years. To him, it was the best job in the world. He could kill people, show the general populous he's more skilled and more dangerous than the bandits he put in jail. All the while he can sleep soundly at night knowing that he's doing a good deed, and helping the world be a better place. Not that he much cared for the romantic ideals of the sheriffs he hands the bounties over to. He mostly got into this for the money, and the fact that with his background and skills, he wouldn't be good at anything else. Jayden sat at the edge of the bar in Armadillo, his deep hazel eyes staring at a bounty posting he recently took. It was the leader of a gang that has been particularly notorious. The Butcher gang, with it's leader, James Butcher. Quite an appropriate name for a man who makes a living killing people and terrorizing entire towns daily. Reward of 1,200 American dollars alive, with 900 dollars dead, as offered by the federal government themselves. That was the largest sum of money Jayden had ever seen for a bounty, the biggest gang leader he'd taken on prior was John Delrey, a man who got Jayden 340 dollars, and that was no easy feat. Now this... How terrible, how large must this man's following be to earn him such an impossibly high bounty? What crimes must he and his gang committed? These thoughts however were superfluous to him now, he wanted that money, he wanted to retire on that money. Maybe get himself a piece of land out in the wilderness, settle down and put down his rifle. He let out a sigh and took a large swig from the whiskey bottle he'd been slowly drinking for a time now, helped steel his nerves. He knew he couldn't tackle that guy alone, he had to get some help, but from who? Who would be daft enough to attempt to take down the biggest gang in the west down? Jayden finished off his bottle, letting out a sharp breath of air once it had gone down and he stood up. Donning his black felt cowboy hat. Jayden stood at six feet, four inches tall, he had medium long dark brown hair. He wore a long old duster coat that probably has seen more battles and gunfights than he ever has or will. Concealed inside it was a Schofield revolver sheathed comfortably within it's holster, his all-time favorite weapon. At his back was slung a Winchester Repeater, and at his left hip he had a sawed-off shotgun within a custom made holster. Jayden left the bar, folding the poster and stashing it in the pocket on the inside of his duster. He mounted his horse, an American Standard-bred he acquired through a rancher that was going to put him down just because he had a pretty bad sprain. Jayden bought him from the rancher and mended the horse's leg. Ever since he has been a very trusted and intelligent steed. Jayden decided to go hunting for some food, he hadn't eaten all day which was quite a while considering the sun was slowly falling from the sky. He spurred his mount into motion, urging him to go at a fast pace, he needed to finish hunting before the sun went down. He rode out into Cholla Springs, hoping to find a few deer. However what he found was not what he expected. As he rode he could hear gunshots in the distance, his curiosity got the better of him and he rode in the direction of the shots fired, it couldn't be a hunter, there were too many shots, it sounded like a fight was going on. He stopped at the bottom of a hill and dismounted. Whatever was going on it was happening just over this ridge. He ascended the hill and laid down flat at the top. He saw a shootout between a woman and six men, with four other men on the ground presumably dead. The men attacking the woman were obviously bandits. He drew his revolver and prepared to help the woman in distress, even though she seemed to be doing just fine from where he was sitting.
Cholla Springs, a beautiful piece of desert and a perfect spot to hide. There was the gorge near by that could be used to silently slip through someones sight if need be and then there was the hills near Hangman's peak that could be managed and used as a perfect snipering range. Ashley Hayes lay out in the open behind a rock, blood trickling down her right arm as she clenched her shoulder tightly. The hungarian half-breed she had been riding was not to far from her, shot dead from right underneath her. Her labored breathing caused her to choke on the air, her lungs begging to have it as she shook behind a large boulder. "Come on out Ash. We just want to talk," a voice slurred as Ashley picked her head up to see if she could get a glimpse of who spoke. Although she already knew who the voice belonged to. Joseph Cross, a member of the gang she used to run with. Of course that was about a year or so ago, she couldn't remember. All she could remember was the memory of being betrayed by her right hand man, James Butcher. She growled at the thought of the man before she pulled out her Bolt-action Repeater. She held it close to her chest and took a deep breath. She picked herself up and leaned against the boulder, sticking her head out a little to captuer a glimps of Joseph. "Thats bullshit Joe and you know it. I know James sent you out after me to finish the job that he couldn't. Now do yourself a favor and walk away Joseph. I don't want to have to kill you," she shouted from her position. She hoped he would do as she said and leave. She closed her emerald eyes before quickly standing to her feet. A few seconds, and she shot the nearest man she could see. The man fell to the floor with a hard thud and a short scream. She could feel a few of the bullets maiming her dark brown hair as it fluttered behind her. "That was uncalled for Ash. You used to be one of us. You used to lead us, and now it's your time to follow our new leader," Joseph shouted, reloading the volcanic pistol he held in his hands. Ashley merely chuckled in response. She was the original leader of the Butcher gang, although when she ran it, it was called the Hues gang, out of respect of the former leader, Johnathan Hues. He was a good man that got caught and was hung. "And now you have crossed me, shot me, and then left me to die. How would you react if yourloyalfollowers did that to you?" She put an emphasis on loyal. It was true. When James became her right hand man, he slowly started to change. Before it was just about the train robberies, bank heists, and the looting. Then it shifted to murder and raping innocent young girls, and Ashley wouldn't stand for that. And for that, James Butcher shot her, leaving her in Hangman's Peak to die. Fortunately for her, she didn't. She panted heavily now as the sweat seemed more like rainfall to her eyes. The liquid that managed to squeeze it's way through her eyelids burned her eyes. She quickly wiped it away with the white shirt she was currently wearing and cursed to herself. She needed to end this quickly, and so far, there were no solutions. She reloaded her Repeater and took a blind shot over the boulder, managing to strike another person. Whether he was dead or not didn't matter to her so long as he was hit. After a few minutes that seemed like hours, four men lay dead, and left six standing. Ashley was down to only two bullets. She grunted as more waves of bullets flew past her, taking chunks of the rock with it. She could hear some of the men starting to move closer, and she was going to take them with her. She stood to fire at the two men, and actually aiming for Joseph, hoping to take him with her.
Jayden listened as the woman and the man whom was obvious to be the leader of this posse. His eyebrow raised up at the mention of James, she couldn't mean James Butcher could she? He took a closer look at the posse she defended herself from, they did look like Butcher's men. He shuffled these thoughts away from his mind however, right now a woman was in danger and outnumbered. He shuffled himself as far to the left on the hill as he could, hoping to take the gang members by surprise. He stood up and slid down the hill as discreetly as possible, with his Schofield revolver in hand he approached the men from behind, he hoped that the men in front of him were indeed part of Butcher's gang, perhaps he could beat some information out of him. First things first however, he had to take the leader of this posse alive. He hunched down at the bottom of the hill and slowly moved forward. Unfortunately as one of the gang members turned to spit he spotted Jayden and he spun around to face him. Jayden lifted his revolver and stood up, with one well placed shot he struck the man just above his right eye. He fell to the ground, instantly dead. The others took notice of their comrade's death and turned to face Jayden. "Shit!" He said before he opened fire on the next member in line, taking two shots, both hitting him in his chest, as he expended those two shots he pulled out his sawed off shotgun with his left and with one crack of thunder took out another man, using up both barrels in his haste. He bolted as fast as he could to the side, lucky enough to dodge a few shots made by the remaining three men. As he moved to the side he fired off the remaining contents of his pistol, hitting another gang member, one landed in his hip, another in his stomach, and the last caught him in the throat. As the two remaining men turned to kill Jayden blood shot from two well-placed shots and they both fell to the ground. Jayden stopped moving, his heart racing as he looked over to the woman who's rifle barrel was smoking.
Ashley stood almost petrified and excited at the same time. She had stood quickly enough to spot another man coming down the hill behind Joseph and the other remaining men. She thought it was a hallucination brought on by exhaustion and blood loss from a new wound that hit her side. Fortunately it wouldn't be fatal or even close to it. She quickly pulled the trigger to her Repeater, catching her former brother-in-arms and Joseph by surprise. She managed a quick and painless kill towards Brian, someone of low rank in her previous leadership whom she thought of as a brother. He wasn't the brightest of the bunch, but he made good with his weapons. Joseph however wasn't so lucky. "Damn it, I missed my mark," she slurred out as she felt her legs go from underneath her. Joseph lay crying on the floor and clenching his right shoulder. Blood spurted from the wound and seemed to partially paralyze him. She let out an almost psychotic laugh and found strength in her legs once again. She staggered towards Joseph, taking a slow step each time, before she stood next to the stranger that had appeared and helped her. "Thank you mister. Joseph Cross, if he's got a bounty on his head, you can have him and deal with him. Just make sure he winds up dead one way or another," she addressed the stranger. She turned to glance at him, take in the kind of person he might be. He didn't seem much older than her, perhaps maybe two years older if not three. She was only twenty-nine and had never married nor been with a man. She stuck out her hand in a friendly gesture, hoping he would return it before she spoke. "The name is Ashley. Ashley Hayes at your service. This here Joe, as you know, is part of Butcher's gang. Did he make you his right hand or his left hand huh Joe? " She spat at the man who lay whimpering on the floor. He just flicked her off, which was a bad move for him. With a quick flick of her wrist, she pulled a large thick bladed knife out and managed to slice the finger clean to the bone. Another blood curdling cry errupted from Joseph as he tried to stop the bleeding. "Who might you be mister?" she finally asked, wiping the blood off of her knife on her khaki pants. She had never seen him before, or maybe she had never taken the time to actually look around at the towns she and her former gang raided back then. Even now though she still traveled the country. Which reminded her. She needs a new horse.
Jayden holstered both of his spent weapons and he wiped the sweat from his brow. That was a close one, if the girl hadn't been there he probably wouldn't be walking right now. He stepped up to the man whimpering from his wound. He stood over him and he did recognize him now. He'd seen his face in some wanted posters he was too busy to pick up, a price of 300 dollars alive, quite the prize for someone who was now crying over a survivable wound. He looked over at the woman who had saved his life, or had he saved her? Whatever to call it he was glad she was a good shot. He tipped his hat to the ladt, putting on a crooked half-smile as he said in his low, slightly haggard voice "Your very welcome Miss..." He cocked an eyebrow as she cut off the man's finger, unnecessary to him, but not only did the man deserve that, it seemed like the two had plenty of history to justify it. He looked down at the man, a slightly bigger smile on his face as he let out a long whistle. "Joeseph Cross huh?...five counts or robery, seven counts of assault, and over twenty counts of murder... Among countless other despicable acts on humanity... You've got quite the bounty on your head mister, let's say we go for a little ride." He chuckled a bit and pulled out a line of rope, as he approached the man he reached for his gun with his uninjured arm. Jayden stomped on his hand with his large boot, a small snap was heard and the man cried out in pain once more before he was forcibly hogtied. Jayden stood up once his mark was all neatly wrapped up and he turned back to the woman speaking to him. "Pleasure to meet you Miss Hayes... Names Jayden Williams, I'm a bounty hunter..." He paused for a moment before asking. "I overheard you two talking... You used to be the leader of the Butcher gang?" He looked over the girl, she didn't have the look of a notorious murderer about her.
Ashley merely stood where she was and took a deep breath. It seemed breathing was becoming a bit of a problem. Maybe it was all the excitement or perhaps the adrenaline dying down in her. She watched the man hogtie Joseph and list off the charges he would be held accountable. She never knew the gang would go that far, but then again, James did have a rather absurd last name. "Yep. I know I don't look like much now, but you should have seen me in my prime," she nearly boasted. Who would have known that she would be talking so formally with a bounty hunter no less. She straightened herself out and dusted off any remaining debris that stuck to her clothing before turning to Jayden. She raised an eyebrow at the man. "I suppose you want a little more than just that," she stated before she sighed. "It wasn't always the Butcher gang. We were known as the Hues Gang. I am sure someone like yourself had heard of a gang robbing trains and cities and taking from the rich to sustain themselves," she began. It wasn't something she liked to do, talk about her past with unknown people. For all she knew she probably had a bounty as well. This man would probably take her in as well. "James Butcher was my right hand man till the bastard shot me and left me to die. The gang had gotten out of control with him second in command. They began raping women and killing innocent people. Our gang had never been like that and so I tried 'reasoning' with James," she finished. Anger glowed in her eyes as she tightened her fist. She wanted nothing more than revenge on the man she once thought of as a brother. "I'd give anything to kill that bastard," she stated, venom spewing from every word.
Jayden listened to the girl speak, he recognized the Hues gang. They were once one of the more wanted gangs out there, mostly because they were pretty anti-government and were a real thorn in the federal government's side as a lot of the trains they stole from were owned by the government. However they were told the Hues gang was taken out, another lie on the government's list of falsehoods. Jayden could hardly believe that the leader of a formerly notorious gang was right in front of him, and as far as he knew no one would pay anything to have her. He mentally shrugged, settling with the 300 dollars the man at his feet promised him from the local sheriff. Then as she spoke her last sentence Jayden got an idea. It sounded like this girl knew a lot of the people in the Butcher gang, perhaps even some of the higher ranking people. She could really be a big help to him. A smirk danced on his lips as he thought of the poetry of the whole idea, a former gang leader taking revenge on her former gang. He brought his hand to his mouth and he gave a two loud whistles of different tones, the tones he taught his horse meant for him to come. Sure enough his trusted horse galloped over the hill towards Jayden. As he did Jayden bent down and picked up the injured man at his feet and hefted him over to his horse, putting him over the horse's hind end and securing him there like a package that needed transport. Once he was done he turned to Ashley and said as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, taking a short puff before he removed it. "Well Miss Hayes... I myself have a little business with James butcher" He reached into his duster pocket and pulled out a piece of folded up paper with his bounty on it. "I'm hoping to retire on the money his murdering ass will get me... and I could certainly use the help." He took another long drag of his cigarette, careful not to blow it in her face.
Ashley raised an eyebrow at his offer. Sure, she would like nothing more than to take revenge on her former brothers-in-arms, but would that really be satisfying and fulfill the empty hole that dug deeper within her heart of hatred? She shifted her weight to one leg, allowing her free hand to rub her chin in thought. This could be a great gift in disguise. She would be getting help in return for her cooperation. She turned and smiled at Jayden. "I accept your offer Mr. Williams. I shall help you take down my old gang. Resources tell me they have grown quite a bit, no doubt from empty promises on James' side," she mused out. The last newspaper stated that the gang was currently stationed near Fort Mercer. She had taken the time to scout the area before she was spotted. That's wear Joseph came in, chasing her down to finish her off. No doubt they would have moved by now. James was never one to stay in one spot for too long. "I will do this on one condition. I get to kill him after you recieve compensation for taking him in "alive", and there will be no interference from anyone," she made an emphasis on his current status. She would allow Jayden to take James alive to the authorities, but she had her own plans for him. She smiled at the thought and turned to glance at Jayden. Her eyes danced with mischief as her mind wandered off into it's dark corner. "I will meet up with you in Armadillo. I need a new steed," she stated, remembering her fallen Half-breed. She sighed and heaved her shoulders. That horse had been with her ever since Johnathan ran the gang. It was old and already knocking on deaths door, but she loved that horse. Perhaps she could capture a Kentucky Saddler in this area since they were known to be plentiful. With that in mind, she took off on foot towards a direction she hoped would lead her to a herd.
Jayden got a slight smile as she accepted his offer, glad he wouldn't bet tackling the biggest gang the west has seen in years alone. He knew it was a fools errand, his chances were virtually non-existent, but now, with another person backing him up, his chances have increased just enough. However he would need a lot more help if he ever dreamed of taking the Butcher gang out. He searched his memories, he knew of a few people who may be able to help. Those thoughts however were for a different time, right now, he needed to get Joesph Cross to the sheriff's before some of his buddies show up. He finished off his cigarette as she took off in the opposite direction of where he was headed. He flicked it away and took a moment to re-load his revolver and shotgun, just in case. He mounted his steed and urged him onward at the fastest the black stallion could go. He arrived in Armadillo not too long afterwards, he slowed down to a trot as he rode through the walls of houses and stores. The man slung across the horses hind end pulled stares from many passerby, people who either know who he is, or what he is. Jayden strode up to the sheriff's office, Marshal Leigh Johnson was taking a smoke out in front of the office at the time. He saw Jayden, and knowing him for other bounties he threw him a friendly greeting. "Jayden!... glad to see you again partner, looks like you caught yourself another one?" He said as he walked up to Jayden, flicking away his spent cigar. Jayden dismounted and pulled the man off his horse and let him fall to the ground. "Yes sir... This ones quite a catch too" Jayden said as he pushed the man on his back with a foot to show his face to the Marshal. "Damn son, Joesph Cross huh?... Quite a catch indeed, Come on inside and we'll get you your money... Jonah! Eli! Show this murdering bastard to his cell please" the marshal said as he turned away from the tied up man and walked inside. Jayden followed him as the hillbilly Jonah, and his fellow deputy Eli came out to drag the man inside. After Jayden got his money he headed to the bar to wait for his partner in bounty hunting to show.
Ashley lay crouched behind a thorn bush. Her instincts were right about the rumors of the herd being located just behind Cholla Springs, nearing Hangman's Peak. As she tried to single out a particular horse, the sound of slow-paced footsteps filled her ears. She turned to spot a man riding a Kentucky Saddler and behind him was non other than a Hungarian Half-breed. Her eyes sparkled with a thought, and she hurried to him. "Mister, Mister please wait," she called out to him. It startled the man as he came to an abrupt stop and looked in all directions to find the source of the voice. Ashley caught up to him and smiled, hoping to fool the man into a false sense of security. "Please, how much for the horse. I'd be willing to pay anything for him," she pleaded falsely. The man rubbed the back of his neck, not really wanting to sell the newly caught horse. It would mean he would have to go back to Mexico and try breaking another one, or in his case, steal it. "Give me $750 for it and you can have him," he spoke. That wasn't too bad. Normally the deed to a horse like that was around $1500 or so. Not really feeling like stealing the horse when she had the money on her, she paid the man, took the horses reigns, and climbed bare back on him. "Take care ma'am," the man tilted his hat and stirred his horse foreward. Ashley smiled, glad to have another half-breed in her ownership. Although she would have to buy a saddle for him now, she was happy to have another horse. She guided the horse towards Armadillo, and in an hour or so, she made it to town. She glanced around the bustling little town, watching as people crossed the road and mingled with one another. She looked around for Jayden and had not spotted him yet until she saw the black horse hitched near the bar. She smiled and rode towards the little shack of a bar and walked inside. She spotted him near the bar and walked up, slipping into the chair next to him and folded her arms in front of her. "So, what's the plan going to be like," she questioned as she ordered a glass of water, not really in the mood for something strong.
Jayden cast off about a dozen or so requests from the local whore in the bar of Armadillo. He was never in to that sort of thing, he believed that sex needed to have at least a little love to make it worthwhile. He sat at the bar just quietly drinking from a whiskey bottle, it was regular sort of ritual for him, after he had caught a bounty he would go right to the bar and drink, not until he was on the floor drunk. Just enough drunk to stave off the memories of his past he didn't want to be brought back up. As Jayden drank slowly, waiting for the girl he'd met earlier to show, he began to wonder who in his list of old friends could he call upon? Jayden had a great many people he does buisness with. He couldn't really call them friends, for most of them are either people who owe him money, people that are alive because of Jayden, or people he used to know from a long time ago, too far back than he was drunk enough to think of. He saw Ashley in the coner of his eye, slipping into a bar chair next to him. He pushed away his bottle, feeling if he drank any more he might start slurring his words a little. He reached up and scratched his bearded chin as he went through a list of people's names and faces in his mind, a few stuck out. "Well... It won't do us any good to just run in there guns ablazing. From what I hear, James Butcher has done enough looting, robbing and killing to have amassed his own small army. Complete with gatling guns and cannons. It won't take a genius to know we would get killed before we even got to James." He paused for a moment to pull out a little notebook from his duster pocket, in in was all the names of people he knew and could be of use to him and all the places they normally are. "We need to take out as many of James' higher ranking men as we can if we ever want a chance at him, and I know some people who can help use out with that." "I know of one guy, Leonard Laney, you might know him, he acts as sort of an information broker for James. This guy has a lot of friends in places all over, even some in the government. Laney informs Jason of all the high priced pockets, all the trains stuffed with money or government munitions... If we take this guy out first, James is gonna have a hard time getting any new hardware and cash to fuel his little army, making our job just a bit easier." He said while looking over at Ashley, a slight smirk on his face as was his trademark.
Ashley took a sip of the water that was guided to her by the bartender. She listened to Jayden's speech, chuckling when he mentioned James' small army. Truth be told, he did amass a small army and they all acted as personal body guards to James. She placed the bottle back down and turned to face Jayden. She stared at him a bit, studying his face to see if there was any thing that might give her a heads up of his true intentions. She didn't trust people so easily and she wasn't about to trust this bounty hunter, no matter if they were partners out for the same person. "I suppose you are right about that. As for Leo, yeah I am familiar with that whore as well. He'd do anything to please James,anything. From what resources have told me, he is holed up in Benedict Point. There is a mine down there that he uses to transport some of the ammunition and weapons to wherever James is located," she briefly stated. She fiddled with the glass bottle and stared back at the cup. She searched her memory for anything that might be useful. Leonard was a weird, but very intelligent man. He could weasel his way out or in any situation, and that's why James had trusted him. Plus the man was obviously attached to James in one way or another. "He's not the only one that's got resources in high places," she mused, taking a large gulp of the clear liquid before setting the glass down. "But first thing is first. Leonard Laney needs to be dealt with swiftly. If left alive, more than likely he'll inform Butcher of our plans and we'll be slaughtered before the calvery could arrive," she added on. She stood from her barstool and winked at Jayden. She stepped back and dusted off the torn and blood covered shirt she was still wearing. "But first a gal's gotta freshen up. Covered in blood isn't exactly fashionable for one such as I. We will go meet one of yourfriendsand see if we can conjur up a plan that will not fail," she spoke clearly and in almost a demanding way. "I will meet you at by the sheriff's office in thirty minutes. I need to send out a message to anaccompliceof mine. He'll be able to tell me where Leonard is currently hiding. Sometimes he likes to visit the whores of Thieves Landing, even if he's a bit messed up in the head," she waved Jayden off as she left.
Jayden sighed as she spoke of Benedict point. He remembered the last time he went there. A different gang was holed up inside, he and two of his closest friends went to take down the Steven's gang. Little did they know that they had a generous storage of dynamite. Caused a lot of trouble for the three of them. Even caused Jim Harold, a man Jayden was thinking of contacting, to lose his right arm. His firing arm, he spends most of his time as a drunk in various parts of the world. A great bounty hunter turned worthless drunk at the throw of a stick. Jayden's thoughts disappeared as she continued, and Jayden listened intently, if he was going to take down Benedict point he would need some new hardware, preferably something ranged. He stood up as he did and he put his hat back on which had been lying on the table next to his whiskey. He straightened it on his head and nodded at her. "Meet you there Miss Hayes" He said with a touch of formality, he had a bit of chivalrous personality when it came to women. However this girl seemed like she could cure him of that. Jayden walked out of the bar and they parted ways. Jayden headed straight for the gun shop. He entered and was greeted by John the shopkeep, they both had a mutual friendship as John normally provided Jayden with plenty of ammo and was even the one who sold Jayden his Schofield. Jayden greeted him back and got right to buisness "I need something that can take a man down from over 100 meters, can you help me?" The man behind the counter bit his upper lips and held up a finger, disappearing into the back of his shop. He returned with a Rolling block rifle. Jayden let out a low whistle, he expected a bolt action rifle or something used for hunting. This was a military grade sniper rifle. "Damn John... Whered you?... Never mind, how much do you want?" He knew better than to ask where John get his merchandise, he just knew it wasn't exactly legal however. John put on a smile and said "Give me 200 and it's yours" Jayden's jaw tightened at that price, he had 350 to his name at the moment, and he needed ammo. After a bit of consideration he shrugged and agreed to the price, also purchasing plenty of rifle ammo for Ashley's rifle as well as a few shells for his shotgun and a few boxes of Revolver ammo. He also gave his Winchester to John, not having room for it at the moment he told him to hold onto it for now, Jayden trusted him enough for that. He left satisfied, now only having 50 dollars however gave him a little remorse. He headed for the sheriff's office to wait for his new partner to arrive to meet him. He also decided to check the bounty board, the price on Jame's head may have gone up since the one he'd gotten before was almost a year old. What he saw blew his mind, the price had jumped to 3,000 alive, 1,800 dead. He was a public enemy, the government were desperate to take this man down. Jayden had never grinned so much in his life as he took the postr and folded it away in his duster.
Ashley smiled as she passed on the message. It wasn't long before she found the tailor and found a new suit. It was a dark brown vest with a lighter shade of brown long sleeved shirt. A typical bounty hunter outfit. She laughed at the irony when she had purchased it. She had purchased a bandolier to hold more ammo and hung it over her shoulders. Her pants were now black jeans and they fit perfectly on her, giving her enough room to move and yet comfortable to wear. She pulled back her hair into a loose ponytail, allowing some of her hair to frame her face before placing the Bolt-Action Rifle in it's holster on her back. She grabbed the Carbine Repeater and placed it in the holster that was attached to her horse. She stroked his fur and smiled. This had to be a blessing in disguise. Here she was with a bounty hunter hunting down her former gang. She chuckled at the thought before she walked into the gunsmith. She purchased more ammo, she didn't want to be caught without it again, and also some for Jayden. She knew he had a Winchester so she bought some ammo to keep him loaded. It wasn't like they were just killing two men. No, it was more like massacring an army. She hoised the Rolling block rifle to her other shoulder so that she had both rifles secured. Besides, you can never have to much ammo, not in this country. After placing the ammo in the necessary compartments, she placed the spare ammo to the side in a pack that laid on her waist. She exited the building and called for her horse. She led him to the Sheriff's office and spotted Jayden standing near the building. She spotted him placing something in his duster coat and raised an eyebrow. She walked beside him and gave him a questioning look. She glanced around, perhaps he had met with someone while she was gone. "What have you there Mr. Williams? A new bounty?" she questioned while folding her arms across her chest. "I don't know if we have the time for new ones Mr. Williams," she spoke as she turned around and mounted her horse. She reared it towards Benedict Point and smiled. "Shall we go or is there anything else you need to get? My informant will send me details once we reach Mercer Station. He will be sending the information out that way. It's a bit of a ride, but it's real close to Benedict Point," she stated as she waited for Jayden. Perhaps it wouldn't be too bad to befriend this bounty hunter. Even if he was a chilvarous man, it was refreshing having a companion who wouldn't try to kill her, or at least that's the impression she recieved as she had studied him.
Jayden looked up as he could hear Ashley's voice and he got a bit of a surprise when he saw her. She cleaned up well, very well. He never noticed her face before because of her hair in a mess and her cloths were splattered with blood. She was, actually rather beautiful, something he didn't expect to see after what he'd seen her do. A beautiful woman who knew how to kick some ass and wouldn't take any crap from anyone, Jayden cracked a light smile, he kind of liked the Idea. He pulled his eyes away from her face as he knew if he did it any longer he would be staring. He stayed silent for her first question, deciding not to tell her of James' increase in bounty. He didn't know why, perhaps it came with this line of work, with the kill or be killed mentality in things, he's been screwed over by supposed partners before. Or perhaps he wanted the money to himself? Or perhaps he just didn't trust this girl enough yet, he would have to see which was the real answer, for now he stayed quiet. Once his horse galloped up to him he mounted it and reared in the same direction she was facing her horse. He returned her smile and said "No ma'am, I have everything I need... Let's go catch us a weasel." He said with a little laugh before lightly kicking his horse into a slow gallop, urging her to come along. Jayden began to think about the woman he was now traveling with, sure she was the former leader of a huge gang. The Butcher gang in fact. However Jayden heard stories about the Hues gang, it was supposedly a gang that didn't kill, never terrorized the public and would often even help the unfortunate. A lot of the Hues gang's members back then were strays, people with nowhere to go and nothing to their name. They weren't saint's by far, and they had no qualms about defending themselves. Jayden suddenly had a rise in respect for the woman riding beside her.
Ashley smiled towards Jayden before kicking her horse to match Jayden's American Standard-Bred. She lingered behind him, just a bit, and took notice to her surroundings. The sun was still high in the sky, and there was a gentle breeze. It was calming in a sense that frightened her for some reason. Whenever it was calm and gentle, there was usually a gang somewhere around to take that serenity away from you and throw you into a state of fear and anguish. She knew personally as she had done it many times before on would be government officials transporting large sums of cash to the bank in Blackwater. "So, Jayden," she began before pausing. "If you don't mind me calling you that, what exactly made you decide to become a bounty hunter? I am pretty sure a young boy dreams of more exciting things than killing outlaws and making money off of them," she continued, picking up her pace so that she was an inch behind him and staring at the back of his head. She didn't decide to just become a criminal. Rather, she was born into it. "My mother was a working woman who traveled with a gang. She had me during her times so I guess you can say I am the bastard daughter of an outlaw. Sounds exciting doesn't it. She died before I turned eight and I was taken in by Johnathan Hues. I grew up apart of his gang, and when he died, I inherited it. We weren't killers you know. We did what the government couldn't and provided for those who were in need," she spoke a little. In order to trust someone, you must first learn about them, right? And right now Ashley needed to know she could trust this man. If she couldn't, she would leave him the first chance she had and she didn't want to have to do that. This was her first real chance at something and she didn't want to waste it so hastily. She kept her gaze fixated to her surroundings. Something seemed off to her and she liked to follow her gut instincts. "I think we should stop here for a few, and let the horses rest. We've been riding them pretty good," she spoke as she rubbed the thick neck of her stallion. Splotches of grey fused with the white fur of the horse signaled he was tiring and if he didn't rest soon, she would have worked him to death. They had closed in upon Repentance Rock and it had a wonderful view of the plains. It was perfect for her to scout and see if they were being followed. If anything, it was just her paranoia playing tricks on her. She seriously hoped she was just paranoid.
As Jayden rode with Ashley right on his tail his eyes scanned the horizon. Watching the slowly approaching outline of the desert and mountains ahead of him. His gaze however was interrupted by the girls question and he threw a glance at her through one eye before putting on a slight smile. He was silent for a long moment, he was both wondering whether he should actually tell her, and how to precisely phrase it. He only decided to answer her once they had stopped and dismounted their horses, even then he held a long pause before he began. "I never really chose to be a bounty hunter... I guess, to put it simply, I've seen and done too many horrible things to deserve the simple life... I didn't pick this job, or the life I lead, but when all your good for is killing people and breaking things, you might as well make a profit on it." He put on a fake smile and looked over at Ashley. He could see she wasn't satisfied with this half-baked answer but he had no intention of sharing his past with her. At least not yet "I may feel inclined to reveal more of my past later Miss Hayes... For now, it's hardly something I can even think about without a bottle of whiskey in my hand..." Jayden reached into his duster and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a long drag and blowing out a cloud of smoke. A wave of calmness hit him afterwards. He could see the sun beginning to creep behind the horizon and the light began to fade. He began to also feel a slight amount of uneasiness, his eyes became more focused and he looked around a bit.
Ashley merely listened and understood and respected his wishes. She did not buy his smile however; if he trusted her enough, he would tell her in due time. She felt a little nervous now. Vultures circled high in the air, constantly flying close to the ground before shifting back up. They only did that when something was about to die and they could smell the death lingering in the air. She shifted her Carbine Repeater on her shoulder, glancing up at the large rock before her. She glanced back to Jayden, and then headed towards the boulder hill. When she reached the top, she kneeled down, pulled out her Rolling Block Rifle and peeked through the scope. She didn't have a telescope like most of the rich folk, but she decided it was best to buy something else then a telescope when she already had a sniper rifle. It did not help that the sun was setting already, but luck seemed to be on her side as the silhouette of a full moon appeared in the sky. At least it would be brighter and she could cover more ground that way. Spotting nothing but an empty wasteland, she relaxed a bit and sat against the tree, closing her eyes for a few seconds before reopening them. Something stirred in the bushes, and as she aimed for it, a deer hopped out, strangled with the thorns of the brush. "I think it would be a good time to rest. We can take shifts keeping a look out in this here parts. I don't like how calm it feels and the vultures circling us like that," Ashley concured while slipping down the hill. If her memory serves her well, James was the type to hunt at night when people were less guarded and tired from a hard days work. If they slept in shifts, they just might have a slim chance of making it to Benedict Point by tomorrow afternoon. Although her stomach demanded food, her mind was set on staying alive for the night. They could pick something up tomorrow at the station. She pulled off her weapons, keeping her Bolt-action rifle closer to her, and set them on the ground. Although she had three other weapons, the Bolt-Action was her favorite and she could use it more efficiently. "I can take the first shift. You seem more exhausted then I do," she spoke as she dug through the bag that lay at the Hungarians side. After finding her ammo, she placed it on the bandolier, making sure she filled every hole with ammunition to be on the safe side. The episode at Cholla Springs was one she didn't want to have to do again. "And I'm more familiar with my gangs tactics," she added, trying to justify the reason why she should be the one to scout first. Even if he wanted to rest first, she didn't want to give him an open option and immediately began her journey back up the large rock. It was perfect for her to hide and yet open enough for her to keep watch without worrying about being surrounded or jumped from behind.
Jayden spotted the vultures at almost the same moment Ashley did and he felt the air stale with the nervousness and uneasiness they both felt. He knew vultures were never a good sign, they always signaled death wherever they flew but there were more than he was used to seeing. Jayden took another drag off his cigarette as he watched Ashley climb the boulder hill. Once his cigarette was spent he flicked it away and decided to collect up some supplies for a small fire, it would be dangerous to spend the night without one warding off coyotes and mountain lions. He was lucky enough to run across a nice dried up dead tree, it had more than enough branches to supply him with a small fire for a majority of the night. He broke off a number of branches and brought them back to their horses. He set up a small campfire, big enough to keep them from freezing and hopefully small enough to remain undetected. He pulled out some dried up grass and crushed them up to provide a better fire starter. He used up one of his matches to start up the grass and then began feeding the flame. He wanted to protest, but she obviously wouldn't have it and before he could start up his chivalry he was shot down. He put on a slight smile at her insistence, it was rare to find a woman like her, strong and independent. He chuckled and simply said "Whatever you say Miss Hayes, just wake me when your ready to get some shut eye." He laid down on the cold ground after feeding the flame a good amount of wood to keep the flame going for an hour or so. He closed his eyes and slowly slipped into a light sleep.
Ashley smiled when Jayden fell asleep, although the light breathing told her he wasn't completely asleep quite yet. She climbed the large rock and sat in the middle, pulling the Rifle closer to her body. She fixed it on her shoulder and peered through the scope, outlining and scanning the area. She wanted to know where every crack and hole was before she felt secured enough to let her guard down a small notch. The vultures seemed to die down with nightfall, scrambling around the floor and pecking at the dirt to find small traces of flesh or food. It seemed like a few hours had passed by before she felt the urge to sleep. Before she could even register it, a sudden movement caught her eye. Without hesitation, she pulled her rifle to her shoulder and shot in the direction. A shrill scream and a thud signaled she had hit her mark. The scream didn't sound human and she quickly descended down the hill. She reached the location her bullet had flown and peered down at what she had shot. A frown marred her face as she kneeled down and picked up the creature by its hind legs. "Stupid animals," she muttered to herself before tieing the rabbit by its hind legs and swinging it over her shoulders. "At least it'll provide some type of breakfast in the morning," she mused as she stalked towards Jayden's current location. She set the rabbit down close to the fire and grabbed her water cantine. She cleansed her hands of the blood before drying them off and walking towards Jayden's slumbering form. She placed a hand on his shoulder and gently shook him, trying not to startle him. If he was anything like her, he'd most likely either pull a knife out on her or a gun. At least that's what she used to do when she led the gang down the country and slept in barns and whore houses. "Hey, it's your turn big guy," she spoke out lowly. Although she couldn't help to wonder if they should continue moving, or stay put. The gun shot could have easily given away their position, and she didn't want any trouble while she slept. She wasn't exactly a morning person, and she hated to be woken up when she was comfortably asleep. She sighed inwardly before pulling out a blanket from her bag that settled on her horses' hind quarters. She un-rolled it and laid it on the ground before pulling out another one. "Try not getting us killed either," she chuckled out in a whisper before settling into her bed.
Bound and helpless. That's how Sarah felt at the moment. It was supposed to be a normal routine that was to turn out normal results and just be plain normal. How did she get into this situation? Ignorance and complete disregard for her superiors. She had only been on Pandora for a few months now. Prior to coming, she was undergoing the physical and emotional therapy to help strengthen her lungs to support the air on the vast Na'vi planet. She let out a sigh, trying to capture a glimpse at her captors through her red strands of hair. Her gray eyes glimmered through the light of the forest. It was beautiful during the night, and had Sarah been at home right now, she would be enjoying it. If she were to ever return to her squad, she would be sure to give her commander a little more than just a piece of her mind. It was a setup and she knew it. She and the lieutenant could never see eye to eye and, although she obeyed her orders, she didn't like the older man. She struggled with the binds, but failed. Small sweat beads trinkled down her forehead, she was getting frustrated, and she hated being frustrated. All the training she recieved did not prepare her for this. She had not planned on getting captured by the indigenous nor being left with no rescue. She knew her life wasn't that important, but damn. There had to be at least one other human missing her right now, trying to convince the army to come and rescue her. She couldn't speak the Na'vi language and she couldn't understand it. It was the only comforting thought she had as she sat in captivity, waiting to see what they would do with her. It couldn't have been too bad. After all, what could primitive animals do to an 'alien' other than tear them limb from limb and probably bask in their blood as they slowly died. She shuddered at the thought. She wasn't ready to die and if that were to be the case, she would at least try and take one of the giants with her. Stop. There was no reason to be thinking like that. She gave out a ligh chuckle, almost sounding like a whisper as the wind played with her hair, giving her better access to the view. They had come upon a large, no huge tree that would have been the perfect treehouse to any little child with a big imagination. Of course, Sarah could only stare in awe.
For Tark'Ek this was the night of triumph. Not only did the future Olo'eyktan managed to defeat the Sky People in battle, but he also captured personally one of them! He manged to jump at the read-haired creature from behind and tie it down with Or'Vi ropes while the other warriors barleykilledthe remaining three. Now he held it's leash in his hand as it moved behind him....the arrogant being it was, now enslaved by the People....looking at it made him both angry and happy, for it will pay for the crimes of it's race. They entered the Home Tree surrounded by a mob of the People, male and female alike, old and young, strong and weak. The entire tribe celebrated their victory. Tark'Ek heard the words of praise coming from all the directions and for him and his warriors and the insults towards the prisoner shouted by those who noticed it. The Sky Person seemed not to understand what they were shouting- he wasn't surprised. Tark'Ed couldn't really expect a primitive creature like this to know the language of People. In the central plaza under the Tree stood Gar'Nat, the current Olo'eyktan. The People formed a large circule around them and fell silent. Gar'Nat spoke "I heard the word of your victory, and I am proud of that, Tark'Ek, son of Kar'Ek. Yet I am surprised to see the prize you brought. It's been many Periods since the last time Gatarokataya tribe captured one of the Sky People." It was true, Tark'Ek was still an Aspiring Aarrior the last time they captured and executed one of this filthy aliens. "This makes me even more proud then" the old man continuer, "for this proves I was right when choosing a successor." He paused for a moment. Tark'Ek was shining with pride. "Let me examine the creature now...." Tark'Ek pushed the Sky Person forward and pointed to the floor. "On your knees before Olo'eyktan, alien".
Sarah grunted as she fell to the floor. Still bound, she managed to spit some of the dirt out that made it into her mouth in the process. She staggered to sit up straight, kicking the dirt in the process and glanced around. Many of the Na'vi seemed joyous and happy to the one that captured her and glared as they spotted her. She twitched her nose a bit, clenching her teeth as she stared at the Na'vi standing in front of her. She heard the Na'vi male speak to her and pointed to the floor. "What? You want me to do something on the floor?" she questioned, not quite following what the male had meant. She turned to glance at what looked like the leader of this particular clan and frowned. He wanted her to bow? Hell no. She was to proud and stubborn for that. She lifted herself up and stared at the Olo'ekytan leader, or what she thought was the leader and glared at him. There was a sense of pride that she had, and the years of training in the military was about to see how far it would get her. "I will not bow to you," she coughed out, still a little dirt lingering in her mouth as she spoke. She took the time to slowly move her hands about, trying to see if she could somehow cut the rope with her metal watch, but to no avail. She mentally cursed herself and glanced around the large tree. There were alot of Na'vi inhabiting it and it reminded her of a city back on Earth. Oh now was the time she wished she had stayed.
The creature sat, but notkneeled. Furthermore, itspoketo the great Olo'eyktan of Gatarokataya tribe. Tar'Ek, enraged, moved tomakeit bow. Just when he was about to grab the alien's leash, Gar'Nak stopped him with a gesture. The young warrior gave him a surprised look. Olo'eyktan ignored it and approached the Sky Person. He brutally grabbed the creature's chin and started moving it in various directions, as if examining something. Few seconds he finished and pushed it away in disgust. After a moment of awkward silence, he announced, looking meaningfully at Tar'Ek. "It's a female" The young warrior shook his head, confused. When capturing a male, it was easy. The prisoners were publicly executed and the case was over. However, according to ancient Na'vi traditions, capturing a female required..different approach. Warriors who manged to captured a female in battle where granted privilege of publicly humiliating her and taking as his own in order to insult her tribe. Now, this situation was a little different. That woman was an alien. She wasn't of any tribe, she was of... Sky People. Tar'Ek's thoughts took different direction. What an honor it would would be for his tribe, what an insult to the Sky People if he did it to her? With a triumphant smile, he addressed Gar'Nak "Oh great Gar'Nak, Olo'eyktan of Gatarokataya tribe. I hereby ask you to grant me the Privilege of Victory." The old man nodded. Then, he raised his hands and announced: "The warrior asked for what's rightfully his. Rejoice!!!" The crowd surrounding them started screaming his name savagely. Such screams were supposed to help the warrior realize his primal energy and make Eywa know that this is the moment of his triumph. Although it had been a long time since the last time such situation happen, knowledge about this and many other rituals was passed from generation to generation. Olo'eyktan moved back and watched the scene with an indifferent facial expression. Tar'ek removed the piece of Pa'li skin covering his sexual organs. His member wasn't hard yet, so he started to masturbate, while constantly looking at the captured female. In a way, she was beautiful.... He wondered if she has vagina in the same place the woman of the People do. He'll soon find out....This uncertainty stimulated him even more. Soon, he'll be ready.
Sarah looked around confused as to what was going on. Her face was abruptly grabbed and then tilted, as if he was inspecting her. He made a face of disgust before things seemed to be quiet, almost an awkward silence type of thing. Then he spoke. Of course she couldn't understand what they were saying and stayed silent. When the one that captured her spoke and rose his hand, the others started wailing and cheering him on. "What the hell is going on here," she stated more to herself as she placed her legs beneath her, forcing herself up to stand. When she did, she noticed the male Na'vi take his direhorse cloth away from his genitals and exposed himself to her. All she could do was raise an eyebrow and say "What the fuck," before he advanced towards her. He began toying with himself as his gazed was fixed on her, like a wolf staring the sheep down, as he did so. She turned her nose in disgust before realization dawned on her. "Hell no, you aint gonna stick that in me," she nearly shouted, her head frantically searching for an open space to run, but there was none. The Na'vi seemed to cheer him on as he did so and while she occassionally stared at him, her mind twistedly wondered how the hell he would fit in her. He was twelve foot tall, she was barely passing six, being at five foot ten inches.
The female stood up. It didn't really mattered to him though-he'll have her anyway, everyway he wants. There is nowhere to run, and with her hands tight there wasn't much she could do anyway. It was truly the day of People's triumph. The day of his triumph. After humiliating her, this little alien female will become his property, as the ancient laws stated. She will pay for her crimes, of that Tar'Ek was certain. When his member was hard enough, he charged towards her with a savage roar. With one kick in the belly he put her back on the ground where he believed her place is. Then, encouraged by a cheerful screams of the Na'vi gathered around he lied down on her, covering her clothed body with his naked one. He spread her legs and looked at the place where her count should be. Like the most of her body, it wasn't exposed. After failing to find the way to remover the material, Tar'Ek grabbed the cloth around her vagina and simply ripped it off. Surprisingly, there was another material under it. He ripped it off as well, finally exposing her small pussy. A little too small for his dick. Despite several attempts he was unable to fit it in. He was mad from both rage and sexual stimulation. Looking for a way to reveal his animal lust he sticked his long toque out and licked the female's cheek, while constantly pressing his penis against her vagina.
Sarah gasped in pain and horror when the Na'vi male charged her. He kicked her to the ground and savagely assaulted her, trying to remove her clothing in which he seemed to fail. When he seemed to give up, he tore off her clothing, leaving her bare to the Na'vi's eyes. She felt a shiver fall down her spine and immediately began to squirm underneath the taller male. He seemed to be confused, almost as if he was calculating something before he began to fit himself inside her. Sarah almost laughed when he seemed to fail before giving a slight grunt as he rubbed against her. "Told you there is no way you'd stick that thing in me," she almost regretted stating that as his tongue flickered out and touched her cheek. She would have spat in disgust but she was afraid that if she opened her mouth, he'd stick his tongue, or something else, in it. As he tried to fit himself, she could feel the pressure against her vagina, part of her wanting it and the other screaming to kick him off. She knew better though as the male Na'vi was clearly taller and stronger than herself. She wouldn't be able to fight off the whole Na'vi clan if she were to actually escape. Without intentionally doing so, a soft moan elicted off her lips as he continued to fit himself in her. Although he was clearly thicker and wider than the average human, it surprised her that it still wouldn't fit. Back home on earth she had heard some rather disturbing tales of larger men fitting into smaller women. How they managed, she didn't know. She was just glad he wouldn't be able to stick his penis in without first widening her. A fit of rage still filled her being, trying her hardest to cut the rope from her wrists so she could have an advantage with free hands.
Unlike fine, Na'vi women during the Privilage of Victory, the alien woman offer no resistance. What a pathetic creatures these Sky People are! So arrogant, so pompous, so disrespectful towards Eywa....yet when captured, they can't even fight back. Of course, this wouldn't have changed anything but honor required fighting to the last drop of blood. For some reason however, her passiveness made him even more horny...he wanted to rape and ravage her and nothing, especially not her cunt, will stop him! Angry , he tried to penetrate her yet again. With one, powerful thrust, he charged his penis into her vagina. It was tighter and felt better then the pussy of any Na'vi woman he fucked ever before. When his cock was only halfway in,he started rapidly pumping inside her, stretching her cunt with every move. He knew he was causing the alien pain, but that stimulated him even more. He wanted to make her pay, he wanted to complete the ritual, but most importantly, he wanted to satisfy his own lust. While he was fucking her, his tongue forced it's way into her mouth. For him, it doubled his victory. He continued raping her for a long time, until he couldn't hold it anymore. Tar'Ek howled savagely as he started cumming inside her vagina. Soon, he felt the pressure of his own semen, there was simply not enough place inside her for all of it. He quickly pulled his penis out, his cum poured out of her wide-opened cunt shortly after. The crowd of Na'vi was screaming his name cheerfully and Olo'eyktan nodded his head. This part of the ritual was over. He stood up and looked at humiliated creature lying below. His last was gone, and all he felt now was some strange mixture of rage and happiness.
Jacob woke up, just another typical day in Racoon City. Being part of the special Stars squad did have some advantages, he was offered a big house with a nice salary and everything he could dream off, the payment of offering his life for the service each time he was called into duty. Jacob was a very strong person, his broad muscles and six packs often attracted a lot of ladies, however due to his line of work he often was left having one night stands with no real realationship. However that did not matter, not anymore since a few days ago the world practically ended. Umbrella corporation the unkown cause of the end of the planet. Releasing a deadly virus that killed and reanimated the bodies of the dead. The world ended, the only problem was the dead did not stayed dead. He looked around from where he was hiding, a small appartment in the fifth floor of a building. It was small enough for him and somebody else, he had it stocked full of food and weapons. The entrance was reinforced and there was no chance any zombies would get in the appartment. He did all this in the first three days of the infection, now his mission was simple, find any survivors. Taking a deep breath he equipped himself with some weapons and a few granades for in case of emergency and walked down the stairs into the first floor of the building. Taking a deep sigh he walked off with his gun raised in case any zombies attempted to attack him. The roads were very empty wich was very odd at this time of the day. He expected the roads to be filled with zombies and him firing a lot of rounds. He walked through the streets trying to make no sound at all. His eyes focused at everything going on around him. He was going to check first places where food might be found or weapons, those were the first places where a survivor would go. It was then when he heard a woman scream, a survivor. Running out in the direction where he heard the scream he saw a old weapons store, the same store his best friend owned. Running he looked inside and saw a woman backing away from a lot of zombies, his best friend on the floor being eated alive by zombies. The sound of the zombies eating his flesh and the woman screaming paralized him at first before opening fire. The first hit landed on the head of the zombie who was about to bite the young woman. He rushed in and kept firing his weapon to any zombies who came near, Lady, behind me walk out, the symbol of Stars on his shirt as he fired away and waited for the woman to react to whatever it was happening.
Jessica crept around the town that was once known as Raccoon City. It's desolate streets filled with loud moans of the undead sent chills up her spine. She hid behind a dumpster as a zombie lazily stumbled by. If she timed it right, she'd be able to rush past him and manage to get to the weapon store that was located just in front of her. She took two deep breaths and held the third. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, she bursted from her hiding spot, shouldered the zombie from behind and caused it to plummet towards the floor. "Ha, slow poke!" she muttered to herself as she made a mad dash for the store. She didn't want to be caught outside by one of the dogs. Oh how she was terrified when she learned her pet doberman had to be shot in the head when it turned. She could still remember the stench that left it's body as the rotting flesh rolled down it's spine, exposing his ribcage. When she reached the store, she began to hail down her fists as hard and fast as she could to catch at least some sort of attention. Although she wasn't sure if there was a survior in there. After the first three bangs on the door, she was greeted with a shotgun to the face. Immediately, the man pulled it back and opened the door, pulled her in, and shut it behind her. She began to weeze as she gulped in the air she had seemed to have lost during the escapade and felt her knee's buckle in beneath her. Her dark brown hair cascaded down her back and touched the floor as she lay with her hands on the floor and her knee's touching it. She gazed the area with her blue eyes before she gazed upon her savior. He was an older gent; short and stocky with a salt and pepper hair style. "Thank you sir," she stated as she rose from the floor and shook his hand. The older male nodded before settling down behind his counter. "I wasn't sure if anyone was still here," she stated, following behind him and leaned against his counter. "And thanks to you those monsters out there will know there are two morsels inside just waiting to be ripened for the taking," he growled out as he set the shotgun down on the counter. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose before turning his dark brown eyes towards Jessica again. "I suppose I couldn't just leave ya out there anyways," he concluded as he walked towards his door to lock it. Jessica had made her way towards the counter as he did so when the door burst open and a flood of zombies collided with the floor. "Damnit!" the man shouted as he made a grab for his shotgun that had still laid at the counter. Fear shone in his eyes as a group of zombies made a grab for his legs and pulled him down. Jessica tried to cover her ears to the screaming and the crunching as more zombies flooded in. She let out a scream herself as shots began to be fired and another man appeared. He told her to get behind him and she did as she was told. She ran out the door and out into the streets.
He groaned as he saw a zombie bite his friend, Fuck. He pointed his gun at the zombie eating the man and blew its brains out. The body of the zombie fell down on top of the store owner lifeless body. As he pointed at shoot at the other zombie he realized there were beginning to attract other zombies thing that he did not wanted to at the moment. With a sigh he backed away and looked at the woman, If you want to be safe, follow me. He shot at a zombie that was approaching and walked to the corner of the streets. It would be a good ten minute walking before they could reach his house, if they ever got the oportunity to reach it. Racoon city was in shambles, cars were abandoned everywhere and the odor of rotting flesh were now a common thing. It all happened so fast that he barely could get out alive, if he ever got out alive it would be a miracle. Grabbing a handgun he gave it to the woman, I sure hope you know how to shoot, its loaded just point at the head and shoot away. His eyes looked at the full of horror eyes of the girl and sighed, Look I know you are scared, but if we are going to get back home I need you to be alert. He shot at another zombie and slowly started to walk in direction back to his house. He took cover in every car and looked around before continuing on his way, to others that action might be stupid in the situation but it kept him alive. He counted each zombie that he saw each time he took cover and thought if they were going to be able to reach him. Running back to his appartment he saw two zombies in front of the door. Grabbing two knifes he threw them into the zombies head, We dont need the noise attracting the zombies. Once they were inside the building and he closed the door he could breathe a sigh of relief. Walking to the door where the stairs were he held it open so the girl could walk in, once she did he closed the door and locked it with a couple of special made locks he placed. Hiding the gun he nodded, My name is Jacob, former Stars member, for now we are safe. What is your name lady? he said as he started to walk up the stairs in direction to his floor, each door was barricaded strongly except the last one.
Jessica's eyes widened in horror as the streets began to become infested with Zombies. The man seemed good at what he did, shooting, and it served a purpose well to protect the two. She squealed slightly as zombies began to corner them before the man laid waste to them, creating an opening as they walked down the streets. She tried to stay alert, adrenaline still coursing through her veins as they strolled down the infested streets. He handed her a handgun, asked if she knew how to shoot it, and proceeded to walk towards his "home" or so she thought. Although she wasn't incompetent with a gun, the only time she'd ever shot one was when she was applying for a concealed weapon liscense. She of course failed it, and has only been to the shooting range once or twice a month, given her current schedule, but now, it seemed like it would come in handy. When they approached his house, Jessica stood in awe of it. It was rather large for a man to be on his own and when they entered, he mentioned he was part of the S.T.A.R.S. group. That explained why he was so good at shooting. She sighed, allowing the adrenaline to cool down as he spoke. So his name was Jacob, and he was a "former" member of the said group. This would be quite interesting. "I'm Jessica, and thank you for helping me out back there. I wish I could say the same for that man. The poor guy didn't deserve to go out like that," she muttered as they neared a barricaded door.
He kept walking up the stairs, the place was full of the same rotten odor that was in the streets. Once he got to his floor he opened the door and walked in his room. It was rather small, mostly filled with food and supplies for survival. Electricity was being supplied by a power generator on the appartment. As he entered he let her get in before he locked the door and secured it, once he did he took off his gun placing it in a table besides the door, "You are safe here". He stretched out and looked at her, "Are you hurt, bitten or scratched?. If you do I am going to have to do something you might not like, kill you". He had seen it so many times, people get bitten and then infected by whatever was killing all living things out there. As he walked to the livingroom he sat on the couch and looked at the girl. If she was bitten he won't kill her until she start to show signs of the change, it would be nice to have someone to talk to after the couple of days alone. Pointing at the door he smirked, "there is a bathroom there, you can go take a bath if you want to relax". He opened the window and looked down at the streets, the zombies mindlessly walking around and the only thing heard down there were the moans of the zombies. He shook his head and looked at her, "Go take a bath, then we can decide what to do next"
"Oh, alright," Jessica stated as she moved to the bathroom. She pulled off her backpack that strung to her back and set it down on the floor. She rummaged through it and found a large white t-shirt that would reach down to her knee's and cover most of her body. She stripped down to her bare underwear and turned the water on. She tested it to make sure it wouldn't be too hot nor to cold. Once it turned out to be just right, she finished stripping and dipped into the pool of water. "Hm," she soothed out as the warm water began working her muscles, soothing them so that they were no longer sore. Jessica ran her fingers through the water as her mind flittered to a time when things were simple and less complex. She could remember seeing her family, her brothers and younger sister standing in their backyard as they blew out their second birthday candle. Tears stung at her eyes as the image of their bodies bloodied and torn apart entered her mind. Her father was eaten by the cerberus that had attacked him as he tried to get them away, and her mother was caught by a zombie that fell on her. Her younger sisters were only five and fell to more cerberus along with her eldest brother who tried to save them. Only she and her second oldest brother remained alive. However, she didn't know if he was or wasn't. He had left and she was on her own, hence the reason why she was running through the streets. She was also searching for him. Her mind seemed to wander, uncaring to the world at the moment as she relaxed in the water.
The book shop was as crowded as ever as Hermione Granger tried to squeeze through the crowd. Oh Merlin this was so annoying. She had decided to do her shopping without Harry or Ron this time. Making her way over to a shelf with her list in hand she began to go through the titles scanning over them. After a second she gave a frustrated sigh. The people in the shop seemed to have mixed them up pretty good. 'Great. Now I'm going to have to hunt. This is going to take all day.' She thought as she looked over the jumbled mess. She really didn't want to do this right now. It was her 5th year and she had really demanding classes. So they demanded more complex and harder to find books. Pursing her lips she found one title she needed and decided to move to a less jumbled shelf. No luck there. This day seemed to be getting worse and worse. Little did she know but her day was about to get even worse when the bell of the shop rung again and two certain people stepped in.
As the two Malfoy men entered they glanced around the shop with a look that could only be described as disgust, frowning at the sigh of all the....people. Still, this was a necessary unpleasantness for Draco to get the books he needed, though Lucius had no idea why he had to be the one to bring the boy, surely his mother could have handled such a menial task. Draco seemed to move away from his father to both search for the books he needed and to make his presence known, attempting to feed his already oversized Ego by belittling all he came across, making sure even the Slytherin students knew to fear and respect him. Lucius Malfoy on the other hand had different ideas. He began to move slowly and carefully through the store, careful to never touch anyone or let anyone touch him, as if the people around him were far beneath him, but he didn't need to say it, his mere presence said he was superior. Eventually he seemed to notice someone, someone who had watched him for a moment before seeming to resume a search for books. Just as Hermione had finally found the book she was looking for, just as she was about to reach it, a pale hand reached past her, snatching the book from the shelf. "My my....this is what they're teaching students now...? How.... quaint..."
She sighed as the book was snatched from her line of sight. Hearing the voice she inwardly groaned. Oh not now. Why did her day have to get worse. She would have just left and gone to find another copy. But that particular book was a bit rare and finding another copy would take hours in this sea of people. So she sucked it up and turned around. "Yes very quaint. Now would you please hand me my book." She said trying to keep polite tones holding her hand out. But inside she wanted to just snatch the book out of his hand and punch him square in the face. But that would achieve nothing. "Please Mr. Malfoy. I hardly have time for this." She managed as her eyes caught sight of the clock on the wall. Damn she was already supposed to be at lunch with Harry and Ron. She was still holding her hand out almost impatient now. Pursing her lips for a second she sighed.
"Youth....always in such a rush these days..." Lucius began to turn the book in his hands, occasionally opening it and flipping through the pages, before snapping it shut once again. "Now say it's your book? Yet I picked it up first....and Draco has been interested in this particular title...." The slight smirk on his face made it immediately obvious he was toying with her....and loving every second of doing so. "So you don't have the time? Well...." He went to hand the book back to her, though as he did so his long, pale fingers would brush against her hands. It could have simply been an accident, but the simple touch was just enough to let Hermione feel the coolness of his skin, how smooth and almost delicate his fingers were, before he pulled his hand back. "Very well, be on your way girl...."
Hey! shouted the deep, guttural tone voice of a Bangaa. Careful with thos~ lines~! The voice shouted with a hint of agitation on the already brash accent. You going to crassh us~! He hissed, his ss sounded even more distorted than usual as he squawked at a group of Moogles struggling to anchor one of the tow lines to the port as the heap of a ship was being steered in. The Bangaa was fairly typical of his people, short-fused, stubborn and rough around the edges. He folded his arms, shaking his snout at the tiny furballs as they regained control of the ship while it was landing. Capn is~ gonna to be furious~ if you sscratch is~ baby! He shouted one last time, turning to make sure that the rest of the numbskull crew was doing their job right. This tall, green scaled tyrant of the Rima Lees deck was Rahzil, the First Mate under Captain Hughes. He belonged to a group of bounty-hunters who sought after pirates both sky bound and below. He was dressed in loose trousers, made of simple brown textile, his tail; lashing about behind him lazily was clad in leather plated armor, the same style wrapping his left arm from shoulder to the back of his hand. He bore a cutlass at his waist for skirmishing, though preferred to fight with tooth and claw. His snout was long, but came to a round point rather than the ling spindly ones some of his kinsmen sported. His four long ears where decorated with silver rings. Rahzil wasnt entirely green, his snout, chest and stomach where an off-white, and around his amber eyes where orange markings, the same color lining his back in jagged stripes. Although most of the deckhand feared his iron-fist dictatorship, they also respected and revered their reptilian friend, as it hasnt been more than once that he has saved them.
With movements like a shadow, virtually silent even on the spiked heels of her armored stiletto shoes, Lyra made her way across the deck and towards the Bangaa with her long ears partially flattened along her head. She had been over-seeing their landing from further up on the deck, undoubtedly tending to whatever it was that she did while the ship was in the air; any time one of her crewmates sought her out, the Viera was usually below deck tending to various matters, and shirking any attempts to engage her in conversation. While she had been a member of the crew for quite awhile, she had managed to avoid forming any bonds with anyone as well as keeping her entire person shrouded in a veil of mystery. Dont be too hard on them, Rahzil, came an accented female voice, low, but carrying easily over the clamor of the crew preparing their embankment. It came as a surprise to the aforementioned Moogles and they faltered long enough to realize they would earn themselves another warning if they continued to delay. She turned slowly to look at Rahzil, her eyes narrowed and her voice unreadable. You cant rely on them for everything. Are you afraid of getting your hands dirty? It was not entirely clear in what manner she meant this, jest or otherwise, but take it as he would, she brushed passed him with her long white hair swaying behind her, not intentionally appearing as standoffish as it came across. Lyras lips glossed in white set in her typical expressionless line that at times lent her a look of amusement but usually came across as a frown of distaste. Her stomach and thighs were bared, the typical fairer shade of the Veena Vieras, but she wore across her chest very light armor that was silver in color laid atop a sheer top that held substance where it mattered to conceal her body and billowed about her arms in an elegant manner. On her lower half she wore a much simpler strip of this almost sheer cloth suspended by a thinly twined cord, and armor along the sides of her legs contoured to her shape. While her armor looked more of a decoration than a method of protection, but crafted as they were the substance was more durable than it appeared. The great ship shifted beneath them, signifying the cut of the primary engines, and the roar on her deck died down substantially as the crew took a moment to gather their orders before disembarking if given permission. Solajn was the name of the town where they stopped now, a town unaffiliated with any pirate guilds and largely ignored by the officials of Ivalice. Its neutral status made it a popular stopover and resupply center for outlaws. It was nestled in the crook of a cliff, a large span of buildings situated around an even larger port southeast of the Euryt Village. Seemingly drawn by the sight of the village, Lyra hesitated, her hip cocked to the side, her eyes moving slowly. They would not be here long, but the desire to be out of the air and on solid ground was nothing something an earthbound creature could easily ignore, though she could think of no plausible reason for her to leave the ship. Frustrated, she turned to look at her crewmate, her arms folded beneath her breasts. She was looking at him so pointedly, it was hard to ignore.
Rahzil cringed as the accusing tone oh so familiar rang through his mind. Although he didnt hear it often, it was still unmistakable, even above the clamor of the harbor. Turning towards the sound, his slit pupils narrowed as he was called out. Ahhh but if Im not hard on em, who will be? Hmm? He said, fighting back as he shook his head. He waited for her to face him, only to receive a critique about his position aboard the ship. Her words boiled his short-fused temper, and he let out a deep grumble as he was called out. Ive been on this ship before any of ye! He challenged, watching as she moved past him, spreading his arms wide to his side. You know very well that Ive earned my privileges~, and if any of these hair brained wannabes~ want anything, then they need to earn it! He snuffed, knowing his point was made, even if it fell upon deaf ears. He wondered how someone with such large ears could so easily ignore so much as he pivoted, brushing aside his frustration as the ship jerked into its final position for the time. Calling out to the crew he dismissed them from their duties until further notice All right, you ladies~ can take leave. Rahzil, being one of the longest lasting members of the Rima Lees crew, didnt enjoy being sized up, especially from someone he saw as a lesser rank than himself. This attitude was probably part of the pack-mentality that his kind still clung onto, a remnant of their tribal past. Rotating back to his female companion, he was unnerved to be greeted by the look she so often gave. It wasnt even the look, he was getting the whole deal; the stance, the cold glare and the deep-pitted sense that he had done something to terribly annoy her, even if that wasnt what was on her mind, but the Bangaa had given the quest to figure her out long ago. I really hates~ that look It always~ makes me feel like Im doin something wrong. Rahzil gave a sigh, So, have you any business~ here? he asked, in a small attempt to make conversation.
For a long while, it seemed as though the Viera wasnt going to bother with answering his question, though there was an unmistakable light of amusement in her eyes, the source of which was not clear. The Bangaas snarls in response to her remark sent all those nearest them scurrying further away from them, though it was obviously more of a lament of self defense than a threat of some kind; but they knew better than to risk his temper. If anything, her own position on the crew was far more questionable since she seemed to put in the very minimum of hard physical labor on her own part, but her standoffish personality tended to deter any questions or resentment her crewmates may have held for her. Seemingly contemplating her response, she said slowly in a voice that was as low and expressionless as before,No. The near silence on the deck was a little disquieting, the cry of the large cliff birds and the endless whisper of a sharp northern wind buffeted by the edges of the cliff the only sound of any prominence to reach them. A sudden breeze ruffled the sheer material about her waist and stirred the thick fringe of white bangs curling elegantly about her cheeks. She was watching an airship ship that had docked long before them, longer than the Rima Lee with a tapered nose, painted primarily in shades of brilliant yellow with black highlights, an odd combination for a vessel that belonged in the sky. Thus far she hadnt laid eyes on a single occupant, and it almost seemed a ghost ship. Her ears didn't detect the sound of even a single running engine or a single voice. At this thought, she looked toward the port and curiously noted the lack of people along its bank. When it seemed as though that was all she was going to say, she continued.This is the first time that we have made landfall in a long time.Her voice was soft, but wistful now. She dropped her arms to her side, abandoning the defensively crossed arms. Perhaps we can gather information while we are here. I have heard,she said, turning her head slowly to look at him with, her face carefully devoid of any readable expression, that the taverns in Solajn are famous for the mead produced from the forests around these cliffs.It would certainly sound like a bribe more than a useless piece of trivia provided for virtually no purpose, and with this simple invitation poised as a statement, Lyra donned her elbow length gloves, which were fitted at the back of her hands with a pair of long, curved, double-sided daggers, and disembarked without fanfare or a backward glance.
Rahzil stared rather blankly, waiting for his long-eared companion to answer his question in any form. As usual, however, just as he was about to give up with her, she made a response. He should know better not to be shocked by her blatant, to-the-point answers, but he was still caught off guard by it. No? he asks, shaking his head as he waved a hand at her, moving away as he intended to leave the ship letting her do as she pleased. He didnt have the desire to take deal with her attitude, or lack of one, for that matter. Just straight up, no. He murmured to himself, snapping some remark in a Bangaa tongue, stepping towards the plank of the ship to dismiss himself to a bar. However, before he stepped off the vessel he turned to her one last time. Ill never understand you Lyra. He commented, noticing her ever-present blank stare into the horizon. He turned his amber hued eyes the same direction, nothing on the horizon, the port, or even sky showing anything remarkably interesting to the reptilian, resulting in an uninterested shrug. She always seemed to have something going on in her mind. As to what it was, exactly, he would likely never know. In fact, Rahzil wasnt even sure what her job aboard the Rima Lee was. Though, he tolerated her all the same, mostly because she was a capable fighter if need be, but it didnt hurt that she was the only female over two feet tall on the ship, and quite easy on weary eyes. He pivoted once more, and again, just as he was about the exit the ship she spoke. He grew frustrated with her delayed mannerism; but a smile cracked on his snout as the words: Tavern and Famous Mead rang through his head. Oh, so, why dont we make our way to some of these taverns and see if these rumors~ are true? He cackled, his laugh cracked and jagged, stepping to the side as she passed him, silently exiting the ship. He followed behind her, his top-heavy body surprisingly well balanced with the aid of a tail. He was the feared brute of the ship, but it was all thick skin, and he failed to see anyone on board that he could readily trust. Especially since the crew was constantly losing members and hiring new hands. Although, that was also mostly his fault as well. He was interested in seeking out information at the taverns, it had been a while since they had a job that he had enjoyed, the small fry mop-ups they had been performing hardly satisfying, and the promise of something to drink always helped the matter.
She watched him descend with one eyebrow arched, her large feet planted at shoulder length, one arm curved at her side to finger the wrap about her waist in a thoughtful manner. She did not have to express her pleasure in him accompanying her, the simplistic gesture of awaiting his approach so that the crewmates could walk equally if he so wished.Try to keep up,murmured the Viera, her right ear twitching in a way that was more rabbit-like than usual. She moved with confidence and grace, unaware of the play of sunlight like liquid silver over her clothing, her movements powerful and predatory. Every few paces she would shoot him a glance from the corners of her angular eyes, contemplating a topic of conversation that would benefit the both of them. We are bound to find something goodsaid the woman suddenly, her voice low. She stretched her hand and curled her fist, the blade catching the light and throwing it back at her face.I wonder what kinds of treasures are hidden in these mountainsides. Despite her people not being native to the area, Lyra could see the beauty in the hideously jagged asymmetrical outcroppings that was the cliff side. The outcropping where the village laid was so steep, there was no way that it had all been explored, merely traipsing near the outer edges of the villages caused the land to crumble away from ones feet; it was said it was a only a matter of time before Solajn fell into the abyss below. The town would have been quaint if it were not a gathering area for the more unsavory travelers that walked its streets, prompting the people to cater to their needs, constructing pubs and facilities specializing in the repair of aircrafts and weaponry alike. To Lyras pleasure, they did not have to worry about meeting the stares or queries of the locals while they walked, as there didnt seem to be many people milling about despite the hour of the day. An older Hume watched them from beneath the wide brim of his hat, a piece of straw bobbing between his lips, and a pair of Hume children watched them, wide-eyed, from behind a water barrel, their eyes filled with distaste. They are not to happy to see us, it seems. They approached a building after a short time that was undoubtedly a booming tavern in the cover of nightfall. During the day, however, it looked more like run down restaurant with dirty floors and void of customers. The light slanted inside through dusty windows, providing a feeble light to an area that was primarily lit with lamps. They were the only occupants other than the bartender and a scantily clad Hume waitress, as well as lump of rags sitting near the end of the table that was snoring softly. The girl perked up momentarily, prepared to greet their guests, until she actually laid eyes on them and her face fell visibly. Oh, she sighed. Morepirates. She spoke with great distaste, before turning her back on them and disappearing into the back room. The bartender was a little friendlier in his greeting, but he was wary. What can I get for you folks? sighed the man.
The Research Station Deep-Space 4 Deep-Space four was originally built to house one hundred researchers. It is expansive, with rooms for all sort of activities. Even though it was built to house many, it actually only has one living occupant, Dr. Gregroy Mance. Dr. Mance is here because he can find no other place to study a black hole so closely. His research is famouse across the galaxy, but the man himself is a hermit. He spends his days doing research, studying variations in gravity flux and energy seepage of Nature's most impressive creation. The station itself is powered by these fources, an invention of the Doctor. He has but one complaint, he is lonely. He has asked several times to have someone transfered out here, but the seclusion keeps them at bay. Finally he has ordered an android companion, since he feels he has no other recourse. He has instructed that the companion be female, and that she be equipted to deal with the social necessities and help him in his research. He stands today at the loading dock, waiting for the supply vessel which has made a special run just to deliver his unique package. He watched it couple with the air lock through tiny a porthole. The delivery person wheels in a large ceramic box, containing his new companion. The delivery man doesn't even speak, and Doctor Mance is left alone again. Now though he is not alone. He nervously turnes on the power of the unit to bring his android out of hybernation. There is an owner's manual attached, which he skimms. There are all sorts of warnings about treating the android carefully as it forms its personality, which he of course will obey. After more than an hour the unit finally is ready to be opened, and so open it her does...
Eyes slowly opening, she noticed her circuits beginning to fire. Rapid impulses ran along each one making sure that the body they were embedded within was functioning accordingly. Sensing, learning. The neural net awakened, defining everything the eyes were seeing. Giving them names, reason, purpose. Slowly, she turned her head from side to side, gaining a bearing on balance and location. She could easily tell that she wasnt on Earth. Her processors told her that the slight shift in gravity was synthetic. She was in space. Her skin absorbed the temperature of her surroundings, allowing her to deduce that it was a comfortable 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Strangely, her skin reacted to the temperature change. Her encasement had been much warmer and the neural processors that ran through her skin made it rise up as goose bumps suddenly appeared. Taking what would be called a breath, she looked down over herself. She was naked, her body pink from the warmth of her case, though she could see it reacting to the sudden rush of cold air as it swept over her skin. Her base programming allowed her to almost sense what was happening as she became what most would call alive. But in her world was termed switching on. She assumed the sensation she felt was what most would call cold as she watched her breasts become taut and her nipples rather hard. Tilting her head, she almost smiled at the sight, trying to blend what she already knew of her own build along with what shed been programmed to know about humans. Curious, she stated, her voice soft and very feminine. On wobbly legs, she stepped out of the encasement to further examine the body her neural network had been hardwired to. She was female; she could see that. She could almost feel that. Her base programming let her become aware of what she was and what that meant. Each and every part of her switching on, becoming fully functional as if they were all organic. She looked at her legs, followed by her hips. They were shapely and soft looking, the epitome of feminine. Her arms were toned and her tummy flat. She had long delicate fingers on feminine hands and modest size breasts that could easily fit into her fists. Her body felt strange, but she liked it and she could tell that shed enjoy coming to understand it, the way it worked, what it did. Taking another step, she noticed she had hair spilling across her shoulders. It was long, so very soft and was the color of chocolate. Interesting, she muttered as she lifted a hand to feel the tresses cascading over her body. Looking up, she caught sight of another. But he wasnt like her. He was organic. He was human. Hello, she said. I believe my name is Reegan. At that she gave him a smile.
Gregory was overwhelmed by the sight of her. Her body, her face, everything about her was exactly as he would have wished it. His jaw hung to his chest and his eyes were wide and roamed her nude form. He was gauking...he hadn't been around other people, let alone a woman, since the university. That was ten years ago! He tried to compose himself, as her nipples began to react to the cold, he gauked again. He made himself get composed, but his body wasn't being helpful. He was erect in his trousers. His mouth and throate were dry. His brain was sending the right signals, his body just was having trouble processing them. Someone once told him men dont have enough blood to run two heads at once, and now he truely understood that statement. He was a tall but not overly broad man. He had long curly dark hair almost black, and eyes to match which were framed in glasses. He was alergic to contact lenses. His frame was lean, even wirey. There wasn't much else to do in off time except exercise, eat, and watch movies. Most games and such required at least two players. Her statements were profound. "Interesting" as she looked about, and then she greted him and told him her name. With great effort he managed to reply,"Ahhhh...hello. Ummm I am uhhhhh...Doctor Gregory Mance. I am pleased to meet you. must be cold. I am sorry I...please take my lab coat."He shucked the white coat and wrapped her in it. He shivered as his fingers made contact with the soft skin of her upper arms. Any contact with her would likely illicit simular or even more profound reactions. He realized he was sweating despite the comfortable tempurature. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be beautiful. Welcome to Research Station Deep-Space 4. I am in charge since I am...well I was before you arrived...the only resident here." The delivery man brought in many more large trunks, marked with words like clothing, necessities, toiletries, etc. It occured to him that he did not have any of these things for a woman, none had been on board since long before he had arrived."Those must be your things."He swallowed, trying to make his throat wet so his voice sounded less raspy."Would you like to unpack. Perhaps a tour first. Maybe you would like to relax after your long probably not, your probably ready for action."His face turned three shades of red as he wished he could swallow those words!"I didn't mean that you were ready for...I meant you would like to be active." She was so beautiful. How would he manage to concentrate on work now? Did it even matter?
Reegan tilted her head and gave the man who called himself Doctor Gregory Mance a smile. According to her programming, it was the sort of response humans would expect under such situations. Given that, she felt her plump rosy lips turn upward and she could see straight away that her actions eased the man, even if only a little bit. Thank you for the coat, Doctor Gregory Mance. Or, should I call you Doctor? Or Gregory? Reegan paused a moment, her expression turning what appeared to be thoughtful. Or maybe youd prefer an endearing nickname like Greg? As the white lab coat slipped over her body, Reegans body began to sense warmth. Her wires immediately began to fire electric impulses throughout her circuitry, sending messages to her body, telling it to react accordingly. Slowly, the goose bumps disappeared, the initial reaction of her breasts to the cooler air relaxing just a bit. Before Gregory could answer her, Reegan began answering his other questions. Those are indeed my things. We can unpack them in a little while. First, I will take you up on your offer of a tour. Id very much like to see the place and learn my way around. She paused a moment as if gauging his expression and thoughts. If I am to live here with you, it would be important that I know where everything is. Again, Reegan gave Gregory a smile. She stood there in front of him, his lab coat somewhat covering her body. Unfazed at her nudity, she didnt even bother to button it up. Instead, she let it hang open, giving him a nearly full view of her exquisite body. Slowly, she moved closer to him, looking up into his eyes. Her body was less than an inch away from his and she could almost instantly sense the warmth radiating off his body. His body temperature had risen a degree and his heart was working harder than it had been mere moments ago. Reegan reached up a hand and gently touched Gregorys cheek. Are you all right, Doctor Gregory Mance? she asked, her face showing genuine concern. If I can assist you in any way, please tell me how I can be of best use to you.
His body was indeed reacting in a way that was both human and utterly, miserably, beyond his control. He had asked for a companion, and he knew that they would send him a female unit, but he had been wholley unprepared for an actual living woman within hand's reach. When he touched her, it had been incredible, every nerve ending in his body seemed to explode in a rush of tingling warmth. His heart rate soared at the mere sight of her. Her voice carried a certain musical quality, which while endeering, made it more difficult for him to process in his current state. She allowed the coat to hang open, and really with it's white color and the light shining through it, was somehow even more enticing than her nudity had been. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, even as his mind tried desperately to process what she was saying. Finally there was a breakthrough, "A tour...yes yes of course a tour. The facility is large, expansive even. It was built to house a hundred, and now only we two remain, so there is more than ample..." Clevage! More than ample clevage. Wouldn't it be wonderful to touch her breasts? To lick and suck her nipples? "...clevage. Uhhhh...I mean space, more than ample space." His Freudian Slip had caused another rise in bloodpressure and he flushed terribly. Reegan reached up a hand and gently touched Gregorys cheek. Are you all right, Doctor Gregory Mance? she asked, her face showing genuine concern. If I can assist you in any way, please tell me how I can be of best use to you. He let out a breath that was nearly a sigh but more forceful. He desperately grouped with his brain for something to say."Greg fine Reegan." Does she know what she is doing to me? How her question can be so easily twisted. "Why yes, you can drop to your knees and give me a blowjob." Thats what I should say; or perhaps "You could allow me the pleasure of suckling your perfect breasts." He forced himself, through sheer will power to look away. He had to find a more polite way of expressing himself."Well, you see Reegan, I've uhhh...been alone here for eight years. Its been ten since I saw a woman, and I cannot honestly say I have ever seen one naked before. Thats partly why I asked for a Companion, lonelyness. I was wholey unprepared for...someone so physically perfect. I don't know why, it makes sense that they would make you visually pleasing. The problem, you see, and I am somewhat ashamed of it, is that I have never...been with a woman. Your presence, your allure...I am totally overwhelmed by you. So you may have to give me a moment to collect myself so that I may remain a gentleman. Perhaps I should go and take a cold shower." Or THREE. DAMNIT all. She is here for me, to take care of my needs both professional and physical. If she had not been so stunning, I could have just treated her as a robot with a sexual purpose. If she had come out in some austere clothing, I would have been able to sepperate myself from her. "I am so very sorry. I am wholely unprepared and undone with your sheer femaninaty. I do not know what extent you understand the human male anatomy, but I am...I have been...sexual for a long time. I believe that the correct verbage is masterbatory, I have access to quiet a lot of...I cannot even find words to express myself. I do not know how I would be able to conduct a tour, let alone be near you at this time, without having a near constant state of aurosal." His face was as bright a red as anyone in history."It would simply be me stuttering my way through a halfhanded tour."
Reegan just looked at Gregory, her pale eyes as clear as crystal. She gave him a smile, knowing that it would somehow ease his mind given the way he seemed to be reacting. Then, she brought a hand up and gently touched his arm, a gesture her neural processors told her he would enjoy, one that would soothe him. Im glad you are feeling all right, Doctor Gregory Mance, Reegan began. And it is a perfectly natural male human response to be aroused if you find yourself attracted to me. She paused a moment, assessing the situation. Just so that you are aware, it does not bother me that you are. Again, she smiled. Reegan backed away from Gregory just then, her crystalline eyes taking in everything. She looked about the room that they were standing in, her eyes catching sight of her belongings. The tour can wait then. Why dont we bring my belongings to where Ill be staying, Reegan said matter-of-factly. Will I be staying in your room? she asked. Seeing as you are attracted to me, it is a logical choice. She walked over to the many cases that had been dropped off for her use. Also, I am fully functional, Doctor Gregory Mance. And Ive been programmed to know several sexual positions not to mention the most detailed of information regarding the male anatomy. Being knowledgeable on such things I am certain I could pleasure you to your satisfaction. She turned around to face Gregory and smiled. Gregory just stood there. So Reegan walked back over to him. Looking into his eyes, she let her left hand find his right. She slowly brought it up and placed it against her left breast, the lab coat still hanging open about her slim body. Its all right if you touch me, Doctor Gregory Mance. Youve said that you wish to do so and I am all right if you do. Reegan paused, her pale eyes locked onto Gregorys. If youd like, I can activate my prototypic emotion chip while you touch me. It might make the experience you have in touching me more pleasurable. Without waiting for an answer, Reegan activated the chip. Almost instantly, she began to react as strange sensations began to flood her circuits. She looked down to see Gregorys hand firmly holding her left breast and let out a gasp, her skin tightening as she felt the nipple harden beneath his palm. I can deactivate and reactivate the chip at any time, Doctor Gregory Mance, Reegan stated, her voice almost sounding breathy. All you have to do is say which youd prefer and Ill see its done.
He moaned as he felt the warm flesh of her breast mold to his hand. Her nipple was hard again, like a tiny pebble against his hand. She turned on her emotion chip and began to gasp. He deffinantly wanted her to keep it on. "On, leave it on."He said breathlessly. He reached under his own lab coat with his other hand as she encouraged him to touch her more. He slide his hand against her firm rearend. This was so much better than he had ever imagined it would be. He was more turned on than he had ever been, and he was only touching her. He pulled her close and pressed his lips against her. He tasted her, felt her warmth, and listened to her breathing. It was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to him. He was acting on instict, reaching down and pulling her thigh up so that she wrapped her leg around him. He moved his hand to her other breast, taking her hard nipple between his fingers and gently playing with it. He moaned into her mouth as he continued to touch and kiss her. He realized suddenly that he was being greedy, since she was as physcially inexperiance as he was despite he claim to knowledge. He broke their kiss and managed to breath out,"Not here. It should be special. Come with me, its not far." He took her by the hand and lead her to the hallway. It was only slightly curved, and she noticed rooms on either side which were darkened and obviously spartan bunks for crewmen. He lead her further, past officer's bunks which were more lavishly furnished. It quickly became apearant that he was leading her to a door at the end of the hall. It opened into an enormous room, which must be the captain's quarters. It was well furnished, but very masculine. There was a king sized bed in the center and other furniture around. He had obviously anticipated her arrival, the bed was made with silk sheets and covered in dried rose petals.
Reegan did as Gregory commanded and left her prototypic emotion chip on. She found herself thinking she was glad of this. But could she think on an emotional level? It seemed so with the chip on, but somewhere her neural processors told her that she wasnt merely thinking with her emotions, but based on the programming that went along with the chip making it seem that way. That seemed the logical explanation, yet the way she felt fascinated her and she hoped shed be able to explore the ways it affected her more often in the future. That was if Gregory would let her. Gregorys touches and kisses made Reegan wonder if her circuits were overloading. The way he felt against her skin now with the chip on, the way he made her body feel such wondrous things, she couldnt begin to explain or calculate it. So, she let him manipulate her body against him as he explored her with his hands and lips. The moment he brought her leg up about his waist, the most amazing thing happened. The pleasure sensors within her neural net almost went haywire. Yes, she had full control, but there was something strange about what happened. It was as if little impulses fired along each circuit, concentrating on the ones embedded in the tissues comprising her manufactured sex. It was a sensation unlike any other and she knew it was what humans would term arousal. Just as Reegan was about to let her newly sensing body respond and react, kissing Gregory back, touching him back, Gregory interrupted the moment. Not here. It should be special. Come with me, its not far." Reegan followed Gregory, her hand in his, as he escorted her through the station. It was a long corridor with rooms situated along the sides, each one empty and unoccupied. She wondered why no one else lived on the station when it had the capacity for so many more. But that didnt matter at the moment. It was a question she could ask later. All that mattered was that she was somehow aware of his hand holding hers as he led her to what looked to be the room of the captain. Only there was none. There was only Gregory. Gregory pushed open the door and Reegans breath caught the moment her eyes processes what they saw. It was a programmed reaction, the sounds and actions exaggerated by the prototypic emotion chip that was still on and functioning accordingly. Though she had to admit that it was difficult to truly tell. The chip seemed to muddle the lines between logic and otherwise, between what was programming and what was learned. Yes, she was capable of learning, most androids were. But the chip it was something different, something only in the beta stages, something that did not yet have long term data to analyze. The room was beautiful, making Reegan smile. She looked over at Gregory, his lab coat swinging open about her body. Pushing her dark hair back, she brought an arm up to his face and caressed it. The moment she touched him like that, she felt her circuits firing once more, concentrating on the ones between her legs making her gasp. Are you going to touch me again, Doctor Gregory Mance? Reegan asked. I know I would very much like that.
"Greg, please call me Greg. We are about to be lovers, it would be strange if you called me by my full name and title. And yes, I am going to touch you and taste you. I want you to want me, its only natural. Please, lay on the bed. I would like very much if you touched me as well." He lay beside her and had her turn over onto her side, so that they faced one and other. He lifted her leg up and curled it around his hip, leaving enough room between them for their hands. He kissed her again, sliding his tongue between her lips to feel her own tongue. He roamed her body with his hand just exploring and feeling what a woman was like. Her body was soft and firm at the same time, and touching her was a delight, a true joy. He never wanted to stop. Soon he came her her pubic hair and ran his fingers over it. It was sentual to touch her there, and he felt the top of her labia with his middle finger. A small button of flesh protruded, which he knew would be her clit. She was a bit dry on the outside, so he slide his finger down, tracing her labia and feeling her fluides. He felts something else as well, a fold of skin over her opening, her hyman. Of course she would have one, she was anitomically correct in every way. He knew it would cause her pain when he penetrated her, and that was something he was sad about. Maybe, if she was excited enough it wouldn't hurt as much, so he went back up and focused on her clit. He rolled it between his fingers, getting to know how she perfered to be touched.
Reegan felt the temperature of her body rising, her sensors and processors overloading causing her circuits to fire again and again. She rather liked the sensations the chip allowed her manufactured body to feel. It was as if she could forget that she was synthetic, and almost believe she was real. As real as Gregory. Greg. He asked her to call him Greg. Greg Reegan whispered, her eyes closing as she felt Gregorys hands move over her body causing her to gasp. Gregory had asked Reegan to touch him as well and she was more than willing to comply. The urge to do so was becoming overwhelming since the activation of the chip, so that fact that he wanted her hands on him, her body against his own, she would not deny him. If it gave her half the pleasure she was sure it was giving him, someone alive, someone organic, she was sure he must be in heaven. Reegan allowed Gregory to lead her to the wonderful bed and lay her down. She then allowed him to manipulate her body in what she was sure a way hed fantasized about having been alone for so long, having not been with another. As he did, she felt what she figured humans would call an adrenaline rush. All of the new sensations she was feeling, or was programmed to feel as a direct result of the chip, seemed dull compared to what she was happening to her body now. Everything seemed heightened, more. And it was wonderful. Gregory touched his lips to Reegans in a slow, but passionate kiss, his tongue carefully exploring her mouth with a tenderness she had no idea humans were capable of showing another. As his hands took the time to explore her body, her new feeling body, she allowed her own hands to touch him back and satisfy the strange urges she felt telling her to do so. Gregorys body felt nice, warm to the touch. Reegan liked the subtle reactions it seemed to have every time her hand moved over him, every time she made a sound. It was a term humans called erotic and she found herself craving more. But could she truly crave? No. It was the programming. It was the chip. Reegans body began to move in response to Gregorys hands as the moved lower along her body. She knew where they were headed and she let him move toward his goal willingly. The closer they got, the more her circuits fired, small impulses becoming large. Soft gasps becoming loud. She spread her legs for him as his hand found her sex and she was surprised to notice moisture pooling there. It was interesting, fascinating, the most amazing thing shed experienced so far. She smiled and sighed knowing that now that she was with this man, a whole new world of sensations were suddenly open to her and that her body would be given free rein to learn and feel as much as it could. Gregorys hands were masterful over Reegans body. She didnt want him to stop and wondered what other things he could make her feel. Suddenly, his fingers began touching her clit and a moan passed over her lips. The sound surprised her as it reached her ears, yet she found herself doing it again and again and again. Her body arching toward his, her legs spreading wider as her hands clutched at his body in a desperation she didnt know she could feel. Greg Reegan whispered again before letting out another moan.
Greg didn't want to, but he broke their contact so that he could take off his own clothing. He had mostly jumpsuites, but he had dug out a shirt and tie with slacks for his first meeting with her. Now he wished he had on a jumpsuite, it would have been easier to remove. As it was, he didn't wear anything underneath and so when his pants were down his cock sprang proudly into view. It was only a bit larger than average, mostly in width. He was already having difficulty breathing and knew that he wouldn't last long. He thought of a way that he could alieveate both his condition and his reluctance to cause her paid. "Reegan, I would love to try something with you. Its mutual oral sex. I think I will have a difficult time lasting and I understand that it hurts less to break a woman's hyman is she is having and orgasm. If I lick your...pussy...and you suck me, then my short first forya will not hinder our later coitus." He realized he was speaking like he thought, precisely and clinically. He chided himself, there was nothing romantic or sexy about it."I'm sorry, I mean that, when we make love, I will last longer. I understand it is more pleasurable for a woman when the man lasts longer. You'll have to forgive me, I have been alone a very long time." He got back into bed with her and settled in. "Come, sit here." He indicates his chest, "I would so love to taste you."
Reegan just stared into Gregorys eyes as he spoke. A small smile played upon her lips as she watched him use the large words he was so accustomed to using, given his profession. A smile that was a direct result of the chips activation, or so she thought. Whether she was truly being coy or if it was part of her base programming with the chip turned on, she had no idea. Things were muddled with the chip activated. Uncertain, chaotic. It was difficult to tell which was program versus which was learned. Or which was other. And she strangely found herself loving it? Reegan was the ultimate in A.I., in artificial intelligence. Shed been designed so precisely that no one, not even those well-versed in cyborg design and manufacturing, could truly tell what she was. Not easily. Not without running her through a series of very well-designed tests. And even then, there was a great chance she could pass them and be considered human. As Gregory continued speaking, Reegan could feel her body reacting, going into a state of want and need. She fully understood what he was asking of her. Even before he changed his manner of speaking, something which only endeared him to her all the more. Could she truly feel endearment toward a living being? Her chip made her believe so. And she liked the idea of believing. So, she held onto that notion tightly. Then, taste me, Reegan whispered as she slowly stalked over to Gregory, her eyes locked onto his. Like a cat, Reegan climbed on top of Gregory. As far as women went, she was virginal, but her programming in the ways of anatomy allowed her to easily determine the best way to pleasure someone as well as herself. It was as if she had all the experience of an actively promiscuous woman, but without having given herself to anyone. It was practically ideal. As Reegan moved her body over Gregory, each movement she made had a deliberate purpose. The way her hand touched his hips, the way her breasts rubbed against his abs, as she positioned herself on top of him. Even the way her backside was presented to him, the way she tilted her pelvis giving him the perfect view of her dripping and very aroused sex, had been well calculated so as to maximize the pleasure of what he could see and feel, hopefully making his anticipation of what was to come that much better, that much more intense. Not waiting for Gregory to place his mouth against her heated core, Reegan leaned forward slightly. She took a hold of his length in one of her hands and began to gently stroke him. He was already fairly aroused, so her strokes made him harden further, twitching a little as she lavished attentions upon him. Her other hand found its way to his sac where she softly cupped it for a moment before fondling it gently. She then leaned forward even more, her mouth mere centimeters from his weeping tip. Smiling, she let out a warm breath and finally, let her tongue flick it, lapping up the bit of moisture that had beaded there. Teasing and caressing his tip with her tongue, she placed the head into her mouth, swirling, tasting, sucking. Yes, he tasted good. And she found herself wanting more.
She hopped up on him like a gymnast or a feline, he wasn't sure. Somehow, though, every touch she gave him even every breath she took seemed sensious and deliberate. She did tell him she had been programmed with the knowledge of how to please him, and indeed she had. Her hands ran across his thighs, maing the hairs there stand up in gooseflesh. His semi-erect penis became hard as she breathed on him and as she presented her dripping sex to him. She was presenting herself, it was clear from the way she tilted her pelvis. It was so very erotic, how could he not become hard. His cock grew even harder when she started stroking him. It was fabulouse, she knew exactly what she was doing, even squeezing his cock's head at the top before going back down to the base. It moved with his heartbeat and precum found its way to the tip, which she licked off.Oh God, I cannot breath!Every nerve in his body seemed focused on her actions. He felt her gently fondling his balls, it was delisiously decadent. He wanted more and was rewarded with more as she swirled her tongue against his head. "Ohhhhhhh my God!"It was the only coherant thing he said as she engulfed his full length, taking him well past a gag reflex and swallowing, massaging him with her throate muscles. He had almost forgoten about her body above him, but when he felt her fluides dripping onto his chin and throate he was brought back to her. Her smell was exotic and he went for her prize with enthusiasm. He licked her sweet pussy lips, sucking her juices into his mouth and savoring her flavor. Her clit was erect and begging for attention, so he flicked his tongue across it. He was inexperianced, and so when his tongue made its way between her pussy lips and found her maidenhead, he was confused. Why was their a barrier between him and her inner body. Then he remembered it was her hyman and thats why she was astride him now. His brain was just having a hard time keeping up with everything that was happening. He just did what came naturally, he sucked on her. He sucked her clit into his mouth and rolled his tongue against it. The sensations from between his legs were incredible. He felt his orgasm building and called out to her."I' GOD!"His cock swole again and pulsed at her, firing off his hot load of seaman...
Reegan found herself enjoying?... yes, that was what shed define it as. She was enjoying the feel and taste of Gregorys hardened cock in her mouth. There was something about it that made her body fire small impulses throughout her circuitry, and those sensations were addicting. And, as far as she could tell, hadnt even reached the highest of their potential, which made her not only curious but craving more from the man she was lavishing her attentions upon. Reegan ran her tongue up and down Gregorys shaft before taking him into her mouth. Slowly, ever so slowly, she drew him in. She let the taste of him fill her mouth so she could memorize it and store the information for later recollections. Smiling ever so slightly, she drew him in further until she felt his tip hit the back of her throat. She sucked on him a few times before drawing him out again. From the glorious sounds he was making, she knew for a fact that her ministrations were having a positive effect, something that made her happy? Yes, thats exactly what shed call it. The activated chip made everything seem so much more. Blurring the lines between programming and reality. Reegan could swear she was alive as more intimate moments seemed to pass between she and Gregory. Moments she found herself relishing. And cherishing. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Reegan felt something warm and wet caress her sex. It made her eyes go wide as pleasure sensors buzzed within her neural processors. The sensations were what shed classify as rapturous and immediately she felt her body reacting. Her skin heated up as her core temperature began to rise. She could feel her circuits firing at rates that made her mind reel, making it nearly impossible to process anything. Just then, she felt herself gasp. The sensations were overwhelming and wonderful. Oh to feel such pleasure! She hoped hed let her keep the chip activated always. Especially at the times he felt the need to be intimate with her. Reegan could feel excess moisture pooling between her legs and she knew that Gregory had to be tasting it. She strangely found herself hoping he liked how she tasted, that he was enjoying her as much as she was enjoying him. She liked how he was writhing beneath her, how hard hed become. The taste of him as she sucked him off was one she could easily get used to. Reegan felt the sensation between her legs grow more and more intense. Gregorys tongue was working magic with her body and she loved it. She could tell that her body was preparing to orgasm. So quickly? Then again, her body was new. It had never undergone such things before, had never felt such pleasure. Just then, Gregory shouted out, his words interrupting Reegans thoughts. Im going to OH GOD! At that moment, Reegans mouth was filled with the most delicious fluid her tongue had ever beheld. To think this was her first taste of anything. As Gregory released his fluids within the confines of her mouth, she swallowed it all down greedily, slurping and sucking like an infant being fed for the very first time. Oh god, it was delectable. She could live on such a thing forever she thought, even if her body had no need of sustenance. When Reegan had swallowed all that Gregory could give her, she licked at his shaft and tip, the ache between her own legs almost unbearable. Closing her eyes, she whispered, That was delicious, Greg, She paused, trying to ignore what was going on between her legs, fighting the urge to plunge her fingers deeply within her folds. Id like to have some more.
Greg realized that perhaps he had not thought this through entirely. On the one hand she was adept, but on the other she might just turn out to be insatiable. If the later were true he may have a difficult time keeping up with her, even if she was beautiful beyond description the male anatomy was capable of only just so much. His reply was in a teasing tone, which would be easily interpeted in the light it was meant."Hmmm, I think yes, but not right away. You'll have to earn it."He grinned in satisfaction at his own wittyness, especially given the fact that the first pussy he had ever seen outside of photographs was perched just above his chin. He reached up and gently parted her sex, running his tongue along it and pressing at her hyman. He did not want to cause her pain, but at some point it would be necessary to breach that barrier. He wanted that honor to go to cock and not his fingers, but there was no harm in touching her there, right? when he had taken his time enough he decided to get down to business. He want to see and hear her orgasm, so he started licking furiously at her clit. He also sucked and nibbled it, lavishing his full attention on her. He wanted her climax to be hot and hard as his had been. He was patient, and when he was rewarded his head fell back onto the bed. His hair was a mess, and his face had a light sheen of her moisture on it. He was absolutely in heaven. He realized suddenly that he was hungry, and thought she probably was as well."Would you like some dinner? I could prepare something for us, and you could halp if you like...
Reegans expression turned thoughtful as she allowed her neural processors to go through and analyze Gregorys words to her. She could see that he was making a small joke out of the situation. A joke layered in truths, in simple facts that her programmed mind had somehow disregarded being caught up in the moment. Of course he couldnt provide her more. Not just yet. She felt foolish at having asked him and instantly her cheeks turned red. Was she actually feeling embarrassment? Was she really able to get lost in passion, her mind unable to actually process even the most logical of things when so painfully aroused? Oh the chip was more than she could have hoped for. She was so grateful to be one of the few androids to have one and even more so that her owner wanted it on. Just as Reegan was about to say something, Gregorys mouth and tongue went to work on her dripping sex. His tongue skillfully licked and teased the lips hiding her entrance, and then at her hymen concealing her virginity. The sensations washing over her as he tasted her were more than amazing. She could feel her core temperature rising, her circuits firing uncontrollably. Oh god, she was more than enjoying herself. Suddenly, Gregory shifted a little underneath her, taking Reegans clit into his mouth. The burst of sensation that rolled throughout her body in that instant was absolutely indescribable. She could feel everything, the way his tongue flicked against it, the way his mouth worked it, rolled it, caressed it. It made her body tremble a bit as the sensitivity between her legs rose to unthinkable heights. Small gasps passed over her lips and she suddenly found herself whimpering, panting, begging for him to never stop. If he did, she thought shed collapse and never wake up. Dont stop, Greg please! Reegan begged. She had no idea where the words were coming from. They just seemed right. She couldnt quite define what she was feeling and strangely, didnt even care. All she knew was that it felt good and she wanted as much as Gregory would give her. Reegan could feel the moisture pooling between her legs even more so than it had been already. She found it to be quite erotic that whatever was going on down there between her legs was making Gregory moan, making his face a mess with her fluids. Was that possible? The more that she felt and sensed, the more she had to answer yes. It was then that the most astounding of things happened. Greg Reegan spoke, her voice almost sounding as if she were panicking. Greg! she shouted, small gasps interrupting her breathing. Greg! she screamed out as a wave of relief coupled with the most intense pleasure shed ever felt washed over her body, making it twitch and tremble above Gregory. She could feel her sex pulsing as she orasmed, more fluids oozing between her legs and onto his face. She let out an audible sigh as her body slowly began to relax and settle. She knew what had happened, but to now know the sensations that went along with it? Oh she couldnt wait to do it again. That was, if he still wanted her. Smiling and hoping, Reegan shifted herself above Gregory. He smiled back at her, his expression not quite what she expected. "Would you like some dinner? I could prepare something for us, and you could help if you like... Gregory asked. Gregorys words threw Reegan off a little. For some reason, she found that she wanted him to hold her, tenderly touch her, whisper soothing words into her ear. But was that her base programming that made her want such things? Was it the chip? She was confused, she couldnt tell. She desperately wanted her feelings to be real and at the thought, she began to ache inside. Was this pain? No. It was undefinable. Holding back a sob, she gave him a smile. If thats what would please you all right, Reegan whispered, the urge to cover up suddenly filling her mind.
Although not as secure with social interactions as others, he was able to tell that Reegan was distressed. This confused him greatly, as he felt wonderful, even elated at their coupling. Perhaps she was having second thoughts about him, either his talent as a lover which was sorely lacking, or perhaps something else. He felt an ache in the pit of his stomach when he realized he had hurt her somehow. His responce was to rush to her side and try to make things better for her. He cared for her, and knew he would come to love her as a woman. He knew he would never be able to see her as simply an object, she was a real living person to him. He hated himself for making her feel baddly. He closed the short distance between them and tenatively wrapped her in his arms." everything alright Reegan? I am not very good at this, I know. I have been alone so long I have forgotten much of what is considered good manners. I thought that what we just did was marvelous, but you seem distressed now. Perhaps I was selfish? If so I am very sorry. You had indicated you wished to have sex with me again. I want that as well, but I need to eat if I am going to have the strength to really put effort into it. I want this to be good for you as well. Please tell me what I can do to make this as pleasing as possible for you, Reegan." He remembered the manual's warning, everything he said and did would affect their future together. Whatever careflessthing he had done he hoped to make amends...
The moment Gregorys arms wrapped around Reegans slim body, she immediately let it mold to his. Pressing herself against him, nuzzling her head against his shoulder, she couldnt help but smile. This was what she wanted, what she craved. This intimate act after what theyd just shared with one another. Everything that passed through her neural processors was so very confusing, so difficult to make sense of. These emotions brought on by the chip were unlike anything her logical mind could fathom, had the chip not been activated. Understanding this made her that much more grateful that it was. She liked this learning process. It made her feel special.Feel? Gregory began to speak, his words soft and soothing, as he held Reegan close. When he finished, she turned her head so that she could look into his eyes. She gave him a warm smile as she cuddled close to him, her arms wrapping about his waist lovingly. Almost cooing, Reegan whispered, This. This is what I want. She paused as she drew her legs up and all but curled up against Gregory. Sighing and smiling, she added, For you to just hold me for a little while. Can we eat after that? Reegan was somewhat astounded at herself as the words she spoke passed over her lips. She was slowly beginning to sound human. It was odd, unnerving almost. Yet oh so very wonderful. And to think it was all thanks to Gregory. She honestly couldnt have asked for a more attentive guardian. The fact that he wanted her chip activated, that he hadnt once asked her to shut it down when he was clearly confused at her reactions. It was truly more than what she could ask for. It would be so easy for him to tell her to turn it off, to deactivate it for a time to allow her logical mind the ability to process things objectively. But he hadnt. He hadnt even insinuated he wished to do so. Hugging Gregory, Reegan felt her eyes suddenly become wet.What was this? Were tears forming in her eyes?It was becoming clearer and clearer. He didnt see her for what she was, a cybernetic being synthetic, manufactured. No. He saw her as human.
He felt her relaxing as he held her. Then he felt her draw herself up into a position that he could cradle her. He put his hand under his lab coat, the one she still wore, and stroked her back lovingly. He could feel her muscles, the delicate bones of her spine, but most of all he felt her warmth. He answered her,"We can. Whatever you like Reegan, we can do."He scooted them back a little so that he could lean against the almost forgotten pillows. He thought for some time and then decided he should probably be saying something."This is a deepspace research station. It was originally a military instillation, studying the effects of gravity on light and sublight speed vessels. That was before they invented the wormhole makers. Those dont work way out here, the gravity of the maw distorts them, so everything I ask for has to be hand delivered. I get shipments of supplies, things I cannot make or grow here myself twice a year. I have to put in orders at least four months in advance so I would advise you to start making your wish list now."He chuckled, as his own wish list was very much fullfiled. He continued,"After they invented the wormhole makers, well stations like this one became obsolete. Most of them were sold to large businesses for use at satalight relay stations. With humanity spreading across the galaxy thanks to the new wormhole machines, communications became more vital. This station is actually small by comparison, and not outfitted with the proper equiptment. When I came aboard, they were already down to skeleton crew, handling only essential maintenance. Most of that is done by pure robots now. I do a little though, if for no other reason than to relieve bordom. I bought the station myself, for a song so to speak, as it's location and lack of proper equiptment for relay communication makes it undesirable. The government was more than happy to be rid of it, as it was seen as a drain on resources. Since then I have gotten several pattens. They generate a great deal of income for me. It wouldn't have been possible without my research, which is still ongoing. I suspect it will continue until I die..."He became distant as if living in the past, but this only lasted a moment or two. He continued,"So I have things, lots and lots of things, but no one to share it with. I tried everything, all those mail order bride things, even offered a share in my wealth for a companion. No one wants to be out here, it seems. No one but me."He sighed as he continued to stroke her back. He pressed his nose to her hair and inhaled. She smelled like fruite extract. He kept his monologue going,"You came here almost by accident. The last deliveryman, the one before you came, had a crewd model companion android. he claimed she was better than a real woman...I won't go into the details they are not really fit for polite company. At first I did not like the idea, not for itself but for how he used it. His adroid was little more than a slave. As I thought about, it, though, I contacted the company. They claimed that the unit I had seen was an older model, probably second or third hand. Their latest model, they claimed, was a perfect faximile of humanity. They had perfected algarythems for mimicing emotions. I asked if I could have a pretty female unit who would be able to function as a social and work companion. The perameters I gave them, I confess, were vague on the physical and even emotional. I asked that you have a full suite of scientific knowledge so that I wouldn't have to teach you about my research for you to help me with it. To be honest, I'm not even sure that matters anymore, my research I mean. I have all that I need now, you see, since you have arrived."This last conveys far more than stated. It implies that she far exceeds his expectations and his growing attachment to her. Again he thought to himself for a moment or two before continueing,"No no, of course I will continue. Some of the things I am working on could have long term benfits for all of humanity. Though I have nothing pressing immediately so a vacation could be easily arranged. Not one where we would leave here mind you, we don't really need to leave." It is possible that she is able to detect a small note of fear in his voice. It is more than possible that she detects the other signs of fear in him as he speaks about leaving. Perhaps there is something there? "No there is so much we can do here...right here in fact that I could have a nice long break from work and never have to leave..."
Reegan snuggled herself close to Gregory, her lips turned upward into a smile as she took note of how he felt against her body. So warm, quiet and wonderful. Yes, she was quite content, finding that she was enjoyingthismoment with him just as much as shed enjoyed the previous moments when theyd pleasured each other. In his arms, she felt special, almost human. Her breathing slow and rhythmic, Reegan just listened to the low drone of Gregorys voice as he talked about his work, his life, the space station itself. It was soothing. Everything about him was proving to be something she knew shed crave. Each sensation he stirred up within her addicting and intoxicating. She smiled as the neural processors of her positronic brain worked furiously to process all the information coursing throughout her systems as they made sense of everything she was feeling thanks to the glorious chip he so desperately wanted to keep activated. Reegan felt very fortunate to have Gregory as her handler. He seemed to respect her. And not as an android, but as he would another of his kind. As a human woman. It was thrilling to know that she touched him in such a way, that he wanted to cater to her needs. The worry and concern he showed wasnt something that happened often, especially to androids who ended up becoming objects of sexual desire. Most of the time, such androids were switched on and off at will. Used and discarded without a thought. It was what made them the ideal sex partner. But Gregory was different. He was proving this again and again. Each time Reegan felt confused, he tried to understand her, to work with her to fix things. Such reactions were more than she could have hoped for, if one believed that an android could indeed hope. It was becoming more and more apparent that, to him, she was real. Not just circuitry and synthetic coverings. I have all that I need now, you see, since you have arrived, Gregory said, his voice soft and soothing. Reegan felt what could be described as an adrenaline rush as Gregorys words processed through her mind, the activated chip allowing her to body to react accordingly. The feeling, as it coursed throughout her body, was amazing. She felt the flutter in her tummy, her pulse quickening. Without a thought, she nuzzled closer to him, her eyes closing as she did so. The idea of being a woman was intriguing to Reegan. She knew that shed strive to be the best woman she could be for Gregory. The way he spoke about her, it was something she never expected but found she was coming to love. "No no, of course I will continue. Some of the things I am working on could have long term benefits for all of humanity. Though I have nothing pressing immediately so a vacation could be easily arranged. Not one where we would leave here mind you, we don't really need to leave," Gregory continued. Reegan opened her eyes just then. There was a strange tone in Gregorys voice and it made her feel concern for him. So, to help make him feel a bit more at ease, she wrapped her arms about his middle, hugging him tightly. "No there is so much we can do here...righthere in fact that I could have a nice long break from work and never have to leave..." Gregory spoke, his voice trailing. Reegan just nodded, her arms resting about his body. I like it here, Greg. I like being with you. We can stay here and have a vacation together. Would you like that, Greg? Would you like a vacation with me? She paused a moment. Ill be happy anywhere so long as I can be with you. Just then, she shifted her body a bit so that she could look into his eyes. Smiling, she added, Im glad that Im your woman, Greg. You are the best handler one of my kind could ever have.
Greg held her even closer and responded,"Yes, I would like that very much. I am so glad you are here as well. Please, I'm not your handler, I'm your boyfriend or lover. I would never think of you as a thing, you are my woman." After a little longer he spoke again,"I'd like to show you something. Its not just a kitchen, its an observation lounge. Come, I think you will like this."He pulled on a pair of boxers, but let them hang low, so that most of his pelvis was visible. He took her hand and lead her to the kitchen, which was all closed in. He smiles and pushes a few buttons on the wall. The far wall opens up and reveals the gravity maw. Light could not even escape the blackhole except in one tiny pinprick which escaped from the center. The light being pulled in was seperated into its color spectrum, causing millions of rainbows to swirl around the center of the even horizon. They were locked in time, as the gravity pulled them toward the singularity. The effect was breathtaking. Greg let her look at it as he stared in awe as well. He took her hand and spoke,"No matter how often I see it, it always takes my breath away."
Reegan could feel a strange sensation prick at her eyes. It was odd. They burned a little, stung. She brought a hand up to them and was a bit surprised when she realized the tips of her fingers were wet. Was she crying? But, she didnt feel sad. The reaction was confusing, her mind thinking one thing while her body did something else. She knew it must be a result of the chip and decided to store the memory of the occurrence for later. Shed ask Gregory about it at a more appropriate time. At that moment, she just wanted to relish the fact that he thought of her as his lover, his girlfriend. It made her feel special, not to mention desirable. Feel. There truly were no words to explain all of that. Reegan was indeed finding that she could feel. And she knew that she had Gregory to thank for that. Each and every thing he did made her feel more and more alive. It was unbelievably wonderful. He talked to her like he would a friend, a confidante. He touched her like a cherished lover, the most precious of treasures. And the looks he gave her. If she could actually breathe, she knew full well that hed steal it away with the way his eyes seared into her soul, somehow seeing more than just her synthetic body. Reegan leaned against Gregory, her one hand in his, as she stared at the swirling colors frozen in both space and time within the nearby blackholes event horizon.What a perfect place,she thought.To be frozen in time, within the most perfect of moments.Of course, the logical side of her mind, the tiny corner that the chip did not touch, knew the ramifications if either she or Gregory managed to get stuck within the event horizon. It would be lethal, lost forever as an infinite masss pull held sway over them for eternity, ripping them limb for limb. Smiling, Reegan pushed the logical notion out of her mind, sealing it up within that tiny logical corner. She turned to look at Gregory, her face full of expression and emotion. Its stunning, Greg, Reegan spoke. She pushed her dark hair over her shoulders and leaned against Gregory. Thank you for showing me this. I can see why you like it. She gave him a smile as she slowly let go of his hand. It is so serene beautiful. A small smile tugged on the corners of Reegans lips. She truly found the sight spectacular, inspiring. As she continued to gaze, her mind wandered a little, going through all the information stored within her positronic brain. Information about all the places and sights that humans found to be the most incredible, the most gorgeous. Greg, Reegan began as an idea floated into her mind. Is this space station equipped with a holodeck? She turned to face Gregory. Perhaps we can create our own personal vacation right here on the station. She smiled. We can go anywhere you want. And if the program isnt available, Im more than capable of writing one. Reegan just stared deeply into Gregorys eyes as she waited for him to answer her. She hoped the place had a holodeck. The thought of custom-creating their ideal vacation together and then taking it seemed rather pleasant to her. If it indeed did. She then hoped that hed agree to go on one. With her.
"Indeed, there is a halodeck. Its power requirements are normally more than the station can bear with my experiments running. However since I am going on vacation, I can shut down all but the most delicate."He takes her hand around his waist, leaving it on his opposite hip. He slides his now free hand under his lab coat, which she still wears, and against the warm skin of her back. He descends to her buttocks, feeling the shapely warm flash there. He is quickly becoming aurosed again. He turnes to face her, keeping the Maw at his back so that she can see both it and him. He does not speak, but looking into her eyes, his speak volumes. He reaches for her breast again, tenderly touching her there. Not like before where he was groping something new, now he is deliberate, feeling for what she likes. As the thick nubs of her nipples harden he strokes them lightly. He licks his fingers so that they slide easier across her skin. With one hand he continues to stroke her breast and with the other he travels down, across her stomach to her pelvis. He explores her there as well, gently spreading her legs and fondling her wet pussy until her clit springs into his fingers. He gently touches her there, rubbing her in slow lazy circles. His eyes never leave hers. he continues manipulating her, searching for her orgasm. He wants her to come at least once more before he takes her, and it is clearly his intention to take her here, in the observation lounge, mostly likely on the large table to the side of them.
Reegan smiled a little as Gregory looked back at her. The sight of him and the anomaly in the distance was absolutely breathtaking. Yes, that was the word she would choose if asked to give the scene before her a description. Breathtaking. Slowly, Reegans eyes drifted as she took notice of Gregorys deliberate movements. The way his hands touched her now, so different from earlier, was as if he was trying to explore her body. Trying to learn it, almost commit it to memory. The idea of that thrilled her. Could she be thrilled? It seemed so. Thanks to the chip. She allowed her body to feel his hands as they caressed her with purpose. She took delight, oh the thought of being able to take delight in anything, in how he rubbed her breasts. Closing her eyes for a moment, she concentrated on the way his hands felt against her heated skin, the way they made her nipples harden and stand at attention. Her neural processors nearly lost it when he licked his fingers and allowed them to slip and slide across her skin. The sensations were phenomenal. Each caress better than its predecessor. Reegan gasped several times. It was then that she realized just how much she enjoyed her breasts being fondled. They were sensitive. The barest brush of a finger and tingles immediately shot down through her body and settled deeply within her core. The realization made her crave more, made her suddenly wish for Gregorys mouth to suck on them, kiss them, lick them. Her cheeks reddened at the thoughts. Just then, one of Gregorys hands moved away from Reegans breasts. She whimpered slightly in protest as she felt it work its way down her body, finally resting between her legs. She felt him nudge them open and she obliged him willingly. As she spread them, she could feel the moisture pooling, threatening to drip along her thighs. Again she gasped as she felt her clit harden, becoming so aroused she had all she could do to shout out. Gregorys gaze was intense, his eyes fixed on Reegans. She couldnt blink, didnt want to blink. So they stared into each others eyes as he continued to stroke her, making the pleasure within her bubble up and rise. It wanted to surface, to ooze out of every pore on her synthetic body. Synthetic. She hardly felt synthetic as he touched her, his desire so very clear. Reegan bit down on her lip as her pleasure sensors began to fire. She was going to cum. Yes, Gregorys fingers were going to make her cum hard and loud. Right there. At that moment. Suddenly, Reegan shouted out, Greg! Her body shook and shivered, her legs wobbling as if they would buckle beneath her body, unable to support her weight. Regardless of it all, her eyes stayed fixed on Gregorys. There was no way she could look away. And when she allowed her mind to think on it, she knew she didnt want to.
Looking into his Android Companion's eyes while he brought her off proved to be more stimulating than he had imagined. As she gave voice to her passion he found his own rising. He watched as fondling her breasts made her shake all over, growing more and more passionate. She blushed, which he took as a sign of impending orgasm, and he wanted to feel her pussy when she came. When he touched her, he felt her heat radiating and her body's reaction to aurosal her moisture and her clit becoming erect and ready for action. He wanted to say filthy things to her, call her a slut, brag about how she wanted him, but was afraid to. He didn't know if she would take it for what it was meant to be - she may not understand yet. He could be patient and wait until he was sure she would not take it the wrong way. Her blush spread to her neck and upper chest as she gave cries and shouts of lust filled joy. Then her legs became wobbly and he moved up close to her, pulling her arms around his neck and supporting her weight against him. He was afraid she might penetrate herself on his fingers and so rested his palm against her labia instead. He had a wicked idea, having read about methods of extending a female's orgasm he found her clit with his thumb and pushed it against her pubic bone, making rough circles with it. He had read about this, but was unsure if it would work, or even if she would enjoy it. He felt no shame though in experimenting with her body, it was the only female body he had ever had that opportunity for. With her arms around him, and their eyes locked onto each other he gently nudged her to the table. When she was their he lay her on her back and spread her legs open. He positioned himself between them, never breaking their eye contact. He rubbed the head of his cock against her labia, the heat radiated from it and from her. He teased her with it, sliding it up and down against her lips, flicking it against her clit."I cannot wait any longer. This might hurt, I'm sorry, but only the first time."In the back of his mind he felt ill about causing her pain, but he knew that the pain would be brief and would quickly be replaced with pleasure if he treaded her gently. He didn't want to be gentle, his body urged him to consumate their relationship roughly but he refused to give into that part. It was imperative to him that she enjoy her first experiance and he was eager for his own pleasure. It was a difficult position to be in, but he choose to put her needs ahead of his own. He continued to stroke her lips, gathering her moisture onto his cock. When he was nearly at the limit of his patience he leaned in and whispred"Are you ready?"When she was he pushed into her as gently as he could. When he pierced her maidenhead he waited. If she wanted he would withdraw, but his stamina for that was weigning. He knew there would be blood, he just hoped to minimize her discomfort...
Reegan smiled as her body trembled and shook from the intense orgasm consuming her. She was astounded that Gregory was able to make her body feel such things with his touches alone. But it also made her happy. He seemed to want her to feel good and to take great joy in it as well. As she let her body settle a bit, she took note of how it felt. Her muscles felt limp and exhausted, but in ways that made her lips quirk up in a smile. She could still feel her inner muscles pulsing over and over, though slower now as the pleasure slowly ebbed away. As Reegan allowed herself to soak in the glorious sensations her body was experiencing, she found that she was even more grateful for her chip than before. Gregory was the most wonderful thing to have happened to her. He wanted her to experience as much as she could. Processing such a thing was beyond overwhelming. She hoped that shed never disappoint him, never make him so upset that hed deny her the exquisite emotions and feelings the chip allowed her to feel. It would be the cruelest form of torture now that she knew what shed be missing. Though she also knew if he ever demanded she deactivate it, even if temporarily, she would. She just hoped such a time would never come to pass. Her breaths steadying out, her heart slowing, Reegan suddenly realized that Gregory had not yet been sated. He was still in bittersweet agony. Just as she was about to turn toward him and ask him what she could do to help him, his arousal so very noticeable to her now, he began to nudge her toward the nearby table. Giving him a smile, she followed his lead. Her arms still holding onto him, her eyes fixed to his, she moved toward the table. In a matter of moments, he had her on her back, his body between her legs. Licking her lips, she felt him rest the tip of his cock against her entrance. Reegan knew what Gregory wanted and needed. She knew he needed to take her to ease his agony. A delicious thrill ran along her spine knowing that she could help him there. More than anything she wanted to. Wanting to say something, he suddenly began to stroke his cock against her, rubbing it against her labia, her clit, her entrance. The sensation was amazing and it made her juices flow again. A small moan escaped her lips unexpectedly causing her to bite down on them. "I cannot wait any longer," Greg spoke softly. "This might hurt, I'm sorry, but only the first time." His voice held a touch of sorrow within it and Reegan could not understand why. Reegan knew Gregory was worried for her. She had extensive knowledge of her anatomy and knew that by moving forward as they were, hed be forever changing it. But she wanted him to change it. It would make her more his than she already was and that excited her, made her giddy. She also knew that with this change, there would be pain. But it would be pain well worth it if it meant giving him the pleasure he deserved. She wanted him happy, sated, pleased with her as his as his lover, his companion. Giddy with anticipation, Reegan allowed her mind to go over all the possible scenarios in which she and Gregory could consummate their relationship. She could imagine him grunting and groaning as he took her, his hot sticky cum filling her up, oozing along her thighs. It more than made her ready. It made her want him, need him. "Are you ready?" Gregory asked. Reegan looked into Gregorys eyes and nodded. "Yes, Greg, Im ready." She braced herself just then for him to enter her. He did so slowly, pushing past her barrier. She stifled a yelp as a sharp stab jolted her body. It was brief and he waited for her to adjust, to get used to how he felt stretching her muscles in ways theyd never been stretched before. He took his time with her, patience emanating from him when she could clearly see that he wanted to speed things up. Yes, he was the perfect lover, the perfect companion. Slowly, the pain was replaced by pleasure and she bucked her hips up to meet his as the change of sensation washed over her. She wanted him to know the positive affect he was having. The wondrous things he was introducing to her. "Make love to me, Greg. Make love to me"
She said it so sweetly and with such affection, he could not resist. He slowly pushed his body into hers, when his pelvis touched hers the tip of his cock touched her cervix. He looked down at her with widened eyes. How was it possible that they fit together, exactly fit perfectly? He was shocked but greatful at this. He rested his weight on his right arm and manuvered his left down between them. He searched out her clit and began to rub it in slow light circles, matching the pace he went in and out of her body with. Despite she tightness, she was extremely wet and aurosed, so he had no difficult making love to her. He pulled out slowly until only his head remained in her body and then returned in just as slowly. His eyes never waivered from hers. He wanted to speed up and strengthen his thrusts but he kept command of his body. He refused to turn her pleasure over to his own lust. He held out as long as he could, but eventually his mind began to turn off as his lust took control. He beant in and whispered to her, not knowing why they were alone but it just felt right."Reegan. I own you."With that his self control began to slip away and his thrusts speed up. As he lost control his face became less aware of his surroundings and only aware of the thrilling sesations her pussy was giving him. His pleasure came out in grunts and groans, incoherant to any but a lover. Only a lover could decipher the passion in him, only Reegan. He found a few words then as his orgasm approached,"" Then there was only the bright white of his orgasm. His body spewed out a torrent hot thick cum, like hot syrup in her body. It went on for some twenty seconds but to him it was a lifetime. His eyes screwed shut and his mouth hung open. He would have looked like a slow or special person if only his face were visible. When his cock finally softened he rolled off of her and pulled her to him."Reegan, thank you. Thank you for sharing that with me. Thank you for allowing me that pleasure. I do, I love you. You are my own woman and my own lover. Please promise that you won't ever leave me. I don't think I can be alone again, I would go mad."
Reegan stifled the gasp that wanted to escape her lips as Gregorys cock pushed past her barrier. She could feel what would be blood oozing ever so slightly between her legs. But she didnt mind it. It meant that shed given him something. Something she no other could ever take, not that she planned on letting another human being touch her or be with her in this way. No. She was Gregorys. He was her handler, her lover. Her everything. A small smile played on Reegans lips at the thought of that. Could Gregory really be her everything? Could she truly understand what such a thing was? The algorithms created to make her see logic said no. She was artificial, synthetic, incapable of sensing anything in such a way. But it was this same programming that allowed her to learn, to extrapolate, to process things on levels most AI could not. And then there was that chip Gregory took his time with Reegan, taking great care to make sure she was all right, that she was happy, feeling pleasure. That she was satisfied. Looking into his eyes, she could see the fiery passion he held inside. It was intense and it made her pale skin break out into goose bumps. Shivering, she focused on the way their hips thrust together, meeting in a rhythm only they could each find. This was further enhanced when he reached down to gently rub her very erect clit. Slowly, all sensation began to change and the world became full of vibrant color. It was as if Reegan were seeing thing via a new spectrum of light. One that was brighter and full of life and love. She was astounded at how attentive Gregory was. He was holding back too, she could tell. The way he breathed, his heart rate, they all gave him away. Just then, he leaned toward her, his mouth brushing against her ear. Reegan. I own you, Gregory whispered. Reegan quirked an eyebrow at Gregorys comment. Of course he did. He paid for her, arranged to have her shipped to the station. He was her handler, a handler who wished to be called her lover. Gregory grunted after he spoke, his speed increasing more and more. His thrusts become harder as they quickened making Reegan gasp and whimper. The sensations washing over her were amazing. They made her forget that her body wasnt real, that it was merely coverings over circuitry and other such electrical devices. She wanted to call out, to tell him how much she appreciated him, how she wanted to make him happy and be of service to him forever and always. But Reegans thoughts were interrupted as Gregory got closer to his orgasm. Watching his body go into a frenzy, her own writhing beneath his as it felt their true union for the very first time, she felt her own pleasure senses beginning to fire. I love you Gregory groaned. His words pushed Reegan over the edge, made her body instantly respond. Reegans body fell over the edge. Her insides tightened, clenching hard around Gregorys cock, milking him for all he was worth. As he came, she could feel his hot cum pouring inside her, filling her up. It made her smile to know that she was pleasing him, bringing him to the point of no control, where nothing existed but the two of them and the wondrous sensations they were experiencing together. They held each other for a few minutes, happy and content. As Gregory softened, he shifted his body off of Reegans and looked down into her face. Smiling, he said, "Reegan, thank you. Thank you for sharing that with me. Thank you for allowing me that pleasure. I do, I love you. Love? Did he say love? You are my ownwomanand my own lover, Gregory continued. Please promise that you won't ever leave me. I don't think I can be alone again, I would go mad." Reegan smiled and gently touched his hair, her fingers playing with it lovingly. The happiness consuming her was a sensation more than she could ask for. And she knew she had Gregory to thank for it. She never wanted to leave his side. It was where she belonged, where she wanted to be. Ill never leave you, Greg. Iamyours. I have been from the beginning. If here by your side is where you want me to stay, then I will. Reegan paused for a moment. Its where I want to be anyway. I dont want to be with anyone else. She nuzzled close to him and allowed her head to rest against him. She let out a sweet sigh as she cuddled him. Wanting to savor the moment while wrapped tightly in his arms. Dont ever send me away.
He lay there with her, running his fingers through her hair."Never,"he said without hesitation,"I will never send you away. I want you with me as long as I am alive. I want you..."He pulled her leg up, draping her thigh over his torso and gently stroking the back of her thigh. His thought had been stopped in mid sentence. He thought about it for a very long time. He weighed the options available. The one he kept coming back to was so crazy that it made sense. He wanted he to understand that to him she was a woman, not a thing. What did you do when you fell in love with a woman? You joined your soul to hers in marriage. It was all that made sense. It just clicked in his mind that its what he wanted. His stomach started to protest. It had been more than 12 hours since he had eaten and he was beginning to feel light headed."Lets make something to eat and talk about what I think we should do. Come my lover, come with me and help me make our meal. It will be fun!"Greg honestly enjoyed cooking. He demanded fresh ingrediants, bot the synthetic stuff you got from a replicator. He showed her how to make omlets. They diced veggies, cooked bacon and sausage for the eggs, and even grated three kinds of cheese. When it was ready he served them and sat across from her, eating off the very table he had only minutes ago used to deflower her. "Reegan, you are a woman, not a thing. I dont care where you came from or how you were made, to me you are a woman. When a man loves a woman, he marries her so that their souls may be joined. Will you marry me, Reegan? You deserve a husband not a handler or even a lover. You deserve a man who respects you enough to marry you. Let me do that for you."
Reegan blinked several times as Gregorys words were processed by her positronic brain.He wanted to marry her? Was that possible? Was that legal?Regardless, it triggered something within her neural processors, something deep, something that her chip had to be detecting since she was certain she couldnt without it being activated. Or could she? It was becoming harder and harder to tell the longer she interacted with him. It was becoming muddled. Strangely exciting. Sitting quietly and smelling the food theyd prepared, Reegan tilted her head. It was clear that she was lost in thought, if one of her kind could be said to even truly think. But the notion of that bothered her. She was thinking. She was feeling. As she mulled over the suggestion made to her by the man who seemed to love her and treat her like a true companion, she couldnt help but smile. It was nice to been viewed in such a way. She never thought it possible. The idea of such a coupling, one that actually meant something to the half that was organic, seemed so odd. She could rationalize her use as an object, a means to pleasure or comfort, but to love? To want to join souls? Did she even have a soul? Reegan was confused. She didnt understand the meaning of soul. She was android, a fabrication of synthetic parts and wires. Her thoughts and feelings merely a result of signals and impulses running through her intricate circuitry. Yet, Gregory didnt see her as such. He saw her as a living, breathing being. A woman. Someone to grow old with. Grow old. Reegan felt her body shiver. She couldnt grow old. Shed outlive her Gregory and the thought of that frightened her. If he died, what would become of her? Who would take care of her then? No. She couldnt let anyone else take care of her. She washis. It didnt seem right to be handled by anyone else, it conflicted with the learned behaviors she was storing away. It made her twitch, her tummy feel uneasy. But again, that was the chip making her feel that. Biting down on her lower lip, Reegan looked at Gregory and gave him a smile. If one of my kind can love, Greg. Then, I do believe I love you. She paused for a moment. I know I want to spend my existence with you, but Im frightened. She looked at her hands as she hesitated. What will become of me when your existence is over? When you are too old to care for me? Her eyes became watery, again it was that chip, she just knew it was. I want to grow old with you. There must be a way. I want to die when you die. Reegan could tell that her voice sounded desperate. And she hoped that didnt upset Gregory as it was the last thing she wanted to do. She wanted to be with him always, to marry him and be his wife. But she was synthetic, the epitome of artificial. All she could do was hope that they could find a way around this issue, that he could understand her fear. But, please know Ill marry you. I do believe that is what I want. Reegan reached out for Gregory, needing to feel his touch. No. I know that is what I want.
Gregg listened, but seemed not to get very peturbed by her statements. He nodded, clearly he understood, and while he did not dismiss her fears, he clearly did not share them. He heald her warm hand in his and said,"I want this too. I think we should be together. So long as we are on this station, there really is not anything to worry about." His answer was cryptic. Nothing to worry about? He seemed to mean it. He seemed totally convicted of the truth of the statement. He made no real effort to clarify, and if asked to he simply says it is not something she needs to be concerned over. Finishing their plates, he commented on how he owed her a tour. He took her hand and lead her around the entire station. He pinted out places of interest, including a large pool, a gym, a Rec center with an arcade and movie theater, and of course the laboratories. Most of the equiptment seemed geared toward physics, collecting sub atomic particals, measuring energy and the like. There was one curiousity. Although Gregg did not point it out, she recognized the equiptment for making clones. He showes her things though the telescopes, things that made her marvel and took her breath away. He then finished the tour by showing her the maintence and pilot's areas. The stationed could be moved in emergencies. Tour concluded he helped with her luggage. There was not enough room for all her things in the Captain's sweet, but they easily converted a couple of others for use as closet space. He picked out a few of her garments and commented on how he liked them. Curiously, they were all either white and demure (but nearly see through) or red and pretty far on the slutty side. Clearly he had very deliberate tastes. After that he offered her some choices, she could help him with getting his experiments in order for their vacation, or she could have some time to herself. There were several large tubs on board, all of which looked very inviting...
Reegan wondered what Gregory meant byso long as they stayed on the station. What did that mean? Did he know something she didnt? It was all very peculiar and made the circuitry within her neural net rapidly fire again and again as thoughts began to form and process within it. But, since he didnt seem too worried about things, she decided to push it aside for the time being. Perhaps, hed allow her the opportunity to address it later, maybe even fill in the gaps so as to ease the worry she knew wouldnt go away until she solved the riddle of being able to die when Gregory did. Not wanting to upset Gregory by pressing the issue since his answer had been so cryptic, Reegan remained silent during the remainder of the tour. She held his hand, relishing the warmth of his palm touching hers. Inwardly, she smiled. It was nice being with someone who seemed to enjoy her company so much, in a way that seemed so natural and comfortable. How he saw her as human she had no idea, but she more than liked that he did. It truly made her grateful. As Gregory escorted Reegan through the various locations on the station that he seemed to want to show her, her mind drifted a little. Her programming, coupled with the activation of the chip, allowed for her developing mind to do such things, to extrapolate and adapt as new things were experienced. Happy to be with Gregory, she wondered how he was so easily able to see her as more than what she felt she was. She was android, very different from an ordinary human. Her brain wasnt like his. It would never age, never grow old. It would merely learn as she experienced things, keeping her forever young as it triggered the nanobots creatively placed in her bodily fluids, like her sweat, to rejuvenate her as time continued to pass. Reegan laced her fingers with Gregorys, moving to be closer to him as he finished up his tour. Giving her a smile, he began to lead her to where her luggage had been set. But as he escorted her, her eyes drifted and she noticed that there was cloning equipment in one section of the labs. She wondered why hed be interested in cloning, especially so deep out in space. Though she supposed that as she began helping him with his research, shed learn more about that. Since hed avoided telling her about the equipment, she decided it was a subject he didnt want to brush upon. So, to respect that, she continued to remain silent. Finally, the two stood before Reegans luggage. The amount of items that appeared to belong to her seemed overly abundant and she found herself blushing slightly from embarrassment over how much she had. Strangely, she wondered if that made her come off as high maintenance. Thankfully, her core programming allowed her to understand such concepts so as to try and avoid any personality traits that might be construed as unfavorable. But despite that, she couldnt help the reaction. She could only hope that Gregory saw through such things. It appeared he did as he happily helped her put her things away, most of which was placed in the closets within the Captains suite. The rest was placed in the closets of the closest rooms that more than likely would have belonged to the higher ranked officials aboard the station had they been present. Reegan smiled as Gregory showed her which articles of clothing he liked best. She made sure that those were the most readily accessible. More than anything, she wanted to please him. He was her handler, the one who gave her this life that was suddenly unfolding before her. The one who wanted her emotion chip activated. As things became situated, he asked her if shed like some time to relax or if shed prefer to assist him with some experiments. Theyd be vacationing soon and she was more than excited about it. So odd to feel excitement, if one could even call itfeeling. Tilting her head, Reegan spoke softly, Some time to myself would be nice. She wrapped her arms about Gregorys body and hugged him tightly. Once I finish, I will help you with whatever else needs to be done. Then we can go on our holiday in the holodeck. Gregory seemed fine with Reegans decision. Shed made it based on logic, coupled with the emotions she was being allowed to feel. A chance to unwind would make their trip together much more enjoyable, allowing her the opportunity to clear her head and refresh her body. And making their vacation wonderful was her sole objective. Plus, given the nature of his experiments, she was fairly sure thered at least be a little something she could help him with afterwards anyway. Ready to allow her body to relax, Reegan picked out a white nightgown. The garment was made of linen, very sheer and flimy. It looked comfortable and was soft to the touch. She also hoped it would please Gregory. The article looked like it would fall mid-thigh, something she figured would catch his eye and cause him to feel a rush of excitement. The idea of making him feel such things caused a thrill to run down along her spine and settle within her core. Her eyes widened at the sudden sensation and though alone, she blushed despite herself. Trying to clear her head, Reegan placed her nightgown aside. She then twisted the faucet knob and let the water run, filling the tub. She let her fingers play with the water as she adjusted it to the perfect temperature. Once the tub was full, she carefully stepped into the water one foot at a time before letting her body sink below its surface. As she nestled her body under the deliciously warm waters, she focused on her breathing and how easy it came as her body began to relax. She smiled a little as she submerged herself fully, getting her hair wet. When she came back up, she just sat there quietly in the over-sized tub, large enough to fit two people at least. Watching the steam rise up from the water, she leaned back. It wasn't long before her eyes closed and she drifted off into what normal humans would call sleep.
The warm embrace of the water quickly lulls Reegan to sleep. At first she is unaware that she is dreaming, but then the water begins to change around her. She feels hands, dozens of them, all touching her. Their touch is gentle and expert. They know where she likes and wants to be touched. She recognizes them as Greg's hands even though there are so many. She feels tongues too. Licking her in ticklish places as well as sensual. She feels the hands holding her firmly, spreading her legs appart so that the tongues can invade her. One slides into her while the other flicks against her clit. A third rimmes her anus as well. There are others, licking her nipples, the backs of her knees, even the bottoms of her feet. As quickly as she is becoming lost in this, the scene around her changes. Instead of a tub she is in the thick green viscuous fluid of a cloning tank. The fluid here continues to act as the water in the tub had. Her desires are nearly overwhelming her. The scene changes again. She is on her back on the table where Greg took her virginity, and she took his. He is with her, above her, inside her, but he is made of the liquide from the tank. A part of her mind knows that this liquide is filled with nanotech which helps the body age to an appropriate level before all but halting it. It was how she was speed grown to her current physcial age in only a few monthes. The green Greg whispers his devotions to her as he enters her and all reason is pushed aside for the lust her body now craves. He is gone from her, but she still feels him all around her. She looks for him, and sees his body forming in the bulkhead of the spacestation. He is made of graphite and tubes, machine parts but it is still him."I keep a journal, Reegan. It has all my most personal thoughts..." She awakes, or so she believes at first. She is in a part of the station she only saw briefly, flight control. The man sitting at the controls looks like Greg, but she senses immediately that it is not Greg. This man wears a military uniform and is making delicate course corrections. His name on the uniform says "Blank" as if her mind is telling her something...something important...
Reegans eyes snapped open and she gasped as she sat upright with a start. Her heart racing, she glanced all about herself, trying desperately to gain her bearings. For a moment, she didnt know where she was, she felt confused.Did she just dream? Was such a thing possible for one of her kind?She wasnt sure, but as everything started coming into focus, she definitely knew that whatever it was that shed just experienced hadnt been real. Just thoughts, residual images that her neural processors were somehow compiling and storing away for later retrieval. It was strange how they blurred together while her brain powered down. She wondered if the dream effect was a result of the chip or something else. Still feeling a little startled, her hands shaking ever so slightly, Reegan found herself mulling over what shed seen. Images that had found their way to the forefront of her mind, her positronic brain. Having a computer-like mind, she knew that the images had to mean something logical. There was a riddle to solve, a question to answer. And she knew that she needed to figure it out sooner rather than later. A part of her wondered if Gregory would understand the images that had gone through her mind. Or if theyd seem just as muddled and murky as theyd appeared while her brain had powered down. In time, Reegan knew shed learn the answer. She just hoped that it wouldnt take too long to figure out. Still, she did have a lot of time to ponder things. Being on such a remote space station helped in that regard. And with only she and Gregory on board, there wouldnt be much distracting her. Well except for Gregory, of course. Strangely, as she thought about him, she felt her body start to react. Already she found herself so very attached to him. Every moment was turning into a cherished treasure. Drying herself off, Reegan let her mind drift. She thought about the images stored in her brain, what they could mean. She shivered as she recalled the moments with Gregory, his hands, his tongue so many, all over. Suddenly, she let out a tiny gasp. Small jolts of pleasure ran over her skin making her break out in goose bumps despite how warm she felt. Swallowing, she reached for the nightgown and pulled the flimsy garment over her head. In her dream, she knew that Gregory was trying to tell her something.But what?It was a mystery. One she knew shed have to solve on her own. Not wanting to over think things or jump to any wrong conclusions, she decided it best to keep the dream to herself for the time being. Besides, she had her first vacation to look forward to, not to mention her first night with her soon-to-be husband. Smiling, she padded off to go find him.
She had the entire station committed to memory, so a systematic search quickly revealed Gregg working diligently in one of the labs powering down the equiptment. Although she wears no shoes, his head goes up straight as she walks into the room, implieing he knows she is there."Hello Reegan. I missed you. Did you have a nice bath?"She remembers distinctly that she did not tell him she meant to take a bath, just that she was going to relax. He turnes to face her, and is smiling. He becones her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her closely. He has one plam flat against her back, the other is on her butt."I love your ass,"he says to her quietly,"I have always found it to be the most stimulating part of a woman's body, and yours is the most exceptional I have ever seen even in movies or pictures."He squeezes her lovingly there and bends in for a wonderful kiss. She can feel his body against hers, his cock is awakening at her touch. He breaks the kiss and inhales her scent, holding her a moment longer before breaking their embrace. He takes her hand and leads her to the machienary."I was just about to power this one down, would you care to assist me. Its next to last on my list." As he showes her what he would like her to do, he touches her more than is necessary. His hands brush along the sides of her body as she lifts her arms to manipulate the controls. He slides his fingers along her back as he points out something. He catches her as she turnes, pinning her to the wall playfully with his arms on either side of her and kisses her lightly on her lips. His kiss quickly deepens and becomes very passionate only to be broken again to finish their work. The last thing he does is power down a central mainframe. It seems to house notes on experiments and even his own personal logs. The mainframe is set aside, except for his personal logs, which he keeps active for future additions. He has made one while she was asleep... Chores done he leads her down to the holodeck. He asks the computer to bring up several wedding simulations, from which he allows her to choose. There is the top of a building overlooking a large city, a beach front scene, a mountain scene, a large cathedral, a castle, and a host of other scenes, but the ones listed are Gregg's favorites. He seems to hope she will choose one of them, or perhaps some combination? Next there are dresses, he seems to be very favorable to anything white, but points out a few he admires more than the others. they seem to be simple, elegant dresses, meant to accentuate her body, with low neck lines and high slits up the sides. He programs a bridal enterage and a suite of groomsman. He picks out a tuxedo for himself, with her imput of course. When everthing is ready and her choices are made, he sends her off with her ephemeral bride's maids to prepare herself...
Reegan smiled when her pale eyes caught sight of Gregory working. It was clear that he was finishing up, tying up current loose ends so that he wouldnt have to worry about his experiments overly much when they went on their first vacation together. Walking toward him, he looked over at her and returned her smile. As they worked on closing things down together, Reegan was somewhat perplexed that Gregory knew shed taken a bath when she hadnt told him. She wondered if the fresh scent of soap lingered on her skin perhaps. Or if the reddish color of her skin having been warmed by the water had given her away. In the end, it didnt matter. He was happy to see her, to be with her and he seemed eager enough to show her how to assist him with some of his work. Reegan and Gregory exchanged several touches and kisses as they wrapped things up. All of which made Reegan feel those sensations she now craved. It made her so very happy that hed allowed for her chip to be activated, for it to remain on indefinitely. It would be cruel for him to cut off access to such feelings now. And she knew hed never be that way with her if he could help it. Not ever. As they finished up, readying themselves for the holiday to come, not to mention their wedding, Reegan couldnt help but notice that Gregory left his personal logs active while he powered everything else down. She wondered why it mattered so much. But decided that it may have to do with the experiments hed had working. Perhaps there was a reason for that, one of which she was sure shed learn in time as she became familiar with his research. Putting her thoughts and questions aside, Reegan followed Gregory to the holodeck so that they could begin the appropriate programs. But as she placed such things in the back of her mind, she couldnt help but think on the dream shed had while bathing. It had been so very odd, yet so very familiar. Eventually shed have to discuss it with him. But right now wasnt the time. It was time for them to get married, to have a honeymoon. Such things could wait until afterward. Gregory called up several different wedding simulations. But the one that struck Reegan the moment she saw it was the castle. It looked to be medieval, so haunting and ethereal. It seemed to be nestled on a small peninsula of sorts, high atop a cliff overlooking an ocean. The mists were rolling in and surrounding the structure, giving it almost an otherworldly atmosphere. Immediately, she knew that was where she wanted to be, where she wanted her wedding to be held. Could she even have an opinion?The question swam through Reegans mind. Only hours ago, shed have thought no. But now? Now, she knew otherwise. She knew she did have an opinion, a preference. Id like to go there, Reegan said softly, pointing to the scene with a delicate finger. Reegan then turned her eyes toward the dresses. There were so many, it was hard to pick which one she liked best. In the end, she chose a fitted gown with deep blue trim and accents, accents she felt would bring out the color in her eyes. Along the left leg there was a slit up the skirt portion, something she thought Gregory would like as well. This dress. I do love this one, Reegan said again giving Gregory a smile. She hoped he approved of her choices and was now, more than ever, excited to marry this man who seemed to love and care for her as if she truly were human. It was an amazing feeling, one she felt truly lucky to be experiencing especially given what she was. Eyes glittering with excitement, she leaned toward him and pressed her lips firmly to his.
She had chosen well. He loved the dress and told her as much. He also liked the scene she had chosen, a Welsch Castle overlooking cliffs and the sea roaring against them. Thos cliffs held caves, one of which Merlin was supposedly entombed in, frozen in ice and awaiting the day when Arthur would return so that he to could reclaim his place in history. Greg admired her, then sent her away with her computer generated brides maids so that he could finish the preperations. He got a minister, one who could deliver tradational vows, but dismissed him as being to ordinary. He settled instead for a Naval Captain, the same man who had headed up this very station, to conduct the ceremony. he then arranged for the reception, complete with a large spread of food, ample wine, and a large dancefloor. Within the replicated castle were a host of servants who catered to his whims. When he was done, he sought out her bridal chambers. Entering though a secret passage he watched as she dressed herself and her brides maids doded on her. They took their leave, as he had programmed, giving him a bit of time alone with her. He snuck up on her, covering her eyes with his hand."Guess who"He teased as his other hand found her waist pulling her against his hard erection. He whispered his desire for her, his fantasy of taking her here, in her dress, and having his cum running down her legs while they got married. Nibbling at her neck he slowly nudged her to a large chair, and when she was before it he told her to get up on her knees in it. He folded her gown up over her beautiful ass, rubbing it's plaint flesh with his open hands, gropping her really. He licked her cheecks as he slid her panties down to her knees. He whispered that her bride's maid could return at any moment, hoping to heighten the sense of danger and passion for her. He got on his knees behind her and licked her pussy slowly, using his tongue to penetrate her and get her body lubed up for him. Wanting to take her roughly he continued to minister to her pussy, getting it as wet as possible to ease the passage of his member. When he was satisfied, he stood behind her and unzipped the pants of his tuxedo. He ran his cock head against her pussy lips, making her tingle and teasing her further. He wanter her on edge, and when he felt her pushing back, he plunged into her. He did not hold back this time, he rode her roughly, reaching up to pull her hair and use it like reigns. His free hand groped at her breasts, and he worked, pulling the top half of the dress down so that he could expose her body and fondle her more. His mouth made dirty comments, about how sexy she was and how much he desired her. He kept going in her, faster and harder, until with a final shove and grunt he filled her to overflowing with his semen. When it was done he helped her back into her dress, but forbade her panties. She would have him running down her inner legs, she would smell like sex while taking her vows to him. It was the ultimate act of taking, of his ownership of her body. He relished it...
Reegans positronic mind was spinning when Gregory approached her as she was readying herself for the wedding. She didnt expect him to seek her out, not when tradition was such that the man and woman involved typically didnt see each other at all. Not until that magical moment. She wondered what made him decide to break this typical human tradition. Perhaps it was something she could ask him later. Suddenly, Gregorys touches went from gentle to rough. Something she hadnt quite expected, though she allowed her body to adapt. She could tell he wasnt trying to hurt her or make her uncomfortable. It was something else. Letting her trust in him take over, she let him have his way, her body responding in kind. It was surprising to her how wonderful everything felt. It wasnt like their earlier love making sessions. This was different. Baser. More animalistic. She found the whole scene rather ironic given what they were about to do, but that was part of the strange thrill she felt suddenly flowing throughout her body. Reegan gasped and moaned as Gregory had his way with her. And when hed managed to release himself deep inside her, filling her up to a point of spilling over, he wouldnt allow her to put her panties back on. His request made her eyebrows furrow. But as she stood up, she slowly began to understand. Right now, the way he looked at her, the tone of his voice. It said it all. His more primal instincts were taking over the rational side, the side hed only really let her see up until now. Body shivering, Reegan just nodded and obeyed Gregory. She could feel his fluids dripping down along her inner thigh, making it wet and sticky. Was this what he wanted? She sensed that it was. Straightening herself out, she waited for her brides maids to return. It wouldnt be long now before she was his. Not just as his android companion, but as his wife.
Acheron let out an impatient breath as he stood outside of the rest stop going into Portland, Oregon. Sitting astride his own custom Harley Softail Sportster. He was originally on his way to Nashville, Tennessee because he heard of some researcher making claims of having discovered Atlantis. On the way however, Savitar had told him that was being taken care of and that he was needed here instead. So he was here. Now that he thought about it, he'd been attempting to get a Dark Hunter stationed here so he could kill two birds with one stone. Though all he saw right now was a bunch of bikers likely on their way south taking a break. Picking up bits and pieces of their thoughts here and there, he found that this was a chapter of the well-known, Hell's Angels gang who was on their way to "Church" which meant meeting basically. A few of them had glanced his way, but as usual due mostly to Ash's constant "FU" aura, even hardened bikers knew to keep their distance. The thought brought a smirk to his lips. He remembered Savitar had said something about an incident that occurred in a lab not too far from this place. When he asked Artemis about it even she was tight-lipped. Not that he was expecting the goddess to help him much. She'd done such a FINE job helping in the past what with watching him be beaten to a bloody pulp by her brother. A tick developed on his jaw before he simply shook his head and kept his senses open. Something apparently was going to go down either near here or at this very place. It was then, when he noticed near the restroom a couple of men were hassling a woman. He immediately recognized the men as Daimons, but something about her aura was... weird. And while he could pick up the males' thoughts, he found himself unable to read her's at all.What the hell?!
Just passing through, that's what she had told herself four months ago. But the problem was, there was no one here protecting the people. She had come through, and noticed that right away. Even with her shields on as high as she had them, she still could sense a Daimon for up to twenty miles away. She had come to this rest-stop because there had been some rumors of young woman vanishing from it. So she had decided to investigate. She traveled with the Hell's Angels, they seemed to be fine with the young woman. She didn't get in there way, and paid for the gas that was used. She had traveled with a man she had dubbed 'Papa Bear' very fitting considering she was everything a grandfather would have been, had she had contact with her biological grandfather. He was a kind old man, that took the pale and shaking girl in when she had first appeared in Portland. The man didn't know what she was, which was fine. But he knew that she could handle herself. Decked out like the men, she looked like a leather clad angel. Delicate features, almost shatteringly pretty. Her eyes slightly slanted, and a perpetually sad look to them. Her eyes had an illusion cast on them, to make them look just plain old baby blue. Though someone with enough powers could see her true eyes. The dark blue outer ring, that melted into silver, that melted into purple at her pupil. Her hair was pure white, pulled back in a clip with her bangs framing her features. The bangs reaching her collarbones, and the hair clipped in the back reaching near her waist. Her clothing was leather, minus her top. She wore leather pants, that hugged her waist and ass and then loosened down around her legs. She wore leather harley boots, a pretty little gift from 'Papa Bear'. Her top was a black to the skin shirt, cut a little lower then she usually liked but it served it's purpose. Her black leather jacket was made to withstand traveling, and that was a good thing. She came from the restroom, and the males came around her. Heckling her, she pretended to be frightened by the blonds, but interested. When the Daimons pulled her out behind the building, further then the restrooms, a feral grin overtook her features. "Now tell me gentlemen, what has you so far from your hunting grounds?" She asked as she whirled on them. Her shields dropping. The whoosh of energy was enough to make the dust rise up and rush out from around her feet. Her hand came up the ball of shadowy energy forming, as she laughed. "Nevermind, forget I asked that. You are the ones stealing and destroying the young women who have gone missing here." She said as she stepped forward. "My name is Shadow, simply shadow. As a righter of the wrongs cast on women kind, I will destroy you as swiftly as possible. You aren't worth my time." She stated firmly as she lashed out the ball at one males chest. Then released another at another. They where similar to God-Bolts but a bit different. Formed out of the shadow energy that few actually truly learned to wield. There where three that had no braids and beads in their hair. The three that did would be her problem. Blades came up from gods knew where, but Shadow knew she would have to work fast. As they came at her she dropped to her knees and slid across the gravel, slipping between one of the warriors legs. She spun rapidly by using her hand to turn and then rapidly twisted her body to slam a kick into the mans hip. There was a crunching sound as the Spathi dropped and started to scream. She had been trained for this, trained to kill. The sure and pulsing aura of death... was enough to assure that.
Ash tried once again to read her thoughts, but everything came up a complete blank. What did that mean? He didn't like this one bit. While he had to admit with a smirk of his lips that the woman before him put Artemis' crafted beauty to shame. He slid his Oakley sunglasses down a little bit as he watched her approach the other men. She also had guts to even try to take on this clutch of Daimons by herself. Whatever she was. Acheron could sense her energy as she dropped her shields and so did a couple of the Daimons apparently as one or two of them had been stunned a moment. Rolling his shoulders in the distressed black duster he wore over the black Misfits T-shirt he strode over to the fight in his dusty leather strides tucked into his straight black Doc Martens. His raven hair pulled back in a ponytail accenting his strong features he cracked his knuckles in one fingerless gloved hand and then the other. He'd be damned if he was going to even allow the possibility of anything happen to this woman. He remembered that Savitar told him. That people close to him would be blanks to his ability to read minds. While the Daimons minds were open to him he still couldn't get a sense of her while he approached the battle she was in. While he back was to another Daimon who was trying to attack her from behind, Ash lashed his hand forward and it was as if the Daimon had been grabbed by the collar of his shirt and jerked back towards Ash's waiting hand. Catching the man he placed one hand under his chin in a firm grip and the other at the back of his head and jerked. With a sickening wet crunch the Daimin found himself able to actually watch his back as his head was twisted backwards. The body toppled a few steps before falling to the ground. Ash threw a god bolt into the body for good measure turning it into little more than a pile of ash and soot on the ground. Ash didn;t have time to play around. This had to be defused quickly before it caused a problem for any standers-by. Luckily, Papa Bear and most of the other bikers were in the bar at the moment enjoying their rounds. Unaware of the fight going on.
Shadow ignored the man that came to help her. She would deal with him later. Her eyes narrowed as she dodged the spathi she was still working on. She spun in a full circle releasing a handful of what appeared to be, and where, kunai. The bladed projectiles flew true, hitting the normal daimons in their inkblots. Leaving her with One healthy Spathi, and one injured. Then she felt the sensation she felt whenever one of their holes opened. Gods be damned, why did the fates always play her as their fool? She ducked and braced her hands on the ground, spinning her body in a full circle and kicking out feet as she went. The world inverted as she spun her body and flipped. She brought the heel of her boot down upon one of the new Spathi's. His head crunched wetly as the scent of blood filled the air. Her nostrils flared for a moment, and her eyes narrowed as she spun. A blade releasing itself from her sleeve, one that hadn't been there a moment ago. Made into a projectile by a burst of magic. It took the spathi in the heart. Then she released on on the spathi that was on the ground with the broken hip. She gave a cry of pain as she was suddenly hauled back by her hair, one of the males had her by her hair. The Spathi's beads fell against her shoulder as his fangs pierced into her neck. Sending piercing pain through her as the pulling sensation washed over her. Her eyes closed, as she pretended to sag. Her mind ran through the spells she had learned. Then she released a long gentle sigh. The Spathi made a gagging sound, and the female smirked. Though she controlled shadows, her mother had taught her a spell. It was called "Liquid Sunlight", a spell which had gone down with Atlantis. The Spathi burst into flame, and turned into dust. The blood leaking from her wound was a bit luminescent and looked nearly gold now, rolling down her body as the wound slowly stitched closed."Man, can you shield, cause if you can damn well do it!"Shadow sent the telepathic command to the man that had come to her aid. With that done, in her opinion more then enough warning, she drew her arms into her body. The shadows pulsing around her as she took the bolts of power thrust at her by a particularly vicious one. The smell of singed leather and a bit of hair filled the air. But the shadows continued to pulse, and then suddenly exploded into a reign of knives that spread through the area. Designed to only fly so far, and ONLY pierce flesh. They would melt away after a certain point, and those that connected with flesh, would have a nice little core they would release. Her blood on the ground had been what had fueled the blades. So each of those blades had a miniature piece of sunlight. With that attack released, the female went to her knees panting. Her eyes closing as she gasped for breath. Fuck, that was too much. She shouldn't have used that last ability. Fuck, Fuck... Her vicious was darkening and that was never a good thing. She didn't know if she could really trust the male that had come to help her.
Acheron had to admit that whatever she was she could damn well handle herself against the Spathi. Her movements were fluid, there was no wasted motion, and in the brief instant where he thought he would have to step in to save her, she'd taken control of the situation quickly. The spell she'd used had surrpised him however.Atlantean magic?! That sort of magic sunk to the depths with my mother's people! How does she know it?This woman was indeed full of surprises. His fascination was cut short however when he heard her mental warning to shield. The energy that hummed through the air was proof of the need. Taking her warning to heart he put up his own shield as her aura seemed to explode with eldritch power. He watched as the energy exploded from her, taking out the rest in an orderly fashion despite the chaotic manner the spell went off. He could feel the energy beat against his shiled, and was glad for the warning. That would've hurt like a bitch. When he lowered his shield after he was sure the spell had subsided, he noticed her power was dimming. She'd used too much power, and was fading. He ran over and caught her before she would fall to the concrete, holding her, slowly sitting her down. Up close, her beauty was even more arresting, he brushed a finger along the snow white bangs framing her angelic face. Yet he'd seen just how dealy this woman was, and he could still feel her power, though having tapped into too much of it she was now a bit weakened. His first order of business was to check the wound on her neck from the bite. Pressing his palm over the wound he begun about healing it. As he did, he wondered what course of action would need to be taken. The only Dark Hunter in the area he could think of would be Zoe, who he'd contacted prior to his coming to Seattle. Sebastian's was the closest haven he could think of, and thankfully that wasn't too far. Looking down at Shadow he wondered.Who are you?
The females mind barely knew where she was, or what she was doing. She panted as the energy pulsed around her one last time and died. She went to her knees, but ended up in strong arms. A sensation that she hadn't felt in a long time. These did not seek to hurt her, either. Which was a strange turn of events. He held her as if she was special, someone to save. The sensation of a healing spell rolled over the wound on her neck. It sealed up, and the pain slowly left her. But the problem was, with her shields down, her mental barriers destroyed... She couldn't control certain aspects of her powers. It allowed him a window into her mind. The scene that rolled through his mind, would make a normal person cringe. Tears rolled down the child's face as she stood up. White hair falling across darkening and blood filled vision. A cry slowly slipped from the girls lips. With that the fist of a much larger man slammed into her stomach, making her curl up and spasm. Blood leaking from her lips, as she vomited on his boots. She cried, and curled up. Sobbing and shaking. The voice of the man filling her mind. "Take the pain and use it, damnit! Stop being a child, you are a Goddess! Awaken and fight. Don't let yourself be fooled. I'll kill you if you don't fight back!" The man screamed at her. The pain throbbed through her as the attacks continued. She wiped the blood from her mouth and fought to dodge. From the way her mind was formed, she was no older then eight. And she was already being put through so much. She followed the words of the man speaking to her, energy gathered and the world ran black. Shadow spasmed as she was held in the mans arms. A scream silenced behind tightly closed lips. She rolled her head to the side, hands curling around her stomach as she shook. Trying to curl away from the man. She hadn't passed out, but her vision was darkening. She couldn't pass out, she couldn't!
Though part of him was focused on healing her and keeping an eye out for their surroundings, part of him felt for the woman in his arms. Centuries ago, he'd been forged in the fires of shame and humiliation, and then to be killed and brought back as a god to oversee a war that would determine the fate of humanity itself. He could understand her pain, he'd endured much the same. Though in her memories the man had called her a goddess. That brought an inquisitive look from him. Sure, she had an appearance that could rival even Artemis herself, but the power he'd seen her display in dispatching the Spathi had been pretty damned impressive. Could she have something to do with what Savitar was talking about? He knew better than to ask. He knew the god wouldn't tell him directly, but in some 'round-the-fucking-barn kind of way that told him nothing so he didn't screw the pooch that was fate. When he felt her bite back a scream and turn in his arms he held her tighter. "It's okay. I'm here to help you." He said reassuringly, knowing that those memories coming back could be the cause of it as well. She was likely reliving those painful events all of the sudden.
Shadow's eyes opened, her shields gone, and her natural appearance evident. She used magic to make herself look quite a bit more plain then she actually was. Her eyes were multi-colored. Three colors, purple, blue and silver. Her eyes shifted a little as she stared at him - a whimper leaving her. She shuddered a little and twisted a little in his arms. Her eyes closing as she arched away from him. "Don't - just don't touch me!" She snapped as she tried to twist out of his arms. She didn't want him hurt, but the barriers of her mind were collapsing here in his arms. Other memories came to light - as her mind started to fade out a little. Her breathing leveled out - in a manner of stress and serenity, all in one. Her hands gripped his arm as she collapsed down against his chest. Her eyes closed as she whimpered a little. She crouched down, now about eight or nine. Her body poised at the ready to leap. The same man from before was there - and he was watching her as she darted through the obstacle course. Her body was alive with power - too much for one so young. She had to keep pushing herself, the man shooting at her. Bullets hitting a shield that she had created - one hand moving it as she darted through the course. "Keep going - you dumb cunt. Seriously? You're supposed to be the child of a God, I know homeless people with more ability then you." The man snapped at her. Shadow whirled around as her hands came together. Her first kill - was the only thought in her mind. Her hands came together as her eyes closed. They opened to watch the shocked look on the mans face. "Hows that for a Goddess." She whispered as she watched the blood dripped down from the mans eyes. Then she crossed her arms before her and then slammed her arms out. A familiar attack - to Acheron at least - happened. Shadows burst around her as daggers slammed into the man. "Fuck you." Shadow regained the control of her being as she gasped faintly. Too much stress - and what the hell was this man. "Let me go." She whispered softly as she tried to pull away. Her eyes closing as she gripped her leather jacket. "I need to move."
Players: Rm860 & EclipseNeko Story concept takes place in: Naruto Alter verse Modernism -Taking Naruto anime/manga concepts and using them in a more modern realistic setting but keeping within the theme of fantasy. Takes place in an alternative universe so no naruto cast is involved. Plotline: Akatsuki corp., a multi-national billion dollar corporation stands tall in the ninja world. Little does everyone know that one of their own is a criminal mastermind with an incredible ability. An executive with the power of the Rinnegan has an evil plot in motion; his assistant may be the only one who may be able to change his mind. Will her loyalty blind her? Characters Donovan Reign --- (Right) Melissa Haruno Akatsuki corp. was on the cutting edge of technology for the ninja world, but they were much more then a just research and development company. They had stood prominent for more then 80 years and were a multi-national billion dollar corporation. They had their hand in almost everything from energy to banking to the latest ninja gear and weapons. Their proud symbol of the red cloud stood for greatness and it was obvious by the spectacle the company put on for this afternoons revealing. It was today that a new energy source prototype would be shown. The presenter was a well known executive and sat on the board of directors, he wasn't often in the spotlight but this revealing in particular was important. VIP's, mayors, governors, leaders of various ninja clans and press were all waiting to see Akatsuki corps latest product. Donovan Reign was important to Akatsuki corp., at the age of 39 he had accomplished a great deal. He wasn't an expert ninja, he wasn't involved in local politics; however he was a savvy business man and lead project teams of the highest standard. He had many secrets though and how people perceived him was false. He sat in the back of a four door automobile as the driver turned into the bottom floor of a parking garage. As the car stopped he took a look in the rearview mirror making sure his appearance was acceptable. He felt excited as he knew his assistant would be waiting; their relationship was not all professional. Exiting the car he took a look around seeing the masses of chakra with his Rinnegan. There were some powerful ones that would be tough to fight, however his perception was hindered by contact lenses that hid his optical power giving him now a hazel brown eye color. He now headed toward the presentation room but he would meet his assistant first. Melissa Haruno was his young female assistant of at least a year, he was fuzzy on the exact details. As he approached a small conference room she would be able to feel him, he sent out a chakra wave to make sure. Once entering the room he spoke with a serious smile his voice one suitable for public speaking Miss Haruno how is the turn out? Is the project ready? This is important so I hope you took care of everything.
Melissa was currently sitting in the conference room. She currently was wearing small glasses with her short bright red hair pushed behind her ears. In front of her was a small envelope; this envelope was very, very important as it held the important details of her boss, Mr. Donovan Reign, new energy source that he was behind in creating. She had been working for him for a year and two months as his assistant. She came from the famous ninja clan, Haurnos, who were well known for their Genjutsu and loyalty to their partner. She sighed as she looked at Mr. Reign as her partner. She respected him greatly but she knew more about him than anyone else and knew the plans he held. He was quite power hungry and sometimes cruel. She didn't agree with his plans and deeply wanted to stop him but of course he would just ignore her pleas. Despite this current issue, she was quite proud of her position, she was only 18 years old and was assistant to one of the most powerful men in the world as one of the most powerful corporations. Just as she glanced up the at the small clock in the room, she felt his chakra being released and it was pointing right towards her. She quickly jumped up, grabbing the folder as she ran to the door, her heels clanking loudly. She stopped the the door, letting her own chakra slowly spill out, letting him know she felt him. She opened the door and bowed as she saw her boss quickly step in. "Good morning, Mr. Reign." She said as she stood back up and walked towards him, folder out ready for him to take. "Was your ride fine?"
Melissa did indeed hail from a large and famous ninja clan and Donovan despised that one aspect. He cringed inside every time his lips uttered a name that was of a clan. He wasnt from a clan he was orphaned as a baby because two members of different clans brought him to the world. A lot of anger was there but he could handle it with her as she hardly ever talked about heritage. In this corporate environment they hid their relationship so it was Mr. Reign to her and Miss Haruno to him. While he couldnt say he didnt take advantage of her upbringing of loyalty. But thats not why he fancied her or took her as his both professional and personal. She started out as an intern, little more then a fetch girl but he discovered her one evening practicing a Genjutsu that was creative and more advanced then he thought she was capable of. Even from a distance using his Dojutsu, the Rinnegan he was impressed. He took a interest in her and showed her his power. A bond formed and she was introduced to his ideals, and now she viewed him as someone special. She was young, pretty and talented so Donovan felt lucky. He was happy to see her as they had not spent much time together these last few days. He had meeting after meeting and she was here preparing documents and overseeing some other tasks. He took the folder as he noted her heels, were they new? Yes it was pleasant, really needed to gather my nerves. You know, no matter how old someone gets there is still a slight fear of public speaking. He took the folder and gently pushed her back into the small room closing the door behind. You look cute today Melissa did you do that thing I asked? He got close his hand moving to one of her breasts as the other hung at his side still holding the folder. He could feel her chest and would notice her breathing Im sure you did, but Ill ask anyway. She was supposed to have arranged a meeting with his underlings; he was also the head of a criminal organization and she was also his assistant in that aspect of his life. He jut wished she didnt object to his plans sometimes, because she always gave in and did it anyhow.
She saw his eye look at her almost disgusting for a moment before they suddenly changed to a more wanting look. She knew it was because of her background and she sighed. That part he would always hate about her till day her last name changed and she became part of a new clan. She just watched as he moved closer to her, having a feeling what he wanted. It shouldn't come as a surprise since it had been quite a while they haven't "done" anything. "One such as yourself, I figured speaking in public would not be such an issue." She smiled, almost mocking him. She could fire back at him time to time, but tired not to anger him.. He would always get a little.. violent then. As he spoke her took the folder from her hand and her back. Before she could even speak, his hand was upon her breast, lightly kneading it. She gasped and tired to balance herself. He always seemed to catch her off guard. She brushed off his compliment as he got to "other" business. Ones that were usually dealt with outside the office. "Yes, everyone has been contacted and they will be at the meeting ground at the usual time." She whispered into his ear. "Though.. can you please cancel this meeting and maybe spend time with me instead?" She slightly begged him. She wanted to distract him best she could from the evil intentions that were going through his mind. "The ANBU can wait, right?" She knew she was pushing her luck because anything that dealt with the ANBU always came first and anything that got in his way would usually anger him. Pushing her luck a little more, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her chest into him.
Assassination. That was what she was built for. She was fairly strong, but she also avoided alchemy and guns. The young woman appeared nothing more than a Xingese traveler. Though there was much more to her than that. She'd been hired to do something for some Ishvalan rebels, as a slight grin stayed on her features. Her eyes cast back and forth, as though she were lost, hoever she was really looking for someone. There never really was too much to do here in the North. She'd followed a certain man here, to assassinate him. The young woman held her coat tighter, as she walked along the rather crowded roads. Despite it being winter-like all year round, she wasn't all that well clothed for the weather. She hadn't been expecting it to be this cold! Being from Xing, she was used to hot temperatures, and had never been out in the snow before. Aoi shivered briefly as she rubbed her arms. Even the heavy jacket she wore did nothing to quell her chattering teeth. Honestly, there wasn't much she could do about it, but she was sure as hell still going to try. She narrowed here eyes suddenly, spotting her target as she continued to glance around, her eyes only landing on him a moment, before continuing along their lost gaze pattern. She would follow him until he was in an alleyway, going for a shortcut. She smirked slightly to herself, and slipped in the alleyway behind him, slipping up quickly behind her target, flinging her shuriken at his back. "Hnn. I wasn't expecting the 'Great Red Lotus Alchemist' to be so careless." She sneered, as she lowered her arm, shrugging off her jacket as she smirked at him, she was ready to fight, her black hair hidden in a bun up above her head, and her bright red eyes focused on him. The eyes may have tipped some off that she wasn't completely Xingese, in fact she had a bit of Ishvalan blood running within her veins alongside her mostly Xingese heritage. Though she had absolutely no clue about this, and a smirk was on her features. Kimblee had been in the Ishvalan war, and he most likely would notice that her eyes were red, and obviously not Xingese, comparing it to the rest of her body, however, she was obviously not pure blooded Ishvalan either.
He spent all day getting the ingredients to the right place. Normally he would have taken out the entire block but thats not how they wanted it done. By noon he was almost ready to set it off, only he felt like he was being watched. Reaching into his pockets he felt the marbles smooth cool with enough kick to blow off an arm. Her smiled and decided to wait the bomb was almost finished no point in letting it go to waste. Kimblee was on a job for central, normally he was not so on task but the latest assignment was right up his alley a real blast. He was ready to set of the bomb hundreds of gallons of explosives running through the pipes of a major pain in the governments back side. Just then a shiver ran down his spine someone was watching him. Knotty, Knotty he did not like to run but even he could not blow someone to chunks and get away with it in public. The figure was not that big, a woman or a young man either way it would be hard to make a big bomb before she was on him. The blade sliced through his coat falling to the ground it exploded in a shower of smoke and stone. Turning around he held a marble between is thumb and forefinger. An I did not think an assassin would talk so much Normally he would have already spattered the girl but he had to know what she knew. Damn bureaucrats always breathing down his neck burring him in paper work. The small marble was as powerful as a hand grenade and in his hand far more accurate the best part was he had the btter part of a hundred. So tell me before you die miss assassin what is youre name so I can carve it on youre tomb stone Not the most original comeback but he had work to do and the bitch was bothering him. He aimed for her arms and legs, she would make a good distraction or a better fall girl.
Giving him a smirk, the woman sighed, he'd blown up her shuriken and that annoyed her. She fell silent at his mocking, eyes cold, before leaping backwards a bit, with a grin. "Oh, don't worry, I'm not that stupid." She grinned, as she leapt up to the wall, and dashed along it, to get behind him, holding one of her kunai out, as she attempted to get his arm when she flounced past him. She knew plenty about the government, but she wasn't about to let him know that. She grinned at him as she pushed off of the wall, and landed behind him, almost delicately. A smirk was still on her features as she glared at him. It annoyed her, sincerely that he took her so lightly. Sure she was responsible for many deaths, but that was all part of the fun in her eyes. She wouldn't give in that easily and she was sure as hell strong enough to take him on if he couldn't use his alchemy. So maybe that should have been her first course of action against a State Alchemist, take out his power supply, his hands. But no, she hadn't thought of that until now. She narrowed her eyes, and slammed her knee towards his back. "Well now, you're a lot slower than I'd heard~" She jeered right back at him, with a sadistic grin crossing her features. Sure she wasn't all that good of a person, and she was sure as hell willing to cause him pain before killing him....If only she knew anything about the Philosopher's Stone. She honestly didn't, and so she wouldn't really be able to kill him. She placed a hand on her left hip, letting her gaze tell him she wasn't going to be easy to defeat, she was most definitely sadistic, and ready for a hell of a fight!
He caught the next spinning metal blade with his belt he was no boxer but he could throw a punch when he wanted to Come girl can you only play with butter knives He tossed the belt and blade at he taking out a section of the wall. As her knee slammed into his back ten marbles flew into the air. He smiled pressing his body to the wall a smile on his face he loved it the smell of scorched flesh. Tell me if a ten foot section of wall falls into a 10 foot alley how hard will it squash a bug the wall mostly in tact began to fall towards her. He watched it fall slowly as he began to climb the wall using the handholds he made. As he reached the top he felt a wash of hot air before the wall smashed into the alley floor. The only thing he could see was dust and smoke billowing out like a storm cloud. You again I should have known dropping a building on you would not be enough slowly he rotated his arm making sure the bitch had not hurt him too back. He already had lost his favorite jacket. Jumping back he watched half the building collapse on top of the smaller single story shop he already half destroyed. Such a shame so young so viscous so hothe turned to leave discarding his glasses and placing a hat on his head. He could smell it the scent of life death lingers a sweat scent that you never forget this was life. Come on do I have to knock the entire city to burry you he asked throwing his hands up towards the heavens.
Aoi narrowed her eyes angrily. Crap, this battle wasn't going quite how she wanted it to...Her bright red eyes widened slightly when he caught the kunai, and narrowed her eyes further, as she dashed out of the way when he flung it back at her.'Bah! This is not going too well...!'She closed her eyes, feeling the wall beginning to fall down.'A BUG!? If that bastard thinks he can get away with calling me a bug, he's got another thing coming!'She thought to herself as she sprinted down the alleyway, trying to get out the other side, unluckily for her, the wall finished falling, and caught her too close, smacking her down to the ground harshly. "Gah..." She yelped softly, and barely managed to get up from the ground in time to run out of the way of the next wall, "Shit, shit, shit!" She hissed beneath her breath as she sprinted around the corner, panting, and glaring back at the wall. It would be easiest to scale up the wall, to try and confront him directly rather than having to sprint around, when she was already out of breath, and trying to avoid his attacks when she couldn't attack him. Aoi narrowed her eyes quickly and ran from one wall, straight at the other, before suddenly turning around and sprinting up to the top of the building that Kimblee was on, eyes narrowed. She grabbed onto the ledge of the roof, and flung herself over the side, landing behind him with a mocking grin. "I guess it's harder to kill a bug than you thought it would be, isn't it, you bastard?" She sneered, as she grabbed about eight kunai and shuriken from her sleeves, getting ready to fight again. "Honestly..." She hissed, before dashing at him. "Don't underestimate me~"
He brought the tube to his mouth a dozen beads ready You think I am even trying to kill you he laughed the beads spread out exploding in midair forming a wall of smoke he leapt forward holding out his arm. Did he get her or not what ever happened he rolled out of the way avoiding a dozen blades on sank into his calf mussel. Bitch you really love sharp thinks Leaping over the side he began shooting beads into the building. The floors began to collapse on after the other until the building was gone. landing on the ruble his leg gave out and he fell smashing through a half pain of glass cutting himself up something fierce. I know I know you are not dead grabbing the shuriken he yanked pulling back a bloody blade. Limping he began to gather ingredient in a bag his special fire bomb a good old home recipe. Come on bitch I have something for you blood leaked down his boot leaving a trail. He found another blade in his arm he was not cut out for this run and gun fighting already he wanted to pass out. Come on bitch come get some he would have to fool her get her close enough to the blast while not getting hit himself. Come on dont you want to finish me off he was not sure how she was alive she should have been dead eight times over, that was it she was some kind of cat chimaera. Here kitty kitty
He knew what Aoi was, but she didn't know just yet. She sure as hell wasn't dead yet, and she hadn't been killed just yet. Though she'd been stuck on the building when it collapsed in on her. She groaned, now stuck beneath a pile of rubble. Aoi hissed softly as she struggled to try and get out from beneath the rubble, but wasn't able to manage it, just yet. She was getting beaten up pretty badly already from him, but she couldn't tell for sure if she'd been able to hit him with her mix of kunai and shuriken. "Shit..." She hissed in pain, rubbing her forehead as she slowly tried to move the rubble off of herself, at least it wasn't as devastating as a wall landing on her would be. She winced, rolling onto her back when she finally got all of the rubble off of her, and panted, trying to catch her breath. "Gah..." She winced slightly. It hurt a hell of a lot, so she wasn't able to move just yet, and she could also feel her vision getting blurry. Oh hell no. She couldn't pass out here....! But her brain just didn't want to work, eyes falling closes as she moaned softly in pain. "God damn..."
He held up the tube he had to know if she was dead or not he had to know Come on kitty I just want to give you some milk he dove through a window glass fell of his shirt along with dirt and explosive residue. He landed next to her it was clear she was even in worse shape then him Tell me kitty why did you start a fight with me he threw a stun charge no shrapnel no gas of fire just enough to knock the wind out of her. Was she alone or was there an entire team of them waiting to tear him apart. You will pay for every cut he moved closer was she down or would she have a few more lives tucked away. She was attractive and she was one of those one of the people he first learned the art of explosion on. Tell me what are you red eyed freaks doing among good god fearing people of science he wanted to kill her to thin one of those dirty people would come so close to doing him in. Tell me arms or legs first he asked he knew enough about a human any human body to take them apart piece by piece.
She glowered at the man towering above her, and grimaced. She felt the stun charge thrown into her stomach, and yelped, having the breath knocked out of her, as she struggled to get up. "Heh, red eyes don't mean shit! I'm Xingese for all I care to know!" She snarled in response to him, with a smirk. She knew that it got on his nerves that she got so close to killing him, but it also bothered her, that she couldn't take him down. She was a lone assassin, there wasn't anyone with her, after all an assassin with her tastes preferred to be alone, she never did work well with others. She glared at him angrily as he stepped closer to her, and narrowed her eyes, trying to get up, still. "Heh...I may be down, but I'm not letting you take me apart!" She hissed at him, angrily, as she panted. Aoi was trying to get her breath back, still, and she was trying her damndest to not pass out. She was sure as all hell going to give it her all, if he tried to kill her, but her vision was fading in and out of focus, and blackness. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep this up.
Well I cant interrogate you until you are better he lifted her up praying she did not stab him in the neck. Despite being a crime highway the sewers were not guarded or patrolled he found his way to his base in only a few minutes. The girl was a lot heavier the she looked most of it would turn out to be weapons. He had to admit as he ran his finger over her naked stomach that she was not hard on the eyes. I cant do much yet but when I Finnish I will know you re mother name and favorite color Now tell me xingese why are you trying to kill me, I mean I have my fans but none so persistent as you he ran his finger over her body the table was lined with transmutation circle if she got up she would blow up. I warn you move to fast and there wont be enough left to fill a tea spoon he would have plenty of time to get out of the way or sop he planned. Her ran hsi finger up the inside of her leg over her hip and up her armpit to her hand. Tell me who wired you to kill me
Aoi narrowed her eyes, though she wasn't able to resist, nor was she able to stab him, far too tired to do so. She was easily picked up, and taken to his base. She grimaced as he stripped her, all too easily of her clothes, and her weapons. She snarled bitterly at him, and attempted to move to get up, but then she saw the transmutation circle. It registered in her brain that despite being fast, she wouldn't be able to survive being blown up...She flinched, however, feeling his finger run along her stomach, and hissed bitterly, as she grabbed his hand on her stomach, "Don't touch me...!" She snarled. Flinching a bit, she felt his other hand wander the upper thigh of her leg, and grit her teeth, as he ran it up her hip to her hand. "Ch-Che..." She grimaced again as she struggled to not move too quickly, she had heard his comment about the transmutation circle, and glared at him. "I'm not telling you anything..." She hissed in response.
Picking through her cloths he found enough cutlery to start a small shop. Look after you tell me what I need to know you can go to a nice cell with a medic slowly he began to take of his cloths he did not care what she did. He began to whistle a little tune as she shed his shirt and pants throwing them off into a corner. He had to admit she was the best chance he was going to get to relieve some pressure. It will end one way and one way only if you dont tell me what io want to know you die Slowly he climbed onto the table unlike his quest he knew the exact tolerances of the circle. Now I know you dont want me to do this so talk he began kissing up her neck then down licking around her nipples. Truth was after killing so many people he began to miss the simple thing like coffee and sex. His hands moved up and then between her legs if she fought back it would only be more pun. Now talk he demanded as he roughly shoved two fingers into her unguarded sex.
Aoi grimaced as he dug through her clothes, removing the cutlery and weapons, narrowing her eyes as she glared back at him. He removed his shirt and then his pants. She glowered at him, from her rather strange position on the floor, and tried to keep her fists from clenching, she had a small idea of what he planned on doing, and she had enough pride to make sure that wouldn't happen, but he was suddenly on top of her, obviously he knew the alchemic properties much better than she did, and was able to move around without blowing them both up. She flinched suddenly as he began to kiss her tender neck, and proving that she most likely was rather new to this sort of torture. She glared at him, as he began to kiss down to her hardened nipples, and shrieked in surprise, from his tongue. "G-Get the hell off!" She snarled in response as she slipped her hands up to try and push him off. She felt his hands move to her legs, and gasped softly when he pressed his two fingers up inside of her, and flinched, letting out a soft moan of surprise. She wasn't used to this at all. She glared back at him, "....Who hired me?" She asked, bitterly glaring at him, as she finally responded. "Ishvalan's of course, wouldn't it be obvious to someone who tried to kill an entire race off the face of Amestris?!" She snarled back at him.
He laughed not a human laugh of mirth but one born of the deepest levels of hell an inhuman laugh. They couldnt hire a clown for a childs birthday roughly he pulled out his hand and shoved in three fingers. Never many in number central outspent the entire mut race in a week roughly he bit down on her chest. I mean who bank rolled you dont tell me you are some kind of avenging angel with that he pulled out pushing four fingers into her sex only an inch or so at this rate he would never get his entire hand inside of her. Tell me which traitor general is paying you to kill me he laughed moving his hand to lick his finger clean of her juices. He then bit her chest again hard enough to leave an imprint of his teeth on her chest. Was it Mr flame alchemist that fool would have let me wrought in jail he wondered if she knew the military well enough to know all there nicknames like the crystal alchemist. Tell me bitch who paid for you to try and kill me he thrust his hand into her managing to get it up to his second knuckles. Already she was bleeding but thats what the drugs were for. Now tell me before I rip you apart who the traitor is I did not let you catch me just to kill some puke assassin
Aoi glared at him, flinching at his laugh, and glowered at him, before letting out a yelp as he suddenly yanked his hand out, and then shoved it back in. "G-Gah!" She cried out in surprise, as he bit down on her chest, and winced, letting out a soft whimper of pain, before clenching her teeth together, bitterly as she glared at him. "I don't know who paid!" She hissed, "The man who's behind the payments? I don't know who it is, he just gave them the money to pay for my services." She hissed back at him, before cringing as he bit into her chest, letting out a slight gasp of pain before she breathed in, and tried to calm her breath once more. She glared at him once again, as she thought a moment, about what he said, the Flame Alchemist...? She surely knew the man's title, and she knew most of their titles, as she had to research them before she left on this assignment. She grimaced as he thrust his hand into her, making her bleed more, and she cringed further. "G-Gah!" She cried out, as he threatened her. She clenched her fists tighter together, as she felt him slam his hand into her, further.
He laughed she was like a butterfly pinned to a piece of wax paper beautiful but unable to move or fight him. Then maybe I should find another use for you I mean you are a woman, I am a man he hated everyone they were at best fuel and at worst an obstacle. He smiled as he fit in the last of his hand. She was so tight that he could barley move his hand even lubed up with all her blood and other bodily fluids. Now if you bit this I will cut you and let you bleed to death slowly he mounted her head holding her nose he pushed his cock in. He felt her gag as he reached her throat pushing in to his balls. He wondered what he should do and considered hanging her from the wall. Now my little captive what should I do with an assassin who has nothing to say he could hand her over to the military or just dump her in the desert another body to add to a war that never ended. "Tell me how you want it"
"The Exciting Ranch Plan! We're looking for ranchers! Would you like to work in Flower Bud Village? Buy property that you choose and live a warm and rewarding ranch lifestyle! The Mayor of Flower Bud Village." A small smile stretched across lips at the advertisement, making his heart jump a bit. This was the place he was looking for! With an excited leap into the air, Ian began to dash forward towards this village in the distant, only stopping when another male appeared in front of him. The person was rather short, having similar brown hair as him, but had brown eyes instead of his crystal blue. With a small 'howdy' and some pleasant greetings, he was informed that this was the mayor of the village, Theodore. In return, he offered his name and the reason he was here, which lit up the older man's eyes as if it was Christmas. Theordore quickly began to ask a series of questions as he wrote down a few things in a small booklet. Ian figured it was a registry and fingered a few bills in his pocket before handing them to the mayor as payment for land. When he was younger, his grandfather had owned a ranch that his family visited often, where he learned a few farming tricks. However, the farm was sold off when his grandfather died, but ever sense then, he dreamt that one day, he'd start up a farm as well.Today's the day. I'm going to have my own farm and it's going to be great, grandpa. "Oh, yes. It's Ian, right? First, choose a lot and a house from the following: Village Center: Not a lot of space, but convenient. Ocean Side: The land is spacious but not fertile River Side: convenient for fishing, but... You're free to do what you want on your property. It's best to find out how to work on the farm by talking to the villagers. I don't want to start off by saying too much, but please don't forget this: there are fences around everyone's property. Yours are blue, other people's property is yellow, and common property is green. Please be careful not to throw things away on property other than your own." The brunette nodded, knowing that it was rude to throw garbage in general. When the mayor handed him the book and pointed out a small line for him to write down the ranch's name, he wrote a small "Ruin Ranch" in its place, before handing it back. Theordore chuckled at the name and patted his back as he led them towards the village center. The house there was a small wooden house, with just the hint of green painting along the roof that was fading away. It was obviously a used house, but he was informed that it was well equipped. Behind the house was a lumber shed, along with a shipping box and a vast amount of land. Most of it wasn't his, but it was enough to start farming on until he could buy the land that extended all the way towards another lot. Despite being in the village center, there was a lot of land all around him in every direction, which made him wonder why the village was so under-populated when there was so much space. Shaking it off, he decided that it didn't matter why there wasn't so many people here; he'd just have to make this place even more wonderful so that others would come. "Time to turn in, I guess." Ivan sighed, glancing at the small spec that was the mayor in the distance as the other man left. The house was rather old inside, but he ignored that factor and ended up leaving the furniture as it was; opting to curl up on the seemingly new bed to rest. That night, he had the strangest dream of some woman turning to stone and three little men speaking to him about reviving her. "Just keep living a happy life and you'll find the notes to bring her back to life!" one of the men stated, jumping up and down next to him. "Oh, yes, you'll need help, won't you? Perhaps youll meet the harvester! He can aid you. Keep an eye out for him, because he's a mischievous one!" the three 'Harvest Spirits' laughed. "No, I don-." the brunette muttered, suddenly wincing at the bright light that appeared out of nowhere. When his senses came to again, Ian opened his eyes to see that he was in his house and the spring morning shine had woken him up. "What a strange dream..." he yawned, stretching his limbs as he climbed out of bed.Now what should I start off with today?he pondered. Ian had to wonder where the bout of energy and excitement had gone for a moment. The pervious day, he had been all but skipping to this farm. Now that he was there, laying on some used bed and hay bits all over the place, he found that the excitement had died off more than a bit, and it was time to get his head on straight and get to work. But where to start was the question, and as he moved over to the window to get a good look outwards, he had to mentally outline how much space he had. The land had each markings, and he was told that the ones with a green outline meant that he could plant on them, since they were common property. However, that meant that he couldnt build anything yet What to do, what to do he muttered, before gazing up at the sky and taking a breath. The first thing was to get ready, so after throwing himself in the shower and then popping out all clean and fresh, he made his way towards the kitchen andstared at nothing.Greatnot food.he ignored the growling stomach in favor of just getting to work. Grabbing for a hoe, he left the house and circled the small area of land he had, looking for a good place to start sowing the two small bags of seeds he had. Next to the watering hole looked lovely. Later, he would probably go visit the neighbors or something. Yes, that sounded like a good plan, so as he began to plow the earth, he hummed to himself and began his first day as a farmer.
The village was rather pleased by selling the land. Inside there was also a new stranger who had come in and had much to trade. Many of them had had odd dreams the night before, but little was spoken of it thanks to this new man. He was tall, he was charming, he was handsome, and he seemed to flirt with anyone who gave him any time at all. He never went beyond that, just enough to sell his wares. And his wares were very nice! He had come on a trip to the nearest city, at least that is what he said. His wares consisted of newer electronic gadgets, blueprints for new buildings and more efficient ways to make them, some various sweet treats, and even chicken feed! Not everyone needed things he was selling, but he was going to stay in town for a few days anyway and most of the girls wanted to male him feel very, very welcome. Perhaps he'd extend his stay. Or better yet, take them with him. That was when he noticed someone new. "Excuse me, who's that?" "Huh, oh, him. He's new. He moved in yesterday. I think he said something about his grandfather moving in. Now, can you tell me about the city more?" The traveler smiled and picked up his backpack before nodding, "Sorry madame, I must be off for the night." He walked straight over to this new fellow and smiled when he caught his eye. This stranger was a good height, just over six feet and strapping as if he had been a wanderer all his life, yet didn't have enough muscle to have been a farmer. Yet his skin was a dusky brown, as if he had tanned just under too much sun for a white man or not enough for someone of a different race. His eyes were shocking though, the same delightful blue of Ian's. His hair was a night sky black and drifted just low enough to need to be brushed out of the way of his eyes. He smelled of the road and a hint of some masculine cologne that was marketed to make women notice you but tended to draw more attention from men, "Hello, my name is Samuel, I've just arrived here and heard you are new too? It's nice to meet you. What is your name?" The brief silence was interrupted by a loud gurgling of someone's stomach and Samuel gave a gentle laugh, "Never mind, tell me as we walk. I need to buy you some dinner. You sound like you haven't eaten all day. Huh? No, no, I sold so much stuff today that I have more than enough money. Honest. Come on." He took Ian to the cafe, or really, more the other way around. Still, he sat with this farmer boy and grinned at him, trading small talk and idle chat about the city. It was more of a "glad to be away" than "isn't it grand?" spiel, Samuel very happy to find someone who not only knew about the city but had apparently CHOSEN to leave it. The waitress was a bit jealous that Samuel didn't spare her a second glance, his eyes glued to this man who he had just met. It wasn't until he noticed the windows weren't letting in as much light that he realized how long he had kept his new acquaintance. "I'm sorry. You must be needing to get home." He bought Ian a small meal for breakfast the next day and led him out, smiling, "Oh, by the way, call me Sam. All my friends do." There was an odd sound and a small sprite came out of no where, handing Ian a small orb with a music note in it, and said "Lucky!" Samuel gave Ian an odd look, but not a very unimpressed one, "Say...does that happen often?"
Ian had finished his work a bit early in the day so he decided to throw the rather small tools into the bag and threw it into the house. It wasnt like he was afraid to damage anything in the old and worn down shack, so he ignored the clank that it made hitting the wooden floor. After a few moments of just leaning against the side of the house, he sighed and figured that with the few dollars he had in his pocket, it would be best to go out and get something to eat or drink. No point in starving himself the first day, after all. However, just as he was about to move towards the nearest tavern or caf, he paused at the sight of a stranger coming towards him. Alright, so they were all strangers to the new farmer, but this one had midnight black hair, with vibrant blue eyes. He was tall. Six feet if Ian could measure height well, as Ian wasnt as tall. For a moment, the farmer almost had a superiority or masculinity complex, but that was brief and passed quickly. The brunette was at least five feet ten inches, so he wasntthatmuch shorter. Much taller than most people in the town, but not the tallest it appeared. Uhhey, Im-. but he was interrupted by a stomachs growl, making him chuckle and rub at his stomach. Of course he hadnt ate all day, as he had worked, but this guy was nice enough to invite him to lunch. Should he take it? Ian didnt know, but he decided to go for it and shrugged. What was the harm in having lunch with someone, especially in such a nice town with such nice people? The brunette led the other male to the nearest caf, realizing that this wasnt a townsfolk, but a stranger to the town, since he didnt know where anything was. My names Ian, by the way. I just moved here myself. He began, speaking to Sam as if they were good friends. They had both apparently been part of the city life, but after a good while, the streets and busy life dulled them. For Ian, it had been the boring lifestyle of office work, while he had the lingering want to fulfill what his grandfather had told him to set out to do. As they spoke though, he noted that Sam was very popular with the ladies; something that he wasnt so great at. He smiled at the waitress briefly, and while she was nice to him, she was almost attached to the dark haired male before him. That didnt hinder their conversations though, as they continued to speak about what went on in daily life and why they had left the city. The meal was rather pleasant to eat with someone there as well, so he finished his in light of the situation and gratefully accepted the to-go box of breakfast. Where will you be staying? Im sure the inns here are expensive, so-. but before he was able to finish branching out his offer of slumming in his deadbeat house, a strange popping sound sprinkled together a little person before him. A Harvest Sprite of his dreams had appeared, crying out Lucky! and giving him the small orb with a music note in it. Just holding the orb seemed to feel like this was surreal, as he gazed down at it and the sprite went back to wherever it came from. Umnot really. he said in response, peering down at the small orb and reading on bottom that this was the friendship note. Raising an eyebrow, he glanced over at Sam and smiled weakly. Im totally not some crazy person he said weakly, still holding his offer to the other male.
Samuel gave a small laugh and touched the orb slightly, "I see. Then you must just be special then eh? I think it's rather cute actually." Samuel bowed slightly and looked up at the stars, "Well, I have already paid for my room tonight, so I believe it is best that I turn in. Perhaps I will see you tomorrow then, Ian? I'd like to talk more to you." He'd love to also do a bit more, but it was far, far too early for that. At least he knew who he was looking for now. That little sprite visitation had shown him that. Samuel gave Ian one final wave before heading to the inn and going to his room. He was glad it was Ian who was going to end up collecting those orbs, as it made his job a lot easier. He had feared that perhaps it was some rather ungainly fellow, or even one of these ladies that seemed to moisten just at his very appearance. Perhaps it was just because he was new, as Samuel didn't think he was all THAT attractive. Sure, he was pretty, but what he had faced had been more than he was used to. Yet, the sprite had obviously chosen Ian. Samuel opened his notebook and wrote down which note Ian had gotten, the touch of the orb all he had needed to know about what it was for. He'd be keeping an eye on Ian from now on. He just had to figure out some way to insinuate himself into Ian's life. Perhaps his pants as well, but many of those games Ian could play with someone else. Still... The next morning the village ladies seemed a bit concerned. Samuel had said he would be back by lunch time and it was definitely nearing that time. He had told them he was headed out into the forest to find a nice place to fish. The women had hoped he would come back early, as did a certain farmer wanting to buy a bit more chicken feed. Samuel was indeed in the woods, but he had never gotten to the lake. He lay on the ground with a sprained ankle and a rather pained expression on his face. He gave a light cry and had stopped calling for help an hour or so ago. He was just tired and wanted to get back to the village and rest. He also hoped that Ian would come by. In fact, this could be a perfect situation to get another note. Yet, he wasn't sure Ian was totally dedicated to the idea of getting those notes, nor did he know how to get them.
Seeing that the other male had already found a place to stay, he nodded and bided him a good night, before heading back to his house.Nice fella strange dayhe thought to himself, as he moved to a drawer that was empty and filled with dust. Cleaning it out, he placed the small orb in there, watching as the pretty color almost shined as it rolled around. Ill deal with you later. Shit, he probably thinks thats freaky or somethingso much for making new friends. he muttered, as he closed the drawer and moved the bathroom. Getting ready for bed, he undressed and got into a pair of boxers. It was spring, so he wasnt too concerned about getting sick. Slipping into the bed, he made a note to save up and get a better bed, as this one was old and the springs made a squeaking sound as he laid on it. Sighing softly, he rested his head back and decided not to think too much, as he needed rest for the next day. Nothing much to do but to water some plants and find some small job to do to get money, but it was still something. So when the next morning came rolling around, the bright sunlight of the morning shone through his window and nearly blinded him. Shit he groaned, rolling onto his stomach for a moment, before realizing that he needed to move his bed before the next night. Sighing softly, he got up and rubbed at his face, trying to wake up fully. It wasnt until he was able to wash his face, did he wake and wonder just how the heck he even made it to the bathroom. Greathm Ian seemed to just think for a moment, tilting his head back and forth, side to side. He picked up the watering can and went outside to water the plants. Just seeds for now, covered with tilted soil, but sooner or later, they would grow into wonderful crops. After the soil was a nice dark color because of the water, he placed the can down and stared at them at a knelt level, thinking about Samuel. The dark haired male was his only friend in this town at the moment, so it wouldnt be so strange if he went to visit him, right? At least, that was his excuse, so he stood up, brushed off the dirt from his pants, before trekking towards the caf and hoping that Samuel was going to be there for breakfast. Having someone to talk to was nice, especially since he was some new guy in town and needed company. Hi! Whatll it be today for lunch? the bubbly owner asked, rubbing the back of his neck. He was dressed like a server rather than a waiter, but as the owner of the Moonlight Caf, Carl seemed both lively and competent. MorningI mean, afternoonmay I get some juice and toast? UmIm Ianhave you see a dark haired male name Samuel around? the brunette asked, feeling strange talking to someone so bright and energetic in the first thing in his day. He had spent a bit too much time watering the plants that it went from morning to afternoon already. Sure have. He stayed at the nearby inn yesterdaystrange guy. Pretty well of it appears. Carl noted, seemingly thinking for a moment. He said he was going up to the lake, so you could catch him up there if you went now, I suppose. the caf owner placed down the sweet toast and a cup of juice for him, before going about and serving others. Ian debated a bit, before eating his food and paying with some tip. Standing, he moved towards the edge of town and began to head towards the lake area, seeing that the easiest route would be through the woods. Of course, no sane person would go through this area, as it was full of twigs and junk that one could trip over, but it was still bright out. Who could hurt themselves? Proven wrong, as he saw someone just kind ofsitting there. Sam? he called out hesitantly, wondering what the other male was doing. From this distance, it looked like the dark haired male at least.
Samuel looked up and smiled, "IAN! I am so glad to see you! Oh man...I-I uh...well, I hurt my ankle. Can you help me get to that tree stump over there?" Samuel placed his arm around Ian and helped heft himself up before walking over to the stump and sitting down. Samuel was completely dirty and from the trail of destruction behind him he had been dragging himself for quite a while now. He had just given up hope for a little bit to sit and rest. Luckily, keeping the hope alive had helped him out after all. He smiled at Ian and sighed, brushing off the dirt with a fruitless effort. "I'm sorry about this. I thought that getting some fishing in before I left would be relaxing. I was watching a bunny and didn't notice a rock in my path and tripped. I sprained my ankle then." He looked down and seemed rather sad, "I just feel bad. I don't have enough money for another night in the hotel and now I definitely can't go onto the next town. I guess...I guess I'll just need to see if someone could let me stay over. I can offer to cook and clean some while they work, at least while my ankle heals." He blushed and looked at Ian, surprised about the small first aid kit the man had. He gave a little hiss as the bandage was applied to his ankle, but the stabilizing feeling of the wrapping did make him feel a lot better. He carefully stood up and tested it with just a bit of weight before he tossed himself onto Ian once more. Samuel smelled of a gentle rain and fresh turned soil, and his body felt warm and not as callused as a farmer would. He was definitely attractive, at least in a sociological stance. He looked exceptionally vulnerable at the moment, despite being a good three or four inches taller than Ian and a tad bigger. "I'm so sorry...I'll just sit back down for now." A chime sounded and a little sprite flew in, holding out an orb, "LUCKY!" Samuel didn't seem to bat an eye to the sprite, and gave it an ever so small nod before it flew off. The note orb said "First Aid" on the bottom and contained a red shimmering note. Samuel gave a small grin and smiled, "Two times with me around. That must be very special. YOU must be very special, Ian."
After dragging Samuel to the tree stump, he pulled out the first aid kit from his rather endless backpack. The other male spoke about something like seeing a rabbit and then tripping on a rock really, how clumsy could a person be? However, his offer from the pervious night came back to his mind, as the dark haired male spoke about needing to find a place to stay, as he didnt have enough money for the inn stays that his ankle would take to heal. Sighing, he listened to Samuel ramble a bit, as he focused on wrapping the ankle up, before packing everything away again. He stood up and tried to hold out his arms incase the other male needed it, and indeed, Samuel soon fell into his armsquite literally. The soft scents of rain and soil made him want to sneeze, but it was almost soothing at the same time. Ian thought that perhaps he had gotten used to the scent of the farm that he liked it, as he remembered hating these scents back in the city. Are you-. but before he could fully ask his question, a small sound that chimed through the air popped in a small sprite. Just as it called out lucky, he wanted to crush it, as this was the second time something as strange happened. What the fuck? he muttered out, not noting his language whatsoever, despite being in front of the other male. A little red orb rolled around on the grass, of which he tried hard to balance Samuel and pick it up to stuff in his pocket as well. These guys were not going to stop bothering him, so he might as well keep them stored. All because of that stupid dream Im sorry, what? No, Im just a farmer. the brunette sighed and wrapped his arms around the injured males waist. Come on, we can get back to my place so you can rest. My offer still stands butwell, if you can handle those weird guys popping in whenever, then you can stay at my place until you heal. At least I get a free housewife for a bit, eh? he joked, hobbling them back to the main area of the village, before passing the town center and then to his house. There, he dragged Samuel to the bathroom, where he set him down on the toilet and moved to grab for a towel. Heres something to dry off with and I can bring you some spare clothes. Er he paused, staring around as if he wasnt sure what to do now that hes given Samuel a place to stay and hopefully wash himself. Speaking of which, all that dirt had rubbed off onto his clothes, so hed need to clean up later as well. Sighing, he turned to the door and paused before leaving. Youll be alrightright? Ian would have to admit that he didnt know Samuelthatwell that he would be comfortable with helping the taller male bathe. It was awkward enough having the slightly larger male lean on him for help, but bathing? He wasnt sure how comfortable either of them would be, and he was sure that he could ask later about how Samuel could remain so calm about strange sprites popping up all over the place. Sure, he had a rather acid-trip dream about them and hes probably still dreaming or high, but what was Samuels excuse?
Samuel grinned at the fact that Ian was assuring him he wasn't mad, "I see them too. I have heard tales of them in my travels but have never seen them in person before. I find it really intriguing. And you really are too kind to offer your place, and I would be ever so rude if I didn't accept." After he had been dragged to the farm house Samuel noted how run down it was. This would never do, especially for the one who would be running around and collecting those orbs! This was just, well, a work in progress. The trip to the bathroom confused Samuel but he finally saw the wisdom of the decision. "I think I will be okay Ian. I do have a favor to ask though: My cart and other items are back at the inn. Would you mind going to collect them while I bathe? I would be very grateful." He gave a sweet look, one that showed how sorry he was to ask this. "I would understand if you said no." The response made Samuel smile and he waved Ian off. After that he stood up...or tried to. His ankle immediately hurt and he sat back down. He grumbled slightly and slipped off his shirt, throwing it down as he started to try to undo his pants. A few minutes of fighting later he had gotten them down enough to just release his boxers from their bondage and was still sitting down and getting no where. He stayed this way until he heard the door open and waited a few seconds, "Ian?" His voice carried a hint of embarrassment and shyness, but he stood his ground when Ian came in to the bathroom, "Ian, I am so sorry, but I do not believe I can undress myself. I...I would like you to help me? I really do apologize, we just met and you are already doing so much for me. If we bathe together I could wash your back, how about that?" With Ian's help Samuel stood up and allowed Ian to pull off his pants and boxers. Samuel's bark-toned color covered his entire body, with just a hint of lightening over his groin area in the shape of his boxers. His penis was nothing to write home about and had the same midnight color as his hair in a patch right above it. Perhaps he was a grower, otherwise he might have had to have been very shy. Samuel gently laid himself into the bath and watched Ian as subtly as he could, taking in the view of his knight in denim armor. Samuel held back a low whistle as Ian stripped down and politely turned his head when he thought Ian would notice him checking him out. He really, REALLY owed those sprites now. Samuel gave a low, almost sexual moan as the warm water washed over him, looking at Ian with gratitude. "Thank you so much. There has to be a way I can pay you back somewhat today, isn't there?"
Hearing that there were things back at the inn, he glanced outside at the time and nodded, before leaving Samuel to doing what he needed to. He trusted that the other male couldnt and wouldnt steal anything; mainly because he had nothing valuable to steal. Hopping over to the inn, he asked for Samuels items, and while it would have been a bit strange to just hand over a persons possessions, he was given the cart without question and told to take care of the other male. Raising an eyebrow, he just packed up the items and trotted home. These people are weirder and weirderway too friendlybut I guess theyre villagers for a reason. he thought to himself, noting that hed have to work on being that friendly back. Being from the city had its disadvantages in village life, such as the strange trust issues that they seemed to not have, when he was still thinking that there was a possibility that someone would misuse that. Once home, he kicked the door shut and placed the items down to the side, before hearing a voice. Hm? he hummed back in question, following the sound to the bathroom as he knew it was Samuel. He didnt open the door for a moment, before he realized that the other male was waiting for him. Stepping in, he raised an eyebrow as he saw that the other male hadnt done anything. Whats up? When told that the traveler couldnt undress himself, he blinked and realized that he shouldnt have expected someone injured to take care of himself easily. Man, Im sorry. Here, let me Ian knelt before Samuel and unzipped his pants, before standing up and wrapping his arms around Samuels waist. Gently, he helped slip off the pants and boxers, seeing that the dark colored skin was tanned all around. Sexy, Sam. he jested with the other male, as he tried to gently slip the traveler into the water. He began to strip himself as well, since hed need to bath with him, and itd be easiest. Firm muscles over a much paler shade of skin though, as he hadnt been out in the sun as long as Samuel probably had been. He had been facing away from the dark haired man, so he didnt even see the other staring at his form. Just after Samuel asked him if there was something to repay him back with, he slipped off his boxers and a ringing pop came back. Shitplease no- Lucky! the sprite called out, floating in the midst of the bathroom, before dropping the small note-orb onto the pile of clothes that Ian had piled up. The little note rolled to a stop and had Moon Viewing on it, making him blush. Ddont mention it. Ignoring it for now, he turned around and moved to get into the tub with Samuel. He wasnt something that was extra large himself, with a toned figure and an average sized member. Not that they were comparing, but being average length was at least something he didnt have to be embarrassed about. Reaching out, he grabbed for the washcloths and handed Samuel one, after pouring a good amount of liquid soap onto it. Here, you can wash yourself, right? the brunette joked, as if hed have to rub his fingers all over the other males body. One bad sprain on his ankle wasnt going to completely handicapped him though, and later, theyd need to change the wet bandages. For now, he took his own washcloth and rubbed the soap over him, scrubbing away the dirty and sweat of the day. It was a bit strange to bathe with another person, let alone a guy, but he tried not to focus on it too much, least he made it awkward. As for the note, he didnt mention about it. So, what do you want to do later? Play some cards or get some rest? perhaps it was best not to talk in the bath together, as he felt awkward right after his question.
Samuel chuckled at the orb and managed to memorize that one for the book. "Don't worry, I don't mind them." He stayed silent and washed himself as he watched the man bathe, taking in his pale skin before making his move. Samuel adjusted himself and touched Ian softly, turning him so that Ian was facing away from him, "Here, let me get your back for you. You can't reach it yourself and you have been so nice to me." With the bathwater and soap Samuel smelled much better. He rubbed Ian's back and listened to his ideas, shrugging, "I am not sure what I'd like to do. I suppose since we are staying together I could read you some stories. I sell literature...among other things I didn't pander at the village." His hands slipped under the water as the cloth brushed against Ian's back, his hands gingerly touching the skin around the cloth in various positions as he 'slipped' up. "But playing cards sounds rather fun. I could also give you some extra seeds for your farm." He had finally reached the small of Ian's back and ran the cloth just over his butt, his hands slipping and the cloth falling, his hands left groping Ian. He left it there for just a second too long before pulling back, "I am sorry. I lost my grip on it. But you look clean now. Oh, I'm also good at back rubs. Perhaps I could give you one later." He moved and turned his back on Ian, not bothering to look him in the face for right now. He did feel moderately embarrassed, if only from being caught. Ian was very attractive. Plus he just felt...good. He'd grow even better the more he farmed and Samuel looked forward to it so much. Sure, they weren't the same race, and perhaps not even the same species, but Samuel didn't much see that as a problem. They did have other similarities. "Ian...did you ever have a dream about a woman in stone asking you for help? I-oh, never mind. That's a bit silly."
Ian hadnt minded much when he was turned, as he thought that perhaps it was best they didnt face one another. However, when he felt the warm hands on his back, smoothing a washcloth over his flesh, the brunette shivered. He hadnt had another person wash him since he was young, and the famer was used to doing things on his own, so it was an experience to feel someone was his back. In fact, it felt rather nice, so he didnt protest and allowed Samuel to clean him. He had almost leaned back against the touches, before he came too and felt the hands slip down lower. It wasnt until Samuel groped his left buttocks, did he gave out a small intake of air and tensed a bit. The hand was warm, but to be ass-groped so easily made him both irked and embarrassed. Hm? he made himself vocal again, ignoring the touches so that he didnt have to face another awkward moment. Turning back around, he noted that Samuel turned away from him now. A back rub actually sounds tempting, Sam. Reaching out, he grasped for the washcloth and began to wash the other males back, not even asking, as he hadnt really been asked. Just a small offer that acted like a warning, so he muttered that hed return the favor. The question had thrown him off, and he was silent for awhile, not knowing what to say to that, as he worked on Samuel. Firm hands soothed over the other males muscles, massaging and rubbing the cloth of soap against the others back. Ian remembered learning that when one fell, their muscles were tensed up for a bit afterwards, so he continued to massage as he washed, not even caring that this might be considered strange. Once finished, he slipped back and rinsed himself, before waiting for Samuel to do so and then stood up. The two towels he grabbed for were basic sheets of cloth to dry ones body, but were just a tad bit soft not to scrape off skin layers while rubbing it over the flesh. Handing one to Samuel, he stood out of the tub and dried, before reaching over to help the dark haired male out of the tub to dry himself. Well, he finally started up. I dont remember fully, but I do remember a woman turned to stone and sure, he was being asked for help by little elf/spirit men that popped up randomly with useless orbs. But he wasnt crazy at least, he desperately hoped not. Moving out to the countryside was supposed to relax him, not make him think he was having a mental breakdown. What, you had a similar dream? Ian joked, grinning as he wrapped an arm around Samuels waist and helped an arm over his shoulders. There, they hobbled into the main room and towards the bed, so that the other male could sit and relax while hed tried to scrape up something for dinner.
Samuel had enjoyed the rubbing. His muscles were completely relaxed and he felt so much better. He also felt it was pretty bad to have done all this to Ian. Really, it had been worse to get caught. Still, he had done it and nothing terrible had come of it. Perhaps this just meant he could do more. He stood up and took the proffered help, wrapping the towel around his waist as he walked with Ian helping him. He fought the urge to drag Ian down with him and gingerly sat on the bed. He nodded at the question and looked up at the ceiling, "Before I came to this village a woman asked me to help the person who would collect the notes of freedom to play her symphony of awakening. Or...something. It has gotten a bit fuzzy. But when I saw the note orb...well...I figured maybe I hadn't been dreaming just a normal dream, you know?" He reached into his pack and pulled out a small book, making two markings as he closed it and placed it back. It was the technical truth, he was just omitting certain things. "I guess...well...maybe this is kismet in a way, eh? I guess I should have stayed here instead of the inn before." He flashed a bright smile and sighed, laying back on the bed and propped up his leg. His towel opened up some and showed off his crotch again. He had little shame, perhaps because they were both men. "I don't want to take up too much of your time. Really, I will be fine. Why do you not go do something for the farm work? Perhaps water your crops. OH!" He reached into his bag and handed Ian a bag of corn seeds and a bag of eggplant seeds, "Here you go! I figure this can pay for how long I stay here and everything I eat. Does that seem okay?" He fell back again and looked at his wet bandage. He knew it'd need to be changed sometime today. "Ian, I don't mean to impose too badly, but where are you going to sleep? I think the bed is big enough for both of us, if you don't mind. I would hate to put you out like this." He moved to lay on his side, cocking his head, "Come on and lie down to see if you'd mind. I'll give you that back rub I offered you."
Ian wandered around the room as he grabbed a few things and shoved the orbs into the same drawer. It was strange to think of what this meant and what was happening, but he had to reflect back on what Samuel had told him. Knowing that he wasnt the only one who had the dream made him feel better about his hallucinations, and he sighed softly with a bit of relief. Moving back over to the other male, he stood next to Samuel when he was given two bags. Oh, umyeah, this is alright. he shifted from foot to foot, as he played with the bags for a moment. Im fine with you staying here, since its kind of lonely without company. Just dont break anything. the brunette joked, placing the bags in his tool chest, before shifting himself back to the bed. There was a moments pause, as he wondered if he should press himself down onto the bed or not. Was it going to be awkward? Perhaps, but he didnt think too much on it. Biting down on his bottom lip, he tilted his head and gingerly sat down. It wasnt too bad at first, as he realized that there was no other away around this. Sharing a bed was the only way that neither of them had to suffer the cold and hard floor. Ian had one blanket, one pillow, and one bed. There was no way he was going to give up his bed, but hed feel bad about shoving a guest down to the floor. So sharing it was. Sharing was caring, right? A massage sounds cool, but are you sure? Dont you want to rest or something? because twisting your ankle had to be fun and hed assume one needed rest to heal. There was a hospital just a bit away from his home, so hed have to take Samuel there in the morning. Waking up early, perhaps six in the morning, would give him enough time to water the crops and then bring Samuel next door. As he lay down on the bed on his stomach, crossing his arms to cushion his head, Ian thought about the seeds. Corn was a summer crop, and eggplants were autumn. That meant that he couldnt plant them yet, since it was just spring, but he could wait for them. Thinking of them as investments, he smiled a bit, despite not expecting anything of the like in return from Samuel but a massage. Hopefully being in only a towel was not going to bother his friend from giving him one.
Samuel moved and then straddled Ian, his groin and all attached to it pressed against the towel and Ian's buttocks, "Okay, now, lie still." He moved his hands down and started rubbing with a gentle caressing motion that felt like he was grabbing Ian's muscles and rearranging them in a way. His hands worked the shoulders and down the back, feeling the warm flesh of Ian as he continued to work on him. The hands soon reached the small of his back and began to travel back up the spine of his host. The next set of moves consisted of him pressing his thumbs down rather hard, pushing nerve clusters in ways that would hurt at first but would release endorphins into Ian's body and relaxing his muscles more. The thumbs began to go back up and work the spine, placing disks back in proper alignment and making sure the nerves were bundled correctly and the best pleasure centers were worked to give the best relaxing feeling. When he got to the shoulders once again Samuel started beating the back lightly, 'karate chop' hands running up and down as he layered out his techniques, reaching back up to the shoulders to press the hands in the same shape deeply into the shoulders and rub them up and down, mixing up pressure to help out his new friend. The techniques and rubbing continued for a good half hour before Samuel fell off of Ian and sighed, "Well, my hands are tired, but that hopefully means you are relaxed. Do you feel good, Ian?" Samuel smiled as he looked next to the man sitting next to him. "I'm not that great with massages but I do hope you feel better." He looked down at his leg and sighed, "Could we change the bandage? It's still wet but it's rather cold now and getting uncomfortable." He looked so adorable as he asked, and seemed so sad he had to ask. "If you want to, that is."
Even with the towels being their only covers for now, he felt like they were too much and too little at the same time. When the fact that he actually thought it was too much crossed his mind, Ian mentally slapped himself. He could feel the heat that radiated between the other males legs. It made him feel strange, as it was warm like a heater, but enough to send a cold chill over his form. As soon as the massaging started though, his body melted like snow, almost arching against the magical hands if he could find the energy to move. While Samuel wasnt gifted with the best skills at massaging, it was just enough that his muscles were coaxed into relaxing and gave into being meld to whatever the darker haired male desired. Each squeeze was both wonderful and a bit painful, as there were some that were too hard in some areas, while not enough force for others. Still, beyond that, it felt like the pain wasnt long, and the throbbing for more to relax the muscles ached. Mmhm? Oh, its wonderful. You really know what to do to help this little farmer unwind, huh? he joked, back arching a bit and hips lifting up the other male fractionally because of his movements. Eyelids fluttering shut, Ian hummed as he was given the massage, the rubs and pounding of his flesh causing the muscles to unknot and lax as if he was sleeping. Samuel was asking about the bandages, but it took him a good minute to comprehend what the other was saying. His peachy skinned body was sprawled out on the bed, completely relaxed and in a desperate need to rest. Farming wasnt too hard of a task in the few things that he was doing, but as a beginner, he was bound to be unused to and inefficient about the simple jobs. After another minute with his eyes half opened, he jolted awake and jerked up into a sitting position. Ah! The bandages, right! the brunette scrambled a bit, almost falling out of the bed in his haste. He had completely forgotten about them, which should have been handled right after getting out of the bath. In his movements, his towel was tangled in the sheets and was pulled off of his hips, but that didnt seem to faze him. Grabbing for the medical kit, he hobbled back and knelt before Samuel, pulling out the bandages and disinfectants. Tell me if I hurt you Ian murmured, head slightly bowed as he gently touched the ankle and began to unwrap the cold and wet bandages. Unraveling them and wiping them down with the disinfecting wipes, the brunette was still somewhat unaware that he was nudenot with the amount of attention he was giving the ankle.
Samuel watched with interest as Ian got up and his towel dropped. It, like the bath, was not a bad look on the man. Quite the opposite. If it wasn't for all the brambles and nasty bugs Samuel might want to farm that way and perhaps get a nice tan all over his body. Then the question registered, "Oh, okay Ian. I will. Don't worry, I'm actually pretty tough." The bandaging went well and Samuel did enjoy the view from where he was. He watched the bandage come off and gave a grin as he watched Ian sway in the wind. Yes, this was a perfect housing condition indeed, "So, assuming we both aren't hallucinating and that our actions are going to draw these sprites in with their orbs, perhaps we might want to see what they want exactly. This may speed about their recovery, if we can do what they want." He didn't let on to his own part in this. He was surprised as Ian that he had been able to summon on of those beings with that farcical "moon gazing." Perhaps it was only because Ian was the subject. "Ian, be a dear and fetch my pack for me, would you? Thank you so much." He pulled out his little note book that had a list of orbs with numbers next to them. In no particular order he added the new ones in, showing they had three of the orbs needed. He thought about what one he might want to do next and looked over at Ian. There could be something... He pulled out a slab of bread and offered it to Ian, a small light going off in his head, "I don't have much on me at the moment, but perhaps if you have any food left we could make sandwiches? That could at least tie us over." He waited for a small second and then grabbed Ian's rear when he was close enough to get the bread, "Also, your towel fell off. Not that I mind much. Your skin tone is rather different than mine and is different all around. I really do like it."
I hope were not hallucinating or maybe I should hope weare the brunette chuckled, finishing up his work, before grabbing the other males pack. It seemed like Samuel had to keep track of something, almost like a diary. However, as curious as he was, he didnt dare peek over the other males hand, since he knew that would be rude. Shaking that off, he moved to stand and get something from the fridge, thinking that they had something to make to eat. When the hand came and groped his bottom though, he squeaked and bit down on his tongue. If anyone ever asked, he would rather be tortured than admit he had done something so feminine. WhaOH! quickly, he rushed to the fallen towel and quickly covered his modesty. The red flush along his body indicated that he was embarrassed for not even noticing that, but he supposed he was too used to living alone that he rarely noted being nude in his home. That should change, else he made Samuel uncomfortable. Sorryum, thanks, I guess. Ian mutter, shifting his foot, before moving towards the small kitchen. He tried to act as if nothing had occurred, even though his skin was throbbing at the area that the other male had touched. It was a strange feeling, something he hadnt experience for quite some time with a woman, and never with a man. Was it a buddy to buddy gesture? Perhaps, but he wasnt used to this type of male bonding either. Oh wellmaybe he hadnt seen many other guysand wanted to know if they were as rough as he was?the farmer wondered in his mind. Trying harder to shake it off, he turned and began to make the sandwiches, thanking whatever crazy deity that he had enough food for them. The towel hung limply along his hips, smooth skin almost taunting Samuel to touch, but there wasnt permission to do said action. Is there something you dont like in your sandwich? he asked over his shoulder, cutting the cucumber.
Samuel thought about the sandwich question for a while and shrugged, "I don't much like eggs on them, or ribs, but otherwise I think I can be pretty okay. Unless it is an egg sandwich between toast, then I can stand egg on it." He smirked and looked at what Ian was working with, "What you have should be fine in any combination, don't worry." He stood up, gently testing his foot and finding it still wasn't perfectly adequate. He kept little weight on the limb and grabbed a chair to balance himself on. He used it as a makeshift walker and moved over to Ian, looking over his shoulder, "Thanks for this, once again. Everything, I mean. You could have just forced me to stay at the hotel and I'd just be out of luck. You are really kind. Do tell me if there is anything I can ever do for you, okay?" He spoke in gentle terms and let just an undertone of sultriness intrude on his intonation of 'anything,' letting Ian know that he was up for some things other men wouldn't be if asked the right way. He waited and took his sandwich when it was made, moving his chair and himself back to the bed. As he slumped down the chair caught his towel and held onto it, revealing Samuel's nudity in all it's glory. He was surprisingly well tanned, his groin area being the only place that was somewhat lighter and Ian had a complete view of how true that was. Samuel, unlike his host, had no fear of being naked and lounged on the bed in such a way to elevate his foot and as best as he could also draw attention to his ample maleness. "This sandwich is really good Ian. You do well with limited resources. I can't wait to see what you can do when you are fully stocked up on all the proper items." Samuel gave Ian a pleased look and there was a light twinkle in his eyes that could mean he was taking a sinister delight in the exhibitionism he was indulging in. He didn't seem ashamed at all of his nakedness unlike Ian had been and almost reveled in it. At least as much as he could without sending Ian running from the house screaming he had taken in a foul pervert. "So, what crops were you planting recently? I might be able to send for some seeds of those from a warehouse far away. It is the least I can do for all your kindness."
Taking note that Samuel wasnt an egg fan, he nodded and finished up making the sandwich as fast as he could. It was getting late, so a small dinner was going to have to suffice. After all, he didnt want to bloat them before they went to bed, thus causing them to sleep in later, or perhaps wake up much earlier than they desired. Just as he was about to turn around, he felt the dark haired males presence behind him, making him gasp softly in shock. Um no worries. I mean, gosh, its not like I was going to leave you injured in the middle of nowhere. This village is small enough as it is. he joked, his heartbeat picking up another rhythm at Samuels tone of voice. Once finished with the sandwich, he didnt protest when the other male grabbed for one and moved to sit down to eat. Slightly embarrassed to see the other males nudity, he kept his gaze firmly above chest level as he moved to sit next to Samuel and began eating his own. Taking a bite of his sandwich and licking a glob of mayonnaise from the corner of his lips, he tilted his head in thought. I planted some turnips and cabbage today. Im not apt in farming, to tell the truth, so Ill have to research on what I can plant in spring. shrugging his shoulders, he took another bite, leaving yet another trail of mayonnaise along his lips. Making a note to put less in next time, he shifted so that his towel was covering as much of his nude skin as possible. What do you usually like to do? I mean, youre slightly home-bound for some time until you heal, and I wouldnt want you to be moving around to help along the farm. Of course, he remembered the housing work that they had agreed on, but there wasnt much to do around a bare house to begin with. Ive been planning to have a barn built chickens would probably be easiest to start off with. Maybe cows and a horse later oh, do you know how to sow? Maybe I could get sheep and the wool could be used to make clothes and sheets. Anduh not that um he trailed off, realizing that he had been rambling, as well as make the assumption that Samuel was going to stick around that long. Finishing his sandwich off as fast as he could, he went to clean off his plate, before digging through his drawers to find boxers and some clothes. Do you need spare sleeping clothes? he asked, top half almost pushed into the large drawer as he raked through the hung clothes.
"Oh yes, I can sew. I can also knit. And I can cook when pressed and am told I am a delightful dancer. Not that the latter will come into effect any time soon though." He grinned, catching onto the fact that Ian did not seem in any hurry to get rid of him. He pulled his towel over and wiped Ian's mouth the final time, grinning cutely. "Not that you are trying to guilt me into staying. I understand. Honestly I think I will be here a while longer, and I will have to make myself useful so I do not just leech off your generous hospitality. Tomorrow we should go into town and I will purchase a cane. That should give me enough leeway to move about on my own and enough freedom to clean up around here and pull my weight." He did a quick scan of the dusty, empty house, "It won't take much I believe. But just getting this place into shape should keep me occupied for a very long time. Long enough to pay my debt back I hope. And, if not, I can always loosen you up with back rubs after your long days working in the farm." Samuel laid back on the bed, somehow having escaped the fate of Ian's mouth with the mayonnaise the entire time he had been eating. "Clothes? be honest I sleep in the nude. Wearing clothes in bed makes it so I cannot sleep comfortably and predisposes me to bad dreams. I will wear this towel if you would like, or I could take the floor and a sheet. I do not mind either way." He gave a look of honest embarrassment as if some sort of deep dark secret had been dredged up from his past. He had almost been hoping to sleep body to body with Ian, holding the warm man close as they both dreamt. Of course it was an idle fancy driven more by boyish lust and excitement than any real sense of reality. The chance of anyone but a pure saint or dastardly pervert letting him sleep naked in the bed with him was slim and the two most logical people to do it were challenging in their own ways. Samuel acted on a sudden feeling of exposure and shame, his left hand going down to cover up his length as he felt the warmth of blood rushing down his body. He knew he must be red at least from his face to his chest, if not a bit lower. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to...this. I're nice and sweet and...if you were a bit kinkier I'd swear we were characters in some sort of erotic novella. Or perhaps I was the one sent to seduce the naive young farmer, if said farmer hadn't just come from the city. Never mind. I will gladly take the floor, if only to silence my own babble."
Fingers brushing against a spare boxer, Ian paused midway as he was pulling it out of the drawer. It seemed that he hadnt thought about ever sleeping in the buff, or the possibility of it. The idea played in his mind, wondering how it would feel if he were to do that one day. The bedding would definitely have to be soft, or his junk would rub painfully on the sheets; he was a stomach sleeper after all. After a few moments, he finally shrugged his shoulders and had to take another moment to answer. Well, I suppose I dont mind. Were both guys after all. he noted, standing up and waving the boxers in his hands as he pulled out another pair. Then again, we could have had matching boxers for our sleepover. Oh, darns. the brunette joked, turning his body with a smirk plastered on his lips to show that he was playing around. As he turned, the boxers slipped out of his hands, with one landing in the opened drawer and the other on the ground, as he took in Samuels sight. Ian would like to think he wasnt of the dumb sort. He was a smart male that graduated with As and a few specks of Bs. Sure, social interaction escaped him every so often, so hed learn that there was always an explanation for anything that escaped ones grasp. Like now, with Samuel bright red, covering his crotch. His nude crotch. Taking a small breath, he let a slightly weak smile drift over his lips to replace the smirk. Because really, nothing looked more lecherous than a smirking guy with an injured guy essentially trapped in his farm house. Truly, this was like some bad gay porno. Wow uhno joking on the erotic novella, huh?, would have been a bad way to end that sentence. The brunette came up with no explanation for that though, and while he knew he should have diverted his eyes from the mans crotch, it was easier said than done. So uh, were both guys. No need to get shy on me. the silent question ran in his mind, asking if Samuel was a virgin. Certainly Ian wasnt going to tell the other male he was one as well, but he didnt get hard just talking about any sexual thing.
Samuel gave a little laugh at the matching boxers comment but seemed to still be rather embarrassed. "I am sorry about this it's just...well, you are so nice to me. I didn't expect that. I almost feel as if I am taking advantage of you. But you are right, I shouldn't be ashamed. I wasn't before and just because you are a nice man does not take back the fact that you have already seen me unclothed before." He moved his hand and exposed his penis once more. He moved over so Ian could get in the bed as well. As Ian laid down Samuel wrapped his arms around him in a hugging motion and pulled him close, allowing their bodies to press into one another. "Thank you, again. You will not be disappointed. I'll have this place looking like a real house in no time. Perhaps we can even get some furniture for you in here. And a better table. A trash can as well. SOMETHING besides these bare walls." He gave a light smile before letting Ian go and slipping off into his dreams. He had no dreams of a woman asking to be rescued, but he had rather generic ones of flight and embarrassing moments of his past. He would wake up with an erection that most men had in the morning and turn over, waiting for it to go down and so that Ian wouldn't see the covers risen up around his shaft in case he awoke. His gaze would also trail down Ian, just in case he could get a view of the pale man even if he was covered up. It suddenly struck Samuel as odd that Ian hadn't gotten up as farm life did start so early. "Ian, Ian, get up. It is nearly dawn!" Samuel had been getting up this early for most of his life thanks to his traveling profession. he figured it would be good for Ian to practice getting up so early as in the city life was much more calm and laid back. Well, at least time wise. "Ian, it is time to check on your crops. It is best to get to them early. I think you should also clear out the weeds." He didn't want to sound like too much of a nag but he was unsure as to how much Ian knew about farming. "I can make breakfast if you want and if you need some time to get up."
Ian shrugged to shake off the strangeness of the situation, but he didnt object to having the house remodeled. After all, bare walls with nothing but the basics didnt make a home, and thiswasgoing to be his home for an undetermined amount of time. Well night he drawled out, slipping under the covers with a bit of hesitancy in his movements. Once the covers were over his form, he faced away from Samuel and lay on his side. The night drifted into darkness, where dreams took over and left him playing with fluffy sheep and fat cows. It was then that he felt his body shaken, causing him to snap his eyes open in alarm. Wha-!? but the question melted away, as he realized the sun was very much up, and the voice next to him was of his companion telling him to go water the crops. From what he had learned, the crops needed plenty of water, and not watering it as early as he could in the day would cause a bit of an unhealthy starvation for the plant. Falling out of bed, he dragged part of the covers with him. In his haste to pull out a pair of trousers from the drawer and find a suitable shirt somewhere in a bag of clothes that he had yet to unpack, Ian didnt even notice the state that Samuel woke up in. Nor did he take note to cover up his own state of morning wood. The clothes were practically yanked on, before he slipped on his shoes. Ill be back in an hour! Breakfast would be wonderful, but dont strain yourself! Ill make it if youll wait~ and even before he was finished with his morning greeting, he was already out of the door; voice drifting further and further way. With his watering can in his hand, he dripped it into the well and began to sprinkle a generous amount of water upon the tilled soil. The drying patches seemed to just flourish with health again, as the water made miniscule creators within the dirt. Even though he thought it would only take an hour, it was another two before he would be able to drag himself back to the house.
Samuel waited a little while after Ian left, figuring that he could be patient for the man to return. It was after the first hour that he realized that the man was not going to be back as he had said. Samuel gave a little sigh but smiled as he pulled himself out of the bed and rested his leg upon a chair. With a little effort he got his underwear and pants on, a small glimmer of remembrance on his eyes as the image of a naked Ian ran through his mind. He slid the chair over to the small kitchen area and checked out what was available to them both for food. He settled on eggs and some of the bread they had had the night before. He cracked the eggs into a pan that he greased with a light amount of butter, letting them slide about as he shredded up some cheese. With a little flurry he started scrambling the eggs and the cheese together to finish the product up and evenly distribute the flavors. The bread slices were toasted and placed beside the two plates he had found and dusted off for them to eat on. When he was done he noticed that Ian still did not seem to be coming in. The poor boy must have completely underestimated how little work he had to do. Ah, but that was common with people just starting out in new jobs. Samuel grabbed the ratty looking broom that had been left and began to sweep, maneuvering the chair around to get most of the house. It was hard work more because the broom was in rather bad repair instead of the fact that Samuel only had one good leg. Yet he still was able to gather up enough of the dust on the floor and swept it outside and thus leaving the house looking moderately better than it had started out as. He was scooting back to the table when he heard the door open and saw Ian, "Ian! Welcome back. I made eggs and toast for us. I can probably help out buying new products for us to eat when we head to town today. And with a cane or other prop I can more easily move about to cook." He motioned for the tired looking farmer man to sit down and enjoy himself. "I think I got a good start on the floor, which will be better once I get more time. I am just going on though, how was the farm work today?"
By the time he had made it back to the house, it had reached just a little over the third hour of being away. He sighed a little guiltily, as he had left Samuel to fend for himself in his injured state. Opening the door, he hoped to find that the other male wasnt hurt further or something, only to hear a welcome to his arrival. Relieved, he smiled brightly and nodded. Thank you. It seems that youre able to move around and cook just fine. Ian refrained from jesting about how much of a housewife the other male reminded him of. Perhaps I should buy farm animals? he asked, as he edged himself towards the seat and settled himself for some eggs and toast. Nothing big I suppose, but if I could get enough wood in the next few days, I could probably have a small barn built. Ian was sure that it was going to cost a pretty penny, but if that meant for the better in the long run, it wasnt a bad investment. Plus, it would give them ingredients that they would need for stable foods. And Ill make a cane for you after breakfaer, lunch, if thats alright? he asked, picking up a fork and taking a small bite out of the food. It had been cooked just as he liked it, and the toast was a nice addition. Seemingly just eating replenished his strength, and he felt much better than he had when he had first came into the house. Gazing over at the other male, he smiled took a long up and down look at the figure before him. You look like youre doing well. I hope you slept well? I do apologize for running out on you so early in the morning. Because with their situation, didntthatlook and sound odd? The brunette immediately cut his train of thought off as soon as he could, as he didnt think it was a good idea to do such a thing at any hour of the day. Lustful thoughts, while might be accepted between men, was not a good idea for someone who was your house-mate for the next few weeks or so. Even though he knew that, his mind wandered, and he remembered Samuels rather adorable look when he was asleepyes, hed admit that he had turned over in the middle of the night and in a half-dazed sleep, he stared for a little bit. Just a little though! Clearing his throat and mind, he finished off the meal and peeked over to the dark haired male. You know, this might sound stupid but after doing the crops, what else do I do? was this it? Farming didnt seem to take forever, if so
"That would be fine if you made the cane. I would be very grateful. And I think that is a wonderful idea with the barn. It would be a bit more work, but I suppose that would mean more money coming in. Then you could get new items for your house and I could help rearrange them and do more work around the house." He smiled and noticed the odd way Ian seemed to be looking at him for a moment. It was almost adorable, in it's own way. "I do not mind you running out on me this morning. You slept in a little and that is more than understandable. I think I am lucky that in your haste you remembered your clothing and I didn't have to limp around to find you outside watering plants in the buff. And as what to do after working for a day...I am unsure. You could walk about and make sure any unkempt grass becomes kept, that there are no excessive rocks upon your property, or walk about the forest. You could even try fishing like I was before. You can borrow my rod if you wish. I think fish would be worth quite a bit and would make a great dinner item." Samuel readjusted himself so that his leg was in a spare chair and stretched himself out. He wasn't particularly good at the farm life. If he had his way he would just have Ian walking about and being eye candy. That wouldn't provide the young farmer with a barn though, nor would it get him money. If Samuel had the cash he might dole it out just for acting that way but the world wasn't going to work in that manner. "Maybe you should go clear some stumps for wood? I can wash the dishes while you are out and get dinner started. I figured I would make a stew so it could last us a few days. Hopefully by then you could have made enough money that we can get more food in, or you can find some things out in the woods while we wait for the plants to grow. Anyway, I think I may be out of ideas of what to do after farming. Tonight, if you wish, I can rub you down again. You will probably be sore enough to need it."
At the rush of information and speech to be tossed in his direction, Ian blinked a few times like a landed fish. Most of the things that Samuel told him to do didnt sound that extensive, but weeds were growing every day, and he was sure that an unkempt farm wasnt appealing. There were rows and rows of growing crops, so he could spend time watering and tending to them. To the brunette, farming didnt consist of much, especially since one was able to leave the crops there and allowed them to grow as the days rolled by. Shrugging his shoulders, he nodded and stood up once more. I guess youre right. Um do be careful though, alright? Ill catch some fish for storage and maybe chop down some wood for us. Thatll be good for making a cane for you. And afterwards, Id love a massage if it doesnt bother you. for a brief moment, he entertained the idea of leaning closer to the black haired male and giving him a kiss on the cheek as a preemptive thank you. It felt like they were starting off a life together like married couples. Which wasnt possible, since they werent even dating. But well, that should end that train of thought. Ill be back soon. was all he said, patting Samuels shoulder and quickly leaving before the other male saw the flushed pink cheeks he had. The door closed with a final thud, before he was seen from the window with an axe over his shoulder, a fishing pole over the other, and a small backpack of tools. That was closehe mentally sighed to himself, finding that he was forming such strange thoughts about his roommate. Samuel seemed like a nice guy, so he really didnt think it was a good idea to form such imagines in his mind and take advantage of the other male. So banishing those thoughts of naughty things, he focused on cleaning the weeds around the farm land that he owned, fished one or two small ones, and then wandered to chop a few wood pieces that didnt seem to be of use to anyone. Gathering them was a bit difficult, but he managed, before carving a sturdy stick he found into a good walking cane. It was there that he found random flowers as well. Without even thinking about it, he plucked it up and began to head back home. Ian didnt think he needed to knock on his own door, so he entered with casual ease. A smile was upon his lips as he stepped up to Samuel and offered him the flower. Look what I found. Its for you. A small tinkling sound arose and LUCKY cried out of nowhere. It nearly made him jump, but soon, without seeing any little sprites, a small orb rolled between their feet. It was the Full Bloom Flowers note, given for giving flowers to a crush. Of course, if Ian knew what it was representing, he would have blushed. Instead, he just stared at it oddly, with his hand still held out to offer Samuel the flower.
Samuel found the hesitation rather flattering. He figured that Ian didn't want to leave to stay with him. Or, perhaps he was worried about hurting his leg. Samuel preferred the latter idea so he stayed with it as he moved to pick up where he left off sweeping. He spent all the time Ian was out tidying up, moving slowly on his foot as he did so. He managed to get all the dust and grime off the floor and left it spotless. He then decided the windows needed some polishing and got some soap and water in a bucket along with a towel to use as a rag and went to work. He managed to get the insides of the windows to be very clean before Ian got home. He was startled by the flowers and gave a smile of joy when he was given to them. Ian DID like him! The small chime and globe that appeared just reinforced this idea and made Samuel blush, his dark cheeks turning a deeper brown as he beheld the orb and the flowers, "Th-thank you very much, Ian. I like them very much. You didn't have to do this...but thank you! The cane also is just too much!" He placed them against the side of the bucket since they had no vase and took the fish from Ian, smiling at him, "These will do. I will make dinner with one and a picnic lunch for us for tomorrow. You should go bathe, you have been outside a whole lot today." Samuel tucked the orb away with the others and marked the note off when Ian headed out of sight. With that done he cleanly opened the fish out and brought out the guts in swift movements and soon began to remove the scales, each one of the shimmering pieces of the dead animal landing in the sink only to be washed away as the fish was cleansed in and out. He pulled a small grill top out and placed the fish on top of the stove as he began to work the heat, leaving the fish to be cooked whole. With as much finesse as the first he cleaned out the second one and placed the meat into the refrigerator to rest until the next day. He flipped the fish over to finish cooking on the other side, listening for Ian as he did this. He imagined his body in the water, the soft yet strong form that would become firmer over the days and weeks of farming. The light skin just waiting to be kissed dark by the sun. Those brilliant eyes that seemed to beg for attention. He almost tried to run in and test the new cane but decided to wait. Patience was always rewarded. The meal was simple, one fish to share between them and water. Samuel made sure that Ian got most of the fish, using a simple tactic. Once he was done he stood up and used his cane to move to Ian's side where he laid a hand on his back and began to knead, "You poor man, being outside and then in the woods all alone. I will need to get all that stress out of you. I hope you are ready for a good, long rub down." He moved closer, his shoulder length hair grazing Ian's cheek as he maneuvered to his ear, "And, perhaps, a very happy ending." He had no idea if Ian would comprehend what he was offering, but he would try. And, if Ian did not grasp the gist of the saying he would just be pleasantly surprised when the massage turned to a more erotic turn. Samuel shivered, knowing that the male had a crush on him. He may just have to go slower. Perhaps a kiss to see how Ian reacted. Still, that image from the morning...he did want to. "Just as soon as you finish eating. You need your strength."
After giving Samuel the flowers, he sat down and waited for food to be finished. Once he was able to, he began to eat slowly, knowing that if he stuffed it all in his mouth, hed choke or get a stomach ache. The moment seemed to drag on as he nibbled on meal, listening into whatever the dark haired male spoke of. It made him blink a few times, mind taking a much dirtier route than he would have liked. Perperhaps. he answered in turn, nodding his head a bit before resuming his meal. Are you not going to eat? he asked, before glancing at the cane he had made. It wasnt the best cane there was, nor was it fancy. Just a simple stick that was sturdy and smoothed down, but he hoped it worked for now. At least until he made enough money to buy a better one from the woodshop well, if Samuel even needed it by then. The crops were going to take some time to grow, and even with constant watering, it had a chance of coming out of a lower quality and grade. After finishing his meal, he stood up and stretched, before scratching his head. Ian paused for a moment, thinking of what he should do. The morning of work led to a rather nice lunch, which led to what? I should go visit the other villagers. he announced, moving over towards the drawer to find some more suitable clothes to wear. Nothing of interest caught his attention, as they were all worn out jeans and random assortments of tee-shirts and sweaters. Fishing further into the deeper end of the drawer, he found a simple long sleeved shirt that looked casual but pleasant enough that would be suitable for meeting new people. Would you like to come? We could see the doctor here as well but then again, we could wait a day or two so that you had the strength to go. he announced, knowing that walking around town with a limp was going to hurt the good ankle. As he spoke, he pulled off his shirt with a slow ease, trying not to get the dirty that flecked on his shirt onto the ground. Toned muscles were revealed, layered with smooth white flesh that has not yet the time to tan like a farmers would. Ian knew he was going to get tanned eventually, since he was sure hed commit to a good while in the farming direction. The fact that he had nowhere else to go if he dropped farming helped him know that he was going to be working this career as well. Once the shirt was off, he curled it up and threw it into the clothing bin. Did you clean around? Things look nice. he commented, brushing chestnut hair out of his face, as he realized that his clothes were all in drawers instead of a few out and out as he had left them. Finding a new pair of jeans, he peeled off his pants and stood in just boxers, as he compared two shadings of the same style of jeans. Dark or light while it didnt matter on a normal day, he wanted to make an impression on the other villages. Which do you think I should wear?
"You can go ahead into town. I will stretch my legs and walk around the farm, okay? That way I won't be inside the entire day. Take your time and I'll see you when you get back." He walked outside with Ian when the man was about to leave and then stopped him for a second, "Ian, you have a bit of dirt right there. Let me get it." He placed his hand on Ian's cheek and removed a smudge, resting his hand on it just for a fraction too long. "Come home soon, okay? I will run you a bath so you can get clean and then I can spoil you." Samuel watched the man walk away and his eyes were plastered on his farmer friend. He mulled over in his head over the orb of the crush. Yes, he was supposed to make sure Ian got the orbs and that required many rather fun activities, but he hadn't really counted on the farmer man falling for him, even in this fashion. He figured he would be pushing the boy into debauchery and other erotic debacles. Now it could be much easier. Yet he was torn. Perhaps he liked Ian a little bit too, more than just the feel of the pale skin, more than just the lustful attraction. Samuel gave a little grunt, pushing the thought out of his mind. He'd cross that bridge when he came to it. For now he just needed to focus on his work. Near the farm were a few wild apple trees. Samuel leaned against the tree and snapped his finger, calling one of the little elf-sprite-servants. "You, get me some of those apples." The sprite-thing shook it's head and Samuel gave a glower until he realized why. "GREAT. This is just wonderful." He took his cane and began whacking the apples he could reach, collecting a few before moving to another tree and repeating it until he had fifteen of them. A small chime came and an orb appeared in his bundle, Samuel using his shirt to carry his food and prize to the farmhouse. He dropped all of it into the sink and grasped the orb, idly placing it into the drawer with little fanfare. He ran water over the apples, placing a bowl filled with water in the side sink and resting the apples in it as he hobbled into the bathroom. A little twist of the surprisingly well kept knob and water began to rush into the tub. Samuel held his hand under the stream as he sat on the side and felt the water temperature rise. The stopper fell into place as the water got hot enough and Samuel filled the tub for Ian. He found his mind wander for a brief second as he wondered how Ian was doing in town. Everyone should be nice to him, shouldn't they? Samuel hobbled out of the bathroom and went over to the sink, throwing out the water that had rinsed off the apples. He took a knife to one and cut it into slices before biting into it. He leaned against the counter and waited for Ian, an idle wonder if the man was okay at the forefront of his thoughts.
Deciding on the darker pair of jeans, he slipped them on and stood up, only to be confronted by the other male. His breath seemed to hitch as he felt the rough, yet somehow still somewhat soft, fingers brush against his cheek. The heat coming off of his cheeks had to be a give away, as he stepped back and mumbled something. It wasnt anything really, just to make a noise so that Samuel knew he appreciated that. After all, he didnt want to go outside and wandered with a smudge on his cheek. Thanks. he rushed out afterwards, making it as clear as he could, before grabbing a jacket and leaving the house as soon as he could. Man, what the hell?Ian mentally huffed, sighing a bit outwardly. His mind was racing with why he was flustered, while his stomach felt like there were butterflies in it. The brunette had had a few crushes before, a handful of girlfriends, and even fewer flings. But the idea of crushing on another male was a bit foreign to him, and even more so with someone he didnt know very well. They had met only a few days ago, if that, and now he was acting like Samuel was his surprise housewife or something. Forcing himself to file it into the back of his mind, he wandered his way towards the other major pubs of the village. The hospital was cozy and warm, just like the rest of the village, with a rather young doctor by the name of Alex, and an older woman of Martha. They were welcoming and told him to bring in his friend whenever he could, and if he couldnt, just tell them and theyd pay a house visit. Thanking them, he wandered around town once more, meeting the ranchers, the woodshop builders, and an inn keeper. After the long day of visiting and making it as brief as he could, he thanked everyone for their hospitality and began to trek home. The door opened with a slight creeksomething he knew hed have to fix when given time and money. Samuel? Im home the brunette felt silly saying that, as if he was some working husband. Peeking in the kitchens direction, he smiled shyly at the other male and inched closer to nudge their shoulders together. Hey, how is the leg doing? he asked, peeking downwards the area. After a bath, Ill put on new bandages for you. The doctor in town said its fine to visit him whenever, and if you cant get over there, hell visit us. As he spoke, he pulled out a small orb that had dropped on his head from earlier. It was the new friends orb, given for when one met the people of the village.
Samuel appreciated the nudges when Ian came home and accepted the orb with little fanfare, "That is very good. When I feel like I can make a trip I will certainly go with you. I may have to lean on you a little bit though." He placed some of his weight upon Ian, the scent of apple on his breath as he faced the man, "If you don't mind. I figure it wouldn't hurt to becloserto you on the trip." He felt a schoolish pleasure in this cheap flirtation. It was cute and such, but was just a softening blow for his later ideas. "I think my bandage can wait. You go wash up and I'll see to YOU after the bath. You already made me this fine cane and spent your day working, I can help you out more." He said this with a little squeeze on Ian's shoulders to remind the farmer of the tension relieving massages that were within his grasp. He pointed Ian to the bathroom and grinned, "Go on, go on! Get yourself clean and all squeaky so I can get to work on that nice back of yours." Samuel placed the orb in the drawer with the others and noted this one as well in his little book. This was a pretty good haul for just two days. Sure, they didn't even have ten percent of the orbs ready, but this was more than enough for just two days of work. Samuel placed the book back and waited patiently for Ian, sitting on a chair next to the bed. He had his little pack with him and reached in it when he saw the pale farmer come out of the bath, "I figured I could use some oils on you this time. They can really help." He motioned for the other to come over and, when Ian was close enough, Samuel lashed out and stripped him to nothing, tossing whatever items he would have placed on onto the clean floor, took a moment to appreciate the view and the way Ian reacted, and then placed Ian face down on the bed. "All professional massages are done in the nude. Don't worry, I'll be careful." He rested a warm hand on Ian's back and rubbed soothingly to calm him down and make sure he didn't reach for any other covers. That could potentially ruin everything. A small twist and the oil cap came off, the scent of lavender and chamomile filling the close area. A few drops were placed on Ian's back, warming where they landed. Samuel's sure and rough hands found these droplets and coated themselves in them, dragging the warmth all over Ian's back. "Oh dear, you DO feel so tense! I may have to give you a special massage this time to completely relax you." Samuel was glad of his vantage point and Ian's own direction. The injured masseur was sporting a rather profound erection at seeing Ian's own items once more. The lustful and carnal thoughts running through his mind didn't help much. Images of him pushing Ian up against a barn and taking him right then and there was the first one, followed by himself being bent over the dining table with Ian tentatively pressing deep inside his hole. Samuel's eyes glazed a little yet his hands remained steady even with the thought of how this might end. He wasn't going to rush intercourse; that would be crude. No, he was just going to titillate Ian and take moderate advantage over it. The firm grip moved lower down Ian's back, finally leaving it as he rubbed them over the man's butt. "Don't worry, this needs to be worked out as well. Just relax." He just gently molested the man under him, rubbing both globes with tenderness and a small amount of perverted glee. He watched Ian's body, trying to determine if he was getting aroused by this, hoping he was. When he figured that the man could be stimulated, he flipped him on his front, hoping to catch Ian aroused and ready. Samuel moved in closer, both to try and get a good look and to hide his own throbbing piece so this wouldn't be seen as a scheme to molest Ian from the start.
Ian smiled gratefully at his roommate, before inching towards the bathroom to wash himself up. The water was still warm by the time he got into it, clothes littering the ground, as the water eased his muscles. Farming wasnt intensively hard, but it was taxing on the body. Even for someone who was supposedly in shape and in his prime as Ian was, the brunette was tired from the day. A massage later was exactly what the doctor ordered, and he really hoped that Samuel was going to be a good massager. He was nearly sure of it though, as he could just imagine what those hands could do. But of course, that was not a good way of looking at things. Not with the naughty thoughts that fluttered around in his head about the black haired male. His own body was warmed higher than the water when he wasnt able to stop that train of thought in time. Hands that were large and warm, rubbing over his body and teasing him like he was a prize. Hed want to do the same, to rub his fingers all over Samuels body and feel if the other male was smooth skinned as he suspected. He could just feel the sweaty flesh, heated from his touches, aroused by his And that was when he realized his erection was bobbing towards the surfaces direction.SHIT, what the hell am I thinking?he mentally groaned, before taking a deep breath. It took him three minutes to calm down, and another five minutes to feel as if he had himself under control. Enough to stand up and dry himself, after draining the tub. Of course his bathing time was usually less than it had been tonight, but Ian had decided to stay in the bathroom, touching up his hair and drying himself off. The brunette was sure it was best to allow his body and mind to find a different topic at hand, since he wasnt going to be some kind of pervert. Showing off his junk to his new roommate and asking for a massage was definitely out of the question and the realm of normal. Stepping out of the bathroom with just his towel, he nearly allowed a girlish sound escape him, as he was stripped bare. Well, if you say so but I-. Samuel seemed to be confident in this, so he cut himself off and decided to trust his roommate. Laying down on the bed and on his stomach, he tried to relax as warm hands pressed against his bare flesh. The gentle scent of lavender wafted into the air, teasing his mind as he inhaled a healthy amount. Oh god he moaned out unconsciously, those lovely hands were as heavenly as he had imagined. Each muscle that was given a good molding to eased up and lost a good amount of the tensed state it was in. He wasnt even paying attention any longer, as his body was touched all over, up and down. Ian was so relaxed, he rolled over without complaint. His eyes were closed, shielding blue eyes from the world. But without even knowing it, there was one muscle that was tense, while the rest of his body was relaxing. His cock stood up at half-mast, nearly pointing at Samuel in its effort to relieve the arousal that the message had brought about. Wow, you really have godly hands. Ian murmured, his body wiggling a bit on the sheets to feel the smoothness of cotton on flesh. Slowly opening his eyes, he smiled dazedly at the other male, before gazing down at his body out of instincts. That was when he saw his erection, and without even commanding his body to move, he had already flung himself back against the wallwhere a headboard would have been, but seemed to be missingand had pulled a pillow over his genital area. Crap! Sorry, I-shit, sorry! he cried out, flushing red as he tried to calm his problem. He didnt dare look at Samuel, fearful of the other male beating his stupid ass up.
Samuel was about to reach out and touch Ian before the boy seemed to almost levitate and throw himself against the wall. Then came that damnable cockblocking pillow that would definitely have to go. "Oh no, no, it is completely all right, Ian. That happens commonly in massages. Why do you think there are happy ending massages?" He gave a small chuckle but sensed he might not be making the best head way into getting Ian to lower his guard-and that pillow. Samuel sighed and stood up with the help of his cane. He used one hand, the oil on it making it somewhat difficult as he leaned against the cane. Still, the obvious tent should at least soften the blow that was to come yet not stop the point from being driven home. Finally, after what felt like an age while watching that gorgeous man cower like a scared child, the pants fell, exposing a set of rather ornate silk boxers and a rigid shaft under them. Samuel teased Ian by slipping one finger under the waistline and pulled it out, watching his eyes as he traced the front of his stomach before pulling and releasing himself. Hopefully that show would make the next bit a tad easier. He showed off his own erect member, touching the very tip as he pulled it up to his stomach and then let it drop, the motion making it look almost like his penis was jumping for joy thanks to the inertia, "To make you feel a bit better, hopefully, I got aroused touching you. Your skin is delicate, unlike how I would have imagined." He sat on the bed, discarding his cane to reach out and grasp Ian's hands and bring them forward, the slick oil warming them up a bit. He pulled Ian close enough and maneuvered the man's hands lower, placing the white palms on his own caramel piece, "Don't be afraid, touch me. I've touched you enough that you have more than earned this, haven't I? I want you to." That damned pillow hadn't been moved, but this was a much easier way than just assaulting Ian. Besides, a gentle stroke and pull between pals would be just as satisfying as ramming his cock down Ian's hole until he made the boy pass out. For now at least, the latter would be difficult with a hurt ankle anyway.
His heart was pounding against his chest, threatening to break out of the flesh and bones, just to run screaming like he wanted to at the moment. Homosexuality hadnt ever been a question for him. It wasnt that he was fearful of it, nor was he against those who engaged in such activities, but for Ian, he never really thought about how and what gender hed be bedding. It had always been the idea of sex, never the person itself. Oddly, it had only led him down the directions of a random and drunken encounter of a male oncemaking out being the furthest with that maleand more women than he could count on both hands. The brunette wasnt a virgin, but faced with his roommate, he felt like one. The flush across his cheeks and neck didnt seem to recede, but nearly made the tips of his ears glow. Wha but his voice died out, as he watched the other male ease him about this situation. How touching himself was going to help this situation didnt seem to make sense to Ian, but after a few moments, it didnt seem as bad that he had an erection. Without protest, he didnt even jerk his body away from Samuel, when the other male drew his hands and brought him closer to the throbbing erection. Touching a cock that wasnt his own made the farmer wet his lips, both in nervousness and a bit of arousal. The pillow fell between his legs and the corner was barely covering his shaft, which was poking at the soft cotton. This is really some massage. he half joked, eyes fixated on the task that his hands were given. Ian hadnt even admitted that he had a crush on Samuel to himself yet, but the feeling of interest spiked as he pumped his fist up and down the rod of flesh and muscle. Curiosity on how to pleasure his roommateand boyfriend?drugged his mind. Samuel are you gay? he suddenly asked. There was one thing to mutually masturbate, if thats what he could call this, and it was another thing if this was leading into more, naughtier, things. Even as he spoke to Samuel, his eyes didnt leave the other males crotch. Firm fingers pumped up and down, tugging and pulling at the skin to stimulate the nerves underneath the surface, while the side of his palm rubbed up against the black pubic hairs.Heh so the carpetdoesmatch the drapes.
Samuel gave a little grunt at Ian's hands on his piece, finding it rather comforting. It was good that the farmer hadn't run away screaming, yes. Yet he still seemed a tad tentative yet also very intrigued. Samuel wasn't sure how to take that until Ian asked him that question. "Gay? Well, yes, in the fact I like A man. I haven't much really liked anyone." He placed a hand under Ian's chin and tilted his head up so they could gaze at one another, "At the risk of sounding like a fool, I could be thought of as an Iansexual." With that corny remark he moved in and kissed Ian, parting the new farmer's mouth with his tongue with ease, caressing his own slippery muscle with Ian's. He held the kiss for a small while and pulled back, a blush on his face. He did like this. The fact Ian was touching them, the fact they were together, and the fact that they were all alone. If he had fucked up with this there would be very little in the way of getting back on Ian's good side outside of trying to put on a disguise and entering his life again. Yet if Ian did find this more than just arousing and a once in a lifetime thing then everything would smooth over. There would have to be kinks hammered out, but that was the trick. Samuel reached out and brushed away the pillow from hell and gently placed his fingers around Ian, tugging on him lightly, "We can go slow. Just a hand job this time. If...if you never want anything else, we can leave it at that." His hand moved up and down Ian as he spoke, his thumb masterfully pressing against the pale man's tip, the oil and prefluids working to provide a perfect friction. "If you want more later though..."
Shifting his body so that they were at a better angle, Ian gasped softly at the feeling of a slick hand upon his shaft. Mutual masturbation it wasnt unheard of, that was for sure, but it wasnt exactly common among the men in the city he grew up in. The brunette tried hard not to press his lips together too hard, as he knew that it would ruin the kiss. Just the brushings of their lips and the warm hand teasing his cock was making his heartbeat race inside his chest. After a moment, he pulled back just enough that their breaths were still mingling together, but his lips were free to speak without spitting in Samuels mouth. Not sure. he answered, wondering if therewassupposed to be another time after this. I mean, I know what to do. I just Ive never actually thought Id be doing this with a guy. Ian smirked a bit, gaining a bit of confidence from the teasing joke that the other male had made. Surely it was a joke, but still, it made him light spirited about what they were doing. You know, there are a lot of Ians out in the world the brunette teased back, shifting his body again so that he was closer to Samuels form. Leaning so that his head was pressed against Samuels shoulder, he grunted as his hips unconsciously thrust against the others hand. They were both males, so they knew what was pleasurable for one cock to the next. Perhaps not the exact pleasurable points on the muscle, but enough that it wasnt lacking. His grip had loosened a fraction, and it was obvious that he was losing track of what he was doing. Without words, he gently eased Samuel onto his back, before slipping between the other males legs and aligning their arousals against one another. Tis iz easier he mumbled out, slurred really, as he buried his face against the others neck to hide the shameful face of arousal. With nearly practiced moves, his hips swayed back and forth, rocking their erections together and rubbing the flesh against one another. His foreskin caught against Samuels shaft, their sweat easing the sliding motion, and yet, sticking them together slightly as he rutted with a bit more vigor. Good?
Samuel was now much more relaxed and gave a pleasured grin when Ian seemed to like this. The return joke made Samuel chuckle and he kissed Ian's cheek, "Well, perhaps, but you are the best one I have ever met. And the prettiest one." Perhaps he should have said handsome? Ian was pretty though, more entrancing really. Some sort of pseudo-sappy adjective that Samuel didn't have time to rummage about for because he was getting rubbed by strong and rather lustful hands. He could compliment Ian on his physical appearance later. Samuel fell willingly on his back and felt the farmer frotting their members together and gave a light sound of satisfaction when asked how it felt. He did not allow Ian to languor in his neck for very long, a warm hand pulling him up and dropping him so they could kiss once more, his tongue again searching out Ian's mouth. He didn't think he felt any missing teeth but he could be a bit distracted by all of this and have miscounted. "Sit up, I want to watch you." Samuel gave a sly smile and then grasped Ian's member, pulling on the foreskin lightly before getting to stroking him, watching his expression and listening to the sounds he made as Samuel rubbed and pleasured the man straddling him. He blushed as he watched Ian react, his own member twitching at the moans and sounds Ian would give, a light throbbing filling him. Samuel took a chance to glance back down and found himself rather pleased. Ian had foreskin while he himself was without it. It was rather well matched up and they could both learn to pleasure a different style of penis. That is, if Ian hadn't been better at all this than he had let on, like he had on the frottage. Samuel didn't much care if Ian was virginal or one of the biggest sluts the city he moved from had seen. Right now he was his and he was Ian's even if they were fumbling over each other like drunk fratboys. It was good. "Your penis is awesome, Ian." Samuel regretted saying that as soon as it left his mouth. Really? That had to be one of the most pornographic and worst compliments ever given. At least the time was mildly appropriate though.
Strange was a word he would have used to describe how kissing Samuel felt. It wasnt that it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite in fact. But at the same time, it felt strange in the sense that this was another male, and there was a hard jaw-line pressed against his own at the moment. He could feel his own stubbles from the few days of not shaving rub against the dark haired males chin, making him realize how different kissing a woman and a man. So lost in analyzing the kiss, Ian was nearly shocked when the contact broke. He sat up as instructed, confused, before he was informed of what the other male wanted. A light pink flush swirled on his cheeks, as he pressed his shaft into Samuels hand. By now, evenhecould hear his own panting, speeding up as he rutted his hips back and forth, rocking into the hand and gaining a fraction more of pleasure. The warmth pooled in his stomach, heating his entire body up, as his cock turned a shade of light violet and pink; both due to the rubbing and arousal he felt from the hand-job he was being given. Reaching out with his own fist, he firmly grasped Samuels erection and gave it a precise stroke up and down. His pinky finger even tickled the balls as it bypassed the gonads, teasing the nerves just below the skins surface. Im not some girl. he muttered, finally responding to the earlier comment about how he looked. Not that he didnt like being called pretty, but the spike of alpha male in him protested. Social norms were always popping up, even in moments like this. Girls dont have awesome penises. he smirked lazily, an airily breath puffing out of him. Trying to scoot closer, despite the awkwardness of the position, he butted their erection heads together. The nerves felt like they were slapped, sending tingles of pleasure raking over his spinal cord. Smooth flesh compared to the roughness of other parts on their body; of their hands, as the fingers glided the flesh over the thick rods of muscles. Closing his eyes, the brunette focused on holding his pleasure back, so that he didnt cream himself and embarrass both of them. It had been quite some time since he had a good frottage though, so it wasnt a surprise to himself that he was panting harder and thrusting unevenly. Release building up faster, he nearly shoved their heads together to seal their lips in a passionate kiss, nearly ravaging Samuels mouth as if he owned him, with the way his tongue claimed every inch he could inside the mouth, nearly trying to beat the tongue into submission, and how his teeth nipped at the other males lips.
Samuel gave a mental note that pretty was out for compliments. Handsome, strong, sexual, maybe even beastly would be all right though. Still, Ian WAS pretty, even if he wasn't a girl. He was also rather skilled at this. Samuel would have to ask if Ian had had many same sex encounters after this. He seemed rather ravenous about his own pleasure, something Samuel had not expected from Ian. Then that hand grasped him. Samuel bucked reflexively, his throbbing member smacking against Ian's with a low sound of flesh against flesh. The sound was lost on Samuel as he opened his mouth and let out a surprised gasp followed quickly by a pleasured groan of approval as the hand began to stroke him. He found that Ian was much more forceful than he had reckoned, the idea of the massage turning into a cuddling of that pale man as he gently molested him far gone from Samuel's mind. Yet for a minute it was just both men giving out sounds of satisfaction as their bodies writhed together, two hands working the other along with small darting moments of frottage that spurred them on more. Samuel pushed out his other hands and grasped Ian's chest, pinching and stroking the left pectoral of the other man and nipple as he tried to wrench more pleasure out of this experience. He could tell from the muscle contractions that Ian was having that he was doing his work well and could just imagine the other man's pleasure. Still, he had his own bliss to worry about and Ian was not letting up. Samuel almost laughed at Ian's retort and was more than glad his next statement, while retarded in the extreme, hadn't been taken as badly as the comment on appearance. When Ian threw himself on Samuel and kissed him the bronze man was more than surprised. It was not unwelcome and Samuel soon closed his eyes and greedily held Ian tight to his face, his lips capturing Ian's again and again as their bodies rubbed against one another. He still stroked Ian, only now his blood was boiling and he started pumping the shaft in his hands very quickly, his other hand going from Ian's chest to his head and finally in between his legs to squeeze his balls to bring him closer. Samuel didn't last much longer, the pitch in his voice growing higher and louder as he neared his climax and culminating in a loud cry into Ian's mouth as he felt his rod fill with hot ejaculate before it was forced out onto Ian's own stomach and member, the thick seed somehow adding even more warmth between the men. Samuel was more than satisfied at the expulsion and kept close to Ian, a look of complete serenity on his face.
Samuel was like coffee to him, Ian suddenly realized. Just how he liked it too. Not too dark, but not too lightpersonality that is!and just the right amount of strength in him. The pleasure that he got from being touched and touching seemed to be a lot more than he had anticipated. For Ian, he hadnt expected to be pleasured so easily, especially by another male that he did not romantically fall in love with, nor did he know that well to consider Samuel his best friend. In this village at the moment, he supposed the black haired maledidconstitute as his closest friend. The brunettes mind was muddled though, filled with such random thoughts that didnt matter for the moment. However, he couldnt seem to concentrate on anything while his shaft was stroke with such ease. Hed have to ask Samuel if the other male was skilled in this department or not later. It just didnt seem likely, with how the other male seemed to just know exactly how to pleasure another males body. Sure Ian understood the mechanics of the cock, but the kisses and the touches around there it made him jerk and actually whimper. His nipples had never been played with before, previous partners too busy with themselves, so it was a surprise for him to hear the sharp whine that came from his throat when the nub was plucked at. Shit dont dont touch elsewhere he demanded, breath hallow as his tone wavered with the amount of passion he felt. Ian jerked with shock though, as he felt warm liquid splash onto him. There was a mixture of feelings that very moment, ranging from shock, to embarrassment, to such a painful spike of lust, that he was gushing his own seed between and on them. Thick streams splattered on their flesh, coating them both with a mixture of spunk, before it was obvious that they were both exhausted. Exhausted and content, as anyone could see on their faces. LUCKY! a chime tinkled and a small voice declared omnisciently. A little orb rolled between them from nowhere, gathering a healthy amount of semen around its shiny frame. It was the milking note, misinterpreted as milking each other, rather than cows. Ian was still coming down from his high, half panting as he leaned against Samuels shoulder with his forehead. Wha these things are strange. Why do they come at such odd times? he asked breathlessly, not moving to remove his hand from Samuels soft shaft, while staring at the orb.
Samuel looked at the orb and gave a little smile. He personally figured this would have been the "helping hand" orb, but perhaps they had a different version of humor. He picked up the orb and let it fall to the ground with little fanfare before turning to face Ian, "Shhh." He moved a hand behind Ian's head and pulled him in for another kiss, this one slow and gentle compared to the lust filled passionate ones they had just shared. He let the kiss last a good long time before cuddling close to Ian and nipping at his neck, "Who cares? And you don't need to keep a hold on me down there, I promise I won't go anywhere in the night." He chuckled and removed his own hand from Ian's member, licking it with a little bit of panache. "Well, I think that is a very successful massage. I think I may have to give you those more often if it ends up like this. Besides, HANDSOME men like you certainly deserve it." He would not allude to the deleterious comment he made about "awesome penis" just so he could forget it in his own mind. Anything to be able to forget about it in his own mind. Samuel did enjoy this. He had never really gotten to be in a position like this, holding a man close to him while enjoying post orgasmic bliss. Well, of course that could be because he had never actually done anything with anyone. He knew he hadn't really been a salesman, in the most specific sense. His life had been filled in for him and then he was placed here to help find the orbs. Still, this job definitely did have perks. Ian being the best one so far. He found himself with little to say, just hoping to be able to lie there with Ian as their collected jism cooled while their bodies stayed warm.
Between sometime of post orgasmic bliss and waking up to find himself facing the other male, Ian realized that he had done something that wasnt normal for a massage. He wasnt nave enough that hed believe this was what everyone did. Give a massage and then a platonic and mutual masturbation. But at the same time, he couldnt find the words nor energy to protest against what had occurred. Not with such a pleasant outcome as his reward for just letting it happen. Yeah do you do this often? he asked, wondering whether Samuel offered massages to every person he met. It didnt effect him really, but the small part that was festering within him, that harvest the crush he had on Samuel, flared a tiny bit in jealousy at the thought. Ian crushed it as fast as he could, because to let that feeling grow would be an embarrassment to both of themjust because they rutted against into each other, didnt mean they were courting one another. As they made small conversation, he curled up against Samuel without caring how he looked. Their semen dried between them, the cool air nipping at the sensitive skin as their legs were laced together. Without asking, he leaned in close so that he rested his head against Samuels shoulder, breathing in the after-scent of their coitus. His erection was gone by now, limp but content in the nesting snuggle of their hips together. While they nearly snuggled, unbeknownst to the brunette, there was a spy among them. Beyond the back of his head, there was a little sprite dressed in red watching them. He seemed to be taking notes on a small notepad, documenting what was going on between the two males in the room. The sprite raised an eyebrow in Samuels direction, as if asking the Harvester what he was doing with their farmer.
Samuel gave a gentle chuckle at the question of if he did this with everyone, "No. In all honesty, you are the first one I have ever done anything with. I travel a lot so I don't get to meet people for very long. I just never really settled down to be with anyone. I guess I could have slept with a maid or bus boy but I never found a reason to. I'd be leaving the very next day and probably wouldn't be back for a long time. I did read a LOT of pornographic romance novels, so I do have some idea of what goes where and how to please someone of both sexes though. At least in theory." Samuel grabbed some cover and draped it over both of them, glaring at the little sprite with a bit of annoyance, his hand holding the blanket shooing it away as he moved. After that he would ignore the little beings as he touched Ian's head and rubbed his hair. It was nice just sitting here and talking, even if he had admitted he was a complete and utter virgin. He knew how to masturbate, of course. Every boy past the age of thirteen that wasn't debilitated in some way knew that. He just hoped he could keep Ian satisfied. It was almost a human response, but he blocked out that thought for the material realm. Ephemeral thoughts on humanity and what he was had no real place for the moment. Ian was real enough and that was fine for Samuel. He blushed as he thought for a while about the farmer and then gave up resisting, figuring now was not the worse time to ask, "Ian, would you like to, perhaps, date? Or at least be intimate more than this time. I you. You have gorgeous skin, a kind heart, and I fear saying the rest because it might be sappy. If you'd just want physical relations, that'd be fine." Samuel felt almost childish. This is how he imagined high school, not men of their age. At least he hadn't stuttered or spoken some deliriously sappy words. Oh shit, maybe Ian LIKED sappy words. He had a book of poetry somewhere and he could read that to Ian if he wanted. If this didn't go right.
Admittedly, he didnt make the best looking sight at the moment. With a bit of drool making a small line from his lips to the shoulder under his cheek, Ian looked more like a lunatic than a sane man. However, the brunette was awake and listening to what Samuel was sayingmore afraid to fall asleep and hurt the other males feelings. Sure he wasnt some flamboyant person who always thought of emotions and all that like, but it didnt mean he didnt think about his partner once every while. Still, his mind wandered often, and it wasnt until the last question did his mind snapped awake. And he really wished it didnt, because his body was exhausted. Date? he asked to clarify it, wondering if he was just delirious and hearing things. But it seemed like the other male was sincere and spoke clear enough that he wasnt just some crazy person hearing things in the post coitus bliss. Uh yeah, sure, why not? Ian agreed, placing his head back where he was and tried to snuggle up together once more. His mind was racing though, wondering how things had led to this moment. It wasnt as if he didnt want to date Samuel, but to think that the dark haired male had literallyasked him out. Well, that was enough to spend a strange sense of butterflies in his stomach and his heart racing. Ian was used to being the wooer, the one who seduced delicate females, gave her gifts, and led them towards a married life togetheror rather, a pretense of marriage and a good romp in the bed. But to have it happen the other way around? Wow his voice came out deep and sensual, roughed by the lumpprobably phlegmin his throat. I mean what do guys do for dates on a farm? he cleared his throat, trying to sound less sleepy and more attentive towards the conversation. He usually didnt talk much afterwards, but it was a pressing subject, and with a virgin, he was sure hed wake up with his kidneys missing if he just brushed off the topic. Either way, they were both virgins when it came to male dating, so perhaps all those pornographic novels had taught Samuel a thing or two that he didnt know of.
Samuel grinned with excitement. He WAS going to date Ian. This was marvelous. Of course, Ian had several orbs to acquire that would at least need to attempt a relationship, but that wasn't the reason he had asked. Was it? Samuel looked at Ian before shaking his head, "Worry about it tomorrow, or even the next day. You are tired, go to sleep." Samuel may be a virgin, but he was not callous. Ian had been more than adequate and now they both needed rest. He gave the sprite one final nasty glance and wrapped his arms around Ian before closing his eyes. His dreams began normally until he ended up in front of an ephemeral looking woman who sat on a dais, and he knew his dreams were being invaded. "Samuel, you know why I birthed you, do you not?" "Y-yes mother. To collect the orbs and gain your freedom," Samuel said, feeling like a chastised child. "I allowed you out to live a life and then sealed you away. You had a taste of life. You enjoyed it, yes?" She asked, her face looking rather stern. "Yes mother, I did. I do." "Then why am I receiving reports about you and the target?" "I do not know, what do the reports say? And, mother, his name is Ian." Samuel sounded rather pleased he knew Ian's name, his pride brimming slightly. "I know his name. The reports say you are fraternizing with him. You do know you are only half-spirit, right, Samuel? Do you know who your father was?" "N-no mother, I don't," Samuel replied. "Then you should be more careful. I will ignore these reports for now, you have an...unorthodox way of getting the orbs, but you are doing well. Just remember your mission." "Yes, mother," Samuel eked out, his voice rather frail. He awoke next to Ian, his arms still around him. Samuel had a light sheen of sweat on his body and a light tremble of fear. He didn't want to be taken back to some spiritual chrysalis like his mother. He liked living. He liked people. Even if he had never been with a human like he had Ian. The sun had yet to rise but Samuel knew he wasn't getting back to sleep. Slowly he untangled himself from Ian and got his cane, hobbling as softly as he could to the bathroom to draw himself a bath. Samuel needed the warm water to ease the chill out of his bones. Plus, he could think about what kind of dates the two men could have.
After being told that they should rest first, he nodded sleepily and closed his eyes. The day had been exhausting, despite only doing farm work and visiting people. Even still, he still had to pull the weeds and till the soil. There was mining to do, as someone had told him that if he shipped gems and ores, a place would open up and help him forge his tools. Forging meant that hed have stronger tools, better and faster than the old rusting ones he had. Just minutes after closing his eyes, he fell asleep to the pleasant dreams of his childhood. Cute moments with his mother chuckling, his father pulling magic tricks on him, and telling him that magic wasreal. The old man was probably crazy, but as a child, Ian loved him wholehearted and even loved his tricks. By the time that his dreams became much too painful to remembersomething he didnt like to think about, with his father dead and his mothers health leading her to live in a nursing homehis dreams began to shift. They became stranger and stranger, until he felt his body shifted. It was then that he moaned softly and tried to get up, knowing that the day was probably starting soon, and hed have to go water the plants. The brunette had three tries, before he finally sat up. The movement curled his abdomen and the dried semen flaked off, sticking to his skin like a shedding snake skin. Ugh should bathe after doing that. he firmly told himself, eyes blurry as he tried to focus on something. It ended up being his eyes following Samuels ass, as the other male moved to go wash. Peeking out of the window, he saw that the sun hadnt even risen up yet, but they were awake. Well, partially, as he was still dizzy with sleep. No Samuel, wake me in an hour or two so I can go water the plants, okay? he cried out, before falling back to bed and curling up against the pillows. Theyd have to wash the sheets too, but hed worry about them later. For now, hed get some shut eye. Then later, hed think of something to woo Samuel with.
Samuel heard the call from the bathroom and made a note of it. He would happily wake Ian in an hour. He went about washing up and fell under the water, imagining what he could do with Ian. He had planned a picnic and that could be completely romantic. Or at least somewhat fun. With the fish and apples he could at least make a decent lunch. That could work out perfectly well. And, while they were out they could find some more food and perhaps even fish some more. Ian got out of the tub after his hour was up, more ideas going through his head. He hobbled over to the bed and removed the cover from Ian, sitting next to him and prodding him lightly, "Ian, it is time to get up. You have had your rest." He ran a hand over Ian's cheek and gave a light pinch to rouse him from his sleep, "I have a picnic planned for lunch. We can talk, sit, and if you really want to, I can give you a massage out there." He left the ambiguous note of 'massage' linger in the air, if just because he didn't mind molesting the farmer out in the wilderness. Once Ian was out of bed Samuel got the sheets and blanket and began to wash it. He found that the small farm house did have a washer and dryer, so that was a major convenience. After that he walked to the kitchen and removed the fish from the refrigerator and began to get some of the meager spices they had available to them to cook it. The fish wouldn't be much, but it would work. When it was paired with the apples it would definitely be more than enough. Working in the house was time consuming for Samuel. The work needed to be done though, and he felt rather pleased to be able to do it. The sweeping had been done and in little under an hour the sheets and blanket were popped in the dryer. Samuel then started making the fish, the pan frying method adding just dashes of salt and pepper to taste and leaving the outside just minorly crisp. A cursory look around the house revealed there was no basket for the food, making this a rather unorthodox picnic in the mind of Samuel. He managed to find a decent towel for both men to sit on, leaving the basket the only truant member of this outing. "Dammit," Samuel muttered, his hands now washing the pan as he had decided to stop worrying overmuch of his plans not coming to total alignment. Ian would still like the outing, he seemed to not be the type bothered by that. At least Samuel hoped his interpretation of Ian was correct.
Some time passed before he was awoke once more, shaking a bit as he was told to wake up. Ian groaned softly, legs twisted in the blankets after twisting and turning in his sleep more than a few times. If he had attempted to, perhaps he could have looked alluring, with his legs spread slightly and his hips jutted outwards as he stretched his stiff limbs. Mm getting up he mumbled, yawning softly as he arched his back in a long moment. Afterwards, he kicked at the sheets and got up, muttering something about taking a warm bath himself. Once in the bathroom, he tried to wash himself as fast as he could, but found that his limbs were still sleep ridden. It was another few minutes before he was able to function and fill the bathtub, and then another few to get the right shampoo for his hair. Thirty to forty minutes later, he was well washed and was on his way to drying himself. Crap Hey, Samuel, I have to go water the crops. Do you want to come with and we could have the picnic by the riverside afterwards? he asked, wrapping a towel around his waist as he walked back into the main room. At first, he had planned that they went to picnic after his farming duties, but looking at the time, it didnt make sense for him to wander back and forth. Seeing his boyfriendoh, how strange it was to think that about his roommatehe smiled slightly and trekked towards the black haired male. Wow, youd really make a good housewife. Can I keep you? he teased, using cheesy lines and some skills on how to woo people. Ian had some ideas about how to do so, since he had had a few girlfriends and lovers in the past. He just needed to teach himself how to pleasure a man and that was good enough. Surely Samuel had a few books lying around he could snoop around with. Leaning into his lover, he gave Samuel a soft kiss on the cheek, shyly almost, before turning and moving towards the drawers. He fished out some simple clothes for the day and dressed efficiently, before standing by the kitchen edge and looked around. Need me to help with something? the brunette was a bit lost at what to do, but he didnt want to be rude and not offer. Truthfully, his skills at the house and cooking were so low, it was almost sad to think about. Luckily, Samuel was there to help them, and hopefully, hed learn plenty from the other male.
"Of course we can go after you are done watering. I can even help you outside afterward. My leg is feeling better, perhaps I will be able to walk on my own in a while." Samuel shooed Ian away, scolding him for calling him a housewife. He didn't mind doing the housework, but that was only because he was trapped in the house. After Samuel got better Ian would be required to learn at least the very basics of housework or else. Samuel finished up his cooking and preparation of apples almost in exact time for Ian to finish watering his crops. Samuel met Ian outside the house with a plate of fish and a towel full of apples, "Here, carry the fish. We'll find a nice place to sit down and after that we can go weeding and removing rocks together." It wasn't the most romantic thing ever perhaps, but it was what they could do. When the farm got off the ground they could do more interesting things like boat rides and disgusting acts of sexual deviance in the bakery. Those would come with time and the wait would make them all the sweeter. Samuel found the shade of a tree and set out the towel, placing the apples in a pile as he sat down. He pulled out two forks and gave one to Ian before he rested his cane on his lap. The shade was shaped like the leaves above them and kept the two of them cool and with a grand view of the forest and plains around them. Samuel gave out a small little sigh and turned towards Ian, "So, how are the crops looking, farmer boy?"
Once things were done and over with, Ian waited outside near the door for Samuel to finish. It was just in time as well, since he was handed the fish. Are you sure you can do that? I wouldnt want you to be tripping over a rock and making your ankle worst. they still needed to visit the doctors for that ankle, but for now, it seemed like it was best to get Samuel moving around for a bit first. Nothing seemed too bad, so he wasnt worry that the ankle would get worst by just waiting to go to the hospital. Following the dark haired male under a tree, he tried to help with the towel, before sitting down and serving out the fish. The crops are good he muttered, taking a bite of the fish. Suddenly, after all the preparation and waiting, the date felt like it was too much. Not as in he was afraid, but his confidence was dwindling, and he was feeling that creeping bout of shyness once more. To think, sitting under a tree and having a picnic with another male it wasnt something he thought was romantic, but something he was sure only happened with males wooing females. The sun was at noon setting now, shining a healthy amount of heat around them, while the birds chirped and the breeze flew by. It would have been the most romantic picnic if they were eating something other than fish, and sitting more than a polite distance away from one another. So um about last night and really, he didnt want to make this moment any more awkwardwas he the only one that felt strange?but he couldnt think of anything to talk about other than the night before. There were still questions that he had unanswered, so they lingered in his mind like a festering leech.
Samuel found the picnic quite pleasing, at least for what it was. If things had gone better they would have more than water, one meat, and apples. There would have been fish and chicken perhaps, with mashed potatoes filled with butter and sour cream and bacon, cinnamon spiced cooked apples, and fresh sweet tea made from leaving a glass pitcher in the sun. What they had would work. Ian was still with him and the atmosphere was free, making it all worthwhile. Until Ian spoke up. Samuel felt a knot in his stomach form. Ian wasn't going to end this, was he? The orbs wouldn't have to be gotten by staying on the sidelines and watching Ian get it on with a random hussy from that tiny village. That would be almost insufferable now. Or did he not want to actually date? That could be all right, as long as Samuel got to molest, and by the same turn be molested by, Ian. Perhaps he just didn't like the fish. Samuel could sell things in the village and get money for other meat! Why hadn't he thought of that!? Or he could just ask what was going on. "Yes, Ian? Is something the matter?" Samuel held back a stutter as he spoke, his dark eyes glancing over at Ian. The man was still pale, which was to be expected after just three days of farming. Samuel gripped one of the apples very hard, his knuckles going white as he unconsciously braced himself in body as in mind for being told off.